Tuesday’s Impeachment Thread. How are we feeling after yesterday??? Is it what you all expected? How do we feel about the President’s team? Who made the most effective argument in your opinion? How do you feel about Bolton? Witnesses? The NYSLIME? Are we ready for more offense?
- RSBN Link: https://www.youtube.com/user/rightsideradio
- Fox10Link: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCJg9wBPyKMNA5sRDnvzmkdg
- Golden State Times Link: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCWXPkK02j6MHW-4xCJzgMuw

Sleeping on the Bolton issue sone thoughts came to mind. If it is true that Bolton book is naming Barr and POTUS concerning Ukraine and what they supposedly said then is it possible that the whistle blower, Atkins and Schiff and Nancy all worked together?
Is it possible that he helped set his debacle of impeachment in motion?
I do not believe in coincidences.
Is it not interesting that Nancy pounced on Barr also and then Bolton puts words in Barr’s mouth that are damaging?
What does Intel have on Bolton?
Who suggested Bolton to be hired by the WH? I think that is where it began. To me the dots come together it it is all connected and then set in motion.
What they did not count on was and is on Dershowitz and the super team of POTUS. What they did not count on is on us our loyalty to the country and President.
IMO, there never was a legitimate whistleblower, but there was a conspiracy to concoct a plan and create the entire Ukraine Hoax.
It was ALWAYS a malicious Gossip Monger.
Yes !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I just finished listening to the evening session of Ray and then Dershowitz. I found Ray to be methodical, and speaking to the issues of the articles of impeachment as not being valid, being unconstitutional. I had caught the end of Dershowitz’s talk, and really wanted to hear him speak. It’s like Ray’s speech was the introduction for Dershowitz.
His lecture was unforgettable. I know some did not care for it, but from a purely academic standpoint, it was masterful. It was a history lesson and law lesson combined. He quoted a lot from the lawyers and some senators from Andrew Johnson’s impeachment process, as well as going back much earlier in our history to so aptly illustrate that the founders envisioned exactly what has happened now twice in our nation’s history, the attempted impeachment of a sitting president purely on a partisan basis. Because they envisioned the possibility of such an event, the put in place particular language concerning the impeachment of a president.
Towards the end of his lecture, 20 or 15 minutes before the end, he looked directly at the democrat managers and gave them a LOOK, a look that says, you are all about to fail your final exam while addressing them.
Thanks for the summary, jamcooker.

I guess we can call that the Final Exam Look, which Dersh should post in the entrance of every lecture hall he uses. Just so the students understand that serious excellence is the standard.
I loved how Dershowitz played out the Constitution and the thoughts of the framers and then like a train he came to life what he had internalized from the Constitution.
Dershowitz is a master on laying out an argument and his logic and truths come to life. He brought the Constitution alive and the ignorant will say the Constitution is a dead pice of paper.
Dershowitz on shoes never shines the way he did last evening. What a brilliant man and a man with convictions not derived from dishonesty and it shows and came across .
Correction: Laid out the Constitution not played out.
So very true. Another thing that I realized that he was doing after some more thought last night was introducing as much precedence as possible, which is why he focused so much attention on Andrew Johnson’s impeachment process.
jamcooker yes he did.
I would love to hear his presentation or lecture again since I do not know the deep details of US history and the Constitution.
Dershowitz gave a great presentation. I loved it when he directed his comments to the managers. I wish I could have seen their faces.
Me too!
I’m looking for the firebreathers.
We have all lawyers on the President’s team.
We need some politicians, who speak passionately about the difference in Trump’s America First.
Tired of all the hedging from the lawyers = You might not like what he says but you can’t impeach him. Well, I don’t like what they say.
We need some FIRE.
aren’t there House Managers for POTUS as well? these would be the firebreathers imo if they get to speak…
There are, but not allowed to present in prime time. The “lawyers” are controlling it.
Shouldn’t this be called a hate crime? I’m sure it would be if it was a republican making such accusations.
WATCH: Democrats Compare Trump To Nazi Germany, 9/11 Terrorists During Senate Trial
New York Democratic Representative Hakeem Jeffries, who is one the Democrats’ House impeachment managers, argued on Friday during President Donald Trump’s Senate impeachment trial that Trump’s impeachment was like fighting Nazi Germany during World War II and al-Qaeda after the 9/11 terrorist attacks.
I’ve been seeing a political ad directing voters to contact their Senator to ask for witnesses. It has now been updated to specify Bolton. Paid for by Republicans for the Rule of Law….sounds innocent enough….noble even

However…..Republicans for the Rule of Law is a 501(c)(4) nonprofit and a project of Defending Democracy Together. It’s Bill Kristol
I hope people aren’t fooled by this
Is that the same guy we call Bill “Snort” Kristolmeth?
*sniffle* yes
My solcialist D-Rat senators mastor and rosen get a daily call & daily email emphasizing: no witnesses, aquit, dismaiss the BS shampeachment AND get on with legislating for America.
totally unvarnished. Don’t care. It’s my succinct message. They don’t care what this American thinks.
AND, a very positive message emailed everyday to President Trump.
AND, D-Rats have moved me to monthly cash donations to President trump 2020. Never before have I contributed to a politician.
Loved it when Robert Ray quoted a commenter:
Article 1 – Democrats don’t like the President
Article 2 – Democrats can’t beat the President
That was great, wasn’t it?
BONDI TIME: Pam Bondi DETAILS Hunter Biden Ukraine Connection
“EXONERATE THE PRESIDENT”: Trump defense says House managers haven’t proved case
TRUMP DEFENSE: Kenneth Starr during senate impeachment trial
I think an actual timeline chart would have helped her presentation a lot…hearing dates repeated doesn’t resonate with me as much as a visual would have…jmo
None of them used any visuals – except for the ones who had points highlighted – but, they did play videos – I understand what you are saying – a timeline would have been helpful – wonder if the timeline could be refuted – and that is why it was skipped.
She entered the Biden tape into evidence. Its now part of the legal record an no longer at risk for political burial, and lost for the historical record.
She carefully noted in her opening that all of the information that she would present is open source
only. IOW, not derived from any ongoing investigation or classified surveillance.
Adam Schiff looked like he was about to cry at his presser afterward.
Great Points, Mary – it is time for AS to pay the price for his lies – don’t you think?
I do.
Trump defense continues arguments in Senate impeachment trial Day 6
Do we have a fight song?
Does anyone remember fight songs? When high schools had uniformed marching bands, and drill squads, and football was under the lights?
This was my HS’s fight song:
Not my high school, our colors were green and white, and we had a drill team(flags and guns) but you get the idea. The band started in on this song at every score, win and start of the game.
This is fire…….
I’m so disgusted by him! HOW DARE HE??? He should be persona non grata everywhere!! Just bad form for any respectable person, much less NSA, to gossip about the POTUS they worked for while he is still in office! He is definitely disgruntled, vindictive, and greedy to do this. Any previous respect for his experience and knowledge is long gone, never to return!
Now we have Miss Lindsey advocating for his book to be read to the Senate in chamber. What the hell is he smoking?? It DOES NOT matter what the F Bolton says!!! It DOES NOT change the fact that POTUS committed NO CRIME, the aid was paused and resumed with NO strings attached, and the Biden’s fleeced the Ukraine for millions!!!
what time do the day’s proceedings start today??
and the Dems don’t get a rebuttal right? it’s just a question and answer period…how does that work? Senators submit questions, but who puts them in order? I mean they only get so much time here, so if Schiff reads the questions ahead of time, he will just put the ones he doesn’t want to answer at the end and filibuster to avoid getting to them…or how does that work???
Starts 1pm eastern. I don’t know how the rest of the proceedings are supposed to go.
thanks GA!!
I think they get 24 hrs over 3 days. They’ve used 3 hrs? day 1, 8 day 2. They can go 13 hrs today, I think.
I hope they use the entire time well. Filled with uncomfortable facts and evidence of their misdeeds. Let’s talk about the whistleblower, for example. Rain pain on these a**holes, short break followed by unrelenting additional pain. Show them what deposition of witnesses will look/feel like. Its coming whether the Senate votes for it or not.
AMEN to all that! May it be so!
1:30 PM – think it might have delayed because of the Trump/Netanyahu Presentation
IIRC, both sides get to deliver closing arguments after questions are completed. Thinking it is four hours each.
does anyone know hoe the questions work? the Senators submit questions in writing–but to a specific lawyer/manager or just the prosecution/defense as a whole?
Dunno details. Each side alternates. Questions written.
GUESSING, Ds go through cry’n Chuckie. Rs to Turtle. forwarded to Robert.s
Guessing again, Turtle cry’n chuclie can prioritize questions.
Robert’s reads and target Managers or President’s Team answers.
Believe 8 hours over two days.
Then deal witness requirement or dispose of that thought.
Finally a vote to aquit or not.
^^^ My understanding with zero constitution or legal training, knowledge…BUT, I read a lot at the QTree.
Hoping witnesses can be deferred to House and Senate AFTER impeachment wraps up. They can legally subpoena witnesses all they want.
Questions have to be submitted to Chief Justice – no grandstanding and playing to the cameras by the Senators.
Next time one of us goes shark fishing, make sure to take DJT along. He is the best “chummer” on earth.
AND the MF’rs cut away from the Historic Peace Plan announcement so Brett Baier could bloviate ahead of Shampeachment!
Fox is seriously trying to tank their viewers.
I had it on Sirius in the car, pulled over and got one of the live feeds but had no sound
. I’mI’m never gonna get caught up!!
I think this is the right thread for this one…..
Rudy tosses a live flash bang grenade into the room.
need help … which speaker on the defense laid out Obama quid pro quo yesterday?
Like it but almost didn’t because I don’t want to see what President Trump did (investigating corruption on the part of Dems and in the 2016 election & not for personal gain) with what Obama did … actual quid pro quo, colluding with a foreign country and sacrificing the US national security to US foe for his own reelection.
As POTUS’ attorneys continue his defense today, I would ask those so inclined take a few moments to pray, or simply send good thoughts:
We pray for strength, for faith that President Donald J. Trump will withstand this latest assault on him and our Republic, as our enemies attempt to convict our President of false Articles of Impeachment. Be with us Lord as we deal with our fears, our conflicted thoughts, false and even fake news. In Jesus’ name we pray, Amen.
Amen PR…that was needed!
Here we go, opening prayer and pledge.
It’s how all kids should start their school day.
which begs the question…why don’t they? if it’s good enough for our law making bodies…
15 hours 33 minutes not possible to use that much time before the end of the day
Cippilone plans to be finished by dinner time.
No fire breathers.
Philbin, Sekelow, break, Cippilone, finished by dinner…HOORAH!!!
Does this mean there will be a vote to dismiss?
if vote is for acquittal, they will set precedent for a number of Unconstitutional actions
Probly No votes today PR. Tomorrow they come back for procedures and motions following the Clinton model. And lots of BS add ons from the Dems.
Thanks Butterfly … back to the Rally!
WILL THEY VOTE TONIGHT OR TOMORROW – or postpone vote a few days – allowing a lot of back room dealing (and deathly threats from the Clintons)?
Rs need to get wavering RINOs onboard. No witnesses.
1. Aquit.
2. Get back to legislating.
IF House and or Senate wants witnesses, easy peasy, legally subpoena witnesses.
Philbin is the smartest atty in the room.
Best at legal argument.
Bolstering opinion of Dershowitz.
is he the guy you didn’t want to take to prom?
He’s the guy you hire
Take his brother to the prom.
I adore your insights!
Hubby must be a fire breather. lol
CNN crappola
They appear relevant because we continue to quote them.
Philbin – The President can’t ‘defy’ agencies within the Executive branch – the President ‘sets’ the policies for those agencies. Democrat allegations are unconstitutional.
Philbin rockin’ it on the Constitution — Dems concerns, if treated as serious, would make President work for his staff, rather than the reverse.
I’m watching it on delay, so will reach Sekulow a little later.
Philbin – Trump administration has experienced leaks at an alarming rate. NO KIDDING!
IMO – the Impeachment is all about PDJT getting in between the Democrat pigs and their illicit foreign and domestic funding trough.
1. The flow of Hillrotten’s big foreign bucks to Clinton Foundation.
2. The flow of funds to Democrats through the CBFP – Warren’s sneaky ‘go around’ Congress.
Crossfire Hurricane??
Sekelow might bring the fire MQ!!
Philbin yielded – Sekulow is starting strong – speaking with passion and fire!
Emphasizing seriousness – restating the fraudulent investigation of Trump (Crossfire Hurricane) even before his inauguration.
False allegations/lies submitted to FISA court.
Hillrotten’s bitterness and jealousy is behind it all, IMO.
Mueller allowed phones to be wiped – destroyed evidence – while two IG investigations were going on.
When questioned – Mueller pretended ignorance.
Going through details of the nefarious political actions of FBI agents/lawyers….
After all those shenanigans, how is POTUS supposed to trust the Intel community??

Sekulow – You are being asked to remove a duly elected President – during an election year! This is serious.
Sekulow – This is all about policy differences and disagreements.
Sekulow sounds angry – don’t blame him – we all have a right to be angry – what they have put President Trump through for the past (4) years – why – because they could not accept the fact that they lost in 2016 –
They want to remove the Best President we have had in centuries because they cannot beat him in 2020?
This is a political attack – not a criminal matter – he is guilty of no crimes – they distort and lie about everything!
When is the vote – WILL THEY VOTE TONIGHT OR TOMORROW – or postpone vote a few days – allowing a lot of back room dealing (and deathly threats from the Clintons)?
i think Mitch gave POTUS a kill switch…at ANY TIME after the 2 sides have their say he can ask for a vote…I think…
I’ve read something about there being a time for written questions — maybe after both sides get through their 24 hours? But I guess the Senate can stop the process at any time and take a vote. I suspect there will be motions to call witnesses, and I have no idea how all that is handled.
Schiff is trying to change reality. He’s most likely defending against exposure of his sin and corruption.
Sekulow – “This is not about a phone call.”
This IS about the sunken Schiff, his (and the DEMONicRATS’) Pederasty, and the MASSIVE corruption, SATANIC EVIL, and HORRID ACTIONS of Satan Soros, the Globalists, and the deep state…
“The legal issues here are the Constitutional ones.” Sekulow
The DEMONicRATS have played politics with impeachment since the NIXON ADMINISTRATION!!!!!
They couldn’t deal with the fact that he cleared the table, so they had to frame him to get rid of him.
The DEMONicRATS can do nothing other than lie, just like their father, Satan, the father of lies…
And, Joe Manchin, MAN UP, and leave the DEMONicRAT party. Otherwise you are no West Virginian!
” It is not ‘Separation of Powers’ and other nonsense.” Sekulow (referring to Nadler’s comment)
“The bar for Articles of Impeachment should not be set so low.” Sekulow
New Q on Open Thread.
New: Title TBD
28 Jan 2020 – 2:09:05 PM
This one is relevant to the proceedings today.

New: Title TBD
28 Jan 2020 – 2:19:51 PM
28 Jan 2020 – 2:14:48 PM
Having fun yet?
Oopsey – sorry this landed here – * Sigh *
MQ told us not to worry about oopsies Sweet Duchess. We are at 8, yes 8EIGHT threads today!!!
After it posted, I remembered what she said, BFLY – Thanks – you are so sweet – I had the thread opened to post – and clicked on the wrong one – I see how easy it is – lol
Hehe! I love it.
No way to keep up today.
We’re all treading water.
It is crazy for sure, Daughn – Yes – we are – I cannot find my rubber ducky, either – and Q is posting, too – Geesh!!!
And we have an earthquake, a 7.7 between Jamaica and Cuba, Tsunami warning up for GITMO.
Pedal FASTER, Duchess!!!!!!
I’m trying – just saw that – oh, my – what is going on?
We’re over on the main thread. Trying to figure it all out.
I am there with you posting Q – Thanks!!!
I have every confidence in your wisdom – you will do what you should do – reject these Articles of Impeachment –
Cipollone (paraphrased)
They are finished!!!
Cipillone playing those clips was masterful.
President’s Team has done a GREAT job. IMO, hit all of the necessary Constitution, BS Articles and nonsense impeachment sham engineered by socialists D-Rats.
Only real question in my mind is, can 51 Rs have enough integrity to NOT call witnesses. Latter not necessary.
Acquit can happen, if we are lucky, Thursday immediately after questions.
I think the vote will be on Friday – just a feeling I have – no reason – maybe – because they are separating things out – hoping and praying for a good result.
Agree. Rs probably need the time to rally & stiffen the gumby like spines of Collins, Murkowski, mittens…
Agree – they will take time to rally the troops – good or bad – the way it is – all drama – you know!
That’s also BREXIT day
True – they must also vote on witnesses – if that fails – then they will vote to acquit –
BREXIT Day is just a marker!
Let us all pray a covering prayer, for President Trump, his family, VP Pence and his family, the Administration, the Senate, Chief Justice Roberts (and may GOD turn and free him), and for our country, her people, and for the Constitution and all that for which the Founding Fathers stood, sacrificed, and in some cases, died for.
Amen goes right there, Cuppa!
Complete the question period over the next two days (Wednesday/Thursday) – submitted in writing – alternating between each side
Without objection – Adjourned!!!
Cippilone rests.

Questions for 8hrs starting tomorrow, then again on Thursday. alternating between majority and minority. Justice Roberts says please try to keep to 5minutes, Laughter…
Thank you Jesus, we can rest before the rally!!
Looking at you, hard-working MQ!!
Oh no
Oh crap! My niece just got married there week before last. Thank you Jesus for bringing her home safe! Prayers for the people on the island.
Tsunami Warning includes Cuba and the Cayman Islands:
Latest from https://www.tsunami.gov
(some discussion in W.O.O.D. over at Chiefio, probably WUWT too)…
From the text report (with fonts like that, who needs enemies?) (OK, I know it’s TWX, and I don’t mean the candy bar)…
GEORGE TOWN CY 19.3N 81.4W 1943 0.11M/ 0.4FT 02

WE SPIED on Mr Trump for 1 1/2 years — Nothing
We Concocted a FALSE Special Council to CONTINUE the SPYING — Nothing
We have continually tried to ‘peach 45’ for three years — Nothing
So we YELL!
And even if we can’t meme worth beans…
We’ve still got:
This is what Jay Sekulow does in his spare time.
Couldn’t watch live today.
Jay Sekulow is slamming home run, after home run, after home run, after…
By using the Democrats own prior impeachment statements from 1998 was a brilliant way to end. Exposing the hypocrites.
No sense in beating a dead horse.
I’m actually looking forward to the questions from Senators especially the Democrats.
Such is the state of our media today, that I really don’t know if this is parody or not.
Mark Levin in on firer tonight. He said “that 3-4 Republicans want witnesses.”
He also said “Kelly said in Florida that Bolton is honest and he believes him.” Paraphrased .
I hope this bites Romney and his son in the ass…
Bolton is a troublemaker and his opinion is useless.
Bolton’s words with Nappy interviewing is the SAME logic Comey, McCabe, Page, Strokz, Brennan…USED to justify spying on president Trump, attempted coup…
Bolton is ethically bankrupt.
His statements above can be used against him, IF he is a witness in the impeachment. NULLIFIES whatever his testimony may be. Meaningless.
The House was the place to call for witnesses and build the case – the Senate is NOT the place for more case-building – it is the place to vote on the case the House created (which is bunk and hogwash).
The House has behaved like children, lawless, immature, selfish children.
Senator McConnell – just say NO to Romney and his little gang.
McConnell didn’t say that – I’m saying that.
Sorry I wasn’t clear.
DARN, I hope he does.
That is very good news.
IT IS NOT FAIR to change the Senate rules AFTER President Trump’s people have presented their defense.
The President’s team should be given time to rebut and answer those witnesses.
Do I understand you correctly?
Yertle, told Mittens to bugger off NO Witnesses.
I know Mitch was horrified at the idea of trashing the Constitution in the way Nadless, Nasty Pig, and Shifty Shitt have done.
No – I wasn’t clear. I was talking to McConnell.
Sorry, Gail….
Fully understand Turtle has said he doesn’t have 51 votes to stop witnesses.
Think we need to wait 48 hours. Rs can work on the four weasels…mittens, Collins, Murkowski and Alexander.
Guessing select Rs will have some private, calm, logical discussions with them. Only need to get two of them onboard.
– Collins, Murkowski and Alexander workable.
– mittens probably a lost cause. mittens will will vote witnesses, unless he sees it as futile.
AND, ChiFi is a snake. She is absolutely not thinking acquit. Trolling Rs. Same as President Trump has trolled ChiFi to her face. Recall Second Amendment WH round table after Parkland. Trolled her about banning ARs. Both perked up the vile bitch proving she had a pulse of sorts and LOLF at the same time.