Today at High Noon, the President will give a speech on his Acquittal from the Impeachment Process. Judging from his temperament at the SOTU, and especially this morning at the Prayer Breakfast, this speech may be one for the ages.
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Hat Tip to Dora, she found the Nancy Pelosi presser given conspicuously an hour before the President’s speech takes place. It’s a presser like no other. Pelosi is visibly rattled and seething in anger. DO NOT LOOK AWAY. Nancy has cracked.
East Room
** 12:21 P.M. EST
THE PRESIDENT: Well, thank you very much. (Applause.) Thank you. Thank you. Wow. (Applause.) Well, thank you very much, everybody. Wow. We’ve all been through a lot together, and we probably deserve that hand for all of us, because it’s been a very unfair situation.
I invited some of our very good friends. And we have limited room, but everybody wanted to come. We kept it down to a minimum. And believe it or not, this is a minimum.
But a tremendous thing was done over the last number of months, but really, if you go back to it, over the last number of years. We had the witch hunt. It started from the day we came down the elevator, myself and our future First Lady, who’s with us right now. Thank you, Melania. (Applause.)
And it never really stopped. We’ve been going through this now for over three years. It was evil. It was corrupt. It was dirty cops. It was leakers and liars. And this should never, ever happen to another President ever. I don’t know that other Presidents would have been able to take it. Some people said, no, they wouldn’t have. But I can tell you, at a minimum, you have to focus on this because it can get away very quickly. No matter who you have with you, it can get away very quickly. It was a disgrace.
Had I not fired James Comey — who was a disaster, by the way — it’s possible I wouldn’t even be standing here right now. We caught him in the act. Dirty cops. Bad people. If this happened to President Obama, a lot of people would have been in jail for a long time already. Many, many years.
I want to start by thanking some of — and I call them friends, because, you know, you develop friendships and relationships when you’re in battle and war, much more so than, “Gee, let’s have a normal situation.”
With all that we’ve gone through, we’ve done, I think, more than any President and administration, and really, I say, for the most part, Republican congressmen, congresswomen, and Republican senators. We’ve done more than any administration in the first few years, if you look at all of the things we’ve done.
I watched this morning as they tried to take credit for the stock market from — (laughter) — from — think of that. Let me tell you, if we didn’t win, the stock market would have crashed. And the market was going up a lot before the election because it was looking we had a good chance to win, and then it went up tremendously from the time we won the election until the time we took office, which was November 8th to January 20th. And that’s our credit. That’s all our credit. And leading up to that point was our credit because there was hope.
And one of the reasons the stock market has gone up so much in the last few days is people think we’re doing so well. They liked the State of the Union speech. (Applause.) It really is — it’s a true honor to give it.
Making the State of the Union speech, I was with some people that have been around; they’ve been all over the world. And one of them, a highly sophisticated person, said, “You know, no matter where you go in the world, it doesn’t make any difference — there is nothing like what I witnessed tonight.” The beauty, the majesty of the Chamber. The power of the United States, the power of the people in this room.
Really, an amazing — I don’t think there is anything like that anywhere in the world. You can go to any other country, you can go to any other location, any other place. It’s the beauty of everything. It’s what it represents and how it represents our country.
I want to start by introducing some of the people that are here. I know some are going to be left out. But they work so hard. And this is really not a news conference. It’s not a speech. It’s not anything. It’s just we’re sort of — it’s a celebration, because we have something that just worked out. I mean, it worked out. We went through hell, unfairly. Did nothing wrong. Did nothing wrong. I’ve done things wrong in my life, I will admit. (Laughter.) Not purposely, but I’ve done things wrong. But this is what the end result is. (Applause.)
(The President holds up the front cover of The Washington Post newspaper.)
We can take that home, Honey. Maybe we’ll frame it. (Laughter.) It’s the only good headline I’ve ever had in the Washington Post, I’ll tell you. (Laughter.) But every paper is the same. Does anybody have those papers? Does anybody have them? Because they’re really like that. So I appreciate that.
But some of the people here have been incredible warriors. They’re warriors. And there’s nothing, from a legal standpoint — this is a political thing. And every time, I’d say, “This is unfair. Let’s go to court.” They’d say, “Sir, you can’t go to court. This is politics.” And we were treated unbelievably unfairly.
And you have to understand, we first went through Russia, Russia, Russia. It was all bullshit. (Laughter.) We then went through the Mueller report. And they should have come back one day later. They didn’t. They came back two years later, after lives were ruined, after people went bankrupt, after people lost all their money.
People came to Washington to help other people. “Bright-eyed and bushy-tailed,” I say. They came — one or two or three people in particular, but many people.
We had a rough campaign. It was nasty. It was one of the nastiest, they say. They say Andrew Jackson was always the nastiest campaign. They actually said we topped it. (Laughter.) It was a nasty — it was a nasty — both in the primaries and in the — in the election.
But, you see, we thought, after the election, it would stop. But it didn’t stop; it just started. And tremendous corruption. Tremendous corruption.
So we had a campaign. Little did we know we were running against some very, very bad and evil people with fake dossiers, with all of these horrible, dirty cops that took these dossiers and did bad things. They knew all about it. The FISA courts should be ashamed of themselves.
It’s a very tough thing. And then we ended up winning on Russia, Russia, Russia. It should have taken the one day, as I said, and it took years.
Then Bob Mueller testified. That didn’t work out so well for the other side. (Laughter.) But they should have said, that first week — because it came out. Is that right, Jim Jordan? They knew in the first two days actually. Devin, is that right? Two days. They knew that we were totally innocent.
But they kept it going, Mark. They kept it going forever because they wanted to inflict political pain on somebody that had just won an election that, to — a lot of people were surprised. I mean, we had polls that said we were going to win. We had Los Angeles Times and a few — a few papers, actually, said it was — we were going to win but it was going to be close.
And we did win. It was one of the greatest wins of all time. And they said, “Okay, he won.” And, you know, I wrote this down because that was where a thing called the “insurance policy” — to me, when I saw the insurance policy — and that was done long before the election. That was done when they thought that Hillary Clinton was going to win.
And, by the way, Hillary Clinton and the DNC paid for millions — millions of dollars — the fake dossier. And now Christopher Steele admits that it’s a fake because he got sued by rich people. I should have sued him too. But when you’re President, people don’t like suing.
I want to thank my legal team, by the way — not for that advice, but for other advice. (Applause.) Pat, Jay. Pat. You guys stand up, please. (Applause.) Great job. (Applause.)
Right at the beginning, they said, “Sir, you have nothing to worry about. All of the facts are on your side.” I said, “You don’t understand. That doesn’t matter. That doesn’t matter.” And that was really true.
They made up facts. A corrupt politician named Adam Schiff made up my statement to the Ukrainian president. He brought it out of thin air. Just made it up. They say he’s a screenwriter — a failed screenwriter. He tried to go into — unfortunately, he went into politics after that. (Laughter.) Remember he said the statement, which is a mob statement: “Don’t call me. I’ll call you.” I didn’t say that.
Fortunately, for all of us here today and for our country, we had transcripts. We had transcribers — professional transcribers. Then they said, “Oh, well, maybe the transcription is not correct.” But Lieutenant Colonel Vindman and his twin brother — right? — we had some people that — really amazing.
But we did everything. We said, “What’s wrong with it?” “Well, they didn’t add this word or that one.” It didn’t matter. I said, “Add it. They’re probably wrong, but add it.”
So now everyone agrees that they were perfectly accurate. When you read those transcripts, Tim Scott — I don’t know if Tim is here, but he said, “Sir…” He was the first one to call me. “Sir, I read the transcript. You did nothing wrong.” And, Mitch, he stayed there, right from the beginning. He never changed.
And, Mitch McConnell, I want to tell you: You did a fantastic job. (Applause.) Somebody said, “You know, Mitch is quiet.” I said, “He’s not quiet. He’s not quiet.” These are the — he doesn’t want people to know him. And they said, “Is Mitch smart?” I said, “Well, let’s put it this way: For many, many years, a lot of very smart — bad, in many cases, sometimes good — but people have been trying to take his place. And to the best of my knowledge, I’ve never even heard the subject come up, because they’ve been wiped out so fast. (Laughter.) This guy is great, and I appreciate it, Mitch. (Applause.)
And he’s also given us 191 now. (Applause.) A hundred and ninety-one federal judges. Two Supreme Court judges, right? It’s up to 191. (Applause.) True.
Great guy. Great guy. He’s a tough guy to read. I’m good at reading people. A tough guy to read. I’d call him. My wife would say, “How did you do with Mitch?” “Uhh, I don’t know.” (Laughter.) That’s what makes him good — when you can read somebody. Fantastic job.
And he understood, rightfully, that this was crooked politics. This was crooked politics. How about all these people, they’re running for office. They’re saying the worst things about me, like eight senators on the Democrat side. Most of them got wiped out. You know, they got their 1 percent or less. Most of them got less. They decided to go home. “Let’s go back to California.” Let’s go back to wherever they came from. “Let’s go back to New York.”
How about that one? Our New York senator, Gillibrand. “Let’s go back to New York,” after they get nothing. And then they take an oath that they will be fair, that they will be reason- — and all of the different things. And they had to sign. They’re not fair.
But here’s the beauty: So we have four left. They’re saying the most horrendous things about me. It’s okay, it’s politics. And then they’re supposed to vote — on me. They’re trying to replace me, and then they’re supposed to be voting. So I think it’s — I mean, I think it’s incredible.
But — so, Mitch, I want to thank you very much. Incredible. And you have some of your folks here, and they’re incredible people — and they’ve been, right from the beginning.
And, again, you’re out of session. Unfortunately, I didn’t — you know, I only told these folks, “Let’s do this today.” We did a prayer breakfast this morning, and I thought that was really good. In fact, that was so good it might wipe this out. But by the end — by the time we finished this, we’ll wipe that one out — those statements. (Laughter.)
I had — I had Nancy Pelosi sitting four seats away, and I’m saying things that a lot of people wouldn’t have said — (laughter) — but I meant every — (laughter) — I meant every word of it.
But we have some of the folks that are going to be leaving right after this, and they work hard — and they did work hard. Bill Cassidy, Senator. Stand up, Bill. What a guy. (Applause.) Great man. When I need to know about health insurance and preexisting conditions and individual mandates, I call Bill or I call Barrasso. We get those two guys; they know more than anybody.
A man who just became a senator — he’s a little bit like me; we have a couple of them. A very successful guy in business, and he said, “What the hell, I’ll run for the Senate” — from Indiana. And he ran. And I saw him on television, destroying his opponent in a debate. I said, “You know, this guy could win.” And I got behind him. And, Mike Braun, you have done some great job. Thank you very much. (Applause.) Tough. Tough. Thank you.
A man who got James Comey to choke, and he was just talking in his regular voice. He is the roughest man. He’s actually an unbelievable — and I appreciate the letter you sent me today. I just got it. But he’s got this voice that scares people. (Laughter.) You know, people from Iowa can be very tough. We’re doing very well in Iowa.
But I’ll tell you, Chuck Grassley — he’s looking at Comey: “Well, you tell me, what did you say?” (Laughter.) Now, he wasn’t being rough. That was just the way he talked. (Laughter.) And that was when Comey — I think that was when Comey announced that he was leaking, lying, and everything else, right? He choked because he never heard anybody talk like that. (Laughter.)
You know, you should have gone — I wish you got angry. You could have gotten the whole ballgame. He would have said, “I give up.” (Laughter.) Chuck Grassley is an incredible guy. (Applause.)
And a man who — you know, he was running against a tough, smart campaign and we learned how good she was, right? She was a great campaigner. In fact, by the end of the campaign, she was actually — I thought she was more for me than you were, Josh. I was worried. (Laughter.) I saw her ad; she was saying the greatest things about me. And you know who I’m talking about.
And I went to a great place — Missouri — and I said, “Who do you have to beat her?” And they said, “Well, we have four people.” I said, “Let me see them. I’m got to interview…” — can you imagine? I’m interviewing people for the United States Senate. This is what I do. Where have I gone? But I love it. I love it because we’re getting great people.
The first one I met was Josh Hawley. After about 10 minutes, I said to the people, “Don’t show me anybody else. This is the guy.” He was the attorney general. Did a phenomenal job in the state. Highly respected. And — Claire McCaskill.
So, the theory was you couldn’t beat her. Great campaigner. Remember the last campaign, she was going to be taken out. She was always going to be taken out, then she wins and people say, “How did that happen?” Didn’t happen with him.
But she got so friendly toward me. In fact, one of the ads I still have. I’m putting it in the archives as one of the best ads I’ve ever made. (Laughter.) And she tried to convince people that we were best friends. But Josh ended up winning by five or six points.
You were unbelievable. You were tough. And you are something. And one of the greatest supporters on the impeachment hoax was Josh Hawley. He was incensed actually; I watched it. He was incensed at what they were doing and what they were saying.
And those were the ones — you know, I had some that said, “Oh, I wish you didn’t make the call.” And that’s okay, if they need that. It’s incorrect. It’s totally incorrect. And then you have some that used religion as a crutch. They never used it before. An article written today: “Never heard him use it before.” But today, you know, it’s one of those things. But, you know, it’s a failed presidential candidate, so things can happen when you fail so badly running for President.
But, Josh Hawley, I want to thank you. You were right from the beginning. Man, did I make a good choice. (Applause.) Thank you, Josh. Tremendous future. A man who is brilliant and who actually was deceived, to an extent, comes from a great state, Utah, where my poll numbers have gone through the roof. And one of the senators’ poll numbers, and not this one, went down big. You saw that. You saw that, Mike?
But Mike Lee is a brilliant guy. He’s difficult. (Laughter.) Whenever I sign bills — you know, we do sign a lot of legislation that’s — it’s big and it’s powerful, but it’s sort of everybody has to approve it. And I see 99 to 1 — (laughter) — 99 to 1. I say, “Don’t tell me who’s the one.” (Laughter.) “Is it Mike?” “Yes.” (Laughter.) And he always has a good reason for it too, by the way. But he is — he’s incredible. And right at the beginning, he knew we were right, Mike, and I appreciate it very much. You’re just fantastic. And say hello to the people of Utah and tell them, “I’m sorry about Mitt Romney. I’m sorry.” (Laughter and applause.) Okay?
We can say that Mike Lee is, by far, the most popular senator from the state. But you’ve done a fantastic job, Mike, in many ways. In many ways.
A young woman who I didn’t know at all, but she’s been so supportive — and I’ve had great support from other people in that state. And she’s been so supportive, and she’s been downright nasty and mean about the unfairness to the President. And Kelly Loeffler, I appreciate very much. Thank you. (Applause.) Great.
She saw it very early on, and we have — I don’t know if we have other senators here, but we got a hell of a lot of congressmen. And I’ll go over them quickly, but they have — they have also been — you know, it helped when we won 197 to nothing. That’s got to be a first, Kevin. Right? Is that, like, a first?
The Republicans have this image. See, I say Democrats are lousy politicians because they have lousy policy: open borders, sanctuary cities. They have horrible policy. Who the hell can win? Oh, their new policy is: Raise taxes. They want to raise taxes. You know, all my life, I wasn’t in politics, but I’d say, if you’re a politician, you want to say, “We’re going to lower taxes.” They want to raise taxes.
So they have open borders, sanctuary cities. “Raise everybody’s taxes. Get rid of everybody’s healthcare.” A hundred and eighty million people in the United States. And they’re really happy. “And we’re going to give you a healthcare that’s going to cost more money than the country could make in 30 years if it really does well.” That’s one year.
So I’ve always said they’re lousy politicians, but they do two things: They are vicious and mean. Vicious. These people are vicious. Adam Schiff is a vicious, horrible person. Nancy Pelosi is a horrible person. And she wanted to impeach a long time ago. When she said, “I pray for the President. I pray for the…” — she doesn’t pray. She may pray, but she prays for the opposite. (Laughter.) But I doubt she prays at all.
And these are vicious people, but they do two things: They stick together, historically. I’m not talking now. They stick together like glue. That’s how they impeached, because they had whatever the number is — 220 people. So if they don’t lose anybody, they’ll be able to impeach anybody. You could be George Washington. You could have just won the war, and they say, “Let’s get him out of office.” And they stuck together, and they’re vicious as hell. And they’ll probably come back for more, but maybe not because the Republican Party’s poll numbers, Mitch, have now gone up more than any time, I think, since 2004, 2005, and you know what happened then.
But in normal times — decades, you would call it; that was a little unusual time; it was for a very short period — the Republicans [sic] Party — Party’s poll numbers and Donald Trump’s poll numbers are the highest I’ve ever had them. So maybe they were. It’s no way to get your poll numbers up. It’s not worth it — because from my family’s standpoint, it’s been very unfair for my family. It’s been very unfair to the country.
Think of it. A phone call. A very good phone call. I know bad phone calls. This is a phone call with many people. I think Mike Pompeo was probably on the call. Where is Mike? Mike Pompeo was on the call. Many people were on the call. I know there were many people. They even have “apprenti,” bringing up an old favorite word of mine. “The Apprentice.” They have “apprenti.” They have people on these calls. And I know there are many.
When I speak to the head of a nation — and they have many people on. I mean, also on — do you think they just — in the case of Ukraine, he’s a new president, seems like a very nice person, by the way. His whole thing was corruption. He’s going to stop corruption. We even have a treaty — 2001, 1999. It’s a treaty — signed treaty — that we will work together to root out corruption in Ukraine.
I probably have a legal obligation, Mr. Attorney, to report corruption. But they don’t think it’s corrupt when a son that made no money, that got thrown out of the military, that had no money at all, is working for $3 million up front, $83,000 a month. And that’s only Ukraine. Then goes to China, picks up $1.5 billion. Then goes to Romania, I hear, and many other countries.
They think that’s okay? Because if it is — is Ivanka in the audience? Is Ivanka here? Boy, my kids could make a fortune. (Laughter.) They could make a fortune. It’s corrupt. But it’s not even that; it’s just general corruption.
And the other thing, as mentioned in the call and something that I’ve told Mike Pence, our great Vice President — I would tell him all the time, and I told him when he went on the trip, because he was over there. He never mentioned anything about this when you had your meeting. It’s a terrible thing.
But I told Mike. I said, “Mike, we’re giving them money, and, you know, you’re always torn about that because we have our country to build, we have our cities to build and our roads to fix. But we’re giving them money. Tell me, why isn’t Germany paying money? Why isn’t France? Why isn’t United Kingdom paying money? Why aren’t they paying money? Why are we paying them money?” Is that a correct statement, Mike?
I say, “Find out what the hell is going on.” And I told that to all of my people, OMB. I said — I asked that question: “How much is Germany paying? Why isn’t Germany paying?” Why is the United States always the sucker? Because we’re a bunch of suckers. But that’s turning around fast. But it makes it harder when stuff like this happens, because you want to focus, and you want to focus perfectly.
Think what we could have done if the same energy was put into infrastructure, prescription drug prices. Think of what we could have done. And I’m now talking both sides. Think of what we could have done if we had the same genius — because it’s genius.
I will say, it’s genius on the other side — maybe even more so because they took nothing and brought me to a final vote of impeachment. That’s a very ugly word to me. It’s a very dark word. Very ugly. They took nothing. They took a phone call that was a totally appropriate call. I call it a “perfect call” because it was. And they brought me to the final stages of impeachment.
But now we have that gorgeous word — I never thought a word would sound so good. It’s called “total acquittal.” (Applause.) Total acquittal.
So — so I want to, if I could, real fast, just introduce a few of the people. I have to start with — I have to start with Kevin. Man, did you do a job. Lucky you’re there. Lucky you’re there because it wouldn’t have worked out. If you don’t have the right people — I’ll tell you, Kevin McCarthy has done an incredible job. (Applause.) Really. Stand up.
And he loves this job, and he loves this country. I’ll tell you what: Mitch and Kevin, they love what they do. Now, Mitch wouldn’t even tell you he liked it. (Laughter.) I’d say, “Mitch, do you like it?” “I don’t know.” (Laughter.) He’s the greatest poker player, right?
Kevin will say, “I love it.” Right? And I will say that you’re going to be Speaker of the House because of this impeachment hoax. (Applause.) I really believe it. I really believe it. And I’m going to work hard on it. I’m going to try and get out to those Trump — those Trump areas that we won by a lot.
And, you know, in ’18, we didn’t win. We just won two seats in North Carolina — two wonderful seats in North Carolina that were not supposed to be won. But I went and I made speeches, and we had rallies, and we did a great job and we won. We took two seats. Nobody writes about that. If we lost them, it would have been the biggest story of the year.
But we’re going to go, we’re going to do a job, and we’re going to win a lot of seats. We’re going to win a lot of seats. People are very angry that Nancy Pelosi and all of these guys — I mean, Nadler — I know him much of my life; he’s fought me in New York for 25 years. I always beat him. And I had to beat him another time. And I’ll probably have to beat him again. Because if they find that I happen to walk across the street, and maybe go against the light or something, “Let’s impeach him.” (Laughter.)
So we’ll probably have to do it again because these people have gone stone-cold crazy. But I’ve beaten them all my life, and I’ll beat them again if I have to. (Applause.) But what they’re doing is very unfair. Very unfair.
So Kevin McCarthy has been great. So, a few names, right? And there’ll be a few you forget. If you want, you can raise and I’ll say, “Great. Love to have you. Wonderful.” (Laughter.) But we’re going to do the best we can. And I have my Cabinet, but my Cabinet is different — I appoint them. Okay? I didn’t see all of them helping so much. (Laughter.) You know, they were running their various bureaucracies, right? (Laughter.) No, my Cabinet is great, and they’re all here.
But today is the day to celebrate these great warriors, right? These are great warriors. They really fought hard for us. And —
So I’ll start: Kelly Armstrong, North Dakota. Kelly, thank you. Great job. (Applause.) Great job.
Jim Banks of Indiana. Jim, thank you. Great job. (Applause.)
Andy Biggs. Where is Andy? Boy, oh, boy, Andy. He got — (applause) — there’s a guy. He’s tough. I hear we’re doing well in Arizona, huh? It’s going good, yeah? I think so. I think I saw a poll that was very good for me. I think we have to make sure Martha is going to do — I think Martha is going to do good. But we have some states that are going to be not easy, but Arizona has been great.
And we’re stopping illegal aliens from coming in. We’re putting up walls. New Mexico, too, a state that’s never been in play for Republicans, is totally in play. Right? Nevada is really looking good. We’re doing well. We’re doing well. We’re going to have a great — there’s more spirit. I will say this: There’s more spirit now for the Republican Party, by far, than the Democrats.
You know, Mike Pence just got back from a place — a beautiful place that Chuck Grassley knows well: Iowa. And he was talking about these fiasco — the Democrats, they can’t count some simple votes, and yet they want to take over your healthcare system. Think of that. (Laughter.) No, think of it.
But we also had an election out there, and we got 98 percent of the vote. We have two people running, you know, and I guess they consider them non-people, but they are running. I mean, one was a governor. One was a congressman. They’re running. We got 98 percent of the vote.
And everybody from the media was saying, “Who are those crowds over there?” You know, they expect it to be one of these competitive — where everybody is running because they want to win, they want to win. And it was Trump. Right, Mark Meadows? It was Trump. This was a Trump crowd.
And a lot of — actually, a lot of my guys went there. They went to Iowa. And a lot of friends went there, and we had tremendous — they say the spirit — the spirit for the Republican Party right now is stronger, I think, than it’s ever been in the history of our country. I think it’s stronger than it’s ever been. (Applause.)
And that includes Honest Abe Lincoln. You know, a lot of people forget Abe Lincoln. I wish he were here. I’d give him one hell of an introduction. Right? (Laughter.) But he was — he was a Republican. Abe Lincoln. Honest Abe.
Bradley Byrne, Alabama. What a great place. (Applause.) Thank you, Bradley.
A man who has been an unbelievable friend of mine and spokesman, and somebody that — that I really like. And I know, Kelly, you’re going to end up liking him a lot. Something is going to happen that’s going to be very good. I don’t know. I haven’t figured it out yet. But Doug Collins — where is he? Where is Doug? (Applause.) You have been so great. Thank you very much, Doug. Thank you very much. Thank you. Really amazing job.
A young man who is — born with a great gene, because I know his father and how great a politician he was. But he’s from Florida. Sometimes controversial, but actually, he’s not controversial. He’s solid as a rock and he’s a friend of mine. Matt Gaetz. Matt? (Applause.) Thank you, Matt. Thank you. Great job.
All right, this guy. So he’s the NCAA — meaning, a couple of years ago, when he was in college — wrestling champion. NCAA. That’s the big deal. That means, in all of college, you’re the champ, you’re the best. His record was ridiculous. Nobody would — nobody could beat him. And I see it. You know, every time, I see it. When I first got to know him — Jim Jordan — when I first got to know Jim, I said, “Huh, he never wears a jacket. What the hell is going on?” (Laughter.) He’s obviously very proud of his body. (Laughter and applause.)
And they say where he works out — you know, where the congressmen, senators, they work out — they say, when Jim works out — even though he’s not as young as he was, but he works out — the machine starts burning. You know, it’s just a different form of a workout than us. Right, Sonny? And — there he is. Look at that guy.
But one day I’m looking, and he looks tough. And I’m looking, and I’m looking at those ears. And I say, “Those ears have something going on there.” I said, “Did you ever wrestle?” “Yeah, I did.” But he doesn’t talk. But I checked. This guy was a world — this guy was a champion, top, top wrestler. And when I had the top — I had all of the teams.
And, by the way, your Super Bowl champions are coming, I think next week or soon. Very soon. And every one of them want to be here. (Applause.) And the coach loves us. The coach is great. Andy Reid. And every one of them want to be here. We have — people love it.
But we had all of the NCAA championship teams here. They had the golf, the basketball. They had every team here. And one of the teams was wrestling. The wrestling team. Was that Penn State? And Penn State won the title. They have a great team.
And I walked up with Jim, and it’s like I didn’t exist. (Laughter.) Those wrestlers, they grabbed him. They love Jim Jordan, and we love you too because you are some warrior. (Applause.) True. True.
A woman who became a star — we have a couple of women that became stars. You two. And I always liked the name of her — you know, I liked the name, “Lesko.” I liked it. That’s how I picked it. I liked the name. I saw that face. I saw that everything. They gave me cards. She had like seven opponents, right?
And you have no idea how much the public appreciates how smart, how sharp you are. This I can’t tell. I can’t tell. They just said, “You know, she’s really good. She’s really talented.” And I said, “Let’s go.” We worked with her. She won her race. Tough race. It’s no longer tough. Because what she does out there is incredible. Arizona loves her.
But you were so incredible, representing — I don’t say “me” — representing our country and getting it out of this impeachment hoax. What you did was incredible.
So, Debbie, please stand up. Debbie Lesko. (Applause.)
A man who I — I became very friendly with — I don’t know why. Do you ever have where — I’ll ask the media: If certain people call, you take their calls. Other people call — if they don’t have information, they won’t take anybody’s call. But other people call, and you don’t.
This is a guy — he just — he’s just a very special guy. His wife I actually like better than him, to be honest. (Laughter.) Because he doesn’t know that I know that he didn’t actually support me right from the beginning, but she did. (Laughter.)
And on my worst day — right? — on my worst day, my worst — I won’t tell you why it was my worst, but it was not one of those good days — she got on a bus, got many other buses and women all over North Carolina, and they toured North Carolina. Well, Mark was back sort of semi-supporting another candidate, which he ended up leaving very quickly. I don’t think you had a choice, because of your wife, but thank her.
And Mark Meadows, he’s an extraordinary guy. I mean, the only problem is, I guess, he’s announcing — he’d only win by 40 points, but he’s announcing that he’ll be not running this time. Do you have somebody good to run? Somebody going to win your district by at least 20 points, please? Okay? But he’s a tremendously talented man, not just as a politician. As a human being, he’s incredible.
And during these horrible times — I mean, the way he worked and Jim and all of you guys — the way they worked so — it was like their life was at stake. So many.
Ron DeSantis is another one. He worked so hard. Then he called me. He said, “Sir, I’d like to run for governor.” I said, “Governor? I don’t want you to run. I like you staying.” “No, I want to run for governor.” And I said, “Well, if you have to.” “I’d like your support.” I said, “How can I support you? You’re at three.” He was at three. He had no money. Somebody was at 38 and they had $22 million cash, right? I said, “Look, if it’s important, I’ll do it,” because they — he’s been another great warrior. And he’s — by the way, he ran. I endorsed him. His numbers went through the roof.
The man who we beat, who was expected to win easily, called me after the race. He said, “You endorsed him, and it was like a nuclear bomb went off. There was nothing I could do.” He never even spent his money. He saved it.
But Ron DeSantis is another one, and now he’s the governor of Florida. And, by the way, he’s a great governor. He’s a very popular governor. His numbers are in the 70s. And he’s done a great job.
But, Mark, I want to thank you very much. Fantastic job. Thank you very much. Mark Meadows. (Applause.)
And Mike Johnson of Louisiana. Where’s Mike? Central casting. What a job. You can represent me anytime. (Applause.) You can represent me anytime. Thank you. What a job you’ve done. Thank you, Mike.
And a man nobody has ever heard of, except the other side. He’s the other side’s worst nightmare. This guy goes down into dungeons and basements; he’ll find a document, no matter what. He’s the most legitimate human being. He’s the hardest worker. He’s unbelievable. He took tremendous abuse. I mean, abuse.
The — the media and, you know, the other side, and the bad ones, the leakers, the liars, the dirty cops — they wanted to destroy him. They tried. They got close, but he wouldn’t let it happen. And, honestly, in a certain way, he was the first one. Wouldn’t you say, Jim and Mark and everybody? This was the first guy. He came out of nowhere. He’s saying, “These people are corrupt.” He’s still saying it. And he was unbelievable. Devin Nunes. He was unbelievable. Unbelievable. (Applause.) That’s so true, Devin.
He’d come in and say — I didn’t even know hi;, I just heard there were like — there was this congressman who kept going into a basement — into files. (Laughter.) He knew something was wrong. You felt it, right? And now we know a lot more than we knew then, right? You never thought it was as bad as it is. And hopefully we’re going to take care of things, because we can never, ever allow this to happen again. (Applause.)
Scott Perry of Pennsylvania. Scott, thank you. (Applause.) Thank you, Scott. Really great. And you’re doing very well over there, by the way. Just saw your numbers.
A man who is a — I mean, central casting. If I’m going to pick Perry Mason, I’m going to do a remake of Perry Mason — other than Bill Barr, I’d pick this guy. But I have to say, I’ll pick Barr. I pick Barr first, right? (Laughter.) John Ratcliffe, right? But I have to tell you, if we’re doing a remake of Perry Mason, the man I get — there’s nobody in Hollywood like this — John Ratcliffe, right? (Applause.) Stand up, John.
So — such a great lawyer. Incredible guy. Incredible talent. But just a great lawyer and we appreciate it. He gets on that screen, and everyone says, “I agree.” The other side folds up so fast. We’ll probably be using a lot of you in the next year. But you have been fantastic, John. We appreciate it. Thank you very much.
A man who’s braver than me and braver than all of us in this room. He got — he got whacked. He got whacked. My Steve, right? I went to the hospital with our great First Lady that night. Right, honey? And we saw a man that was not going to make it. He was not going to make it. He was — the doctor — and I told him his wife — I said, “She loves you.” “Why do you say that?” Because she was devastated.
A lot of wives wouldn’t give a damn. (Laughter.) A lot of — a lot of wives — a lot of wives would have said, “Oh, yeah.” I said, “How’s he doing?” “Oh…” She couldn’t even talk. She was inconsolable. Most wives would say, “Not good. Listen, I’m going home now.” (Laughter.) But the doctor came in — the wife is like — she was a total mess. She was really devastated. And he really — it looked like he had a 20, 25 percent chance. I think you set a record for blood loss.
And, Steve Scalise, I — actually, honestly, I think you’re better looking now. You’re more handsome now. (Laughter.) You — you weren’t that good looking. You look good now. (Laughter.) He looks better now. Can you believe it? I don’t know what the hell that is. (Applause.) It’s true. Better now. (Applause.) What a guy.
And he was practicing — he was practicing for the baseball game against, I guess, the Democrats, right? And this whack-job started shooting. Hurt Roger — I don’t know if Roger is here. But hurt a number of people — hit them. But really hit Steve. He — Steve was at second base. He was the second baseman. And he went down and it was terrible. I mean, I saw the whole thing and it was terrible.
Fortunately, you had two brave policemen with you. Because of your high position in Congress, you had two policemen and they were amazing — the man and a woman. And they came and they didn’t have rifles. They were against a, supposedly, pretty good sharpshooter with rifles — good equipment. And all they had was a gun. And they started coming in from the outfield, shooting. And they’re so far away that a handgun is not preferred. This guy has the rifle and he’s hitting people. And he was going to move up and there was no out. I mean, if he would have been able to move up, there was no way to get out. The entrance was a single entranceway on the other side, where he was.
So everyone went into the dugout — ran into the dugout, but Steve was really hit badly in the stomach, and — with a bullet that rips you apart. It was supposed to do that. It rips — it rips you apart.
And these two people came charging forward. Boom. Boom. Boom. And one of them — you know who — one of them — him? — got the shooter. Hit him. And then got him. Killed him from the long distance. It was amazing. If you didn’t have those two people — you can imagine, right? You could imagine what would happen.
So Melania and I went to the hospital that night. And he was in such bad shape, and he’s been working ever since, so hard. But six months ago, they had a baseball game at the Nationals Park. And I’m watching and it’s — it’s on television. And it’s just, you know, a game. People — you want to win it, right? And Steve’s at second base. The poor guy can’t even walk.
Do you remember Bobby Richardson for the New York Yankees? He was known for range, Louie. Range. He had the greatest range. If a ball is hit to shortstop — Bobby Richardson is the second player, the second baseman — Bobby Richardson would field the ball. If it’s hit to first base, he’ll throw it to the first baseman. He had unbelievable range. This was not Steve Scalise. (Laughter.) Steve had no range. (Laughter.) One foot and he has to fall down, right? Because, you know, he was trying to get better. I don’t know who the hell put you on the field. (Laughter.)
And this is a true story. So the game starts and the first pitch — Steve is standing at second base and the guy is really in bad shape. And I said, “This is terrible.” A shot — groundball shot is hit to second and Steve. I say — I didn’t have time to think too much, but I said, “This is not good. That ball is going toward him.”
And this guy stopped that ball, caught the call. He’s now laying down. He throws the ball to first base. He gets him out. I said, “It’s the most incredible thing.” I’ve never seen — athletically — (applause) — I’ve never seen anything like it, right?
And he gets him out and they then took him out of the game, which was a very wise thing because you could never do that again in a million years. (Laughter.) But you weren’t going to let that ball go through. I don’t care if it was hit by the greatest of all time, right? That ball was not going through you, because you are a warrior. Steve is — he is fantastic. You are fantastic. You and Liz and Kevin.
What a great — what a group. I mean, what a group. I got lucky. I got lucky because you need the right people. If I had the wrong people there, he — maybe a different story. Maybe we’d be celebrating something else. But I really want to thank you, Steve Scalise.
And, Elise, you — I just read this story; she’s the most incredible — what’s going on with you, Elise. So I even said — you know, I was up campaigning for her, helping her. But I thought, “She looks good. She looks like good talent.” But did I not realize, when she opens that mouth, you were killing them, Elise. (Laughter.) You were killing them. (Applause.)
Elise — and there’s a big story in the New York Post — I love the New York Post because they treat me well. There aren’t too many of you that do. But today, you’re treating me well. I even had a great headline — New York Times, Washington Post. I had all of these great headlines. Maybe we should just end it right there. (Laughter.)
But you had the greatest story, yesterday in the Post, that people from all over the country are contributing to her campaign. They were so enthralled with the way you handled yourself, what you said, the way you said it. And I’ll always be your friend. I think it was — it’s really an amazing story. What a great future you have. What a great future. Thank you. (Applause.) The First Lady agrees, by the way. The First Lady agrees.
And Michael Turner, you can represent me anytime. Where’s Michael? Where is he? (Applause.) Or you can represent me. How good were you? There’s another — there’s another Perry Mason type, I think. Right? What do you think, John? But, Michael, you were fantastic and we appreciate it.
Brad Wenstrup. Where’s Brad? Brad. (Applause.) Great, great job. This is a big day for lawyers. You notice only the lawyers stayed? All the lawyers stayed behind.
Lee Zeldin. How good are you? How good are you? (Applause.) Man.
And, Louie, your name is not down. They didn’t give me your name. Do you know — if I didn’t announce Louie — (laughter) — whoever the hell made this list, I got to get rid of because I — if I wouldn’t have announced Louie, it might have been the end of the presidency. (Laughter.) Louie, you have been so great. So tough and so smart. I got it just — (laughs) — I got it. But Louie has been amazing. He’s a tough guy. He’s a smart guy. He’s streetwise like crazy. We love Texas, and we’re with you all the way, Louie. We’re with you all the way. Thank you very much. (Applause.)
So that’s the story. We have a great group of warriors, and there are others left, and, I guess, probably, I’m sure I didn’t mention a few, and I apologize if that’s the case. How’s CPAC doing? Good? Huh? My man, stand up please, will you? He’s the one who said, “You should run.” (Applause.) Right?
Matt said — it’s like five years ago, six years ago. And I made a speech, and then they do some kind of a straw poll: “Who made the best speech?” And he said, “I made the best speech.” With all this professional — I hate to say this: With all these professional politicians, they voted, by far, the best speech was Trump. He calls me, he says, “You should run for politics.” I say, “What do I know about politics?”
But you know what? We learned quickly, and our country has never done better than it’s doing right now. (Applause.) So it’s been good. (Applause.) But thank you, Matt. Great. Say hello.
So that’s the story. We’ve been treated very unfairly. Fortunately, we have great men and women that came to our defense. If we didn’t, this would have been a horrific incident for our country. When you have Lisa and Peter, the lovers, the FBI lovers: “I want to believe the path you threw out for” Deputy Director Andrew McCabe. That’s the office. “There’s no way he gets elected” — meaning me. “There’s no way he gets elected.”
This is Peter, to Lisa. He’s probably trying to impress her, for obvious reasons. (Laughter.) “There’s no way he gets elected. But I’m afraid we can’t take the risk.” Now, think of this. In other words, if I get elected, they can’t — “they”; two low-lifes — they can’t take the risk. They can’t take the risk. Think of it.
And that’s where it came up, the greatest word of all: “insurance policy.” So he says, “But I’m afraid we can’t take the risk. She may lose.” It’s like an insurance policy. In the unlikely event you die before you’re 40 — in other words, if I won, they were going to do exactly what they did to us. They were going to try and overthrow the government of the United States — a duly elected president.
And if I didn’t fire James Comey, we would have never found this stuff. Because when I fired that sleazebag, all hell broke out. They were ratting on each other. They were running for the hills. Let’s see what happens. Let’s see what happens. It’s in the hands of some very talented people. We’re going to have to see what happens.
But I can tell you, in my opinion, these are the crookedest, most dishonest, dirtiest people I’ve ever seen. They said — this is Strzok: “God, Hillary should win 100 million to one.” This is about me. This is an agent from the FBI. Look how they let her off. Thirty-three thousand emails deleted. Nothing happens to her. Nothing happens. It’s unbelievable.
But think of that — “God, Hillary should win” — when these guys are investigating Hillary. Then they go to work for Mueller — the two of them — and when Muller found out that everybody knew that they were 100 percent this way, he let them go. But they deleted all of their emails and text messages.
So when we got the phone, they were all deleted. Could you imagine the treasure trove? They illegally deleted. So they left. They left Bob Mueller. He had the look, but he didn’t have a lot of other things. Always had the look. Mr. G-Man.
And I love the FBI and the FBI loves me — 99 percent. It was the top scum. And the FBI people don’t like the top scum.
So think of that: 100 million to one. And he’s investigating me. And then, “God, Trump is a loathsome human being, isn’t he?” These are the people looking at me. I’m really not a bad person. And Page said, “Yes, he’s awful.” How would you like to have that? This is just — this is the good stuff. There’s stuff a hundred times worse than that. These are all dirty people.
And now, I just heard that they’re suing the United States of America because they were interfered with. We’re not going to let it happen. Just not going to let it happen. We cannot let this happen to our country. We can’t. (Applause.)
So, I’m going to leave now. And I don’t know if any of you have anything to say. You could say it. But this is sort of a day of celebration, because we went through hell.
And I’m sure that Pelosi and Cryin’ Chuck — I’ve known this guy all the — the only time I ever saw him cry was when it was appropriate. Known him for a long time. Cryin’ Chuck. But I’m sure they’ll try and cook up other things. They’ll go through the state of New York. They’ll go through other places. They’ll do whatever they can. Because instead of wanting to heal our country and fix our country, all they want to do — in my opinion, it’s almost like they want to destroy our country. We can’t let it happen.
Jim Jordan, did you want to say something? Go ahead. Huh? Mark?
REPRESENTATIVE MEADOWS: No, I just — I wanted to just say that this reflection today, it is a small reflection of the kind of support you have all across the country. We’ve got your back. (Applause.)
THE PRESIDENT: Well, thank you. Thank you. Thank you. (Applause.)
This was a highly partisan situation. Pelosi said — I copied it down exactly. Before the impeachment — she wanted to impeach from day one, by the way. Don’t let it fool you. You know, she said, “No, the impeachment is a very serious thing.” I said, “She wants to impeach. Watch.”
Impeachment is so divisive to the country that unless there’s something so compelling and so overwhelming and bipartisan — bipartisan. It was 197 to nothing. And other than one failed presidential candidate — and I call that “half a vote” because he actually voted for us on the other one. But we had one failed presidential candidate. That’s the only half a vote we lost. So, we had almost 53 to nothing. We had 197 to nothing. And the only one that voted against was a guy that can’t stand the fact that he ran one of the worst campaigns in the history of the presidency.
But she said, “There’s something so compelling — it has to be so compelling and so overwhelming and bipartisan. I don’t think we should go down that path, because it divides the country” — she was right about that — “and it’s just not worth it.” That was Nancy Pelosi a year ago. Right?
And I think it’s a shame. I think it’s a shame. But as I said, if we can put this genius to work on roads and highways and bridges and all of the things we can do — prescription drugs. You know, we had — Secretary Azar is here and I want to thank him for this, but we had — first time in 51 years, where drug prices actually came down last year. First time in 51 years. But what we can do, working with both parties in Congress, is — would be unbelievable. It would be unbelievable — all we can do.
And I know Chuck Grassley is working very hard on it and Mitch is working very hard on it. But what we can do is — is incredible. What we can do, just generally. We’ve done so much without it. We’ve rebuilt our military. We’ve cut regulations at a level that nobody thought possible. We’ll always protect our Second Amendment; we all know that.
But I just want to tell you that it’s an honor to be with you all. I want to apologize to my family for having them have to go through a phony, rotten deal by some very evil and sick people. And Ivanka is here, and my — my sons and my whole family, and that includes Barron. (Applause.) That includes Barron, who is up there as a young boy.
Stand up, honey. (Applause.) Ivanka, thank you, honey. Come. Come. (Applause.) (The President hugs Ivanka Trump.)
Come here, baby. (Applause.) (The President hugs the First Lady.)
So I just want to thank my family for sticking through it. This was not part of the deal. I was going to run for President, and if I won, I was going do a great job. I didn’t know that I was going to run, and then when I got in, I was going to have to run again and again and again. Every week, I had to run again. That wasn’t the deal, but they stuck with me.
And I’m so glad I did it because we are making progress and doing things for our great people that everybody said couldn’t be done. Our country is thriving. Our country is just respected again. And it’s an honor to be with the people in this room.
Thank you very much, everybody. (Applause.) Thank you. Thank you very much. Thank you. (Applause.)
END 1:23 P.M. EST
Anybody seen my Zippo?
You know, this might be the day.
John Roberts is also describing this as “scorched earth”.
It needs to happen before they have time to regroup and start the next attack. They learned from this attempt where their weak areas are. They won’t make the same mistakes next time.
I wonder if they didn’t run out of ammunition with impeachment.
I mean, the brain trust died almost four years ago. There doesn’t seem to be any sense or order to the plans, either.
Doesn’t mean they won’t try….if for no other reason than to scream “obstruction” in an effort to keep his hands tied


Wonder if he’s planning to talk about the weather.
Heard there was a STORM coming
FWIW I don’t think he will, YET. Definitely before November 3rd though.
Maybe the impeachment garbage put the schedule up a bit – to before the next term!
Or maybe some news is getting out. See Rubini thread below.
Some offense to keep to tilt the D-rats from incessant resist is appropriate.
To quote a couple of cool QTreepers:

Brave and Free
February 6, 2020 at 10:46
Would be Biblical if Barr, Wray, Durham,and Huber were all there with PDJT for the press conference!
February 6, 2020 at 10:55
Oh please, oh please, oh please!!!
And Rubini has a bombshell (a real one not an MSM fake news one)
Greg Rubini @GregRubini – 3h
1. This will put OBAMA in jail for life.
OBAMA ordered a massacre of 100 innocent people
Eric Ciaramella is the KEY
this is why the DEEP STATE protects him
please RETWEET !
2. imagine a former US ‘President’ (OBAMA) charged with the ASSASSINATION of 100 innocent people.
imagine that guy under Trial.
imagine OBAMA being convicted and sentenced to life in jail.
3. In Feb 2014 there was a Coup d’Etat in Ukraine.
a violent Coup.
There was a massacre in the main square of the capital, Kiev.
100 people were killed.
4. it was Barack Obama that ordered that massacre.
it was Obama that ordered 100 people to be BRUTALLY killed in Ukraine.
5. There were SNIPERS at windows of tall buildings surrounding the square.
Strategically placed.
The snipers from the buildings shot both at protestors, both at the police officers.
it was a HORRIFIC massacre
YES!!!!!!!!!!!!! Exactly! We’ve been screaming about it for a year!
It was the Obama Admin which caused the overthrow of Ukraine, the aggression of the Obama Administration caused the Russian reaction and incursion into Crimea and cost 15,000 lives.
And when Russia did show up in Ukraine………… Obama sent them blankets.
He abandoned them.
It was a foreign policy mistake straight from a nightmare.
We Common Sense Conservatives™ know that the Shampeachmint was all about covering Ø, H> and Democrat a$$es and protecting their flow of $$$.
A mistake? Yeah I don’t give him that much credit
More like Bengazi 2.0 “This time we’ll get it right!”
Nancy is speaking now in her “Weekly Presser”
This is a “Do NOT LOOK AWAY” moment.
I’ve never seen her so nervous.
She’s trying to explain the President is lying about the economy and President Obama’s economy was much better.
She refers to his speech as a Reality Show and unbecoming for the Congress.
Wonder how the Tuskegee Airman, the military family, the sanctuary citizen victims, the little girl who got the scholarship, feel about Nancy being disgusted by their presence.
She’s shaking and laughing.
Chad Pegram, from Fox, she’s talking to him and snidely asking him to take the message back to FOX.
She is rattled
Rattled like she just spent 10 mins in a blender on high speed
Lol right, we already know how Rush feels
He’ll let her have it today.
HOPE Kevin McCarthy, Andy Biggs, Elise Stefanik – and the rest of the MAGA House members – will refute Nancy’s lies!!!!
She’s trying to explain the President is lying about the economy and President Obama’s economy was much better.
^^^ Of course, the prestitutes asked Nanzi for facts to back up her lies. NOT. MCM complicit. ^^^
Nancy saying she was the one who fixed USMCA because what Trump sent was all messed up.
SHE protected the workers
SHE addressed pharma
SHE put in guarantees
Nancy says Trump didn’t get everything he wanted, but NANCY did get it.
Nancy sees herself as a better negotiator.
California Dreamin’
More like California smoking, huffing, and injecting!!
Snorting too!!
And shitting on the footpaths
get the heck out? REALLY???
her took her plane away…what a negotiator!
Ohhhhhhh, it was unbelievable.



That go-go dancer in the first video is seriously white .. bwahahahahahah … must have been before spray tans … bwahahahahahah

… love the fringe ..
OMG———- Nancy is blaming Charlottesville on the White House!!!!!!!!!!!!!
That’s the narrative they pushed for!
They really are out of ammo!
Next she’ll CRY about how MEAN he was to her!
She’s alarmed by the words from the White House about “payback”.
She thinks she upheld the Constitution.
Doesn’t like threats from the White House.
The House Managers presented a “magnificent case for the founders, our constitution, and our country”
Running out of BARF emojis!!!
They’re on back-order. SoreAss bought them all and donated them to the DNC so we couldn’t use them.
Bwahahahahahah ..
Here, I have a few to spare ..

She’s digging a bigger hole for herself.
I get the feeling they shot their wad with impeachment, and they know it. It will be interesting to watch this play out.
Said the chant of “4 more years” was INAPPROPRIATE on the floor of the House.
Nancy the Ripper has no credibility to lecture us with her virtue signalling!
She is rattled as never before
She’s reiterating the fake news clip about “Trump said he had Section 2 and could do whatever he wanted”.
Again, NOOOOOOOOOO, in context, he said he could do whatever he wanted about firing COMEY under Section2.
Nancy saying she DOES PRAY HARD for President Trump because he is “SO OFF TRACK for our values”
Thinks what he said about Romney was without class and inappropriate.
Sure, release the prayers.
The question is, to whom does she pray?
I suspect Moloch (considering her stance on abortion, etc.).
And, have a look at that flag next to her on the video stillframe. It looks like some sort of spectre or Demon. The hexagon as the eye, and the half of the Eagle’s wing showing as the mouth, with the white pallor of a ghost as the background.
One wonders what she and the rest of the Cabal are really hiding, and just how big the sword of Damocles (or in reality, the sword of TRUTH) is that is hanging over their heads…
Their ‘values’ – 3rd term and post-birth ‘abortion’ – sky high taxes – horrible socialist health care – open borders – high crime – drugs – promiscuity/decadence/perversion/STDs rampant – Islamic infiltration….the list goes on.
She is trying SO HARD to get ahead of what’s coming.
Sheer desperation……….
And today is President Reagan’s birthday?
Nancy says Trump is talking about things he knows little about when it comes to prayer.
She refers to the State of the Union as a Manifesto of Mistruths.
She says she doesn’t need any lessons about dignity from the President of the United States.
Was it appropriate to hear about “FOUR MORE YEARS” in the Chamber of the congress……….. OMG she is soooooooooooooooo triggered.
Rattling about “our values”, denigrating other people, undervaluing who we are………. it’s a veritable soup of old talking points
She is shaking
Says she has tried to be gracious.
We will allow him to have guests……….
That was not a stte of the Union it was his state of MIND
Crazy like a fox he is!
She “shredded his state of mind”

No NAN, he shredded YOURS!!
Again – Their ‘values’ are
– 3rd term and post-birth ‘abortion’
– sky high taxes
– horrible socialist health care
– open borders
– high crime
– drugs
– human trafficking
– promiscuity/decadence/perversion/STDs rampant
– Islamic infiltration
….the list goes on.
PLUS unfettered corruption and stealing from US taxpayers by elites.
Implementation of Socialist Totalitarianism is their goal!!!
This is the meltdown of all time
Says she has extended every possible courtesy to the President.
She’s rattling platitudes
She says she has extended the hand of friendship
He didn’t want to shake my hand ———- that meant nothing to me.
When I saw the compilation of falsehoods
She stomps off big time!!
Be kind to her, she hasn’t had enough vodka this morning
At this point, she’s going to need an IV full of it.
Is that your way of blessing thine enemy??
It’s gotta be tough, stuck between a rock (prison) and a hard place (appeasing her handlers)
And it’s GLORIOUS!!
She was offended President didn’t mention the death of Cummings but Rush Limbuagh???????//
Donald Trump’s superpower is that he makes people CRAZY
She’s bordering on a breakdown……………………………..
Watching her muted – easy to see that:
Pelosi is DESPERATELY posturing and spinning.
Pretending to be innocent and sincere, simulating righteous indignation.
She’s all for abortion, lets her city become a 3rd world sh-t hole and yet pretends to be a Christian.
Something is wrong with her eyes – is she wearing those things that pull your droopy eyelids up or has she had surgery?
Can’t wait to see Bombard’s body language analysis of her speech/meltdown…
Just add water – I’m melting, I’M Melting, I’M MEEEELLLLLTTTTTIIIIIIIIINNNNNGGGGGG!!!!!!!
She’s bordering on a breakdown……………………………..
^^^ Hope it is on national TV and I happen to see it. Loath the bitch.
10 minutes!
LOL I’m dying here! Sitting in lobby at Dr office crying and busting a gut… some nurse is going to come over and start giving me CPR! I’m getting dirty looks from the other patients!!!
Hopefully not nurse (Ratched) Nancy…
RR’s Bday today!!!
Happy birthday to the Gipper!!!

I cannot imagine how I would be handling all this if not for QTree and all of you guys. Thank you Wolfie…
Otherwise I would have long ago curled up in a fetal position, with my thumb in my mouth…
Amen PR – this is a place to escape the gas lighting and insanity of the age….while Trump slays the PC dragons and stands against the Goliaths for us!!!!
That’s the worst I’ve ever seen Nancy Pelosi rattled.
He’s gotten to her……
“He broke me”
If that’s the case, she’s panicked and terrified.
Maybe she saw this in her door viewer:
Or her son did, and Kerry’s son, and Biden’s son, and Willard’s son, et. al. ….
Thank you, Dora.
I’m putting this one up top.
I’ve never seen anything like that in my life.
Don’t let her anywhere near the nuclear buttons.
She’s shaking too hard.
A just clicked on a few spots of the presser. She was holding onto that podium for dear life.
Does she have Merkel or Collins syndrome?
Ohhhhhhhh, Marica, I’m stealing this one for the header!
If you don’t mind!
Thought you’d like this darlin!!!!

You’re a queen!
No one would help him clean up the town, so the Sheriff did it alone.
So True michael!!
respectfully disagree…… The Sheriff Has his posse
of which, we are all a part
Nancy is getting a lot of pressure… her Mafiosi attributes are frazzled when she’s NOT the boss, and for sure, she is answering to someone else… Soros, who is answering to higher ups in the CABAL.
Would not want to be in her place… no, no.
O-M-G-!!! FOX 10 has gone live –
PDJT is doing this in the East Room with a crowd!!!!!!!
Mulvaney, Stefanik, Nunes, McCarthy, Meadows, Grassley – the good guys are all there!!!!
Laura Ingraham is there
This is going to be a palooza, bombshell, historical, Biblical speech!
AG BARR is there!!!
i think i heard the President say he could no longer work with the Dems…maybe this IS lighting the fuse…
Asians have Karate, Kung-Fu, etc…….
I call AMERICAN martial Arts…….. ===> Ka-Boom!
(2nd Amendment style Martial Arts)
In Israel, they have Krav Maga…
In America, we have KAG MAGA!!!
It appears that NANCY PELOSI is exhibiting classic symptoms of a breakdown. She cannot hide them.
Host of the live stream says that the entire cabinet is in attendance.
I am on pins and needles. What is about to happen!?
IDK, but the couch commando just reported that Rush is out again today. If he just started chemo, I can understand why.
I hope Rush is doing ok. I worry for him. I’m sure he is getting the best treatment, but both my grandfathers died of lung cancer. It is such an ugly disease.
I’ve watched more people with pancreatic, but chemo is chemo. Nasty stuff. And the last person I used to sit with who underwent treatment…the steroids would keep her up for two days after a treatment.
It was rough.
Probably radiation. It’s a really nasty for lung cancer patients.
DP. Steyn said Rush was behind a bit in his chemo due to SOTU Address…would not be back until Friday.
I need to go out and can’t tear myself away
Speech placed on the podium as the tension builds….
That raises the possibility of MULTIPLE SPEAKERS – a program and administration policy announcement/s.
The announcement – Democrat Hunting Season has begun!
There are a lot of pages in that notebook!
Another link
On the edge of my chair!! Let the snow begin
AOC read one of these headlines and thought Trump uhhhh quitted.
She cried when Nanzi explained it to her.
Remember folks – PDJT is a master of timing, strategy, drama and PR, as well as business and intel.
GST has front row center camera –
host on FOX said the President said he is “ending the hoax” today…
Standing O for the TEAM
Legal team enters the East Room.
President’s legal team enters with rousing applause!!!
Hail to the Chief!!
POTUS’ legal team has just come in.
3 minute warning
I wish you would have shouted that in my ear, LOL! I was asleep! Rats!
it was a great love fest wasn’t it?
I can’t watch and comment at the same time…lol…not gifted like you guys!
Hail to the Chief and a standing ovation!!!!!!!!
Hail to the Cheif!!!
lol…… Chief
OAN ahead of the live feed.
Hail to the Chief!!!

Standing O!!!
Cheers and Applause
Ohhhh boy, here we go, looks lie a war room
Ovation going on a long time!!
Oh, this is AWESOME! I’m watching on OAN – great coverage!
Standing Ovation!!
We deserved that handshake for all of us, we’ve been through a lot, …… unfair to all of us.
The witch hunt, the day we came down he elevator.
Introducing Melania

This should never happen to another President, ever!!
It neve stopped
evil corrupt, leakers and liars
should never happen to another President
could other presidents have taken it, I don’t know
it can get away ery quickly
If I had not fired James Comey, would I be standing here?
caught him in the act
If it had happened to Obama, a lot of people would be in jail alredy
dirty cops, bad people
if had happened to Obama many people would already be in jail
…been in “battle” & “war”
interesting language choices!
We caught them in the act
Dirty Cops!
Still, we’ve done sooooo much.
oh my goodness…… Is this it!???? Holy Sh*t!
Yep, fuse has been lit.
I hope so…. “they” f-ed with his family. And his family that came to work with him for the American people. And just as importantly, his family the 75 million of Americans that support him. This is the Lion playing with his prey before he eviscerates them…
and I would even add, “they” f-ed with those of whom he spoke of with such emotion today… Nunes, Jordan, Scalise… thought he was going to tear up…
He KNOWS ALL and this is COLD ANGER…
Our President is speaking from the heart…. softly, like he was talking to each of us quietly in a room….
This is a different manner than his rally speeches….different than his Apprentice voice, different than press conferences.
He’s talking to us friend to friend….
They tried to credit for the stock market????
Oh no they didn’t!!
That’s all because of Donald John Trump!!!!
Started after the election!!!
lying F’rs!!
I watched this morning as they tried to take credit for the stock market – laughter
market going up, state of union speech.
It’s an honor to give it.
When making the speech, no matter where you go in the world, nothing like what I witnessed tonight, the beauty, the majesty, the power of the USA.
How it represents out country.
Dewey defeats Truman!!!!!!!!!!!!
Frame it!!!!!!!
Wave that Newspaper Proudly, Mr. President!!!!
That’s the only good headline I’ve ever had from them
I have done things wrong in my life, I will admit, ON PURPOSE but I admit it.
Holding up “Acquitted” headline in WaPost
Jokes about getting a good headline in WaPost.
Here honey, maybe we’ll take it home and frame it.
NOT on purpose
Correction — NOT ON PURPOSE!!!!!
It was all BULLSHIT!!!
Good Lord!
POTUS began right off the bat by starting to name names — #1 name: JAMES COMEY.
“If I hadn’t fired him, I might not be here today.”
Calls it “BULLSHIT” – live on television.
Good Lord!
POTUS just called the “Russia Russia Russia” for what it was — BULLSHIT.
don’t think any “news” “bombs” in this conference
just talking from the heart to his “friends” about the what he has gone through from the criminal dems/obama admin
very telling that he says many would already be in jail…that means that they escaped it but, so far, all are getting away with what they did
why aren’t they in jail? Every report has been revealing but downplayed and fades away with “intent” excuses
dirty courts, fisa courts…all a matter of fact –>> And that is Very disheartening that so much is factual and known and yet no one is in jail
Until we get people in jail, they will do this over and over and over again.
No excuse for the double standard of legal justice.
After 3yrs of Muh Russia and an Impeachment bringing the country to the brink….. we still don’t know who was responsible for starting it all and no one has been held accountable.
Talks about the people who came in with him – so many people harmed.
Talks about Dossier
FISA court should be ashamed of themselves.
Mueller testified
They KNEW the first two days of the admin that the Dossier was fake.
But they kept it going, because they wanted to inflict political pain.
Truly was disgusting.
Oh how I hope this will be the DECLASS!
Why do I get the feeling that POTUS is approaching the “targets” like a lion stalking its prey??
he’s toying with his prey….
Steele……. riffing, admitting the dossier was a fake, cuz he was sued by rich people
I should have sued, but when you’re president it’s not so easy
Congratulations to my legal team (joking) NOT for that advice……
ovation for the legal team and laughter.
Truly WONDERFUL to see so much that we KNOW to be true being stated on National TV for all to see. He is just explaining it, going over the facts, telling it as an easy to understand story that the US viewers can understand and follow
Will he get through the Dem/media narrative with this low key, factual presentation of the horrific, criminal scandal, the coup attempts we have been living through
Thank you turtle!!!!! Standing O!!!
Take a bow
Praising McConnell.
191 Federal Judges and 2 Supreme Court judges!
Legal team told him not to worry, because truth was on our side.
President said, “It doesn’t matter”
Tim Scott, Senator, he was the first to call me. Sir, you did nothing wrong.
congratulating Mitch MConnell.
major clapping
Talking about Mitch – funny
POTUS — Name #2 Bad Guy— ADAM SCHIFF
Name #3 Bad Guys— VINDMAN and his BROTHER
“Mitch McConnell — you did a fantastic job.”
Said the most horrible things about me on the campaign trail, but pledge to be fair on the vote?????
oops made a typo in my email…sorry to make you fish in “spam” or wherever “new” people go
Wonderful to see the truth of the horrific, scandalous coup, criminal conspiracies, foreign collusion, etc., being told to the vast American public in a low key, easy to understand way.
Will this be able to “punch” through the Dem/DNC/Deep State narrative to being a public overwhelming demand for justice!?!
thanks for fixing my above post – that was fast!
he meant every word he said this morning with Nancy Pelosi four seats away.
I had Nancy Pelosi sitting four seats from me this morning and a lot of people wouldn’t have said what I said but I meant every word.
Pelosi was sitting 4 seats away and I said stuff and meant every word of it! hahahaha
I meant every word I said about Nasty at the Prayer Breakfast

Nancy sitting 4 seats away and I meant every word I said
Mike Braun HAS done an incredible job.
A man who got James Comey to choke…….
Chuck Grassley
That’s the way he talks……
chuck Grassley is an incredible guy.
Chuck Grassley is an incredible guy!
Great place, Missouri…SHHH! Mr. President. Don’t tell everybody!
President Trump so calm, relaxed and genuine right now. Humorous and real. Down to earth. And yet telling SO much truth
This is a joy to watch…..
It really is.
Like we’re watching game films from winning the night before. Coach congratulating those on the field.
Josh Hawley, President is joking about Claire McCaskill running ads which sounded like she was running with President Trump.
McCaskill got so friendly to Trump.
Trump interview Josh Hawley – I interview US Senators now, this is my life.
Josh Hawley is good.
Iowans are tough.
Grassley laughing his azz off!!!
POTUS imitates him talking normally to Comey in rough voice, You tell me what did you say!
Imagine if you’d been rough, you’d of had the whole ballgame!
Talking about Romney, using religion as a crutch, never did it before. Doing it now.
Failed Presidential race, lot of things happen when you fail.
Mike Lee tell Utah I’m sorry about Mitt Romney
Mike Lee!!! Stick in the mud!!!
such a disappointment! The sky was the limit for that guy until he sold out! such as shame…
I’m sorry about Mitt Romney!!! I’m Sorry!!!!!!!!! LOLOLOL
Did y’all here the reference to Romney? – ‘uses religion as a crutch’….!!!
AH! That explains it! Very smart reference. Brilliantly pro-religion, too. Stole the atheist “crutch” and used it against Romney’s hypocrisy!
To Mike Lee
Say hello to the beautiful people of Utah and tell them I’m sorry about Mitt.
Mike Lee –
He knew from the beginning we were right on the law.
Mike is difficult, always has a good reason for his vote.
Say hello to the people of Utah and tell them I’m sorry about Mitt Romney.
Utah is sorry about Mitt Romney.
This speech is so heartwarming, friendly, and comforting. After all he has been through, he speaks so calmly!
God Bless You, President Trump!!! We love you!!!
Not a speech, a personal conversation with all of us!!!

Exactly, BFLY!!! That is what makes him so endearing –
I was going to post here…as he was talking…But I just sat down on the couch and listened…He was literally in my living room telling me what happened! Mesmerizing…………….

Trump just said to tell people of Utah he is Sorry about Romney!!!!!
That is a “bomb” – President Trump rarely takes the time to apologize and acknowledge mistakes and Romney was a mistake for which he just apologized !
POTUS naming the Good Guys, in addition to his legal team:
Bill Cassidy
Sen. Barasso
Sen. Braun (Indiana)
“got James Comey to choke” — Sen. Grassley
Sen. Hawley
“used religion as a crutch” — Sen. Romney
Sen. Lee — “a brilliant guy but he’s difficult”; “tell the people of Utah that I’m sorry about Mitt Romney”
Sen. Kelly Loeffler
House members
Adam Schiff and Nancy Pelosi — “vicious, horrible people”
Adam Schiff is a vicious horrible person
Pelosi is a vicious person
I doubt she prays at all
But they do two things
They stick together like glue
They don’t lose anybody
You could impeach George Washington
They’re visious as hell.
And they’ll probably come back for more.
But now the Repub party’s poll numbers are high, and Trump numbers are high
No way to get your poll numbers up.
It was a phone call
I’ve been on bad phone calls, not this one.
Tie is pink and dark stripes. Pink=she, Strips=bars = she’s going to prison?
We have a Treaty, I have a legal obligation to investigate corruption, don’t I Mr. Attorney??
This is like watching a mongoose circle a cobra.
He’s using this to reinforce all the information that the normies may have missed if it was not reported by the MSM.
Like a LION stalking a herd of DONKEYS
No, lions don’t taunt and tease, and wear out their prey. We like to call him the lion, but this is more subtle than that.
its a thing of beauty…
fireside chat – always feels so personal, like I am there too…almost
Talking about the number of people on the phone call.
Talking about the Treaty with Ukraine, I probably had a duty to report the corruption.
Son makes 3 million dollars, then gooes to Romania.
Is this legal?
if so, where is Ivanka, she could make a fortune.
We’re giving them money…….. but we have our cities to build and roads to fix.
Why isn’t Germany paying more?
Refering to conversation with Pence.
Why are we always paying.
Why are we the suckers?
Think what we could have done if the same energy could have been put into infrastructure and drug pricing.
It is genius…..
They took nothing and brought me to a final vote of impeachment – think what we could have done. Not fair to the country.
They took nothing, a phone call, and brought me to a final stage of Impeachment

Now we have Final Acquittal…
Mitch McConnell – he’s the greatest poker player
Kevin McCarthy – you’re going to be Speaker of the House because of this impeachment thing.
“You are going to be ‘Speaker of the House’ because of this impeachment hoax!” Kevin McCarthy – President Trump
Nadler, I’ve known him all my life
I’ve beaten him all my life.
And I’ll probably have to beat him again.
An understatement – Nadler is a snake!
Slug. Snakes are kinder slender
To Kevin McCarthy….youre gonna be SOTH because of this
naming PEOPLE NOW.
These people have gone stone cold crazy!! LOLOLOLOL
Nadler, I’ve been fighting and beating him for 25 years!
They’ll try to start something if I cross the street against the light
I’ll beat em again if I have to!
Iowa, Dems can’t count votes and they wanna run your Healthcare!!
More spirit now for the repubicans than before
Talking about Pence in Iowa.
We got 98% of the vote…..
Talking about the people running against the incumbent President Trump.
Big crowds turned out for the President in Iowa, even though an incumbent.
Stronger spirit than………. in a long time
Abe Lincoln
Wish he was here, I would give him one hell of an introduction.
Doug Collins.

Wow! He’s gonna keep BOTH Loeffler and Collins somehow!!! Awesome!!!
Jim Jordan, never wears a jacket

He’s probably proud of his body
Matt Gaetz
I guess he’s been forgiven.
Matt Gaetz, Trump knows his father.
Jim Jordan.
JIm Jordan’s proud of his body. HA!
Look at those ears! There’s something good in between them!
Jim Jordan is some warrier!
Debbie Lesko —– Sincere compliments from the President.
She’s one of my personal favorites. – Could be a great girlfriend.
He is using his own victory to lift up other GOP and strengthen the unity….what a leader
breathtakingly honorable….
Excellent observation.
Debbie Lesko

Very smart, great representing our Country!
The strength of the Republican Party right now is phenomenal (minus Romney Rat) – have not seen it in my lifetime for sure – even with Reagan – it was questionable – we need them for the landslide – plus the crossovers, too.
While the Democrat Party is going over the cliff big time with their Marxist/Socialist/Communist agenda- although the socialism takeover of the Democrat Party was predicted many years ago – Norman Mattoon Thomas – a Socialist Candidate – said it would happen without us even noticing – but, we did notice!!!
Ron de Santis!!!
Mark Meadows —– talking about his wife, she was leading a bus tour in support of Trump during the weekend of the pussy tape in October of 2016.
Trump LOVEs Mark Meadows wife.
Ron DeSantis —- running for Governor!
Mr President I would like your support, he was at 3% and had no money.
De Santis is now in the 70’s for approval.
President Trump is the polar opposite of narcissist Øbama!
Trump loves to praise and encourage other people!
This is an amazing thing to hear him describe and deeply appreciate all the graces and gifts of his supporters.
You reading my thoughts again GF
The difference between a ‘Boss’ and a ‘Manager’ – called ‘participative management’ – He is a Master Manager!
A Boss tells people what to do, when to do it, and how to do it – A Manager develops people and brings out the best in people – recognizes talent – and provides the resources to maximize that talent.
Amen, Miss Duchess!
True, GA/FL
What a week – what a month – what a year – what a 4 years! It’s been amazing.
Hi praise for Mark Meadows and Ron DeSantis.
Mike Johnson, you can represent me any time.
The most legitimate guy, the other side’s worst nightmare.
Devin Nunes!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
What a tremendous man.
I didn’t even know him, he kept going into basements and looking at files.
He knows.
We can never let this happen again and hopefully we’re going to take care of him.
Devin Nunes – unbelieveable!!!!

Standing O
Debbie Meadows stood strong in 2016 when access hollywood tape came out
Esp. important in the more Southern states
talking Nunes – we didn’t know it was as bad it is but hopefully we will get it taken care so it doesn’t happen again. means good things to come
Devin Nunes gets a Standing Ovation!
RICHLY deserved, too!
He was the one who broke open SPYGATE!!!
John Ratcliffe – great guy, remake of Perry Mason
The Senate Should have taken his nomination for NSC ———- never understand that one.
Standing ovation for Devin Nunes….the respect from his peers is soooooo awesome to see
Couch commando won’t shut up.
Your wife loves you.
Why do you say that?
A lot of wives wouldn’t care! LOLOLOLOL
his tribute to Scaise is funny, heartwarming, sincere, WONDERFUL!!!!

Steve Scalise ——– talking about how much his wife loved him and was devastated
Telling story of shooting…… bad.
oFortunately you had two policemen with you.
they started coming in but only had a handgun, he had a rifle.
no way to get at him
dug out.
He’s better looking now
How did that happen?
Melania and I went to the hospital that night
6 months ago
talking about RANGE playing 2nd baseman……. but Steve could barely walk.
ground ball shot is hit to 2nd base.
Trump worried about it, Steve caught the ball, laying down, tossed to 2nd base, gets the guy out.
He could never do that again in a million years.
That ball was not going through.
What a warrior
I got lucky, we had the right people.
Need the right people.
Such an awesome leader. This is what a good CEO does after accomplishing a huge project. Give recognition to his team. I love that he is doing it in public.
Yes, they all greatly deserved the national recognition…cannot imagine the number of hours, the amount of work they put into this…sacrificing a lot of personal and family time. POTUS referred to them as warriors and they were equal to our military warriors that also give so much of themselves for the good of our nation.
Can’t tell you the number of times we laughed with his comments and spot on descriptions of many he recognized. His “Queens” personality was present in the room…you almost have to live with that greater NY sense of humor to really appreciate it.
It was a well-deserved victory lap….with lots of hints about what is yet to come. Can hardly wait!
Elise Stefanik
she was killing them, Elise!!!!!
Big story about her in the NYPost
People from all over the country are contributing to her campaign
What a great future you have
!st lady agrees.
Michael Turner – you can represent me anytime.
Brad Winstrope.
From “A Charlie Brown Christmas”…
Für Elise…
Lee Zeldin – how good are you?
Louie Gohmert – his name is not on the list
If I had not announced his name………… end of the Presidency, who made this list?
Louis Gohmert!
Matt Schlapp – CPAC talking about 6yrs ago.
Straw poll, citizen Trump won it in 2011, Matt said you should run for politics.
My favorite. I die every time he talks about them.
Because he makes it sound like a Soap Opera – LOL
Reading lovers texts now…again bringing out facts as truth and bringing it out to the national media
suddenly the cameras started clicking again
Try to overthrow
Comey …. sleezebag
in the hands of some very talented people…will have to see what happens
And there it is – POTUS knows something is going to happen, and this is the prep for it.
Pregame warmups.
yep- that was the sign
The bad dudes are going down!
We now have a “truth bomb”
“It was the top scum of the FBI.
I love the FBI but this was the top scum”
overthrow… a duly elected president
There it is
I bet his “We’ll see what happens” is the pregame warmup. Thought the same thing as you.
POTUS just prepped them for what’s coming.
Lots of talented people working on many different things…..
Reading the lovers’ texts. insurance policy.
If I hadn’t fire that sleezebag Comey, we’dve never known!!!
Mueller erased their texts
G-man, top scum
Now they’re suing USA because they were interfered with
Interesting that he mentions Mueller erasing the text messages…
OMGGGGGG talking about the Lisa Peter text messages.
Mocking them in that voice.
THEY can’t take the risk, two low life’s, Hillary may lose, it’s like an insurance policy.
If I won, they were going to try to do what they did to us.
If I didn’t fire James Comey, that sleazebag, they would have overthrown the Presidency of the USA. Think about that.
An agent from the FBI….. thought Hillary should win 100million to one.
These are the guys investigating Hillary.
Trump is a LOATHESOME human being – these are the people looking at me?
Now, I just heard they were suing the USA.
We cannot let this happen our country.
This is a day of celebration, Pelosi, Cryin Chuck, only time I ever say him cry was when he needed it.
Ok, he’s talking about sedition and treason here. Right???
the very definition of it
Snot – “ Lisa Peter”.
Bwahahaha – very appropriate, no?
Don’t forget y’all. In “New York Speak”, “looking at me” means investigating me, wiretapping, etc.
wrapping up after celebrating, friendly conversation, and now Truth Bomb
Dems still cooking up new scams
Mark Meadows says something.
PDJT is holding no punches talking about the Democrats, Comey, FBI….
The Page/Strzok emails were clean compared with the other stuff that was not revealed.
I’m sure there was some really juicy stuff that got erased.
Support all across the country! AMEN!!!
MM- We got your back!
you betcha !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
This is a Day of CELEBRATION!!!

not going to let it happen…
a day of celebration …
Ivanka! Melania! Hooray!!!
I want to apologize to my family for having to go through a phony, rotten deal.

Such applause for the family! I love it. They deserve some love.
He just apologized to his family – tears in my eyes – it really hurt him his family had to go through this!
Highly partisan situation.
Calling her out……..
He knew she wanted to impeach.
The only one who voted against was (slamming Mitt Romney)
Pelosi said I don’t think we should go down this road because it divides the country.
She was right about that.
If we could put this genius to work, what we COULD do, working with parties on both sides, what we could do …… working together.
It’s an honor to be with you all. Want to apologize to my family for having to go through a horrible rotten deal by evil and sick people. My sons, all of them, Ivanka, and that includes Barron. They stuck with me. This wasn’t part of the deal.
Ivanka – hugging her.
Melania – hugging her.
We’re doing things they said couldn’t be done. Our country is thriving like never before.
Drove a stake in the heart of the DEM party and the cabal.
No prepared comments, really.
It’s the PERFECT way to build loyalty.
It’s his party.
And he did it with CLASS.
You’re right, quite a shift for the leadership of the GOP from where they were 3 yrs ago.
That’s exactly what I thought. This is his team now and they are loyal and battle hardened.
I’ve never been more PROUD!
My goodness, where did the time go? It flew by so fast, yet I could listen to him for hours more!!!

Thank God that Donald Trump loves this country and all of us, and that he is our President!!! Love Him Sooo Much!!!
That’s what I said after the SOTU speech…really no slow parts, great human stories,..beautiful, uplifting prose. It turned out to be one the longest but, for us, it definitely held our attention and the time flew by.
That was beautiful! Everything he said was so true.
Wow, the way he just left with Melania…
Crushed ALL his enemies!
And he got the girl, and exited stage hand in hand…
Such a beautiful ending to the movie
The movie isn’t over…….
it is Intermission
Too much winning?
No, there is never enough of it!
Kick some ass!!!
(And I mean donkey when I say ass)
Dear GOD I hate FOX NEWs, Brett Baier trying to compare Bill Clinton’s speech of apology to Trump not admitting any blame
Harris Faulkner interrupted Brett Baier, and said, paraphrasing, “hey Brett, Bill Clinton was actually guilty, Trump was not”
Harris Faulkner is a very sharp lady!
Oh I can’t wait for Flep’s roundup tomorrow when he reposts the tweeter video of Baiar having it handed to him
I’m so happy that he got the smackdown he deserved!!!
I like Harris
Good for Harris. Brett Baier and his Demon friends, and the Never Trumpers are going to find themselves on the outs. POTUS just stiffened everyone’s backbones – they’re not going to let Fake News get away with this stuff.
Pelosi is out there trying to justify her actions – lying through her unhinged teeth – and Trump – in all honesty – gives her credit for recognizing the divisiveness of impeachment –
An honorable, honest man – God Bless You Real Good, Mr. President!!!
need more tissues ……………….
Thank you Lord, for giving us this wonderful man as POTUS…
Passing some over to you, PR – may come by carrier pigeon – but, will be there soon –
* Smiling through the tears, PR *
Right sweet Lady… we are so blessed.
Amen goes right there, PR!
It’s my POTUS and I’ll cry if I want to . . .
love ya Carl…
Never thought to see this in my lifetime – and those people in the room with him – are really, really with him.
HAHAHA – While POTUS was speaking, Perez calls for Iowa recount

Bernie’s lawyers got papers to Perez ???????????
Must’ve gotten a new shipment of K-Y…….
(oh, slap….)..-
From Brett Baier, best week politically for Trump in a long time. No mistaking the optics.
At the same time, Head of DNC Tom Perez is calling for a complete re-canvassing of all votes in Iowa.
It’s a disaster for the DEMS.
Kurt at Town Hall wrote a piece about the 3 days of agony for the DIMs – will try to find the link
Brett Baeir is trying to make the speech from the WH today and compare it to a campaign rally.
No, not at all…….
Trump was quiet, calm, and deliberate.
Nothing at all like a rally.
Husband thinks Brett has become a Fat $ucking Fratboy and we can’t ever watch him again, not allowed on our television. He’s mad.
Never really liked him, Daughn – just another pretty face with a lying mouth.
It’s really kind of sad. I remember when many people were prayerful for Baier when his young son had to have some serious heart surgery. This is how he repays the FOX viewers – with disingenuousness & outright dishonesty.
He could have sold his soul to save his son, too – however – he is definitely on the wrong side of America – most of them are.
I just read what his son (and Brett and his family) went through.
My son had WPW (Wollf-Parkinson-White) Syndrome ( a from of tachycardia) when he was born, and eventually had it so bad that he had to be reanimated three times, for a total of more than ten minutes.
In other words, he was clinically dead for more than ten minutes.
Thank GOD that he was able to be revived, and recovered. There were indeed a few miracles involved.
I thanked one of the Pediatric Heart specialists involved, and he said, pointing above [with other people looking on, no less] “We did the best we could, the nurses and staff did the best we could, but ‘der Herr had das gemacht’ (GOD did that, i.e. saved him)”.
My sister had had WPW, and open-heart surgery to correct it 20 years before, and, oddly enough, a young woman Cardiologist was on staff (when my son was in the ICU) and I had spoken to her, and realized that she looked like my sister, and that made me think of WPW, which NO-ONE had thought of in regard to my son….
So I mentioned it to the MANY Cardioligists there, who were looking at a monitor with my son’s ECG going back and forth, looking at the 12 wave-lines, etc. And, lo, and behold, the “delta-welle” showed up, normally “concealed” (which is why no-one ever noticed it before). They jumped up and down as if they’d seen a fantastic goal or touchdown or whatever…
All of the doctors, staff, etc., had their pictures on the wall of the carido-pediatric ICU, even the temporary ones.
But the woman I had spoken to, about the WPW and my sister, was not on the wall, even though I’d seen her picture the previous day.
And I KNOW I spoke to her, and she asked me for more infos, and gave me their fax number, email, etc.
And yet she wasn’t there, and no-one knew of her…
And sometimes we meet angels, not knowing it…..
I don’t know what Brett and his family’s situation is. But I pray for him, and them, nonetheless. I can’t really explain what it’s like, waiting, praying, soul-searching, and reading and praying over and through the Bible.
But it’s something that one never forgets. Even when things get better. Here’s hoping and praying that Brett and his family do better, and live better, and throw off whatever shackles have been put on them (remember Pacific Garden Mission and “Unshackled”…)…
Thanks for the info, Cuppa – sad after this experience – he chooses to report falsehoods – there was a time when he was different – I thought – so do not understand how a person can experience the gifts of God – and not be forever changed.
Gosh. Chair-keyboard interface problems again…
“der Herr hat das gemacht”
Cuppa, your son is a gift.
Wow. God Bless!
Can’t watch him or Martha!!!
I never liked Brett when I used to watch TV and now seeing him on computer both my husband and I change it.
I guess we find out how many never Trumpers are on Fox.
Of course the first guy they have on is Chrome Dome Casey.
Baier has always been a Molded Injection Plastic (fromer) Pretty-Boy. He is a the reincarnation of Judge Smails without the humor but all of the brains. He is smug with no reason. Smarmy with every reason. He couldn’t hit a golf ball but sideways and I’m sure he is about half as much fun as an enema at a party.
Yea, I’m pissed.
Then we switch to Fox business and the first face is Plugs Gaspingrino. His squirrel pelt makes Joe Biden’s hair look like a Breck Shampoo ad. The single most unsuccessful name-dropping, dunder-headed wannabe business pundit ever. He is a real-life Bob Uecker – expect without personality, humor or good looks.
I call him:
Talking Head News READER…..
Watch his eyes…..
Reads it all….
Zero original thought.
aka…… puppet
LOL….I love Husband’s sense of insult…..very fitting and very funny
You know, years of working together builds loyalty.
Weathering a crisis builds loyalty as well.
It’s definitely Trump’s party now.
And for a leader of any organization to publicly acknowledge those who help, assist, shine in their areas, is a masterful stroke of a true leader.
Share the glory and the team becomes stronger.
You nailed it Daughn…………….
“It’s definitely Trump’s party now”….Music to my ears :0)
What a stark difference between this speech and Nancy’s speech.
Wowwwwww, what a difference.
What do you guys think?
BFLY said it perfectly – it was NOT a speech – it was a CONVERSATION with all of us!!!
Big Difference, Daughn
From the ♥️ Duchess, his Big Beautiful ♥️!!!
Absotutalutely, BLFY!!!
YES! and American people will see it…
her petty words just before his “celebration” will lie juxtaposition his SOTUA and her temper tantrum…
not a pretty sight…
I think he made her look even more petty, small, unhinged, and VICIOUS by his calm, soothing demeanor here. Dropped a few little truth bombs in there along the way….we’ll see what happens
We’ve all been praying for him and been following this all since the beginning as part of his “team”. It felt like we had the honour of going to the debriefing and celebration with the “team”. He made it so personal and it was a conversation for his people!. Such a leader!!
Good greif, that happened fast! I started the thread with 1 comment and 1 like and now we’re up to over 300 comments – and it’s still MORNING in AMERICA!!!
I missed the speech and it was nice to catch up here on the thread.
You are all amazing .
POTUS is the best and I like that he is real.
POTUS is real! He keeps on BE BEST!
And Daughn is the news now!
Amazing how she works more than 247!
So true
So true Daughn and Flep the new news
Echoed my thoughts exactly! TY
I conclude that Trump has the same connection with people as Reagan. Only he is from NYC not Cali, a builder not an actor, ruthless not serving jelly beans and he carries Thor’s Hammer not a self-deprecating joke.
This really has been the modern incarnation of Macbeth or the Lord of the Rings or the Odyssey. This guy has fought the good fight, turned back every enemy and emerged stronger and more resilient. He may look tired today – he did – but he is also like the battle-hardened Scotsman in the last scene of Braveheart. Trump has just thrown that sword out onto the battlefield and the Dems are like those clueless Brits on the other side – Thor’s Hammer is coming for them.
Amen, Thomas.
A very good analogy….covers a few centuries of politics, literature and legend.
Yes Big T!!! And his name is BARR!!!!! WOOHOO!!!!!
Barr got mentioned… and there was that, “We’ll see what happens” – I love POTUS toying with them, like a cat with its prey. But it really is difficult to weave the cases together and make everything stick legally.
Following the money might be the way they get them all. It’s how they finally got Capone.
Correcting myself. I heard Barr was in the room, but didn’t get mentioned? POTUS is making sure to keep distance from the DOJ…
Yes, he did mention and point out BARR, but quickly pointed out this day was about a different “team” of patriots. In other words, Barr’s time is ahead.
Ok, that’s what I thought, and he did move on quickly. Barr doesn’t want any focus right now…
Pointed to him in the room and made a point of saying his entire Cabinet was there. Would have loved to see Barr’s face………
I can’t wait until Barr takes his turn at bat.
That’s the DAY…We Pop the Champagne! I don’t care WHAT time it is!!!!
This! I likened it to Braveheart’s final scene as well. When POTUS was first elected there was an article in which the author thought PDJT would get eaten for lunch, because even though he had won on the New York skyline against those sharks, he had morals/values and was just too nice, he had too big a heart. He needed to be tougher to realize what was happening and make the hard calls. Well, you sure can’t say that now. Today we saw a man with steely reserve that will take no prisoners. And as much as whiny Mittens thought his vote would cost him, he has not idea how expensive it is going to be, not even close…. It will be epic. Mentioning the cost to his family means all bets are off and they are going down, bigly.
“Art of the Deal” Chapter 4: Revenge
This in spades!! This one was personal.
my favorite chapter…
God is with Donald Trump.
After stupid Ben Shapiro saying Trumps wins come from Satan, I just wanted to smack him, he is ignorant.
This is the Truth from the Bible –
God said to Israel, I will bless those who bless you and I will curse those who curse you.
This is playing out before our very eyes. This is why Donald Trump always WINS!!!!
Think about what President Trump did NOT do.
He did not threaten, mention lawsuits, vengeance, payback, etc.
He only vaguely hinted at what might maybe be ‘looked into’ but no promises were made.
He did NOT mention Barr or Durham and that is significant.
Remember, PDJT likes to be unpredictable.
Today was about celebration!!!
sent you an email sista!!! We gotcha…covered!!!

Thank you Sweet Lady…
Yes! I agree, this was the day POTUS took command, and receives loyalty from his band of merry men and women.
Replying to
“That locker room speech with the Team will be remembered 100 years from now just as Henry V’s St Crispin’s Day speech still is. Never been done before, it will echo for years to come and define the NEW GOP going forward..
Now get out there and kick Leftie ass!”
And this from vassarbushmills @bushmillsvassar
After the president’s speech today, I’d say it might be a lot more painful for the harassers, fraught with risk where only a day or so ago, there was no risk
Quote Tweet
Rep. Paul Gosar, DDS @RepGosar
· 1h
Impeachment is finally over, but if you think the harassment of @realDonaldTrump is going to stop, you haven’t been paying attention!
Democrats will stop at nothing to tear @POTUS down because they hate him more than they love America.
Democrat Party Press Office -CNN Branch- Is Unhappy With President Trump’s Speech.
HA!! Idiots! Nobody watches them and the world was watching PDJT and agreeing with him!!!
That’s not what I saw!
I saw quiet, determined, deliberative.
Is he angry, probably, but no rage there.
He was humble and thanked all who participated. He was concerned for other presidents who come after him, and he was thankful and apologetic to his family for going through all the crap and sticking by his side.
You’re not looking at it through the proper set of delusion glasses, so your opinion doesn’t matter.
The House violated President Trump’s civil rights by denying him due process!
Love it!!!!
The Trump kids are fighters too! This gives the President multiplied strength of opposition to the fake news.
Now Pelosi says PDJT looked sedated in his speech.
Can’t she see how she looks/acts/speaks gives the impression of being drunk or drugged?
She is simply projecting her own behavior onto the President of the USA!!!
The plot thickens – they are going for the armchair psychiatrist smear.
More Jedi mind tricks?
Probably projection and opposites thinking/speaking, both of which they do all the time. They live in an opposite of truth/reality world.
Mafiosi Piglosi d’Alessandro Gambino PolyGrip (pavement) Princess says:
“I’d rather have a bottle-in-front-of-me than a frontal lobotomy”…
To paraphrase Lady Margaret Thatcher’s immortal remark, with regard to those of the cult of Moloch,
“the problem with Baal/Moloch worship is, sooner or later, you run out of other people’s babies”…..
Matthew 18:1-11: says it all, Ms. Nancy. Take the time and effort to read it…
Forgive me Lord but I would love to throat punch her.
Momma raised me not to hit a girl and I have always turned the other cheek even had an x wife stab me with a steak knife and I turned the other cheek.
I am really havin a tough time not hatin Nasty Nancy.
Rodney, there’s a great story in there somewhere.
Lol there’s plenty of war stories to go round from my life.
I had to endure psychodrama at the age of 21 and when I came to from being hypnotized the whole room was cryin. I was floored when they revealed things that I had hid from my past.
I ain’t never had a cakewalk in my life it’s been a rough one from day one.
Saturday I turn 55 lol I didn’t wanna live to see teen years let alone 55.
I have a scar about half inch wide 5 inches long where my sperm donor accidentally stabbed me and ta think Johnny Cash says life ain’t easy for a boy named Sue.
I hope your day was blessed Daughn we depend on ya alot here and all contributors deserve a blessed day.
Rodney, honey, I’m so glad you made it.
We’re better that you are here.
Me to Daughn, my life has made me a tough mofo and the things I have learned cant be replaced.
This place is home to me and y’all give me comfort in the things you say and do.
God bless you Daughn and everyone here in this amazing QTreehouse
We all are, Rodney. Most of the Democrat and some RINO politicians have ways that we hate. We must hate the sin and pray for the sinner.
Not entirely sure she qualifies. As a woman. Certainly not as a lady. More like a terrified cornered she beast
Candace Owens:
“If communist Bernie Sanders secures the nomination, he will need a strong Democrat to run as his VP.
I suggest @MittRomney.”
Tammy Bruce takes aim at Rat Romney:
prances onto the stage w another embarrassingly smug display of his supposed moral superiority. Yet Romney’s record exposes him as the one void of both of character & decency.
My piece from May 2019:
More about Deeply Religious Romney™
Romney’s 2012 foreign policy adviser was on Burisma board with Hunter Biden.
Also, Mitt took money from Ghislaine Maxwell’s father when he was starting Bain Capital and he invested and profited big on Stericycle, the aborted fetus disposal company
Mr. Jones @MrJones_tm/ says:

Trump is the greatest President America has ever had.
No human that has ever existed could have withstood the bullshit that has been thrown at him over the last 4 yrs.
He not only handled it – he kicked everybody’s ass in return & has been completely exonerated
He certainly exposed all the globalist bullies as just that, bullies who have nothing when someone stands up to them.
Yes, they’re pedophiles, murderers and pagan worshippers, but they don’t murder with their own hands because they’re arrogant cowards. That’s why they prey on defenseless children.
The amazing thing is that they are so full of bullshit that even with complete control of Pedowood, fake news media and all the money in the world — ONE GUY still kicked all their asses.
And that should be a lesson for all of us — everyone on the PLANET — that these cowards can dish it out, but they can’t take it.
The only thing they’re good at is evil.
As if that’s some kind of accomplishment.
John Cardillo:
Trump’s WH address is driving the left insane
Sheer brilliance
I have NEVER EVER seen anything close to the masterful “High Noon” session with Congress members.
• Deft levels of influence with warriors, leaders alike.
• All now have both personal and Caucus-wide standards to live up to.
• Incrediblely lasting impact in UNIFYING the PARTY.
Dora, I’m stealing this one for tomorrow’s thread!
Breitbart takes Pelosi to task:
Where are all the so-called Establishment Media “fact-checkers”?
“Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) cited the debunked claim Thursday that President Donald Trump had praised neo-Nazis and white supremacists who marched in Charlottesville in August 2017.”
Nanci is not carrying her hate well. Her face is showing the decay of her soul. Lying has become easier for her and she can no longer hide since it is written over her face. All the botox will no longer help her.
I pray for her because she needs it and so do I so her hate does not creep up within me.
When she opens her mouth, bats fly out.
Guess why.
“Bats fly out…..”
To be honest I’ve seen better looking corpses than her. Hate within will kill you, peace comes form above.
VP Mike Pence does a thread:
There is more at his twitter feed! Mike has been a very loyal, supportive and energetic VP! Very well spoken. Love Karen too!
Imagine that
It’s very sad watching traditions die….
Demo☭rats are sinking on their own Titanic.
• SCAMpeachment fatally gashed one side.
• Now they’re blowing holes in the opposite side to keep it from “tipping sideways” as it sinks.
Hope this works
oh well – here’s another one
Here it is you left the ? before the (dot)jpg
Huh. I thought “no one was above the law”.
Video of high noon speech
CNN’s “fact-check” gets debunked by….wait for it!

For Zoe – text in tweet

Dan Scavino
Dan tweets a meme: Show the back of our POTUS in the overcoat we all love so much…
(huge letters) “GAME OVER” spaced across the middle of photo
(left corner)
“Acquitted for life.”
“Still Your President.”
for the Haters and Left-wing Dems—-
And (I believe a significant detail), “GAME OVER” is in the Game of Thrones font.
And you know what happens in Game of Thrones when the game is over for someone….zzzzt! Heads fly off.
I never watched GoT… thanks for explaining Steve! I have been thinking of gallows…
Oh, and Zoe, you’ll find it reads better if you put “Game Over” LAST.
Thanks Steve
Hey, we gotta stick together WWG1WGA or something like that.
something like that!
Chris Matthews and MSNBC are trying to start a Civil War. Why can’t Trump voters start a Class Action lawsuit against them for trying to get us killed?? I don’t know what the law is but this is what Chris is doing:
CNN is doing this:
Surely this is not legal, right or fair. All they have to do is watch the video or “read the transcript”.
Bad idea … see below instead.
It’s almost like President Trump had a Magic Wand
… but WILLARD “The Rat” ROMNEY would already have known this
… after trading notes with BARACK “The Snake” OBAMA.
Remember the cutthroat campaign manager Ted Cruz hired in 2016? He grew up working on hog farms and said politics was dirtier and smellier by far!
I used to pass a hog farm on the way from I-10 to Athens, GA and it smelled horrible.
You didn’t want to breathe until you got far away.
I never read the comments under the Trump family (or any conservative’s tweets).
The leftist comments smell worse than the hog farm!
Try I-5 driving down to Los Angeles from northern California.
You’ll NEVER forget “the aroma”…
(And, if you drive through Holland down to Germany in the winter time, you can experience steaming “fertilizer” with the same “perfume”… I’d drive, erm, significantly faster than legal speeds just to get away from that. I think the Dutch highway patrol understood completely (yet they had to work a full, erm, Schiff in it)…)…
…think about the hard dirty work our forebears had to do to have bacon and beef and other food on the table.
Yep. I don’t think most people have a clue of how much we owe to farmers… Overworked, underpaid, and without the respect and honor they deserve…
My early forebears moved from Scotland to the USA three hundred years ago, tired of “rock farming” in the little ice age… Could explain why my father could make almost anything take root. I think he could make a brick sprout…
Wonder what part HIllrotten had in the Sham-peach-mint?
Is she pushing them around?
Is she hoping for another shot at her life’s ambition?
Let’s hope this all comes out and the arrest begin.
“Bloomberg entered the Democratic race late and is not focusing on early primary and caucus states. He has self-funded his campaign entirely and spent more than $180 million in the fourth quarter of 2019.”
Other than some ad buys, what exactly is he spending the money on? He is not campaigning in the traditional way and 180 million is not chump change….for 1 quarter??
Is the money being funneled back into the coffers and schemes that have seen their $$ drying up….
It’s the “leveraged buyout” of the Dem Party.
He will have 800 paid staffers in California by Super-Tuesday.
He’s built a machine equal to the Dem Party – and he owns them.
I am organizing my notes on the China virus focusing on Practical Preparation Ideas with links.
Do you or Wolfie want it put it up as an article when I am finished? That way the information will not get lost in the comment section.
Most is gleaned from Larry Ledwick, EM Simth & Friends. I have just organized it.
Do you want to post it here, and I would be happy to copy into thread form with your name as attribution.
Gail, I can’t thank you enough for all the work you’ve done on this subject.
Sincerely appreciate it.
And hey, if you would rather Wolfie do it, that ‘s fine by me. It’s important info.
I can go ahead and post it in this thread once I have everything organized. I have no problem with you putting it up.
I will use an asterisk [*] in front of the links so they are ‘dead’ Some will be charts.
Also I will post as more than one comment.
Scary thought
So many things to take in from today’s White House speech. Thank you all for adding your comments.
As I watched it, I kept thinking POTUS is also doing a stealth advertising campaign. Every one of those people he highlighted will be able to use that in a campaign commercial.
In addition, he’s letting the demoncrats – and the world – know who has his back and who he will take care of.
Nobody does it better than Donald J. Trump!
This made my ears prick up.
More wtf. My spider senses are tingling
Well deserved
[…] 20200206: High Noon, President Trump Speech on His Acquittal […]