Dear KAG: 20200219 Open Thread

Mornin’ y’all. This morning, well….

And now for the obligatory message from our sponsors:

Here at the Q tree we believe in the concept of CIVIL open free speech and the discussion that fleshes out ideas. When commenting and participating in the OPEN discussion on this thread all comments MUST NOT CONTAIN personal threats, baiting, name calling, or other anti-social words fomenting hate, violence or destruction. Our host Wolfm00n has strict rules about that.

Fellow tree dweller Wheatie gave us some good reminders on the basics of civility in political discourse:

  1. No food fights.
  2. No running with scissors.
  3. If you bring snacks, bring enough for everyone.

In addition, it is requested that there be no swinging from the chandeliers, celebratory gunfire, messing around with the nuclear weapons, and, please, everyone wash your hands.

Those who have things to say that do not fit the generally accepted limits of “civil” discussion, Wolf has provided a venue known as the UTree. Please, venture over there for any such thoughts and comments. This sort of thing is always a possibility on that site:

A few other vital notes:

Please, review these rules that our host Wolfm00n outlined toward the beginning of the growth of the tree itself. it won’t take long.

Ridiculing the other side, on the other hand…well….


From the First Chapter of the Book of James:

Know this, my dear brothers and sisters:
everyone should be quick to hear, slow to speak, slow to anger
for anger does not accomplish
the righteousness of God.
Therefore, put away all filth and evil excess
and humbly welcome the word that has been planted in you
and is able to save your souls.

Be doers of the word and not hearers only, deluding yourselves.
For if anyone is a hearer of the word and not a doer,
he is like a man who looks at his own face in a mirror.
He sees himself, then goes off and promptly forgets
what he looked like.
But the one who peers into the perfect law of freedom and perseveres,
and is not a hearer who forgets but a doer who acts;
such a one shall be blessed in what he does.

If anyone thinks he is religious and does not bridle his tongue
but deceives his heart, his religion is vain.
Religion that is pure and undefiled before God and the Father is this:
to care for orphans and widows in their affliction
and to keep oneself unstained by the world.

As always, prayers for the fight against that which seeks to enslave us are welcome.

We ready for more “As the Swamp Turns”?

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Deplorable Patriot

Starting the day out right before I go back to sleep.
Ask The Q
18 Feb 2020 – 10:36:05 PM
‘Night y’all.


This means I was wrong when I said Q won’t be dropping anymore.
I think I’ll go to my room.


It was a plausible reading.
I’m glad you were wrong, though.
And, once again, my personal favorite “conspiracy theory” regarding Q — it’s Melania. The culture mavens have her all painted as a bimbo who barely understands English — in reality, the only rooms she’s in where she’s the second smartest person are when she’s with her husband…..and he might contest that.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Melania knows the truth about Q, I’m betting – whatever she’s allowed to know.


You’re being distracted because she’s drop-dead gorgeous and fashionable to boot. Every day, Melania is making her husband more of a patriot; every day, she makes him more of a Christian; every day, she keeps him balanced against the Yugoslavian “almost Communism” she grew up with; and every day she sees through the posturing and kabuki in Washington, D. C. She officially speaks five languages in four language families — it wouldn’t surprise me in the least if she weren’t VSGPOTUSDJT’s Korean language tutor. It would surprise me if she didn’t know everything around the White House, whether she was “allowed to” or not.
And, outwardly, she is the perfect FLOTUS.
I’m convinced that she’s the perfect FLOTUS inwardly, as well.


i agree.
she messages with her clothing choices–she is very clever–and so many are distracted by her looks–it’s the perfect cover.

Deplorable Patriot

And she has a great sense of humor.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

*I’m* being distracted? 😉 LMAO
Somebody’s got the goo-goo eyes here, buddy, and it ain’t me! HAHAHAHAHA!
Not saying that I don’t agree with you on her abilities. Beyond that – things turn to speculation very fast, because of those things you said. But – well – I feel fairly safe in not speculating that she’s Q. But since that would lead to more information than I’d like about who *IS* Q, I am happy to let the Melania Mythos continue! 😀


I hope she sees this!


Remember the Christmas decorations highlighting Q were ALL arranged by Melania. She KNOWS.


it’s okay to be wrong…that makes you human.


Pat…… that is Backwards!
Since we ARE Human…..
we are Often WRONG.


so I’m wrong? means I’m human…
cool…tell that to captcha thing!

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Awesome video. Remarkable how their attempts to shut Q down didn’t work. LOL! Couldn’t happen to a nicer Marxist slow-coup.

Gail Combs

We were right that CDC WOMAN SCREWED US!

E.M.Smith says:
19 February 2020 at 12:56 am
Well this isn’t good… just saw where ONLY NOW will the USA start testing for SARS-CoV-2 / Covid-19 among folks presenting with “flu like symptoms” and only in selected cities. San Francisco, Chicago, NYC, and a few others. In other words, we have no clue how much of it is in the country as, unless you came here from China, we didn’t look.

NOW we know why that daughter of a syphilitic she camel told her friend there were 1,000+ cases in the USA. She has probably been getting lots of reports and REQUESTS FOR TESTING!
She KNEW they was a high probability those were actual cases of the China Virus but it was MOAR important to not rock the boat than to protect America Citizens.
Remember she is the same biotch, under Obama who allowed illegals with HIV, hepatitis, dengue, Chikungunya tuberculosis, measles, mumps, rubella, and even LEPROSY into the country. ALL of which were reasons to NOT allow ‘sanctuary claims’ and boot their asses OUT.
Remember when the media claimed that infectious disease outbreaks at migrant detention centers was “fake news?” Nope, they’re very real
Media buries the truth about illegal immigrants bringing wave of hepatitis, tuberculosis and HIV to America

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Hope the feds are all over her on this. They can investigate that text message that popped up as potential loss of classified information.


The CDC is an enemy agency. Their official purpose sounds nice, but at every turn they have been spreading misinformation and heightening damage.

Gail Combs

Ain’t that the truth.
They are a MAJOR propaganda outfit.
I hope and pray President Trump is safe in California. With an unknown extent of the virus, it worries me that he is doing so much traveling to rallies esp on the Left Coast.

Deplorable Patriot

They do testing for a lot of tick born diseases, that in and of themselves I’m beginning to wonder about. My youngest brother had something that presented as Lyme Disease, and, yeah, he was in the woods up north of the confluence of the rivers not long before that. One of my mom’s cousins has the one where she can eat nothing of mammalian origin. As she put it, if it flies or swims I can eat it.
This is why I brake for opossums. They’re immune to it and will eat thousands of ticks every year.


If this is true – it is evidence that the CDC is under the control or influence of the leftists and maybe the UN and WHO.
….and is operating under PC rules.
….and PC kills.
Political Correctness is employed as a means of coercion, control and as a gas-lighting tool – telling us good is evil and evil is good.
PC really stands for:
Punitive Conformity – speech/thought control
Propaganda Conspiracy – information/narrative control
Power Consolidation – government/finance control.
Protecting Corruption – covering up crime, sin and perversion.
They use a victim/bully tactic, pretend to be victims, then intimidate, threaten, assault. Works well – sort of like Good Cop/Bad Cop.
Remember the CDC staffer who killed himself?


This fits here – including the CDC.

We know Academia and the APA mental health groups cannot be trusted – as they have long been politicized.

Cuppa Covfefe

It also stands for
Persecuting Christians
Prosecuting Christians
not to mention
Perverting Christianity…
Paedophilic Crimes


Excellent! Thanks – Adding to my list!


Can also substitute/include ‘conservatives’ in there.


Gail – What kind of authority/control (if any) does the President have over the CDC???

Gail Combs

The president has as much control as he does of the rest of the unionized federal bureaucracy.
This is an interesting left wing view and indicates WHY president Trump’s picks were attacked by the left.
The CDC is one of the major operating components of the Department of Health and Human Services. The head of the Department of Health and Human Services is appointed and confirmed by the Senate.
The CDC Director, is appointed and does not require Senate approval.
As of 2015, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention had 10,796 employees. 29 are Senior Executive Service.
CDC organization: image
AFGE Local 1923, is the largest federal union in the country “…representing approximately 30,000 employees nationwide that are employed in the Social Security Administration, Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (formally HCFA), Veterans Affairs, Department of Defense, and the National Mediation Board.”


Thanks, Gail! Copied. You always have the nitty gritty minute and bedrock FACTS!

Gail Combs

You can right click and open in new tab to see that chart full size so you can read the names.
The biotch is Nancy Messonnier head of The National Center for IMMUNIZATION and Respiratory Diseases… “….formerly known as the National Immunization Program until April 2006, is charged with responsibility for the planning, coordination, and conduct of immunization activities in the United States…..” — WIKI
“….Since beginning her public health career in 1995 as an Epidemic Intelligence Service Officer in the Deputy Director for Infectious Diseases (DDID), Dr. Messonnier has held a number of leadership posts across CDC and within NCIRD. [ National Center for Immunization and Respiratory Diseases]
She played a pivotal role in the successful public-private partnership to develop and implement a low cost vaccine to prevent epidemic meningococcal meningitis in Africa. More than 150 million people in the African Meningitis Belt have been vaccinated with MenAfriVac since 2010, with remarkable impact…..”
She is a captain in the Epidemic Intelligence Service
“The Epidemic Intelligence Service (EIS) is a program of the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). Established in 1951 by Alexander Langmuir, it arose from biological warfare concerns relating to the Korean War.” — WIKI
“EIS officers serve on the front lines of public health, protecting Americans and the global community, while training under the guidance of seasoned mentors. When disease outbreaks or other public health threats emerge, EIS officers investigate, identify the cause, rapidly implement control measures, and collect evidence to recommend preventive actions.”
So her mindset is toward DEVELOPING VACCINES for the third world. and WHO pays for it? Why the US TAX PAYER! How do you get American tax payers to foot the bill?


Isn’t that how Academics and Govt Bureaucrats work?
They need more money, always.
So they create a problem that they need to come in and rescue us from.
The problem never gets solved, but with a little more money we may be able to turn the corner on it…

Valerie Curren

Seems that I read some where that most vaccines are made in China…so that’s not of concern.s/


The truth is that it doesn’t make ANY DIFFERENCE which virus these people have. Because the treatment is THE SAME. Supportive care. Respiratory protection. WASH YOUR HANDS!! Contact precautions. COVER YOUR SNEEZES AND COUGHS!! That’s it. If hospitals, stores, etc would put in UV lights over all doorways it would also help, it is a natural disinfectant.

Deplorable Patriot

That’s my understanding and why I’ve ben washing every surface the couch commando touched this morning. He has “the sniffles.” Could just be allergies, but I’m glad I have rubber gloves when I cleaned up the mess in the kitchen.


Thanks for the double duty D.P.
I’m about as ready as can be for another episode of “As the Swamp Turns”


Q is bringing it! Great video… y’all be sure and watch it, then bookmark…

Deplorable Patriot

I’m reveling in being “fringe.”


Dp , you are making fringe cool again


Laughing. Have never thought of myself as fringe. But if this is fringe, feels pretty good 😉


Good night. I woke up at 230 am and am trying to go to sleep too. Have oeaceful dreams!


??? It’s 9pm in Seattle. Where the heck are you when it’s 2:30am?


Ha no ive been up since 230 am here tuesday. Im same time zone as you. The only difference is mr gil decided to give me a cold which hit me today. 🤧🤧🤧


Maybe a bunch of us need to have a word with Mr G and tell him to stop infecting you. 🙂 Get well soon.

Gail Combs

Don’t forget the Zicam!
Mosey on over to the virus thread for the info on how to beat viruses.
Hope you feel better SOON.


Gail, special thank you to you on the virus thread.

Gail Combs

You are welcome Daughn,
Happy to help.
By the by, I love your stories and I hope you are putting them together and writing a book.




please take good care of yourself!!!


Great kick off to Thursday DP. So ready for moar swamp draining.
G’nite all 😉

Deplorable Patriot

Thanks…hate to tell you it’s Wednesday, though. 😉


OH. Yea, it is Wednesday;-)

Elizabeth Carter

This is interesting.

Deplorable Patriot

More educating the normies. Excellent interview. KT McFarland always could put it all in plain language…and she has a much more competent plastic surgeon than Nancy Pelosi.


Yes, but still very distracting, IMO. There’s a happy medium between “refreshed” and trying to look 40 again, at that age.
But, if she’s happy then I’m happy for her…note to self…stop being so bitchy.

Deplorable Patriot

Her eyes didn’t used to tilt up quite that much.
At first, I actually didn’t know who it was. If this was her first face lift, it was a good job, but I hope she’s sparing with it. After a second one, you age faster.


That is a really cool site.great photos


Great if true!

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Yeah, there is something big going on.
Fake news struck with the stealthy “McCabe is off the hook” demoralization meme, and [COUGH] somebody is striking back HARD.

Gail Combs

Demoralization meme???
HA! more like ENRAGING meme. I hope the Congress Critters staff is now going deaf and catatonic from being screamed at.


Just as I was trying to tell everyone Wolfe. The cabal and msm are so predictable in their tired old tactics. Trump has exposed them all, and thoseSHOULD no longer work. IMHO, all the McCabe and now Barr stuff is nothing more than a feeble attempt to divide, and get in front of what IS coming. When even Weismann sounds the alarm, you know we are CLOSE.
Look at the new narrative just last night, saying Barr is “considering” resigning according to “anonymous “ sources. My bet, we are over the target, and the bay doors are OPEN. INCOMING


If Bill Barr announces his AG resignation, to me that only means ONE thing:
“My work here is done.”

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

The honey badger EATS cobras. Sometimes he leaves a bit of cobra for other predators and scavengers.comment image
The honey badger is the cobra’s worst nightmare. The cobras tell little stories about how the honey badger is going away.
But the honey badger never goes away, does he? No, he never goes away.
Sleep well, cobras. Honey badger does, after a nice meal of cobras and getting high on VENOM.comment image

Deplorable Patriot

Hey, can you check the pit of despair for a misfiled post from Pheonix? Danke.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Done! Looks like Akismet is trying to sneak past me by binning “radioactive” posts (8kun, CFP, coronavirus) when I’m not the author. Thus my strategy is to point the user right back at Akismet EVERY SINGLE TIME until they whitelist our people.


Spot on!


Yes…just look at how Eric Holder just reacted!
Steady, steady…approaching target…ready….


Soon those bad guys will be wondering what that green laser on their exterior means. Hint: Not good for them…what’s that whooshing sound….is that a vapor trail…boom


Deemed mentally unfit

Gail Combs

Fine, let’s try the POLITICIANS that allowed him to roam around the USA and kill her instead!
I am still waiting for the first politician to go to jail for ‘Color of the Law’ accessory before the fact to an illegal’s crimes.


What’s going on in Turkey?

Deplorable Patriot

That’s a good question.


What about the people in Idaho? Do they get a say in this?


Betting 14 of 16 NV Counties want to flea NV.
OR simply give two counties Henderson (Vegas area) and Washoe (Reno area) to CA.


Most of Oregon has more in common with Idaho than with Portlandia. Same is true for Washington State vs. Seattle. Not coincidentally were the California secession movements to break away from the cities and their leftist power grabs.


Verse of the Day

“These things I have spoken unto you, that in me ye might have peace. In the world ye shall have tribulation: but be of good cheer; I have overcome the world.”
John 16:33 (KJV)


comment image


Thank You, Jesus, for blessings received and prayers answered!


Wednesday Butterfly Blessingcomment image


Jesus Loves Babies…Pray for the Unborncomment image
Jesus Loves the Little Children – Pray for the Little Childrencomment image
Jesus Loves You – Come to Himcomment image


Happy Hump Day Duchess!


Right back at you, Pat! Hope and pray all is well with you – if not – ‘Calling All Angels’ to assist – I am
Have a Blessed Day!!!


and you as well Duchess!


Tanks – 🙂






* Smiling *


John 16:33 – in song…..


His Peace passes all understanding.


Thanks, GA/FL!!! God Bless You!!!

Brave and Free

Very appropriate verse for these times Duchess01.


Agree, Brave – God is sending us a message!



Yikes Dora – thought I’d like to follow Tradical… but no way – he is no Trump fan for sure. He’s equating PDJT with Hitler. Yuck.


Camera – Wolves – New Age Wolf


Camera – Backyard Birds – Mozart Piano Sonato in D – 1993


omg–the wolf pups are soooooo cute!!


Hope and pray Wolf watches – could make his day – yes?



Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Awesome! Thank you!!! <3
The "howl" still remains in dogs. Late at night, when the coyotes in our area do it (sounds more like a combination of "yipping" and howling) the dogs do it back (combination of a bark and a howl), and you can hear where the coyotes are, not just by the distance of their howling, but by how far away the dogs are.


Glad you enjoyed the video – 🙂

Deplorable Patriot

Even in toy breeds does the howling remain. I start singing the Queen of the Night and little miss Ying (not her real name) just sings along.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy



Don’t I wish. Sigh.


Bruno has a THREAD –
Lisa Mei Crowley
· 7h
To Be BLUNT – it’s Game Over. Q
Barr names an outside prosecutor from the SHOW-ME State of Missouri, home of Senator Roy BLUNT, to review the FLYNN case. It’s been Q-uite a SHOW, but now?
To Be BLUNT, it’s GAME OVER. – – @washtimes

Deplorable Patriot

Oh please, oh please, oh please.
When they’re done with the Blunts, there’s a few other families around here that could use some scrutiny. Danforth, Carnahan, Ashcroft…they’re probably less guilty than the others.

Deplorable Patriot

Deplorable Patriot

Deplorable Patriot

Hey Donna,
tell us about Seth !

Deplorable Patriot

Speaking of Democrat debates, did anyone actually watch it last night?



Deplorable Patriot

It actually was not last night I understand.


i don’t think that matters–it’s an apt description no matter when the debate happens!

Deplorable Patriot

More drips on the drips.

Deplorable Patriot

The image presented here is important, but blurry. So, after the tweet….

DeepDream is a computer vision program created by Google engineer Alexander Mordvintsev which uses a convolutional neural network to find and enhance patterns in images via algorithmic pareidolia, thus creating a dream-like hallucinogenic appearance in the deliberately over-processed images.[1][2][3]
Google’s program popularized the term (deep) “dreaming” to refer to the generation of images that produce desired activations in a trained deep network, and the term now refers to a collection of related approaches.
The DeepDream software originated in a deep convolutional network codenamed “Inception” after the film of the same name,[1][2][3] was developed for the ImageNet Large-Scale Visual Recognition Challenge (ILSVRC) in 2014[3] and released in July 2015.
The dreaming idea and name became popular on the internet in 2015 thanks to Google’s DeepDream program. The idea dates from early in the history of neural networks,[4] and similar methods have been used to synthesize visual textures.[5] Related visualization ideas were developed (prior to Google’s work) by several research groups.[6][7]
After Google published their techniques and made their code open source,[8] a number of tools in the form of web services, mobile applications, and desktop software appeared on the market to enable users to transform their own photos.[9]
The software is designed to detect faces and other patterns in images, with the aim of automatically classifying images.[10] However, once trained, the network can also be run in reverse, being asked to adjust the original image slightly so that a given output neuron (e.g. the one for faces or certain animals) yields a higher confidence score. This can be used for visualizations to understand the emergent structure of the neural network better, and is the basis for the DeepDream concept. However, after enough reiterations, even imagery initially devoid of the sought features will be adjusted enough that a form of pareidolia results, by which psychedelic and surreal images are generated algorithmically. The optimization resembles Backpropagation, however instead of adjusting the network weights, the weights are held fixed and the input is adjusted.
For example, an existing image can be altered so that it is “more cat-like”, and the resulting enhanced image can be again input to the procedure.[2] This usage resembles the activity of looking for animals or other patterns in clouds.
Applying gradient descent independently to each pixel of the input produces images in which adjacent pixels have little relation and thus the image has too much high frequency information. The generated images can be greatly improved by including a prior or regularizer that prefers inputs that have natural image statistics (without a preference for any particular image), or are simply smooth.[7][11][12] For example, Mahendran et al.[11] used the total variation regularizer that prefers images that are piecewise constant. Various regularizers are discussed further in.[12] An in-depth, visual exploration of feature visualization and regularization techniques was published more recently.[13]
The cited resemblance of the imagery to LSD- and psilocybin-induced hallucinations is suggestive of a functional resemblance between artificial neural networks and particular layers of the visual cortex.[14]
Also on the image:
Where is Snowden?
18 Feb 2018 – 8:41:03 PM
JOHN 3:16

Deplorable Patriot

Recent Q Drop with Deep Dream mentioned:
Whistleblower: Google Is Developing AI for ‘Planetary Surveillance’
11 Nov 2019 – 7:30:45 PM
GOOG whistleblower
Project DeepMind?
“AI Manhattan Project.”📁
[Feb 18 2018]
“Project DeepDream v2[A]?” – Q
Do you believe in coincidences?

Gail Combs

This is the picture. You can click on it and get it to expand.comment image

Deplorable Patriot

It’s blurry to read, which is why I copied all the text from the original sources.

Deplorable Patriot


Bloomberg is dangerously mean and inhumane. Hates children and elders….and disabled.
Is he a Jewish Nazi like $0r0$???



Cuppa Covfefe

Revelation 2:9ff and 3:9ff would indicate that Bloomberg is a member of the Synagogue of Satan. From Wackypedia:

Bloomberg was born at St. Elizabeth’s Hospital, in Brighton, a neighborhood of Boston, Massachusetts, on February 14, 1942, to William Henry Bloomberg (1906–1963), a bookkeeper for a dairy company, and Charlotte (Rubens) Bloomberg (1909–2011). The Bloomberg Center at the Harvard Business School was named in William Henry’s honor. His family is Jewish. He is a member of the Emanu-El Temple in Manhattan. Bloomberg’s paternal grandfather, Alexander “Elick” Bloomberg, was an immigrant from Russia. Bloomberg’s maternal grandfather, Max Rubens, was an immigrant from what is present-day Belarus.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

They seem to be super-proggie Reform. Interesting history. Note that bigger, older, big-city churches or synagogues, are (IMO) the most likely place for a satanic cult to become embedded.
I think Nanny may have something satanic going on, that is for sure.
That guy who destroyed Bernie Kerik – who had that weird cult at that NYC college – THAT guy is definitely satanic.


He is the personification of every single thing the left has accused POTUS of being

Concerned Virginian

BLOOMBERG’S bullsh!t “explanation” of his inexcusable behavior in the video clip is disgusting.
BLOOMBERG is acting as if he were LOUIS XIV — who would order the exile or estate sequestration of someone who was not “properly deferential” to him.


What a miserable itty bitty bitter ….. punk … keel-hauling is too good for this rotting pile of old old old flesh ..
…. 😑🤚🤬


it never ends…now Dems want to limit the President’s power to recall ambassadors…smh
Senate Democrats are working on a number of proposals to limit the president’s powers to recall ambassadors. According to reports, Sen. Bob Menendez (D-N.J.) is drafting new rules aimed at limiting the president’s power over the State Department, including one which would grant Congress more authority to question the president over their decision to recall ambassadors.
This comes amid speculation President Trump recalled former Ukraine Ambassador Marie Yovanovich last year after she was suspected of impeding an investigation into corruption in Ukraine. Democrats have argued this constitutes an abuse of power by President Trump. They have also alleged he kicked Yovanovitch out for political gain.
However, opponents of the rules have argued they would go too far to limit the executive branch. Former Afghanistan Ambassador Ronald E. Neumann weighed in on the proposals by saying it’s important the president has the ability to remove ambassadors at their discretion.


“it never ends…now Dems want to limit the President’s power to recall ambassadors…smh” ~ Pat F
As my lat feisty Mom would say, “people in hell want ice water, but…”
That’s the problem with DIMs – it’s all about what they “want” or how they “feel”
and others just stand with their mouth open…
what we need is some kick butt retorts… “grow up snowflake”


when did Congress think they can strip Executive powers?
when did they start to think they’re the President’s boss?????


Well, they got in your face about it under zero, who reigned under FIAT… that is, I say it – make it so! Eight years of that convinced a lot of bureaucrats that was the way to go as they already think they’re “ruler” of their own particular ‘fiefdom’ ………….. (ever try to get something done at the DMV, or County Planning and/or Zoning Department?) And of course Nanzi promotes that she as Speaker is equivalent to the President… I’ve heard others, Sen Murphy for ex., say that Congress is EQUIV to Executive Office, so he can meet with Iranians… they really believe Americans are too dumbed down to know the difference, which is why they hate POTUS’ tweets which counter that disinformation… (oops, I’m rambling and ranting………..)


not rambling at all…
love to read your insights!

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Well, they got in your face about it under zero, who reigned under FIAT… that is, I say it – make it so!

More like under YUGO because he was such a damn communist. And Yugos would have been all we could afford to drive if he had had his way.



Cuppa Covfefe

That’s what all of the “oversight” committees are for. I think that started around the time they framed Nixon… Deep is the evil in the DEMONicRATS…


I just read an article where some Dem from RI stated the Dems are “probably” going to have hearings over POTUS’s pardon…wasting more taxpayer’s $$. the President’s power to pardon is not subject to oversight.


Old dogs can learn new tricks…and old women can learn new ways to do things!
I decided to try a new way to keep the toilets clean – because I hate getting out the pumice stick and scraping mildewed lime/hard water rings at the waterline of the toilet bowl and under the rim.
For the last couple of months I have done this: Every morning* pour a half bucket of warm water mixed with a generous squirt of blue Dawn and a glug (about a half cup) of bleach and the same amount pine sol or lemon cleaner. Pour quickly enough so that the solution comes up under the rim and the toilet self-flushes.
In all this time, I have had no mildew and no hard water ring in the toilets. Once a day is enough, unless someone is sick. If you forget or skip a day, doesn’t seem to matter.
*(do this after all household members have used the toilet)
Older but Wiser and Much Happier!

Cuppa Covfefe

Not necessarily recommended, but
A young couple, visiting friends, remarked how well they got along.
They asked their friends, “what do you do when you have an argument?”
“That’s easy, ” said the wife. “I just go clean the toilet.”
“How does that help?” asked the husband.
“I use your toothbrush…”:


…. 🤫 …. 😬


GA/FL great that T cleaning works for you and you found a new way.
I use liquid Castilian soap and baking soda works for me. I dislike using harsh stuff for cleaning. I clean my sink that way and the bathtub.
Bathroom needs daily cleaning so does kitchen and it’s a pain but needs to be done 🙂


I’m not as faithful as you. I have lately used vinegar, dawn and washing soda to clean my bathtub and sinks…removes soap scum and hard water marks on porcelain, cast iron and chrome fixtures really well.


ONE LAST TIP – Cleaning the Bathtub with vinegar, washing soda and dawn cuts soap scum and has dramatically reduced, nearly eliminated mildew formation! I’ve been very excited about that.


WELL, ONE MORE TIP – a Nurse Practitioner told me about using white vinegar to cure toenail fungus. I had one toenail that had gotten infected and I could not tolerate the Lamisil oral medication that the doctor prescribed.
The nurse told me to soak my feet in 1/2 white vinegar and 1/2 hot water for 30 minutes per day, trim back the toenail, cleaning away the scum underneath every day. It worked. I still soak in the vinegar bath before cutting and cleaning toenails and have never had a recurrence of fungus. Works for athlete’s feet too….along with clean dry socks at least once a day. Good to add vinegar to water when you wash the socks.



wow…a thoughtful and extremely civil letter from a liberal entertainer (Chrissie Hynde) to POTUS…
“An open Letter to Donald Trump, President of the United States. Dear Mr. President, I often think of how much my father, Melville “Bud” Hynde, who proudly served his country as a Marine on Guadalcanal, would have enjoyed your Presidency. [p1.]” Hynde wrote in numbered tweets.
“The other day when you gave that award to Rush Limbaugh, my father would have been so delighted,” she wrote to Trump. “He loved listening to Rush, which is why I allowed my song, ‘My City Was Gone’, to be used on his radio show. My father and I didn’t always see eye-to-eye. We argued a lot [p2.] But isn’t that the American way? The right to disagree without having your head chopped off? Soon, I will be participating in a protest in London against the extradition of Julian Assange. I know my father would be mortified, but I feel strongly enough to do [p3.].”


constantly shifting the cost to cities and states…gees. this article discusses the “interpreter visa scam”.
The truth is that the military brass has wrongly used the incentive of Special Immigrant Visas to recruit local personnel and cut costs by promising them resettlement in the United States. Considering the costs of resettling even the nicest Iraqi or Afghan families, it would have been cheaper to pay each of them a six-figure salary. But that would have come out of the defense budget. The SIV scam passes the buck to local cities and states, to ordinary taxpayers and communities who have to hire interpreters who speak Pashto to interact with the children of the interpreters who are swamping local school systems.
One Iraqi or Afghan employee brings a lot more dependents and expenses with him. In 2017, the 4,677 Iraqi and Afghan employees brought 13,713 dependents with them for a total of 18,390 refugees.

Deplorable Patriot



Lol. POTUS again slowly turns the knife. LMAO!


had my hair done last night…the shampoo girl was…newcomment image

Cuppa Covfefe

Looks like Woodstock, from Charlie Brown 🙂
(or maybe a cross between Woodstock and Snoopy)..


well i did look better after that…LOL


Jeff Carlson brings his humble authority and snacks down Obama & Holder, for yet more eye-watering corruption.
IMO the two crooks destroyed the viability of the DOJ as a DC-centered govt agency.
Just speculation but I think Barr will decentralize the DOJ, with powerful regional hubs around the USA sharing leadership of DOJ, reporting to the AG.
Either way, the DOJ needs to be radically changed. Also Obama and Holder need a long time behind bars. They’re a disgrace.

Deplorable Patriot

“Just speculation but I think Barr will decentralize the DOJ, with powerful regional hubs around the USA sharing leadership of DOJ, reporting to the AG.”
I can see this happening. We’ve had federal circuits, and courthouses across the fruited plain for almost 200 years. De-centralization would be one way to keep the corruption from getting distilled the way it is now.


I also like the idea…

Deplorable Patriot
Deplorable Patriot

Ahh, the good old days when there were leaks on all sides.


In regards to Q drop 3842
Link to Wuhan?
Was China bribing the Harvard scientist For a virus?
#Qanon #Qanons



I would like that video but cannot since the kitten is sitting in a basin with water. The dog is loving the human is not. Who puts a kitten into water?


kitten was likely ‘rescued’ and is being bathed… by whomever is filming the dog. at least that is my hope 😉


I hope so. Dog is so kind and concerned about the kitten 🙂

Gail Combs

I used to bath my Siamese regularly. I am allergic to cats and it was the only way I could have him as a house cat. He was not happy about it but he did like getting a blow dry with the hair dryer.
(You must make sure the room is very warm and so is the water. Plus lots of towels.)

Deplorable Patriot

I wondered if this was a Q helper account. Think this is the answer? The comments indicate this is at Mar-A-Lago.


Mar A Lago dining room:comment image


Same chairs, same fabric, different flooring and window view. Possibly the breakfast room or in a suite or guest house.


Guest room Mar A Lagocomment image

Deplorable Patriot

I like this better than what they did to the dining room.


A lot of the decor of Mar A Lago is original from the Marjorie Merriweather Post era.

Deplorable Patriot

1920s HEAVY. I’m a shears and shutters with light neutrals sort of girl. Not modern, but not ruffly, either.


Yes, it was restored to the original furnishings…the fabrics are coincidental…it’s the art, the marble, the wood carving that are the features. And, of course, gold leaf everywhere.


We had dinner there 2 years ago…this dining room is in the back (west) without any memorable views. The first photo appears to be facing the ocean (East) so the table setting would be at the front of the Club.





Slow on the draw!comment image



Cuppa Covfefe

Lucky Luke… whose dog is slower than his shadow 🙂
(My son has a TON of those comics)…


Response below this tweet days Logan Act applies to private citizens and Rep. Murphy, as a member of Congress, is exempted. Any truth? Cannot imagine it, but crazier things have happened. I would think if it were the case. that would be said by Murphy first thing. No…it doesn’t make sense we could have almost 300 Maxine Waters or Guam Hank running around dealing with foreign leaders.
However, that begs the question about Kerry, who like it or not IS a private citizen.




Deplorable Patriot

Hate to argue, but “western diet” is not equivalent to fast and junk food that’s loaded up with soybean oil and MSG. Get that crap out of the diet, and the addiction issues wane. Personal experience and all that.
Consuming a Western diet for even one week can subtly impair brain function and encourage slim and otherwise healthy young people to overeat, according to a new study.
As per the research, after seven days on high fat, high added sugar diet, volunteers in their 20s scored worse on memory tests and found junk food more desirable immediately after they had finished a meal.
The findings of the study suggest that a western diet makes it harder for people to regulate their appetite, and points to disruption in a brain region called the hippocampus as the possible cause.
“After a week on a western-style diet, palatable food such as snacks and chocolate becomes more desirable when you are full,” said co-author Richard Stevenson who is a professor of psychology at Macquarie University in Sydney.
“This will make it harder to resist, leading you to eat more, which in turn generates more damage to the hippocampus and a vicious cycle of overeating,” he added.


Didn’t 2Door Ford have problems with her hippocampus? 😎

Deplorable Patriot

Hmm…maybe she’s been eating too many French fries.

Cuppa Covfefe

Probably because she went to a hippie campus… 🙂


I heard tell she wanted one for Christmas….

Gail Combs
Deplorable Patriot

That too.

Gail Combs

Stuff is pure poison and they now have coke and candy machines in schools.
Let’s poison the kids, call them ADHD drug them and then wonder why they are obese, diabetic and nutz.

Deplorable Patriot

We had Coke and candy machines in HS, but that was before HFCS was introduced into the food supply.

Deplorable Patriot

ADHD, and ADD, I know this is not predominant thinking here, are inherited issues. They run in my family. The thing about it, is that the drugs that work to control it, do not work on those who have other conditions that can cause the same symptoms.

Valerie Curren

I agree that there is a genetic link to ADHD & Autism–I go into it & more at this post at my blog:
As far as medications go we’ve had for the ADHD & Autistic family member at different times: Wellbutrin, Strattera, Paxil, &/or Metadate–a form of ritalin. He does Very Poorly without his behavior meds…
Other ADHD family members have taken: Adderall, Concerta, Ritalin, &/or Vyvanse. Most of these “regular” people that also have ADHD but not Autism have preferred to be med free & have learned compensation strategies for educational, employment, & interpersonal settings. Some still like caffeine or alcohol to help take the ADHD edge off & some have had various side-effect problems w/ either meds or self-medicating alternatives.
All of these family members are Highly distractable with Squirrel!!!
Oh, & ADHD has different forms & presentations & is definitely different between males & females. You can have Inattentive, Impulsive, &/or Hyperactive. My autistic son (of course) has All those traits. The other family members have varying degrees of inattentiveness, with my daughter being the worst, & some having a degree of overlap with some of the other traits…It’s a Very Fun House here!

Deplorable Patriot

Not Autism. The ADHD/ADD issues are not the same.

Valerie Curren

I’ve read a book, cannot remember the title, co-authored by a nurse & psychtherapist (I believe) who made a strong case for ADHD & Autism being on the same continuum, with ADHD being on the much milder end. It stuck with me a bit because of my family constellation. IIRC they had a lot of scientific research underpinning their hypotheses…
In doing a search hoping to unearth the book I read I ran across some interesting links (I haven’t read them yet) so am sharing them FYI…
ADHD & Autism are both neuro-biological “disorders”/differences. It is unlikely that either condition is really very well understood. The manifestations & overlapping idiosyncrasies would likely make each person able to be labeled with either or both condition to be extremely unique.
I have no fully formed opinion on the matter but am intrigued by the continuum concept & hope to look into it further because of how relevant the topic is to so many within my own household…Blessings!


still watching cable?

Deplorable Patriot

Only the sports channels and the occasional movie if I can get control of the remotes.

Gail Combs

still watching cable?
My only TV, relic of the 1960s has tubes…


I’ve heard that lots of music recording studios still use tube equipment due to the sound quality.


So I am visiting a friend this week, who still insists on watching Fox News, no matter WHAT I tell her.
Just now, watching Laura Ingraham, I saw a PERFECT example of Fox bullshit. This heart doctor was on talking about Bernie Sanders and Bloomberg having heart problems and being, well, old. This, she thought, would DISQUALIFY them for the office. Then the camera goes to Laura, who says, well, isn’t this AGEISM, and that is what people will say it is. Blah, blah, politically correct, blah. Back to the doctor, who has COMPLETELY CHANGED her tune! Oh, they are fine, no worries, many people have heart attacks and bypass and live for 30 years. And they hustled her right off.
I was LIVID! My friend (who is a Trump voter and conservative Christian) was like, oh, yeah, whatever. Do I think she’ll stop watching that shit?! NO.
MOST people are SHEEP. It drives me CRAZY.


Ooooo, Dep needs this meme for Wednesdays.

Deplorable Patriot


Deplorable Patriot

GREAT! In the meantime, I guess I’ll get the chores done.


Yeah I’m gonna work while I wait


Interesting. I just saw this clip on local news and they cut off the interview before he mentions Act II.


That is interesting Katie…


Been meaning to post this for sometime. In light of Bloomberg’s comments about farming, here it is, the elite’s post humanist vision for agriculture:

This project was funded by and exhibited at the American Academy in Rome, and in Beijing in November 2019.
Please follow the links for additional exhibition boards, including the illustration of the IV bag and stand that holds the osmotically filtered urine that waters the vest.
Beyond transhumanism, posthumanism is a bonafide avant-garde movement.
The emperor wears a microgreens vest, as he breathes pure oxygen mixed with the fumes of his own urine and mouse feces.
I wonder how this solution would go over with those quarantined in China?

Gail Combs

I think it would not phase them one bit.
E.M. Had a discussion of the Asian farming method…
….THE big problem with attributing source, ANY source, is that RNA Virus replication is sloppy (thus the frequent recombinations requiring a new flu vaccine each year) and can often cross species….
So you find it looks just like a bit in Pangolin. Did they get it from snuffling bat droppings? Did bats get it from eating fruit where a pangolin shat? Or sneezed? Some bit matches some other bit from a lab: was a lab worker sloppy so “caught it” but didn’t notice, then sneezed while shopping for live food, and it went home with the unsold stock that evening (then to the farm population then into the wild, where it recombined into a new coronavirus).
Parts just do not stay put in RNA viruses. They do not replicate perfectly either, so mutate fast. Especially in mixed species populations. Part of why new flu tends to come from Asia is that they farm pigs in pens over water so their waste fertilizes the water, then ducks are raised on the pond. Rapid virus cycling from birds to pigs to people and back, gives rapid recombination with other virus types in the various hosts. Then the successful one can hitch a ride on migratory birds to the rest of the world.
Similarly, an exotic food animal dealer can have live stock of pangolin and bats housed near each other, sharing… (Chinese have an obsession with “fresh” that verges on the absurd. One fish dish has the chef grasp the head in a towel and deep fry the body, delivering it to the diner with the head still alive and gill plates moving…)
In that context, with mixed live populations of exotic animals all over the place, trying to ascribe the path through the populations via one viral segment is a bit silly, and even 90-something % just hints at the first link, not the path.
Virus populations are more like a stew of mystery parts than a steak of one thing. Then the Chinese animal practices give that stew lots of opportunities to jump species….”
And more…
E.M.Smith says:
17 February 2020 at 5:21 am
“Yes, aquaculture is part of the cycle. Both shrimp and various fish (carp, catfish, tilapia, etc.). I left it out in the interest of brevity and the likely case that mammalian virus would be unlikely to go in fish.
FWIW, I avoid seafood marked as coming from China too. Mostly due to their tendency to cheat things like sanitation and purity rules for a buck.
Fake honey, lead paint on toys, etc. The odds that animal feeds would be polluted / adulterated approaches certainty over time.
For example doesn’t meet my sanitation requirements for virus isolation.
Fishpond toilet

In China, “Family dwellings are commonly built close to the fish pond with toilets overhanging the pond to facilitate fertilization. … Some pigsties as well as latrines for humans are built on the adjacent dike so as to overhang the pond.” But by 1988, these fish pond toilets were falling out of favour, as the farmers found it more useful to ferment human and pig excrement together, and apply it to the aquaculture ponds as needed.
In Vietnam, the traditional fish pond toilet, which was described as “widespread” as recently as 2008, polluted the waterways, but was perceived as more hygienic (less smelly) than various modern alternatives that the government was pressing on the villagers.


Carbon dioxide in blood at a certain percentage (I forget the number) is what triggers the breathing reflex. Breathing pure oxygen interferes with the reflex due to keeping the CO2 percentage below the trigger level. Too much oxygen – not enough CO2 can kill.


See what’s happening? Some might call it Mind Control… not MK but control just the same… better actually


Sad state of affairs in a once beautiful city. SanFranNan should be so proud 😢

Concerned Virginian

Notice the police officer says that ANY theft UNDER $950. will get only a citation at best.
$950. is not chump change — unless you’re NANCY PELOSI or LONDON BREED.

Gail Combs

Yeah, a small store gets hit for $900 a crook by 10 crooks in one day or even one week and there went your profit for that day/week. Maybe even your gross.
And belief me the crooks KNOW and will literally laugh in your face.

Deplorable Patriot

IDK, the only time I was in San Francisco I really did not care for the place, and the vagrants who were largely brain injured veterans at the time didn’t help.


Is there any way to carve this POS city off of the great UNITED STATES OF AMERICA and shove it off into the Pacific Ocean??!! … seriously … sh❗️t hole 🕳 just doesn’t cover the oozy sleaszzzzzzz


And send NANZI with it? 😉


😃👍‼️‼️ .. 🤨‼️😑🤚 … yes pleazzzzzzzzzzz … ☺️❤️

See also
See also
Top Pentagon Policy Official Pushed Out
John Rood, the U.S. Defense Department’s policy chief, has been blamed for an exodus of civilians from the Pentagon.
Zoe, text in tweet
l E T 17
But nothing’s habbening
Top Pentagon policy official expected to depart administration
The Pentagon’s top policy official is expected to depart his post soon, according to two sources familiar with the matter. John Rood, Under Secretary of Defense for Policy at the Pentagon, lost…





Found the link to this thread @tracybeanz. @nicAtNigh
Nick Fad has been working on uncovering a CODEL to Ukraine last summer, fudged expense accounts, possible Logan Act violations, Schiff stopped off in Denmark, lits of odd things here. In this thread, Nick states that military flights have to be approved by Asst Sec of Defense, of which there are several. Could use a chart of these DOD SES players, like the DOJ chart. Currently, Laura Cooper holds Russia/Ukraine post, was held by Michael Carpenter (recent Q drop said to remember his name), and before him was EVELYN FARKAS (remember her?). Wiki has scrubbed Carpenter from this part of the page.
Maybe Rood authorized the CODEL? Nick is working hard on this story. I have not seen it proven or debunked. Any diggers that want to jump in, this may be worth looking at. It may also tie in with Senator Murphy’s recent trip.


Good stuff!

Deplorable Patriot

It’s the nice way of saying “YOU’RE FIRED”.


Deplorable Patriot

Can’t say that I’m sorry the left is panicked. One of their favorite “this is what I do to get my way” is being gutted while they watch.
Our side is like,comment image

“Is corrupt Bloomberg News going to say what a pathetic debater Mini Mike is…or that he has violated campaign finance laws at the highest and most sinister level with ‘payoffs’ all over the place?”


Gail Combs

Barr trying to control Durham…comment image

Deplorable Patriot

Yeah, there’s one legendary pastor in this Archdiocese…even Burke couldn’t control him…not that Burke could control much of anything after the mayor saved him from himself.

Deplorable Patriot

Yeah, drunk tweeting…don’t do FB, either. Driving through Ladue, Missouri, where the challenge is to stay out of ditches is bad enough.

Deplorable Patriot

Not that I’ve driven drunk through Ladue lately…or ever, I don’t think. But the cops there sit outside the country club exits on Friday and Saturday night to follow certain cars home. My brother worked with a guy who had the 8pm-1am shift at one of the CCs with the given tasks of keeping the drunks out of the pool and off the diving boards. He got paid a lot of money per hour and earned every penny of it, I hear.


Anyone see the new John McNaughton picture? 🙂
My New Painting – “YOU ARE FAKE NEWS”
“Like clowns in a circus,
without a mike for each one.
Now they cramp and they jockey
for a place at the chain,
In the hope of asking
President Trump a little something.”
More details:


that’s cool!
are they really chained back like the feral animals they are??

Gail Combs

Would YOU want to challenge the SS if they told you what line you could not move past?
I am sure they are told exactly how close they are allowed to get and if they go beyond that they WILL get taken down.
This is why President Trump took over the pressers. The SS WILL teach those clowns manners the hard way if necessary.


I wouldn’t cross a line–I was just hoping that there actually was a chain keeping those animals at bay…they deserve it!


Did you hear the shrill female reporter constantly interrupting POTUS…AGAIN.
He has far greater patience than me…I would point at her then signal the SS to escort her away…with the message to be more professional or her pass will be revoked.


Actually I think they are. Just one of those rope barriers we see the public standing behind. Me thinks if the rope wasn’t there the prestitutes would literally be in President Trump’s face. The only thing good about that is Secret Service would body slam the offenders.


I would pay $$ to see that!!



Gail Combs

Nah, don’t bother to body slam go for the lead….


Starting with Acosta. He was the first prestitute I recognized in the clown painting.


Funny how the rest get masks, but he keeps his own face!!😂


Remember, Hilary did that for her appearances…such as walking in parades. (Or being held in tents at other gatherings)
OTOH, they DO act like animals.


Somewhat related to Jon McNaughton’s painting…comment image


More about what is going on in Turkey.


I’d really like to see what Sy Hersh is tweeting these days.

tom f

Heightening The Contradiction, by JR Dunn
Heightening the contradictions… that sounds pretty harmless. But in fact, it is the most important element of Marxist thinking as applies to things as they are in the opening decades of the third millennium. Heightening, or enhancing, or exploiting the contradictions is the concept used to push every last political and social program of the modern Left.

Gail Combs

One point he is missing and it was one of the Huxley’s who brought it up. Keep scandalizing and horrifying the normies until the unacceptable becomes acceptable through desensitization.
My grand parents would be completely shocked if you had them watch today’s TV and listen to today’s ‘songs’ Heck I’m shocked.
You want to be able to inspect and kill off imperfect children?
Start with abortion in the first trimester in the 1960s and now we have infanticide of newborns. Worse, many college kids do not think children under the age of FOUR are ‘human’ so it is fine to have ‘post birth abortion’ up til the age of 4.
Once that is acceptable then you can kill off the elderly, the infirm….
Part of PETA’s mission is to REDUCE HUMANS to the level of animals in people’s minds BTW.
(If you want the links showing this I have them saved)

Deplorable Patriot

I used to work with a woman who thought this way. What a vile creature.


Gail…were you talking about the media being reduced to level of animals? If so, I think PETA reached its goal. 😂


What have we become?


oh my…PP is a predator.
you pay for the abortion which includes a fee for disposal of “medical waste” and then they sell it. that’s profitable or they would not be doing it—AND they get taxpayer funding to boot!

Gail Combs

If I recall an undercover whistle blower outed Planned Parenthood so the courts are now ALLOWING Planned Parenthood to go after the whistle blower.
Why The Planned Parenthood Whistleblower Case Will Likely Hit The Supreme Court

The country’s largest abortion provider sued undercover journalists after the 2015 release of a series of investigative videos that exposed Planned Parenthood’s trafficking in fetal parts.
On Friday, a jury awarded Planned Parenthood Federation of America, and multiple Planned Parenthood affiliates, damages set to exceed $2.3 million in their civil case against undercover journalists David Daleiden and Sandra Merritt and several of their associates. The country’s largest cohort of abortion providers sued Daleiden and his colleagues after the 2015 release of a series of investigative videos that exposed Planned Parenthood’s trafficking in fetal parts….

Deplorable Patriot

THIS is the sort of thing Tom Fitton contributes that we do need.


Lol besides his amazing weight-lifting physique?? 🤣

Deplorable Patriot

Guys, at a certain point…too much.


comment image

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Please contact Akismet at, pick the 4th option, give them your username and WP email address, tell them the site owner says that you are never spam on this site, no matter who the author is, and give them the following URLs:


will do…

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Thanks! We gotta beat on these suckers. I’m seeing AGENDA big-time in these particular spam binnings. The AutomattiKKK bunch are BACK TO TRICKS.


I agree… push back is necessary.

Deplorable Patriot

I actually loved it when I saw it in the pit of despair, but I know Wolf is on a mission with WP.


I like it! Understand about missions…


Dep Pat –
Meme I posted went to the bin…………….

Deplorable Patriot

Wolf has instructions for that. He likes to see what’s going into the pit of despair, as it were.


I await… not that important if he wants to trash it.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

I want to free it with a TORPEDO FOR CENSORSHIP attached to it! 😀



Deplorable Patriot

I’ll sent him a message on your behalf. Please, stay tuned for instructions from him.



Gail Combs

Wolfie has us battling Word UNIMpress. So we get to go complain and they have to then deal with it. After a while they will probably just give up and go harass another site.


Gotcha Gail…


Fascinating how many people on the right have gone negative on the concept of justice all at once. Almost like it was coordinated.


Elaborate please.


Negative on Q, negative on Barr.

Gail Combs

See my comment:
It explains a bit about the SES and the CDC. ALL the managers are Obama type SES and that is why the management of the virus is so mucked up.
McCabe and Strzok are SES and I would not be surprised if the DOJ attorneys that are acting like jackasses aren’t SES too.


You are wrong. Just read twitter. It’s a coordinated response. IMO.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

I get what you’re saying, because it hit me earlier. Granted, I had a cold at the time, but there was radio silence from both Q and the white hats, and then the McCabe stuff (no charges) hits via the NYT fake news, and the media says “That’s it – he’s off.” Everybody’s going “What happened? Where’s justice? If McCabe is walking over blatant perjury under oath – AN FBI HEAD – what the hell is going on? Is he talking?” HE HIMSELF said he did not cut a deal. So what is it?
The ONE thing that saves it for me was the LEAK that James Baker intervened in the process, ordered investigators to back off on McCabe, and that this is now being investigated. Also multiple other LEAKS coming out about DOJ malfeasance and actual investigation of it.
It’s clear something is going on. But the “war of silence” between Q and the Fake News was not allowing people like us to make a judgment. NYT selective release of information.
The fake news and online shills are working overtime to take down Barr now. That tells me a lot right there.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

See my post upthread – it WAS coordinated. The NYT left and proggie coup assets in DOJ and FBI and DNC all knew that after the NYT McCabe article hit, there would be moans from the right. They coordinated with their own attacks on Barr – hit him when he’s lacking defenders.
Totally coordinated commie BS – control both sides. I was a dupe. Frankly, we all were. Not enough immediate punch-back on that NYT article from the top – HOWEVER, I think that Trump and Co. let it burn a bit ON PURPOSE – so we would FEEL the injustice.


This is from 2016 — and people are still absorbing news from the Borg (Cable TV)
like it’s FACT. It’s NOT.
Stefan Molyneux Retweeted
Oct 15, 2016
Replying to
This Is The Moment We’ve Waited For Our Entire Lives – The Time We Need To Act Is Now – We Declare Our Media Independence @StefanMolyneux


SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Rock Bottom indeed.
They called it the “Great Recession” but it was more like a depression.
Either way it brought on a great repression.


you’re good at expression


What a thoughtful concession.


touche! you’ve made quite an impression!


What a punny obsession.


it’s just a hobby, not a profession…


But…. made with Great Discretion.


and no aggression!

Deplorable Patriot

Test for myself


Not sure how this will work.
A photo of Ryan Newman up and around today with his two daughters, and smiling. Absolutely incredible. An answer to the prayers of many.

Deplorable Patriot

Standing by himself I was not expecting.

Deplorable Patriot

I’ll see your standing with his kids and raise you this:


Amazing. So very happy for Ryan, his daughters and wife!

Deplorable Patriot

I’m hoping this incident helps the marriage out, actually. He and the wife had announced they were “amicably” separating a few weeks ago. Nobody amicably separates, not matter what they say.


Sort of explains why the pics, in and leaving hospital were were the two girls.

Deplorable Patriot



Beautiful. Built Ford tough.

Gail Combs

Those engineers who custom designed the safety cage that saved his life need a rousing THANK Q!!!


I got a cursory look at the protection the drivers have watching the cam car (? is that what it’s called) and it was an eye opener! So glad he had that protection… (and the prayers didn’t hurt either 😉 )

Deplorable Patriot

We were musing yesterday about renaming the “spam bin.”
How about the Pit of Despair/comment image


as you wish……



Gail Combs

Black hole….comment image


Media is BLOWING UP on Assange lawyer claim that Trump would give Assange a pardon if Assange claimed Russia was not responsible for the DNC hack.
Well, Assange already claimed Russia was not responsible.
Why didn’t he get the pardon?
And then we figured out the left’s timeline is wrong. Left trying to claim Dana Rohrbacher delivered the offer to Assange.
Yet, Assange made the claim “it wasn’t Russia” PRIORRRRRRRR to the Dana Rohrbacher meeting.
What this says to me……….
We all know Durham was looking into the founding premise from Crowdstrike/CIA/FBI that Russia hacked the DNC. If this premise dissolves, everything else dissolves.
Looks like media is trying to get in front of the story…. but I am just guessing.


Gail Combs

HMMMMMmmmm another small boulder bouncing down the mountain ahead of the avalanche….comment image


Sure looks that way 😉


Moar Rudy

Deplorable Patriot
Deplorable Patriot

Q drops re the Mad Hatter:
Hillary Gets Email from “Mad Hatter” Celebrating Julian Assange Arrest
3 Oct 2018 – 4:42:03 PM
[Pg 20 – Assange Arrest]
By: Marty Torrey [Mad Hatter]
Alice = Hillary Clinton; Mad Hatter = Marty Torrey
20 Dec 2018 – 1:41:41 PM


There’s a 3rd Q drop…………….. 2053 Sep 2018
Hillary Direct Reference to “Land of Alice and the Mad Hatter”
1 Sep 2018 – 10:39:54 AM📁
“And, I hope you and Chris enjoy your time in the Land of Alice and the MH–all the best from Hanoi–H”
Nothing to See Here.

Deplorable Patriot

Martin W. “Marty” Torrey, 66, of 4713 Silver Circle and a former Ceres resident passed away on Saturday, September 21, 2019 in the Advent Health Care Hospital following a brief illness.


Paul Serran wrote a great THREAD about Mad Hatter… wanted to post link BUT JACK HAS SUSPENDED HIS ACCOUNT.

Deplorable Patriot

Rats. And I mean that literally.


I know…

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Nickeling and diming our side. SCREW TWITTER. Never going back.


I know Rod can be entertaining, but shaking down children’s hospitals and trying to sell Obama’s senate seat and then claiming one didn’t do anything wrong just bugs me. Just have trouble agreeing with this commutation. It would have helped if he had shown some contrition. Glad it wasn’t a pardon, though.

Deplorable Patriot

I need to get back to another task, but….


Patient plays violin while surgeons remove brain tumor
Raw video: Orchestra violinist plays her instrument to monitor hand coordination during operation to remove a brain tumor at King’s College Hospital in London, England.
By Alexandria Hein | Fox News


Incredible teamwork – the patient, the surgeon, and God.


Amen goes right there, p!


There’s a reason this guy got pardoned

Deplorable Patriot

Well, that explains a lot.
I’m not a fan of Blago, but living across the river from Illinois, we knew there was more to it.


He knows stuff. He’s kept his mouth shut because a friend died suddenly . Imo he now thinks it’s safe to talk

Deplorable Patriot

If they’re talking about Bergoglio, aka Francis the talking mule, frog marching in chains is fine for him if he is so guilt.
And I do wish a distinction would be made between the fallen men of the clergy, and the Church that gives us the Sacraments and Christ on earth. Those of us who practice our Catholicism have faith in the latter, not the former. All those criminal prelates need to be rounded up and stripped of their authority. I would contribute to a remote island monastery where we can just plop them so that civil authorities don’t need to deal with it, but men have more confidence in themselves in these matters.

Deplorable Patriot

Wow, I can’t type today.


Righteously angry parishioners will accomplish this. There is little chance that the clergy will clean it up on their own….in FL, it took a bunch of church members to force a clean up of high ranking miscreant/shameless powerful clergy.

Deplorable Patriot

Except if the worst of the lot are in the Vatican it’s a little hard for the people in the pews to effect change.
Plus, we do have a problem with “Not MY priest.” I can tell stories on that one.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

This arrangement with the Brennan coup would certainly explain that very obvious long period (sustained burst) of papal tweets and public statements attacking Trump or his policies. After a while Popester toned it down for some reason, which may relate to exposure of the operation.

Deplorable Patriot

There’s indications that Benedict XVI is exerting a control that wasn’t there before.
Something is going on behind the scenes. Cardinal Marx resigned in Germany and not even a week later, Bergoglio reaffirmed the all male celibate priesthood.
Whatever it is, the St. Gallen Group/mafia is stepping back at this time. How far back remains to be seen.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Very interesting!



Republicans are stupid. Two GOP candidates in a jungle primary darn near guarantees Nanzi the incumbent donkey gets re-elected easily.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

The Cali Dems ALWAYS engineer dysfunctional opposition by the R’s. Dysfunctional candidates, too many, or bring in a libertarian or a fake if needed.

Rodney Short

I voted for a cashier running against Jared Huffman, it was a cashier or an independent who is a disbarred lawyer….
I try to explain to the people I redpill here how the system is rigged in a commie way and they just dont get it.


Pathetic isn’t it

Rodney Short

Exactly, I really hate California politics.
My rep is Jared Huffman and the way the primary is set up he is guaranteed a win.


Can’t resist…..comment image

Deplorable Patriot

Of course you can’t. 😉

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

I’m settling for the current leaks. There’s no way anybody is getting out of what has been leaked so far. The public would be up in arms.


Secession in the Pacific Northwest? Some Oregon residents petition to join Idaho
Kristin Lam | USA TODAY
Frustrated by liberal policies, some Oregon residents petitioned to leave the state – by moving the border with Idaho westward.
The movement secured initial approval from two counties and aims to get enough signatures to put the proposal on ballots in November, according to the group called Greater Idaho.
If the group succeeds, voters in southeast Oregon may see a question on whether their county should become part of Idaho by redrawing the border.
“Rural counties have become increasingly outraged by laws coming out of the Oregon Legislature that threaten our livelihoods, our industries, our wallet, our gun rights, and our values,” Mike McCarter, one of the chief petitioners, said in a news release. “We tried voting those legislators out, but rural Oregon is outnumbered and our voices are now ignored. This is our last resort.”
[Excerpt] Read more at the link above…


FOX NATIONPublished 1 day ago
Wounded veteran Noah Galloway: ‘I was prepared to die. I wasn’t prepared for the in-between’
By Matt London | Fox News
Wounded Army veteran, motivational speaker and author Sgt. Noah Galloway opened up about his battle to overcome devastating physical injuries sustained on the battlefield in Iraq and the lingering mental health issues that he confronted after returning home.
“I always encourage people to get mental health … we thought that admitting that you needed help was weakness,” he said, “Now I see it as, after going through five years of depression, letting that darkness take over … that’s weakness. It takes real strength to stand up and get help. It took me five years.”
[Excerpt] Read more at the link above…


Austin Businesses Sound Alarm over Homelessness Hitting ‘Boiling Point’
AMY FURR | 18 Feb 20202,724
The homelessness problem is getting out of hand and increasing the risk of danger, a steakhouse owner in Austin, Texas, said recently.
“Our biggest thing is this isn’t safe for anybody, and that includes the homeless population,” Vince Young Steakhouse’s Executive Chef Phillip Brown told KXAN.


Took him long enough to complain…


Exactly, PR


Justice Department
“Help us protect the 2020 elections and your vote.” Op-ed from Attorney General Barr,
Director Wray,
Acting Secretary
, &
Acting Director Maguire
Barr, Wray and top security officials:
Help us protect the 2020 elections and your vote
Our state-based system protects us from election disruption. You can help by being on guard against social media disinformation and divisive messages.



Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Eyeroll, but smart. Very smart.


Right… here’s a comment to the tweet:
Stephen Turcotte
Replying to
and 3 others
This is the DOJ and FBI publicity declaring that they are indeed onto George Soros’ effort to undermine Americans and America’s electoral systems. #DeepStateCoup
and then here’s a comment to that comment
Mary J Hart
Ok, I’m trying to understand here….just what exactly does George Soros have to do with 2020 election security????
See how informed (uninformed) some are? Pitiful…


The Future of Cancer Treatment

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

OAN supports the right to KEEP AND BARE ARMS!!! 😎 😉 😀



Gail Combs

OK, What in heck is this crap all about?
(Seen on twitter)
Parsing A Unique Int’l Class Of Goods Via Ivanka Trump’s TMs

. Recent questions raised about Ivanka Trump’s voting machine trademarks in China illustrate a basic difference in the American …

TM is Trade Marks I think.


FEATURES | Published November 6, 2018
China grants 18 trademarks in 2 months to Trump, daughter
By ERIKA KINETZ | Associated Press
In October, China’s Trademark Office granted provisional approval for 16 trademarks to Ivanka Trump Marks LLC, bringing to 34 the total number of marks China has greenlighted this year, according to the office’s online database. The new approvals cover Ivanka-branded fashion gear including sunglasses, handbags, shoes and jewelry, as well as beauty services and voting machines.
“These trademarks were sought to broadly protect Ms. Trump’s name, and to prevent others from stealing her name and using it to sell their products,” Peter Mirijanian, a spokesman for Ivanka Trump’s ethics attorney, said in an email. “This is a common trademark practice, which is why the trademark applications were granted.”
Both the president and his daughter have substantial intellectual property holdings in China. Critics worry that China, where the courts and bureaucracy are designed to reflect the will of the ruling Communist Party, could exploit those valuable rights for political leverage
[Excerpt] Read more at the link above…

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

EVERYBODY has to protect themselves against CHYYYNNAA – TAKE A WALK, DEMOCRATS!!!


All it is – Brand Name Protection – after all – from where were all those ‘knock-offs’ coming?

Deplorable Patriot

Signs of spring!!!!! THE FIRST THREE CROCUSES ARE IN BLOOM! Purple, of course.
And…political signs have also started to pop up in the ‘hood. It’s an annual thing around here. When the real estate listings pick up, we’ll know winter has all but past.

Gail Combs

The forsythia and Bradford pear are blooming the daffodils have been out for a while….
We are expecting our first snow this winter tomorrow evening. 🙄




February 19, 2020
from The Waking Times
Imagine painting your home with a special paint that also powers your lights using renewable energy drawn from the air.
That might sound too good to be true, but researchers at the University of Massachusetts Amherst think it could be one of many future uses for a new technology they have developed — a device called the Air-gen that can, as its name suggests, generate electricity from moisture in the air.
“We are literally making electricity out of thin air,” Amherst electrical engineer Jun Yao explained in a university press release. “The Air-gen generates clean energy 24/7.”
[Excerpt] Read more at the link above…

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Will go check out with my NO FREE LUNCH PHYSICS HAMMER.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

This is a BEAUTIFUL example of how Chinese socialism is taking down American science using social influence strategy, and inflicting fake science on us.
I will do a full exposition later, but for now, I want people to see if they can duplicate my assessment on their own.
Follow the links, and bear in mind THREE THINGS:
(1) no perpetual motion machines – basic principle of science – FOLLOW THE ENERGY – just like follow the money – you will WIN every time. Where is the energy coming from? Where is it going? What happens to the system? How does it reset? Why does it reset? Can it actually run continuously? MAKE EVERYTHING ADD UP. Most important, what are the inputs and WHY should it continue inputting? What energy is REQUIRED to keep the system running? Even if small, small is IMPORTANT when the output is SMALL, like here.
(2) look at PAYBACK for the ENTIRE process of device construction, energy output, upkeep, and disposal. Trust me, it will be WORSE than even wind, solar, geothermal, etc.
(3) look at payback for CHINA to support faulty research in the United States. DO THE MATH. LIKE A SOCIALIST. You will see who gets what, and WHY it’s a winner to do this, if you want a WIN-LOSE solution, but SAY you want a WIN-WIN solution.
This is CHYYYNNAA fooling us.


I knewed it – if it is too good to be true – Wolf won’t like it – ‘Start Your Brain Cells, Fellas’ – you’ve got some thinkin’ to do!!!

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Getting us to “ratchet down” to Chump Energy(TM) while Russia and China slyly buy up the Real Energy(TM) was a long and slow process, but it worked like crazy because the plan preyed on the West’s psychology and various weaknesses. SLOW but EFFECTIVE. Mostly it started under CHUMP CARTER.


Well – we have already experienced wind, solar, and low energy output – so why not air? After all – as soon as we get people foolish enough to invest in this – the money will be ours for the taking – the company will go bankrupt – and people will wonder what happened? Ponzi came for a visit and left with all the dough!

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Yup. This is one of the reasons that the Chi, Russians, CIA and others have pushed “infinite energy” beliefs on our side. It reduces skepticism which is necessary to rule out scams.
If people can’t see the scam in perpetual energy machines, they can’t see the scam in Solyndra and the like, where the flaws in the economics are harder to see.


True – they lied about everything – for their own benefit – and the more we see how – the more reluctant we are to go along with their self-defeating ideas – Trump has exposed so much – remember the wind farm joke Trump told at his rally – no wind tonight – means no TV – LOL


And just like that…..
Things that make you say hmmmmmm
Julian Arrange and Seth Rich have been trending in the top Twitter spot on the same day…..


Assange 🙄


Well, … Julian IS trying to arrange his future. Taking a long time, though.


😉 Spell check may be smarter than I am after all

Concerned Virginian

Hello, everybody!
Over at Marica’s blog, I just posted the Great DemCom Debate Food Feast menu and recipes.
There also will be an endless supply of sparking apple juice; and wines from the Trump Winery to toast POTUS at his rally tonight!


Seth Rich is trending on Twitter


More jobs created by Trump….
When you have to pay people for their support…..🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣


Typical Democrat philosophy- money is the solution to every problem.


But it’s not…


Preferably someone else’s money

Deplorable Patriot

Just to remind all the legal minds out there who are losing theirs.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

We have to watch this – Thomas Paine may be getting BURNED. This COULD be true, but it COULD also be fake news, because the other side may want Durham or Barr to loosen up information on the Grand Jury for tampering reasons.

Deplorable Patriot

Is it really time? As the Swamp Turns….

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

For tomorrow’s rally in Colorado Springs:
Overnight low 16F, snow expected (just when I thought I could go back to driving my car). High tomorrow 29F.
I don’t know if anyone’s camping out overnight but if so I hope they’ve got a very good sleeping bag.

Deplorable Patriot

When I was in HS, I went on a camping trip to Rocky Mountain National Park. It was June, and the night time temps were somewhere around 20 degrees.
But, HEY! We could get KMOX and Cardinals baseball on the radio since it’s one of the 50,000 watt clear channels.

Deplorable Patriot

Oops. Trying not to enjoy this….


Zoe, test in tweet above
Praying Medic
Never mess with the IRS.
IRS sues Facebook for $9 billion, says company offshored profits to Ireland
The trial, which Facebook expects will take three to four weeks, could see top executives including hardware chief Andrew Bosworth and Chief Technology Officer Mike Schroepfer called to testify.
Text in 2nd tweet
Greg Durban
Replying to
IRS needs to be disbanded. I don’t have a problem with the Government recovering the DARPA startup money for FB, though…



Deplorable Patriot

So, like, are we going to buy Greenland or what?


Ohh, POTUS is rockin’ and rollin’ now………………..

Deplorable Patriot

The rumors and leaks, it seems, turned out to be true.


Alright… Now we’re cookin’ with gas………….
Go Ric !

Deplorable Patriot

I LOVE cooking with gas.

Gail Combs

I wish I had insisted on a gas stove. I HATE ELECTRIC. I like to cook on either a gas stove or my old ‘Mama Bear’ fisher wood stove that I had up north. image
It was really great for cooking soups, stews, and spaghetti sauce.

Deplorable Patriot

With the exception of the years we lived in Maryland, where gas was not common, we’ve had gas since 1978. Willingly, I will not go back. Some of my dogsitting clients have cooktops which are okay, but still, the control with gas is so much more effective.


This is good reasoning
Larry Schweikart
1) This one is worth staying to the end.
The following is supposedly an actual question given on a University of Washington chemistry mid-term. The answer by one student was so “profound” that the professor shared it with colleagues via the Internet.
6:15 AM · Feb 20, 2020·Twitter Web App
Larry Schweikart
Replying to
2) Bonus Question: Is Hell exothermic (gives off heat) or endothermic (absorbs heat)?
Most of the students wrote proofs of their beliefs using Boyle’s Law (gas cools when it expands and heats when it is compressed) or some variant.
One student wrote the following:
Larry Schweikart
3) First we need to know how the mass of Hell is changing in time. So we need to know the rate at which souls are moving into Hell & the rate they are leaving. I think that we can safely assume that once a soul gets to Hell, it will not leave. Therefore no souls are leaving.
Larry Schweikart
4) As for how many souls are entering Hell, let’s look at the different religions that exist in the world today. Most of these religions state that if you are not a member of their religion, you will go to Hell. Since there is more than one of these religions and . . .
Larry Schweikart
4) contd . . . since people do not belong to more than one religion, we can project that all souls go to Hell.
With birth & death rates as they are, we can expect the number of souls in Hell to increase exponentially. Now we look at the rate of change of the volume in Hell . . .
Larry Schweikart
4) cont’d . . . because Boyle’s Law states that in order for the temperature & pressure in Hell to stay the same, the volume of Hell has to expand proportionately as souls are added.
This gives two possibilities:
Larry Schweikart
5) One is: if Hell is expanding at a slower rate than the rate at which souls enter Hell, then the temperature & pressure in Hell will increase until all Hell breaks loose.
Larry Schweikart
6) Two is: if Hell is expanding at a rate faster than the increase of souls in Hell, then the temperature & pressure will drop until Hell freezes over.
So which is it?
Larry Schweikart
7) If we accept the postulate given to me by Teresa during my Freshman year that, “it will be a cold day in Hell before I go out with you” & take into account the fact that I went out with her last night, then number 2 must be true & thus . . .
Larry Schweikart
7) contd . . . I am sure that Hell is exothermic & has already frozen over.
8) The corollary of this theory is that since Hell has frozen over, it follows that it is not accepting any more souls and is therefore extinct . . .
Larry Schweikart
8) contd . . . leaving only Heaven, thereby proving the existence of a divine being, which explains why last night Teresa kept shouting “Oh, my God!”

Cuppa Covfefe

But he’ll have hell to pay when Teresa’s father finds out what they’ve been up to…



Valerie Curren

I had to read this epic tweet storm to my kids…interrupting my daughter’s chemistry homework for this epic feast! Thanks for sharing it!!!


Yw. Entertained me
Like the kid given a test with write 80-100 words
Who then wrote 80-100 words
Kids going places

Valerie Curren

Thinking outside that very cramped box!

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Would be a shame if @jack at Twatter had this image all over his timeline!comment image

Rodney Short

That’s gonna leave a mark lol, thanks for sharing that link Wolf.


Sure would.


Seth still trending….

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

comment image


That’s a “real” bombshell 💥
02-20-2020….mirror image, clear vision



WOW, read this.
Blagojevich was set up. By none other than Obama and his goons.
And they were doing this in 2008.
H/T : Rosie memos on twatter.
Redactions Revealed: The Six Secrets You Need to Know From the Obama Subpoena Request
Secret phone calls, conversations in Obama’s car, and Valerie Jarrett’s role.
NBC Chicago
Actually, please consider reading Rosie’s entire thread.
Trump’s Blagojevich clemency was no coincidence, either.
I bet Kerik and / or Milken involve Obama and his goons as well.
Interesting deduction in replies in the Rosie thread…….


Blagojevich says “they are trying to do to Trump what they did to me”. Just caught the end of the interview, but this guy has a story to tell, and sounds very red pill legit. Hope he has good protection!!

Deplorable Patriot

Yes, I saw it. Trace Gallagher is in for Martha MacCallum. I want to know more about Blago’s case. What we didn’t see the first time, over 10 years ago. What was kept from us?


IDK…. I wasn’t as awake back then, but I do remember that my gut instinct at the time was that the case was way over the top…..he seemed like a decent person in any interview I watched at the time. It will be interesting to follow this now.
On a side note….tomorrow is 02-20-2020
Mirror image, clear vision?

Deplorable Patriot

I get the idea Blago is one of the more honest ones. And..from the inside of prison, he saw a lot that the rest of us don’t.



Assange’s lawyer admits it was him that informed Gen. Kelly that “Assange would provide information about the purloined DNC emails in exchange for a pardon…”


Lyin’ Sky News ……………… FAKE NEWS

Deplorable Patriot

Yep, and I had the privilege of faxing them info on Margaret Thatcher’s speech at Westminster College on the anniversary of Churchill’s Iron Curtain Speech.
Wow, that was a long time ago.

Deplorable Patriot

50th anniversary during my last 3 hours of my undergraduate degree. Internship in PR.



Anyone else surprised? Not objecting…just thought he was valuable in Europe.


Is the EU done?
Interesting move that’s for sure

Gail Combs

Coosmama asked me to also post this here.
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) is a perfect example of HOW the Senior Executive Service (SES) has literally taken control of the US government.
The CDC is one of the major operating components of the Department of Health and Human Services. The head of the Department of Health and Human Services is appointed and confirmed by the Senate.
The CDC Director, is appointed by the president and does not require Senate approval.
As of 2015, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention had 10,796 employees. 29 are Senior Executive Service.
CDC organization:
There are 29 department heads plus the appointed CDC Director in the organizational chart. So the likelihood of the department heads ALL being Senior Executive Service is close to 100%.
Is the CDC union??
Well Health and Human Services is.
AFGE Local 1923, is the largest federal union in the country “…representing approximately 30,000 employees nationwide that are employed in the Social Security Administration, Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (formally HCFA), Veterans Affairs, Department of Defense, and the National Mediation Board….” (So the Mediation Board is unionized too.)
🐍 🐍 🐍 🐍 🐍 🐍 🐍 🐍 🐍 🐍 🐍 🐍 🐍 🐍
Because the Senior Executive Service has special privileges above and beyond that of regular federal employees, some think it is the core of the ‘Deep State.’ Obama appointed over 7,000 of the 8,156 federal employees in the Senior Executive Service. Most of these appointees do not arise from inside the respective agencies through a merit system and there are many more SES appointees than any other type of political appointment. WORSE unlike other political appointees once hired they can not be fired. This means the MANAGERS of the Trump Administration are actually Obama appointees. For example McCabe, the former deputy director of the FBI is SES.comment image
December 15, 2015

The Senior Executive Service (SES) lead America’s workforce. As the keystone of the Civil Service Reform Act of 1978, the SES was established to “…ensure that the executive management of the Government of the United States is responsive to the needs, policies, and goals of the Nation and otherwise is of the highest quality.” These leaders possess well-honed executive skills and share a broad perspective on government and a public service commitment that is grounded in the Constitution.
Members of the SES serve in the key positions just below the top Presidential appointees. SES members are the major link between these appointees and the rest of the Federal workforce. They operate and oversee nearly every government activity in approximately 75 Federal agencies.

This is an article on the SES:
This is a conspiracy site but it shows the actual documents if you want to know more about the SES:
What is interesting is most of the usual requirements are WAIVED!

Gail Combs

Executive Order 13714—Strengthening the Senior Executive Service.
* imagecomment image


If it was done as an EO, is it not possible for POTUS to issue a new EO that would eliminate Zero’s order….? I thought EO’ s could be overturned


That was my question as well.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Yup. Trump can “Further Strengthen SES” by “security” measures, to insure that the people are of the highest caliber!


Ready, set, go!!
But would he then be able to clear out the deadwood already there?

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

I’ll bet a lot will quit if forced to be vetted. DSA members should get extra scrutiny!
Not sure. Depends. LAWYERS will have to decide!



Deplorable Patriot


Valerie Curren

I went to retweet this one & it’s already “unavailable”…hmm…


Hmmmm indeed


comment image


Popcorn shortage?


Very good read right here. The threadreader is in the link


Spot. On.
Hitting it dead center.



They are gonna eat each other alive!!


Vol, I think she’s going for the jugular !




James brings the snark


Whoever did that study has an unusually curious mind? Most likely one of our brave Ivy League-trained scientists; probably has since moved on to tackle the mysteries of climate change. Now they are investigating how far the truth can be stretched before it is damaged.


I could have lived the rest of my life and been very happy never knowing this. 🤮


Once seen………


Talking about the VET right out of the gate!!! 💖💖🇺🇸🇺🇸

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

As of 6:15 PM here, I saw no line outside tomorrow’s rally. The marquee says parking will open 6AM tomorrow and vehicles WILL get towed.


Are you going??

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

No. I’ve got a friggin day job.




Oh, so you’d vote republican then


President Trump just called Tom Steyer a jerk. I almost choked on my cheetos.




Love Carpe Donktum!



Carlos on the debate if you haven’t seen it


Official White House Christmas ornament for 2020 unveiled and it features JFK. Very curious timing. And why would the Trump administration promote Democrat JFK, unless this was Storm-related?


Pearl harbour?
By disclosing the January 7 meeting, #XiJinping has indirectly admitted that in the midst of an epidemic he potentially exposed the US leadership and others to the #coronavirus by sending his officials to Washington to sign the #trade deal with Prez #Trump.
— Gordon G. Chang (@GordonGChang) February 16, 2020


comment image