20200218th-29th: Coronavirus COVID-19, Our Fifth Update Thread

Johns Hopkins CSSE Dashboard to update number of “official” cases within China and worldwide: https://gisanddata.maps.arcgis.com/apps/opsdashboard/index.html#/bda7594740fd40299423467b48e9ecf6 Almost no one believes China’s numbers, and consider these numbers vastly under-reported.

We still don’t have a firm handle on this virus. The uncertainty leads to fear in a general population. Within this thread, we will share everything we know, culled from multiple sources. Thank you to all who contribute.

A New Kind of Warfare, a Bio-War, or Sudden Contagion:

The idea of a “Bio-Corridor” upon entry into the USA is being openly discussed and necessitates a new thread. This is an entirely new way of thinking and we need time to wrap our heads around the idea. Our goods go through a Customs screening but systems need to be updated and adapted for medical risk. Recently, we’ve seen illegal immigrants bringing measles, smallpox, polio, tuberculosis into our country. Diseases which were eradicated in the USA. A virus like COVID-19 is similar in in RO factor to Measles, but far more hazardous in risk to our citizens and economy. This makes LEGAL border adherence and a strict immigration policy mandatory…… just like those who came through Ellis Island long ago.

Health security has become national security and a globalist economy which only pursues short term profits has left us woefully unprepared. We can’t manufacture penicillin anymore or Vitamin C. Our last aspirin factory left the USA in 2004. We have ONE factory which makes surgical masks and sterile disposable operating room kits. And did you know a Chinese manufacturer recalled 9 million of those kits exported to the USA………. cuz they were contaminated.

With President Trump, we rebuilt a depleted military to fight conventional wars. We also turned our attention to the new war for the 21st century, the cyber war. Our enemies, specifically China, don’t need to devote billions to R&D and testing when they can merely steal our weapons systems for pennies on the dollar. Yet, how do we prepare for this war, the bio-war? Our supply chain and food supply must change. The USA is an MEGA exporter of Agri-products, BECAUSE our procedures and safety protocols are the best. We need country of origin labels on our food. Our ability to manufacture medicines must change. And China’s balance sheet and CCP subsidies must be dealt with, severely.

Here’s how the problem was created: Since China joined the WTO, they have successfully targeted entire industries to become the manufacturer to the world. In the USA, the “west”, and even India, companies operate on a profit/loss statement. They have to make money, otherwise, they go out of business. To gain dominance, China offers subsidies to their industries in the form of free energy, free water, capitol to build a factory, free land, or the most common way…. rolling of their bank loans. Remember, a rolling bank loan carries no loss. With this amount of subsidy, no private company in the USA/Belgium/ or India or Canada could possibly compete….. which is why Wall Street sent our factories to China.

Most economists believe China is carrying about 40-45 trillion in debt, about 3.5x’s their annual GDP, an amount equal to the USA having an 88 trillion dollar debt load. Everything ticks along nicely in China as long as the debt never comes due……….. With COVID-19, the debt is coming due.

Trump Administration timeline of action on Coronavirus:

Impact of COVID-19 on China’s Economy:

  • China has thrown billions into their local banks and reduced ratio of cash reserves to lending, and China was low on USD reserves due to tariff war with USA. The Chinese central bank plans to pump $22 billion into the economy amid reports that the coronavirus or COVD19 will lower the expected growth of China’s economy from 2.1% to 1.2%. It’s likely to be far worse.
  • Feb 20th, Goldman Sachs announces Coronavirus expected to impact up to 1% of GDP about a trillion dollars globally, market sinks 300 points https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PaH79AEXMf8
  • Feb 24th, market opens down 997 points, begins slow slog back on fears of Coronavirus spreading outside China.
  • February 25th, another 900+ points, down. Over-reaction and media pushing fear.
  • Feb 20th, Proctor and Gamble (owns Yum brands) announces coronavirus will negatively impact Q1 revenue and earnings. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PaH79AEXMf8
  • Feb 20th – 34 Members of a church in South Korea have tested positive for Coronavirus, US Army shutting down portion of base there, theaters and commissary. Update on Feb 24th – over 800 people in South Korea test positive. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PaH79AEXMf8
  • February 26 – Over 1800 infected in South Korea, per Laura Ingraham interview with Americans in South Korea. Towns the size of Kansas City and no traffic on streets.
  • February 26th, per Laura Ingraham Show, over 800,000 people in South Korea calling for impeachment of President Moon…… because he did not shut down the border with China fast enough. (Guess President Trump is looking pretty smart)
  • Adidas and Reebok in Germany reporting sales down 90% in China. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PaH79AEXMf8
  • Auto Sales in China, down 92% in February, according to Gordan Chang/FOX Biz.
  • Coal usage in China is down 50%. China gets 70% of electricity production from coal…. per Professor Christopher Balding, Fulbright Univ in Saigon, Vietnam – one of the world’s leading authorities on REAL measurement of China’s economy. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RYG8nglcx_o
  • Estate sales almost completely shut down. Gov’t revenue is highly dependent on real estate tax on sales. In a city of 20 million, we might see 5-10 sales a day. Professor Christopher Balding, Fulbright Univ in Saigon, Vietnam – one of the world’s leading authorities on REAL measurement of China’s economy. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RYG8nglcx_o
  • Local Transportation cars/trains running at 15-20% of normal, China economy flat-lining. Professor Christopher Balding, Fulbright Univ in Saigon, Vietnam – one of the world’s leading authorities on REAL measurement of China’s economy. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RYG8nglcx_o
  • Food Inflation up 10%, pork inflation up 100%. One of the biggest fears in China is famine. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RYG8nglcx_o
  • Amazon taking drastic action to get materials out of China and hold steady on Supply Chain (per Fox Biz, February 24th)
  • Toy Manufacturers concerned about Christmas items (last of our concerns right now)
  • Containers already in route to USA, carrying medical supplies, latex gloves, masks, surgical kits, etc., ordered returned to China. (FOX Biz Feb 24th)
  • Yield on the 10yr US Treasury bond almost hits all time low at 1.37% (Feb 24th) as foreign investors flood into safety of US Treasuries
  • Oil prices down, on report of oil use DOWN in China(Feb 24th), we knew it weeks ago.
  • Local Chinese business are reporting only 3 weeks of cash on hand
  • How many factory workers can survive 6 weeks without a paycheck?
  • Layoffs have begun in China to save the businesses
  • Chinese students in the USA report they cannot return home because mom/dad can’t afford to bring them home (not working), even if they could get a flight.
  • Hotel occupancy in Hong Kong is in single digits https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=V1Hud-ijzEo
  • 20% of Hong Kong restaurants expected to fail. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=V1Hud-ijzEo
  • January Chinese auto sales are down 20%+
  • Lumens (the measurement of light) at night from satellites over China is down 30-35% year over year https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=V1Hud-ijzEo
  • Railroad traffic, measured by satellite is almost at a standstill https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8BvyBTMBR5c https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=V1Hud-ijzEo
  • Reefer Units (a container which carries refrigerated goods) is plugged in when it arrives at port to maintain temperature. As of today, there are no more “plug-ins” available in the entire country. Shipping is at a standstill. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8BvyBTMBR5c
  • Oil shipments have shut down. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8BvyBTMBR5c
  • Approximately 80% of China’s export economy is shut down.
  • Farmers are having problems getting trucks to take their food supplies into towns for deliver…… system shutdown.
  • Apple missed quarterly earnings in the USA and forecasts delays in delivery.
  • Under pressure from leadership, the Apple factory reopened…. but only 10% of the workforce showed up for duty. Other province governors have barred companies from reopening.
  • China agreed to “half” their tariffs on US goods, looking for economic relief from the USA
  • Japan’s economy contracted 1.6% as they face Coronavirus (and a dumb idea about imposing a higher local sales tax more responsible for Japan lag in economy than COVID-19)
  • South Korea shut down their Hyundai plant due to lack of parts manufactured in China.
  • Statistics and information coming out of China are highly questionable.
  • Feb 24th, northern Italy shuts down. Milan described as a “ghost town”. Venice Carnival is cancelled. Schools, museums, theaters, religious events, all closed until March 1st, and re-assess. 55% of Italy’s GDP comes from this region.


How did COVID-19 start? What was the source?

We heard all kinds of rumors about the origins for COVID-19. First it was bat-soup, then Pandolins, but almost immediately we had a “conspiracy theory” about a bio-weapon accident/escape from a Level 4 lab in Wuhan, coincidentally close to the wet market. Did Coronavirus COVID-19 originate in Chinese government bio-weapon laboratory? Scientists believe killer disease may have begun in research facility 300 yards from Wuhan wet fish market. Senator Tom Cotton raised the possibility, was criticized, and proven correct by a study released on Feb 21st. Chinese Ambassador did not directly answer question in mid-February. Immediately CCP media calls out Tom Cotton. Odd…… Here are articles discussing the possibility:


What are the chances for vaccine for COVID-19?

Remdisovir, an AIDS drug is being discussed and we have some reports of success. Peter Navaro of the Trump Administration indicated approximately 100K doses would be available by the end of February as manufacturer of the drug, Gilead Sciences gears up production.

Other experts woefully admit it will be difficult to create a vaccine for Coronavirus, and even if they could, if everything went perfectly, it would be at least November before a vaccine would be available. Here are a few sources discussing the issue:


Snapshot information and stories from around the world:

  • Cruise Ship docked and quarantined in Japan, the Diamond Princess, docked off Yokohama: had 600+ infected persons, of 3700 passengers. Americans were evacuated from the ship, evacuated from Japan and flown home by the State Dept. 14 tested positive, now quarantined in Nebraska, and at military bases in Texas and California.
  • Feb 20th, first two passengers from Diamond Princess have died from Coronavirus. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PaH79AEXMf8
  • Taxi Cab drivers and physicians reported the problem in Wuhan as early as December 8th-9th.
  • Official Death toll is 2,800+ (Updated 10:00pm Eastern, February 26, 2020) (could be thousands more) (current “official” dashboard from Johns Hopkins is located at top of thread)
  • 82,163 confirmed cases (could be thousands to millions) confirmed worldwide (Updated 10:00pm Eastern, February 26, 2020) (current “official” dashboard from Johns Hopkins is located at top of thread)
  • Hardest hit is Hubei province, healthcare system is overloaded, but we’re seeing death tolls reported from Jilin, to Sichuan, to Guangdong to Chongqing – it’s all over China.
  • Over 863 Police in China infected because of secondary contact.
  • Japan is second hardest hit. Party on board a boat seems to be the source tracked to 11 who are infected, virus spread from there.
  • Singapore has over 80 active cases.
  • Rumors of problems with virus in Thailand among sex workers. Statistics not being reported.
  • Feb 20th, Sacred Muslim city of Qom, Iran, about 80 miles south of Tehran, has reported 50 cases of Coronavirus, city is shutting down.
  • Feb 24th, Heshmat Alavi reports as many as 18,000 cases in Iran and serious problems with infection in Iranian prisons.
  • Cruise passengers from Diamond Princess released and flown home. Of 11 Israelis flown home one tests positive.
  • 3600+ Healthcare workers infected in China, over 1700 said to be in “serious condition”. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8BvyBTMBR5c
  • As much as 55-60% of China’s physicians have less than a Bachelors degree. Nurses are poorly trained. Latex gloves are rare. Procedure and sterile protocols common in the USA are not so common in China, AND the further we get from large metro centers, the worse it is. Interesting discussion with the Director of Apple News in Hong Kong. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=V1Hud-ijzEo
  • Director of Surgery for Wuhan’s most prestigious hospital, Dr Liu Zhiming, 51, died this morning (02/17/2020) after ‘all-out rescue efforts failed’, according to state broadcaster CCTV – resolving a state of confusion last night after local officials reported his death before later denying it. https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-8013267/Head-Wuhan-hospital-dies-coronavirus-Chinese-media.html
  • More contagious than Seasonal Flu, Spanish Flu, or SARS.
  • WHO team was allowed into China February 9th. USA has been offering assistance to China since January 6th. WHO team will be confined to Beijing, NOT allowed to travel to Wuhan, only allowed to look at data (which is unreliable).
  • USA delivered 100 million dollars of AID to China to battle the virus.
A map of Chinese provinces will help us get oriented within the country.


Where to go for more information:


Exceptionally valuable information is found in Pandemic Episode 15. Rosemary Gibson, Senior Advisor to the Hastings Center, took three years to investigate the state of Americas pharmaceuticals, culminating in the book “China RX”Did you know the last aspirin factory in the USA closed down in 2004? Did you know that the USA can no longer MAKE Vitamin C? Did you know tainted heparin from China cause many deaths of American citizens….. it was Made in China. And did you know that our politicians have known about the problem/national security/health security for decades?

Also within this program is an interview with Mike Bowen, Senior VP and owner of Prestige Ameritech, the last manufacturer of N-95 Medical Grade Masks in the USA. It’s an interview which will make you scream in frustration, and cry because of the ineptness of our bureaucrats and trade policies……. The facility used to supply about 79% of the market in the USA until purchased by Kimberly Clark….. shut down and shipped overseas, losing thousands of jobs and endangering Americans. It’s a must watch.

Episodes 18 and 19 discuss a great deal of the economic impact. Resources/interviews include the Director for Apple News In Hong Kong (discusses the healthcare system in communist China), and an associate professor at Fulbright in Saigon who analyzes the microeconomics of China (he’s the one measuring the lumens in China at night). Episode 19 discusses how the USA and India can address the problem of pharma and China virus.



Gail Combs reports and does a DEEP DIVE:

Gail Combs, fellow Treeper, is one of our best researchers. I believe she is a physicist. Wish I could give you her whole bio, yet this is the internet.… Gail has agreed to compile valuable info for us all, found below. Thank you, Gail! And thank you to BakoCarl for more resource links!


1. China does not have enough tests kits to document all suspected cases. The test can easily show a negative for people with the disease. Politically, China has good reason to lie. Also since it is a deep lung infection a cheek or throat swap can give a false positive. Coughed up sputum gives 11% more positives.

2. The virus attaches to ACE2 expressers deep in the lungs.
Men have 4 times as many ACE2 expressers as women and are 3 times as likely to get it.
Asians have 5 times as many as Africans/Europeans.

In early stats, (Jan2 – 41 people) less than half had underlying diseases BUT it does affect those with chronic inflammatory diseases including diabetes, hypertension, and cardiovascular disease (probably asthma too.)

3. Those without symptoms or with very mild symptoms can spread it. It can be spread via coughs, contact surfaces and with feces. Diarrhea is one of the possible symptoms. (Not good for San Fran-feces.)

Surface Survival of the Virus

4. We do not know how many without symptoms may have come over on early flights. Running a temperature many not appear immediately after contact with the virus.
”mean incubation period to be 6.4 (5.6 – 7.7, 95% CI) days, ranging from 2.1 to 11.1 days”

Revised: 6.4 –> 5.2 days. (~5 to 7 days) https://www.medrxiv.org/content/10.1101/2020.02.02.20020016v1

”….time in hospital prior to death 10+ days I think for most of them….
…I have seen several references that said about 25% of confirmed cases get serious complications and something like 15% end up in ICU.”
 – Larry L.

76% of the confirmed 2019-nCov cases from 1 hospital in Wuhan required oxygen therapy.

5. According to MedCram US CDC/hospitals are using a SWAB (throat?) and 11 out of 178 tested positive. The problem is a throat or cheek swab while simpler to obtain, give false negatives while sputum samples are more reliable.

6. The first victim here in the USA required a long hospital stay of at least 2 weeks. He was still coughing after two weeks and therefore probably still infectious.

7. People the most at risk are 50 years and over with pre-existing chronic inflammatory diseases. (Patriot Nurse)

Mortality by age comparison between MERS, SARS and 2019-nCoV

TAIPEI (Taiwan News) summed it up this way:

…the Wuhan coronavirus has three features:

♦️ it is an RNA virus that mutates easily,
♦️ it is more contagious than SARS,
♦️ and it can spread from an asymptomatic person.

This means that even someone who has recovered from the virus can transmit it, making it more difficult to curb its spread.

As a result, Hsieh said it is possible that the virus could stay dormant in the body after recovery and come back to haunt the host in winter or when their immune system is weakened…. *


The virus is probably ‘free’ here in the USA. I t is more severe for men, especially older men and older people with chronic inflammatory disease. It requires a long hospital stay. Children may show little sign of the disease.

“What we think will happen over the next several weeks, will be more and more cases will begin to show up that have no obvious contact back to China,” –Michael Osterholm, Director of the Center for Infectious Disease Research and Policy at the University of Minnesota.

THEREFORE the goal is to prevent rapid spread of the disease especially to those over 50 so the hospitals are not overwhelmed. IF the system is overwhelmed the elderly WILL NOT GET CARE!

1a: the sorting of and allocation of treatment to patients and especially battle and disaster victims according to a system of priorities designed to maximize the number of survivors


If you are older stay away from your grand kids! Larry L. suggested a 3 – 6 foot distance from other people, a pathologist suggests 6 to 9 feet.

Interesting items on survival times for various bugs on different surfaces and conditions.
https://www.nhs.uk/common-health-questions/infections/how-long-do-bacteria-and-viruses-live-outside-the-body/ ~ or ~ https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0021850217302239

Removing Gloves

”There is a minimum effective infectious dose. Greater doses increases the likelihood of infection. This also affects the incubation period. The lower the exposure, the longer the time needed for the infection to get going internally; and with that, the longer it will be before that person becomes infections and/or shows symptoms. Recall that most symptoms are due to activation of the immune system, and not from the infection itself.” — cdquarles 

For the painter/farmer masks: (N95 or N100)
3m has p100 filters with no sorbents, such as #2091, and then I saw ‘improved’ version #2291 I think. The 2091 are bright fuscia. I think I’ve seen people ambulating near Stanford hospital sporting these as facial fashion. Much easier to breath, and very comfortable with the 7502 ‘faceplate’. I had no sense of ‘rebreathing’ or claustro.

How to properly wear a mask- short video in link: https://twitter.com/i/status/1221247891714514945


Larry Ledwick  has a HOW TO
for homemade mask:


Many people wonder what they can do to NOT get the virus. If we think of Coronavirus like a “super-flu”, it makes sense to follow good general hygiene principles, eat well, and get plenty of rest. Here are some extra hints from Gail.

High dose Vit C for anti viral activity.

Nutritional Treatment of Coronavirus

Orthomolecular Medicine News Service, Jan 30, 2020 recomends, VERY HIGH levels of Vitamin C.

Please read the whole article. At the bottom are references and recommended reading.

In summary:

What dosage?
Vitamin C fights all types of viruses. Although the dose should truly be high, even a low supplemental amount of vitamin C saves lives. This is very important for those with low incomes and few treatment options. For example, in one well-controlled, randomized study, just 200 mg/day vitamin C given to the elderly resulted in improvement in respiratory symptoms in the most severely ill, hospitalized patients. And there were 80% fewer deaths in the vitamin C group. [7]
…The sicker a person was, the more ascorbic acid they would tolerate orally without it causing diarrhea. In a person with an otherwise normal GI tract when they were well, would tolerate 5 to 15 grams of ascorbic acid orally in divided doses without diarrhea…..
But to best build up our immune systems, we need to employ large, orthomolecular doses of several vital nutrients. The physicians on the Orthomolecular Medicine News Service review board specifically recommend at least 3,000 milligrams (or more) of vitamin C daily, in divided doses. Vitamin C empowers the immune system and can directly denature many viruses. It can be taken as ascorbic acid (which is sour like vinegar), either in capsules or as crystals dissolved in water or juice. It can also be taken as sodium ascorbate, which is non-acidic. To be most effective, it should be taken to bowel tolerance. This means taking high doses several (or many) times each day. See the references below for more information….

Magnesium: 400 mg daily (in citrate, malate, chelate, or chloride form)…..

Vitamin D3: 2,000 International Units daily. (Start with 5,000 IU/day for two weeks, then reduce to 2,000)…..

Zinc is a powerful antioxidant and is essential for many biochemical pathways. It has been shown to be effective in helping the body fight infections. [20,21] A recommended dose is 20-40 mg/day for adults….

Selenium:100 mcg (micrograms) daily…..

B-complex vitamins and vitamin A: A multivitamin tablet with each meal will supply these conveniently and economically…..
Nutritional supplements are not just a good idea. For fighting viruses, they are absolutely essential

What Does Taking Massive Amounts of Vitamin C Do to Your Body?


Debunking of side effects:

From a fellow Q-Treeper (sorry I did not keep the Id) I have added the studies verifying the claims.

A VERY over-simplified version of how viruses work, immune boosting, and what you can do NOW. This is esp helpful for at risk age groups, but good for everyone.

Those spikes you see on virus pics allow it to puncture your cell wall and use the inside of your cell for food. Immune boosters help strengthen your cell wall, among other things.

ELDERBERRY SYRUP – (Sambucus n.) Strengthens your cell walls, and is shown to bind to flu viruses, preventing them from invading cells and replicating.

ASTRAGALUS – Helps increase the bodies production of interferon, and, reduces water retention.

ECHINACEA p. – Provides inulin, which improves white cells ability to fight in part by increasing properdin, increases and activates white cells, signals the body to release interferon.

VITAMIN C – Helps the red blood cells transport oxygen thru the body.
Your lymphatic system runs along (mostly) the same paths that your blood vessels use. However, your lymph system doesn’t have a “pump” the way your blood vessels have your heart to move things along. Your lymphatic system helps with your blood system to drain out the debris from your dead cell walls, dead virus cell, and white cells, etc. Keeping your lymphatic system clear of debris is why you are told to drink lots of fluids when you get sick. That junk needs to be urinated out, to keep the lanes clear for more white cells to attack the virus. There are also simple excercises that “pump” your lymphatics. These are all online. If you catch a virus, there are more things to add that may help.

So, if you get sick:
INCREASE YOUR IMMUNE BOOSTERS!!! like, every couple hours or so.
Drink LOT of fluids

Add STEROIDS to help reduce inflammation if necessary. This can be prescribed or LICORICE HERB (not the candy, sorry!) can be used.

NETTLES – Anti-histamine, anti-inflammatory, and diuretic. Is helpful with drying up runny noses, too!

…Phenolic compounds could be defined as biologically active and herbal and have positive effects on health. The scientific researches are increased about the positive effect of phenolic compounds into coronary heart disease and high blood pressure, diabetes, cancer, inflammative, viral and parasitic disease, psychotic disorders


DANDELION – A strong diuretic, has Vitamin C and potassium. (Most diuretics take out potassium along with the urine.)

For fever, Tylenol or Motrin. Some people don’t do fever control, as the higher temperatures help kill the virus, but I have seen seizures happen from this, so I think fever control is a good thing. Also, if your body is fight aches and fever, those are cells which can be helping fight the virus instead.
Again, very over-simplified, but some steps you can be taking NOW, and some herbs you can look into to see what may work for you and yours.

There are a lot of sites like this:
15 Foods That Boost the Immune System

I recommend looking for the scientific studies (pro and con) that actually support the claims of any health remedy not prescribed by a doctor as I have done above.

DISCLAIMER: I am a chemist and not a doctor. This is just a compilation from comments at both sites that may be of interest to readers. Think for your self!

Logical thinking.

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Thanks Daughn these are GREAT blueberry muffins!comment image


Please keep in prayer – Diamond Princess – a family friend is connected with that story.

Gail Combs

Trade in those muffins for CINNAMON BUNS!
E.M.Smith says:
17 February 2020 at 9:22 pm
Maybe time for daily cinnamon buns?
From: https://www.iceagenow.info/can-cinnamon-eliminate-or-prevent-viruses/
A link to: https://www.foxnews.com/health/cinnamon-may-protect-against-infection-study-finds
Which says:

A preliminary study out of Touro College in New York suggests that household cinnamon may possess antiviral effects and help prevent infection in humans.
According to a news release, Dr. Milton Schiffenbauer, of the New York School of Career and Applied Studies, a division of Touro College & University System, and his team compared Saign and Ceylon cinnamons to other botanic extracts including onion, cloves, peppermint, cocoa and Spanish saffron.
While cinnamon appeared to deactivate viruses in some organisms, the other extracts did not.
Researchers evaluated the extracts against Phi X, a virus that infects bacteria and shares various similarities to viruses that infect animals and humans. After 24 hours of incubation, an extract with 10 percent cinnamon deactivated 99.9 percent to 100 percent of the virus following only 10 minutes of intermittent mixing, according to the news release.
Schiffenbauer said in the news release that his colleagues’ findings suggest that cinnamon extract has the power to damage the structure of the PhiX virus.
“The results validates (sic) our belief that a diet that includes a tablespoon of cinnamon once or twice a day can be effective in eliminating or preventing viruses from infecting humans and causing sickness, such as colds, flu, and even herpes,” he said.

Though a tablespoon a day might be a bit much….
If it will kill the darn virus, I have no problem taking 6 to 8 tablets a day….

Gail Combs

I LOVE cinnamon and I also take it to keep my insulin from spiking if I cheat and eat some carbs.
I probably have a pound of the stuff in my kitchen. One store was selling spices loose CHEAP so I stocked up.
BTW, I make eggplant moussaka with 1/3 cinnamon, 1/3 allspice and 1/3 curcumin.
It is fried or baked strips of eggplant (3) layered with sautéed 2 lbs ground meat, 1 onion, 1 tomato, and one can of chick peas. Sprinkle the spice mix under the last layer of eggplant and pop in a 325F oven for ~15 minutes
I don’t worry too much about measuring. What is nice is it is yummy hot or cold so it is a good summer dish or for popping in the cooler when traveling. It can even be frozen.

Gail Combs

I am adding E.M. Smith (ChiefIO) suggestions;
“E.M.Smith says:
16 February 2020 at 10:41 pm
That National Geographic link up thread pops a popup “share your data to read more”. Reloading it and stopping the load early stops the pop.

After the SARS outbreak, the World Health Organization reported that the disease typically attacked the lungs in three phases: viral replication, immune hyper-reactivity, and pulmonary destruction.
Not all patients went through all three phases—in fact only 25 percent of SARS patients suffered respiratory failure, the defining signature of severe cases. Likewise, COVID-19, according to early data, causes milder symptoms in about 82 percent of cases, while the remainder are severe or critical.

[So that means 18% are severe to critical — GC]
That implies actual cases are about 4 to 5 times the reported cases that went to hospital and got tested.
It is also hinted that attacking the chain of events at each step can reduce severity. Perhaps enough to have an easy time of it.
So lots of vit C, D and E to reduce initial infection and replication.
Then cytokine storm supression:
Lower omega-6 raise omega-3, increase polyphenol ( nuts especially walnuts, brassicas, whole grains), red fruits and berries likely purple too, dark green and yellow leafy and veggies, lots of onions and garlic, green tea, red wine chocolate, turmeric also in mustard, keep your magnesium level up)
Good lung health to reduce ACE2 receptor levels, and potentially antivirals if things start getting bad.”

Brassicas = cabbage, kale, broccoli, cauliflower, turnip, and mustard.
Right now I am adding Bok Choy or Broccoli to at least one meal a day.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Molly had this great thread posted elsewhere – I’m very on-board with most of the information in it.
This is the guy who tried to unseat Romney in Utah.

Gail Combs

I sure hope he manages to do so next time!
And, yes given the Club Of Rome’s neo-Malthusian bent, I would not put it passed them.
Some random bits and pieces on that topic:
Malthusian stench-
“The only way to simplify ourselves out of the present mess is by cutting our population 80%, unfortunately.”
Michael Tobis, January 9, 2009
Overpopulation is a huge lie produced by – guess who – guess who is running all over the globe trying to tell each and every couple how many kids they should have?
Hillary Clinton, Bill Gates, Rockefellers, Fords, Margaret Sanger, Paul Ehrlich, Harrison Brown, Michael Mann, etc., etc.
and the huge lie was produced by – guess who – The Club of Rome
Overpopulation is central in all of The Club of Rome’s activities. Three books were important to their message,
Paul Ehrlich’s The Population Bomb (1968)
Ecoscience: Population, Resources and Environment (1977) co-authored with John Holdren, Obama’s Science Czar, and Meadows et al.,
Limits to Growth, published in 1972 that anticipated the IPCC approach of computer model predictions (projections).
The latter wrote:

If the present growth trends in world population, industrialization, pollution, food production, and resource depletion continue unchanged, the limits to growth on this planet will be reached sometime within the next one hundred years.

So look at what we find. OBAMA’s Government and BILL GATE’s finger prints ALL OVER THIS.
IIRC, There was even some Prof (Texas?) at a graduation who got caught on tape suggesting we needed a bacteria/virus to wipe out much of mankind a couple decades ago.
And then there is this:

EIR January 7, 1994
Dr. Maurice King, Professor of Public Health at Leeds University in England, was interviewed by Christine Bierre at the Dec. 7-8 conference in Paris on population growth organized by the association “Equilibrium and Population.”A malthusian, King became notorious after authoring an article in the British medical journal The Lancet, which called for an end to vaccination of children in the Third World. In this interview, first published in the French biweekly Nouvelle Solidarite, King outlines his concept of “entrapment,” which· defines a nation having arrived through overpopulation at a point of no return.
He once again underlines positively the role epidemics might have in “disentrapping” nations. But for King, AIDS will not be enough to end “entrapment” -the latest insanity coming from demographers is that since only l out of 3 or 4 babies born to HIV-positive women actually becomes infected with ­the virus (not l out of 2 as had been expected), the effect of this deadly disease will be “too little” to reduce population growth to zero, i.e., 2.1 children per couple…

That article lead to this 2006 Lancet article: Looking into the Malthusian abyss by Maurice King and Elizabeth Yi Wang
LOOK at Dr Elizabeth Yi Wang

Concerned Virginian

The 14 American citizens were taken to the BIOCONTAINMENT UNIT in Omaha, Nebraska, one of the few locations in the United States capable of treating EBOLA VIRUS patients.
However, this facility has only 10 beds. Where did the other 4 Americans go? I can’t find any information as yet. Possibly they were sent to the Ebola Virus isolation unit at EMORY UNIVERSITY.
These facilities are all BSL-4 units, the highest rating for treatment of the Ebola Virus and other deadly infectious viruses.

Gail Combs

Yeah, the read between the lines is very much NOT GOOD…

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Was there ever any more clarity on that text message that admitted 1000 suspected patients in the US?


Wolf, Assuming you are referring to the CDC Nancy Messonnier that was posted on yesterday’s daily. Gail posted from Larry L. Would like to know that answer.
Nancy alleges moar than 1,000 “cases” in 32 states.
Wish I knew Nancy’s definition of “cases”. Confirmed Corona? Tested and found negative? Looking for suspected Corona carrier? Is it a “tracing” drill to locate certain folks known to be directly exposed? OR is Nancy simply impressing a friend with insider info, that is largely bogus?
Either way, I won’t be surprised how this plays out. My trust in CDC is down there with DOJ, FIB, IC…
AND, it’s been about eight days or so that we read LA area directed 1,000 to self monitor.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Yup. They’re talking November until a vaccine. I’m thinking more prep may be in order.

Gail Combs

It looks like they 1,000 cases are from symptoms since they had only admitted to testing 110 people as of January 27.
You could have a pretty darn good idea of the actual numbers from people who have chest X-rays showing pneumonia, negative bacteria tests, other typical symptoms and travel or contact with people who traveled to China.
If these tests kits are few in number then the testing could be reserved for the people in quarantine and those hospitalized are just treated as very contagious until kits become available from CDC.
Since CDC CONTROLS the NUMBER OF KITS, CDC CONTROLS the number of POSITIVES. It really is that simple. It is the same as we are seeing in Wuhan with only a limited number of tests kits given out per day.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy


Gail Combs

We also have to remember:
if Japan can’t test 3000 potentially exposed people contained on a floating containment facility,
we are in trouble.
— Octave Fiddler 11 February 2020 (Only ~300 tested or 10% at that date. It took another 5 days to test an additional 1000 people.)
” Viral testing is rather crude right now, compared to bacterial testing” — cdquarles
ONLY people with symptoms are tested except for those on the Princess in Japan and it is taking quite a bit of time to do the testing. (Not enough test kits, not enough personnel, not enough bio-secure facilities to do the testing….)
1. If the patient wasn’t tested he ‘officially’ didn’t have the disease.
2. Up until at least January 24, 2020, CDC was doing all testing.
(Long time & limited # of test kits)
3. Cheek and throat swabs give negative results.
4. Blood serum tests give negative results.
5. Material coughed up from deep in the lungs gives most reliable results… IF you can get a good sample.
6. In China it some times takes several tests to get a positive and you can get negative – positive -negative. Some of the doctors said they had to test some patients 2-3 times to get a positive test on patients who were clearly sick. “Even patients who definitely have the disease only come back positive 30 per cent to 50 per cent of the time,” Prof Wang said. “Testing throat swabs (from potentially infected people) also returns a lot of false negatives.”
As I said the TESTING IS CRAP! (So I was an analytical chemist so sue me…)
16 February 2020
Diamond Princess Update
Total number of people on board 3700
Number of people tested 1219
Number who tested positive today : 70
Number testing positive with NO symptoms 38
Number testing positive to Corona Virus so far 355
So 29% so far are POSITIVE….
January 27: (per Larry)
Dr. Nancy Messonnier, said during a press conference, the US had identified 110 people who are under observation and being tested for the virus.
Only 110 people tested????
First US patient:
First case of #2019nCoV infection in the US. Symptoms & Maximum Body Temperatures According to Day of Illness and Day of Hospitalization. The stool & both respiratory specimens later tested positive by rRT-PCR, whereas the serum remained negative.
This tweet gives you a good idea of how HIT or MISS the darn testing really is:

The Scientific paper: https://www.medrxiv.org/content/10.1101/2020.02.06.20020974v1


The reality of the crap Corona testing is alarming. AS is, no reports of Corona popping up in US. Yea, I know gotta have a good test to confirm. 29 cases in US, of which 14 were flown in from Diamond Princess. Hmmm…
My, perhaps our instincts are, we should be seeing moar Corona cases in US. Perhaps isolated or worse. BUT, nothing.
Wondering IF select US hospitals are seeing a surge in pneumonia cases. Or any signature Corona indicators.
Daily, I simply can’t get past no Corona popping up in US. At a minimum I would have expected major cities with air hubs supporting China flights. Such as SFO, LAX, SEA-TAC, O’Hare, Dulles, Dallas- FT Worth, Atlanta…
Or college campuses. Butterfly posted someone sounding the alarm over 700 Chinese students at Buffalo University seeking clinic check ups.
It is great that President Trump cut off air travel to/from China and put in place a ban on travelers that have been in China within past 14 days. That collectively IS huge, me thinks.
Guess our vigilance to stay informed and prepared is where we remain.

Gail Combs

I just keep smelling a BIG FAT RAT!
When you consider all the diseases the CDC ALLOWED into the USA WITHOUT warning the public…
I mean people losing toes from LEPROSY in NEW YORK CITY??? Because the Doctors had no idea there even WAS leprosy in the USA?
So yeah, I would not put it past the SAME WOMAN to not warn us about the Coronavirus ESPECIALLY since Twitter is suppressing news the WHO and CDC considers ‘Alarming’
The real problem is it means we have ZERO idea of where the hot spots are. California and NYC — For sure but where else?
It could be anywhere.
As I mentioned there is a woman who sets up at a flea market who goes home to China in the winter every year. That flea market gets 2,500 people or more a weekend, many of whom are Hispanic. The vendors make the circuit of the different flea markets in the area so just that one woman, if she was a ‘super spreader’ could be a locus that spreads the virus to hundreds of people.


That Buffalo thing has wound up to be a false alarm. Guy has backtracked and locked his youtube. Something about him didn’t seem right, but I wanted to make us aware, JIC.
One thing I am seeing w/NY and FL, probably others is the HIPAA laws. That may be what is stopping cases from being reported. As long as they don’t reveal personal patient info, they shouldn’t be hiding behind that. We need the truth.

Linda K Harrison

Thank you for the update. A big relief, for now anyway. It is hard to believe that there haven’t been any real cases in the US.


Jacob D. is someone I met OT. He is on my distribution list when I email my News Roundup. He shared the following with me.
Felice, check this out if you have time, the author is your’s truly.

Gail Combs

Thanks Felice



“Tracking who bought fever and cough medicine.”
^^^ ChiComs track such simple sales?


And no longer allowed to sell!! Woe (death?) to those who get a simple cold or flu!!

Concerned Virginian

If you don’t think that this type of Draconian clamp down can’t happen in the United States — think again.
My opinion: The time to stock up on ANY OTC you might need for 3 – 6 months is NOW.

Gail Combs

That is exactly what I have been doing.
Now if I could only get Hubby to quit running into town every other day…


As shelf life supports the added stock, I have extended OTC and vitamins to one year.
IF the perceived coming shortage never arrives, no loss.
Prescriptions holding at nine months. Slow build that I must play nice with insurance.
Food and cleaning stuff six months. Easily ratcheted up IF things get ugly.


[…] an as yet unnamed individual *cough cough* . . . sorry about that folks, hope that’s not the Corona virus . . […]

Gail Combs

Larry L.
Key numbers beginning to come out on SARS-COV-2

Gail Combs

M Simon
The trade war is getting too expensive.
China to offer trade war tariff exemptions on 700 US farm, medical, energy products amid coronavirus

The push to restart the economic engine may back fire…

From E.M.
A very good update with financial impact projections. 40 minutes:
[I think this was already posted. but here it is again. — G.C.]
Includes text from referenced journals.
IMHO, there’s no way in hell this thing wraps up this quarter (next month) AND the present “return to work” is very premature given: superspreaders, up to 24 day incubation, 6 to 9 day fomite survival, and the lack of test kits / detection of minor symptom cases.
Mark your calendars for about a March 1 spike in new cases and factory shutdowns… IMHO.
Then figure global product shortages starting about the same time as the Chinese New Year outage inventory build is used up and warehouses empty. We ought to find out pretty soon who is / was too dependent on China. Perhaps checking availability of items on Amazon will be a quick check… Apple has already announced an iPhone miss.


S U P E R B video. Great info. Started playing in background, found myself sticking with video. Although 40 minutes, certainly worth my time.


Was expecting this. They started the factories up this week, mostly in the North, but also some in the South. NOT a good idea.

Gail Combs

E.M. again with a real OH SHIT!
Dr. John Campbell looks at a W.H.O. news release, plus info from a medical analytics group.
IMHO, not good. Up to half the people who gets the virus can be asymptomatic. Once in the urban poor populations of the world, it will be unstoppable, and it is likely already in those populations.
He also looks at The Forbidden Experiment accidentally run on the cruuse ship. Clearly it spreads in that environment even with folks staying in their rooms. So either via deliveries of food and supplies by asymptomatic staff, or via ventilation and such. The necessary conclusion from this is that highrise hotels, offices, and appartment blocks will act similarly. I predict a booming interest in UV sources in plenum air return ducts…
The only good news is that mortality is likely lower since so many are asymptomatic or not tested. So China gets about a 15% CFR on the self selected very sick, but that exclude about 80% of the infected. So figue about 15/5=3% as more likely. Still, 3% of 60% infected the first year, of 340 Million in the USA would be 6 million dead… We need to keep this thing out until treatements that work are in hand in quantity and vaccination for the most at risk (even if experimental) exists.
This WILL get into some big high rise tower somewhere, then it WILL infect dozens to hundreds before detection, then that will shut down a major urban core. Rinse and repeat? Or be very aggressive at stopping it? Our Political Class will be deciding for us… and that’s the scariest thing of all.

Concerned Virginian

This FOOL took THREE separate flights to get back to the United States. How many people were on each plane? What people did he have contact with at EACH airport? AND — who’s he had contact with since he arrived back? Total potential in the HIGH HUNDREDS if not more.
He can STILL BE an “ignorant carrier” of the virus EVEN IF, as he says, his test was Negative. The virus can be present in the body with a Negative test result — for between 14 – 24 DAYS.

Gail Combs

Did he have diarrhea? How many times did he defecate on the way home adding to the virus to the viral exchange rest room. Virus contaminated mist hangs in the air for 20 minutes per E.M.


Per various experts on Bannon’s War Room Pandemic Tuesday morning, these stats regarding China: almost 400 million Chinese on lockdown, about 350 million others in areas under various social separation regulations enacted by local governments. Probable millions infected, 100,000 dead, Communists now admit 3,800 health care workers sick or dead.


Reading this comment again, I realize I should have made it explicit that most of these are estimates based on imperfect data, not hard and fast authoritative numbers.


Imperfect, not verified. But I am inclined to believe them. Really not hard to realistically arrive at those numbers.
The information we received on the crematoriums generates staggering numbers. Based on the lock down draconian methods, numerous videos, etc., we know Johns Hopkins numbers are simply BS.


Concerned Virginian

Looks to me like the discussion of the number of U.S. patients who have the virus is not completely clear.
There are then 16 confirmed cases in the U.S. among people who are NOT in the group that sere evacuated from the Diamond Princes — there are 14 cases from the evacuation.
It would appear then that 16 + 14 = 30 cases total now in the United States.
The 14 cases from the Diamond Princess evacuation flights were taken to the BSL-4 Biocontainment Unit at the University Tower hospital in Omaha, NB. HOWEVER — this unit has beds for only 10 persons. Where are the other 4 persons from the evacuation?
News reports only mentioned the Biocontainment Unit at Omaha. (Mentioned only TWICE on news reports on 700WLW and ONLY mentioned as “being taken to a facility in Nebraska” — that could only mean the Omaha facility) It may be that the other 4 persons are at the BSL-4 biocontainment unit at Emory University; or the BSL- biocontainment unit at the NIH complex outside Washington DC. I am speculating about the use of the Emory University and NIH units.
It is possible to convert a BSL-3 level unit into a BSL-4 level unit if necessary. If there is a BSL-3 level unit also at the Omaha location, this may be where the other 4 persons were taken.
I am researching to try and find out exactly where these 14 persons are.
I would also like to know why they were taken to the Omaha facility: BSL-4 biocontainment units are used to treat persons who have the EBOLA VIRUS and other extremely contagious and deadly diseases.
The emphasis is on “extremely contagious”.


Wow. Looking forward to reading a bit about the new Corona patient in Napa. Calm before the storm?
AND, AND, take a look at the pic in Dora’s post above. Inside the Kalita airline 747 freighter that carried Diamond Princess Americans from Japan. Looks like a modified 20′ TEU i(or the like) n the cargo bay. Guessing that is where they had the 14 positive evacuees separated from the rest of the evacuees. Probably has its own air filtering system to prevent contaminating other passengers.


Gail Combs

She is head of the National Center for IMMUNIZATION and Respiratory Diseases
She is likely a Senior Exec or equivalent (SES is NOT disclosed to the public)
The CDC is one of the major operating components of the Department of Health and Human Services. The head of the Department of Health and Human Services is appointed and confirmed by the Senate.
The CDC Director, is appointed by the president and does not require Senate approval.
As of 2015, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention had 10,796 employees. 29 are Senior Executive Service.
CDC organization: 
And what do you know, there are 29 heads plus the appointed CDC Director in the organizational chart. So the likelihood of Nancy Messonnier and the rest being Senior Executive Service is close to 100%.comment image
Is the CDC union?? Well Health and Human Services is.
AFGE Local 1923, is the largest federal union in the country “…representing approximately 30,000 employees nationwide that are employed in the Social Security Administration, Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (formally HCFA), Veterans Affairs, Department of Defense, and the National Mediation Board….” (So the Mediation Board is unionized too.)
”…She served as Deputy Director of NCIRD from October 2014-March 2016…”
”…In 2018, Nancy Ellen Messonnier was a Medical Officer at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention in Atlanta, Georgia. began working at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention in 2017 with a starting salary of $260,567.
So it looks like she moved up to the director job in April 2016. Her salary class is
”RF-00 under the code for use by hhs only.” In other words it is hidden.
What else can we learn about this woman who decides whether we will be warned or not?
The National Center for IMMUNIZATION and Respiratory Diseases… “….formerly known as the National Immunization Program until April 2006, is charged with responsibility for the planning, coordination, and conduct of immunization activities in the United States…..” — WIKI
“….Since beginning her public health career in 1995 as an Epidemic Intelligence Service Officer in the Deputy Director for Infectious Diseases (DDID), Dr. Messonnier has held a number of leadership posts across CDC and within NCIRD. [ National Center for Immunization and Respiratory Diseases]
She played a pivotal role in the successful public-private partnership to develop and implement a low cost vaccine to prevent epidemic meningococcal meningitis in Africa.More than 150 million people in the African Meningitis Belt have been vaccinated with MenAfriVac since 2010, with remarkable impact…..”
She is a captain in theEpidemic Intelligence Service
“The Epidemic Intelligence Service (EIS) is a program of the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). Established in 1951 by Alexander Langmuir, it arose from biological warfare concerns relating to the Korean War.” — WIKI
“EIS officers serve on the front lines of public health, protecting Americansand the global community,while training under the guidance of seasoned mentors. When disease outbreaks or other public health threats emerge, EIS officers investigate, identify the cause, rapidly implement control measures, and collect evidence to recommend preventive actions.”
She is a (Non-voting) Member of ’Vaccinate Your Family’ The website of the Vaccinate your family is a member of the WHO-led project Vaccine Safety Net (VSN). The Vaccine Safety Net is a global network of websites, established by the World Health Organization, that provides reliable information on vaccine safety. I can find nothing on who the donors are.
So her mindset is toward DEVELOPING VACCINES for the third world. WHO pays for it? Why the US TAX PAYER! How do you get American tax payers to foot the bill?

Gail Combs

Because the Senior Executive Service has special privileges above and beyond that of regular federal employees, some think it is the core of the ‘Deep State.’ Obama appointed over 7,000 of the 8,156 federal employees in the Senior Executive Service. According to some, most of these appointees do not arise from inside the respective agencies through a merit system and there are many more SES appointees than any other type of political appointment. WORSE unlike other political appointees once hired they can not be fired as McCabe and Strzok are busy proving to us. This means the MANAGERS of the Trump Administration are actually Obama appointees. For example McCabe, the former deputy director of the FBI was SES.comment image
December 15, 2015 Obama Executive Order:

The Senior Executive Service (SES) lead America’s workforce. As the keystone of the Civil Service Reform Act of 1978, the SES was established to “…ensure that the executive management of the Government of the United States is responsive to the needs, policies, and goals of the Nation and otherwise is of the highest quality.” These leaders possess well-honed executive skills and share a broad perspective on government and a public service commitment that is grounded in the Constitution.
Members of the SES serve in the key positions just below the top Presidential appointees. SES members are the major link between these appointees and the rest of the Federal workforce. They operate and oversee nearly every government activity in approximately 75 Federal agencies.

This is an article on the SES:
This is a conspiracy site but it shows the actual documents if you want to know more a bit more about the SES:


Gail, SES has a VERY deep bench. You may want to post this on the Open thread.

Gail Combs

I was thinking I should. I will wait until the top of a page.


Daughn, in your opening, under Vaccine, REMDESIVIR, in case anyone wants to read about the med. Thanks for all of your muffin baking!!! 🙂


Just a typo in the open. People may only read the open, not the comments, and if they search that typo, nothing comes up.


Right below “What are the chances for vaccine”. I make tons of typos, so rarely point them out. That one may be kinda important, tho.

Gail Combs

Thanks for posting the snippet Daughn.
I just cross posted your last two comments and mine to ChieIO.
Now I need to go write the script so I can politely chew the leg off my Senators and Reps… Or rather their staff. 😡
I try to calm down and I just keep chewing nails and spitting bullets!


This appears to have came out yesterday. Not many views and hard to find. One of three police officers patrolling deserted street in Xinjiang, China suddenly collapses while walking.

Concerned Virginian

That’s NOT a “rehearsed collapse”.
It’s EXACTLY LIKE the people collapsing on the streets of San Francisco during the Great Spanish Flu Pandemic of 1918 – 1920 — per the recollections of my late husband from what his parents told him (he was 8-10 years old during the Spanish Flu Pandemic, having been born in 1910).
AND, per the FoxNewsRadio report of 12Noon Eastern today:
The first 2 persons confirmed with the Wuhan Coronavirus IN IRAN have died.


Yes, I wasn’t sure about the sudden collapse thing though we’ve heard reports. Your additional description on the Great Spanish Flu Pandemic certainly lends credibility to this. I’m sure you noticed how deserted that street is.
Meanwhile Iran news sounds serious.
The John Hopkins page is showing the status but not in the death section. You actually have to click on the red dot in Iran on the map to see that status.


Iran is showing two deaths now, between Hong Kong and Gansu.


Link below gives pretty good data sliced and diced in various ways. Also sort of a daily running commentary of sorts.
Good resource, me thinks.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Please contact Akismet at https://akismet.com/contact, pick the 4th option, give them your username and WP email address, tell them the site owner says that you are never spam on this site, no matter who the author is, and give them the following URLs:


Thanks for the rescue.
Pinged on Akismet.


Hmmmm, Post may have hit the bin…
Here’s a recap of what I tried to post…
Link below is a good resource for Corona Virus numbers with running commentary of sorts by day.
See if it shows this time.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Please contact Akismet at https://akismet.com/contact, pick the 4th option, give them your username and WP email address, tell them the site owner says that you are never spam on this site, no matter who the author is, and give them the following URLs:


Sent a polite ding to Akismet.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Thank you!!! 😀

Gail Combs

On collapsing,;
I have asthma and had that combined with pneumonia last year. I felt fine if I was not moving but if I tried to walk at a normal pace I literally run out of breath, got dizzy and just about went down.
This would be exactly the same type of thing. Also the lack of O2 to the brain means you are not thinking straight either.
You also have exhaustion as a factor too.


Looks like a couple of mine went to the bin or spam.


People who are asymptomatic can carry and spread the virus. Do those asymptomatic people necessarily get sick eventually, or can they be unaware they are carriers because they are not sick, and never come down with it themselves?
I have not done the research that some people here have, and I read in passing about a week ago that the virus can affect kidney function. I have not seen anything more about that, since. I understand that people can have kidney failure if they are severely ill, but I’m wondering if the kidneys are affected in general by this virus.
Since the testing is not perfect, and people do not show symptoms for days after exposure, and carriers can be asymptomatic, I don’t see how this can be contained. I hope I am wrong.


I believe the WuFlu will not be contained here, but informed medical efforts and good public awareness may lead to a slower spread. Less pollution, less smokers and, perhaps, genetics may also contribute to a slower spread and to a lessened severity.
Additionally, as we develop and hopefully perfect effective treatments, the impact here should be greatly reduced from what is actually happening, but not being reported, in China.
Developing an effective vaccine is entirely another story. Virus mutations have a way of end running vaccines, however, maybe we’ll get lucky with a vaccine that at least somewhat reduces our susceptibility and also lessens the severity.


I agree that the spread would be slower here. I’m wary of vaccineas and hope they find a treatment.

Gail Combs

The organ failure is in severe cases.
From Larry Ledwick @
(7th in series)
“Experts have blamed a form of systemic inflammatory response syndrome called “cytokine storm” for killing some novel coronavirus (2019-nCoV)-infected patients who were not very sick in the early stage of infection but eventually died of multiple organ failure, according to Chinese media reports.”
I posted at the top of this page (1) E.M. Smith’s suggestions for combating “cytokine storm” via nutrition. This ‘storm’ is why those with chronic inflammation such as high blood pressure, diabetes, arthritis & asthma are going to have a tougher time of it. (via Utube by Patriot Nurse)


Thank you for that, and for all the information you provide. The sudden worsening in the second week is concerning.


Iran fessing up….



A couple web sites change between the 15 we had a few days ago and 29, which would include 14 from Diamond Princess. That’s my guess anyway.
It’s all perspective. Documented where Corona verified or patient current location. Former is the answer to me. But, some bean counter will agonize over the decision.


But they were at 29 yesterday…..so why are they no longer counting those sick, that were sent to Omaha? What would cause Johns Hopkins to not include those infected from the ship? Positive is positive.


Guessing. Document location Corona diagnosed. Beyond that, dunno.


Okay…..my mind has settled down…..I see what you’re saying….my sister and I discussed that aspect……but, infected is infected….current location should count. I think that’s a MIND game.


I think they may be trying to keep the Diamond Princess stats separate and put them back in other. It was the 2nd highest infection source after China.


They’ve removed the Diamond Princess from that site. https://tinyurl.com/rs9hczv


China kicks out WSJ reporters…


Gail Combs

Also kids have much milder or non existent symptoms.
Therefore if you are retired with a ‘comorbidity’ like smoking or chronic inflammation problems such as arthritis, diabetes, high blood pressure, heart problems, or asthma….
We now know the CDC is NOT TESTING and is ‘self-quarantining’ 🙄 THOUSANDS of people. Many are going to feel fine. Many are NOT going to follow instructions. (Think snowflakes) So it is now OUT in the wild but because the CDC is NOT TESTING we have no idea of the number of cases or where those cases are.
Worse the Japanese data shows it spreads readily.
I am going to put this back up here because it is looking more and more like these are actual screen shots.

comment imagecomment image

Gail Combs

Here is the whole screenshotcomment image

Gail Combs

These are the rest of the screen shotscomment imagecomment image
Nancy Messonnier, MD, is the Director of the Center for the National Center for Immunization and Respiratory Diseases (NCIRD). She is Senior Exc. Service and placed in the position in 2016.
I go into who she is near the top of this thread.

Gail Combs

I never could understand why ANYONE would place factories in a COMMUNIST country where CONFISCATION is de rigueur. Any bets as China gets into deep kimshee economically they find excuses to confiscate western assets?
The whole situation with China always struck me as idiotic brain dead thinking.comment image


This is one of those FWIW posts. Hard to determine what is truth and what is propaganda coming out of there


Well OANN has the story too

Gail Combs

More from E.M. (and you thought I wrote a lot….)
“IceAgeNow is getting some interesting Covid-19 / SARS-CoV-2 coverage:

746 people in Washington now under supervision for coronavirus
February 19, 2020 by Robert
What in the hell do they mean by “under supervision?”

These are the folks from the diaspora flying out of China before the flights were cut off (about a month too late, IMHO)
There’s likely several thousand near me in the highly Asian San Francisco / Silicon Valley connected areas. Ditto Los Angeles, Chicago, NYC, etc.
These folks are voluntarily self quaranteened at home. Some percentage will be in shared ventilation appartment blocks, but hopefully not many… Some percentage will be answering their door. Hopefully not many. Some percentage will not worry about talking to beighbors over the fence or balcony to balcony, like on the cruise ships… Hpoefully not many.
“But hope is not a strategy. – E.M.Smith”
The article links too:

Nearly 750 people in Washington now under supervision for coronavirus
Feb 18, 2020 Updated 20 hrs ago
Another 34 people in Washington state are now under public health supervision for coronavirus.
The total now stands at 746 people who are at risk of having been exposed to novel coronavirus, according to the Washington State Department of Health. That number is up from 712 on Monday, Feb. 17. This includes people who are close contacts of laboratory confirmed cases and people who have returned from China in the past 14 days.
There is still only one case of confirmed coronavirus that was present in Snohomish County. That patient has since been released from the hospital following treatment.
There is one person in the state still awaiting test results. Test results for another 24 people turned up negative.
The Department of Health offered the following steps that can be taken, which prevent the spread of flu, the common cold and help prevent coronavirus:
Wash hands often with soap and water. If not available, use hand sanitizer.
Avoid touching your eyes, nose or mouth with unwashed hands.
Avoid contact with people who are sick.
Stay home while you are sick and avoid close contact with others.
Cover your mouth/nose with a tissue or sleeve when coughing or sneezing.

Notably absent from the list: avoid asymptomatic spreaders or folks quaranteened less than 24 days…

Westchester County is located just north of New York City.
None of the travelers, who just returned from China, is showing any symptoms of the coronavirus, according to abc7ny.com.
Eyewitness News has been told that the quarantine is voluntary and out of an abundance of caution.
Thanks to Jack Hydrazine for this link

The source article link pops an annoying commercial…

Wednesday, February 19, 2020 9:49AM
WESTCHESTER COUNTY (WABC) — Officials say 26 people are being quarantined in their homes in Westchester County over coronavirus concerns.
The travelers just returned to Westchester from China.
Health officials say no one is showing any symptoms of the coronavirus, and the quarantine is voluntary and out of an abundance of caution.
The county Department of Health is making sure the people have food, medication and whatever else they need during the time of quarantine.
Coronaviruses are a large family of viruses, some of which cause the common cold. Others found in bats, camels and other animals have evolved into more severe illnesses.
-Do what you would do to protect yourself from the flu
-Wash hands – stay away from sick people who are coughing or sneezing
-Clean with bleach – no green products
-Cover your mouth when you cough or sneeze
-The US Government is telling people not to go to China
-Get your flu shot

Their advice is dodgy too. A flu shot is useless for SARS-2. NO green product? Um, organic green ethanol will work just fine. Everclear is a great field expedient.
Then again completely missing the asymptomatic carriers problem.
So of the many thousands of folks who flew here from China during the open window, what are the odds none of them become ill or low / no symptom superspreaders? None take over 14 days to show?


UV lights would be very helpful to clean purses, cell phones, shoes, etc.
One family put a UV light in their back door mud room for this purpose.


THis election is so important, it’s for the survival of our Nation

Gail Combs

AMEN! This virus makes that very obvious.

Gail Combs

M Simon says:

China deploys 40 incinerators to Wuhan amid coronavirus outbreak.

China has deployed at least 40 industrial incinerators to the epicenter of the coronavirus outbreak in Wuhan. Conflicting reports said the machines, which can reportedly handle about five tons of material per day, are either being used to dispose of animal carcasses or medical waste.

That is about 50 bodies a day. Or 2,000 bodies a day total.
Yeah. Medical waste. That’s the ticket. Cough.

Gail Combs

E.M. Smith…

Governments tossing cash at stock markets can only hold them up so long…
BTW, Heard one claim that 80% of global medical raw materials come from China so global drugs, surgeries, etc. likely to be curtailed shortly. It may be great that Gilead has a working antiviral drug made at facilities out of China: BUT that’s rather worthless if the raw material needs a working Chinese port…

China has been printing money in an effort to keep their stock market from crashing.
(I would be getting out of the US market NOW if I had any stocks BTW)
Simon, whose company buy raw materials from China, expects TWO YEARS of supply chain disruption.
Foyle says:

Iran is toast. 20 dead in Qom (1.2mill pop), city being quarantined, likely 100’s-1000’s of infected roaming Qom and Iran. They don’t have ability to test for it, so no hope of tracking or halting it.
Given porous borders this probably also means Middle east is done for – millions will die in coming months.

HMMMMmmmmm I wonder if that Iranian Foreign Minister might have just transmitted it to John Kerry and his happy crowd of DemonRat TRAITORS…

Gail Combs

Larry l.
Looks like “recovered patients continue to have a body burden of COVID-19 scientists still trying to sort out if that is viable virus or deactivated virus.
But it adds yet another variable to post recovery testing and return to normal work and activities.

#Covid19 #coronavirus pattern emerging: hospitals, ships, churches, apartments – enclosed spaces with extensive familiar person to person contact seem to be the best incubators.



There numbers more than doubled overnight. Last night they were in the thirties and today they are 104 on last look. Radio said the increase was in the Taegu area. Mind you we have a lot of military in South Korea to include small numbers (100’s) in the Taegu area.
Meanwhile what happened to the 13-14 that were in South Dakota? They are gone and are numbers have dropped back down to 15 for the U.S from the reported 29 yesterday and there is nothing in South Dakota now.

Concerned Virginian

Understand that the 14 people who were evacuated from the Diamond Princess were taken DIRECTLY to the BSL-4 BIOCONTAINMENT UNIT at the Omaha Tower Hospital (part of the Univ. of Nebraska)
However, the Omaha unit ONLY has beds for 10 people. This means EITHER that the other 4 people were taken to ANOTHER BSL-4 level facility (Emory University Hospital; NIH facility in Maryland outside Washington DC) — OR to another hospital that does NOT have at minimum BSL-3 level unit.
Remember how WE, THE PEOPLE, were kept in the dark about the EBOLA VIRUS cases that were transferred to the Omaha, Emory, and NIH facilities a few years ago? It was difficult, if not impossible, to get any updates on these cases.
Now the same thing is going regarding the 14 cases from the Diamond Princess.
And that raises another question — assuming that it was NECESSARY to transfer the 14 Diamond Princess cases to BSL-4 facilities — what about ALL THE OTHER cases in the United States that are currently being treated, or were treated, in REGULAR isolation units in U.S. hospitals — obviously NOT all having BSL-3 or BSL-4 level treatment units?
WHY the news blackout about the Diamond Princess cases?

Gail Combs

That is why I did the Dive into Nancy Messonnier.
She was Deputy Director of the National Center for IMMUNIZATION and Respiratory Diseases WHEN OBUMMER was letting diseases into the USA thru the open southern border. She moved up to the director job in April 2016.
There is NO WAY I would trust her or the CDC after ALL THE LIES about the rest of the diseases ALLOWED into our country!
Remember when the media claimed that infectious disease outbreaks at migrant detention centers was “fake news?” Nope, they’re very real
Media buries the truth about illegal immigrants bringing wave of hepatitis, tuberculosis and HIV to America

8 U.S. Code § 1182.Inadmissible aliens
1)Health-related grounds
(A)In general Any alien
……(i)who is determined (in accordance with regulations prescribed by the Secretary of Health and Human Services) to have a communicable disease of public health significance; [1]
……(ii)except as provided in subparagraph (C), who seeks admission as an immigrant, or who seeks adjustment of status to the status of an alien lawfully admitted for permanent residence, and who has failed to present documentation of having received vaccination against vaccine-preventable diseases, which shall include at least the following diseases: mumps, measles, rubella, polio, tetanus and diphtheria toxoids, pertussis, influenza type B and hepatitis B, and any other vaccinations against vaccine-preventable diseases recommended by the Advisory Committee for Immunization Practices,
……(iii)who is determined (in accordance with regulations prescribed by the Secretary of Health and Human Services in consultation with the Attorney General)—
……(I)to have a physical or mental disorder and behavior associated with the disorder that may pose, or has posed, a threat to the property, safety, or welfare of the alien or others, or
……(II)to have had a physical or mental disorder and a history of behavior associated with the disorder, which behavior has posed a threat to the property, safety, or welfare of the alien or others and which behavior is likely to recur or to lead to other harmful behavior, or
……(iv)who is determined (in accordance with regulations prescribed by the Secretary of Health and Human Services) to be a drug abuser or addict, is inadmissible….

According to LAW aliens who are NOT VACCINATED or are SICK with nasty diseases GET BOOTED and not turned loose on an unsuspecting public.


I believe I misspoke on saying South Dakota. It is Nebraska. I think this video in this story will clear a few things up on how people got where and more importantly how. Initial reports and subsequent reports are all over the place on this. Appox 300 persons were sent from the Diamond Princess to both Travis Air Force Base CA. and Lackland AFB. San Antonio TX. Then infected passengers continued flight to Nebraska.
14 or 13 depending on stories were said to have tested positive for Cornovirus and were put into isolation in the plane they came on to separate them from other passengers who had not tested positive The 14 or 13 then were sent further on to Nebraska. Though their are stories that said some of the 14 came in via Travis then Nebraska.
The video in this news story shows that a containment pod, (special mil van) was put into a special stripped down 747 plane to carry both infected and not infected passengers. The assumption is that the plane then went onto Nebraska from San Antonio (thus your DIRECTLY) after dropping off the un infected passengers.
Good vid but it took me time to load. Story is good too so you read that while it loads.




Concerned Virginian

IRAN has just announced that there are THREE MORE CASES of the Wuhan Coronavirus. The Muslim holy city of Qom is shut down.
Iran recently evacuated 60 “students” from WUHAN back to Iran.
I will put this thought out on the table again:
The virus can live on surfaces for a period from several hours to several DAYS.
Islam requires that female Muslims “cover themselves” — the hijab, niqab, abaya, chador, etc.
I say that these garments can become virus traps.
And what about the long, loose robes and headgear that Muslim males wear, especially in the Middle East?
I say that these garments can become virus traps also.
and FWTW, the itwitter.co/hectorology account shows an access error on Webroot as a High Risk Site.
May be safer to research what is going on in Iran regarding the virus on other sites.

Gail Combs

Do not forget the Muslim toilet habits.
Remember they now are finding the virus in feces.
How do Muslims clean their bums after poop?

Not until recently when I went to Tunisia for a trip, I realise that Muslim people don’t use toilet paper to clean their bums after poop. Instead, they clean with water using their left hand, usually a bidet or jug. That is why in Muslim toilets each toilet cubicle has a jug of water on top of the cistern.
This habit exists in Arabic countries, India, and north Africa. In many Asian Countries, people use a system where they do not sit, they squat and after the business they wash normally using a spicket to spray it out. Therefore, a special tip for travelling to these countries is: always keep some toilet paper in your bag, and pack some toilet rolls in your luggage.
The problem is that I found the direction of the jets does not point to the anal area. It is extremely difficult to position yourself over the water jets so that the water hit the desired area….

comment image
Even though the Muslims save the left hand for ‘dirty jobs’ like arse wiping and blowing the nose, the left is STILL likely to transfer virus if not sanitized.

Gail Combs

Sorry daughn,
That horse is well out of the barn and racing across the middle east.
Do not forget what Carlos has been saying about stealth fighters from the Arab coalition being in Iran. There are people moving back and forth across those borders all the time so it is going to be a mess.

Gail Combs

Technically it is only two VERIFIED by a lab test.
”Dr. Alavi works at the Kamkar hospital in Qom and reports 20 patients have died from clinically diagnosed cases of #COVID19 at his hospital. Only in Tehran can samples be tested, so it might be a while to get full numbers.”
Hector Torres http://itwitter.co/hectorology/status/1230385232907390982
This is the game CDC is playing: ONLY report the positive Lab results IGNORE the clinically diagnosed cases of #COVID19.
That is why Nancy told her friend 1,000+ cases in 32 states but REPORTS only ~29 (including off the boat)

Mean while China can not get the factories open. What is that going to do to US manufacturing and product availability??
Maybe a new thread?


Surprisingly, well maybe not surprisingly, businesses are not really commenting on shortages to their manufacturing, sales, etc. Not commenting with regard to effect today, short term, long term. Probably don’t want to tank their stocks I suppose. Trying to line up alternate supply chains, I am sure.
US businesses in China, or relying on China, wishing to hell they listened to President Trump when he clearly told them to move out of China. Move to US. Or, simply move elsewhere. Seak suppliers outside of China. They were all unambiguously warned.
Imagine the backlog of containers waiting to be out loaded in China, for delivery around the world.
AND, ships loaded with containers waiting near China, for delivery to China. Loaded before China shut down.
Wonder why business shows are not talking about this. Admittedly they may be, but I have not seen it on various web sites I frequent.

Gail Combs

I just added info on the business side at the bottom.
Stolen from Larry of course. That guy is pure gold!



NOT minimizing the potential risk to US.
Of the Johns Hopkins, 76,497 Corona cases worldwide, ~110 NOT in Asia. Canada & US 23. US 15. AND, the 14 flown in from Diamond Princess.
Guess those are Corona official tests only. Wondering how many “clinical” diagnosis are in US. IIRC, Gail addresses this, or very related discussion. Guessing there is really no way to find out.
So, vigilant Corona monitoring continues. Preps 99% done. Various comments read here drive a few moar here and there. Appreciate tips.
Hand washing moar frequently. Twelve year old grandsons still wash dishes…followed up with dishwasher 😉 Sanitizer when out and about. Try to stay out of public rest rooms. Another positive in NV is, casino rest rooms usually frequently clean and not offensive to briefly visit. Down in Carl’s neck of the woods, the Nugget in Pahrump is always clean. Or so I observe when traveling through scenic Pahrump, which is over the hump from Vegas 😉
Aside from respirators, have not seen shortages of any type in stores. Although, they probably, fill the shelves with something else. Or reduce stock depth on shelves.
Have not heard of serious manufacturing shortages. Guessing that could be a couple weeks out after figuring logistics over the ocean and highways.


Speaking of Carl in Pahrump . . .
We’ve had 15 people in U.S. with WuFlu for how long? Over two weeks? No one’s died? No one’s recovered? How are they doing?
I remember 1,000 or so being watched in North L.A. . . . and several hundred in San Diego? And more bunches where? And no one’s got sick or died or recovered?
And, of course, we’ve got the several hundred from Diamond Princess with some sick and some being watched. They just got here. Any reports?
It might be time to implement some form of limited contact and increased sanitation procedures, at least until we start getting some reports.
Are they just shining us on?
Are we in the prenotification of “It’s really bad stage?
Methinks we’re close to a decision point here . . . but we need some data!


Methinks we’re close to a decision point here . . . but we need some data!
^^^ Johns Hopkins shows 3 US recovered. 1 WA. i think 2 IL. But it is 3.
It is truly sad the MCM is not beating on CDC and various health departments (LA, San Diego, etc.) to get updates on those quarantined, self monitoring… AND, as Gail has explained, what about “clinically diagnosed” numbers.
I suppose part of this “may” be Feds don’t want an unwarranted panic or damage an aspect of the economy.
MOSTLY, I believe it is INCOMPETENCE on CDC part, AND LAZY MCM NOT acting like journalists of years past.
My decision at this point is monitor and maintain prep status. Nothing moar, until significant events, whatever they be, occur in the near future.


We’re thinking about avoiding rooms full of people at least until we start getting some data. No eating at a casino for some cheap food (we don’t gamble) but in a very large area with a whole bunch of smokers and a shared ventilation system. No Mom’s Diner . . . but how about Sam’s or Walmart for food shopping? Maybe not. What about the upcoming flight to Portland?
We’re in our lower 70s with no ancillary medical problems . . . but probably a good time to be cautious.


But should we avoid people who don’t avoid rooms full of people? Decisions, decisions.



Gail Combs

My decision is:
Shop only when the number of people is very light. (Walmart around here is 24/7 so very early morning around 3 to 4 am would be safest.
Stay at least 6 feet away from other people and hold your breath if you have to get closer.
Handwipes/pockets full of pennies for in-store cleaning of hands.
Have EXACT CHANGE. That Credit card reading machine is a virus exchange machine.
I am really ticked off the CDC is NOT giving us real numbers because I have zero idea of when we should go into lock down. We do birthday parties. Should I cancel those already booked, refuse to book anymore?


Yes, we’ve had recovery in US. Go to GS map and click on dot in Seattle for example, it brings up more data and you will see recovery = 1. Same for Chicago.



Light at the end of the tunnel? This sounds encouraging but is still a ways off.



Gail Combs

This is a series of four Epic Times videos on the virus. I would suggest the first and last. The last is by Gordon Chung on the economic ramifications in China.

Gail Combs

From Larry Ledwick on the economic aspect:
Best to see his actual comment for some of the stuff not in the twitter account that I can not transfer but I will try.

21 February 2020 at 12:29 am
The economic impacts will depend on normal shipping pipeline volumes and inventories, people may not be appreciating how a complex system like the supply chain will struggle to keep deliveries on or near on time for a while but eventually the backlogs will begin to accumulate. This is going to have economic waves that ripple back and forth through the world’s economies as a million buyers try to keep their businesses supplied with critical materials. Some will have already placed substitution orders most critical items.
The real smart ones had meeting weeks ago do decide what their plan would be to act in keep alive mode.

“Matt Stoller
· 19h
1. The coronovirus supply chain risk is vastly underplayed. I am getting emails from people who manage supply chains telling me what is happening. I put one of them at the bottom of this piece. It’s bad.

Dan McMurtrie
· 21h
Serious Take: Base case for anyone doing any actual channel checks here should be 2 quarters of severe supply chain disruption. Media and Sell Side dripping out reality on lag because they have to maintain access. Autos, Semis, Travel annual numbers are absurd.

Replying to
@matthewstoller and @Barnes_Law
100% correct. As a manager in supply chain operations I can tell you that most inventory buys were placed with 90 day lead times.
Owned inventory will dry up around March and is projected to go OOS until June.
Non CN items, ie Vietnam, are effected by CN components. It’s ugly




Some not so good news –
Chinese coronavirus patient reinfected 10 days after leaving hospital
Health officials in China’s Sichuan confirm recovering patient tested positive for COVID-19
By Ching-Tse Cheng, Taiwan News, Staff Writer
2020/02/21 15:38
TAIPEI (Taiwan News) — A Chinese patient who just recovered from the Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) has reportedly been infected for the second time in the province of Sichuan, according to local health officials.
On Wednesday (Feb. 19), the People’s Daily reported that a man in Sichuan’s capital Chengdu had tested positive for the virus during a regular check-up just ten days after being discharged from the hospital. The report said he had previously been cleared of the virus by medical staff.
The Sichuan Health Commission confirmed the news on Friday (Feb. 21) and issued a community warning announcement in the patient’s neighborhood. The announcement said that the man and his family had been transported to a nearby health facility on Thursday morning (Feb. 20) and that health officials had sanitized the entire community, reported Liberty Times.
According to ETtoday, the patient and his family had been under home quarantine and had not left the house since Feb. 10. The authorities are still investigating the cause of the reinfection.
The news has stirred up heated reactions from Chinese netizens. Some suspect that the hospital discharged the man before he was fully recovered, and many have expressed concern about the worsening epidemic.
Several doctors from Wuhan, the epicenter of COVID-19, said last week that it is possible for recovered patients to contract the virus a second time. They warned that a recurring infection could be even more damaging to a patient’s body and that the tests are susceptible to false negatives.


And some better news –
Taiwanese team replicates remdesivir antiviral drug in 14 days
Taiwanese researchers synthesize antiviral drug remdesivir to battle Wuhan coronavirus
By Keoni Everington, Taiwan News, Staff Writer
2020/02/21 11:14
TAIPEI (Taiwan News) — Taiwan’s leading academic institution on Thursday (Feb. 20) announced that a team of scientists working around the clock had within two weeks managed to replicate the antiviral drug remdesivir, which has shown promise in treating the Wuhan coronavirus.
Academia Sinica announced on its Facebook page on Thursday that the team of scientists had managed to replicate remdesivir “from nothing to self-production, 100 mg level, high purity.” After receiving instructions to replicate the drug, the seven-member team led by Chein Rong-Jie (陳榮傑), an associate researcher at Academia Sinica’s Institute of Chemistry, started research and development on Feb. 6.
The seven scientists then spent the next 14 days working day and night to synthesize 100 mg worth of remdesivir, according to the institute. Chen said that due to the shortage of synthetic raw materials, the building blocks for remdesivir could not be obtained on Feb. 6. Therefore, Chen said the team used their own method to synthesize the drug from scratch.
The team went through more than 10 complex steps, with some compounds needing to be purified through more precise recrystallization. Finally, on Feb. 20, the team achieved a remdesivir purity level of 97 percent.
According to Chen, the drug synthesis work was arduous and complex. He said that although they are only a team of seven people, each of them felt a strong sense of duty and was looking forward to contributing to the containment of the epidemic.
He said that it was only by investing in research and development day and night that the team was able to successfully synthesize remdesivir in two weeks. Academia Sinica President James C. Liao (廖俊智) stressed that this achievement shows that the institute has the ability to undertake drug synthesis operations.
Liao hopes that the drug will not be needed in Taiwan but said it is important to have it at the ready in the event the outbreak worsens on the island. He said that now that the drug has been synthesized, it can be mass-produced through technology licensing to help treat severe cases of the disease.
The drug is currently under development by American biopharmaceutical company Gilead Sciences for Ebola, Middle East respiratory syndrome (MERS) and Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS).
“The drug was found to show encouraging results when administered to the first US patient infected with the Wuhan coronavirus, according to a publication in the New England Journal of Medicine (NEJM),” a report on the Clinical Trials Arena website said. The patient has been discharged from the hospital since recovering.

Gail Combs

⬆️ That sounds about right given:
1. The long time between infected ==> showing symptoms. Up to 24 days
2. Asymptomatic carriers are now known to be infectious.
3. The test is total crap. It gives false negatives a lot of the time and getting a good sample from deep in the lungs to test is difficult.
5. FEVER is a BAD parameter to use for screening since it might not occur until well after the person is contagious. (It worked well for SARS but does not for the China Nova-CoronaVirus.)
For example:
Between December 1, the first case China admits to and when President Trump curtailed travel from China February 2, tens of Thousands of people traveled from China to the USA and other countries.
Note that the December 1st case is the one China admits to. I have seen scuttlebutt of November and even October as being the actual start but the cases were just IDed as viral pneumonia.

Persons Evaluated for 2019 Novel Coronavirus — United States, January 2020
Early Release / February 7, 2020 / 69
All 210 persons who were tested were symptomatic:
143 (68%) had subjective fever or a measured temperature ≥100.4°F (≥38°C), and 189 (90%) had cough or shortness of breath. Upper respiratory tract symptoms (i.e., sore throat, rhinorrhea, or congestion) were common and were present in nine persons who did not have cough or shortness of breath.
[ 30 ] Thirty persons were reported to test positive for another respiratory viral pathogen, including influenza or respiratory syncytial virus.
[ 42 ] Forty-two (20%) patients were hospitalized, and
[ 4 ] four (2%) were admitted to an intensive care unit.
[ 1 ] One patient was deceased at the time of notification; testing for this person was negative, and an alternative cause of death was established.
Travel-related risk was identified for 148 (70%) persons, 42 (20%) had close contact with ill patients with laboratory-confirmed 2019-nCoV infection or PUIs, 18 (9%) had both travel- and contact-related risks, and two (<1%) had possible contact with a laboratory-confirmed 2019-nCoV patient and were therefore tested.
Among the 210 persons tested, 11 (5%) were found to have 2019-nCoV infection.
Nine of these persons had traveled to Wuhan City; two persons had not traveled but had been in close contact with patients with laboratory-confirmed 2019-nCoV in the United States. All were symptomatic with fever (subjective or measured) or cough.

On the other hand this is supposedly a very nasty ‘flu season’

February 7, 2020
Inundated With Flu Patients, U.S. Hospitals Brace for Coronavirus
Resources are already stretched during flu season. With so much medical equipment and drugs made in China, public health experts are anxiously watching the global supply chain.
With an intense flu season in full swing, hundreds of thousands of coughing and feverish patients have already overwhelmed emergency rooms around the United States. Now, hospitals are bracing for the potential spread of coronavirus that could bring another surge of patients…

Or as E.M. Smith put it
19 February 2020 at 12:56 am
“Well this isn’t good… just saw where ONLY NOW will the USA start testing for SARS-CoV-2 / Covid-19 among folks presenting with “flu like symptoms” and only in selected cities. San Francisco, Chicago, NYC, and a few others. In other words, we have no clue how much of it is in the country as, unless you came here from China, we didn’t look.”

Linda K Harrison

I heard on the radio today that NBC updated their corona virus information. It says that it is up to the individual state to monitor, I guess that is why we are not hearing anything about this. I will try to post the info. here if you are interested.

Concerned Virginian

Well. it looks to me like Communist Chinese police / military loading up rifles, and the “popping” sounds are the rifles being fired. POSSIBLY AT PEOPLE. At 0:22 in the video, there is a HazMat-wearing health care worker tending to an injured person on the sidewalk. Another person, probably shot, and bleeding what looks like profusely, is lying at the entrance to a building.
My opinion:
The Communist Chinese government has ordered the KILLING OF PEOPLE who are resisting being dragged to one of their “instant hospitals” — and/or are being dragged from locked-down apartment buildings.


Gail Combs

Lists ten Plagues hitting earth….

Concerned Virginian

So that would make 34 CASES of the virus in Italy:
20 in Venice + the new 14 = 34 total.
It will be interesting WHEN the virus spreads to NAPLES (where the sanitation / refuse situations are not good) AND among the “migrants” constantly arriving from North Africa.

Gail Combs

Concerned Virginian heard this on the radio and reported it on the open thread:
FoxNewsRadio news report, 1PM Eastern:
DR. NANCY MESSONIER, of the CDC, has just stated that, due to the “SUDDEN” INCREASE of Wuhan Coronavirus cases in the United States, that “schools and businesses may have to be closed” if the situation gets more serious.


This is sad, the 29yr old Dr. delayed his wedding in order to help people.
The prison population is ill-equipped to handle this


Finally!! Up til now they’ve only let them into Bejing, to look at reports. China must be desperate to allow this.



SK virus spreading rapidly. Harris was on Tucker saying they traced super spreader to meetings from a Temple ‘cult’.


More info on the church, used translator. 544 of 4475 surveyed have symptoms. Not all people contacted yet.
8,000 member church.


That ship is world infecting mess!! Map has finally added infected to Nebraska.

Gail Combs

There are FOUR sailing disasters. One the passengers were all allowed to go home and then one came down with the virus so they are scrambling to trace the rest.


OMG!! This woman is a carrier, infecting others, and after 21 days she still has NO SYMPTOMS!!!


Would feel better IF the quarantine was for 24 days.
CDC lifts quarantine for San Antonio patients that show no sign of coronavirus
SAN ANTONIO, Texas – After 90 people were quarantined at the Joint Base San Antonio-Lackland, fleeing the coronavirus-affected area of China, the Center for Disease Control and Prevention has lifted the quarantine order for 89 of those individuals.
According to the CDC, during the 14-day quarantine period, only one person has tested positive for the COVID-19 virus and remains under care at a local San Antonio hospital.


I concur. I wish we had more follow up on that lady in Jpost article. She traveled on Jan 20, still no symptoms on Feb 11. No telling when she picked it up or if she has developed symptoms since 2/11. At least they are watching her.

Gail Combs

Need AT LEAST a 24 day quarantine. The old timers used 40 days.

Gail Combs

Includes interesting vid on treatment:
This video tells you why the CDC being such political asses is so dangerous to our country.
H/T to Larry L.


^^^ G R E A T video. 11 minutes. Readers Digest demonstration. Easy to follow and learn, how Corona kills. For that matter, how the flu kills. Best of all, it explains key mitigation hospital ICUs can implement to vastly increase survival odds.
Easy peasy explanation how the lungs work, AND how corona, flu etc. cause ARDS. Acute respiratory Distress Syndrome. (Hope I got that right)

Gail Combs

AND why slowing down the spread is so critical for a high survival rate.
If you overwhelm the system people get stacked in the halls to die or are sent to a quarantine area to die.


FYI, regarding zinc…..(Figured out that I had been taking way too much zinc and it was depleting my copper. Feeling better since I cut back)
And she warns that “… you cannot just willy-nilly supplement zinc, or you can create… more harm [than] good – or a copper deficiency.”
High doses of zinc in the form of mineral supplements may weaken the body’s immune system, adversely affect essential copper, and cause gastrointestinal distress.

Gail Combs

I only use ZiCam when I get the first signs of a scratchy throat. One or two seem to kill what ever it is.
Any of the minerals or oil soluble vitamins like A can be over dosed.

Gail Combs

E.M. is in California stuck between the two areas where there are cases.
This is such a good rant I had to share.
I certainly agree with him. Corporation Oligarchs über alles is the motto of the CDC.
E.M.Smith says:
21 February 2020 at 8:22 pm

Old Rome / Italy knew. “Quaranteen” comes from the 40 days ships had to sit at anchor to assure no infections brewing. A week to develop, a week to be sick, then rwo weeks for post sickness virus shedding to end. Or 24 days for virus to develop after contagion from a 2 week symptomless spreader, (yeah, I know, 24 +14 = 36 so allow a few days for them to meet on board).

quarantine (n.)
1660s, “period a ship suspected of carrying disease is kept in isolation,” from Italian quarantina giorni, literally “space of forty days,” from quaranta “forty,” from Latin quadraginta”forty,” which is related to quattuor “four” (from PIE root *kwetwer- “four”). So called from the Venetian policy (first enforced in 1377) of keeping ships from plague-stricken countries waiting off its port for 40 days to assure that no latent cases were aboard. Also see lazaretto. The extended sense of “any period of forced isolation” is from 1670s.
Earlier in English the word meant “period of 40 days in which a widow has the right to remain in her dead husband’s house” (1520s), and, as quarentyne (15c.), “desert in which Christ fasted for 40 days,” from Latin quadraginta “forty.”

You would think medicos today would know that 14 is not the magic number, it is 40…
Then that whole “assume it is hard to spread until it has escaped, then try to catch up” is just so stupid on the face of it. Like leaving the gate open until the herd of cows is running down the road, THEN say maybe we ought to close it.
So now the world is in the soup, what with China most likely a rolling catastrophe (any bets the dropping cases and dead are due to dying in locked up apartments? ), Japan being stupid with the ship, Cambodia not caring at all about contagion, The Koreas exponential, Thailand embracing anything goes, Muslim herd practices, and lots of air travel with borderless globalism.
Yes, I’m peeved. This ought not have been a problem in California, for years, decades, or ever.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Gail – what was that thread you were asking for again? I can’t get back in my notifications to what it was you sent me in that comment.

Gail Combs

I think we need a thread looking at the ECONOMICS of the Chinese shutting down factories. And actually the collapse of China.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Yeah, the economics on that are a bit beyond my abilities – that’s more of a Daughn thing. I can speculate on motives, but finding the numbers that prove them is in Daughn’s corner.
But yes, this is a big deal.

Gail Combs

That is why I originally addressed both of you. (And Felice)
We really need to look at what happens if China can not open it’s factories back up OR if it decided to ‘Nationalize’ all the non-chinese factories.
As one guy said, this is China’s Chernobyl and it will have major economic and political repercussions.
I can see that as a general thing but I can not dig in to the nitty gritty. That belongs to Daughn, Felice and E.M. Smith (Chiefio)
I am already seeing a bit of economic news over at his site.

Gail Combs

This guy, seems to be looking into it a bit:
I KNOW there is a major problem because I was in QC doing incoming inspection as well as in plant QC I have had the knock-down drag out fights with the bean counters over single sourcing and Just-in-time vs warehousing in case we lose a vendor to fire or blizzard or whatever… And that was a decade ago.
I also know that Clinton thru Obama shipped our manufacturing overseas. Not only the jobs, but one of my Square dance partners was in the business of packing up whole factories and shipping them overseas! So it is not like we can crank up the decade old plant. It no longer exists.
So where are we in terms of keeping OUR economy going?

Gail Combs

M Simon says:
22 February 2020 at 9:05 pm

Covid-19 to cost China’s economy US$185 billion, ex-IMF official says
That is roughly 1 1/2% of the Chinese economy. That seems small to me by a factor of 5X or 10X.

I am getting really sick of all the lies…


Moar released from quarantine… Still wish quarantine was 24 days.
2 Groups of China Evacuees Leave California Bases After Coronavirus Quarantines End
More than 115 people ended their two-week quarantines at a pair of California military bases where they had been living since flying out of China during a deadly viral outbreak.
None of those leaving Marine Corps Air Station Miramar near San Diego and Travis Air Force Base northeast of San Francisco on Thursday have tested positive for the novel coronavirus and they don’t pose any health risk, officials said.
A group of 63 people were released from Miramar, the last evacuees under quarantine staying at the base.


Global Times @globaltimesnews
After a shocking 27-day incubation period, a 70-year-old man in #Hubei began to develop a fever and tested positive for #COVID19 on Feb 21. The generally accepted maximum incubation period is 14 days.


On the surface, ^^^^ surely sucks.
BUT, it is “news” out of China. They have zero credibility. IMHO.
Guessing their is moar to the story… Too many questions to list here.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

T3 sent me a link to this Natural News coronavirus site – some good stuff there:
Posted in Politics
NaturalNews.com has launched a new site that is tracking the WuFlu outbreak.
@WOLFM00N  bflyjesusgrl 🍊 😎MEGA MAGA GAME ON😎 @FlyoverDeplorablePatriot  rayzorback @Braveandfree  CMinTN @Kalbo @frznpch @AlisonSmith @MaricaLovesGod17 @Diana247365 @mhtx76  SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA @Marica_17 @Gilsbranch @AyePatriot  Sylvia Avery @drillerelite  phoenixrising @GC0mbs @Organist1022 @whisper @MA_kswiss @coosmama @maiingankwe01 @JanLP @dwnrivcracker @amwick @PeteC @volgarian8301 @CuppaCovfefe  bakocarl @BlognificentBee @BardsOfWar
Read more
Reliable, UNCENSORED, science-based reporting on the CoVid-19 coronavirus pandemic.
1 5

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

We need to be prepared for a blog takedown attempt for “coronavirus misinformation” by big tech. I really urge people to make sure their GAB accounts are in working order and that they then have a CHAT account on chat.gab.com – otherwise, they may be incommunicado if and when we re-platform.


Coronavirus Update
I received this letter in a forwarded email. It appears to be from a foreigner living in China and describing the conditions there. I cannot personally verify its provenance, but thought it was worth passing on for your thoughtful consideration. I think the biggest take away for me is the need to pray.

Concerned Virginian

So —
per radio news reports overnight (700WLW / 750WSB):
There are now 400 people in SOUTH KOREA who have tested positive for the Wuhan Coronavirus.
AND the government there is desperately trying to test 9,000 MORE people to see if they have the virus.
I’m searching for more information on this development.


Korea completes testing on all 9336 Shincheonji cultists. 1261 have symptoms.

Korea completes testing on all 9336 Shincheonji cultists. 1261 have symptoms.
by u/BurntFlower in China_Flu

Concerned Virginian

Thank you.
That is an infection rate of 7.4%
This is in line with more evidence coming in that the Wuhan Coronavirus REAL infection rate is well over the extremely low “official” percentages given by Beijing / the CDC / WHO.
Although it may be that these entities are starting to realize that mispresenting / downplaying, the truth, is not going to work.


Out of curiosity, what is the definition of “infection rate” and how is it calculated?

Gail Combs

Ro for the WuVirus is estimated as between 4 and 6.
In epidemiology, the basic reproduction number (sometimes called basic reproductive ratio, or incorrectly basic reproductive rate, and denoted R 0, pronounced R nought or R zero) of an infection can be thought of as the expected number of cases directly generated by one case in a population where all individuals are susceptible to infection. — Wiki

…What do R0 values mean?
Three possibilities exist for the potential spread or decline of a disease, depending on its R0 value:
If R0 is less than 1, each existing infection causes less than one new infection. In this case, the disease will decline and eventually die out.
If R0 equals 1, each existing infection causes one new infection. The disease will stay alive and stable, but there won’t be an outbreak or an epidemic.
If R0 is more than 1, each existing infection causes more than one new infection. The disease will spread between people, and there may be an outbreak or epidemic.
Importantly, a disease’s R0 value only applies when everyone in a population is completely vulnerable to the disease….

This is a month old before they figured out there were asymptomatic carriers, feces contained the virus and it wasn’t just droplets but aerosolized.comment image
With North Korea and Japan and Singapore getting much more accurate data we should have a better handle on this mess soon.

Concerned Virginian

I left a Reply to your comment. The Reply hasn’t posted yet but I just saw that I misspelled your name. My apologies.


Certainly doesn’t warrant an apology . . . unless you went with “fakocarl”, of course.


Coronavirus kills two in Italy as Lombardy is put on lockdown, health minister warns ‘you can get it from anybody’ and the residents of TWELVE towns are told to stay indoors as virus spreads through Unilever workers
Two coronavirus patients in Italy have today died from the Covid-19 disease that has now killed 2,253 people and infected more than 77,268 across the world.
The two deaths have triggered a lockdown of twelve towns in the north eastern region of Lombardy and 50,000 people have been asked to stay indoors.

Concerned Virginian

Just wait until the Wuhan Coronavirus spreads down to ROME — then to NAPLES (where the sanitation and refuse collection situations are dicey) — then into the “MIGRANTS” that keep showing up in Italy from North Africa / ME, via ports in southern Italy and Sicily.


It’ll be informative to see the response when the WuFlu hits Los Angeles, San Francisco, New York City, Chicago and (Oh, the humanity!!!) Washington, D.C.. Will they really shut down or just let the vulnerable die?

Gail Combs

I am fairly sure it is well under way in California. There is a very large Chinese population in California and many go home for the New Years celebration…
‘Officially’ the census only lists ‘Asian’ So for California:
Asian = 4,861,007 or 13% of the population. Not all are Chinese of course.
This is a quick look at the population and the % of population if over 3%.
Chinese in Los Angeles, CA 2,355,994
Chinese in San Diego, CA 1,144,763
% Chinese in San Francisco, CA 776,733 or 19.64 %
% Chinese in San Jose, CA 930,193 or 5.50 %
% Chinese in Sacramento, CA 689,481 or 3.44 %
Chinese in Fresno, CA 503,594
Chinese in Long Beach, CA 480,584
% Chinese in Oakland, CA 390,827 or 8.37 %
Chinese in Santa Ana, CA 363,938
Chinese in Riverside, CA 347,816
Chinese in Anaheim, CA 346,010
Chinese in Stockton, CA 308,827

Gail Combs

FTA – The Optimistic Mantra (repeated): Covid 19 will almost certainly be less severe outside China due to cleaner air, healthier lungs, better diets, lower population density, possibly genes (ACE2 receptor), cultural habits, more sun, better nutrition, lower rates of smoking, and better medical systems. We also got a head-start. Estimates in China suggest 82% of people have only a mild infection, and we can still hope that the rate of mild infections turns out to be a lot higher in the West, or that some anti-virals in the multiple trials turn out to be useful and can be mass produced.

Gail Combs

Remember China LIES. If the WuVirus was not a major problem they would not be WELDING people into their apartment buildings. They would not be bringing in an ADDITIONAL 40 incinerators on top of the 17 already present. Satellites would not be showing major amounts of SO2 around Wuhan indicative of burning organic material.
This is the newest analysis of the numbers OUTSIDE OF CHINA by Chris Martenson and they do not look good.
Chris Martenson has “completed both a PhD and a post-doctoral program at Duke University, where I specialized in neurotoxicology. I tell you this because my extensive training as a scientist informs and guides how I think. I gather data, I develop hypotheses, and I continually seek to accept or reject my hypotheses based on the evidence at hand. I let the data tell me the story.
It is also important for you to know that I entered the profession of science with the intention of teaching at the college level. I love teaching, and I especially enjoy the challenge of explaining difficult or complicated subjects to people with limited or no background in those subjects. Over the years I’ve gotten pretty good at it.
Once I figured out that most of the (so-called) better colleges place “effective teacher” pretty much near the bottom of their list of characteristics that factor into tenure review, I switched gears, obtained an MBA from Cornell (in Finance), and spent the next ten years working my way through positions in both corporate finance and strategic consulting. From these experiences I gather my comfort with numbers and finance….”

So here is his latest analysis of the scientific papers and the data and it is NOT good.

Gail Combs

E.M.Smith says:
22 February 2020 at 5:46 pm

Well that’s not good… Covid-19 hits your kidneys and testicles. Lesions in testicles doesn’t sound very pleasant….
ACE2 Expression in Kidney and Testis May Cause Kidney and Testis Damage After 2019-nCoV Infection
Caibin Fan, Kai Li, Yanhong Ding, Wei Lu Lu, View ORCID ProfileJianqing Wang
doi: https://doi.org/10.1101/2020.02.12.20022418
This article is a preprint and has not been peer-reviewed [what does this mean?]. It reports new medical research that has yet to be evaluated and so should not be used to guide clinical practice.

In December 2019 and January 2020, novel coronavirus (2019-nCoV) – infected pneumonia (NCIP) occurred in Wuhan, and has already posed a serious threat to public health. ACE2 (Angiotensin Converting Enzyme 2) has been shown to be one of the major receptors that mediate the entry of 2019-nCoV into human cells, which also happens in severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus (SARS). Several researches have indicated that some patients have abnormal renal function or even kidney damage in addition to injury in respiratory system, and the related mechanism is unknown. This arouses our interest in whether coronavirus infection will affect the urinary and male reproductive systems. Here in this study, we used the online datasets to analyze ACE2 expression in different human organs. The results indicate that ACE2 highly expresses in renal tubular cells, Leydig cells and cells in seminiferous ducts in testis. Therefore, virus might directly bind to such ACE2 positive cells and damage the kidney and testicular tissue of patients. Our results indicate that renal function evaluation and special care should be performed in 2019-nCoV patients during clinical work, because of the kidney damage caused by virus and antiviral drugs with certain renal toxicity. In addition, due to the potential pathogenicity of the virus to testicular tissues, clinicians should pay attention to the risk of testicular lesions in patients during hospitalization and later clinical follow-up, especially the assessment and appropriate intervention in young patients’ fertility.


Dramatic surge in UNTRACEABLE clusters of coronavirus cases around the world sparks dire warnings from disease experts that ‘containment methods are not going to work’

Gail Combs

“‘containment methods are not going to work’”
Well not Schiff Dick Tracy.
That horse left the barn when the darn politicians ALLOWED flights from China for a FULL MONTH AFTER THEY KNEW THERE WAS A PROBLEM!
On top of that the ONLY numbers we are seeing are Laboratory Confirmed numbers from a half arse test that only picks up 1/2 of the cases AT BEST.
Then there are the Fricken politicians like Nancy Messonnier who are busy HIDING the real numbers by playing games with the test kits. Even going to the extreme of sending out DEFECTIVE KITS to all but THREE STATES! 🙄
I am putting Nancy Messonnier right up there with Comey, Brennan, Schiff, Schumer, Obama, Hillary and Nancy Pelosi on my Most wanted to see hang list. (After legal due process of course.)
That woman and her SES buddies at CDC have kill more Americans via PC decisions than people realize.


Rod Rosenstein’s sister:
‘He has one sister, Dr. Nancy Messonnier, director of the National Center for Immunization and Respiratory Diseases at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.[18][19]’

Gail Combs

1. Now that we know there are asymptomatic carriers that can infect others.
2. The CDC is HIDING the problem by NOT TESTING
3. The disease is easily transmitted….
I thought I would repost this:
This map shows the 60,000 flights that left Wuhan in the period prior to lock down. For trans-oceanic flights figure 140 passengers. That is 8,400,000 or between 8 and 8.5 million people!comment image

Gail Combs

I am also going to repost this from up above. Remember the Ro has been increased.comment image

Gail Combs

E.M.Smith says:
22 February 2020 at 9:10 pm

In live youtube, Dr. John Campbell just said it can spread via urine as it is excreted in urine. Once this gets into the street people of Democrat run cities like San Francisco or Los Angeles, with their tendency to pee anywhere, it’s going to go wild. Do The French still piss on walls or have they moved on from the 1950s?
Also said one patient presented with gastro-intestinal issues and diarrhea ONLY so was sent to the surgical wing (UK practice). He then proceeded to give it to others… until they figured this out….



Okay, I know Alex Jones, Alex Jones, Alex Jones… oh no.
Above vid is long but rather interesting. It’s a talk with a Professor Boyle who has solid credentials in this area and has been involved in writing law establishing Bio Warfare protocols for the government. Can’t say you can dismiss this part or that of the vid but surly skip Jones’s lengthy commercials.
Bottom line what is being said is that China bought, paid for, and took part in studies at a Level 3 Bio lab at the University of North Carolina five years ago using level 4 Bio material from Ft. Detrich and worked on the virus associated with this to game the virus. The Chinese professor involved (Prof. Zhengli Shi is from the Wuhan Institute Of Virology in China)
The Chinese did similar work in Australia, where they bought and took part in the study, to combine it with HIV. All explained in the vid.
Anyway, I don’t have a lot of time or expertise on this sort of thing however I figured I could track down at least one source document to confirm if this was real and it appears real.
Jones didn’t provide links to the studies mentioned but you can track them through the transcript he did provide and I tracked the main on titled. “A SARS-like cluster of circulating bat coronaviruses shows potential for human emergence” https://www.researchgate.net/publication/283639823_A_SARS-like_cluster_of_circulating_bat_coronaviruses_shows_potential_for_human_emergence
You’ll see, ‘Show More Authors’, click that and sure enough Zhengli Shi from the Wuhan Institute of Virology is there as a participator in the studies. You can also then click him and see a great host of studies he’s been involved with here in the United States. I’m sure you can find a whole network of information if you keep following the many links in this and go back to what Professor Boyle is talking about.
Bottom line goes back to what President Trum, Pompeo, and Devos are currently doing in running China out of our Universities and State Governments where China has been paying to play and no one seems to give a damn about what they want to play with.
Now you might ask, What about two Chinese Scientists involved in the theft that happened in Canada? This is covered in the vid above but other than that its all part of the grabby fingers and big money attached to the Chinese system of exploiting our freedoms to their advantage in order to gain superiority the world over. Something we’ve been talking about for quite some time now. How it all fits, I’ll tell you about it after someone writes the next book.


Okay, thought I was giving you the full transcript with that vid but I guess not. The vid is also with the transcript. Here it is: https://www.naturalnews.com/2020-02-20-full-transcript-smoking-gun-interview-prof-frances-boyle-coronavirus-bioweapons.html


Good grief, that’s scary.
Thank you very much for the link.
Everyone should read it. Worth posting again on another day.


Prepare while you can. Sounds ominous.

Gail Combs

I am going to take a look at the Alex Jones interview with Dr Boyle that para59r posted:
Earlier Adrian Bond published an article that was taken down. It points to Professor Zhengli Shi. Zerohedge got permanently banned from twitter for drawing attention to Professor Zhengli Shi
Article: Coronavirus Exposed, Part 1: Communist Coverup, or Pandemic Bioweapon of Mass Destruction?
Zerohedge: Is This The Man Behind The Global Coronavirus Pandemic?
Dr Boyle mentions the pre-print scientific paper out of India pointing out the virus was bio-engineered. It was viciously attacked and taken down. He mentions a more recent paper by ”scientists: three from Marseilles, France and one from Montreal clinical research laboratories that agrees with the Indian paper.”
Now into the nitty gritty of the transcript:
DR BOYLE: “I think I have the definitive evidence where this came from and it came from the BSL-3 biowarfare lab at the University of North Carolina.”
He then refers to a paper:
“A SARS-like cluster of circulating bat coronaviruses shows potential for human emergence.”
I looked it up:

The emergence of severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus (SARS-CoV) and Middle East respiratory syndrome (MERS)-CoV underscores the threat of cross-species transmission events leading to outbreaks in humans. Here we examine the disease potential of a SARS-like virus, SHC014-CoV, which is currently circulating in Chinese horseshoe bat populations. Using the SARS-CoV reverse genetics system, we generated and characterized a chimeric virus expressing the spike of bat coronavirus SHC014 in a mouse-adapted SARS-CoV backbone. The results indicate that group 2b viruses encoding the SHC014 spike in a wild-type backbone can efficiently use multiple orthologs of the SARS receptor human angiotensin converting enzyme II (ACE2), replicate efficiently in primary human airway cells and achieve in vitro titers equivalent to epidemic strains of SARS-CoV.
Additionally, in vivo experiments demonstrate replication of the chimeric virus in mouse lung with notable pathogenesis. Evaluation of available SARS-based immune-therapeutic and prophylactic modalities revealed poor efficacy; both monoclonal antibody and vaccine approaches failed to neutralize and protect from infection with CoVs using the novel spike protein. On the basis of these findings, we synthetically re-derived an infectious full-length SHC014 recombinant virus and demonstrate robust viral replication both in vitro and in vivo. Our work suggests a potential risk of SARS-CoV re-emergence from viruses currently circulating in bat populations.

Key word ‘generated’

to bring into existence; cause to be; produce.
to create by a vital or natural process
to produce by a chemical process.

key word is ‘chimeric’

 composed of material (such as DNA or polypeptide) from more than one organism a chimeric gene … scientists have created so-called chimeric antibodies, using genetic engineering to fuse variable regions derived from mouse antibodies with a constant region derived from human antibodies.

So Dr Boyle is correct the UNC level THREE Lab did produce this virus.
Also one of the authors listed is , Shi ZL
And author information returns:

Key Laboratory of Special Pathogens and Biosafety, Wuhan Institute of Virology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Wuhan, China.

So yes, that is the SAME Professor Zhengli Shi
On another linked paper author information returns:

CAS Key Laboratory of Special Pathogens, Wuhan Institute of Virology, Center for Biosafety Mega-Science, Chinese Academy of Sciences , Wuhan , People’s Republic of China.

For the FDA, if you go to the Author information you find  Agnihothram S

National Center for Toxicological Research, Food and Drug Administration, Jefferson, Arkansas, USA.

I only have the abstract so I can not verify Dr Boyle’s next statement. However we know that China has been funding our Universities and bribing our university professors.
DR BOYLE: ….”Now, if you look through this carefully, first notice who was involved in this DNA genetic engineering of SARS, which is already a biological warfare agent to give it gain of function activities. And it has all these people there from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. It has someone from the Food and Drug Administration, so you can’t trust the Food and Drug Administration. And then at the very bottom of the list, who is involved? Zhengli-Li Shi, Key Laboratory of Special Pathogens and Biosafety, Wuhan Institute of Virology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Wuhan, China. So it’s very clear to me that this scientist from the Wuhan Institute of Virology got this gain of function technology for SARS from this University of North Carolina lab. And he didn’t steal it – or he or she didn’t steal it. What happened was, if you read carefully to the end of the article acknowledgements, they acknowledged a National Natural Science Foundation of China award. In other words, the Chinese government paid them to have one of their top biological warfare experts involved….”
He goes on
DR BOYLE: ….It’s weaponized coronavirus. They also conclude that they really couldn’t find an antibody against it.
…. let me continue here where they say their new DNA genetically engineered virus constitutes a gain in pathogenesis. That’s a gain of function right there; they admit it. Pathogenesis means lethality and infectiousness and we know that even Lancet has said lethality is about 15%. If you disaggregate numbers even put out by the Chinese government, it’s about 17%. So, together these data represent a crossroads of gain of function research concerns and they just make it clear they’re going to continue anyway. They also point out that they involved HIV based pseudo virus, prepared as previously described…

ALEX JONES: which is what the Indians found.
DR BOYLE: ….In a footnote it says, “Cells were originally obtained from Fort Detrick.”
DR BOYLE: It’s even worse than that because all this work, this biological weapons work involving the Wuhan virology, was approved and funded by the National Institutes of Health
….and the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious disease. Okay. I told you before, these agencies were up to their eyeballs in research development and testing offensive biological warfare weapon….


DR BOYLE: Well, let me go back here to this second study to point out – it says at the end, “the current manuscript has been reviewed by the funding agency, the National Institutes of Health. Continuation of these studies have been requested and approved by the National Institutes of Health.” Notice the National Institutes of Health under Fauci is funding this Nazi biological warfare work and they have approved and requested further development of it, which obviously, this study was 2015 and the NIH wanted it to become even a more deadly pathogenetic virus. And you can also then see here the money from the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Disease. This woman, I think you pronounce her name, [INAUDIBLE]) is out there now in public or she’s up to her eyeballs in this too, as is Fauci. And finally, I originally condemned this North Carolina lab because doing gain a function work on MERS as I said. Today in USA Today, Tony Fauci admits that the lethality rate of MERS is about 36%, whereas SARS is 10%. This Wuhan is 15% to 17%. So, notice Tony Fauci and the National Institute of Health….
they know full well that they were paying this North Carolina lab in cooperation with the Wuhan BSL-4 lab and program to develop biological warfare weapons.

So the US Military, the National Institutes of Health, the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious disease were COOPERATING with the Chinese Communist Government (under Obama) in developing a BIO-WEAPON!
No wonder the CDC is trying to cover it up like a cat covering Schiff!

Gail Combs

To give you an idea of just how much the CDC is covering up:
Remember this is from ONE CHURCH LADY!
Bill In Oz says:

South Korea has declared Code Red ( the highest level ) because of Corona virus outbreak
Confirmed infections 602
Suspected infections : 54,630 !
Critical 12
There are now infected persons in all cities & provinces
And 6 people have died.

So 602 confirmed
6 dead
12 critical.
That indicates the ~15% lethality rate is likely correct.

Gail Combs



^^^ Numbing. ^^^ Great expose Daughn. Gonna go back and read it once or twice moar. So much their to digest.
A couple thoughts if I may.
Mini Mike is also running for president because I suspect majority of his billions are tied directly into China businesses. Yea, that has been my WAG since bloomie started yammering about running for President.
Steyer, much the same, only toss in green energy BS.
Compounding the retirement angle in US, all of the US based retirement funds over weighted in China stocks. Moar retirement funds in US going underfunded…bankrupt…whining for Uncle Sugar to bail them out. Hope President Trump tells them to piss off, after November 3rd 🙂

Gail Combs

Daughn it gets worse…
At this point we have ZERO idea how much money from US pensions and IRAs is invested in China.

CalPERS, the California state pension fund, announced recently that it is investing a total of US$530 million int two China real estate funds managed by ARA Asset Management. The fund will invest $480 million in the ARA Long Term Hold Fund and $50 million in ARA’s Asia Dragon Fund II, according to a press release.
CalPERS, which manages assets worth $237.5 billion had already invested $500 million in ARA Asia Dragon Fund I, according to the release…
The Long Term Hold Fund will target investments in high-quality office buildings in central business districts and retail malls in suburban areas of cities in China and Hong Kong; the Dragon Fund will primarily focus on retail, office and residential property investment in key Chinese cities and Hong Kong as well as Singapore and Malaysia…

February 21, 2020 California Pension Fund Does Not Deny CIO’s Involvement in China’s ‘Thousand Talents Program’

Marcie Frost, the head of California Public Employees’ Retirement System (CalPERS), also admitted that her organization — the largest public pension fund in the country with “approximately $400 billion in global assets — had increased its Chinese investments in 2019 after shifts in “well-established indexes.”
“CalPERS rebalanced its portfolio in light of these changes accordingly, resulting in the removal of 143 stocks and the addition of 198 stocks. Nearly half of the companies added were Chinese companies because the MSCI and FTSE indices changed to include China A-Shares,” she wrote in a Thursday letter to Banks…
Meng emigrated to the U.S. from China to study at the University of California, Davis….
In the 2017 article, Meng mentions that his “roots were in China,” and says that “in human life, if there is an opportunity to serve the motherland, such responsibility and honor cannot be compared to anything.”….

29 March 2019 Hikvision: US pension funds invest in China ‘Big Brother’ firm

Two major US pension funds have refused to comment on their holdings in a Chinese firm whose surveillance equipment is reportedly used in Muslim detention camps.
Both the New York State Teachers’ Retirement System and the California State Teachers’ Retirement System have stakes in Hikvision….

OCTOBER 15, 2019 U.S. pension funds took positions in blacklisted Chinese surveillance company

…CalSTRS owned 4.35 million Hikvision shares at the end of June 30, 2018, the last data available. The holding, owned directly and through emerging market exchange-traded funds, would be worth $24 million at that share count.
The New York State Teachers Retirement System also owned Hikvision, reporting 81,802 shares at the end of June, up from 26,402 shares at the end of 2018, fund disclosures show….
Another major fund investing in Hikvision shares is the Florida Retirement System (FRS), with 1.8 million shares at the end of June….
Risk consultants say the ease with which money used for the retirements of tens of millions of Americans is being invested in such companies should concern U.S. authorities at every level, as well as Americans generally.
“Hikvision has emerged as the corporate poster child for enabling Chinese human rights abuses…
Robinson said that many Americans are unwittingly owning shares in such companies because they are in index funds. “They are picked up by the index providers in sizable numbers and sluiced into U.S. investor portfolios with seemingly very little, if any, due diligence or disclosure in the categories of national security and human rights.”…
One other company among the blacklisted eight that is owned by some of the big pension funds is iFlytek Co Ltd (002230.SZ), a speech-recognition firm. Its shares were owned by funds in Florida, New York State as well as CalSTRS and the California Public Employees Retirement System (CalPERS) indirectly through the iShares MSCI Emerging Markets ETF at their last disclosure dates…..


I smell kickbacks – DiFi and other politician – kickbacks.


Bit Me dead beat druggie kid, Kerry step son…


Probably the kickbacks went to Gov. Newsom or Jerry Brown – maybe Pelosi, DiFi, other California politicians….except Nunes.

Gail Combs
Gail Combs
Gail Combs

adaline also tweets that it was California, Illinois and Nebraska who had usable test kits.


Italy cancels Venice carnival in bid to halt spread of virus


Peter Navarro on Maria – 30 elements in supply chain identified – China, India, Europe
N95 face masks – China put export restrictions on them, then nationalized American company that makes them there😡 Dealing with that this week in TRUMP time, Working on expedited RFP’s
Also working on vaccine and other things we need in TRUMP time
National Security – bring back manufacturing to US
In crises, we have NO ALLIES
Operation Megaflex – China is great Counterfeiter, Amazon enabler, HORROR SHOW – defraud, kill you, burn your house down, pork with swine flu – JFK airport 10% of 1million packages DAILY are contraband


“…China put export restrictions on them, then nationalized American company that makes them there😡
^^^ Guessing we’ll see moar of this. Lots moar. ^^^ American companies are dummies…President Trump warned them…quite publicly.
In crises, we have NO ALLIES

Gail Combs

Here is the 6 minute video

It is amazing how different this is compared to the ‘same’ video on Gatewaypundit


This is a reporter who is from the area of the MD who is now off the Diamond Princess. He has been posting regularly on the doctor and his wife. She is hospitalized in Japan after testing positive. So far the doctor has remained negative


Gail Combs

Good discussion on how to manage the Pandemic
H/T Larry L.

Gail Combs

This is Senator Cotton’s link
2/22/2020 New Chinese study indicates novel coronavirus did not originate in Huanan seafood market

A new study by Chinese researchers indicates the novel coronavirus may have begun human-to-human transmission in late November from a place other than the Huanan seafood market in Wuhan.
The study published on ChinaXiv, a Chinese open repository for scientific researchers, reveals the new coronavirus was introduced to the seafood market from another location, and then spread rapidly from market to market. The findings were the result of analyses of genome-wide data, sources of infection and the route of spread of 93 samples of the novel coronavirus collected from 12 countries across four continents.
The study believes that patient zero transmitted the virus to workers or sellers at the Huanan seafood market. The crowded market facilitated the further transmission of the virus to buyers, which caused a wider spread in early December 2019.
According to the researchers, the new coronavirus experienced two sudden population expansions, including one on January 6, 2020, which was related to the Chinese New Year’s Day holiday.
An earlier expansion occurred on December 8, implying human-to-human transmission may have started in early December or late November, and then accelerated when it reached the Huanan seafood market….


Gail Combs

CDC: TRADE is MUCH MORE IMPORTANT THAN YOU!!! If you die we can replace you….


Gail Combs

Latest from E.M.Smith

Looks like Iran is in the soup big time. A Doctor caught it weeks ago “in a small town” then worked 28 days without protective equipment, then died.
The reported death rate is much higher. (Perhaps Antibody Dependent Enhancement from MERS like virus exposure?)
Then Indonesia has no test kits, so of course no confirmed cases…. but why worry? The test kits are often wrong anyway…

The religious practice implications are being discussed on the Politics (& religion. ..) thread:


Remember when POTUS was warning about the dangers of 5G???
I found this as a response on IET’s twitter feed. The video in this link is about an hour, but well worth the time. She talks about 5G and vaccines in relation to Coronavirus, including the link with cruise ships. May be nothing, but definitely worth considering, especially when you remember POTUS warning us about 5G.

Gail Combs

From Alison on the open thread. I added the quote from the Epoch Times.
The Epoch Times Article says

….The Michigan Department of Health and Human Services confirmed on Feb. 23 that it is currently monitoring 325 people, ClickonDetroit reported.
All the people under observation have been to mainland China within the past two weeks or were passengers on a cruise ship where cases of the virus appeared, said state health officials. Those officials didn’t elaborate on which cruise ship it was.
So far, none of the patients have been quarantined. But Lynn Sutfin, a spokeswoman with the state health agency, told Fox17 that the people have all been asked to self-quarantine at home.
The patients aren’t of a high enough risk to be quarantined at a facility, she said…..

Gail Combs

From Jo Nova’s

Bill In Oz
February 24, 2020 at 6:17 am
Good News ?
“China National Center for Biotechnology Development deputy head Dr Sun Yanrong said that chloroquine, an anti-malarial medication, was selected after several screening rounds of thousands of existing drugs.
The drug is undergoing clinical trials in more than ten hospitals in Beijing, Guangdong province, and Hunan province.
Dr Su said that chloroquine phosphate, which has been used for more than 70 years, was selected from based on earlier studies. (https://doi.org/10.1038/s41422-020-0282-0)
Considering that it is already an approved drug, it can easily be approved for repurposing to treat the coronavirus if further research trials show its efficacy without any side effects.
Coronavirus infected patients treated with chloroquine demonstrated a better drop in fever, improvement of lung CT images, and required a shorter time to recover compared to parallel groups.
The percentage of patients with negative viral nucleic acid tests after treatment was also higher with the anti-malarial drug.
Chloroquine has so far showed no obvious serious adverse reactions in the more than 100 participants in the trials.
Data from the drug’s studies showed ‘certain curative effect’ with ‘fairly good efficacy’.?


I thought I’d print the whole article since it’s not gigantic:
Latest On Coronavirus Drug Research: Chloroquine Another Potential Drug Candidate
Source: Thailand Medical News Feb 23, 2020 11 hours ago
Latest coronavirus drug research indicates that based on early results from clinical trials by Chinese researchers, Chloroquine Phosphate, an antimalarial drug, has a certain curative effects on the novel coronavirus disease (COVID-19).
China National Center for Biotechnology Development deputy head Dr Sun Yanrong said that chloroquine, an anti-malarial medication, was selected after several screening rounds of thousands of existing drugs.
The drug is undergoing clinical trials in more than ten hospitals in Beijing, Guangdong province, and Hunan province.
Dr Su said that chloroquine phosphate, which has been used for more than 70 years, was selected from based on earlier studies. (https://doi.org/10.1038/s41422-020-0282-0)
Considering that it is already an approved drug, it can easily be approved for repurposing to treat the coronavirus if further research trials show its efficacy without any side effects.
Coronavirus infected patients treated with chloroquine demonstrated a better drop in fever, improvement of lung CT images, and required a shorter time to recover compared to parallel groups.
The percentage of patients with negative viral nucleic acid tests after treatment was also higher with the anti-malarial drug.
Chloroquine has so far showed no obvious serious adverse reactions in the more than 100 participants in the trials.
Data from the drug’s studies showed ‘certain curative effect’ with ‘fairly good efficacy’.
The China National Center for Biotechnology Development head Dr Zhang Xinmin said that chloroquine is one of the three drugs that have a promising profile against the new SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus that causes the Covid-19 disease.
The remaining two drugs are anti-flu medicine favipiravir (https://www.thailandmedical.news/news/china-approves-favipiravir-avigan–as-an-experimental-drug-to-treat-coronavirus) and Gilead’s investigational anti-viral candidate remdesivir.( https://www.thailandmedical.news/news/gilead%E2%80%99s-remdesivir-may-turn-out-to-be-a-saviour-in-the-battle-against-the-coronavirus-as-long-as-antiviral-resistance-does-not-occur-)
Favipiravir is currently in a 70-patient trial in Shenzhen, Guangdong province, while remdesivir is under evaluation at more than ten medical institutions in Wuhan.
The Chinese medical experts have “unanimously” suggested that the drug chloroquine be included in the next version of the treatment guidelines and applied in wider clinical trials as soon as possible.
Past research involving vitro experiments showed that it can block virus infections by changing the acidity and basicity value inside the cell and interfering receptors of the SARS coronavirus.
The drug also demonstrates immune-modulating activity, which may enhance its antiviral effect in vivo and is widely distributed in the whole body, including the lungs, after oral administration.
However many medical researchers, pharmaceutical experts and virologist are warning that while vaccine and drug research is being conducted, careful attention should be paid to watch for coronavirus evolution in patients for the emergence of novel mutations, as certain mutations could render all efforts futile.( https://www.thailandmedical.news/news/breaking-news-:-new-studies-emerging-that-confirms-the-coronavirus-is-mutating-and-becoming-more-virulent)
For more on the latest of coronavirus drug research or vaccine developments, keep checking at : https://www.thailandmedical.news/articles/coronavirus


More than 100 wild animals drop dead near coronavirus epicentre in China after workers ‘sprayed too much disinfectant’ to prevent coronavirus

Gail Combs

Actually not surprising.
Remember they are, at this point, drafting able bodied people who have no real training.


BEIJING – China’s leader said Sunday the new coronavirus epidemic is the communist country’s largest-ever public health emergency, but other nations were also increasingly under pressure from the deadly outbreak’s relentless global march.
President Xi Jinping said the epidemic was the “largest public health emergency” since the founding of the People’s Republic in 1949.
“This is a crisis for us and it is a big test,” he said during remarks carried by state television.
In a rare admission, at a meeting to coordinate the fight against the virus, Xi added that China must learn from “obvious shortcomings exposed” during its response.
The World Health Organization (WHO) has praised Beijing for its handling of the epidemic, but China has been criticized at home for silencing early warnings from a whistleblower doctor who later died from the virus.


Concerned Virginian

IRAN, so far as I am able to research, is “officially” reporting 47 cases of the Wuhan Coronavirus, WITH 12 DEATHS.
That is a death rate of ABOUT 30 PERCENT.
I suspect that, given what the Iranian government has been since 1979, that they are VASTLY downplaying the real figures of infected and dead. Like Communist China.


Moar reason to ditch WHO…UN. Maybe President Trump will go that way after November 3rd.


I’m getting more and more nervous about this virus.
Is the killer coronavirus now disease X? World Health Organization expert warns the infection is ‘rapidly’ fitting category for the mysterious pathogen scientists fear will kill 80million


Above web site now shows USA with 53 Corona cases. +18 from yesterday. Wondering where these cases are.
– Normally this web site has a running narrative where cases are popping up. USA details are not there. Huh?
Usually I can look at Johns Hopkins dashboard for gross numbers and within USA, cities with confirmed cases.
– But, today, that web site requires a log in. huh? Dumb? Something not right about that.


Probably have one in bin, spam…
Here’s what I tried to post, less link.
Worldometer, Coronavirus update. Shows USA with 53 cases. +18 from yesterday. Usually this web site shows a running narrative showing cases by date, country, etc. Nothing on these new 18 cases. Huh?
AND, Johns Hopkins dashboard is not working for me today. Wants a log in. Huh?
Gonna shut down PC and see if that unfarkels these web sites.


OK, Johns Hopkins working for me again. It shows USA 35. Taiwan news shows USA 35.
Maybe data base feeding following goofed up at the moment.
– Worldometer, Coronavirus update. Shows USA with 53 cases. +18 from yesterday. Usually this web site shows a running narrative showing cases by date, country, etc. Nothing on these new 18 cases.


“18 new cases in the United States from the Diamond Princess cruise ship.”


So, that is on top of the 14 the DoS allowed in with the initial 300 or so evacuated from diamond Princess.

Gail Combs

From Smiley:
CORONAVIRUS UPDATES in several articles below….lots of info…
South Korea reports 123 New Coronavirus Cases; Italy Declares State of Emergency
link… Feb 23, 2020..
Researchers Find 61.5% of Coronavirus Patients With Severe Pneumonia Won’t Survive
graphics + study flow diagrams + text…
link….Feb 22, 2020..
When US Hospitals and Military Publicly Brace For a Pandemic, You Should Pay Attention
do not trust the numbers coming out of China…US prepping and bracing for impact…but this does not mean panic …
link…Feb 21, 2020…
S. Korea Coronavirus Cases Go Exponential As New Infections Soar By 70%; 10 Towns in Northern Italy Put On Lockdown
hefty article …lots of updated info, vids & graphics…Italy reports first death…trying to control panic…more makeshift hospitals for quarantine underway in Wuhan area…only 3 states (USA) have necessary testing capacity to confront this outbreak (California, Nevada, Illinois)…more updates on the Carnival Japan/Diamond Princess passengers…concerns about the upcoming summer Olympics in Tokyo…and more…
link…Feb 22 with latest updates hours ago…

Gail Combs

Also from Smiley
…and in other places…
CORONAVIRUS UPDATE : Infections Have Now Spread To The Middle East
Key Points…
Four people have died from this virus in Iran; 18 cases confirmed..
Most cases in Iran linked to the city of Qom where China is building a solar power plant…
….and in Lebanon …first case reported : a woman returning from Qom.
more details at the link.

Sadie Slays

Incredibly, Iran’s death toll from the WuFlu has shot up nearly overnight to second place behind China. How convenient that two of America’s enemies are being hardest hit (if you want to count the 12 deaths in Iran as a “hard hit”—more Americans probably died of the common flu last week). And I see that Italy caught some of the WuFlu, too. Remember when we learned last summer that Italian intelligence was involved with Obama’s FISA shenanigans? Very bad luck for America’s enemies.
What kind of pandemic is so incredible selective and favorable toward American interests? It really defies all scientific odds.
It’s almost as if this “coronavirus” is a political purge/hoax/anything other than the super scary disease people have panicked over for two months straight.

Gail Combs

If you do not TEST then you do not FIND. The CDC sent out faulty test kits. And even the ‘good’ test kid returns 59% or more false negatives.
Read between the lines of this story.
Why is a ‘milder strain’ causing more deaths than usual and what is the more severe strain?
February 17 2019 

The current flu season has been milder than last year’s, with the vaccine protecting about half the people who were inoculated and a less severe strain of the virus causing most of the illnesses that do occur.
However, there have been more deaths than usual from that milder strain, and there is evidence a more severe strain of the influenza virus is causing a growing percentage of illnesses….
There have been 11,600 to 19,100 deaths so far.
“The number of deaths we’re seeing is a little bit surprising,” CDC epidemiologist Brendan Flannery told the Wall Street Journal. “It’s a reminder that flu can be severe.”


The Johns Hopkins CSSE site has updated to 53 showing 36 at an undisclosed loation/s.
I do have this link showing 6 now reported in San Antonio. Multiple stories, all short on information except they are all from the Diamond Princess. Picked one for link. https://www.ktsa.com/six-coronavirus-cases-now-reported-in-san-antonio-more-expected/


South Korea is up to almost 900 with 8 deaths. Iran has 61 cases with 12 deaths??? Something way wrong with Iran!! I think we need to stop travel to/from Japan, S Korea, Iran, just stop all of it!!! Close all borders, if anyone wants in, they need to quarantine for 40 days!!

Gail Combs

Since the CDC is not bothering to test for Wuhan Virus, I decided to see if I could get a handle on the numbers from another direction.
These are the bits and pieces I found more or less in date order. Unfortunately their numbers are a bit fussy and they really do not do much testing.
low of ~ 12,000 for 2011-2012 season
high of ~ 56,000 during the 2012-2013 season.
2017-18 season deadliest @ 80,000 deaths.
THIS SEASON (October 1 to May 1)
DECEMBER 13, 2019 At least 1,300 people have died from the flu according to a preliminary estimate released by CDC
FEBRUARY 3, 2020 – This flu season alone has sickened at least 19 million across the U.S. and led to 10,000 deaths and 180,000 hospitalizations
FEBRUARY 17 2019 

The current flu season has been milder than last year’s, with the vaccine protecting about half the people who were inoculated and a less severe strain of the virus causing most of the illnesses that do occur.
However, there have been more deaths than usual from that milder strain, and there is evidence a more severe strain of the influenza virus is causing a growing percentage of illnesses….
There have been 11,600 to 19,100 deaths so far.
“The number of deaths we’re seeing is a little bit surprising,” CDC epidemiologist Brendan Flannery told the Wall Street Journal. “It’s a reminder that flu can be severe.”

FEBRUARY 15, 2020 – This season October 1 2019 to February 15 2020 CDC is using a range… 16,000 to 40,000 deaths.
The CDC can not even COUNT??comment imagecomment image
More at: https://www.cdc.gov/flu/weekly/index.htm

Gail Combs

As we learned when looking at polling numbers it is useful to look at how the data is actually gathered.

…A description of the CDC influenza surveillance system, including methodology and detailed descriptions of each data component is available on the surveillance methods page….

U.S. World Health Organization (WHO) Collaborating Laboratories System and the National Respiratory and Enteric Virus Surveillance System
(Well we now know the idiots at the UN are involved.)

….All public health and clinical laboratories report each week to CDC the total number of respiratory specimens tested for influenza and the number positive for influenza viruses, along with age or age group of the person, if available. Data presented from clinical laboratories include the weekly total number of specimens tested, the number of positive influenza tests, and the percent positive by influenza virus type….

So these are lab specimens TESTED & found positive not Clinically Diagnosed.

Virus Characterization – Most U.S. viruses submitted for virus characterization come from state and local public health laboratories….
specimen submission guidance to public health laboratories for the 2019-2020 season is that, if available, 2 influenza A(H1N1)pdm09, 3 influenza A(H3N2), and 2 influenza B viruses be submitted every other week. Therefore, the numbers of each virus type/subtype characterized should be more balanced across subtypes/lineages but will not reflect the actual proportion of circulating viruses. The goal of antigenic and genetic characterization is to compare how similar the currently circulating influenza viruses are to the reference viruses representing viruses contained in the current influenza vaccines and to monitor evolutionary changes that continually occur in influenza viruses circulating in humans.

This is for future vaccine manufacture

2. Outpatient Illness Surveillance
Information on outpatient visits to health care providers for influenza-like illness is collected through the U.S. Outpatient Influenza-like Illness Surveillance Network (ILINet). ILINet consists of outpatient healthcare providers in all 50 states, Puerto Rico, the District of Columbia and the U.S. Virgin Islands reporting approximately 60 million patient visits during the 2018-19 season…. For this system, ILI is defined as fever (temperature of 100°F [37.8°C] or greater) and a cough and/or a sore throat without a known cause other than influenza.

This is ‘Clinically Diagnosed’

5. Mortality Surveillance
National Center for Health Statistics (NCHS) mortality surveillance data – NCHS collects death certificate data from state vital statistics offices for all deaths occurring in the United States. Pneumonia and influenza (P&I) deaths are identified based on ICD-10 multiple cause of death codes. NCHS surveillance data are aggregated by the week of death occurrence. To allow for collection of enough data to produce a stable P&I percentage, NCHS surveillance data are released one week after the week of death. The NCHS surveillance data are used to calculate the percent of all deaths occurring in a given week that had pneumonia and/or influenza listed as a cause of death…

This is what ever the heck was written on the death certificate.

Feb 3, 2020 – This flu season alone has sickened at least 19 million across the U.S. and led to 10,000 deaths and 180,000 hospitalizations
So maybe 1 in 20 actually are lab tested. The ones who are hospitalized.comment image


On the positive side, the clueless and procrastinators either are now or WILL be prepping today, tomorrow…
Hopefully the D-Rats and clown car president wannabes can behave with some amount of leadership.
Senate to Receive Classified Coronavirus Briefing Tuesday as Trump Admin to Ask for Emergency Funding
The Senate is set to receive a classified briefing on the coronavirus outbreak that has spread to South Korea, Iran and Italy in the past week with dramatic increases in cases in each affected country. The Trump administration is reported to be asking for emergency funding from Congress to address the looming crisis even as the virus has been contained in the U.S. so far.
“All senators will be briefed tomorrow in classified setting on Coronavirus, per Senate sources. They will hear from officials from a variety of agencies, including HHS, DHS, CDC, NIH and State. It comes as administration preps emergency funding request to deal with outbreak”
“Representatives from HHS, CDC, NIH and the State Department will conduct a classified briefing for all senators on the Coronavirus tomorrow morning, a senate source says.”

Gail Combs

Noticed today that the Vit. C is almost out at the local Walmart. I bought the last bottle of Iodoral at the pharmacy/health store. She said that she has not been able to get anymore and has gone to a different manufacturer.
So yes, I think people are starting to notice. All the masks were gone weeks ago too.


Thanks to your posts, and others, this household has one year supply vitamins.
That said, Carson Walmart and COSTCO, yesterday had plenty of vitamins. Also plenty of cleaning supplies. Dunno about today. Expect there has been a run on that stuff today.
Will looksee tomorrow and report back.
Have not looked for masks in over a week. I assume N95, N100 and surgical masks (latter not real effective) are all out of stock.

Concerned Virginian

AND according to The Hill today:
The first person to be infected with the Wuhan Coronavirus related to the U.S. military has been confirmed in South Korea.
The infected person is a 61-year-old widow of the U.S. service member in South Korea.
She tested positive for the virus AFTER she visited the Camp Walker Post Exchange between February 12 and February 15.
Camp Walker is in DAEGU, near the center of the virus outbreak in South Korea.
The U.S. military command in South Korea, along with the South Korean version of the CDC, are now searching for anybody who was in contact with the unnamed woman.

Gail Combs

FROM: Mortality statistics
I culled out death from flu and death from pneumonia.
The ‘release’ of the Wuhun Virus was in late November as far as we know and was scaring the Chinese by the end of December.
October 2019 = week 40
week Flu Pneumonia
5…….342…..2951 (98.1% complete)
I did not look at other years so this may be typical.
You can see the two peaks in the Outpatient Influenza-like Illness Surveillance but it is seen in other years. In a few more weeks if the numbers continue to rise we will know it is not normal.comment imagecomment image

Gail Combs

We really do need decent data on just how contagious and deadly this disease is.
China is NOT wrecking their economy and reputation for an ordinary Flu outbreak. There is something more going on as those high SO2 levels and extra 40 incinerators suggest.
Why do you need 3 times as many incinerators?


Read one location has 18. 3 are down, other 15 are running 24/7. With no window for maintenance, suspect more are/will be breaking down. If incinerators are burning bodies non stop, where do they destroy biological waste? Suspect new units are doing double duty. Hopefully someone’s watching the mobile units which are out in the open and will be able to report if bodies are going in.


Donald J. Trump
“Stock Market starting to look very good to me!”
DJIA down over 1,000 points. Oh, yeah, the wonk’s say “overpriced” and “needed correction”. Well, OK.
“CDC & World Health have been working hard and very smart.”
They’ve been acting like career bureaucrats . . . and worse.
“We are in contact with everyone and all relevant countries.”
Uh-huh. And those countries that have been and are just now getting hit hard are virtually shutting down.
“The Coronavirus is very much under control in the USA.”
Only about 600 tests have been done in the entire country . . . with kits known for false negatives. 47 states aren’t testing at all. At least one state that could test is only testing if you came from Wuhan or were in contact with a known infected person. The WuFlu could very well be hiding among the seasonal flu and flu-like cases while it spreads.
Yes, I read all the comments, and I haven’t any surety of the practical, plain-sense meaning of “The Coronavirus is very much under control in the USA.”


Washington State releases hundreds of people from “public health supervision” over the coronavirus; tests NONE of them for the virus
FTA – Is the CDC ordering U.S. states to halt all testing? Where are the CDC’s replacement test kits that were supposed to fix the broken diagnostic kits shipped out on Feb. 5th?
Why aren’t U.S. states using crime lab equipment to run coronavirus tests?
Why are states like Hawaii reporting that they’ve tested ZERO people for coronavirus?
Why are 47 U.S. states conducting no tests at all?
Why does Google keep linking to the WHO, which is run by communist China and is known to be a criminally negligent propaganda hub of disinformation and pro-China lies?
And why does a U.S. State Dept. employee in Japan think that infections can be blocked on airplanes by using plastic sheeting and duct tape, which is what allowed him to shove infected passengers on the same plane as non-infected passengers, resulting in at least 25 new infections.
Finally, will the United States be any more honest than China when it comes to reporting the truth about the coronavirus?
So far, the answer seems to be a definite no.


Concerning “plastic sheets and duck tape” See video in this story. https://abc13.com/health/14-americans-with-coronavirus-quarantine-transported-to-nebraska-/5938743/
I’m reposting it to show that plastic sheets and duck tape were not used and a more robust method was used. One that very well could of worked if it had not been circumvented as demonstrated by the video posted below.
However now after watching the video here and the one below I seem to notice that the video here appears to have as it’s first person in the plane shown in the video flashing her victory sign to be the same one that lied about her health in the video below and you can also see her infected husband sitting next to her.
I’m being purely speculative here and should just leave this alone. This being that the same person flashing the victory sign in the aircraft and the one later saying she and her husband lied to get on the plane might be indicative of something more is going on that we are not aware of. Since we do engage in white hat vs black theories I think I might be amiss if we didn’t at least explore the following.
This is based on the assumption that the two persons in both vids are the same person.
If this was done on purpose (it may just be a coincidence) then it has further objectives that would lead to effecting the next election via crashing the economy and or something even more sinister in that it fufills the Georgia Guide Stones purpose and thus deserves a more serious talk than I’m capable of vocalizing at this time. (more eyes and thoughts please).
So now I’m wondering if this virus is being spread on purpose.
Were these two videos made to thwart surveillance while still getting wide enough coverage to people clued in to watch the two videos so that success in this phase of the scheme had been achieved?
Too easy to find players for this and insert them on the ship well ahead of time. Also too easy to provide them with something to starve off the virus until they could get medical help. They could of brought on medicines with them on that cruise that are now left scattered with other medicines brought to the ship once the infections started to rage.
Anyways. Has work to get done so leaves this here though I’d say more if I didn’t. Just something to consider.


Well-placed UV lights could stop spread of virus aboard ships and on airplanes.


Perhaps, but the the container they built in the special striped out 747 that you can see in the video was far superior and should of worked except it was circumvented by these two passengers you can see in both the video above and below in my two posts.


Okay, this got weirder. Replayed the video again. At the 42 second mark she has her mask off and puts her finger up to get the camera to focus on her. No one else on the plane is doing anything similar. For what ever reason she wanted to be seen. This deserves more scrutiny even if it dead ends.


Just to tie this up a bit further, still pure speculation, however if your job was to spread the virus and equally important to let people know it was being spread then I’d say she accomplished both objectives through both videos.
That she and her husband are the cause for more infections I don’t think can be doubted since numbers of infected for the San Antonio group has gone up and not because of the containment box which likely did its job, but for them because they hid their status as possible carriers as admitted to in the below vid.


All this makes me want to rethink the video of the three men who got of their vehicle in bio suits at which time they checked their weapons and walked off camera where we saw the next scene with people lying on the ground as shots could be heard in the back ground.
Now it seems it wasn’t just a simple culling but instead a targeted hit with the purpose of video being to let someone know they are getting loose ends cleaned up.


I might of mentioned this as part of post here or on one of the daily’s a day or so ago but has finally re-found the link. Looked for it again when I read Patfredrick’s post on the State Department Dweeb that over ruled Trump in allowing Diamond Princess flights to the US.
Something else the State Department brain over looked. American Passengers Lie to get on Plane from Diamond Princess then come down with fever on flight.


Just another late note to this pure speculation.
This woman is from Omaha Nebraska according to the skype interview. The coincidence is that flight into Lackland and Travis carrying the Diamond Prince known infected passengers both ended up in Omaha Nebraska as did additional infected passengers that were diagnosed during quarantine in San Antonio and Travis I’d assume. Not that I think she was on that flight. Likely a follow on flight later, I’d assume having followed the progression in numbers from the Hopkins site.
Other than that it’s also interesting that Nebraska is one of the four states that have testing kits.
Mind you all said on this subject is mostly speculation and can likely be explained.


Further check the Goldman’s are from Sant Clarita, CA. Own radio station there. Plays conservative talk after 9PM. The interviewer stated her location, not where she was from. Her calling attention to herself was likely because she is capable of drawing an audience, vast friends and they were doing a blog for the entire stint from the Diamond Princess.


Richard H. Ebright
China has performed nearly 200,000 tests. South Korea has performed nearly 28,000 tests. Meanwhile, US–with most expensive, but most dysfunctional, healthcare system on planet–has performed just 414 tests and has little or no capacity to perform more (https://cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-ncov/cases-in-us.html…)
Update: CDC numbers have been just updated from 414 tests from Jan 29-Feb 21 (an appallingly poor throughput of 17 tests per day) to 426 tests from Jan 21-Feb 24 (an even more appallingly poor throughput of 16 tests per day).


Our health bureaucracies were made PC and Dishonest because of Øbastard and the LBGTXYZ agenda.
They have covered up serious facts about the perverse lifestyles and youth/college sexual libertinism/experimentation.
One Psychiatrist/Medical Doctor was fired because she saw the effects of the hook-up culture on young minds and bodies.
Yet even Dr. Grossman is too PC to admit that homo/bisexual behaviors have far worse negative consequences/effects.
Syndemic – definition – when several diseases occur at once and the multiple symptoms complicate, make the patient’s case many times worse, even prevent some kinds of treatment.

Gail Combs

The ‘cytokine storm’ is what kills or causes severe illness in people infected with the Wuhan Virus.
2015 Jul 20: The cytokine storm of severe influenza and development of immunomodulatory therapy
Funded by the National Nature Science Foundation of China and Yi Chang Scientific and Technological Bureau

Severe influenza remains unusual in its virulence for humans. Complications or ultimately death arising from these infections are often associated with hyperinduction of proinflammatory cytokine production, which is also known as ‘cytokine storm’. For this disease, it has been proposed that immunomodulatory therapy may improve the outcome, with or without the combination of antiviral agents. Here, we review the current literature on how various effectors of the immune system initiate the cytokine storm and exacerbate pathological damage in hosts. We also review some of the current immunomodulatory strategies for the treatment of cytokine storms in severe influenza, including corticosteroids, peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor agonists, sphingosine-1-phosphate receptor 1 agonists, cyclooxygenase-2 inhibitors, antioxidants, anti-tumour-necrosis factor therapy, intravenous immunoglobulin therapy, statins, arbidol, herbs, and other potential therapeutic strategies.

The study then goes on to look at not only drugs but things like
“…Interestingly, an investigation showed that vitamin C was beneficial for patients suffering from severe avian influenza.41 In fact, many plant-derived antioxidants (e.g., polyphenol, flavonoids, etc.) could also reduce the damage of epithelial cells and the mortality of mice caused by lethal influenza.42,43,44 However, current evidence indicates that monotherapy using antioxidants had a limited effect on cytokine storm, and a combination with antivirals would still be needed.”…

Herbs may also be a potential choice for patients hospitalized with severe influenza. Several Chinese herbal prescriptions were recommended and authorized by the Chinese government during the 2009 H1N1 and 2013 H7N9 pandemics.65,66 Systematic reviews for clinical trials of these herbs used in influenza treatment have revealed that few herbal medicines showed a positive effect on viral shedding, but they had a positive effect on resolution or relief of symptoms.67,68 Moreover, many herbs exhibit beneficial immunomodulatory effects for the rapid recovery of viral infections and might be effective treatments for infection with severe influenza.69 We have reported that extracts from Jiawei-Yupingfeng-Tang (a traditional Chinese herbal formula) can alleviate influenza-induced lung lesions with both antiviral and immunomodulatory activity.70 We also have confirmed that epigallocatechin gallate (EGCG), a green tea-derived polyphenol, can inhibit the pathogenesis of influenza-infected cells due to its antioxidant activity.71 Polyphenols, triterpenoids, and flavonoids, all from herbs, may potentially be active components in protecting against cytokine storm during severe influenza (unpublished data). However, confirmation in a larger series of clinical studies is required.


As I recall reading – the 2019 Coronavirus (2019CoV) has distinctive (tell-tale) unnaturally occuring features of HIV and even Ebola…which show it was tailor-made and intended to be deadly and contagious than other coronaviruses.
In other words, it was intended to be a BIOWEAPON.
Am I mistaken – or are there links to confirm or refute this?


AS I understand it, the jury is out on bioweapon.
That said, I’d bet heavily it IS bioweapon. AND, China owns it 100%. They let it out. Accident or not, China owns it. Also betting accident. Personnel broke procedures or equipment failure.


There’s tangential evidence at this point that this is a bio weapon and the HIV component was pursued in Australia according to Dr. Boyle in the last third of this vid. https://www.naturalnews.com/2020-02-20-full-transcript-smoking-gun-interview-prof-frances-boyle-coronavirus-bioweapons.html

Gail Combs

Here are your links:
(Remove *)
This is about the study from India:
This is the article that was removed:
This is the article that got Zerohedge permanently banned from Twitter:
Is This The Man Behind The Global Coronavirus Pandemic?
This is Dr Boyle’s Transcript. He drafted the Biological Weapons Act and is very angry about the situation. It is an Alex Jones video but there is the transcript you can read to save your ears.
FINALLY I took a look at the 2015 paper that Dr Boyle discuses and his statements in the transcript on page 2
If you put all the bits and pieces together it looks like the early work was done before 2010 in Australia and 2015 in North Carolina.
“Archives of Virology 2010, 155. And here, Wuhan was working with an institute in Australia to DNA genetically engineer a super bioweapon involving SARS and HIV.” — Dr Boyle from the Jones interview.
During Obama’s Admin the University of North Carolina and Wuhan worked on the second paper. It was written in 2015.
Then last year Chinese agents working at a Canadian lab were caught smuggling samples of deadly viruses.
That lab had a Saudi SARS Sample as well as other nasties.
“This Coronavirus sample was acquired by Scientific Director Dr. Frank Plummer of Canada’s National Microbiology Laboratory (NML) in Winnipeg directly from Fouchier, who received it from Zaki. This virus was reportedly stolen from the Canadian lab by Chinese agents.”
* https://www.zerohedge.com/geopolitical/did-china-steal-coronavirus-canada-and-weaponize-it
Was this the ‘base’ virus used for experimenting in Wuhan using the methods learned in Australia and North Carolina?
The reaction of the Chinese government indicates this is not a typical flu and is instead an accidental release of a bioweapon.
Also the USA developed a vaccine extremely rapidly— Less than 2 months — is this because the virus is KNOWN from the UNC work and a vaccine was ALREADY part way in the works?


WOW – thank you Gail – you are our champion of links, facts, data!

Gail Combs

You are very welcome.


As noted above, the “cytokine storm” has been given attention as the death mechanism for WuFlu, with attendant interest in strategies to potentially reduce the magnitude of this “storm”.
The “cytokine storm” associated with the Avian Flue was suppressed in mice, but did not significantly affect mortality in the following investigation.
Perhaps suppression of the “cytokine storm” is not an effective strategy.
Inhibition of the cytokine response does not protect against lethal H5N1 influenza infection
Because proinflammatory cytokines are markedly elevated during H5N1 influenza virus infection, the “cytokine storm” is hypothesized to be the main cause of mortality. Here, we demonstrate that mice deficient in the hallmark inflammatory cytokines TNF-α, IL-6, or CC chemokine ligand 2 succumb to infection with A/Vietnam/1203/04 (H5N1) virus, as do wild-type mice treated with glucocorticoids for suppression of cytokines. Because cytokine inhibition does not protect against death, therapies that target the virus rather than cytokines may be preferable.


Ummm . . . full disclosure. I am taking 3,000 mg+ of vitamin C daily currently, and will continue in the future along with drinking Gunpowder Green tea as a possible strategy to reduce the effects of WuFlu, should I be unfortunate enough to contract it.

Gail Combs

Join the crowd. 🤣
I am also taking B12 and D3.
I have been fighting a cold. Sinus aches mostly. I used steam and hot towels on the face all day. Then I finally used a ZiCam. My achy sinus cleared up before the tablet finished dissolving and it has been two days with very few symptoms….
Looks like the combination worked for this virus.👏👏👏👏


Lately, I’ve tried Red Rose Tea (reg and decaf) with lemon and honey (local) whenever I feel an illness coming on and it seems to knock it out (so far).


Red Rose Tea is a British brand in our local Publix – and it smells like a Tea Rose… but it’s just black, not green, tea – I really like it – it’s never bitter.

Gail Combs

Red Rose used to be my go to for black tea. How ever I switched to Twinnings black teas when I gave up sugar in my tea. Prince of Wales or Darjeeling are my favorits but now I am stuck with Decaf English breakfast.
I really liked Chase & Sanborn in college, it was never bitter, but it is a commercial tea and not available to the public.

Concerned Virginian

And this just happened:
per The New York Times today:
The Deputy Health Minister for IRAN, Iraj Harirchi, has tested positive for the Wuhan Coronavirus,
Mr. Harirchi was in apparent discomfort on yesterday during a news briefing. He tested positive later in the day,

Gail Combs

Iran is in a world of hurt. I wonder how John Kerry is doing.🤣
Anyone tested him and the Piglosi delegation for the Wuhan Coronavirus?
GEE maybe that is why there is such a rush on the vaccine and the closed door briefing. 😲🙃



China has smeared itself with sub-grade steel, exploding ovenware, toxic deadly dog and baby food, ocean pollution, cyber-theft, financial/economic misdeeds, including currency manipulation, fake cites, persecution of Christians…. the list is endless!

Gail Combs

And yet our government has been doing just that all of my life starting with Lenin and Stalin.



Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Something very weird about HIGH-LEVEL Iranians getting it first. Did China transfer bioweapons to Iran and have some kind of accident? Did Iranians visit the Wuhan lab? Something is weird here.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

WOW. Yup. I’ll bet they were REGIME KIDS.


I read China was building a Solar factory in Iran…Chinese labor in the mix.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

This makes a lot of sense. Chinese workers. That is NOT GOOD for Korea and Japan.

Gail Combs

At this point the Chinese are turning into fleas carrying the Black Death.
And no I do not blame the Chinese I blame the Communist Party that instead of listening to the 8 doctors shut them up instead.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Communism / socialism are inherently all about politics as their highest holy of holies. Protecting THE PARTY is the top mission. People die? NOT A PROBLEM.
Communism = Political GANGSTERISM. Just like financial gangsterism = BANKSTERISM.


Tired of delays, U.S. labs ask FDA to develop their own coronavirus tests
CHICAGO (Reuters) – U.S. state and local public health laboratories are seeking permission from the Food and Drug Administration to create their own tests for the new coronavirus as manufacturing and regulatory issues continue to delay access to testing capabilities.
As of Monday, only five U.S. states – California, Illinois, Nebraska, Nevada and Tennessee – have the capability to test for the virus, according to the Association of Public Health Laboratories (APHL).

Gail Combs

E.M.Smith says:
Interesting look at China lost cases:

According to Thailand Medical News, hundreds of thousands of residents in nursing homes and old-age homes are infected, with many dying on a daily basis. Also, mass infections and deaths across prisons nationwide have been brought to light.
Here are some excerpts:
“Yesterday, brave investigative Chinese journalists from Caixin media uncovered that that many state controlled nursing and old-aged homes throughout China where there are hundreds of thousands of elderly residents are infected with the coronavirus and many were dying on a daily basis. One example was that of a nursing home in Wuhan where deaths and infected cases were not added to the daily tolls. ( For full details of the report , visit: https://www.caixinglobal.com/2020-02-25/exclusive-cluster-of-death-found-at-wuhan-nursing-home-near-seafood-market-101519854.html )
“There are more than 14,823 such nursing homes throughout China housing more than 3.2 million citizens.
“Already cases of mass infections and deaths across prisons nationwide have been brought to light.”
See entire article:

Gail Combs

This is what I am trying to warn about in the daily thread…
E.M. Smith

Over 80k all told now:
“Coronavirus Cases:
South Korea at 977
Italy at 287
Outside Hubei, fatality rate near 1%, inside near 5% as medical care limited.

If you do not have good medical care (oxygen) your death rate shoots up.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

This is an absolutely critical post, and this is also why it went into spam.
Those EVIL BASTARDS at AKISMET, WORDPRESS, and AUTOMATTIKKK. If they keep doing this to your coronavirus posting, which could save millions of lives, I’m going to push for FEDERAL CHARGES related to suppression of research and analysis.
DO YOU HEAR ME AUTOMATTIC? Gail Combs’ post here could save millions of lives, and your socialists at Akismet tried to hide it. I hope that Trump’s people see this. Something is VERY WRONG with Automattic, WordPress and Akismet. Why the hell would you want more people to die?
Gail – feel free to complain to Automattikkk about this one, although I think there will be a big post coming.


FWIW. Local observation Carson City, NV.
Home Depot, less than `~eight respirators. Two disposable. Six or so 3M masks.
Two Walmarts, Large gaps in multi-vitamins and letter vitamins for adults and children. Same for pain reliever stuff like aspirin, Tylenol…
COSTCO, seemed to have the normal spread of vitamins. Depth of stock not apparent.


Still think the global supply chain is fine? Proctor & Gamble warns of 17,600 products using 9,000 materials from 387 factories in China… ALL impacted by the coronavirus pandemic
In yet another devastating piece of news for the financial markets and global supply chains, consumer products giant Proctor & Gamble has warned that the company’s 17,600 products used 9,000 materials that come from 387 factories / suppliers across China, and that all of them may be disrupted by the coronavirus pandemic.
Some of the many products P&G represents include Dawn dish soap, Tide, Bounce, Cascade, Gain, Ivory soap, Joy, Pantene, Head & Shoulders, Crest, Scope mouthwash, Oral-B, Covergirl, Olay, Gillette, Tampax, Always, Charmin, Tampax, Old Spice and many more.</b?


I’m a lot older than you – if my memory is correct, Colgate preceded Crest. Before toothpaste, there was tooth powder.

Gail Combs

Larry L.
“Lessons from the Black Plague.”
Too bad the CDC doesn’t take note…

One of my early hero’s Nikolay Lobachevsky, founder of non-Euclidean geometry, took common sense precautions during a cholera epidemic (slide 17) and minimized the deaths at his university.

There is really nothing better on the web about him unfortunately .

Gail Combs

David A says:
“The group quarantine practice in China, which I called murder, is apparently turning into just that.”

new reports are emerging that many of its field hospitals and health detention centers that were set up in sports stadiums, exhibition halls and schools that was meant to either serve as quarantine areas or to treat suspected cases are now turning up to be new hotbeds that are spreading the coronavirus.
One facility in Huanggang City that houses almost 6 thousand individuals that are being quarantined reported yesterday evening that almost 32 percent of its residents have now tested positive for the coronavirus.
It estimated that there are about 462 such field hospitals nationwide, housing more than 1.8 million people in total. Conditions inside make perfect incubation centers for the coronavirus as it is often overcrowded with filthy sanitation services and enclosed with not much fresh air.
Chinese health authorities refused to comment on this but an investigation has been launched since yesterday on this new development according to city officials from Huanggang.”

Add that to the prisons and old folks homes, looks like the Chinese are killing off a lot of people. No wonder the Chinese people are resisting getting tossed into those metal boxes!


I thought from the beginning that people forced to live with others who are infected, by quarantine (as on a cruise ship), were being placed in danger. I guess the alternative would be for everyone to self-quarantine at home. But at some point food and supplies could run out, so preparedness is vital, even for those who are not infected, because supply chains could be interrupted.

Gail Combs

It certainly makes sense to buy ahead if you have the money. It has been a bit of a stretch (Hubby is screaming) But we should be good for 2 to 3 months as long as the electricity doesn’t quit or we can get fuel for the generators.


^^^ My assumptions are electricity, water, sewer, gas and trash will happen as usual. If they hold, I am good for 3+ months. If utilities fail or are not delivered, planned alternatives shorten somewhat.
But in the Corona scenario, gotta believe utilities will be reliable.
My trip wire is two twelve year old grandsons and son at UNR. Schools gotta shut down, IF Corona becomes ‘”local”. Like a 24 day or 27 day shutdown.

Concerned Virginian

OK, so I’m going to put this on the table:
First, the disclaimer: I’ll make it clear that I am NOT an investment advisor. I’m summarizing the email I received early this morning from my personal investment advisor.
Second, please take this in light of the WARNING that the CDC issued today about the INCREASING LIKELYHOOD of a MAJOR outbreak of the Wuhan Coronavirus in the United States.
The “down and dirty summary” of the email I received this morning is as follows — and mind you, this is from a highly-respected investment house based in the U.S.:
*** The Chief Investment Officer talks about “flight to quality” (translation — gold / US Dollar / Treasuries.
Also — Bonds — except that yields are taking a hit. However, Bonds represent a “safety measure” as opposed to the equities market.
Real Estate and Utilities (equities that were long ago called “Widows and Orphans Stocks”) are choices to think about possibly incorporating into an investment mix, especially if they aren’t already represented.
*** The Health Care Analyst for Equity Research: This person’s conclusion, after performing research, is that the LIKELYHOOD of an MAJOR OUTBREAK of the Wuhan Coronavirus in the U.S. going from a previous 1 in 5 to now a 1 IN 3. “In out view, it is probably time to call this a pandemic.”
*** The Director of Equity Portfolio and Technical Strategy: This person’s conclusion is that the market was overdue for a correction. Also, for people who wish to have liquidity, provide safety, and “stay out of the way” of what is going to be a volatile market, judiciously-chosen fixed income and Treasuries are good options to consider.
For those of us “of a certain age” who well remember how long it took for investment portfolios to correct to anywhere back to normal after the market crashes of 1987 and 2007 – 2009, it appears that nobody really knows the down dynamics of the current equities market. The email I received today is sprinkled with “if”, “should”, and “we feel”.
There is also the fight between the “gut feeling” of rushing to liquidate one’s entire equity holdings and going into cash or cash equivalents — or “riding it out” with perhaps a tweak or two to one’s existing portfolio. My opinion is that there can be a “middle way” which would most likely be a path unique to each individual investor. Perhaps one could discuss with one’s adviser about rebalancing the portfolio; perhaps making a change from a “total return” or “aggressive” portfolio toward a “balanced return” portfolio; perhaps it may be a discussion about exposure to overseas equities. Perhaps there are tax considerations and/or income from investments that would be negatively effected by a major change in a portfolio.These are things that each investor can “talk turkey” to their adviser about. It’s YOUR money; it doesn’t belong to the adviser or brokerage house. Unless a person’s total financial portfolio consists of laddered CD’s or fixed-income annuities, there may well be room to explore other options.

Gail Combs

Actually if this does go into a pandemic here in the USA and across the world, I do not think people will hang it on President Trump although the DemonRats will certainly try.
He stepped in and STOPPED the air traffic from China and put in at least some sort of checks and quarantine.
Also WHERE are the deaths going to be? The homeless camps in San FranFeces and the other California cities.
President Trump has been trying to get the DemonRats to clean things up and they have been ‘Resisting’
President Trump has even sent the EPA in to try and clean up the mess the Democrats made.
FOX: Trump says EPA to slap San Francisco with violations related to homeless population
USA Today: ‘We can’t have our cities going to hell’: Donald Trump threatens environmental action against San Francisco
EPA Issues Violation Notice to San Francisco
Mayor London Breed says the violation notice contains “mischaracterizations, inaccuracies and falsehoods” and says the city’s sewer system is one of the most effective in the country
So while the mess will not help President Trump, I do not think it will hurt him as much as the DemonRats think. It may actually HELP the GOP on the down ticket side if President Trump handles it correctly.


Last I read, Canada is still working USMCA. Going slower than initially thought as twinkle socks lost some supports in their last election. BUT, the articles I read a couple weeks ago were all positive, Canada will pass USMCA.
Of course, IF Canada does not pass USMCA, President Trump will trash NAFTA, a six month count down as I recall.
Seperately, however Corona goes and I think we’ll be OK. Can’t define that OK at the moment.
President Trump WILL be reelected. Corona is NOT President Trump’s fault. Americans know that.
President Trump has been and will deliver strong leadership regarding Corona AND ultimately our economy will be strengthened. Nationalism. Jobs. Manufacturing. Borders. Throttle China…


Business News
January 27, 2020 / 11:03 AM / a month ago
Canada kicks off USMCA ratification process, urges bi-partisan co-operation
OTTAWA (Reuters) – Canada’s minority Liberal government kicked off the ratification process for a new continental trade pact on Monday and urged opposition lawmakers to formally approve the deal as quickly as possible.
Canada is the only country still to ratify the trilateral United States-Mexico-Canada Agreement (USMCA), which updates the 25-year-old North American Free Trade Agreement.
Deputy Prime Minister Chrystia Freeland, who led Canada’s negotiating team, urged lawmakers to set partisanship aside. The Liberals do not control the House of Commons and must rely on opposition legislators to govern.

Gail Combs

Butterfly has more on how President Trump is handling the virus:

February 26, 2020 at 01:20
Peter Navarro on Tucker, WH Coronavirus Plan is 4 part strategy being executed on TRUMP TIME
1- HHS has RFP tomorrow for personal protective equipment, includes 1/2 Billion Masks, gloves, suits
2- 3 Treatment options, 1-remdesivir IV drug in clinical trials, trying to secure dosage 2-Develop oral antivirals in rapid time 3-monoclonal antibodies to help build up immune system
3-vaccine development in 1/2 time
4-point of care diagnostics, adapting handheld devices to be able to do field diagnostics
Since Jan 29 they’ve been on this doing it all in TRUMP TIME
POTUS a is taking care of us. I trust him.




The 1918 “Spanish” Flu “majorly killed young adults with strong immune systems
Most influenza outbreaks disproportionately kill juvenile, elderly, or already weakened patients. However the 1918 flu predominantly killed healthy young adults. Individuals between the ages of 20-40 accounted for nearly half of the fatalities. This abnormal result is believed to have been caused due to ‘cytokine storm’ in which the immune system over responds to the threat of infection. Thus, the strong immune system of young adults ravaged their bodies while the population with a weaker immune system was able to recover.

Gail Combs

That is why the ‘cytokine storm’ in relation to this virus is worrying.


Is the ‘cytokine storm’ different than sepsis?

Gail Combs

Cytokine storm and sepsis disease pathogenesis.
Cytokines in Sepsis: Potent Immunoregulators and Potential Therapeutic Targets—An Updated View

Sepsis and septic shock are among the leading causes of death in intensive care units worldwide. Numerous studies on their pathophysiology have revealed an imbalance in the inflammatory network leading to tissue damage, organ failure, and ultimately, death. Cytokines are important pleiotropic regulators of the immune response, which have a crucial role in the complex pathophysiology underlying sepsis. They have both pro- and anti-inflammatory functions and are capable of coordinating effective defense mechanisms against invading pathogens. On the other hand, cytokines may dysregulate the immune response and promote tissue-damaging inflammation. In this review, we address the current knowledge of the actions of pro- and anti-inflammatory cytokines in sepsis pathophysiology as well as how these cytokines and other important immunomodulating agents may be therapeutically targeted to improve the clinical outcome of sepsis.

Looks like the term Sepsis is an older term and it refers to a body wide attack by the immune system. Cytokines are the chemicals that regulate the immune response so ‘Cytokine storm’ is the newer more technical term.
In the case of this virus it is the lungs although I have seen some reports of the body wide attack.
Very short video (11 min.) on how the Wuhan virus kills and the treatment:


Thank you – saved.
Our daughter spent a month last fall in the hospital with sepsis that caused heart arrythmia. It was possibly caused by aspiration…but the doctors were never sure.

Gail Combs

I am not sure if I already posted this or not.
E.M.Smith says:
25 February 2020 at 6:28 pm
Interesting look at China lost cases:
According to Thailand Medical News, hundreds of thousands of residents in nursing homes and old-age homes are infected, with many dying on a daily basis. Also, mass infections and deaths across prisons nationwide have been brought to light.
Here are some excerpts:

“Yesterday, brave investigative Chinese journalists from Caixin media uncovered that that many state controlled nursing and old-aged homes throughout China where there are hundreds of thousands of elderly residents are infected with the coronavirus and many were dying on a daily basis. One example was that of a nursing home in Wuhan where deaths and infected cases were not added to the daily tolls.( For full details of the report , visit: https://www.caixinglobal.com/2020-02-25/exclusive-cluster-of-death-found-at-wuhan-nursing-home-near-seafood-market-101519854.html )
“There are more than 14,823 such nursing homes throughout China housing more than 3.2 million citizens.
“Already cases of mass infections and deaths across prisons nationwide have been brought to light.”
See entire article:



The Spanish flu struck during the First World War. Reports of illness and mortality due to the flu were minimized in countries including US, Britain, Germany and France due to wartime press censorship as it was considered that the news of the flu would be detrimental to the war effort. This allowed the flu to spread rapidly and by the time the newspapers reported it, the disease was running its course throughout the population.


After the lethal second wave which struck in late 1918, new cases dropped abruptly. The reason for the rapid decline of the disease might be that the virus mutated extremely rapidly to a less lethal strain. Influenza viruses usually become less lethal with time as the hosts of more dangerous strains tend to die out and this might have been the case with the 1918 flu too.
Dr Andrew Price-Smith, an expert on the effects of Pandemic Influenza, has made the argument that the 1918 Influenza Pandemic shifted the balance of World War I in favor of the Allies as the Central Powers Germany and Austria were hit by the flu before the Allied Powers and as the morbidity and mortality rates there were higher.

Gail Combs

This is an interesting development with Nancy Messonnier. She started under Clinton and was appointed by Obama to her present position. She is Senior Executive Service aka ‘Deep State, the un-fireable managers just below the presidential appointees who actually run the country.
From what Bobby is saying she is going full ROGUE ‘RESIST’ Looks like all the mess-ups on testing were not mistakes but more likely sabotage.
As usual from Chiefio site but links to OT

BobbyCannoli says:
26 February 2020 at 2:38 am
@Gail Combs
“CDC also stated in there live conference call: “The situation may be over whelming, and disruptions to everyday life may be severe” ”
Interestingly, the doctor making that statement is apparently going rogue compared to the official CDC and HHS secretary positions. Further interesting point, that doctor happens to be Rod Rosenstein’s sister! So, perhaps there’s a political angle to it!
So, we’re either not getting the right news officially, and it’s “worse than we thought (TM)”, or, somebody is making it seem worse to reflect badly on the administration.
Who knows!?!!?


If you are certain about the sabotage – please contact President Trump!

Gail Combs

Not certain just a gut feeling.
There have been too many STUPID moves in direct defiance of common sense and even orders.
I am very sure President Trump is more aware of what is going on than we are.


Yes! President Trump knows what the hell is going on. His supports are also dialed in. They’ll see the CDC failures to be ready and execute necessary steps, back stabbing, mis-direction, etc.
President Trump reads a lot. Listens intently. IF nothing else, the faulty test kits are a huge red flag. Lack of serious testing, like why not broad based testing? Why only CDC can evaluate tests?
Nancy, RR sis, IF she is as facked up as we suspect, she best be careful. She’ll be publicly discarded after being totally discredited.
AND, when I worked as GS there were areas, financial and personnel “I” could be held liable. The Command also. But ME, held liable. Betting, or hoping CDC SES are in same boat. Of course, someone would have to hold her, them accountable. Corona going bad could swing that.

Gail Combs

OH, I hope she can be held accountable if she has been deliberately fanning an epidemic. In my book that is MURDER!

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

#Xivirus – there you go!


Gail Combs

Remember E.M. is an economist by training.
E.M.Smith says:
26 February 2020 at 12:55 am
“A 45 minute audio only podcast on stock markets, Federal / Central Banks, the plunge, and likely causes and futures. IMHO, these guys have it right.”

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Gail – where did you post about supplemental oxygen being the big difference in mortality? I need a pointer to that. I want to give this big attention. I think that OUTPATIENT OXYGEN may be the key to really beating this thing overall.


This may be part of the answer to the oxygen question.
Below YT video is superb. Eleven minutes. Readers Digest style.
Explains quite clearly, How Coronavirus kills: Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome.


Above link didn’t work. trying…

Gail Combs

Wolfie I did a long synopsis starting with this comment:
That has the video.on how the Wuhan virus kills and the treatment:

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy



Peter Navarro on Tucker, WH Coronavirus Plan is 4 part strategy being executed on TRUMP TIME
1- HHS has RFP tomorrow for personal protective equipment, includes 1/2 Billion Masks, gloves, suits
2- 3 Treatment options, 1-remdesivir IV drug in clinical trials, trying to secure dosage 2-Develop oral antivirals in rapid time 3-monoclonal antibodies to help build up immune system
3-vaccine development in 1/2 time
4-point of care diagnostics, adapting handheld devices to be able to do field diagnostics
Since Jan 29 they’ve been on this doing it all in TRUMP TIME
POTUS a is taking care of us. I trust him.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Yes, I think he’s on this.
As for CDC gal warning, the more I think about it, the more I think it’s not too rogue. People need to stock up for stay-at-home quarantines. That requires people not dismissing the idea of actual disruptions. So unless she goes into screaming fits about “WE’RE ALL GONNA DIE”, then stating that disruptions are likely, particularly in some areas, may be reasonable.

Gail Combs

Wolfie Trump is on this and WAY before the outbreak. Makes me think he had advanced knowledge.
Executive Order on Modernizing Influenza Vaccines in the United States to Promote National Security and Public Health
Issued on: September 19, 2019
February 25, 2020: COVID-19 Vaccine Shipped, and Drug Trials Start

Moderna Therapeutics, a biotech company based in Cambridge, Mass., has shipped the first batches of its COVID-19 vaccine. The vaccine was created just 42 days after the genetic sequence of the COVID_19 virus, called SARS-CoV-2, was released by Chinese researchers in mid-January. The first vials were sent to the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID), part of the National Institutes of Health (NIH) in Bethesda, MD, which will ready the vaccine for human testing as early as April.
NIH scientists also began testing an antiviral drug called remdesivir that had been developed for Ebola, on a patient infected with SARS-CoV-2. The trial is the first to test a drug for treating COVID-19, and will be led by a team at the University of Nebraska Medical Center….

I think President Trump was aware that quarantine with a porous border and reliance on world commerce just was not going to work. He also would be aware that the CDC was full of Obama’s anti-human embeds. So instead of fighting the CDC he went around them.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

I know this may be a weird idea, but I’ll bet a lot of people can be saved with outpatient oxygen. It’s already WAY CHEAPER than hospitalization, and can be administered by family members.
Also, there may be ways to get it mass produced and cheaply delivered using existing aerosol can technologies.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

I’m trying to think of ways to THWART these globalist population engineers trying to kill off oldsters.
And maybe BANNING certain types of experimentation might not be a bad idea. Yeah, we have to study pathogens, but creating new and deadly ones is an unacceptable risk to humanity. Damn CCP needs to be TAKEN DOWN, and HOUSE GLOBO with them.


When Corona is under control, largely minimized, China WILL have a serious reckoning from global community.
BEST OF ALL, President Trump will use ChiCom AND Corona AS a sledgehammer for Nationalism, disengage from China economically.
100%, President Trump figured this out before a month ago.

Gail Combs

“…And maybe BANNING certain types of experimentation might not be a bad idea. “
Wolfie it is ALREADY BANNED!
That is why Dr Boyle went ballistic on the Alex Jones Show. Dr Boyle is responsible for drafting the Biological Weapons Anti-terrorism Act and taking the idea all the way to the United Nations. AND he is ACCUSING UNC, the Obama Admin. AND China of violating that act.


Yes and not just with Obama violating the act, but allowing China access into our Universities to fund and most importantly take part in the research and on top of that to tell the Australians “hey, China’s good, you should of seen how well they helped us out on our SARS/Corona related viruses projects… why don’t you let them help you with your HIV project you’ve got going on over there”.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

I think a lot of executed globalists and ChiComs who are behind this thing, Nuremberg-style, may be the only way to keep people from doing this stuff.

Linda K Harrison

I wonder if something as simple as an Airlife spirometer could work. Generally used for breathing exercises during hospital stays and upon returning home. I bet a lot of people already have them at home. If it would work, people would merely need instructions on how best to use it to their advantage.
I used mine to help me quit smoking.

Gail Combs

I do not think so since that is for recovery after surgery with normally functioning lungs.
The tissue that is the barrier between the air in the lungs and the blood is normally very thin so the O2 (and CO2) can pass thru it. The problem with the virus is it causes the lungs to become inflamed. (‘cytokine storm’) The inflammation thickens that barrier tissue making it more and more difficult for the gases to pass thru.
The therapy that works is:
[This increases the partial pressure of the O2 in the lungs and means more O2 makes it through the thickened barrier. The increased pressure also helps keep the liquid from seeping into the lungs and ‘forces it’ to head back into the blood stream.] <=== Point of view of a me as a chemist and not from a Doctor.
This may help:

Linda K Harrison

Thank you.

Gail Combs

Wolfie, It would probably depend on how bad off the people are. Oxygen plus medication plus close monitoring could certainly keep the moderate cases out of the scarce quarantine beds.
I picked up a cheap Walmart (equate) Pulse Oximeter since I have been having problems with asthma. My saturation level sucks… (You can tell by how bad my grammar and spelling get. 🙃 ) I am experimenting on some of the suggested herbs and using the meter to check results.


CDC last Tweets….
Communities/hospitals – need to be prepared
“Now is the time for US businesses, hospitals, and communities to begin preparing for the possible spread of #COVID19. CDC continues to work with business, education & healthcare sectors, encouraging employers to be prepared. Learn more: https://bit.ly/2w3HujZ.”

Currently there is no community spread in the USA.
“There is currently no reported community spread of #COVID19 in the US. People should follow everyday measures to prevent the spread of respiratory viruses, such as staying home when sick and washing hands with soap and water. Stay informed; visit http://cdc.gov/COVID19.”

Keep alert – watch for news from CDC
2019CoV cases in USA – https://www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-ncov/cases-in-us.html
Still only 2 person to person cases reported in USA.
Thanks be to GOD!
So glad the people in public health know they have to answer to watchful, protective, fatherly and fierce President Trump!!!



“Just landed. India was great, trip very successful. Heading to the White House. Meetings and calls scheduled today.

@CDCgov, @SecAzar and all doing a great job with respect to Coronavirus! Briefing this afternoon.

Low Ratings Fake News MSDNC (Comcast) & @CNN are doing everything possible to make the Caronavirus look as bad as possible, including panicking markets, if possible. Likewise their incompetent Do Nothing Democrat comrades are all talk, no action. USA in great shape!
I will be having a News Conference at the White House, on this subject, today at 6:00 P.M. CDC representatives, and others, will be there. Thank you!”


AND, we have an adult, President Trump leading the solution set.





Gail Combs

M Simon in response to my posting butterfly’s recap. He is libertarian and not fond of President Trump.

M Simon says:
No test kits = no cases.
Probably just an accident. Especially when there is a test kit out there. Used in Europe. and other places. See the video here:
Trump time? An RFP is not enough. It has to be done under expedited rules.

My answer:
Trump time IS expedited. He has had the bureaucrats slashing regs left and right so stuff gets done much faster.
Executive Order on Modernizing Influenza Vaccines in the United States to Promote National Security and Public Health
Issued on: September 19, 2019
Interesting section:

…Section 1. Findings. (a) Influenza viruses are constantly changing as they circulate globally in humans and animals. Relatively minor changes in these viruses cause annual seasonal influenza outbreaks, which result in millions of illnesses, hundreds of thousands of hospitalizations, and tens of thousands of deaths each year in the United States. Periodically, new influenza A viruses emerge from animals, including birds and pigs, that can spread efficiently and have sustained transmission among humans. This situation is called an influenza pandemic (pandemic).
Unlike seasonal influenza, a pandemic has the potential to spread rapidly around the globe, infect higher numbers of people, and cause high rates of illness and death in populations that lack prior immunity. While it is not possible to predict when or how frequently a pandemic may occur, there have been 4 pandemics in the last 100 years….

He seems to know the science & manufacturing.

(d) The current domestic enterprise for manufacturing influenza vaccines has critical shortcomings. Most influenza vaccines are made in chicken eggs, using a 70-year-old process that requires months-long production timelines, limiting their utility for pandemic control; rely on a potentially vulnerable supply chain of eggs; require the use of vaccine viruses adapted for growth in eggs, which could introduce mutations of the influenza vaccine virus that may render the final product less effective; and are unsuitable for efficient and scalable continuous manufacturing platforms….

Realizing the above short comings he has been pro-active

Sec. 2. Policy. It is the policy of the United States to modernize the domestic influenza vaccine enterprise to be highly responsive, flexible, scalable, and more effective at preventing the spread of influenza viruses. This is a public health and national security priority, as influenza has the potential to significantly harm the United States and our interests…
Sec. 3. National Influenza Vaccine Task Force. (a) There is hereby established a National Influenza Vaccine Task Force (Task Force). The Task Force shall identify actions to achieve the objectives identified in section 2 of this order and monitor and report on the implementation and results of those actions. The Task Force shall be co-chaired by the Secretary of Defense and the Secretary of Health and Human Services, or their designees…

There is a lot more to that E.O.
Perhaps this is why they are already announcing a new vaccine is ready for human trials.
February 25, 2020: COVID-19 Vaccine Shipped, and Drug Trials Start

Moderna Therapeutics, a biotech company based in Cambridge, Mass., has shipped the first batches of its COVID-19 vaccine. The vaccine was created just 42 days after the genetic sequence of the COVID_19 virus, called SARS-CoV-2, was released by Chinese researchers in mid-January. The first vials were sent to the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID), part of the National Institutes of Health (NIH) in Bethesda, MD, which will ready the vaccine for human testing as early as April.
NIH scientists also began testing an antiviral drug called remdesivir that had been developed for Ebola, on a patient infected with SARS-CoV-2. The trial is the first to test a drug for treating COVID-19, and will be led by a team at the University of Nebraska Medical Center….

Gail Combs

September 19, 2019…
Silly Wild Ass Guess time.
On September 19, 2019
“Thursday on the [PBS] NewsHour, Rep. Adam Schiff weighs in on an “urgent” whistleblower complaint that’s causing a standoff between the White House and Congress.”

In March 2019, in mysterious event a shipment of exceptionally virulent viruses from Canada’s NML ended up in China. The event caused a major scandal with Bio-warfare experts questioning why Canada was sending lethal viruses to China. Scientists from NML said the highly lethal viruses were a potential bio-weapon.
Following investigation, the incident was traced to Chinese agents working at NML. Four months later in July 2019, a group of Chinese virologists were forcibly dispatched from the Canadian National Microbiology Laboratory (NML)….

So, yes President Trump would have been aware of a possible bio-weapon release.
He knew the Shan-Peach-Mint would not be going anywhere and he was too clean for their impeachments to work in the Senate.
He was also aware they were getting increasingly desperate so a release was a possibility. March until September to do a GOOD assessment on how well the USA was prepared and where the weak points are. The E.O. is released on the same day Shitty Shiff is blabbing on PBS sucking up all the air in the news cycle…
As Wolfie has mentioned MK-U could be used to get someone to be careless enough that there would be a release.
Look at the impeachment timeline. By the end of October, mid November when the virus ‘escaped’ the lab, The Democrats KNEW the impeachment farce was not going to work.
The potential Patient Zero, is the person admitted to Wuhan hospital on December 1. He was a bed-bound man in his 70s. So that puts the ‘escape’ in Mid November at the latest. Since Patient Zero was bed-bound he was NOT the first unless deliberately infected.
Sept. 9, 2019: House Democrats launch investigation of Giuliani
Sept. 9, 2019: IG notifies Intelligence Committee of whistleblower complaint
Sept. 24, 2019: Pelosi announces impeachment inquiry
Oct. 31, 2019: House adopts impeachment resolution
Nov. 26, 2019: House Judiciary Committee announces first impeachment hearing
…[At this point or before they knew they had nothing.]
Dec. 13, 2019: Judiciary Committee votes to approve articles of impeachment
Dec. 18, 2019: Demicrats vote to impeach President Trump
From the point of view of the Fabian Progressives the virus is great.
1. They blame the poor handling of the crisis on TRUMP
2. The Economy TANKS
3. People are inconvenienced so they blame the Trump Admin.
4. It negates President Trump’s greatest weapon RALLIES!
5. I t keeps President Trump from using rallies to help elect the down ballot.
6. It scares people away from the polls and thus helps ballot box stuffing.
7. It targets older folks who are mostly Trump supporters.
8. It can be used to push socialized medicine.
9. It kills off the elderly and those with comorbidities aka Useless eaters, a BIG bonus for the Fabians.
For the champagne Commies aka Fabian Third Way Socialists it takes out China who was getting WAY too big for it’s britches.

Gail Combs

Daughn wanted me to repost this recap here:
WHY we should pay attention to the Wuhan Virus, I thought I would put some random facts out there.
Start with this very short video (11 min.) on how the Wuhan virus kills and the treatment:

The first victim here in the USA required a long hospital stay of at least 2 weeks. We have since found that even after recovery the person is contagious and therefore needs to be quarantined. Also it can take as long as 14 to 27 days for the symptoms to show and the virus can be passed on during that time.comment image
#1. 60,000 flights left Wuhan prior to lock down or about 8 million people world wide. There are over 50 non-stop flights a month to San Francisco and over 50 non-stop flights to NYC or AT LEAST 14,000 people arrived in the USA from Wuhan before any type of screening was in place.
*https://www.flightconnections.com/flights-from-wuhan-wuhcomment image
H.R. says:

7 February 2020 at 12:50 pm
Well, my daughter-in-law hit a Trifecta of cities that have the highest numbers. She was in Wuhan, Shenzhen, and Shanghai. She made it out of China one day ahead of the flight ban and is now at home.
She was not impressed with the passenger screening upon arrival in New York. She filled out a rather longish form before landing, which was gone over as passengers went through customs. By all rights, she should have been yanked aside for closer scrutiny given the cities she visited. Nope. Didn’t happen….

Confirmed means confirmed by lab test and not ‘clinically diagnosed’
— Up until at least January 24, 2020, CDC was doing all testing.
— Cheek and throat swabs give negative results.
— Blood serum tests give negative results.
— Material coughed up from deep in the lungs gives most reliable results
“Even patients who definitely have the disease only come back positive 30 per cent to 50 per cent of the time,” Prof Wang said.
— CDC current rules are overly restrictive and CDC refuses to even do a small sentinel sample of general public screening on people that do not meet their presumptive risk category.
CDC has run just 426 tests from Jan 21 to Feb 24
BUT 746 people in Washington state were under supervision for coronavirus and now released as ‘cleared’ Using the defective test kits?
February 19, 2020 – Last week, the CDC said it will begin testing individuals with influenza-like-illness (ILI) for COVID-19 at public health labs in San Francisco, Los Angeles, Chicago, Seattle, and New York City.
(The CDC is STILL attributing possible COVID-19 illness and deaths to ‘increased’ flu activity for the fourth consecutive week. )
”We don’t know if there is an outbreak without lab testing and screening. The entirety of US had had minimal testing compared to China or even South Korea. Delayed testing makes an epidemic potentially worse.” – DrEricDing
(Public health scientist / Epidemiologist / Harvard ‘07 (Epidemiology & Nutrition), JohnsHopkins ‘04 / 15yrs HSPH&HMS / Pharma whistleblower)

DR. NANCY MESSONIER of the CDC, who is the sister of Rod Rosenstein, (H/T churchmouse) has just stated that, due to the “SUDDEN” INCREASE of Wuhan Coronavirus cases in the United States, that “schools and businesses may have to be closed” if the situation gets more serious.
”Inundated With Flu Patients, U.S. Hospitals Brace for Coronavirus
Resources are already stretched during flu season. With so much medical equipment and drugs made in China, public health experts are anxiously watching the global supply chain.
With an intense flu season in full swing, hundreds of thousands of coughing and feverish patients have already overwhelmed emergency rooms around the United States. Now, hospitals are bracing for the potential spread of coronavirus that could bring another surge of patients…”

February 17 2019

The current flu season has been milder than last year’s, with the vaccine protecting about half the people who were inoculated and a less severe strain of the virus causing most of the illnesses that do occur.
However, there have been more deaths than usual from that milder strain, and there is evidence a more severe strain of the influenza virus is causing a growing percentage of illnesses….
There have been 11,600 to 19,100 deaths so far.
“The number of deaths we’re seeing is a little bit surprising,” CDC epidemiologist Brendan Flannery told the Wall Street Journal. “It’s a reminder that flu can be severe.”

”Maria my job at the White House during this crisis is to review the supply chains we need to treat corona. There’s over 30 different elements just for that alone. And what I’ve learned so far and not surprisingly is that we’ve offshored far too much of our supply chain not just for corona but also for the essential medicines we need… In terms of the immediate issue face masks, the N95 face masks. China put export restrictions on those masks and then nationalized an American factory that produces them there. So we’re dealing with that in Trump time.”

Gail Combs

January 30, 2020 Italy confirmed its first cases who were passengers off a cruise ship
FEB 21 2020 – Just hours after revealing that six people had come down with the virus in the first known cases of local transmission in Italy, officials said a further eight had tested positive for the disease, including five health workers.
February 24, 2020 Sixth Coronavirus Patient Dies in Italy as Cases Rise to 220
Feb 25, 2020 Coronavirus Update: Italy Mortality Rate Similar To China’s
(7 dead, 229 cases)
CONCLUSION: If you bother to actually TEST you find the cases…

Do not forget the death rate has to be compared to the number of cases 7 to 14 days ago while the numbers of ill are exploding. So in Italy, 7 dead on the 25th compares to 6+8=14 found ill on the 21st…..
The numbers out of Iran are completely bogus. When the first two cases died
”Dr. Alavi works at the Kamkar hospital in Qom and reports 20 patients have died from clinically diagnosed cases of #COVID19 at his hospital. Only in Tehran can samples be tested, so it might be a while to get full numbers.”
Hector Torres

Gail Combs

The global health community is closely monitoring 2019-nCoV because of the severity of symptoms (including death) among those infected, and the speed of its spread worldwide.
The R0 value is likely to be between 4.7 and 6.6.
Here is what we know of mortality by age as of early February mainly from China. (Who lies)
80+ years old – 14.8%
70-79 years old – 8.0%
60-69 years old – 3.6%
50-59 years old – 1.3%
40-49 years old – 0.4%
30-39 years old – 0.2%
20-29 years old – 0.2%
10-19 years old – 0.2%
0-9 years old – no fatalities
COVID-19 Fatality Rate by COMORBIDITY:
Cardiovascular disease – 10.5%
Diabetes – 7.3%
Chronic respiratory disease – 6.3%
Hypertension – 6.0%
Cancer –5.6%
no pre-existing conditions –0.9%
From Dr Eric Ding, Public health scientist / Epidemiologist / Harvard ‘07 (Epidemiology & Nutrition), JohnsHopkins ‘04 / 15yrs HSPH & HMS

Eric Feigl-Ding@DrEricDing
AGE of #COVID19 patients: compared to old SARS, the new #SARSCoV2 patients seem to skew much younger.
Lots of people under age 50 are being hospitalized. This is clearly not a virus that afflicts the old/infirm.
This can bring down anyone young or old.
That’s not good –DrEricDing

If the true R0 value for 2019-nCoV is between 4.7 and 6.6 that puts it in the same category as polio, rubella and small pox for comparison.
Diphtheria may actually be the closest in comparison with a similar Ro and death rate since we are not getting any reasonable statistics.comment image
1. This virus spreads very easily and unlike SARS it spreads from people with no symptoms.
2. It affects both lungs and the entirety of the lung causing inflammation and killing via asphyxiation.
3. Survival of some patients requires intubation, oxygen, drugs and good hospital care.
4. Much of our hospital supplies and drugs or drug raw materials are made in China who is now not shipping.
5. Hospitals do not have bed space for a surge of patients.
6. The disease is so infectious it is killing doctors and nurses in Wuhan despite personal protective gear.
No, not everyone requires hospitalization and not everyone dies. HOWEVER the survival rate is DIRECTLY related to good hospital care so limiting and slowing the spread is the target. Reaching that is up to all of us.
This is why the response of the CDC has been so frustrating. They do not care if they kill off 10 to 15% of the retirees or even older workers.


I’d like to know exactly what time yesterday both the Azar and Messonier (Rosenberg’s sister) briefings took place and if Azar’s was in response to Messonier’s briefing and if hers is what caused the stock market crash.


In the above video – I learned that Messonier had given her statments prior to this briefing.
Don’t know if PDJT spurred Azar and Co. to give this briefing, but it is possible, even probable that he did so because of the stock market’s reaction to Messonier.
I still don’t know the exact timeline, however.

Gail Combs

Azar is Messonnier’s boss’s boss’s boss…..
Azar is secretary of the Health and Human Services Department
CDC Director is Dr Redfield
Principle Deputy Director Dr Schuchat
Deputy Director Dr Butler
(For infectious Diseases)
Center for the National Center for Immunization and Respiratory Diseases
Messonniercomment image
She may find she is now ‘director of latrine cleaning’


❤️ YOU 😎⭐ 🇺🇸!!!!

Gail Combs

This is Messonier’s latest briefing.
No transcript yet.
Quick notes:
195 tests were for those in quarantine from returning from Wuhan.
More than 1700 medical workers in China are infected
In the questions it comes out:
They are having to REFORMULATE the reagent in the test kits. WTF!
To Chinese Daily — mitigation aka ‘disrupt spread’ close schools…tele-a-medicine.. have plans already in place may see coming up in coming weeks.
To Reuters — blunt curve by ‘mitigation’ using mathematical models.
Buzfeed — Serum test many weeks out
Politico — Asks what about more surveillance? She thanks Congress, funding not problem, using the FLU system already in place she thinks most efficient.
Friday transcript:

….We never expected we’d catch every traveler with novel coronavirus from China. It would be impossible. We’re not seeing spread here in the United States yet, but it is possible, even likely, that it may eventually happen. [If you are not testing how can you say that? — GC]
Our goal continues to be slowing the introduction of the virus into the U.S. This buys us more time to prepare our communities for more cases and possibly sustained spread. This new virus represents a tremendous public health threat. We don’t yet have a vaccine for this novel virus, nor do we have a medicine to treat it specifically. We are taking and will continue to take aggressive action to reduce the impact of this virus, that it will have on the communities in the U.S….


I want to direct everyone to a document that will be very informative in terms of what people can expect in the coming weeks if the virus starts spreading in our community. This is an MMWR recommendations and report titled “community mitigation guidelines to prevent pandemic influenza, united states–2017.” we are reviewing the materials and adapting them to COVID-19. These materials will serve as a blueprint for the community interventions we will use here in the U.S. if you’re watching the news, you may be hearing about schools shutting down and businesses closing in countries in Asia to reduce the potential spread of this virus. The day may come where we need to implement such measures in the U.S. communities….

New information on the test kit:

There were problems identified with the test kits. That is a normal part, unfortunately, of these processes. We obviously would not want to use anything but the most perfect possible kits, since we’re making determinations about whether people have COVID-19 or not. So that is still where we are. We are working with FDA, who is the one that have oversight over us. Under this e.u.a. on redoing some of the kits. We still consider it a priority to get the kits out to patients as soon as possible. It is overridden by the priority to make sure that the test is correct….
There is certainly more data coming out that suggests that there are people who are reportedly asymptomatic who have this virus with the swab.….
The current case definition does say that patients that have fever, symptoms of lower respiratory infection, requiring hospitalization, and a history of travel from mainland china meet the case definition for testing…
Balancing those things going forward, we are going to continue to look at travel history and see when and if there’s the right reasons to expand that beyond China.

Question from Dan Vergano with “Buzzfeed” news on Squabble on bring home ill people from the Princess.

Dr. Walters from the State Department:
With regard to decision making during the evacuation, it is important to remember that this was an emerging and unusual circumstance. We had 328 people on buses. We had a plan. We were executing the plan. Then we received lab results on otherwise asymptomatic, un-ill people that were on their way to an airport. I think the folks on the ground did just the right thing by, out of an abundance of caution, moving those 14 people into an isolation area where they pose no threat to themselves or anyone else. It provided room for an inter-agency discussion between not just CDC and state but the operational elements of HHS, which were from the assistant secretary of preparedness and response. At the end of the day, the state department had a decision to make, informed by our inter-agency partners. We made ahead and made that decision. The decision, i think, was the right one, in bringing those people home.
Maybe i’ll just add that, you know, these are difficult decisions that we’re faced with every day. We’re making those decisions in real time. When you make those kind of complicated decisions, there are going to be different perspectives that are brought to the table. We are one U.S. government working together, and we will continue to operate under that stance, as we have forever, since this started and as we will into the future. Our focus is on, right now, the forward-looking health of these repatriated citizens, and to continue to manage the response seamlessly within the government…..

I would not be surprised to find that Messonier’s briefing, or rather the Fake News reports of the briefing and the stock market crash were coordinated by the elite. Doesn’t take much and they have done it before.
CDC says Americans could see ‘severe disruptions’ with coronavirus, now that disease spread is ‘when’ not ‘if’

“It’s not so much a question of if this will happen anymore, but a question of exactly when this will happen and how many people in this country will have severe illness,” Messonnier said.



The H1N1 coronovirus outbreak of a couple of years was also called a ‘pandemic’ in Azar’s briefing.
We have come to think of pandemics in movie terms – wiping out large numbers of people and spreading like wildfire… people bleeding out the nose and every orifice like ebola victims.
The videos and tweets out of China are extremely scary.
Americans need to be told whether this year’s 2019CoV will produce similar scenarios here in the USA.


Brief summary of the above briefing:
Secretary Azar stressed 5 areas of their focus for preparedness:
1 – Surveillance
2 – Funds for state and local response to outbreaks
3 – Therapeutics and Diagnostics
4 – Vaccines
5 – Funds for personal protective equipment
One of the officials said they are watching for any disruption of health supply chains.
Dr. Faucci said it will be next year by the time a vaccine goes through Level 1 and 2 trials and is available for public.


Can’t make this shit up…
WHO envoy says if he had Wuhan virus, he’d ‘want to be treated in China’
WHO doctor heaps praise on CCP’s handling of Wuhan coronavirus outbreak, doubts rest of world is ready
TAIPEI (Taiwan News) — After touring some areas affected by the Wuhan coronavirus, the World Health Organization (WHO) Assistant Director-General Dr. Bruce Aylward lavished praise on Communist China for its handling of the outbreak and expressed his doubts that many other countries in the world will be able to contain it.
Despite the fact that at least 77,660 people have been infected with the novel coronavirus (COVID-19) and 2,663 have perished in China, not to mention the 2,765 infections and 47 deaths from the disease outside the country, Aylward patted Chinese authorities on the back for reducing the new number of cases with their “robust” approach. However, much of this “decrease” could actually be attributed to the numerous modifications the government has made to narrow the scope of what is considered “confirmed” cases.

Gail Combs

“WHO envoy says if he had Wuhan virus, he’d ‘want to be treated in China’”
So he wants to be dumped into a building with 100s of others or WELDED into an apartment and left to die?


I think it was Tucker, had a guy on last night talking about how corrupt the WHO is – that even their corruption is corrupt. Wants POTUS to stop giving them money.
POTUS said it tonight, Xi wants people back to work. Their economy is in ruins right now, complete standstill. If manipulating the numbers makes them feel better and gets them back to work well then why not? Chinese people aren’t stupid, they know it’s BS, plus they see the sickness all around them


“WHO doctor heaps praise on CCP’s handling of Wuhan coronavirus outbreak”
I’ve seen only one of his briefings, and it was from a couple of weeks ago. Same story: China was handling everything perfectly. Obvious propaganda.


Yep. Moar reason to trash UN.

Gail Combs

If there was a TV briefing by RR’s sister does anyone have a vid?


Banner on Tucker C’s show says Calif has it’s first WuFlu case from an unknown source.
General community spreading starts?

Gail Combs

Seriously NOT GOOD.
Coronavirus uncontained: First case in U.S. from unknown source is in Northern California

A person in Northern California has tested positive for the new coronavirus but had not recently traveled to any foreign country where the virus is spreading and had not had contact with any people with confirmed cases, public health officials said Wednesday.
The case marks the first time that U.S. authorities have not been able to determine the source of a coronavirus infection, and suggests that the virus may be spreading in the community….

Gail Combs

From E.M.

E.M.Smith says:
27 February 2020 at 3:58 am
Thanks for that “in the wild” link. Nice to know and saved me spending time to eventually trip over it. Solono Coubty is where Travis is located. My guess would be that there was a failure of containment on the plane, in the unloading / disinfecting, or of the quaranteen facility operations; and the case found is a secondary from that.
It is about 60 to 80 miles north of me, so likely we’re still safe from it. Today was a last top up supply run. I’m now set for 3 or 4 months…..


MEANWHILE – North Korea has not revealed ANY news/stats of their situation re: 2019CoV.
As usual – NK is dark on the map.


Couple days ago, I read NK quarantined a huge hotel, 1,000+ guests as a precaution. Report included no Corona cases.
Will try to locate the article, link.


Gail Combs

E.M.Smith says:
27 February 2020 at 5:04 am
“Oh great… a flight attendant who worked several flights out of Los Angeles International (LAX) for Korean Air has tested positive. / been diagnised with Covid-19 ( per Stefan Molyneux video).”

So that makes two ‘In the wild’ cases in the USA.

Gail Combs

David A. @ Chiefio’s asked:
“Gail, or anyone, I agree the lack of testing from the CDC is piss poor. What can P. Trump do about this? Is he just leaving it to the experts? Are the ” experts” Obama hires?”

This is my answer:
As I showed up above, when looking at Nancy Messonnier. Obama increased and strengthened the ‘Protected Class’ of Senior Executive Service (SES) The SES was started under Carter as a ‘bridge between the political appointees and the civil servants’. These are the people within the government resisting President Trump and sabotaging him at every opportunity.
Executive Order 13714—Strengthening the Senior Executive Service.
These are the people who are called the ‘Deep State’ They are the career bureaucrats just below the political appointees who ACTUALLY RUN THE GOVERNMENT. They essentially can not be fired. Andy McCabe is an example of a SES.
Deep State is a group of 8,156 appointed mangers in 75 federal agencies that control the executive bureaucracy. OUT OF THOSE 8,156 MEMBERS WHO MAKE UP THIS DEEP STATE OF ENSCONCED BUREAUCRATS, OVER 7,000 WERE APPOINTED BY OBAMA.
These the are the “Obama Holdouts” that still control the executive branch of government.

….There are four basic types of appointments:
* Presidential Appointments with Senate Confirmation: There are 1,212 senior leaders, including the Cabinet secretaries and their deputies, the heads of most independent agencies and ambassadors, who must be confirmed by the Senate.
* Presidential Appointments without Senate Confirmation: There are 353 positions which make up much of the White House staff, although they are also scattered throughout many of the smaller federal agencies.
* Non-career Senior Executive Service: Members of the Senior Executive Service (SES) work in key positions just below the top presidential appointees, bridging the gap between the political leaders and the civil service throughout the federal government.
* Schedule C Appointments: There are 1,403 Schedule C appointees who serve in a confidential or policy role. They range from schedulers and confidential assistants to policy experts.
* The Senior Executive Service (SES) in 2016 had 8,156 members who were appointees. Obama appointed over 7,000 of them to these key positions. Most of these appointees do not arise from inside the respective agencies through a merit system and often are not qualified.

Another ‘conspiracy site’ looked at Obama’s EO and found that the SES appointees are indeed EXEMPT from the normal screening process. This meant Obama could appoint people who would normally not pass ‘loyalty to the USA’ screening. Heck they would not even have to be American citizens!
From the Obama EO cited above.

….(iii) Within 90 days of the date of this order, OPM shall evaluate the current Qualifications Review Board (QRB) process and issue guidance to agencies about materials that would be acceptable for QRB consideration and that will serve as an alternative or replacement to the current lengthy essay requirement for QRB submission, which may deter qualified applicants for SES positions or put an additional burden on human resources staff. The guidance shall also advise agencies about ways to streamline their initial application requirements for SES positions, including evaluation of options, such as allowing individuals to apply by only submitting a resume-based application and any additional materials necessary to determine relevant qualifications, consistent with the new QRB submission requirements.
(iv) Within 120 days of OPM issuing the guidance described in section 3(a)(iii) of this order, the heads of agencies with SES positions shall examine the agency’s career SES hiring process and make changes to the process to make it more efficient, effective, and less burdensome for all participants. Agencies shall simplify the initial application requirements for SES positions consistent with the guidance issued in section 3(a)(iii) of this order, and should only request critically necessary technical qualifications, with the goal of minimizing requirements that may deter qualified applicants from applying….

should only request critically necessary technical qualifications, with the goal of minimizing requirements that may deter qualified applicants from applying….
You know like requirement that you not have a criminal record or belong to subversive organizations or be members of the Communist party or Muslim Brotherhood or ISIS or MS13….

Gail Combs

Daughn as E.M. said flush a toilet and you aerosolize the viruses and they float around in the air for ~20 miuntes. He calls public rest rooms Viral Exchange Facilities.
Do not forget San Fran FECES and other California and sanctuary cities now have a defecation and peeing on the street problem. That material goes into the storm drains and into the open environment.
Now they are finding urine contains the virus…. Think of all those smelly subways and bus stops.


Gail Combs

OH F…CK!!!
We had heard about this and I had addressed it earlier. A re-infection where the antibodies have been reduced below a certain level makes the disease a heck of a lot worse. This follows the Dengue Fever model. DO NOT GET IT TWICE! It may also make a VACCINE DEADLY!
See video in https://www.peakprosperity.com/coronavirus-infections-outside-of-china-are-growing-exponentially/
Discussion starts at 17 minutes.

BREAKING NEWS: Recovered Patient In Japan Gets Reinfected. New York Microbiologists Warns That Coronavirus Remains Dormant In Treated Patients But For A While

Japan health authorities have reported of a Japanese female patient who was reinfected with coronavirus weeks after initial recovery….
An exposé by Thailand Medical News,
showed that reinfections were occurring in increasing percentages among so called “recovered” or “cured” patients despite China’s claim that it has the situation under control.
What is more alarming is that these reinfections always turn out to be more aggressive and fatal the second round time.….

Gail Combs

E.M. explains…

ADE – Antibody Dependant Enhancement. 2nd round it destroys immune cells first…
One of the factors in ADE is a mutated serotype. Changed just enough to not be an exact kill for the immune system, but close enough to still bind to the antibody…. said antibody then binding to an immune cell, infecting it, and reducing the immune cell count.


I said this in the other thread this reminds me of malaria that even if you overcome it you can get hit the with symptoms again and again.


Orange County declares state of emergency; Los Angeles flight attendant tests positive for the coronavirus.
FTA – Following San Francisco’s state of emergency declaration yesterday, now Orange County has declared a state of emergency due to the coronavirus . . .
San Diego County officials declared a local emergency in response to the coronavirus on Feb. 14.
It’s abundantly clear there is an uncontrolled outbreak in California right now, and only 200 people have been tested so far.
More than 8,000 people are currently under self-quarantine in California. Apparently, almost none of them have been tested at all.

Gail Combs

Here are the story links:
Orange County Declares State of Emergency to Deal with COVID-19
San Francisco declared a state of emergency — here’s how the coronavirus is affecting the city, from a company’s handshake ban to canceled conferences
County declares local state of emergency in response to the coronavirus in San Diego
Feb 24, 2020
[Monday] Nancy Pelosi visits San Francisco’s Chinatown to encourage people amid fears of coronavirus

Gail Combs

Up above HERE, I give a synopsis fo Nancy Messonnier’s latest phone call with reporters. She talks of the Tests kits and says the reagent has to be reformulated; that FDA has to approve; that they want a PERFECT test; and that the test is not a real priority. She says she prefers the existing flu monitoring system.
Also the Los Angeles stewardess was TESTED IN KOREA and not in the USA!!!
Tired of delays, U.S. labs ask FDA to develop their own coronavirus tests

CHICAGO (Reuters) – U.S. state and local public health laboratories are seeking permission from the Food and Drug Administration to create their own tests for the new coronavirus as manufacturing and regulatory issues continue to delay access to testing capabilities.
As of Monday, only five U.S. states – California, Illinois, Nebraska, Nevada and Tennessee – have the capability to test for the virus, according to the Association of Public Health Laboratories (APHL).

The CDC does have something to do with pathology labs, the various Clinical Laboratory Improvement Acts, dating from the 60s. See here: https://www.cdc.gov/clia/law-regulations.html
At this point I really really want to lock the CDC & FDA in a ordinary ward full of Coronavirus positive people. Maybe THAT will light a fire under their asses!

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Habeus corpus!


Gail Combs

Well thank goodness someone kicked some CDC ASS! It’s about time!
Still a darn small sample size.

Gail Combs

More from E.M.
I added bold and dashes to make the numbers & stuff more readable)

… BBC reporting the same thing. In China and Japan, 14% of “recovered” patients testing positive for virus again.
This is going to drastically complicate things…
27 day latency possible — 9 day surface survival possible. — So 36 before symptoms (unless the person is asymptomatic…) — Then 3 weeks of bring sick. — Then a few days to weeks later positive again ? — For how long? That’s already in the 2 to 3 month range. For one patient.
OK, this can’t be contained given those numbers.
2 “in the wild” cases in California. (Though one flew back to Korea). S.Korea doing excellent tracking and public health, has daily doubling time.
2 – 4 – 8 – 16 – 32 – 64 – 128 – 256 – 512 -1024
So 10 days to 1 K. 20 days to 1 M. 5 days later, day 25, all of State. [of California – GC]
OK, so by end of March. California ought to be a basket case (even if doubling time is less) and for that matter, m5 days later all of the USA.
Well, good news bad news time.
Good news is that with a 2 month hibernation you ought to be past the worst of it.
Bad News is it might do an “I’m BAaaack!” For unknown length of time in some folks.
Figure 3 months at least to get past that point. June 1st.
Interesting, that. One report on inventory outage / reorder said lots of Chinese suppliers were saying no stock until June… I wonder who knew what when….

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Another very important post hidden by the VIRAL HOLOCAUST PLOT enablers at Akismet and WORDPRESS.
There is no reason that ANY post by Gail should EVER go into spam. What kind of crap ass operation can’t whitelist her? CRAP ASS OPERATION.
Why are her most significant posts hidden? WHY?
WordPress? Akismet? You REALLY want to be a part of this evil?
Please complain. I’m sick of this virus-enabling shit.
4th option

Gail Combs

I just copied most of your comment Wolfie as From the site manager;
I left out the part about the virus. No use tipping them.

Gail Combs

With PIGlosi visiting San Francisco China Town and San Francisco now delaring a state of emergency… (remember they got the GOOD test kits)
They probably should be quarantining PIGlosi and the Dimms she had contact with. 40 days sounds about right. 🤣

Cuppa Covfefe

How about 40 YEARS??? 😆


And, among many other things that the Israelis excel at, they have a great many astute scientists. I would bet they’re onto something good here!

Gail Combs

Unfortunately the FDA will then REFUSE to OK it.

Sadie Slays

And now the WuFlu got Iran’s ambassador to the Vatican. It’s truly amazing beyond all odds how all of these shady people just keep coming down with the virus!

Sadie Slays

Update: It got Bergoglio himself!
“Pope Francis sick a day after supporting coronavirus sufferers”

Gail Combs

The comments show how much the man is disliked.

Gail Combs

Washington high school closed over coronavirus concerns after staff member’s relative is tested for virus
Not infected just tested. And this caused the closing.

Gail Combs

Weirder than snake shoes….
What is REALLY interesting is previously it was reported:
CDC had run just 426 tests by Feb 24
Now, THREE DAYS LATER the numbers are 3,625 patients tested by CDC???
Who was hiding the other 3200 tests?

…February 24th, 2020, 11:59 AM
Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) in the U.S.
Updated February 24, 2020
CDC is closely monitoring an outbreak of respiratory illness caused by a novel (new) coronavirus. The outbreak first started in Wuhan, China, but cases have been identified in a growing number of other international locations, including the United States. This page will be updated regularly on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays.
COVID-19: Confirmed Cases in the United States*†
Travel-related 12
Person-to-person spread 2
Total confirmed cases 14
Total tested 426
† Numbers closed out at 4 p.m. the day before reporting.
‡ Cases have laboratory confirmation and may or may not have been symptomatic.


Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Gail (and white hats)
One of the American communist assets that operated as an insider for the top commies in the CA3 plot (red diaper sparrow) got connected with HIV research on the ground floor – very early – 1980s – I’m thinking TOP LEVEL spy for their side. Track that stuff forward in time, and there will be connections into the top of viral research – guaranteed embeds in CDC and pharmaceutical industry.
I’m betting money there will be NAMES in SES that track back to this player, if not that player.
White hats will know who I’m talking about. These names would be involved in any plot using CDC to take down Trump.
The M.O. would likely be a self-immolation scandal like Watergate to try to generate a cover-up, and barring that, to FAKE a cover-up, or draw people into what can be misconstrued as a cover-up.
Bottom line – DIAPER-HUNT in CDC, including spouses.

Gail Combs

Nancy Messonnier is certainly looking like another Vindman or Eric Cinderella.
If Dr Boyle was correct about the Chinese using The University of North Carolina for bioweapon research…
Not only were the UNC researchers joined by Professor Zhengli Shi of the Wuhan Institute of Virology, but there was also a researcher, Dr S. Agnihothram, from the FDA participating.
The funding came from the National Institutes of Health (Dr Francis S. Collins directorsince 2009)
The National Institute of Allergy and Infectious disease. (Dr. Anthony Fauci director since 1984)
AND a National Natural Science Foundation of China award.
“…it says at the end, “the current manuscript has been reviewed by the funding agency, the National Institutes of Health. Continuation of these studies have been requested and approved by the National Institutes of Health.” Notice the National Institutes of Health under Fauci is funding this…”
So you have BOTH Dr Francis S. Collins and Dr. Anthony Fauci involved.
Dr Boyle goes on:

DR BOYLE: ….It’s weaponized coronavirus. They also conclude that they really couldn’t find an antibody against it.
…. let me continue here where they say their new DNA genetically engineered virus constitutes a gain in pathogenesis. That’s a gain of function right there; they admit it. Pathogenesis means lethality and infectiousness and we know that even Lancet has said lethality is about 15%. If you disaggregate numbers even put out by the Chinese government, it’s about 17%. So, together these data represent a crossroads of gain of function research concerns and they just make it clear they’re going to continue anyway. They also point out that they involved HIV based pseudo virus, prepared as previously described
ALEX JONES: –which is what the Indians found….
DR BOYLE:…. in USA Today, Tony Fauci admits that the lethality rate of MERS is about 36%, whereas SARS is 10%. This Wuhan is 15% to 17%.….
…..they know full well that they were paying this North Carolina lab in cooperation with the Wuhan BSL-4 lab and program to develop biological warfare weapons….

The paper:
“A SARS-like cluster of circulating bat coronaviruses shows potential for human emergence.”
I looked it up:
My original comment:

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

The lethality numbers are still too volatile. What are they really? 2% and 15-17% are impossible to reconcile. And Voorhies’ statement getting banned is bothering me.

Gail Combs

Wolfie, they dumped another comment into the bin.

Gail Combs

OOPs sorry it showed.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Hang on…. !!! 😀


President Trump is surely all over the testing numbers. Why the hell ~400 after four weeks. Obviously wrong. Now ~3,500 tests. Pence and key folks vigorously probing facts and asking tough questions.
In the interim, D-rats will exploit and through innuendo, cause alarms.
Rocky times ahead, but we’ll come out ahead.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Pence won’t put up with crap.


Iran is FUBAR!!


Why were they even there?

Gail Combs

Any one heard from him recently?


Now there is a happy thought!
Wasn’t it just last week ketchup man was in Germany with a D-Rat Senator and Iranian schmuck?
Gosh. Could karma be rearing its ugly head 😉

Gail Combs

AND they managed to drag some Coronavirus into Germany just recently…


Yes 😉


This almost feels like they knew China would try something like that!

Gail Combs

I am sure they DID know. Remember the smuggled samples from the Canadian Lab were caught in Spring of last year.
UNC was doing the research on bio-weapons for the Chinese (2015 paper) and we are seeing in the news a lot of universities getting caught taking bribes as well as professors.


I found this the most telling:
After 4 years of research funded by Israel’s Ministry of Science & Technology, MIGAL’s researchers have developed an effective vaccine against avian coronavirus Infectious Bronchitis Virus (IBV), to be adapted soon and create a human vaccine against COVID-19


So did we…


CDC is now running radio ads (just hear one) if you want more up to date info on Covid-19. Staying on top of things.


Gail Combs

These are the screenshots:comment imagecomment image
Someone might want to archive them (I do not know how)

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy
Gail Combs

Thanks Wolfie.
As far as a China PSYOPS…
I do not think so. It gives President Trump too much leverage in prying factories out of China and back into the USA
Could it have started out as a way to tank the economy and tank President Trump?
Yes I think so but I think the virus got away from the Chinese and President Trump acted fast enough to stop/slow it here in the USA.
Now the Demonrats are trying to figure out how to use the situation they have now and THAT is why President Trump has VP Pence riding herd on the government’s response team. Pence can literally make it his full time job.
You can tell by the howls in the media that it is spiking the Demonrats plans.
If this is like most viruses, if we can keep it contained until May/June the hot weather & solar UV should take care of the problem.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Well, I hope we’re getting good information out of China. I don’t trust information out of China or Iran.


Mom and I were talking about this and we came up with a few questions. If this is the wrong place to post it well oops. 🙂
-If “Approximately 80% of China’s export economy is shut down” how long would that take to even get it up and running again? Since they don’t have the highway systems we have?
-The people who have it in the USA I assume we don’t know race/age/gender ec?
-If I was a company that had a plant in China (and no wonder WHY they all moved over there) I’d be trying to get one up and running in the USA or India or somewhere but China.
-Which leads to maybe this will encourage more companies to make it in America again!!!
-In the end, seems like China ends up losing the most (????) Has the world woken up?
-Things like Military Experts at CPAC Warn China Is Trying to ‘Strangle Us’ https://www.breitbart.com/politics/2020/02/27/military-experts-at-cpac-warn-china-is-trying-to-strangle-us/
Ummmm well yeah under anyone else but Trump maybe
-Notice all these viruses pop up from China and not say India or South America or other places really.


Still heavy debt on if it was an accident or intentional…

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

I don’t trust China on anything here.comment image


Yes Mom and I were leaning that way as well. Sad but true.

Gail Combs

Here is something tasty for that cat to chew on. At the Wuhan Lab they were working on a vaccine that got around the ADE problem and had at least some success.
14 March 2018
Evaluation of Antibody-Dependent Enhancement of SARS-CoV Infection in Rhesus Macaques Immunized with an Inactivated SARS-CoV Vaccine
▶️ Fan Luo, Fan-Lu Liao, Hui Wang, Hong-Bin Tang, Zhan-Qiu Yang & Wei Hou ◀️

….Vaccine-induced enhancement of susceptibility to SARS-CoV has been documented….
We previously reported that an inactivated SARS-CoV Z-1 vaccine effectively elicits a neutralizing and protective antibody response in rhesus macaques …. Thus, to ensure the safety of the vaccine in clinical use, the present study examined whether the vaccine can trigger ADE.
It has been demonstrated that higher concentrations of anti-sera against SARS-CoV neutralized the SARS-CoV infection, while highly diluted anti-sera significantly increased the SARS-CoV infection and triggered ADE effects. Moreover, the low levels of neutralizing antibodies are more consistent in the context of vaccination of the general population. The findings from the low neutralizing antibody stage challenges were promising. Therefore, to determine the ADE of the inactivated SARS-CoV vaccine, we first established the model with low levels of neutralizing antibodies….
…The results suggested that the inactivated vaccine was safe and the immunized rhesus macaques could be used as the model for testing ADE of the candidate vaccine….
Next, we used the above-established model to evaluate the correlation between the vaccine and the infection severity.
…herefore, in our present study, although the clinical and histopathological observations, and viral assays indicated that the virus infection was not enhanced, we believe that an in vitro ADE assay should also be performed to examine whether the immune sera induced by inactivated vaccine can mediate ADE in some cell lines such as K562, THP-1 cells, and monkey’s peripheral blood mononuclear cells. Moreover, we need to investigate the molecular mechanisms and responses to antibody-mediated infection in vitro.
In conclusion, the clinical, virological, and pathological findings presented in this study revealed no exacerbation of infection in the rhesus macaques immunized with the inactivated SARS-CoV Z-1 vaccine following challenge with SARS-CoV NS-1. Therefore, these results preliminarily indicated that low levels of antibodies induced by the inactivated SARS-CoV Z-1 vaccine may not induce ADE in rhesus macaques, and the vaccine could be a good candidate for clinical trials.

Gail Combs

These are my opinions.
1. President Trump has been trying to encourage companies to move back to the USA. This will certainly help.
2. President Trump didn’t go to India just for fun and games. I am sure FACTORIES were a major part of the conversation.
3. This is a YUGE wake-up call to Americans and Congress that we HAVE TO HAVE strategic materials MADE IN THE USA PERIOD.
4. China NATIONALIZING 3M masks is going to scare the crap out of CEOs
Getting new factories up and running is a couple of years. It could possibly be less if President Trump waives a lot of the regs.
As far as China goes…. Depends on how many critical workers they lost. E.M., I think it was suggested June before China gets back to ‘normal’ if then.
“Notice all these viruses pop up from China”
That is due to how they handle human and animal waste.
Still found as late as 2005 —
“A pig toilet (sometimes called a “pig sty latrine”) is a simple type of dry toilet consisting of an outhouse mounted over a pigsty, with a chute or hole connecting the two. The pigs consume the feces of the users of the toilet, as well as other food.”
“In China, “Family dwellings are commonly built close to the fish pond with toilets overhanging the pond to facilitate fertilization. … Some pigsties as well as latrines for humans are built on the adjacent dike so as to overhang the pond.” But by 1988, these fish pond toilets were falling out of favour, as the farmers found it more useful to ferment human and pig excrement together, and apply it to the aquaculture ponds as needed”
Then you can add the geese and ducks on the fish pond, the insects attracted to the pond and the bats eating those insects….
Round and Round the viruses go recombining RNA at random.


Thanks Gail. 🙂 Letting Mom read your comments now!
The only funny thing is when I traveled to India they always joke about not if you get sick but when. LOL Oh how true.
I agree this is a wake up call for many. I do know that with Trump leading the way we will survive this storm.
daughn has said a few times India and China do not get along. Also, notice one hardly heard anything about POTUS trip. Or deals for that matter. Had it not been for the tree well I would not have known.

Gail Combs

AND we only hear about the ceremonies.

Gail Combs

There has been violence alone the India/China border with China trying to grab more territory. I read about it a while ago but it was withing the last decade or so.


Ahhh that makes sense. Like when China built that island in the middle of international waters.


No other country has the sophisticated safe sanitation – garbage and sewage – practices as the USA.
Our hospitals are generally above all others.
We have more beds per capita than most other countries.
Socialist medical care is not top-level or comparable to US health care.


This is why I do not consume seafood from any Asian country. I have been to China, Indonesia, Thailand etc. and seen first hand how human sewage runs into farm raised seafoods. I stick to wild Alaskan salmon and some gulf shrimp.


From the article: President Trump May Invoke Defense Production Act to Rapidly Expand Manufacturing of Protective Masks and Clothing
President Donald Trump’s administration is considering invoking special powers through a law called the Defense Production Act to rapidly expand domestic manufacturing of protective masks and clothing to combat the coronavirus in the United States, two U.S. officials told Reuters.
The use of the law, passed by Congress in 1950 at the outset of the Korean War, would mark an escalation of the administration’s response to the outbreak. The virus first surfaced in China and has since spread to other countries including the United States.


^^^ Makes great sense to this fool.
– Get PPE manufacturing going. Many countries not exporting PPE that is a must have.
– Meds / prescriptions that we can’t immediately source elsewhere.

Gail Combs

And it gives corporations incentive to GET “ER DONE NOW!
Also remember all the $$$ the DemonRats want to toss at the problem….
PLEASE Mr Fox, don’t toss me into the brier patch!
THEY may think they get a lot of pork and kick backs but Mick Mulvaney and his crew will make sure it is used properly.


Read here, Chiefio, or in a video yesterday, the funds requested may not all be used.
In reality Federal funds available have not been fully obligated.
Agree, Mulvaney and others will not simply allow funds to be frittered away, simply because funds are available.


U of Queensland announced a vaccine possibility a week ago.


Divine intervention?


About that Iran outbreak:
“The majority of Iran’s cases have been linked to Qom, a major religious destination for Shiite pilgrims 85 miles south of Tehran.” It is also within thirty miles of Iran’s nuclear “research” facility, staffed by numerous scientists from mainland China.




From our local Hospital
Coronavirus myths and facts
Feb. 24, 2020—There’s a lot of information out there about the new coronavirus, now named COVID-19. And not all of it is correct.
For example, is it true that COVID-19 can be killed by a hand dryer? No. Is there a vaccine for this new virus? Not yet, but researchers are working on it.
COVID-19 is a new respiratory virus first identified in Wuhan, Hubei Province, in China. Coronaviruses are a large family of viruses. Some of them cause illness in people, and some circulate among animals, such as camels, cats and bats. This virus probably came from an animal source but is now spreading from person to person. We don’t yet know the specific animal it originated from.
With all the information out there about COVID-19, how can you know what’s true and what’s not? The best source for good information in the U.S. is the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). So let’s bust a few myths with facts from CDC and the World Health Organization:
Myth: It’s OK to travel to China as long as you stay out of Wuhan.
Fact: CDC is recommending that people avoid all nonessential travel to China. As for other international travel, CDC says its recommendations are evolving. So it’s best to check CDC’s coronavirus travel notices before planning an overseas trip.
Myth: Face masks are an important tool in preventing COVID-19.
Fact: CDC does not recommend that most healthy people wear a face mask to protect themselves from this or other respiratory viruses. A face mask should only be used by people who have been exposed to COVID-19 and are feeling sick or those who know they have it. This may help protect others from getting infected. Healthcare workers and other people caring for someone with COVID-19 also need to wear face masks.
Myth: I should avoid contact with my pet, in case it has the virus.
Fact: COVID-19 is spreading from person to person in the U.S. If you are in China, CDC recommends avoiding all animals, alive or dead. But there is no reason to think that any animals or pets in the U.S. might be a source of infection.
It’s still a good idea to wash your hands with soap and water after contact with pets. This protects you from common bacteria like E. coli and salmonella. And if you’re sick with COVID-19, you shouldn’t handle pets or other animals.
Myth: I should avoid touching packages or letters from China.
Fact: It’s safe to handle mail from China. Coronaviruses don’t live long on objects, so you’re not going to be infected by packages from China.
Myth: The flu and pneumonia shots may protect you from coronavirus.
Fact: The pneumococcal and flu vaccines will not protect against COVID-19. But they are important for other reasons. Almost everyone 6 months and older needs a flu shot every year. Kids under 2 years, adults over 65, people who smoke and people with certain medical conditions need the pneumococcal vaccine.
Myth: Antibiotics are effective against COVID-19.
Fact: Antibiotics can’t fight viruses, like COVID-19. They only work against bacteria. If you’re hospitalized with COVID-19, however, you might be given antibiotics to prevent co-infection with bacterial pneumonia. As of this date, there is no specific medicine recommended to prevent or treat COVID-19.
Myth: COVID-19 only affects older people.
Fact: People of all ages can be infected with COVID-19. However, older people and people with chronic conditions (such as asthma, diabetes or heart disease) are at higher risk of becoming seriously ill with the virus.
Myth: The new coronavirus has sickened more people in the U.S. than the flu.
Fact: The flu is much more widespread. For example, this flu season in the U.S., CDC estimates that the flu has:
Made between 22 million and 31 million people ill.
Put as many as 370,000 people in the hospital.
Caused between 12,000 and 30,000 deaths.
By comparison, there are only 53 confirmed cases of COVID-19 in the U.S. so far.
Take steps to stay healthy
To help protect yourself from COVID-19, the flu and other illnesses, CDC recommends everyone follow these healthy practices:
Avoid close contact with people who are sick.
Avoid touching your eyes, nose and mouth with unwashed hands.
Wash your hands often with soap and water for at least 20 seconds, especially after going to the bathroom, before eating, and after blowing your nose, coughing or sneezing.
Use an alcohol-based hand sanitizer when soap and water isn’t available.
Stay home when you are sick.
Cover your cough or sneeze with a tissue, then throw the tissue away.
Clean and disinfect frequently touched objects and surfaces with a regular household cleaner.
Read more breaking news


Someone posted in an earlier thread:
Corona viruses are enveloped (they have a part human/part viral outer envelope membrane that is acquired during budding). For this reason, an alcohol hand sanitizer is reasonably effective against corona and adeno induced colds (it denatures the envelope membrane rendering the virus unable to infect a cell).
Sanitizer dispensers are installed at the door of every hospital room these days for a reason. The doctors in our family use them without fail.

Gail Combs

Use an alcohol-based hand sanitizer when soap and water isn’t available.
Actually you need a hand sanitizer with alcohol PLUS another ingredient that I can not remember. In trying to find that ingredient I found this:
How long does coronavirus live on surfaces?

…The new coronavirus, also known as 2019-nCoV, displays many of the same characteristics as the MERS (Middle East Respiratory Syndrome) and SARS (Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome) viruses, which also belong to the coronavirus family of viruses. The 2019-nCoV coronavirus spreads by human-to-human contact via droplets, contaminated hands, and contaminated surfaces. It takes about two to ten days before its flu-like symptoms appear…..
How long does coronavirus live on surfaces?
One of their primary goals was to assess how long does coronavirus live on surfaces, and whether there are any effective measures that can be taken to lower the risk of infection. This information is especially valuable to healthcare providers, who face the highest risk of infection. It is also valuable to anyone who has been in close contact with someone infected with 2019-nCoV.
The research team evaluated studies of the MERS and SARS viruses. They determined that the viruses can live on surfaces and remain infectious for up to nine days. The average survival rate was four to five days, but low temperature and high humidity increase their lifespan.
The study also evaluated different cleaning solutions at different concentrations and their effect on the lifespan of the viruses. The solutions were made from alcohol, hydrogen peroxide, bleach, benzalkonium chloride, or chlorhexidine digluconate.
The researchers found that solutions of 62-71% alcohol, 0.5% hydrogen peroxide, and 0.1% bleach were the most effective at disinfecting surfaces from the viruses. Solutions of 0.05-0.2% benzalkonium chloride and 0.02% chlorhexidine digluconate were not as effective at killing the virus on surfaces and preventing further spread of the infection.


Very good!
I’ve divided my Corona Virus Material into 3 pages because it got so long:
1. Science
2. Prevention – diet, supplements, cleaning, sanitizing.
3. Politicization, Sensationalism, Weaponizing against Trump/conservatives
Now I can find things better. However, I’m leaving the ‘bioweapon’ links in the science folder.

Gail Combs

Since I am stubborn, I also found this:
Do Hand Sanitizers Work and Does Hand Sanitizer Kill Coronavirus
It looks like that added ingredient Larry L suggested may have just got banned by the FDA…

..In may be news to you but back in April of 2019, the FDA banned 28 chemicals from being used in hand sanitizers due to safety concerns. A decision that leaves manufacturers with only 3 approved active ingredient options:
Isopropyl Alcohol
Ethyl Alcohol
Benzalkonium Chloride [Used in non-alcohol sanitizers – gc]
Which 4 Hand Sanitizers Were Tested and were able to Kill SARS Viral Particles?
Sterillium Rub 80% Ethanol
Sterillium Gel 85% Ethanol
Sterillium Virugard 95% Ethanol
if you see a hand sanitizer that say’s “kills SARS or “Kills Wuhan or Novel Coronavirus” they are not complying with FDA regulations of OTC (over the counter) claims .
In fact as our research unfolds for this article, the makers of Purell, have just been warned by the FDA to STOP making claims that their ethanol-based hand sanitizer could be effective for controlling the spread of some deadly pathogens….
But, there have been favorable studies…at least two that tested whether or not hand sanitizers could kill the SARS coronavirus.
Study 1
A 2005 study (link) out of Germany that proved certain hand sanitizers were capable of killing the 2002 SARS Coronavirus and that research is hard for anyone to ignore. Lucky for us (consumers) we are not mandated to ignore studies. Especially when we’re simply trying to equip our cars, purses, and desk drawers with a best-guess method of sanitizing our hands……
If the above global studies aren’t enough to convince you that hand sanitizers work, then this message from our nation’s own CDC should help:

“An alcohol-based hand sanitizer is the preferred method for cleaning your hands when they are not visibly dirty because it:“
♦️ Is more effective at killing potentially deadly germs on hands than soap
♦️ Is easier to use during the course of care, especially
♦️ when moving from soiled to clean activities with the same patient or resident
♦️ when moving between patients or residents in shared rooms or common areas
♦️ Improves skin condition with less irritation and dryness than soap and water

And do not miss this great tidbit about my home away from home.

National Center of Biotechnology Information
For those of you unfamiliar with the National Center for Biotechnology Information (NCBI), prepare to be amazed. Essentially, NCBI is part of the US National Library of Medicine and home to an enormous database which stores research studies conducted across the world. Much of it is off limits to the general public, but other parts and studies are available to common folk like us.


Thanks so much! I have used the NLM and Pub Med many times over the years, for my daughter’s disease and other family maladies, plus to bolster knowledge for posting on comment threads.

Gail Combs

“Coronaviruses don’t live long on objects, so you’re not going to be infected by packages from China.”
NOPE, That is incorrect Coronaviruses can live a long time on certain surfaces like stainless steel. WORSE that mis-information may make people unaware of person to object to person transfer:
Transmission of SARS and MERS coronaviruses and influenza virus in healthcare settings: the possible role of dry surface contamination.

Viruses with pandemic potential including H1N1, H5N1, and H5N7 influenza viruses, and severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS)/Middle East respiratory syndrome (MERS) coronaviruses (CoV) have emerged in recent years. SARS-CoV, MERS-CoV, and influenza virus can survive on surfaces for extended periods, sometimes up to months. Factors influencing the survival of these viruses on surfaces include: strain variation, titre, surface type, suspending medium, mode of deposition, temperature and relative humidity, and the method used to determine the viability of the virus….


I knew you and the Q treepers would have some corrections/contradictions re: this article.

Gail Combs

This is getting ridiculous….

E.M.Smith says:
28 February 2020 at 5:21 am
Watching S.Korean update on Arirang: now over 2000 csses st 2022 confirmed. Testing something like 28,000 across Kirea.
They are aggressively getting on top of it, but man this is blowing up fast.
Their update is extraordinarily complete and precise. We ought to outsource our CDC to them… actually lists number of masks and full body protection kits shipped to Daegu.

E.M.Smith says:
28 February 2020 at 5:43 am
OMG! S. Korea has set up a drive thru Covid test center. Nearly instant testing done while you stay in your car. We are so outclassed.


jim2 says:
28 February 2020 at 1:23 pm
On CBS just a while ago (Friday morning) had on a Dr. He said there WILL be quarantines in the US and for people to stock up at least 2 weeks of food. He said children will be kept home, so prepare for that and some might have to do school remotely.


Aren’t Asians are more vulnerable to these coronaviruses?
Through the years, has US had anything like the number of infections to MERS, SARS, H1N1 or the WuFlu as the Chinese, Japanese, Korean, etc.?


I made a huge pot of vegetable beef soup and will probably make a big pot of chicken stock to add rice, noodles, parsley, celery, carrots etc. for variety.
I bought a couple of bags of oranges.
Will also buy some diet cokes, cheese, crackers, etc, to go with the soups.

Gail Combs

E.M.Smith says:

Watching S.Korean update on Arirang: now over 2000 csses st 2022 confirmed. Testing something like 28,000 across Kirea.
They are aggressively getting on top of it, but man this is blowing up fast.
Their update is extraordinarily complete and precise. We ought to outsource our CDC to them… actually lists number of masks and full body protection kits shipped to Daegu.

Gail Combs

European Nightmare As Turkey “Opens The Gates” On Refugees While Covid-19 Ravages Nearby Iran

As coronavirus ravages Iran and threatens to spread through the broader Middle East, potentially hitting refugee and war-torn populations hardest, it appears Erdogan is now making good on prior threats to “open the gates” of a flood of refugees on Europe. On Friday top Turkish officials were quoted as saying Turkey has no choice but to “loosen” its stance on the some 3.4 million refugees it is hosting….
Turkey has announced it has opened its until now sealed border with Idlib for at least 72 hours, and will allow unhindered passage of refugees to Europe.
The European Union is downplaying the fact that crowds of Syrian refugees have already been seen en route to Greece via land borders as well as the Aegean Sea….
Greece appears to be responding by completely shutting any Turkish border access point to any and all traffic….
…according to The Guardian: “Turkish news agency Demirören showed footage of what it said was 300 people, including women and children, walking on highways and through forested land in north-west Turkey towards the EU border early on Friday. Syrians, Iranians, Iraqis, Pakistanis and Moroccans were among those in the group, it said.”…

Sadie Slays

Fake News is claiming that American supermarkets are being stripped clean by panic buying over the coronavirus. Well, I just came back from shopping and did not notice anything unusual. How are the stores in your area?


Everything is fine here. Went today and no one has full carts. Shelves are good. Costco yesterday and its the same thing, ever flowing abundance of stuff. Concerning the dog food aisle on the daily mail article. Lots of dog food comes from China so not surprised to see that shelf not filled. However most of the stores shown and their condition is very typical of many grocery stores. Also the paper aisle. Lots of certain brands but others empty. It just looks like they ran out of toilet paper and no one wants the other stuff which is fully stacked.
Meanwhile their map shows 60 cases in the US but if you count the numbers your going to come up with less than 40. The Hopkins map has 62 but again if you count the numbers you come up with less than 40 and that’s after adding what you know is supposed to be in Nebraska which Hopkins dosn’t show for some reason. Meanwhile lots of the numbers you do count, I think I mentioned 6 earlier in another post, are recovered. Which leads me to ask. How long will they keep the numbers for the recovered on the maps. They do the same for the countries, giving them a red dot, but if you check the one or two are already recovered. Okay back to the US numbers, where are the other 20? Are they in another country? Seriously it looks like they have a numbers boosting campaign. Pence needs to tell these people to fix their damn maps.

Sadie Slays

Yeah, I had the same thought about the empty shelves. Those pics don’t look all that different from my local big box store, which is perpetually understocked due to their terrible just-in-time inventory system. On a good day, I’m only be able to find half of what I need on my shopping list.


I read this article and come away thinking that they are going to try to cut out any kind of independent check on the veracity of the checks by keeping them at the State and Local level with no one checking their work. Which means certain states, California in particular, is going to try to sit on the numbers like they do for vote counting. The system needs to be ‘trust but verify’. Anything else is going to be pure fantasy.



We know why south korea has so many cases (and Iran as well) but what’s the reason behind italy? Too many tourists or what’s the reason?


Burce Lee. He did a movie there where he worked in a Chinese food store in Italy. China towns everywhere. 🙂


Ah thanks for that.

Linda K Harrison

I thought it was because of the cruise ship that was docked in Italy on Jan 30, 2020 because a Chinese woman was sick on board. I didn’t hear exactly what happened to the ship or the passengers. I think there were about 6k passengers on board.


That’s one way of stopping the virus from spreading.



[…] February 19-29th: Our Fifth Thread: https://wqth.wordpress.com/2020/02/18/20200218th-29th-coronavirus-update-thread/ […]


[…] February 19-29th: Our Fifth Thread: https://wqth.wordpress.com/2020/02/18/20200218th-29th-coronavirus-update-thread/ […]