20200129 & 30th: MAGA/KAG Rally in Des Moines!

We’re headed to Des MOINES, Iowa, after the Mardi Gras-like-atmosphere-blowout-of-a-rally in Livewood, NJ. Don’t even think about groaning or turning up you nose at the prospect of a road trip to Des Moines……. We have a few surprises for you all. First of all, fellow QTreeper, Huskerheart and her husband, are going to the Rally and they have VIP PASSES! It’s a two day trip for them, thus we are “covering” the rally for the full two days. They will be “reporting” and checking in with us, here. Yeah baby, from Davos to Des Moines, QTreepers span the globe to cover the action!

Let’s get oriented with a map:

Des Moines is located in the lower middle of the state. Iowa is landlocked by Nebraska, MN, WI, IL, MO.

The rumor mill tells me over 80 Trump surrogates have been dispatched to Iowa over the weekend to represent the President at various caucuses throughout the state, including Don Jr., Eric, Lara, Kimberly Guilfoyle, various Admin members, and all-star Trump Supporters. Candidate Trump spent a LOT of time in Iowa and knows the system well. A Republican rally on the eve of the caucus makes sure he will be well represented on the ground, even though he has no real primary opponent.

The city of Des Moines sits at the junction of the Des Moines and Raccoon Rivers. Because of the water resource, people have accumulated in this spot for thousands of years. Recently, the town was excavating for a new wastewater treatment plant and found a 7,000yr old site nicknamed the “Palace”. Thousands of artifacts were found along with graves.

The city was founded in 1843 and used to be Fort Des Moines. Today, the city is home to several Fortune 500 companies, particularly insurance and data focused. From Wikipedia: Forbes ranked Des Moines as the “Best Place for Business” in both 2010 and 2013.[12] In 2014, NBC ranked Des Moines as the “Wealthiest City in America” according to its criteria.[13] Des Moines has an estimated population of about 210K, with a metro of about 655K people. Iowa as a state is about 310miles x 200 miles, has a population of about 3,155,070, and a median income of $58,570.

Understand, Dad’s side of my family is from Davenport, eastern side of Iowa on the Mississippi. My grandparents were Iowa Hawkeye boosters for 55yrs. Generations of my family have railed about and $hit all over the bureaucracy of Des Moines, so it’s hard for me to speak highly of Des Moines. I do remember a field trip to the capitol as a school kid, however, and the majesty of the building. It’s an unexpected hidden gem, a place where we could wander for days……

The Capitol sits in a 17 acre park, built from 1871-1886, has 5 golden domes, stretching to a height of 280 feet.

It’s gorgeous…….. and contains one of the top 20 most beautiful libraries in the world.

There’s much more than corn to be seen in the heartland of America. Completed in the late 1800’s, the Capitol Law Library of Des Moines is a Renaissance transplant filled with five stories of legal precedent interconnected by spiral iron staircases wending around ash and chestnut wood.
Chestnut glows in the sunlight, unlike pecan or oak.

But that’s just the library, the legislative chamber is breathtaking.

Ceiling dome, in a ‘cool’ picture, without glare.
But the big ceiling dome looks like a big golden candle

Everywhere you turn inside the capitol, the craftsmanship is extraordinary.

The master staircase to legislative chambers.
The artwork which speaks to western expansion = Manifest Destiny
The marble tile work and wood trim is lavish.

BUT – here’s the kicker about the Iowa State Capitol in Des Moines:

Gosh, I hesitate to even mention it. We all know Gail Combs as a dedicated researcher with mind-boggling ability to dig into the details….. and this is one of her favorite subjects. It’s like throwing red meat in front of a hungry lion….. but here we go…..

Since 1987, the World Food Prize laureate award ceremony is held annually in October in the House of Representatives chamber of the statehouse (our pretty Capitol Building), but this picture below is the World Food Prize Hall of Laureates. Pretty, eh? Makes us wonder who pays the bill for maintenance and plants the flowers…… Hint: You’re probably paying for it. Did you know? Hmmmmm….. Let’s keep looking.

The ceremony rivals that of the Nobel Prize, drawing over 800 people from more than 75 countries. Each year, world-class performers take the stage to honor the World Food Prize Laureate. Past performers have included Ray CharlesJohn Denver, and Noa to name a few. Let’s take a further look into the “World Food Prize” https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/World_Food_Prize

In the beginning about 30yrs ago, the idea was simple. Senior Management at General Foods Company wanted to spur innovation in all aspects of FOOD, from farm to table. Sounds good, right? A noble cause. Kind of like Boy Scouts, right? From the same wholesome town, Des Moines, which gave us Ann Landers and Glenn Miller, and produces Better Homes and Gardens and Golf Digest. You know, regular Americans. What could go wrong?

BUT, the progressives got involved. The award was then sponsored by a wealthy philanthropists and soon…….. entered Bill and Melinda Gates, Warren Buffet, the Rockefellers, etc. We have super rice to quadruple yields in China, 480 kinds of hybrid wheat, sterilization of crop pests……….. Ohhh, it’s a wonderland of NGO’s from all over the world. A miasma of government grants to hand out our tax payer dollars to save the world and redistribute our wealth, while liberals pat each other on the back for their “goodness”. It’s a den of progressives and control over the food chain.

Is it “good” or “bad”? Who knows……..? What are the chances the former State Dept’s Director for USAID is on the guest list for dinner? And a speech? Call me cynical…… It’s all the same people from the Aspen Institute, in Iowa.

Imagine my surprise……… Hey, I was just headed to a MAGA Rally in Des Moines and found the cabal’s secret hiding spot…… Des Moines? Gosh, did we ever expect we would discover a way to put “critical micro nutrients in the diets of millions of rural poor in Africa, Asia, and Latin America”…. in des Moines? It’s confounding how Progressives want to help everyone else in the world except their fellow Americans. Astonishing. This subject may require a further dig (hint to Gail).

The state of Iowa has made enormous contributions to the USA. People like actor Tom Arnold (groan) and actress Donna Reed (!!!) were from Iowa, but so was Buffalo Bill, Johnny Carson, and the Indian Chief with the great hockey logo, Chief Black Hawk. Iowa has given us great sportsmen, writers, and scientists……… and Chuck Grassley and Steve Smith, but also Joni Earnst and Tom Harkin. Iowa is a mixed bag.

But I love Iowa and spent a great deal of my childhood there. We going to stop off to see the relatives on our road trip……… We might have time to head down to the barn and visit with the horses. Grab a few carrots or an apple, they like a snack.

Roll the windows down on the car, take a deep breath. The sky and the land in Iowa go on forever.

and eat some of Grandma’s cherry pie.

You’re all welcome at our house, in Iowa.

Looks like there’s a new sign on the barn!

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The state capital and library are beautiful! Why don’t we design and and build things like that anymore?


Exactly my thoughts when I saw those incredible photos! The State Capitol of SC is equally spectacular with fine craftsmanship. Perhaps there will be a renewed interest in outstanding architecture design (see Shanghai!) and detailed work instead of the very ugly, 1960’s square, throw them up in a hurry buildings we see far too many.
Not that it’s important, Daughn….but the rally was in Wildwood, not Livewood (although after last night’s event they may change their name!) looks like you were a victim of auto check!

Deplorable Patriot

Yes. The Iowa Capitol building is impressive.


oh, my Gosh…I want a print of that Library Photo!
it’s just STUNNING!


daughn, I think I’d just sit on the floor looking, for at least an hour…and try to hide, so I could spend the night inside.
I am certain I would get lost, but everywhere you look it’s interesting and beautiful. I’m a it of a homebody, but I’d sure like to see/smell and touch that Building. Hmmmm…


Because architectural Modernism. And Postmodernism.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy



Lovely writeup, Daughn. What a spectacular capitol !!! Just gorgeous.
Iowa is a beautiful state … rolling hills, cornfields, open skies. We always stay in DesMoines when we drive to Michigan because it’s about halfway from Colorado to our destination. Iowa hosts a several-day-long bike ride on back roads, and many of the towns and families along the route Host the riders, providing huge spreads if home-cooked food AND PIES plus opening up spare bedrooms or offering their land for camping. Iowa = good peeps.
I hate to hear that about the food cabal – Bill Gates and Warren Buffet haven’t done right by us in that state. Sadly Farmers have increasingly given into those lucrative (aka taxpayer) subsidies to put wind farms in their fields. They look awful and completely change the beautiful rural horizon. I’m hoping some of those subsidies are squashed in Trump’s second term. Will be curious how he addresses ‘energy’ in Des Moines.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Windmills! Such a great Chinese-Bolshevik SCAM.


Sure, let’s tamp down our fossil fuel production and give MEast & Russia that industry. 🙄


I am compelled to elaborate here.
My beloved mentioned all the wonderful and not-so people who have hailed from various places in Iowa. I want to add one more. While she mentioned her dad’s side of the family hails from there, Miss Daughn herself was born in Davenport. Her parents met as . . no lie . . . roller skating partners and, according to family legend, were fabulous skaters. Her mom was from across the Mississippi in Rock Island, IL and her descendents still live in that town, whose high school mascot is “rocks”. Yep, I have a sweatshirt reading “Rock Island Rocks”.
Miss D has much to tell in another post about experiences in her youth in Rock Island and Davenport and the family farm – where she rode quarter-horses and picked apples, her family’s 60 year association with John Deere and life in the Quad Cities (Davenport, Moline, Bettendorf and Rock Island). She can also tell wonderful stories about the legendary family members she tells me about: Grandma Norris, Aunt Dot, Aunt Hazel and, especially, Great Grandpa D. You see G-Grandpa D (Achilles Francis) and his dad, Great-Great Grandpa Hippolyte came through Ellis Island in 1916 as immigrants from Belgium and went directly to Moline where first G-G and then Grandpa D each worked for John Deere for 55 years. (Miss D has commemorative charms on her charm bracelet for each).
Grandpa D was an electrical engineering graduate of the University of Iowa – the Hawkeyes. He was truly an amazing guy. We have thousands of glass photography slides that he took over decades in the Upper Mississippi. Dozens – mostly B&W – are framed and displayed throughout the B&B. He won scores of amateur awards, was particularly good at architectural and industry shots, but also did many nature scenes.
Grandpa D’s son, Earl, also went to U of Iowa and obtained a chemical engineering degree. He brought the family to Mississippi when he was one of six employees that established the Chromcraft Furniture Factory here which at one time employed almost 2000 workers. You remember those formica top and chrome-legged kitchen tables of your youth? They most likely came from right here, because of Miss D’s Grandpa Earl.
But I digress . . .


Nicely done, Big T. You and the Mrs. are such compelling storytellers. Every story draws me in 💖🇺🇸

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

OMG – plenty of great stories there! I love it! “Mississippi Queen” ain’t no lie!
Legal immigrants are the best! They LOVE AMERICA and they LOVE TRUMP!!!
I am a huge fan of those old tables. Sturdy as iron but lighter than wood – they make amazing movable workbenches and utility tables – especially the corner-legged ones, which can be seriously overloaded without the slightest tipping from level. Just weight them down to make a workbench. Brace them sideways if you need horizontal stability. Yeah, they no longer look chic, and they damn well don’t look professional for a handy person, but THEY WORK LIKE CRAZY. People just give them away now – I’m like “Mind if I take that, since you’re throwing it away?” I’ll have to check mine to see if any are Chromcraft! They look like a lot of vintage Chromcraft that are for sale now – only a bit worse for wear!
Yeah, in Wolf Junction we’re CHEAP but EFFECTIVE! 😉


The Chromcraft factory is now shuttered and the area is a brownfield. We all know what hexavalent chromium does to groundwater- Erin Brockovich did.
We have a Cosco chromium kitchen chair that I brought with me from Boston. If its kitchen stuff with chromium legs its either Cosco or Chromcraft.
In fact the last big project that Chromocraft did before bankruptcy was a couple of terminals at O’Hare Airport. If you fly through there anytime, check out the seating at all the gates and along the corridors. If it has chrome legs, supports and braces and some kind of durable composite top – that’s Chromcraft.
The story of our factory traces the selling-out of America. They first began off-shoring mfg in the late ’80s when mfg went to Malaysia. Immediately employment dropped in half and the plant became an assembly line not an mfg facility. From there its all downhill until it was a 15 acre warehouse with three docks and an outlet store.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

THAT is a big story right there. I mean really big. It should be “front page below the fold” on every major paper.


Chuckling about the Formica topped,Crome-legged kitchen sets. MIL had one….AND put an oil cloth table cover on top of it! But, don’t forget this was the Queen of Plastic…encasing everything that didn’t move.
Kitchen was tiny, but that was her domaine and I rarely saw her out of it. Like most old-time Italians, she actually didn’t cook in the kitchen but rather in the even more tiny “breeze way “ that led into the 1-car garage. Mustn’t get the kitchen dirty, you know.
About the time I met him, DH had new appliances installed in the kitchen….stove and refrigerator. When the house was sold many years later, the original stickers were still on the glass oven door!
I suspect that that kitchen table was indeed from DH’s youth…and well into his 50’s!
Neat story…glad you shared it.


Hi all…. I am still at home. Work called! Car is packed and we are ready to roll tomorrow! 2 hour Drive! We are so excited! Our pack of deplorables traveling with us are beyond excited! Should be on the ground Des Moines by 10 am and will have plenty to say! Oh…. I decided to pack and wear my cowboy boots with a beaded American flag on the front and back of my boots! Good Choice, huh! OH, and our 45 shirts with my American flag my parents gave me when I graduated from college! Good stuff!

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Good! We’ll be watching and CHEERING!!! <3


Am I crazy or is all this just about as illogical as it could possibly be?? We’re going to cut down all the trees to save the planet?

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Long nature rant started by this thinking……
No, you’re not crazy – HOWEVER – these idiots are potentially doing the RIGHT THING (in a way that will fail into correction beautifully) for the WRONG REASONS.
The failure is that there is NO WAY steel is displaced. The idea is poppycock. Steel is too amazing.
So they are simply going to increase the use of structural wood. That has profound effects, and could actually SAVE FORESTS because they HAVE TO STAY FORESTS to keep GROWING THE PRODUCT. The nature of the forests change slightly, but most species can continue to live there. Spend time in Oregon logging forests and they are quite beautiful and filled with awesome wildlife. My only concern would be looking for cultural ways to value old growth more, so there is a healthy mix of forest ages.
Also bear in mind that the whole “carbon” thing is erroneous and a dodge. But by going to more wood, these people actually do the right thing anyway.
But WOOD could make a comeback, and it’s not a bad thing for nature if it does. In fact, it’s potentially a much better way to let the hidden hand of popular capitalism “nicely” accomplish the population management concerns of the anti-popular globalists, than anything done by negative means. The increasing valuation of nature and the space needed for it allows money to change behavior. And THAT all works hand-in-hand with (1) getting rid of socialist sabotage of natural feedback mechanisms, and (2) sensible stabilizations like BORDERS and LAWS and COUNTRIES and other things that Trump (and others like me) see as fundamental.
It is the NEED of things that leads to their having value, and thus to their preservation, better still cultivation, better still replenishment, and best of all management. It is the NEED of forests that preserves all the other species that need the trees (including US!!!)
When OLD GROWTH TREES have value, there will be more $$$ OLD GROWTH $$$ forestry.
Wood is an amazing building material. Japanese structures with giant logs from the 1500s and 1600s demonstrate how awesome that stuff is.
Steel is ALSO an amazing material. It will NEVER be displaced by wood. NEVER!!!
Look at where people RETIRE to see what they value for beauty. Log home? Modern home? Desert stucco or adobe ranch? We love all this stuff. These articles about “everything could be this one thing” are always BS, IMO. Grocery store MAGAZINE EYE CLICKS.
Understand that I’m a conservative nature-lover, former hunter (too lazy in my old age), and very big on preservation of wildlife – but I’m NOT one of these extremist nincompoops who want to screw humanity by stopping all development / “progress” (yeah – WE aren’t the “regressives”) in the name of nature that we hardly understand, but that WE are a part of, and that WE are assigned to take care of. Take THAT idea for Biblical reasons if one wants, for common sense reasons if one prefers, or for deep reasons of the nature of intelligence itself if one wants to get all philosophical with some booze by the fireplace! 😉
Part of the secret of keeping America beautiful is simply making sure that “progress” bypasses nature, in a sense. Keep the planet fertile, even though the NATURE of that fertility changes with NATURAL changes (like climate), and we’re good. If GLOBAL WARMING (first of all assuming it’s not a scientific community mass placebo effect on a grand scale – or more likely the same as a HYPNOTIC HOAX – as demonstrated by the DATA FUDGING) is part of GLOBAL GREENING and it’s in the long-term interest of the planet, then why fight it? We don’t even know enough to know if we have to have a debate, let alone having the debate.
Species preservation is a good idea, but understand that it’s constantly changing. We may even be able to HELP nature accommodate natural changes, because we have intelligence and can watch out for the forms that don’t have as much. People see it’s POSSIBLE, but is there a NEED? Always? To the same degree?
Worth debate.
A balanced world has a mixture of true wilderness, recreational wilderness, agricultural areas, and integrated urban zones where wildlife is allowed to infiltrate. It ADAPTS to mankind if we let it, and WATCH OUT FOR OUR FELLOW LIFE FORMS, plant and animal. Nature is smart – it will move into urban zones if we let it, and make provision for it to do so.



Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

What can I say? I love wood! Order of the Spruce Goose! 😉comment image


Wolf, are you talking about the aircraft? Unless it’s been moved, you can see the Spruce Goose (Howard Hughes) in McMinnville, Oregon….down in the Willamette Valley (wine country!) south of Portland.
Maybe Sue McDonald has been there…her stomping grounds.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Excellent! Yes! Talking about that one. A friend of mine got me interested when I was a kid, thinking NO WAY!!!
YES WAY!!! 😀

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Very cool. The pictures really explain it. Almost a cross between a floating boat, a dirigible, and a plane.
Check this out – one of the best articles on code talkers ever, and highlights one of the theoretical reasons it worked – a second layer of unintelligibility.


Wonderful article. I also read the beautiful story of Viola Franca who refused to marry her rapist.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Yes – I saw that one, too, but didn’t read it – hesitant. Maybe I’ll go back now!


The Spruce Goose is amazing!
I got to see it in Longbeach years ago, when it was on display there.


Wood is a great material. It’s not suited for everything, but neither is concrete…
The problem is that environuts distort the markets b/c they don’t understand how anything works or even what’s better at any point in time.
For example, at one point they thought that metals were good and should be preferred over wood because the metals could be recycled whereas with wood “we’re cutting down all our trees!”
A decade or two later and it swung the other way and they preferred wood because it was naturally renewable, and opposed use of metals because of the by-products of smelting.
The same back and forth plays out in the most ridiculous of settings – paper or plastic? Disposable or reusable?
As far as a healthy view of the environment goes, there is a great group “The Cornwall Alliance” that has excellent faith based perspectives on balancing environmental conservation with human flourishing.
For reference: The Cornwall Declaration
IMO it’s not that hard of a balance, actually – the key to maximum environmental outcomes is, ironically and seemingly paradoxically, to promote strong human economic growth. Low growth or subsistence economies are highly destructive to the environment, because they have to exploit every available resource in order to just survive, but wealthy economies have the resources to spend to clean up problems and to prevent future issues. That’s why the U.S. under Trump is by far the best performing nation on environmental metrics in the world. And why the former/Communist countries and 3rd world nations have the worst track records – there were no resources to clean up or prevent problems. It’s not hard to understand, unless you are a radical greenie and/or commie.
The reality is that the dignity and exceptionalism of human life must be defended. The environment is too often understood as undisturbed nature – in actuality the environment is the conditions which allow for optimal human flourishing. That includes cities and workplace conditions, not just the undisturbed wilderness, and is why things that we take for granted like sanitation, sewers, and water treatment were and ARE such a huge boon to the environment.
(Meanwhile, everywhere the Dems, Soviets, or the EU Bureaucrats rule, there are huge piles of trash, problems with vermin, disease, filth (and excrement), water waste and pollution because they don’t value human life or have any clue/care that environmental protection also includes cities and human living spaces.)
In short, environmental protection should not come at the expense of human dignity.
Humans also have a responsibility to exercise dominion. If the rat population is out of control, we have the God-assigned responsibility to exercise dominion over the rats and control them – otherwise, the rats will exercise dominion where they will do nothing but inflict damage. Most anti-Christian leftists cannot understand this.
The result is that leftists generally and greenies in particular see human as the problem . . .
Lefitsts see humanity as a virus. Human beings are a disease…A cancer of this planet. You are a plague… And we [leftists] are the cure. Remember this scene was written by two die-hard Marxist leftists.
In reality, humans were created by God to maximize the flourishing of all life on this planet, to make it literally teem with life. When humans exercise proper dominion over nature, like a gardener who works to bring the greatest fruitfulness from his garden, then life flourishes. But there is a problem, because of sin humanity often does not exercise proper or healthy dominion over nature, and this is especially true of the virulently anti-Christian ideologies. Leftist ideologies cannot sustain life, they can only destroy – human first, and nature. If the environuts had a brain (they wouldn’t be environuts!) they would be opposed to Bernie on that reason alone. Venezuela currently has a HORRIBLE track record for environmental and wildlife protection.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy



“Remember this scene was written by two die-hard Marxist leftists.”
Those Marxists were/are brothers who were BOTH ueers and who, as a final act of ‘hate myself’, whacked off their willywhackers and their family jewels.
Based on what you wrote, it seems like the socialists/commies are consistent – they murder millions and when they run out of people, they ultimately show their hate for our Creator by turning on themselves and killing off their genetic futures.
Commies are truly a threat to everything under the sun.


The elitists are willing to sacrifice trees in order to kill off the rebirth of Steel Production in the US.
They had already killed it off.
But our VSG is bringing it back!
Oh noes! What to do…
So they reverse themselves and now declare that “We should cut down trees!” and use wood instead of steel.
They have revealed their true motives.
And they think we are too stupid to connect the dots.
Yet another clue that the globalist elite don’t really care about the ‘climate’ or pollution.
Their real goal is to make us little guys broke, weakened and on our knees…so that they can control us.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

AMEN! Yup. They will do ANYTHING – pull this way and that – to KNEECAP AMERICA!!!


What don’t you get ? 🤷‍♀️ /s


Here’s a rich one from the story. The author cites the manufacturer of the “mass wood” for the proposition that the “concrete and steel construction industry” is responsible for 30% of greenhouse gas emissions worldwide. Think about that and how uncritical an author and editor would be to let that go unsourced and unquestioned. Popular Mechanics gets owned by the insidious and reprehensible Climate Communists.


Just UGH !! A pox on all those #FakePublishers

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

AMEN! I love the new term “climate communists”! Says it all!


“Huskerheart and her husband, are going to the Rally and they have VIP PASSES!”
Oh wow very cool!!!!


No I haven’t. I just think it’s cool we’ve got tree people on the ground!
I really hope to make it to a rally someday


LOL mom just laughed and said ‘you shoot I’ll watch’


Sorry daughn my wp jumped the comments on me!
Of course mom wants to go to a rally! Only bad thing we’d probably end up outside but hey better than nothing! But yes I’d love to go to a trump rally!
Have you been to one?


Huskerheart has a post a little ways up.

Deplorable Patriot

I would be anxiously awaiting one of these rallies here in Mound City, the Lion of the Valley, but the best venue to put one of the size they like to use is Chaifetz Arena at Saint Louis University, and there’s no way the Jesuits are going to go for a Trump rally.

Deplorable Patriot

Oh, yeah! City Hall, several churches with the prize – and EVERYONE here agrees – is the Cathedral Basilica. STUNNINGLY MAGNIFICENT even if it’s a pain to perform in it as one choir director said, the sound of eternity is built into it. The Chase Park Plaza. The Old Post Office has been repurposed and is the center of downtown revival.
But the place is run by Dems. For now, anyway.


Why not? MAGA folks are house broken. Rather sure Brad Parscale pays fair rent or whatever the levy may be called.

Deplorable Patriot

The convention and visitors bureau, in the las 30 years, turned down a national party convention because it was the Republicans – not the Democrats – who wanted to have one here.
Let that sink in.


Thinking I am endeared to the Jesuits just a little bit moar. SMH.

Deplorable Patriot

What sucks about it, though, is the convention center was built with a national political convention in mind. The hotel with the big ballrooms is across the street. And the dome which serves as a football stadium from time to time, is attached.
All that was in place. And the CVB wanted the Democrats who treat this city like the NFL does.


Guessing convention center was built with, or in part tax dollars.
Regardless, they are dumb asses. It’s business! Jobs, hotel rooms filled, restaurants, gas stations, tourists doing stuff…
Seems as though, a maroon or two has too much power. America is rife with mini swamps across the nation.

Deplorable Patriot

Actually, that guy passed away some time ago now. But, still, no one has looked at us for a national convention of that size in 25 years. Too bad, because there’s a lot going on here.


Yes, it is a nice area. Have spent a fair amount of time at Scott AFB. Would visit St Louis a few times when in the area. And great smoked BBQ 😉


Ugh downtown St. Louis. That’s a shame! But I’m not shocked. Didn’t they have a Trump rally at the smallest venue ever?!
Maybe move it to st Charles!

Deplorable Patriot

I’m not going to St. Charles. Not even.




My three Lutheran children have their undergrad from St Louis University. Good schooled I wanted them to have a good Jesuit education. The education served them well and got them scholarships to graduate schools.
At the time it was a perfect University Conservative and progressive harmonizing exchanging ideas with respect.


I love the Treeper National Tour that you do Miss Daughn. Things Ive never heard of, beautiful places in unlikely spots…thats traveling!


For my part I’m a fan of Norman Borlaug and the Green (agriculture) Revolution. It made the biggest impact first in the U.S. and the epicenter of it was Texas A&M Agricultural Research Extension in Dallas, TX. It literally used to be in my back yard. It made possible the feeding of millions in India and to a less degree in Africa.
That’s not to say a bunch of elitists aren’t using his name in vain, mind you.


Norman Borlaug should be on coins and banknotes — screw obscure prizes nobody’s ever heard of. There are estimates from several sources (calculating in different ways) that he saved over a billion people from starvation — and likely becoming feedstocks to Purina People Chow.


And the turning point for me is what else have they done to the genome that we can’t see. In order to have an apple with insect boreholes in it, we have to pick the apples from what’s left of an abandoned orchard in our backyard.
Genetic modification means it’s not really what it looks like. If insects won’t eat it, is it good for us? Nobody will ever know because we are too far down the path. They have basically replaced normal edibles with something NOT created by God. And they have no idea if it hurts people because they never did scientific testing.


That I agree with. One of the most annoying features of academia was all these people who’d ride in on the coattails of someone else’s success but couldn’t be bothered to carry on the work. They took all the benefits of the work – academic glory, recognition, being wined and dined, and large research grants – but they couldn’t be bothered to do the work themselves. Pfff. They had grad students (indentured slaves) for that. They always stole credit for research papers they never wrote while the toiling student got fifth billing, if they had their name on it at all.


michaelh nothing has changed in research. My son enjoyed later after his slave work to get credit on papers he contributed too but did not write.
That is how academia works.


Great post Miss(issippi) Daughn, and the comments are just what the doctor ordered after another long stressful day, Ahhh… to sit around the fireplace with a some good scotch to wax philosophical with everybody would be such a good way to end the day.

Plain Jane

I’m drooling on that cherry pie, but love the architecture.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy



Absolutely precious…hussein legacy continues to be shredded.
AND, to think Bite Me suggested Wookie be a running mate. OR, some say she could be drafted to head the D-Rat ticket in general election.
Would be beyond hilarious watching President Trump shred hussein and wookie at the same time.
BUT, hildabeast is still my favorite for D-Rat nomination. Yea, pure revenge on my part 😉


Daughn, Wonderful article of Iowa. Have blown across I-80 at least fifteen times. Des Moines is now on my bucket list. Gotta see the capitol building, and moar.
Spent a little time in quad cities area. John Deere has a superb interactive museum. Had some great smoked pork there.
Since retiring, driving many of the back roads, South Dakota, Wyoming, Idaho…stunning scenery. Wonderful folks.
Gotta figure out how to get one a couple of those VIP passes. AND, if I don’t, it’s OK. I’ll be in line with a bunch of fine MAGA folks. Rather sure I’ll be in the longer line 😉


Oh yea! Would love to hear President Trump curse like a sailor. Been there;-) Seems as though I’ll settle for chatting up and laughing with MAGA folks in the peanut gallery line. My measly $50 a month isn’t going to make a blip, short of generating daily texts and email to me. LOL


Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

This post is now stuck to the top for easy posting by huskerheart and visitors.


It’s also nice to know where to look for it, for readers.


Administrative question — is this post now sticky to the top, or does it have to get nudzhed periodically?


Heh, Wolf beat me to it by two minutes.


President Trump needs a fight song!
Every rally, the high school and college fight songs comes to mind.
Here’s one from my childhood days – goes back to the 50s!


Great write up, Daughn. Between President Trump’s rallies all over the country and your posts about the locations, we’re all learning to love America even more than we do.
Back in 2011, it was announced that Sarah Palin was going to do a major speech in Indianola, IA. In a cornfield, about 30 mi south of Des Moines. My husband thought I was crazy when I told him I wanted to drive from Denver to a cornfield 800 miles away for a 1 hr speech. We drove 14 hrs to spend the night in Des Moines, then up early to get to the cornfield for her speech.
The weather that morning was horrible – violent thunderstorms turning the field into mud, lightning crashing all around us. We even walked back to our car to wait out the worst of it before she took the stage. We made our way back through the pouring rain and claimed our piece of ground to stand for her speech. The excitement was as electric as the weather, and I remember listening to a group of tea party patriots give Carl Cameron a verbal smack down because he had been so nasty to Palin.
Sarah was introduced and I kid you not…the moment she took to the stage, a whole in the clouds opened up and a beam of sunlight hit directly on Sarah. The 1500 people in the audience did an audible gasp…even people 50 ft away from her were not in the sunlight. Talk about “from darkness to light”!
She gave a thrilling speech, but hinted she wasn’t going to run because she was “not for sale”. Our early insights into the Deep State. It’s where she claimed we don’t need a title to make a difference.
We left the field and started the drive back home – spending the night in Lincoln, and then in a spontaneous move drove the back roads back to Denver rather than I-80. It added a couple hours to our drive, but the scenery was beautiful and serene. It was Labor Day weekend, and every little town along the way had American flags decorating their Main Streets…pure Americana.
For anyone interested, here’s her speech. It’s still powerful and accurate today. Totally worth a 36 hr round trip and we’re seeing people make the same efforts to see/hear President Trump.


You are so right! History comes alive when you can experience it personally, rather than reading a dusty book.
I lost my father a few years ago and it’s changed me in a way I never expected. The best things in life are LIVING the experiences, rather than collecting stuff. Spontaneous adventures seem to stay in our memories with sharper clarity.
Gunner is going to have GREAT memories of his childhood for the rest of his life.


Dan Scavino feeling happy this morning.


Picture of supporters in the snow!


Knapp Center – the rally site holds 7,152 seated and standing room on the floor.


Interior of Knapp Center:comment image


Deplorable Patriot

Video of crowd in Des Moines.


Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Alright! RALLY NIGHT!!!

Deplorable Patriot

An update from Des Moines!
The crowd doing Y-M-C-A.


Yay— the happy place is on this thread…because the rally’s are a happy place……..waving hello, because I’m not going to be able to stay up for the rally stream tonight…..the Impeachment trial is super draining…..and I need to recharge my joy filled battery! 🙂
EVERYONE HAVE A BLAST THOUGH, bummer to be missing out but I know you’ll all ROCK IT!


Get some rest, there’ll be a replay when you awake!! #WEG1WGA


We’ll Missya MA!!!!!


Big Brad Parscale Speeching
Four More Years! Four More Years!

Deplorable Patriot

Text of the tweet:
Mark Knoller
At Trump rally, Campaign Mgr @parscale reminds supporters there’s a GOP Caucus on Monday and they can be the first people to vote in 2020 for Pres Trump’s reelection. Says the Democrats “have a big mess.” Says Trump will win in “a landslide” on Monday.



CSPAN1 has actually been showing auditorium, rally outside crowd, now VP Pence.

Deplorable Patriot

Pence at the podium.






President Donald Trump is the most Pro Life President in History!

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

VP Pence is talking on OAN!!! WAGES RISING!!!

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

In 3 short years, we’ve made America great again!!!


Liz Claiman reporting that Bernie has EO”s ready to go to undo all POTUS’ EO”s….pipelines, energy, wall, immigration, BYE to everything


wonder what he’s smokin’


A Cuban from Venezuela???


Hi everyone!!!!


Pence: Republicans are going to have their way real soon
(sounds like a promise to me !)


All the Dems criticized POTUS’ decision to take out Suilimani, POTUS was right to take him down!!


Dems trying to take POTUS down cuz they can’t run against him, they know they cant defeat him in November.


President Donald Trump is the REAL DEAL. He says what he means and means what he says.


Befote it was what he can do, now it’s about what he has done. So go tell your friends.


2 Chronicles 7:14
14 if my people, who are called by my name, will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and I will forgive their sin and will heal their land.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

I love when he quotes this!!!


Same here! 🥰

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Good to see you – NOT IN SPAM – because Daughn is the author!!!


Yeppurs! Gotta admit selfishly I was happy you haven’t been posting IYKWIM!! I really do love your posts, just can’t talk to you through them.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Having others do the dailies is making some things very visible now.
No, this is finally pissing me off. Something is going to give. My old IT work is paying off. I can see exactly what they are doing by not giving us control of our spam bin. It’s a beautiful TRICK.



Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

This one was in spam, too. BASTARDS!!!


So my replies to you go to spam now??? F’rs!!!

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Yup. Like they’re TAUNTING us!


Why don’t they want me talking to you??? I’m harmless.🥰

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

You’re harmless. I’M harmless. But WE are not!

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

And of course, this was in spam! 🙄


PSS. They jacked w/all my settings 2 days ago. No WP in Brave, no reader, no comment bells, 100’s of emails for EVERY comment. Took me forever to reset and straighten out. No


PS after your comment today, I thought about contacting WP, but then decided against it. Afraid they’d completely disable me, not chancing it!

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Ha! This one went straight to spam. SUCKAS!!!

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy


Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy


Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Screenshots of this, please! 😉 Thinking ahead!!!


Go Wolfie!!! 🐺🐺🐺

Sylvia Avery

hi daughn, great thread as always!!!!


Miss Sylvia in Da Haus!! 🤗😘💞


WP cut off my comment
MARICA TOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!😍😍😍

Sylvia Avery

Marica has tried to post here tonight and she is unable to post anywhere on Q Tree! What’s up????????????????????????????

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Let me go check the bin. I hate WordPress, Akismet, CHYYYNNNAAA, or whoever is behind this crap.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

WordPress and their CO-CONSPIRATOR Akismet sent every one of her posts into SPAM.
WordPress could give us a simple tool to keep people out of spam, but they don’t do it.

Sylvia Avery

Thank you Wolfie, you are truly the best. I’ll let her know you haven’t banned her!!! ❤❤❤👍 (And I’m down with DOJ suing them into oblivion!)

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

I’m going to do a post very soon that is going to have people running up and down halls at Automattic.
They are in charge of both WP and Akismet.
They control this situation.

Sylvia Avery

I’ll keep an eye out for it!


I still think he LOOKS GREAT in glasses!


Can we trigger the libs and just say Trump 4 ever!!!??!?!?! 😀


Ok, Mom, the puppy and I are checking it. 😀 Rally TIME!!!!!!
Drinks at hand a potato for the puppy.


Nice!!! I found a new song to dance to while waiting!!!


Doesn’t Huber work there too ?

Sylvia Avery

Utah, I think…………….


Oh… that’s right !
Thanks ((( SA ))) !
(good to see you here!)

Sylvia Avery

I made it on time tonight! 😀
(Thanks for saving me a seat!)


… Anytime !

Sylvia Avery



Could he be wearing a vest at times? POTUS looks younger.
I take it when he does a rally like this POTUS and VP fly on different planes correct?


I think he has too…but he’s probably wearing a vest tonight.


How can one NOT love this man??????


God Bless the USA


You’re gonna have to get more tractors and a helluva lot more land!

Deplorable Patriot

That killed me.


Crowd goes WILD!!!
You’re gonna have to get bigger tractors!!


When we leave in 10, 14, 22 years from now 😂😂😂


If we don’t win, your farms are going to hell


Let’s vote for Pocahontas, Bernie, Sleepy Joe


How bout Boot edge edge?
He presides over a city that’s failed


What happened to Mini Mike?


Trollin’ 😂😂😂


USMCA Signed!comment image


Thank you Darling, I love you too


YMCA – easy to remember!comment image

Cuppa Covfefe

There’s Fauxcahontas Liarwatha, and Pete Edge Edge in leather… 🙂



China, Mexico, Canada, Japan, South Korea trade deals
Europe is next
I like to do them one at a time


Support Farmers – Buy America!comment image



China targeted the farmers, they said President Trump is doing the right thing, it should’ve been done years ago


Do what’s right for America and Support our Farmers!
Tariff China and Keep our Farmers working!comment image


Take care of the small farmers too – not just the big ones!
HUGE RIFF ON FARMERS – GO IOWA!!!comment image




You’re gonna make a lot of money
Relax, put it away
They respect us now


Bang it on the desk…it might come around!


You got a Plan B ?


Take batteries out and wet ends


How about using a blueberry muffin 🤷‍♀️💖


China respects us now.
The whole world respects us now.
[True — no one respects a fool who lets themselves be taken advantage of.]


America is Respected again!!!
New Military Equiment – All built in the USA!!!


ISIS destroyed
Bag Daddy dead
Pelosi said don’t call him an animal. NO! HE WAS AN ANIMAL!!
Qassem dead too!!


Solemani toastcomment image


They wanna nullify your ballots.
Overturn the last election!


Dems consumed with partisan rage and witch hunt hoax
Economy is better than ever and I GOT IMPEACHED!!!
That’s not happening, Just Watch!!


This is a Happy Period for us


“…that’s not gonna work. Watch. Just watch.”
(on impeachment)


Shifty Schiff…he’s a sick puppy!
But people know it’s a hoax!


Schiff is a sick puppy
I hit my highest poll numbers today!!
American people know what’s going on
We’re gonna crush them
November 3rd, Mark it off

Sylvia Avery

He kills me the way he says Boot Edge Edge.


Too funny 😃


Deplorable Patriot

Yep, I’m a deplorable, alright.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Well, the authors here will always be Trump-level irredeemable to me! 😉

Deplorable Patriot

That’s kind of you to say.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy


Sylvia Avery

I hope so! Hold the Senate, take the House! And a Presidential Landslide!
(A girl can hope, right?)


I pray it in Jesus’ Name, Amen!!!

Sylvia Avery


Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

OH YES!!! The best is yet to come!!!

Sylvia Avery

😍😍😍😍😍 Yes it is!


We’re going to KEEP THE BEAUTIFUL WHITE HOUSE!!!comment image


He said:
I thought it was going to be “Irredeemable” that stuck…no, it was “Deplorables”.

Sylvia Avery

He really is! En fuego!

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Anybody sighted huskerheart yet???!!!


Renegotiated the Trade Deal with South Korea!comment image


How is she (Crooked) taking her defeat? OK?😂🤣😂


But she was the one who wouldn’t accept the results of the election!


Huge roar of the crowd when he entered tonight.


I have an in-the-ground report FROM ARIZONA 🤓🇺🇸 We’re snow-birding from CO in the Phoenix area.
Walking into grocery store today, a middle-aged Hispanic man approached us, and my Hub immediately reached out to shake his hand. WTF??? Oh,,, he’s wearing a TRUMP hat !!! He started talking a mile a minute about how Trump was sent by God to save our country and what a great job he’s doing and how we are SO blessed to be living in the age of Trump.
He’s got bad skin and scars on his face, and obviously not highly educated (a rube🙄) but he couldn’t stop raving about Trump and God, and how he’s telling everybody he meets to vote for Trump.
Turns out he’s a recovered drug addict who works in a treatment center. He knew all about the shampeachment, including that they’d vote tomorrow to exonerate Trump, and that the illegals were gonna be stopped and in and on because it is God’s plan.
Anyway his enthusiasm had Hub and me rocking winning smiles. What a treat 🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸

Sylvia Avery

So cool, Alison! Thanks for sharing it with us!

Deplorable Patriot

The audiences go for the melodrama cheers and boos as if someone was holding up a cue card.


It’s all natural and from the ❤️

Sylvia Avery

I know…………cracks me up!


America will never be a Socialist country! WE CAN’T!!!


America will Never be a socialist country!
[Huge cheers from the crowd.]


America will never be a socialist country!comment image


OH how I LOVE that picture of Bernie… it NEVER gets old!!!!

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

“Other than that, they’re OK!”
WOW – he’s really letting people know – WORSE THAN SOCIALISM!!!

Deplorable Patriot

Joe had a crowd that was so small the other day, they set up a round table.

Cuppa Covfefe

Could be a riff on the elites/illumis and their round tables (e.g. Cecil Rhodes’s Round Table, CFR, tec.)… VSGPDJT often adds extra layers of meaning…


Hitting Hillary again, multiple times Hard.
so much going on today. I saw live the terrible idiotic question by warren in the Senate and watch live Roberts just looking at her….so unwise! would not want her antagonizing the rest of world like that! Called husband and son over and we re watched that. just astounding that she was that stupid and abrasive!
Would make more comments but busy typing up a GOP spreadsheet and enter data for local GOP…grow, grow, grow to vet the primary candidates so we have MAGA candidates in Nov! 🙂 Get involved locally if you can!
Watching a rally, working for campaign….memories of 4 yrs ago … 2016 primary … what a time! Will never forget and it was Amazing to be Part of such fantastic Wins! Highly recommend it!


MSDNCcomment image

Sylvia Avery

Heh heh, great Michael!



Talking about MSDNC and CNN fake news

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

“Their cameras went off!”

Sylvia Avery

He makes me laugh when he says that!

Deplorable Patriot

Talking about filth in SF, and how Pelosi is obsessed with just about everything else.


“Needles and filth…and other stuff we won’t go into.”
[He was referring to all the poop there.]

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Oh, he has a BRILLIANT plan to take back the House!!!


Pelosi and her 💩💩💩 City

Sylvia Avery


Sylvia Avery

Wow, the Iowa Gov is enthusiastic! Good for her!!!!!!!!!

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

I’m sitting on the SPAM bin just waiting for the WORDPRESSTITUTES and AKISMETROINJECTUALS to SPAM-BAN one of our WARRIORS! 😉

Deplorable Patriot

Surveillance duty?

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

All Along The Watchtower!!! 😀comment image

Sylvia Avery

Love it!!!!!

Sylvia Avery

Marica said she would sit it out tonight—-didn’t want you to have to interrupt your viewing pleasure to fish her out of the bin.
I used to end up in the bin once a week OT…….but it’s a new experience for Marica.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Yup. No – I’m going to monitor very closely and see what happens.
I suspect that a ROGUE SOCIALIST EMPLOYEE at one of their organizations is behind this.

Sylvia Avery

They are everywhere……….and evidently salivating to send us to the gulags. I found PV’s Bernie Bro tapes disturbing. Socialists. *spit*


Nuke ’em, Wolfie !!!! 😤😤😤😤😠

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

comment image


Make the demand for corn so high that they won’t want to turn it into ethanol or biofuel!!!


Make Corn so profitable that subsidies don’t matter anymore!


Tallest Campaign Manager EVAH!!!
Brad Parscale!comment image

Sylvia Avery

Wow, I didn’t know he was so tall!



Sylvia Avery

No kidding???? Wow!


He’s actually taller than that – he looks relatively short standing next to POTUS 🙂


“The radical Dems can’t be trusted.”


Sara Huckabee Sanders – WARRIOR!!!comment image


Sarah Sanders!!
How much do we love this President???
I met my husband here.
Sorry for the the crazy Dems running around here
At the end of the day, HE WILL STILL BE OUR PRESIDENT!!!


7 Million New Jobs!!!comment image


wheatie…there’s another one..”.Watch, just Watch…”
He keeps informing us of status of this and that.

Deplorable Patriot

Blue Collar Boom.
I think we have a winning slogan


Yep! …That’s a good one!

Sylvia Avery



In talking to people with boys in high school of late, they are actively planning on the trade schools. My grandson is a sophomore and his plan is to be a welder. He is ready to make a decent wage with time to hunt and fish. He hated the propaganda being taught in school.

Deplorable Patriot

I have cousins that went that route, although, they’re all Democrat blue.
My other circles are white collar where hazing is a way of life.


Sadie Slays

Barack HUSSEIN Obama


Yeah SARAH!,


America’s wage increases and tax cuts
Obummer 8yrs, $450, $975
Donald JOHN Trump 2 1/2 yrs $10,000


They wanna kill our cows!
That means…You are next!
[Wow. He went there.]


YES HE DID!!!comment image

Sylvia Avery

Wheatie! I know! I gulped and got a chill……


New Attack Post: “They wanna kill our cows! That means you’re next!”

Sylvia Avery

They want to kill our cows………………that means your next.😮😮😮


Scary Stuff! 👿

Sylvia Avery

And it’s true. He knows it, too.

Deplorable Patriot

He dared to say it.
Good for him.

Sylvia Avery

He has such a way of slipping these little truth bombs in there………………….almost, ALMOST unnoticed……..


They wanna wipe out your cows, you’re next 😳


They’ll never take Buttercup from us!!!!comment image

Sylvia Avery



They wanna get rid of planes
How do we get to Hawaii?? OH.

Deplorable Patriot

They don’t build buildings like they used to.
No kidding.


America First!comment image




Camera pans over to Whitaker here:


Promises Made, Promises Keptcomment image





USSA – SANDERS 2020comment image

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy



In America, BREADLINES wait on YOU!!!comment image




27,000 Soldiers

Sylvia Avery

They’re taking MS13 gang members out of the country by the thousands…………..


Sylvia Avery

Dims stand for crime corruption and chaos.


End Sanctuary Cities in all 50 states!comment image


Sylvia, he also made a cryptic comment here…”Gotta stop…we’ll stop it”…


Democrats stand for Crime, Corruption and Chaos!
[Woah…another great campaign slogan.]

Sylvia Avery

It does have a certain ring to it, doesn’t it?


Thank you Kim Reynolds!
You know I endorsed her, so I’m gonna take credit for everything she’s done😂

Sylvia Avery

I know talent!


I hope President Trump doesn’t try to do two speeches in one day on a regular business. He started talking so fast right away – not warming up with the people as he usually does. Seems like he’s stretched thin and tired.


I think he’s FABULOUS!!! Gloves are OFF!! First day of campaign season, going full throttle!!!


Build the Wall!comment image


He tweeted 4 sets of Beautiful Wall Building pictures today!


Spring, summer and fall coming our way, will yield markedly increased wall miles completed and in work.
By election day, well ahead of schedule.

Sylvia Avery

I should have said I’d never build a wall, wouldn’t have it, no way; then they would have got busy and we’d have the wall…..


We got all the money we need for the Wall
This last time they really didn’t fight me, because they know it’s a bad issue for them
Mexico will pay for the wall, you know how? Through remittance. When I say something I mean it.
Yes!!! I’ve been waiting for taxes on remittances!!

Sylvia Avery

Me, too!!!!



Trump actually DOES something about Trafficking.
For eight years Democrats only made it a CRISIS to TALK ABOUT. Sick people



28 times he lies – we should impeach him!!!!


You can keep your Doctor and Plan.
He lied 28 times, They should Impeach him!!


He lied about it 28 times! We should impeach him!
[Woah…talking about HusseinO.]


Fox News Alert
State Department, citing coronavirus outbreak, raises China travel advisory: ‘Do Not Travel’

Sylvia Avery

Bloomberg has been running these annoying ads about healthcare. I mostly ignore him but he has run a ton of them. Health care is awful because of Orange Man Bad……. Eye roll.


Ehhh…. bloomberg was here trailing bernie couple weeks ago. Not much of a crowd but got attention bc of the cash and campaign. Bernie gets more, but if POTUS were here….oh the lines would look like a dr Seuss book.

Sylvia Avery

YOu know I think I’m a totally brilliant human being…………


VA Choice!comment image





And Shifty, he’s sick too
He lies in bed at night thinking how can I get him?
He didn’t do anything wrong, how can I get him?



They can’t take a little humor!

Sylvia Avery

He likes awake at night schifting in his bed, schifting and turning and sweating like a dog………..
I’m DYING HERE!!!!!!!!!!!

Sylvia Avery

LIES awake at night
sorry I get excited and hit the wrong key

Cuppa Covfefe

He lies during the day, too 🙂
Old bug-eyes…

Sylvia Avery

Hi Cuppa! Yep! He lies………like a dog!

Cuppa Covfefe

Howdy Sylvia! Hope your shovel’s sharp and shiny 🙂
(Ready to whack the deep state and RINOS 🙂 )….
(Oh, and to transport ice for our MAGA-RITAS 😎 )

Sylvia Avery

DEFINITELY ready to whack the deep state and others! I will hold back one shovel in a sanitary state for use in our MAGA-RITAS! Gosh………..that sounds good………….both parts!!!!! Thinning the deep state herd and sipping an adult beverage with MAGA friends!


“Onnnn the night schifft”

Sylvia Avery



Early in the rally, he called Shifty a “sick puppy”. Now he’s “sweating like a dog”.
That’s not a coincidence. Wanna bet there are pictures of him in animal costumes being led around with a leash? And worse?!

Sylvia Avery

Oh………..KATIE! I need………………mind’s eye bleach!!!!! Oh…………no!!!!!


They’re called “Furries”. I’ll bet you $100. The creep factor is sky high on that one.

Sylvia Avery

I agree……..

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

The furry scene attracts pedos, too. Liddle’ Adam? Very believable.

Cuppa Covfefe

Maybe WITH animals…
He’s a lot darker than we think (or want to think)…
I used to live in LA, not far from Hollyweird… and there were some VERY sick people there, even back in the early 1970s…


Crowd went WILD!!!!


Every Child is a Sacred Gift from God!comment image

Cuppa Covfefe



Poor guy takes so much abuse.


Interview w/ Maria Baritromo he said it twice – they started before the escalator! She didn’t chase it.

Sylvia Avery

Yes, he does. We can take that to the bank.
Once you learn how to listen to him, he says a lot of things– it’s just that he disguises them a bit. You have to learn to……decode…..him. The media doesn’t get it. They are too stupid. They see the surface only. If they looked a little harder, they’d see there’s a LOT going on.


His mind works fast, he jumps ahead quick, then circles back finishes then jumps 2 steps or so. Yes you have to pay attention. He is far from stupid or buffoonish.

Sylvia Avery

Yes he is. He’s amazing, really. I am in awe. STILL. You’d think I’d get used to him. Nope. Still just knocked out, every single time.

Cuppa Covfefe

Yep. In computer parlance, he works with a lot more registers than most of us. Pushes and pops data on and off a LOT of stacks, branches out, sometimes even branches out from those branches, and then returns to where he started, without getting lost or confused. No mean feat, even when you’re well aware of your code and data environment.
But he’s doing it often “off the cuff”. A true genius. And impossible for snowflakes to fathom or follow. They’re still trying to figure out why they’re just spewing NOPS… (no ops, null instructions)…


Years ago, One of my black friends from Church got transferred to a school in bad neighborhood. She said those kids were WORSE than sooo unruly and disrespectful, school leaders could/would do NOTHING about it. It was so bad, She quit knowing that she might not work at all for the school year.


Stay with me
Flep knows, Black support has doubled for Trump

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Betsy DeVos did this!!! Credit where credit is due. PROMISES MADE, PROMISES KEPT!!!



Two Great Supreme Court Justices!comment image




Yeah – but he won’t lay down and rest for another 5 yrs. God bless him!

Deplorable Patriot

He had no idea the swamp was that evil….
I’m not sure I believe him.


After all the crap they’ve pulled, I certainly do. Pelosi is completely unrecognizable from 3 years ago.


I had no idea the SWAMP was so EVIL
But we’re WINNING


bfly, that’s one of those comments which I bet means more than it means on the surface.
His expression when saying that was telling.


Drain the Swamp!comment image


BEAR ARMS!!!comment image




“When you’re dancing with a bear…”comment image

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

comment image


Love it when you’re ProActive!!! 🐺😍🐺


Oh good, only reader replies to you were going to spam!!


Our Great American Flag!!!comment image

Deplorable Patriot

Sounds like he’s wrapping up.


Using the terms “sick” and “degenerate” as well as “evil” for the swamp and emphasizing how he had No idea how bad it really is when he ran and took office.
Also mentioning multiple times that this is hard work, long days, giving the speeches on top of a long day, mentioned it is hot, talked about how hard he is working on multiple issues at same time while dealing the the Dems and the fake news….ya’ll the man is doing it all for the US and for us…
He NEEDS our prayers!!! Never heard him talk like that about his work and the toughness before. He NEEDS our prayers and has EARNED our loyalty back to him to work just as hard for him as he is working for us!

Cuppa Covfefe




(I go in da bin! But this is HILARIOUS!!!!!!!!!!)🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy



This bin BS has to STOP!!!🤬🤬🤬


Wolfie’s been freeing me and I guess Marica too. WP does not want me talking to him. Churchmouse having issues, going to Spam. Wolfie can’t do daily’s, WP ba$$turds are messing with us BIGLY.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

This one missed, for some reason!


I figured it out. If I reply to you directly from your comment it works, through the reader, they go to spam. Happy to know I CAN STILL TALK TO YOU! 😍

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Oh, that is WEIRD. Reader is 100% WP.


Yep, I can sometimes get one comment through the reader, but multiple replies in a back & forth convo all go to spam. That’s what was happening tonight. AND this issue also started at the same as the IP problem. Prior to 10wks ago, I cruised along w/NO issues.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

WordPress could stop this in multiple simple ways, but they DON’T DO IT. And they DON’T DO IT for a hidden reason that one or two communists or CIA plants understand, but the rest are oblivious to.
Some of them do get it. This is their entry into social grooming, which Twitter and Facebook do in spades. They WANT THAT POWER over people.


Winning Winning Winning!!!!comment image


The Best is Yet to Come!!!comment image


POTUS was ROCKIN tonight!!!!
Love Him!!! ❤️❤️❤️


Daughn’s hometown of Davenport got an honorable mention, too. 🙂


That is so cool! I think is happening all over as the great economy touches so many people.


I think its funny when you see the little idiots on Tumblr and twitter post about why republicans are bad (climate change, bad schools, bad water you know the same old BS and they think a retweet will help.) A retweet from people not of the USA. Yeah you stick to that. LOL


That is so awesome! I have a feeling there are millions of Aunt Helens out there!



The energy this man has is just off the charts!!!!!

Deplorable Patriot

I had to miss the end. I’m glad he finished strong.





WANTED: Video Clip from Rally ->
“They wanna kill our cows! That means you’re next!”


Press whining



Hannity played this. POTUS spoke with Doocey before rally.
Trump: ‘I have great confidence’ some Democrats will vote to acquit in impeachment trial


Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy



great rally thread…thanks to all who contributed!! I can feel your excitement thru your words….
did huskerheart get in?? saw that they were ready to go, but did I miss other posts??


[…] ~ VSGPOTUS Donald J. Trump, Des Moines, Iowa, January 30, 2020 […]