We start, once again with Orion...but we move east (left) and south (down) a bit...at least as seen from the Northern Hemisphere, around midnight. Shortly after sunset, just look straight down. Follow the line of the belt stars towards the eastern horizon. See that very bright star there? That's Sirius. It's the brightest star in … Continue reading Another Sirius Tale of Two Stars
Month: January 2020
Dear KAG: 20200101 New Year's Open Thread
https://youtu.be/rKt3oF2-Q4M It's Midnight somewhere. And mood music for the day that no one understands, but we all sing anyway.... https://youtu.be/adwni-Jt8qQ Okay, so here's the deal. This is the open thread. This is where we all come to get the news that other Q tree inhabitants think is worth knowing and sharing. Please, post links to … Continue reading Dear KAG: 20200101 New Year's Open Thread