Dear KAG: 20200218 Open Thread

Welcome to the 15 minute, standing meeting Tuesday Daily thread. With all the winning going on, mood music calls for something less war-like. Time for some battle music:

This site is a celebration of the natural rights endowed to humans by our Creator as well as those enshrined in the Bill of Rights adopted in the founding documents of the United States of America. Within the limits of law, how we exercise these rights is part of the freedom of our discussion.

Guidelines for posting and discussion on this site were outlined by our host, WolfM00n. Please, review them from time to time.

The discourse on this site is to be CIVIL – no name calling, baiting, or threatening others here is allowed. Those who are so inclined may visit Wolf’s other sanctuary, the U-Tree, to slog it out.

Fellow tree dweller Wheatie gave us some good reminders on the basics of civility in political discourse:

  1. No food fights.
  2. No running with scissors.
  3. If you bring snacks, bring enough for everyone.


From the Book of St. James, Chapter 1:

Blessed is he who perseveres in temptation,
for when he has been proven he will receive the crown of life
that he promised to those who love him.
No one experiencing temptation should say,
“I am being tempted by God”;
for God is not subject to temptation to evil,
and he himself tempts no one.
Rather, each person is tempted when lured and enticed by his desire.
Then desire conceives and brings forth sin,
and when sin reaches maturity it gives birth to death.

Do not be deceived, my beloved brothers and sisters:
all good giving and every perfect gift is from above,
coming down from the Father of lights,
with whom there is no alteration or shadow caused by change.
He willed to give us birth by the word of truth
that we may be a kind of first fruits of his creatures.

As always, prayers for the fight against that which seeks to enslave us are welcome. Via con Dios.

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Stopping by to say hello, D.P., before turning in for the night.

Deplorable Patriot

I almost made it! Crashed about 30 minutes before this dropped. Good night.


I’d like to continue with my racing comment.
If that push, which Blaney said he did deliberately, had ended up with Ryan Newman dead, then do we all say that’s just part of the racing game, and that’s too bad, and we can all go to his funeral and cry a little bit and sympathize with his widow and orphaned children?
What if Ryan Newman comes out of this as a quadriplegic for the rest of his life? All good?
Jus’ tradin’ a little paint. No big deal!


I agree with this 100%.
Lemme know if/when you find a top NASCAR driver who disagrees.


Btw, as long as one is playing the blame game here, one could blame Newman for aggressively trying to block Blaney, who had the draft and would have passed Newman if not for the block.
Props to Blaney for not trying to blame Newman for the wreck in trying to block him.
Blaney knew Hamlin was charging and decided in that millisecond to try to push Newman to ensure a Ford victory.
That’s racing….ESPECIALLY NASCAR racing.

Deplorable Patriot

This issue applies to a number athletic endeavors. Boxer (I have a problem with beating someone bloody being called a sport) killed in the ring, skate severing an artery in a hockey scrum (this has happened), player gets hit in the head by a 100 mph fastball, etc.
These guys know the risks. They are high. Ryan Newman especially. He’s a Purdue engineer. And from the little we’re hearing about the injuries, his career may well be over. BUT, essentially…those guys are test pilots in a car. They live for that stuff. Right or wrong.

Cuppa Covfefe

And then, you look at Schumi, Michael Schumacher, one of the greatest drivers ever, survives a few major accidents, and hundreds of races, only to be brought down (and likely made into a vegetable, though no one outside of his immediate family knows) while SKIING with a go-pro on his head. Supposedly a minor fall, yet he’s disappeared from public life, left alone racing, since then…
Speaking of skiing, what about ski-jumping? Or some of the downhill races? And the luge? There are many, many dangerous sports.
In any case, prayers of Ryan Newman and his family, and his racing family, too…

Deplorable Patriot



Amen to the prayers, Cuppa, but I simply must object, respectfully, to the reference to a person turned into a vegetable. I know everyone, including medical professionals, uses this term, but I am trying to put a stop to it. It just bothers me. Thanks for your consideration and letting me sound off. Always enjoy your posts.

Gail Combs

What about cavers and climbers?
Or scuba divers
Or worse cave divers.
I have lost friends to hiking and caving and climbing and scuba diving and 2 to cave diving.
Do we wrap children up in cotton batting and refuse to let them out of their padded cell their entire life?


Do you want to know the most dangerous sport/activity in Australia?
Rock fishing. People fishing off rocks and being washed off and drowning. The fishies revenge


LIFE….. is Dangerous!
I’d rather DIE doing something that I LOVE to do…..
Than live long in a nursing home or Prison.


I used to do a lot of adventure traveling…off the beaten path mostly in Third World countries. I was older when I married and had been traveling for several years and it was an “agreement” that I continue as long as I had the desire and ability. DEAR husband was supportive…Italian in-laws quite confused!
Because of remote locations, etc. I sometimes would be away, out of communication, for 3 weeks or longer and occasionally in “iffy” conditions. I always told DH…if something happens to me just know I was doing something I love and chose.
Doing that kind of traveling today is far different, than when the world was a more sane and safe place, especially for females…so very glad I experienced it when I did.
There are dozens of famous sites in Europe I have never seen because I’m saving them for when I get old and can’t sleep in a tent! LOL
So, I heartily second your sentiments, rayzorbak.

Gail Combs

A lady after my own heart. After two years of camping in winter I finally broke down and bought a tent… 😋
Now I wish my knees and back would let me crawl into it!
The new ones at least let you roll into them sideways instead of crawling in head first! I would still have the problem of getting back up off the ground.comment image

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Ahh. The knees. I think what did them in for me last 110 mile hike in the Pasayten wilderness (Mt. Baker area in Wa) carrying a 40lb backpack. My shoulders and knees were never quite the same…took llamas as equipment carriers after that!
These days I humiliate myself 3x a week getting up and down from my floor mat in workout classes.
The others, young enough to be granddaughters, pretend not to notice.

Valerie Curren

You sound like a soul sister/kindred spirit to my Aunt Pat. She’s climbed mountains on every continent for many decades. She was the only female on an Antarctic expedition & even swam briefly in the Antarctic Ocean (those Northern Michigan summers semi-prepped her for that feat). Even after hip replacement she led a class on a hiking trip in Nepal. What a remarkable adventuress! Blessings




Valerie Curren

A couple years back my husband took me Up North to celebrate my 50th & we got to spontaneously explore the Lake Michigan ice caves far North of Traverse City, MI. It was magical & gorgeous & a lovingly remembered adventure shared with a few hearty strangers.comment imagecomment imagecomment image
Hope you can see these images, that don’t really do justice to the actual experience & bitter yet fun cold!


Heyyyyyyyyy, Valerie Curren!!!
These are beautiful!

Valerie Curren

It was amazing to encounter those ice caves in person (we’d never even heard of such a thing before) & we were blessed to have been told while we were still in the area. They went on for a couple of miles (at least) & there were scores of cars pulled off on the shoulders of the small two lane roads for miles so that hundreds of adventurers could explore that temporary fantasy land.
My Eagle Scout husband (always be prepared) spared us a lengthy walk back to the spot where we’d first traversed the caves to the snow covered, wind blown ice sheet of the shoreline of Lake Michigan. There were limited spots with “easy” access to the front of the caves. We finally encountered a relatively low ice wall so he took out one of his ubiquitous knives & proceeded to chip out a couple of “steps” (more like climbing wall reverse perches) to enable us to make a more timely escape from those spectacular ice fields. Somehow he managed to give me a boost up from below & than scramble past me so that he could give me a hand up from above–what a versatile & handy guy to have around!!! (I just read him this description for fun & we both have huge smiles just remembering that special day!)


Ahhhh, those are the best of days!
What a great story.
Big kiss to your hubby from our house!

Valerie Curren

Passed along…with Joy! Blessings!!!


Are these photos you took? Beautiful…although I do not like that cold weather and would pass on such a trip…I still admire the beauty of it.

Valerie Curren

I wish that I had such photographic skills…but No. These are all from image searches for Lake Michigan ice caves & at least one photo is from the vicinity where we were along the Lelanaw Penninsula. I just chose some from available images that looked a bit like what my memory of that day said we’d actually seen.
It was bitterly cold that day I was wearing a long wool coat over a sweater jacket over a sweater with scarf & double hand coverage & was still rather cold. We had to do enough physical exertions to keep the blood flowing. My husband Hates the cold (he grew up in Oklahoma w/ early childhood in Colorado) so it was a truly sacrificial labor of love on his part that allowed this most precious experience to occur.


Magnificent, Valerie!! Ice Blue 😁 Glad you braved the cold to see this natural wonder.

Valerie Curren

Yes it was magnificent & now a treasured memory. Blessings

Valerie Curren

When we were young marrieds, with only one of our to-be four kids, we crossed the Mackinac Bridge in the midst of winter on a bracing sunny day. The ice of the Straits of Mackinac was heaved up & sparkling like car-sized diamonds–absolutely breathtaking!
These images don’t come close…or perhaps my memory is slipping 🙂comment image image


Those are incredible, Valerie. The might of winter days on the Great Lakes is indescribable – the moans and crunches as the ice moves and breaks. Awesome!! 🇺🇸🇺🇸

Valerie Curren

Yes!!! I’ve only seen it firsthand a couple of times but God’s handwork & endless artistry continually inspires, awes, & humbles us. Thankfully some great photographers have captured some of the wondrous beauty for us to vicariously enjoy! Blessings


so cool!





SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

How’d you end up with Tuesday?

Deplorable Patriot

Wolf is busy. I’m not as busy. All it takes is copying the post and changing out a couple elements and scheduling.15 minutes tops.


Howling at the moon?

Deplorable Patriot

Your guess is as good as mine on that one.

Gail Combs

More like howling at the Deep State!comment image


He’s one wolf in a mood


translation: THANK YOU for taking Tuesday DePat!

Deplorable Patriot

I’d like to believe that. 😉


well, you have my thanks, anyway!

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Just surprise on my part, really. Of course DP has my thanks. I just wasn’t expecting her to do this until camel day.

Deplorable Patriot

I think this is week four or five I’ve done Tuesdays.


she’s been doing both for a while now…
are you going to be able to go to the rally in Colorado? anywhere near you??

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

It’s near me, but no.


aw…{{pouting}} thought we’d finally get to see your handsome face!

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

If you only knew.


a girl can hope!


To Be Blunt – In Pursuit of Truth Presents – 2.18.20


There are new Q drops, which I presume have been posted to the previous open thread.
Reading the last four drops convinces me that Q reads this blog, and that he’s not happy with the tone and conclusions of Wolfie’s commentary.
Anyway, Q is likely never to drop again. We have more than we know, is what he has said over and over.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

The last one on is 3872, “to be blunt, GAME OVER”
I don’t know if that’s the one you’re thinking of.


Of course. If the game is over, what would be the point in further Q drops?


A: Because you’re Interpretations are wrong.

Deplorable Patriot

Because that post indicates that GAME OVER is about George Soros. If there is proof that he asked for an investigation on the president – never mind election tampering, which I would imagine is going to be the charge that gets us paper ballots – he’s going down.
E pluribus unum just one of many charges.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

The game ain’t over just cause he said so.
As I’ve pointed out, he’s been saying things like this for quite some time, yet somehow the game never even seems to truly start.


It’s game over for the cabal. They are totally screwed



SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Based on what?
Everyone has gotten to skate so far. How do we know they don’t “have something” on Barr?


We don’t. But I think q and q+ would


“The last one on is 3872, “to be blunt, GAME OVER” ”
Wait… wait… wait… don’t stop now!
After 3+ years this is just finally starting to get good!
They should string it out at least 5 more years 😁

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Yeah, celebration is premature, that’s for sure.
As realsauce points out, he said this in december 2017. Should we have celebrated then?


….350+ million Americans…millions of whom are reading and posting re: Q…
….and Q is not happy with Wolf’s (ie. one person’s) commentary…
…and is likely to never post again???


Isn’t it a little silly to think I was implying that Wolfie had enough power to sway Q? Lots of people have been posting, writing articles, making videos, etc. over the last few days about the same things Wolfie has been griping about. So I wanted to make it personal for him yet you read it as 1 out of 350 million.
Q obviously reads a lot of different sympathetic postings; otherwise there wouldn’t be any links in his drops.
Oh yeah, since you think I’m wrong, how about you say what is the correct way to read #3872 .


“Isn’t it a little silly to think I was implying that Wolfie had enough power to sway Q?”
Nope. Because that’s exactly what you wrote…
“Reading the last four drops convinces me that Q reads this blog, and that he’s not happy with the tone and conclusions of Wolfie’s commentary.”
If you meant something else, that’s 100% on you.


Interesting. Anyone can use those apps, so you can check his/her “work”. This person goes through a Schiff-load of data to cull these funds, tho.


Yeah, I don’t know enough about plane tracking to know the significance. Like is it actually odd or just fairly common glitches


If he’s a truly astute observer he might have picked up that everyone is incandescent with rage and running round screaming with their hair on fire
Just saying


Q would monitor all conservative blogs. I don’t think our opinions change his game play. Or not much

Deplorable Patriot

I agree with you. They might adjust the messaging, but this all has to be timed right.


Well, if q Does read this, I’m one little voice wanting to thank him/her/them. q has really kept me believing. I think q was a brilliant concept, and still is. Thank you, Q. Thank you so much.


Agree wholeheartedly!


“Anyway, Q is likely never to drop again.”
Por que no?


I”m going to break this into 2 parts, just in case The BIn is a little hungry.
In light of drop 3869, I think it would behoove us to shed some bright sunlight on organizations affiliated with Soros. Trump and his team have been denying funds to places all over the world, and the last place will be some of our own citizens, Soros being one of them. It’s a little trickier, because we can’t slap sanctions on him. It has to be done legally and through the courts, being that he’s a naturalized citizen. Getting some solid evidence could be a little tricky, he’s careful and cagey.
I ran across an organization over the week end, and of course amongst the myriad of supporters, Soros’ name appears. I was thinking about the Q drops this evening, and decided to do a little looking. I came across 2 interesting articles, the first one is an article saying Soros is behind the shampeachment fiasco, (duh..) and names a group called CREW that was formed to go after Republicans.


The second one is about the Dems are going about their presidential election efforts, and Soros forming Democracy PAC Super PAC . Keep in mind this article looks to me like an oppositional piece, but the main take away is about the super Pac and how it will be funded.
Soros seems to me to like to seed various entities, but really doesn’t like to put any more money into it unless he gets a good return on it, result wise, which in the long run would benefit him financially.
He lost quite a bit of money in the market because he bet that the market would go down after Trump got elected. I think I saw a B that he lost. He moved a bunch of assets around after Trump was elected as well. I wonder if he’s a little worried….. he seems to be throwing money in a lot of directions. Antifa panned out, FF haven’t worked so well, and the field of nominees isn’t looking so hot, no matter who, whether they’re in the run offs or sitting on the side lines.


And Potus and crew are strangling the swamps money movement and acquisition. Been reading a bit of dawsonsfield and so many really big banks , swamp critters being hammered.


Of course Soros has to have a ton in off-shore banking entities, not that I know anything about such things. Just saying the obvious.

Cuppa Covfefe

Here are a couple of links from about Satan Soros. They’ve been following and tracking him and his nefarious organizations for years…
TONS of info there. Perhaps Satan Soros is the Keystone mentioned a while back by Q…


I discovered the Leadership Conference this last weekend through looking at some names on Wolf’s 2nd work thread. Wolf said he thought that particular org is worth its own post. It looks like they had an influx of funds late last year because they filled a bunch of new positions within the last 3 or 4 months.

Deplorable Patriot

MUST READ article linked


Lisa Mei Crowley Retweeted
Larry O’Connor
Throughout history the Left has tried to turn children against their own parents.
What MSNBC featured here is not political analysis… it’s bullying, intimidation and personal targeting.
Trump War Room – Text WOKE to 88022
· 3h
Lunatic @BillNye attacks Trump EPA official Mandy Gunasekara’s family & “two young kids,” suggesting they will have problems because he disagrees with their parents.
A minute later, Nye creepily says carbon monoxide can be used to “kill … your rival.”
MSNBC should apologize!


Karma should visit Nye some day…b*tchslap him around a bit…

Cuppa Covfefe

That would be good. He’s a perv, and probably in on trafficking, too. Here’s a piece from vigilantcitizen about him:
“Bill Nye Saves the World” Episode “The Sexual Spectrum” is Indoctrination
Well worth reading. It’s chilling what the left and their pseudo-scientists are up to….


Leftists turn to murderous threats and violence when discredited and exposed.
Even turn their vile threats against children.
Like Hillrotten and Billy Jeff….
But that is to be expected from perversion and abortion promoters.


“A minute later, Nye creepily says carbon monoxide can be used to “kill … your rival.””
It is my understanding of Nazi German history that carbon monoxide was an early technique of the ‘final solution.’ Deplorables of one sort or another (criminals, Jews, the mentally and physically handicapped) would be loaded into enclosed trucks and taken for a drive into the countryside. The engine exhaust of the truck was piped into the cargo spaces. By the time the truck reached its destination the victims was dead by CO poisoning. This method was ultimately deemed inefficient and was replaced by cattle cars and gas chambers.


A number of people/comments these days remind me of Nazi Germany. It is sickening.


Too slow and used fuel which was too valuble


Lisa has a THREAD – click timestamp
Lisa Mei Crowley
7. Worth remembering. Since last drop said “GAME OVER”, [they] will need some kind of ‘multiple day’ distraction.
See something > Say something.
High Possibility of False Flag Event in Next 10 Days to Change News Cycle (Negative Optics for D’s)
15 Feb 2019 – 5:11:04 AM
Be alert next 10 days.
FF attempts may be carried out in attempt to change narrative (neg optics).
High possibility of ‘multiple day’ coverage event forcing pause on news.
See something > Say something.


Appreciate people reposting the recent q drops. Thank you.


me too Zoe…with all the threads I rarely have time to go back and read whatever I missed from yesterday’s threads!!

Deplorable Patriot

The way the story is told it sounds like an ambush.



Wonder what this lawsuit will be about…..Hmm…


Wondered the same, Daughn. Defamation?


I don;t know….
Dershowitz claims to be holding the original 302 for the case.
How did he get it?????

Gail Combs

WHAT is Alan’s life expectancy?


“Radical democrat McCarthyism”
Perfect. Exactly right.


Yes, except the term “McCarthyism” does Joe McCarthy a grave injustice. Read Diana wWest, including her two recent books.

Gail Combs

Joe McCarthy should never have been stopped. He was going after the commies IN THE GOVERNMENT.


Makes you wonder, doesn’t it?

Deplorable Patriot

Yep. Educating the people who don’t know just how much of a cesspool Justice is. Information campaign laid out just right for maximum impact.


Who’s complaining about investigations now?
“ Attorney General William Barr is looking into the murky origins of the politically-charged Justice Department investigations that roiled American public life for the last three years.
But now, as Barr looks into how it all started, voices that were part of that frenzy are changing their tune about the value of investigations. They now express concern about investigations that Barr is politicizing the Justice Department to go after perceived political enemies.
“The power to investigate is the power to destroy,” a former U.S. attorney, Gregory Brower, told the Washington Post recently. “The ability to simply point to a pending investigation against a person can have devastating effects on that person and can have a potential political benefit to the person orchestrating the investigation.”
“President Trump appears to be now using [his] power, with an assist from the Justice Department, to exact revenge on some perceived political enemies,” said NBC’s Chuck Todd.
The president is “weaponizing the Department of Justice against perceived enemies,” said CNN’s Anderson Cooper.“
The irony and hypocrisy at work here is simply mind-bottling.




And headlines today report a group of federal justices are having conference calls about the DOJ’s “interferences” in their ….political activism, to be blunt. Basically, it looks as though they are backing Judge Amy Bergman’s biased and unethical bench rulings.

Deplorable Patriot

“These people are stupid.”
If they did this on federal property there may well be a recording of it.


As I read it early this morning…conference calls.


ONLY takes one of them to have a FISA in place, then the call is recorded. Two hop rule casts a wide net.
Not to far fetched to think Amy Berman IS being watched, very closely.


You have done me a great favor to go with my morning coffee.
Reminding me of the fact that FISA warrants are a two edged sword. I can’t tell you how joyful I felt when I read that.
Bastards deserve anything we can dish out.




Barr could be “peached” next. 🍑 Here’s one article about the judges:

Deplorable Patriot

They over estimate their importance. Anyone and everyone CAN be replaced.


It is wonderful that the deep state the swamp exposes themselves and shines light on themselves.
Now we all will learn who the corrupt Judges are. Judges planning and plotting against Justice cannot make that up. You all believe they came with the constitution in their heart and mind to have a talk?


Such wonderful consistency by the Dimms!
If the Dimm Forces of Evil do anything, it’s good. Always good!
If the Deplorable Forces for Good do anything, it’s bad. Always bad!
Cue the Church Lady.



Deplorable Patriot

Yeah…I heard about this on Sunday morning when the old man defense lawyer got on a tear about the career people being stepped on, professionally speaking.
Normies like said lawyer are going to resist the red pill with all their might, but the DoJ lawyers who insist on complaining this way fell into a big ole trap, and Rudy and the others free to talk are going to beat them over the head with it.
I don’t know about anyone else, but this show is getting entertaining.


Yes, it is! I’m getting into my popcorn reserves far sooner than I anticipated.

Valerie Curren

One advantage of (constantly) doing catch-up reading here at the Q Tree is encountering gems at the end of important posts…like this one copied “as is” from this lively discussion…please go to the link to respond directly to the author if he/she hasn’t posted here today…God Bless All here at the wonderful Q Tree!
February 17, 2020 at 21:12
I have tried to refrain from too much on this particular subject. One because I know nerves and feelings on this are RAW. Two because EVERYONE has grown impatient for justice, and despondent because it has not yet happened. Three, because I am a guest here in someone else’s site.
That being said, I feel the absolute need to say this to Wolf and everyone. Everyone here just what I think, I have posed it ad nauseum here. my blog and elsewhere. I even wrote a book about it nearly 1 year ago.
I implore you all to NOT get lost in the MSM hysterias, the outrage of the moment. If you notice ONE simple fact, you will see just why I and others STILL have faith in Trump, Q, and most importantly JUSTICE for the Cabal. Notice the simple VAST amount of crap the MSM is throwing out NOW at the obvious behest of their puppet masters, those in the Cabal. It has NOTHING to do with the election, the Cabal ALREADY know that is TOAST, BURNT TOAST, and every time one of the brood of Dem candidates open their mouths in public, their hole only gets DEEPER. They CANNOT help themselves, they simply HAVE to show how “smart” they are, and thereby belittle all us dumb deplorable rubes. Bubble elitists gotta elite. Their problem is that we the people are laser focused on this election, and instead of waiting to September or October to become engaged, we are locked in NOW.
Therefore EVERYTHING that they could normally bury, omit. or distract from is instead highlighted, and it AIN’T pretty. 2020 elections will be a BLOODBATH for the dems, and the smart ones damn well KNOW it. When political pundits like Carville have STOPPED spinning, and started not only warning what is coming, but BEGGING for the dems to wake up, you know there is TROUBLE, HUGE trouble, especially when it is this far out. Their internal polling must be a DISASTER. Carville, and even Van Jones are total hacks and leftists, BUT, they ARE very politically savy, they have read the tea leaves, and it is BAD.
What does this have to do with the current fiascos and shampeachment? EVERYTHING. The Cabal realize that they are not only out of power, and out of ammo, they are about to be STEAMROLLED to HISTORIC lows in the House AND Senate. That means, they will have NO ONE politically to SHEILD them. The MSM CAN’T do it, their power IS waning. That is what ALL the recent Fake News about McCabe, and Crowdstrike is ALL about.
They USED to be able to influence the vast majority of “normies” that influence under Trump is fading, and FAST. Look at one segment of their base, the African American community as an example. Normally, in the past, this segment would be all in on whatever the dem party said. They would be in LOCKSTEP with whomever the party foisted upon them (Biden). NOT this time. What is different? Trump is DIFFERENT. He actually made the African American community promises…and damned if he did not DELIVER on those promises.
There are STILL some asleep and who want to simply be “given”all the freebies, but one figure, the LOWEST AA unemployment EVER recorded, tells you that there are a HUGE portion that have decided, AFTER Obama LIED to them, to give Trump a chance, and BOUGHT in. THAT is a HUGE indicator of just where the 2020 elections are going. The dems CANNOT win ANY elections nationally without 90 plus percent of the AA vote, and they will NOT get it…not against Trump, and HE will have coat tails, BIG ONES.
So, without confidence in the election to elect enough Cabal to continue the coverups of the coup, and with a MSM that has LOST it’s mojo, the Cabal is in PANIC mode. They are flailing and puling ALL the stops. The MSM is in FULL OUT fake news mode, and is trying to provide as much cover as they can for the coupists. THAT is what the McCabe story was ALL about, it was MEANT to demoralize ALL of US. It was meant to try and get us to question not only Trump and Q, but OURSELVES.
They KNOW we the people are CLAMORING for justice, and they know that MANY have grown impatient and RESTLESS, therefore, they and the Cabal chose to STRIKE with a fake news story whose ONLY intent was to demoralize ALL of us. They were hoping to snatch victory from the jaws of defeat one last time. They NEARLY succeeded, as even Wolf and a few high integrity posters here were ready to throw in the towel on the plan, Q, and Barr, but NOT Trump.
THAT is where they FAILED, yet again. See, people here and all across the fruited plain, TRUST Trump. They BELIEVE in him, his policies, and his vision. They KNOW the man has FOUGHT against ALL odds, and for US, when he did NOT have to. he simply could have given up, but he did NOT, he endures it ALL, for O N E D O L L A R.
I simply tell you this. If you believe in Trump, and you TRUST Trump, then you have to trust that the man DOES have a plan, and it IS being executed by people HE trusts. The first few years were spent ELIMINATING and weeding out those he could NOT trust or who were traitors, and that continues to this DAY. BUT, those people are fewer in number, and more importantly, OUT of power and those still clandestine are STILL being exposed AND removed. The list is LONG, and growing, from Comey to Vindman. From McCabe to Yates, and from Page to Strzok. Are their STILL embeds? Sure. There was simply too much inbreeding over the last 3 administrations after Reagan, too much BLOAT. But the belt tightening IS happening. Did anyone REALLY think that nearly FORTY years of corruption and graft could be removed in a few months or even a SINGLE term? I did not the swamp was deep, wide, and stocked with every form of foul creature know, all aligned against US.
For those of you who are buying into Sundance’s theory, STOP. He has been spewing the same tripe since Trump was inaugurated. He STILL thinks it was a “small group” I laugh out loud at that, and if you read my book, you would too. Look at just who was “discovered” in the State and NSC JUST this year due to impeachment. Did Sundance mention them? Noone even knew who Ciaramella, Vindland, Sondland, and Taylor WERE. Small group my considerable REAR END. This was DEEP, PERVASIVE, MULTIFACETED, and WELL planned and coordinated…from the TOP (Obama).
For those of you who think that there can be no justice, like Sundance, and that we should just SETTLE for exposure, and ostracization. STOP IT. THINK. Do the Cabal CARE what WE think? Do the Cabal CARE about LAWS? ETHICS?, EQUAL JUSTICE? BAD PUBLICITY? Do they even care about their “legacies” or HISTORY ?
They absolutely DO NOT give a RIP about anything except money and POWER. More money buys MORE power and that leads to MORE money. That is ALL they care about. They are willing to do ANYTHING to keep power, even murder. They will lie, cheat, steal. ignore, obfuscate, and KILL to keep it.
The old axiom is true. Power corrupts, and absolute power corrupts ABSOLUTELY. That is why Sundance, and those like him that are willing to “settle” for exposure, and not the administration of JUSTICE, because they THINK it cannot happen simply because it has not happened yet, are simply wrong or misguided.
The ONLY reason Trump has not yet achieved justice is because he has been under CONSTANT legal assault from the get go. From the bogus dossier (THE heart of this ALL) to Mueller, to court battles with LOWER courts, to the 9th circuit to Shampeachment. ALL with 95% negative coverage.
Now, when things are just STARTING to break, with the END to the disasterous kangaroo court Soviet style impeachment, NOW people want to throw in the towel? Because McCabe (like Comey) got “off” on a process crime? That would be doing a DISSERVICE to people like Flynn, Papadopolous, and Stone who SACRIFICED their freedom because they BELIEVED in Trump and his plan. I KNOW it is NOT fair and it is HYPOCRISY at it’s highest, THAT is the POINT. TO SHOW we the people the TRUTH, to hold up the mirror to the Cabal, and RIP open the curtain, revealing the wizard BEHIND.
Take heart, and READ these words. Trump will NOT let them get away with this. HE CAN’T. These people will NOT be satisfied. They will NOT let Trump or US, his folllowers, BREATHE a moments PEACE. They WILL enact REVENGE on ALL of us IF they are allowed to skate with “exposure” They LAUGH and PRAY for that outcome, they KNOW they WIN if that is the out come. Once Trump is gone, we would ALL be SCREWED. Therefore, Trump simply will not falter, he will not lose, and he will not FAIL.
He, his friends, his businesses, his family, and most importantly the COUNTRY have suffered too much to let this “go” He WILL NOT, and there MUST be a way to get the outcome of justice, Trump and his team have it figured out even if Sundance and we do NOT. Else, why keep FIGHTING? Endure all the crap for NAUGHT as soon as Trump is gone? I don’t think so. There IS a way, and we WILL see it. Trump does NOT know how to lose, he does NOT know how to fail, he simply finds other ways to WIN.
I keep going back to what Ivanka said right before the 2016 election. “With my father, impossible is where HE BEGINS.”
I hope this does not anger my hosts, or anyone in the community, but it NEEDED to be said. We simply MUST stay the course and have faith in not only Trump, but those whom he has entrusted like Q and Barr. MOST of what we see is DECEPTION to embolden the enemy. DO NOT fall into the “despair” trap.
I believe Trump was CHOSEN for this task, and NOT by the military or a group of white hats, but by God. Too much has happened for me to believe otherwise. I am NOT saying to worship Trump, but to have faith that he is obviously an emissary meant to help not only the US, but the WORLD. Patience is required, nay DEMANDED. God works in HIS time, and not the hours of man. This is after all, ultimately, HIS will.
God has this, and therefore Trump does as well. Justice will come so that these evil people will NEVER again be able to do the horrors they have inflicted on man and child alike. God bless you all, and God bless the President and his team and family. In the END…God wins.
PS, remember, in the end, they ALL had only ONE boss. He is NOT getting away with it.


Valerie, so glad you reposted this here. It must not be missed by anyone who loves our country and wants to support Pres. Trump and what is being done.



Valerie Curren

Thanks Zoe. It was so encouraging that I wanted to make sure that more Q-Treepers saw it. Blessings!


Thank you for reposting this here Val. I hope you and everyone here enjoy it and take heart from it. Now is the time for SOLIDARITY. I think something big is about to break, and I think it will pull the drain plug on the swamp. One thing is certain there is DEFINITELY SOMETHING PERCOLATING just under the surface. The cabal and their sycophants are SPOOKED. I suspect our patience is about to be rewarded.

Valerie Curren

You’re welcome! What you shared was so important that it needed to get a wider viewing on the open thread, imho.
Thank you for taking the time & effort to compose such an encouraging comment at just such a time as we needed that pick-up & perspective! I hope your prognostications are spot on! Thanks & God Bless YOU!!!


Ty God bless you as well. I saw the despair creeping in, and I thought we all needed some clarity. Check out my response on Q to Gail in the same thread. I am still convinced that REAL justice for the cabal is imminent

Valerie Curren

Thanks for that heads up…


I believe like you do. Instinctively, I take the President’s words at their genuine value. I have no doubt.
He has used strong language, strong labels, strong adjectives regarding some of these players – he’s too savvy to do it without proof. His statements regarding Treason, Catching the Swamp, catching them all… those too count.
Ivanka’s remark is more true than we realized at the time. “Impossible is where he begins.”

Valerie Curren

Yes! & Amen!!! Blessings 🙂


thanks Valerie!

Valerie Curren

YW…& God Bless


and you as well!

Valerie Curren

Thanks!comment imagecomment imagecomment image
Hopefully you can see these scriptural blessings…


yes, thank you!
they’re beautiful!


“They KNOW we the people are CLAMORING for justice, and they know that MANY have grown impatient and RESTLESS, therefore, they and the Cabal chose to STRIKE with a fake news story whose ONLY intent was to demoralize ALL of us. They were hoping to snatch victory from the jaws of defeat one last time. They NEARLY succeeded, as even Wolf and a few high integrity posters here were ready to throw in the towel on the plan, Q, and Barr, but NOT Trump.”
I don’t think anyone is throwing in the towel.
People have HAD IT with all the “SOON” BS, while our side keeps getting kicked in the teeth, and our side never ARRESTS anybody.
And what if DJT (and Q) is COUNTING on us (expecting!) us to get so angry that we’re ready to tear some heads off?
Shouldn’t we be doing our part?
The whole thing is like a giant strip-tease, with the emphasis on TEASE.
Meanwhile, the bad guys kicking dirt in our face and having a high old time, and all most people on our side can do is talk about ‘cold anger’ while another year goes by with NO ARRESTS and NO RESTORATION of our RIGHTS or the RULE OF LAW.
I have no doubt this is all according to Q’s plan.
That doesn’t mean we can’t be &^%$#&%@ sick of it.
Trump will move when the time is right, and not a moment sooner.
But we could all do without being jerked around.
If nothing is going to happen until after the election in November, then Q should SAY THAT.
Stop stringing people along, making it easy for the enemy to demoralize and divide patriots, by making it seem like something is supposed to happen ANY DAY NOW… for ELEVEN HUNDRED FREAKING DAYS.
That’s a psy-op against US.
Are we supposed to appreciate getting jerked around like that?
Would Q appreciate it, if the shoe was on the other hand?

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

That is precisely my complaint now.
Any Day Now….Any Day Now…Any Day Now.
I’m starting to think that that’s equivalent to Never.


“And what if DJT (and Q) is COUNTING on us (expecting!) us to get so angry that we’re ready to tear some heads off?
Shouldn’t we be doing our part?”
Pres. Trump KNOWS we are angry. It’s why he got elected. It’s why he’s so popular, because he is one of us and is fighting to clean out the corruption.
What does “doing our part” mean? We are researching; becoming informed; uncovering previously unknown material; spreading the word in person, on the internet, in blogs, through social media, through call-ins, etc.; petitioning Congress and our local governments; supporting good candidates and getting word out about bad ones; contributing to Pres. Trump directly to show our support; ridiculing Dems, voting and encouraging others to do so; attending Trump rallies; etc. And we are holding out hope for this country, partly because of Q.
I hope this doesn’t sound confrontational; I don’t mean it to be. I’m just curious, when people say we have to do something, what they expect us to do. I do not think marches on Washington have any effect whatsoever.

Gail Combs

““And what if DJT (and Q) is COUNTING on us (expecting!) us to get so angry that we’re ready to tear some heads off?
Shouldn’t we be doing our part?””

Like calling ALL the offices of ALL our Reps and Senators and SCREAM about the two tiered Just-Us system. MAKE A FUSS DEMAND the Federal Employee Union is destroyed and the bureaucrats are treated like other Americans instead of as an ARISTOCRACY!


We the people being PISSED and DEMANDING equal justice IS part of the plan. How do you counter a nearly 100 percent biased propagandize media? How do you counter a deep vast and corrupt establishment in every corner of government? How do you make a uniparty bunch in Congress actually heel and DO THEIR DAMN JOBS for US?
How about using a clandestine information conduit that is totally plausibly deniable to deliver JUST enough info to have people get INVOLVED and look up their OWN info and do their OWN research. This then leads to people wanting MORE info, which then leads to more and more people being engaged.
Then people are exposed to the TRUTH and no amount of msm propaganda to dissuade or obfuscate works. Then we the people get exposed to the hypocrisy and the big con. We become outraged, and the ONLY thing that will satisfy that anger is JUSTICE.
We the people then can enmasse both DEMAND and EXPECT justice. A beautifully and brilliantly executed plan. THAT IS WHERE WE ARE NOW! We the people being engaged, pissed, and DEMANDING justice had to ALWAYS be a part of the plan. It is the ONLY WAY to actually FORCE the draining of the swamp and the demise of the cabal without Civil War 2.0


That’s a broken system, Gail.
It doesn’t work.
It hasn’t worked in 50 years, if it ever worked.
They tuned us out a long time ago.
They don’t listen to us, they listen to the people who own them, and for the Repubs, that’s the CoC and Koch and whoever else is shoving money in their pockets.
I know people are creatures of habit, I get that, and I am too. But there comes a time when we need to step back and assess what is working, and what isn’t.
And if something isn’t working, what good is continuing to do it, over and over again, expecting something different to happen?
I can’t do it.
It gets to the point where it’s the equivalent of self-abuse.


“What does “doing our part” mean? ”
In the context of my earlier post, it meant getting angry about allowing the Rule of Law to remain in a giant dumpster fire. Angry and vocal enough to give DJT the excuse and cover to DROP the HAMMER.
I don’t know what the ‘plan’ is, or what new ‘soon!’ game they’re playing today, and it’s getting to the point where I don’t care anymore, because they don’t give a *&^% about the crap they’re putting us through.
It doesn’t have to be this way, and it never did. It’s like the RINOs got ahold of Trump’s plan, watered it down, spread it out over two decades, and very intentionally destroyed it from the inside, like Craphead McConnel did to the Tea Party.
A) we are constantly told AND shown that there is an ACTIVE coup against the President of the United States
B) the President has the Authority to STOP it; we do NOT
C) but they DON’T stop it, they just point out all the evidence to US, to get us all jacked and up, and then they do NOTHING except let it go on for YEARS
D) the NSA knows who EVERY SINGLE TRAITOR is, and has known, since before Trump was sworn in
E) in any situation remotely approaching this (and nothing even close to this brazen and open Treason has ever happened to my knowledge), the historical SOLUTION is to round everybody up and SHOOT them.
F) It’s a #*&%ING WAR for the survival of the Republic, it’s NOT a freaking game show
That’s what jerk-around Q constantly tells us, over and over, cranking us up — and then nothing, over and over again. For THREE &^%$ING YEARS.
Well *&^% him.
Put his family in our situation, and torture him for 3 *^$^&*(^&(% YEARS, and see how HE likes.
It’s EASY for Q. He knows what’s going on.
We’re in the DARK, getting jerked around by an anonymous code team on 8Chan.
It’s UNPRECEDENTED, which is the understatement of the MILLENNIUM.
So if people are getting a little *&^%ING PIST OFF by now, they have GOOD %$#Q$#ING REASON.
And the division?
This is what’s causing the division.
Q’s little psy-op, the psychological abuse game he’s playing against US.
Where we now have the enablers of the abuser (the people who counsel BLIND TRUST and FAITH to what at best is an anonymous government entity) vs. those who recognize abusive treatment and react appropriately to it.
THAT is the developing division.
Blind faith and Blind Trust is for SHEEP.
And what does Q always say?
Classic abusive contradiction tactic.
Classic Charlie Brown with Lucy and the football routine.
I grew up with that kind of abuse, and there are very few things in this world that I hate more.

Valerie Curren

I guess my viewpoint of being a Q agnostic insulates me just a bit from expecting “Q” to pull another James Bond level trick out of “his” bag to enable the stylish & deadly overcoming of a seemingly invincible enemy.
At times taking that long scriptural view helps to provide perspective. Jesus said “In this world you will have tribulation, but be of good cheer, for I have overcome the world!” Holding on to hope is a bit easier when clinging to the Lord who is the Way, the Truth, & the Life.
On this planet & within the affairs of men I think it is pretty easy for us all to say, along with Pilate, “what is truth?”. Knowing Who Truth is helps us to hold on to hope for the unveiling of truth down here…at least that is what often works for me. Blessings…& hang in there!


“Did anyone REALLY think that nearly FORTY years of corruption and graft could be removed in a few months or even a SINGLE term?”
Based on the speeches Trump made, at the Inauguration and since?
I did expect it to be removed in a single term.
I expected thousands of traitors, ALL known to the NSA, to be rounded up like Roger Stone.
Flown to Gitmo, which Q has made sure we all know has been prepared for a LOT more prisoners.
Given military tribunals, which Q and Trump have made known with at least several key Executive Orders.
So yes, I did expect arrests and prosecutions and convictions and military executions by now.
And we were supposed to expect it.
If we had been told it was going to take 5+ years before even ARRESTS would be made, how many people would have signed up for THAT?
The reason the ‘Great Awakening’ is has been so successful is because of the very carefully structured and rolled out TEASE.
But the tease has run its course.
People have bought all the ‘sizzle’ there is to buy.
There better be some STEAK.
Or stop the freakin’ TEASE and give us a more realistic time horizon.
You can’t keep tens of thousands of troops at peak readiness off the shores of Normandy in perpetuity.
If you’re not gonna go, then don’t.
If you are, then do.
But stop saying you ARE, and then don’t follow through.
THAT is what people are pissed off about.
Nobody is getting off the Trump Train.
People are just sick of being JERKED around.


POTUS has said many times they never imagined that the swamp was this deep.
I believe when POTUS came into the job he had no idea of the evil the reason I say that how he trusted people who later stabbed him in the back.
We need to stand together and support that man because we have no idea what he faces each day. If we cave to our emotions what we want instead pray that God work through our President and support him we loose everything. What is the alternative? Bloomberg? Sanders? Buttmayor?
Through thick and thin I am with POTUS. I dislike good weather friends but then i am much black and white in my thinking. I dislike injustice and POTUS is the closes we have who is going to set DC back on track. Sadly he only will have 8 years and I hope the one coming after him is a wise man/woman and not a fool.


“Nobody is getting off the Trump Train.
People are just sick of being JERKED around.”
This is the first step to people getting off the Trump Train. Now, in addition to the monumental fight against the foes of America, we have to deal with discontent within our own ranks. That weakens us considerably.


I wont get off bc he cannot control everything and we know it. We just expect the other surrounding support to give us the follow through we voted for. Judges in place, scampeachment done, they need to be held accountable soon. We are Americans, not Europeans, and we have done everything faster, better, on time, and more innovative than any other country. Surely we can bring people to JUSTICE faster than an English afternoon tea?

Deplorable Patriot

They can’t fill a judicial seat until it’s vacant, though. See how this plays out. Who knows, a number may quit.


I hope they do. Maybe a high profile quit or removal like AB Jackson would motivate them.


“This is the first step to people getting off the Trump Train.”
No it’s not.
But it might be the first step in getting off the Q-train.
Q is the abuser.
And if that shoe fits, he needs to wear it.
Somehow in this whole big elaborate game of his, he either forgot or abandoned US.
Exactly what a career government employee would do.
Never trust The People, keep them in the dark.
Never actually do what needs to be done (END THE COUP and RESTORE the rule of Law), but instead, just keep moving the goal posts a little each day.
Never let the light of day expose the disease and sterilize it; instead, the masters of the universe will continue “the silent war” without us, and we (those who are not supposed to be SHEEP any more) are counseled to sit back, get some popcorn, and enjoy the show.
And as always, those who point out the truth are the bad guy.
Blind faith is no faith at all, it’s capitulation.
The Apostles didn’t have blind faith. They lived with Jesus for THREE YEARS, and STILL they needed regular confirmation, right up to the very end.
When Jesus rose from the dead, the Apostles didn’t believe Mary. They ran to the tomb, and John was faster, so he beat Peter to it, but he waited and Peter went in first. Then they believed.
Soon after, Jesus appeared to them, but Thomas was not there.
Thomas would not believe, until he saw with his own eyes.
History does a disservice to call him ‘doubting Thomas’. Thomas was RIGHT to demand evidence. None of the others believed either, until they saw with their own eyes, but Thomas gets singled out.
Their faith was not blind, and neither should ours be.
And used to think Jesus was somewhat scolding Thomas when He appeared to all of them again (Thomas included), and said to Thomas to touch the hole in His side, and touch where He was pierced through the hands and feet, and be not faithless.
But I don’t think He was scolding anymore. Scolding or mocking was not Jesus’ way, not to His disciples. His way was teaching. Thomas was right to demand evidence. Jesus showed him, so that Thomas would believe, and be strengthened in his faith.
We’re not being shown squat.
We’re being asked to buy a pig in a poke.
We have gone along with it for a lot longer than anyone should have to. Some people get used to their abusers, even identify with them, and it becomes a co-dependent cycle of abuse.
Others are blessed (or cursed) to see what’s going on, and in doing so, CANNOT HELP but call attention to it.
Those who are comfortable in their abuse DO NOT LIKE THAT.
And instead of turning their anger at their abuser, they defend their abuser, and attack those who question the abuser.
That is the division that is going on.
And Q created it.
That’s the truth.
Do with it what you will.


Sorry about the excessive boldface, I only meant to boldface “be not faithless”, I must have missed the end bracket.

Valerie Curren

Sounds like you are describing a form of Stockholm Syndrome.
Regarding Jesus & Thomas one of the beauties of that scenario was that Jesus was able to say (to us all) “blessed are those who have not seen and yet believe!” We are the witnesses of the witnesses of His resurrection–the Good News, the Gospel of Peace, the Prince of Peace has come & broken Every chain!


“Sounds like you are describing a form of Stockholm Syndrome.”
Yes, I suppose so. If I understand correctly, Stockholm Syndrome is a form of co-dependent abuse, where the abused identifies with the abuser.
So much so, that the abused would defend their abuser and attack anyone who revealed or attempted to stop their abuser.
So there’s that.
“Regarding Jesus & Thomas one of the beauties of that scenario was that Jesus was able to say (to us all) “blessed are those who have not seen and yet believe!” ”
Yes, but as you say, we are not without evidence. Jesus knew His apostles would need evidence and it was good and right for Him to provide it, and we are the beneficiaries of those events, and the recording and providential preservation of them.
There are some obvious dissimilarities, however, to our current situation.
Jesus did not fight a ‘silent war’ in the darkness, His work was done in the light.
Jesus did not rely on ambiguous catch-phrases like ‘Trust the Plan’ 😂
Jesus provided an abundance of direct evidence, daily, that He was exactly Who He said He was.
Jesus accomplished His task of providing a means of salvation for all mankind, for all time — in the space of about three years.
Q is not Jesus. 🙂

Valerie Curren

I’m not a Q follower, per se, I call myself a Q agnostic so I don’t have a history of being built up & then let down by expeQtations…
In fact I pretty much hate the WWG1WGA phraseology because it smacks of group-think, which I despise. I have a hard enough time getting on board with the concept of “unity” in the Body of Christ.
I’m probably Too American & overly steeped in individualism. If the crowd is claiming something in unison I’m pretty much always suspicious cat, looking behind the curtain, trying to discern whose manipulating those levers of power.
Anyway the only comparison that seems realistic between “Q” & Jesus is that they both amassed quite a few very dedicated followers.
Jesus’ disciples had to have been in despair during the lead up & execution of the crucifixion. Those who mocked Him & demanded Him to prove His power by coming down from the cross were taunting the Lord with exactly what He couldn’t do–being the Lamb slain from the foundation of the earth.
As He was dying & those “3 days” He was in Sheol-Hades had to heap mountains of despair on His followers. However after His resurrection & that of many others who’d died & were seen walking about in Jerusalem it’s likely that few people were not some type of witness to the events of the age.
I was thinking that your despair/discouragement could somewhat mirror Jesus’ loyal, despondent followers. He was doing the very thing He’d been born to do, what He’d foretold them of, & what Must have been done to break the otherwise inescapable grip of death, hell, & the grave.
Assuming “Q” is real & there is a “plan” it is possible that we are at that point of where it’s darkest just before the dawn. I’m no Q believer, but I do believe that Trump keeps demonstrating that he’s a man of his word, with an unparalleled vision & work ethic. Though I don’t “trust the plan” per se, I do trust God & it has seemed that Trump’s election was the work of God against seemingly insurmountable odds. Therefore Trust the Lord & pray for Trump & his team that they may do what is necessary to restore our nation to true & equal justice for all.comment imagecomment imagecomment image
God bless you!


Youre right again. Thats how I feel.

Valerie Curren

These are great insights!


With all due respect Scott, you are overlooking one key thing, the enemy is not just going to sit there and say “whelp ya got us, we confess”. They were and did take countermeasures. In fact there has been nonstop. Attacks DESIGNED to specifically hide their crimes and keep Trump on defense. From the start in the dossier to Comey to Mueller to countless lawsuits,l leaks, propaganda, to shampeachment. All with little to no help from Congress. Trump has to figure out who was friend and who was foe, who was an ally and who was an enemy. All the while constantly waiting for the next traitor to stab him in the back.
No one could have endured it all and thrived , yet Trump did. I will realize that this is WAR and in war, everything is fluid. Contingencies are in place, and there are moves and counter moves. I give Trump the benefit of the doubt if his timeframe had to be upped, Because of that I still believe that ALL that Q promised is still not only possible, but PROBABLE. one thing is certain, those in the cabal and their sycophants sure keep going to an awful lot of time, trouble, and expense to STOP something that is not “happening or going to happen” (justice)


“With all due respect Scott, you are overlooking one key thing, the enemy is not just going to sit there and say “whelp ya got us, we confess”. They were and did take countermeasures. In fact there has been nonstop.”
You people are killing me.
This is NOT a ‘police action’.
It’s a WAR, it’s a C-O-U-P.
When the lawful government is being attacked from within by lawless TRAITORS, the answer to that situation is NOT to play parlor games with them for the next three years.
It’s NOT hard to find examples of how to put down a lawless coup, they happen even today, with some regularity, around the world.
When a COUP is ongoing, it goes without saying that the rule of LAW is ABSENT.
That leaves FORCE as the only credible option.
In the ABSENCE of LAW, might makes right.
Always has, always will.
When the Law of Man is abandoned, we are not without Law.
It just reverts to natural law.
Law of the Jungle.
And that’s where we are.
If you try to play by Man’s law in the Jungle, the Jungle is going to EAT you.
We shouldn’t be in this situation, and we CERTAINLY shouldn’t be in this situation THREE YEARS down the road.
DJT was elected to restore the Rule of Law.
He hasn’t.
He has done a lot of great and amazing things, but he hasn’t done the most needful thing, which is to STOP the Coup and RESTORE the rule of Law.


Scott, the Cabal WANT anarchy, they WANT innocent blood. We all want JUSTICE, but the ONLY blood that needs spilled is CABAL blood.
I know more than most here that this was a coup, hell I literally wrote a book about it exposing just WHO orchestrated it and WHY, a fact that many are now coming to see.
I believe they ALL should meet the business end of a 6′ rope over an 8′ drop. BUT, we have to do this RIGHT, LEGAL, and PROPPER, or else the big fish WILL skate. We cannot go willy nilly lynch mobbing these crooks, that makes US no better than THEM, and would prove to the radicals that we are what they say we are, midless, violent rubes, easily suckered.
I want this to go down in HISTORY not as a bloody Civil war 2, but as the greatest takedown of TRAITORS EVER. I want it done RIGHT, COMPLETE, and LEGAL. That way their infamy is ASSURED FOREVER.
The only way we reslult to the unthinkable is if JUSTICE is denied and they take out our last chance in Trump, if HE fails, so be it, but we are NOT there yet.
Your rage has unbalnced your usual clear thinking. Look, just today, Durham EXPANDED his probe to Mueller. Step back, take a break, research and look at things logically like you usually do. The Cabal want us ALL to go on a rant, a tantrum, and a rampage, it is ALL they have left, they want US to snatch defeat from the jaws of victory, do NOT fall for it, I implore you.


“one thing is certain, those in the cabal and their sycophants sure keep going to an awful lot of time, trouble, and expense to STOP something that is not “happening or going to happen” (justice)”
Seal Teams, Delta Force, Airborne Rangers and a hundred other lesser known military forces could have eliminated them all in a week or less.
Not only does the lawfully and duly elected president have the Authority to put down a lawless COUP by whatever means necessary — he has an OBLIGATION and a DUTY to do so.
The ONLY reason ANY of this is still happening, the only reason the guilty remain free to taunt the People and mock the rule of Law, is because the president is ALLOWING it to continue.


“For those of you who think that there can be no justice, like Sundance, and that we should just SETTLE for exposure, and ostracization.”
I won’t ever settle for exposure and the LIE of ‘ostracization’.
As I said here recently, if that’s all that happens, the Traitors will ALL be redeemed quicker than Papa Bush rehabilitated Slick Willie.
You know it, I know it, EVERYBODY knows it.
Not ostracization.
Ostracization is for after school specials.
The penalty for Treason and Crimes against HUMANITY is Execution.

Valerie Curren

The only way the public at large would ever buy execution would be irrefutable proof–does it exist? Someone’s OJ analogy seems to apply here. The OJ verdict seemed to split the nation down primarily racial lines w/ “most” blacks claiming his innocence & “most” whites convinced of his guilt beyond a reasonable doubt.
In order for executions to be a viable option there cannot/must not be a hint of political payback in the process. As long as the left controls the media mouthpieces it seems highly unlikely that Joe sixpack Public will ever have a clue about what’s really been going on (since at least FDR).
The culture that abandoned the War Department for the (seemingly much more politicized) Department of Defense seems much less likely to be OK w/ executions of “traitors”. The media megaphone mouthpieces cannot/will not acknowledge basic biological Facts of Male & Female. How in the world can they make clear cut judgement calls on Right & Wrong? They don’t even acknowledge objective, let alone absolute, truth/reality. The destruction of the language, the Lawfare-esque machinations & manipulations, the inmates running the asylum–no need the inmates infesting the streets (relieving themselves in full view of the public in SF for instance)…
Though I believe that your perspective is “technically” correct, seeing it carried out in the Actual world we currently live in, well it seems like a huge long shot.
There must be justice & it must be swift. But it also must be able to be justifiable by a super-majority of our society or else it will just be the beginning of some type of tit for tat payback governmental pendulum that will never reflect truth but just naked power of the present-tense strong over the weak…


“The only way the public at large would ever buy execution would be irrefutable proof–does it exist?”
Since when does the rule of Law depend on what the public will ‘buy’?
And who can parse and divine the tea leaves of what the people will ‘buy’?
This is the horrible game that always kills us.
We KNOW what right is, we KNOW what the Law is, but we won’t DO anything, because of some narrative about how people might react to doing what is RIGHT.
Think about that for a second.
How did we EVER get in such a twisted, upside down, bass-ackward position, where hypothetical prognostication of popularity determines whether the LAW applies or is enforced?
What the public “thinks” is not relevant to the Law, and to the extent that any public official thinks it is (and acts that way), he is a miserable and unjust steward.
When the Law is broken, there is a mechanism to address the transgression. We have a whole process, highly developed and refined over centuries of jurisprudence.
Indictments are made, the guilty are prosecuted, the jury determines whether guilt has been established beyond a reasonable doubt.
Where is “public opinion” or “public awareness” found in that process?
It is not!
Has nothing to do with it — literally!
Wholly unrelated!
” Someone’s OJ analogy seems to apply here. The OJ verdict seemed to split the nation down primarily racial lines w/ “most” blacks claiming his innocence & “most” whites convinced of his guilt beyond a reasonable doubt.”
If the corrupt OJ trial is now the standard, then we are indeed lost, and should just quit now.
Miserable failures by the prosecutors, a joke for a judge, a three-ring circus for the defense, and a double-murderer for a defendant.
The jury was the corrupt fake news media, and they helped the defense play the race-card to get a double-murderer set free.
The Fake News is PART of the COUP.
That is a fact which has been established with public information.
If the COUP is ever put down, the Fake News media stands before the firing squad alongside all the traitors in government.
The tail is wagging the dog.
The tail is corrupt.
Then the tail doesn’t control the narrative anymore.
The answer to the OJ idiocy, as with the Rodney King riots, was to put them down HARD, along with EVERY race-hustler whipping up civil insurrection. Declare martial law and TAKE CONTROL. That’s what the Law is for, that’s what we PAY the lawful authorities to DO, so that WE don’t have ANARCHY and vigilante justice.
For the love of all that is decent and good, we have armed police FOR A REASON, and it is to MAINTAIN ORDER and the Rule of LAW.
But we have forgotten about that.
We have allowed ourselves to believe that ORDER and FORCE are only used against law-abiding citizens, and can NEVER be used against the lawless.
And now we allow our fears about how the media might concoct a narrative to help evil escape, to determine whether we do what is right and good, or whether we sit on our hands and do nothing.
We elected Trump to STOP all that insanity.
Three years later, we’re still waiting.


And if he won’t do it, then GIVE US the green light, and We the People will do it.
But the WORST thing to do is to NOT fix the problem, AND prevent us from fixing it either.


“They absolutely DO NOT give a RIP about anything except money and POWER. More money buys MORE power and that leads to MORE money. That is ALL they care about. They are willing to do ANYTHING to keep power, even murder. They will lie, cheat, steal. ignore, obfuscate, and KILL to keep it.”
Which is why the lawful Authorities, or the military, or BOTH should KILL them.
WIPE them OUT.
That doesn’t require ‘i’s being dotted and ‘t’s being crossed.
It requires termination with extreme prejudice.
The Suleimani treatment.
If it has to be that quick.


Are we a nation of laws, or not?


“Are we a nation of laws, or not?”
You tell ME!
Look around, TT.
Answer your own question!
Does it LOOK like we’re a nation of laws?
Or does it look like we’re a nation of the rule of MEN?
Are the law-abiding citizens having their rights upheld, is the Law protecting their rights, or is the Law abusing the law-abiding citizens?
Are the KNOWN and PROVEN traitors and other criminals being held accountable to the Law, or are they free to continue their decades-long criminal enterprises and oppression of We the People through their 100% Orwellian propaganda arm, the Fake News Media?
I’ll make it easy for you.
If the Law is not enforced against the most brazenly corrupt and traitorous public officials and their private cronies, then are we a Republic — or a Banana Republic?
If the LAW is not enforced against the brazenly lawless, then are we a nation of laws — or not?


I should have asked, Are you advocating killing people without due process of law? Because that’s what it looks like you are saying.
“Which is why the lawful Authorities, or the military, or BOTH should KILL them.
WIPE them OUT.
That doesn’t require ‘i’s being dotted and ‘t’s being crossed.
It requires termination with extreme prejudice.
The Suleimani treatment.
If it has to be that quick.”


“I should have asked, Are you advocating killing people without due process of law? Because that’s what it looks like you are saying.”
We have laws of the Republic.
We even have laws of War.
Tell me, what are the Laws of COUP?
When traitors within the government are at war with the Constitutionally elected government, what is the Law?
THIS is the problem.
We’re playing legal games with an enemy who is trying to MURDER THE REPUBLIC.
You keep appealing to a system (and apparently trying to shame me into appealing to it too) that manifestly DOES NOT EXIST.
It’s GONE.
It’s a FANTASY in your HEAD.
There is NO LAW for the lawless.
And if there is no law for the lawless, then there is no law at all.
We have ruthless Traitors attacking the foundation of the Republic and the Executive.
The power and authority vested in the President by We the People can and must be lawfully used by the Executive to defend and protect the United States of America against ALL enemies, FOREIGN and DOMESTIC.
If that means terminating foreign bad actors, the Constitution provides a very clear method for exercising that Lawful power and authority, called a Letter and Marque of Reprisal.
If the Congress is corrupt (it is), such that it would never issue such a Letter of Marque and Reprisal against those foreign agents to whom they are loyal (they wouldn’t), the Authority of the President relies on a thousand other legalisms whipped up by Johnny-on the-spot lawyers over years. Suleimani wasn’t even the most recent example of exercising such Authority.
But again, if the government is CORRUPT, such that branches of the government are seeking to depose the president, WHERE IS THE RULE OF LAW?
What is this “thing” to which you appeal, which CANNOT EXIST in the context of an ONGOING Coup d’état?
Either the COUP is real, or it isn’t.
If it isn’t, then what the hell else would anyone call it?
The President says it’s a coup, and all the evidence supports his claim, and the coup participants don’t deny it or even attempt to hide their efforts — they’re PROUD and BRAZEN.
And if the coup is real, that’s a little more serious than a “Constitutional Crisis”.
The President has the power and lawful authority to eliminate threats to the Republic anywhere on the planet outside the United States.
Here at home he has the power and authority to enact Martial Law in the event of such massive treason that the Republic is in danger of being lost, and other emergency powers which he HAS activated by Executive Order and which Q has brought to our attention over the course of the last THREE years.
That includes the power to arrest and detain EVERYONE involved in a COUP against the Republic, send them to Gitmo, give them a military tribunal, and if found guilty of High Treason (not to mention all the OTHER crimes), execute them according to Law.
Those who can and should be detained, taken to Gitmo and given military tribunals include but are not limited to:
Various Senators, Congressmen, multitudes of lawyers, members of previous administrations (Hussein, Bush, Bush, Clinton), private citizens (e.g., Lawfare Group), various tech industry leaders (Twitter, Google, Amazon, MicroSoft, et. al), various factions of the Muslim brotherhood and other foreign enemy combatants operating with impunity inside and outside of government, various spies throughout academia and industry, members of the entertainment industry, and definitely NOT least, multitudes of people in the FAKE NEWS media.
They’ll have their due process.
In Gitmo.
There is no capacity for civil law when the civil government is at war with itself — which is evident for all the honest world to see.
But there is still military law, and that’s exactly what Gitmo is for.
In order to get them there, they must be physically apprehended and transported.
Clear enough?


I’m being purposely obtuse in this post because I think one thing you said, before focusing on “foreign actors,” goes against the rules of this site.
I have seen people be banned for what I consider to be less. Out of respect for those rules, I am not going to address it in any more detail. (And I have not mentioned it anyplace except here.)


“I’m being purposely obtuse in this post because I think one thing you said, before focusing on “foreign actors,” goes against the rules of this site.”
I must have explained the LAWFUL process (and my understanding of it) more than twenty times on this forum over the past year plus.
There is a shorthand version for making a point, and there is the LONG version (which I provided here again today), that completely explains and justifies the SHORT version.
There is a reason for the SHORT version, especially in the context of an entire FORUM full of people who already know the score.
It’s so you don’t have to type out a dissertation multiple times a day, explaining what everyone here already understands.


And though it is maddening, I appreciate the opportunity to ‘revise and extend’ my remarks.
If the enemy was held to the same standards as we are (or held to any standard at all), the enemy wouldn’t even be able to exist.
Shakespeare wrote (among other things) “The first thing we do, let’s kill all the lawyers“.
(Henry VI, Part 2, Act IV, Scene 2)
William Shakespeare would be banned from this forum, while the Hussein and his traveling band The Traitors would still be free and above the law.
If I came across as being hostile, please understand that I am not upset toward you in any way, at all. Or anyone else on our side.
I’m just exasperated by all the endless (and needless) nonsense.

tom f

Emotion is a big part of the Dem playbook.
Logic and faith in our President that his team will prevail is MAGA.
Enough of the hand wringing.

Deplorable Patriot
Deplorable Patriot

Trying again.comment image



Valerie Curren

Well, Obama killed Americans overseas with impunity & without trial but that is surely indefensible on its face & absolutely out-of-the-question on American soil.
“…all enemies foreign & domestic” surely applies here but just directly killing people without trial has got to be unacceptable regardless of the heinousness of their crimes…


“Take heart, and READ these words. Trump will NOT let them get away with this. HE CAN’T. These people will NOT be satisfied. They will NOT let Trump or US, his folllowers, BREATHE a moments PEACE. They WILL enact REVENGE on ALL of us IF they are allowed to skate with “exposure” They LAUGH and PRAY for that outcome, they KNOW they WIN if that is the out come. Once Trump is gone, we would ALL be SCREWED. Therefore, Trump simply will not falter, he will not lose, and he will not FAIL.”
This never needed to be drawn out for 3, 4, 5+ YEARS.
None of this DRAMA was necessary.
If they won’t put these monsters out of our misery, then put their faces on playing cards, put bounties on their heads, and let US do it.
If they WON’T ACT, then give US the green light.
The WORST possible combination is for the lawful Authorities NOT to act, and to make it so WE cannot act to save OURSELVES, either.
If you want to piss people off to the point of revolution, THAT’S a great way to do it.
Oh, and keep telling them… SOON!
The word ought to be dropped from the English language.


And, thank you.

Valerie Curren

YW–& God Bless!


McCabe was and is a peon. And Sundance can’t know everything.
Q is for real. So is PDJT.
Give up? Thrown in the towel??

Valerie Curren


Deplorable Patriot

I’m afraid I’m going to have to disagree with PRex on portions his post. This Q post from almost two years ago indicates that the plan has been in motion for over 20 years.
CIA Sig Intercept = Plane Crashes (187 JFK JR)
8 Apr 2018 – 2:20:23 PM
POTUS & JFK JR Friendship
8 Apr 2018 – 2:15:14 PM
Plane crash 1999.
HRC Senate 2000.
The “Start.”
Enjoy the show.
SIG intercept.
Old to New.
Back before Q had a huge following, and The Great Awakening was still up, and the chans were getting a lot more leak type information before 8chan was deplatformed, I saw a post that disappeared. It was almost as if I was meant to see it, but I’m sure others saw it as well. That post talked about the plan being an outgrowth of the Korean conflict and a military operation. Development had been ongoing since Eisenhower. Donald Trump was recruited to be the public face of it after making a name for himself. In 2004, Trump did The Apprentice claiming there was a skill he needed to acquire. I know it’s fantastic to believe, but in the first 1500 or so of Q posts, in the first six months, there’s a lot there about JFK that is not mentioned much anymore, but this has been in the works since before his assassination is what I get out of the totality of information I have seen.
The real war is between the CIA and NSA, and it’s been going on since 1952 – and that was decades AFTER the Central Bank and the Military Industrial Complex set their sights on American taxpayer dollars as their target. Draining the swamp is just part of it. The rot was there long before Reagan. It was there before Truman, truth be told, and probably back to at least Wilson, maybe even Taft.
Planning for something THIS BIG when it actually goes down AFTER all the cabal assets and arsenal are destroyed, doesn’t happen in such a short period of time. I used to work HUGE outdoor events. The logistics were ridiculous, and the first events always took a year to develop the blueprint for succeeding years. Everyone had a job to do and were briefed just on what they were to do. Just the plan for the St. Patrick’s Day Parade is three inches thick, and the same sort of thing applies. THE PLAN as in the Q plan had to be in development for quite a while, never mind execution which I believe began with getting personnel in place for the last 10 years or so.
I know I’m in the minority on this, and just about everything I have to say will be refuted, but remember that the picture taken in October 2017 of “The Calm Before The Storm” the people in it were military high brass and their wives. Ever wonder why?
Full Picture Less than 10
2 Nov 2017 – 7:03:36 PM
You can count the people who have the full picture on two hands.
Of those (less than 10 people) only three are non-military.
Why is this relevant?
Game theory.
Outside of a potential operator who has been dialed-in w/ orders (specific to his/her mission) nobody else has this information.
Operators never divulge.
Alice & Wonderland.


1. Meet Earl Devaney.
There’s a good chance you may be hearing his name a lot more, going forward.
Earl Devaney – Wikipedia
2. Earl is a Director of Arkansas-based Winrock. Quote:
‘Winrock is a nonprofit organization that implements a portfolio of more than 140 agriculture, environment and social development projects in over 46 countries.’
Winrock International – About Winrock
Winrock International
3. Winrock is aligned with the Clinton Foundation.
In 1999, Earl Devaney was appointed as the inspector general for the Department of the Interior by?
President Bill Clinton.
National Good Food Network
4. In fact, Earl was so effective at his position that he held it for 12 YEARS – all the way through 1999-2011.
Clinton, Bush and Obama years. One of most corrupt eras ever when it comes to misuse of taxpayer money. Here’s an alternate take:
‘Over 12 years as Department of the Interior’s (DOI) Inspector General, Devaney has been a critical part of the..government’s efforts to investigate and prevent fraud of government funds…an unwavering guardian of taxpayer dollars is unrivaled..’
5. In fact, Earl was so good at his job that Obama appointed him to oversee his super duper stimulus package.
$787 BILLION + of taxpayer funds. Earl did well. Only $20 BILLION disappeared. Hey don’t go too hard on Earl, that’s less than 5%! Besides, Earl was working with top professionals at the highest level of government.
More Obama Stimulus Fraud – Judicial Watch
Judicial Watch
6. After all, Obama appointed Joe Biden himself to administer the program.
Even Joe admitted that some ‘waste’ was ‘inevitable’. Oh, man.
What could go wrong?
Biden says some waste inevitable part of stimulus
7. Of you want a laugh check this article out. My favorite is the $3.4 million turtle tunnel.
How did Earl miss that?
As with all of Obama’s policies, incompetence, fraud and idiocy reign supreme.
The 10 Most Outrageous Stimulus Projects
8. Or maybe it’s more than incompetence.
Here’s Trump in April 2017:
‘There was a very large infrastructure bill that was approved during the Obama administration, $1 trillion, and nobody ever saw anything being built. To this day I haven’t heard of anything that’s been built. They took this money and used it on social programs.”
IOW, FRAUD. This is what Trump is talking about:
Obama Infrastructure Stimulus: Union Payoff Filled with Rail Boondoggles and Pork
9. So isn’t it funny that all of a sudden and out of the blue, the preening crook from Chicago appears on twitter and posts this horsecrap.
It’s almost like Obama is trying to polish a turd, for a reason. Much like Crooked is doing lately, 24/7.
Maybe we should ask Earl. After all, he always seems to pop up when they’re around.
#MAGAcomment image

Valerie Curren

“the preening crook from Chicago” & I thought initially here you meant Blagoyovitch, but maybe that’s because he’s in the news today because Trump pardoned him…I wonder what’s Really going on???


comment image


Heh heh.
Starting to be more open about it.
That’s an excellent sign!

Deplorable Patriot

Yes. It’s getting harder and harder for skeptics and deniers to maintain that stance.


Goodnight all. Sleep tight. Don’t let the bedbugs bite


Ozzy….memories! My southern grandma and my mother always said that!
When my mother was in her end of life coma, before I left the hospice facility every night I said a little prayer over her and always finished with “ goodnight…sleep tight…don’t let the bedbugs bite.”


“And iffin they do…hitem with a shoe” that’s how my husband ended that little bedbug night time ritual with our three children and they have carried it on with our grand children years later. Right after 🙏🏻and before the light switch. 😊


I bet she heard it and had a secret smile



Barr responds to the NYer hatchet job…comment image


Humanity of Indiana aborted babies undeniable
After nearly twenty years and travel between two states, the remains of thousands of aborted children were brought home to Indiana and laid to rest.
The abortions took place between 2000 and 2003 in three cities in Indiana where notorious abortionist, Dr. Ulrich Klopfer, had abortion clinics.
For unknown reasons, Kloper transported the aborted remains back to his home in Illinois.


Dora, that doctor makes me sick. Poor little ones.



Verse of the Day

“Therefore if any man be in Christ, he is a new creature: old things are passed away; behold, all things are become new.”
2 Corinthians 5:17 (KJV)


comment image


Thank You, Jesus, for blessings received and prayers answered!


Tuesday Blessingcomment image


Jesus Loves Babies…Pray for the Unborncomment image
Jesus Loves the Little Children – Pray for the Little Childrencomment image
Jesus Loves You – Come to Himcomment image


Mornin’ Duchess!
Hope you stay warm and dry today!


Howdy, Pat! Thank You! God Bless You!
Have a Blessed Day!!!


you as well!!


Thanks, Pat! * Smiling *




The Little Seed
God dropped a little seed down to the ground
And bounced it across a hard rocky path
To rest where the soil was loose, moist and deep
In a hole sized right to hide from the birds.
God made sunshine to warm the fertile ground
And brought some clouds with light rain falling down.
God gave all things the little seed could use
And then God said to the little seed “Grow.”
The little seed split with a small green sprout
And tiny roots weaved through the rich ground
To where God placed nutrients to be found.
As the small plant grew, God sent out some leaves
To gather fresh air for the plant to breathe.
As the time passed, the plant grew very tall,
Sending out more roots and leaves, big and small.
God said “Produce fruit” and the plant grew buds,
Then flowers, pollinated by His bees.
A small green fruit formed within each flower
That grew large and ripe as God met its needs.
The little seed could have been you or me
As God formed us and provided our needs,
And shaped us, as clay, into the right form.
He gave us His Spirit so that we grew
And learned from His Word to follow His will.
He gave us His good gifts that we can use
To grow in His grace and produce His fruit,
And say thanks to Him while on bended knee,
“You did it all. All the glory is Yours.”


Amen goes right there, carl!


Wolfie……. this is right up your alley.
Remember when we all thought Alex Jones was a little crazy????
It’s an Associated Press article, surprisingly legit source.
Talking about the fact that the C_A dosed Whitey Bulger over 50 times with LSD….. and it didn’t appear in his 2 month trial. Never mentioned.


has anyone ever held the CIA accountable for those “experiments”?
sounds like we employ our own Mengele doesn’t it?

Cuppa Covfefe

The MK program started (and brought here) by Mengele never ended; it just was renamed…


I’m still not sure if it is true.
But wow, it is a WILD story.


I will admit, it’s interesting–but he admits to being a master manipulator–who knows?


I don’t know. An elder law partner of Big T used to tell stories about that time period that would curl your hair.
Kind of stuff which would lead to decades old vendettas…… making sense now?


worse than Sicilians?


Oh yes.
I grew up in Chicago, then New Orleans…. married big T from Boston, after living in Miami.
Corruption……. gheez.




Well well well
Interesting this is coming out now


Bizarre story though.
Whitey was writing to her from prison.


vandals spray Plymouth Rock and other landmarks with graffiti and “508 MOF”
Similar graffiti, including an obscene message aimed at police, was found more than a mile away at the base of the state-owned National Monument to the Forefathers.
A Scallop Roll statue Plymouth, Massachusetts, was one of at least four of site vandalized overnight Sunday.
Much of the Plymouth Rock graffiti was indecipherable smears of paint, Botieri said, but several of the landmarks were tagged with the numbers and letters 508 MOF.




wonder what the 508 MOF means


Googled it. Clicked on a couple. None of it made sense to this simpleton.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Hopefully it’s the perps’ license plate.


i would LMAO if that were true!

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

I was reminded of the people who tried to pull an ATM apart by chaining it to their truck. It didn’t work, but they left their bumper–and license plate–behind!




They would be stupid enough to do that so worth checking


“wonder what the 508 MOF means”
508 is the area code for a nearby region.
“MOF” is used as a shortened version of “mofo”, or street slang for ‘motherf-ker’.
So it’s likely that this was a ‘tag’ done by some local punks, who live in area code 508.
That’s all I got.
It might mean something else, but that’s all I could come up with.


wow–good detecting Scooby Doo!!!!


This is it! It’s true.
Bill is H.R. 202, written by a DEM from Louisiana, this Congress, and passed by VOICE VOTE in the House and headed to the Senate, expected to pass, ASAP.
The Inspectors General can investigate anything, anywhere in government……. except the attorneys at the DOJ.
This bill corrects that problem.
Jason Chaffetz, former Congressman from Utah and Chair of Oversight Comm, explained in on FOX this morning.

Deplorable Patriot

No kidding. Wonder how long that little law has been around.


I am dumbfounded that DoJ lawyers were shielded from IG scrutiny. This explains A LOT.


Yeah, I could never figure out why Weissman was not disbarred after ruining Arthur Anderson and being overturned at SCOTUS 9-0.
That explains it.
He was immune.


And someone has snuck this through while everyone’s attention was elsewhere. We been chasing laser dots?


Sponsored by a Dem!
And they did a voice vote in the House!
Passed by huge margin.


Judas goat?


so seeing the teases from Derschowitz that Soros got Obama to investigate “someone” yada, yada, yada…and he has the 302’s to prove it.
HOW? how does he have the 302’s and HOW does he know? was he there when it was said?
so tired of the bombshell teases–is he writing another book perhaps?

Deplorable Patriot

I don’t know that it matters HOW he’s got the 302s. What matters is delivery on the message.
I know people hate teasers, and they do get old, but they do hold attention.


wonder who they’re filing the lawsuit against?

Deplorable Patriot

We’ll find out sooner or later.


“ HOW? how does he have the 302’s and HOW does he know?”
Good guys have whistleblowers too, and Rudy G. can be trusted by legit people.


but this is Dershowitz…you trust him?


I trust Dershowitz. I only hope that the FBI does not storm his house and search his place for the 202 ?
We live in dangerous times. How did he get the 202 maybe through transparency Tom F?


Correction: 302


Yep. I do. He has been 100% ethical and in-line with his jurisprudence beliefs and convictions throughout the Trump Presidency. And he has taken a LOT of arrows for PDJT, too. He may be a democrat, but he is a man of ethics, morals, and integrity.


If Dersh is going to be suing, I would think it might have something to do with himself.


yeah, that’s what’s tough to figure out…you think Soros wanted Dersh investigated?


Well, what if it had to do with the Lolita express? Trying to set him up? IDK.


that’s right…good thinking!


· 5h
BREAKING: (not yet confirmed) Senator James Lankford has stepped down, literally quit, the SSCI for this congress.
No word on why, but I think many already know.
There is no public statement per exit agreement. This might be interesting. Mr. @ChadPergram can you confirm?

Deplorable Patriot

The alphabet soup letters that don’t spell out what ever entity he’s talking about is one of the reasons I quit SD. It drove me insane. Now that I’ve looked it up, it’s the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence.


yes, sorry…I should have said that.

Deplorable Patriot

It’s not your fault. Just pointing out that it’s a pet peeve that all of us non-cool kids don’t just automatically know what the letters stand for.


Me three. I know Langford’s name and what he looks like but had to look him up to know if hes honorable, which he seems to be. Unless they remove everyone left or arrest them, they may be getting a replacement we dont like.


Totally agree with the indecipherable servings of alphabet soup. Yes . . . pet peeve.
I guess that in the rush to say things, it might be forgotten that the primary purpose of a post is to actually communicate in an understandable fashion with the readers.


I agree. It is a similar problem with articles with techical jargon, where abbreviations are rife, that someone is writing enthusiasticallly at length about some TLA (Three-Letter Abbreviation) without ever even expanding it so it would actually be apparent if the whole thing is about a process, a device, a chemical, a manufacturing method or whatever. Back in the days of college, I learned that these should generally be expanded the first time they are used, so subsequent references to the same TLA would be sensible. I see this principle is being followed in articles in the various IEEE (Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers) publications, though I am not definitely sure if it is an actual documented required best practice. It can certainly be recommended.
Same with political, medical, or other terms. The Senator that quit the SSCI [ where the explanatory (Senate Select Committe on Intelligence) is missing]; first question for anyone not well-acquainted with all the various committes and other entities, as well as all their names and abbreviations, would not know what to make of this. Is it good, is it bad, is it something that along with $5 bucks is enough for a coffee at the coffee shop at the closest corner…




Well, count me as one who doesn’t know why Lankford quit the Committee. Why not spell it out…another “tease?”


when i was reading the replies, someone mentioned that Lankford announced he was gonna quit the committee a while ago so this wasn’t a surprise.
I didn’t get the memo, so it was a surprise to me.


I suspect that SINator Lankford wants to get away from those CORRUPT SINators named to the “commitee”. Go back and look at the list of names.


with Lieu out of the picture now–there may be delicate inquiries into the so called intelligence committee…maybe he thinks he escapes that by leaving…or maybe he wants to turn on the rest of them?


Maybe he was fooled by the name of the committee……”Intelligence”….
He may have thought that meant “Smart”.
Look who’s on the committee…..
Zero “Intelligence” there 🙂


should be called the Senate Select Committee on Hubris and Ego…but the stationary letterhead would be a nightmare


I smell a state’s witness here.


Homeland Security waives contracting laws for border wall
SAN DIEGO (AP) — The Trump administration said Tuesday that it will waive federal contracting laws to speed construction of a wall at the U.S.-Mexico border.
The Department of Homeland Security said waiving procurement regulations will allow 177 miles (283 kilometers) of wall to be built more quickly in California, Arizona, New Mexico and Texas. The 10 waived laws include requirements for having open competition, justifying selections and receiving all bonding from a contractor before any work can begin.
The acting Homeland Security secretary, Chad Wolf, is exercising authority under a 2005 law that gives him sweeping powers to waive laws for building border barriers.

Deplorable Patriot

Another post 9-11 law that’s going to bite the cabal in the backside. Oh, well.


This IS a huge step forward. Federal contracting is nothing but a maze of road blocks to not only slow, but stop progress.
Wonder who figured out the obvious impediment to wall building. Months ago, Jared was tasked to assist with the wall project…SPEED UP THE WALL. Ask enough questions to determine why something is not happening faster and figure a solution. Work smarter, new regulation, streamline process, OR waive a regulation.
This revelation to waive contracting regulations is an obvious one. Bureaucrats wouldn’t think of it. Same as waiving the obnoxious environmental regulations. OR, changing the tide on illegal immigration…President Trump’s team have upended stoopid regulations and even created some to stem the illegal flow.
While I am incredibly thrilled with all the wall funding, contracts, progress, even wall completed. THIS should accelerate actual wall construction. Fantastic it is.




sorry that last tweet should have been first


TIM, Ah, good by me. The best for last…a new trial. Appreciate the TW being posted.

Deplorable Patriot

Hmm…I wonder if they’re going after this judge specifically, or if she is the designated example of just how corrupt the judges can be and are.


50/50. Shes an example of both. And that POTUS sent it over to screwy judge Napolitano is interesting.


He is NOT sending it over to Nappy.
He is crediting his Quote from fox and friends.


Oh… ty.


well she’s getting all the “related” cases–including Strzok and Stone…so she’s in the spotlight.


“whose also a lawyer” . . . I wonder . . . will we be now subjected to endless speculation concerning the use of “whose” vs “who’s” because PTrump ALWAYS tweets so carefully that there must be a wealth of hidden meanings in what initially may be seen as a grammatical error?


and the “your a lawyer” instead of you’re a lawyer…


Ohh, nnnooooooooooo!

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Surely “your a lawyer” tells them they need an A-list lawyer to get them out of the jam they’ve gotten into.
I don’t even believe that that’s what he meant, but I can play the game too.

Cuppa Covfefe

Interesting “your” versus “you’re”. I’m certain VSGPDJT knows the difference, and character limits are no consideration either. Hmmm. Implying the foreperson is Pwned???

Cuppa Covfefe

And yes, steganography is an interesting tool… as is multilevel communication…



Deplorable Patriot

Drip drip drip.
He’s setting up either dismissal of the charges or pardons would be my guess. And it’s only a guess. I really don’t know.


Well he is back to work today and I’m hoping he’s going to drop a few more truth bombs.


That periodic drip has become pretty constant.
My guess is dismissal of charges, new trials, judges resigning… Sort of like DOJ lawyers resigning. Yea, I dream when guessing.


All these tweets are El Matador waving the red cape in front of the bull….and behind the cape is the sword…
Oh for a photoshop of PDJT as a macho Bullfighter! image


Please forgive me . . . I seem to be on a tear today, but bullfighting is a gruesome, sadistic sport akin to dog fighting and cock fighting, except there is a pretty boy with a red cape involved. And, yes, there is skill involved, but also a choreographed set of procedures that leads the enraged bull down the path to total exhaustion, where is is grandly dispatched with a flourish by said pretty boy.
Blood sports . . . they’ve been tickling the fancies of lusting spectators since before the days of gladiators, Christians and lions.

Deplorable Patriot

And the meat of the bull goes to the poor, but that always gets forgotten.


“After the matador kills the bull, it is sent to a slaughterhouse. Its meat is then sold for human consumption, according to various sources,”
“In the past, meat from fighting bulls was used for dog food or animal feed, but today, “the meat is being rediscovered as part of, like, the whole organic craze,”
“Fighting bull flesh has uses beyond the butcher shop: It is also processed for pet foods, animal feeds and processed foods for humans,”
“because the toro bravo [fighting bull] is neither bred nor reared for the flavor and texture of its meat — it is leaner and tougher, living much longer and living wild — a lesser proportion of its flesh is used for unprocessed human consumption (as opposed to as gelatin, processed foods, animal and pet feed) than that of cattle bred and reared exclusively for that purpose.”

Deplorable Patriot

You know my grandfather was Spanish, right?


I surrender.
It was just an analogy… meant to describe Trump’s trolling, agitating, provoking the left.
In a way, Trump toying with leftists is like a lion or any cat with its prey.
But that’s also a blood sport …to the cat, that is.


PS – I also don’t like bull fights or boxing, etc. or running the bulls or dog or cock fights due to the horrific violence and deaths.


That last Ho was an editing error. Probably was the beginning of the word However…. I was going to say more, but decided not to do so.


confession: I didn’t/ couldn’t watch her…but I didn’t think she was eligible to be VP–since she’s already the Queen of de Nile…bwahahaha

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

will do!


Daughn Alert


Our Daughn24/7 has already got Colorado Springs in the hole and waiting. Likely already has Vegas and Phoenix done as well! She’s no slacker, our Mississippi Queen!


For sure



Bwahahahahahah .. 😂👍❤️ … I LOVE them pat .. 🙂❤️


staring at more snow coming down…I needed to laugh…


Ahhh yes .. snow ⛄️ … ☹️🤚 … I’m happy we are in February and there’s not a lot of winter 🥶 left …
Old age and snow/ice is a “no go zone” ..
.. 🥺🤚 ..


yeah we’ll get snow/ice into April here…sigh

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

May and even early June aren’t unknown here.
When I was a kid, we actually had a blizzard with yard-deep drifts in May once.


i am ready for spring!

Deplorable Patriot

Me too. We keep getting teased. Any day now, any day now the sun will shine from dawn to dusk.

Valerie Curren

We honeymooned in Estes Park in early June & were told some of the mountain passes had only been opened the week before. Beautiful country in Rocky Mountain National Park!

Deplorable Patriot

Yes, it is.


… awwww … 😔🤚❤️ … shucks ..
In we were supposed to get icy rain Monday night but didn’t and I was very glad for that. Ice is dangerous, slip and fall and you could break something. I broke my left wrist slipping on ice, it was just awful .. 😫😢🤚
… please be careful pat … ❤️ .. till spring then bust loose .. 😜👍❤️


i also slipped on ice–broke that knobby bone off my ankle–they had to screw it back on…i hate ice!


Whoa 😳🤚‼️ … that’s awful Pat, you be careful with the dadgum ice sweetie .. ❤️ … my brother went to a sporting good store and bought a pair of cleats to wear over his winter walking shoes … the sidewalks he uses for his daily morning walk are public walks ways and they city doesn’t clear the ice/snow off them … 🙂


this was years ago–in the parking lot of the company i worked for. the boss saw me fall and called an ambulance–I said i don’t need one–I can wiggle all my toes, I’m fine.
I was wrong…


… awwww … 😞🥺 …. yeah you never realize how bad it is at the time but your boss was awesome to call the ambulance 🚑 ..
.. 🙂🤚❤️ ..


ha! he didn’t salt the lot and knew he was on the hook for worker’s comp…LOL


Oh 😮 … oh my, he didn’t salt the lot, what a maroon, a libel maroon. It sounds like you were covered when you fell and injured yourself, … good 🧐🤨👍❤️‼️
So he wasn’t a nice guy he was a pud ..


he really was.
I remember sitting on the ice waiting for the ambulance–I was leaning back on my hands–well the boss and another guy didn’t want me sitting on ice, so they tried to slide a piece of cardboard under me– knocking my arms out of the way in the process. I fell back on the ice and banged my head–I was lucky they didn’t try to help me any more before the ambulance got there! LOL


Wow 😳🤚 … too bad you didn’t have pepper spray with you … or .. or .. scream at the top of your lungs .. “STOP YOU’RE HURTING ME … AHHHHHHHH THE PAIN‼️‼️ .. ☺️👍🤨




… sssssst …. sssssst ….. ✋😫🤚 … 💦💦
.. 😜👍 …

Cuppa Covfefe

That last one reminds me of this:comment image
(And the one further above: “I double dog dare you”… 🙂 ).



Deplorable Patriot

No wonder the sausage tastes funny.


Sort of like Chinese food?

Deplorable Patriot

No…not Chinese food. Well, at least not Hong Kong style.


Don’t bin me, bro!





I can’t figure out Mappin. Is he in the know? Is he a brilliant marketer who is using Q to boost his castle property? He’s a mystery to me.


Not sure, Katie – maybe – someone can chime in with some perspective here.

Concerned Virginian

Well —
According to 700LWL; 710WOR; LA Times; CNN; NPR;NBC News; New York Times —
The BOY SCOUTS of AMERICA organization has filed for bankruptcy. This is apparently due to hundreds of sexual abuse lawsuits filed by former members of the group, some lawsuits detail abuse going back to the 1940’s.
Now that the organization has filed for bankruptcy, these lawsuits are on hold.


That is to be expected. Same thing happened to the Catholic Church with all its predator priests.
Rex Tillerson helped instigate the Boy Scouts cave-in to the gay activists. He allowed the change to gay scouts/gay leaders.
NOT a good thing. I have personal knowledge of a gay leader in a small town in the 1950s who led the boys into experimentation – that harmed and affected them the rest of their lives.
Same sex attraction is a symptom, an identity development issue, an abnormality. It is not a sign of another ‘identity, orientation or gender’


As an Eagle Scout I cannot express my dismay and anger over what the left did to the BSA. “Furious” falls so short it’s laughable.



If he had texted “bidness” I would be LMAO





Add another 10 – 15% to that number. Notice how it’s always held at 50% or less?


Closer to 20, I believe


True that


comment image


“Wipe your mouth when you say that” is a favorite expression of mine when speaking with progressives.

Deplorable Patriot

Update on the Roger Stone case. I’m expecting her behavior to be raked over the coals on national television tonight.


It was speculated that she would so rule. She’s in denial mode to save her a**, just like the rest of the libtards. Deny, deny, deny.


Let her be impeached.


RICHMOND, Va. ( – Virginia Democrats stormed out of the state’s House of Delegates when a local pastor condemned abortion and so-called gay marriage.
Invited to give the opening prayer, Rev. Robert M. Grant Jr. last week warned state lawmakers of God’s wrath on those who reject biblical principles and greenlight abortion and sodomy.



This is a MUST SEE video.


comment image


So glad this is finally getting exposer. Better late than never!

Deplorable Patriot

My question is how many prosecutors in each city/county.


Update for all Q Treepers – been busy behind the scenes trying to keep up with our President.
We headed for a WILD 7 days on the RollerCoaster.
Threads are all lined up to drop on specific days.
And the first one JUST DROPPED for this evening.
Here is our schedule.
—President leaves Tuesday for a fundraiser in Rancho Mirage, California at Larry Ellison’s house. It’s a big deal. Expected to raise about 10 million dollars.
— MAGA RALLY Phoenix, AZ Wed, February 19, 2020 07:00 pm (MST)
— President flies back to Vegas to spend the night.
— Thursday Morning, President attends Graduation Ceremony for Prisoners in Vegas, signature program. If he can actually reduce the recidivism rate, it would be a major accomplishment.
— President flies to Colorado Springs.
— MAGA Rally Colorado Springs, CO Thu, February 20, 2020 05:00 pm (MST)
— President flies back to Vegas to spend the night.
— MAGA Rally Las Vegas, NV Fri, February 21, 2020 12:00 pm (PST)
—- VP Pence gives a rally in Reno, 1:15pm.
Fly back to DC or to Mar-A-Lago? Is Baron on spring break? Melania did not come back to the WH with President after the Daytona 500. Maybe they are still in Florida? No….. if you thought we were done, you were WRONG.
After speaking at three rallies in three days in three states, with attending a California fundraiser and Las Vegas graduation speech,
— Nope —— Trump will have one day to rest up before he heads to India for a two-day visit with Prime Minister Narendra Modi. (and Melania is going to India with him)
We’re going to India, folks!


Thankfully – PDJT and FL Melania won’t be dressing up in India/Hindu garments for their trip to India.
I bet Trudeau and family spend over 25K on all those silly costumes.


Wow, roller coaster ride is right! You have been busy, and it’s very much appreciated!
I figured Melania went back to Mar-A-Lago as mid winter breaks are in most school schedules which can be anywhere from 3 to 5 days, depending on the school or school district. Seems to me that was started about 15 to 18 years ago. Being that our business was located at the corner of 3 different school districts and close to 2 additional districts, there was always variances for booking because of the different time off schedules.


Wow! My MAGA hat is off to this man and I’m running out of patience, not to mention politeness, to anyone that still degrades him. (Looking at you, foul-mouth, low IQ Rob Reiner!)


It’s getting impossible to keep up with the minutiae.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

That’s the thing – Trump minutiae used to be major events for Obama. This stuff would put Cankles in a casket!



Deplorable Patriot

This is making me tired just reading it.


Is that all? 😉

Bloomberg isn’t interested in being president… he’s running a pantomime of a campaign covering for a very sophisticated form of campaign finance evasion… He’s running to clear the field for Hillary…


Assuming that is Bloomberg’s intent, what is his reward? Does he have ambitions to be Sec State or Ambassador to China? What position would be lucrative enough to a billionaire, aside from the Presidency? Clinton won’t be able to make him any taller.


he hates POTUS. period.


His reward is being a king-maker. He has unlimited $$$…it’s all about power. Same as Soros.


May Satan keep both of the miserable depraved turds 💩👍‼️‼️🤨 ..

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Treasury Secretary IMO.


Why would he spend billions for not being the candidate? Who will reimburse him I wonder. He doesn’t strike me as a wasteful financial genius so I am surprised he’d spend so much for not getting the nod. Must be some hefty accounting in the end for him to be the sacrificial money lamb. Maybe he’s a candidate for Pres. if the world globalists get their way. Mini Mike wants to be Emperor now does he? This is going to be one heck of a Democrat campaign, but then maybe that’s their plan all along. Who knows. I’m just waiting, watching and ignoring the msm.


If (in their wet dreams) Trump loses in November, Bloomberg and other Globalists will continue screwing over the ‘serfs’ and achieving their agenda… Bloomberg will be even richer… he doesn’t want the Oval Office. He wants $$ and power and fewer peeps on the planet.


Mike may want someone else to be President (whoever he names as his VP for example) but he cannot contribute unlimited amounts to that person’s campaign–there are laws. this way he can fully fund someone else’s Presidential bid with unlimited funds and after he “wins” fake a heart attack or something and let the VP have at it–classic bait and switch…LOL…it also bypasses those tricky campaign contribution laws…

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Mooch and Cankles is the ultimate ticket, IMO.


… aka …. HELL ON EARTH ….
Beam me up Scottie …

… hurry …


… 😮 .. 🤭🤚 … uh-oh … I apologize for the itty bitty flip icon in the lower right hand corner .. didn’t see it until it posted … 😑 .. 🤫


agreed! the power couple from hell




This, along with Burisma & China, is prolly just the very tippy top of the corrupt Biden iceberg.
Imagine what kind of deals Piglosi has.


Tip is right!



Boston US Atty office has a long running feud with DC and SDNY.
Be interesting to see if a war breaks out between the offices. WE would be the beneficiary.


Oh yes! Pweaz cans we have??comment image


Isn’t Omar under the same kind of investigation? Misuse of campaign funds? And AOC apparently misused hers too for helping her boyfriend get paid? Why aren’t these anti.American crooks getting arrested on federal charges like this guy.


I think they’re FEC complaints—they haven’t moved much on those complaints–


.. 😂👍 … 🤨❤️ ..


I was on the radio this morning for our GOP. Me! Yep, same woman who got scared each and every phone call made in 2016.
Well, I was Still Scared this morning…and I did mess up and stumble…but got ‘er done and didn’t mess up the whole thing.
Now baking cookies for tonight as bigger turn out when we have food. Funny how that works!
Growing into the job. Good meeting with another GOP regional leader yesterday – who I now is also a prayer warrior. She reminded me that God wouldn’t give me anything He didn’t want time to handle and nothing that He and I can’t handle together. What a blessing to me she was! Got my head on a little straighter and feeling less overwhelmed.
Public speaking, leadership, RADIO! – not my comfort zone at all….gotta do it and get ‘er done. Drain our local swamps, get voters enthused, educated, involved and voting. Getting our elected leaders hear to speak and giving the voters a chance to learn and to voice their opinions to our elected leaders. Working hard to keep primaries fair.
Civic/patriotic duty and a Need.
prayers if you all time as I speak again and provide leadership and make progress for MAGA. not my comfort zone! And I have a lot of learning to do to do it well. But at least I am out here giving it my best shot for now


I’m sure you were awesome–you speak from the heart and a genuine love for POTUS!!


Magamom, that is so wonderful. Do you realize how many won’t even try to overcome their fears and insecurities, and you really shine. Congratulations. You are just what we need. Hugs.


GA/FL this is wonderful news! We’re so proud of you!.


I thought it was Maga Mom ?

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Indentations on these threads can be a real mess, depending on the device!




I am so sorry


Good job! Public speaking’s not easy to do unless you have a gift for it. It can be learned.
All my children participated in 4 – H, and in order to show at fair, they were required to do a “demo”. It’s an informative speech, and topics are selected by the speech giver, which can range in ages from 7 to 19. They used to use posters (not note cards), but now use power point. Topics are to be age appropriate. I remember some of the older speakers had very interesting and thought provoking topics.
They would have to give the speech in front of 2 judges, and if they qualified to compete at the county fair, they would either give it again to 2 judges or the very best were given as public speeches and judged in a more formal setting.
BTW, if there’s a Toastmasters organization in your area, they do offer public speaking training sessions.




Yeah! 🙂


Just pretend you’re speaking to family. This works whether they like what you have to say or don’t.
Phrases like “I’m sorry but I don’t speak idiot” In response to questions are optional. 😉


Martin Geddes
Feb 17
This is my summary of just a few of the stunning and scandalous claims in the Q drops. There is ample evidence that this information is being offered to the public by the Trump administration (under “plausible deniability”). The media refuses to investigate a Q-POTUS link. #QAnon




YW … praying medic is very fond of Martin… RT’s him often



alrighty then… wordpress rides again!
nevermind, wasn’t that important, and no doubt too subtle.

Deplorable Patriot

This?comment image


YES! Thank you D.P. You’re great!


You accidentally cut out the “Https://“ at the beginning of that link.


Thank you FG&C !

Deplorable Patriot

Wolf, if you’re watching, there’s a couple of our regular posters in the spam bin. Are we still researching this issue?


We need a new name for the spam bin. Hmmm.
How about “the Naughty Room”?
My post is trapped in the naughty room!
Or maybe “Guantanamo”?
My post is being illegally held in Guantanamo. Again!

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

I’ll go take a look and add the payload for Akismet!


What about the “Hole” 🕳❓ ….
Kind of the the hole in the wall gang … 😃🤚❓❤️


What’s the biggest and most obvious thing that Soros might be able to be indicted for? The voting machines? It’s his biggest Achilles heel in my opinion. The voting machines that his company manufactures, programs and services provides a direct link. What if there’s documentation about that corruption? Maybe I’m dreaming, but I can sure hope!

Gail Combs

This is from my notes years ago.
Remember the Diebold voting machines with the back door that let votes be changed? Our town at least, went back to paper ballots.
Voting Machine Manufacturer Diebold Charged Over Bribery, Fraud, And “Worldwide Pattern Of Criminal Conduct”
THE REAL SCOOP ON DIEBOLD (links to several other articles)
Very good article on the nuts and bolts of the voting machine and how fraud is committed:
Inside A U.S. Election Vote Counting Program
U.S. Elections: Will the Dead Vote and Voting Machines be Hacked?
(Do not forget you can use the wayback machine to look at archived copies if the link is dead)


No statute of limitations, and it’s a damn good bet he has a trail of corpses behind him.


Yeah, but I think it would be easier to get him on stuff like voting machines, and money laundering. IF, and it’s a big IF, they could show deliberate manipulation of voting machines for the purpose of over throwing the government, I.e., sedition, I would settle for that.

Deplorable Patriot

I doubt he’d do the deed himself.
Now, finance a hit team, that’s another story.



Pity. Blagodimwit deserves every day of every year he got.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Bet something’s gonna come out that blame-shifts to Obama! Thus making this a kind of secret message!comment imagecomment image


Aaaaand the left can’t say it’s “partisan” since he was a Dem. This could be veeeewwyyy interdasting 🍿


… should have been a metallic fish scale patterned .. noose … bwahahahahaha .. nuts .. 😞 ..


Michelle wore her favorite house dress for the big inauguration….wasn’t that special.


It has absolutely the worst taste!



For those who can access the History channel, there is a new 3-part series about George Washington. It is being shown today at 4:00 Eastern, and I think it lasts until a little after 10:00. It covers his early military service, his leadership during the Revolution, and his presidency.


Libs are triggered b/c ppl are saying DJT is best POTUS ever!
I’ve seen it multiple places. NeverTrumpers talking about how great George Washington was as a President.
Only Trump could trigger leftists so badly that they start talking publicly about how great a George Washington was!


History Channel is operated by revisionists…


I agree – last week they were trying to make him out to be an evil slaveowning landowner only interested in advancing his own property interests. Because yeah, that’s how history works…


I haven’t watch them in decades… since I have actually LIVED during the past 8 decades I can spot their revisions easily 😉 There are some perks to being old.


Oh my, that’s encouraging! 😁

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

It’s not uncommon for apologists for the British to claim Washington only rebelled because King George had cut off settlement beyond the Appalachians, which somehow or other hurt GW’s stake in some investment or other.


“Only Trump could trigger leftists so badly that they start talking publicly about how great a George Washington was!”
Right. I think the series is narrated by Jeff Daniels, who is blatantly anti-Trump. 😂

Deplorable Patriot

Don’t watch the History Channel. Too many errors in their scripts.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Copied and pasted to notepad, … just in case Wolf 🐺 … ty .. 🙂🤚❤️ ..

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Good! Yes, it appears that people MAY have to go through the “spam box escape complaint” for EVERY author on this site! That would fit with some of the algorithms they may be using.


It’s a bloody shame but if contacting them remediate the issues then … it’s worth it.
Algorithms … becoming a dirty word .. harrumph .. 🤨 .. 😑🤚

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Yup. And we’re not allowed to see and understand the algos, except that I can figure out a lot of them as an admin.


Well Wolf 🐺 we are so fortunate you created this awesome Q tree, with your skill set you a BS remediator … 🤨👍❤️🇺🇸❤️‼️ …

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy



… 😉👍❤️🇺🇸❤️‼️❤️❤️❤️‼️


Will do 👍


The Coronavirus COVID-19 Global Cases by Johns Hopkins CSSE site has finally updated US numbers to 29 from the previous 15.
The additional 14 originally came to San Antonio’s Kelly Air Base (reports say Lackland AFB, but it was Kelly and they lay side by side.) early Monday morning, but then were shipped off to Omaha N.B. and are reported to being treated at the Nebraska Medical Center in Omaha.


Trump commutes sentence of ex-Illinois Gov. Blagojevich, pardons ex-NY police commissioner Kerik, ex-49ers owner DeBartolo — and Michael Milken
* President Trump granted executive clemency to former Gov. Rod Blagojevich, ex-New York Police Commissioner Bernard Kerik and former football team owner Edward DeBartolo Jr.
* Trump also announced that he had pardoned Michael Milken, the former junk bond king who became a face of the insider trading financial scandals of the 1980s.
* In all, Trump granted some form of executive clemency to 11 individuals Tuesday, according to the White House.


President Trump pardons former 49ers owner Edward DeBartolo Jr.
WASHINGTON — President Donald Trump has pardoned Edward DeBartolo Jr., the former San Francisco 49ers owner convicted in a gambling fraud scandal.
DeBartolo, 73, who helped to build the 49ers’ dynasty of the 1980s and ’90s, was involved in one of the biggest owners’ scandals in the sport’s history.
In 1998, he pleaded guilty to failing to report a felony when he paid $400,000 to former Louisiana Gov. Edwin Edwards in exchange for a riverboat gambling license.
The White House announced the surprise decision to reporters on Tuesday. NFL greats Jerry Rice, Jim Brown, Ronnie Lott and Charles Haley were in attendance.


Trump frees Rod Blagojevich from prison years early, commuting the ex-Illinois governor’s 14-year sentence
President Donald Trump commuted the 14-year sentence of former Illinois Gov. Rod Blagojevich, springing the Chicago Democrat from prison over four years early and writing a stunning final chapter to one of the state’s most notorious corruption cases.
The controversial move comes after he granted a full pardon to former 49ers owner Eddie DeBartolo Jr. Tuesday and more than a year after Trump first revealed he was considering commuting Blagojevich’s sentence.
“Yes, we commuted the sentence of Rod Blagojevich,” Trump said in Maryland on Tuesday. “He served eight years in jail, a long time. He seems like a very nice person, don’t know him.”
Trump said Blagojevich’s daughters have not seen their father outside of prison, and he thought of them as he made his decision.
“He’ll be able to go back home with his family after serving eight years in jail, that was a tremendously powerful, ridiculous sentence in my opinion.”


Trump pardons Michael Milken, face of 1980s insider financial scandals
* President Donald Trump pardoned Michael Milken, the former junk bond king who was a face of the financial scandals of the 1980s.
* Trump cited the “incredible job” that Milken has done supporting cancer research in the pardon, which was supported by Rudy Giuliani, Rupert Murdoch, Rep. Kevin McCarthy, Sheldon Adelson, Elaine Chao.
* Trump also granted executive clemency Tuesday to former NYPD commissioner Bernard Kerik, former Illinois Gov. Rod Blagojevich, an ex-San Franciscio 49ers owner Eddie DeBartolo Jr.


Jeff Carlson’s (Epoch Times) take on Milken’s pardon. I respect Jeff.
“As one who managed money in High Yield at the time of this occurrence, I could not disagree more
Milken was one of the most innovative financiers there was
Charged with “technical offenses” the use of RICO in this case is an area that I strongly disagree w/Giuliani to this day.”


Trump commutes prison sentence of Rod Blagojevich
President Trump commuted the 14-year prison sentence of former Illinois Gov. Rod Blagojevich, the president announced on Tuesday.
“Yes, we commuted the sentence of Rod Blagojevich. He served eight years in jail, a long time. He seems like a very nice person, don’t know him,” Trump told reporters.
Blagojevich has served roughly eight years in prison after being convicted on corruption charges.
For months, Trump has suggested he might commute the former Democratic governor’s prison sentence. He said in August that he was “strongly” considering the move and that Blagojevich’s case was being reviewed.


Michael, zerohedge also has a piece on it…
“You have drug dealers that get not even 30 days, and they’ve killed 25 people. They put him in jail for 18 years, and he has many years left. And I think it’s very unfair.”

Deplorable Patriot

Did any of these guys turn? Blago, that would be my guess given the Obama/Chicago thing.
Also, these are white collar guys. I’d be more upset if they were truly violent criminals, but they are KNOWN white collar criminals who won’t be near positions of power and influence again. Records were not expunged, so the convictions are still there.


DawsonSField Retweeted
FCCED – Financial Crime News
A contracting officer with the U.S. Department of State was sentenced today to 87 months of imprisonment followed by 3 yrs of supervised release after he was convicted of conspiracy, bribery, honest services wire fraud and making false statements.
U.S state department contracting officer jailed for 7 years in procurement fraud scheme
A contracting officer with the U.S. Department of State was sentenced today to 87 months of imprisonment followed by three years of – procurement fraud

The Trump administration announced significant new sanctions on Tuesday targeting Rosneft, Russia’s largest oil company, for helping Venezuelan leader Nicolas Maduro circumvent U.S. sanctions.

Jack Posobiec 🇺🇸 Retweeted
Raheem Kassam
In 2016 everyone had a hot take on @realDonaldTrump’s wealth.
In 2020, no one wants to talk about HOW @MikeBloomberg got rich.
(Hint: Obama’s taxpayer-funded bailouts helped.)
The War Room
· 1h
.@RaheemKassam: How did Bloomberg get so rich?



“Farming looks mighty easy when your plow is a pencil, and you’re a thousand miles from the corn field.” –
~ Dwight D. Eisenhower

Gail Combs

One of my bosses from the hills of W. Virginia, said he worked like crazy in school to get into college (scholarship) because studying was a heck of a lot easier than following the north end of a south facing mule across a rocky mountainside. Two of my bosses came from cabins with no electric or running water.
Most of these limousine liberals need to spend a year in one of those cabins eking out a living using a mule.


Exactly Gail…………………..


Darren’s tweet is part of his THREAD… click on it

Jack Posobiec 🇺🇸 Retweeted
Darren J. Beattie 🌐
Oligarchs increasingly taking front-facing role in politics.
Same with many former “IC” officials.
As legitimacy of system suffers, stakeholders emerge from behind scenes to more overt management.
This has a further deligitimizing effect-similar to that of explaining a joke.
Darren J. Beattie 🌐
· Feb 1
That Bloomberg is stepping into a public facing bid for the presidency is itself a sign of our system’s decline.
The system is optimized for oligarchs like Bloomberg to manage things from behind the scenes.
Not to debase themselves to the vulgarities of electoral politics.
Show this thread

Deplorable Patriot

This all needs to be expanded for the normies.
I wonder if there is a communications plan in the works to head this one off.


I hope so D.P.


Deplorable Patriot

Was it in Comey’s office when it got raided?


I bet SD told POTUS who it is… cuz POTUS would never have figured it out for himself.


LOL! Oh, you’re so bad!!!


Sometimes… 😉


Ohhh that’s a good one!

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

A little snark is good for the soul! I will admit that I’ve been praising our former host a bit more than most here can stomach. LOL! Get ready for more! When the Max and Moritz of Burr and Warner catch fire, Sundance will be basking in the glow!comment image


I’d really like to see my Senator Scumbag Warner taken out of the game.

Deplorable Patriot

Ha Ha Ha Ha HA!




Confirming what many of us have thought.


Ann Vandersteel SteelTruth™️ TrumpTeam2020 Florida Retweeted
🇺🇸Brenden Sir Hublife Dilley🇺🇸
…and he did it with a shit eating grin on his face.
The media literally has ZERO clue what he just told them.

Deplorable Patriot

Will history name him the King of the Canary Trap?


Can you even imagine the exploding heads when they finally have to face the fact that not only is Donald J. Trump not stupid, but he is in fact brilliant, a genius? what does it make you when you misrepresent a genius? Retarded?

Deplorable Patriot

Someone with an inflated opinion of themselves.


THREAD – click timestamp – lots of info in comment section one may find interesting

Techno Fog
Flynn update – new defense filing.
Prosecutor Van Grack suppressed evidence to protect… “the prosecutors, his team, and the cadre of malfeasant FBI agents from the discovery of their negligence, crimes, and wrongs.”
Full doc:


Techno Fog
Replying to
Of note is the focus on “SSA 1” (aka Joe Pientka).
He was responsible for “violations of (FISA) Woods procedures” and for the “outright falsehoods” in the original FISA application.
Information never produced to the defense.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Now just think – all this non-violent “Trump coup” stuff is coming out on the OUTER LAYER of troublemakers. Dig down deep under this stuff and I am almost certain there will be ties to Seth Rich, Parkland, Sandy Hook, and all the other blood hoax propaganda events – as part of a much larger “COUP” in capital letters. I suspect that those event groups – part of the larger “COUP” – had INSIDERS in FBI and DOJ who got them whatever they needed.
I’m beginning to see the larger structure of THEIR PLAN.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Yup. NYT was getting ahead of Quite a bit at DOJ.


Anyone need something positive today? Be sure to listen to Clinton Stewart shouting “Trump, Trump, Trump.”
You can’t buy this, not even with $400 million.
Clinton Stewart went to prison for over 7 years for not paying corporate bills.
A Federal Judge asked Obama to grant Clint clemency. Obama refused.
Trump’s First Step Act freed him.
Here’s the moment Mr. Stewart was released, embraced his family and thanked


Need more tissues!


Oh wow that’s amazing.


Vatican police make new raid in investigation of London property deal
VATICAN CITY (Reuters) – Vatican police raided the home and office of a senior Catholic Church official on Tuesday, seizing documents and computers in the latest phase of an investigation into the purchase of luxury London real estate.

Deplorable Patriot

When does it go on the market? The Church can at least try to get some of the investment dollars back.

Gail Combs

While looking for something else. I came across this.
America Loves the Idea of Family Farms. That’s Unfortunate.
It is SO FULL OF Bull Schiff it makes me want to puke.
This is what REALLY happened:
So WHY is our love of family farms ‘unfortunate?’
“The Socialist Revolution in the US cannot take place because there are too many small independent farmers there. Those people are the stability factor. We here in Russia must hurry while our government is stupid enough to not encourage and support the independent farmership.” — V. Lenin, the founder of the Russian Revolution
“Food is a weapon,” –Maxim Litvinov, Soviet Commissar of Foreign Affairs (1921)
“[Our] future is becoming visible in Russia.” ~ Assistant Secretary of Agriculture Rexford Tugwell (1931)
“The Collective Farm Policy was a terrible struggle, Ten million died. It was fearful.” ~ Joseph Stalin (1932 to 1937)
“Food is power. We use it to change behavior. Some may call that bribery. We do not apologize.” — September 1995, Catherine Bertini, Executive Director of the United Nations World Food Program, and former U.S. Assistant Secretary of Agriculture

Deplorable Patriot

Actually, being from the Midwest, I prefer the idea of a family farm. While I am not inclined to farm myself given my allergy situation, and the proximity I need to have to opportunities for gigs, I spend extra on food from a local operation. Eggs, and milk come from local outfits. I do pick your own for some fruits. It’s a better deal for everyone, IMO.


“. . . make it 50 billion . . .” ~ VSGPOTUSDJT


Lots of Justice IS being accomplished under POTUS. This made me proud of him.


Whoops!! Sorry for duplicating Lady P up above 😱


It’s such an awesome thing to watch it’s worth being posted multiple times. 🙂

Valerie Curren

That became the second re-tweet I’ve ever pinned…it was powerful & precious & (com)passionate!



How long was his sentence? Anyone know?


Served 7 of a 10 year sentence. Looks like an interesting case. Here is a link to read more. He got a 10 year sentence, where even a retired judge wrote to Obama and said it was a gross injustice. Obama wouldn’t do anything for him and the others.
I wonder if we’re going to see more cases reviewed and sentences commutated as they review conduct of DOJ prosecutors… especially during Obama’s tenure.

Deplorable Patriot

If all that’s happening is sentences being commuted when the convict was given one that was grossly out of line for the crime involved…these are white collar people, not maximum security inmates.


I think fixing any and every unjust sentence for whatever reason is admirable. Reading about this case certainly appears to have been an unjust sentence let alone prosecution. High level retired judge reviewed the case and called out the misconduct on the part of the DOJ.
This case is important because it affects the African-American community, and there has been heavy incarceration – I’m not going to say disproportionate racially, but the prosecutions and sentencing certainly might be. Now do I think violent people should be on the streets? NO. But that’s not what these cases are.
Another point the article makes is that the boards reviewing cases are dragging their feet – not cooperating with the new law, and the President’s goals. Need to clean out the Swamp in a lot of areas.

Deplorable Patriot

The foot dragging is telling. These people were most likely given disproportionate sentences for politically convenient reasons. Especially if Obama refused to commute them.
I wonder how many of them have stories to tell that would be helpful to future prosecutions.


When I think about Gibson Guitar, I think of EVIL Obama.

Deplorable Patriot

Yes. That was ridiculous.

Valerie Curren

I think Wolf or a commenter here wrote about how Clinton massively increased black incarceration rates w/ unjust laws as a way to further destabilize society & stoke up race wars…

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy


Deplorable Patriot

That I’ll believe.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

A little heat under the pot is making all sorts of critters crawl out!

Deplorable Patriot

Just as a reminder from over a year ago:
FBI Scrambled to Respond to Hillary Clinton Lawyer amid Weiner Laptop Review
12 Feb 2019 – 10:10:22 AM
Shall We Play a Game?
Where are they now?
[Ref: public optics: ‘retired’’left’ refers to ‘fired/forced’]
James Comey, Director – FIRED
Andrew McCabe, Deputy Director – FIRED
Jim Rybicki, Chief of Staff and Senior Counselor – FIRED
James Baker, General Counsel – FIRED
Bill Priestap, Director of Counterintelligence (Strzok’s boss) – FIRED
Peter Strzok, Deputy Assistant Director of Counterintelligence – FIRED
Lisa Page, Office of General Counsel – FIRED
Mike Kortan, Assistant Director for Public Affairs – FIRED
Josh Campbell, Special Assistant to Comey – FIRED
Michael Steinbach – Head of NAT SEC Div – FIRED
John Glacalone – (Predecessor to Steinbach) – Head of NAT SEC Div – FIRED
James Turgal – Assistant Director – FIRED
Greg Bower – Top Congressional Liaison – FIRED
Trisha Anderson – Principle Deputy General Counsel – FIRED
Randy Coleman – Assistant Director of Counterintelligence Div – REMOVED
Coleman Authored:
(1) Anthony Wiener [sic]
(2) [Unrelated]
(3) Wiener [sic] – texting 15 yo – Sexually Explicit
9/26 – Federal SW – IPhone/IPAD/Laptop
Initial analysis of laptop – thousands emails
Hillary Clinton & Foundation
Crime Against Children
Kevin Clinesmith – track & follow
Tashina Gauhar – track & follow
Sally Moyer – track & follow
Jason V. Herring – track & follow
Nothing being done?


Sounds like the fit is hitting the shan…..


I’m gong to need to hear about all the other ones. This is amazing




Ann Vandersteel SteelTruth™️ TrumpTeam2020 Florida Retweeted
Jo Pappas⭐⭐⭐
Once upon a time in Hollywood
This guy was worshipped as a god.
Think about that before you listen to anything Leftist elitists say.
ABC News
· 7h
NEW: Harvey Weinstein arrives at a New York City courthouse as the jury in his rape and sexual assault case is set to begin deliberations this morning.


Don’t ya just love the walker act?


Ann Vandersteel SteelTruth™️ TrumpTeam2020 Florida Retweeted
Today just keeps on getting better!
Judge Napolitano: Lead Juror Tomeka Hart in Roger Stone Case Could be Jailed, Conviction Could be Overturned (VIDEO)
Judge Napolitano: Lead Juror Tomeka Hart in Roger Stone Case Could be Jailed, Conviction Could be…
Judge Napolitano came back down to earth for a few hours this week to weigh in on the Roger Stone case. Napolitano told Tucker Carlson this week that the lead juror in the Roger Stone case could be…


Feels like something’s happening….tables starting to turn? 🤷


Mercury is going Retrograde ……………………. 😉

Deplorable Patriot

I get the idea the tables have been flipped over.

Gail Combs

comment image
Be True to the Oath You have Sworn
Sworn to WHO or WHAT???
We Know it is not the Constitution or this nation.
“….Many in our [government] worship Satan….” (Q3)


Translation…” hang in there… DIMs will take the Oval office in Nov., we’re comin’ !!!!!!!!!!!!!!! “


Choose this day whom you will serve[r]
You cannot worship two [Master]s

Deplorable Patriot

I think they were activating the next group of sleeper cells, actually.


Deplorable Patriot

Trolling, trolling, trolling.
I love it.




High $$$ virtue signaling.. 🙄
Would go a long way toward helping vets, homeless, poor families…. But no… Muh weather


IOW, $10B funneled into the Soros Climate Alarmism Dark Money Shapeshifter Machine.
They must be bleeding dry for someone to cash out for them like this.


Yep…. good let them keep throwing their I’ll gotten gains away



Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

FIND THE CANKLE-SHOE!!!comment image

Deplorable Patriot

And don’t choke on it when it comes up the straw.


In the puddle to the left of the Big Gulp – above Garrison’s signature!!!

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

You got it! But wait for me to bring the 10 foot tongs!!! Get that thing back in the BIG GULP!


Put it on her head and PUUUUUSH DOWN!!!

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

I didn’t say DUNK THE WITCH, but nevertheless….. 😉

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Would “the drunk witch” be better?
Why am I reminded of how I use tongs to pull dubia roaches out of the container to give to my pet bearded dragon?

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Crunchy crunchy!!!


Well – obviously – pouring water on her will not work – so that would be the next best thing – yes?

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

I think she’s like sodium – flush her and she BLOWS UP!!!


Just like in the demonic movies?


Does anyone really believe Bloomberg is getting these numbers?


I’m sure there’s a spreadsheet calculation that can make up some amazing numbers.


Fudging poll numbers is child’s play.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

No way. Although, if they run him, he’s toast, so it goes to Mooch. I think he’s just designed to bring in Cankles.


The same Richard Donoghue that did not prosecute the NYPD officers involved in the Garner case?


NASCAR Driver Found Dead One Month After Being Released from Jail for ‘Anti-Asian’ Attack
Former NASCAR driver Candace Muzny was found dead in her Oklahoma City home Monday. She was 43 years old.
While no cause of death has been reported, police are considering her death “suspicious,” according to KOKH.
Investigators are waiting on the report from the medical examiner’s office before making any assumptions.


Contrast to Scalia’s death.
At least this poor gal’s death is being closely examined.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Wouldn’t be surprised if this was meth or a brain tumor. The following article is good, although Heavy Leftist could not help but diss her on Trump support. Note irony of her fiance dying similarly – WEIRD.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Drugs at the salon may be an answer, too. Drug deal gone weird.


Disturbing to say the least


The loving, tolerant left.
I feel for them, actually.
PDJT has been kicking so much liberal ass and taking names…..with a LOT more coming….that it’s kinda understandable why these children are so emotionally disturbed.
They’ve never been taught how to lose, because they were never forced to compete.
I blame the adults on the left who had a hand in creating such mobs.
So will God.


Regarding Blago’s commutation by President Trump. I consider the attempted sale of a senate seat an extremely seriious crime, and on top of that, I think Blago was very arrogant, showing no contrition or humility with regard to what he did. Despite that, I did appreciate he did not want to raise taxes on the citizens of Illinois, unlike just about every other politician, especially the democrats. We have had very few honest governors in Illinois during my lifetime, and many of them have gone to prison, deservedly. It is an embarrassment.


Unless I am mistaken I believe that Blago was the 3rd IL Gov IN A ROW 😳 to be convicted of felony crime(s) and sent to prison.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

That university is one of the biggest hell-holes of libtard nuttery in America!


They should lose all federal funding

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

I tell you – NOTHING will shake them up quicker than a threat to the federal money drug. “The spice must flow.”
I was just thinking about the affirmative action scandal, and how all sides were in on it because the federal money to universities was so huge. It took me a long time to realize that many ostensibly opposed forces were actually in larger league.
Threaten THAT stuff, and even the COMMIES will back off.


Ugh, believe it or not I have a Journalism degree from that University. Of course that was over 30 years ago, still remember my class on Ethics in Journalism, lol. I also remember hating Reagan and voting for Jesse Jackson. Thankfully I grew up. Let’s hope these young adults do too.


Lawsuit: City of Dallas Running Owner out of Business
Dallas has long targeted Jim’s Car Wash, even using the owner’s frantic 911 calls as evidence against him.
By Robert Montoya
February 17, 2020

Dallas’ city government has been targeting a local small business on the south side to allegedly force the owners to sell, going so far as to use the taxpayer’s own calls to the police as evidence against him. The attorney representing the owner alleges it is all because his client won’t play the Dallas political game.
Jim’s Car Wash, owned by Fred Davenport and operated by his son Dale in south Dallas, has been under siege from city authorities for 15 years. City officials have long blamed Davenport’s business as the cause of rampant crime in the area. However, Dallas’ own data shows that while the area the business is located in does have a crime issue, it’s not within the zones highlighted by the city as being especially high.
This hasn’t stopped the city from targeting the business. A Dallas judge forcibly closed Jim’s Car Wash last year based on the city’s claim that Davenport was operating a public nuisance. Davenport still pays taxes and gets ticketed by the city, but his business is shut down.
Yet the city’s claim has lost credibility in light of recent evidence obtained by Davenport’s attorney, Warren Norred, who successfully forced Dallas to turn over a treasure trove of public records. They include 20 months’ worth of 911 calls made by Davenport’s business to the police, in which he reported criminal activity occurring near his property.
The records of 911 calls filled 414 single-spaced pages.
Davenport’s business has a long history of reporting crimes and testifying about Dallas’ abuse of public nuisance laws; fourteen years ago, Davenport was a witness before a Texas legislature investigative committee looking into this. The committee chastised the city for running what the report called a protection racket.

. . .

The 911 calls, for the most part, have resulted in no significant action from law enforcement to address crime. Part of the reason for the lack of enforcement is that the police are short-staffed. “Dallas has about 3,000 officers right now, which is 1,000 fewer than it had a decade ago,” Norred said.
“The city of Dallas does not prioritize safety in the south Dallas area.”
. . . Davenport, for his part, has tried to help. He fought for and got an additional tax levied on all businesses in the area to support funding for an increased police presence.
He deliberately worked for a higher tax on himself to pay for additional security, which is fairly unusual,” Norred said.
Instead of Dallas spending this new revenue on more police, Norred added, they gave it to a now-defunct business called Hip Hop Government. . .

. . . Continued . . .


New Study: Greenland’s Largest Glacier Has Rapidly Thickened Since 2016…Fueled By 1.5°C Regional Ocean Cooling
Greenland’s largest glacier (Jakobshavn) has quite abruptly thickened since 2016. The thickening has been so profound the ice elevations are nearly back to 2010-2011 levels. The nearby ocean has cooled ~1.5°C – a return to 1980s-era temperatures.
The world’s glaciers have not been following along with the CO2-driven catastrophic melting narrative.
For example, in a study of 50 Alaskan glaciers for the warming period between 1972-2012, researchers (McNabb and Hock, 2014) found there was
“…no corresponding change in the number of glaciers retreating nor do we see corresponding acceleration of retreat rates. To the contrary, many glaciers in the region have advanced…”comment image
In the Southern Hemisphere, an accumulating collection of (29) referenced studies (Lüning et al.,2019) indicate that not only has the Southern Ocean, Antarctic Peninsula, West Antarctica, and East Antarctica been cooling or not warming in recent decades, but many regional glaciers have begun advancing again.comment image
Greenland’s ice sheet mass losses have significantly decelerated since 2013 – a reversal from the rapid retreat from the 1990s to 2012 driven by cloud forcing and the NAO (Ruan et al., 2019).
The 47 largest Greenland glaciers also experienced a “relatively stable” period of rather insignificant retreat from 2013 to 2018 (Andersen et al., 2019).
Only 21 of the 47 Greenland glaciers retreated in 2018, 12 advanced, and the other 14 showed no trends in either direction (Polar Portal, 2019).
Greenland’s largest glacier, Jakobshavn, earned headlines in 2019 for it’s surprising and non-predicted rapid thickening in recent years.comment image
New Study
A new study (Joughin et al., 2020) finds that the Jakobshavn glacier thickening that began in 2016 has continued apace, and ice elevation has now nearly completely returned to 2010/2011 amplitudes.
The authors attribute much of the glacier advance to the rapid 1.5°C ocean cooling impacting the region in recent years.
Ocean temperatures have returned to 1980s-era levels.comment image
Image Source: Joughin et al., 2020


Half of the USA will be underwater any day now. Gore told me so.


Getting colder in the ‘burbs of Greenland.
Put another log on the fire!!!!

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Ironically enough, about 50 miles from here…comment image&f=1&nofb=1

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Crap. Let me try that again:comment image


In Chula Vista, CA: Officials lied to public about Drag Queen background checks, MassResistance FOIA request reveals
Another chapter in the sordid story of pro-LGBT politicians pushing a depraved agenda
MassResistance parents fighting back every step of the way!
February 17, 2020
VIDEO: Watch for yourself as Chula Vista, CA, officials lie to the public about background checks on “Drag Queens.” (1 min 34 sec)

A Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request by MassResistance has revealed that the Mayor and a City Councilman in Chula Vista, CA, blatantly lied to the public about criminal background checks being done on the “Drag Queens” reading to children in the city’s public library.
. . . on Feb. 11, 2020, Arthur received this interesting answer from Tamisha Woods, Sr. Records Specialist in the Office of the City Clerk:

I have been informed by staff that there are no responsive records to your request, however the City does not require background checks for any of its performers as they only work with staff for less than twenty hours and the city has a standing policy that they are considered episodic volunteers and do not require a background check.

In other words, there were no “complete background checks” at all. The library’s “vetting” process was not really much more than just checking any “references” the Drag Queens offered.


Leftists in Kalifornication lying??



Before Trump is done with you Schiff, you’ll be begging him for pardon or clemency!


The irony of this twat….on the day POTUS is mulling commuting the sentence for the creep (a democrat and frmr Gov of IL) who tried to sell Obungler’s Senate seat to the highest bidder….is astounding.


I can’t help but think there’s a reason for that particular pardon….connections


Evidence that PDJT can be apolitical when it comes to exercising the powers of his office.


I’m sure that’s part of it

Deplorable Patriot

I agree. There’s something we don’t know.


Who has more power….a state’s governor or a 1st term Senator?


Of those two choices
Chief executive of a state.


That’s what I thought…..hmmmmm


Maybe the walls closing in on Obama?


Hurricane Watcher💥
To clarify, POTUS is declaring that Chinese state media companies physically operating in the US are “offices of foreign missions.”
This is a good step and should have been taken sooner. Better late than never.
Quote Tweet
Nick Schifrin
· 4h
BREAKING: Trump Administration is declaring Chinese state media in US “offices of foreign missions,” meaning personnel, property must be reported to State Department. Applies to @XHNews, @cgtnamerica,
China Radio Intl., China Daily Distribution Corp.,
Hai Tian Development USA
Show this thread


Oh man this is smooth!
Treating the commie influencers like who they really are.


Buttigieg: If Trump Refuses to Leave White House, He Can ‘Do Chores’

A voter asked Buttigieg what he would do if Trump said, “No, this is all a hoax,” and refusing to concede.
Buttigieg said, “I mean, if he won’t leave, I guess if he’s willing to do chores, I guess we could work something out.”
He continued, “I think we want to set a goal of winning big enough that this election is way beyond cheating distance and that Trumpism goes into the history books, too.”

Epic inbound DJT troll in 5, 4, 3, 2, 1 . . .


Trump doing chores? For Pete?
Actually, the 11yr old did a better job mowing the WH lawn than Pete would ever do.
Don’t you just hate it when people try to be funny, and it doesn’t work…..and there is that awkward silence.


“Hottest” January? More Globaloney Bloviating from NOAA and the Media image
The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration on February 13 issued a press release claiming “January 2020 was Earth’s hottest January on record.” Predictably, mainstream media trumpeted the news. ABC’s treatment was typical.

Some thoughts on ABC’s report—which are generally applicable to the press release and other media coverage as well:

1. For an indication of just how sloppily people think about this issue, compare the URL (“”) with the headline (“January 2020 was the hottest in modern recorded history, NOAA says”) with the tagline (“There has never been a warmer January in 141 years of climate records.”). So which is it—hottest in earth’s history? hottest in modern recorded history? hottest in 141 years of climate records? Those don’t all mean the same thing.

2. “The global land and ocean surface temperature in January was the highest on record for the month at 2.05 degrees Fahrenheit, surpassing a record set in 2016, NOAA scientists said in a press release Thursday.” More sloppiness. No, global average surface temperature in January wasn’t 2.05˚F. If it had been, people everywhere would have been shivering! That would actually have more likely been the coldest global average surface temperature in all the time since the earth was formed. Rather, the global average surface temperature was 2.05˚F above the mean for 1981–2010. That is, the anomaly from the mean for that period was 2.05˚F. Amazing that the reporter who wrote the story didn’t detect this problem. After all, she later wrote, “The average temperature [for the continental United States] over the 20th century was 30.12 degrees Fahrenheit.” Even that wasn’t actually true. What she meant to write was that the average temperature [for the continental U.S.] for January over the 20th century was 30.12 degrees Fahrenheit. For the globe as a whole, average temperature for the whole 20th century—every month of every year—was more on the order of 59˚F. Again, if it’d been 30.12˚F, we’d have been in a really deep ice age.

3. “The four warmest Januarys documented in the climate record have all occurred since 2016, while the 10 warmest have occurred since 2002. January 2020 also marked the 44th consecutive January and the 421st consecutive month overall with temperatures above the 20th century average, according to the release.” As if somehow that were shocking? When you’re in a warming period, recent years will be warmer than years in the distant past. That has nothing to do with what’s causing the warming or whether the warming will continue.

4. Now, was January 2020 warmer than January 2016? Not according to the most reliable (because the most truly global and the least subject to contamination by urban heat island effect, improper instrument siting, and inconsistent instrument and data handling, among other reasons) data we have: the satellite data. According to that, global average temperature’s anomaly from the 1981–2010 mean was 0.56˚C in January 2020, and 0.56˚C in 2016—the same. Meanwhile, many other months of the year were more than 0.56˚C above the 1981–2010 mean, as you can discover by clicking on the link to the satellite date and reading down the third column.

5. Finally, a point about rhetoric. “Hottest” sounds like something we’d be able to detect with our unaided senses. But a difference in temperature of 0.56˚C (1.008˚F) is slight enough that most people wouldn’t feel it even if that were to characterize the “average temperature” of the room in which they were standing. . . . But when that’s the average not for a single room but for the earth as a whole—well, nobody, but nobody, can feel that with unaided senses, and it makes no difference to ecosystems or human wellbeing.

So what we’re seeing is more of the typical journalistic fearmongering, driven by politicized science in government agencies like NOAA.


Rudy’s friend Bernie was on the list Trump pardoned


The DOJ went after Bernie, complete political persecution.
PDJT nominated him for Homeland Security.
They started diging into his background and had to withdraw the nomination
Apparently, years ago, he had a housekeeping who was illegal, paid under the table.
Kind of like Meg Ryan, CEO of EBAY who ran for Gov of California as a Repub
Don’t remember her going to jail.


Meg Whitman?


Haha!! yes, sorry!


Easy to do.😉



Was Sander’s tweeting from his lake house he bought with the $$ he got from endorsing Hitlery after she rigged the DNC primaries against him?
Asking for irony.




Some of those people don’t look old enough to vote….


Zombie movie extras


Somebody should put a sandwich board sign at the front of that line saying,
Job Applicants – Line Up Here In Single File.
This will cause them to Feel the Bern in a new way and result in an insane scattering of Bernie Bros.


Earlier today I asked about John Mappin. Is he legit? Does he know things? Is he a brilliant marketer? I just came across this article, and found it interesting.
February 16, 2016
Today Camelot Castle, England formally recognized Donald Trump’s Humanitarian Deeds and Services to Humanity and awarded him an Honorary, Hereditary Camelot Castle Knighthood – Henceforth at Camelot Castle Donald Trump shall be referred to as Sir Donald Trump of Camelot. …
…This Historic and noble, very rarely granted honor, “The Excalibur Award” was awarded to Mr. Trump along with the Arms and Colours of Camelot Castle for extending tremendous courage and noble intentions towards his country and to the world….
More at the link.


So it’s official….he really IS the knight on a white 🐎 from fairy tales….when he’s not Batman

Gail Combs

With Shitty Shiff and Chucky the Schmuck chasing after…comment image


Baaaaahaaaaaahaaaaaa that’s perfect!!




Gail Combs

Stolen from that twitter thread…comment image


Another mini mike radio ad talking about him in president zero! Ugh I’m sick of the radio ads

Roscoe B Davis🎖⭐️⭐️⭐️
Judge Amy Berman Jackson had denied the Stone motion for mistrial based on the bias displayed by multiple jurors, plans to sentence as scheduled.
This will be an easy overturn upon appeal.
11:29 AM · Feb 18, 2020
Roscoe B Davis🎖⭐️⭐️⭐️
Replying to
I stand corrected, I have actually seen her ruling now and it was being misreported, all she turned down was the motion for delay.
Judge claims she’s still studying the motion for mistrial, and will rule on it by the sentencing schedule.


Judge Shamy

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

She will pick (A) Sleaziest Option That Keeps Her In Power


Reposting this amazing post by DP, because I agree with it 100%.
This is the only logical explanation for all we are witnessing under the Trump administration…
…which has, quite literally, taken on the entire world’s established power structure and is dismantling it as if it were child’s play.
I have yet to see a theory that logically matches this one.
Back before Q had a huge following, and The Great Awakening was still up, and the chans were getting a lot more leak type information before 8chan was deplatformed, I saw a post that disappeared. It was almost as if I was meant to see it, but I’m sure others saw it as well. That post talked about the plan being an outgrowth of the Korean conflict and a military operation. Development had been ongoing since Eisenhower. Donald Trump was recruited to be the public face of it after making a name for himself. In 2004, Trump did The Apprentice claiming there was a skill he needed to acquire. I know it’s fantastic to believe, but in the first 1500 or so of Q posts, in the first six months, there’s a lot there about JFK that is not mentioned much anymore, but this has been in the works since before his assassination is what I get out of the totality of information I have seen.
The real war is between the CIA and NSA, and it’s been going on since 1952 – and that was decades AFTER the Central Bank and the Military Industrial Complex set their sights on American taxpayer dollars as their target. Draining the swamp is just part of it. The rot was there long before Reagan. It was there before Truman, truth be told, and probably back to at least Wilson, maybe even Taft.
Planning for something THIS BIG when it actually goes down AFTER all the cabal assets and arsenal are destroyed, doesn’t happen in such a short period of time. I used to work HUGE outdoor events. The logistics were ridiculous, and the first events always took a year to develop the blueprint for succeeding years. Everyone had a job to do and were briefed just on what they were to do. Just the plan for the St. Patrick’s Day Parade is three inches thick, and the same sort of thing applies. THE PLAN as in the Q plan had to be in development for quite a while, never mind execution which I believe began with getting personnel in place for the last 10 years or so.
I know I’m in the minority on this, and just about everything I have to say will be refuted, but remember that the picture taken in October 2017 of “The Calm Before The Storm” the people in it were military high brass and their wives. Ever wonder why?
Full Picture Less than 10
2 Nov 2017 – 7:03:36 PM
You can count the people who have the full picture on two hands.
Of those (less than 10 people) only three are non-military.
Why is this relevant?
Game theory.
Outside of a potential operator who has been dialed-in w/ orders (specific to his/her mission) nobody else has this information.
Operators never divulge.
Alice & Wonderland.

Deplorable Patriot

Wiki entry for game theory which I will work on studying between other tasks, like memorizing a 2-hour Zingspiel.
Game theory is the study of mathematical models of strategic interaction among rational decision-makers.[1] It has applications in all fields of social science, as well as in logic, systems science and computer science. Originally, it addressed zero-sum games, in which each participant’s gains or losses are exactly balanced by those of the other participants. Today, game theory applies to a wide range of behavioral relations, and is now an umbrella term for the science of logical decision making in humans, animals, and computers.
Modern game theory began with the idea of mixed-strategy equilibria in two-person zero-sum games and its proof by John von Neumann. Von Neumann’s original proof used the Brouwer fixed-point theorem on continuous mappings into compact convex sets, which became a standard method in game theory and mathematical economics. His paper was followed by the 1944 book Theory of Games and Economic Behavior, co-written with Oskar Morgenstern, which considered cooperative games of several players. The second edition of this book provided an axiomatic theory of expected utility, which allowed mathematical statisticians and economists to treat decision-making under uncertainty.
Game theory was developed extensively in the 1950s by many scholars. It was explicitly applied to biology in the 1970s, although similar developments go back at least as far as the 1930s. Game theory has been widely recognized as an important tool in many fields. As of 2014, with the Nobel Memorial Prize in Economic Sciences going to game theorist Jean Tirole, eleven game theorists have won the economics Nobel Prize. John Maynard Smith was awarded the Crafoord Prize for his application of game theory to biology.

Deplorable Patriot

Moar, as in the first type of game theory that seems to fit this situation.
Cooperative / non-cooperative
Main articles: Cooperative game and Non-cooperative game
A game is cooperative if the players are able to form binding commitments externally enforced (e.g. through contract law). A game is non-cooperative if players cannot form alliances or if all agreements need to be self-enforcing (e.g. through credible threats).[1]
Cooperative games are often analyzed through the framework of cooperative game theory, which focuses on predicting which coalitions will form, the joint actions that groups take, and the resulting collective payoffs. It is opposed to the traditional non-cooperative game theory which focuses on predicting individual players’ actions and payoffs and analyzing Nash equilibria.[2][3]
Cooperative game theory provides a high-level approach as it describes only the structure, strategies, and payoffs of coalitions, whereas non-cooperative game theory also looks at how bargaining procedures will affect the distribution of payoffs within each coalition. As non-cooperative game theory is more general, cooperative games can be analyzed through the approach of non-cooperative game theory (the converse does not hold) provided that sufficient assumptions are made to encompass all the possible strategies available to players due to the possibility of external enforcement of cooperation. While it would thus be optimal to have all games expressed under a non-cooperative framework, in many instances insufficient information is available to accurately model the formal procedures available during the strategic bargaining process, or the resulting model would be too complex to offer a practical tool in the real world. In such cases, cooperative game theory provides a simplified approach that allows analysis of the game at large without having to make any assumption about bargaining powers.


From the 1983 movie “Wargames” with a very adolescent Matthew Broderick…

Deplorable Patriot

Global Thermonuclear War.
Wouldn’t you like a nice game of Chess?


Later. Let’s play Global Thermonuclear War.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

I think the beginnings of a plan to deal with things have always been easy to see in the Roosevelt / Truman / Ike triad. Roosevelt let in the socialist contagion, being a bit of a fellow-traveler. STATE was primarily affected, but infiltration everywhere. Truman took a while to get up to speed, and realized he’d been duped by the creation of the CIA, which was a cherry mash – tasty chocolate on the outside and RED on the inside, that allowed for an allowed presence of an infected spy apparatus, ostensibly working outside the US, but in fact with a mission INSIDE as well. China and Korea delivered a nasty present from Truman to IKE, who realized that we had to do something, but was also dealing with “other” things from “other” interested parties, and realized the immensity of the problem. CIA was thus allowed to pursue its “world-gov” plots and aspirations, with some pretense that it was actually getting away with things, while “The Plan” began figuring out how to out-flank the mess.
JFK was approached by the white hats after too much betrayal by CIA, and was taken out when it was clear that he was wise, throwing things to the fat corruptoid.
History continued.
How does such a plan survive long enough to reach critical effect?
My only question is whether Bill Cooper was planned or unplanned.

Deplorable Patriot

According to that post on 8chan that I saw that disappeared, it was the Pentagon that figured out they were being double crossed. They would send Korean War battle plans in to the UN since it was a UN initiative, and they’d get slaughtered in the field. So, the Pentagon high brass being the Pentagon high brass, they sent in fake battle plans, and sure enough, the opposition set up for that scenario.
That, apparently, is why the NSA was signed into being.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Yup. The treasonous UN was a plot from the very beginning. Globalism had a purpose and its own plan.

Gail Combs

Then Congress double crossed the military in ‘Nam. I can remember the officers & sergeants complaining bitterly at the hi-bys. They wanted Congress to get out of the way and LET them win the war.
Afghanistan after Hitlery was Sec of State, was the same problem as Korea. The enemy KNEW where the troops would be. So they sent in the plans AFTER THE FACT.
(I really wish I had kept that comment from the guy in Afghanistan.)


ForGodand Country, thank you for posting this again. I just love it. Thank you, DP. This is pretty much what I have come to believe.


Most welcome, Zoe.
And please accept my apologies. I’ve been slacking on posting the text to tweets so you can see them.
I’m going to renew that push for you.

Gail Combs

I have also thought President Trump was ‘groomed’ for the job.
His Uncle Fred
5 years of military school (BUT NOT wasted as cannon fodder in ‘Nam)
Wharton School
WWIKI: “Wharton’s MBA program is ranked No. 1 in the United States according to Forbes[5] and No. 1 in the United States according to the 2020 U.S. News & World Report ranking… The Wharton School is the world’s oldest collegiate school of business…”
Then there is his mentor, Dr. Norman Vincent Peale.
Dianne West mentions he is the antithesis of Comey’s mentor, Karl Paul Reinhold Niebuhr. Interesting that “Last year, Barack Obama cited Reinhold Niebuhr (1892-1971) as one of his favorite philosophers.”

January 20, 2009
…Citing a deceased theologian with a German name seems sophisticated, and Jimmy Carter likewise often pointed to Niebuhr, and justifiably so. Niebuhr was probably the 20th century’s finest ethicist in the liberal Protestant tradition….
Niebuhr always remained left of center politically, endorsing the New Deal and welfare state, and heartily endorsing civil rights….

Dianne West is a lot less forgiving pointing out, that like all good ‘Agents of Influence’ Niebuhr remained difficult to pin down by changing as needed.




Reminds me of this most excellent commercial…



No Mr. President, your approval rating IS at 70%. The filthy, lying, disgusting media hacks are suppressing your real numbers.
You keep being you.


Right FG&C… he is probably giggling while he says 50… trollin’, doncha know 😉
DIMs just tried to mpeach/remove him, and he’s rockin’ ……………………..


Spring training has started, so it’s time for a baseball analogy.
POTUS is the best baseball hitter in MLB history, politically speaking. The dims have been throwing their nastiest, filthiest stuff at him, but he homers off of them every time. He’s so frigging good they’ve tried throwing intentional balls to the opposite side of the plate….I mean stuff WAY outside….but he just steps over and still hits a homer.
Gotta believe the left’s power players are now truly frightened of the man.
They are staring his re-election right in the face, after which he can take his gloves off and fight unhindered by the need to get re-elected. And he may very well have GOP majorities in both chambers of Congress.
So that’s 2 sports analogies…
…because it’s two-fer Tuesday.

Gail Combs

“Gotta believe the left’s power players are now truly frightened of the man…..”
I have to believe the brains got taken out.
Maurice Strong DEAD
David Rockefeller DEAD
Zbigniew Brzezinski DEAD
Prince Al Waleed DEFANGED
Rothschild Fire Sale in Austria
comment image


Well lookeee here……


This is peanuts to what’s coming down the track for this jackass.

Gail Combs

I hope they show OH!Bummer was never even an American. (He is Indonesian and that is why his college records & mothers passport are sealed.)

Deplorable Patriot

Sarah Lawrence…that school was part of the plot of a movie titled “10 Things I Hate About You.” Knowing that marketing departments pay for placements in entertainment fare…why that movie?

Deplorable Patriot

Sarah Lawrence…that school was part of the plot of a movie titled “10 Things I Hate About You.” Knowing that marketing departments pay for placements in entertainment fare…why that movie?
2nd comment: that movie is a modern re-write of Taming of the Shrew. Shakespeare never goes out of style.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Seems like good product placement to me! For both daughters and parents!

Deplorable Patriot

My sister in higher ed does NOT speak highly of the place.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

I’m sure they’ll take the money all the same! 😉

Deplorable Patriot

Every higher ed institution will take the money.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Such a scam! It took me a long time to realize what happened with CA3. The WHOLE WORLD was in on the scam. Everybody but the taxpayer. And one dumb honest rube who didn’t realize it.
Trillions of dollars. They knew it was coming.
They ALL knew it was coming.

Deplorable Patriot

All I saw in the “express” checkout was organic Michelob Ultra. I wonder if that smells as bad as Bud when it’s brewing. Stand on Lynch Street in Soulard and BLECH!


Organic beer?? 🤢

Deplorable Patriot

Cross my heart and hope to die. Mich Ultra Golden.



Deplorable Patriot

Didn’t look close enough to see if it was beechwood aged. I would imagine it was aged in the Pestalozzi Street cave, though. It’s 56 degrees in there all year long.


Anyone ever thought about the incredible, delicious irony of POTUS’s last name, given everything at play, at stake, how it is all unfolding, and how POTUS lives up to his name??
What does it mean to trump something?
to outrank or defeat someone or something, often in a highly public way.
Where did the word trump come from?
The English word trump derives from trionfi, a type of 15th-century Italian playing cards, from the Latin triumphus “triumph, victory procession”, ultimately (via Etruscan) from Greek θρίαμβος, the term for a hymn to Dionysus sung in processions in his honour.
What does the word trump mean in England?
The verb “to trump” in British English means the same thing as in American English — either (1) to surpass or outdo someone or something, or (2) to play a trump card in a card game. The noun “trump” means the same too — most usually “trump card” to mean a decisive or advantageous move, resource, action, etc.

Deplorable Patriot

So, here’s the question…is he playing Chess, Spades or Bridge?


He’s playing “You Are My Personal Bitch” and he’s winning like no one in modern times ever has.


And Lord, haste the day when the faith shall be sight,
The clouds be rolled back as a scroll;
The Trump shall resound!
and the Lord shall descend
Even so, it is well with my soul!

If you want to have fun, search Youtube for prophecy/rapture videos about Trump and Revelation:comment imagecomment imagecomment imagecomment image


When a trickle becomes a flood


He’s even better than Biden – for a wrestling match – Trump will trounce him good!
No wonder he is more excited about taking him on than Sanders – Sanders has entranced the young with free stuff – what they do not realize is – they do not get to choose their I-Phones – they will all be the same – as will be their homes, cars (if they are lucky), and healthcare (if they qualify). Just as they live rent free in their parents’ basements – they will live rent free without the luxuries they enjoy at present.
However – Trump – in his infinite wisdom – will be able to educate the young on the cruelty of socialism – since the education system appears to have skipped that part of history.


I’ve got $100 says mini-dick is running so he can name Hitlery as his VP and plans to resign as soon as he is sworn in to office.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

I’m betting with you, except I think he gets drubbed out at the convention and MOOCHELLE takes his place!


Big Mike???
Say it ain’t so!comment image

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Yup. IMO, it’s the ONLY way they THINK they can get the MAGA black vote back!


Not……………….Habbening!!! Ever! Do it!!! This glitter bomb with fart spray!!!!comment image


Dadgum it sure just got dusty in here. Whoa.

Deplorable Patriot

Remind me to tell Liawatha Lizzie about the summer of 1993, that we hear tell was a whole lot like the summer of 1844. See, in 1844, the Mississippi River came up so high, that Anheuser-Busch built the brewhouse just higher than that.
And then there was 1973, one in the last five years, 1946 when my mom’s family was evacuated out of East St. Louis via johnboat, 1916 or so, 1967 which convinced the residents of STL that we really do need a flood wall…..


Let’s toss this lying bitch out of office so that becomes our new normal.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Jailing irresponsible climate communists sounds like an excellent new normal.


Well, I said tossing her out of office, but I might be persuaded to your new normal.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Gotta toss ’em SOMEWHERE – might as well be someplace where they STICK!!! 😀


Guantanamo has lots of empty space.
Jus’ sayin

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy



Was it ever completely confirmed that the Senate seat was what he was trying to sell?
“I’ve got this thing and it’s f—ing golden.”
What if it was…..something else?


Big mike presurgery? Or proof of bathhouse Barry’s proclivities? Or Jeremiah Wright’s notes and videos? Yeah I thought they came down as hard as they could criminally and publicly.


All those would be interesting, but I’m thinking something more “sealed”… 😉


Pardon the CNN reference. It was the first one that popped up…
After the first jury was hung at 11 to 1 for conviction on key corruption counts, prosecutors tried again — winning the second trial and securing convictions on 17 of 20 corruption charges, including the shakedowns related to Obama’s Senate seat. Blagojevich was also convicted of shakedowns involving a children’s hospital, racetrack owner and a building executive.


Rumor is that Blago has become the lap dog (read: property) of an inmate named “Pinky”, which is a play on the size of Pinky’s thumbs as well as his favorite color.
The fascinating thing is how accurate internet rumor can be.


Fox breaking news-Barr considering quitting because of Trp tweets according to “sources”. No other details.



Valerie Curren

I thought you meant Trump was the source for this art of war-esque rumor…


It was an edit.


WashedPoo source


I see that now that there is an actual article at Fox. It was just a 2 sentence breaking news headline I first saw.
I’m not yet jumping to any conclusions. Just passing the message.


Give em a little while and they will all be breathlessly covering it 😉


Damn GWP says first reported by the Compost and confirmed by CNN, ABC and AP. Very misleading! Surely only confirming they are all reporting the same thing. NOT that the reports are confirmed. Circular reporting! Must be true if they’re all saying it!/s


That’s how they roll….. Ingraham has a banner GEN BARR HAS NO PLANS TO RESIGN




Same POS reporter that lied about another story.


I think it’s a trap.


comment image


CNN and WaPo are reporting that Barr is considering resigning over Trump’s tweets. Ha ha ha! I don’t know why Gateway Pundit keeps reporting this garbage!

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Hey, I’ll be Attorney General! And AG Wolf will LOVE Trump Tweets!!!


If you were AG, GITMO would be adding new extensions – and the Marines would be very busy rounding up the criminals – including the Sanctuary City governors, CongressCritters, Obama holdovers in every department, and illegals hiding out holding their drivers’ licenses.
Deportations would be up – and GITMO would be overflowing until they get the guillotines set up.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

One thing I would definitely do is promote cruise ship dockings at GITMO, so that THE PEOPLE could actually SEE THESE JOKERS in the exercise yards! It would be a growth industry! Restaurants, souvenir stores, maybe a waterpark for the kids! 😉
Get some LONG TERM PERFORMANCE DEALS with the “actors” in lieu of short rides to Old Sparky!


Nice to see you have not lost your sense of humor, Wolf – LOL

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

I’ll be so MAGA that Trump will have to tweet that I need to “lighten up”!!!


Wolfie!!! You WILL …make us…”Tired of Winning”!!! ….NOT!!!😂😂😂😂

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy


Gail Combs

“…Barr is considering resigning over Trump’s tweets….”
If true then he needs Grow-a-cet.
If a Trumpian leak, it is the best fake news troll yet.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

I think so, too. Honey badger? Quit? OH YES, THOSE POOR COBRAS!!!


“CNN and WaPo are reporting….”


I would not be at all surprised if the Trump team planted fake info to out someone.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

The idea of Barr quitting because of Tweets – so hilarious. That had to be a planned leak.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Well – a “different” GS is in talks with a “different” royalty.


TBOS 53: See who goes into this weeks Bowl……….


Dave Chappelle SLAYED Juicy…err…Jussie with this bit, and the entire black community now refers to him as “Juicy”….


LOL – “Juicy” takes ‘Bad Actors’ to a whole new level – eh, FG&C?


Well that didn’t take long:


AG Barr admitted to ER for laughing uncontrollably.


New: Title TBD
18 Feb 2020 – 10:36:05 PM


weird this isn’t up on yet


Go get ’em Q……………………………
A conspiracy huh?
Look in the mirror FAKE NEWS… slime media……………………… you’re the CONSPIRACY!!


Great video!
The pedo stuff is not a ‘conspiracy theory’.
And [They] are terrified that it will all come out!



Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

comment image



Can’t come too soon…if there are indictments, arrests…with very, very public, perp walks…


Let’s tap the brakes.
Who wants indictments now and risk PDJT’s re-election
Guaranteeing PDJT’s election by delaying indictments for just a little while longer
Yeah, that’s what I thought.