Welcome to the Friday OPEN THREAD at the QTree! What a week in Trump time. It’s the weekend and time to crack open a beer and put some steaks on the grill! We’re going to remember this week……for a long time………. Thank you for the Thursday hand-off TrumpIsMine. Thank you to Wolfie for keeping us all organized, up and running. What would we do without FLEP’s News Roundup to keep up? Thank you, Flep. Hat tip and a hearty thank you to all contributors and the lurkers!

ShaMMMpeachment FAILED!
We don’t believe in political correctness at QTree. Free Speech is practiced here. ENJOY IT. Use it or lose it. Important Guidelines are outlined here in the January 1st open thread, with an addendum on 20191110. In other words, please keep it SOMEWHAT civil. We have a new board – actually a new SITE – called The U Tree – where people can take each other to the woodshed without fear of censorship or moderation. NOT HERE. This board will remain a REFUGE for those who need civility, either some or all of the time.
Make no mistake, we’ve been SMOKIN’ hot at QTREE this week. No peaceful classical music today, we need some rock and roll.
What a week we’ve had. How does President Trump do it all? We started with the ShaMMMpeachment for several days, but our team was terrific in DC, across social media, and banging the boards here. The Iowa Caucus was a disaster for the Dems and the Repubs turned out in force. We went into a President Trump SOTU which made us laugh, cry, and cheer, with a Nancy implosion at the end. The President was ACQUITTED on Wednesday. It’s been such a LONG TIME in coming….. and it’s over with. Time to turn up the volume on the media and political opposition.
Thursday we had a National Prayer Breakfast which made headline news AND a White House Presser on Acquittal which solidified our team. President was kind and gracious to give attribution where due, and deliberate when assessing blame. The President and the Repubs are enjoying their highest polling numbers in years and the Dems are falling apart. And Thursday night, we learned our Military and Commander in Chief have removed the Leader of Al-Qaida in Yemen. Poooooffff, he’s gone! The President is growing stronger and our team is growing bigger. Competent leadership gives us all Peace of Mind.
We learned more about the Coronovirus this week. Wolfie put the CV Thread on the sidebar and a special thank you to all who contribute and update. “Golden Week” in China has been extended for another week = no factory workers and about 80% of the country’s export production has shut down. The Hyundai Factory in South Korea has CLOSED due to lack of parts, and North American auto manufacturers estimate they have a few weeks of parts inventory remaining before drastic measures begin.

Tonight, the Dems have a debate, and I’m watching this one. We’re going to do a thread. The circular firing squad has already formed and it’s time to perform or drop out. Should be fireworks!
We also have a MAGA Rally in New Hampshire coming up! Let’s make sure we rest up this weekend in Wheatie’s Treehouse and hang out with BakoCarl on Sunday. We’re expected on the field in full uniform by Monday morning!
SPEAK THE FIVE WORDS BOLDLY TO OUR PRESIDENT!, “I AM PRAYING FOR YOU!“ He needs our prayers and help more than ever before! ….. and unlike others, we mean it!!

And remember….. it is time to drain the swamp in DC and LOCALLY. Please make a commitment in the new year to attend a LOCAL board meeting for your town or municipality or school board. Get involved and make your presence known. Put your local officials phone numbers in your cell phone and call them once a week (or more often).
“Our movement is about replacing a failed and corrupt political establishment with a new government controlled by you, the American People.” Candidate Donald J Trump
Remember Wheatie’s Rules:
- No food fights.
- No running with scissors.
- If you bring snacks, bring enough for everyone.

Across Conservative social media, we’re detecting a change in the game plan going forward. Can you feel the shift? We sense a new offensive coming from the White House. The Storm is here. We ready. We’ll meet at the ole saw mill… We’re moving ahead towards prosperity. Don’t look back. The sun is shining and the clouds are breaking…… there’s no more time to criticize….. I see myself in a brand new way. Oh, the sun is shining and I’m on that road. Don’t look back. A new day is breakin’. It’s been so long since we felt this way!

Since most of us were BANNED for strange reasons from another website and found comradery here, found a song for us all. “We’re just another BANNED…..” out of America?
See you all on Saturday morning at Wheatie’s Treehouse!
Carried over from yesterdays open thread……….
Feb 06, 2020 11:40:18 PM EST
Q !!Hs1Jq13jV6 ID: 12fc95 No. 8057064
More than selling of State Secrets.
More than selling of US security.
More than selling of MIL tech.
More than selling of C_A assets.
More than selling of NSA bulk data collection programs.
More than selling of Uranium.
More than selling of US Space NAT SEC programs & positions.
More than selling of US AID..
More than selling of SAPs
CLAS 1-99
>Crimes against Humanity.
When you cannot destroy/defeat the United States of America by attacking head on, you change tactics and deploy a ‘KILL FROM WITHIN’ [internal] operation.
>Division of Citizenry
>Border Collapse
[Install ‘like-minded’ leaders in key positions of US Gov]
How many people [removed] from the FBI had Iranian family backgrounds?
The Silent War Continues…..
3m ago
8kun qresearch
It’s REALLY going to be….. BIBLICAL!
I think we have all known about the enemies within for quite some time, but there must be a lot that we still don’t know (or can’t prove) about that: who they all are, who installed them, who is being paid, what countries are involved, all the connections, etc.
Q says it’s bigger than all the things listed (national security, treason, and the like). It sounds like coup on a scale never seen before. “Crimes against humanity” makes me think of human trafficking and crimes against children, as well as things done to people in other countries because of greed, including torture but also globalist goals of depopulation.
“The Silent War Continues…” I think a lot of us want it to be silent no more. But thank goodness it’s ongoing. I hope we will be able to know what’s being done to our country, and to humanity. The good guys will win.
Have you heard of the New Way Forward Act?
I hadn’t until just now. It will go nowhere, but the fact that there are legislators who promote it is a very serious problem.
I call it the BLUE NEW DEAL and it is as much of a nation-killer as the GREEN NEW DEAL.
NEVER pass in Senate.
never say never.
This is NOT a 2/3 majority vote thing.
Even Pierre Delecto wouldn’t vote for this crap. Me thinks.
Asshat would if he was told to……..
Someone has him by the Magic underwear
“Crimes against humanity”
Complete physical, psychological, and spiritual destruction of America. And they MKULTRA’d us via the media into going along with it without resistance.
Even here at the Q tree, Jeffrey Epstein has been reduced to a meme when it should be a rallying point for all Americans to march on Washington DC and demand answers.
Even here at the Q tree, people are still paying for Netflix and Disney+ with their hard-earned dollars despite both corporations including literal Satanism and literal child porn in their programs (and that’s not even getting into conspiracies about Disney and child trafficking).
Here in America, we encourage women to abort their children so that the fetal remains can be sold off to Pepsi to create new soft drink flavors. How many people here still drink Pepsi?
I’m not railing on anyone personally and am not perfect by any means. Just pointing out how deep we’re in it, too, and we’re less blind than most.
CLAS 1-99
When I read a few years ago what Pepsi was doing to enhance there product with baby parts I was horrified .I don’t consume cola at all because we don’t know what they add to it. I cancelled netflixs the day I heard the Os were on the board of directors, I won’t pay for nor support any company that brings debauchery or filth into the house.
I started following Dr. Mercola over 20 yrs ago.
VERY LIKELY – those TRILLION $$$ accounting changes at the PENTAGON were part of the RECKONING to come.
See also #3836 …….
Feb 06, 2020 11:16:52 PM EST
Q !!Hs1Jq13jV6 ID: 256bf1 No. 8056704
Think HRC Russia reset statement [Russia].
Think Hussein ‘I’ll have more flexibility after the election’ hot mic statement to Russian depo re: Q to Hussein re: Putin.
Think Hussein WH refusal to send weapons to Ukraine [R Congress push to assist] but instead sent only blankets.
Think [D]s attack(s) re: POTUS for failure to ‘protect’ Ukraine against Russian aggression? [Impeachment]
What advanced weapons did POTUS send to Ukraine?
2 + 2 = 6?
Define projection.
Think $1,800,000,000 Hussein WH > Ukraine [which bank?].
Think US AID > Ukraine
Think WW AID > Ukraine
Think U1 [sale of US uranium to Russia]
Sold out US to benefit Russia for personal financial gain?
Risked US National Security for personal financial gain?
How was payment made to US person(s)?
Think Ukraine.
Think Iran.
Russia & Iran allies?
Russia, Iran, & China allies?
US pol corruption China
US pol corruption Ukraine [US leverage on behalf of…]
US pol corruption Russia
US pol corruption Iran
Common denominator: China, Russia, and Iran: Closed financial systems?
Logical thinking.
39m ago
8kun qresearch
Yeah, this is GOOD STUFF – this is really putting it all in perspective!
Looks to me like the storm might be upon us…….
“As in the days of Noah”?
Q is pointing us directly to the 1.8 BILLION dollars which was transferred to “stabilize Ukraine Banking System” in September ’14, which ended up funding the war with Russia ((illegal war, not approved by Congress).
Q is pointing directly to PrivatBank in Ukraine, which is also connected to Burisma, Atlantic Council (Ukraine), “rogue operations of US Dept of State”, FVEYES, and CROWDSTRIKE —- according to filed court doc in Hunter Biden’s “source of income” statements in Arkansas about the Baby Momma.
I wrote the whole summation out in the Ukraine thread today.
It’s wild.
It’s perfectly plausible.
All the evidence accumulated thus far points in this direction.
I’ll put my comments there!
“Sold out US to benefit Russia for personal financial gain?
Risked US National Security for personal financial gain?”
That’s flat-out death penalty stuff, there’s no point in defense lawyers even making a legal motion for life without parole.
That’s death before you leave the court room / court-martial stuff.
It’s Treason so high they’ll have to come up with a new word for it.
Traitors and the Ninth Circle of Hell
“I have learned to hate all traitors, and there is no disease that I spit on more than treachery.”
– Aeschylus
“Traitors despise even those to whom they have rendered service.”
– Tacitus (ancient Roman historian)
“If we were actual traitors to the people and to their welfare and progress, we would hold high office, have princely incomes, and ride in limousines; and we would be pointed out as the elect who have succeeded in life in honorable pursuit, and worthy of emulation by the youth of the land . . . It is precisely because we are disloyal to the traitors that we are loyal to the people of this land.”
– Eugene V. Debs
Uh, Gail … when did we start citing to socialists for authority? Pretty sure this ungrateful pig is not to be emulated.
Even a stopped clock is correct twice a day.
Are his words true? That is all that matters.
“If we were actual traitors to the people and to their welfare and progress, we would hold high office, have princely incomes, and ride in limousines”
Doesn’t that describe Joe Biden, Hillary Clinton, Nasty Piglooser, Adam the Shitt and all the others? Don’t they have ‘ princely incomes’ from all their graft and corruption? Ride in limousines and private aircraft?
“we would be pointed out as the elect who have succeeded in life in honorable pursuit, and worthy of emulation by the youth of the land “
Isn’t that what the corrupt media does? Rise-up and honor the filth & depraved in Hollywierd, the recording industry and professional sports?
“It is precisely because we are disloyal to the traitors that we are loyal to the people of this land.”
Doesn’t that describe President Trump, his cabinet, Q and the Deplorables?
Rayzorbak, thank you to you and others who give the texts of the q posts.
You are Very Welcome……
Daughn…… Thanks for the Cliff Notes version.
Feb 07, 2020 12:04:23 AM EST
Q !!Hs1Jq13jV6 ID: 12fc95 No. 8057450
Control over the media has kept people in the dark.
Control over the media has kept people at heel (behind).
Control over the media has kept people focused on falsehoods.
Control over the media has kept people in a constant state of fear.
Control over the media has divided our Republic into segments:
>Political Affiliation
When a citizenry is divided they have no ‘collective’ power.
When a citizenry has no ‘collective’ power they can no longer control the levers that govern them [levers of control].
[illusion of democracy]
2m ago
8kun qresearch
Yup. The MEDIA was reversed, and we had no power over government.
A brilliant PLOT.
“Control over the media”
This is why Pres. Trump is always criticizing the media and fake news, to make people aware. It’s not just personal, that they are treating him unfairly. It’s that control over the media is something we all need to be aware of and that must change.
Education = CORRUPT
CONgress (Most) = CORRUPT
Hollywierd = CORRUPT
As in the Days of Noah?
Luke 17
26 And just as it happened in the days of Noah, so it will be also in the days of the Son of Man:
27 they were eating, they were drinking, they were marrying, they were being given in marriage, until the day that Noah entered the ark, and the flood came and destroyed them all.
Big Business = CORRUPT
(Big Business = CORRUPT)
Supposed to be up in the list – before the scripture
Not sure how that happened.
Worth the time to watch:
Looks with Beck’s investigation that the part of the state department was in on the corruption in Ukraine also the CIA and maybe part of the Military? Where does Bolton fit in? What a mess and they tried to kick POTUS out. Maybe some of the democrats also and what about Romney? Oh yes he is friends with Biden and Kerry protecting the club?
Makes me angry how our tax money is abused and who is getting more wealthier ? What is Soros doing in Ukraine?
I sat down to watch it and summarized it on it’s own thread.
You guys know, Ukraine is my weakness…….. I keep poking around, trying to find the source of the dead fish smell.
We found it this time.
Psst. I think the fish could be a whale
On the Coronavirus Latest Thread, I just posted an example showing how the method of calculating the current mortality rate of about 2%, results in a mortality rate that is probably much too low.
It would be good if someone so inclined would critique this.
I’ll check later, but off the bat I think you’re right.
Agreed. We were laughing about the fact that reported deaths track consistently and PERFECTLY with reported. It would be statistically impossible. One day would have to be MORE, another day less, to average out at 2.1%.
That the numbers track perfectly is prima facie evidence of bad numbers.
BOSTON…Such great, fun memories
Awesome week. Relief shampeachment is history. Hoping Pierre Delecto keeps getting trashed AND shunned.
Was nice to see President Trump throw Gaetz a lifeline at the High Noon meeting. Betting Gaetz doesn’t make another stooopid vote. Anyway, looking forward.
When Too Slow Joe bails from the president wannabe Clown Car, betting…It’s Trump’s Fault!
Joe Biden Goes Missing in New Hampshire as His ‘Financially Strapped Campaign’ Struggles to Recover From Crushing Iowa Loss
Is the old fool trying to bolt or has he just wandered off somewhere
Sol asks…”Is this a joke?”
No. Not a joke, unfortunately.
These Son’s of Bitches are itching for a CIVIL WAR!
Anything to distract from the coming revelations that will guarantee this outcome…
They won’t be able to walk the streets in safety.
What is the term for those in a power struggle to make things so bad for the people it force ps the people to support the corrupt gov’t?
You mentioned this just yesterday or day before.
Yeah, ….. that it becomes so bad they seek a dictator who promises relief…..
What is that called….
Anarcho-tyranny, I believe!
Well..…….. yeah, that’s it.
Also happened to Germany between WWI and WWII.
People running around with wheelbarrows full of money just to get their daily groceries. Probably about like Venezuela today. And that’s what the DEMONicRATS wich to bring upon us.
“The Squad” MUST BE REMOVED, and PUNISHED (and, if appropriated, DEPORTED or given a permanent place in Gitmo)…
Agree wholeheartedly, Cuppa – Good Point!
2 Timothy 4
4 I solemnly charge you in the presence of God and of Christ Jesus, who is to judge the living and the dead, and by His appearing and His kingdom:
2 preach the word; be ready in season and out of season; reprove, rebuke, exhort, with great patience and instruction.
3 For the time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine; but wanting to have their ears tickled, they will accumulate for themselves teachers in accordance to their own desires,
4 and will turn away their ears from the truth and will turn aside to myths.
5 But you, be sober in all things, endure hardship, do the work of an evangelist, fulfill your ministry.
The Algerian strategy.
From carlos/Thomas
I read this thread and it supports what they are trying to do to this country. Excellent thread.
Yes, this is it. The Algerian Strategy. Many thanks.
I didn’t mention it, but I know the concept and I know that somebody ELSE did mention it, because I agree with it. I believe we’re talking about ANARCHO-TYRANNY.
Some people have been onto this strategy for a long time.
Carlos has a thread on the New Way Forward:
We have to be all over this. The way it works is that the Marxists try to get a GOP DUPE rolling on this, preferably one with a lot of CARDS like BLACK and VETERAN. They only need one or two, and then try to get people to virtue signal to that one.
I knew they would try to create toxic extensions to Trump’s prison reform. Here we go – the Bill Ayers “turn things back by pushing wrongly forward” bill.
We have to distinguish between STUFF THAT WORKS (Trump common sense) and stuff that’s BOGUS (Marxist sneaky crapola filled with Cloward-Piven sabotage).
Yep – if they ban police forces, immigration laws, etc.
We will soon have ‘Posse Commit-justice’ aka – citizen groups enacting justice as they see fit.
That’s one of the terms used by the BernieBro in the Project Veritas video
It’s a FORM of the controlling GAME called “Let’s You And Him Fight” (LYAHF). Satanists and Luciferians embrace this idea.
Called the Algerian Strategy. One of the civil wars in Algeria which took place between 1991-2002, when the radical Islamists went to war with the country to knock out the government. They didn’t care what they did to the population. At one point I think the government almost capitulated, but were able to hold them off.
Thread was done on it by Carlos the other day. Cates connects it again today regarding the Democrats behavior. Essentially, the Democrats are willing to burn the country down in order to take complete power.
“Obama was the most lawless President in history.
Democrats are SHOWING US what they will do if another Democrat President is ever elected.
@COsweda 11h
“A couple of days ago I wrote that the Democrats are implementing the Algerian Strategy in the United States. @realDonaldTrump knows this, of course.
@SpeakerPelosi tore up the State of the Union address to signal that she’s on board with the Algerian Strategy.”
Yeah I think this is accurate.
I call it the BLUE NEW DEAL
Every bit as CRAZY
Every bit as EVIL
Every bit as DANGEROUS
NEVER pass in the Senate.
AND, reminds me of POS Ryan passing lots of legislation that would never pass in the Senate.
Never say NEVER!
These people (CONgress – most) are EVIL.
This is not a 2/3 vote thing.
Trump won’t sign it….
but the next person might.
Uh, Respectfully Turtle will never entertain this BA from the House. AND, Senate will never pass it.
Agree, President Trump will veto it.
Ya. I am narrow minded and at this point through inauguration, 2024.
Have no idea IF we’ll be fortunate to have a President in 2024 that ALWAYS puts America First.
Is not willfully destroying a country treason? Where do these people come from that sign a bill like that?
Feb 07, 2020 12:19:03 AM EST
Q !!Hs1Jq13jV6 ID: 04936c No. 8057691
It’s time to wake up.
1m ago
8kun qresearch
Wow…Q is sounding the alarm on this too!
I say ARREST any and all AUTHORS of this BULLSHIT!
Tucker said there are 41 members of congress behind this bill.
Don’t know who the ‘Authors’ are…those are probably all the ‘sponsors’.
Sponsors listed here. Posted at the end of yesterday’s thread.
Sponsor: Rep. Garcia, Jesus G. “Chuy” [D-IL-4] |
Rep. Escobar, Veronica [D-TX-16]*
Rep. Garcia, Sylvia R. [D-TX-29]*
Rep. Green, Al [D-TX-9]
Three cosponsors from Texas. This is war. They want open borders to turn Texas blue as well as to take over the country. They need to be hounded out of office.
Lots of CA and NY with others….all the usual suspects ….Al Green, Hank Johnson, Fredrica Wilson, Alcee Hastings, and of course The Squad
They should be recalled from their congressional positions. The problem is that people vote them in. The people need to wake up.
But I don’t understand what these Dems are doing. A lot of minorities and women want secure borders. Women in particular do not want criminals here. They fear for their safety and that of their children. More people do not want illegals here because of the unknown criminal element. This is a suicide bill for the Dems, if word could just get out. I expect Pres. Trump to start talking about it at rallies.
Who needs voters when you’ve got Soros voting machines, shady vote counting apps run by former Hillary goons, and masses of desperate illegals to do your bidding?
They are doing what they are being told to do.
Congress critters, at least a lot of the Democrats, don’t write legislation. This group isn’t smart enough to do that. They agree to co-sponsor something that lobbyists and their overlords cook up.
What this is is an alarm sounding to the people to really care about more than voting for president. We have to vote these idiots out of office. And midterms, and off-year elections cannot be ignored or you get situations like Virginia.
It’s really up to the voters to make it happen.
Ding Ding!
We have today’s WINNER.
CONgress does NOT “Write” Bills.
They are BOUGHT to PROMOTE them.
100% George Soros.
100% Open Societies
100% Karl Popper “The Open Society and its Enemies”
What they are doing becomes clear when you understand what is behind it.
Read this review:
The Open Society and its Enemies
By Karl Popper
Reviewed by Roy A. Childs, Jr. / Princeton University Press, 1966 / 2 volumes, $3.45 ea. pb, $10 ea. hc
It is WAY PAST TIME to arrest that bastard. In fact, I agree with Trump – this whole impeachment was a CRIME, and there need to be arrests for abusing our government. I don’t care how much screaming. ARRESTS.
I tend to operate in the “idea” layer and not so much in the “who/how” layer. Though, all the different layers are important to understand the big picture.
So I was REAL excited to finally have something that explained Soros’ sick worldview clearly. Once you understand how badly distorted the lenses are, it becomes obvious why their perception of reality is upside down.
Popper supposed that the only way to end “tribalism” is to destroy all borders and mix all people together. Crime and other problems were expected contingencies that would be necessary, an intermediate phase before the final phase would be achieved: a singular homogeneous global citizen identity devoid of national, civic, and religious identifications.
Soros is a TRUE BELIEVER. A cynic would say he is not a believer but a malicious actor. IMO this is inadequate. He tutored at the feet of Popper and I am confident that his BAMN outlook is there to reinforce his goals – in his arrogant elitism he probably sees himself as the apprentice who has become greater than the master.
Why for example is Soros supporting the activities of the Catholic and Austrian Economic Acton Institute? If you understand the political reality strictly in MCM terms of left/right you will be blind to what they are up to.
For the last decade since the Tea Party the key piece has been undermining social conservatism. This has meant invading conservatism with libertarianism – a political ideology that Soros crew finds quite agreeable. Social libertarianism undermines all social conservatism – it operates subversively by finding “common ground” with social conservatives in terms of “economic conservatism”.
It worked during the Obama administration, b/c when it was all hands on deck to deal with the onslaught of leftist economic ideas, you started fighting with whatever ideological weapons you could find – you didn’t ask questions about who made the ammo.
Meanwhile the effects have been achieved: a downplay of civic, religious and national identity.
A perfect rotting of the resolve of Americans to fight back by an insurgent enemy seeking to undermine Americans will to fight. Classic PsyOps. Classic enemy COINT operations.
They pass this bullshit you May’s well say they declared War on WHITIE and this cracker will have my white ass on the front lines of this WAR!!!!!!!!!!!
“. . . cause this was an insurgency, folks, this was run like an insurgency. This was irregular warfare at its finest, in politics.”
Exactly Michaelh
Digital Soldier in the Flynn Army
Adding for reference: Flynn on the current conflict
Wolf this might be a little dated but I dug this little gem up. Check out who co-signed it.
Joint Operating Concept for Irregular Warfare
I’m seeing big ideas in there.
Yeah, this is pretty huge! They actually recognized that criminals are a national security threat. EXCELLENT.
Amazing speech from an AMAZING PATRIOT….
Thank you for sharing this Michaelh
I believe that those who are behind this bill are violating their oath of office:
“I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; that I take this obligation freely, without any mental reservation or purpose of evasion; and that I will well and faithfully discharge the duties of the office on which I am about to enter: So help me God.”
They are inviting enemies (criminals) in and not defending the U.S. I also think the bill is unconstitutional on the same grounds. The Constitution is about protecting the country, not allowing criminals in and giving them sustenance.
Those supporting it need to be removed from office.
Amen TT they are a threat to National Security
It’s a declaration of war on America.
Not just white America, but all of America.
It sure is Steve, sometimes I get a lil riled up with always being the blame for my whiteness.
Nothing can stop what is coming.
We have it all.
FISA works both ways.
These people are stupid.
They won’t be able to walk the streets in safety.
May this legislation find its fate of an early grave in the Senate.
Here’s the video of Tucker’s show…in case you might be having trouble getting the tweeted videos to play.
Tucker starts talking about the odious ‘Way Forward Bill’ at the 4:24 mark.
The Great Awakening.
It’s going to be BIBLICAL.
Bob Jones told Bolz that when KC Chiefs win the Superbowl, the next revival would start. Mark Taylor said he sees it more as an Awakening, than a revival.
It won’t be a “revival” in the contemporary sense. The “big tent” style of revival meetings were common in the early 1800s United States during the 2nd Great Awakening. But “revival” isn’t exactly a synonym for church meetings but a change from being dead to being alive.
Daughn you never cease to amaze me,damn you rocked the QTreehouse so hard most the leave fell off…
Hehe, it was time for some rock and roll. What a wild week it has been.
You said it! I’m still feeling it….
Wow already four topics up today.
“. . . we can’t let that go on and I’ll be discussing that a little bit later at the White House . . .”
WARNING: High Energy
I stole this from boondocksaint1
Love it!

Wheatie did ya notice they didn’t even flinch? WARRIORS!!!!!!!
Daughn…….. Thanks for the AWESOME MUSIC to play in the background as we read
Tom Scholz and crew (The banned….. BOSTON)….
is one of the BEST things to come from this town…….
(Besides the Tea Party)
Boston is one of my “Cast Away” on a deserted island bands, one of 10 that I allow myself.
Some slow day, maybe we can have everyone’s top 10 favorite Banneds thread?
Some slow day. Surely you jest

I started out with Tom Petty’s “Won’t Back Down”, but had trouble filling his other song titles into our thread. Boston WORKS!
Sure Does!
Thanks again
That’s for Utree.
So glad that YOU run this place
Greg Rubini has a great thread on the Ukraine massacre and how Eric Carmarella figured into it.
He ties a lot of things together.
A lot of the replies are saying that this was “just like Las Vegas”.
I didn’t see a Thread Reader for it…so this is the gist of what the thread is about.
Yep it’s on thread reader. Posted it when it came out but hundreds of comments everyday. Stuff gets buried. Plus everything moving at warp/trump speed. We are definitely at the the pointy end
Oh, this makes SO MUCH SENSE. This is how they could guarantee the coup would work. BLOOD HOAX.
Notice the TIKI TORCHES in Ukraine, too. It’s all coming from the same place.
Why is “Charlie the Tuna” Ciaramella protecting that Soviet piece of shit Obama anyway? Doesn’t he know?
Protecting Ø and H> is a life and death situation – do it or you lose your life.
Yeah, he’s pretty deep in the danger zone.
When you play the game of thrones you win or you die
Both of them are CIA Operatives – working together – imho
Ciaramella came to Biden FROM C_A.
If the President was Yanukovych at the time, and trying to harm protesters at his doorstep during Maidan, why would the snipers kill over 40 police?
Snipers would never kill their own.
It makes no sense.
I compiled it all in the Ukraine thread today.
NOW, it all makes sense to me.
Wyatt @oldschool2a has a thread. Evil wants us gone or contained. Starts with Albert Pike, and how we’ve narrowly missed WWIII.
And Carlos has the ANSWER to Wyatt’s thread:
And Joe M @stormisuponus has a great 3:40 video, using POTUS words from SOTU. The best is yet to come! Youtube link
First impression on me when seeing all the new drops (Q3835 — Q3839 ) was the saying «Hunters become the hunted» which hase appeared many times. Now, in the most recent one of these, Q3625, the formatting is slightly different: «[HUNTER]s become the hunted». And just look now at the name of one of the major prey… On re-reading it isn’t so obvious, but sometimes first ideas aren’t. Whatever … there are more than one animal of prey in this hunt.
Roller-coaster indeed. I don’t remember exactly when the clack-clack-clack-clack noise of the safety pawls on the uphill section ceased, might have been when I was otherwise occupied in the weeks around the turn of the year, but this last couple of weeks! Hoo boy…. There is the wind in my face and the tickling of gravity changes in my stomach. «Weeks to remember» indeed, to paraphrase another Q-ism.
Yeah, things are gonna get fast, people. STRAP IN!!!
Yup at the precipice of the lift hill and the dogs are no longer holding the train on the chain.
Verse of the Day
“Study to shew thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth.”
2 Timothy 2:15 (KJV)
Thank You, Jesus, for blessings received and prayers answered!
Friday Butterfly Blessing
Jesus Loves Babies…Pray for the Unborn

Jesus Loves the Little Children – Pray for the Little Children
Jesus Loves You – Come to Him
Good Morning Duchess!
Hope you are safe and warm and dry…
we’re getting ice right now and probably a foot of snow over the next 24 hrs…
Hey, Pat! Geee Whizzz!!! Not going to be a fun weekend for sure – we are quiet now – but, ice will pose a grave problem for travelers today – temps expected in the teens beginning tonight – so ice will be a problem here as well plus snow – Yikes!!!
Hope and pray you fare well through it all – God bless and keep you safe – Have a Blessed Day!
you have a Blessed Day as well….stay safe and warm!!!
Okey Dokey – will do my best!!!
We need a double dose today, Duchess!!
Asked and Received, Daughn!!!
Restore the joy of Your Salvation

Amen goes right there, BFLY!!!
DO IT!!!
Good stuff!
Potus smiles and plays nice when he kills
Rubbing their noses in their own……
* Giggle *
I am so glad he is back.
He’s baaaaaack!!!
This man is a national treasure.
For sure – and greatly missed!
Welcome back, Mr. Woods!
Here’s a short summary of the news:
Thanks, GA/FL!!!
That’s a list of Democrat Conspiracy Theories.
* Broadly Smiling *
WELL NOW!!!!!!!!!
Daughn’s article “What Do You Mean You Need to Move 35 Trillion (with a “T”) Dollars at the Pentagon?: WQTH” got linked on the Director Blue Larwyn’s Links yesterday – and I didn’t notice!
Doug Ross has worked so hard at both Director Blue and Bad Blue – and compiled lots of valuable data (see right column) on the nefarious doings of the Ø-Holder-H>-Kerry regime.
Eeeeewwww – Ugliness!!!
I feel like hugging my tube of toothpaste when I see that guy!!!
Wowwwwwww, that’s cool!
Somehow, I think you may have had a hand in this one, GA/FL.
Thank you!
Well….. I cannot confirm or deny.
Occasionally, I link your, Wolfie’s and other authors articles on blogs here and there, but I have no influence or control over what they think or do about them.
This is an addiction – and like all addictions – it changes the brain and degrades/distorts/derails every human relationship of the individual.
Remarkably and sadly – it was shown about 10 years ago – that half of US pastors watched p0rn.
Child and adult p0rn ARE HUMAN TRAFFICKING and are in mOST cases involuntary and actual SLAVERY.
I H8 PREDATORS – particularly child predators.
Amen GA/FL!!!!!!
people who prey on children–for whatever reason–are the lowest form of human beings
not excusing this at all–saying that right up front–but can’t people from all over the world vote for stuff on prornhub or whatever it is?
I would imagine so. I think it’s based out of another country.
According to the mystics and their conversations during apparitions, as well as Our Lady at Fatima, the final battle between Heaven and Earth will be about the destruction of the family. I really believe this is all part of it.
Notice that part of the weird actions of the left has been to create a falsely framed but psychologically active debate about “family separation” in which WE are forced to defend a version which they mischaracterize AS BEING what you’re talking about, and (weirdly) OBAMA STARTED IT.
It’s all VERY cunning and VERY evil.
Nice clip from Australian News – more honest reporting.
How refreshing to see accurate reporting..even Australian News cast see Schiffs lack of credibility..
Two Popes, an Oscar race… and an unholy row: The real-life scandal engulfing the Vatican is even more compelling than the hit movie
The problem is that the filmmakers are, no doubt unintentionally, helping one of the most powerful men in the world to cover up a series of scandals in which he is personally implicated.
I’m talking about Pope Francis, who is nothing like the quietly self-deprecating moral crusader depicted by Jonathan Pryce. Indeed, there’s a worrying gulf between his public and private images
Word behind the scenes is that Bergoglio is one vindictive dude.
From Gab – an interesting challenge – not SURE if I ever saw one.
I have read that there aren’t any. I haven’t seen any, myself, btbh……………..I’ve never gone looking for them. Actually, I don’t think I’ve ever gone looking for ANY pictures of Big Mike. Kind of afraid I will look upon him/her/it and turn to stone…….
I’ve read that too–that there aren’t ANY…
No pictures of her pregnant, no baby shower pictures. No proud parent pictures. Very strange.
The shemale has admitted they used ivf. Me thinks also a surrogate. Also have seen it posited that neither obumma has genetic input. The shambling walk of one of the props (to normalcy) is startlingly similar to that of one of the Chicago friends
didn’t she say she did the invitro thing for her children?
maybe she did the surrogate thing as well…
men can’t get pregnant.
Yup. That would make sense.
Nope…Nope…Nope – those children belong to another set of parents – last I read – the real father was suing them for something – however – you know how that info goes – here today – gone tomorrow
well I agree…just reporting on what Big Mike was claiming–as to why there aren’t any pregnant photos of her…
but she was trying to “explain” why there aren’t photos of her pregnant and why the children look like another couple–
Big Mike is of the devil – and the devil is a liar – the father of lies – those two made a mockery of our nation!
He lies like a rug … bwahahahahahah ..
are you making fun of “her” hair now? LOL
… ewe .. ewww …

oh you funny!!!!
… it’ll be our secret .. 

i think your secret’s out…LOL
I’ve been looking for years. There’s nothing out there.
Check out this picture comparing the Obama girls to the family friend’s who may actually be their parents:
Gotta admit, there is some weirdness here!
Daughn, great opening post. I LOVE BOSTON so I enjoyed the music so much. What a wild ride this week has been!
More Than a Feeling…
how are you doing Sylvia? still feeling okay???
Hi Pat!
I’m doing pretty well, thanks!
always good to hear!
Hey, Sylvia!
I love Boston, too. Needed a band which had several songs/titles I could weave into a thread.
It’s a rock and roll Friday!
Donald J. Trump Retweeted
bye bye Vindman…hopefully!
The White House is weighing a plan to dismiss Alexander Vindman from the National Security Council after he testified in President Donald Trump’s impeachment inquiry, preparing to position the move as part of a broader effort to shrink the foreign policy bureaucracy, two people familiar with the matter said.
The White House intends to portray any house-cleaning as part of a downsizing of the NSC staff, not retaliation, according to the people.
Some of the officials being targeted for removal from the NSC would be reassigned because they’re perceived as being disloyal to the president, three people familiar with the matter said on condition of anonymity owing to the sensitivity of personnel moves.
Senior officials were informed on Thursday that some staff would be leaving the White House, the people added. The moves have been in the works since at least last week and could come as soon as Friday.
Vindman has not been told of any change in his status, according to a person close to his legal team, and plans to show up for work until told otherwise. His twin, Yevgeny Vindman, also remains at the NSC and is not aware of any change in his status, that person added.
They may not be aware, but you can bet your sweet tea that there’s documentation out the backside to justify termination.
You don’t see the knife in your back
Lines from an old song.
God Bless and Protect President Trump!
American economist and population control advocate Jeffrey Sachs launches a scathing attack on the Trump administration, saying it is a bullying threat to multilateralism. Sachs was the keynote speaker at the conference on “New Forms of Solidarity” at the Vatican.
When Bergoglio finally leaves that post he’s squatting in, I hope to Heaven, the Exorcists have enough Holy Water and Blessed Salt to clean up the Vatican and St. Peters. This is getting downright embarrassing how much heresy is being openly discussed.
Too bad the laity can’t stage a million man/woman march in St Peter’s square to demand he be removed.
There is no excuse for preaching leftist propaganda/heresy/apostasy from the largest wealthiest church pulpit in the world.
Oh, we could, but unfortunately for this occasion, St. Peters is in Italy, and large scale organization is not the strongest suit around there.
Totally too expensive. Unless you got a large donor….or the support of European Christians.
It’s not that expensive over there to take the train into Rome for the day. It can be done.
He’s going to burn for eternity if he doesn’t repent … depravity ..

Potus has all the right enemies
James Woods
I didn’t see the #CNN report. Were they in tears? The Middle East is running out of “austere religious scholars”
the tweet also contains a picture and headline from CNN
Qassim al-Rimi, the leader of terror group al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula, was killed in an airstrike, the White House says https://cnn.it/39fI3pk
I predict a construction boom in the Arabian Peninsula. They are going to need more madrasahs. As Mr. Woods says, they are getting low on scholars.
That’s hilarious!
That comes under the heading, “You can’t make this stuff up!”
wow! Wolf? this one of your relatives? really beefy wolf…(short 26 sec video)
… wow 
IKR? I was thinking it was a bear!
My great aunt on my Dad’s side told a story of how a Wolf
could look into the street level windows standing on all fours, in Transylvania … my aunt was at least 5’10” and made sure to tell us unruly kids a scary story when we were getting ready to go outside and pile into the station wagon to go home … always at night when it was dark. Nobody messed with her though … because .. Transylvania Saxon … 
.. and we were pretty rowdy ..
my aunts would tell me “true” ghost stories–scared the crap out of me!
Yeah, ikr? … they always wait till it’s dark and you have to walk to the car … of course it’s tradition and we are obligated to carry this forward … bwahahahahahah …
nikkichico7 that is were my husband’s father was born
They are special people and hard workers and very inteligent.
Very cool
singing .. my sister said the Saxon’s moved to Austria
from Transylvania but I can’t remember why. My cousins were tall and George was a gentle giant until you acted up the he’d pick you up and dangle you upside down/my brothers managed to inspire him with that 
.. Saxon’s a pretty tough .. but very nice 
So true about the Saxon’s
Clearly he never met a calorie he didn’t like
or a hitch hiker or a slow moving little girl in a red hood…
Clearly he didn’t meet jack reacher hitchhiking
Wtf? Fictional character
film? tv? literature?
Books by lee child . Film played by tom cruise
okay…sorry…not a cruise fan…
Me neither but reacher is a fun dude
ok…I’ll take your word for it.
Pat, the Lee Child books are excellent, especially if you like suspense, adventure. Jack Reacher is a great character, (kind of a one man hero – saving the downtrodden, and getting the bad guys – Lee Child is a very good writer.
Don’t care for Cruise either. He made the first couple of movies, but he doesn’t pull off the “real” Jack Reacher, though the movies were okay. The producers have dumped Cruise though for that reason, and are going to get someone else. For one thing, the Reacher in the books is a big, big guy – at least 6’5, and Cruise is short.
thanks…I will give them a look on Kindle…
(Hope I didn’t offend ozzy…she must think I’m from Mars!)
No, I’m sure Ozzy isn’t offended. I came across the Reacher books accidentally, and was thrilled to find them. I like mystery, suspense with good endings. Reacher is an Everyman hero type, and Lee Child is an excellent writer. Nice combo.
cool little feel good video
(Zoe, it shows neighborhood kids playing basketball when one kid spots another neighborhood kid in a wheelchair. The next day, the kid in the wheelchair finds a basketball outside his door–and he takes it and follows the sounds of kids playing to see the rest of the neighborhood kids in scooters, and other rolling seats–leveling the playing field and inviting him to play.)
maybe THIS is what had Nanzi unhinged…a banner proclaiming Pelosi for Prison…
Liberals in San Francisco were immediately triggered Thursday morning by the sight of an impossible-to-miss 25-foot by 80-foot “Pelosi for Prison” banner flying in the spy upon the left-wing stronghold
I posted this video on the Coronavirus thread, it mentions sudden-death syndrome .. I’m sorry I didn’t verify it so if it’s “meh” I’ll go outside and roll in the snow
… heh-heh .. and that is not something I want to do …

Bronze statue of Michael the Archangel, the top statue of Castle of the Holy Angel or Castle Saint Angel in Rome, Italy Stock Photo – 82962428 Visual Search
Bronze statue of Michael the Archangel, the top statue of Castle of the Holy Angel or Castle Saint Angel in Rome, Italy
This guy is very negative and fatalistic. I don’t think the USA is nearly as vulnerable as he is saying.
Well I’m glad to hear that GA/FL and I regret posting it, … is there a way to delete the post? There’s certainly no reason to have that negativity at this time.
Thank you for your response I appreciate it ..
Glad you posted it – We need to hear all points of view.
The US public health people are working hard to protect us.
So far, only 12 cases – all connected to China – only one is a secondary infection.
So far, no sign of virulent spread.
What does that tell us?
It’s good news, and thank God for it GA/FL ..
It’s okay, Nikkichico. If I had a dime for every time …… I would be a zillionaire. No sweat. Luv Ya!
Awwww gosh Daughn I really appreciate your response .. thank you sweetheart ..

REALITY – we need to know what people are being told, even if it is blatant propaganda.
There are plenty of comments and commenters that help sort the wheat from the chaff.
Sometimes even propaganda gives us a huge tip off on what the enemies tactical plan is and their strategic objectives.
I don’t believe that the Corona virus will be a huge impact on the U.S. at least not directly. Economically will be some pain. I don’t care! I don’t care. Decouple from China.
China is weak – the people are not as strong as Americans on average. We have many advantages and should not downplay those.
The Spanish Flu epidemic was tragic and horrible. But remember that the United States was deep in the action of WWI when it spread, and we overcame not only the deadly flu but the forces of Imperial Germany. If it had been intentionally launched as a bio-weapon – which is not likely, but it still serves as a critical test case – it was not effective in changing the strategic outcomes of the war.
So awesome michaelh … thank you your post helps,

… I appreciate it .. 
As far as I can determine, the Spanish Flu started somewhere in Kansas.
1 Chronicles 21:1
David Sins by Counting Israel
21 Satan was against the Israelites. He encouraged David to count the Israelites.
1 Chronicles 21:16-28
16 David looked up and saw the Lord’s angel in the sky. The angel was holding his sword over the city of Jerusalem. Then David and the elders bowed with their faces touching the ground. They were wearing the special clothes to show their sadness. 17 David said to God, “I am the one who sinned. I gave the order for the people to be counted! I was wrong. The Israelites did not do anything wrong. Lord my God, punish me and my family, but stop the terrible sicknesses that are killing your people.”
18 Then the angel of the Lord spoke to Gad. He said, “Tell David to build an altar to worship the Lord. David must build that altar near the threshing floor of Araunah the Jebusite.” 19 Gad told David this, and David went to Araunah’s threshing floor.
20 Araunah was threshing the wheat. He turned around and saw the angel. His four sons ran away to hide. 21 David walked up the hill to Araunah. Araunah saw him and left the threshing floor. He walked to David and bowed with his face to the ground in front of him.
22 David said to Araunah, “Sell me your threshing floor. I will pay you the full price. Then I can use the area to build an altar to worship the Lord. Then the terrible sicknesses will be stopped.”
23 Araunah said to David, “Take this threshing floor. You are my lord and king, so do whatever you want. Look, I will also give you cattle for the burnt offering. You can have the wooden threshing tools to burn for the fire on the altar. And I will give the wheat for the grain offering. I will give all this to you.”
24 But King David answered Araunah, “No, I will pay you the full price. I will not take anything that is yours and give it to the Lord. I will not give offerings that cost me nothing.”
25 So David gave Araunah about 15 pounds[a] of gold for the place. 26 David built an altar for worshiping the Lord there. David offered burnt offerings and fellowship offerings. He prayed to the Lord. The Lord answered David by sending fire down from heaven. The fire came down on the altar of burnt offering. 27 Then the Lord commanded the angel to put his sword back into its sheath.
28 David saw that the Lord had answered him on the threshing floor of Araunah, so David offered sacrifices there.
Excellent Biblical reference!
Maybe the Sword of the Lord, the force of His Power and Protection are being brought down and unleashed through the prayers of His people.
God’s angels are real … Michael is Israel’s angel, Gabriel is a herald angel … Michael is a warrior, do not mess with him when God gives him a task to accomplish as only prayer and God’s response will call Michael off ..

So…….. Michael is a Rottweiler?
… well … I wouldn’t mess with him that’s for sure ..

Filed under “Not To Be Fucked With”
Oh yeah
… the Bible describes the father and sons who SAW Michael in the air with his sword raised but God held him until David secured the mill to be used for the sacrifice … wow
… how’d you like to see that
.. don’t nobody move or the cow gets it .. 
I’d say fuck the cow. Imma gtf out of here
… no no ozzy .. that’d get you hurt .. no no .. what’d we do without you? 

He’s gotta sword not a spear. I runnin
Bwahahahahahah … yup ozzy … run like the wind …

To: Daughn or
Wolfmoon, is it possible to delete this post/video from the Coronavirus thread and here? I feel it’s just a sensational piece that’s not worth upsetting at this time. GA/FL mention this guy is very negative so … it’s a mess
I appreciate your time, thank you.
Don’t fret Miss NikkiChico! You are the best! We love you!
I love you back .. very much
.. so thankful for Wolfmoons Q tree
… such a blessing ..
You’re the best, Nikki. Any time!

Nikki, nothing would surprise me. I’m in healthcare. The pictures we’re seeing say it’s a grave situation in China. They don’t quarantine whole cruise ships without serious concern. We’re not talking just a 24hr looksee.
Yesterday, I posted about the death of the 34 year ophthalmologist who has died from the Corona Virus. He had first alerted his fellow medical peers about seeing SARS like illness in the hospital. He warned people. The Chinese government censored him – made his sign a retraction. This was around Dec. 31st 2019.
Early January he came down with the virus himself. He deteriorated. Died in ICU yesterday. He was 34. Why did a 34 year old die of the virus??? Supposedly, it hits the elderly population the hardest. There was another physician – he was 62, strong and active. He’s dead. Either the supportive care required is much more than China can offer, or it’s far worse than we can imagine.
Before this is over, the Chinese could lose huge numbers of their health care personnel… And that’s not even the number of civilians dying. The virus has a long incubation period, people are carriers without knowing it for weeks. Infecting others without being symptomatic. I could go on, and on. This is huge.
Thank you ladypenquin, I don’t trust China one iota … they have an agenda that is foul, history shows millions of their own people died by their hands, they are not to be trusted. The suspicious cat stink eye
is all over this .. what if it was weaponized ?
Personally I hope it is not, but I don’t trust them as far as I could throw them ..
I’d say right now the Chinese Corona Virus is a threat to world health. Japan is certainly aware and taking it seriously. We likely have better healthcare for masses of people than the Chinese, but vulnerable populations always take the biggest hit – the immune compromised, the elderly, the young, etc. It was surprising that their doctors are dying – not so much that they contracted the virus – but that supportive care did not fight it off. So what are the unknown variables? That is the question they’ll be answering when doing the postmortem.
PS Didn’t mean to make a pun, but that’s the “postmortem” was all I could think of to describe the after action debriefing. Nurse vs military mind.

… ahhh .. I salute you lady .. a nurse and military, those two disciplines make for a totally awesome nurse .. glad you are ours .. 
You’re sweet, Nikki, thank you.
You deserve it, your skill set is awesome and you are a treasure here ..
I’m glad you posted it. I hear about this stuff from other people, and it’s good to know about it in advance, so I can reassure them.
We have a lot of advantages over the Chinese when it comes to this, or any other, virus. We have superior medical care, we have a better diet with more protein, and we don’t live in such close proximity not only to each other, but to livestock, which leads to unclean conditions. Disease spreads fast in those conditions.
However, there is no reason not to be prepared for an eventuality like a shelter-in-place, for any reason one could occur. A bad storm, rioting, or anything could cause such a state of emergency. It’s just good common sense to always have emergency food like dried beans and rice, which store for a long time, medication for a month, and anything you can’t do without if you had to stay home for a while.
Also, be proactive and take good care of your immune system. Eat food high in Vitamin C, get enough sleep, and eat foods with probiotics, like yogurt. The healthier you are, the harder it is for a virus to invade.
Thank you aubergine for your response, great post … I hope and pray this virus will run it’s course soon …

John Solomon’s new website (not launched officially as yet) offers a peak at some of the stories to come…”Manafort’s black ledger”
One of Robert Mueller’s pivotal trial witnesses told the special prosecutor’s team in spring 2018 that a key piece of Russia collusion evidence found in Ukraine known as the “black ledger” was fabricated, according to interviews and testimony.
The ledger document, which suddenly appeared in Kiev during the 2016 U.S. election, showed alleged cash payments from Russian-backed politicians in Ukraine to ex-Trump campaign chairman Paul Manafort.
“The ledger was completely made up,” cooperating witness and Manafort business partner Rick Gates told prosecutors and FBI agents, according to a written summary of an April 2018 special counsel’s interview.
In a brief interview with Just the News, Gates confirmed the information in the summary. “The black ledger was a fabrication,” Gates said. “It was never real, and this fact has since been proven true.”
Gates’ account is backed by several Ukrainian officials who stated in interviews dating to 2018 that the ledger was of suspicious origins and could not be corroborated.
If true, Gates’ account means the two key pieces of documentary evidence used by the media and FBI to drive the now-debunked Russia collusion narrative — the Steele dossier and the black ledger — were at best uncorroborated and at worst disinformation. His account also raises the possibility that someone fabricated the document in Ukraine in an effort to restart investigative efforts on Manafort’s consulting work or to meddle in the U.S. presidential election.
Oh dear me…..Foreign Election Interference™
This guy, Leshchenko, tall skinny guy, a Ukraine MP who was a journalist/activist admitted leaking the Black Box Ledger to the NYTimes.
He gave a LONG winded interview to a former Forbes reporter in Ukraine, published in Ukrainian. Here is a better version of the story.
And YEAHHHHHH they totally meddled in the USA election, Manafort was kicked off Campaign manager in August 2016.
Great post, Pat, I copied to the Ukraine thread. Thank you!
Lou called Pelosi “NOXIOUS”. I love it – my new name for her shall be “Noxious Nancy”.
I hope that sticks
Definitely. She’s gone from “Nervous” to “Noxious.”
This was such a great and really funny segment.
Tweet reads: Benny Retweeted
Thomas Massie
I’d fire him. I listened to his testimony in the SCIF. He’s a leaker, not a whistleblower. Vindman was upset that
didn’t follow the script Vindman prepared for the phone call. Current Commander in Chief doesn’t take orders from a Lt. Col.!
that’s what i heard in his testimony as well…a petulant child upset that POTUS did not follow HIS script—
He’s also a foreign agent.
Another one drops out.
“Cult Leader Joe Walsh projects his ambitions for mind control of the GOP onto Donald Trump”
For all of the sweet ladies here – God Bless All Y’all!!!
Tupelo Honey | Van Morrison | Lyrics ☾
Right Back Atcha!!!


Wheeeee!!! Thanks, BFLY!!!
HRC and Hussein were just airing their dirty Lenin.
Oh my! My state is going to the ghosts.
Inside the small New York town filled with psychic mediums, where thousands of people flock annually to talk to the dead
The tiny hamlet of Lily Dale, New York, has taken spirituality to the next level.
Listen Nunes! Unplug the cable !! tweet is part of a THREAD – click timestamp
Zoe – text in tweet
Lisa Mei Crowley Retweeted
The Dirty Truth “Josh”
all the things
has done is very important, but the most important thing he has done is out the media. Members of the
just need to quit talking to them because their political assassins.
followed by embedded video wherein Nunes states that he tries to convince his fellow Republicans that “we should not be talking to the media… they are assassins, they are working with the other side. Points out that President Trump has called the media out.
Emoluments suit DISMISSED
Sara A. Carter
Feb 7
A federal appeals court on Friday dismissed a lawsuit by congressional Democrats alleging President Donald Trump violated the emoluments clause of the Constitution by refusing to allow lawmakers to review and approve his financial interests.
Sara A. Carter – Breaking News, Latest News, Opinion, and Video News
Sara A. Carter
Joe Walsh Ends 2020 Campaign, Says No Republican Can Beat Trump’s ‘Cult’
https://saraacarter.com/joe-walsh-ends-2020-campaign-says-no-republican-can-beat-trumps-cult/?utm_source=twitter&utm_medium=social&utm_campaign=social-pug via
Joe Walsh Ends 2020 Campaign, Says No Republican Can Beat Trump’s ‘Cult’
took me a second to figure that out!
Don’t let the door hit…….
New York is going to hell! I don’t know if it is legal or not (personally I don’t care) but Hubby recently ordered a box of one thousand plastic bags from Amazon. The ban starts on March 1st.
There’s a paper bag shortage — and New York’s plastic bag ban will make it worse, expert warns
STATEN ISLAND, N.Y. — The state of New York made a “monstrous mistake” assuming there would be enough paper bags to replace soon-to-be-banned single-use plastic bags, said an industry expert.
Phil Rozenski, spokesman for Novolex, a paper bag manufacturer that has seven facilities across the United States, told the Advance that New York is in serious trouble.
The Democrat environmentally wonderous politicians shut down most of the paper mills in the U.S. so the shortage, as far as I’m concerned, is their bed…they made it, now they can lay in it….
“Presidential Medal of Freedom Recipient Rush Limbaugh Returns Today!”
There are some great pictures of Rush’s amazing night on the link above.
Guess who else is back on Twitter? Katie Hopkins!
PDJT musta threatened them with an Executive Order and/or Lawsuit.
Bet those creeps “boardroomed” the question of free speech compliance, and they decided to wait for the results of the phony impeachment hoax. The board is probably half cabal traitors and half PC dupes.
Akismet sounds Islamic and they have a photo of an Omar look-alike on their sign up/in page.
.. nuts ..
I’m keeping a very open mind here on such possibilities. No two people here would anger the red-green axis as much as you and Scott. All it takes is ONE SJW with the right permissions and Islamic or communist ethics.
So true. We possibly got red-flagged when you put up the ‘let’s double-dare the Akismet censors’ post! That was fun!
However, Carolyn S was very nice. :8-)
I think she was the one who tried to help me with my WordPress problems, and she was nice, but her advice did not really help me.
They did all the work on their end adjusting their system – after Wolfie gave me a link and the text to my comment to submit to them. At first they said they had no control over our comment content, but that doesn’t seem to be the case, does it?
She’s paid to be nice. ( through gritted teeth)
…. W H O O – H O O …

So glad you’re back Katie, resume kicking butt and taking names .. you have our attention ..
Honestly – I lost some respect for the National Prayer Breakfast people – that they invited a pro-abortion, globalist, leftist, Impeachment coup skunk like Pelosi to do the prayer at this year’s event.
Might as well invite $oro$ or the Ayatollah next year.
Obama went.
I think they’re all invited.
I remember – Ø lectured and condemned the Christians over the Crusades.
And another victory this week.
The booms are stacking up.
Excellent. Every day, the commies get poked back a bit deeper into their virtual home for the criminally insane.
Unanimous decision, 3-0.

… what patfrederick sez … bwahahahahahah
That’s a joke, right? He shouldn’t let them back into the country.
Yes, ma’am, you got it!
For all he’s been through in the last 3+ years – our President has earned his ICE CREAM!
Two scoops, Mr. President???
… garbage in ….. garbage out … bwahahahahahah
He is the best internet troll the world has ever known.
Indeed – #1
I think this about sums it up.
They may not be PERFECT, but
100 Million Votes for Trump.
End the Dem Party Forever
With this “Blue New Deal” to set all the criminals free, I think this is literally true.
It’s not insanity.its calculated
Very true!!!
Staying in the good graces of the regular people and placing the blame where it belongs, on the Dem establishment.
davealvord164 Retweeted
Here’s a story NO ONE is talking about:
Congratulations to
on winning the Republican nomination for #MD07.
Important to note that the widow of the late Representative Cummings, Maya Rockeymoore Cummings, did not win the democrat nomination.
Good luck, Kim!
This is HUGE news.
Wonderful news.
Gosh, I thought the ethically compromised widow was a shoe-in.
Which means the Dem machine may or may not be there for the primary.
KIM has a chance to take the seat!!!!!!!!!!!
Fingers crossed!
My man Jim Jordan!
I’m wondering if the meeting chamber thermostat will be set at polar bear to get him to wear a suit jacket.
He’d like that. He’d probably wrassle the polar bear.
davealvord164 Retweeted
Scott Adams
James Woods is back, Donny Deutsch gets cancelled, optimism is high, Trump is not impeached, coffee delicious
It is nice to see Scott Adams enjoying the positives…:0)
Gosh, that’s pretty!
Yes, it is!!!
Reminder: THIS ^^^^ is part of The Algerian Strategy ………………… share info……
Blue Bloods actually did a show a week ago, where DA Erin was having a hard time with this.
There you go again GF!! Just finished watching on my DVR! Did you see Carlos had a thread, saying these policies will result in citizen vigilante justice, with the dumb Dems begging for cops and prisons again.
This is always a challenge, witnesses being outed, but now a state has a law saying they must be?????
That’s a betrayal of what’s good and holy about our justice system. Material witnesses are vital to a lot of convictions and cases. I was one for a case. Called by the defense and handed the case to the plaintiff.
What New York state has done is wrong on so many levels it’s not even funny.
It is designed to prevent others from coming forward – fear of reprisal – and NY is allowing it – sad – something must be done.
I have a close relative in LEO in NY, all local sheriff’s had to sign off on the new bail reform or lose access to DMV records. Cuomo tied their hands, they can’t run any plates without access to the DMV.
Here’s a workaround.
Assuming they have mobile computer access in their cars, all they have to do is go to a URL which is a portal to a neighboring state’s MV database. Obviously, this would have to be arranged with the other state’s LE agency in advance with a password. This could even be done over a smartphone, assuming possession of a password to the database.
Slower than direct access but definitely doable.
The internet is not just for porn.
And the psycho Dems want to take this nuttery nationwide with the Blue New Deal.
NO. Just NO.
Trust Trump – He will FIGHT FOR US!!!
Chanel Rion OAN
Senior members of the OMB gave
a briefing on soon to be released Trump budget.
Historic cuts on wasteful spending ahead. Your tax dollars are funding absurdities – the 2021 budget doesn’t just highlight them, it slashes them.
Details embargoed until Monday. Stay tuned.
9:29 AM · Feb 7, 2020·
Alexander Vindman could be out of a job at the White House as soon as tomorrow morning
Coup plotter Colonel Vindman could be fired today… Developing…
Posted by Kane on February 7, 2020 11:33 am
should have happened months ago…
better yet, should never have been on the payroll
(end of rant)
He was left in place to feed poison to his co conspirators. Anspd track them. 2 hops
Thanks Ozzy………….. I’m going to sit on my hands and stop with the “Trump should” …
POTUS seems to be doing just fine without comments from us *smiling*
It’s not his first rodeo.
Think doomed spy feeding disinformation
Also you can buy stuff here for termites and ants. It doesn’t kill the ant that eats it. It takes the poison back and kills the whole nest
I ‘hear’ ya Ozzy… I just want to see justice before my ‘ticket gets punched’ ! I told St Pete that my wisdom is needed, I have miles to walk… (don’t think he’s listening)
Seriously, just want to see ONE perp walk!
Channel your inner bitch. I ain’t going anywhere till I get what I want
You made my day! Will do… straight away!!!!
Your welcome.
Slightly off topic , the ornery do live longer. They question stuff, stubborn, often get informed on their diseases. They can be the stuff of nightmares for medical personnel esp young interns.
Yes. All true. I come from good peasant stock… very stubborn… ck mark on each part of the comment!
This is hilarious
Thanks for posting link. You introduced us to Comrade Fudge, I saved in favs, and have so many favs, I ck him on alternate days. Good thing you post here Ozzy… I wouldn’t have seen until tomorrow!
Imagine… the Secretary of State is higher up the food chain than the dead wood in the State Department, and the POTUS is where the buck stops on foreign policy. Who would have thunk?
Strange days indeed
I’m you hop-Le-tay gym buddy
you’re a hoot!
Thankyou. We buddies. Have you read fudge on hoplitites?
No… but I will… right now!
Funny af
Do you wat relevant links?
Start here
Fudge is a riot!
Funny as. Low boredom/tolerance of idiots
Again, thank you for pulling those links for me… will be reading more of his past THREADS
Your grandson will develop a sudden appreciation for ol soc
I certainly hope so… !
Start here
Thank you Ozzy… will need a glass of wine, I’m sure.
Don’t drink whilst reading. You may end up flushing your sinuses
Thanks for the tip! You don’t know what a treasure these links are! You met my grandson online… extremely bright, but with an aversion to ‘philosophy’ (his grandma the forever student took philosophy courses instead of electives)… I can’t wait to share the links with him.
I have an even greater appreciation of Fudge now… I’ve moved him up to the ‘read daily list’ !!!!!!!!!!
Yw. Spreading the fun
Fired on a Saturday…talk about ruining his weekend.
Awww…poor baby
Wonder why it took so long.
Paperwork, zoe?
I’d say a bunch of bureaucrats and lawyers got in the way–kind of the same thing.
Another possibility for sure, zoe!
TODAY was the day – Vindman was fired and escorted out of the White House.
and I hope they had their security clearances pulled!
And take their coats.
Shimon Prokupecz
· 1h
Appeals court in Washington overturned a ruling from a trial-level judge, and will dismiss the Democrats’ lawsuit alleging that Trump violated the emoluments clause of the Constitution by refusing to allow them to review and approve his financial interests.
Show this thread
phoenixrising37 I wonder who comes up with this stuff that congress should review and approve POTUS financial interests? I never heard anything like this.
Nanzi and her commie DIMs are like little mosquitoes just buzzin’ around trying to draw blood…
Yep. Classic.
Bill Advances to Grant Illegal Immigrants Driver’s Licenses in Virginia
February 6, 2020
Ol’ Virginia needs to be take out back behind the shed .. immediately

My aunt Virginia on my mom’s side was a pretty tough bird, she chewed tobacco and ..
… spit into a coffee cup
… ewwwwwwww 
bwahahahahahah … 

.. and she razzed my older brother (Mister I’ll beat you up tough guy) so bad about his “goatee” he ran and shaved
Nikki…perhaps my most vivid young childhood memory of my great-grandmother (originally from the Ozark mountains) was her chewing tobacco…but she used an old coffee can! LOL. As I recall, she either had no teeth or very few…which certainly made it a challenge to “jaw her plug.” (I think that’s the term…will have to look that up!)
LOL … you would never ever ever want to trip over that coffee can or knock that coffe cup (
) over … yuk, just yuk 

.. my mom did not like smokers, she said it’s a sin and they’re going to hell. Then … well … ALL of my five brothers started smoking … 
… oh, my mom was awesome at blowing smoke rings, brothers … nah .. lol
“jaw the plug” sounds familiar … get this my aunt and uncle were church going Baptist’s, my mother thought it was nasty, my Dad smoked cigars/El Producto Favoritas …
My great-grandma dipped snuff, and spit into a coffee can! I used to think it was so gross!
I think President Trump and his Team are going to put an end to this – dunno how – dunno when – but, it will not stand.
I’m with you duchess01 .. Virginia is NOT a county unto itself, it is part of the United States of America and they better darn well get with the program. I agree, they are no doubt overdue for corrective action, “keep the puck on the dadgum ice, amateur’s” or get off the ice,

(3) States have pulled this nonsense – they are breaking the law – treating non-citizens like citizens – not only with respect to drivers’ licenses – but, also with healthcare, housing, monthly allowance – you name it – while veterans and American citizens are homeless and live in the streets – these sanctuary cities/states must be shut down – and their inhabitants deported – when we take back the House, increase power in the Senate, and keep our Beloved President – things will change dramatically – imho
The three states doing this are being seditious .. there are laws being broken, they’ll either get back in line or the miserable perps doing this criminal stuff get an all expenses paid trip to GITMO .. and they don’t win a car either ..

.. harrumph harrumph ..
Where there is a will; there is a way – we just have to find a way to fight this – AND – if we cannot find a way – God will MAKE a way, nikki!!!
So…I am praying!!!
I agree duchess01 … prayers
that our patriots in our awesome President Trump team will cross check these buggars into the parking lot … miserable traitors ..

Amen goes right there, nikki!!!

Potus has to give them enough rope so that people can see them for what they are
Okay I agree .. it’s hard to believe they are that stupid .. depravity
.. humph 
depravity noun
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de·prav·i·ty | \ di-ˈpra-və-tē also -ˈprā- \
plural depravities
Definition of depravity
1 : a corrupt act or practice
the depravities of war
2 : the quality or state of being corrupt, evil, or perverted : the quality or state of being depraved
He is awed by its fabulous wealth but deeply troubled by what he sees as its moral depravity …
— Nicholas D. Kristof
Synonyms for depravity
abjection, corruption, corruptness, debasement, debauchery, decadence, decadency, degeneracy, degenerateness, degeneration, degradation, demoralization, dissipatedness, dissipation, dissoluteness, libertinage, libertinism, perversion, pervertedness, rakishness, turpitude
Couple things:
Virginia House Bill 1211, introduced by Demcom Del. KATHY TRAN, is the same as the Virginia Senate bill to give immigrants Virginia Driver’s Licenses — EXCEPT that Tran’s bill is the one that will extend the “right” to have a driver’s license to people living in Virginia REGARDLESS OF THEIR IMMIGRATION STATUS. In other words, Tran’s bill allows ILLEGAL ALIENS to get Virginia DL’s.
In addition, there is ANOTHER bill in the Virginia legislature that would FORBID ALMOST ALL information about an illegal immigrant, once they get their Virginia DL, being turned over to ICE. In other words, once illegal aliens in Virginia get their DL’s, the information that ICE needs to get them deported will be DENIED to them.
By the way, Del. TRAN, I believe, is the same person who introduced a bill in the Virginia legislature that would allow abortion on demand UP TO the moment of birth AND would ALSO provide for “post-birth abortion” (in other words, would allow the murder of a viable, living child who survived an abortion procedure). Tran’s bill on this was “tabled” (killed — the mot just).
As for me — I’m starting to investigate other states to move to.
Same M.O. as NY, CV!!!
Oh, but then you’d have to change your handle, which I like. Lol.
Well, if deportation cannot be, they should expect an uptick in the number of vigilante justice incidents involving illegals. For instance, a drunk driving illegal kills a citizen. Don’t be surprised if the illegal never make it to trial.
People will have law & order of some sort – if not by the govt, then by the people. There’s no such thing as lawless.
Leftist lunacy….
The Lovers respond…
Peter Strzok warns Trump: ‘A great deal more to say about the president’s attacks’
by Daniel Chaitin | February 07, 2020 08:22 AM
The Library
Jeff Carlson just lit Peter Strzok on fire.
Jeff Carlson
1) DOJ has ruled final 2 FISAs “not valid” 2) Wray: “At the more senior levels of the FBI, the people involved in every respect that I can think of are gone from the FBI. And of course, there is an ongoing investigation by Mr. Durham with which we’re actively…
Harold Finch
, edited
Put that in your pipe and smoke it, Peety!
Q 3840
eb 7 2020 12:00:26 (EST) NEW
Text from a tweet posted by Joe M: “They tried to impeach this. Well, they failed, and now the BEST IS YET TO COME!”
It’s a video of Pres. Trump’s accomplishments.
I like this song.
glad you do – me too –
It’s on my Youtube playlist. I find the video interesting as well. Done on a tight budget, obviously, but an interesting visual presentation.


I like his phrasing, lovely
Sometime in the future, when the publishing houses are not under cabal control, and the collection of speeches written by Stephen Miller and given by VSGPDJT can be published, I want to study them. Honestly. The construction is so tight, so effective in the words chosen. It doesn’t necessarily soar, but who the heck needs fifty cent words to convey the message that was in those three and a half minutes?
Feb 07, 2020 12:14:20 PM EST
Q !!Hs1Jq13jV6 ID: 82fedb No. 8061906
If dirty cops ran the investigation into the DNC breach, could an argument be made that it was corrupt?
If dirty cops ran the investigation into election interference, could an argument be made that it was corrupt?
If dirty cops ran the investigation into [HRC] private server/email scandal, could an argument be made that it was corrupt?
>internal DL / release
>crowdstrike manipulation of source
>crowdstrike manipulation of source
The truth will be made public.
17m ago
8kun qresearch
It appears Q…
Might be a little behind the curve on this compared to the Q Treepers
remember Razorbak, Q is a growing movement… lots of newbies who need to be brought up to speed.
It’s always been my belief that the Q movement is an ‘educational’ tool… somewhat like POTUS’ tweets!
Even FDR with his ‘fireside chats’ didn’t educate the people… simply reassured, or attempted to.
Feb 07, 2020 12:29:42 PM EST
Q !!Hs1Jq13jV6 ID: 82fedb No. 8062147
Why is China/Qatar donating vast sums of money to our education institutions?
Is it really so hard to believe [F] actors are able to bribe those in key positions within the US to betray their Country?
2m ago
8kun qresearch
Does this mean that China is passing cash through Qatar to hide its origin.
After Hurricane Katrina, our Governor was celebrating a 100 million dollar gift from Al Thani, of Qatar.
Front page of the paper, there was Al Thani, full robes, walking on a MS beach with our Governor.
Didn’t go over well.
THEN, Haley Barbour, our governor, moved to DC and decided to run the most powerful Repub lobbying group. Coincidence?
Methinks not.
Looks like the government may be “going there.”
Text of tweet: TRUMP: Pelosi “broke the law” by tearing up the State of the Union Speech.
Could be that Pelosi’s copy wasn’t just a copy for Nanzi . . . it could have been the official copy put on legal file as the speech transcript record for the House.
I’m sure it was the official copy. Note the special binder it was in, high grade card stock. POTUS gives the House Speaker the official copy for the House archives.
She not only broke protocol that night in several ways, she actually broke the law – no destroying government property.
At the end of yesterdays thread, Alison posted a tweet from Paul Gosar that said he went to the trash bin and retrieved the torn up copies of the SOTU, taped them back together and is going to deliver them to the Library of Congress. There is a photo of the document.
I think that Gosars tweet was a joke (not the real thing)!

Thank you for letting me know that it was a joke.
Pelosi seems so self-righteous as she wraps herself in the Constitution that it would be justice for her to be censured for this (because I know she’s not going to jail for violating a records statute). She needs to be publicly shamed for her actions, and libs need to see that “Saint Nancy” is fallible.
Speaking of foreign money………………..
Reminder: Geo Soros sent $100 m to Nanzi to distribute to House DIMs to vote for impeachment. That’s quite a pay-off to congress commies
… hmmmmm … something something … GS … miserable something … Divine JUSTICE …

In Jesus name, amen
Lol, Nikki, I love it.
… awww ..
… glad you did 

Do you have a link that states that, PR – would like to share – but, if I just say it – people will think I’m nutty.
I don’t have proof Duchess, and even if there was a photo of a check from Soros to Nanzi, the people who want PROOF still would not believe. Right? iirc I saw it during the days Nanzi was ‘holding’ the Articles, refusing to send to the Senate. It might have been Q, or even the research board or an Anon… heck, Brennan could have brought it to her .
Agree – many possibilities – and believable for sure – he finances lots of bad initiatives – BUT!!!
Q said – and I am still looking for it – that ‘there is a special place’ for him. Remember that post?
Something of interest I found while I was searching for proof – if it fits on your shoe – wear it – lol
thanks Duchess…
Most welcome, PR – since he bankrolls Democrats – it is logical to conclude he made sure they were on board for impeachment – this was a goal of his from way back – he backs every evil enterprise.
That is very, very interesting if true. Any good links or proof?
Eric Ciaramella’s & Lt Col Vindman’s lawyer, & john brennan’s favorite dirty legal fixxer Mark Zaid is getting nervous. That’s why he’s monitoring the twitter feeds of #spygate researchers.
Harold Finch
, edited

Help! been struggling with above meme, trying to post… attempt at THREAD for archiving went into the bin,
Great meme ..

see if this works
oooops forgot a letter…
Pat !!!!!!

did it work for you?
all I see is a box with squiggles inside
Yes, it came through LOUD and CLEAR !!!!

Can we tweet this?
dunno…i don’t tweet…
Is it ok if I use it in a tweet? Sorry for misguided Question. Oops
not mine…so I dunno…I just tried to fix it…
If you tweet it, bring it here, so I can retweet. Do I know you on twitter?
I can not get it to reduce in size. I am on an iPad which I hate. I am @katybarsdoor
Plumnelly…I also use an iPad. What I do for photos like the Nancy one (I think that’s what you are referring to) is simply “add it to photos” and send it out that way (because I usually send several at the same time). You can also just “copy” and send out.
To do either, press your finger in the photo or tweet until your choices show up on the screen. Hope this helps you.
Teagan…once you save it to your photos can you make it smaller? I have tried editing it to smaller size but it returns to original. Thanks for input.
When you get ready to mail out, you do get a choice of size. Truthfully, I’ve never seen what size “small” actually is but I could easily send one to myself and check it out.
Thanks I will try that!
sure!!!! I saved it to the MEME THREAD also
Pat…………….. thank you SO MUCH!
you’re welcome…
not sure who posted that tip (I wrote down the tip forgot to write down the name of the tipster)
TIP: remove the ?format= and replace it with a .
Ohh I think that was Nor’easter… he fixed another one of my posts and I did not write it down (if you could see my desk, you would not why !)
lol…I keep a small notebook by my computer to write down tips and stuff…passwords…lol
I used to be so organized… but, (too many projects)
(I got it from someone else here… But I forget WHO!)

We have quite a ‘circle’ of friends don’t we !
Sure do ((( PR ))) !

oops, above is a dup……..
here’s youtube link
Listening to it now.
Rush…now, now. No suit, tie or socks is NOT an obstacle to getting you to Washington.
I’ve traveled enough to know that finding what you need just about anywhere not in the jungle or desert is totally doable.
I think the medical procedure was the ‘biggie’ –
Biggie? At this point, I would think it was putting in the port if that wasn’t done already.
I tried a new thing with Big T.
Pack and leave on vacation, take with the cosmetics/hair, jammies, and no extra clothing.
Have to buy new stuff!
Wear home as souvenirs instead of a silver spoon. Works.
You’ll appreciate this.
Back a ways, after the luxury tax was put into place, a friend of mine’s mother and a friend of hers went to Toronto one July, and bought full length mink coats. They put them on, walked through customs in CA…”Do you have anything to declare?” The answer from Mrs. S, and her friend…”NOPE!”
Hehe, I can home with my engagement ring. KNOW that feeling.
With my luck in finding clothes that fit, Hub would come home with a new wardrobe while my vacay days would have been spent in the pj’s I took with me
Heh heh, Alison….very short person here…I, in fact, spent a week wearing the same warm up suit during a rare cold snap because I couldn’t get anything hemmed.
I feel your pain
Daughn…on the other hand, I have several friends that take clothes and just leave them along the way. Depends on the type of vacation of course, but easy to do in Third World countries, and adventure travel.
First time I ever saw this was with a hiking group in Africa. This one woman appeared with the strangest combination of clothes every day…and then I discovered she gave them away as she went along.
I used to do that with paperback books…couldn’t imagine traveling without something to read. So, I went to a used- book store before my trips and literally lined the bottom of my suitcase with paperbacks…discarding them (or often giving them to fellow travelers).
Agree, DP…maybe not medications, favorite beauty stuff, etc. but definitely items of clothing. I used to worry about…”what if it rains…maybe I should pack a rain jacket in case” type stuff and now I just say…if I need it I’ll buy it there.
Usually having enough time to shop for those things is the biggest problem.
I can’t keep up.
A few more hours (hopefully) we can all kick back and get some normalcy
Wonder if they are going to Mar a Lago this weekend… Certainly deserves a break!
It was scheduled for 1:30 PM – I believe – but – it is now on video – wonderful speech, Daughn!
Great victory. I expect Dems to appeal, though, because they are obsessed and don’t give up. And so many of their efforts to hamstring Pres. Trump have failed. They’re used to judge-shopping, too (or appealing things until they get judges who will rule in their favor).
They could ask for en banc – full court hearing. Don’t know if you have to do that before going for appeal to higher court. But the slog definitely gets harder.
Like POTUS said they would impeach me for jaywalking
That was the Appeals Court ……………
And iirc I read the other day that SCOTUS will be taking up the matter of lower courts ruling against Executive branch in matters that are clearly above their pay grade!
Donald J. Trump
· 1h
The Democrat Party has given up on counting votes in Iowa. Looks like it all got computer “fried”. Nobody knows who the real winner is. Maybe it’s Sleepy Joe, but it’s not looking that way. They lost millions & millions of dollars, all for NOTHING. But I WON Iowa big!
I know very little about this Dem process, but I thought Iowa (and each caucus and primary) was so important because delegates to the national convention are allotted based on its results. So now there are no results for what is known as the premier caucus?
I read that Bernie’s peeps went to each caucus and obtained results of count VERY early on (photos I think iirc)… DNC never anticipated that! and now they’re calling for a do-over.
The Iowa would essentially not have delegates to stand up for them at the Dem Convention – wouldn’t think Iowans would like that.
Definitely not, and the blame would rest squarely with the Dems.
I can’t imagine doing it over. Candidates would have to travel there again? And it seems that it would cost the state and/or the party. They have blown it by completely losing the momentum that is supposed to accompany the Iowa caucus.
Yeah, I know who he is… (don’t share his ‘theory’ about end result on Nov 3)
Kunstler: The Democratic Party “Has Entered The Slapstick Phase Of Its Self-Destruction”
…all of this colorful comic disorder may have a purpose: to demonstrate that the US is now too incompetent to hold an election, and therefore whatever happens on November 3 will have to be disputed…
From the Comment section:
“… Heads up! Remember certain people at George HW Bush’s funeral who got “special envelopes” and some had memorable reactions when reading the contents?
Check this out, it seems Nancy may have gotten some unique info inside her SOTU envelope. Watch her reaction! Second item down in link. (FYI, it’s on a repeating loop)
That’s probably why she tore it up. The noose is tightening on these scum critters.”
Daughn & Wolfie –
Putting this here for your perusal in case it’s already been seen or is not newsworthy for Coronavirus thread. If it should go there, please transfer it.
I think these global ‘pandemics’ are suspect, and I agree vaccines for prior viruses (eg SARS) could impact body’s reaction against coronavirus. Vaccines are another possible govt hoax we’ve been without resources to investigate or question.
I’ve taken almost every vaccine (which I now regret), and my autoimmune illnesses have just gotten worse, in both number of symptoms and severity. We need truthful transparency and we are NOT getting it.
As someone who reads the coronavirus thread, I would appreciate your posting it there, too. It looks like good info!
Ok I will do that. Thanks for your input TTruths.
Thank you!
Not too late. meatheals.com. Lots of autoimmune recovery stories here. Give it a shot for 30 days.
I added a posting to the dedicated Wuhan Coronavirus discussion thread here on the Q Tree (thank you, wolfmoon1776).
There is more interesting information on the Chiefio blog dedicated discussion thread on the virus.
I would recommend scrolling down the Chiefio virus discussion thread and read the linked articles per “Larry Ledwick” to:
http://www.ncsl.org/ (National Conference of State Legislatures) on the individual state Quarantine and Isolation laws in the United States; and
http://www.lawfareblog.com/ on the ability of individual states and/or the federal government to impose Quarantine and/or Isolation on the United States population.
Jack Posobiec
Nick Short
An illegal alien who used a loophole to obtain a green card is now suspected of smothering to death 22 elderly people in Texas, most of whom were women.
Illegal Alien Who Avoided Deportation Allegedly Smothered 22 Elderly People
An illegal alien who used a loophole to obtain a green card is now suspected of smothering 22 elderly people in Texas, most of whom were women. Billy Chemirmir had posed as a maintenance worker at…
Unborn Babies Are Children, Not a Choice
I used to have a bumper sticker on my car that said: IT’S A CHILD – NOT A CHOICE
I either got a ‘thumbs up’ or the ‘Hawaiian Peace Sign’ –
It was on my bumper long before this video was made.
I just saw a brand new Trump 2020 billboard right next to the fwy. Monster vote I hope in CA.
I love #Vintage #Retroculture

Ohhhh gosh, Now I don’t even get the language in a tweet. No pic, no language, nothing.
Like it never existed.
I can see your tweet Daughn…
It’s here, Daughn.
Reply to Dictator Pelosi:
@newcecelia – Replying to @ChadPergram
“What??? – now Pelosi thinks the House should run the military and approve all its’ decisions? Just like her wanting to run the Senate? #CrazyPelosi”
President and his staff, and his agencies can get rid of people by simply eliminating their jobs. In this case the NSC is being downsized. The Vindman’s aren’t going to be the only one discharged or transferred.
Pelosi doesn’t seem to understand that all who serve are under the Commander-in-Chief, and even retirees remain under the Commander-in-Chief. For example, can be recalled to active duty and court-martialed.
As a military family, we believe Vindman should face court-martial for treason against the President and the United States of America. He could face charges for perjury, and other felonies – leaking confidential information.
My hubby makes the point that someone, way back when, deliberately smoothed the way for the Vindmans to get into the military and get sensitive positions – security clearances. Not that long ago they never could have received the clearances with their backgrounds.
Gordon Sondland was also fired today.
Ohhhh. Makes things even more interesting.
I wish he could eliminate SOTH job…..
Yeah, and I heard Pelosi on the radio stating that “military personnel have protection from retribution”.
So that will be her move — probably already communicated to Vindman’s lawyer — make a case to sue POTUS and the NSC because of “retaliation” against Vindman, “who was only doing his patriotic duty” to MAKE UP things about POTUS’ call to President Zelinskyy, then trying to CHANGE THE TRANSCRIPT OF THE PHONE CALL.
Every military person including the ones in my family are yelling out to Pelosi that President Trump is their Commander in Chief and he can do this.
I don’t know, just shooting from the hip here, but are civilian lawyers allowed to participate in Military Tribunals?
Yes, but most of the time they are paired with a JAG attorney (knows the ins-and-outs of military justice procedure).
(Lindsey Graham was a JAG in Nat’l Guard)
Thanks pgroup
JAG supplied for free
You can hire outside counsel, but pay privately, and that atty must have special license
Thanks Daughn… was wondering about the atty Vindman now has… doubt he has a special license………. crossing my fingers wrt Mil Tri
Rules change but in the past civilian lawyers usually have refused and this is why.
What are these restrictions? In a nutshell:
The rules require, for instance, that civilian attorneys obtain a security clearance that would allow them to view documents classified as secret before they may be added to the pool of eligible civilian defense counsel. Attorneys also must consent to allow the government to monitor, in the interest of national security, all communications with defendants. Moreover, lawyers may be subject to sanctions for failing to reveal information if they reasonably believe it poses a significant threat to national security.
The rules also require civilian defense lawyers to do much of their case preparation and research at the location of the trials–presumably Guantanamo–and prohibit them from discussing the case, sharing documents or consulting with anyone except the military defense lawyers assigned to the case.
Moreover, the rules require both the defendant and civilian counsel to leave the court when proceedings of a military commission are closed for national security reasons. Only the military defense counsel will be allowed to participate in those proceedings, although he or she will be prohibited from saying anything to the defendant or civilian counsel about what was discussed.
These rules are unfair and prevent meaningful and zealous representation by counsel. We don’t think it’s our business to tell other lawyers what to do, but we can say we wouldn’t represent someone under these restrictions.
I quoted this from Talkleft a liberal site back in the early 2000s. It reenforces what I have always heard regarding participation of civilian lawyers. I imagine Big T has better input.
Forgot the quotation marks starting at “What are the restrictions and ending at under theses restrictions”. Liberal lawyer quotes.
Thanks for info Plumnelly
“Retribution” = mind-reading and attributing motives, by Dems
Firing someone due to retribution = impeachable offense, according to Dems
Wait for it…
WON’T WORK – Remember how many (hundreds?) of Generals, Colonels, etc. that Øbominable fired????
Trump is Commander in Chief – they all serve at his pleasure.
Shut up Nancy!
Guess that didn’t apply to all the Officers Obama fired, right?
She is so ignorant it’s pathetic.
hmmmm HOW MANY Generals did Obama get rid of????
POTUS is Commander in Chief…
POTUS is not Congress’s b*tch!!!!
she thinks she’s a god
Hope this is correct. Vindman just fired from NSC and escorted from the White House.
And it is!
NOW GET RID OF VINDMAN’S BROTHER, the one who was “vetting” JOHN BOLTON’S book.
CV !!!!!!!!!! Hurray!
” Lt. Col. Vindman was just escorted out of the White House by security and told his services were no longer needed.”
Vindmans Fired: Anti-Trump Impeachment Witness, Brother Escorted Out Of The White House
Any chance of court martial? That would be justice. Firing is just a start.
oh I like your thinking!!!!!!
He broke the chain and advised a foreign govt WHERE HE HAS CITIZENSHIP, directly against USA policy. I just read he has citizenship in Israel too. Isreal should revoke it.
Which country and who has the Vindmans’ loyalty?
“Army Lt. Col Alexander Vindman was escorted off the White House grounds and dismissed from the National Security Council Friday afternoon, according to reports. His twin brother Army Lt. Col. Yevgeny Vindman, who served as a lawyer on the NSC was also fired and left with Alex.”
Couldnt leave either one. Company you keep and twins are bonded. Even if his bro wasnt a traitor, its his bro, and he’s likely to betray his duty for it.
I heard both are gone but go check that one out.
so WHO exactly is HIS country and HIS President…notice the wording–he didn’t say this country or our country and our President…
weren’t the twins born in The Ukraine? Don’t they have dual-citizenship?
think you’re right…
and doesn’t VIndman have a standing job offer to be Defense Minister or something in Ukraine? LOL
better get that resume up to date…think POTUS will give him a reference?
Like Gil, I’m thinking there might be a side trip needed before they return to The Ukraine… we are looking at either sedition or treason… at least that’s what I hear.
Now Sondland has been fired as well. POTUS fights back.
LOVE it!!!! So glad he’s back.
“When the only thing separating #HillaryClinton from the presidency is your heartbeat, start writing your will”
That’s what I’ve been saying. Who in their right mind would consider her as VP, when she can’t wait to get her claws into the top spot and you’re the one thing standing in her way?
James Woods is irreplaceable! That Pelosi tweet was priceless.
Picking her to be your VP is just an elaborate (and very tiring–campaigning to win is hard work!) method of committing suicide.
Of course it’ll actually arkancide, but what should one call it when one deliberately makes one’s self a target for arkancide? Sort of like deliberately breaking into a house where you know the owner is home and right next to his/her shotgun
Sort of like suicide by cop. Clintoncide?
Yep, suicide by cop! Better than my example.
Both of them can stuff it ..
Seems to me POTUS is signaling there’s going to be a challenger to Manchin in WV.
Unfortunately, Manchin just got reelected in 2018. Big disappointment because we should have been able to pick up the seat.
I like the way you think Tea !
No Malarky….. Like really, who thought that was a good idea….Seriously, that person should fired!
This is brilliant. Next time someone lectures you on climate change, just say, “Oh, I stay away from that stuff because the climate change movement lacks diversity. There are too many white people supporting the environment.” They won’t know how to respond.
Is it true that Bernie Sanders’ team has checked out the legality of his naming ELIZABETN WARREN in a (God Forbid) Sanders Administration as BOTH Vice-President AND Secretary of State?
Per The Intercept, as reported in http://www.businessinsider.com/
Sanders will NOT win.
Having said that, if Sanders were to win the election, he would rule by FIAT, as zero did. He would do anything he dang well pleases. Which is exactly why he CANNOT win.
Go get him, Ted!
From an article about strippers being stiffed for tips, this pic appeared showing the cash covering the floor.
Interestingly, it showed something else of peculiar interest here:
I think I should have trimmed the URL. Let’s see if this works:
LOL Mom got one of those Bloomberg letters today. You know the ones that ask you to vote for him. Yeah Mom didn’t take kindly to that letter. She was ready to Nancy it.
A new verb: to “Nancy.” Love it!
LOL You welcome!!!!
Glad someone got my joke.
“nancy it”
LOL thanks!
It’s so catchy. To Nancy. BVerb. I think it’s going to be in the O.E.D. by the end of next week.

Someone make a meme about it. I have no idea how. Let’s get it Q’ed!!!
Well, These Truths beat me to it. Was just going to mention the new verb.
LOL thanks. I have no idea how to posts links but here you go.
Thought Daughn might want to weigh in on this. I’m hard-pressed to think of any China cargo I can’t live without – especially Fentynal. But am I missing the big picture?
Have been wondering how Corona is affecting container ships. Primarily, how much cargo IS flowing to US. Ultimately, the effect on our manufacturing and supplies for stores.
On a personal level…
– Sent three boxes (18″ x 20″ x 24″) via surface lift, ship to Philippines.
– Typically the boxes are stuffed into containers, Oakland, CA.
– Load on a ship Oakland, CA.
– Containers change shops either Kaohsiung, TW or Hong Kong.
– Offloaded Manila, Philippines.
Anticipating the boxes / containers they are in will cross deck ships Between Feb 18 & 23. Anticipate delays… Yea, sometimes I figure out the obvious
IF anything interesting comes of this, will post.
Sounds good. That virus can be *anywhere*
There are a lot of cities that need the push, that’s for sure.
Brian Cates has a good thread. Trump at 10,000 feet. I like Cates’ perspective, one of the few who appears to genuinely have trust in POTUS.
Cates is unfailingly optimistic, but realistically so. He seems to know and understand Pres. Trump’s ways very well. He states this perfectly, IMO:
“Any narrative that starts with somebody claiming to you ‘I am better informed than the President of the United States and I have a better grasp of the people around him than he does!’, you can’t spot the problem?”
Exactly. When stated like that it makes perfect sense to accept that POTUS knows what he’s doing…
“Anyone else have a feeling that President Trump is about to unleash hell on the Deep State and Democrats who staged the coup against him?”
Yep. Look at that War Face.
I’ve thought so for about 24 hrs so far…..
Yeah, the calm before the storm is OVER.
I felt as if yesterday in the East Room Trump was signaling.
I hate stinkbugs. Accidentally almost ate one (bit into while eating a bowl of popcorn) several months ago. Most are long gone but we still are finding a few hiding around the house. Sat on one today and it bit more, or more likely it “stung” – emitted its stink and I have a chemical/acid burn from its stink on the back of of my leg. OH I HATE Stink bugs.
And how did I have a bare leg in the winter when we have snow on the ground? Well, I was sitting during a private moment, as I had left the homeschool table to “powder my nose”, which made the situation 10x worse as that couldn’t have been more embarrassing for me, such an appalling situation, a terrible place to have to be doctored and devilishly rude on the part of that 6 legged little demon!
2 stink bug attacks (and yes, they are both personal enough that I feel they are attacks!) this season…and both *could* be hilarious if I could write like daughnworks247 or some of other talented writers here and at our sister Marica1776 treehouse. However, I am not laughing yet as I am still smarting from the latest battle…both on my upper “leg” as well my tattered dignity!
D*mn Stickbugs!
(ok, kind of funny even now.)
LOL that was great.
My puppy was chasing one on the floor last time.
Well… I think YOU got the last laugh…!

(” Who’s laughin’ NOW, stink-bug?!!”)
Ohhhhhh, I have the visual.
Thanks for this post Daughn !

(I saw Boston at the Boston Garden on September 22, 1988) (IIRC)
(“it’s been such a long time…”!)
Me like little stink bugs except when I squash one by accident. I carry them outside to their happy place except when it is too cold. There are far fewer here nowadays after clearing my flowerbeds of low-growing plants. Even the masses of ladybugs are now reduced to one or two here or there. I have a big house (3,500 sq ft), so they find places I don’t pay much attention to. I better vacuum the attic again soon. I am sorry they’ve been biting you, MAGA Mom, especially during a nose powder!
Huh new crab video. I like the old one better but hey the crab is kicking shell so there’s that!
Yesterday Pres. Trump blasted Pelosi to her face at the prayer breakfast. Today he fires the Vindman twins, and now Sondland. He is free to go on offense now.
When fired the leaker becomes a victim-martyr….the MSM and Twitter are helping the poor little Vindman twins.
Political martyrdom.
The Pornification of America: How Young Girls Are Being Groomed by Sexual Predators
February 7, 2020
by John W. Whitehead, Rutherford Institute
“The brutal reality is that a predator doesn’t have to be in the same room, building, or even country to abuse a child. And that’s what they’re doing — subjecting children to psychological and sexual abuse.”—“I’m a 37-Year-Old Mom & I Spent Seven Days Online as an 11-Year-Old Girl. Here’s What I Learned,” Medium
What can we do to protect America’s young people from sexual predators?
[Excerpt] Read more at the link above…
Not sure I really want to read this…and I don’t have kids of my own. Just nephews.
Not great reading material, no, DP
I saw this earlier – good information.
Too bad he likes selling books.
Don Jr. makes a good point.
Allow me a moment to thank—and this may be a bit of a surprise—Adam Schiff. Were it not for his crack investigation skills, @realDonaldTrump might have had a tougher time unearthing who all needed to be fired. Thanks, Adam!
Night of the long knives
Bookmark this one.
I remember that “Keep on climbing up this ladder of this story, because you’re going to fall a long way when the truth comes out.” “There’s a little piece of me wondering if this is all orchestrated…”
One of the smarter journalists.
Julian’s Rum
They won’t stop fighting Trump because they’re involved in the trafficking, rape, torture and murder of children.
It’s that simple. It’s that evil.
This should be shared….”somewhere”
That article is dated November
is told the Vindman brothers were both “visibly shaken” when they were escorted out of the EEOB today. IT is now archiving their electronic activity and removing their logins as well as taking custody of any official electronic devices
Adios Vindman boys.
NSC Cleaning Crew Poso
Vindman testified under oath that he advised Ukraine to ignore the President’s requests –
nailed him on this
UCMJ charges will appear at the “right” time
If Vindman went against the orders of the Commander in Chief, I have to wonder if he didn’t expect to be dismissed at some point? Did he think Pres. Trump would just look the other way? These people have gotten away with so much for so long, and they piled on Pres. Trump during shampeachment as if they think they’re untouchable.
I bet the forensic examinations on their communications is going to be very interesting. Might even find correspondence between Shifty and the Vindmans.
That would be EPIC!! I hope they weren’t able to bleachbit anything off since they had a day or so head’s up from media that it was coming
Likely their offices were locked before they even got to them this morning. They would have been accompanied to gather personal things – family pictures, potted plant – and then out the door. OTOH, it could have been worse than that – not allowed to go to their offices at all and simply escorted out of the building, off the premises. Not allowed to talk to anyone either.
davealvord164 Retweeted
Sebastian Gorka DrG
Charge Vindman with a Court Martial under Sedition and Conspiracy.
Vindman, who provided key impeachment testimony, ‘escorted’ from White House, attorney says
“The truth has cost LTC Alexander Vindman his job, his career, and his privacy,” Vindman’s attorney told NBC News.
Wahwah. The pillsbury doughboy of the nsc gets whats coming to him
Donald Trump Jr.
Great. It’s time to get rid of the bureaucratic bloat that has taken over so much of our government and costs taxpayers BILLIONS for no reason whatsoever.
Bryan Dean Wright
· 4h
Under Pres. George H.W. Bush, the Nat’l Security Council staff consisted of 50 people.
By Obama, it had ballooned to nearly 200.
Dumping Vindman is but one important step to reduce the NSC bloat and, along with it, the partisans who’ve come to believe they run the republic.
Hope they were read their Rights. Vindictive brothers need to be legally, hung!
AND, hope a FISA has been in place for months.
That would finally be a good use of FISA
Donald Trump Jr.
Tough scene for Never Trumpers on the NSC right now.
· 5h
I just spoke with a Senior US National Security expert on the Vindman Termination.
They provided this valuable context for the firing:
“Vindman must leave the NSC – His position there has now been politicized and therefore totally comprised as a serving US Army officer.”
Yup. Trump’s legal team likely has strong confidence that the results of the failed impeachment have legally usable status to assert that anything and anybody connected with the attempt was political in nature.
Excellent point! The coup plotters never expected it to boomerang on them in grand fashion. They’re so used to having the upper hand that it never occurred to them that they were incriminating themselves.
Love it.
Vindmans. Tolstoy said every family is unhappy in its own way.
666th post. NO FEAR.
Speaking of SATAN, our ex-resident OSATAN is on TV endorsing BLOOMBERG.
The SOVIET TOOL is endorsing the 9/11 DEMOCRAT TOOL.
Could be interesting when Barack “APPROVE THE SNIPERS” Obama circles the DRAIN.
Follow the $
This is terrible news… unacceptable news…
And for those of us refugees from academia, totally unsurprising.
Completely and totally unsurprising.
People wonder how the left so thoroughly and completely compromised academia?
Follow the $ and now you know.
The finances and endowments of academic institutions and seminaries needs to be subject to some serious housekeeping.
Amen Michael…
A ship with 2,000+ passengers and nowhere to go #coronavirus #ncov2019
BREAKING: Guam denies entry to Holland America’s Westerdam cruise ship, citing fears of coronavirus
Those poor people. What was it Dr. Samuel Johnson said about being on a ship was like being in a jail? Admittedly he wasn’t talking about a cruise ship, but still. That doesn’t sound fun at all.
Being in jail with the possibility of drowning. Also surrounded by water with not a drop to drink
@RealJamesWoods 21h
When we speak of heroic whistle-blowers, it is men like Dr. Li Wenliang, who literally sacrificed his life to save the world. Then, of course, there are those other kinds of whistle-blowers, like deep state Democrats, for example, slithering in the swamp.
OK I know I saw somebody here earlier trying to do this meme…..it worked!!
The mother of Brian Terry, the federal border agent murdered by the Barack Obama DOJ’s & Eric Holder’s illegal Fast and Furious scheme, said President Trump vowed to her in a private meeting last week to unveil classified materials from the botched and illegal Mexican gun-running Operation.
Eric “THE RED” Holder!
Gotta be getting nervous!!!
Whoa! Sounds like the whole Vindman family got the axe today.
Oh, there is something up. They have something. They have THE PLOT.
Get popcorn now. They didn’t fire the parents unless they have something. Most likely CONSPIRACY of some kind.
And i betcha these are messengers getting their payday on the DL. They all get something. The whole family, wow.
Getting the relatives without evidence would be TWO HUGE LAWSUITS just waiting to happen. There is NO WAY you kick them out without reasons that will stand up on appeal.
My guess is that the FBI interviewed them and found them evasive and “lacking candor”, with some possibility that they could have actually lied in a provable way to the FBI.
Joe Biden has Democratic debate audience give a standing ovation to Lt. Colonel Alexander Vindman hours after he was fired and escorted out of the White House by Donald Trump
Earlier on Friday, President Trump fired Vindman and he was escorted from the White House as part of a post-impeachment purge of those who testified
‘He should be pinning a medal on Vindman and not on Rush Limbaugh,’ Biden said before asking the debate audience to stand and clap
Kitty Brendell @kbrendell
(@JackPosobiec) Tweeted:
See Harold Finch in The Library on Telegram response to this on next toot…
NSC Cleaning Crew Poso
NEW: @OANN is told the Vindman brothers were both “visibly shaken” when they were escorted out of the EEOB today. IT is now archiving their electronic activity and removing their logins as well as taking custody of any official electronic devices
NSC Cleaning Crew Poso
on Twitter
Kitty Brendell
For the record, this is Standard Operating Procedure for IT. In fact, their credentials to White House & NSC systems were already disabled before they left the building.
The archiving process is SOP as well, but i can *guarantee* you neither of the Vindman brothers knew this, and there is 100% chance there is damning and incriminating evidence against them on all electronic communications devices confiscated from them the moment they were relieved of duty at NSC.
Feb 08, 2020, 16:20 · Web · 3 · 6
Kitty Brendell @kbrendell
And i can guarantee you they are shitting their pants at the realization that White House Communications Office, Secret Service & DOJ now have those devices and the evidence they hold.
Kitty Brendell @kbrendell
Replying to
Translation: NOW any illegal communications that had with the media puts them at risk for a court martial and civilian prosecution under the Espionage Act.
Kitty Brendell @kbrendell
These Things Take Time
Replying to
….And any communication with Eric the whistleblower.
Umad80 @umad80
@kbrendell This is what I’m excited most about. You know those two brain deads used their government computers to take down a sitting POTUS.
I’d say they’re dumb, but I think it’s just arrogance.
That is no
Hit send too soon…was saying that ovation at the debate is not going to age well for joe
That is not going to age well….
Biden is going down so hard he is going to be getting out of the death penalty with hospice.
He was BAGMAN for the kickbacks from the money that included a massive hit on innocent people.
Democrat Bolshevik Theater thinks nothing of DEAD INNOCENTS as EXTRAS.
There will be JUSTICE.
The whole flipping family was on the government payroll??? Just love seeing my hard earned tax money at work
Haaa…have you seen this?
Pres Trump tweeted out this clip of the little old lady calling him “Superman” and it’s been added to with pics of Superman with our VSG’s head photoshopped onto them.
Good news in the battle of TRANS KID MUNCHHAUSEN!!!
Judge steps into custody battle after mom allegedly pushes to transition 7-year-old son into a girl
Ok lets see if this works
WBAP’s Chris Krok was mocking Warren in his best whispery, anemic cackley Liz Warren voice:

“Why is Warren only letting a nine-year-old trans kid pick her Education Secretary?? Why doesn’t she let a young trans kid also choose her Homeland Security head??”
OMG, Chris Krok does Warren better than Warren does!!
Sus af
Please pray for Dr. Peterson and his family.
“Jordan Peterson is recovering from a severe addiction to benzodiazepine tranquilizers and was recently near death in an induced coma, his daughter Mikhaila said.
He is being treated at a clinic in Russia after being repeatedly misdiagnosed at several hospitals in North America, she said.”
Venezuela Imprisons 6 US Oil Executives
Venezuelan police rounded up six U.S. oil executives who have been under house arrest, hours after President Donald Trump met with opposition leader Juan Guaido in Washington.