The Trump Women are Killing It!

Don’t get me wrong, the men have been wonderful, worth their weight in gold, smashing legal arguments in the Senate SHAMMMMMMMMPEACHMENT. Yet, these two women, have been terrific and I happened to find the isolated video for sharing with future posterity. In fact, ALL of the women in Trump’s orbit seem to be powerful beyond measure and incredibly competent.

First up was Jane Raskin. Yeah, I want to be Jane Raskin when I grow up, if I ever do. She debunked the shiny object called Rudy Giuliani. Jane Raskin effectively noted Rudy Giuliani has been right four times and Adam Schiff was wrong every time. Pure gold. Smooth delivery, like silk. She should give the closing argument.

And then, there was Pam Bondi. She dismantled the objections of the Dems and gave us every reason to investigate the corruption of the Bidens and the corruption of what happened in Ukraine during the election of 2016.

It’s glorious to watch.

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Women often make incredible lawyers. Some of them have an off-the-chart gifting of verbal reasoning and auditory processing capabilities that make them unbeatable in a live debate.


Alpha women are just as awesome as alpha men. Unfortunately, our culture has turned to lauding betas — and, in “feminism”, glorifying a sometimes nonexistent “oppression”.


The key to successfully defending a client is knowing which personality to use to make the most effective argument at a particular moment.
A cliche, but true, there is “No I, in Team”. Tailor the solution, to the situation, to gain optimal results. As noted above, true in the Court room, business and I believe in most work places. AND, in retirement.
In my working years, this slow guy over the years learned to commonly adjusted my personality to events. Adjusted to the personalities of those I was working for, working with, worked for me, or folks outside my chain, but wanted to agree or support my pursuit at the time. And, at times, I’d ask a co-worker to present or pursue something as I believed their personalities “could seal the deal” or otherwise deliver optimal results. At times, check the ego, to win.

Harry Lime

Jane and Pam were both spectacular. Very effective.
Speaking of Trump Women…Yes, we miss you Sarah!comment image


And, then, there’s the only woman to have run a successful US Presidential campaign — Kellyanne Conway….


You forgot a couple of adjectives for Kellyanne. Such as gorgeous, attractive, etc.


She’s awesomesauce on steroids. I feel bad that she is top alpha during the workweek, and has to go home to her beta husband the rest of the time.


The man is sick – obviously. She’s living the ‘in sickness and in health’ part of her marriage vows.
However, the disunity must be very hard on the children.


GC has the appearance of someone on serious medications.


Hmmm – interesting. And Kellyanne too?


Rather sure, much of dysfunctional George is his total frustration that Kellyanne owns the narrative, conversation, exudes total confidence, and is beautiful.
George the bursting butterball turkey can’t win in a conversation in public, guessing the same at home, AND resorts to D-Rat, MCM like smears, innuendo, lies. Pathetic, George is.
George’s frustration surely goes well beyond public eye. Guessing his behavior, public and private is not tolerated, AND he pays the price. Further frustrating George’s ego, humiliating himself. Their kids know the truth.


And, for some odd reason, I had a random memory of Rupert Murdoch at a hearing with his wife at the time, Wendi Deng — some guy attacks him and she launches herself over all useless doofuses to smack him.


To be honest, I wasn’t impressed with Bondi’s delivery.
The content of her piece was excellent, but there were noticeable halts and places where she didn’t seem sure of what she was reading. Indeed, 90%+ of the time she was simply reading what was written, RATHER than appearing practiced and smooth with a certainty of what she was talking about. In short, she was reading from a (great) script instead of referring to the script when she needed to. 90%+ of the time she had her head down, reading the script, rather than having her head up and looking at her audience.
The contrast between Raskin and Bondi was painfully obvious. Where I was smiling at points of Raskin’s delivery, I was wincing at Bondi’s.
And one other thing…
Not once did Bondi ever use the term “Quid pro quo”, when the WHOLE POINT of talking about the Bidens is the REAL quid pro quo the Bidens engaged in vs. the baseless accusation of same against PDJT.
Had Bondi been as smooth as Raskin, employed some cutting sarcasm, AND used the phrase
“quid pro Joe” multiple times in reference to Biden, her performance would have been LETHAL.
Just my $.02 impression of these two ladies.


agree..the contrast between the women is severe…


Bondi got the job done. Agree, Bondi needed to “know” the material better. Would have helped in delivery. dunno if speaking in the Senate, an impeachment, national audience effected her delivery. My guess is it did.
Thankfully, the message was clear.
Raskin was superb.


Daughn, stunning black & white photo of Ivanka.
Other strong Trump women – Katrina Pierson was a huge plus in first campaign, as was Lara Lea Trump.


Hope Hicks would still be around if Rob Porter hadn’t tainted her.


Even as a child, she was stunning.comment image


Yes she would 😤😤


AND, Lara Lee is delivery in the run up to 2020 election. She is wonderful in all respects.
Pun intended. Hoping, Hope is brought back in President Trump’s second term. Wildly unfair what happened to Hope leading to her departure. Tremendous asset. President Trump knows this.


I know there are questions about her, but Rep Elise Stefanik brought a 2×4 to this presser! (Under 1 min video)


Just the video, not the transcript on this one.


Watch for Jim Jordan photo bomb, as he and Mark Meadows try to keep it professional!


Daugh – Ha! I noticed that too! She wasn’t going to let that one get by her without getting her two cents in. Just great!


Stefanik needs to save that silly flower button pastel pink suit for weddings or give it away. Pale pink adds 20 lbs and makes most every woman who is not willowy thin look like Miss Piggy.


Elise is sharp as a tack. I know the opposition hates having to answer her dynamite questions in house investigations and committee hearings.
But she needs to quit letting her Mom pick out her clothes.
For example this patterned suit takes away from her message for sure:


Melania should step in with some advice. 🙂


Looks like that’s know it all Stephanie Ruhl she’s “correcting”…(who probably wasn’t listening to a word…all these liberal hacks have automatic tune-out mechanisms when confronted.) they are not there to find out facts but to attack.
Notice how journalism, since the Obama era, isn’t investigative these days but hostile attacks, including to the President, honored foreign guests and Cabinet members. It’s really disgusting.

Cuppa Covfefe

It’s no longer journalism; it’s defining and reinforcing a narrative, often invented, or distorted, with no basis in fact. Usually put forth by “unnamed sources” or those “not authorized to speak…”.
Hmmm. Could be a reason those sources are NOT authorized to speak…
Hiding behind their web of lies. As usual. Urinalists, YSM/MCM, descendants of Satan and Göbbels… funded by Satan Soros…

Mary Morse

Elise is great. Upstate NY’er. She represents part of the county that I’m from. There were Stefaniks in my hometown, but she’s from further East.


thanks for these Daughn!!!
there is so much bunk around that POTUS is a misogynist but he is not. He has strong women around him! I don’t think he subscribes to tokenism tho–he’s more–if you want the job, prove you deserve it, and he rewards those who can prove it.
one thing about Jane tho…I would have given her a hair clip…lol…
strong women though…gotta respect that!


Jane needed a whiff or two of anchoring hair spray.


yeah…the coloring is beautiful tho…


just a minor distraction…otherwise her poise shown thru

Deplorable Patriot

They’re making the rest of us look like slackers.


What is interesting to me is, I know lots of women. All of the strong, independent, smart ones are Republican, and the weak ones are Demoncrat liberals.


Aub – Agreed. The weak ones who like to relish in their “victimhood” are usually dems. It is part and parcel of who they and their party are….


Daughn – That took guts! I would bet that nowadays if you tried that, their “feminized” daddy would have dropped you like a hot potato for being cruel to his little sweetie pie daughter who never did anything wrong. At least that is the way it would have been for me and my second hubby. I am shocked you got away with establishing a few rules of the house, especially as a girlfriend. I really am. But, I love your story and am impressed by you once again. Big T is a smart man!


Whoa! You have the best stories evah!!!

Mary Morse

On a fashion note, the Trump women are killing the light weight lined ladies overcoat. I’ve enjoyed seeing so many beautiful cashmere/lambswool overcoats from their collections.
I have several in my closet that I was fortunate to find in thrift shops and rummage sales over the years. Cashmere, camel hair, staples of my office wardrobe. I still have them and wear them occasionally. These days a beat up Carhart is more practical.


Mary – I have a pair of Carhart overalls. They are my favorite winter attire. Kinda sad, eh? I guess we aren’t exactly the “ladies who lunch”….But yes, I love seeing all their beautiful clothes!

Mary Morse

They’re the best. I adopted mine from my hubby and kids. The more broken in the better. Beg to differ about lunch, we make some amazing lunches here. Hubby’s birthday the other day: prime rib. Gardening in Carharts helps.