This Superlative Sanctuary Sunday Open Thread, with full respect to those who worship God on the Sabbath, is a place to reaffirm our worship of our Creator, our Father, our King Eternal.
It’s also a place to read, post and discuss news that’s worth knowing and sharing. Please post links to any news stories that you use as sources or quote from.
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Please also consider the Important Guidelines, outlined here. Let’s not give the Internet Censors a reason to shut down this precious haven that Wolf has created for us.
The Storm is upon us.
Please remember to Pray for our President.


Our movement is about replacing a failed and CORRUPT political establishment with a new government controlled by you, the American People.
Candidate Donald J. Trump
Also remember Wheatie’s Rules:
- No food fights.
- No running with scissors.
- If you bring snacks, bring enough for everyone.

On this day and every day –
God is in Control
. . . and His Grace is Sufficient, so . . .
Keep Looking Up

Hopefully, every Sunday, you can find something here that will build you up a little . . . give you a smile . . . and add some joy or peace, very much needed in all our lives.
“This day is holy to the Lord your God; do not mourn nor weep.” . . . “Go your way, eat the fat, drink the sweet, and send portions to those for whom nothing is prepared; for this day is holy to our Lord. Do not sorrow, for the joy of the Lord is your strength.”

Alone with God
And Jesus went up on the mountain, and there He sat with His disciples. –John 6:3
Just prior to this miraculous multiplying of the bread and fish, Jesus “went up on a mountainside and sat down with his disciples”(6:3). That fact is noteworthy. It seems plain that Jesus withdrew purposely from the great press of people who had been pursuing Him.
There are some things that you and I will never learn when others are present. I believe in church and I love the fellowship of the assembly. There is much we can learn when we come together on Sundays and sit among the saints. But there are certain things that you and I will never learn in the presence of other people.
Unquestionably, part of our failure today is religious activity that is not preceded by aloneness, by inactivity. I mean getting alone with God and waiting in silence and quietness until we are charged with God’s Spirit. Then, when we act, our activity really amounts to something because we have been prepared by God for it….
Now, in the case of our Lord, the people came to Him, John reports, and He was ready for them. He had been quiet and silent. He had sat alone with His disciples and meditated. Looking upward, He waited until the whole hiatus of divine life moved down from the throne of God into His own soul. He was a violin tuned. He was a battery recharged. He was poised and prepared for the people when they came. Faith Beyond Reason, 130,133. “Lord, I’ll spend a lot of time in the company of people today, but just now I come in quietness and silence to wait for You to fill me. Amen.”
A.W. Tozer
Be still, and know that I am God; I will be exalted among the nations, I will be exalted in the earth.
Psalm 46:10
Be silent before the Sovereign Lord, for the day of the Lord is near.
Zephania 1:7

In The Garden
I come to the garden alone,
While the dew is still on the roses,
And the voice I hear, falling on my ear,
The Son of God discloses.
And He walks with me, and He talks with me,
And He tells me I am His own,
And the joy we share as we tarry there,
None other has ever known.
Charles A. Miles 1913
Be Still And Know
“I believe in God, though He is silent.”
These are the words that some of us say.
“But I keep my faith and go on living,
Hoping to hear something every day.”
Busy days go by and turn into weeks
We keep thinking that He’ll speak to us soon
Our thoughts now turn to things that we’ve done
And His discipline, the vines that He prunes
Busy days and more, running to and fro
Time rushes by with more thoughts, too
Life and distractions fill up all our time
And we don’t give God the respect he’s due
Now is the time to stop and think
Is God now silent with nothing to say
Or is it us who aren’t listening
Far too busy as our lives run astray
God never leaves us, He promised us so
Though we don’t listen, He’s with us still
God promised us good, a future and hope
He’ll deliver, no doubt that He will
We may not listen, and that to our shame
But God is speaking to us every day
He’s everywhere and all around us
Speaking to us in so many ways
God is Creator, He made everything
Earth and heavens show His mighty power
The beauty in nature, the sights and sounds
The oceans speak as do fields of flowers
The Patriarchs, Psalms and the Prophets, too
Their words in the Bible speak loud and clear
Christ and His Apostles all spread the word
If we take time to read, then we’ll hear
The music we hear, praise, worship and thanks
All have messages for us to regard
Music makes us feel, words make us think
The rhythm and rhymes of musical bards
Other believers, events of the day
May carry meanings for us to heed
Listen for His voice and check with His Word
There may be wisdom that we sorely need
God’s Spirit within us speaks in our minds
Teaching and guiding us along our ways
God’s Spirit nudges, but may push and shove
To give us His guidance, day after day
We come to God, our heads bowed in prayer
As we speak to Him, He speaks to us, too
Our prayers will be answered: yes, no or wait
We may not hear it, but He’ll guide us through
In all of these ways, God speaks to us
But we need to listen to hear His voice
Be consumed with the world through all our days
Or “Be still and know” – we must make that choice
Be Still
Did you decide to make the choice
To slow down and listen for His voice?
Or was the decision made for you –
It just happened out of the blue
Some say that God’s voice is very small,
We must be still to hear it at all
Some fill their days with so much to do
That I suppose for them that’s true
I think God’s voice is loud and clear
But man has chosen not to hear
The heavens declare it from above
God will be heard; it’s part of His love
Be Still . . .
As we go from day to day,
To here and there along our way,
Always busy and so involved,
But is it that for which we’re called?
Two meetings here, lunch over there,
Two more tonight, what will I wear?
Pick up the kids, calls on the phone,
Just three quick stops, and then we’re home.
Someone’s been wronged, I must speak out.
My help is needed, there’s no doubt.
We’ll make a plan to fight this thing
And not be stopped by anything.
We’ll find problems, expose them all
And make the guilty take their fall.
We’ll be vigilant day and night
And fight for what we know is right.
But . . .
We must not fail to see God’s plan,
To trust in Him and not in man.
Do we take time for what God said,
Wait for Him to work in our stead?
Seek His face, be still and know
He is God, and learn to let go,
To trust in Him to win the fight,
Dispel the darkness with His Light.
Be still before Him, and so wait
With patience, for God controls fate.
Vengeance is His, and judgment just,
Acknowledge Him, give Him your trust.
So as we go from day to day
To here and there along our way,
Let’s all slow down and know His grace,
Seek His kingdom and see His Face.

“The Peace of Meditation”
So we may know God better
And feel His quiet power,
Let us daily keep in silence
A meditation hour . . .
For to understand God’s greatness
And to use His gifts each day,
The soul must learn to meet Him
In a meditative way . . .
For our Father tell His children
That if they would know His will
They must seek Him in the silence
When all is calm and still . . .
For nature’s greatest forces
Are found in quiet things
Like soft falling snowflakes
Drifting down on angels’ wings,
Or petals dropping soundlessly
From a lovely full-blown rose,
So God come closest to us
When our souls are in repose . . .
So let us plan with prayerful care
To always allocate
A certain portion of each day
To be still and meditate . . .
For when everything is quiet
And we’re lost in meditation,
Our soul is then preparing
For a deeper dedication
That will make it wholly possible
To quietly endure
The violent world around us,
For in God we are secure.
~Helen Steiner Rice~

12:38 PM and I’m actually first???
Ha…yes Sundays get that way it seems. Youre allowed to be first!
We birds are here, behind the leaves,
Being quiet, where you can’t see.
The sun is down, there’s no more light,
We’ve tucked our beaks in for the night.
Thank you for the evenng food for thought bakocarl…
Yeah it’s only us heathen up right now
LOL crab dance?
Now they say there was a gun near Phil Haney’s body. Must have missed it first time around. Cops say somebody called in the shooting. Wonder who that might be.
I feel sick. These bastards are determined to keep America in the hands of the political thugs.
Someone called it in but no information was released. Now te mans wife died but he had met and become engaged already as many widowers do. He was owed 1000s in royalties for the book. And he had lots of info. Men dont shoot themselves in the chest. Its also a very sudden judgement by the leo.
I wish every single person who has info like this had a kill switch to release everything. It is very sickening.
Wife and I were very close to Phil. We know he had copies of stuff stashed. Where, I don’t have a clue.
There are already several former SEALs and FBI agents (former & current) unofficially digging. Grapevine tells me that several of these guys worked with Phil and that they have some markers with Calif LEOs to call in.
Whatever happened didn’t happen to a guy who can be overlooked. Phil had a lot of friends and when they stop crying they will be pissed.
Glad to hear that people are not letting this just wash away.
Oh pgroup, I am sorry. This loss is personal for you and your wife. My condolences. I hope the truth is revealed and there will be justice for Phil.
ThanQ for your kindness towards us. I had to get off the net – it was just too depressing. Went to sleep.
I discovered that FoxNews had an article on it. Sean Hannity was real fond of Phil but his stupid website kept giving my message an error so it’s good to know he will know. I expect that he will be on this like a dog on a bone.
Google the place where they say it happened (Hwy 124 & hwy 16 in California), and go to street view. do a 360 degree spin and try to picture somebody committing suicide there. It’s beyond absurd.
Thanks again for caring.
Side note – it looks like Patel is on Air Force One for the India trip. That’s a relief because I think he’s next on the list. DJT will probably have all the details by the end of that trip because I am sure that Phil was about to join that team of Grenell and Patel.
PGroup, thinking of and praying for comfort for you and your wife this Lord’s day, and for others suffering this loss.
The established IC is sure spun up about Patel being assigned the task of cleaning out the stable. Lots of squealing! Hope the rest are kept safe.
TY for letting us know. I remember when he was talking about his book and he appeared very humble but honest.
I’ve been watching Miracle tonight – planned to do it since Friday’s great rally in Las Vegas!!!
Bren posted a great one over at Marica’s place about it.
Oh wow I had no idea he did that! Very cool!
You should go back and watch the rally – the opening was really special. Something for the history books IMO!
Ir really was a terrific rally…………….and Miracle on Ice is a great, great movie. And Bren’s post about it is definitely worth reading.
Opening sequence from Miracle (2004)
One of the comments on the HughToobs said this:
“One of the best beginnings of a movie. Shows how the U.S. isn’t the country we used to be and shows how we are not the best anymore until miracle happened and revived us. When college kids with little experience destroy soviet grown men who are trained just to play hockey for the rest of there life who only demand victory is amazing. They won because they learned to respect and win for the name on the front, not the name on the back.”
I can’t watch this opening sequence without tearing up.
Hollyweird accidentally hits one out of the park once in a while . . . this is one they mistakenly let through.
When the mockingbirds were singing at their full, we were being SOLD this pack of LIES by our own trusted news media.
Cronkite threw America under the bus for the narrative.
And the NARRATIVE is what they were pushing. For years.
The NARRATIVE was that America’s best days were behind her.
That Americans thought for the first time that the next five years were going to be worse than the last five years.
That our American military was defeatible.
That the Presidency was the outpost of crooks.
That the Soviets were superior to us economically, athletically, morally and spiritually.
That the advance of the Soviet system was inevitable and unstoppable.
That our own embassies were at risk.
That we had poisoned ourselves with chemical spills and nuclear accidents.
That our nation was tired and weak, as we waited in gas lines without enough to fuel our automobiles.
That the days of America winning were over.
Yet there was hope.
Every time I see this sequence I remember that the MCM’s FAKE NEWS is the enemy. A disinformation source designed to DEMORALIZE us as a people from the nation that we were born to be.
One of Brietbart’s rules:
Don’t let the Complex use its PC lexicon to characterize you and shape the narrative
Especially don’t let the MCM shape the narrative!
WE ARE THE NEWS NOW! Do NOT allow the FAKE HIGH PRIESTS of the MCM tell you what the story of our day is!
“And, and that story will, will be continued to be told here, but we have what we call citizen journalists. Because the, because the journalists that we have in the media, did a disservice to themselves, actually more that they did to this country.
“They did a disservice to themselves because they displayed an arrogance that is unprecedented, and so the american people decided to take over the idea of information. They took over the idea of information. And they did it through social media.”
In the movie Miracle it was put this way:
Look, I can give you all a load of crap about how how you’re a better team than they are, but that’s exactly what it would be. And everyone in this room knows what people are saying about our chances.
I know it. You know it.
But I also know there is a way to stay with this team.
You don’t defend them — you ATTACK them.
You take their game and you shove it right back in their face. The team that is finally willing to do this is the team that has a chance to put them down.
Their time is over. Take back the narrative! We are the rightful heirs of truth! We are the news now!
What Rommel said about Patton: “The American generals showed themselves to be very advanced in the tactical handling of their forces, although we had to wait until the Patton Army in France to see the most astonishing achievements in mobile warfare.” ~ Erwin Rommel
“Rommel, you magnificent bastard! I read your book!”
“Spoken by George C. Scott in the film Patton, portraying his defeat of what he thought were forces under the command of Erwin Rommel; however, the book portrayed in that film is purely fictional — Rommel never finished the book he was writing on tank warfare, but did write a book on his experiences in WW I. It was widely read, regarded a classic of modern military tactics, and published in abbreviated form for study by US army officers.”
“Infantry Attacks (German: Infanterie greift an) is a classic book on military tactics written by Erwin Rommel about his experiences in World War I. At the time of the book’s writing in the mid-1930s, Rommel’s rank was lieutenant colonel. Rommel had planned to write a successor called Panzer greift an (in English: Tanks Attack) about tank warfare, and gathered much material during the North Africa Campaign. However, he was forced to commit suicide before completing this work.” Rommel’s book was famous and required reading for US military leaders:
I love Miracle, the movie. One of my favorites.
As many times as I’ve watched it, though, I’ve never applied that quote that you wrote above (“…take their game and shove it right back in their face…”) and applied it to the Trump movement.
Wow. Well done.
We can remind ourselves that is exactly what POTUS is doing each and every day – even if we aren’t privy to the details, our confidence should be there.
I agree with you.
To be honest, I have failed in keeping that confidence too many times, Lady. At times, I buy into the Eeyore stuff…
Note to self: Must do better.
Chimpy, don’t worry, it’s difficult while we wait out POTUS’ plan. He’s been consistent in his remarks and just when you think some issue has disappeared from the stove altogether, he brings it right back to a front burner. I still believe this is going to be the greatest sting of all time.
Thank you Bakocarl, I really enjoy reading your posts…so full of faith…and so very needed.
This is an incredibly interesting interview by Mike Huckabee, about the corruption by Biden, Warren, and others…
a must listen to…
The easiest way to spot a corrupt politician, from my experience, is to check if there is a (D) after their name…
Commuting to work alone is one of THE best ways to be alone with God! And part of why the state of Commiefornia discourages it!
Jonathan Edwards used his long horseback rides for that purpose too!
So is dogwalking…………………at least that is my time to be alone with God. It’s different than being in church. In church, God speaks to me through others. But out there alone it’s one on one.
this works for my husband. He has listened to the Bible on audio + other times of praying or just quiet. Silver lining of long commute
This is why I spend time at Adoration. An hour in silence in the Church with the Lord.
Just in. South Korea is having a full blown problem with COVID-19:
Wow, just came here with same
I am shocked at the amount of people I talk to who maintain a blase attitude about this pandemic.
Few are taking it seriously, and I believe it is due to the MSM not properly reporting on it. Amazing the amount of people who continue to rely on ABCCBSNBCCNNMSNBCFOXCNBC for information.
Japan has nearly 800 cases now. That Diamond Princess petri dish…
Thank you, carl. I’ve always felt a little guilty about my alone time with God, and how much I enjoy it. Like I should be in church and communing with others instead. But now I see it the way you tell it…………it is as important as church time, but if fills a different need. Thank you, carl, for the thought and care you put into your Sunday posts.
Living the dream
Stay Classy my Friend!!!
Pope Humble is afraid of President Trump and Salvini, and other populist figures.
Communists (ie. Globalists) have every reason to be afraid now that their global agenda and plots are getting exposed worldwide. They SHOULD be afraid.
They won’t be able to walk the streets in safety.
Yes indeed. I just hate that they got so far and deep into every government and institution. But maybe that was needed in order to see the bankruptcy of such an ideology.
You misspelled “humbug”
Francis the communist/marxist/socialist is projecting.
Italy seeing cases with no known connection to Wuhan. They are shutting down towns. A friar from the Veneto region tweeted 12 came down with Wuflu and one died in Veneto Region. I think it’s the death mentioned in the article.
79 cases in Italy – very unexpected.
MAP/Tracking –
The rest of Europe is in the teens and single digits. Why is Italy such an exception????
Chinese tourists?
A cruise ship?
It could have been just one or two tourists who left Wuhan at the very beginning, and took a very specific path in Italy – which is very popular with Chinese tourists. Also a common debarkation point for cruise ships – fly into Rome and head to the nearby ports by train.
Yes. I keep trying to warn people that it isn’t going away.
Having spent time in Italy, I remember that their concepts of sanitation, street cleaning, refuse disposal — are, if you will, not exactly “up there” per American standards; except in places like high-level “American style” hotels.
The AP article mentions Wuhan Coronavirus cases now in ROME, MILAN, and all over LOMBARDY.
19 persons who were on the Diamond Princess are now in quarantine at the Cecchignola military complex inside Rome’s city limits.
But these 19 persons will be in quarantine for ONLY the “accepted” 14 days — when it is proven that 24 DAYS is the optimum number of quarantine days.
*** Now, about other cases in Italy that are potentially being misdiagnosed — WATCH for this to start making general headlines.
People who actually HAVE the virus are presenting with symptoms of PNEUMONIA and are being treated as such — however, the Wuhan Coronavirus can ALSO present with pneumonia or pneumonia-like symptoms.
The man who died in Italy of the virus but was diagnosed instead with pneumonia is an example.
This man WAS NOT tested for the Wuhan virus — until it was too late.
*** And — WATCH for when the virus starts to break out among the “migrants” who get to Italy via their ports on the mainland and via Sicily; ALSO, within the “migrant” population already in Italy.
I’m urging all my family to get ready to hunker down for a 4-week period. I would rather be Chicken Little than unprepared.
Thank you, Carl…for another thoughtful and inspiration post!

“God is Creator, He made everything
Earth and heavens show His mighty power
The beauty in nature, the sights and sounds
The oceans speak as do fields of flowers”
I’ve always thought that this is true…that God speaks to us through the beauty of his awesome creations.
This woman says…

“The LGBT community has become a safe haven for the mentally unstable.”
“I no longer wish to be a part of this!”
“I’m A Lesbian Woman & I’m Leaving The “Progressive” Left…”
Very courageous…since she probably knows how they will attack her for saying this.
Let’s hope there are more who disgusted with what the LGBT thing has become, and decide to walk away from it.
Text of Robert Davi’s tweet:
Courageous and So wonderfully communicated- and needs to be heard – what do you feel?
But the problem with our tolerance is that it makes it that much harder for them to get right with God. I wince every time our president makes comments that indicate queers need to be pandered to, or otherwise celebrated.
The kind of tolerance I personally want back is what needs to be demonstrated by me, per the Golden Rule. Civilized is my choice. I want all my old friendships with gays and lesbians back – before they were instructed by Fake News, the DNC, and cultural Marxism to hate us. That was one of the worst and most damaging parts of the Obama years in general, and The Hoax in particular. We just “got along” before that. We (both ways) tolerated and accepted each other but did not advocate what we didn’t truly believe we wanted to advocate. It was all so simple.
I won’t ask, you don’t tell.
Easy peasy.
But the left has never held to a single compromise agreement in the history of ever. Any compromise with the left is seen as a small victory towards a large goal. Don’t ask don’t tell was supposed to be the lasting compromise the left promised it would be…
….but they never intended that from the get-go and…as in so many other ways…were simply lying. As they always do.
Yup. And this is why throwing ANY group to the left and allowing their “we own this group 100% lock stock and barrel” BS to stand is always trouble.
So don’t compromise – FIGHT for mindshare – and that is exactly what Trump does. He tells people “you’ll do better under my real tolerance than under THEIR phony love which takes away your free will and demands that you be part of their lie.”
“What do you have to lose?” And he’s RIGHT!!!
I don’t know that I would go along with not being held to a compromise agreement even while being hard pressed to remember one they did go along with.
One of the things I see is a lot of attention whoredom being satisfied rather than ignored as it should be.
I will never go along with evangelizing/normalizing/promoting these lifestyles to children and teens….or the public for that matter.
Same sex attraction is a symptom of an abnormality in mental/emotional/relational development
I think one of the absolute best things we can do for everybody is make the government back off completely from laws restricting therapies in psychiatry and psychology. That will open up sane, apolitical discussion again, but even more importantly, it will allow psychiatrists and psychologists to SAY what they really believe again.
Get the POLITICS of the LEFT out of psychiatry and psychology.
They need to consider (honest) Science, Statistics (medical, mental health, cause of death and police statistics) and Scripture.
There’s something to this. Even among the non alphabet soup groups of not straight and normal people, there is a range of psychological issues – and some psychiatric ones – that just need to be addressed. It had been happening for a while, but is no longer.
Very important – here is how they are TRYING – desperately now – to make bad “trans” conversions irreversible legally!!!
They don’t care about PEOPLE!!!
It’s all about POLITICS!!!
Yep – after trans ‘gender’ – they want to experiment with ‘trans’ human.
Live and let live. Keep your private life private.
No need to announce and make public what should be private
It isn’t just the LGBT community… I’ve been thinking for some time, that the Democrat party has become the repository for the unstable, mentally unhinged in society. That’s what makes them danger – the political party welcoming aberrance, lawlessness, anarchy – they’ve encouraged destabilizing vs stability, encourage lawlessness instead of lawfulness. They think they have control of these elements, but chaos induced goes quickly out of control and then requires serious work to restore societal stability.
The entire purpose of structure in society is for maintenance of that society – when there’s a deliberate effort to undermine the foundation, then it causes cracks and crumbles. The Democrats believe they’ll be the last the alligators eat, but as they’re about to find out with a Bernie Sanders nomination – they’ve lost control.
Do the Democrats/Communists really think their fortress homes are safe when the mobs get loose?
Very interesting and a very good point. Good for her!
I recall seeing a few #walkaway videos were people were saying the same thing.
I mean is you have Disney pushing this?
Why? It’s a cartoon!
China to stop Wuflu updates?????
Being that this guy is fairly apolitical, and he’s staying on top of the WuFlu, it’s a pretty good video to send to people that are not “woke” and might turn off a conservative voice about the corona virus.
Yep. He strikes me that way, too.
friend of Haney speaking out…(again condolences pgroup!)
Haney’s close friend Jan Markell, a radio host, author and speaker, tweeted out this from her last conversation with Phil Haney.
My friend Phil Haney was found shot yesterday in CA. I had lunch with him a month ago. He warned something could happen to him. He was to get married in a month. It will be falsely called a suicide.
I’ve been following your remarks, pgroup. It’s a sad and frightening situation. I hope that you, and his friends and colleagues find some answers, and justice for him.
Please PLEASE tell me he left a dead man’s switch with copies of all his documents and notes to be sent to OOAN, the Epoch Times, Breibart, PDJT, AG Barr, Jim Jordan, Devin Nunes, Chuck Grassley, Rush Limbaugh, etc, etc, etc.
dunno…pgroup mentioned there are already good people searching…
When Phil retired, he gave copies of his research to the House Intelligence Committee. IIRC, Nunes was on that committee then and I don’t know who was chair. But I do know it happened. Whether that info remains on Capitol Hill somewhere, I don’t know.
We are working on establishing a comm channel to Nunes. I am getting into anger phase. If possible, I want to make the culprit(s) worse off than if they had simply left Phil alone to tell his story.
They took away our friend and that is not – cannot – be allowed to escape responsibility.
Thought you might like to see this, pgroup.
“He insured his life by archiving data that incriminated the highest levels of the Obama administration.
Verse of the Day
“Whereby are given unto us exceeding great and precious promises: that by these ye might be partakers of the divine nature, having escaped the corruption that is in the world through lust.”
2 Peter 1:4 (KJV)
Thank You, Jesus, for blessings received and prayers answered!
Sunday Blessing
Jesus Loves Babies…Pray for the Unborn

Jesus Loves the Little Children – Pray for the Little Children
Jesus Loves You – Come to Him
A baby elephant is born…

While mother is tending to her baby, trying to get him to stand, the herd hurries over to meet the new arrival.
Not to meet the new arrival as much as protect it from predators. Of course everyone wants to see the new herd member but they are rushing forward to shield mom and calf from always opportunistic predators first and foremost.
I told our admin assistant I had paid the business plastic that I am required, with a check and she looked at me like I was from Mars, wanting to know why I hadn’t just done it online.
“Online” in this case requires the bank routing number and account number (I can’t just pay it off with a personal credit card).
I work in IT, and didn’t even bother trying to explain myself to her.
The Coronavirus was bio-engineered for ”robust viral replication both in vitro and in vivo. AND so ” SARS-based immune-therapeutic and prophylactic modalities revealed poor efficacy; both monoclonal antibody and vaccine approaches failed to neutralize and protect from infection with CoVs using the novel spike protein. TRANSLATION: It readily spreads and normal medicine has no defense against it.
According to Dr Boyle, responsible for drafting the Biological Weapons Anti-terrorism Act, it was bio-engineered in North Carolina and paid for by the Chinese AND the USA National Institutes of Health under OBAMA.
Tony Fauci ,of the National Institutes of Health, admits that the lethality rate of MERS is about 36%, whereas SARS is 10%. This Wuhan is 15% to 17%.
See the interview with Dr Boyle that para59r posted and my comment verifying at least some of the information.
New numbers for WuVirus:
Ro is “calculated to be as high as 7.05” Figure 4 to 6. In other words one person will infect 4 to 6 other people.
Lethality rate is 15% to 17%
This chart gives you a feel as to how dangerous this virus is:
Here is the Chinese Communists ADMITTING they want to make a bio-weapon.
78,823 cases world-wide
Now 35 in USA – most in California
Map –
Do not forget CDC WAS NOT TESTING. All but three of the states received test kits that would not work. Therefore FORTY SEVEN STATES HAVE NOT BEEN TESTING FOR THE DISEASE and we have zero idea which of the states were.
The USA is now back to sending the samples to CDC and waiting several days foe result.
Response to Senator Cotton from a health professional
Sounds like the (insert expletives) FBI
Gail Combs
And ALSO, I suspect, on top of this, there is the potential that people in the United States who present with symptoms of pneumonia are NOT being tested for the Wuhan virus, even though it can present as pneumonia or pneumonia-like symptoms.
The man in his 70’s in Italy who died of the Wuhan virus presented as a pneumonia case and was NOT tested for the Wuhan virus until it was too late.
That is EXACTLY what is happening. It is why IN PRIVATE NANCY MESSONIER, of the CDC, told a friend there were 100+ cases in 32 stated (Clinically diagnosed vs Lab diagnosed)

It is why MESSONIER just stated that, due to the “SUDDEN” INCREASE of Wuhan Coronavirus cases in the United States, that “schools and businesses may have to be closed” if the situation gets more serious.
Messonier is connected to WHO. She is an Obama appointed SES. I will bet that the CDC and the National Institutes of Health under Obama appointed Fauci, KNOW the bio-weapon developed at UNC and given to the Chinese Communist Professor Zhengli Shi @ “Laboratory of Special Pathogens, Wuhan Institute of Virology, Center for Biosafety Mega-Science, Chinese Academy of Sciences , Wuhan , People’s Republic of China.” ESCAPED….
And they are scared out of their little minds that the virus is coming home to roost.
Gail Combs
AND the messages above (which in my opinion need to be archived asap) apparently have all been DELETED by Dr. Messonier.
It was ONLY California, Illinois and Nebraska that got the working test kits.
Adaline seems to be an ER Nurse.
Oh my.
What a gorgeous scoped M14. I wonder if it’s an authentic Springfield.
dunno…I posted it to show off the Jeep…lol
Please correct me if I’m mistaken or wrong, but it APPEARS to me that…post shampeachment…a liberated Trump administration is finally dealing with the cancer inside the WH intelligence community….specifically the NSC and now the office of the DNI.
Lemme see if I got this straight…
First, former NSC member Lt. Col. Alex Vindmann (among others, mainly State Dept.) testified before the HPSCI and pencil-neck douchebag in blatant disrespect and disregard for the chain of command…revealing “Resistance” filth inside the NSC.
This (broadly speaking) is what is used by Pencil-neck, Nadless, and Piglosi to shampeach POTUS. That effort fails, and in it’s wake the Vindmann bros were physically removed from the WH and a large downsizing of the NSC was announced (something like 70+ positions cut).
THEN, Thursday before last, former (then acting) DNI Joseph Maguire went to testify in front of Pencil-neck and the HPSCI In closed session, taking along with him a woman named Shelby Pierson, who is the Intelligence Community “election threats executive” working under former acting DNI Maguire. DURING this testimony, Ms. Pierson told the committee that it was her assessment that Russia was planning on interfering with the 2020 election in favor of POTUS. HOWEVER, neither Ms. Pierson nor then-acting DNI McGuire had briefed anyone inside the WH about this, so when this info was selectively leaked to the NYTs and WaPo, it caught the administration and POTUS by surprise. Not only that, but Pencil-neck and the progressive media filth at the NYSlimes and WaPo have relaunched the fucking RUSSIA RUSSIA RUSSIA narrative again.
NOW, Trump has effectively fired McGuire for allowing him to get shambushed by Pencil-neck as well as giving aid to what had been a collapsing RUSSIA RUSSIA RUSSIA narrative. And in McGuire’s place POTUS has named Amb. to Germany Richard Grennell as the new acting DNI.
This unexpected over by PDJT has caught the IC (Intel Community) in DC off guard. And Trump-loyalist Grenell isn’t wasting a moment..
From the NYSlimes…
“…McGuire, and his deputy, Andrew P. Hallman, resigned on Friday. Mr. Grenell told Mr. Hallman, popular in the office’s Liberty Crossing headquarters, that his service was no longer needed, according to two officials. Mr. Hallman, who has worked in the office or at the C.I.A. for three decades…”
Not only that, but…
” Mr. Grenell has also requested the intelligence behind the classified briefing last week before the House Intelligence Committee where officials told lawmakers that Russia was interfering in November’s presidential election and that President Vladimir V. Putin of Russia favored President Trump’s re-election.”
There’s just one problem…
Pierson doesn’t have any intel that Russiamis doing what she testified before Pencil-neck’s committee in closed session Thurs. before last. In FACT…
“ Russian interference on behalf of Trump in 2020 has not been publicly confirmed by the U.S. Intelligence Community.
CNN’s Jake Tapper (has even) cited a national security official “I know and trust” who rejected the framing of the story along with “others with firsthand knowledge.”
“What’s been articulated in the news is that the intelligence community has concluded that the Russians are trying to help Trump again,” the official said. “But the intelligence doesn’t say that.”
Less than a month after the Vindmann bros and 70+ NSC members were shown the door, now the acting DNI McGuire has been shown the door as well and the IC is going ape-shit because Grenell….as acting DNI…
“…has access to any secrets he may want to review. And he has requested access to information from the C.I.A. and other intelligence agencies, according to two people familiar with the matter.”
“Pierson said in a recent interview with NPR that the Russians “are already engaging in influence operations relative to candidates going into 2020. BUT WE DO NOT HAVE ANY EVIDENCE AT THIS TIME THAT OUR ADVERSARIES ARE DIRECTLY LOOKING AT INTERFERING WITH VOTE COUNTS OR VOTE TALLIES”.
So acting DNI McGuire knows he’s going to testify before the HPSCI in closed session and he knows he’s gonna get asked about Russia Russia Russia 2020, so he bringS along Ms. Pierson who subsequently tells the HPSCI that the Russians are going to try to interfere with 2020, but she doesn’t have any evidence of that. Moreover, McGuire didn’t earn PDJT in advance that all this was going down, so he allowed the WH to get caught flat-footed when Pencil-neck leaked this BS to the NYSlimes.
So Trump fires McGuire and appoints Grenell, who wastes no time in firing McGuire’s #2 as well as demands to see the evidence that Pierson does have but cited as the underpinning of her contention that Russia was going to interfere in 2020 election…
…and now the fake news media and IC inside the DC beltway is in a complete meltdown and going berserk over Grenell.
Tick tock tick tock
What am I missing??
By the way…..Grenell is the fifth (5th) DNI in PDJT’s 1st term.
PS – did you notice that McGuire’s #2, Andrew Hallman, was a 30 year CIA guy?
sorry….lots of auto-spell typos above.
“ McGuire didn’t earn PDJT in advance”…..should be “TELL PDJT”
“ demands to see the evidence that Pierson does have”….should be “doesn’t have”
Another correction….
Grenell is the fourth (4th) DNI under Trump….not 5th.
First was Gen. Mike Dempsey.
Second was Dan Coates.
Third was Joseph McGuire.
I’m trying to find something bad in all this.
I know right? *clapping loudly*
I want extra, double proven pro-Trump bodyguards for Grenell and Patel. I mean it!
AMEN. As I believe the Haney murder is related to Grenell gaining control of DNI (and other loss of firewalls for the bad guys), there are dangers ahead.
I had wanted Grenell at the UN, but this is even better. He takes no prisoners.
FG&C this is a WONDERFUL post!!!!!!
Thank you, you made my day.
I liked the idea of McGuire as a Navy Seal, but he was snookered by Michael Atkinson for sure.
Now, he was snookered again by Pierson.
Sounds to me like Pierson also needs to go, asap, and sure as hell doesn’t need to be talking to the media.
McGuire resigned and it was accepted. There is absolutely ZERO chance he did NOT know he needed to brief POTUS on his HPSCI appearance PRIOR to it. It is unpossible he was snookered by Pierson. We know this because…according to the info I have…he did NOT brief the WH or PDJT prior to his appearance before the committee. THAT is/was “the tell”.
Btw…while I’m at this….
I wrote all this out rather than simply supply a link to a piece OT. This is not my own “work”, which you will see if you go over there. Now I added a lot more detail, but SD put me on the trail. Just want to be upfront about it. You all know that while I have my issues with SD, I still think he supplies very valuable analysis of the micro-data we all like to follow.
Someday they are gonna make a movie outta all this…likely a 3-movie project like Lord of the Rings. The thing is, it’s so complicated you’ll have to watch and re-watch each film multiple times to truly understand all the moving parts. I mean, like I mentioned, Grenell is now the fifth (5th) DNI in PDJT’s 1st term. Extraordinary.
When I post a link OT and tell people go read this, THIS is the kind of content I am pointing at. Lots of folks here refuse to go OT, but they are really missing out on great info, as my OP here demonstrates.
Appreciate what you share here…
Now just for grins & giggles, plug Phil Haney into the housecleaning operation and what would you get?
You’d get a very efficient operation that didn’t need to waste a lot of time figuring out what color hat a person was wearing. In short, housecleaning on steroids.
IMO, this is why they whacked my friend Phil. They were terrified of the Earp Bros running Tombstone.
PGroup, I ache for your personal loss and our nation’s loss. I pray there is a channel from Haney via Trump to Grenell/Patel. Surely if Haney thought his life was in jeopardy, he provided a Plan B. Prayers up for our White Hats.
The scum has been skimmed, Sir!
Posted an article from The Hill on Flep’s page, before coming here and seeing FG&C’s great compilation!
Thanks for this…thank goodness for citizen journalists these days so this Sh++ doesn’t go unnoticed.
Continues to amaze me (as well as demonstration how large that DC bubble is) that people like Pierson truly believe they can get away with such “expert” testimony….primarily because they always have, I guess.
McQuire and Hellman are gone…how about Pierson?
Grenell will handle that. He’s demanded to see the “intel” she has based her assessment from, and he’s not going to give her weeks to do it. He wants to see it NOW, and she doesn’t have it, which means she was making it up. And just like that…..POOF. Bye Felicia.
If she doesn’t have the intel, then she committed perjury at the HPSCI if it was under oath.
I am not sure, but as a Presidential appointee (Exec Privilege and all that) doesn’t a cabinet member have to at least NOTIFY the president?
I really really hope we can elect some PATRIOTS this time round and get the LAWS passed that are needed to clean out the DC Swamp.
They’ve gotten away with it because the MSM has been their back up – making the fake “true” and previously, as the only source of information, people got snookered. As POTUS removes the rubbish in his administration they’ll continue to catch these situations sooner – sooner we don’t have another two years of Russian interfering to get POTUS elected.
MSM and Dems in meltdown because they succeed with the smear and fake news, and now they know that POTUS has people in place to know exactly what’s going on.
Just to augment, making a suggestion or two in what may be surfacing here:
The IC community is afraid of Grenell. That’s obvious if they are terrified that he’s looking at for now classified intelligence that they claim backs the narrative they want put forward.
The IC community very obviously considers themselves to be a closed group of which Trump and his team are not a part. Therefore they work to stymie him at every turn knowing that the first version of any story or narrative can be incredibly difficult to unwrite once cemented in the minds of those who hear/see it.
Also consider, to go along with the canary traps, that the Trump people know darn well and good who is DS IC and working against them, but they will not act to remove them until they can do so for cause, thus keeping the “political move” sledgehammer out of the other side’s arsenal. “He deceived us,” or “he leaked,” or “there is nothing to back that assertion,” is much harder to spin than just tossing somebody the administration doesn’t trust.
Just some suggestions to go along with a nicely put together summation.
Consider WHO the DNI (job) is….the head of ALL the intelligence agencies. CIA, NSA, DoD, etc all report to the DNI.
The DNI gets to see ANYTHING he wants to see. Period.
Yes, exactly. The heady days of the DS operatives doing what they can to sabotage the Trump Administration are over. The DS people left in place are just going to generate more evidence spelling their own demise if they keep up with all the leaking, lying, etc.
Trump won’t nominate a new DNI for a while. Grenell is rock solid and proven Trump loyalist. Plus he knows all about the EU/Ukraine shenanigans.
The DC intel community (IC) is going BERSERK over his appointment.
If they weren’t scared before, they sure as HELL are now.
POTUS uses the “Acting” nominee to his advantage… after Nov. he will be able to “confirm” his choices.
Susan Rice’s very public meltdown and personalized attack on Grenell was very telling.
I guess her election day, ass-covering Memo to self didn’t contemplate THIS contingency
Read that Pierson was appointed by Coates on his way out AND that she was an “Imagery Analyst”. Last minute antiTrumper with zero relevant credentials PLANTED to sabotage POTUS????
Very possibly.
The other thing that occurred to me since writing my comment, is that this one of the topics – along with the rot at DoJ – that needs to be spelled out to the point of demonstration for the normies. Just saying Clapper, Brennan, Rice, Powers, etc., are lying, corrupt pit vipers isn’t enough. It needs to be made very clear to the point that law breaking is shown without a shadow of a doubt.
Otherwise, the political move/hit job narrative will come into play, and so far Trump & Co., have been adept at avoiding that.
Good point. I’ve had difficulty with this very thing because the full explanations are so long and complicated.
This play has a cast of hundreds that are all connected. If one knew nothing they’d have to watch the play 100x’s to understand it all.
Well, they see folks like Clapper, Comey and Brennan blustering ad nauseum as tv pundits …. at some point “thou doest protest too much” must have sunk in to a few un-red-pilled. Skepticism is the first step towards looking further for either validation or correction.
Caught that immediately from your comment, Hallman 30 yrs and CIA!
As we have seen….
The Tribulations of War
So now they are telling us to eat in a Chinese restaurant to show solidarity. Yikes! Will they pass a law to that effect? It wouldn’t surprise me.
i didn’t eat there before…why would i do so now?
I do like Hong Kong style, but…not this week, thanks.
Take a look at this!
Shocking: This is England!
Found a crazy TREEPER gif for Wheatie’s Saturday treehouse.
Check this out.
W H O A ! ! !
Kinda cool, eh?
Morning, Wolfie!
Morning! Or REALLY LATE NIGHT. Not sure which at this point!
I was just in N. CA and went for a long hike among the Redwoods….trees as old as Christ himself, and still growing.
Imagine BRANCHES as big around as your car.
No words adequately describe the presence and setting. “Incredible” stands as tall as a mere sapling.
Alone with God?
Humans I have observed all these decades FEAR being alone… PERIOD…
They wake in the a.m. and turn on the Borg… nevermind they don’t sit and watch/listen, it’s in the background.
They get in their car and turn on the radio…
Lately they go out to eat “as a family” and there’s no conversation… parents and chidren focused on the sliver of electronics they call “cell”
Even the dying these days want to be online with constant images and sounds flashing across the screen.
Go inward? Go to the ‘Garden’ ? Walk with the Lord? They walk/run with earplugs… listening to ?
Perhaps it’s my own personality, but when my life was the busiest filled with work and children, if I didn’t get an hour of “aloneness” a day, I would be extremely irritable. Now, in my twilight years, I don’t mind a little chatter, a visit for 20/30 minutes or so, but then, make your exit and leave me to my introspection… I have much to mull over, much to process. God’s still, quiet voice cannot be heard over the clatter.
I’ve always been somewhat of a loner…perhaps growing up in a very rural setting, having to entertain myself in days long before TV, internet or even easily accessible libraries. I think that’s why I could, and still do, travel by myself without hesitation.
And, I do not need background noise…if DH is away for a few days the TV is rarely on, if at all. As I write this, I’m listening to the sounds of the birds and the fire in the fireplace.
Like you, PR! I need my quiet time and even my visiting friends know that I usually disappear for an hour in the middle of the afternoon to “recharge my batteries.”
In today’s noisy, invasive world it’s too easy to lose yourself.
Exactly Tea… “recharge is totally necessary”
“recharge is totally necessary”
That is why I used my apartment for sleeping only and spent my afternoons alone on my horse trail riding.
Now I am a 1/4 mile from the road on my farm. Not TV, no Radio, no phone unless Hubby insists.
Make that three of you.
That’s the life Gail…
Totally with the two of you.
I know too many people who seem to climb the wall if they are by themselves for more than 15 minutes; it’s as if they get their energy from others, whereas the three of us seem to get it from within ourselves.
well, well, well…look who’s getting a book deal…another traitor POS…check who else her literary agent represented…
Marie Yovanovitch is cashing in with a book deal.
The former U.S. ambassador to Ukraine who testified against President Trump at House impeachment hearings is getting seven figures from publisher Houghton Mifflin Harcourt.
The book, a memoir that remains untitled, is expected to be released in spring 2021.
“Yovanovitch’s book will deliver pointed reflections on the issues confronting America today, and thoughts on how we can shore up our democracy,” Houghton Mifflin Harcourt said in a statement.
Yovanovitch is represented by the Javelin literary agency, which has handled books for other #resistance icons such as ex-FBI director James Comey and former national security adviser John Bolton.
Yup. Corrupt book deals.
it won’t sell–especially if they put her PHOTO on the front…LOL…
I know, I know, it’s not supposed to sell…it’s her payoff…
Orange Sparrow Bad!!!
her mother seems to agree…
I *knew* I had seen that face before!!!
These things should come with a CSW….
*coffee spew warning
….or DS legal defense fund stipend
Gorgeous painting of being the Garden, the painting above with the 2 figures – what painting is that? by whom?
Thomas Kinkade.
where’s waldo? and by that I mean Obama. is he in hiding? he and she (I’ll let you figure out which pronoun refers to the former president and which refers to the former first lady…giggle) were attention whores–loving all the praise (false) and adoration (unearned) showered on them constantly–traveling lavishly–now they are practically hermits…or are lying low like the puddle scum they are…
Yes. In hiding.
Soon now leftists are going to be looking for someone to blame, and Obama absolutely WRECKED the democrat party. He was ushered in with control of both the House AND a super-majority in the Senate…
…now compare THAT to the state of the Dim party today.
The only reason why it’s taking so long is because leftists have to admit they were wrong, but they’ll never do that because they are victims, always.
So they will claim Obama lied to and fooled them, and it is his former supporters who will be coming for him.
They won’t be able to walk the streets in safety.
Thomas Wictor boosted
Biden’s mind will continue to diminish.
Most people don’t want two men kissing as they get onto the Marine One chopper on the White House lawn. BootyBoy will diminish.
Steyer’s nasally whine and possum-looking face will not inspire anyone. He’s done.
Klobuchar offers no reason to consider her superior to the rest.
Warren behaves like a nine-year-old schoolgirl and does not inspire confidence.
Tulsi should have never bothered.
That leaves Bloomie trying to buy it, and communist Bernie.
They’d have to build custom steps for Marine One so the dwarf can get in if he were to win (which is itself unpossible).
75years ago today the Marines raised the flag.
RIP, Daddy.
Navy men who want to prove they have what it takes to be a Marine become SEALs.
And that’s no insult to either branch.
Flying a 48 star flag here today…even though we’re supposed to get a big snowstorm.
THIS ^^^^ IS SO TRUE… I see it in my grandson… who yesterday was listing the ‘negatives’ with regard to Capitalism (which he only knows from zero’s 8 years)… I try to explain that he is looking at ‘Crony Capitalism’ and ask if he knows the definition of Socialism… he scrolls on his cell and I laugh and say “don’t tell me what Google says is Socialism, that’s a lie… dig and come back and we’ll talk about ‘socialism’ …………….
45 Flag of United States – The TRUMP PAGE Retweeted
Replying to
Our younger generation just doesn’t understand how bad this is. All they hear is “free.” They want instant gratification and not have to work hard for anything. By doing so they’ve lost the wonderful gift of appreciation, too.
Bernies initials will always be the same as what he supports…
Yep… lots of writers are recognizing that…
He and his wife are both big time grifters… did I mention they are Communists (forget Socialism, they skipped kindergarten and went straight for the Ph.D.)
“The goal of socialism is communism.”
– Vladimir Lenin
The funny thing is…we call the USSR “Communist” but the second S (or third C in CCCP) stood for “Socialist.”
According to Marxist doctrine, there’s an inevitable historic progression from feudalism to mercantilism to capitalism to socialism to communism, and socialism was merely a phase where a democratically elected government controlled the means of production; later on the government was supposed to fade away and that would be communism.
So what we refer to as “communism” is actually what they called “socialism,” and that was a step towards the “real” communism, a state of being which is simply impossible (how can the people own the means of production without a government intermediary?). You should probably read Lenin’s quote “The goal of socialism is communism.” cited by FG&C in that light. By our standards, what Lenin called “socialism” IS what we call “communism.”
For the young ones four questions:
1. If a total stranger comes up to you and offers you FREE candy if you get into his car, what would you do?
2. If you can have a cushy live without doing a days work, are you going to bother to work?
3. If no one will pay you for the work are you going to work as hard as you can? Or are you going to loaf along.
4. WHO PAYS for all the free stuff?
Excellent questions Gail…
Obviously written by a ‘Progressive’ … but I wanted to point to the shaping of the narrative DIMs are going to use
And btw… what if Bernie picks Tulsi for VP ? And not related to the article, but to all journalism, esp. citizen journalism… WHEN are they going to start naming the slime media for what it is? Controlled by the C_A… (when h3ll freezes over? Confront and the head game is OVAH (or, that’s what psychology profs say)
hmmmm Strzok edited Hill’s 302’s to exclude her apology for using the server…and other tidbits of info in newly released emails…
In a September 8, 2016, email from New York Times reporter Michael Schmidt to Kortan, Schmidt gives the DOJ an early “heads up on something we’re planning on reporting today,” which was about Clinton’s email server technician, Paul Combetta, deleting Hillary’s subpoenaed emails, and saying “The fact that Combetta was given immunity takes much of the air out of the idea that DOJ needs to investigate the deletions.”
“So now we know that the FBI report of Clinton’s ‘interview’ is incomplete and that Peter Strzok may have details on the classified briefing of candidate Trump that were used as pretext for a spy operation. No wonder the FBI had been stonewalling the release of these emails” said Judicial Watch President Tom Fitton.
You know what it looks like to me? The FBI helped HRC and her boy STONETEAR (Combetta) cover up Hillary scandals by deletions, and then after Katica outed Stonetear, the NYT helped the FBI cover it up by saying that Stonetear’s immunity “took care of things”.
sounds about right…
too many freakin immunity deals not enough indictments to suit me
Yup. Totally intentional. “Oh, darn, it was that darn Combetta, we gave him immunity, oh, darn, well, I guess we missed that.”
Then the press are all so gas-lit that they have to be nice to keep their access, so they actually shill for the FBI here by SUGGESTING that Combetta’s immunity deep-sixes any investigation.
I don’t know if there’s a fed immunity statute but I’ve never seen one cited. I don’t think immunity exists except as regulation whose authority is derived from the general administrative authority of the department handling the matter.
Such regulatory immunity ALWAYS is conditional. And it is NEVER once granted, cannot be revoked.
One last thing: immunity is an affirmative defense against liability, either civil or criminal. When we are talking about prosecutors granting immunity, it cannot be to see what the person knows. That has to already have been disclosed and the immunity is to obtain a promise to testify against someone.
It should go without saying that an immunity granted as a part of a fake and/or illegitimate investigation CANNOT be valid. It’s as worthless as Chicom promise.

Somewhere along the line, and it’s been some time ago now, like, maybe a couple years, I read that Strzok was a documents guy, as in manufacturing C_A level fake documents.
I can’t remember where I came by that, but it would certainly fit here if that was the case.
Wanted to put this link here in the open thread. As I mentioned a few days ago, I attended the grand opening as the guest of my high school classmate. The center is named for his father.
I must say it is very moving and really well done. Before the ceremony began, I had access to the VIP “green room” and got to meet each of the men attending. Wonderful experience. Desmond Doss’ son was there!
Kyle Carpenter was there and is one really great young man!
that must have been a wonderful experience! When you posted about it originally I looked at our calendar to see if we could come. No, we couldn’t as son has a camp out this weekend in which he is partnered with another and they are doing it “survival” (kind of) style, making a shelter so sleep in, etc. Big weekend for Trail Life and couldn’t let his partner down.
We will go visit soon. Thank you for telling us about it and I am glad you enjoyed your experience.
I don’t think I could’ve handled that, emotionally.
I’m not even a wart on such men’s posterior. Unfit to breathe the same air as they.
Bunny Sgt. “Manila John” Basilone
CMH, Navy Cross
He was the only enlisted Marine to receive both of these decorations in World War II.
In October 1942, during the Battle for Henderson Field, his unit came under attack by a regiment of about 3,000 soldiers from the Japanese Sendai Division. On October 24, Japanese forces began a frontal attack using machine guns, grenades, and mortars against the American heavy machine guns.
Basilone commanded two sections of machine guns which fought for the next two days until only Basilone and two other Marines were left standing. Basilone moved an extra gun into position and maintained continual fire against the incoming Japanese forces. He then repaired and manned another machine gun, holding the defensive line until replacements arrived.
As the battle went on, ammunition became critically low. Despite their supply lines having been cut off by enemies in the rear, Basilone fought through hostile ground to resupply his heavy machine gunners with urgently needed ammunition.
When the last of it ran out shortly before dawn on the second day, Basilone, using his pistol and a machete, held off the Japanese soldiers attacking his position. By the end of the engagement, Japanese forces opposite their section of the line had been virtually annihilated.
For his actions during the battle, Basilone received the United States military’s highest award for valor, the Medal of Honor.
Dammit that is supposed to read Gunny Sgt!!!!

Le Goog vs. Le Duck
I just tried this at Google and “Clinton body count” was the #2 suggestion.
I’ll be honest….I was hoping to say “Guess what? This is true! Try it.”
I just stumbled upon that search engine a couple days ago. It is ‘Conspiracy Theory’ territory but a nice addition to the arsenal.
I’m sure the meme is out of date. At some time, it was likely true – probably pre-election. I seem to remember that period, when they justified their Snopesing and other activities as the fight against “fake news”. I did indeed try a few such searches and IIRC published the results either on Twitter or CTH.
Comfrey: The Herb for Bleeding of the Lungs and Cell Regeneration
“archiving data”…Rep Steve King doesn’t believe Haney killed himself either…
Rep. Steve King (R-IA) issued a statement Saturday night about the suspicious death of Philip Haney:
“Phil Haney was a friend & patriot. He was a target because of all he knew of Islamic terrorist coverups. He insured his life by archiving data that incriminated the highest levels of the Obama administration. Phil Haney didn’t kill himself. RIP, Phil.”
This is such a great relief to me – that prominent people knew of his archiving habit. ThanQ so much for posting this.
They should not be broadcasting it!
The DIMs missed many an opportunity to walk the walk they talked about… when zero was prez
for Zoe –
Angela Stanton-King
I gave birth in chains while serving time in an American prison. @realDonaldTrump made it illegal to chain women during childbirth. Thank God President Donald J. Trump was moved by compassion for my story. #NoMoreChains #FirstStepAct #FoxNews #AngelaStanton #CJR
President Trump….
….for the people, of the people, and by the people.
CHAINS?! Okay, I admit that I’ve not given birth, but what woman in labor is going to make a run for it?
My thoughts exactly D.P.
Don’t need a deputy in the room or chains unless the person is mentally ill violent offender with a record of violence against random people in which case the two precautions would make sense for the safety of the baby + all medical personnel.
Otherwise, this is not appropriate or needed. A 1 time offender for a non violent crime? Excessive.
Sad the baby is taken…but that is part of being convicted.
Maybe after the first several weeks or even first 6 weeks if the person is not violent?
Keeping mom and baby together, esp. in those early months, is better for the the health and long term out comes of both mother and baby – mom for healing physically and emotionally esp. if nursing and the baby for proper nutrition via nursing. We want healthy children and emotionally/mentally/physically healthy moms. Better for society long term and less expensive!
Again, if a violent &/or mentally ill person, the above would not apply as baby better off elsewhere.
Great piece by Rush. This fits with what I have been told by someone who reported directly to Trump for a few years.
more funny responses to Bloomberg’s stupid billboard ads…
Thanks Bako, I can hear my grandmother singing In The Garden…it was one of her favorites, sung while I helped her with cooking, ironing, washing dishes, sweeping. Such a sweet memory!!
One of my mother’s favorites also.
For our doggie lovers….
Nice looking dog. I hope he is chipped.
Last evening MagaMom was asking us how she can help MAGA in her new role as County Chairman…
Well Mom, I suggest first thing you did is read Scott’s twitter stream… you don’t have to travel ‘cross the county, you can restrict your activities to local area… he registers new voters everywhere he goes… he TALKS to groups, he sits in coffee shops with his laptop and a sign saying “I support TRUMP” etc etc etc.
Like POTUS, Scott is a teacher… with his tweets. Here’s his latest, with a call-in to CSPAN
for Zoe: text in tweet
I called into C-SPAN & proclaimed my support for @realDonaldTrump.
I also made a plea to the black community to join us.
“Why are black men locked up for crime, but illegal immigrants are set free?”
followed by a clip of call ….
Thank you. Excellent input. So much of what you suggest any and all of us can and should do whether in party leadership or not. Our car magnets/bumper stickers, our hats, t-shirts, sweatshirts and buttons that we wear, etc. all speak out and speak up.
Speaking to groups: yes, I have considered talking to groups like the Rotary, Elks Club, etc. I am not a public speaker but…I guess I am now! I would speak from the point of what our County Republicans are doing, charity work, scholarships, and election year activities to encourage participation. Amazing how many Dems are still out there…would be nerve wracking but on my list of possibilities to grow the local party.
And when we grow the local party we then grow the audience for issues speakers that educate the base. Example: we had Tennessee Firearms Association speak some months ago – HUGELY educational and now I smile when I hear our members asking candidates about their position on 2A in a very specific way and know they are looking for specific answers and tell tale signs of being a “moderate” on 2A.
Grow our local membership and the more voters will hear the candidates promises and then know if they are betrayed by the candidate after he is elected.
Grow our local membership and we have more people asking our elected leadership questions, holding them accountable after they are elected.
Grow our local membership and we have more potential MAGA candidates for the next primary.
more input by others welcome as all input gives me food for thought.
How can I max this opportunity for MAGA
Ohh Mom, you are going to rock ’em ! You have such enthusiasm! So proud of you…
One suggestion that I’ve had for years _ everywhere there are gatherings, crowds, events, the GOP should be there registering voters. It’s what the Dems do all the time, and we’re a little late to the party. They’ve been doing it at the rallies, but it’s important to do it all the time on the local levels.
Consider Donald Trump rally watching parties, or any other GOP positive gatherings, and encourage participation for vote registration as much as possible.
Great Point! Every booth and outreach we do we ought to have registration forms.
Will do!
I mean to pick up a few for our meeting last week just in case we had people who had just moved to the area. Will go by and pick them up for our meetings but really to make sure I have them on hand for our outreach booths.
thinking of doing a voter registration at the high schools in Sept. for the new 18 yr olds and the Nov 3 election. Not sure what is involved with being able to do that at the schools but will find out. Could do in May for the graduating seniors but not sure the rules about absentee for college bound….hmmm…but probably should do anyway as many won’t be college bound but will attend community colleges, trade schools in state and get jobs in state/locally. +many college bound will state in state too. OK will find out about registration at our local high schools for May and Sept. If just one choice maybe May better than Sept as that many more 18 yr olds in the ’20 graduation class than in the ’21 graduation class for Nov 3rd, 2020.
Thanks for the input!
Check in with the college Republican groups on campuses – they’ll be interested in helping get students registered. They’re also a source of GOP support at local events or for local candidates if you let them know.
See if there are any Christian colleges/universities in your area – they’d also be good to tap for registration and help campaigning for the election, especially on the moral issues. Very important to these schools.
I think once a month voter registration would be great following church services, especially in large churches. Have to be aware of legalities, of course, but I know black churches do it all the time.
Also, the black churches here in the south have buses that take people to vote on Election Day and then they go back to the church for a lunch.
And why it would be greed to WANT to earn money with your own creations. It’s still work even if labelled “leisure” or “entertainment.”
Yes… artists don’t get credit for their “works of art” as WORK… other folks think they just drop into your lap, like a vision or a dream.
And they don’t appreciate the HOURS of rehearsal for music, acting, etc., that produces a final product. Literature and solos I learned 30+ years ago, the bread and butter, are what make me money now.
Writing a 65K+ word book…2-3 hours a day composing for a few weeks, I do three revisions at least, that’s 1.5-2 hours for about two weeks. The final read through is usually 8 hours or so.
This stuff doesn’t just happen. Even the visual arts…those of us who don’t do it have no clue how many drafts and tries the artist went through to get what he or she was looking for in the finished product. It really is not as easy as it looks.
Amen D.P. Few appreciate the time taken to produce a book they are reading… And I’m sure if one monitored the hours and the $$ received, the hourly wage would be low in terms of peeps working an hourly wage. Late hubby created stained glass pieces as a hobby. Friends and family would say “oh you should sell those” and I would laugh and say, “they’re priceless if you count the hours in design and construction… he would be giving his work away, no matter the amount received. The same is true for most craftsmen these days.
I applaud you for your contributions and the time involved.
Considering what people are willing to pay for a work of fiction not written by Stephen King, it can be like giving it away. It’s only AFTER a considerable number of titles are available, and earning income from the effort at the front end can be passive.
I’m still in the work by backside off stage.
Kudos to you…
To celebrate POTUS’ visit to India, Mad Liberals has done an expanded version of POTUS’ victory dance. One of my favorite memes.
Prime Minister Modi welcomes President Donald Trump to India!!
This is good however as with most Indian dance scenes like this next is the woman’s turn. This leaves me waiting for the Melania remake video!
They’d have to put her face on a vastly inferior body, is the problem.
Zoe, text in tweets
Lisa Mei Crowley
said the Senatorial Committee is “in full incumbent protection mode”. They tried to extort 3 of his vendors to get out of the race. They were told if they worked fornhim they couldn’t work for anyone else so he “found better vendors”.
Video clip from Maria’s show this a.m.
Lisa Mei Crowley
what he will be asking AG Barr on 31 March. He wants to know why McCabe wasn’t charged for lying, how things are going w/Durham investigation, & what how FBI incorporated recommendations from the IG rport. “There’s some lacking issues there.”
Lisa Mei Crowley
re: classified meeting about Russian interference in 2020 election (which he attended). He said the info that was leaked was not accurate. He said Dems are the reason Russian propaganda is successful in shaking our confidence in our elections.
Dirty politics. I hope Collins wins big.
She’s a huge advocate for PP isn’t she? That alone is reason enough to fight to get her out! Her Republican label means nothing!
meant to add Gil… all those millions comin’ in for her that Collins reported… that’s where it’s coming from… pro-abortion donors
Thank you, PR.
Most welcome Zoe… still wishing I could link the vid clips. Aubergine suggested I copy link when clip is running and it would transfer w/o posting the tweet… but it doesn’t work for me. Maybe someone has a solution?
Have appreciated so much everyone’s helpfulness. People have gone to a lot of trouble.
Well, we can thank FG&C for suggesting what should have been obvious to the rest of us! And actually it is NO trouble to cut and paste the text when we post a tweet… takes only seconds…
I don’t know if this might help you on posting videos but what Usually works for me is to right-click on a video (not sure if it works on one within a tweet) & select “embed code” & then paste that into a post/reply. I think you can write things above &/or below the video as long as there is at least one space between the embed code & your writing. Blessings
Thank you Valerie! I am shied away from using that option, but I’ll certainly try it…
now I must resolve the problem of wordpress not accepting my likes and not allowing me to post tweets! Ah life… the problems are always there to challenge, right?
It does seem that way. I went to CTH to read something Wolf referenced & WP was really weird when I tried to like someone’s comment there, though it did ultimately let the “like” through. Very weird those WP gremlins…
They are!
I apologize for the double tweets… Lisa posted as a THREAD and I should have paid attention *smilin*
Here is Ms Lindsey
Text in tweet
Lisa Mei Crowley
plans for the coming week re: FISA abuse hearings. He wants to know what Comey & McCabe knew & when they knew it. He wants more info on why first Jul ’16 FISA warrant was turned down & who told McCabe to go to NY to obtain dossier & why.
text in tweet
Lisa Mei Crowley
first people he wants to hear fm are the 4 people who heard fm the Russian primary sub-source that the dossier was “a bunch of bar talk & hearsay & was unreliable”. He finds it hard to believe this info didn’t make it to Comey & McCabe.
Lisa Mei Crowley
says he wants to ask
if he knew then what he knows now re: dossier was not credible, why did he appoint Mueller to investigate President Trump. There was no crime committed. Why did it take Mueller 2 years and $40M to figure this out?
text in tweet
Lisa Mei Crowley
violated the Logan Act when he held a secret meeting with Iranians. He said “it’s undercutting our foreign policy, our maximum pressure campaign is working. It was inappropriate for him to talk to the Iranians.”
Doug again
text in tweet
Lisa Mei Crowley
he spoke with POTUS about how humbling it was to be considered for the DNI job. It speaks volumes about the trust POTUS has in him. He’s focused on winning the GA Senate race which he believes Kelly Loeffler can’t win.
Jeffry Epstein and Philip Haney didn’t kill themselves.
The left is melting down over Chris Matthews likening Bernie’s win to the fall of France…..after they have called POTUS and US n@z!€s for 4 freaking years
Karma ring a bell, kids?

They have #FireChrisMatthews trending
Of course he has said worse about Republicans in general and Donald J. Trump in particular…
But if this gets him off the air, I’ll take it.
His ego must be as big as Texas to think no one else can do his job. Goodness knows he does not need the money. Ego and greed.
I just think it’s hilariously Karmic that after hanging on the every word of PMSDNC they now want rid of him when the tables are turned. I’m gonna enjoy this show
Shades of Dan Rather?
What makes you think he doesn’t live paycheck to paycheck? A lot of people with huge salaries simply buy a huge house, a few expensive cars, and find themselves with no money left over–they expanded their lifestyle to fit their huge pay.
On a prior job, we hired a kid straight out of college, one who was just hungry to figure out how he could make more money. He saw all these people around him who had been working there for five years or more and knew they were making more money than him; he imagined these people had no money problems at all; hell they were pulling down another 10-20K a year, how could they? Someone finally explained to him that most of them were living paycheck to paycheck too, to pay mortgages larger than his rent, to say nothing of all of the expenses that come with kids.
For most people expenses will expand to match income. If Matthews lost his job, he’d probably be in a heap load of hurt, just like anyone else (and that hurt is real even if he could have avoided it with a modicum of thrift).
I understand all that you’re sayin’ Steve… but I don’t think Chris is living paycheck to paycheck.
I read that any pay increase is swallowed up within a year by increased outgoings
Much of America lives that way…spend as fast as they earn it. Happens to folks with big fancy MCM positions, hollywierd… Ego, status symbols…
A couple keys many folks never learn is “pay yourself first” every payday. Save or invest some amount of money. Amount is not key. Saving is the key. Then, EVERY pay raise, save some of that raise. My goal decades ago was, every pay raise, save at least 50%.
Yous got serious brains. 12% of my pay goes into superannuation. Like retirement $. But you can’t get your sticky fingers on it earlier unless in dire straits. Like dying,
My reality check was, early 80s, as a junior enlisted, wife and three little kids, barely making it payday to payday. At the time, my LT, who had been a junior enlisted explained to the division moar than once over the course of a year or two, the savings I outlined above. For those of us that listened, it worked. Never rich. Comfortable. AND, we have money in the bank.
The other two, not so much ;-(
One of my three kids adopted the strategy
Bank of dad ice?
It can be when the currency is being inflated.
That was indeed one of the major complaints in this country–that “real wages” (i.e., wages after adjusting for inflation) were stagnant. If I understand correctly, though, that’s starting to change under Trump.
Of course, that’s actually a very hard thing to measure. First off you have to define what it actually means. Let’s say Joe graduates from school and is making X dollars an hour. As he gains more experience, his pay increases, to X+Y ten years later. At that time, though, Bob graduates, and starts out making X+Z dollars an hour for the same job Joe started out with.
If X+Z is basically the same as X was ten years before, because of inflation, then you can say “wages aren’t increasing faster than inflation.” The entry level pay is essentially the same. So that’s one thing the statement could mean. The other thing it COULD mean is that even Joe’s pay hasn’t kept up with inflation; X+Y is equivalent to X ten years ago.
I never did figure out what they meant when they claimed wages didn’t keep up with inflation–does that mean, if you follow a specific individual, that he never gets ahead of inflation (really bad), or just that entry level wages don’t (bad, but not as bad)?
Beyond my pay grade but it’s wages vs cost of living
Sure it is…but there’s two ways to analyze that…and that’s my point.
There was a huge freakout 20-30 years ago about how the bottom quintiles of the population weren’t getting any better off, but that study failed to account for the fact that individual people often moved from one quintile to the next one up, so the pool wasn’t getting better off, but individuals, generally were. Same sort of situation.
Plus our standards have changed dramatically. What was once the preserve of the rich is now normal. Ie hot and cold running water, indoor toilets that flush. Tvs. Even individual beds for all the kids
Yeah, that’s yet a different factor.
Many young people expect to get out of college and live like their parents do, immediately, not realizing how much work the parents had to put into their living standards. So there’s a *perception* on their part that they’re doing worse than their parents did.
Even their parent prob wouldn’t expect them to have droptoilets and bucket water from a well
true that.
He wont. He might retire like a lot of people after the election though.
Peter Navarro on Maria – 30 elements in supply chain identified – China, India, Europe
Dealing with that this week in TRUMP time, Working on expedited RFP’s
N95 face masks – China put export restrictions on them, then nationalized American company that makes them there
Also working on vaccine and other things we need in TRUMP time
National Security – bring back manufacturing to US
In crises, we have NO ALLIES
Operation Megaflex – China is great Counterfeiter, Amazon enabler, HORROR SHOW – defraud, kill you, burn your house down, pork with swine flu – JFK airport 10% of 1million packages DAILY are contraband
Just like our military equipment should not be outsourced, neither should our medical.
Nor our food.
Here is the 6 minute video of Peter Navarro on Maria I posted earlier.
Aww, ‘dappled sunlight’ ……………. love it Duchess…
Oh, me 2, PR!
Looks like the trail going down to the river on my property. Only mine is a dirt road.
Now you know why I AM NOT MOVING!
Lovely path – I was thinking it was the path to the Treehouse – what a pleasure for the eyes, Gail!!!
I have always loved to roam the woods since I was a tiny child.
At 4 years old, I would get up at dawn, make a peanut butter sandwich for me, grab a milkbone for the dog and off I would go exploring. My parents got an adult dog for me because they could not break me of the habit of taking off before they were awake.
Unfortunately children can not do that any more. Too many predators around.
Awww…what a wonderful memory – sad it has come to this – we must fight for our freedom – empower our law enforcement to get rid of the riff raff – shut down the sanctuary cities – link with our neighbors – everyone keeping eyes on the children – why I pray for the unborn and born everyday – * Sigh *
Wyatt on who.
Iymbols will be their down fall
Ozzy thanks so much for posting this… I believe like a few others (pauses to adjust very expensive tinfoil chapeau) that Wyatt is Kurt Russell (yes, that Kurt), who is a staunch supporter of POTUS. And I believe he is ‘connected’ and not simply pulling his info out of his __________. ymmv *smilin’*
I recall reading about this incident as an attempt on POTUS’ life… it’s difficult to convince others that rogue C_A has such facilities. Geo Webb recently is writing about Joe Biden’s island next to Jeff ‘who didn’t kill himself’ Epstein’s little St James (or as JE dubbed it, St. Jeff’s) …( both accessorized with ol’ and perhaps refurbished once decommissioned submarines, or current spiffy ones? Enquiring minds want to know). Of course the tales don’t stop with these 2 islands, there are more, and then of course the satellites, which Q says have been just about decommissioned/offline so to speak by White Hats. Yes, there is lots of info that folks without expensive tinfoil chapeaux such as mine don’t even consider good science fiction. Heck, most won’t even consider that C_A agents work in slime media and/or that C_A controls what slime media writes or says. Maybe I should market my very expensive tinfoil chapeau?
Without the symbology and them being unable to resist significant names it becomes “space cadet “ material. But all those co incidences? Mathematically impossible
well, “space cadet” is my middle name
Do you get the space cadet blues?
Not all people are bad, evil…
Charlie represents what good people are all about. His gift must have lifted Gen Flynn tremendously.
This man (Flynn) has endured so much… and is still enduring. Look at that SMILE! What a thrill to have such a gift from Daniels.
Amen goes right there, PR!
Hey, PR – what is going on with the judges? Is McConnell going to push some more through in the near future – or does he have to wait until Trump returns?
No, Mitch doesn’t need for POTUS to be in town as POTUS keeps a steady stream of nominees on track for confirmation.
You know House went on vacay for the past week, so Senate had to shut down also. But Mitch will be back at it tomorrow (DIMs use for travel day!) at 5:30 when he will call for a vote on motion to invoke cloture on Executive Calendar #384 Robert Anthony Molloy to be Judge for the District Court of the Virgin Islands for a term of ten years. Before they adjourned for vacay, on the 13th, he filed for a vote on cloture for the following:
Katharine MacGregor, of Pennsylvania, to be Deputy Secretary of the @Interior; on the motion to proceed to Cal. #17, S.311, Born-Alive Abortion Survivors Protection Act; also on the motion to proceed to Cal. #420, S.3275, Pain Capable Unborn Child Act; and Silvia Carreno-Coll, of Puerto Rico, to be United States District Judge for the District of Puerto Rico; and Robert Anthony Molloy, of the Virgin Islands, to be Judge for the District Court of the Virgin Islands for a term of ten years.
DIMS gonna be whining on the abortion votes I am sure… so, look for a busy week in the Senate and of course Graham has the Hearing….
Oh, Wow! Thanks so much, PR! That is great – gonna save this so I do not forget – you are a treasure, dear lady!!!
Ty Duchess, but just a little cut and paste. I am looking forward “straight on ’til morning” as Peter would say… and Nov. 3rd and then “to infinity and beyond, with 4 more years of Donald J. Trump…
I was wondering if President Trump sent him a new list – should check the news to see, too – been busy with other things – why I appreciate your posts of upcoming votes.
The WhiteHouse sends out POTUS’ memorandums – nominees are usually announced in those. Mitch used to have quite a backlog, don’t know how that shakes out now. But then I’m sure some nominees have higher priority than others, so Mitch has to weigh that, and of course get a read on how the votes might go… being Leader is quite a balancing act, I don’t think peeps really appreciate it. He has to be absolutely sure when he brings the matter to the floor it is going to pass. zero certainly blundered when he yielded to hil de beast’s demands that he leave a huge chunk of openings for her to fill (rewards to her donors of course). That miscalculation reaped huge benefits for POTUS and for us of course. And the DIMs were hoping to keep the Senate tied up with impeachment shams, but POTUS out played them on that too… WINNIN’ TIMES COMIN’
I see – you are correct – people do not give McConnell credit for how well he maneuvers for success – probably why some get immediate attention – while others wait – you are so perceptive – makes sense now – a balancing act for sure – Thanks for the info – beginning to understand from where my confusion came – between you and Fle I am going to be so smart I will not be able to stand myself – juggling lots of things here, too – so I sympathize with Mitch.
Yes, everyone talks about ‘the art of the deal’ with regard to POTUS… but Mitch is not chopped liver in that regard (not POTUS’ level but still, major league). Leader has to wheel and deal all the time… it’s politics. I admire so much what he did with the shampeachment vote… he was able to herd the entire GOP w/ the exception of Mittens, who is up to his eyeballs in The Ukraine mess. Kudos for Mitch there for sure.
Good Point – about Mitch – that was masterful for sure – as far as Mittens is concerned – there is something wrong with him – he lacks something critical to success – like caring about people other than himself – maybe – i do not know – he never impressed me as being a leader type – look what he did the MA Healthcare – I am sure the people of MA were glad to get rid of him – and the companies he purchased – what happened to the employees – and now – Ukraine – figures – what a waste! 27 grandchildren? how many children did he have? No matter – not interested.
What a beautiful smile on General Flynn. It is nice to see him happy.
Looking forward to the day he is set free – and Sydney sues the pants off of the perpetrators who have brought all of this upon him – yes – wonderful to see him smlling!
JOHNNY’S BEACH above Gen Flynn’s head? Here’s your sign America….
What is Johnny’s Beach, Rod? Sign? What you mean?
I just found it interesting in a Q kinda way Duchess.
Oh, ok – will think on it, Rod – Thanks!
I have been on the research board and haven’t seen anything yet.
Oh, ok
Such an awesome gift from one Patriot to another Patriot!
Amen goes right there, Kal!
Wow, I went to retweet this good news & already the tweet is no longer available…hmm
Oh, My!
Also Wyatt
,mattis and
Good reminder of the EO………………
And what else happened then. Sorry cracked screen trouble typing. Some letters not taking
Ps. That resignation letter from mattis? The ending? He’s MAGA
Just saw that in my twitter feed. Bet you a donut, POTUS has the goods on Schifty and is biding his time – waiting for the DOJ stars to align.
I can’t bet against that
Sure soulds like a fore – telling.
Slow guy sees what you did there
Phil Haney was a friend & patriot. He was a target because of all he knew of Islamic terrorist coverups. He insured his life by archiving data that incriminated the highest levels of the Obama administration. Phil Haney didn’t kill himself. RIP, Phil.
Another NYPD suicide…..
RIP to Mr. Shirreffs.
Did he have any connection at all to the WEINER LAPTOP / HILLARY CLINTON EMAILS matters?
Probably. It’s not just our side trying to clean house.
Good question
Ha ha ha! POTUS is such a troll.
Still Smiling
And you thought your kids were clingy.
From GAB, and I’m not sure what to think about this given all the personnel moves that have happened in the last few months.
Our Mother Goose@OurMotherGoose
Posted in QAnon and the Great Awakening
Unusual death of Pope’s secretary?
Pregnant secretary of Pope Francis found dead in her apartment
Miriam Wuolou, a 34-year-old of Eritrean origin, was seven-months pregnant when her body was discovered
It was a high risk pregnancy, so that may have been the cause.
All the way around, though, a weird coincidence if it is one.
Man, I need a nap.
Naps are nice. I just played with the puppy outside for 3 hours. I’m muddy and in need of coffee!!!!
2 hours of studying music, and had to take a walk in the middle of it to wake up. At least the text is in English.
This was posted on 4Chan at the end of January, and it is looking like the poster may have bene a legit insider. Very, very bad if true, and given he predicted Italy, it looks to be true. Click the link for the post or the image for the screencap:
Anonymous conservative has a lot on Coronavirus
Democrat Implosion: unless Crooked and Obama take the guy out, Sanders will be the Dem candidate.
Makes sense – Bernie is the true heart of the modern day Democratic Party.
If Sanders is the candidate, many Democrats won’t vote at all in 2020 and some moderate Dems will shift behind Trump.
I am not complacent but realistically, as things stand we will need a new word for ‘landslide’, when Trump wins in November.
It may well be an epic and unprecedented slaughter of the Democratic Party.
Feb 22, 2020, 20:10 · 3 · 6
No we won’t need a new word for “landslide.” We can just stop fricking abusing the old word.
Sorry, but in no reasonable definition of the word does a 306-232 (or whatever the hell it was after all those electors defected) win constitute a landslide; if that’s a landslide, then Obola in 2012 (332-206) was a landslide too, and even more Obola 2008 (365-173) was a landslide.
The significance of Trump’s win in 2016 is much better described by the word “watershed” (which doesn’t refer to how lopsided the victory was, but rather how much of a turning point it was) than “landslide.”
I don’t think he was talking about 2016… but rather the predictions for a landslide in November this year.
And yes, November could be bigger than a landslide, which was used to describe Nixon’s victory in 1972, in that the popular vote could be greater than 60.7%.
[Nixon won the election in a landslide, taking 60.7% of the popular vote and carrying 49 states, and he was the first Republican to sweep the South. McGovern took just 37.5% of the popular vote, while John G. Schmitz of the American Independent Party won 1.4% of the vote.]
Political pundits have used “mandate” for Candidates who garnered MUCH less than Nixon’s “landslide” …
Frankly I have always thought “mandate” more abused than “landslide” …
Hyperbole increases with the level of excitement about our movement. I prefer the enthusiasm to correctness of terms.
Oh, I know he was talking about 2020. He said we’d need a new term for it. I was thinking the reason he was saying that is that people persist in maintaining the election of 2016 was a landslide, and that’s a misuse of the term “landslide.” So if you reduce “landslide” to elections that were just barely won, you need a new word to describe electoral ass-whoopings. But I think we should just use the word properly in the first place.
Properly used, landslide would be perfectly useful for what I think we’re going to see (I really don’t see it going much past 60% of the vote though, because there are just too many people out there whose heads have been turned to mush by our education system and media).
true dat!
Unexpected massive heart attack. Beware of umbrellas BS.
I mentioned it a couple days ago==> The CIA’s Secret Heart Attack Gun
do not forget Bernie has already had one heart attack.
If memory serves; Andrew Breitbart died of a heart attack.
AND, everything I read, Andrew Breitbart was one healthy specimen. Then Arkancide of sorts got him.
This sounds reasonable….can’t believe Clint Eastwood would stray so far from 2A protection
I canNOT understand Clint Eastwood favoring any of the D-Rat clown car occupants. Every D-Rat wannabe contender for president champions Un American positions.
Clint Eastwood, a Libertarian, I thought, has aligned with America in the past.
There is something else going on here. Can’t be money or power for Clint. Dunno what it is.
Something is cuckoo with Clint endorsing Mini Mike.
Yes it’s very out of character
We have many flu deaths per year.
This is the CDC link:
Disease Burden of Influenza
Each year CDC estimates the burden of influenza in the U.S. CDC uses modeling to estimate the number of influenza illnesses, medical visits, flu-associated hospitalizations, and flu-associated deaths that occur in the U.S. in a given season. The methods used to calculate these estimates are described on CDC’s webpage, How CDC Estimates the Burden of Seasonal Influenza in the U.S.
CDC uses the estimates of the burden of influenza in the population and the impact of influenza vaccination to inform policy and communications related to influenza.
There are many more flu related deaths that you can find on WikiLeaks.
Corona Virus is nothing special.
Disease Burden of Influenza
Each year CDC estimates the burden of influenza in the U.S. CDC uses modeling to estimate the number of influenza illnesses, medical visits, flu-associated hospitalizations, and flu-associated deaths that occur in the U.S. in a given season. The methods used to calculate these estimates are described on CDC’s webpage, How CDC Estimates the Burden of Seasonal Influenza in the U.S.
CDC uses the estimates of the burden of influenza in the population and the impact of influenza vaccination to inform policy and communications related to influenza.
Spanish flu – Wikipedia
• Overview
• History
• Mortality
• Legacy
• Spanish flu research
• Further reading
• External links
The 1918 influenza pandemic (January 1918 – December 1920; colloquially known as Spanish flu) was an unusually deadly influenza pandemic, the first of the two pandemics involving H1N1 influenza virus, with the second being the swine flu in 2009. It infected 500 million people around the world, or about 27% of the then world population of about 1.8 billion, including people on remote Pacific islands and in the Arctic. The death toll is estimated to have been 50 million, and possibly as high as 100 million (about 3 to 6 percen…
The world population is supposedly over 7 billion now.
27% * 7 billion = 1,890,000,000 infected. 3-6 percent dead.
IMO we are okay. It will be a normal flu season for us. Deaths may actually be lower than usual because people are being careful and/or quarantined.
The difference is the much higher infection rate and worse, the much higher death rate of the wuhan flu. Compare recovered/death #s v. currently infected/death rate. We do not know the #s of the currently infected that will die. Comparing the recovered/death rate is more accurate.
Of course, that is comparing diagnosed & recovered to deaths. There are more than those diagnosed that are infected but the same exact thing is true of the flu. I have had the flu and have never been officially diagnosed or had complications. So every flu season there are many that are not reported/included in the numbers because they are not officially diagnosed.
Comparing recovered from Wuhan Flu to the dead is comparing those who have been through it and how many survived.
Comparing death rate to the number currently infected is not an accurate or logic comparison and comes up with a 100% inaccurate ratio.
I the US ratio of dead/recovered will be much better than 3rd world countries and 2nd world – of which I consider China and their primitive hygiene and semi developed medical facilities to be an example of 2nd world development…at best.
Lastly – remember that China is almost 100% certainly lying to the world about the number of infected as well as the number of dead.
I would continue to be Very cautious and do all of the good health practices we already know to do but don’t always follow vigilantly (supplements, healthy eating, little/no eating out, liberal use fermented foods and bone broths in our diet, good rest, excellent hygiene, etc.).
“Photo From Italian Quarantine Armed Check Point at Codogno City”

Empty shelves in Italy
H/T Larry Ledwick
Elizabeth Carter
Comparing influenza and the Wuhan Coronavirus is apples and oranges.
The CDC is deliberately downplaying the threat of the Wuhan virus.
Any figures given by the Communist Chinese government on the Wuhan virus are vastly smaller than the truth.
There are vaccines for influenza. There are NO vaccines OR reliable treatment for the Wuhan virus.
The TRUE incubation period of the Wuhan virus is 24 days, NOT the 14 days given by the CDC. Even the WHO recognizes that the incubation period may be much longer then 14 days. Therefore, a quarantine period of ONLY 14 days IS NOT ENOUGH. People are showing up infected with the Wuhan virus AFTER being released from 14 days of quarantine / self-isolation.
The ACTUAL Ro (reproductive factor) of the Wuhan virus is around 6 — NOT 2.7, 4.7, etc. An Ro of 6 is the same reproductive rate (rate of infection) that is for POLIO and SMALLPOX.
IN ADDITION — there are more cases of what ACTUALLY IS the Wuhan virus but has presented as AS PNEUMONIA, which is then diagnosed and treated as such — with the infected person NOT getting tested for the Wuhan virus.
Even a “common cold” (which is a member of the Coronae family) can turn into PNEUMONIA —another member of the same family.
And SARS and MERS are ALSO members of the same family — and they are deadly viruses.
There is another major concern.
You can get the Wuhan virus the second time. If the level of your antibodies DECREASE past a certain point, instead of giving you a milder case they cause a life threatening case.
When I find the link I will post it below this comment.
OK I found the links
Corona virus can possibly have ADE( Antibody-Dependent Enhancement) @ 17min
Instead of working for you the antibodies work for the virus if the levels (titer) are low enough.
The narraitor is Chris Martenson, PhD (Duke), MBA (Cornell) He completed both a PhD and a post-doctoral program at Duke University, specializing in neurotoxicology.
Also from Tiawan:
Exclusive: Chinese doctors say Wuhan coronavirus reinfection even deadlier
Gail Combs
Agreed regarding the reinfection potential, with the real possibility that the reinfection can take out a person who was “cured” of the initial infection.
It is not 100% fact but it looks like a strong possibility.
I certainly hope it is NOT FACT.
At this point because China lies, And the WHO and CDC also lie, we have zero idea of what is really happening. We can only look at other facts and do inferences.
I think the biggest is China has NOT resumed production in it’s factories and is therefore taking a massive hit economically. The longer the factories stay closed the more likely corporations are to flee China so it is a permanent hit.
Elizabeth Carter saying Corona Virus is nothing special, just does not jive with the reaction of China to this disease. If it was just a typical flu they would not be welding people into apartment building and grabbing them off the street and tossing them into metal boxes.
I’m not sure what your logic is here. You seem to be trying to say the new coronavirus isn’t even as serious as the flu, but you’re also treating it as if it IS the flu, when it’s not; it’s a totally different kind of virus. (I will put that down to just vague phrasing though.)
People who point to the total number of flu deaths (I see numbers like 50,000) in the US each year and compare that to how many people coronavirus has killed are way off base. Coronavirus hasn’t gone everywhere yet; the flu has.
Coronavirus seems to be as contagious as the flu, if not more so, and apparently kills 15% of the people who catch it. That will make the Spanish Flu of 1918 look puny. (The Spanish Flu probably actually started in Kansas, by the way.)
Of course we might do better against it than the Chinese because of better health, and/or it might not break out into our population at all, but I wouldn’t count on the latter at all. I expect a month from now it will be obvious this bug is out in the general population, and we can, at that point, expect a significant number of deaths, enough to make seasonal flu look like child’s play.
But on the plus side, the Black Death wiped out 50% of Europe, and Coronavirus doesn’t look THAT bad.
Remember when POTUS was warning about the dangers of 5G???
I found this as a response on IET’s twitter feed. The video in this link is about an hour, but well worth the time. She talks about 5G and vaccines in relation to Coronavirus, including the link with cruise ships. May be nothing, but definitely worth considering, especially when you remember POTUS warning us about 5G.
I am not a fan of 5G and I 100% think that there are bad health effects. I think that from the current internet that we have now.
However, this can not be The Problem because we have lab tests for it and it has moved to other countries. Maybe it made some/many people more susceptible but it can not be the only problem instead of a virus. Considering the wide spread cases this just doesn’t even make sense to me
That’s part of what she is saying…… Increased susceptibility due to 5G and vaccines, along with the push for both and the implications for effects on population. The video makes you think….she uses a lot of video clips from the Gates summit showing how they think. I thought it was a worthwhile watch
Thanks. Watching now. Don’t always have time to watch long videos.
Shouldn’t have commented as I obviously misunderstood.
I don’t usually watch long ones either but this one grabbed my attention. I did skip through a few parts
Wow – I what a video!
Arrests for “false information” – who decides
Why does G*tes keep associating better healthcare, shots and better “female”/maternity healthcare, all 3 , with *Lower* population?! I knew about the issues with G*tes and shots in africa and India
5G sounds awful …. explains the weird glass like lung issues seen in X-rays early on?
Told ya it was good!
Ok here’s my issue with this story. You bought a ‘health care sharing ministry’ plan NOT ‘health insurance’. What did you expect to happen? I also don’t recall seeing this stuff on the market place. I’m happy the baby is ok but come on people read the fine print!!!
There are laws (and required training) to make sure people do not fall for slick scams. It sounds like the ‘health care sharing ministry’ is an UN-LICENCE SCAM.
We did a medical sharing plan for a number of years as Obamacare priced us out of regular insurance.
They say they are medical sharing. They give you all the paperwork to read. Worked great for us … but we read the coverage levels and intentionally chose the one that was right for us. We paid about $450 a month instead of $900 a month.
In the article the people state that the med share paid for everything and covered $50K of the bill. They were basically under “insured” for the situation. That can happen with regular insurance as well. People think they will get a lower priced plan and then are upset if they have a medical crisis and their coverage runs out.
“Medical expenses for newborn arising from complications at the time, including but not limited to premature birth, are treated as a separate incident and limited to $50,000 of eligible share.”
You gotta sit down and take the time to read the details. Not the companies fault and this was Not a “scam”. The company is living up to their promises and the people are getting what they paid for. Their situation just went beyond what they paid for, the coverage that they chose.
For a long time, we had no insurance for pregnancy by our own choice and we knew the chance we were taking. Time for children – we updated our insurance and started paying an additional $300 a month. Was our choice to be under insured and we were lucky to not become pregnant.
Gotta know what your coverage is! But they were clear what they covered so not a “scam”.
Why Disney Why? Get woke go broke?!?! Another movie to skip. I mean its a cartoon…?!?!? WHY!!!!!
Disney to Feature First LGBTQ Character in Movie ‘Onward’
They are a very dark company. We watch the old things and very little but soecific new shows or films. There are 3 movies we will see for sure this year. The new Spongebob movie, the Scooby doo movie, and Ghostbusters.
Timelines going trip them up.(fuck them up)
PHroup – I’m not sure WB is credible, but the thread is about Haney, Janet Napolitano & AZ ‘mafia’
ThanQ. At a certain point (maybe a week or ten days) the posse of “special” friends of Phil should have some more info/answers. I’ll be sure to pass on anything I hear, and please you keep doing the same.
Story is mainly about strong southern women.
Sigh…. he was so handsome.
A delicious Dem feeding frenzy – “we need blood in the water, like, NOW”
Oh, this is great.
Frenchies are such clowns! When Ying & Yang cross the rainbow bridge in the future, this breed is under consideration.
I see them time to time for adoption but they go fast. Almost all I see is bully breeds and their mixes or chihuahuas and their mixes or shepherds and mixes.
Usually, what we do is research a breeder, and purchase the last of the litter to be chosen. We’re not going to show dogs, or breed them, but we will support those who do responsibly.
Of our current two, they came from a family operation with one breeding bitch at a time. Ying was the last of her litter to be bought as she has an AWFUL coat that has to be trimmed regularly. Yang was from the next litter and has separation anxiety so badly he cannot be left alone. With us, he isn’t. He’s also a slob, and HATES being groomed.
They are currently 13 and 12, so we have time.
Thats a good way to do it. My dogs average about 13 but we will see with the next one.
Dripping with corruption.
Not unexpected though
Allow me to point out that it is legally impossible for this judge to refuse a new trial.
There is a juror who falsified her questionnaire, concealed that fact from the court during swearing in, and maneuvered herself into being foreperson of the jury.
Because she falsified the questionnaire, she is legally ineligible to take the oath because the oath requires honesty as a pre-requisite. Therefore the jury was never properly (legally) empaneled and its verdict is void ab initio (void as if never existed).
If, despite what I just wrote, she denies the new trial motion then a slam dunk appeal is in order along with an immediate stay of execution of the sentence.
Good info!
This should give anyone with a brain reason for pause…..
He was even shirtless as a child
Harry and Meghan are getting ugly – as we knew they would. They’ve decided they can keep the HRH title and Royal brand even though they are stepping away from Royal duties – despite the Queen saying no.
More at Daily Mail.
More like Meghan has decided……………….
I don’t think Harry has any say in this relationship… he really needs to grow a set.
He has given us his family and his country for this woman. I hope she is worth it. And where is the baby?
HM was absolutely right to agree to the “family divorce” between Harry and the senior Royal Family.
HM is a shrewd judge of character. She likely knew some time ago (pre-Meghan) that Harry’s core character had perhaps more than a “dash” of the weakness that her uncle, Edward VIII as was (before he abdicated to marry Wallis Warfield Simpson) possessed in quantity.
I believe that HM had several things in mind when getting the “family divorce” negotiated:
Frist, that there would NOT be a repeat of the split among member of the Royal Family that resulted from the behavior of not only her uncle; but also the behavior of Wallis Windsor (as the Duchess of Windsor, the courtesy title given to her at the same time Edward VIII became the Duke of Windsor, after his abdication).
Second, HM wanted to demonstrate that Harry was to remain a beloved grandchild in his “post-Royal” life. However, this may change given what he’s obviously agreeing with Meghan to do;
Third, HM wants this situation negotiated and agreed to before She leaves this Earth — at age 93, who can say how long She will be Monarch?
Agree with you CV ……………..
How can anybody possibly be surprised at Meghan Markle’s latest slap in the face to HM the Queen?
If Meghan keeps this up, HM may need to resort to actions that only She has the power to do:
Drop Harry from the Order of Succession, but keep their son Archie in it;
Ask Parliament to “register” the word “Royal” as the prerogative of the Monarch;
Drop the security detail that was earlier agreed to for Meghan and Harry; I believe this can be done on Her signature alone.
What Meghan is doing is completely unnecessary and adds more evidence that not only is she the brains in her marriage to Harry; but also that she is acting out like a spoiled and frustrated child who didn’t like the rules that “Mother” put down.
HM, via a trusted person sends ONE warning to Harry, written (or tape) so there is no misunderstand and only to be read by him and then removed from him by the courier. After that she drops Harry and ALL his children from the Order of Succession and essentially makes him plain ordinary Harry if he continues to act like an ass.
He is 36 and old enough to act like an adult.
Meghan has no respect for authority of any kind, and no respect for Britain or its Queen.
Meghan is about to learn she is not nearly equal to the power of the British Crown or British Laws.
I guess there’s some value to getting sued by the Queen of England over her hereditary property rights to royal titles. She is the one who bestows those titles for good reason – they are hers to give.
And inviting a suit by the Queen (in her own court) – well that’s dumber than poking a sleeping lion with a spear.
Okay guys, I’ve scoped all the local India tv stations carrying live feeds.
I’m watching one now,
you HAVE to see the commercials.
Wild on the streets.
Screaming reporters, people dancing.
It’s great.
Our main post goes live in less than an hour.
Here is channel 18 to get you warmed up.
Here is Channel 9 from India, it’s wall to wall Trump right now.
Oops, CNN admits they jumped the shark
Msm being fools