Dear KMAG: 20200203 Open Topic

This Merry Warrior Monday Open Thread is VERY OPEN – a place for everybody to post whatever they feel they would like to tell the White Hats, and the rest of the MAGA/KMAG/KAG world (with KMAG being a bit of both).

Yes, it’s Monday…again.


But it’s okay! We’ll get through it.


Free Speech is practiced here at the Q Tree. But please keep it civil.
Discussion of Q is not only allowed but encouraged. Imagine that! We can talk about Q here and not get banned.

Please also consider the Important Guidelines, outlined here. Let’s not give the odious Internet Censors a reason to shut down this precious haven that Wolf has created for us.

With the Storm upon us…please remember to Pray for our President.


Wheatie’s Rules:

      1. No food fights.
      2. No running with scissors.
      3. If you bring snacks, bring enough for everyone.


For your listening enjoyment, I offer this composition from Ryan Forrest, titled ‘Hero’s Grit’:



Wheatie’s Word of the Day:


A poltroon is a craven and dastardly coward, devoid of any spirit or courage.

The word ‘poltroon’ has been around since the 16th century and was also used to describe a lazy, idle sluggard, or a devious mean-spirited wretch.

‘Poltroon’ is said to be derived from the Latin word pullus, which meant young animal or chick…and is thought to be the origin of calling someone “chicken” for being cowardly.

Used in a sentence:

The perfidious poltroon, Adam Schiff, should be prosecuted for the lies he has told the American people.



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Just saying hello, Wheatie2, and also to all my fellow q treepers. I can’t wait to see what happens this week, and so thankful our dear Lord is over it all.


“His eye is on the sparrow…”


Love you, Zoe 💖 So happy you are here with us.
Praise God in the Highest !


Love you back, Alison. Blessings.


Rumor has it that San Fran Nan was present in the stadium to watch San Francisco lose in yet another area – the super bowl. And who beat them? Flyover Country Central – dead smack in the middle of the USA Kansas City.
This year is like cheesecake. Sweet and joyful.


Ahhhh…down goes the team that spawned Kaepernick. A sort of sweet justice.
And a reminder that our lion devoured the NFL kneelers. Gulp…mmmm




I’m sure nancy got drunk either way
Cheesecake Ohhhh like what the golden girls Always had. 🙂


She’s too senile to know who won. If she did, there’d be a #Resist march followed by Peach45. Again.


The Great Awokening
A Crash Course on Critical Race Theory

Last weekend, Monique and I did a breakout session at the Women in Apologetics conference about Critical Race Theory. If you’d like to see our full conference presentation, it’s available by purchasing the WIA livestream.
We also put together a series of 9 conversations explaining the ABCs of Critical Race Theory. So, if you keep hearing about CRT and wondering what it is, but don’t know where to start, this is the place!
Our hope is to raise awareness about CRT among Christians because it is a hugely influential, secular competitor to the Gospel right now. A well-equipped Christian apologist needs to understand some basics of CRT.
CRT is also hijacking many churches and Christian universities. So Christians need to know how to recognize when CRT ideas are being introduced into their local church. It’s also vital that Christian parents train themselves in the basics of CRT so they can discuss it with their children and warn them about this error.
We hope you enjoy our conversations and will share them with your friends and family.

9 Parts – Just linking the first video here:

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Good. The annoying obsession with race is actually the dangerous obsession with race that holds the world and humanity back and DOWN. The most destructive idea that the cabal could dredge up, to control humanity.


Visiting another church this morning. OH MY SOUL. It’s was men’s retreat weekend at the church so the pastor was out. Guest pastor (the former Pastor) went full on social justice during the sermon. Started quoting the parts of MLK that are full leftist. Played a guilt trip on the congregation using the MLK quote from 1960 that Sunday morning is the most segregated day of the week. Unreal. At one point, he’s like, can I just say this? can we all come together, whether we’re Republican and Democrat, and just treat each other kindly, respect each other, and treat each other with dignity, love and respect? Rousing applause from the congregation. (Mind you, when I was growing up, you said “Amen”, you didn’t applaud in a worship service, because the glory goes to God and not to men.)
Obviously he didn’t get the memo from the Kavanaugh hearings that the rules had changed, and the
Democrats aren’t playing by the genteel rulebook… today’s isn’t the Democrat party of thirty years ago that cared about the workers and cared about people. That Democrat party is dead and gone forever.
This freakin’ social justice crap is like CRABGRASS. It’s everywhere and you have to have the tenacity of a goat to get rid of it.
I’ve heard too many churches take the Karl Barth (Barf) quote as if it were revealed gospel truth. The normal form: “Take your Bible and take your newspaper, and read both. But interpret newspapers from your Bible.” Remember, for a while in the 1930s old Karl was on Germany’s side… not exactly comforting advice in that instance. But what they say is to respond to the culture and use theology to speak into it. The trouble is they are Biblically illiterate and their theology is pablum – they use this approach, frankly, because it’s the easy way out, the lazy way. Sure, go ahead and cancel church services on the Superbowl – really the minister just wants and excuse to watch the game. And for the social justice people, that means following Karl Barf’s advice: Watching MSDNC and FNN, fretting about how divided we are as a nation, and sounding a tone-deaf virtue signalling message from the podium (I guess we don’t use pulpits anymore) about how we need to come “together” and “unite”, to the adoration of the congregation.
They have no concept of the church as on the offensive in culture, bringing the light of the gospel and not just “responding” to what culture does – they’re too busy trying to not rock the boat and be too “controversial” or “divisive”. But they sure don’t have a problem pulling stunts like the one I described above! Why is it that we always have to placate the radical leftists? Why is it that we have to tone things down so we don’t offend Democrats or the Pro-Choice people or the LGBT crowd? Why is it that we are told to “love our neighbor” but that “neighbor” is strangely only the people groups that the Democrats privilege and prefer? Why is it that people with the more conservative theological views are lectured to to be more loving and less divisive, but people who have more leftist social justice critical theory NeoMarxist LGBT pablum are the ones that are given the “platform” and invited to speak when the pastor is out, or show a quick video before a sermon? What the heck is it with showing a video in the worship service, anyway?
Was it just a bad day? “The cats away and the mice will play”? Heaven help us – neither possibility is good.
I don’t know. I spend a long time this afternoon talking with my wife doing a de-brief on the experience. If it’s not “Latte Church” like this morning it’s “Rock ‘n Roll Church”. My wife had told me earlier she wanted to make sure the children’s ministry wasn’t “Disney Church”. But it seems there is an epidemic churches that care more about fair trade coffee, modern day slavery, environmental justice and oil consumption, ethical eating, sustainable waste disposal and recycling, sweatshops and worker justice, debt forgiveness for students credit cards and third world nations, and visiting “The Cost of Poverty Experience” than they do about the Gospel of Christ.
No wonder they hate Trump, they don’t understand that they are dead wrong on every issue. If they really cared about fair trade, they’d support tariffs and the efforts to re-balance the international trade landscape away from the same exploitative multi-nationals that send our American jobs to China. If they really cared about sweatshops and modern day slavery, they’d want enforceable trade agreements. If they really wanted to help people with debt, they’d want to do something to help them improve their wages and earnings so they could get their debt to a manageable level. If they really cared about environmental justice and improving our waste management life-cycle, they’d grow the economy. If they really cared about poverty, they’d find a way to reduce unemployment and create so many jobs that there aren’t enough people to fill them all. If they really cared about ethical eating, they would do everything possible to support and unleash our farmers and support American agriculture. If they cared about racial inequities, they’d be doing everything possible to create opportunities for mobility and training where none existed before. In their eyes, Trump is doing everything wrong, and yet despite that he’s winning, and more and more people support him! Must be brainwashing.
SOON… Soon. The Great Awakening. Awaken from your dreamy slumbers of “wokeness”.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Infiltrate your church. -Wolf Moon


This was an insurgency, folks, it was run like an insurgency. This was irregular warfare at its finish, in church and denominational politics.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Well, now WE infiltrate THEM.
Leave or infiltrate to bring down. Take your pick. OR BOTH!!! 😀


I don’t talk much about religion outside of my religious practice, but I am definitely an “infiltrator” in my church.
And it’s working! The liberal ones are being worn down by my relentless elevation of conservative ideas, ideals, and practice. They respect ME due to years of friendship and fellowship, so it’s hard for them to doubt that I am telling them the truth about what is happening in our government. Thank God I have cultivated this field for so long, so that I can plant it now!
Sometimes the looks on their faces are priceless, especially the older ones who grew up in the “hippie” generation. They really just don’t understand what has been done to them over the past fifty years. It really is a Great Awakening.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Ah, I hear you!!! 😎
I can hear the gulping liberals now, whispering…..
“Do you think he listens to Alex Jones???”
“What if Alex Jones is right? Wouldn’t that be a hoot!”
*shocked faces*
Great Awakening, indeed!


That would take too much actual awareness. What denomination is this?


So technically the church I visited is part of the Bible Fellowship movement dating to the 1970s, but most would describe it as non-denominational. The sad part is I really don’t want to rag on them, but for them to step in it like this on the day I happen to visit, not exactly comforting.


You will find, if you haven’t already, that finding a church is harder than finding a Dem who is pro-life. Religious institutions obey the law of entropy just like everything else. One would hope that would not be the case but my experience does not support such a hope.


Socaristobo, this is all too true.

Sadie Slays

“Why is it that we have to tone things down so we don’t offend Democrats or the Pro-Choice people or the LGBT crowd? Why is it that we are told to “love our neighbor” but that “neighbor” is strangely only the people groups that the Democrats privilege and prefer?”
Funny how nobody makes these demands on the local synagogues or mosques or temples. It’s only Christians who are ever asked to make compromises. When was the last time you saw a news headline about your local mosque embracing gay rights?


100% agree…WHY are we the ones that have to change?


Michaelh, bravo. My church didn’t cancel a service, but they watch the superbowl together at the church and have a meal. I had never attended, but frankly, I get lonely and considered attending, not to watch the game but for the companionship, and that would have been so wrong. Some in my church like Pres. Trump, but they follow the social justice junk, though not all of it. Not sure what I am going to do. Ashamed of my weakness in almost caving on attending. Would have been very wrong.


If they watched this year’s Superbowl at the church, it’s a wonder lightening didn’t strike during that halftime show 😳


Dear MichaelH: Everything you’ve said is so true and my heart aches for a true and faithful church. May I just add that the ugliness of the “music” makes me run out screaming. I CANNOT bear what passes for music in most churches now. It is a “noisome pestilence”.
How can anyone who truly follows The Lord believe all these lies!
I thank The Lord for everyone here. It is a place of refuge and Truth. God bless you all this day.


The thing was the this particular church did not have all the flashy problems and crazy concert atmosphere… it had a lot of good things going for it. But how do you ignore a sermon that goes social justice warrior?


Nice rant Michael! I can’t quite tell if it was an RC service but I will assume it is for this comment. I am the product of 6 yrs primary, 4 years secondary and 7 years higher of Catholic education as well as a strong practicing family.
To quote my favorite Irish bard, Joyce ‘ . . . I’ll still die a bad Catholic.” In the interim, however, I’m done, finit, caput, no mas.
In my lifetime, the RC has known of pedophiles and covered up pedophilia – a least a dozen times. It has apologized and done it again. Now it has a communist leader who hates a large portion of his “flock”. There is no moral high ground there; nor will there ever be for me. Then there was the selling of the church under the guise of refugee and immigration “resettlement.”
But the last straw was the closing of the Catholic Charities adoption services rather than take Obama to court. You see Obama mandated that any adoption service of any kind must facilitate adoption to all “family units”, a rule that is a patently unconstitutional infringement of freedom of religion. Catholic Charities only adopted to traditional family units. Rather than challenge the rule, they CLOSED THE ADOPTION SERVICE IN THE ENTIRE US. You see Obama threatened to cut the RCC out of the immigration resettlement gravy train.
So, that’s my story and I’ sticking to it.


Really enjoying this piece of music!

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Me, too! Very inspirational. Thank you, wheatie, for MONDAY POWER!!! 😎
OK, not enough power…..comment image


We’ll see how well this works…..
right-click on image to get extension-ending file name and you’re golden. The WordPress image plugin takes over.
hence:comment image

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy



dat’s.. Me!! LOL!!! but with blonde hair!!! lol!!!🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣


‘They’ say the mind is the last to go – or is it the first to go – I forget – and – who is ‘they’?


That’s bed head

Sue Mcdonald

Lolol. That’s not what my hubby called her look,and I can’t repeat it here😆 I told him to get his mind out of the gutter.


He’s just making an observation

Sue Mcdonald

Lol,he sure was .


Just as an aside, there’s this other very similar site……


…..that has an acute actinium shortage…..

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Yeah, still thinking about that one…..



Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

And now we’re stocked up all the way to oganesson!

Rodney Short

What a wonderful word to have for ammo to start the week, God bless you Wheatie.


Reading the poltroon definition…Piglosi and NoNads came to mind. But, Piglosi fits. Come to think of it, cry’n Chuck also. 😉


Oops. was supposed to be Schitty and NoNads came to mind.
It’s late. G’nite all 😉


Let’s face it – they just need to change the name of their party to the Poltroon Party!


Wheatie, Another great start to Monday, the week and February.
Shampeachment nearly toast. Chiefs won. Bernie surging with D-Rats panicking. Watching Iowa Caucus may be funny. SOTU will be great. Wednesday the shapeachment shackles come off.
AND, Turtle needs to get the Judge confirmation mill working again. Waiting on WTO changes….
Gotta wait until the tenth for a rally.
And, the polar bear is always on the go 😉


I don’t know if this account is for real, but it gave me a chuckle.



LOL I just spit out my wine! LOL good one


Satire it is. But it is very close to real.


I’m down with Poltroon Delicto !!!
Why limit it to Leftists when we’ve got Mittens?


Where’s an alligator when you need one?


It’s true!
The gators will be so full of the fake news reports even they will ask trump to stop too much munching I mean winning! 😉


Or a bear

Gail Combs

I would settle for Secret Service with a sniper r… and an itchy finger.
I hope that vid gets reported to SS so the author gets a visit.


Good point someone with a Twitter account please let them know!


I have not been wiling to watch any NFL productions and certainly not the Superbowl.
If they weren’t so unAmerican and hedonistic we could talk about having a Superbowl thread.
As it is I think we’re more likely to have a FIFA World Cup thread.


There are several tweets on this page talking about the symbolism in the “show”. Worth reading through. Once you see it….
Zoe there are tweets comparing the design on JLo’s costume to the goat head with horns, side by side pictures included. Also one where she is atop the stripper pole in a “crucifixation type pose”. Reading through the comments on these is interesting


Yeah, good description. Feeling of unease….when I saw these tweets it made perfect sense. They are laughing at us. But as Q points out, their symbols will be their downfall


Wasn’t Katy Perry’s show a couple of years ago so full of satanism? I don’t/won’t watch any of this garbage but remember seeing the stories about it.


Maybe…I had thought Lady Gaga would be bad, but it was actually a decent show compared to these others


I didn’t watch the game but you can say what you want Lady Gaga a few years back was a cleaner show.
This was Trash!!!! I felt the need to disinfect my ipad!!!
Also there was this all Spanish push
J-Lo and Shakira Super Bowl Halftime Show Features Kids in Cages
Pole Dancing and Porn: Jeb Bush Cheers Trashy Super Bowl Halftime Show
Marco Rubio also liked it. Of course they would.


I hate to say it but I think a burlesque show is cleaner!!


Trashy show. Decadence for the world to see. No wonder Islam views Western Civilization as they do.
Hollywood is a cultural cesspool, and they keep pushing it into the culture.


It would have sent the wrong message – negating our President’s war against human trafficking and child p0rn!!!!




Supposedly there’s a tweet of Jeb Bush saying “Best Super Bowl half time show ever.”
I’m getting real sick of all these idiots “prove your loyalty” messages. I’m surprised that Jeb didn’t have Marco and Mittens over to share Corona.


Foam Party?


I felt the need to cover my puppy’s eyes!!!! 😉


Not fit for family viewing.


Anyone notice her microphone? (I know…it’s hard to pay attention with all the tongue and hip action). It’s in the shape of a dildo.
Just when you think the NFL couldn’t sink any lower, they air this soft porn. It’s disgusting.


I just don’t get the appeal of these people…they must not have faith in their talent to prostitute their bodies this way…it used to be about the sound/words…now it’s how vulgar you can be



Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy



Thanks for rescuing from spam AND Readers Digest path to Askimet.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy




Gail Combs

Kissing Commie A$$.
You do not get to be a ‘Star’ no matter how great your talent if you do not toe the line and put out the content the Commies want.

15. Capture one or both of the political parties in the United States.
20. Infiltrate the press. Get control of book-review assignments, editorial writing, policymaking positions.
21. Gain control of key positions in radio, TV, and motion pictures.
22. Continue discrediting American culture by degrading all forms of artistic expression. An American Communist cell was told to “eliminate all good sculpture from parks and buildings, substitute shapeless, awkward and meaningless forms.”
23. Control art critics and directors of art museums. “Our plan is to promote ugliness, repulsive, meaningless art.”
24. Eliminate all laws governing obscenity by calling them “censorship” and a violation of free speech and free press.
25. Break down cultural standards of morality by promoting pornography and obscenity in books, magazines, motion pictures, radio, and TV.
26. Present homosexuality, degeneracy and promiscuity as “normal, natural, healthy.”
27. Infiltrate the churches and replace revealed religion with “social” religion. Discredit the Bible and emphasize the need for intellectual maturity which does not need a “religious crutch.”
28. Eliminate prayer or any phase of religious expression in the schools on the ground that it violates the principle of “separation of church and state.”

They have accomplished most of their goals.


Hubby and I had been watching the 1st half of the game, and decided to see what the half-time show would present this time – haven’t watched in years. Couldn’t get through it. Quit when J-Lo showed up.
Decadent, suggestive sexual garbage reflective of rotted Hollywood’s continuous efforts to coarsen and cheapen the culture.
It was the kind of stuff one would find in a strip club, but now they get away with it on the world stage with an audience of millions. Sick that they’ve ruined what used to be reasonable entertainment. Nothing like being paid millions to prostitute oneself… Interesting how liberal women get upset about how women are “treated” in society – but then no a word from them when their own get up and project sexualization to the world.
They are also playing to a Latino base – do they even like the NFL? Blacks are going to discover the Dems don’t have any use for them anymore.
BTW, word was J-Lo and Beyonce dissed the National Anthem. No surprise. They think that’s cool. Someday they’ll just be washed up has-beens. Deep inside they know it.

Deplorable Patriot

We skipped it until about 2 minutes left in the game. And then KC…sheesh. They’re going to be more impossible to live with than usual.


Disgusting, isn’t it? Having a little trouble posting this morning so not sure what will happen. When I post, the post just sits there, and eventually I have to leave the page as what I post won’t let me do anything else. When I return to the page, my post has completed. Weird.


I was expecting them to bring out Stormy Daniels at any moment.


wheatie Love the polar bear. Huh so that’s what raccoons do at night! 😉


Oh polar bear contest


Polar bears are the world’s largest land carnivore. They dwarf other bears, lions, and tigers. But they’re always seen against featureless snow that gives people nothing to compare them with.


And they are pure carnivores. No berrys or nuts. Nothing but meat. Don’t ever think that you are anything but meat to them


comment image


LOL my moms first question was ‘she’s going to drive’


Oh yes please.


I was hoping she’d fall face first into a pile of feces—after all it IS her town…


I’m da bin…but

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Yes, it’s BRILLIANT – take out their dodgy tricks before they use them!!!


If this picture is any indication – I think he really needs a box – allegedly – Bloomberg is 5’7″


comment image

Gail Combs

The goat is prettier…


And probably smarter


4 Plagues Are Marching Across Asia Simultaneously: Coronavirus, African Swine Fever, H5N1 Bird Flu And H1N1 Swine Flu


We prepping Christmas Island


Within a couple days, I believe most all flights out of China will cease.
Then the issue is folks already in US. AND both borders and ports.




This reminds me of what is going on here in America; Out with the bad, in with the good.
A time to to plant (MAGA) a time to uproot (deep state). A time to tear down (deep state) a time to to build (MAGA),
1 There is a time for everything,
and a season for every activity under the heavens:
2 a time to be born and a time to die,
a time to plant and a time to uproot,
3 a time to kill and a time to heal,
a time to tear down and a time to build,
4 a time to weep and a time to laugh,
a time to mourn and a time to dance,
5 a time to scatter stones and a time to gather them,
a time to embrace and a time to refrain from embracing,
6 a time to search and a time to give up,
a time to keep and a time to throw away,
7 a time to tear and a time to mend,
a time to be silent and a time to speak,
8 a time to love and a time to hate,
a time for war and a time for peace.
Ecclesiastes 3: 1-8 (NIV)


A time to to plant, a time to uproot
A time to tear down and build, says itswoot


**Slaps side of own head** forgot the “and” (twice)


The shampeachment
(Hope this works )comment image?fbclid=IwAR2wSjNCf0GJChtcHU6Q-4f26VC98ZRbO0TlXh81_buiv1I7a0C91AocR1M


It works if you open in new tab


Take out everything after .gif
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The dems again


They keep coming back to the same playbook. They have nothing new


Fixed it for you:
“The perfidious poltroon *pussy*, Adam Schiff, should be prosecuted for the lies he has told the American people.”


Oh yeah – Pencil-neck belongs in there somewhere too. He’s such a Partisan Politics Pushing Patsy.


We could go on forever. Schiff deserves every indignity, aspersion and epithet.


nice alliteration!!


WOW! that message was AWESOME!!


Great message. Great delivery.

Sadie Slays

Some people want to believe the fear porn.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

WHICH fear porn are you talking about? 😀

Sadie Slays

Take your pick. In the past few months, it was Joker fans shooting up movie theaters, World War III via Iran, Civil War 2 in Virginia, and now the WuGaloo (I guess it’s telling that nobody took the impeachment trial as seriously as the Joker premiere). It’ll be some new threat by the end of the month. And it’s not the just the mainstream media and Deep State, but certain alt-media outlets who are just as guilty and conniving of profitting off of fear. General rule of thumb: If the media is forecasting doom literally weeks in advance, it’s probably not going to happen. Or at least it won’t happen in a way that’s expected.
I’m just over it. I admit that I’ve previously bought into fear porn before, and I officially apologize for whatever I’ve contributed to Fear Inc. But I’m trying to be better. I trust God, President Trump, Q, and Team White Hat.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Oh, yeah – I forgot about World War III !!!


All of us are sometimes caught up in the fear. Lies are everywhere so you have to give yourself a break – you never asked to be lied to.
I was so glad that I didn’t watch any media in September 2008 when the financial panic hit. Everywhere I went people really were in a panic that the financial system was going to collapse. It was a spirit of fear. The best way through it was to be determined to not be afraid of what others are afraid of.


I’m with you, Sadie!
I am due to fly to California in a couple of weeks for a well-deserved break, visiting a friend. I actually had a moment where I considered not going, because of the Woo-Wu Flu. But that’s ridiculous! I will take precautions as I always do when I fly. But I’m not cancelling.
TPTB want us AFRAID. I will be FEARLESS.


And why NOT be fearless??
1. We know, as children of God and Christ, that we are immortal. In fact, every person is immortal. It is our BODIES that can expire or be destroyed, NOT our souls.
2. We know that “not a single sparrow falls that they Lord is not aware of”….meaning he is well aware of all that is happening with and to each and every one of the creatures he has breathed his life into, including us. In fact, he puts a special emphasis on US, we who are made in his own image!
3. Nothing happens outside of his plans and purposes. This includes our illnesses and the deaths of our bodies.
4. Everything in THIS life is ultimately meaningless. All of it. (See: Solomon’s wisdom). It is the life to COME where REAL life as God truly intends it is to be experienced and enjoyed. We are all just in school and training in this one. School is where mistakes and learning happens.
5. Finally, we are under direct orders…commands….to BE NOT AFRAID.
Command the voices of fear to be SILENT!!
We are the children of the Most High…God Almighty himself…we are immortals walking on earth…who have been commanded by the Father to be fearless and bold!
The more we fear anything, the more we need to remember and reflect upon these truths.

Gail Combs

And some people are just cautious… (Goes with surviving to a ripe old age despite Caving, Climbing and training horses.)
I agree with Larry, My brother from a different mother. I have been reading/commenting at ChiefIO’s site for years BTW and ‘know’ most of the commenters. I have even had dinner with some of them. They are scientists and engineers and not interested in “fear porn” just facts. They also are well aware GOVERNMENTS LIE.

Larry Ledwick says:
3 February 2020 at 4:36 am
It is a completely apples to water melon comparison to compare seasonal flu which affects 1/4 of the planet each year at a fatality rate of about 0.01% with a brand new infectious agent in only the first few weeks of its spread where almost the entire plant is susceptible (ie no immunity because it is new) exponential growth which has just started, and a demonstrated lethality of around 2% (ie 20x more lethal per case than seasonal influenza)
Give it a few months and see what he numbers look like, then see what happens as it moves into the southern hemisphere as their winter season starts during our summer.

And E.M reminds us that the Asians LIE.

E.M.Smith says:
3 February 2020 at 4:48 am
Watching an Asian guy reporting from both official and unofficial sources.
He says “friends” in Cambodia say they have cases, but the government is not reporting them… and if this continues it will be the next Wuhan. I hope he is wrong…
Also says in China, of 100 going to hospital, 80 will have pneumonia symptoms. Of them, 5 will be tested, the rest will be sent home due to no kits or beds.
Estimates 10x to 20x multiplier needed for government figure uplift.

Reply from Larry

…The first fatality attributed to the virus was only on Jan 9 2020 so about 3 weeks ago. The lag between when a case becomes symptomatic and death occurs can be 8 – 12 days or so. The exponential growth is so rapid that most of those confirmed cases have not been sick long enough to complete the process of overwhelming their system.
The death numbers will lag behind cases due to that time lag. Later in the year it will be much less apparent but for all practical purposes everyone in the world who is infected lives in China and they have only been sick a week or two.

Trust me the numbers will climb (never mind all the deaths attributed to something else for political purposes.)

Since the disease targets the old, esp. men, I will stock up on the stuff I normally would use anyway and WATCH the situation. I KNOW it will be too late to stock up when the government gets around to issuing a warning. Heck E.M. is reporting his area is already out of rubbing alcohol.


Since the disease targets the old, esp. men, I will stock up on the stuff I normally would use anyway and WATCH the situation. I KNOW it will be too late to stock up when the government gets around to issuing a warning. Heck E.M. is reporting his area is already out of rubbing alcohol.
^^^^^ Common sense.
IF one can afford it, “stock up on the stuff I normally would use anyway”.
^^^^^ This deserves to be AMPLIFIED.
Very little of what I “prep” will go to waste. Rotate stock, first in, first out.

Gail Combs

I am not going to go out and buy a hazmat suit, but I will buy Rubbing Alcohol (keeps forever) and Chlorox (used to sanitize livestock water tanks) and stuff I can freeze. Also make sure I have medical supplies.
Here is another goody from Larry:

Other secondary effects and supply chain disruptions are also likely.

Manos de Pietras
2 minutes ago
“In all, 80 percent of the U.S. supply of antibiotics are made in China”. Planning for Supply chain issues with 2019 nCoV should be a top priority.

It is not just antibiotics but a lot of our OTC vitamins and other drugs will be come short supplied.

Linda K Harrison

This was really interesting. I wonder why there was almost no snow on the roof of the house in the background. I live in NY and would love to know how they did that, I am not good with a roof rake.


1. Heat rises. Heated air also is under higher pressure than cold air. Additionally, the insulation in an attic lays on top of the attic floor (inner ceiling)….there is no insulation directly underneath a typical roof. Thus the air in the attics is much warmer than the outside temps, and the greater the disparity in temperature between outside and in, the greater the pressure inside the roof.
During a blizzard like this outside temps drop quickly (which is why is snows so hard as moisture is squeezed from the air), which means there is a big pressure differential between the attic and outside air. No one caulks the inside seams of a roof, and the seams are located along the outer edges and roof peak. This is where hot air leaks from the attic.
2. Wind. The peak and edges of a roof are where wind most affects anything on top of a roof, and this is particularly true in winds that strike a roof at an angle vs. straight on. In such a case, the area of the middle of the roof is a dead space while the areas around the edges are not. This is why we all hide behind a wall in a chill wind. In the case above, wind will help keep snow off the edges and peak of the roof.
3. Snow is an insulator. #1 & #2 above help prevent the edges and the peak of the roof from snow accumulation, but not the middle of the roof. During the day, the sun can reach the edges and peak of the roof, further warming them up, whereas it cannot reach the portion of the roof that lies underneath the snow.
Collectively, these three things are what is keeping the edges and peak of the house in this video from accumulating snow.
And, if you stopped to think about it, you knew all this, you just never put it all together.

Linda K Harrison

FG&C – Thank you for the explanation. Makes sense.


Steep roof, light snow, stiff wind.


Nice one. I missed the steep roof!
But….light snow?? That was about 4-5 FPT of snow accumulation in 48 hrs.

Gail Combs

Light (and fluffy) as in not heavy and wet.


Now we know why PDJT calls him “little Mike”.

Gail Combs

I doubt he makes five feet in his stocking feet. He is probably wearing lifts in his shoes to get above the five foot mark.

Sadie Slays

5’8 would be about chin level with 6’2 Trump. Bloomberg isn’t even close.

Sadie Slays

For comparison, Hillary Clinton is officially 5’7 and Bill is officially 6’2. Not sure if she’s wearing high heels in these pics.comment imagecomment imagecomment image

Gail Combs

I wonder what mini-mike was standing on for those pictures? NO WAY that guy is 5′ 8″
Hubby is 9.5 inches from chin to the top of his head and he is 5’7 with little hair and a smallish head. So if President Trump is ~ 6’2″ then at MAX mini-mike is 5′ 2″ (probably with lifts)


Did you catch Trump’s line about “mini Mike” at the rally the other day?
“I’ve had it up to here with him”
(Holding his hand chest level)
I Laughed my butt off at that.


I’ve read that Hilary was 5′ 5 1/2″. And has shrunk with age to 5′ 4″.
I’ve looked at pics of Bloomberg with people of known height. My best guess is, he is probably about 5′ 4″, and wears lifts in his shoes sometimes.
He is slouching left in that picture with President Trump.


Good MORNING, QTreeps!!
Good Morning Miss Wheatie and thank you for a wonderful Daily Thread.
How about that Super Bowl last night? What a great game!
Spring is around the corner, had the house open all afternoon yesterday! It’s coming.
Feeling good this morning and ready for the Iowa Caucuses?
Iowa thread is up and running!!


Yep – a mild February can mess things up here in the South too – we’ve had temps in the teens and snow in Hotlanta in March! That means the blooms on fruit trees get zapped….and a loss of big harvests in orange and peach orchards.


Never knew you had vineyards in wheat plains country!


Was in the 80s on Sat but can you believe its in the mid 20s at night this week. Im not sure my tomato and strawberries will survive.


Verse of the Day

“Put on the whole armour of God, that ye may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil.”
Ephesians 6:11 (KJV)


comment image


Thank You, Jesus, for blessings received and prayers answered!


Monday Butterfly Blessingscomment image


Jesus Loves Babies…Pray for the Unborncomment image
Jesus Loves the Little Children – Pray for the Little Childrencomment image
Jesus Loves You – Come to Himcomment image


Good Morning Duchess!


* Waves at Pat * Have a Blessed Day!!!


you too sweetheart!!


Thanks, dear lady! * Smiling at you *


this author makes the case not for acquittal of POTUS, but that the Senate should vacate the articles…sending a message to the House that they didn’t do this correctly…chastise them instead of emboldening them…
If the Senate acquits Trump on this Obstruction count, it will present to the House the presumption that their essential idea is valid, but that Trump didn’t do what they allege. This is horrible. Instead, it is essential that the Senate rebuff the legal basis for the House’s complaint. Anything less would leave the House open to bring another set of articles for Obstruction the very next time Trump says they can’t have something. They wouldn’t even need to subpoena documents or witnesses. A simple request would become a command, under penalty of impeachment.
The proper action for the Senate to take is to Vacate Article 2 because it fails to state a high crime or misdemeanor. In legalese, “it fails to state a Constitutionally recognized cause of action.” A vote to vacate would say that the House has utterly failed in its Constitutional duty. It would strike the Article from the Impeachment, leaving only Article 1.
In short, Article 1 is as deficient as Article 2. It fails to state a Constitutional crime of Impeachment degree. As a result, the Senate should vote to vacate Article 1. And this leaves the Senate in an interesting position.
If both Articles of Impeachment are vacated by the Senate, the Impeachment will be voided. With a voided Impeachment, the Senate will have no Articles to vote on to either convict or acquit. In a sense Trump won’t be vindicated, because there are no charges from which to be vindicated. In a way, Trump will be “unimpeached” and the House will be reprimanded — told in no uncertain terms that only truly valid Constitutional charges will be considered by the Senate. They got one bite at the apple, and got a face full of cold water rather than sweet fruit. Should similarly deficient articles be submitted, they will also be rejected out of hand.


I vote this as the post of the day. This is what I have been yelling for days, though not expressed as cogently. It is so important, but afraid senate is not listening.


I keep hearing President Trump at the rally the night of the ‘impeachment’.
“It doesn’t feel like we’re being impeached.” Time will tell but I love this – there is no crime, there’s no victim of a crime, and there’s no such crimes that the House has alleged.
Not to mention that there are four people voting against the person they are running against. Talk about a conflict!
It’s time to put rule of law, and the criminals in the demoncrat party back into place!




Excellent post! And it explains so eloquently why acquittal won’t work to end this trail of nonsense.




the left is now calling for a boycott of Bolton’s book…LOL…maybe they don’t want you to read it, because it doesn’t say what they THOUGHT it said…LOL



Marxists want to create societal mental chaos – multiple ‘genders’ ‘sexual anarchy’
They are against Judeo-Christian values and want s3x anytime any way, any age child from birth….and they want the right to kill unborn, disabled and elderly.
Leftist marxists are totalitarian tyrants and they are EVIL!!!!!!!!!!!


Here’s the video Rod was sharing:

You have to watch this. It’s by a niche pro-EU party from Northern Ireland, but it is a pure distillation of the globalist spirit, and one of the most sinister things I’ve seen in a while. It was retweeted yesterday by Guy Verhofstadt, a leading EU parliamentarian.

What a remarkable film. First, I’m struck by the fact that the Alliance Party portrays a nation’s attempt to assert sovereignty over its borders as real evil. (I mean, I know that’s what they believe, but it’s still striking to see it illustrated like this.) The film indicates that the glorious future must be multicultural, or else. The Myth of Progress — the idea that failure to dissolve the nation and its people is a retreat on the Grand March of History. Weirdest of all is the repeated deployment of gay images in the short movie, as if Brexit were somehow a violation of gay rights. Maybe you UK readers know something I don’t, but gay rights is widely accepted in Britain, certainly by Boris Johnson. I’m open to correction, but it seems to me that the Alliance Party is simply trying to pile everything it considers Evil onto the Brexit movement.
In any case, this clip certainly shows you who the enemy is, and what they believe. This clip makes clear that at bottom, this is a culture war.

Be careful of Rod Dreher. He puts out some good stuff every so often but you can never know when he’s going to throw a crap sandwich.


comment imagecomment imagecomment imagecomment image


interesting perspective on “Bernie being robbed” again…
For Bernie, this is about stockpiling as much leverage as he can before negotiating his exit deal. He has a massive email list of losers, and millions have been stolen from the purses of moms of Bernie bros all over the country and sent to his campaign. Who knows how they’re moving money around to pay Bernie, but it’s going to cost them.
The more cash he raises and bigger the contact list he builds, and more pissed off his followers as time goes on, the more leverage he holds. Bernie knows what he’s doing. He probably has a new lake house picked out as we speak. Once he pulls the eject button, he’ll need to endorse Bloomberg (who I’ve said would be the nominee for the past few years) and to mitigate the collective tantrums from his base.
One of Sanders’ tasks was to take out Warren to clear the path for mini-Mike. He effectively did that, and he already laid the groundwork for an early exit with his Fred Sanford episode, which will not only give him an out, but he can give the DNC plausible cover, i.e. “the DNC didn’t rob me; I had to drop out for health reasons”, and then probably go on a rant about how mini-Mike will carry the communist torch.


Bernie and his wife are typical dirty minded greedy leftists.


yup…plotting how to scam another house out the deal

Gail Combs

On the Florida coast this time no doubt. Gotta escape those northern winters.


FL is too conservative for radical Bernie – he will go to CA or Hawaii or Baja or Tahiti or maybe one of those non-extradition countries.

Gail Combs

New Zealand….


I don’t buy that Sanders was there to take out Warren. IMO it was 100% the other way around. But Warren is a huge DNC liability and unelectable, so getting her out needed to happen anyway. Just a change in plan, same endgame.


true…but who do you think is the ultimate goal here?


ATM I think the goal is anyone but Bernie. I think Bloomberg was the Plan B if their splitter firewalls failed. I think the Dem establishment would rather burn the party to the ground than allow Sanders to win. Why? I don’t know but that’s my feel. Other than the extreme corruptocrats it’s like they think they can wait out another 4 years of Trump and rebuilt the party (or a replacement!) in the meantime.



Metaxas has really impressed me of late. He’s really made some enemies of people for speaking truth that they wanted hidden.


Juanita Broaddrick
Hey, Nan. Super Bowl 54 is over and San Francisco’s loss is forever.


so, doing my thang…reading on several sites, looking for good things to bring here…and I saw in a couple of places this item…during asstime (as half time is now called) they sang Born in the USA wearing the Puerto Rican flag? that’s gotta be a joke, right?
and then 2 other asswipes…Beyonce and Jayz SAT during the national anthem?


I read she had an American and PR flag on stage, dont know about song. B and jayz sat. Apparently he has signed a deal w the nfl to be part of the senior team to develop their social justice outreach. WTF is that in the furst place? Its a multimillion dollar gig too. Social justice would in reality be him doing it FREE and the entire amount going to established and honest volunteer/charity groups around the country.
But, hes looking more like a fop with a gimmegrant attitude as the years go by. She was wearing a trashy outfit and their daughter was oblivious. not being raised right either.


most of these social justice programs are scam–they are paying for name recognition. no actual work involved…show up…read a prepared speech…gets showered with praise…smh


Social justice programs are as sincee as greenie programs… Get rich for select folks. Screw the rest.


Thats why real change is contributing to the groups helping tutor, clean up, mental health, etc etc….


the story said she was WEARING the PR flag…can’t say, didn’t watch–didn’t read this story either–just the headline…


university has a contest…invites ALL to participate; totally “blind” judging (no names, etc). 6 students enter–all white–essay subject? how were they “implementing Martin Luther King Jr.’s legacy” …now it is somehow the contest’s fault that no African American students entered…smh
pay attention to the last section posted below–“give out the awards..only 6 entries…all white…we may not have gotten that right.” WTH??? you don’t enter, you can’t win. period.
According to [head of the African-American studies program Tobin] Miller-Shearer, he wanted the contest to encourage everyone, not just members of the Black Student Union, to further King’s message.
“The intention was to challenge the entire UM community to take King’s actual legacy seriously, rather than to encourage volunteerism as has been done in the past,” [he] said in an email. …
In response to the backlash, the University of Montana took down the original post with the photograph of the winners and updated its Facebook post, stating, “All walks of life and races were invited to submit essays,” and only white students ended up doing so.
Shearer commented that the outcome of the contest overshadowed the contest’s original intentions. …
He also said that this was not the best outcome of the contest and it could have been handled differently.
“We made the decision to give out awards even though we only had six entries, all of them from white undergraduate students, but it was a judgment call,” Miller-Shearer said in an email. “We may have not gotten that right.”
Here’s the liberal explanation (from the article):
Inside Higher Ed points out some also made an issue of Miller-Shearer not being black, that the essay contest was “poorly advertised [and] poorly publicized,” and that the contest came at a time when “black students specifically are overcommitted.”

Deplorable Patriot

So, saw a couple of clips of the Billionaire Boys’ Club extravaganza half time show.
See what Madonna started?
And, just for the record, the Chiefs and the Royals both play on the Missouri side of KC. You have to pass the complex on the way to Worlds of Fun. It’s in an open field along I-70.


“See what Madonna started?”
I stated this very question…..almost verbatim….to my better half as I got up to leave the room.
My version was “See what that trashy slut Madonna started?”




As I expected, CA is increasing in coronavirus cases. I suspect several more, even with the travel ban.
“Health officials Sunday announced three more cases of the coronavirus in California, bringing the state’s total to six and the country’s total to 11 cases.
Late Sunday, a San Benito County official said a man who had recently traveled back from Wuhan, China, and his wife were confirmed to have the virus and isolating themselves in their home.
The man arrived at San Francisco International Airport on January 24 and was screened and found to be healthy and asymptomatic, Dr. Martin Fenstersheib, interim health officer for the county, said in a news conference.
The next day, the man developed symptoms including a cough and low-grade fever, Fenstersheib said. A few days later, his wife began showing symptoms as well.
As far as I’m concerned there is, at the present time, absolutely no risk to the community in San Benito from coronavirus from these confirmed cases,”
The couple has stayed at home since the man’s arrival, Fenstersheib said.
Also Sunday, officials confirmed a woman who recently traveled from Wuhan to Santa Clara County also was found to have the virus. She’s the second case in the county — though officials said the cases are unrelated. There are two other confirmed cases in Orange and Los Angeles counties.”


17,489 cases world wide – 11 in USA – all of whom traveled to China or family of traveler.


But china says WE are overreacting. Travel bans are common sense!


Posted on last thread dated 02/01/2020 also
New evidence emerges: Coronavirus “bioweapon” might have been a Chinese vaccine experiment gone wrong… genes contain “pShuttle-SN” sequences, proving laboratory origin
February 3, 2020
by Mike Adams, Natural News
Two days ago, a paper published in the journal presented findings that indicated the coronavirus appeared to be engineered with “key structural proteins” of HIV. The paper, entitled, “Uncanny similarity of unique inserts in the 2019-nCoV spike protein to HIV-1 gp120
and Gag,” concluded that the engineering of coronavirus with such gene sequences was “unlikely to be fortuitous in nature,” providing strong scientific support for the theory that the coronavirus is an engineered bioweapon that escaped laboratory containment in China.
The coverage of this paper by Zero Hedge led to a firestorm of denials by governments, health authorities and the CIA-controlled media, not surprisingly. Any suggestion that the coronavirus was engineered as a bioweapon had to be immediately eliminated. The prevailing panic by the establishment sought to blame this outbreak on Mother Nature — i.e. bats, snakes, seafood, etc. — rather than the human beings who are playing around with deadly biological weapons that are designed to extinguish human life.
[Excerpt] Read more at the link above…



Just a quick and YUGE thank you to each Patriot thread poster .. you are incredible, totally awesome and truly a blessing … I shudder to think where we would be without each and every one of you .. well 😐⏬ ..!/img/httpImage/image.jpg_gen/derivatives/article_750/msdshin-ec021.jpg

…. never fear …comment image


you too nikki!!!


.. hi pat … love you posts so much, and you’re a pretty smart cookie 🍪‼️
I LURVE cookies 🍪🙂


good! pretty sure there’s FRUIT & NUT filling in this cookie…LOL


… oh that sounds delicious … 😋👍❤️‼️
… yum …


Can you imagine what must have been going through his mind at that very minute? I think that each time I see the photo…and I never get tired of seeing it! History changed that day.


And thank God for it‼️ …. 😉👍


To: Michael h
From: nikkichico7
…. 😳👍 … wow 😮🤚
.. ty for the h/t on your awesome post Sunday … ❤️ ..


Wheatie … 😝👍⏬comment image
Love it 😍👍❤️‼️
Heh 😏 … heh 😏 … vvv …

.. 😬🤫 ..


Either the SuperBowl should clean up their X-Rated half-time shows or move the game to after Midnight when children are in bed.


That includes the commercials too – I’ll never buy Drag Queen commercial Sabra Hummus ever again!


hubby had on the first half of the game–then we went to bed…
I was quilting, not really paying attention to the game, but watched the ads…after the first few, I was loudly criticizing the marketing people and their customers…I think i must’ve said “who dreams up this utter crap?” like 8 or 9 times…and then hubby started muting the commercials…LOL…
I did look up and if I saw one I wanted to see , he unmuted…
we rarely watch regular programming, so we don’t see a lot of ads…but dang…they have gone downhill in terms of originality and intelligence.


Didn’t watch it at all but DH kept saying…“I do not understand this at all!”….”Now, that was totally weird (or disgusting.”
Doesn’t FOX have any input into the half-time show? They certainly angered a lot of people with that performance. More and more they seem to be siding into the Swamp.


So Thankful, I missed that one. I was definitely calling out and screaming back at all the SJW and mind control ads like the one where the cops gunned down the poor little black boy for NO reason furthering the Message to Disrespect/Hate/Kill Cops. 😡🥵🤬
Or how bout the Global Warming car commercial warning the sun is 8 degrees hotter today, but in the end the girl loves and can live in the cold. WTF is it you Climate Commies, are we gonna burn or freeze to death???
Lot’s of people are raving about the google ad reminiscing about Loretta. I found it creepy scary intrusive (They shouldn’t know that much about my Loved one) and DEPRESSING.
We played the Pass/Fail game here. The majority Failed.
And what happened to the Clydesdales??????

Gail Combs

“…what happened to the Clydesdales??????”
They got PETA’d
Abusing children (which this crap did) of course is just fine and dandy.


Damn Liberals Ruin Everything!!!

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy



My reply through the reader (I keep forgetting) in the dang bin!!
Damn Liberals Ruin Everything!!!


Wait…Butterfly—If you reply thru the reader…You go in da bin? If so…That is opposite of ME!!!!

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy





Yes, I am exact opposite of you!!! Ridiculous, isn’t it???
The only way I can reply to people is to go back to original comment.
Only way I can talk to Wolfie is on someone else’s thread, from like days ago in some cases. Then the reply nesting issue comes into play so you have to find another comment somewhere, anywhere, just to get a message to him. It’s a MUCKING FESS!!!


We Won Butterfly!!!! I can post ….EVERYWHERE!!!! Ya need to test!!! Go to Wolfies last post–Askimet i think!!! We WON!!!!


Nope, not me, not yet. Still in da Wolfie bin.😞😞😞
So happy for YOU!!!


SPAM THem!!! seriously!!!! I sent like…6-10 askimet requests with liks that Wolfie provided!!! over and over –Finally, this afternoon, “annie” said..I don’t understand” I replied–I only post on 2 sites..but when I go to wqth..I end up in the spam bin!!!! Try to find…Annie!!!


We can tag team on the SOTU thread tomorrow!!! So…………we got that goin for us!!!!😘🥰


I’m running out of places to reply(nesting) 🥴 At least I don’t have to go to your site to talk to you anymore, that was goofy.
I bugged both vendors today. Even tho unsatisfactory, At least I got responses.


I’ll keep the hammer going for you!!! I even told them it was you and me that were being targeted! and I pulled the chick card–as in –you cleared Scott and CM.. but not us!!!


Replying through reader test……That’s friggin HILLARIOUS!!! LUV U!!!😍😍😍

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy



The CHICK Card??? ROFLMAO!!! 😂🤣😂


We………….Need to use it!!! Trump would!!! LOL fire..with fire…….Butterfly!!!

Deplorable Patriot

It wasn’t PETA with the Clydesdales. InBev has been messing with things since they bought A-B.


I whole heartily agree GA/FL … definitely AFTER midnight 🕛 .. 🤨 .. ‼️



by Fr. George Rutler
‘Super Bowl half-time extravaganzas surpass in their vulgarity only the Field of the Cloth of Gold games in France in 1520’


Pelosi is a devious, mean-spirited wretch of a witch. In other words, Nervous Nasty Nancy is a Poltroon.
How’d I do on my English Homework Miss Wheatie?? ☺️


🤨👍 .. ❤️‼️ ..


Steve Bannon lays out a shocking scenario of the real reason behind Bloomberg’s investment of $2 billion in politics
steve_bannon_lays_out_a_shocking_scenario_of_the_real_reason_behind_bloombergs_investment_of_2_billion_in_politics. html#.Xjg00_Is9gQ.twitter


and here’s link to Bannon’s full interview with Maria… IMPORTANT INTERVIEW


Zoe, here’s link to video, remove * in front

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy



will do Wolfie…………….

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

You are NEVER SPAM, phoenix. Until WORDPRESS “learns” that, they are dodging by throwing the blame a defective product, or a defectively USED product.
WordPress has an infinite number of beautiful designs to beat this problem. I would almost bet that the Akismet API can handle this, too, and there are BOGUS REASONS why it is not addressed through that API. If that is NOT the case, the Akismet conspires in bad product design to help WordPress play dumb.


I hear you Wolfie… will have grandson read your replies and help me have WP ‘hear’ me 😉

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

I am getting almost zero spam right now. Somebody jiggered the numbers somewhere. Some dial got turned. My question – why were the dials ever the way they were?


Excellent question Wolfie….


It was great. I’ve Really come to Appreciate Steve Bannon a whole lot. Wasn’t sure for a while, but then I realized my doubts were being planted by others–others I don’t trust.


Yes, we have to decide for ourselves.


This is excellent. Bannon calls Bloomberg an oligarch, which is a good description of him and what he’s doing to the democrat party.


Agree jamcooker


The story below provided a rather whimsical YouTube production of appox 9 mins long where in various California laws in acted in 2018 came into effect. The professional grade comical sketch just came out and wryly demonstrates the ludicrous impact these laws have on employment. Good to watch if you can spare a few minutes.
Called “Nightmare in Paradise” featuring the employer, his office adviser, and a trans-gendered ‘it’ presumably seeking employment.


Thanks for adding para59r !


Democrats’ Total Failure and Utter Humiliation Delights All Real Americans
Now that the Democrats’ dream of stealing the 2016 election through the power of MSNBCNN-fueled outrage, and through plots by fussy lib bureaucrats, lies in ruins, some people might argue that we should be gracious in our total victory and not mock the stinging pain that accompanied this latest agonizing failure. Some people are sissies. Hoist a stein overflowing with the tears of these losers and chug chug chug away.
Then tap another keg. This party is finally getting started, and it’s going to rage on until January 2025.

Gail Combs

The correct mug to celebrate with.comment image


Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy


Text in Tweet
Lisa Mei Crowley
Quote Tweet
James O’Keefe
· 35m
2020 IOWA CAUCUS UPDATE: @PVeritas_Action to release undercover video from within the @ewarren campaign at NOON eastern.
Stay tuned… #Expose2020
Embedded video clip



Gail Combs

I’m glad I wasn’t trying to take a drink when I read that! 🤣


Wyatt’s tweet is part of a 2-tweet THREAD – click on time stamp

If you click wyatt’s tweet you get comments, some interesting
text in tweet
Praying Medic
The unseen puppetmasters nearly destroyed this planet.
Years ago, the U.S military developed a plan to eradicate them and their system so this would never happen again.
None of them will be allowed to escape justice.
More importantly, their system will be destroyed forever.
Quote Tweet
· 3h
Getting JFK feels on this one.. he banned gender studies and threw Soros out of Country. I like this guy. I am praying POTUS goes after Satanic cabal second term. The juicy stuff, not the measly little replaceable puppets. Because if he doesn’t — none of this matters long term.

Show this thread
text of (2nd tweet, last tweet in) thread
Visegrad 24 🇨🇿🇭🇺🇵🇱🇸🇰
· Jan 31
“We are fighting an enemy that is different from us. Not open, but hiding. Not straightforward, but crafty. Not national, but international. It does not believe in working but speculates with money; it does not have its homeland, but feels it owns the whole world.”
Viktor Orbán


Great post, PR. Love it.






… SPIT 💦💦💦 …. 🤬🤜‼️‼️‼️‼️


Oh no!
Hillary Clinton For Vice President?


Since the impeachment has failed it’s a fairly sure bet she’s not going to try to come in on the top of the ticket. I would expect Big Mike will try something similar for the same reason.


All I can say is, woe to the president who has her as VP! She is ruthless and will stop at nothing to get the power she wants. If she can’t win an election, there are other means (that is, if they can beat Pres. Trump — which they can’t). But who in their right mind would trust her? And who would think that putting her on the ticket would win voters?
Surely Biden isn’t that loony. Maybe she’s blackmailing him with what she knows about Ukraine to get on his ticket. Dan Bongino hinted at something like this today that might have happened in 2016.


Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy




Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Thanks, Marica! We are going to BEAT THESE FUCKERS


I’ll Hammer Away!!!!! Thanks for making it easier!!!! They keep wanting “examples” so I decided to jump in da bins again! 😘💖💖

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Oh, the engineers there know exactly what the problem is! Hi, honest engineers! See if you can confront management with their “implicit discrimination” that results from all their other policies that HIDE THE CENSORSHIP. Show them that neutrality of outcome is key, and WHERE the prejudice enters their calculations, due to moral and political judgments. Show them THE LOGIC of the situation.


I got a reply said…I won’t here back from them until tomorrow! SMH…How long does it take?

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

This has risen in priority to where developers are looking at it. You’re getting pulled into a big case that bfly managed to get them onto. This is good news – let it fester. What comes back will be very interesting.
Good job, ladies. WE HAVE ESCALATED. <3


LOL!!! Level UP!!!! Bastids!!!!😂😂😂😎

Gail Combs

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy





Knowing that the left sees only the outward color of people and judges everyone and everything on this superficial basis, I have to ask (and hope others will as well) is this why they refuse to take up the cause of Nigerian (And Syrian, whom they characterize as “brown”) Christians? Is the slaughter of people of color beneath the notice of the MSM because of the skin color of the victims?
Or perhaps it is simpler than this. Leftist overlords claim the right, as their superiors, to choose the religion and politics of non white people, and are ok with the death of those who don’t comply,
See how this works? (Use their racism and arrogance against them).


No, it’s way more simple.
Leftists are the most racist people on earth.


This is further illustrated by the vileness of the disrespect with which they target people of color who oppose their policies, i.e.: Clarence Thomas, Candace Owens, Dr. Ben Carson.
Does racism underlie the refusal of the leftist press to cover the plunder of Haiti by the Clintons?


Exactly so.
Funny how the “we’re not the racists” crowd IMMEDIATELY reverts to blatant racist comments the very moment a minority refuses the chains of slavery of the democrat party.


Did you see the video of Scott Preslar’s clean-u a couple of days ago? Antifa showed up and were chanting “go home, faggot!” I couldn’t believe it.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Oh, WOW, that is just weird as hell. Antifa is FILLED with ISIS-level PC and transmania mental cases who go into spasmodic crying bouts over missed pronouns – and they call him THAT?


Some people are saying they were chanting “bigot,” but it sure didn’t sound like that to me.


Wolf! Over on the open thread, Marica’s comments are posting! You won!

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

I am cautiously optimistic here! 😀
I am suppressing a “wow”!

Deplorable Patriot

Not only are they racist, but they are condescending about it, too.


Thank you, LM.




They know not God.


comment image

Deplorable Patriot

Hey, I resemble that description!


I believe POTUS knows the answers to his questions, which he continues to mention…
Where’s the Whistleblower? Where’s the second Whistleblower? Where’s the Informer? Why did Corrupt politician Schiff MAKE UP my conversation with the Ukrainian President??? Why didn’t the House do its job? And sooo much more!


Best SB ad….and it’s not even close.
(Note: this is just my humble opinion)


Thank you SsssOOOOO much for that. I stick to my guns, no foosball here but I do still enjoy the commercials. I could watch that all day.


“I stick to my guns” . . . do you stick to your bullets, too?
If so, try washing your hands before reloading and shooting!


Ha….no sticky bullets!


Don’t look now, but my opinion in this case happens to be right (as usual).
“#1…one Super Bowl ad stood far above them all. Jeep accomplished the impossible in more ways than one. First, in getting Bill Murray to break his lifetime abstinence from ads, and second in doing justice by one of the actor’s most beloved roles. Perfectly timed to air on Groundhog Day, the spot is exquisitely crafted and serves as a reunion with co-stars Brian Doyle-Murray (Bill’s brother, who plays the mayor of Punxsutawney) and Stephen Tobolowsky (Ned Ryerson). The ad perfectly positions the Jeep Gladiator so it never gets lost in the distractingly lovable story. Amid a crowd of Super Bowl ads that were often divisive or shrug-worthy, this is one that’s a delight for casual viewers and nerdy lovers of ad craft alike.


Totally my favorite.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy



This is part of Original request 2685135
ALL comments made through the WP Reader go to SPAM
Contacting you again on behalf of our Blog ADMIN –
February 3, 2020 at 14:03
Here is freed comment –
Any Updates on Original Problem? WP is saying it’s all on YOU.
Sent! And I fussed WP too! At least they finally responded, passed the buck to Akismet again.
I still think it’s hillarious that all our examples to them contain comments dogging them!!😂😂

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy



Carolyn S. (Automattic)
Feb 3, 19:58 UTC
Hi there:
Thanks for getting in touch and for submitting that form. It looks like there are a number of you having trouble on the site We need our development team to take a look into this issue and we should have more information sometime tomorrow.
In the meantime, please let me know if you have any questions.
Thank you!
Carolyn S.
Akismet | Jetpack | Automattic
This is part of request 2685135.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Great. We have GEEKS on it. Now, the question is who wins behind the scenes – the actual developers or the “IT Pros” who reflect management hidden agendas.
This is good. They see there is a problem.




Yay, Thank Goodness I’m not banned!!
So WP does NOT like Gab, got it!
Checking it out, Gab is a lonely place. 😞
Signed up for Chat, have no clue how to use….yet.
But it is still our backup ICOE.
Happy to see T3 posting in December. 🥰

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Your Gab Chat invitation is out there now!!!


I admit I’m struggling on GAB, awkward compared to Twit. Don’t see the invite anywhere.

Deplorable Patriot

Are you logged into chat, or just Gab?
Chat is You will need to log in. I would use a new password for this.
Once you get there, in the upper left hand corner, there is a green dot next to a link with your user handle. Click on your user handle.
The invitation should be at the top of the box that pops with an “accept” button. Click on that.
The group link will appear in the “your private rooms” section on the left hand navigation bar.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

You have to click on your username in the upper left of the chat page to see the invitations – it’s WEIRD. Thanks to Dep Pat for figuring this out – I would have NEVER looked there.




It is as unshocking as it is disgusting.

text in tweets
Julian’s Rum 🥃
So am I the only one who sees Baphomet?
Tweets contain photos of (Superbowl) half-time participants and one of Baphomet
Zoe, I didn’t watch half-time trash but I believe female in photo is Jenifer Lopez who is wearing a very skimpy costume, the front of which resembles the horns of Baphomet, worshipped by Luciferians…


text in tweet
America Should be really Pissed Off
Think I’m kidding?
Tell me exactly how you feel when you’re done reading this
👇 H/T .
& #Anons
l E T 17
· 20h
Act of 1871
A thread
This is Long but it will end with a MEGA BOOM!
Link to Thread


… WOW … 😮 .. 😳🤚 … pr37 AWSOME post and disturbing … 😕 .. ty .. ❤️ ..comment imagecomment imagecomment image


So, wrt China –
First, their soybean crop was decimated . . .
Then, African Swine Flu . . . half of their pigs killed . . .
Then, 2 varieties if Avian Flu . . . geese, ducks, chickems . . .
Now, Coronavirus . . . the start of something big?
Hmmm . . . plagues, famines and pestilences . . . ring any bells?


The well-worn calling cards of an angry Almighty attempting to get man’s attention.


Definitely a First Prize answer . . . but will they listen? Will we listen?


😳👍 … yes … Matthew chapter 24 … Luke 21
Revelation 21:3-5
3 And I heard a great voice from the throne, saying: Behold the tabernacle of God with men, and he will dwell with them. And they shall be his people; and God himself with them shall be their God.
4 And God shall wipe away all tears from their eyes: and death shall be no more, nor mourning, nor crying, nor sorrow shall be any more, for the former things are passed away.
5 And he that sat on the throne, said: Behold, I make all things new. And he said to me: Write, for these words are most faithful and true.



No follow up on this? Is he a Swamp Critter?


Also just below this article are two articles about China, Xi, and the Coronavirus … 🙂🤚

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

“Tell me again, Fake News, how Fake Entertainment is a ‘conspiracy theory’.”


utter filth.
your music and vocal skills must SUCK if you need to do this to sell it.


100% accurate. Same goes for foul mouthed comedians.


I rate that disgusting mess … 10 pukes … 🤢
🤮 🤮 🤮 🤮 🤮. 🤮 🤮 🤮 🤮


New: Title TBD
3 Feb 2020 – 1:46:57 PM
Open your eyes to see the TRUTH.
Who are the REAL racists?


I watched the two videos Q linked.
Apparently the Biden video did not include Michael Jackson, just somebody dressed up in blackface pretending to be Michael Jackson. So I understand that one.
But what was the point of the second video?
Sick Hillary talks about the need to stop gangs, and calls gang members ‘super predators’. She’s right.
I didn’t hear any reference to race, so what did I miss?


she called Black people “super predators”


I just listened to it again, I did not hear a single reference to black people or any other race.
Sick Hillary: “But we also have to have an organized effort against gangs. Just as in a previous generation we had an organized effort against the mob. We need to take these people on, they are often connected to big drug cartels, they are not just gangs of kids anymore.
They are often the kinds of kids who are referred to as ‘super predators’. No conscience, no empathy; we can talk about why the ended up that way, but first we have to bring them to heel, and the president has asked the FBI to launch a very concerted effort against gangs everywhere.”
Except for the totalitarian slip about ‘bring them to heel’, the rest of it sounds like a speech DJT could have made yesterday.
In fact, that’s the most jarring thing about the whole segment, is that she sounds like a conservative back then.
The gangs haven’t changed, the cartels haven’t changed, the super predators haven’t changed; if anything, they’ve only become exponentially worse.
It is Sick Hillary’s positions and rhetoric that has changed.
But I did not see or hear any reference to race in the youtube segment Q linked.
Did I miss it?


I didn’t listen to the vid posted, I was relying on the reaction when it happened (ol’ lady here!) and it was ‘reported’ back then that she was referencing a specific gang or gangs, and they were of color. Let’s face it, most are… anyway the charge was made that she was calling blacks ‘superpredators’ … so, I fell for some ‘fake news’ …………………… and so did a lot of people.


I wasn’t thinking anyone fell for fake news, I was thinking more along the lines of wondering if maybe the part about referencing blacks specifically was earlier (or later) in the speech, and Q linked to a ‘wrong’ segment of the speech.
And seeing how Q is not in the habit of making mistakes of that kind, such an obvious ‘mistake’ would therefore be a clue or message or marker or something that will be answered later.




been seeing signs of that EVERYWHERE! LOL


comment image
Feb 03, 2020 1:46:57 PM EST
Q !!Hs1Jq13jV6 ID: 9b417c No. 8012209comment image

Open your eyes to see the TRUTH.
Who are the REAL racists?
21m ago
8kun qresearch

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

This is big. And important, too. Options to “knock out Bernie and Trump” in South Carolina are GONE this time, and options to “knock out Bernie” alone are fading, because people are going to be WISE TO THE D-CON JOB this time.

Deplorable Patriot

I usually wouldn’t go off on this topic, but….
Here’s the thing about race and leftists. They like to lecture while sitting in the suburbs, and even in my neck of the woods, in $500K + houses where there is no racial diversity in the neighborhood. (There are conservatives, though. We’re here, just quiet about it). Without much knowledge of the culture involved and the pathologies that that culture is actually working to shake off, they really think throwing money at the problem will solve it.
From where I live – REALLY close to the line here in the metro – it’s the CULTURE that needs to mature. It’s happening, just in fits and starts. I’ve seen the self-satisfaction begin to build as people earn enough to buy their own cell phones, and not have a government track phone and when they can buy their own food with their own money. Car ownership, and all of that is up. There’s still EBT fraud, and getting that out of the system is going to take making the money dry up, but there’s not as much of it.
That’s what the racists aren’t seeing. The change that is being inspired. They still think of blacks as what was thought of them by the Democrats back in the 19th century.
Then, these suburban racists, and I don’t get the thinking on this one, make the trek into the city to all-black neighborhoods to attend Mass in parishes where no black people belong.
I’m not kidding.
I really don’t have much use for leftists. They pat themselves on the back for “helping” when they really haven’t done much other than talk.


If it was not for hypocrisy, the Left’s only virtue would be their intellectual dishonesty (lying, to themselves and others).
Why is there no medical research on how so many people can be so severely mentally ill, and inflict so much psychological damage on their children, their communities and our country, and still maintain a career and make good money?
How can someone be so righteously and thoroughly dishonest about (almost literally) everything at this point, and still FUNCTION in society?
And not just ‘functioning’, but in many places LEADING their communities. People who are like Stepford Wives, or some other applicable metaphor. People who are completely unhinged NUTS, and who have ZERO self-awareness of their insanity.
They never even question positions or beliefs, if anything, they exhibit unquestioning religious fervor (almost never a good thing… we’re supposed to question and understand, Christian faith is not meant to be blind faith).
This is a FASCINATING area of research inquiry which, as far as I know, NOBODY is even looking at.
Beyond the ‘fascinating’ aspect, even more, it’s critically important, since so many of these whack-jobs are in positions of power and authority and leadership.
Whatever the clinical term for it turns out to be, it is a severe mental illness, and it has been ripping our society apart for DECADES.
Since the late 1960s, at least.


Again, I am unsure of the meaning of this photo Q posted.
I’m pretty sure the point isn’t that DJT is not a racist, but Jackson, King and Ali are. I think the post is just showing that Jackson, King and Ali were friends with Trump, ergo, they didn’t think Trump was a racist.
Not sure about Don King, but the very ‘reverend’ Jesse Jackson was (and still is?) a professional race-baiting shake-down artist, just like Al Sharpton. Race hustlers.
People who make millions by playing the ‘race card’ at an Olympic level.

CM in TN

Pretty sure Don King endorsed/campaigned for candidate Trump iirc.


I just corrected my earlier post, I don’t know what happened there.
A quick search shows that Don King did (eventually) endorse DJT:


Not sure what happened there, not what I meant to say!
edit / correction: “I’m pretty sure the point isn’t is that DJT is not a racist. but that Jackson, King and Ali are.
It would be better to just skip that sentence altogether, and begin with “I think the post is just showing that Jackson, King and Ali were friends with Trump, ergo, they didn’t think Trump was a racist.”.

trying this again…I am not including a “?” on the end…and I didn’t before…so how did it get there I wonder


Rush says he has advanced lung cancer.


Prayers to Rush and his family. My brother in law passed in 2014 from lung cancer. It was tough. The good Lord works miracles everyday, here is hoping for one for Rush, he has done so much good in his 31 years of his show.


We Thank You Lord for successful treatment, disease eradication, and quick recovery and healing for Rush, as only You can do, in Jesus’ Name, Amen.








He was out with the flu for a week or so – it must have been detected then in the chest x-rays.
There is no replacement for Rush Limbaugh.


Oh yes there is.
I would crush him in a head-to-head competition, as does Mark Levin.


Allow me to introduce you to a word that has served me well for many years.


comment image
Fascinating. So what you are saying is you think my criticism wasn’t “appropriate” but your’s is.comment image

Deplorable Patriot

Crush him? I’ll take your word for it.
However, this little movement we’re fostering would not have happened without people like Rush. I don’t care for his style most of the time, and I disagree on some stuff, but he put conservative talk radio on the map. Prior to him there was nothing out there.


yes, he did put conservative talk radio on the map…
…if you want to dismiss Paul Harvey, that is.

Deplorable Patriot

Paul Harvey had a different emphasis in his schtick, IMO. There were things he did that were patriotic, yes, but it wasn’t quite as much as a give and take that was what KMOX was famous for – and that was the style Rush adapted.


I disagree. For one thing, between the two El Rushbo is the one with a “schtick”. Secondly, Harvey’s messaging went WAY beyond mere patriotism. And I’m not going to get into the size difference in egos.


I did love Paul Harvey, but for one thing, one couldn’t phone in to Paul Harvey, which would have been a real hoot.


I came to realize pretty quickly that a lot of that ego-bragging stuff Rush does is his act. I’ve spoken with Rush, and I admire him very much, and I find I agree with him most of the time, and I think he has become more and more aware of the deep state, Etc. I used to think he liked being in the the big-shots, but he isn’t afraid to take them on, and I have been pleasantly surprised by that, especially of late.


So sorry to hear that.


25 years ago I could NOT figure out who this “Rush Limbaugh “ person was that had everyone rushing to their car radios at lunch. Over the years Coworkers arranged lunch hours around him, clients refused appointments during his radio show and farmers went back to the house from the fields. A million sandwiches were consumed in cars at lunch while listening to this guy.
God bless Mr. Rush.

Deplorable Patriot

My brother was telling me all about this. Sad. I hope he can get in at MD Anderson or a cancer hospital at that level.


I don’t know what “advanced” means or what stage it is or if there is metastasis. He chose not to give that information, and I don’t blame him. This could be extremely serious. I pray for his treatment and recovery.

Deplorable Patriot

In the lung, especially, it’s bad. There’s how many different systems involved?
I’m not a Dittohead, but do not wish the man ill in any way.


Ignore it.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy



I can’t even find the comment.


I followed your destructions. I hope it annoys them

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Excellent – thank you! And I believe it helped!


If we annoy them every time eventually we’ll get MAD. I think they’ll quit. Trust me if someone blows their horn to make me hurry to leave a parking spot we have to stay there till one of us dies


*Rolls eyes*
Usual Suspects Freak Out over Trump’s ‘Kansas City’ Tweet Error


Snowflakes gonna snowflake.

Deplorable Patriot

Well…the larger part of the KC population is on the Kansas side of the line. If you don’t drive I-70 on a regular basis, you may not know that Kauffmann and Arrowhead Stadia are on the Missouri side…in the middle of nowhere….


….funny how democrat shills love to forget their Golden Boy and his “57 states” comment in moments like this.


57 Muslim states, members of that whatever Islamic conference, forget the name of that org.


What terrible news!
Rush Limbaugh, 69, reveals he has been diagnosed with advanced lung cancer


Cigars, anyone?


You’re not contributing anything positive with these comments.


I know, but a bit too soon. Please dont smoke is whay fgnc means.


You might be right. But it is complete nonsense to say smoking causes lung cancer. Only 7% of long-time smokers get lung cancer but 33% or higher of long time smokers get emphysema/COPD.
There is a strong likelihood that most cancers are genetically pre-disposed.
I still think that joy over sickness of someone is not appropriate. I hated McCain but the worst I said about him while he was sick was that he should shut up for awhile. After he died, I started looking forward to pissing on his grave.


Both my paternal gp were smokers. Both died from lung CA.


My mother died of liver cancer when I was 13. One of my cousins was killed by skin cancer late last year.
I don’t make fun of anyone with cancer. Never have, never will.


No I didnt think you were. Gallows humor.


I would like you to point out where I have expressed any joy over the news of RL’s cancer.
Hint: you can’t. You are projecting onto me and you can stop it.


Exactly so.


That is dumb – Shame on them!


Right on both counts.


Of course they do…just as the priest apologized for a perfectly logical religious view of his church..what is happening to these moral leaders they cave so quickly and easily? Not very good examples to their flock.

CM in TN

Wasn’t this the church created specifically so that King Henry VIII could divorce Catherine of Aragon?

Deplorable Patriot

Mmmm…it was more so he could marry Anne Boleyn. (He was really in love with her sister Mary, but Anne was pregnant with his child at the time.) The divorce from Catherine had already happened, and the pope at the time refused to issue an annulment from Catherine so he could marry Anne.
What’s sad, all these centuries later with the fasting rules lifted for pregnant women, is that without the fasting that Catherine did, that divorce may not have happened. More than one child she lost well into the pregnancy was a boy. Catherine hit menopause at 39, and Henry still needed a son.
It was pretty much that simple.

Deplorable Patriot

Houston, we have a problem.
Best article I’ve seen on the topic in some time was in yesterday’s LifeSite News.


“The Church of England has apologized after issuing a statement saying sex is only for married, heterosexual couples⁩:”
The linked article is so full of euphemisms and politically correct language that I don’t even know what it means.
Can anyone translate?


The sickness is spreading to many churches. Yikes!


Both my paternal grandparents died from lung cancer. I did the day to day hospice care for my grandmother who died almost to the day as President Reagan. Its very difficult to see someone decline so rapidly, esp with metastasis to the brain.
I hope when he says advanced, he doesnt mean brain mets.
If freakin Ginsburg can be mf cancer free then Rush should be too!


Excellent observation re: RBG.
That said, I suspect she is being given blood transfusions from very young children.
I’ll let someone else like SadieSays expound on that heinous topic.

Sadie Slays

Probably some organ trafficking, too, in RBG’s case.


Now that I’d believe surely.


When clinton was elected I felt so alone.
The fawning press was comparing the crass Clintons to Camelot and I was aware that many of my fervent Christian friends had voted for him…the ones who disdained political information and involvement as “worldly” but then voted for their pocketbook.
In the midst of this desolation I turned on TV one evening and there was Rush….an island of sanity in a world gone mad.
He became more than a media personality..he was an anchor to “realness” during the elevation of “spin”.
Whatever he has done along the way, he exhibited courage to stand against a forceful evil and speak the truth as he knew it when very few others—if any—would do so.
Rush was a pioneer of political courage.
I believe we owe him an incredible debt as well as sincere prayers to our loving God for his complete healing…spirit, soul, mind, and body.
I pray that God will turn this attack of the enemy for good and that Rush and all Patriots will come out of the battle he must now engage in with our loving and prayerful support, stronger and better than ever. In Jesus Name Amen.




I know what you mean, especially in the 90’s. Had a friend who told me about him, and as I was a home health nurse – listened to the radio. He has been a source of sanity in an insane political world.


He certainly has made himself a target of the left, and ANYONE who does so has an extra helping of courage indeed.


And he hasn’t returned the hate. It’s I wise man who knows that hating someone is like drinking poison in the hope your enemy gets sick




LM, thatnk you, just love your post. And Rush helped get us through the Obama years.


I want free stuff that costs money from people too, I’m just not stupid enough to think it’s free.

Deplorable Patriot

Stunning that Cavuto didn’t stop Senator Paul in this interview.
Text of tweet:
It sounds like
is going after Schiff and his merry whistleblowing boys.
“If it were true whistleblowing his boss would be in trouble for not revealing it.”
Sounds like Rand knows exactly what happened and he’s telling Trump privately all about it. I trust Rand


Not sure if this thread has been shared. Praying Medic yesterday. Praying medic goes through the multiple times “17” has been referenced by POTUS (or his team). Very interesting. I had forgotten about the “17 Angry Democrats” – don’t think I knew about Q then. There are a number of tweets in the thread, and people responded with numerous examples.
17 States, 17 Witnesses, Jersey numbers “17” “17 Agencies”

Deplorable Patriot

Just parking this here:
For Zoe, text reads:
Any relation between the photos of poses & images in the Superbowl Halftime Show & Illuminati or Satanism are of course purely coincidental & not carefully planned, rehearsed, & meticulously coordinated for months. If you notice any similarity between these things, you’re nuts.
Zoe, the photos of the Billionaire Boys’ Club Extravaganza, also known as the Superbowl, half time show appear to show the all seeing eye, and other symbolism. This account has a whole thread.

Deplorable Patriot

Well now I’m totally creeped out!!!
I heard people aka guys call in and say ‘they liked it BUT it was inappropriate.’

Deplorable Patriot

Well, it looks like they let it all hang out this year.
Thank you, NFL, for leaving my town. We’re better off without you.


Wow, D.P. I remember all the symbolism talked about back when Madona did the half-time show.


He’s Nuts!


Schiffty is a writer who uses his imagination to make up stuff and state it as if it were fact or highly possible. When he isn’t outright lying, he is deceptive.
From his Wiki page:
“The New Yorker reported in 2018 that ‘Schiff has been writing screenplays on the side for years,’ including a murder mystery, a post-Holocaust story, and a spy drama.”

Deplorable Patriot

Offer Alaska to the Russians?????!!!!
Don’t make me laugh.
Where does this guy get these delusions?


I want Greenland instead! 😉

Deplorable Patriot

Both would be great.


Brian Cates has a nice thread on Rush Limbaugh and how important he has been to the conservative movement and actually giving us a voice long before we had any conservative news:

Deplorable Patriot

I agree with Brian. I listened to Rush in my red pilling phase. He was not afraid to point out that the MSM was less than honest, too. He was one of the pioneers in the shift from stodgy Ivy League conservatism to the meme and video satire we have today.
Over the years, I quit listening so much because I really don’t like the call in shows. But, Rush never let the conservative voice wane. For that, we who are downstream owe him a debt of gratitude.


I understand that, D.P., but I have grown to like very much hearing what the callers have to say, and Rush’s program is very select (except I got hin several times) about their callers. I find many callers very informative and intelligent, and I like finding out what “regular people” think. Lol, know it comes off sounding a little silly, but I know what I mean, at least.

Sadie Slays

Heavy trails in the sky this afternoon, and the weather forecast has now changed to precipitation for the next several days. The exact same pattern happened around last year’s State of the Union—unusual amount of trails followed by days of rain. I wondered at the time if it was some sort of national security measure for the State of the Union, and here it is happening again right on schedule. Hmmm.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Very interesting!

Deplorable Patriot

We have a storm predicted, but the trails have not been heavy at all. In fact, in the last couple days airport noise has been quite a bit less than it was for a while. Obviously, the winds shifted.


The were a lot of chem-trails here yesterday as one of my friends was complaining about it yesterday when we were out in her car. Not sure about today.


“Heavy trails in the sky this afternoon, and the weather forecast has now changed to precipitation for the next several days.“
Fyi, that is precisely what one would/should expect with high(er) humidity levels in the upper atmosphere followed by a cold front.comment image


Btw, and just to be clear, I’m speaking of aircraft contrails, not “chem-trails”.
Speaking of chem-trails, does anyone have any sources for information on chem-trails that come from highly respected aeronautics sources, like NASA or NOAA?



Who Can’t WAIT….For ………………..THIS? 😂😂😂 Man…I hope I can post tomorrow…


I’m here!!! Not in SPAM!!!!


WE DID IT!!!!!!!!!!! @Wolfm00n!!!!!!!! Butterfly?




Yeah……….Baby!!! The tag team of Wolfie, Butterfly and Marica….SPAMMED THEM…FOR THE WIN!!!


She Who Will Not Be Silenced !!!! Honey Badger 🤗🤗🤗


Energizer Bunny………………….LIVES!!!!!!!!!!!!comment image


I hope they do boycott. It would be better without them, and such a stunt would be a stain on their reputations forever, and fodder for campaign ads.


Agree TT—I’m hoping the seat themselves then do a bigger stunt–Like all get up and leave!!!!! We should tempt them somehow!!!


This right here…
…not that the stain would show up, given how black their white coats already are.


… well ….. do these come in demoncrat ⁉️⁉️comment image
… if so let’s contact ama-miserable-zon and order them up … ASAP … 😃👍‼️




😜🤚‼️❤️‼️🇺🇸‼️ ..


Otto!! My man!




IF, D-Rats boycott it further amplifies D-Rats DO NOTHING.
President Trump could easily be ready to incorporate comments addressing D-Rat boycott.
A few days ago, I surmised perhaps D-rats would turn their backs on President Trump.
Dunno, what D-rats will do. Boycott, turn their backs, NOT clap, pout like children. It all emphasizes D-rats are NOT part of constructive discussions, solutions…


Everything the do………..Boomerangs!!! Dontcha love it Kalbo!!!! Even..sending me to the spam bin! It has re-energized me…!!! LOL #Dumba$$E$🤣🤣🤣




Gail Combs

What a cool Tractor!


And Lara’s pants …match perfectly!!

Deplorable Patriot

I actually like her shoes.


What an AWESOME Trump family photo 🥰🥰🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸

Deplorable Patriot

There’s more than one contributor here who might relate:

Title of satire article for Zoe:
Trump To Deliver State Of The Union In Scuba Gear To Avoid Drowning In Liberal Tears


Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Oh, hilarious!!!


WE WON!!!! I can POST on All the threads!!! 5:5!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy



OORAH!!!!!!!!! Teamwork Wolfie!! Thanks for the help!! 🤗😊 Have you seen Butterfly?



Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Hey, I will have you know that there were NO Q-Treepers in the last 2 emptyings of the spam bin!
This is NEW – unheard of!


I am so excited to live tweet the SOTU!!!

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

An excellent use of your new freedom from censorship!




You guys ROCK. You broke Askimet 🤗🤗🤗🤗


OMG is right!!

Gail Combs

I know of a guy (friend of a friend) who dumped a load of manure in front of the Canadian Parliament back in the 1980s. He was also of French heritage.


Maybe they need to repeat it with sparkle socks


Listen to our POTUS!!!! Calling into the Iowa Caucus Attendees!!!


Oh………..WOW!!! NY Cops Are All In on Q!!!


Makes me actually wish we had a caucus in KY!!!


Kentucky………..Is one of the latest…So I agree!! How we got stuck with McCain!

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

It was McCain’s “turn” because after he lost out to Bush 43, he was loyal enough to endorse him.
Then, when no one could fight the “It’s McCain’s Turn” schtick in 2008, the guy whose turn it was next got to be the nominee in 2012.
Fortunately Trump broke that paradigm.
Well, no, he didn’t break it, he pulverized it!


Yes he did!!!!!!!!! And ALL AMERICA (yes Canada and Mexico too)…Benefits!!!!!!!!! Erbody!!!!

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

The WORLD benefits…everyone except the sociopathic assholes who have been running it for as long as anyone can remember.
I didn’t name the guy from 2012, because, unlike McCain, he has done things to piss me off in the last year or so.


Exactly!!! The World Does Benefit!!!! On his call to the caucus goers…He said he’s working on Europe!!! What a guy!!!
oh…and now…There are 2..”NO NAMES”!!!!
(however…Pierre Delecto🤣🤣

Gail Combs

Remember, when ever a policeman or fireman in NYC was hurt or killed, President Trump would step in and see to it that their families were taken care of so they did not have $$$ to worry about. I doubt there are many who are NOT pro-Trump.
This came out at the RNC convention when Candidate Trump was nominated. I think it was Rudy who told the tale.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

OK…I’m trying to find a comment I made…sometime in the last 24-36 hours.
The search function is useless; it doesn’t show comments.
Yet I know people have managed to do pretty good things with it…so how would I get a listing of my most recent comments?


Hi Steve!!!! I not spamming any moar!!!!!!!

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

That’s good!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
We wouldn’t want to cause a supernova from all those exclamation points exceeding Chandrasekhar’s limit!


I think I actually……..Spammed Askimet! maybe they just got sick of me!🤷‍♀️🤣🤣🤣!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Sick? Of Marica?
Poor taste.



Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

I can only find comments after a search index has indexed them. Otherwise, searching directly through the pages is the only way I know of.
Once the comments are in DDG, then searching: “wolfmoon1776 says” “creep state”
Will give you 4 instances. Most recent is 01/19/20.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

I finally found the comment…after two hours of searching. What threw me was it was on an older post, albeit made early this morning.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

How did you find it – manual searching?

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Finally thought to look in that one more place…and there it was.

Deplorable Patriot

To search…I’m not sure what system you’re on, but in Chrome, if you do Ctrl-F a search box pops up in the upper right hand corner. Put in SteveInCo and hit enter and on the page that’s open it will find every time your handle is mentioned.
That’s the only way I know how to do it, and you have to do it for every page, but it’s faster than scrolling.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

That’s what I was doing.
But with multiple threads here, and one on U tree, and Marica’s place…AND my slow connecting having to wait for all those twitter embeds to load, it was tedious nonetheless.
Ctrl+F works on firefox and internet exploder, as well, by the way.




The sauce…………..

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

In other breaking news,
Three percent of Iowa Republicans are utter fools.


Thank you Professor Steve!!!🤣🤣🤣

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Hey, who sez you don’t need arithmetic after leaving school?


We’re counting on you…


According to my Democrat app, which was vetted by Robbie Mook, this correlates to the overall Iowa general population percentage of crazies . . . waiting for the calculation . . . waiting . . . (phone rings) . . . (that was Robbie – he hung up me . . . but he called) . . . waiting . . . I guess I’ll have results in the morning . . . or before the convention . . .


Hmmmm….. Clinton appointee to SDNY
Trailblazing federal judge Deborah Batts who was set to preside over Michael Avenatti’s trial is dead at age 72
Judge who was set to preside over Michael Avenatti’s trial dies at 72

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Bet he gets a man now.


Does Creepy Porn Lawyer………..Like….Men?😳🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

For a judge – yes. No woman is going to fall for his crap, IMO!


So somebody’s mucking with something.
All of a sudden this afternoon, tweets started displaying here in TEXT only. Would NOT display properly for hours until just a few minutes ago. Twitter logged me out!! THAT NEVER HAPPENS!
AND they logged me out of WP! Had to log back in to like and get notifications. I HAVE NEVER LOGGED OUT OF WP, I ALWAYS STAY LOGGED IN, NEVER HAD ANY PROBLEMS WITH THAT SINCE I JOINED IN MARCH 2017.
Tested a post on your Akismet thread, went to bin. Tested a reader reply to Marica, NOPE, not fixed.


That happened to me this morning. If you have DDG reset your under your Privacy Essentials. Go to Manage Whitelists. I found it “turned off” and reset it to allow embedded tweets. Might have been an update from DDG which caused it to happen.


I had already checked this. Thanks LP.


Ok. That’s all the tech I know. 🙂


On the POSITIVE side…another conservative Judge will be confirmed. Winning 😉


Yep! Wonder what this will do to CPL’ s case? I actually thought he was gonna be tried in Cali…not sure where I came up with that though


At least one of his multiple arrests was in Cali, and I was thinking that’s where his law firm was


Wait…………..Splodey heads in 3,2.1…Record votes in Iowa caucus was 25,000 for Obama in 2012….Trump tonite…(drum roll please..) 30,000! As reported by Laura Ingraham


Depressing that Obama set a record in 2012. Could not understand Iowans.


Well Lady.. It was…Pierre Delecto!!! So there’s that!


True. Almost mentioned him, but at that time most of us still had naivete about him. Iowa shocked me for several decades. Had no idea they were a blue state. Richard Baris posted a few comments yesterday tearing Bret Baier apart for trying to pass off Iowa as a red leaning state. They’re not, and their presidential voting history proves it. When Iowa went for Obama in 2008 – that was the beginning of my awareness that something had happened to my country…



They’re sqeaking Butt-gag in over Bernie ?!?


LOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Here’s some Popcorn Alison…comment image
Ya think Joe is wishin ole rusty blade Corn Pop..will step in? 🤣🤣🤣


ROFLMAO #CornPop … he’s a bad dude 😂


I really want Biden—Cuz in the debate—POTUS will actually ask him about Corn Pop!!! and HUNTER!!!!!!!!!!! LOL!



Oh………Dear GAWD!!! Hilarious!!!!!!!!!!!!! What a great time to be alive!!!


Maybe CNN needs to go to Subway tomorrow and grab some bleach? Hello………..Jussie!!!


It doesn’t occur to CNN that their blatant lies, disrespect, and all consuming effort to destroy POTUS might have something to do with why they’re not invited?
The President of the United States might have to put up with the Media, but he shouldn’t have to put up with blatant disrespect.


Totally ………..Agree!!!