We’re still here. It’s still ShaMMMpeachment. The never-ending-Groundhog Day–of-a-swirl-of-crap from the Dems. The country has moved on but the Dems are still stuck. Republicans are forced into a cleanup on isle 12 for the perpetually offended.

We know the Dems will never stop. There will be another faux scandal after “Muh Russia” and “Muh Ukraine”, I wonder if we will move onto another Soviet Bloc country? Do we know anyone in Latvia? Estonia? Just sayin’……………
We’re proud of our Team!

And most of all, we’re ready for some offense from our President!

Thank you so very much for all the comments from QTreeps. The threads have been lively and informative! Thank you!
How much money did we spend on Mueller? 30million plus BILLIONS of airtime and 3yrs of our lives?
Another year and more millions on shaMMMpeachment.
This is ridiculous.
One of my favorite moments, Elise Stefanik crawled over the top of Johnson to get to a reporter and make a point.
Elise is a Honey Badger.
I LOVE she got out the fact the National Defense Authorization Act REQUIRED a look at what the Ukraine was doing to combat corruption BEFORE releasing the funds AND the new government wasn’t fully formed until September. <—- CASE CLOSED!
That woman really has the facts at her finger tips!
Just HOPE someone PUBLISHES IN WRITING – the sorry reasons the sorry excuses for Senators come up with to defend their vote for the SCAM-PEACH-MINT!!!
….especially Pierre Delecto.
it’ll be in the Senate record…do taxpayers have access to that?
it’ll be televised, yes or no?
if it is, someone will grab sound bites at least…
CSPAN will stream the festivities at 11 am!
will they stream the voting and their homework assignment from Chuckie? (their vote explanation–they each have 10 minutes, right?)
EVERYONE (who wishes to speak?) has to put their defense rationale for their view/vote in writing.
I would really like Brad Parscale to total it ALL UP…as Daughn put forth above..the Mueller report, the airtime, the impeachment fiasco…total it all up–show the American people where their hard earned money went these past 3 years—then show them what their VOTES got them from the President–all the accomplishments.
It will be a DEVASTATING graphic for the Dems
and can someone explain to me what we need another 4 hours of closing arguments for?
didn’t they do this last Friday? what was last Friday then???
Kudos to Andy Biggs and his Twitter Account, Winner for Best Supporting Patriot!!
Biggs has been exceptional!
Needs to be a Communications Director for the House Republicans!
Here is a copy of the deal between Maj Leader McConnell and Schumer that governs the grand finale of the SHAM-PEACH-MINT!
How about campaign commercials which compares certain individual’s votes on impeachment with the money they and their family members have made from Ukraine?
That is a wonderful idea along with the one on the total cost of it to taxpayers. It would put the dots real close together for sure.
Would anyone be interested in acquittal pens that we could wave in the face of San Fran Nan?
Text in tweet —


Lisa Mei Crowley
Same tweet RT’d by POTUS twice this morning!
“Chairman Graham, it’s time.”https://twitter.com/LisaMei62/status/1197352297963118593?s=20 … https://twitter.com/michaelbeatty3/status/1223993135094616064 …
Replying to @michaelbeatty3
Maria says EXACTLY what Americans are thinking.
THANK YOU @MariaBartiromo@realDonaldTrump @LindseyGrahamSC
followed by embedded video clip of Maris interviewing Lindsey Graham
Text in tweet
Lisa Mei Crowley
POTUS rt’ing
‘s tweets with
tagged = “Chairman Graham, it’s time.”
followed by image of Q Drop
Time for Senator Graham, Chair of the Senate Committee on the Judiciary, to Act
20 Nov 2019 – 9:26:50 PM
Chairman Graham, it’s time.
Senate was the target.
Fox 10 Phoenix LIVE NOW
LIVE: President Trump Impeachment Trial – Closing Arguments
The House begins its propaganda speeches.
Muted – not listening to any more lies!
I have so much work that’s backed up, I’ll have to rely on all of you.
But, if this is wash, rinse, repeat from the House gaggle, what’s the point?
Twinses, GA/FL – one for each hand –
Crow is intimating/insinuating the President should resign like Nixon?!
FAT CHANCE scumbag!
He’s never had a firm grasp on reality. Lives in a fictional screenwriter world.
Funniest thing I have heard all day!
Here’s Val Demings of FL – claiming the House has presented overwhelming uncontrovertable evidence.
Evidently, the Democrats do not know PTurkey about the rules of evidence.
President Trump abused the extraordinary powers of his office…..says Val – but they have no evidence of that other than leaks to the press, opinions and allegations.
“Threat to OUR DEMOCRAT system of government…”
Translation- Trump interfered with Democrat schemes/deals/dollars flowing into Democrat coffers!
They be missing their big crooked buck$$$$
Trump interfered with their MOB RULE – Guess what, Dimwits – we are a CONSTITUTIONAL REPUBLIC!!!
Here comes the Guiliani accusations – cheating in the next election.
Guiliani smeared hallowed holy Yovananovich and caused her to be removed – what a horrible crime!!!
Truth is – the woman is a Russian agent!
Deming propounds lie after lie after lie – muting now!!!
More precisely, Yovanovitch could be compared as an agent of The Atlantic Council, the haters of Russia who never got over the Cold War, the land grabbers who promised not to expand NATO past 1991 borders and cost US taxpayers billions in their treachery, AND the lives of 15K Ukrainians in their lust for power.
for someone scared of POTUS she sure stayed pretty long–she just retired.
and for someone who really wanted her gone, POTUS sure allowed her to work pretty long…
it’s one way or the other…can’t have it both ways
White House counselors have already soundly refuted all of this garbage Val is spewing!!!
This is all Sound Bites™ and Spin™ for the leftist MSM to spew throughout the night and during SOTU before the voting takes place on Wednesday.
The MSM will not air the President’s attorneys refuting this garbage.
Democrat Party Explained!
Matt Gaetz:
This sham process began with a bipartisan vote against impeachment in the House.
Now, because of the work of
and others, it should end with a bipartisan vote against impeachment in the Senate.
text in tweet

Senate Cloakroom
The Senate, sitting as a Court of Impeachment, has convened for up to 4 hours of closing arguments.
11:05 AM – Feb 3, 2020
So true….
….and the Democrats have not presented anything but allegations and news media propaganda.
Absotutalutely, GA/FL!!!
For Zoe…

Rep Andy Biggs
You’re guilty unless you prove your innocence….
This is the challenge that House Democrats have leveled on @realDonaldTrump throughout this impeachment charade.
But this is not the American standard of justice.
In America, you are INNOCENT until you are PROVEN guilty.
Embedded video
11:49 AM – Feb 3, 2020
With respect to leftist accusations that tar others with “guilty until proven innocent”, I see this as an opportunity.
Let’s accuse them of stuff. Loudly. Publicly. And Visually.
We actually have an advantage in this. We can back up our allegations with factual evidence of their guilt….whereas they have to manufacture evidence using their own guilt against us.
I do not think we will have to do this, LM – there has been a steady drip of info about each of the major players in the House – slowly, but surely, the connections are surfacing – remember Guiliani is presenting Ukraine evidence on a daily basis – there will be no place for them to hide – according to Q
We’ve gone from Fancy Muslim Name Jeffries to Shifty Schiff. Muted both.
Argument based on “we KNOW he’s gonna doing something bad in the future…… somewhere……. sometime…… I can FEEL it!”
30 Minute Lunch break then White House Defense Counselors do their closing arguments.
Oopsey – did not see your comment – YAY! Now, we can listen to the WINNERS!!!
GA/FL – since the HMs only talked for an hour – do they still get another hour – or are they done?
I do not know.
If so, this was slick – talk hour – break for lunch – talk again – maybe –
If this is the case – they should have started @ 10:00 AM instead of 11
Did Schiff ask for the remainder of their time so he gets the last word?
Dunno – had them all on mute, lite
:0) This first presentation has been painful
I found myself looking for excuses, such as refreshing the catnip in the cat toys, not to watch…but I’m conflicted ’cause this is like watching a car wreck happen and it’s really hard not to watch…
Understand your dilemma, lite – I have to mute them because there is something evil in them – maybe, it is their lies – that make them so ugly
Perfect comment, Litenmaus. So true!
What happened, GA/FL – are they on break?
Bloomberg is on Fox 10 – he looks like he’s running for President of the Retirement Home Residents.
Now Biden is on – and his audience looks really bored….bet they were paid to come.
There never was a “trial” in the Senate. No hearsay nor opinions/assumptions/speculation would ever be allowed in a legitimate trial.
American Jurisprudence does not rely on wild accusations and political smears….. we only find such behavior in banana republics, socialist systems, autocracies, ……and with the Democrats.
There was not a LEGITIMATE TRIAL IN THE HOUSE either – the Democrats totally denied President Trump his rightful due process. Republicans and WH counsel were NOT allowed to cross examine witnesses or any of the normal conduct of a trial.
This was a total SHAM from the start.
GA Rep. Doug Collins:
House Democrats have sacrificed House rules and the standard for impeachment because they have no plan, no purpose, and no shot of winning the 2020 presidential election.
Democrats have one goal and one goal only: Defeating
While Democrats continue their political grandstanding and obsess over their partisan impeachment sham, Republican policies are delivering real results for American families.
⇨ Since @realDonaldTrump took office, 7.3 million jobs have been created.
Democrats are making their final #impeachment arguments right this second.
But there’s no way around it. This whole sham has been a waste of time and resources.
Move on.
All of these bogus excuses are going into the Congressional Record as part of the shampeachment proceedings…
any and all of them can be pulled and copied for opposition campaign ads…………..
Repubs could not make up better ads !!! Normies that are missing it today will be hearing it over and over again in ads…
winnin, winnin, winnin, !!!!!!!!!!!!!
UGH – Fox is replaying the numbnuts – GEESH!!!
HERE WE GO – the WINNERS are up at bat!
Ken Starr asks – Were the rules followed?
Compare and Contrast – Did the House ‘rush to judgement’? Did it assess the ‘facts’?
Starr points out the partisan – one sided vote for impeachment and bi-partisan vote against.
Purpura lays out reasons why articles of impeachment are deficient and must fail.
President did not base aid to Ukraine on anything – no pressure or quid pro quo.
Vindman’s concerns were all about policy differences.
Zelensky and his people said no pressure.
Zelensky and other officials didn’t learn of the pause until a month later when they learned about it from Politico article.
This was the consensus of testimony by US officials.
All testimony agrees
None of the House witnesses testified that the President wanted any quid pro quo.
The House’s own witnesses confirmed all this!!!!
There was no condition connected to meeting with the President.
President Trump has strengthened US relationship with Ukraine.
PDJT’s agreement to sell Javelin missiles to Ukraine was an improvement over previous administration.
Amb. Volker said Impeachment only worked for Putin and imperiled Ukraine.
House did not meet burden of proof. Their own witnesses disproved their case.
They have not presented any proof of an impeachable offense.
Purpura – *the Puma * – highlights the reasons why the Articles of impeachment are deficient and must fail.
Core Facts: (1) the President did not condition security assistance, (2) President Zelinsky and his advisors felt no pressure and said the call was good, (3) President Zelinsky did not learn of the pause until August 28. 2019 – more than a month after the call between President Trump and President Zelinsky, (4) None the House witnesses testified there was any connection between security assistance and investigations – no QuidProQuo, (5) the security assistance was released when all concerns were addressed, (6) President Trump invited President Zelinsky to the WH three times – they met in NY at the UN without any mention of any investigations; President Trump has been a better friend to Ukraine than his predecessor, and (7) US partisan politics have endangered Ukrainian relations and have left President Zelinsky isolated. (paraphrased)
The House Articles of Impeachment do not meet the burden of impeachable offenses.
Philbin is up!!!!
His topic – “The House Is Not Above the Law.”
– They did not follow the law.
– Their subpoenas were not valid.
– They denied President due process.
– Mr. Schiff was a witness and involved with the whistleblower. (?)
– President asserted rights of the Executive Branch
Quotes Janet Reno – on Executive Privilege.
Separation of Powers – proper functioning is meant to take time to resolve – force the branches to work together to come to an amicable solution – not to jump because there was ‘no time’ –
Convention of 1787 – Doctrine of Separation of Powers – friction between the branches is part of the Constitutional design – to force incrementally where their interests lie
This comment made me grin. Lifelong experience with bullies has let me know that nothing hits home and creates an attitude adjustment more effectively than a taste of their own medicine…..besides, it would keep them busy and out of trouble (and on the defense rather than “setting the narrative “).
Hope it’s ok to post here from OT.
EnoughIsEnough says:
February 3, 2020 at 11:51 am
I hope every one of these people who are railing against President Trump is accused of a crime and then needs to defend themselves with no due process, EXACTLY as President Trump has had to do. They need to be told they’re being charged on secondhand gossip, exculpatory evidence is being withheld, their attorney is not allowed to participate in depositions or cross-examine witnesses, oh, and if they even HAVE an attorney and are exercising their rights to exonerate themselves, it is an admission of guilt. Basically, “you’re guilty, now prove your innocence” .
Liked by 19 people
Love me some Atticus(Philben), To Kill a ShamPeachMint!!!!
Purely Partisan Political Process in the House – get it finished by Christmas on a political timetable!
Substantial reason for rejecting these Articles of Impeachment – Philbin
Jay Sekulow – focus on one final point – both Articles of Impeachment failed to meet the requirements of impeachable offenses –
For (3) years, this has been a partisan campaign to impeach President Trump – even before he was inaugurated into office – playing those who have made their wishes known – oopsey – ‘we are going to go in there and impeach the m’fer’ – he played every ugly person mouthing off against the President.
WOW!!! Telling them what the House has done!!! OH, MY!!!
I cannot wait until this one comes out in video – POWERFUL, GA/FL!!!
Sekulow ran through the calls for impeachment beginning even before the inauguration!!!
That was powerful evidence of the partisan nature of the Democrat Impeachment campaign.
Sekulow ran *A VIDEO of* the calls for impeachment beginning even before the inauguration!!!
Jay Sekelow for the WIN!!

Showing all the Dem Impeachment videos from the Wayback machine!
P FoT Fi
It was never about the phone call.
OH, WOW!!! Jay Sekulow is providing a powerful, purposeful summary! I am so impressed!!!
Sekulow yields to Cipollone to close.
Cipollone is definitely feeling the heavy burden with respect to what this fiasco has done to our President, our country, and the American people – not to mention the Constitution and the Rule of Law.
Frizzy Hair Lady thinks she’s going to out class and undo all the evidence laid out by the White House counsel.
Will we have to listen to Schiff again as well?
Do the House propagandists get the last word?
Why TF is this Poltrron speaking???
Because the HMs only spoke for an hour before lunch break!
A Democrat – Garcia – uses Jesus admonition to look out for the most vulnerable – YET THEY LOVE ABORTION – the murder of the most vulnerable for convenience sake, so they can freely eff without consequence.
Crowe is throwing out accusations, assertions and aspersions deriding President Trump’s motives.
No evidence – just grousing.
That’s all they got!!!!!
Good heavens these House Managers are tedious…….
Gossip Girls!
They are ALL mean-spirited and hate-filled – look at their faces!!! YUK!!!
Did the House Managers just bring Professor Dumbledore into their arguments…??
PDJT learned to play poker from professionals and owned casinos.
He knows how to play his cards effectively and how to win.
The American people are behind him – increasingly with every attack – they come over to Trump’s side more and more.
72,054,515 – that’s 54,515 more followers since it hit 72 million at 2:42 yesterday!
They’re going to be shocked when he plays his cards!
I believe POTUS knows the answers to his questions, which he continues to mention…
Where’s the Whistleblower? Where’s the second Whistleblower? Where’s the Informer? Why did Corrupt politician Schiff MAKE UP my conversation with the Ukrainian President??? Why didn’t the House do its job? And sooo much more!
Q !!Hs1Jq13jV6 ID: 9b417c No.8012209
Feb 3 2020 13:46:57 (EST) NEW
Open your eyes to see the TRUTH.
Who are the REAL racists?
Andy Biggs:
Masterful job from President @realDonaldTrump’s team to defend him against the Democrats’ partisan and vindictive efforts to remove him from office.
The President’s team proved that the Democrats fell woefully short of proving their case.
Time to acquit.
Oh crap….we gotta wade through this Schitt again??
It’s midnight in Washington….yep and your time is up. It’s darkest just before the dawn. Morning sunlight will be dazzling
That’s when all the demon vampires MUST go back to their coffins!
Get your holy water, crosses, and wooden stakes ready….time for a Midnight Ride!
Demon Jeffries quoting Scripture??
The devil does that too.
President Trump:
Where’s the Whistleblower? Where’s the second Whistleblower? Where’s the Informer? Why did Corrupt politician Schiff MAKE UP my conversation with the Ukrainian President??? Why didn’t the House do its job? And sooo much more!
Well we’re twins for sure. I just posted the same in response to a comment by you upthread.
Oopsey – sorry GA/FL!!! Twinses, again!!!
Lee Zeldin
The most amazing dynamic of the fantastic substantive facts Michael Purpura is laying out right now point by point by point is the way the Dems & their media allies acknowledge none of it. They just ignore all of these facts as if these many inconvenient truths don’t even exist.
“In order to continue advancing their illogical arguments modern liberals have to pretend not to know things”….David Mamet
Mark Meadows@RepMarkMeadows
The Democrats have no impeachment case. And they never did.
In two days, President Trump will be fully acquitted.
Schiff steps in to dispense the House’s final dose of propaganda and lies.
UGH!!! This must be the end – he has 20 minutes left to lie – YUK!!!
Schiffy has brought up quid pro quo and abuse of power…..neither of those issues is part of the articles of impeachment….
One of the Articles of Impeachment is ‘Abuse of Power’, lite!
Nope, One of the Articles of Impeachment is “Abuse of Congress”…..
No – “Obstruction of Congress”, lite
…yes, Obstruction of Congress….thank you. :0)
Most welcome, lite – hard to keep track with all of the word play on the other side – just remember – the first one ‘abuse of power’ is what they are guilty of doing –
Does the Defense have any time left???????
I sure hope so…he should not get to have the last word with his lies
No – they took their two hours already – HMs have a little over 15 minutes left – I think
They have not shut up for 3 years….how in the H E double hockey sticks do they have any time left?
Both sides were given (2) Hours for Closing Arguments, Vol
Just seemed like every time I got to listen in it was a Dem
I did get to hear part of Sekulow and some of Philbin and they were outstanding
There will be individual videos of these speeches soon – so I am sure you will find them – Biggs goes either way – provides videos of both sides – but, for some reason, he did not post Sekulow’s speech – which I thought was compelling – felt sorry for Cipollone – he appeared to be pleading with Senators to do the right thing.
Thanks Duchess, I will look for them. Apparently FAUX doesn’t see the need to carry the Senators…they are back to their self important commentary.
If I find some – I will post them here, Vol
Thank you so much!! Stuck in the car again today which makes it hard to keep up
NP – will do what I can – and post what I find
Kevin McCarthy@GOPLeader
There are two internal civil wars going on in the Democratic Party:
1) Many are upset with how Speaker Pelosi and Chairman Schiff mishandled impeachment.
2) And the establishment is once again stacking the deck against Bernie and his supporters.
After the closing articles…
Thank you, Duchess!
Most welcome, GA/FL – I did not know, either – had to look it up –
So the two sides agreed to hold closing arguments on Monday, which the 2020 candidates have returned to Washington for, before leaving the Senate floor open for speeches — which doesn’t require the presence of the full Senate like the trial.
We wail begin a round robin of senator speeches – all 100 of them
So, Nanzi was able to keep Bernie out of Iowa ?
Schiff LIES….constantly, continually, continuously, without conscience.
John 8:44
“Ye are of your father the devil, and the lusts of your father ye will do. He was a murderer from the beginning, and abode not in the truth, because there is no truth in him. When he speaketh a lie, he speaketh of his own: for he is a liar, and the father of it.”
King James Version (KJV)
Schifty sounds a little desperate…is he visibly foaming at the mouth yet?
Don’t listen if you do not care to listen…
Breaker…Breaker – Break time – anybody hear how long?
75 degrees and sunny – I had to go outside and pull a few weeds and enjoy the fresh air and get away from the stench of Democrap.
same here Georgia !!!!!!!!!!!!!
Who is speaking, GA/FL?
Ohhhhhhh no.
Rush Limbaugh has advanced lung cancer.
Just announced on his show.
He should check into that “New” “Accidental” Cancer CURE……
Something about T-Cell therapy.
Don’t forget:
Scientists Might Have Accidentally Cured Cancer
I think this immunotherapy is why RBG has managed to defeat 4 cancers over the years.
Accidentally? I do not think so – last sentence is important – they already knew – eons ago
Just told my husband. He’s been listening to Rush for about 30 years, not everyday, but consistently.
Senator Grassley is speaking at present – Senators are given 10 minutes to share their thoughts –
Rep Andy Biggs@RepAndyBiggsAZ
Devastating news this afternoon from the man behind the golden EIB microphone.
Rush, our thoughts and prayers are with you. You will beat this.
Bo Snerdley@BoSnerdley
Those of you who are listening to the Rush Limbaugh show now. Pray with us. Thank you. God Bless you Rush Limbaugh. Love you so much Rush.
Now…. Patty Murray D – Washington state.
Dumb Masses on display
Seems to me they are alternating Dim – Rep – Dim – during who the first guy was – however – the entire Senate does not have to be there for these Senator Speeches
This vote is going to be mostly along party lines.
The Democrats’ brains have been congealed and obdurate in their leftist ideologies and agendas….along with their corrupt schemes. Very few listen to reason any more….or care about the security and prosperity of our country and its people.
Have to agree with you there, GA/FL – the Dims are just repeating the talking points – already decided before anything was presented – imho
Do you think we will get 53 Republicans plus?
Romney will defect and probably Murkowski and Collins – and maybe Lee.
Aren’t Murkowski and Collins up for reelection this year? Romney – we know – and maybe – Collins – but, I have hopes for Murkowski – Lee – I dunno – sent you the list of who is up for reelection on both sides – the American people do not want President Trump removed from office – they are against impeachment – see right through it – so I think these people will have to answer to their constituents for their votes – and that might make them think twice – still believe PT will be acquitted – and that he will go to the SC to get this ‘impeachment’ fiasco cleared from his record – Q mentioned it
The box of rocks who campaigned as the mom/senator in tennis shoes. Being a box of rocks meant she could be easily manipulated.
These last two – WA state and MI – are just spinning/spewing the Democrat ordered/prescribed talking points.
I’m not going to waste time listening to the leftists recite their little spiels.
Don’t blame you at all. After all, I KNOW the box of rocks doesn’t have an original thought.
Probably stoned all the time, too…
Michigan Senator Lady – YOUR STATE WILL GO FOR PDJT – no matter how red your lipstick and coat and how big you poof your hair when you spew the spiel your bosses dictated for you!
Maybe you should retire.
And who is this creaky old Democrat guy – looks like the typical Democrat – looks like one of the Blumenthals.
It’s Wyden – Oregon
Oregon – where Antifa (Portland) runs wild!
Mark Meadows @RepMarkMeadows
Just heard the news about Rush Limbaugh’s diagnosis with lung cancer… sending prayers to him, his family, and his show staff for the coming days ahead. God bless you Rush!
Psalm 46:1 – “God is our refuge and our strength, a very present help in time of trouble.”
Looks like the Senate is nearly empty – maybe – the only ones who wanted to speak are the ones we have heard already – wouldn’t blame them if they left – they must be exhausted! Am sure they would rather be voting on judges than listening to this nonsense day in and day out.
Does anyone know why the Senator testimony has been paused?
Have most of the Senators decided NOT to dignify this illegitimate sham with speeches?
Maybe McConnell is going to ask for a vote to dismiss the invalid impeachment.
Here is Manchin – oh dear.
He says the Senate not calling witnesses is wrong. Oh gosh. I’m disgusted with Manchin.
It is his daughter who drove up the prices on Epi-pens and made a fortune on it. Trump is bringing prices down, so I guess Manchin doesn’t like Trump.
Manchin is going to vote for impeachment. Spit!!!!
A political favor is objectionable to Manchin – what about Biden getting the prosecutor fired.
MANCHIN’S PRINCIPLES ARE SELECTIVE – Biden’s quid pro quo is AOK but Trump asking Ukraine to clean up their act is not???
Manchin – is a partisan.
WATCH: Sekulow Shows Dems Call For Impeachment Began Before Trump Took Office
Nick Kangadis , @Kangadis44
February. 3. 2020
During closing arguments at the Senate impeachment trial of President Donald Trump on Monday, lead attorney for Trump’s defense Jay Sekulow showed a montage of Democrats calling for Trump’s impeachment beginning before the president was even inaugurated.
“This entire campaign of impeachment, that started from the very first day that the president was inaugurated, was a partisan one,” Sekulow said. “And it should never happen again. For three years, this push for impeachment came straight from the president’s opponents and when it finally reached a crescendo it put this body, the United States Senate, into a horrible position.”
Sorry, Vol – just a snippet – however – one of the most astounding snippets of his closing argument – still looking for the entire speech – found one – but, note said it was unavailable at this time – Geesh!!!
The video Sekulow showed was glorious!
Found a fuller version, Daughn – with all of the Trump Team – see below
Here comes Truth Warrior Senator Marsha Blackburn!
“The Democrats chose their outcome, forged their path, denied President his due process and constitutional rights!!!
She’s doing an awesome job!
“Speaking as a Mother – I would not allow my child to do to their teacher or coach what the House did to President Trump.”
“The Whistleblower – we still don’t know if the whistleblower is a person or a group or a consensus of opinion.”
Senate may adjourn due to lack of a quorum. Clerk calling the roll.
Cantwell D – WA – “Election interference is the issue of our day.” That’s exactly what this Democrat Shampeachmint is – election interference by the Democrats.
It’s purely a desperate election measure – like the Mueller investigation, and all the other Democrat hijinks since President Trump was elected.
Goodness, this woman is obnoxious…..
So far – it’s 4D to 2R in Senatorial speeches.
Those who are confident do not need to show off!
Do they ALL need to speak or can they just hand in their papers, GA/FL – do you know?
Yes, all were instructed to give a no longer than 10-minute speech detailing their position
Today until adjourned – if no quorum – and tomorrow morning – or until completed tomorrow
Well, the Dem Senator from Hawaii seems like a fun guy…Doesn’t appear he has much respect for anyone who doesn’t believe as he does….what a schmuck!
Senator Inhofe R – Oklahoma
Will vote to acquit.
He’s not an orator, just talking from his heart.
Says no witnesses or evidence show House allegations are true.
Making good sense arguments about foreign aid.
Senator Inhofe is on Senate Armed Services committee – has talked with President Trump about aid.
Says Øbominable would not give ANY lethal aid to Ukraine – just blankets, etc.
Inhofe is pointing out the inconsistencies and contradictions AND THE HATE MOTIVES of the Democrats.
Says President Trump has NOT committed any crimes.
Says the Democrats wanted to impeach Trump from the first week he has been in office.
Says it’s not going to work!
I like Inhofe! He’s not a lawyer – doesn’t just like to hear himself talk.
Jim Inhofe’s middle name is Mountain! https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jim_Inhofe
Dem Senator Cardin just declared that the Senate acted in an UnConstitutional manner by not allowing testimony or cross examination of witnesses.
If the Dems deem that the Senate Trials are unconstitutional because of a failure to allow the cross examination of witnesses, does that not speak to the unconstitutionality of the House?
Exactly right. They just won’t see the hypocrisy of their attitudes. With them – “It’s due process for me, but not for thee.”
“These are judges who have actually read the Constitution – That’s a novel idea” Senator Inhofe (LOL)
Another Democrat – Cardin from Maryland.
“Trump’s misconduct….blah, blah…” – MUTED
GA/FL – do they ALL have to speak and provide justification for their vote?
Not sure of the directive – cannot locate that agreement made between McConnell and Schumer
I posted the agreement early in this thread.
Ok – will look for it – Thanks!
Link – https://wqth.wordpress.com/2020/02/03/20200203-shammmpeachment-monday-beginning-of-the-end/comment-page-1/#comment-384692
I found it – but, it does not say anything about the Senator Speeches – so had to look further – they all must do – until completed – sometime tomorrow
Oh boy – they must all turn in rationale for vote and/or all speak?
They all have to do both?
Yes – write it – submit it – and present it
There are 100 Senators – I do not think they will all finish by Wednesday. Thought I read they would be in recess tomorrow.
Dunno – that is my understanding – this is part of the ‘debate’ – so each has an opportunity to express his/her stand – Collins is speaking right now – cannot tell what side she is on –
YES!!! ALL!!!
Kelly Loeffler – R GA – doing an awesome job! She’s very well spoken. Grew up working hard, worked her way through college as a waitress, sales, etc.
Will vote to acquit!
Scolding the Democrat House for illegal process and wasting Senators time with this impeachment farce.
She’s now praising and reciting Trump’s awesome achievements !!!
“I say, Enough” – “Let’s focus on improving lives – impeachment doesn’t do that.”
Democrat Udall New Mexico – Says the trial is a failure because no witnesses in Senate – MUTE!
LOL….oh but then you miss Udall’s promotion of the Ambassador Soundland’s testimony that ‘everybody was in the loop’ on his presumption that aid was dependent on a public announcement that Zelensky was gonna investigate the Bidens….but “he got caught”…..Facts are not in dispute…..
Party shill……
Second generation green(red) slime from New Mexico (remember “The Quiet Crisis”, the same bull$hit as “Silent Spring”? Same BAD SCIENCE, indeed NON-SCIENCE)…
Maybe the aliens have taken over, whether illegal, extra-terrestrial, or not…
Gillibrand really needs remedial drama lessons before she attempts to project faux emotion.
Thankfully, I have missed moat of their yammering today.
Hoping the Senate has real work tomorrow. Like MOAR Judges.
That will depend upon when they convene in the morning – and finish all of the Senator’s Speeches.
Gillibrand hates Trump because he knows her family is knee-deep in NiXiUM – those who are against him have something to hide – something about which he is well aware – speak against him – they are evil.
Kirsten Gillibrand has a voice that is fingernails on a chalkboard…..oh here she goes again, bringing in the scriptures regarding “lies”……..Trump is not honest, he’s not decent, Senators should hold Trump accountable for what he’s done….(what he should be held accountable for is not defined, just some ephemeral crime),
Gillibrand says that iff Senators don’t convict Trump they will be forever remembered as complicit in a coverup…….vote your conscience….
“Shrew” comes to mind…..
Too bad your conscience is not clear, Gilly! Your father keeps bad company – and so do you!
She’s got a typical leftist vocabulary – cusses like Hillrotten.
The devil is very well-versed in the scriptures – problem is – they always use the wrong ones to justify their evil.
Gillibrand was the one who used the “Mattress Girl”, a Columbia student who accused another male student of rape. Mattress Girl claimed she was not getting satisfaction for her claim of abuse.
After three investigations, including the NYPD, we learned Mattress Girl made the whole thing up, stalked the young man, who had to leave Columbia Univ, return to Germany, and change his name in order to get a job.
His parents sued Columbia for 100 million, still being litigated in court.
Gillibrand held a rally with the girl, which Columbia PAID to clean up, and it came AFTER Gillibrand KNEW the NYPD findings.
Persecution of men, it’s what Gillibrand is all about.
Gee, remember, maybe she doesn’t trust men because her own father …
Rep. Doug Collins @RepDougCollins
“House Democrats have sacrificed House rules and the standard for impeachment because they have no plan, no purpose, and no shot of winning the 2020 presidential election.
Democrats have one goal and one goal only: Defeating @realDonaldTrump”
Senate will adjourn today after Murkowski and Masto speak – until 9:30 am tomorrow. The speeches will drag on and on until they finish tomorrow and Wednesday.
Oops – is this Murkowski? – i did not like her speech – she will NOT vote to convict – but, she said some very nasty things – about President Trump – she was horrified at the videos that were shown today – but, I think i need an interpreter – much of her speech made no sense – can anyone help – please – thanks
Senate adjourned until 9:30 AM tomorrow
Lisa was straddling the fence…..she was showing that she’s a Never Trumper and she’ll bash PDJT at any opportunity ’cause she doesn’t want to get kicked out of the ‘mean girls’ club.
On the other side of the fence….she was showing that she’s smart enough to know that the House sent over a bucket of slop to Senate Pig Trough.
Oh, I see, lite – now I know why I thought she was all over the place – she is frustratingly annoying – what about Collins – are we going to get the same nonsense from her, too?
“..are we going to get the same nonsense from her, too?
I would assume so duchess. I’m also going to assume that Collins will be voting to convict….
Oh, no! Murkowski said she would NOT vote to convict – so Collins and Romney are the traitors – Lee, too?
I don’t know enough about Lee’s behind-the-scenes political alliances to make a reasoned guess as to what kind of stance he’ll take.
Me, either – why I asked – maybe GA/FL knows – she mentioned he might be one to watch – unsure how he will vote.
Please realize the vote to “convict” is NOT a simple majority: it requires a two-thirds majority…
The deeo state will not get that.
As the fellow in the immortal VW commercial said, “Cheel, Mon”…
Was looking for traitors in the Rep Party, Cuppa!
Thanks, appreciate the clarification, lite!
CLOSING ARGUMENTS: Trump defense team, House managers wrap senate impeachment trial
TRUMP DEFENSE TEAM: ends @ 1:13:49 – Speakers – Starr – Pupura – Philbin – Sekulow – Cipollone
The impeachment trial of President Trump drew closer toward its almost-inevitable conclusion with closing arguments Monday, as Democratic House impeachment managers made a last-ditch push to convince the Senate that an acquittal would be a “death blow” to the ability to hold a president in check, while Trump’s defense team accused the Democrats of engaging in a rushed, “purely partisan” endeavor.
Each side has been permitted Monday to take up to two hours to make their final case, as proceedings stretch into another week amid expectations that a largely party-line acquittal awaits the president by Wednesday afternoon.
SENATORS SPEECHES BEGIN @ 1:32:32 – Senator Joe Manchin
U.S. Senate: Impeachment Trial (Day 12)
Hey Manchin, if you take slaw on your chili dogs………