How perfect is this? It’s going to be a big day. One for the record books. AND if you have ever had a hard time distinguishing differences between Repubs and Dems, try to imagine Bernie Sanders/Mike Bloomberg/ Liz Warren, or Amy and Pete, at the Daytona 500………. See what I mean? Live Link for the race:

This is CITIZEN Trump, with Melania and Justice Clarence Thomas at the Daytona 500 in 1999.

Yes, the President and First Lady will serve as Grand Marshall’s of the Daytona 500. President Trump will be the first President to utter the words, “Gentlemen, start your engines!”
There is nothing bigger in the racing world than Daytona. The SOUND of Daytona is what race fans find inescapable. It’s a deafening roar. It’s the sound of America, running at full speed, unapologetic and free, and we haven’t had the feeling in a long time. It’s time to have some fun. The visuals of our President, in the midst of powerful race cars, LOUD, masculine, skilled, fast, is diametrically opposed to the Democrat party of namby pamby and the politically correct. Of course, any vehicle nicknamed “The Beast” would be right at home at Daytona. It started as a rumor………… on Valentine’s night.
Confirmed only about an hour ago, The Beast will take a lap at Daytona prior to the race. OMG!

Who do you suppose will be the lucky driver within the Secret Service? Will they being drawing straws? Cuz YOU KNOW those boys and girls at Secret Service will have some serious competition behind the scenes to be the one driving The Beast at Daytona. I mean……….. this is heaven, it’s Daytona, sacred ground for any driver.
Of COURSE the car for the most powerful man in the world should be at Daytona, it’s like a “powerful car family reunion”. Natural fit. Makes perfect sense to me!

And there will be BEER, LOTS of beer,

and Airplanes flying overhead which can carry MISSILES to destroy our enemies,
and half naked women,

and masculine men, and loud cars……….everywhere.

It is a multiple triggering event for the the media and liberals…… an overload for the MSM.
It’s positively majestic.
If the Dems want a race in 2020……….. we will be happy to give them one. The Dems cannot even compete in this sphere. Our President takes every opportunity to remind the media, they don’t represent us. They don’t understand us.

The Dems continue to come up short……. pardon the pun, and self-conscious, whiny, and bothersome.
The visual images to spring from this event will laser-etch into our memory, forevermore embedded. No, not even 5 billion of Bloomberg’s money can erase these images.
The Dems are headed for a pile-up in 2020, let’s hope. (Quick prayer for all the drivers today!)

While President Trump and our gracious Melania are headed to the Checkered FLAG! And doughnuts on the in-field.

It’s going to be a terrific day!

See you all at the starting line. Be ready to ride!!

Wave if you see a fellow Treeper!

It’s going to be awesome!!!!!!!
I’m all over this!
Got my 2 lineups ready with DraftKings.
It’s gonna be a Great Day
Thanks for the thread Daughn.
Typo alert! Near the beginning:
” AND if you ever hard a hard time” have
This may come as a shocker, but I was a proof reader for a magazine.
thank yu!!!!!
MQ and all, PR is looking for a link. TIA.

Meanwhile, feeling speshul, I’m gonna get a personal reminder.
Wowwwwwwwwwwww, look at how this guy can drive The Beast
and Backwards
For a quick getaway if needed?
Complicated business fokes complicated business
“Victory Lap” !
That car ran in the “Infinity” series yesterday
CROWD IS WILD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I’m jumping up and down!
OH wow my Dad woukd have LOVED this!
Epoch Times article about the event.
Do you have links to view this, and if so can you add them at the top?
I found one, but it is a pay site.
Did not add the link.
I got one for you:
thank you Nor’easter
YW ((( PR )))!

Great, will put it in up top, thank you Nor’easter!
YW !

Thank you very much Nor’Easter. Time to crank up the volume….
YW Rodney !

Air Force One landing at Daytona.
It doesn’t get any better than this! The airport is right next to the Racetrack.
Yes, it really citizen Donald Trump + Melania + Justice Clarence Thomas at the Daytona 500 in 1999.
Here’s the pic to prove it.
Oh how I wish I was there, I would be in the infield with my old boss.
I got to go to a few Daytona 500s, I was sposed to be there for the race when we lost my childhood hero Dale Earnhardt Sr but I had something more important to do the day before the race. I cried like a baby when they announced that Dale died on that very sad day for me.
I totally walked away from NASCAR the day Dale Jr talked about immigration and never looked back, I grew up following Jr when he was racing cart series and transformed into my new go to guy I just loved Jr and he had to pop my bubble.
Today I wish we had TV so I could watch the race and root for my hero
Donald John Trump he really is an amazing MAN…..
Thanks for this thread Daughn I will be checkin in from time to time to see what’s goin on.
The Beast enters the track at Daytona!!
Just like a VSG…..
Pilot…… Buzz the Track before we land
Did ya notice the announcer said the “46th” President….Prophetic? Is Jr on board?

thank you so much Daughn for all the pictures and videos!!!!!!
Half naked? No only about a quarter, but I am NOT complaining.
You may not be, but I’ll complain.
Ladies, you are contributing to your own objectification.
Objectify me, BABY!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I was wondering which one was you.
When ya got it, flaunt it
So….. you prefer the BURKAH?
That’s extreme.
No, just something that doesn’t invoke thoughts of and S&M video.
I’ve Never seen an S&M video…..
so I’ll just take your word on it.
I haven’t either, but there was a video in the 80s for a Tubes song.
Trump is on the track!
The couch commando has the sound turned down, I can’t hear a f&^%$#@ thing.
I feel like I need to get you your own remote? Or another tv!
There’s a second TV sitting right next to the first and five remotes between all the devices.
Hmmm Maybe kick out the couch commando or become the new one!
Thank you for this. DVR’d pre race show. Got AF1 flyover
Frikkin Fox only showed the Beast enter the track, then cut to commercial.
. At least I saw POTUS waving from the car. This is so Awesome!!! 

Please, somebody help me out here:
Does POTUS suit up and get strapped into The Beast for his lap?
Does the Secret Service driver do the same?
Is The Beast the first car out after the Go flag?
Does The Beast accelerate up to max speed for the lap, or does everybody go at a slower MPH for the POTUS lap?
All good questions……
I don’t know……. yet
I would think he would be in front of the pace car….or his lap would precede the other cars’ entry to the track….maybe a solo lap before even the pace car comes out?
He is supposed to give the order to “start your engines” ….he would need to be off the track to do that, I would think
No way in HELL would Secret Service let him be in the race, not even for one lap.
I expect it will take a lap solo, fairly fast for a street car, and then it will park, he’ll get out, and give The Command.
Over 500 US Secret Service Agents working the event.
You know it makes them crazy.
Thing is, there’s probably not a safer place in American for the President to be.
The average fan would take a bullet for him.
But there’s always outliers.
Exactly, all it would take is one crazy guy.
The Thunderbirds are getting ready for the flyover!!!
Now These are men.
Who do you think will win?
Post your favorite below.
My $$$ on Kyle Busch #18
Checked on the Trump car driver, his odds are 80 to 1.
. IMO, in that car, he’s already a winner!!!
My sentimental pick has to be #48 Jimmy Johnson
Good choice…..
He was my Favorite for years.
Retiring after this year.
(had a few years lately without a win)
7 Time Champions though
Also like that he has been with Hendrick Motorsports for entire career
Melania looks nice today.
Gorgeous weather in Florida.
Would love to see this car win or place top 5…liberal tears would fill the beach and the Halifax River would rise
This car will not be in the “Cup” race today……
It was in the “Infinity” series race yesterday.
Thanks, did not realize that
The “Great American Race”?
The Make America Great Again Race!
Well…… I’ve heard of just ONE of these “celebrities”.
I’ve heard of none of them.
Mail my prize to….
Darius Rucker = Hootie and the Blowfish
And I know who Omar Epps is. That’s all.
I know Quincy Jones………. does that count?
I think the list is an effort to negate the Libs’ contention that only rednecks like NASCAR
LOL, I had to double check Quincy the musician too. It’s definitely Jones who has the Majik!!!
How the lap on the track came to be.
Best picture of the day ———– so far.
39 years ago….in the same spirit
Whoops, I twinzed you. Sorry about that one VG.
Worth seeing twice

It just hit me how President Trump is drawing attention to all the great American past times and bringing back the patriotic love for the game(s). He’s done it with football, baseball, Space flight, NASCAR…I’m sure there are others I’m missing.
Yes, other presidents have attended these events in the past, but NO ONE makes an entrance like Donald J Trump!
Reagan at the Daytona 500 in 1981.
Am watching another Fox live feed on YouTube. POTUS is speaking now!
If so I have to wonder when the original feed will a) show POTUS b) show POTUS’s lap…come ON, this is worse than waiting for the first indictment.
POTUS steps up to speak…
And the damn channel cuts to commercial!!!
A link would be helpful…
I’m getting the sense that, publicly at least, it’s friendly rivalry.
I love seeing them fly
Yeah…Blue Angels are cool too
President Trump in the middle at the podium. Melania is wearing a sundress with a wide white belt.
NONE of which showed on the feed.
Phucque them.
I know….. Sad
Here is the President’s address.
I’ve been yelling “WTF! Like a drunken sailor. The Beast is on the track and they cut away, the Thunderbirds take off and they cut away, the President of the United States of America addresses the crowd and they cut away.
I hate FOX.
I flipped over to FAUX news for a minute and they supposedly “lost the feed”
Right…… I’m sure they did…….
President takes stage and crowd stands, starts chanting.
God help us, LIL MIKE BLOOMIE has an ad on the Fox live feed for the Daytona 500!
Basic message — “I’m great, the country is a mess, I’ll fix it, elect me.”
In other words:
(s)elect ME!….. I KNOW BETTER Than YOU!
God Bless America sung by the Middle River school choir.
Children’s voices
I think I’m gonna cry………
What a photo! Omg my Dad would fame that for sure
Showing POTUS & FLOTUS now.
Invocation, bow your heads.
National Anthem.
National Anthem ACAPELLA!!!
She sang the National Anthem with heart and soul. Very moving !
Like it should be
She nailed it, too. Whoa, goosebumps!
Yes she did!!
Wow, she can sing………..
THUNDERBIRDS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Screaming across the middle!
She was good.
Will miss Darrel Waltrip
(Retired last year)
“Boogity… Boogity… Boogity…….
Let’s go Racing Boys!”
Do NOT miss the last 20 laps or so…..
For the Notorious “Big One” (Crash)
…. TOTALLY A W E S O M E .. 

Awesome shot!!
POTUS just said he’s gonna get in a car and go around!!!

Short interview with the race pundit chic.
This is the 5th time the President has been to Daytona 500.
4 times as a civilian.
Jeff Gordan vs Mike Joy…..
@CurtisHouck Video: Here’s the MASSIVE reception President @realDonaldTrump
and @FLOTUS Melania Trump received upon being announced at the start of the opening ceremonies for the 62nd #Daytona500
MANY, MANY, MANY chants of U-S-A! U-S-A!
Also chants of:
FOX….go to HELL.
DITTO!!! It’s not just CNN that sucks.
Fox has deliberately cut to commercial for the the beast’s lap around the track AND the president’s comments.
Hang on……
He going to lead the field in the Beast!
Can you imagine being the Secret Service guy driving the BEAST!!!
I have FOX on 14 Sports. It’s showing it.
This my first time ever of watching NASCAR.
I’m going to sashay over to YouTube and watch all the stuff Fox covered up with commercials now.
really? you wanna use the word sashay?
Invoking Heinlein.
Oh Pat !!! Your new avatar is outta this world!!! I

Couldn’t see it this morning as well on my phone but now you’re big screen 

i liked her the minute I saw her!
ladypenquin mine too
It can be addictive.
But — isn’t POTUS going to do a lap on the track?? Did I miss something? Did he do it already??
Apparently he DID…and Fox cut to commercial.
NO…… it’s habbening now
That was awesome !! He looked happy happy happy
Way more to racing than just going around in a circle………
Pit Stop times and/or ERRORS…..
Drafting, Crashes and AVOIDING them
President and first lady are going to LEAD THE FIELD for the Daytona 500.
HOLY SHIT!!!!!!!!!!
He is the pace car!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I know! Imagine how the Secret Service guy driving the Beast feels! Bet he never expected this assignment. LOL
!!!!!!!!!!!!! I bet they arm wrestled for that slot.
I wish they would have run just one lap……
At SPEED…… On the track
(Not just the apron)
I think the President wanted to, but the Secret Service kind of said, “NO!”
sounds correct to me.
If memory serves, I was eleven when we went to the raceway and stood at the top of the embankments, don’t ya have to be at 70 MPH+ to stay on the track? Does the beast do that kind of speed?
Correct…… I bet it does

I think POTUS participating gives a nice boost to the NASCAR – gets new fans too! Oh my, he’s a doing a pace lap.
LOOK at those cars peeling off!
They just explained the cars have to be capable of 70 mph for a couple of the banking turns. That’s my top speed!
70 is “School Zone” speed for NASCAR
OH wow I did not know that
look for 200+ mph in the race….
and that is with a “restrictor plate” to keep them from going even FASTER!
I can admire speed, but it’s never been my thing. Scares me.
I LOVE it!
Nothing like seeing the “Dashed” lines on the road turn SOLID
31 degree corners…… (Steep)
Been on that track….nearly impossible to stand up on those banks
OMGGGGGGGGG the President the BEAASTTTT is the PAce car!!!!!!!!!!!!
President Donald J Trump!!!!!!
VSG is about to lead the field, staying on the apron
fricking awesome
OK, watching the POTUS lap!!
4th Sitting President to attend the Daytona 500
Reagan attended and gave the command to “start your engines” from Air Force One.
George W Bush attended.
Clinton was there and campaigned
Jimmy Carter was honorary starter when Governor.
Here comes the Green Flag!!!!!!!!!!!
…. WHOO-HOO ….

Very interesting facts
That must have been Bernies GREMLIN that Mike Joy was driving earlier against Jeff Gordan
I could see Bernie in this:
Man does that bring back memories. Get a Pinto, a Pacer and a Delorean will blow them all out of the water.
I hear that the Delorean goes back and forth in Time

I love the Minions!
Oh me too lady ..
… they so cute and irreverent … 
Aaannnd, speaking of Bernie (from a comment on that thread above):
LOL and eggs. Milk that’s gone as well.
They keep asking all the drivers if they have


Once you go over 100 mph it’s all butterflies lol and at 200 it’s a wild ride.
I once went over 160 on 2 wheels on my KZ 1000 I am not sure how fast I was going because I quit looking down at the speedometer. It was around 3 am on interstate 75 going from Tampa Florida to my home in Ruskin Florida what a ride that was.
Didn’t know you had so many followers at Daytona!
LIVE: Jimmie Johnson’s Daytona 500 in-car camera | NASCAR Cup Series
POTUS radio’s all drives while pacing the race
They keep talking about the “rain” that isn’t on the radar….
Hey guys,
Good One!
Side note:
My first car was a 1971 Dodge Super Bee…..
Speedo read up to 220 mph! (Factory)
Mine was a 65 chevy 2 Nova I bought it from a farmer when I was 14 and spent two years building it. Then I got my 1970 Mercury Cyclone 429 Cobra Jet with a four speed, that car was wicked. My mom and dad were both drag racers, I think mom was better but dad built the cars lol he is a Impala man.
Light weight…… BIG engine = Lot’s of tire purchases
Oh yeah lots of money was spent on tires seems I always had bald ones,part of being young lol.
I hope your having a rockin day brother.
Gonna be Great.

Just waiting for the race to start
YOU have a great one too
Like this one:
1971 Dodge Charger SuperBee in B5 Blue. 383 Magnum Survivor.
If this pops, when I was little, we had one of these. It was my mom’s, and my dad did the maintenance. Lift the hood, and you could see the street around the engine. We used to decorate it for the parish parade.
Pontiac GTO?
It was a LeMans. I don’t remember if it was a GTO, but it looked like this or similar. Rear wheel drive, 8-cylinder engine, red interior, convertible, and my dad claims it was really unsafe. That’s just ’cause he drove it in the snow.
Oh, the year on that car was 1964.
MOPAR or no car!
A M E N !!!!!!
Rain delay…….
They can’t race when it’s raining?
Cannot race on a wet track, Lady! So – we have a Rain Delay!
Makes sense. Safety. Out of the blue. But not when POTUS was talking!
* Smile *
No…. tires are “Slicks”…. (No tread bars)
for better traction while dry.
200 mph is tough enough when dry
LOL. You have to forgive me. Penguins don’t do this kind of thing. Never watched NASCAR, but I’ve always known they’re strong for America – have to keep the SJW out of their ranks though.
Especially on a rough track, them dips can be very dangerous at top speed.
They wait for the rain to pass and get out the jet dryers to dry the track LP
Thanks. I didn’t know they had treadless tires! POTUS has made some new folks NASCAR fans!
Awesome Lady and just like the MAGA crowd NASCAR welcomes everyone.
Here is the National Anthem, she did a magnificent job.
She did, and the drivers and their families were very attentive.
Pretty sure nobody took a knee for that one
Sun’s out…… won’t be long now
POTUS speaks in car to the drivers….
Liberal tears cause temporary rain delay

POTUS looked good. Has lost a little weight, probably makes his doctor happy, but he really looks like he is doing well. Melania beautiful as always.
Notice something else? The drivers and their families. NASCAR is family, it’s patriotism, it’s American.
Maggie, commie “reporter” for New York Times, can’t stand that POTUS was at Daytona, or that the people love him being there.
People like @maggieNYT just seethe with hate towards @realDonaldTrump – but they’re really hating on Americans. Maggie can’t stand for the People to enjoy their @POTUS – Confirms her anti-Americanism.
By her reasoning, Pres. Trump would not be able to use Secret Service protection or fly on AF1 while campaigning. No member of Congress could use any of the perks of their office, either. And Pres. Trump would not be allowed to go anywhere that the people have gathered, if he were using “the apparatus of government.” Haters gonna hate.
Ha Ha Ha ! Didn’t take long to trigger her off with a timestamp of 3:03 !!
Like a mousetrap “SNAP !! “….
Maybe “Wake-Up Maggie” should move to Venezuela or Cuba or Iran to be with like-minded people…
Then again, she’d have to keep her yap shut, or else…
And maybe she’d come crawling back…
LOL! In a move of pure desperation, Pete Buttigieg shows up to Daytona and also does a lap.
Bet i’s electric
I picture him trying to take the bank on a segue scooter.
What, me worry?!
too fast!
Tricycle maybe?
Is that for real ?? Looks like something from Tijuana ,… maybe a piñata ? long drive from Daytona.
Another note about Superspeedways (Daytona and Talladega)
There WILL be a BIG Wreck.
The saying goes:
It’s not “IF”…. but “WHEN”
First Winners!
The Hudson Hornet was also the “wise” old characters in Cars….tried to teach Lightening McQueen a few things about racing…and life
That reminds me of that airport in the Dutch Antilles where the planes come in over the beach so low that the jetwash blows the sand (and occasionally people) around…
Then again, the pic is probably being take with a VERY long lens, so it looks like it’s closer that it really is, but WOW!!!
That’s freakin’ awesome!! I love our President!
Hey guys, do not spread this photo.
It’s from 2004, Getty Image, when George W went to Daytona.
Sorry, it already stung me.
OOOOPS!! Sorry
Good ad.
How long does this race take?
It’s 500 miles…takes a few hours
3+ hours
Fo Evah!!!!

LOL, it hadn’t even re-started and my friend is already asleep!!
I’ll wake him up for the last 20 miles. Maybe a wreck, if it’s a good one!
Just a matter of time….
Yep, Races are NAP time!!!
It depends on the number of wrecks and yellow flags. Or…if somebody’s car hits something it shouldn’t and it take 45 minutes of scrubbing the track with Tide to get the fuel cleaned up after a fire.
Yes, that did happen.
This was MY notification

We like you MOAR!!!
Awww, thanks Sweet Duchess!!

* Smiling *
Now you can nap. Having shown obligatory interest
Seeing that lovely photo reminds me…has anyone heard from Crossroads?
Cross thread?
Yes, you are correct…I always thought he was at a crossroads in life.
His wife is blind and she helps him work on the car. He has lost an arm hence crossthread
Haven’t seen him post for a while.
Haven’t seen him post for a while.
I saw Crossthread post on OT today on the Nass Car thread.
I wonder why he does not post here any longer because I have not seen him since his wives’s father passed?
Don’t know.
Maybe he’s depressed.
That place would be more in tune with that
Seems a lot of things happening in his life that are stressful . He needs prayers as we all need at times.
Three wide and gettin freaky I love it
Your Ford’s are up front…….
for now!
Lovin life right now lol. Them Toyota’s are awesome cars to and nothing to take lightly.

Toyota!!! On my 4th one. One Supra, 3 4-Runners!!

Nice, my moms late husband had a Toyota truck that went over 1 million miles,he was a heavy equipment mechanic and babied his truck. Before he died he accumulated 15 of them lol
I had my last 4Runner for 17 years! Only 112K on it. Finally got a new one. I LOVE my heated seats!!!

Fords up front,dang I am gonna have to get satelite TV just for race day.
This is the first race i have watched in years.
Streaming live:
Damn tablet keeps freezing up, I better chillax before I smash it.
If Kevin Harvick can stay in the top 20 he could be a contender, damn I miss race day, Volgarian thank you for the link to watch it.
President Trump has given me a new outlook on NASCAR, I might have to break out my Dale Earnhardt jacket and have it dry cleaned.
Boogitie boogitie boogitie
lol…… Harvick ain’t no joke
I rooting for Harvick.
Good pick.
You rock Daughn….
Amen brother I just hope he dont retire after this season, I cant believe how old the Busch brothers look,dang I been missin out on my races.
I miss Darryl Waltrip. He was so light-hearted and made it so much fun.
I thought he flew to Palm Beach yesterday and was aboard Air Force One with President Trump today.
He definately added some spice to NASCAR and was a very funny person even in person he was just a genuine fella.
VIDEO SPECIAL: Daytona 500 Held On the Beach In 1952, Safety Devices Were Few
By Space Coast Daily // May 14, 2019
For your pleasure:
Yeeee Haaaaaa
another rain delay
Raining pretty hard……
Gonna be a while
They have all night lol
And hopefully, an endless supply of Tide if there’s a fuel fire on the track.
I remember it was Juan Pablo Mantoya, and it was at Daytona, right? It was one of the longer tracks, that much I know.
I am not sure DP that was after I quit watching the races, I used to be able to answer any questions asked about any race.
President Trump just jumped my battery and I have a passion once again for NASCAR.
Really coming down now…
I can hear it now……….
Mueller Fake Investigation took Americans for 35 million dollars.
I was being Facetious
Oh, I know. I was just adding in more dollars they ripped us off for. Mueller’s gang should be prosecuted for public corruption, stealing taxpayer monies.
Congress rips us off every day.
Grants for the mating habits of shrimp etc…..
No, no…you mixed the really important one…how long shrimp can use a treadmill.
Not to mention Nancy’s pens….
Razor – oh, yeah – it’s already started…..
The crowd went wild!
PDJT has lots of early supporters from NASCAR and racing!
Dale Jr. waves the green flag!
Just being a fan!
The Democrats didn’t bother to show up.
too busy protesting America
Their tears did….that’s wht it’s on rain delay
Good thing, with the rain starts and stops, it may go til midnight!
Bring out the Jet Dryers….
and Air Titans!
I always wondered what it would be like to stand in front of a jet dryer blowing out cold air.
President Trump speaks to race drivers!
“What a day! @realDonaldTrump talks to the #DAYTONA500 drivers ahead of the race.
“Drivers, this is President Trump and it was an honor to open the Daytona 500, have a phenomenal day. Have a great race. Be safe. God Bless you. We love you.”
Rest of the speech
Sorry, I don’t know who she is…please enlighten us non-500 watchers.
She’s the young driver who wanted her helmet signed by POTUS…. Don Jr made it happen

She races in a lesser class….
ARCA I think
She tweeted that she wished she could have a picture w/ POTUS. Jr. told her to DM him, he might know somebody
Looks like he hooked her up. There’s the picture.
POTUS and Son making a fan’s dream come true! Love them!!
And her goal was to get her helmet signed, which POTUS did!!
I had to look, don’t know anything about cars, but have family that do, they’re just not here.
Another aside…..
Most “sports” use only one Ball……
Racing takes TWO
Some folks want to go back to 1pm starting time.
N FL/ S GA region is expecting rain this whole week!!!
Yeah, friend said they’d probably wind up running tomorrow. But if it’s raining all week, they won’t run at all. Just checked FL radar, no way will they race today, super big storm system coming from Gulf over northern part of state. Fox is showing last year’s race.
RAINBOW over Daytona 500!!!
Ohhhh, this is brutal.
Parody account, but funny like Scott Spicier…
Well, they are short, horny guys. They have more in common with Bloomie, TBH.
As a tall guy I am offended and I am not a snowflake.
We tall guys have more room for the horniness to expand, ask my mom vertically challenged guys may be horny but is tall guys know how to GITRDUN….
That was total sarcasm but a proven fact…
Scene from 1952 race when NASCAR was new!
We twinzed again…I gotta remember to refresh….
Rained out until 4pm EDT Tomorrow
I hear it’s pouring?
Track was dry….
ready to restart……
Moar Liberal Tears.
4pm tomorrow!!!!!!!!!!
The sports bar main screen was turned to the hockey game.
Some days being the patient peace maker makes me want to tear my hair out in this house.
Ha Ha back when mullets were cool,Rain drops keep fallin on my head…
A week late but I got me some birthday beers and a bottle of Jesse James honey bourbon.
Night n God bless, I am on a mission.
Daytona weather tomorrow 20% chance of rain after 1 pm
Postponed til 4pm tomorrow
Should be better tomorrow!
Lots of rain tonight!
View from inside AF1.
Yeah and at times you can feel em in your throat, I ran sprint cars for 2 seasons filling in for a friend who had back surgery and I have to tell ya when your balls to the wall and make wheel contact you do have that lump in your throat.
We actually did a party at Dale Earnhardt Jr.’s House in Mooresville, NC one year. MY was that a BEAUTIFUL Place. He has a replica western town on the property. He also has long horn cattle and buffalo.
Notice the relaxed smile on President Trump. He is having FUN!
This was just so cool!

Love it that our President attended and did a lap!
Thanks for the great thread about it, Daughn!
Damn Toyota’s running up front grgrgrgr. From what I see the skys are clear and someone needs to kick them Ford ponies in the ass,damn my NASCAR addiction is back full swing.
P.S… Hillary is not the President.
Daytona style pile up just eliminated half the field
I seen that at NASCAR. com, our internet sucks so bad I didnt get to see but a few laps and it would freeze up, damn I was so pissed.
And how about that finish? Wow that’s true Daytona 500 fashion.
That one was scary….last lap again. Glad it’s a better outcome
Me to, I am not ready to bury another driver
That 2nd hit when he was upside down had me worried…that was brutal
That was so crazy, he didn’t even really land and wham. Talk about a crash you dont see often that one was it.
Who won?
Denny somebody but Ryan Newman was in lead and wrecked BAD BAD BAD no word anywhere on condition
They are using the dreaded black screens to get him out of the car. He took a hell of a hit in driver side before coming down on roof and then fire