20200205: The Best of Days

What a fabulous SOTU speech delivered by our President! Repubs unified as never before and President takes the opportunity to reach out to the other side of the aisle, with programs and issues important to us all. His litany of successes is impressive……….. and our political enemies are defeated and miserable. Success is sweet. Those who criticized safely from the sidelines have been proven…. WRONG!

Wolfie warned us all. He said it would be a Roller Coaster once we got on that Trump Train. He said there would be good days and bad days. He said we were moving at a new speed with President Trump, faster than before.

Rollercoaster GIF by memecandy - Find & Share on GIPHY

Wolfie said, sometimes, a whirling dervish like President Trump may cast off a few people, or could draw a few people in by sheer magnetism. Yes, Wolfie warned us all, but we hung on for the ride of our lives. For those with determination and conviction………. the reward was well worth the effort. Every day with our President is an adventure. It’s exciting. What a glorious time to be alive!

Friends Dogs GIF by MOODMAN - Find & Share on GIPHY

Sure, there will be good days and bad days, but make no mistake……. we’re hitting a sweet spot! America is ROCKIN’!

I Want To Win Donald Trump GIF - Find & Share on GIPHY

Today/Yesterday was the best Twitter day EVER.
This is ice cream with sprinkles while riding a Ferris Wheel.
This is a brand new Porsche for your 16th birthday when your folks are middle class.
This is getting a first job as a corporate VP
This is your high school crush asking you out.
This is going into labor with a first child and having the whole thing take about 20 minutes, WITH your lipstick still intact and no sweating.
This is the high school nemesis asking YOU for a job.

It’s vindication! America is succeeding like never before and those who wanted to bring America to our knees……… are scared!

Kid Dancing GIF - Find & Share on GIPHY

This is a long life, with “above average” kids who don’t fight, great health for the family, and prosperity under a President who fights for the people of the USA!


I’m so happy I can’t stand it – but we want MOAR winning!

Please, Mr. President, we want more!

Donald Trump State Of The Union 2019 GIF by MSNBC - Find & Share on GIPHY

Muh Russia = failed
Muh Ukraine ShaMMMpeachment = failed
Middle East Peace = maybe, perhaps, closest we’ve ever come.
USMCA / China Phase One = done
Military redone and re-tuning, Bad folks at the VA purged and Vets have choice
Israel is doing well
Border Wall = lawsuits over with, full speed ahead

Steve Bannon GIF - Find & Share on GIPHY

#1 in Oil and LNG = it’s wonderful

Oil GIF - Find & Share on GIPHY

Consumer confidence, home buying hitting records
Unemployment at record lows
Jobs available at record highs = real choice and opportunity
Blue collar wages rising faster than exec wages = “inequality” in wages/gap in wages has NEVER been closer = REAL OPPORTUNITY.
Manufacturing in USA is UP and gaining, while other countries falter.
China in the toilet – Panda mask has slipped
America is jamming
Europe is worried, globalists on the run

Gallup polls for President hit all time high…….. on the day he gives the SOTU speech!
GOP at highest approval since 2005! And the Dems are in utter disarray!

Never Trumpers in the toilet
Rasmussen approval for President Trump at 53%
MSM is yelling at the Dems = Does it get any better?

And the Dems in Iowa are imploding, creating ripples of failure, ……… total catastrophic failure…. Caucus Chaos. And wait for this…… Bernie wins popular vote with 28K votes, Pete has 27K votes, but Pete gets more delegates and wins Iowa, …… according to the DNC? And wait for it….. the Iowa DNC only released 62% of the vote……… after 24 hours? It’s an EPIC failure.


On our side, the market was up 400 points today. It’s strange, because we’re so used to fighting, tooth and nail, with the Dems. Yet, today was sheer perfection. Like having a giraffe over for breakfast. Like election night all over again. It’s a terrific day!!!!!!! Time to be glad and rejoice in it.


Did you EVER, EVER, think it would be this good?

………. Do you think HE knew?

NEW YORK, NY – NOVEMBER 08: Presidential elect Donald J. Trump walks on stage at his election night event at The New York Hilton Midtown on November 8, 2016 in New York City. (Photo by Neilson Barnard/WireImage)

Can’t wait to see what happens tomorrow!

We’ve been on this “Roller Coaster” with President Trump for years. Sometimes, we take a “whole ride” in a single day. Still, after SOTU, we loudly proclaim, “Again, Again, Again”. We want to stay on the Roller Coaster.

Here is the famous Wolfie Roller Coaster Essay (thank you, Crossthread):

WolfM00n1776 wrote:
Well, I don’t really have to do any holding together, now that I figured out what Trump is up to. He is shaking things out, but counting on Trump gravity to pull things back together as he moves along.
He is moving “forward” at speeds Obama could not even dream of.

You and I will be anti-Trump trolls one day and MAGA heroes the next. Get used to it. Trump speed is the new normal. Some will call it flip-flopping, but that’s not what it is. Trump is dodging and weaving through reality faster than the reality can react to disrupt his plans.

I was explaining this to my wife. This is a roller-coaster now. Trump is no longer waiting for people to keep up. He is taking his bewildering art-of-the-deal campaign schtick into geopolitics, and for a lot of people who can’t keep up or hold on, it will be a rough ride.

Trump is no longer playing only with evil and cunning players who are still predictable, easily beatable dopes, like Hillary. He is playing against killers, with his own team of killers, and all the while he has scheming creeps like Hillary, BGI, SPLC, and the neocons gunning for him. Snake Ryan ready to bite when nobody is looking. “Warhead” McCain screaming for Russian blood. Psycho Kim and Samoa Obama plotting some kind of intrigue to take him down. And THOSE are the lightweights. 😉

This is the majors now. Trump has to outwit world-class adversaries and “frenemies” by defining the deals that they will agree to. One minute they will think Trump is their friend – the next minute, a cunning, bitter foe.

And he has to do this with evil cheerleaders like Warhead, Linderace, Dipsy Dowd, Maggie Haterman, and Fake Yapper trashing him or praising him alternately, no matter which way he goes. They can’t keep up, either.

Neither can many around him. I think that half of the problem with advisers crashing into each other is they don’t realize what Trump is doing.

And people will trash you, and they will trash me. Get used to it. I’ve already caught plenty of people mocking me. Well, just wait a week in Trump time. Look stupid and conned by Trump one minute, and you look like a sage three days later.
Trump will not find perfect solutions. He will find OPTIMAL solutions. We cannot ask for more. Trump has stood by and watched Perfect murder Good for 8 years – maybe longer. He’s not gonna do it. He’s going to deliver the best outcome possible, and he’s not waiting for us to feel relaxed about it.

Best presidency ever! Just hang on. More winning is coming, but a lot of people are going to scream that it’s all over at EVERY turn.

The best way through this is to define viewpoints, not people, because people will shift as they change position and velocity in Trump gravity. Bash the neocon, warmonger, and dopey globalist positions – not the people who are going to hold them one moment and come loose from them later.

Trump is Jupiter moving through the asteroid belt. He is going to pull people into his orbit. A few will get slung off into space, but most will come along for the ride of their lives.

I am ON the Trump Train for good, even if I scream that I want off and can’t take it.

In the end, I only want to scream “TOO MUCH WINNING!!!”

Wolfmoon! 4th of April, 2017

(My add) (From Crossthread)..
AND He WILL be Acquitted TODAY! 😉

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Rodney Short

Trump Gravity, ya gotta love it.

Rodney Short

Night n God bless Daughn, I do hope you get some rest, it seems you are due.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

I love this thread! <3
It reminds me of that first time it hits you after some WHOOOOOOOOAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!!!comment image
Trump move and you feel like your stomach is 6 feet away and then it's back and WOW




and then you know IT’S GONNA BE ALRIGHT!comment image


This exact post from OT days is also being remembered at OT as are you Wolfman1776

Rodney Short

This is the best rollercoaster ride ever Wolf, you predicted it right on the money…

Sadie Slays

In only three days:
– Iowa Caucus disaster alienates half of the Democratic party AGAIN.
– Mayor Pete outed as Mayor Cheat.
– President Trump will be acquitted and their sham impeachment will have failed.
And don’t let that stupid speech ripping stunt make you forget how badly they’re losing.

Sadie Slays

– Nancy’s home team lost the Superb Owl, too. Forgot that one, LOL.


We are SOOOOO not tired of winning!!!! 2020 ROCKS!!!


😬❤️🇺🇸❤️‼️ .. grinning SO much my face hurts, .. in a good way 😃🤚❤️‼️ ..


So much winning!!!
But we forgot him because
I’m going to be Space Force just like great grandpa TUSKEGEE AIRMAN!!!!!
and BTW
THE BEST IS YET TO COME!!!!comment image


What Michael said !!! 🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸


The train that has no brakes is a 4-6-4 “Hudson” (often known as a “Baltic” in Europe).
Most of the standard train designs have such nicknames, based on lead wheels, drive wheels, and following wheels. The five engines of the Disneyland Railroad, for instance, are (1) C. K. Holliday — 4-4-0 “American”; (2) E. P. Ripley — 4-4-0 “American”; (3) Fred Gurley — 2-4-4T “Boston”; (4) Ernest S. Marsh — 2-4-0 “Porter”; and (5) Ward Kimball — 2-4-4T “Boston”.


OK, that comment is like a Chinese Buffet menu – high quality pics of the various items with names of ingredients.
But none of them tell you what it tastes like.
How about you give a little detail next time, with explanations for each design advantages/disadvantages? That way, none of us would feel stupid. 🙂


I’d feel a lot better about sharing my breakfast nook with giraffes if I knew that they had all been flea and tick dotted on their backs. Too much of African biology evolved with hominids as a source of nutrients….


Do I think HE knew ?
Yes, Daughn, he knew.
Now we do, too.


“Complicated business, folks”


I must admit I always cringe a little when I see the Hindenburg disaster. I had a very distant family member who was on board that flight ( found out just a few years ago). He survived but was very severely burned.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

They did an entire movie on it in the 1970s, though it was largely fictionalized (the movie posits a bomb, which as far as I know is pure speculation).


Yes I think I saw that movie years ago. What I was told is that someone shot at it and that’s what ignited it.


Oh no please don’t do that. I’m no snowflake! LOL
It’s just kind of eye opening when you see something historic like that and find out someone in your family was on board. I wish I could have asked him more about it. But sure enough when I researched it the name was on the survivors list.
Dad told me the story one day out of the blue. I’m glad he did.


Hey it shows you learn about ones families history ASAP. Do it while you can!
Besides you guys always tell cool stories so it’s my turn! 🙂

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Even Mondays don’t suck so much any more!


Heh heh … NOPE 🤓 We got too much winnin’ to do 🥰
Thanks, Daughn for all your posts. You are the cat’s meow 💖💖💖🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

No!!! Never!!!
If the rats ever get arrested, this will look like a standstill.
Warp NINE, now!!!!


As if this hasn’t already been a most awesome day……..comment image
Q !!Hs1Jq13jV6 ID: 92ff25 No.8031268 📁
Feb 5 2020 01:01:15 (EST) NEW
What happens when the mass pop witnesses [no political spin][FAKE NEWS cannot censor SOTU address] the ‘anti-American’ actions of the LEFT firsthand?
The Silent War Continues…..


This is the PM tweet


Maybe some other Dems watching realized just how disrespectful Pelosi was…


Q !!Hs1Jq13jV6 ID: 92ff25 No.8031555 📁
Feb 5 2020 01:23:43 (EST) NEWcomment image
Sometimes the past can find the future.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

I loved this one! As soon as I saw the motto, I was like – oh, that’s so cool! WE’VE ALL BEEN Q’ED.


Q !!Hs1Jq13jV6 ID: 92ff25 No.8031606 📁
Feb 5 2020 01:27:02 (EST) NEW
Anonymous ID: e5dc99 No.8031593 📁
Feb 5 2020 01:26:20 (EST) NEWcomment image
>Sometimes the past can find the future.
Sometimes the future can find the past.


Scavino tweet from 3826 and 3827


Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Love this stuff!!!


Q !!Hs1Jq13jV6 ID: 92ff25 No.8031718 📁
Feb 5 2020 01:34:58 (EST) NEW

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

I halfway wonder if Trump served Pelosi a warrant in the middle of that SOTU speech.



Valerie Curren

The President’s SOTU was epic, uplifting, quintessential America (before the PC brigade sissified our culture). We’re back with a legendary man at the helm.
My daughter’s boyfriend, who voted for Bernie in 2016, said that a number of Democrats he knows are aware that the Dems are a disaster & that the impeachment is basically based on nothing…& this from people who get most of their info from highly propagandized sources.
God is so good & has mightily blessed us, & the world, with such an amazing President!!!!
Rush getting the Medal of Freedom–epic
Tuskegee Airman multi-war hero 100 years young made general standing w/ his grandson & his Space Force dreams!!!
War hero returned to the loving arms of his family!
POTUS throws down the gauntlet on late term abortion!!!
He reminds us of the giants on whose shoulders we stand & the hopes & dreams of our generations to come!!!
May the Lord continue to guide, direct, bless, protect, inspire, & empower our precious President, in Jesus’ Name!


We need to thank the Good Lord every single day for the privilege of living in this amazing period of history, for providing a leader like no other, and for the promise of even better things to come. Sometimes it takes your breath away, but man what a glorious time!!

Valerie Curren


Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

AMEN x 1000!


Agree and Amen!




Amen 🙏🏼


Thought something was missing from Nancy’s intro. Speaker is supposed to say,
Traditionally, the Speaker says: “Members of Congress, I have the high privilege and distinct honor of presenting to you the President of the United States.”
Speaker Pelosi said “Members of Congress, the President of the United States.”


Can I fix it for ya Nanc?
Speaker Pelosi said “Members of Congress,STILL the President of the United States.”


More like:
MUMBLER of the house.


🤭🧐🤣👍 …. bwahahaha … good, she’s not nice anyways .. 🤨🤚 ..
.. and those jaws … ahhhhhhhhhhhhhh .. 😖‼️


I thought Pelosi almost fell into the circus with her painted on clown smile. Deep red lipstick to keep her smile in place. 🙂


… the 🤡’s wear it better .. heh-heh .. ☺️🤚


If the lingering image of the SOTU is The Shrew ripping up the speech, so be it. The lingering impact will be far more important and long-standing.
Time to ignore, shun and dismiss those who espouse hate – don’t dignify or as they say “normalize” it. It is also time to reach across the aisle to the lady who wore cobalt blue last night. Kristen Sinema will be the one who rises out of this. As she stood out last night as the one who rose above her lemming “sisters”, she will bring down The Shrew eventually.
Steve Bannon says she is one to watch. That’s good enough for me.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Agreed! Things are going to happen. This is a turning point. MARKERS!!! Bet they start raining at some point here.


You’re right, Thomas, even though she did vote to convict on the articles. I agree she is one to watch.

Sadie Slays

comment image

Sadie Slays



Nancy made today’s front page!comment image


I bet the editor at the Post has fun coming up with just the right headlines. They’re pretty good at it.


Trump speed post currently at the top of the page at OT POTUS thread
Good to see you recognized and remembered, wolfmoon1776
You might enjoy reading comments and know the lasting impact you have had


Unseen commented on the speech last night. He always has a great take on the situation. Here is the threaded tweets.


Here’s a sample:
Great speech so far.
Can someone tell me what the hell queen Nancy is doing? Does she even know where she is?
School choice.
PA Dem governor vetoed school choice.
Trump gives the little girl her dream.. pretty cool
Queen Nancy is like why am I here? What am I doing? Where exactly is here? Who is that tall 🍊 man saying all these things.
Trump calls for votech in high schools.
The optics that the Dems are giving are so bad for them.
Trump warns of socialist take over of healthcare.
Trump calls out those supporting free healthcare for illegals.


Didn’t know who the protester was. Apparently, he’s turned up previously.
“Interestingly, this is the same man who attempted to approach Brett Kavanaugh during his hearing. BK didn’t know who he was but media played it up as a snub. We tell the story in our book Justice on Trial.”


Before the speech, although with an underlying current of optimism, I was primarily just sick of the Shampeachment.
Now? It’s back on the Trump Train and pedal to the metal!!!
Historic, unparalleled SOTU!


MSM supressed this photo.
After the best SOTU evah . . .comment image


Pence is Learning to Win and loving it! Fierce reply. He also has mentioned her “muttering”.
At what point can we conservatives sue for Rubin continuing to call herself “conservative”? What about her politics and opinions is conservative? here is her response to Pelosi


Miss Daughn, are you aware of this? Starts in 10 minutes, CSPAN3.


With Naddles in charge, I don’t think he allowed much for us to miss.







I have watched this one several times, and it gets me every.single.time ❤🇺🇸


“America is jamming” !!!!!


Welcome back Senator Sessions


Plain Jane

Update on the chemo and my cruise ship social director status for today.


You go girl! 🙏

Plain Jane

Yep, like Sugar. 🙂

Plain Jane

I mean like Phar Lap. 🙂