Dear KMAG: 20200210 Open Topic

This Merry Warrior Monday Open Thread is VERY OPEN – a place for everybody to post whatever they feel they would like to tell the White Hats, and the rest of the MAGA/KMAG/KAG world (with KMAG being a bit of both).

Yes, it’s Monday…again.


But it’s okay! We’ll get through it.

Free Speech is practiced here at the Q Tree. But please keep it civil.
Discussion of Q is not only allowed but encouraged. Imagine that! We can talk about Q here and not get banned.

Please also consider the Important Guidelines, outlined here. Let’s not give the odious Internet Censors a reason to shut down this precious haven that Wolf has created for us.

With the Storm upon us…please remember to Pray for our President.


Wheatie’s Rules:

    1. No food fights.
    2. No running with scissors.
    3. If you bring snacks, bring enough for everyone.


For your listening enjoyment, I offer this composition from DTD Music, titled ‘Faith To Believe’:



Wheatie’s Word of the Day:


A ‘miasma’ is a noxious, toxic atmosphere or exhalation. It was thought that a poisonous ‘miasma’ would rise from swamps and putrid, decaying matter, that would cause disease.

‘Miasma’ comes from the ancient Greek word for “pollution”, a noxious form of “bad air”.

Used in a sentence:

The leftist Enemedia spews forth a miasma of nastiness, lies and false narratives.


Areas under Democrat control exude a miasma of despair and decay, from poverty, unemployment and machinery lying idle.



Keep an eye out for Monday Lisa. That sultry vixen likes to flirt with our Wolf and torment him with her feminine wiles.



And…we get a Rally tonight!


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Rodney Short

Hold on to your hats, I think this week is going to be the beginning of the end of the deep state…
I love the video of the cars drifting Wheatie, I think that’s the coolest thing ever.


comment image

Rodney Short

Night n God bless Marica, our power went off for a few minutes and I lost internet.
I will swing by in the mornin and see how y’all doin, MLAR


Love ya darlin Rodney and KIMI!!! (i gotta bring your mousie post here..It will make…Erbody……….Laugh!!!)

Rodney Short

Oh I would be honored Marica and I think everyone needs a good laugh.

Rodney Short

Very skilled drivers indeed Wheatie.
Night n God bless…


Rodney….Here is that post….that…Made me laugh so hard!!!! I hope the Q team…………….thinks it’s as funny.. as I did!!! ( love you guys)
For context…I cleaned out my pantry and found mouse poop!😱 Was totally appalled..Rodney’s answer..😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂
Rodney Short
February 6, 2020 at 11:26 pm Edit
I trap mine with a 5gallon bucket and a roller with peanut budder on it. If ya put a lil water in it they drown and ya just toss em but Kimi makes me haul em up the mountain and release em.
She found a mouse nest with 4 lol babies in it and the nest was in her undies drawer so what does she do? She gets a lil bittie box and makes em a home in her damn undies drawer, oh I was so pissed because I dont do rodents, if ya ever wanna kick my ass just throw a rodent on me and it’s over before it begins.
I been shot,stabbed and set on fire that dont bother me but I do not do rodents.

Rodney Short

Love ya Marica, you totally ROCK!!!!!!!


I love you to darlin!!! You.. add the special seasoning..that spices up my life!!!😘💖🐓🥂

Rodney Short

You can call me Mr Dash lol



SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Room 101 for you, Rodney!!! We still got some of Winston Smith’s rats here.

Rodney Short


Gail Combs

Rodney, I feed ’em to the boa constrictor or Black kingsnake …. 🐀 ==> 🐍

Rodney Short

I used to have a Burmese Python who ate rats and one day a rat got out of the box we were transporting them in, I literally jumped out of the truck at about 55 mph right thru the window into the bed of the truck.My baby brother got my snake that day because I had enough lol she is 12 feet long now and has her own room.

Gail Combs

Rodney, I was the one who handled and fed the boa in high school. She would spend the class wrapped around my arm with her head on my hand. The biology teacher was scared to death of snakes. 😁 So I got assigned care and feeding.

Rodney Short

Awesome story Gail your were the lucky one.
I love my snakes,sure do but the feeding was tough on me if I couldn’t just dump the rats out of a transport box I built. I sure do know now that them lil cardboard boxes at the pet stores dont work unless ya duct tape the lid shut.
Baby is now grown to the stage of eating feeder rabbits, I told my baby brother he was wasting good food but baby has to eat.
He is donating her to Lowery Park Zoo after she sheds again because she is to big for 2 people to handle and now he needs her room for his baby girls bedroom.


I been shot,stabbed and set on fire that dont bother me but I do not do rodents.—RODNEY SHORT


I completely agree with that sentiment. 🙂


Excellent LINDA!!! Hiya sista!!!😂😂😂


I CONCUR……NO MICKEYS, NO RICKYS!!!!! 🚫‼️❌🛑⚠️🧨 ☠️ 💩 ☄️🔥🥊🏴‍☠️🤬👿
Luv Ya, God Bless Mr. Rodney!💕

Rodney Short

MLAR Bflyjesusgrl and God bless you


Spoken like a true Qanon 🤣💖🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸


she made them a home in her undies drawer??????
WOW! I’m with you Rodney—I’d be burning the undies and the drawer–not designing them a new living space…lol
before our garage was completed, hubby had i had to park our vehicles outside–and we live deep in the woods. so he’s driving to work one morning, when a mouse runs out of his engine and across his windshield! he calmly turned on the wipers and made the mouse someone else’s problem…

Rodney Short

Amen Pat, I am always removing mice nest from our glove compartment, lucky for me there are never any mice in them cause I raise a ruckus every time I open the door on the glovebox.


hubby finds them in his air cleaner some times…
and we have tennis balls on the exhaust pipes of the 4 wheelers we keep in the shed.


That mouse never saw it coming. Wicked.


Or heard it. Owls have feathering on their feathers-fine loose strands at the edge as and tips to deaden the sound

Rodney Short

I want an owl now lol, we have alot of owls around our place and are totally overrun with wood rats and mice.

Gail Combs

That is WHY you have so many owls.
We have a red tail hawk as well as owls and of course my Black King Snakes. That new kitten, now 9 months is doing a good job of dealing with the mice, squirrel…..

Rodney Short

It seems the cold and rain just pushes the mice into where ever they can stay warm and dry and unfortunately our trailer is perfect because it is so delapataded. I usually catch 4-6 every week in my bucket then I haul em up the mountain to a clearing in Hope’s the hawks are watching.
I used to let em go out back till Kimi seen the hawks feeding on em lol I told her the hawks gotta eat to, that was the wrong answer I got hit pretty good for that one.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Well, let’s just say that I’ve got a palette of lithium batteries I’m about to dump on the Hillary Clinton New York Times dumpster fire.
Post will be going up shortly.
It may never be PROVEN, but if they’re gonna call us conspiracy theorists, I’ve got a NEW DOOZY for them to get all fussy about.


Can’t WAIT!!!!!
Wolfie…Kicking Ass Post!!!!! Yes Please!!!

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Gonna go POLISH IT right now!!! 😉




Hey??? Where’d ya get those???!!!!!!


Smiling……………From a really sweet Butterfly!!!…( or a “barfly”…LOL!!!) Ha!!!😂😂😂


😜🤪😂 🤗 😘


I wanna see that FIB Bulletin!!

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

I’m I’m right, they deserve Biblical at Sodom and Gomorrah levels.


Oh those wicked people, so INHOSPITABLE!!!

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

It’s been a long and tortured road from “rapin’ and killin’ travelers” to “inhospitable”. Only Soviet atheists could come up with that plan of attack.


The flood. Mass extinction

Cuppa Covfefe

In the village,
the evil village,
the Li-Ion burns tonight… 🙂

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

HA!!! Hilarious!!!

Rodney Short

Game on….


That reminds me of a latent desire…
… fly over a solar farm dropping a rain of DD batteries.


You got a plane and fly I’ll shovel them out the door

Gail Combs

How about adding a nice load of fresh pig and chicken manure and the second pass.


And cat shit. That stuff is special


Yes, Pleez!! 🥳


Yes, cool drifters and the dancing raccoon is becoming like an old friend…


Wheatie, have I mentioned lately how glad I was to immediately hear a friendly voice once flep had led me here?

Sylvia Avery

I felt like crying when I dropped in here and found YOU were here. My Wheatie. I knew all would be right with the world.
BTW we prayed for you (your back) tonight at Marica’s. Smuchas, sister. Feel better soon. Love you.


still not feeling better?
backs are really tricky and tough to mend sometimes!
take care!!!


All of hollywierd tonight is a foul pit of toxic my ass ma!


And the very same chuckleheads will view a mason jar full of urine in an art gallery and call it “art”, too.


It was the Christ in piss that was their nadir, I believe


Yeah. That one pretty much pissed me off to no end. Pun intended.


Would like to see them sho the courage o their convictions and do a mo in piss.


They wouldn’t dare. Bunch of effing cowards.


Yep. Pantywaisted nancy boys


Wonderful photos


What’s up with the dart on the front of that woman’s pink dress??? 😳


Is it? Pointed? Excess Bunched fabric on her upper right breast??? Hot mess.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Yeah – I did a bit of a cringe.


Deformed tit?

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

I’m going to fold on this hand! 😉

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

But, luckily, there is NO SUCH THING as a bad photo with VSG ‘n’ FLOTUS!!! 😉


You know she‘S gonna want to hide that picture. Or chop off everything below their necks. Let’s zoom in on The smiles!😉

Deplorable Patriot

She doesn’t have enough under it to fill it out.


That was my thought. Badly fitted. Wish women in DC would start to dress as classy as FLOTUS. So tired of the nonstop cleavage.

Deplorable Patriot

And to take in a dart is an easy fix. Our dry cleaner could do it.


It’s not a dart – it’s a band of fabric extending from the shoulder seam and gathered at the bodice.


I hope she kept the receipt .. 🤨🤚 …. pretty woman/weird dress … 😕❤️


I’m not an advocate of plunging cleavage revealing necklines or strapless dresses at dinner parties.


I’m with you .. GA/FL, you’ll be more comfortable and pretty dressed modestly like FLOTUS … if you know you have “it” you don’t have to flaunt it .. 😉🤚❤️


One socialite famously warned – strapless dresses make you look as naked as Eve peeking up over the centerpieces. Same as bare shoulders peeking above the pews in church – makes the girls look plum buck nekkid! (as country folks say in the South)


So true 🤨👍 .. how are these women comfortable dressed like that. It’s probably cold, you have the worry of exposure (boobs go rogue/😖) .. and lurid stares from men you don’t know, or want to know .. yuk .. 😣🤚

Sylvia Avery

Thanks for bringing these, Wheatie. Love them. Love Melania’s gown.


First Lady has had new tablecloths made with smooth shimmery silver-gold threads – very elegant – formal – understated.
She is using the GWB china that she has selected many times before. It’s likely her only choice for a basic setting, since the Clinton China is very bright almost school bus yellow and the Øbama china is teal/turquoise blue-green and doesn’t match many flowers or occasions. Have you ever seen a turquoise flower? Only white or yellow flowers would suit the Ø china.
It’s likely the Reagan and Eisenhower china is no longer used due to breakage.
It is traditional/customary, but not mandatory, for a 2nd term 1st Lady to select a new set of china, since it has to be replaced every 10 years or so.


Oh look.
The NYSlimes is lying. Again.


They printing, they lying

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

“Miasma” was believed by some to be how one caught the plague (the Great Mortality, the Bubonic Plague, the Black Death) back when it hit Europe for the first time in 800 years, in 1347-53.
Leftism has been almost as devastating.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

True for many diseases, but not the bubonic plague in particular; it was spread by fleas that in turn were carried by rats.
According to best estimates, fifty percent of Europe died of the plague.




Rodneys got instinctive loathing of rodents then


Compare the body counts.
The plague has nothing on leftism, and even if you don’t catch it you still gotta live with it for your ENTIRE life.
Of the two, I think I’d rather deal with the plague.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

In absolute terms, the plague was beaten by the Spanish Influenza (which was a short term phenomenon at least) also. But that was only 5 percent of the people living at the time.
In percentage terms, the plague wiped out 50 percent of Europe’s population, and it took well over a century to recover the numbers.
So, though I don’t disagree with you on absolute numbers, on percentages, the plague wins out.


The plague was limited to Europe and lasted but a short while.
Leftism infests the entire world with no end in sight.
Which brings up another thing…
Being stupid should hurt.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Oftentimes it does.
Unfortunately being a leftist doesn’t hurt nearly enough.
(And in actual fact, the plague hit Asia first, then spread to Europe; it didn’t get to the Americas because in Europe they weren’t known to exist yet and weren’t on trade routes.)
But honestly, comparing a disease to a political ideology is comparing apples to road apples anyway.


True, but I make it a point to never pass up an opportunity to insult leftists.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Seems like a good policy. 🙂


Hello boys! Elephant in the room. Islam has killed more than any other ideology ever.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Whether or not that’s actually true (communism did a LOT in the 20th century, whether or not it overcame Islam’s head start is another thing), Islam has certainly been doing it for longer than any other man-made phenomenon.


It was also believed to be what caused infections. No one could conceive of a critter smaller than you could see killing people.
Read about Semmelweis.


Best account ever assembled of those times is “A Distant Mirror: The Calamitous 14th Century” being a narrative history book by the American historian Barbara Tuchman.


California does have, by far, the greatest number of 2019nCoV coronavirus cases.


We need …. another border wall … 😳🤚


Rods from god could drop that cesspit into the ocean and open up new beachfront land.
Just saying


Oh my yes … hmmmmm there’s something to the old saying “Go west young man/woman” then .. 😃👍 … LOL

Deplorable Patriot

And…talk about a change in western civilization…once the plague was staved off, the people tended to build Churches in celebration of surviving. The Salute in Venice is one of them.


Was reading a book last evening by well-known British historian positing bubonic plague Might have been anthrax. He did not give the basis for this theory, which I had never seen anywhere before, but it got my attention.


They have identified the actual bacteria involved.
They people who survived had a variant in their immune system which gives some resistance to hiv.
Africa didn’t get the plague


You can’t spell “leftist” with the “hypocrite”.




Double Standards
Rules for thee but not for me
Two sets of laws
The very definition of “privilege”


Yep. You know how much of a bubble they live in when Gwyneth Paltrow is flogging candles scented like her vagina! Ffs who wants the housE to smell like 3 day old fish.?


The combination of hubris and sickness to do such a thing is really quite remarkable on its own.

Gail Combs

From Larry Ledwick

San Francisco officials are meeting with Chinese community
Jessie Liang
4 minutes ago
#SanFrancisco Dept. of #Emergency Management and Dept. of #PublicHealth meet with #Chinese #community leaders in a close-door meeting about the impact of the novel #coronavirus. #2019nCoV #中文 #Video @SF_emergency @SF_DPH

This is from a few days ago:comment image


Told y’all it was a Petri dish!!
News Alert:
Coronavirus infects 60 more passengers on Diamond Princess, bringing total to 130

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy



Oh, no, they’re so screwed…..
If you’re on a ship with 4000 other people and ten have a disease, you have a chance. If people are wary and it gets to 20, your odds are shortening but still ok. 130 people……we have a problem.
If they had infinite resources, their best bet now would be to quarantine them in lots of about 100 someplace REALLY isolated. If they had 40 100-person habitats in Antarctica, that would be about right. It might save about 50% from getting the disease. But they don’t have ’em.
Pretty much everyone on that ship will get it, and about 5% — or 200 people — are likely to die.


Voyage of the damned

Gail Combs

Did they ,too, have a Chinese passenger travel between two ports?

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Hope we had some patriot ears in those meetings. I can just hear those California communists promising these people to help bring their “relatives” (COUGH, CHICOM SPIES) here – past the travel restrictions, as cover for bringing the disease here.

Deplorable Patriot

A report on the morning news claims that the virus can live up to nine days on surfaces.
Has anyone else seen that?

Gail Combs

About different viruses

Temperature and humidity may effect virus survival on surfaces
….Two surrogate animal coronaviruses, transmissible gastroenteritis virus (TGEV) and mouse hepatitis virus (MHV), were studied at various temperature and humidity levels to determine their survival rate on stainless steel. Inactivation of the virus occurred most rapidly at extremely hot temperatures and high humidity levels. When exposed to temperature and humidity levels more typical of indoor environments, the viruses could persist on surfaces for up to 28 days.
[Given this long survival times at common room temperatures and humidity levels periodic wiping of key surfaces would greatly limit this risk (I.e. wiping door knobs, stair rails, elevator touch buttons, push plates and grab bars on doors etc. – Larry L.]
“When high numbers of viruses are deposited, TGEV and MHV may survive for days on surfaces at air temperatures and relative humidity typical of indoor environments…

Regular dish detergent just spreads the viruses around. You need BLEACH or ALCOHOL to disinfect a surface.

CoronaVirus will die in 56’C (133 deg) environment for 30mins.
Utensils should be regularly sterilised /disinfected or boiled in 100’C water to totally eliminate all viruses.
Normal cooking temperatures will kill the virus
New coronavirus is easily eradicated by medical grade alcohol.
– 75% alcohol or chlorine disinfectant can effectively eliminate the coronavirus….


So lots of alcohol.
Hmm. That could work
Australia will survive


Question: The Beatles or the Rolling Stones?


Depends on the song and who’s the most pro trump


The answer is Led Zeppelin, of course.
But it was a valiant effort.


Darn so close LOL do I get a participation trophy? ;). Hey at least I didn’t say cher! 😉


Wheatie’s Rules say “No running with scissors.” Well I’m feeling bold this week “grabs two pairs of scissors and runs” 😀

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Well, I won’t be shooting at the nuclear warheads. (Even though that’s not a rule any more,)


It is on DePat’s board! 🤫


Personally, I never understood that rule. You could blast a nuclear warhead with a 155 mm cannon and not set it off.
Jus’ sayin’

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

True, you won’t set it off (unless it’s a very crappy design, which ours aren’t)…but you might FUBAR it, so it won’t work any more. Depending on the warhead, you might even manage to scatter fissile material all over the place, which is not conducive to health.
Obviously some warheads were designed as artillery shells, i.e., to be shot out of those cannons, but even those you’d not want to hit from a direction other than where the propellant goes off.


You could compromise the kaboom into a “floof” and scatter half-reacted radiation products all over the landscape — which would be a whole lot of no-fun.


Wow, that is an amazing thread. . .
The whole thing really is a must read . . . so many gems there

Tweet reads:
People misunderstand the strategy.
The Green Neal Deal and the New Way Forward Act–the latter abolishes all US immigration laws–were not meant to pass in Congress.
The Democratic president will order them implemented.

^ There you have it.


It’s a quote from the movie Broken Arrow.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Yeah, I know the whole story! But when I saw the comment I couldn’t resist.
But they actually do have a sense of humor. They’ll find it hilarious as they roast us for a joke we made.


We all getting a little heady and living dangerously


Pointy ends down, please.


Cut that out! 😂


Pres. Trump wants to move the Secret Service from DHS back to the Treasury Department. A plan for investigating money laundering and the like?
From the article:
“This transfer will improve the Secret Service’s ability to carry out its integrated, dual mission of protection and investigations,” deputy press secretary Judd Deere said in a statement. “It provides Treasury with a well-established enforcement capability to better protect the nation’s financial infrastructure and payment systems. The move is supported by the current and most recent Secret Service Directors as well as former Presidents of both parties, and we look forward to its introduction and eventual passage.”
The transition would require congressional action.
The Secret Service was a part of the Treasury until 2003, where it had been for more than a century.
As part of the Homeland Security Act, following the Sept. 11 terror attacks, it was moved to the Department of Homeland Security.

Deplorable Patriot

Beginning of the end of the Department of Homeland Security?

Sadie Slays

comment image


I think his background will condemn him with most voters…Marxist daddy and all.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Just saw this:
Buttigieg was born in South Bend, Indiana, the only child of Joseph Buttigieg and Jennifer Anne (Montgomery) Buttigieg
His father, who was from Hamrun, Malta, studied to be a Jesuit priest before emigrating to the United States and embarking on a secular career as a professor of literature at the University of Notre Dame in South Bend, Indiana.
His father was a professor at Notre Dame for 29 years.

The part about studying to be a Jesuit – OH SO DIAPER.

Deplorable Patriot

And the Jesuits have been tenacious about holding onto their followers as the years go on. There are now two levels of retreats – one for teens, and one for adults – that enforce some of the narcissism that is antithetical to Catholic teaching on humility. They’re very popular among the set that were educated by them in the first place.
I refuse to participate.


As a 7-yr college and grad product of Jesuit education, whose oldest cousin is a Jesuit, don’t count me among the post-education fans. Jebbies are glommers, hangers-on, lurkers, sewers of dissent and conspirators. Remember Robert Drinan? (His brother was my high school principle.) Drinan was an amiable communist who was a self-aggrandizer who was enormously popular for cocktail parties in the Swamp Set. They love to dress in non-clerical garb and “blend in”. While they are the best educated and erudite of the Catholic clergy, they do no answer to Rome – the only order that does not – a relish their self-appointed role as iconoclasts. Not a lot of humility running in that crowd.

Deplorable Patriot

I beg your pardon, but the Society of Jesus is the only order that does not answer to the local bishop. We ran into a problem with Saint Louis University’s Medical School when the very oily Rev. Lawrence J. Biondo, S.J., (the man was a disgrace and not worthy of the collar) wanted to sell the hospital that is part of it. Our archbishop at the time had no power to stop it, and appealed to Rome or the pope (John Paul II) to get it stopped only to be overruled.
There are some provinces that are getting vocations and producing traditional Jesuits, but certainly not all. Just like the other orders.
Now, if we could just get everybody to read Pope Leo XIII’s papal encyclicals, life might improve as Catholics who actually know the Faith.


Your pardon is granted. The local bishop was subsumed along with the Pope. I had forgotten about the Jesuit stronghold in St. Louis. I think oily and Jesuit in the same sentence is redundant.

Deplorable Patriot

The first time I was in the man’s presence backstage at Powell Symphony Hall he was with one of the really wealthy benefactoresses in town…I knew then. And then I was in a board meeting and he was there. He was definitely the most disrespectful person in the room.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

AH – now THAT is interesting! Your connection of something in their methodology back to a SPECIFIC deadly sin is extremely helpful. A KEY to unlocking more of their political shenanigans. Thank you!!!

Deplorable Patriot

Strictly speaking, in the history of the order, this is a recent development. Like, in the last 50-60 years out of 500.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

If you find yourself looking for a fun project, educating us on the Jesuits – historical, recent and current – would be EXTREMELY helpful.

Deplorable Patriot

That might take a while to put together. The history is…detailed. Done correctly, it is also the most rigorous formation process of all orders – and one that doesn’t have a female counterpart (convent).
I’ll think about it.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Thanks! Not looking to dump on your plate, or even soon. But watching Buttigieg advance, and remembering stealth prog Danny O’Connor in OH-12 shenanigans, I suspect we’re gonna see more and more action in that corner of the stage!!! Any insight you have into their methodologies WILL be HUGE for the election.


Same time line as the infiltration of western education etc

Deplorable Patriot

To an extent, yes.


Goes hand in hand.

Cuppa Covfefe

And there’s a Moonbeam in that diaper, too. From Wackypedia:

[Jerry] Brown was a member of the California Cadet Corps at St. Ignatius High School, where he graduated in 1955. In 1955, Brown entered Santa Clara University for a year and left to attend Sacred Heart Novitiate, a Jesuit novice house in Los Gatos, intent on becoming a Catholic priest.
Brown resided at the novitiate from August 1956 to January 1960 before enrolling at the University of California, Berkeley, where he graduated with a Bachelor of Arts in Classics in 1961. With his tuition paid for by the Louis Lurie Foundation, including a $675 scholarship in 1963, Brown went on to Yale Law School and graduated with a Bachelor of Laws in 1964. After law school, Brown worked as a law clerk for California Supreme Court Justice Mathew Tobriner.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Nice. VERY helpful.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

I suspect this is gonna be like fireworks – building to a crescendo.
And then….. THEN…. it goes BIBLICAL.


President Trump has formally nominated Judy Shelton, a gold standard advocate, to the Federal Reserve Board.
About Judy Shelton, she clearly understands the role the Fed plays in creating inflation and is even advocating the End of the Fed!!!!

Sylvia Avery

Interesting, thanks for bringing it.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

I’m very psyched by this. Government TAKING BACK the monetary system from unaccountable lying globocrats is a great thing.

Sylvia Avery

Kinda of long, but an interesting piece from lefty Matt Taibbi at Rolling Stone. Basically, the Dims are forked and Matt has the sadz, but it is some delicious reading (if you like schadenfreude). I personally thoroughly enjoyed reading all about it.

Gail Combs

Matt is one of the more sane leftys. Some of his articles, esp on the FED are good.


On Coronaviruscomment image
rom the same time, using the same scale – notice that the emissions are heightened across the board. Only other city that comes near to it is Chongquing, which is also afflicted by the #coronavirus.
— INTELWAVE (@inteldotwav) February 8, 2020
Current SO₂ levels are extremely elevated, at 1700ug/m^3, where 80ug/m^3 is considered dangerously high.
— INTELWAVE (@inteldotwav) February 8, 2020

Sylvia Avery

Life Liberty and Levin was excellent Sunday night. Very interesting. Post mortem on impeachment with a Con Law Professor. He talked at the end about the Electoral College and how important it was as a bulwark against voter fraud.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

That’s a really good point about fraud prevention. WOW. I tell you, the founders solved problems they could barely have forseen.


When the difference between the US popular vote was 1.5M votes
And the difference between the NYC popular vote was 2.0M votes


Good night all.
We’ve had drought, massive bushfires and now we got floods.
I really fucking hope that god used up all his current stocks in locusts in africa



Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy


Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

I was looking for “alternative” pictures of Monday Lisa, and found a song called “Monday Mona Lisa Club” by a Japanese disco pop band called Pink Lady – and just kinda said – you know what – I’ll stick with the original! 😉
But just in case people don’t believe me – here they are doing a revival version years later!

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

It’s not like we didn’t all learn to use chopsticks! 😀
The world is getting very interesting. And it’s TRYING – very hard – to squeeze out the errors.


Or starve trying

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Great news on the DECLINE AND FALL OF LAWFARE front:

MSNBC Fake News ‘Law Analyst’ and Phony Russia Dossier Fluffer Benjamin Wittes Goes on Insane Twitter Rant Comparing Trump Going After Deep State Corruption to Nazis Going After Jews
“The Walls Are Closing In”


I do not believe Bejamin Wittes went on an “insane” Twitter rant.
He’s too smart with his messaging and Lawfare to do this.
This is Lawfare pushing the Overton Window.
What is he pushing it toward?
He wants people to see Trump’s fight for his life not as the survival of the Republic, but as a fascist program of persecution of political enemies by any means necessary.
This isn’t mere psychological projection. It is the apex of Alinsky tactics in lawfare and public relations:
Accuse others of doing what you are doing.
Propaganda at its finest.
Many on the left will believe it.
Does it sound ridiculous? Yes, badly done propaganda is laughable because it has no credibility! Just like Baghdad Bob.
But who isn’t laughing?

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Excellent insight! I was thinking of doing a post on this – so the idea that it’s very cunning and intentional – AUBERGINE’S RAZOR – oh, this makes sense!


This is my favorite kitty video – cats leaping.

Reminds me of PDJT jumping over Democrat and media obstruction, lies, hoaxes and smears!!!



Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Impeachment has to be the biggest “let’s get Trump” backfire yet!


Verse of the Day

“That if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and shalt believe in thine heart that God hath raised him from the dead, thou shalt be saved.”
Romans 10:9 (KJV)


comment image


Thank You, Jesus, for blessings received and prayers answered!


Monday Blessingcomment image


Jesus Loves Babies…Pray for the Unborncomment image
Jesus Loves the Little Children – Pray for the Little Childrencomment image
Jesus Loves You – Come to Himcomment image


Morning Duchess!
Hope you have a Blessed Day!


You, too, Pat! Hope all is well! Hugs!!!


thanks for the hugs needed them this morning…watched hubby slide down the driveway–to quote Danny Glover…I’m getting too old for this shit…


Pray him down the driveway – Send Angels to guide and protect the car – I pray for Comfort Angels for you – in the name of Jesus – I pray – Amen


thank you dear…I do pray him down the driveway…thinking it might be time to move tho…


Hmmm…pray God finds you a safer place and peace of mind.


sigh…rodents, viruses, nuclear warheads, Democrats! please enjoy these…comment imagecomment imagecomment imagecomment image


yeah I needed a pick-me-up after the previous topics…LOL



Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

I just noticed that the Breitbart homepage has a news category called “Climate Crazies”.


Do not think for one minute they are believers – the Global Warming/Climate Change is just a big world tax, wealth redistribution, dollar and gold grab by the leftists.
Most of the money going into the corruptocrat$ pocket$.


Did Nancy Pelosi get a makeover? She looks so healthy and young now.

Deplorable Patriot

I’d love to have the name of her plastic surgeon.


I think it was the one who died. When they put the wrong fuel in his plane. You know, Epsteins plastic surgeon



Morning folks!!
Wheatie, love the drifting cars in the main thread!
Working on a new Coronavirus thead, thank you Gail, and working on the NH Rally thread.
Everyone rested up after last week?
You guys think it will slow down a little this week?


NO WAY is PDJT slowing down! He’s going to keep going Wolfm00n Roller Coaster Speed™
Put it this way – tonight our Lion is promising to ‘shake up the Dems a little bit’ – HEH!!!

Bet DJT and Stephen Miller have come up with some DOOZIES that will drive the leftists and their media wild.


i think we are just seeing the Lion reminding everyone who he is…


yup i agree…POTUS lets them nip his ears, his toes…maybe eat a little of his food…but then…when he’s had enough…he just rips and tears everything and everyone in his path–and reminds them…

Deplorable Patriot

Slow down, no.
Actually penetrate the MSM spin machine vortex? No.




Pope Pachamama is a politician – not a preacher!!!


Am in line – number 5!!!


have a ball!!!!
stay safe and alert—but say HI to POTUS for us…LOL



Good Job MAK!!! 👏👏👏


It is soooo cold… ice cold rain …. so I’m not posting much right now. But it is a good energy here!


Please stay warm and dry! From DAVOS to NH, you’re AMAZING!! 🤗🤸‍♀️🤗


I’m trying!!!! Someone ship some sunshine!




Cuddle. Even if it’s a stranger


Lol Ozzy!


Don’t you go to make friends. At least you know they maga


Very cool! Enjoy! Tell us all about it! 🙂


Thanks Kea! The rain has stopped now and they are screening all of the usher volunteers…. no guarantees I can get a central podium spot but I’m going to try!!!




wow…know what’s in those $225K GIFT BAGS that the Oscar nominees get? trips and services among other things–that USE CARBON FUELS!! LOL freaking bunch of hypocrites–luxury cruises, getaways in Mexico, Canary Islands, Spain…and “skin care–aka plastic surgery et al”–in NY–and they ain’t taking the bus to NY from Hollyweird…
don’t lecture me on how I should live ya freaks!!!


Pat, maybe we should start referring to these Hollywood elitists as “Freaks” – they really are. They’re deliberately out of touch with mainstream America, and if it wasn’t for their being able to some whatever they’re accepting for acting these days – they’d be out on the street.
Many of them are hasbeens now, but are propped up by their bubble friends.


I know normal people who are ecstatic when they win $50 on a lottery ticket…these freaks get $225,000 gift bags for PARTICIPATING…and that’s ON TOP of their off the chart salaries…
why don’t these celebrities INSIST that the cash equivalent of those unnecessary gift bags go to some actual cause that will HELP people? oh that’s right, cuz they’ll just funnel it back to themselves in some other fraudulent charity scheme…smh


Another way to launder money…



I wanna see side by side comparison.
POTUS’ vs Dem rally w/empty seats and black curtains. Did anybody notice the “tables” on the floor? 1 table w/6 people = 12-15 MAGA peeps standing and cheering


Miss Wheatie – LOVE your banner photo – it perfectly captures our President’s relationship with his supporters! He is with us – all of us!
As he has said over and over:
“I will be your champion!
I will be your voice!
I will fight for you!
I will win for you!
I will not let you down!
I will never lie to you!
I will be the best jobs President that God ever made!
Together, we will make America strong again,
We will make America wealthy again
We will make America proud again
We will make America safe again
And we will make America great again,
Greater than ever before!”
“I can keep moving, stay the course, because I can sense the Power of the Almighty, the presence of the prayers and the support of the people like a powerful wind propelling me forward . . . ”- President Donald J Trump


From me and surely Sweet Duchess,
AMEN goes right there GF!!! 🥰


Silly Valentine’s riddles
Q: What do squirrels give for Valentine’s Day?
A: Forget-me-nuts.
Q: What did the valentine card say to the stamp?
A: Stick with me and we’ll go places!
Q: What did the light bulb say to the switch?
A: You turn me on.
Q: Did Adam and Eve ever have a date?
A: No, but they had an Apple.
Q: What did the boy octopus say to the girl octopus?
A: Can I hold your hand, hand, hand, hand, hand, hand, hand, hand, hand, hand? Valentine Joke
Q: What did one snake say to the other snake?
A: Give me a little hug and a hiss, honey.
Knock, Knock,
Who’s there?
Olive who?
Olive you!
Q: Why did the banana go out with the prune?
A: Because it couldn’t get a date.
Q: What is a ram’s favourite song on February 14th?
A: I only have eyes for ewe, dear
Q: What travels around the world but stays in one corner?
A: A stamp.
Q: What happens when you fall in love with a French chef?
A: You get buttered up.
Q: What is a vampire’s sweetheart called?
A: His ghoul-friend.
Q: If your aunt ran off to get married, what would you call her?
A: Antelope.


“What do you write in a slug’s Valentine’s Day card?” “Be my Valen-slime!”
“What did the paper clip say to the magnet?” “I find you very attractive.”
“What did the stamp say to the envelope on Valentine’s Day?” “I’m stuck on you!”
“Why didn’t the skeleton want to send any Valentine’s Day cards?” “His heart wasn’t in it.”
“Why did the sheriff lock up their valentine?” “She stole their heart.”
“What do you call two birds in love?” “Tweethearts!”
“How can you tell when a squirrel is in love?” “It goes nuts!”
“I thought I won the argument with my wife as to how to arrange the dining room furniture. But when I got home the tables were turned.”
“I once fell in love with someone who only knew 4 vowels. They didn’t know I existed.”
“What did the calculator say to the pencil?” “You can count on me.”
“How did the telephone propose to his girlfriend?” “He gave her a ring!”
“What did one oar tell the other oar?” “This is so row-mantic!”
“What did the light bulb say to the other light bulb?” “You light my world up.”
“How can you get arrested on Valentine’s Day?” “For stealing someone’s heart.”


“What did one watermelon say to the other?” “You’re one in a melon!”
“What do you call a very small Valentine?” “A valen-tiny.”
“What did the ghost say to his valentine?” “You look so BOOtiful.”
“If he doesn’t appreciate your fruit jokes, you need to let that mango.”
“What do farmers give for Valentine’s Day?” “Lots of hogs and kisses.”
“What do you call a Valentine’s Day gift that didn’t arrive time?” “Choco-late.”
“What did one bee say to the other?” “I love bee-ing with you, honey!”
“What did one volcano say to the other?” “I lava you.”
“What did one blueberry say to the other on Valentine’s Day?” “I love you berry much.”
“What did one cat say to the other cat on Valentine’s Day?” “You’re purr-fect for me.”
“What did one sheep say to the other on February 14?” “I love ewe.”
“How much candy do you hope to get this Valentine’s Day?” “A choco-LOT!”
“What did one flame say to another on Valentine’s Day?” “We’re a perfect match.”
“How did the whale ask the other whale on a Valentine’s date?” “Whale you be mine?”
“What do you call a ghost’s sweetheart?” “A ghoul-friend.”

Deplorable Patriot

Oh my. Must add walking among the Sequias to my bucket list.


This is just for fun, it’s six minutes 😖 … watch want you want then bail out of it .. 😜🤚❤️🇺🇸‼️‼️ ..


.. 🤭😑🤚
.. 🤫 ..




Oscars Go Full Lib Loon….Pastor Marty ! 😀

latest !
( I purposely avoided the Oscars…could not would not stomach it.)


Hollywood <3 Hollyweird
the gift of lovecomment image




Not CA…..


CA IS special. And, did I read gruesome was in China recently?
Until the folks toss the Dems, NOTHING will get better.
UNLESS President Trump intervenes AND “rallies” the folks. Which I do expect the latter for CA, NY, VA…


Not sure about gruesome. He was on tv today though with whoopi.



Imagine POTUS walking into a diner… yes, even in California, I bet there’d be happy excitement. Elizabeth Warren in New Hampshire? Not so much.
Stopping by a local diner in Manchester NH Senator Elizabeth Warren gets ignored -people looking the other way ..take the hint Liz ..😆


Liawatha, self absorbed politician. Waves, for the cameras…no one was waving at her.
Hope I am one of those venues some day. Would gladly unload on them with the truth.
AND, that dumb ass Bite Me, when he said, ”No, you haven’t.. you’re a lying dog-faced pony soldier”.
^^^ OH MY. I’d have quickly unloaded a “FUCK YOU ASSHOLE” straight at Bite Me. That would have reset the tone and perspective for Bite Me, as he acts holier than thou. BUT, I do realize, the young lady was somewhere in the polite world and a young lady. I am glad you asked her question. Wonder who she is voting for.
Hope Bite Me comes to northern Nevada. I’ll make it a point to greet him.


trying hard to be relevant ….comment image


trying even harder….comment image
desperately seeking Something…
Art imitates Life : The Joker


Nancy hasn’t really changed her look in 54 years…she needs a new stylist…


DON’T MESS WITH MEcomment image


damn that really shows her toxicity!!!


Madame Miasma!!




comment imagecomment imagecomment imagecomment image


comment imagecomment imagecomment imagecomment image


comment image


“….should Aquitted….”
great memes !


there are some good ones in here…


AND you can learn another language at the same time…LOL



Eventually, Lisa is going to need mental health assistance when the walls close in on her.
“Last we looked at legal statutes, “rebuking” this president by foul means = sedition & treason – felonies. Don’t like him? Vote. Everything else you did is known as conspiracy, illegal spying on
@realDonaldTrump. Add in interfering in a Federal Election – a felony.”


Page is following the Lawfare Public Relations Strategy of Benjamin Wittes.
Assert your honor and duty over a great evil that necessitated extreme measures.
And hope it works.
I wouldn’t be surprised if she was taking direct tips from him on what content to tweet.
In fact, I WOULD be surprised if she were tweeting these comments entirely on her own.
Most people in trouble are smart enough to keep their big mouths quiet.


The Reckoning 💥
Bu muh Russia tho!
Jake Gibson
· 33m
Indictment alleges four members of China’s Peoples Liberation Army engaged in a three month to long campaign to steal sensitive personal information of nearly 150 million Americans. AG Barr announcement shortly.
The Reckoning 💥
Not that the Chinese would ever interfere in an election or anything.
Ben Pershing
· 43m
Four Members of China’s Military Indicted For Massive Equifax Breach

The Reckoning 💥 Retweeted
Karli Q ⭐️⭐️⭐️ – Text TRUMP to 88022
Well well well China Hack not Russia! #TheMoreYouKnow #QAnon
followed by embedded video

Deplorable Patriot

And this BOOM CANNOT be laid at Trump’s feet since it happened under Obama.
The question is what happened to all that data? Did China sell it? And to who or what entity?
Not one of the booms I was expecting, but welcome all the same.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

And this BOOM CANNOT be laid at Trump’s feet since it happened under Obama.

I think you underestimate their creativity.
Someone, somewhere, is hard at work trying to figure out how to blame Trump for the Thirty Years War.

Deplorable Patriot

I know they’re creative, but seriously, um, the breach happened long before VSGPDJT even won a primary. There’s no way he’s culpable in this one.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

You’re applying logic.

Deplorable Patriot

And thinking just hurts the ballclub?

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Well, the point is “they” don’t use it or even recognize it.
(You’ve no doubt had the experience of arguing with someone who simply refused to see a logical point.)

Deplorable Patriot

Oh, you’ve met most of my family, huh? Just try to explain the concept of jet fuel not being hot enough to melt steel to some of them.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Well… it only had to soften the steel.


Looks like Cotton Candy


* Smile *


The Reckoning 💥
Looks like he actually gonna…
Catherine Herridge
· 30m
SCOOP: @LindseyGrahamSC tells CBS News that he plans to deliver his FISA witness list to DOJ as early as this week. Graham says he is moving “methodically” adding he hopes to begin private depositions, and public hearings end of the month, early March #FISA #Durham


RALLY THREAD ??????????????

Zoe – text of tweet
🇺🇸🇺🇸 Miguelifornia 🇺🇸🇺🇸
The SNHU Arena in Manchester holds 12,000
Saturday Night the dems held a rally in this building. ALL 8 Candidates spoke and they couldn’t fill the building
look at the curtains hiding the top row🤣

Gail Combs

Better image. You can blow it up
and see all the empty seats in the upper areas.
At BEST it is 1/2 filled. They could have easily put everyone in the area that was photographed and the areas to the sides and behind are empty.comment image


Alrightie… a few of us (Giloo) were discussing this late last night… only 50 positions under Dubya, ballooned to 200 under zero…
Zoe – text in tweet –
Lisa Mei Crowley
Officials confirmed that Trump and national security adviser Robert O’Brien have cut 70 positions inherited from former President Barack Obama, who had fattened the staff to 200.
Bigger than Vindman: Trump scrubs 70 Obama holdovers from NSC

Deplorable Patriot

I’d love to see this be a trend to pre-9/11 government levels. DHS was an immediate post-9/11 creature along with the Patriot Act that gave us the FISA court.
Just something that’s been on the edge of my mind this morning as the stories are coming out about RIFs, and re-alignment of the Secret Service, etc.


I’ll second that motion DP…
And I’ll add: perhaps because of my age and being alive, though a child, during WWII, I despise the term “homeland”…


“Vaterland” is even worse.




Mick Mulvaney, Federal Government Reorganization Plan


Lisa Mei Crowley
One of them WAS the whistleblower. WH visitor logs show this.
The War Room
· 39m
Scoop from Mayor @RudyGiuliani: Three Ukrainian witnesses will say they were at NSC in 2016, and two @JoeBiden reps asked them to “dig up dirt” on @realDonaldTrump campaign.
One of them may be the whistleblower.
Listen & watch ⬇️


from the this-makes-my-blood-boil file: IRS issuing ITIN’s to illegal aliens –sometimes THOUSANDS to one address–allowing fraudulent refunds…in the MILLIONS!
The Internal Revenue Service sent 23,994 tax refunds worth a combined $46,378,040 to “unauthorized” alien workers who all used the same address in Atlanta, Ga., in 2011, according to the Treasury Inspector General for Tax Administration (TIGTA).
That was not the only Atlanta address theoretically used by thousands of “unauthorized” alien workers receiving millions in federal tax refunds in 2011. In fact, according to a TIGTA audit report published last year, four of the top ten addresses to which the IRS sent thousands of tax refunds to “unauthorized” aliens were in Atlanta.
The IRS sent 11,284 refunds worth a combined $2,164,976 to unauthorized alien workers at a second Atlanta address; 3,608 worth $2,691,448 to a third; and 2,386 worth $1,232,943 to a fourth.
Other locations on the IG’s Top Ten list for singular addresses that were theoretically used simultaneously by thousands of unauthorized alien workers, included an address in Oxnard, Calif, where the IRS sent 2,507 refunds worth $10,395,874; an address in Raleigh, North Carolina, where the IRS sent 2,408 refunds worth $7,284,212; an address in Phoenix, Ariz., where the IRS sent 2,047 refunds worth $5,558,608; an address in Palm Beach Gardens, Fla., where the IRS sent 1,972 refunds worth $2,256,302; an address in San Jose, Calif., where the IRS sent 1,942 refunds worth $5,091,027; and an address in Arvin, Calif., where the IRS sent 1,846 refunds worth $3,298,877.

Deplorable Patriot

I know I’ve seen references to this before. Like 3-4 years ago, and nothing has changed?


dunno…they don’t do these studies currently…this shows the rampant abuse from 2011…

Deplorable Patriot

Ahh. Maybe that was it. I know I’ve seen references to this before.


I think Dems register voters this way too


Lisa has a THREAD – click time stamp
Zoe – here’s text in the thread
Lisa Mei Crowley
Joe diGenova just said on @WMALDC that they have figured out who the Anonymous author of the op-ed trashing POTUS is and that person, who is said to be a senior WH official, will be removed soon.
Lisa Mei Crowley
This is the op-ed Joe diGenova was talking about. He told Vince & Mary on @WMALDC they know who wrote it & that person will be removed.
Opinion | I Am Part of the Resistance Inside the Trump Administration
I work for the president but like-minded colleagues and I have vowed to thwart parts of his agenda and his worst inclinations.
Lisa Mei Crowley
“The White House has identified and will soon part ways with the “anonymous” official behind a recently released book and a “resistance” focused editorial published in the New York Times, former U.S. attorney Joe diGenova claimed Monday morning.”
Report: White House Has Identified And Will Cut Ties With ‘Anonymous’ Resistance Official Who Wrote…
Joe DiGenova claimed the White House has identified the “anonymous” official behind the “resistance” focused editorial published in the New York Times.
Lisa Mei Crowley
Replying to
Here’s the clip from this morning’s show where diGenova talks about the impending removal of the anonymous senior WH insider. Thanks, AKA_RealDirty !
Josh Cremeans “DirtyTruth”
· 1h
Joe DiGenova says senior White House official told him they have identified the anonymous writer of the New York Times article. The person will be removed from the White House pretty quickly.
Show this thread
10:10 AM · Feb 10, 2020·Twitter Web App


What do you want to bet it’s gonna be Eric Cherrypillow? 🤔😉


can’t wait !


I’m gunna need MORA POPCORN!!!comment image


i hate to believe that this happens, bur apparently it does…some asshat made a porn video at a gas station WHILE IT WAS OPEN and in front of the owner of the station who watched behind bullet proof glass…while another gas station employee FILMED IT. and he makes tons of money doing this–can’t they arrest him for anything???
MILWAUKEE — A Milwaukee gas station is fighting to keep its business license after an amateur porn star recorded a sex video in the snack aisle. A FOX6 investigation finds the man who shot – and participated in – the video makes money by making sex videos in public places all over the Milwaukee area.
For decades, there’s been a gas station at the corner of 35th Street and Townsend in Milwaukee’s Roosevelt Grove neighborhood. If Milwaukee alderman Khalif Rainey gets his way, it won’t be there for long.
“Under my watch, I won’t allow it,” the District 7 Alderman told FOX6 Investigator Bryan Polcyn.
In July 2018, a convicted felon turned the gas station into a porn set while the business was open.
“He had nothin’ on but a bathrobe!” said Clifton Daly, who lives behind the store.

Cuppa Covfefe

“Khalif Rainey”…
Next up, Sharia Law…



If you want the GOP to take back the House in 2020, these are the house races you should be funding. 👇👇👇 You can do it through the app winred. The Dems only won the house by about 100k votes in 18 districts out of 113+ million votes. It’s very doable to flip these seats. 👇👇
· Mar 26, 2019
4. These are the 14 closest races from 2018 that I could find. (CA21, CA39, ME2, IA3, SC1, OK5, FL26, GA6, NJ3, NM2, NY22, UT4, VA2, VA7)
5. The biggest spread was IA3 with 7709 votes and the smallest was UT4 with 694.
Show this thread
11:22 AM · Feb 10, 2020·
tweets 4 & 5 above are from THREAD of Mar 2019 – remove the *

NOTE: there are 20 tweets in above THREAD… I don’t have a twitter acc’t, so can’t do a reader thread… PLEASE someone who tweets, add a ThreadReader url so that Zoe can read …

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Wrongly separated as SPAM by Akismet – please contact Akismet at, choose the 4th item, and report these URLs for the post:


will do


“RIGHT TO TRY” Thank-you, POTUS! Experimental drug Remdesivir works on Corona virus in Washington State!
Posted links about Remdesivir in latest Coronavirus thread.


What you bet US has already given this info to China, and they are refusing to use the medication, as they continue to “disappear people” and attempt to affect the stock market…?


We need to start manufacturing our own drugs!!!!


First you have to cut the Cabal strings on Big Pharma, and can’t do that until you cut Cabal strings on ……….. etc., etc.


“Obama recalled ALL politically appointed ambassadors as soon as he took office. Remember that, liberals? No? Didn’t care until Trump does it?” —Liz Wheeler


lolcomment image

Deplorable Patriot

I’m sure Trump left a number of them in place just to see where the rat lines led.

Steve in Lewes

Hey, did anyone notice that SD had a thread the other day (feb 7) highlighting JoeM’s video “The best is yet to come”?
Doesn’t SD, the self proclaimed anti-Q dude and mock the “Trusty Plan folks, know that JoeM is a Q follower whose twitter is @StormIsUponUs.
Makes one go hmmmmm! Suspicious cat is lurking about!


Haven’t been back since the Barr Bash a few weeks ago. Don’t remember if I shared here, but a few months ago I did some recon and found that 3 of his admins follow some type of Q account on Twatter. Yeah how bout that, those same people that stalked us here and banned us there, are most certainly reading Q!!!


Nice butterfly!

Steve in Lewes

Well he hasn’t stopped the Barr Bash and his many NP’s nod right along.
Didn’t know about his admins, but that makes me wonder whether SD/admins
are using Q for leads to research then taking credit. Instead of FakeNews
it’s a Fake Q.


Luv my Miss Wheatie!! 💖 Your so smart, you always see the angles. 🤗😘🤗




“391 people are talking about this” . . . no, 391 people are laughing about this!


Precious baby laughter!!❤


((( PR ))) !





Cuppa Covfefe

I hate to say this, because that’s a very funny video, but “twomomsandababy”?
For that wonderful child’s sake, I pray that there’s only ONE Mom…
(and I’m not talking about Mitochondrial replacement, which is another equally bad thing)…


😲 I was so tickled listening to the baby I didn’t see that


Oh good, so they’re (ab)using the Baby for PR.


Q !!Hs1Jq13jV6 ID: 43b2d1 No.7966781
Jan 30 2020 13:42:54 (EST)
Q !!Hs1Jq13jV6 ID: 43b2d1 No.7966693
Jan 30 2020 13:39:55 (EST)


Remember these names.


heheh…….premature Q postilation


(I know the feelin’…!)


We tracked Michael Carpenter on the Big Ukraine Time Line thread.
Good to know we’re keeping up with our man, Q.
Michael Carpenter is a nasty piece of work ——– completely opposite of what Biden’s crafted image appeared to be.


IMO 17 is largely info awareness for broad public audience.
There will be areas where we’re ahead of the curve on things.
After all . . . Daughn is the News Now 😉
And has the best blueberry muffins.


Feb 10 2020
Q !!Hs1Jq13jV6 ID: 9f19f8 No.8092721
Feb 10 2020 12:58:12 (EST) NEWcomment image

Did ‘Mueller’ open the door to Ukraine?
Did ‘Mueller’ open the door to FISA [illegal]?
How do you introduce evidence legally?
Did ‘Impeachment’ provide a platform to discuss findings of Ukraine?
How do you introduce evidence legally?
Did ‘Impeachment’ harm or help POTUS [public]?
How do you introduce [D]s high crimes [corruption] to the public?
Why didn’t POTUS remove [Hussein] holdovers from NSC?
Do you really believe that POTUS & team trusted [Hussein] holdovers to remain within the admin and work to enact POTUS’ agenda w/o bias or confrontation?
How do you ‘awaken’ the ‘induced coma’ public [FAKE NEWS control] from their long sleep?
Sometimes allowing your enemies to [openly] attack…….
Logical thinking.


I suspected since September that the whole impeachment hoax was staged.
The real whistle-blower was Q+.


Zoe – Meme at beginning of Q drop 3850 is image in red of POTUS’ face with stern expression (background is black) text is in white… to the right of the image is “Below the depths of the D.C. Swamp THE HUNT IS ON”
Beneath the image in smaller text is “In the invisible war for the future of our Republic, the tables are now turned, and now the…
Patriots in Control
Enjoy the Show
text in tweet in Q’s drop 3850
Attorney General Barr has acknowledged for the first time that Rudy Giuliani has been giving the Justice Department information he collected in Ukraine, essentially bringing what was a stealth campaign into official government channels.
Giuliani Giving Ukraine Data to Justice Department, Barr Says
Attorney General William Barr acknowledged for the first time Monday that President Donald Trump’s personal lawyer, Rudy Giuliani, has been giving the Justice Department information he collected in…


Found the link to this Thread @tracybeanz. It is @nicAtNigh discussing how congress possibly falsified CODEL itinerary and expenses last summer, including Schiff. Twt 17 says Asst Depty Sec of Def approves DOD transit. So, looked up who approved this flight? Farkas had that pisition, then Dr. Michael Carpenter (Also on Atlantic Council), now held by an SES named Laura Cooper, who TESTIFIED at Schiff basement hearings. Interesting, wiki says she replaced Farkas, Carpenter’s name removed on the page I saw.


WOW Mama……………….. lots of info there…


YES^^^^^^^^^^^ this is what to watch!!!

Deplorable Patriot

Wow somebody out there is making use of the Adobe creative suite in a sweet way.

Deplorable Patriot

Yep, they left the holdovers in place to follow where the trails led: money, communications, leaks, associations and more.


They left out Michael Carpenter held this slot, too.


Sorry DP! Those were supposed to be up with PR post, re: Q remember these names.

Deplorable Patriot

Hey, no big thing. 🙂



No. Not should have been done on Day 1….
….not if one wants these people tried, convicted, and sent to prison. It takes time to connect conspirators, put FISA warrants into place, collect evidence, etc.


….and not if anyone never wants this to happen again.


I hope when the “variables” break, that I’ve been reminding everyone about that WILL affect the dynamics of the 2020 campaigns and POTUS’ reelection, you’ll remember I’ve been mentioning it for some time.
Which is why people worrying (not Q-Treepers) about polls, or the MSM continuing malignant efforts against POTUS do not have the power they think these things do. IMO, there is going to be a massive Sea Change in the narratives being pushed by the Lefty Dems – simply because they’re going to be too busy hiring lawyers to stay out of court/jail.
Ned Ryan agrees. He does have a few more tweets in the thread. Click on the time stamp.
“No one is really talking about a very important 2020 dynamic that could very well change the entire trajectory and narrative: Barr and Durham’s investigation. Let’s realize that they understand Trump might not be re-elected (he likely will be, to be clear). But let’s say. . .”


Q !!Hs1Jq13jV6 ID: 9f19f8 No.8093002
Feb 10 2020 13:21:22 (EST) NEW
We got what we needed.
There is no step [5].
Thank you for playing.

Deplorable Patriot

The rats couldn’t help themselves. They really are stupid.


Q !!Hs1Jq13jV6 ID: 9f19f8 No.8093066
Feb 10 2020 13:25:03 (EST) NEW
Anonymous ID: dd99e2 No.8093005
Feb 10 2020 13:21:33 (EST) NEWcomment image
Caught them all!


Zoe – in Drop above, Q reminds us of another drop
D’s Walking Into a Trap?
15 Nov 2019 – 1:38:28 PM
What advantages might exist when you know the other sides playbook?📁
Enjoy the show!


I really this one!😊


Q !!Hs1Jq13jV6 ID: 9f19f8 No.8093185
Feb 10 2020 13:31:39 (EST) NEW
What happened ‘FOLLOWING’ Bolton’s departure from the WH?
WH clean?
What happened ‘FOLLOWING’ impeachment?
Nadler, Pelosi, Schiff cannot walk down the street?
Imagine that!


Sez to me Bolton is a triple agent canary trapper

Deplorable Patriot

Bolton is a BIG TIME agent canary trapper.
Revenge is a dish best served cold. We’re seeing it in action.


Q !!Hs1Jq13jV6 ID: 9f19f8 No.8093281
Feb 10 2020 13:37:17 (EST) NEWcomment image
Backchannels are important.
Attacks will only intensify.
You attack those who threaten you the most.
Enjoy the show!


NY State to sue federal gov’t over its exclusion from global entry program–says it’s retaliatory. Homeland responds NY is ONLY state to totally restrict access to DMV data–can’t complete vetting process. I think NY loses this one.
Acting Homeland Security Secretary Chad Wolf responded to Cuomo’s decision on “Sunday Morning Futures” with Maria Bartiromo.
“This has nothing to do with the law that they passed regarding providing driver’s licenses to illegal aliens,” Wolf said. That’s dangerous, but that’s separate from what we did this week. New York is the only state — that bears repeating, the only state — that restricts [Customs and Border Protection] access to their DMV data across the board, not only for immigration purposes, but for law enforcement purposes.”


Dear cases like this one…
….all of Trump’s judicial appointments say hi.


true. I guess i really just hate to see all the wasting of resources–both state and federal fighting over this when they (NY) are clearly wrong.

Deplorable Patriot

The Senate was the goal.


Reposting this. Everyone is getting lost in the outrage trap this text is designed to be.

Guess what this REALLY is?? Stop and THINK…
….like a prosecutor!
This is a UNINTENTIONAL and emotional-driven public admission of guilt.
And just like THAT, they’re toast.
I’ve been wondering how long it would take to break her. Now we know.


“We are civil servants who dared to rebuke this president.”
No Lisa….
….you WERE a civil servant…
…who dared to commit treason by using the power of your position to overturn the will of the People.
And you are going to prison for a very long time. Enjoy these last days of freedom.


“…. to ILLEGALLY and premeditatedly overturn the will of the People.”


PS – Thank you for using the word “We” in that sentence. That is going to make things a lot easier.
Have a nice day.


Notice how sanctimonious Ms Page talks about rebuking “this president” – how does she explain the illegal criminal behavior she and her FBI/DOJ cohorts inflicted on Candidate Trump and his campaign?


Someone may want to take a look at her law school coursework. She seems to be missing some fundamental legal principles.


Not outraged, simply enjoyed pointing out to Ms Page that it’s not her job to “rebuke” POTUS!
Last we looked at legal statutes, “rebuking” this president by foul means = sedition & treason – felonies. Don’t like him? Vote. Everything else you did is known as conspiracy, illegal spying on @realDonaldTrump. Add in interfering in a Federal Election – a felony.


Hmmm, this is the correct tweet I responded to.


Ding ding ding. We have a winner.

Deplorable Patriot

To quote Farmer Ted from Sixteen Candles, “THIS is getting good.”




Hey, Mark Taylor (if you read here), what was VAL DEMINGS doing in Ukraine July 1, 2019? See twt 8, and 13 in this thread! Thanks for shining light on her!


Oh…good find!!


I’d guess that it’s not republicans who are sending these threats.


Probably from DIM senators or ‘Managers’ ……………………….


Veiled threats can be made to APPEAR from anyone.
That’s a BIG part of the problem.
You HAVE to emotionally ignore them.
Recordings on a VM box can literally come from ANYBODY and pretend to be from ANYONE.
A great technique for creating “blowback”


she also posted it upthread here


Hey, you guys remember all the Q posts about the Chinese city of Chongquing – it’s the Silicon Valley of China.
Take a look at this.


sorry Daughn…I copied your twitter link without the asterisk because it wouldn’t do anything for me with the asterisk…
see below


Pat, the * is used so that link doesn’t open… has to be removed.
Sometimes if you’re not sure how much of a stream/thread will post, its safe to use the * otherwise this thread might get flooded with page(s) of tweets… its happened before *smiling*


thanks pr…I did not know that!


churchmouse gave the tip to me …………… Yw *smiling*


I can no longer post a twitter link.
I have to put the little * in it.
Sorry for the inconvenience.


well that stinks!
np tho

Deplorable Patriot

Hmm…lessons from the past. To keep the spread of disease at bay, cremate.
This bug must be really bad.


The thought has crossed my mind (tin foil firmly in place) that they are using it for other means too.
We don’t know how accurate the info/videos are, but I have seen some where people are being chased down on the street, drug out of buildings or cars….they did not look weakened from disease.
Read a long thread the other night where someone was tracking the emissions that would come from burning organic material….very concentrated areas, higher than normal levels (100-1000x).
Not sure but think about it….every demonstrator has a cell phone, on that cell phone is 5G minimum. They know who everybody in that crowd of demonstrators was.

· 41m
A labor of love ..
all freedom loving Americans agree ..Beautiful..”I made this quilt because I spend all my money on fabric -so I can’t donate to his campaign. Everything on this quilt signifies our President on what he stands for.
there’s a short video of the woman displaying a beautiful double sided patriotic quilt she made inspired by her love of POTUS.


this does not belong here…lol


Ohh, how precious is this…………….

Deplorable Patriot

Does she need more fabric? I’m looking to unload a large number of fat quarters and the like of cotton quilting fabric.


have you tried etsy??

Deplorable Patriot

No, but I refuse to use that site anymore. Their fees take out the profit.


really? I didn’t know that.


Daughn, I really wish we had a better understanding of the ECONOMIC GEOGRAPHY of China. Esp from an intel analysis perspective.


crematoriums operating big time…
I believe a lot of these ‘deaths’ are unrelated to coronavirus … Commies just removing some “unwanteds”



TwinZ 👯‍♀️


I think she was aiming for both………………..


JW in Germany

Ex CIA Exposes The Reality Of The Deep State (Pt. 2) | Bryan Dean Wright | POLITICS | Rubin Report



We all knew it woukd suck without even watching. The numbersxare out, and the iscars was a big fail.
“The biggest flop of the award show season? The award show itself.
The Oscars made history for the smallest audience the award show has ever received after a night of predictable wins and polarizing acceptance speeches.
About 23.6 million people watched the 92nd installmentof the show, which showered Bong Joon Ho with awards including Best Director and Best Picture for his widely acclaimed social horror film “Parasite.”
And while it was the most-watched show of the awards season, even the promise of a hostless show couldn’t hoist up Hollywood’s big night amid repeat wins by actors who already took home Golden Globes, SAGsand BAFTAs.
The broadcast, which ran for 3 hours and 35 minutes, scored a 5.3 rating in the coveted adults 18-49 demo, based on Nielsen’s Live + Same Day Fast National ratings.”

Deplorable Patriot

As the couch commando put it, thanks to Twitter, Facebook and other social media, no need to watch. We can get the important stuff in about ninety seconds.
We were watching the agility trials at the Westminster Kennel Club. There were some impressive border collies in the group.


I dont havevthe time to sit and watch ego rubs for 3.5 hrs anyways. More than enough to do every day.


There were a number of dogs at the podium during the Oscars also

Deplorable Patriot

Please…the poodles have better hair cuts than some of the people in Hollywood.


sorry,,,,, DP mu post lacked clarity. I didn’t watch any of the ‘Show’… I was talking ’bout the 2-legged byotches (dogs) that are always at the podium … male and female.
You’re certainly correct about the poodles…

Deplorable Patriot

I understood you. And at least the poodle show cut has some utility. It’s a stylized field cut that was meant to protect joints as poodles are technically water retrievers and the coats with hair just mat like there’s no tomorrow. This is why they HAVE to be groomed regularly.


I didn’t know that… thank you!


“Ratings for Sunday night’s 2020 Oscar ceremony collapsed by jaw-dropping double digits to hit an all-time low.
Last year, the Oscars earned 29.6 million viewers, a bit of an increase over the 2018’s disastrous 26.5 million, which was also the previous record holder for all-time low Oscar ratings.

Deplorable Patriot

Some crepe paper and a disco ball, and this could be every mixer I went to in high school. All it needs is 14-15 year old boys slam dancing.

Zoe, the text says Look out
@realDonaldTrump. The video is of millennials singing and moving to some campaign tune.


…. 😞🤚 .. sigh ..
And they’re coming to take me away ha haaa
They’re coming to take me away ho ho hee hee ha haaa
To the happy home with trees and flowers and chirping birds
And basket weavers who sit and smile and twiddle their thumbs and toes
And they’re coming to take me away ha haaa
.. bwahahahahahah
… now just shut up and go away, ha ha .. 🤨🤚‼️ ..


DePat!!! That’s Backstreet(Boys) Back Alright!!!!

Deplorable Patriot

12 inch singles of Girls on Film and all that.


Scott MacFarlane
Michael Flynn sentencing in DC is cancelled “until further order” of the court


Question: Can WE, the citizens of the USA, sue Covington and BUrling for ineffective counsel?
They screwed up our foreign policy.
THEY caused the impeachment debacle and the Mueller SC.
Guaranteed, we would not have had the leaks within the NSC if Flynn had been in charge.


I don’t see why not… we could bankrupt them and send a few of their butts to prison, get a few disbarred?


I believe that is what Powell is going to do through Flynn


Deplorable Patriot

This has always ticked me off.


Reposting, goes with Q post to remember these names. June 2019 some congressmen went to Ukraine on CODEL. Looks like the itinerary and expenses were fudged. Found this thread on @tracybeanz.


so schiff goes along on this codel and then there’s no record of him being anywhere and no expenses for him…then Hoyer shows no expenses for the Ukraine…I smell several RATS!!!


Lol, looks like he maybe stopped off in Amsterdam for a vacay!

Deplorable Patriot

Why? I’ve been to Amsterdam. It would not be my first choice, other than the Van Gogh Museum which is worth the price of admission.


Red light district?


or secret meetings…


Needs to account for officially submitted travel records! Hold their feet to the fire!


maybe that’s where HE met with the whistle blower…


Giuliani says: When you see a financial record with any of the names listed and there is no entry – more likely than not – the money is laundered! (paraphrasing) at any rate – it is a red flag!


Allegedly, PDJT did not know about the trip!


Wrong tweet.
Should be this one:
It reads:
’19)Let’s keep in mind that this sudden trip to Ukraine happened behind the President’s back.
‘The President left for Japan on June 26, crossed the DMZ on June 30, before returning back home on July 1.’


Joe DiGenova has made many predictions over the past several year, but I have not been keeping track of them…both in what they are/were as well as accuracy.
Can anyone speak to the ACCURACY (or lack thereof) of his many predictions??


can only repeat what i see in passing OT…they diss his predictions a lot…
me? I don’t keep track…


Yeah, well, there is a reason why he is rarely posted around here these days. Didn’t use to be the case.


Read that because of representing a client, there is conflict of interest and thus the decreased air time. Who knows…


People paid to talk, mostly talk.







… yeah, well whaddya know … it’s TRUE‼️‼️ … like pat sez … BWAHAHAHAHAHAH … 😂👍‼️

Gail Combs

Adam Shifty shitt next?



Gail Combs

A meme worth sharing…comment image

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

It’s worth sharing, I agree.
Because of that it’d be worth them fixing their grammar.

Gail Combs

If you have the computer skills to fix it please do so and post on:
I am computer ‘challenged.’ And my grammar ain’t great either.😉


Gail Combs

I Watch The Super Bowl Commercials (2020) – #PropagandaWatch


That was an excellent video.
Thank you for posting it.


Most welcome, church – food for thought – 🙂


Awards are rigged… like everything the Commie/Progressive/Left does…

Deplorable Patriot

And they started out in the 1920s as a way for immigrants to give themselves awards so they could write home and tell the relatives that they were/are award winning Americans.
At least, that’s the story.


Really? I had no idea.

Deplorable Patriot

That’s what I came across at some point.


Interesting from iet – q proof
And….the governors balls involved the governors balls being put in a vise


Too much credit being given to a man who could only speak word salad without a teleprompter …
As so many Hillary supporters said in 2007, “he is an empty suit” ……………. Valjar had him on a leash, and Lawfare wrote the EOs etc.
Think about it…. the ONLY times zero was ever seated behind the desk in the Oval Office, his feet were on it!
Wyatt’s correct that it happened under zero’s watch… but it was like the 8 years of the Cheney/Bush Admin… Bush was not prez and neither was zero


Yep. They’re the figureheads and fall guys


Chinas lab and Harvard and Canadian involvement

CM in TN

Here is a good commentary I read on TN Star. It’s about the “Never Trump” crowd and the upcoming elections…


Senate Cloakroom
Votes Scheduled: At 2:15 pm, on Tuesday, February 11th, the Senate will proceed to 5 votes on the following:
1. Confirmation of Executive Calendar #562 Andrew Lynn Brasher to be U.S. Circuit Judge for the Eleventh Circuit
2. Motion to invoke cloture on Executive Calendar #563 Joshua M. Kindred to be U.S. District Judge for the District of Alaska
3. Motion to invoke cloture on Executive Calendar #565 Matthew Thomas Schelp to be U.S. District Judge for the Eastern District of Missouri
4. Motion to invoke cloture on Executive Calendar #461 John Fitzgerald Kness to be U.S. District Judge for the Northern District of Illinois
5. Motion to invoke cloture on Executive Calendar #535 Philip M. Halpern to be U.S. District Judge for the Southern District of New York
6:10 PM · Feb 10, 2020·


Glenn discussing documents Rudy revealed this weekend on Burisma/Hunter money laundering


Chad Pergram
From colleague Bill Mears. DoJ recommending sentence of 7-9 yrs for Roger Stone. Says he “obstructed Congress’s investigation into Russian interference in the 2016 election, lied under oath, & tampered with a witness..he displayed contempt for this Court and the rule of law”


You know, haven’t entire portions of the government obstructed investigations into Russian election interference by refusing to properly investigate a single Democrat involved in the Russian hoax?
Haven’t they also lied, tampered with witnesses, and displayed contempt for the rule of law?
The boomerang effect would certainly satisfy the call for the righteous return to the rule of law in this case.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Well, THIS looks like good news!
Barr announcing sweeping new sanctions against stankuary cities and states.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

I mean, it’s almost as if someone in the executive branch actually wants America to win, or something.

Deplorable Patriot

Man, I can’t wait for him to go after the city’s circuit attorney, and the County prosecutor. Both of them need to go. Frankly, the Democrats around here got complacent and the most honest man in STL politics got primaried.


They are starting to figure it out 🤣🤣🤣🤣


Naturally, the obvious questions are how fast can 3.7 bejillion doses be made, and will there be any impediments to using it here in the U.S.? I know . . . premature for answers.





· 27m
“We began the ability for us to defend the presidential elections not today, not six months from now. We began it the day after the midterm elections” – General Paul Nakasone
Find out how we’ve been working to protect the 2020 presidential


From Qresearch today …
▶Anonymous 02/10/20 (Mon) 13:38:20 e00d3f (2) No.8093300
>Democrats pounced on the $700 billion cut to Medicaid and limitations on other health and welfare programs, which the administration said resulted from savings and efficiencies.
Watch the budget
… hope the link works … 🤞😣🤚😜



Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Wrongly separated as SPAM by Akismet – please contact Akismet at, choose the 4th item, and report these URLs for the post:


I copied the links and will follow through Wolf 🐺 … thank you very much ..


comment image


▶Anonymous 02/10/20 (Mon) 13:40:27 99da9b (4) No.8093348
File (hide): 7553a557311d434⋯.png (100.02 KB, 892×364, 223:91, ClipboardImage.png) (h) (u)
Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof – text, media, or otherwise – do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.


… wow 😳 ..


…. F16’s … ‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️ …. 😖🤚‼️


thanks for posting this Nikki………………..


Oh my Phoenix … you are welcome, turn about is fair play and you and everyone contribute so much, so if I see something I put it in my itty bitty radio flyer red wagon and bring it here … 😃👍❤️🇺🇸❤️ ..


I have a radio flyer red wagon … use it in the garden!


Oh we have one too, bought it for the boys when they were little, it has the wooden sides you can put on it. 😃👍 .. I use mine for the garden too .. 🤗❤️ ..


aww… same here…


.. seriously cool ..😎👍❤️ … Phoenix …
.. 😉🤚 ..




😜 ..

I saw a video on Qresearch sometime back of Angela Merkel in a bikini (she must not have a mirror in her house) dancing to this…

Elizabeth Carter

Now you know why Melania Trump is jealous of Angela Merkel-NOT




Not watching that again…. just saying. 😝 😝


Anonymous 02/10/20 (Mon) 13:40:24 f7b647 (1) No.8093346>>8093397
File (hide): 36b6bc57e4ac128⋯.png (60.51 KB, 1104×283, 1104:283, no step five.png) (h) (u)
oh shit.
precise one-year delta since the dirty Dcomment image


Dang, you can do cool stuff when you have incredible intel.



H/T Marica
Zoe – text in above Tweet
Brad Parscale – Text TRUMP to 88022
Big Data from New Hampshire:
✅ 52,559 Tickets
✅ 24,732 Voters Identified (41% From NH)
✅ 17% Didn’t Vote in 2016
✅ 25.4% Democrats
Thank You New Hampshire. Data Gold!
8:40 PM – Feb 10, 2020
another 25% DIMs……………………..

Deplorable Patriot

Real housewives of CNN. Too much. HA!

Text of tweet:
Terrence K. Williams
He just accused President
of a acting like a gangster & Tony Soprano
Don Lemon is acting like a Girl!
His show should be Called
The Real Housewives of CNN
*RT if you agree
👉 #TheRealHousewivesofCNN


I LUV Terrance !


Imagine if Pres. Trump had called someone that. Oh, the humanity!


I was out and about this morning running errands and as usual listened to the radio while in the car. Ken Matthews was on for Rush, and I did get to hear the note from Rush for his audience that Ken read out. When I came out of the store, Michael Medved was talking to George Wills about the Democrat candidates. BTW, this is a short rant.
George Wills is of the opinion that Bloomberg will overtake everybody because of all the money he’s spending. Both of them see the schism in the D party, but I don’t believe they really understand the underpinnings and the corruption involved. Well, maybe Wills does, but I’m not so sure about Medved. He reminds me of a family member that looks for good everywhere and can’t envision how evil and corrupt some people are They also had to comment about Trump, that some of his policies are fine They don’t like his messaging. BUT they absolutely do not understand it. They think that his messaging will be harmful in the long run, that hate begets hate. We know that Trump’s messaging is not hateful, there is nothing hateful about it. They want somebody who sounds like a namby – pamby. Truly exposed for what they are, but trying hard to hide it behind sweetness and roses. I know that’s who they are, but I keep wondering if they will ever get red pilled.


Ahhh what happened to the periods???? Sometimes it is a little hard to see them, I do admit.


“They want somebody who sounds like a namby – pamby. ”
That is how they hamstring people and control thier message. It is what Pelosi wants from Pres. Trump — decorum, courtesy, and politeness. It is exactly how the Right has allowed itself to be defeated by the Left for so long. This is war, and war ain’t pretty. Being polite to the Dems would not change their outlook or treatment of conservatives one iota.
We have someone fighting for us and our country, and we need to appreciate it/him and savor every moment.


Absolutely and why I was fuming.


George Will can stuff it.
Thank you.


Brian’s take post equital …..investigations…what we will know when they want us to know it…How long have they had Rudy’s information

Elizabeth Carter

Mayor Pete is mentioned along with Biden

“Many were loaners from other agencies and have been sent back. Others left government work.”


“This month, we will complete the right-sizing goal Ambassador O’Brien outlined in October, and in fact, may exceed that target by drawing down even more positions,” said NSC senior director for senior communications John Ullyot, in a statement to Secrets.


They already have. Fentanyl, dog food, people food, bad medicine, etc. This just ups the ante. No panda mask.

Sadie Slays

I suspect a lot of the new invasive species and plant disease introduced into our country over the past few decades were cabal attacks on our country.


Kudzu, 1930s.


“China telling its citizens this was all started by the American C_A.”
Oh, the disinfo/COINT possibilities are endless!


Praying medic published his latest Q post. Toward the end, he references a Q post from 2018 (I believe) that mentions Concord. Then PM realizes that PDJT mentioned Concord quite specifically in his rally today. In fact, dwelled on the word Concord quite a bit…Significant? Or just a coincidence?