Welcome to the 15 minute, standing meeting Tuesday Daily thread. Time for some battle music:
This site is a celebration of the natural rights endowed to humans by our Creator as well as those enshrined in the Bill of Rights adopted in the founding documents of the United States of America. Within the limits of law, how we exercise these rights is part of the freedom of our discussion.
Guidelines for posting and discussion on this site were outlined by our host, WolfM00n. Please, review them from time to time.
The discourse on this site is to be CIVIL – no name calling, baiting, or threatening others here is allowed. Those who are so inclined may visit Wolf’s other sanctuary, the U-Tree, to slog it out.
Fellow tree dweller Wheatie gave us some good reminders on the basics of civility in political discourse:
- No food fights.
- No running with scissors.
- If you bring snacks, bring enough for everyone.
From the Book of St. James, Chapter 4:
Where do the wars and where do the conflicts among you come from?
Is it not from your passions that make war within your members?
You covet but do not possess.
You kill and envy but you cannot obtain;
you fight and wage war.
You do not possess because you do not ask.
You ask but do not receive, because you ask wrongly,
to spend it on your passions.
Do you not know that to be a lover of the world means enmity with God?
Therefore, whoever wants to be a lover of the world
makes himself an enemy of God.
Or do you suppose that the Scripture speaks without meaning when it says,
The spirit that he has made to dwell in us tends toward jealousy?
But he bestows a greater grace; therefore, it says:
God resists the proud,
but gives grace to the humble.
So submit yourselves to God.
Resist the Devil, and he will flee from you.
Draw near to God, and he will draw near to you.
Cleanse your hands, you sinners,
and purify your hearts, you of two minds.
Begin to lament, to mourn, to weep.
Let your laughter be turned into mourning
and your joy into dejection.
Humble yourselves before the Lord
and he will exalt you.
As always, prayers for the fight against that which seeks to enslave us are welcome. Via con Dios.
Major zero day vulnerability on Google Chrome
If you are a Chrome user update immediately!
Michaelh, does that also apply to brave? I have not had a problem with ads on brave browser, maybe because of my settings and I have an ad blocker.
I would check any browser based on Chrome/Chromium in the next couple days for updates just to be safe. So yes, that would include Brave. I’m not sure if it is just the Chrome for Desktops or if the vulnerability is more widespread than that.
This will apply to Brave and Dissenter, too, and explains why the bad guys have been screwing with my browser big league tonight.
Check for updates in Chrome, Brave, and Dissenter. The Nightly version of Brave will have them out to test immediately.
Yeah I’ve been feeling a bit . . . uncomfortable the last couple days.
I’m still highly confident that I’m having HARDWARE problems. But running an exploit on an already unstable system can cause unexpected behavior. (cf. “eternalbluescreen”)
I should note that I nearly canned Firefox when they broke NoScript. It is basic internet hygiene to be able to determine what programs run on your system. Giorgio Maone is a total mensch and got a new version up that would continue to protect Firefox users — but there was about a week where I didn’t know what I was going to do.
If Firefox permanently disables NoScript, I’ll s***can it. It is the most important add-on to Firefox.
Ever emailed him? He’s a super nice guy.
I had emailed him when NoScript went dark during Firefox’s clusterfark “upgrade” and he told me that he was working on it, could see a way, and figured he was about a week out. If he’d have said, “I give up on these idiots”, I’d be running a different browser. He was obviously under extreme performance pressure, but I think that occasionally getting (and responding to) emails that showed he was valued helped him keep up the pace.
I’ve never reached out to him. Kind of a shame I guess since I’ve been using NoScript for a VERY long time. That plugin was always a special labor of love. Notice how Chromium refuses to allow JS to be managed with a plugin? Chrome is the definition of limiting user control.
– Phil Haney murdered over the weekend while POTUS is en route to India.
– POTUS visits city on Pakistani border.
– Q is back to posting about Obama and the Muslim Brotherhood.
Yesterday, I theorized that this India trip was probably about dealing with Pakistan. Q’s latest crumbs hint toward that theory.
P.S.: Hussein’s black “shirt” is probably a Photoshop. Whatever was on the original shirt was probably too controversial for The Guardian to print.
Yeah the picture is obviously photoshopped. Barry isn’t holding his customary cigarette.

Ozero and Susan Rice on a couch together, how lovely…
OH. Thought I had read that was hussein’s main squeeze
Or was it a one night stand?
Their still together just not publicly, big mike would get mad.
Really?? First I’ve heard this…I’m SO out of the gossip loop. Do tell more!
*giggle snort*
Oh Rodney!!!!!! Good one~
It actually does look like someone Photoshopped some thick facial hair over Susan Rice’s face. It wouldn’t even surprise me at this point…
She transformed from he to she. Kimi let me see the pics and I swear that she was a he.
This is spooky….
I think we’ve figured out they were both trained by the same voice actor.
It gets worse. Just came across this clip. Besides creepy, it’s scary. Same voice actor, same acting school. Where are they cloning these people? Folks should do some more digging on this guy. Very strange – but his body language and hand motions mimic Barack Obama down to the littlest details.
Pete Buttigieg to ‘anyone’ who voted for Trump:
“This President does not respect you. This President thinks you are a sucker.”
More than creepy… Butti is a clone. Who does this kind of thing? Plagiarism, body language, hand motions, speech inflection – the same as @BarackObam #BizzareButti
Neuro-linguistics* ?
*scientifically empirically-proven language/speech/body language techniques/tactics.
Had no idea. I’ve always been natural in speech and manner. Never needed any tactics.
Interesting. Butti really is copying Obama, and Obama grated on every last nerve I had. Made my skin crawl.
LOL You know, I have this button my remote, it’s called “MUTE”
Don’t think I didn’t use it . . . A LOT!
Need some side by side comparisons. Now that could be a good red pill tool.
I can’t even listen to Cheat because his hypnotic method of speaking reminds me too much of Obama. It’s like they were raised in the same CIA facility.
Volgarian, here’s another take on the creepy guy. Well, both creepy guys.
More than creepy, Penguin. “Cruisers” were the principal agent of spreading AIDs in the 80s’; blood exchanges. (I won’t draw a picture). New medicines have kept that practice alive.
There are a high levels of addictions and alcoholism in LBGT community.
Sharing needles was one way they spread HIV so rapidly.
Yes, Vassar tends to focus on homosexuality as the cause of what happened in the 80’s with AIDS. I think the sharing needle is true too, but see that as happening after the initial spread of AIDS… Once the warnings were out, behavior adjusted, but then AIDS had spread into the underclass community at large – significantly to the substance abuse folks.
‘Behavior’ did not adjust enough to prevent mutation/spread and defeat many attempts at a vaccine, treatment, cure for HIV. Non-compliance and addictive/compulsive sexual behavior has prolonged the problem and prevented the cures.
Thanks for the slap in the face DP /S
Submit and humble yourself???? I know why I fall short of the Glory of God….
DPat, thank you for that Bible verse; a timely selection.
TBH, I usually just use what is on the USCCB website for Daily Mass readings. That’s where that came from.
DP, Thanks for the battle song…;-) That said, I’m tuckered out for the night. G’nite all.
Night and God bless Kal.
Night n God bless everyone my pillow is calling my name.
So they are now suggesting that the lab techs were selling the lab animals? Ewwwwwww
I’ve been hearing a lot about that over the last day or two. Yuck, yuck, yuck. How dreadful.
I agree! Awful! It’s a miracle one didn’t get sick while visiting all those years ago.
Not buying it.
Yeah, me either. Who wants a bat reject from a test lab? I’m keeping my money.
Yep. Different bat time, different bat channel…
Though E.M.Smith (Chiefio) had a rather interesting comment on Chinese food production/fertilization/harvesting and virus assembly/propagation:
(The comment is a reply in a subthread, as it were, about RNA replication being a tad sloppy, etc. Seems Chinese “farming” is horridly unsafe).
And then someone in the comments to that mentioned that it’s not just ducks in the “fertilized” water… there’s “farmed” fish, too, and who knows what else… An entire tainted viral “supply chain”…
Not even a little bit.
All meats procured from a wet market in close proximity to a bioweapons lab should be cooked to “extremely well done”, or an internal temperature of at least 200 degrees.
There won’t be any flavor left, but no bugs, either, that’s for sure.
Selling the lab animals to the wet market was my first guess. Someone owes me $20. Need to buy more masks.
No wonder this stuff always pops up in China and Africa and not from say India….
I do not know how anyone can eat lab animals and also eat animals raw. Not just China that eat strange stuff. In Africa rats are a delicacy.
On Friday I am seeing my son and am going to ask him about the virus and what I need to do. I will share what he tells me because I trust him %100. He is the one in AnnArbor in research before he was at Emory.
He knows much about viruses and worked with them I believe still does.
Personally staying positive is important for me not careless but positive mindset.
I fully expect Chief Justice Roberts to rebuke Sotomayer for this comment.
Right? Right?
“We do not have Obama judges or Trump judges, Bush judges or Clinton judges. What we have is an extraordinary group of dedicated judges doing their level best to do equal right to those appearing before them.”
– CJSCOTUS John Roberts, in what was widely regarded as a rebuke to PDJT, Nov 2018
I hope so ambitious civilian journalist will look into Ms. Sotomayer’s voting record when it came to any of the Obama’s administration rulings. I’m willing to bet a 3-berry cobbler she voted WITH the Obama White House EVERY time!
And, then I want her reaction when pointed out to her.
I love how PDJT takes the BS and the BSers by the horns!!!
Trump is right on this one.
Rush: Coronavirus Being Used by Media To Tank Trump’s Economy
By Carmine Sabia
Published February 24, 2020 at 3:39pm
Panicked people ALWAYS want everyone else to be panicked too. And the one-world-govt globalists are surely willing (if not able?) to crash the global economy to retain their power. I think they may have just proved they are willing to cause a pandemic to do so.
Paper ballots would be FABULOUS! I would even be willing to endure 3-4 hours of fluorescent lights and the ensuing migraine to help count them in my precinct.
* Smiling *
Numbered, printed on special paper and number of registered voters matching number of ballots.
Can be done!
Wow. He’s either trying to escape prosecution by pretending he’s crazy, or he’s crazy.
I agree. He’s crazy and trying to escape prosecution.
He’s going to get caught in his own Catch-22…
Good grief.
All of the above?
He clearly has dementia – unaware of what he is saying. In his lucid moments he knows he doesn’t want to be prosecuted for his corruption – but even a trial will find him with some degree of mental incompetence.
I’m not so sure it is dementia. Q did say there are people who are willing to fake dementia and other illnesses just to escape prosecution. Biden may well be one of them taking advantage of his reputation for being a gaffe machine.
As an RN I see many people like this. It’s spontaneous, he isn’t acting. Definitely has trouble with recent memory and thought retrieval. Has declined quite a bit since he announced his campaign last April.
This is just an uninformed guess, but since he has had some incidents of stuttering lately, I wonder if he’s trying so hard to prevent stuttering that it has reduced his ability to concentrate on what he is saying.
Plus, he sees himself as a grand orator (oh the soaring tones) but, no!
Not sure he’s that smart to try to pull it off.
Linda, I’ve been saying that same thing about him possibly Acting a Part, and everyone laughs at me. It just might be true, and it just might work
Just to be sure they are seen, Q from after I zonked out last night.
Nate Cain, Clinton Foundation Whistle-blower, Tells His Story like Never Before
24 Feb 2020 – 8:36:43 PM
Listen carefully.
Think: re: why [no] arrests (justice) yet?
What if (almost) every critical position [sr] within the US GOV apparatus was infiltrated?
Backgrounds are important.
Muslim Brotherhood
List of ‘in the news now [names]’ w/ known ties to Islam?
[assumptions correct – package well rec [known]]
Was Obama Leading an Insurgency Against the United States?
24 Feb 2020 – 8:52:03 PM
“Insurgency is the organized use of subversion and violence to seize, nullify or challenge political control of a region.”
The presidency of Barack Hussein Obama began at noon EST on January 20, 2009, when Barack Obama was inaugurated as the 44th President of the United States.
What Country was the true intended target?
Israel and the USA
I listened to the whole interview and HIGHLY recommend it.
FBI has real problems………. and so does Hillary/Obama.
Watching Hannity from earlier. John Solomon is on talking about Devin Nunes and “recently declassified documents” that expands the naughty list from the DOJ FBI Crossfire Hurricane peeps we’ve been looking at for so long………..to include Mueller’s team. False statements/lying on court documents………serious charges, bombshell stuff in the next few months, says Solomon.
The corrupt Mueller SC burrito and the Flynn prosecution.
Yeppers. I bet it won’t stop there, though……
Do not forget Manafort & Stone
The refusal to indict
Podesta brothers
Awan Brothers
They had to wait for the evidence to accumulate.
This is apropos of nothing here, but I’m seeing a bunch of articles about noncoding DNA again, and it just makes me want to scream.
Biochemists say that DNA encodes proteins and enzymes that make cells work. In between the codes for proteins and enzymes, there are long stretches of DNA that do not synthesize proteins. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Non-coding_DNA — and there’s all this headscratching about it.
It was obvious to me, at least a dozen years ago, that this was hereditary microcode and/or hereditary data. How does a herding dog know how to herd from birth, and raised apart from other dogs? Is it in a protein? So there must be a hereditary transfer of DATA that is not DNA encoding a protein. At the same time, DNA sequencers are detecting large sections of DNA that don’t encode proteins…..how difficult is this?
DNA is data. A bunch of it encodes proteins to build a cell……and a bunch of it runs the cell after it is built. As organisms get more complex, building them and running them wax and wane in importance.
But it seems to be still a thing…..
You maybe correct.
I had a Foundation Quarter Horse with very solid breeding. I ride English not Western but after just a month under saddle I could get on that mare with no tack, no saddle, no bridle, no halter, NOTHING and get her to do a spin and a sliding stop just thru weight and leg aids. Heck I took her trail riding the first day I got on her!
She would also herd anything that moved.
I had trained that mare so it was all instinct. It certainly did not come from me and no one else had ever ridden her. She was the easiest horse I had ever trained.
How is it one of my brothers, and a cousin raised in another city have the same mannerisms? It’s true, they do.
My 10 year old nephew, without seeing the people of my mother’s mother’s family more than two hours at time, maybe five times in his life, IS one of them. Same speech patterns, same mannerisms, same work ethic. He used to ask “Do you know why?” exactly the same way my grandmother did, and she passed away four years before he was born.
Our dogs are a toy breed – Havanese. They are brother and sister from two different litters. One runs herding circles (or used to) and the other used to go after city wildlife in the back yard before the cataracts. Really, they were bred to be companion dogs, but these traits remain from the breeds that were used to develop them hundreds of years ago.
I would imagine the same sort of things pop up in all mammal species. The instincts and mannerisms are in the DNA.
DNA is data? Well, then, data is DNA?
Funny you should ask….
DNA has four bases — A, T, C, and G. You can randomly match those to the bit patterns 00, 01, 10, and 11. Then you can take any form of digital data and store it as a piece of DNA — pictures, pop songs, blog posts, or comments….
If you slap a header and a conclusion on it that says, “keep this stuff”, you can insert it into a living being and it will be replicated across all of that being’s cells.
Nolte: Fox News More than Triples CNN’s Collapsing Viewership
Here’s the primetime breakdown of average viewers during the week of February 10:
Fox: 3.2 million
MSNBC: 1.677 million
CNNLOL: 969,000
As you can see, during the first presidential primary in four years (Iowa is a caucus), CNNLOL belly-flopped into ninth place, losing to HGTV, TLC, the History Channel, and only barely beating the Hallmark Channel.
How is that even possible?
Wait, it gets worse…
Here’s the total day viewership average for that same week:
Fox: 1.743 million
MSNBC: 920,000
CNNLOL: 630,000
“only barely beating” REPEATS ON “the Hallmark Channel.” . . . even worse.
And they are repeating ad nauseum right now.
That tells me 2 things…
1. The need for a competing conservative network
2. Constant pressure on FOX to keep honest, report the real news and stop pandering to Lefties (which is what their audiences do not want.)
Since there seems to be confusion over WHY we should pay attention to the Wuhan Virus, I thought I would put some random facts out there.
Start with this very short video (11 min.) on how the Wuhan virus kills and the treatment:
That video tells you why the CDC being such political idiots is so dangerous to people in our country.

The first victim here in the USA required a long hospital stay of at least 2 weeks. We have since found that even after recovery the person is contagious and therefore needs to be quarantined. Also it can take as long as 14 to 27 days for the symptoms to show and the virus can be passed on during that time.
#1. 60,000 flights left Wuhan prior to lock down or about 8 million people world wide. There are over 50 non-stop flights a month to San Francisco and over 50 non-stop flights to NYC or AT LEAST 14,000 people arrived in the USA from Wuhan before any type of screening was in place.
Confirmed means confirmed by lab test and not ‘clinically diagnosed’
— Up until at least January 24, 2020, CDC was doing all testing.
— Cheek and throat swabs give negative results.
— Blood serum tests give negative results.
— Material coughed up from deep in the lungs gives most reliable results
“Even patients who definitely have the disease only come back positive 30 per cent to 50 per cent of the time,” Prof Wang said.
— CDC sent out DEFECTIVE KITS to all but THREE STATES!
— CDC current rules are overly restrictive and CDC refuses to even do a small sentinel sample of general public screening on people that do not meet their presumptive risk category.
— CDC has run just 426 tests from Jan 21 to Feb 24
— BUT 746 people in Washington state were under supervision for coronavirus and now released as ‘cleared’ Using the defective test kits?
February 19, 2020 – Last week, the CDC said it will begin testing individuals with influenza-like-illness (ILI) for COVID-19 at public health labs in San Francisco, Los Angeles, Chicago, Seattle, and New York City.
(The CDC is STILL attributing possible COVID-19 illness and deaths to ‘increased’ flu activity for the fourth consecutive week. )
”We don’t know if there is an outbreak without lab testing and screening. The entirety of US had had minimal testing compared to China or even South Korea. Delayed testing makes an epidemic potentially worse.” – DrEricDing
(Public health scientist / Epidemiologist / Harvard ‘07 (Epidemiology & Nutrition), JohnsHopkins ‘04 / 15yrs HSPH&HMS / Pharma whistleblower)
DR. NANCY MESSONIER of the CDC, who is the sister of Rod Rosenstein, (H/T churchmouse) has just stated that, due to the “SUDDEN” INCREASE of Wuhan Coronavirus cases in the United States, that “schools and businesses may have to be closed” if the situation gets more serious.
”Inundated With Flu Patients, U.S. Hospitals Brace for Coronavirus
Resources are already stretched during flu season. With so much medical equipment and drugs made in China, public health experts are anxiously watching the global supply chain.
With an intense flu season in full swing, hundreds of thousands of coughing and feverish patients have already overwhelmed emergency rooms around the United States.Now, hospitals are bracing for the potential spread of coronavirus that could bring another surge of patients…”
February 17 2019
PETER NARVARRO: ”Maria my job at the White House during this crisis is to review the supply chains we need to treat corona. There’s over 30 different elements just for that alone. And what I’ve learned so far and not surprisingly is that we’ve offshored far too much of our supply chain not just for corona but also for the essential medicines we need… In terms of the immediate issue face masks, the N95 face masks. China put export restrictions on those masks and then nationalized an American factory that produces them there. So we’re dealing with that in Trump time.”
Sure hope you guys are putting all this in the coronavirus thread.
Good stuff.
This was the consolidated version.
Pic of actual Biden campaign “rally” in South Carolina. That crowd…
Flu & Pneumonia deaths
Outbreak in Wuhan started in late November.
October 2019 = week 40
week virus Pneumonia
5…….342…..2951 (98.1% complete)
IF I am reading the data correctly, markedly increasing pneumonia deaths last four weeks of December. Then as you point out double in January. A, Warning Will Robinson event occurring, for anyone looking. Yea, slow guy sees it.
Bureaucrats collecting data that is automatically collected, collated… They may not have even “looked” or gave it superficial analysis. Just another power point slide…
Asleep at the wheel, incompetent, or both.
Look again both pneumonia and flu deaths increase markedly in January.
You had a gradual rise and then flu doubled in deaths while pneumonia jumped by 487 deaths.
The other jump was 316 for pneumonia and 28 for flu during the other peak at the beginning of December/end of November aka the holiday shopping season.
Then you add in this statement:
So why is the ‘mild strain’ causing an unusual amount of deaths. Maybe because the person has another UNDETECTED FLU ALSO?
And why does CDC epidemiologist Brendan Flannery say ” there is evidence a more severe strain of the influenza virus is causing a growing percentage of illnesses…. The number of deaths we’re seeing is a little bit surprising….”
Is she saying she is detecting an UNKNOWN ‘more severe strain of the influenza virus’ from the information available to her?
“Even patients who definitely have the disease only come back positive 30 per cent to 50 per cent of the time,” Prof Wang said.
Very telling the “mild” statement then they roll into moar deaths, moar severe strain…
AND no alarm bells ringing?
Its as if, their intuition says something not good is occurring, yet they ignore it? Wonder if they knew about China? Me thinks there were indicators from China.
January 30, 2020 Italy confirmed its first cases who were passengers off a cruise ship
FEB 21 2020 – Just hours after revealing that six people had come down with the virus in the first known cases of local transmission in Italy, officials said a further eight had tested positive for the disease, including five health workers.
February 24, 2020 Sixth Coronavirus Patient Dies in Italy as Cases Rise to 220
CONCLUSION: If you bother to actually TEST you find the cases…
The global health community is closely monitoring 2019-nCoV because of the severity of symptoms (including death) among those infected, and the speed of its spread worldwide.
the R0 value is likely to be between 4.7 and 6.6.
Here is what we know of mortality by age as of early February mainly from China. (Who lies)
80+ years old – 14.8%
70-79 years old – 8.0%
60-69 years old – 3.6%
50-59 years old – 1.3%
40-49 years old – 0.4%
30-39 years old – 0.2%
20-29 years old – 0.2%
10-19 years old – 0.2%
0-9 years old – no fatalities
COVID-19 Fatality Rate by COMORBIDITY:
Cardiovascular disease – 10.5%
Diabetes – 7.3%
Chronic respiratory disease – 6.3%
Hypertension – 6.0%
Cancer –5.6%
no pre-existing conditions –0.9%
From Dr Eric Ding, Public health scientist / Epidemiologist / Harvard ‘07 (Epidemiology & Nutrition), JohnsHopkins ‘04 / 15yrs HSPH & HMS
If the true R0 value for 2019-nCoV is between 4.7 and 6.6 that puts it in the same category as polio, rubella and small pox for comparison.
Diphtheria maybe the closest in comparison with a similar Ro and death rate.
1. This virus spreads very easily and unlike SARS it spreads from people with no symptoms.
2. It affects both lungs and the entirety of the lung causing inflammation and killing via asphyxiation.
3. Survival of some patients requires intubation, oxygen, drugs and good hospital care.
4. Much of our hospital supplies and drugs or drug raw materials are made in China who is not not shipping.
5. Hospitals do not have bed space for a surge of patients.
6. The disease is so infectious it is killing doctors and nurses in Wuhan despite personal protective gear.
No, not everyone requires hospitalization and not everyone dies. HOWEVER the survival rate is DIRECTLY related to good hospital care so limiting and slowing the spread is the target. Reaching that is up to all of us.
This is why the response of the CDC is so frustrating. They do not care if they kill off 10 to 15% of the retirees or even older workers.
they ready to start the testing/ trials of the vaccine…
An experimental coronavirus vaccine is on its way to top health officials.
Massachusetts-based biotech firm Moderna said Monday that it created its first batch of mRNA-1273 to treat humans for the virus, and released it to officials at the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, part of the National Institutes of Health.
“I want to thank the entire Moderna team for their extraordinary effort in responding to this global health emergency with record speed,” Juan Andres, the company’s chief technical operations and quality officer, said in a statement. “The collaboration with NIAID and with CEPI has allowed us to deliver a clinical batch in 42 days from sequence identification.”
And then we will see the push to vaccinate everyone…
But first the CDC will ramp up testing showing a ‘dramatic spread’ scaring people into getting the vaccination.
Yea, I am very cynical.
If they need volunteers, I’ll do it. I’m “universal recipient” on vaccines – never a serious problem, always work like crazy.
Agreed. But it doesn’t have to be universal, IMHO. 90% get the shot, this thing is dead.
I just had a “mild” coronavirus, and the shortness-of-breath issues were noticeable. I’ll take the vaccine without complaint. My track record on vaccine response is excellent over a long period of time. They could use snake venom as an adjuvant and I’d walk away.
That’s pretty damn fast.
only if you assume we didn’t have a heads up about the disease until recently…
Indeed. That alternative makes a lot of sense now. This whole thing is sounding like a global cabal backup plan. It would be due diligence to know their backup plan.
CONCLUSION: If you bother to actually TEST you find the cases…
^^^ CDC incompetence aside for a moment. Generally I consider many, if not most, Feds somewhere between lazy and incompetent.
I do wonder why CDC is not testing moar. CDC NOT testing IS illogical, assuming test kits are available.
Interesting to this fool, other countries apparently have good kits AND are able to test, with results relatively quickly.
– Is it a lack of “good” kits?
– CDC “buying time” to massively impact 2020 election when Corona cases in US exponentially explode…
– Something obvious I am not seeing.
You can add in EVERY SINGLE DEPARTMENT HEAD in the CDC is SES — Senior Executive Service.
Nancy Messonnier was appointed to her slot in May 2016 by OBAMA.
As of 2015, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention had 10,796 employees. 29 are Senior Executive Service.
And GEE what do you know there are 29 department heads…
Kalbo – I have a theory.
I think that this may be a giant psy-op from the globaloids – a “blood hoax” – human world psychological manipulation.
See if you can follow this reasoning.
The virus is ACTUALLY only moderately bad – NOT as bad as the Spanish flu – IF you know all the people who got it. As I called it before, this is the “bad denominator problem”.
(1) Many get it, and a HUGE percentage are ASYMPTOMATIC.
(2) Many get it, and a HUGE percentage are NOT DETECTABLE.
If you KNOW those two facts, but HIDE THEM, you can make the disease look FAR WORSE than it is.
Now – why would you not want wider testing? BAD DENOMINATOR.
By waiting for the cases to show up, and not getting true numbers, they can get scarier numbers. They can CREATE A CRISIS and then DON’T LET IT GO TO WASTE.
Something is very weird here. Who controls the information? TRUMP’S ENEMIES.
China and Iran. Something is WEIRD here.
What if the ChiComs and Globos created “slightly hotter than normal” coronavirus and then played “War of the Worlds” games with it?
I think we’re dealing with communist propagandization almost for SURE, but the extent and level are still uncertain.
Not down playing Corona. Any flu IS bad.
Agree, you are onto something. The Chinese have made Corona far worse than it is. Iran is suspicious.
The only part I diverge from above it, I am still holding onto Corona got out by accident. My very well be, tin foil hat is applicable. Gonna noodle on that angle moar.
Along with China, Iran, toss in the deep state right here…CDC. WHO, UN…
We are being played…for all the wrong reasons. President Trump knows this.
Please put this on the Corona virus thread.
She must be desperate for votes.
betcha they made sure the path they planned to take was poop free…
And all the people they interacted with had no illness…
Given all the direct flights from Wuhan to San Fran-Feces, the CDCs mis-management of the virus, it would be ironic if Nasty Nance comes down with the disease and infects all the DemonRats.
And ONLY the DemonRats…
I hope after that stunt all the Republican Congressmen keep a good 9 feet away from ALL DemonRats and wash their hands frequently.
I wonder if Nasty Nance is aware of this?
More than 8000 Californians under “self-quarantine” for coronavirus, almost none of them tested… zero enforcement of “voluntary” quarantine measures…
“…a grand total of “185 persons have been tested to date,” but all that testing has been conducted by the CDC in Atlanta…..”
And remember at least 50% of those tests will return a false negative.
“….Oh, and as a bonus, California “self-quarantine” protocols are essentially nothing more than giving people suggestions on their behavior, with zero enforcement or monitoring…..”
Feb 3 2020 from theLA Times:
California has six confirmed cases of the new strain of coronavirus.
cleaning my bathroom this morning, I looked at all the germs Lysol Disinfecting Wipes would “kill” and one of them was the human coronavirus. so obviously it’s not new-but would these lysol wipes kill the new strain as well? I mean it doesn’t clarify on the container that it only kills the old virus.
Yes it would very likely kill the Wuhan coronavirus. This virus is 80% similar to SARS and is thought to be bio-engineered from SARS.
You laugh, I’ve practically been dipping Big T in Lysol when he comes home.
not laughing at all!!
Don’t forget the Ethyl Alcohol dip on the inside!
(And all the vitamins….)
A small peek through the keyhole into the bureaucracy. *sigh* I don’t know how anything ever gets done. It is maddening. It makes me want to tear my hair, hit bureaucrats with my shovel, go to the White House and make someone talk to me and tell them I volunteer to thump heads and unsnarl one agency. Just give me one and I’ll start there……….
“Since the days of George Washington, presidents have wished they could make government employees do what they are told. Actually, that frustration is much older than America. Peter the Great once said, “People think I rule Russia, but a thousand bureaucrats rule Russia……”
BOY isn’t that the TRUTH.

Let’s team up. You hit them in the tummy with your shovel and when they bend over I will stab them in the fanny with my pitchfork!
Think that might get the idiocracy working a bit better?
Actually we are probably better off without all the government we pay for.
I’m totally in favor of putting Gail and Sylvia in charge. Regarding nasty Nancy, bet she’s been given some kind of vaccine to protect her.
If there is such a thing, I would imagine POTUS and those around him have all gotten preventive measures as well as frequent scans. Just makes sense.
You’re on,, Gail!
Umm, I hate to say this, but most people don’t do what they’re told, or what others want them to do if the choice to act is voluntary. I used to work outdoor events. You always had people doing their own thing. For almost 50 years now, there’s been a campaign to get Catholics to sing at Mass. Yeah, no, not happening even with the bishops and priests trying to impose their will on the matter. One of the tree inhabitants here talks about not being able to get a captive audience of passengers to pay attention to a mandatory safety spiel, which, having flown a bit in the last 25 years. is true.
Why would it be any different with government workers?
From that angle, for the most part it is not different, I suppose.
BUT, Feds, State, County, City workers are on “our dime”, so it matters to each of us. Well, it matters to me. AND, they are a protected class in it is very difficult to fire them. Finally, theory is the government workers are doing something important, so they ought to do it.
So how many of the 8,000 ‘self quarantined’ in California, 4,000 in Washington state, 200 in Georgia , the 100 Princeton University Students…. didn’t nip out to the grocery store or the local takeout for ‘just a minute’
Yes. Essentially.
I tend to be a homebody, but I live in close proximity to two universities where there are a lot of international students. They shop at the same grocery stores, etc. I don’t go during peak hours and always wipe down the cart, but still….
got our car insurance bill in the mail yesterday and there was a small insert that has me unsettled. (we get our insurance thru Hartford…) here’s the opening line…
“The AARP Auto & Homeowner’s Insurance Program from The Hartford would like to do everything we can to assist our policyholders who may have been affected by the disaster.”
WHAT DISASTER? did I miss something HUGE???
it goes on to say if we were affected by the disaster and can’t pay our bill…yada, yada, yada…they’re here for us in this difficult time…
Verse of the Day
“Whom having not seen, ye love; in whom, though now ye see him not, yet believing, ye rejoice with joy unspeakable and full of glory:”
1 Peter 1:8 (KJV)
Thank You, Jesus, for blessings received and prayers answered!
Tuesday Blessing
Jesus Loves Babies…Pray for the Unborn

Jesus Loves the Little Children – Pray for the Little Children
Jesus Loves You – Come to Him
Good Morning Duchess!
Have a Blessed Day!
Hi, Pat! Hope all is better today – and the Angels helped – Hugs!
You have a Blessed Day, too!
we’re good…preparing for rain…but we’re good right now!
Thank You, Jesus!!! So glad to hear you are a-ok – * Smiling *

Id heard about the paczki donuts over a year ago. We dont have that out here but I just so happened to find them at walmart. 6 for $4. If you think thats a lot, ny closest donut shop charges $1.25 per regular donut. The walmart ones were pretty good but still tasted like a slightly richer regular donut.
I’ve never had them either. I grew up with faschnauts…(sp?) which didn’t have any filling that I know of…just square donuts. my mom made her own yeast round ones we had at our house…
I just got done rolling out homemade cinnamon buns–my tradition for Fat Tuesday…
Im coming over. I love those but have to dip in coffee.
I’ll make a fresh pot!
Add a pot of hot water for us tea drinkers!
And remember cinnamon is really good for you! So NO Guilt!
Cinnamon and Diabetes (Type II)
(H/T E.M. Smith)
From: https://www.iceagenow.info/can-cinnamon-eliminate-or-prevent-viruses/
A link to: https://www.foxnews.com/health/cinnamon-may-protect-against-infection-study-finds
Which says:
“A preliminary study out of Touro College in New York suggests that household cinnamon may possess antiviral effects and help prevent infection in humans.
According to a news release, Dr. Milton Schiffenbauer, of the New York School of Career and Applied Studies, a division of Touro College & University System, and his team compared Saign and Ceylon cinnamons to other botanic extracts including onion, cloves, peppermint, cocoa and Spanish saffron.
While cinnamon appeared to deactivate viruses in some organisms, the other extracts did not.
Researchers evaluated the extracts against Phi X, a virus that infects bacteria and shares various similarities to viruses that infect animals and humans. After 24 hours of incubation, an extract with 10 percent cinnamon deactivated 99.9 percent to 100 percent of the virus following only 10 minutes of intermittent mixing, according to the news release.
Schiffenbauer said in the news release that his colleagues’ findings suggest that cinnamon extract has the power to damage the structure of the PhiX virus.
“The results validates (sic) our belief that a diet that includes a tablespoon of cinnamon once or twice a day can be effective in eliminating or preventing viruses from infecting humans and causing sickness, such as colds, flu, and even herpes,” he said.”
More Akismet hiding!!! https://akismet.com/contact
Growing up in the rural PNW, Marci Gras had about as much relevance as the Carnival in Rio…literally none. Same with the lovely-sounding paczki donuts, King’s cake, etc. Still catching up with regional food traditions at this stage in life.
Today I went to Publix, my second home, and right in front was a display of paczki donuts. I would have walked right by them had I not read about the earlier here! As it was, I slowly walked by.
We have them all of a sudden, too.
They don’t have quite the same panache as Kosher Hot Cross Buns, though. They’ll be in the stores here in about five weeks in the grocery stores, one of which usually has Passover decorations rather than Easter in the front of the store.
Theyre ok. Kiddo didnt like them.
Those e-mails are still popping up every once in a while.
AND, above information classified. Blumenthol had ZERO clearance.
BUT, not worry, hildabeast and her gang didn’t care about protecting classified information. As omey said, “no intent” and no reasonable prosecutor would prosecute.
Once again, Acosta’s goal was to make the US President and America look bad on a world stage.
Acosta asked Pres about Russian meddling and purging the admin of those disloyal.
Pres brings up the overstatement by Pierson reported by his own network. Pres suggests Acosta check with CNN.
Acosta shoots back, basically claiming that CNN has a better reputation about lying than he does.
On a world stage
Acosta did it
He’s trending on twitter
did it for personal fame
his mission was accomplished.
He should never be allowed to travel with Potus again
Why in Hades wasn’t Accost-her booted for good when he hit that White House intern?
Since when does the Press determine these things and NOT the White House?
Is there an actual law?
CNN sued to have Jim Acosta’s press pass given back to him and the liberal judge said yes. Funny how Conservatives have NO RIGHT to speak on liberal campuses but a hostile journalist has the right to enter the building where the President of the USA lives.
So NO press conferences in the White House.
Actually Jim Acosta’s disrespect for President Trump is NOT going to play well in India. People on the fence will see it for what it is, a nasty ill mannered boy tossing a tantrum.
From the point of view of India, president Trump has kept his promises. he did not lie so therefore CNN is the liar… OOPs TRUMP BOOMERANG!
I’m not sure the WH has any say, other than being in the plane. CNN could send Acosta there on his own…getting into the media room might be a different story.
POTUS , or anyone from the WH, just needs to not call upon him and freeze him out.
why closed door? don’t ALL Americans deserve to know what Congress is being told?
They can’t spin and pontificate if we are privy to the discussion
The reasons for the closed doors are…
– Too many legislators have economic ties to China….
– And too many state/corporation pensions are invested (unwisely) in China.
– And probably China has embarrassing evidence on too many legislators.
As I recall reading – the 2019 Coronavirus (2019CoV) has tell-tale unnaturally occuring features of HIV and even Ebola…which show it was tailor-made and intended to be deadly and contagious than other coronaviruses.
In other words, it was intended to be a BIOWEAPON.
^^^ Number one reason, bioweapon.
AND Obama’s Admin.
biological weapons work involving the Wuhan virology, was approved and funded by
1. Cells were originally obtained from Fort Detrick.
2. The National Institutes of Health
3. The National Institute of Allergy and Infectious disease.
4. National Natural Science Foundation of China
1. Scientists from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
2. Someone from the Food and Drug Administration
3. Professor Zhengli Shi of the Key Laboratory of Special Pathogens, Wuhan Institute of Virology, Center for Biosafety Mega-Science, Chinese Academy of Sciences , Wuhan , People’s Republic of China.
The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, a level THREE not level FOUR lab.
2015 the paper came out with the details on the bioengineering.
Dr Boyle is the Creator Of US BioWeapons Act. This is what he has to say:
I look at the study to verify what Dr Boyle said HERE
Zerohedge got permanently banned from twitter for drawing attention to Professor Zhengli Shi and Adrian Bond had his article taken down for mentioning the good professor.
IF the virus has a lethality rate of 15% to 17% or more — Remember that was five years ago, who knows what Professor Shi was up to since then — It would certainly explain the panic in China.
Does ANYBODY have any real numbers on lethality? And I mean numbers where EVEN THE ASYMPTOMATIC people are included.
I would think part of it has to do with containing panic. Fear is a powerful motivator and it can get out of hand in a mob situation which would happen inevitably.
Yup, that would be one of the Feds rational. IMO, does not hold water.
The information can be presented factually and in a manner to preclude panic. Americans have a right to know.
I’ve worked with crowds. It’s a legit worry. Not unlike the night before a predicted snow storm.
Especially if the virus was originally bio-engineered in North Carolina and funded by the US and Chinese governments.
Ever wonder why the vaccine is being developed so much faster than usual?
I’ve actually wondered how the virus itself was isolated so quickly.
Brian has a thread
Just like Hollywood, they are out of ideas.
I read they wanna do a Walker Texas Ranger remake…nothing original any more…
And we’re getting ANOTHER version of Jane Austen’s Emma. Just get the BBC mini-series and be done with it.
There was a pride and prejudice book remake about a Muslim family….
Bride & Prejudice. It’s cute. It really is. My favorite of the “based on” Jane Austen movies is Prada to Nada which is based on Sense and Sensibility and set in Los Angeles among a Hispanic family.
Otherwise, I have the BBC productions of Persuasion, P&P, and Emma on DVD.
I love Bride & Prejudice!!!
Prada to Nada I’ll have to check that one out thank you!
Actually, Bride & Prejudice, I think they were Hindi.
That’s one movie I liked.
No here is the book:
This modern retelling of Pride and Prejudice follows a Muslim Canadian woman named Ayesha as she discovers herself and falls in love. Ayesha is nearing the end of her 20s and, as she is still unmarried, her mother is always on the lookout for a man worthy of marrying her daughter. But Ayesha isn’t as interested in her marriage prospects. She has a fulfilling job, good friends, and sisters who she cares about. What more could she possibly want? Until, of course, she meets Khalid.
Well, if Texas Ranger Walker is a black, gay, cross-dresser then it’s Oscar material!
his younger brother will now be gay and his partner will now be a woman…how this differs I’m not sure I never watched the original…but they can’t think of anything new–and what they do think of fails…
Oh, noes, Texas Rump Ranger… starring Mayor Pete…
More stranger than ranger…
Wonder how much money Chyyyna has tied up in Hollyweird now, and how the Coronavirus/economic collapse will play into it… no money to make films anymore???
you know that’s funny you said that…we were discussing how China can’t really innovate and now all Hollywood can do is REMAKE stuff—makes sense doesn’t it?
they gotta steal from what’s already been done…bwahahaha…
Don’t give them Ideas
I still like Mel Brooks Blazing Saddles. Or any of his moves.
Silent Movie, where the only dialogue is Marcel Marceau saying “Non! “…
or Young Frankenstein and the “unforgettable” Frau Blücher (neeiiiiggggghhhh)
The Producers.
I am not a movie buff…too many years of inaccessibility so just never developed an interest. However, I do remember how hilarious Blazing Saddles was at the time and it’s one I would definitely go out of my way to see again to see if my sense of what was hilarious has changed .
And it’s a movie that could never get made today. That one, the Bad News Bears, Cannonball Run, any number of things from the 70s just would be off limits.

Brian Cates // Digital Soldier for Flynn
· 1h
Replying to @drawandstrike
The DNC Media already HAD the dossier, they needed a ‘hook’ to publish, and the strategic leak that Trump had been briefed about it was what they needed.
This time they don’t even HAVE A FAKE DOSSIER.
Brian Cates // Digital Soldier for Flynn
And then right after the leak about Russia supposedly wanting to help Trump in this upcoming election…SURPRISE!
ANOTHER leak of another classified briefing occurs, and this time the Russians are trying to help BERNIE.
They really do think you’re all morons.
8:22 AM – Feb 25, 2020
Brian Cates // Digital Soldier for Flynn

· 1h
Replying to @drawandstrike
The leakers didn’t have any evidence Russia is trying to help Trump or Bernie in this next election. These leaks are being done to HELP certain people in the race. Certain Democrats.
They didn’t have any evidence last time either, & Durham is digging into that, the fraud done.
Brian Cates // Digital Soldier for Flynn
Losers who’ve already lost twice – RussiaGate didn’t take Trump out, Ukraine didn’t take Trump out, impeachment didn’t take Trump out, now here comes RussiaGate 2.0 – are watching in horror as Trump not only defeats their sabotage attempts, he’s GROWING STRONGER.
8:26 AM – Feb 25, 2020
Øbominable will forever be known for his abuses of power – particularly politicizing and weaponizing every agency of government against his enemies…against conservatives.
Obama abused the powers and privilege of his office from day one – as many have documented!
One of his favorite ways of doing this was WARRANTLESS SURVEILLANCE.
Ø surveilled/spied on anyone and everyone he wanted!
The Press – https://www.washingtonpost.com/blogs/right-turn/wp/2013/05/20/shredding-the-constitution-obamas-attack-on-the-associated-press/?utm_term=.132867cdc4a7
Congress – https://www.redstate.com/streiff/2017/03/05/flashback.-remember-obama-used-nsa-spy-congress/
Ø also spied on foreign leaders – even heads of state. Remember, he spied on Merkel?
Obama spied on Trump campaign – https://threadreaderapp.com/thread/999878016766361600.html
There may have been some means of spying on President Trump in the Oval Office – by SIGINT (signal electronic intelligence) and/or HUMINT (human intelligence, leaks).
Remember the phone conversation with the foreign leader that leaked?
Remember when the Secret Service advised Trump to have renovations made to the Oval Office for security purposes?
That was when Øbama’s wallpaper was removed and new wallpaper was put up. Bet they took the walls back down to the wooden plaster lathes.
Obama’s Illegal warrantless surveillance was not limited to the Trump campaign, or the press, or congress.
There was a dramatic rise in warrantless surveillance during the O years – so much that it alarmed even the leftist ACLU:
Obama changed the law twice (2013 & 2017) to make it easier to conduct warrantless data gathering:
85% of Obama’s warrantless surveillance searches were illegal: P 82 – https://www.dni.gov/files/documents/icotr/51117/2016_Cert_FISC_Memo_Opin_Order_Apr_2017.pdf
Regarding spying on Trump – The FISA warrants were merely window-dressing! Øbama was likely surveilling Trump and his family, team, et al, without a warrant for a year at least, probably longer.
When Nunes busted them – it all came out! We are just beginning to learn about the crimes committed by this lawless and unqualified traitor in the White House from 2008-2016.
Great comment GA/FL. Would make a great post here on WQTH!
It was gathered from everywhere and I don’t have proper documentation to give credit to the folks who posted all of it.
Just give a hat tip to everyone. We understand. I do the same when taking notes and I think others do too.
What is most important is getting the information OUT THERE not who first dug it up.
Brian Cates // Digital Soldier for Flynn

· 1h
Replying to @drawandstrike
If the polls put Trump at 49% approval, you KNOW he’s at least 10 pts higher.
They keep launching these fake scandals, while using their fake polls to attempt to shape the national perception…meanwhile the REAL scandal starts when Durham goes public with his results.
Brian Cates // Digital Soldier for Flynn
RussiaGate, whether 1.0 or the more recent 2.0, was always a fraud. Partisans inside the federal agencies used a Clinton fabulist as a source to get surveillance warrants on the Trump campaign.
8:30 AM – Feb 25, 2020
Love that term…Clinton fabulist!
Wheatie,,.there’s your word for the day! LOL
Brian Cates // Digital Soldier for Flynn

· 1h
Replying to @drawandstrike
Look at the RESULTS of the strategy.
They more they talk, the more they leak, the more they desperately, frantically launch one fake scandal after another, the worse THEY look, and the stronger HE gets.
Brian Cates // Digital Soldier for Flynn
Trump isn’t out to just throw a couple of easily replaceable people in prison.
You’re thinking too small.
He wants to destroy the ENTIRE CORRUPT SYSTEM.
By the time he’s done, he’ll have done this.
These people won’t even be able to win an election for DOG CATCHER.
Brian Cates // Digital Soldier for Flynn

· 1h
Replying to @drawandstrike
Trump isn’t out to just throw a couple of easily replaceable people in prison.
You’re thinking too small.
He wants to destroy the ENTIRE CORRUPT SYSTEM.
By the time he’s done, he’ll have done this.
These people won’t even be able to win an election for DOG CATCHER.
Brian Cates // Digital Soldier for Flynn
Two huge supposedly **POSITIVE** things that happened to the Democratic party in the past 2 years actually led the Democrats to the precipice, upon which they now hang by their fingernails.
1) they won the House in 2018
2) they impeached Trump
and now they’re DOOMED.
Almost as if he’s been reading the Q tree.
The Left is in an echo chamber.
They spent the last decade BASHING AND SCREAMING AND BEATING UP Conservatives so they have zero idea of what many people really think.
BUT all those people they have abused and cowed VOTE and now they have something to VOTE FOR!
Melania is breathtaking with upswept do
agreed! she is simply elegant and classy!
We are so blessed to have these 2 people representing us. God outdid himself with both of them
look at some of the former first couples!
I don’t want to Pat…I’m mesmerized with this one
. I’ve got a girl crush on Melania…shhhh
I could never hope to look as gorgeous as FLOTUS, so I’ll aspire to be more like her-i would love to learn more languages…be more gracious…and inspire others.
What a role model for our daughters and granddaughters though….inspiration from FLOTUS rather than mimicking the Hollyweird harlots
Yes, and she makes the rest of us feel so drab.
What this photo doesn’t show I caught a glimpse of in other photos…a floating panel in back.
Fashion maven here….I would have embellished the scarf in some manner.
Red and Yellow in India
QUESTION: What is the tradition of wearing a red dress for an Indian bride?
Raghu Veer, Fashion Designer
“Red and Yellow are considered the most auspicious colors in Hindu tradition. No Hindu celebrations are complete without these colors.
Besides being a symbolic color of Shakti Maata, who’s the mother of this entire universe, red is also seen as the color of energy and ambition.
In weddings, red denotes fertility and prosperity. Hence it’s a custom for brides to wear red color garments. Even grooms too, have red color somewhere on their body or garments during the ceremony.”
Tarun Sharma (तरुण शर्मा), Indian New Delhi
Observe the light red color of the soil. In Hinduism, Earth is a mother and she has the power to produce and sustain life. Similarly, only a lady has the power to sustain life. Also, red is the colour of good and sensuality. So, it is used as a symbolism in most of the Hindu weddings.
Notice that Melania echoes the same shade of red…
Several other answers:
In all the answers the color Red is associated with Good, Prosperity and Life.
John Heilemann (@jheil) Tweeted:
If imitation is the sincerest form of flattery, then @PeteButtigieg must really be trying butter up @BarackObama. https://t.co/zqcxiccs1i https://twitter.com/jheil/status/1232137595758444544?s=20
It’s really rather stunning. The cabal/DNC brain trust dies and the people left behind are clueless as to how to innovate and change on the fly.
You cant unsee this stuff. When youve seen it, much like the talking heads news anchor side by sides, and realize the level of deception theyve done for so many years, its infuriating.
sounds like the Chinese–unable to innovate…
There are those who say the Chinese can.
Okay…they still steal our technology and fashion ideas.
In this case, though, the playbook is not being updated to deal with what has failed.
It’s realllllllllllly weird.
New danger from the Corona virus outbreak:
ALERT: Coronavirus merges with Trump Derangement Syndrome
Posted by William A. Jacobson
Monday, February 24, 2020 at 9:00pm
“Ted Lieu tried to blame Trump for cuts to the Centers for Disease Control that have not taken place and would not have affected coronavirus response anyway:”
“Nancy Pelosi pushed the same theme — what we really need to worry about it unrelated proposed budget cuts to CDC:”
I looked it up.
It was an Ebola program scheduled for 5 years which automatically ended.
Completely misleading to suggest Trump was cutting CDC.
“Chuck Schumer blamed Trump for not having enough of a plan:”
“Joe Scarborough mocked claims that coronavirus was being weaponized politically, by weaponizing it against Trump:”
“Bette Midler flat out blamed Trump:”
“And this MSNBC legal contributor blamed Trump’s spending on the wall — as if not spending money on the wall would have prevented a virus that spread in China:”
“Never let a crisis go to waste, right?”
Actually, it’s one of Obama’s hacks in charge at the CDC, but we’re not supposed to notice that.
How about ALL the Obama’s hacks in charge at the CDC.
29 Senior Executive Service (SES) members in the CDC
And 29 department heads reporting to President Trumps appointee.
Notice we peons are not ALLOWED to know who the SES people are. Nancy Messonnier’s salary class is hidden under ”RF-00 under the code for use by hhs only.”
Hmmm. Paging Tom Fitton (biceps and all)…
If “We The People” are paying them (Senior Execrable Slimes), then we should know what they’re being paid, and what they’re doing with OUR MONEY!!!
Since when is the CDC a black ops program, or on a black ops budget??? Weaponized against us???
Smart young man!!
THIS is going to be a disaster. As a person who has mastered U-Scan (it’s still the fastest line in the store), there are so many people who just don’t get it. I mean, they try, but they don’t get it. And every store that has the service is different. No way is this going to work out. You always need help with one or two things where the barcode is a mess, or needing to show an ID, etc.
Amazon is expanding its cashierless Go model into a full-blown grocery store
Amazon is getting more serious about its brick-and-mortar retail ambitions with its first-ever Amazon-branded grocery store. The store opens today in Seattle’s Capitol Hill district, confirming reports from last year that Amazon was developing a more ambitious version of its cashier-less Go model. The new store, which The Verge toured late last week, is indeed modeled after a standard Amazon Go location, but it has been expanded to include a wide array of grocery items you’d find at, say, Amazon-owned Whole Foods.
I absolutely refuse to use the scan and go. I notice most of the people in the Walmart Hubby wants to shop at do too. Lines in front of the cashiers while the scanners are empty.
At one point, since I shop at off hours, I asked a cashier about the scan and go. She hates it. She said she spends a lot of time doing care & feeding. This was at one of the Upscale Elite areas so it was not because people were not ‘sophisticated’ and ‘educated.’
FWIW, since we do birthdays all over 1/2 of NC, I often stop and shop on the way home. I found that Wally Mart and Food Lion have MUCH BETTER FOOD in the areas with the 1/2 million and up homes. The beef especially is at least a grade higher than we get in the boonies. Also the selection is better and there are different brands and varieties available.
So they do discriminate against the Po’ folks.
Almost every chain store, especially noticeable in department-type stores, buys and stocks their merchandise according to all the demographic data. Occasionally they get fooled…several years ago a Macy’s went into the Atlantic City area and, based on the above average income data, they stocked it with high-end merchandise. They didn’t realized the women with money had always shopped in Philadelphia or NYC, and we’re never going to patronize the local Macy’s. The quality switch was quick and dramatic within the first year.
Carpe Donktum’s latest…
short video with the Dem “challengers” (and he hilariously nails each one in short descriptors) vs the Defending Champ–POTUS in an Iron Suit…
They lost their token ‘blacks’ – Booker and Kamala.
They ain’t got no policies except for the ever-failed socialist garbage that has ruined all its cities, states and nations since its inception.
That is superb!
Carpe Donktum’ out did himself.
here’s a coincidence, right???
A forensic pathologist who gave critical testimony during the criminal case of Hollywood sex pervert Harvey Weinstein was hit by a car in recent days, LawandCrime.com has discovered.
Dr. Barbara Ziv is currently in the hospital following the attack with no other details about the situation currently known. She talked about “rape myths” during her testimony at the trial on behalf of the prosecution, blowing many holes through Weinstein’s defense.
There is no evidence that Dr. Ziv, who also gave testimony during the Bill Cosby trial, was struck in retaliation for giving testimony damning to Weinstein. However, there is a long history of Weinstein exerting intimidation, including levying alleged threats and having individuals followed in order to keep those who may expose his illicit behavior from talking.
Bernie said that the way JFK spoke about Castro’s Cuba nauseated him.
Brad Parscale – Text TRUMP to 88022
were you with Hillary under sniper fire also?
No, but in 1980 he played the lead role as Jack Torrance in The Shining . . . ‘cept he wasn’t acting.
There were too many to remember them all. Sigh.
FBI, NYPD raid New York office of company run by fashion executive Peter Nygard
A number of women accused him of sexually assaulting them at his Bahamas estate.
The FBI and the NYPD raided the Times Square headquarters of Peter Nygard’s fashion company as part of a sex trafficking investigation, the U.S. Attorney’s office in Manhattan said.
The searches were conducted Tuesday morning, Nicholas Biase, a spokesman for the US Attorney’s office for the Southern District of New York, confirmed to ABC News. He declined to elaborate.
Nygard, 78, has been under investigation after a number of women accused him of sexually assaulting them at his Bahamas estate when they were young teens. Nygard’s Bahamas estate has been featured on “Lifestyles of the Rich and Famous.”
A spokesman for the FBI’s New York field office declined to comment.
Searches usually indicate the investigation is in the early stages and not an immediate precursor to criminal charges.
more food stamp and wic fraud …this time in Ohio
Some Somali Market owners in Ohio have allegedly defrauded the government and, more importantly, taxpayers out of $10 Million dollars due to food stamp and WIC fraud.
Here’s more from The Columbus Dispatch.com:
Investigators say two brothers sold ineligible items or paid cash for federal food assistance benefits through their Sullivant Avenue market. Fraudulent purchases totaled about $10 million over nearly a decade, according to court documents.
The owners of a Somali market on the West Side were charged Friday in federal court in Columbus with defrauding food-assistance programs of more than $10 million over nine years.
Prosecutors say that Abdurahim Nuriso of the Southwest Side and his brother, Hassan Nuriso of Grove City, converted food stamps and other benefits into cash or accepted them for ineligible purchases at their Towfiq Market, 3655 Sullivant Ave.
Is it just me, but other than to possibly provide the audience with some new useful knowledge during Jeopardy or while playing Trivia Pursuit, I don’t see ANY value for Bloomberg from all these billboards. Just plain stupid, IMO.
Am I missing something here?
he’s trying to be like POTUS–cool, shoot straight from the hip, zing people…only he stinks at it…lol
You’ve either got it or you don’t, the right stuff and all that.
Nope, Chimpy – I agree – * Super Silly *
Love it.
Something strange happened yesterday.
I posted the following tweet, asking the question, “At what point do we begin discussing Xi’s resignation?”
I made similar comments on other threads who have far more followers than me.
my twit feed has blown up.
It’s as though no one had considered it yet.
Time to call a spade a spade.
CCP used just be a problem for the Chinese people. Now, the CCP is a problem for the world.
Xi is a failure.
Didnt you have a lot of Chinese trolls messing with your account? You may get double, but its sure a fair question. And if the twit feed gets too crazy they can come read here too.
I live to provoke the Chinese!!!!!!!
wow–that’s a bold suggestion…
Senate Cloakroom
Confirmed, 97-0: Executive Calendar #384 Robert Anthony Molloy to be Judge for the District Court of the Virgin Islands for a term of ten years
Invoked, 96-1: Motion to invoke cloture on Executive Calendar #491 Silvia Carreno-Coll to be U.S. District Judge for the District of Puerto Rico
Senate Cloakroom
Invoked, 59-38: Motion to invoke cloture on Executive Calendar #569 Katharine MacGregor to be Deputy Secretary of the
Nope – haven’t yet figured out a way to make smoking healthy.
We’ve been screaming about it since the late 70’s.
Anyone know what it takes to disbar a federal judge?
They have to be impeached by Congress unless you indict and toss them in jail for something. And then I think you would STILL have to impeach.
“Fifteen federal judges have been impeached. Of those fifteen: eight were convicted by the Senate, four were acquitted by the Senate, and three resigned before an outcome at trial.”
Don’t worry; her turn to wear a hemp necktie will come.
What she is doing now is creating a shiny object, because deeper inside her world is something far worse that she doesn’t want anybody to snoop around. So she throws a steak over the fence and the barking dog shuts up.
We need to take back Congress and impeach this insane judge
The CDC doctor Messieurs or whatever her name is , is the sister of Rosenstein Rush said today. She is starting fear and the Market went down.
Dr Nancy Messonnier.
That came up when we were OT, but it bears repeating.
Hot Dog!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
And Mississippi shall lead them…..
Today, 8 local officials, all elected independents and Dems, have formally switched to the GOP!!!!!!!
WLOX reported:
The Mississippi Republican Party is welcoming some new members and all of them were elected public offices as Democrats or Independents in this most recent election cycle.
The Mississippi Republican Party Chairman says he doesn’t expect this will be the last time they are welcoming new members to the GOP.
“We have had a relentless focus on switching conservative Democrats over to the Republican party,” explained MSGOP Chairman Lucien Smith. “They recognize increasingly that there is only one party that represents the conservative values of our state and that is the Republican party.”
All eight of the latest party switchers were from Smith and Covington Counties and one District Attorney whose district covers those areas. But the conservation didn’t take long to expand to the national party ties.
“We are in a scenario in this country where you can choose to be a member of the party led by Donald J. Trump or you can choose to be a member of the socialist Democratic party led by Bernie Sanders,” noted Governor Tate Reeves.
Is it possible that a perfect convergence is taking place? I believe it could be.and watching this has made events even more clear in my mind. https://youtu.be/ClMURJKDWb4
Liberty vs. Licentiousness
Notice how the market went to He## as soon as Daddy left town?
And that the plan was broadcast before it did.
For perspective…this is a good buying opportunity…Look at that big, fat, juicy gap that’s gonna get filled…
Feb 25, 2020 4:27:43 PM EST
Q !!Hs1Jq13jV6 ID: 7351cb No. 8246730
Feb 25, 2020 4:19:40 PM EST
Anonymous ID: bb0319 No. 8246640
Feb 25, 2020 4:18:44 PM EST
Anonymous ID: 4.6E+208 No. 8246625
Iger didn’t quit Disney
BREAKING: Disney CEO Bob Iger to step down. Bob Chapek will be the CEO of Disney immediately.
Many sources confirming now, live on FOX too.
He’s not CEO anymore though, and is leaving earlier than his contract says he should.
The Silent War continues..
31m ago
8kun qresearch
We were discussing last night if we should start a Q pool on who the first arrest to shock the world would be. I said fake Pope Francis or Bill Gates. DH said head of Disney. Then we added Obie, or Clooney. Soros or Clinton wouldn’t be a shock to anybody…….so they weren’t included.
Feb 25, 2020 4:54:39 PM EST
Q !!Hs1Jq13jV6 ID: 902ef8 No. 8247199
Now, isn’t that interesting?
4m ago
8kun qresearch
These people are SICK!!!!!!
And they have no problem telling the world.
Some things I just don’t need to know.
I mean, I try to think well of just about everybody, and then they…say something that just…. (trying to avoid using a suggestive word here)
This works…

Who is this guy?
Wasn’t he in that crappy Veronica Mars season 4 reboot? Where the actress had all her hollywood friends be part of the show.
These people are sick and need to be throw away for good!!! You know I’m also starting to side eye how some of these ‘actors’ made it.
This is telling:
Didn’t this guy play the weird guy on king of queens? Doug’s cousins weird roommate?
WHOA!! I have heard things before, but to read it all together….just wow!!
What became of the stories of the Disney cruises offering scuba diving right next to Epstein Island?
The sub-human bottom feeding pod scum referenced above .. ? …
… cut out the tongue
, then a lobotomy, and remove all the fingers from both hands then lock this miserable depraved scum sucking ba*tard in a cell … with tons of pictures of voluptuous … WOMEN …

… well …
I came back to my “toxic comment” to 1. Apologize for it, and 2. Try and explain..
… mea culpa
I’m sorry
There was one moment in time when I was a miserable over weight whinny kid where something happened (only once) but just messed me up, it should not have happened, family do not always think straight. I was a kid, and as an adult I still don’t understand why. So I will say I get triggered by those kind of things and should just not respond in the “pit-bull’ manner that I did. (technically it was “minor but it wasn’t minor to me)
No problem. Disney stinks.
I am sorry to know something so awful happened to you.
May God continue to bless you abundantly.
Leaving immediately?
No mention of handcuffs and flashing lights, though, so probably on his own power.
as in……. GONE!
Something is wrong.
Lot’s of things are “wrong”……
Trump is working on it as you well know
Oh this is telling.
There are a few other actors who I’m side-eyeing and wonder if they’re into kiddies.
Mostly those who yell about Trump 24/7. Those that yell the loudest!!!!
Teeee – heeee -hee
So, I have this thing…….. and its fu$$ing golden…..
What do we do with it?
So sick. Really. So sick. And we’re bound to pray about it Mass tomorrow because the pastor is stuck in the legacy media echo chamber.
#COVIDー19 is trending on twitter most of the day and some of the unfortunate mentally ill TDS sufferers were enjoying the prospect of it turning pandemic in the U.S.A.
Or at least for a contagious person to descend on Mar-a-Logo. Sick puppies
Let it happen and TAKE PICTURES. I mean it. SCREENSHOTS. GET ‘EM.
When the SICKNESS of DEMOCRATS is seen in October and November (vaccine arriving by then), they are going to look like the PSYCHOS they are.
Was this part of the plan????????
James Woods
Trump is so shrewd. He purposely picks Acosta, knowing he will behave like the irritant he is. It solidifies Trump’s base and is self-defeating for #CNN. Jim Acosta is a poster boy for liberal bias in the news.
Some days, the irony is better than Swiss chocolate.
Sean Hannity
REPORT: Man Who Helped Create Bernie’s Criminal Justice Reform Plan ‘Facing Two Felony Charges’
From the article at the link:
The man who helped shape Senator Bernie Sanders Criminal Justice Reform Plan is reportedly facing two felony charges in Nashville, Tennessee, according to the Washington Free Beacon.
“Alex Friedmann, the managing editor of Prison Legal News, was arrested and is facing two felony charges after he posed as a construction worker, entered the grounds of the Downtown Detention Center of the Davidson County Sheriff’s Office, stole keys from the site that could open 100 doors, and made a diagram of the jail’s layout, which he attempted to eat during his arrest,” writes the Free Beacon.
“Friedmann was hit with attempted burglary, evidence tampering, and the possession of burglary tools,” adds the website. “Friedmann, an ex-con, was part of a group that aided Sanders and his staff in the summer of 2015 as the senator began shifting his rhetoric and policy proposals on criminal justice reform issues. The far-left advocate was instrumental in helping Sanders go beyond just economic issues and stake out progressive positions on criminal justice such as abolishing private prisons.”
Tonight’s circular firing squad is gonna be funny……
Got plenty of popcorn ready
Sorry…the Blackhawks are in town, and for once, they are in last place in the division. Let’s Go Blues!
I’ll watch the Dem lowlights another time.
lol….. I went to a fight once…..
and a Hockey game broke out
Yeah…since Disney has had a team in the League, the quality of the fights has just taken a nose dive. The guys have to have their sweaters tied down, a bench clearing brawl is a $50K team fine, and let ’em go…not any more.
Mighty Ducks?
I thought that was just a movie
No, in the beginning, anyway, they owned the team and toning down the fighting was a condition of their buying in.
And then some fool got the idea that hiring a basketball man to be commissioner was a good idea. Yeah, no. He wanted four quarters instead of three twenty minute periods.
That got rejected real quick.
Shit. Next they’ll have the pain tolerance of soccer players
Probably going to be the highest rated debate so far……
Not for any “substance”….
Just pure entertainment.
[fanning self while LMAO]
Hehe, cuz there’s always ONE who can’t clap
Clapping with one hand?
Does Butt’s butt look big in this…toy?
You be the ……
Booty Judge
Not sure that’s a desirable job.
You are correct…… again!
So……… I’m thinking.
Not that I would ever prey on the weak
ya’ know………
Now sure would be a good time to take back those little islands in the South China Sea.
Mr. Trump!…. Mr. Trump!…..
We have an ally for you here. (Daughn)
Smart…… like you sir.
We couldn’t take them back; we never owned them (or if we did, it was as part of the Philippines, so they’re the rightful owners today).
Nevertheless, this might be the time to evict them. Assuming we move before WE are floored by this damn thing.
Okay, Dueurte made me do it.
How would that work??? Maybe?
I like the timing though…… savage.
Just did a very little bit of research.
The islands have been claimed by China since…before the commies took over. Taiwan actually has a presence there; Red China has offered to work with them (!) to keep others out.
They were never part of the Philippines, and the US made a point of telling the Philippines that back in the 1950s.
We’d want to give the whole chain back to Taiwan, presumably, if we kicked the commies out.
Well, help me here on this one….. Didn’t the UN rule those islands DID NOT belong to China?
Am I wrong on that one?
If so, I haven’t been able to find that.
I know the PRC is using the old pre-communist Chinese claim as a basis for its own, but then, Taiwan can do the same thing (and has).
The PRC signed something called UNCLOS (UN Convention on Law of the Sea) which seems to have some affect on the controversy but I can’t untangle what Wikipedia is saying about this in the next three minutes (which is all I have).
Here, how about this. Ruling from the Hague.
Here we go, it was The Hague.
Ruled in favor of Philippines but China ignored The Hague.
BAD China.
Wow, ruled against China on ever issue.
let’s go get some islands!!!
On behalf of the Philippines, of course.
I vote for Timely RFG earthquakes.
Do you guys want a thread for the debate tonight?
It might be a pretty good show….
Lots of fireworks.
I’ll be laughing…… i mean….. watching
Q says watch the ceos. Bob Iger stepping down immediately from disney ceo position, but still on the board…ie getting paid for nothing.
Disney CEO Bob Iger, who steered the absorption of Star Wars, Marvel and Fox’s entertainment businesses and the launch of a Netflix challenger, is stepping down immediately, the company said in a surprise announcement Tuesday.
The Walt Disney Co. named as his replacement Bob Chapek, most recently chairman of Disney’s parks, experiences and products business.
“Did not see this coming — Wowza,” tweeted LightShed media analyst Rich Greenfield.
Iger will remain executive chairman through the end of his contract on Dec. 31, 2021.
The new one is a disney lifer. Doesnt make him better just cause hes new.
I’ve read if it wasn’t for Bob the team that did Frozen 2 would have killed off the big moneymaker (aka Elsa) in that new movie. Yes a movie for kids how wonderful. He’s the only one to put a stop to it and the movies still terrible.
The comments on BB are telling!!
They dont have any connection to “real” people at those levels of income and position so tunnel vision is standard. I think its why most films are using the same actors, written by the same people, pushing the same narrative.
Very true. Its the same old same old. Time for something new!!!!
There goes Meagan’s voiceover career!!
Ahhh…sure hope so.
She’ll have to go back to non speaking parts ie head jobs
If you explain it, it fails.
Okay folks, Dem debate thread is open. Pile on up to the bar for a brew and some snacks.
We need to have a little bit of fun before the big Boss (President Trump) gets home.
Speaking of arrival…I haven’t seen the ETA yet. Hope everyone got some rest on that long flight.
not until tomorrow
This extreme time difference and the very long flight makes it confusing to track! They left, in their formal attire, around 10 pm New Deli time, which I think would be about 10 am this morning EST. Right, so far? Now, it’s a 17 hour flight ( not counting any ground time in Germany).
So, let’s say 10 am EST to 10 pm = 12 hours plus another 5 hours would make arrival about 3 am tonight…plus helicopter to the WH..
Hope they have a big “do not disturb” sign outside bedrooms at the WH! And, just think of the staff plus others that still have to get to their home from Andrews.
It’s not all glamour, folks!
Its sad when you see someone wearing a shirt that has ‘living the dream’ printed on it. MLK on one side and Zero on the other…. sad.
So, it appears that HARVEY WEINSTEIN is still in a New York City hospital for “cardiac issues”, 8 hours+ after the ambulance that was taking him to RIKER’S ISLAND to begin his prison term, was diverted to rush him to the ER.
We were discussing last night if we should start a Q pool on who the first arrest to shock the world would be. I said fake Pope Francis or Bill Gates. DH said head of Disney. Then we added Obie, or Clooney. Soros or Clinton wouldn’t be a shock to anybody…….so they weren’t included.
FYI Clooney gives me some kind of bad vibe.
It depends on if “big” is just a US person or a global branded person
Id rather choose political, entertainment, apolitical/business/religious categories. Id say someone in entertainment first but a sucession quickly following. Hopefully the high up media pedos.
Truth be told I’d rather round them all up!!!
Les Wexner would be my guess.
I had to look him up. Another Ceo who stepped down!
Clooney news is all about child labor issue….
That would explain Wex stepping down from VS. Thus VS related. Likely Epstein related.
The DOJ/FBI has Epstein’s compromise video and Wex was one of his first associates / victims / coconspirators / whatever.
Epstein is KNOWN to have sent girls to VS – probably the more compliant ones (not the supermodels). The supermodels who QUIT with broken contracts likely knew a LOT about what went on. Head of Marketing at VS who appeared in the Q photo would have been the guy who took in the Epstein steers – he seems a bit sketchy.
Dr Nancy Messonnier is really Rod Rosenstein’s sister?????
What are the chances?
Yes. I thought that was known.
She’s the one who decided to have her own presser today.
52 main stream articles quoted her and ignored Alex Azar.
Guess what??????/
Her husband works at cdc as an economist
Gee, imaging that. /s
Man are these people just not right.
This is all I’ve seen so far
I guess such a health issue, such as a “virus”, would take care of the overwhelming, seemingly insurmountable homeless population crisis. Be careful for what you wish for!
Iet on this re q
More iet
Rush was right. They understood what Trump was doing, and they want to mess with his handling of things.
This is a plan of some kind.
Oh is VoE back? Good I was worried they had sold out in the end.
Ha! Fashion executive Peter Nygard’s corporate offices raided in NYC for child sex trafficking evidence. Several previous investigations have failed to bring him to justice.
Text from above….
Mark Taylor
I’m no anon and would never claim to be, but I sure find it strange that Don Jr says, Coronavirus is the intersection? 3 booms?
1st. Weinstein
2nd. Iger
3rd. ? Hhhmmm
Maybe nothing but it is still 3 victories in my book. …-
Quote Tweet
Donald Trump Jr.
· 10h
Coronavirus is the intersection of 3 issues @realDonaldTrump has been right about all along: border control, American manufacturing, China hawk. Boom, boom, boom. Proven right again!
While Dems were outraged about him shutting down air travel from there he was right there too.
Feb 25, 2020 11:28:19 PM EST
Q !!Hs1Jq13jV6 ID: e1be07 No. 8251212
These people are sick!
1m ago
8kun qresearch
Hey y’all look and see if you think this acct is the real deal….it looks like it to me?
No parody markers. WH archival notification. Very interesting.
Feb 25, 2020 11:41:34 PM EST
Q !!Hs1Jq13jV6 ID: 5fdb22 No. 8251341
1m ago
8kun qresearch
Dems and leftists claim bob iger left to take more control of Disney creative because they were slacking in creativity and awards? Ummmm yeah sure you all run with that one,
Welcome aboard!!
Feb 25, 2020 11:59:23 PM EST
Q !!Hs1Jq13jV6 ID: 5fdb22 No. 8251572
Finally, be strong in the Lord and in his mighty power. Put on the full armor of God, so that you can take your stand against the devil’s schemes. For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms. Therefore put on the full armor of God, so that when the day of evil comes, you may be able to stand your ground, and after you have done everything, to stand. Stand firm then, with the belt of truth buckled around your waist, with the breastplate of righteousness in place, and with your feet fitted with the readiness that comes from the gospel of peace. In addition to all this, take up the shield of faith, with which you can extinguish all the flaming arrows of the evil one. Take the helmet of salvation and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God.
And pray in the Spirit on all occasions with all kinds of prayers and requests. With this in mind, be alert and always keep on praying for all the Lord’s people.
2m ago
8kun qresearch
Feb 26, 2020 12:01:36 AM EST
Anonymous ID: 5e2c9a No. 8251616
Feb 25, 2020 11:59:23 PM EST
Q !!Hs1Jq13jV6 ID: 5fdb22 No. 8251572
Finally, be strong in the Lord and in his mighty power. Put on the full armor of God, so that you can take your stand against the devil’s schemes. For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms. Therefore put on the full armor of God, so that when the day of evil comes, you may be able to stand your ground, and after you have done everything, to stand. Stand firm then, with the belt of truth buckled around your waist, with the breastplate of righteousness in place, and with your feet fitted with the readiness that comes from the gospel of peace. In addition to all this, take up the shield of faith, with which you can extinguish all the flaming arrows of the evil one. Take the helmet of salvation and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God.
And pray in the Spirit on all occasions with all kinds of prayers and requests. With this in mind, be alert and always keep on praying for all the Lord’s people.
Feb 26 2019
6m ago
8kun qresearch
Still Moar!
Feb 26, 2020 12:09:51 AM EST
Q !!Hs1Jq13jV6 ID: 5fdb22 No. 8251748
Feb 26, 2020 12:05:26 AM EST
Anonymous ID: 224c4f No. 8251665
Feb 25, 2020 11:59:23 PM EST
Q !!Hs1Jq13jV6 ID: 5fdb22 No. 8251572
Finally, be strong in the Lord and in his mighty power. Put on the full armor of God, so that you can take your stand against the devil’s schemes. For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms. Therefore put on the full armor of God, so that when the day of evil comes, you may be able to stand your ground, and after you have done everything, to stand. Stand firm then, with the belt of truth buckled around your waist, with the breastplate of righteousness in place, and with your feet fitted with the readiness that comes from the gospel of peace. In addition to all this, take up the shield of faith, with which you can extinguish all the flaming arrows of the evil one. Take the helmet of salvation and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God.
And pray in the Spirit on all occasions with all kinds of prayers and requests. With this in mind, be alert and always keep on praying for all the Lord’s people.
Feb 25, 2020 11:59:23 PM EST
Q !!Hs1Jq13jV6 ID: 5fdb22 No. 8251572
Finally, be strong in the Lord and in his mighty power. Put on the full armor of God, so that you can take your stand against the devil’s schemes. For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms. Therefore put on the full armor of God, so that when the day of evil comes, you may be able to stand your ground, and after you have done everything, to stand. Stand firm then, with the belt of truth buckled around your waist, with the breastplate of righteousness in place, and with your feet fitted with the readiness that comes from the gospel of peace. In addition to all this, take up the shield of faith, with which you can extinguish all the flaming arrows of the evil one. Take the helmet of salvation and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God.
And pray in the Spirit on all occasions with all kinds of prayers and requests. With this in mind, be alert and always keep on praying for all the Lord’s people.
Thanks for the wonderful visit, Q and Q+. Love, Respect and Support from India.
Love and Light, Patriot.
Have faith and trust in yourself.
1m ago
8kun qresearch
Ephesians 6
10 Finally, draw your strength from the Lord and from his mighty power.
11 Put on the armor of God so that you may be able to stand firm against the tactics of the devil.
12 For our struggle is not with flesh and blood but with the principalities, with the powers, with the world rulers of this present darkness, with the evil spirits in the heavens.
13 Therefore, put on the armor of God, that you may be able to resist on the evil day and, having done everything, to hold your ground.
14 So stand fast with your loins girded in truth, clothed with righteousness as a breastplate,
15 and your feet shod in readiness for the gospel of peace.
16 In all circumstances, hold faith as a shield, to quench all [the] flaming arrows of the evil one.
17 And take the helmet of salvation and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God.
SOB….. Moar!
Feb 26, 2020 12:12:52 AM EST
Q !!Hs1Jq13jV6 ID: 5fdb22 No. 8251800
Feb 26, 2020 12:05:32 AM EST
Anonymous ID: 863496 No. 8251669
Feb 26, 2020 12:04:38 AM EST
Q !!Hs1Jq13jV6 ID: 5fdb22 No. 8251654
2m ago
8kun qresearch
Dumb Mass Dims gonna OUTLAW those black guns.