This SPECIAL ACQUITTAL Night before Daughn Thursday 20200206 Open Thread is Open – VERY OPEN – a place for everybody to post whatever they feel they would like to tell the White Hats, and the rest of the MAGA / KAG! / KMAG world (KMAG being a bit of both MAGA and KAG! You can say what you want, comment on what other people said, and so on.
Free Speech is practiced here. ENJOY IT. Use it or lose it.
However, we have a new policy. Starting 20191110. Please Keep it civil.We have a new board – actually a new SITE – called The U Tree – where people can take each other to the woodshed without fear of censorship or moderation. NOT HERE. This board will remain a REFUGE for those who need civility, either some or all of the time.
They tried to FORCE fake Orwellian civility on us. In response, we CHOOSE true civility to defend our precious FREEDOM from THEM. Our rules began with the civility of the Old Treehouse, later to become the Wolverinian Empire, and one might say that we have RESTORED THE OLD REPUBLIC – the early high-interaction model of the Treehouse – except of course that Q discussion is not only allowed but encouraged, and speech is considerably freer in other ways. Please feel free to argue and disagree with the board owner, as nicely as possible.
Please also consider the Important Guidelines, outlined here in the January 1st open thread. Let’s not give the odious Internet Censors a reason to shut down this precious haven.

Also remember Wheatie’s Rules: •1.No food fights. •2.No running with scissors. •3.If you bring snacks, bring enough for everyone

So kick back and relax and celebrate a little because this battle has been won but, remember were in a war and our goal is WINNING IN 2020!

I think Branco nailed it with this one:
LOL what I find funny is all the MSM keeps pushing ‘Trump’s SOTU TV Ratings Tank’ Ummmm I didn’t watch it on TV (I don’t even know if my TV still works) I watched online. So do many other people.
Liars gonna lie.
And same here re: how I watched it.
Good Morning, TIM!
Found something strange. DHS is not allowing global entry into New York, because NY won’t work with DHS and ICE.
Sounds like decision time.
I LOVE this move by DHS!!!

#MeToo More than one way to skin a cat
Mornin’ Miss Daughn! I guess that’s the next best thing to building a wall around NYC
Late tonight, Laura Ingraham announced China is willing to cut in half their 75 billion in tariffs on USA goods.
In exchange for what?
In exchange for them saving face?? But seriously….Good question : I’m curious too….
I did notice during the SOTU – PDJT did again mention the ‘great friendship’ with them etc, it’s like a quiet signal in all of his messaging.
Maybe that’s why Feinstein packed up her purse at her desk when Schumer was speaking right after.
Read the transcripts…plural. Referring to the one still “hidden”?
Donald J. Trump
Had failed presidential candidate
devoted the same energy and anger to defeating a faltering Barack Obama as he sanctimoniously does to me, he could have won the election. Read the Transcripts!
I was reading on BB about Romney’s Bain Capital. I had no idea. But truth be told when he was running I kind of tuned out.
Romney’s Bain Capital Profited Billions by Bankrupting American Workers
It was blatantly obvious Romney was throwing the race to Obama. I was furious and so was the rest of America. But there was nothing we could do at the Federal level, so we punished the dims HARD on the down ballots at the state and local levels. 2012 was a wipeout on the down ballot for the DNC.
I wonder how/if Romney is tied to child trafficking or pedo crap via Epstein circles.
Heck, FG&C, he may have a spare wife or two tucked away somewhere.
Probably up to his Magic Underwear in the Pedo stuff.
Yeah he’s dirty
No hidden transcript. POTUS originally released July 25 transcript, which was of their 2nd phone call. He later released one of their first call from April, congratulating Zelensky, right after he won the election.
I meant the one of the IG testimony that is still in the basement
Rudy W. Giuliani
The Fat Lady is singing tonight. And the Gray Lady is crying, devastated.
“The Gray Lady” is the nickname for the New York Times.
So I guess Rudy means that the NYTimes is devastated that Pres Trump has been exonerated and cleared of the bogus charges?
Rudy W. Giuliani
Now the Fat Lady is singing.
The Gray Lady is crying.
I’m sure he means the Gray whore, because it sure as hell ain’t no lady.
… and .. ewww ewww .. 

For Zoe…the above is a meme which shows the Democrats wearing all white last night.
Then below that, it shows a gathering of the Klu Kux Klan, all wearing white.
… sigh ..
… dummies ..
Dangerous dummies … nuts
Turkish plane crash lands at Istanbul airport; 52 hurt
Wow, miracle no one was killed. Also found this link that is news to me.
Yeah this looks so healthy. I can’t believe people are just walking around breathing this stuff in.
Ugh the top one wasn’t supposed to post. Sorry about that!!!!!
I wonder what that is, that they are spraying?
No idea but that doesn’t look good at all.
No, it doesn’t.

If it is strong enough to Kill The Virus…then I would think that you wouldn’t want to inhale it!
They had video of drones as well. But yeah the cloud of whatever. And people running around. I’m shocked people aren’t dropping like flys after inhaling that stuff.
Zoe…this is a meme showing a picture of Pres Trump in his long black overcoat, walking forward towards the camera view.
He has a solemn, determined look on his face.
The caption is: Justice Is Coming.
I have an urge to frame that photo!
Reminds me of this… Wyatt Earp and the other lawmen in Tombstone.
Good morning QTreepers – was up at the crack of dawn and what a stunning Day brake over Lac Léman (Lake Geneva). Am geared up for the trip back to the US and will be interesting to hear any ‘airport conversations’ as I fly Geneva to London… The Suisse are too polite to volunteer things until they know you so it will be a change of pace as the demographics change too.

Everyone have a glorious day- and thank you God for another day to make it right!
Have a safe trip!!!!
Thanks Kea!
be safe and stay alert—and have fun and report back!!!!!
Will do!! The flight hasn’t taken off – the strike in France delayed the equipment to Geneva….
OK, things are getting really really nasty in China.
#1. the end of this paper by Dr James Lyons Weiler PhD. In the paper he shows there is a high probability the China virus was artificiality created.
#2. Tencent may have accidentally leaked real data on Wuhan virus deaths
#3 from Larry, keeping in mind the above information
#4. And finally from Mike at Natural News:
BRUTAL: Chinese Leaders to Sacrifice Coronavirus-Infected Cities to Save 11 Others; Prepared to Accept Millions of Fatalities
That article by Mike plus the slipped real fatality numbers plus the welding of gates and doors, indicates the first article by James Lyons-Weiler, PhD is probably correct. China has a major disaster on it’s hands.
Make sure this gets on the corona thread!
I posted it there first but thought it was of general interest too.
It is going to have major economic repercussions.
AMEN to that!
I believe those figures from Tencent, way more than I believe the ChiComs’ “official” figures.
In dealing with the ChiComs…it’s always a matter of what they ‘say’ versus what they ‘do’.
So even though they’ve been saying “nothing to worry about”…
Their actions don’t support this.
The ChiComs have been acting like this is the scariest virus ever.
There was an article on TGP that said a company that keeps the stats might have leaked the real numbers.
Twitter video was showing people trying to escape these cities…
They are welding people shut into buildings???
My god.
An amazing meme arguing that “trans-parenting” and “trans-mania” are in fact forms of Munchhausen by proxy, which I have long argued.
I never thought of it like that….
I need to do a long post on this psychology. It’s well-understood by socialists.
And used liberally to “Crystalize Public Opinion” since the 1920s.
Here’s a related meme regarding their abusive tactic of claiming that everyone must submit to trans agenda demands in order to prevent suicides.
Ahhh…..the old “you made me do it” manipulation ploy, eh?
Sad that people actually fall for that crap.
“If you don’t do what I want then I’ll kill myself.”
Me: “Promise?”
Doesn’t work – they still commit suicides – because the surgery and hormones and changes of clothing still don’t heal the wounds in their souls.
Makes sense, the broke human projects on their child that they’re the broken one … so sad
Ok could be a hiccup while moving on the train – but I had posted this (from the app) and it did an ‘error could not post’… sometimes the cellular is quirky when I get near the French boarder)
Not sure if this was in US News – but when I turned on to watch the Aquitmas proceeding yesterday 5pm CET… it wasn’t showing on CNN (I know but they were less interruptive all week) but they were reporting how in Turkey there was a plane that split in half on the runway (i believe taking off) and the newscaster (British) was commenting how this was the Second one In the last year…
I’m sure it’s an old plane or not a greater signal but just wanted to place it here….
Will try to find a link …
*French border
“If I Need to Move to Utah to Run Against Him, I Will!” – Laura Ingraham Calls on Mitt Romney to “RESIGN!” (VIDEO)
Laura won’t do it – Utah is a strange place. I couldn’t live there, since I know too much about Mormonism, Joseph Smith and Brigham Young and their other founders.
There is also a large Catholic population in Utah.
In general, I believe the Mormons are good people – politically they obviously run things their way.
Romney was a carpetbagger from Massachusetts. He fooled a lot of people, including the voters of 2012. It appears that he’s just as much Deep State and Swamp as McCain was. It’s why he is fighting to keep investigations from happening.
I’m sure POTUS regrets his support of Romney for 2016, Utah had a good guy, Dr. Kennedy to run, and I really don’t know how Romney pulled off the primary, when the State GOP and their convention had Romney losing.
The good thing… looking forward to Romney being exposed and forced out of office. Do not want him expelled from the party. Not good to lose the GOP vote. But pushed out of the Senate – that works.
I wrote about Romney in 2012, and shared it w/ Kennedy.
Apr 22, 2018
Replying to
Congratulations. I wrote about Mitt Romney during the #GOP 2012 presidential primary. IMO, he remains “The Democrat in the Republican Trojan Horse”
You will be a better choice for #MAGA
I also know too much about the current state and history and catechism, etc. of the (Rome-based) Catholic Church to ever be a Catholic.
Sadly, I haven’t found any protestant church, mainline or non-denominational, in my long life as a Christian that hasn’t had horrific scandal, leadership sin and/or corruption. I could tell you stories that would curl your hair.
All churches have faults.
Theology has been argued since the time of Christ….and before. It’s an ongoing process.
That’s why I keep it simple. As St. Vincent of Lerins said, “Hold to what has been believed always, by all and everywhere.” On The Basics, we can agree!
Th Church does not have fault. The men in Her do.
My advice is to ignore the faults of the men, learn history, read the mystics, and the classics. The push toward modernism has been a general fail.
GA/FL, neither have I. I do not like denominations. They always get corrupted, and I like an independent congregation. It’s more biblical
IMHO….it’s not important where your butt is on Sunday morning, what matters is where your heart and soul are every day
Be careful spreading that truth. Somebody could be triggered and then it would be all your fault.

I just pulled this off of a tweet…
Not sure who all these guys are, but…Vince Vaughn is 6’5″?
I never knew he was that tall!
Argh…since I pulled that off of an Ad, I guess there is some code in it that keeps it from posting.
Here is the full link, so that you can click on this and at least see it:×900
This is excellent!
New video, just posted by JoeM…he has made a video from President Trumps SOTU speech.
Here is the video on Youtube, uploaded this morning:
This video like the 2020 SOTU address/evening – is just beautiful – so touching – full of promises made and promises kept, stunning achievements..
No wonder it engraged the corrupt greedy anti-American socialist brigade and their leaders – AOC, Tlaib, Pelosi and the rest.
No doubt Ø, H> and Romney hated it – due to jealousy and lots of guilt.
^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Must Watch!^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
It’s a great video, isn’t it.

And…love the fireworks in the header, TIM.
Very appropriate!
Indeed, Good thing I had the tissues near by
I was riveted until I got to the 3:00 mark and saw “Airbus” on the side of the flying thingamadoodle and it broke the spell for me.
BRIAN KOLFAGE, wounded vet and founder of WeBuildTheWall, is tweeting news and videos from the Coronavirus outbreak in China: *
Brian Kolfage Retweeted( this will get you started) many r/t’s
Interesting that Kolfage has taken a deep interest in this.
Definitely has his attention, scary stuff
Guessing Brian Kolfage sees the ChiCom CRIME AGAINST HUMANITY unfolding in China.
AND, IF it isn’t contained to China, spreads big time around the globe, were facked.
IF folks are NOT prepping, within their abilities, they are foolish. Me thinks.
For a LATER date, the realities of ChiCom weaponizing current Corona strain. At this point, it needs to be contained. Stopped.
At this point it can not be stopped.
HOWEVER, my thinking aligns with that of E.M. Smith and his group. What you want to do is SLOW DOWN the rate of transmission so it does not overwhelm the medical care facilities and hospital supply lines.
You can see that President Trump stepped in and has done this.
The original response of taking the person’s temp as they come off the plane was ABSOLUTE CRAP thinking. It was ALL OPTICS to comfort the sheeple while not inconveniencing the globalist businesses.
What you need is QUARANTINE! Unfortunately that horse is out of the barn and off to the races. However president Trump has done all he can to SLOW the rate of transmission.
Larry Ledwick
E.M. Smith
“The original response of taking the person’s temp as they come off the plane was ABSOLUTE CRAP thinking.”
I never understood why anyone thought that would be effective.
“President Trump firing the Pandemic response group in the NSC,..”
I didn’t realize he did this. Glad to know it. The more O people who are gone, the better.
Good Luck Congressman.
Verse of the Day
“So then faith cometh by hearing, and hearing by the word of God.”
Romans 10:17 (KJV)
Thank You, Jesus, for blessings received and prayers answered!
Blessed Butterfly Thursday
Jesus Loves Babies…Pray for the Unborn

Jesus Loves the Little Children – Pray for the Little Children
Jesus Loves You – Come to Him
Good Morning Duchess!
are you battening down the hatches?
we got waves of snow, sleet and ice coming maybe…over the next 2 days…
You Betcha, Pat! Us, too – not going to be a fun weekend at all – 6-10″ of snow forecast
Please say warm and toasty – and Have a Blessed Day!!! Hugs!!!
HUGS to you too!!
That’s a favorite verse. All of Romans is essential to understanding the Way of the Lord. It opens with a bang – Chapter 1 describes the road to perdition – and the rest of Romans describes the Way of Life – Life in Christ who is Truth, Love and Life.
Amen goes right there, GA/FL!
General Hayden must be a Deep State Communist. Hubby says he’s always been a jerk. Obama surrounded himself with commie/fascist generals and admirals. Got rid of almost all the good guys. Amazing that Admiral Rogers and General Flynn survived.
“Fmr CIA Director Hayden is expressing outrage this week that current CIA Director Haspel had the audacity to applaud Trump at his State of the Union address.
“I never did that! That wouldn’t be right!”
He did, however, feel it right to compare America to Nazi Germany.”
why wouldn’t it be right to applaud accomplishments of the country you serve???
Good point. Hubby says Hayden long known as a nasty guy.
Your Hubby is correct. I think it was WB Bill Benney who also exposed him for wasting billions going with bad NSA software instead of Binney’s programs, which they ultimately had to go to cause Hayden’s pick was a disaster. Hayden has always been a nasty NeverTrumper.
Oh, yeah, Hayden’s a member of the club. He’s a CNN guy. Unfortunately, he also has a brain, unlike Clapper.
I wanted to comment about VP Pence from the SOTU night. He was great. It appears that he knew what she was doing, maybe already had early warning – there are leakers everywhere. Pence never looked at Nancy throughout the whole speech, that means he had prepared and disciplined himself to keep his eye on POTUS. It’s not natural to never turn in that direction – unless deliberately focused – for a reason.
I liked what Pence said afterwards, “Didn’t know if she was tearing up the Speech or the Constitution.”
There’s a video of Nancy sneakily bringing the papers down out of site of the camera, where she is making the initial prep tears. Then this clip shows her dividing her papers into 3 piles – all in preparation. And, of course, she’s disrespectful at the end by not applauding the speech – bad manners as Speaker of the House…
Watch Nancy in this entire video. She knows
@realDonaldTrump’s speech is coming to a close, she separates her copy of the speech into 3 different stacks, then methodically puts them left, right & center. Why? To make sure every camera angle will capture what she is about to do!
right! not a spontaneous action–it’s premeditated–to grab the attention from POTUS.
There is real video showing her secretly making the early little tears out of sight of the camera – she did this prep work before the end of the speech. She also figured out her pile thickness that could be torn.
I do believe this bounces back on Pelosi bigtime.
see if this works…
That’s why she kept on shuffling papers and making faces during the speech!
May be this ..
Pence’s demeanor, including his facial expression, was exactly right. Any glance on his part would have been caught by the cameras and would have been a distraction, and he knew that. There is no comparison between his behavior and Pelosi’s.
Ganswein was recently accused of holding Benedict hostage in his apartment. It looks like Bergoglio found a way to deal with the problem.
Francis Removes Archbishop Gänswein
“Bergoglio is alleged to have said to Gänswein: ‘I don’t want to see you anymore.’
Knee jerk reaction to bad publicity, IMO. Ganswein is known to be St. Gallen mafia.
Can you explain a little about the St. Gallen mafia and what they do?
The St. Gallen mafia is a group of prelates who started meeting in St. Gallen, Switzerland, in about 1996. This was when Joseph Bernardin, Cardinal in Chicago, was dying of pancreatic cancer. He was supposed to be the modernists’ pope, but died later that year.
The St. Gallen mafia are the progressives who rule like thugs, and Brogoglio is one of the younger ones. They are the heirs to a movement that started a couple hundred years ago to change that which cannot be changed. At any rate, they are the modernists who are currently making a mess of messaging and confusing the heck out of the faithful. The claims are that priestly celebacy in the Latin Rite will be put aside, and same sex unions blessed, etc. Yeah, no, not happening, but the messaging is such that it SEEMS like it will.
They are also responsible for trying to mix paganism in with actual teaching, and the conservatives and traditionalists are having a devil of a time sorting that out for the faithful.
We’ve survived stuff like this before. We’ll survive it again.
That helps; thank you. I know very little about any of it, but I had the impression that Ganswein was a loyal caregiver for Benedict.
That’s the impression he wanted to give. Reporting in the last couple of weeks indicates he was acting more as a keeper/jailer and kept correspondence from the Holy Father on a regular basis.
Bergoglio, sorry.
I’ve been following some bloggers who are chronicling all of it.
Rand Paul responds to tweet by John Brennan (included under Paul’s tweet)
You want to know what’s a mockery of public service, John? Killing 500 people outside of any judicial system. Drone strikes on American citizens. Approving British spies to present a dossier of lies paid for by Hillary. Lying to Congress. Your shame alone should shut you up.
Brennan’s tweet
John O. Brennan
· Feb 4
Rand Paul is beneath contempt.
He typifies the worst of @realDonaldTrump’s craven enablers.
Any Senator excusing this dangerous behavior makes a mockery of public service.
History will revile all of you.
Rand Paul is a fighter – and he is intelligent and articulate.
His speech against the Sham-peach-mint is one for the ages!
Y’ALL GOTTA READ – our dear inimitable MARICA’s TAKE on the State of the Democrat Disunion!!!! –
OOPS – I had not gotten as far as the dirty jokes when I posted this. Fair warning!
It’s funny and delightful to read.
She’s a gifted comedienne!
I love this one> Nancy as Cruella de Vil.
not for the factose intolerant….bwahahahaha
had on our local (out of NY) news station this morning…not a single peep about the acquittal yesterday…NOT ONE!!!
hubby said (well after he calmed me down and pried the remote–which i was threatening to send thru the tv–from my hand…) what did I expect? I looked him in the eye and responded…do you, for one moment, think that if he’d been found guilty, they wouldn’t be running that story nonstop?
I saw the light come on in his eyes…
but he still took the remote with him to work…LOL
but he still took the remote with him to work…
^^^ That’s funny
we’ve been married almost 30 yrs…he knows me.
I know this was out yesterday, but worth reposting. Keep it in mind…
These tweets must be read together, Ms Herridge doesn’t thread
Bu, bu, but, Wray….he’s Deep State, a bad guy, doing nothing!!!! /sarc
this article describes some of Bernie’s relationships with socialists worldwide…including a Russian spy…
“The documents from the Sanders archives include a letter from Soviet Embassy First Secretary Vadim Kuznetsov in March 1983, congratulating Sanders on his reelection as mayor and thanking Sanders for receiving him in Sanders’s office,” The Washington Post reported on Monday. “Kuznetsov had been in Burlington to attend a conference on nuclear disarmament at the University of Vermont a few days earlier. Neither Sanders nor conference organizers appear to have read a 1976 Time magazine article that identified Kuznetsov as a member of a ‘Soviet intelligence squad’ posing as diplomats to infiltrate U.S. politics.”
The TIME Magazine article that the Post linked to stated: “Posing as diplomats, embassy officials and newsmen, Soviet intelligence agents have been conducting a determined effort to get classified information on Capitol Hill by bribing or compromising staff members in key positions. TIME has learned that in more than a dozen cases in the last decade or so the FBI has stepped in to ‘control’ the relationship, fearing a staffer might begin giving out restricted data.”
In 1988, Sanders traveled to the Soviet Union on his honeymoon and forged a “sister city” cooperation program there. Many believe he gave a rosy depiction of conditions there just a few years before the communist system collapsed.
Another potential area of vulnerability concerns Sanders’s relationship with socialist governments in Latin America. In 1985, Sanders, as mayor of Burlington, traveled to Nicaragua to meet with then-President Daniel Ortega, the leader of the Sandinista movement, which was aligned with the Soviet-backed Cuban regime of Fidel Castro. The Sandinista government was accused of widespread human rights abuses. The Reagan administration supported the contras, who were also accused of widespread abuses.
According to a newly revealed document from the archive, when Burlington resident Edward Pike wrote to Sanders in November 1985 to complain about his support for the Ortega regime, Sanders responded by defending Ortega’s clampdown on human rights, blaming the United States for funding Ortega’s opposition and comparing Ortega’s actions to the U.S. government’s internment of Japanese Americans during World War II.
Pat, thank you for this.
you’re welcome!
This will never hold up in court.
That’s just Step 1 – Step 2 is voting ‘correctly’ – and they already persecute people who vote/think/speak the ‘wrong’ way.
And they also leave Republicans off the ballot! Pretty convenient for Dems, huh?!?
the REAL Spartacus is gone…RIP Kirk Douglas…103 yrs old
Gohmert actually wore this button on Hannity…LOL
sorry Zoe…it’s a picture of Gohmert with a “QUIT, MITT” button on his lapel…
speaking of photos…jurors in the Weinstein case were shown naked photos of the man during the trial. His accuser claims his body was, shall we say, irregular and perhaps the photos corroborate her testimony?
Jurors in Harvey Weinstein’s New York rape trial were shown naked photographs of the former Hollywood producer on Tuesday over his lawyers’ objections.
A sketch artist hired by Reuters saw a couple of the naked photos when they were passed to the jury and produced a drawing for the news agency. In the courtroom, prosecutors did not say why the photographs were introduced or how many were presented.
A photographer employed by the Manhattan District Attorney’s office testified that he took the pictures in June 2018.
Weinstein did not respond to reporters’ questions about what he thought of jurors viewing naked photos of him. Donna Rotunno, a lawyer for Weinstein, said in an email that the photos had been introduced for “no other reason than to shame Mr. Weinstein.”
Jessica Mann, a woman Weinstein is accused of raping, testified last week about the appearance of Weinstein’s naked body. She said that when she first saw Weinstein, he had no testicles and appeared “deformed” or “intersex.” The term refers to individuals with sex characteristics “that do not fit typical binary notions of male or female bodies,” according to the United Nations Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights.
I guess when someone is already convicted before the trial begins, it doesn’t matter very much if the “persecutors” shame & embarrass the target.
I see no reason that such pictures would be introduced as evidence. What do they prove – that deformed people commit rape? Weinstein never denied sexual acts between the two nor have his attorneys denied them.
If I ws a conspiracy theorist, I’d say the prosecutors are trying to throw the case by deliberately proffering immaterial evidence. Why the judge is going along is baffling since this is an obvious appealable error.
I predict that Weinstein is going to walk. Don’t forget that ALL of the witnesses against him are ACTRESSES. What do actresses do? They FAKE on cue.
The pics could show that the woman’s testimony about his anatomy was truthful, pointing to her credibility.
I’m curious why you think there was a pile-on on Weinstein. Why him? For what purpose?
this article makes my blood boil! an Al-Qaeda leader comes to America AS A REFUGEE, claims SS Disability for bullet wounds, starts a company (so apparently he CAN work)…and later we find out he wanted for murder in Iraq.
Only 2 years after being the Emir of an Al Qaeda group, Al-Nouri had traded the deserts of Al-Anbar for the deserts of the Southwest. How was an Al Qaeda leader able to move to the United States?
Easy. He claimed to be a refugee from Al Qaeda.
In 2008, the United States raised the refugee admission celling to 80,000 to accommodate the surge of Iraqis applying to come to the United States. The Iraqis claimed to be fleeing terrorism, but some, like Al-Nouri were terrorists, and our refugee resettlement program was not interested in telling them apart.
A quarter of refugees that year were Iraqis. The Al Qaeda leader was one of 13,823 Iraqi refugees. The huge increase from 1,608 in 2007, made any real screening of the Iraqis all but impossible. And, worse still, Iraqis, like Al-Nouri, were in the top 3 refugee groups and their claims were processed ‘in-country’.
“In-country processing”, as noted by the Center of American Progress, makes “the process less onerous and cumbersome for Iraqis seeking asylum by allowing for in-country visa processing, making screening less restrictive.” And what migrants from Al-Qaeda’s stronghold needed was less restrictive screenings.
The less restrictive screenings were one of Senator Ted Kennedy’s final immigration gifts to America. The Refugee Crisis in Iraq Act was introduced by Ted Kennedy, backed by Grover Norquist, and co-sponsored by Joe Biden, Pat Leahy, Chuck Hagel, Dick Durbin, Bob Menendez and Barack Obama.
Things that go under the radar while we and the normies watch the show:
Tweet reads: US Launches Criminal Probe Into JPMorgan For Gold Price Manipulation | Zero Hedge
From the ZeroHedge article linked:
In November 2018, a former JPMorgan precious-metals trader admitted he engaged in a six-year spoofing scheme that defrauded investors in gold, silver, platinum, and palladium futures contracts.
John Edmonds, 36, of Brooklyn, New York, pleaded guilty under seal on Oct. 9 in the District of Connecticut to commodities fraud, conspiracy to commit wire fraud, commodities price manipulation, and spoofing. As Justice notes in a statement:
“From approximately 2009 through 2015 John Edmonds engaged in a sophisticated scheme to manipulate the market for precious metals futures contracts for his own gain by placing orders that were never intended to be executed,” said Assistant Attorney General Benczkowski.
“The Criminal Division is committed to prosecuting those who undermine the investing public’s trust in the integrity of our commodities markets through spoofing or any other illegal conduct.”
That was followed, a year later, by the DOJ charging the entire precious-metals trading desk at JPMorgan of being deeply involved in what prosecutors described as a “massive, multiyear scheme to manipulate the market for precious metals futures contracts and defraud market participants.”
The DoJ charged Michael Nowak, a JPMorgan veteran and former head of its precious metals trading desk and Gregg Smith, another trader on JPM’s metals desk, in the probe. (Blythe Masters was somehow omitted).
“Based on the fact that it was conduct that was widespread on the desk, it was engaged in in thousands of episodes over an eight-year period — that it is precisely the kind of conduct that the RICO statute is meant to punish,” Assistant Attorney General Brian Benczkowski told reporters.
Here’s where it gets extra interesting: according to Bloomberg, the unusually aggressive language language embraced by prosecutors reminds legal experts of indictments utilizing the RICO Act – a law allowing prosecutors to take down ‘criminal enterprises’ like the mafia by charging all members of the organization for any crimes committed by an individual on behalf of the organization.
Prosecutors charged the head of JP Morgan’s global metals trading operation and two other traders with “conspiracy to conduct the affairs of an enterprise involved in interstate or foreign commerce through a pattern of racketeering activity” – language that is typically used to describe a RICO charge.
Do not erase history. Let people learn from the mistakes and criminal intentions of their forebears. Covering up a nation’s past is never a good idea.
Yea, never erase history. Learn from it.
Pass whatever they want to that highlights the hypocrisy, no due process, the railroad job… CORRECT past travesty, for the record.
BONUS. D-Rats will fume IF Rs have the backbone to do so.
Mitt Romney acted against the truth and active offensively. Where is the outrage over his actions? What he did yesterday was vile and disgusting, showed his true character and loyalty is not with the American people, but it is not a one time thing with Romney – he has been on a tear against the President for years.
Where is the outrage about the scathing OpEd Romney published last year against the President? I’d be much more concerned about that.
Your friend isn’t interested in truth. They are just trying to MANIPULATE you with a crude MORAL EQUIVALENCE.
Romney is a snake. It is what he is – he attacks and bites with no loyalty. He claims to be a “Republican” but he has no interests of the American people at heart. He aligns with Democrats every chance he gets.
He has every opportunity to do the RIGHT THING…
Over. And Over. And Over.
Nothing of what Romney did yesterday shocks me or surprises me.
He was elected by the Big Club as a “R” into the Senate for THIS MOMENT – to virtue signal and morally grand stand. His handlers put him there b/c they wanted their ONE TOKEN REPUBLICAN to stand against the President’s impeachment acquittal to give the ILLUSION and talking points that opposition to the President was supposedly “bi-partisan”. That’s a total joke – Romney is a total partisan, he always has been, and he always will be.
Remember that Romney is in the same bed with Joe Biden, John Kerry, and Nancy Pelosi in the Burisma scandal – Romney’s son was also in on the sweetheart deals just like Hunter Biden. He was also part of the same crew that worked to overthrow the government of Ukraine. The only reason Americans aren’t seething with anger and outrage is became the mind-control media have SHUT OUT any information about the scandal from coming to light. They have kept all of these scandals from being researched or publicized. If anyone has any information the contradicts the engineered narrative that the Democrats are perfect and Donald Trump must be impeached on moral grounds, they deploy their worst and most vile of smears and attacks – they remove them from the priest-class of “credible media”, revoke their access to the temple of “platform”, and for the sin of contradicting their narrative, they invoke the smear “conspiracy theorist”. This is just how the tribe works – they sacrifice their own to protect the narrative – to protect the LIES.
The leftists in the media, in politics, in the NGOs, and now in the churches ARE NOT playing by Marquis of Queensbury rules. We need to drop all pretense and illusion that we can have a civilized discourse with people who are DETERMINED to get power using every dirty trick they can. Their creed is power by any means necessary.
The Kavanaugh hearing should have proven this to us. The old rules of respect and giving the left the benefit of the doubt have been shredded by the left.
They use OUR RULEBOOK against us – like good Alinskyites – they do anything they want and NEVER get called out on it. If they posted cartoons mocking Trump at the Prayer Breakfast with Jeffries and depicted him as a televangelist, you could complain to them that it is NOT appropriate to mock a man of God who has taken a stand for righteousness. You know what they would say? Oh it’s just a cartoon. Or my favorite, “But isn’t it true?”. Or “I just want to challenge people to think differently.” Or “But Jeffries is a buffoon, just look at this [random made up controversy] where he did [whatever BS they can manufacture], shouldn’t people know about this?”
* One standard which exonerates them ALWAYS
* Another standard which condemns you and us ALWAYS
* One standard which NEVER condemns them
* Another standards which NEVER exonerates us
* They ALWAYS get to define the standards of righteous behavior
* We are NEVER allowed to define the standards of righteous behavior
* They are ALWAYS given the benefit of the doubt, even when their actions are blatantly intentional and malicious
* We are NEVER given the benefit of the doubt, even in the smallest questionable area
* They can ALWAYS change the rules of the game, whenever they like, move every goalpost, tilt the playing field to maximize their advantage
* We can NEVER be allowed to have a single, unchanging standard, or object to the ever-changing criteria that the self-appointed and self-righteous priest-class determines for us, or have a fair and level playing field. Heck, we should have home-field advantage but they’ve stolen that from us too.
* The fundamental rule of the left Alinskyites: We lose, they win, by any means necessary. They consider anything they can get away with is fair game.
All this PHONY MORAL OUTRAGE from them? Grandstanding? It’s total BS, let’s face it. They are ABUSING and MANIPULATING the RULE BOOK to BULLY US into NOT saying what we would say, into NOT DOING what we would do, into not STANDING for what we would stand for, into not FIGHTING for what we know we are called to fight for.
“Oh but it’s OFFENSIVE!!!” “Shouldn’t we be about LOVE????” “Bbbut his tweets!”
Sanctimonious vipers, hypocrites. Matthew 24 is very instructive.
Remember Tony Campolo? He said the following:
“I have three things I’d like to say today. First, while you were sleeping last night, 30,000 kids died of starvation or diseases related to malnutrition. Second, most of you don’t give a $#!+. What’s worse is that you’re more upset with the fact that I said shit than the fact that 30,000 kids died last night.”
Here’s the poster boy for the religious left being blatantly offensive and crass. You know what happened? They cheered for him! Tony Campolo was “brave” for making statements “that needed to be said”!
That’s the CHRISTIAN LEFTIST PRIVILEGE. They can say and do whatever they want. They can accuse us of being “uncaring”, “unserious”, they can mock our “penchant for Biblical exegesis”.
We are their chumps, their DUPES.
They would NOT hesitate to post a Babylon Bee article they liked given the chance. That’s what grates them – they don’t have a Babylon Bee that supports their view.
This is not 18th century England. We are not in the sinful city of London. We are not William Wilberforce ushering in a reformation of manners. This is not the Victorian era of civility.
We cannot affect change when the LEFT has WEAPONIZED the playbook against us.
We cannot allow the LEFTISTS to intimidate us every time they have some phony moral high-horse objection.
What they want isn’t for us to be moral. What they want is to SUPRESS US.
They want us to SELF-CENSOR.
If they can’t do that they’ll deploy the PC police against us.
Then they start flagging our posts and reporting us.
Then they’ll deplatform us.
If that doesn’t work then they’ll gossip about us. Lie about us. Smear our reputation. Engage in whisper campaigns.
They will attack us in the churches. Call our employers to get us fired. They will doxx us. They will do everything possible to damage and destroy us economically and socially to make us pariahs.
They will do it. They have done it. This is NOT news.
They threw everything at Kavanaugh. They will do it to us too.
They are snakes. That is just what they do.
So no, I will not change what I posted or apologize for SATIRE just because they don’t like what I posted. Just because they want to suppress the TRUTH.
New rules: We win, they lose.
It doesn’t mean we sink to their lows, but it does mean that we will NOT be intimidated by their phony morality schtick.
There is a real difference between mocking someone’s faith and mocking their hypocrisy. Methinks Romney has yet to get all he deserves.
I won’t hesitate for one moment to mock someone’s faith, if it appears it is phony.
I am willing to accept and engage with others of all religions, bar one. That is Islam, which I do not believe is a religion, but a political ideology masquerading as one. Faith is personal, and often unique to the individual, practiced outside of any organization. Christian, Jewish, Buddhist, Pagan, I don’t care, as long as you are a decent, kind, moral person. And yes, that is judged by my standards, which others might not agree with.
BUT, if you profess a faith and your actions don’t live up to it, or make an outright mockery of it, then expect mockery from me. If you use your faith as a club against others, same. Religious faith is not supposed to be a tool used to elevate oneself above other people. That’s my standard, and I’m sticking to it.
Please, someone tell me… why the Speaker of the House is meetng w/ Guaido
Zoe, text in tweet
Chad Pergram
Pelosi to meet todwy with opposition leader and U.S.-recognized President of Venezuela Juan Guaido
Maybe her son needs a new job.
good one!
Post of the Day !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
A: To find out his plans so she can tell Maduro and undermine him.
It was a rhetorical question. Speaker has NO foreign policy responsibilities that I know of.
Sadly, that does not stop her.
so now FISA abuse comes down to “intent”?!!!
Explain to me why Gen. Flynn doesn’t come down to “intent”? Did he intend to mislead the FBI that day?
INTENT. Wray picks up a mantra from July 2016… (IIRC)
Straight out of lying James Comey’s mouth as he handed hildabeast her, stay out of jail card. Lying Comey said hildabeast had no intent to break the law.
FIB really, really sucks.
When the President was running for office and Mitt Romney spoke against him with such vitriol, I did a study on Mitt’s background and found ties to the Rothschilds, H.W. Bush (a lot) , Goldman Sachs, and foreign banking interests such as the Saudis and South Americans.
Looking at how and where Mitt has made his money is enlightening and I am in hopes that some of you will be bette able to make sense of things than I am. Finances, to say the least, are not my strong point.
Mitt, imo, is a posturing, vacuous, owned and empty vessel of corruption.
I am writing this because it looks to me like the President and his family want Romney removed from any sphere if political influence—Republican or not.
The MSM will not do its job, so I guess it is up to us to look into things and bring them into the light.
Hey Churchmouse- I landed in your country!!! What beautiful views of new Brexit freedom I saw on the descent!
I swear the sheep looked happier!!!! 

Making sure Mark Knoller knows his snippy words towards POTUS didn’t go unnoticed.
“Yes, I’m “sure” that @markknoller would be generous of heart & spirit to be acquitted of charges which were false in the 1st place. @realDonaldTrump is talking about criminal corruption, Mr. Knoller, prepare for real news’ reporting, not Lefty propaganda disguised as news.”
Stone cold steely resolve. War face on. I think he is getting ready to light them up
I agree. I think we’re there, or if not, getting much warmer.
They all kept making their little references to royalty, saying he wanted to be king etc…. What’s that line about killing the king…? If you want to kill the king, make sure you don’t miss.
They missed
He sounds a little hoarse to me, but his words and demeanor are chilling. “I don’t like people who use their faith as justification for doing what they know is wrong.”
This a very interesting article from Carlos Osweda on Twitter. It’s a long thread but a must read
Satan does do so…and it is meaningless –>> as meaningless as Pelosi saying she “prays” for anything while supporting abortion at any time for any reason
Allow me to suggest that DJTjr could use a regular Bible study class. Satan most assuredly quotes Scripture all the time. Anything to cause or help a human to slip and fall short of the goal. My late pastor used to remind us fairly regularly that “Satan knows Scripture better than you do”.
Since he was (and still is) the most beautiful of the angels, one could easily argue that he was God’s favorite while in heaven. Favorites usually know the most about the one who favors them.
PGroup, I agree and do think some of Pres. Trump’s spiritual advisers leave a lot to be desired. I do like the studies at Capitol Ministries, and they have good Bible studies for congressmen and state legislators. They seem very solid and biblical. I Think Pres. Trump is aware of them.
I will add that I personally think the remarks he made today regarding phony religiosity, calling out certain people’s pretentions, pretty much hit the mark regarding Romney and Piglosi.
DC is traditionally fake collegiality, then backstabbing. Trump fights by taking the bull by the horns and calling a spade a spade. Remember the way he dealt with McCain – told how he felt about him outright. (McCain deserved it)
In the Christian world, cheap grace has been in style for a long time…. and people expect to be forgiven before they really repent and turn from their evil ways. Half the people there were hoping for Trump and Pelosi to hug and cry, etc.
Trump is a Presbyterian – traditionally stern and correct – which is different indeed from the happy-clappy emotionalism of the charismatics, the super sweet Methodists…. maybe closer to Baptists or Church of Christ (though they don’t have musical instruments – only sing a cappela).
Pelosi is now on the bad side of Trump and she had better watch out!
Agree with you, though the brand of Presbyterianism there is more liberal than some others, but Pres. Trump grew up in a more conservative time, as did some of us. I am glad of that.
Yes – the Presbyterians were more intolerant – they split early back in the late 60s or early 70s – over the veracity/authority of the Bible and some started the PCA.
Sadly, the mother church, PCUSA is now liberal.
I know they are. This is what always happens eventually with denominations
I knew him as Kirk Douglas.
Give me Jimmy Stewart any day.
My grandfather flew on B-24’s with Jimmy as his pilot. Grandpa didn’t talk about those days much, but he did say Jimmy was a helluva pilot.
Maybe it’s just wishful hoping, but the buzz in the conservative twittersphere believes something big is going to happen today with POTUS’ High Noon Press Conference.
Note my tweet response upthread to Mark Knoller, where he’s snarks at POTUS, but DJT mentions “Corrupt people, and we can’t let that go on.”
Then there is this:
I’ve only heard this tone and demeanor once personally (not directed towards me, just in the same meeting) from
@realDonaldTrump Something big is going to go down. He’s stern voice is telling. #KAG
Unseen mentions it too.
I could be completely wrong here &, honestly, I probably am but for some reason this 12:00pm conference set up by Pres Trump reminds me of that time Trump called a press conference on Obama’s birth certificate, made a brief statement, then brought up military guys to endorse him.
· 2h
Replying to @unseen1_unseen
What are you thinking may happen?
Something that will change the script from impeachment
8:31 AM – Feb 6, 2020
Twitter Ads info and privacy
Lady P., I have noted his facial expression also… stern, all business.
do you know if anyone will be covering it??
can we watch it?
There’s enough buzz about it, I’m going to have to tune in.
The investigation of the Bidens, et al?
Good morning.
I’m headed to Horsham, PA.
Not doing a cleanup — teaching voter registration.
We need to focus our efforts on registering new Republican voters in PA.
Pennsylvania is the road to the White House.
This is marvelous.
I read through that one. They can’t escape.
Would be Biblical if Barr, Wray, Durham,and Huber were all there with PDJT for the press conference!
Oh please, oh please, oh please!!!

For Zoe
Chad Pergram
GOP FL Sen Rick Scott intros Constitutional Amdt to raise the threshold to approve articles of impeachment in the Hse to 3/5. Now just needs a simple majority. Constitutional amdts require 2/3 approval of Hse/Senate & 3/5 of all states (38).
This will help stop this in the future … but will also stop the GOP from returning the “favor”. But the GOP has so much (too much?) respect for the institutions that they probably would not do it anyway. Never attempted to impeach Obama. If he had been white skinned and done the exact same things I think the House might have moved to impeach him but…
this is a good safeguard against future use of impeachment as a political tool
LIVE STREAMS carrying President Trump’s speech at High Noon!!!
Fox 10 –
White House LIVE –
You da bomb Georgia ! Thanks so much.
For Zoe
Bill Mitchell
NANCY: “Lord I prayed to you about impeachment and it failed!”
GOD: “Nancy, we haven’t spoken in years.”
NANCY: “But he said he was you!”
GOD: “Nancy, Angel of Light, remember?”
What the Green Dealers didn’t think of.
I do find it interesting that Americans are finding innovative solutions to this blade scrap issue tho–still expensive and detracts from the whole green energy thing, but dang…Americans are problem solvers!
Wooden windmills from the Dutch were so much more practical.
I wouldn’t mind a little 5-6′ blade on the house, and birds could see that one coming.
When we were renovating, we tried to find one for the back yard – nothing.
THREAD is up for POTUS’ Noon Speech
Yw Pat…
Nancy presser…..NANZI actually had the audacity to say the chant of “4 more years” on the floor at SOTU was inappropriate…..Ummmm EXCUSE ME??? What about ripping up the speech?
I wish Rep. Gaetz well with this, but since Pelosi is Speaker…not sure it’s going to go anywhere. I’m not trying to be negative or a downer, just realistic.
Matt Gaetz to file ethics charges against Pelosi, force a vote in House
From the article:
House Judiciary Committee member Matt Gaetz, R-Fla., said Wednesday he will be filing ethics charges against House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, D-Calif., over what he called her “temper tantrum” following President Trump’s State of the Union address the previous evening.
Gaetz told Laura Ingraham on “The Ingraham Angle” that he will join two other Republicans and file the charges with the House Ethics Committee on Thursday. Reps. Lee Zeldin of New York and Kay Granger of Texas will join him, he said.
“[Pelosi] disgraced the House of Representatives, she embarrassed our country and she destroyed official records. The law does not allow the Speaker of the House to destroy the records of the House and the rules of the House do not permit some little temper tantrum just because you don’t like what the president of the United States says,” he said.
Agree DP,
methinks Gaetz is moving forward with it in an effort to redeem himself… he’s still in the doghouse with a lot of people.
I’m grateful that he did. Too many things get shrugged off with the explanation of’ll probably go nowhere. At the very least it’s on record and at the very best, she’s censured in some manner
It really doesn’t matter because like a Pelosi said about impeachment, she will forever have a censored/charged brought against her…an embarrassment to her so-called “legacy.” And, it will be brought up over and over…and we all know how well she responds to questions and criticism.
It was voted down today.
On the flight to Boston (h3llzYEAH!) – they snagged my bag before I left ‘checking weight’ and charged me $80 to check it —- boooo …. but the flight isn’t full… (hey money grab) …. I asked the guy – because of Brexit? Or the quarter not so hot? (Ok the second statement was in my mind) ….. oh well, I had packed my winter coat, sweater and extra clothes after security because I overhear when traveling … and wasn’t given a chance to unladen the bag and wear it….
Ok griping over…. my running average is good- can’t win all the flights right???
Weight has always been and always will be an issue when flying. In this case…
OSHA has work rules. The folks that load your bag….BY HAND….have to lift it, repeatedly, for just one flight. They run health risks with over-weigh baggage…strained muscles, backs, necks…costs that directly affect the airline in terms of sick leave, insurance, etc. Not only do heavy bags cause wear and tear on the ramp folks (airline employees), they cost time because they are….heavy. Heavy things take more time to lift, shift, and move around. And time is money, especially for a business like an airline.
It is not a “money grab”. It is a “covering all costs” issue.
Airline passengers think they should not have to pay extra for their overweight bags. They walk around thinking that they can stuff as much as they possibly can inside their suitcase. In days gone by, this was true. One could do so and get away with it.
But today….unlike in the early decades of air travel…people DEMAND the cheapest fares possible. So they force airlines to examine every single thing, no matter how small, that affects cost….and the airlines quite reasonably pass those cost onto the traveler.
I wish I had a dime for every person out there who complains about the airlines without understanding the issues facing the airlines. You know, stuff like how an overweight bag…multiplied by dozens of people…affects a single flight.
There are very few subjects that people unknowingly display their ignorance as commercial aviation. I fault them, not for NOT knowing, but for failing to ASK before issuing a complaint.
Rhetorical question….
I wonder how many people really take the time to observe the ramp folks….really watch and ask themselves….why do they do it THAT way?
I wonder what it is like working a 8-10 hours a day, 5 days a week, loading and unloading airplanes BY HAND during the winter in…say…Chicago or Toronto, etc…or the whole summer in Texas or Arizona??
Of course we all know the answer, don’t we? Just watch the passengers waiting at a gate or for their flight to push back from the gate.
Hell, we can even get people to pay attention for a <5 min. safety briefing that could save their own life.
And guess who the chuckleheads complain about when they need that info but weren’t paying attention?? Themselves, right??
If I had a dime for every time I read or hear a sentence that could be put better, and not reek of a certain amount of condescension, my life would be a lot more comfortable.
You’re better than this.
I’m sorry. Even my words are preying.
The last two paragraphs only are what were bothersome.
Gee, as a hospital management person I say the same thing about hospital costs! LOL
Totally get that! This was my own carry on that I was lugging around- and they made me check it.
“wasn’t given a chance to unladen the bag“
Then you must’ve been running late, you didn’t ask, or quite possibly both.
No I politely asked repeatedly and was queued up in line for 20 minutes
I placed all of my heavy winter clothes, coat and book and placed it in my carry on bag between flights (this was a connection) ….
In reality they were just doing their job, and I got snagged. It left me chuckling because the flight wasn’t full.
Oh well- lesson learned….
Text of tweet: This speech today was not just a celebration. It was the beginning of the next phase.
Hopefully, our President “takes the gloves off” and kicks Barr’s butt into action.
The couch commando has informed me that with the coronovirus going on, among other things, that there is a shortage or condoms and toilet paper in Hong Kong.
The things you don’t know you’re going to miss or need to stock up on before there’s a shortage.
What bothers me the most is that Mitt has gifted, on a silver platter, the Democrats with lots of talking points and campaign sound bites. He’s not only knifing POTUS in the back but the entire GOP party.
Aside from his personal issues with Trump to propel him towards this unsavory act, he must also have a lot of baggage threatening to be exposed to the world …..and that is the primary motivator.
Otherwise, why would he go against the wishes of the Utah’s GOP, knowing he is already the object of a recall law. Knowing the strong support within the National GOP for POTUS…knowing he surely will not get any decent Committee assignments for the rest of his term, knowing he will be ostracized by his peers who do not take kindly to that behavior.
Whatever it is…protecting his son or his own past business deals…he has walked into the buzz saw willingly.
Just my opinion, of course.
Well articulated, Tea – when you are ready – tell us what you really think – /s
China finally allows US help. They must be in seriously bad trouble. Pray for China
Tragic. The 34 year old ophthalmologist has lost his fight with the virus. He first warned medical peers to wear protective clothing because he was seeing SARS type illnesses. He was censored by the Chinese. Became ill early January, and died today.
Stunning – gorgeous – moving. Hard to believe it’s real and not some idealized painting.
Someone to whom I sent it said the same thing – looks like a painting – some of them do – I think.
hypocrite! guess who’s spent the most on private jet travel among the Dem candidates?
The Bernie Sanders campaign spent just under $1.2 million on private jet travel last quarter, outpacing the entire 2020 Democratic presidential primary field.
The most recent filing from Sanders reveals $1,199,579 in spending during the final three months of 2019 to Apollo Jets, LLC, a “luxury private jet charter service.”
The campaign spent an additional $23,941 for transportation to Virginia-based Advanced Aviation Team.
NY bail reform law: bad news for witnesses–their information has to be turned over to defense…witnesses already being found dead…
Ryder says on Jan. 30, one of the other witnesses was shot at. Two days later, he says Rodriguez was beaten but escaped. He was found dead the following day.
In relation to the case, Ryder said at a news conference that “common sense reform decisions need to happen now.”
Police Commissioner Patrick Ryder said at a news conference that he blames the new bail reform law for the 36-year-old’s death. He says under the law, prosecutors must turn over all evidence against a defendant within 15 days of arraignment – including the identities of all witnesses and victims.
“We had a protective order that the DA put in place for over a year to protect that information, to protect our victims. That’s what we do,” says Ryder. “That protective order, because of the new changes in law, was lifted.”
In this case, Ryder says, as soon as Maldonado Rodriguez’s named was turned over to the defense team, he was found dead.
not sure if this will work…but how about THIS photo of Hill…LOL
Anyone from this neck of the woods have any thoughts on this?
Trump administration finalizes plans to shrink Bears Ears, Grand Staircase monuments
The Trump administration has finalized plans to dramatically shrink the scope of the Bears Ears and Grand Staircase-Escalante national monuments despite an ongoing legal challenge from environmentalists and Native American tribes.
Officials said during a call with reporters that the finalized plans were similar to previous proposals but contained some “tweaks,” including that cattle will not graze on a large portion the Escalante River.
“We are advancing our goal to restore trust and be a good neighbor,” said Casey Hammond, the acting assistant secretary for land and minerals management.
President Trump in 2017 issued proclamations to shrink the size of both Utah monuments. The administration decided to shrink Bears Ears by 85 percent and Grand Staircase by about half.
Conservation groups rebuked the announcement.
“The only certainty today’s announcement creates is of a long drawn-out court fight to stop yet another unprecedented attack on America’s public lands by the Trump administration. With these plans, the administration is racing to allow new development on formerly protected public lands before the courts can overturn its illegal action,” Jesse Prentice-Dunn, policy director for the Center for Western Priorities, said in a statement.
Bears Ears was designated by former President Obama in 2016 and Grand Staircase was designated by former President Clinton in 1996.
The shrinking of the monuments has been vigorously opposed by Native American tribes with ties to the protected areas.
“Today’s announcement from the administration doubles down on the biggest rollback of protected lands in our nation’s history,” Tracy Stone-Manning with the National Wildlife Federation said in a statement.
Stone-Manning said the “illegal decimation” of the Bears Ears and Grand Staircase-Escalante monuments would open up ancestral lands for developments, including Navajo, Hopi and Ute mountains, which “could degrade wildlife habitat, threaten cultural sites and expose communities in southern Utah to unacceptable pollution and health risks.”
Folks should visit Daughn’s High Noon thread of POTUS’ speech. Speech was great, and super comments.
Left this there as well.
Yes! I agree, this was the day POTUS took command, and receives loyalty from his band of merry men and women.
Replying to
“That locker room speech with the Team will be remembered 100 years from now just as Henry V’s St Crispin’s Day speech still is. Never been done before, it will echo for years to come and define the NEW GOP going forward..
Now get out there and kick Leftie ass!”
he gave a great speech on the Gipper’s birthday!
Well remembered, Pat!
The sealed indictments
Shits getting real
Brian on Biden
He’s really the bottom of the barrel material
The swamp is burning
Twitter folks, don’t let Pelosi get away with this.
I just listened to her whole press conference.
It was like listening to a deluded person, and those people can be very dangerous. I think she honestly believes she doesn’t hate anyone and that all her intentions are the best. Those who don’t know better hear her “take the high road” and think she must be truthful. Her speech is always littered with the Constitution, the Founding Fathers, our democracy, prayer, and all the spiritual virtues. Today she highlighted dignity.
She “tore up a manifesto of mistruths.” It was the only way to get the attention of the American people to point out the untruths. And, “I don’t need any lessons from anybody, especialy the POTUS, about dignity.
I’m always dignified. I thought that was very dignified, compared to my exuberance.” So virtuous Nancy did a “less-exuberant” thing, in tearing up the government document and speech that millions of us respected, and she was dignified and justified in doing it. I think she truly believes this.
She said Pres. Trump will always have the scar of impeachment, and that he was impeached for “undermining the security of our country, jeopardizing the integrity of our elections, and violating the Constitution of the United States.” She can lie like that and think she’s virtuous. It’s like watching someone who is emotionally ill.
She thought, when POTUS started talking about someone with stage four cancer, he was going to talk about “hero to our country” John Lewis. She did not mention Rush’s name or wish him well.
The so-called lies in his speech were about health care, pre-existing conditions, Rx drug costs, etc. She took credit for USMCA. She said that,under Obama, the stock market rose and unemployment fell, so Pres. Trump inherited “momentum.” Not a word about what Pres. Trump has done in the past three years. That would not fit the narrative.
She feels liberated because she has shown every courtesy. Everyone is a possible ally for what comes next. “E pluribus unun.” The Founders had their differences, as do we. She extends the hand of friendship to POTUS. Always the delusional high road, the spiritual virtue, the patriotic red, white, and blue, the virtuous Nancy.
I think it is good to know exactly who and what we’re dealing with. She really is like Norma Desmond in Sunset Boulevard.
Delusional, but dangerous. The media are running the same theme she set forth. POTUS was “dark” and unstable, and they’re repeating it nonstop.
I look forward to some arrests for the Dems’ criminal activity…
Arrests would be nice. She is projecting about sedation, probably to take attention from her own issues (which were not as noticeable today).
“undermining the security of our country, jeopardizing the integrity of our elections, and violating the Constitution of the United States.”
That’s the Democrat MO from the Clintons to Obama to the Democrat Congress, Governors, etc.
Their policies and corruption are ruinous at best, seditious/treasonous at worst!!!
Yes, they always accuse us of what they do. And none of those things she named — undermining the security of our country, jeopardizing the integrity of our elections, and violating the Constitution of the United States — were in the two articles of impeachment. The actual articles charged abuse of power and obstruction of Congress. So Pelosi practically admitted the articles were bogus and that they had to find a way to say “orange man bad” because there was no criminal offense, as required by her beloved Constitution.
John kerry is gettin some of that too.
hope it’s not a scratch-n-sniff book!
Rep. Eric Swalwell (D-Calif.) is writing a behind-the-scenes book about the impeachment of President Trump that he promises will include an “inside account” of the action in Congress.
“Endgame: Inside the Impeachment of Donald J. Trump” will “take readers behind the scenes of Congress’ courageous defense of the rule of law, following the investigation and impeachment of a rogue president,” its publisher, Abrams Press, announced on Thursday.
more paper landing in the scrap heap
But lucrative paper. Another book deal from someone whom no one wants to hear from.
you’re correct TheseTruths
book deal = money laundering
They don’t care if they don’t sell a single book
Q has led to me to question book deal announcements from political insiders or family and friends of such. If it has become a preferred method of laundering dirty money, where does the dirty money arise? There are so many choices: 1) foreign aid to Xcrapostan; 2) narcotics trafficking; 3) human trafficking; 4) immigration trafficking from religious institutions; 4) the Red Cross; 5) bribes from corporations and nations. It is a long list subject only to the creative talents of the players.
6) All of the above
Scratch ‘n sniff book. [snort]
No wonder we are gonna need to plant a bazillion trees…..everybody and their mother’s cousin thinks they can write a “tell all” book.
Meanwhile we are all still over here waiting for the release of “By Daughn’s Early Light”
Too funny.
Someone just texted me this, and being the magnanimous guy I am, I’m now sharing it with you. You’re most welcome.
twitter streams keep repeating same tweets over and over
Jack’s algos have gone wild………………..
I’ve noticed that too – for some time. I have thousands of followers, and thousands I follow, and I see the same tweets of only a few – and that’s if they’re retweeted, not even in the original posting.
Will he bring any surprises with him?
Kenya, huh?
Well. Let’s say Mr. Kenyatta shows up with a boatload of paperwork in re: a certain famous individual’s birth location.
Would it change ANYONE’s mind about that person? It wouldn’t turn any of his worshipers off–they’d simply not care about the illegality that paperwork exposed–and it wouldn’t make his detractors like him even less.
This is as bad as stealing from the collection plate at Church.
And on NPR no less.
Mississippi’s Ex-Welfare Director, 5 Others Arrested Over ‘Massive’ Fraud
Mississippi’s former welfare director, four colleagues and a former pro wrestler have been charged with carrying out a multimillion-dollar embezzlement scheme to siphon public money from needy families for their own personal use — from business investments to a luxury rehab stay in California.
Special agents from the Office of the State Auditor arrested John Davis, who is the former head of the Mississippi Department of Human Services, and the others on Wednesday.
The six are accused of working together to misappropriate funds and falsify records, and they are now under indictment for a range of charges related to fraud and embezzlement.
“If convicted on all counts, the accused face hundreds of years in prison,” State Auditor Shad White said in a news release about the arrests. His office did specify the exact charges in the case.
White’s office says it’s still determining how many millions of dollars were diverted. But it adds that the loss to the state and its neediest citizens already surpasses any embezzlement scheme in at least the past 20 years — the span in which it normally retains case records.
Those accused in the alleged scheme include Davis; Nancy New and her son, Zach New, who together operate a nonprofit community education center; and Brett DiBiase, a former pro wrestler who was paid for teaching classes on drug awareness – but who was actually saying at a drug rehabilitation facility called Rise in Malibu during the time he purportedly taught those classes.
DiBiase, 31, is the son of hall of fame wrestler Ted “The Million Dollar Man” DiBiase, who lives in Mississippi and is now a Christian evangelist minister. The DiBiases are one of the most famous families in pro wrestling, dating back to Brett DiBiase’s grandfather, “Iron” Mike DiBiase.
The state auditor says Davis told the News to pay for DiBiase’s rehab treatment using public money from the Temporary Assistance for Needy Families program, which is meant to aid low-income families with children under 18 years old. But after DHS sent TANF money to the News’ Mississippi Community Education Center, the News allegedly submitted documents back to the state saying they were paying DiBiase “for conducting training classes that never, in fact, took place,” the auditor’s office says.
More at the link.
God bless this woman. Such a lady.
John Solomon
Breaking: Mueller’s team was told by key witness in 2018 that Russia collusion evidence found in Ukraine was fabricated, memos show.
JoeM has a NEW video up! Will try to post youtube link and/or twt link. Sorry if I twinsie anybody.
Great words… one can hear the love in his voice. He inspires others to do.
Want to know how he got members of the Republican Party to grow a spine? He INSPIRED them … to do their best … NOT to fight for him, but to fight for our Country, our Republic.
God bless President Donald J. Trump.
Joe M twt link to NEW video, 3 min long, using POTUS words!
House Rejects GOP Resolution Condemning Pelosi for Tearing up Trump’s Speech
A Republican-sponsored resolution that condemned House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) for ripping up President Donald Trump’s State of the Union speech was voted down in the House.
It was rejected in a 224 to 193 party-line vote, with all Democrats voting against it and all Republicans voting in favor of it.
Presiden Trump broke her…
(Picture of Nancy Pelosi in straightjacket)
Party line bullshit game huh?
Send it over to the SINate and try again.
52-48 (Romney D’electo will vote DIM as usual)
Those were the Brexit referendum percentages: 52% leave, 48% remain.
Trouble will be brewing among voters in the months ahead. Fortunately, you won’t have to endure 3 1/2 years of it like we did in the UK.
So hopefully people say tovtheir D rep, you like her behavior? Youre fired!
She is Censured™ forever!
Text of tweet: NEW: We obtained the smartphone app behind the #iowacaucases fiasco and had it analyzed. Turns out a skilled hacker could intercept — and even change — vote tallies and other sensitive data if they wanted to. My latest w/
Paper. ballots.
iirc, that’s what Caucuses used to have – paper and pen
This Gosar guy is a Congressman – here is his personal Twitter header:
“Paul Gosar is a mean and evil Congressman” Stuart Stankey
Paul Gosar@DrPaulGosar
Personal twitter. Congressman for AZ’s 4th District. Constitutional Conservative. #MAGA
I like him!
photo of the day
Love my President, what an amazing photo to go with an amazing open thread.
You rocked it Tim.
TY Rodney
The person wearing the funny hat in the Vatican is a fraud and a communist. As Elf well-stated: “You sit on a throne of lies!”
Benedict taught about Jesus and the Bible.
Francis preaches communism, globalism, climate change, open borders.
I have Pope Benedict’s book ‘Jesus’ and it’s a wonderful, beautifully written, loving description of our Lord.
Oh shit judging by the comments on that Pope link he just got Q’d.
This one (Ayman al-Zawahiri) has been trouble for a long time.
Good riddance.
So we’re 3 for 3 now?

And just when you might be getting bored . . . . BOOOOOM!
Lisa Mei Crowley
There are no words strong enough to express how utterly evil & vile these monsters are who destroy so many innocent lives for profit.
Quote Tweet
· 1h
Dark Web Child Pornography Facilitator Pleads Guilty to Conspiracy to Advertise Child Pornography
His Hosting Service Contained Over 8.5 Million Images of Child Exploitation Material
Lisa Mei Crowley Retweeted
Joe M
Twitter almost totally unusable. Nobody can see what I post. If I was violating Twitter policy, I’d get suspended, but I’m not. They have no grounds to suspend, so they use underhanded subterfuge – as if ANYTHING will stop the hemorrhaging of 2020 votes for their puppet-masters.
click on the link
Bolton staffer sides with POTUS
Excellent interview – Fleitz was impressive – hope he convinces Bolton.
Laura is my favorite interviewer.
Fleitz is an intel expert – might be a good WH staffer.
I’ve been wondering lately how the DNC plans to convince the Muslim bloc, the Catholic Mexicans immigrants, and other arrivals from less-LGBT friendly countries to vote for the white gay man. Or maybe the DNC doesn’t care about convincing voters because they believe they can cheat their way through the General just like they did in Iowa and over the last several elections.
Brian Cates // Digital Soldier for Flynn
The First
The First’s
just OBLITERATED AOC’s claim that it’s “physically impossible” to pull yourself up from the bootstraps in this country.
All of America needs to stop what they’re doing and watch this.
Rob Smith OBLITERATES AOC’s Claim That You Can’t Make It In America
During a Congressional hearing, The First’s Rob Smith destroyed AOC after she claimed it’s “physically impossible” to pull yourself up from the bootstraps.
Boot straps are not shoe laces. In our family, the phrase was thought to be – ‘By pulling on your boots every day and working hard, you can make your way to success.’
Of course, you also have to save money, keep your zipper up, skirt down and don’t drink, smoke or gamble your life away!
AOC is very negative… and literal… she sounded like a puppet “You can’t pull yourself up by your bootstraps, it’s impossible.” Not the brightest bulb in the box.
She sounds like a junior high kid.
What do you have against junior high kids? lol
Terrance, LOL
Bernie might as well put on a white roge and a turban and shout ‘Death to America’
*robe* and turban…..
Donald J. Trump Retweeted
Here’s a great compilation of newspaper headlines showing Pres. Trump’s acquittal, set to Offenbach’s “Cancan.”
Ack! If you scroll down from the tweet at the top, it’s the fourth one down. The rest wasn’t supposed to copy over! Sorry.
Trying again.
Me too! It will be like the 2016 election night videos that we never tire of seeing.
“a man they knew to be innocent.”
That’s the worst part. Accusing an innocent person and changing the course of their life is evil.
I was talking to my 88 year old mother today, and she said the same thing. And she doesn’t have the internet to get real news from.
Does this woman’s IQ even reach double digits?? Where do these people come from?? Surely Hawaii has better than this
Those are the people who think they can will something to be so. Men can be women and vice versa, or any combination thereof, and it’s “science.” The same with climate change. And people can “identify” as anything they like. So Pres. Trump now identifies as an acquitted, innocent man, and she’d better accept it.
In the clip, POTUS recognizes Devin Nunes. Note at the end of the clip, he says, “We never thought it was as bad as it is, hopefully we’re going to take care of things…”
I still believe Justice is coming.
Awesome and fitting tribute from the President & GOP allies to “the other side’s worst nightmare… the most legitimate human being”
That’s so awesome.
From Faux News “Democrats say Trump supporters caused all the problems in Iowa.”
Oooooooooooo! Here it comes!
We all know that Trump supporters follow the orders of Trump. Therefore, Trump is interfering with the Democrat’s primary election.
We got him now! IMPEACH!!!
Hesitated to post this, but this may be the new angle they are going to try to use….yawn….FWIW
Good grief.
It’s a 162-page long document.
Did not see thhis posted earlier…
R A L L Y !
Colorado Springs, CO
Thu, February 20, 2020
05:00 pm (MST)
You know they’re digging into his past. Maybe he kicked a vending machine and got two candy bars instead of one. Or maybe some woman’s life was damaged forever because he winked at her in college.
That’s the sad reality and until this rancid class of DemComs and their DS masters are put down it’s going to continue for every appointment and candidate for any office.

Someone in the UK is altering the O’s on signs and making them into Q’s.
Great video from Jon Voight.
Text: The Glory Of A Nation
………………. End of text.
He calls President Trump “A man of honor” and the best President since Abraham Lincoln.
So, I’m walking out of rehearsal this evening, and one of the guys said to the old blue dog lawyer, You know Michael Bloomberg is everything Trumps says HE is.
Red pilling the normies is going to be brutal.
Nauseating untrue and mean ads here from lil mikey all the time now, even on conservative radio.
It boggles the mind.
And the one doing the talking is in marketing, too.
Hah! I love it.
Zoe…this is a meme that is a picture of Mt. Rushmore, with Pres Trump’s likeness added.
The Caption is…”Share this and watch liberal heads explode”.
I still say he needs his own mountain.
Mt. Trumpmore
I agree!
Hey…James Woods is back!
For Zoe…text of James Woods’ tweet:
I’ve tried so hard this past year to live without the wealth of knowledge available on Twitter, but this kind of blazing insight can be found nowhere else, so… I’m back! #AOCStillAMoron
……………… End text.
He posted a clip of AOC being a moron.
Triplets along with Katie.
Good news like this deserves to be repeated.

Made my day… WAHOOO James Woods is back !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
My day is now officially “made”.
Most excellent news.
James Woods is back on Twitter!
He’s BA_ACK! Best news I’ve seen all day:
Text of tweet:
James Woods
I’ve tried so hard this past year to live without the wealth of knowledge available on Twitter, but this kind of blazing insight can be found nowhere else, so… I’m back! #AOCStillAMoron
Fox News, you got some ‘splainin’ to do.
What the heck? Sounds like a slam book. Its not a record with personal feelings and derision in it.
Q !!Hs1Jq13jV6 ID: 256bf1 No.8056165
Feb 6 2020 22:42:27 (EST) NEW
Read carefully _ big development.
Senate back to work?
Impeachment goal was to delay?
Witness requests meant to delay?
Will they try again?
Accountability is coming.
Didn’t see that you already had it when I posted…sorry
No worries….Im off to bed so you got it the rest of the night Volg
Oh, man, I needed this today.
Text reads: Replying to
Message from the underworld….. “Due to the flood of newly dead terrorists arriving daily the 72 virgins promised will be cut back to 4 gay guys and 3 goats”……
Q !!Hs1Jq13jV6 ID: 256bf1 No.8056165
Feb 6 2020 22:42:27 (EST) NEW
Read carefully _ big development.
Senate back to work?
Impeachment goal was to delay?
Witness requests meant to delay?
Will they try again?
Accountability is coming.
Link to article in 3835
Records were requested in NOVEMBER
“Confidential banking records related to Hunter Biden in Senate hands: Report”
“Grassley’s and Johnson’s committees have been investigating whether the Obama administration took official action to help the business interests of Biden while his father, Joe Biden, was vice president. The Republican senators asked the treasury’s Financial Crimes Enforcement Network for suspicious activity reports involving Hunter Biden, his business partner Devon Archer, their firm Rosemont Seneca Partners, the Ukrainian oil company Burisma Holdings, and other related companies and individuals. In the letter, they asked the department to turn over the records by Dec. 5, 2019.”
Seriously, Bergoglio needs to be handed a copy of Pope Leo XIII’s Rerum Novarum, and Pope Saint John Paul II’s 100 year affirmation of said encyclical. This man is spouting heresy! (We’ve done this before. The Church will survive this man.)
Text reads: Looking forward to the day the Vatican puts Satan on a leash and keeps him within their walls. His ideas are as ridiculous as his hat.
Actual encyclical on this matter:
Only in matters of faith and morals. This is not a matter of faith, but it is an interpretation of morals. Bergoglio is confusing things with his spouting off in favor of that which has been condemned for centuries.
And…there’s considerable evidence that Pope Benedict XVI did not resign per se. Bergoglio still kisses his ring. Benedict XVI still signs paper work as PP. That being the case, this carries no weight.
Vindman fired?
Yes, please!
Text of tweet:
Mike says…”Don’t let the door hit you, Vindman.”
Jennifer Jacobs says… “Alexander Vindman could be out of a job at the White House as soon as tomorrow morning.”
It’s already flooding here, not sure the ground can handle the forecasted deluge of liberal tears expected over this…..ehh we’ll manage somehow

His brother needs to be fired as well. Then they can be prosecuted for treason.
Q !!Hs1Jq13jV6 ID: 256bf1 No.8056704
Feb 6 2020 23:16:52 (EST) NEW
Think HRC Russia reset statement [Russia].
Think Hussein ‘I’ll have more flexibility after the election’ hot mic statement to Russian depo re: Q to Hussein re: Putin.
Think Hussein WH refusal to send weapons to Ukraine [R Congress push to assist] but instead sent only blankets.
Think [D]s attack(s) re: POTUS for failure to ‘protect’ Ukraine against Russian aggression? [Impeachment]
What advanced weapons did POTUS send to Ukraine?
2 + 2 = 6?
Define projection.
Think $1,800,000,000 Hussein WH > Ukraine [which bank?].
Think US AID > Ukraine
Think WW AID > Ukraine
Think U1 [sale of US uranium to Russia]
Sold out US to benefit Russia for personal financial gain?
Risked US National Security for personal financial gain?
How was payment made to US person(s)?
Think Ukraine.
Think Iran.
Russia & Iran allies?
Russia, Iran, & China allies?
US pol corruption China
US pol corruption Ukraine [US leverage on behalf of…]
US pol corruption Russia
US pol corruption Iran
Common denominator: China, Russia, and Iran: Closed financial systems?
Logical thinking.
It’s gonna be BIBLICAL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Someone needs to take that “Law abiding citizen” clip and put Trumps face on it.
Q 3837 confirms that, and it’s not that video. Wow.
Looks that way to me too
Watch and reconcile with Qs post above…now really off to bed;-)
Hmm…..[which bank?].
Wasn’t there a thing last week about a Ukraine Bank that was involved with the money laundering?
Q !!Hs1Jq13jV6 ID: 12fc95 No.8057064
Feb 6 2020 23:40:18 (EST) NEW
More than selling of State Secrets.
More than selling of US security.
More than selling of MIL tech.
More than selling of C_A assets.
More than selling of NSA bulk data collection programs.
More than selling of Uranium.
More than selling of US Space NAT SEC programs & positions.
More than selling of US AID..
More than selling of SAPs
CLAS 1-99
>Crimes against Humanity.
When you cannot destroy/defeat the United States of America by attacking head on, you change tactics and deploy a ‘KILL FROM WITHIN’ [internal] operation.
>Division of Citizenry
>Border Collapse
[Install ‘like-minded’ leaders in key positions of US Gov]
How many people [removed] from the FBI had Iranian family backgrounds?
The Silent War Continues…..
We twinnzed
Feb 06, 2020 11:40:18 PM EST
Q !!Hs1Jq13jV6 ID: 12fc95 No. 8057064
More than selling of State Secrets.
More than selling of US security.
More than selling of MIL tech.
More than selling of C_A assets.
More than selling of NSA bulk data collection programs.
More than selling of Uranium.
More than selling of US Space NAT SEC programs & positions.
More than selling of US AID..
More than selling of SAPs
CLAS 1-99
>Crimes against Humanity.
When you cannot destroy/defeat the United States of America by attacking head on, you change tactics and deploy a ‘KILL FROM WITHIN’ [internal] operation.
>Division of Citizenry
>Border Collapse
[Install ‘like-minded’ leaders in key positions of US Gov]
How many people [removed] from the FBI had Iranian family backgrounds?
The Silent War Continues…..
3m ago
8kun qresearch
Time for the morning people to retire for the evening.
Bouno notte.
See y’all in the am.
Q !!Hs1Jq13jV6 ID: 12fc95 No.8057450
Feb 7 2020 00:04:23 (EST) NEW
Control over the media has kept people in the dark.
Control over the media has kept people at heel (behind).
Control over the media has kept people focused on falsehoods.
Control over the media has kept people in a constant state of fear.
Control over the media has divided our Republic into segments:
>Political Affiliation
When a citizenry is divided they have no ‘collective’ power.
When a citizenry has no ‘collective’ power they can no longer control the levers that govern them [levers of control].
[illusion of democracy]

Q !!Hs1Jq13jV6 ID: 04936c No.8057691
Feb 7 2020 00:19:03 (EST) NEW
It’s time to wake up.
Link from 3839
Link to the sponsors of the proposed New Way Forward Act
That is shocking. I hope that everyone watched Tucker’s explanation of what the bill entails.
Yes, it needs to be spread far and wide. It will not pass anywhere, but man what a red pill!!