20200129: ShaMMMpeachment Wednesday ~ Question Day

Please consider this our Impeachment thread for the day. Today is Question Day. Questions are submitted to the Chief Justice and he asks the Managers. No grandstanding by Senators.

What would be your questions?

We have rampant rumors about the Senate GOP not having the votes to shut the proceedings down. Waffling Senators. We have no idea.

Senator Lankford and Senator Blackburn cleared up a bit of the mystery tonight. Every single witness called and every single document added, will require a vote of 51 Senators to be added. We could be here to May, June, or next year.

Let’s see what happens.

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she was their test balloon…for the Dems that might have wanted to vote to acquit. now they know what will happen if they do–DiFi can tell them…


Do you mean – now she DiFi can put them back in line? Im not clear on the ‘now they know what will happen if they do’.


imo, after DiFi spoke her mind, she was met with some nasty threats from either Pelosi or the Dem leadership that she better toe the company line or she’ll regret it. (just my opinion)…
so if there are some dems now wavering they can ask her what changed her mind so rapidly? and she can discreetly tell them Nanzi offered her new shoes…cement ones…


Jeez – we are hitting nerves around here then! Vote them ALL out

Deplorable Patriot

I think the threats came from higher up than Pelosi. Pelosi is hired muscle. Whoever is pulling the strings at this point does not have complete control of the troops, or at least is not communicating anticipating what some of the water carriers are going to think without threats hanging over them.


I believe Brennan is telling Pelosi what to do…
In fact, I believe it is Brennan who is pushing the entire shampeachment…
Greg Rubini has excellent THREAD on this with a little sauce if I recall correctly…
theory: Durham is on Brennan’s butt, has enough for mil trib, dth penly… and Brennan’s only hope in order to survive is to remove President Trump. (Don’t know what Brennan thinks about Pence)

Concerned Virginian

“now they know what will happen if they do.”
“Seth Rich”
“Vince Foster”
JW McGill, Hillary Clinton’s “medical handler”, days before he was to appear to testify before Rep. Gowdy’s committee about Hillary’s personal email server issue.
Secret Service Special Agent Todd Morrison, one of Hillary Clinton’s Secret Service detail. He’s the one who got her into her specially-equipped van after she collapsed while leaving the Ground Zero ceremony on September 11, 2016.
Tony Rodham, her own brother
Jeffrey Epstein, who didn’t commit suicide
You get my drift.


yea, I get the drift……how can they live with themselves (rhetorical question).
It’s absolutely disgusting….. when I stop looking at that sort of list as a ‘meme’ and as an actual reality it makes me physically ill.

Deplorable Patriot

20 Nov 2019 – 1:18:53 PM
All assets [F + D] being deployed.
[Some] who once supported POTUS [sleepers] have/will turn [puppets & puppet masters].
Control of narrative = control of public opinion
Control of public opinion = power


Thinking ChiDiFi was trolling Rs. Never trust the evil bitch.


For Zoe and others: text of tweet above
What happened in those 20 minutes? I think we deserve to know.@SenFeinstein why the sudden 180?
WHOA! Democrat Senator Feinstein Suggests She Leans Toward Acquittal As President’s Lawyers Wrap Up Opening Arguments …UPDATED https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2020/01/whoa-democrat-senator-feinstein-leans-towards-acquittal-as-presidents-lawyers-wrap-up-opening-arguments/ … via @gatewaypundit
photo of ChiDiFi and text beneath as follows:
The Democrats sure didn’t expect this! Following the Trump attorney’s opening statements on Tuesday Senator Feinstein told reporters she was leaning towards President Trump’s acquittal. Feinstein…
thegatewaypundit.com link to article


I fear that if the trial is opened to witnesses, it will never end. At least not in time for the next election.
Nadler: I Want to Call John Kelly as a Witness


Nadler had his chance in the House proceedings to call a hundred witnesses, Kelly, Bolton, McMaster, Bannon, Tillerson, even Scaramucci and Omarosa, all the folks who didn’t pan out in the Trump administration.


…oh and Yates and Comey too. But that meant the Republicans aces like Gowdy and Stefanik could cross examine and the cowardly scurrilous Democrats sure didn’t want that to happen.


No – the cowardly scurrilous Democrats kept their secret basement impeachment proceedings hidden from Republicans and the public eye. They want to ram-rod the impeachment through the house by hiding it until the last minute, as they did Øbominable-care.


The democrats are fishing for a crime. What did Stalin’s hunch man say ” show me the man and I find you the crime.” Or something like that.
They are taking an innocent man in a search of a crime. They have done this since day one.
This has to stop because it will be us one day. I have seen this before in the DDR.
hey did this to Flynn, Stone, and others they broke them and ruined them financially that is how communist work.
This is the United States of America not China not USSR not DDR not Hitler’s Germany.
How do we stop this injustes? Do our phone calls help our letters help and or emails?
Who is behind wanting to oust POTUS? The people we see are only the low lives the nothing burgers and they are owned by powerful people.
Who runs the country the Government apparatus? Is it the CIA the Military Soros a foreign country?
Have our intelligence agencies been taken over by foreign entities just as our labs have been taken over by Chinese Russians Indians and other foreign entities?


razzle dazzle ’em



For Zoe and others, text of tweet above:
45 🇺🇸 – Text TRUMP to 88022
Democrats put a provision in their Articles of Impeachment that if Trump is removed from office he cannot be re-elected.
3:40 AM – Jan 29, 2020

Concerned Virginian

I believe that ONLY the Senate can make and approve a Resolution that an impeached AND convicted President can be barred from ever holding any future “office of trust in the United States”


I really, really, really, really, want someone to ask why IC IG testimony was not released.
Why dismiss the suit to compel testimony?
Where is the whistle blower’s testimony?


AND demand the ICIG testimony, or whatever D-rats call it be delivered to senate before ANY witness is considered. Even wimpy RINOS would support that.


they ought to examine the ORIGIN of the whole thing!


Sure Joe. That’s the reason. (sarc)


Old man fantasy


For Zoe – text of above tweet (careful, you may fall out of your chair reading this !)
Joe Biden (Text Join to 30330)
Let’s remember one thing when it comes to impeachment: Donald Trump is on trial because he’s afraid to run against me. He knows I’ll beat him this November.
2:35 PM – Jan 28, 2020


GOP develops aggressive ‘Plan B’ in impeachment trial, as several Dems appear to support acquittal: source
With several Democrats openly floating the possibility they might vote to acquit President Trump, congressional Republicans are planning an aggressive “Plan B” strategy in the event some Republicans break off and demand additional witnesses in the president’s impeachment trial, Fox News has learned.


just saw a great question in the comments about the question session: will the House Managers be under oath when they answer questions today? that’s extremely important if questions about the whistle blower arise and Schiff’s knowledge of him…


Well, if they’re not, the whole exercise is pointless.


I wonder if they can address the question directly to Schiff and not the “House team” so to speak…otherwise, Schiff will get someone else to answer and he won’t have to lie…


Under Oath AND NOT shielded by BS rules Senators and Congress schmucks can lie within Capitol walls with total immunity.


I know the subject of additional witnesses (and Schumer wants additional DOCUMENTS too) is looming large, but POTUS has the kill switch and can ask for a vote at any time, correct?


President Trump makes his position on Senate trial very clear!
Last night:

This morning:




Romney and his sons as well as Pelosi’s son’s interests in Ukraine oil need to be exposed.


For Zoe – text of tweet above
Buzz Patterson for Congress
You wanna know why House Dems are throwing a Hail Mary impeachment pass? Here ya go!
VIDEO: Howley Exposes Paul Pelosi Jr.’s Ukrainian Business Dealings on OAN via @nationalfile


For Zoe… text of tweets from POTUS
Last night
Donald J. Trump
No matter how many witnesses you give the Democrats, no matter how much information is given, like the quickly produced Transcripts, it will NEVER be enough for them. They will always scream UNFAIR. The Impeachment Hoax is just another political CON JOB!
9:25 PM – Jan 28, 2020
This morning:
Donald J. Trump
Remember Republicans, the Democrats already had 17 witnesses, we were given NONE! Witnesses are up to the House, not up to the Senate. Don’t let the Dems play you!
7:56 AM – Jan 29, 2020



For Zoe, and others… text of tweet above:
Jason Miller

Jonathan Tamari
NEW: PA @SenToomey sends the strongest signal yet he will NOT support calling witnesses in the impeachment trial. Says he is “very very skeptical” any witness could change his verdict.


If they want just 1 more witness, maybe get that hidden transcript from Atkinson 🙄


For Zoe – text of tweet above
Rep. Jim Jordan
Remember, the witness count is already 17 to ZERO in favor of Democrats.
But they need one more (still none for us) to make their case?
How’s that fair?
10:30 AM – Jan 29, 2020



For Zoe – text of Volgarian’s tweet above:
It’s Q&A time. All 100 senators will get 16 hours to pose their most pressing questions in the impeachment trial.



For Zoe, and others… text of tweet above:
Dan Celia
“Shifty” Maybe the biggest understatement @realDonaldTrump has ever made. Dem’s looking to this man to save them. Or destroy them, which ever comes first. I think the destroying has already happened.
(photo of Shifty appears below text)


my 2 cents ?
There will be NO witnesses… if there are, the Constitution is shredded.
There will be questions and then a vote for acquittal (or even ‘dismissal’ – which would be my preference)
Will all be over by Friday evening, perhaps even Thursday evening.
“Witnesses” is the responsibility of the House, NOT the Senate. House blew it.
Not only would allowing witnesses be unconstitutional… it would tie up the Senate (they would not function as a Senate, but as an Impeachment Court until next January, and if we don’t take back the House, beyond, when POTUS is re-elected.)
This is not just about acquitting President Trump, it is about survival of this Republic, our Constitution.
Isn’t that what Constitutional Lawyers have been saying all week?


from your lips pr…!!!!!!!


Philbin just addressed how they could continue this impeachment process on for months – if they called witnesses – and that would set precedence for the future.


And – reiterated by Philbin just a few minutes ago, PR – excellent analysis – you one smart lady!!! 🙂


I really hope the Repubs hold the line on witnesses…because if they cave, then I will bet that we will see “bombshell” after “bombshell” memoirs come out–from former admin personnel…and the Dems will scream we HAVE to have (insert traitor name here) testify or it’s a cover -up!
this could drag on forever…


ooh, ooh. I have a question! Call on me! Call on me!


Off the top of my head, Republican senators should be directing the bulk of their questions on whom the defense will be calling for witness’s and what they expect to show by calling them.
Additionally the Republican senators should ask the defense if they think they will fight any subpoena’s based on Presidential Privilege. (Answer Hell Yes!)
Additionally ask what they think about the ICIG’s testimony being withheld, what it might show and why it is important.
Finally the Republican Senators should direct questions to the prosecution primarily to Liddle Adam Shit for answers to his and his offices involvement with the Whistle Blower. Sooner he’s started on the better.


If I were Dianne Feinstein, I would use the time to take a nap.


Good thinking Para


I don’t think there will be questions about potential witnesses as that gives legitimacy to an illegal procedure.


Well, maybe I should not call it an illegal procedure, but witnesses are part of the house’s responsibility and not the senate’s. Perhaps unconstitutional would be a better word.


True and the answer can include such a statement and then go into the hypothetical so as to scare the snot out of the democrats and by the way they should be demanding if witnesses it is be then they will be demanding and fully expecting to be granted all they ask for while at the same time demanding executive privilege be vetted in the courts all the way up to the Supreme Court if necessary.


Supposed to be a reply to para


Rex posted following gem on Flep’s daily news thread… Nice read.
January 29, 2020 at 09:59
Hey GA, Great post Flep. Sorry been away, starting a new business with my daughter, and it has occupied all my free time. I want you all to think about something that I have been pondering. On this witness vote flap. I KNOW that this was a Trump variable. Look how many times the dems (IE Charlie Brown) have gotten their “bombshell” witness to “testify” only to be SHREADED even worse than if they had simply SHUT UP.
This too is another Trump (as Lucy) holding the ball, for the dems to “kick”. Bolton will be NOTHING more than all hat and NO cattle. It will ALL be HIS opinion, minus ANY facts, makig his book, his opinion, and his testimony less than WORTHLESS.
Except, and you will LOVE this, Quid pro quo Clarice (Schumer) You call Bolton, and Trump gets to call a witness. One RELEVANT to the FACTS. One who KNEW about ALL the Ukraine corruption, in fact Joe Biden HIMSELF said so. NO, it is not Hunter Biden, No it is not Alexandra Chalupa, NO, it is not Eric Ciaramella, NO it is not Alexander Vidman, NO, it is not Gordon Sondland, NO it is not Marie Yovanovich, NO, it is not the IC IG, and NO it is not even Joe Biden.
WHO could it be? Well, it is QUITE simple, and QUITE brilliant. ANOTHER Trump TRAP. One the RINOS in Romney, Murkowski, Collins, Alexander, and ALL the deep state WILL fall into HEAD first. LET the Dems call Bolton, quid pro quo Trump team gets a witness, THE witness….Barack Hussein Obama. WHAT?
That’s right, Obama was THE boss. He put ALL these moles in place. He put Biden in charge of Ukraine corruption. HE KNEW it ALL. Biden even said so. Remember the Ukraine PM ” You can’t with hold the money, you are NOT the President” comment? What was Biden’s response? “Call HIM, get him on the phone and ASK him” Game, set match! Obama KNEW, and $$$ to doughnuts HE was getting a CUT on all the corruption money, AND using Ukraine, and that Crowdstrike server there in for ALL his dirty schemes on his opponents.
This is a MASTER stroke by Trump. The dems get Bolton, who will be HEARSAY at BEST, and Trump will call Obama, and drag it ALL into the light. Obama CANNOT refuse, he can ONLY plead the 5th or try the national security cover up routine. BUT, IF he does EITHER of those, we the people will KNOW. We will know ALL that Trump has said WAS TRUE. Obama CANNOT answer, even though he THINKS he is smart enough to answer and lie, Trump and his team, have ALL the evidence to DAMN him, and his cronies. ALL Obama could do is clam up, or refuse to show. That in itself would be DAMNING, and WOULD go to the SCOTUS, FORCING him to testify. Obama is THE fact witness on it ALL, and he cannot deny it, because, as I told you, it was IN his PDB. Nunes SAW it.
IF Obama TRIED to play coy, they will simply admit to EVIDENCE his PDB. IT will require declass, and probably a court battle, which Obama would LOSE, making him even MORE guilty. This was a LEGENDARY trap. It will go down in HISTORY. Want to know how I came up with this? Simple, Q told us ALL, MONTHS ago. ” It will be public, and UNDENABILE. The MSM will HAVE to cover it, in it’s ENTIRITY, no spin, no cutting away, lest the REVEAL their true selves to the WORLD. NOT THIS TIME.
Did Trump look WORRIED? NOPE. Because he has this on LOCKDOWN. If the RINOS screw up and traitor him by ALLOWING “witnesses” Then Trump wins BIGLY, he gets them ALL, INCLUDING Obama ( He will not go down ALONE, I bet he will SING like a canary). If the RINOS do NOT call witnesses, Trump still wins, because by this time next week, he will be ACQUITTED, and I bet even 3 or more Dems join in the acquittal. That means the Dems will be NEUTERED, and the American people WILL enact revenge in Nov, giving Trump the House back, AND bigger majority in the Senate.
See the dems THINK they have this, just like Kavanaugh, they will KEEP asking for more and more witnesses, dragging this sham towards the summer, and prime election season. The will STALL ALL Senate business, and House will simply look to “pile on”. ONE problem, Trump will go STRAIGHT for the jugular, the Triple dog dare. They will NEVER see it coming. They THINK they are smarter, ignoring their OWN weaknesses, and there are MANY. That is their FLAW. Once we go down the corruption route, and witnesses are called, which NEVER happened in the House, EVERYTHING is on the table from this farce to Mueller, to the dossier, and where and from WHOM it ALL started.
I bet, that some have or are starting to have these VERY thoughts in their wittle brains. I bet they will NOT vote for witnesses. If they DO, it is GAME on, and GAME OVER…for THEM. See, they thought this was the trial of Donald J. Trump, never realizing that it is REALLY the trial of Barack Hussein Obama and HIS corruption.
I suspect they will NEVER see that, unless and until it is too late. Watch and see. I told you all long ago that Impeachment was a bad, but NECESSARY part of the plan. Whelp, now we
FINALLY get to see the plan unfold. They CAN’T call it political, because Trump HAS to defend himself. They MAJORLY (again) underestimated just WHO they were dealing with.
Oh, and the BEST part, even if Trump does not get witnesses, and is acquitted next week, Durham is STILL in the bullpen warming up…just in case. See, Trump WINS this, either way.


Nadless wants Kelly now to be a witness–it will never end!
Rep. Nadler just added John Kelly to his witness list. Kelly wasn’t in the White House when the Ukraine situation took place. Is Nadler going to call everyone who criticizes Trump or, as in Kelly’s case — likes his opponent? Will he call every employee who was fired? It’s the endless impeachment by any means necessary. There is no limit.
He’s calling him because Kelly said he believes John Bolton’s comments since he sees Bolton as an honest man. Kelly has been out of the White House for some time and had problems dealing with some of the staff members.


then the Dems might as well call Omorosa to testify!


For Zoe – text of tweet above
Go Trump 🇺🇸
What do we have here….
John Bolton in an interview describing the conversation between President Trump and Ukraine President Zelinsky as warm and cordial in August 2019.
Video embedded


I’ve noticed you transcribing tweets for sweet Zoe, PR. I just wanted to let you know I think it’s a very kind and thoughtful thing to do.


Ty Aubergine… FG&C suggested it…


Josh Hawley releases his list of questions…
Hawley intends to ask the Democrat House managers the following questions:
As Chairman of the House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence, House Manager Adam Schiff lied about communications with the whistleblower prior to the filing of the whistleblower complaint. Schiff claimed on September 17, 2019, “We have not spoken directly with the whistleblower,” when the whistleblower had in fact reached out to a committee aide prior to filing a complaint. Why did Manager Schiff lie?
The New York Times reported on October 2, 2019, that Representative Schiff learned the “outlines of a CIA officer’s concerns that President Trump had abused his power” days before the officer actually filed the complaint.
What precisely did Manager Schiff learn in advance?
Did Manager Schiff or any of his staff offer this individual substantive advice on his complaint?
Did Manager Schiff or any of his staff help the intelligence officer draft the complaint in any way or to any degree?
For House Managers: Since September 9, 2019—the date the Inspector General of the Intelligence Community notified the House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence that he received a whistleblower’s complaint—please disclose and explain any and all contact that any House Manager or their associates or staff have had with any current or former presidential candidate, or candidate’s campaign staff, in the 2020 Democratic presidential primaries and caucuses?
For House Managers: Under the House Managers’ theory of an impeachable abuse of power, did then-President Barack Obama or then-Vice President Joe Biden commit such an abuse when the Obama administration withheld aid from the Ukrainian government in exchange for the removal of Ukraine’s Prosecutor General?
For House Managers: When he took office, Viktor Shokin, Ukraine’s Prosecutor General, vowed to investigate Burisma. Before Vice President Joe Biden sought to remove Shokin, did the White House Counsel’s Office or the Office of the Vice President legal counsel issue ethics advice approving Mr. Biden’s involvement in matters involving Shokin, despite the presence of Hunter Biden on the Burisma board?
For House Managers: Was President Obama aware that Hunter Biden had been appointed to the board of directors of Burisma when Vice President Joe Biden withheld funds from Ukraine in exchange for the prosecutor’s removal? If so, did the President advise Mr. Biden to recuse himself?
For House Managers: Do you agree with Hunter Biden’s statement in an October 15, 2019, ABC News interview that he would “probably not” have been named a board member if his “last name wasn’t Biden”?
For White House Counsel: A significant portion of the House Managers’ theory of abuse of power depends on the idea that President Trump improperly withheld defense aid to Ukraine. Did the White House release the funds in question to Ukraine before they expired at the end of the fiscal year, on September 30, 2019? If so, did the Ukrainian government publicly announce any corruption investigation prior to the release?
For White House Counsel: What, if any, criminal statutes do the House Managers allege President Trump violated?


Fox 10 Phoenix NewsNow is carrying the SHAM-peachment:


CSPAN – https://www.c-span.org/video/?468632-1/senate-impeachment-trial-day-9
Golden State Times –




Thanks Georgia…


Thanks GA/FL….I was wondering what was delaying the Senate, and C-Span answered. The delay is due to waiting on Justice John Roberts……


Never thought I would say this, but I have a man crush on Ted Cruz. That was awesome


For Zoe – text of tweet above
👠IStandWithTrump ⭐️⭐️⭐️ClearFlynnNow
Boom, boom, boom! @SenTedCruz puts it out there. The Senate trial is about deciding whether @POTUS has authority to investigate corruption!
If not, why not? If not @WhiteHouse then what branch does? The do-nothing Congress? 🤦🏼‍♀️
video embedded CSPAN2


posted on open thread too cuz it’s funny…Bolton’s book contains top secret classified info…


Seriously, what business does the Senate have in constricting the witness’s the President’s team wishes to call?


Para..I am not sure why witnesses need to be called but good point.


Collins sends a question on behalf of Murkowski, Romney, and herself?? WTF


RINO Traitorous Serpents – Romney, Collins, Murkowski – send the first question – insinuating Trump had a political motive for asking for investigation of corruption in Ukraine.
They are truly nasty creatures.


Philbin answers brilliantly! Impossible to detect mixed motives – and all politicians consider political interest – that’s part of representative democracy – and no way to remove a President from office.


Philbin Is Brilliant !!!!!!!!!!!! Showing how stupid DIMs and the question from 3 Uniparty pieces of ___ is…
BOOM – mixed motive impossible!


I’m feelin a bit under the weather… going to rest… stupid questions…


please take care of yourself…the circus is in town for a few more days…you can see the clowns later!


thanks Pat… these ques are apparently going to take some iron stomachs to listen to… 😉


yeah I can’t — computer/ satellite thing…so I appreciate those that do…there will be clips of the better ones tomorrow…
take care of YOU!!!!


Get some rest PR. We need you strong and healthy! You’re one of our most treasured Warriors!! 🥰💕


Second question. Here comes Bolton allegations – false allegations – from scurrilous ‘manuscript’.
WTH didn’t the Democrat House subpoena Bolton when they should have?


In answer, Schiff spews sh-t. Allegations, innuendo, etc.


ALL BOLTON CAN OFFER – is hearsay and allegations – and the 1.Transcript, 2. Zelensky’s and 3. Sondlan’s testimonies, contradict those allegations.


From what little I heard – I mute him – SS said they tried and failed – LOL


Philbin answering Third Question. Presents evidence of President’s concern about burden sharing.


Philbin objects to Senate acting as an investigative body….would violate Constitutional rules and create dangerous precedent.


I like that Repub asked for counter to the poop spewed by Schiff in the 2nd question.😀


5th question – Did the House seek to interview Bolton.
Schiff claims they did, but Bolton and his deputy refused and threatened to sue.
Now Bolton claims to be willing (did $$ pass hands).
Schiff claims Trump wanted Zelensky to do his dirty work….he’s slimy and slithery.


He really wants to use that word ‘ABUSE’ alot…….gross.

Deplorable Patriot

Which begs the question, if Bolton was on the Dems’ side, why wouldn’t he jump at the chance like known Sorosian and suspected vampiress Fiona Hill did?


Regarding Sen. Lankford’s statement: “Every single witness called and every single document added, will require a vote of 51 Senators to be added.”
Are the Mittens/Collins RINOs nefarious enough to vote for Dem witnesses but vote against crucial Repub witnesses? That is the main danger that I see with calling witnesses. There is no guarantee we would get the ones we want and need.




If they pulled that Captain Obvious stunt, there’s gonna be a lot of backlash!
We do have Manchin, Synema, and Jones leaning our way.
Collins is up for re-election, I advise her to tread carefully.

Linda K Harrison

Laura Ingraham asked that we call your senator 202-224-3121 to tell them “no witnesses”. She said it is working. It is posted on OT. I called Schumer today, I also mentioned Mitt drinking his chocolate milk on the senate floor and photos being all over the internet.


6th question – Is the standard for impeachment in the House lower than in the Senate?


Philbin answers – yes.


Feinstein question to House managers…..


They have a prepared slide to answer her question. Did she coordinate ahead of time with them??? Stinky !!


of course they did…there will be no questions from dems to POTUS’s team because they cannot control what the defense will say–they only ask questions of THEIR side to continue to lies


Of course they did.


GA/FL–I really appreciate you watching and reporting on this to us!!!!!!!


Same Here! Thanks GF!!🥰


I tried listening but cannot stomach it. They lying by the democrats is unnerving and evil. What decent person does that?
Thank you for this thread and commentaries that keep me sane.


Deplorable Patriot

Who is the old blonde in the hideous pink jacket?


NH sends a question. House Manager purport that a President can be impeached without a Constitutionally impeachable offense….merely a violation of public trust.


Its a serious but stupid circus. Schitt cant even speak without condescending.

Deplorable Patriot

I’m seriously wondering what the neck size is on his dress shirts.

Deplorable Patriot

How do you iron a collar that small?


This woman is not helping us.


It is becoming obvious that the Democrats are desperately trying to cover up Biden, Pelosi, Romney and Kerry CRIMES/Abuse of Power/benefitting and enriching themselves and their families.
ALL the crimes they are accusing President Trump of – are THE DEMOCRATS CRIMES!!!!


Sen. Kennedy asking a question of both sides. They must split the 5minutes equally.


We should have full time for each side…I didn’t like that




NY Rep Hakeem Jeffries accuses Trump of ‘blanket defiance’ and seeking ‘absolute immunity’ and not giving any information to House.




I don’t know if I can stand this… Jefferies is lying his ____ off. Will wait to hear the president’s counsel. Philbin is great.


Loved Philbin’s response……that is simply not true, there were ‘specific legal reasons’ not ‘blanket defiance’ YES.



I love Philbin!!! He shoots from the hip!!! He makes sense – they do not – then, again – I mute them!


🙂 so do I


* Smiling *


BREAKING: Gardner says he doesn’t want to hear from impeachment witnesses
U.S. Sen. Cory Gardner said Wednesday that he thinks the Senate has heard from enough witnesses in President Donald Trump’s impeachment trial, taking off the table a potential Republican vote to subpoena national security adviser John Bolton.


That black woman just blew the case for the House managers. What nonsense.

Deplorable Patriot

I was scratching my head on that response.
Who’s side is she on?


Schiff is an idiot, Philbin is great, Bolton included classified material in his book and the NSC/WH won’t allow him to publish till it’s removed…


It looks like you’ve missed some weaseling that’s not been very successful.

Deplorable Patriot

Isn’t all negotiation based on quid pro quo? I mean, it’s part of deal making.
This is worse than trying to reason with a guilty three year old.


ACCURATE- I thought it was like the parents trying to discuss with an unruly teen on why they cannot go out and hang with the trouble makers who’s parents are going on vacation, and why they can’t use the car…..and they stomp around, and whine, and complain, and yell, and manipulate to be able to convince the parent to say ‘yes’


The dynamics of the questions is interesting, it’s like a game of chess. However, I don’t think I can stand to watch very much of it. The weasels are thoroughly disgusting and acting like cornered rats at the same time.


question about this process:
Do they know the questions ahead of time?
How do they teams decide who answers – is it on the fly once they announce the question?
Do they have time to prepare? or is this rapid fire (with them having an understanding of their topics of course, and hence an educated guess on what would be asked)


I’m wondering that, too. It looks as if some of the questions were known ahead of time. There is no discussion about who will answer, and the answers are being read by some — so they seem prepared. But other questions seem to be on the fly.


I wondered too…and at one point Schifty had 2 videos ( I think) cued up and ready. Wasn’t sure how that happened so quickly. Still missing parts of Q&A as I am listening in the car, but it sounds like our team is doing well


Uh, oh – Dersch is teaching, again – tell the kiddies the truth, Prof – impeachment based on ‘mixed motives’ – that means every President will be impeached on this criteria – (I do not think so)
For it to be impeachable, one would have to prove ‘motive’ – that is hypothetical (paraphrasing here)

Deplorable Patriot

And then Schumer asks the House to answer the question and Schiff gets up to try to rebut.
And I mean TRY.


You listening to Schiff? You are brave!!!
Now the fool is challenging Dersch! Is this guy suicidal?

Deplorable Patriot

Well…I turned it on while I was putting a pot of bone broth together. And this is much less like watching paint dry than the previous sessions have been.


LOL – you saying this part is boring? Who knew?


Schiff is as slick and slimy as a wet catfish in a lime sink pond.


Yes he did, try, hahaha….even borrowed Dersh’s argument points and examples…but ‘put them on the other foot’…
he’s copying the smart guy’s homework and trying to pass it in as his own work.
And the eyes got LARGE……


IMO he is not as compelling as the other lawyers. Looks to me like they tuned him out.


Have to agree with you there – they do not like being lectured – too bad – because he made a good pint – imho


Sorry – I need a drink – lol – dumb autocorrect – dumb me for not checking – * Sigh *


I’ll pour you a pint duchess…it’s after five here in Switzerland!


Too early here – many miles to go before I sleep, swiss! But, thanks for offering – 🙂


SPEAKING OF MOTIVES – What about the Democraps motives in bringing this Impeachment?
It sure looks like a problem of the Biden, Romney, Kerry and Pelosi Sons $$$$ – and we can be pretty sure the sons were acting as proxies for their parents.


The MOTIVE for this Impeachment is definitely covering up political and financial motives of the Democrats and their families – in UKRAINE!
Schiff is slick, I’ll give him that.



Schitt using romney specifically is interesting, esp since he has burisma ties. Mittvwill get pissed i think. And the obummer clip was appropriate.


Yep, and Schiff ignores the corruption in country, lack of burden sharing and Ukrainian involvement in dirtying up Trump in the 2016 election as if none of those elements were ever there.


I hope Mittens will be mad. Maybe it would cause him to vote for our side regarding witnesses. That could have been a big mistake by Shiffty.


“Some quid pro quos are legitimate and some are c.orrupt”
Some people are more equal than others.

Deplorable Patriot

At its heart, if a quid pro quo is a deal, then it’s a tool. The nature of the deal itself could be corrupt, but….
Talk about pontificating bull-Schiff.
Talk about an occasion ripe for a drinking game.


in other words, Schiff was whining that we need to stop Trump, he’s going to win again.

Deplorable Patriot

Q says they’re stalling for time. Yeah, that has to be it. Some of these answers make absolutely no sense.


Oh, I love me some Philbin – he just gets to the heart of the matter quickly and succinctly – Wow!!!

Deplorable Patriot

Holy Schiff! They are sending softballs to the House Managers. “Care to correct the record?”
Well, of course they do…with their version of “evidence” and “truth” which have been debunked, but that doesn’t matter.


Its not even softballs. Its tball.

Deplorable Patriot

You are correct.


Zoe Lofgren claiming all of the Republicans 6 Facts are false!


Well that just goes to show you where she failed * critical thinking * – how can one refute those?
As Q frequently says, these people are stupid!!!

Deplorable Patriot

I need to send her my hairdresser. Oh, my.


Lofgren’s arguments are weak. Very weak.


She believes she sounds so smart and crafty…….barf.

Deplorable Patriot

Is that Cotton’s voice?

Deplorable Patriot

The Dems didn’t go to court re subpoenas, and withdrew after being sued.
They don’t want to go to court.


Philbin is the star of this whole thing. His demeanor and his mastery of law and reason is astounding.
Philbin even outshines Derschowitz.

Deplorable Patriot

That last question where the House members are being asked to clarify the President’s counsel claiming this is about over turning elections….
We’ve officially waded into QVC style extemporaneous sales baloney designed to fill air time, aka STALLING.
I’m dying.


Roberts should shut him up. It wasn’t the question. But now we have a new standard.


* The decision to remove the President should be left to the voters * – Schiff is answering – sorry cannot listen


Oh boy – here comes slimy Schiff again.
NM question – Is the House trying to overturn election and tearing up ballots in 2020 elections?
Schiff says Impeachment is protecting the election.


After you have spent (3) years trying to overturn the election, Slimy?




Schiff…. “blah blah blah lie lie lie blah blah blah couldn’t go to court, it takes too long……blah blah mischaractarize
blah blah we had to hurry blah blah ……Daddy, I want an impeachment Oompaloompa nooooooooow”


Sounds about right, swiss! Can see him in his *Clown Face * and attire – getting out of the * Clown Car * – lol

Harry Lime

Sick and tire of the Schiff Charade…
I am soon ready for this man.comment image


Random thought:
I wish they had a time clock rolling on the screen for ‘answer time’ on C-Span where I’m watching online.


Is Shiff a constitutional lawyer? because he thinks he is….

Deplorable Patriot

He’s playing one on TV.
[sorry, couldn’t resist]


What is the little table by the podium with the six disks on it?

Deplorable Patriot

I’d like to see him prove it.


On bolton. We should discuss.

Deplorable Patriot

Well…still, no one outside of Bolton and the NSC knows what’s in the manuscript – if one exists, or if it does, if it’s the real one – so we have to take their word for it.
Somehow, I don’t think the March 17 publication date is going to happen.

Deplorable Patriot

Katie Pavlich
Very obvious Senate Democrats coordinated with Democrat impeachment managers on what questions would be asked. They have video responses ready to go and their managers are reading from sheets of paper. Remember when the outrage was over McConnell coordinating with the WH?


Yes it is. Dishonest, corrupt, and partisan.


Go get ’em – Philbin – Edumacate those idiots!!!
Grave for this body as an institution – it prevents the Senate from getting on with the business of government – House is expecting the Senate to take over investigative work – when they did not complete their own
This would drag on for months – to have the House not go through a process that is thorough and complete – and then dump it on the Senate to clean up the mess – calling witnesses –
This Chamber is stuck as the Court of Impeachment – in litigation – this Chamber would be paralyzed by that –
This would set precedence for the future – if you make it way too easy to impeach – happening consistently.

Deplorable Patriot

It would drag on…and no more federal judges would be confirmed to the federal bench to throw out all the crazy leftist cause lawsuits that have been how they’ve gotten stuff done for decades. Lord knows they can’t legislate their agenda into law across the entire nation.


I hope and pray they do not get away with this ‘witness’ mess – this has been hard enough on all of us – not just the President – but, the American people – who have seen their tax dollars go down the toilet for the last (3) years!!!
Not to mention – watching them TRASH the Constitution!!!


Here comes Hakeem Jeffries with his allegations and accusations.


The Democrats are DESPERATE to cover up Ukraine corruption and $$$$$ gotten by Kerry, Pelosi, Biden and Romney and their sons!!!!!
They are the ones guilty of quid pro quo!!!


Roberts better not decide to take it to himself to decide any issues of presidential privilege.


Funny you should mention this – Philbin is about to answer Cornyn/TX question about this.


It was stuck in the beginning of the previous question. Surprised Roberts hasn’t bothered to answer it since part of the question pertained to his role.

Deplorable Patriot

He wouldn’t do something that dumb regardless of whatever is held over his head.


This is like a freaking never ending dance….


or a stuck record/cd/dvd.

Deplorable Patriot

A scratch on the 12 inch single?
(Yes, I’m old enough to have had more than one turn table in my youth…and a 12 inch single of more than one Duran Duran hit.)


A trial involves witnesses/documents etc……..YOU HAD YOUR CHANCE in the HOUSE…..GTFO Hakeem


The house never allowed POTUS team to call witnesses not even Republicans. They did not allow the lawyers
to represent POTUS. What is going on now only democrats have rights under the law and POTUS has non?


Philbin has become the * Star of the Show * – only one who has spoken who makes any sense!!!


Philbin is educating everyone. This was explained to me in high school (I had a very amazing history teacher )
“Damaging to the function of government…..Congress doesn’t reign supreme, and demand of the president and the president presents”


Boy they really want Bolton. He is their Holy Grail. How come no questions about the whistleblower?


Philbin previously explained Bolton can add nothing to this case and why – I believe


Random thought: How does someone with the last name Crow (the D-Rep from Colorado speaking now) get into a high level of politics with a name like Crow…….first thing that pops into my marketing mind is ‘he had to eat crow’……


Six figure pay check. Read somewhere this morning. probably one of our threads.


This is becoming another Schiff Show – it is like we are in court with Schiff and Philbin – with some other lackeys sprinkled in – I can see what you are saying, DP – BOOOOOORING!!!

Deplorable Patriot

Is there such a thing as a retro-active impeachment?

Deplorable Patriot

Then when the GOP takes back the House, GO FOR IT!


So I guess the rule is no one can investigate if your a declared candidate despite blatant evidence of corruption. And how does Shift know that investigations aren’t and have not been ongoing at whatever level or in whatever capacity ie.. Gulliani, Barr, Durham or anyone else. The President can follow up on such information he gets any way he deems necessary since he is the Chief Law Enforcement Officer in this nation.


Well, Trump is currently a declared candidate, so the should not be allowed to investigate him then? Completely hypocritical.


Wait a minute didn’t some of the House managers vote against the money? What liars.

Deplorable Patriot

Honest to God, I feel like I’m being sold on a cubic zirconia replica of the Hope Diamond. Schiff’s delivery is smooth, but man, is his sales job snowy. UGH!


Schiff is so Hollywood -Fake

Deplorable Patriot

Tweet from M3thods
Schiff was just asked a yes or no question, and proceeded to spin 50 shades of bullshit for 5 minutes and never actually answered it. Of course that bastard represents Hollywood.


ALL THAT SCHIFF IS ALLEGING has been proven false!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Shaggy Zoe is up again…….


If Abuse of Power is an impeachable offense – ØBOMINABLE was impeachable for weaponizing every agency of government against political opponents.
From Gibson Guitar to the IRS denial of tax deductible status to conservative organizations.
Øbama abused his office and every agency of government from week one!!!
List of Obama administration abuses of power and lawbreaking – http://directorblue.blogspot.com/2011/06/president-barack-obamas-complete-list.html
Timeline of Sedition and Treason: http://directorblue.blogspot.com/2017/12/a-timeline-of-treason-how-fbi.html
Then there was Øbama spying on opponents, congress and the press.


Philbin speaks WITHOUT NOTES!!!


Because he’s said this a million times and they STILL ignore……but Philbin is impressive!
Unseen1 on twitter calls Philbin ‘The Undertaker’ as in the wrestler….HAHA


Philbin – the Man – * Thank you, Senators, for that question * – Subpoena Power – establish a general rule –
The court will examine ‘what is the authority’ for that subpoena – that is the charter of the committee’s authority
Here we go – all in a nutshell – if the committee cannot trace its authority – then the subpoena is null and void.
Rule #10 – describes the legislative authority of the House – no authority for subpoenas.
Speak Pelosi did not have the power to give any committee the authority to issue subpoenas.
Oh, you are such as treasure – Mr. Philbin – 37-page opinion of the President’s Team

Deplorable Patriot

“How do the president’s actions violate the public trust?” to the House Managers.
Oh crap, the Penguin.
Where’s a trap door when you need one?


Uh, oh – Nadler!!! Somebody please summarize – I am having a hard time listening to liars – but, hey, that is just me.

Deplorable Patriot

And he’s making a mess of a read presentation.
I’m glad these people are not lectors in my parish.


He’s reading from a prior presentation?

Deplorable Patriot

They’ve got this so coordinated and teed up, they’re reading just about all of it.


Then, they have nothing new – unlike Philbin – who expounds on what they have presented – for further clarification.

Deplorable Patriot

Exactly. This is all about stalling.
Hence why I’m expecting pink and champagne diamonds, and maybe a faux mink coat to appear for sale soon.




wow, so they retort to other questions during their questions????? Can they DO that? (well I guess Nadless is going right ahead)……


Is Nadless talking so fast in order to get twice as much bullSchiff said in his allotted time??




Sekulow is speaking – what was the question?


To answer Schiff and Nadler’s allegations!


Oh, I did not know he could speak to their comments – GA/FL


Oh, thanks, Daughn – I had muted Nadler.


HALLELUJAH!!! Nice work Sekulow……boom boom boom………


From your lips to our internet streaming devices!


THAT WAS AWESOME!!!💥💥💥💥💥💥💥💥💥💥💥💥💥💥💥💥💥💥💥💥💥💥💥💥💥💥


AND Hillary too, in fact.


Bolton’s Manuscript Lands in NYT Three Days After NSC Warns Bolton Book has ‘Significant Amount of Classified Information’
I don’t believe in coincidences when it comes to politics.


This question ……O…..M…..G…… they are quoting the hot mike moment…….jerks.


Now Schiff is accusing PDJT of being a dictator claiming supreme power.


….a king!


He’s my MAGA King and I want him to RULE FOREVER!! 🏰🏰🏰


…and Yates and Yovananovich!


…and Tillerson, Kelly, Mattis and Bolton.


Like they’ve done for hundreds of years prior!!!


Random thought:
Why does Schiff remind me of Kevin Spacey and vice versa??? Both sketchy people, and their demeanors and slightly their looks, and method of speaking at times……….


HAHAHA…..pretty much….he needs someone else’s homework to copy……


I need more cowbell.


What a Drama Queen – back and forth – no – I am not listening – just watching body language – UGH!!!


from Unseen1 on twitter…..it’s hilarious and on point:
Her question is stupid. Says his statements make it appear he thinks he is above the law. If we don’t impeach 🍊 man how will that undermine us.
Shitty Schiff takes that one.
We must impeach 🍊 man. He thinks he is king. Get this the president thinks he repents the country.🙄
Represents the country not whatever the hell autocorrect said.
Shitty Schiff says Orange man isn’t the country. We must impeach the dictator. More impeachment porn from Heelsup and pencil neck.


It’s so very manipulative….they don’t want anyone else to rule but THEM.


Oh, finally – a break from this sham – Thank You, Jesus!!!


The Democrat House’s position is that THEY are supreme powers that can impeach the President on any charges/actions/motives the House deems objectionable !!!

Deplorable Patriot

I’m watching this Schiff show and this comes to mind. The two clips are actually one scene, and really the Democrats remind me of the Japanese sub driver, except they didn’t hit the supports on the ferris wheel.


1941 !!!!!
Sooooo funny.

Deplorable Patriot

If you can get your hands on the director’s cut…some great stuff ended up on the cutting room floor.


so no one’s asking where the heck is the high crime and/or misdemeanor in these articles? that’s what the Constitution stipulates…have Schiff point out the crime and where it is in the criminal code


Senate Republicans:


MOAR Senate Republicans:



Romney’s questions….(I haven’t and won’t read them)


For Mitt. Most of those answers are in the public domain or have been answered today. 1 Guillani has already addressed his piece to this. Public Domain 2. Wake Up! I’m in Texas and I heard that addressed today. 3. Public domain. 4. Public Domain. 5. Public Domain. 6. Good question… Ask that one and try to stay awake for the answer.


Philbin declares Øbama withholding US aid – Javelin missiles- already approved by Congress for over 1000 days during the heat of battle with Russia is more critical than the temporary pause of future aid for Ukraine by President Trump.


Missed the question – Philbin is up again – simply – not true – it is critical – the Ukrainians did not know the aid had been paused – it was kept internal to the US government –
Another article – explaining the political article was published in August – there was panic in Ukraine – however – it was released before the end of the year – it is 5-year money – not that it will be spent immediately –


Both sides are being asked about Bolton – Sekulow is up first – if we go down the road to witnesses – it should not be the House Managers get Bolton – and we get none – questioned the manuscript – and the reports of its content
Not listening to Schiff – because he lies.


Meanwhile back at the Ranch……..🤬🤬🤬



Philbin – whistleblower – ICIG Testimony – we have not been provided with any information – all remains unknown
To get to bottom of motives/bias – could potentially be relevant.



These are part of the reasons POTUS made a PERFECT CALL. Remember Q asking how to get info into the public’s view?



Philbin – back to Bolton – manuscript for NSC for review – WH was notified it was there – it has not been reviewed by anyone outside of NSC Staff –
Misinformation put out to the public – Charles Cooper – 01/23 – about manuscripts – it appears to contain amounts of classified information – could be expected to create great harm to the USA – may not be published without deleting this classified information – discuss in a manner that protects National Security.
Under NSC Review at present…


So, IF the draft manuscript contains TS material, was it created and maintained on a secure computer, authorized by the USG? Betting, NO.
– Was the information transmitted / delivered to NSC IAW regulations to protect TS material? Betting NO.
– Is the manuscript properly marked with classification, including paragraph marking? Betting NO.
– SHOULD Bolton HAVE KNOWN information was classified? Betting YES.
BOLTON HAS LEGAL PROBLEMS based on NSC letter to Cooper, Bolton lawyer.


AND, the book company best NOT have the draft manuscript.
– They are NOT cleared TS.
– Their computers NOT cleared TS.
– Their facility (building or room computers are located) are NOT cleared TS.
– Is the TS information on a LAN, “THE CLOUD?
Hope the bastard gets buried while in jail.


Was just about to post, Cooper, his lawyer or legal spokesman has said manuscript was ONLY provided to NSC. Period. COOPER or spokesman inserted the “PERIOD”.
My points regarding publisher computer, facility, LAN, “the Cloud” apply to Cooper AND anyone that had access to the manuscript.
Legally, this is huge. goes to the heart of hildabeast thumbing her nose at National Security. AND given a STAY OUT OF JAIL CARD by FBI.
Bolton MUST pay for what has happened with classified information he generated.
Side note, wonder who formatted, proffed or otherwise created the manuscript. Do they hold TS clearance?
This IS a big fucking deal!


My money’s on NSC!!


Did all the people he let read it have Top Secret clearance?


to me the bigger question is, before Bolton sent the manuscript to the book publisher, why didn’t he have a review FIRST…he exposed TS classified material to civilians. CARELESS handling of classified material. he should be arrested.


IF we are ever to get off of out two tier justice system, Bolton must pay…jail, fines…


Bolton is part of a canary trap


Ozzy, I agree with you. I don’t see how it can be anything else.
I don’t like Bolton, but he has been around a long time. He is a war-hawk, not a moron!
He knows that being fast and loose with classified info is a one-way trip to prison with Trump in the White House.
It’s gotta be a trap.


Must be why he was seen in Qatar yesterday.


Chumming the water to make them take the bait. Whoever filmed him had their phone up ready and already recording. Not an accident



Philbin discussing Javelin Missiles – Zero refused to provide – Trump provided – has substantially improved our relationship with Ukraine – providing them with the ability to defend themselves –
The temporary pause that took place over the summer was so short they did not even notice it –
Contrary to the advice of the Secretary of Defense – yes


Robert Ray is speaking now – Did the Ukrainians know about the pause before the Politico article – NO!!!


Never before did the Ukrainians raise any concerns about the pause – however – within hours of the article release – there was panic – this was in August – not July
Philbin – new article recently Daily Beast – Ray reading from it – the new article says they knew in July –


As we used to say in the Navy, “hey, third butter cutter in the chow line said…” Always referring to meaningless BS.


Who is lying now?


Thanks, Daughn!


The Undertaker is up again and reminds everyone that he can only speak to what is ‘in the record’….regarding Hunter Biden etc.


I keep trying to wind down and stop watching this, because it pains me to watch the House Managers be super slimy…..but then the House Counsel steps up and I want to listen and learn…….
Random point- I like the yellow tie.


Ooh, smart to have Raskin talk about Guiliani the other day. Now Philbin gets to use his investigation results as part of record. SCORE!!


Philbin is up – Thank You for that question – Did President Trump speak to anyone about corruption in Ukraine relative to Biden – part of the question refers to discussions with Cabinet members – not in record
Spoke to President Zelinsky in July and September – President Porishenko was the one to whom Biden had spoken to get prosecutor fired – election in April, 2019 – ran on cleaning up corruption.
Guilani – what was his role – in 2018 – gave a document to the State Department in March 2019 – interview notes – January 2019 – Shokin interview – he said he was investigating Barisma – looking into what went wrong in Ukraine – any implications in the 2016 election – President said – talk to Rudy – he knows about Ukraine – months before Biden announced his candidacy – Guiliani was investigating corruption in Ukraine –


i hope that Bolton book fails.


Doesn’t matter if it sells – it’s how much $$$ Bolton got to write it at this precise time?


true…..all book deals are just a money exchange anyways………


Question was about the alleged tape about firing lady ambassador – so Schiff is probably lying – what tape?


LOL – obviously impressed with his own importance or lack thereof, Daughn –
Thanks for the refresher!!!


Slimy Camel-Uh sneaking in the illegally recorded tape by the Parnas ankle-bracelet wearing criminal that Cryin invited but couldn’t get into the Chamber today.
President Trump has the right to hire and fire Ambassadors as he sees fit. NOT A CRIME!!


Not only not a crime, but he is the one who appoints ambassadors…
for the dumb DIMs… the President is the BOSS of ambassadors… (and the State Department)
The government was run by FIAT under zero… the idiots want us to believe that’s the way things should be…


and all the gin joints?????? WTH


So Fox just switched to the Five, lol. Too much WINNING for POTUS??? Nobody watching, Nobody cares???
None of the big 3 Networks are broadcasting, and there are reports that MSNBC was not showing the Republican Q&A’s, only the Dems.


I got tired of watching Fox the other day…I’m streaming it on cspan on line per the link up top…it’s great because you can click on a question answered in the past if you want to rewatch or catch the transcript.


I seriously doubt that Joe Public is watching this; only the die-hards on both sides of the aisle. It would be good if a portion of Dem voters could be persuaded, but watching this with a biased eye will not convince them. It’s the senators who need to be convinced, and I doubt that even one is going to change his/her mind. (Too much party pressure, for one thing.) We just need them to vote and have a majority in our favor, and it’s over and we move on to the Dems’ next scandal.
They keep coming up with “evidence” to help their impeachment cause, but it’s not going to work. I can’t imagine what they’ll do without the big weapon of impeachment to pursue. Some of them might need therapy. But we need to be careful because they’re going to get increasingly desperate. Impeachment 2.0? Spare us, please. Just get this over with!


Philbin must be exhausted – up again – bears on the last question – Barisma and Russia???
Transcripts of phone call – burden sharing and corruption – interference in the 2016 election – incident involving the firing of a prosecutor – that was the President’s way of pinpointing specific issues regarding corruption –
We have the evidence that everyone in the government was concerned about corruption – we know the President was receiving information from Guiliani about corruption in Ukraine –
Specific concern about corruption in Ukraine – Mr. Guiliani was investigating issues in 2016 – in January 2019 – series of articles published – story in June – in July – Shokin believed he was fired due to his interest in Barisma
Information available to President was massive – potentially serious corruption – long before Biden ran for office – Guiliani was looking into the Ukraine corruption –


Did anyone in the WH tell the President the publication of Bolton’s book would be problematic –
Philbin – No one said anything like that


Damn it, people….I GAVE you the name of the Bolton leaker already!
Former National Security Council senior director for European and Russian affairs, Andrew Peek.
Remember this??
Jan. 19, 2020
NSC Russia Expert Physically Escorted From White House Under Intelligence Investigation


Three sources told Bloomberg on Saturday that Peek was “escorted from the White House grounds on Friday.” Peek and the National Security Council refused to comment, stating they were not authorized to discuss personnel matters.
Earlier on Saturday, Axios reported that Peek was put on administrative leave. The reason for the leave was allegedly a pending security-related investigation unbeknown to the public.
It’s still not clear why President Trump’s third National Security Council director for Russia and Eurasia was escorted out of the White House by security last week.
But what is clear is that it’s a really big deal.
Steven Pifer, a former NSC for Russia and Eurasia, told TPM that he could not recall any previous instance in which an NSC director had been escorted off the premises.
“If it has, it’s very unusual,” Pifer said. “It suggests that there’s a security issue that could affect his clearance.”
to testify in the inquiry.
The position Peek occupied is serious, and involves transferring sensitive information to the President as well as ensuring that national security-related orders are implemented.
To Loren DeLonge Schulman, a fellow at the Center for a New American Security and former senior advisor to Obama-era National Security Adviser Susan Rice, the removal was “highly irregular.”
Schulman wrote to TPM that she only recalled one such incident occurring during the Obama administration.
In that case, a national security council staffer was found to have been tweeting inside, albeit non-sensitive gossip from an anonymous Twitter account, @natsecwonk.
The official involved – Jofi Joseph – was escorted from the premises after reportedly confessing to being behind the Twitter account.


Finally!! Cruz asking about WB!!!


Nevermind, Here comes lying BullSchiff 🙄


Asking about the whistleblower – for the House Managers – concerning Biden and Barisma – Schiff wants to be careful not to disclose who the whistleblower is – BS


Hey Shiff! Hillary’s the one with the body count not Trump!


Awww…poor baby


LOL – now – if his staff did not talk to him – why is he concerned about them?


Yeah he’s running out the clock on this question.
Now if you watch closely you can see his nose grow. Actually lying makes it shrink (blood runs out) and what you see is it growing back.


Anybody counting Pinocchios?


Watched him a couple of times with sound off – he is definitely unnerved and uncomfortable – after all – it is now obvious – he is continuously lying – as are the other House Munchkins –


as stated above… normies may not be watching these proceedings…
BUT snippets will make excellent political ads for POTUS !!!


Agree – hope you had a nice rest – nice to have you back with us – they are on break now – but, not sure for how long – should be dinner break – they went a long time with only (1) break – it was exhausting – even though I skipped the HMs


Thank you Duchess… I did.


* Smile *


If the WB written acct is sufficient, then no more VERBAL witnesses are needed either. Was Schifty on the verge of tears by the end of that appeal on behalf of the WB


His hands are now clenched in fists – he must be miffed!


Too bad….He’s not Judge, Jury, Execectioner in the Senale like he was in his House proceeding where he struck everybody down.


He is definitely uncomfortable – because his shenanigans do not work in the Senate – Yes!!!


Good on Schiff, making the argument for the release of testimony still down in the House basement. Meanwhile he’s making up his own laws. Wanting to strip away defendants rights with out going through the established procedures set up in law since like forever. Whose the Tyrant?


Ok Liar, then where the hell is the IG transcript??? Why are you hiding it?? What are you covering up???


This is glorious!! Lefty’s are getting shot down on twt, checked a couple “other” sites….they are typing in ALL CAPS….🤣🤣🤣
Example of a good shoot down….


Marking to read later. Thanks!


For Zoe – text of tweet above
Brit Hume
That’s not what I heard him say. What I took away is that an action taken in the public interest cannot be the basis of impeachment because that action is also helpful to a president’s re-election prospects.

Maggie Haberman
Anything the president does to keep his office is in the national interest, Dershowitz testifies https://www.nytimes.com/live/2020/impeachment-trial-live-01-29#anything-a-president-does-to-stay-in-power-is-in-the-national-interest-dershowitz-argues
5:19 PM – Jan 29, 2020


Philbin – case for missing witness rule – they keep saying there was blanket defiance by the President –
Turning square corners and proceeding property is required – Bad Orange Man – all document requests and subpoenas were submitted without legal basis
They believe they can get a court order for us to comply with a valid subpoena – but, the subpoena was not valid
Every President has asserted his authority over his team – litigating 2nd court decision – they muted out the subpoena because they did not want to go before a judge
When you turn square corners and follow the law – the documents would be provided – if you are going to be sloppy and issue invalid subpoenas – you will not get a response.


Philbin was Outstanding!!


Agree – he knows his stuff!!! Love how he handles everything so smoothly, too!


Gives me comfort knowing he’s Deputy WH Counsel protecting POTUS along w/Cippilone.


Oh, me, too – Sharp as a Tack – he is!!!


Excellent speaker. Subject Matter Expert. Clearly articulating thoughts comes naturally to Philbin.


Most definitely, agree, Kal


Im so developing a crush on him…. he is brilliant. and so so confident!


Oh, me, too, heart – love a smart man – I do


smart and confident… very sexy attributes… and in that smooth voice of his… plus he fights for VSGDJT!!!!


Amen goes right there, heart!


Answer. It’s not his privilege to waive or assert. It’s the Presidents. If he speaks out of turn then he can be reigned in.

Deplorable Patriot

I was in the kitchen for half an hour putting dinner together. Did I miss anything??????
I mean, I’m listening, again, and I still feel like I’m watching QVC.


Lying Liars Lying

Deplorable Patriot

So, basically, nothing.


Hakeem Jeffries is back to present accusations and allegations.


Philbin is Brilliant – must be beyond a reasonable doubt – that is the standard the Senators should apply!!!


I haven’t listened to word of any of this since it all started.
Because it doesn’t matter. It’s all meaningless drama.
PDJT is going to win.
By all means, indulge yourselves to your heart’s content!
Just realize it’s wasted time unless done purely for recreational purposes.
Enjoy the show.

Deplorable Patriot

Pontificating bull-Schiff isn’t your thing?


I’d rather go pound my balls with a hammer.
Fortunately I don’t have to.
I know how this is gonna end…
…the same way the 2 year, $35M Mueller SC did.

Deplorable Patriot

comment image


One of my science teachers in Junior High did a “mini-Hindenburg” demonstration with a hydrogen-filled balloon about that size. He was smart enough to be eight feet away when his “zeppelin” flew over a lit bunsen burner. He would have been even smarter to have been twelve feet away.


This issue right here has been a thorn in the side of the left from what I have seen. The point they are missing is when he said “WE have all the information, they don’t have it”….they don’t know WHAT that information is. I hope our side gets to respond to that.

Deplorable Patriot

Stalling, stalling, stalling.
There’s has to be a song to go with that. A sea shanty maybe?

Deplorable Patriot

A sea shanty with a lot of repeats and a lot of vamp.



Deplorable Patriot

Totally underrated opera, that’s for sure.


“He polished up the handle of the big front door.“
That’s Schiff alright. A handle polisher…


I still think he’s the zodiac killer


good one, ozzy!!!


I wonder if he’s a carbon unit… I mean have you seen his ‘wife’?
Anyone who would marry ‘that’ is … a robot, a clone, an ET ?


Either that or it’s true love


Now I’m convinced… you really are funny Ozzy!
(sorry if I have offended anyone)


Oh my gosh Ozzy, I thought you were talking about cryin’ chucky… Ted Cruz’ wife is gorgeous! I am so embarrassed! Sitting on my hands!


I thought we were talking cruz. If it’s Schumer she s 1 got no prenup. 2 knows where the bodies are buried or 3 has bedroom skills that would put a mattress actress to shame




Oh my lord! I looked “her” up.
That’s a man!




Literal LOL. 😂 That took me totally by surprise.

Sue Mcdonald

LMAO! Now that’s funny right there Ozzy🤣


For Zoe – text of above tweet
Octo Memes
**Senate Prank exposed**
Ted Cruz swaps Schumer’s dentures with chattering teeth.
video embedded CSPAN2


What did Hunter Biden do for Burisma for the $$ he was paid? Get ’em Bondi 007


Ffs, who in their right minds would go to war with Potus on Twitter
Trump says…I’ll hold your beer while you save that cat
RT @HoldThisBeer@twitter.com
Hold my beer so I can rescue this cat…comment image


Pam Bondi answering Hunter/Burisma question from Sen. Kennedy, LA.
Hunter attended 1-2 Board meetings.
He went fishing in Norway.
$83,000/month, NICE if you can get it, or if your Dad is VP


It’s going to be epic
Hold my beer…@RepAdamSchiffcs@twitter.com vendetta is about to backifire
RT @HoldThisBeer@twitter.com
Hold me beer while I get this bonfire started for us.comment image



Philbin – Blanket defiance – not true – there were different problems with various subpoenas – not validly issued
Absolute immunity for (3) people they subpoenaed – Mulvaney – and two others – a doctrine asserted by every President since Nixon –
Other subpoenas were denied because they were denied counsel – thus, another reason for refusal.


iirc, none of the subpoena requests from Committee were legal… had to be voted on by full House.
The Articles are FRAUDULENT… in another universe, Mitch would have said so, thrown them back to the House. BUT, we have a corrupt media that LIES… so, all this is for OPTICS.


Unfortunately, very true – the Trump Team is educating all who are watching – perhaps, even the Senators – so they can clearly see what the HMs have done.


Stick a fork in me, I’ve had enough, going to rest.
God Bless and MAGA on my Treeper Troopers!!💞


comment image

Deplorable Patriot

Please, circus people are more honest.


This last question was quite convoluted – not even sure what they are asking – something about WB being compromised – anybody know – not listening to SS


Sekulow – political bias of WB – was he somehow involved with Biden?


No 1 He’s NOT a WB… he’s a leaker,
and #2 He’s one of Brennan’s agents and
#3 he rode on AF 2 with Biden to the Ukraine more than once (wish I had etched that source on my forehead but I didn’t


Absotutalutely, yes, PR! Excellent Points to remember – Thanks!!!



Vol… ck this out… found in comments to Lisa’s post – from November


Zoe, today Jan 29th POTUS tweeted in all caps
Beneath that text is an embedded video of John Bolton speaking in positive terms of the President’s relationship with Ukraine… it’s from Radio Free Europe Radio Liberty dated August
The reply beneath is a Q Drop containing the phrase “Game Over” dated November 21, 2019
Game Over
21 Nov 2019 – 7:47:08 PM
Game Over.
Zoe the tweet in Q’s drop is from Eye Drop media – text is
Replying to
and 46 others
Fisa is the Start. #FISAgate
Here you go! #Qanon #QArmy
The A Team = Schiff, Dems and The Mainstream Media
Below that is an image of
Fish in a barrel of water, handguns shooting score Q Team wins


Oh Snap!! And now we have the pic of POTUS signing the hard hat with a Q….and it’s just Wednesday!!



For Zoe – text of above tweet from Will Chamberlain
Will Chamberlain 🇺🇸
Jay Sekulow just made an outstanding point
If it’s important to protect the whistleblower’s communications – how could it not be important to protect the President’s communications?#ImpeachmentTrial
5:59 PM – Jan 29, 2020


Isn’t it time for dinner – Dersch is up – again – get ’em – the impeachable crime – Good Points!!!


Deplorable Patriot

Would somebody please snap Nadler’s suspenders. He just took a swipe at Dersh that was not warranted.



This is precisely what happens to liars hunting someone else’s scalp while weaving a web of deceit.
They wind up convicting themselves, not their target.
Because remembering all the lies and keeping them straight becomes an impossible task.
That Schiff “went there” is a perfect example of his truth.


FG&C, I think many of us learned that when in Grade school.
That’s what shameless ideology, cheating and lying for gain get you: forgetting simple truths.


He got caught in his own web of lies


For Zoe – text of tweet above
Elise Stefanik
What a stunning turn of events today to hear Adam Schiff declare from the well of the United States Senate that it is impeachable for a sitting President to allow the Department of Justice to investigate a political rival’s campaign 🤔
2016. Crossfire Hurricane.
5:10 PM – Jan 29, 2020


Robert Ray is up – we respond as Mr. Philbin earlier today – Mulvaney issued two statements –
Read them – understand what he said – and put them into context for the Chamber
No conditions for withholding aid for the server
From Mulvaney’s attorney – Bolton – military aid was not withheld for investigations or other reasons
Read statements in full – Mulvaney never admitted there was an quid pro quo


I believe it is Michael Purpura duchess…:0)


Yes, dear – GA/FL just told me – Sowee



For Zoe – text of above tweet
Rep Andy Biggs
“Do we not think that the sensitive nature of information shared by the President’s most senior advisers should not be subject to the same type of protections (as those being asserted by the House Managers about the Intel IG’s testimony transcript)?”
below embedded video from OAN with clip of proceedings


How sweet of you ladies – 🙂


Such BS. Wish they’d challenge shitty to his face. Challenge to NoNads face.
YES, repetition matters. MAY help Gumby RINOs oppose witnesses.
Subpoenas were not legal.
House Must vote Authorizing subpoenas.
Why would anyone cooperate when shitty refused:
– Republicans to call witnesses.
– President to have counsel.
– ICIG testimony locked behind closed doors. Classified ONLY to hide from public. Contrary to hussein EO stating cannot classify ONLY to hide from public.
100% rigged by shitty, No Nads and Piglosi.


Robert Ray – clarifying there were no conditions on aid released in September 2019 – PERIOD


That is Michael Purpura – he’s not pictured in the header.


Oopsey – looked like Ray to me – Thanks for the correction – 🙂


Think we had a Russia question from a Dim Senator to the House Managers – Schiff – is probably excited about this – UGH!



For Zoe – text of above tweet
Rep Andy Biggs
The standard & evidence for removing the President of the United States should be beyond any reasonable doubt.
There aren’t just reasonable doubts about the evidence against President @realDonaldTrump; there are several reasonable doubts about the Democrats’ case & motivations.
Embedded vid below – clip from proceedings


* Smiling *



For Zoe – text of above tweet
Rep Andy Biggs
“If you’re going to impeach the President of the United States, turning square corners and proceeding by the law matters.”
followed by an embedded clip of proceedings OAN


* Smile *



For Zoe – text of above twee
Rep Andy Biggs
The timeline exonerates the President ➡️
President @realDonaldTrump released the aid the very same day that President Zelensky signed into law two anti-corruption measures: one that ended immunity for Ukrainian legislators & the reinstatement of a vigorous anticorruption court.
followed by an embedded clip of proceedings from OAN


* Smile *



For Zoe – text of tweet above
Rep Andy Biggs
The Democrats’ witnesses in the House impeachment hearings testified that President @realDonaldTrump’s administration has been more supportive to Ukraine (when it comes to lethal military aid) than the Obama administration.
This is not an “assumption” by the White House team.
followed by an embedded clip of proceedings OAN


* Smile *


[Breaking News] Prosecutor Shokin files a complaint against Joe Biden for interference in Ukraine’s legal proceedings
Today we present you this exclusive document: the complaint of former Ukrainian prosecutor Viktor Shokin against Joe Biden for interference in the legal proceedings of Ukraine – which incidentally cites our UkraineGate investigation …


Is this the guy they tried to kill?

Gail Combs

Yes, they tried to poison him with arsenic. It was verified by the top doctor on poisons in the EU.


Thanks, Gail. I thought he was the one



For Zoe – text of tweet above
Rep Andy Biggs
➡️ The aid to Ukraine was released WITHOUT any investigations taking place.
➡️ There was NO Ukrainian announcement of the investigations.
➡️ And there WAS a meeting between President @realDonaldTrump and President Zelensky at the United Nations.
Case closed.






1. I hope Dersh knocks the schif out of Schifty at the first opportunity he has
2. Fair trials have witnesses blahblahblah…. they have cross examinations, too. Why no cross on this stuff to rebuke their nonsense?


Rodney Short



For Zoe – text of above tweet
Rep Andy Biggs
WATCH this brilliant argument from @AlanDersh ➡️
He’s exactly right: if the shoe was on the other foot, if this was Obama being impeached, “the weight of current scholarship” would be opposed to the standard that House Democrats have leveled on President @realDonaldTrump.
followed by an embedded clip of proceedings…
Zoe, can you access audio on these clips through your software? what can we do to help with that issue?


NoNads ought to be chastised for personal attacks. A, R ought to send a note to Roberts.


He knows nothing can happen to him because of where he is – however – I think they have sunk so low – but – nothing will stop what is going to eventually happen to him.


AND, now shitty is essentially calling Dersch a liar.


Because he is a constitutional expert – /s – because he does not follow the Constitution – and he hates that Dersch is knowledgeable – and that makes all of his arguments null and void.


Hahahaha!!! Sometimes, I wonder how many Dims have even read the Constitution – because they hate it so much – dirty commies – they are!

Cuppa Covfefe

Ahhh, but Mafiosi Piglosi d’Alessandro Gambino gets her daily constitution…
Sometimes two or three bottles’ worth… and she has proof… 70, 80, 100-proof…




Make sure you have your thick plastic gloves on – you know how slimy those guys are!!!


Philbin for consideration as the next Justice of the Supreme Court


I am certain Justice Roberts was impressed – he could be tapped for Law Clerk – but maybe – he makes much more money doing what he does – what say you?


Lost me at “Whatever” … 😉


As Assistant Council to The President his salary would be less than in private practice. He will probably go back to private law and make a killing.


POTUS gonna be pissed now…putting Jared and Ivanka’s names and reputations in the same category of where’s hunter, on the flipping Senate floor 😡


That was low blow…Durbin, Whitehouse and somebody, I think, probably Da Nang Dick🙄


What? From where did this come, Volgar?


Question about equality of comparing the benefits of the name and position in regards to Ivanka and Jared compared to Where’s Hunter. To her credit, Demings dodged the opportunity to be snarky


She dodged because of Pelosi’s son and graft from the mob and how about Feinstein and how about all the Biden family. So much corruption in PAC money by all. Did I mention the Clinton’s. I’m sure there is something in no names graft.


Yeah they don’t want to open that can of worms. They are already in enough trouble. It’s all gonna bubble up



for Zoe – text of above tweet
Charlie Kirk
Let me get this straight:
How is delaying then delivering lethal aid to Ukraine, an ally, an impeachable offense
But secretly sending Iran, an enemy, $1.7 BILLION in unmarked cash overnight NOT an impeachable offense?


Lethal was NOT delayed or ever in question.
It was FUTURE non-lethal aid. Five year money.
Zero practical impact on Ukraine.




for Zoe – text from above tweet
Ted Cruz
Scenes from the impeachment trial: Schumer invited Lev Parnas to be his personal guest today at the trial. Minutes ago, Parnas was ejected from the gallery…because he’s wearing an ankle bracelet mandated bc he’s a criminal defendant accused of serious felonies! #CantMakeItUp
1:14 PM – Jan 29, 2020


Sorry lady, President Trump had his hands tied during the Mueller Investigation. Meanwhile continue to lie.


Herschmann on Biden/Burisma story being debunked……🔥💥🔥


Yep. That ones a play back.


Would be nice IF they cancelled the eight hours of questions tomorrow.
Get on with acquittal.





That Sekulow clip is gonna get some playback…he rocks!


It cut deep.. My favorite rebuttal


I hope we can find a clip of that and Herschmann. They were both 🔥


The very basis of their claim is flawed in so many ways. Claim POTUS was only interested in corruption because sleepy Joe was running….except it was already happening BEFORE Joe announced. He wasn’t even a real “political rival” at the time.



Sorry Crow, what changed is the Mueller Boondoggle finished.

Cuppa Covfefe

Oh, goodness… eye bleach, stat. Bolt on two door…
This (from Don Purser’s thread) kind of fits with that 🙂 or :mrgreen:comment image


Is that Bolt on the 1st door or the 2nd?


Breaking…………..Billy Bush was there when Trump grabbed him by the “stash”


Philbin – Articles of Impeachment do not rise to those described by SS –
If this were a criminal trial and SS did what he did just now – it would have been totally impermissible –




Their desperation is showing in the diminishing quality of their biased questions….Thanks Bern


Oh, my – did you hear that question from Sanders to the House Managers?
Why should we believe anything President Trump said when he has lied ~ 16K times?


Unfortunately, yes, Daughn!


Daughn, I’ve done much the same. I’ve looked at list of reported “lies” and went through a subset of them.
It’s amazing how many of his “lies” are now known to be truths, yet they remain on the list. E.g. “The Obama Admin spied on my campaign”.
Or, how of his “lies” are campaign promises that weren’t or have yet be fulfilled: ”I will start building the wall on Day one”.
Or, how many of his “lies” are not proven: “I know that Twitter blocks my followers”. Yet, this is claimed to be a lie?
Or, how many are subjective: “I knew that I won Wisconsin early in the evening”. It’s a lie, apparently, as Wisconsin wasn’t “called” until after “early in the evening”.
Or, how any “proof” of a “lie” given is not really proof at all: “Mexico took 30% of our Auto business.” The “proof” offered is “No US plants were closed.” Huh?
It’s a crock of sh1t that no one reads. Just a headline talking point for Libs.







Joe doesn’t know where he is or where the crimes are….





I haven’t read it yet, the legalese is above my pay grade 😉. I hope how soon there is a hearing/ruling so he can put it behind him


It’s not written in legalese. It’s very readable to us normal types. It’s written from Flynn’s point of view.
Find it. Read. I highly recommend it.


Will definitely do that! Thanks!


WOW!! Just finished reading it….God bless this man. I hope his original counsel face disbarrment and prosecution. That was inexcuseable


I read the filing, too. It’s 12 easy to read pages.
I recommend that EVERYONE read it. It’s riveting and tells the chronological story of the HELL that our government has put Gen. Flynn and his family through.
Find the link. Read it, please.


Philbin gave Nadler a smackdown – you cannot add crimes after the Articles of Impeachment have been submitted – bribery and extortion are not included in ‘Abuse of Power’ – you cannot just add them after the fact!


Duchess… wasn’t our guy awesome when he said that! Oh, this heart is smitten!


Impressive he is – for sure, heart!


How convenient for them…almost like they planned it that way🙄


Question from Sanders AND Warren?
guessing they kissed and made up after their spat over a woman can’t win presidency and each calling the other, LIAR LIAR on clinton news network.
LOLF. Putz’s they are.


They asked different questions, but they were almost back to back so they get that prime coverage


Thanks for clarification.


Anyone ask how senators running for president can sit in on impeachment trial of their political opponent?


^^^ That would be an honest question that needs an answer. Remaining senators will NEVER address this IN the Seante impeachment.
Common sense, at least my version, there is ZERO chance crazy Bernie, Liawatha, Klobachur and any other D-Rat Senator(s) running for President will be “fair” in their actions and votes in the impeachment.
NOTHING fair about these three (or moar) twits are participating.
At a minimum, they should NOT be allowed to vote on any impeachment matters.


Totally agree Kal… totally.




^^^ BINGO. Articles proven beyond ANY doubt. OK! Let’s vote on acquittal!!!



Nadler just lied to the Senate
^^^ Nothing new. Politicians lie routinely in the halls of the Senate and House…WITH TOTAL IMMUNITY.



Nadless wants to “bring POTUS to heel” I am not sure whether to 🤣🤣🤣🤣 or 😡😡😡😡, but yeah, sure thing Jerry, good luck with that!!!


He has been on the rampage to take President Trump down since his early days in NYC – a thorn in his side from the get go – Nadler wants to take Trump down – they fought – and Nadler lost.


He’s gonna be 2 for 2 at the end of this farce


Cannot wait to see him eat his shorts, Vol!


Boxers or briefs? Ewwww.


Well – considering how high his belt is – I would say big boxers- lol




Nobody says it better than Joe Dan….


he is a nasty man…


More like a blown-out hemorrhoid with eyes.




Thanks for that, bakocarl. Hot chocolate spewing from one’s mouth and keyboards don’t mix.
I needed a new keyboard anyhow.


What a crock!
The President is only a danger to the Swamp!
WTF…”must be brought to heel”…?
That sounds like something Nadler’s globalist masters have probably been saying to him.
And he’s so stupid he blurted it out.






Rudy has a tweet out –
Rudy Giuliani
In tonight’s episode we will show you the documents that prove there was an attempt to murder Viktor Shokin, our first witness in the Biden-Poroshenko double bribery case. http://www.RudyGiulianiCS.com


“… the State Dept decided to overthrow Ukraine.” ~ Daughn
Absolutely CORRECT. zero’s admin pushed NATO right up to Russia’s border and worked to overthrow the Ukraine. The Ukraine was the “breadbasket” of Europe… more of the Cabal’s efforts to depopulate and to remove borders etc etc All to provoke Russia into war.


Yep! 😄😁
Here’s a picture of it:comment image


He looks like the cat that ate the Canary in that pic 😎 I love it!!


Yep…and it’s notable that he positioned the hardhat like that, with the Q side turned toward the cameras.


Oh yeah, that was no accident


Yeah. That needs to be posted OT!



Desrsh made a compelling argument – take that SS – put it in you pipe and smoke it!!!



Dershowitz has been awesome. This may be the highlight of his illustrious career even.


Could be, Chimpy!


Not a lawyer or know much about the Constitution. BUT, it seems Dersch is doing a great job defending the Constitution, the law…AND dove tails nicely into defending President Trump.


Agree – he just has a time problem –



When they just argued that President Trump saying if russia or china had info on Biden/political opponent that he would listen to it … well, it seems to be that used a framework that would exonerate Obama et al for listening to/using the info from foreign countries re Trump in 2016.
I have noticed a number of arguments being “debunked”/fought against by the WH/GOP team that would exonerate Obama/Comey/etc. from being charged with collusion with foreign interference in 2016 + cleared of investigating a political opponent if there were credible concerns of corruption.
One example that was used to supposedly clear President Trump was a hypothetical situation in which President Trump was in his 2nd term so the investigation would not directly benefit him as he would not then be up for reelection. the GOP/WH team then asked if whoever was running as a Dem had a son who was long rumored to crooked {me thinking: Trump was long rumored to have been involved with Russia/business deals in Russia} and the President Trump had previously ignored those rumors but now that this man’s father was running for POTUS he decided it was of national importance and decided to investigate the long rumored corruption that this would be fine.
This seems like laying the ground work to excuse Obama of suddenly investigating President Trump in the name of national interests and that there was nothing wrong with listening to foreign sources and that Obama had a duty to follow up.
It seems the arguments to clear President Trump will then be used to excuse Obama et al as their corruption comes to light.


Excellent observation.
Protecting both Øbama and Hillrotten seems to be top priority.



For Zoe – text in tweet
Steven Cheung
“The ICWPA doesn’t include language granting whistleblowers a right to anonymity. Neither do other statutes, directives or court rulings that apply to the intelligence community.”https://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/2019/11/20/schiffs-claim-that-whistleblower-has-statutory-right-anonymity/ …

Matt Wolking (Text TRUMP to 88022)
The idea that it is illegal to reveal the identity of the “whistleblower” is myth created by Adam Schiff and his allies in the media to prevent the American people from learning about the origins of the Democrats’ totally partisan impeachment sham. https://www.npr.org/2019/11/06/776481504/can-trump-legally-out-the-whistleblower-experts-say-it-would-not-violate-any-lawhttps://twitter.com/TheGOV17/status/1222641223447351297


Off topic, but I have noticed this through the thread….does copying it out of twt form help Zoe be able to see/hear it better?


Yes…Zoe’s reader cannot read tweets.


Zoe’s software does not read tweets or memes or images of any kind (docs, letters)… FG&C suggested we copy the text when posting a tweet. I am having a brain-fog day 😉 so thought I would copy tweets of others as I am not up to commenting on the idiotic proceedings in the Senate. But yes, it would help her, and perhaps other, if we cut and pasted the text.


Will try to remember to do that!


we can all help each other to remember… only takes a few extra secs to do some… thank you Vol


^^^ 100%. Sadly many Rs support this BS about hiding WB name. Pure nonsense. This myth needs to get tossed.


I haven’t voiced this at all on social media and have been right there with my state GOP, Senators, etc. …. however, a pretty big part of me wouldn’t mind witnesses as we Know President Trump did nothing wrong and their witnesses would be torn apart and shown as shames just like they did in the House + the WH team/GOP could cross examine this time + the HUGE delight of having the opportunity to get Schiff and so many more under oath and so much dirt could be asked/found out! Wouldn’t it be great to get Rudy on the stand and let it all out?!!! the longer it draws out the more chance of SO MUCH that the Dems, Romney, Pelosi, Clinton, Obama et al don’t want coming out.
And what about Crowdstrike that was being asked about in the phone call? Will come out in the trail if witnesses!
However, I would also like to see it over and the Dems not twist more witness info into fake news and smears. And smarter minds than mine are calling for this to me over. IDK…I won’t call for it publicly but won’t be all the way disappointed if it goes to more witnesses. Witnesses with the GOP/WH team getting a shot sounds really full of Great possibilities to drain the swamp!


It is the responsibility of the House to get witness for their evidence, their Articles of Impeachment, which they bring to the Senate.
It is UNCONSTITUTIONAL for the Senate to do so.
If it happens it put more than the removal of POTUS at risk, it shreds our Constitution.
Not to mention it would drag on, paralyze the Senate until new Congress is seated January of 2021.
Do you STILL support “witnesses” ?


I get that there are good reason not too have more witnesses, etc.
And I have not publicly supported them at all – opposite is true! I have been working social media Very hard and our local party, elected leaders, etc. to vote no more witnesses, etc.
However, its just a part of me, inside, My inside voice, that wishes we could get all of those crooks under oath…long list of so many and all of the questions to ask and all of the Dem dirt and corruption that could come out….day dreaming on just that 1 aspect.


YEA! Get the crooks under oath. But NOT during the impeachment that needlessly paralyzes the Senate.


Those are all fights for another day, another setting. It should not be allowed for the House to half @$$ put a “case” together and then dump it in the Senate to clean it up by continuing the investigation. It would be
It would also set a precedent going forward that would tie the hands of the POTUS in being able to do anything the other side has objections to.
It would be like hiring a contractor to build or remodel your home. He starts the job, guts the kitchen and bathroom, and then hands it off to the bank’s loan officer to finish the job.


wonderful analogy Vol



For Zoe – text in tweet above
Paul Sperry
BREAKING: Eric Ciaramella,the CIA operative believed to be the “whistleblower,” is captured in this 2015 photo taking notes b/t Biden adviser Michael Carpenter & NSC’s Liz Zentos in WH meeting w Ukrainian officials.Carpenter later appeared w Biden in infamous “son of a bitch” vid



For Zoe – text of tweet above
Martha McSally
I have heard enough. It is time to vote.
10:04 PM – Jan 29, 2020



Senator John Cornyn
I said without “additional” witnesses: we have heard from 17 witnesses already. Evidence is undisputed. More witnesses are unnecessary and would allow House Managers to tie up the Senate for the indefinite future over protracted court fights over executive privilege.

Robert Costa
Senator Cornyn, the longtime GOP whip, tells me just now at the Senate that “my sense is we will get there,” in terms of moving ahead without witnesses.
He is close to McConnell, up in 2020.
“I’m pretty confident people will say” it’s time to move on, he added.


Ha! Thank you PR!


Rand wants to ask a question about the WB, aka leaker, by name. Roberts and GOP have been blocking all day. He’s still fighting.
There is no law stating WB’s have to remain anonymous. Why are all these people playing along with this charade??


Why are they playing along with this entire SHAM ? Because the corrupt media lies 24/7, etc
Schifty can stand on the Senate floor and lie every time he opens his mouth, but we can’t speak the truth in the PEOPLE’S Capitol ……………… Roberts is no better than an empty chair


AND robert’s should NEVER be allowed to determine initial judgement of witnesses, documents… Roberts IS SWAMP.


YES he is…………….



For Zoe…..
BREAKING: Deputy Trump counsel Philbin just told the Senate the “whistleblower” may have had a “conflict of interest” in filing his complaint, because he may have been involved in decisions on Biden & Burisma & may have had a “reason to deep-six” a rekindled Ukraine investigation
— Paul Sperry (@paulsperry_) January 30, 2020


Thank you!


Hopefully I remember to do it each time 😉



Rep Andy Biggs
· 8m
House Impeachment Managers are misleading again.
The White House NEVER said that it was okay to conspire w/ a foreign gov’t in an election.
Rather, Mr. Philbin asserted that it’s not wrongdoing for “credible information about wrongdoing to come to light” about an opponent.
Rep Andy Biggs
And lest we forget, the full report of Special Counsel Robert Mueller confirmed what we already knew: there was no evidence of conspiracy between candidate @realDonaldTrump or his campaign and Russia.
10:37 PM – Jan 29, 2020


More stupidity by the Constitutional expert Jeffries….


Undercover Huber
Jeffries now claiming that an impeachment voted for only by one party is “not partisan”!
At this point based on the law of large numbers you’d think they would have said something honest by now even just by accident
8:27 PM – Jan 29, 2020


For Zoe – text of tweets posted by Butterfly above
Shem Horne
Senator Collins asks the House Managers why the House Judiciary said that the President committed bribery but that the articles of impeachment didn’t include them, and wants to know if his actions violated the law why they weren’t included in the articles.
10:32 PM – Jan 29, 2020
Shem Horne
· 12m
Replying to @Shem_Infinite
House Manager Jeffries is just repeating what article one says about abuse of power and is NOT answering Senator Collins question about why they didn’t accuse him of bribery in the article. Wow. He said abuse of power is “akin” to a crime but didn’t answer her question.
Shem Horne
First the House Democrats didn’t answer Murkowski’s question and just repeated their talking points and now they did it to Collins. They are lost without the answer being right there in their binders. These are huge errors in response to the few Senators they need on their side.
10:37 PM – Jan 29, 2020



January 29, 2020 at 22:43
Rep Andy Biggs
House Impeachment Managers are misleading again.
The White House NEVER said that it was okay to conspire w/ a foreign gov’t in an election.
Rather, Mr. Philbin asserted that it’s not wrongdoing for “credible information about wrongdoing to come to light” about an opponent.
10:34 PM – Jan 29, 2020


Michael Tracey
You know Dems really blew it when Susan Collins asks a question that correctly indentifies the logical flaws in their dishonestly-drafted, innuendo-laden impeachment articles


Hopefully this and many posts just above WILL stiffen Collins, Murkowski and Alexander to vote no on witnesses. AND Acquit.
I am actually quite hopeful, no witnesses and acquit. Friday!


Agree! They danced all around her question and never answered it. I’m not sure Alexander has submitted one yet….I may have missed it earlier


Schiff called Sekelows words a scare tactic. NO, Jay is serious. If we call witnesses, the Senate will essentially be shutdown for months.


That clip by Dershowitz on the danger of this impeachment was really good




For Zoe – text of tweet I posted above
Kayleigh McEnany
“I’m an Air Force veteran” and “no other President has really stuck their neck out for us,” Billy told me.
“He’s trying to keep us out of wars”… @realDonaldTrump “is a real strategic genius.”
Via @AbateMedia
followed by embedded clip of statement by Trump Supporter who used to be a Democrat


For Zoe – text of tweet I posted above (two tweets actually)
Sean Davis
Shameful and arbitrary abuse of power by Roberts, who has already done incalculable damage to the Supreme Court’s legitimacy as a non-political institution via his tortured defense of Obamcare’s constitutionality. Is he Chief Justice, or Chief Censor?

Andrew Desiderio
NEW: Chief Justice Roberts told senators that he will not read aloud the alleged Ukraine whistleblower’s name or otherwise publicly relay questions that might out him/her—a move that has effectively blocked @RandPaul from asking a question today.https://www.politico.com/news/2020/01/29/john-roberts-whistleblower-name-mentions-109292



For Zoe….
92nd question, from Indiana senators to both sides: why is the ICIG transcript from House being kept secret?@RepAdamSchiff: no real answer. Said could have included bribery, but that “abuse of power” is “HIGHEST” crime. [Absurd: where in Constitution?]
— Joel B. Pollak (@joelpollak) January 30, 2020
This is literally nuts. @RepAdamSchiff is trying to argue that “abuse of power” is not only included in “High Crimes and Misdemeanors,” but that it is a HIGHER crime than “Treason.” Or “Bribery.”
The Constitution did not mention “abuse of power.”
— Joel B. Pollak (@joelpollak) January 30, 2020
Sekulow: House managers have repeatedly said “overwhelming” evidence etc.
— Joel B. Pollak (@joelpollak) January 30, 2020


Just like Mad Max said, the Law is whatever they say it is. 🤢🤢


Hope how soon she gets educated on what it REALLY is




As if the SC isn’t prestigious enough, Sekelow has also argued cases at the Hague International Court. What a MORON that woman is!!


To be fair It is the first time trying a case in the hallowed halls of the US Congressional Kangaroo Court. lol


BINGO, Molly Pitcher!!!


She’s giving morons a bad name


These kind of idjits are part of the reason the left is so bat $#!÷ crazy. WashingPoo and MSNBC credentials = terminal TDS 🙄😷🤕🤡


After getting all the info from today’s Senate hearings I can officially declare that I am a genius with an IQ of +200.



For Zoe – text from tweet I posted above
Go Rand Go!

Chad Pergram
3) Fox is told that Sen Paul may try to force the issue about reading the name of the whistleblower during a question on the floor tomorrow.
10:44 PM – Jan 29, 2020


Good day for PT. Be patient, the swamp moves slowly.


Just a programming note from listening to caller questions on CSPAN. Note being all the paid callers given up long ago and the only ones calling in are all Trump supporters with sharp questions.


SO – Another full day of this questioning (Schiff and Co. making Sound Bites™ for the leftist media) business?


Thanks, dear lady.