Gab Chat and Private Messaging Are BACK!

This is just to let you know that Gab Chat and Private Messaging are BACK and in BETA TEST – but the beta product is REALLY GOOD (although it does NOT work on Firefox yet – BECAUSE FIREFOX).


Let’s take a closer (if slightly stretched) look at that…..

Gab needs more people on it for testing, so GIT YOU AZZEZ ON IT, PEEPS!

Here is a sample of what it looks like right now, for me.

IMPORTANT!!! Note my “handle” @WOLFM00N in the upper left-hand corner. THAT is important. THAT is where you will find notifications and invitations – by clicking on it.

Along the left, and down a bit, you will find private rooms, private messages, and public rooms.

All of these are fundamentally the same, but there are slight differences which define them.

Private rooms are named rooms, to which the owner/starter invites others

Private messages are basically un-named, invited rooms – conversations, usually between 2 individuals, but there can be more than 2 in the room.

Public rooms are like private rooms, only the URL for the room can be shared, and people don’t have to be invited – they can just walk in. Both of the images above, are of public rooms.

Gab Chat is still a work in progress, as you can see from this Gab post by Andrew Torba, the founder and CEO of Gab.


This means that they are integrating Gab Chat into Gab, so that it’s easy to go from one to the other. This way, you’ll be able to click a button in Gab to PM/DM somebody.

SO – how do you GET ON GAB CHAT?

Here is a YouTube video that may help:

FIRST make sure that you can get on Gab – back on your old account. You will need your Gab user name and password. If you have forgotten them, your user name might be HERE:


Then, if you’ve forgotten you password, you will need to at least still be able to get into your email address that you signed up with.

Then, no matter what, you need to go here…..


THEN, once you’ve taken care of your Gab account, to make sure it’s working, if necessary, you need to head over to Gab Chat, here:


You will be asked to log into your Gab account. That means that you need to know your username and password, exactly as we prepared.

Next, however, is the tricky part.

You will generate ENCRYPTION KEYS (actually, Gab will do it for you), and those keys will be protected by a password, which can be anything meeting the minimum requirements. It can be identical to your Gab password, or something different. Whatever that password is, you MUST remember it – particularly if you try to access your chat messages from a new device. Do whatever you have to do to NOT lose that password.

Here is what Gab says will happen if you lose your chat key password:

Please do not lose or forget this password. Gab cannot restore your Security Keys. The password you enter now will be used to encrypt your private key. If you lose or forget this password, you will no longer be able to decrypt messages send to you while you were using these keys.

Gab Chat instructions

At that point, you’re ready to chat.

I suggest that you send me, @WOLFM00N (with TWO zeroes in “M00N”), a new private message, and then I will invite you into the The Q Tree Members group. If you’re an author, you’ll also get an invitation to the The Q Tree Authors group, which is like the other, only more boring and concerned with infrastructure and groundskeeping.

I don’t know if there is a size limit to our group. I’m hoping there is not.

I will add more instructions and details here as needed, as we get some experience signing up.

So far, Deplorable Patriot (@FlyoverDeplorablePatriot a.k.a. Bohemian Flair Crochet) has successfully chatted with me and joined the groups. WE NEED MOAR!

PM me, friends!



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Is this our backup plan …. alt WP?


wolfmoon, hope this ends up in your notifications!!!
I made the mistake of signing up w gab in 2017, fairly early…I knew nothing ab weird caca going on online All I knew was CTH. I immediately saw porn and never went back.
but after this thread…..
I signed up not understanding nomenclature re posted name vs hidden name.
Was horrified to see my actual name on the two posts I made!!!
Now, I cannot get in, bc gab will not match ANYTHING with my email. I do NOT want to change my email!!!
But I do want to change my name of posting to normal.
I tried what you suggested on this thread…after your saying DO NOT use your name.
But I cannot sign in, and nowhere am I given the option of changing ANY info…all I get is a big fat NOPE.
I know nothing ab being facile in this arena. I would appreciate your help – no emergency – I know you have work t do…BUT it must be kindergarten vocabulary.
Your instructions above began with saying to click on an icon which did not exist.
I tried everything I could imagine: NOPE.
Or direct me to another who can walk me through this?
I would croak if I lost you due to the Nazis. Too horrible to contemplate.


wolfmoon, thank you very much for responding to my cry!
I have a talk date w/a friend today, and will concentrate on responding to your initial question later in the day. Thanks so much.


Still working through problems with my old email addy.
Tried to open a new Gab account with a new email account, and it keeps trying to use that old email.
I’ll keep trying, though.
AT&T has the worst customer service in the world.
You try to talk to a human…and you get someone in Malaysia who can barely speak English.


I sent you a message……… waiting to see if it works


awaiting instructions sir


Got it 🙂


Hey I can recommend using ProtonMail if you need another email address- I got that suggestion from Wolfie or this board way back when the instructions for signing up to WP and Gab were originally posted. I use my ProtonMail for Gab/WP – they even offer a VPN (I’m not using that so I cannot speak to it)
Wheatie- is it just because it keeps loading in the email automatically for your sign up? I’m on a Mac but I *believe* the concept may be the same of going into your browser passwords and resetting the sign in details. I had to constantly override the ‘auto fill’ of my original email I signed up with, as I changed over to ProtonMail later in the game (the ol’ I’ll get to it someday to update my Gab/WP settings)
Hope this helps- but I haven’t read your history so sorry if it’s an entirely different problem altogether… happy to read that and help how I can.


Thanks, MA_kswiss!
It sounds like I’m having the same problem, with the ‘auto fill’ on Gab.
I’ve pretty much resigned myself to the fact that the simplest fix is to be able to get back into my old email.
It locked me out when I forgot my password…and tried repeatedly with wrong ones.
I’ve thought about using ProtonMail — it sounds promising.
It’s based in Switzerland, isn’t it?
Using a VPN may be the way I will have to go, in setting up a new Gab account, if I cannot get things worked out with AT&T on my old email.
Thanks again for your help!


You know, I do believe it is based here. It’s super streamlined and I like it.
Don’t go back to your old email- buck them making you conform—- you can do this!!!
Restart fresh new email, new Gab you! Mr MA_Kswiss and I keep a hard copy of passwords- very old school but it really has helped me in a bind.
Also- I keep forgetting the power of the VPN that I use- it’s so behind the scene i forget it’s there. I have to sometimes deal with the slowdown lag by European sites that ‘balk at it’ but eventually let me in but it’s safer IMO.
Also while I’m on the technical stuff – if anyone needs a secure large file transfer capability that’s is free (1Gb transfer) i use It was recommended to my by my Swiss Tax advisor as a secure method to transfer sensitive files.
My US clients who get files from me really like the Swiss landscapes they use while waiting for the download.


Just went through the steps and sent you a PM in gab chat wolfmoon !


Ok I will go check!


Lol- am noticing that the inflight free WiFi is blocking Gab…. will check further


Hey I’m on it if anyone wishes to get ahold of me- I’m @MA_kswiss
Woot woot!!!!


I sent you a message……… waiting to see if it works 🙂


Am now landed in London Gatwick and on the WiFi behind a vpn …. will go check it out!!!! Brb


It works!


Just responded!!!! Ooh so exciting- this is the ‘new’ going to the mailbox looking for a letter. Lol


I replied back
Thanks again 🙂

Deplorable Patriot

I sent one to you to see if I could connect.


This is the message I get when I try to sign in at Gab Chat:
Cannot read property ‘settings’ of undefined


yeah me too


If I click “Sign Up” it just takes me to my regular Gab page.




I think I did it for I allowed cookies.


No. I don’t know how.
When I click on sign in, I get a page with this message:
Cannot read property ‘settings’ of undefined
I am logged out, after allowing cookies.


No Firefox? That’s my browser.
Do I have to use Explorer or something?


No worries! Happy to be a guinea pig for the cause!


Ok! I’m in. Invite me at your leisure!


Ok, I think I just accepted both!


Partially working. I can post to both, but your private message says:
“Message failed to decrypt. The author may have invalidated or re-generated their security keys.”


Thank you so much for all your help! You are simply the best friend to have online!


I can’t see a way to send a private message anywhere there, Wolf, but I would like to be invited.


me too


I am trying so hard not to rant, but I really hate Gab.


I am not much for all this stuff…lol…I signed up for parler and I haven’t been on there in months…but I wanna be ABLE to …lol


Yeah, me too. I want options, even if I don’t use them.


I see it!
I have to admit, I was hoping for a dirty joke or something, though 😉


I completely agree. The only way two people can keep a secret is if one of them is dead!
The demoncrats will use anything against us. They think “normal” is wrong, and perverse is right.
I taught my kids my own policy; NOTHING online is private.


do i need to upgrade to gab pro?

Brave and Free

Message sent, (I think) .lol

Brave and Free

Got it, this will be great.


Are you using Firefox? I tried to get in a chat the other night for the SOTU and could not but I think I saw something that Firefox was a problem. I didn’t take the time to investigate but just came here to QTree instead.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

That would be a problem for me.
For some reason Brave is slower than molasses on my system. I can’t even scroll without it hanging up for several seconds.


well that would be my problem…I use firefox…


i think I’ll wait in the wings and stay with firefox. my computer works great for me cuz i try to limit the unnecessary stuff and keep it clean…but i bookmarked the instructions and bread crumbs you left…




Aubergine – yes i sometimes get quirky messages but plug in my details and hit buttons and it logs me in anyways ….

Rodney Short

Dammit I just went to my gab acct and it was blank said I am following zero and followed by zero with zero post WTF!!!!!
I have to many headaches in life for this shitola lol back to square 1

Rodney Short

Wow thanks Wolf, I dont know how a new acct was created and it was from another e-mail acct I have. You just saved my day, thank you very much.
I didnt even get on a computer till I was in my 40s and didnt even know how to turn one on lol I went to get on my moms puter to do her pogo and it said computer sleeping, I freaked out not knowing how to wake it up because I had to talk to Kimi lol long story short I probably shouldn’t be on a puter.

Rodney Short

I didnt think about that lol, who needs twitter when I have 2 Gab acts shit I can be like Pierre Delecto cracker style.


Wolfie, thanks so much for this. Can you keep this post at the top for a few days in order to alert Gabbers who might not visit today?
I will have time tomorrow to dive into my Gab acct and see if I can find all the stuff to connect with you & others. I REALLY like the idea of something other than WP and twitter. We are going to need it.


Absolutely! Whatever you think, boss !! Praying USA can keep it under control. What a nightmare in China!!


Hadn’t thought of that!!!
But the proliferation of global travel and migration puts us all at risk, plus Commies losing so much under the Trump administration gives them a glimpse of their potential future economic demise.
The biologics are truly frightening.


Wolfie, I got signed onto and through the encryption screens, but when I try to send you a private msg to ask you to invite me to the Q Tree group, I keep getting an error msg that says something like “encryption payload” has to be added to the msg (???). I don’t know what to do ? I am using an Ipad and Safari/duckduckgo.
Love & 💋💋 Clueless in Colorado (this is NOT urgent for you to figure out. I’m not vital to the cause 🙄👀😎)


I will try. 🤓

CM in TN

Wolf, just got mine set up, I think, and sent you a message…


In search of Readers Digest level help… 😉
OK, in Gab Chat. Got a key.
How do I send a PM?


Feels like I am learning to BOLD again. So humbling… 😉


Looks like I stumbled on the PM deal.
Now the challenge will be replicate later when needed.


Guessing something went wrong when trying to join group.
Clicked accept. Then it looked like it wanted me to type my key password. Did so.
Went back to PM with Wolf and it indicates message failed to decrypt. Yet, earlier I saw my message, and two from Wolf.


Apologies for screwing it up.


You’re not alone 👀👀



CM in TN

Go down to private messages…on the screenshot Wolf posted, and hit the + button to message someone.


Thank you.

CM in TN

Will be nice when they integrate the chat onto Gab. I use the app on my phone, but am on chat through my adblock browser right now.


Every time I click on ‘Gab Chat’ or just ‘Chat’…I get hurled into the Security Key Generator again.
I don’t know what to do.
I momentarily get to see the Chat page…for just a second.
Then I get tossed back into the Security Key Generator, which I do again, each time.
This is not making sense.


I didn’t get a popup to allow them.
How do I enable them without that?


MS Edge


All Kaspersky.


Not sure…hubby is the one who handles that.
It was all on this computer before…when I was using Gab just fine.
Dunno why it would be a problem now.


That hurled me into the Security Key Generator.
Just like it’s been doing.


Same thing.
I get tossed into the Security Key Generator.
Get a popup, initially, that says I have not done it yet.
Then I do it again…and it says:
“This Site says…
Security Keys generated successfully.”
I click on Chat.
Then get hurled back to the Security Key Generator.


I just did a regular gab.
But…I’m not seeing your replies to my older ones.


Well that’s good to know.😏


Moving over here:
“Did you check “save password” when you filled it out?”
Yes…about a dozen times.
Then, thinking that might be the problem…I filled it out another dozen or so times, without “save password” checked.
It made no difference.
I keep getting tossed back into the Security Key Generator.
And it even says that I have created Security Keys!


But I am going to log out…and do a reboot, to see if that helps.


Oh Thank You so much!
I have been trying to find a simple “Help” thingy to click on…but was unable to find one.


I’m sorry to be such a pain in the ass, boss.
This is really frustrating.


Well that didn’t work.
Still getting tossed back into the Security Key Generator.
I’m going to try to get HELP from Gab.
Thing is…can’t find a “Help” thingy to click on.
It opens up a tab to something called “GitLab”.


“OK – I reinvited you to the chat room.”
Not seeing ANY invites to the chat room.


Only for a second…I get a brief look.
Then I get tossed back into the Key-Gen thingy.
I can see in the sidebar there, during that brief glimpse…that you have sent a PM.
But there is no time for me to click on it…or anything else.


Yep, I think so too…I just don’t know how to fix it.


I just checked…and I’ve got both Gab and Gab Chat listed as “allowed cookies” already.
So there shouldn’t have been a problem with cookies.
They were already listed on our ‘allow’ list.


Would rather wait and see if we can get help from Gab…before doing something like that.
I will try removing Gab/GabChat from the ‘allowed cookies’ list…then adding them back.
See if that makes a difference.
They did such an overhaul there, maybe their cookies have changed in some way.

[…] Gab Chat and Private Messaging Are BACK! […]

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