How President Trump Just Obtained Nuclear Superiority Over The Swamp

It is now very important to RECONFIGURE YOUR THINKING about what is going on in Washington.

They are going to try to distract you with LOOK, SQUIRREL…..

when the thing you should really be looking at is the LIU-K, WOLFE!

President Trump, in firing (in two brilliant steps) the CORRUPT Jessie K. Liu, has just powered up his new-fangled nuclear-powered laser which is going to dry up the swamp in a jiffy.

It is, as Sundance says, BIGGER THAN SPYGATE.

  • Spygate was just PART of this shit.
  • The Russia Hoax was just PART of this shit.
  • Mueller was just PART of this shit.
  • The Maria Butina / Jessie Liu “lost episodes of Mueller” farce is just PART of this shit.
  • Some Russian guy named Deripaska is just PART of this shit.
  • Bogus Forced Recusal of Jeff Sessions is just PART of this shit.
  • Fusion GPS is just PART of this shit.
  • Impeachment Failure One – Russia is just PART of this shit.
  • Impeachment Failure Two – Ukraine is just PART of this shit.

There is SO much more, and I am hoping that ALL YOU COMMENTERS will add many, many more items to the list of “what was part of this shit“. It’s all VERY BIG.

But there is ONE SPECIAL PART that just connects EVERYTHING.

Sundance was RIGHT that it was the DOJ that was at the center – the dirty, rotten CENTER – the Eric Holder CENTER – of all the nastiness that was arrayed against Citizen Trump, Candidate Trump, and ultimately President Trump.


In particular, Jessie Liu protected ONE THING which – once you see it – shows you how ROTTEN and POISONOUS the whole damn thing was.

But FIRST, I have to help you see it. Or bring in a friend to do it.

Remember – IT’S ALL ABOUT MISDIRECTION. Both how they tried to attack our VSG. And how he defeated them.

SUNDANCE is going to do the heavy lifting. RIGHT NOW.

First, I want you to READ THIS SLOWLY AND CAREFULLY. Read it twice if you have to.

The DC Cover-up That’s As Big As Spygate…

NOW – if you have read this CAREFULLY, then you understand that Jessie Liu was basically in charge of making everything VANISH in plain sight, while making it NOT look like that’s what she was doing.

She tried at all times to make it look like she was actually helping President Trump, when in fact she was SAVING THE SWAMP. In particular, she single-handedly took all the heat off of the role of CONGRESS – both the House and the Senate, but especially the SENATE – in the plot against Trump.

To do this, she had to let a SPYGATE LEAKERJames Wolfe of the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence (SSCI) – get off on the ACTUAL charges that mattered – the LEAKING CHARGES – and convict him on the lesser charge of simply lying to the FBI. This, of course, would hide the circumstances of the leaking. And THAT was very important to the Swamp.

I repeat. Jessie K. Liu protected the Swamp from justice for some of THE MOST DAMAGING parts of the Spygate story. She *LITERALLY* obstructed justice.

Frankly, at this point, I wonder if Wolfe actually DID lie to the FBI, or if that was an engineered charge precisely to let him off easy, while BURYING the actual substantial charges and circumstances surrounding the leak.

In any event, Sundance saw this IMMEDIATELY for what it was – a naked dereliction of the DOJ’s duty, and particularly stunning in light of Trump’s promise to plug leaks and treat leakers like the criminals they are.

Sundance used to be quite angry about this. It seemed like nothing would ever be done about it.


With Jessie Liu – the gal who let off James Wolfe, and was PLANNING to let off Andrew McCabe – out of the picture – there are all kinds of possibilities for a CHAIN REACTION in the swamp.


So – NOW – what did the SWAMP in DOJ do in response to this? A desperation move. An SJW Lawfare HOAX.

SUNDANCE explains again.

Remember – what the Mueller DOJ attorneys are doing is just another very big form of LOOK, SQUIRREL.

Mueller Prosecutor Departs DC Team After Setting Sentencing Trap in Roger Stone Case…

This is rather cunning of these DOJ attorneys. This is pure LAWFARE. They are setting a fire and jumping ship. By leaving DOJ, they protect themselves from internal investigation and any requirement to tell the truth WITH CANDOR. If they leave, they can hide evidence of the coup.

There will be a fight over pardoning Roger Stone for being prosecuted in a hoax investigation, and that is a good thing. However, DO NOT be distracted from the main issue here.

The main issue is THIS:


This was more than just a hoax. It was more than just “SpyGate”. It was a


Normally, what we see in a coup, is the MILITARY being used in a plot against the head of state.

But in this coup, we saw the CIVILIAN branches of government being used instead – largely because the head of state was TOO POPULAR with the military.

We truly live in amazing times.

Sundance has rightly surmised that Trump and Barr have just split the atom under the corruptos in DOJ, and that this explosion leads to a LOT more fusion than just Fusion GPS.


Enjoy the show.


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Sadie Slays

Speaking of “booms everywhere,” reminder that there was a heavy attack on 8kun and anti-Q media campaign right before this all went down. The enemy is expecting something bad in the near future. And the week isn’t even half over yet!


I agree with you, Sadie. They will have to create a bad distraction, a false flag. Your post does encourage me, Wolfmoon.


Me too, zapped hard. Had to log in to edit at least 10 times.


Glad you are “home”.
You’re right though, SD has been on this issue for years.
Time to unwind that spiderweb.


Didn’t Lui handle the Awan brothers?
And didn’t we just have a mysterious “stay” on the trial because of ANOTHER UNNAMED PENDING INVESTIGATION?


It might be dawning on the Judge that he is going to get caught up in the misconduct of the DOJ lawyers who showed up in his courtroom.

Deplorable Patriot

She was the “fixer” on the inside.
How many more are there?




Barry the magic negro is going down hard.and not on Mike.
They are scared to their very marrow but still can’t conceive that they are going to lose.


“…and not on Mike.”
You kill me, Ozzy.


I have an alibi


A friend of mine who used to post at Ace’s as “SMFH”. She spent time in the sandbox field-repairing tanks.
She recommended playing the following at maximum volume when your neighbors weren’t behaving well.


………… 🧐🤚 ………………… 💥 💥 💥 B O O M 💥 💥 💥 …………….. 😜👍❗️ ……….

… boom .. boom .. boom …
.. 😃👍🇺🇸‼️ ..


Jessie Liu = Awan Brothers


Didn’t she also oversee that debacle?


And the mysterious “stay” on that trial………..
because of another pending investigation………
no exxplanation


Just one little deposited check from a Chinese front organization…..we know it’s out there, let’s get pics of both sides…..


….arrogance is the pit she will fall mightily into …
According to your will for your Glory, in the name of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit .. amen 🙏🏼 ..
.. ❤️🇺🇸❤️ ..

Cuppa Covfefe

Screwy Liu-y…



Deplorable Patriot

Check? Look at the wire transfers. There’s gotta be a record somewhere.


I feel the same about Obama’s post-Inauguration disappearance….surely there were cameras, security, air crew, etc than can provide information. IMO, he was getting his orders, getting payments set up and “sealing the deal.”


Jessie Liu = a whole ton of mischief. Whatever steps get her OUT are the first part of healing. And I like the “last-minute yank” for its psychological effect.


Yes! It is similar to the cancelling of Nancy’s plane. VSG waited until they were all on the bus to do it.


Lawfare damn well didn’t see Jessie L nomination yanked at last minute.
Awesome getting her out of DOJ thinking she’s unscathed.
We’ve known she dirty for a long time.
The way this played out was genius. Pleasant surprise for me. Perhaps most all of us.


Showed they are indeed two steps ahead. It was cunning and masterful!

Gail Combs

I can not find ANYTHING that say an Awan spent even one day in jail.
Trump Blasts Awan Plea Deal: “Server Scandal Key To Democrat Corruption”

After months of delays, former IT aides to Congressional Democrats, Imran Awan and his wife Hina Alvi, look like they’re about to slide right out of a D.C. courtroom with a plea deal in their bank fraud case – while a litany of far more serious allegations documented by the Daily Caller’s Luke Rosiak remain unprosecuted….

July 03, 2018
DOJ Agrees Not To Prosecute Imran Awan For House Cybersecurity And Theft, But Questions Remain by Luke Rosiak

Coomey did not object to the removal of Awan’s GPS monitor, said he would not oppose a sentence of probation, and agreed to drop charges against his wife, fellow former systems administrative Hina Alvi. (RELATED: Capitol Police Accidentally Gave Evidence To House Hacking Suspect’s Defense Attorney)
The Department of Justice said it found “found no evidence that [Imran] illegally removed House data from the House network or from House Members’ offices, stole the House Democratic Caucus Server, stole or destroyed House information technology equipment, or improperly accessed or transferred government information.”…..

^^^ Lots of good information.
DECEMBER 11, 2019|
Judicial Watch: Federal Court Hearing on Awan Brothers, Congressional Democrat IT Scandal
Wednesday, January 15, 2020
Judge Orders Hearing For Judicial Watch, Awan Brothers Case

The Justice Department is being forced to explain why they have repeatedly failed to produce records for the Awan Brothers case.
During a snap hearing on Tuesday, a federal judge ruled that the DOJ must appear for a status hearing on Wednesday regarding Judicial Watch’s 2018 FOIA request. The organization previously asked the FBI for information on the brothers’ involvement in a congressional Democrat information technology scandal….
In November, the DOJ told the court they were having “technical difficulties” producing documents related to the case. Judicial Watch has alleged the DOJ and FBI are helping cover up the Democrat cyber operation through Awan.


When the scalpel goes in, it will have to go in deep.
Looks like we should’ve been saying ChinaChinaChina instead of RussiaRussiaRussia.


China has always been at the root of this coup, as much as deep state, D-Rats and MCM. China has the funding.
AND, Awans sending information to Pakistan.


I wasn’t paying attention for awhile, but never did trust China.
We’ve been overrun both within and without. Thank our good God for President Trump.


Pakistan longtime player in the Chinese orbit.


China and Russia currently have, and for an indeterminate length of time have had, (at least) a tactical alliance.
Most of the “conflict” between them, and divergence in the way they are being treated, respectively, in Dim/Mockingbird media false narratives, is Kabuki theater, being used mainly for its rope-a-dope effect.


… and the Patriots of the United States of America 🇺🇸 in unison respond …
.. 🇺🇸 ..


.. BWAHAHAHAHAHAH .. like‼️ .. 😃👍❤️


Yes, the Awan Brothers judge is an Obama appointee, Caribbean female, can’t remember her name. same female is same judge in many strange rulings in DC. Looks like the go-to judge for the cabal….. but since it is DC, it could be that the cases just came up in her court.


Judge Tanya Chutkin handled the Awan loan fraud case….
She was also the Judge that was battling Devin Nunes when he went after the financial records of Fusion GPS…She was booted off the Fusion case and replaced with Judge Leon who eventually released the financial records to the House Intel Committee….
And Chutkin was the judge in the Maria Butina case as well.


More ‘Sino’ than Soviet, Wolfie.
Like I’ve been saying, China, or rather, the ChiComs, are the REAL threat.
The ChiComs took their initial Soviet influence and parlayed it into an even more insidious form for use in their plan for world domination.
The ChiComs figured out how to use our system of capitalism against us.
They figured out that if they give us what we want…cheap goods…then they would have control over us.
We never hear the ChiComs speaking out against Globalism the way that Putin has.
That’s because the ChiComs have been using the whole globalist narrative for their benefit, in their plan for world domination.
They have used ‘cheap labor’ as a way to lure Western businesses into their country.
Why have the Dems not been screaming about this?
The Dems are supposed to be pro-labor.
When did the DNC become an ally of the ChiComs?
I think this is a question that needs to be asked.


Yep…under the Clintons, the ChiComs really got their hooks into us.
As far as Who has infiltrated and established more of their influence here, China or Russia…
We haven’t built factories in Russia.
Our Economy isn’t tied to Russia.
The only thing we depend on from Russia…is getting rides to the Space Station.
And under Trump, that will hopefully be ending soon.
Extricating ourselves from the Sino-tentacles will be far more difficult.
It’s doable…but difficult.
And the way I see it, about Globalism…is that it has been predatory toward the US.
Globalism has been treating the US like an all-you-can-eat banquet.


😖🤚😷👍 ..


Soon to be chutney


Turning the microphone over to Litenmaus!
(Way to go, Litenmaus! Snagged that one!!)


.. miserable … murdering … T U R D S … 💩’s …. May they burn in hell .. 🤨 .. 🔥⚡️💥


And let us NOT forget, the chief of Staff for Congressman Becerra was the Director in charge of the Awan Brothers…. when the server disappeared for the House.
And where is this man now?
He’s the Deputy AG of California.
As Congressman Becerra is the AG of California…….
Ohhh, what tangled webs we weave.


.. oh what a tangled web “we” (💩) we weave … BWAHAHAHAHAHAH …
.. JUSTICE .. is coming and it’s bring HELL with her … 😉👍❤️🇺🇸❤️‼️ ..comment image
The classical Corinthian architectural style of the Supreme Court Building was selected to match the nearby congressional buildings. The “Authority of Law” is one of two marble statues by sculptor James Earle Fraser that is set on the steps of the Supreme Court Building.comment image
“Contemplation of Justice” was also created by sculptor James Earle Fraser. The statue features a woman seated with a tiny figure in her right hand representing Justice.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

James Earle Fraser also designed the Indian Head or Buffalo nickel that we made from 1913-1938.

Deplorable Patriot

Why are you not on my trivia night team?

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Well, in the original Trivial Pusuits I sucked at art and literature, and sucked at sports. Sometimes I’d get lucky and it’d be a question I happened to know the answer to. But generally people discovered I’d get four pie wedges immediately then struggle while they got caught up and of course know which wedge to pick when I was in the center for the win.

Deplorable Patriot

The table I was with on Saturday, we had art, literature, and math covered. The rest…there was a lot of guessing and I ended up being the sports person as there were 8 women.
One of the teams I used to play with…we were pretty well rounded until we got to a category titled, “TV theme songs from the 60s.” The team in 2nd behind us was across the aisle, and one woman gets up, walks half way across and with both hands gesturing, goes, “You’re going DOWN!” We sank like a rock.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

I’d suck at that one too unless they happened to ask about Get Smart or Star Trek.

Deplorable Patriot

We did get Rocky and Bullwinkle.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Hmmm…what did they do, play the song and expect you to identify it?

Deplorable Patriot

Yes. This was a private HS one, so the gym was full of tables. Done right, the STL Style Trivia Nights can raise a lot of cash, especially if you have a silent auction table.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

OK, in that case, there might be as many as eight or nine I’d get…shows that got re-run in the 70s.
I really didn’t have much contact with TV until 1972 or so for various reasons.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

In any case the reason I knew about James Earle Fraser is that he’s famous in coin collecting circles (and so is his wife, to a lesser extent) because of the Buffalo Nickel.

Deplorable Patriot

Ahh. Okay then.


Invite him.
Problem solved
You’re welcome

Deplorable Patriot

He only lives 1,000 miles away.


Skype it

Deplorable Patriot

Oh, computers and cell phones are not allowed. Just like going to confession, it has to be done in person.



Deplorable Patriot

This particular rule is STRICTLY observed. I mean no mobiles on the table.


Well. That’s it then. Unless steve likes driving

Deplorable Patriot

I wouldn’t recommend I-70 this time of year…or any time for that matter. Kansas is so boring.


Bit like the Nullarbor plain. Longest straight road in the world


Wow 😮👍 … that’s cool 😎 .. I’m glad he did the statues too …
Wish I had a buffalo head nickel ….. 😐 .. 😞
… and an Oscar Meyer wiener/hot dog .. 🌭 .. 😜🤚

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Well the good news is you can get a buffalo head nickel for less than a buck, if you go to a coin shop. It might be too worn to show a date (the date rubbed right off because it was a high point of the design), but it will be a buffalo nickel.
For fifty bucks you can get a “Gem Uncirculated” one (MS-65) from the late 1930s.
Unless you want a pristine piece, one in AU or Extra Fine will do and will run you anywhere from $3 to $20 or so.


Oh 😮 … hmmmmm I see a trip to a coin shop in the not too distant future .. 😉👍❤️ .. ty .. very much Steve, much appreciated .. 🙂


.. 😜👍 ..


🧐❓❗️ …. pieces of eight …. zowie‼️ … that off the board cool 😎 …. as a kid I remember the mercury dimes but being a kid I would spend it as fast as I got it … ☹️


I’m patient, God is not mocked these miserable traitors are going DOWN .. period .. also a thoughtful supply of Glenfich is de rigeur ..
de rigueur adjective
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Definition of de rigueur
: prescribed or required by fashion, etiquette, or custom : PROPER
… tattoos, of course, being de rigueur among the poetry set. …
— Will Ferguson
Synonyms & Antonyms
De Rigueur: How to Pronounce It, Spell It, and Use It in a Sentence
Why Does Your Invite Say Costume de rigueur?
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Synonyms & Antonyms for de rigueur
befitting, correct, decent, decorous, genteel, nice, polite, proper, respectable, seemly
Merriam Webster .. 😉


Would love to see Becerra go down hard.


Yeah .. stomped flat as a pancake .. 😉


Squished like a bug 🕷


😉👍‼️ ..


Becerra – yeah, me too. He needs to go down hard.
I followed the Awan Brothers more so than I got involved in Ukraine mess.
Awan Brothers was my FAVORITE scandal because it had so many tentacles AND had the potential to destroy the Dems in midterms of 2018.
Made no sense whatsoever for Becerra, major player in the House, to leave the House. He was destined for prominence, bigger and better than Schiff. Why did he leave?


Perhaps, Becerra grandeur as CA governor.
Stepping stone to higher office?


just waking up here.. so he fired her? not just withdrew her nomination to Treasury? awesome…


very cunning…dems are up in arms over the 70 let go from the NSC…so this way he didn’t actually fire her…bwahahaha


The brilliance here too – no one at the NSC was “fired” either!
In fact, the way the NSC was structured, no one needed to be fired to be removed from it.


… bwahahahahahah .. BWAHAHAHAHAHAH … 🤨 … bwahahahahahah


Oh poop, does that mean she won’t be able to collect unemployment? 😉


…. ahhhhhhhhhhh … 😂🤚 …. bwahahahahahah …. dear Lord I certainly hope so … 🤨


She’s SES — the supposed “elite, cannot-be-fired” swampers. She was facing criticism where she was and was offered a buyoff lateral to Treasury if she gave up her position. Then her replacement was named, a bunch of stuff got out in public, and her lateral was withdrawn.
This would be way too complicated for the average schmo, but Liu is in the middle of so much corruption that it warrants the effort to sideline HR, unions, and whoever runs SES. Congress is squawking, but it’s a weekday ending with “y”…..

Deplorable Patriot

Possibly. People who are panicked make mistakes. That might be what they are waiting for on some of the others.


thanks…I was wondering how does ANY POTUS deal with a SES gone rogue if they can’t be fired?


.. 😃👍 ..


selected to open a new branch office in northern Alaska…that’s how.


Outer Mongolia would be better


To whom is Jessie Liu married?


‘Michael Abramowicz, a lawyer who also attended Yale Law School.[13]’

Cuppa Covfefe

Hmmm. Yale. Is he Skull and Bones?
(Kerry, multiple Bushies, and other bad actor globalists….)…


I know what you mean though.


Looking Glass?
Predictocracy | Yale University Press
Michael Abramowicz explains how prediction markets work; why they accurately forecast elections, sports contests, and other events; and how they may even …

Deplorable Patriot

So…he’s an advanced level bookie?


could be


Add this into the mix – talking about bitcoin


Thanks for that, razorbak.
I’ll raise you 😉 , but I have more to follow about your link (see below):
1/ MA’s George Washington University bio:
Same pic and bio here:
2/ MA’s Cyberadjudication (?!?), from a paper he wrote for the Iowa Law Review in 2001:
3/ MA’s Cryptoinsurance (a paper he wrote for George Washington University in 2015):
This same line of thinking ties in with MA’s Predictocracy.
What you have flagged is very interesting. The book was published in January 2008. Who was the biggest online personality predicting the election result later on that year? Nate Silver of 538, who was lauded by the media nationwide for predicting O’s victory that year:
Nate was into sports before that year. All of a sudden, he became No. 1 in political predictions.
-ocracy = government by a particular sort of people or according to a particular principle
Apologies for rambling. It’s rather late here.
Thank you for the link — very interesting.


Just thought it was interesting.
Thank you for the additional material.
Apology NOT accepted 🙂
Ramble on brother!


Thanks, friend! 🙂


Good grief! What if?
Krauthamer (proper spelling) was an O appointee:

Brave and Free

I saw this too OT yesterday. Things definitely going on behind the scenes. RS trial sentence gives the MSM another way to divert our attention. The Flynn delay is more than likely related too. Once these dominos (pos`s) start falling I hope it’s swift and with a sledge hammer. Would be wonderful to see James Wolfe charged with leaking if that’s possible now. Pretty sure old Andy McCabe didn’t sleep well last night and the rest of these POS are on notice now. Going to be fun watching them all scurrying around like the rats they are.


And maybe turning on one another.

Gail Combs

Is this the start???

Rubber Bullets Sting but Do Not Last
23 Jan 2020 – 5:01:20 PM
When did the public first learn re: FISA warrants re: +3 [non Page]?
If FISA warrants deemed to be illegal [ALL SURV LEAPFROG HOPS] what happens to MUELLER’s case(s)?
How do you invalidate a claim?
Conspiracy to commit….
Rubber bullets sting but do not last.

Panic in DC
5 Feb 2020 – 12:23:38 PM
People actually believe those responsible for the attempted coup [coup attempt] of a duly elected sitting US President will go unpunished?
End to our Constitutional Republic?
No equal justice under the law?
No accountability?
Escape unscathed?
Buckle up!

Sen. Lindsey Graham: “Half the People Involved in the Russian Investigation Are Going to Jail”
8 Feb 2020 – 10:17:53 PM
The bottom half was instructed (99% good).
The first will send a shock wave.

comment image


I hope Brennan

Deplorable Patriot

A couple comments:
First, for whatever reason a very specific interview done with Trent Lott in 2001 has stayed with me. The discussion was based around John Ashcroft’s nomination to be Attorney General. What Lott said was that Justice was a cesspool. “It’s a cesspool over there, and John’s just what we need to clean it up.” At this point, I am not sure how swampian Lott is/was, but I would be willing to lay money I don’t have, that once the threads start getting pulled, we’re going to see a chain of shtuff, if you will, that goes back decades. Possibly to the early Clinton years, maybe before that. Liu didn’t just happen in a vacuum, and Eric Holder was not the originator of covering stuff up at Justice. Anyone who watched the 9-11 hearings knows Jamie Gorelick did the same sort of stuff, which is why she was on the panel – to keep the evidence under wraps.
Second, this whole targeted takedown has all the hallmarks of a sting, meaning some of the players were just that – playing a part. Who, is a good question, but I still say this has so much of an aroma of revenge being served on an icy cold platter, that you have to wonder WHY some of these guys returned to government service when they had much more lucrative careers in the private sector. There was a tweet posted the other day that said Barr, Rosenstein, Comey, and a couple other people have been waiting since January 20, 1993, for revenge. What did the Clintons, their overlords, and the swamp do? I know the concept that Comey and Rosie are white hats who were the moles is not popular, but what if it’s true? They don’t work at CNN.
So, the question remains, was this the stick of dynamite tossed into the bilge to get something to break free?
Stay tuned.


Trent Lott, good man, been in my house several times and showed up with a full compliment of Secret Service.
He resigned as Majority Leader of the Senate over a dustup from a comment he made decades ago, now suddenly perceived as “racist”.
It was odd.
We heard about the comment, never heard what the comment was, and in a flash…… he was GONE, retired to southern MS, beautiful home, one of the oldest on the Gulf Coast, destroyed by Hurricane Katrina.
No one heard from him again.
Extremely odd……


Daughn, we’d love to hear the rest of this story, especially if there’s Mississippian secret details that reveal the inner truths.
Just whenever you can muffin it out of the maid, mayor, the committee-man, the guvnor and his chauffeur…


Majority Leader of the Senate, Governor of the State, President of Entergy (power company for 7 states), Head of BMW North America, and an army of Congressmen and “officials”…….. came to the house for LUNCH one day.
It’s a really great story…..
Not a typical day (for sure)
Yet, Trent Lott came back many times. Who knows what he really thinks, deep down, but he was a hang out in the kitchen kind of guy. Not what one would expect. Nice. Down to earth.


A spider ‘weaves’ its web but it cannot be unweaved.
Clothing can be knitted (weaved) and it CAN be unweaved, usually by pulling a thread.
Ever seen one of those big bags of dog food, sew shut with a single stitch string? You get the proper end unknotted and then just pull. Magically the whole string unstitches itself.
IMO this all fits with what we are watching in the DJT Cleaning Crusade.

Deplorable Patriot

And if the bobbin thread on a seam breaks, the seam comes apart.
I suspect this is more like pulling a loose end of yarn on a knitted or crocheted, item though, where different colors are spliced together.


Obviously I have zero experience with knitting or sewing. I was simply taught to NEVER pull on a thread on my clothes.

Deplorable Patriot

No, Liu is not one of the team.


The swamp is wide and deep and goes back a looooong time. It was designed and maintained over the centuries by very clever bastards. It has the ability to reform. I did a post with an analogy to a swamp fire over here. It’s the prevention of reformation that’s tricky. Can’t find my post. May be sinbined

Deplorable Patriot

I think Wolf has to be the one to fish it out since this is his post.


Yep. Sokay

Deplorable Patriot

Awesome, boss.


Works for me.
Brian cates and dawsonsfield also seem that way inclined


I want to point out the GENIUS of the Jesse Liu situation.
A Presidential appointment is a HUGE honor and recognition.
Even if you are very close to the top, you know that you still aren’t at the highest eschelons of government.
They must’ve worked on her for a while to give her the idea that she was doing great work and that everyone was impressed with how capable she was.
She probably had meetings with Steve Mnuchin where he told her all the wonderful things that had been said about her, what an important role they had open, and of course ‘not just anyone would be capable of meeting these obligations, it really takes a special type of person…’
Pump up her ego . . .
. . . appeal to her vanity. . .
She would happily take the bait.
And they did it perfectly. She didn’t suspect a thing until the trap had already been sprung.
IMO, arrogance was her downfall.


… GOOD … 🤨👍 ❤️‼️ ..
.. bwahahahahahah .. 😈👍 ..


From Wikipedia – a strange nugget of info:
“In March 2019, President Donald Trump said he would nominate Liu to become United States Associate Attorney General, but she withdrew her name from consideration later that month because the Republican-controlled Senate Judiciary Committee objected to her nomination.[7][8][9] ”
Why would PDJT nominate her for Assoc AG for the USA and why would the Rep Judiciary object to her nomination so severely her name had to be pulled?

Gail Combs

All part of the Kabuki theater to get her to volunteer to leave her position.
Chair: Lindsey Graham (R)
Since January 3, 2019
Ranking member: Dianne Feinstein (D)
Since January 3, 2017
Remember President Trump had been golfing often with Ms Lindsey so she could have been told President Trump had talked Graham into OKing her nomination.

WASHINGTON – Sen. Lindsey Graham often plays golf with President Donald Trump, but he wasn’t willing to lie for the privilege, veteran journalist Bob Woodward says in his new book about the Trump White House….

Brave and Free

That could have been the set up right there, she thinks PDJT is on her side. THEN ZAP GONE!


Huge THANK YOU Wolf 🐺 … outstanding thread … whoo-hoo .. 😉👍❤️🇺🇸❤️‼️ ..


Good thread…great visuals…have sent it on to several…hope they do the same.


Grumble. Grumble. 🤨

Gail Combs

It actually worked to our advantage. We now have a very tight research group that is NOT drowned out by all the kibitzers and Eeyores. Reminds me a bit of ChiefIOs group — Small but deadly.
However both Anthony Watts and Jo Nova would ‘guest posts’ a lot of his stuff.

Gail Combs

I do not mind an intelligent argument but I hated posting the same stuff over and over to the SAME people who then IGNORED it until they finally made some nasty remark. They NEVER PROVIDED CONTRARY EVIDENCE only opinion.


I may have a post in the sin bin


My only problem with SD is he just won’t hold his fire until he actually KNOWS something, and he disparages the wrong people because of it.
He has been insinuating that Barr is a “do-nothing” and potentially Deep State for months. Will he admit he was wrong and ask for a heaping plate of crow? NO.
He will pretend like he knew Barr was great all along. Pisses me off is all.


Crowtons!!!!!!!!!! No bat soup for you!
I’m dying.


You sir are a gentleman and a scholar .. kudos .. 😉👍❤️🇺🇸❤️👍 … so glad for the your totally AWSOME Q tree ..
Thank God for you and Q tree every day …


🙂🤚 .. ❤️ .. wwg1wga .. ❤️

Gail Combs

Look at Lui’s WIKI
NYT says Jessie Kong Liu [is] the daughter of Dr. and Mrs. Wu-Schyong Liu of King of Prussia, Pa.
Is this him perhaps?
“…The N-terminal analyses were performed by Dr. Wu-Schyong Liu (Dept. of Biological Chemistry, Johns Hopkins School of Medicine) using an Applied Biosystems 475Aprotein sequencer…


Liu is a common name. I don’t think this is her sister:


Biological Chemistry…now there’s some serendipity!


Well, this is Jessie’s birth record in Texas:
Name: Jessie Kong Liu
Event Type: Birth
Event Date: 02 Jan 1973
Event Place: Kleberg, Texas
Gender: Female
Father’s Name: Wu Schyoug Liu
Mother’s Name: Yu Yin Lin
“Texas Birth Index, 1903-1997,” database, FamilySearch ( : 1 January 2015), Yu Yin Lin in entry for Jessie Kong Liu, 02 Jan 1973; from “Texas Birth Index, 1903-1997,” database and images, Ancestry ( : 2005); citing Texas Department of State Health Services.
This record for the Dr. from King of Prussia, PA, gives his birth date as 30 Jan 1941. note his Third Previous Residence is Baltimore, MD, home of Johns Hopkins University.
Name: Wu-Schyong Liu
Alias: Wuschyong Liu
Event Date: from 1 Sep 2005 to 29 Oct 2007
Event Place: Collegeville, Montgomery, Pennsylvania, United States
Birth Date: 30 Jan 1941
Last Place of Residence: Collegeville, Pennsylvania 19426
Second Previous Residence Place: King Of Prussia, Pennsylvania 19406
Third Previous Residence Place: Baltimore, Maryland 21218
2nd Address Date: 01 Jan 2000-01 Aug 2005
3rd Address Date: 1 Mar 1993
“United States Public Records, 1970-2009”, database, FamilySearch ( : 21 December 2019), Wuschyong Liu, 2005-2007.
A search online reveals this information about Wu Schyong Liu born on that same date:
Wu Liu Wu’s birthday is 01/30/1941 and is 79 years old. Previously cities included Baltimore MD, Collegeville PA and College Station TX. Wu also answers to Wu Schyong Liu, Wuschyong Liu, Liu Wu-schyong, Wu-schyong Liu and Wu S Liu, and perhaps a couple of other names. Wu’s relationship status is married. Other family members and associates include Marlyne Tramble-foster, Seung Yang, Anna Gapuz, Rachel Krasko and Rachelle Vega.
The age (79) fits with the birth date for the man in PA. This is her father, for sure.


And let’s not forget about GHWBush…
Nixon appointed Pappy Bush as ambassador to the UN, in 1971.
Then, in 1974 Gerald Ford appointed GHWBush as US Liaison and Ambassador to China.
GHWB and family, lived in China for awhile…until Ford brought him back and made him head of the C_A in 1976.


I am looking for them earlier than the 70s, but it isn’t easy. Records for China are non-existent in my usual haunts.


And I can’t find an immigration record for either parent, at least so far.


Great work, Aubergine!
Thank you.
I wonder how many other Deep-Sino plants there are, within our institutions.

Gail Combs

Thank-Q Aubergine,
I was hoping you would grab that crumb and run with it!
WHO these people come from is turning out to be very important.


Also, remember Q’s comment (#3837) of Feb 6:
“How many people [removed] from the FBI had Iranian family backgrounds?”
Iran is at least loosely in the the orbit of the China/Russia axis, along with North Korea, Pakistan, Venezuela, etc., though Q has cast doubt on the conventional account of who actually pulls the strings of the “crazy actor” states, Iran and North Korea.


Fort Hamilton is in New York, not Seattle. Not sure what to make of such a colossal error.


Hmm. I have NFI where half your cities/states are but I’m thinking that China’s in a vice.
No manufacturing due to Coronavirus.
No food due to various animal/crop plagues.
Due to virus control can keep population under control till they get hungry.
“………………..will trade food for all those us treasury bonds you got hey Ji? If the price waS right that could work. Double the pain. And Ji, smile whilst your knees are being chainsawed off, and thank me


They still owe us about 4 trillion for WW2 debt when we floated their economy with 700MILLION in GOLD.
China paid Britain back when they negotiated for Hong Kong.
I want my money back!!!!!!!!!!!

Gail Combs

YEAH, that is ~13,000 per person IN GOLD. (Hubby did the calculation)


Life is a lemon and I want my money back.!
Seriously. Just as important as how much you owe is who you owe it to. I’m pretty sure Potus has a plan.
This will not end well for China


The link just specifies “The Department of Defense approved 11 ‘installation sites’ near major airports around the US “, then lists the airports only. Fort Lewis is close to Sea Tac. Could be an error on the part of the author.


The link to the Daily Mail article in the thread.


Hmm…Jussie is being charged with “staging a heinous hate crime”.
And also making false claims that he was the victim of that hate crime.
It was the Dems who made it a Federal Crime to commit a ‘hate crime’.
Remember that?
So I guess that makes it a federal offense to stage a hate crime and falsely claim to be a victim of a hate crime.
The Dems are getting bitten by one of their own stupid ‘social justice’ laws.


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