Welcome to the Friday OPEN THREAD at the QTree! What a week it has been. Thank you for the Thursday hand-off TrumpIsMine. What would we do without FLEP’s News Roundup to keep up? Thank you, Flep. Hat tip and a hearty thank you to all contributors and the lurkers!

We don’t believe in political correctness at QTree. Free Speech is practiced here. ENJOY IT. Use it or lose it. Important Guidelines are outlined here in the January 1st open thread, with an addendum on 20191110. In other words, please keep it SOMEWHAT civil. We have a new board – actually a new SITE – called The U Tree – where people can take each other to the woodshed without fear of censorship or moderation. NOT HERE. This board will remain a REFUGE for those who need civility, either some or all of the time. That’s life at QTreehouse as we glide into the weekend.
What a week we’ve had. We started with the Bolton Blow-Up and have been living with ShaMMMpeachment all week long, but our team has been terrific. We’ve fallen in love with Patrick Philbin and are ready to nominate him to the Supreme Court.

We’ve learned all about the Coronovirus this week but can’t decide how bad the virus really is. Let’s say, we’re not going a cruise ship around China South Seas, anytime soon.

The President signed USMCA, creating the largest trading bloc in the world between Mexico, USA, Canada. The deal was long overdue.

Along the way, in his spare time, the President decided to release the Middle East Peace Plan. No way anyone could have watched the ceremony without shedding a tear.

We’ve traveled to a raccous rally in South Jersey! What a wonderful time. So many people reserved tickets, the entire summer beach town of WildWood reopened. Every restaurant, hotel, and bar was full. What a rally!

The President also made a stop in Michigan, to spread the cheer about USMCA, and had a rally in Des Moines, Iowa, where we got to stopped to visit with a few friendly people.

Today is the LONG-awaited BREXIT and we all wish we were in a pub with our buddy, ChurchMouse, sharing a pint.

We’ll follow the Super Bowl over the weekend. Monday is the Iowa Caucus and get ready for Tuesday, The State of the Union!!!!!! Hard to believe that Davos was was only 8 days ago…..
Are you tired of winning? Are you tired of trying to keep up with our President? Rest up, because we’re definitely on that Wolfie Rollercoaster.
SPEAK THE FIVE WORDS BOLDLY TO OUR PRESIDENT!, “I AM PRAYING FOR YOU!“ He needs our prayers and help more than ever before!

And remember….. it is time to drain the swamp in DC and LOCALLY. Please make a commitment in the new year to attend a LOCAL board meeting for your town or municipality or school board. Get involved and make your presence known. Put your local officials phone numbers in your cell phone and call them once a week (or more often).
“Our movement is about replacing a failed and corrupt political establishment with a new government controlled by you, the American People.” Candidate Donald J Trump
Also remember Wheatie’s Rules:
- No food fights.
- No running with scissors.
- If you bring snacks, bring enough for everyone.

Since most of us arrived here because we were “banned”. How about this Grand Funk Railroad classic as our new theme song? After all, we’re pretty much the American Banned, right?
A little Gorebull Warming info:

Also, “There has been no trend in Arctic sea ice extent since the start of MASIE records in 2006.”
Now let’s see if anyone remembers how to unsticky the MAGA rally…..
I strongly suspect that it’s the inverse of sticking the Brexit celebration!!!
Wolf I have an article in draft regarding the impact of bovine flatulence – I’ve put a lot together but it needs some work to get over the finish line. If you are so inclined, HAVE AT IT!
OK, will do – maybe tomorrow. I just finished another post that is scheduled to go out later. Need a rest – I’ve worked on it for days!!!
I get it! Kids keep me busy in the evening with their bedtime shenanigans . . .
Michael have you seen this??
Drone used in high-tech Missouri snow day plea
LOL that is hilarious
Don’t feel pressured
There was no pressure
It was a perfect call
There was no quid pro quo
There doesn’t have to be quid pro quo. There only has to be the possibility that you could have been thinking about quid pro quo.
You’re toast buddy!
Article is set to publish at noon + 1 minute tomorrow. I just added some chrome. If you make any changes, please re-schedule – don’t leave as a draft!
THANK YOU!!! Very enjoyable!!! <3
Fox reporting American Airlines pilots suing their union because they don’t want to fly to China anymore.
I don’t blame them.
This is the weirdest start to an open thread yet. Arctic sea ice to sticky MAGA (whatever that is) to Sum Ting Wong with flying to China.
I think I’ll go troll on reddit.
If anyone has contact with “Babylon Bee” might suggest they toss out a quickie for tomorrow morning.
“Justice Clarence Thomas to replace Chief Justice Roberts for the remainder of the Impeachment Trial”

This seems notable…

The hashtag #EricCiarmarella is trending on twitter now.
Over 30,500 tweets so far…and growing.
So much for Twitter trying to squelch and suspend people for tweeting that name!
Wow. @jackboot must be home sick in bed.
yep, Jack must be asleep!
heh heh
he he
However, FB and YT are awake.
And yet, nothing ever happens to them.
No different than if Holder or Lynch was running the DOJ.
No different at all.
twitter is hiding it
That figures, doesn’t it.

I noticed that it got up over 40 thousand tweets and then…poof!
It was gone.
twitter SUCKS. Reminds me of the old Jerry Springer show.
Yea but Jerry didn’t censor free speech.
NOT defending Jerry. Subtle difference is significant.
AND, yea, Jerry show did suck.
I mentioned three or four times the name which shall not be named on Jimbo’s show last evening before I was informed there was a policy ban and then I was cut off. Orwellian, indeed.
That a way Zoe
“we are watching the crowning of the president, with Mitch McConnell holding the crown.” . . .
Sure. And in just a little while, you’ll be watching Mme Piglousy getting an enema with . . .
No. I don’t want to go there!
Try Cinderfella…
Crazy Mazie… commie congress-critter…
Or, maybe, Ciao Mozzarella…
Here is Terrenc K. Williams, singing “Eric Ciarmarella” different ways…
Text for Zoe:
The left is reporting me for saying #EricCiarmarella name & for also singing it!
Eric Ciaramella
sing it with me
RT if you think I deserve a Grammy Award for this song!
& make sure to use #EricCiarmarella
That is hilarious! Thanks for posting.
Explosive press conference with Rand Paul:
Rand Paul said the name then said later on, ‘I’m not talking about the whistleblower, I’m talking about two friends’ who attempted to bring down PDJT.
hiya churchmouse!
how excited are you for the today’s events???
I have a spring in my step today, that’s for sure.
I’m so relieved that we will FINALLY be entering the transition period, which we should have done last March.
I was incensed at opposition MPs this week who said, ‘But we’re not out yet. We’re only entering the transition phase.’ No kidding! That’s why millions of us were angry they kept dragging their feet last year and voting down every Conservative measure on Brexit.
No wonder they were voted out in December!
Conservatives have a majority of 80. Long may it last. We have quite a few young MPs (late 20s, thirty-somethings), too, who are energetic and want to put the Great back into Britain.
God bless Boris. His enthusiasm is infectious. He is far from perfect — can waffle on policy — but he’s the best Prime Minister the UK is going to get for a long time.
Not to pour cold water on your enthusiasm…..
But what is up with Boris approving Huawai 5G stuff?
Oh, yes — I agree with you wholeheartedly.
Apparently, Huawei would only be used for private networks, not those belonging to security/intelligence or the military.
Nonetheless, this has not gone down well with Conservative MPs — thankfully.
It emerged during the Commons (MPs) debate this week that Huawei has been around since the Labour government prior to 2010. It never went away.
Now influential Conservatives want to put paid to Huawei. Supposedly, the company would only operate 35% of our network.
However, one Conservative MP pointed out that foreigners going to China are advised to use burner phones only. Another said that 5G networks are a mesh, so it is difficult to determine where one point starts and ends.
Conclusion: problematic all around, it would seem.
He has crazy eyes too!
sum ting wong wit dat dudes eyes
Looks kind of, erm, Schiffty…
The hashtag has some excellent, entertaining tweets (remove *):
That is such a wonderful photo of the potus and flotus outside fords theater just lovely. Almost magical.
I know, right? …It’s truly an amazing photo!
I love it too!
That photo not only is striking but ICONIC.
Makes up for a long ago (100+ years) of a tragedy. Almost as if this is the redemption.
God has given us Great Blessings.
Love everything about this photo, the angle, color of her cape, the flag on the Beast, the night time scene, the curb and street. It’s striking.
Check bin please
That photo is brilliant. As an artist, I can see how it all works. Everything is balanced in THREES.
Gold color: flag, cape, President’s hair
Highlights: two lit areas in the distance, column close up
Darkness: the sky, the Beast, President Trump’s coat and the column behind him
Curves: the fender, the curb, the top edge of the street in the distance
Straight lines: the top of the building on the right, the column, the right-hand edge of the flag
And the perspective is flawless.
It’s the formula I’d use for a perfect composition in a painting. For it to come together in a moment in time for a photograph is extraordinary.
Also – three cone shapes – the Christmas tree, wife’s cape, US flag, signifying God, Family, Country
Yes. And I’m sure there is more there, too. Just stunning.
He’s looking at the carolers and she’s looking at him.
I love everyone’s amazing artistic perspective, especially for folks like me who just see how it appears perfect. When I see the picture, and know the Place it was taken… this is what I’m thinking:
Wrote this upthread.
Makes up for a long ago (100+ years) of a tragedy. Almost as if this is the redemption.
God has given us Great Blessings.
Although, I’m not too surprised…the Saudis hate Iran’s militant mullahs and resent their pursuit of nuclear weapons.
When HusseinO gave Iran all that cash, I’m sure that the Saudis were pissed off about that.
That’s why they were so celebratory about our Pres Trump.
They were singing…”At last we have what we have prayed for.”
“They were singing…”At last we have what we have prayed for.” ”
Well that doesn’t sound ominous…
No, that doesn’t sound ominous at all.
Perish the thought…
My wife just showed me a picture someone sent her on her phone.
Sit down for this one.
It’s a picture of Schiff, his wife, his daughter and … [drumroll] Eric the Whistleblower.
The caption says daughter is dating Eric.
My mind is boggled.
I think that’s old Fake News, was circulating and debunked months ago.
That sounds like a picture that was being tweeted around a couple of months ago…
And a lot of people did side-by-side comparisons of the boyfriend with known photos of Carmarella.
If memory serves….the consensus was that boyfriend is Not Eric Carmarella.
So beware, that might be the same photo, resurfacing.
Yes, but a son of Soros, making it worse actually. If were speaking of the same one.
PGroup, WOW. My mind also boggled.
Sleepy is done, stick a fork in him.
Scott was excellent on Ingraham. Miss Lindsey has vowed, yes again, to investigate Bidens because there IS a scintilla of evidence.
Oops, wrong tweet
Time to rest the wings.

Ni Ni everybody

Some actual scientific facts that the climate-hoaxers don’t want people to know:
Text of tweet from Pure Climate Skeptic, for Zoe:
Get the science right! CO2 is not a well mixed gas, it is invisible, heavier than air, soluble in water, essential to all life on this planet and the basis of our food chain. It responds to climate change and cannot possibly cause it. The Sun drives climate.
Found this in the replies to Pure Climate Skeptic’s tweet:
For Zoe:
It’s a graph showing the naturally occurring decline of CO2 levels, and a quote from Greenpeace Founder, Dr. Patrick Moore:
“CO2 levels have been going down steadily for 140 million years, and got down to 180ppm at the height of the last glaciation, nearly low enough to kill all life on earth.
If we hadn’t come along and put some of it back in the atmosphere, life would be on a path to extinguish itself in the geologically near future…”
I think these climate change folks think the way they do because they either never had it or lost their faith in God. He created all this (waving my arms around widely) and if you actually watch nature, it balances itself out…it’s supposed to change and reset and adapt…it works. And God created us (pointing at myself) too—He would not introduce something into His wonderful system that would turn it all to crap…
Yep. About 15 years ago, give or take, I saw a graphic of the earth’s temperatures with solar activity. You could almost lay one right on top of the other, they were that close.
So, literally, the forces that drive our climate are out of this world.
So our climate control is out of this world. Thus, it fits that those who don’t understand our climate are out of their minds.

Trump War Room tweets:
Adam Schiff desperately tried to stop Jerry Nadler from seizing the microphone:
“Jerry. Jerry! JERRY!”
And now, the hashtag #JerryJerryJerry is trending.
Rosie Memos replies with photo of others laughing about it:
The Chariiots of Fire theme is just inspired.
What the heck is Schiff afraid of?
Dep………. that’s perfect.
The Chariots of FIre music…..I’m just crying over here and have rewatched a few times…….
‘jerry. jerry. JERRY’ lol
Democrat Rep. Hakeem Jeffries may have said the Stupidest Answer to a question, so far.
Daily Caller tweets:
When asked whether the Clinton campaign’s use of the Steele Dossier in 2016 would be considered impeachable under the Dems’ standard, @RepJeffries says no because the Steele dossier “was purchased.”
Here is the Question that he was replying to:
Weasel Words.
to quote Bugs Bunny…”What a maroooooon!”
Ben Tallmadge’s tweet below is from last September.
Not sure if it was posted at the time, but, even so, it’s worth a revisit:
There seems to be no end or plumbable depth to the corruption of the Biden, Clinton, Pelosi, Kerry and Romney cabal.
I was rather hoping the Senate impeachment trial would begin to lance that ugly boil.
It is being exposed little by little – but the main cleansing will come after the election/inauguration!
Pity it could not have started already.
News from the UK. Boris has received written confirmation from our intelligence services that we can use a Huawei 5G network outside of our intelligence agencies and military.
A number of Conservative MPs — along with those on the opposition benches — are rightly unhappy about this. There was a polite, yet lively, debate this week in Parliament on the topic.
This is very true:
More on China’s Thousand Talents:
Taking money from a foreign government to sponsor research=agent of a foreign power. FISA and two hops apply. That will potentially surveil university presidents and trustees. That’s massive, IMO, necessary surveillance depending on the nature of the research. Especially at the land grants, whose missions involve, military science, mechanical engineering, and agriculture.
Excellent points. Yes, ‘that’s massive’.
No wonder PDJT has been talking about China for so long. He probably knows all about this.
I suspect that I may have been caught up in this in about 2005-2006, as an employee enrolled in an extracurricular class at an Ivy.
I’m no one; never had a clearance, and didn’t initially think that my chosen research topic, although interesting, was anything but obscure history.
However, my position in the organization with 2 hops could have hit the trustees. Looking back, I worked on institution devices and networks, so I have no concern about the content of any of my correspondence and communications, even on my own devices, but the Snowden revelations were front and center at the time and highly disturbing to me. I remember discussions at the time with classmates, and remember being shocked at how unfazed they were with the loss of their rights to privacy.
I can empathize with Carter Page. I had no idea that this could happen. Circumstances all seemed like explainable coincidence. Perhaps I should have suspected when I opened the calendar in my new employee packet, on my first day to find a photo of my mother, and also another rrelative.
This is it, isn’t it?
No one is ever bothered at the time. Any concern becomes a ‘conspiracy theory’ so why worry about it — especially because the MSM aren’t reporting on it.
The lone voices calling out are summarily ignored.
I truly hope that justice will be done — and soon.
I really hope that the Republicans take Rand Paul seriously and will bring up questions about a certain someone at the Senate impeachment trial:
Was nasty mouth Never-Trumper McMullin involved?
I’ve no idea, GA/FL, but the cast of characters must be far greater than we know at this point.
I don’t find a direct connection to E CIA, or Brennan, Nuland, Obama in the links. However this link is interesting.
The alleged person behind the snipers landed at Tufts when he left Ukraine and was nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize by Senators Clinton and McCain.
No news links because only a few people working in international security know about it?
I can’t remember if it was he or someone else tweeting who said it is classified information.
Your link is a keeper. Thank you. It further illustrates the connections among these characters.
That link was in the linked article. This guy is interesting and worth further research, I think. However, internet activity related to him and any links to Biden is being tracked as Russian disinformation, according to a report I saw from June 2019. It’s very important to verify links and sources. Let’s not spread any false information. There are several reports by the NYT about his activity in Ukraine written contemporaneous to the activity, but are behind a paywall. If I get a chance, I’ll post links.
Zelenski let him back into Ukraine:
And regarding Russian disinfo:
And the opinions of the Atlantic Council, etal in Feb. 2018:
And here he is talking to Fox News in Sept. 2019:
Who knows? Think I’ll stick to popcorn and ginger beer on this one. My brain needs a break…
Thank you kindly for the information — very much appreciated.
Flynn/Powell latest:
Well, this is interesting.
Government backing off to probation was not a response but submitted prior to motion for dismissal.
I hope that farce comes to an end soon.
The general should receive massive financial compensation for all the grief he and his family have endured. It will soon be three years, won’t it?
Another example of Feds…in this case, DOJ lying.
Of course it was in response to Flynn’s filing!
– Probation on the table for about a year.
– Couple months ago as Sydney started exposing the DOJ and FIB fraud recommend six months.
– Flynn formally pulls guilty plea, moar revelations. POOF, probation.
DOJ hoping Sullivan goes with their criminal behavior
Feds NEVER like to admit they were wrong.
That Feds conspired to fuck over an American citizen.
AND, damn sure, FEDS don’t want to admit the DOJ conspired with FIB to FRAME an American. HUGE National news.
Not going to happen Brennan. Go back in your hole!
John Brennan: Cancel The State Of The Union, Blames Impeachment
I suspect that the Dems will deploy a ‘weapon of mass disruption’ at this years State of the Union address by President Trump.
Those who scream the loudest have the most to hide.
Thread from Greg Rubini on a certain someone:
Threadreader for this one. It’s a must-read.
Thanks for the Threadreader link.
Considering the Rubini thread, it’s all becoming clear to us now.
Let’s take a look:
1. Back in the early 90’s the Soviet Union collapsed and Daddy Bush promised Gorbachev that NATO would not advance “one single inch” past current borders.
2. We lied, and started gobbling up countries into NATO sphere, advancing our weaponry closer and closer to Russian border. Remember the Patriot Missiles in Poland?
3. In 2010, Manafort helped Yanukovych get elected, Party of Regions, more in favor of getting along with Russia. Rick Davis, Manafort’s partner, worked for the other side, opposed to Russia, hard line old party, help from the Atlantic Council —- so the folks in the “inter-agency consensus” were mad at Manafort for beating them.
4. When Ukraine went into debt (due to corruption) and couldn’t make the 2 billion dollar payment to Russia, Ukraine was in a tough spot. Russia threatened to turn off the gas in the middle of winter. USA and EU saw an opportunity. We made Ukraine an offer they could not refuse = come into NATO and we’ll take are of the bill. There was a “Letters of Agreement” (???? need the exact name, can’t remember). Yet, the agreement was rejected by Viktor Yanukovych (President of Ukraine) and Russia stepped in to offer a bundled deal with loans and more nat gas for the winter.
5. Well, the offer from Russia infuriated USA and EU cuz we/they were looking for a major win and an opportunity to expand NATO right up to the Russian Border, potentially cutting off their access to the Black Sea. Ukraine was strategically important to the Russians + to block Russia in this instance and NAB Ukraine would be seen as a huge win by the old Cold Warriors in DC.
6. In the US State Dept, Victoria Nuland was working furiously, trying to get the EU to step up and help make the offer to Ukraine a little more juicy. Remember the Nuland phone call where she said “Fuck the EU!”?
7. Suddenly, and mystically, the Maidan happened…….how and why? Victor Yanukovych was overthrown….. how and why???? ……. enter John Brennan and Eric Ciaramella……… operating from the playbook “101 ways to overthrow a country”.
And that is HOW we got here
And that is WHY it was “official USA policy”
And that is why no one wants to talk about it = We overthrew Ukraine
It was a horrible policy failure by Obama, and Ukraine lost Crimea.
And that is why John Brennan has been such a vocal advocate.
And according to Rubini from the thread above ——— Eric is the one who made it happen on orders from Brennan.
The legacy of old man John Foster and his grandsons John Foster and Allen Dulles…we know how to over throw nations and do it when the shadowy smokey back room overlords say so.
Thank you. Fully agreed.
There is a huge story here that needs a full investigation. Will it start before the election campaign? Who knows? If so, why not? Surely there must be a solid basis based on a few events by now.
We are getting closer and closer to banning books.
so I guess we will never have any more studies or papers about illiteracy in America, cuz you know, illiterates can’t read or write…
Text of tweet above for Zoe:
Jeanine Cummins’ ‘American Dirt’ has been accused of cultural appropriation for its depiction of Mexican immigrants. It is ugly and divisive to say that only Mexican people can write about Mexicans. This racial policing of art has got to go:https://www.spiked-online.com/2020/01/30/the-offencerati-just-got-a-book-tour-cancelled/ …
Funny backstory. Oprah came out endorsing as wonderful book in her book of month club. Then after everyone turned on author, O is backpedaling, groveling on camera. OOpsie!
We need to track this story.
This isn’t just another leftist “cultural appropriation” if they have to make their mouthpiece Oprah issue a public me culpa…
I think Congress needs to take an introduction to the Constitution and the Bill of Rights class BEFORE they are allowed to take their seats. these idiots want proof of innocence rather than proof of GUILT! that’s ass backwards!
Senator Tammy Duckworth(D-IL) was clear that she believes in the presumption of guilt with regard to President Trump rather than the precious presumption of innocence that is the cornerstone (or at least should be the cornerstone) of our justice system. In an appearance on Fox News, when asked if some Democrats were going to vote with Republicans to end the impeachment trial, she told Bill Hemmer, “I think that we should be able to see evidence of the President’s innocence.”
“Show me the man and I’ll show you the crime”
There is no low these people won’t stoop to.
“These people are sick!”
What freaking country do they want us to become?!
Hey you could say that they’re the ultimate optimists…
Once you throw out the Constitution, anything is possible.
Duckworth, thanks for your service but you’ve broken your oath of office! SPIT!
the tables need to turn on these scum…
I think Congress needs to take an introduction to the Constitution and the Bill of Rights class BEFORE they are allowed to take their seats. these idiots want proof of innocence rather than proof of GUILT! that’s ass backwards!
^^^ THIS!
IF MCM were even a bit American, they’d blast every fool that yammers, prove your innocence.
Simply unbelievable this basic concept is not highlighted.
The entire innocent until proven guilty and due process is dead with D-Rats.
until it happens to one of them…
they would squeal like the pigs they are if they were being railroaded as they have tried to RAILROAD POTUS.
How sad. (sigh)
This is sad.
Text of tweet for Zoe:
This incredible kid dressed up as “her future self” for Catholic schools week, and not one kid in her class knew what she was. She felt left out because nobody knew what a nun was.
Huh? Pardon my ignorance.
I assume, and yea I know the implication regarding myself, this at a Catholic school.
NOT buying the story line.
Senator Collins shares threatening voicemails. **WARNING: LANGUAGE**
“F*** you, Senator Collins. On TV I saw you last night. Looks like President Trump and Paul LePage c** ***** were all over where they blew their **** ** *** face. I bet you **** each one of them republican senators, or you want to. You’re a half-pint little f***ing cross-eyed s****** with a voice impediment. You suck. You’re a traitor to your country. What you really are—my vile vitriol really just masks my contempt for you, and that you’re a traitor. You support people like Vladimir Putin and Donald Trump. You’re a disgrace, a disgrace to this country. Not just in the Senate, but to you’re country. You’re a f***ing **** traitor. F*** you!”
“Wow. What a vile piece of garbage you are, Susan Collins. Sorry. But those those of us with a brain in the United States which is about more than half the country see exactly what the president did. You’ve seen exactly what the president did. You know what he did, and you’re going to sit there and hold this—If you don’t have the guts and the integrity, I sure hope you didn’t breathe. I sure hope you don’t have children, because their future is f***ed. If you don’t vote to have witnesses in this trial for the most vile, vulgar, piece of s*** president that has ever existed to be removed, how dare you bring children into this world, and how dare you even breathe the air the rest of us breathe. You make me sick.”
That is typical everyday leftist blog/troll language.
I’m sorry, but bringing the voice impediment into it is just not called for even with all the swear words and other insults. That is not her fault.
I’m glad this sort of thing is getting published, though. It does expose the nastiness of the other side. I hope plenty of the followers of the left are embarrassed by this sort of thing.
Two year olds in adult bodies tossing tantrums because they did not get their way.
I hope the sane people on the left are as repulsed by this type of verbal abuse as we are.
When they show their true colors like this, THEY ARE A GIFT.
Senator Collins is getting a taste of what happens to our President and his family…every…single…day.

The depraved Left leave stuff like that in replies to our VSG’s tweets.
They also do it to Don Jr., Eric and Ivanka…probably to Jared Kushner as well.
I haven’t looked at FL Melania’s tweet replies, but she probably gets them too.
These crazed leftists have no shame.
None, whatsoever.
except maybe Collins is letting it intimidate her…POTUS shrugs it off…maybe cuz we send him such love at his rallies.
Looks like Adam Dershowitz is getting a taste of what it’s like to have the Left turn on you as well.
They have done this numerous times – every time Dersch says anything that goes the least bit outside their permissible group-think.
wheatie, I went to Melania’s account once due to link…the topmost responses to some sweet tweet she posted were so vile I have never gone back.
I seriously doubt she reads responses.
I remember that olive green jacket she wore…something ab We Don’t Care.
…from the Greta Thunberg school of public policy.
Funny thing too. She scolds adults, but my kids are younger than her, she would just come across as an older big kid bully pulling this stuff on them.
Did you see the replies to Lamar Alexander’s twitter statement? More of the same. Oh and btw, just because he’s voting No on witnesses doesn’t mean he’s an ally. One of his tweets says POTUS acted “inappropriately” when he asked Ukraine for help in Biden investigation. Apparently he doesn’t know about POTUS’ duty to investigate and our corruption Treaty w/ Ukraine!!
I did see that…
the left’s tolerance is clearly on display for all to see…
copying the entire article–it’s short and so unbelievable. Warren is gonna have a trans child interview the person for her Sect of Education…can we change her name to Pander-hontas?
Democratic presidential candidate Sen. Elizabeth Warren said she would have a transgender child interview the next secretary of education.
The Massachusetts senator spoke Sunday at a town hall in Cedar Rapids, Iowa, where a voter told her that children are not learning enough about LGBTQ history or sexual education in public schools. Warren told the voter that she would require a transgender child to interview a future secretary of education nominee.
“I have two qualifications that I have talked about over and over for my secretary of education,” Warren said. “The first, it has to be someone who has taught in a public school.” (RELATED: Warren And Biden Support Taxpayer-Funded Transgender Surgery)
Warren added that because it was a young trans person who had asked her about a “welcoming community,” she will also require that young trans person to interview the future education secretary.
“I’m gonna have a secretary of education that this young trans person interviews on my behalf,” Warren said. “And only if this person believes that our secretary of education nominee is someone who is committed to creating a welcoming environment, a safe environment, and a full educational curriculum for everyone, will that person actually be advanced to be secretary of education.”
Warren lives in such a bubble…she probably is unaware that there are a lot of Dems out in flyover country who would be appalled by this.
forget the fact that it has anything to do with trans at this point–she’s going to allow a child to make an important decision like this?
But the whole idea of a “trans child” is just madness!
that’s even worse…that is someone who is mentally challenged and cannot accept reality and that’s who’s gonna make a sect of education choice?
Maybe, Saint Greta is an advisor for Liawatha.
Let’s just hope this is her “Dukakis in a tank with a helmet’ moment and she fades away fast.

I get it, I do. POTUS resonates with the heartland and the majority of decent normal folks, so the left has to try to identify with the fringe groups…but this is like the stupidest idea ever imo.
PA may be out of reach for the Dems in November…
Without Pennsylvania, the Democrats’ path to the White House becomes increasingly more difficult. It may even be the ballgame. Yet, besides fracking and natural gas is a potential death trap for Democrats in the state, we have a women-based focused group also giving Trump high praise. They noted the national security accomplishments, like killing Iran’s top terrorist Maj. Gen. Qasam Soleimani. More importantly, they noted the increase in the size of their portfolios and one woman noted that she will have no problem paying her taxes this year, thanks to the Trump economy.
and here’s Bernie introducing a bill to ban fracking…
Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) this week introduced a bill that aims to ban hydraulic fracking.
The bill was introduced on Tuesday and is titled “a bill to ban the practice of hydraulic fracturing, and for other purposes,” according to the Library of Congress, though the text of the legislation was not available on the site.
Sanders has called for a ban on fracking while campaigning for the Democratic presidential nomination, as has Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-Mass.).
Bernie and Lizzie…job killers extraordinaire.
They couldn’t care less about the economy.
Either one of them would put a stop to our new Energy Independence.
And then tax us to death.
why would anyone vote for these losers?
Said yesterday he’s got 25 EO’s ready to go to rollback POTUS’ pipeline, energy, Wall, immigration, And other EO’s. Will crash economy right off the bat if he wins
you know it!
this has got to be the sickest campaign promise I ever heard…Biden is gonna pick a good VP, because he’s “an old guy” and “will probably die in office”. wow! so vote for me cuz you’ll end up with my VP? smh
Democrats are extraordinarily good at victim psychology. They have been practicing since a least the 60s. I am just not sure of which century yet.
Verse of the Day
“Now unto him that is able to do exceeding abundantly above all that we ask or think, according to the power that worketh in us,”
Ephesians 3:20 (KJV)
Thank You, Jesus, for blessings received and prayers answered!
Friday Blessing
Jesus Loves Babies…Pray for the Unborn

Jesus Loves the Little Children – Pray for the Little Children
Jesus Loves You – Come to Him
Good Morning Duchess!
have a Blessed Day!!!
Morning, Pat! Hope and pray all is well with you – Happy Blessed Day to you, too!
Sean Spicier
We really should give the democrats a little credit…they’ve got thru 9 days of “The Pledge of Allegiance” without taking a knee
Ari Fleischer
Did you know that the Obama-Biden administration in 2016 fined JP Morgan $264 million for hiring the unqualified kids of powerful Chinese leaders? Biden fined Americans for doing exactly what Ukraine did for his son!
As a child I used to love this Saint. I thought he invented Bosco.
So Lamar Alexander voted “No” on witnesses…Collins voted “Yes” (shocker)…and now we’re waiting on Murky Murkowski…
I can’t imagine any of those Dems voting “No”…the pressure put on them must have been immense…but we’ll see.
Where does that leave us? If Murky follows her weak and malleable doppelgänger from Maine does that make it a tie?
I meant to post this image with my comment…but apparently I’m still in some type of “Bin” purgatory.
Happy Groundhog Day Weekend!

Not to put a damper on people tracking the coronavirus, because it could yet reach pandemic levels, but in immediate orbits, this seems to be more pressing.
Text for Zoe:
The Coronavirus is unsettling but from Jan 1st until the 29th in the United States alone so far we have 13 Million cases of flu 120 thousand hospitalize and so far 6600 deaths. I would be more afraid of the flu.
DP comment: that does not mean that the list posted yesterday about washing clothes in hot water, bathing in hot water as soon as you get home, and using Lysol spray on shoes is worthless. On the contrary, it means we should be doing it all the time.
True, DP.
Agreed. I’m sure the numbers for the opoiod epidemic, criminal homicides, and suicides eclipse this, but they don’t engender the novelty and MCM attention that a global pandemic does. And these are problems that the current administration is actively mobilizing for.
wow, I am so glad I am not on twitter…I was reading the replies to a tweet showing Sekulow detailing what witness he would like to call…and as I was reading I was yelling at the computer screen correcting all the disinformation on there being spread by dembots…
for instance—did you know that Volker and Morrison were REPUB witnesses??? who the hell made that crap up? sorry…this is why I’m glad I’m not on twitter…
I do enjoy blocking them. Sometimes I’ll spend 15 minutes doing that. Find it very interesting that the ones I’ve blocked repeatedly appear on almost every tweet by the good guys on our side. If they’re not bots, they’re definitely targeted opposition. I’m getting good at spotting the fakers.
. I get a lot of likes from that 
The only other fun I have is to make fun of them about the Russsssians coming and add splodey heads, then I immediately block so they can’t reply
so you’re a twitter sniper huh?
Yes ma’am, I am!!
Random observation in Switzerland (near the France border if it matters):
This is the second day I heard/saw fighter jets flying overhead (maybe doing practice maneuvers or what not). Don’t know why, but they aren’t out often, and it’s at the same time in the afternoon. )
taco run?
Sounds legit ….. lmao
Training. Getting fight hours to qualify for additional pay. Land navigation. Normal stuff.
Above, uninformed thoughts from afar.
Those are my thoughts when NV Air Guard periodically flies near, over where I live. Seems to occur around the first or last week of the month between 10AM and 2PM. Bonus is I enjoy watching them. Perhaps a kid thing I don’t want to let go of
Kalbo, I’ll make lunch. We can sit at the end of the runway and watch them take off all day long. I’m with you. Never gets old.
Umm…after 9-11 you can’t sit at the end of the runways anymore. At the west end of Lambert Field, there used to be a parking lot just for this purpose. On a Friday evening, people would bring a cooler with dinner and beverages and watch the planes take off and land.
It’s gone.
daughn, I worked in Silicon Valley in the 70s…and a friend of mine and I did just that.
His car had a sunroof, and we would take our lunched to the Base-watching area…just the best.
One week they were practicing take-offs and landings, and we got to look Right Into those awesome engines: glowing red hot.
jazzed us for the afternoons, it did.
Omg same here Kal! Every time I hear the roar of the engine I try to run out to my balcony and see them fly by!
A bit of a round-upon the China Virus. Some of the more important information and source I will detail and link below.
#1. There is a possibility that it is a bio-weapon. The jury is still out.
#2. The data from China is suspect.
#3. Data from the USA and other countries may be under-counting the infection.
…….a. Children are likely either asymptomatic or have milder symptoms.
…..b. ”sputum samples [stuff coughed up from lungs] were 8–13 cycles earlier than those of throat swabs. Thus repeat testing of URT samples or testing deeper samples are warranted in clinically high suspicious cases with an initial negative result.”
#4. It targets the deep lungs, mainly in those 50 years of age and older with other problems.
In other words it is ‘tailor made’ for taking out sick old folks.
REMEMBER with Obamacare if you are over 70 years certain tests/medical procedures are no longer available. (See last quote)
From my notes on Obamacare and yes I did read the whole bill.
Mortality by age comparison between MERS, SARS and 2019-nCoV
China is lying through their teeth about the actual number of deaths.
Many bodies are being sent directly to crematoriums from the hospitals without being identified.
Very aggressive quarantines (people being locked in their apartment with physical bars making it impossible to exit the apartment.)
(Twitter is now blocking my ability to see this.)
Ugly reality in above chart.
As corona spreads, it’ll be interesting to see a comparative chart for other countries rolled up, and also a third chart, US only. The latter I suspect is probably weeks away mid or late February, which starts tomorrow.
Hope folks are planning AND not figuring the Feds will provide everything. Personal preparation AND sustainment may be critical.
Pre-print of a study from China (OFFICIAL)
“Estimating the effective reproduction number of the 2019-nCoV in China”
Authors: Zhidong Cao (1), Qingpeng Zhang (1), Xin Lu, Dirk Pfeiffer, Zhongwei Jia, Hongbing Song, Daniel Dajun Zeng
Chinese Academy of Sciences Institute of Automation, Beijing, China (Z. Cao, D.D. Zeng)
University of Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing (Z. Cao, D.D. Zeng)
Shenzhen Artificial Intelligence and Data Science Institute (Longhua), Shenzhen (Z. Cao, D.D. Zeng)
City University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong (Q. Zhang, D. Pfeiffer)
National University of Defense Technology, Changsha (X. Lu)
Peking University, Beijing (Z. Jia)
Chinese PLA Center for Disease Control and Prevention, Beijing (H. Song)
Pretty convenient for China, not enough young to take care of the majority aging population. Years of failed 1child policy.
dr muge cevik@mugecevik is now hiding her tweets but I got to see them via Larry Ledwick on ChiefIO.
However she does have a January 25 -26 thread: *
She is from the UK this is some important information from her thread which is LOOOoooong:
”Transmission of #2019nCoV Infection from an Asymptomatic Contact Timeline of Exposure to Index Patient suggests transmission 1-2d before symptom onset To note: this is a very close contact, they spent 2d in several meetings “
Jan 25 – Clinical features of the first 41 pts suggest that #nCoV2019 has an insidious onset with fever, cough, and myalgia +/- shortness of breath. Radiological findings of bilateral ground-glass opacities. Some with mild, but >60y with severe disease
Jan 25 – Another important feature seen in #nCoV2019 cases is that only a few patients had upper respiratory tract symptoms (rhinorrhoea or sore throat), indicating that the target cells might be located in the lower airway.
Zhou et al from Wuhan, describing the initial characterisation of the #nCoV2019, demonstrating also that deeper respiratory tract samples have a higher viral load than oral/throat swabs.
The ct values of the sputum samples [Stuff coughed up from lungs] were 8–13 cycles earlier than those of throat swabs. Thus repeat testing of URT samples or testing deeper samples are warranted in clinically high suspicious cases with an initial negative result.
Jan 29
New in
: Chen et al. report 99 patients with #2019nCoV pneumonia. The median age was 55y, >60% over the age of 50y, and over half with a comorbid disease. The majority (80%) presented with fever and cough, +/- shortness of breath
Obamacare is all about removing medical care FROM the elderly and giving it TO the illegals.
If You Like Your Medicare, You Can Keep Your Medicare By Jane M. Orient, M.D.
GEE, where have we heard ending life by removing “life-sustaining treatments”—such as food and water. Oh yah, It is called the UK Liverpool CARE Pathway.
Vitamin C Protects Against Coronavirus
Gail, Daily, I seek your posts with facts, data and analysis. Great information. Frankly, a great service you deliver. Thank you for sharing!
Glad you enjoy my posts. I am trying to give people ammo for dealing with the Leftys and hair-on-fires
sniff…it’s really…sniff…dusty in here
Lamar Alexander is a jerk…no witness but the explanation is because its obvious President Trump Is guilty but not of high crimes and not to be removed from office. Total swamp move
NEW: The arrested Harvard prof is tip of the iceberg. When the Texas A&M system investigated how much Chinese money its faculty was getting, officials were astounded—over 100 were involved in Chinese talent recruitment plans. Only 5 disclosed. https://wsj.com/articles/chinas-funding-of-u-s-researchers-raises-red-flags-11580428915 @aviswanatha
Anarchy comes to NYC. Language warning.
These thugs wouldn’t try this if Guiliani was mayor.
For eight years the Democrat affiliates lectured us on the dangers of human trafficking . . .
That MOAR needed to be done . . .
When pressed on WHAT could be done . . . they always needed MOAR MONEY . . .
Government grants, increased budgets, and from the public? DONATIONS to preferred charities . . .
Was there anything else that could be done I asked? (At ONE of these WINE AND CHEESE events, no joke!)
No because the nature of the human trafficking problem they needed SPECIALISTS to do the work . . . it wasn’t something that just anyone could do . . . so they really needed the money.
One thing you could do, though, was “raise awareness”. This is public relations (MARKETING) lingo. If you can’t give them money, talk to other people and find them people who can(!)
In terms of HOW the money would be used, there was NO TRANSPARENCY, NO ACCOUNTABILITY . . .
But they were utterly transparent in their MONEY GRAB.
These organizations then would talk the churches into having a Sunday or a month long “focus” on the issue of human slavery . . .
They would tell lots of stories during the service and partner with pastors on how to prepare their sermons . . .
“Tell lots of stories . . . people connect with stories . . .” But totally weak on details.
And to what end?
Surprise surprise . . .
It was all a giant FUNDRAISING appeal!
And the problem? People are so wedded to their emotional experience of virtue-signaling and helping “rescue” people out of slavery, that they WILL NOT hear you when you point out all the RED FLASHING LIGHTS and WARNING SIGNS that they are being MANIPULATED and FINANCIALLY AND EMOTIONALLY ABUSED!!!
Good read
Some of these tweet threads are downright scary.
Dispatches from the Front
In light of the huge earthquake in Puerto Rico, huge warehouses of supplies were discovered unused and undistributed dating back from Hurricane Maria.
Last week we got some ground reports on the problems that USACE had working in Puerto Rico due to the high degree of corruption – things that should be $1 were being sold for $100, and power workers being lazy and not working even though the power was out to hospitals and human life was on the line.
So we know that many churches were also involved in Puerto Rico relief efforts – did that aid get distributed or was it likewise problematic?
SBC INSIDER: Funny money in Baptist missions?
In this edition of SBC INSIDER, Bobby and Tom start with an overview of the current situation regarding tumult in the SBC, and then a deep examination of the Baptist decisions regarding global missions–such as the withdrawal of resources from Latin America, shifting of funds to difficult Arab and Asian mission fields, and the suspicious engagement of Baptist missions with the relief efforts in Puerto Rico. For more details:
From an insider informant (in italics):
If you watch that Send Relief video from SBC 2019 they say over and over that there are no restrictions . They are either lying or so ignorant they are breaking the law and do not know it.
. . . and there’s MOAR
Lots of sauce . . .
Tried to skim though the comments, and sorry if this has been posted already, but this article reinforces my contention that 2016 had a “Hidden Vote” for Candidate Trump.
It’s 2020 that’s going to have the Monster Vote.
From Left leaning, Washington Examiner, a reporter is picking up on why.
What a contrast!!
Zoe….two pics side by side In this tweet of two elections rallies in Iowa yesterday….Biden and PDJT.
Biden with a few dozen supporters in a small room vs. POTUS in an arena surrounded by tens of thousands.
The contrast is remarkable.
Wheee . . .
This guy is a master manipulator. He even had plans for his future wife to advance his career. It makes one wonder why he married her.
Great insight! A real snake.
If he thought this was an issue, why did he marry her?
“Flashback: In 2009, Russell Moore, the former Democrat staffer who currently runs the Ethics and Religious Liberty Commission (ERLC) of the Southern Baptist Convention said he wished his wife was a Democrat and more like Hillary Clinton.”
The people who put him in charge are corrupt, or stupid.
You can’t put a former or current ‘high ranking’ Democrat in charge of your organization without being stupid or corrupt.
It’s like putting one of Al Capone’s people in charge of your business.
Are you stupid, or are you corrupt?
Because you can’t do it, without being at least one of those two.
You could be BOTH, but you can’t be neither.
So the organization is corrupt, the people who put him in a position of power are corrupt, and he is corrupt.
Just call a spade a spade already.
“This is the man who runs the political lobbying arm of the Southern Baptist Convention who weaponizes his research fellows to attack Republican candidates,”
Where is the Scriptural Authority for any church claiming to belong to the Lord to have a ‘political lobbying arm’?
There isn’t any.
It is a human corruption, a perversion. Apparently ‘institutionalized’ at this point.
A ‘political lobbying arm’ soaks up plenty of resources (church funds). Where is the Scriptural Authority (command, example or necessary inference) for any church claiming to belong to the Lord to utilize the church treasury for political activity?
It’s a simple question.
It’s the same simple question used to validate (or invalidate) any and every practice or belief.
Book, chapter and verse, please.
“…one of which just this week said it ‘wasn’t good’ that Donald Trump was pro-life.”
How is it possible to BE a Democrat, to support the Democrat Party Platform (anti-God, pro baby genocide, pro every sexual perversion and sin under the sun, for starters) and be a Christian?
It’s MORE than a ‘fair’ question.
It’s an obvious question. Apparently so obvious that most people won’t even ask it.
I would love to hear a Democrat try to explain it. They don’t need to explain it to me, but they will have to explain it to God, so it would be good practice to test their argument now, to find out whether it can withstand the ‘laugh test’.
Whatever their short-term priorities are, it’s the eternal implications that ought to be of greater concern.
They might be able to fool their family. They might be able to fool most of their congregation.
They might even be able to fool themselves.
But they’re not going to fool God.
Scott – churchmouse went to this thread and complained to get kicked out of perpetual spam.
No kidding WP hates us.
no probs on my end . . . yet . . .
Testing… am I still going DTB today (direct to bin)?
Wolf, I just posted a reply at churchmouse’s link in your post, and… it disappeared, presumably into THEIR bin, lol!
Yup – 2 in the bin. You can use this post as an example to WP, of one that had to be released.
Wow. I love it when I get Scott fired up!
He wanted to marry a woman to CHANGE HER into HIS “creation” (think Prof Higgins and Eliza Doolittle — “Pygmalion Complex”)..
The spouse married to a SVENGALI is subject to constant manipulation — overt and covert; done in the family home / out in public / through mutual friends.
The spouse married to a SVENGALI lives with a person who is NEVER “satisfied” with him/her.
The spouse married to a SVENGALI is “punished” when he/she attempts to stand up for themselves.
How do I know about a SVENGALI marriage? My late husband’s older son did this TWICE to separate wives in his two failed marriages. Each of his former wives walked out on him.
Wow, great insight. Thanks for sharing with me about the abusive behavior. Wow, great insights… going to be thinking about this now.
that drag queen thing comes on…the football fans will head for the toilet…where that commercial belongs…
I’m glad they are doing this.

It’s a “FU” to tens of millions who won’t forget in Nov.
Keep digging that hole, lefties!! Shovel full after shovel full. Put your backs into it!!
Won’t forget in November. We hope so. AND, folks still watch Faux (all channels), so they still make the $$$.
I hear France is looking for a new leader–she should send them her resume…bwahahaha
I would take the ‘not likely side’ of that bet. She is more likely to be in a diabetic coma by 2040.
If she isn’t already diabetic, I’d be surprised.
Unfortunately, Black genetic issues are serious with predispositions not only for diabetes, but hypertension and cardiovascular diseases. Her stroke and cardiac risk profile is extremely high.
If we let the Left get any more of a stranglehold on the reins of power, something like this could very well happen. We can’t be complacent for a moment.
On that note American airlines pilots are suing to stop flights too.
“The pilots’ union at American Airlines sued on Thursday to stop the carrier from flying to China and told members not to operate flights there because of the spreading coronavirus outbreak.
The Allied Pilots Association, which represents American’s 15,000 pilots, asked a state district court in Dallas for an injunction to halt the flights immediately. The union cited declarations by international health experts that the virus is a public health emergency.
“The safety and well-being of our crews and passengers must always be our highest priority — first, last, and always,” union President Eric Ferguson said in a statement.
Ferguson noted that several international carriers have stopped flying to China. Union leaders asked American’s management to do the same, he said, “but to date they have not canceled any U.S.-China flights. We are therefore compelled to seek injunctive relief.”
A spokesman said the airline was aware of the lawsuit.
“We are in close contact with the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and global public health officials to make sure we are taking all necessary precautions for our customers and team members,” said the spokesman, Joshua Freed.
American announced Wednesday that it will suspend flights between Los Angeles and both Beijing and Shanghai beginning Feb. 9. The airline has not announced changes in flights between Dallas-Fort Worth International Airport and Beijing, Shanghai and Hong Kong or between Los Angeles and Hong Kong.”
Zoe……OP tweets says…
BREAKING: Delta suspends all flights to China, as coronavirus reaches 9,600+ cases and growing fast .
Delighted by this new.
Now United needs to join.
OANN – 2 new cases in UK. Said British Air, United, and Virgin has suspended flights to China. Didn’t specify if United suspension is worldwide.
bfly – this post was in spam. Churchmouse went to the thread I’m linking below and complained, and she got kicked out of “perma-spam”. I’m telling EVERYBODY HERE to mob that thread and complain until WordPress either gives us tools to declare people “NOT SPAM”, or they blow us off enough for me to post my nuclear article taking down WP, Akismet, and Automattikkk Against The People.
Big Brother IS watching!!
Dig, liberals, dig!!
Your graves are not yet deep enough.
Tweet says…
.@TheDemocrats, notorious for ignoring the people’s civil rights in favor of government control for 100’s of years, from slavery to Jim Crow, continue as usual. Virginia Lawmakers Shrug Off Protests, Pass 7 Anti-Gun Bills
https://www.guns.com/news/2020/01/31/virginia-lawmakers-shrug-off-protests-pass-7-anti-gun-bills …
HOUSE BILL 421 allows LOCAL OFFICIALS to PASS LAWS that restrict the 2nd Amendment.
Let that sink in.
This will create CHAOS all over the Commonwealth as leftwing localities (ALL of Northern Virginia; Richmond; Charlottesville, etc.) now RUSH THROUGH their versions of basically ELIMINATING the 2nd Amendment.
WATCH for Virginia to STOP being a “Shall Issue” CCW state. One of the wet dreams of the DemComs is to make Virginia into a “MAY Issue” state, like Maryland, New York, California.
I’m getting every day closer to making the decision to cutting ties with Virginia.
Well, alrighty then.
Text for Zoe:
#MAGA #Qanon
Jevon Smith
My buddy yelled “Q Sent Me”…..look what POTUS does with his hand in the air
In the video President Trump made an air Q.
Tweet from Rudy G.
This afternoon you will be able to see and hear my EXCLUSIVE interview, conducted in Ukraine, with Viktor Shokin, the prosecutor who was nearly killed. Stay tuned for the link!
Hmmh. which of these Grrreat MAGA twinz to reply to???

POTUS has winked at Chris Wray and thanked him twice.
Zoe – text of 2 tweets from the White House following a photo of POTUS at the podium (In the periscope linked below, VP Pence is by his side, applauding…………
NEXT: President
delivers remarks at the summit!
LIVE: White House Summit on Human Trafficking
How bout giving Both MAGA
a reply!! 

POTUS has budgeted a lot of money for DOJ to prosecute human traffickers. Bill Barr said the Internet is the worst facilitator of it. POTUS also compared other countires to DC politicians, they talk alot but never do anything. He has conditioned aid to these countries, if they don’t start doing their jobs, they won’t get the money.
Like a BOSS! Love Him!!
Amen Butterfly……………..
Jan 31, 2020 12:22:57 PM EST
Q !!Hs1Jq13jV6 ID: ef52a4 No. 7978436
What happens when people learn the TRUTH?
What happens when people WAKE UP?
They will not be able to walk down the street.
1m ago
8kun qresearch
Music to my ears ………….. sing it again and again ……………
Shout it from the mountain tops!!
Wow! The crowd is so close to her, too. I wonder how that ended. I love the signs: “Democrats are Deporters.” Pelosi’s focus has only been on removing Pres. Trump from office, 24/7, and everyone knows it.
Here’s another!
Jan 31, 2020 12:29:24 PM EST
Q !!Hs1Jq13jV6 ID: ef52a4 No. 7978543
Context post FISA.
1m ago
8kun qresearch
Tweet says…
Atty Gen Barr says human trafficking is “modern day slavery.” Says the issue is “a top priority of the whole Administration.” Pledges that the @TheJusticeDept “will do all in its power to bring human traffickers to justice.”

…. bwahahahahahah
… and shuddered (like Lurch) bwahahahahahah … tee-hee 
Mentioned the 1st. one to DH …. he narrowed his eyes

Q !!Hs1Jq13jV6 ID: a1e816 No.7978821
Jan 31 2020 12:50:55 (EST) NEW
Coming soon.
Twitter already deleted that page

I can only get them to load when I click the link from Q page. Never works from here.
It’s this…..
If you paste the addr into a new window, it works fine.
Check out this thread:
I saw that earlier…gotta go back and find it
It’s right on my comment…
just click the picture.
Brexit day is here.
Almost too hard to believe. After YEARS of the most depressing news coming out of the UK, now Brexit.
What a momentous, monumental day for freedom and liberty represented by national sovereignty and leadership accountable to the people!!
IMPOSSIBLE to overstate what a MASSIVE victory this day represents….not just for the UK….but for the entire world.
And btw…
It is next to impossible that the EU and Brussels gov’t will survive this…
…PDJT will now move swiftly to throw the USA’s economic heft behind the UK, and then other individual EU nations will start splitting away from the EU as well.
A great, GREAT day today!! History!!
shots fired at Mar-a-Lago
Shots were fired at President Trump’s Mar-a-Lago resort after a woman in a black SUV tried to drive through a security checkpoint north of the resort shortly after Noon on Friday, according to WSVN 7, citing law enforcement.
LIVE: Police have responded to an incident at Mar-a-Lago in Palm Beach County. https://t.co/UbgPmUgY6R
— WSVN 7 News (@wsvn) January 31, 2020
A heavy police presence was seen after Police and Secret Service opened fire at the gate crasher. Two people are in custody following a short chase involving a police helicopter.
There’s still work to do in this administration.
Tweet reads:
l E T 17
So someone from the EPA can drink it on live tv then. Since it’s so safe ?
I don’t get it. Didn’t they have lawsuits from someone who developed terminal cancer from over use of glyphosate ?
Link to article: https://www.globalresearch.ca/epa-reapproves-glyphosate-claims-pesticide-poses-no-human-health-threat/5702397
H/T Big Mama T
Grandson just corrected me… we have always had coronavirus (colds)… this one today is a NEW pathogen. He gave an analogy with ducks (this is how he talks to his ‘grandma’
) Imagine common human coronavirus is a group of Mallard Ducks… suddenly there appears a swan, a Black Swan (not the economic kind either). That is what we now have. And he reminds me that SARS was a ‘coronavirus’ … he says we don’t know if strain in Canada is the same as China pathogen because disinformation is coming from China. Clear?
Tell him no.
It is more like a runner duck. The black swan would be the Ebola virus (another RNA virus).
That way you will really have him flummoxed.
Oh Gail… I’ve never been able to flummox that kid ! will try…
grandson here- I was just using the example of ducks to swans to explain how the different coronaviruses are.
I am specifically talking about this evolutionary line of viruses.
while both coronavirus and ebolavirus are both in the same realm, they are very far apart genetically. not even in the same phylum.
that is like claiming a blue whale and a runner duck are basically the same,both in the same phylum, chordate.
while runner ducks and swans are both in the same phylum,class,order and family.
the only thing that flummoxed me was your approach.
Gail, this is Phoenix… grandson can’t resist a challenge… he said he hoped he didn’t sound curt or disrespectful… was trying to jostle back with ya about “flummoxed”
[I love that word!]
Ooooo. Scary smart
Yep… as my late Dad used to say, a walking encyclopedia…
But appears to have common sense too. (Not actually common at all)
I agree on both counts…
Have y’all seen this one? so much stuff out there, I don’t know whether it has any real merit or not…
saw it CM… and zH has a follow-up to it, as it is apparently involved in Twitter suspending zH’s acc’t …………….. go figure, right?
Try again.
Semper Fi, Marine. Rest in God’s loving arms.

Thank you for your magnificent contribution to the war effort… Requiescat in pace Sir
RIP and honored memory.
I wish I could see the reception this great and fierce warrior is receiving from his fellow veterans.
Side of beef, the sequel??
she look stoned or sauced
Sauced but about to be stoned. Literally. With stones
Was this taken after the group of young people were screaming that she is a liar?
Just say humor me and say yes.
Please and thanks.
Yes. Yes. Yes. She’s having what Hillary got
Oh my goodness…any date on this?
Not sure. Posted this am. Taken unknown as yet
CNBC reporting the sky is FALLING!!!!!11!1!!11!!
DOW down 650+++ points!
650+++ pointzzz!!!!
It’s fear and pricing due to teh Corona virus!!!!
Live press conf from White House Corona Task Force – no reason to panic
Feb 2 at midnight certain travel restrictions will take effect for foreign nationals. Quaratine for ppl 14 days recent travel to the wuhan province. Monitored self quarantine anyone 14 days recent travel to China.
5pm Sunday Eastern time
Funnelling air traffic to 7 specific equipped airports
None of it will help if Canada keeps letting people travelling from China in without checks
These are PREVENTATIVE steps. Risk is low and the admin is working to keep it that way.
Opinion, sounds like CDC was finding typical ways of bungling this but Trump formed a task force w/ CDC and made them own this.
Risks are low. Q why aren’t we more conerned about flu knowing it has a significant morbity and hits at epidemic levels? Flu is seasonal, predicable, known patterns. Problem w Corona is its unknowns which we are learning more about as this progresses
And CNBC cuts back to their regularly scheduled fear-mongering . . .
They really don’t care if they crash the market, create a depression, kill millions… whatever it takes to destroy POTUS… and his supporters…
Every time the market dives, someone’s making money. Soros loved playing bear markets. He rigged them to fail so go figure.
Has anyone checked yesterday’s put orders?
Just a healthy pullback on profit taking.
No, this isn’t the start of a new trend.
See what happens when they forget the lime?
Amateurs. Sheesh!
Its all up and down.
Not only the virus talk but also Brexit.
Plus the fact that John Delaney dropped his presidential bid (who?)
Friday is always the profit taking day. It will go back up Monday or so.
LOL Yup! Someone forgot to tell the CNBC hosts! Maybe if they were brokers they’d know this, but wait, nevermind, they’re journalists!
Please post text of tweet under tweet. Thank you for Zoe and others!
For Zoe….
BREAKING: U.S. officials believe they have killed the leader of Al-Qaeda, Qassim al-Rimi, in an airstrike.
Text for Zoe:
Charles V Payne
Al Qaeda Leader Killed
You really have to love this…in the midst of impeachment, fears of coronavirus and all the other things dominating headlines America still keeping the world safe.
Link to New York Times article: https://t.co/p4K1UQ98Un?amp=1
Is it impeachable to be too efficient if your name is Trump?
I’m sure they’ll try that one next after the current effort fails.
The White House announced Friday a ban of all foreign nationals traveling to the United States who have traveled in China in the last two weeks.
The ban applies to all foreign nationals who have traveled in China within the last 14 days and will be denied entry into the United States and will become effective at 5:00 p.m. EST on Sunday, February 2.
This was in spam! Please feel free to join all the others who are complaining to WordPress on THIS THREAD. Churchmouse got ACTION!!!
I believe most of the complaints are in moderation there.
Feel free to ask them to give us admins the tools to declare posters NOT SPAM so we don’t have to remove them HUNDREDS OF TIMES EACH.
SPAM DEMORALIZATION will no longer be tolerated. I have a post in the works which will rake these people over hot coals.
This was in spam because:
1. Of the link I copy/pasted it from
2. Because I was too lazy to create it myself
WordPress = CensorshipPress
I am wondering if they are able to read because they have cookies in their system and that is what propels them into spam?
I do not go many places specially with my new computer. I have problems on U -Tree with my old computer I take to all kind of places. I clear cookies but this machine is clean and protected.
I have to say I know nothing about computers.
Clearing cookies causes the most problems with WordPress sites. Yes! Clearing cookies and not being able to see them is what CAUSES problems!
You need to clear cookies when they contain BAD information, but when they contain GOOD information – like your correct passwords (as a token), then you WANT THOSE COOKIES THERE!!!
Works for me.
CORONAVIRUS …Declared a Public Health Emergency in US
about an hour ago…
read, here…
Alex Azar (HHSS) made the announcement today…
…and, as of 5 pm, Feb 2, all US citizens returning from Hubei province will be quarantined for 14 days.
Doctors Say Pandemic Inevitable …Coronavirus Figures “Don’t Fit”
article link…
wash your hands….
and this…
as of Sunday, Feb 2 , ALL FLIGHTS FROM CHINA will be entering the USA through 7 airports ONLY …
those 7 airports are listed in this article…
For Zoe and the rest, the seven are:
John F. Kennedy International Airport
O’hare Airport
San Francisco International Airport
Los Angeles International Airport
Daniel K. Inouye International Airport
Seattle–Tacoma International Airport
Hartsfield–Jackson Atlanta International Airport
They’ve narrowed it down from 11 airports to 7
To come back into the USA, I’ve only been through O’Hare on this list. (Miami, Toronto, and Detroit were the others.)
ORD has a separate building for customs.
Do the others?
no. It is likely determined by terminal design and ability to isolate an area or section.
webmd has interesting info on this:
From above: Almost everyone gets a coronavirus infection at least once in their life, most likely as a young child. In the United States, coronaviruses are more common in the fall and winter, but anyone can come down with a coronavirus infection at any time.
#NEW: The Trump Admin. is putting new restrictions on migrants from Kyrgyzstan, Myanmar, Eritrea, Nigeria, Sudan & Tanzania who are looking to obtain visas.
YES!!!!! I remember a group locally would bring them in and place them in housing in the worst part of the city. The little kids kept saying they hate police and I was like ‘isn’t anyone concerned that they keep saying that?!?!?’
I’ll put this on the BREXIT THREAD, but WOW!

Mr. Jones™️
Oh shit this is AWESOME!
Congrats to all the British patriots on FINALLY making Brexit a reality!
Now. all patriotic Brits of child bearing years, it’s your patriotic duty to go home and produce the next generation!
Your sacrifice is necessary for the survival of England.
……and while you are at it, take your time in the moment. Do it right. Don’t rush it.
That way, when your kid(s) piss you off, at least you can remember how epic the moment you made them was.
Does anyone know how I can loop this?
I just keep watching it over, and over, and over with a big Schiff-eating grin on my face.
Please and thanks.
Praise the Lord!!
This resembles a few hockey fights I’ve seen over the years.
Saving this for THE POST!!!
(@JackPosobiec) January 31, 2020
just now
BREAKING: Any foreign national who has traveled within China in the last two weeks will not be allowed into the US, according to a proclamation from President Trumphttps://t.co/ChJzKmjpP9
— Jack Posobiec
Is this the same person? I don’t see fb proof that she is a bernie supporter if its the same person or already been scrubbed
I think this is it and it has already been scrubbed and twitter account closed. FAST action for someone just arrested. how did she have time to do that so quickly from jail?
Yes, same person.
Another deranged liberal.
BTW, shampeachment witnesses voted down 51-49.
Jesse Watters just said, “I’m scared Juan, hold me!”
I call him Snowflake Williams.
Honestly, actual clowns who work at their craft don’t deserve that.
I beg to differ. The clowns you speak of are fakes. The REAL ones are in the dimocrap party.
Ladies and Gentlemen, this has been one heck of a WEEK TO REMEMBER!
I confess I thought about that. One of the only PHENOMENAL pop songs NEVER COVERED, and there’s a reason for that.
While I’m at it…
Oh, that brings back memories of summers at the pool.
Long story.
70’s and 80’s was THE most diverse, amazing, incredible, stunning, and breath-taking time for music in America of any time before or sense (pun intended). It’s all gone downhill since then.
In contrast to the above….which actually foreshadows the age of snowflakes…
POP music.
The 80s was lyrics and bass lines more than anything else.
The 70s…how many ways can you use a synthesizer?
Yesterday, I committed to a response to Tona on the argument about Sidney Powell/Flynn.
It is available in Q Tree as there is a LOT of cursing involved.
It is highly detailed and long winded.
If you don’t give a flip, I suggest skipping it. It is NOT pretty.
Be right back!
I had to go tp email to find it.
Probably a good thing.
Link please. I couldn’t find it.
Here you go.
Rather sure you have read the article UTree. If not, worth a read. Grab a cup of joe
I thought you were very patient and accommodating, as was Big T. No need for me to state my opinion of the other party involved as you all know me well enough by now and I’m in too good of a mood to waste it on such a person.
Btw, it’s cocktail hour! Wish you all were with me so I could share some of the Pappy 20 year I’m opening in celebration of Brexit and the Senate’s rejection of the dim attempt to pull and end run around the Constitution.
I raise my glass to you all as well as the occasion!
Gotta say, I never agreed with a Flynn related post by Tona. Even said as much on one or moar occasions. But I used to want to see another view, to consider. Hell I miss a lot in life. Even when folks hold the obvious up in my face…and it’s a talking picture…I miss stuff. But, again, never understood the Tona, Flynn posts absolutely hammering Sydney and Flynn.
The idiot in me readily identified with the wrongs and corruption Sydney highlighted while representing Flynn. Hell, I, we, saw the wrongs and corruption before Sydney came along! Saw it a couple years ago. Validated moar along the way.
Biggest TELL beyond years of postponing sentencing.
– A year ago or so, DOJ recommend probation.
– A month or so ago DOJ recommends six months.
– Thursday or Friday DOJ recommends probation.
DOJ just blinked. DOJ wants to let shit slide under the table. DOJ has been caught railroading a US citizen. DOJ & FIB lied about 302s…
Until I slowly read, and yea I am slow article UTree, I did not realize the very jaded and seemingly” personal, as opposed to analytical posts Tona shared regarding Sydney, AND Flynn. Something very, very personal in this.
^^^ One of those deals, “once I see it, I can’t unsee it”. Dunno if it is related to one or moar of following…military, senior military officer, successful female, high viz lawyer, can’t accept DOJ facked up, can’t accept FIB facked up… But I am done with it ^^^.
Given what we have witnessed for eleven plus years, there is no doubt Flynn was framed. hussein, bite me, hildabeast, kerry, and his corrupt departments & agencies blatantly violated the law for eight years. As that shithead went into the shadow to wreak havoc on America, remnants of his shithead followers are still conspiring against America, Americans… IRS, fast & furious, Benghazi, emails, tarmac, corrupt IC, DOJ, FIB, ATTEMPTED COUP… LL, Holder, Yates, McCabe, Comey, RR, Strokz, Page…so many moar.
^^^ Absolutely obscene what these assholes have done to our Country. Done to our citizens. ^^^
^^^ Wheels of Justice are way too slow. But wait we must. 100% on Trump Train and believe in Barr.
OBVIOUS unending corrupt and endless illegal actions against good guys. FLYNN IS A GOOD GUY. RAILROADED. Have ALWAYS believed in his innocence.
100% I can see myself with crappy memory saying something. Later recalling moar accurately. Has happened to me for several decades. Both recent and not so recent memory. Doesn’t mean I lied. Shit happens.
AND, 100% the Federal government can be oppressively overbearing, threatening, INTIMIDATING…I can easily see myself taking a fall, “phony” guilty plea to save my wife or children from OPPRESSIVE FEDERAL GOVERNMENT…COMMONLY ACTING ILLEGALLY.
This fool is not a lawyer. How the hell would I know, what the Feds can do, can’t do, what the law is, procedures…? Get a lawyer AND bad advice…client is facked. Then see my world, which I struggled to build for 30+ years imploding…can’t fathom trying the fight the weight of the Federal government.
Rant off.
Another Dance of the Parasites, eh?.
Bug spray!!!! lots of bug spray needed asap!
….and deodorant.
I’m looking for the dogs’ flea and tick medicine….
you and Kea remind of this epic moment…
I think you are thinking something I wasn’t thinking or intend?
Reminds me of the song “i’d start a revolution if i could get up in the morning”
DP I was thinking about you when I saw this article!!! She got 1 Million for this book deal!?!? Really?!?!
‘American Dirt’ book tour canceled by publisher because of safety concerns
The decision follows continued criticism from Latino critics that the novel is stereotypical and racist.
I LOVE when the Woke ones get Woke and attack each other. LOL
(Sorry for the NBC news link)
She’s not Graham Greene that’s for sure.
For Zoe and everyone else:
Chemo hair Marie Yovanovitch has announced her retirement from the State Department!!!!!!!!
Gee. That’s a real shame, innit? Darn.
The good news is she can always join the circus as a clown and she won’t have to wear a wig, either.
Testing testing testing…
I see you testing Harry.
Yup – he was in the bin.
Oh ffs!
“Testing testing testing” was in the bin???
Now I AM getting pissed.
Anything he posts is in the bin.
THIS is a form of censorship. It’s pure communist demoralization. NASTY post is on the way.
Harry – you need to raise hell on these two site, where churchmouse and bflyjesusgrl have lodged (very nicely) their complaints. It seems to have fixed churchmouse very fast!
Likewise, you could start your OWN support thread.
I want a tool that will let me declare people NOT SPAM and BE DONE WITH IT.
How about we ALL go over there and lodge a complaint on Harry’s behalf?
I’m heading there now.
AMEN! And you have your own rightful complaint. You’ve been spam-binned probably over 100 times by now. It’s absolutely ridiculous.
Done. I posted on Churchmouse’s thread that was getting seen by the staff.
Excellent! Thank you.
This whole situation is actually bullshit.
Allow me to explain something very fascinating.
I observe the spam patterns. The “real” spam patterns. What they let through for us admins to “solve”.
When I started ranting about all this spam stuff?
When I started working on my really nasty post about WordPress, Akismet and Automattic?
The “real” spam STOPPED.
I mean it just STOPPED *COLD*.
It’s a fucking program, and it STOPPED.
The “real” spam has a pattern. The patterns change over time. They are, very interestingly, psychologically active, but you have to understand how they work, and most people don’t.
And they STOPPED COLD when I started bitching.
Why? Why wasn’t I seeing them any more?
Because they didn’t know what to do. I HINTED in the unpublished article that I was onto the “spam as a tool to control us” stuff, and I’m sure that made somebody nervous as hell.
It’s ALL bullshit. I think it’s like the way the leftists, at a high level unbeknownst to the RUBES who carry stuff out, “plausibly and unknowingly” send out hate mailers BEFORE the SPLC swoops in with their money-grubbing bullshit.
It’s the same thing here. SPAM gives them a TOOL to groom our comments. To DISCOURAGE posters. To WASTE MY TIME.
Now check out the last two spam messages that came in.
Just plausible enough to make one look nutso to question it.
I hate these fuckers. And it’s time for them to clean up their act.
There is NO REASON that I ever have to pull a long-time poster out of spam. Long-term posters can be readily identified and protected from being labeled “spam”. Or, failing that, I just click them ONCE out of spam, and they never go back in. Or, failing that, I just click them out TEN TIMES and that’s it – they never go back in.
Why is the system not set up logically to eliminate false positives?
Update 249 dead in China
China’s Hubei reports 45 new coronavirus deaths, total at 249 https://t.co/nZr19qwOyF pic.twitter.com/F7r4RevFdL
— Reuters (@Reuters) February 1, 2020
You do not have to have symptoms to transmit the disease and you can easily have ‘Typhoid Marys’ especially among youngsters.
Transmission of 2019-nCoV Infection from an Asymptomatic Contact in Germany
In Japan too: ”Symptomless Japanese tested positive…” – *
We know the Chinese LIE…
Secret cremations in China
“A Hong Kong-based news outlet called Initium Media alleged on Wednesday that the Chinese Communist government is secretly cremating victims of the Wuhan coronavirus to keep the death toll down…..”
Also same story @ ZEROHEDGE:
Reporters Claim To Have Proof China Lying About Virus Death Toll As Total Cases Near 8,000; 12,000 More Suspected
The only question is in which direction are the Chinese lying?
We have to be the news~~
I buy about 60% of that, but also understand that the other 40% was for mollifying the losers in the war.
Later, y’all.
Have a great night, DP!
Jack Posobiec
BREAKING: Twitter suspends independent news outlet Zero Hedge
BREAKING: Twitter suspends independent news outlet Zero Hedge – The Post Millennial
Zoe, text in twitter above
Lisa Mei Crowley
Unbelievable. https://twitter.com/JuliansRum/status/1223418574552948737 …
Julian’s Rum
Dude. It was fucking Buzzfeed that got ZeroHedge suspended from Twitter for reporting on the possibility that coronavirus was man-made.
They claimed ZH doxxed a Chinese scientist.
The MSM isn’t just the enemy. They’re pure fucking evil.
followed by images of docs name of individual who complained to twitter, all of which can be found at zH’s article here
Oh my, this is gonna get ugly
CPAC disinvites Mitt Romney.
The Chinese AGAIN…sheesh
I think at this point many people are finally waking up to just how bad China is. That can only help President Trump.
Oh yeah ITA. I think the dog food thing made a lot of people across the spectrum take notice and then if anyone is the least bit awake..so many more things
They should send Norah to China to investigate!!!

Go, Norah!
spam bin!
There’s MOAR where that came from
And testing ‘Open Thread’ again…
spam bin again
I received an email from WP with a link to another ‘Contact’ form, where I filled out details of the issues again, so they are working on it
Good. But I already know what is going to happen. The CORRUPTION is higher up in Automattikkk management, just like it was back in “Shallow State IT” where I used to work. The only way for us to get action is to SCARE CORRUPT MANAGEMENT. Oh, they get scared, then needed things happen.
“Spam” has become their Swiss army knife to regulate content. The problem is, the POLITICS of that, and of the people, has now filtered in, so that IT decisions reflect their political outlook.
They cannot give us control. But the idea that members here get sent into SPAM is absolutely ridiculous to begin with.
IT’S NUTS. Anybody who has posted here more than 10 times going into spam is a JOKE.
“The only way for us to get action is to SCARE CORRUPT MANAGEMENT. Oh, they get scared, then needed things happen.”
Sounds like fun.
How do we scare them?
Annie seems very nice, she’s the one who emailed me, but it must be her higher-ups who have caught a serious case of anti-American anti-freedom of speech Lefto-neurosis.
They’re so afraid of Lefto-neurosis being exposed that WP doesn’t even recognize the word ‘neurosis’.
That’s pretty bad…
in the spam bin! Tsk, Tsk
CM got a response within 3 hrs. I’ve been checking, it’s been almost 7 hrs since I reported, no response.
Thanks to FG&C, he attached my report to CM’s original. No response there either.
They’re going to have to decide how to play this. I’m too smart to fall for the “it’s Akismet’s fault” dodge. I can see that coming a mile away. My old bosses in shallow state did that one all the time. A says talk to B, B says talk to A, the real denial is driven by C.
One way to make things happen. POINT THE FINGER AT C AND CALL ‘EM OUT – with the truth that has prog liars running up and down hallways.
There is no reason that I should have to designate a poster as “not spam” more than once. Something is wrong if I do. THAT is the breaker of hidden agendas.
Are you guy watching the riot in NYC right now?
its time to let left-wing voters suffer from the consequences of their choices in leadership. They are getting exactly what they deserve…just like the folks without power in CA.
That’s usually my first thought too, but then I remember that the voting system is RIGGED by the LEFT.
Nowhere more so than in NY and CA and Illinois.
There may not have been a legitimate vote in any of those states in a 100 years or more.
So it’s like blaming the people of Chicago for Al Capone.
Al has all the Thompson submachine guns and the killers to use them.
And the DOJ is out to lunch (whether they’re ‘watching and waiting’ or sound asleep, the result is the same).
What are the regular people supposed to do?
It’s the same problem We the People have EVERYWHERE.
We can blame it on the People, but the moment the People start threatening to DO anything about, suddenly they’re the bad guys.
And the people we PAY to do something about it (government) are the crooks.
So what are the People supposed to do, when the voting is RIGGED and the government is CORRUPTED by the same crooks rigging the elections?
You see what I mean?
You can’t BLAME the People AND make it so the People can’t DO anything about it.
Are the People supposed to take on the Police Department AND the city, state and federal governments?
What are they supposed to DO?
Police have no reason to care. The NYC admin has effectively put their lives at risk without any backup in the courts.
Citizens are on their own in NYC
Too bad New York City isn’t put under Marshall Law … obviously the turds
… are anarchists .. 

Hopefully, the few remaining Conservatives in the City are safe at their homes. For all the rest of the Liberals that do live there, they can enjoy the environment that they have created.
Tweet above
Beautiful dress and heels. Our First Lady arrives with the President in West Palm Beach where it was raining hard.
Full picture, showing the fuchsia colored heels:

For Zoe:
She is wearing a sleeveless dress with a fitted bodice and hips, where it looks like there are tucks that open up for the skirt.
Dress is made of a large flowered print in vivid colors.
There is a wide band of solid green fabric at the hem…hem length is just below the knees.
Thank you wheatie … for describing the dress, etc. (I forgot… and you do it so well!)
Two tweets above
Tracy Beanz
Good news for @GenFlynn? “As the U.S. attorney in the District of Columbia, Shea would oversee some of the lingering cases from special counsel Robert Mueller’s Russia investigation, along with a number of politically charged investigations.”
https://wtop.com/local/2020/01/ap-exclusive-barr-names-new-u-s-attorney-in-dc/ …
..”Shea will lead the largest U.S. attorney’s office in the country, which has been historically responsible for some of the most significant and politically sensitive cases the Justice Department brings in the U.S.”
9:08 PM – Jan 30, 2020
Not sure I’ve seen a TIC tic from Scavino before…..
It’s a TIC TOC meme from Dan Scavino I and O goes around like a clock face and clicks through T __ C K
no you haven’t… and it’s his PERSONAL twitter account.
If you click the tweet you can read the comment stream… some interesting ones
Q drop
Adam Schiff Promoting #UnitedforUkraine Back in 2014
31 Jan 2020 – 12:50:55 PM
Coming soon.
check this out *https://qmap.pub/players/read/39
remove * at url
spam bin…..
well that’s weird.
That’s the only acct I know of…he posts rally and campaign stuff but TIC TOC?? And yeah I got goosebumps reading some of the comments!!
He has an official acc’t for POTUS…
I’d say interesting, but it’s more than that. It’s a message… Especially this evening, and the shampeachment is almost finished. Now it’s POTUS’ turn.
Pots are boiling.
Hope you’re feelin’ better Lady….
Yes, thank you. Meds finally worked, and had physical therapy today. Neck muscles were very tight – the PT guy was helpful.
I’m almost afraid to go to sleep, because it’s the early morning hours when the migraines have been coming. I’ll pray to let the fear go, and be peaceful. Thank you.
Yw. Hope you have a painfree night.
The Dems have fired their weapons and come up empty. Keep in mind POTUS’ has yet to fire his.

Something to think about.
The Dems just lost their biggest weapon. Trump will be acquitted on Wednesday.
Trump on the other hand has kept his powder dry. He has Barr and Durham, possible indictments, Biden investigations, Rudy docs to unleash at will for the next 9 months
Better than all that: he has now totally discredited both the Special Prosecutor AND the House impeachment crap. Those will be totally ineffective again.
If I was a DemoKKKrat I’d be wetting myself.
Trump is about to be unleashed.
Replying to
Yes , I noticed at his rally yesterday that his speech was much more focused on four or five big campaign issues. It was a different tone from the Monday rally. He is entering campaign mode and he has all his weapons intact to fire at will.
Yaaaaayyyyy!! This guy sounds good! Hope he is successful
For Zoe
One America News
GOP candidate to challenge Rep. Nancy Pelosi
Juanita Broaddrick
Old Nan is probably tying one on and in complete meltdown mode tonight.
Don’t that just make your day and put a big grin on your face?
Zoe –
Tweet above
Lisa Mei Crowley

Red Nation Rising
Ahhh, the good ole SOTU @SpeakerPelosi clap. @tedcruz is trolling. Let’s see her clapping Tuesday when the world will be watching #TrumpAcquitted #SOTU2020
followed by photo of some senators with Sen Ted Cruz as he demonstrats Nanzi’ famous ‘seal clap’ she did to POTUS at the last SOTU (her daughter later commented that Nanzi always used that gesture when she was reprimanding her (the daughter).
Ohh that reminds me to grab a towel or a sticky note to cover her face
Not shouting…thats how it copied over
“The Australian Red Cross strongly denies that they are withholding funds to pay for future disaster relief.”
Well that’s not good enough.
Not even close.
If they are a CHARITY and not a money laundering operation for international organized crime, then they shouldn’t be issuing ‘denials’.
They should want to EXONERATE themselves.
It’s not a ‘for profit’ corporation, it’s (supposedly) a CHARITY.
So don’t issue ‘strong denials’ like any other corrupt institution does.
Pretend like we’re all from Missouri, and SHOW US.
Why WOULDN’T you?
The Red Cross may TECHNICALLY be a charity, but really, it’s a pseudo-government agency.
I did a couple/three stints there as a temp.
Plus, Q all but told us it’s used as a money laundering piggy bank.
Oh wow…this is good!
For Zoe:
Chief Justice Roberts just shut down Schumer.
Roberts said to Schumer:
“I think it would be inappropriate for me, an unelected official from a different branch of government to assert the power to change that result so that the motion would succeed.”
Schumer had asked Roberts about casting a tie-breaker vote.
Oh Wheatie, so glad you posted that… what Roberts said was appropriate and needed to be said. Schumer knew that… this is NOT his first rodeo, nor his first impeachment. Meanwhile his state is turning into a 3rd world country… worse, actually.
Hey! That’s the guy we hired way back when. Where’s he been?
One America News
#Update: Shots Fired During Pursuit Near President Trump’s Mar-A-Lago Resort https://oann.com/2-suspects-in-custody-after-officer-involved-shooting-near-president-trumps-mar-a-lago-resort/ #OANN
George Soros demands Zuckerberg be kicked out as Facebook CEO
George Soros demands Zuckerberg be kicked out as Facebook CEO
Clouding the battlefield?
Not sure of the motivation there except of course $$. I wonder where the snowflakes will post their selfies?
I think Praying Medic is right here.
And I’m hoping this is a prelude to exposing the elitist pedophiles!
For Zoe…Praying Medic says:
This is primarily about the children.
End quote.
Then Praying Medic has embedded a tweet from Team Trump, which has a video of President Trump saying:
President @realDonaldTrump: ‘We will not rest until we have stopped every last human trafficker and liberated every last survivor’
Wheatie, I think this is how they all come tumbling down… tied to human trafficking. RICO will capture them all and rescue the children. Cannot happen too soon. Praying for it to come.
I agree that human trafficking is going to be what does the trick.
Well, how do I say this? My hubby has been having mobility issues the last couple of days so of course we went to the doctor. He’s been before, a couple of years ago, and thought he was having hip problems. He was told he wasn’t currently a candidate for surgery.
So today, the nurse practitioner was brutally honest. His X ray looks okay, (which I’d thought a couple of years ago, it’s not perfect but didn’t look bad at all). So it could be sciatica or arthritis. But what really got me steamed was the doctors have been telling him he’s not CURRENTLY a candidate. It’s subtle. He figured he was just going to have to wait until it was “time”. It’s also symptomatic of the current attitude towards patients …. the patient is ALWAYS right, even if they’re not. So the patient is lied to, by omission. The current philosophy of treatment is treat the symptoms, give pills or surgery. Alternative “medicine” if frowned upon. And all of that just PISSES me off.
I have a plan, and we sat down, and I laid it out and got him to realize that he’s been lied to. Eat sensibly in order to lose weight, and embark on a very mild exercise program. This is hard for him as he has been very fit for most of his life, so mild exercise is something he doesn’t view as real exercise. In addition, possibly some topical applications used to relieve pain.
FYI….Medicos are cutting back on surgeries because the feds are putting them in VERY tight binds re: pain meds and prescriptions for same. It is starting to become a very bad issue.
I’ve been aware of that. The surgeries were just starting to be cut back the first time, about 5 years ago, that my hubby went in, and the pain meds we knew because of my BIL having cancer, and passing away last spring. BUT, my hubby still has cartilage in his joint, it’s not bone on bone. What ticks me off, is that my hubby genuinely thought he was a candidate for hip replacement because of what he was NOT told. Like I said, it’s subtle. It’s all about money. Big pharma vs tried and true remedies that are not patented.
Chiropractors being thrown under the bus (some are a LOT better than others) as well as acupuncture, etc.
Bill Mitchell
Feds Reconsider Jail Sentence for Michael Flynn After New Documents Show How Gov’t ‘Lied’ and ‘Framed’ Him https://bigleaguepolitics.com/feds-reconsider-jail-sentence-for-michael-flynn-after-new-documents-show-how-govt-lied-and-framed-him/ via
Domestic terrorists