Welcome! Come on in, the doors are open.
Come on up and find a comfy spot:
This Sanctuary Q Tree Saturday Open Thread is VERY OPEN – a place for everybody to post whatever they feel they would like to tell the White Hats, and the rest of the MAGA/KAG/KMAG world (with KMAG being a bit of both).
Free Speech is practiced here at the Q Tree. But please keep it civil.
Discussion of Q is not only allowed but encouraged. Imagine that! We can talk about Q here and not get banned.
Please also consider the Important Guidelines, outlined here. Let’s not give the odious Internet Censors a reason to shut down this precious haven that Wolf has created for us.
With the Storm upon us…please remember to Pray for our President.
Wheatie’s Rules:
- No food fights.
- No running with scissors.
- If you bring snacks, bring enough for everyone.
For your listening enjoyment, I offer this composition from Thomas Bergersen of Two Steps From Hell, titled ‘High C’s’:
[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tGh4FcZKekA&w=640&h=360]
Visual descriptions for our dear Zoe, and for anyone else who may find them helpful:
Header Image: Is a gigantic Tree, sitting on a hill in the middle of a group of buildings and homes. The Tree reaches up into the sky, it’s branches forming an enormous canopy. Underneath the canopy, there is a bright glow shining up from within the Tree. The canopy of the tree stretches out over all the structures below.
Second Image: Is a rounded doorway at the top of a stone stairway, built into the base of an enormous Tree. The doors are glass and there is a bright glow coming from beyond the doors. There are plants, vines and vegetation on either side of the stone steps.
Third Image: Is an open room with comfy-looking futons, a fluffy throw rug and large throw pillows on a gleaming wooden floor. There are glowing lanterns positioned around on the floor.
Fourth Image: Is President Trump walking outdoors, with two secret service agents behind him. He is holding up his left arm out to his side, giving a wave with his hand.
The Democrats are spinning in circles.
Our meme makers are having fun:
[Credits to Carpe Donktum.]
And we get to point and laugh!
Some musings here –
The population of the U.S. is about 330,000,000 people. It varies widely, but about 12% or about 40,000,000 people catch the seasonal flu every year . . . and about 30, 000 people die each year from the flu.
The flu season is about 8 months long and February, on the average, is the worst month for the flu. It’s not a Gaussian or Poisson distribution, but on the back of an envelope, you could figure that around 8,000,000 people have the flu in February and about 6,000 of them will die, or about 200 each day.
I read that a reagent in our flu test kit is bad, there are many false negatives when used, and the CDC is not universally testing people for the WuFlu that present symptoms or haven’t travelled to China or come in contact with people who have returned from China or are known as infected. Testing in some selected cities, however, could be quite informative.
Given that the above is somewhat reasonable, I would think it’s also reasonable that while the WuFlu is gaining a foothold in the general population, contagion still increasing slowly because of our lesser susceptibility to the WuFlu (less pollution, less smoking, fewer ACE-2 receptors), that any evidence of that growth, for the time being, is mostly buried within the seasonal flu numbers.
In a few weeks, especially when the seasonal flu numbers diminish, if the WuFlu continues contagion growth, we’ll only see and recognize the WuFlu full extent after it is fairly well established in the general population.
Sound reasonable???
Reasonable…and scary.

Yeah. I’m kinda counting on the less susceptibility and severity part.
I think you may be right. It’s entirely possible that WuFlu is already spreading fairly rapidly and is simply well camouflaged in both flu and “normal coronavirus” cases.
Yes, I get both sides of this, but Trump is right – this is a fuck-up, and he MUST be consulted before such moves, because right now I don’t think anybody grasps the long-term strategy here like POTUS.
I totally get bringing these patients home, because [and I’m being very blunt here] we want to SAVE THESE PATIENTS AND STUDY THEM.
However, we CANNOT let this thing get away from us, and we have no proof that containment is working as well as it should on enclosed spaces like BUILDINGS, SHIPS and PLANES.
I completely agree. We should have gotten US citizens off the ship ASAP and ALL of them should have then been quarantined at a base here in the States. I cannot believe, in this day and age, the CDC does not have standing plans & transport in place for situations like this. WTF!!!!
It is also EGREGIOUS that we allowed pharmaceuticals and medical supplies production to be outsourced. There seems to be no end to the potential dangers that globalism has brought to our citizens.
I am SO PISSED that we have been helpless to stop our govt from selling us out.
“There seems to be no end to the potential dangers that globalism has brought to our citizens.“
And that, right there…gets to the core of the issue.
The Americans could have easily been flown to Guam. Andersen AFB, GU…is a HUGE facility.
This is a positive sign that Pres. Trump will be on top of this and maybe more hands-on with all the agencies involved — or at least he’ll have good people overseeing it more closely. Incompetence is everywhere.
yeah, about that word incompetence–is it really that? or is it just planned?
I’m not saying things are perfect and costly mistakes aren’t being made — but I feel 10,000% more confident about the current administration’s handling than I did about the CDC’s goofball Ebola response in the previous administration.

KEY POINTS explaining how they lie

NANCY MESSONNIER, head of the National Center for IMMUNIZATION and Respiratory Diseases
is very likely a Senior Exec appointed in April of 2016 by Obama.
While the Johns-hopkins site and the news was reporting 2 dead of the WuFlu in Iran…
”Dr. Alavi works at the Kamkar hospital in Qom and reports 20 patients have died from clinically diagnosed cases of #COVID19 at his hospital. Only in Tehran can samples be tested, so it might be a while to get full numbers.”
Technically it is only two VERIFIED by a lab test but the actual number of ‘clinically diagnosed cases’ is TWENTY.
Nancy told her friend Frank there was 1000+ cases in 35 states. These would be ‘clinically diagnosed cases’ She then turns around and tells the public there are only ~15 cases. These are LAB TEST POSITIVE CASES. (The test is crap and often returns a false negative when the disease is present.)
This is supposedly a very nasty ‘flu season’
Some of those coughing and feverish patients actually have the WuFlu.
As E.M. Smith put it on 19 February 2020 at 12:56 am
“Well this isn’t good… just saw where ONLY NOW will the USA start testing for SARS-CoV-2 / Covid-19 among folks presenting with “flu like symptoms” and only in selected cities. San Francisco, Chicago, NYC, and a few others. In other words, we have no clue how much of it is in the country as, unless you came here from China, we didn’t look.”
And then it gets even WORSE…
E.M.Smith says on 22 February 2020 at 12:51 am
“Part of why USA cases are bogus? Seems they sent out broken test kits (only 3 States have working kits) AND you don’t even get tested unless you have traveled to China or had contact with a proven known case. So by definition, community transmission can’t be found…”
President Trump needs to REAM ASS in the CDC, or better yet, since they are MEDICALLY TRAINED, send them to carry bed pans in WuFlu biocontaiment wards…
Time to promote Miss Nancy to the Wuhan China field office.
Has been my sermon since Ebola cases were allowed in this country. I have been screaming about the crooked CDC for several years now. The CDC has now become another terrorizing arm of that “F…er Obama.
^^^ THIS! IF MCM were doing their jobs, ^^^ would headline every Sunday talk show. MCM would be hounding CDC everyday.
Yeah, right…
Notice the Fake News never tells you this:
“Even patients who definitely have the disease only come back positive 30 per cent to 50 per cent of the time,” Prof Wang said. “Testing throat swabs (from potentially infected people) also returns a lot of false negatives.”
As I said the TESTING IS CRAP! (So I was an analytical chemist so sue me…)
Remember when the media claimed that infectious disease outbreaks at migrant detention centers was “fake news?” Nope, they’re very real
Media buries the truth about illegal immigrants bringing wave of hepatitis, tuberculosis and HIV to America
The IMMIGRATION LAW POINT BLANK SAID THESE ILLEGALS HAD TO BE BOOTED but the CDC hid the fact they had the diseases so they could be turned loose in the USA to await their ‘trial’
8 U.S. Code § 1182.Inadmissible aliens
That is ANY ALIEN, not just one applying for LEGAL immigration!
The ENTIRE CDC should be up on charges for this. And yeah, what they did was against the law.
8 U.S. Code § 1324.Bringing in and harboring certain aliens
Yep. With our invading “Fachkräfte” (specialists) and “Kulturelle Bereicherung” (Cultural Enrichment, yeah, right); hordes of thousands, no less, our medical facilities are often overwhelmed (as the invaders have been taught by their, erm, colleagues, to storm the emergency rooms (!) in order to get in front of the “natives”…
Meanwhile, the emergency rooms and medical personnel are encountering diseases and plagues the likes of which have not been seen for hundreds of years. They need new equipment, training, more personnel, and more funding, in order to fight and cure these new problems.
But for Merde-Kuh, this is just another opportunity for diversity to show its wonderful benefits to us, and to continue the philosophy (and damage) of the Coudenhove-Kalergi Plan…
This is it! This is how they’re doing it! This is how “inappropriate inaction” is being used to carry out the commie plot. It’s a kind of myopia designed to NOT GET AHEAD OF THE VIRUS.
Whether she is a “knowing” part of it or just a useful tool doesn’t matter – the infectious ideas are what creates “inflation room” for the virus to grow.
Find out which other SES are helping to protect this nasty “deep in the box” thinking.
Foot-dragging – and it is SO, SO ChiCom.
I have frequently referred to (on the down-low, of course), “ChiCom foot-draggers” in tech. They’re the ultimate gold brick saboteurs, guaranteed to grind things to a halt SLOWLY and with no fingerprints. One PRAYS that a project doesn’t get weighted down with ChiCom foot-draggers.
Makes me wonder if we can “work around” CDC using smart people in industry and the military who have not been infected with the virus-assisting thinking. People who are like Trump and want to get ahead of the virus.
Yes, reasonable.
Slow guy figures since we, the US is for the most part not testing for WuFlu, we won’t know. Illness and deaths will be blamed on flu, pneumonia… Much like an aspect of how China dumbs down their WuFlu numbers.
Not trained in the medical or health fields, but from what I have learned here at the QTree, CDCs head is buried in their asses AND we, the US at large, is not as informed as we ought to be.
Next month better half and I have our six month check in with quack, to verify we seem to be doing OK. At that time, IF things are going south in our area, will toy with rescheduling so we are not in a waiting room exposed to who knows what.
30,000 people do NOT die from the flu. They generally die either from pneumonia or sepsis, not the flu. And both the pneumonia and the sepsis are due to bacterial infections, not viral illness. That number is basically made up from the CDC. They base it on the number of (mostly) elderly people who either were admitted with flu-like symptoms but were either negative or never tested and who later died.
AGREED – most emphatically – Tin Foil Hat.
Elders and disabled are vulnerable to sepsis and respiratory infections.
“They generally die either from pneumonia or sepsis, not the flu. And both the pneumonia and the sepsis are due to bacterial infections, not viral illness. “
I am sorry to tell you but that is simply UNTRUE and WORSE it is dangerously untrue because bacterial pneumonia, which I had last year, is treated with antibiotics. I did not spend even one day in the hospital even though it was complicated by asthma to the point I could barely walk.
This article has a short vid explaining the lungs, pneumonia, ‘cytokine storm,’ and treatment:
The video tells you why the CDC being such political asses is so dangerous to our country.
H/T to Larry L.
From the Lancet:
Clinical features of patients infected with 2019 novel coronavirus in Wuhan, China
The above article sees the correlation of high levels of circulating inflammatory cytokines, or “cytokine storm,” with critical illness. In other words the lungs become inflamed and the inflamed tissues can not transfer O2 to the blood. That video does a bang-up job explaining this.
Finally from the US Government:
Glad to hear your pneumonia was successfully treated, however many people DO require hospitalization or in home care with IV antibiotics. Older patients, especially those with multiple comorbidities CAN and DO die from pneumonia and sepsis which sometimes develops as results from flu. Antibiotics do treat bacterial infections, but are not always successful, depending on the severity of infection and general condition of the patient.
Correct, and it is not just older patients.
Bacterial Pneumonia is a problem because of resistant bacteria.
HOWEVER MY POINT IS Pneumonia CAN BE VIRAL. That is what I was trying to get across.
Saying it is ALWAYS bacterial is incorrect and at this point DANGEROUS.
Not either/or — AND LOGIC.
Bacterial pneumonia, viral pneumonia and sepsis, alone or in combination, can kill elderly or chronically ill patients. It does NOT necessarily have to be a resistant strain. Think about a cancer patient who is immunocompromised from chemo….a “simple” infection can be deadly.
Why are you replying with an article about the corona virus? It has nothing to do with influenza. And I can promise you the people who die from pneumonia are not dying from viral pneumonia. They are dying from sepsis, which is nearly always a secondary bacterial infection.
I have worked in the medical field for 30 years. I know what I’m talking about.
SO – QTreepers – do y’all get the Flu Shot every year?
No…on the advise of my old doctor, who was one of the smartest men I’ve known.
Yes I know, 100 doctor will have 100 opinions, so you just do your own research and in the end make the decision you feel most comfortable with for yourself.
I did get the singles shot.
So – you are scared of singles?
Actually,I was single for a long time, so I’m more scared of shingles than singles. Good catch, Ga/fl
I see another typo in my original post, as well. I swear autocorrect works between the time I write and press the send button….at least that’s my excuse.
Kind of distracted this early, very cold morning….managed to get our adopted feral cat into the carrier with only one significant scratch and he’s off to the SPCA Vet clinic. First time in a carrier..,first time in a car…first time in a clinic…a red letter day. Since I suffered the wounds, DH is taking him. This is a big, heavy cat, strong and a survivor mentality.
I can only imagine the howls all the way there…a 20-30 minute drive.
Not only NO but HELL NO!
The Flu shot is Russian roulette anyway and after the screw up at Baxter, where they sent out LETHAL ‘vaccine’, I am not interested.
this article is now CENSORED: Live Avian Flu Virus Placed in Baxter Vaccine Materials Sent to 18 Countries
“LadyPenquins Razor “
“People fall into the trap because they’ll accept anything to stabilize their lives if there’s confusion and distress.”
What I mean by ‘Russian roulette’ is the vaccine is made well before the actual flu shows up so they GUESS what RNA will be in this years flu. Sometimes they are right, sometime partly right and often FLAT OUT WRONG.
This is a good explanation by Dr. Andrew Fabich:
I just take good care of my immune system, which everyone should do. If the Wu-flu comes around, that is your best defense.
Same here. Plant based diets. Throw in some wild caught Alaskan salmon May – Sept and buy their canned sockeye during winter. Alaska does not allow salmon farming.
I have for the past few years because employer requires it. Prior to that had not taken one in 10 years or more….When I stopped it was after spending the entire winter sick with sinus infections, bronchitis, and various other ailments that required multiple rounds of antibiotics. I struggled with accepting my current position because that is a requirement, but gotta keep the lights on
and so far have not had a problem.

In honor of Caturday:
That batch of kittens is Asian-American – part Siamese and part plain old domestic short hair gray tabby.
So do they have more or fewer A2 receptors?
I don’t know, but looks like they are glued to the Avian Flu reports on that iPhone.
Wouldn’t you just love to climb up into that tree and pull the ladder up behind you. Just put all this crap that’s going on behind us for some real peace and solitude?
Yea. Certainly feeling the need this evening to disengage a bit.
Reasonable weather forecast northern NV tomorrow. So it’ll be ATV running and plinking in the desert. Followed by QTree time
Yes, Carl. I look forward to Wheatie’s Weekends in the Trees. Always relaxing and welcoming.
“When winds are raging o’er the upper ocean,
And billows wild contend with angry roar,
‘Tis said, far down beaneath the wild commotion,
That peaceful stillness reigneth evermore.
Far, far beneath, the noise of tempest dieth,
And silver waves chime ever peacefully;
And no rude storm, how fierce soe’er he flieth,
Disturbs the Sabbath of that deeper sea.
So, to the soul that knows Thy love, O Purest,
There is a temple peaceful evermore,
And all the babble of life’s angry voices
Dies hushed in stillness at its sacred door.”
– Harriet Beecher Stowe
As deep cries out to deep.
Hope this helps!
I have some bad news.
Phil Haney is dead. His daughter had not heard from him in a couple of days so she had the cops go check on him. They found him in his front yard with a bullet wound in his chest.
That’s all I know about that. He was going to do a six stop tour of the NW with our group in April. He had mentioned that he was negotiating to go back into DHS to serve his country again.
I have a nagging feeling this was a hit.
I concur.
Muslim Brotherhood (and its orgs) was his enemy. He knew too much and he told us recently that he was glad to be away from DC and be in the Sierra Nevada foothills (old gold mining country in CA). But they still got to him.
I’m just sick about how badly we let the Muslims infiltrate our govt. It’s not just the deep state we need to care about.
It’s truly horrible.
This is such awful news. I just saw it on Jim Simpson. I spoke to Mr. Haney once on Brannon Howse’s program, and he was a fine Christian man and so very knowledgeable. For those who don’t know, he wrote a book called See Something, Say Something. We needed his expertise. Brilliant man, too.
“Phil Haney is a modern-day hero who did all within his power to protect America from the internal and external threats from jihad. His experience in the Middle East, coupled with years of study and experience, provided him an intellectual acumen for critical analysis that was invaluable in securing our homeland. Unfortunately, the Obama White House and its Department of Homeland Security did not see it that way. They did not want exposed their intricate ties to the Muslim Brotherhood and other radical Islamic groups they call their “outreach partners.
Phil Haney is a professional. I have come to appreciate his deep devotion to this country and his amazing scientific mind. His book, “See Something, Say Something” is a chronicle of Phil’s experience that Americans need to read before seeing one more fictional television series or movie. This is as real as it gets from an honorable, truthful patriot and should scare the patriotism back into anyone who has a shortage.”
— US Rep. Louie Gohmert, R-TX
“See something, say something“ is a phrase Q has used repeatedly.
Wonder if Haney might have been part of the q team.
Phil Haney for those not aware:
DHS ordered me to scrub records of Muslims with terror ties by Phil Haney
DHS Whistleblower: Fear Of Offending Muslims Puts Americans At Greater Risk Of Terror Attacks
Gail all day long the name Valerie Jarrett has been stuck in my head, I mean we have so many muzzies in DC it’s hard to choose one but VJ just wont go away from my thinkin….
One of those ‘sealed indictments’ has been unsealed?
Former DEA Agent and His Wife Indicted for Alleged Roles in Scheme to Divert Drug Proceeds from Undercover Money Laundering Investigations
A 19-count indictment in Tampa, Florida, was unsealed today against a former Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) special agent and his wife for their alleged roles to divert drug proceeds from undercover money laundering investigations into bank accounts they, along with family members and criminal associates, controlled.
Wait, Wheatie, what’s that word? “unsealed”?
Wells Fargo Agrees to Pay $3 Billion to Resolve Criminal and Civil Investigations into Sales Practices Involving the Opening of Millions of Accounts without Customer Authorization | OPA | Department of Justice
I had some ‘inside’ experience with Wells Fargo and their dubious sales techniques and , let me tell you, those poor line employees were driven to those extremes by very bullying methods of their supervisors. All banks do it to some extent, but Wells Far was by far the most aggressive.
I just wish there was a requirement in the DOJ to disclose exactly what those penalty funds will be used for, and then a reconciliation of the actual disposition. I know the obama slush funds to activist non-profits was squelched, but these penalties should belong to taxpayers, not govt ‘revenue’, and we should see a direct impact from that money.
Oh with this Potus it won’t be going to lefty slush funds
West Tennessee Psychiatrist Found Guilty of Unlawfully Distributing Opioids | OPA | Department of Justice
Tucker is going to need some bodyguards.
Wrong. It’s folks like Tingle Leg Matthews who are going to need bodyguards. And Tucker NAILS it.
They won’t be able to walk the streets in safety.
“Laughed because they didn’t care” no…laughed because they have been wildly successful with their subversions and Cloward-Piven rot.
Ohio Doctor Pleads Guilty to Unlawful Distribution of Opioids | OPA | Department of Justice
#New pic posted by Alex Soros in Munich Security Conference with Cindy McCain. As President Trump says: “What’s that all about?”
Really, not a surprise Wench of McStain is with a Soros schmuck.
Plus she claims ‘everybody knew’ about Epstein, but what could they do
A very evil wench.
Awesome open thread Wheatie I love the entrance to the house.
Riddle me this, Why does that picture of Alex Soros look like he has a black arm band on his right arm?
Thanks, Rodney.

And you’re right!
It *does* look like there’s a black arm band on his right arm.
Good catch!
Thank you Wheatie, night and God bless you and everyone here.
You too, Rodney

Thank you Alison.
Why was she there? Interesting.
And, BTW…not sure I would have even recognized her without identification.
Why is she wearing a security badge but the Soros clown isn’t?
Maybe Satan Soros Jr. has been implanted with “The Mark”…
(and I’m only half kidding)…
It looks like Alex has a black armband on his right bicep FG&C
One of these days these Globalists will avoid being seen smiling together in public.
Isn’t that cool?!
Here’s the tweet:
San Diego Sheriff’s Department is the first to announce its cooperation with ICE.
They will share information about criminal illegal aliens with federal immigration officials, and ignore sanctuary laws.
it’s cheaper than being sued in a case they are sure to lose.
BTW, link to Praying Medic’s (Dave Hayes) newest book.
A lot of info is available here by clicking on the free preview. Navigate by the arrows left to right and scroll up or down page by page. interesting stuff coosmama. thx
Interesting comparison in here 2016 to 2020 – what attracts voters to Trump. Of course we Deplorables have ALWAYS known what a great asset Melania is
Melania is an American treasure, me thinks.
an underappreciated one I think too
The MSM should be fawning all over her. Instead they are STILL fawning over ‘Mike’ OH!Bummer.
Although I will say the truly hideous fashion blunders have been scrubbed by google….
Except for this:
FACT, Kal!
Awww, sweet article about President Trump attending Stephen Miller’s wedding, and romances in the WH. His bride is beautiful
What a cute couple!!!

Adorable, aren’t they?

Yes! She’s quite a catch, and he deserves it! It’s a good match – I can tell!
I am so happy for them!
I hope Jeff Sessions, his old boss was invited.
And what a great place to have a wedding…the Trump International in DC!
Yes! PERFECT venue for them, too!!!
Singing ‘Love Me Tender’?
DOES PDJT have someone in mind for Hope Hicks?
MAKES YOU THINK!!! From Gab…..
These people are SICK.
The end always justifies the means with them. It is their mindset on everything.
Relativism says hi.
That is chilling …. wow
Wheatie, Great memes and such an inviting tree house. It all has me fading here, so, G’nite all
Thanks, Kalbo.

G’night and sweet dreams!
looks like a FUN RIDE!
Gruesome but fascinating article from the streets of LA….
Dontcha just love it?!

This is so cool!
Child Protection League
February 21, 2020
Can Kids Really Access Porn
Through Their Chrome Books?
Is your school telling you that your child is safe
from dangerous material with their Chromebooks?
The National Center on Sexual Exploitation (NCOSE)
issued its annual DIRTY DOZEN Watch List!
EBSCO is a search engine database available in most Minnesota schools and accessible through the Minnesota ELibrary (ELM).
According to NCOSE:
“EBSCO Information Services offers online library resources to public and private schools (K-12), colleges and universities, public libraries, and more. In its advertising for schools, it promises ‘fast access to curriculum-appropriate content.’ However, its Explora, Science Reference Center, Literary Reference Center, and other products, sometimes provide easy access to hardcore pornography sites and extremely graphic sexual content.”
“NCOSE recognizes improvements within the high school databases. However, NCOSE researchers have still found sexually graphic written content on high school databases, including sexually graphic written descriptions and instructions for oral sex and other sexual acts. While age-appropriate academic articles and research on issues of sexuality are important to include in high school educational databases, the nature of some articles are salacious and not academic. Is EBSCO intending to remove non-academic written depictions of sex acts from its high school databases?”
Child Protection League walks you through several Minnesota
school district website student research databases, using
EBSCO and MN ELibrary. And look what we found!
“While most schools have filters on the school’s computers or wifi (although often not good enough or installed correctly), such filters are not enough to solve this problem. School filters may stop the access of the hardcore pornography websites linked to from within the EBSCO database because they open up in a regular browser. This would only apply if the user were using the database while at school. We hear that students are often assigned homework using material in these databases and so are likely not always using filtered Internet. Additionally, even if not going directly to the porn website, the students are still seeing the URL within EBSCO and bombarded with the explicit language around those lists of porn websites.
“Other than blocking the content linked to outside of EBSCO, the school filters do not block within EBSCO on their own, as the whole system, EBSCO, has been given a green light to not be filtered. So, the hundreds of pornographic and explicit articles, books, magazines, and photographs housed within the EBSCO database are fully available to K-12 users. It appears to NCOSE, based on asking questions which quickly led administrators to stop speaking to us, that the schools have some ability to block out some content through the EBSCO system; however, they have to go in and do so one-by-one and essentially are doing very little of this.” [Emphasis ours.]
“NCOSE didn’t even believe that this was true when we first heard about it! It seemed unbelievable that a company priding itself on providing content to children and creating strong user experiences with customizable services would be so irresponsible and that schools would allow it. Yet, for years, this has seemed to go unnoticed, becoming progressively worse.
“Also, most parents have no idea that this is happening!
They aren’t used to using these kinds of databases themselves.
They assume that these are age-appropriate just as EBSCO and the schools are suggesting.
Many schools are actually telling parents not to use their child’s logins to the system. The parent logins don’t contain all of this material.”
“We hope that the schools themselves would be open to fixing this problem! The goal of this campaign is to help educate our school officials and empower them to also demand change.
“However, NCOSE has heard of teachers in Colorado bringing these issues to the attention of school administrators. These teachers’ concerns and suggestions to at least alert the parents have been routinely dismissed. One school district in Colorado, Cherry Creek School District, is defending much of the content brought to their attention, even though it is promoting behaviors such as public, group, and torture sex and includes direct live links to hardcore pornography websites. The school administrators are also arguing that they are not responsible since it is coming from a third party provider, EBSCO, even though the schools are the ones promoting these resources to their students.”
Investigate your school, using this webinar to guide you.
If porn is accessible through your school’s database access, bring it immediately to the attention of the administration and demand that they take action to stop it.
Please also notify Child Protection League (contact@cplaction.com) so we can track these investigations. If you need assistance, we will provide help.
Regardless of your individual school, contact school board members and legislators. We expect them to address this, but they need to hear from the public. The state of Minnesota should prohibit libraries from contracting with companies that do not filter porn. EBSCO is not the only database that is available to our children that is guilty of not filtering. No contracts should ever be allowed in Minnesota with any such company.
Michael do you ave a link I can pass to my neighbors?
Children as young as 5 are getting hooked on porn
“Expansion of sex industry has meant kids get access to pornography at a very young age.”
Jaco Booyen says this exposure at a young ages leads directly to pedos as they get older.
“The youngest child we’ve rescued…was 2 years old. 34 men raped that 2-year-old over a 36-day period…. “When it comes to sex trafficking, you’ve got backroom deals, you’ve got plea deals, you’ve got misdemeanors.” …”sex #Trafficking laws are not being enforced in the US “
breaks down the alarming realities of child sex trafficking in America on American Thought Leaders
I don’t have a direct link from the CPL blog – I’m not sure that they post these updates there.
Here’s the link I have – give it a shot and see if it works:
We All Wear Tinfoil Hats Now
How fears of mind control went from paranoid delusion to conventional wisdom
Geoff Shullenberger
Geoff Shullenberger, “We All Wear Tinfoil Hats Now,” The New Atlantis, Number 60, Fall 2019, pp. 87-98.
. . . Final Paragraph . . .
Perfect prep for my upcoming blog on the STUPIDITY of “spy lightbulbs” and “spy sockets” when they could not make us buy Google Home, Alexa, Siri Up Your Butt, and all these other home spy products.
LOL – Siri Up Your Butt!!!
Didn’t he lose the debate the other day???
Who, Cuppa?
(I have a lot of other names for him, but I’ll leave it at that…)…
Oh, Ok – I could not imagine – can’t like that guy – he has a questionable background – then, again – he is impressing no one – he talks with forked tongue – maybe – he is related to Pocahontas!
The Morning Briefing: Katie Hill’s Rehab Tour Is an Incurable News Cycle STD
Let’s be blunt – this woman is HERPES INCARNATE.
Katie’s husband was arrested by the FBI yesterday for hacking into her opponent’s campaign.
If Katie knew about it, Katie was elected illegally and under false pretense. No sympathy. No $200. Do not pass GO.
Here’s to hoping she knew.
Ooooooo didn’t realize it was her husband!! Saw the reports…..but wow
I think Praying Medic is right.
There could easily be over a 100 million active Q peeps, worldwide.
Probably even more.
Praying Medic:
As of August 1, 2018,
300-350 million aware of Q worldwide.
52-53 million active followers.
That was a year-and-a-half ago. I would conservatively estimate the numbers are double today.
He was replying to this tweet from Mandy Brake:
Someone asks how many Q believers there are, and Mike R answers 16-80k.
What do you think the number is?
Agreed – it’s very big.
I agree. I think it’s big enough that the other side took action to contain it.
Not just took action, but very serious and pointed action underwritten by tens of millions of dollars.
Not to argue at all, but probably more than that.
And it is WAY TOO LATE!
There are too many people who have been red pilled. Remember the guy in line for a Trump rally saying the hours waiting were spent by Q-Peeps bringing other people up to speed on Q?
I simply have to share this bit of spam, which illustrates the kind of “bad AI spam” that we see now.
Kiss you all!
Sometimes their attempts to sound intelligent are just hilarious!
Brittani Steere
a day ago·
[website redacted]
Cultural Marxism and the Tyranny of the Mini Skirt
This blog Cultural Marxism and the Tyranny of the Mini
Skirt helps me a lot with my woodworking projects.
I also use amazing woodworking plans from here: [link redacted] (or
clik on name)
Approve – Delete Permanently

We’re also getting some gun-seller spam, too.
I’ve noticed some comments are in Russian language.
I wonder what those are about.
Cyrillic = SPAM. Even the Russians know disinfo when they see Cyrillic.
Yes – those Aussie gun-sellers are designed to tempt us – NO WAY!!! Never click!
I’d love to know how woodworking in a miniskirt works.
Ha! Perked me right up. Made me go back for the link that wasn’t there. Sorry. Not sorry
Back to sipping on coffee.
This keeps getting better and better.
I remember at the time…that people were saying that Obarky thought that *he* should be the one who picked out his replacement for his Senate seat.
But Blago wanted some payola for it.
So Obarky turned Blago in for bribery.
Text from Wayne Dupree:
I bet you didn’t know that Obama was about to be subpoenaed in this case as a “star witness” did you?
He got out of it…in a very “abuse of power” type way
From article linked in tweet:
Report: How Obama Weaseled Out of a Damning Subpoena in Blagojevich Corruption Case.
This sounds like a massive scandal that could have Obama’s fingerprints all over it.
Short Version…
A phony internal investigation (ahem, “into the matter“?) cleared Obama and swayed the judge. . .
Hmmm… Have we seen this script before?
Obama Weaseled Out of a Subpoena 10 Years Ago, but Trump Just Freed the Man Behind It
By Jared Harris
Published February 20, 2020 at 2:29pm
. . . FULL OF SCANDALS . . .
Rumor is that ValJar was supposed to get his Senate Seat, and things blew up badly, so she had to stay away from it. Then they tamp down Blago for a decade so it all goes quiet.
This may be how VALJAR gets some justice.
Thanks, Michael!

It makes me wanna hurl every time one of the Dems or DNCmedia claim that Obarky’s term was “scandal free”.
Reading my mind

. . . FULL OF SCANDALS . . .
18 Major Scandals in Obama’s ‘Scandal-Free’ Presidency
Just because the Enemedia covered for him, doesn’t mean that those scandals didn’t happen!
The HusseinO years were the Biggest Coverup in US history!
Alison February 22, 2020 at 00:47
I look forward to Wheatie’s Weekends in the Trees.
Always relaxing and welcoming.
Weekend with Wheatie
We’re welcomed and relaxing
So high up in Wheatie’s trees
Far away from corruption
And the corona disease
Jus’ kickin’ back with our friends
Pu pu’s and drinks all around
Enjoyin’ the company
In our aerial playground
Talkin’ ‘bout our fantasies
Of different places and times
Of our dreams and reveries
Of a Peace, real, yet sublime
Far away from the real world
Just a few days to unwind
With Wheatie on the weekend
To improve our frame of mind
Aww…Thank You, Carl!

Very nice. You’re such a great wordsmith!
And Thank You to Allison, too!
That is beautiful, Carl. You and Wheatie are such cherished contributors here at Wolfie’s.

Bako your prose is so eloquent! Very nice compliment to Wheatie! My cut and paste to your post earlier is what happens with a beach bum in a treehouse
From T3 on Gab:
rayzorback @Braveandfree
CMinTN @Kalbo @frznpch @AlisonSmith @MaricaLovesGod17 @Diana247365 @mhtx76
SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA @Marica_17 @Gilsbranch @AyePatriot
Sylvia Avery @drillerelite
phoenixrising @GC0mbs @Organist1022 @whisper @MA_kswiss @coosmama @maiingankwe01 @JanLP @dwnrivcracker @amwick @PeteC @volgarian8301 @CuppaCovfefe
bakocarl @BlognificentBee @BardsOfWar
Posted in Politics
NaturalNews.com has launched a new site that is tracking the WuFlu outbreak.
Read more
Reliable, UNCENSORED, science-based reporting on the CoVid-19 coronavirus pandemic.
1 5
Just visited – lots of good info on the site!!!
This was big for me!!!

That’s diabolical!
Yeah, there are lots of reasons we need to watch out that this thing isn’t some kind of cabal-and-China plot.
The fact that they’re only testing for it in communist cities (San Fran, Chicago, NYC) is setting off alarm bells. Yes, that may be where it hits first b/c of ChiComs coming here, but still – KEEP EYES ON OBAMA CDC BOTS.
There is a reason why people use the phrase:
“gone viral”.
It’s because once it gets out…it spreads quickly in all directions.
The virus in in Iran now.
And people are acting like they can’t understand ‘why’.
Uh…the ChiComs were holding military ‘exercises’ with Iran last fall!
Remember that?
I do.
It was shortly after Pres Trump decided not to retaliate after Iran shot down our drone and was taking potshots at our ships.
Since no one was killed…PDJT didn’t want to kill Iranians in retaliation.
Anyway, Iran and the ChiComs have been playing pattycake for quite a while.
Lie down with dogs get up with “bugs”
Here is Mike Adams of Natural News on how HE thinks the globalists are thinking on WuFlu. He believes it was a deliberate release by globalists, where they used the ChiComs to “liberate it” and then set it off.
Woah…scary stuff.

And this virus will keep coming back, year after year?
Yes, I think so. This was very intentional. This whole thing was designed to provide a new flu-like organism that offers stronger culling on humanity, and particularly takes out OLD PEOPLE.
NOW – it may mutate away from lethality, but I think if we have globos and/or pencilneck involved in keeping it lethal, then it may be used as a means to biologically control us and there is not much of a way to stop that sort of thing, although – well – things could get interesting in various ways.
There is a possibility that this was not done merely by globos, but by nasty pencilneck with a “blame the humans” / “bad human” cover – or by the two in concert, reacting to “the Trump problem”. Their MK abilities are spectacular – childsplay to make some toad walk out of a containment area with the virus and spread it.
They’re obviously not out to kill us entirely, if it is pencilneck – they’re likely interested in getting their “shake-n-bake spaceport construction crew” back on the job and not on strike, so to speak.
I’m reading a great book right now, and the acknowledgement by an old .mil UFO guy is very enlightening in how we are viewed from afar. RISKY.
Economic meltdown, Hong Kong, countrywide swine herd epidemic…
There are no coincidences especially with The Peoples Party.
And to think of how close we came to our very own People’s Party.
Dear God!

He takes a “too-dire” view on human effects, IMO, but so do the victims of climate commie propaganda, and for this reason, I think he may be *very accurately* in their heads. I suspect that the psychological manipulation of the Bilderberg-attending, Al Gore-nodding, private Lear jet-flying, talk-show-appearing Hollywood and Silicon Valley Demmunist millionaires has been very successful in making them *quite literally* become anti-human. Same thing, with funding dependency, works on scientists.
“Davos + Soros = Davros”
He is definitely IN THEIR HEADS.
He’s swallows a lot of their DISINFO though and we need to recognize that.
He doesn’t BACKTRACE the BS on so much of the “human effects” to other globalists schemes that were staged well in advance.
80% Fall off in European insect biomass – Well folks, look at the EU and their policies.
Huge habitat destruction in the oceans? LOOK AT ASIAN DUMPING.
Massive Air Pollution? HMM, what about those GLOBALIST Chinese Factories – put there strategically to evade environmental regulations?
Once again:
Human beings are NECESSARY for the long term sustainability and flourishing of life on Planet Earth.
When Human Beings are properly doing what God created us to do and be, the world is a cleaner, safer, healthier, and more vibrant place with more biodiversity and flourishing.
When GLOBALISTS (and frankly, DEMOCRATS) intentionally DISTORT the God given role of human beings, the destruction of creation is the inevitable result.
We live in a POLLUTED WORLD – a world polluted by HUMAN SIN.
All negative effects are the result of human SIN.
God wants to save mankind and the creation. Luciferian Globalists want to DESTROY mankind and the creation.
That’s the play.
Getting people to view CO2 as more of a danger than all the other crap was really ingenious.
Ingenious, and intentional misdirection.
Even the ocean plastics was one of those magician’s games. The Pacific gyre plastic patch always is followed up with “It was us – it’s our fault”. Who is “us”? Humanity, but really for political purposes it means the United States. “Ban plastic straws!” NEVER assign accountability – at least Trump points out the Chinese pollution of oceans coming toward the U.S. and that the U.S. would NEVER dump radioactive waste in the oceans – make ppl aware. The pollination problems have been known for a LONG time and the causes – but they won’t implement the proper policy changes to FIX them. But if there was any seriousness in FIXING these problems we could just look to the House. Oh wait – RUSSIA RUSSIA RUSSIA. Same with Soros – totally unserious about environmental protection. They don’t care. They know they don’t need to care. Marine pollution is being handled by the USMCA and China and other trade deals to hold polluters accountable. The Ogallala Aquifer’s demise? Where’s the concern about building a water infrastructure and practicing sound water management? Where’s the push for desalinization for brackish water? Where’s the push for Thorium reactors? And as far as monoculture crops, who were the people who RIGGED the economic game in agriculture to their own ends? Again, look at the right hand and ignore what the left hand is doing.
But yes by all means, let’s blame CO2 for all our world’s problems. We wouldn’t want anyone pulling back the curtain on what the heck is really being done to the U.S. and the world.
Trump’s spiel about “clean air and clean water” just confounds the heck out of the climate bots. “B-b-b-b-b-b-b-but TRUMP said it!!!” *mind blown TDS*
“How do we pollute and make these American leftists that we control not stop us?”
“Do it in China!”
“How do we make them ignore pollution?”
“Make them see something ELSE as the enemy.”
“How to we kill off life on earth?”
“Kill the plants.”
“How do we kill the plants?”
“How do we make humans kill the plants?”
“Make them pump more stuff into the air and block the sun – intentionally! Make them deterraform the Earth!”
“How do we prevent them from admitting this is what is happening?”
“Pre-fictionalize it with Hollywood!”
OH, I’ve got their number.
It’s great to have James Woods back and slicing Dems with his rapier wit.
Well, yeah, because you’d drink the blood of wild goats for a nickel and he was too busy boinking anything that moved. The math was in your favor.
James was replying to this from Hillary:
Hillary Clinton: “I made more money than my husband, a common experience throughout our marriage.”

Text of tweet from James Woods:
If you’re going to spend your life being a purse holder, might as well have a water view.
James was replying to this headline:
Prince Harry, Meghan Markle eyeing $7M Malibu mansion once owned by David Charvet.
This couple is going to be an endless source of amusement. Goldman Sachs is already trying to recruit them as shills. Goldman Sachs recruiting that pair is like Soleimani buying missile magnets for his ride. Uh huh. Please. By all means.
That house is cold, creepy and not at all infant toddler child friendly.
Too many hard stone surfaces and open balconies over stone floors and patios.
Then there are the pools…and the steep cliff down to the ocean.
Poor little baby.
“Too many hard stone surfaces and open balconies over stone floors and patios.
Then there are the pools…and the steep cliff down to the ocean.”
As I read this it took on a rather Hitchcockesque quality. Sounds like a good venue for doing away with an inconvenient adult.
NOTICE – I posted this on the coronavirus thread, but I think everybody needs to see it.
We need to be prepared for a blog takedown attempt for “coronavirus misinformation” by big tech. I really urge people to make sure their GAB accounts are in working order and that they then have a CHAT account on chat.gab.com – otherwise, they may be incommunicado if and when we re-platform.
Do we need to remove the threads?
If you think we need to, by all means….. take them down.
You’ve got to be kidding. I would pray for Washington to be nuked – millions dead – before I would take down posts trying to ascertain truth.
Never back down on free speech. This place ain’t about clicks!
Once the commies think they can take away some of our free speech, they will take ALL OF IT.
BOLSHEVIKS. SCREW ‘EM. And they will hide behind ANYTHING and ANYBODY for cover.
Crafty SOBs.
Damn it. I’ve been resisting opening a GAB account because I avoid Social Media like the plagues they are. The QTree is the ONLY place I participate in. But I guess I’m gonna have to open a GAB account.
Is it painful? I hate shots.
Me too…resisting until I have to do it.
Game it out in your head. If you can join Gab and find us on your own, great. Maybe make a plan and write it down. Note that I will be too busy to assist on Gab at that time. You will need to get a Gab account, get a Gab chat account set up, and then PM me or another author to get let into the chatroom.
Wolf, I see that I joined in Feb. under teagan2. Because I have an iPad, none of the instructions seem to apply about the chat room invitation, etc. I get in but don’t know where to go thereafter.
Anyone with IPad that can help?
Hang on – let me check and invite you….
Yup. Now you can go to chat.gab.com, be sure that cookies are enabled on that site (to get Gab cookies), and then do what you need to get gab chat working. You already have an invitation waiting.
Thanks…I’m in…sure don’t want to be left out in the cold for future events.
You’re in! If anything happens to Q Tree, we organize and ride from there.
If you would prefer, just be prepared to get a Gab account if we are shut down. You can scramble then. Most people here need a lot of hand-holding to get online there, and obviously they won’t be getting it here if we are shut down, which could happen before the election. Your choice. You’re not as helpless as many of our more AOL types. I just don’t want most of *them* to lie to themselves about their ability to scramble under pressure.
Just Do It. Get set up in Wolfie’s GAB chatroom now. It’s like the extra weapon you took time to purchase & lock away, but there if you need it.
Have Gab….don’t use it much but have one. Don’t have chat though….
Just go to chat.gab.com and create a chat passphrase (and don’t forget it!!!). I’ll send an invitation to the group member chat!
Your invitation is out there! You just need to click on your name in the upper left corner to see it in the chat page (I can’t see this).
Found it and accepted
Try a new message in chat – yours was still encrypted. Whatever you do, don’t generate a new key set. That option appears when you click on your name in the corner – I wish that wasn’t so obvious. We’ve seen many needless key regenerations.
I didn’t see that as an option so maybe I won’t mess it up
Good – you’re in – all is well!
Working now! I just discovered a useful trick. If a chat from a new entrant shows up encrypted, just reload the page – it will likely be fixed.
Testing the embedding of a Brighteon video:
Obviously not working.
Katie hill is married to a retard
This can’t be an isolated event. Who else has done this?
Maybe later stage syphilis. Ahh…that swinging lifestyle!
More dirt on obumma
Good morning, Treeps!
Hat tip to Wheatie and the massive tree for Saturday.
As dawn breaks over the great state of Nevada, the Dems are in complete meltdown on caucus day. Site managers for the Dem Party have been asked to sign NDAs and to NOT discuss with the media ANYTHING. All discussions with the press must go through the state party comms director “No exceptions” written in capital letters.
Volunteers are quitting rather than signing.
And CNN has a copy of the 4 page doc.
It’s glorious.
But it makes America look stupid and ineffective.
I would say it makes DEMOCRATS look stupid and ineffective.
Bingo. I was just about to post that exact thought.
Are. Not just look
so true!
No amount of money can buy an election!!!!

Verse of the Day
“When I was a child, I spake as a child, I understood as a child, I thought as a child: but when I became a man, I put away childish things.”
1 Corinthians 13:11 (KJV)
Thank You, Jesus, for blessings received and prayers answered!
Saturday Butterfly Blessings
Jesus Loves Babies…Pray for the Unborn

Jesus Loves the Little Children – Pray for the Little Children
Jesus Loves You – Come to Him
Good Morning Duchess!
such a cute little face!!!!
have a Blessed Day!
So glad God could bring a smile to your face after all you have been through weather-wise!
You have a Blessed Day, too – hopefully, you made a dent in that ice mountain – Hugs!!!
thanks, but actually I didn’t…tried chopping it…no go…maybe after the sunshine today!
Hard as a rock, eh? Well – so much for that effort – now – we leave it up to God – He is great at fixing things – you know!
I do know!
yeah…I’d rather wait it out, then throw out my back!
Smart – not even trying – threw some salt on it – waiting… * Sigh *
I normally don’t throw salt on the deck…it attracts all sorts of animals…lol
when we salt the driveway (which is limited–it’s a gravel driveway and salt turns it to mud) squirrels, birds, chipmunks, skunks, deer…everything comes to eat it. we have the large salt block in the yard and they are all welcome at that…but would rather they stay off the deck and out of the driveway.
We do no salt the deck, either – talking about the driveway – not wild about sliding into the road – lol – don’t have critters looking for a lick, either – Geeeee – you have challenges for sure!!!
we do…but we also have breathtaking views and incredible wildlife in the spring/summer!
and hubby doesn’t have to worry about sliding out onto the road–he has to cross the creek first! LOL
Well – guess he has some advantages considering that long slide to the end – lol
One for the ages. (one of my faves)
Amen goes right there, hands!
Kind of amazing how it can move it’s ears.
beautiful cat!
I watch deer do that –turn one ear in one direction to hear something…always amazes me!
In case you didn’t know…this was the billboard that started it.

Then, his campaign tweeted these out too:
That did it.
Our meme makers got busy:
I didn’t really get what Bloomberg thought he was dissing–lots of people like their steak well done…so what?
There are people, undoubtedly narcissists protecting their own fragile self-worth, that seem compelled to look down their noses at you because you:
Like your steak well done.
Put sugar and cream in your coffee.
Put ketchup on your hot dog.
Enjoy fast food hamburgers.
Prefer beer to wine.
Prefer oldies to modern trends in music.
Prefer a Chevy over a European car.
Go to church and not the country club.
Watch Hallmark movies and not cops and robbers.
Prefer peace and calm over exciting activities.
Value homemaking over a professional career.
Have little interest in being a sports fan.
Prefer quiet time alone to socializing.
Prefer a cat to a dog.
Dress conservatively rather than follow clothing trends.
Make grammatical or spelling errors.
Don’t drink alcohol.
Shop at WalMart.
Don’t strive to be one of the crowd.
Clean houses or pump septic tanks for a living.
Wear hand-me-downs.
Haven’t got one (or more) college degrees.
And the list goes on . . . the list goes on.
It’s all part of making me feel exclusive or just belonging and you, well, not so much.
Wonderful News!
This is today’s winner….
Since that was cut off:
Hoax to a false reality. They just do it. Over and over and over.
so true!!
Stone’s defense team wants Amy to recuse due to her praising the integrity of the jury.
As former Trump aide Roger Stone seeks a new trial, his attorneys now argue the presiding judge in his case must recuse herself while raising concerns about her partiality.
Judge Amy Berman Jackson, an Obama appointee, praised the jury during Stone’s sentencing on Thursday for multiple crimes, including lying to the House Intelligence Committee, obstruction of a congressional investigation, and witness tampering. In a filing late Friday, Stone’s team took issue with the way Jackson commended them, though she did not refer to any specific juror.
“The issue at hand arises from the Defendant’s pending Motion for a New Trial … and statements made by Judge Berman-Jackson during the Defendant’s Sentencing Hearing on February 20, 2020. Stone’s argument for a new trial rests on newly discovered information indicating there there was juror misconduct during Mr. Stone’s trial, thereby depriving him of his constitutional right to be tried by an impartial jury. Defendant’s Motion has not been ruled on, and in fact, the Defendant’s Reply to the Government’s Opposition is not yet due, nor has a hearing been set,” the motion for judicial disqualification from Stone’s lawyers said.
“The Court must still consider whether any juror interviews are appropriate in light of the allegations. However, given the statements made by Judge Berman-Jackson during the Sentencing Hearing, recusal … is warranted in order to protect the integrity and impartiality of the judicial system,” filing with the U.S. District Court in Washington added.
Stone’s attorneys cite one particular statement by Jackson, when she said, “the jurors who served with integrity under difficult circumstances cared.”
Mike Baxter (Tim Allen) on capitalism…
[video src="https://cdn.mrctv.org/videos/35099/35099-480p.mp4" /]
oops…not sure how to get the video to play…
link a couple posts up… Within the article is another link with moar “Baxter” thoughts and the video. works great. Baxter, Tim Allen cracks me up
[video src="https://cdn.mrctv.org/videos/35099/35099-480p.mp4" /]
If you take the link in between the quotation marks – the video will play – but, when you try to copy the URL – you get this mess, Pat
Looking to Escape Leftist Tyranny, Secession-type Movements Arise in Some States
Movements in several states dominated by leftist politics are exploring ways to rid themselves from the bondage of high taxes, burdensome regulations, and other government intrusion. All over the country, there are whispers of secession — forming new states within existing ones so that conservative voices can be heard over the cacophony left-wing extremist noise.
When the talking heads on the various news channels talk about today’s toxic political climate being civil war-like, they have no idea how right they are
Greyhound bending to pressure from ACLU will not allow CBP to board their buses without a warrant.
Greyhound’s new policy comes one week after the AP noted in a separate exclusive report that an internal memo from U.S. Customs and Border Protection dated Jan. 28 notified agents that boarding buses and questioning passengers without the consent of the company is a violation of the Fourth Amendment of the Constitution.
The report further noted that “Greyhound has faced pressure from the American Civil Liberties Union, immigrant rights activists and Washington state Attorney General Bob Ferguson to stop allowing sweeps on buses within 100 miles (160 kilometers) of an international border or coastline.”
Internal CBP memo was written by a Resister.
Solution – buy a ticket.
“Greyhound bending to pressure from ACLU will not allow CBP to board their buses without a warrant.”
“Section 287 and Section 235 of the Immigration and Nationality Act authorizes U.S. Border Patrol agents to board and search vehicles and conveyances for aliens within a reasonable distance from the U.S. border…”
Think how often cops will put up a road block and check everyone for D.L. registration, insurance and even check to see if you are drunk.. They have done it to me on our dirt road more than once.
REMEMBER the TSA gets to do an invasive search if you are on COMMERCIAL transportation. (There have been mutterances of extending it to buses and trains.)
From the ACLU no less.
They then go on to say:
In the South – at 2 pm – every self-respecting cat takes a nap.
Also in the South – in early Spring – every outdoor cat had its own private mockingbird or two following it around swooping, diving and screeching.
The birds were executing all those noisy attacks to protect their nests.
Lisa Mei Crowley
Quote Tweet
45 Flag of United States – The TRUMP PAGE
· 11h
#NEW: Former House Speaker Paul Ryan joins board of Fox News’ parent company. **He’s moving up!
Racist Giraffes? Who would have thunk it?
What? Does he think he’s some kind of a Jedi or something???
He’s doing his “These are not the traitors you’re looking for” routine.
It’s just a line from a movie, but he thinks it works for real.
A variation on a line from a movie, I meant.
“These aren’t the droids you’re looking for“:
…faith heeler from another time [and world]
“You think you’re some kind of Jedi, waving your hand around like that?”
Studies Find Natural Treatments for Coronavirus
February 22, 2020
by Sophia Ruiz, Green Med Info
Contrary to what mass mainstream media would have you assume, coronaviruses aren’t uncharted territory. In fact, human coronaviruses are responsible for 15-30% of common colds each year (1). More severe cases of coronavirus infections were observed during outbreaks of severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS) and Middle Eastern respiratory syndrome (MERS), two coronavirus infections that led to pneumonia in some individuals who were infected.
These outbreaks sparked interest from the complementary medicine community who began investigating natural solutions for treating SARS and MERS infections, the studies of which have been compiled in our comprehensive database on Coronavirus Infection and Coronavirus Disease.
These natural substances demonstrating viral inhibition of SARS-coronavirus are likely also effective against the 2019 coronavirus, considering the two are closely related and share the same angiotensin-converting enzyme II-mediated infection (2). In other words, SARS-coronavirus and the 2019 novel coronavirus are both structurally and mechanistically similar and can be targeted by the same substances.
[Excerpt] Read more at the link above…
For Caturday.
Can somebody tell me WHY in the Sam Hill the U.S. government is releasing the people here from Wuhan Coronavirus quarantine after ONLY 14 DAYS — when it is proven that the virus can be infectious AND asymptomatic for 24 days, therefore a 24-day quarantine — AND that people here who WERE previously released from 14-day quarantine THEN test positive for the virus?
Wait, there’s more:
per (700WLW / 750WSB overnight news):
There are now 400 people in SOUTH KOREA who are positive for the virus — and Pyongyang is testing ANOTHER 9,000 people.
The United States has military presence in South Korea, right? Where are these 400 infected South Koreans?
100%. Slow guy here understands the 24 days. 14 days is CDC / WHO / UN crap…that allows the problem to fester, spread.
US military in South Korea number somewhere around 24K over 15 bases. With 600 plus infected in SK, surely many are around US bases. Large numbers of Koreans work on the bases. US military of course frequent local towns and many live among Koreans.
Didn’t see a link, so a couple thoughts on Pyongyang comment. Pyongyang is the capital of NK. Personally oubt NK is testing 9,000, based on lacking capability and they don’t care about peasants.
Back to the 24 days. Every time I read about the 14 day quarantine, it frosts me big time. 14 days is a political decision, not logical.
This is an expandable map of the Korea with US bases. You can click the location sign to see which bases are which.
The large bulk over 95% are not in the Taigue/Dague area. Two however are.
Base commanders can and will restrict soldiers from leaving the base if they feel they need to. They can also restrict Korean Nationals from coming on base.
Base commanders also will not normally lift a hand for Non Sponsored Dependents living on the economy which 10-15% of military will have, however Sponsored Dependents are much more numerous in the Southern bases.
The US bases most effected are Camp Carroll https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Camp_Carroll,_South_Korea, 1,500 Soldiers stationed here.
and https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Camp_Carroll,_South_Korea 10,000 people work at this camp. That number takes into consideration US, Korean, and local Koreans..
whooops left out the name of the second camp. Called United States Army Garrison Daegu
You’re para59r on Gab – right?
Hey! Yep. That’s me on Gab. And I can get to Chat but doesn’t know how to find the private room, which may not be open until needed? The only thing I know how to do on Gab right now is find T3.
Good – I just invited you to the members chat!!! It should be under “Invitations” now.
I’m in. ty
More on that little dwarf kid that said he was being bullied. Judge for yourself. They certainly have raised a lot of cash.
I saw this on bing news yesterday and had no clue what it as about but or even understood it and I was side eyeing this one. Again parents were fiimlijg a crisis with their kid was a warning flag for me.
I have no idea what thee truth is but it seemed odd to me.
I told Kimi it was a scam as soon as she showed me his crying video, the first thing I thought was he was an inbred mozzie until she told me he was Australian.
His parents dont deserve this brainwashed child, he is an actor who preys on sympathy. I have a daughter who is in a wheelchair for life,she has CP and I know what a suicidal bullied child looks and acts like.
Better get off here before I pop an aneurism….
Thank you for sharing this I hope it goes viral, people need to see this video.
The mother said something about him trying to kill himself at 6 years old? Now he’s 9 and she’s filming and debating about homeschool him? Huh?
I question anything the media pushes now a days
Oh the video the mum posted on instagram was a total farce Kea it instantly made my blood boil.
Thanks Rodney. Seemed like a scam to me as well.
Barry is not happy.
Trouble in Democrat-Land: ‘Obamaworld Is Mad’ at Bloomberg’s Obama Ads
A 30-second advertisement playing incessantly in states like Virginia includes Obama touting Mayor Bloomberg’s “extraordinary leadership,” with the implication that this is a presidential endorsement. It’s drawn the ire of officials in “Obamaworld” who describe the campaign as an “incredible turnoff.””
Obamaworld better not have any officials since he’s a private citizen (debatable on the last part).
I was wondering if this was going to be an issue. LOL they also keep pushing the statement of president zero. I also threw my radio
Years ago, McDonalds over here in Germany had an alarm clock that was sewn into a bird that looked suspiciously like the Kelloggs’ “Corny” bird.

The fun part was, when it went off, the only way you could stop it was to throw it, HARD, and hit something with it…
Boy, did we have fun with that
Downright alarming
(and cheaper than a radio
Oh, and it wasn’t the usual “beep beep beep beep; beep beep beep beep”…
It was a full-throated squack of a rooster waking his “flock” up… “errr uh errrrr uh errrrrrrr; err uh errrrr uh errrrrr”… all the more reason to fling it…
Regarding Phil Haney’s book–I think the title is really See Something, Say Nothing, and the title gets misquoted all over, including by me. Think it is out of print but still on kindle, and probably used copies. He was going to republish self-publish it again, and he was coming out with a new book. It’s just tragic.
Phil was a good friend of ours (me & wife). He told us a lot about the worst problem in govt NOT being deep state but muslim infiltration.
We are going to make sure that his death does not get ignored. No matter what you might hear, Phil did not kill himself. His wife died a year or so ago and he just recently found a lady he liked a lot. He warned us that they were after him, though he didn’t identify “they”. Now I wish I had insisted on knowing.
I think I’m more angry than sad. Haven’t felt that sensation for a long time.
PGroup, I understand. I’m angry, too, and would never believe he would kill himself, though I’m pretty sure they’ll try to make it look that way. Very true about islamic infiltration, but the deep state protects that. So glad you are on top of this. I worried about his safty, too. I hope and think his intelligence info is protected.
In an interview with Haney, which I believe was from the very end of January of this year, he said those who are the problem in government preventing the Muslim Brotherhood being named a terrorist organization are still there, and that, in fact, is is worse than ever as they have gotten into higher positions, I think because of SES. Haney said if he could spend half an hour with President Trump, he could convince him the MB must be declared a terrorist organization and why. Haney was hoping to go back into working for the government, but he needed protections first, as he said he would not even survive one day before complaints of discrimination against Islam would be lodged against him the very first day. Of course I’m paraphrasing.
I suggest people also listen to recent interviews with Haney. He spoke Arabic and had worked in the middle east. Have to disagree Somewhat with those who say this wasn’t about Islam.
Looks to me since Barr and POTUS are determent to clean out the swamp that the swamp went after
Phil Haney because he was a man who knew to much.
Over the past years we have seen assassinations of people who had info on Clinton’s and their cabal. I am sure others were killed who had to much information on the so called leadership in and out of government. It is dangerous when one worked for intel to spill the beans. I had seen the man on interviews on TV and he seemed very credible to me. The man who knew to much.
Rip Phill Haney
condolences on the loss of your friend!
I’m just catching up on this. For those like me, here’s a link:
Clontoon playbook.
Yup. I think somebody nasty is getting ahead of Richard Grenell, who could have pulled Haney in to figure out who did what in the Obama DHS – who the sleepers are.
I see a VERY clear motive here – this is related to a FUNCTIONAL DNI threatening nasty Obama IC, Eric Holder, and blood hoaxes in particular (b/c that is how HANEY must be particularly dangerous).
It’s not about Muslims per se – it’s about using Muslim shooters for division. THAT was Obama cabal IC op stuff.
This tells me that somebody in DNI – some commie traitor with access to all the stuff that was needed – probably was intimately involved in ALL the blood hoaxes.
So let’s not let Haney’s death be in vain. This is very likely related to the Pulse Nightclub blood hoax operation. This is like all the other blood hoaxes, which I believe have ERIC HOLDER behind them.
Note that Grenell is particularly dangerous for the people behind Pulse, where gays were used as a target in Holder’s gun-ban operation. Grenell is going to find that particularly disturbing. But the Demmunists don’t care who dies – if they’re on their own side, they’re “martyrs for the cause”.
Haney would allow THAT particular blood hoax to be figured out. SO – we need to be careful about any whistleblowers related to other blood hoax operations. Sandy Hook, Parkland, San Bernardino, etc.
Holder and Obama know they can FRY for blood hoaxes. They will NOT get off if it can be shown that these Stalinist blood hoaxes were used to get our guns.
Not sure I follow all your thinking but as far as Pulse goes, Phil told us that it was sleeper cell jihadis – totally a Muslim terror op.
On a slightly different note: I asked Phil what he thought about Wolf in charge of DHS. He said don’t bother focusing on him; watch Cuccinelli – he’s the guy likely be nominated.
Good. Cuccinelli is AWESOME.
Yeah, what I’m talking about gets into “allowed events” and the intentional, selective, directed breakdown of national (and other) security for political purpose. Not all follow me on this – I don’t particularly care. Some who know about institutional sabotage – who have seen it up close – WILL understand. I just need to get the message to them.
This may be at a much higher level than what Haney was able to observe, but his thinking will still be relevant and useful. This is the same way that much of the 9/11 observations about Bill Clinton and people under his administration seem like simple negligence to many. I no longer believe these things are and were simple negligence. I believe that people at the Clinton / cabal level manipulate the creation, preservation, and destruction of useful actors like terrorists, failed states, known murderers and extremists, etc., to carry out influence operations.
I learned everything I needed to know about feigned ignorance in shallow state. Eventually the honest person who is embedded in the weird failure (I see myself much like Haney in this regard) realizes that the errors are WANTED by some, and those people either ACT or DON’T ACT to allow the errors to happen, with much more knowledge of them than people realize.
In other words, Obama and others wanting the Muslims to do what they do best have multiple reasons to let the Muzz do what they do, not all of which are simple.
Once LE/IC has “gotten ahead” of crime and terrorism – once it has the drop on things – it has choices on what to do or not do. Once COMMUNISTS have control of LE/IC, they can weaponize those choices, and even knowledge of them, for political purpose.
Oh, I think Haney was hit because of his exposure of Muslim terror ops which were ALLOWED by the Obama administration, but I see the hit being PROACTIVE, not revenge. Carried out by a Muslim? Could well be. Revenge is beautiful cover. Revenge theories appeal to our emotions, and divert us from following Clintonian cunning and Holderian plotting.
LOGICAL THINKING bags the Obama people here.
GET AHEAD of commies, just like one would GET AHEAD of a VIRUS, to stop them.
Wolf, seee what you are saying. Probably so, but I think Hayney’s killing (he said they were after him) may have been not just revenge, but that he was planning to posssibly return to DHS or somewhere in the government. Obama had ordered all the data scrubbed, and they had to use Hayney’s ssn to access it, but it all went to his email whenever they did this, so the “deletions” were preserved. Hayney shared it all with the Congress.
WOW. That means there must have been many embeds. Oh, this is for sure why he was killed. It’s Grenell taking over. The dirty rats are SKEERED!!!
Proactive so what is hidden does not have a wittness. We are getting close to he truth and now having a Trump loyalist in an intel function the true will be unearthed.
This reminds me of an archeological dig. POTUS and his team have been digging putting pieces together.
POTUS made big noice the other day concerning draining the swamp.
When he wrote roll in an twitter made me think of the frame spoken by one of the men charging the terrorists on 9/11 on the plain that crashed “lets Roll.”
It is as if the earth is shaking the command has been given and those who know are in action.
“Yup. I think somebody nasty is getting ahead of Richard Grenell, who could have pulled Haney in to figure out who did what in the Obama DHS – who the sleepers are.”
If they wanted to eliminate all the sleepers, all the disgruntled malcontents, all the moles and all the traitors, they don’t need to call in Chief Inspector Clouseau.
They can just check the voter logs of all federal employees.
Those who voted for Hussein and/or Clinton are against the President (not to mention our Republic) either actively or passively.
Actually, they don’t even need to check the voter logs.
The worst traitor in the history of our nation didn’t appoint or hire ANY good guys, certainly not on purpose. Exactly the opposite. Hussein fired as many patriots in the military and civil government as he could find.
So every Obama holdover (obviously) is severely suspect at the very least. From the mail room to the NSC and everywhere in between.
In the security world, NeverTrump(TM) and MuzzLove(TM) GOP are much more valuable than Obamacrats. They have extremely good cover. DUPES. But behind them, somewhere, will be a Holder or Holderette, for sure.
“They will NOT get off if it can be shown that these Stalinist blood hoaxes were used to get our guns.”
Regardless of their motives, if it can be shown that they murdered Americans — for any reason — they have an express ticket to an appointment with Old Sparky.
Without passing ‘Go’ or collecting $200.
Getting the proof will be extremely tough. These people are even more secretive than the White Hats on deeply secret stuff. There is a famous Top Secret Truman memo that – TOTALLY UNREDACTED – one cannot tell what they’re talking about!!!
Personally, I think one of the hottest tells is how Dylann Roof rained on the Escalator Ride – 1 day later – with fallout on Trump directed by Cankles. THAT is pure Cankles-Comey, IMO. Got his gun through a NICS failure, too. Oh, Jim. So subtle.
“Getting the proof will be extremely tough. ”
This illustrates the insanity of the entire situation.
The NSA has everything, enough evidence to convict and sentence Hussein to ten thousand executions. Maybe even ten million, once for each civilian murdered in Libya or by ISIS (his creation) and every other death he is personally responsible for.
The NSA has it all.
They have every one of Hussein’s Blackberry messages, every one of Hussein’s illegal ‘unofficial’ email account messages (and everyone he was communicating with).
The NSA has a record of every Hussein bank transfer, payoff, kickback, etc.
The NSA could bury Hussein so deep that History would never even bother to ever look for him.
But Marquess of Queensberry won’t allow us to access the NSA’s information and use it for prosecution.
When the person or people in question are not just credibly but obviously guilty of Treason so high that the peak of Mount Everest wouldn’t even be visible below?
Because it’s simply not done?
That’s not a credible argument.
Anyone who makes that argument is explicitly advocating a two-tier Justice system, and that’s not how We roll.
But (so far) DJT is allowing it, so we all pretend like we don’t know what we all know, that Hussein is guilty of Ionospheric Treason and crimes against humanity.
So instead of simply exposing the mountains of evidence in the possession of the NSA, we have to construct some elaborate 657-D underwater chess plan to (hopefully, maybe, someday) expose the Manchurian candidate a$$hole who makes every other spy and traitor in history — anywhere, ever — look like an also-ran.
So the entire country — and the whole world, insofar as the world is affected by the United States and/or is interconnected with Hussein’s crimes — has to get dragged through YEARS of ongoing insanity, with good people getting murdered regularly by the Cabal, with false-flag mass-murders, all because nobody will look under the rock at NSA where the evidence for all of Hussein’s crimes are hidden.
Because worshipping Marquess of Queensberry is more important than the Republic.
Because Marquess of Queensberry is more important than We the People, for whom the Republic exists and was created.
Because of Marquess of Queensberry.
THAT is what stands between the never-ending insanity of our backwater corner of the universe, and the potential for everything good that could happen when the incalculable weight of Cabal evil is finally lifted off our backs.
Look no further than Valerie Jarrett…..
Speaking of Grenell…Susan Rice just came out with a brutal, nasty comment about him today.
Obviously when the Deep State needs her, she’s eager to serve…even if it makes her look like a fool. Let’s see…the the last few days we’ve heard from Comey, Brennen, Rice, Judge Jackson, The “Wise Latina”….they are pulling out all the stops (including murdering a whistleblower). Do they honestly think it will make a difference?
The Infiltration(TM) is nervous.
This is not cool, there are different reports and now this?
No way suicide. He warned on it. They could not get narrative on him, either, so it had to be sophisticated to pull it off. This is highly professional – CIA’s absolute best tools – however it was done.
The crowd needs highly specific crime details so we can bust how it was done.
Very true Wolf, they cant get shit over us Digital Warrior’s and never will again…
Im just tired of all the people who could help obviously being killed, from researchers to mds to attorneys et al.
When criminals get hold of James Bond tech, this is what happens. OUR SOVIET SPIES gained control of the government.
Its obvious that ” the they ” have control over most everything.
There is stuff going on that is VERY strange.
Just reading about Sidney Gottlieb, and understanding that he was a very smart guy who took his job very seriously, and actually got stuff working that most people DO NOT BELIEVE POSSIBLE – it’s pretty mind-blowing in itself. The unbelievable stuff? Off the charts-level wow.
I say:
This was a professional hit on Mr. Haney arranged by VALJAR in order to keep any “fingerprints” of Barack Obama out of it.
It’s also a warning to any other whistleblower who feels compelled to tell the truth about the Muslim Brotherhood infiltration in the United States and its involvement with Jihadi training camps here (often disguised within mosques and/or Muslim schools).
See my comments on Pulse and Grenell. I think this is related to the Grenell appointment based on timing, oversight, and particularly PULSE NIGHCLUB. Grenell is a huge danger here b/c he is cleaning house. Somebody is trying to protect sleepers and infiltrators in DNI and DHS, IMO.
Why kill? Because the BLOOD HOAXES to ban guns are SO TOXIC. Obama and Holder could literally FRY for those. All they have to do is bust ONE blood hoax completely, and they all start to fall apart. Pulse may be very weak in some way that Haney could have busted.
Absolutely agreed – this was a pro job. If the investigation gets too close, they may throw a patsy at it – somebody like that crazy Mexican who just got let off for shooting Kate Steinle.
Amazon has both the hard cover for $16.12 that ships in 2 days and the Kindle for $9.91.
If anybody wants to do a “Book Club” article on this book, I will post it!!!
You can get See Something, Say Nothing on abebooks.com for $6, which includes shipping.
Over on the Wuhan Coronavirus separate discussion thread (thank you for this thread), there’s a video posted by “Dora” on February 21 at 15:34. It’s from Communist China.
Please look at this video. Maybe archive it before it’s taken down.
To me, it looks like police / military loading up rifles and walking down a street. Then you hear “popping” sounds. Then you see people lying on the sidewalk, bleeding. The popping sounds are heard in the background.
The hair on the back of my neck stood on end when I watched this video clip.
It might be a great way to get rid of those they don’t want and then blame it on the virus.
I have a feeling this is exactly what’s going on. If this bug is,yes, modified, and an epidemic has been called, and the authorities can claim anyone they want has the virus and quarantine them, who’s to stop them from claiming the person died of the virus when death may have been from another cause.
I won’t go beyond those thoughts here, though.
Sure served to quell all those pesky protestors
like the Hong Kong protestors????
This reminds me of the ending of ‘outbreak’ where they wanted to drop a bomb on the infected area.
2/28 – Friday – N CHARLESTON SC
3/2 – Monday – CHARLOTTE NC
Other Events – volunteer workshops – MAGA meetups – https://www.donaldjtrump.com/events/
Also – Valiant Shrewd Genius!
I always call him Very Special Genius!
Because he is.
LMAO I had a Bloomberg guy show up at my door today. Looked like a soy boy so I didn’t open the door which might have Ben a good thing. Moms crushed because she would have given him a lecture. Kid had NO idea how lucky he was.
Kea – let Mom at ’em!!! They deserve to hear Truth once in their Commie-indoctrinated lives
LOL next time it’s moms turn. They did call me a few hours later and I told the idiot that there was no way in hell i was going to vote for Bloomberg! lol
Clint Eastwood has decided Bloomberg should be President. Goes to show that everyone in hollywierd is messed up because of the bubble they live in. Un freaking believable.
Yup comments on BB were telling. People saying he doesn’t like trumps truth tweets. $$$$$$
Dick van dyke is for bern boy.
If van Dyke was for Bloom Turd, we could say that Rob Petrie was for PeeWee…
(remember the Dick van Dyke show?)…
And Eastwood should know better… maybe he needs the cash?
Yes. Bubble thinking. Interesting. Well, Mini is toast. Toasted Mini-Bleats!
Really wonder in what context that quote about “getting Bloomberg in there” was said….
…will be interesting when we get clarification from him on what he said…….
….ya know, 24-48 hrs after the article came out
Yeah I find this one hard to believe…Clint Eastwood???
isn’t Clint Eastwood pro 2A???
I thought so….
Maybe he means get Bloomers “in there” as in the Dem nominee so Trump can chew him up and spit him out??
Trades “empty chair “ for “ empty suit”. Made in China.
IIRC, Clint Eastwood was a Libertarian while mayor of Carmel, or some Yuppy city in that part of CA.
Really odd, this endorsement by Clint Eastwood.
I STILL love the way that VSG causes people to drop their masks.
17 seconds…
Umm…being a Gen X, 80s sort of person, where we covered anorexia and bulimia before sex ed in health class, uh, yeah. There is a happy medium to healthy body weight.
Google the female black rapper Lizzo and you will find ground zero for the insane promotion of obesity. They want to make her feel good about all that fat she carries around…hence the push. This all started with her.
Shes awful looking.
Did you see the video of her baring her big butt at the Lakers game?
Eww no. I just happened to see her pic on the DM in a string thong bikini.

She should be cited for public indecency. Theres kids attending a game.
She has to do this to divert from the fact that she can not rap or sing. She gasps for breath really good.
Obesity ain’t pretty and it ain’t healthy. That said the fashion industry promotes TOO THIN because their ideal is a teenage boy.

Or maybe it’s little girls…
Twiggy the fashion model (2011)
Now that we know more about Epstein and his connections to the fashion industry…
Gail, Twiggy was also about promoting drugs. The addicts were pathetically skinny. Until this time the Hollywood movie stars still looked like women. After Twiggy, the “popular female body” looked more like someone who was just released from a concentration camp. It was shocking and after 10 or 15 years, almost everyone admired and emulated these pathetic looking, starved creatures.
Melania Trump and the Trump women are an antidote. They all look like women, dress like women, don’t have male appendages and children’s bodies. They look like women who can and do bear children, love children and raise them to be fully functioning adults.
This was happening in conjunction with all of the drugs being brought into the USA starting in full force with Iran Contra supported and normalized by the Republicans and the Democrats. Check out the murder of John Kennedy, George Bush and the CIA, Bill and Hillary in Mena Arkansas… It goes on and on. Our veterans were brought back from Vietnam often maimed and addicted.
I read thousands of pages on how our esteemed leaders were doing this to us in the education system, the news media, the universities, the military, the government, the movies, the magazines and the entertainment industries at all levels.
I was not blind, I was not stupid and yet no one could even mention it without being labeled a Conspiracy Theorist.
There were many who knew, but we had no voice. I put some hope in Reagan but he was not capable of standing up to the pressure.
Then Donald J. Trump came down the escalator and for the first time in my lifetime, we have a voice. One of the most exciting moments of my whole life was when I realized how many of us there are who feel exactly this way.
The rallies are as much about President Trump being our leader as they are about getting to know each other and realize that we are no longer The Silent Majority.
In God We Trust
We must never let this happen to us again!!
Oh, the drugs are very much a part of it. Sex trafficking and drug trafficking are very much connected.
I think the ‘Nam war and the politicians NOT allowing the military to win it was all about wiping out our Alpha males and getting the rest addicted and mentally maimed.
Googled her cause I had no idea who she is….bears a slight resemblance to Queen Latifah back in the day.
She’s much prettier and half the size of the gap toothed “Gov of GA”
Lipstick on a pig
Heart disease is soooo fashionable!
Never crosses their minds
Sometimes parody accounts make my day.
Oh, that’s good!!!
It is my understanding that the REAL ID will also act as Voter ID. A regular driver’s license will not be acceptable. This has been the law for years since 911 but it has not been enforced until now.
Adult passengers 18 and over must show valid identification at the airport checkpoint in order to travel.
• Driver’s licenses or other state photo identity cards issued by Department of Motor Vehicles (or equivalent)
• U.S. passport
• U.S. passport card
• DHS trusted traveler cards (Global Entry, NEXUS, SENTRI, FAST)
• U.S. Department of Defense ID, including IDs issued to dependents
• Permanent resident card
• Border crossing card
• State-issued Enhanced Driver’s License
• Federally recognized, tribal-issued photo ID
• HSPD-12 PIV card
• Foreign government-issued passport
• Canadian provincial driver’s license or Indian and Northern Affairs Canada card
• Transportation worker identification credential
• U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services Employment Authorization Card (I-766)
• U.S. Merchant Mariner Credential
In coordination with its DHS counterparts, TSA has identified acceptable alternate identification for use in special circumstances at the checkpoint.
A weapon permit is not an acceptable form of identification. A temporary driver’s license is not an acceptable form of identification.
Beginning Oct. 1, 2020, if you plan to use your state-issued ID or license to fly within the U.S., make sure it is REAL ID compliant. If you are not sure if your ID complies with REAL ID, check with your state department of motor vehicles.
Learn more about flying with a REAL ID.
TSA does not require children under 18 to provide identification when traveling within the United States. Contact the airline for questions regarding specific ID requirements for travelers under 18.
Forgot Your ID?
In the event you arrive at the airport without valid identification, because it is lost or at home, you may still be allowed to fly. The TSA officer may ask you to complete an identity verification process which includes collecting information such as your name, current address, and other personal information to confirm your identity. If your identity is confirmed, you will be allowed to enter the screening checkpoint. You will be subject to additional screening, to include a patdown and screening of carry-on property.
You will not be allowed to enter the security checkpoint if your identity cannot be confirmed, you chose to not provide proper identification or you decline to cooperate with the identity verification process.
TSA recommends that you arrive at least two hours in advance of your flight time.
If your identity cannot be verified, you will not be allowed to enter the screening checkpoint.
More information
From GAB: https://gab.com/paul1149/posts/103703156376331575
California Court Arraigns David Daleiden On 10 Felony Counts For Exposing Abortion Industry Secrets
FEBRUARY 21, 2020 By Madeline Osburn
Undercover journalist and anti-abortion activist David Daleiden was arraigned Friday in the San Francisco Superior Court on 10 felony counts for his videotape exposés of the abortion industry’s trafficking of aborted baby body parts. Daleiden pled not guilty to all 10 counts.
Daleiden and his colleague at the Center for Medical Progress, Sandra Merritt, were originally charged with 15 criminal charges for recording conversations with abortionists that occurred in public places, such as restaurants and event spaces. Prosecutors claimed the recordings violated privacy laws and were covered under whistleblower statutes. In September, preliminary hearings were held to determine whether there was probable cause to charge Daleiden and Merritt, and in December, a judge dropped six of the charges. An additional count was added regarding novelty IDs.
Witnesses at the preliminary trial included Planned Parenthood employees and former abortionists, who gave sworn testimony about the selling of whole fetuses, beating fetal hearts, and Planned Parenthood’s deficient ethical and medical standards.
The charges, which include counts of illegal videotaping and conspiracy to illegally videotape, were originally brought by former California Attorney General Kamala Harris and her successor, Xavier Becerra, who both have personal ties with Planned Parenthood. Email records show Harris’ office corresponded with Planned Parenthood officials, orchestrating public responses, filing police reports, and even drafting legislation targeting Daleiden. Harris has received tens of thousands of dollars in political contributions from Planned Parenthood-affiliated entities.
As an undercover journalist, California shield laws should have protected Daleiden from warrants to seize his videos or recording equipment, yet that’s exactly what Harris’ California justice department did.
Kamala Harris may still be hoping to be on the ticket. HORRORS.
She has more Indian blood than Liz ?
I am seeing very much and most comically what you are doing there, Phoenix Rising Thirty Seven!
….. Not even the Heels Up Harris Tribe would acknowledge any ties to her.
Hi Hoofy ………………
Hey PR…nice to know you’re still kickin’ it and takin’ names.
Trying Hoofy… you too I see…
GEE, What about the Billy Bush ‘Pussy tapes’ THEY were very much within a PRIVATE area and not in public as these tapes were. They were also IN CALIFORNIA.
When is Billy Bush getting indicted and going to jail???
Quick comment:
Sometimes people on the right say “Boycotts don’t work – they aren’t effective so we shouldn’t use them”.
I think people misunderstand what the purpose of a boycott is.
They think the purpose of a boycott is to change the behavior of a company.
Actually, the immediate purpose of a boycott is to put financial and economic pressure on a company, in addition to pressure on their brand reputation.
If you want a behavior change, a boycott likely won’t be effective by itself – UNLESS it is organized in a larger pressure campaign.
Depending on the type of boycott it isn’t necessary to block all usage of a target’s product – JUST REDUCE CONSUMPTION TO ONLY THE ESSENTIALS.
The pain caused particularly in the retail space is enormous where profit margins are so thin to begin with.
The Left knows this. But the right continues to believe the DISINFO that “Boycotts don’t work”
The Left uses boycotts all the time to BULLY companies to get what they want – they are winning the culture wars in business because they aren’t afraid to use the tools they have.
If we were serious a boycott of even 10% reduction in revenue would POUND them in the pocketbook.
So let’s stop believing the lies that “Boycotts aren’t effective”.
Thank you.
It is the publicity as much as it is the boycotts themselves
Have to be careful so that they don’t backfire like ChickFilA did for the left….and now we find out that they are donating conservative supporter’s $ to leftist charities….Ugh!
Great example!!!!
This is why I love this board, the people here are so smart, see into things that I’ve forgotten!
Let’s go with this:
P1. The Left boycott’s Chick-fil-A
P2. The Right supports and BUYCOTTS Chick-fil-A
C: Boycotts don’t work!!!!
Contrast with:
PURPOSE OF BOYCOTT: Apply Pressure as part of a Pressure Campaign
1. The Left begins a pressure campaign via multiple channels to change Chick-fil-A’s behavior
2. Part of the pressure campaign is a BOYCOTT.
2b. Boycott backfires
2c. Regardless, Media engages in negative publicity for Chick-fil-A as it is now a news story
3. Left continues the pressure campaign
3a. Left embeds leftists within Chick-fil-A management ranks
C: Chick-fil-A gives money to LEFT WING CAUSES. Behavioral Change achieved.
So who really won this round?
Yep – ChickFilA had their cake and ate it too … for a little while. They were the victim and we felt great making the leftist boycott backfire with our dollars and our Loyal support.
but who had the last laugh? And, yes, who really succeeded?
Phil Haney video
I have a question in re the the public charge rule that begins on Monday.
Would any tuition assistance for college be included? If they cant pay they shouldnt receive free tuition either(besides not being here to begin with). That would include college room and board, books, etc too.
It is all setting up for the most important decision in the case on how the court will deal with what appears to be a valid juror bias motion…
Maybe blazing the trail to get swamp trials out of DC
Ahh, wouldn’t that make for a turn around…
“I don’t know what planet the Washington Post is on but they’ll have an opportunity in federal court in the next couple weeks to explain who their sources are…”
So —
It appears that news accounts are surfacing that POTUS was NOT TOLD that the 14 infected Wuhan Coronavirus Americans would be flying back in the 747’s.
And that this was arranged by the State Department.
And that CDC officials REFUSED TO SIGN OFF on the documents to get the 14 aboard the aircraft.
(per Washington Post / @rm4p / CNN)
WHO in the State Department authorized these 14 infected Americans to get aboard the aircraft?
Are they the same people who arranged for them to be immediately taken to the BSL-4 Biocontainment Unit at the Tower Hospital in OMAHA? (and by the way, these 14 are FINALLY in the “official” count of U.S. cases of the virus).
Did SEC. POMPEO know about this situation in advance and NOT tell POTUS?
Did the State Department people who authorized this tell Sec. Pompeo AFTER the planes were in the air or they had landed in the U.S.?
These are our citizens. Do they not deserve to be brought home for treatment? Do we allow unelected officials to determine the fate of any of us travelling abroad?
The World Health Organization came out claiming they needed $675 million so they could start working on a plan…not working on the coronavirus…..working on a plan on how they would start working…..
The CDC has been found to be fear mongering. They seed their reports of a crisis with words like MAY, COULD & MIGHT. The CDC is a Federal Agency. They fall under the Dept of Health & Human Services. This brouhaha feels like another instance of the”Resistance” sabotaging another Republican/Trump Director.
First, I agree that American citizens should be brought back to the States. However —
there are apparently American citizens in hospital in Japan who are being treated for the Wuhan Coronavirus. It would probably not be a good idea to evacuate these people unless they are well enough to be moved and are declared to be virus-free (although it is already proven that one can “recover” from the virus and still be an “ignorant carrier” of the virus and/or still be able to infect others).
Second, my opinion is that the 14 infected Americans should have either transferred immediately to the U.S. Naval hospital at Yokosuka for treatment; or, to have been brought back to the U.S. on another aircraft dedicated only to their travel.
Third, it would not surprise me that the Obama/Hillary embeds still in the State Department may well have done the “get them on the plane and don’t tell” operation to either discredit Sec. Pompeo, to make POTUS look like he’s not in charge, or both.
Just a side note, truly a tricky spot this is. The container brought into and presumably assembled on the aircraft had its purpose thwarted by one of the passengers not put into the container (her partner was) as knew she was developing a fever but stayed quiet about it, though she said she didn’t notice it until they were in flight. The link to that story is in our virus thread somewhere I believe, read it yesterday. The only solution seems longer quarantine periods for all involved but that problem is exacerbated when methods on detecting the virus are so poor. Things we already know.
My guess is Pompeo didn’t know until it was too late.
There’s still layers of DP operatives in the government. This sort of sabotage is to be expected.
DS. Jeez. ARGH! long rehearsal this afternoon.
I share this once before but just in case some missed it…This lady’s message, info and presentation are Powerful! I knew to protect my son from pop culture but we are so disconnected from pop culture I had NO idea what was going on. VERY eye opening for me – esp. the devil worship, gender “fluidity” & suicide
“McEntee is now in charge of political appointments to the administration, and the president has empowered him to remove the Trump appointees who are blocking his agenda and even working against him.”
I wonder how many will be correctly ID’d as NeverTrumpers
If they aren’t sure, they can quarantine them.
Was it Kelly or McMasters that previously walked McEntee out of the White House?
Ohhh Karma is coming for some of the Never Trumpers… I bet Johnny has a LONG list and is ready to ‘fire’
Think it was Kelly
A fun read for a lazy Saturday at Wheatie’s
that was great.
Great article, Linda. Thank you !!
Lisa Mei Crowley
Face with tears of joy
· 6h
Face with tears of joy How did miss this..Epstein didn’t kill himself float..
OH my!
wow this is amazing…….that’s some BBBs right there……if you read the responses, there were a bunch of ‘Epstein’s’ marching in front of the float…….
though, it is too bad that his entire situation has only become a meme and not an abomination that everyone (outside this group obvs) is discussing and demanding arrests and consequences….
Swiss I think all the memes etc have very much informed normies about what was/is going on… and it is perceived as an abomination…
At least I hope that is the case.
I like that facet of looking at things…. great point …. I forget that some are still being on boarded!
Nutty got one as well: Warning your EYES!!!
TIM ! Thank you for adding those… I don’t have the skills to find ’em or bring ’em!
Some times the comments about the tweet ( is where I found then) yield a little more insight.
Sounds confusing. What I mean if I want a little more info on said tweet I click on it and read the replies
Oh I do that too! Just didn’t think of it in this instance… SMH!
wth?????? 11 year old gives birth: 17 year old charged with incest, rape and sodomy. A man and a woman are charged with child endangerment.
Three family members are facing charges after an 11-year-old girl gave birth in her suburban St. Louis home, authorities said.
Police charged a 17-year-old with incest, statutory rape and statutory sodomy of a child, documents say, after he told investigators he did not know the girl was pregnant.
A man and a woman are each accused of child endangerment, and the woman faces an additional allegation of failing to provide medical care for the birth. The adult male triggered the investigation when he brought an infant, who had a temperature of 90 degrees and was still attached to the umbilical cord, to a hospital for treatment on Feb. 11.
This is evil itself – people with no conscience or humanity.
A friend (wife of a caver) taught first grade. One of her students was lethargic so she had her checked by the school nurse. Poor child had syphilis and gonorrhea AT AGE 6!
It was the father. He had raped all his girl children.
She had other stories just as bad. This was back in ~1974.
Gail if my husband had done such a thing to my daughter I would have killed him.
Of course I also made sure I married a man who makes a good father beside good husband.
oh agreeing with GA/FL that is completely evil…..so much praying to do for everyone’s souls….oh my…..
St. Charles, according to the article. If it is the township or the county, is not indicated. Not all of St. Chuck is all that civilized. It’s the bridge between suburbia and rural, actually.
Good thing they didn’t know that she was pregnant or she may have been forced to abort the baby. May God Bless this child as His witness to an evil world and show the situation as wrong at every level.
Brian Cates // Digital Soldier for Flynn Medium star Medium star Medium star Retweeted
Brian Cates // Digital Soldier for Flynn Medium star Medium star Medium star
After thinking it over I have amended this meme to include the fact that not once in his entire career in Washington DC, which started way back in 1991, has ‘Democratic Socialist’ Bernie Sanders **ever** voted yes on sanctions against Russia.
Ahhh…so this is how a self-cleaning toilet works.
· 1h
Some top intelligence officials are looking to leave following the recent upheaval at the office that oversees the 17 intelligence agencies, including the appointment of Richard Grenell as the nation’s top intelligence official, a US official said https://cnn.it/2vUPT9l
The blood hoaxers and saboteurs are gonna run. They know that THE DIRTY ONES who don’t get fired are in the GREATEST DANGER – because they can still be ordered and watched. Bwahahahahaha!
And if these people either revoke their security clearances, or don’t renew them, isn’t it true that they cannot be compelled to testify on issues related to their time at the agencies?
Isn’t COMEY one of the people who didn’t renew his security clearance?
Is there another way that even if a security clearance is gone, one can still be compelled to testify in matters related to their time on the job?
Honestly, I defer to lawyers on this stuff. I think that makes it rather interesting, though. How can we fairly prosecute people on evidence they cannot be confronted with – including exculpatory – except by secret military tribunals, where [perchance] they ARE allowed to see secret evidence?
I don’t know – the whole thing is beyond me, frankly. Secret law has made things very weird, to say the least.
I believe what happens is they are granted a limited clearance in order to see the evidence against them. A security clearance doesn’t grant ACCESS, it grants the ability to HAVE access, if it is given.
People seem to think that because someone has a security clearance, they can just access whatever is top secret whenever they want. They can’t.
Good – sounds like things make sense!
Wonder if any left when political appointee Leon Panetta was appointed for the same position without any IC experience?
Nah Tea, DIMs don’t need experience in intelligence… actually it’s difficult to find a DIM that is intelligent.
I was talking to a friend who’s a union guy who’s pro trump. He even says all the guys he works with are pro trump. So it’s really happening.
That is great news, Kea

Fully agree! He said there was no way in hell he was voting for hrc. He loves that jobs are coming back and his 401 k is really nice.
Said a lot of the black guys he works with are dems and weren’t for trump in 2016 but now they really like trump.
They need to VOTE !!!!
That’s why DH is having difficulty understanding Sander’s big win in Nevada, with a huge union membership. They have great benefits now…so what is the gain?
Hi Qtreepers! I feel like I’m in constant catch up mode this week with the news, the rallies, etc after taking time away to host a house guest! That said I wish to remind everyone of the very important preparation measure each of you should do now (and not wait another second)….so you can ‘prepare for the storm’
PLEASE GET AN ACCOUNT ON GAB, set it up and then also sign up to the Gab CHAT….then look for Wolfmoon so you can be added to the QTree private chat group….this is our group incase WP has issues in the storm.
I use/recommend dissenter as my browser as it is the browser created by the creators of Gab and you can then use the dissenter plugin across all websites where there isn’t any ability to post a response
see: https://apps.gab.com/
I will search for that link Wolf put here ~year ago with instructions on how to do it.
So far we have 12 members linked in that group (including me and Wolf), would love to see your names there and be in there. I’ll be monitoring here for any questions to help you sign up and get on board. YOU ARE NEEDED ON GAB!
This is my way of helping everything out, so let me know if you have any questions.
my gab handle is @MA_kswiss
Thanks, MK !!! I’m so happy you, Michael and Zoe are now signed into the chat room. You are great to help desktop users with this info.
I got signed up using my IPad and duck duck go browser without any problems. Don’t let the ‘encryption’ thing confuse you … merely enter your GAB password as your encryption password (Wolfie’s advice). It works without having to remember one more password.
I’m committing to checking the chat room once a day, and spending a little more time on GAB to get familiar with it.
We need to ‘urge’ Trump & pro-Trump Congress staffers to get on GAB. We need to be able to communicate with them with a Plan B.
Great reminders regarding the password…..keep it simple!
And yes, we do need to get Trump on Gab……UGH— i’m smacking my hand to my forehead….when I was at the NH rally I was chatting with his Campaign Manager (ok that was a flyby…) and the Campaign logistics manager (the guy who was telling us line waiters where to be/go/do ) AND I SHOULD’VE MENTIONED GETTING THEM ON GAB!! DUHHHHH…..
Is it possible to repost Twitter stuff on gab and vice versa? And can stuff from gab be shared here? I still have a lot to learn about this stuff!
I believe you can post Gab stuff here- I know I have …. if your on GAB and click the three ellipses and select copy link to status – that should copy it to bring into QTree
Thanks! Gotta try that
Did one, but it only shows as a link…is there a way to make it show up like the tweets do?
Yes same here….
I guess I was wrong and maybe posted the link to the image and then the text to the tag of the Gab poster….
Sorry for the misdirect
No biggie…Im playing around with it. Looks like Twitter will *for the most part* post to gab…do need to copy the text though
Here’s Daughn taking a well-deserved day off after three Trump rallies this week

….don’t let Daughn fool you….there’s blueberry muffins baking in the other room….lol
Well deserved time off Daughn.
She’s almost as Classy as Daughn!
Great candid photo of Daughn! I heard that’s how she serves breakfast at her Inn…except on special occasions when she wears the double split red gown and white mink.
I do love you guys!
Came to check in and see if we had results in Nev AAAA da.
I am just going to toss this out there.
Early on someone mentioned they thought forced vaccinations for SARS in China caused the WuVirus to be worse. Is this possibly true?
So how similar is SARS-CoV (round one) and WuVirus aka SARS-CoV-2
WHO says the SARS-CoV-2 virus is a betacoronavirus, like MERS-CoV and SARS-CoV.
Scientists say they are ~80% similar.
Genetic Engineering & Biotechnology News:
If you go to the 17 minute mark, from there to ~27 minute mark he discuses NEW EVIDENCE THAT A SECOND INFECTION IS MORE DEADLY once the antibody levels reduce to a critical level.
Mini mike update. Sooooo a few hours late I get a call from a live person asking me to support mini.
WELL lets just say it was the wrong to ask. Because I don’t need you calling me on a weekend. So my response was
There is no way in hell I woukd vote for mini mike!
Hmm wonder if he got the message.
So we are some of the most informed conservatives voters are the internet – you all because you research and are smart & me because I am smart enough to read the smart people here!
Now I have gone from housewife-who-can’t-talk-on-the-phone-without-stumbling in 2015, completely uninvolved in GOP county/state party politics to a position of leadership, now Chair of a county party. Yikes! So now I am she who stumbles often but now in front of more people! ha
Ever since SD and others at OT educated me on how important the primaries are, how important it is too have good people run in the primaries and how important it is to have an active party base to form “farm teams” do develop and vet potential candidates, I have gotten more and more involved. If we MAGA conservatives are not involved, if we real conservative voters who are every day Americans are not involved in the local party then we are by default handing the local party, the state party, the “farm teams”, the primary choices and therefore the whole GOP over to the professional RINO/Uniparty/GOPe swamp! So, went to a meeting…and now…wait, never mind, don’t want to tell you as that might scare you off from going! ha
Two things:
1) If you were in a position of leadership within the GOP party, what would you do for effective change, for MAGA and to make a difference?
I am working toward a primary for local elections so candidates have to declare R/D/I, etc. & toward a closed primary. People can ditch ‘n switch, officially walk away from the Dems if they want to vote in the GOP primary. Harder but Big advantages so that we have Conservative GOP v. moderates for whom Dems voted in the primary. That happens often in deep red areas where the GOP will always (for now) beat the Dem in the general so Dems will pick the least offensive GOP in the GOP primary.
Also, I am making sure, to the best of my ability, that our county party is fair in the primary – not thumb on the scale for incumbents or “insiders”. Level playing field. Of course, incumbents still have advantages but trying to be very careful about that within our party.
Education on the issues…bringing a Very Conservative, Always Trump support roster of speakers whenever I can.
2) I have people ask me frequently where they can find white papers on current issues. I could like to use these too! I know so much from all of my reading that I don’t know how to boil things down simply. One person suggested a deck of cards with faces or pictures and issue/event bullet points. Surprising how many still rely on network news and how many voters don’t use the internet to learn more/go deeper. But I do both and rather than not knowing I know too much and don’t know how to boil it down.
Examples of topics I have been asked about and for which white papers have been requested:
-what was unfair about the recent “impeachment”?
-What was disproven about the dossier?
-What did Biden & his son actually do in Ukraine? Why did President Trump ask Ukraine for dirt on biden?!!! This is a Great example of a topic that many people actually think that President Trump asked for “dirt” on biden, like that was literally in the transcript! And this was from someone who absolutely will vote for President Trump in Nov because so much else has gone well but thinks he was wrong on this…and yet it didn’t happen the way the MSM has told him it happened.
Does the campaign or has anyone else put together white papers, summaries & bullet points on these types of issues and events to which we can refer people and can print out and use ourselves?
Kudos to you MagaMom…
Thank you for kudos and encouragement – much needed sometimes.
But I NEED input. This is an opportunity and I want to make the most of it to MAGA . Help!
I was very active at the county/state level decades ago. I did a number of white papers back then. But then I was more involved in caregiving beginning 2000 and straight on… Now in my 8th decade I no longer have the energy to organize, etc. I don’t know what folks are doing now, but in my experience young people were key… and of course there are other officers at the County level where you are, and they may have counsel for you. You’ll need to make contact w/ State folks of course… and there are workshops and conventions. Just reach out to those who are already in place and I’m sure you will find answers and you can give them your opinions also. After all, that’s what it is all about… exchange of ideas. Good luck !
I can’t write the white papers or make good summaries, etc. Have WAY too much else on my plate.
Any ideas where I can find something like that?
A neighboring, larger county just started a Young Republicans at their high school. in the middle of trying to get them to come speak and I will advertise to our county’s youth. Also, doing a scholarship for our county’s seniors – again reaching out to the youth in the county. Between the two hoping to connect. But most leave for college.
Need to reach the 25-45 age range.
Any other things you all would do, esp. for MAGA?
Please, be open to the idea that not all conservatives are MAGA. We know people who have very conservative, Christian values, but are for Open Borders. They will not vote for Trump. We are literally praying for a way to show them a light, that open borders is not good for the country. They believe that bringing people into America, and showing them God’s blessings first hand, will help convert them to Christianity. Again, just asking you to please be aware of these voters.
These conservative open borders voters are in every denomination. Catholic, Lutheran, Baptist, Assembly of God, Nazarene, Church of Christ, several non-denominationals. It is not denomination specific.
Looks like it’s take your puppy to work day at the House Minority Leader’s Office.
I think he should house train them to use Shifty’s lunch pail.
They look like Australian Shepherds, so they’re smart enough, that’s for sure.
Certainly look like Aussies, perhaps the mini variety. (Neighbor raises and sells them)
I do like Aussies. Lovely dogs. The last one I went to love and hug and kiss, I came up itching. Although, as the same thing happened with my brother’s Dauschunds who reeked of the the same shampoo, I think that might have been the problem.
Reminder: Pro-life does NOT always mean America First. Add Calvery Chapel leadership to the Open Borders churches.
This 6 min video, posted by OAN, on the surface seems to be referencing MAGA votes. BUT, although Pastor Jack says “them”, “Democrats” and “Trump” in this interview, he lets the cat out of the bag (it is Caturday) by saying they want to show voters “How to vote biblical world view values.” They plan to ballot harvest.
POTUS said at the Prayer breakfast, he doesn’t like those who hide behind their religion.
I didn’t get the same thing you did from it. I get that the Dems did it last time but that others will do it this time too now that they know about it. He is very focused on Pro Life candidates and that in itself will lend itself to conservative candidates.
He is very grateful for the suspension of the Johnson Amendment.
Surprise to me – Trump admin suspended enforcement but it is still there.
So what do you think he means by “How to vote biblical world views”? If someone is pro-life and open borders, then don’t be deceptive, come out and say it. If pro-life and America first, then come out and say it. The deceptive part is the issue.
The “evangelical divide” seems to be conservative values of pro-life, etc., BUT still want open borders as the Christian thing to do, VS the pro-life, etc., and America First closed borders. Both appear conservative. Doesn’t mean the open border conservatives plan to vote Trump. Quite a quandry.
Has this been posted? This is amazing…. I love that POTUS retweeted this ahead of his visit to India !
Apparently the song in Hindi translates as follows:

the hindi lyrics are apt:
aisa, wo aisa,
jaise parvat avichal sa
like this, he is like this
like an immovable mountain
text of tweet:
Donald J. Trump
Look so forward to being with my great friends in INDIA!
( President Trump retweeted this tweet)
To celebrate Trump’s visit to India I wanted to make a video to show how in my warped mind it will go……
USA and India united!
(Video link)
Trumpismine– looks like I was writing my post of this while you were posting your clip…I had to watch it a few times before posting it ….LOL….Great minds think alike! haha….
Twinzies! Good of you to translate the Hindi lyrics
Donald J. Trump Retweeted
Wolf wrote….
“See my comments on Pulse and Grenell. I think this is related to the Grenell appointment based on timing, oversight, and particularly PULSE NIGHCLUB. Grenell is a huge danger here b/c he is cleaning house. Somebody is trying to protect sleepers and infiltrators in DNI and DHS.”
If true, that somebody is stupid. They know who is sleeper/infils and who isn’t.
THAT is how POTUS stays ahead of them…they leave bad actors in place KNOWING what they are going to do, and when.
We have everything.
Q team knows who the bad guys are. Has known, since before PDJT was elected.
FISA works both ways.
Pulse Nightclub?
I hope we get the info out about that.
2020 SBC Annual Meeting June 9-10 in Orlando. I’d have to dig around but the SBC WOKE crowd chose Orlando b/c of the Pulse Nightclub event.
test for Volgarian8301
Copying a GAB post to here….
test 2 (removed the https;//
Ok i seem to be on the chat page finally. Gilsbranch. Need to find someone.
I’ll go in a minute and try to find you, TGil, though a lot of people I can’t find. See ya.
Ty zoe. Im not sure how easy i can navigate.
Neither can I, Gil. That’s why I said I’ll Try to find you.
Your chat invitation it OUT THERE WAITING!!!
Do we have a chat room? Does it go by a name? I’m signed in encrypted, how do I get there?
You have two invitations now! Refresh your chat homepage and you should see them somewhere on the left.
Thanks. I’m in both.
Can you find me? I seem to be lost

I just sent you an invitation to the chatroom!
Wolf is it the same chat room or do I need to find it?
This is a NEW one that replaces our OLD one, and you have to find it, by creating a chat account on chat.gab.com using your existing gab account, which is:
You should have an invitation to the chatroom waiting, but if you don’t, I’ll send one.
I am gonna have to figure out how to fix this tomorrow because when I click on the link it takes me to that acct but ask me to follow?
For some reason I have this new acct that I am not sure about it was premade and I didnt do it and that acct is downrivcracker65…. IDK brother, it’s been a long day and I am bout tapped.
Night and God bless Wolf.
Yeah, I was talking about the new chatroom. You’re talking about your second gab account. I’ll try inviting that one.
For some reason it wont let me log into my old acct lol, my new one is just a blank acct.
I guess my new one will be strictly a QTreehouse acct. Thank you for helping me figure this out Wolf.
Actually your account is dwnrivcracker65 – and I sent you an invitation. Use that one to sign up for chat.
Good night and God bless!
Finally got into my Gab account, boss!
I don’t see an invitation to the New Chat.
I click on the “Gab Chat” icon a the top, and it takes me to an “Encrypted Chat” thing.
I click on “Sign Me Up” and it acts like I am already signed up.
Hang on – let me investigate! How’d you get in? Awesome news!
I finally got my old email opened up again.
On Gab now…
I seem to be hung up in some sort of ‘loop’ in the Security Key Generator.
I give it a Password.
Click ‘Generate Security Keys’…
Then I am momentarily in the Gab Chat, but I then get kicked back to the Security Key Generator…again.
And again.
you have 2 invitations now!
I’m not seeing either one of them.
Would those be in ‘Notifications’?
once you have the chat page, the top left sidebar third item down is invitations. see if you have any!
Taking this to the ‘Gab Chat’ thread, okay?
sounds good!!!
you should also have a PM waiting
Yes I see you on there!!! You made us reach 17 members – a good number!!!
I am concerned about POTUS and FLOTUS. If this report is true, they should cancel their trip!
The lock down is due to civil unrest, not due to the Wuhan flu
India is huge. They likely won’t go to Kashmir or dangerous places.
‘Screamed Like My 7-Year-Old’: Firefighter Hospitalized In Bee Attack Recounts Run In With Swarm
February 21, 2020 at 7:38 pm
PASADENA (CBSLA) — Pasadena Fireman Matthew Busko has been on plenty of bee sting calls during his 12 years as a firefighter, but when he was on the first responding engine to a bee attack Thursday he had no idea a swarm of up to 40 thousand bees was waiting for them.
The Pasadena Fire Department responded to calls of an “animal bite” on Colorado Boulevard between South Bonnie Avenue and North Sierra Bonita Avenue, not knowing it was a swarm of bees, according to CBSLA’s Laurie Perez.
The official statement from the Amador County Officials on Philip Haney death…….yikes.
Well posted trumpismine…..

From what I heard he died from a gun shot to the chest. Strange…
Oh really? I hadn’t read any details into it- but assumed that skeptical cat was already indicating which way the garbage stink blew
BS. This was a professional hit.
And Epstein didn’t kill himself, either.
Pretty much
Preach it Gail!!! Just read another post that he was found in his car along the side of the road with the wounds …..
Ok which report is the bullshit report???
The first report I seen said his daughter hadn’t heard from him for a few days and contacted authorities so they went to do a wellness check, upon arrival they found him dead in his front yard due to gunshot wound to the chest and NO gun was found. I AM NOT BUYING THIS NEW STORY!!!!!!
Now I have to go find the original story I seen because this just smells like a big fresh pile of cowshit.
Rodney check the first page or two today.
Thanks for the heads up Gail I am going there now.
If this is Amador County in CA that would be a rural county up in the Sierra foothills. Not exactly Sherlock Holmes territory. Probably a double tap to the back of the head that was deemed a suicide. Guess they gave up on the death by workout. Where the “suicide” occurs from dropping a barbell on the neck.
Right…….suicide by two shots in the back of head.
What does this mean ?
Does it leave the door open for a Democrat to receive the democratic nomination ?
SORRY, I mis-read.
(thought Bernie was saying if he IS the nominee, he would run as an independent)
Well that’s even better….split the Dems right down the middle and Trump will have an even bigger landslide!!
Yeah… I’m thinking they’re gonna get their “guy” in… one way or another!
A split would totally destroy them… But I’m bettin’ Bernie sells out to the highest bidder!
Of course he will with a BRAND NEW BOOK DEAL…
Or another Summer Home in the South
There’s a summer place
Where it may rain or storm . . .
No matter – he has his own private jet – so he can flit from one to the other should an inconvenient storm arise…
“de rigueur”

It means it’s almost time to pop the champagne.
Now wait a minute Bernie, I swear I remember reading that YOU BERNIE SANDERS,
Signed an agreement before 2019 that if you ran as a Demoncrat you would not switch to independent if you didn’t get the endorsement.
admittedly I don’t watch Chris ‘tingle down his leg’ Matthews anymore, but this was on Gab….but agreed with that poster….he doesn’t look so great.
His leg isn’t tingling anymore LOL
Not with those bangs…. (snort) …. but yea – so true Vol!
Good grief, the guys ~75. He needs to RETIRE! Get a life, enjoy his golden years.
Interesting back story/details on Phil Haney……
Very good read on Devin Nunes
When the Democrat winner debates President Trump it will not be a Kindergarten debate:
I’m sorry, but I cannot tolerate that person’s voice! How did he get elected to anything?
Wonder if he sniffed her hair
Just set up a petition for the POTUS and FLOTUS to set up an account with Gab. Please sign and share.
We only need 99,999 signatures by March 23, 2020 to get a response from the White House
sign it!

Thanks MA_kswiss !
Excellent- please spread it to your network too! One month to go!
Bringing it to “Maricas place” as we speak !

Excellent!! May it spread and get signed!!!
Would you consider reaching out to the campaign?
I have tried in the past with other things, and was rejected (I think it is because I attached links, as the same message without links went through).
Great idea! I will relay my sorry of attending the NH rally – and write the other people who I stood in line with (we were number 1-5!) as they got the name of the organizer and I met the Campaign Manager — I’ll see where that gets me ….
You might consider “copy/ paste”ing the language of your petition in the body.
I see they have links for Twitter Facebook Instagram YouTube and email… So why not Gab ?
I will set this up on my to do list on Sunday! I just saw the time and need to get to sleep! Lol
OK.. and thank you !

Also I should reach out to the owner of GAB
My Mom wrote a positive note to potus about 8 weeks ago and much to her surprise she got a thank you back. So yes ask him about gab
text in tweet
Jordan Sather
The FDA claims CLO2 “does not cure coronavirus”
Yet here was a study done on the coronavirus that showed “2.19 mg/L for chlorine dioxide in wastewater ensures complete inactivation of SARS-CoV”
So is the FDA Lying? It looks like CLO2 can kill it
https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0166093405000649?via%3Dihub …

Miracle Mineral Solution (MMS) does not cure #COVID19 and has not been approved by the FDA for any use. The solution, when mixed, develops into a dangerous bleach which has caused serious and potentially life-threatening side effects. Learn more: https://go.usa.gov/xdQrZ .
Study on the resistance of severe acute respiratory syndrome-associated coronavirus
In this study, the persistence of severe acute respiratory syndrome-associated coronavirus (SARS-CoV) was observed in feces, urine and water. In addit…
FDA Drug Information
Straight from the horse’s mouth
“Straight from the horse’s mouth”
I can barely understand some of the words he says.
Blago is gonna have an interesting story to tell. Hope he has good security!
I’d say if that’s true, Blago’s a dead man. I mean, I hope he has Really Good Security.
And for his family too
At the end of a busy day…free Cary Grant movie
Thank you. I always love a good Cary grant movie. My fav is to catch a thief
We really enjoy North by Northwest!
Words have meanings and they are not always what is commonly accepted.
Amazing Polly is tying Q posts into Corona, 5G and the storm. I found this good storm preparation.
Elizabeth, thank you for posting Amazing Polly and American Truth Project. May I sugggest you or someone repost them on another daily thread early in the day? I think more will see them. Thank you again.