20200224: Dear KMAG Open Thread

This Merry Warrior Monday Open Thread is VERY OPEN – a place for everybody to post whatever they feel they would like to tell the White Hats, and the rest of the MAGA/KMAG/KAG world (with KMAG being a bit of both).

Yes, it’s Monday…again.


But it’s okay! We’ll get through it.

Free Speech is practiced here at the Q Tree. But please keep it civil.
Discussion of Q is not only allowed but encouraged. Imagine that! We can talk about Q here and not get banned.

Please also consider the Important Guidelines, outlined here. Let’s not give the odious Internet Censors a reason to shut down this precious haven that Wolf has created for us.

With the Storm upon us…please remember to Pray for our President.


Wheatie’s Rules:

    1. No food fights.
    2. No running with scissors.
    3. If you bring snacks, bring enough for everyone.


For your listening enjoyment, I offer this composition from Ezietto, titled ‘Stars and Warriors’:

[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qpgGq7otq80&w=640&h=360]


Wheatie’s Word of the Day:


Somnambulism is the act of sleepwalking and a Somnambulist is one who engages in sleepwalking.

Some say it is dangerous to awaken a somnambulist, but research has shown that this is not the case…usually.

Used in a sentence:

While trying to converse with a liberal, she began to wonder if he was a somnambulist.



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Evening! This is perfect for Wheatie’s thread. Someone played with the laptop display screens at Costco.


Thems is pedes doin that. They go into apple stores, verizon stores and do it. I know it triggers the snowflakes that see it.


And anonymous heroes they must remain, on penalty of …


When Sea World had a Penguin cam set up for a year or so to make one of those nature stories, a chat group formed – folks who love the pengies – one of our members worked in NYC, near the Apple store. She went in and did the same thing – changed all the display screens to Sea World Pen Cam, and then posted. Sweet.


LOL love it


Wow… now I’m inspired!!!!


Still no new news on Phil’s murder. People are still digging.
We’ll see what Rush and Sean do tomorrow. Hoping one or both are pissed about it.


AND, quite interested in Phil’s insurance policy or whatever material he rat holed for someone to reveal if he was taken out.


Yeah, it seemed odd to call it “insurance” because that implies it would have kept him alive, right? As opposed to a – what’s it called – a kill switch??


Yea. Hopefully whatever the information is, it will bury the bad guys. Although not PC, pun intended.


Dead mans switch. Love the dead mans brake that got installed on trains after runaway trains caused damage/deaths. If driver collapses. Brakes auto kick in. No f. Use if driver goes jihadi


He knew they (who is they?) were after him. That archived information must surely be in white hat hands. There won’t be any leaks until the assassin(s) is arrested.


Wheatie !!! I knew what a somnambulist is 🤓 *pats self in back*
Loved your penguin GIF 💖💖 we’re headed to another Trump Warp Speed week. 🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸


Great gifs!


At least you get yours to post!


I nearly always do, but Ill keep at it.

Sylvia Avery

You pick awesome ones, Wheatie! The penguins made me smile, too!



Sylvia Avery

😘😘😘 to you, Lady P.❣


Gifs and memes crack me up!


Miss kea! Mr Gil gave in to getting a dog. Almost a year since our last one died. Of course what I want NOT ONE BREEDER in the entire state. I might get one out of state if the owner selects me but I have to fly to pick up and bring the pup back. Only if the cost is doable.
We will see when the pups are born!comment image


Yeah! 🙂 maybe post a photo when you get one! Wow that’s going to be something if you have to pick it up!
I had to drive out of state to get my puppy! I was debating on gong to a recuse but they want to much info and most well they seemed like puppy mill dogs. 🙁 but I got an akc. Papered beagle puppy (saw mm and dad) and ironically from Craig’s list! She’s a cutie!
I was shocked how hard it was to find one! Most people love beagles but finding one yikes!
I must admit a house without a dog is just too quite! I did forget about the teething and love of toilet paper!
I’ll see if I can grab a nice puppy pic of mine.
Should I upload the puppy photo to a free photo hosting site? Anyone know? Thanks.


*note to self don’t type on tablet where stupid spell check kicks in. Also I blame the glass of wine I had! I can spell better really! 😀


I dont know about uploading the pic. Surprisingly there are a lot of rescues in socal but they tend to have chihuahuas, bully breeds, shepherds, and terriers. There’s a basset rescue but those cuties dont do stairs(and theyre cranky). Itll be too far to drive for me.


I saw way too many chihuahuas on sites. And they mix them with beagles or what not! Yikes! But I had the same issue. Every breed but the one I wanted. But everything came together in the end. Love our beagle puppy! 🙂 She had way to much fun in the back yard today!
Sometimes you’ve got to go the extra mile. It’s worth it plus you get a great story out of it! 🙂


There is a site breed rescue. I think it is also in the us and has many breeds.


I do use petfinder.com . Unfortunately, many of the rescues are so particular that I wonder how they actually help animals find homes. I know of one who advertises on the site that lost its 501c.3 bc it was abusing, hoarding, and puppy milling dogs. Finally after years of complaints it got caught and shut down. They moved to the desert and still use the name and do scams, yet they havent been shut down despite new complaints. You have to be so careful.


The one here tends to be dogs after their show career, older dogs post breeding. (Serious breeders only have one or two litter per bitch,
Adult dogs being rehomed etc.
sometimes puppies will be available from the breeders


Im looking regular. Dont want to get my hopes up too much on the one breed out of state. He only breeds once every 2 years and I literally contacted him right after she was confirmed pregnant. Im on a list but he is selective. Already sent me a pic of her and the pups from 2 years ago.


Good luck. Hope you get one



Sylvia Avery

This was recommended to me way back at CTH by a Treeper. It’s free and you don’t even have to open an account or sign in to use it. It works well with Word Press.


Thank you!

Sylvia Avery

I should have mentioned once you “choose image” you want to select “direct link” and click that to copy and then you just paste that link here. It will show as a link, but once you hit send it will show the image on the blog. Good luck! (It is very simple, REALLY!)


Testingcomment image


Thanks Sylvia. Ohhh I like that the site removes the photo after X amount of days. Bookmarking that site for sure.

Sylvia Avery

You are welcome!


I have a dream for when I move to North Carolina and get some acres. I want to get “plugged-in” to some of the local animal shelters and maybe do some fostering, but what I’m really looking for is where a family has a kid of about 3 and gets a good puppy from the hard-core herders — a border collie, Australian shepherd, or the like — for a companion. The puppy gets its shots, goes through teething, running amok with toilet paper, and other such things, and gets to the point where it realizes that it’s smarter than the kid and starts herding it. Sooner or later, it’ll give the kid a nip to get the kid moving, the kid will have a meltdown, and the dog will end up in a shelter.
That’s the dog I want. Doesn’t need papers, might even be a mutt — but if it’s smart enough and has the instinct to start herding kids, that works. And I really don’t need to relive puppyhood (although border collie puppies are totes the ‘dorbs).
My evil scheme with such a pooch is to use it as an experimental subject for a wide range of technology projects including (but not limited to) RFID access points, robot testing, various computer/canine interfaces, and video games for dogs. And, of course, to eat my leftovers and hang with me in the evenings.
It’s a dream…..but it’s a total nonstarter here.


Believe me, I watch vids like

and go, “this is not a companion.” But, seriously, I’m looking to develop computer/canine interfaces. After some successes, a lot of the activities should be burned-off using technology — and I’m not going into the project anticipating failures.


Let’s say, just for a weird concept thing, that I wanted a dog to be able to run through a forest at full speed, wearing opaque virtual reality goggles linked to a camera in a drone six feet above its head. If there’s another breed out there with the sort of mental acuity that might pull this off, please let me know. How about one that can use a projected tactical display of treats in its upper right corner of vision while everything else is natural?
I don’t see this working well with spaniels, pugs, or chihuahuas


What about a Belgian Malinois? … 🙂🤚 .. ❤️ … just kidding they’re a lot of work .. 🙂


My Cattle dog loves to herd and is very smart. One can train them not to herd . In my house she has to go first down the steps for good reasons.
Both my dogs are very smart and the trainers told me the Coon-Staff was a genius he learns quick and is so easy to teach but one has to be a leader. Two different personalities of the herding Peri and Woodford.
Funny thing is Woodford learned much from Peri on herding and when they chase something they both behave like herders.
One can get the best dogs that are rescues. Woodford came from the Vet when he was 9 weeks old someone dropped off a female dog with 9 newborn puppies .
Someone put my cattle dog in my backyard she was full of parasites and fleas. She is a working dog and I was told a very good one. She was 18 weeks old and very scared. She would pee on herself if one touched her. Patients and love through training stopped her fear.
All the dogs I had were rescue even my Weimaraner who was 5 when I got him. He had a bad reputation of being destructive. Wegman never did anything wrong in my house and was perfect behaved. I just told him that I was more German than he and I would win and he would loose 🙂
My experience is that it is never the dog it is misguided owners who create a problem and then dump them.
All my life I have loved animals.


My cousin has a seriously damaged rescue that is borderline dangerous. When I visited, I got to the point where we could watch TV together with my hand resting on her. I know dogs, and I love dogs.


Most responsible organizations who adopt pets out test them. Those dogs that are dangerous need professional help or need never be adopted out.
My neighbors pitfall attack my Peri Woodford never forgot she was for a week at the Vet . Peri was very forgiving but now relies on Woodford when she is out for a walk with my husband. The Pittbull would have never attacks if I had been there. The dog wanted to attack my husband one day and I shouted no the dog turned and went home. They got rid of the dog. By the way it was heir fault the dog was like that because the guy kicked the dog all the time.


By the way my daughter has a herder mix dog and a rescue through and rescue organization. She and her husband work and they have a dog walker come in during the day to walk the dog. Also crate training helps but now that the dog is 6 years old they leave the door open. The dog does not destroy anything. They got for the dog a kitten that sleeps with him. He had been cat tested and loves cats.
When one is out working for 8-10 hours a day one really needs a dog walker or day care. When we spend a day in Columbus we take to dogs to Pet Palace and they love being there. Dogs take much time mine still love when I go through training steps and introduce new things. I hide treads they have to find also in the garden. They love dog puzzles also.

Gail Combs

I am in NC
The guy across from me breed Aussie Shepards. A couple streets over there are people who breed and train sheep herding dogs for the show trials and one of the ‘vendors’ we sometimes run into does sheep herding demos. So yes there is a lot of those type of breeds around here… Along with the sheep. 😉


cthu, your doggo exists.
Years ago, a neighbor bought a Corgi pup who developed exactly as you envision is ideal.
Had to get rid of it when it started nipping on toddler Achilles tendons.
dream on, ha!


I’m pretty sure that my doggo exists. I just need the place.


Bernie gets endorsed by a dictator and says another wasnt so bad bc he started a literacy program and Hollywood is split between him and mini Mike. The convention will be something to behold. NO chance in h e double hockey sticks either is elected.


Calm Down, Grenell Is a Strong Choice https://www.nationalreview.com/corner/calm-down-grenell-is-a-strong-choice/ …
Grenell as DNI Director: Stop the Pearl-Clutching,


Zoe, I’m trying to remember to copy the tweet info for you. I hope did it correctly.


Didn’t I read somewhere he’s only in this post for 90 days?


Acting Directors can hold the position for 210 days kea….and if Congress doesn’t approve a new appointment in that time frame, the ‘Acting’ can hold the position for another 210 days.


Ahh thanks for that! I did find that number they were talking about very low! No wonder!
Clean up time


It’s either 210 days or 270 days. Can’t remember which.


I think that’s right but that seems so short.


For miss wheatie and enough to share. I have extra ricotta from making lasagna today. Going to make these.comment image


My sweet tooth kicked in. I cant resist citrus.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Here’s a citrus bearded dragon.
(Bearded dragons come in all sorts of wacky colors. Mine looks just like the one on the Wikipedia page for romeriida, a grouping that includes all extant reptiles and birds: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Romeriida)


The parents of our godkids had good friends in Sacramento who had a full-size green iguana named “Fluffy”. It was pretty mellow (I’ve met some who were obnoxious), but even the “good ones” are large, messy, and careless.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Mine would be allowed loose except he isn’t toilet trained and he isn’t smart enough to go to a warm area to fall asleep.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

I do know people who let their monitors have full run of the house, though. Apparently the monitor always goes to the same place to defecate and thus it’s easy to manage messes.


Steve, several times over the years I had very large (52-58″) Iguanas for pets.
They freely roamed the house, and Were v good ab pooping in one place, each morning.
I was still working, and they asked for bananas at L, but when I came home in the evening, I would have to find them, as their batteries DO wear out w temperature drop-offs. pick ’em up, stiff as a board, and put them on their basking tree.
One used to get up on my bed with me, and fall asleep on my legs while I was reading.
They are arboreal, so you have to make allowances for that, but, then, so are kitties.
One recommendation if interested, they require an actual diet…must be fed well…and they Require Exercise…cannot be kept in tanks and be healthy.
Mine were all adoptions which Mothers got tired of dealing with when they go so big.
Not to be taken lightly.
Also. females much more adaptable. Males only interested in girls and fighting, can be nasty.
Fact: I’ve had both.

Gail Combs

Neat looking lizard but I prefer snakes. I always had one as a kid.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

There was a reptile show in Denver not too long ago, and I got to handle a few. Boas and pythons are usually pretty chill, though reticulated pythons do get reticulously huge.


The cutest and most friendly lizards are the thorny devils. They only eat ants and have no natural predators. ( they taste of Formic acid). Very intelligent. Will run to the glass cage and intereact with people. Very small. Their thorns allow dew to wick down to their mouths.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Formic acid, the original ant acid.
Tame bearded dragons are often called the “dogs of the reptile world” but I wouldn’t be surprised to see other lizards displace them some day. Beardies are very well known in the US (someone smuggled some out of Oz twenty or so years ago, apparently).
I wouldn’t want to try to be friendly to one in the wild though, not without expecting to get nipped. One tagged Steve Irwin on the nose.


Oh yeah, they have to be tamed first. The thorn eyes are very intelligent too.
Like , for lizards. Spoke to a woman at a park and she said they scratched at the glass and when let out explored her desk and watched her type and stuck there noses into everything


We have wild beards on our property and water dragons and iguanas and shinglebacks. The shinglebacks are slow and easily caught. If you time it you can give them something to eat when they are displaying their blue tongues.


Those things are cute. Much better than iguanas. In mexico we called them jungle chickens. Mean buggers.


giloo…they are a food source, yes…when happy they breed well…but only the boys are nasty.
I had several females, and they were surprisingly interactive considering their brain capacity.
the boys? only wanted OUT.


Thats good to know. Theres nothing like trying to eat lunch and having iguanas come at you from all directions to get your food.


gil00, eat beef! they are vegetarians.


Our iguanas are carnivores and invite themselves to bbqs. Also forever trying to work out how to get into the chook house to steal eggs and chickens


I’m drooling!

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Wolf Minimum!!! Must investigate!
…..comes back later…..comment image
A worthy read.
Very interesting to observe how the CLIMATE COMMUNISTS on Wikipedia downplay the science here without being too obvious.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

It’s pretty damn evil.

Gail Combs

Every ice-age began when CO2 was at or near peak levels, in other words, high CO2 levels were not enough to prevent ice ages.
No one wants to mention a possible return to a full blown ice age but the possibility IS THERE and the Elite are very well aware of it. This maybe a major driving force behind what we are seeing. The actual the knowledge that the weather will get cooler going into Little Ice Age like conditions at the best, would explains a lot of the manipulations in the last decades as wealth has moved out of the USA and Europe towards the equator.
It explains the panic about ‘over population’ and the drive towards curbing human population by what ever means. This includes funding Planned Parenthood. The USDA funding the development of Spermicidal corn. The rumored sterilization by vaccine and other means like bio-engineered bacteria and viruses…
The Holocene interglacial is now 11,700 years old. That’s two centuries or so beyond half the present precession cycle (or 23,000/2=11,500). So the little Ice Age was about the right time for glacial inception. However we had the Modern GRAND Solar Minimum now ending.
Will the earth descend into glaciation or be a ‘‘double precession cycle’’ interglacial? That is still being argued. However one thing is for sure the earth is certainly not going to warm for another 65 kyr and it is going to be very nasty violent cold weather. As one geologists Neuman and Hearty put it. ” between the greenhouse and the icehouse lies a climatic “madhouse”!”
Both NASA and WIki use Berger’s MODELS to say the Holocene will continue and the Ice Age the earth is presently in has ended. However more recent research using real data shoots Berger’s models dead.
A Pliocene-Pleistocene stack of 57 globally distributed benthic D18O records by Lisiecki & Raymo

…..However, the 21 June insolation minimum at 65°N during MIS 11 is only 489 W/m2, much less pronounced than the present minimum of 474 W/m2. In addition, current insolation values are not predicted to return to the high values of late MIS 11 for another 65 kyr. We propose that this effectively precludes a ‘‘double precession cycle’’ interglacial [e.g., Raymo, 1997] in the Holocene without human influence….

A newer paper from the fall of 2012 Can we predict the duration of an interglacial? agrees and gives the calculated solar insolation values @ 65N on June 22 for several glacial inceptions:
Current value – insolation = 479W m−2 (from that paper)
MIS 7e – insolation = 463 W m−2,
MIS 11c – insolation = 466 W m−2,
MIS 13a – insolation = 500 W m−2,
MIS 15a – insolation = 480 W m−2,
MIS 17 – insolation = 477 W m−2
(Changes near the north polar area, about 65 degrees North, are considered important due to the great amount of land. Land masses respond to temperature change more quickly than oceans.)
You can see why there is an argument. Solar insolation isn’t a cut and dried measure for glacial inception.
Looking at it the other way round using NOAA’s numbers (Berger) @ 60N not 65N
Holocene peak insolation: 523 Wm-2
……………………………………………..decreased = 47 Wm-2
NOW (modern Warm Period) 476 Wm-2
…………………………………………….. decreased = 12 Wm-2
Depth of the last ice age – around 464 Wm−2
11,000 years ago…………… 523.16 Wm-2 peak insolation
Wisconsin Ice age- Holocene transition
12,000 years ago…………… 522.50 Wm-2
It takes about 5 Watts per square metre to raise the worlds temperature from 15°C to 16°C.
Once the Earth flips into the Ice Box mode there is no going back.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Even an anthropogenic global warning weenie should laugh at that one.
The whole “theory” behind it states that the carbon dioxide absorbs re-radiated heat, and it should be clear from the simple math that increasing the insolation should increase the amount of heat trapped.
If they don’t understand how a warmer sun leands to a warmer earth, they’re not even familiar with their own bullshit.

Gail Combs

Using NOAA’s numbers (Berger) @ 60N not 65N
Holocene peak insolation: 523 Wm-2
……………………………………………..decreased = 47 Wm-2
NOW (modern Warm Period) 476 Wm-2
…………………………………………….. decreased = 12 Wm-2
Depth of the last ice age – around 464 Wm−2
11,000 years ago…………… 523.16 Wm-2 peak insolation
Wisconsin Ice age- Holocene transition
12,000 years ago…………… 522.50 Wm-2
It takes about 5 Watts per square metre to raise the worlds temperature from 15°C to 16°C.
The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change [Schimel, 1996] estimated that the change solar forcing between 1850 (start of the industrial age] and 1990 was only •0.3 W/m 2 at the top of the atmosphere vs. 1.5 W/m 2 for forcing anthropogenic CO2 [cf., Reid, 1997].
Do you see the sleight of hand?
You do not look at the start of the industrial age you look at the Solar insolation (heat from the sun) during the Wisconsin Ice Age vs the Solar insolation during the transition vs the Holocene Optimum vs now.
A 1.5 W/m 2 for forcing anthropogenic CO2 is NOT GOING to trump the decrease of 47 W/m2 since the Holocene Optimum.
11,000 years ago…………… 523.16 Wm-2 Holocene peak insolation
Wisconsin Ice age- Holocene transition
12,000 years ago…………… 522.50 Wm-2
The highest insolation of the Holocene is only 0.66 Wm2 MORE than the amount needed to thaw the earth from the last ice age. At present the Solar insolation is 47 Wm-2 BELOW that amount. So freaking out about anthropogenic CO2 @ 1.5 W/m 2 is Idiotic. As Lisiecki & Raymo said in their paper, all the additional energy from CO2 does is POSSIBLY keep the earth out of a full blown Ice Age. I think I’ll take that type of Global Warming!

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Short version – even if their bullshit CO2 calculations were true, they pale next to the real solar numbers which show a plant-killing ICE AGE, ON THE WAY or more accurately ALREADY HERE AND IN INTERMISSION as the greatest risk to the planet’s health, because – as has always been true since the beginning of Earth’s history – CO2 loss and COLD DEATH are the greatest threats to life on the planet, so whoever has been pushing our minds the opposite way is not our friend.
(i.e., Climate Communism in a nutshell)
This is why I predict that once these climate communists figure out that “global warming” and “climate change” absolutely can’t work, and they’re losing credibility faster than they’re messing with out heads, they will try to get us all mind-fucked on “global cooling” as their justification for global communism.
And Goldman Sachs, like CHUMPS, play along with this foolishness. The LURE of the “carbon economy” is strong, but it’s POISONED RED MEAT.

Gail Combs

Just tossing out the numbers from actual papers that can be used to show the lie wolfie.
Who knows, someone may be able to use them to red pill someone!

Gail Combs

Actually these last years were a GRAND Solar Maximum. The HIGHEST in 3,000 years just as the Little Ice Age was a GRAND solar minimum.
Full Paper is very readable: A History of Solar Activity over Millennia
What I love about it is they use three totally independent data sets to cross verify their information as much as possible.
A 3,000-Year Record of Solar Activity

In the journal Astronomy and Astrophysics, Usoskin et al. “present the first fully adjustment-free physical reconstruction of solar activity” covering the past 3,000 years, which record allowed them “to study different modes of solar activity at an unprecedented level of detail.” Their reconstruction of solar activity displays several “distinct features,” including several “well-defined Grand minima of solar activity, ca. 770 BC, 350 BC, 680 AD, 1050 AD, 1310 AD, 1470 AD, and 1680 AD,” as well as “the modern Grand maximum (which occurred during solar cycles 19-23, i.e., 1950-2009),” described as “a rare or even unique event, in both magnitude and duration, in the past three millennia.”…..
As a “unique” and “rare” event in terms of both magnitude and duration, one would think a lot more time and effort would be spent by the IPCC and others in answering that question. Instead, IPCC scientists have conducted relatively few studies of the Sun’s influence on modern warming, assuming that the temperature influence of this rare and unique Grand maximum of solar activity, which has occurred only once in the past 3,000 years, is far inferior to the radiative power provided by the rising CO2 concentration of the Earth’s atmosphere.

A review of “A History of Solar Activity over Millennia” by Ilya G. Usoskin
Grand maxima of solar activity:

Keeping possible uncertainties in mind, let us consider a list of the largest grand maxima (the 50 year smoothed sunspot number stably exceeding 50), identified for the last 11,400 years using 14C data, as shown in Table 2 (after Usoskin et al., 2007). A total of 19 grand maxima have been identified with a total duration of around 1030 years, suggesting that the sun spends around 10% of its time in an active state. A statistical analysis of grand-maxima–occurrence time suggests that they do not follow long-term cyclic variations, but like grand minima, are defined by stochastic/chaotic processes. The distribution of the waiting time between consecutive grand maxima is not as clear as that for grand minima, but also hints at a deviation from exponential law. The duration of grand maxima has a smooth distribution, which nearly exponentially decreases towards longer intervals. Most of the reconstructed grand maxima (about 75%) were not longer than 50 years, and only four grand minima (including the modern one) have been longer than 70 years. This suggest that the probability of the modern active-sun episode continuing is low5 (cf. Solanki et al., 2004; Abreu et al., 2008)

Elizabeth Carter

I was asked to repost this so more would see it:
Words have meanings and they are not always what is commonly accepted.

Gail Combs

Love Dr Warner. He really does excellent videos on Political Islam.

Elizabeth Carter

Zoe asked me to repost this also:
Amazing Polly is tying Q posts into Corona, 5G and the storm. I found this good storm preparation.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Aubergine – if you see this, consider taking a look at 21:00 where Polly is interested in TWO related possible families – the graphic explains it briefly, Polly goes into much more detail. Very interesting.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Very interesting information on Phil Haney murder.
First, this comment on CTH:
This leads to this article:
Obama DHS whistleblower found dead with gunshot wound in California
TWO pieces of very important information pointing toward possible motives:
(1) Potentially returning to DHS
This part is explosive:

According to sources close to Haney, he was recently in contact with top officials about returning to work for the DHS. Additionally, Haney was engaged to be married.
As a whistleblower, Haney testified before the Senate Judiciary Committee in June 2016 that DHS ordered him to delete hundreds of files of people with ties to Islamist terrorist groups, arguing several terrorist attacks against people in the United States could have been prevented if certain files had not been scrubbed.
“It is very plausible that one or more of the subsequent terror attacks on the homeland could have been prevented if more subject matter experts in the Department of Homeland Security had been allowed to do our jobs back in late 2009,” Haney wrote in an opinion piece for the Hill in February 2016. “It is demoralizing — and infuriating — that today, those elusive dots are even harder to find, and harder to connect, than they were during the winter of 2009.”
Republicans on Capitol Hill questioned former President Barack Obama’s homeland security secretary, Jeh Johnson, about Haney’s allegations.
“Was Mr. Haney’s testimony that the Department of Homeland Security order over 800 documents … altered or deleted accurate?” Sen. Ted Cruz, a Texas Republican, asked Johnson, who bristled at the question.
“I have no idea. I don’t know who Mr. Haney is. I wouldn’t know him if he walked into the room,” he said.

That is huge, IMO.
(2) Upcoming book intentionally designed to affect the election – this information was in the hands of the Washington Examiner already, in a text message to them about Eric Ciaramella (YES)

The Washington Examiner received a text message from Haney on Nov. 11 which mentioned plans to write a sequel to his first book, See Something Say Nothing: A Homeland Security Officer Exposes the Government’s Submission to Jihad, which described his experience at DHS.
“Odd (surreal reality) that I was a highly visible whistleblower … that virtually no one listened to, while this guy remains invisible, but is treated like an anointed oracle from above,” Haney said in the Nov. 11 text, referring to alleged Ukraine whistleblower Eric Ciaramella. “However, my story is still live, i.e., there’s still more to come. It’ll be called ‘National Security Meltdown.'”
Haney added, “I have a severely hyper-organized archive of everything that’s happened since See Something, Say Nothing (SSSN) was published in May of 2016. The National Security Meltdown sequel will pick up right where SSSN left off. My intention is to have it ready by early-to mid-Spring of 2020 (just before the political sound wave hits), then ride that wave all the way to the Nov. elections.”

I think this explains quite a bit.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

If Haney was ready to publish this spring – probably March or April – then IMO he was killed for both those reasons. Stop the book and stop him from either joining or consulting DHS/DNI internal investigations that are cleaning house.
IN FACT – the URGENCY of killing Haney likely came from that appointment of that guy who is looking for all the NeverTrumpers!!! What’s his name? Maybe John something?
What if the KGB-CIA got wind about that POTUS guy who is now vetting and removing all the anti-Trump and NeverTrump operatives? They also know that this guy can use any fresh information to remove their eyes and ears in DHS.
So they killed Haney and may have even taken his materials. Very likely they tricked him into a meeting.
Oh, man – I’m seeing this now.


Well, I can tell you from my own personal experience, if he had a book being published by March-April, they waited too late to stop it. It will have been in the hands of editors, proofreaders, etc. long before now. Even if he was self-publishing, that takes time.
I looked at See Something, Say Nothing to see if I could find the publisher. That book was published by WND Books in Washington. It looks like they are a small press, using a distributing service. It is possible however that WND Books is Haney himself. Here is the book on the distributor’s website:
Chances are pretty good they would be publishing his latest book. If so, they should have it already, if it was due out early to mid Spring. Unless WND Books really is Haney, which could change things.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Looks like WND books is a Joseph Farah operation, with WND = WorldNetDaily. Absolutely HATED by the Clintons.
So maybe there is a draft copy in process!


When I looked it up, I wondered if they were connected.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

OMG – I just realized. This really is tied to exactly how I said they do these blood hoaxes – by understanding the intelligence and then hiding / scrubbing it. So [this is an aside] what Comey and company were doing with these NICS failures like Dylann Roof is very likely REMOVING or DESTROYING the data ahead of time. It’s not sloppiness – it’s deadly intentional to make these people actionable. KEEP THAT IN MIND. They’re not failures – they’re either INTERCEPTING or PURGING and DESTROYING the data – probably using legal excuses – then they cover up. Then after the tragedy they “protect” the worker bees who unwittingly carried out the operations, just like I was “protected” in CA3.
Haney said they were ordered to destroy certain information. Top of the operation would have been Jeh Johnson – RED DIAPER Jeh Johnson – a *RACIALLY TRUSTED* (very important) top Obama INNER CIRCLE player – was in charge. So Red Diaper Jeh undoubtedly LIED to Ted Cruz in that Senate hearing about knowing anything about Haney. THAT makes sense.
If this came back into focus now, it would implicate Obama and Johnson in setting up Pulse and other blood hoax operations. The specific deletion of data for specific “usable” people shows premeditation, and makes any kind of MK evidence much more believable.
Yes, I’m sure Haney was murdered. This Haney thing threatened Obama and Johnson. They could bring in top-of-the-line talent to take him out.

Concerned Virginian

And they could have the job arranged by VALJAR to keep their own “fingerprints” off it.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Could be coming from Brennan, too. My thinking is they want to keep orders like this FAR AWAY from Obama, and Jarrett is too close – under the same roof.
Somebody further out knows how toxic Haney is. Very likely in DHS – a Jeh Johnson protector – somebody threatened by more Haney revelations. Somebody actually threatened by Haney. That person coughed up the grapevine to unknown players, and they decided to move on Haney. Could be Holder people.
Somebody has been watching Haney through his NSA data. Taking him down was SLICK, and very much like my NSA data was used in the last few traps.
My thinking is that they used Haney’s recent DHS contacts to construct a parallel trap.


I’m restarting the indents here for post https://wqth.wordpress.com/2020/02/24/20200224-dear-kmag-open-thread/#comment-409026 with wheatie.
To recap the situation so far, when I have sufficient land to happily house a farming dog, I intend to get one that fails apartment living. I realize that the dog will likely be active, but have plans to amuse it with cyber-dog activities. And I intend to love it as a family pet…..while realizing that it is headstrong as a family pet and needs occupation.


I’m actually a bit upset here. First, I’m warned-off of keeping a working breed because old farts like me don’t generally keep ’em sufficiently active; then I have a dream where I wouldn’t be a bother because I have a cause for a working breed to work, and this is cruel.


I wouldn’t be forcing anyone to do anything. (Bribing, however, is definitely in the cards.) You could look at it another way and say I intended to use high-level technology to take “dog toy” to a whole new level. What if the dog’s VR glasses showed him/her animated squirrels that would lead to actual dog toys he/she could “catch”? What kind of video does it take for a dog to find something reasonably realistic? What sorts of simulated environments do they find pleasant? Would they enjoy a walk around the property as much if it were with a CGI ostrich instead of yours truly? Could a FPS video game be created that was a “First-Person Sniffer” instead of a “First-Person Shooter”?
The Fiancee’s sister has pugs, which are essentially walking self-warming sofa cushions. I’d like a dog with whom I could share the joy of learning.


ethulhu I have an Australian cattle dog-blue Healer and I am 75.
Two things
1) is proper training and socialization with people and other dogs.
2) is play time and walks. In my younger days walking my Weimaraner twice a day for 2 miles each.
Also have a fenced in big yard if possible.
Yes as house pet they are wonderful and having them sleep in the same room as you do. Two dogs keep each other company when you are out or a day care a couple of days a week.
Some farm places have a play session for the dog I read where a dog can herd some sheep.
My herd dog used to herd the dogs in day care and no one noticed except I watching the behavior. Peri always stuck to the person watching the dogs but gently sneaky moved the whole group of about 15 dogs into the corner where the gate was to get out.
Good luck


Yep. That’s another breed that would qualify.
I agree that socialization is EXTREMELY important — and this is another reason that I’ve waited decades with any sort of dog on-hold. The great majority of dogs in my neighborhood are not properly socialized and I’ve had two significant attacks in the last five years.
Two dogs will keep each other company, which is almost required if you work a 9-to-5 job. On the other hand, “two dogs will do things that one dog won’t do.”
Thank you for sharing.


That is true 🙂 I had my Ausi for 4 years before Woodford came. Peri taught Woodford how to behave and she sternly corrected him if he wants to chew on things. She even rang the bell for him to go out for potty break. For herself she never has rang the bell just nudges me. Train one first then bring in another dog. Peri is the lead dog the herding do will demand to be the boss that is why the owner needs to be consistent and lead.


I had brother and sister Aussies. Best thing I ever did was get both. Kept them from being completely destructive as they are known to be because they had each other as company. Girl was hyper frisbee dog, boy was laid back herder. Girl demanded constant attention, barked nonstop, scratched door til you came outside, talked and put the toy in your lap til you threw it, repeat, nonstop. Boy was mellow, constantly watched and followed me from every window as I went from room to room. Would nip at my backside, even pulled my shorts down once, thank goodness I was in the house. When he was little he ate walls, trim, Ethan Allen poster bed and dresser, twice!😡 That’s when they got kicked out of the house! Aussies require lots of attention. Border Collies, even more so. People across street had one, I was constantly rounding him up as a puppy and putting him back in his yard as he knew how to open the gate. He would sneak over to my house, tour the inside, up and downstairs stealthily before being caught. BC’s are a super smart breed and need lots of interaction, stimulation.

Sadie Slays

We learned from Q that the big North Korea deal was worked out during President Trump’s 2017 Asian tour. I’m keeping that in mind now with President Trump currently visiting a city along the Pakistani border. Consider the very suspicious timing of Phil Haney’s murder as President Trump was traveling to this Pakistani border city. For those reasons, I suspect this trip is as much about dealing with Pakistan as it as an Indian trade deal (which is really about isolating China).


Ian Brownlee decided he was right and the President was wrong–another State Dept figure who thinks they make the decisions…not the President…fire these asshats!!!
Brownlee rationalized his decision to override the President and the CDC and allow individuals sick with the coronavirus to return to the US:
‘It’s important to remember this was an emerging and unusual circumstance,’ said Ian Brownlee, Principal Deputy Assistant Secretary, Bureau of Consular Affairs.
‘We had 328 people on buses, a plan to execute and we received lab results on people who were otherwise asymptomatic, un-ill people on a bus on the way to the airport.
‘The people on the ground did exactly the right thing…in bringing them home.’
People who had tested positive were put into isolation units on board the two cargo planes, which then flew to Joint Base San Antonio – Lackland in Texas and Travis Air Base in California.
Although officials reassured the press that the sick passengers were thoroughly contained and every precaution had been taken to ensure the safety of the healthy people onboard, reports later emerged that people on the flights had no idea they were sharing yet another even more confined space with infected individuals.
When the planes landed at their respective destinations late Sunday night, six ‘high risk’ passengers from Lackland and seven from Travis were ushered onto an additional flight to Omaha Eppley Airfield in Nebraska.
Another Deep State employee thinks he’s right and the President is wrong. This guy, who worked for the State Department in Mexico for years, thought it was important to send individuals sick with the coronavirus back to the US where they could risk getting others sick. His decision may cost American lives.

Concerned Virginian



and take his COAT!


I say we put him on the cruise ship.


Something else the State Department brain over looked. American Passengers Lie to get on Plane from Diamond Princess then come down with fever on flight.


the tweet says President and First Lady arrive in India and is a short video of POTUS & FLOTUS disembarking Air Force 1. She is wearing a lovely white jumpsuit–or her top and bottom are just white and there’s a wide sash at the waist. Simple, elegant, and totally gorgeous!


Michael Douglas was left out of the will? That’s something.
‘The best presidential candidate in 40 years’: Michael Douglas hits the campaign trail on behalf of Bloomberg after it’s revealed his father Kirk Douglas left him out of his will and bequeathed his entire $60m fortune to charity


The article says that Michael’s personal fortune is $300 million.


another friend of Haney speaking out…think there’s a typo in the article tho–omitted the word “don’t” as in don’t believe he committed suicide…jmo
n Sunday The Gateway Pundit spoke with national security specialist Ilana Freedman who had worked with Philip Haney. Ilana said she was very surprised to hear the news about Philip. Phil wrote a promotion for her book. Ilana told The Gateway Pundit, “I believe he was murdered. I don’t believe it was suicide. I am an intelligence analyst. What I see here is something very nasty. He thought several weeks ago he might be assassinated. Philip said if he were killed it would absolutely would not be suicide.”
Ilana added that people who knew him believe he would commit suicide. “He was a very religious man who believed suicide was a sin. A fellow associate I know said Philip stated several times that if he was accused of suicide not to believe it. He said that to a lot of people.” And Ilana spoke about a project Philip Haney was working on that was going to be published this year. He had very serious allegations. Phil claimed the terror attacks in California and Florida could have been prevented.
Many of Philip Haney’s friends say he was happy and looking forward to his upcoming marriage.



this is a bizarre story–believable or not? The Air Force tried to transfer 35-50 infected people in CA to a state run facility–it has 396 bed–but no isolation rooms; currently only 6 “mental” patients reside there but there’s a “shadow staff” of 200—for 6 patients? really bizarre details about the facility and it’s history–deaths, disease, drugs…not sure how reliable this info is…
The Fairview Development Center in Costa Mesa, California, where the US government just tried to quietly house 35-50 infected coronavirus patients, is a state-run facility for the mentally disabled, with a “shadow staff” of 200 people but only six patients according to official records.
Notably, the center has no biocontainment facilities and no staff trained in level-4 biohazards. It’s actually described as a kind of “prison” by critics who also call it “shoddy” and “run down,” with the “odor” of a jail (see source below).
It begs the question: Why would the United States Air Force attempt to relocate up to 50 infected coronavirus patients to a facility with no biocontainment capabilities, right in the middle of a high-density population area near Los Angeles?

Concerned Virginian

So —
Now there are apparently UP TO 50 more persons in the U.S. who have the Wuhan Coronavirus.
That gives a potential total of 86 persons (36 = 50 = 86).
AND it also appears that Costa Mesa has gone to court and won a stay against having the Air Force dump the infected persons at the Fairview facility.
WHO EXACTLY in the Air Force ordered this transfer?
IF ANY of the infected persons were coming from a U.S. military quarantine facility (Lackland / Travis, etc.) —WHY are apparently NO BSL-4 Biocontainment beds at these places ALREADY set up?
WHY transfer ANY infected persons to a BSL-4 Biocontainment facility — like the 14 infected persons from the Diamond Princess?
*** That questions in my opinion, answers itself: SOMEBODY considers the Wuhan Coronavirus to be on the level of infection AND deadliness AS IS THE EBOLA VIRUS. The ONLY facility that is properly equipped to treat the Ebola Virus or similar highly-infectious and deadly virus, is a BSL-4 unit.
Read that sentence above several times.***
WHY, if this is the case, isn’t EVERY person in the U.S. who now has the virus NOT in a BSL-4 facility?
WHY would the CDC refuse to sign off on having the 14 infected persons on the Diamond Princess evacuation flights — and IAN BROWNLEE, a State Department functionary who NOT a MEDICAL DOCTOR, nor has ANY training in Infectious Disease, OVERRIDES the CDC officials and puts the 14 on the aircraft anyway?


good questions…


Verse of the Day

“Wherefore we receiving a kingdom which cannot be moved, let us have grace, whereby we may serve God acceptably with reverence and godly fear:”
Hebrews 12:28 (KJV)


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Thank You, Jesus, for blessings received and prayers answered!


Monday Blessingcomment image


Jesus Loves Babies…Pray for the Unborncomment image
Jesus Loves the Little Children – Pray for the Little Childrencomment image
Jesus Loves You – Come to Himcomment image


Morning Duchess!
I miss you yesterday!!!


Hey, Pat! What happened? Did we both mess up or was it just me?
Have a Blessed Day! God be with you wherever you go and whatever you do! Hugs!!!


maybe i just missed your post–had a bad weekend–needed your calming presence!
we went out for groceries Saturday morning–slid halfway down the driveway…got the groceries and came back–couldn’t make it back up the driveway…so we walked. hubby then took the tractor down and ferried the groceries up in the bucket. later he tried scraping the driveway with the bucket…didn’t make a dent so he tried salting–slipped and fell and banged his head hard on the ground…I didn’t see it happen, but when he came back inside and asked me where he truck was, I got really worried!
I couldn’t have gotten him down to a doctor and no one could make it up the driveway either–truck in the path and ice up beyond that…


thanks. I watched him thru the night and he seemed fine yesterday–remembered everything–mild winters are harder here than better cold ones…
HUGS back to you!!!


Good Lord!!! What an awful trial! How is hubby doing now?
Be of good cheer – sending an Army of Angels to assist both of you – and to clear your way – by the power of the Holy Spirit – they are coming to your aid!
Know that God promised He would never abandon us – and He hasn’t – Jesus is right there with you to assist and comfort – the power of God is awesome!!! Trust Him – He will make it right!
Sometimes God allows things to happen to bring us to a better place – and understanding! You may not be able to see it now – but a huge blessing is on the way – persevere in Him – watch Him to show the power of His Mighty Hand!
God Bless You Real Good!!! Sending Huge, Warm Hugs your way!


he seems fine…
I persuaded him to let me cut his hair yesterday so I could get a really good look at his head–no cuts bruises or sore spots remained so that helped ease my mind.
he’s not gonna attempt to bring the truck up the driveway–he drove the tractor down this morning and will transfer back and forth between them till the driveway clears–but guess what? we’re expecting rain for the next 4 days…SIGH…


So it is going to warm up enough to rain – from sliding to mud wrestling? Gonna get sloppy – but, so much better than ice.
Our heads are more protected than we can imagine – he probably did not have enough time to tense up – so it was more like free falling and flopping – like the drunk who does not get hurt – what Angels do – they protect! God blessed you both in spite of the conditions.
Mile by Mile – it will take a while – Yard by Yard – it is pretty hard – BUT – Inch by Inch – it is a Cinch!
Someday, you will look back on this experience – and laugh – I know that sounds stupid now – but – it will happen! 🙂


the tractor doesn’t have a cab–so hubby will be out in the wet rain then get into a cold truck…
I’m worried it’s not gonna be warm enough to melt any of the ice on the driveway–so any runoff will make it even slicker…
thanks for holding my hand! I appreciate it!!


Do not worry – have faith God will take care of it all – trust Him to do so – Ask Him – every step of the way – every little step – His Angels will hold you up – remember inch by inch – Mkay?
Tie an umbrella to the steering wheel – lol
Go get some ‘funnies’ to lift up your spirit – am sure you will find some to ease the stress!
Let Go and Let God!!!


thank you dear–you are always comforting, helpful!!!!
May God Bless you always!!!!


Thanks!!! I know He will bless you!!! And – it will be a BIG BLESSING!!! Take comfort in that! Mkay?




Glad to see you turned that frown upside down, dear lady! 🙂



that rat bastard is everywhere, isn’t he??


is there a bounty for him? cuz I think if there was, we’d have plenty of trackers looking for him!!!!


I wish there was a way to bankrupt the miserable scum sucker and his evil spawn … no ticky, no washie … 🤨🤚‼️ ..


Wuhan Flu cases in Italy jumped from 79 yesterday to 215 today!


nice video of Gary Sinise and a trip his foundation sponsored so WWII veterans could travel to and enjoy the WWII Museum in New Orleans.


Time for a minimum 30 day self-quarantine all returning travelers. from overseas.
OR quarantine in secure location.
NO immigrants and no overseas travel from USA without 30 day minimum quarantine.
NO packages, objects, shipping from China or overseas that isn’t quarantined 30 days.


That last item would certainly end the economic train we’re on. Might even make DJT a one term president.


Wouldn’t stop exports! ;8->


I’ve never heard that name before…


Me either. But this news is all over. Maybe looking for a scapegoat.
Stephen McIntyre (@ClimateAudit) Tweeted:
To my knowledge, Somma was first identified and endorsed as Case Agent 1 in “our” corner of Twitter: @nick_weil first on Dec 9, endorsed by @Fool_nelson and me in next two days. Nick applied data from important article by Margot Hemingway to Horowitz https://t.co/VLrJKFmtGT https://t.co/qwgWTqzmEf


Here’s my question….
Why should we believe what the NYSlimes prints all of a sudden??
Follow up…
Why would the NYSlimes start printing news that would HELP PDJT?
(insert Suspicious cat)


You’re absolutely right FG&C……………..

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Yup. This means that – as bad as it is – they’re misdirecting from something worse.


in honor of Mardi Gras and Fat Tuesday coming tomorrowcomment imagecomment imagecomment imagecomment image


It’s such a great party. We also get the day after Mardi Gras OFFFFFFF as All Saints Day. Yeah, the day after Mardi Gras, everyone is a Catholic in New Orleans.


my mom always made homemade donuts on Doughnut Day (Fat Tuesday) –yeast raised–no fillings, but you could put them in powdered sugar, a glaze she made or melted chocolate!


Ohhh, those sound wonderful.
Ranger cookies were always a Parade standby for us.
I grew up in New Orleans. So many memories. Most of them for Mardi Gras involved Boones Farm wine……
God awful stuff.
It’s a wonder we’re all still alive.


she made dozens and dozens–for the entire neighborhood—oh the house smelled so good!!


Boones Farm Ackkkkk *spit* the stuff of college dorm hangovers 🤓😎




As a kid, maybe 10-11yrs old, our first Mardi Gras, I remember wading knee deep in beer cans down Bourbon Street.
We needed to see it.
After that, Dad thought it was inappropriate to take me.
Back then, the police would round up anyone who was unruly and put them into Tulane stadium. They could take their coolers and food, they just had to stay in Tulane Stadium until Mardi Gras was over. Well, Tulane Stadium turned into the best party in town.


LOL…I told my granddaughter about Fat Tuesday at our house when her mom was young–the kids had to have a decent breakfast, but then they could eat all the junk they wanted that day–because we (my son and I ) are Catholic–so we give up such things for Lent. My daughter participated in giving up the junk with us even tho she didn’t have to. My granddaughter is now bugging my daughter to “try it”…lol…she just wants to eat crap all day tomorrow…


It was so much fun.
By 6:00am, we were gone and down on the Parade route. People brought grills, griddles, and cooked. There is nothing better than the smell of bacon and eggs in open air.
And of course, you always ate what your next door neighbors were cooking as well.
And you have to dress up.
But you never know what the weather will be at that time of year, so your costume has to be able to peel off.
One year, I went as Cat Woman. That was interesting. Another year, a bunch of us went as Hershey’s Kisses, bad idea, couldn’t catch anything.

Deplorable Patriot

All Saints Day?


Whoops, sorry, no that’s November 1st.
But there is another holiday for the day after Mardi Gras.
What is it?

Deplorable Patriot

Ash Wednesday. Beginning of Lent, the season of reparation and preparation. It’s a day when most Catholics actually go to Mass despite it not being a Holy Day of Obligation. Annually, it’s the third most attended Mass after Easter and Christmas…and it’s not required.

CM in TN

Not catholic, but we have our Ash Wednesday evening service, and then choir practice directly after.

Deplorable Patriot

I get to sing the last Mass of the day at my parish all by myself.

CM in TN

Very nice!


wheatie, I had a another post of mardi gras memes…maybe in spam? or did wP eat it?


k…I understand, but if it’s there, I won’t bother reposting it…if WP ate it, I will repost it, yes?


k…that’s fine…dunno either…but i won’t bother trying to repost.
thanks for looking!!!


thanks…you think it was the Montana girl flashing the cows? LOL


maybe it was hungry and wanted to play with the pups…

CM in TN

these are awesome–so creative, so fun!!!


… totally awesome wheatie … 😉👍❤️🇺🇸❤️‼️


Market is down big on the apparently confirmed news that the virus is a man-made L4 bioweapon intentionally released into the global population.
The math is simple.
Shut down manufacturing in China = dramatically reduced supply of goods = uncontrolled inflation in the prices of goods = uncontrolled rises in the costs of living = major reversal in market prices
I suspect that this outcome is one of the reasons the virus was released.
Would be interesting to examine net short position carryover beginning in Aug. of last year to present.
Also, who is holding those positions.

Cuppa Covfefe

Would be interesting to see where Satan Soros and Beezle-Billy Gates put their money, and how… Didn’t Gates “warn” about the Corona virus last year?
His father was high up in Planned (un)Parenthood, so I’m not surprised he’s a murderer too…


For MAGA MOM, and any others out working this election cycle, please keep in mind that not all “conservatives” are America First. There are those who are pro-life and family values, yet want Open Borders. Some see Jesus as a socialist. He cannot be, as socialism leads to communism, which is atheism.
Governor Bill Lee (TN) is this way. He wants more refugees because it’s the “Christian thing to do”. For the press he says he is separating refugees from illegals, but he does not. The TN House and Senate had filed a lawsuit to stop refugee dumping in TN even before Gov Lee was elected. They are currently in the process to recall Gov Lee, and enact legislation to block refugee dumping.
Beth Moore (So. Baptist) is another “conservative” never-trumper. She did not vote for POTUS because she did not like his character and behavior from 11 years ago. Beth did a write-in vote Nov 2016.
We need to look past the MEDIA APPLIED labels of conservative and liberal, and see the individual voter. Labels are not all encompassing. Please, accept this gently offered red pill as you move forward to do amazing work for your state and country. Think through how to ask voters where they are on President Trump and his policies. I offer a term as a filter, not label, “Patriot”. Thank-you for stepping out of your comfort zone!


coosmama I have come across people who believed Christ was the first socialist. When we see the results of socialism on a country on its people specially the spirit of persons we can be assured Christ was not a socialist. Where Christ is there is freedom and socialism is not freedom and does not foster freedom.
Then we have the Pharisees who believe they are perfect. Pointing the finger against a person from over 10 years ago speaks more about the person who does it. Sadly people do not look at them selves I m sue every day I sin even if I do not intent. A sin is a sin . Personally I stay away from that type of so called conservative. I have met them and they never take the speck out of their own eye.
Progressives have they own brand of Pharisees.
I am conservative Patriot Christian who knows I am not perfect accept it therefore accept others imperfection. Perfect people scare me.
Coosmama thank you for sharing this and all the misconceptions..


Bill Lee has been extremely underwhelming….very disappointed in his choice on this. Glad to see my local Rep is on board with the opposition. I have not heard about a recall but will definitely be digging around.


Beth Moore is a chameleon… a lot of false teaching and a lot of controversy following her. I haven’t even tried to cover her at all but she’s in deep with a lot of the SBC coup mess. She is not “conservative”.


Oh no! St. Stephen;s is such a beautiful cathedral. Historical too. It’s where Mozart was baptized. I can’t believe
what’s going on in the Church!
VIENNA (ChurchMilitant.com) – An Austrian artist notorious for “pushing the boundaries of sculpture” is having his exhibit of an 80-square-meter purple sweater hung over the baroque high altar for Lent at St. Stephen’s Cathedral in Vienna.
Erwin Wurm’s sweater is meant to replicate the purple veil (Fastentuch or fasting cloth) used to cover images of Jesus, especially the crucifix, in Catholic and some Protestant churches during the 40 days of Lent.

Deplorable Patriot

IIRC, it’s also home to one of the largest organs in the world.
This is disgraceful, but for some time now that’s all we’ve been getting out of Austria.


May those who love us love us.
And those that don’t love us,
May God turn their hearts.
And if He doesn’t turn their hearts,
May he turn their ankles,
So we’ll know them by their limping.
May the enemies of The USA never meet a friend.
(Changed from Ireland)
Just tossing this is for edification … 🙂❤️


chuckle…that did not end as I thought it would…


.. lol … gotta love the Celtic people, they don’t take prisoners .. bwahahahahahah .. 🤨❤️😜🤚❤️ ..





Deplorable Patriot

Gee, imagine that.

Text of tweet:
NYT confirmed that “Case Agent 1” from the FISA report is Stephen Somma, a counterintel investigator out of the NY field office.
Somma was involved in several key aspects of Crossfire Hurricane, and was faulted for omitting crucial info in 6 key areas.

Deplorable Patriot

The Daily Caller’s source is the NYT, so take it with a grain of salt, but I can’t imagine they didn’t confirm it independently somehow.


they didn’t confirm the RUSSIA, RUSSIA, RUSSIA thing before they spouted that garbage again, did they?
wondering if the Deep State is merely offering a sacrifice–we know how fond they are of those–here, take THIS GUY–he’s THE bad guy–

Deplorable Patriot

Could be. I did see in the comments that Mollie Hemingway came across this same man in relation to Crossfire Hurricane previously.
DS could be cutting losses and tying up loose ends at this point.


or maybe they’re attempting to throw a squirrel at us so we won’t see the nest of vipers trying to slither under a rock somewhere




The NYSlimes??
Now come pull my other finger.
I’ve got $100 says this is intentional misdirection and BS.

Deplorable Patriot

This guy’s name has come up before. He might be a sacrificial lamb. He might not be. I didn’t check the reporter’s name from the Old Gray Lady, but Mollie Hemingway came across him as a possibility, so I’m not dismissing it out of hand.


Somnambulist- thank you, Wheatie!
Sleepwalking was what I was doing last night.


gees that’s dangerous–do you do it often?


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LOL good ones as always


So burning organic matter in massive quantities. With most people at home, industry shut down, the inference is infectious waste and cremation.
Zach Vorhies aka “The Covid19 Prepper” (@Perpetualmaniac) Tweeted:
Massive release of Sulfur Dioxide is happening in Chongqing, way bigger than Wuhan. Sulfur is released during burning of organic matter. https://t.co/kGT9Ls6Cky https://twitter.com/Perpetualmaniac/status/1231758586558078976?s=20

Concerned Virginian

CHONGQING is one of the large urban areas that was shut down with enforced quarantine and apartment buildings being locked up. The factories have been idle for weeks.
Chongqing has a total population of OVER 30 MILLION PEOPLE.
My opinion: It doesn’t take a “rocket scientist” to figure out why Beijing ordered the government in Chongqing to start burning “organic matter”. It’s either dead farm animals from the farms in the surrounding areas — or — (insert what your gut feeling is here).


Huge car manufacturing city…lots of barges on the river filled with cars to be shipped.
Image…a city of 30 million ( larger than Beijing) that literally no one has ever heard of!


Sorry, it’s actually Quangdong that’s the car manufacturing city (well over 30 million population). For WWII History buffs, you might recognize it as the location of the famous Flying Tigers.
For us, it was the debarkation site for our Yangtze River Cruise…this giant city in the middle of nowhere that no one has ever heard of in the West.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Formerly known in the West as “Chungking”
The nationalist government made its (second to the) last stand against Mao and the Commies there. (Taiwan being the last (and continuing) stand.)

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

CORRECTION: “Chungking” was also the provisional capital of China from 1937-1946, during the Japanese invasion of China. It was far enough inland and in the mountains to hold out against Japanese bombing and became known as the “City of Heroes.”
It was at one time the capital of Sichuan (formerly Szechuan, as in the type of Chinese food) Province, but has been pulled out into its own separate “municipality” (China has four of them apparently; the others are Beijing, Shanghai, and Tianjin).


Yeah. Yipes.


Ted Cruz responds to Bernie’s support of Castro….


That’s gonna leave a mark.
And Sanders just lost Florida. Book it.

Cuppa Covfefe

If only the Giants had signed him…


The Perverse Panic over Plastic
The campaign against disposable bags and other products is harming the planet and the public.
John Tierney

Why do our political leaders want to take away our plastic bags and straws? This question is even more puzzling than a related one that I’ve been studying for decades: Why do they want us to recycle our garbage?
. . . Some reformers are well-intentioned, but they’re hurting their own cause. If you want to protect dolphins and sea turtles, you should take special care to place your plastic in the trash, not the recycling bin. And if you’re worried about climate change, you’ll cherish those gossamer grocery bags once you learn the facts about plastic.


long article, but really good, thanks michael!

Gail Combs

Not bad but I much prefer the fact sheet the company I worked for put out long ago.
Most of the HATE PLASTICS campaign was really about kneecapping an upstart Canadian by the name of Robert Blair who was making major inroads in the plastics industry.
“Blair, a corporate visionary whose appetite for acquisitions has transformed a small provincial natural-gas pipeline company into an international energy and petrochemical conglomerate…”
His acquisitions stepped on the toes of Shell Oil so Shell sicced their pet, WWF after him to depress the market for the plastics companies he had acquired. And of course they succeeded.
To Hades with the factories that closed their doors and the hundreds of people who were put out of work.
To Hades with the innovated ideas just about to see reality.
(And yes I am still PO, Two of my friends ended up dead from that factory closing.)

Deplorable Patriot

It’s really rather stunning how people cling to data that backs the viewpoint and stance they’ve taken.
The plastic bag thing…where I live, we are specifically told NOT to put plastic bags in the recycle bins. If one does not use them for any other purpose, they are taken to the local grocery chains where they are then sent out to specific facilities for recycling into plastic deck planking which lasts a lot longer than real wood. And you have to be sure to take the receipts out.
Which reminds me, when I go later today, the big bag they’ve been collecting in has to go with me.
This is one where everyone has an opinion and the data is cherry picked to suit the purpose of the presenter. The recycling people are just as guilty. However, our landfill has an extended life thanks to the recycling efforts of not just plastic, but glass and metal. That has to be worth something in the considerations.

Gail Combs

I take mine, that I do not reuse to line wastepaper baskets, to the local food pantry. They are always very happy to see plastic & paper bags.


Excellent article, Michael. Many thanks for posting the link.

Valerie Curren

Good Morning & God Bless all Amazing Q Treepers!
I wanted to share a link to a post (originally inspired by a Q-Tree post) with you all dealing with the historicity (or lack thereof) of the “Palestinian” cause. It contains scripture, maps, & the meat of the material being liberal excerpts from nearly 2 dozen American Thinker articles from over more than a decade; sharing their valuable historical perspectives from a primarily conservative perch.
https://specialconnections.wordpress.com/2020/02/24/j-j-s-t-u-p-e-plaining-palestine/comment imagecomment imagecomment image?version=0comment imagecomment imagecomment image
Hopefully you’ll see (at least some of) these scriptural memes about being Chosen–Blessings!


You mean a return to nationalism? Yes!

Deplorable Patriot

For your consideration.


I’m feeling disappointed with our tree.
The NYSlimes puts out a misdirection piece about some FIB agent no one has ever heard of before and it’s taken as gospel.
THIS is the name they don’t want you asking about. THIS is the name of the guy they are STILL trying to keep hidden. THIS is the agent who interviewed Gen. Flynn and wrote the 302s the DoJ won’t release…
Special Agent Joe Pientka
From the Epoch Times just 2 months ago…
FBI Agent Who Interviewed Flynn Played Critical Role in Trump Campaign Investigation
DOJ internal investigation reveals the special agent was supervisor of Crossfire Hurricane, played key role in problematic FISA application
“One of the special FBI agents who interviewed President Donald Trump’s national security adviser, Lt. Gen. Michael Flynn, at the White House in January 2017, played a much bigger role in the FBI’s counterintelligence investigation of the Trump campaign—known as Crossfire Hurricane—than previously assumed, a report by Department of Justice Inspector General Michael Horowitz reveals.
The agent was first introduced into the public realm in a May 11, 2018, letter from Sen. Chuck Grassley (R-Iowa), who inquired about the FBI’s interview with Flynn.
Grassley specifically asked that the Department of Justice (DOJ) “make Special Agent Joe Pientka available for a transcribed interview with Committee staff no later than one week following the production of the requested documents.”
In a report released in December by Horowitz on the FBI’s FISA abuse during its investigation of the Trump campaign, the role of an unidentified FBI supervisory special agent (SSA)—described in Horowitz’s report as “SSA 1”—was featured prominently throughout. The description of events and dates match the public information on Pientka’s actions, and on Dec. 13, Pientka was confirmed by Fox News as being “SSA 1.”
It should go without saying that ANYTHING coming from the NYSlimes, CNN, or WaPo should be considered DISINFORMATION until and unless proven otherwise.
Everyone here should know this already.


Simple question:
Is the NY Slimes going to actually HELP prove the conspiracy of sedition and treason attempted by the political left in America??

Deplorable Patriot

You’re forgetting that the Daily Caller picked it up and the Federalist people had the name previously.
At this point, we don’t know what it is. I said to take it with a grain of salt…or maybe a one pound box.


Actually, no I’m not forgetting anything. That’s the same Daily Caller featuring the leftist jackass David Hookstead, right?
I’m not impressed.
I also have a great memory and don’t forget people like “SSA 1” Joe Pientka…or that the NYSlimes has ZERO credibility concerning anything having to do with politics, which means anything thanks to the left politicizing everything.

Deplorable Patriot

At this point, who the heck knows what the motivation is. The DS might be tossing somebody under the bus, just the same as trying to get the white hats to fall for a head fake.
We’ll just have to wait for the next scene to see.

Deplorable Patriot

Yes, the DS is not giving in.
Bait, lure, canary trap, or the truth, it’s a plot twist.

Gail Combs

The daily caller does have some decent journalists.
LUKE ROSIAK on the Awan Brothers series I thought was very good.
The links are listed at the bottom of this article:


Geo Webb has had this post pinned to top of his tweeter account since July of 2019…
Why hasn’t Luke published? George and I both want to know… I have lost the respect for Luke that I once had.

text in tweet:
TruthLeaks – Investigative Journalist George Webb
George Webb found DNC Blackberries and Pried Hard Drives. His May 2017 Meeting With Trump Accuser Bill Taylor Connects Him To DNC. http://patreon.com/georgewebb
Washington, DCpatreon.com/GeorgeWebbJoined February 2009
TruthLeaks – Investigative Journalist George Webb’s Tweets
Pinned Tweet
TruthLeaks – Investigative Journalist George Webb
Jul 16, 2019
Luke Rosiak has URGENT HACKING MEMOS from the House Sargeant Of Arms during the 2016 election and has not published them? Go to 19 minute mark. What the Jeffrey Epstein, Imran Awan, & Jackson Cosko Scandals Might Hav…

via @YouTube
What the Jeffrey Epstein, Imran Awan, & Jackson Cosko Scandals Might…
Just who is Jackson Cosko, the mastermind behind what prosecutors have called ‘the largest data breach in Senate history? What are the implications of the Im…

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

“I’m feeling disappointed with our tree.”
What are you even talking about?
I get on here to check stuff today, and I’ve seen NOTHING so far that looks like people needing to be talked off the ledge.
What am I missing?
Links to the concern trolls! Give ’em to me! 😉

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

He’s concerned not about ledge jumpers, but about people taking articles in bad media outlets seriously.


Lemme say I think I could have been a bit more mellow in how I said what I said. Prolly should have been. That said, this is what got my steam up (posted prior to my post starting this)…

No need to tell you I don’t trust the NY Slimes any further than I can throw the Daily Caller, whose veracity I question far more often than is comfortable to me.
Anyway, I was concerned that people were simply accepting this as truth rather than questioning..
…the information…
…the source…
…the reason(s) why the Slimes was publishing this…
Plus, it seemed like a good opportunity to remind everyone of the name “Joe Pientka”, that he has been confirmed as “SSA 1” in Horowitz’s IG report, and that he was the agent who interviewed Gen. Mike Flynn with Peter Strzok and wrote the original 302 report which has been withheld from Gen. Flynn in his case by the slimeball prosecutor Van Grack and the Mueller SC scum because it proves Flynn is innocent.
And I don’t want anyone to forget any of this.
You know how I feel about General Flynn. In fact, given that we ARE at war (just not a kinetic one), I believe Gen. Flynn’s actions deserve the Congressional Medal of Honor.
So yeah, I kinda feel strongly about it all.

Rodney Short

Amen FG&C, I dont even give any of them sites the 72 hour smell test, they go straight into the trash bin.
All disinformation like leading a cat with a laser pointer, DONT buy into this Treepers. Remember MSM is our enemy, WE ARE THE NEWS NOW!!!!!!!!
End of rant….

Deplorable Patriot

I think he was using the walker for sympathy despite surgery. He disgusting.

Deplorable Patriot

I’m sure of that. And, yes, he is disgusting.

Concerned Virginian

Can anyone please explain how RUSH LIMBAUGH just opened his radio show today with a 20+ minute downplaying of the Wuhan Coronavirus threat, repeatedly linking it to “it’s just like the common cold” argument cr@p?

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Because Rush is right! He’s exaggerating just a bit, saying it’s just the common cold, and he is (IMO) probably looking at a bad number with 2%, but he is ABSOLUTELY RIGHT about overhype being massively played by the other side! He understands the ALINSKY ANGLE on this thing.
TWO THINGS can be true at the same time. It’s NOT just a common cold, AND it’s being overhyped for political reasons, to hurt Trump.
People need to read this to get it. Here is the transcript.
Now Rush is accepting a 2% death rate, which IMO may be mistaken. If it’s actually 4% or 5%, then it changes things quite a bit, but still – EVERYTHING HE IS SAYING ABOUT OVERREACTION REMAINS TRUE.
If you can’t see the “AND LOGIC” of this point, then you’re prime material to become a worry-bot useful to the left (COUGH). Everybody slap themselves in the face. LOGICAL THINKING.
Why is Q not freaking out about Corona? THINK. How do you exit a theater with a fire in the corner set by some homeless freak, to get everybody out? LOGICAL THINKING.
Now, if you’re in OUR age group, where the number could be more like 25% or 50% or 80% or 90%, that’s actually a very big deal. If you’re 90 years old, you do not want this stuff, b/c you’re gonna die. But panic ain’t gonna save you. LOGICAL THINKING will.
Stock up on some stuff, get ready to quarantine, stay calm, stay tuned in.

Concerned Virginian

Thank you for the clarification. It appears that South Korea now has 800 cases, with 7 dead; Italy has 229 cases, with 6 dead; Iran has 47 cases, 47 cases in Iran, with 12 dead (for Iran, that makes a death rate of NEARLY 30%). (per NBC News)
The widow of a retired U.S. military officer in South Korea is now positive for the virus. She had visited the Camp Walker’s Post Exchange between 12 and 15 February. This person is the first U.S. military dependent who has tested positive for the virus.
The U.S. military in South Korea and that government’s Centers for Disease Control and Prevention are “actively tracing” any persons who may have had contact with the infected person. (per The Hill)
I agree that preparing for household quarantine, stocking up on items that may well go into short or no supply relatively soon, and not panicking, are good things to do.
Perhaps Rush was doing something similar to Clint Eastwood’s endorsement of Bernie Sanders — go in the opposite direction to keep the focus on the problem, not to go “off the deep end”.
I am, however, reading more reports on people who died of the virus who were either misdiagnosed with pneumonia (the virus can present as pneumonia); or their infection rapidly turned into virus + pneumonia.

Deplorable Patriot

Exactly. I’m seeing panic start to set it with the hype. It’s pretty predictable based on past efforts of the same variety.
The way we all are being told to protect ourselves and prevent picking up the bug is exactly the same way we try to avoid colds and flu.
What I’m wondering about is how the RNA sequencing was done as quickly as it was. Is there a technique that isolates the viruses really quickly?

Elizabeth Carter

Wolfmoon, The main thing that occurred to me is that President Trump is working with India and China is in a panic. Our Politicians that are being paid off by China need to find a way to keep us trading with China. This whole virus thing is a huge distraction.
The world population is around 7 billion.


Just look at the stock market ‘panic’ sell off today. When trump does a massive deal with India it will reverse for sure.

Rodney Short

And remember to keep your powder dry…


You nailed it.
They are trying to crash the markets ahead of the election.
Here’s what everyone need to understand…
100% of all markets traded today are no longer traded using old methods of analysis (ie. Balance sheets, revenues, debts, etc)…90% of all trades today are generated by computers using algorithms employing “technical price analysis”…
…in which past price performance of any underlying security is used as a predictor of future price performance.
This is key….because if you can make the price look bad, the computers will treat the past prices as genuine data, NOT garbage.
The virus gives China a very convenient excuse to hide the economic impact of what PDJT is doing to China’s economy…
…the communists don’t want the people to see and understand that they have lost control…
….see how the virus news has completely blacked out news of the Hong Kong protests, for example.
NET NET : Xi and his minions are so terrified, and so evil, that they intentionally released a bioweapon on their own people in order to APPEAR that they are still in control of everything.
And why this isn’t all over the news is proof of how shitty our news organizations are, including conservative news.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

I think you’re right. Classic cover-up.


Rush says in his transcript near the end that what STOPPED were the HONG KONG PROTESTS.
Therefore, he wonders, rightly, whether the coronavirus was deliberate.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

One of the things people need to start employing in the evaluation of “complex events” is the “complex loss/benefit statement”, which can only be understood using AND logic.
The Chinese Communist Party was “on the ropes” in several very significant ways. This virus solved all of them.
We KNOW from Tiananmen Square that the CCP will kill TENS OF THOUSANDS to preserve its TOTAL POWER.
One has to remember – they (and the Soviets) have helped OUR communists learn how to hoax, and specifically the “blood hoax” – real bodies, real “actors”, staged event. Not what it appears to be, but rather what the media can create from it. There is NO REASON not to suspect a blood hoax which provides cover for massive roundup and detainment of citizens.
The video with execution-style gunfire in the background is very chilling. I think they are taking care of MULTIPLE problems.
Ask how Bill Ayers and the Weather Underground who plotted killing 25 million Americans would do it, and a virus that kills old people used as cover to “liquidate” enemies of the state would be the PERFECT solution.


Thank you, wolf — much appreciated.
I have been thinking about the ’25 million’ target since the coronavirus first made the headlines. Agree that it could be viewed as an ideal vehicle for humanity’s enemies to use against us. The fact that it is a global worry is a plus for them.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Communists, lacking moral clarity on what happens to individuals, can select options from the coldest and most appalling side of utilitarianism – meaning STALINISM.
A few million dying to save the Party to “save the Bolshevik revolution”? Totally worth it from their standpoint.


Yes, agree.
Even in 2016, the American left’s parallels with the Russian Revolution were becoming clear.


Lisa Mei Crowley
How awesome is that?!
Arthur Schwartz
· 1h
Kash Patel, POTUS’s senior director for counterterrorism at NSC, traveled to India with POTUS and gave a speech with his parents in the crowd watching him. On his birthday. 🇺🇸


Three part interview between Dave Janda and Michael Flynn’s sister, Barbara Flynn Redgate. Very informative.


Caring Words from a Pilot
1. During a commercial airline flight a retired Navy Hawkeye pilot was seated next to a young mother with a babe in arms. When the baby began crying during the descent for landing, the mother began nursing the infant as discreetly as possible.
2. The pilot pretended not to notice and, upon disembarking, he gallantly offered his assistance to help with the various baby-related items. When the young mother expressed her gratitude, the pilot
responded, “That’s a good-looking baby, and he sure was hungry!”
3. Somewhat embarrassed, the mother explained that her pediatrician said that the time spent on the breast would help alleviate the pressure in the baby’s ears.
4. The retired Navy jock sadly shook his head, and in true pilot fashion exclaimed, “And all these years, I’ve been chewing gum.”
///The end.


Lemme just say that pilots can be clever, but no one has figured out a way to stay on a breast, fly the plane, and talk on the radio at the same time.
But there is always hope.


Hold my beer.


Someday, somewhere someone will figure it out and you’ll all go hell yeah, I can do that


Can anyone access the Johns Hopkins Coronavirus site with all the totals and maps? I could this AM and now it won’t let me……have to set up an account. I check that site usually a couple times a day.


Okay…..it’s working now…..sorry, I must have had a senior moment.


scrolling thru some stories on whatfinger and they have a video of the stadium in India and they are playing Macho Man by the Village People as POTUS comes out…LOL…I would link it here, but it’s CNN and their liar de jour tries to talk over the entire thing…sigh


comment image


Okay, done with Opera browser… anyone who can recommend a browser to use with wordpress?


I’ve used Brave for months without incident . . . until I got tired of the Brave ads that started popping in from the side. Now I’ve just switched to Dissenter and have no ads and no other problems. I’m using Windows 10.


Thanks for replying Carl… Dissenter is now a browser?


((( PR )))
Wolf made this post a while back… It’s on the side bar if you need it.
I couldn’t tell you much about it myself because I’m “So-not-a-tech-guy”.
Hope this helps…!


Thanks Nor’easter… (hangs head in shame for NOT checking the sidebar !)


(NP ((( PR ))) ) !


thanks so much Carl…


Had to dump brave 2 weeks ago, tweets not showing up. Used the nightly updare version Wolfie advised, but it crapped out too, don’t want to download and redo bookmarks constantly. Been using the “new, improved” Edge. It has all the features Brave does, and then some. So far really good.


Thanks Butterfly… now to find when grandson has a moment or two to help… I think I messed up a few things, you know, trying to ‘fix’ the problem “smilin” …


If you follow John Solomon, he announced that he will start a new News site some weeks ago.
It is now active.
You can go to this link:
Just The News: https://justthenews.com/


From this site:
Declassified FBI memos undercut Mueller team claims that Papadopoulos hindered Russia probe:
Newly declassified FBI memos directly conflict with court filings that Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s team made in asking a federal judge to send former Trump campaign adviser George Papadopoulos to prison, further calling into question the government’s conduct in investigating the now-debunked “Russia collusion” narrative.
The memos, released under federal Freedom of Information laws, are likely to focus renewed attention on former Mueller prosecutor Aaron Zelinsky, who played a key role in prosecuting Papadopoulos before working on the case of longtime GOP operative and Trump confidant Roger Stone.
Zelinsky recently made headlines in Washington by resigning from the Stone case over a dispute with Attorney General William Barr over the length of prison time Stone deserved. Zelinsky recommended 7 to 9 years, Barr wanted less, and the judge ultimately decided on a lower sentence of just 40 months.
According to Zelinksy, Rhee, and Goldstein’s August 17, 2018 sentencing memo filed with U.S. District Judge Randolph D. Moss, “the defendant’s false statements were intended to harm the investigation, and did so.” Papadopoulos’ “lies negatively affected the FBI’s Russia investigation,” they argued, “and prevented the FBI from effectively identifying and confronting witnesses in a timely fashion.”
The FBI interview memos, however, paint a far different picture. They show, for example, that Papadopoulos expressed his willingness to participate actively in helping the bureau locate Mifsud personally even before Feb. 10, 2017.
Former House Intelligence Committee Chairman Devin Nunes, R-Calif., who played a central role in uncovering other abuses in the Russia investigation including insertion of false information in an application for a Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act warrant targeting the Trump campaign, said the new revelations about the Papadopoulos case are deeply troubling.
The declassified 302s “provide our first evidence of the Mueller team lying to the court,” Nunes told Just the News in a podcast set to be aired on Tuesday. “The whole idea seemed nonsensical from the beginning that in the sentencing memorandum they would say that he stalled their investigation into Joseph Mifsud. Now, we know from the 302 actually the opposite is true. The truth is that Papadopoulos offered, told the FBI, that Mifsud was going to be in the United States.”
“Now, the sad part,” Nunes added, “is that Papadopoulos served his [time] in jail.”
Zelinsky remains an assistant U.S. attorney for the United States District of Maryland, where he once worked under Rod Rosenstein. As Trump’s deputy attorney general, Rosenstein appointed Mueller special counsel.
In securing Papadopoulos’ October 2017 plea, the special counsel advanced the narrative that the Republican candidate’s campaign had colluded with Russia to win the presidency. By then, both the FBI and special counsel knew the case for collusion was dead. Nearly half a year before the special counsel was even appointed, investigators were already aware that their central source of evidence tying Trump associates to Russia — a dossier compiled by former British spy Christopher Steele — was rife with vaguely attributed, uncorroborated, and disavowed allegations.


Excellent post!
Just wait until Sidney Powell gets her hands on the original 302 in the Flynn case.
The entire Mueller SC is going to get exposed for the corrupt POS that it was.

Concerned Virginian

Well —
Italy has cancelled the famous Carnival in VENICE due to the spread of the Wuhan Coronavirus in that country.
Per KLFA / ABC7 New York / BBC

Deplorable Patriot

I’m wondering if they will follow centuries of tradition and build a church in Thanksgiving once the crisis wanes. (next time I’m in Venice….)
Santa Maria della Salute (English: Saint Mary of Health), commonly known simply as the Salute, is a Roman Catholic church and minor basilica located at Punta della Dogana in the Dorsoduro sestiere of the city of Venice, Italy.
It stands on the narrow finger of Punta della Dogana, between the Grand Canal and the Giudecca Canal, at the Bacino di San Marco, making the church visible when entering the Piazza San Marco from the water. The Salute is part of the parish of the Gesuati and is the most recent of the so-called plague churches.
In 1630, Venice experienced an unusually devastating outbreak of the plague. As a votive offering for the city’s deliverance from the pestilence, the Republic of Venice vowed to build and dedicate a church to Our Lady of Health (or of Deliverance, Italian: Salute). The church was designed in the then fashionable baroque style by Baldassare Longhena, who studied under the architect Vincenzo Scamozzi. Construction began in 1631. Most of the objects of art housed in the church bear references to the Black Death.comment image




Venice is one of my wife and my favorite places on Earth. It’s truly magical.


Too bad the Trumps won’t be there for Holi!


Scott “Ста́рший пра́порщик” (@ScottC20012) Tweeted:
This seems somewhat ominous https://t.co/xEhIeZZIV3 https://twitter.com/ScottC20012/status/1232050130343194624?s=20


I was wondering why all of a sudden this is happening .


What do you guys think?

Deplorable Patriot

So long as no one has gone rogue.
Just the way transportation works here, it seems that it’s still within the realm of a nasty outbreak is possible.


If anyone can make sure we get good mgmt and care, it’s POTUS. I bet he’s now looking at the drug companies to push resumption of manufacturing our own drugs. This corona virus has exposed several serious weaknesses in our national security, and this includes the loss of our drug supply by outsourcing it to China. Let me add, that India makes large amounts of our generic drugs as well…


The best reason to delay getting it as long as you possibly can. Don’t be the person they figure stuff out on. Probably worth noting that POTUS could be protected a rallies simply by drawing clean air from somewhere and establishing sufficient air currents blowing in the right directions away from him. Would not affect the rally experience, but could reduce any potential exposure.


Major problem with drugs coming out of India………. the raw ingredients come out of China.
Indian national was on War Room Pandemic discussing the vulnerability of USA and India when it comes to drugs.


daughn you said India and China don’t get along. I recall the story you told a while back. Is there a major reason WHY? I’m drawing a blank at the moment I must admit.


Guess he’s not too worried about it in India either…


I still think TPTB want it to be worse than it actually is. They are breathlessly reporting every single CASE…. a few hundred or a few thousand in countries of MILLIONS. They are trying to cause enough panic to affect the market and thereby damage POTUS.
With that said, I am NOT discounting the potential severity but I think China is using it to their benefit for different and very dark reasons.
I posted a video yesterday that talks about 5G and some vaccines possibly increasing the susceptibility….it was VERY interesting, especially in light of POTUS warning, not so long ago, about the dangers of 5G.
If it was as serious as MSM etc would have us believe, would POTUS be globetrotting to the other side of the world? Especially to a country that practically borders China??


Also not discounting Corona. Corona IS being managed and prepared for. Trumpiting, “DANGER WILL ROBINSON” IS not helpful. (pun not intended) Sober adult leadership is on display. IF only the D-Rats can NOT get in the way or cause hysteria.
The REAL threat is to our economy. BUT, 100% President Trump has his team working:
\- Mitigating strategies for stuff we “used” to count on from China. Such as medical. Alternative sources around the globe AND manufacturing within USA.
– Same goes for all other materials, piece parts, completed products…alternate sourcing.
– Chinese students “learning” at US universities and colleges will be drawn back in a big way.
– Chinese funding research will also be drawn back and regulated.
Regulations and Executive Orders will promote and protect capabilities within US.
China (ChiComs) will NEVER recover from their Corona blunders AND evil levied via our universities and colleges.
The cherry on top of all of this IS, it ALL plays into America First AND THROTTLE China.
The silver lining to all of this BS IS glaring sun shine bright!


You said that so much better than I could!!


Senate to Receive Classified Coronavirus Briefing Tuesday as Trump Admin to Ask for Emergency Funding
Here is what Rush had to say: Limbaugh: Coronavirus Being ‘Weaponized’ to Bring Down Trump


Rush is right.



Deplorable Patriot

So, my mother called from where she is staying with one of my brothers. It seems that my seven year old meat lover nephew hates broccoli.
Otherwise, for those who knew my sister-in-law had surgery three weeks ago, that’s fine. There are other issues that are being treated now.


Mr. Woods is dropping bombs with these references.

James Woods
· 12h
You’re like one of the pod people in Invasion of the Body Snatchers.


I changed browsers and not wordpress won’t post tweets








Every day W I N N I N G !

Sue Mcdonald

Here is something very interesting regarding Q and Philip Haney. https://youtu.be/syinY33vVh8 first interesting thing in the video is that Phil talks about Godfather 3 at the 37:17 mark. And very interesting is the connection Mr.Haney makes to zero ,Muslim brotherhood and Godfather 3. Well I am now gobsmacked.

Deplorable Patriot

I’m afraid for brave people like this.

Sue Mcdonald

I am afraid for them also. I just don’t understand why he wasn’t under whistleblower protection though.and that poor man looks quite aged in that fox clip. he kept telling us and I’m thankful for that.in the wells interview he told us this went all the way to the top.😓

Elizabeth Carter

Sue, I just finished watching the video. Thank you for linking this.
It seems that Philip Haney has left a lot of information that will bring them all down.


The only way I know it’s Monday is because of the polar bear!

Brave and Free

You must be retired, I don’t worry about what day it is anymore.


Retirement is pretty simple. 6 Saturdays and 1 Sunday!


Oh I like that!!!! True so true.


LOL far from it. I have my own business and work from home so its all good. 🙂


The only way I know it’s Monday is because of the polar bear!
^^^ Polar bears opening act. Raccoons close it out. Mondays are GREAT!


LOL very true!!!!! I’m never giving up the polar bear or the raccoon!!!!

Deplorable Patriot

Food for thought.

Text of tweet:
Red Nation Rising
Bernie Sanders supports a policy to allow felons to vote from prison
Kermit Gosnell
Boston bomber
El Paso shooter
Parkland shooter
Fort Hood shooter
Charleston church shooter
Poway Synagogue shooter


Harry Lime

It’s unbelievable that this clown is this close to winning the Democrat nomination for president. The next couple of weeks are going to be very interesting to see what the dirty Dem Elite will try to pull to wrestle the race away from the dopey communist. Even more disturbing is that the rest of the candidates are not very far from all of his views, if at all. They just don’t point their crooked finger as much or scream as loud.comment image





If I were a multi-billionaire I would form a production and broadcasting company specifically for folks like James Woods and Jon Voight.

Deplorable Patriot

😄 It doesn’t take quite THAT much cash. Unless, of course, you’re looking to buy satellite time. 😎


NO CONCLUSION OF SUICIDE for Phillip Haney, says Sheriff.


This is a reversal. I saw a previous statement by this same sheriffs office saying it was suicide.


Yes. And you wonder especially in high profile cases, where the sheriff decided it was smart to assume the cause so quickly.


The Johns Hopkins CSSE site has updated the US to 53 showing 36 at an undisclosed loation/s on the map.
I do have this link showing 6 now reported in San Antonio. Multiple stories, all short on information except they are all from the Diamond Princess. Picked one for link. https://www.ktsa.com/six-coronavirus-cases-now-reported-in-san-antonio-more-expected/
I put a copy of this on our still current and much active Virus Thread.


Senate Cloakroom
Invoked, 88-1: Motion to invoke cloture on Executive Calendar #384 Robert Anthony Molloy to be Judge for the District Court of the Virgin Islands for a term of ten years.


Prediction: the epicenter of outsourced manufacturing will shift from China to India.
Outsourcing isn’t inherently bad. Not EVERYTHING can be manufactured in the US. Fair trade is good trade.
India is the world’s largest democracy, an ally, and trustworthy.
China is not… https://t.co/UqyzcaXvUb
— Julian’s Rum 🥃 (@JuliansRum) February 24, 2020


“India is the world’s largest democracy, an ally, and trustworthy.”
Nobody is trustworthy… certainly not nation-states run by megalomaniacal psychopaths, which most of them are.



Actually, the truth is millennials haven’t been taught western civ and their education has been corrupted by the political left and radicals inside the US education system.


That too


They are spoilt brats given the autonomy of adults without the responsibility. Given riches and toys and leisure beyond their forebears wildest dream and a sense of utter entitlement


For boomers freedom was just another word for nothin left to lose.
For millennial @BernieSanders ppl *socialism* is just another word for nothing left to lose because they have so little to lose in his socialist revolution.
If millennials owned more things Bernie wouldn’t rise.
— Matt Gaetz (@mattgaetz) February 24, 2020


“If millennials owned more things Bernie wouldn’t rise.”
How will millennials ever own more things, when Boomers are the shark tank, and mellennials are the guppies they raised for food?


edit / correction: MIL


Lindsey Graham
Great visit to
to talk about tomorrow’s vote on Pain-Capable Unborn Child Protection Act.
There are only 7 countries that allow wholesale abortions at the 20-week period, including China and North Korea.
The United States should NOT be in that club.


Exactly right. We have no business being in that club.


Senator Kennedy has such a way with words….

GOP LA Sen Kennedy: I know Senator Sanders and I like him..I don’t agree with him, but he’s clearly running a good campaign. His challenge is going to be to convince the American people that that he’s the 2nd coming of Franklin Roosevelt instead of the 2nd cousin of Fidel Castro

Deplorable Patriot

That’s great.


Trump Flips 9th Circuit Court, Leftists In Panic Mode, Legacy Judges Violate Ethics To Complain To Media


That’s rich…most of them have no ethics, no neutrality and increasingly an outright disrespect for the Law.


Molly, have you seen all the nasty ads between carl demaio and issa? Who is looking like he will win?


I haven’t seen them. I watch with ROKU so my picks are usually movies or older stuff. I’ll have to take a look


Its nonstop picking at each other. Nasty primary.


Excellent thread.
“Trump used his first term to fool his entrenched enemies into destroying themselves.
The Judas goats played a central role. We don’t know who they are. I’m sure that some of them would blow our minds.
But the thing to remember is that Trump’s enemies can’t be converted.
I’m not talking about people who don’t like his tweets.
I’m talking about the people who HATE Trump and who lie about him even after their lies are exposed.”


“But the thing to remember is that Trump’s enemies can’t be converted.”
No doubt.
And who would want them, even if they did?
If Jeffrey Dahmer stops having sex with corpses and then eating them, are you going to want to hang out with him after that?
Is anyone going to say well that was just a youthful indiscretion. So, you know, we’re buds now
Uhh… mmmm…. no…
I don’t think so… 😁


That is a compelling video.
It’s 50 minutes long so I only intended to watch a few minutes and come back to it later, but I couldn’t stop watching.
The best part was when her husband (whom Dalia tried to hire a hitman to kill) confronted her after seeing the hidden camera videotape.
She is in custody, talking to her husband on the phone, begging him for help, begging him to believe her that she didn’t say or do any of the things which he had seen and heard with his own eyes and ears on tape.
Before she tried to have him killed, she talked him into signing the house over to her name. The house he owned before he ever met her (from an ‘escort’ service, no less) and then married her.
So while she’s sobbing and begging for help on the phone, while in police custody, the husband says I’ll tell you what I’ll do. You sign the house back over to me. I’ll get the papers to you, and you sign the house back over to me, and I will help your Mom, immensely. Give me my house back. (33:45 in the video)
The entire manipulative conversation is fascinating.
Mike Dippolito: “I’ll have the papers sent over to you somehow… you’ll sign them over to me, and then I will help your mother. Okay?”
Dalia Dippolito: “I’m not signing anything.”
Mike: “I know you wouldn’t sign anything, I knew that wasn’t gonna happen… so I can’t help you.”
Dalia: “That’s what you’re thinking about. I’m sitting here rotting, and you’re thinking about getting a house.”
Mike: “Dalia, you tried to have me killed. I just offered to help you, and again you have the BALLS to say no to me. You just basically said ‘f#ck you’ to me, which is HILARIOUS considering your situation, and considering what the f#ck just happened today.”
That’s the kind of people we’re dealing with, the traitors and Cabal who have infiltrated our government. Hussein, Clinton, Holder, Jarret, Brennan, Comey, Yates, Strzok and Page, Vindman, Weissman, all of them.
Stone cold psychopaths.
And just like this Dalia woman, if you watch the court scenes, she was expressionless. No remorse, no compassion, no apology, no acknowledgement that she ever did anything wrong — only accusations and diversions and legal strategy made up out of whole cloth, claiming that her husband was in on it, and that they were trying to make a youtube video in order to get on reality TV, and that’s why she was caught on camera arranging a hit on her husband.
And then she wanted him out of ‘her’ house, lol!
They are without conscience.
They are purely manipulative, and nothing more, because there’s nothing more to them, there’s nothing more ‘there’.
They don’t ‘panic’ because they have no emotion.
They don’t even experience fear like normal human beings do.
Everything they know about normal human behavioral response is from observing normal people in various situations and then mimicking that behavior when they deduce that it is appropriate to do so, usually after seeing other people do it first, as their cue (to cry, to laugh, to express happiness, or sadness, all of it).
At first I thought no, what this woman is doing is what most cornered animals would do, i.e., deny what they’ve done no matter what, because they’re scared of the consequences. That would at least be understandable.
But that’s not what’s happening with the psychopath, and as you keep watching her, you begin to see and understand what’s happening, what she’s really doing, and the normal human desire to project ‘humanity’ onto her, to give her the benefit of the doubt (i.e., that she’s just doing what many people would do if they were caught) begins to fade, and then ceases altogether.
The psychopath is playing for time, changing tactics on the fly, trying to come up with a better story, searching for a persona that can be used like a tool to manipulate, or her physical appearance to manipulate — then to play the victim, then to play stupid, then to attempt to bully her husband even afer the police showed him the videotape where she hired someone to kill him, and she KNOWS he has seen the tape.
it’s like watching her try on different personalities, the way other people try on different shoes.
In the end, when nothing works, she is simply resigned, and stares at the judge, unblinking.
And that’s the only true face a psychopath has.
The empty one.
The blank one.
The dead one.


Very accurate. Chilling watching her pretend to have human emotions. Even her lawyer tried to humanise her. He knew she was missing that spark of humanity


Trying something….hopefully there will be a piccomment image


Yaaaay!!! It worked!!

Deplorable Patriot

Tomorrow is going to be one busy day.

Harry the Greek
Next story connects Lisa Page to Strzok and Poppy Pete. Gun and drug lines using European Adoption Consultants as cover for operations from Uganda to Egypt for Libya attack by NATO. Federal case in Cleveland court. Too many connecting dots.


Q !!Hs1Jq13jV6 ID: b03e04 No.8238822
Feb 24 2020 20:36:43 (EST) NEWcomment image

Listen carefully.
Think: re: why [no] arrests (justice) yet?
What if (almost) every critical position [sr] within the US GOV apparatus was infiltrated?
Backgrounds are important.
Muslim Brotherhood
List of ‘in the news now [names]’ w/ known ties to Islam?
[assumptions correct – package well rec [known]]


As many here said YEARS ago.
Sometimes it’s not rocket science.


“As many here said YEARS ago.
Sometimes it’s not rocket science.”
Well sure, if time is not of the essence, anybody could do it.
You don’t even have to do anything at all in that case, just wait until most of them are dead.
The trick is to make it happen before the end of time.
You know… like SOON! 😁
And there’s no danger of that… 😂




Q: “What if (almost) every critical position [sr] within the US GOV apparatus was infiltrated?”
What if ?
Are you suggesting the possibility of doubt?
Because I thought the whole premise for your existence was due to nearly every critical position in the US GOV having been infiltrated…
What kinda curve ball are you throwin’ here, Q? 😁


Q: “Backgrounds are important. Muslim Brotherhood”
How about ‘muslim’ period, ‘brotherhood’ or not?
Nobody likes to talk about that in PC circles, but it’s a critical issue, and anyone who thinks about it for two seconds knows why.
Violence and subversion are inherent, foundational aspects of islam, it’s right there in their texts, which no one can credibly deny.
So how can you ever know when a muslim in a high position of government is going to ‘crack’ and go postal?
You can’t, nobody can.
But it gets worse.
The whole reason leaders need to stay ‘clean’ is to avoid being a target for blackmail. If you do something for which you could be blackmailed, you become a national security risk, and you can’t have a leader who is simultaneously a national security risk.
What muslim is NOT susceptible to spiritual blackmail from fellow islamists?
Can you even imagine the pressure that would be exerted on a muslim leader in U.S. government?
You HAVE to ‘do it’ for Alla.
You MUST ‘do it’ for Alla.
If you DON’T ‘do it’ for Alla, you are as the infidels to Alla.
If you LOVED Alla, you would ‘do it’.
Alla says you MUST ‘do it’.
Is your loyalty to America greater than your loyalty to Alla?
All of your islamic brothers and sisters around the world are watching you, waiting. Alla has honored you with an opportunity that will never come again. Alla has placed you in this position of power and authority for this very reason.
Not only is the entire islamic world counting on you, but Alla is counting on you.
You will be a hero forever, with a place of honor for eternity.
You will be the one who destroyed the Great Satan and in so doing, brought about the worldwide Caliphate as Alla promised and commanded, and he has chosen you as his servant for this high honor.
Will you turn your back on Alla, and on Mohamad, and on the Koran, and on your faith, and on the victory of islam over the infidel?
We could do a dozen more of these in minutes, they practically write themselves, because the entire structure of islam is based on coercion.
The capacity for manipulation through spiritual blackmail is BUILT IN to islam.
Notice how that doesn’t apply to any other belief system — except maybe Satanism.
Nobody could spiritually blackmail a Hindu, or a Jew, or a Buddhist, or a Christian, or anyone else into doing evil, because evil is the opposite of what every other credible religion teaches.
Only islam promises heavenly rewards for evil deeds.
And that is reason #793 why islam is inherently incompatible with Constitutional civil government.


I am ok with burial in very composting materials but not actively turning the body into compost. Its ghastly. And then who uses that compost? No I dont really want my food grown in decomposed grandmas and grandpas.
“A Los Angeles lawmaker wants California to allow for human composting, an eco-friendly alternative to traditional burial or cremation in which the dead are turned into soil.
The state of Washington became the first state to allow human composting when Democratic Gov. Jay Inslee signed a law last year permitting the practice.”


That’s gross


“That’s gross”
They’re gross people.
So it’s completely consistent with who they are. 👍


Next they’ll want to starting eating ur dead because cow farts.
These people are insane.




Genesis 3:19 – “…for dust thou art, and unto dust shalt thou return.”
Genesis 1:28 – “And God blessed them, and God said unto them, Be fruitful, and multiply, and replenish the earth, and subdue it: and have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over every living thing that moveth upon the earth.”
We shal return to dust, but composting strikes me as the ultimate disrespect for human beings (which is a hallmark of the Left). We are made in God’s image and we are given dominion over the animals and the earth, so we are above them. We are not fertilizer; neither are we food.


““A Los Angeles lawmaker wants California to allow for human composting, an eco-friendly alternative to traditional burial or cremation in which the dead are turned into soil.”
It’s a half-step toward cannibalism. I’m sure they have several ‘desensitization steps’ planned, it’s not the kind of thing you can just foist on the public.
You have to do these things gradually, in small steps.
Frogs in a pot.
Turn up the temperature slowly.
Season to taste.


First thing i thought of was soylent green.


Q !!Hs1Jq13jV6 ID: b03e04 No.8239046
Feb 24 2020 20:52:03 (EST) NEWcomment image
“Insurgency is the organized use of subversion and violence to seize, nullify or challenge political control of a region.”
The presidency of Barack Hussein Obama began at noon EST on January 20, 2009, when Barack Obama was inaugurated as the 44th President of the United States.
What Country was the true intended target?


Clicking the link above will download the whole document. It’s 60 pages


Buckle up!!


Damn it feels good to read the tea leaves correctly. 😎
Like I said, they are going to unroll the Mueller SC burrito to expose the corrupt, rotten filling inside of it, then follow the trail back to those who cooked the whole thing up.
And it will lead all the way up to and including one Barry Soetoro (aka Barrack Obama).

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

“Referrals” means that they are suggesting DOJ prosecute.
DOJ can simply refuse to do so, like happened to McCabe,


You know what they say, the wheels of justice grind to a halt.
And we’re livin’ the dream! 😁

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

And again people celebrate that something is happening, based on the Same Old Shit.


“Breaking: House Republicans consider filing criminal referrals against Mueller prosecutors”
Well that’ll teach ’em to never commit Treason and try to overthrow the president of the United States again.
They must be shaking in their panic-stricken boots.
The Republicans are considering filing something or other.
Those poor Mueller prosecutors must be worried to death.
Just going by all the prosecutions that have taken place already, the Cabal’s fear must be at a fever pitch!


“Buckle up!!”
I would, but I’ve buckled up so many times now, the buckle broke!
I’m not worried though, it’s been a very smooth ride so far 😁


Kurt nails it here in this article. I like his attitude.


Very good read


Solid, perfectly cooked red meat…
…made all the better because it is all true.


Schlicter never fails to entertain with his style, but he also brings substance. From the article:
“The D.C. establishment and their media rump-kissers went into a full-on spazz mode when President Trump continued his unbroken streak of awesomeness by appointing Ric Grenell the acting Director of National Intelligence, thereby threatening the intelligence community’s unbroken streak of failure.”

Elizabeth Carter

Amazing Polly found more links:


She has a talent for research. Her theory about infiltration into the hippie counter-culture movement to wed it to technocracy seems plausible. *They* use groups of people to accomplish their ends. That movement has developed into the climate-crazed socialists and earth worshippers of today.


I’m wandering through my twitter feed this evening. Have you all seen this??? I believed Blago knows where all the bodies are buried in Illinois politics, and figured he’d reveal quite a bit of information, but still, this startled me. Right out of the gate he says Obama’s name. Wonder if he can sue for false imprisonment?
Yes, he’s a politician and IMO, was simply doing what politicians do – they never give up something without getting something in return… In this case, Obama couldn’t get what he wanted, so he had his feds take out Blago.
Or maybe, Obama worried about what Blago knew regarding the sanitized Candidate Obama. Things might get interesting.
Here’s why I was really put in prison: all roads lead back to Obama.


Sorry, wrong link. Here’s the video link to what Blago said.


I saw that interview…I really hope he has protection


Meant to add that is a parody Twitter. The interview was real though


Yes, I realized that after the fact, but was glad the interview was real. Very interesting – Blago is blunt – taking no prisoners? I’d like to know what he knows about the Obama who scammed us for the presidency.


I fell for the Twitter acct and had already followed it before I caught it. I think we will find out a lot from him…thought that whole situation was weird when it happened and I was still dozing back then


The statements I have seen are of him saying ” I have this thing, and it’s fu(#!ng golden….he NEVER says anything about what that THING is, but was prosecuted for it being the Sen seat….really makes you wonder….



What else can she do?
She’s toast.
This is a corrupt judge fighting to the last. Someone probably has very bad blackmail material on her.


“Why is the judge trying to hide behind closed doors?”
Because that’s what crooked judges do?


Because of the Q level of security?
Security clearances can be issued by many United States of America government agencies, including the Department of Defense (DoD), the Department of State (DOS), the Department of Homeland Security (DHS), the Department of Energy (DoE), the Department of Justice (DoJ), the National Security Agency (NSA), and the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA). DoD issues more than 80% of all clearances. There are three levels of DoD security clearances:[1]
TOP SECRET – Will be applied to information in which the unauthorized disclosure could reasonably be expected to cause exceptionally grave damage to the national security.
SECRET – Will be applied to information in which the unauthorized disclosure could reasonably be expected to cause serious damage to the national security.
CONFIDENTIAL – Will be applied to information in which the unauthorized disclosure could reasonably be expected to cause damage to the national security.
Additionally, the United States Department of Energy issues two levels of security clearances:
Q Clearance – Allows access to Classified information up to and including TOP SECRET data with the special designation: Restricted Data (TS//RD) and special Q-Cleared “security” areas.
L Clearance – Allows access to Classified information up to and including SECRET data with the special designation: Formerly Restricted Data (S//FRD) and special L-Cleared “limited” areas.


“In response, the CIA says they can neither “confirm nor deny” the existence of records pertaining to QAnon, and that the mere existence of records pertaining to QAnon would be classified.”
They can’t confirm the existence of records because if such records existed, naturally (and conveniently) they would be classified. And they won’t deny the existence of such records, either.
Not because that would be lying — they’re fine with lying. In fact, the only time they ever tell the truth about anything is when somebody screws up and does it by accident.
The reason they won’t deny the existence of records is because they want us to think those records exist, even if they don’t — because if they don’t exist, it would be hilariously negligent and incompetent of them.
Which is completely in line with their history and reputation. 😁




Major zero day vuln on Google Chrome – Update immediately

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

…Update to, like, a totally different browser!
Google Chrome is the second biggest piece of spyware on the planet,. beat out only by Microshaft Windows 10.


…..and, unfortunately, is underneath the “skins” of several other browsers.


Actually, in order, the most pervasive spyware is:
1. Android/Google Play
2. Chrome/Google ecosystem
3. Windows
4. Apple iOS/iphone/etc.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

“Pervasive” meaning what, precisely? How much it spies on you, or how often one finds oneself using it?
I consider Windows 10 the worst because it spies on everything a Windows user does on their system. At least the google/chrome crap really only looks at you when you’re using a browser! But the google stuff is “pervasive” in that it’s really hard to avoid using their stuff; whereas a linux or crApple user is avoiding Microshaft.


Android spies on everything a user does on its system. And you can’t have root, so it’s really not yours.
Google spies on everybody that touches a part of the internet with a Google link.
Microsoft only spies on Windows users.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

In the case of Microsoft, you can’t avoid it if you are a Windows user; everyone else is fine. BUT, if you ARE a Windows user, they get everything.
In the case of Android, same thing.
Google, however, touches everyone, because just about everyone has to use a google product at some point. But their touch isn’t as deep; google can’t spy on documents you leave on your system, like the operating system could.
When I said Windows 10 was a bigger piece of spyware than Chrome, that’s what I was getting at. W10 spies on everything you do (should you choose to use it), Chrome spies only on what you do on the internet (should you choose to use it). Granted with many people “the internet” is close to 100% of what they do on a computer, so the difference can be moot, but it itsn’t always moot.
I guess you could say that Windoze and Android are vertically pervasive, whilst Google Chrome is horizontally pervasive.
Of course, Android is a Google perversion of linux, so if you’re using chrome on an android device, they’ve got you coming and going.


True story!


NEWS: Forensic Psychologist Who Testified for Prosecution at Harvey Weinstein Trial Was Hit by a Car