Welcome to Friday’s OPEN THREAD at the QTree! It’s the weekend and time to crack open a beer and put some steaks on the grill! Thank you for the Thursday hand-off TrumpIsMine. Thank you to Wolfie for keeping us all organized, up and running. What would we do without FLEP’s News Roundup to keep up? Thank you, Flep. Hat tip and a hearty thank you to Wheatie, Dep, BakoCarl, Michael, all contributors and the lurkers!
We don’t believe in political correctness at QTree. Free Speech is practiced here. ENJOY IT. Use it or lose it. This board will remain a REFUGE for those who need civility, either some or all of the time. Important Guidelines are outlined here in the January 1st open thread, with an addendum on 20191110. In other words, please keep it SOMEWHAT civil. We have a new board – actually a new SITE – called The U Tree – where people can take each other to the woodshed without fear of censorship or moderation.
What a week we’ve had. We’ve gone from India, with images of hundreds of thousands of Indian citizens gleefully welcoming our President, FLOTUS, and delegation in grand fashion……. and in a small overlooked news item, Sec Wilbur Ross traveled on to Pakistan. Hmmmmm! The President came home with a 3 billion dollar military sale but did not buckle on a larger trade deal. Good. The USA is in a winning position and he won’t sign unless it’s good for American citizens. We want “Reciprocity”.

When the President returned home, he was greeted by news of massive selloffs in the stock market and a media intent on causing a panic over Coronavirus. News out of Italy/Iran and South Korea sparked concerns over the virus spreading. In South Korea, we learned over 800K people signed a petition calling for the impeachment of President Moon, because he did not act fast enough to close the borders to Chinese travelers, …..which makes Trump’s decision to close travel to those from China, a month ago, quite wise. THUS, Italy’s politicians and other country’s leaders reacted severely to any threat of the virus….. which made the media salivate. The President addressed the nation on Wednesday night.
The reaction in the media reminds me of an anecdote I learned long ago, told to me by a seasoned fund manager. He said, “I could hire anyone to work for me…… When everything is going well, it wouldn’t matter if I hired people straight out of the phone book, but the reason I hire the best in the business, seek them out and pay them more, is because there will be a problem/disaster/catastrophe in the next ten years. During that moment of crisis, decisions made by savvy and calm employees will be all that stands between me and the sharks.”
It’s why we hired Donald Trump as President, for a moment such as…. Coronavirus.
In other news, well out of the headlines, the President’s Judicial Armada plugs along, the Border Wall continues adding mileage, and the Trump Admin won big in the Appeals Court for a ruling on restricting block grants to Sanctuary Cities. Promises made, promises kept, the list of accomplishments continues.

The Dems are annihilating each other in their debates and on the campaign trail. We’ve had fun watching the implosion on several Dem Debate Threads and the forecast for next week is “100% chance of continued amusement”.
Tonight, the President travels to South Carolina, for a rally before South Carolina Primary. I’ve already started marinating the ribs for the grill. We can sip tea, or share a few Mint Juleps, comfortable with our Stable Genius, while the Dems muddy themselves in the gutter. Full Debate Thread will go up after midnight. Surely, there are already people in line. Ya’ll can come visit me at the B&B while we’re in South Carolina.

Make sure you rest up over the weekend because we have another rally in North Carolina on Monday night, ahead of the Super Tuesday primary. It is election season.

“Our movement is about replacing a failed and corrupt political establishment with a new government controlled by you, the American People.” Candidate Donald J Trump
Remember Wheatie’s Rules:
- No food fights.
- No running with scissors.
- If you bring snacks, bring enough for everyone.
If you’re up past midnight, take a walk outside and look at the Moon and Venus “kiss” each other. Kind of cool.
Say a little prayer for the President and his family/team. It won’t hurt you, and he needs all the help he can get.

Until next week, Remain Calm and Rock On………
See you all tomorrow morning at Wheatie’s treehouse!

Great thread post, Daughn!

Thanks for the weekly recap!
Those Angel Trees in SC are incredible, aren’t they.
Absolutely beautiful!
Love all the pictures! I can’t decide which I like best, I guess they’re all the best!
I’m a little rummy tonight, will read the post tomorrow. Hubby is needing a lot of TLC lately, so I pop in when I can. Thanks for all you do.
IPOT has a good message here.

Donald Trump don’t truss China…
China is Ass-ho.
……………End text.
IPOT has included a video clip of a Chinese guy saying, “Donald Trump don’t truss China…
China is Ass-ho.”…and has put it to music.
Trump train ummmmm ship leaving everyone else behind!!!
I have so much new R-E-S-P-E-C-T for the citizens of India! What an amazing welcome to President Trump and First Lady Melania!
Thank you for posting that video, kea. We see so little of our First Lady due to the nasty left media refusing to cover her initiatives and beautiful interactions with children.
I work in the oil and gas industry and am lucky to work with people from all over the world. This includes a large percentage of folks from India. By far, of all the cultures and peoples this simple boy who grew up in the Midwest, Indians have impressed me the most.
As they speak English fluently, it’s easy for me to communicate well with them.
But additionally, they tend to be intelligent, educated, friendly, thoughtful, loyal, hard-working, family-oriented and have strong faith and commitment.
If an Indian ever invites you over for dinner, don’t even think of declining. As they open the front door, the wonderful smell of home cooked Indian food will wash over you. And that’s just the beginning. The food is to die for.
Be sure to remove your shoes upon entering.
This is a sure-to-be-historic video of today’s round table with President Trump and the leaders of his Black coalition. It is SO touching and encouraging to see these familiar faces sitting and conversing with our President. I love what he is doing for our country.

Didn’t expect that. Stacy on the Right! The intersection of politics and style. No friend to the left. A solid right wing radio talk host, talking issues hardly race, and she’s a big gun control advocate, but the kind we like, with the 8 steady hold factors, proper sight alignment and sight picture. A mom and airforce vet she has a podcast so you don’t have to catch her live, but they attack her like they attack the others so you may actually have to drop down and hit one of the #episodes to hear her least they messed with her feed.
Alison! It is your fault! While watching how proud these great Patriots were to be in the White House…I got something in my eyes AGAIN!
Wolf, Flep, Duaghn, Wheatie? Somebody who knows how to…PLEASE make this a separate thread!
Just the introduction is phenomenal! (Now hopefully the rest is as fantastic as the beginning
President Trump is the worst racist ever. He truly sucks at it.
Loved the video. I recommend everyone to commit the time to watch the entire hour. I learned quite a bit.
A joyful and celebratory time, indeed!
Absolutely Fantastic Video!!!

It was Melania that found Diamond and Silk and Candace Owens on the Internet and brought to POTUS’ attention. VSGFLOTUS!!!
I wondered who discovered D&S !!! Melania truly is Trump’s Secret Weapon

Miss Wheatie, where’s the Kleenex?!?
Incredible, but totally true, someone actually called him “The FIrst Black President” and everyone agreed and cheered. WOW!!!
Fantastic video WOW! Have already sent it forward. This needs to be shared far and wide. Yeah PDJT is a recist. Listen to what he told Diamond & Silk, hope you monetize this. Telling them how to advance themselves.
PDJT has mad more of an impact with those people in that room than Zero ever did. Imagine all the lives that are going to be effected in a positive way through these people because of what he’s doing for them..
POTUS tweets:
“Federal Court Deals Major Blow To Sanctuary Cities.” @FoxNews
In other words, there will be no more Federal Tax Dollars to States & Cities that will not cooperate with Federal Law Enforcement (ICE). This is BIG NEWS! Funds will be cut off immediately. MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN!
The Do Nothing Democrats were busy wasting time on the Immigration Hoax, & anything else they could do to make the Republican Party look bad, while I was busy calling early BORDER & FLIGHT closings, putting us way ahead in our battle with Coronavirus. Dems called it VERY wrong!
So, the Coronavirus, which started in China and spread to various countries throughout the world, but very slowly in the U.S. because President Trump closed our border, and ended flights, VERY EARLY, is now being blamed, by the Do Nothing Democrats, to be the fault of “Trump”.
OMG, I’m just laughing and laughing at that last one! Just twisting the knife! BRUTAL – and DESERVED!!!
Prepare for the storm – Fake News, False Reporting, Attack Journalism, “conspiracy theories”, Accusations of Disinfo, Censorship, De-Platforming?
You are ready.
We are the news now.
Good morning from Germany Daughn and Q-Treepers!
I would like to start off with the 1st day of CPAC (it was a Great Day…my birthday) and positive observations.
I have been asked…and I have heard and read it asked…”What do we do after President Trump? Who can we elect without losing what we have gained?”
Well, I think CPAC 2020 has already given us future prospects on its very first day.
I love Charlie Kirk…too young…but 2036 is looking good.
My personal favorite? Doug Collins! I absolutely love his energy, articulation, intelligence, loyalty,……important, I love his CHARACTER AND PATRIOTISM!
Also, I had my doubts about Sarah Carter being part of the “tick-tock” group….after watching her with Collins, I think she is just as frustrated as any of us…yet, positively hopeful about AG Barr and our pit-Bull Durham.
I thought this was a great segment at CPAC!
Happy (belated?) Birthday!!!!!
It’s not my birthday, but can I have one of those, too?
Drooling here…
it’s supposed to be Black Forest Cherry Cake…
Perfect choice!
That’s a Schwarzwälder Kirschtorte – aka Black Forest Cake
I have a fabulous recipe from the old Time-Life cookbook series.
It is luscious and (hic) calls for lots of kirsch and kirsch syrup!
i made it in 8th grade for the Foreign Language Bake Off and won with a great recipe too!!
yeah, the booze helped I think…LOL
I had one of those for my birthday from a German bakery… IN GERMANY! There was a German bakery within walking distance of the apartment. And even though I had to walk up & down 6 flights I STILL gained 10 pounds the first month….. And enjoyed every scrumptious minute of it.
Thanks Pat! That cake looks delicious! The digital version is even keto friendly.

AND zero calories..so you can have all you want!
Oh my…a thing of beauty…hope it tasted as good as it looks!
Happy birthday, J.W. Thank you for your posts.
You are welcome!
Happy birthday James!
Thank you!
Happy Birthday James!

I Absolutely ADORE Doug Collins!! Super SMART and True American Patriot!!
Thank you!
Hej J.W., Happy Birthday!!! Herzlichen Glückwunsch zum Geburtstag!
), and have
Many happy returns (and not just to Amazon and the IRS
a few Haaßer Ebbelwoi and Reibekuchen… (especially in this weather…).
Kein Ebbelwoi….aber selbstgemachte Glühwein…mit Schuss…und noch mehr Schuss.

Michael Flynn seeks total exoneration, not pardon, says his attorney
Sidney Powell says case could ‘be over in a week’ once ‘altered 302’ examined in DOJ review
We really need to share Just the News! REAL NEWS!
Bravo, Sidney!
I agree that exoneration not pardon is indeed warranted, but my question is about that “original” 302. (Confession: I think the 302 is the most ludicrous method of information/interview gathering invented. it provides the one making the statement no opportunity to assess what the interviewer has written so there is no recourse if the interviewer misrepresented what was said.)
anyway, what makes Powell believe that the original 302 even exists anymore? wouldn’t they have made their “corrections” and then “lost it” or wiped it from the system or whatever it takes to get rid of it by now??
Good luck with that. So far, nothing she has done has worked.
IF Sidney & General Flynn are working WITH the Q team/White Hats to get people to SEE THE CORRUPTON in our legal system, then they have done a bang-up job!
They have reversed the usual tactics of the left by releasing to the public the documents they are handing to the court. Sidney has gone into the public sphere and talked about what she is up to. Defense lawyers NEVER do this…. But what if ‘Defense’ IS NOT her goal? What if INFORMING and TEACHING the public is the goal?
People who would normally trust the FBI and DOJ are now SEEING how both branches have been corrupted. Now when there is a house cleaning people will be cheering.
Her goal is to get Flynn off. That is all that matters. Anything beyond that is not her job.
That depends on what General Flynn’s goal is doesn’t it?
I think there is a lot more happening behind the scenes that we do not know.
Why the change of Judge?
WHY NO GAG ORDER? Manafort and Stone got gag orders so why not General Flynn?
Why all the continuations?
WHERE IS FBI Special Agent Joseph Pientka?
Why did they originally say General Flynn WAS NOT LYING?
Why did General Flynn originally go with a swamp law firm?
Well Flynn said yesterday he wanted to be completely exonerated. So she has her marching orders. She should be evaluated based on how she does versus that expectation by Flynn. Status of that is in limbo as far as I can tell.
I’ve been seeing a very prominent evening star and wondered whether it was Mercury or Venus. Venus it is.
some counties in some states have more voter registration than eligible voters…
The group examined publicly available registration records and compared it with citizen voting-age data from the U.S. Census Bureau, describing the figures as “suspiciously high.”
“All three states have multiple counties where voter registration rates exceed 90 percent, in some cases they exceed 100 percent. In the last election in 2018, the nationwide registration rate according to the U.S. Census Bureau was 66.9 percent. That disparity is a clear sign these states aren’t maintaining accurate voter rolls,” said Jason Snead, executive director of the Honest Elections Project. Snead was formerly a senior policy analyst at the conservative Heritage Foundation.
The organization’s findings revealed that 27 counties in Florida have voter registration rates above 90 percent, well above the national average, and seven counties with rates higher than 100 percent. Michigan had 18 counties above 90 percent and one above 100 percent, and Colorado had 19 above 90 percent and five above 100 percent, the group said.
In the 2016 election, Hillary Clinton won Colorado by a relatively slim margin of 2.8 percent. President Trump won Florida by 1.3 percent, and Michigan by just 0.4 percent.
North Carolina had more voters than adults in 20 of the 100 counties in 2016. That is why we ended up with a Democrat governor who just happened to have been the (SOROS) State AG.
There always has to be at least one.
looks like a parade there…lotta folks escorting him away
If they can see what has happened to Europe, especially Spain, I know they must be crying.
Spam – should not have been in there!!!
was it “liberal tear” that triggered the spam hammer? LOL
I have no idea, seriously! The spam hammer seems random sometimes, cunning other times. It doesn’t like fresh critical information about the virus from Gail, for some reason.
wp must’ve ate the other one I posted…

This is WuFlu, but I thought it is of enough general interest to get on the Open Thread, too.
We don’t know the future for WuFlu . . . the impact of newly developed anti-virals and vaccines . . . things they didn’t have for H1N1 in 1918,
This morning
60 – CoV19 patients in USA
42 – from the Diamond Princess cruise ship
15 – mostly from travel to China
1 – secondary infection of close family member of China traveler
1 – unexplained case – possible, but not proven ‘community spread’
Suffice it to say – this is not China, not Iran, not Italy.
This is President Trump’s administration – not Øbominable or Hillrotten’s – thanks be to GOD!!!
US hospital protocols re: infection are the best on earth!
Hand sanitizer, gowns, masks, UV sanitation lights to kill bacteria and viruses between patients and many other precautions.
My daughter spent 2 weeks in a state of the art new intensive care facility and on a critical care ward in our capital city hospital and it was impressive to see how serious they were about preventive as well as critical/intensive care.
US hospitals are extremely aggressive against both viruses and bacteria.
After the hospital, she went to a Select Critical Care facility for another two weeks and received the same level of care, even the dismissal procedures and preparation to go home were impressive.
That is not to say ALL US HOSPITALS and health/rehab facilities are the same quality.
There are some that are not as safe and careful – and this is due to management and staffing most of the time.
I know of one rehab facility here with a bad reputation, and we were warned NOT to allow our disabled daughter to go there. I read the reviews and it sounds like a nightmare.
I find it interesting that the not proven community spread case lives near Travis AFB, the airport where they brought in the infected folks from the Diamond Princess. My spirit tells me they’re related.
His message is clear and to the point. How refreshing.
hmmm…the “mastermind” in the college admission scandal has written “notes” in which he claims the FBI wanted him to tell a “fib”…Loughlin claims THIS evidence proves the FBI coerced Singer to lie…
I’m bothered by his use of the word fib in his “notes”…the FBI is yelling at him and and telling him to lie and he calls it telling a fib…it doesn’t jive with me for some reason…and that last part? they want it to be a payment to whom? he’s called it a donation first, then a payment?
“Loud and abrasive call with agents,” Rick Singer wrote. “They continue to ask me to tell a fib and not restate what I told my clients as to where their money was going — to the program not the coach and that it was a donation and they want it to be a payment.”
Nope, doesn’t get her off the hook. Why did she fabricate/stage pictures of her daughters rowing?? Total Deception on Display there, Lori!! Shows INTENT to DECEIVE!! She KNEW what she was doing WRONG!! Miss Hallmark goody 2-shoes is an arrogant, prideful, elitist, cheating, LYING PHONY. Even more disgusting, she’s publicizing turning to the Church and her Faith while maintaining her victim stance.
I have ZERO sympathy for her.
me either…who wrote her daughter’s resume (with all the lies)?
Verse of the Day
“Verily I say unto you, Whatsoever ye shall bind on earth shall be bound in heaven: and whatsoever ye shall loose on earth shall be loosed in heaven.”
Matthew 18:18 (KJV)
Thank You, Jesus, for blessings received and prayers answered!
Friday Butterfly Blessing
Jesus Loves Babies…Pray for the Unborn

Jesus Loves the Little Children – Pray for the Little Children
Jesus Loves You – Come to Him
Good Friday Morning Duchess
Have a Blessed Day!
Hi, Pat! Hope and pray you are warm and toasty – Have a Blessed Day, too! Hugs!!!
HUGS back to you!!
* Smiling *


I love to Bind and Loose, those are awesome tools the Lord gave us!!
Amen goes right there, BFLY!
Is there anything they won’t steal?
well, few people would consider opening a casket so it might make an excellent place to smuggle children, adults or drugs…
Reminds me of a few A-Team episodes (watch out for Murdoch)…
Btw, those are pretty fancy rims for a hearse… BBS???
More bad news for Joe Biden clan: Judge orders Hunter Biden to appear for sworn testimony
‘Unless his hair is on fire, he needs to be in Arkansas’ to testify
H/T citizen817
oh my!
that’s AMAZING!!!
Such talent to see that result in the mind’s eye!
Ought to get one of those for the GOP convention!
in the small NY town a few miles from here, someone had their tree in the front yard cut down and left a rather tall stump which had us puzzled. that summer, a carver turned the tall stump into a woman screaming (using a knot as her open mouth). And then they painted it…it’s a hoot at Halloween, but don’t know I’d want it in my yard permanently.
Oh the ingenuity of the human mind!
and the skill of the hands!!
Amen goes right there, Pat!
One of the parties I went to was in a development with a wood carver. There were beautiful carvings every where, eagles, owls, animals…
After the party we drove around and my girl friend took lots of photos with her cell phone.
I would love to fill our woods with them…especially the bucket kind…LOL…
In honor of the ‘Ma Kettle’ ladies of the MAGA Movement.
I guess the church has a problem here. Child abuse is not profitable.
Here’s another link to the Buffalo diocese going bankrupt
Duchess you inspired me to look for others…check these out…

Hope Wolfie sees that fierce wolf! Those eyes!!!! Beautiful!
Somebody out there is very talented. These are really good.
Wood carving like that is a feature at some of our county fairs here in NC. It is a hoot to watch this big burly six footer turn a stump into a beautiful carving.

Best in Show, Charlotte NC
There is even a Woodworkers of North Carolina
Corona virus just lessened our hopes for stronger GDP in 2020. We are hovering in the low to mid 2s with two massive trade deals expected to kick in. That is being mitigated by supply chain concerns across the globe (go to a TJ Maxx and look at how many items there are made in China). Mostly due to the virus.
In the past year, the American consumer has held up our economy. Business investment has faltered. The trade arrangements had some promise attached to them. In the worst case scenario, Corona virus appears to have spooked the prospects of a business investment rebound. Possibly trigger the Fed to move. But the game is not over yet.
The rebound from this will be delicious. Made in America is the only way to go from now on.
Don’t you worry – our Mensch Trump and his killer economy/finance mavens know 6 ways to Sunday to kick-start a recovery for the GDP!!!
Can’t wait to watch it happen!!!
Once the corona virus scare has been managed, the supply chain stuff will go away. Maybe the Fed gets involved. Dunno. Markets open at 9:30 am. Should be interesting.
Our man Trump has serious skillz – and so do his people.
Even the so-called crash only went down to Trump-set record levels. He’s set at least 30 stock market levels since 2017!
That’s true but people don’t like losing gains. You know that. They fear not be able to recoup that. Which is normal and to be expected.
I am focused on GDP growth. To me, that will define our future.
Please keep us posted.
We are back to making steel, factories are opening right and left…. that certainly has not stopped.
No question. Trump is a brilliant man. He broke down the global economy into parts that directly affect the American consumer’s pockets. Then he proceeded to implement policy that helped make those pockets fatter. I have no doubt the administration will attack each shortfall they see effectively.
Now the focus will be to open even MOAR!!! Manufacture of Drugs, medical equipment, all things focused on National Security….just like steel. I trust POTUS!!!
kea. posted this to the Corona Virus thread late last night:

As Daughn said:
“…Health security has become national security and a globalist economy which only pursues short term profits has left us woefully unprepared. We can’t manufacture penicillin anymore or Vitamin C. Our last aspirin factory left the USA in 2004. We have ONE factory which makes surgical masks and sterile disposable operating room kits…”
It is also the raw materials need to make the pharmaceuticals. Something like 80% or more come from CHINA.
There are also hospital gowns, and nurse’s shoes and uniforms and…
You do not think President Trump won’t use this as an opportunity to drag more industry back to the USA?
An opportunity to BREAK GROUND on NEW FACTORIES NOW, THIS SUMMER in his ‘Opportunity Zones’ in Black Neighborhoods?
If I can see this you can bet President Trump is already working on it and has been for months…
Issued on: September 19, 2019
Executive Order on Modernizing Influenza Vaccines in the United States to Promote National Security and Public Health
Oh, and those RAW MATERIALS? I used to work in that field. Most of the feed stock is OIL! President Trump has already made sure we have the feed stock ON SHORE.
That was Step One.
He has also gotten people into training and apprenticeships in the trade skills.
That was Step Two.
China just handed President Trump Step Three. The reason to START BUILDING!
Brilliant post Miss Gail!
To have jobs you have to have physical plants that manufacture WEALTH. So I decided to take a peak at new commercial construction. Daughhn or Felice have a better grip on the subject, but this is what I found. It is a LOOOOoooong report. Note the date.
2-12-2020 — 2020 Construction Economic Forecast
Prepared by:
Edward R Zarenski
Construction Analytics
And that is before President Trump puts a boot in the A$$ of the medical supply/pharma industries.
sources is telling her there will not be a John Durham report. It will only be indictments.
well ACTIONS speak louder than words anyway!
This “report” from Durham, which pundits talked about, made me crazy.
US Attys don’t write term papers.
They prosecute criminals!!!!!!!!!!!!!
There’s a lot of not thinking going on when it comes to expectations.
People are just trying to manage our minds. Sow discontent and fear. From both sides.
Professors are the important people in most of these leftists’ lives so it’s no real surprise that they would assume that a ‘result’ would be a ‘report’.
However, I think Durham will issue a report. Like a deer rifle being fired. That is also a report, and will probably have the same impact as a properly aimed deer rifle.
Report away, Mr. Durham. Just make Gitmo a worthy expense, please.
love that!
Good Grief, the guy is a PROSECUTOR he does INDICTMENTS not reports.
I think a ‘John Durham report’ was
For the DemonRats to chase thinking they could do their usual smear tactics.
seeing some people trying to tie the incident of the Pope smacking away the Asian woman’s hand with his falling ill recently…but the incident was at the end of 2019 (iirc) that’s too long an incubation period…
Well, we HOPE it’s too long. But it does have HIV dna in it so maybe 20 years is a possible incubation period.
if he knew where the disease was supposed to come from way back then…it would explain his reaction. but my tinfoil hat may be on too tight…lol
I made the connection at the time.
Remember Patient Zero was BED RIDDEN and fell ill DECEMBER 1st. That means the virus was loose at the latest in MID NOVEMBER 2019.
Pope Francis slapped away a woman’s hand Tuesday as he visited the Nativity scene at St. Peter’s Square
The Papal hand slapping occurred on New Year’s Eve – 12/31/19
Video – https://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/europe/pope-slap-video-francis-woman-hand-grab-vatican-a9266191.html
Brutal opening. Down 750 almost immediately. Fear porn.
and the selloff is expanding. This sucks. Down about 900 at about 10 am.
And it makes no sense.
market is throwing a tantrum
my guess?
Letters went out to individual investors, created more panic.
Vast majority of investment is in mutual funds.
If “someone” can get all the little guys to throw in the towel at a low point, cash out at a loss, then the NAV (net asset value) INCREASES for those who remain.
Think of it as a pie.
Pie is divided into 8 pieces.
If I can get two people to quit – not take pie.
Then the 6 people remaining get a BIGGER piece of the pie.
Like I said, fear porn. Profit taking while limiting their global exposure in the face of uncertainly (which the Dems have successfully instigated). Once the coast is clear, they will reinvest strongly. Because that’s what they do.
Smells of Satan Soros…
Remember, the “Man who broke the Bank of England”…
He’s an old hand at this. Just like he helped the Nazis so many years ago.
If he gets prosecuted for (war) crimes lied about before naturalization, the
deep state will take a loss on the order of Palpatine being heaved into the
generator core…
Soros is the keystone to all of this evil. Not the money source, as they are
a level or two above him. But he is the front man (ugly as he is), and the public
face of a very private, ultra-ultra-ultra-rich cabal. Who do “little things” like child
sacrifices at their meetings…
Maybe Bloomturd is in on this too. Then they can call it “Shorts and Shorter”…
Daughn, volume is very, very high. These are institutional selloffs. We are at 665 million right now. That is very big. Crazy big.
Oh okay, I see this comment now.
We’re talkin’ volume.
My apologies that was yesterday’s volume. I should look at the date before I comment. we are at 172 million right now.
172 million what?
I’m not close to a tv. Sorry.
172 million shares traded so far. Now 178 million. Hmmm..these look like trailing selloffs. Perhaps an afternoon buyback.
and the afternoon buyback actually happened.
Good explanation .
What do you think about this uptick rule? Not sure potus should jump into this or not. But it’s fear driven that for sure
Keep it safe, huh. Non-doctors doing the surgery is how we ended up with NARAL in the first place.
The state of Virginia is about to be challenged on discrimination of issuing medical licenses. Or insurance companies will start to deny coverage due to it not being a medical procedure.
Or both.
This confirms my warning about this Bill that was posted days ago.
This Bill that was just passed NOT ONLY allows Physician’s Assistants to perform an abortion at any time during the first trimester of a pregnancy — but ALSO permits Nurse Practitioners AND “Certified Nurse-Midwives” to perform abortions — EXACTLY what I predicted.
HOWEVER, the Bill ALSO removes ALL protection for the unborn child — protections that the Republicans in the Virginia legislature wanted to keep and tried to get added to the Bill — which the DEMCOM-dominated legislature said NO to.:
The ultrasound requirement.
The 24-hour wait before getting the abortion performed (that’s called Abortion on Demand).
Giving the woman information about other options, like keeping the fetus to term and putting out for adoption.
The requirement that ANY abortion facility that does more than 5 procedures a month, be licensed as a “hospital”, making the facility subject to state and federal MINIMUM STANDARDS for hospitals (licensing / cleanliness / proper staff on hand to handle complications, etc.).
The ONLY requirement that is being kept is the current one that a woman’s written permission must be obtained before the abortion is performed.
It is not clear how this Bill addresses abortions performed beyond the first trimester.
Hmmm, has anyone seen Google’s search header pic? It’s of all things Alice looking at the Cheshire cat in a tree.very odd.wonder if it’s a message to bad people.
Likely they are casting Alice as the heroine/potential flu victim and Trump as the Cheshire Cat. Google is not to be trusted.
I’ve always had my reservations about Warren…giggle
and I don’t wanna commune with Bernie…
((ducking behind the chair))
Chair-i-table indeed
All of that Swampum Wampum
going to the commune-ist…
Seems like the Warren-Tee-Pee has run out,
and picayune-commune-to-the-moon Bolshvik Bernie
will be in commune-i-cado…
well played!
this is great!
This is the kind of Corona that needs to be going around…
(OK, I’d rather have a pitcher of Margaritas and some great nachos (heyyyyy, Michael), but this’ll do for now)…
(My Jose Cuervo is feeling neglected)…
Good One, Cuppa!!! You consistently tickle my funny bone – now – if I could just find it
“Yes we can” and “Wir schaffen das” are echoing through my head…
Go fast enough to get over the first gap, won’t have time to maneuver to the left for the second…
Darwin award territory… or a new “Top Gear” episode
Then again, there should be a third sign at the bottom saying
“If you can read this, it’s too late”…
LOL – I have a new sign for you –
Lift High the Cross!
On a lighter note, how is this not evil?
hubby asked the same question when he saw the ad!
GO! Dunkin’ Donuts BEAT STARBUCKS!
Any bets where the cops and truckers are going to stop for a quick bite?
Considering the St. Patrick’s Day promo, I was worried that they’d be offering GREEN BACON…
(OK, OK, OK, drench it in AMERICAN maple syrup and everything will be OK
ThinkGeek used to have a semi-animatronic bacon pillow called “My First Bacon”, which seems to have gone the route of their “Genuine Unicorn Meat” and “Tribbles and Bits”… sad to say…
Wonder what that bacon costs? It’s not so hard to cook up a bunch in a microwave (OK messy)…
Stack Architecture:
Paper Towel
bacon (say, 8 slices)
Doubled-layer paper towel
cook 1.5 minutes, flip (with pot holders) upside-down,
cook another 1.5 to 2 minutes (check for done-ness),
then CAREFULLY lift the top plate (lots of steam will come forth),
and gently peel the bacon from between the paper towels.
I guess it’s not “sustainable” (no bacon grease to save), but it works,
and is pretty easy to clean up (though pretty easy to get burned, if
you’re not careful)…
(And, yes, I’m too cheap to get a microwave bacon cooker…)
And of course this difficult tale, related by a Scottish colleague of mine:
There are two Mexicans who have been lost in the desert for weeks, and they’re at death’s door.
As they stumble on, hoping for salvation in the form of an oasis or something similar they suddenly spy, through the shimmering heat haze, a tree off in the distance.
As they get closer they can see that the tree is draped with rasher upon rasher of bacon.
There’s smoked bacon, crispy bacon, life giving juicy nearly-raw bacon, all sorts.
“Hey, Pepe,” says the first bloke “Ees a bacon tree!!! We’re saved!!!”
“You’re right, amigo!” says Pepe. So Pepe goes on ahead and runs up to the tree, salivating at the prospect of food.
But as he gets to within five feet of the tree, there’s the sound of machine gun fire, and he is shot down in a hail of bullets.
His friend quickly drops down on the sand and calls across to the dying Pepe.
“Pepe!! Pepe!!
Que pasa hombre?”
With his last dying breath Pepe calls out… “Ugh, run, amigo, run!!
Ees not a Bacon Tree!”
(Scroll Down, ees worth it!)
“Ees… a…. Ham bush”
“Pope Francis is still unwell and has postponed all official audiences for Friday, the Vatican confirms without detailing his sickness
Francis has scrapped an audience with Microsoft, IBM and other tech executives
Yesterday he called off an appearance at a Mass with other clergymen in Rome
The Vatican says he is ‘slightly unwell’ but has offered no details on his illness
Italy is facing Europe’s worst coronavirus crisis, though few cases are in Rome ”
I was looking at the articles that reported the ex-Iranian Ambassador to the Vatican had died of the disease…but nowhere in the articles could i find how long ago was he an ambassador?? anyone know??
Pope Francis lost part of a lung as a young man due to a “respiratory illness”.
One would assume that the Vatican has a medical staff who is treating Pope Francis, along with an in-house “sick bay”.
If the Pope should need to be transferred to hospital, Rome has several including the Bambino Gesu.
Vatican City has one pharmacy, the famous Farmacia Vaticana.
Can someone help me think clearly on what’s happening in the stock market? Is this due to fear porn from MSM and Democrats? If it is, I would think a whole lot of people in the 40 – 70 age group are going to be furious at watching their investments tank. I hope President Trump talks about this at the rally tonight.
Drive the market high, do a massive sell off and when the market crashes pick up stocks at below market value.
Secrets of the Federal Reserve
The history, organization and controlling interests behind the Federal Reserve
— by: Eustace Mullins, 1983,
It’s a big club, and you ain’t in it.
Most true words George Carlin ever said.
Gail – is it possible that Gates, Buffett, Soros, Bezos, Zuckerberg, et al did a big sell-off to try to hurt Trump?
Of course. Also remember the ~2,000 people many CEOs, that have quit their jobs. They too could be selling off stock
On top of that INDICTMENTS! Lawyers cost money and if those indictments are headed towards the Elite they may be grabbing the best criminal lawyers (retainers) that they can
Wonder if they cooked this up at Davos?
Remember Satan Soros’s “warning”?
And Beezle-Billy’s talk about a global pandemic Coronavirus?
I wonder what else they have in their “big bag of tricks”…
And the YSM/MSM are blaming VSGPDJT, when the fault lies
with Chyyyynnnaaa and the globalists…
Yes and china has bought out studios and theaters here, while hollywood has bowed to the chinee yuan over all things American. I hope they do lose out.
Yes, Let’s cry lots of crocodile tears while hiding our grins.
It’s a BAD fire at the Gare de Lyon.
News here says there was a concert nearby being given by a singer from the Congo (“Kulturelle Bereicherung”), some demonstrations, and the usual “Car-B-Cues” from perps (illegal immigrants) who aren’t happy with their lot…
Surprised that the regular news is covering this, as normally (at least over here), news from France, especially with regard to the refauxgees, is pretty much suppressed… IIRC, that’s a beautiful train station as well… seems the Mozzies LOVE to ruin our landmarks, institutions, and traditions…
PEARL HARBOR, Hawaii – A U.S. Navy P-8A Poseidon maritime patrol aircraft was lased by People’s Republic of China (PRC) navy destroyer 161 on Feb. 17 while flying in airspace above international waters approximately 380 miles west of Guam.
The P-8A was operating in international airspace in accordance with international rules and regulations. The PRC navy destroyer’s actions were unsafe and unprofessional.

so I’m pledging to do all my shopping and bill paying on March 2. Who’s with me? #ShopTillYouDropOnMarch2
Good morning! The resistance is planning an “economic shutdown” on March 2
· Feb 25
AMERICANS: If you want to remove Trump, there is one way to do it. On March 2, 2020 we’ll do the economic shutdown from 12:01 a.m. to 11:59 p.m. Don’t buy anything, anywhere, spend no money. If you have autopays, leave them alone. If you have a mortgage due pay it the day before.
VP Pence now on the Rush Limbaugh radio show, talking about the Wuhan Coronavirus.
Brian Cates // Digital Soldier for Flynn
Lee Zeldin
There’s a reason it’s called a “hearing.” Note to my @HouseForeign colleagues…After you ask @SecPompeo
a question on Iraq/Iran, let him give you the answer. Some of you wouldn’t let him answer AT ALL this AM. Such a bizarrely wasted opportunity.
Ninth Circuit still not cleaned out. Upheld injunction against DJT ‘wait in Mexico’ and another one favoring aliens.
BAD ACTORS ARE CRASHING THE MARKETS: To Stop the Current Short Sale Attack on the Stock Market President Trump Must Reinstate the Uptick Rule
Bad actors are using the Coronavirus news to try to cause a market panic.
They are making a killing by short selling, and they are going to tank the Trump economy.
Text in the tweet above, and in Brian’s thread… also see link for Epoch Times article
Brian Cates // Digital Soldier for Flynn Medium star Medium star Medium star
Read again how the DOJ Ethics office cleared
for his dual role of being both in charge of running the RussiaGate investigation AND testifying as a witness in any cases arising from that investigation.
Harris missed what Barr said.
Brian Cates // Digital Soldier for Flynn Medium star Medium star Medium star
Harris thought it would be a clear conflict of interest for Rosenstein to both oversee the DOJ/FBI Russia investigation and the Mueller SC while later being a WITNESS against the people he was working with.
Brian Cates // Digital Soldier for Flynn Medium star Medium star Medium star
How can Rosenstein do BOTH, run the RussiaGate investigation & the Mueller SC if later on he’s likely TESTFYING in cases involving the co-workers he was overseer?
Harris demands to know if Barr consulted the DOJ Ethics Office about this conflict and got a ruling.
Brian Cates // Digital Soldier for Flynn Medium star Medium star Medium star
And what does Barr tell Harris?
He tells her Rosenstein was CLEARED by the Ethics Office to both oversee and testify in RussiaGate related cases WHEN HE TOOK THE JOB.
Well when was that?
Late April of 2017.
Rosenstein was confirmed to the job as the new DAG on April 25.
Brian Cates // Digital Soldier for Flynn Medium star Medium star Medium star
So, yes, Barr says, Rosenstein can play both roles. He can oversee these RussiaGate/Mueller SC people and testify later as a witness in any criminal cases that arise later involving THE PEOPLE HE WAS WORKING WITH.
Harris can’t accept this answer.
Can you?
Brian Cates // Digital Soldier for Flynn Medium star Medium star Medium star
The second thing people need to remember: Rosenstein is signing off on a finished product that is being given to him after a briefing by lawyers.
He is not affiant on any of these surveillance warrants.
The affiant is the person committing perjury if the warrant is false
Brian Cates // Digital Soldier for Flynn Medium star Medium star Medium star
The fact they still won’t reveal who the affiant is on any of these Page warrants means they can’t go public with the name until the criminal investigation is complete.
Brian Cates // Digital Soldier for Flynn Medium star Medium star Medium star
It was a few weeks ago they went public with a fact all Spygate researchers have known for 3 years:
These warrants targeting Carter Page were only obtained by acts of criminal fraud. [Note from phoenix rising: this is why I don’t read SD… ‘fear porn’]
12:56 PM · Feb 28, 2020·Twitter for Android
Brian Cates // Digital Soldier for Flynn Medium star Medium star Medium star
Replying to
The removal phase was done by the end of 2017. All the people involved were either fired, resigned or isolated as material witnesses.
The exposure phase ended with the Horowitz report 3 months ago.
Brian Cates // Digital Soldier for Flynn Medium star Medium star Medium star
Durham then slowly surfaced as the transition was made between the exposure and the investigation phase.
The prosecution phase will begin when Durham is done.
Brian Cates // Digital Soldier for Flynn Medium star Medium star Medium star
Here’s @dbongino interviewing @RealSLokhova at @CPAC
· 6h
On January 1st, 2020, I tweeted that I’d like to speak at @CPAC.
Today, @ 5 p.m., I’ll be on my first-ever panel at CPAC.
Dreams do come true.
(Followed by image of Scott’s other dreams:)
Speak at CPAC & RNC
Secure +1 SCOTUS Justice
Re-elect Donald Trump
Flip House from Blue to Red
Happy New Year !
Note: Lots more CPAC news at Brian’s Twitter stream…
I LUV Brad !!!!!!!!!!!
Brian Cates // Digital Soldier for Flynn Medium star Medium star Medium star Retweeted
CPAC 2020 (Text CPAC to 56479)
“The campaign is operating better, more smoothly, and operating better for this party and the future than any campaign in history” @parscale on the difference between the 2016 and 2020 presidential campaign. #CPAC2020 #LeadRight
followed by vid clip
OMG…I love this one!!
TV Doctors Furious, ‘Overblown Press Created Hysteria’ Over Coronavirus, ‘President Trump Is Absolutely Correct’
good one
This is getting ridiculous….
VP Pence really needs to rub this into the noses of CDC and FDA!
Finally Europe is about to pay for their open borders…
I’m confused. Is ISIS still ravaging the middle east? Send them back to where they came from, which is home.
CBS had a Dr on —————– he said……………………….
All I am reading is reports from SLIME MEDIA… and this Dr., he has a crystal ball?
Good grief… how many times does one have to hear “FAKE NEWS” before one believes it?
I remember when Colin Powell told us Iraq had weapons of mass destruction… I knew it was a lie when he said it… but my family thought I was nuts. Now, almost two decades later, Deep State is telling us what?
Pluggin’ my ears thank you.
I’ll be listening to POTUS’ tweets…
Sorry I confused you.
That was an example of the idiotic hype the Left is pushing WITHOUT FACTS!
If you DO NOT TEST…..
You DO NOT KNOW what is happening in this country…
THEN YOU, as the CDC, have zero right to push that crap.
Either you think there is a problem AND YOU DO MASSIVE SCREENING in San Francisco and NYC that had direct flights from Wuhan or you SHUT THE HELL UP!
Remember CDC sent out defective tests
CDC as early as Tuesday this week was saying
1. They were WORKING ON REFORMULATION of the defective reagent
2. Tired of Delays, U.S. Labs finally ask FDA if they could develop their own tests.
3. CDC said they would not test any cases that did not have a direct link to China
4. Meaning CDC refused to test the most recent case until she was so ill she required transfer to Univ Calif Davis.
5. CDC then waited from Sunday until Wednesday to give results. [Reading between the lines, UC-Davis flexed muscle and FINALLY got a response from the negligent CDC]
Now contrast the USA to South Korea.
On February 7th, S.K. IDs one case.
South Korea is testing something like 28,000 people
they have found 2,337 cases
they have 13 dead.
South Korea has now come up with a quick portable test.
My anger at CDCs Fuster Cluck was what I was trying to convey. So again sorry I was not more clear.
Also President Trump has to both prepare AND prevent panic so he walks a fine line. If many of us do make sure we are prepared for the worse it will go a lot more smoothly. Taking reasonable precautions as FG&C has suggest cost next to nothing and can save you from illness. Remember there are two other varieties of flu going around and one is nasty.
You can go here for the weekly statistics including deaths from flu and pneumonia
For example:
So if you have little ones you need to take extra care. Forget the Wuhan virus, it has been a bad flu season. In the top 3 for the last decade.
I am on my phone and I never try to comment here when that’s the case but this Twitter thread from 40 Head is too good not to share. Apologies in advance if it’s already been shared. This link is to the first tweet. I tried to find a threadreader but didn’t see one.
Great THREAD Aubergine ! No thread reader app avl, so I cut and pasted a portion… one I think is extremely relevant…

Cross mark

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20. Inside QAnon there has been a myriad of dissenters who plagued this movement like a cancer. They try to insist that absolutely nothing has happened that can satisfy or equal what we have been promised will happen. Patience is tested and festered and impregnated with doubt.
Cross mark40HeadCross mark
21. Many who did not take the training and the mindset and the development seriously are easily sidetracked and easily deceived and without even intending to, end up pulling good Anons down with them.
Make no mistake, there is a very real effort by bad actors to assuage us.
Cross mark40HeadCross mark
22. Just like military leaders who find unique ways to keep they’re soldiers minds from getting restless or sidetracked while keeping the soldiers ready at a moment’s notice and mentally convicted of their cause for war; we too must occupy ourselves while we wait for action.
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23. I’ve trained for combat. I worked in law enforcement. My war zone was one of the most violent cities in the United States. Shot, stabbed, knocked down…I always got up, fought back, and made the arrests. I know 1st hand what it’s like to find satisfaction in the battle.
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24. That’s why I find incredible comfort in what others call “small achievements” in the pursuit of justice and the protection of innocent people. NXIVM went down with Keith Raniere. Epstein hung out to dry with a million pages of discovery. Trafficking lanes are being shut down!
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25. Watching Harvey Weinstein have a panic attack on his way to Rikers Island…it’s perfect.
Seeing the world’s largest cocaine traffickers get arrested via team work across 3 continents, 4 spoken languages and a dozen agencies is frickin brilliant…and it exposed the Vatican!
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26. Every person in this movement who has experienced combat or worked in law enforcement knows exactly what I’m saying. I guarantee you they find satisfaction in the little things rather than needing big and exciting events to excite them. They know the value of each victory.
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27. There’s more I could say about this but really the point is, with each lesson learned, the mind of a soldier is further prepared. Warriors know that anger is best expressed in practice and training so that when real battle develops the mind is clear and not distracted.
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28. We must learn to appreciate what some might call small victories, as we wait for bigger booms. Without satisfying the mind and without finding ways to stay focused yet rested…we’re going to struggle. Avoid drama. Be Ready, Be Best, PRAY.
God bless.
– End
I smell a rat. There is legislation to renew Fisa, and it is tied to funding to fight the corona virus.
Well that explains the CDC suddenly pushing the ‘OH MY G-D WE’RE ALL GONNA DIE!’ after sitting on their hands for months.
Time to send all 29 SES members in the CDC to Wuhan for a month to inspect the virus and hospitals and treatment FIRST HAND. Many are doctors so I am sure the Chinese could use their help.
Great ads !!! Localized and authentic

Alison, I thought that Colorado ad was phenomenal. That ad alone gives me hope we’ll get Colorado in November.
I just don’t know about Colorado – it’s become so urbanized by Lefties who’ve come from ultra Left states. Our state legislature is lost.
I will always hope for that to reverse itself.
Do you believe in miracles? YES!!!
The BEST is yet to come!!!
I DO believe in miracles, Michael

For you Alison:
YES !!!!

That’s just what I needed!! If we can beat the Soviets, we can beat the Californicated-Colorado transplant Lefties 

“Good morning, kids. The weekend is here, and thank the Lord for that. While the coronavirus and its spreading is not to be taken lightly, the panic over a possible pandemic has been 100% manufactured and pimped by a media that both lives off of sensational scare headlines and is desperate to destroy President Trump. And when I say destroy President Trump, I mean destroy the American people for daring to defy them with their mostly unwavering support for him and concomitant rejection of them. Both the Dow Jones and S&P suffered their greatest single-day loss in history, the former down nearly 1,200 points at the close, which comes on the heels of a two-day dump of about 2,000 points. Yes, I am aware that investors do no like uncertainty, and when way too much of our and the world’s products are produced in China, something like this is of course going to have a negative effect.
But yesterday, when the markets seemed to be leveling off and cooler heads prevailing, mostly as a result of the President’s pitch-perfect press conference where he deftly dodged the gotcha brigades, Gavin Newsome, the man presiding over a state that has devolved into virtual third world status, announced that they were monitoring 8,400 coronavirus cases in California, a statement that, given the facts as I understand them I find very hard to believe. But Wall Street listened and the markets swooned. Again, we have every reason to be concerned about a potential spreading of the virus within the US, but given the state of our healthcare delivery system as opposed to the rest of the world, and the actual lethality of the virus compared to other things such as SARS, Mers and ebola, the fear is just unwarranted.
But the Democrat-Media Complex never lets a crisis go to waste. For them, the crisis is utter failure in their attempts to oust President Trump, and the even more disastrous failure of having his policies help every American better themselves, especially traditional Democrat constituencies which have been mired in misery for decades. Being demonstrably shown to be frauds, failures and swindlers, they could not allow that to stand. So, if causing a panic to spread 1,000 times faster than the actual virus wipes out close to $1 Trillion of average Americans’ investments and retirement accounts, with the added benefit of blaming it on the President’s tax and tariff policy along with general OrangeManBad and stupid, then so be it. What they are really doing, and they know they’re doing it, is inflicting pain and suffering on the American people as punishment for rejecting them in 2016 and most likely 2020. That, to me, goes beyond the merely criminal – it’s pure evil.” (con’t)
“That said, as bad as things are, I think this too will ultimately fail. There is just no way PDT is going to allow the Democrat-Media Complex to define this as Trump’s Katrina, (which was quite obviously the perfect storm of Democrat incompetence and graft, but sadly Dubya felt defending himself by pointing that out was beneath him). The virus is going to peter out and the market is going to recover. The added political bonus is it gives the President and the GOP, if they’re smart enough to play along, ammunition to use the coronavirus as evidence for border security, strict immigration enforcement, and the disengagement from Globalist economic policies that moved so much of our manufacturing overseas and made us reliant on and vulnerable to a geopolitical enemy that we once foolishly believed we could make an ally by selling ourselves out to them (thank you Nixon, Bush and Clinton). By the way, that’s not a hypocritical politicization on my part; that’s a righteous and proper response to actual critical problems with real-world, serious consequences that we have ignored for far too long. No doubt, the President and team realize this and will act accordingly the next time Malig-Nancy Pelosi and Cuck Schemer open their cake-holes.
Lastly, on a very positive note, it looks as if Israeli researchers might be well on their way to a vaccine, and not two years down the road either. Yes, I can see the likes of Bro-Fo Omar and Bernie Sanders already, spewing “the evil Yahoodies have a cure because they created the virus in the first place, and now they want us to pay for it!” Well, they can always boycott the vaccine since they don’t want to chance getting Joo-Cooties. By the way, the same Israeli research center that might have a vaccine is the same one that is going full steam ahead on the total cancer cure.”
Dirt poor sucks, but tyranny and slavery under communism or Islamic repression sucks a heck of a lot more given that those are life sentences with no chance of parole. Trump people know this, we’ll take freedom over oppression any day. Let them bring their worse but it will be to their determent. If you got a brain, once you go free you never go back!
Thanks so much for posting this PR!!!
You’re welcome Georgia…
FWIW, I’m having difficulty posting anything… don’t think it’s WP… think I have IT issues… if y’all don’t see me ’round it’s cuz I have to resolve a few IT things… *smilin*
Wow so good . . .
The added political bonus is it gives the President and the GOP, if they’re smart enough to play along, ammunition to use the coronavirus as evidence for border security, strict immigration enforcement, and the disengagement from Globalist economic policies that moved so much of our manufacturing overseas and made us reliant on and vulnerable to a geopolitical enemy that we once foolishly believed we could make an ally by selling ourselves out to them (thank you Nixon, Bush and Clinton).
Compare with Mark Levin tipping us off to what the Democrats (Deep State) have been planning in plain sight:
Mark Levin: The Last People I Want Playing Doctor Are Chuck Schumer and Nancy Pelosi
great post Michael !
Jay Inslee, sanctimonious prig, insults VP Pence.
@Lady_Penquin Mr @JayInslee must think he’s clever, insulting @VP – but no surprise, Inslee is the governor of a state sinking into despair of homelessness, exorbitant housing costs, run amok ANTIFA, & used druggie needles in their streets. Yes, tell us about Science & Safety, Gov.
You can bet VP Pence had a very sharp and piercing comeback for smart ass Inslee.
Such class!
Well done LP!!!
Just because…
These are votes to be lost and it looks like the dems want to loose them.
This is too cute
Just need to make sure a MAGA Republican replaces Ratcliffe in the House!!!!
Absolutely!! I bet they have someone in mind….
I thought that he withdrew bc of the invasive nature and pressure on his family. Wont it be as bad or worse this time? How long will the process take? He should have a nice clean dept after Grenell is done.
Seeing comments that deal struck so Trump doesn’t oppose FISA renewal & Senate approves the appointment. Will see how this plays out. I love my President

I do too. I think they hate Grenell so much this might work
I’m trying to imagine where President Trump will place Grenell in the 2nd term. Probably depends on whether we need to keep kicking EU butt via Germany.
He has some pretty good media connections….could come in handy there. He’s been a good “ace in the hole”
Judge Ketanji Brown Jackson is the DC Judge that ruled Don McGahn must testify…a day later, this judge had to stay her own ruling…….I am glad that the Court of Appeals for DC, had some common sense
FYI Judge Ketanji Brown Jackson is also the judge that sentenced Senate Intelligence Committee Security Head James Wolfe to only two months for leaking the Top Secret/Highly Classified FISA Warrant on Carter Page to the NYT….
Judge Kentanji Brown Jackson and Judge Amy Berman Jackson…..two of a kind…
I like how the courts are slowly but surely starting to turn….all those appointments are going to start paying off
Oh this is going to be awesome with him as head of DNI ! When he’s confirmed watch the rats resign and scurry before there arrested.
Still should be arrested…and lose all retirement.
It took 9 hours to put out most of the huge fire at the Gare de Lyon in Paris today. Apparently there are still “hot spots” that are flaring up.
The fire was set by a group of Antifa types who were “protesting” a concert by a singer from the Congo. The group said that the singer was “too connected” to the Congolese government.
There is footage on twatterworld showing the “protesters” running off the Paris firemen who were trying to get into the gare to put out the fire. People were trapped on the parking deck and inside.
Just another day in the France of M. Macron.
If there were people trapped by the fire and blocking the firefighters…
A) the firefighters should be authorized to shoot anyone blocking them from saving lives, no different than if Martial Law was declared and authorities authorized the shooting of looters
B) any protestors who obstruct firefighters from saving lives should be charged with attempted murder of everyone trapped who survives
C) any protestors who obstruct firefighters should be charged with aggravated 1st degree murder of everyone trapped who dies
This is basic, straightforward stuff that anyone with a knowledge of how the world worked up until about a decade ago could figure out in under a second.
The most subversive thing the enemy has done is to turn reality upside down — in everything, but particularly with regard to keeping basic order — and they need to be convicted and put to death for it.
edit / correction: “If there were people trapped by the fire and protestors were blocking the firefighters…”
Hoping FISA is abolished. Tired of Americans being spied. Simply don’t trust DOJ and FIB! Unfortunately, FISA will survive with “reforms’>
Secret FISA court’s future in jeopardy, lawmakers say
GOP Rep. Scott Perry: Not even ’50-50 chance’ surveillance court survives without reform
Amid scandal and abuse, reforming the FISA surveillance system will not be easy. But without systemic reform, the secret court at the heart of the government’s surveillance authority may not even survive.
“I don’t even give [the secret FISA Court] a 50-50 chance” of survival in its present form, Rep. Scott Perry (R-Pa.) told Just The News.
Many Democrats and Republicans on Capitol Hill now say they are in agreement that something transformative must be done to fix shortcomings in the programs that allow government spying on U.S. citizens. But agreement on details is proving elusive.
As much as I want to see this problem permanently and completely fixed . . .
. . . I don’t think right now is just the right time to force it.
* Next Congress will be in a better position to do the job right
* Will have an electoral mandate
* All the smoke will be cleared on the FISA so we know what needs to be fixed and/or destroyed
* Dems really won’t get much say in the process, and they don’t deserve to have any
another CEO steps down…..
There is an article OT on the Raftcliffe nomination:
As so often seems to happen, SD talks all AROUND the central question, without ever acknowledging or addressing it.
It’s incredible that someone can be so adept at doing this.
He mentions that SSCI chairmen Richard Burr (Traitor, R) and Mark Warner (Traitor, D) ‘boldly’ announced last time around that they would not support Ratcliffe, which they could not have done without Turtle McConnell’s blessing.
Now SD says it’s likely a deal has been struck by DJT with the Turtle, i.e., Turtle wants the FISA reauthorization (along with Lady Graham and AG Noarrestever), so Turtle is now willing to allow the nomination of Ratcliffe to be approved by the Senate in exchange for DJT signing the FISA reauthorization.
What SD never once mentions is this:
WHY would McConnell WANT the FISA reauthorization so badly?
Isn’t that a relevant question, if not the most obvious one?
According to SD, the DNI is the nuclear nerve center of the corrupt IC, and the DNI has the power to reach into any compartment (C_A, FIB, NSA, etc.) and declassify whatever is necessary to expose — for example — the most corrupt committee in the federal government (SSCI), headed by Burr and Warner.
Which acting DNI Ric Grennell can ALSO do, RIGHT NOW.
So what’s in it for the Turtle?
Grennell can expose Warner & Burr right now, and Ratcliffe will be able to expose them as soon as he is confirmed, so what good is reauthorizing FISA to the Turtle, if it brings down the SSCI — and why would Burr ever go along with bringing himself down?
And if Grennell can do it right now, then what actual leverage does the Turtle have to make a deal with DJT to get FISA reauthorized ANYWAY?
I have a suspicion that POTUS is using Grennell to scare the shit out of everyone, so they support Ratcliffe as the lesser of two evils.
This fact needs to be spread everywhere:
I was referring to the 2nd tweet. Not sure how the first one got in there.
Because it was a reply to the first one.
How to Build a 30-Day Emergency Food Supply…Fast
February 28, 2020
by Daisy Luther, The Organic Prepper
If you’ve been paying attention to the news lately, you may be feeling on edge. You may feel as though time is running out for you to get your preparedness supplies and emergency food in order. You may be new to prepping, and feeling like there’s too much to accomplish. It seems like everything, everywhere, is sold out.
This feeling of urgency can make you feel hopeless and panicked, and that’s not productive. If you’re in a hurry, there’s no time for a lack of productivity. It’s time to focus and create your food supply immediately. If an event like a quarantine occurs during which you are unable to leave your home, you’ll want to make certain that you can keep food on the table without waiting for a handout to be doled out at the whim of some government agency. (If you are preparing for a potential coronavirus quarantine or pandemic, check out this best-selling book on the topic.)
[Excerpt] Read more at the link above…
Psychological and Physical Survival – Part 3
February 28, 2020
by K.B. MD, Survival Blog
Yesterday, in Part 2 we covered disaster’s effects such as depression, grief, and PTSD. Today in Part 3, we will focus on numerous preventive strategies. It is imperative to work proactively at protecting the psychological health of your entire group. This will require advance study and forethought for some unless you are blessed to have an individual in your group with medical and/or counseling experience to call upon. Nevertheless, it is crucial to think, read, and plan for psychological stress management as we do for other aspects of survival. Also keep in mind that these are skills and preparations that you definitely will use as an individual during your life even if there is no disaster or TEOTWAWKI. We will all face stress and loss which we will endure more successfully with some of the skills covered below and which will assist us in helping others in our homes and communities.
While I am a licensed M.D., retired disabled, I am not a psychiatrist and remind our readers that I am neither diagnosing nor prescribing. Please obtain prompt medical care from licensed practitioners as long as they are available.
[Excerpt] Read more at the link above…