Cultural Marxism And The Exultation Of The Seven Deadly Sins

I will confess that I’ve been toying with this post for quite a while. And then over the weekend, when Jennifer Lopez and Shakira put on their symbolic temple dance….

The post became inevitable.

Over the years, while subjected to the vast intellectual and cultural wasteland known as cable television, every now and then a thought would cross my mind…this is like watching one of the seven deadly sins in action. I will say that the concept was most apparent with a reality show about 600 Pound Lives that a member of the household insists on watching, but the more I think about it….

The cultural marxists in control of entertainment these days seem to be exploiting, and glorifying the seven deadly sins, and what’s worse, people who have never heard of them are lapping up the passive messaging as if this is supposed to be the norm for civilization.

It is not. In fact, these are the very vices that need to be suppressed on an individual level in order to live with other people in any set of circumstances.

Just for review, the seven deadly sins are:

  • Pride
  • Envy
  • Lust
  • Anger
  • Gluttony
  • Greed
  • Sloth

Each of these dispositions, interestingly enough, works to tear against the fabric of social order in its own way. And each has a counteracting virtue that is supposed to correct or at least counter balance the worst of the disposition’s destructive tendencies. And in today’s world, those virtues (humility, thankfulness, chastity, patience, temperance, generosity, and diligence) can be in very short supply.

But still…the people not aware of what they are seeing and consuming in any and all media vehicles are being swayed to accept that which will eventually cause a society to fall.

It has happened. Multiple times in the history of the world on every continent and among every society. Eventually, the weight of no social order becomes chaos and the society falls.

So, that begs the question, why are we bombarded with “experts” who like to hear themselves talk, trying to impress the world with who and what they know that goes beyond self-promotion and into the realm of conceit.

There is also programming of all sorts that has a “keeping up with the Joneses” theme. These programs can be about just about anything, but home improvement, self improvement, and more can give way to wanting what someone else has.

Why is it now acceptable for women to wear what reveals so much skin that nothing is left to the imagination. And why do fairy tales now include bedroom scenes almost compulsively. Frankly, there are no more secrets, Victoria. And networks where modesty is written into the story lines are slammed as being culturally marxist for refusing to sink to the low of using straight up sex to sell.

Why is anger nurtured when it leads to darkness, or in George Lucas lore, the dark side. (At least in the world of George Lucas anger, hatred and the dark side were features of the bad guys, and the good guys defeated it.) This leads to the need for revenge, which is natural, but the channels to achieve it can be harnessed to something that is not violent or destructive to property.

And when it comes to gluttony, I have to ask: What is appealing about eating so many hot dogs, the person doing the mouth stuffing can’t hold it down. And since when are people entertained by humans who eat so much they are bed ridden? Watching a woman go through the drive thru at McDonald’s on a mobility scooter is more sad than it is entertaining, and yet it is out in the open as what is more modest fare than half of what the Disney Channel offers.

Accumulation of wealth has always been a part of life, but how much money and stuff that we just sit on do we all really need? And then to objectify hoarding, and storage lockers that the owners can’t be bothered to empty is just strange. Half of that stuff ends up in landfills.

Sloth in this context is more about spiritual laziness, and just exactly how much of what is consumed as entertainment has any kind of spiritual aspect to it unless the subject is being ridiculed? And what is it with the characters written into a lot of scripts for the last three decades being slackers? Even in communes those who don’t work get kicked out.

For those who no longer consume this programming, it’s a bit out of sight, out of mind. But for those of us who are subjected to it….

It made the halftime show at the Superbowl less than shocking, let’s just say that.

Still, the question remains, why the exultation of the seven deadly sins from the overlords of entertainment? What are they trying to get the American people to become?

Here at the Q Tree, we know the answer. Unfortunately, those being programmed don’t.

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Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

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“Thank you for doing your part!”


What a Fabulous Post DP!!!!! to your point…in a little different way…I have a PANTRY that could easily be a…small nursery room! (Hubby is a builder–so…)It took me an entire day to clean out yesterday!! A damn mouse had invaded…And I didn’t even realize it…Cuz…STUFF!!! President “Golden toilets”….Has made us see… that …STUFF..Doesn’t matter… It’s About…taking back our country! I haven’t gone “shopping” in 4 years…I just want to clean out STUFF! and Spend my time fighting…For our country!!!!!


Mr gil has a lot of stuff. I have things ive tried to sell but for instance, get offered a buck for something that should be $30. Ive never liked having every surface covered in stuff. But I would love your pantry…
I didnt watch any of that .5 time show then or after. People get into a habit of tv. The very 1st thing they do when they get up is turn it on and leave it on. Not good.


gil–not with mouse poop!! LOL kids are gone..We have a ginormous house …for 2 people!!! and the only the…START!!!😂😂😂 Downsizing…is REAL!!! LOL!!


“Miss Marica’s Patriots BnB”…hee hee….. now mouse free!


Praise god and Hallaluiah!!!

Deplorable Patriot

Cheap crap and discounting has really impacted what value people put on goods. As much as I love to crochet, I can’t really turn a profit in a business sense when someone is only willing to pay what they would in a store for a handmade item. I mean, in one case, the yarn was more expensive than what I got for the hat, never mind the ten hours it took to crochet the thing. That’s the end of Santa hats for babies. It’s not worth the time.


You got that right, Daughn!!! We downsized years ago, but stuff accumulates and I’ve been on a tear to get it out of the house!!
DPat is spot on – the SuperBowl halftime is the epitome of Leftist hypocrisy.


LOL.. It’s ME!!! Marica!!!😂😂😂😂 Daughn didnt have mouse poop!! ( sorry Daughn!!)..


LOL Wut ?? 🤷‍♀️😂😂🎶🎶 You all look alike to me 🥰🥰🥰🔥🤸🤸🤸😎 This calls for 🐓🐓🤠💖






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Deplorable Patriot

Once I saw overhead shots, of the light show…I think it was some sort of cabal signalling.


Bless you, my child!!! One tiny mouse can wreak havoc over a whole kitchen, pantry and all cabinets – overnight!
I walked into my small house kitchen one morning and there were mouse droppings and crumbs everywhere! Every box of pasta, crackers, cereal had been invaded and sampled!
One tiny mouse had come in through the wall where the DW was connected somehow.
I’m a fanatic about sealing around water pipes with Rock Hard™ water putty to keep out roaches and other critters, but I never considered pulling out the DW and sealing around that pipe.
After obsessive consideration (aka paranoid bug-mouse aversion hysteria) I decided some critters were getting into my fairly new little house between the hardiboard clapboard and the stucco foundation wall…so… I got a couple of guys to cut and stuff hardware cloth and aluminum screen strips under the edge of the clapboard. Now I have no roaches, mice, lizards, frogs, small snakes in the house except those that hop in when I open the doors.
One new house we had years ago, had scorpions in the attic that migrated from the surrounding pine trees…and dropped into the rooms. It also had a plague of mud-daubers at first when they hatched out in the spring after making their nests in the attic during construction.
I really hate uninvited rodent/insect guests!

Plain Jane

DH has a ginormous sweet tooth. I had obviously unopened white choc chips once on the food shelves stored in the basement. I went to get them one day and immediately got p*$$ed at poor DH. They were opened and the wrap was frayed. He swore he didn’t do it. He would have brought them upstairs and put them in a Rubbermaid if he opened them.
I have some rather awesome fabrics that I acquired through the years that I couldn’t get to sewing because of circumstances. One of the coating yardage is vicuna colored camel hair coat fabric. The other is black cashmere, enough for two coats. The fabrics are fairly valuable, so every year I refold the fabric and reseal the wrap, re-box it, in hopes that I some day would again have time to make a wonderful coat or three.
Well, about 6 months later I went to the cedar lined fabric closet and discovered torn fabric covering inside the coating storage box. Hidden in the fabric folds were white choc chips.
That same winter I discovered that mice made pooped up mincemeat out oh my beautiful classic Vogue patterns from the late ‘50s to the early ‘90s. More recent patterns were stored elsewhere.
I had to pitch those awesome patterns.
We knew we had a mouse come in a few times, but the real damage focused mice were stealth.
After stuffing a small bundle of steel wool in several basement wall areas, and using foaming styrafoam spray over the steel wool, thank God, I sealed everything. I had no idea there were mouse entrances under the finished basement walls, until we had our basement walls removed. Oi!


I need to replace my front door storm seal strips – if I don’t keep a towel stuffed up into the cracks, little baby tree frogs, lizards and tiny snakes come in to seek warmth in cold weather. I have a plastic glass and piece of cardboard to rescue them.
Roaches are the invaders I hate the most…. in the deep South, they are everywhere….I mean big Cucarachas!

Plain Jane

Up here in the midwest also…large wood roaches like to invade the house in early spring, especially living in an virgin oak forest. We moved into our new home when I was 23. I lived in the city prior to that from the time I was five. BUGS, i hated them. SPIDERS, hell no, not on my watch.
We had both. I loved snakes in our yard, but DH hated them. He poo-pooed the insects, and thought I was off my rocker about them, until I threatened to take our baby and live with my mom until he did something about the invasion.
Wood roaches around here love dead wood, but they love water and moisture even more. I was terrified of looking into my sinks in the morning. My silverware lived in giant tupperware containers from February to May. May is when we got invasions of ants if anything was even near damp. They loved water also.
DH took to spraying up the outside of our brick house every fll and spring and that did the trick. Thank God. p.s. His family thought I was a wus and laughed it off. Not good for our family relations on my part to say the least.
Before DH built a deck attached to our house, I asked him to plz fill in any crevices between the brick and the foundation. There was a good sized area where originally concrete stairs were supposed to be poured, so there was a void between the poured basement and the brick. He poo-pooed filling the void before building the deck, saying nothing was going to come in because the brick had a solid bond to the poured concrete.
I was in the yard lobbying him, when I saw the grass moving and ran to investigate. It was a garter snake. I like snakes, and was raised with turtles as pets, etc. I chased it trying to catch it while DH is yelling for me not to touch it. Yea, right!
That little sucker evaded me and, right in front of DH’s eyes, scootched itself into the void between the brick and foundation and disappeared forever. BWAHAHAHAHAHA,
Guess who filled the void asap. Another BWAHAHAHA,


Great story!

Plain Jane

DH cringes when I tell it. Hee, hee.

Plain Jane

One night I was doing computer stuff for the post-abortion retreats, and I saw a dust bunny jump up. I thought it was a spider caught in the dust bunny. Hollered for DH who was sleeping. I didn’t want to smash the “spider” ‘cause it was so large it would have made a mess.
In all the decades living here, I never saw a tree frog. We hear them all the time, but never saw on, plus I had my computer glasses on my nose.
DH laughed his butt off telling me it was a tree frog. I felt privileged to rescue that cute little thing from my dust bunny, and we put him bythe tree, right next to our BVM yard statue.


Jane – You must be a trained tailor to be able to fashion dress coats of fine fabrics. What a gift!

Plain Jane

Sewed from the time I was 11, used Vogue patterns that really taught classic construction in the instructions, and went on to take and ace a graduate tailoring course at the univ that the HS home EC teachers solicited. Before I met DH I was headed to NYC after I planned to complete work at the Ray Vogue school in Chicago. Even though I abandoned my plans, I knew DH was the better deal. 🙂 Loved him even more than fashion. Hee, hee.

Plain Jane

Sometimes a curse. For decades I detested rack garments. Lol


Not to long ago I called my husband into the kitchen and told him that we have a mouse. He said “do not be silly with three cats we have no mouse.”
I showed him a dropping and he laughed and caught. I had cooked black rice the evening before and somehow spilled some and my bad eyes thought it was mouse droppings.
Marika you need a cat a female cat who will take care of your mouse problem.
Cleaning out is a problem because kids told me they want this and that. Now I have grandkids and I am told ” do not get rid of this and that when the kids go to college and can take from you.”
One day I am cleaning out more than I have already but my husband is the guy who cannot get rid of things. With me everything has to be functional. I do not like useless dust collectors.

Deplorable Patriot

I started cleaning things out last summer. It’s amazing how stuff accumulates. And to add to it, my dad’s family has a hoarder gene. You outta see my aunt’s house.
For whatever reason, I’ve gotten more minimalist of late. We’ll see how long that lasts.


DP it is easy to get rid of other peoples stuff. I should clean out my husband’s stuff and he can clean out mine. Books are my problem and his also we love books.

Deplorable Patriot

This is why we clean out family houses after they pass away or are no longer cognizant of what’s going on around them. We have rules in this house: don’t touch other people’s stuff…unless it’s mine and then it’s fair game, and if Mom doesn’t like something in my wardrobe, it will disappear. One time the dress in question was expensive, too.

Plain Jane

The face time feature came in great to help with clearing out stuff. When we had to have new flooring put in two years ago, I put all my unwanted treasures on two rolling carts. Face timed each of the kids and they were forced to make a “dibs” call on the items. The next time I saw them, they were the recipients of their boxes. No, I wouldn’t keep their “dibs” anymore.
We took at least 5-6 boxes of books to the local thrift shop, and about 3 van loads of other stuff. We still house some of the old computer stuff our youngest son wants, but that is about all. Once our granddaughter gets a chance to drive up here, I will have her go through my fabrics and take them. I am only keeping stuff I can easily make if I get the urge.
I bought a bunch of chemo head hats, but am dying to make some fabric hats. I have the patterns from years ago.


Marica, Wonderful, American Medley 😉
DP, Appreciate the, spot on, thought provoking article! Thank you.

Rodney Short

Oh Marica the mice story is grand lol I am so glad you have Yours under control, I wish I knew how to share the link to our lil conversation on rodents hehe.
MLAR Marica.

Conservativetreehouse…just retweeted Joe M!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Are you kidding me?🤷‍♀️😎




That is kind of amazing…since JoeM is such a prominent Q-peep.


Shocka!! like.. the Biggest!!!..He’s my RED Pill!!!

Plain Jane

Awesome video.


Great post, DP! I finally cut my cable for good when it got to the point that the only thing I could tolerate watching was baseball. Probably a good thing. Even baseball is becoming political these days.

Deplorable Patriot

I don’t pay the cable bill in this house, but here, sports channels are watched pretty liberally. College wrestling has been the latest obsession. Otherwise, it’s English Premier League. The provider dropped Bien Sports which carried the continental leagues.
And then, of course, there’s Cards, Blues, Mizzou, SLU….


Where…Is erbody?!!!! It like twitter for 45 minutes today!!!!! You and me? only ones awake?!!!! Zombie Apocolypse?

Deplorable Patriot

I was wondering the same thing, but it’s been a week where people have been up at all hours of the night.

Sue Mcdonald

Hi Marica,DP and everyone😊 I’m here, just having first cup of coffee and fussing with my dog who’s hogging my chair. Little brat.
We as a country are bombarded with ads to buy more stuff, I tuned out a long time ago and talk about downsizing lol went from a 2500 square foot home to a mobile and I love it! Minimal house work which is a big plus, no getting crazy with furniture or lots of stuff as there’s no space lol.i didn’t need most of the stuff I had so was pretty happy to offload it.material items are nice of course but as Paul tells us all things in moderation. I think that’s what has been lost. I give trinkets away to my grandkids when they come over,that is always fun😊 great post DP love our Qhouse!


Hi there Sue!!! As a Realtor…it’s interesting..The trend is NOT McMansions…As in the late 1990’’s very refreshing to see kids wanting space and good areas…

Deplorable Patriot

What is the trend where you are, if I may ask?
In my neighborhood, a lot of vintage with a lot of renovating going on, if a house sits for more than two weeks in March and April, something’s wrong with it.
I am seeing, in desired school districts, the 1950s ranch houses being torn down in favor of building much larger houses on those lots. I don’t know if that is happening anywhere else.

Plain Jane

Now I have to nap…build up those white blood cells, you know.


You keep fightin sweetheart!! 😘😘😘🤗🤗🙏🙏🙏

Plain Jane

DH went to Sat evening Mass. I don’t miss Mass, but not a good idea to go and pass out, or pick up germs. God might kick my whatever if I tried to go. I know DH would.


Can DH bring communion back to you?

Plain Jane

Most likely. We haven’t set it up yet. We live real close to out former parish and I know a Eucharistic Min would bring Jesus to me. I’m hoping I can go to Mass by next week. My immunity should be better by then. They will bust it down again in two weeks.
I will call the office of either parish on Mon. Thank you Marica. I told you father gave me the sacrament of healing the Sat after we learned of the cancer. The holy oil was intoxicatingly wonderful. It filled my body throughout the whole Mass and entire evening. Wish I didn’t shower.


I did too!!!! Also…Look for a healing priest in your area!!! 10 years ago… (I can’t remember his name at the moment) Prayed over me!!! I firmly believe…He helped me BELIEVE…Jesus would heal me!!! And THAT is 99%…THE BATTLE!!!😘💖💖💖🙏🙏🙏…Keep that Attitude Jane!!!

Plain Jane

Father Rookey perhaps?


JANE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Ya found him!!!!!!! He…prayed ..over me.. and smiled..💖

Plain Jane

I met him, and attended Mass in his little
office. My friend was friends with him and his tiny staff. He is with Abba now, but I think he was instrumental in lobbying Abba for our newest grand baby.
I used to have healing cloths blessed by him that I put on a freebie table of religious items for our retreatants to take. He was a gem of Abba’s creation.


Something.. is..UP! We…meant.. to be..HERE!! together!😘🙏😎

Plain Jane

You got it sister. I try to pray that prayer every day.


I…went to Medjugorgje!!!!

Plain Jane

Wow! A few of my friends did a pilgrimage or two to Medjugorgie. I never, it seems, was drawn there. During the heyday, I was totally engrossed in setting up the post-abortion retreats in our diocese, and prior to that, trying to motivate peeps to pray with our group at PP. Throughout the decade or two I was juggling kids, one graduating college, one in jr. or HS and one in first grade. I never even got to go to D.C. for the March for Life. Actually, by that time, my knees were too shot to even try to go.
So glad you went. Somehow between your blessing by Fr. Rookey and Med, I’m guessing that you might even have come across my friends J & P who have a big bundle of kids. Mom and Abba have their ways 🙂

Deplorable Patriot

Your purpose was elsewhere.
Don’t forget Medjugorgie has never been approved officially.

Plain Jane

I did have an unmistakable, not command, but I don’t know another word for it, to organize both situations locally. Abba also cleared the path for me.
My mom went to Jesus, the kids were stably situated, DH was tied up at work, the only thing that suffered a little neglect was our house, my wardrobe (ha, ha on me) and sometimes our dinners.
The powers that were in the diocese, except for the head honcho, were my cheerleaders. They worked around him. 🙂

Plain Jane


Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Glad to see you here – but I had better check spam! Who knows – if they went after Wheatie!!! 😀


Ali had me giggling so much!!! I’m trying to keep tabs on Gab chat!!! I can only see your Author chat room.. do ya have another one?

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Yup – you’re invited to the member chat (check for invitation by clicking on your name in the upper left corner) and you have two PMs still going on the left.


I’d like to go after them about Wheatie too!!! She can’t post at my site either!!! ( or PHC’s) Pissed me off!!!

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Yeah, that was targeted stuff.


That’s what they tried to do do!!! Thank You!! darlin…We beat those MF’s back!!!!


Excellent post! I have long recognized the efforts to tear down society with depravity and inanity, but had not connected that to the seven deadly sins. You are correct: they are feeding the worst of our human tendencies and encouraging us to indulge to our hearts’ content.
I’ve never understood those eating contests where people overeat until they are sick. Some have even died. And gluttony has been encouraged by the “fat is beautiful” movement.
By removing the spiritual, they leave people with few tools to fight anger. Look at the unhinged Trump haters who are not even aware of their extreme behavior and have nowhere to turn. Envy is practically encouraged. Lust is a major advertising tool, as is greed. It is what the pop stars traffic in. Sloth is used by the Left to gain supporters who want giveaways. Pride keeps us from recognizing and admitting wrongs to ourselves, to others, and to God. People don’t want to have to answer to anyone, so they make themselves gods.
These things all lead to complications that result in destruction and even murder. Chaos is indeed the goal.

Deplorable Patriot

“Fat is beautiful”…let’s just say a little goes a long way. And it seems like there is an effort to normalize morbid obesity. I mean, I’ve known people who were obese my whole life. It’s not so much of an oddity anymore.
And really, we didn’t have the obesity issues before high fructose corn syrup, and soy were in just about everything.


Supermarkets, snacks and processed foods….and heaping portions in restaurants….fast food…driving, not walking or taking the bus…..TV and sedentary lifestyles. Now online shopping rather than walking in stores and malls.
101 different reasons we burn less calories than we taken in.
Thank GOD for Leslie Sansone! I love that cheery voice telling me to move…and I do feel lots better after a mile or two.

Deplorable Patriot

I’ve seen charts that track the obesity rate, and the year it started to skyrocket was 1988.
Interestingly enough, that was the year I started the big weight loss when I was walking back and forth to work every day at the pool over the summer, and refused to eat the gross crap in the cafeteria at school.


“Still, the question remains, why the exultation of the seven deadly sins from the overlords of entertainment? What are they trying to get the American people to become?”
They are trying to get the American people to debase and dishonor themselves…and to embrace the craven debauchery that the Entertainment elites practice.
They are trying to destroy the innocence of our children…and groom them to accept being abused by adults.
They are trying to get adults to accept this.
When I watched a video of that Halftime Show for the Superbowl, I was horrified and repulsed.
I’m not a prude and can appreciate a good burlesque show…when it’s For Adults Only.
This was different.
Besides the sheer inappropriateness of it, this was a form of gaslighting…to make such a display seem like it is “okay” for the majority of people.
There was also an element of the demonic in that Halftime Show.
It was a celebration of it.
Just like the ‘kneelers’ who hijack the audiences of football games, to push their so-called ‘protest’ on people who don’t want to see it…that Halftime Show hijacked the Superbowl audience to push their demonic gaslighting on the public.
They are trying to demoralize the American people and get them to accept evil.


There you are Wheatie!!!💖💖💖


Hi, sweetie! Yes, I’m here!


Me and Wolfie…take a deep breath!! 🙏😘🥰💖


I …totally agree!!! you ..Knocked it outa da park!


AND Sabra Hummus decided it was OK to feature drag queens in their commercial.
Relational and social chaos, moral anarchy – that is the goal of the leftist oligarchical totalitarians!!!


Make that cultural, relational, moral and *spiritual* anarchy!
Tearing down Christ and His church is a priority part of the plan.
They are like witches and other goblins and go into writhing foaming fits when they see The Cross!!!


Speaking of witches and goblins, don’t get me started on Halloween…

Deplorable Patriot

Uh…I like Halloween. If you just have fun with it.

Cuppa Covfefe

Yep. Samhain is the high (OK, low) holiday of the Satanists, with Walpurgisnacht (1st May) close behind. They believe that the border between the real world and the (dark)spirit world is weakest then.
Reminds me of the Screwtape letters, by C.S. Lewis, where their goal is to convince people that the Devil doesn’t exist, or that he is harmless. The Devil can play “dress-up” too, as a creature of light; as can his Demons… there are better things to do than Halloween, Fasching, and the “Fünfte Jahreszeit”…

Cuppa Covfefe

Erm, the yep was to Coldeadhands. Ahh. Threading and an Edit button would be nice… then again, they can be a nightmare (admin and programming) too…


I love “The Screwtape Letters”
Lewis knew his stuff.

Deplorable Patriot

Even my liberal, leftist friends in entertainment were critical of that performance. I never thought I would see it.


Wonderful post DP and 1000% agree to your response Wheatie.
My husband and I were discussing the 10 commandments this week due to comments made by a relative. The Lord clearly and simply laid out some basic standards to live by, living by them, makes life peaceful.
Letting satan utilize those sins in your life is building a foundation for misery.
Glad you posted it.
On a positive note, I can like posts again, yayyyy! Goofy software!


Thank you, DP for this great post. I’ve bookmarked it…cultural marxism….Canada is going/has gone(?) there full throttle…deeply, deeply disturbing… see below…


The British/Canadian governmental system isn’t into freedom of speech or the 2nd amendment right to keep and bear arms.


Thought-provoking post. Thank you, DP.
We didn’t watch the Superbowl, so missed the halftime vileness. My daughter and her husband also didn’t watch, but she saw clips of it. Her take is interesting.
She was appalled at the fact two middle-aged women would debauch themselves in such a manner, with one even having her daughter come up on stage to ‘celebrate’ with her.
My daughter was upset at the message that is being sold to women–hold on to your sexuality as long as possible. You are nothing without it. Objectification of oneself is acceptable, if done in the name of empowerment.
This is the Jezebel spirit on steroids, I think. Control and domination through using one’s sexual power. Women have given up their dignity as human beings, and for what?
Rises in sexual assault, pedophilia, self-objectification, divorce–these are a few of the rotten fruits of lust and envy, of feminism charging far past the fight for suffrage.
Lent is approaching. I think your post, DP, will stay with me during those 40+ days. 🙏

Deplorable Patriot

“My daughter was upset at the message that is being sold to women–hold on to your sexuality as long as possible. You are nothing without it. Objectification of oneself is acceptable, if done in the name of empowerment.”
Yep. And it’s worse than that. I’ve got a couple more of these lined up that somewhat address the topic.


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CRAP – Definition-Translation: A Mix of Filth, Garbage, Dirt, Whole-cloth inventions, Political Agenda Narratives and Propaganda

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

DNC: Directors of Network Crap


Terrific post DP, It makes so much sense.
I find it appalling that a subject like this can be discussed during a presidential debate, as if it is just one more issue to be considered in deciding who to vote for. How far we have fallen!


The lack of order in the Church leads to much confusion.

Deplorable Patriot

Some plain speaking would go a long way on a lot of these issues.


I agree with everything Dep says but I have an observation and comment.
As an analytical framework, the SDS and the Seven Saving Virtues (SSV), are always the best (and only?) way to gain real perspective on the current state of our world. That analysis is biblical, moral and Christian. It is righteous and perceptive.
I don’t think it has anything to do with the amorphous and “popular” term “cultural marxism”. I don’t think there is such a thing as cultural marxism much in the same way that there is not a “vast right wing conspiracy” or a cabal of “white supremacists”.
So what is cultural marxism? If you look to a broad spectrum of sources, you learn that no one can even agree on a definition.
From “Got Questions – a biblical-based site:
“A collectivist application of Marxist class warfare along a far broader spectrum of identities, such as race, gender, and sexuality, as opposed to solely along class lines; intersectionality. First, Marxism only spoke to the oppression of the proletariat by the bourgeoisie, but now men oppress women, whites oppress blacks, heterosexuals oppress homosexuals, the able-bodied oppress the disabled, & cisgendered folk oppress trans folk; WHO you are is irrelevant, all that matters now is WHAT you are, which groups you are a member of, your personhood reduced to your arbitrary characteristics, to that of an object; this is Cultural Marxism.” (sounds like identity politics to me)
From: Urban Dictionary:
“Cultural Marxism can be a controversial term—some assert there’s no such thing, and others use the term as a catch-all for anything they see as undermining society. In short, cultural Marxism is a revolutionary leftist idea that traditional culture is the source of oppression in the modern world. Cultural Marxism is often linked to an insistence upon political correctness, multiculturalism, and perpetual attacks on the foundations of culture: the nuclear family, marriage, patriotism, traditional morality, law and order, etc. Cultural Marxists are assumed to be committed to establishing economic Marxism, in which case their cultural attacks are a necessary preparation for their ultimate goal.” (sounds like liberal gibberish to me)
From: “The Daily Dot” – a far left site:
“It is very hard to explain what cultural Marxism is because the term describes something that doesn’t exist. It refers to a vast conspiracy dating back to the early 20th century in which academics launched a campaign to take over intellectual, cultural, and artistic institutions. Then, they “promoted and even enforced ideas which were intended to destroy Christian values and overthrow free enterprise.” What were these ideas? Feminism, multiculturalism, gay rights and atheism, to name a few. ” (sounds like reactionary anti-right propaganda).
See what I mean? Just as we scoff at the idea of white nationalism or right wing cabals, the left dismisses cultural marxism. Everyone is correct. All of these terms are easy, imprecise catch-alls that add little to a serious conversation. In my world, may favorite catch-all is “Yankee fan”, as in “You’re a Yankee fan? Get outa he-ah.”
But, seriously, we do ourselves a disservice when we default to cultural marxism instead of honing in on what is the specific wrong. Dep you’re unassailably correct. There are SEVEN specific issues you identify in our culture that, as responsible people/parents/friends/leaders, we must, each in our own local one-on-one way, confront and defeat in the mundane of everyday life. While they are cosmic, timeless issues, they are not social or political and they are defeated for the moment by a resolute individual resistance. When you phrase it that way, you get perspective and you realize the power is in each of us. For me, it is far more hopeful, positive viewpoint.
As long as you never forget, the victory is but momentary as the enemy is timeless, skilled and relentless.

Deplorable Patriot

Thank you…I think.
At any rate, I just wanted to point out that the entertainment nihilists who are pumping out garbage are influencing the culture to the point that crassness and anti-social behavior is becoming more and more acceptable. In no way would I want to objectify anyone who is caught in any of these vortex traps, but at the same time, their appearance on reality TV does that.
And I think that your various definitions of culture Marxism listed above demonstrate that those who are advocates for its success deny its existence. Just like Alinsky taught his followers to do.


There was not a sin-tilla of criticism of what you wrote. As I said, “observation” only. I knew exactly what you intended. My point merely is that, outside our group and the larger group of our compatriots, the strong bias is to stop listening when a “catch term” or “bad label” precedes a statement. If this is about persuasion, then we are more persuadable if we are very specific, factual and, I think, biblical rather than using modern, current aphorisms.
I know when I spoke to juries in closing, for every 15 minutes of facetime I spent 5-6 hours honing it down. This was the kind of minutiae that I drilled down to. I found it engaging; others see it as pedantic but my results said it was worth every second.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Cultural Marxism is like very much like Quantum Mechanics.
– the concept works like crazy
– nobody agrees on what it is
– there tend to be interpretations
– it’s too useful and predictive to discard
– if you think you fully understand it, you don’t
– it’s “incompleteness” is the truth practitioners can usefully embrace
– it’s “existence” is the truth critics can usefully embrace
– points of origin empower the theory and disappear in the results
– by accepting limitations on exactness, it predicts both exact and inexact exactly imagecomment imagecomment image
And then there is agreement by others who love it, hate it, and use it.comment image
In the end, we have to question things. Even if we embrace them.comment imagecomment image


DP – Thanks for posting this thoughtful post – it’s a topic we needed to discuss and put our wisdom and experiences together. I’ve learned a lot from all of you!
One thing I learned going back to school to study psychology and social work – the brain is a flexible, ever-changing computer – the site of our mental processes. They call the brain changes ‘neural plasticity’ This helps us to recover after injury, strokes, trauma. It’s the place where ‘conditioning’ and ‘indoctrination’ and ‘plain old learning’ occurs – really it’s all the same thing.
The brain and its cells, neurons, synapses/connectors, interspaces, chemicals, even the neutral glia cells that support the neurons and clean up the excess/waste chemicals (I call them the mother/wife/ female cells) that the neurons and synapses make when we think are important in brain function.
Anyway all those cells and the functional regions/parts of the brain are changed throughout life, positively and negatively, by events, medications, drugs, diet, trauma, relational interchanges, family dynamics, environment…
Did you know a brain doctor can identify a braille reader and a drug addict by the images of their brains?
Conditioning and intake and experience affects the brain and pretty much all of our organs, including skin, hair, nails, eyes….everything!
This is why the instructions in the Bible are so detailed! A loving Father wants the best for his creation – of which we are the ones made in His Image.


Part II – As we conservatives have observed….there is something off – even harmful about leftist thinking.
Well – scientists and psychiatrists/psychologists have observed that believing lies, being deceived, cognitive dissonance (believing contradictory ideas) is harmful to the brain/mental health of their patients.
In other words – Liberalism is a mental illness.
These researchers have also learned that children who are molested and abused have a higher than normal incidence of mental health issues and relationship problems throughout their lives.
Whenever we violate GOD’s commandments we harm ourselves and others. We cannot break these Commandments which were written in stone – and are unchanging – eternal truths. We only break ourselves and others when we attempt to do so.
In His Wisdom, God made us able to be redeemed and restored and healed – including our brains and bodies…but it requires his power.
Luke 21:19 – Amplified – “WITH PATIENCE AND STEADFAST ENDURANCE, YOU WILL WIN THE TRUE LIFE OF YOUR SOUL.” This encompasses healing, reconditioning, debriefing, relearning new habits, new relationship skills, anger management (yep), prayer, repentance, confession, counseling for deep issues, and more.


GA/FL, it’s a real pleasure to read your responses to this discussion…from a biblical perspective.


Thinking about the Biblical perspective….verses like ‘take every thought captive to the obedience of GOD’ ‘set your mind on things above…’ Even do not lie is important to our brains and those to whom we speak, live, interact.
Lies create chaos – as we see in our political sphere and recently with the Shampeachmint….
Our Father GOD knows best – we were created to run on Love, Truth and Life – the Nature of GOD, Father, Son, Holy Spirit! HE is Love, Truth and Life. His Commandments are the bedrock of a healthy prosperous civilization and personal health.


GA/FL. many look at this as, We live on the horizontal…that is, we interact w/others in so very many ways.
Yet we cannot do this successfully unless we maintain our vertical connection to our great God.
Whenever we find the horizontal to be a bit overwhelming, we must reestablish that vertical connection.
This is why I was moved to respond to your posts above…this acknowledgement.


Beautiful – and so true… something I needed reminding of right now.


This is something which we can remind each other about almost daily.
We live in a broken world, and need frequent reminders, as we often remind each other, In God We Trust!


GOD and His redemptive, healing, intervening power is all we have.

Deplorable Patriot

I got to thinking about it in the wee hours this morning, and it occurs to me that the one sin no one talked about, which leads to all the others, is pride.
The Exorcists report that the Demons they drive out always say pride is the worst of the sins.
And yet it’s the one that gets forgotten with lust, envy, gluttony, etc., on the list.
Definite food for thought.


It’s almost like Pride is the ‘gatekeeper’ that opens the door to the other sins.

Deplorable Patriot

Yes. And I find it curious that consideration of that is conspicuous in its absence.


A topic for your next post?

Deplorable Patriot

Oh, no. Actually, February 15…it’s a named day that ticks me off. It’s already written.


Great post, Dep.
Much to chew on here.


Great post and comments. I always used to look at the people in the news that are pedos or with loose morals or just out there calling wrong right and think how did that happen. But now it is the cultural norm, it is everywhere. Children are groomed from so young. How many lil kiddos were watching the game in the background as they played with the other children at the neighbourhood Super Bowl party and then were dancing to the music, thinking what Lopez was doing was ok cause it was on the big screen tv. It all takes us further and further from God’s teaching. The mental problems that are so pervasive right now, imo, are from not living how God wants us to and it causes a break in our psyche and mental illness. Society, instead of changing course, is doubling down and making it fashionable to be mentally ill. It has cachet right now. It also is Sodom and Gomorrah trying to be acceptable.


I tend to believe historically and socially when the pendulum swings too far to one side it has to self correct, lest it crash. We cut the cable years ago so fortunately we’re not inundated with societies nonsense. And thank God we never brought children into this cesspool.
But given what I see on the select few conservative sites I visit, I have to wonder how much more of this damage our society can handle.
As others have noted, there is so much acceptance of sexual deviation and of gross and perverse activity. I would’ve never believed killing babies would be acceptable but at this point it wouldn’t shock me to see open ads for dating services for adults looking for children.
I’m praying the pendulum swings back, I know I don’t want to see what the next limit pushed will be.

Rodney Short

Bravo DP job well done!!!!!!


This was really, really good and really, really truthful. Thank you, DP.

Deplorable Patriot

Funny, with this post, I didn’t want to get into religion, but since others have, this popped into my feed:

St. Padre Pio
“Holiness means living a life of:
and diligence.
It is a life of doing our duty for no other reason than to #please God.

Plain Jane

Terrific post DP. My sister and I saw society heading off kilter when SEICUS came on the scene back in the late 60s, early 70s. It roller coasted from there. We fought the good fight as hard as we could, but God gives peeps free will.

Deplorable Patriot

Without giving away my age too much, I wasn’t aware of a lot of this until the 80s into the 90s. By then…I hesitate to talk about what my HS friends did back then.

Plain Jane

Gotcha. So grateful to Abba that our kids still attend Mass and the sacraments, and so do their spouses. Praying for the grandkiddies and their future spouses, plus the one who is already married. His wife is a firm believer. Praise God.
Still, He has His ways for children who aren’t yet there for Him. He is still grooming them for His own. Hey, I believe even Nancy has a great chance…He’s not done with her yet, so we must pray for her. Won’t it be a glorious day when Nan becomes pro-life!

Plain Jane

Night night all. Love You Deplorables. God bless you and yours and our VSGPDJT and his peeps.