Ready for a MAGA RALLY????? Colorado Springs, CO Thu, February 20, 2020 05:00 pm (MST). We’re all going to spend the night at SteveInCo’s house and meet up with Drillerite for lunch. Whaddaya think, Steve? RSBN is Broadcasting live from the Colorado Rally now:
President is also speaking at the Prisoner Graduating Ceremony today.
- President leaves Tuesday for the west coast. Comments at Andrews Air Force Base:
- First stop is a fundraiser in Rancho Mirage, California at Larry Ellison’s house. It’s a big deal. Expected to raise about 10 million dollars.
- President spoke in Bakersfield at the Water Board: (41 minutes, full video)
- Phoenix, AZ Wed, February 19, 2020 07:00 pm (MST)
- President flies back to Vegas to spend the night.
- Thursday Morning, President attends Graduation Ceremony for Prisoners in Vegas, signature program. If he can actually reduce the recidivism rate, it would be a major accomplishment. Link from the WH.
- President flies to Colorado Springs for rally.
- Colorado Springs, CO Thu, February 20, 2020 05:00 pm (MST)
- President flies back to Vegas to spend the night.
- Las Vegas, NV Fri, February 21, 2020 12:00 pm (PST)
- VP Pence gives a rally in Reno, 1:15pm.
- Fly back to DC or to Mar-A-Lago? Is Baron on spring break? Melania did not come back to the WH with President after the Daytona 500. Maybe they are still in Florida? No….. if you thought we were done, you were WRONG.
- After speaking at three rallies in three days in three states, with attending a California fundraiser, the Olympic Committee, The Bakersfield Water Board, and Las Vegas graduation speech, Trump will have one day to rest up before he heads to India for a two-day visit with Prime Minister Narendra Modi. (and Melania is going to India with him)
We’re in Colorado Springs today, home of the US Air Force Academy. My little one is somewhere in the group in the banner photo above. The Academy dominates the town and is beautiful. It will make your heart soar with pride. Make sure to take a tour while here.
- Follow these links for live streams:
- FOX10 Phoenix:
- Golden State Times:
Senator Cory Gardner is on the hot seat in the purple state of Colorado. Yes, Cory is a Neocon but we have to defend the seat. President Trump is pulling out all the stops to hold the Senate and we need to assist the Senate in places where our own Senator might not be running. Get involved. We all know how important the Senate is for judges and treaties.

Gardner’s approval rating is in the 30% range on state polls and Former Governor Hickenlooper (the goofball who ran for President on the Dem ticket and was one of the first to drop out) among others, are running against him. Additionally, Dems are pouring money into the state to target Cory Gardner and they are expertly organized……. take a look at the director’s twitter feed =

There is a very large military base (or several) in Colorado Springs. My best girlfriend has a son who is a Major stationed there. We don’t really know what he does. We don’t talk about those bases….. Yet, a high voter turnout in this area is crucial to a win in 2020.
While we are in Colorado Springs, let’s poke around a little bit. Garden of the Gods will take your breath away.

- Glen Eyrie Castle is extraordinary:
- An Olympic Training Center (perfect location with all the local muscle and talent):
- An Aviation Museum (perfectly located):
- And of course, the Air Force Academy.
If you fly in, be prepared for the elevation change. First day, Gunner threw up until 4:00am. This was a summer session between Junior and Senior year of high school. The kids are invited to attend through rigorous application process. About a third to half of the kids ended up going to the Air Force Academy specifically, but strangely, they still keep in contact with each other, networking to this day. You can’t imagine where some of them ended up…… makes me proud of them all.

What these young men and women did that summer was awe-inspiring. After they left the Air Force Academy, Gunner returned to the Naval Academy for crew/rowing. The kid on his right, taller blond, best buddy, was a Junior Olympian champ in 400 meters…… then, they both went to Ole Miss to do the second year of University Mandarin, immersion for 6 weeks, sponsored by the NSA program for “desirable languages”. At lunchtime, they swam a mile and ran after classes. They only picked 16 kids in the whole country for the program. Rarefied air for someone like me. Truly privileged to be there. They were 17 years old. Why do we always underestimate our kids when they are capable of so much? Gosh, they look so young in these photos.
But we have a President to elect and a Senate to win.

See you at the RALLY!
Gosh, Daughn – is there anything you and your family haven’t done? Thanks for the fun, personal story and good luck to your Gunner. I have a Gunnar too! Grandson – age 12 – best kid in the world. I can see him in this same spot some day.
There is still so much left to do. As we go through these rally threads in various states, I find myself in wonder of all the places yet to explore in OUR country.
We are truly blessed.
Everyone should make the coast to coast trip at least once in their life time. I did it with my parents when in college. We took a northern route out and a southern route back. There is something worth visiting every few hundred miles.
ARRRrrrrgh, I can not believe it is SNOWING and the snow is sticking. (Expecting 1 to 3 inches) I am watching the snow as I type. We get snow once every five years or so here.
Awww, you’re a proud Mama, Daughn, and rightfully so

We are ALL grateful to the Gunners in our society – male and female – who choose to serve in the military and other agencies.
Colorado Springs is a beautiful place, nestled up against gorgeous mountains that are heavily forested. The Air Force Academy is on the northern edge of the city, and the Army base (Fort Carson) is on the southern end. In between are beauties like the Garden of the Gods and the Broadmoor Hotel, where the hotel & restaurant service is still as impeccable as it was in the 1970s when I first stayed there.
We re-visited the Academy last summer, and the grounds, the cadets, and the chapel are just as inspiring as ever.
Hanging my head, I don’t follow state politics as closely as I should. When the college-age voters from our two universities and Denver/Boulder lefties passed the marijuana legalization, followed by the debacle at the GOP caucuses in 2015 (the ‘fix’ was in for Cruz) followed by Colorado electing a far left gay governor ….. it’s been one disappointment after another.
If POTUS can pull off a win in CO and/or help Gardner hold the Senate seat, it will be nothing short of miraculous.
Nevertheless, there are LOTS of Trump fans here, and the rally will rock. Cannot wait to hear POTUS riff on the Dem debaters
Looking forward to you guys educating me on Colorado. Gosh, hope we can keep Gardner’s seat. (Thanks for all your help Alison, I’m digging through your tweets).
Thank you Daughn for this tread and sharing all your experiences and your son who is very handsome.
Here you opened the thread on Colorado and this morning my son called that he has been head hunted by a Bio Tech company in Colorado. He mentioned that he thinks that Bio Tech companies are going to come back from China.
I cannot wait for POTUS to speak tonight. He was a blast last night and the people were super.The dems cannot gather a crowed if they try. Bloomberg could not afford to pay a crowed like that to compete with POTUS who des not have to pay anyone to show up.
Singing Soul, this is fabulous news for your family and son especially!
Good day all around. Starting to like Colorado a lot more every day!
You’re doing great, Daughn
if I could get you & Flep on AF1, I would 

Hehe – my carry on bag would be overstuffed with you, Marica, Sylvia, Teagan, Kea + her FAMOUS MOM!!!!! all the guys, and we would have to bring FG&C to land the plane!
We all chip in to rent the plane and have FG&C fly it.
I’ll try to insert a bit more local color.

This map is all brown, not because the guy who made it is fond of the color, but because that’s how he coded for high elevation. Even the lowest point in Colorado is over 3000 feet above sea level.
You’ll notice the eastern 2/5ths of the state is quite flat, it’s the high plains. The rest is mountainous, though there’s one big valley in the south that’s flat as a plate and over 7000 feet above sea level. That’s the San Luis valley, home to the Rio Grande, Great Sand Dunes…and would you believe, an alligator farm!
El Paso County, which contains Colorado Springs, is in a neck-and-neck race with Denver County to be the most populous county in the state. Denver was pretty much out of room to build things until they annexed a lot of land around Pena Boulevard and the “new” (ye gods, DIA is 25 years old!) airport. Anyhow, the map is unlabeled, so here’s another one:
Colorado Springs is just over 6000 feet above sea level. Officially. However, that’s the elevation of one of the lowest parts of the city. There’s quite a bit of variation, and if you pull in a couple of the suburbs, you can easily hit 7000 feet. (I personally live at almost 7000 feet above sea level.)
Pilots, when they are in ground school are told they should have oxygen at night above 5000 feet (for people used to being in the bottomlands, close to the World Sump, it apparently helps their night vision). Sorry, but I was not going to wear an oxygen cylinder to bed! [Note, I usually jokingly refer to people who live at low elevations as “swamp dwellers” but that would certainly be misunderstood here!]
The venue is right about at the “g” in “Carriage House” (if you can find that label) in the map Daughn posted (just up and to the left of “Stratmoor Hills”).
Garden of the Gods is indeed spectacular; it was deeded to the city by WIlliam Jackson Palmer, the founder of the city, on the condition that admission never be charged. It’s probably the most awesome city park in the United States.
I’m not sure how on Earth Daughn could talk about Colorado Springs without mentioning Pikes Peak. It’s billed as “America’s Mountain” here (I don’t know if that has “stuck” outside of Colorado) and it’s just barely inside El Paso County. When I was a kid, it was 14,110 feet high (above sea level), then it was reduced to 14,109, but today it’s quoted at 14,115 feet.
Pikes Peak was named after Zebulon Pike who led an expedition to explore the Louisiana Purchase (Lewis and Clark weren’t the only ones Jefferson sent west). Yes, Colorado Springs (and Denver) were part of the Louisiana Purchase. (Don’t let any Texans try to tell you “Colorado used to be part of Texas.” Only part of Colorado was. Though from the number of Texas plates on the road here during the summer, they apparently wish it was still a part of Texas. Fortunately, we’ve got Oklahoma and New Mexico to serve as buffers. And…they’re downstream from us. Tee hee.)
Here it is, with Garden of the Gods in front, it’s the “iconic” picture:
You can take a road up to the top:
(In fact, since racing has been on everyone’s mind, there’s a “Pikes Peak Hill Climb” that attracts lots of Big Names; I don’t know how important it truly is, because I don’t follow sports of any kind.)
Colorado has over fifty mountains over 14,000 feet above sea level, they’re called “fourteeners,” and some people try to climb them all. (Pikes Peak is easy, others are much more difficult.) California has only five such mountains, however the assholes made sure that one of them beats out any peak in Colorado. (Oh, well. They’re downstream from us. Tee hee.)
Another iconic shot this time of Pikes Peak as a backdrop to downtown Colorado Springs:
(For a metro area of well over a half million people, we do not have much of a skyline, honestly.)
El Paso County is the state’s conservative bastion; though downtown and Manitou City are turning increasingly purple. Californians have been moving in and our winters have been too mild to send them crying back home. Candidate Trump held at least two rallies here in 2016, one I didn’t get into (before I was a “Trumper”–my stock quote was that the election was between “Oh, Shit!” and “Hell No!” with Hitlary being the latter), and one that I did get into (after I was fully on board).
One more map.
Look in El Paso County, and near the north side a bunch of rivers (OK at that location they’re dry creeks most of the time) all start there but flow in radically different directions. Some flow south into the Arkansas river, through Tulsa. The others eventually go into the Platte River, which dumps into the Missouri. I live in that general vicinity; it’s called the Palmer Divide.
A lot of major rivers (the Rio Grande, the Colorado River) also start in Colorado. It’s truly the “Roof of CONUS” (in spite of those Californians’ shenanigans).
Road map (I lied when I said one more map):
And this link will show you the typical Coloradoan’s mental map of the state:
I should point out that the river map shows something very special about the American West. If you look right at the point where Summit, Eagle, Park, and Lake Counties come together, you’ll notice that the Blue River, the Arkansas River, the South Platte River, and (I think) the Eagle River all start out within yards of each other. The Blue and Eagle rivers end up in the Gulf of California (on the west coast of Mexico), where the Arkansas and South Platte rivers end up in the Mississippi, and thus to the Gulf of Mexico (on the east coast of Mexico).
There is a similar point at the junction of Grand, Jackson, and Larimer counties. When we visited Bryce Canyon, Utah, you can be standing on an edge — and there are paths over the edge to descend — where a raindrop falling on the rim side will eventually end up in the Gulf of California……but a raindrop falling into the canyon will find its way into the Great Basin to be evaporated — or maybe that’s backwards.
It’s a land where you can see for miles, but inches can make a difference.
Our great nation … so special
Great write up Daughn and Steve. (Steve, I’m your neighbor to the north in Elbert County).
Pictures don’t do it justice…when you’re in town and the 14,000+ ft Pikes Peak looms just west of town it’s jaw dropping. I live about 80 mi from the mountain, and on a clear day see it easily.
As I’m typing this Lara is live in the studio in a local news channel. Doing a great job as always.
Can’t wait to see the numbers for tonight from Brad Parscale. The Springs is a very conservative area due to a large population of military (at least 5 military bases/installations), so it’s a safe area to start rallies.
Katie is in Colorado!
We have a wonderful contingent of Qtreeps from the Mile High State.
Katie – I’m in Jefferson County with grandkids in Douglas County. We often see Pike’s Peak from their locale. Drillelite would be east and a little south of them.
There are at least four of us here, you (Katie), me, Alison, and the Driller.
Thanks, Steve!!
thanks for the cool photos..
my son and his fiance make an annual trek to Colorado to hike…he loves it out there but she doesn’t want to move that far from family…
Suggestion to Daughn — whenever we have more than one rally per week, we should include the roller coaster in each post.
Ohhh, that’s a pregnant idea!
So … who’s the daddy?
Just saw on T_D: there’s a Rally on the 28th, and March 2nd.
Incidentally, my paternal grandfather lived in Delta. He was the cook for a band of sheepherders. My dad retired as the #3 engineer for the City of Los Angeles.
Steve, this is terrific, thank you very much. Was hoping you would do an extended version comment thread when we all pulled into Colorado today.
You never disappoint!
Thumbs up to you, mi’ love!
Wow, there are a lot of rivers coming out of El Paso county.
You’re right, I had Pike’s Peak on the list and forgot about it, thank you for covering it.
Is the bacon ready?
Tons of it.
Grocery stores are out of it…now.
Pretty in Colorado today!
A long time ago I had a coworker who would go skiing most weekends, and he said the ideal was to just barely be able to make it to wherever he was going, on account of weather.
The Wife and I just spent New Year’s vacation skiing at Vail and Beaver Creek. Had a great time, beautiful area of the state. We plan on returning in a few years to do it again!
As near as I can tell Vail, and its neighbors strung out along I-70, have year round Christmas lights in most of the trees near the interstate…with one difference. Each tree is all one color. It lends a magical feeling to those towns as you drive through them.
Beaver Creek was one of my favorite places to ski. I’m glad you enjoyed it, CM
My Wife liked it too, Vail was a little much for her first time.
Early Birds – Trump people arrive early to camp out for Rally!
Clearly, I looked in the wrong places yesterday! When you posted this it was still dark here, so those photos must be from yesterday, well before I went looking.
Broadmoor World Arena holds 9000 for concerts- and Trump rallies!
Daughn’s amazing son Gunner had classic symptoms of altitude sickness when he first got to the AF Academy.
Let’s hope the SS and medical pros surrounding our great President know how to prevent any distress to PDJT’s system from the altitude in CO Springs!
On the plus side, he’ll be over a thousand feet lower than Gunner was. Plus, he HAS been here before, so they already know how well he handles it.
The vast majority of visitors don’t react like Gunner. In fact many visit Pikes Peak, almost twice the elevation, with impunity. Even so there are EMTs stationed up there whenever Summit House is open.
High altitude has never bothered me when I spent time in the Austrian Alps. I never knew anyone one who had problems. I am sure Colorado Springs is not higher? POTUS doctor must know how to prevent discomfort to him? I wonder if there are meds people can take?
MANY years (and healthy knees) ago I took a great hiking trip to Kenya and the big challenge of that trip was climbing to the summit of Mt. Kenya…17,000+’. Of course, even though it was a slow assent to acclimate to the altitude as we climbed, and the actual before sunrise climb to the summit (before the sun made the footing impossible) was very quickly done …most in our small group had various forms of altitude sickness, manifested in many ways…as you said, lots of headaches and vomiting. My travel companion came totally disoriented and we took a very fast trip down to get into Nairobi and medical attention for her. I, on the other hand, thought everything was hilarious…I giggled and howled with laughter all the way down. I was a very happy drunk. Here she was weaving all over the path, totally out of it, and every time I looked back at her, I doubled over with gales of laughter.
Been out to Colorado, summer time, many times and never had altitude problems…not even a giggle.
Teagan, wowwwwwww what a trip!
You have been to the mountain, sweet pea
I’m laughing about it now, but he had a raging headache (he was young and had no idea what a migraine was, but that was how he described it) and threw up all night long. Said he finally fell asleep by 4am and the reveille woke him up at 5am for work out. He was a sick pup. After that first day though, he was fine.
Strange summer:
He got out of 11th grade on a Friday, we picked him up from his dorm at Math and Science school on Saturday and dropped him at Boy’s State (300 young men selected throughout the state) for a week long “thing”. It was supposed to end on Saturday but he had to leave a day early cuz he was also selected to attend West Point summer session.
Off he went to West Point for a week.
Tom and I drove to pick him up at West Point (one of the best trips we’ve ever taken – West Virginia is breathtaking and USMA is sacred ground) on a Friday. We hadn’t heard a word from him and we were anxious to know what was going on. All the kids marched in, his group was there but he was no where to be found. Where was my kid? Last minute, about 20 kids came in from the side entrance, my kid among them. He had won the mech engineering competition, 2nf place for Civil engineering, special awards, etc. I was dumbfounded.
We left West Point and started driving.
That afternoon, he had an interview at Princeton with the Heavyweight crew coach…… in New Jersey, but he had fallen asleep in the back seat. By the time we got to the Boat House, he lifted his head and said, “Mom, Princeton is for pussies, I don’t want to go to Princeton.” One week at USMA and he was converted to a soldier. Love that kid.
We kept driving, on to Annapolis cuz he was also selected to attend their summer session.
We had dinner on the water in Annapolis, celebrated Big T’s birthday, and crashed early. Next morning, his phone was blowing up. Several of the kids from USMA were also attending USNA session and wanted to meet early to check in together. We dropped him off, he didn’t even kiss me goodbye…… I stood there by the car and watched him for a while….. a young woman rushed up to him and threw her arms around his neck…. (Wut????) …. and then she kicked up her back foot (ladies, we all know what that means). And then she introduced Gunner to her parents. I later learned the girl’s name was Anchor. No lie. Gunner and Anchor. Go figure.
Tom and I drove home from Annapolis for 14 hours straight. At the end of the week, he flew home. Home for a day and ate and slept almost the whole time. Then left the next day for the Air Force Academy for another week. Tom and I could not afford to go so we missed out on Colorado. Glad you all are filling in…..
After a week at Air Force, he flew home and left the next day to go back to the Naval Academy for ANOTHER week of crew/rowing, because some coach asked him to come and we were able to book the flights. We didn’t know it but the main session was mostly young kids who didn’t know how to crew, bunch of 8th-10th graders and young kids. I wondered why he was there……
Well, the coach culled him out and put him with 7 other guys who had come in to train for the Olympics in Brazil. Coach needed an 8th for the boat and snagged my kid…….. all the way from Mississippi. Three of them were Navy Seals….. Gunner thought he had died and gone to heaven.
He flew home, slept and ate for 2 days and left for 6 weeks of Mandarin, it was the second year of University Mandarin, scholarship from NSA for desirable language. They only picked 16 kids in the country for the second year and only 6 of them were what we would call “americans”. Later on, he said that was the toughest thing he has ever done. His buddy, pictured above, the blond, was with him, one of the 6 of 16. After Mandarin, he was only home for 3 days and went to start his senior year at the Math and Science School.
He lost about 15 lbs that summer and by the end of it, he was tanned and golden. He wasn’t my baby anymore.
A man among men, he was.
Sink or swim. He was a baby. I’ve never seen him so exhausted as when we picked him up from USMA. He just …. collapsed.
Growing up in Southern California, we’d do trips to Disneyland once or twice a year — so we’d see some of the same reactions and recognize them, when other people who didn’t go that often wouldn’t necessarily.
One such common reaction was “Dead Baby Syndrome”, or DBS. After the fireworks, when half the park-goers headed for the parking lot, a lot of the younger kids wouldn’t just be drowsing, wouldn’t just be asleep, but would be utterly limp. They’d been running around and screaming and excited since early in the morning and had finally expended every last erg available in their tiny frames. They’d be drooping in strollers, or over a parent’s shoulder, or in a parent’s arms — and they wouldn’t even be grasping, any loose limbs would just dangle. When they got to that stage, they didn’t even smile any more.
And we knew each family would drive home and tuck the little ones in, and sometime during the night they’d start behaving normally, and maybe shift position….then wake up late the next morning, famished.
Dang Daughn tell Gunner that I have a new hero to add right along side with Momma Daughn.
One key to prep for a Colorado visit – hydrate, hydrate, hydrate. If done for a few days ahead of visit, it helps reduce headaches from altitude.
Good I was NOT losing my mind.
I don’t remember it being the “Broadmoor World Arena” before. It’s a relatively recent re-name.
The OLD World Arena used to be the venue for a lot of figure skating championships, which my parents would watch (on TV that is). This building is a few miles away from where the old one was.
When Reagan was in town, he stayed at the Broadmoor, which is apparently world class. Who knows, Trump might buy it after he leaves office.
Steve, correct me if I’m wrong but wasn’t America The Beautiful written after a visit to Pike’s Peak??
It was indeed, Katherine Lee Bates.
Colorado Springs tried to market itself as “America The Beautiful City” because of that. Another designation that didn’t stick.
To be out there in the cold waiting for POTUS that is dedication.
Another ten more and they’d have a Q-orum!
Oh, good grief.
The venue is where the final E is in Carriage House, not the G, on Daughn’s map.
I wonder how many more mistakes I made writing with no caffeine in my system.
Honey, we’ll go wherever you tell us to go. no worries. We’re following you!
These people deserve an award…it is BITTER cold outside this morning (4 degrees at my house at sunrise). Fortunately the skies have cleared, and the winds have calmed and that will help those waiting in line today. 35 degrees in the sun is not bad here.
Also in the Springs, and not far from the Broadmoor is NORAD – built inside Cheyenne Mountain. It’s a HIGHLY secure facility – I get the feeling eyes are watching when you drive past the entrance, and many of you know it as the site where the military tracks Santa on Christmas Eve.
My father worked for IBM and had to go there for some computer repairs. His description of the security stops he had to go through to get to the room where serviced the computer is mind boggling. Three different check points, they brought the computer (they weren’t tiny back then…this would have been in the early 80’s) to him in a separate room with a guard watching him the whole time.
It is now a part of Space Force!
Some really amazing photos and info at this link:
Thanks Katie. Those pictures are fascinating!
As a teen, I was at a religious retreat not far from NORAD. Another kid and I went wandering, ran into the fence and got chased off by armed guards.
Hahahaha! They’re on top of things…nothing and no one gets in there unless they’re supposed to. What a memory for you.
Honestly, has anyone ever seen a harder working man than POTUS? He was all over America yesterday and today he is in Colorado Springs. No one can compete with his effort. He leads by example.
Yes Ed, totally agree…
Their teeth must be chattering.
Colder than I expected!
I spent last night in the Great Indoors.
That type of cold is not too bad if you are moving but STANDING? the ground is going to suck the warmth right out of you.
I am shivering just looking out the window at the snow coming down. I moved south to get away from the cold! I can not imagine standing out in that cold for hours without moving. Standing is not my thing.
Oh, I imagine they moved around, saved each other’s places in line, etc.
I attended a convention in Phoenix the last few days and returned home yesterday at 12:30. I had to get back home so could not stay over to go to the rally.
On the cab ride to the airport, Hector, my driver, was very excited that Mr. Presidente’ was coming to Phoenix in his broken English and was a wonderfully pleasant person and very happy to be in America.
Great anecdote, Plateau.
Thank you PR, don’t know what I would do without you guys digging.
I snagged it and linked it up top.
Thank you
Thank you! You are one hard worker…
No matter the weather, it’s becoming a Badge of Honor to camp overnight in line for Trump rallies. It tickles me to see how much we love our President. No one will EVER match this kind of grass roots phenomenon.

Found a Patriot in line!
Former Yang Gang!! LOL!! (can’t spell…but dat’s OK!!)
Awesome Lady!!
What, Bloomberg? You jest!

Hi Steve!!! *Waving!!! i am still giggling about how bad ALL the dems were last nite! These Ginormous Rallies—–Are American Patriots trolling them!!! HA!
The Dems were basically leaving big steaming wet piles of Schiff then jumping up and down in them gleefully!
…with ZERO…self awareness!!! (lol–nice visual)

Hey guys, help me out, please.
President is getting ready to speak to the graduating prisoners.
Anyone have a link?
Here we go, I got it.
There’s hope for Colorado yet!
There are more Trump supporters out there than we know about!!
Over 100 “Hope for Prisoners” there today.
So inspiring.
I’m weeping —- need more Kleenex.
Wowwwwww, this is stunning.
What a great program.
Law enforcement there, corporations there to recruit them, faith community there, their kids are there, and all under Donald Trump.
“When we say hire American, we mean ALL Americans”
Gosh, that was long, and magnificent.
Worth the full watch…I couldn’t do anything —but watch!! Truly Magnificent Daughn!!!
Jaw open. whole time.
Charles Payne had one of the women on this morning.
Arrested while pregnant, she delivered while chained to a prison bed.
Baby taken from her.
She got out of prison, $25 and a bus ticket with a garbage bag of old clothes. Her mother and grandmother were dead.
She started writing.
Now owns her own publishing company.
Won the custody of her child BACK and is a successful member of society.
She’s been out of prison for a long time…. but the President pardoned her yesterday.
What a story she told.
Divine inspiration.
The other speakers were awesome as well!!! I teared up again when they started playing the graduation march song…

PDJT Is on the ground.
How do I know this? You’ll see soon.
Did you get a selfie, Steve?
I got this shot of AF 1 heading past the airport. Extreme zoom, then cropped. When it turned around and came in on final–I had somehow switched my camera into “wait ten seconds before taking the shot” mode and before I could figure that out…I had missed what would have been a beautiful shot or three.
Thank you Steve!!! That is awesome. What a thrill

That is seriously cool.
FOX 10 LIVE – showing President Trump being greeted at airport!
RSBN lost their feed – they are going outdoors with the crowd there – found this – hope it helps
Watch Live: Trump holds a ‘Keep America Great’ rally in Colorado
Sorry GA/FL – forgot you already posted – Oopsey!!!
Glad you did! Fox 10 is very respectful and positive about President Trump. The sound is good and they don’t drop the stream.
Think I got another Fox station – they were playing music – small picture by the curtain – but, thanks for all you do to help here!
I was considering heading over to the rally to talk to people outside (not a prayer of getting in) but I realized I’d probably NEVER find a place to park.
Maybe I’ll figure something out.
Steve, your pic of AF1 is so cool.
I’m still kicking myself for missing what would have been 10x the picture this was.
How the heck did I set the camera to 10 second delay?
And, I saw helicopters overhead, probably part of the security.
I was half expecting someone to come talk to me about pointing a bigass tube at AF 1! I’d have been explaining to them, with my face in the asphalt, about how that’s a 100-400 mm zoom, not a grenade launcher!!
Secret Service guy laughed and talked with the crowd! Have never seen that.
Before ti gets too crazy here – Thank You Daughn and Steve and Alison (did I forget anyone?) for the wonderful information you have provided – I just took a trip to Colorado – and I really enjoyed learning about the state!
Thanks All Y’all so much!!! God Bless All Y’all Real Good!!!
I’ve never seen him in a yellow tie before, I don’t think………….I like it, though. It looks good with his hair color.
Yellow goes with orange…
(Just kidding!)
Well…………I thought it, too!
We think too much alike!
So what are you doing after this rally, Beautiful?
Despite all he’s been doing he looks good. Rested, refreshed, happy. Hasn’t aged a bit. Amazing.
Cory Gardner with us 100%
Iwo Jima!
Three heroes from Iwo Jima. Awesome! 75 years since the battle…………
We are going to win Colorado in a LANDSLIDE!!! President Trump – Really? Can we do it there? Anybody?
We typically lose here by just a few percentage points. So if he’s got a 19 percent lead…no problemo.
Too bad we can’t kick the governor out; we have those elections during federal miderms.
Thanks, Steve! Good to know – * Happy *
Many of us have the same problems with governors – maybe, we can arrest them – if they are breaking federal law – hey, it can happen – I am praying PT will reign them in –
I just made a huge pot of deer chili…don’t know how to post pics, but grab a bowl and a grilled cheese sandwich if you’re hungry
YUM – Perfect for a cold night in Colorado!
I dished up more turkey & rice soup. I have made so much the freezer is full and I will have to wait until fall to cook the final bird. (I bought four 20-25 pounders around Thanksgiving when they were on sale.)
Good stuff!!
One of my favs!
Help yourself!
When it comes to our safety and security we don’t worry about budgets (regarding rebuilding the military) All MADE IN THE USA!
WOW, there are 3 veterans from the Battle of IWO JIMA there!
And just recognized one of the last survivors of PEARL HARBOR, who just died.
Now recognizing Vietnam and ME wars in attendance at the rally!
As it should be with recognition

Feed directly from President Trump
LIVE: President Trump in Colorado Springs, CO
Oh, the gigantic jumping-around-in-their-own-steaming-piles spectacle of the dem debates!
Klobuchar…..did you see her? She choked. She couldn’t breathe! OMG………………..dying here
Does Butt-budge know what she choked on? Asking for a friend

Maybe it was a raccoon?????????

(i)Rocky Raccoon checked into his room
Only to find Gideon’s Bible
Rocky had come, set phasers on stun
To hack all the votes of his rival
His rival, it seems, had broken his dreams
By stealing the churl of his fancy
His name was Magill, and he called himself Lil
But everyone knew him as Nancy…
Cuppa!!!!!!!! HOWLING!

Klobuchar choked
Alfred Newman ….are you causing me of being dumb?
Even if it’s true you don’t say it
Klobucharred… ???
He’s the hardest working, most patriotic, most capable in business and best policies!
Oh my gosh he’s talking about Cavuto (who is an idiot) and he had AB Stoddard on……PDJT is imitating her and he sounds like her………….LAUGHING……………..
FAKE NEWS………….that got a huge cheer
Ha…..when I leave office in 26 years they’ll miss us
And for all the Commie New Notwork, the tingle up their legs turns into a shock…
Shaken AND stirred… Stelter’s gonna need a shelter…
Hah! Q-peeps!
Love it!
Trump joking about staying in office forever…. trolling the media and the left!!
FYI – RSBN is back UP!!!
PDJT is Number one in the world on Fake Book!
Academy AWards……………..they give it to a movie from South Korea. What’s that about? Anybody see it?
Brad Pitt I was never a fan of his. He’s a little wise guy. (snicker)
We need to get GWTW back (oh they’ll hate that) or Sunset Boulevard………….
Or even WWTW…
“I saw it in a window, and I just couldn’t resist…”…
*Laughing* THAT was so funny…………..stuck in my brain forever!!!!
And the soldier who swallowed a handgrenade – Tim Conway…
“This Man is completely Hooollloooooooowwwwww oowww oowwww oowwww”….
(and Harvey Korman – “Heyyy, this is the King you’re speaking to”)… (and all of the corrections in the YouTube comments…)…
I don’t remember that one!!!! I’ll have to look it up. Tim Conway/Harvey Korman were so hilarious together.
Here ’tis, m’lady
He’s still talking about AB Stoddard. She said he didn’t do well in the debates. That has seriously irritated him. He tweeted about it and now he’s talking about her STILL.
Hilary she’s as crooked as a three dollar bill LOCK HER UP chants…..oh my
Crowd chants….”LOCK HER UP!!!”
I said drain the swamp,, I just never knew how deep it was
“She’s crooked as a three dollar bill”
That’s an insult to the many legit $3 banknotes issued before 1862.
Time Magazine. They don’t like me. I don’t like them, either. *laughing*
Watching the kids for a bit
The things parents do to get high score
(Stick to it…)…
OMG he is hilarious. Talking about debates.
He is STILL disproving AB Stoddard’s statement on Cavuto that Trump didn’t do well in the debates. See, they’re FAKE NEWS!
FAKE NEWS!×768.jpg
Here’s another one……… Trump kicked ass.
Still referring to her as Crooked
He’s railing against AB Stoddard and Neil Cavuto, no credibility.
Called her a 3rd rate journalist.
He just whapped Cavuto.
Cavuto is a nasty globalist and so is Gasparino.
Bwwhahahaha, no, I did very well in the debates.
I won because I did well in the debates.
These people are among the most dishonest people
Okay let’s get back to business, now I feel good.
She’s third rate journalist.
This is A.B. Stoddard. She was a regular on Special Report for years. Now writes for Real Clear Politics, I guess. Very negative. Hates Trump.
She was crying on MSNBC this morning…….. sad because Trump was so horrible and did so many things wrong, it made no sense for the Dems in the debate to be yelling at each other when they should be talking about how much they all hate Trump.
She ate a LOT OF CROW for breakfast this morning.
*Eye Roll*
I’ve never liked her. I’m glad she’s so unhappy she has to bawl on MSNBC.
I never thought AB added much to the conversation on Fox. No wonder … moves to MSDNC

Skank in the tank…
This is true!
SO TRUE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! And hilarious……………..
If he’s a festering trash bag, then he can pop himself and clean up at the same time…
(or maybe stick a light bulb in his mouth and watch it light up…).
Let’s get back to business – Now – I feel good – President Trump – after providing ‘debate data’ –
Hey fake news, show the people the room, and show them behind you.
USA USA USA USA chants fo up
he’s mad at the media today and at FOX
slammed Cavuto again
How is Shep Smith doing today?????
Funny. All the FOX shows that do well like Trump. The ones that don’t like Trump don’t do well.
THIS IS TRUE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Well that’s because the viewers LUV POTUS…
there’s where the “do well” comes in
Hi Sylvia… exciting times, huh? Good to see you
So fun to watch him roll, PR!!!!
and it’s great to watch w/ all the Treepers!
Yes, for sure!
Loser shows like Neil Cavuto!!!
I’ve never had an empty seat since we came down that elevator…………..
How’s Shep Smith doin’?
Great pic. Caught his best expression.
I wanted to be sure to find a flattering picture.
You dun REAL GOOD!
Great crowd!
Whoa he is riled up tnight.
REALLY pissed at watching Cavuto and seeing Miss Sour Puss say he didn’t do well in the debates.
Yes – he is full of it – Moxie to the Max – I love it!!! His list of accomplishments is so long – no one can compete with him – he is fired up – makes one think something good is about to happen – Hmmm…
More people working in our country than ever before.
Most exciting night in television, world wide ratings.
Way above what our great geniuses back there thought it would be – Jobs created – President Trump
Since the election
7 million new jobs have been added
invested more than 2 trillion into the military
SPACE FORCE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Love it when the Boss is on a roll!
Making a big decision on where Space Force will be located. End of year.
talking about the Air Force Academy
Shook ever cadets hand = 1156 of them
best thing ever
So did Reagan, 1986!

I think of you, Wheatie, every time I hear SPACE FORCE.
We need it, so bad!
We really do!
I agree………….we’ve been behind the curve. We need to be out ahead. Way ahead.
Talking about where the branch will be HQed….hinting maybe Colorado.
Space Force!
OMG, he remembered the college home run derby champ who graduated that year
What a memory
He gave the athletes the waiver, so they can go into the NFL and serve time AFTER their career.
Trying to get it for so long.
Strongly considering Colorado Springs for Space Force because of infrastructure at Air Force Academy.
Make Space GREAT again!
Here’s Michael !!!
with all the wonderful images !!!!!!!!!!!!!!
later you must check out my post on daily thread wrt Greenland !
I am having a hard time keeping up with all the AWESOMENESS!!!
me too! we’re still at ‘idle’ … what will it be like when we ‘get up to speed’ ??????????
So funny listening to him talk about shaking all the hands of the cadets graduating that time……
Colorado Springs being Strongly Considered for Space Force HQ!!!
Destroyed ISIS caliphate 100%
Al Bad Daddy is dead
Soleimani is DEADDDDDDDDDD forever.
He was the king of the roadside bomb
When you see our young men and women, no arms, legs, 92% of them came from Iran and Soleimani.
DEMOCRATS leaving and joining THE REPUBLICANS!!!
Democrats joining the TRUMPLICANS!!!
Solemani DEAD!!!
Pork BBQ Anyone?
No, thank you – I will pass on that one!
As we keep winning, the Dems keep on losing their minds.
They’re leaving their party to join OUR MOVEMENT
We have more enthusiasm
more than any party in last 50yrs.
Don’t believe the polls.
I got a call a few weeks ago, from Texas, talking about Beto. Against bible, guns, and oil.
remember when they thought they could flip Texas.
Beto against RELGION, GUNS, and OIL – in TEXAS???
Is that the hand sign for ‘brain has left for places unknown’?
Space Cadet in the WRONG Space Force!!!
‘Spaced Out’ for sure! – LOL – Space Cadet
That’s the Hand of Baphomet… the Devil…
Really? Was trying to figure out where I had seen that before – so – because I could not – I tried to make a funny – goofy me
LOL!!! Michael!!!!
Buttegeig in a poll leads Trump in Texas.
Friend of his in Texas, big guy, wears a big hat – love those hats, i wouldn’t have to comb my hair so much.
He said, no one is leading him in Texas
And I’ll tell you this
no one is leading us in the state of Colorado.
WOW!!! If Trump wins Colorado, I will not come down from that high

He’s so energized tonight.
I can’t believe that the next 4 years are gonna be GREATER than the last 4 years, but YES!!!
We gotta win in 2020
2nd amendment is at stake
We gotta win the House, hold the Senate, keep the Presidency.
Want to thank Mike Pence
I heard he gave a great speech
can’t be too good of a speech
Dept of Interior Sec coming up
good guy
You know, they took out Ryan Zinke too, he was exonerated within two weeks of resigning, wasn’t he?
Yes he was!
What has happened to that handsome (!) cowboy?
SOROS needs JAIL. Just for Greitens, Soros and that STL DA need JAIL.
Keep the White House!
2A at stake… going to take back the House, hold the Senate, and Keep the White House
I don’t think he has been on the teleprompter at all tonight……..or not very much……………it’s been almost all off the cuff.
He’s changing it up a bit! That’s always a good thing…

Don Jr is there
Kimberly Guilfoyle
Kimberly is a wise and loyal Latina.
Love her!
Marica is here! (thought you had other plans – good to see you)
Hi Nor’easter !
Hi sweet Pea!!! Dinners over!!! WE wanted to catch the end of the rally!! (He has a cold!)
Overflow crowd…still standing out in the cold!
God bless them.
OMG, that is devotion……
Todd Ricketts chair of the RNC – wow he campaigned hard against Trump.
He’s seen the light
Marica is in the HOUSE! Whoo hoo!

Wearing the chemise, I trust?
UFC President
started it for about 30 bucks sold it for 4 billion
Dana White!!!!!!!!!!
Great endorsement, Donald Trump known him for 20yrs, closer now than before he became President, first thing he said to me was “how is your family”
Good Man–Very Loyal and a GOOD FRIEND!!
You like the 2nd Amendment Steve?
Here is the push for Cory Gardner
We have to get this guy elected!!!!!!!!!!!
Cory Gardner please come up to chant of CORY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Who else can read poll numbers and stats and make it interesting? LOL

Nice Big Welcome to POTUS!!! Heard you on PIKE”S PEAK!!!!
HEY.. there… Favorite Person and yer darlin Wife !!!
You better..Know something…I think ya both..are the Most Patriotic Americans..I have Never MET!!!…But..WE WILL!!! God willing!!!
AMEN!!! Believe it!!!
Cory has seen the light.
No amount of dollar bills from the US Chamber of Commerce can turn out a crowd like PDJT
That’s the fact, jack!
Amen, Sister. He better know who butters his bread and it ain’t Tom Donahue

I hope the Senator with the hair, Gardner, gets reelected. Hes talking about the normalization of Socialism by Bernie Sanders. Excellent point.
2016–Dangerous thing was the normalization of Socialism by Bernie!!!—————-OH NOES!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Here we goooooo
Cory talking about the normalization of socialism, came from bernie, and spread to other candidates.
Are we going to let them have Colorado
Bernie – Free everything!!!!
Bureau of Land Management is HQ in CO!!!
Hopefully we’ll be moving lots of agencies out of D.C.
LOVE TO SEE THIS TOO!!!–Swamp Drain!!
Love it !
BLM headquartered in Colorado.
(Not Black Lives Matter)
LOL STEVE!!! Good to know!!!
You cheered up yet?
YUP!!!! Sad I missed the trashing of Cavuto, tho!!
LOL…Yeah, he *dwelt* on that for a while!!
Follow up to his tweet!!! HA!!
1962 Kennedy talked about building a pipeline to Pueblo colorado,
Was it built?
We got the approval two weeks ago thanks to PDJT
Whoa – there’s a bigger story in there.
Coming from where???
What’s it take to win a cage fight?
CO–Make us PROUD!!
(Did he almost cry!?
We have a protester!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
He’s giving Cory an opportunity to campaign …………….
And fine job he did Phoenix!!
That’s good. He’s going to need help I’m afraid. The forces of evil are lined up against him.
AND we need to keep Cory’s seat in the Senate.
Yes, we do.
Then let’s all pray for him, and those nearby, help campaign for him (don’t think we have any voters over here for Colorado… hmm… JW???)
Also need to get the fake voters off of the rolls… Maybe Tom Fitton et. al. can do something there…
Good idea, Cuppa!
Glad you could make the rally!
Thanks – great thread… need a lotta cuppa to stay awake (it’s 4:00 here), but it’s worth it. How I wish we had a German version of VSGPDJT, but maybe the AfD will field someone in spite of Merde-Kuh…
(I know my wife and son are working on everyone they can!!).
Thanks Cuppa. Good reminder. That’s something we can all do is pray for Senator Gardner. I will make a point of it.
Go Home to Mommy
WHUUUUT??? We gots one of DEM???!!! TAKE THEIR COAT!!! It’s time for them to CHILL OUT!!!
25K new construction and manufacturing jobs in colorado
unemployment in Colorado is lowest in 50yrs
unemployment is lowest for any USA President in history
Black, hispanic, asian, were all rocking
women 71yrs lowest unemployment
Black and hispanic poverty has plummeted to lowest in history
10 million people off of welfare
500K more hispanics own a home
Opportunity zones
median income highest in history
125 zones in COLORADO!!!
125 Opportunity Zones in Colorado.
Paid family leave,
child tax credit – which NO DEM VOTED FOR
repealed waters of America act
taking the BLM out of Washington DC
Putting it in Grand Junction Colorado
Republican child tax credit!
Taking away your Property!!!
Sec Bernhardt–He’s Beautiful juz he works so hard!!!
Right hear in the great American West!!
Back to BLM being in Grand Junction (west edge of Colorado)
Energy independent
They want to use wind
please keep the birds away
Windmills made in china and germany
they get tired and old and rusty
Palm Springs, they look like hell there.
I can attest to that!
I think all the German companies have gone under…they’ve been dropping like flies… at the same rate that our rates are going UP…. 34cents per kWh and upwards… highest in Europe, if not the world…
and the birdchopper companies get paid, whether or not their choppers are turning…
Windmills are made in China and Germany!!!! Ay yi yi!!!
Waters of the United States Rule repealed – no more regulation of vestal pools (mud puddles)!!!
BOOOOOO! (Windmills Made in China and Germany)
Wow……..windmills……….made in Germany, pollutes the air to make them, and then they kill all the eagles and then they rust out and are abandoned……
^^^ Windmills. FRAUD on American tax payers!
There’s a site in England that keeps track of all the windmill mishaps (read: disasters). Kind of late here, but I’ll post it tomorrow. Those bird-choppers are very, VERY dangerous. To birds, bats, bees, other insects, and, yes, to people…
Providing a critical public service!
‘ere ye go:
And a .pdf of accidents, etc. up to 31-Dec-2019:
(Found these on Pierre Gosselin’s excellent blog, )
Crazy Bernie seems to be leading!
Minimike can’t Debate!
What did they say? Only in CO?
Mini Mike can’t debate!
I love it that he mentioned how the windmills are slaughtering our eagles!

Funny (not) how a normie will get nailed 250K$ or so, and jail time, for bringing down a Condor or Eagle, yet the bird-choppers do it every day, without penalty…
And don’t even start to talk about “streamers” (from solar mirror steam generation facilities)… fowl indeed…
Bloomberg – I thought he might come up but he can’t debate
Looks like crazy bernie
NAFTA and China entry into WTO, lost 1 of 4 manufacturing jobs (I think it was more)
Mini Mike didn’t do so well last night
Not exactly a Bloom with a view…
(taken the Bloom off the rows?)…
NAFTA gone!
Estate tax, big problem for farms and ranches.
Enormous problem for small business.
41 K watching on Fox 10
5.4 K watching on Golden State
10K watching on RSBN
CSPAN – can’t find #
If you love your children you dont’ have to pay estate taxes on your small farms and businesses
If you don’t love them don’t leave them a damned thing. Are you listening Donny?
If ya love your children No Estate TAX!
If you don’t treat you well don’t leave them a damn thing!
Are ya listening Donnie?!!!! LOL!!
China’s massive theft of American jobs…………….
No more death tax!!! Hallelujah!
China’s massive theft of American jobs!!!
500 Billion lost to China!!
The estate tax is BRILLIANT exposure of how the BANKSTERS and the DEMOCRATS and the MEDIA conspired against ordinary Americans.
Trump is really educating people.
Exactly. It’s KILLING so many family businesses here… some of which have been around for HUNDREDS of years… and when they’re gone, there won’t be anything (or anyone) to replace them…
Meanwhile, the ChiComs snuffle around scooping property and companies up for pennies on the Dollar (or Euro)…
Methinks comeuppance is not far off…
I’d like to know who was responsible. NAMES lead to RESPONSIBILITY being taken.
Biggest Deal ever Made –irt to china DEAL!!!
Tariffs worked!
. . . Make it $50 Billion!!!
1.5 Billion people to feed!
Would you agree to 50 billion!
Our Farmers will find a way! Buy a bigger Tractor and more land!
He’s talking about china now
lost 500 BILLION a year
China came to the table and we made a deal which is great for us and hopefully great for them
250 BILLION worth of purchases
most they ever purchased was 16 billion in farm products, He said make it 20. We’re getting ready to close the deal, so I asked them how much we have in agribusiness.
I said make it 50 billion
They said ohhh no, but they agreed to do it
Farmers have to be able to make it, to produce
Our farmers can do it.
Look at them – they’ll figure it out.
Bloomberg can’t figure it out
Hahahaha! That is precious!!! Shows just how dumb he is – and out of touch with farmers!
Always thought he was full of bull…
Farmers are going to FEED THE WORLD!!! Bigger tractors – more land – THEY WILL DO IT!!!
Ice Officers are tough and they are great!!!
Now the countries are taking them back!!!
ICE Officers are great
thousands of bad guys
(The ICEing on the cake!)
“Other than that he was a very fine fellow.”
Illegal alien stabbed a judge in Colorado…………he’d been arrested 36 times over the years. Other than that he was a fine fellow.
In Denver, an illegally alien stabbed a judge
He had been arrested 36 times, including child abuse, somehow they kept letting them go.
Sanctuary cities
Gotta stop it
Colorado Declared whole state Sanctuary State!!
What were you thinking, CO? (Don’t do drugs!)
Colorado should be a sanctuary for law abiding citizens not illegal aliens. Vote for Cory vote for Trump vote for the Republican party we’re getting it done.
Colorado dems declared whole state sanctuary
keep releasing them
we just caught him for attempted murder
El Paso county released, assualt and attempted kidnapping
these are your Democrats
Dems think your communities should be a haven for rapists, kidnappers, murderers, child molesters.
if you want to stop it, you have to vote for Cory, me, republican local
4 MOAR YEARS chant goes up
VOTE FOR CORY!! VOTE FOR TRUMP—-Quit smokin Pot Colorado!!! serious.
No shit
. The whole state went to pot (ie downhill fast) when that got legalized 

Zackly!!!!! Right Ali!!!
122 miles has gone up as of yesterday and it is a serious wall.
Ended horrible practice of Catch and Release!!
We are building a WALL! And it’s a serious Wall!!!
“A miasma of consternation lay heavy across the Potomac swamp…”

That was a wheatie’s word of day!
Smuchas, wheatie!!!!!

That is because our Wheatie is ahead of the curve – they are still trying to catch up, Wheatie!!!
That’s right, Sister !!!!
Wheatie: Breaking fast for Trumpians!!!
‘Cuz you’ve got that vision thing, Wheatie
Back to the fuke news!!!
Trumps WALL–“fell down”–It was a WINDSTORM (DAMNIT!!!) –me words!
Sooner or later some of the fake news members are going to turn on their commie editors. They know Trump is right.
If they want to stay out of jail, they will
Build the Wall!
Border Wall
Talking about the dumb story of the section of border wall which fell down
WaPost tried to make it a big deal
Goes to show how dumb they are when it comes to construction
Keep your Doctor Keep you plan!
Crazy Nancy
Cryin Chuck
PENCIL NECK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
28 times – you can keep your doctor, you can keep your plan
he lied
Let’s impeach Obama!!!!!!!!!!
Pelosi BOooooooooo
Pencilneck !!!!!!!!!
He lied!!
Almost as much as Zero – running neck n’ neck – imho
0 AND |
What I call him –
Now offering plans up to 60% less – check them out – much better
Like your plan you can keep your plan!
Protecting People with Pre existing conditions!
Price transparencies!!! AWESOME!!
Price transparency on healthcare is HUGE – we tried to get it back in the 80s
Schiff made it up!
Veterans Choice!
Points out a PURPLE HEART!!!!! WOOHOO!!! Love HIM!!
Get the hell out of here–You are fired!!
Man in audience has a purple heart
acknowledges him
we have accountability in VA – he’s trimmed it by over 8000 employees
Combatting Opioid epidemic!!!
Purple Heart Veteran!
Opioid epidemic
ooverdose death declined first time in 30years
Dems want late term abortion
I asked Congress to Prohibit late term Abortions!!
Wild Cheers!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Dem party is the party of………..
Repubs are the party of……………..
and Lincoln
He loves Abraham Lincoln
the hat………………
Sacred Gift from God!
AWWW So sweet!!!
perfect meme
Family Dream
and Abraham Lincoln!
Can’t beat Abe when he wears that HAT!
Riffing on Biden
Easy to be Presidential unless Lincoln wears the hat
Riffing on Sleepy “where am I ” JOE!!!!
I did very good at the SOTU!!!!
WE’RE NEVER DUMPING YOU!!!! Awesome!!!!!!!!!!!
Would you stay if he shot somebody in the middle of 5th Ave?
Well it depends on why he shot em! LOL!!!!!
Railing about the swamp
Adam Schiff, corrupt
he will lie, get caught the next day, no shame
CNN interviews a group of women for Trump–if he shot someone on Fifth Avenue would you leave him? The woman: well, it depends on why he shot them……..
School choice
HUGE deal #1 issue with black mommas
Pay attention to this issue.
I think when the dust settles we will be gobsmacked by how much of the African American vote goes for PDJT.
217 brand new Federal Judges!
It’s a record. The Democrats are thrilled about that one.

192 Lifetime Judges!!!! $0-50 years!!! I have the record–Except for George Washington!!!
And we are going up!!!!
big deal
George Washington
Colorado’s own Neil Gorsuch
COLORADO’s own Neil Gorsuch!!!!
Colorado’s OWN!! NEIL GORSUCH!!!! Woohoo!!! Thanks Potheads!! (Just jokin with ya Steve!)
His mother worked for Reagan…and got embroiled in some big scandal. Every day the papers said “Gorsuch blah blah blah” on the front page.
Suddenly it was “Burford blah blah blah”
In the middle of that feeding frenzy, she got married!
Timing!!! Excellent!!! Haha Good story Steve!!!
Was in college and the Denver ComPost was reveling in it.
300 million to Ft Carson
Air force Academy
lot of them here
Schriever…and yes he pronounced it right, unlike half the people here.
The President is sharp tonight
completely on point
It’s like he can feel the boost from the Dem dumpster fire yesterday
I swear— I can see him recharging at rallies!!! Dragon Energy runs BOTH WAYS!!!!!!
Has he been speaking for an hour and a half?
Doesn’t seem like it does it?
He has not missed any subject or accomplishment – amazing – guy must be exhausted – did you see the list above?
Yes…………..he’s amazing, really.
You have to believe the Spirit is upon him – guiding him all the way – we are so blessed!
He’s hitting his stride, more than ever before!
He no longer needs the teleprompter – it is all in his head – from one subject to the next – rolls right out of his mouth!!!
I’m convinced of it duchess. And oh yes we are blessed!!!!!

God has answered our prayers – we prayed for so long for someone like him to come along – and repair was was broken – bring back what was stolen – and raise up a people devoted and thankful to God!
Yet… He is fresh and New Every Rally!!! Not a boring Stump at ALL!!!!! AMAZING!!!!!!!!!!!!!
He talked about being SPOILED!!! US TOO!!!!
No kidding. There will never be another like him.
( unless we can get Don Jr! )
More trade deals
I like Modi, we gotta talk a little business, they have big tariffs on us
6-10 million people
largest cricket stadium in the world
Funny, president riffs on the fct that our packed houses won’t be as big any more if there are 10 million people in India to come out
Man in the crowd says, “Build a bigger stadium”
Did you see video today where Indians were praying to their God Trump? Real life statue of him being anointed and prayed over, they love POTUS!
(Hear that place has a bit of THORIUM…)
Thorium – for what, Wolf?
Ooooooh! Superconductors?
Actually, that’s mostly other metals in the superconductors per se, but thorium does power a primarily electric economy. Thorium actually yields [nuclear] energy itself, like uranium, but it has many advantages:
– burns cleaner
– burns in old reactors OR newer safe ones
– harder to make weapons from it
– there is ten times as much
– all of it burns – not just a small percentage
– mines along with rare earths
– India and Japan have huge reserves
– provides enough energy for human society to reach fusion (IMO)
– allows the ‘electric economy” to take hold
India is already (and the Russians have the inside track here) using throrium as an adjunct fuel in fast breeder reactors
We understood this back in the 1970s before we got derailed by FAKE SCIENCE during the Carter Soviet dupe years, which effectively worked to let Russia buy our Uranium CHEAP.
Oh, yes – forgot about that – much better and cleaner than uranium – the element of the future – Thanks!
Just thought of something – that Uranium One Deal will be obsolete – Yes?
Largest Cricket Stadium!!!
10 Million!!! LOL He’s Never be gonna be satisfied!! LOL
BUILD A BIGGER STADIUM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! HA!!!!!!!!!
Trade deal with India! Get along with Modi!
PLANT our Flag ON MARS!!!!!
Laughing at his story of going to India and the PM tells him they will have ten million come to see him…………PDJT says only problem I’ll never be satisfied with a crowd this size again………..and someone shouts out BUILD A BIGGER STADIUM! So funny! Love PDJT. What a guy.
Melania has already send a letter to Modi thanking him for the invitation! What a gracious First Lady we have!
This is a big deal, Syl – a big win for President Trump – he will come home with a bag full of deals! He will negotiate lower tariffs – it will be second only to China – this will move China to do more – competition for the American market – imho
I think so, too. Melania is fabulous!!! I can’t wait to see what she wears over there. And yes, I expect he will do very well for us in India!

A soft-colored sari – or pants suit with flowing cover – whatever she decides – it will be CLASSY!
Has Melania ever worn ORANGE or PEACH colored attire?
Yes, I’ve seen her in orange.
Oh, ok – how about burnt orange? Did you see the pictures of the stadium – very colorful – think she will take her cue from those colors – maybe
She is really a genius at things like that!
Cannot wait – starts when she deplanes – and – she will be sending a message – and a compliment at the same time!
I’m going to have to check the schedule so I can watch or record it all………….I hate to miss any of it.
Calling WSB – need some help here!
2nd Amendment!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Send Marica to the moon (with a return ticket!)
LOL!!! Appreciate THe return Ticket—!!! LOL!!!! TO DA MOON!!!!! (Only when it’s Full! ) I want a Large landing strip! That crescent moon …is a bit scary!

Navy pilot…they land on very small strips.
Awesome!!! My best version of AOC!!!
Made in the USA!
We support and Defend the Constitution of the USA!!
law enforcement
we believe in the dignity of work and the sanctity of life
Respect the flag!!
Always respect our great American FLAG!!!!
and we live by the words of our national motto!!!
Colorado!!! Love our Cowboys and Ranchers …All Ya’ll!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Posted on the Open thread……
If interested
What does it say??????????????
“Prepare for the storm.”
HOLY SMOKES BATMAN!!!!! ( And Wheatie Warrior!!!)!!!!
Prepare for the storm?
“Prepare for the STORM”
Batteries for the camp lanterns.
Food in the freezer.
Will get the dog a new vial of insulin tomorrow.
Fresh bottle of…well….
There actually 3…..
so far
It’s a good one, too!!
Thanks, Rayzor!
YW all
In God We Trust!
We are taking back our country
returning power to the American people
winning winning winning
What she said…
Together, we will make America strong again,
We will make America wealthy again
We will make America proud again
We will make America safe again
And we will make America great again,
Greater than ever before!
New Slogan – YES WE WILL!!!
Safe travels home everyone!!!
(My house is a mess now….)
I thought ………..We were spending the night?

He’s kicking us out – cause we made a mess, Marica!
No – far worse – we were jumping on the furniture – screaming – slapping backs and missing – so excited we knocked things over – Steve will be cleaning up all day tomorrow!
Feathers and Popcorn do not go well together, Mimi
As long as there was no TAR ( or honey) involved!! We be fine!!!!
Oh – we kept it clean in that respect – just overzealous in our excitement – that’s all
Sorry I missed the pillow fights!!!
Steve isn’t into pillows – could not find any
He’s a tough cowboy!!! LOL!
Oh, ok – if you say so, Marica
It was a big mess for having ten people over.
You were five hundred.
On the other hand if it was ten and ten only Bernie people they’d have to condemn my house.
LOL – we could stay and help clean, Steve! We just got excited – could not refrain from celebrating – you know how we are at rallies!
Hey, no problem!!!
The lizard isn’t too traumatized.
Eeeeewwww – you have a lizard? I thought the screaming was excitement for the President – maybe, it was discovery instead
Naah, he’s a cutie.
Cute? Puppies and Babies are cute – Lizards – not so much – but, hey – that is just me
True story: Lady shows up at the pet shop looking for advice. She owns a bearded dragon; took it in temporarily because the owner’s husband (abusive jackass) threw it against the wall. So, while the owner found a person to take it, this lady had it.
She took it out of the cage to hold it one time and it snuggled right up and she fell in love with it, bought it herself. And she wasn’t a reptile person.
I’m gonna have to git me a dragon!
Oh, ok – I love pets, Steve – just some more than others – guess if I lived out west – i would not think they were unusual – but, I do not – I like hard-shelled crabs – but, I would not want one for a pet – know what I mean?
Beardies are actually from Australia. But they are basically Oz’s version of the horned “toad” which is actually a lizard.
Toads? You mean Democrats – don’t you?
Don’t be insulting horned toads…or even actual toads.
Nobody likes Democrats – wonder why?
Lower than whale shit.
And that’s at the bottom of the ocean.
The scum of the swamp – they are
No, the Dems are the cockroaches.
And rats
and biting red ants
and vipers
what else????
Oh, I hope they are not cockroaches – cannot get rid of them – plus they stick around for a long time – red ants are hideously annoying – vipers – getting closer to the devil there.
how about the dancing crabs?????
Nope – I like eating them – not watching them dance, Daughn! It’s a living by the ocean thing – much like lobsters – they are great to eat – but, there is a reason why they tie their claws before putting them in the tank!
Awwww cute! What kind?
Bearded dragon; please speak to Duchess01 since she can’t consider him cute.
It wouldn’t have been any pillows!!! More like freakn Bullets!! Can you believe Keith Ellison today? Being OWNED…by Steve Scalise?!!!!!!! AWESOME!!!
It was glorious.
Have you NOTICED the new level of “spunk” and swagger in the Repub party?
Since ShaMMMpeachment?
Game on, baby!!
SLooooooooooow Learners!!! But FINALLY!!!!!
Explanation Points!!!!! Well..(drops head) sometimes…me need dem!!! LOL!!!

But seriously 50 deplorables only made one person’s worth of mess apiece! My compliments to you all!
It’s Marica’s fault, she’s the messy one.
Yeah, I had to sweep all the explanation points up already.
DAMMIT, exclamation points!!!
LOL!!!!! I need that Gif of sweeping up exclamation POINTS!!! LOL!!! Hilarious!!!!
Last night?
Hay, everyone who needs to crash this night is welcome.
LOL!!! I couldn’t get there last night…Ya mind!! I’ll scooch away the popcorn and find a spot!!! LOL!!
Here have some bacon.
Yes Please!!!! I heard you bought out the city!!!

500 deplorables showing up…no one’s gonna complain about it being haram!
Dis crowd…..Loves Bacon!!!! So it was a good choice in food groups!!!
Keto friendly, unlike popcorn!
We are spending the night, right Steve?
He’s making bacon in the morning!
Awesome Daughn!!! Be my bunkmate darlin!! We can giggle the night away!! (About AB STODDARD AND CAVUTO!!

Does it smell like bacon?
Indeed it does!
we will make America Great Again
Thank you people of COLORADO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
music swells
MAGA !!!
The Best is Yet to Come!
That was awesome!

I wonder if AB Stoddard is sobbing into her pillow tonight?
She’s probably stabbing it and ripping it to threads.

I bet she is SO insulted that he called her a third rate journalist! HeHe!
She’s relieved, because in her heart she knows she’s fifth rate. Boy does she have Trump fooled! (NOT!!!)
AB Stoddard just got thrown off the cruise ship circuit.
Agent is calling her now.
Prepare for the Storm!
President Trump at his best tonight! All is WELL!
Great Rally again BTW
Trump people are camping out already for tomorrow’s rally in Vegas!
The guy in the brick suit is living my dream…….
When someone photoshopped that suit onto PDJT and asked what kind of message he might be trying to send, my response was “Melania is built like a brick house!”
And…they’re already lining up for the Las Vegas Rally!
We were synchronized!!!
Yes we were! Hah.

Can you imagine what the camping out will look like in INDIA>>>>>>????????????
Go to the Cathedral to hear a phenominal a cappella group, or stay home and watch a Trump rally….
Decisions, decisions.
Heheh…well you can watch a replay of the Trump Rally.

That may not be the case with the a cappella performance.
yeah, I know. It’s not like the group won’t be back next year. They have a regular rotation at the concerts.
Thank you all so much for contributing and letting us all know a little more about the gorgeous state of Colorado.
Note to AB Stoddard: Honey, you need to try a different Loreal dye color, cuz that shade of blond went out of style in 1975. Time to give it up.
We’re spending the night at Steve’s house and ONTO VEGAS IN THE MORNING!!!!!
*on to*
Personally I’m rather partial to darker hair, myself.
(I wish Fox would hire a brunette news reader…)
I mean, just for instance…
Um, I mean…
Never mind….
Sorry, Sylvia!
Two tone highlights are not too much to ask.
Thank you for giving AB a clue. I always thought her hair looked too brassy and dried out. Who cares now, though, cuz Trump just broke her
Night ya’ll!! I found Steve’s one..Pillow!!! that wasnt killed in the Pillow fight last night!!!
thanks all for the wonderful thread!!!
Daughn–you do amazing and informative threads!!!
Steve…I’d offer to help you clean up, but I wasn’t there…
not my circus, not my monkeys!
Thank you, Daughn, for the great potted travelogue of Colorado Springs. (I visited there shortly after the chapel was erected in the early 1960s. I still don’t know what to think about it.)
Great rally coverage as always, from you and the other great Q Treepers!
MAGA! KAG! 2020 — two scoops, two genders!