20200221: Dear KMAG Open Thread

Welcome to the Friday OPEN THREAD at the QTree! It’s the weekend and time to crack open a beer and put some steaks on the grill! Thank you for the Thursday hand-off TrumpIsMine. Thank you to Wolfie for keeping us all organized, up and running. What would we do without FLEP’s News Roundup to keep up? Thank you, Flep. Hat tip and a hearty thank you to Wheatie, Dep, BakoCarl, Michael, all contributors and the lurkers!

We don’t believe in political correctness at QTree. Free Speech is practiced here. ENJOY IT. Use it or lose it. This board will remain a REFUGE for those who need civility, either some or all of the time. Important Guidelines are outlined here in the January 1st open thread, with an addendum on 20191110. In other words, please keep it SOMEWHAT civil. We have a new board – actually a new SITE – called The U Tree – where people can take each other to the woodshed without fear of censorship or moderation.

  • What a week we’ve had in Trump time.
  • It was just last Friday we got the news of “No Charges against McCabe”, which sent us all into a fury.
  • We left Daytona on Sunday, before the horrible accident of Ryan Newman (prayers up).
  • The President came back to DC to proceed with more swamp draining (Get the feeling something is going on behind the scenes?)
  • Coming out of the NH primary, Bloomberg dwarfed Liz Warren/Pete/Biden/and Amy with his money and the Dems are eating each other alive.
  • Rich Grennell as Acting DNI!!!!!
  • Meanwhile, the President took off for the west coast to meet with Larry Ellison, Bakersfield Water Board, Prisoners graduating, and rallies in AZ, CO, and Vegas.
  • Now, the President is headed to India….. a full State visit.
Our President knows how to make an entrance. Here, he arrives in England. We can wait to see the Trump delegation arrive in India!

Does the President and the Administration seem a little different to you lately? With ShaMMMpeachment in the review mirror, the President’s approval numbers are up. Heck, the REPUBLICANS approval numbers are soaring. The resistance from the Repub side, which worked against Trump in 2016, has all but evaporated. Now, the Congressmen and Admin are traveling together, campaigning for each other. There will always be sniping (Mitt Romney), but there is definitely a new Espirit de Corps! It’s as though his foot is off the brake, the way the President always intended. Clock is ticking and there are GREAT THINGS yet to be done.

Great things…………… Hmmmm…………….. it’s been a while.

Our President is an impatient man and in these few months, we will could see extraordinary things which used to be commonplace in America. No doubt, Donald Trump is a big thinker, strategic, and “impossible” is his starting point. Funny, we used to ALL think that way as Americans. Can you imagine what would happen in the USA if 1%, or 5%, or 10%, of our population adopted the same mindset? Why can’t we?

Tesla, a man way ahead of his time, sits quietly, undisturbed, while electricity bounds around him.

Let’s face it, most people don’t have the same kind of far-reaching vision of a man like President Trump. We can’t imagine something until we see it. And when it happens, when we see it, everything changes.

1948, little boy in Germany sees a television for the first time. Look at the expression on his face.

Where does determination come from? What makes a man excel, despite all odds, and stand tall – against a storm of opposition? What is the source for such courage? Faith, grit, perseverance? We all have it, we need to use it, more.

Jessie Owens at the Berlin Olympics. We were so proud of him!

As Americans, we used to never quit. We’re defiant warriors. We used to ALL be that way. Nothing stopped us. When did “giving up” become an option? When did “managed decline” enter the American vocabulary? We voted for Trump because we LIKE the idea of WINNING

Man during the Great Depression, determined to find a job.

We didn’t complain when weather was bad. We didn’t use the weather to control governments, the world, our economy. And we didn’t turn bad weather into a substitute for religion by using bad modeling with questionable data sets in order to get a government grant. When did American start whining? We found a way to dig out, help neighbors, and go back to work. We didn’t have time to fight with each other.

Record snowfall in the Rockies in 1966, over 200 people lost their lives.

We did great things. As Americans, there was no reason we couldn’t.

Actual photo of the NYCSkyline in 1931 after the Empire State Bldg was completed. It dominated the skies as a symbol of what America could do.

And we took that “can-do” attitude from coast to coast, all across America.

1936, the building of the Golden Gate Bridge.

Yet today, the refurbishment of the Golden Gate Bridge is being done by a Chinese company. How did we let that happen? WHY would we let it happen? The Americans are the ones who innovate and build!

It took FOUR strong men from IBM to load a 5MB hard drive into a truck for transport – from 1956.

Sometimes, it took a few of us to come together to solve big problems…. to accomplish GREAT things, but we did it. Do you think this guys would have kicked someone off their team because of political affiliation? Of course not!!

NASA Engineers working on calculations in 1961.

We did our duty. We admire talent, wherever it comes from. After all, it takes ALL Americans to accomplish great things. It makes no sense to exclude people and make the USA weaker.

Jimmy Hendrix, playing in the Army band, 1962, Ft Campbell, KY

Because when America wins, we all win. We can save the world from tyrants. We can change the world with innovation. We can travel to the moon and explore the stars. There is no limit. We can do these kinds of things again, and President Donald Trump knows it. Deep down, we know it as well. Way back in our memory, we can remember what it feels like to be proud, walk tall, work hard, and stretch.

It’s why attending a Trump Rally feels so good.

Yet, we cannot be divided. We have to work together as Americans. No room for petty animosity. Do you suppose the media admonished these soldiers? Shamed people to curtail the celebration? Do you suppose teachers removed the American flags so as to …. “not offend anyone”?

American Soldiers aboard the QE2, coming home from WW2, as they entered New York Harbor.

“Q” has often said, “they want you divided”.

Who is “they”? Because that is the “they” we need to go after with all our might.

THAT is the “they”, which stands in the way, …….. of Great Things.

We’re headed higher, if we can work together, following the guy who has the vision to Keep America Great.

“Our movement is about replacing a failed and corrupt political establishment with a new government controlled by you, the American People.” Candidate Donald J Trump

Remember Wheatie’s Rules:

  1. No food fights.
  2. No running with scissors.
  3. If you bring snacks, bring enough for everyone.

See you all tomorrow morning at Wheatie’s treehouse!

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Rodney Short

Fascinating Open Thread Daughn, all that snow WOW…

Gail Combs

I remember snow like that in the finger lakes area of New York. I literally stepped OVER the telephone lines to go play in the field across the street. I had to use cross country skis to get around all winter or I would sink over my head in the snow.
My skis were like this but with a woven red strap not adjustable leather.comment imagecomment image

Brave and Free

I remember those days too Gail. The Finger lake’s were my stomping grounds growing up. Good times for sure.

Rodney Short

Wow what a memory Gail, thanks for sharing that.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy



Wolfie!! You took the words right outta my mouth.
Daughn, you rocked it on this one 🥰💖🇺🇸 Bravo!!

Rodney Short

I would love to see his smug smile get a lil adjustment from the Trump administration

Gail Combs

WHY isn’t that Mayor head for prison for harboring and shielding from detection illegal aliens???
(Note this is why the left HATES the use of the LEGAL TERM illegal alien.)
8 U.S. Code § 1324.Bringing in and harboring certain aliens

(a)Criminal penalties
……….(A)Any person who—
(iii)knowing or in reckless disregard of the fact that an alien has come to, entered, or remains in the United States in violation of law, conceals, harbors, or shields from detection, or attempts to conceal, harbor, or shield from detection, such alien in any place, including any building or any means of transportation;
(iv)encourages or induces an alien to come to, enter, or reside in the United States, knowing or in reckless disregard of the fact that such coming to, entry, or residence is or will be in violation of law; or
(I)engages in any conspiracy to commit any of the preceding acts, or
(II)aids or abets the commission of any of the preceding acts,
shall be punished as provided in subparagraph (B).
(B)A person who violates subparagraph (A) shall, for each alien in respect to whom such a violation occurs—
(ii)in the case of a violation of subparagraph (A)(ii), (iii), (iv), or (v)(II), be fined under title 18, imprisoned not more than 5 years, or both;
(iii)in the case of a violation of subparagraph (A)(i), (ii), (iii), (iv), or (v) during and in relation to which the person causes serious bodily injury (as defined in section 1365 of title 18) to, or places in jeopardy the life of, any person, be fined under title 18, imprisoned not more than 20 years, or both; and
(iv)in the case of a violation of subparagraph (A)(i), (ii), (iii), (iv), or (v) resulting in the death of any person, be punished by death or imprisoned for any term of years or for life, fined under title 18, or both…..

Rodney Short

I call em like I see them Gail, illegal aliens is the proper term.


Wonderful essay, Daughn!
*applause* 👏👏😀👍
Hear, hear! …And well very said!
And I really like putting the Date at the beginning of the Threat Title, the way you’ve been doing.
Since Wolfie hasn’t chastised you for it…I may start doing it too.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Who is this “Chas Tised” person, and is he a DEMOCRAT???!!! 😉


So…you’re okay with the change in title format?

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

From what I can tell, searches of all kinds are unaffected, and it moves the date closer to the beginning. That can’t really hurt.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

I would have to search on the entire title in parens for it to make a difference – very unlikely.


Now, if you’re not okay with it, I won’t make the change.
You can say so.
I just like the way it works in the sidebar listing, with the Date at the beginning.
That’s all.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

If it would throw off searches, like changing the date format to something totally different, I would bitch, but this sounds completely innocuous to me, so OK by me!


Okay. …Cool.
Speaking of sidebar…
I wonder if we could get Fle to shorten his titles?
They take up, like…a paragraph…on the sidebar.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

HA! Well, I think a lot of people like them, are used to them, or expect them, so I’ll abstain. BUT bear in mind that they don’t change the number of listed articles, AND they differentiate Flep’s pieces really nicely.


Ah…that’s true.
Oh well.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

If you’re searching topics in old posts, it’s a good way to get stuff, too!


I wouldn’t call it “wrong”.
Just a change in format…from the way that Wolfie did them.


Don’t be!
I like the change. 😀👍

Gail Combs

With things starting to move at warp speed, having the date easy to find is a very big plus.


Daughn, I agree with Wheatie about your essay. She took the words right out of my mouth. And I think it’s helpful to have the date at the top.

Plain Jane

H/T iotwreport…..This is a quite funny review of the Dem Debate. (Caution, language, well sort of)
At Diogenes’ Middle Finger


“I knew it was going to be serious, Bernie combed his hair.”
bwahahahahahahaha…my favorite line!
thanks to you and iotwreport for posting!!!

Plain Jane

That was a hysterical line.


and he’s always yelling!comment image

Plain Jane



how you doin’?

Plain Jane

My peeps say I’m going to kick butt. Just wish every step wasn’t so painful, but maybe I can work off someone’s or my purgatory. LOL


i pray for you every day Jane!!!
I wish I could help you kick ass…


Need a side by side of Biden and Walter
(Walter = Jeff Dunham’s dummy)


LOL…I’ll go looking


here ya go…comment image



Cuppa Covfefe

Oh goodness, that site and the comments are hilarious… Thanks for the link/tip…
Looks like Don the Lemonhead has some sort of (odd) competition:

Cuppa Covfefe

And a great line from another post:

Julius Caesar is purported to have said “alea iacta est” (translation: The die is cast.) when his armies crossed the Rubicon river. (The only living witness to this is Brian Williams, so we have to take his word for it.)

Plain Jane

Diogenes’ site is pretty funny. LOL

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Elizabeth Carter posted this at the tail end of yesterday – I think everybody should see it. George Webb has me convinced that they RAILROADED Roger Stone.


Hmm…did Stone’s defense lawyers do a bad job of defending him?

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

That is a great question. My first thought is that ABJ screwed him somehow, but it could be just like Flynn, where the SWAMP covered all the bases.


Well, they should’ve been screaming about that ‘gag order’ all along!
The fact that they didn’t makes me give them the side eye.
And now there’s this…that Webb is talking about.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

GREAT point. Although Stone may have made it easy for them with his behavior which drew the gag order.
I cannot rule out that he trapped them into this. He’s been fighting commies a long time. He may have committed totally to taking them down – by giving them an opportunity to frame him that he knew they could not pass up.


The whole persecution of Stone has been so over-the-top.
That before dawn raid at his house, with the CNN crew!
WTF was that?!
Putting him in shackles to parade him in front of the media crowd.
Shackles…not just handcuffs…shackles!
The whole thing has just been outrageous.
They did it to trigger Pres Trump into doing something stupid.
But he didn’t take the bait!
I hope Roger Stone sues the pants off of all those who did this to him!

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Yes, I agree – they tried desperately to get Trump to take the bait – over and over and over again.
This is why it was just so outragreous to watch McCabe getting off. I cooled down, but the way it happened was thinking that – OMG – he had to have talked and cooperated. But then discovering that he didn’t make a deal! I though – no WAY! But yes way. However, once I heard that disgraced crook James Baker interceded and called off the investigators, THAT was when I knew it was all over for the Swamp. That CANNOT STAND.


Running a fever can dissolve our patience and make it difficult to be calm & think things through.
You were fighting off a cold when that hit us…and probably feverous.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Yup – this is true!!!

Deplorable Patriot

I’m still not convinced the inner circle didn’t agree to be targets to expose the rot and it was just their tough luck. Too variables went exactly the right way for these convictions and string alongs.


Want to thank Elizabeth Carter for posting George Webb and also Wolfie for reposting today. Which reminds me to just point out that the earlier in the day important things like this can be posted, the more will see them. Realize that is not always possible for many reasons.

Gail Combs

What’s with the Steve Bannon and Rick Gates setting up Roger Stone (& POTUS) talk?

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

That part sounds like “overshoot conspiracy” to try to create a POTUS-Bannon rift.

Deplorable Patriot

Yes. Agreed. I listened to this while I was making dinner last night. And this popped into my Twitter feed this morning:


Halfway through – very interesting comment about the Warren-Bloomie dustup in the debate

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

WOW. I think so!!!


Petrie gonna petrie. They should not let anyone from that boat leave quarantine before 21 days!!


I agree, Butterfly!
Everyone on that cruise ship should remain in quarantine, for the full time!
It seems like they haven’t really nailed down the ‘incubation period’ yet.
Is it 14 days…or 21 days?
Better to err on the side of caution at this point.


21 Days sounds good.
Meanwhile the passengers brought to Omaha arrived in Omaha already suspected of having the virus while still in Japan. They were among 300 Diamond Princess passengers flown on two separate planes into Travis AFB, CA. and Lackland AFB, Tx. where the non infected passengers disembarked under quarantine conditions before the planes then continued on to Omaha with the passengers suspected of infection.
The passengers not sent to Omaha are still undergoing a 14 day quarantine at Travis and Lackland.
The passengers arrived on special 747’s that were stripped of the over head compartments and ceiling to accommodate a large assembled plastic bio containment cell. The cell as you will see in the video below had no oxygen lines going into it so I would assume it had a separate air system or why bother with the containment cell. Any way, the vid might explain better than me.


Meanwhile there have been local reports concerning the passengers that were put into quarantine at Lackland, where some of them have been allowed to visit local hospitals for other routine medical treatments which would mean (with out knowing more about how they were allowed to do this) that they’ve been allowed to violate their quarantine.
One thing I’ve noticed is that the base commander most not like this situation as there is a very good hospital on Lackland AFB that he won’t let these passengers in and is instead sending them off base for treatments. However that might just be a money game as normally only authorized military or military sponsored people ever get to us a military facility like a hospital.


…*must not…

Gail Combs

Actually it is 24 days!
And that is from the last possible contact with the virus.


FWIW, the Kalita aircraft was a 747 freighter. Overhead bins not part of the freighter configuration. Top area can be configured to carry passengers, containers and OR odd size cargo. Latter the modified 20′ TEU like container. Lower cargo hold all containers normally.


Peanut gallery suggest 25 days. IIRC, 24 days is the outlier for Corona transmission.

Concerned Virginian

Butterfly —
The 14 people in Omaha had to have been taken to the BSL-4 Biocontainment Unit of the Tower Hospital (the Ebola virus / other deadly infectious disease treatment unit there). This unit has only TEN beds. This would necessarily mean that in order to keep ALL 14 persons in the same facility, that Tower would have to convert 4 close-by hospital rooms into BSL-4 Biocontainment Units. ** Perhaps this is the reason behind the “time lag” between when the U.S. government became dissatisfied with how the Japanese government was handling the “onboard ship Quarantine” at the Diamond Princess — and the 747’s arriving to evacuate them plus the other Americans?
Questions now:
WHY were the 14 taken to the Omaha BSL-4 facility instead of to a regular U.S hospital, or to one that has a lower-level isolation unit?
WHY is there an apparent news blackout on these people?
It now appears that OTHER Americans from the Diamond Princess evacuation are starting to test positive for the virus — does this mean that THEY now transfer to a BSL-4 facility, ;like the one at EMORY UNIVERSITY hospital, or the one at the NIH in Maryland?


And they continue to not show up on the US count of infected.


Johns Hopkins now showing 11 infected in Omaha…. with latest update being at 8:33pm.


Late night tweets from our VSG.

“She should never have been on that jury. Everything about this stinks.”
@JudgeJeanine @seanhannity @FoxNews
[note: he was quoting Judge Jeanine]
Great Rally In Colorado. Thank you, will be back soon!
Thank you to our great US Ambassador to Germany, @RichardGrenell, for stepping in to serve as acting DNI. I will be nominating a terrific candidate for the job very soon. Stay tuned!


Just a thought on Grenell before I pop off to sleep. I’m assuming that IG Atkinson works directly for the DNI as the Intelligence Community Inspector General. Maybe Grenell will have him relocate his office to the latrine.


Or send him off to Alaska to count paperclips!

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Combine the two.
Send him to Alaska to clean latrines.


Thule to count paperclips in latrines.


Yes, but IG’s are not mere accountants. Send him your bent paper clips to straighten out and trust that Grenell will send them with him to Thule at Atkinson’s new office in the latrine, which I hear is an unheated out house around back.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

“Will be back soon!”
Good, I might have another shot at photographing Air Force One in flight.


I heard Matt Gaetz went into the Port-a-potty called “The View” yesterday.
Soon as I heard that I was all, “Good Lord it’s gonna be a massacre!”
Annnnnnd…. it was.
Inviting Matt Gaetz, of all people, into their lunatic asylum is proof positive of how utterly stupid those disgusting women truly are.


Interesting about the ex pope.
Eye opening

Deplorable Patriot

This one will eventually get trounced…after confusion is sown for at least a generation.
No, Catholics are not to be Freemasons. The smarter ones who try out the lodge realize it and walk away from the degrees and “fraternal organization” and back to the Mother Ship.


Gosh, all this time I’ve been under the impression my Freemason father was an honorable, generous, service-oriented man. He belonged to this “fraternal organization” for his entire adult life and I never saw any signs of satanism…must have been brainwashed.


Guess they weren’t the smart ones, Daughn.

Gail Combs

My Dad was a Mason and studied to be a Lutheran minister. Mom was Eastern Star. A very good friend was knighted in Scotland within the Masons.
ALL of these people were very much NOT EVIL. It makes me wonder if the Masons have gotten tarred by our common enemies. (Keep the people divided.)
Remember the Freemasons trace back to the organised groups of stonemasons. Because they held the secrets of how to BUILD, they were free from the Aristocracy unlike so many other people. We know the Aristocracy/Banksters have a LONG memory and a major vindictive streak. Think of their wiping out the entire family of the Tzar of Russia for interfering with their planned retaking of the USA after the Civil War.
I take all the info on the Masons with a large grain of salt.
ALSO the Roman Catholic Church aka The Holy Roman Empire ‘ruled’ Europe for a thousand years. They were very much aligned with the Aristocracy so would NOT be happy with the Freemasons who thwarted control by the Aristocracy.
The French Revolution lasted from 1789 until 1799. The Holy Roman Empire, after existing for a thousand years, was dissolved on 6 August 1806, after its defeat by Napoleon at the Battle of Austerlitz. The Napoleonic Wars, involving most of Europe, was from 1803 to 1815. Defeating Napoleon, the European aristocracy managed to hold onto their way of life by the skin of their teeth.
A year later after the end of the Napoleonic Wars in 1816 Ludwig von Westphalen was transferred to Trier where he met and befriended Heinrich Marx, the father of Karl Marx. Now why would a well connected nobleman befriend a Jewish businessman/lawyer?
Perhaps because Heinrich Marx, wife’s first cousin married Nathan Rothschild, founder of the British branch of the Rothschild banking dynasty?
Ludwig von Westphalen was the youngest son of Baron Christian Philip Heinrich von Westphalen the de facto “chief of staff” to Duke Ferdinand during the Seven Years’ War (1756 – 1763.) So he was well connected with the aristocracy. (Duke Ferdinand was aligned with Britain against France.)

Deplorable Patriot

It’s not so much satanism as it is contrary to theology.


That is always the dilemma. Probably everyone here has someone in their life who is good and decent and also connected to Freemasonry. If you research it, what goes on at the upper levels is not good (to put it mildly). It is thought that those in the lower ranks are not aware of it, though some of the oaths they take are questionable. The motives of all the good people we know are not in question; it is the motives of those pulling the strings that have to be examined.

Gail Combs

As I tried to say above a PSYOPs by those who are truly evil?
Look at how they are trying to project THEIR NASTY ACTIONS on to President Trump. Were the Satanists more successful in deflecting the blame onto the Freemasons?
The Protocols of the Elders of Zion is an example of the blame-casting that was unmasked.


Even higher up, or those who originated it all.
I am in no way impugning the characters of your family members, whom I of course don’t know. I am only saying that there is more to Freemasonry than a lot of people are aware of, even some who are a part of it. Many Protestant denominations, in addition to the Catholic Church, have prohibited it for a number of reasons, some of which are listere here. https://www.thegospelcoalition.org/article/the-faqs-is-freemasonry-compatible-with-christianity/ Some people don’t think these things are significant as long as their intentions are pure. To each his own.

Cuppa Covfefe

Look up the meaning of Jahbulon. Suggest anything by Pike. Much of the REAL doctrine is hidden from the “proletariat”.
Die Freimaurer are a dangerous organization indeed, and the god they worship (Jahbulon) is NOT GOD.
Sorry if that ruffles feathers, but which is more important: the World, or one’s immortal soul and all eternity…
http://www.cuttingedge.org has a number of articles from a Biblical and research standpoint on it. Mormonism is similar (and related). “Oh, but they’re such nice people”. And many of them are, fully unaware of what the upper levels of their religion stand for.
The same is true of Scientology. The “fresh meat”, “wogs”, “pre-clears” have no idea of what the “OT Levels” comprise. Nor did Tom Cruise or Jon Travolta (or Lisa McPherson) before they set foot on “Fair Winds” to pursue OT4 and above… “Clear the Planet” and RRPF if you don’t.
EST, “The Forum”, “Science of Mind” and other “self-help” or “charitable endeavours” follow a similar path, all based on “the power of ME”…
I haven’t journied in the East, but I’ve journied in enough of these other organizations to know what they stand for, and from whence their power/appeal comes.
Acts 4:8-12:

8 Then Peter, filled with the Holy Ghost, said unto them, Ye rulers of the people, and elders of Israel,
9 If we this day be examined of the good deed done to the impotent man, by what means he is made whole;
10 Be it known unto you all, and to all the people of Israel, that by the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, whom ye crucified, whom God raised from the dead, even by him doth this man stand here before you whole.
11 This is the stone which was set at nought of you builders, which is become the head of the corner.
12 Neither is there salvation in any other: for there is none other name under heaven given among men, whereby we must be saved.

I can only quote (and say) in this regard Joshua 24:15:

15 And if it seem evil unto you to serve the Lord, choose you this day whom ye will serve; whether the gods which your fathers served that were on the other side of the flood, or the gods of the Amorites, in whose land ye dwell: but as for me and my house, we will serve the Lord.

Cuppa Covfefe

Good info. These Scriptures also come to mind:
Acts 4:12 – Neither is there salvation in any other: for there is none other name under heaven given among men, whereby we must be saved.
John 14:6 – Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me.
Psalm 20:7 – Some trust in chariots, and some in horses: but we will remember the name of the Lord our God.

Gail Combs

AND they completely MISS
General Flynn’s pick Ezra Cohen Watnick
If Q is referencing Ezra Cohen Watnick… — John Doe (@Truth_inContext) July 22, 2019

Ezra was brought in to the NSC by gen. Michael Flynn- At one time POTUS intervened into McMaster trying to fire Ezra in exchange for Linda Weissgold, the author of the infamous Benghazi talking points Having been trained at Camp Peary by CIA he served with DIA & ONI ….
Ezra was brought in to the NSC by gen. Michael Flynn- At one time POTUS intervened into McMaster trying to fire Ezra in exchange for Linda Weissgold, the author of the infamous Benghazi talking points Having been trained at Camp Peary by CIA he served with DIA & ONI….
Ezra really broke open the abuse of the “unmasking” requests that have been centered around FISA abuse & Samantha Power since 2016. It seems much that was within the OIG report that led to firings/demotions of Mueller team were uncovered by Ezra
A close confidant of Flynn & someone who is not well liked within the elite circles of intelligence, Cohen-Watnick has provided an up close & personal perspective on what a “white-hat” truly is or a “stealth bomber”, if you will.
He is central to knowing what was actually going on in 2016….

Ezra finally ended up as the national security adviser to United States Attorney General Jeff Sessions.
But there is ANOTHER General Flynn pick a certain Derek Harvey. He has been on Nunes’ staff since September 2017. A compatriot of Ezra Cohen-Watnick, Harvey, like Ezra was fired by H. R. McMaster in late July 2017.
Harvey is a longtime intelligence analyst who had been close to General Flynn. A Ret. Army Col., Harvey is a Senior Executive Service-member of the Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA).
DIA is a national-level intelligence organization that does not belong to a single military element or the traditional chain of command, instead answering to the Secretary of Defense directly through the USDI.

Gail Combs

Sorry for the double copy.
I really hate the copy function of my word program. It glitches all the time no matter what I do.


Repetition helps slow folk like myself. 😉


It’s Groundhog Day.


It’s Groundhog Day.


Thanks for this, Gail…we tend to forget the quiet ones….and that’s probably a good thing.


McMaster is deep swamp but was used to expose other swampies.
Imo he,like others, was given his position to trick the swamp into thinking they had Potus boxed in. This was a mistake on their behalf


Thread above is Draw & Strike – Brian Cates
Money quote:
“How long until people figure out @RichardGrenell was intimately involved in uncovering/investigating all that theft of US foreign aid in Ukraine while he was supposedly just minding his own business as Germany’s ambassador? 🤔


He he . Things are getting lit

Cuppa Covfefe

Yep. I have a feeling Grenell has lit a fire under the NAZIs v2.0 and Eurocrats that will burn like a coal-seam fire or tire fire that cannot be put out by conventional deep-state methods; indeed, at all.
Our latest False Flag, in Hanau, involves a TRUE nutcase, who is being characterized as an ultra-right wing NAZI (contratiction in terms) terrorist; yet the eight Moslems (refauxgees) who REPEATEDLY gang-raped a young woman in Freiburg are considered “lone wolves”, not terrorists, not racist (despite what they said and how they treated her), and those who are not being quietly let off are routed into the Psych wards, only to be let go in six months to a year, to repeat their crimes.
And the probably MK-ultra-altered perp, will have to face charges, as competent to do so (i.e. “no nutcase for you”) as he’s German, and his targets weren’t…
Inverted/perverted justice. Coming to a Western Country near you…


It’s too


40 such mobile “ #Trash & Animal carcass” cinerators sent to #Wuhan, each has a capacity to process 5 tons of “trash and animal carcasses “ daily. What is really got burned and how many? 40台移动动物尸体处理方舱开进 #武汉,每每天可处理5吨……到底死了多少人?!#COVID_2019 pic.twitter.com/6oPdNSjWwB
— 曾錚 Jennifer Zeng (@jenniferatntd) February 18, 2020


Unless Comey is a really deeply embedded white hat. Then his random tweeters about the corn being ready for harvest make sense. All those investigations and investigation units waiting to trigger . So much really big swamp money disrupted.


Auschwitz comes to mind.
China has as little respect for human life as the Nazis, Marxists and the Democrats.

Concerned Virginian

The answer lies in the videos from Wuhan showing 30-story apartment buildings that were welded shut with their inhabitants inside — at night, there are NO lights in the windows except for a very few.
My opinion:
The Wuhan government has opened these buildings and the DEAD are being removed for incineration.


Where are the climatechange nutters on this?

Cuppa Covfefe

Yep. Seems like the 2.5 µm crowd (ma and particulates) would be all over this…
Especially James Hansen and his coal death trains…

Cuppa Covfefe

Interesting. Wurst Press replaced µ (mu) (a “u” with a long descender on the left) with “a”. 2.5 micron particulate scam perpetrated by the Øbozo EPA…

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Barnes Law has some dirt on Holder that I didn’t realize we had.


Paul Sperry hit a nerve.
Holder is used to shutting people up by accusing them of being “racist”.
But that doesn’t apply here.
And in typical Alinsky-ite form…he accuses Sperry of ‘using the justice system for political reasons’.
Which is *exactly* what Holder did!

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

The CHUTZPAH – it BURNS!!! 😀 LOL!!!

Deplorable Patriot

Just add them to the pile. Wow that man has no scruples.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy
Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Don’t forget the connections between LYNCH and Holder’s wife – SORORITY SISTERS.
That comes up in this long THREAD about Holder being tied to the entire Hillary exoneration.

Threadreader version HERE:


This was an excellent thread, Wolf!
Your theorem about “Inappropriate Inaction” is spot on!

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Thanks! I had forgotten all about that one! Surprised it’s still there!!!


you’re so right about socialism not wanting to solve problems–more failure requires more government intervention–more government dependence.


Communist Rule #2
Never let a crisis go to waste.
Communist Rule #1
Create the conditions for a crisis.
What this means is….
Sow the conditions for a crisis to manifest itself and THEN claim to be the one who can solve it. “If you just give me the power to correct this issue, I promise that blah blah blah.”

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

The worse, the better.

—Vladimir Ilyich Ulyanov, better known to history as Vladimir Ilyich Lenin


In the post, it should be noted that Tesla was calmly reading in a paper book. If he’d been reading a Kindle, both he and the device might get fried.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

It wasn’t called a Kindle for nothing.


When I first heard about the Kindle, I thought it was the coolest thing.
Then I realized what a powerful tool it is for erasing history. Digital books can be changed without anyone knowing.
I have an old Dictionary in book form. Looking at definitions from 40 yrs ago and comparing them to definitions in today’s dictionary.com is a real eye opener.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

It is entirely natural for words to change meaning over time.
The word “silly” once meant “sacred.” It went through a number of slight shifts and now means, well…silly.
Nevertheless, 40 years of changes, particularly with the written word to be around as a reminder of what the word means, shouldn’t be THAT much.
(And your point about the kindle being revisable in a way that printed books aren’t, is a damned good one.)


Can’t have people using actual Cash to pay for things.
Oh nooo…that would be bad!


we always pay with cash…if we don’t have it in hand, we don’t spend it…we’re goofy that way.

Gail Combs

Same here. Cut up the credit cards long ago except for one used to buy on line.


Alex Salvi interviews Kaitlin Bennett about the violent mob attack she experienced at Ohio University.

I asked @KaitMarieox why she was at Ohio University–the campus where protests against her turned violent:
“Quickly after people learned I was there it only took about I would say 30 minutes for hundreds of students to form and then they started throwing stuff at my head.”
I asked @KaitMarieox if there was any specific interaction that prompted the escalation of tensions:
“Twitter lies about me and people lie about my beliefs and the things I say … Those people believe it. They hate me and did that because Twitter told them to.”
I asked @KaitMarieox about her work for the controversial outlet InfoWars and now gun rights advocacy:
“I’m a capitalist … I love looking at the opportunities I’m presented with and going full force with them … I closed some doors in the past and I let other ones open.”
I asked @KaitMarieox about the support she’s received since the viral encounter:
“Sometimes it seems like the hate outweighs the support. But I know that for every single person that watches this, one person agrees there’s 10 others behind them that disagrees with violence.”
I asked @KaitMarieox about the racist remarks her colleague @Joelpatrick1776 faced during the protest:
“A lot of people were actually really mad at him for even being there with me. People accused him of being paid to wear Trump attire, being paid to have conservative opinions.”


She is lucky that this hasn’t happened… https://twitter.com/katybarsdoor/status/1230861834485477378?s=20

Gail Combs

Facing twenty years in JAIL for using your first and 2nd amendment?
Being labeled a TERRORIST based on some liberal feminist student getting ‘micro-triggered?

Gail Combs

This is the actual article linked in the tweet
Michigan college student posts picture of his new rifle, ends up charged with felony ‘making terroristic threats’

….Lucas was denied bond, and spent 83 days in the Chippewa County Jail (with 4 others charged with the same code and 12 others some of whom were career criminals). He was finally released on $200,000 bond and tethered. He was remanded to the custody of his father and essentially under house arrest on November 13.
The bond provisions, which are fairly withering for a 20 year old young man, also stipulated that Lucas have no contact with the internet, including smartphones, and cannot leave the home unless going to a doctor’s appointment or legal appointment. All weapons and ammunition, including Col. Gerhard’s Mameluke sword, were required to be removed from the home as well….
The Michigan statute for terroristic threats states: “(2) It is not a defense to a prosecution under this section that the defendant did not have the intent or capability of committing the act of terrorism.
[I]n other words, intent cannot be used as a defense against these charges. The statute is unnecessarily broad, according to one of his attorneys…..



Tennessee just executed a monster that justly deserved it. Recent Fake News articles got all whiny about how he was “forced” to choose electrocution over lethal injection because he was afear’d of all the horror stories about lethal injection.
If you’ll excuse my dragging out my hobbyhorse…..nitrogen asphyxiation.
Nitrogen is about 3/4 of natural air in the first place — if it had a color or odor, you’d be looking at it and smelling it now. It is widely used in semiconductor processing to purge reaction chambers. Accordingly, Silicon Valley has nitrogen pipelines running all over the place, just like most places have water and sewer. And, as with any utility running everywhere, there have been industrial accidents — which I’ve been reading about in the local news since 1985. First symptom — you slump to the floor; second symptom — you die.
As it turns out, nearly all the normal symptoms of asphyxiation are a result of CO2 buildup. That’s what causes anxiety, panting, sweating, and panic. In an atmosphere of N3, there is no CO2 buildup — you exhale it normally and it goes away from you. There is nothing to notice as your blood oxygen level is depleted. It decreases faster than you might suspect because the partial pressure of gases in your lungs causes you to actually exhale oxygen while breathing normally.
People have been revived from partial asphyxiations. So far as they can recall, everything was fine….until they woke up being revived. No pain, no symptoms, no mental anguish, just *boink*.
Supposedly humane animal shelters have used decompression, carbon dioxide, and carbon monoxide for surplus animals. Each has horrific side effects that nitrogen asphyxiation bypasses.
If I had a long-time pet with a condition that required euthanasia, the best possible situation I could imagine would allow me to enter into a chamber with a breathing mask, then play with and cuddle my buddy as the atmosphere went totally nitrogen. I read about Florida and their iguana problem, and people hacking at them with garden tools — a box of nitrogen would be far more efficient and ethical. Prisoners on death row should have the option of a method that is painless. Should I ever get to the point where I decided to retire from this planet, this would be my method of choice.
Someone might invent another method that is even less stressful some day. I’d be interested in hearing about it.
But, right now, I’d like for every state to include nitrogen asphyxiation into their execution methods so we don’t have to read stupid sob-stories about lethal injection or electrocution for monsters.


OTOH some of those really deserve a miserable exit


There are a whole bunch who I wouldn’t mind seeing fed into an industrial shredder…..but if the sentence reads “death” and the relevant statutes determine “painless”, I think it’s totally stupid to do anything but nitrogen asphyxiation.
Like I said, if my best buddy had to be put down, it’s the method I would choose. How dare a convicted murderer claim more privilege than I’d give a treasured companion?


Oklahoma lawmakers are trying to pass a bill to name a stretch of Highway after Pres Trump.
———- From the article:
OKLAHOMA CITY (KFOR) – A proposed bill that would name a stretch of highway in Oklahoma after President Donald Trump is moving ahead.
Senators Nathan Dahm, R-Broken Arrow, and Marty Guinn, R-Claremore, want to rename a 20-mile stretch of Highway 287 in the Panhandle from Boise City to the Oklahoma-Texas state line as the “President Donald J. Trump Highway.”
The bill passed a Senate committee on Tuesday.
——————- End quote.
I hope this video posts. My apologies if it doesn’t.


40 Days For Life annual Lenten prayer campaign will begin soon.
See Website for Locations: https://www.40daysforlife.com/
Twitter – *


One year when I prayed with this group – Alveda King came by and encouraged and prayed with us.
She is the real thing! And a good friend of President Trump!


Verse of the Day

“Watch ye and pray, lest ye enter into temptation. The spirit truly is ready, but the flesh is weak.”
Mark 14:38 (KJV)


comment image


Thank You, Jesus, for blessings received and prayers answered!


Jesus Loves Babies…Pray for the Unborncomment image
Jesus Loves the Little Children – Pray for the Little Childrencomment image
Jesus Loves You – Come to Himcomment image


Good Morning Duchess!
Have a truly Blessed Day!


Hi, Pat – Oh, you, too – Keep warm and toasty – Mkay? God Bless You!!!


HUGS Dear!!!


* Hugs Back *


we’re looking at a sunny weekend–can you believe it? LOL


Yes! We have sunshine now – dunno if it is going to last – but – it sure helps – it is currently 16 here – so I am very grateful!!!


we are looking at possibly 3 days of it! I am psyched!
then next week is gloomy and rain/snow…but 2 whole days!!! YAY


Enjoy it while you have it – have not checked what is in store here – just smiling at the sun!


I am going out later to chop at the ice on the deck–still an inch thick–but at least I’m in the sun!


Be careful – Can’t like ice – will be with us until the end of March – oh, my!


yeah…snow melts, but dang it the ice holds on forever!


Unfortunately, yes!




Happy Flutterby Friday! * Smiling *




Heheh…yep, our Honey Badger in Chief hit ole Neal Cavuto pretty good last night.

Text of tweet from Catturd:
Good morning to everyone except snide, bitter Never-trumpers at Fox News who think they can attack Trump 24/7 and not have the Honey Badger hit back 10 times harder.
How does that feel, losers?


President Trump Announces Advisory Board to Expose Research Using Aborted Baby Parts
The Trump administration took another step to defend unborn babies Wednesday when it announced the formation of a new ethics board to look into the use of aborted baby body parts in government-funded research.
The new National Institutes of Health (NIH) Human Fetal Tissue Research Ethics Advisory Board is one of several ways the Trump administration has been working to end the unethical practice of using aborted baby body parts in taxpayer-funded scientific research.


Well this sounds like a good thing…
I had heard about George Nader getting indicted…but I didn’t know it was a part of a bigger sting.

Bill Barr Indicts 8 For Illegally Funneling Foreign Money To Adam Schiff And Multiple Dem Senators
………….. End text.
From the article referenced in the tweet:
Bill Barr just dropped the hammer on the hypocritical Democrats and this wound will take years to heal.
Bill Barr just broke up a massive scheme to illegally funnel foreign money into darn near every Democratic political candidate and organization.
The list of the Dem organizations taking this illegal money is astounding – almost every Dem state organization and many super PAC’s including the big one Priorities USA.
All of the leading names in the Democratic party took in this money including Adam Schiff and Ted Lieu, Jon Tester, Cory Booker, Hillary Clinton, etc.
A real rogues gallery if ever there was.
To add insult to Adam Schiff’s injury, one of those charged is George Nader a key witness in the Mueller investigation.
Nader is a convicted child molester. Nader works as a straw man for the middle east sheiks and it is clear now he was to influence certain members of Trump’s team as well as the entire Democratic party establishment.
……………. End quote.
The article’s source is this from the Justice Department:
From the DOJ Release:
A federal grand jury in the District of Columbia indicted Ahmad “Andy” Khawaja, 48, of Los Angeles, California, on Nov. 7, 2019, along with George Nader, Roy Boulos, Rudy Dekermenjian, Mohammad “Moe” Diab, Rani El-Saadi, Stevan Hill and Thayne Whipple.
The 53 count indictment charges Khawaja with two counts of conspiracy, three counts of making conduit contributions, three counts of causing excessive contributions, 13 counts of making false statements, 13 counts of causing false records to be filed, and one count of obstruction of a federal grand jury investigation.
Nader is charged with conspiring with Khawaja to make conduit campaign contributions, and related offenses. Boulos, Dekermenjian, Diab, El-Saadi, Hill, and Whipple are charged with conspiring with Khawaja and each other to make conduit campaign contributions and conceal excessive contributions, and related offenses.


Would be funny, to me anyway if some of that foreign money came from Russia. The irony would be LOLF.




Isn’t this the guy that promised compromising pix of Schiff and did not follow through?????

Deplorable Patriot

Educating the public.

Deplorable Patriot

The one and only time I was on a jury, there was a cop in the pool. He was eliminated almost immediately. A friend who is a lawyer told me they weren’t allowed.
And then when I was telling her about the experience and what happened in the jury room, I told her we went around the room to say what we thought. I said, I don’t know what really happened, but we didn’t see it in that courtroom. And my friend came back with, You’re too smart to be a juror, how did you slip through.
That told me a lot.

Deplorable Patriot

My friend told me lawyers weren’t allowed. I don’t know if that is really true or not.


So glad you brought this up Daughn. I thought the same thing about this lawyer being allowed to be on the jury. Of course they would lead the rest of the jury. One would think that would be disqualifying. The fact that she was on 4 juries is really suspect. I was selected for 1 so far that actually went to trial in a big city, probably 25 years ago, and summoned again for a local county court maybe 8 years ago, but it never went to trial. So the fact that all 4 of those cases actually went to trial, is also suspect. Definitely something stinky going on here.



Also Tradical – tweeted and retweeted this.

There be many serpents, dragons hiding amongst even the uber-observant religious professing Christians.
I’ve seen them all my life.
Psalm 118:8


POTUS is considering Doug Collins for permanent director of DNI


Collins is a reformer – and the Intel Cabal Community sure does need reforming.


Collins bio: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Doug_Collins_(politician)
As a Navy chaplain – we know Collins does fear GOD – and that will be a critical factor in reforming our National Intelligence Operations.


He is not interested and will concentrate on running for Senate


hahahahahaha…ICE “violates” CA law (they can’t arrest illegals with detainers in state courthouses)–arrests them anyway…FEDERAL law TRUMPS state law…
U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) agents reportedly violated a California state law that prohibits immigration officers from arresting undocumented immigrants without a judicial warrant on Tuesday, according to the Associated Press.
Two people were arrested in the Sonoma County Superior Court in Northern California, one of whom was supposedly awaiting a hearing. This goes directly against Assembly Bill No.668, the law that Democratic Governor Gavin Newsom signed in October 2019.
The bill reiterates California’s power to regulate what occurs on state courthouse grounds, and fundamentally declares that “A person shall not be subject to civil arrest in a courthouse while attending a court proceeding or having legal business in the courthouse.”
Only the presence of a valid judicial warrant would allow officers — either ICE or other law enforcement — to arrest someone awaiting hearings in California.
ICE justified the arrests by saying that California’s law does not supersede federal law, which still grants immigration enforcement officers authority to arrest “removable aliens inside the United States.”
“Our officers will not have their hands tied by sanctuary rules when enforcing immigration laws to remove criminal aliens from our communities,” David Jennings, ICE’s field office director in San Francisco, said in a statement quoted in AP.

Cuppa Covfefe

Would be great if they carted Gruesome Newsom off as an accessory to the crime(s)…
See Gail’s excerpts from the law (Article 18?) and the penalites therein. No wonder they were so eager to let Kate Steinle’s killer off the hook…


I’d pay good money to see that!!


the inevitable has happened…woman suing jail because she was raped by a biological male who identifies as female housed with her in an all female prison…
A woman in jail in Illinois claims she was raped by a biological man who identifies as a woman. The jail and attorneys for the accused claim it was consensual. Even if she’s lying, it’s still a clear cut case against mixing jails. Otherwise, the majority of inmates in men’s prisons will be jumping at the opportunity to be transferred to an all-women jail.
That’s assuming she’s lying. But based on the details in this story, it seems extremely likely that she’s telling the truth and was actually raped.


GOOD BOY!!!! family dog guards 3 yr old who wandered off–wouldn’t let neighbor approach the child.
Soon after the search began, a neighbor called 911 saying that he found a small child and dog in the woods, but the dog wouldn’t let him get near the boy.


I know Suwannee County FL pretty well – very backwoods country on the Suwannee River. Two family members live there on the banks of the Suwannee River in the oldest retirement center in the USA.

Valerie Curren

Way down upon the Suwannee River…


Every child in our GA county bordering FL went to the Stephen Foster Memorial on a school trip. Foster’s lyrics are old south and definitely not PC just as Uncle Remus stories are not. Or Gone With the Wind.
“The Times They Are a’Changin 🎶

Valerie Curren

the more things change, the more they stay the same…or as Solomon said “there is nothing new under the sun. All is vanity & vexation of spirit!”


All except for the Word and the Spirit!

Valerie Curren


Cuppa Covfefe

Sad indeed that Foster died penniless, although his songs live on and on. One of America’s greatest folk song composers….


I used to cry every time we sang ‘Old Black Joe’


Go James!! The replies are even better. 😁


This is incorrect and fake.
Applying a tax rate on income above a certain threshold ($29,000 in this case) is only applied to the income above that threshold. The $29,000 income would remain untaxed.
So, the tax would be 52% of $2,200, which is the difference between $31,200 and $29,000, and would be about $1,144.
I love James Woods and am not a socialist, but I also don’t like fake math.


Math cannot be fake, it works either way. Has Bernie specifically clarified the METHOD of how his tax is to be applied???


Let me clarify:
The math is incorrect. The post from James Woods is fake/disingenuous.
To answer your question: AFAIK, Bernie has not clarified the method.
However, when it comes to taxation, there has never been a situation where a tax rate is regressively applied. For James Woods to post this scenario as how such a tax would be applied is simply misleading and has no basis to be considered as a possibility. Yes, it’s technically possible, but it’s not realistic to believe that this is what Bernie intends to do. Especially since he DIDN’T specifically state that this unusual method would be applied.
In conclusion, most Conservatives have now spent three+ years reading fake disingenuous “news“ that spin words and create “facts” to make President Trump look the worst. I wish that James Woods wouldn’t risk his authenticity by tweeting easily debunked stuff.
Quite frankly, James did not have to spin the math as he did. Just report the fact that Bernie wants to tax everyone at 52% starting at $29,000. That’s crazy enough.

Gail Combs

Read it again Chimpy.
Bernie is NOT talking about our current tax system he is talking about a Socialist – Commie system.
His answer to how to pay for universal health care is:
Raise the tax to 52% FOR ANYONE MAKING OVER $29,000.
Take that as LITERAL because the ONLY way you could hope to pay for universal health care is to confiscate 50%+ of the earnings of everyone with a full time job.
What he is HOPING is people will think as you do, that it applies to our graduated tax system and not take it literally.
James Wood is trying to get people to THINK about exactly what Bernie means.
Remember Hillary’s raise taxes on the middle class and people cheered?


[Content of post removed upon Chimpy’s request. -Wolf]

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

I’m not trying to promote fighting here between y’all, and I’d prefer if you both buried the hatchet. THAT SAID, this was in spam for some reason, which I thought was weird – it looks like an AI decision by Akismet that found it argumentative. I’ve seen this happen before. Nevertheless, this is a free speech blog, and I think Ken is correct here at least on how progressive taxes work, although I’ve not looked at the proposal myself, so I’m just taking this comment as is without examination.
ANYWAY – free speech, yada yada yada, so here it is! I didn’t moderate this.


Wolf, I apologize to the board and fully agree with you. Won’t happen again.
As you can see, I posted a nicer response as well. Actually, it gets my point across far better than the snarky aggressive response. Feel free to stick my not-so-nice post back in the bin where it belongs.
This proves again the “wait 24 hours” rule before responding. I thought that you moderated the first aggressive response. Then, I calmed down and posted the nicer response. Then, you allowed the first to post… It’s a bit confusing now.
Alright, moving on…

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Sure, no problem! And I do want everybody to know that (1) it’s not me that “moderates” responses – I suspect it’s an Akismet AI that WordPress won’t admit is operating, and (2) I have, a couple of times, left really eye-widening posts in the bin, but I made my own post to say that I had done so, and that is my plan at this point. Censorship is abhorrent to me, and I’d rather that there were ruffled feathers than any quiet censorship, no matter how “well-intended”.
I’ll “edit out” the heated post now so that this conversation remains.


Your post in bold is incorrect, Gail.
In fact, James Woods tweet is more incorrect than I originally thought.
I found Bernie’s plan online here:
On page two, it explains:
Progressive income tax rates.
Under this plan the marginal income tax rate would be:
40 percent on income between $250,000 and $500,000.
45 percent on income between $500,000 and $2 million.
50 percent on income between $2 million and $10 million.
52 percent on income above $10 million.
First off, a “progressive income tax rate” is one that applies the % only to the income above the bracket below. So, that debunks most of your comments above.
Secondly, note how the 52% only applies to income above $10 million.
So, not only does James ignore the fact that this is a progressive scheme, but also he ignores the multiple tax brackets in between $29,000 (which is currently at 10%) and up to $250,000, which the Bernie plan shows (above) to be increased to 40% (currently it is 35%).
Gail, I don’t appreciate you telling me to “read it again”, when you clearly haven’t done any research into this yourself. You certainly are allowed to have your opinion on what other people could be “thinking” or “hoping”, but attacking others who actually bring specific facts to the discussion is not the solution to getting your point across.


2 really short funny videos–one of a Trump fan trolling a Sanders speech and the second one an oldie but goodie featuring Hillary/Sanders debate (less than 30 seconds)


is this the meme someone was asking for yesterday??

comment image


Yep! thanks!


you’re welcome!


“friends” finally admitting Omar married her brother–immigration fraud–however, notice the wording in the story. Her first marriage was in a mosque–that one “counted”. the second one (to her brother) was in a Christian “church” which says it’s nondenominational–so that one doesn’t count? (and there’s more possible charges–student loan fraud, etc)
After their marriage Omar and Elmi moved to Fargo, where they both attended North Dakota State. But Omar and Hirsi were still together as husband and wife, Osman said.
‘She said she needed to get papers for her brother to go to school. We all thought she was just getting papers together to allow him to stay in this country.
‘Once she had the papers they could apply for student loans.
‘They both moved to North Dakota to go to school but she was still married to [Hirsi]. In the Somali way, the only marriage that mattered was the one in the mosque.
‘Ilhan came back to Minneapolis all the time to see her family, but her brother didn’t come with her.’
Osman believes Elmi and Omar sought out someone outside the Somali community to conduct the ceremony because an imam would have known they were related and would have refused to marry them.


One of the hallmarks of being in a marital relationship is to “hold themselves out as married” irrespective of what type of marriage it is. Lots of people think a marriage license is required to be married but that is not so. Any clergy in any state (as far as I know) can marry two qualifying individuals and it is valid. The whole rationale behind having a church marriage with all the people present is so the public at large knows that these two people are now married. Marriage used to mean lots of things it no longer seems to mean but the old traditions persist.
The First Amendment protects the right of freedom to associate. Marriage is the oldest ‘association’ in the world and the state govt cannot require a license in order to ‘associate’ in marriage. Some sort of orderly ceremony IS required in order to show proof of the intent of the two people and to designate/record the start of the marriage beyond merely saying ‘we were married on such-and-such a date’.
I can only imagine this Somalia slut trying to convince a court that her mosque was valid because Islam is not a religion. I’d have to have lots of popcorn at the ready.


Brain misfire. Should be ‘first marriage isn’t valid because Islam isn’t a religion’.

Concerned Virginian

The Koran, in Sura 4:22-24, ABSOLUTELY forbids (haram) any marriage between a blood-related brother and sister. This rule also applies to half-brothers and half-sisters AND to step-brothers and step-sisters.
Any such marriage is considered to be an abomination in Islam.
A possible situation in which a Muslim brother and sister **may** marry is when NEITHER of them share the same parent through blood or relation: for example, if the woman is an adoption from another un-related mother or father (the adopted woman cannot have any biological relationship to her brother and was adopted from outside the family).

Cuppa Covfefe

The fact that it’s forbidden won’t stop anyone from doing/trying it. A little Taqiyyah goes a long way.
The HORRIBLE medical issues faced by the children I saw when visiting a hostpital in Göttingen, products of “consanguineous procreation” (polite way of saying inbreeding) were all due to the parents disobeying doctrines/rules/laws against same.
Forbidden fruit indeed. Rotten for the victims, and not their fault.


At the end of the day, it doesn’t matter which marriage was considered valid or not.
What matters is if Omar lied on applications in order to get her brother into the USA. Did she commit fraud or other crimes?


hopefully they deport her and her “family” and make them pay back the student loans, her salary as a Congressperson…and so on!!!


Fox Alert – Doug Collins not interested in DNI position.

Deplorable Patriot

That’s kind of what I figured. Shiny red ball du jour.


my thought too!


wonder how many names POTUS will float before the press…to keep them off the track of the REAL nominee? LOL


Good, because we’d lose a very valuable soldier. Just like Daryl Issa who didn’t run for Congress in 2018 because POTUS nominated him for a position, the Senate stalled and stalled and stalled and did NOT approve. Issa is now running for Congress in 2020. F’n Dems, lesson learned. If any of our guys are to be nominated, it needs to be AFTER they win their re-elections. That way if Senate doesn’t approve, they still keep their seats. WE NEED ALL OUR WARRIORS ON THE BATTLEFIELD AT ALL TIMES!!!


Coronavirus Was Eerily Predicted in a 1981 Novel
February 21, 2020
from Vigilant Citizen
The 1981 novel “The Eyes of Darkness” by Dean Koontz talks about a deadly virus used as a biological weapon named Wuhan-400. The epicenter of real-life Coronavirus is … Wuhan, China. And the eerie similarities do not end there.
Dean Koontz is a prolific author who wrote 105 novels, including several NY Times Best Sellers. He sold over 450 million copies worldwide and 17 books were adapted for cinema.
Throughout his career, Koontz wrote under several pen names including David Axton, Deanna Dwyer, K.R Dwyer, Brian Coffey, and Leigh Nichols. It is with this last pen name that Koontz wrote the novel The Eyes of Darkness in 1981 – a “suspense thriller” that is causing even more “suspense thriller” nearly 40 years after its original publication.
[Excerpt] Read more at the link above…


Democrats are high jacking our country. How much longer can a lawless society exist?


2 hr video–which I confess I did not watch–just read the article…but I love Roseann’s thinking…
Showbiz411 reports that Roseanne Barr holds nothing back about her Trump support in the interview. Saying at one point, “I think the person he’s going to arrest first is President Obama. Obama will beg for Kenyan citizenship before this is over.”


Top o’ the morning Daghn and all you QPeeps! Got a bad hangover from indulging in sooo much Winning.I fear today’s going to be no different.Rally at 9:00 AM EST? Popcorn for breakfast❗😜



He really needs to drop out.


Taking Down the Kingpin of Child Porn
February 21, 2020
by The Sharp Edge, Corey’s Digs
The child pornography industry is more prevalent than most of us can even fathom. In the case of Eric Marques, who ran a hosting service for numerous dark web child pornography and exploitation sites, an FBI investigation revealed that the hosting service housed more than 8.5 million photographs and videos of material involving the exploitation of children. U.S. Attorney Robert K. Hur remarked, “This is an egregious case where one individual facilitated the abuse of more than a million new child victims and attempted to keep the abuse hidden on the dark web.” An FBI agent on the case has dubbed Marques as, “the largest facilitator of child pornography on the planet.”
[Excerpt] Read more at the link above…


Brave New World vs 1984: Huxley Tells Orwell “I Was Right”

Deplorable Patriot

This is why children have mothers.


that actually looks like fun!

Deplorable Patriot

To have had those gadgets in the basement at the farm….


We only had home made swing set, monkey bars, stilts and Tom walkers, clamp on sidewalk skates, bikes…. to develop lots of stamina and coordination.
And we swam in ocean, rivers, creeks, lakes with gators. Not many pools when I was a kid – even in the deep South.


hubby still has his stilts…AND his pogo stick AND his toboggan AND his cap guns with leather belt…


btw…hubby also has a pair of jeans from high school–he can no longer fir into–but they are cranberry colored with white pockets…giggle snort—he refuses to part with them…and one really obnoxious t shirt from college…


Uncle Bob made all those for us out of wood and tin cans, etc. He converted a riding lawn tractor into a mini-pickup truck for Grandpa to haul stuff around the farm, and he would load us all up for a trip to the store for penny candy or ice cream when we finished our chores or did something good. It was fun to drag our feet behind the tractor on the sand road, to jump off and chase it for a while. We were pretty dirty and hot by the time we got to the store.


He built a 10 ft high swing set out of galvanized pipe – just like the parks in town. We had a trapeze and three swings. We would swing so high!


My dad made stilts for me and then later on, before kids knew what skate boards were he took the wheels off a pair of roller skates and made my skate board (1962). I had a pet monkey (real) that he later traded for a golf cart. Always fun.

Deplorable Patriot

No, we had a mishmosh of new and leftover stuff to side. One of the benefits of having a lot of older cousins.


Wow, wish my stick horse as a kid was that quick and nimble;-)

Valerie Curren

Well, I show this one to my husband & he actually focuses on the Elk mounts & the Mountain Lion. We had twin boys so twinsanity is just day-to-day living around here!

Deplorable Patriot

I was three and a half when my twin brothers were born, and there’s a sister between us.
Grandma was with us A LOT.

Valerie Curren

Sounds a bit like our line-up. Our oldest son was just 2 when his twin brothers were born & then 26 months later we added our daughter. Your childhood & our kids’ was likely pretty rambunctious! One of our twins had very complex special needs so that made things pretty insane for many years…thankfully now down to mostly a dull roar.
I wish we had that level of grandparent involvement. My husband’s parents were dead before we met & my parents helped as they were able in large & small ways over the years…
Blessings, DP, I so enjoy your many contributions here at the Q-Tree!!!


that’s disgusting!
he needs the guy who defended Nick Sandmann!!!


It is unbelievable. These weak pansy ass liberal kids destroy everything.


i don’t profess to know how snapchat/istagram or whatever works…but if he blocked her, how did she see his post? was she STALKING him? that seems a bigger crime than posting a picture of your gun which was properly locked up in the school armory…


And they dont ever face the consequences of what they do. This is like any fascist country. In Germany outing the Jews, in Russia making a claim against a neighbor bc youre jealous of his wife and you want a shot or you want his business bc he’s a competitor. The kid needs a very very good attorney. That he spent 3 months in jail is unbelievable. He should sue every person involved, plus the school if he doesnt get convicted.


In agree.


This article fits your post nicely, Wheatie. You ask the question, “When did Americans start whining?”
I’d say it was when we started giving people free stuff without expecting and demanding accountability for that free stuff. Then it snowballed into people asking and then demanding more free stuff – without any effort to become self-sufficient or improve their lives.
Put me in charge of food stamps. I’d get rid of Lone Star cards; no cash for Ding Dongs or Ho Ho’s, just money for 50-pound bags of rice and beans, blocks of cheese and all the powdered milk you can haul away. If you want steak and frozen pizza, then get a job.”


wow…makes sense to me!
I can hear the liberals whining already about self esteem and feelings…wah, wah, wah…


Progressivism has been very destructive to American Society. Of course, that’s their intention – to create chaos and disorder so that the State has to restore order – by tyrannical power. People fall into the trap because they’ll accept anything to stabilize their lives if there’s confusion and distress.


well stated!


It’s not progressivism. No such thing. This is the steady march towards communism using Cloward-Piven strategies, imo


I was just being nice. I consider if fascism/communism. Totalitarian control – and their effort was for a global dominance.


Too polite. Lol.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

“Progress towards what?” asks the little kid tugging on proggie mom’s elbow.


The government knows what’s best for you, don’t worry.


Ask Emily! ( wasn’t the the name of the cradle to death) Obama Administration trial balloon for Communism?)


I like this game.
of Foreign Aid.
I would cancel all outgoing payments, return any unused funds to the Treasury, close the books, fire everyone in the office, and turn off the lights as I headed home.


At the end of a week which has witnessed for the first time the bizarre and disturbing spectacle of The New York Times publishing an op-ed by Taliban deputy leader Sirajuddin Haqqani — a terrorist on the FBI’s most wanted list — a week-long “reductioa n in violence” between the US, the Taliban and Afghan forces is set to begin Friday at midnight.
Assuming it holds, this will lead to the US signing a historic peace deal with the Taliban on February 29 in a “signing ceremony” with senior representatives from both sides.


What utter Bullshit!
Wonder why we have ENDLESS WARS?
“Assuming it holds, this will lead to the US signing a historic peace deal with the Taliban on February 29 in a “signing ceremony” with senior representatives from both sides.”
That’s why!
When did the last REAL war end (WWII)?
After complete annihilation of the ENEMY.
Pound ’em…. Pound ’em some more until the enemy gets the hint that “WE AIN’T JOKING”
Did Japan ever get the idea to try us again?
I rest my case.


They decided to be better capitalists/ manufacturers


I’d rather just Bomb the shit out of them and get it OVER!


Rods from god.


Whatever it takes……..
Just send the message……
WE…. are NOT gonna take your SHIT anymore!


I think Potus has got that message across. This is them taking the knee…..while they still have them. But Potus lets them keep face because he’s making a deal with them so they have to retain local respect


I hope you are correct.


Let’s hope the GOP has done a much better job of vetting these candidates – I’m tired of all the good talkers who turn into RINOs once elected.


It is also up to the voters in these districts to “dig deep” on these potentials.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

This is pre-boot-club, storm coming, GTFO rat-scatter! And I’m lovin’ it.


“… starting a non-profit…” aka more Dark, untraceable money . #DrainNonProfits


You mean a CHARITABLE Foundation? What a novel idea!

Mary Morse

What did he call it? A policy incubator? WTH?


Exactly. And WHY are things like that tax-exempt ???????


what a little darling!!!


He’s missing his tie.


Kansas been traveling….



hmmm…FORMALLY targeted or formerly targeted?


Since they are STILL “targeted…..
I must assume “Formally” is correct?


formally by whom? the Chinese?????


“Formerly” denotes in the past doesn’t it?


right…not saying you’re wrong–just trying to understand. who POTUS thinks is targeting farmers…all I got is the Chinese…???

Gail Combs

The International Ag Cabal.
There are about ten corporations that control 80% of the world’s food last time I checked. They want 100% control and that means bankrupting the family farm.


that makes sense to me, thanks Gail!


Semantics and spelling matter


yeah formally didn’t sound right to me…shrug…sounds like there was a proclamation or something formal…
wouldn’t be the first tie i was wrong…lol


Official policy?


maybe…sounds plausible


Both ‘homophones’
1. each of two or more words having the same pronunciation but different meanings, origins, or spelling.
2. ach of a set of symbols denoting the same sound or group of sounds.
formally: noun – in accordance with the rules of convention or etiquette.
formerly: adverb – in the past; in earlier times.
Intended as misspelling? or as double meaning? The Cabal is certainly involved in targeting farmers. (ex Ukraine, the bread basket of Europe… and greedy corporations here in US buying up small farmers and creating Megafarms…
Then there’s Bloomberg’s recent attack (targeting of) on farmers…as dumb
Aside from the homophone, there is the ‘ALL CAPS’ ….
Potus’ comms are never easy to figure out … very complex.
BUT that’s the magic of his tweets… what some see as typos or ignorance are meant to draw attention. This one gained front page article on zeroHedge:
“… Of course, as many (including us) have noted, American firms are the ones on the hook for the tariffs, and the revenue, while strong, would be nowhere near enough to offset another 11-figure bailout package.
Considering the tweet’s forgiving tone, it looks like this is another classic Trump trade triangulation (where Trump sets the China hawks and pro-trade doves against each other, then stakes out a more moderate path, often via twitter). As we noted earlier, a senior Treasury Department official reportedly told Reuters that the administration is unsympathetic to China’s coronavirus-related troubles, and that it expects Beijing to keep its promise to buy $200 billion in US goods (with a large slug of that slated for ag products) over the next two years.
In essence, this ‘senior official’ was telling Beijing: ‘fuck you, pay me’.”

POTUS will protect US farmers is the the message I hear. 5:5


I’m glad he is not letting Chyyyyna off the hook…a deal is a deal


Exactly Vol… POTUS means business, as a lot of people are beginning to realize. (Which means there will be JUSTICE too, for those who are doubting.)




Lisa Mei Crowley Retweeted
l E T 17
Replying to
Let me tell you- when I arrived at 6:30 am I was solo and holding spots for the famalam! I got in line and the very first thing the people next to me said was about Q. Group of 3 women in front and 3 others behind me (separate groups) all knew Q. And That was just the start. Kek
Lisa Mei Crowley Retweeted
l E T 17
Replying to
Furthermore, I met people who knew Q but don’t twitter and they were all about trying to red pill me. I let em ! Not bad either ! People are excited and they’re willing to go out on a limb spreading the word more and more. The movement is much bigger than I thought
Lisa Mei Crowley
Quote Tweet
l E T 17
· 12h
I had quite a few people recognize me and Jenn in her MAGA hat , come up and ask if I was IET. Kek.
Love all you guys

Deplorable Patriot

Hence why so many avenues of communications have been removed.

Gail Combs

Not doing much good though…
Too little too late.
Think of the 15% to 25% Democrats standing in line getting red pilled. And they will go back and tell their liberal friends about how nice and friendly the MAGA people are.


Cable News Watch
Feb 19
Partying faceParty popper Congratulations
Most watched show in Cable News on Sunday: 2M viewers
Also #1 18-49 Demo! The “Kids” love Maria!
Maria’s Guests
⁩ ⁦
⁩ ⁦
⁩ ⁦
⁩ ⁦
⁩ ⁦
⁩ ⁦


comment image


THAT is priceless, PR!!!


meet me in DC pr…we’ll get ‘er done!!!


Okay Pat! Sounds like a plan!!!


hehe…DC won’t know what’s about to hit them…LOL…
I’m older and saved my money–Hubby has plenty of access to bail money…bwahahahaha


Good… be a good time to go to jail, as I’m sure they’re pretty empty in the DC area… housing and free meals… and all the damage we can do!


hmmm…not sure about the meals tho—there’s gonna be a lot of crow being served in DC!!!! LOL


There ya go, thinking out of the box again!


Do it in a no bail state. Then you get let out to do it again


like NY? some guy’s been arrested 141 times and they keep letting him out…without bail…smh


And the neighbourhood neck slasher?


no…non violent–or no weapon, cuz he’s assaulted people, but mostly he steals


Do it in New Yawk…..
No Bail and quick release to place some more.
Rinse and repeat all day long 🙂


You’re right Rayzorbak, and they hand out phones and other perks when they release you!


criminal Benefits!


We have to put a stop to this!


I approve of this




(evil grin) ..what a great idea Pooh !


Since they are all so obsessed with RussiaRussiaRussia can we just give them a one way ticket to go visit


Reruns ……………… who would have thunk !!!

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Massive red pill on Russian reverso and upside/downside thinking. Russia prefers Trump only on knowing he’s not going to launch some phony losing war so the Soviet progs and their pet neocons can sell blue pills. Massive Trump downside for Russia is that Vlad’s not playing checkers-for-uranium with Stalin-smitten dupe Dems, and TRUMP is in the driver’s seat.
Wake up, Maggie! Complicated business is now our breakfast, and the old prog-com plots are lamesville.
Hoax number 7. And Epoch Times will drive NYT into the ground if they don’t WTFU, which I kinda hope they don’t. Gray lady is stinkin’ and needs a proper funeral.


There’s an indictment with Maggie’s name on it… I truly believe that. She was complicit in the COUP to unseat POTUS. Her day is comin’
As for the Grey Lady, don’t know that she’s ever been a ‘Lady’ – she’s a real byotch these days… “Slim” pickins, if you get my drift.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Amen. SLIM pickin’s, indeed. Might as well put it on a cardboard core!!! 😀






4 Great (leftist snowflake fake media triggering) Candidates….


didn’t see WHO mentioned in the tweet…do we know??


Holding his cards to chest….like a good poker player.


Wait for the incoming in 3…2….1


Trump twitter followers:
72,773,337 – 11:00 am – 2/21/20
72,533,451 – 5:30 pm – 2/14/20 – 1 week ago
71,318,761 – 5:30 am – 1/21/20 – 1 month ago
58,452,560 – 6:15 am – 2/21/19 – 1 year ago
48,070,904 – 6:12 am – 2/21/18 – 2 years ago
20,010,101 – 1/16/17 – pre-inauguration day
13,310,715 – 2am 11/9 – Election night


POTUS is the most impactful user of social media in the world. Dwarfing the media combined.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Yup. Play stupid games, win stupid prizes. I love it!


Think about this: the top ranked media talk shows bring in about 3 million viewers per show. The #1 show, Hannity on Fox regularly gets 3.2 million viewers, who tune in once per day.
Each tweet from Trump gets instantly delivered to over 72 million people. Multiple times per day. Whenever he wants. Unfiltered.
That’s over 20 times the audience size of any network show.
And the message that he wants to pass is more timely than having to wait for the planned broadcast of the show. Or have to fit into the time allotment. Or have to compete with advertising.
Nor does the audience have to commit any significant time to his tweets. No evening commitment in front of the TV. No listening to irritating hosts (Juan, Brett, Chrissy, I’m talking about you…). We just get whatever the President wants to tell us throughout the day. Simple!


He’s number 1 on Facebook and Modi, with over 400million is #2❣️


For anyone interested..https://www.wionews.com is Indian News (TV), and they are beginning to cover the President’s visit.
also a blerb on Security for the event.


someone mentioned Louis Gohmert for AG…bwahahaha…not that Barr is going anywhere…

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Always nice to remind the Dems that things could be worse…. AND MAYBE THEY WILL BE!


be careful what you wish for…

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Now this is the Russian broad the Dems deserve!


David Nunes! Adam Schiff would Schiff a brick!



In the end, this is what matters most. The fight to take government back completely from the socialists/communists.


This is interesting. Hopefully a wave will sweep these people in.comment image

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Amen. And there seems to be fresh fight in these guys. Dem debates are slapping people in the face! Wake up!!!



Go Rudy !
Hope you guys are giving him a listen on these episodes… this IS disclosure, maybe not in the form you were expecting, but disclosure nonetheless…



Time warp? Shakeup? Watch….


Glitch in the matrix ? Something has changed?
whole lotta shakin’ going on !!!!!!!!

Listen to Parscale…………………… > the most Powerful Man in Politics & Social Media
Watch Dan… bookmark his twitter account (that is if you want to be aware)


Important data out of the Colorado rally. 19% who didn’t vote in 2016 – they’re going to be voting POTUS 45! 🙂


BE EVER ALERT – Parents and Grandparents! There are sickos in those ‘government schools’ and in many private and parochial schools as well.




Do parents not supervise their children’s homework anymore? Do they not review their books?
How in the world does stuff like this ‘creep up’ on parents?


before Christmas, we asked our granddaughter what kinds of books she was reading–maybe to get one for her stocking–i was shocked and asked my daughter if she knew about the books she was reading. she shrugged and said they were recommended by the teacher–a woman my daughter works with.
the books? they were all about young women (most pre teens) who are kidnapped and how they sometimes fought their way back to their homes and how some times they stayed with their captors…WTH?
my granddaughter is 10.


I know…………… saw it with my own daughter, who never helped her children with their homework (Grandma did) as she said they should be independent. Growing up, my Dad always asked me “what are you reading” ……….. today parents allow electronics with no supervision… and then they holler ‘what’s going on’
The business about Drag Queens in the libraries… our local library has never allowed you to ‘drop off’ your kids for story hour… you must remain with them… and NEVER have we had a queen of any sort.




Teachers of both sexes these days are not necessarily people of good character or trustworthy.
Too many are shacked up with someone without benefit of marriage.
Too many have been caught preying upon children in real life or online child p0rn.
DO NOT TRUST teachers or coaches – even preachers – or scout leaders – or church youth leaders.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

“Critics of the bill argued that it wouldn’t do enough to protect victims in underage marriages, according to The Associated Press.”
Yup. This is the sneaky part that brings in leftist stealth support.

Concerned Virginian

I would invite anybody who thinks the Utah decision is a good idea, to read these books:
“The Witness Wore Red”, by Rebecca Musser, one of the 65 wives of RULON JEFFS, the founder of the FLDS, a fundamentalist branch of the Mormon church, and how she escaped the marriage.
“Stolen Innocence”, by Elissa Wall, who was forced into an FDLS polygamous marriage and escaped.
“Princess: A True Story of Life Behind the Veil in Saudi Arabia”, by Jean Sasson; the story of a married princess in the Saudi royal family who escaped.
“Harem: The World Behind the Veil”, by Alev Lytle Croutier, the story of the harem in Turkey. Ataturk abolished the harem around 1912. There is evidence that it is making a comeback in Turkey as it becomes a hybrid Muslim theocracy under a secular ruler (Erdogan).
The concept of polygamy in Mormon (and by extension, in Utah) was founded on:
The Mormon sect populating Utah in the name of God and their religion; therefore, Mormon men were to take as many wives as was possible to “maintain properly” and procreate as many Mormon children as possible.
The concept that the female, as the “weaker” human because God “created her from the rib of Adam”, was to be protected and “directed” by her husband.
That women are created by God to “obey” men.
The concept of polygamy in Islam was founded on:
The teachings of Muhammad and the Hadith that Muslim females are weaker in body, mind, and spirit, compared to Muslim males.
The concept that females in general, can and will “corrupt” the male if the females are not “managed” in every aspect of their lives.
The concept, similar to that in the Mormon teachings on polygamy, that women are created to “obey” men.
For those who say that the FLDS (Rulon Jeffs, then his son, Warren Jeffs) was an aberration of the Mormon religion and/or the concept of polygamy; and/or who say that polygamy can be a good thing — especially if they base their opinions on that reality TV series, “Sister-Wives” — are actually pushing the following:
That wives are NEVER the equals of their husbands and in consequence, must be “managed”.
That the model of polygamy is superior to that of one-man-one-woman marriage.


Excellent post!


Thanks for all this, CV!
Copied – will try to read those books!


Does anyone think that the revival of polygamy is because of Muslims in he Utah state?
I know Germany has laws about polygamy and Muslims flush with 3-4 wives all on the dole from the government and all they own apartment. No one works and an overabundance of kids.
Why would the mormons go backwards ?


Absolutely knew that was coming!

CM in TN

Didn’t they have to give that up in order to join the country as a state? Wonder if they can be punished or sanctioned for this. That cult fetish needs to be nipped in the bud again apparently.


One of their leaders, for whom their university was named, had a dozen or so wives. Mormonism was invented as a confabulation of Christianity, Islam and a little bit of other pagan religions. It was a con…and the perps went across the country preaching their strange new religion, running banking scams, and seducing women, got thrown out of towns and western territories. Joseph Smith even tried to run for President. Finally, Joseph Smith was killed by an irate posse after he was arrested for their usual MO.




Anyone want to place a bet Giuliani knows what happened to those BILLIONS of taxpayer dollars?
“Please, ask yourself. How has the establishment-press already moved on from Ukraine when BILLIONS of OUR money is still unaccounted for?”



POTUS is about to break Cavuto, who deserves to be dumped by FOX.


I approve! What a smug, arrogant little man.


He has been the head anchor for fox biz all this time also. Not sure theyd dump him from both.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

I hope they go there. Big win for Gab. Nothing will wake ’em up faster.


That was my thought – GAB !! We need to get the pols’ staff to understand we want GOP on GAB !

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Yup. OTOH, I think Twitter Socialist Industries is about to step in it BIG-TIME. Popcorn!!!

CM in TN

@a pisted this yesterday on gab and I replied, “how chicom of them to give us social credit like stuff”

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Socialist media. Massive backfire. Please do it, Demmunists!

Concerned Virginian

FoxNewsRadio news report, 1PM Eastern:
DR. NANCY MESSONIER, of the CDC, has just stated that, due to the “SUDDEN” INCREASE of Wuhan Coronavirus cases in the United States, that “schools and businesses may have to be closed” if the situation gets more serious.

Concerned Virginian

BOTH the Johns Hopkins chart and the CDC list DO NOT COUNT the 14 people in OMAHA who are positive for the Wuhan Coronavirus from the Diamond Princess evacuation.
The ACTUAL number of cases in the United States is either 29 or 30 (15 + 14 or 16 + 14).
WHY the information blackout on these people??


They added DP #’s to US total one day, then they removed. If you click on other it flashes Pink over Japan where the ship is docked, so that’s the bucket they’re putting the DP cases in. It also has 2 DP deaths and 1 DP recovery on top right, no total confirmed cases. Am thinking Other bucket contains DP and other cruise ship cases? The map methodology is unclear. They have another tab for statistical modeling where they clearly state it’s based on air travel only.
Additionally, if you click on the individual dots In US cities, you will find the recovery numbers. So Seattle had 1 case and 1 recovery, but they are still leaving it on the map. Should they remove? Again we don’t know their accounting methodology. Am grateful to have something as opposed to nothing, but firmly believe there are 100’s if not 1000’s that aren’t included.


CDC – US cases – updated 2/19/20

Concerned Virginian

And, if there’s apparently no “crisis” according to the CDC, WHY would Dr. Nancy Messonier make that statement on reported on the 1PM FoxNewsRadio report THAT I HEARD;
and WHY would she send a tweet out a few days ago (to a person named “Frank” I think), about MORE THAN 1,000 cases in the United States — which message she then DELETED?


I don’t know. We have learned not to trust FBI, CIA, IRS, and many other agencies – for many sound rational reasons.

Gail Combs

Actually that is not at all surprising. (She may have gotten a boot up her arse.)
I explain it all here:
Long story short.
1. You can have ‘Clinically Diagnosed’ cases — That is all the symptoms are present
And you can have cases CONFIRMED by Laboratory test. In this case a test that give a high number of false negatives.
Or as E.M. Smith put it
19 February 2020 at 12:56 am
“Well this isn’t good… just saw where ONLY NOW will the USA start testing for SARS-CoV-2 / Covid-19 among folks presenting with “flu like symptoms” and only in selected cities. San Francisco, Chicago, NYC, and a few others. In other words, we have no clue how much of it is in the country as, unless you came here from China, we didn’t look.”
So if they have been FINALLY testing the samples sent to them by hospitals all this week they may have gotten a bit of a shock.

February 7, 2020
Inundated With Flu Patients, U.S. Hospitals Brace for Coronavirus
Resources are already stretched during flu season. With so much medical equipment and drugs made in China, public health experts are anxiously watching the global supply chain.
With an intense flu season in full swing, hundreds of thousands of coughing and feverish patients have already overwhelmed emergency rooms around the United States. Now, hospitals are bracing for the potential spread of coronavirus that could bring another surge of patients…

⬆️Those are symptoms similar to the China Virus.⬆️


Interesting thread
Tim, I have quite a few pictures like this, both in this facedown position and face up. pic.twitter.com/u3ukmYtwJM

Deplorable Patriot

Anybody see this one yet?comment image



Deplorable Patriot

Copperplate bold. One of my favorite fonts.


Texas company says they made a coronarvirus vaccine–after NIH gave it $189million last year—if approved they will distribute to OTHER countries for free…
A Texas-based genetic engineering company is claiming to have a vaccine for the new coronavirus.
Greffex Inc. CEO told the Houston Business Journal that his company completed the vaccine this week, and it will now move on to animal testing as required by the U.S. government.
If the vaccine is approved by the government, Greffex will distribute the vaccine to other countries for free, Price added.
The vaccine was developed as the result of an $18.9 million contract that the National Institute of Health’s National Institute for Allergy and Infectious Diseases gave to Greffex in September 2019 in an effort to fight infectious diseases, the Business Journal reported.


How did they know LAST YEAR to use grant money to develop a vaccine for THIS virus?? 👀


good question!


Suspicious cat goes right here !


sneaking in…comment image


Potus saw this happening. China will be decimated. The rest of the world…..not so much


Well, maybe a little culling in Africa, especially with the locust-caused food problem ahead.
Never let a crisis…..


There are different strains of Corona, So vaccine probably targets older known versions. Still needs testing. Wonder if it will work on the new Wuhan strain??? That’s gonna take a lot longer to find out.


There are different strains, just seems weird that it is conveniently ready but nothing for the more common rhinovirus family….🤔


zinc and Vit C ?


In no particular order
China holding Junk US debt or
US campaign ‘investments’ in corrupt pols future promises now in default…
International , US protected crime syndicate
she didn’t win
OPM records theft? Equifax breach yahoo
“Right to try” passed ???
Epstein model ?
..just some easy reach things that spin in my minds orbit
crazy , evil world out there…could be any # of combinations…


“How did they know LAST YEAR to use grant money to develop a vaccine for THIS virus?? 👀
Easy, the same way the Gates Foundation knew how to put on the Coronavirus Pandemic conference.
Someone told them.

Concerned Virginian

So one would assume that if the vaccine is needed to use in the United States, then WE, THE PEOPLE, get to pay through the nose for it?
And what EXACTLY did Dr. ANTHONY FAUCI, the head of the NIH National Institute for Allergy and Infectious Diseases department, know last year about the biolab work being done at the WUHAN CITY biolab?


sounds like WE already paid with 18.9 million they got


One bit of silver lining to all this…severe winter weather (even here in the south right now), keeps people indoors more than usual…and your home is generally the safest place to prevent picking up the nasties.
My elderly cousin went to the hospital a couple nights ago with a collapsed lung….probably the very worse place for a person with severe a lung/respiratory condition to be…so I am concerned.
A workout friend left yesterday on a 2-week cruise out of Miami…..


boy, cruises and airplanes are the last places I’d wanna be now


Agree…either awfully brave or awfully foolish.





LOL my puppy’s would pull them all apart. She’s on a toilet paper roll kick. Her favorite toy!


One of my cats when a kitten used to unroll the whole roll of TT. I kept bathroom door closed until he outgrew the hobbit.
My one dog use to raid garage cans same used to close the door to break the rabbit. after a month or so they were into other things.


“hobbit” . . . “rabbit” is there a double secret code that you’re using here to entice the T and Q code-breakers?


Ups sorry I do not know what happened.
correction: Habit -garbage can, habit.
I think the spellcheck got the better of my post and I did not read what I wrote. .


Time is running out to save California…. Nanzi’s nephew is killin’ it…

The People’s Cube 🚁🤸
What about food and transportation?
Quote Tweet
Gavin Newsom
· 3h
Doctors should be able to write prescriptions for housing the same way they do for insulin or antibiotics.
Show this thread


And they want govt only homeowners insurance and govt run healthcare. What they give to you, they take away from you. No I dont want uo give my ability to choose where and how I live to some govt operative.


Weinstein jury, guilty on 3 of 5 counts. 2 other Counts of Predatory Assault still TBD.


Butterfly is the bestest reporter !!!!




From the Peoples Cube, with gratitude to Huey Lewis:
I want a new Drudge
One that ain’t losing clicks
One that wont make me gnash my teeth
Or cater to … old peaceniks
I want a new Drudge
One that wont be misled
One that wont be all filled with lies
And make my eyes see red
One that’ll be impervious
To Deep State point of view
One that makes me feel like
I’m dealing with real news
And I’m disowning you
I want a new Drudge
One that won’t bail…


Citizen Free Press is a good alternative.


VP Pence speech at Las Vegas Rally is finished – waiting for PDJT any minute!


Wyatt on jobs and the nwo plan. Now derailed


The left can meme


*can’t I meant can’t stupid spell check kicked in just as I hit post!



And the State Dept lost 5 BN $ just before hil de beast left…
well, a girl can’t run for prez with an empty chest…






Not only Hillary but also the horse lost a shoe this time! LOL






Just popping in to let you all know you are a “very debased” group of people. I know this ‘cause John Brennan said it, so it must be true. So there!
Neeners.comment image


Careful there mister, we’ll cancel your membership in our cult of debasement *smilin*


The Russians are coming??


Carlos on Grennell and the coming shakeup in intell. Dems/ msm own goal again


Good one Ozzy… thanks for posting. Of course the DIMs can’t see that they helped POTUS… they’re reading a script… and collecting the $$ for doing so.
Glad that POTUS will have Ric cleaning house.


Maggie H. must owe her very soul to the Puppet Master….a nasty piece of work who is under the delusion she’s a real journalist. I do hope there’s a big, juicy sealed indictment with her name on it.
“Soon they will not be able to walk the streets…”


You and me both Tea………………..


Elizabeth Warren – I’m An Indian Too

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

I think she’s really onto something here. I think this is how Epstein and the “alliance of occult forces” try to stay on the leading edge to both stay in power and stay in control.


Most definitely, Wolf – they have it all figured out – how to twist the narrative to their advantage – as Q frequently says – there are NO coincidences!


Brad Parscale – Text TRUMP to 88022
Excellent quick rally this afternoon in Las Vegas before heading home!
White heavy check mark 15,079 Voters Identified (73% from NV)
White heavy check mark 32% Didn’t Vote in 2016 (4,743 voters) Wow!
White heavy check mark 27% Blacks, Latinos or Non-white
White heavy check mark 18% Democrat


rian Cates // Digital Soldier for Flynn Medium star Medium star Medium star Retweeted
Caleb Hull
Trump just mocked “Mini Mike” and his inability to see over the podium

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy



My absolute favoritest moment!!!! I was crying laughing OUT LOUD!!!
I left rally thread looking for video. Asked Karluska for it too. Posted 2 videos.
Thanks PR!! 🥰


Brian Cates // Digital Soldier for Flynn Medium star Medium star Medium star Retweeted
DeAnna for CongressFlag of United Statesvs Nancy
We just remove Corruption now


l E T 17
EU running out of money???
EU leaders argue into the early hours in bruising budget talks
The UK’s departure has left the bloc with a €75billion (£63billion) hole in its finances and the budget battle has exposed bitter divisions between EU members.


Man Merkel looks like Stasi. I remember when on the train between East and Wast Germany these women would enter the train interrogating everyone. So glad I was a kid not harassed until I was about 17. They were the ugliest nastiest B…..women I ever saw.
Merkel looks just like them all that is missing the gun and a rifle over her shoulder.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

She does look a bit familiar. Made one visit there before the wall fell. Saw a few ladies that – yeah – familiar. 😉

Gail Combs

I would not be surprised if she was one. Although I think she was higher up the food chain.




Donald Trump Jr.
Looks like Bloomberg LP took over the Nevada Democratic Party.
Is Liz gonna be looking for scalps or is she ok with it since it’s clearly designed to screw Bernie???
Quote Tweet
Shimon Prokupecz
· 3h
CNN: The Nevada State Democratic Party is asking site leaders to sign non-disclosure agreements, according to one volunteer who had planned to help with Saturday’s caucuses but quit because he didn’t want to sign the document.
Show this thread


Looks like Richard Grenell is already cleaning up and some people don’t like it. 🙂

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Yeah, put this in context. CLOWN CAR JANITOR, cleaning up the failed LIES of the Hillary-Obama-Brennan-Morell CIA.comment image

Rodney Short

That thing has the typical BATSHIT CRAZY look…..

Cuppa Covfefe

And, as we say out here (or said out there), On Da Hoof…



Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

“These people are CRAZY!!!”

Concerned Virginian

Per the Chiefio blog on the Wuhan Coronavirus:
“Coronavirus Cases in the United States Reach 34, and More are Expected”
by Denise Grady
February 21, 2020
Takeaway quote:
“The contagion “REPRESENTS A TREMENDOUS PUBLIC HEALTH THREAT”, said one federal health official.”
(capitals mine)
So — what about that DR. NANCY MESSONIER, of the CDC, saying that there’s “no real health threat” and that the CDC itself say there are ONLY 16 CASES of the virus in the United States?
While TODAY, I heard that same Dr. Messonier say on a FoxNews Radio news report (1PM Eastern Time) that “schools and businesses [in the United States] may have to be closed down if the situation gets more serious”?
WHY is she talking out of both sides of her mouth?
So — what about the JOHNS HOPKINS data on the virus, with THEIR stats saying there are fewer than 20 U.S. cases?
And what about the BURGEONING spread of the virus in ITALY, with 20 cases in VENICE alone?

Elizabeth Carter

President Trump is taking our History back. Wonderful.

Deplorable Patriot

Restoring what was neglected.


I woke up a short while ago from a lengthy nap. As I was in the process of waking up I began thinking about how the cabal could try to regain power by way of the COVID-19/ Coronavirus crisis through a declared national emergency.
The main thrust of my thoughts are of what legal mechanism, if any, would allow the indefinite postponing of the November 3rd election.
Who has the constitutional authority besides President Trump to declare a national emergency? Does the director of the CDC (Nancy Messonnier) have any legal authority to shut down public gatherings such as places of voting at precincts?
Can a constitutional crisis be manufactured if, for instance, congress (think Nancy Pelosi) declares a national emergency?
What if both Democrat president and vice-president candidates become incapacitated (perhaps falsely) in the days leading up to November 3rd?
In the interest of ‘fairness’ can a ‘bipartisan’ governing body be appointed to govern in President Trumps place until gatherings for voting in are deemed safe to? Supreme Court involvement?
Bottom line, can the cabal use the COVID-19/Coronavirus crisis to make a legally justified power grab?
One of the hazards of any plan that would wait until after the November election to bring on the main thrust of justice.

Gail Combs

It would be President Trump.
Nancy Messonnier is head of the National Center for IMMUNIZATION and Respiratory Diseases, appointed by Obama and likely a Senior Exec Service. She is a department head under a Deputy Director for infectious diseases who is under the CDC Director.
The CDC is one of the major operating components of the Department of Health and Human Services. The head of the Department of Health and Human Services is appointed and confirmed by the Senate.
The CDC Director, is appointed by the president and does not require Senate approval.
As of 2015, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention had 10,796 employees. 29 are Senior Executive Service.comment image


“It would be President Trump.”
Okay, what if the November 3rd election was postponed indefinitely due to a national health emergency? January 20th rolls around and still no election. Trump and Pence are legally out of office. Who then steps in as President? Pelosi, as third in line to the Presidency?
There is a recent Washington Post article stating that elites should have more say in choosing the president. Setting the stage?


A criminal justice consultant who worked on Bernie Sanders’ campaign has been arrested for allegedly planting guns and ammunition in a detention center to help inmates escape. https://t.co/fBh9GpCbyY https://t.co/K8dUUHBDfF


TruthLeaks – Investigative Journalist George Webb
Here’s Randy saying he is the Backchannel to Wikileaks. Roger Stone was convicted simply for saying Credico was his Backchannel. I will be on a big outlet’s news show tonight at 9:00. More later. We don’t want to give the disrupters too much info just yet.

Randy Credico Admits He Was the “Guy Between Roger Stone and Assange”…
Randy Credico denied on MSNBC and other left-wing media that he confirmed for Roger Stone info from @wikileaks about Democrat document dumps in 2016. In fact…
TruthLeaks – Investigative Journalist George Webb
February 20, 2020 Roger Stone Defense – The Unseen Evidence
*https://youtu.be/1gmTpU0U8QQ via @YouTube
TruthLeaks – Investigative Journalist George Webb
Roger Stone was convicted yesterday because the Govt contended that Roger Stone lied when he said Randy Credico Was the “Backchannel to Wikileaks. Here is Randy Credico getting thrown out of the WH Writer Dinner for constantly screaming “I AM THE BACKCHANNEL TO WIKILEAKS”.


Q 3854. Backchannels are important.

Gail Combs

Concerned Virginian heard this on the radio and reported a couple pages earlier.

FoxNewsRadio news report, 1PM Eastern:
DR. NANCY MESSONIER, of the CDC, has just stated that, due to the “SUDDEN” INCREASE of Wuhan Coronavirus cases in the United States, that “schools and businesses may have to be closed” if the situation gets more serious.

jim2 @ Chiefio dug out the actual quote for us.

Here it is:
“She said the “day may come” here where we have to shut down schools and businesses like China has done. ”

So it looks like a prepping statement so it is not such a shock when they have to do it.


She should get her own show on the Weather Channel.

Gail Combs

In Gitmo…


Maybe it would be easier if she just fell victim to the virus.



DIMs are doing to Bernie what they did to POTUS (well, certainly not the degree of muh Russia! as to Trump, BUT they are turning on him with the same pattern … DIMs are not very smart, are they. Same incredible MO over and over…


I don’t remember FBI agents going to DJT and telling him that the Russians were targeting him. I remember that they decided he was a bad guy and started to investigate him. Seems very different to me.


CDC recording. The day may come when we need to shutdown schools, businesses…..



Sounds like fun! Bring popcorn


I wish I could go 🥰

Gail Combs

E.M.Smith (ChiefIO himself) says:
22 February 2020 at 12:51 am

Part of why USA cases are bogus? Seems they sent out broken test kits (only 3 States have working kits) AND you don’t even get tested unless you have traveled to China or had contact with a proven known case. So by definition, community transmisdion can’t be found…

Also finds US numbers have issues and that Iran, Korea, and Japan are now out of control epidemics.


Sketchy as hell….shades of Casey Anthony in this crazy “mother”. Pray this baby is alright


Will pray for Evelyn’s return Vol… so sad.


She’s such a beautiful little thing….this is getting close to home turf. The pics I have seen of some of the other family members…..😬 sketchy looking bunch. I got the amber alert through my phone the other day and have been semi following.


Well now, what have we here?
“U.S. Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA) counterterrorism analyst Henry Kyle Frese pleaded guilty on Thursday to leaking information to the press in 2018 and 2019.
According to a DIA press release, Frese faces up to 10 years in prison for leaking sensitive military information from five separate classified documents. Frese was employed by the DIA as either a contractor or employee from January 2017 to October 2019.
Over the course of two years, Frese illegally obtained and distributed classified military intelligence information to two journalists. But court filings state that the information was published in eight articles written by the same journalist — Amanda Macias, a national security reporter for CNBC, and Frese’s girlfriend at the time…..”


This should be getting a LOT of attention.
Almost identical to SSCI leaker James Wolfe and his concubine Ali Watkins OIG Buzzfeed.


of Buzzfeed



Bloomberg has no shame about how he spends his money…


Good News!


Roscoe B Davis🎖Medium starMedium starMedium star
So @BernieSanders tries to shrug off his wealth as no big deal while he rails on the rich wanting to take all their money calling it immoral. Let’s remember when Bernie paid less % of tax than @realDonaldTrump according to his financial disclosures & according to Maddow’s leak.
But yes Bernie let’s look hard at your wealth. You first off have never has never held a steady, full-time job.outside of a paper route you had as a kid & a couple of odd jobs part time right after you graduated from college for a couple of months.
Until 1981 Bernie remanded on and off welfare & financial assistance for years. Bernie graduated from college in 1964 so Sanders didn’t collect a steady paycheck before being elected to office as mayor of Burlington, Vt., in 1981. That’s 17 years.
He did live in a Hippie commune in the 60’s, but was asked to leave for being too lazy and not doing his part.
In those 17 years Bernie ran for various local political offices and lost. Nobody was voting for the carpetbagger deadbeat from the Brooklyn.
But in 1981 Bernie finally was elected Mayor, got on the Taxpayer payroll after multiple tries.
But he couldn’t leave out the deadbeat spouse Jane, so from 1981 to 1991, She served as Director of the Mayor’s Youth Office & Department Head in the City of Burlington Bernie created
So living off the taxpayers is a family affair.
But more on Jane later involving bank fraud amongst other things.
In 1991 Bernie came to Washington, got himself elected to the House. Jane lost her cushy invented job back in Burlington since the Bern was no longer Mayor.
So since 1991 Bernie has been on the Federal Taxpayer dime.
29 years and what has the taxpayer got for that dime? let’s look at that.


It’s will be easy because Bernie hasn’t done much since he’s been in DC.
H.J.Res. 132 (102nd): To designate March 4, 1991, as Vermont Bicentennial Day.
H.R. 1353 (102nd): Entitled the “Taconic Mountains Protection Act of 1991.”
H.J.Res. 129 (104th): Granting the consent of Congress to the Vermont-New Hampshire Interstate Public Water Supply Compact
H.R. 5245 (109th): To designate the facility of the United States Postal Service located at 1 Marble Street in Fair Haven, Vermont, as the “Matthew Lyon Post Office Building.”
S. 893 (113th): Veterans’ Compensation Cost-of-Living Adjustment Act of 2013.
S. 2782 (113th): A bill to amend title 36, United States Code, to improve the Federal charter for the Veterans of Foreign Wars of the United States.
S. 885 (113th): A bill to designate the facility of the United States Postal Service located at 35 Park Street in Danville, Vermont, as the “Thaddeus Stevens Post Office.”
That’s it folks taxpayers made Bernie a millionaire and that’s what they got.
Let’s see what Bernie Got:
First there’s Bernie’s house back in Burlington VT
Two story 5 bedroom home built in 1981 appraised at $1.2 MM
Bernie paid $405K in 2009, not bad Bernie for a congressman
In 1992 Bernie bought a town home on Washington Row built in the late 1800s in the District of Columbia. It’s a one bedroom, one and a half bath with a brick exterior. Cost? In 1991 it was $512K, currently appraised at $900k


The lake house is located in a community called North Hero. It’s a “summer samp,” purchased by Bernie Sanders and his wife, Jane, for $575,000 in cash in 2016, right after he folded at the DNC to Hillary. The home has four bedrooms and 500 feet of Lake Champlain beachfront.
Now when there was a huge stink about where Sanders got the cash to buy this Lake House in 2016, the stories never lined up. First Bernie claimed it was book proceeds that he didn’t have. Then they claimed Jane sold a lake home in Maine that her family had owned since 1900
Now Bernie got a $100k advance on a book he hadn’t yet written, & she sold her share of her family’s vacation home in Bridgton, Maine, to her brother for $150K added some money from her “retirement account” to come up with the money.
HmmThinking face
Retirement account, retirement account from what?
Oh wait!
In 2004, Jane Sanders was named President of Burlington College, a private, “non-profit” liberal arts school founded in 1972 in Vermont. Non-Profit. Let’s look into this a bit more.
During her tenure as President, Burlington had an endowment of “about $150,000”, and fundraising revenue had increased from about $25,000 when Sanders first arrived to $1.25 million by 2011.
This little school had about 180-200 students.
In 2010, Sanders oversaw the purchase of property formerly owned & occupied by the Roman Catholic Diocese of Burlington. The College based the real estate purchase on projections that enrollment would rapidly grow from fewer than 200 to as many as 750 students, Jane told the bank
In 2011, the College’s Board of Trustees, while crediting Sanders with acquiring a permanent campus for the 200‑student college, called a meeting for September 2011 to request and accepted Sanders’s resignation.
“We reached a decision which I believe is best for both the College and me,” Sanders said after the meeting, “The board and I have different visions for the future and that’s perfectly fine.
On departure, she received the title of President Emeritus and a $200,000 severance, consisting of one year’s pay, along with certain retirement and bonus payments.
So she had $200k in her “retirement account”
Okay so Bernie had $100k book deal advance. Jane sold her share of the family house $150k. And her “retirement account” had $200K. So we have $450K they had in cash
About $125k short on the cash based on their source they claimed they got the cash from.
But we won’t quibble over it, you know an old Socialist like Bernie is bound to have an extra $125k stuffed under one of his mattresses right? Thinking face


Back to Griter Jane Sanders
In 2016, Burlington College announced it was closing its doors effective May 27, 2016 due to “longstanding financial woes”, in particular the “crushing weight of the debt” undertaken to buy the Diocese property, purchased by then President Jane Sanders.
In 2016 the FBI began looking into allegations of possible bank fraud in connection with a $10 million loan Sanders helped Burlington College obtain in 2010 to purchase 33 acres of land from the Roman Catholic Diocese of Burlington. The investigation was launched after complaints were filed with the FBI in 2016 by Brady Toensing, chair of the Vermont Republican Party. The complaint alleged Jane Sanders had misrepresented the college’s donor levels and pledges in the loan application.
Well that’s subjective I guess, she said the enrollment would increase to 750 and the tuitions would help cover the note. Well that never happened the schools enrollment never got above 200.
On November 13, 2018, the U.S. Attorney in Vermont closed its investigation of the college land deal involving her and decided not to bring charges. One can argue whether or not that’s fair, but the bank took on the note based on her projection, that never came to fruition. Bottom line was the grifter ran the little school into the ground ad out of business.
But Bernie has assets of a little over two million and change and has never written a bestseller book, so he’s managed to be the millionaire socialist that is so against capitalism
Bottom line Bernie is a fraud. He sells the youth snake oil that he will not take himself.
He promises shit he will never deliver on.
And I hope the DNC is stupid enough to let him be their front runner because @realDonaldTrump will smoke his ass like like the idiot he is.


Roscoe dug all this up… he failed to mention that Bernie and a college gf got pregnant, so Bernie has a son. I doubt he contributed financially to the child’s maintenance. So, we can add deadbeat father to fraud…etc.
I realize the info is lengthy, but it’s important. Roscoe didn’t “thread” his posts so I couldn’t compile a thread with date stamp. Again, it’s important to get info out. I have seen this info in partial bits several places, and I have no doubt Roscoe has done his homework.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Good stuff!!!


There were 2 triple homicides just a couple cities and days apart from each other in socal this week.
1st one was at a cemetery, 3 dead men. They announced a suspect and yeah its a cartel assassination.
2nd one, a home with 3 dead women. That obe, they took in a “poor unhoused neighbor” who turned out to be a major problem(anyone with half a brain could figure it out) and when she was pissed about being kicked out murdered the 3 with her boyfriend’s help.
2 very clear cases highlighting major problems within California. They are both warnings to the country.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Gab meme….comment image


Speed queen

Deplorable Patriot

I can’t imagine doing laundry in heels.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy



Gail Combs

Coronavirus Cases in the United States Reach 34, and More Are Expected
By Denise Grady February 21, 2020
The contagion “represents a tremendous public health threat,” said one federal health official.

Gail Combs

All of a sudden, the J.H. dashboard has the US at 35 cases. This seems to correlate with other sources.
It just jumped from 15 to 35.
Makes you go HMMmmm

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Now – figure out who can be bribed for uranium – figure who bribes for uranium – figure who spent decades helping lower the price of the uranium for who…. OMG – what a weird coincidence that the people who want the uranium help the people who give it away by creating penny-ante “evidence” for the Demmunist media.


So Sidney Powell’s legal strategy has caused AG Barr to order a DoJ review of all the particulars in the Flynn prosecution, eh?
Yeah. Grossly Incompetent was the accusation against her. Remember that?

Gail Combs

Oh, Yes. I figured she was shining a YUGE SPOTLIGHT on the corruption in the DOJ
I think it was part of the long term strategy.


I maintain that Gen. Flynn intentionally and with forethought retained Eric Holder’s law firm with Sidney Powell’s consultation knowing they would screw him over. He had Sidney Powell on deck the whole time, just waiting for the right moment to fire Covington & Burling and replace them with Powell.
This is EXACTLY the kind of bait and switch that spymasters pull off like putting their shoes on.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

If this is correct, and I think it probably is, then it is very likely that Flynn did not seek out C&B immediately, but rather “allowed” himself to be set up with them. I will wager C&B were strongly suggested to him through different channels – that he was baited in, and that he played along.
The Clintons loved to do this to their enemies – to set them up with “their” lawyers.


Hmm…could be.
And Sidney had published that book, ‘License to Lie’, about the corruption in the DOJ.
So she was well versed on what was going on.

Gail Combs

And she really despises Wiessmann. She was probably salivating at the idea of having a go at him.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

comment image


The storm is almost here….comment image

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Didn’t she beat somebody or – wasn’t there something unusual about her taking that seat?

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

In other words, maybe there was more skulduggery than just against the other Dems.


IIRC she was part of that “sweep” in the midterms in Cali….not sure how many times they recounted those votes, or how many were found in car trunks to get to that conclusion though

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Yes – that was it. It was a seat that had been in R hands forever. Yup. I’ll bet there was cheating.


Whistleblower on Øbominable admin. found shot to death.