20200206: What Do You Mean You Need to Move 35 Trillion (with a "T") Dollars at the Pentagon?

The Pentagon made 35 TRILLION dollars in accounting changes………. 35 TRILLION!

Soooo, I saw the headline and had a heart attack…….. the BIG ONE.

This is the article in question: https://www.msn.com/en-us/money/markets/pentagon-racks-up-dollar35-trillion-in-accounting-changes-in-a-year/ar-BBZcVdy

I read the article, and something strange happened. There was the most awful smell in the air………. like a big dead rat, like a Schiff smell, with Andrew Weissman cheap cologne mixed in….. It smelled familiar….. I’ll admit, I’m scanning the horizon for clues of the next wild hoax, waste of time, brought to us by Nancy and Lawfare.

Notice to Dems: We’ve been through ShaMMMpeachment and Muh Russia. We know the playbook by now. You need a new scam. This one won’t work…… and the people you may deem as dumb and deplorable can see it coming from a mile away. We’ve learned!!

Here’s the story: In an article from MSM, Tony Capaccio at Bloomberg (note – this is Bloomberg reporting in an election year where Michael Bloomberg is prepared to spend billions to defeat our President), wrote a story about the “stark increase in accounting changes at the Pentagon”, changes of 35 Trillion in 2019, 30.7 trillion in 2018, and 29 Trillion in 2017. Note the phrase “accounting changes”.

Tony Capaccio, to make this a bigger story and imply wrongdoing, using all the MSM approved salacious adjectives, interviews the GAO about the “problem” of the increase in accounting changes. Note, we’re supposed to be concerned about an increase in accounting entries but NO ONE said any money is missing. Plus, remember, GAO is an arm of CONGRESS (read as Pelosi), and the Pentagon in the Executive Branch (read as Trump).

Status check: So far, we have an article with an incendiary headline, written by a Bloomberg reporter, and it involves the Pentagon and the GAO – which we now know is partisan. Spidey senses tingling? Suspicious cat?

What is an “accounting change”, you ask? Answer = Moving money from one place to another, allocating it to a different folder. Easy peasy. BUT RARELY do two people do it the exact same way. If I buy a First Aid kit for the car, I would classify it as medical supplies. Big T would call it Auto Expense. Neither is right or wrong, just different.

Example: Let’s say your house is the Pentagon. Everything you have in bedroom #1 has a value. Bedroom #1 might contain a bed, mattress, linen, dresser, nightstands, lamps, mirror, tv, and a couch. Each item would have a line item price. Total of Room #1 is $10,000. Okay, fine.

Well, Christmas comes along and you expect out of town company. You need to move the couch from Room #1 to Bedroom #2. The couch is worth $1,000. Thus, you make an “accounting change” for the value of Bedroom #1 subtracting the value of the couch, and another accounting change to add to the value of Bedroom #2. We moved the couch. We just made $2,000 worth of “accounting changes” for a $1,000 couch. After Christmas, we might move the couch back to Bedroom #1, making another $2,000 worth of accounting changes for the same couch. Heck, over Christmas holidays, we have $4,000 worth of accounting changes for one couch.

Then, imagine we move the same $1,000 couch, every Christmas, Easter, and Thanksgiving……. when the relatives come to visit. In 30yrs, we’ve made $120K of accounting changes on one $1000 couch…… which we already depreciated in year #7…… but that’s another accounting course.

Now imagine we’re moving F-35 jets, or ships, or men, or toilet seats…… Imagine we assign a whole task force to General Smith, for Operation ABC in the Persian Gulf. We move all the assets into an accounting folder making all the “accounting changes”. Then, President Trump fires General Smith. General Jones takes over and makes a few changes, Task Force XYZ,……. time for more accounting changes.

From the article: “As an example of how the dollar figures multiply, Pentagon spokesman Christopher Sherwood said recognizing $800 million due a contractor in previously unrecorded payments “requires multiple accounting adjustments that net to $0 but could total over $5 billion” in movement between accounts.

Normally, contractor billion for the government goes 1/3, 1/3, discretionary payment, 10% reserve until job is done, final 5% paid in a year when guarantee runs out. Well, I know how to do contractor billing for the government, but I’m guessing less than 1% of the readership knows the details. Yet, it’s EASY to explain. Yeah, it’s just like moving our couch to another bedroom…….. So, why didn’t Bloomberg’s Capaccio explain it simply? Why didn’t Capaccio make it clear there was no inference of wrongdoing? Why the incendiary headline?

More suspicious cat. It doesn’t mean the Pentagon has lost 35 TRILLION dollars or doing anything wrong. We’re arguing about “my paperwork is not sufficient for you”.

According to the article:

There were 546,433 adjustments in fiscal 2017 and 562,568 in 2018, according to figures provided by Representative Jackie Speier, who asked the Government Accountability Office to investigate.


Wait a minute. What is this? Jackie Speier, rabid leftist “asks” the GAO to do an investigation? Why does this look familiar to us? Ohhhhhh, we remember, it was Maryland Congressman Chris Van Hollen who “asked” the GAO to investigate President Trump for violations of the “Impound Control Act” for withholding funds to Ukraine. Yeah, and the GAO issued a press statement which coincided with Schiff’s position the President withheld funds from Ukraine with specific purpose to benefit his election in 2020. The press made a big deal out of it, until we learned there was no penalty, and Obama was in violation 7 times for legit reasons……. yeah, THAT GAO, pushed to investigate by a rabid lefist Congressman.

Would this be two times we have the Dem party in Congress using the GAO to “dig up dirt” on a political opponent? Abuse of power? Misuse of taxpayer dollars? Is the media setting up THE PENTAGON to be the next big hoax?

And we now KNOW how the left uses media story plants to create an investigation. Fool me once, shame on you……..We won’t be fooled twice. We’ve caught on to how the left operates.

Let’s see now……. So far, we have a Bloomberg reporter, an incendiary headline, The compromised GAO, a rabid leftist Congresswoman with an agenda who is giving free access to a Bloomberg reporter, and an inference of a money missing at the Pentagon…. the military…… the thing Trump loves the most.

????? Can you smell the stench? Am I dreaming, here?

This is interesting…….

Let’s look at the words here. “The watchdog agency will release a report on the subject Wednesday after reviewing more than 200,000 fourth-quarter 2018 adjustments totaling $15 trillion.” A “watchdog agency” is exactly the same terminology used by the MSM for the GAO when they tried to sell us the story on Impound Control Act, and the press release by GAO couldn’t have been more partisan. GAO is NOT neutral.

Momma smells a rat.

THEN —- the Bloomberg acolyte interviewed Congresswoman Jackie Speier. LOOK at this statement……. which further establishes the narrative of something wrong with trillions of dollars at the Pentagon. “The “combined errors, shorthand, and sloppy record-keeping by DoD accountants do add up to a number nearly 1.5 times the size of the U.S. economy,” said Speier, a California Democrat. The report shows the Pentagon “employs accounting adjustments like a contractor paints over mold. Their priority is making the situation look manageable, not solving the underlying problem,” she said.

Plus, Jackie’s statement the most SUBJECTIVE statement we’ve seen in a while. What the heck is Jackie talking about? And since the GAO is not really done with their VAST investigation, how can she make a qualified and credible evaluation? Did Jackie review the 15 trillion in accounting changes?

Ohhh, you didn’t know Jackie Speier was from California? Are you surprised? And the report is released on Wednesday, same DAY as Trump acquittal. You know how long it takes to examine 15 trillion in accounting entries? They’ve been working on this one for a long time.

Here we go, more big rats.

From the article: “The GAO estimated based on a sample that at least 96% of 181,947 automatic adjustments made in the fourth quarter of fiscal 2018 “didn’t have adequate supporting documentation.” LOOK at the words carefully. First, they only did a sample? Is this like the Florida polling firm who only samples female college grads who are on the alumni list from the sociology department? Because we’ve been there already……. That one really happened. Second, “don’t have adequate” is subjective, again.

Reading further, the auditors want accounting adjustments which are supported, but the accounting system at the Pentagon does not have a system which allows for supporting docs or whatever it is the auditors or GAO or Jackie Speier wants. And it does not mean anything is wrong……….. despite Jackie, Bloomberg and the GAO attempts to imply wrongdoing.

Supporting docs, eh? Hmmmm. When we all used checks, I used to write a note in the memo section on every check, as to which account or party I was working on at the time…… it was a “support”/explanation for my allocation of money. Yet, when we all went to bank cards, I have a heck of a time sorting out grocery bills for various parties. My “system” does not allow for supporting docs. Gee whiz, my house is just like the Pentagon.

Here is the part which makes me bang my head against the wall.

No one cares whether or not the Pentagon has lost 35 trillion dollars or a single dollar. Jackie Speier, the GAO, Bloomberg guy, are only worried about the NUMBER of accounting changes. That’s the headline. Who cares how many accounting changes there are? We DO CARE if we’ve LOST MONEY! It’s a fake concern from Jackie Speier….

Just like Ukraine.

I could be wrong, you know, just making muffins, out here in the hinterland of a red state….. Yet, there are too many coincidences to ignore.

Which makes me further believe there’s a big dead fish here. The GAO does not launch into an investigation of 35 TRILLION dollars in Pentagon “accounting changes” (or 15 Trillion or a smaller sample depending on the extent of work done) without approval from on high……… like Nancy Pelosi, backed up by Lawfare. Such an investigation would take extraordinary manpower and matching budget to accomplish.

SOMEONE is making a big stink. Who? Why? And timed to be finished on the Wednesday of Trump’s acquittal? Targeting the Pentagon’s money would make sense, coming from vindictive Dems. Attack the things he loves, the military.

This part is fairly bizarre. According to “Mark Easton, the Defense Department’s deputy chief financial officer, wrote the GAO that in response to its audit the department “is actively developing strategies” to reduce accounting adjustments.”

What in the living heck does THAT MEAN? We’re not going to make as many entries,…… so instead of accounting for ALL the pillows in Bedroom #1 we should just make one entry for “pillows”. Would that make Jackie Speier happy? What the heck? The Pentagon is working on more supporting docs (they imply later on), but we’re still not missing any money.

Again, from the article: “While auditors found no evidence of fraud in the review of finances that Congress required, they flagged a laundry list of problems, including accounting adjustments.”

Common sense, let alone good accounting, tells us that the more entries we have, the better we are able to track the bedroom couch……… Why in the HECK would anyone object to the number of entries and why would it be an issue?

This is the kind of thing which would infuriate President Trump, any business person, any taxpayer. We would start to ask questions. What a waste of time. There are probably a million ways an Oversight Committee could effectively reduce spending in the Pentagon, or MAKE LIFE EASIER for our soldiers. Nah, Jackie Speier is not doing that part.

And SOMEONE needs to explain why in the heck the auditors for the Pentagon and Inspector General of the Pentagon are having their work duplicated by the Congressional GAO, as ordered by Jackie Speier.

It’s time for OVERSIGHT over the Congress!

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Of course, if a bunch of auditors legitimately tracked a Pentagon slush fund, which paid foreign retired spies, to entrap our President, we would be most interested in their results…………. Maybe? No? Wouldn’t it be terrific if they were looking for real waste and fraud?

Hey, we can dream….

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SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

I could increase my income–and yours–vastly.
Here. Take this Benjamin. You just made $100.
Now give it back to me. I just made $100.
Now I give it back to you….
Repeat as often as you like. A thousand times, and you’ve made 100,000 dollars more this year.
(Don’t tell the IRS, they’ll probably want to tax it all.)

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Well, I figured 35 trillion was more than the GDP, so the Pentagon couldn’t possibly lose that much money every year.
Hey, I just remembered all those stories that Carson found $500B in waste at HUD…which doesn’t have nearly that large a budget. Wonder if it was the same sort of misreporting.


With HUD I’m pretty sure there is REAL ESTATE involved. So half a trillion of HUD involved properties? Yeah I believe that they bungled that up. The 2008 sub-prime mortgage crisis and financial panic was followed by eight years of the Obama Administration, what could possibly go wrong?


Hey, if you want to dig into all the corruption at HUD, read or listen to Catherine Austin Fitts. She knows it all, even pre-Obama. It’s huge.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

A cabinet department that should simply be gotten rid of.
A lot of the departments do one useful thing (that maybe could be privatized) but I’ll be damned if I can think of anything useful out of HUD. (I could well be mistaken…but I’ll act like I’m from Missouri on that one–Show Me.)
Department of Labor seems useless too, as does the Department of Education.
Many other departments have some valuable function to perform among all the useless ones, but in many cases that function should be done by the government and there’s no constitutional warrant for it.
So in all of these cases, the corruption is fundamental. even if the balance sheets of the departments were to be squeaky clean.


I hate these evil bastids and I hope they all rot together. They need to do something besides terrorize POTUS and US. The hammer needs to drop hard and fast or they will be off and running again….this time they learned what the Senate would accept, next time they will make sure their errors are corrected. I truly hate them and that is not healthy.


Well, I learned a new term, accounting changes. TY Very much! I can envision what a mess that could be to follow too. But since it’s moving an item from here to there, and as long as said item is in the last know location, does it really matter? Yes it does, because it helps to prevent things from “walking off the facility /area” by themselves.
I can see certain situations where a particular item, be it as simple as shelving, gets shuffled around, after all the military is a monstrous “house”, is used for many years, then gets stuck in a closet or corner and isn’t used and then forgotten. After some more years go by, it’s rediscovered, but nobody can locate it on the books any longer. So what happens to the item? Does it get sold, legally, or tossed out? I would guess tossed out, because it’s going to create a head ache for some lowly accountant type to try to figure out how to put it back on the books.
I think you have made a very astute observation, Daughn.


Yeah, that’s another one that grates on my back teeth. Accounting adjustments are not the same as accounting changes — by a long shot. Accounting changes are when you transmute something — you consolidate a subsidiary you used to hold as a passive investment, a rental becomes a home, a home becomes a rental, blue-sky research becomes product development, a new accounting pronouncement turns something you’re doing under one set of rules into something else. You swap out one set of rules and rulers for another.
Accounting adjustments are, ultimately, when you schedule the accounting work for something to a different time period from when it happens. If you buy a construction truck with a six year auto loan, you think about it as a down payment today and six years of $xxx per month — and that’s the way you want to book it. In reality, each loan payment has a principal and interest component that will need to be recorded on the books. If you want to commit to hiring Accounts Payable Clerks who can keep track of that for the next six years, that’s one option — but the other option is to book the payments simply and have someone else do the principal/interest breakdown later as an accounting adjustment.


Oh, another term! Something we’ve been doing for a long time, hubby doing the payments and me doing the adjustment, especially when someone (who shall remain nameless) loses a year end tax statement!


Oh, CTHULHU, I’m getting a headache just reading what you wrote. Lol. Good thing I’m not in charge of keeping track of those sofas or planes.


Well, daughn, as a CPA I can say that you’re certainly on the right track…..but it’s worse.
When you pay for a year’s worth of insurance, technically 1/12 is a current period expense and 11/12 should go into “prepaid insurance”. The next month, 1/11th of that remaining balance is transferred from prepaid to expense. This is a huge pain.
In practice, everyone does one of two things — both of which are technically wrong — you either dump the whole thing into prepaid, then do monthly entries to move to expense; or (natch) dump the whole thing into expense, then do monthly entries to back into the prepaid. In both cases, the entries reverse so that you can view your entire record of payment in one account (your preferred one) every day except period-end.
The very telling verbiage that I’m seeing is “at least 96% of 181,947 automatic adjustments”. AUTOMATIC. If you pay your annual business insurance for the policy period 7/1/X1 to 6/30/X2 on 6/15/X1, and stick it in the prepaid account, you will typically generate twelve forward entries and twelve reversing entries for a portion of that payment at the same time, and put ’em in as “automatic” because they are for future periods. The first one will happen on 7/31/X1 — and do you know what documentation there will be for it in July X1? None. Most likely, the documentation is all attached to the check on 6/15/X1. There will be another entry on January 31, X2. There won’t be any documentation for this in all of the year X2……it’s attached to the check in June X1.
Mind you, if they said 10% of MANUAL adjustments had no documentation, I’d start hitting the big red alarm button. But 96% of AUTOMATIC adjustments??? Meh.

Deplorable Patriot

The same way I can be my father’s daughter and my eyes glaze over when it comes to accounting entries. At the same time, my dad has NO CLUE how to properly clean a house.
I have tons of thoughts on this one. When the couch commando goes to work and I can think, I’ll put them below. Yes, this is an attempt at a narrative shift using a DECADES old problem that they are going to try to pin on Trump when it goes back…forever, and involves a lot more than just accounting which military people really are not all that interested in doing.


Headache getting worse. Lol.


These people are sick.
The DoD does need some serious accounting work done. But the party of fire the prosecutor / can’t tally votes are the last people who have any credibility to do it.




100% agree. Something stinks, and it isn’t the $$$ reprogramming. Nor the intended, eye popping $35B number.
– It is the motivation for asking about the details of “why” in the re-programming.
For those unfamiliar with money in Dod, probably much the same across Feds, here a ramble of sorts. Hope it helps.
Re-programming $$ in DoD IS normal. AND, it entails big dollars, commonly from many lines to a program in need.
For example, The Wall. Year or two ago, I think it was $25 B, give or take a few $B. All to, I believe ACE – Army Corps of Engineers. I assume the dollars came from a mix of USMC, Navy, Army, AF, Agencies like DLA, literally dozens of Agencies. So, scrape up a few $M here, there, over somewhere. Toss in token $ hundreds or tens of thousands across funding lines.
– There we go. Shift BIG money from various DoD Departments and Agencies, from THOUSANDS of programs.
NOW, ACE gets the money and places it in folders. Contracting, personnel, material, equipment, etc.
– As the year goes on, moar reprogramming to ensure dollars are feeding the requirements on the ground.
Same thoughts apply to shipbuilding, ship maintenance, aircraft procurement, aircraft maintenance, ordnance procurement, ordnance maintenance, training across the spectrum of operations, military construction…
Now consider money has colors. Some is one year, three, five or seven. I have forgotten much of this stuff. Just consider payroll is yearly. Other stuff like aircraft building and ship seven I recall, maintenance three years, etc.
– As money gets “older” closer to expiration it can be made available to a program is need. Maybe USS Ford having big problems. OR, a new issue with a F35 variant. Yada, Yada
Hope above makes some sense 😉


AND, as Daughn pointed out…net zero…nothing lost. X$ out of one account goes 100% into another account.


These schmucks are intentionally conflating “reprogramming”, “accounting adjustments”, and “accounting changes”. Each has a real meaning that is different from the others — and each has risk factors and stats that are true for each — but are misleading and alarming for the others.

Deplorable Patriot

They might find out 9-11 was an inside job.
Oh, wait, the office where the accounting investigation evidence and material of where the trillions went (as of 2001) was being kept was destroyed in that attack.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Excellent piece, and very timely.
Note that what DoD is doing is TRANSPARENCY. What we are seeing from GAO is INTENTIONAL BAD ACCOUNTING (as in, math with only one operation – ADDITION), which is leading to a MALSTATEMENT of the situation. They are intentionally misrepresenting the careful, thoughtful, ANTI-LAUNDERING behavior of DoD as “bad”.
This is CLASSIC Democrat EVIL.
In fact, in my opinion, this is criminal, and the GAO people who did this reporting need to be criminally charged with conspiracy to misrepresent the actual situation – likely so that Congressional Democrats can get their hands on the money.
My argument is that this huge number is the result of TRANSPARENCY AND CLOSE-TRACKING.
Thus, we want a BIGGER NUMBER NEXT YEAR – meaning even more transparency.
Thus, we MUST accuse these Democrats of wanting to INDUCE CRIMES – to make the DoD start HIDING movements of money.
It’s time for Trump to go to war with these guys in GAO. Nuke ’em. They’re DEMOCRAT COCONSPIRATORS.


We don’t need to get attached to each number as good or bad — we need to ensure that each number is attached to the right concept so that it can be evaluated properly. As I mentioned upthread — if 96% of AUTOMATED accounting ADJUSTMENTS have little documentation, there’s little reason to worry…..but if 10% of MANUAL accounting ADJUSTMENTS had little documentation, the place would be essentially out-of-control.


I agree that it is purposeful misrepresentation. I think that Daughn’s simplified explanation is a good one for people that are not familiar with accounting terms and double book keeping systems, which most people are not. Like cthulhu said below, it’s not the numbers. The numbers are only thrown in for shock purposes, and as a shiny distraction from the real problem, the purposeful misinformation.


Like cthulhu said below, should read above. Forgot that it would post below his post.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Yes! SHINY OBJECT and DISTRACTION! “Look! [FAKE] Squirrel!”


Great job, Daughn!! You need a green eye shade as big as Brandon’s MAGA hat 🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸
Yeah, the word “automatic” caught my eye too. Big difference in level of alarm vs. manual entries!!
And accounting changes ??? I thought the headline meant changes in accounting policies or procedures, not ENTRIES 🙄🙄🙄
Daughn, can you send your post to the MSN author?? And some mucky mucks at DOD & GAO? I’m gonna try to find the MSN twitter accts & tweet this to them. Let’s get this OUT before the hoax 🤓


Mick Mulvaney?


“Daughn, can you send your post to the MSN author??”
Considering the fact that MSN is Anti-Trump and also Anti-Trump Supporters…how is that a good idea?
That’s enemy territory.
Why alert them to our existence here and make us a target?


Right off the bat I am torn on this subject.
There is just no arguing against the fact that the industrial military complex….and yes, it is real….has VASTLY overcharged Uncle Sam for all the gear it has and continues to produce. Yes, those $300 nail hammers are real. Let’s face it, there is NO doubt that bad actors inside this system have committed billions if not trillions in fraud. Why do they get away with it? Simple. Because companies like Boeing are considered vital to the BOTH the national AND economic security of the nation (and it is). That all said….
F#&& these rat bastards if they think they are going to pin any of that on our President! 😡
Here is the really good news. You already know it, but I’ll remind you of it with a single word.
If the definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again expecting a different outcome, at this point the collective left is certifiably insane.
Thank God.


I should note that usually the operations is what is out-of-control, but the accounting is operating properly. Otherwise, those scandalous $300 hammers would look like they cost $3.99 — which would be another, different scandal.


My husband worked for 26 years for MC Donnell Douglas. What gets bought for assembling the plane is all specified by the Government therefore a $300 hammer. The company has to buy materials according to Government specification and all is more expensive.
Same with State Universities, for instants my husband needs a new computer chair he is required to by from a government approved vender. The listing price is $450 but he can get the same chair someplace else and is not allowed to by the chair that cost $200 someplace else. See the scam?
All those companies who apply to Government need to be audit for scamming the tax payer that is us.


Correction: Companies supplying Government need to be audited for overpricing and scamming.


I remember seeing a little blurb back in 2018, about how $7 trillion dollars had disappeared out the back door of the Pentagon, under the Obarky Administration.
It didn’t get much notice.
It also didn’t say for what year or time period, it had happened.
But any time you’ve got bureaucrats in charge of that much money…doubled with the ability for them to ‘classify’ things as “national security” and therefore “secret”…then that is a recipe for trouble.
I’m thinking that Hussein and his minions siphoned off billions, even trillions, of funds out of the Pentagon.
They hollowed out our Military…and stole the money that had been appropriated for it.
Our VSGPDJT didn’t want to let our enemies know how bad it was…so he hasn’t blown the whole thing wide open.
But I hope that a Reckoning is coming.


Well, we’ve heard of how the military has had to scramble and scrounge for parts, to keep planes in the air…often having to canibalize some units in order to keep others flying.
Same thing probably was going on across the all the branches of our armed services.
There’s the makings for a nightmare to audit, right there.
In the military…the primary directive is “Accomplish the Mission”.
And that trickles down to “do whatever you have to” to accomplish that mission.
That’s actually as it should be…right?
We *want* our guys and gals to be Can-Do and resourceful and get the job done.
But here again, it gives the thieving rats something to use as cover, in their thievery.
Bottom line…our Military shouldn’t have to scrounge and scavenge, because money was appropriated to give them what they need.
Problem is, a lot of that money was stolen out the back door.
And you can bet, Hussein had some corrupt brass at the top who were facilitating it.

Deplorable Patriot

The first audit was started in 2001, and for the reason stated above, was never picked up again.


didn’t Hillary’s State Dept lose $6 billion too or am I remembering wrong?


Yep…I remember that too.


I suspect that they’re beginning to oscillate because heat is coming. Just remember that ONE entry to funnel $10 billion to a crony for “entertainment” is prima facie corruption, where 100,000 entries between prepaids and expenses is just housekeeping. It depends on the kind of entry, not the number of them.


Dawson’s fields take on this from a few days ago. And grassley is asking questions


Here’s proof that it’s a setup. I found he article and gave it to Daughn with a “Oh-oh this looks bad!” comment.
I’m the humanities major and I was invoking AH-230, the Element of Surprise. Now I know I was set up and it took this explanation to show me that this was intentional! So sleazy they are.


Sounds to me like the Menschs and Mavens of the Trump Administration are re-ordering the Pentagon’s accounting ways/means/methods to eliminate Democrat Missing Money™ in the future and to make accountability much easier for everyone.
Completely unlike the massive loss of 6 BILLION $$$ from the State Department under Hillrotten and no telling how much leaked to leftists from Øbominable’s trillions of debt increase or from Warrens CFPB leftist-go-around-Congress-straight-out-of-the-Fed slush fund.
It is said that Trump reads 1000 page spreadsheets and builder contracts – for fun like pulp fiction – like the rest of us read Clancy or romance stories – and understands them, can pick out problems ahead of time. A VSG indeed!


thanks GA!! (I posted above about Hill losing $6 billion, but i wasn’t sure i was remembering that right.)


I’m just repeating what I read way back during the 2016 election. I’m not qualified to understand all this deeply or to separate fact from fiction.


She ain’t fooling us – we got Common Sense™ which is an antidote to Radical Corrupticrat Oligarchical Tyrannical Leftism.


Donald Trump signs his massive Tax Returns….and understands them in detail.comment image


That’s a keeper comment!


Welllllll – we know the Dims like to self inflict their wounds such that they blow up in their faces. So I guess it is reasonable to conclude they would launch a “gate” into this that would lead all back to… the Clintonistas.
But what if it led to the recouping of all of the illicit gains of the Cabal to repay the American people? That would mean following the money throughout the world for decades and with the already enforceable PDT issued EO on the books – recapture of what was taken by criminals. Now, wouldn’t that be a twist?


Wouldn’t it though? ….rubs hands together, grinning.

Deplorable Patriot

I’m hoping those who have commented here will revisit this thread as the concentration of comments are on accounting practices, and most are missing the bigger picture.
The Pentagon has been moving money around like this for decades to hide where a lot of it is actually going. I’ve been following this rathole since Obama’s first administration, and in the process picked up that it’s been this way for a LOOOONNNNGGGGG time, all jokes about toilet paper being $100 a roll aside.
As someone above pointed out, the Pentagon has so many pots of cash, it’s not even funny. People above picked up on the automatic adjustment thing, which, I assume, in accounting is the equivalent of “set it and forget it.” Okay, that gets forgotten.But, think about it, the Pentagon has 40,000 people working there. In my family, we can’t get seven people to agree on how much we should pay for a dozen of eggs. All those people aren’t going to be well versed in accounting procedure, and furthermore, the sort of people who go into the military aren’t always bean counters. They’d be better off to outsource it, but who can you trust in that?
Add into that, contractor accounting, and differences…. I’m a McDonnell Douglas brat. (Boeing bought McAir, essentially, to have a defense arm rather than developing one themselves and John McDonnell, bean-counter, I mean he’s actually an accountant, sold us out) There are two planes that stand out as examples of expenses gone wrong and right based on the same request from the customer, aka The Pentagon. Specifications of the product.
Back in the 80s, there was an Air Force plane being developed known as the A-12. The engineering people were in the black hole buildings and all that jazz. A year into the project the Air Force came to MAC and changed the specs on the cockpit. In engineering terms, that meant MAC had to go back to the beginning and start over. That happened at least once more, and in the end, the Air Force cancelled the project due to cost overruns when the original cost of the project was based on the original specs and no changes were made in the contract. (Long story short, the USAF sued MAC for their money back and MAC successfully defended the lawsuits.)
That little episode cost the taxpayers BILLIONS. The Air Force has every reason to want to keep that under wraps since the write off was technically their fault.
Then in the 90s, the Navy decided they wanted a larger version of the F-18. So, MAC/Boeing gets the contract, and no changes were made and the plane flew two days early, under budget and on spec. (And there was much rejoicing!)
Now, this has nothing to do with accounting per se, but extrapolate that out for hundreds, if not thousands, of vendors in the military industrial complex.
And all of them have their own accounting systems that would need to be translated as the expense justifications came in. That has to be like a bowl of spaghetti to try and figure out.
But, I suspect what’s really happening here is to try to get ahead of the audit story when it hits. And, it’s coming. This mess was inherited, but the messaging is meant to infer that it’s a new thing.
Not even.
Okay, so, my deep dive information source on this issue was actually a Corbit Report I found on Youtube that connects a lot of dots. It’s about following the money involved with 9-11. AND IT IS NOT PRETTY. The truth of the matter is President George W. Bush, or someone in that administration, DID order an audit of the Pentagon at the insistence of Congress, and Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld was most definitely on the hot seat for getting to the bottom of where all the money was going. That was 18 years ago.
The morning before the 9-11 attacks, Rumsfeld appeared before a Congressional committee to talk about the audit that was started, and the next morning the office where all information was gathered – and the team of people working on the audit – was the only one destroyed when the “plane” hit the Pentagon. (How an airliner that stands 2-3 stories above the ground hit an office on the first floor has yet to be explained.)
Very quietly, about 5-6 months later, a report was released that that office was destroyed in the attacks, and We the People didn’t think any more about it since we were all about winning the war on terror.
Under Obama, every now and then, a report would come out about the trillions going into the rathole known as the Pentagon, but it rarely ever went anywhere, and an administration that couldn’t be bothered with appointing inspectors general wasn’t about to be worried about accounting shenanagins, and paper shuffling to hide what was going where.
Enter a businessman and everything changes.
And the Democrats/leftists don’t want it getting out that American taxpayers have been financing a covert war against them for a long time.
And I mean a long time.
It’s rather shocking that this video still exists, but here is that Corbit report. The information on the Pentagon begins in the 44th minute. Before that, though, is a pretty well detailed story on how the official 9-11 narrative was set, as well as information on who profited. IMO, it’s worth a watch.


I wonder if this isn’t at the bottom of why Trump ordered the audit.


Yep. He’s beating the game. As in sending in beaters to startle the game so they’ll fly over the shooters

Deplorable Patriot

Could be. There’s an interview with him the week of 9-11 and he all but said bombs had to be used to bring the towers down. He’s been suspicious since it happened, I’m sure, since he turned down the deal to partner with the Port Authority before Larry Silverstein was approached.


That’s what I thought I recalled.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Yes – the military AUDIT part of the 9/11 blood hoax is what convinced me it was a multi-purpose, multi-focal conspiracy of mutual advantage – just like CA3 was. They used all kinds of “added on reasons” to get buy-in from the various factions that were needed to pull it off.
But Cankles got greedy with her vengeance, and got Barbara Olson on one of the planes. Cankles was “in” on it, and made sure it took out an enemy.

Deplorable Patriot

Barbara Olson…I’ve seen references that someone else benefited from her disappearance that day. Not sure what is accurate at this point.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Could be. The more people needed her gone, the more likely it could get done.


This is excellent. I have not seen this particular one before.
I saw a different videos several years ago, about the TT bombing, but from a very different aspect. They were more from the physical aspect, but one did mention funny money stuff. But it all dovetails together. It was a huge op, involving media, some govt., various financial and banking entities, and probably mafia/cartel entities.
The media were all playing the same video, there was the clip that showed the nose of the “plane” emerging intact on the other side of the building; cameras were confiscated from people that “may” have taken photos,. All the evidence pointed to a planned detonation combined with a missile/ plane strike. There were a lot of loose ends that were hurriedly swept under the rug and ignored.


Wyatt had a thread that touched on this pentagon accounting thing. Like the fool who flew the plane that hit the specific part of the pentagon couldn’t fly a paper plane. Added point of interest. The only dog killed that day was called Sirius


Lots of occult stuff which maters zilch to us but is central to them


Curious /S that only the part of the pentagon that was hit had to do with accounting……


By a bloke who couldn’t fly


…..and here’s where I point out that purchasing is not an accounting function. It’s operations. It does generate a bunch of documentation that accounting gets to deal with, but if it actually were under accounting, it might actually be correct and complete when accounting got it.

Deplorable Patriot

My original point still stands. They’re hiding where all the trillions are going.