This Merry Warrior Monday Open Thread is VERY OPEN – a place for everybody to post whatever they feel they would like to tell the White Hats, and the rest of the MAGA/KMAG/KAG world (with KMAG being a bit of both).
Yes, it’s Monday…again.

But it’s okay! It’s a Holiday!

You can go back to bed:

Or have a nap:

Free Speech is practiced here at the Q Tree. But please keep it civil.
Discussion of Q is not only allowed but encouraged. Imagine that! We can talk about Q here and not get banned.
Please also consider the Important Guidelines, outlined here. Let’s not give the odious Internet Censors a reason to shut down this precious haven that Wolf has created for us.
With the Storm upon us…please remember to Pray for our President.

Wheatie’s Rules:
- No food fights.
- No running with scissors.
- If you bring snacks, bring enough for everyone.
For your listening enjoyment, I offer this composition from A Shamaluev Music, titled ‘Beauty’:
Wheatie’s Word of the Day:
“Y’all” is a contraction of two words, that has been around longer than most people realize.
These days, we think of it as a contraction of the words ‘You’ and ‘All’.
But it dates back to a contraction of Ye and All, from the Old English that our Scots-Irish ancestors brought over with them.
Used in a sentence:
Ye all will perish if we listen to the lay-about fools who tell us that we should all share in the fruits of each others’ labours.

Today is Presidents Day.
Presidents Day is celebrated on the 3rd Monday of February, and started out as a holiday for Washington’s Birthday on February 22nd, established in 1885.
Then, some states added a holiday for Lincoln’s Birthday on February 12th.
In 1968, the Uniform Monday Holiday Act was passed and went into effect in 1971, which combined the two birthday holidays.

There is some confusion, however, as to whether or not an apostrophe should be used after “Presidents”…because we see it both ways, and even before the ‘s’.

I don’t know which way is the proper way…but I don’t consider this guy to be in with the Presidents who are celebrated.

Found this…and thought I would post it for our Wolfie:
And by the way…Happy Q Day!

Hahaha…obummer is lizard peeps. Explains a lot..including his willingness to eat dogs.
Right? Creepiest darned thing! (And wouldn’t surprise me a bit…….that boy ain’t right!)
Minimike is a winner of a meme title.
Gil!!! What?!!! LOL!!
Hiya Wheatie!!!! Great post!!!!So Good to see you!!!!

Hi Marica!

Thanks…and good to see you too!
LOL.. Da Wolfie… on da bench!!!! Makes me giggle!!!!
Yeah, I found that and it immediately made me think of our Wolfie…who works so tirelessly for us.
LOL I should post a pic of my puppy sleeping! Nap time is nice
Yes you should!!!! I’d love to see your puppy!
Awww I’ll see if I can find a cute one of her sleeping!
trying to take a photo of an active puppy results in a lot of blurry photos. 
How are. You doing Sylvia?
And Mrs. Wolfie!!! We are…Really blessed! I am not sure i would put up with us!!! LOL!!
Wheatie, one of those pics sucks. Guess which one.
The one of Obarky the lizard-man?

Heheh, yeah, sorry about that one.
Hey pgroup…………….you may have already seen this. They aren’t going to be happy until we get to experience rolling blackouts, too…….
Well, they don’t have enough spine to authorize their destruction before the election. Fortunately, we have an EPA (never thought I’d say THAT).
BTW, Eymann is trying to screw up the gov race. Wife and I are all in for Culp, who seems to have managed to convince Ted Nugent to help his campaign. Gov BlameClimate approval rating is down to 41% so he is over-ripe fruit waiting to fall from the branch.
Wife went to a candidate kickoff yesterday and was greeted with “P-E-G-G-Y!!! The legendary Peggy!” due to her reputation as a grassroots mover & shaker. She is assisting TWO congressional challengers campaigns this year so I’m going to have to put her pic on my desk lest I forget what she looks like.
She thinks that two or three DJT rallies in WA state will flip it red. Can’t say she doesn’t think optimistically.
God bless your wife!!!!
I was taught President’s Day (if it’s one president) or Presidents’ day (if it’s multiple presidents) is sort of a fusion of Lincoln’s birthday (the 12th) and Washington’s (the 22nd) though like many things elementary school teachers tell us, it could be Fake News.
It has been ‘expanded’ over the years, to honor all presidents.
So in that regard, using no apostrophe at all works as a celebration of all Presidents.
I guess it depends on whether you think of the Day as belonging to the Presidents. If so you need the apostrophe after the S, if not…no apostrophe. But “President’s” is just wrong even if “Presidents’ ” looks funny.
Setting the precedence of the precedents of Presidents’s day precedences…
(Ducks and puns)…
“to honor all presidents”
But that’s not fair–Obama has his own day–November 10th.
it’s National Jackass Day
… snicker ..

TruthLeaks – Investigative Journalist George Webb
Feb 14
Yesterday, I was a conspiracy theorist that Mayor Peter Was Navy Intel (I have been saying this for months). Today, everyone knew that all along. Follows a pattern doesn’t it?
Stephen Miller got married!
Congratulations, Stephen!
Text from Reince Priebus:
Spectacular and very special wedding tonight with new bride and groom Stephen and Katie Miller! So much fun and still going with @realDonaldTrump having fun and the band is going strong!
…………… End text.
From CitizenFreePress:
Trump attends wedding of Stephen Miller and Katie Waldman
President Donald Trump attended the wedding of senior adviser Stephen Miller on Sunday evening, according to the White House. Upon returning from a weekend in Florida, the president’s motorcade made the trip down Pennsylvania Avenue to Trump International Hotel, where Miller wed Katie Waldman, press secretary for Vice President Mike Pence.
Stephen Miller, 34, has been a senior policy adviser to Trump since the beginning of the administration.
Katie Miller, 28, was spokeswoman for the Homeland Security Department during the tenure of Secretary Kirstjen Nielsen before becoming a press secretary to Pence and special assistant to Trump.
The couple did not meet in-person until 2018 when introduced by mutual friends.
Pretty bride, beautiful gown! I hope they are very happy together!
wonder if he wrote his own vows–giggle–
Only you, Pat…………….
just saying…I bet they were awesome!!
I bet they were, too. I hope “the best is yet to come” for them!
i can’t wait to hear what he comes up with for POTUS’s second inaugural speech!!!
The balding young un’ gets the girl. Sounds like a movie script.
The Brainy guy with the silver tongue (or is it pen) gets the beautiful girl.
Wheatie, fun opening post! I love your choice of gifs!!!!
Thanks, Syl!

I’m so glad you like them!
Life, Liberty, and Levin was very interesting tonight. Mark’s guest was an economic historian from Hillsdale College, Dr. Burton Folsom. He has written a book about FDR, New Deal or Raw Deal? Very enlightening. The things FDR got up to! And got away with! Playbook for Obummer to use.
Particularly interesting was the way he set the WPA up yes for jobs, but the jobs were created in precincts, counties, states that FDR wanted to flip from Republican to Dim. They were political patronage jobs. To get one, in most cases you had to be a Dim. They used a lot of the workers to campaign in the month of October before elections, and they laid workers off in most cases AFTER the elections. And of course tax dollars were used to pay for these jobs.
Japanese internment camps were created against the advice of the military and FBI who said the Japanese weren’t a threat, but FDR wanted them to woo support/win House seats in California and other Western states where there was a lot of prejudice against the Japanese.
Only a couple of points, lots and lots more. FDR really built the modern Deep State. Sickening.
Oops……… title above is FDR Goes to War. I gave the wrong title, sorry……
Andrew McCarthy gets down in the weeds (remember he was with the DOJ for years) as to why he thinks the DOJ did not charge McCabe. It is interesting if a little dispiriting.
I’ve read and reread 4 times. THIS is a must read.
Oh, I’m glad you saw it daughn. Was going to post it on one of your work group threads about DOJ because I thought it might be helpful…….but I fell asleep instead. Now you can share it if it’s pertinent.
I read it a couple times, myself. It’s dense and lawyerly (so many WORDS) but it explains from an insider’s perspective what may well be going on.
You’re right.
Hehe, probably why I had to reread it so many times.
Also, I was looking for what was NOT said. Too many years with BigT taught me that trick which lawyers use so often.
I found it to be BULL SCHIFF.
Since when did a prosecutor toss a case, WHERE THE PERP. CONFESSED (McCabe), just because he has a hostile witness (Lisa Page)
I wrote it up on Wolfie’s new work thread.
J. Christian Adams, former DOJ employee, writes about Jessie Liu and PDJT’s actions:
‘This was the week that President Trump really started to drain the swamp. It came when he yanked the nomination of Jessie Liu to a Treasury Department post. The decision was all Trump’s and occurred after Trump learned details about what was going on when she was United States Attorney for the District of Columbia…….’
THIS is a must read. VSGPDJT is just getting started with DoJ. As all of this comes to the surface, the normies are getting red pilled, hopefully.
I thinkk so, too…..
The included picture of Liu with “Stop Gun Violence” printed in green on the palm of her hand says a lot.
She made her own meme without realizing it.
Doesn’t it, though?
Thank you for the article Sylvia quote : “President Trump got his sea-legs this week”
It occurred to me over the weekend, with the removal of Liu’s nomination our VSG had fired a warning shot to all future judges with similar aspirations …You WILL be held accountable, or NO career promotion.
He refused to indorse promote and ( REWARD ) a sitting judge who had recently run up a track record of going along with an equally abusive ,corrupt run-away DOJ prosecutorial team.
A key quality of great business leadership , is ;selecting’ the best person from the field for the position.
Liu’s recent record left a lot of un-answered questions , raised red flags .Thus , She disqualified herself.
Great points, Chris, thanks!
A must read if you wonder how the idiot AOC went from barmaid to Congress critter in mere months. There’s a plan. The devil always has a plan……..
When Communists Can’t Get Through The Door
I’ve been watching Alexandra Ocasio-Cortez (AOC) since she became the youngest congresswoman in Congress. Something seemed out of focus. Something was not right. My curiosity was spawned. The following will seem outrageous, but read on.
AOC was hired to play the part of a socialist congresswoman from Brooklyn
AOC was the first assault by a group so nefarious, so iniquitous, that they don’t even hide their intentions. They readily admit to their activities. The organization is within the Democrat Party and they are called Justice Democrats, initiated in 2017.
In that same year, the group called for auditions, people they can interview and be put up as candidates for political offices around the country. They were looking for people who were malleable, ignorant of politics, that they could bend in any shape they needed in predominantly low turnout, liberal districts.
They got 10,000……….
Yep…AOC auditioned for the part with that Young Turks guy, Cenk Uygur, who is a socialist.
Yes, the article goes into all of that, and all about Cenk Uygur. I think he is a commie not a socialist.
Most commies masquerade as socialists.
They lure people in by making socialism sound good…but their goal is communism!
Yep. Sure enough!!!
Cent Uygur is a despicable human being. I’ve seen the clip of him from election night, 2016, he was in a rage.
It’s his type who fill the ranks of Antifa.
This article was really something, I thought. It filled in some gaps in my understanding and confirmed things I had suspected. Horrifying, really.
Another must read.
Grrr…Bloomberg is calling Pres Trump a “bully”.

Our President is not a bully! He STANDS UP To bullies!
Text of tweet from Lady War Anon:
You lie. You pay people to like you. You put down farmers, machinists, and people who actually work for a living. You made billiond through dishonest China trade deals, & theft. You don’t care about “our” kids, especially black American kids. You’re right. Our kids ARE watching.
……………End text.
Mini Mike is the one who is a bully!
He’s a control freak who tries to push people around and tell them what to drink, what to eat and what to think.
Interesting piece about what has been going on in Germany. It is very Soviet-like, politically, which is unfortunate because we could really use Germany as an ally. But the way it is currently, it’s not.
“This is Germany today — a deeply divided, confused, and frightened country, governed by a small group of career politicians who are prepared, for a variety of motives, to employ any methods necessary, including anti-democratic, extra-constitutional, and illegal means, to utterly suppress the only organized political resistance to its immigration policies, which a large percentage of Germans believe will to destroy German civilization.
I leave the readers with a critical, and current, example of how far Merkel’s budding tyranny has gone in employing means contrary to the German constitution, the rule of law, and parliamentary democracy in its efforts to destroy dissent and the AFD…..”
Appointing Richard Grennel as our ambassador to Germany, was a genius move by our VSG.
Text of Richard Grenell’s tweet:
@realDonaldTrump just called me from AF1 and instructed me to make clear that any nation who chooses to use an untrustworthy 5G vendor will jeopardize our ability to share Intelligence and information at the highest level.
I think so, too. He’s doing an amazing job. I knew things were bad in Germany, but I didn’t realize it was quite as bad as it is per the author of that AT piece. SMH. Grennel is loyal and effective. I wish we had many more like him throughout the government.

Night, Wheatie……….Dream time for me!
G’night, Syl…and sweet dreams!

And BTW, that is like the third tweet of Grennel’s I have read this weekend that was GREAT!!!!!
Yep…I saw this one earlier and it made me want to give him a hug.
I know what you mean!
Sweet Wheatie
Germany is lost. Their culture will have to live on elsewhere. Its citizenry have lost heart.
I’m afraid you’re right…………..what a waste. We reunified them for this?????
The USA did NOT reunite Germany. The “occupation” ended in 1955. After that, Germany pretty much has led (for better or worse) its own affairs.
Unfortunately, the deep state over here (Satan Soros, et. al.) leaned VERY HARD on Helmut Kohl to push the reunification, ostensibly to make the East more like the west, BUT, in fact, to make the West more like the East. Merde-Kuh is nithing if not an “Ossie”, i.e. an East German Communist, or to be blunt, a NAZI with a new coat of paint (much like “Die Linke” is described, as the followon to the SED).
We have had the “Solidaritätszuschlag” (basically a tax on our already excessive taxes) to fund rebuilding the former East Germany, to the point that their Internet access is often FTTD (glass fiber to the door), which we’re bumbling along on 70+ year-old copper pairs, with software-pimped performance in hopes of approaching even the most primitive of our European neighbors’ throughput. BAH!
Forgive my sloppy inaccurate shorthand, Cuppa. I didn’t literally mean the USA had reunited Germany. I was actually thinking about winning the Cold War and calling for the Wall to come down. What followed was Germany’s business, of course.
Thanks for the further info.
Wow I’m going to give this to mom to read. She’s going to be shocked! So glad they stayed (legally) in the USA all those years ago. Germany from one extreme to another
The comments on that article are interesting, but most of the commenters don’t understand that the Kanzler/in is NOT and elected post (by the people) but rather is a SELECTED post, usually decided by underhanded backroom dealing in dank, dark, smoke-filled rooms,by crooked globalists and banksters [but I repeat myself].
There is a good comment by a German transplant (I think to Texas, based on the handle: good move, wish we could do the same…sigh):
[begin excerpt]
wolftxusa 18h
I was born in Germany and lived there until I was 27. Why am I not surprised about this article? Even back then, Germany has always adopted what the US did, typically with a 3-4 year lag. I was not too happy about adding 1/3 to the existing population (from the East), fearing they’d all lean left with their socialist upbringing. Combine the reunification with copying the US and you have virtually the same situation over there: A heavy leftist slant. I remember that CDU and SPD were fairly balanced before. We’ve had chancellors from either party, and sometimes they needed a coalition with the FDP or the Greens. However, I could not have foreseen Merkel’s takeover of the conservative party.
Germany is a glaring example why “diversity” doesn’t work. Some Germans feel like foreigners in their own country, and when bad things happen by those imports, the threat of being called a Nazi or Islamophobe mutes objective voices that point out the problem. To be fair, we also had issues with Polish and Russian people (their mafia) and with Turks and Greeks (bringing their fight to our turf). But bringing in massive numbers of Middle Easterners while neglecting native citizens is just a bad idea. It is backwards to even discuss whether Caucasian female German teachers should wear burkas to appease Muslims. They had a choice to come here, we didn’t have a choice to let them in. At a minimum, they should abide by our laws and customs.
If the US does not pay attention to Germany’s development, we will see the same here. Why don’t Muslims go to countries that are already Muslim? I bet there’s a method behind that madness. They will convert Western countries to Muslim-friendly countries and eventually destroy any tradition that does not sit well with their beliefs. If you are upset about “cultural appropriation” accusations and the Left’s hostility towards ICE, you just see the tip of the iceberg. Soon there will be no country for the Germans, French, English and American. Look at how many countries are left for them – they are all under cultural attack, and soon you cannot practice your traditions and follow your beliefs because they are deemed “hostile”, “supremacist” or “non-inclusive”. The more we accept the Left’s language, the more readily they can push the original citizens out – with nowhere to go. And I don’t mean that in a racist way. I bet 50 years from now, you won’t find any customs that made a Western country what it used to be. I don’t mind the people coming in – I mind those who don’t assimilate and eventually protest the core of the country. Just look at Ilhan Omar and her ilk.
[end excerpt]
Excellent article, especially the explanation of the debacle in Thuringen. His choice of alternative news sources (rather thin on the ground and the net over here), led by, parallels what we read. The YSM/MCM is basically controlled by Merde-Kuh’s “Göbbels v2.0”, along with the ARD (channel one, if you will) and ZDF (two) TV/Radio networks, which, yes, we are forced to support. Unless one is both blind and deaf, alone in a household!
As I’ve noted before, Merde-Kuh pushed the CDU far, far to the left (as she’s actually a Green, indeed a Watermelon, green on the outside and RED in the middle), with its sister party, the CSU, dragged along for the ride. The CSU used to be a national party, but due to some (more) dirty dealing by Helmut Kohl at the behest of the deep state, reduced its scope to Bayern (Bavaria) alone. They were to the right of the CDU, a barren spot of political vacuum which the AfD now (thank GOD) fills. The AfD (Alternativ für Deutschland), though characterized by the left (i.e. Die Linke, the Greens, the SPD, and an astonishing number of CDU’lers) as “Right-Wing Radicals” is actually occupying the place on the political spectrum held by the CDU, until Merde-Kuh. As with the DEMONicRATS, anything to the right of Stalin is considered Right-Wing Radical, or, worse, spoken of as NAZI, a bitter irony considering that National Socialism is, by definition, LEFT.
But facts and history matter not to the left.
I think the article is a tad over-the-top, but it explains quite clearly the pickle we’re in here, no mean feat for someone who isn’t actually living and working here. Would that the YSM/MCM journos (urnos?) on the German dailies had such insight into American politics, as opposed to echoing the jaundiced sentiments of the Washed Poo, the NY Slimes, and the Washed-up Journal…
Merde-Kuh fancies herself as The Great Dictator(ess) 2.0. But the only thing she really is is a ‘tater, a human potato, and a criminal (the pun being “tater” means perp)… She has instituted a scorched-earth policy of eliminating all her competition, both inside and out of the CDU. Having pushed von der Leyen “up” (Peter Principle) to the EC (European Comission), AKK (Annegret Kramp-Karrenbauer) out, and purging folks far and wide, e.g. the fellow in Thuringen AND a CDU functionary who congratulated the FDP fellow on his win(!), Mrs. Potatohead continues to lay waste to the political landscape here.
BUT, the people, and even the YSM/MCM have noticed. A few articles today are saying that Merkel should leave before her term ends (in late 2021). The problem is, the only one left with Kanzler/in potential is the current leader of the Green party, Robert Habeck, who would institute the “Green Bad Deal”, and kill Germany.
So, we’re experiencing the Øbozo years, and probably a few of what Hell-the-BEAST would have done.
Here’s hoping and praying that the AfD can keep growing to the point that the CDU is forced to work with them. Thuringen was a test, that, sadly, failed.
A couple of points not noted in the article were that the left (banksters, etc.) are trying to strangle the AfD financially; Antifa are not only supported by the rats in government, but are actually FUNDED by the SPD (socialists); and the Black/Green coalition (CDU/Green) in Baden-Wuerttemberg (the ü didn’t show up in the article) is led by a very conservative Green (for the Greens), Winfried Kretschmann, who is sometimes to the right of Merkel. We have another conservative Green in the old University City of Tübingen, Boris (yes we have one, too) Palmer, who makes a lot of sense, and irritates the daylights out of the snowflakes here. Too bad he’s a Green, but then again, some of his policies are liberal…
My wife and son are constantly working on red-pilling most everyone they interact with, sometimes with good results, other times only getting shocked responses (like this morning when my wife said that child-trafficking and the like are not only ignored, but often ENCOURAGED by politicians and those in “high places”. Boy howdy did that ruffle some feathers… The “Generation Z” folks my son runs into tend to be more conservative, or at least open-minded about discussing and/or accepting conservative viewpoints. So there IS hope, even if it’s going to take a while.
That tweet from Richard Grenell set off a tweet storm.
Slovakia has got the right idea!
Text of tweet from Amy Mek:
Did you know…
Islam is not recognized as a religion in Christian Slovakia nor is it allowed to be taught in school. Islamic marriages are not legal in Slovakia. No mosques or Islamic centers are allowed
Slovakia refused to submit to the EU-mandated migrant quotas & Soros-NGOs
ALL of Islam and its adherents should be removed from civilized countries and sent back to Saudi Arabia.
KSA probably wouldn’t want them back.
And they’re not all from there.
I would like to see “Jihad” declared unlawful and designated as “terrorist activity”, though.
Any ‘religion’ that advocates “death to the non-believer”…is not a real religion.
It is a death cult.
Islam is a bloody nuisance on the face of the earth – always has been – always will be.
Islam is the religious version of communism.
Similar control-freak ideology, for sure.
Islam is all-encompassing. Not the same as other religions.
Yes – and it’s amazing how fast Islam adhered with Nazism – like Siamese Twins – same hate, same murderous barbaric ideas and actions.
Communism, Nazism and Islamism condition all their adherents into sociopaths and psychopaths.
NYGuy – I wanted to let you know the thread on Corona Virus has interesting information (on the last page or most current) about the college in Buffalo (I am in Canastota) potentially have students that may have tested positive who returned from China over the holiday. I thought you would be interested.
Wow, Wheatie, great find!
What’s the deal with pork?
Entire religions forbid eating it. Ancient cultures had taboos against it. Meanwhile, pork is the national food of China, and bacon demand increased vastly increased under the Obama Administration (spoiler alert: The pigs are the literal Communists in “Animal Farm.”). It all leads me to believe those ancient restrictions were probably there for a reason, although I don’t have any logicial explanation why beyond seeing correlation between corruption and pork consumption.
Always thought it was because of this…
But if that’s the case you’d think there would be the same laws against eating chicken in regards to salmonella
Or maybe its just because some people thought…..
try again….
heh, Pulp Fiction quote “Pig is a filthy animal”….wasn’t that funny anyways
This is explained in Leviticus 11:1-8:
and cancelled (for Christians) in Acts 11:5-10
Restrictions on pork were about a health concern. They’ll eat anything.
Modern pork which is farm raised, there is not much of a worry.
That being said, personally, while I love bacon, better cuts of pork are just too rich for me.
Correct it is a health issue. We share too many disease with pigs. Humans and Pigs are similar enough that they would be great medical test subjects except they have that ear piercing scream if they even THINK you are going to hurt them.
The pig: a model for human infectious diseases
The Japanese are considering using them
Diseases from pigs And that is ONLY diseases from handling pet pigs!
Be that as it may, prior to modern discoveries, Muhammad followed the lead of the Hebrews and eliminated all carrion eaters from the muslim diet. Anything that ate trash and feces just was not considered to be healthy.
Just read a short biography of Mohammad last night and he decreed no pork, and no wine of his followers and the 5x a day ritual (interestingly. In this version was not referred to as prayers.) The pork I can see because of worms and disease (same as Jewish religion, as I understand). The wine is pretty interesting and did not read any compelling reasons.
There are far more educated posters on this topic than me…I just quickly read through it.
Wonder if Obama eats pork?
Are Dogs “pork”?
It’s anything that’s a carion eater, actually. Shellfish, birds of prey. They’re on the forbidden list as well.
Or the dislike of dogs!
Hydatids. A very nasty disease carried by pigs. Also in the Middle East the good ground was farmland and bodies were buried in cairns (under rocks) or in caves. Pigs used to break these open and eat remains
Quiet day???
So far
since you asked…can you please explain to me what I’ve missed here…
why is no one going (as) nuclear about the military refusing to investigate Vindman? everyone was freaking out over McCabe (which I thought would be a 50/50) but nothing about Vindman.
I thought the one area that things were pretty cut and dry was the military and Vindman’s insubordination. wth???
Well, Pat, many of us are. I’ve talked about Vindman several times.
I’m just guessing, but I think people are talking more about McCabe is because it was further along in the process and we had all the info for the leak and lies since spring of 2018. It was an open an shut case.
Whereas Vindman would still take the phase of accumulating evidence, etc.
there was always a possibility of McCabe flipping in my mind–but Vindman was the open and shut one to me. He admitted he told Ukraine officials to ignore the President’s wishes–he leaked and discussed classified conversations with others–why wouldn’t the military investigate him?
^^^ Bingo.
do you remember, not long ago, and I don’t remember all the details–but some military men (Army?) wore patches on their uniforms for when POTUS came and they were investigated and punished (IIRC)? that was swift and decisive.
but they won’t even LOOK into this?
Not to surprising, the Army has decided to not pursue Vindictive testimony. Dunno if a case is there, on the testimony.
– Now, please, hold the darts. I’ll sit still for incoming later.
What I didn’t hear was anything about Vindictive intentionally working against the US, against President Trump’s policies while in the NSC. While Vindictive was in Ukraine.
^^^ his is where the Army could easily pursue a case against Vindictive. Probably a slam dunk case.
There is a very sliver of hope the Army will pursue this.
Over my time here at the QTree I have pointed out a number of times, “military justice is anything but justice.”
Military justice IS ALL POLITICAL. IMHO. Simple as that.
Easy bet to win is, Army is afraid pursuing Vindictive will create a huge backlash from D-Rats and MCM. Really that simple. Nothing to do with justice. Fucking politics. Simple as that.
Esper should step in quietly and direct a serious look. Dunno if he will.
– Esper, a United States Military Academy – West Point graduate KNOWS Vindictive should be charged under UCMJ.
As an aside, IIRC, one of Ms. Lindsey’s claims to fame is military lawyer. Navy I think. UCMJ fits all Services. IF so, Ms Lindsey should be discreetly, but very, very pointedly raising hell with the Army and Esper.
Pat, I’m guilty of only reading headlines on this………………so I’m NO EXPERT. But my understanding was the Pentagon said they weren’t going to investigate him, but that didn’t mean he wouldn’t be investigated or disciplined within his normal chain of command. I swear I read something like that………..but I don’t recall where and no idea if it’s true…………because yeah that little sh!t should be investigated, court martialed, and tossed in a deep dark hole.
i thought I read he was being shoveled off to some cushy military college assignment…where they said admittedly it’s not where you go to be promoted but still–it’s not prison either.
IIRC, it was reported that he would be attending military college, the Army one in PA. Attending is a lot different than being assigned. I wondered if he was going to take a “refresher” course.
wonder if he will be hazed as a newbie often can be?
What was done to one nasty apple when my ex was in the Army, was to send him to the FRONT LINES in Vietnam. He came back in a body bag a short time later.
No court martial just rough justice.
i read there were plenty of calls by fellow military personnel to investigate even court martial him…maybe he will receive justice in one way or another…
Hey wheatie!
Hey, TIM!

Thanks for the coffee!
An EU Empire?
Farage reminds us of what we’ve just escaped
“Plans now for a European army, an expansionist United States of Europe, indeed an empire called Europe, are much clearer now than they were in 2016
“There’s no pretending in Brussels about what this is”
The UK wants no part of this.
everybody wants to be US…lol
PERFECT! Another reason to get the hell out of NATO.
More Lefty unintentional self parody courtesy of the Seattle City Council
hmmmm…..guess I forgot how to copy a url or did WordPress outlaw youtube posts?
Are you using the ’embed code’ for the videos?
Some Youtubers apparently click a box that allows/doesn’t allow their videos to play on other sites.
So that could be going on here.
To get the ’embed code’…I do a right-click on the video itself, then choose ’embed code’ from that menu.
It will automatically store in your browser to paste here, or anywhere.
Thanks! I think I right clicked for the code on the ones I posted today, sometime I just copy the url
Okay, I tested the embed code below…and the same thing happened.
These vids you’ve posted must have that setting that doesn’t allow playback on other sites.
Going to test something:
Verse of the Day
“Therefore being justified by faith, we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ:”
Romans 5:1 (KJV)
Thank You, Jesus, for blessings received and prayers answered!
Monday Multiple Butterfly Blessing
Jesus Loves Babies…Pray for the Unborn

Jesus Loves the Little Children – Pray for the Little Children
Jesus Loves You – Come to Him
Good Monday Morning Duchess!
Hey, Pat! Hope and pray you had a Happy Birthday and God Blessed You Real Good!
Have a Blessed Day!
lol…the birthday curse struck again…
ever since i was little, birthday plans got ruined–snow, ice, etc–parties canceled all the time. this yr hubby took off a Friday 2 weeks ago and we had plans–we got a foot of snow…–yesterday? found out my son has the flu, granddaughter broke ANOTHER finger, and I had the worst sinus headache ever…I am officially changing my birthday to JUNE I think…LOL
Oh, Lord! What a mess! Think of it this way – you got all of the ‘bad’ out of the way – now –
ok…but you know patience is not my strong suit…better get me distracted…LOL
I know – yes – just something you need to work out with God – could tell you a whopper of a story about Patience – just remember to be careful for what you pray – but, God is Good – He wants what is best for you – and – in His wisdom – He knows – Trials work Patience – so there is still Hope.
You are great at distracting us from the daily woes – so you know what to do! Funny is as funny does – so try to see the humor in all of this – laughter is healthy!
laughter IS healthy and it burns calories!
* Smiling Broadly *
Oh no…sorry to hear that, Pat.

It could be worse, though.
Try having a birthday close to Christmas.
Then you get one present instead of two…and they call it a “Birthday-Christmas” present.
well…BH (before hubby) boyfriends would combine Valentine’s and my birthday. hubby does not…
Oh dear.

Yeah, that would suck.
And my hubby doesn’t do the combo thing either.
Sounds like you’ve got a keeper!
yes he is–I am blessed right there!
well if I missed your birthday way back in December (?) I want to wish you a Happy Birthday now too!

Is okay…I don’t think I’ve ever mentioned when it is before.
well, sorry I missed it…
Aww…thank you!
That’s so sweet!
LOL…maybe THIS one would have been more appropriate!
I didn’t realize you were a fellow Christmastime baby…….
Yep!!!!!! And birthday presents are wrapped in Christmas paper. And forget about a party………………………
Happy belated birthday, Pat!
thank you!
For those following this case, they have finally set a court date for the Cardinal.
I hope he gets a fair trial.
If you love Italy this will break your heart.
so sad
Love the new avatar, Pat!

And I hope you had very Happy Birthday!
thanks…she’s from one of the memes I posted yesterday…reminds me of Rosie the Riveter…
IN NAPOLI?????????????
Great and apt comment on that:
We see it here all the time. Not so much the tents, etc., on the street, but the violent behaviour and ignorance of the local laws and mores, along with the desire to CONTROL. They think WE owe everything to THEM, even though they are guests… They shouldn’t be here at all; there’s no war in their home lands, and if they made their homes into $#!+holes, there’s no reason they should be allowed to make Germany and Europe into a $#!+hole too!!!
Smile Time
From 1997… ya go….
Text of tweet from Catturd:
Happy President’s day to the greatest President in U.S. history – Donald J. Trump.
Some of the replies are great:
what a 2-faced POS
House Speaker Nancy Pelosi may is completely two-faced. She may condemn large companies like Amazon and Facebook when in public, but what she recently did with her husband regarding the two companies is raising a lot of eyebrows.
Nancy Pelosi and her husband Paul Pelosi, who is a venture capitalist purchased, $4.8 million of Amazon shares. But what’s even crazier is that when he made the purchase he exercised his options he held in Amazon and bought each share for under $300 than what the stock was trading for that day.
That’s not all though. Pelosi also purchased 5,000 shares of Facebook for $720,000 and he already held $500,000 to $1 million previously. 3,000 of those stocks were also purchased at a discounted rate below what the stock was trading at.
On the same day Paul Pelosi made the purchases, Senator Pelosi criticized Facebook for “schmoozing” with the Trump administration. “I think that they have been very abusive of the great opportunity that technology has given them,” she said in a press conference, adding, “My thought about them is that all they want is their tax cuts and no antitrust action against them.”
“They intend to be accomplices for misleading the American people with money from god knows where,” she said.
They literally just want full control and all the money they can get. This demonstrates the hypocrisy of Democrats.
If the DEMONicRATS didn’t have double standards, they wouldn’t have any standards at all…
Gee, I think some of their stuff is good. Guess a person can’t trust anybody these days.
This guy Ian is right about the BBC.
Some of their stuff is fluff…but most of it is laced with propaganda.
Propaganda that is Pro-Left, Pro-Govt, Pro-EU, Pro-Globalism.
Yeah, I agree on the BBC.
A Song for Pat and Everyone – to lift your spirits
#VanMorrison #WheneverGodShinesHisLight #Vevo
Van Morrison – Whenever God Shines His Light
“If you show up with cancer and you’re 95 yrs old, we should say ‘There’s no cure, we can’t do anything.'”
– Mike Bloomberg
What if you’re 86 yrs old, you’ve been treated for colorectal cancer, cancerous lung growths and pancreatic cancer?
And your name is Ruth Bader Ginsburg?
Biden speaking at an infrastructure conference in Nevada…
He’s stuttering and rambling and not making sense.
Some people in the audience are giving him the side-eye and laughing at him.
Say It ain’t so Joe ..audience caught laughing at him not with him
Biden speaking at an infrastructure conference in Nevada …rambling on about high speed rails ..Time to tap out Joe
whoa…getting worse…
Why would his wife allow him to be made a fool of unless it’s all about $$$$. (And, it appears they have plenty…unless they think it might be taken away)
who knows why the left does anything anymore…
To save her son. As long as he’s running, he can claim any investigation of Hunter and Burisma is politically motivated.
Except nothing is going to save him, nor the Biden family. joe’s brother, James, place was evidently raided today…not much info about it.
I don’t think Hunter is her biological son…one would think the husband would come first…but that’s just me. Of course, she does refer to Hunter as a “child”…yeah, a 50 year old child.
Ooooh, a raid sounds promising, though.
… stick a
in him … he’s D O N E …
To paraphrase Yogi Berra, when you come to a fork in the lake, take it
reading a Red State article and they provided this link to a 2019 AP story detailing some of the complicated incestuous web of DC…
here’s the Red State article–it depicts the numerous examples of the left getting off scott-free while the right suffers. (so be warned: it’ll piss you off), and gives a detailed “plan” to decentralize power in DC.–which is needed imp. how can you seat grand juries in a corrupt environment like that and expect anything but corrupt outcomes? GIGO
DoJ’s non-prosecution of former deputy FBI director and serial liar Andrew McCabe is just the latest symptom of a much, much bigger problem: Washington DC is now an existential threat to the American Republic. Centralization of unbridled power in DC has become a cancer of corruption that is eating the heart out of the US Constitution. Let’s examine that premise, starting with some symptoms of the disease, and then detail some solutions that will address the “McCabe problem.”
OT……….. totally…………..
G’mornin’ Pat… belated Happy Birthday. And I love your new avatar!
thank you! on both accounts!
Prepare for the Cornovirus numbers in the United States to double today. (currently 15 but expect it to go up to 29)
Situation Japan. Apparently Japan feels overwhelmed with their current case load of virus victims and have made arrangements for passengers to return to their country of origin.
Situation U.S. 438 Passengers aboard the Diamond Princess have been identified to travel to the United States. 300 of those passengers have arrived in the United States early this morning, coming in on two separate planes one to Texas and the other to California. 14 of those passengers test positive for the virus and were flown in within a quarantined section of the aircraft. No report given to which place they were landing however a plane landing at Kelly Air base (formally an AFB which is adjacent to Lackland, AFB and is used primarily by BOEING for service) was met by a ground crew in full protective gear. All passengers will now go though a separate quarantine process despite nearing the finish of their previous quarantine process in Japan and the infected passengers will move straight to a hospital for care.
There is a local radio report of which hospital they are going to however I did not catch the name though it sounds different than the one holding the one infected patient already in a San Antonio hospital.
Point of interest. The MSM has been fairly quiet about the epidemic over the weekend but now that their back to work expect news stories to amp up again.
how do you quarantine a “section” of a plane? doesn’t everyone breathe everyone else’s recycled air?
That’s probably why they’re putting ALL the passengers into quarantine…which is good!
We’d have to ask a flight engineer about that one, but yes, I’d have the same question as I’d assume you’d have to get into the internal panels that service air to separate the air lines of the passenger cabin. I would be surprised if that was actually done, though if the air is in separate location throughout the cabin I imagine it could be calculated on where to put the separation. Likely the separate section is a partial solution to the problem and thus the new 14 day quarantine period.
Apparently some of the passengers were upset with this arrangement since they were nearing their original 14 day quarantine period.
Couldn’t they have used one of those “inflatable” rooms with it’s own oxygen source?
I have no idea how sophisticated the preparation and set-up for this evacuation was, but they may have been prepared for the eventuality. Were the planes regular passenger planes, or different?
dunno…just curious…if they have that capability why don’t they quarantine the pain in the ass passengers normally…just kidding
I’m flying this morning, and I couldn’t agree more! Especially misbehaving kids!
and people flying with support birds/monkeys/octopi/etc…
stay alert and stay safe!!!
Will do, thanks!
saw this just now—woman brought a mini “service” horse on her flight and had him in first class…
Well, no service horses for me today, only a screaming baby.
hope you got to your destination safely tho!
A Shetland pony walks into a bar, stifling a cough…
Bartender asks, “Can I get you something for that cough?”
“No, but thanks anyway”, replies the pony, “I’m just a little horse”…
saw it coming…laughed anyway!
Thanks, and happy belated birthday!
(and, wrt to horses
“More hay, Trigger?”
“No thanks, Roy, I’m stuffed”… sorry… thinking of Piñatas
thanks and Happy Trails to you too!
The above story is mostly from morning radio reports from the Trey Ware show 550AM radio and supplemented by the following. (warning dailymail is resource intensive and may not be worth the trouble though the visuals are good).
Yea, I was wondering how Johns Hopkins and others would account for the cruise passengers shifting from “others” on Johns Hopkins.
Actually just looked at Johns Hopkins, “others” is now Diamond Princess. Number looks lower. 369 now. IIRC was 385.
US still 15. Maybe the inbound folks will be accounted for in another category.
Just now, Johns Hopkins is showing Johns Hopkins is showing Diamond Princess 454 infected. Less than an hour ago, it was 369.
AND, yesterday Johns Hopkins showed 759 NOT Mainland China infected. Just now that number is 1,346.
Thinking my math is correct. Don’t see where Johns Hopkins populated the extra, almost 600 infected.
Surely Johns Hopkins is using a data base or spreadsheet of sorts.
– Easy to accept Diamond number jumping.
– BUT, the Not Mainland China cases jumping without an indication where those cases. AND no public statements addressing almost 600 cases outside of Mainland China. ???
I must be missing something simple.
Hope the tinyurl works otherwise, it’s a lengthy url. I follow here ….check on the numbers every day.
Johns Hopkins has tweaked there numbers from what they were showing earlier today.
Your link partially populated the chart for me. Went back to the link I’ve been using.
Maybe Johns Hopkins numbers burped, OR ChiComs screwing with reality some moar.
Here’s what I have been using. It was compliments of someone here at QTree.
That was what the tiny url was suppose to show.
Got it. Thanks for the assist.
We need 200 Ambassadors just like Rich Grenell!
Look at him here, kicking German a$$.
Go Rich!
Wow! Great reply by Grenell. Best parts were, NOT political AND in their faces f’off.

Me, I am perfectly good with Germany going with Huawei. Piss on them. Time to break away from BS linkage with Germany.
AND, IF Boris wants Huawei, that is also GRAND by me. Perfect reason to walk away from Five Eyes.
FINALLY, EU can create their damn Army…US walks away from NATO.
On a roll today
AND, AND, God bless TW…!!! Without TW, we’d never see information like this
The telecoms companies don’t want Huawei, either. It’s Merde-Kuh and her globalist handlers who want Huawei… And the people here (not just us), don’t want transmission masts all over the place, every 100 meters (110 yards or so), even on supposedly protected “historic” buildings…
), and many other large and small issues/defects.
Where are the Greens?????
Doing the same as they always do when REAL environmental blights are on the table: avoiding the issue. Just like they do with deforestation (and bird and insect devastation) to enable the bird-choppers to be built, and hazardous and expensive solar installations to be build on already scarce land that could be productive in other ways (read: bringing back the factories that WE’VE sent to China, etc.).
And, as far as a pan-European military goes, forget it. None of the equipment they use (which is mostly German) works. Seems von der Leyen (a dyed-in-the-wool Globalist, from a family thereof) crippled everything before she was pushed up to the European Comission (same thing was done with Oettinger: no one could stand him). The guns don’t shoot straight after they warm up, the choppers don’t chop (as it were), the A-400M don’t stay up (software issues, etc.), the last working sub crashed into a pier, the tanks are NOT impenetrable, there is little to no cold-weather gear available (so Russia won’t get invaded in Winter yet again
The “good” news (at least on the clothing front) is that we have plenty of maternity uniforms for PREGNANT INFANTRYWOMEN !!!
(N.B. The Moslems get “bonus points” for killling pregnant Kafir (non-Moslems)…go figure…)…
Well done ambassador.
James Woods
Surely you remember that I was banned from #Twitter almost a year for paraphrasing this exact quote of Emerson’s, Mr. President. No words have ever been more relevant to the heinous jihad perpetrated against you by the vermin #Democrats and their media propagandists. #Trump2020
Quote Tweet
Donald J. Trump
· Feb 15
“Ralph Waldo Emerson seemed to foresee the lesson of the Senate Impeachment Trial of President Trump. ‘When you strike at the King, Emerson famously said, “you must kill him.’ Mr. Trump’s foes struck at him but did not take him down. A triumphant Mr.Trump emerges from the…..
Hmm…does this mean that people in the UK will no longer be FORCED to pay a fee for the BBC?
Hope so!
BBC licence fee ‘set to be scrapped & replaced with subscription service’.
Senior aides to No10 insisted they were “not bluffing” about changing the way the corporation is funded, sources told The Sunday Times. At last, the BBC no longer deserves our money
Here’s hoping (and praying) that they do that here, too. Then we’d be rid of the 19€ per month we HAVE to pay for the crappy ARD and ZDF, which have commercials, anyway!!!
Yep. We (and probably the British) have to PAY to be indoctrinated and numbed with fake news!!! And ancient reruns… and idiotic container/”reality” shows…
Not sure if this went out yesterday but Fox news Sunday Morning Futures with Maria B. went with the Weapons Super Lab story about the virus as Tom Cotton appeared and explained.
Of course news savvy persons already know what Sen. Cotton said on this but likes that FOX is going with this story. The story needs to be widely told. Screw the leftists and their concerns.
He seems to have such a flat affect.
Cotton’s reputation as a senior senator, one who sometimes strays from President’s line, and the seriousness of the semi charge, will have to make up for it so perhaps flat is good here. People willing to listen are apt to take him more serious. Seems the Chinese are and their not too happy with him.
And DIMs wonder why POTUS is sending special unit in to assist ICE in lawful arrests
Brian Cates // Digital Soldier for Flynn

Brian Cates // Digital Soldier for Flynn
Look at the RT and Like #’s of this tweet.
This is one of the most IMPORTANT Democrat politicians in this country, driving policy that affects the lives of MILLIONS of people.
Here he is talking about a KEY POLICY he’s pursuing.
Mayor Eric Garcetti
· Feb 14
Regardless of your immigration status, I want every Angeleno to know your city is on your side. Here in Los Angeles, our police department does not coordinate with ICE or participate in immigration enforcement.
Know your rights: http://Mayor.LA/r32r30qhPYk
I notice that the mayor is showing a satanic symbol ,look at his hands .dr.oz also flashes this symbol as does Ellen. Symbolism will be there downfall. We all see it now.
Yes Sue… many are ‘seeing’ …
Great catch. I was just going to comment on that. Just like Merde-Kuh shows all the time…
I think people need to see that this IS a SPIRITUAL BATTLE (Ephesians 6:10-18) and that’s what fuels the Satanic Left, and their master, Satan Soros. And, like the Dutch Financier Ronald Bernard described, these people do CHILD SACRIFICES at their meetings. And abortion/dismemberment is only a small step away… as is Hell-the-BEAST, BeezleBubba and their Arkancides. Satanic Black Magick Illuminised Witches need BLOOD and death for power…
And THAT’S what we’re facing, and people need to know, even though it sounds horrid. All of the trafficking feeds into this as well…
One can almost see the evil bubbling up into Soros’s face; reminds me of Daniel Noriega (the human pincushion)…
Zoe, text in two tweets:


American Pitbull 
Kate Schmidt
Replying to @KellyO @realDonaldTrump and @FLOTUS
Who remembers when the Obamas flew on AF1 to NYC for *date night*?!
I recall the media thinking it was soooo precious.
Brian Cates // Digital Soldier for Flynn
Replying to
and 2 others
Final Obama travel tab: $100 million
The final tab for former President Obama’s eight years of family travel to ski resorts, beaches and European cities has finally come in and the bill is $99,714,527.82.
Star Trek’s George Takei welcomes California’s ‘long overdue’ decision to APOLOGIZE for internment of Japanese Americans during WW2
California legislators are expected to pass a resolution condemning the state’s role in the US government’s internment of 120,000 Japanese Americans during World War Two.
President Franklin D. Roosevelt’s executive order in 1942 led to incarcerations at 10 camps, two in California.
Hmmm. Wonder if “Thulu” is going to lean on the Japanese to apologize for all the women (Korean, Chinese, etc.) they forced into slavery and prostitution in WWII??????? Do you know what “comfort women” are, George???
Nahhh, didn’t think so…
Great news for the 2nd Amendment in Virginia!
Miss Wheatie, you watching me today???

Yes, going back to bed, need a nap. (got up at 3:30 to take friend to airport)
But more importantly,
Good Morning Y’all!!
Y’all know I’m from Texas and I say y’all’ a lot. It’s part of the vocabulary and just like breathing around here.
However, (since I once excelled in English) it really gets on my nerves to commonly hear “All y’all” and “Y’all all”. As in, All y’all going to the race? or Y’all all know better! “All you all” and “You all all”….That just ain’t right!! SMH
Hugs Miss Wheatie, and Y’all too……
all y’all
From all + y’all (itself from you + all).
all y’all
(chiefly Southern US) Plural form of you.
Usage notes
All y’all is used in the Southern United States when a speaker wishes to include everyone being addressed. Y’all may refer to an indefinite set of members of a group, but all y’all definitively includes everyone in the group.
Like y’all and most other second-person plural pronouns, all y’all (and y’all all, which mirrors e.g. they all) can be said to one individual with an implied plural “and your group”.
This form of y’all can be considered incorrect in certain parts of the American South as being redundant.
Alternative forms
all o’ y’all
all of y’all
y’all all
The group spoken or written to.
Have all y’all ladies finished eating?
Next up, a poem combining all y’all with folderal
(along with “hold the phone”, a favorite expression of a friend’s southern mama…).
Hugs, Butterfly…and sweet dreams!

We have a (Texas) chain steak house in our town and I swear the servers have been trained and ordered to say Y’all at the end of every sentence! Drives me crazy! And this is from someone that has a passel of Texas kinfolk.
Went out this morning and saw the forsythia is in full bloom…and as I look out my windows I see the little pine cones starting to form on the trees…meaning pine pollen season (and “yellow snow”) is just around the corner.
Mental Note:
Senator Chris Murphy is at it again. This time, he is meeting with Zaif of Iran in Germany, while Pompeo is giving speeches against Iran.
Why do Senators like Murphy consistently work against the foreign policy interests of the USA?
Recall, Chris Murphy was in Ukraine in 2013, speaking to protesters, encouraging them to overthrow their government. We have him on film in the Oliver Stone Documentary Ukraine on Fire: The Real Story.
Chris Murphy was also in Ukraine in September of 2019 encouraging Ukrainians to STAY OUT of US domestic policies and don’t answer ANY REQUESTS from the White House.
Romney is in Germany, too.
Eric Holder must be feeling a little desperate. It’s one thing to attack POTUS, but another to attack AG Barr.
How pathetic, Eric. Could they be closing in on a few of your dirty little deeds for Obama?
To the men and women of DOJ/FBI: do NOT resign, stay strong, in all your actions be true to the oath you have sworn, report wrongdoing. The era of Trump and Barr will pass-their slander, insults and corrupt acts will end. We – the American people – respect & believe in you.
I think this is a message to the next set of sleeper cells in the DoJ.
It’s nowhere close to clean yet.
In my musings this morning, I seemed to remember something about making the connection of the players in the public eye with Iran. Lisa Page, Peter Strzok, Valerie Jarrett, etc.
Then this popped into my feed courtesy of Kurt Schlichter’s account:
Going back to Q, the last two drops mentioning Iran are these.
Democrats Have Been Deliberately Selling Out Our Country to Foreign Entities
25 Nov 2019 – 4:30:45 PM
[D]’s (internal) infiltration issue(s) w/ protecting NAT SEC?
Do you believe in coincidences?
>DF Chinese spy_insert 20+ years
>Awan IT scandal
>Omar paid [F] agent
>Clinton server > China relay
>[VJ] direct relay > Iran pre/post Iran deal [future marker]
>[Kerry] direct relay > Iran pre/post Iran deal [future marker]
It’s only a matter of time.
Democrats Used Ukraine to Enrich Themselves and Assist Russia, Iran and China
6 Feb 2020 – 11:16:52 PM
Think HRC Russia reset statement [Russia].
Think Hussein ‘I’ll have more flexibility after the election’ hot mic statement to Russian depo re: Q to Hussein re: Putin.
Think Hussein WH refusal to send weapons to Ukraine [R Congress push to assist] but instead sent only blankets.
Think [D]s attack(s) re: POTUS for failure to ‘protect’ Ukraine against Russian aggression? [Impeachment]
What advanced weapons did POTUS send to Ukraine?
2 + 2 = 6?
Define projection.
Think $1,800,000,000 Hussein WH > Ukraine [which bank?].
Think US AID > Ukraine
Think WW AID > Ukraine
Think U1 [sale of US uranium to Russia]
Sold out US to benefit Russia for personal financial gain?
Risked US National Security for personal financial gain?
How was payment made to US person(s)?
Think Ukraine.
Think Iran.
Russia & Iran allies?
Russia, Iran, & China allies?
US pol corruption China
US pol corruption Ukraine [US leverage on behalf of…]
US pol corruption Russia
US pol corruption Iran
Common denominator: China, Russia, and Iran: Closed financial systems?
Logical thinking.
So, I’m taking the whole thread on Chris Murphy meeting with the Iranians to mean that the next generation of Democrats is working to continue some sort of back channel strategy after we took out their terrorism heads.
Q is asking us….??? My answer…I just don’t know any more the answer to the question. Revealed, fired, forced to resign….good. Charged, prosecuted, convicted, sentenced….discouragingly doubtful sometimes. And will it break through to the “reality” that too many choose to create and let be created for them by the leftist media/pop culture/”news”?
Wonder if The White Hats who are diligently and patriotically working behind the scenes have been surprised and had to recalibrate The Plan based on the enemy (media, Uniparty, Swamp, Dems, Deep State) being able to neutralize so many revelations of deep, corrupt, criminal and even treasonous wrong doing?
So far, The White Hats are staying in front of the Swamp et al and are able to defeat the Swamp’s attacks while continuing to reveal corruption, criminal activity, and disloyal to treasonous actions. After these things are revealed…the attention and action peters out and nothing/very little/not Nearly what is deserved ever comes of it.
Really rather shocking to see how much is now FACT and yet the dominate narrative still hasn’t changed.
Why? What can we do to take what The White Hats are delivering, what Q is dropping and hinting and directly us to research and learn, and use that to break the narrative and get though to the majority of people – esp. voters!?!
Q ought to be preparation for us and an opportunity to help with the reveal….but now we seem to think, perhaps know, that revealing the corruption isn’t enough. We have the knowledge of wrong doing, proof…now what? How do we help drain the swamp? We have been prepared…for what political action? How do we actually help?
Other Democrat senators at the conference included Sens. Robert Menendez of New Jersey and Chris Van Hollen of Maryland. Former Sen. John Kerry of Massachusetts also attended.
John Kerry…imagine that!
I believe more than 1/2 of Congress is involved in criminal activity of selling out our Country to foreign gov’ts… that’s because they are adhering to the goal of the Cabal of erasing national boundaries and creating one huge global plantation.
If they were to be arrested/charged at this point, American people would lose all confidence in the “government” – there would be chaos in the streets. And, who would try these people at this point.
Q has endeavored to encourage peeps to dig for themselves, think for themselves, and most of all trust that POTUS and Patriots have this…
Donald J. Trump MUST be re-elected in November… we must take back the HOUSE and keep the SENATE.
Screaming about McCabe not being charged for a “discrete crime” of lying (as Trey describes), etc. is undermining POTUS.
I’m reminded of an ol’ adage… “sharper than a serpent’s tongue is an ungrateful child.” Child in this instance being those demanding instant gratification.
Look around at all that is transpiring that we can see, all that President Donald J. Trump has achieved in bringing down the Cabal. The job is nowhere done… three years (with slime media opposition) cannot undo what centuries has rendered.
The DIMs are destroying themselves… Americans can plainly see that. Next generation of DIMs??? Don’t see that happening.
President Trump is destroying the DIM Party, splitting it in two… our votes in November will determine its fate.
And our own.
Amen. Well said.
To paraphrase an old aphorism, impatience is its own reward…
No it is NOT well said. It is a WEAPON handed to us to be used.
Trump supporters — Flynn and Stone had the book thrown at them for minor stuff.
Obama Supporters — Wolfe and McCabe skated on MAJOR stuff. LEAKING confidential secrets and LYING.
These are CLASSIC examples of the two tier Justice System.
This is very simple to understand and is great ammo to use to BASH your Senators and Congress critters with. (Remember we need to make it easier to FIRE bad actors)
And put together in the string that was in the news last week DEMONSTRATED to a lot of people who didn’t know that the two-tier system exists.
I think this was a practical demonstration, and will be righted in time. IOW, part of the “educate the public” communications plan.
Y’all may enjoy this. Checked in on Rex and wasn’t disappointed
Sundance at it again.
Never have I read a more nonsensical, brain-twisting piece. Do you understand it?
I don’t.
Seth Abramson would applaud, though.
In Sundance’s world, Barr, Rosenstein, Sessions are all villains, it appears. And Trump is the hapless victim, unable to control events.
Oh, remember that bit about Trump being POTUS? The most powerful person on the planet?
Sundance glosses over that.
As conspiracy theorists do.
8. You can also buy into the idea that Trump is an idiot, who somehow got lucky when he won the Presidency and then miraculously transformed the country in less than 4 years.
Go ahead. But here’s what I know.
Trump plays to win. And by ‘win’, I mean TOTAL victory.
That means epic DEFEAT is coming for the SpyGate plotters. Especially one Andrew McCabe.
Thanks so much for posting that …. love Rex… don’t visit him often enough
Check in, there’s more that’s recent. Good antidote to the recent dust-up.Check in, there’s more that’s recent. Good antidote to the recent dust-up.
I did… you’re right. Good read. Thanks. I’ve bookmarked Rex so I don’t forget him in the future *smilin*
Is there a link for this?
I don’t know why people are torturing themselves with SD. Whoever is running that place now is not doing the Q community any favors.
Here’s the link…you’ll need to wade in to the different posts…
Thank you
Well, hell, yesterday Lou Dobbs did a whole segment around a Sundance article, and directly credited the CTH:
It’s all about the James Wolfe non-prosecution.
I don’t read there much anymore, but guess Lou does.
Lou dissed the most honest man in STL politics in the wake of the Ferguson thing. I was finished with him then.
Excellent post, PR.
Those attending the secret meeting, especially Kerry who has NO business even being there…could be setting up their payments, setting up exit plans, defense strategy, signals and communications for future FF, etc.
One thing for certain…it’s not about the welfare of our nation but rather their own.
Exactly Tea, it’s about their individual welfare.
Perfect reason for a few FISA warrants!
Steve – sorry you are going into trash – I had no idea why – you were unblocked promptly – something wrong here. Will investigate!
she acted like a spoiled child…she can only dream of the adulation that POTUS receives and it EATS HER UP!
Now – the MSM says she and PT should play nice – work together for the benefit of the country – what’s up with that? Skeert?
I think she is seeing the loss of her speaker’s gavel–and the end of her relevance–and that is depressing to her. She loves power and she is seeing it slip thru her fingers…
Is that the reason for her temper tantrum?
One of many, me thinks.
Nanzi as Speaker will be history. D-Rats running the House will be history. D-Rats have NOTHING positive to run on for November 3rd election. Socialists and nut jobs taking over D-Rat party.
^^^ ALL of this under the “leadership” of Nanzi’s self proclaimed, “master legislator”
^^^ Nanzi OWNS this debacle. All her fault, no. But, Nanzi OWNS it. AND, Nanzi KNOWS IT
AND, the Cherry on top IS president trump AND America winning, winning, winning ! ! !
President Trump.
Exposed themselves to the American people – MSM could not prevent it – they are to blame – no one else – she was not the only one who was exposed.
Unfortunately, there are some who are still brainwashed – unaware of the dangers of socialism – more education is needed.
i think she knows her days as Speaker are numbered…
Being a person of her background…live by the thug life, be taken out by the thug life.
Her actual life may well be in the balance.
She loved that time when she paraded around holding the oversized gavel after Obama care was passed with no Republicans voting for it.
can you imagine how Hillary feels every time she sees the enthusiasm for POTUS at his rallies?? KNOWING she will NEVER experience that!!!
” no intention” of ripping up SOTU speech?
Then why did she Pre-tear the pages?
And – we have pictures, too!
(I really, really dislike FDR)
Agree, Gail – which one does not belong with the others? People suffered needlessly – imho
And with this article, Mr. Schlichter inadvertently helped me see that the whole DoJ fiasco of the uneven sentencing, and the DEMONSTRATION of the two-tiered justice system is very possibly part of the Great Awakening revelations. It didn’t all drop at once. Each piece was put out in a specific order to make the picture complete.
Does this mean that the normies get what they were just shown? Some will, some won’t. It depends on what echo chamber they inhabit.
in this article on townhall do we see results of such overwhelming corruption that more and more people are demanding justice, true justice and full reform to the point of starting over? Do we need so much injustice that The People rise and demand it so when President Trump does it there is Huge support? Is all of this injustice, this blatant injustice over Dem corruption building into a campaign issue that is obvious to all v. only the more informed and those willing and able to get into the details (like treepers following the RNC in ’12, ’14 primaries were READY for Candidate Trump?)? Will the obvious injustice and Dem/Deep state corruption cont. being revealed until it is undeniable and obvious to all, becomes a campaign issue, President Trump wins the campaign and now has a mandate, political leverage to be a complete wrecking ball to the rotten, decaying old “institutions”?
I am Far from convinced that this was The Original Plan but it might, out of necessity, be the plan now. Or The Plan that we can help work toward, what we can Do. Amplify articles like above on social media and in person. Townhall has been far from Always Trump which adds validity for the GOP readers who are middle of the road/lukewarm.
(Original Plan? IDK but all generals have The Plan and yet know that there will be 100 or even a 1000 deviations from the Original Plan. This is a political battle and is yet to be won. I have no doubt there there is a Plan…and I trust that there are White Hats working, fighting, behind the scenes. But is there 1 “The Plan” that has never changed and that Everything that has happened been completely preplanned or have some events been adjusted, into The Plan and has it developed as a necessity? I remember President Trump saying that the Swamp was much deeper, much bigger and much nastier than he had thought before taking office. Maybe The Plan has had to be adjusted and developed as more and more has been discovered, as enemies made moves and as battles developed. A little far fetched to think that Every move could have been planned out years ago. But yes, the general plan could have. IDK … just trying to think it through. Why? for my own understanding, for my own encouragement and to help me better know how to support President Trump and his team’s efforts to Drain the Swamp!)
This is why I am saying we need to USE the obvious injustice of
Flynn, Manafort, Stone
Wolfe & McCabe
to make the point there is a two tier System of Justice alive and well in the USA.
100% agreed
American Thinker back again…
Q: The Silent War Continues
Ivanka Trump has now raised over 500 million dollars to help women owned biz all over the world.
Not a bad legacy…..
Women in the USA have it made. She’s now working on women’s rights in other countries.
She was also the one who pushed for the doubling of child credit in the Tax Cuts, which helps American families. It cost us 700 million a year, but it does substantially help and encourage families.
here’s the link
I immediately thought of Paul Harvey’s “God Made a Farmer” yesterday when Bloomberg insulted farmers. Others thought of it too.
Dear Mr. Bloomberg,
God made a farmer. Our farmers are our backbone. Insulting them is insulting us all.
The Oldest Profession
In the beginning, God made heaven and earth,
So wonderful to see in their vast array.
God planted a garden, east, in Eden,
Then He made a farmer on the 6th day.
The garden had all that Adam needed,
And through the garden a river flowed.
God took the man and put him in Eden
To work and care for the garden he sowed.
God made a farmer to work all the land,
To make his way by the sweat of his brow.
And so it continues, up to this day,
The farmer breaks land with shovel and plow.
Life on a farm is like going to school,
You must learn what, when, where, how and why
Planning, plowing, planting on time,
Fertilizing, too, or your crops will die.
You learn about hard work, and patience, too,
You work most every day through the year.
And you must wait, crops don’t grow in a day,
And while you wait, to trust and not fear.
You learn from God as you wait for His rain,
And thank Him after, seeing His rainbow.
And it’s His sun that provides heat and light;
You see His hand as crops ripen and grow.
Now you may think that the crop is the goal,
But all of this is by God’s perfect plan.
Though the farmer’s goal is raising the crop,
God’s higher goal is perfecting the man.
This country was built by working the land,
By those who broke sod with backbreaking toil.
Tilling the ground is the start of all things;
May God bless the farmers who work the soil.
Carl, I just love your poem. I’m not a farmer, but this is a great tribute.
The vision of Thomas Jefferson: The Educated Farmer. He would have loathed 54MOLE!
Just after WWII the Committee on Economic Development deliberately targeted American farmers for destruction. They are STILL at it today with recommendations here in NC to start taxing farms AS HOUSE LOTS.
…CED recommended that farming ‘resources’ that is, farmers be reduced. In its 1945 report “Agriculture in an Expanding Economy,” CED complained that “the excess of human resources engaged in agriculture is probably the most important single factor in the ‘farm problem’ ” and describes how agricultural production can be better organized to fit to business needs.[2] A report published in 1962 entitled “An Adaptive Program for Agriculture”[3] is even more blunt in its objectives, leading Time Magazine to remark that CED had a plan for fixing the identified problem: “The essential fact to be faced, argues CED, is that with present high levels farm productivity, more labor is involved in agriculture production that the market demands” in short, there are too may farmers. To solve that problem, CED offers a program with three main prongs.[4]
Some of the report’s authors would go on to work in government to implement CED’s policy recommendations. Over the next five years, the political and economic establishment ensured the reduction of ‘excess human resources engaged in agriculture’ by two million, or by 1/3 of their previous number.
Their plan was so effective and so faithfully executed by its operatives in the US government that by 1974 the CED couldn’t help but congratulate itself in another agricultural report called “A New US Farm Policy for Changing World Food Needs” for the efficiency of the tactics they employed to drive farmers from their land.[5]
The human cost of CED’s plans were exacting and enormous.
CED’s plans resulted in widespread social upheaval throughout rural America, ripping apart the fabric of its society destroying its local economies. They also resulted in a massive migration to larger cities. The loss of a farm also means the loss of identity, and many farmers’ lives ended in suicide….
Nicole does a very good job at documenting this article.
The console inside a modern farm machine:
That looks NOTHING like the tractors I climbed on as a kid. Holy cow.
Had no idea until I fell into watching harvesting videos on some family farms last fall. It’s an amazing enterprise these days – but the heart of the farmer hasn’t changed. They’re still tight to the land.
From the first known Farmer’s Almanac. Dated appox. 1700-1500 BC. Looks like very complicated business even back then.'s_Almanac
Astronomy involved… followed moon phases to know when to plant.
[Bloomberg is a Sociopath]
ChiefIO had a really good thread on the subject of planting and Moon Phases. Seems there is some scientific basis to it. Think TIDES — that is the moon literally pulling the water within the soil.
I wish I could find that thread — DRAT IT!
Yes, I can believe that…
Well, just think of the incredible navigation/migration in the South Pacific and other areas, using stars, moon and tides…the tombs in Egypt where the sun highlights a specific spot inside a tomb one day a year, the Mayan astrological calculations, Stonehenge, etc.
I worked in the early 60’s with descendants of the Mayan culture in rural Guatemala, and they basically used the same planting techniques their ancestors did hundreds of years before. Somehow they knew that you put bean seeds in the same hole as corn seeds and planted at certain times of the month, but couldn’t tell you why they did it.
My grandparents and great-grandparents planted by the signs, and I do, too.
I can’t explain WHY it works, but it surely does. Years of experience has shown that to me.
God had a plan when he made the heavens, I just follow what I know of it.
Catturd ™

Virginia Governor Northam’s Assault Weapons Ban Fails After Several Democrats Vote with Senate Republicans via
Virginia Governor Northam’s Assault Weapons Ban Fails After Several Democrats Vote with Senate…
Tens of thousands of Second Amendment supporters attended a pro-gun rally in Richmond, Virginia in January The Democrats in Virginia are pushing for gun control legislation and KKK-Blackface Governor…
The War Room
Bannon: At
@MikeBloomberg’s scale, quantity has a quality all its own.
We’ve been told for a year that @JoeBiden is the Democratic frontrunner, and he’s spent $12M. #Bloomberg has spent $420M.
Listen & watch
War Room 2020: LIVE » War Room
WAR ROOM: IMPEACHMENT – Listen Live 9-10am EST with Steve Bannon…
ALL of it!
The Florida primaries are one month away! The 5’4″ Mass of Dead Energy is leading in the florida polls because of money and because no one else is doing much of anything. Here is the current “skinny” from the Florida Politics blog.
Don’t these Florida fools understand that MIKE BLOOMBERG is now on record stating that OLDER PEOPLE SHOULDN’T GET HEALTH CARE, that this needs to be “reserved” for younger people?
And that MEN 95 YEARS OLD should NOT get treatment for prostate cancer?
And that OLDER PEOPLE just should take “pain pills” and “BE HAPPY”?
And that the United States just “isn’t ready to go there yet” — implying that BLOOMBERG will force it to happen?
Hopefully, Iowa was the beginning of the end for electronic voting systems.
I guess paper and pen is too complicated?
If they wait long enough voters won’t know how to write.
On the Dim side…..MOST already don’t know how to write (or read)
I was brought up and attended parochial school in Queens. Some nice people in that borough.
LOL – my goofy friend sent me this
#MugClub #LWC
Eighty – Bernie Slanders (Alice Cooper Parody) | Louder With Crowder
Is that 50 feet or just fifty inches?
Joe M
The President of the United States, George Soros, asked his employee Barack Obama to use the US Department of Justice to investigate someone he didn’t like. Looking forward to that coming out. #TheStorm.
Alan Dershowitz: George Soros Asked Barack Obama to Investigate Undisclosed Person
Alan Dershowitz says billionaire left-wing financier George Soros told then-President Barack Obama to investigate someone.
FTA: “… Moreover, Dershowitz said that if Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-VT) won the Democratic presidential nomination, it might force him to leave the Democratic Party and campaign against him nationwide.”
Leave it?! Poor old fool can’t see them burning that party down around him.
I watched my late father struggle with accepting that he couldn’t trust his gov’t during Dubya’s (Cheney’s really) Admin
Until Trump, we’ve all done our share of water carrying for people whose true colors have been hidden
well a few of us have been wearing tin foil since JFK was assassinated…
but as you say carried water nonetheless ………..
What are the chances any of this will get ANY mention on the MSM? S/o
Feb 17, 2020 12:26:39 PM EST
Q !!Hs1Jq13jV6 ID: 31bd84 No. 8163987
[Pg 203]
“The OPA Supervisor said that he later learned that former President Clinton’s Secret Service detail had contacted Lynch’s FBI security detail and let them know that the former President wanted to meet with Lynch. Although Lynch’s staff was supposed to receive notice of such requests, witnesses told us that they were not informed of the request from former President Clinton.”
Date of tarmac meeting?
Date of [HRC] investigation END announcement?
1 + 1 = 2
It’s going to be a very hot [spring/summer].
2m ago
8kun qresearch
missed it by that much;-)
We’ll see what kind of news drops in the next 72 hours.
Unless somebody made a declaration that they’d blow this thing open in, say, 48 hours, I wouldn’t expect any big news drops, I think that this incident is being wrapped up with a thousand other incidents from the corrupt Clinton family and Obama regime illegal dealings to be presented in the future at some chosen time.
Future time? I trust PTrump on this, but we’ve been waiting far, far too long for the appearance of Lady Justice.
From this drop, it really sounds like Bill Clinton ambushed Loretta Lynch. From her demeanor later, she really was not prepared to see him that day.
After last week’s demonstration of the two-tiered justice system, I expect a crescendo toward the weekend(s). One smaller revelation will build on another and another.
My patience is not worn out. I’m having fun trying to figure out who from the Obama years was hung out to dry since just about all the rest have been waiting for decades for this chance.
Mah Baby!!!
Q !!Hs1Jq13jV6 ID: 31bd84 No.8163987
Feb 17 2020 12:26:39 (EST) NEW
[Pg 203]
“The OPA Supervisor said that he later learned that former President Clinton’s Secret Service detail had contacted Lynch’s FBI security detail and let them know that the former President wanted to meet with Lynch. Although Lynch’s staff was supposed to receive notice of such requests, witnesses told us that they were not informed of the request from former President Clinton.”
Date of tarmac meeting?
Date of [HRC] investigation END announcement?
1 + 1 = 2
It’s going to be a very hot [spring/summer].
You forgot the “We got Q” little girl meme
Apparently, President Clinton REALLY wanted to talk about “grand kids” and stuff with Loretta…
Surprised he can even remember their names! Poor Bill has a “gone fishing” look these days.
Feb 15th the Maestro dropped a McCabe tweet that had a misspelling of the word “role” and instead had the double L “roll”. Double L for Loretta Lynch?
Also disturbing from the Karli Q tweet above that Fox control room uses a Trump tweet popup/alert to obscure the reporter’s disclosure that his credit cards were hacked subsequent to filing the story regarding the Loretta and Bill tarmac meeting….
I have a technical question please……when I click on the links posted in comments…..ok, when I try to get back to thread I was reading on, I have to go directly back to the thread and then scroll until I can find where I was. I sure hope that makes sense to someone. Cuts down on my desire to want to read all the great links posted here…….I’m probably doing something wrong.
It’s best to right click a link in comments to avoid that. However if you do just click the link the page should come back to where you left off when you hit the back button if if if you let it settle. If you don’t let it settle then yes, your scrolling. Also some twitter links and youtube vids will open in a new window but not all.
The worst thing for me is having to hit refresh to see new comments at which time when the page refreshes it will take you to a new comment above where you were at if a new comment came. That can be good or bad. Good in that you get to see the new comment if you can figure out which one it is. Bad if you can’t or if it’s so far up on the page that you have to scroll all the way back down. I normally look at the time stamp of where ever I’m at before clicking or refreshing so I can get back to where I was.
Now of course I may be doing something wrong too or have missed a setting but yes Word Press can be frustrating.
It may be the case that you are clicking on the link with your mouse’s left button. If this is the case you might try clicking on the link with the right button. This will open a menu which will allow you to open the link in a new window. When you are finished with the link you can delete that window and you should be back in the thread at your last position.
Another thing to try besides the right click method is to use the scroll wheel button press, if your mouse has one. It will open the link in a new tab without using a menu. This is sometimes called a middle button click or middle click (since on most mice the scroll wheel is between the left button and right button.
I’ll practice, thanks.
Right-clicking to open a new window is the best way to avoid the problem. Something I’ve also done is, before I leave a page, make note of a relatively little-used word (“scampeachment,” for example) so I can search for it when I return to the page. Then I don’t have to scroll through everything.
I 2nd that ! I was going to ask the same question but never did.
That drives me nutz too.
So what I do is highlight a few words such as:
technical question please
Do [ctrl][c] to copy
And then to get back to where I was
Do [ctrl][f] to find
do [ctrl][v] to paste the phrase into the search box.
It is a pain in the rump but it means you do not have to keep scrolling down.
You can also do the pasting in the search box BEFORE you comment. Do all the cut and pastes you want and then when you have the page refresh thanks to hitting [post comment] All you have to do is
and then hit [enter] with the cursor in the search box.
One of the first things they teach you in an HTML class is that, if there is an image in the page you are building, you should add tags to tell the browser how big the image is.
That way if it’s a slow connection (or there are a shit ton of images) the browser can leave enough space for the image when it loads the text part of the page. That way the page doesn’t jerk over and over again as it loads images.
GDFing Twitter doesn’t provide the sizes when it sends the text of the tweets before the images. It wouldn’t be much of an issue except we here tend to post LOTS of tweets. Oftentimes even the main post is full of them (especially Flep’s news roundups).
Thank you to all who gave great ideas….I’ll need to practice.
So sad, none of those things work when you use an Ipad…another reason I cannot post memes, photos, etc. On the other hand…maybe that’s a good thing.
I was looking for the latest Tom Finten Judisial Watch Video could not find it but found this one.
I am not sure where to put this but it is interesting and helps answer some questions and happenings of the last year.
Thank you.
Last evening I saw a interview with Tom where he mentioned that everyone would go to jail because he has so much information. Today I cannot find it.
Seems to me – I heard that as well – will see what I can find – do you remember who was interviewing him?
No I was in bed scanning with my new computer and lost it because I do not know how to past the URL with the computer. He was interviewed by someone , not Fox or CNN or MSNBC it was someone else. Maybe they took it off ?
When my granddaughter comes she can show me hw too. I have been so long with my Mack that Microsoft is a mystery to me.
Awww…understand perfectly – frustrating when you lose something – and cannot get it back – we have all been there – hope you find it –
I’m sure that you know that as time passes, you’ll pick up the Windows Way . . . as I did a number of years ago when I switched from Mac to Windows. You can find used “Windows 10 for Dummies” on Abe Books very, very reasonably . . . and it will have far more info than you want to know!
Thank you
Whenever I’m with friends and family, and ice cream is being scooped out, I always ask for a ‘Jethro bowl’, hoping for an extra large helping. It never hurts to try. Good for a laugh, anyway.
Far out…
hey I got me one of them there yella bowls—is that what it is? a Jethro ice cream bowl? LOL
Actually I use it for a soup bowl…
I just finished making a really nice turkey soup today. So that is what is for dinner. (The rest heads for the freezer along with the sliced meat)
“a Jethro ice cream bowl? LOL”
Double duty. Ice cream and corn flakes.
I have a whole set of those bowls. Vintage Americana. A set of 4 in the various colors, Pyrex, Made in the USA, Ovenware. A good set goes for $100.00 these days as folks rediscover vintage/retro Americana.
These things last for decades, stuff from China chips in months.
this is the last of my mom’s set…she gave it to me because it’s too heavy for her to use anymore. they are awesome bowls!
I love collecting kitchen Americana, and decided to use the bowls, instead of “saving” them. Look on line, or in some of the vintage stores, you might find some.
there used to be 3 wonderful “antique” stores in Corning–on Market St–three stories–crammed with loads of items…they’ve since left.
but i found so many interesting treasures there–I love those kinds of places, but there’s just not that many here.
when we moved her ages ago, the neighboring town had a mile-long yard sale–the first Saturday in July. almost every home in the town out out a table or two and you could walk all morning–it was great–now? you’re lucky if there’s a half dozen houses participating…
It’s one of the things I love to do, but you’re right doesn’t seem to be many around anymore.
a friend of mine and her husband “do” flea marketing in their retired years–they spend their weekends going to yard sales and buying whatever they think they can sell at their flea market booth (in a local building every Wednesday). they enjoy it, and made many friends this way–but there’s nothing like that up here where we live.
up here there is fall/spring clean up. communities have a Saturday in the fall and spring where you can put your larger items out for trash. they’re well advertised and you can see people putting their “trash” out the week before. and you can also watch others sift thru that trash…LOL…looking for good stuff.
Groovy picture,dang we need more TV programs like the Beverly Hillbillies
Anyone know if President Trump and the First Lady are going to Daytona this afternoon @ 4:00 PM?
Looked up his schedule – nothing there – unless GA/FL has a better one
I doubt it very much Duchess…
Resting – Federal Holiday – but, will be watching for sure – you are correct, PR
With 3 rallies and a trip west, I doubt very much if he would return to Daytona. Mission accomplished and perhaps a distraction to the drivers, as well.
Agree – lots on his plate right now, Tea
I attended a lecture/presentation by this woman several weeks ago. I was Incredibly powerful and astonishingly eye opening! Disgusting sexual corruption in hollywood + Satanism…she gets into it all! I thought I knew how bad it is…Nope!
also surprising was her reports on how many Christian parents are uninformed and so how many christian children do not have proper filters & supervision, much less instruction, on their media consumption.
I Highly recommend! She is as informed as I have seen the posters here be informed on these topics and she is working hard to get the word out in general + to parents along with action steps to take to make a difference!
Check it out and if you like then please pass along on social media platforms that you may have so that people will be educated and our children protected.
Matt Stoller
The most obvious failure of Democratic politics is that the biggest problem in the world – #coronovirus – is nowhere in the debate. That is how disconnected Dems are from the politics of material reality.
Uh, I’m OK with D-Rats NOT talking Corona.
IIRC, D-Rats whined about president Trump banning folks that had been in China within past 14 days, or they’d be quarantined. AND, D-Rats whined about cutting back air travel to/from China.
Simply moar validation D-Rats have nothing positive to offer.
John Binder
ICE: Sanctuary California Hiding Details on Accused Illegal Alien Child Abusers
ICE: Sanctuary California Hiding Details on Accused Illegal Child Abusers
ICE accusing California of refusing to disclose whether they plan to release a number of criminal illegal aliens.
unbelievable…in every Dem connected fraud or scheme there’s these same words—SIPHONED OFF–money/funds from anything they can get their hands on…never taking the whole thing–no, no that might draw too much attention–but siphoning off funds for their own use…despicable!
Now we’re talking.
Lots of little things are going to add up over time.
If they do, then the West has justification to destroy every islamic mosque, every islamic tomb, every islamic gathering place, everywhere in the West.
It all gets bulldozed.
From California to New York to London to Paris to Germany to wherever Western Civilization is, islam will no longer be.
I’ve been waiting a long time for this.
Let’s do it.
“I’ve been waiting a long time for this.” . . . Totally agree!
Unfortunately, when the bad guys are in charge, here or there, they interpret laws to their agenda, ignore laws, and just end up doing whatever they want . . . seemingly without retribution.
When the good guys are in charge, they interpret laws in the way they were intended and for the good of the people, so the longed for tit-for-tat never happens.
I doubt we’ll see that change anytime soon.
DJT understands the Chicago way:
“He pulls a knife, you pull a gun, he sends one of yours to the hospital, you send one of his to the morgue.That’s the Chicago way, and that’s how you get Capone.”
If they bulldoze one of ours, we bulldoze all of theirs.
And that’s how you get the most blood-soaked atrocity-ridden ideology in the history of the world.
“DJT understands the Chicago way:” . . . again, totally agree. But I would be surprised, shocked, I tell you, shocked, if he did anything further than use the full extent of existing law to exact justice.
I call it UAD.
Unilaterally Assured Destruction.
On this I completely agree with you Scott.
We should have done this after 9/11 but instead we DOUBLED the # of mussies allowed to immigrate to our country.
This post is about q and the pen
Fits my mood…
That’s a keeper
John Roberts, FOX, reporting VIctoria Coates, Deputy NSC Director, leaving her post shortly and heading to Energy. Lots of Speculation that she was Anonymous, book author. Roberts said he was assured that she was not.
I have never trusted Cruz and his Bankster wife after the crap he pulled on Ben Carson during the Iowa caucus and on Candidate Trump at the Convention.
Remember this is the crap that made Candidate Trump hire Paul Manafort.
So I would not trust this woman.
Live Monday: Jimmie Johnson’s Daytona 500 in-car camera | NASCAR Cup Series
2020 DAYTONA 500
Q !!Hs1Jq13jV6 ID: c0e5f6 No.8166443
Feb 17 2020 17:11:14 (EST) NEW
Purpose: [D]s install numerous rules and regs re: [D] party nomination winner?
Define ‘superdelegates’.
How do you control the outcome?
Why is the outcome important?
When [GS] calls who races to answer?
“Dershowitz: I Have Proof Obama Ordered FBI Investigation At Request Of George Soros”
In any of a trillion other universes, that right there, if true, results in the immediate indictment, arrest and prosecution of Hussein O’Traitor and Jorge Soros.
They are both in custody before sundown, and no kid gloves treatment, they get the Roger Stone treatment.
It’s only in the universe of Abbey Normal — the one we’re trapped in — where this information is known, and nothing at all happens.
Scott467 it appears that you, like me, were born about a century too late. Our view of justice appears to be out of date. I find that I agree with that proverb that justice delayed is justice denied.
Or we were born at the right time, and our view of justice is true.
And it’s the corrective action needed to restore Justice that is far past the due and out of date.
Hillary Clinton answers. John Posesta.
I wonder if Soros is who they are going after first.
There’s any number of possible combinations. Something is going to happen re the Democrat convention, though.
Well, the first arrest is supposed to be huge, and show us the direction the whole thing is going to go.
I think Soros would fit that bill.
Feb 17 2020 17:15:23 (EST) NEW
Thanks for covering the Drops…… been busy
I have this fantasy…the entire staff at CNN being frog marched out of the building in handcuffs.
Doubt it will happen, but if the collusion has been caught on tape….
Hey, DP – it could happen – how many of them used to work for the CIA?
Quite a few.
I bet they think they are protected from detection there – and they could be involved in activities that are far worse than the propaganda they are spewing…
Well…it’s a gathering spot for the vipers. At least they’re all in one spot.
Good Point!!!
Never forget all the Project Veritas videos. Do you think he is the ONLY ONE???

Breaking: Dems Lose Assault-Weapons Ban Vote In Virginia”
The “500” is getting intense…43 laps to go
The big one just happened.
16 laps to go red flag after major pile up. Hopefully no bad injuries
Daytona 500 update…..
It’s the BIG ONE
16 to go
Turn on Lou Dobbs right now!!!!!!!!!!!!1
He’s doing a whole hour on Conservative Treehouse Sundance theory
What theory?
The coup, James Wolfe, Senate Intel committee, devoting a whole hour to it and credited CTH.
Said they were doing something highly unusual tonight.
Wow! Thanks!
Apparently there’s no way to watch it on line without logging in to a “provider.”
Sorry so late:
I will hunt for the hour when they finish and post. Not as good as advertised but key points are interesting
What did you mean by “going after Warner”? Were they just dissing him on the program or is something semi-official-looking being done?
Warner had extensive contact with Waldman. Trying to dig up dirt on Trump via Steele, etc. Kind of thing that would be illegal if a Repub did it.
And the text “we don’t want a paper trail” indicated he knew it was stepping across the line.
You know we’re all coming to your house this week, right?
LOL…so you can watch over my shoulder while I watch it on the internet?
Nope, about 500 of us, we’re all spending the night with you.
What are you making for dinner?
Bwwhahahaa, I do love you, Steve!
Five hundred people?
Hmm…that’s a lot of bacon, more importantly, no way in hell I can cook that much of it.
Also, I will have to stack y’all up like cordwood when it’s bedtime.
SHE SAID “500”!!!
How did I miss this?!
I didnt see…but i will.
oooooooooooooooooo they’re after Senator Mark Warner
Adam Waldman
That the repubs on committee knew about Warner—>>>> Waldman——>>> Deripaska —->>> Steele
Holy crap!!!!!
Sounds like there is blood in the water.

Alright REX!
1. It’s really annoying when our crowd starts whining like the libturds do.
I quite like Cardillo, but this tweet is utter nonsense.
Of course there’s a legitimate way to explain the difference between DOJ’s treatment of Gen Flynn and slimeball McCabe. Here it is:
The truth is that all we can do is make an educated guess about the decision not to go after McCabe for lying to the FBI.
2. Cardillo is falling into a trap we have seen the libtards fall into many times since 2015.
He is deceived by appearances and thinks that what he is seeing is the truth.
Which is a surprise, as Cardillo knows full well that Trump is a master of strategic deception.
Not just that, he also knows that the lying to the FBI charges don’t relate to SpyGate or to McCabe’s other dodgy activity, for example in the MidYear Exam Clinton cover-up.
Rex has a lot to say here…
Coldeadhand posted portions related to SD’s piece also upthread… you can read them at link Dep Pat posted above
A WHOLE LOT TO SAY is right.
Please, please read REX on this.
Sundance is absolutely NAILING this topic.
REX has nothing Sundance when it comes to this exact topic, all the documentation, timelines, and twists/turns.
Anyone not reading Sundance on this is truly missing out.
(HINT: put your hurt feelings aside and READ nuanced fact)
I’m not hurt. Not at all. And I was onto SD’s outdated information three years ago. All he did was repeat and recycle the same stuff. I stuck around there for the open threads where there was good information until all the people who ended up here got banned.
Let me put it this way, all of us are converging with those who are agreeing with what we’ve come to think about this.
I happen to think that the sky isn’t falling and the report from Zero Hedge today that says Barr has siloed the DoJ into trusted, and not trusted may well be correct.
We don’t know, because we don’t know what we don’t know and that is Rex’s point.
I’m still going with using betrayal and being hung out to dry by the DS (Clinton, Obama, Soros, anyone who benefits from Ukraine corruption and the Iran deal) as a motivator for getting help and getting people to flip. I’m not the only one who thinks this, and until I see evidence to the contrary rather than pearl clutching and hand ringing when the cases involved are demonstrating that there is a two tiered justice system for those who don’t realize it (I think this is a coordinated communication tactic) and when the charges are more consequential than lying to congress and procedural issues, I’ll re-evaluate.
Until then, VSGPDJT can pardon any of the mistreated any time…hence why there’s a good possibility they’re in on it. Trump is not shy about pardoning the innocent.
My hint was generic, not aimed at you.
“I’m still going with using betrayal and being hung out to dry by the DS (Clinton, Obama, Soros, anyone who benefits from Ukraine corruption and the Iran deal) as a motivator for getting help and getting people to flip.”
What a shame to have to rely on that, instead of love of country.
And belief in the rule of Law.
I start with love of God, and go from there.
The AG has apparently partitioned the DOJ into two separate realms: the now-identified corps of coupsters working desperately to keep their asses covered in an unraveling conspiracy, and Mr. Barr’s group attempting to account fairly for all that has happened, while salvaging what’s left of the outfit’s institutional legitimacy. Too much documented evidence of crime is out there in the public domain to dismiss these activities as a “conspiracy theory.” The trouble is, so many were involved from so many branches and agencies, that fully prosecuting every angle of it could bring down the permanent bureaucracy like the Jenga tower it has become.”
eff Carlson Retweeted
Brit Hume
Devastating takedown of the New Yorker’s hatchet job on AG Barr. The magazine’s vaunted fact-checkers seem to have gone AWOL.
27 Problems With Media’s Latest Failed Attack On AG William Barr
Every paragraph has significant problems. Taken together, it is just one long string of innuendos insinuating that William Barr is evil.
If he’s that much of a target he’s a danger to the left, not to the president.
You’ve got that right, sister!
more FTA…………………. well worth a read ……………………….
“… Now, perhaps, you can see the scope of this big hot mess, and deduce the degree of difficulty that William Barr faces in attempting to set it all straight. He has to carefully select those who will be charged and probably not bother with some of the bit players. The charges are going to have to be serious, and the cases must be strong. It is a gigantic job of work, and rather delicate business considering the explosive potential to a government whose credibility is already pretty shredded. Failure to attend to it may turn a mere bureaucratic civil war into a genuine citizen rebellion featuring some of the 300-million-odd firearms at large in the republic. I believe Mr. Barr is aware of what’s at stake and will behave honorably.”
The trouble is, so many were involved from so many branches and agencies, that fully prosecuting every angle of it could bring down the permanent bureaucracy like the Jenga tower it has become.”
^^^ “The trouble is…”
Perhaps I am missing the trouble. I WANT the permanent bureaucracy to implode. They ARE the problem.
Like you, Kal, my first, impulsive reaction…”so, that’s a bad thing?” I’m sure logical thinking will present some sound reasons this needs to be precision surgery, not a rash, damn the torpedos action.
Most people are followers not leaders so you need to DECIMATE, that is remove the top 10% who are the leaders of the ‘Purple Revolution’ aka ‘Resist’ within the bureaucracy.
10% may not be enough, IMO.
“The AG has apparently partitioned the DOJ into two separate realms: the now-identified corps of coupsters working desperately to keep their asses covered in an unraveling conspiracy, and Mr. Barr’s group attempting to account fairly for all that has happened, while salvaging what’s left of the outfit’s institutional legitimacy.”
What’s left of the department’s institutional legitimacy can fit in A.G. Barr’s hope chest — the one that sits on top of his dresser, and plays music, with a little spinning ballerina when he opens the lid.
There’s a little drawer at the bottom of the hope chest. I guess that’s for keeping the extra-special ‘hopes’.
What’s left of the DoJ’s legitimacy can fit in there… no matter how many ‘hopes’ are in there.
Or it could fit into a single slot in one of those antique printer drawers that people hang on a wall for knick-knacks.
And if he’s traveling, he could carry the DoJ’s legitimacy in the watch pocket (the 5th pocket) of his jeans.
With room left over for a watch.
A big one.
“The trouble is, so many were involved from so many branches and agencies, that fully prosecuting every angle of it could bring down the permanent bureaucracy like the Jenga tower it has become.””
That’s not a problem, that’s a feature.
That’s what is needed.
You can’t even begin to HOPE to salvage something so corrupt that it nearly (and still might!) bring down the Republic, and the end of any semblance of freedom for the human race, ushering in a new high tech Dark Ages.
You can’t even begin to believe it is possible to salvage such a cancerous rot.
You lance it, gut it, burn it with fire.
If it shows any trace of life, you amputate the appendage.
Or you die.
Which part of this is hard to understand?
Are we stupid?
Or do we just prefer the comfort and imaginary safety of intellectual dishonesty?
It’s James Howard Kunstler’s post from his own website. He is a life-long Democrat.
Thank you for the link, phoenix.
This is interesting because it comes from a diehard Democrat, James Howard Kunstler. Original link:
eff Carlson Retweeted

Jack Posobiec
· 5h
NEW: Top Trump administration officials are in discussions to reassign deputy NSA Victoria Coates — who has vehemently denied charges she is the official behind the “Anonymous” op-ed — to the Energy Department from the NSC.…gif
Isn’t the energy department in charge of Yucca Mountain?
I think we found her posting then.
Someone must surely inspect all those tunnels, continuously for any issues.
Can you elaborate, Steve?
If this person is Anonymous, then she needs an unpleasant job.
If she leaked any classified info, or lied to investigators, she needs to go prison.
In northern Alaska?
Ahhh…light bulb finally! When you wrote “posting” I thought you meant posting a message, a tweet, etc. not an assignment post!
O h yes, tunnel inspection (by candle light) sounds like a very worthy post.
She especially needs to inspect the areas that contain radioactive waste, because flaws in the rock would be a much more serious issue there.
We have notice no news about the China Virus. Most people are completely unaware.
From the Chiefio site:
Larry Ledwick says:
16 February 2020 at 7:16 pm
….This is likely going to generate some heartburn. Of course there is the question if this is real or faked conversation but based on what we know I would not be surprised if this is true. We will know in about 21 days when cases in the wild can no longer be hidden.
I have to agree I think it likely there are cases out there we are not being told about given how contagious this virus sees to be.
The rest of the images:

Gail, Slow guy here again.
1,000 cases in 32 states. So, is that a combination of folks in quarantine, self-monitor and the like?
Or is it 1,000 confirmed Corona?
I would think those are confirmed.
The first known case was December 1st 2019.
Remember the Chinese New Year (or Lunar New Year) began on January 25th, 2020. That would be just about when the virus was starting to spread in China. President Trump’s travel ban to FOREIGNERS went in effect Sunday, February 2, a week later.
There are many Chinese American citizens who would have been in China for the celebration. There are 20 million Asian-Americans.
60,000 flights left Wuhan in the period prior to lock down with an average of 140 passengers per flight. The only screening done was temperature which would not catch asymptomatic carriers.
The 14th confirmed case in the US is in San Diego.
We also know that the politicians in San Francisco met with the local Chinese
O M G.
1,000 confirmed Corona in US, AND US citizens NOT aware?
Hard to fathom. Have they recovered, died, still in quarantine…?
I realize we don’t have the answers to my questions above.
100% struggle to believe the US has 1,000 confirmed Corona, AND, the public has zero clue.
Knew we had 15. Read three have recovered. Then a few dozen from Diamond Princess. So 29, as I understand it.
Here is the deal. It transmits during the prodrome phase – when it is asymptomatic, barely symptomatic, or unrecognized by the victim. So there HAVE to be people exposed by the time somebody reports. 1000 sounds about right. We likely missed several who entered.
Does that include the 700 Chinese students in Buffalo that officials are gagged over?
Funny, one of her latest tweets is from the CDC saying people don’t need to wear masks.
What a piece of work!!
I’m guessing the 1,000 cases is those in quarantine, self monitor and the like. Can’t be verified Corona in US. They’d have to release that type of information. AND, the 1,000 number fits given the number of Federal quarantine centers on military bases and self-monitor in LA area.
Do we have validation of the Buffalo report we saw yesterday? For me it is some guy creating click bate based on hysteria, in his report. Stuff like that needs to be verified before I run with it.
From WIKI:
“…According to the 2010 census, the Chinese American population numbered approximately 3.8 million.[7] In 2010, half of Chinese-born people living in the United States resided in the states of California and New York….”
Tickets to fly to China are about $500 to $600 bucks. The Chinese lady who sells at the local flea market goes back to China every year. I would think a lot of those living in ‘China town’ in various cities also fly back every year to negotiate for stock too. Then you have the students going home for the holidays.
And that does not include the American business people…
14 confirmed cases??? I think that number is WAY TOO LOW given how contagious the disease seems to be.
I agree with E.M. and Larry. In two more weeks if the virus ‘is out in the wild’ esp in San Franfeces, they are not going to be able to continue to hide it.
So we wait and see.
The CDC even warns we are likely to see the virus:
Agree with everything you’ve posted. Including the two weeks or so for Frisco or another place to fester opening Corona cases.
Frisco health care pow wow with Chinese was the 10th. Normal incubation < 14 days. 24 days for outliers as I understand it.
Have not tracked DoS flights from China and Japan with folks from Wuhan and Diamond Princess. Have tried to locate a one stop web site for those numbers. No luck thus far.
The "community" outbreaks has been in my mind as very realistic for a couple weeks now. Posted as much where I displayed my household readiness plan.
Techno Fog Retweeted
Jeff Carlson
Feb 13
Durham Reportedly Investigating Whether CIA Withheld Information From FBI in Russia Probe
My latest
Durham Reportedly Investigating Whether CIA Withheld Information From FBI in Russia Probe
News Analysis U.S. Attorney John Durham, tasked to look into the origins of the FBI’s “Crossfire Hurricane” investigation, …
“500” spectacular finish. Bad wreck Ryan Neumann’s car went airborne last lap of race overtime. Longest “500” in history (with the overtime).
Hamlin wins second year in a row.
I like a good wreck, but that…no thanks.
Don’t like the sound of this.
Trump undeniably won at Daytona, too.
Yeah, but….
They took Newman to the same hospital where my uncle had admitting privileges and the one he used for surgery.
Yeah, sorry about that I posted my comment before I saw yours about how serious this is.
Well…the one hopeful sign, IMO, is that the ambulance was BOOKING out of the speedway. I distinctly remember when Dale Earnhardt died, the ambulance was slow enough to make traffic stops.
That means he’s still alive, obviously. Good!
That was my thought. How mangled…that remains to be seen. In the replays the car landed on the driver’s side. Internal bleeding, concussion, severed artery…IDK. I don’t like the vibes. Just like 2001, and just like every time a test pilot went down at Pax River.
When the car flipped another one hit it right on the driver’s side while in the air then it landed on the driver’s side. Definitely not good. And they brought out a black screen to block the view of the car.
I just watched a fan video on Twitter from overhead. They had to cut the roof off to get him out. There’s conflicting reports of what was done on the scene. At this point, all we can do it pray.
I just saw another video. Full CPR. I don’t like this. Being a STL Blues fan, I’ve had enough of that sort of thing this week.
This might explain a lot.
Father of two girls. Prayers for him his wife and daughters.
That’s welcome news…continued
for recovery.
Honestly, I’m stunned. Really. When that car got hit by another, the one side came apart. Talk about a miracle.
I haven’t been around much…dealing with some health issues and recovering from surgery to deal with some nerve damage in my left arm…but I’ve been reading and lurking…
Harry recovering from surgery ^^^
For those that are upset about McCabe skating charges recently and wondering if something bigger is coming, Dan Bongino’s show today does a great job theorising just what might be going on. Almost the entire show is dedicated to this topic and is definitely worth the listen.
See, that just it. EVERYTHING is a THEORY. We don’t know what is really going on.
And that is on purpose, IMO.
And my best to you in your recovery.
Thanks, DPat. The arm is getting back to normal numbness.
I hope you feel better!
Prayers for a speedy recovery, Harry.

Get well soon!
Thanks, Wheatie. I’m off the pain killers at least. A nice glass of wine now does the trick.
Healthy! Olive oil and red wine!
I hope your recovery goes well. Do that PT and dont slow up… its your arm! Carpal tunnel is bad enough but real damage isnt fun. Besides, its easier to hold a Trump 2020 sign with 2 arms.
Harry I wish you speedy recovery. Prayers to you .
Happy you are back posting
Isn’t CALPERS one of the largest pension funds? Wonder if Feinstein &Pelosi had a hand in bringing China into the fold
Yes calpers is huge. Teschers, police, firefighters, etc. And the Chinese guy was put it despite objections. They pass bonds every year to fund calpers even though voters think its “for the cheeldren”. Its for the unfunded stolen liabilities.
Lou Dobbs
Egregious Misconduct:
say the DOJ should dismiss the politically corrupt case against Gen. Michael Flynn. #AmericaFirst #MAGA #Dobbs
When the case has served its purpose of helping to educate the public, I fully expect a presidential pardon.
Lou Dobbs
Corrupt Radical Dems:
says the DOJ takes an aggressive approach towards Republicans and people associated with
, while giving special treatment to the Dems. #AmericaFirst #MAGA #Dobbs
Lou Dobbs
Radical Dem McCarthyism says
: “They trash our Constitutional rights & liberals have lost all their moral compass.” #AmericaFirst #MAGA #Dobbs
The despicable part…they DO NOT CARE!
on Barr’s handling of the McCabe situation…
Bigger [slam-dunk] charges coming?
Full Ep:
Q !!Hs1Jq13jV6 ID: 73bdd5 No.8168706
Feb 17 2020 21:27:37 (EST) NEW
Do people really believe this [attack] can happen against the President of the United States and nothing will happen?
Moves and countermoves.
Revenge is a dish best served cold.
Will George Soros be first?
Will the Clinton Foundation be exposed for the pay to play slush fund it is?
Will the Red Cross piggy bank be outed?
Stay tuned to the Foggy Bottom Theater for the next episode of As the Swamp Turns.
Q !!Hs1Jq13jV6 ID: 73bdd5 No.8168745
Feb 17 2020 21:29:50 (EST) NEW
To be blunt….
I hadn’t seen #3871 so I took the time to add it
ill be in and out then out early….posting is yours
I’m going to pull the whole thing down
I’m going to bring down the whole fuckin’ diseased corrupt temple down on your head
It’s going to be BIBILICAL.
The Storm will be BIBLICAL
GS be like……
He’s said that a few times.
True, 5 times previously to be exact.
The first one is interesting though…
Dec 21 2017
Anonymous ID: deb9fa No.143329
Dec 21 2017 20:31:58 (EST)
Soros takes orders from P.
You have no idea how sick and evil these people are.
Fight, fight, fight.
Day of days.
Game over.
Feb 17, 2020 9:27:37 PM EST
Q !!Hs1Jq13jV6 ID: 73bdd5 No. 8168706
Do people really believe this [attack] can happen against the President of the United States and nothing will happen?
Moves and countermoves.
14m ago
8kun qresearch
Feb 17, 2020 9:29:50 PM EST
Q !!Hs1Jq13jV6 ID: 73bdd5 No. 8168745
To be blunt….
12m ago
8kun qresearch
Me too…
Remember Q saying at least twice, “There is NO step 5.” (and we’ve been through steps 1-4)
It’s nice to take a moment to watch something this awesome.
I’m guessing I’m in the naughty boy spam bin once again…(sigh)
I’ll go look!
Yep…found your comment in the Spam bin, Harry.
It’s out now!
Thanks, Wheatie.
Perhaps WP din’t like my links.
Your links looked fine to me, Harry.
Spam bin has been screwy lately, sucking comments in for no reason.
Wolf thinks it’s the Askimet program doing it.
Yes – please complain to Akismet at and give them the URL of the post. It’s probably because it’s on a Wheatie Thread. You may have to complain about spam problems for EACH author.
Prayers for Ryan.
Here’s a video of the crash.
If I understood this correctly, he was on the verge of winning the race…then….!!!
How swiftly fortunes can turn for the worst.
What an amazing finish… I’ve watched at least 15 times now.
You can see Ryan’s white racing gloves through the windshield, as he jerks the steering wheel, steering against the direction of the rear end starting to slide out, he was trying to save it almost all the way to the wall.
I hope he let go of the wheel before impact. They’re supposed to, to prevent broken wrist/arms.
Hamlin (the #11 car) clipped Ryan’s car as Ryan spun in front of Hamlin. It’s amazing that Hamlin didn’t wreck, he swerved toward the infield, still hit the driver’s side rear of Ryan’s car, straightened out his own car, and never lifted off the accelerator.
Blaney should have won, but he was trying to correct for loss of traction himself, and it seems like he must have lifted off the accelerator for just a fraction of a second as Ryan spun out in front of him. He was back in the throttle immediately, but since Hamlin never lifted, Hamlin had momentum.
As they come to the finish line, Hamlin is a HALF car length behind Blaney, and then Hamlin made up that half a car length PLUS enough to edge ahead like he was shot out of a canon. It almost seemed like Hamlin was sucked in toward Blaney’s car, so that Blaney’s car was pushing the air and Hamlin momentarily was driving in the equivalent of a vacuum, like Blaney’s car was pushing the air like a pyramid-shaped shockwave, and Hamlin’s car was benefiting from being inside the shockwave.
In that circumstance, Hamlin’s car would have momentarily had much less wind/air resistance than Blaney’s car (i.e., Blaney’s car was doing all the work of pushing the air), allowing Hamlin’s rpms to jump, giving him a relative burst of speed just before the finish line.
All three (Ryan, Hamlin, Blaney) saved their cars several times during the final stretch, the back ends kept getting loose as they were being lifted and/or pushed by the car behind them.
That makes for exciting racing!
I’d love to see a heart-rate monitor readout on those guys during the last quarter lap, just to see if there was an adrenaline spike when the rear end of their cars got loose, or whether all three were so focused that their heart-rates barely fluctuated at all.
When I refer to Ryan above, I’m referring to Ryan Newman, car #6.
Breathing a sigh of relief.
Ryan Newman undergoing treatment and continuing eval at Halifax. Serious but non life threatening injuries. Per brief NASCAR Presspass statement just ended
Amazing given the condition of the car when it was all over.
I’d say miraculous….that 2nd hit from upside down in the air directly in drivers side….scary stuff. Then landing hard on the roof and on fire. He’s a lucky man to still be here.
You’ve got that right. It’s a real credit to the work done since 2001 to make the roll cages and cockpits stronger. I mean, watching it live, all sorts of crap came off of the car as it spun, and then the fire…. Wow.
Yeah I was watching it….unreal. When they brought out the black screens to move him, I had a really bad feeling about it.
I would imagine the injuries include some pretty gnarly broken bones. Idiot that I am, or was when I was a teenager, I actually watched Lawrence Taylor land on Joe Theismann’s leg.
Yeah, didn’t listen when whoever it was said, If you are the least bit squeamish, don’t watch this.
I would imagine this is in that realm.
It looked 10x worse than Dale’s in 2001, and again on the last lap, sure glad the safety features are better now
Like I told my brother the couch commando, I think they knew Dale was gone when they got to him. If Newman was actually talking to the rescue squad as was reported, they knew they had time. When I was in lifeguarding, and we used to do sessions with the fire department and the EMTs they told us, just keep ’em talking. The one paramedic said, you hear some really bizarre stuff in the ambulance, but they’re alive.
I was watching it live. When Newman’s car went airborne, I jumped out of my chair and watched in horror. My daughter and I were screaming at the TV for the rescue crew to hurry. Watching that fuel dump on the pavement so close to that fire was terrifying.
I still cannot believe Newman survived.
Really is a testament to the safety that’s built into those cars…
Text of Pres Trump’s tweet:
Praying for Ryan Newman, a great and brave @NASCAR driver! #PrayingForRyan
If life happens and you miss a day or three here at the QTree, like I just did, you’ll be about a year behind in info.
Yeah, things are habbening THAT fast.
Daytona 500 eat your heart out.
Seriously. Ive been busy and q says game over. Hot hot hot!
Just the other week I had stuff to do IRL and missed a couple of days, not totally, was able to skim headlines, but it took me about 5 days to catch up!
Can someone that’s into racing tell me how this is on the up and up? Cops push and spin the bad guys in car chases all the time to get them stopped.
Ryan Blaney: “I made a move off 4 on [Ryan] Newman and he blocked it and I kind of went low and he blocked that.”
Team Penske’s Blaney said it was then that he committed to pushing Roush Fenway Racing’s Newman to the finish line for a Ford victory, but the cars contacted wrong, causing the wreck.
Not sure what you’re asking about…do you mean the ‘team’ movements?
There are ‘racing teams’ these days.
This means there are groups of racers who work together to get a win for their team.
Personally, I don’t think it’s right.
It turns a race into a ‘game’ rather than a race.
Bingo. Probably difficult to totally eliminate. But they ought to get serious about it. That crash should have not happened.
They could limit each team to only ONE driver/car per race.
That would dry up all this gamesmanship.
As it is…the guys who are not on a team, are at a big disadvantage.
No. I don’t mean team movements. I mean that Blaney deliberately pushed Newman and the push had a side force to it that made Newman’s car spin and crash.
Ah…well I think that sort of thing is ‘legal’, because they do it all the time.
Pushing is a way to get both cars to go faster because of the draft so a typical tactic. But if they are not aligned right then things can go bad. Blocking is hated but legal. I believe the expression is if you ain’t trading paint then you ain’t racing.
I’m learning something new all the time.
Saw this about pit crews.
Blocking moves is how it is done.
And punting them out of the way (without looking like you meant to) is how you counter the block.
Allow Robert Duval to explain….

“Can someone that’s into racing tell me how this is on the up and up? Cops push and spin the bad guys in car chases all the time to get them stopped.
Ryan Blaney: “I made a move off 4 on [Ryan] Newman and he blocked it and I kind of went low and he blocked that.”
Yes, I can explain. I haven’t watched racing much for several years now, but the black #3 was my driver (Earnhardt Sr.) growing up, and I kept watching after 2001, hoping Dale Jr. would be able to follow in his Dad’s footsteps and become a multi-time Winston Cup Champion.
On the big oval tracks, especially Daytona and Talladega, they do what’s called ‘bump drafting’. Drafting is when you pull up right on the rear bumper of the guy ahead of you, so he’s pushing all the air and you’re not pushing any. If you’re “in the draft” of the car ahead of you, you suddenly don’t have any forward air resistance. The driver ahead of you is blocking the air from hitting your car, which would slow you down.
What happens then is the trailing car’s engine rpm’s rise because his engine isn’t having to work as hard to push the air out of the way (there is a LOT of wind/air resistance at nearly 200mph), so his car speeds up, and ‘bumps’ (hits) the car ahead of him.
That ‘bump’ pushes the car ahead of you, if you hit them squarely, and both of you move ahead relative to other cars on the track.
But if you hit too hard, it can lift the front car’s rear end slightly, enough for the leading car to loose traction, which is when you see the back end ‘twitch’ or ‘wobble’ (used to call it the ‘hospital wobble’).
And if you hit the car ahead of you to one side or the other, it will spin the lead car sideways. This happened multiple times during the last lap, as the lead cars swapped positions. It’s a very fine line at that kind of speed. They have the skill to do it, and every driver on the track might do it a hundred times or more during the course of a 500-mile race, but it only takes one misstep to cause a wreck.
I don’t know how it is these days, but it used to be that on the last lap, pretty much anything goes, short of intentionally wrecking someone, and how could you ever prove that one way or the other? And since you want to be inside your competitor’s head and cause him to make a mistake, you want him to think you’re going to wipe him out. One of Earnhardt Sr.’s nicknames was the “Intimidator”, along with “Iron Head”… I sure do miss being able to watch him race.
When you’ve been racing for 499 miles, and you can see the checkered flag, it’s every man for himself. Winning the Daytona 500 is like winning the Super Bowl. It’s a special victory, and you might never get another chance. It took Earnhardt Sr. TWENTY YEARS to finally win at Daytona. He was close so many times… he had won just about every other place they raced, and then finally he won Daytona.
On the last lap of a NASCAR race, just about anything goes. There are plans and strategies throughout the race, and teammates often work together on the track, and you can even work out strategies with other competitors who aren’t teammates (pit crews make deals and communicate to their drivers), but there are no teammates (usually) with a quarter lap to the finish line.
The only exception I can think of was 2001. IIRC, Earnhardt Sr. was the car owner for Michael Waltrip’s car (the eventual winner). Dale was in second or third, and not in position to win, but Sterling Marlin had a run coming off the corner. Dale moved to block Marlin (like Newman did to Blaney), to protect Waltrip’s chance for victory (I think Dale Jr. was just behind Waltrip, and Dale Sr. was just behind Dale Jr.) and Marlin hit Dale Sr. on the driver-side (left) rear, spinning Dale Sr. to the right, straight into the wall (just like Blaney did to Newman).
Waltrip won the race, his first Daytona 500 victory, and I’m sure Dale Sr. knew Michael was going to win, at that last moment.
My driver didn’t finish that race.
And racing was never the same after that.
Or maybe Earnhardt Sr. moved in front of Marlin not so much to block, but so Marlin would bump him and push him forward, to get himself a chance to pull ahead and win the race.
), so I looked it up:
Earnhardt Sr. could do that like nobody else. The commentators used to say Dale Sr. could ‘see’ the draft, but what they really meant is that he had a ‘feel’ for just the right position to get the most benefit from the draft of the car ahead, and (I think) better car-control than any driver I’ve ever seen.
The best position to take advantage to the draft is always changing, depending on wind direction, how the wind affects the car differently in the turn than head-on, etc., even ‘side-drafting’, where you suck up inside the draft of the lead car by practically (or actually) rubbing up against the side of the car that is slightly ahead.
Earnhardt Sr. was better than anyone at it.
The track at Talladega, due to banking and shape differences, is even faster than Daytona, and all the same bump-drafting techniques apply.
Earnhardt Sr.’s last victory was at Talladega the year before (2000), and it was incredible. I couldn’t remember whether he picked up 20 or more positions in the last lap (I remember it with a little embellishment, apparently
“In the 2000 season, Earnhardt had a resurgence, which was commonly attributed to neck surgery he underwent to correct a lingering injury from his 1996 Talladega crash.
He scored what were considered the two most exciting wins of the year — winning by 0.010 seconds over Bobby Labonte at Atlanta, then gaining seventeen positions in the final four laps to win at Talladega, claiming his only No Bull million-dollar bonus along with his record 10th win at the track [Talladega].”