Dear KMAG: 20200216 Open Topic

This Superlative Sanctuary Sunday Open Thread, with full respect to those who worship God on the Sabbath, is a place to reaffirm our worship of our Creator, our Father, our King Eternal.

It’s also a place to read, post and discuss news that’s worth knowing and sharing. Please post links to any news stories that you use as sources or quote from.

Please show respect and consideration for your fellow QTreepers.

In other words . . .

. . . and when it’s time to not be nice, we have a companion site – called The U Tree – where all legal speech is allowed and where you can run wild and free with the Wolfpack.

Please also consider the Important Guidelines, outlined here. Let’s not give the Internet Censors a reason to shut down this precious haven that Wolf has created for us.

My apologies, if due. I’ve reduced the size of the salad because of the size of the entrée. Bon appétit!

Thy Kingdom Come, Thy Will Be Done

If you have been born again through faith in Jesus Christ by the regenerating work of the Holy Spirit, then I have one question for you my friend: Do you hunger and thirst for more of God’s presence and power to saturate your soul and your sphere of influence? If so, then you would be blessed to continually offer up this simple prayer in faith to the Lord: “Thy kingdom come, Thy will be done.”

Jesus presented those two powerful petitions to His disciples when He gave them “The Lord’s Prayer.” (Matt. 6:9-13) And it provides us with a beautiful template for all of our prayers. For example, here are some requests that cover key areas of our daily life and witness: “Thy kingdom come, Thy will be done in my family.” “Thy kingdom come, Thy will be done in my church.” “Thy kingdom come, Thy will be done in the lives of those I am seeking to reach for Christ.” “Thy kingdom come, Thy will be done as I use the gifts you have given me to serve others.”

The kingdom of Jesus is established in every heart that receives Him as Savior and Lord. Christians are never called to build their own little kingdom, but rather, we are called to be willing vessels and loving agents of God’s grace and mercy in a world where many are deceived by the darkness rather than in love with the light. And since none of us are immune to the spiritual darkness of this world with its agenda and desires, we need the Lord to deliver us whenever darkness seems to be creeping into our own experience.

Man naturally strives to build his own kingdom, and each one of us naturally seeks to have “my will be done.” On the other hand, man by the supernatural power of the Holy Spirit longs to see Christ’s kingdom advance and the Lord’s will be done. This is part and parcel of receiving a new nature when you are born again through faith in the Messiah. And if you are born again, then you are also saved, justified, forgiven, and redeemed. As a child of the living God, it was definitely the Lord’s will for you to be saved from your sins. Likewise, “God wants all men to be saved and to come to a knowledge of the truth.” (1 Timothy 2:4)

The strong desire to do God’s will is a gift in itself. A.W. Tozer said, “I am Thy servant to do Thy will, and that will is sweeter to me than position or riches or fame, and I choose it above all things on earth or in heaven.” Chuck Swindoll said, “God doesn’t work on our timetable. He has a plan that He will execute perfectly and for the highest, greatest good of all, and for His ultimate glory.” In order to “keep in step with the Spirit,” (Gal. 5:25) we need to pray often and believe that God hears us and will answer us according to His will. Everyone who trusts Christ as Savior belongs to the family of God, (John 1:12,13) and has the privilege of boldly approaching the throne of God’s grace with confidence and expectancy. (Hebrews 4:16)

Would you say that your life today is under the full control of Christ your King? Or have one or two areas slipped into the realm of darkness and deceit? Now is the time to renew your commitment to the King of Kings. Turn to Christ today as you pray: “Wash away my sin Lord Jesus. Fill me once again with the Holy Spirit. May thy kingdom come, Thy will be done in my life, my heart, my thoughts, my attitudes, my speech, my behavior, and my decisions.”

The more a believer loves the Lord, the more he or she wants God’s will to be done in their life. The Holy Spirit fans into flame not only our faith in Christ, but also our love for Christ and our heartfelt desire to do His will. “Do not put out the Spirit’s fire.” (1 Thess. 5:19) That is to say, do not say things or do things or dwell on things that grieve and quench the Holy Spirit’s work in your life as a Christian. “Do not grieve the Holy Spirit of God.” (Eph. 4:30)

Scripture instructs believers: “Hate what is evil; cling to what is good.” (Romans 12:9) This is a lofty calling, and can only be carried out when the Holy Spirit guides our thoughts, speech, and behavior. We are called to confess our sins to the Lord, and also to renounce them. (Prov. 28:13) We are to place anything that is dark in our life under the blood of Jesus that was shed for us 2000 years ago. By confessing our sin to the Lord and turning away from it, we experience renewal in our determination to work for God’s kingdom as we seek His will in everything.

How strong is your desire today to walk closely with God and continually converse with Him in prayer? If left to ourselves, we would have no motivation for this noble pursuit. But with Christ in our life through faith and with the Holy Spirit filling us with power, we find ourself being motivated daily to please the Lord in everything we do. God not only forgives our sins when we are born again, but He also gives us a new heart that desires to serve the One who saved us by His blood shed on the cross. What a loving and mighty God we serve!

We are invited by our gracious God to pray: “Thy kingdom come, thy will be done, on earth as it is in heaven.” As we pray these words, we trust in our heart that the Lord will indeed answer us according to His will and in His perfect time. As we wait patiently upon God to fulfill His purpose for our life, our hearts are stirred as we meditate on Scripture and serve those God allows us to serve. Holy decisions bring about even more holy desires, whereas dark decisions produce even more darkness in our soul. The Christian life cannot be lived in neutral. If you are not going forward, you will begin to slide backwards. Spiritual darkness promotes disobedience and unrest, while the light of Christ enables us to see clearly and to “take captive every thought to make it obedient to Christ.” (2 Cor. 10:5)

Christ’s kingdom and God’s will are foundational for living the Christian life. Without the Lord, you and I would be lost in a sea of sinfulness and doomed for destruction. Thankfully, “God demonstrates His own love for us in this: While we were still sinners, Christ died for us. Since we have now been justified by His blood, how much more shall we be saved from God’s wrath through Him!” (Romans 5:8,9) At the cross, the kingdom of God ushered in eternal salvation for “everyone who calls on the name of the Lord.” (Romans 10:13) “He has rescued us from the dominion of darkness and brought us into the kingdom of the Son He loves, in whom we have redemption, the forgiveness of sins.” (Colossians 1:13,14)

And so you see my friend, it is definitely God’s will that you repent of your sin and trust Christ alone for salvation. It is the only way to be forgiven, saved, born again, justified, and redeemed. And once you are in God’s family through faith, you begin to do God’s will “on earth as it is in heaven.” One day, “you will receive a rich welcome into the eternal kingdom of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.” (1 Peter 1:11) In heaven, you will experience things you didn’t know were possible, and you will be filled with a joy that exceeds your wildest imagination. (Psalm 16:11; 2 Cor. 12:1-4)

This is why it is foolish and reckless for anyone to underestimate or ignore God’s eternal kingdom and God’s perfect will. After all, “The wise in heart are called discerning,” (Prov. 16:21) and, “It is the Lord’s purpose that prevails.” (Prov. 19:21)

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Amen, Carl. I always think of that phrase in the Lord’s Prayer as talking about the hereafter, when Christ rules on earth, when His kingdom comes. But Jesus did say that the kingdom is within us. Much food for thought.


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“Gentlemen, start your engines.”
“Start your engines.”
We will know soon enough. I think he should do it from inside the Prez limo.


Maybe, let the Beast be the honorary pace car for starting the race.

Cuppa Covfefe

With some MOPAR, STP, Pennzoil, Castrol, Isky, and other (temporary) stickers emblazoned on it 🙂


STP, the lifeblood of my oil burning car early 70s.

Cuppa Covfefe

Remember Andy Granatelli?
And “Slick50”?
And the little metal-laced pellets you could drop into the cylinders (through the spark-plug holes) to supposedly preserve and improve your engine? (I used some of those on a Ford Mustang II that I bought in an extreme moment of weakness; it’s a wonder the engine didn’t blow up going over the “Grapevine”…).

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

I wonder how fast that thing will go?
If it will do a hundred (and I wouldn’t be surprised–Secret Service would want it to be able to skeddadle out of a bad situation) that must be a 4-digit horsepower engine. Sucker weighs ten tons.


Tozer is one of my favorite thinkers/theologians.
Here’s my favorite Tozer quote – and it fits your topic, most esteemed BakoCarl….
“Self is the opaque veil that hides the Face of God from us. It can be removed only in spiritual experience, never by mere instruction. As well try to instruct leprosy out of our system. There must be a work of God in destruction before we are free. We must invite the cross to do its deadly work within us. We must bring our self-sins to the cross for judgment. We must prepare ourselves for an ordeal of suffering in some measure like that through which our Saviour passed when He suffered under Pontius Pilate.”
― A.W. Tozer, The Pursuit of God –
Goes right along with I Peter 4:1 and the verses that tell us to put to death the works, thoughts and desires of the flesh.


More Tozer:
“The man who has God for his treasure has all things in One. Many ordinary treasures may be denied him, or if he is allowed to have them, the enjoyment of them will be so tempered that they will never be necessary to his happiness. Or if he must see them go, one after one, he will scarcely feel a sense of loss, for having the Source of all things he has in One all satisfaction, all pleasure, all delight. Whatever he may lose he has actually lost nothing, for he now has it all in One, and he has it purely, legitimately and forever.”
― Tozer, A. W.
“The Holy Spirit is our cloud by day and our fire by night. Without Him we only wander aimlessly about the desert.”
― A.W. Tozer, Keys to the Deeper Life
“Down through history man has taken many paths in his quest for God’s presence, all to no avail. Only one path is correct, and that path is revealed in the Word of God. Only in the Bible do we begin to understand what these inward stirrings are and how to find entrance into the presence of God. A right understanding of the Bible opens to us the only path into the presence of God.”
― A.W. Tozer, Experiencing the Presence of God: Teachings from the Book of Hebrews
“The teaching of forgiveness without any turning from sin is a great error and it has filled the churches with deceived members and helped to fill hell with deceived souls.”
– AW Tozer, The Tozer Pulpit, Vol II


REFUSING to die to self, rejecting GOD’s pattern in creation – male and female – brings to mind Buttigieg and HIS WILL BE DONE lifestyle.
Because the Episcopal Church caved to the alphabet lobby’s demands – Buttigieg thinks he’s holy and AOK.


The Episcopal Church and the Church of England have long ago left Romans 1:18-32 and other demanding Scripture passages out of their lectionaries.
See Churchmouse’s list of Forbidden Scriptures – here:
Because of their promotion/tolerance/excusing s0d0my – the Anglican Communion has split. The obedient ones with the full lectionary are aligned under the oversight of African Archbishops.


Thanks, GA/FL, for the kind mention. The page is here:
Thank you also for your excellent Bible verses and Tozer quotes. Perfect.


Good morning dear Churchmouse! Anyone who goes to your website will be awed by the hard work and exacting research, and theological integrity and faithfulness to Scripture!


Thank you VERY much, friend — greatly appreciated! (Yes, it is a lot of hard work.)
Have a blessed Sunday!


Very much what has caused the split that is looming in the United Methodist denomination. The traditional understanding and actual biblical statements are supported by obvious geographic representations within the General Conference. Were it not for Africa, eastern Europe and southern US, and segments of the Mid-western US – the traditional UMC would have disintegrated. Instead it appears they will have the opportunity to be seeded in good, fertile soil where they will grow and crowd out the tares.


Amen! Much heartache due to blind leaders caving to pressure, prevarication and propaganda….like the serpent in the garden, the alphabet activists have slithered in and hissed…”Did GOD really say….”


God Bless You bakocarl and all Q Treepers.comment image


Worried about the Night Shift?


Verse of the Day

“Therefore all things whatsoever ye would that men should do to you, do ye even so to them: for this is the law and the prophets.”
Matthew 7:12 (KJV)


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Thank You, Jesus, for blessings received and prayers answered!


Jesus Loves Babies…Pray for the Unborncomment image
Jesus Loves the Little Children – Pray for the Little Childrencomment image
Jesus Loves You – Come to Himcomment image


Good Morning Duchess!
Have a Blessed Day!


Morning, Pat! Hope you are warm and toasty
Have a Blessed, Happy Birthday, Sweet Lady!!!


thank you again!
HUGS to you!!!


Have a Fun Day!!!





They should put the mayor and the governor on trial then. Her blood is on their hands too!


I feel so badly for her family. No doubt they expected justice to be done. Yet, here we are. Awful.



Thank you, bakocarl, for another inspiring Sunday post.
I always look forward to the sermons you post. Today’s, on the Holy Spirit, is outstanding.



hope I got these on the right thread…comment imagecomment imagecomment imagecomment image


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the site also has a photo spread of the famous St. Valentine’s Day massacre and a selection of photos from POTUS’s rallies…


Pretty much says it all about these unhinged people who have absolutely no moral compass.


Pat, I love the Trump Girl Power. We MAGAs should wear bandanas like that !!!


i was thinking about changing my avatar to that picture…


Dew it 😎💥


so what do ya think?
did it work??


YES. Yes haw 👍👍👍😍




PDJT ad to run during Daytona broadcast:


Hubby went to Georgetown U. It was a very good school back then. How quickly things can change.


wow…whatever will these snowflakes do in the real world where everything is not marshmallow covered safe spaces?


They all plan to work for the government.


sigh…I think you’re right


Umm yeah…about 1984.🤔🤔

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

The picture is straight out of Fahrenheit 451.
Of course, THAT society didn’t discriminate, it burned all books.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Das Kapital offends me, please burn it.”
I wonder how they’d weasel out of THAT.


Huawei to be covered in an Epoch Times interview on Monday:

Northern Telecom was a Canadian company. We probably knew it better as Nortel. It collapsed in 2009.
Interestingly, the Wikipedia entry for Nortel says:
‘In 2004 Nortel discovered that hackers they believed to be in China had had free rein within the Nortel network for more than a decade before their collapse.[57] The fall of Nortel coincided with the rise of Huawei.[58]’


Forgot the Wikipedia link:
Link with the above quote is in this section:


so cool…for Zoe…
a person remodeled their house and when they were done, they put one Trump flag in a window. A member of that community sent this guy a letter saying the remodel was beautiful, but the Trump flag made it disgusting–so he retaliated by putting Trump flags in all the windows–he even has them in his yard AND a cardboard cutout of the President by his front door!

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Farage-level InYourFace response.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Oh, and if the Dems overcheat and that neighborhood goes unanimously in favor of their nominee, we can at least prove it was fraud.


This is epic and I love it. The card board cut outs are an add plus


that’s my favorite part!!!


Oh I Love this ad:
[video src="" /]

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Inspired by “Godzilla vs. Bambi” no doubt.


Turtle is on target re Dems and Iran:


I’m telling you, we could solve a lot of the resistance problems, if POTUS would just endorse OXYGEN…the left would boycott it…problem solved…LOL




Does Joni Ernst’s endorsement of the SOTU mean she’s back on the Trump Train? Should we expect him to be invited to her late summer BBQ shindig?


Joni looks SO much better without the “helmet” hair cut! Another example of a good imagine consultant and says to me she has aspirations for bigger and better things in her political career.
Hint to Liz Cheney…you need to ask Joni for the business card.


Too funny!


New hate crimes article against Trump supporters from Nolte. Just as appalling in content as the first one was:


Here is John Nolte’s list of 2018 violence against Trump supporters promoted by the media…
and this…
and this….
4 Massive Media Hoaxes in 1st three weeks of 2019 –
“THE MEDIA ARE THE ENEMY…” in many cases – and they prove it every day!


Thank you. Those are important to bookmark, especially this year.


Thanks, GA/FL. I had already bookmarked it for posterity.
Many of will remember.


Meant to say, ‘Many of us will remember’.


DID I post his contact information to report attacks? Email with links to incidents. Be brief and give link to document attack.


Thank you kindly.




and this….
4 Massive Media Hoaxes in 1st three weeks of 2019 –
“THE MEDIA ARE THE ENEMY…” in many cases – and they prove it every day!


This x 1000!


Nolte is a warrior – all the articles are his!!!


Yes, indeed, they are.


Here is the 2018 L1$T
Nolte quit counting after nearly 640….


PS – I had to code one word and hide the link because WP wouldn’t post it and I gave it 3 tries.


Tom Fitton on HRC, her emails and Benghazi:


DOJ lawyers trying to shut this re-investigation down. Where is BARR?


love this!!


This is too cute

Brave and Free

Great article bakocarl,
The kingdom of Jesus is established in every heart that receives Him as Savior and Lord. Christians are never called to build their own little kingdom, but rather, we are called to be willing vessels and loving agents of God’s grace and mercy in a world where many are deceived by the darkness rather than in love with the light.
That right there pretty much sums up the deference between PDJT and all the dim presidential candidates.
They all want their only little kingdom to rule.

Brave and Free

Their own, ^^


Even though it’s Sunday, and Bakocarl’s beautiful post is spiritually strengthening for the day, I can’t help but call out so-called “conservative” Brit Hume.
The trouble with @BritHume is his leaving journalistic integrity by the wayside, & living with ignorant animus towards @realDonaldTrump. Everything @POTUS has done has been for #USA – The People know this; that’s why you & the Swamp despise him. 1/2

2/2 Mr. Hume, you know who thought everything was about themselves? BarackObama. America suffered for 8 yrs living under a president who thought he should be “king” & the one we’d “been waiting for.” That’s called #Hubris #Narcissism


love your tweets LP!


Thank you! I feel so guilty posting it in the Sunday thread, but I think God understands. For too long we let these people get away with marginalizing or denigrating our side, our beliefs, our conservatism. Hume is a “conservative” – but he lives in the elitist bubble along with the rest of them.
I’d bet the house, POTUS is more “polished” than they are – they’re too blinded by their animus to see it.


I was confused this morning–we have so many threads–with specific commenting rules–and none clearly said OPEN THREAD–but I think you’re okay!


not a criticism Carl–just didn’t know if this was a specific thread (we have others right now that are) and didn’t want to violate anyone’s rules and get banned…


I figured this was the Daily Open Thread, I just feel guilty on Sundays when I’m not quite living up to being charitable. 🙂

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Surely there are limits to the required extent of charity.


It’s Sunday ??? Where did Saturday go 🤷‍♀️


I think we skipped Saturday…


Brit cares more about the crease of a man’s trousers. 🙂


How to Stay Healthy During the Coronavirus


Thy will be done. Your will, Lord. Not mine.


Proof Democrats can’t think straight.comment image

Deplorable Patriot

So, Carl, I went to the Douay-Rheims Bible online site to fetch the beginning of the Sermon on the Mount, since it’s probably one of the most used Gospel passages that is not the Passion According to St. John, and on a whim went to the USCCB site to look at today’s readings. We’re in the year of St. Mark, but today’s Gospel is from…The Sermon on the Mount.
From the Gospel According to St. Matthew, Chapter 5:
[1] And seeing the multitudes, he went up into a mountain, and when he was set down, his disciples came unto him. [2] And opening his mouth, he taught them, saying: [3] Blessed are the poor in spirit: for theirs is the kingdom of heaven. [4] Blessed are the meek: for they shall possess the land. [5] Blessed are they that mourn: for they shall be comforted.
[6] Blessed are they that hunger and thirst after justice: for they shall have their fill. [7] Blessed are the merciful: for they shall obtain mercy. [8] Blessed are the clean of heart: for they shall see God. [9] Blessed are the peacemakers: for they shall be called children of God. [10] Blessed are they that suffer persecution for justice’ sake: for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.
[11] Blessed are ye when they shall revile you, and persecute you, and speak all that is evil against you, untruly, for my sake: [12] Be glad and rejoice, for your reward is very great in heaven. For so they persecuted the prophets that were before you
And today’s Gospel (note to self, wear comfortable shoes, it’s a long one):
MT 5:17-37 OR 5:20-22A, 27-28, 33-34A, 37
Jesus said to his disciples:
“Do not think that I have come to abolish the law or the prophets.
I have come not to abolish but to fulfill.
Amen, I say to you, until heaven and earth pass away,
not the smallest letter or the smallest part of a letter
will pass from the law,
until all things have taken place.
Therefore, whoever breaks one of the least of these commandments
and teaches others to do so
will be called least in the kingdom of heaven.
But whoever obeys and teaches these commandments
will be called greatest in the kingdom of heaven.
I tell you, unless your righteousness surpasses
that of the scribes and Pharisees,
you will not enter the kingdom of heaven.
“You have heard that it was said to your ancestors,
You shall not kill; and whoever kills will be liable to judgment.
But I say to you,
whoever is angry with his brother
will be liable to judgment;
and whoever says to his brother, ‘Raqa,’
will be answerable to the Sanhedrin;
and whoever says, ‘You fool,’
will be liable to fiery Gehenna.
Therefore, if you bring your gift to the altar,
and there recall that your brother
has anything against you,
leave your gift there at the altar,
go first and be reconciled with your brother,
and then come and offer your gift.
Settle with your opponent quickly while on the way to court.
Otherwise your opponent will hand you over to the judge,
and the judge will hand you over to the guard,
and you will be thrown into prison.
Amen, I say to you,
you will not be released until you have paid the last penny.
“You have heard that it was said,
You shall not commit adultery.
But I say to you,
everyone who looks at a woman with lust
has already committed adultery with her in his heart.
If your right eye causes you to sin,
tear it out and throw it away.
It is better for you to lose one of your members
than to have your whole body thrown into Gehenna.
And if your right hand causes you to sin,
cut it off and throw it away.
It is better for you to lose one of your members
than to have your whole body go into Gehenna.
“It was also said,
Whoever divorces his wife must give her a bill of divorce.
But I say to you,
whoever divorces his wife – unless the marriage is unlawful –
causes her to commit adultery,
and whoever marries a divorced woman commits adultery.
“Again you have heard that it was said to your ancestors,
Do not take a false oath,
but make good to the Lord all that you vow.
But I say to you, do not swear at all;
not by heaven, for it is God’s throne;
nor by the earth, for it is his footstool;
nor by Jerusalem, for it is the city of the great King.
Do not swear by your head,
for you cannot make a single hair white or black.
Let your ‘Yes’ mean ‘Yes,’ and your ‘No’ mean ‘No.’
Anything more is from the evil one.”

Deplorable Patriot

Okay, maybe I’m confused and we’re in the year of St. Matthew, ’cause all I’m seeing Gospel wise before Lent is the Sermon on the Mount.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

I had a hard time finding anything on this concept of devoting entire years to saints that had gospels named after them, but it appears this year is Matthew, next year is Mark, then Luke. Apparently they only cycle through the Synoptics, though, and it’s a three year cycle (which means you can’t memorize a leap year like rule).

Deplorable Patriot

The Gospel According to St. John is interspersed among them. We hear A LOT of it in the B year of St. Mark, especially the treatise on the Eucharist. Major Solemnities are taken from a combination. All Saints Day is The Beatitudes, for example.
This is done so that the people who observe keeping holy the Sabbath can hear the Gospels over time. Those who go to Daily Mass hear the entire Bible in a three year span, the way the rotation works.

Deplorable Patriot

And this being the A year…the Passion According to St. Matthew is LOOOONNNGGG. That makes Palm Sunday LOOOONNNNGGGG.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Yes, Mark is quite brief comparatively speaking.
When you say “entire Bible” does that include the OT as well? That would of course triple or quadruple the length of what is being presented on a particular weekend (on average).

Deplorable Patriot

Yes. Sunday Mass readings are one from the Old Testament except during the Easter Season when it is from Acts of the Apostles, one psalm or canticle, a reading from the Epistles or the other books in the New Testament and a Gospel.
Daily Mass the readings are one from something other than the Gospels, a psalm or canticle, and a Gospel reading.
And then there’s the antiphons at processional, recessional, offertory and communion that really should be brought back. If there is no music, the people will say them.
And then, if you know Scripture well, the rest of Mass comes straight out of it. So do many of the hymns we sing, although sooner or later there will be a crackdown on the voice of God being taken on by the congregation since we’re not supposed to do that. Some of the best known songs of the last 50 years will disappear. Mercifully.


Calling the US a democracy drives me right up the wall. I wince whenever one of our peeps use the word as a synonym for republic. Misquoting Scripture drives me up that same wall.
It is ‘thou shall not murder’, NOT thou shall not kill. And I don’t give a rat’s patooie how many translations of the Bible get it wrong – that doesn’t make it acceptable. It’s still teaching people wrong which is an activity that Christ specifically condemned.

Deplorable Patriot

The older translation straight from the Vulgate (5th century) says kill. The Vulgate, or the Latin, is “Non occides : qui autem occiderit, reus erit judicio.” The verb is “occido” conjugations and it is defined as:
occīdō (present infinitive occīdere, perfect active occīdī, supine occīsum); third conjugation
I fell, cut to the ground; beat, smash, crush
I cut off, kill, slay, slaughter
(by extension) I plague to death, torture, torment, pester
(by extension) I ruin, undo, bring about the ruin of

Deplorable Patriot

He’s like a little kid who’s been quiet way too long.

Trump hasn’t tweeted in 15 hours – he is UP to something


Well, there’s a practice race track out in Palm Beach county….maybe he’s been out there practicing for today! 😂


Okay..amusing story about this track. I’ve never been there…obviously way out in the county north of Palm Beach Gardens where a couple I knew rented for the winter. He was a bit of an adventurer…piloted his own plane, etc. As I gather, you take a class and pass some tests (not to mention sign your life away) and that allows you to “buy time” on the speed track. Guess it would be similar to sky diving.
Our friends only had one car, so Mrs. drove him out there for the day so she could do her thing. One early morning, running late, she drove out dressed only in a rather skimpy night gown expecting to return home and to bed.
Even though it was a remote county road, it was a money-making speed trap for the police and in her haste to get back, she was pulled over for speeding. My friend had a rather voluptuous figure and it was a toss up who was more embarrassed.
The speeding ticket, going a few miles over the speed limit, cost more that her husband’s track rental fee, going over 100 mph.
This happened several years ago and I have no idea if that track still exists. With all the westward development in Florida, it may have been more profitable to sell the land for more housing by this time.


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Watch what happens next!


Right on, Nor’easter!!!


TY Alison !


Trump in Daytona today for the Daytona 500 (2:30 pm on FS1).
Mike Harmon Racing features car #47 The Trump car! Driven by Joe Nemechuk.
Here’s the car.comment image
More info about the driver and the car including pics


I think this car was raced in the NASCAR Xfinity Series season opener NASCAR Racing Experience 300 at Daytona International Speedway yesterday. Sorry I don’t follow racing.


What do you need to change sir?


Goin’ out on a limb here TIM…
Guessing he wants to add something like:
“Dear KMAG: 20200209 Open Topic”
To the header.


Someone will be with you shortly…!


meet me on the authors logistics thread


on the main page the right side scroll down to key posts and you’ll see it there. click and scroll to the end of the comments

Sylvia Avery

Yes, carl, you can edit it. and it won’t cause two posts and you won’t lose your comments.

Sylvia Avery

Let me know if you have any questions………..I’ll try to help if you need it. But it is pretty simple.

Sylvia Avery

I’m glad! Thank you, carl, for another lovely Sunday Open! I look forward to them.




Hi Sylvia 👋💘😎

Sylvia Avery

Howdy, Miss Alison! Fancy meeting you here! 😍😍😍👍


Deplorable Patriot

And the Deep State speaks.
If they’re against Barr, he’s doing the right thing, whatever that is that we don’t know since it is behind the scenes.
Methinks the NYT and Washington Post articles on this sort of thing and Bloomberg revelations will need to be tracked for flow chart and data point purposes.

Cuppa Covfefe

I wonder how many of those former DOJ (and other) people still have security clearances, even though they are no longer (I hope) employed by the US Government?
Don’t need to know? Then clearances gotta go…


I do think Barr said in his interview he doesn’t like Stone, just thinks the sentencing recommendation is out of line, much too long.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Advances like this will STOP COMING when the whole world has socialized medicine.
And we are one of, of not THE, last holdout in the industrialized world.
I don’t have to tell anyone here what that means, but there are a lot of people Out There who need to hear it.

Cuppa Covfefe

“Role” not being used could indicate that someone was Rocked hard enough to Roll…



Brave and Free

Or reverse those two words to “roll over” …….


I like that. POTUS chose those words deliberately, and what you said makes sense.


The President also misspelled authorized using T instead R. So in that tweet there is a missing E and R. Don’t know the significance but there it is.


Brace yourself…image of Moochelle to follow…she’s not feeling like a beautiful woman and it’s cuz she’s black ans we’re racist…but look at the photo of her on Oprah (I believe)comment image

Deplorable Patriot

Note to Michelle:
Any woman not 5’7″ with shorter than bra length hair, not a size 0-4 with a bust line that isn’t in proportion with her body, not wearing heals and hasn’t had their teeth straightened is not always made to feel beautiful.

Deplorable Patriot

heels..too many things on the front burner.

Cuppa Covfefe

Yep. Wookie’s probably just discovered that time wounds all heels…


I have seen, and known, some really beautiful women of ALL colors. Wanna know the common denominator?
They ALL, seriously ALL, had a beautiful SPIRIT.
Now, I’m not saying beauty comes from within, or anything like that. I’m saying that really beautiful women, the ones who are beautiful IN PERSON, not in a photograph, shine like diamonds. It is in their eyes.
Photographs only show features, not beauty. Real beauty is beautiful when it is animated. There is no SPARKLE in a photo, like there is in the eyes of a beauty. It is ephemeral, not able to be captured by film. Not even in a movie. It cannot be seen that way.
I hope you all will understand what I mean.

Deplorable Patriot

Don’t you wish you could do this?


I do do that all the time in my pool. It’s just not as awesome or as beautiful as when the whale does it!



Deplorable Patriot

It looks like all levels of law may be under a microscope soon. This thread is about a case in New York City, but the scenario plays out everywhere. If anyone finds the thread reader, please post it.


This is New York States version of our DOJ…
A request has been made for New York State Attorney General Letitia James ( POS ) to investigate NYs own (Manhattan DA Cy Vance-another corrupt prosecutor), in relation to an improperly downgraded sentencing decision on Jeffrey Epstein, by a corrupt judge ( Justice Ruth Pickholz-another POS).
Caveat: “Due to statute, Gov. Cuomo would have to order the investigation that Quart and his colleagues are requesting.”
The request is made to promote a political agenda-to unseat Cy Vance by challenger and current assemblyman Dan Quart-not in pursuit of “justice”.
“Nothing to see here.”
New York is a swamp unto itself.

Brave and Free

“Preet Bharara”=Deep State


Gail Combs, on Wolf’s “How in the Hell Did McCabe Skate?” work thread, wrote a great comment that included a mention of the infamous American (mis-)educator, John Dewey:
“The dumbing-down of America is a planned scheme launched in 1898 by Progressive-in-Chief John Dewey.”
Ayn Rand singled out Dewey as the chief culprit of the American dumbing down, as well.
Skull and Bones was started at Yale decades before Dewey. It pushed “look-say” reading instruction for school kids, and also produced the founding presidents of most of the “prestige” US colleges that were started in that era (e.g. Cornell, UC Berkeley, Chicago, Johns Hopkins, etc.). Its sister Yale secret society, Quill and Pen, produced the 2nd president of each of the same schools, a pattern creepy in its consistency.
This makes me suspect either that the Bonesmen were somehow behind Dewey, or that both of these drags on American education ultimately represented parallel efforts of the same nefarious forces (i.e. banksters.)
H/T to the late, great Antony Sutton, and to his America’s Secret Establishment: An Introduction to the Order of Skull and Bones.

Deplorable Patriot

Morning everybody! Wanted to give a quick heads up for this coming Saturday, February 22d, in Chattanooga. I’ll be there as a VIP guest. (The center is named for one of my high school classmate’s father.)


so cool!


That looks amazing! Thank you so much for sharing. We won’t be able to go next Saturday but will go very soon.


National Medal of Honor Heritage Center is now on my bucket list. The kind of place I could spend hours.


Link to THREAD

Cuppa Covfefe

There’s another great thread there about “sleepy” Jeff Sessions, Bull Durham, and AG Barr:


It is great Cuppa…

Cuppa Covfefe

Yep. There’s another one I’m reading (hyperthreading I go….) about the odd events in Canada related to Wuhan, etc., and dodgy stuff going on with regard to pathogens and P4 labs… really have to wonder…
VERY interesting (and disturbing) thread…



Text of tweet
45 🇺🇸 – The TRUMP PAGE Retweeted
Adam Stern
The U.S. @SecretService will have more than 500 agents on site at the #Daytona500 tomorrow, according to people briefed on the security plan, one of the largest presences by the Secret Service in all of American history.
➖ Air Force One may fly over the track before it lands.

Text in tweet
45 🇺🇸 – The TRUMP PAGE
Looking forward to watching “The Beast” on the Daytona 500 race track. Today between 1:45pm – 2:00pm ET on Fox TV.

Lisa Mei Crowley
Thank you, @SecretService, for keeping our President safe!
U.S. Secret Service @SecretService
· Feb 12
Ladies and Gentlemen start your engines but not your drones. The Secret Service is securing the @NASCAR Daytona 500 by providing a 30 mile “No Drone Zone”. Enjoy the race.




Butterfly, will you or someone post a link to watch POTUS take a lap, serve as Grand Marshall?


I’m not seeing a free link. I know it’s airing on Fox local channels Where’s GF? She posts a local Fox link for rallies, maybe it will air?? Sorry I’m not much help.


No Prob… someone will post I am sure *smilin’*


Here you go butterfly !


PR – MQ just put up a thread. Watch for link over there😉


Thanks Butterfly!


Got your SIX ((( PR ))) !


Thanks (((Nor’easter)))


This is so cool!



Remy has made a video about Bernie’s communism. It’s the Beatles singing about taking “All Bob’s Money.” (Hat tip to Citizen Free Press.)

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Wait, didn’t PDJT come out in favor of parental leave?


Yes, Steve. Influence of Ivanka. I do not like it.


From the article:
Federal employees will soon be eligible for paid parental leave under a measure President Donald Trump signed Dec. 20.
Military service members already may take 12 weeks of paid leave to care for a new child, and under this bill, 2.1 million civilian federal workers also will be able to take paid leave to care for a new baby after birth, adoption or the start of foster care.
The Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA) requires large organizations to offer employees up to 12 weeks of unpaid leave to care for a new child, sick relative or their own illness. Although a growing number of states have passed or are considering paid family leave laws, there is no nationwide equivalent.
It looks as if military members already had paid parental leave, but this bill allows federal workers paid leave for caring for newborns.


In the military, leaves of any type are always conditioned on availability of another person of the same MOS to take the person’s place during leave. If there is nobody to do that particular job and if it’s critical, there will be no leave. A common example is soldiers/Marines/seamen watching their wives give birth over skype. They aren’t given leave because they are mission critical and there are no replacements available.

Deplorable Patriot

My sister-in-law was forced to send her kids to her father while she was deployed more than once. Another time, my parents went to them for MONTHS to be sure the kids were cared for.

Deplorable Patriot

I’m going to be a bit contrary on this one, although the culture itself is not conducive any longer to the way things were done for a long time.
My sister is 13 months younger than me, twin brothers three and a half years younger, and the youngest is over seven years younger. I don’t remember my sister coming home (obviously), but my grandmother stayed with us for months during the week when there were new babies in the house. She would go home on Friday afternoons and come back on Monday. My grandfather and the farm were on their own. Sometimes, she’d take my sister and I home with her for the weekend. It wasn’t just addressing the newborns, but all the laundry, tending to the older kids, letting mom sleep during the day since the babies would need to fed in the night and my dad’s feet never hit the floor. Heck, when my youngest brother was born, Dad was working ridiculous hours. My sister and I would be in bed when he got home, and he would bring his dinner up to our room and sit between us to eat with the plate on the bookshelves that separated our beds. Dad was putting dinner on the table. He couldn’t help out, and there were four of us little kids – by God’s will – in a quick hurry.
And it wasn’t just my mom my grandparents helped out with small kids. A cousin and his wife had a son, and then, by God’s will, twins 17 months later. The wife speaks GLOWINGLY of the help she got from them. She said she didn’t get a shower on days they weren’t there. There were others in the family who also benefited from my grandparents’ generosity in this regard, including countless people who went through dementia of various sorts before they passed away. As it was, when my grandmother was in the final stages of pancreatic cancer, my mother had to take leave.
So, before completely condemning the idea of parental and family leave, know that with all the moving around that is blythely accepted as just the way American life is these days, know that the support systems for childbirth and family emergencies are left behind. My youngest brother and his wife moved away, and leaving aside the reality that they thought the rest of us would follow them (not even), my mother has been there almost as much as she has been here in the last three years through my brother’s open heart surgery, my sister-in-law’s surgery this year, one nephew getting his tonsils out, and a whole lot more because there is not a support system down there. I’ve even had to go down there to cover when my brother or his wife are at conferences. I do school run, laundry, cook dinner, and make sure the younger one is in bed at a decent hour.
Family leave does not solve the problem of a lack of a support system totally, but there’s more to it than is being considered.


People need to consider family support for normal life occurrences + unexpected emergencies when they consider the full cost of a career/job relocation. and then there are the intangibles, the relationships and life satisfaction. The $ needs to be worth leaving behind community and family. Children growing up with these need to be considered as well.
In the first few years, the early years of a career and marriage maybe worth moving around but later, the help parents can give when children are young and the the help parents need as they get older….we need to be near each other and value our families and communities!
Your extended family, your grandparents and your father all sound wonderful and like they have their priorities straight. Admirable people to be emulated

Deplorable Patriot

Well…my first nephew was a surprise. They lived here then, and for the first two years of the younger one who really is the one who needs the larger support system. His parents refuse to change their mindset with some of his issues.
They moved specifically because my sister in law wanted to live by the beach. My other brother and his family live in Hawaii…so they can be by the beach. FOrtunately, her kids are in their 20s now, and her dad spends half the year with them now that he’s widowed.


Well, DP. more families should do what yours did, make those sacrifices. And how sweet about your father eating his meals like that so he could be near his children and they spend time with him.


They have destroyed the differing roles between men and women, gotten women out of the home and tried to degrade men’s and women’s places in God’s plan, and then they want society to fix the mess they have made. Communists.

Deplorable Patriot

I’ll say this: it get expensive, that’s for sure.


… nice … 😎👍❤️ ..


Excellent article. I recommend everyone read this one.
The Democrat author likely will experience a huge backlash from the left as a result. Hopefully, she remains unharmed and will have the fortitude to survive the pending onslaught and banishment from her previous “friends”.


Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Yup. What we are seeing now is “all-out” MIS-NEWS. The FAKE NEWS is actively working to create news that SHAKES PEOPLE OFF THE TRUMP TRAIN. That is their only purpose now – to STOP TRUMP.
For example, even the slightest suspicion, knowing the facts, would tell a much different story on AG Barr and what is going on right now in DOJ – but the FAKE NEWS is doing everything it can to tilt public perception away from the truth, thus leading to crazy outcomes.
If the fake news were honest, they would be all over the McCabe lies as a HUGE scandal, and be speculating that he’s talking, and that “the walls are closing in on Comey and Brennan, and maybe Hillary and many others” for SpyGate.
Perfect example is the McCabe “no charges”. The fake News should have LED with the idea that he’s likely talking. It’s so obvious NOW.
But NO – nothing of the sort. Instead, they MISLED the public, and positioned it for political advantage.
Same thing here. The FAKE NEWS could have “debunked” this immediately – BUT THEY DON’T.
The FAKE NEWS is now WORSE than it was in 2016, if you can believe it.


This was news to me as I Never watch the FAKE MSM NEWS! POTUS is on a mission too. Expose the lying unapologetic media. SPIT!


trumpismine, and no one seems to be pointing out that when ABC, for example, loses 20% of their viewership in one year, they also lost 21% last year.
it accumulates.
they are in viewership meltdown, all of them.
can’t imagine why.


Here is a “walking” song to carry you merrily down this gorgeous road … ☘️🍀☘️🍀☘️🥀 ..

… great very brisk meter moves you down the road quickly .. enjoy 🙂🤚❤️ ..

Gail Combs

Oh, that beautiful road makes my want to hitch a pair to my wagonette, grab the picnic basket (and the hay bag for the horses) and head off for an all day drive!comment image


Wow Gail, can I go with you .. that sounds marvelous … 🙂🤚❤️


You guys are missing it.
Air Force One just flew over Daytona 500 at a height of 800′.
Race thread is up and running!!!!!!!
GO 45!


Oh wow videos and pics I need video and pics


Another version said 1800’ but, remember, the plane was coming in for a landing close by the stadium. The Ft Lauderdale airport is right next to I-95, and Palm Beach is also very close. I’ve “ducked” while driving in my car and a plane flying a few feet above me, coming from the west, to land.
Nevertheless, , it had to be quite a thrill to practically see the passengers in the window of Air Force One as it flew up close and personal over the crowd.
I do NOT envy those traveling home on the roads afterwards!


I lived in Hollywood, yes, we ducked when planes landed at Ft Laud.
AF1 landed at the Daytona airport, right next to the speedway.
Embry Riddle Univ is also there, uses the runways for their 100+ planes to train pilots.
Whole thing is about 4.5 miles from the beach.

Gail Combs

I used to board my mares near a base where they trained paratroopers. Our riding area was perched on the top of a hill. One day the pilot flew so low that my mare literally crouched down like a cat. I never knew a horse could do that!
But when one of these mothers strafes you I guess you can!

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

The only question is whether he would break William Henry Harrison’s (9th president) record for dying early in office (31 days, of a bug he caught during the inauguration), or whether Hitlary would at least let him come in second. He was succeeded by Tyler, who, as he left office signed the bill annexing Texas. His successor, Polk, got to deal with the Mexican-American war, a stunning victory by the US. (We essentially conquered Mexico but let half of it go.)
Second is currently held by Zachary Taylor (12th), who died after a bit more than a year in office, leading to Millard Fillmore’s presidency.


Yeah he would get 1st place with that choice….so she would be the “shortest” length of service as VP before ascending to her “rightful” place 🙄🤢

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

OTOH he would present a small target for her hit man, so he might survive the first attempt.



SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Actually if Bloomberg is smart, as POTUS elect he’d make sure she got investigated, and force her out of office within the first week.
Sure, that betrays the people who voted for him because he so wisely chose an experienced politician to be on his team, but hey….


With her he’d be lucky to survive to the ball on Inauguration Day


Wonder if she can still fit into her 2016 Ball gown?




re Mexican American War – not only did we give most of the territory back we paid for what we kept after conquering them! We won, kept only a portion of our winnings and we paid them for what we kept – not the usual way of “winning” back in the mid 19th century! US is the best…magnanimous when we defeat our enemies.


Messing around with some numbers today. If the projected electoral college/congressional representation of post 2020 census was in place in 2016 here is how it would have changed the electoral college…Not very much!
Hillary: 229 v. 232 electoral votes
CA: 54 v. 55 (-1)
OR: 8 v. 7 (+1)
CO: 10 v. 9 (+1)
MN – 9 v. 10 (-1)
IL: 19 v. 20 (-1)
NY: 28 v. 29 (-1)
RI: 3 v. 4 (-1)
Trump: 309 v. 306
MT: 4 v. 3 (+1)
AZ: 12 v. 11 (+1)
TX: 41 v. 38 (+3)
FL: 30 v. 29 (+1)
NC: 16 v. 15 (+1)
MI: 15 v. 16 (-1)
PA: 19 v. 20 (-1)
WV: 4 v. 5 (-1)
AL: 8 v. 9 (-1)
Most interesting to me?
CA, NY & IL – long Dem powerhouses, continue to loose power and reduce residents.
Indications that their leftist policies aren’t working!
Swing states of MI, OH & PA are loosing seats so even if Dems gain those states back they gain back in 2024 less in than they lost in ’16 & ’20 (hopefully!) in the electoral college.
NC continues to gain – which is why it is turning into a swing state. Plus, many who are GOP are actually RINO which contributes to low GOP voting base enthusiasm and turnout. I think that is part of why VA was lost to Dems. Also VA has had enormous growth in the DC area which reducing the fed gov would help change the dark blue of that area.
TX continues to build into a GOP power house.
Socialist OR grows while the cradle of socialism in the US, MN, diminishes.
The Only blue states to grow were Oregon and CO … all other blue states stayed same (percentage wise) or reduced.
Only 2 reliably red states, WV & AL, are predicted to loose seats.
The Wild Card? Will illegal aliens report to the census? How will CA count their numbers? Will records of illegal aliens recorded in other parts of the fed gov be used to subtract from the census numbers states turn into the fed gov?
Illegal aliens are mostly located in blue states – CA & NY being the main location, but TX and FL also have high illegal alien populations and might loose more/gain fewer congressional seats. CA would loose the most as they have the highest estimated illegal alien population.
AZ, GA, NC, VA, IL, MD, NJ & MA would all be vulnerable to another seat loss. 3 of states were Red for Trump and 5 of which were Blue for Hillary.
If Illegal Aliens are not counted in the census, are subtracted from the census numbers or do not reply/self opt out of the census, we may see CA loose more congressional, TX & FL not gain as many congressional seats and overall Blue/Dems loose more electoral votes and GOP/red in the rest of the states.
We need accuracy in the census as the #s in both the electoral college and the division of congressional seats are extremely important in our upcoming elections. Hope we have people of integrity to county the census! imagea

Concerned Virginian

However —
The DEMCOM legislature in Virginia is going to likely pass a proposed bill that would require all of the Electors from Virginia to vote for whomever gets the highest NTIONAL POPULAR VOTE in the election.(National Popular Vote Interstate Compact movement).
The Virginia House passed the bill. It will most likely pass in the Virginia Senate. Gov. BABY-KILLER Northam would sign it into law if it gets to his desk.
And there goes Virginia’s Electoral College votes.


Along with the national popular vote interstate compact – which I am sure will be tied up in courts as it isn’t Constitutional (is it?) – is a Very concerning VA bill that allows for same day voting…Huge fraud opportunity!


What happens when DJT trounces whoever on election day? Do you really believe these shysters will vote for Trump?
The outcome is that some one of DJT’s 191 judges will stay the scheme in one state/circuit. This will trigger the Turtle to declare that no senators will be seated from states that adhere to this violation of the constitution. That takes care of the rest of the idiot legislatures that passed this crap. None of them want to lose their Senators.
And nobody can stop the Turtle from doing it. I will LMAO.

Joe M
Troll celebrations of McCabe being let off the hook were short-lived. DOJ has “swapped its ‘loser case’ against McCabe… for a new case against former FBI Director James Comey, McCabe, and Peter Strzok.” Taitors don’t walk when patriots are in control.
DOJ opens news investigation into James Comey, Andrew McCabe, Peter Strzok, former top DOJ official…
‘All they did was swapped out a loser case for starting an investigation…’


Perfect timing….Lindsey Graham announced the people he wants to testify before Congress and the DOJ opens an investigation to provide cover.
Mueller 2.0 – Lindsey can say he subpoenaed everybody, but there’s an on-going investigation and everyone will bring their lawyers and plead the the 5th and, once again, Congress’s role in the coup is safe from discovery.


See there?
THIS is why there is a 48 hour rule re: negative or unwelcome news…such a “McCabe skates”. One poster, who I shall not name, posted that he/she would not support PDJT any longer unless POTUS declassified immediately.
Blessings to all on this beautiful Sunday.


Yes, indeed!


I don’t get not support President Trump just because the swamp is deep and includes/may include DOJ/FBI that we thought were not swamp. And there are degrees of swampiness.
I just keep thinking that President Trump and “white hats” have to be a little bit surprised at how hard it is to get someone actually charged and prosecuted and convicted with all of the proof, with all of the wrong doing, with all of the corruption they have revealed.
Catching and revealing the swamp is barely step 1 as justice does not automatically follow.
But why in the world would that change my support of President Trump???!!!


And, here is the thing…even if we have a new set of expectations re actual justice, a new understanding of how deep the swamp is and how difficult it is to drain/bring justice/get rid of fed gov employees and swamp Congressional “leaders”….no matter how discouraging that 1 aspect is
–>>>We still have SO much winning on So many other issues!!!
There is NO ONE who could work any harder on all of our important issues and there is no one who could drain the swamp more than what President Trump is doing. My support for him is unwavering, actually growing and strengthening!
As frustrating as the DOJ/FBI/C*A/fed gov & congress swamp draining is, as much as we want to see, as much as we Need justice for the future of our country we Have to remember how many other issues are Winning!
trade deals, economy, immigration, sanctuary cities, judges, border security, religious freedom….
and buying us time to work toward MAGA on the local and state levels. Up to us to work the primaries re Congressional swamp. Up to us to drain the local and state feeder swamps and to help activate conservative voters.
President Trump’s admin is giving us MUCH progress on issues, Much winning and 8 yrs to get ready for politics without him.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Actually I believe I said I would withdraw my support until he “fixed this.” I said nothing about declass, though I think that could be a good first step.
And, in fact, if I see no sign the Justice Department is being fixed by election day I will not vote for PDJT. I voted for him because he said he’d fix the corruption, and from what I see there hasn’t even been a start to it.
NOTHING has changed in 3 years. And it will be well over 3 1/2 years in November. If STILL nothing has been done, then why should I believe another, slightly longer period of time will get us from 0 to 100%?
No, what will happen then is we will have to wait until after the next manufactured crisis, the next supreme court nominee, the next dead ex-president’s funeral, the midterms, then the election of the next MAGA president (one hopes). Always a reason we have to wait a little longer.
And this assumes the Dems don’t just cheat their way to victory.
So after Lucy yanks the football away yet another time…we now see a report that “oh, the DOJ is doing ANOTHER investigation” and for THAT you think it’s worthwhile to gloat?
More of the same shit, and you think it’s gloatworthy?
Give me a break.


To be honest, this new announcement doesn’t entertain or comfort me either.
However, President Trump is still making so much progress on other promises – promises No One else was making much less going to actually do! Trade deals, sanctuary cities, border security, etc.
He has already earned my Nov, 2020 vote and even if he is not able to succeed on this or a few other promises.
ANY of the Dems will be 10x worse on all of the important issues such as trade, economy, taxes, national security, border security, sanctuary cities, etc. He is making real progress on these issues.
Guess if I were a 1 issue voter and draining the swamp was my one issue or pulling the US out of Syria….but I am not a 1 issue voter and there is No Way I would vote for Anyone else in my state’s primary or in the Nov election. Too much else is going Great and would be reversed by Dems.
And I am still hopeful on draining the swamp. Zero chance of Anyone else draining the swamp so our best bet is still with President Trump on this issue as well.


Steve I posted that I think Potus has to reverse obummas EO made it legal for the msm to KNOWINGLY disseminate FALSE NEWS. IE PROPAGANDA. we don’t need to own the msm. Just keep the bastards honest. That domino will start it


Plus charging them on the small shit gives them discovery.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

I’m not familiar with that order (though I do remember Obola signing something basically allowing the government to put out fake info, or something like that), but yes, that’s the sort of thing he could easily do. Write an executive order that cancels a previous one. He’s done some number of executive orders already; and I would hope he’s got someone looking for ones he could countermand like this.


I think enough People’s lives have to be turned around.
There is going to be total shock and denial from ordinary people. You can’t discount that. Potus has to be trusted to lead America back from the brink. Already he’s got 50% approval despite everything they have thrown at him but the truth about what’s been going on is going to shake people to the core.


See Carlos latest


This may be what ozzy is referring to Steve

Smith-Mundt Act, Operation Mockingbird, and Section 1078 (Obama authorization of propaganda) of HR 4310 (The National Defense Authorization Act)
by u/Dances_with_vimanas in AskThe_Donald


Now I’m having trouble doing likes. Steve, I do think they have been laying the groundwork, appointing judges which must be in place, Etc. I understand your frustration, but on the other hand, would you rather have Holder or Lynch?

Gail Combs

Unfortunately it is a LAW not an E.O. so we are stuck with it unless it is repealed.
May 22, 2012 New Bill Legalizes Government Propaganda and Disinformation on American Citizens

The next defense authorization bill to be proposed by the American congress contains a not-so-publicized amendment that would legalize the use of propaganda on American citizens. The bill would indeed nullify an existing law that (supposedly) protects U.S. audiences from misinformation campaigns conducted by its own government. In other words, Americans could now be subjected to the hardcore, massively manipulative and disinformation-filled propaganda that is usually reserved for foreign countries such as Iraq. Yes, the American public is the new “enemy” to brainwash and the internet will be an important battlefield……

And this law allows the shutdown of sites that try to counter the propaganda by labeling them Disinformation and Propaganda sites…..
HMMMmmmm maybe President Trump should use this on CNN, ABC,CBS MSNBC, PBS and Fox…
12/26/2016 Obama Quietly Signs The “Countering Disinformation And Propaganda Act” Into Law
As usual the name is exactly the opposite of what it actually does and that is make disinformation and propaganda legal.

….”a bill to implement the U.S.’ very own de facto Ministry of Truth had been quietly introduced in Congress. As with any legislation attempting to dodge the public spotlight the Countering Foreign Propaganda and Disinformation Act of 2016 marks a further curtailment of press freedom and another avenue to stultify avenues of accurate information. Introduced by Congressmen Adam Kinzinger and Ted Lieu, H.R. 5181 seeks a “whole-government approach without the bureaucratic restrictions” to counter “foreign disinformation and manipulation,” which they believe threaten the world’s “security and stability.”
Also called the Countering Information Warfare Act of 2016 (S. 2692), when introduced in March by Sen. Rob Portman, the legislation represents a dramatic return to Cold War-era government propaganda battles…..
Long before the “fake news” meme became a daily topic of extensive conversation on such discredited mainstream portals as CNN and WaPo, H.R. 5181 would task the Secretary of State with coordinating the Secretary of Defense, the Director of National Intelligence, and the Broadcasting Board of Governors to “establish a Center for Information Analysis and Response,” which will pinpoint sources of disinformation, analyze data, and — in true dystopic manner — ‘develop and disseminate’ “fact-based narratives” to counter effrontery propaganda.
In short, long before “fake news” became a major media topic, the US government was already planning its legally-backed crackdown on anything it would eventually label “fake news.”….
the singing into law of a bill that further chips away at press liberties in the US, and which sets the stage for future witch hunts and website shutdowns, purely as a result of an accusation that any one media outlet or site is considered as a source of “disinformation and propaganda” and is shut down by the government….


So the msm is enclosed grounds. DoNOT attack directly. The uniparty passed this. Possibly the only law obumma did BECAUSE THEY NEEDED TOOWN THEMSM. But swamps new constant replenishment of money to feed the swamp critters it supports/ owns.
So target the ingress. See dawsonsfield on the actions against corrupt banks etc. also all the scams to rort business to make donations to swamp causes
And 2 target the egress. Taint their product. Hold them up for mockery for dishonesty and hypocrisy
Psst…. want some bin chooks?


I understand what you’re saying in general.
“If STILL nothing has been done, then why should I believe another, slightly longer period of time will get us from 0 to 100%?”
I think sometimes things can work this way because we don’t know what the ongoing investigations are leading to.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

I don’t even believe that there necessarily ongoing investigations. At least not legit ones.

Deplorable Patriot

“Andrew Weissmann, a former top lawyer at the Justice Department who played a central role in Robert Mueller’s investigation, said Friday the Justice Department has begun a new investigation into several former top FBI officials.
“Weissmann, speaking to MSNBC host Chuck Todd, said the Justice Department has swapped its “loser case” against Andrew McCabe — in which the DOJ declined to pursue charges against McCabe for lying to investigators — for a new case against former FBI Director James Comey, McCabe, and Peter Strzok.”
Andrew Weissmann who ran the Mueller probe? Now he’s prosecuting Comey, McCabe and Stzrok who are supposedly on HIS side?
Give this one another 48 hours. I smell a rat given the VSGPDJT tweets over the weekend about McCabe, and some other things not taken seriously by the people here about Comey and, I’m now convinced, Stzrok.
This is some sort of set-up methinks.


Andrew Weissmann and the whole team of attorneys representing McCabe are smart and know the DOJ inside and out need to be outed for their complicity in this injustice. EVIL people.

Deplorable Patriot

Weissman is not representing McCabe, etc, He’s supposedly prosecuting them.
If they are on the same side, why?


According to the internets, Weissman is reportedly now in the private sector. The Blaze article seems to indirectly support this by saying “former top lawyer”. His interest in this and likely qualifications apparently lends to him commenting / warning on this new supposed development, but agrees another 48 hrs or maybe more seeming how the Justice Department is likely to say aye or nay to this information.


Scratch qualifications and substitute connections.


What ? I was under the impression he was headed to NYU, and no longer had a position with the DOJ, post Muller SC ? have a link ?


Wikipedia last sentence of first paragraph on Weissmann “The Special Counsel’s investigation concluded in 2019 and Weissmann went into the private sector.”
Weissmann likely is keeping his ear close to the ground as he’s vested in the Mueller investigation. In other words he’s playing guard dog just like LTC Vindman. Swamps version of “see something, say something”.


Yea…..he’s just a talking sphincter for MSDNC, either chumming water or setting smoke screens for the plotters


Praying Medic commented he thinks a new campaign slogan is bubble up….”The best is yet to come”…a nice tag on KAG.
Keep America Great…the best is yet to come.
I like it.

Deplorable Patriot

Anyone need a little sister? Middle aged judgmental know it all who could use the amorous attention of a man?
I’m beginning to be sympathetic to our brothers avoiding her like the plague.


Hmmm does she clean the house? Do the shopping? Cut the grass? Tempting! 😉 but I think I’m good

Deplorable Patriot

She’s a pain in the backside.


… giggle/snort .. 💦💦🤭 … pardon me .. 😜👍❤️ ..

Gail Combs

DON’T insult that donkey!
it is smarter and more useful than mini-mike.


Qanon February 16, 2020 – Treason Sedition and Subversive Activities


Hope they cancel five eyes as UK moves forward with Huawei. OR simply trash five eyes.


Yeah wtf is that about?


Ohhh, he’s that rat-fucker who was on with Don Lemon mocking Deplorables about not knowing geography and reading!
Republican, my ass.


Daytona photo of the day…
Posted by Kane on February 16, 2020 4:18 pm
* image

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Not sure why this went into moderation – not spam. We may have to complain to Akismet anyway if they’ve rigged the API in a new way. For now, just let it be.


Okay Dokey!


PHOTO OF THE DAY – H/T CFPcomment image


comment image

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Same thing – this went to moderation bin. Something wrong here. We may or may not report these if Akismet is “shirking responsibility” to the mod bin instead of the spam bin with help from their coconspirators at WordPress.


This was already settled – contacted them – so you could be correct – trying some different way to aggravate the masses – maybe


DAYTONA PHOTO OF THE DAY – Left a mess in Spam, Carl – could not post photo







SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

He needs a scrap LIBRARY now.


He could have them all on the wall and someone could get some thin plastic sheeting to cover them. Protected wallpaper !

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Three hundred thousand cards? Figuring they’re 5×8 unopened, that’s enough to cover the Washington Monument up to a height of 380 feet.


Well, maybe just his favorites….


That’s one of the things I love about our POTUS. As busy as he is, he is always doing the little things like this to make someone else happy.


Absotutalutely, Linda!



Supernatural Saturday February 8, 2020 – Faith and Hearing God’s voice



View from inside AF1.


Jack Posobiec 🇺🇸 Retweeted
Jennifer Jacobs
After returning from Florida, Trump arrives at the Trump hotel in DC, where two White House aides are getting married tonight.


How does he keep up the pace?!


I don’t know … he’s the energizer bunny personified !


Link to thread


From the thread:
“But people can’t think. They’re sure that Bloomberg’s money is the answer to defeating Trump.”
Carlos should have stopped after “think”………………………..
They “FEEL” ………………….. brains don’t work when they’re swimming in a sea of emotion.


This SHOULD have been posted under Ozzy’s post of Carlos’ THREAD…


Excellent article by Andy McCarthy detailing the McCabe case.


The Lefties are in meltdown over POTUS going to Daytona.
It’s truly pathetic how much you hate not only @realDonaldTrump but half the country who voted for him. Obama spent millions of taxpayers’ $$$ jetting himself & his family all over the world having big vacations. At least this
@POTUS spends his time w/ the People.
@KellyO· 5h
This was an official White House event therefore paid by taxpayers as @realDonaldTrump @FLOTUS attended Daytona 500 today and “The Beast” limo ran a pace car lap around the track.


Don’t worry ’bout them Lady P., they are few in number, just have the megaphone…
MILLIONS of Americans LOVED it…
That’s what matters.


Yes, you’re right. But it’s so annoying. I speak out in hopes that somewhere is a twinge of conscience, because they’re clearly lying. They know what past presidents have done, they know what Obama did – all his travel and vacations – oftentimes separate planes, separate vacations. The Obamas were nothing more than grifters – took the People for every penny they could.
In the comments, someone said POTUS paid for this out of his own funds, which make sense as well. But even if we paid for it, he has the right to go to events that are important to the People.


You could show them the check where POTUS paid, they wouldn’t believe it.
It reminds me of trying to communicate with a computer when you call about a billing problem.


True. They don’t believe facts. They’ve been lying for so long – decades before DJT – they believe their own lies, they live in their own universe.


Not only does he spend time, its 100% authentic. He is a man of the people unlike nearly any democrat politician in office or running.


In fact, I don’t think he’s had a “vacation” – just a couple of days here and there, plays some golf, but continues working. He’s always returning to DC to work some more.


He said in an interview once that he doesn’t do vacations. I don’t think he’d know what to do with himself, he cannot be idle.

Gail Combs

Most of the time the golf is really BUSINESS!


Obama went off for 3 weeks to Hawaii on the taxpayers dime. He rented expensive housing on Martha’s Vineyard.
I thank God every day, Obama is gone, and we have DJT.


It’s my understanding that Trump Enterprises reimburses expenses for a trip like this. TE is losing money on the Trump Hotel D.C. because any time a foreign diplomat stays there, they take that money and donate it to the US Treasury.
Stupid people can’t be expected to know anything worth knowing, especially whatever they are talking about.


Rudy knows…

Rudy W. Giuliani
I predicted she would collapse. And then two months later she completely collapsed.
Bruce Porter, Jr.
· Feb 15
Drudge is reporting that Mini Mike Bloomberg wants Crooked Hillary Clinton for his VP. No promises of whether it will be some “Weekend at Bernie’s” action, one of her 911 Memorial routines or, if she’ll even be awake.



James Woods
#CombSaladAmy pronounces the word “blizzard” in the oddest way. This supercut of her doing a robotic retelling of the same lame campaign trail joke is Stepford level creepy.


Buttboy has a spectacular own goal


Another swamp bank/ money launderer in the crapper


Keep their financial feet in the fire


Mike Pompeo
“Be strong and courageous, do not be discouraged, for the Lord will be with you wherever you go.“ Joshua 1:9


Iow. Speak softly but carry a big stick


Or the red lines that are nothing more than kiddies scribble

Lisa Mei Crowley
Can’t control the stage but wants to control our country.
Quote Tweet
Josh Cremeans “DirtyTruth”
· 1h
.@BernieSanders can’t control his rally. He lets naked women take over the stage.

Gail Combs

CLOWN SHOW for sure!

Lisa Mei Crowley
Remember those “Death Panels” @SarahPalinUSA was mocked for warning us about?
#MiniMikeBloomberg believes in them.
Samuel D. Finkelstein II
· 8h
Bloomberg explaining how healthcare will “bankrupt us,” unless we deny care to the elderly.
“If you show up with cancer & you’re 95 years old, we should say…there’s no cure, we can’t do anything.
A young person, we should do something. Society’s not willing to do that, yet.”


The more I learn about Bloomberg, the more the word “degenerate” comes to mind.


Mini Mike wants to control who lives and who dies. You’re too old, not useful anymore, we shouldn’t waste our medicine on you. Go home to die. THAT’S BULL$HIT, not his call. That should scare the hell out of people.


He’s 78 years old. I wonder what “expiration date” he would assign to himself.


I think the dinosaur commie himself set this up. To generate excitement and gossip.