20200205: ShaMMMpeachment Ends Today! It's Acquittal Day!

ShaMMMpeachment ends at 4:00pm Eastern Time! We’re proud of the President’s team in DC and our Congressman. Thank you to every single person who slugged it out on these threads. Thank you for contributing and passing important links up to the main thread. It’s astounding how we all help each other out and make QTree better. Thank you…..

Today is the day! It’s over with! We’re done!

When you’re done singing, it’s time to dance with the Crabs! In honor of Michael’s kids!

They were terrific and worked hard!

And …….a personal note …… I’ve made an executive decision. It’s time to take back all the bad things I’ve said about McTurtle over the years. When we needed him, he was there. Yes…….. I’m going to send him a VALENTINE’S Day Card! Full Mea Culpa! (Until he messes up again!)

Love is in the air!!

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Give every senator a copy of the articles and after the vote rip them up and toss em at the dimns.


I love this!!!! and we need a SOLEMN procession to take a bag of them BACK TO PELOSI and toss them at her…


On a Silver Tray with a box of TRUMP pens!!!




Trump pens and don’t forget the Trump plastic straws


LOL Kea’s crab dance! 🙂
“Oh Dad, is it another Trump rally? ”
” Son, one day when you’re older you’re going to wish you could go back and watch a Trump rally 😉


Baby is walking now! When I play it she’s trying to dance to the music!


Hopefully this scam will be put to an end today. But acquittal isn’t the best end — though it is nice in the short term, as by itself it only indicates that President Trump is not guilty of what he is being accused of, yet it does not invalidate the activity leading up to this point. So tomorrow or the next day, expect the Democrats in the House to start on another similar impeachment exercise, which won’t be any more legitimate as this one.
The problem with a mere acquittal is that it legitimizes the whole process as it has been going on, all the way from its illegitimate beginnings in the House and all the subsequent twists and turns that has brought it to where it is now. The articles should be formally voided and dismissed, with prejudice. Then torn up, in an echo of Pelosi’s treatment of the SOTU manuscript, if anyone thinks that is good optics…
After this, the rules for impeachment proceedings must be updated: one of the obvious additions being that no articles may be presented without reference to a relevant location in the US Code. Might not have been needed in the past when everyone agreed on the need for a law as a basis of any presented charge, but times have changed.
It may be that there is work to this end already ongoing — it is certainly needed.


I agree. saying he is not guilty is not the same as these are bogus, unconstitutional charges. they can and will take the same charges and try to strengthen them and do it all over again…


We’ve got to take back the House in order to make these and other appropriate and necessary changes into law. Also has to be done to “cement” POTUS’ Executive Orders so they can’t be undone. This election really is for “all the marbles” to safeguard America’s future.


No more ONE Party impeachments.
MUST be BI-Partisan….. by a %
Not just Partisan plus ONE.


I’m hoping that after this vote, the DOJ begins to expose, indict and prosecute the players of the Russian Hoax, the Ukraine Hoax, and everything else they’ve found.


Good Morning Patriots
San Fran, Nancy nailed the final nails in the Democratic Coffin, Last night..
I recall the Last SOTU Speech thinking Our President “Hit a homerun”..
This time, again I watched His SOTU..
Our President, Knocked it out of the BallPark..
I was so….. Moved..
Often times, I had a tear(s) coming out of My eye(s)..
THIS, is what OUR Country is About
American Greatness & exceptionalism!
Our President didn’t just “Bask” or “Bragged” in HIs accomplishments..
He shouted & Bragged about,, AMERICAS Accomplishment’s!
I’m So,, SO,, proud to be a AMERICAN at this point in My Life..
Having a President, that is (voted in), by the People & is working,, For the People!
I thought I’d never see such a thing in My lifetime..
If only the Democrats can take off their Blinders & Hatred and SEE the President is working for them ALSO!
President Trump has brought about ALOT of feelings I’ve had suppressed for YEARS
God Bless Our President & God Bless the USA
4 MORE years and Beyond!


hiya crossthread! hope you and the missus are doing well!!


We are PAYING CONgress to do…… what?
We are Paying Trump NOTHING…….


Wolfmoon1776 care to comment on your “prediction” from long ago?
It was posted @ the CTH..
WolfM00n1776 wrote:
Well, I don’t really have to do any holding together, now that I figured out what Trump is up to. He is shaking things out, but counting on Trump gravity to pull things back together as he moves along.
He is moving “forward” at speeds Obama could not even dream of.
You and I will be anti-Trump trolls one day and MAGA heroes the next. Get used to it. Trump speed is the new normal. Some will call it flip-flopping, but that’s not what it is. Trump is dodging and weaving through reality faster than the reality can react to disrupt his plans.
I was explaining this to my wife. This is a roller-coaster now. Trump is no longer waiting for people to keep up. He is taking his bewildering art-of-the-deal campaign schtick into geopolitics, and for a lot of people who can’t keep up or hold on, it will be a rough ride.
Trump is no longer playing only with evil and cunning players who are still predictable, easily beatable dopes, like Hillary. He is playing against killers, with his own team of killers, and all the while he has scheming creeps like Hillary, BGI, SPLC, and the neocons gunning for him. Snake Ryan ready to bite when nobody is looking. “Warhead” McCain screaming for Russian blood. Psycho Kim and Samoa Obama plotting some kind of intrigue to take him down. And THOSE are the lightweights. 😉
This is the majors now. Trump has to outwit world-class adversaries and “frenemies” by defining the deals that they will agree to. One minute they will think Trump is their friend – the next minute, a cunning, bitter foe.
And he has to do this with evil cheerleaders like Warhead, Linderace, Dipsy Dowd, Maggie Haterman, and Fake Yapper trashing him or praising him alternately, no matter which way he goes. They can’t keep up, either.
Neither can many around him. I think that half of the problem with advisers crashing into each other is they don’t realize what Trump is doing.
And people will trash you, and they will trash me. Get used to it. I’ve already caught plenty of people mocking me. Well, just wait a week in Trump time. Look stupid and conned by Trump one minute, and you look like a sage three days later.
Trump will not find perfect solutions. He will find OPTIMAL solutions. We cannot ask for more. Trump has stood by and watched Perfect murder Good for 8 years – maybe longer. He’s not gonna do it. He’s going to deliver the best outcome possible, and he’s not waiting for us to feel relaxed about it.
Best presidency ever! Just hang on. More winning is coming, but a lot of people are going to scream that it’s all over at EVERY turn.
The best way through this is to define viewpoints, not people, because people will shift as they change position and velocity in Trump gravity. Bash the neocon, warmonger, and dopey globalist positions – not the people who are going to hold them one moment and come loose from them later.
Trump is Jupiter moving through the asteroid belt. He is going to pull people into his orbit. A few will get slung off into space, but most will come along for the ride of their lives.
I am ON the Trump Train for good, even if I scream that I want off and can’t take it.
In the end, I only want to scream “TOO MUCH WINNING!!!”
(My add)..
AND He WILL be Acquitted TODAY! 😉


This was posted in a thread on 4th of April, 2017


Can this be put on the sidebar? I loved it the first time I read it. It needs to be available at all times


It is as true today as it was the day it was written. This one and SD’s essay on Cold Anger (ducking) are timeless and classic


Good thing you ducked!


Love this so much!! It was brilliant then and is brilliant now!! Maybe more so now because we have a history of seeing it happen. It truly is the best explanation I have ever read.


We’ve still got about 47-48 speeches to go before the 4:30 scheduled vote.
CSPAN lists names of speakers on drop down menu under the screen. First day of speeches was the afternoon after closing arguments and there were only 16. The next full day, there were 34.
Today, they are going to have to move fast from 9:30 opening prayer to 4:30 vote time to get them all in.
Looks to me like McConnell will let have to let the speeches go into overtime and move the vote to after dinner.


*The count may already include McConnell and Schumer which will make only 45-46 left to speak.


MUST they all talk? I have read it, but thought it BS. Sort of like a speech class everyone must get up and talk on a given subject. Stooopid.
In any case, IF they must, they can talk for fewer minutes and risk getting demerits 😉
AND, they can take cheap shots at D-Rats sitting on their hands and nervous Nan tearing up SOTU.
But, NO, they won’t. Rs will be clear AND not reference last night. Don’t wanna piss off a D like Manchin or Sinema that may vote acquit.


2 or 3 won’t matter……
they MUST have 67 votes to Remove him from office.
Not gonna happen 🙂


JUST SO VERY GLAD – that our President did not dignify the illegitimate, invalid, rail-road job of a SHAM-peach-mint with a single mention in the SOTU!!!
As we say in the South – the Democrat women sure did ‘show their hineys’ last night – even more than last year!


As we say in the South – the Democrat women sure did ‘show their hineys’ last night – even more than last year!
AND, Piglosi did it on all fours.


Sadly – Mike Purpura is not in the box, nor is Patrick Philbin – both of whom were invaluable and very effective in their presentations/explanations/brilliant arguments!!!
I guess they were adjunct late additions – so glad they were added to the team.
Jane Lasky was the smoothest female attorney I have ever heard. Too bad she did not have some of PDJT and Melanias hair spray that enabled them to get through the rainy inauguration without any sign of moisture or muss!


Jane Raskin – not Lasky.
For years, I have yearned for an edit button on WP. If Discus can have it on the huge blogs like Breitbart, why can’t WP????


Now I remember where the Lasky came from – Janie Lasky was famous in my hometown for her cookies!



One good thing maybe Piglosi won’t be sitting on the podium next State of the Union. What a wonderful thought.

Cuppa Covfefe

Maybe she’ll be watching it from Gitmo…
Or, looking up…


CSPAN LINK – https://www.c-span.org/video/?468922-3/senate-session-part-1&live
Josh Hawley speaking now!
So far this morning the speakers have been:


Alexander R-TN is up now.


I missed Grassley….gonna have to go back and catch that one


This leaves 41-42 to go – if they count Schumer and McConnell


10:49 – Announced vote is 4pm instead of 4:30 as I mistakenly posted.
They are in a break right now between speeches and showing some of the past speakers.



This is an excellent point in the argument for the return to the rule of law rather than moving on.
While I agree that we must forgive and pray for our enemies, not bringing those who have engaged in criminal behavior to justice implies validation of evil. Imo, it is the same as calling evil good and agreeing with calling good evil.
The list of criminality engaged in by the President’s accusers is long and deserves the full focus of our criminal justice system accompanied by the full exposure of the truth to the American people.
Leftists have seldom been called to account and this has only emboldened their lawless and destructive, self-centered behavior.

Concerned Virginian

So on 700WLW last night, I heard that Prime Ass, Sen. PORTMAN, stating that EVEN THOUGH what POTUS did was “wrong to withhold aide from Ukraine, but it did not rise to the level of an impeachable offense” so Portman will vote No on the articles.
My opinion: Portman likely has ties to Burisma in some way. Therefore he’s playing both sides of the fence. Also proves that Portman is PURE SWAMP and NOT a reliable supporter of POTUS.


My Senator Portman is wishy washy. Sadly he used to be conservative until his son came ou as gay. He is old name in OH and I wish there was another Republican choice I would vote him out. I see him in the Kasich mode . My husband knows him and thinks I am to hard on him and says Portman is a nice guy. ( rolling my eyes)


FOX reporting Doug Jones will vote to convict.
Karma is a bitch, Doug. Can’t say we didn’t warn you!


Thanks, Bannon.


I listened to Doug Jones he is a demagogue who has twisted truth and reality. How can anyone vote for that guy?


Dumb Mass Doug KNOWS sessions is going to Kick His ASS in November!


60 speeches done
2 McConnell and Schumer
38 to go before 4 pm


I have a question how was Schumer able to speak about last eying POTUS speech in the Senate impeachment? Are there no rules when given permission to speak on one topic to highjack it and speak to slander the President ? Lying is that encouraged in Senate? Senate cn lye to the American people but when someone testifies to them gets locked up?
They are out of control.


Lots of DC legislators need a dose of lye soap for their lying mouths and castor oil to keep all the meaningless poop and palaver from backing up and coming out of their mouths.


So true !!


Roy Blunt on now – VERY STRONG arguments!


Very impressive – worth watching – several times!


Senator Mike Lee (R-Uth)
Begins his presentation with a civics lesson…excellent beginning


Good Morning. Yes, yes he was…I was very impressed with the presentation and very relieved that he has taken the acquittal stance.


Bet that won’t start until after Election/Inauguration. Timing.
As Ø says, Trump can be more ‘flexible’ after his election. ;8->


Start with Schiff, Pe Loser and Willard D’electo for the Burisma scandal.


Oh dear – Mike Lee (aka Romney Jr.)
Think he’s going to vote for impeachment?
My fears:
Here he goes with a heap of heady legalistic constitutional historical heavy stuff.
He’s going to spin it thick, deep and heavy to excuse/conceal his Never-Trump motives.
Mike Lee:
“We have drifted steadily….taken power away from the American people….away from Federalism….bureaucrats unaccountable make up a 4th branch of government….made fed gov bigger, more powerful, less responsive to the needs of people…”
“What does this have to do with impeachment?”
Hereafter Paraphrase:
Big gov affects American people, higher taxes….the people wanted another kind of leader – Trump – I’m glad they did. Trump presents a threat to people in gov power. He has infuriated the bureaucracy while pleasing the people. He’s pushing back – for example FISA – DC scoffed at him – Trump turned out to be right.
Lists several more examples.
Over and over Trump turned out to be right.
Goes into Phone Call, Trump asking Zelensky to investigate Burisma. Shows how nothing is wrong with Trump’s reticence and caution about corruption in Ukraine – nothing! It’s his Executive power to direct foreign aid $$$ and policy.
Bureaucrats expected Trump to be subservient to their expertise/opinions.
Trump bucking them is not a constitutionally impeachable act.
We cannot impeach the President for doing his job.
This is good so far. Pleasantly surprised! Worth listening to again.


Good Morning GA/FL…I am late to this mornings session and your commentaries have been a great recap…thank you, most appreciated. :0)


Greatly appreciate yours too! We are all trying to understand these matters and what these elected men/women are up to.


Senator Kevin Cramer R-NDak
Voting to acquit, asks the Senate to get back to the business that the people want them working on..my initial response to his presentation was that it must be an election year…


NEXT – Kenneth Cramer R-ND
Very good speaker.
Voting against impeachment – to acquit!


Senator Cindy Hyde-Smith – (R-Miss)
Voting to acquit….short presentation of her argument….we need about 25 more politicians to cut the length of their arguments as she did.


Cindy Hyde-Smith R – MS – will vote to acquit PDJT!


is there an established order to the speeches? I mean are the dems saving their speeches till right up to the vote so all we hear is guilty guilty guilty?


Wouldn’t put it past them. They play dirty as possible.

Linda K Harrison

From listening to Ted Cruz podcast he said that the timing on who speaks is based on the time zone for where the person is speaking is from. That way their constituents would be more likely to be able to listen.


thank you…I was wondering about that!


69 Senators have spoken including McConnell and Schumer
16 on 2/3/20
38 on 2/4/20
15 so far today 2/5/20 – ending with Jim Risch R-Idaho
31 to go!
(if my counting is correct)
I have not scored the guilty/not guilty – but so far it seems to go along party lines – far short of 2/3 vote required to Impeach a President!


With (spit) Sherrod – 30 to go!


28 to go after Michael Bennet D-CO


Sherrod D-OH comes next. He’s going with imflammatory rhetoric “What we have is the Dictator in the Senate protecting the Demagogue in the WH”
He will vote to impeach.


Of course Sherrod Brown is projecting – Pelosi has been the Dictator in the House protecting all the Democrat Demogogues from Hillrotten to Øbastard to Biden to Kerry….


Even watching Brown muted is disgusting.


Brown is a fear mongering narrative supporter….John Bolton, everything revolves on John Bolton….Brown will vote to convict….Guilty, PDJT abused his power…again, guilty because he withheld aid to Ukraine….Russia, Russia, Russia interference of the election…..yada yada yada…he’s an obnoxious presenter…


Here’s Mazie Hirono – Hawaii – she will vote to impeach.
I just can’t listen to her.


Hirono made it very clear that she will vote to impeach.
“I don’t care what kind of nice, little, legal, Constitutional defenses that they came up with.” – (D-HI) United States Senator. Mazie Hirono


Here’s Michael Bennet D-CO fussing about cutting taxes for rich people….all the leftist propaganda. DC was built by slaves….etc.


Bennet says Frederick Douglass and MLK are founders just as much as the men who wrote the Constitution.
Not Quite – they may be influences – but legal/government documents/laws/bills ratified by duly elected persons are different matter than speeches and books written by inspiring people.
Bennet is not a logician or a statesman.
He’s just spouting off that faddish ‘living document’ stuff that Øbama espoused.


Bennet’s coat doesn’t fit right – stands up in the back of his neck/shoulders.


(D-CO) Michael Bennett – I know absolutely nothing about this guy…He spends his beginning talking about his immigrant family. He is chastising the Senate for turning this into a partisan issue. “We have become a body that does nothing…we are an employment agency”
“We cut taxes for rich people” “We can’t bring ourselves to have witnesses or evidence to have a fair trial” “We’re too lazy for that”…”Reality is we’re too broken for that…we have failed in our duty to the American people.”……More of Hamilton from Federal 65……
Turns to visit from school children…ah yes, always pivot to “da chilluns” and now he’s telling everyone the capitol was built by slaves, Frederick Douglas, abolishionists, pounds on podium, MLK,, womenz, climate change…….Senate has clearly failed that standard…the idea that we would turn our back, close our eyes…….is pitiful, it is disgraceful, and it will be a stain on this body for all time…..
President Trump extorted interference in an election. It is a textbook case for the existence of the impeachment clause exists…..ebidence, ebidence, ebidence….we needs more ebidence. Trump is the symptom of the failure to tend to the democracy as our responsibility as founders. Oh, now we pivot to Selma, Alabama, the cliffs of Dover, to fight for freedom in a war that had never touched our shores…we are being asked to save the democracy and we’re going to fail
Ai yi yi…..this one is painful….I’m guessing he’ll vote to convict….


Tammy Baldwin D-WI – voting to impeach. Lots of propagandizing. They really wanted to rush the impeachment over to the Senate – hold a lengthy trial – and stop all the judges and other Trump policies from being passed and implemented!!!


They are mad about the flow of their BIG $$$ when PDJT stopped the illegal go-around Congress straight to the Fed by Warren’s scheme – the CFPB.
They are mad about a dozen other Trump clean up initiatives.
Even cleaning up the 9th circuit!
Trump takes Andrew Jackson as a model – another reformer and anti-corruption POTUS!


The House is trying to usurp the power of the Senate…any calls for witnesses or evidence will then make any future Senate a tool of the House. The House will be able to start and stop Senate legislation and judicial appointments at the drop of an unconstitutional and unfounded article of impeachment.


Excellent observation/analysis.


Tammy Baldwin, (D-WI)….
The Senate needs more ebidence…….The majority of the Senate is letting the President obstruct Congress…..John Bolton’s manuscript…..this goes to the heart of this trial. Abuse of power and obstruction of Congress…..
Russia, russia, russia…blocked aid and withheld the information from Congress, based on a summary that was released two months later, we KNOW that the President interference in elections.
The Ukranian President was pressured. Acknowledge that Trumps scheme has given Russia another opening …..to further divide the country. The Senate denys the truth..John Bolton has direct evidence that the President lied to Ron Johnson to cover it up……The President didn’t tell their Senator the truth, Praises Brave government servants who came forth to tell the truth…..they have faced character assassination…it is a disgrace to this insitution….quotes Alexander Vindman,
This is not an exoneration of PDJT……

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

The President of Ukraine is an adult who no doubt understands that these stuffed shirts have zero impact on our policy towards his country.
He’d probably not get too perturbed if you or I insulted him, either, and we have exactly as much influence as these clowns.


Murphy – D-CT – will vote to Impeach.


Chris Murphy – (D-CT)…Smearing the Republicans and the President…..President is the archetype of the ‘bad man’……Modern Senate, all that matters is the Republican Party…Trump is willing to throw away the Nations Security over political help.
Believes that crimes are worthy of removal…but he knows something is rotten….Country should be above Party. The Senate is doing the opposite. If we are to survive then this Senate needs to look at a way to recalibrate.


Romney is critiquing the President’s counselors defense.
He pretends to be near tears when talking about his religiosity.
He’s claiming a President can commit acts that aren’t crime, but are impeachable.
Says Biden had not committed crimes (Mind you, Pelosi’s, Kerry’s and Romney’s sons are also involved)
Romney is weaseling like he usually did.
He’s calling Trump guilty of appalling violation of trust.
Accusing Trump of attacking Biden to ‘keep himself in office.’
Romney is going to vote to impeach….naming his promise before GOD.


Romney’s religiosity did not stop him from corruption in business.


Nope. Burisma ties and far more. His betrayals need more sunlight.


I find it offensive that Romney used God to justify his hate for POTUS. He did not listen because no where in POTUS conversation with the President to Ukraine did he say “investigate the Bidens.”
Romney is making that up or has problems with comprehension. Even I am able to fallow what the Trump Lawyers said and the print out of the phone call between to two leaders read.
The problem is Romney has convinced himself that POTUS is guilty because he wants it to be.
He has been a never Trumper from the beginning wonder how he squares that with his piety ? He also slandered POTUS when he gave a speech about then candidate Trump at a University.


Romney is protecting his family and his business interests, and covering up his past corruption.
He is a typical Democrat in his policies when Gov of MA and is a liar in Øbama, Biden and Pelosi’s league.

Cuppa Covfefe

The “god” that Romney invokes is NOT our GOD.
Isn’t, never was, and never will be. He might just as well have said Jabulon… for they are all tied together at their deep dark root in Hell.
Ask the Mormons WHO the Son of God is, and if Jesus is Co-Equal with GOD, i.e. Jesus IS GOD.
They will waffle and hem and haw, but will not answer. Then ask them, can one become (as) god?
Then they will talk about ascended spirit beings…
Nope. Those “glasses” and “golden tablets” were created in Hell…
And Romney will have Hell to pay, unless he learns and turns. Along with Crazie Maizie and a host of others…


Thank GOD that’s over. We didn’t expect anything else from Rat Romney.


Bull + poop= mitt romney.
Deeply religious?
You are shameful.


I looked forgot Romney does look through the lens of Mormon not Christian; If he had look through the tapestry of Christ he would have seen truth.


Who do Mormons believe Jesus Christ is?
Like most Christians, Mormons believe that Jesus Christ is the Son of God and the Creator of the World. However, Mormons hold the unique belief that God the Father and Jesus Christ are two distinct beings. Mormons believe that God and Jesus Christ are wholly united in their perfect love for us, but that each is a distinct personage with His own perfect, glorified body (see D&C 130:22).
Mormons believe that all men and women ever to be born, including Jesus Christ, lived with God as His spirit children before this life. God wanted each of us to come to earth to gain experience, learn, and grow to become more like Him. But God also knew that His children would all sin, die, and fall short of His glory. We would need a Savior to overcome our sins and imperfections and reconcile us with God. Mormons believe that Jesus Christ was chosen to be this Savior long ago during our premortal life with God. We shouted for joy when we were presented with God’s glorious plan for His children (see Job 38:7).


I was taught in the Lutheran church and Presbyterian church and French Reformed church in Germany that Mormon are not Christians.
What has changed?


Nothing – they do not believe in the Trinity – so how can they be Christians?
1 John 5:7
“For there are three that bear record in heaven, the Father, the Word, and the Holy Ghost: and these three are one.”
King James Version (KJV)

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

This, by the way, does not appear in many of the earliest manuscripts. In fact it appears in no Greek manuscript before the 14th century.

Cuppa Covfefe

They believe, like the Jehovah’s Witnesses, that Jesus is a created being. Be careful about what you read on their website.
It’s sanitized…
I can almost hear “We are stardust, we are golden, and we have to get back to that garden” playing in the background… It’s all the Devil’s lie. We CAN NEVER get back to the Garden.
If I want to read science fiction, I’ll read Asimov, Clarke, Bradbury, or back issues of “Astounding Science Fiction”. I don’t need “Battlefield Earth”, “Dianetics”,”The Book of Mormon”, “Science and Health, with Key to the Scriptures”, EST, “The Forum”, “A Course in Miracles”, or any of that palaver…


Thanks, Cuppa!!!


The Morons believe Jesus and Lucifer are Brothers.
Dumb Masses!
Joe Smith is their Hero.


Either way his own failings obscure his eyesight too much.


🚨 Impeachment Trial Final Vote Live: U.S. Senate Set to Acquit President Trump 2/5/20


Mittens just delivered his religious sermon….he will vote to convict because of his religious convictions.
Pathetic presentation by an American Statesman-IMO


Willard is an “American Statesman”….
said NOBODY…. Ever!

Cuppa Covfefe

His “religion” comes from the pit of Hell. As do his “convictions”.
Burisma will come back to bite Willard in the tail…
You can run, RAT, but you can’t hide…


I expect Mittens is chompin’ at the bit to ask Coffer Black to come testify on Hunter’s behalf ..:0)


25 remaining Senators to hear from by 4:00 pm.


Romney only one betraying GOP voting base so far?


That I have heard. As I recall, Collins and Murkowski said they will vote to acquit.


Romney sees himself as perfect he is a Pharisee.
My thoughts on Romney, he is the guy who stands before God “look how good I am not like the sinner Trump.”
That is what I heard when he gave his spiel in the Senate.

Cuppa Covfefe

Remember the parable of the widow’s mite (vv 42-44)?
Mark 12:38-44:38 And he said unto them in his doctrine, Beware of the scribes, which love to go in long clothing, and love salutations in the marketplaces,
39 And the chief seats in the synagogues, and the uppermost rooms at feasts:
40 Which devour widows’ houses, and for a pretence make long prayers: these shall receive greater damnation.
41 And Jesus sat over against the treasury, and beheld how the people cast money into the treasury: and many that were rich cast in much.
42 And there came a certain poor widow, and she threw in two mites, which make a farthing.
43 And he called unto him his disciples, and saith unto them, Verily I say unto you, That this poor widow hath cast more in, than all they which have cast into the treasury:
44 For all they did cast in of their abundance; but she of her want did cast in all that she had, even all her living.
The parable of the rich man and the beggar Lazarzus is also applicable:
Luke 16:19-31:

19 There was a certain rich man, which was clothed in purple and fine linen, and fared sumptuously every day:
20 And there was a certain beggar named Lazarus, which was laid at his gate, full of sores,
21 And desiring to be fed with the crumbs which fell from the rich man’s table: moreover the dogs came and licked his sores.
22 And it came to pass, that the beggar died, and was carried by the angels into Abraham’s bosom: the rich man also died, and was buried;
23 And in hell he lift up his eyes, being in torments, and seeth Abraham afar off, and Lazarus in his bosom.
24 And he cried and said, Father Abraham, have mercy on me, and send Lazarus, that he may dip the tip of his finger in water, and cool my tongue; for I am tormented in this flame.
25 But Abraham said, Son, remember that thou in thy lifetime receivedst thy good things, and likewise Lazarus evil things: but now he is comforted, and thou art tormented.
26 And beside all this, between us and you there is a great gulf fixed: so that they which would pass from hence to you cannot; neither can they pass to us, that would come from thence.
27 Then he said, I pray thee therefore, father, that thou wouldest send him to my father’s house:
28 For I have five brethren; that he may testify unto them, lest they also come into this place of torment.
29 Abraham saith unto him, They have Moses and the prophets; let them hear them.
30 And he said, Nay, father Abraham: but if one went unto them from the dead, they will repent.
31 And he said unto him, If they hear not Moses and the prophets, neither will they be persuaded, though one rose from the dead.

One thing that the left does, however, is twist these to justify their communist views and goals. The parable(s) of the Ten Talents are instructive in this regard: we are not measured by how much we amass or achieve, rather, we are measured by how well we’ve done with what we were given. A pauper living on the burning garbage heaps of the Philippines may very well be far above a rich transportation magnate living in Los Angeles, in terms of husbanding what he was given… to wit:
Matthew 25:13-30:

13 Watch therefore, for ye know neither the day nor the hour wherein the Son of man cometh.
14 For the kingdom of heaven is as a man travelling into a far country, who called his own servants, and delivered unto them his goods.
15 And unto one he gave five talents, to another two, and to another one; to every man according to his several ability; and straightway took his journey.
16 Then he that had received the five talents went and traded with the same, and made them other five talents.
17 And likewise he that had received two, he also gained other two.
18 But he that had received one went and digged in the earth, and hid his lord’s money.
19 After a long time the lord of those servants cometh, and reckoneth with them.
20 And so he that had received five talents came and brought other five talents, saying, Lord, thou deliveredst unto me five talents: behold, I have gained beside them five talents more.
21 His lord said unto him, Well done, thou good and faithful servant: thou hast been faithful over a few things, I will make thee ruler over many things: enter thou into the joy of thy lord.
22 He also that had received two talents came and said, Lord, thou deliveredst unto me two talents: behold, I have gained two other talents beside them.
23 His lord said unto him, Well done, good and faithful servant; thou hast been faithful over a few things, I will make thee ruler over many things: enter thou into the joy of thy lord.
24 Then he which had received the one talent came and said, Lord, I knew thee that thou art an hard man, reaping where thou hast not sown, and gathering where thou hast not strawed:
25 And I was afraid, and went and hid thy talent in the earth: lo, there thou hast that is thine.
26 His lord answered and said unto him, Thou wicked and slothful servant, thou knewest that I reap where I sowed not, and gather where I have not strawed:
27 Thou oughtest therefore to have put my money to the exchangers, and then at my coming I should have received mine own with usury.
28 Take therefore the talent from him, and give it unto him which hath ten talents.
29 For unto every one that hath shall be given, and he shall have abundance: but from him that hath not shall be taken away even that which he hath.
30 And cast ye the unprofitable servant into outer darkness: there shall be weeping and gnashing of teeth.

Cuppa Covfefe

Sorry, goofed up the tags…

Cuppa Covfefe

Verse 22 is especially telling:
22 And it came to pass, that the beggar died, and was carried by the angels into Abraham’s bosom: the rich man also died, and was buried;
The beggar was carried by the angels into Abrahams’s bosom: but, the rich man died, and was buried. No mention of Angels or Abraham. Verse 23 explains why:
23 And in hell he lift up his eyes, being in torments, and seeth Abraham afar off, and Lazarus in his bosom.
The pride and contumely of the scribes and pharisees (like today’s elite) is astonishing, sadly breathtaking…
Matthew 13:9-17:

9 Who hath ears to hear, let him hear.
10 And the disciples came, and said unto him, Why speakest thou unto them in parables?
11 He answered and said unto them, Because it is given unto you to know the mysteries of the kingdom of heaven, but to them it is not given.
12 For whosoever hath, to him shall be given, and he shall have more abundance: but whosoever hath not, from him shall be taken away even that he hath.
13 Therefore speak I to them in parables: because they seeing see not; and hearing they hear not, neither do they understand.
14 And in them is fulfilled the prophecy of Esaias, which saith, By hearing ye shall hear, and shall not understand; and seeing ye shall see, and shall not perceive:
15 For this people’s heart is waxed gross, and their ears are dull of hearing, and their eyes they have closed; lest at any time they should see with their eyes and hear with their ears, and should understand with their heart, and should be converted, and I should heal them.
16 But blessed are your eyes, for they see: and your ears, for they hear.
17 For verily I say unto you, That many prophets and righteous men have desired to see those things which ye see, and have not seen them; and to hear those things which ye hear, and have not heard them.


Wonderful thank you!


Tim Ryan (R-SC) He will vote to acquit..


That’s Tim Scott. :8-)


Oh my goodness…You are correct..Tim Scott….I thought that’s what I typed….wish I could blame it on auto-correct, but unfortunately just old age….Thanks again for the correction GA/FL.


Coons D-DEL is spinning fantasies, yarns and fairy tales.
Will vote to impeach.


Coons looks like a carnival barker!


SOUNDS like one too.

Deplorable Patriot

I’d turn this on, but the sibling is parked on the couch watching “Jaws” while sleet and snow comes out of the sky.
Am I missing anything good?


Only if you like layers of bovine scat between cheesy smarm in a sleaze sandwich.


who is the guy speaking right now? he is doing well


Senator Cory Gardner (R-Co) He will vote to acquit.


thank you

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Damned RINO turned out to be good for something, after all.


Senator Patrick Leahey, (D-VT) – He goes to cheating in the next election and the Senate cover-up….He will vote to impeach based on the Democrat narrative.


They used to call him: “Leaky” Leahey


Trump more popular in Utah than Romney, as senator weighs impeachment
by Paul Bedard | February 05, 2020 12:53 PM
Romney joined Maine Sen. Susan Collins in voting to hear from witnesses during the Senate trial, a bid that failed. She announced Tuesday that she would vote to acquit the president today. Romney faced conservative criticism after his witness vote.
Significantly, Trump’s approval rating is high among Mormons, said the survey.
“Trump does get strong job approval ratings among Mormon and other religious voters in Utah. 59% of ‘very active’ LDS Church members, 64% of somewhat active Mormons approve of how he’s handling his duties in the White House while 52% of inactive Mormons disapprove,” it said.


So far straight line party vote except for romney?


20 remaining to speak after Sen. Shelby R-AL


Fox cant stop the glowing praise of Romney and playing him a reluctant hero. And martha macallum just REALLY insulted POTUS saying how different these 2 are, but praising Romney the entire time.
Iff tpoic, Bill Hemmer’s show seems to be morphing into Shep Smith redux. Bill better change it fast or his goodwill will evaporate.


Hemmer’s audience will evaporate and escape!


No surprise. Hemmer might have been fooling some people, but not that many. He’s a Never Trumper, likely a Democrat. Martha McCallum is an airhead.
Romney isn’t going to be on the winning side of anything, and come out it will.


Not sure what CSPAN is trying for, but if you can, go vote:


Durbin – D-IL – no doubt will vote to impeach – MUTE!



God Help us !


Mittens might be I jail by them. And TBH I think the USA has woken up!
Do you think Trump will let that happen. I think not


“Follow the [Family] Money!”

Cuppa Covfefe

Should have Willard running along behnd the car yelling “Kibbles and Bits, Kibbles and Bits, Kibbles and Birs”…..



Cuppa Covfefe

Heyyyy, rat Romney, here’s a song for you… sung by someone who actually HAD talent…


Dick Durbin, D, Minority Whip-IL
I have an issue with buying into the premise that the US President pressured Zelensky or that he asked about Burisma and the Bidens for the personal purpose of interfering in the election….therefore I find Senators that argue on that basis that the President must be impeached bore the bejeebies out of me…
Durbin is presenting as fact the evidence that proves his theory…ooooTrump’s disrespect of John McCain is an impeachable offense…..
He will vote to convict – yep, I’m all out of surprises……


McCain huh. OMGosh.


Did McCain respect POTUS Trump ?


Bwahahahaha…… (breathe)….
McShame and Romney are TWINS.


…..and to think, I voted for both. SMH


Yeah for the crab song! Dance on my friends dance on


Martha is another plastic Foxette she is unrecognizable now until she speaks. She and Hemmer are definitely on the Never Trump train. We cannot get OAN on Comcast here – makes me crazy.


By the way, for those of you who stay up later, get up early or are insomniacs, I highly recommend Heather Childers who starts the morning on Fox at 4 am EST.

CM in TN

Always liked her when I still had tv.


Romney is likely dirty, dirty. If the DOJ does it’s job, he’s going to be exposed.


Recall him!
Look how that man treats his dog, the USA and trump and in turn us. F him


No provision in the Constitution for the recall of senators. Only thing might be he’s indicted, and forced to resign… It’s sad that POTUS lent him his support in 2018.
Romney is outright blatantly lying – and whatever Bolton and their gang have to say – the evidence will come out.


Is it his son or nephew involved in Ukraine scandal?


For some reason I want to say his son….?


His son, and wouldn’t be surprised if it doesn’t ensnare Romney himself.
I’m depressed by this, but holding out hope that POTUS “caught the Swamp” “he caught them all.”


Thanks Lady P., I can never remember, repeating three time, “his son” ……..


I think it was John Kerry’s stepson, Heinz who stepped away from the board, but the Biden and Romney names have been attached to the Ukraine story.


Correct about Kerry… and Biden and Romney


Romney, Kerry, Biden, McCain, Pelosi, Schiff, Mueller & Clinton are tied to sketchy Ukraine deals


Duchess, you think POTUS knows how much we want, and how important it is to do something about these criminals?


Of course, lady! The plan has been a work-in-progress for 30 years!


Ok. Just needed a boost – slime Romney disturbed my spirit, and while I’d like revenge, I know POTUS and Barr aren’t looking at that way – but they must look at these criminals and do something about them.


Be encouraged – there are many unsealed indictments – multiple investigations – multiple people looking into everything – they will leave no stone unturned – ‘there is no place to hide’ -‘they will not be able to walk down the street’ – every day more and more information is revealed –
Luke 8:17
“For nothing is secret, that shall not be made manifest; neither any thing hid, that shall not be known and come abroad.”
King James Version (KJV)


Thank you, Duchess.


Most welcome, dear lady – please do not worry – God is in charge!!!


Here’s a question.
Mitt Romney BEGGED for Donald Trump’s support when he decided to run for the open Senate position in Utah. Trump campaigned for Romney. Then why did Romney suddenly turn on Trump?
Romney is protecting Joe Biden and is up to his eyeballs in corruption in Ukraine.


TIM, isn’t that what uniparty does? Romney used POTUS. But Chapter 7 of “Art of the Deal” tells us that Donald Trump is loyal, but if you betray him… BOOM!!!!!!!!!


and I hope President end the end will see Romney exposed for corruption in Ukraine.
Don’t believe if the vote was close to convict
Romney would vote to acquit to protect Biden


He should be investigated and all those involved with Burisma!

Cuppa Covfefe

Interesting. In German, “Coffer” means suitcase, or briefcase…
Black briefcase… hoping for diplomatic immunity or some such… then again, from sound, not far from Coffin (el Cajon)… the end of the DEMONicRAT party…


wonder how many skid marks are on his “Magic” underwear?


I still don’t think that any of the senators running for the Dem nomination should have been able to vote in this shampeachment. Conflict of interest – should be unConstitutional. Using impeachment to take out their opponent. Using impeachment as a campaign prop.


Hear Hear!


Lindsey Graham (R-GA) at the podium speaking now.
Lindsey on FIRE!!!!


Here’s Lindsey Graham – R-SC – spitting fire!
Points out the denial of due process, the hatred, partisan politics. Took due process and threw it in the garbage can.
This is a wholesale assault on the presidency.
They didn’t want to go to court, yet Clinton and Nixon were allowed to go to court.
This should be entitled abuse of power BY Congress.
Acquittal will come in 2 hours – Exoneration will come November 3.
American people are tired of this crap!!!
Investigation of Biden never occurred. If you are OK with what the Bidens did – that is on you.
Bidens conduct in the Ukraine undercut the US ability to help clean up curruption in both Ukraine and US.
Trump has done more for Ukraine than Øbama ever did.
I worry about the history of the Presidency after this.
History will judge you….
Graham is great!


Am I mistaken in my belief that Lindsey took an oblique swipe against Mitt Romney? :0) That was a fun presentation…..


I musta missed the swipe against Romney – but I tuned in late.


:0) It was just an impression that I got…I’ll have to rewatch later and see what caused my reaction…


Lindsey Graham just said that those impeachment pens will be a sign of shame for those who own them.
What will the world look like post-impeachment trial? If the Dems double down on subpoenaing people to try to impeach again, it is not going to go well for them.


Maybe those crabs in the song should nip mittens in the a$$


Here’s slimey serpent Schumer yet again. How many times is he going to get to propagandize?


Diane Feinstein and Patty Murray are sitting behind Schumer.
Murray gave her talk on Monday 2/3/20.
Feinstein gave hers on Tuesday 2/4/20.
Surely they aren’t getting to speak again.


Save me from stoopidity…Chuck Schumer (NY-D) Minority Leader….
“Trump got caught!” yep nuff said…


Blame Romney all you want. Obvious globalist puppet from the beginning and was put in to lose on purpose and give us illusion of choice just like Kerry vs Bush and around and around we go. This is completely on the lazy and low informed voters of Utah. Let this be a lesson smh.

Deplorable Patriot

So, the sound is turned down, but the Senate live is on sports bar TV #1.


Does McConnell has the opportunity to deliver a kill shot to the Dem House & their attempt to usurp Senate power or do we have to close once again with the Dems getting the last word?.


I had thought Schumer and McConnell had already done their talks, but with Schumer getting the full 10 minutes now, I guess McConnell will have a chance as well, unless his speech on the opening of the Senate speech session was his talk.
After Schumer, I count 80 speeches done, 20 remaining.


OK – it looks like McConnell gets to close and it’s over – ON NOW TO VOTING AT 4PM SHARP!!!


Wanna bet?


You are right – it’s 4:05 and the Senate is in recess until McConnell calls it back to order.


Wild Guess 🙂


4:06 …… Voting now!


Here I was thinking these maroons were limited to ten minutes.
Wonder IF cry’n Chuck is getting moar money for every word he spouts.


McConnell is doing a jam-up job!
As close to spitting fire as I’ve ever seen him – speaking with strong conviction!!!


McConnell’s speech is one for the ages!
It’s McConnell at his best!


I hope the hammer drops on these fools quickly, before they have time to regroup and start again….and they will. They need to be stopped in their tracks

Deplorable Patriot

The turtle is snapping today!
Maybe she’ll tear up the acquittal the way she tore up the State of the Union address.


Go cocaine mitch!


Tuning in – was watching the sOTU on demand to catch up and had to switch over to the vote.
This is wild and incredible…..


* Waves at ‘swiss’ from very far away * Isn’t this exciting?


Hi duchess! Yes it is exciting – even though I know it’s solid that this done, but I’m still nervous


No need to be – God put PT there – only He can remove him – 🙂


Thank you for the beautiful reminder Duchess….🥰🥰


* Smiling Broadly *


Trump musta sent Stephen Miller over to McConnell’s office for this speech!


“We cannot let factional fever break our institutions!! The institutions must break the fever.”
“I hope we can look back on the vote and say this was the day we broke the fever instead of the other way around.”

Deplorable Patriot

Have I ever mentioned how much I DETEST REMOTE CONTROLS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
No sooner did McConnell quit talking and the couch commando went to work.


I’m watching on computer at CSPAN – no males in my house anyway. Bless you child.

Deplorable Patriot

My mother’s father was just as bad, and he didn’t get a remote until he was in his 70s.


it’s a ‘man’ thang ……………. 😉

Deplorable Patriot

Don’t I know it.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Oddly, I’ve never channel surfed…except maybe in the distant past when there was just absolutely nothing on, though I’d usually shut the damn thing off and go read a book if that were the case.
Of course I don’t have TV any more (other than something to play DVDs on) so it’s moot. It’s not on unless I am specifically watching something.


No issues here 😉

Harry Lime

Here we go!!!


Sigh – here we go……


We got this!
67 votes REQUIRED to remove Trump.
(NOT going to happen)


Yes true—— I just dislike bad ideologists – haha


So we are at recess? I thought it was 4 pm time to vote?


I never heard SO much crap in my life! This is Article 1, containing NO CRIME


Accusation, allegation, assumption, innuendo, propaganda!
False charges.


The false charges make me sick. People who would charge and convict an innocent man are evil.


Here we go on the record.

Deplorable Patriot

The couch commando has just labelled this exercise in legislative folly a blood sport.


Lol. Yup.




Shall NEVAH forget


The Senators running for President should not be able to vote.




34….. Not Guilty……
Article #1 FAILS!


I had high hopes for Manchin and Sinema


They are DIMS!
Can’t trust any of them.


Willard the Rat!


He is Deep Swamp




Romney was a left of Ted Kennedy governor of MA
His Romney care was the lab model for Obamacare
His education program was the lab model for Common Core
Rat Romney is a Democrat falsely calling himself a Republican.
He is also a liar of the first order.


Don Jr is right… he should be kicked out of the Republican Party


Article 1!comment image

Deplorable Patriot

Nope, sorry Veruca Salt. Orange men aren’t bad.

Harry Lime

The D-Communist part was only 19 votes short. Nice Going!


I vote we start callin DIM party ‘The Communist Party’ !


Article #2 is up next


Article 2 is absolutely false.
Accusations and assertions only.
LIES, lies and more lies.


I couldn’t even listen to it being read…disgusting


SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Can’t say I disagree.
Perhaps your dad has something to say about expelling him from the ranks of people with no criminal record.


Omg – after this sham I am sooo pumped to attend the NH Rally …. I fly out tomorrow …. going to sleep out in the line! Ordered special cold weather gear and an American flag camp sleep pad.
Packed my red hat and everything!!


Have fun – wave at us!


I will!!




And I also brought my Swiss hat you see in my avatar! 😉


We’ll be able to more readily find you!


34….. Not Guilty……
Article #2 FAILS!
President Trump is ACQUITTED…… FOREVER!


Romney not guilty on the 2nd…??!! surprised me

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

See this way he gets to look like he’s an independent thinker.
Which of course any real independent thinker like us can see through.


Romney => NOT Guilty to Article #2?


Yes he said he was splitting his votes.


Wish he would fall and split his skull.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

I don’t want to be anywhere around the toxic sludge spill that would result.


Pump the crab dance


😊😊😊😊😊comment image


Funny the radio did not announce breaking news

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Nope. I was gone from here, and I first heard it from TRUMP HIMSELF – which I found rather joyous! Email on my phone. ACQUITTED.


Mitt tries to act like he found his balls by voting NOT GUILTY on Article 2. I hope he rips them off climbing down off the fence. We see you WILLARD THE RAT


I believe Romney figured he has nothing to lose – he’s going to be exposed in the Burisma-Ukraine corruption . If he wasn’t dirty he wouldn’t be so desperate.
It’s possible he’s simply another John McCain, embittered miserable person trying to get even with POTUS – but I think it’s more than that. He’s a man living with fear.


He can claim that being investigated is “revenge” for his vote….yeah….good luck with that

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

When the nastiest crimes are exposed, the small potatoes are gonna look VERY small.


Oh let it be so!!


Did you see Grassley and Johnson have called for the Secret Service records regarding Hunter Biden and travel to Ukraine and China. Can Romney’s son be far behind? Illegal to use Air Force Two for private business, although he was entitled to the Secret Service protection when Biden was VP.


Yesssss I saw that!!


Time for Lindsey to put his $ where his 👄 is, get SJC fired up, and start calling people in. He had promised to bring Rudy in to testify…..we’re waiting…..

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

I strongly suspect PDJT will become the first president to be impeached–unsuccessfully–twice. Give it a month or two in the House.


The Dems definitely will not stop, and they are talking about subpoenaing more people.
I wonder if the upcoming election will play any role. The closer we get to it, the more impact another Senate trial would have on the senators running for office.


They have already said that they intend to impeach again, BUT.
The situation was amazing and Nancy’s actions alienated the last of the sane democrats
The Iowa caucus is a clusterfuck-all their malfeasance on display
The declass hammer is coming

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

On that last…I’d like it to come yesterday.
Others here think it needs to be after the election. Er, no.
I want the stench laid on these people BEFORE the voters get to speak.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Well, it would jam up the judicial armada.
The senate, by law, has to drop what it’s doing and deal with this shit, when the house shovels it to them.


Whenever it happen Potus will time it to the nanosecond for maximum impact


Sorry spell uncheck turned sotn to situation


53-47 final vote #2

Deplorable Patriot

53-47, CJ Roberts read the judgement NOT GUILTY!
In the words of Bruno Kirby in that fabulous spoof “The Freshman” when he walks into the kitchen after the sting is sprung….
“Are we done here?”
[Man, I can’t find that clip anywhere.]


Yeah. Its f’n done.
Q rev your engine.


ACQUITTED FOREVER!! Now burn down the house before they try again

Cuppa Covfefe

Burning Down The House (from “Home Improvement” and K&B Construction 🙂 )

And, from the finale of Home Improvement (with Heidi and a cast of thousands), and Al Borland singing,


BREAKING: President Trump Found NOT GUILTY On Both Charges


McConnell is speaking now…thanks Chief Justice Roberts for serving.
Senate is rewarding him the ‘Golden Gavel’
Senate Pages get recognized – excellent coordination
Capital Police are recognized – for extra hours and work and vigilance
Schumer talking now – recognizing same people – had to have his say – mute


I hope the golden gavel is surgically implanted into his small bowel. Pass THAT asshole




Acquitted on all charges, as we knew would happen! 🎆🎉🍾🥂

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

A lot of people–and I mean Q-Treepers–seemed very concerned back in December.


Well, I wasn’t. I knew there were not enough Repub senators who would commit political suicide by voting to convict. I also didn’t think there were enough who genuinely supported conviction.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Things would be very different if PDJT weren’t both deeply and widely popular.
(Wide being the number of people, deep being how stubbornly pro-Trump they are despite everything the YSM throws at them.)

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Yup. The SCAM worked on NIXON.


A lot of q treepers are worry warts.
Remember eyeore is miserable because he’s got a nail in his but. What’s their excuse?



Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy



I reported my ongoing problem with posting the President’s daily schedule. I tried 6 times this morning to post it on Flep’s News Roundup – and no matter how I formatted it – it disappeared. This has been going on for the entire time I’ve been at WQTH.


WP would not let me post a Breitbart list of Rubio’s ‘scarce and dubious accomplishments’ during the 2016 election. I could, however, post the BB link.

Deplorable Patriot

Revival – Orchestral Instrumental
5 Feb 2020 – 2:27:15 PM


Harry Lime

President Trump acquitted FOREVER!!!

Harry Lime

On Monday new impeachment charges will be brought forward because Donald Trump once spoke to a guy from Belarus.


No. That’s not it. A new whistleblower will come forward claiming to have seen the President running in the hallway with scissors sometime in the weeks before Christmas . . . IMPEACH!!!

Harry Lime

…while chewing gum? The horror!

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Hey…violating Wheatie’s Rules.
Maybe he SHOULD get booted out of office.
(And yes, I’m joking.)


Well I haven’t noticed him round here so……maybe the rules don’t suit him?

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Interesting thought.
OTOH, he DOES have a few other things on his plate, so he might be too busy to come here.


Imma thinking he’d get his head in and a few hours later flotus or an aide would be sir ,sir, …..time to get up sir


Bwahahahahahah … 😜👍‼️❤️


WoW when Schumer was speaking did you see Feinstein pack up her bag and leave??? And the blonde on over his shoulder has a Deputy Dog sad face…



Rodney Short

Listening to Schumer right now and I guarandamteee ya I wouldn’t piss down his throat if his guts were on fire, these dems are despicable.


I muted… could not listen to Schumer

Rodney Short

I couldn’t find the remote fast enough Phoenix.


I like it


And now the radio brings it up. Also adding he’s the third one… Rolls eyes

Sue Mcdonald

So when do there impeachments begin?

Sue Mcdonald

The demons have been obstructing the POTUS for almost 4 years ,I want to see all of them impeached and thrown out of chambers.


ADJOURNED – all over but the whining and weaseling.


What was the vote on the First Article? The Second Article vote was 53-47 –


Oh, My – Rotten Romney – now he’s done it – full-fledged Demonrat!


Guilty votes were no where near 2/3 majority


No – saw that number – ray posted it – but, it was backwards – Thanks, PR!!!


YW Lady……………….. so glad it’s over


Oh, me, too!!! I still want this to go to the SC – to CLEAN HIS RECORD.



CM in TN

That’s when I think we’ll really see gnashing of teeth and rending of garments! Their tears will be so delicious then!


Q mentioned it – so that is what I think is going to happen – this Sham Impeachment was unconstitutional!!! It cannot stand – they must not get away with this misuse of taxpayer dollars – pay it back – you bums!!!


48 to 52 on the first one – Romney being a traitor.


YUP!!! Romney is so jealous of PT!


And after the House Managers leave the Senate floor, we will spray with Raid and then Febreeze.


Lysol and Listerine!


What about mom’s old remedy – wash their mouths out with SOAP?

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Nuke it from orbit – it’s the only way to be sure!


I vote we have a priest come in and ‘cleanse’




FLOTUS had a number of them do the White House


Yes – before she could move in – I remember!

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Aqua regia and red fuming nitric acid.

Cuppa Covfefe

And some Bacardi 151 and Everclear just for good measure…
Oh, wait…
The PoliGrip Princess has stolen it all…
Hope she doesn’t smoke…


In case they want a redo?


I was hoping she’d hit him with her purse!!!

Cuppa Covfefe

Like Gladys Ormphby from Rowan and Martin’s “Laugh In” back in the 1970s…
(With Arte Johnson as Tyrone Horni asking her if she’d like a Walnetto)…
“Would you call me ruggedly handsome?”
Slap (with purse), slap, slap, slap….
“Would you call me physically (original script word started with S…) attractive?
Slap, slap, slap, slap, extra-hard SLAP!
“Would you call me an ambulance…? ]


Daughn- great minds think alike – I noticed that (see my post above) hahaha I thought it was so funny to see. She’s like NOPE I’m outta here, gotta beat the traffic and pick up some scratch tickets and Winston’s and get home …..

Cuppa Covfefe

She’s probably got business associates, handlers, and friends coming in to Travis from Wuhan…..
See Chi-Spy Drive-By Di-Fi in her latest, “Driving Miss Crazy”…


Chuckling …. hahaha totally on point Cuppa


McConnell is making a special statement on CSPAN!!!
Says this Impeachment was partisan!


Says Speaker was pressured/dragged into this.
Second impulse was get this over with asap.
That’s why you had a rush job, but then, they had a large body of evidence from witnesses.
I asked staff how many times house managers said it was already proved – overwhelming – 60 times.
Poll data to sell to American People – they came up with idea of witnesses.
Then they sat on their case for a month after all the talk of urgency.
McConnell was perplexed by their strategy.
McConnell said they wanted to get it out of the House quickly – and leave it in the Senate endlessly – to bog down the Senate.
I’m proud of my colleagues to see through all that.
As litenhause said – the House was trying to take over the Senate!!!
The Democrats also wanted to use the Chief Justice for their purposes.
McConnell is a canny shrewd intelligent guy and has been in politics a long time.
“Right now, this is a political loser for the Democrat. This has been a colossal political mistake.”
Here come the news questions with innuendo and assertions built in.
McConnell isn’t taking their bait or having any part of their agendas.
I’m surprised by McConnell’s acuity and dexterity dealing with these news people.
He says, “This will not have a big impact on the election.”
More questions…. McConnell says “adopting the Clinton rules did not accomplish Schumer’s purposes.” McConnell thought we didn’t need additional witnesses.
“How many times did we have to hear them say they had a conclusive case?”


“We want to make sure this impeachment business doesn’t become a routine.”
“We have big differences between Senate and House. I hope there are many things, bills, legislation we can do together with the House.”


McConnell is smooth as Kentucky bourbon dealing with the press.

Cuppa Covfefe

They have three or four kinds of J.D. over here right now (forgive me, I need JD for the metaphors, I KNOW it’s from Tenneessee!)…
The Original, classic.
Single Barrel (vintage, very special).
Honey (mixed with honey, smooth as silk)… and
Fire (cinnamon oil, smooth yet firery warm, great in winter).
McConnell was (and is) all of them. A true Kentucky Wonder.
And remember, the turtle wins the race…


McConnell is one crafty old turtle. He was hoder before hodor with the SC. This is a very serious warning to the dems couched in polite language


Please explain: “He was hoder before hodor with the SC.”


There was a character in game of thrones who started normal as a child , had a strange episode and became simple with his only word being hodor. So they called him hoder. His eventual fate was to hold the door to allow the escape of a central character who eventually was instrumental in defeating the evil white walkers and their armies of undead. The episode occurred when bran, the character in question, time travelled back and saw him as a child and accidentally connected him with his fate mentally. It broke him but he still held the door.


I have not ever seen that show. It sounds verrrrry strange.


It’s very good. Good characters and great understanding of human nature


Dear dimorats…comment image




DOW – 29,290.85 @ 4:57 PM

Harry Lime

Bwahahahahahahahah!!!!!!comment image


Curse you Batman…. and Santa Claus….and you VSG…… who is STILL YOUR PRESIDENT!!!!! Bahahhahhhhah.


Get ’em boss!!!

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Oh, now that has to rank up there with Farage’s “wakey wakey!”


I played this to people during SuperBowl. 😃


My hero



YOU GO – Future Speaker of the House McCarthy!!!

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Nuttier than squirrel poop.

Sue Mcdonald

Oh sweet Pete I’m laughing and coughing at the “worst planned adventure since the donner party.” If shiff head farted his eyeballs would fall out.


Idk. The franklin expedition ranks up there

Cuppa Covfefe

Along with “The Spirit of Mawson”, for a more recent example…



Plain Jane



Kevin McCarthy says a future Congress could expunge the House’s impeachment vote.





SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

I hope to outlive whoever it is you are talking about.


There are a few graves I would love to live long enough to spit upon.


Other body waste would be better . Also your cats


Like the nonexistent whistleblower…

Cuppa Covfefe

To paraphrase Dorothy Parker, “you can lead a horticulture, but you can’t make hm think”…..


CSPAN says they are expecting a written and perhaps a spoken statement from the President!


Turtle bring cloture on MOAR Judicial nominees 🙂


McConnell is back to Senate business – approving Judges!



Time for that VICTORY LAP!!


I’m having bourbon pralines and cream ice cream to celebrate !
Later, maybe tip a glass of wine…


2 scoops?


You betcha!


God I hope he spikes the football….


It’s been a great time in the treehouse with everyone. Good night all- it’s off to sleep for me! Have to fly through London Gatwick tomorrow Since I booked the legs separately to save money I’ve got to clear customs and go back through security for my onward flight to BOS – first time since Brexit so it should be interesting.
Will definitely wave to Churchmouse when I’m in Gatwick airport!!


Vaya con Dios! Happy trails! Safe travels! Sweet dreams!


Safe trip

Cuppa Covfefe

Have a great trip and a great rally!
(and a few G&Ts on the way 🙂 )…


Ding Dong the Witch is Dead
My Oh My the Witch is Dead
Ding Dong the Wicked Witch is Dead!!


Hillrotten, Pelosi or both?




But first I’ll post this- PDJT will give a statement at high noon tomorrow!


Always loved the movie ‘highnoon’ fyi


So proud of our 🐢!! He held the line.


We should send lots of thank yous to this man…



… P E R F E C T song .. 😉👍❤️🇺🇸❤️‼️‼️






I want one!!!!! So pretty!!!!!


Now, that’s a CLASS ACT


I love that the R’s in the House are really fighting back…. and that they have learned to troll from the Master!

Cuppa Covefe

Wow. They look like Parker Pens, not that cheap Chinese crap that Mafiosi Piglosi d’Alessandro Gambino, the PoliGrip (pavement) Princess foisted upon her DEMONicRAT colleagues with which to perpetrate a poisonous lie.
Now if only Parker would come back to the USA (from France)…


Loved my Parker pens. Had more than 1 MD through the years “borrow” my pen….had to watch them like a hawk as they often “forgot” to give my pen back. Yes, I have been known to chase a doc down a hall


I’d buy a few!!!


comment image


See…. a potty mouth isn’t such a bad thing!


that’s from 2014, right?


comment image


comment image


comment image


That is the coolest, most succinct summary I’ve seen !


Emerald Robinson ✝️
I don’t understand why Bernie Sanders supporters are so upset about the Iowa caucus.
You wanted more socialism.
Last night, you got more socialism.
Third world tech, missing vote counts, chaotic rules, rigged elections.
The only thing missing: food shortages.

Cuppa Covfefe

They probably ran out of Vegan pizzas and soy shakes, too…
The last of the Mo-Vegans…


Very, very sad
17-year-old Yan Cheng with cerebral palsy was left alone at home in Huanggang City, Hubei Province when his father was quarantined after showing symptoms of the Wuhan coronavirus. The boy died from inadequate care a few days later. (China’s Autistic Child Service Platform “Rice and Millet”)






Who will forever be known as piers dildo

Concerned Virginian

Trump Winery Chardonnay!
Sparkling Apple Juice (non-alcoholic)!
I’ll bring the Champagne glasses!


For SanFranPiglosi…comment image

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy


comment image

Sadie Slays

We are trying to get him recalled here in Utah as a Senator. I will keep you posted on the efforts. State legislator Tim Quinn is leading the charge…some say it is unconstitutional and cannot be done, but I say, go for it!

Sadie Slays

Good luck! Please keep us here at the Q Tree updated!


Sadie – I will for sure. Quinn mentioned just today that within an hour of Romney’s announcement that he was going to vote against our President, he had over 100 phone calls and 150 emails to his office urging him to proceed. That’s more than two calls/emails per minute from angry Utahans..


Dip Shit Mitt was ALWAYS one of…. THEM!
Complicit with the ESTABLISHMENT…..
VULTURE “capitalist”……. CORRUPT!
COMPROMISED (Ukraine)…..
Willard the RAT is going DOWN!
His MAGIC Underwear will NOT save him.
Leader of the DUMB MASSES!


You were correct, PR
Alexandra Chalupa, Ukraine & The DNC Plot to Link Trump to the Russia Hoax
13 Nov 2019 – 11:54:51 AM
Read carefully.
Re-read carefully.
Spy_insert [EC] known?
Re-read drops re: Spy_insert.
What do these people have in common?
Pelosi’s son
Kerry’s son
Romney’s son
Biden’s son
Hint: Geo location: Ukraine
Hint: Energy
When [GS] calls, D’s always answer.
Nothing can stop what is coming.

Concerned Virginian

I did not read [EC] as Eric Ciaramella.
I did not read [EC] as Eric Ciaramella.
I did not read [EC] as Eric Ciaramella.
Rinse and Repeat.





Deplorable Patriot

Dems ALWAYS answer when George Soros calls….
He was the big money behind Shadow that made a cluster of the Iowa caucus.
He was also the main beneficiary of the 2000 general election mess.
It’s not how the vote went, it’s who counts the votes.


As Mitch predicted just TODAY, the Commies want to tear down our institutions when they lose…


That was a great speech by Mitch


Yes TIM, I agree… thanks so much for posting the clip!


That was a resounding rebuke of the House Dems. “The Founders built the Senate to keep temporary rage from doing permanent damage to our republic.” Ouch!


That was a great speech. Thanks for the post!


Pelosi’s statement is projection. It is the House Dems who are making things up to accuse an innocent man and usurp the power of our votes.
The Constitution works just fine. Human depravity is a challenge to any rule of law.


Ah, Nasty – perpetuating the myth….it’s what they do best. She’s not even worth commenting on any longer.


But They KNEW about YOU and your kind.
And that is why you LOST (again)
Been sniffing too much SHIT when you were home in …
San Fran SICKO”??????


Sydney Powell


what took FIB so long?


Timing is everything. Needed to get impeachment dead and buried and economic, etc results spectacular. Couldn’t be seen as being used as a political tool against dems. Would just make this a proxy war depending on who owned Leo at the time


I’m just whining 😉 I can be patient for awhile, then I whine, then I can be patient… it’s a pattern 😉


I’m in the same loop….😢🤣🤔


Thank you for explaining Ozzy, when I get whiny, my brain sleeps… you bring so much to this tree, this sanctuary. Have I told you we all appreciate you so much? We do.


Ozzy is one of our Great ones!




Like I said , just a pack rat




….I’m guessing he and the “office” will recommend…


realsauce – Double Secret Probation – Yeah! That’s the ticket!!!! Bwhahahah!


Go get ’em, Ms. Powell. You are a treasure…


She may look like a nice lady but she’s an apex predator


Yes! I love her!


If they sold these pens as a fundraiser they would make a quick few million! $20.20 donation and you get an aquital pen!


I think they cost a good deal more than $20………………….. a considerable amount more


These are $20


Phoenix – Whatever! I want one!!!


Here’s what Americans need to understand about the Democrats.
They don’t hate
as much as they hate American citizens.
Quote Tweet
Rep. Paul Gosar, DDS
· 4h
In response to her classless outburst, I’ve decided to introduce a resolution to censure & condemn Speaker Pelosi.
In a new low, she violated the Code of Official Conduct requiring Members “behave at all times in a manner that shall reflect creditably on the House.”
9:53 AM · Feb 6, 2020·Twitter Web App
Carlos Osweda
Replying to
Go to the Websites of Sanders, Buttigieg, Warren, Yang, Gabbard, and Biden.
What do they all have in common?
Unlimited oppression of American citizens.
Carlos Osweda
ALL OF THEM want to abolish conviction and incarceration of the most violent criminals in the country.
This is to punish those of us who AREN’T criminals and force us to submit to unpopular laws.
It’s called the Algerian Strategy.
Carlos Osweda
During the Algerian Civil War of 1991-2002, the most demonic terrorist group in human history came together.
This was the Armed Islamic Group or GIA (Groupe Islamique Armé).
Their slogan was “No agreement, no truce, no dialogue.”
Carlos Osweda
The Islamic State–for all its atrocities–created an actual state with laws and public services.
The GIA simply murdered. They wiped out entire villages in night raids, cutting the throats of all men, women, and children and dumping them in wells.
Carlos Osweda
When the Islamic State entered an area, they began by greeting the locals.
The GIA attacked. They were the most violent terrorists the world has ever seen, in that they offered no opportunity to submit.
The GIA strategy was terrorize the country into announcing its surrender.
Carlos Osweda
And the Algerian government HELPED the GIA.
The Algerian Strategy is to strengthen the worst of your enemies in order to force the population to turn to you for protection.
We’re seeing the Democrats implementing the Algerian Strategy here in the US.
Carlos Osweda
Native-born criminals are being released from prison, and illegal-alien career criminals are being protected from deportation.
In Algeria, it took ELEVEN YEARS of slaughter before the public finally submitted to the very unpopular government.
Carlos Osweda
“These men who fought with their hearts, who have families, who have children, who are FILLED WITH LOVE, that they have the strength, the STRENGTH to do that.”
Apocalypse Now – Colonel Kurtz: “I’ve seen horrors”
One of my favourite scenes of all time. Apocalypse Now. Dir: Francis Ford Coppola. Year: 1979. Colonel Walter E. Kurtz explains to Captain Benjamin L. Willar…
Carlos Osweda
THAT is how the Democrats view this “struggle.”
It’s gone WAY BEYOND exercising power over us.
NOW the goal is to torture us into submission. To punish us for DARING to elect Donald Trump.
understands. He says the Democrats have released “holy hell.”
Carlos Osweda
Graham is a military man. He knows the Algerian Strategy.
His choice of the term “holy hell” indicates how the DEMOCRATS view their unprecedented attack on us.
Pelosi talks endlessly about her heart being full of love.
Carlos Osweda
It’s the “love” that the GIA and the Viet Cong told themselves they felt as they butchered defenseless civilians.
I didn’t understand until Pelosi ripped up the State of the Union address.
TRUMP understood, of course. He goaded Pelosi into dropping the mask.
Carlos Osweda
Read the policies of all the Democrats running for president.
They all promise to use the Algerian Strategy by releasing and IMPORTING murderers, rapists, armed robbers, drug traffickers, and all-around mental patients.
This is to force us to submit.
Carlos Osweda
Pelosi showed her allies that she’s now on board with destroying the country.
THAT is what she meant when she ripped up the State of the Union address.
is on board too.
He had the gall to tell us to give him the benefit of the doubt.
Carlos Osweda
He said he was acting in good faith, but the impeachment itself was carried out in bad faith.
Don’t kid yourself: If the Democrats regain power, they WILL unleash hell on us in order to force us to surrender.
I’ve been listening to utter stupidity from political pundits.
Carlos Osweda
Tucker Carlson says that Trump is alone, with no support from the Republican party.
Therefore after Trump’s time in office,
will simply return to business as usual.
But BERNIE SANDERS has a massive advantage because…something.
Carlos Osweda
Carlson debunked himself in real time by claiming that Sanders has the potential of taking over the party, which is why all the most powerful Democrats, the donors, and the media are fighting him tooth and nail.
Then where’s the potential of taking over the party?
Carlos Osweda
The Democrats are shattered into tiny fragments.
If Sanders is the nominee, Trump take 48 states.
The GOP has been transformed. Bizarre relics like Mitt Romney are the exception.


Carlos Osweda
And they haven’t changed.
They’re the same people they always were. So was Trump. He came to them with–as Victor Davis Hanson says–his grating Queens accent, his suits, and his long neckties, and everyone saw that he didn’t pander or condescend.
Carlos Osweda
They said to Trump, “I can’t trust you yet.”
And he said, “I know. So I’ll prove myself. Watch.”
And he did.
Carlos Osweda
No Algerian Strategy.
In the Middle East, the Saudis were the first to defeat the Algerian Strategy. Bashar al-Assad and Putin tried it.
They were Judas goats who led the jihadists to slaughter.
Carlos Osweda
Have you noticed that the heartless butchers always lose?
Do you know why?
Righteous anger. Rage by the powerful who can’t bear to see the defenseless attacked.
Power is simply a tool. It’s devoid of moral content.
What you DO with power is what counts.
Carlos Osweda
The heartless butchers are ALWAYS incapable of fighting trained military men and women.
Trump and his team are the political equivalent of strategic commandos.
That’s why they’ll win.
But again, THIS is very significant.
Carlos Osweda
This is Pelosi declaring war on US.
The only solution, as Senator Graham said, is to fire her and her cronies.
We will.
To quote Robert Frost:
I think I know enough of hate
To say that for destruction ice
Is also great
And would suffice.
Carlos Osweda
Be icy. With ice comes destruction of our enemies.
The Algerian Strategy was defeated in Syria.
And it will be defeated here.
All is well.


Thread reader finally got it. And there’s pictures


Wow…I think tha’s finally the explanation for the inexplicable encouragement and protection of the ever growing lawless, filthy, drug infested, thieving “homeless” invasion/expansion.


Yep . Sorry it was incoherent in the copy and paste version. Thread reader were slow to put it together


Nah, It was fine. The other day some of us were spitballing WTF is the real reason for this zombie apocalypse homeless stuff but nothing was really fitting. That DOES fit…awful as it is..it fits.
What kind of glitch makes formerly normal (ish) human beings agree that this is a good way forward. some evil has embedded or something. sheesh


Make life so terrifying,so awful that people are driven into the arms of their “saviours “
And yeah ice will suffice


explains why they don’t want gangs, Mara Salvatrucha, commonly known as MS-13, deported or charged…


Miss Lindsay and Potus and the military are aware of the Algerian strategy. They have plans that don’t bode well for those that have inflicted this “holy hell” on ordinary Americans


Seems that is what China is doing… killing off old people and children with this new virus… and others of course with impaired autoimmune systems…
and they are exporting it…


They’re probably killing rando dissidents while they’re at it.
Did you see the vid of a gang of hazmat guys wrestling an allegedly sick man into a med van? It took 4 or 5 of them to get him into the vehicle. Doubt he was weak & sick at all.


Yes… and then add to that Christians and disabled and heck pretty soon, you’ve lost a lot of people…


Another example..the new NY laws ..
Witness in MS-13 Case Killed After New Reform Takes Effect Requiring Prosecutors to Disclose Witness Identities


Yep. It’s mass intimidation. But too many Americans are armed and dangerous


Thank you Ozzy…
hope everyone here reads it………… shares with friends and family…………


Hope wolf and co see it. When you read it the pieces fall into place. Real ah ha moment


Did you post it on the open thread? and add a note wrt ‘Algerian Strategy’ … please, TY


Yeah, for sure needs to be on open thread…


With a warning that it will be on end of year exam
Ie required reading


Ozzy, appreciate you so much… happy that you are here at our comfy treehouse…
You bring a lot of essential info that we might not otherwise see. Thank you.


Ozzy is awesome. Thanks for all that you do here!
Bananas for you!


Thankyou but bananas sound suspiciously healthy. Chocolate and lollies are my thing


How about ants on a stick?
Am staying with the chimp theme here. My options are limited.


All of a sudden bananas seem attractive.
Yes bananas it is and Thankyou kindly mr chimps


Some may be offended………………


And Phoenix is awesome, too! Thanks for all that you do here.
Bananas for you!


I love bananas Chimpy… thank you!
You are most welcome.