Please consider this our Daily Thread for the ShaMMMpeachment. It’s question day #2 in the Senate and at least the questions are more interesting. Thank you to all contributors.
ONLY Livestream I could find: (hat tip to Ga/FL – thank you!)

As always, watch the Congressional members on the President’s team for media.

Philbin is a star.
About that prom date……
This is the one Unseen calls the “Undertaker” – Perfect.
FIREWORKS coming up today?!?!!!
Chad Pergram
1) Fox is told Supreme Court Justice John Roberts is attempting to block Sen. Rand Paul (R-KY) from naming the whistleblower on the floor during questions in the Senate trial.
2) Roberts has ball control here because he actually receives the questions on cards from senators, then reads the question aloud in the Senate chamber. So, in effect, it would not be Paul who would be publicly naming the whistleblower, but the Chief Justice of the United States.
3) Fox is told that Sen Paul may try to force the issue about reading the name of the whistleblower during a question on the floor tomorrow.”
Why wont roberts do it? His name and photo are public!
Senator Rand Paul is a very determined guy – can’t wait to see what he will do. I wouldn’t want to mess with him!
Not entered into the House Articles of Impeachment as evidence?
Thats sensible.
OUR GUYS! – Republican House Impeachment Managers – valiant defenders of Trump and Truth!
Doug Collins – GA –
Tweets by RepDougCollins
Mike Johnson – LA –
Tweets by RepMikeJohnson
Jim Jordan – OH –
Tweets by Jim_Jordan
Debbie Lesko – AZ –
Tweets by RepDLesko
Mark Meadows – NC –
Tweets by RepMarkMeadows
John Ratcliff – TX –
Elise Stefanik – NY –
Tweets by RepStefanik
Lee Zeldin – NY –
A sample of the Republican Defenders’ spit and vinegar!
Rep. Lee Zeldin – NY – “Schiff has proven that there was an Abuse of Power and Obstruction of Congress. The problem for him though is that he and his cohorts are the ones guilty of those charges, not the President.”
Here’s Collins:
“Philbin: “If you’re going to impeach the President of the United States, turning square corners and proceeding by the law matters.”
By throwing procedure to the wayside, House Managers have delivered to the Senate some of the flimsiest articles of impeachment in history.”
House Republicans highlight TX Rep. John Ratcliffe:
“”This is why you do fulsome investigations over in the House before you dump this on the doorstep of the United States Senate. The Senate can’t fix this. This is a process that was broken and corrupted all the way along.”
NC Rep. Mark Meadows lays it down!
“If Adam Schiff wants to talk about historic elements of this impeachment…
How about the idea this is the first impeachment with no crime?
How about the President being allowed no legal counsel for the first 91% of the House’s investigation?
That’s what’s historic.”
“Every day it becomes more clear what outstanding choices President Trump made for his legal team. They’ve been tremendous laying out the facts and articulating the law.
Great day for the President. Great day for the country.”
Link –
Link –
Thank you, Mark Meadows!!!
Hope we hear more about this today
^^^ This should be a bif facken deal. Rogers could easily craft a question via R Senator to shitty that forces the issue.
Specific question aside, hammer shitty that there is zero reason to have the information classified.
Did anybody come close? I’ve been in and out of availability to listen today
Not that I saw.
Sekilow did blow the D-Rat BS line that WB name can’t be relieved. Clearly said no statute protects WB name.
Thanks, I did get to hear that part. He sounded really pi$$ed several different time.
Thank you Volgarian, you always bring good sauce!
Most welcome m’aam! Just doing my MAGA part in my little corner. Will be out again for the early afternoon but I will be back this evening. Sometimes I think I am spamming the thread, but some of this stuff is just too good not to share!
That’s why I said something. PLEASE don’t stop!
We appreciate it!!!!!!!!!!!!
Carry on, Volgarian !! We need everybody’s eyes bringing info here
I’m shocked….said no patriot ever
SMH, the way they are mis-characterizing Dershowitz this morning.
I’ve read that Caryn (Whoopi) Goldberg didn’t finish high school…and she had the nerve to question and insult Alan Dershowitz, one the leading law experts in the country…interrupting him, cutting him off, being obnoxiously rude. Why ANY sane person would bother to watch these nitwits is beyond me.
whoopi is the very last box of rocks anyone should listen to.
My husband thinks that Dershowitz is the most brilliant legal mind of this Century.
Wonder why he was not put on Flynns team? He is a fighter against injustice and corruption in legalities and law?
John Ratcliffe
His latest Trump frame job falling apart, Schiff tells Senators yesterday this impeachment is a clear case of “bribery.” He just neglected to mention why “bribery” got destroyed and then ditched over in the House.
Typical debate with a liberal. It goes like this:

1. Liberal makes an accusation. (“Trump is a racist.”)
2. Conservative gives evidence to the contrary, then asks for evidence that backs up the accusation.
3. Liberal pivots to new accusation (“Trump is a Russian asset.”).
4. Conservative gives evidence to the contrary, then asks for evidence that backs up the accusation.
5. Liberal returns to step #1. Rinse and repeat.
Oh, and with each subsequent pivot to a new accusation, the liberal will increase the level of personal insult thrown at the Conservative. It will go like this, in this order:
1. You don’t understand.
2. You listen to too much FOX.
3. Your morals and ethics are low.
4. You are insensitive. Where’s your compassion?
5. Are you stupid?
7. (Duck, as something is about to be thrown at you, like their half empty latte express with a slice of avocado)
Stealing this!! So on point!!!
Politico reporting that Adam Schiff has an “immediate path to increased power” after impeachment is done.
There can be no doubt: Schiff is using impeachment to further his own political career.
Yep, Nancy retires and Schiff steps into leadership.
Clear as day.
God spare us!!
Schiff will be brought down by a mix of his pride and his sin – perversions.
When his (and that of his “friends”) non-standard behavior at the Standard Hotel is revealed, the only leadership role he’ll have is washing dishes or retrieving soap at Gitmo… watch out for Bubba, Schiffty…
Schifty in the crosshairs of POTUS
Donald J. Trump
“Schiff blasted for not focusing on California homeless.”
His District is in terrible shape. He is a corrupt pol who only dreams of the Impeachment Hoax. In my opinion he is mentally deranged!
For Zoe…
What I said was that there are 3 broad categories of relevant motive:
1) pure national interest ( help the military)
2) pure corrupt motive ( get a kickback) And 3) mixed motive (help the national interest in a way that helps your reelection efforts )
I gave another hypothetical. President Obama promised to bomb Syrian military targets if Assad used chemical weapons. He broke his promise.
I did not say or imply that a candidate could do anything to reassure his reelection, only that seeking help in an election is not necessarily corrupt, citing the Lincoln and Obama examples. Critics have an obligation to respond to what I said, not to create straw men to attack.
— Alan Dershowitz (@AlanDersh) January 30, 2020
The DemoncRATS are twisting everything and making up narratives – aka lying and being deceivers.
They are DESPERATE to cover up their chosen ones’ evil deeds!!!
The DEMONicRATS are like their father, the Devil, the father of lies…
(who stands in Heaven 24×7 accusing the Elect… that is the same behavior as them)…
So it’s Thursday?
Sekulow: “After 31 or 32 times you said you proved every aspect of your case… [pauses for response] That’s what you said.”
Schiff: “We did.”
Sekulow: “Well then I don’t think we need any witnesses.”
Senator Paul will insist on his question being asked during today’s trial. Uncertain of what will occur on the Senate floor, but American people deserve to know how this all came about…
New Q up on open thread.
New: Title TBD
30 Jan 2020 – 12:37:19 PM
Impeachment end.
[Attempts to send new Article(s) to Senate to delay?]
State of the Union.
“And the rocket’s red glare, the bombs bursting in air, gave proof through the night that our flag was still there.”
ONLY Livestream I could find:
Fox 10 Phoenix would not open for me. GST is not carrying the Scampeachmint – but will carry tonight’s RALLY – :8->
thank you Ga/FL – putting it in the header
This one is on youtube from PBS.
Just tuned in and heard CJ Roberts REFUSE TO READ A QUESTION – evidently the Whistleblower’s name was mentioned.
They went to another question that came 2nd hand from Romney – claiming WH Counselors refused to answer it. Crow stood for the House Managers and is trying really hard to slew propaganda to slam all the answers of the WH Counselors over the last several questions.
Rand submitted the question again and Roberts skipped. Next.
I’m just going to mute Shifty Schiff and not listen to all those lies.
What I do, GA/FL!
I don’t want his cr-p in my ears! >:8-]
Me, either – listening to evil machinations is detrimental to one’s spiritual health – imho
Pray that GOD confounds them in their lies!
And shines HIS LIGHT on their evil ways, and SHOWS everyone, not just the Senate, what a wicked lot the DEMONicRATS, the RINOS, and the Deep State are…
Already have, Cuppa – but, will repeat if you would like – great idea – God Bless You!!!
Same here.
Rep. Andy Biggs AZ has been a staunch fierce Trump warrior during the DemonRAT Coup attempt!
He sure has – and has been providing updates and videos consistently throughout the question/answer session(s)…
For Zoe…

Rep Andy Biggs
A trial, for Democrats, is a process that can only result in President @realDonaldTrump being removed from office.
That’s what they’ve sought for 3 years. That’s why they are desperate to extend the Senate #ImpeachmentTrial.
The American people are through with this charade.

Jake Sherman
SCHIFF: “no trial, no vindication.”. Pelosi said this this morning too.
12:21 PM – Jan 30, 2020
For Zoe…

Rep Andy Biggs
A trial, for Democrats, is a process that can only result in President @realDonaldTrump being removed from office.
That’s what they’ve sought for 3 years. That’s why they are desperate to extend the Senate #ImpeachmentTrial.
The American people are through with this charade.

Jake Sherman
SCHIFF: “no trial, no vindication.”. Pelosi said this this morning too.
12:21 PM – Jan 30, 2020
For Zoe…

Rep Andy Biggs
A trial, for Democrats, is a process that can only result in President @realDonaldTrump being removed from office.
That’s what they’ve sought for 3 years. That’s why they are desperate to extend the Senate #ImpeachmentTrial.
The American people are through with this charade.

Jake Sherman
SCHIFF: “no trial, no vindication.”. Pelosi said this this morning too.
12:21 PM – Jan 30, 2020
Mafiosi Piglosi d’Alessandro Gambino, as usual, has it exactly backwards.
The accused is presumed INNOCENT until PROVEN guilty, ergo no need for vindication.
(Or Vindmannication, either, for that mattter…).
No peaches for you, Piglosi…
That is Backwards Liberal Thinking, Cuppa…
Madame Speaker – You did have witnesses and every chance to build your case in the House. You do not get to call witnesses now that the case is being examined.
* THIS *
For Zoe…

Rep Andy Biggs
Newsflash: President @realDonaldTrump WILL be exonerated!

Heather Caygle
Replying to @heatherscope @SpeakerPelosi
“He will not be acquitted,” Pelosi says of Trump.
“You cannot be acquitted if you don’t have a trial. You don’t have a trial if you don’t have witnesses and documentation and all of that.”
“Does the president know right from wrong? I don’t think so.”
11:28 AM – Jan 30, 2020
For Zoe…

Rep Andy Biggs
Newsflash: President @realDonaldTrump WILL be exonerated!

Heather Caygle
Replying to @heatherscope @SpeakerPelosi
“He will not be acquitted,” Pelosi says of Trump.
“You cannot be acquitted if you don’t have a trial. You don’t have a trial if you don’t have witnesses and documentation and all of that.”
“Does the president know right from wrong? I don’t think so.”
11:28 AM – Jan 30, 2020
For Zoe…

Rep Andy Biggs
Another misconception of @AlanDersh’s argument from yesterday is that the POTUS may do ‘whatever’ to win the next election.
This is not what he said.
What he said is that every elected official takes votes or enacts policies with constituencies & future consequences in mind.
11:26 AM – Jan 30, 2020
For Zoe…

Rep Andy Biggs
The left & some in media blatantly misconstrue @AlanDersh’s arguments.
He’s never argued that the POTUS has absolute immunity.
Nor has he argued that President @realDonaldTrump did the quid pro quo.
He’s challenging the amorphous charge of Abuse of Power.
Huge difference.
9:04 AM – Jan 30, 2020
CSPAN is very helpful by giving us a TRANSCRIPT!!! Now I can go back and review stuff during the break!
ALABAMA’S DEMOCRAT (thanks Bannon) Senator sends a question. Spit.
For Zoe…

Rep Andy Biggs
“If you impeach a president, if you make a high crime and misdemeanor out of going to the courts, it is an abuse of power — it’s your abuse of power. You’re doing precisely what you’re criticizing the president for doing.” – Professor @JonathanTurley
For Zoe…

Rep Andy Biggs
House Democrats ran a corrupt impeachment process, devoid of truth, fairness, and due process.
They seek to interfere in the 2020 election, to take away the vote and voice of the American people.
The Senate should not let this farce continue.
Acquit now.
Embedded video
1:30 PM – Jan 30, 2020
For Zoe…

The White House
There are many questions and concerns about the alleged whistleblower and potential conflicts of interest.
Democrats aren’t answering any of them.
Embedded video
1:17 PM – Jan 30, 2020
For Zoe…

Rep Andy Biggs
Saying that only the guilty hide evidence is “contrary to the very spirit of our American justice system where people have rights and asserting those rights cannot be interpreted as an indication of guilt.”
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1:40 PM – Jan 30, 2020
Schiff is hiding the IC IG’s testimony AND the identity of the whistle blower…throw THAT in his ugly mug!!!
The Biden, Kerry, Romney and Pelosi sons were acting as money-raking proxies for their politician parents.
It will.
Then it will go to Supreme Court, where it will be ruled fraudulent, 5-4
For Zoe…

Mark Meadows
128 days. 17 Democrat witnesses. And they still have no case.
It’s over. This trial should end tomorrow with President Trump ACQUITTED.
1:16 PM – Jan 30, 2020
For Zoe…

Mark Meadows
How about this:
If the Senate discusses calling witnesses, and Adam Schiff continues demanding we block questions and testimony on the whistleblower… then Adam Schiff should testify
1:26 PM – Jan 30, 2020
This lady is naming the Democrats sins’ and casting them on PDJT!!!
Yes “Projection is thy name” can certainly be applied to Nanzi …………..
We never had a real Impeachment – what we had was a one-sided concocted irregular faux-impeachment – which did not give the President DUE PROCESS.
Pelosi has an MO – she handled the ‘Scampeachment’ exactly like she handled the Øbamacare Bill – one-sided, over-bearing, in secret, hiding the Bill until after a coerced vote!!!
Exactly, GA/FL!!!
For Zoe…

Ben Shapiro
By Pelosi’s standard, he was never impeached, since you can’t have an impeachment without the key witnesses and documentation. So good news everyone: nothing has happened at all.

Nate Madden
Pelosi says that Trump “will not be acquitted” because “you cannot be acquitted if you don’t have a trial. And you don’t have a trial if you don’t have witnesses and documentation.”
For Zoe – test in tweet I posted

For those wondering why Schiff can get away with blatantly lying during all this BS… …
Mr. Jones™️
Hot mic moment catches someone discussing Schiff’s statement about contact w/ the whistleblower.
“He’s protected by, there’s a Speech and Debate Clause for members of Congress, so they can say anything they want with immunity.”
followed by embedded vid clip covers this clause
Duchess, could you please copy text for Zoe
Will try – not sure how – but here goes…
Duchess, it’s just cut and paste Sweet Lady… from the post here
tweet is an image, but once you post it here you can cut and paste… entiendo?
What I am doing, dear lady – got lost – not sure where I am at this point – Geesh – just tired –
I’m sorry Duchess… don’t worry ’bout it… another time
Did as many as I could – will check it
For Zoe…

Rep Andy Biggs
IMPEACHMENT MANAGERS: “We have no evidence to point to the fact that either Biden has anything at all to tell us about the POTUS shaking down a foreign power to help him cheat in the next election.”
That’s because there is NO EVIDENCE that @realDonaldTrump did this.
Just a note: Q’s dropping bomblettes. We’ve got them on the open thread.
Pam Bondi on FIRE!!!

Dems, I can’t answer your question about Hunter and Quid Pro Joe, so let me tell you some more lies.
Asking if a foreign country gave information about a political opponent….
What about the Hillary Paid For RUSSIAN Dirty Dossier in 2016?
DEMOCRATS ARE BRAZEN HYPOCRITES – projecting their own crimes onto President Trump.
For Zoe…

Senator Rand Paul
My question today is about whether or not individuals who were holdovers from the Obama National Security Council and Democrat partisans conspired with Schiff staffers to plot impeaching the President before there were formal House impeachment proceedings.
1:19 PM – Jan 30, 2020
Twitter Ads info and privacy
11.9K people are talking about this
Senator Rand Paul
· 34m
Replying to @RandPaul
My exact question was:
Are you aware that House intelligence committee staffer Shawn Misko had a close relationship with Eric Ciaramella while at the National Security Council together 1/2
Senator Rand Paul
and are you aware and how do you respond to reports that Ciaramella and Misko may have worked together to plot impeaching the President before there were formal house impeachment proceedings. 2/2
1:30 PM – Jan 30, 2020
Twitter Ads info and privacy
4,174 people are talking about this
Senator Rand Paul
· 34m
Replying to @RandPaul
and are you aware and how do you respond to reports that Ciaramella and Misko may have worked together to plot impeaching the President before there were formal house impeachment proceedings. 2/2
Senator Rand Paul
My question is not about a “whistleblower” as I have no independent information on his identity. My question is about the actions of known Obama partisans within the NSC and House staff and how they are reported to have conspired before impeachment proceedings had even begun.
1:35 PM – Jan 30, 2020
The 1st Rand tweet and this one were dropped by Q.
Paul Sperry @paulsperry_
BREAKING: Eric Ciaramella,the CIA operative believed to be the “whistleblower,” is captured in this 2015 photo taking notes b/t Biden adviser Michael Carpenter & NSC’s Liz Zentos in WH meeting w Ukrainian officials.Carpenter later appeared w Biden in infamous “son of a bitch” vid
Photo included
Philbin has just thrown an anvil onto the House Manager’s quid pro quo abuse of power argument!
Next question – now the Democrats are going to try to accuse Pompeo, Mulvaney, and others.
For Zoe…


Embedded video
1:54 PM – Jan 30, 2020
how do I find link for embedded video clips etc in tweets? When I use pop-up to get video url I get the entire tweet again! Trying to get this for Zoe
Don’t believe You can PR, I don’t see an option where Twitter allows you to separate the text from the video. maybe ask an Author if they know.
Thanks… I thought I had tried everything…
On Twitter, click on the video to make it play, then right click in the video. Should show”Copy video address.”
Click on that and it will copy the address.
it shows… however, when I cut and paste link in another window, the tweet comes up with embedded vid …
Weird. If I do it with the video playing, I only get the video link. Hmmm…
Nope, you’re right! I’ve been doing with it off, and by habit did again just now…
Thank you Aubergine!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! WAHOOOOOO!
Thanks so much!
For Zoe…

Rep Andy Biggs
READ THE TRANSCRIPT between President @realDonaldTrump and Ukraine President Zelensky.
There was no quid pro quo.
Democrats have no evidence to prove their case. They only have hearsay and partisan motivations.
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2:15 PM – Jan 30, 2020
Question – Who is paying Guiliani.
Schiff is alluding/alleging Guiliani is doing foreign policy….now he’s weaving fantasies about China…betray the American farmer….domestic corrupt policy….the whole country is paying freight for Guiliani’s activity… Schiff is nasty, slinging mud…schit.
Sekulow on the rebuttal.
Rudy is POTUS’s PERSONAL attorney…nuf said.
Sekulow was spitting fire and brimstone!
Quoted a letter from Democrat Senators doing exactly what they accused Guiliani of doing!!!!
seems to me, the Repubs can now call COVER-UP since Roberts refused to say whatshisname. Roberts needs to answer how HE KNOWS that’s the whistle blower…it’s not fair to ASSUME
For Zoe…

Oversight Committee Republicans
The Giuliani talking point is irrelevant.
Ambassador Volker testified that Giuliani was acting on his own accord, and not at the behest of President Trump.
Move on.

View image on Twitter
Andrew Prokop
Replying to @awprokop
Good question from Sen. Reed and others for both sides:
“Can you explain who has paid for Rudy Giuliani’s legal fees, international travel, and other expenses in his capacity as President Trump’s attorney and representative?”
2:26 PM – Jan 30, 2020
President Trump of course.
Now ask who paid for Pelosi and pencilneck to go to Jordan, etc and tip off Bigdadi that there was a hit on him…
Good idea!!!
Philbin makes it look so easy! He’s SMOOOOOOTH.
For Zoe…

Rep Andy Biggs
“We’ve never been in a situation where we have the impeachment of a president in an election year with the goal of removing the president from the ballot.
That is the most massive election interference we’ve ever witnessed.
And it’s wrong.”
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2:26 PM – Jan 30, 2020
HI Hirono’s question is an accusation and here comes Schiff to lay on the lies!!!
As soon as you hear who it is – and to whom it is directed – you know what is coming – yes?
Yep…. sewage comes to mind.
And…the smell of lies, too!!!
E.v.e.r.y single time :0)
Exactomundo, lite!
Text for Zoe:
Rudy Giuliani
The Democrats have lied and stated there was no evidence to support Biden’s extensive crimes. There is overwhelming evidence! In Friday’s episode, you will see an EXCLUSIVE interview conducted by myself while in Kyiv, Ukraine of the prosecutor who was nearly killed. Stay tuned.
For Zoe…

Rep Andy Biggs
Contrary to the Democrats’ vindictive, misleading claims, the pause on aid to Ukraine was NOT a threat to America’s national security.
Don’t believe the hyperbole. Read the transcript and study the evidence.
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2:43 PM – Jan 30, 2020
Seems like Roberts is giving the Democrats more time.
Wondered about that – Dersch got caught one too many times – he seemed surprised, too!
Text of tweet:
It is somewhat fascinating to see NeverTrump’s tribalism forcing them into an alliance with Adam Schiff of all people.
D-rats always rally around each others lies and corruption…as they point to everyone else.
No different than accuse President trump of what they do. Resist & impeach focus ongoing after three years. Simply evil.
Here’s another accusation/allegation posing as a question.
Schiff brings back his slop bucket to sling the schitt.
For Zoe…
Retired Orrin G. Hatch
Even impeachment manager Jerry Nadler believes we have heard from enough witnesses.
“We have heard from enough witnesses to prove the case beyond any doubt at all.” -@RepJerryNadler
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2:48 PM – Jan 30, 2020
Yes, we’ve heard enough. The case is proven in the president’s favor.
Amen goes right there, DP!!!
We get to wash away the memory of this garbage and have fun making fun of the Democrats lousy loser candidates and policies!!!
Question – critical of Pelosi ram-rod process in House impeachment.
Cipollone comes to lay down the TRUTH!
Pelosi used the same MO on the Impeachment – as she did ram-rodding Obamacare down the nations’ throats.
Roberts was part and parcel of imposing that disgusting Obamacare mess on the American people.
Love me some Cipollone – cause he makes sense – and he is nice when he is criticizing –
HOW MUCH LONGER will this go on? – When/how does the questioning end and the voting begin?
MUTING Schiff again!
What a stupid question from Oregon – no offense to any Oregon QTreepers – there is an AGREEMENT!!!
Again, they are misconstruing the FACTS!!!
Schitt just made the case for Obama’s arrest, and his own…
For Zoe…

Rep Andy Biggs
I predicted the day @realDonaldTrump was impeached
If Americans think that this divisive impeachment will end soon, they are sadly mistaken. House Democrats are promising to recommit their efforts after the Senate commences their process, no matter what outcome they reach.
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2:55 PM – Jan 30, 2020
And we need to END the DEMONicRATS, for now, and for ever.
Vote ALL of the BA$TARDS out in November.
And the RINOS as well.
The DEMONicRATS have been spewing hate, lies, and injustice, and profiting off of that, since they formed their ill-begotten party. The party of DEATH, Abortion, the KKK, the Civil War, and thousands of other instances of crooked dealing.
We are working on it, Cuppa! I agree – and I am sure many here agree, too!!!
For Zoe…

Ryan Saavedra
Rand Paul’s question was brilliant because the question did *not* reveal the alleged identity of the whistleblower
The media claiming that Paul revealed the identity of the whistleblower proves 1-thing: That they knew who the whistleblower was and hid it from the American public

Ryan Saavedra
BREAKING: Chief Justice Roberts Censors Questions From Rand Paul. Paul Releases It. …
2:17 PM – Jan 30, 2020
For Zoe…

Rep Andy Biggs
Great question & answer
If House Democrats are SO confident about their “overwhelming” case, then why did they ignore due process & the precedent of minority rights?
Maybe because House Democrats were afraid that if they truly had an open process, their case would collapse.
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3:01 PM – Jan 30, 2020
HERSCHMANN is reciting President Trump’s amazing achievements!!!
Herschmann – If all that is ‘Trump’s personal interest’ – then GOD bless him!!!
Here we go again – same old tired argument – mute the liar!
If all they’re doing is stalling….
Honestly, it’s not going to stop anything. They may as well just face the music.
Yesterday, Senator Ernst said she has heard enough – time for a vote – I agree with her!!!
Good Question for Philbin: (3) Faults with the House Articles of Impeachment Procedure
Is the Impeachment case the Fruit of the Poisonous Tree?
Philbin to the podium.
Philbin begins…. (this will be essential to reprint here from a transcript)
Quick! Somebody get to a meme maker!
Pelosi as the wicked witch taking the poison apple to Snow White.
As I’ve said twice before – Pelosi used the same tactics as she used to foist Øbamacare on the country.
It was a blatant denial of Due Process to President Trump!!!
“I said nothing like that, as anyone who actually heard what I said can attest.”
Illinois to the HMs – time for another mute!
For Zoe…

and TRUTH from the White House team 
Rep Andy Biggs
“Maybe, if the House Managers stop opposing @realDonaldTrump and harassing him and harassing everyone associated with him, with the constant letters and the constant investigations – maybe we can even get more done.”
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3:16 PM – Jan 30, 2020
Here they go on the alleged denial of arms aid to Ukraine.
How do they know anything about this if they do not work in the President’s Office or serve on his WH Team?
This is all pure speculation – they are mind-readers – I guess
insinuation, innuendo, allegation, accusation, interpretation, opinion….on and on
* Sigh * Unfortunately, YES!!! NO PROOF!!!
Pathological by schitt. I wonder how the man became so corrupt in the totality of his life.
Moloch will do that to a person…
For Zoe…

Rep Andy Biggs
The House Democrats’ impeachment charade was not, as judicial proceedings are supposed to be, a search for truth and justice; instead, it was a quest to impeach the president, regardless of what the truth may have been or what was just.
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3:23 PM – Jan 30, 2020
Delighted that the GOP/Trump team are playing to Win! they are putting all of the info out there and are not tiptoeing around the issues or the corruption or any facts inconvenient to the swamp. Most of all, they are Not letting the Dems control the narrative and are Not playing by the Uniparty’s unspoken rules
Here comes Schumer’s question – re: Absolute immunity. Claims it is a repeat question – name a single document the President turned over….
WH counsel goes first.
Philbin answers brilliantly – illegitimate procedure prevented getting documents.
show us the Resolution and vote by the whole House authorizing the Intelligence & Judicial Committees to issue subpoenas!
For Zoe…

House Republicans
Most Democrat impeachment managers supported impeachment long before the whistleblower complaint.
⇢ Hakeem Jeffries voted to impeach President Trump in January of 2018.
It’s pure politics.
View image on Twitter
3:35 PM – Jan 30, 2020
Schiff is hung up on Dersowitz’s ‘mixed motive’ statement……He wants to make sure that we know PDJT did this for personal gain and we should ask John Bolton or Mick Mulvaney….This whole attempt is to weaken the separation of power of the branches.
Recess until 4 pm!
There is no need to review the CSPAN transcript which is leaning left and, while better than YouTube CC is still inaccurate.
YouTube is owned by Garble, so no surprise there…
There is software out there for folks who cannot type, or don’t see too well, that creates text from voice input… perhaps that could be done (or a professional transcription service).
The show “Sue Thomas, F.B.
I.Eye, about a deaf FBI Agent (true story, and she’s a Christian, too) shows various assistive technology like that, including a real-time transcription service. And that was back in the 2000-2003 timeframe, so the technology has doubtless advanced since then…I need that. Nowadays, I use CC when watching BlueBloods, etc. online.
One thing you can try (depending on your player) is changing the compression settings for audio. VLC Player has a lot of settings for that (just be sure you have the latest version). Make the louds a bit softer, and the softs louder. I’m experimenting with that for my severely hard-of-hearing son, who depends on subtitles, but not everything has them. With compression adjusted, it might help.
There are certain studios where this “extreme dynamic range” (supposedly a feature) is endemic. Folks with 25 speakers and 5000 watts of amps in their living rooms can deal with it. We mortals, on the other hand, can’t. There are lots of other technical details, like issues with reducing 5.1 (or 7.1 or higher orders) down to stereo (2.0), but twiddling the compression is a good first step…
I watch TV on my laptop. I bought an Bose auxillary speaker, but still like CC along with that.
For Zoe…

Rep Andy Biggs
Democrats continuously claim that President @realDonaldTrump was demanding that Ukraine specifically undertake investigations into the Bidens.
BUT, as the White House points out, NO such specific demand was made on the July 25 call.
Facts matter. Truth matters.
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3:39 PM – Jan 30, 2020
Does anyone believe the WH is going to take this to the Supreme Court – Illegal Procedure – Articles of Impeachment???
HOPE HE DOES – this should NEVER be allowed to happen again.
Impeachment used as a coup is clearly a nasty way to invalidate elections.
I do, too, GA/FL – This is an abhorrent breech of the public trust – a blatant disregard for the Constitution – and a sham from start to finish – I think they were hoping to drag this on until election day – with the hope of weakening the President – unfortunately, for them, the longer they continue this unconstitutional behavior – the more President Trump’s support will grow – a LANDSLIDE for sure.
A hearing before the SC would end this quickly – invalidate the Articles of Impeachment – as if it never happened!!!
…an *EMERGENCY* hearing before SCOTUS is absolutely necessary.
Hear! Hear!!! I am all for it!!!
One of today’s Q drops indicates that’s exactly what’s going to happen.
I saw that – why I was asking, DP – Thanks!!!
CSPAN is carrying the Republican managers reactions.
Is Jim Jordan allergic to suit coats?
my grandson has educated me about weightlifters and men who work out…
they can rip a shirt simply by moving their arm, same with suit coat/jackets… custom made clothes are worn by most of those with the money to afford it… Jordan’s not a crook, so he can’t afford it
and actually I don’t have a problem with Jordan not wearing a suit coat… I like what goes out of his brilliant brain through his rapidly moving tongue ………………
I’m not objecting….just kidding and figured it was related to his wrestling.
He would need custom made suits. They go from $400 to $4,000 and there is still the danger of him ripping them. (He does have at least one.)
I can not get a woman’s blouse that will fit, my biceps are just too big so I wear men’s shirts and even they can be a bit tight if they are not an expensive brand. Custom made are going to be $150 and up so just the shirts are going to be pricey.
The same thing drives me nuts.
Yes, he could rip material, but I think the more likely explanation is he has a high metabolism. I have seen him wear suit coats outdoors in the winter and not much in addition when there have been signings on the WH lawn. He was a wrestler, like national champion in his weight class, and that does effect metabolism the way they eat.
He’s a fighter…his core temp likely runs hot.
Tom Fitton and Dan Bongino are also not as likely to wear coats. I hate coats and normally will wear a vest instead in the winter. It has to be really cold to get me to wear a coat. (I used to X-country ski in NH in a silk shirt and a windbreaker that was tied open once I got going.)
Meadows – “What we had was a rush to get the Impeachment on the President’s resumé before the election.”
Where is Schumer getting these stats???? From his quick interview shown on the CSPAN feed (the all caps is from the feed, apologies that it is unavoidable.)
He lies just as well as Nanzi or Pencilneck or some others…
It made my blood boil even MORE when they showed this D-Ohio Representative (I forget the name, but he was a heavy smoker as his voice sounded like it) who was blatantly lying about everything. These people are schiesters and it’s appalling.
Yes… I think their actions are waking up a lot of people. We know the facts, we know they’re lying… but for the folks who have not realized this, it’s a different story. At least I hope it is.
I trust that you are right. Good, honest, hard working people follow logic and can suss out liars (even if its just an instinct in their stomach) and know bad motives….I have faith that their eyes are being OPENED WIDE.
it’s a liberal trait…my son makes up stats better than anyone I know…LOL
it’s such a foreign trait to me (to do)….but I see it all around, and of course here in this trial.
I’ve learned to say, show me the article that backs up those stats…lol…
Poor Philbin – he is getting most of the questions – forget Schiff – he adds nothing to this proceedings –
Logan Act – to whom are they directing this question? Are they asking about Guiliani? What about the other fools?
Logan act… what about Piglosi in Israel with Netanjahu’s opponent? Talk about interfering in an election… And Kerry, what about him? And Øbozo? And the list goes on, and on, and on.
I’m really thinking the DEMONicRATS have a pact with the Devil.
We need to pray continuously, in light of Ephesians 6:10-18, and also the many passages in “the book that shall not be named, but starts with a ‘P’ and is a good book of, erm, advice”, which describe how GOD will confound the wicked in their evil ways, and that the traps they lay will be a snare to themselves.
I hope and pray that the DEMONicRATS march right into a Haman ending; that the plan they have for VSGPDJT springs back on them (as it says in the book of Esther)…
Question accusing/alleging Guiliani of influencing foreign policy?
What about Hillrotten and Øbominable and Kerry running around meeting with foreign leaders?
Nadler says a President can’t seek an investigation of an American citizen or a sitting individual.
Ukraine and USA have an agreement – don’t they, GA/FL? Or should I direct my comment to ‘High Pants’?
Yes they do have an agreement!
So he did nothing wrong – correct?
A Little-Known, Clinton-Approved Treaty Lets Ukraine Help US Investigate Criminal Cases
It goes both ways. I think this is what Shokin is using to go after Joe Biden.
Exactly, Gail!
Yes,they do Duchess…………….
But why bother with facts when lies are so much more entertaining…
I think you are joshing me, PR – /s
Hmmm. Did he bother to tell that to Øblowhole???
Hmmm. Somehow I’m thinking the DEMONicRATS are setting up their own defense in advance, for when they’re in the hot seat….
But they’ll eventually meet the ALMIGHTY and PERFECT JUDGE. And they won’t be able to escape HIM…
For Zoe…

Rep Andy Biggs
The House Democrats’ case against President @realDonaldTrump featured 17 witnesses and a record of over 28,000 pages.
Democrats can’t fool the American people with their misleading claims that this #ImpeachmentTrial is devoid of witnesses and documents.
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4:21 PM – Jan 30, 2020
5 more minutes of BullSchiff…. trying to undo Philbin’s excellent answer to the previous question.
Schiff sure has a facile lying tongue.
He is PURE EVIL. It’s disgusting and he is a black soul.
What the HOLY HELL is Shifty Shift EVEN SAYING…..OMG.
Nothing – just talking out of both sides of his mouth – Think Mirror, swiss!
yes, it is obvious to me/you/us….i just get mad because the newly awakened still might believe him….and it’s the very principle of his duplicity that enrages me…………maybe I need to go watch some humor clips….lol
Evil bothers me, too, swiss – why I mute him – he is possessed – and right about now – most people are tired of hearing him bloviate –
Think happy thoughts – sunshine, butterflies, and flowers – calming music – it will be all right – God is in charge – and He has not let us down since PT came down that escalator!!!
Thanks duchess01… that is a very good idea…. I keep thinking if I’m a trooper I MUST listen to the evil as well as the good guys….but I don’t think I’m cut out for witnessing the mucky muddy behaviors of the snakes and cockroaches …. it’s too toxic!
And I love your second statement ….. sunshine butterflies puppies and mountains of ice cream….. yum
See? You are feeling better already!!!
Roberts out of line again.
Suggest, maybe it is taken as direction. Questions be posed to Managers or President’s Counsel.
Nah. Me thinks Senators can any question of either Manager or President’s Counsel, by name. NOT by table.
Moar interference by Roberts. Me thinks.
No – he was just saying – questions directed to both – they decide who goes first – that’s all, Kal.
OK. I took it as a clear, questions to specific table or both. Not a person at either table.
The comment as I recall was after a question directed to NoNads.
Appreciate the clarification and surely admit I am not intently listening to anything in the Q&A.
That’s ok – I just think he was getting tired of directing…
Schiff must be running for Speaker of the House.
he thinks a win in this schampeachment will catapult him to success…
I would like to catapult him into outer space myself…
Not me – give him a ticket to GITMO – try him for high crimes and misdemeanors – and give him a rope necklace –
ok…can I at least catapult him to GITMO?
No – the arresting officer might not allow it – what if you miss – oh – then – maybe – he could land in the water – do they have a moat around GITMO? if not – no catapult – imho
if I miss I get a do-over like Schiff wants with impeachment…LOL…I just keep getting to fling his sorry ass over and over no matter what he hits till he lands in GITMO…
Methinks you be having too much fun – but, hey – who am I to stop you? LOL
you have no idea how much I wanna pound that POS…
Oh, I can imagine – however – you have to promise to at least leave some skin – so others can get their licks in – Mkay?
absolutely…I will share…LOL
Oh, nice of you – watching could be fun, too!!!
well to be honest, I can’t imagine it would take an awful lot to turn him into applesauce…
Nah…I think you would have a lot of help – lol
Nah – he is running for his life – they all are!!!
He’ll have to wait another century… Nanzi ain’t letting that gavel out of her cold, d___ hands…
and We’ll have a Repub Speaker this time next wear………………
Roberts uses a different tone of voice speaking to Democrats (smiles, pleasant tone) and Republicans (less enthusiastic, less pleasant).
if this goes to SCOTUS, does Roberts have to recuse from it????
Good question.
Roberts can’t help but be a constant reminder of the UniParty prog who put him on the bench. I suppose we’re expected to content ourselves with having dodged his Harriet Miers bullet.
and they keep quoting Hamilton….which I see them doing to appeal to 1) yes history, but since they hijacked the history of Hamilton with a Tony winning BROADWAY MUSICAL…to keep those not aware of history, interested in the NEW NARRATIVE the NeoCons are pushing…….so when they mention Hamilton, it triggers that pop culture Broadway reference and people identify more with the Shift BS.
I think they’re quoting the play, rather than Alexander Hamilton. They luvvvvvv their libtard mentertainers…
And they probably slept through history and civics, as evidenced by Nasty Piglosi’s appalling lack of knowledge… Perhaps the meds, the Botox, and the alcohol have addled her brain, but I don’t think there was that much there to begin with…
From the “Golden State” to the “Beholden State”. She and her ilk have ruined Kalifornistan…
I think they are too- they have no idea who our founding fathers and sons are and what they represent
RUSSIA, RUSSIA, RUSSIA TIME!!! Accusing Trump of letting Russia interfere in our elections – which the Democrats have done – THE DOSSIER!!!
He wasn’t even President in 2016!!!!
Crayzee Fruitloops!!!
For Zoe…

Mark Meadows
Blown away that Schiff and the Democrats now want to talk about “fairness.”
President Trump was allowed no legal representation for the first 71 days of a 78 day House investigation. That’s 91%.
“Fairness” wasn’t in the Democrats’ vocabulary when they controlled this process.
4:28 PM – Jan 30, 2020
With Schiff – fairness is one-sided – Grrrr…
Cry me a river Schiff.
Ha ha ha. Ron Pauls question. Did you see the gulps when he realized he read that.
who was gulping? Roberts or Schiff?????
Roberts, he’s going to be pissed.
neaner, neaner
BINGO…Sekulow hammers disclosing WB name is legal.
SCHIFF IS APPALLED. Will not dignify smears on his ‘staff’. ….Gratuitously attack….
Now he claims he doesn’t know who the whistleblower is….
POTUS had to endure Schiff’s smears on him AND HIS CHILDREN
Sekulow follows up….. Schiff put the whistleblower front and center….
Retribution is what is illegal and wrong.
ICIG transcript will likely say otherwise.
Text of tweet:
Mark Pantano
A majority vote of the Senate can overrule any ruling made by the Chief Justice.
You can’t be mad at the Chief Justice without also being mad at Mitch McConnell for not calling a vote to override the Chief Justice.
3:21 PM · Jan 30, 2020
I did not know this!
do they?
Don’t know. Not a legal junkie.
But I will say this: if that’s the case, then the Rand Paul question was a set up, and Roberts is likely to be in on it.
Roberts is Roberts like Romney is Romney. Roberts is a Bush Judge.
If he was betrayed or played in some way, and I think he was with the FISA court, all bets are off.
We’re watching a movie. I’m not judging yet.
Its a spy Novel to be written no one will believe it. Wonder how many believe the Schifft show?
Yes, it came out yesterday and I believe we heard about that weeks before this. Phillben talked about it when speaking about Roberts being able to act immediately to adjudicate Presidential Privilege questions from where he sat on that bench in that room and that it would require a simple majority to over rule.
Turtle won’t do this.
Turtle and other good guys are having enough difficulty getting Collins, Murkowski and Alexander onboard with no witnesses.
Anything that upsets the brilliance of Collins, Murkowski and Alexander increases difficulty of ensuring no witnesses.
So, I am OK with turtle keeping his cool. Goal oriented. No witnesses. Then acquit. Friday, January 31st.
THIS ^^^^^
Heard earlier that Alexander has asked NO questions, so they take that to mean he has made up his mind. Is it true, Dunno??
I heard a question from Alexander
Can’t remember te question though
For Zoe…

Rep Andy Biggs
ICYMI: Adam Schiff received THREE PINOCCHIOS for his claim that the “whistleblower” has a ‘statutory right’ to anonymity. …
Analysis | Schiff’s claim that the whistleblower has a ‘statutory right’ to anonymity
National security experts list many reasons why the whistleblower should remain anonymous, but a statutory right isn’t one of them.
4:42 PM – Jan 30, 2020
Philbin exposes a fallacy that only one country may have attempted to interfere in the 2016 election!
I think Biggs agrees with him, GA/FL!!!
For Zoe…

Rep Andy Biggs
Since House Democrats continue to return to this point
Democrats argue that it is a binary choice. Either you believe that the Russians interfered or that the Ukrainians interfered.
That is false.
BOTH countries attempted to interfere in 2016.
Russia interfered in the 2016 election, and Ukraine tried to: Rep. Andy Biggs
Democrats are just in denial because they still can’t believe that President Donald Trump won, writes Rep. Andy Biggs of the House Judiciary Committee
4:36 PM – Jan 30, 2020
Is that Jeffries? His eyes are so sunken, dark, and evil – YUK!!!
For Zoe…

Rep Andy Biggs
As the White House has brilliantly argued this week, you cannot – & should not – use mind-reading to develop a body of evidence to impeach the President of the United States.
But this is exactly what Democrats have done to manufacture their amorphous Articles of Impeachment.
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5:03 PM – Jan 30, 2020
YESSSSSS Pat Cipollone….you level that playing field on who was impacted…..BOOM BOOM BOOM…….’he will not respond to a legitimate question’….’you have the full responsibility to release these documents ‘
See, swiss – when you just listen to the ‘good guys’ – you get all happy and enthused!!! YIPPIE!!!
For Zoe…

The White House
It is absolutely legitimate to ask questions about this.
View image on TwitterView image on TwitterView image on TwitterView image on Twitter
4:50 PM – Jan 30, 2020
Frizzy hair lady just opened Øbama’s spygate open for prosecution.
“I’d like to refresh your memory about the Meuller investigation…..” YES PLEASE……
The House Managers are acting like petulant children……….
They keep sticking to their lies and won’t bend.
Nothing in Ukraine to look at?
Who believes this crap?
This is where the media has become so dangerous.
You are right Daughn they won’t bend or move away from their story- and they keep picking up the smart arguments from the presidents council and stealing the words (watering down the statement) to repackage as their own….. so annoyingly obvious
Brass Knuckle are coming out, now.
Here we go.
Hahaha!!! Good Question!!! Go get ’em Cipollone!!!
For Zoe…

Rep Andy Biggs
“The smokescreen here is that House Democrats used 13 of their 17 witnesses to try to prove their case, and we were able to use those very witnesses to undercut that case.”
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4:56 PM – Jan 30, 2020
I WISH THIS COULD HAVE ENDED with Cipollone’s last speech!!!!
This front page article went up less than 30 minutes ago and there are already almost 900 comments
“I think this is an important question. One that deserves to be asked.”
Oh, here we go, FEC chair who insisted Trump was looking for a campaign contribution from Ukraine – in the form of an investigation
Well, during the original investigation by the ICIG, the Acting head took the complaint to the DOJ and the DOJ ruled NO, did not qualify…… and Mueller also addressed it in the Mueller report.
Asked and answered.
For Zoe…

Rep Andy Biggs
“House Democrats keep falsely accusing the President of wanting to cheat when they are coming here and telling you to take him off the ballot in a political impeachment.
Talk about cheating.
House Democrats don’t even want to face him.”
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5:13 PM – Jan 30, 2020
For Zoe –

Dan Bongino
The Democrats don’t give a damn about abuse of power. They love it, as long Democrats are doing it.
“Fired Ukrainian Prosecutor Files Federal Complaint Against Biden, Charging He ‘Abused His Power’” …
5:10 PM – Jan 30, 2020
For Zoe…

Rep Andy Biggs
We are only here w/ Ukraine phone call hoax because Democrats refused to accept the results of Mueller’s investigation.
After 100s of subpoenas & witnesses – & 1000s of documents – Mueller found no evidence of conspiracy btw candidate @realDonaldTrump or his campaign & Russia.
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5:24 PM – Jan 30, 2020
For Zoe –
Robert Barnes
#Schiff won’t answer questions about collusion between him, his staff, and the alleged whistleblower. #Schiff now attacking the Senate. #ImpeachmentTrial
4:40 PM – Jan 30, 2020
For Zoe…

Rep Andy Biggs
Adam Schiff continues to infer that there was collusion between the Trump campaign & Russia when he knows full well that there was none.
Robert Mueller found no evidence of conspiracy btw candidate @realDonaldTrump or his campaign & Russia.
Democrats won’t accept the truth.
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5:32 PM – Jan 30, 2020
Can’t wait to hear what Warren asks….
Immaterial, swiss – witnesses buff-a-loney!!!
For Zoe…

The White House
The House Managers have said they’ve proved every aspect of their case—at least 31 times.
Why would they need more witnesses?
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5:30 PM – Jan 30, 2020
To create new narratives and new articles of impeachment.
They ain’t got nothing and won’t find it – because it ain’t there.
Mueller (unintentionally and expensively) proved that!!!
SMH – they keep rehashing the same old tired non-information – you would think the Senators got the picture by now – Philbin has said numerous times – ‘as I pointed out previously’ – these people have to hone up their listening skills – that is – if they had any to begin – one-track minds – tow the party line – even if it is insane – frustrating, GA/FL – this whole thing is.
Because the DEMONicRATS are following the strategy of their Satanic brother-in-lies, Göbbels, in hope that repeating a lie often enough makes it perceived as truth.
May GOD confound, reveal, and turn their evil ways and constructs!
And may HE impose and reveal HIS PERFECT JUSTICE!
That is what I think, Cuppa!!!
For Zoe…

Mark Meadows
Adam Schiff didn’t answer the question from Senator Graham and others just now.
Here’s the answer:
There is FAR more evidence for opening a case against the Bidens involvement in Ukrainian corruption than there EVER was for investigating the Trump campaign in 2016
5:40 PM – Jan 30, 2020
The President’s Council are like surgeons in their approach. It’s amazing to behold.
Ya. Brilliant minds, strategically applied.
AND they don’t have to lie or invent fake facts!!!!!!
For Zoe…

President @realDonaldTrump’s attorney @JaySekulow just took Adam Schiff to task for belittling “what took place in the FISA proceedings” during the 2016 election 
Rep Andy Biggs
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5:41 PM – Jan 30, 2020
I am now at the point of muting Shiff……like nails on a chalkboard and all that other stuff that’s bad…
I don’t even care to spell his name right….
Just call him SS – and don’t worry about it – we do not like him, either – lol
Old Snakeyes… or Son-of-Snake…
For sure, Cuppa!!!
For Zoe…

Rep Andy Biggs
Democrats believe that they can repeat their “no witnesses” claim enough times to make it true.
They know that, even though they included the testimonies of 17 witnesses in their impeachment record, some in the media will give them cover for their misleading narrative.
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5:51 PM – Jan 30, 2020
Sekulow is good!!!
Yes he IS!
For Zoe…

Rep Andy Biggs
House Democrats CHOSE to cap their impeachment record at 17 witnesses.
They had the power to pursue ANY other witnesses and documents in court.
They chose not to.
Now they regret their decision (or so they say), but it was their decision.
Time to vote. Time to acquit.
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6:05 PM – Jan 30, 2020
Just to let you know – President Trump arrived safely in Michigan – delivered a speech about the USMCA – then took off for DesMoines!
President Trump retweeted while aboard AF1:
Are they (the democrats) using the questions to air their dirty laundry to explain their side and (in a way) using this as a CAMPAIGNING tool??????????????
The more they talk, the more they incriminate Hillrotten, Øbominable and themselves!!!!
That’s what I’m hearing too….
Some of this will make great POTUS campaign ads
Talk about waking up the normies !!!
VG Point!!!
Get this FOOL Jeffries outta my face……..and tell him to quit talking. ‘you can purchase opposition research’
HAHAHAHAHAHAH they are dumb.
Wishing it was rally time
For Zoe…

Rep Andy Biggs
House Democrats have already started to reject the expected result of the Senate #ImpeachmentTrial.
Nothing will satisfy Democrats except for the removal of America’s duly elected President from the White House.
Their heightened rhetoric is extremely dangerous for the nation.
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6:18 PM – Jan 30, 2020
For Zoe…

This is EXACTLY what Democrats tried to do with the Kavanaugh hearing.
Rep Andy Biggs
Democrats were desperate to stop Judge Kavanaugh’s confirmation to the Supreme Court then.
They are desperate to remove President @realDonaldTrump from the White House now.
Time to vote. Time to acquit.

Manu Raju
This is new – Schiff suggests a one-week period for depositions and a “limited” time for witnesses, pushing back on concerns of “endless” delays. He said the Chief Justice can deal with any disputes. “This can be done very quickly.” He calls it a “reasonable accommodation”
6:32 PM – Jan 30, 2020
Manu Raju is another involved in the RICO coup to unseat President Trump.
Oh, my – Thanks, PR.
It’s almost as IF shitty operates with the same tunnel vision as the FISC/FISA.
ZERO defense allowed!
UnAmerican assholes they are!!!
Shifty stepped in it when he started to ridicule the witnesses that the President’s team said earlier they’d like to call……Schiff made it clear….the President would only be allowed to call witnesses approved by the Democrats….
Does this go right up through the time of the rally?
QTreepers – I’m checking out for the RALLY before they get back from dinner break.
Might check back in from time to time, but probably not.
We can watch the remainder tomorrow on replay!
Thanks GA/FL
I’m heading to sleep myself…I CANNOT keep my eyes open to stay up for the rally….too much drained energy from tonight’s session, not feeling defeated, just drained…..(and it’s late over here).
Everyone have a great night…..Keep Calm and Trump ON!
Night, Night – Sleep tight – don’t let the bed bugs bite!!
Haha that was a standard ‘good night phrase’ in in our household growing up and I always imagined it was the ‘Eric Carle Angry Lady Bug. Well I never understood it until I grew up and a friend of mine actually had them when she moved to another city (poor thing) …. tee hee
Greg has pinned this THREAD – click tweet time stamp
(I don’t tweet, just play one on TV, so I don’t know how to do a thread reader…
anyone who does, please do so on any THREAD I post… makes it possible for Zoe’s
software to read)
for zoe
1. ERIC CIARAM3LLA is involved in much darker things than you can imagine.
Joe Biden, John Brennan, & Barack Obama are also in it.
and Victoria Nuland.
The Ukraine Holocaust
please RETWEET !
10:55 PM · Jan 30, 2020
Greg Rubini
2. in Feb 2014 there was a Coup d’Etat in Ukraine.
a violent Coup.
There was a massacre in the main square of the capital, Kiev.
100 people were killed.
Greg Rubini
3. There were SNIPERS at windows of tall buildings surrounding the square.
Strategically placed.
The snipers from the buildings shot both at protestors, both at police officers.
it was a HORRIFIC massacre
Greg Rubini
4. 100 people were killed BY THE SNIPERS.
both Ukranian citizens, both police officers.
that was The Ukraine Holocaust.
Greg Rubini
5. the SNIPERS were professional mercenaries.
they were hired and paid to do that job.
Their assigned job was to KILL about 100 people.
They had been given precise instructions.
hired and paid BY WHOM?
Greg Rubini
6. why 100 people had to be brutally killed?
because the CIA Director John Brennan and Victoria Nuland (State Dept.) wanted 100 people killed.
That would trigger a Coup d’Etat in Ukraine.
which in fact happened.
Watch Oliver Stone’s documentary…. Ukraine on Fire: The Real Story
Nuland on video passing out cookies, encouraging protesters to overthrow their government.
State Dept overthrew the country.
This is great – made me chuckle:

When your side is begging and pleading to be given any type of win you have lost. Schiff and company now pleading with the Senate to have witnesses and promising it won’t take any time at all. They pinky swear…
12:30 AM · Jan 31, 2020
The only reason Schiff wants another week is for Trump to be “impeached but not acquitted” for the State of the Union.
true…..someone tell him:
Jumping in to try to catch up before the rally. Sheeeewwwwww!! I’ve listened some today, heard/felt some booms from our side, Schifty is still FOS and loves to hear himself talk and is practically begging for witnesses, home team doing great, Q has carpet bombed, and we now have a global corona emergency right on time to cover up the acquittal were gonna get in the schampeachment….did I miss anything?
For Zoe…


The White House
There are many questions and concerns about the alleged whistleblower and potential conflicts of interest.
Democrats aren’t answering any of them.
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1:30 PM – Jan 30, 2020
I am here for this…..
#CurrentMood at CNN
Wolf Blitzer: Right now the Democrats look like they’re in trouble.
Jake Tapper: They sure do..
Right??!?!!!!! Lol
I’m reposting something I replied to Daughn earlier, but it fits here too…and it makes me giggle.
They are so used to rule by FIAT… they have no respect for the Constitution or any law…….
Like a bunch of brats…
Couldn’t agree more ….. they are all going through withdrawals
I would personally prefer rule by BMWs or Acuras, if I have to be ruled by foreign cars.
BWAHAHAHAHA….oh Steve UR DA BEST! Perfection and hilarious!
Here’s Rand…
For Zoe…

Rand Paul’s disallowed question included the word “whistleblower” zero times. Z.E.R.O.
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4:02 PM – Jan 30, 2020
So what’s with the unscheduled break?
Nadler’s gone, I was going to ask if he fell out of his chair, but thought that might be unkind. Seems I was right.
Nadler’s wife is very ill….pancreatic cancer.
Yeah, something happened to Nadler and they cut to a break. Schiff took his whole team out for the cameras or that was stock-footage (PBS youtube ). Session begins again as Nadler comes waddling in last.
Nadler had an episode several months ago where he turned pale and faint. I don’t know what his health status is, but he’s under tremendous stress with his wife’s illness and pressure from fellow Dems to take out Pres. Trump. It’s unfortunate for him, but he’s on the wrong side.
You know, I feel sorry for his wife. He is making the WRONG choice by being at the hearing instead of with her. What a shitheel.
God is testing him.
Well, I think he’s failing.
Oh without a doubt …..
For Zoe…

Bipartisan opposition to impeachment.
Potentially a bipartisan vote to acquit President @realDonaldTrump. …

Rep Andy Biggs
Josh Caplan
GRAHAM: “I’m increasingly optimistic that Republicans will move to a final verdict before Tuesday. The president will be acquitted in a bipartisan manner.”
7:33 PM – Jan 30, 2020
For Zoe…

Rep Andy Biggs
The Nixon impeachment inquiry had bipartisan support.
The Clinton impeachment inquiry had bipartisan support.
The @realDonaldTrump impeachment inquiry had bipartisan OPPOSITION; no bipartisan support.
And House Democrats want the Senate to fix this?
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7:25 PM – Jan 30, 2020
I was happy to hear that question come from Alexander….maybe he will do the right thing after all
Not holding my breath – however – if they are running in 2020 – they have a lot to lose if they vote against acquittal – yes?
He isn’t running
Oh, right – was talking about others, Vol
Pergram just said he will announce his vote tonight.
It better be the right one. He still has to live among Tennesseeans
HaHa DemocRATS.
From CSPAN caller:
For Zoe…

Rep Andy Biggs
Adam Schiff should NOT have the authority to adjudicate the relevance of witnesses or whether the Senate should hear more witnesses outside of the 17 in the impeachment record.
Schiff had his time to trample over due process, truth, & fairness.
He shouldn’t be given an encore.
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7:19 PM – Jan 30, 2020
For Zoe…

Rep Andy Biggs
House Democrats are desperate to open the door for witnesses.
They had witnesses. 17 witnesses. All 17 witnesses were included in the impeachment record for this #ImpeachmentTrial.
They shouldn’t get a re-run for the impeachment process that they had the sole power to run.
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7:56 PM – Jan 30, 2020
POTUS retweet….Back!!!
Geez WP keeps cutting off my comments
So during the break Mark Meadows was taking questions and a reporter was asking about POTUS taking a blood test. He asked if anyone had a legitimate question. Didn’t know what he was talking about. Dinesh explains. The CRAZY lady is back.
For Zoe…

Rep Andy Biggs
Adam Schiff’s vision for justice and the roles for the 3 branches of government is fundamentally dangerous for our nation.
Here he is telling the Senate & the American people that he doesn’t believe President @realDonaldTrump should avail his administration of the legal system.
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8:10 PM – Jan 30, 2020
For Zoe…
Bobby Dupree
#NEW: Senate page is seen delivering a note to Sen. Mitch McConnell from Sen. Lamar Alexander who’s considered a swing vote on whether witnesses should be called during the impeachment trial; Sen. Alexander said he’d announce his decision tonight

Ryan J. Reilly
Sen. Lamar Alexander just had a Senate page deliver a note to Sen. Mitch McConnell. McConnell let it sit on his lap for a couple minutes, then read it and stuffed it in his suit jacket pocket. McConnell’s face is tough to read. But he didn’t look in Alexander’s direction.
8:12 PM – Jan 30, 2020
For Zoe…
Bobby Dupree
#NEW: Senate page is seen delivering a note to Sen. Mitch McConnell from Sen. Lamar Alexander who’s considered a swing vote on whether witnesses should be called during the impeachment trial; Sen. Alexander said he’d announce his decision tonight

Ryan J. Reilly
Sen. Lamar Alexander just had a Senate page deliver a note to Sen. Mitch McConnell. McConnell let it sit on his lap for a couple minutes, then read it and stuffed it in his suit jacket pocket. McConnell’s face is tough to read. But he didn’t look in Alexander’s direction.
8:12 PM – Jan 30, 2020
For Zoe….

Rep Andy Biggs
Adam Schiff has warned about the prospect of retaliation & retribution against the “whistleblower” if that individual testified before Congress.
Tonight he can’t think of a single whistleblower who has faced retaliation.
Shouldn’t he have examples before making his prediction?
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8:18 PM – Jan 30, 2020
For Zoe:

Chad Pergram
From colleague Mike Emanuel. GOP TN Sen Alexander to announce his position on witnesses after the q&a period ends late tonight.
6:30 PM – Jan 30, 2020
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For Zoe:

Mark Meadows
Schiff denied Republicans witnesses when he ran this process and now all of a sudden he demands the Senate call MORE witness that he wants, but didn’t have the will to pursue on his own—just so he can try and salvage his doomed case
The hypocrisy is breathtaking
6:42 PM – Jan 30, 2020
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For Zoe:

Joel B. Pollak
155th question, from @SenJohnKennedy to WH: Has House investigated Shokin statement that Biden forced him out over Burisma?
Philbin: No, to the best of my knowledge. Never been “debunked,” as Dems say.
6:37 PM – Jan 30, 2020
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Joel B. Pollak
Philbin adds that the reason Bidens/Burisma came up in July 2019 was 1) Giuliani investigated in Ukraine in 2018 as part of defense vs. Mueller 2) Media reports in July 2019.
6:37 PM – Jan 30, 2020
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O.K., name 5 significant instances where PTrump sided with Putin when he shouldn’t have.
For Zoe:

Joel B. Pollak
170th question, from @SenSherrodBrown et al. to House: if acquitted, won’t Trump continue to side with PUTIN?
[Drink!]@RepJasonCrow: Call Bolton!
6:58 PM – Jan 30, 2020
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For Zoe:

Donald Trump Jr.
It will be fun to watch democrat senators vote to convict on obstruction because Adam Schiff & the other Democrats in the house didn’t bother to subpoena or even call witnesses they spoke about for months!
We will find out who’s a partisan hack & who took their oath seriously.
7:02 PM – Jan 30, 2020
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Jack Posobiec

Trump: Shifty lays awake at night, shifting and turning, trying to think of how he’s going to get Trump!
7:20 PM – Jan 30, 2020
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Manchin, Sinema and jones question. Thre maybe D-rats that may vote acquit. Rumors say it anyway.
Ooops, looks like a layup for Managers.
For Zoe:

Joel B. Pollak
173rd question, from @SenJoniErnst et al., to WH: Have you been given ICIG testimony?
Philbin: No. We don’t need more documents/witnesses, but if we do, ICIG relevant.#ImpeachmentTrial
7:29 PM – Jan 30, 2020
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Today has definitely been an Adam Schiff showcase….He seems to have answered a large percentage of the questions.
Most consistent liar of the D-Rats.
I am about ready to shove an icepick in my ears. His pontificating is painful…:0)
Tomorrow four hours of closing arguments. Two hours each side.
Which side goes first? Lying managers? Good guys?
I would think that the House would go first since they are the accusers and that the President’s team would have the last word.
That would resemble my version of fair. The defense, president gets the last word.
“Republicans plot clearing Donald Trump after dark tomorrow with plan to make it almost impossible for Democrats to demand witnesses by banning a tied vote”
“Republican leadership in the Senate is working on a plan that will guarantee them a way to defeat a motion to call more witnesses and wrap up Donald Trump’s impeachment trial by the weekend.
“A resolution being discussed that would nullified a tie vote on the issue, a scenario Republicans have been concerned about. A 50-50 vote would hand the decision over to the presiding officer in the Senate, who is Chief Justice John Roberts.
“…Republicans were working on a measure on witnesses that interpret a 50-50 vote as a vote for no additional witnesses to be called. That means Roberts would not have to cast a tie-breaking vote.
“Senators Lamar Alexander and Lisa Murkowski were spotted meeting together during the dinner break. The two are in the spotlight being the ones who could cast the make-or-break vote on the witness issue.
“‘I’ll have more to announce after’ the question and answer session on Thursday night, Alexander told reporters.”
“A 50-50 vote would hand the decision over to the presiding officer in the Senate, who is Chief Justice John Roberts.”
That’s not true…is it?
I thought the Vice President is the tie-breaker vote in the Senate.
In this case…VP Pence.
Roberts is not a senator.
Normal Senate it is VP. In impeachment it is presiding officer…Roberts. Heard earlier he could have option of not voting and a 50 -50 tie would be thrown out? Not sure about all the particulars…
VP not allowed to vote in Impeachment because he would be biased for POTUS. Yes Roberts can break the tie or abstain. HE BETTER ABSTAIN!!! If a tie, Dems lose.
Good by me. Roberts has no place making such a consequential decision.
What was date of 1st contact with House Intel and whistleblower? How many times have they communicated since?
Philbin: We don’t know. They won’t tell us. We don’t need witnesses, but if any, all of this is relevant.
Philbin then quotes Cipollone–whom
said “acts in bad faith” and called “duplicitous” on Senate floor–cites Oct. 8,18 letters offering negotiations in accommodations. Dems wanted impeachment. “It was a partisan charade from the beginning”
Here goes schitthead with another one of his little “parody” skits….shut this fool down!!!!
Sekulow calls out @RepAdamSchiff for phony “ask Russians to hack Burisma” hypothetical, likens it to fake version of Ukraine call transcript.
Tells Senate that Dems are asking it to vote to waive president’s executive privilege.
Follow the “Biden rule”
Chief Justice Roberts is compromised.
I remember when Barron Trump gave him the side-eye:
Children…especially smart ones like Barron…are often a good judge of character.
Mark Taylor says 1 of POTUS appointments to SC will be due to involvement in scandal….I have always thought it would be him
Can’t happen too soon. Roberts needs to be flushed.
Now is the time for Lindsey to be a hero if he wants to be one….offer to bring ALL the witnesses they want in front of the SJC if they will just shut this down….easy peasy
Shiffty Schitt’s lies are not going unnoticed.
Text of Mollie Hemmingway’s tweet:
Adam Schiff just invented another Trump monologue. It’s so childish and also makes one wonder why it’s necessary.
Text of Rep Andy Biggs’ tweet:
It is irresponsible, dangerous, & outrageous for Democrats to continually use their imaginations to dream up the WORST-possible action the President of the United States could undertake.
Adam Schiff knows full well this scenario would never happen.
But he’s desperate.
Until Senators AND Congress schmucks are SUED, prosecuted, they’ll lie endlessly. There is ZERO accountability.
Q reminded us today, they have immunity on the floor, which is why Shifty is lying 24/7
Has to do with Speech or Debate Clause
Sadly true.
Betting these politicians lie when interviewed on Sunday shows and or public settings. They need to start getting sued and prosecuted. The lying is absolutely out of control.
Q also reminded us of this
For Zoe –

Watch @RepRatcliffe tell @MariaBartiromo why Schiff is hiding the eighteenth transcript.
I hope this comes out tomorrow, the American people need to know about the #AtkinsonTranscript!
embedded video …
For Zoe…

Rep Andy Biggs
White House Counsel, Pat Cipollone, with a warning about the looming witnesses decision in the U.S. Senate
“If the Senate can just decide there is no executive privilege (by a majority vote), you’re destroying executive privilege.”
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8:44 PM – Jan 30, 2020
For Zoe…

Rep Andy Biggs
Hearing Lead Impeachment Manager Adam Schiff beg for fairness is the epitome of irony.
Public support for the House Democrats’ impeachment case fell apart, in large part, because Americans saw a fundamentally unfair process in the House.
This Senate process has been fair.
8:54 PM – Jan 30, 2020
For Zoe…

Rep Andy Biggs
“The #ImpeachmentTrial here ought to be finished on the basis of the case that the House Managers came ready to present.
If they weren’t ready to present the case they can win, there should be an acquittal.”
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8:59 PM – Jan 30, 2020
For Zoe…

Rep Andy Biggs
House Managers have valiantly argued all week in favor of more witnesses in the Senate’s #ImpeachmentTrial.
They have proved that they could have taken the same energy & motivations behind these arguments to the courts during the House’s impeachment inquiry.
They chose not to.
9:01 PM – Jan 30, 2020
For Zoe…

Rep Andy Biggs
Republican senators should not bail out the sinking Democratic case against the president.
Rather, Democrats must explain why they refused to use their constitutional authority to gather evidence to fully support their case before bringing their weak articles to the Senate.
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9:11 PM – Jan 30, 2020
For Zoe…

Mark Meadows
Schiff denied Republicans witnesses when he ran this process and now all of a sudden he demands the Senate call MORE witness that he wants, but didn’t have the will to pursue on his own—just so he can try and salvage his doomed case
The hypocrisy is breathtaking
8:42 PM – Jan 30, 2020
For Zoe…

Adam Schiff is withholding evidence from the White House & the American people.
Rep Andy Biggs
You can be certain that, if it remotely helped his impeachment case against @realDonaldTrump, Adam Schiff would have released the last transcript – or leaked certain narratives from the hearing.
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9:38 PM – Jan 30, 2020
For Zoe…

Rep Andy Biggs
House Democrats, and not the White House, ignored process, fairness, and precedent.
House Democrats wanted to impeach President @realDonaldTrump at all costs. No amount of witnesses or documents would have abated this desire.
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9:48 PM – Jan 30, 2020
For Zoe…

“Exclusive: Top Ukraine Official Andriy Yermak Casts Doubt on Key Impeachment Testimony” …
Rep Andy Biggs
Adam Schiff again recites a version of the Ukraine aid timeline, KNOWING that there are details he’s leaving out.
Like these details from @TIME
Exclusive: Top Ukraine Official Andriy Yermak Casts Doubt on Key Impeachment Testimony
“I have my own truth. I know what I know.”
9:50 PM – Jan 30, 2020
For Zoe…

Rep Andy Biggs
It is irresponsible, dangerous, & outrageous for Democrats to continually use their imaginations to dream up the WORST-possible action the President of the United States could undertake.
Adam Schiff knows full well this scenario would never happen.
But he’s desperate.
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10:03 PM – Jan 30, 2020
For Zoe…

GOP question to the White House team gets to the heart of the Bolton-witness question.
Rep Andy Biggs
Even if Amb. Bolton testified to the extent of the alleged excerpts of his book manuscript, these allegations would not rise to an impeachable standard.
Time to vote. Time to acquit.
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10:13 PM – Jan 30, 2020
For Zoe…

Rep Andy Biggs
We agree with the #BidenDoctrine. The House had its opportunity to potentially include more witnesses and documents in the impeachment record. House Democrats chose not to.
Time to vote. Time to acquit. Time to move on.
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10:22 PM – Jan 30, 2020
For Zoe…

Rep Andy Biggs
The impeachment record does NOT show that anyone was told by President @realDonaldTrump that the withheld aid to Ukraine was tied to investigations.
Rather, the record PROVES that President Trump and President Zelensky assert that there was NO pressure and NO quid pro quo.
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10:35 PM – Jan 30, 2020
Collins to “favor” voting for witnesses…per Ingraham
Rather vague….
GOP ME Sen Collins: The most sensible way to proceed would be for the House Managers and the President’s attorneys to attempt to agree on a limited and equal number of witnesses for each side. If they can’t agree, then the Senate could choose the number of witnesses.
Why does the prosecutor get to pick 17 witnesses……..
and we get none yet?
Okay, I remember now.
Big question as to whether Lamar Alexander would ask a question. He did this afternoon. This was it.
“Sen. Lamar Alexander broke his silence in the impeachment trial of President Trump, asking about bipartisanship during the trial’s second day of questioning and telling CNN that he’ll announce his decision for how he’ll vote on whether to include witnesses”
Philbin took the question and thank heaven he was prepared. He went through the exact numbers of the VOTE to proceed with impeachment in the House for Clinton and Nixon – both were overwhelming. I think the Clinton vote was only 4 dissenting.
Overwhelmingly bipartisan.
That’s the vote required to proceed with inquiry – Clinton had an independent counsel where everything was investigated outside of partisan House members.
He then went though the overwhelmingly bipartisan vote on articles of impeachment to advance them to the Senate.
Philbin then contrasted those impeachment proceedings to the Trump impeachment which was bipartisan AGAINST the original vote
and bipartisan AGAINST to advance to senate.
In other words, this looks like it MIGHT BE Alexander’s justification for vote. It wasn’t bipartisan.
Susan Collins just came out and said she was FOR witnesses.
Guessing, IF one of the three, Alexander, Collins, Murkowski publicly goes against witnesses, the other two will follow suit. miitens is witnesses, unless witnesses is going NO.
Hoping Alexander announces soon.
I’m afraid to hear what he says. Honestly, I put more faith in Manchin and Sinema
I actually heard this part today. His question raised my hopes a little. I’m not counting too much on him.
Also if he breaks from Marsha and gives the appearance the state is “divided” (it isn’t), the vultures will descend to try to turn TN purple
And heeeeere’s Collins
This is BS
She gets to pick how many witnesses the President is allowed to call to defend himself in an impeachment?????????
Noticed this evening Dersch was not at President’s table. Hmmmm. Was he there earlier in the day?
He was on TV this evening.
Good. Thanks.
unfortunately Dersch has taken a drubbing from D-rats.
I don’t remember where I saw it, but I read he’s in Miami for the Super Bowl. Couldn’t change his flights.
I hope people (we Deplorables) send him some messages of thanks and support.
He is going against the “party” and the people for and with whom he’s worked probably most of his life.
And he’s standing up for what he thinks is RIGHT (and we do too).
He deserves our praise, thanks, and support!
May GOD Bless and keep him (Numbers 6:24-26)…
LAMAR IS A NO!!!!!!!
Has a 15 twt string but here’s the money shot
Good. Mittens and collins are yes…mittens is done , collins in her duplicitous nature will survive, Murkowski is waiting for difi to tell her why she should say yes. This should be over tomorrow.
mittens is a lost cause.
Hope Turtle and appropriate Rs engage Collins and Murkowski privately. Have a logical conversation.
Manchin, Sinema & Jones going no?
– Manchin most likely NO, I think.
– Jones WILL have a tough reelection. Good shot at going NO.
– Sinema doesn’t have an election for a few years, IIRC. She’ll go for witnesses to please cry’n Chuck.
I wish Manchin would go ahead and come off the plantation and change his party
Have often wondered why he remains a D-Rat. believe he’d be a moar solid and successful Senator as an R.
This shampeachment scenario may be what pulls him over to R.
He’s not due for reelection for five years, but between now and then, President Trump would bolster him mightily.
Timing couldn’t be better for him and the optics for us would be great. Gonna pray on this one
Lamar Alexander is a NO on witnesses. Let the people decide on the President.

Rick Scott on Laura – They’ve been wasting our time. American people see through this. Believes POTUS acquitted tomorrow. Bad news for Biden, now everyone knows what he did. We’re not stupid. Pelosi tried to help him and it backfired. Americans aren’t stupid.
Obama & 2016 spying on Trump are being brought up numerous times …..
I am “concerned” that they will cover by Obama by equating what he did with what President Trump was doing.
I am “concerned” that they will try to prove President trump is not wrong because President Obama did it too…and they are also exonerating Obama and Obama’s 2016 trickery will be equated to what President Trump was doing trying root out the DNC/Dem/Obama admin corruption!
using Obama’s behavior to “justify” President Trump’s is 100% …. 2 different things.
President Trump can be exonerated of this Dem smear all on his own as it is merely Dem spin interpretation on draining the swamp & uncovering the 2016 Dem foreign collusion and the Uniparty corruption. He was doing exactly that v. “dirt” on a political opponent/going after Biden for benefits of the 2020 election.
Exonerating President Trump ought not exonerate Obama who was doing a VERY different thing..creating a conspiracy theory, smearing President Trump all for politics.
The two situations are being compared over and over again in this “impeachment”, on the Senate floor.
I think it cheapens what President Trump was doing as well as confuses the facets, capitulating to Dem narrative re: political opponent v. investing past corruption and that it began long before 2019.
I also think it less the impact of what Obama did and will confuse people in the long as people will think they did the same thing. I see endless social media “fights” of me explaining how they are different.
I wish the WH lawyers would not try to taunt the Dems by bringing it up. Prosecute that later…or fully expose who it is different but Pleaes don’t equate the two, using the argument that they are the same and so President Trump must be innocent too or Obama is then also guilty. This confuses people and vindicates Obama when President Trump is vindicated. Will be MUCH harder to bring up Obama if they continue with this theme!
yes, Biden’s will be exposed but Obama may walk/skate as well as all of the other conspirators on “hurricane crossfire”.
OK – will stop being “concerned”. Not trying to troll or be negative…just my thoughts every time I hear them bring this up yesterday and today. I am not cheering for their cleverness on this
So since Schiff made it all up two days running I thought I’d play along and imagine how things might turn out tomorrow if it was Chief Justice Roberts’ stand in, Justice Clarence Thomas that shows up to preside tomorrow.