President Trump live link here a Fox10:
Alex Azar and others, testifying to Congress, live now:
Rewind if necessary.
Trump Administration timeline of action on Coronavirus:
- 2018: National Biodefense Strategy developed to speed of action for bio-risk to Americans. PDF link here: 36 pages in total,
- September 19, 2019: Executive Order on Modernizing Influenza Vaccines in the United States to Promote National Security and Public Health
- January 29, 2020: Task force being assembled within Trump Admin, coordinted through NSC and to include foremost experts on infectious diseases. Press statement on President’s Task Force on Coronavirus:
- January 29, 2020: Peter Navarro tasked with unique task. Peter Navarro on Tucker, WH Coronavirus Plan is 4 part strategy being executed on TRUMP TIME
- 1- HHS has RFP tomorrow for personal protective equipment, includes 1/2 Billion Masks, gloves, suits
- 2- 3 Treatment options, 1-remdesivir IV drug in clinical trials, trying to secure dosage 2-Develop oral antivirals in rapid time 3-monoclonal antibodies to help build up immune system
- 3-vaccine development in 1/2 time
- 4-point of care diagnostics, adapting handheld devices to be able to do field diagnostics
- January 30, 2020: Trump Admin assembled a unified task force across all agencies to coordinate all response efforts across the totality of government. Official.
- January 30, 2020: Trump signs proclamation, using Presidential authority pursuant to Section 212(f) of the Immigration and Nationality Act, temporarily suspending the entry into the United States of foreign nationals. Restrictions were first to limit people traveling from Wuhan, 14 days MANDATORY quarantine. Then advanced to include all travelers from China, 14 days self-quarantine. All foreign national who traveled within China in the prior 14 days, were denied entry.
- January 30, 2020: HHS Secretary Alex Azar declared a nationwide public health emergency.
- January 31, 2020: Azar and all of the task force hold a presser at the White House:
- Transcript of Task Force Presser:
- Subsequent pressers at HHS:
- Media over-reacts and vehemently opposes Trump Admin for “manufacturing a crisis where none exists”. From the Washington Post, January 31st:
- February 2, 2020: Effort took a few days to implement, taking effect, formally on February 2. President Trump; and in accordance with the declaration, at 5:00 p.m. EST; Sunday, February 2nd, the U.S government implemented temporary measures to increase detection & containment of the coronavirus proactively. Effective February 2nd.
- February 25th, 2020: February 25, 2020: COVID-19 Vaccine Shipped, and Drug Trials Start
- February 25-26th: President requests 2.5 billion to fight Coronavirus, including developing a vaccine. Schumer/Pelosi criticize the President for acting too slowly, when they criticized him for over-reacting a month ago. Schumer insists the President has NO PLAN, but insists the President needs more money, proposes 8.5 billion dollars.
- February 26, 2020: Chelsea Clinton is rolled out, writing articles, criticizing the Trump Administration for Coronavirus response, media using the virus as a weapon to tank the market. Using it as a weapon to harm the President’s political aspirations for 2020 reelection. Disgusting.
- February 26, 2020: Alex Azar and team brief the public again, formally. Fauchi has been all over the press for the past month.
- President arrives home from a successful trip to India to address the nation this evening.
- Hat tip to Buterflygirl, Gail, and Sundance for timeline details and links.
Link to yesterday’s briefing by Azar, Faucci, et al
Yesterday, in this briefing Secretary Azar stressed 5 areas of their focus for preparedness:
1 – Surveillance
2 – Funds for state and local response to outbreaks
3 – Therapeutics and Diagnostics
4 – Vaccines
5 – Funds for personal protective equipment
They are also watching for any disruption of health supply chains.
Dr. Faucci said it will be next year by the time a vaccine goes through Level 1 and 2 trials and is available for public.
“…Dr. Faucci said it will be next year by the time a vaccine goes through Level 1 and 2 trials….”
Dr Faucci doesn’t know President Trump!
Peter Navarro on Tucker said vaccine development in 1/2 the time.
Executive Order on Modernizing Influenza Vaccines in the United States to Promote National Security and Public Health
Issued on: September 19, 2019
February 25, 2020: COVID-19 Vaccine Shipped, and Drug Trials Start
If you think there are people dying and a vaccine in testing and President Trump isn’t going to put a boot into some Bureaurat arses… I have a very nice bridge I want to sell you.
Dr. Faucci said something about early testing where outbreaks are occurring.
But a lot of mixed messages here. Interesting. Just came to this thread and am now reading comments before listening to the video.
Posted earlier about the biotech co getting this vaccine happening really fast and federal funding. Almost as if Potus was getting ahead of the curve on this one. Like it was expected
One thing that always pissed me off as a GS, having been Active Duty stationed oversea or forward deployed, many GS have zero sense of urgency. NONE.
These days we call it, Trump speed.
Cut regulations.
Streamline processes.
At the right time, it’s called right to try.
Not jumping off the cliff.
But, bureaucrats PISS me off.
Be sure and tune in to the President’s briefing tonight at 6pm.
Now changed until 6:30…for those without TV “alerts.”
Thanks for the update, Teagan!
6:30 PM EST
President Trump and Members of the Coronavirus Task Force Hold a News Conference
Have you seen a link yet?
Not yet – I’ll check around.
I just copied and pasted the links that you posted on the daily thread in reply to Daughn.
Are they what we’re looking for here?
Yes – both Fox 10 and GST are live now!
Go here for WQTH discussion:
Here’s one – Fox 10 Phoenix – billed as an address to the nation:
This is showing 6:00 PM!
But other statements are showing 6:30, so methinks that’s it.
I think they are mistaken – haven’t updated.
Nothing yet from RSBN
Saw this a minute ago on the daily thread:
February 26, 2020 at 16:51
LINKS for Trump White House Coronavirus Briefing – 6:30 pm this evening:
Fox 10 –
I would love for CDC Dr. Nancy to be asked to be there and then put on the hot seat for any confusing remarks that may have cause an adverse stock market reaction.
She needs to be fired.
And if she can’t be fired, she can play tidily winks.
… Thule.
Why do you hate Greenland??

I am going to post this here too. It is PHONE BRIEFINGS by CDC.
This is Messonier’s latest phone briefing with reporters.
No transcript yet.
Quick notes:
195 tests were for those in quarantine from returning from Wuhan.
More than 1700 medical workers in China are infected
In the questions it comes out:
They are having to REFORMULATE the reagent in the test kits. WTF!
To Chinese Daily — mitigation aka ‘disrupt spread’ close schools…tele-a-medicine.. have plans already in place may see coming up in coming weeks.
To Reuters — blunt curve by ‘mitigation’ using mathematical models.
Buzfeed — Serum test many weeks out
Politico — Asks what about more surveillance? She thanks Congress, funding not problem, using the FLU system already in place she thinks most efficient.
Friday transcript:

New information on the test kit:
So still not willing to look at anyone except people who traveled to China.
Question from Dan Vergano with “Buzzfeed” news on Squabble on bring home ill people from the Princess.
I would not be surprised to find that Messonier’s briefing, or rather the Fake News reports of the briefing and the stock market crash were coordinated by the elite. Doesn’t take much and they have done it before.
CDC says Americans could see ‘severe disruptions’ with coronavirus, now that disease spread is ‘when’ not ‘if’
“…“It’s not so much a question of if this will happen anymore, but a question of exactly when this will happen and how many people in this country will have severe illness,” Messonnier said….”
Glad that Trump is getting out on this now. I have a suspicion that part of the cabal PLOT here was to increase trust in bureaucracy and globalists. Thankfully, WHO already nixed that by overplaying – trying to balk on border-shutting, flight cancellation, etc. Tipped their “whoops” hand a bit too far with that one!!!
In any case, here is what to watch for. They try to play Trump to take WRONG or lagging positions, while the bureaucrats are set up to take leading or credibility-enhancing positions (steal cred back from Q + VSG + crowd). SNEAKY. Watch for it.
Unseen has a very level headed response
Yes, good advice.
Make the buys now for medicines, vitamins (China makes ALL the C) A Month’s supply of food. (20# of rice is less than 10 bucks.) there is canned chicken, beef, pork, tuna… available as well as canned veggies and dried beans.
You can probably figure they will keep the electric running so frozen should not be a problem. DO NOT BUY stuff you would not ordinarily eat anyway.
Also a garden or potted veggies is not a bad idea. fresh herbs, radishes, green onions/chives add needed vitamins and liven up dishes.
Do not forget the cleaners….
Buy your frozen veggies carefully. Don’t buy cheap imports from China.
A small generator can power your fridge and freezer. Get fuel for it too.
Torches, batteries candles.
A gun and ammo. And DONT advertise what you’ve got.
If things go south it will be the haves and the trying to takes
Too good not to post the whole thing:
unseen1 @unseen1_unseen
18 hours ago, 15 tweets, 3 min read
I have news for the left. If they think people will turn against Pres. Trump over the China virus they ate too many magic mushrooms. So far Trump has handled it perfectly and the only people making it political are the Dems. If Dems were in charge, the virus would already be here
It’s also not going to have a long term impact on the economy. It will most likely peter out by middle of spring/early summer. The death rate while higher than the flu will not be high enough to collapse the country.
8 out of 10 people infected will catch a cold.
2 out of 10 will have complications that forces them to seek care most in a hospital. 0.5 out of ten will require ICU care. 2 out of 100 will die. (if the death rate stays that high)
This will cause short term economic pain in some places but in others it will cause economic gains. Companies aren’t going to lay off 100’s of thousands of workers when they will need them in a month after virus runs it course.
By Trump closing the borders to China travel early he bought us time. Will that be enough to escape the virus? Probably not but it has lessened the time the country will face the biggest hit if the experts are right about the weather controlling the spread.
If the experts are wrong and it doesn’t stop in the spring then the extra time has helped jump start the vaccine program and given us longer to find a medicine that helps lessen the virus effects. It’s also given the gov time to inform the public and prepare for it.
Worst case is that the virus is not contained and runs through the population. If that happens 80% of the population will be okay. A major strain will be placed on healthcare system and around 2% will die. Then the population will have immunity from it until it mutates or dies.
If that point happens People and business will then adapt and treat the new virus like the flu or any cold.
This isn’t the end times, it’s a serious problem that may effect supply chains and cause short term pain but it’s not the silver bullet the Dems are looking for.
Of course this is all assuming the numbers we have so far is correct. Of course the higher the death rate the bigger the impact. But a 2% death rate of a viruses that can spread through the population is big enough to cause governments to freak out because we are talking a lot
Of total deaths. The flu has infected 15 million in this country as of end of Jan and killed about 10,000. If this virus infects 15 million we are talking about 375,000 dead. So yes, the numbers given to us are enough to cause lockdowns etc. It doesn’t have to be that they are
Lying to us or hiding a bigger threat. The numbers they are giving us are plenty to cause a serious concern short term. Are the Dems using this as a politics weapon? Yes. Does that mean you should ignore the warning to prepare for a period of short term pain? No.
Italy had one case reported in the south of the country and they had panic buying and empty shelves. Get a couple weeks to a month of non perishable food stocked up, get whatever prescription meds you need now before a panic might mean you cant get them. Keep your gas tank full.
Have some cash on hand, I doubt electric or water will be impacted like in a storm but it’s always better to be prepared then standing on roof waiting for the helicopter. If the food is not needed you can always eat it, if the medicine not is not needed you can still take it.
By stocking ahead for a couple weeks to a month you aren’t Increasing your costs you are just changing the date you would have bought these things. Of you have underlying chronic health issues you should take more care of human interactions for awhile. If you smoke you are more
…at risk from what some reports say. Basically ask yourself can you live on what you have in your home for 14-30 days. If yes. Don’t worry. If no, make the needed adjustments and then don’t worry. Peace of mind is a treasure in a time of stress.
Just to piggyback on your great advice–if you will be having family members hunkering down (I’m talking grandkids and elderly parents especially), make sure you have plenty of OTC meds for colds and flu, cough syrup, drops, vapor rub, etc.
Also, chess, checkers, playing cards, puzzles, coloring books, Scrabble and so on. Watching the tv will get boring.
Juices, cake mixes, all the little things that will seem very important if you are cloistered.
Don’t forget pets! I still need a couple more 50 pound bags of dog food. Six dogs. Ugh.
Yes – excellent!!!
“blunt curve by ‘mitigation’ using mathematical models.”…
Yeah. Right. Just like their climastrologic models…
Lots of backing and filling by the medibureaucrats, with not much substance to accompany it…
Same here in Europe.
Three cases now only 20 miles or so away. Yep. Merde-Kuh says even now, “Wir schaffen das” (we’ll do it).
It’s only a question of what “das” (that) means… I think they mean “we’ll get rid of them all”…
Ironic how everyone is yapping about how interconnected the world is, yet they’re totally surprised when one of those interconnections brings disease, plague, poverty, and disaster with it…
Sometimes interconnections are not a good idea…..
P.S. Might be stupidly obvious, but it’s probably a good idea to stock up on medicines and anything that might have a supply chain “link” in Asia. So, it you want that PC/lappie/or component from Asia, time to buy from existing stock… My son takes an ACE inhibitor (Enalapril) and a Beta-Blocker (Bisoprolol), and we’re ordering extra. It might happen (if Big Pharma has half a clue) that production gets realigned to producing meds that will help fight the virus/related illnesses… at which point the regular production will dwindle down…
My son takes Prograf (tacrolimus) as an anti-rejection drug following Liver Transplant. He needs .5mg & 1mg doses. We got the .5 OK the other day but the 1 is on back-order. The doctor said that for some reason Prograf is becoming scarce & some pharmacies can’t get it. I discussed this with the pharmacist but she didn’t seem familiar (they have other patients taking Prograf). They’ve been trying to order it daily & different suppliers indicate it should be available the first week of March. She found another location/store that still has a stock of the 1mg so we may get it from there. Strangely the .5mg that we picked up was in individual foil packets, which we’ve never seen before in the near 7 years he’s been taking this med. I wonder if that means they are using up older/less desirable stock. Filling a 2 week pill box will be more annoying if I have to unwrap each individual capsule…sigh…
From the White House just now via email:
President Trump’s aggressive coronavirus response
Watch LIVE at 6:30 p.m. ET as President Trump and members of the Coronavirus Task Force hold a news conference.
Under President Trump’s leadership, the full weight of the U.S. Government is working to protect the health and safety of the American people.
Tonight at 6:30 p.m. ET, the President and members of the Coronavirus Task Force will hold a news conference to update Americans on the federal response to the coronavirus.
Decisive action from President Trump at the beginning of the outbreak—including prudent travel restrictions and an early containment strategy—has given local officials time to prepare. Last month, the President formed a Coronavirus Task Force, led by Health and Human Services Secretary Alex Azar and comprised of subject-matter experts, to organize a whole-of-government response.
As a result, America has been able to stay ahead of the outbreak as it develops abroad.
The Trump Administration also recently requested new funding authorities from Congress. With this action, the Administration expects to allocate at least $2.5 billion to fight the coronavirus. That funding will go toward public health preparedness, laboratory testing, quarantine costs, the development of vaccines, and other healthcare priorities.
One principle in particular has defined President Trump’s approach: radical transparency. Rather than keep Americans in the dark, the Administration wants citizens to be able to see inside each step of the process. The President also wants all Americans to understand how their government is working hard to keep them safe.
“We’re taking this incredibly serious here in the United States,” Secretary Azar said. “We are doing the most aggressive containment efforts in modern history to prevent further spread in the United States. We’re going to continue taking those measures.”
More: Mike Pompeo and Alex Azar: Our coronavirus response is protecting Americans
How we mobilize resources around the world to help other nations fight the disease is American altruism at its finest.
Other live streams for WH briefing at 6:30 pm:
Fox 10 –
I’m posting these up top. Sure wish we lived next door.
GST IS LIVE in White House Press Room!
Excellent. This is very smart.
Very important – bear in mind at all times:
Trust FIRST in God!!! Greater trust flows from this!!!
YUP!!! Today is the day! “A reminder from our sponsor”!
And from one of my favorite books of the Bible which sausage-squisher won’t let me name:
5 Trust in the LORD with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding.
6 In all thy ways acknowledge HIM, and HE shall direct thy paths.
7 Be not wise in thine own eyes: fear the LORD, and depart from evil.
Azar is Messonnier’s boss’s boss’s boss…..
Azar is Secretary of the Health and Human Services Department (Cabinet level)
CDC Director is Dr Redfield (appointed)
Principle Deputy Director Dr Schuchat
Deputy Director Dr Butler
(For infectious Diseases)
Center for the National Center for Immunization and Respiratory Diseases – Dr Messonnier
She may find she is no longer allowed to do briefings and Deputy Director Dr Butler, her boss will have to take over the job. Excuse it is too important for an ‘underling’
I suspect there a link between Dr. Messonier’s brother ROD “ROSEY”-STEIN and her coming out with this “here comes the Plague” stuff.
So now she’s basically been caught and is in backpedal mode. Might be too late to save her gubmint career.
If you scroll down on the CSPAN page, they have all the coronavirus briefings and events over the last week or so.
Any minute now. Azar and others in the briefing room, waiting for POTUS.
It’s about to begin. All the CDC, NIH folks have filed in.
The Commander in Chief – PRESIDENT TRUMP has ordered up the full line up!
Except Nancy Messonier is nowhere to be seen!
Messonier is a ‘foreman’ not a high level leader.
He begins with condolences to victims and families of shooting in Milwaukee.
Orchid Pink tie!!!
Number one priority is health and safety of American people.
Sorry for not getting a News Roundup out today. I feel asleep at 6:00 PM and didn’t get up until 6:45 AM. I had an all day training at a school. I will have a longer roundup for tomorrow where I will include news from yesterday and today.
All right… we’ll let you slide… THIS TIME…!

Take good care of yourself, treasured friend!
I was afraid you had the WooWooFlu
JK. You’re excused
Good to hear from you! You spoil us so. We automatically get concerned if you’re MIA. On the daily they sent a search party and thankfully located you on twitter which calmed the masses!

That is an overdose. Don’t be surprised when the Overdose Response Team comes to ask you questions.
Thanks for letting us know. We’re all glad you are OK!
Sleep is good!
I do love FLEP. Do you need some chicken soup?
Thanks for letting us know! I was a bit worried about you, plus I am admittedly spoiled. You always bring the best news! Can’t wait until tomorrow.
Original 15 w/virus – 5 fully recovered, the rest in process, some in hospital, others recovering at home
I really like that pink tie he’s wearing. Beautiful with his dark blue suit.
Pink Tie? My best guess: “She did it”
He looked fabulous!
Today is breast cancer awareness day, thus the pink tie.
Oh………..I wasn’t aware. Hmmm……I thought it was the whole month of October?
US #1 in preparations per John’s Hopkins
He’s put Pence in charge. Hmmm. A little high level oversight…….
Pence appointed Corona leader.
Six-pack or full case?
Isn’t it wonderful we have a Vice-President who can be counted upon to take a leadership position?
God Bless You, Vice-President Pence!!!
as opposed to Sleepy Creepy???
day/night difference Duchess! Thank the Lord!!
Yes, BFLY! I am just thrilled VP Pence was chosen to accompany President Trump through this MAGA Movement in American History!!!
I think we should dedicate an entire history book volume to the Trump Presidency!
We are so blessed, BFLY!
AMEN goes right there, Sweet Duchess!!
* Smiling *
Just what I was thinking, bfly. Thank you, God!
President Trump is not and has not been messing around.
He has put VP Pence as the executive coordinator of the US response to the coronavirus!!!
VP Pence has been meeting daily with NIH, CDC, transportation, and other agencies.
PDJT has decided to implement a “WHOLE OF GOVERNMENT APPROACH” to the Coronavirus.
The Dims and their Mockingbird Press think President Trump has no idea what he is doing!
If you read the timeline Daughn provided – PT has been on top of this potential crisis long before he went to India – they keep harping on quarantine and the stock market – like that is all with which we must be concerned – now they are quoting Pelosi who said PT does not know what he is doing!
Pelosi is trying to create a ‘panic’ – and there is no reason to panic – we should be working together – she is trying to make this political – this is not political.
I wish he would tell them to only ask questions strictly on the topic – this is not a regular press conference.
PIGlosi wants the entire country to look like San FranFeces!
No doubt – that was part of the 16-year plan to be implemented by O and H to bring America down to a third world country – look how much China stole from us – not to mention all of Europe – the cost of endless wars – everything they did to steal, kill, and destroy America – sound familiar? Is this not satan’s plan for God’s people? He hates us as much as they do – because God promised us eternal life – something he and they will never have.
I think that is incorrect. God promised us eternal life in heaven/paradise. There is another eternal life and it is in the lake of fire (generally thought to be eternal life cut off from God).
I cannot imagine anything more terrifying than to be cut off from God and heaven, with no escape.
GA, I imagine the State and local lines of communication, as a result of the hurricanes we have had here in US, will be been enormously helpful.
such lines between Feds and States/local do not have to started from scratch…already established.
This President is demonstrating his grasp of how Nat’l situations can best be handled.
No more Katrinas.
I totally agree w duchess…I am to the point where it doesn’t matter that Pravda doesn’t “get” him…we do.
Who did he wink at?
Probably his wife.
I don’t think Melania was in the presstitutes section
So far, so good. Looks like a smart plan with good people. So far. Confidence-building!
Only 1 new case in US in last 2 weeks. Our containment strategy has been working.
Azar says Trump Admin will continue to be aggressively transparent.
They DO expect more cases. NOW is the time to prepare.
Well……….this was all very reassuring. Makes you feel like the adults are in charge.
Sylvia, adults have ALWAYS been in charge. Adult simply means big body.
I believe it would be more accurate to say the ‘grown-ups’ are in charge now.
Luv ya.
WordPiss is up to its old tricks again.
Whatever happens, we’re totally prepared, says PDJT in his pretty pink tie. I believe him.
LINKS to keep at hand:
Tweets by CDCgov
CDC Coronavirus links –
2019CoV cases in USA –
Currently there is no community spread in the USA.
“There is currently no reported community spread of #COVID19 in the US. People should follow everyday measures to prevent the spread of respiratory viruses, such as staying home when sick and washing hands with soap and water. Stay informed; visit”
Still only 2 person to person cases reported in USA.
Thanks GA/FL.
There is a link at the CDC Coronavirus site for community preparations. It is a very impressive site.
Press pool on notice: No bullshit today-stay on topic !
I loved that!
Ha ha……..PDJT thinks part of the stock market hit was people looking at the debate debacle and thinking holy heck one of those idiots could get elected…….crash………
It was a fantastic take. Gosh, I love PT. He just turns it all around on them.
He is awesome, isn’t he? I just LOVE that he doesn’t take crap, he fights back.
He is brilliant to reverse the press talking points and blame the drop in the stock market on incompetent Dem Candidates and Chuck and Nancy playing politics in a crisis.
Yes, he is. And it is true besides. Great job!
He’s just telling the bald face truth!!! :8->
Vaccine Phase 1 trial – 45 people – compete in 2-3months. Then expanded trial to 100’s of people, another 6 months. If good won’t be available for 1.5 years.
Anti viral drug Remdesivir being tested now to see if viable treatment.
Question was asked – What about the stock market?
President Trump said, maybe it was the Democrat Debate and the possibility that any of those (idiots) people could be President.
And that is the truth! If this was a Democrat administration – we would have rampant uncontrolled spread of the virus!!!
One word:
He slacked on it as long as he could, but the virus didn’t cooperate with their plan.
(Trying hard to resist making Beavis and Butthead jokes)

. . . Listen to Azar during the briefing . . .
He said “well calibrated”
36:55 actions taken with the strong support of
36:57 his scientific advisors have proven to
37:00 be appropriate wise and well calibrated
37:03 to the situation we’re grateful for the
Now who was it who introduced us to this usage of the word “calibrated”? July 24th 2009?
I can see the headline now from the redhead….”Trump to quarantine full cities”
I think Speaker Pelosi is INCOMPETENT!!

She should go back to her district and clean it up.
She’s trying to create a panic.
Crying Chuck too.
They’re trying to create a political panic.
Absolutely FABULOUSLY quoteable quotes!!!!!! Not that these idiots will quote him………..
“I think Pelosi is incompetent.” “I think she is not thinking about the country – thinking about working together.”
President Trump is knocking Democrats response to virus.
Ain’t it beautiful?
Stupid report quotes stupid Nanshee saying PDJT doesn’t know anything about the virus. PDJT says matter of factly, “Speaker Pelosi is incompetent.”
But now he’s getting pissed. She’s trying to create a panic. She and Schumer……trying to get a political advantage. They should be working together on the issue.
Coronacrats are desperate.
Olympics…schedule will be tight.
This will END
Oops… Off-topic again… Asked about the libel lawsuit against the New York Times hit-piece… We’re going to see more of them!
LOOK OUT – fake news!!!
If they publish lies – hit ’em in the wallet, Mr. President!!!
After I win the election, the stock market is going to BOOM like it never has before!
Thanks for the timeline!
I feel good knowing trump is in charge!
Also WTH does Chelsea Clinton know? Is she an expert all of a sudden?
OMG it turns out she’s on staff at Columbia University now as some sort of a public health expert. Face Palm. Just what we need is THAT one advising us…………..
First hand knowledge of severe mental illness does not make one an expert.
Severe mental illness, compounded by delusional alcoholism.
Something about
Oh, what a tangled Webb we weave,
When first we practise to deceive…
Hubbell, Hubbell, boil and bubble,
Beezle-Bubba’s still in trouble…
I see what you did there
Russia FAILED, Impeachment FAILED…Let’s try Incompetence, Create Panic and Fear, see if that sticks?!?
Donald Trump is a Genius and a successful Businessman. An Executive surrounds himself with the best and brightest at all times in order to get things accomplished. He brings the same practice to the WH and it shows in all the accomplishments he’s made in his first 3 years. Puts the career Pols to shame!!
Corona will not be President Trump’s downfall.
Corona will either be a draw or a positive.
Incredibly difficult to manage unknowns.
I’ll take President Trump over every buffoon out there.
AMEN, K-BO!! He, and we too, are Blessed by GOD!!
With our help, Democrats will RUE THE DAY they CONSPIRED WITH CHINA to release this thing.
The Democrats chose to blame the victims here.
The Democrats CHOSE POORLY.
“She received an undergraduate degree at Stanford University and later earned master’s degrees from University of Oxford (having studied at University College, Oxford) and Columbia University’s Mailman School of Public Health, and a Doctor of Philosophy in international relations from the University of Oxford in 2014….
Clinton has authored five children’s books and co-authored a scholarly book for adults on global health policy, as well as articles and opinion pieces published in major media outlets. She has received numerous awards and honors.
Clinton has worked for McKinsey & Company, Avenue Capital Group, and New York University and serves on several boards, including those of the School of American Ballet, Clinton Foundation, Clinton Global Initiative, Common Sense Media, Weill Cornell Medical College, and IAC/InterActiveCorp…..”
Of course she worked for McKinsey
and she also had the $700K a year job to do nothing at NBC.
Baby Bitch Witch is GOING DOWN.
I feel a rollout for Hillary coming…..
You know, during the debate, she had a commercial for her Hulu series…….
Milwaukee has requested an additional 50 million for security for the Dem Convention.
I sure hope WE’RE not paying for it!!!
Oh wait. It could be sent from San Francisco, couldn’t it?
Oh, those cheating Dems!!!
Hmm. Despite Crosby, Stills, Nash, and Young’s “Chicago” echoing through my mind, the tune by John Phillips and Scott McKenzie comes to mind…
If you’re coming from San Francisco,
Be sure to wear twin towers in your hair…
Methinks $50M won’t be enough to cover the beer that made Milfame Walk Us… (hence my reference to Chicago and the ’68 convention)…
(Rather vague reference to Beach Blanket Babylon….)…
“Mailman School of Public Health”…
Is Kasich somehow involved here, too?
(asking for a friend…).
” the beer that made Milfame Walk Us… (hence my reference to Chicago and the ’68 convention)…”
Couldn’t reply directly to your comment as no reply button. I heard a joke at science camp in junior high about a pitcher, Mil Famie, who was drinking his beer & walking the other team so one player pointed out the bottle of beer in his pocket & said “that’s the beer that made Mil Famie walk us”…
Were you loosely referencing that joke. I don’t know anything about Chicago & the ’68 convention. Wasn’t it the ’60 election where Nixon beat Kennedy but all the Chicago-based voter fraud threw the election to JFK…& NIxon was no Al Gore so didn’t contest his “loss”…?
If she has a Ph.D, why isn’t she addressed as Dr. Clinton?
*Hits head on desk!*
POTUS was called Racist for banning flights. He made a BOLD decision and it’s paying off. LOVE our ALPHA POTUS!!!!

Crying Chuckie is one of those that blasted President Trump, for over reacting.
“…We’re talking about the virus here”
(NOW… You’ve been told TWICE!)
Ha……….Boeing took away part of point in GDP……..the fed and their interest rates impact the GDP………
He keeps using the reporters questions to circle back to we should all be working together on this all on the same page.
Yup. Division is NOT the solution.
President Trump commonly works to get people to stay on message and work together. Evident throughout this presser.
The Dems need to see that if they go the division route, there will be FAST JUDGMENT.
D-Rats are slow… Division IS what D-rats champion. “Niche” politics/
Oh hilarious! He talks about how he always washes his hands….you don’t need to touch every hand rail………..and then he talks about someone who comes up and hugs him and the President asks him if he’s well. “No, I feel terrible. I have a fever.” He is sooooo FUNNY.
His timing is perfect
Love how he’s turning the nasty questions right back on top of the gnarly press curs heads.
VERY MASTERFUL – a BOSS-worthy handling of the press!!!!
Well……MY takeaway was everyone who spoke seemed at ease and confident. If the purpose was to reassure the American public, it should help anyone who watched it. If they see it filtered through the eyes of the press people, who knows.
Btw, here’s a link to the National BioDefense Strategy POTUS put in place in 2018!!
Holder’s side killed THREE KENNEDYS. SHAME on Eric Holder.
“Holder’s side killed THREE KENNEDYS. SHAME on Eric Holder.”
Psychopaths don’t feel shame.
But they do feel pain.
And FEAR!!!
How did Fake News put it? AH YES….
“The walls are closing in!!!”
Hey Eirc, how’s civilian life?
Wonderful header photo, Miss Daughn!
Shows how thoughtful and shrewd our VSG PDJT really is.
Will save it into my file of favorites.
I love that photo!!
Just a thought….
POTUSVSG has been known to give hints in his misspelling of words. His misspelled tweets the other day included the “caronavirus” and a repeat of misspelling “chocker”.
So we have an “a” instead of “o” and an added “c”. “c” + “a” = CA…or California? What happened in Cal;ifornia today? SF declared state of emergency due to C-virus. Isn’t that Pelosi’s town? So, eyes on SF…is this play to get federal emergency funding? Or just make POTUSVSG look bad? Or hide the filth and hjomelessness of SF? Or…..?
Any thoughts or comments?
All of the above, with emphasis on Nasty Nancy.
Remember Nasty PIG losi just made a trip to San FranFeces China Town. Hard to say there is virus there now.
I am sure that any moneys given towards fighting the virus WILL be watched closely in Demon-Rat Holes.
Grew up in the SF Bay Area. We’d often go to “The City”, and visit Chinatown, sometimes in the afternoon, staying until after dark.
Chinatown changed, when the light turned to dark. The shops, always full of “cheap Chinese $#!+” would get a little noisier, and I’d hear noises and smell odd odors from half-hidden rooms obscured by curtains, which, if disturbed (by me, or others) would elicit a response of “no look there, private room”.
Little did I know back then that those rooms were gambling and opium dens, but the smell (that I didn’t recognize, being a wee bairn) gave it all away…
The po-leece and the Mayor’s office looked the other way. Seems the Chinese and their separate, non-integrated community controlled the city and county of SF 60 years ago, just as they do now…
So interesting…..nothing to see here, keep moving on……
It’s hard to know – nothing California Democrat leaders do makes any sense, nor is it of any benefit to the safety, stability, solvency or sanity of the people, cities and states of California or the USA!!!
For Democrats – It’s all about power, purse, perks for politicians.
Do they send the money straight to CHYYYNNAA?
Their schemes always make sense when viewed from a perspective of …as you said… power, purse and perks. We just have to extrapolate their moves to see the desired outcomes.
Could the Evil D’s be planning a release of the virus in the SF homeless pop to thin them out (and have the opening to remove them legally) as well as get Fed funds AND blame POTUSVSG? A 3-fer…. Then Pelosi can claim she “cleaned up SF in a time of need” for her campaign this fall.
State of Emergency …
• Getting in line for the $8.5 BILLION ELECTION KICKBACK FUND from Schumer
Thank you for this thread. As the one parish cantor without a day job, I get to do the 5:30 pm Masses on days like today. People came in until the Gospel. Standing room only.
Bakocarl mentioned a Tucker Carlson banner.
I looked it up:
Coronavirus uncontained: First case in U.S. from unknown source is in Northern California
Interesting that it is California and Nancy is declaring state of emergency. Timing is everything.
Anyone know about this Obama wants the ad pulled
The Latest: Trump tries to blame 2020 Dems for market’s fall
GEE, Only DemoRats are allowed to lie?
And what is Obummer whining about? He HAS refused to endorse Bidden and he DID endorse and campaign for Hitlery.
Obama just jealous i do believe…seems Trump is breaking voting records and fixing things that Obama tried to destroy…
Two of my favorite Obama videos
I have been reading that other blog you shared since the Wuhan flu began.
Say you post this and agree with both statements 100%
“Daughn is who I want to be when I grow up. :>)
OH and we really want her to write a book on her adventures!”
Well they guys wanted to know who she was so I thought I would give them a tiny peek… Blueberry muffins
Yes!! I def will buy Daughn’s book! Selfpublish!
PS I have a very hard time posting here (probably me) so fyi I adore y’all, and am so thankful for the Q tree!
Mil space on this and q drops.
It’s complicated
I don’t have the source/links, but I read another threadreader where Q quotes Ephesians 6:10-18, and appears to identify Q and Q+. IDs are 3888 and 3889 (if that makes any sense)… (Kind of late here, so please forgive me)…
NFI what those numbers mean.
The numbers are the ID numbers assigned to Q and Q+ This lets you know it really is Q or Q+ and not a LARP.
Also read Mil Spec Monkey’s previous thread:
Yep. Some of his stuff uses a lot of military jargon but he explains that
I love his tie! So pretty
As I said in my Tweet ===Tying a relief bill to some other bill, especially a realy bad bill is really bad politics.
I don’t care what party you are—this is just low down shitty people
Cap-and-trade walkout leaves Umatilla County flood aid money in limbo
Conrad Black’s latest….
I encourage a full read.
“Never in American history has a political leader achieved so swift a transition from a side-splitting joke to his opponents, as Mr. Trump was a little over three years ago, to the subject of their cold, gripping terror, of such enormity as only the impending loss of control of a vast apparatus of government and press influence can induce.
The Democrats now face a choice of sinking with all hands with Mr. Sanders or being badly shot up and limping home, waterlogged and well down in the water with all hands at the pumps, which is the best the brazen and clumsy Bloomberg takeover can now realistically have as its objective.”
For those who aren’t aware…
Being “shot up, waterlogged, and well down in the water” is a naval reference….a ship that is badly damaged, full of water (ie. almost sunk but not quite) and usually under tow at a very low rate of speed.
Such a ship offers an easy target to an enemy, and even if it DOES make it back to a friendly port it will require a massive overhaul before it can be serviceable again.