We’re rolling low into Vegas!!!!!! Did you get enough sleep after the rally yesterday? Hope so, because this rally is early Afternoon!! Las Vegas, NV Fri, February 21, 2020 12:00 pm (PST) We’re following the schedule:
- President left Tuesday for the west coast. First stop is a fundraiser in Rancho Mirage, California at Larry Ellison’s house. It’s a big deal. Expected to raise about 10 million dollars.
- President spoke in Bakersfield at the Water Board: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tweR60u_dMg (41 minutes, full video)
- Phoenix, AZ Wed, February 19, 2020 07:00 pm (MST) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6C0mt8sa8Rw (full video)
- President flies back to Vegas to spend the night.
- Thursday Morning, President attends Graduation Ceremony for Prisoners in Vegas, signature program. If he can actually reduce the recidivism rate, it would be a major accomplishment. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L79bm98B0IM (many comments on Roger Stone)
- President flies to Colorado Springs for rally.
- Colorado Springs, CO Thu, February 20, 2020 05:00 pm (MST) Full rally found at: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mXorIaY0gVk
- President flies back to Vegas to spend the night.
- Las Vegas, NV Fri, February 21, 2020 12:00 pm (PST)
- VP Pence gives a rally in Reno, 1:15pm.
- Fly back to DC or to Mar-A-Lago? Is Baron on spring break? Melania did not come back to the WH with President after the Daytona 500. Maybe they are still in Florida? No….. if you thought we were done, you were WRONG.
- President is flying BACK to DC.
- After speaking at three rallies in three days in three states, attending a California fundraiser, The Bakersfield Water Board, the Olympic Committee, and Las Vegas graduation speech, Trump will have one day to rest up before he heads to India for a two-day visit with Prime Minister Narendra Modi. (and Melania is going to India with him) We’re on that roller coaster.
- Follow these links for live streams:
- CSPAN: https://www.c-span.org/video/?469439-1/president-trump-campaign-rally-las-vegas
- FOX10 Phoenix: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCJg9wBPyKMNA5sRDnvzmkdg
- RSBN: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bHigqMMw5Ng
- Golden State Times: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCWXPkK02j6MHW-4xCJzgMuw
“President Trump has delivered for Nevada creating 125,600 new jobs since his election, including 16,800 new manufacturing jobs and 24,400 new construction jobs,” wrote Michael Glassner, Chief Operating Officer of Donald J. Trump for President, Inc. “President Trump looks forward to celebrating this success and more with the great men and women of Nevada.”, according to the Reno Gazette: https://www.rgj.com/story/news/politics/2020/02/15/trump-rally-supporters-las-vegas-next-week/4772971002/

Do you suppose President Trump will stay in the Presidential Suite of the Trump Tower in Vegas? Here is one penthouse suite, three bedrooms, about 3,000sq ft., and goes for about $1500/night. the view is right up the strip. Here is the bathroom. Not bad, eh?

You know how campaigns are often limited in their sign sizes? And we all know how expensive it is to buy billboards during campaigns, right? Well, how about this TRUMP sign, strategically placed at the end of The Strip?

Somehow, Bernie and Bloomberg just don’t have the same kind of presence in Nevada as Trump does. Hmmm…… In a BRILLIANT move to save funds and unify the party, the Nevada Repub Comm cancelled their caucus in February over a year ago. Effectively, all NV delegates will go to Trump for the convention, according to the Reno Gazette. https://www.rgj.com/story/news/politics/2020/02/15/trump-rally-supporters-las-vegas-next-week/4772971002/
The timing for this westward campaign swing is extremely tight as his schedule is packed. AFTER the Phoenix Rally, the President flew back to Vegas. Thursday, Trump will speak at the Hope for Prisoners graduation around 11:30 a.m., then head to Colorado Springs, Colorado, for a 5 p.m. rally. White House confirmed that Trump would speak at a graduation ceremony at Metropolitan Police Department headquarters Thursday for Hope for Prisoners, a Las Vegas program that helps ex-inmates re-enter society, a signature issue for the president, per the Las Vegas Review Journal. https://www.reviewjournal.com/news/politics-and-government/nevada/president-trump-to-hold-rally-in-las-vegas-next-week-1958412/
After the Colorado Springs Rally, The President flew back to Vegas for a rally at the Vegas Convention center at noon…… and then back to DC.
In the afternoon, VP Pence will rally in Reno, following the campaign strategy of deploying heavy hitter Trump officials to a state for key events. Barnstorming the state is a good use of assets and the officials, when they travel together, have begun to look like a travel team for a sports league. Whoever came up with the idea deserves a raise. VP Pence event is scheduled to start at 1:15 p.m. Friday, Feb. 21 at the Atlantis Casino and Resort, 3800 Virginia St. in Reno. Per the Reno Gazette Journal.
Back in Vegas, the President’s rally is at high noon (3:00pm Eastern time), the day before the Nevada Caucus for the Dems. The rally will take place at the Las Vegas Convention Center in a room which only seats 2,500 people, according to The Hill: https://thehill.com/homenews/administration/483246-trump-to-hold-rally-in-nevada-day-before-states-caucuses
Currently, for the Dems, Bernie is in the lead, followed by Biden, then Warren (who lost her voice earlier this week).
Trump lost Nevada to Hillary in 2016 by about 2.5 points. Nevada would be an easy get. In Colorado, Trump lost to Hillary by about 136K votes, and Gary Johnson got 144K. These states are close and doable for 2020. Especially with an egomaniac candidate like a Bloomberg, or a crazy socialist like a Bernie. Did you KNOW the Culinary Union in Vegas specifically rejected Bernie’s Medicare for All proposal…….. they LIKE their healthcare.
- With the Larry Ellison fundraiser in Rancho Mirage, CA.
- The rally in Phoenix for McSally and AZ
- The Graduation Ceremony for Prisoners in Vegas
- The Rally in Colorado Springs with Gardner
- Rally on Caucus Day in Vegas
The President’s western swing has been most profitable and noteworthy.
It’s Vegas, unlike any other place on earth.
Let’s wait at the craps table.
Momma needs a new pair of shoes….
Very psyched! These rallies are in all the right places at all the right times! LOVE IT!!!
These Dem campaigns are NEVER going to get off the ground. There’s not even no oxygen – there’s no AIR – no LIFT possible. Trump has it ALL.
Trumps overflow crown is gonna be like Elvis is in Vegas.
Daughn, I didn’t realize CO was that close in 2016 with third party candidate mucking things up. I worked day & night thru elections in my county elections office that handles rejected ballots, and we were not allowed phones, news, etc. I didn’t even know Trump won until well after the night was over, and we had to work for days afterwards. I never did know the final stats (too wiped out to care).
Seeing your numbers makes me more hopeful that Trump might carry the state & get Cory over the finish line. I am more energized to work for Cory.
Hickenlooper is a public doofus and geek, but he is no dummy – very successful businessman and well-liked governor. He definitely did not ‘show’ well on the national stage, but he will be a tough competitor.
Alison – check out these numbers. There’s hope for CO!
That is great, Katie!!!

I am hoping Trump/Cory will pull a lot of Dems on Western slope. There’ll be a rally in Grand Junction at some point to give us stats
Um guys, does anyone have a slight case of anticipatory butterflies about tomorrow/today. Rally venue only holds 2500?? Very odd…..otherwise consider this rally is a daytime event, also odd.
At HIGH NOON…. after those Q drops tonight….In LAS VEGAS….will we ever know what REALLY happened there?
Pretty sure those are dark storm clouds on the horizon
I believe this isn’t the first time Q has told us the storm was imminent.
Sorry…I’ve basically stopped listening to Q. He just jerks us off, over and over again.
IDK, there’s an awful lot going on right now with the education of the normies, exposure of the DoJ, info coming out on Blago that indicates he’s got blackmail level info on the Obamas, and a lot more.
It’s not going to fall the way a lot of us would prefer or as quickly, but if it gets the job done, who cares.
OK, fair enough…Q is doing this for the “normies.” So why should *I* or any of us conclude that “this is IT!!!” every time he does this?
…valid question. The country may not be able to withstand the “full storm” at once. But without seeing any of those responsible for perpetuating the ongoing evil upon society, they run the risk of losing the support of mainstream supporters. People are pissed, and it would help to see “some” key players be held to account thru a military tribunal for crimes already revealed by prior investigations.
Don’t take this the wrong way, please, but given the immediate gratification culture we live in, um…unrealistic expectations?
Just hear me out and consider that two of the people who REALLY should have been prosecuted for crimes against humanity and more died in the first four months of the Trump presidency, and I would think on their own terms.
Is that fair that David Rockefeller escaped temporal justice?
With the PROSECUTION NOW! mentality, he should have been arrested the day after the inauguration even if there was not airtight evidence and any sort of discovery to figure out just what he was guilty of and what to charge him with.
Who was the other – GHWB or JMcC?
Zbigniew Brzezinski, although GHWB would be a close third if he didn’t get the McNoname treatment. Given the Freudian slip from Kasich about McN being put to death, and Q predicting the date and time to the minute, I don’t think McN died of natural causes. It’s just been kept quiet.
You misconstrue my original point.
Yes, I am among the impatient.
My gripe with Q is that he has been constantly implying “it’s just around the corner” when it isn’t. That’s a very different thing. And, honestly, there probably WOULDN’T be as much impatience if Q weren’t doing this. We’re tired of having the football yanked away from us, over and over. Personally, I’m going to stop listening to Q and make my default assumption be that it will never happen. I certainly no longer regard ANYTHING Q says as evidence that it will.
One of Andrew Jackson’s most famous quotes: “I was born for a storm, and a calm does not suit me.”
Note that this is an American President who was involved in several duels, killing a man in one.
But venue can scale up to 11,000 when needed for concerts (and rallies!) https://dlvec.com/the-venue-2/
More information on thread below.
The US Secret Service will make sure no snipers can hit Trump and his supporters!
Noon in Las Vegas is 3 pm Eastern time, not 9 am….as I’m reading the article.
POTUS and team certainly made great use of their time!
Our Daughn works too hard
Bwwhahahaaa, I’m sorry guys.
World is rotating too fast for me – that Greenwich Mean Time keeps slipping a little.
I’m approaching the year 2045 any moment now.
No Prob Wonder Woman …
Twenty…45. 45!!!
I hope this goes viral, it is nice to hear a voice the youth will listen to speak the truth. There is hope, I just feel it and this video is reassuring.
Kimi sent this to me i hope y’all enjoy.
Night and God bless you all.
Vegas is approximately twelve hours from Colorado Springs, so if you-all are driving there from my place, you’d better get going…in about half an hour.
“magic wand”
Ah yes.
Virtual teleportation!
President Trump’s Schedule – he’s flying back to the White House and will arrive in time to get a good night’s sleep!
All Times PST
11:10 AM Depart overnight accommodations en route to Las Vegas Convention Center – Motorcade
11:20 AM Arrive at Las Vegas Convention Center – Las Vegas, NV
12:00 PM Deliver remarks at a Keep America Great Rally [Live Stream]
1:30 PM Depart Las Vegas Convention Center en route to McCarran International Airport – Motorcade
1:40 PM Arrive at McCarran International Airport – Las Vegas, NV
1:50 PM Depart Las Vegas, NV, en route to Washington, D.C. – Air Force One
(Article Continues Below Advertisement)
All Times EST
8:50 PM Arrive at Joint Base Andrews – Washington, D.C.
9:00 PM Depart Joint Base Andrews en route to the White House – Marine One
9:10 PM Arrive at the White House – South Lawn
About the LAS VEGAS CONVENTION CENTER where the Rally will be held – added 500,000 sq. ft. in 2018
A 6,300 seat, silver-domed rotunda, with an adjoining 90,000 sq ft (8,400 m2) exhibit hall opened in April 1959. It hosted The Beatles on August 20, 1964.
But venue can scale up to 11,000 when needed for concerts (and rallies!) https://dlvec.com/the-venue-2/
No need for Trump supporters to be outside under sniper fire – but of course the UNITED STATES SECRET SERVICE will make sure of that!!!!
Vegas is one place I have absolutely no desire to visit. Ever.
As a child, I saw my parents in stupors with cigarettes hanging out of their mouths playing slot machines, whiskey at their elbows…and their late night poker games, more smoke, whiskey. They loved Mardi Gras and Bourbon Street too. .. and that was the tame more presentable side of my family. Mama tried to indoctrinate us into the lifestyle, but I had no talent for drinking or cards, even Bridge.
Years later, my husband and I stopped with another couple on Grand Bahama Island and stayed at a casino hotel on the way to Great Harbour Cay and it was the same scene there.
Casinos and adult entertainment hold no appeal for me whatsoever – totally not my scene.
Spent half an hour in a casino in State Line, Nevada, went back to the condo where we were staying, took a shower, changed my clothes and took a nap to get rid of the headache from the combination of smoke, noise and lights. My mother crashed for the night, it took so much out of her.
Me neither. Went one time when they opened here. Within the first 10 quarters I dropped into a slop machine, I won $250. That was it for me, I was ready to go home.
Love the shows and the prize fights. Great restaurants, but nothing that great.
On the other hand…..
Had a girlfriend who was a big spender in the casinos.
She was an educational consultant and used to bring in high-priced teachers to give seminars to OTHER teachers. The teachers would stay with us, but ONE NIGHT she decided to book a private room at a casino, for dinner, and a Murder-Mystery event for 8 of us.
Well, we had to dress up as our part…..
Okay, fine.
Sounds like fun, right?
My girlfriend, the host, played the part of the mafia Don. She wore a man’s white pinstripe suit, complete with fedora, fake mustache, and smoked a cigar….. (she mostly just held the cigar as a prop)
Other attendees had to play a English professor chemist, chauffeur, etc.
I had to play the wealthy young debutante. Cool beans for me…., right?
So, I wore a red formal, split down to my waist and high on the thigh, 4″ heels, full length white mink coat, piled my hair on top of my head, red lipstick, good jewelry.
We had a great time……
Terrific dinner and the murder mystery was lots of fun. The event was a smashing success.
As my girlfriend, the host, was saying goodbye to her clients, I remained as we were sharing a room in the hotel.
As we were walking back through the casino to the elevators, we stopped to play a few slots. Within minutes, we were stopped by SEVERAL members of casino security.
They thought I was a hooker.
Never in my life!
Security guard grabbed me by the arm, “Didn’t want my kind in their casino!”
I just about died….
He had his dirty hands on my white fur.
Quick explanation and it was all over, but we howled with laughter. The security team told me I had to go and change clothes, though, as we “were attracting too much attention on the floor”
The Exciting Adventures of Daughn 24/7 !!!
Well – at least you had the physique for such a dress and create distraction from the gambling tables!
Many ladies would not be able to sport such a garment…
It was a brave moment. Hilarious in retrospect.
daughn, we so enjoy your, “Oh, that reminds…” moments.
just smashing little story-ettes.
thanks for sharing.
Early Birds.
I’ll be at the Bellagio. They have a decent art collection, I understand.
The glass ceiling art is magnificent there…famous glass artist from Seattle.
Dale Chihuly. It’s beyond description.
Before I looked I figured it was Dale Chihuly. Yep. I’ve seen A LOT of his work. The Missouri Botanical Garden had a HUGE display of it, and sure enough, the donors wrote some BIG checks and most of it is still there. The one chandelier is worth a small fortune. There’s a gallery in St. Petersburg that has some really nice pieces as well.
Last time I saw one of his exhibits, even a very small piece was in the $20,000 range. Had the good fortune to visit his studio in Seattle several years ago…I don’t think he does much of the actual work himself any longer….age, for one thing. If I recall, he also lost the sight in one eye due to a work-related accident.
I’m especially fond of his underwater themed glass works.
Yes, in the St. Petersburg gallery, there’s a walk through and the underwater pieces are above. The chambered nautilus was pretty incredible.
This is the chandelier in the Ridgeway Center at the Garden.
And the onions in the lily pond. There’s more, but this is a Vegas thread.
Can’t find a LIVE STREAM for the Vegas rally at CSPAN or Fox 10 Phoenix YouTube or Golden State Times.
You can try the NewsNow screen here: https://www.fox10phoenix.com
RSBN is the only source I could find…so far.
Of course, 12:00 pm NOON Pacific Time is 3pm Eastern Time, so maybe CSPAN, Fox and GST don’t have their livestream links posted yet.
Also, all the times in the President Trump’s schedule are PST. So he will be arriving back at the White House at midnight eastern time.
Have these guys made a mistake:
President Trump’s Itinerary for 2/20/21 – note: this page will be updated during the day if events warrant
All Times PST
11:10 AM Depart overnight accommodations en route to Las Vegas Convention Center – Motorcade
11:20 AM Arrive at Las Vegas Convention Center – Las Vegas, NV
12:00 PM Deliver remarks at a Keep America Great Rally [Live Stream]
1:30 PM Depart Las Vegas Convention Center en route to McCarran International Airport – Motorcade
1:40 PM Arrive at McCarran International Airport – Las Vegas, NV
1:50 PM Depart Las Vegas, NV, en route to Washington, D.C. – Air Force One
(Article Continues Below Advertisement)
All Times EST
8:50 PM Arrive at Joint Base Andrews – Washington, D.C.
9:00 PM Depart Joint Base Andrews en route to the White House – Marine One
9:10 PM Arrive at the White House – South Lawn
I’m no good with time zones.
So he IS coming back to DC before leaving for India.
Makes sense, gotta pku Melania and do the laundry (bwhwhaaaa).
Moving at TWS (Trump Warp Speed) P45 is really giving the Secret Service and their team of Beast and SUV movers, pilots, etc. a MAJOR WORKOUT!!!
thanks Daughn for the Elvis song! that was one of my favorite Elvis movies. I used to enjoy casinos a long time ago–but they got too smokey, too crowded and too disgusting.
now hubby and i will play casino games on our laptops occasionally–betting thousands of dollars on a single slot machine pull–but the money’s fake and so are the losses…LOL
looking forward to reading all the comments later!!!!
Ann Margaret = World’s Perfect Woman.
Gosh I wanted to be her.
remember the song she did in that film…My Rival? oh man…I wanted to be her too!!!!
still was gorgeous in the Grumpy Old Men movies!!
CSPAN will livestream the Vegas rally:
Thank you, putting this link up top.
Fox 10 Links for Rally:
Fox 10 NewsNow – https://www.fox10phoenix.com
Colorado stats….
Mass DEXIT!!!!
Up front and center!
On my way!!!
Hey folks! I’m here too… limited bandwidth though!
So I’m afraid I don’t have any snacks, but as I hear it there are TONS of great restaurants in Las Vegas!
If you really need some I have some baked puff veggie chips…
You are at the rally site?!
What will we ever do for graphics tonight if you can’t tweet?
If you are there – have fun and wave!
Sadly nope – I’m at the “work site”

Hey, Trump said he’d put America back to work… so here I am…
Pat is here !!!! Great !
Taking down the VP seal and putting up the POTUS seal!!!
Yes! A rally that doesn’t start at 3AM!
Good to see you here JW………..
Happy to be here ready to RALLY!!!
JW, we put in a word just for you and Cuppa!
The early rally time? LOL!
THANKS Daughn!
And Prost and cheers (great time for a beer or a G&T here, approaching 21:30 (aka 9:30))…
WWG1WGA !!!!
We’ve got your back POTUS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I brought some snacks…..
WOW…. Georgia, you’re so thoughtful……………. looks so good! Thank you Yummy
I tuned into CNN to watch the rally.
79 year old life-long Dem on the call in right now, says he leans more Repub.
Doesn’t like what the Dems are saying.
Here comes the boss!
Across the plains of Texas from sea to shining sea.
I am Proud to be American!!!!
Without sounding too whimpy…I often get tears of pride when I see President Trump. Love him like a Pops.
Folks look pretty pumped up…
Can’t count votes – computer problems again
“They’re getting close” – they aren’t getting close BOOM
Hello Las Vegas, they have a big election here tomorrow, but we’ve already won.
Have you heard?
They’re saying the computers are already messed up for tomorrow
They can’t count votes!!
I’m delighted to be here… I have a big beautiful building down the road lol!
President Trump’s Feed
LIVE: President Trump in Las Vegas, NV
Miracle on Ice?
Ohhhh cool.
That’s our POTUS ! Soc it to ’em Sir !!!!!!!!!!
That was such a great hockey game. 40years.
The Miracle on Ice – greatest moment ever in Sports.
We played against the Soviets, a practice game ten days before… was 10 to 3 and we weren’t on top
40 years when the Mens’ Hockey team beat the Soviet team in the Winter Olympics!!!
Olympics back to Los Angeles……. thank you President Trump (remember when Obama and Oprah tried and didn’t get it?)
2028 – I might be President still……….
He was President elect back then, got involved.
2028 Olympics coming to Los Angeles!
I did it as President Elect
The POTUS didnt’ want to get invovled
But I got involved
Today we have 14 player from that really incredible GOLD MEDAL TEAM!
This is a big crowd – it’s only b/c you are coming!
14 members of the team are there today
How cool is that!!
What happened in Colorado last night was unbelieveable
Everywhere we go is incredible
We couldn’t filled that arena four times-and it was a big arena
Great to see RSBN come back strong today! I have a place in my heart for them….since 2015 keeping me sane in Central Germany.
Absolutely James. RSBN got us through some rough times; I hope they can survive.

Jim Craig, the goaltender
37 shots on goal – deflected!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Invite these wonderful guys on stage!
Captain Mike speaking!
Amazing we happened to be here
Vegas thanks for having us!
A lot of shots on goal – Jim Craig – like a human pinata
Rebuffed so many, didn’t know what was happening, they kept shooting, rebuffed 37
Was that the greatest game you ever played? Slightly important
RIP Herb Brooks.
What an absolute treat!!!!
37 shots on goal denied!!!
No one went to church that Sunday.
TWELVE MORE YEARS!!!! Hey Mike – look at the FAKE NEWS!
I would walk in the middle of the 1980 Olympic Hockey Team being honored.
Nobody is doing what we do – nobody can do it liek us! we have the greatest country in the world – AGAIN!
Can’t keep up with this guy and all his WINNING!!!!!!
The guy chewing gum looks like he could still knock my teeth out. Hockey players are tough.
There were a lot of names I hadn’t heard in a long time.
Hollywood outsourcing the Oscars….South Korea first?
Come speak to us about Coach Brooks – Let’s have his daughter Kelly representing her father!!! And I can honestly tell you Kelly was not ready for this – AT ALL!!!
Awwwwww That is SO special

Coach Brooks daughter is here, representing her father.
He was a great coach.
She’s crying. What a lovely young woman.
COME ON KELLY!!!!!!!!!
Dad would have been a Trump fan.
Okay, I’m crying. Great moment in all our lives.
I know it someone needs to stop cooking onions!!!!!
Ding GREAT things – kind of like the Daily Thread…. Hmmmmm…….
The Miracle on Ice hockey team was so so so cool.
The Great American Comeback, and we’re just getting started!!!
Do-nothing-Dimwits “Putin Putin Putin Russia Russia Russia”
These people are sick.
“They’re starting another witch hunt. Putin wants to be sure Trump gets elected. Did you see that? ” These people are sick. That’s pencil neck again.
Time to finally put people away for sedition.
We want to get along with all these countries, who the hell wants to have conflicts.
These people are sick.
The polls are fake.
Yesterday, single best day I’ve had in the polls.
The Wisconsin poll, which FLEP put up (once again Q TREE ahead of the news), is really a good poll.
Mini Mike. How about that Pocahontas screaming at him?
Why didn’t he bring that up (the DNA test) when she was screaming at him? I can’t breathe! He choked.
Who won the debate?
man in crowd – You won that debate!
POTUS laughs
How about MSDNC? They’re worse than CNN.
Comcast is Rotten for our country!!!
Let’s see what happens over the next period of time…..Sounds like he has plans.
I think so too!!!
Boo Hiss Finally dropped our Comcast cable in Dec

Fake News Media cameramen are ON OUR SIDE! LOL!
Terrible People running that company!
And the would KISS MY ASS!!! LOL!!
MSDNC – owners of Comcast, very bad for our country.
I think in the old days, you used to have licenses for this kind of stuff
Apprentice, 14 seasons, they used to come to my office and they would kiss my ASS
Jeff Zucker signed Donald Trump.
You know who signed me? Jeff Zuker. The only good thing he did.
#1 Show in all of television!!!
22.1 K watching on Fox 10
15.8K on RSBN
2.5K on GST
CSPAN is also streaming, but they don’t show the viewers.
And Michael is *ahem* working
Right, Michael ?!?
The story on how he fired is lowsy Agent!!! LOL!!
They didn’t want more than one season, didn’t want to waste the ink for more than one season, NO options.
calls them stupid people
Wiliam Morris
his agent, said no biz show has done well on television
we shook hands, had to do it
said he can’t do it
started at 10th place, went to number 1
agent called him at 6:00am and he was in bed, was proud of him, wanted to see him because he wanted more money
I fired him.
Comcast and NBC wanted him to sign for another 3 years, he said no, running for President
But from the day I ran, they went negative
For guys like Trump, what you want is always irrelevant.
Although, if you make noise about moving on, and the boss likes you, you WILL get a raise.
Ha, ha………….he fired his agent that signed him for The Apprentice………..cute story.
No…I’m gonna run for President!!!
Comcast is a rotten company
Jake Tapper, Who likes him? Maybe his wife does
Comcast is worse than CNN!!!
Jake Tapper–Who likes him anyways!
Dan Scavino is awesome! #1 on TWITTER!!
Tapper actually said the Russian Hoax story is not true!!!
Jake Tapper…
Tell the truth and you will be respected.
You got to see this shirt!!!! Greatest President EVA!
IS there any more fun than a Trump rally?
You gotta see this shirt
He’s calling a guy up to the stage.
Calling another guy up to the stage.
80 rallies???? Go BRICK SUIT MAN!!!!
So jealous!!
It’s the brick wall guy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
This is when Trump is in his element. Really, he’s a regular guy who happens to be really smart and willing to work his tail off.
He’s in the ZONE!!!
Yep. Methinks the flight plan to DC is in flux.
Something is happening!!! He is so confident!
One of the last Q drops had a photo with 2.21 in the name of an image. I figured something was up today. I mean, asking for the rally to moved up can’t just be about going to India.
Gotta See this shirt!!!
Calling a guy up!! that has funny shirt and another that has been to 80 rallies
YOU SAVED US!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
He wants a guy to come up out of the audience and show off his shirt! Some guy he asks how many rallies his been to…………80! Up comes Brick Wall Suit guy…….guy whose shirt he wanted to see says CNN Fake News! I could hear Brick Wall Suit guy say thank you for saving America.
He met her at the rally in colorado – man did he get lucky
So funny! Talk about meet cute…………
I may have to use this in a novel. The one I published this morning…I’ve watched The Gumball Rally and Cannonball Run, not to mention Smokey and the Bandit, one too many times.
Trump merchandise will be valuable collectors’ items for centuries!!!
Rally Love

Couple met in Colorado
Added 7 million new jobs since the election!!
225K jobs
every race creed religion and culture
Al Bag Daddy is dead
Al Bag Daddy LOL!!!
Al Bagdahdi is dead!
17 YEARS they looked for him!! 17!!!!!!!!!!
We kept the oil! and should have done in Iraq by the way!!!
I had to show they are liars!!
Teaching the masses the Truth about Swamp corruption. The deprogramming of decades of indoctrination.
AMEN JW……………. he’s doing a terrific job of educating the people
He has always been a great teacher…I think of this every time I hear the crowd roar at “Two great Supreme Court Justices”…or, his talk ab Trade deals.
What other president even TALKED ab such things?
I have Never even Known who the Commerce Secretary IS…now I love me some Wilbur!
and so it goes.
He’s riffing like crazy.
Well, somebody’s gotta do it.
Erbody is gonna be obsolete when I’m gone
If the titanic went down they wouldn’t cover it–Unless I was on the sucker!!!
Mini Mike spent $500 million in order to get embarrassed by Pocahontas
Minimike spent 500 mil to get embarrassed by Pocahauntas!!!
She’s MEAN!!
HI JAMES!!!!!!

Hahaha! Mini Mike spent $500M in order to get embarrassed by Pocahontas!!! President Trump
It’s not gonna be her
Can’t Be Alfred E Newman!!
Howdy Doody!!
Yeah, in this house, we know Alfred E. Newman.
Bloomberg spent 500 million to be embarrassed
Liz warren is MEAN, anger on her face
Poor guy probably signed a hundred NDAs, n one old me this was going to happen
Can’t be Pete, Alfred E Newman.
Bernie is too emotional and Biden is Angry!!!

POTUS bent down leaving only his head above the podium imitating mini Mike!!!!
Killin’ it!!!! Hahahaha!
The DIMs are giving him too much material…
Nanny is a gold mine !
Please Please somebody give us a video!!!

Biden is angry, can’t get the words out.
Might happen to me someday
Can you imagine how that would work
He just called Steyer a schmuck.
Tom Steyer!!! THis schmuck sent 230 mil and got less than 1% of votes in Iowa caucus!!
And he is having a fight with Pocahauntas!!! LOL!!!
Separating a fool from his money.
NONE of the Democrat candidates are worth voting for.
They have no platforms worth voting for.
Their socialist policies are ruinous to any state or country.
Democrat cities and states are a disaster – high crime and trash piles, people on drugs, living on the streets, preying on citizens.
Sing it Sista !
How about that First Lady
Perfect kids
My beautiful kids
They had such a great life before I did this.
Ivanka had a great company, …….. I want to come to Washington and help people get jobs.
500K jobs was her goal, she’s now at 15 million jobs, to improve private sector training, (Like we used to do)
My cast~~ My beautiful First Lady and my great kids!!! Sorry Kids!
Ivanka wanted to come to Washington and help create jobs!!
15 million jobs she’s created!!
You could take Biden’s son………. Boooooooo
We don’t do that with my kids.
Uh, oh – Ivanka VS Hunter – LOL
Big riff on HUNTER!!!
Speaking of Vice President!
Perfect Vice President!
I have the greatest vice Pres!!
I have to get back to DC and work…moved up the time. What’s going on? Hmmmm……..
“This is the greatest show of all times”
moving it up early today
got to get back to Washington and work
First thing you do as Pres is pick a bad VP, because if something happens to you, they can’t because they say… “look at the next guy in line”
I have a GREAT VP
I have the Perfect casting and Reality Show!
But we are working our Asses off!!!!!
Soleimani, father of the roadside bomb, ended his reign of terror.
Pick the worst VP – and they will not touch you – I’ve got the greatest Vice-President – this is not about casting – this is about real life – President Trump
We are doing things nobody has done before – we worked out a$$e$ off!
altitude in CO and jet lag…. he must be feelin’ it …
still he works so hard!
And who is happy Soleimani is dead? The people of Iran, and the leaders of Iran are happy because they were afraid of him
Solemaniac is burning in Hell!!!
Solemeini! Fr. of roadside bomb!
Were is he? (DEAD)!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Dems leaving our party to join our Movement!!!
Where’s Soleimani?
Great one D.P. !!!!!!!!!!!
That’s why the Dems are crazy
and the voters are leaving the Dems like crazy and joining our movement.
And this is not election season yet
We have the enthusiasm.
Four MOAR YEARS chant goes up
More enthusiasm now than before the election!!
4 MORE YEARS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Sheldon Adelson and wife
they are the ones who sponsored the prison program yesterday
terrific philanthropy
Applied with traditional western values, and philanthropy can accomplish great things.
Can’t get rid of MAGA! Our President is superstitious!
perhaps more than that…
AGAIN — says still striving, moving forward
KEEP – says, status quo is okay
I like MAGA ……………….. AND it triggers the DIMs !
Astute observations.
He’s always disappointed when KAG wins!!! LOL!!
Leaders of the Repubs
this is a real kitchen table rally
Rick from Pawn Stars is there.
I was just showing a house today–the owner is my client and he left his black MAGA hat out on the counter for me!!!
Funny…there’s a nice house on the cross street, about 250 feet from my house, that was on the market last year and didn’t sell. You can make arguments that the original features remaining from the 1930s, i.e. inlaid multi-colored stone floors, was the reason.
Well…there was a “Black Lives Matter” sign in the front yard.
Real estate season starts in the next two weeks. I expect that one to go back up.
Maybe it’s Bureau of Land Management, DP!!! LOL!!
Could be.
aww Marica … Bet that made your day!
It did!!! I took a picture!!!
Made me giggle!! I even took a picture!!!
Man of the people, salt of the earth…wow.
Unions are with us cuz I’m for the working man and woman!!!
Most inclusive society!!!!!!!!!!
I’m for the working man and woman, whether you’re union or not.
Medicare for all gets rid of their negotiated health care packages.
bad deal for the unions.
I would like to dedicate this song to President Trump and MAGA!
Enjoyed that… got me movin’ ………………!
125K jobs in Nevada
40K construction and manufacturing jobs.
Unemplyment rate is lowest in 1/2 a century!!!!
Oh, my — this is how pumped he is eight months prior to the election…..I think I need to outfit my study with a safety harness and roll cage.
Paging Ryan Newman.
I just learned today he’s one of the engineers that designed the roll cage that saved his life. How cool is that?
Now that is really cool/kewl !
I LOVE hispanics
see there
lowest unemployment rates ever recorded
Black, asian, lowest
women lowest in 71 yrs
Black youth all time lowest unemployment
Veterans = lowest unemployment
disabled = lowest unemployment
Workers without a high school diploma, lowest unemployment ever recorded in the history of the USA.
500K more Hispanics own a home.
You know who understands the border better than anyone = the Hispanics understand it.
You know who understand the border wall!!!
122 Miles of WALL!!
Yes, Hispanics understand more than the Dems want them to. They get it. The wall is needed for security.
Gonna make our country safe again.
If you listen to the audio only, it has become virtually impossible to know when he is reading the prompter or freestyle.
Median Household INCOME is the highest in recorded history!!!!!!!!!!
And still, getting women to spend $2-3 on an e-book that they will have forever, or for a doctor’s wife to spend more than $10 on a hand crocheted baby hat is next to impossible. “In a store, we only have to pay….”
Oh, wait, she is an MSNBC watcher.
I have 10,000 more…Do you?
Ended war on energy
money we save at the pump and utility is terrific
Here it is….1:11

Yucca Mountain !!! Get rid of Nuclear waste!!
Yucca Mountain – Why should you have NUCLEAR WASTE in your back yard???
Don’t even think about sending it here to South Carolina… we don’t want it either.
Yucca Mountain – why should you have nuclear waste in your back yard.
Other nations dump it in the ocean
The Great Betrayal of America is OVER!!!!! America is NO LONGER FOR SALE!!!!!
Trade deals NAFTA and China entry to WTO
The great betrayal is over, America is no longer for sale.
And hopefully, cheap Chinese crap won’t be in short order.
But her people’s hand made goods are. Please, buy local.
Under my Administration the great betrayal of America is OVER
America is NO LONGER FOR SALE!!!
Whoops gotta scoot. BBL
TTFN, Daughn!
Boo to ILLEGALS!!!!!!!!!!!
California–THE CLOWN!!!!
Mexico gave us 20K Troops a t the border!!
MEDIC for one of the rally peeps!!
Those front row people are tough. They’ve been here for 3 days.
Front row people are tough!
I am going to step out for a bit! Love to my QTreepers!
stay safe…
Donald Trump – President’s Public Schedule
Thank you.
Couch commando yammering at me.
Illegal crossings are down 75% and we have ended ‘Catch & Release’ – President Trump
We’re going to impeach Obama! Belated impeachment!
SMH – 132 Democrats signed up to end Healthcare for 180M people –
Zero lied – we should impeach him – belated impeachment – it is legal – isn’t it?
Make GREAT movies! Not computerized GARBAGE!!!
Make GREAT movies, not this computerized garbage!
Now now. Total Recall was handed the Oscar for achievement in visual effects without a vote due to computerized visuals.
Star Wars, OTOH, was all the real thing in 1977.
Gone With the Wind again. Finished in 1939, not 1936. That was the book, IIRC. I have a copy upstairs.
Anyway, As Tara Turns and Atlanta Burns. Straight up soap opera with great costuming.
It was a historical epic movie.
I’m a Casablanca fan myself.
Seriously, without Vivian Leigh, Olivia de Haviland, and Hattie McDaniel…sorry. How could anyone go for a beta when Rhett Butler is sniffing at her skirts?
Great characters. Rhett Butler…………………………
After Mr. Darcy, the model for romance heroes.
Oh yes, definitely…………….
you’re correct D.P. – the year I was born.
After 1960 – and parents didn’t meet for another 6 years – I get lost. Prior to that…GREAT movie making.

I didn’t know how dirty and disgusting the Swamp was
A lot of the media is a big part of the Swamp
Gonna make healthcare a big part of our campaign!!!
I had forgotten that… plans will be roll out soon I bet.
We’re gonna make Healthcare a big part of this campaign
We went to court to get rid of the ‘carcass’ known as Ocare
And take Hillary Care with you!
We still have remnants of that here 25+ years later the way the hospitals lined up.
Cute RIFF on Barron!!!
Baron chant goes up!!
They’re chanting BARRON
Potus – WO….He’s a tall boy, i’ll tell ya that, just turned 13
Yeah…I hope they’re keeping an eye on the spine. Fast growth is one of the contributors to scoliosis.
DP, he’s built like Eric.
wonder what Eric’s growth was like?
No surprise healthcare bills!!
Price Transparencies in Hospitals!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Word Press is so slow for me today.
Chants for Barron Barron Barron!
Price Transparency is bigger than Healthcare!!!!
Pay cash at the doctor’s office, and you get a discount.
I gotta do what’s right!!!
Generic Drugs!!!
Wow. Is it just me, or is he closing in on like 2 hours?
I didn’t get here til late! but he is just as strong in his 3 Rally as he has in the First one!
Alshiemers again!! HOPE
Alzheimers…drink a couple 2 liter bottles of Fiji water a week. The silica binds with the aluminum in the system and flushes it out.
Really DP?!!
That’s what I read/hear. But, the pharmas really don’t want you to know that.
Just in case, I’ve been indulging since I do like Figi water even if it is a Bronfman company.
hmmmI may have to invest a little myself!
Oh wow DP! Did not know that
Pence spoke a little after 3:00 – if you go to the beginning of the Rally, there is a time stamp for when he took the stage (Georgia says when the Prez seal went up)
Prob 1 1/2 hrs.
He came on stage at about 1:30 or so.
Yeah, I had to run to the vet’s office.
Hope everything’s ok?
There was a several minutes pause for the medical situation.
New Drugs trial Period from 12 years to 6 years!!!
Right to TRY!!!
Every child is a sacred gift from GOD
Verry Verry Important 2nd Amendment!!
Are we enthusiastic!!!
I like what I do!!!
We like what you do!!! Let’s team up!!!
bfly, thanks so much for posting this.
the feed I had “..had technical difficulties” during this little speech, and the Coach’s Daughter’s comment.
much appreciated.
The 6th Branch – The Space Force!!!!
SPACE FORCE!!! We opened a Whole Branch!!!
Made in the USA!!
Ending the AIDS epidemic within NINE years in America!
Fighting for the Sacred values that bind us together!
Always respect our GREAT AMERICAN FLAG!!!
2nd is under seige. As long as I’m here they’re not touching it.

We are making it greater than ever before!!!
Nice List of Nevada Landmarks including Hoover Damn and Vegas strip!!!!!
MAGA Dear PEEPS!!!!!!
KAG Marica!!!!

Together, we will make America wealthy again,
We will make America strong again
We will make America proud again
We will make America safe again
And we will make America great again,
Greater than ever before!
Fox 10 is doing a replay of the LV Rally right now!
He’s still hanging with the People!!!!
Bet PDJT is exhausted!
I hope they can keep his campaign schedule sane and not over-work our guy!
He has a YUGE country to run on top of all the campaigning!
I don’t expect he’ll be doing 3-5 rallies every day for two months like last time. He might do 3-5 a day, but only on some days.
RSBN blocked???!!!
Replay NOT BLOCKED on Golden State!!!
Great rally!
I’m listening to the “Russia wants Trump” stuff. OY VEY!!!
Russia wants Bernie too!!!
Tucker says it’s a scam by the left to get rid of Bernie??
Fox reported earlier that Bernie was informed last month.
Chaos! Cui bono? Hmmmmmmmm……