Here we go, folks! The time difference between NYC (Eastern Time) and New Delhi is 10 hours and 30 minutes (don’t ask how the 30 minutes happened, please). Keep that in mind when looking for coverage. Schedule is listed below. Here’s the map for reference.
Here is Channel 18 in India. Everyone is dancing…. Kettle Drums, reporters out on the parade route. Wowwwwwwwwww. They’re definitely psyched about Melania! Look at the pretty umbrellas!
CNN is offering a “somewhat” English version live feed. Actually, the Indian ones are better.
Regular Channel 9 in India is streaming live right now. You guy have to see the commercials. They have a countdown clock going as well.

SCHEDULE for February 24th, 2020:
- 11:40AM: Arrive in Ahmedabad, at Sarhar Patel Int’l Airport
- 12:15PM: Visit to Sabarmati Ashram
- 1:05PM: Namaste Trump event at Motera Stadium
- 3:30pm: Leave for Agra (Taj Mahal)
- 5:15pm: Tour of Taj Mahal ( at sunset)
- 5:45pm: Leave for New Delhi
- 5:45pm: Arrive in New Delhi at Palam Air Force Station
- 10:00AM: Reception at Rashtrapati Bhawan
- 10:30AM: Wreath laying at Samadhi of Mahatma Gandi at Rajghat
- 11:00AM: Meeting at Hyderabad House with PM Modi
- 12:40pm: Exchange of agreements and press statement at Hyderabad House
- Luncheon hosted by Modi
- Round tables all afternoon with Industry Execs
- 7:30pm: Meeting with President Ram Nath Kovind at Rasshtrapati Bhawan
- 10:00pm: Depart for the USA.
Here is the super duper detail of the itinerary in a video:
Please follow the Times of India for details: They’re so excited.
Let the comments flow, and let’s see where we stand in the morning. Chances are, by the time the rest of the world wakes up, it will be over for the day.
………. might have to stay up tonight……
“We look forward to coming to India. We are on the way, we will meet everyone in a few hours!”
One hour to touchdown!!!!!!!!!
Massive crowds!
Oh my…. wow. Just wow……..
Just another Trump rally?
… of non-voters.
They help spread the word and may inspire like political leaders. Its ok with me.
O. M. G.
Modi went “all in” with the hand he was holding.
Xi is so screwed.
The 30 minute difference IIRC is the Muslims fault. They did not want to be subservient to the infidels. Of course that went away when there was money to be made since computers and banks don’t put up with temper tantrums. Why India is stuck with it is anybody’s guess but no way do their computers use it.
Daughn, is the countdown clock for when he arrives at the Stadium event or arrives in India?
Nevermind, got my answer on twitter The Trump Page.
Wow…that’s quite a welcoming party!
FLOTUS Melania is wearing an all-white pantsuit with a Nehru collar and a contrasting olive-colored sash type belt.
Verry appropriate!
Paying homage to the white pants outfits that so many Indians wear.
Here’s a clip of them coming down the stairs from the plane:
This one is a bit clearer:
She looks perfect, as usual!!!!!
Even better clip…and longer:
The Beast is on the move.
Presidential motorcade is underway…slowly moving…on it’s way to the first stop.
Wow, what a long motorcade!
Pray without ceasing for their safety ….. it’s a risky situation. They rely on the prayers of God’s people and the protection of the Holy God to camp round about them.
This is incredible!
Pres and FL Melania are now leaving the Ashram.
While there…they were shown a table-top spinning wheel and given a demonstration on how their world famous cotton is spun.
Pres Trump and FL Melania both looked on, and seemed very interested.
PDJT even took the spindle for a little while, to see what it was like.
Then, out in the courtyard, they were shown a little 12-inch tall group statue of the proverbial 3 Monkeys, in the ;see-no-hear no-speak-no-evil’ mode.
Statues were white…looked like porcelain or a white stone of some kind.
When it was time to leave, Potus and Flotus went over and sat down to put their shoes back on.
They had taken them off and put on little white cloth booties, to wear in the Ashram.
I noticed that both of them had worn slip-on shoes.
A more complete clip…at the Ashram:
Motorcade on the move again…on way to next stop.

I noticed that there are two identical Beast limos, travelling together.
Same vehicle.
Same flags.
Same flashing lights.
And they didn’t show us which one the President & FL Melania are in.
I see this as a good thing.
Yes, it’s part of the protocol. Thank heavens.
They did this for Obama too you know…. Said nobody.
Truly amazing.
Is there a significance to the white caps, other than to shade their heads and stay cool?
That white caps say “Trump” on them, lol.
OH………..LOL………….that’s terrific!!!
They also have the US & India flag.
This is so amazing to watch. I get emotional seeing our President and First Lady being respected like this. During those bleak years when the Great Pretender was in office I never thought I”d see anything like this again……….
I know, isn’t it wonderful. It’s way past my bedtime but I can’t seem to quit watching.
Another nice little clip of the arrival.
They are at the stadium now…Modi is giving a speech.
Gosh that sun is bright!
You are talking about FLOTUS, right?.

*Laughing* She sure is! Just finished watching them at the Taj Mahal. Stunningly beautiful.
India just got a full blown Trump Rally!
Speeches are over.

They are playing…that Rolling Stones song “Can’t Always Get What You Want”!
Just like a Trump Rally!
I love that they did that! It was really something! The people seemed amazingly receptive to PDJT!
The crowd was amazing…they seemed to understand all that he was saying.
I know! I read a stupid POS article by AP ( I know…..WHY WHY WHY bother?) and they were making a big deal out of the fact that the people in the audience at the stadium were all political friends of Modi.
Well………….that’s a lot of friends!!!! Good for Modi. And besides, they were pretty darned enthusiastic to be sitting there in that blazing sun! I was impressed and AP can go suck eggs.
The whole article was so biased it was almost useless. NOT that I’m surprised,, just disgusted. What I see vs. what they report. Eye Roll.
I was delighted by how warmly PDJT was received by India and how welcoming they have been.
Oh yeah, they’re dreadful!
I’ve been following the twitter stream on hashtag #NamasteTrump, and it is full of tweets from just regular Indian citizens who are very much Pro-Trump.
I hadn’t read anything from the AP in years. I didn’t expect much……which is a good thing!!! They are so BLATANT in their bias. It used to be somewhat subtle but wow………not any more.
Definition of Namaste
Nama means bow, as means I, and te means you. Therefore, namaste literally means “bow me you” or “I bow to you.”
Gujratis were not so receptive towards me in India, when Bush was president. A couple seemed to want to hold me accountable for every real or perceived slight that Bush had been accused of.
Our VSGPOTUSDJT is a light upon the world.
And another tweet in Hindi from our VSG:
Per Google Translate”
The first lady and I have traveled around 8000 miles around the world to give a message to every citizen of this country. America loves India – America respects India – and
The people of America will always remain true and loyal friends of the people of India.
Thanks, Syl!

You are so welcome! Smuchas, Wheatie darlin’.
What a welcome. Wow!
‘America loves India’: Donald and Melania Trump get raucous welcome from 110,000 people at world’s biggest cricket stadium as Prime Minister Narendra Modi says ‘new history is being created’ in relations between two countries
Donald Trump and Prime Minister Narendra Modi got a raucous welcome when they entered the world’s largest cricket stadium on Monday as the president spent his first hours in India receiving the kind of pageantry and adoration he likes to see.
The 110,000 stadium was filled to capacity and Trump acknowledged the spectacle when he addressed the Indian people.
First Lady Melania’s sash is an antique green and bronze gold two tone silk fabric with a dark green figured liner. Very understated elegance.
Her pants outfit is likely at least part silk – to avoid wrinkles. Like a good silk/wool pashmina doesn’t wrinkle.
MORE and better photos here – but Instagram will no longer allow direct posting to blogs.
The designer is Atelier Caito For Herve Pierre
The sash is an elegant two tone brocade….lined with dark green patterned silk.
At the Taj Mahal.
I love her suit.
Just curious as to the ID of the woman sitting next to Jarad, dressed in black and wearing what looks like a turtleneck in that hot sun.

They’re in New Delhi now.
What a great picture.
MA_kswiss posted this in the News Roundup thread…and I thought I would add it here:
Here’s one as the birds were flying away
India knows a “Macho Man” when they see one…But one of the best parts of this video (besides the song) is that it was CNN that was covering it
There are some AWESOME pics here at Taj Mahal. IDK how to post them individually but they would be great at the top of this thread
Where are photos and reports of today’s events in India? I haven’t seen even one! Supposedly there were several events scheduled in New Deli..I don’t get it.
It’s going on now….time difference. They are at Ghandi’s memorial now
Listen to that crowd!!
“Macho Man”!
It certainly blows the “world hates Trump” meme the Dems love to float.
The only people that hate President Trump are D-Rats and America based MCM.
Folks in other countries either like President Trump, respect him but disagree with his policies or dislike him personally.
Fashion spread……….. for Breitbart on Melania.
Wow just wow. Love it
Yes Vol, stunning even with the kevlar I believe she is wrapped in… POTUS as well…
I hope so!!
This was a special designer outfit by Hervé Pierre – the metallic brocade sash lined with patterned silk was fashioned from vintage Indian textiles.
Our First Lady really put a lot of thought into this garment – to honor India. It’s a regal garment worn by a regal lady.
Thank you, Daughn. FLOTUS becomes more elegant and beautiful as she grows into her role.

Children paint portraits of President Trump & First Lady Melania Trump to welcome them ahead of their first official visit to India.
These children truly make my heart smile…
Such respect for our POTUS and FLOTUS…
Notice President Trump’s bright yellow tie…

If memory serves, he wore a yellow tie in Colorado Springs, too.
That is correct.
It’s the same color as the jumpsuit Melania wore at his rally to officially announce he’s running again.
I was thinking about the extraordinary welcome and treatment POTUS and Melania have received in India (and elsewhere)…
These countries honor and respect DJT because he stands for his country – nationalism is actually very important to most countries – except for decaying Western Europe, who has lost sight of what has meaning in life.
India, and the Asian countries value tradition and history, and they CELEBRATE their world. But the other important part is they see President Trump not only as strong, but a man of his word, and caring for others besides his own. POTUS is genuine in their eyes, and honor means a great deal to these countries. He gives them respect, and it’s why the world respect him.
He’s revered and honored because he’s been firm and true. What a gift we’ve received.
I feel so bad for all our cousins in Canada.
Sounds like he had about 110 people, compared to POTUS 110K
…and I never once heard the term “Election Abnormalities” associated with his re-election. But then Holder and Soros provided their best counsel just prior to the election ….. He is a disgrace.
3am in India and he is tweeting.
Trump is a savage
I love it
When I visited the Taj Mahal, it was very early morning shortly after sunrise. Behind the Taj is a river (Ganges?) and we saw a funeral pyre ceremony out in the river. I’m not certain, but I think they have been either banned (pollution and too much wood used) or at least greatly restricted. There was no question, it really did cause tremendous smoke for was surprising how large it was.
Obviously done in the days when sanitation was factor, today I imagine there are “commercial” cremation facilities that are acceptable for the religious traditions. (Probably less expensive, as well)
It was a touchy issue because of the religious aspect and would take great effort and a period of time to re-educate the public.
Of course, while this was going on people were also bathing and fishing in the river.
Dumps Hollywood for Bollywood!