Welcome back to the previously scheduled Wednesday Open Thread!
And just because of all the recent BOOMs.
Okay, so here’s the deal. This is the open thread. This is where we all come to get the news that other Q tree inhabitants think is worth knowing and sharing. Please, post links to any “news” stories quoted, and ask for help if you are stumped as to how to do that. We’re a friendly lot. Someone will be with you shortly, and there is no reason to have to press one for English.
Free speech, and the open exchange and hashing out of ideas is not only allowed, but encouraged. If we all don’t use it, we’re going to lose it. There are, however, limits to civility, and those limits are strictly observed here. We are all on the same team. No personal threats, baiting, name calling and other behavior you would not want someone else to do to you is allowed.
Yes, it can be rough to temper speech. However, those who would like to slog it out from the comfort of the seat behind your keyboard, Wolf has provided a venue known as the UTree. Please, take it there where this is allowed to happen:
And now for some house keeping:
There are a few rules here in the branches of the Q Tree. Our host, Wolfm00n, outlined them in a post on New Years Day 2019. Please, review these rules from time to time, maybe while waiting for the defrosters to get rolling while warming up the car in this global warming climate change deep freeze that’s happening.
Fellow tree dweller Wheatie gave us some good reminders on the basics of civility in political discourse:
- No food fights.
- No running with scissors.
- If you bring snacks, bring enough for everyone.
Steve suggests – to be accurate – no shooting at the nuclear weapons, but to be safe about it, don’t event point firearms toward them. I, Deplorable Patriot, bossy chick that I am, request no teasing the animals, pets and wildlife alike. FG&C asks that you wash your hands, wipe down all non in-home surfaces, and take some vitamin C, vitamin D, zinc, and get plenty of rest.
And please, pretty please with sugar on top, no celebratory gunfire…at least not indoors. Concealed carry is encouraged though.
Teasing and trolling the lefties and their bastions, on the other hand is a moral imperative. I will say this one aged well.

From tomorrow’s readings from the First Book of Chronicles:
And the people rejoiced, when they promised their offerings willingly: because they offered them to the Lord with all their heart: and David the king rejoiced also with a great joy. [10] And he blessed the Lord before all the multitude, and he said: Blessed art thou, O Lord the God of Israel, our father from eternity to eternity.
[11] Thine, O Lord, is magnificence, and power, and glory, and victory: and to thee is praise: for all that is in heaven, and in earth, is thine: thine is the kingdom, O Lord, and thou art above all princes. [12] Thine are riches, and thine is glory, thou hast dominion over all, in thy hand is power and might: in thy hand greatness, and the empire of all things. [13] Now therefore our God we give thanks to thee, and we praise thy glorious name. [14] Who am I, and what is my people, that we should be able to promise thee all these things? all things are thine: and we have given thee what we received of thy hand. [15] For we are sojourners before thee, and strangers, as were all our fathers. Our days upon earth are as a shadow, and there is no stay.
As always, prayers for the fight against that which seeks to enslave us are welcome.

Back to our regularly scheduled swamp watching.

It’s going to be a great day!
It has been an exceptional week…..and this is only the start of Wednesday.
Yes today will be a great day!
“Nancy is the ultimate Petty Crocker.”
– MysticRose80
Being an ol’ man warm and comfy in bed watching the SOTU address and my favorite President putting my mind mind at ease fell asleep. Then this morning wakening up to this!
WTH was she trying to accomplish? Making people hate her even more? Driving more democrats away?
This woman is so full of hate for our Republic and President to stoop so low is disgusting!!
rant over
I don’t know her intended goal, but she managed to disgust and alienate a number of voters for her own party.
Hmmm. She doesn’t sound loony and insane enough to be a Democrat.
Not UGLY enough to be a Democrat either.
Has this new Q drop been posted:
4 Feb 2020 – 10:01:15 PM
What happens when the mass pop witnesses [no political spin][FAKE NEWS cannot censor SOTU address] the ‘anti-American’ actions of the LEFT firsthand?
The Silent War Continues…..
This is the tweet:
It was posted in the SOTU thread. Well worth listening to the Dem caller who, along with her entire family, will never vote Dem again because the Dems hate America.
What happens indeed… the MSM here is all about the paper-ripping and missing handshake in the headlines. Then in the article there is a video link to the entire SOTU so readers can see for themselves, a President who loves his country and does whatever he can to make it great and keep it great.
So again, optics: the mad shrew vs. the happy President.
And a bunch of other white-clad unhappy-looking and thus rather unattractive women vs. happy receivers of medals and awards, and people whose life has been made joyful and given hope for better life.
It reads so trite in description — hard verging on impossible to convey the mood of the SOTU as a short text.
I hope this is true. It will make for some verrrrry interesting developments.
Like shtf
There are few times I’m rooting for Bernie, but on this one I hope he rips ’em a new one.
Divide and conquer. They fight each other to the death and then the survivor gets to take on Potus whilst wounded by his own kind. Potus will be at full strength
“Every time a see a camera shot of all those white coats over on the other side I think of straight jackets.”
– Harry Lime
Or the Ku Klux Klan.
Saying goodnight because it is really late here, but I thought it was worthwhile to make an effort to leave you with this final thought.
Someone made the point that “whistle blowers” and others of malignant intent against the President are alive and well, whereas many of those who take on the left do not fare so well.
People who are friends shake hands. The President is real. Nancy is not his friend. But more than that, she is his enemy. She has tried every way she could to harm him. Hopefully she would stop short of physical harm.
Were I a member of his secret service, though, I would caution him very strongly not to allow any of his enemies to touch him.
We would never know…if the President suffered a sudden heart attack shortly after a handshake who would be the wiser?
This, I hope, is merely wild speculation on my part with no real grounding in reality. Nancy, surely, is much kinder than that?
It is just that I have wondered very seriously what really happened to Andrew Breitbart….not that Nancy had anything to do with it…..
The President did not shake hands with VP Pence either so he did not disrespect Nancy.BbNothing he did rose to the level of her childish display of petulance and pettiness.
All the same, I am throwing this out in the hopes that someone who can will see to it that “they” can’t touch him.
Very good point. Is that not happened with Kim Kong Un’s brother? I was uneasy about her being so close behind him.
There it is ———— BOOM!!

I haven’t vetted this source, but interesting article on Acronym & Shadow (folks if those two names don’t smack of deep state or soros…)
Acronym – “volunteer on the BOD” = David Plouffe

Was it Q who said when the first arrests/indictments come, that we would KNOW which way this was going? What if………
Smoking gun that Soros is directly rigging the caucus system.
Who needs Russian interference when you have George Soros’ tentacles EVERYWHERE?
YUP. No handshake for THE BITCH.
Q 3826
Feb 5 2020 01:23:43 (EST) NEW
In God We Trust.jpg
Sometimes the past can find the future.
Love this one!!!
Got it!!!!
Better post the little Q girl…Two Q posts have been posted above…
We got Q drops!!!
The coronavirus thread is now listed in the sidebar!
Thank you…. too much news to handle
Q 3827

Q !!Hs1Jq13jV6 ID: 92ff25 No.8031606
Feb 5 2020 01:27:02 (EST) NEW
Anonymous ID: e5dc99 No.8031593
Feb 5 2020 01:26:20 (EST) NEW
>Sometimes the past can find the future.
Sometimes the future can find the past.
Q !!Hs1Jq13jV6 ID: 92ff25 No.8031555
Feb 5 2020 01:23:43 (EST) NEW
In God We Trust.jpg
Sometimes the past can find the future.
Wow what a night! I need some sleep! And so does the puppy who’s still running around the house! LOL
Catch you all later! Night everyone!
Good night and God bless!!!
Q 3828
Feb 5 2020 01:34:58 (EST) NEW
It’s oh so good to see reverse psyops.
From 2016, and still relevant today.
Forgot to add to that, “On the sickbed”
Is this where one comes to complain about TOO MUCH WINNING???!!! HARUMPPH!!!!
see below for a blast from the past…starring YOU!

Harrumph indeedy … …
gonna be nice to show all those dems saying in their 10 minutes that there was no impetus for POTUS to investigate the Bidens eat CROW!!!
wow…browsing the comments OT and someone REPOSTED Wolf’s comment from 4/11/2017…looks like the entire post!

it’s a keeper for sure…wonder if SD will allow it to stay there…copied and posted here…so we can all enjoy it ONE MORE TIME!!!
donebydesign says:
February 5, 2020 at 5:00 am
From time to time, I remember this great passage from poster wolfm00n1776 which captures the irony of SOTU theatrics and a pending acquittal vote arriving in the span of just a few hours…..yeah that’s *Trump Speed* in spades!
Cheers Wolf, wherever you are…this is a timeless and killer commentary…..
WolfM00n1776 wrote:
Well, I don’t really have to do any holding together, now that I figured out what Trump is up to. He is shaking things out, but counting on Trump gravity to pull things back together as he moves along.
He is moving “forward” at speeds Obama could not even dream of.
You and I will be anti-Trump trolls one day and MAGA heroes the next. Get used to it. Trump speed is the new normal. Some will call it flip-flopping, but that’s not what it is. Trump is dodging and weaving through reality faster than the reality can react to disrupt his plans.
I was explaining this to my wife. This is a roller-coaster now. Trump is no longer waiting for people to keep up. He is taking his bewildering art-of-the-deal campaign schtick into geopolitics, and for a lot of people who can’t keep up or hold on, it will be a rough ride.
Trump is no longer playing only with evil and cunning players who are still predictable, easily beatable dopes, like Hillary. He is playing against killers, with his own team of killers, and all the while he has scheming creeps like Hillary, BGI, SPLC, and the neocons gunning for him. Snake Ryan ready to bite when nobody is looking. “Warhead” McCain screaming for Russian blood. Psycho Kim and Samoa Obama plotting some kind of intrigue to take him down. And THOSE are the lightweights.
This is the majors now. Trump has to outwit world-class adversaries and “frenemies” by defining the deals that they will agree to. One minute they will think Trump is their friend – the next minute, a cunning, bitter foe.
And he has to do this with evil cheerleaders like Warhead, Linderace, Dipsy Dowd, Maggie Haterman, and Fake Yapper trashing him or praising him alternately, no matter which way he goes. They can’t keep up, either.
Neither can many around him. I think that half of the problem with advisers crashing into each other is they don’t realize what Trump is doing.
And people will trash you, and they will trash me. Get used to it. I’ve already caught plenty of people mocking me. Well, just wait a week in Trump time. Look stupid and conned by Trump one minute, and you look like a sage three days later.
Trump will not find perfect solutions. He will find OPTIMAL solutions. We cannot ask for more. Trump has stood by and watched Perfect murder Good for 8 years – maybe longer. He’s not gonna do it. He’s going to deliver the best outcome possible, and he’s not waiting for us to feel relaxed about it.
Best presidency ever! Just hang on. More winning is coming, but a lot of people are going to scream that it’s all over at EVERY turn.
The best way through this is to define viewpoints, not people, because people will shift as they change position and velocity in Trump gravity. Bash the neocon, warmonger, and dopey globalist positions – not the people who are going to hold them one moment and come loose from them later.
Trump is Jupiter moving through the asteroid belt. He is going to pull people into his orbit. A few will get slung off into space, but most will come along for the ride of their lives.
I am ON the Trump Train for good, even if I scream that I want off and can’t take it.
In the end, I only want to scream “TOO MUCH WINNING!!!”
What a SAGE!!!

Our Wolfie was!!!!!
Still IS!!
we are so lucky!!!
Whatever coffee I was drinking that day, I want MOAR!!! <3
I remember this post quite well.
SD was so impressed he repeated it in a stand-alone OP.
Verse of the Day
“Remember the word that I said unto you, The servant is not greater than his lord. If they have persecuted me, they will also persecute you; if they have kept my saying, they will keep yours also.”
John 15:20 (KJV)
Thank You, Jesus, for blessings received and prayers answered!
Wednesday Butterfly Blessing
Jesus Loves Babies…Pray for the Unborn

Jesus Loves the Little Children – Pray for the Little Children
Jesus Loves You – Come to Him
Good Morning Sunshine!
Have a Blessed Day!
You, too, dear lady – wonderful post about Wolf – I remember it well – Hugs!!!
I thought it’s be great to reread those awesome words again!!
You thought right – collecting my thoughts – to respond – Wolf makes so many pertinent points – we were all on the same rollercoaster – overwhelmed by a man the likes of which we have not seen in US politics before – perhaps, because he is NOT a politician – but, a businessman who thinks strategically and oh, so positively.
After all, we spent 8 years waiting for the misery to end – with the ‘Destroyer’!
Nuff for now…
you can’t see me!
my favorite was “I’ve been to 57 states…” everybody messes up. here’s 10 of Obama’s…
Of course, when politicians seek to capitalize on innocuous gaffes such as this, it prompts me to have to point out that Trump didn’t invent the presidential gaffe. Most of the time we should be able to just laugh at these gaffes, recognize them as inconsequential, and move on, and not use them to accuse the president of being a “stone cold idiot.”
But hey, if Trump is a “stone cold idiot” then so is his predecessor, Barack Obama. Below, I give you ten gaffes I’ve picked out as examples of embarrassing flubs that maybe should give people like McCaskill pause before exploiting Trump gaffes for a political attack.
I’ve always wondered if the «57 states» came from a nearby bottle of Heinz condiment of some sort, with their 57 varieties prominently displayed.
i thought someone (sorry forget who and I don’t know such things) suggested it referred to the number of states of Islam???
Yes, could also be the 57 states (or countries) of the OIC (Organization of the Islamic Conference), since the context was having visited many States. No-one can know for sure if there was more to this.
57 states of the Organization of Islamic Conference. Think Obama had been in Kairo. Whatever he meant, it was disgusting. Very disloyal to our country.
I seriously doubt it has anything to do with the number of Islamic countries. If he was speaking at the DNC he was no doubt referring to the affiliate organizations, of which there are 57, and often just shorthand-referred-to as “states.”
buzz kill…LOL
Obama said he campaigned in 57 U.S. states-Truth! & Fiction!
Obama, Politics / By Rich Buhler & Staff / March 17, 2015
The DNC has 57 affiliates, one for each of the 50 states, one for DC, five for the territories, and one for “Democrats Abroad.”
They are often called “the states” as shorthand, since most of them are state orgs.
Come on Acosta! Answer this challenge!
I hope “formally” includes a lawyer and written notice.
Is this a confession?
NEW Q DROPS – 02/05/2020
# 3835 to # 3828
Amazing the number of Americans who don’t know that Mexico was hard core socialist from 1917-1970, and that the Catholic Church was illegal and persecuted.
OMG – that explains why TROTSKY was there!!! I had no idea. WOW.
I wouldn’t have known for a long time except Sister SM, SSND, had us read Graham Greene’s “The Power and the Glory” when we were seniors in HS. Great book.
Yes – by the time I would have been old enough to read this, the school-teachers were already well “Marxified” and giving us the Bill Ayers reading list. This kind of information never got to us. Even my book-hound friends never mentioned this one. All the “left-friendly” classics – sure – but never even HEARD of this.
BTW, the following shows how quickly and recently Time Magazine went into the Marxist crapper!
“In 1941, the novel received the Hawthornden Prize British literary award. In 2005, it was chosen by TIME magazine as one of the hundred best English-language novels since 1923.[1]” (Wikipedia)
The Democrats’ no good, horrible, very bad night distilled into two minutes.
After 6 hours in the editing room, I hope you all enjoy it.
See you tomorrow.
Quote Tweet
Carpe Donktum
· 2h
The State of the Democratic Party… Still Hurting
PRICELESS!!!! Wonder if PDJT has seen it yet?
I don’t know how the world can deal with people like this. They are out of their minds!
Mind dupes of Planet Anti-Earth.
And they LITERALLY want to SPEW SMOG INTO THE ATMOSPHERE to save the planet.
It’s all mind control bullshit.

We got #PettyPelosi to TREND!!!
I must’ve typed and retweeted in 50 times last night!!
Add #PatheticPelosi and #PelosiTantrum
POTUS Retweeting All
You Go, Girl!!! YIPPIE!!!
A Quick Burn – A Few Moments Later – IPOT Presents – 2.5.20
Eric Trump goes one-on-one with Laura Ingraham
Yeah, we’ll see how long this lasts.
Text of tweet:
l E T 17
BREAKING: James O’Keefe of Project Veritas has just been suspended from Twitter…
Quote Tweet
Ryan Fournier
· 12h
BREAKING: James O’Keefe of Project Veritas has just been suspended from Twitter…
For reporting on Bernie Sanders campaign officials praising gulags and violence against Trump supporters.
Big tech censorship is real and must be stopped.
He’s on Gab. The “Gab Fam” is now getting really big and really sharp.
Wolf Moon
Time for @jamesokeefeiii to move to Gab and bring a bunch of folks with him. Twitter is for people who moderate what they say and report.
Speaking of, has anyone else joined our chat groups?
Thanks for reminding me to do a post on this!
There are chat groups?
Yes. Chat.gab.com
You will need to log in with a new password, and invites…go to the upper left corner to your user handle. It’s a dynamic link. Click on it, and any invitations will be at the top with invitation buttons.
So I have to change my password?
No, for now, since the system is in beta, you need a second one.
So I need a new user AND password? Or I do a forgot password and change it?
If you are already signed in, the system will recognize that. You just need a second password. It’s called a “Security Key.”
Ok. How do I get that? I see Two Factor Authentication. I don’t think that’s it, it requires my phone. I have to say, I hate Gab. Too complicated.
Gab is not intuitive, I will agree.
I know Wolf is working on something along the lines of a post in this regard. Now that I’m in chat, and only did the authentification once, I don’t remember exactly what was involved.
Ok. I think I will have to wait for Wolf! Thanks for trying to help me. I got to Gab chat, clicked “Sign In,” and it just took me to my normal page. I clicked on my handle, but no invitations showed. Hope I can make it work at some point!
Yeah, for now Gab and Gab chat are two different systems. It is confusing. It took trial and error to get a good idea on what was what.
You knew it was coming.
Censorship is rapidly becoming the last arrow in the left’s quiver.
But have no fear….this is America and it too will fail.
Dora…here’s another. St. Agatha is the patroness to invoke against breast diseases.
The very definition of:
“Oh yeah, to get to him, you have to go through me, first!”
Don Jr was perfectly capable of taking care of himself, no doubt.
It doesn’t matter to a woman who loves HER MAN!
Well done, Kimberly.
IDK, Parscale or whoever that was was pretty impressive.
Yes, that is a WALL of a MAN!!! And Kim isn’t exactly a squirt, but next to Parscale she’s almost normal in stature.
Who WAS that angry soy-boy?
one of Soros’ useless idiots.
Her mama bear came out there!
“to have done it!”
It’s already done!
Bernie’s plan for energy…scary the amounts of cash being thrown around in this plan…AND gov’t take over of electricity…
The latest on the Sanders plan comes from Politico, which reports that Sanders might have “put nationalizing health insurance at the center of his presidential campaign, but his proposal to fight climate change also calls for a government takeover of a fundamental segment of the economy — electricity production.”
The plan would use existing Power Marketing Administrations, agencies within the Department of Energy used to sell generated power, relics of socialist Franklin Delano Roosevelt’s administration, to end private ownership of energy production with a maze of rules and regulations.
A low-end and completely unrealisticly positive estimate shows it would take at least $16 trillion to get rid of fossil-fuel electricity generation and move to solar power, hydropower, and windmills. A close look at the nuts and bolts of such a plan indicates the real cost would dwarf the $16 trillion estimate.
Critics aren’t so sure wrecking the private production of electricity is a bright idea, and that whoever suggested it might well be something of a dim bulb, Politico reported:
“What the Sanders proposal would do is create an 800-pound federally owned power gorilla that would make it very hard for the existing generators to compete,” said Josh Freed, head of energy and climate policy at Third Way, a centrist think tank that opposes the Sanders plan. “I think a plan like this could turn off voters in large parts of the country. It would have challenges in Pennsylvania, Michigan — a lot of the states that are competitive for the election.”
The Chinese takeover agenda. Just WOW.
No useful idiots quite like American socialists.
well, it’s AOC’s Green New Deal…he adopted it…guarantees her and her idiot friends support him.
The Green New Deal is ANTI-GREEN. It literally fights “global greening”. They want to spew SMOG into the atmosphere to stop “global warming”. It’s absolutely NUTS. It’s quite literally “deterraforming”. Who the *F* would want to do it?
well and Bernie completely ignores that China is continuing to use and build plants that use coal…so we clean up our country and they don’t…how does that save the planet?
we gotta get electric cars, retrofit our homes, etc and yet we only got 12 years before the planet dies…wtf? can’t they do math? Oooops…according to Iowa, they can’t.
It’s a total scam. TOTAL scam to fund socialism.
The President is in the middle of a retweet storm Ripping NastyNanc!
Nancy the Ripper
Donald J. Trump Retweeted
Probably gona have to borrow one or two of theses.
Pat, have you see these from Lady war Anon and Karli ?
Nervous Nanzi ?
I didn’t, but thanks!!!
there are so many great ideas on what was on those papers…how about his next EO: NO PLANES FOR YOU Petty Pelosi!!!!!! you wanna travel? Pay for it on your own dime….
This is wonderful !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Zoe – embedded video of Republican House and Senate memebers walk straight ahead in a line past the CNN reporter with mic, trying to get a comment on the SOTU…
(The press is no longer relevant!)
IT IS FULL OF Q TWEETS !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Jim Acosta accused Rush of making racist comments over the years.
Snerdley challenges him to produce a list!!!
Takes a really nasty, petty, jealous person hit a man who was just diagnosed with cancer.
Acosta is exactly that.
beautiful when even the “fact check” at CNN has to admit that fact after fact was True…but they have a different opinion and/or spin. True. And then the 1 fact check of the Dem rebuttal by MI gov was deemed not true! hahahaha
Link to article on which I was commenting
I love this woman
Glenn Greenwald

Establishment Democrats have no ideology or fixed political beliefs so the only thing that animates them with politics are things like Pelosi ripping up the speech or putting on her sunglasses or other symbolic gestures that are designed to mask the emptiness underneath.
Jack Posobiec
Good morning to everyone except adults who think throwing public tantrums on national television makes you look cool
Jack Posobiec
#PelosiTantrum is the top trend on Twitter this morning
Regarding the low DIM turnout at the IOWA CAUCUS,
the biggest DIM turnout seems to be at Trump Rallies…
everyone wants to be on the winning side!!!!!
That’s the Monster Vote we’ll see in November. The folks who will want to feel that they were part of history in the presidency of DJT.
we recognized greatness immediately!!
but everyone is welcome!!!!
Surely. In part, anyway.
Another massive part will be the millions of black Americans and other minorities who have thrown off the chains of the D party.
Agreed. Now is the time to absolutely BOLT from the Circle D ranch whoops I mean plantation.
They are….in their millions.
No modern GOP President has ever garnered the minority approval ratings PDJT has and is earning…
….and the racist democrat accusations of “Uncle Tom”, etc. are only spurring the exodus.
Jobs are the key. The REAL key.
Carlos Osweda
The Speaker of the House just told a major news outlet that she was going to WIPE HER BUTT with the State of the Union speech but tore it up instead.
Take a wild guess how THAT will go over with 90 percent of Americans.
Is it drugs? Booze? Madness?
Many people thought Pelosi was in left field last night, disoriented and confused – I don’t believe that. Watched her carefully, and she was fully aware of what she was doing. The difficulty was for the audience to see in what context her behavior was taking place throughout the speech.
But she was fully cognizant, and intentionally acted out. Reminds me of a pouting teenager who doesn’t get their way in class (does that even happen anymore?) Anyway, the kid acts out, makes loud noises, drops their books, bothers his classmates, etc.
She and her cronies planned what she could do to disrupt and diss POTUS last night.
Not sure they realized how it could backfire. While we’re the choir, and know she should wander off into the wilderness, I’d like to think there are reasonable American Democrats who became woke last night.
Pelosi wasn’t dissing POTUS, she was dissing America. She also jumped the shark. We’ll play the clip the next time she professes to be a Catholic, Christian, or that she is praying for the President.
Looks like stress response. Gotta be feeling the heat.
Johnathan Turley, George Washington Law Professor, observes just how much Pelosi violated the SOTU:
As Speaker at the SOTU, Pelosi represents the entire House (Republicans and Democrats alike). She is not there as a member of the opposition, but as the representative of the institution of the House of Representatives. . . .
she’s still mad about POTUS taking away her plane….LOL
Wait til he takes her TEETH!
I have suspicion those are implants. But still….
Too much movement for implants.
IDK. It reminds me of one of my voice teachers who, like Nancy, had A LOT of plastic surgery done. She had implants not dentures. And she did a lot of the same facial movements.
And her coat.
Getting out of bed and feeling like a hangover . . . man what did I do last night?
Then realizing . . .
We haven’t gotten tired of winning yet, so that’s one promise he’s broken.
BTW, #Pelositantrum is still trending on twitter. #jackbootjack must be asleep.
I think after a certain number, the algos don’t kick in ……………
I’m sure it’s trending in hundreds of thousands, much more than it’s showing
Agree, the number is much too low for the viral status of what she did.
One does wonder where his minions are. The truth should have been squashed hours ago.
I’ve not seen anyone mention this, so I will.
Nancy Pelosi’s conduct last night is what one expects from a woman. A man wouldn’t act like a school girl. It’s why liberal women are so unattractive – Pelosi exemplified that very negative stereotype of women…
Glad you mentioned it. I was thinking the very same thing. All of the klan women being disruptive and vengeful. It made me embarrassed for them and all women. They profess their need to be accepted as professional equals but use tactics that stereotypical ‘wronged’ women have used for time eternal.
Thought it right off the bat. It’s why some people pause when considering women for high level positions.
Pelosi diminished and damaged the role of Speaker of the House. Instead of being taken seriously and solemnly, she has taken the position into the gutter. Men fight but differently than women. She just trashed her Party and the House.
Bitter ex-wife behavior. Same as what is acted out toward ex-husbands and 2nd wives everywhere
Unattractive and contemptible.
And one of the children of the deep state speaks.
Mika Brzezinski blasts Trump for ‘pile of lies,’ says Pelosi was not ‘rude’ to rip up SOTU speech
“Morning Joe” co-hosts Joe Scarborough and Mika Brzezinski blasted President Trump for delivering what they believed was a State of the Union address riddled with lies.
“How do you qualify something as a good speech if it’s fed by lies? These are lies that are so easy to uncover on the Google machine,” Scarborough asked, with Brzezinski supporting House Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s decision to tear up a paper copy of the address right after the president finished speaking.
“I think she sat there and listened to a pile of lies and the only way to communicate that visually was to rip up the speech, which was useless because it was full of lies, and she’s fed up,” said Brzezinski, adding that Pelosi’s action was not “rude” to the president.
“I’m not sure what else you can do to point out that this man, in front of her, the President of the United States, was not only using the State of the Union as a campaign rally and to play to his base, but was lying to the American people time and time again, over and over again. That was just a symbolic way of saying ‘this is all lies,’ without being rude,” she added.
Now we know for sure that the media is intentionally lying to the American people. Anyone who can sit there and deny the truth of what POTUS was saying… is simply pushing propaganda for an agenda. An anti-American agenda. Communism/Fascism.
Don’t forget, Mika’s dad was Zbigniew Brzezinski. There was a report recently that claims he was running the foreign policy arm of the cabal operations which I will totally believe. He died in May 2017. After he and David Rockefeller passed on, the Democrats fell apart.
That should tell the world something.
Newt Gingrich is calling for the House to censure Pelosi. https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2020/02/former-speaker-newt-gingrich-pelosi-should-be-censured-for-her-viciously-partisan-action-of-tearing-up-the-speech/
IMO, it has to happen. The House and Senate have rules of decorum (“Mr. Chairman,” “the gentleman from Liberalville,” “the gentlelady yields her time,” etc. Tearing up the president’s speech (or any papers) in front of everyone as an act of defiance cannot be allowed to stand. The president and the SOTU should be given at least the same degree of respect and deference as day-to-day Congressional proceedings. The world was watching, and she brought disgrace to our country on the international stage.
Mika is spinning and making excuses for Pelosi. It’s a fairly clever coverup, too, because if you reverse the situation and say they would be outraged if a Repub speaker did that to a Dem president, she would just say the Dem president would not have been lying.
She needs to name the “lies” in the speech.
All these accusers need to provide specific examples AND the media needs to require it!
“Lies so easy to uncover on the Google machine”
There’s your problem Scarborough.
Are you secretly admitting that Google is intentionally manipulating search results to construct a narrative that matches YOUR MCM agenda??
Dr. Epstein said they manipulated anywhere from 2.7 to 10Million votes in 2016. That number is expected to climb to 20+million this time. See his Q&A w/Ted Cruz. Remember Sundar crying, we can’t let this happen again.
I’m waiting for an itemized list of the lies she’s referring to.
Hint: They will claim that when POTUS talked about people coming off welfare, for example, it’s because his policies kicked them off welfare vs. the jobs the great economy created.
is anyone going to be listening to or following the House hearing with Wray today? will it be televised or is it in the basement again?
We need to be spreading this info… sharing with friends and family… and strangers.
These are very informative. There’s such a huge spiderweb of corruption, that the whole web can be a little difficult to follow at times. However, it looks like he’s going to be breaking it into manageable chunks of information for people to follow along, even if they are not already familiar with the people involved.
If you are already familiar, it’s apparent he’s taking pains to educate people about the whole situation.
Yes and I like that he set up a website… not tweeting it out (so that Jack can delete)
VSGPDJT taking MAGA to the next level. I saw this on Breitbart this morning, and it looks like Paul Joseph Watson had the first report on it.
Report: White House to Issue Executive Order Directing Federal Buildings to be Built in Classical Style
From the article:
The Architectural Record has obtained a preliminary draft of the order, entitled ‘Making Federal Buildings Beautiful Again’, under which “the White House would require rewriting the Guiding Principles for Federal Architecture, issued in 1962, to ensure that “the classical architectural style shall be the preferred and default style” for new and upgraded federal buildings.
The order would reverse favoring Brutalist and Deconstructivist styles advocated by the General Service Administration’s (GSA) Design Excellence Program and would instead favor the architectural styles of “democratic Athens” and “republican Rome.”
The executive order trashes brutalist buildings such as the U.S. Federal Building in San Francisco, the U.S. Courthouse in Austin, Texas, and the Wilkie D. Ferguson, Jr. U.S. Courthouse in Miami as having “little aesthetic appeal.”
The draft order asserts that Brutalist and Deconstructivist styles “fail to satisfy” the requirements of building designs to provide “dignity, enterprise, vigor and stability.”
In a development that almost certainly isn’t a coincidence, GSA’s Chief Architect and Director of the Design Excellence Program, David Insinga, resigned his post last week.
Meanwhile, in Europe, the European Union is taking the opposite approach, with the globalist body set to enforce regulations that make historic rebuilding illegal.
“When new parts/elements are necessary, a project shall use contemporary design adding new value and/or use while respecting the existing ones,” states a new EU directive.
I guess we lucked out when the Eagleton Courthouse was built. Although…Gyo Obata is the architect who designed it, so…..
Had to go look and see what one of these Brutalist and Deconstructivist style buildings looked like. This is the U.S. Court House in Austin, Tx. Yes. Very Ugly. Looks like some kid picked some shoe boxes and other sundry items out of the trash and assembled them. Won’t be needing to do another.
This is the one mentioned that’s in Miami.
Buildings like this do not age well, IMHO
the buildings seem to be screaming at passersby…
A wonderful Executive Order. I am very pleased.
Yup, was done intentionally to despirit us and erode our national pride and civic identity. Big, ugly, inhumane fascist buildings that tower over us, remind us of our powerlessness against the State, devoid of anything transcendent to inspire the imagination or uplift the human soul.
This is excellent. Pres. Trump is attending to every detail. PJWatson has a video about ugly architecture:
Were I a member of the clueless public, fed a daily stream of lies by the MSM, I would only have to remember 3 things to sort out who were truly the liars and could not be trusted.
1. Bill Clinton wagging his finger at the public and stating that he did not have sex with that woman.
2. Hillary and Obama lying to not only the American people but the rest of the world including the UN about Benghazi being caused by a video…and then jailing the author of it.
3. The house managers stating that there is not a scintilla of evidence of any wrongdoing by the Bidens.
Not only that, but it should be evident to anyone capable of higher thought that Democrats, seemingly willing to become members of the borg and exist as pod people when they affiliate with their party, cannot be trusted to represent all Americans when they hold office nor to look out for and vote for anything beyond self interest when they are entrusted with power.
Ahhh . . . “capable of higher thought” . . . aye, there’s the rub!
World’s Largest Orthodox Church Planned where Russia’s Last Emperor was Murdered
40,000 Christians should fit inside this cathedral. They plan to build it in the area near where the family of Tsar Nicholas II was killed, and it may become one of the biggest pilgrimage destinations in all of Russia.
I’m glad.
Interpreted differently, the headline sounds like the Church picked out the location that Nikolas and his family were to be murdered

Chan/8kun post from EIB insider reads:
Trumo didn’t just award Rush a Presidential Medal of Freedom tonight. He deputized him. Rush’s last days will be spent torpedoing the entire globalist world order with information straight from the top. Each and every show from here on out is absolutely must listen. Rush is the perfect and willing vessel to conduct this final mission for truth for God and for country.
Love it. Rush is a national treasure.
Along with other information on the SOTU thread…it looks like Rush is going to put on a brave front and fight to the end.
A MOST intriguing idea.
Perhaps we should implement a “Rush Watch” in the same manner and style as our Q watch.
If I were Rush, this is EXACTLY how I would want to go out…
…leading a victorious charge against God’s and our Republic’s enemies.
“When Satan reminds you of your past, Remind him of his Future!! Make it worth the price you pay…..Fight the Good Fight.“
Completely Tearing Up — Over the Best Week in the Entire Trump Presidency
Even Nancy the Ripper couldn’t spoil it.
Actually, “Nancy the Ripper” is part of the reason this is the best week . . . as is the Iowa Infamy.
This is Fantastic! Meme wars! (ok – really don’t know ’cause I am “middle aged”/edge of old….is this a meme video or just a video, a political video…what is this called? Not a boomer, just an old/barely Gen X)
this is Powerful – LANDSLIDE 2020….as long as we ALL cont. with your MAGA responsibilities
Feb 05, 2020 12:12:36 PM EST
Q !!Hs1Jq13jV6 ID: 7a878b No. 8035738
Feb 05, 2020 11:54:15 AM EST
Anonymous ID: d0e13d No. 8035547
Screenshot_2020-02-05 Ian Miles Cheong on Twitter And there it is The single largest donor of Shadow Inc , the company behi[…].png
In case anybody missed it, it will surprise no one to learn that Soros is the #1 funding source behind Shadow:
1m ago
8kun qresearch
png file here:
I’m still shocked over the ALPA involvement.

ALPA = Air Line Pilots Association
I imagine you’re looking for a wall to put your fist through.
(Don’t try it if it’s cinderblock or brick.)
Your fast!:-)
qanon.pub is slow today
I found and use this one:
Alerts to my android phone too.
so are you
win some…… win some Moar!
Time for lunch
You take ’em from here….. K?
That surfaced last night. I’m glad Q highlighted it.
Feb 05, 2020 12:16:00 PM EST
Q !!Hs1Jq13jV6 ID: 7a878b No. 8035785
Feb 05, 2020 11:46:57 AM EST
Anonymous ID: 7e8e1b No. 8035466
Remember That the Democrats Sat While You Were Celebrated Last Night
I end a lot of articles about how the Democrats really feel about you by telling you to vote accordingly, but Trump’s State of the Union speech highlighted the Democrat’s utter contempt for President Donald Trump, you, and this country last night as they sat through almost every applause line that celebrated you doing well.
As the GOP highlighted in a video they posted to Twitter, the Democrats heard about the all-time low unemployment levels of the black community, the Hispanic community, the young adult community, and more. This should be a reason to celebrate. We should see our elected leaders getting to their feet and showing support, but instead only half the room decided to stand.
The other half, the Democrats, sat still, arms folded, and practically seethed at times.
Reminder for Democrats: It’s ok to applaud good news. pic.twitter.com/wH0DKNqx3D
— GOP (@GOP) February 5, 2020
Patriotism _ Showing Love of Country or Contempt for which It Stands?.jpg
1m ago
8kun qresearch
Pics in the post:

Wearing white is so tired. (And again, it’s the women doing this.) They look like what they are — a herd mentality. How about a little “diversity”?
They wore white last year… supposedly to represent Women’s Suffrage Movement…
BUT if one does a little research, one finds that MOST women who worked for, marched for right to vote wore BLACK… (look up images)
So, once again, DIM women are showing their ignorance.
btw – POTUS wore black this year, and last year……………………..
oops…………….. typo…………..meant FLOTUS of course
I bet FLOTUS knows her history way better than they do. They reminded me of the ads for that movie where all the women are subservient and wear read capes. They are the personification of it or the KKK. On our side, the women wear beautiful, stylish clothes with heels and look amazing and are individuals with accomplishments!!
Amen Foxy…
more photos here https://www.breitbart.com/entertainment/2020/02/04/melania-trump-2020-sotu/
It’s progressive virtue signaling, as well as a indirect reference to “The Handmaid’s Tale” (which is popular progressive soft porn).
surprised it’s not called The Appendage Person’s Tale.
Can’t stand The Handmaid’s Tale. Yuck.
I skipped that one and Fifty Shades of Gray.
I hope DeClass drops about 5:30 today
How about another?
Feb 05, 2020 12:23:38 PM EST
Q !!Hs1Jq13jV6 ID: df6b0a No. 8035891
People actually believe those responsible for the attempted coup [coup attempt] of a duly elected sitting US President will go unpunished?
End to our Constitutional Republic?
No equal justice under the law?
No accountability?
Escape unscathed?
Buckle up!
just now
8kun qresearch
Pic in the drop:
(not seeming to post without some work)
After the verdict is read and recorded, please please lets get on with it.
Today would be good?
At least a good start!
Bruno has a THREAD – unfortunately the reader doesn’t contain all of the tweets
6/ BOOM #3, continued
During SOTU, POTUS dropped the BOMB, openly hinting that the Dems murdered , 187d, Justice Antonin Scalia .
“beautiful beautiful Alamo” is in San Antonio.
San Antonio = Saint Anthony
Anthony Scalia.
Bruno’s really reaching here, and I’m sure he is wrong. Scalia was not murdered – he had SLEEP APNEA. Ask any pulmonary specialist what is the most common way to die due to sleep apnea. The answer is heart attack during sleep because the heart keeps trying to get oxygen to the body but the oxygen isn’t there. It beats faster and faster until — heart attack.
No way DJT would hint at that since even if there was some evidence, it would not be enough to prove a crime.
Scalia did not use his breathing device the night he died. He had it but didn’t use it. To me that means he deliberately created the condition that he knew would kill him. His medical problems were numerous and likely getting worse. At a certain point, the struggle to survive simply was not worth it.
I’m betting he got a cancer diagnosis and decided this was how he wanted to go out – painlessly.
I have apnea and all of this are things I’ve been told by my doctor probably to make sure I use my machine every night.
Bruno is a ‘she’ –
She needs to remember the Alamo was a Beautiful Beautiful Church/Mission.
I was not aware of that!
It’s not the same person as SB2 – or is it? SB2 kinda disappeared, and Bruno then appeared.
I don’t know Wolfie… when I first started reading, I thought Bruno was a male, but Bruno slipped up one day and mentioned “husband”
Makes sense.
So how do you figure husband means married to wife? Somebody better tell Mayor Pete.
Qanons are generally conservative at least NOT inclined to be gay. I bet my computer you would ask that question though
Yeah. No.
Scalia was murdered. His assassin made it look like he had not used his CPAP to create this EXACT explanation for his sudden and unexpected death.
Scalia was murdered so that Obama could swing the SCOTUS before he left office.
An autopsy was not performed on Scalia’s body and was cremated in less than 48 hrs.
And Epstein didn’t kill himself, either.
The science of getting away with stuff is generally not taught to normies, so even normal criminals pretty much don’t get away with stuff. But when criminals are actually in charge of intelligence and law enforcement, they can get away with an extraordinary amount of stuff.
When the fox rules the henhouse…
An autopsy was not performed on Scalia’s body and was cremated in less than 48 hrs.
AND, IIRC, it was a weekend. Scalia was at a cabin of sorts, not home.
Have NEVER believed he passed of natural causes.
Scalia’s death was fishy as all get out. All the way around. It’s been all but confirmed by Q and others he was assassinated.
As soon as they cremated his body without autopsy it was a certainty that the “fix” was in and that he had been murdered.
Given the totality of circumstances, President Obama would have demanded an autopsy in order to prove the death was “natural” had it been so. That fact that he did not is a GLARING fact.
He wasn’t cremated. He was embalmed. Same results from a pathology standpoint.
I remember that casket being carried up and down the steps at the Basilica of the National Shrine of the Immaculate Conception, which is one hell of a climb.
The Alamo coming up in the State of the Union as well as the X-Mas presentations is a warning to the San Antonio City Government telling them We the People are watching.
They already removed the 40ft. Confederate Soldier Statue from the Travis Park and have kept it hidden in a ware house from the public. After many months of battling a few persons were taken to the location with blind fold and allowed to see the statue. Sure enough the statue suffered damage in being removed.
Now the San Antonio City Government is all but ready to move the Cenotaph (Erected in memory of the heroes who sacrificed their lives at the Alamo, March 6, 1836, in the defense of Texas. They chose never to surrender nor retreat; these brave hearts, with flag still proudly waving, perished in the flames of immortality that their high sacrifice might lead to the founding of this Texas.) from its current location to repostition it knowing well and having been warned that attempts to move it will damage it, which is decidedly their purpose.
Note the Centotaph is also a marker for one of the three spots of the bodies burned after the Battle of the Alamo and this entire sorry attempt is an effort to make America forget the Alamo, not to Remember the Alamo.
I’m not saying he was murdered, but your hypothesis of self assisted indirect suicide is really more absurd than the murder theory…..just sayin
That’s your opinion. I’m guessing you haven’t been around many people who are seriously ill with multiple diseases/conditions; otherwise you would not call what I said absurd.
Anyway, all apnea patients are told what I recited. Those with a gold-plated insurance plan (like Scalia) also received such warnings. He did not use his machine; his door was locked from the inside; and his facial expression was peaceful (meaning it was not obvious he was dead).
Everybody can have an opinion. Mine is reasonable. Murder is not.
Yeah, they’re sending signals – toying with the enemy. I’m getting this, now. They’re unnerving the caballies. I’m thinking that we have something on Scalia – something that will hold up in court.
Bruno is precisely the danger of “schizo thinking” for these cabal people. He sees these patterns in the noise, and sometimes he dredges up nothing, but sometimes he dredges up an undersea cable.
Comey is deep in this stuff, but HILLARY – cold, cold Hillary, is close to the origin.
I’ve been working the Dylann Roof murders harder now. I’ve always known there was something fishy – that Roof was an MK – but now it’s coming clear what went on – the ORCHESTRATION.
Roof’s assassination of Clementa Pinckney and Scalia’s murder are tied together – all orbiting around HILLARY.
might want to also look into what else was available at the “resort” where Scalia died …
Oh, I’ve heard. That place is weird, weird, weird.
And you know what is bizarre? The open-air sleeping arrangements there [which sounded weird as hell to me, but very favorable for the “theories” on what you’re talking about] are VERY much like the ones on Epstein Island.
Yes !
ewww! Ugh – not Scalia?!
I don’t think he created a condition for death, i.e. suicide or even tempting an early death.
I do think it was murder.
I don’t know anything about the ranch and don’t want to go down that rabbit hole. Hate to think of Scalia in that mess…I remember Loving the book Closing of the American Mind…then learning more about the author. book’s insights still good but so tainted for me due to association had to toss it ’cause I thought “yuck” every time I looked at it. I don’t have purity tests or think one has to be perfect to be a leader, author or even to be a Great American. But some stuff is just personally yuck and beyond the pale
The choice is yours as Q says… wake up or stay asleep.
That “ranch” is also right close to the border. An assassin could fade into Mexico pretty easily.
Why in HADES would the death of a Supreme Court Justice NOT REQUIRE AN AUTOPSY? Normally if you die outside of a hospital that is what happens PERIOD. Yet not only NO AUTOPSY BUT CREMATION!

Stinky as heck and I thought so at the time. ESPECIALLY GIVEN:
If you Flip Scalia’s seat to Communist you can kiss the Constitution good bye esp. with Roberts so compromised.
Justice Clarence Thomas @ age 72 or Justice Samuel Alito @ age 70 or both, would also probably have an ‘accident’ under a Hillary Clinton Presidency. With those three dead there would be NO real Conservatives left on the Supreme Court.
There are just TOO many ‘convenient deaths’ that aid Hilary and the Commies.
Scalia was not cremated. He was embalmed. That detail gets screwed up all the time.
If he was cremated, there was a man sized casket carried up the steps at the Basilica of the National Shrine of the Immaculate Conception for no reason.
My bad. You are correct! I forgot that detail.
DRAT Computers!!!
The last picture was:
Put it in another tab (Right click mouse) and take a good look at what has happenned to the Supreme Court over time…. SHUDDER!
The idea of cremation comes from two sources:
And stories that Scalia requested cremation in his will.
the alamo/scalia “connection”….this is where some of this loses me. Seems like a stretch.
But he did emphasize it. IDK…
Justice Department
Justice Department Secures Denaturalization of Convicted Terrorist Who Sought to Help al Qaeda Destroy the Brooklyn Bridge
Justice Department Secures Denaturalization of Convicted Terrorist
On Feb. 3, Judge Staci M. Yandle of the U.S. District Court for the Southern District of Illinois entered an order revoking the naturalized U.S. citizenship of convicted terrorist, Iyman Faris.
Next to be “denaturalized”….Omar!
I second that emotion!
Zoe – text in tweet

CBP Arizona
7th and final individual charged with Border Patrol Agent Brian Terry’s murder was extradited to the U.S. to face charges. @TheJusticeDept
followed by an image of DoJ Press Release regarding extradition
I dislike the use of months in stating a prison sentence vs. years. Yeah, I can do the math but still…
For DPat
All that lace….
Not to mention that (painfully) small waist!
I am also going to post this here because it addresses general health as well as the China Virus:
Another interesting bit of information from Patriot Nurse: *
At ~ 2 minute mark she mentions underlying conditions: Type I & II diabetes, High blood pressure and cardiovascular problems. She says those are chronic inflammation and therefore are more at risk from the Chorona virus. (Asthma is also chronic inflammation.)
Science News: Why Cannabis Stems Inflammation
And also this:
Anti-inflammatory Properties of Vitamin B12
Apart from the important role that vitamin B12 plays in the functioning of the brain and nervous system and in red blood cell production, vitamin B12 also has an important role in the control of inflammation. Vitamin B12 deficiency has been implicated in several inflammatory diseases such as dementia, Alzheimer’s Disease, neuritis, multiple sclerosis and Parkinson’s disease. In addition it has also been found that administration of high doses of vitamin B12 may be beneficial in the treatment of chronic inflammatory conditions such as atopic dermatitis, eczema, psoriasis, osteoarthritis, diabetic neuropathy, fibromyalgia and Chronic Fatigue Syndrome. There is also evidence that vitamin B12 has potential use in the treatment of chronic pain…..
Also do not forget: Vitamin C Protects Against Coronavirus
It’s appears the CBS poll of SOTU floating around is from 2019 not 2020. Needlessly to say, I deleted my tweet that was using it.
POTUS has been saying since DAY ONE, and once in a while I remind…
It’s appears the CBS poll of SOTU floating around is from 2019 not 2020. Needlessly to say, I deleted my tweet that was using it.
1960 Kennedy v Nixon first televised debate
About 88% of Americans had at least one TV in their home.
Before 1960 Americans managed to get enough information on political candidates and events without TV, and certainly without cable. Go figure.
Voter turnout in 1952 was about 62% while
in 2016, 2012, was slightly less http://www.electproject.org/national-1789-present
Newspapers gave enough info.. before 1960, and today we don’t need the ‘filters’ of newspapers… we can read about and draw conclusions without ‘filters’
But so many who claim to be redpilled worship at the altar of the slimey media…
Why? Well, it requires a little time reading… I mean one can just push a button on the remote and learn everything one needs to know, right?
“… A Republic, if you can keep it.”
ck out the online definition of ‘socialism’ that all the young people are parroting…
Whose fault is it really if we lose our Republic?
We aren’t going to lose our Republic.
I reject the fear-mongerin, esp. in light of the Trump administration and the collective sum and totality of all that is unfolding before our eyes.
And please, let’s not start with the “such thinking could lead to complacency” canard, which is another form of fear mongering. Moreover, there is not one scintilla of evidence GOP voters are anything BUT straining at the leash to get to the polls.
“Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be terrified; do not be discouraged, for the LORD your God will be with you wherever you go.”
Joshua 1:9
“We aren’t going to lose …” FG&C
I’m trying to wake up people FG&C… 2024 is an unknown. And you ALWAYS want to attack me. FEARmongering? Give me a break. I’m trying to get people to pull the plug.
Have a good day.
I “ALWAYS want to attack you”?? So stating a disagreement or contrary opinion is “attacking you”???
If you REALLY want to “wake people up”, PR, try starting by not thinking and acting like a progressive.
PR, With ya.
Moreover, there is not one scintilla of evidence GOP voters are anything BUT straining at the leash to get to the polls.
^^^ Guessing you are referring to 2020. Hope you are correct.
2018 in NV GOP at large did NOT vote. We got another socialist Senator and State governor and both legislative bodies went D-rat.
“We aren’t going to lose our Republic.”
Not right now, no.
However, if conditions ever return to complacency, and people DON’T vote in non-presidential election years, then this nation will be left open from the inside.
Show me an undecided voter in today’s political climate and I will show you a political tranny…
…a transitioning democrat.
…or a practicing moron
…meaning you really would have to practice to be so uninformed to not have an opinion at this point
Dinner in the Crock Pot. Where is this storm?
It’s coming.
Rain has started.
That means temps are dropping. The map shows what’s coming.
I made jalapeño venison chili on Mon. for tonight’s dinner. It takes ENORMOUS self-discipline on my part to stay out of it until tonight!
Yeah, I’m worried about ice. Snow is no biggie, but the last big ice storm we had took down the big power lines over the outerbelt. The power company had to close the highway to put them back up.
Agree. Ice storms are NEVER a joke. It’s good that it’s raining where you are now…hopefully all the moisture will get squeezed out of the atmosphere before the freezing air arrives.
This one, they tell us, is going to look different depending on where you are in the metro. We’ll see. I’ve lived here too long to get excited before it’s all over.
Your comment here reminds me of my amusement over the certainty of the climate crowd and their 10+ year predictions at a time when weathermen are still wrong about tomorrow’s forecast on a regular basis.
I think the Almighty has a lot of fun with this very thing.
Meanwhile, Vice President Mike Pence told Fox & Friends “I wasn’t sure if she was ripping up the speech or ripping up the Constitution,” adding “The contrast here was a president who spent an hour-and-a-half making the speech about America and Nancy Pelosi in the final moments tried to make it about her.”
Oh good grief.
MUST we act like progressive morons??
This is as childish a response as the action that precipitated it.
No it is NOT childish. It is APPLYING the Rule of Law evenhandedly
But not to worry, Nasty is a DemonRat in Congress and therefore has immunity just like Adam Shitt had immunity when he read outright LIES into the Congressional Record and said they were President Trump’s words.
Someone needs to follow through on this.
OK, here it is –
18 U.S. Code § 2071.Concealment, removal, or mutilation generally
(a)Whoever willfully and unlawfully conceals, removes, mutilates, obliterates, or destroys, or attempts to do so, or, with intent to do so takes and carries away any record, proceeding, map, book, paper, document, or other thing, filed or deposited with any clerk or officer of any court of the United States, or in any public office, or with any judicial or public officer of the United States, shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than three years, or both.
Note: “filed or deposited with any clerk or officer of any court of the United States, or in any public office, or with any judicial or public officer of the United States”.
Was Nanzi’s copy so filed or deposited? I doubt it.
Sentence her to spend three years on the sidewalks of San Francisco.
Scooping Poop…
NEW Q DROPS – # 3839 TO # 3832
Q !!Hs1Jq13jV6 ID: 7a878b No.8035785

Feb 5 2020 12:16:00 (EST) NEW
Anonymous ID: 7e8e1b No.8035466
Feb 5 2020 11:46:57 (EST) NEW
Remember That the Democrats Sat While You Were Celebrated Last Night
I end a lot of articles about how the Democrats really feel about you by telling you to vote accordingly, but Trump’s State of the Union speech highlighted the Democrat’s utter contempt for President Donald Trump, you, and this country last night as they sat through almost every applause line that celebrated you doing well.
As the GOP highlighted in a video they posted to Twitter, the Democrats heard about the all-time low unemployment levels of the black community, the Hispanic community, the young adult community, and more. This should be a reason to celebrate. We should see our elected leaders getting to their feet and showing support, but instead only half the room decided to stand.
The other half, the Democrats, sat still, arms folded, and practically seethed at times.
Reminder for Democrats: It’s ok to applaud good news. pic.twitter.com/wH0DKNqx3D
— GOP (@GOP) February 5, 2020
Patriotism _ Showing Love of Country or Contempt for which It Stands?.JPG
# 3831 ( # 3830 Above)

Q !!Hs1Jq13jV6 ID: df6b0a No.8035891
Feb 5 2020 12:23:38 (EST) NEW
People actually believe those responsible for the attempted coup [coup attempt] of a duly elected sitting US President will go unpunished?
End to our Constitutional Republic?
No equal justice under the law?
No accountability?
Escape unscathed?
Buckle up!
# 3832

Q !!Hs1Jq13jV6 ID: df6b0a No.8036471
Feb 5 2020 13:03:21 (EST) NEW
Given that Willard announced he’s voting to convict….
Mike Lee, at one time such a promising person, has instead become a great disappointment.
We can only hope he is being coerced and blackmailed somehow…the alternative is depressing indeed.
We can only hope he is being coerced and blackmailed somehow…
^^^ Really? This is our only hope?
Willard D’elcto…… Phony, False and full of SHIT!
“religious” my ass!
Magic Underwear wearing futhermucker!
Newest Drop!
Feb 05, 2020 1:03:21 PM EST
Q !!Hs1Jq13jV6 ID: df6b0a No. 8036471
1h, 11m ago
8kun qresearch
Infuriating photo there.
Willard D’elcto followers?
Antifa rejects burning OUR flag?
If you are caught burning a US flag you should have your citizenship stripped and given a one way ticket to the country of your choice (if they will accept you.)
Hate the USA?, fine you do not need to be here.
So, Mittens is the only GOP Senator that announced a vote for conviction of PTrump. Given that the conviction vote will easily lose, what is the motivation?
Could it be when Romney’s son gets swept up in the Ukraine corruption members-of-boards case, that now Mittinns can claim it was PTrump’s revenge?
Any other ideas here?
Romney is RINO. He is and always has been 100% Uniparty stooge and does as he is ordered to do.
Any other ideas here?
and…… as you said:
I think you’ve come uip with a plausible motivation. Mittens is not doing himself any political favors, so there has to be a reason for this vote. (And I don’t think it would be just hatred or jealousy.)
Me thinks you nailed it Carl.
Desperation Time: Chris Matthews Ponders a Brokered Dem Convention, Suggests Alternative Candidate
The Democrats should dispense with the charade of a primary and a convention. Let the impeachment managers appoint the Dem presidential candidate. Spend the remaining time and money before the November election in collecting proxy votes from your constituents. u
To finish my comment: Use the Shadow app to count the votes and you won’t have to concede defeat until sometime in 2025. Thus Trump, technically, never wins a second term.
boy the sentiment that Pelosi should be charged with destruction of a government document is trending all over right now…LOL…up to 3 years in jail—but cannot hold office again is the part I like…
it would be fitting for Dems who have spouted NO ONE IS ABOVE THE LAW…LOL
There are far greater and more grave things which she can be charged with. I dislike the petty and small thinking here…
…it reeks of anger when her action should is far better met, instead, with mocking, ridicule, and laughter.
Mocking like:…….
Hey Pu Loser……
I thought YOU said: “NO ONE IS ABOVE THE LAW”
I doubt a conviction on destruction of records is going to make too much of an impact. Agreed.
petty and small? destroying a government document gets you 3 years in jail…doesn’t sound small to me. is it a life sentence? no.
but we as a country are tired of the 2 tiered justice system.
i say take em down anyway we can…that would go a long way towards boosting the morale of people waiting for something to happen.
but patience has never been my strong suit.
I could be wrong, but I feel certain the statute doesn’t apply to a COPY of a gov’t document….particularly one that is supplied only as a traditional courtesy rather than an “official” (ie. original) document.
if you’re right that makes sense, but from what i see being discussed, POTUS hands one signed document to the VP and one signed document to the Speaker…making them official government documents.
if they are copies, the subject is moot.
FG&C – I tend to disagree with you based on the broken windows theory. We now live in a mostly lawless society and it generally starts with the first broken window that goes unchecked..
I wonder what USC Para they are looking at? For example:
18 U.S. Code § 1519.Destruction, alteration, or falsification of records in Federal investigations and bankruptcy
Whoever knowingly alters, destroys, mutilates, conceals, covers up, falsifies, or makes a false entry in any record, document, or tangible object with the intent to impede, obstruct, or influence the investigation or proper administration of any matter within the jurisdiction of any department or agency of the United States or any case filed under title 11, or in relation to or contemplation of any such matter or case, shall be fined under this title, imprisoned not more than 20 years, or both.
Note: “with the intent to impede, obstruct, or influence the investigation or proper administration of any matter”
You’ve got to know the specific code violation and read it fully. Here, if there’s no intent . . . there’s no crime.
not sure, but it didn’t say 20 years…it only said up to 3 years…will look to see if i can find the article…
I found it . . . see above. There’s a filing or deposition requirement.
this was from Cornell Law School…
18 U.S. Code § 2071. Concealment, removal, or mutilation generally
U.S. Code
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(a) Whoever willfully and unlawfully conceals, removes, mutilates, obliterates, or destroys, or attempts to do so, or, with intent to do so takes and carries away any record, proceeding, map, book, paper, document, or other thing, filed or deposited with any clerk or officer of any court of the United States, or in any public office, or with any judicial or public officer of the United States, shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than three years, or both.
(b) Whoever, having the custody of any such record, proceeding, map, book, document, paper, or other thing, willfully and unlawfully conceals, removes, mutilates, obliterates, falsifies, or destroys the same, shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than three years, or both; and shall forfeit his office and be disqualified from holding any office under the United States. As used in this subsection, the term “office” does not include the office held by any person as a retired officer of the Armed Forces of the United States.
(June 25, 1948, ch. 645, 62 Stat. 795; Pub. L. 101–510, div. A, title V, § 552(a), Nov. 5, 1990, 104 Stat. 1566; Pub. L. 103–322, title XXXIII, § 330016(1)(I), Sept. 13, 1994, 108 Stat. 2147.)
“filed or deposited with any clerk or officer of any court of the United States, or in any public office, or with any judicial or public officer of the United States”
I doubt Nanzi’s copy was so filed or deposited.
The ACT of handing it to Pelosi, AS the Speaker of the house, and VP Pence as head of the Senate, would be filing it I imagine since it would then go into the Congressional & Senate records.
WIKI: The State of the Union Address…fulfills the requirement in Article II, Section 3, Clause 1 of the U.S. Constitution for the President to periodically “give to the Congress Information of the State of the Union, and recommend to their Consideration such measures as he shall judge necessary and expedient.”…During most of the country’s first century, the President primarily only submitted a written report to Congress.….
So this is the OFFICIAL requirement of the U.S. Constitution under Article II, Section 3, Clause 1. The actual speech is just for the public at large.
Have read this post and numerous below.
Dunno if the document was official. But will submit IF it was signed and serialized, it is official.
Also, having worked for the Feds, military and GS, it was annually hammered on us to never destroy federal records.
As much as I hope Piglosi is at some point arrested, charged and ultimately jailed…for the remainder of her miserable life. Yea, I am very vindictive towards people acting against America. No apologies. I seriously doubt Piglosi broke the law here. The official records ARE intact. Piglosi’ version of the SOTU is in fact memorialized in official records.
In tearing up the document handed to her, Piglosi an 80+ year hag, acted out a tantrum like a three year old.
Piglosi is NOT playing with a full deck. Rewatch the SOTU. Her behavior was ODD, from beginning to end.
Feb 05, 2020 2:27:15 PM EST
Q !!Hs1Jq13jV6 ID: d49f62 No. 8037506
2m ago
8kun qresearch
Seems to be a duplicate:
Feb 05, 2020 2:27:15 PM EST
Q !!Hs1Jq13jV6 ID: d49f62 No. 8037506
2m ago
8kun qresearch
Just stepped outside and saw two bald eagles sitting high up on the oak trees in the back yard. Didn’t see them at first, but started looking around when I heard the squirrels and crows being vocal.
About 120 feet away. Inspiring.
Glorious! I’m very jealous.
Just prior to the SOTU last night I heard the Great Horned owl that lives nearby hooting not too far away in my neighborhood here in N. Austin. The night was mostly still and he/she could be heard clearly. An amazing sound. I rushed back inside, got my iPad and Bluetooth speaker, and repeatedly played this clip ( @:21) with the volume turned up, attempting to lure it into a nearby tree. I was unsuccessful with the lure (on this occasion) but the owl definitely began responding to it. Much fun!
This (the) owl in my neighborhood is ENORMOUS in size and can be momentarily alarming when first seen.
We have these around. There’s a lot of green space with the parks right in this part of the city/county continuum. I did see a pair of them swoop up to the top of the church I attend after dark one night. I assume a mating pair. Talk about a wingspan!
Owls are amazing birds of prey. Majestic too.
I in turn am jealous.
Definitely worth a try with a recording. Wintertime is the mating season for most owls, and are more likely to respond now to a call.
Maybe try using a mouse decoy tied to a long fishing line and dragged across the snow/ground?
I don’t recall ever seeing a Great Horned Owl. I checked out my bird ID guide. Where I live is well within their habitat range.
I found that they are on their nests in January and February incubating their eggs.
Had one in my side yard one night when I got home the headlights picked it up on the ground. Awesome sight for sure , they are large and very mystical in a way.
The bedroom is in the back of our house and very quiet. At this time of year I occasionally hear the owls… such a peaceful, night sound. We know there are many night critters all around our property but they are very quiet, which makes it special when you hear or get a glimpse of one.
We seldom have snow but when we do, we are amazed by the number and variety of animal tracks..even up to our front door. (And, we live in town!)
“Tore Loser”
Heh heh.
Oh, my.
…what a beastly idea
Funny…there was a start-up venture here in town that was a tattoo ink company. The founder was a dermatologist who invented a tattoo ink that lasted 9-12 months. It was based on the fluorescent substance in fireflies flashers.
Anyway, I was listening to her pitch one night, the founder, and got to thinking about a cousin who wanted to get her then boyfriend’s name tattooed to her ankle. Her mother said to her, “Are you sure about this, A? Because it limits your options.” A did not get the tat which is a good thing since she’s now married to someone else.
If you can go vote in the CSPAN poll.
There it is.
Candace Owens
Nobody noticed. Nobody cared.
Which is why you decided to announce it on twitter.
Nobody gives a damn about loser freshmen congresswomen.
America is back.
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Rashida Tlaib
· 16h
I walked out of that speech. The lies, the bigotry, and the shameless bragging about taking away food stamps that people depend on to live—it was all beneath the dignity of the office he occupies. Shame on this forever impeached president.
Candace Owens
Trump: boosted the economy, defeated ISIS, got millions off of food stamps and welfare, destroyed terrorists.
Nancy Pelosi: ripped up paper.
What is it with these leftist attention whores?
You called it correctly DP, “it’s all about them, doncha’ know” … I love how Candace just takes the hammer to the nail ! Woman’s got a gift!
Unfortunately, there are a lot of attention whores in my personal life. Only children and middle children of three are the most susceptible.
Just sayin’ even if the way things shake out on that is God’s way of doing things.
I ‘hear’ ya ……………
No, Mr. Wray, it was criminal. It was not merely “unacceptable”.
And the American people want to know what you intend to do about it to both 1) hold the criminals to accountability and justice, and 2) ensure that it never, ever, happens again…
….preferably in that order.
Wray’s organization just passes on info to the Department of Justice.
Have they done that is the question.
They are NEVER to admit that an investigation is ongoing.
I watched the clip of Nadler asking Wray that very question. Wray danced around the answer – which was a good thing.
Don’t think Nadler realized he didn’t get an answer that he wanted. Wray never (and shouldn’t have) proffered that there were any investigations – that’s what Nadler was seeking.
Going to be a big surprise… Someday.
well said
Not that I am a fan of Wray, but this isn’t on him. The DOJ carries the responsibility to prosecute crimes.
Paging Barr…
Those pronouncing “not guilty” were very vocal and clear in their pronouncement vs. those saying “guilty”.
The voice volume…as a sign of body language…was a remarkable contrast and the shame of those declaring “guilty” was readily apparent.
Revival – Orchestral Instrumental
5 Feb 2020 – 2:27:15 PM
Goes along with Q’s post?
I’ve been posting compositions from this same group, ‘Fearless Motivation’, for about a year.
It’s so cool that Q is a fan of their work, too!
Great. Have things to do. Later.
Don’t know ’bout you guys, but I want to SHOUT!
I don’t . . . not in happiness. But I do want to shout to whoever is appropriate in Congress, to take steps so that anonymous “whistleblowers”, hearsay testimony, and personal opinions, unfounded allegations and erroneous conclusions can never again be seriously considered as a valid basis for impeachment.
They could have been stopped at the door of the Senate chambers this time, but the ‘optics’ would possibly have led to bloodshed… and there is much more involved here than the impeachment of a president. There is the destruction of the centuries old Cabal…
OMG that little mouse doing that work out. LOL too cute.
You’re the first person who said anything about it. It cracked me up.
I was like ‘is that a mouse’? LOL Very cute.
Merry Aquitmas! Happy Indictments for the crooks!
note her sneaky hand on the gavel… we don’t have to look at her face though…
archive this for future use, as she whose must not be named but also not be seen
What a great picture, appropriately cutting out the image of the alcoholic hag.
Yes! Rudy’s a wonderful friend to POTUS.
To my fellow Qtreepers….
Whenever you hear a progressive shill say “forever impeached” re: PDJT, the proper, accurate, and factual reply is “forever acquitted”.
And when you hear the reply that the acquittal was politically rigged, the correct response is “no, it was the accusations that were politically rigged, and you know it, too.”
Please and thank you.
Presenting the New IslamoDems
lol..interesting. I went to Graham Ambrose twit acct..he has more pic and translated interview tweets from these ppl…sounds like they’re mostly for Biden…hmm guess he’ll get a needed bump from his new friends
This is just the START of SHARIA LAW being forced into the AMERICAN ELECTION PROCESS.
WATCH for the next steps:
** Separate voting areas for Muslim males and females for ALL elections (local, state, national), and for ALL CAUCUS and VOTING PLACES will be demanded — schools, fire houses, etc.
** CAIR will demand that Muslims caucus and vote ONLY within mosques.
In Sharia law, which room do the trans people go to? Asking for a friend
Someone asked in the comments “How many votes did Mayor Pete get?”
Indeed, we should see the break out of votes from that mosque.
Rising serpent
Today is good day to remind you that Mitt Romney’s national security advisor Joseph Cofer sat on Burisima’s board at the same time as Hunter Biden did.
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Rising serpent
· Sep 26, 2019
14. But wait, there’s more: Joseph Cofer Black national security advisor for Mitt Romney 2012 also sits on Burisima board.
These coffers are overflowing with corruption.
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Rising serpent
Replying to
Here ya go.
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Rising serpent
· 34m
Actual picture from archived Burisima webpage showing that Mitt Romney’s national security advisor Joseph Cofer Black sat on Burisima’s board at the same time as Hunter Biden did.
No Thread Reader for this one… will cut and paste some here
Rising serpent
Sep 26, 2019
1. Burisma’s American legal representatives met with Ukrainian officials days after Biden forced firing of the country’s chief prosecutor and offered “an apology for dissemination of false information by U.S. representatives and public figures”
Solomon: These once-secret memos cast doubt on Joe Biden’s Ukraine
Hundreds of pages of never-released memos and documents – many from inside the American team helping Burisma to stave off its legal troubles – conflict with Joe Biden’s narrative about the
2. So Americans met with Ukrainian government officials and apologized for American Vice President Joe Biden’s subterfuge and disinformation. This is absolutely stunning.
followed by an image of Soloman’s note
Rising serpent
Sep 26, 2019
3. The effort to secure that meeting began the same day the prosecutor’s firing was announced.
In addition, Burisma’s American team offered to introduce Ukrainian prosecutors to Obama administration officials to make amends.
They were in full blown damage control for Biden. [followed by another image of a note]
4. Ukrainian prosecutors say they have tried to get this information to the U.S. Department of Justice (DOJ) since the summer of 2018, fearing it might be evidence of possible violations of U.S. ethics laws.
5. First, they hired a former federal prosecutor to bring the information to the U.S. attorney in New York, who, they say, showed no interest.
Only then did the Ukrainians reach out to President Trump’s personal lawyer, Rudy Giuliani.
6. Of course Ukraine’s new president, Volodymyr Zelensky told Trump in the now famous July 2019 call that he planned to launch his own wide-ranging investigation into what happened with the Bidens and Burisma.
7. Hunter Biden’s American business partner in Burisma, Devon Archer, texted a colleague two days after this Dec 2015 NYT story about a strategy to counter the “new wave of scrutiny”
Joe Biden, His Son and the Case Against a Ukrainian Oligarch
As the vice president aims to curb corruption in Ukraine, Hunter Biden sits on the board of a Ukrainian company accused of having “illicit assets.”
8. Archer stated that he and Hunter Biden had just met at the State Department. The text suggested there was about to be a new “USAID project the embassy is announcing with us” and that it was “perfect for us to move forward now with momentum.”
9. At the time, Shokin’s office was investigating Burisma and Hunter Biden about $3 million in fees that Biden and his partner, Archer, collected from Burisma through their American firm.
10. In a newly sworn affidavit prepared for a European court, Shokin testified that when he was fired in March 2016, he was told the reason was that Biden was unhappy about the Burisma investigation.
[followed by an image of note]
11. “The truth is that I was forced out because I was leading a wide-ranging corruption probe into Burisma Holdings, a natural gas firm active in Ukraine and Joe Biden’s son, Hunter Biden, was a member of the Board of Directors,
12. “On several occasions President Poroshenko asked me to have a look at the case against Burisma and consider the possibility of winding down the investigative actions in respect of this company but I refused to close this investigation”
13. Burisma’s accounting records show it paid tens of thousands of dollars while Hunter Biden served on the board of an American lobbying and public relations firm, Blue Star Strategies, run by Sally Painter and Karen Tramontano, who both served in Bill Clinton’s administration.
14. But wait, there’s more: Joseph Cofer Black national security advisor for Mitt Romney 2012 also sits on Burisima board.These coffers are overflowing with corruption.
Former Mitt Romney Adviser Sits on Burisma Board of Directors
Joseph Cofer Black, a national security adviser for the 2012 Mitt Romney campaign, sits on the board of directors of Burisma Holdings.
15. No wonder then that Mitt Romney has been squawking loudly about President Trump’s phone call with the Ukrainian president.
There are no strange bedfellows in politics. Biden and Romney are on the same side. And that side is that of the ruling, self enriching oligarchy.
That was good, PR. Interesting in light of John Solomon’s computer being stolen from that parking lot near the White House–then I guess he got it back.
No, Rising S’s thread is from September, Solomon’s older reports… don’t think the laptop has been recovered (stolen w/in last couple of days). Frankly I can’t believe he left it in his auto – should have put it in the trunk if he wasn’t carrying briefcase with him. Just like a woman’s purse, one doesn’t leave it on the car seat… goes in the trunk if not with you. Pretty careless of him. Almost impossible to break-in to an auto these days without throwing a brick in the window. just rambling here !
PR…I think I read the lap top, along with press passes, ID, etc. were found in a dumpster or trash container several blocks away. Definitely not a typical robbery. Notice how quickly it was a non-event!
The whole thing smells…gosh, aren’t we getting cynical these days? I guess people like Wolf and Q, and others are teaching us…dark into light.
Thank you Teagan… I fear this is one of those times my grey cells aren’t cooperating… I remember nothing about it…
Are we sure Solomon didn’t leave the computer there as bait?
I read that it apparently was encrypted, password locked, etc. To answer your question, I have heard nothing about that, but then I have reached the point there’s tons I don’t know about
It was recovered, but don’t know details about its condition or what might have been taken from it, Etc.
The thief had to get into some sort of secured parking area, I think it sounded rather sophisticated, and I am suspicious cat. I remember first seeing a report of its having been an unusual crime, something like that, but with no details at all. That might have been about a week ago. I was so curious. Then several days ago it came out. It felt like they wanted to keep it on the qt.
Parking is metered on the street at that location. The main FDIC building 2 doors down has a garage, but it is for employees only. See my comment below.
It’s not a bad part of town at all either. It’s in N.W. 1776 F St., N.W. is part of the FDIC. The main building is on the corner of 17th St., N.W., 2 doors down and sits across 17th St. from the Old Executive Office Building…right on the west end of the White House complex. Very familiar with this part of town. Lots of security, uniformed Secret Service, and security cameras. Just sayin’. Worked in that area for years in my former life.
I think my problem is I’m not sure about Solomon… and that colors my thoughts about the ‘theft’
If it really was stolen, I would not think it was random. Had to be targeted..NOT an easy area to break into vehicles…very high profile area.
I agree.
16. But wait, there’s even more: Joseph Black served in the CIA from 1974 till 2011 when Romney appointed him special advisor.
Guess who succeeded Black after he went to work for Romney?
John Brennan.
There are no coincidences.
17. Turns out the so-called whistleblower whose complaint is riddled with more holes than Joe Biden’s memory is also a CIA agent.
Just a wild guess here, seems like some people in the CIA, who know other people who used to work in the CIA, don’t like Trump
Which is why there’s an error in the whistleblower complaint. Counselor to the State Department Ulrich Brechbuhl was NOT on the call with Zelensky.
Just like Michael Cohen was never in Prague unlike what the Steele dossier suggests.
It was a SIGINT barium meal to unmask a spy.
18. You can read more about John Solomon’s excellent reporting here.
Solomon: These once-secret memos cast doubt on Joe Biden’s Ukraine
Hundreds of pages of never-released memos and documents – many from inside the American team helping Burisma to stave off its legal troubles – conflict with Joe Biden’s narrative about the
19. Just days before Biden forced Shokin’s firing, Painter (from that lobbying firm Blue Star) met with the No. 2 official at the Ukrainian embassy in Washington and asked to meet officials in Kiev around the same time that Biden visited Ukraine.
20. Embassy employee Oksana Shulyar emailed Painter: “With regards to the meetings in Kiev, I suggest that you wait until the next week when there is an expected vote of the government’s reshuffle.”
The embassy later denied they meant reshuffle to indicate Shokins firing.
21. Joe Biden’s claim that the investigation into Burisima was halted in 2015 was contradicted by their own lawyer John D Buretta.
The case’s dismissal ultimately came under Yuriy Lutsenko, who replaced Shokin as Prosecutor General in May 2016.
Burisma Lawyer: Probe into Biden Company Continued Well into 2016
Joe Biden has a conflict of interest due to Burisma Holdings, a Ukrainian natural gas company where his son, Hunter, was a director.
22. Buretta has ties to the Obama administration. He served as Deputy Assistant Attorney General under Eric Holder before going into private practice in 2013.
In fact it was it was Hunter Biden who helped recruit Buretta to Burisma’s legal defense team.
23. No exposition on this topic without talking about the elephant in the room that seems to escape the media’s coverage of Trump’s phone call with the Ukrainian president. Crowdstrike. Founded by George Kurtz, Gregg Marston& Dmitri Alperovitch.
· Jul 16, 2018
8. This wasn’t the first time CrowdStrike had been called in by the DNC. In December 2015 the company conducted an audit of the breach of security involving the DNC’s party-administered voter file system — specialized software developed by the company NGP VAN
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24. In fact Crowdstrike and Eric Schmidt are inextricably intertwined with the Democrat party. Recall that crowdstrike and crowdstrike only examined the so-called hacked DNC server.
Rising serpent
· Apr 24, 2018
4. Executive makeup of Crowdstrike is very interesting, with substantial funding from a Google subsidiary, it’s headed by number of former long-serving figures from the FBI. Crowdstrike served the Dems during 2016 Presidential campaign, which Schmidt was deeply embedded within.
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25. The real question is: what is the connection between Crowdstrike and Ukraine? What we do know is that Crowdstrike was composed of ex-intelligence officials who got contracts to work for US intelligence agencies, including FBI.
Just as Burisima had ex-CIA sit on their board.
26. I’m guessing that Crowdstrike is the mucilaginous glue that binds together the myriad players in this Circle of Filth.
There are track marks to suggest the work of denizens of the intelligence world skilled at spycraft and disinformation.
27. More importantly, the real news is exactly what the media is exerting the full force of its gargantuan machinery to render a Leviathan invisible.
And that Leviathan is Crowdstrike.
28. I said this a very long time ago. It remains as spectacularly applicable today. Maybe even more so.
· Dec 4, 2017
18. In looking at deception, look for a circle formation. Depravity, criminality, treason, are all team sports and love company. It also makes it easier to unravel once you crack its shell.
I got blisters on my fingers from tweeting today, Peace!
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29. Here’s how I know I’m right. Anders Aslund of the Atlantic Council is railing against Trump. In fact he’s quoted on multiple news articles today. Both he and Crowdstrike founder Dimitri Alperovitch belong to the Atlantic Council, which awarded Hillary their leadership award.
If you click the tweet shown above it will take you to Rising Serp’s thread with some interesting comments
PR, these posts were all so very interesting. Thank you for making it all available, utterly fascinating. By the way, Crowdstrike has a huge contract with the state university system in Illinois.
Really… wonder how many other university systems they contract with ? Such a web !
Thanks for these! Lots of good info to digest.
you’re welcome… I don’t tweet, just follow, so don’t know how to create a thread reader…
I got my primary ballot here in socal. There are 7 Republicans for POTUS. NOT in alphabetical order. DJT is in the middle.
Mr gil got his as well. The only odd thing is we didnt get our voter guide, but I can look up info.
Zoe – text in tweets above

Senate Cloakroom
Leader McConnell has filed cloture on Executive Calendar #562 Andrew Lynn Brasher to be U.S. Circuit Judge for the Eleventh Circuit.
5:08 PM – Feb 5, 2020
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528 people are talking about this
Senate Cloakroom
Leader McConnell has filed cloture on Executive Calendar #563 Joshua M. Kindred to be U.S. District Judge for the District of Alaska
5:09 PM – Feb 5, 2020
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286 people are talking about this
Senate Cloakroom
Leader McConnell has filed cloture on Executive Calendar #565 Matthew Thomas Schelp to be U.S. District Judge for the Eastern District of Missouri
5:10 PM – Feb 5, 2020
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212 people are talking about this
Senate Cloakroom
Leader McConnell has filed cloture on Executive Calendar #461 John Fitzgerald Kness to be U.S. District Judge for the Northern District of Illinois
5:11 PM – Feb 5, 2020
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142 people are talking about this
Senate Cloakroom
Leader McConnell has filed cloture on Executive Calendar #535 Philip M. Halpern to be U.S. District Judge for the Southern District of New York
5:12 PM – Feb 5, 2020
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162 people are talking about this
Senate Cloakroom
Vote Scheduled: At 5:30 pm on Monday, February 10th, the Senate will proceed to a vote on the motion to invoke cloture on Executive Calendar #562 Andrew Lynn Brasher to be U.S. Circuit Judge for the Eleventh Circuit.
5:16 PM – Feb 5, 2020
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Thank you, PR.
you’re more than welcome Zoe
MOAR Judges.
“Rep. Paul Gosar (R-AZ) announced on Wednesday he will introduce a resolution to censure and condemn Speaker Nancy Pelosi for violating the Code of Official Conduct during the State of the Union Address last night”
That should be interesting. Will the DemonRats all vote the Resolution down saying they agree with her nasty actions?
Laura Ingraham
Trump more popular in Utah than Romney, as senator weighs impeachment
Trump more popular in Utah than Romney, as senator weighs impeachment
The politics of Republican Sen. Mitt Romney’s 11th hour mystery on how he will vote on President Trump’s impeachment has become sticky now that a new survey finds that the president is more popular…
Sean Davis
Romney’s vote today also shows how dishonest his vote for witnesses was last week. He clearly didn’t believe more evidence or testimony was necessary since he’s voting to convict today. He just wanted a long, drawn-out process to damage his nemesis.
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Sean Davis
· 2h
Mitt Romney ran for the Senate just so he could vote to overthrow Trump, so his vote is not surprising. What is surprising is how many pundits are trying to convince themselves that antipathy from the pro-abortion architect of Obamacare will do anything but help Trump.
Well let’s assume a sincere individual thought the president was guilty, but was sure he’d nevertheless be acquitted. He might plan to vote to convict, but also want witnesses in the hope of convincing others to change their votes to guilty.
Of course, I am NOT talking about Romney, as he wasn’t sincere. But if you didn’t know that from his past behavior, you couldn’t prove it from this.
Wanting witnesses is okay, but should have happened in the HOUSE… that’s the problem with any senator voting for them.
True all of that!
I was addressing a different thing: the statement in the tweet that Romney’s vote to convict necessarily made him dishonest in voting for witnesses.
We’re entering a mini-Ice Age.
Someone bring Greta a blankie. She might need it.
A blankie and a binkie.
I guess I need to crochet some more hats.
Okay I just got home from kayak fishing, time to catch up on the Q drops and the happenings of the day. Your an awesome group here!
Have any luck?
Will Chamberlain
· 2h
Amazing, when you think about it, that the two most disloyal Republican Senators in the last five years were former Republican nominees for President
Very telling!
Lisa Mei Crowley

Kid Rock
Kid rock tweeted out a photo of himself with POTUS on the golf course, side by side, Kid’s wearing a T-shirt that has a caricature of Pencilneck (Schiff) with the letters BULL – to the left
Sometimes I wish Dan wouldn’t dance around and candy coat what he’s trying to say.
The original spartacus has died.
The wrong one died.
Issur Danielovitch Demsky was his real name. He was the subject of more than one Crazy Days and Nights blind that was NOT complimentary. Rita Moreno couldn’t stand him.
There’s more here than meets the eye.
One son od’d. Michael was a big drug user which led to his son being an addict. Not people to celebrate, but noteworthy.
Random musing…
I still want to know why Fox fired Shep Smith. And make no mistake, he was terminated from his job for cause.
Yes. Terminated with a can not work clause and confidentiality agreement. Im with you there.
Did not know about this. You bet they had cause, otherwise they wouldn’t have dared.
BrunoBarking Retweeted
l E T 17
First Indictment will be Biblical
What are their names
followed by a photo of Eve and Adam Schiff
Romney deserves every bit of ridicule. It was such a weasel wuss move to vote halfway between the Democrats and Republicans.
Republicans Against Trump
His policies as gov of Mass … Big Gov
His run for POTUS against Obama … couldn’t have been weaker
His carpetbagging to Utah … couldn’t have been a more obvious swamp move if he tried and pathetic that Utah elected him
His rat move today? Mask 100% removed, 100% RINO and he will rue the day he woke the sleeping Giant…esp. after we are energized from last night! He chose poorly, very poorly.
Smartest thing to do if he were guilty? Be quiet, very, very quiet. Behave as the mouse v. the rat. The rat is clever…but only in comparison to the other rodents and low lifes. We have caught Every rat because they are Much more noticeable!
Larry Ledwick has a couple more OH SHIFFs!
R0 of four means one person infects 4 people and that gives you a log not a linear progression.
Then he says:
Finally he posted this graph that will help those who wondered how long the virus lasts on a surface.

And I will also add his public service announcement:
Also on the Chiefio blog’s dedicated Wuhan Coronavirus thread:
It appears that a entity called “Tencent”, considered to be a very reliable source, has revealed the ACTUAL figures of persons infected and of deaths from the virus.
The ACTUAL number of infected persons is OVER 150,000.
The ACTUAL number of deaths from the virus is OVER 24,000.
So — ANY “official” virus figures that are put out by the Communist Chinese government should be re-calculated according to the numbers above.
Here’s an article on it…
So Zero is endorsing little Mike? Just saw a little Mike ad promoting his relationship with zero plus this.
Guess Joe’s done lol!
Ø is not an asset to any campaign. Those he endorses lose – those he fights against win. Ø lost the Democrats over 1000 seats in state and federal offices during his shameful tenure.
Heard a ad from little Mike today with Obama extolling the virtues of Bloomberg – immediately thought that wasn’t going to help Bloomberg. People don’t want to be reminded of Obama.
I daresay there are some Democrats who think the same, but won’t admit it.
More Q drops
Thanks ((( PR ))) !

No Prob (((Nor’easter))) ! We’re a team!

new qdrop
On Gab: https://gab.com/freenemo/posts/103608946351060965
ℕ𝔼𝕆ℕ ℝ𝔼𝕍𝕆𝕃𝕋 reposted
Posted in Great Awakening
Steve Pieczenik just tweeted a link to this Daily Mail article on how Mitt Romney’s fortune was built by Ghislaine Maxwell’s father and “Guinness fraudster Jack Lyons.”
Pieczenik: “wunderIf #RomneyTheTraitor is hiding #ghislainemaxwell”
How Mitt Romney’s $250m fortune was built by two of England’s most disreputable business figures
Guinness fraudster Jack Lyons and crooked newspaper boss Robert Maxwell both invested large sums in the Republican candidate’s first private equity fund…
3 11 19
When Paul is good, he is Very Good!
Him replying to snark, smug, condescending Brennan
“You want to know what’s a mockery of public service, John? Killing 500 people outside of any judicial system. Drone strikes on American citizens. Approving British spies to present a dossier of lies paid for by Hillary. Lying to Congress. Your shame alone should shut you up.”
What does he know that we don’t???????
Don’t like Tillis – swap through and through. would rather get rid of him now than worry what he will do after re election and esp. post Trump/Jan of ’25. He is my absolute least favorite GOP senator (Romney doesn’t count as he is not GOP in my book!) and I Know Tillis IS swamp. He is behaving and turning MAGA only because he is up for reelection and is in a primary with many voters clearly remembering how he acted, what he said, etc. in ’15, ’16 & ’17.
however – video cool & appropriate as it was not in the Senate, on the floor, during normal proceedings. We do need dignity and not turn serious, official proceedings into a joke…no matter how cool
Good info
Sounds like a lot of this is going on today after Pelosi’s temper tantrum:
Hmmmm. A coyote and a “Badger” hanging together in a tunnel. Fascinating.
That’s really cool. The coyote waited for his little friend.
I thought that was interesting.
He seriously does not want to piss off his little friend.
Coyotes and badgers are known to hunt together. —-Wow did not know that.
Badgers are tenacious hunters…and fearless, to the point of willing to put themselves in danger in order to get their prey.
Coyotes are more opportunistic and often try to steal the prey of others after the hard work is done.
So this makes perfect sense, to see a Coyote acting as a sidekick to a Badger.
Two nights later, we still don’t have the full results of the Iowa Caucus.
Maybe not, but the Democrats demonstrated that running computer systems is not their strong suit.
And they want to carry the nuclear codes.
I believe their Iowa voting app worked exactly as intended.
Could be given that Soros, who bankrolled the effort, wants the US to give up elections.
The whole thing reeks of a controlled demolition of the Iowa Caucuses. Either they’ll move the “first election” in 2024 to a more DNC-controlled state, or they’ll switch the Caucus format to the Soros voting machines.
Brad Parscale – Text TRUMP to 88022 Retweeted
Ronna McDaniel
This is not the first time I have disagreed with Mitt, and I imagine it will not be the last.
The bottom line is President Trump did nothing wrong, and the Republican Party is more united than ever behind him.
I, along with the
, stand with President Trump.
Nah nah nah nah, nah nah nah, goodbye!
For Zoe…text of tweet from Sol memes:
Goodbye Traitors!
………….. End text.
Zoe, it’s a video showing when the House Managers were dismissed from the Senate…and walked in a line out of the senate chamber.
The music is that song that says, “Nah nah nah nah, goodbye!”
Zoe, text in tweet
Lisa Mei Crowley
Yeah, Baby!
Disclosure Backpack
· 3h
The swamp’s impeachment hoax has ended with President Trump being #AquittedForever. Remember: “When you attack him, he will punch back ten times harder.”
followed by embedded vid clip of Melania behind the podium, in front of an American flag, speaking about her husband, presidential candidate (I believe), with theme from “Rocky” playing in background
“As you may know by now when you attack him, he will punch back 10 times harder. No matter who you are, a man or a woman, he treats everyone equal. He’s a fighter.”
Anybody watching Tucker C and DHS Wolf discussing the possibility / probability of greatly under reported WuFlu
infected and deaths in China. We’re getting several sources saying this.
I like this, they’re jamming up ALL New Yorkers on travel because they gave illegals driver licenses’.
Oh Sh_t Now What… Trump Acquitted!!!
Qanons say “concrete” is code for FF
I would think that just because Qanons either know or use “concrete” as code for “FF”, it doesn’t necessarily mean that every time someone uses “concrete” it means “FF”/
Your use of logic is quite likely to be perceived as a weapon by somebody. Prepare to be slimed.
……or every time someone forgets to put on their c-pap mask they are trying to commit suicide
Whenever the DNC gets results they do not like…they keep counting the votes until they get what they want.
Yes, he played Sparticus, but this was my introduction to the guy known as Kirk Douglas.
I hadn’t seen this before…thanks, DePat!
That sounds like he was really singing that too and not another voice dubbed in.
20,000 Leagues Under the Sea? Really? We weren’t a Disney house growing up, but my mother would rent the videos of the classics.
And, yeah, he could actually sing. There were others, like Tommy Rall (PHENOMENAL dancer, but couldn’t sing to save his soul), where it was great sport to spot the different voices used for dubbing him.
Could be worse. William S. Hart was a “white hat” in old silent Westerns…..until talkies rolled in and his voice was revealed to be a wee bit higher and squeakier than his manly visage.
Poor widdle babies…they haz a sad…. Maybe somebody can get them to a safe space with crayons, play-do and stuffed animals
Chad Pergram
Multiple conversations w/Dem mbrs/aides reveal one thing: Democrats are depressed after today’s impeachment verdict votes in the Senate. “We all knew how this was going,” said one sr source. “Everyone’s depressed. Especially because of Iowa.”
Well, they just admitted it… they knew how the shampeachment would turn out, because it was a sham…
Same with IOWA… their party pulled ANOTHER fast one, and they’re depressed. So they blame Trump.
Makes no sense, but they continue over and over…………………………… like Lucy enticing Charlie to kick the football…
The stupid berns.
“Nancy Pelosi ‘pre-ripped’ pages of Trump’s SOTU speech, video shows”
She planned to do it. There is video of her starting the tears in the paper while Rush Limbaugh was being honored.
She actually thought that was a good thing to do.
WOW….If this is not a walking demon (for real), I’m not sure what you’d call it. Disturbing…can somebody call the Exorcist?
Needs a 5150 for his own good. Nice padded room to work things out for a few days…
Goldman Sachs is now officially RACIST.
They’re already dug-in Climate Hoaxers – refusing to back drilling in Alaska. But now?
GS cutting their own profit throat? I’m good with that.
This was just tweeted out by our favorite British Q-peep:
Zoe…it is a video of his castle with a giant Q flag flying from the top.
It’s a windy day there and you can hear the buffeting wind in the video.
Mappin wrote “Ac Q uitted” with a smiley…and used a capital Q in middle of the word, ‘Acquitted’.
BRUTAL!! And we’ll deserved
Donald Trump Jr.
Pelosi ripped up
‘s speech last night.
In that speech were stories of American Heroes & American Dreams.
Their stories are more powerful than her hate.
We shredded her Impeachment.
Now let’s all tear up the Democrat’s chances in 2020
For Zoe…the video is of clips from the SOTU where POTUS is speaking of accomplishments, recognizing guests. After each clip their is a subtitle of the preceding scene as it shows NANZI ripping the speech in half. VERY good video compilation
But HEY – Goldman Sachs will fund this crap!
You gotta see the close-ups!
Those wind turbines are a massive ripoff…and based on the biggest Hoax ever perpetrated on the world.
These “wind farms” are impressive to fly over. We have fun counting all the ones that aren’t working, which is about 50% on any given day.
And ya gotta love this…
Those prop-swinger turbines are an older design that GE invested heavily in.
So this design was pushed by GE and approved by politicians in their pocket.
These designs are maintenance queens that burn out their bearings quickly and require a maintenance team working constantly to keep them operational.
The Helix designs are better, IMO…and there are several.
These are referred as ‘Vertical’ wind turbines.
One big advantage of the vertical helix designs…is that they don’t kill our birds.
Birds see them as a ‘solid’ and don’t fly into them.
Another advantage is…they are omnidirectional and can take wind from any direction.
The helix designs can be mounted on rooftops, which is a good use of that space:
I am not opposed to Wind Power, to augment our other sources of energy.
We just need to be smarter about it…and make decisions based on Merit, rather than dirty politics.
Such a SCAM!!!
I saw how they foisted the climate hoax onto the scientific community, too. Very interesting information warfare process. They took over the “intermediate literature” – the societal internal publications – which can be terribly, terribly slanted, although they built up to it very slowly. This was also how they declared AGW as “settled science” when it was not.
Socialism ruins EVERYTHING it touches.
And I was taught that science is never “settled”.
Science is the study of ‘Topic X’ and is always just the current level of discovery.
And as such, is always subject to revision.
Nearly everything about windmills for power sucks.
Americans have been screwed by these monstrosities. Inefficient, ineffective and a pox on the environment.
Such a beautiful scam – if you’re trying to bring down America.
It’s easier to recycle NUCLEAR WASTE than to deal with TURBINE BONEYARDS.
Looks like the China-virus was a lab escapee.
NEW ARTICLE: On the Origins of the 2019-nCoV Virus, Wuhan, China
James Lyons-Weiler, PhD – 1/30/2020
Lab escape or deliberate to derail stage 1 of deal.
Oh take pity on us we are afflicted with plagues and cannot comply with onerous trade deal.!
Like fuck well take pity on you. Did you, china , ever give a rats ass for the american lives and business you destroyed. The secrets you stole, the Institutions you infiltrated. Fuck you. Fuck you very much
With regard to Algerian strategy
This is required reading and will be in YOUR END OF YEAR EXAMINATION
People in the Twitter comments are claiming that these aren’t rounding errors, but leftover delegates added from other candidates. Honestly, I don’t know who to believe in this mess.
This is some truly hinky connections
“Thread. We found #RoundingErrors in 30% of the precinct math worksheets that we examined from the #IowaCaucus. Each “rounding error” gave one extra delegate to a candidate, over 50% of the time the extra delegate went to
. https://smartelections.us/iowa-rounding-errors #SMARTelections
Told them to stop censoring me
Good! On this site, you are NEVER spam to me!
There’s discrimination and then there’s THIS
Viola Davis has been cast to play Moochelle øbama in an upcoming TV series.
Very unfair that a tranny was not given that role. Trannies should picket the studio.
TO @speakerPelosi – The only way I could enjoy my President’s SOTU was to tape a few pages of copy paper over your face on my TV

Until you started shuffing pages madly with your jerky arms and arthritic hands…..

and it worked.
Puerto Rico refers investigation of unused emergency supplies to the DOJ.
Engineering On Demand @EngOnDemand
From my Tech Friend in China.
My question regarded the reporting accuracy in the Corona Virus statistics.
“Nah, people are too wired in. Is the death toll higher? Probably. But to actively hide one death you need to mute/vet at least 5 social media accounts. The dog that didn’t bark and all that. Missing data makes ripples. If they data blackout whole regions- that’s when you worry.”
Akelm88 @akelm88
That moment on facebook when someone lists a bunch of criticisms of Trump and you realize that every single one are strategic distraction/deception and your friends have no clue what is about to occur.
Eric Trump
There are 1,681 caucus sites in Iowa. Three college kids with a rudimentary excel spreadsheet could tabulate the vote while eating a pizza. The fact that the Democrats can’t pull this off with the eyes of the nation watching reeks of corrruption. #BernieIsGettingScrewed (again)