This is another Wolf “please bear with me” post, so please bear with me! Break out the damn wine glass, if you must! Heck – I think I may just do it now…..
What I’m trying to say here doesn’t really lend itself to logic. It doesn’t even lend itself to WORDS. It’s more like a FEELING. It’s the way CHICKS THINK (you know, like CHICK FLICKS). But I think it’s important, and it all centers around a comment I made – a comment about TRUMP that Alison wanted me to share with the whole gang.
There is MORE that I wanted to say than just that comment, however, and I found how to say it in ANOTHER comment that I made to Daughn, where I didn’t actually SAY anything, but I kind of “shared our probable similar feelings about Italy” with a picture. Alison noticed THAT comment, too, so I knew I was on the right path. Logic? Yes and no. A kind of LOGIC OF FEELINGS and a FEELING OF LOGIC.
I kinda hate the way the logo and tagline show up on that picture of Diane Lane from the film “Under The Tuscan Sun” – so let’s have it again here, one more time.

THERE – that’s more like it!
That LOOK on her face – kinda smilin’ – studying that bottle – maybe – or does she see some romantic Italian dude walking up to her? Or is it some comic relief neighbor in one more formulaic situation that – AW SHUCKS, WHATEVER! WE LOVE IT!!! TOO MUCH WINNING!!!
It’s kinda funny – this picture reminds me of Daughn – I can say that now – because Daughn responded to the picture like this, when I posted it in relation to her Open Thread, where she talked about looking at properties in Italy.
Can’t believe you put her picture up. First time I went [to Italy], freshly divorced, was the summer that movie came out. Dumb girlfriends thought I wrote it, bizarre.
HA! I’ll bet they did!
I’ll skip – for now – my romantic memories of Italy, with my wife, at about the very same time. But yes – Italy is a wonderful place, and that movie just hooks right into that feeling.
I love that I can just take some image out of a movie and it SAYS SO MUCH – in particular to one person who – for reasons which border on nothing but pure intuitions – just seemed like the RIGHT recipient.
Some people might call it synchronicity – others might see it more spiritually. Some might try to deconstruct it psychologically – others might build on it until they have a mystical religious experience.
MY point is gonna be, however, that AS Q SAYS…..
AS IN…..

Memes Are Important (Example Depicts Fired FBI Brass Connected to Russia Hoax / Clintons)
14 Feb 2019 – 6:43:26 PM93742C44-5618-45E1-AF79-E1F877F66EFE.jpeg
Memes are important.
Q Post 2714
Mod attached re: FBI only re: last drop re: FIRED.
If nothing criminal (i.e. treason vs duly elected President) occurred, why then did majority of senior FBI leadership get FIRED/removed?
What do they ALL have in common?
DOJ later ([2]departures imminent).

It’s Very Simple – Without the Illegal Vote D’s Lose
17 Feb 2019 – 1:28:46 PMDL_Map_July2015.gif
It’s very simple – w/o the illegal vote D’s lose.
Previous illegal imm high pop v D win by county provided.
[Example 2]
Why do D’s push for illegals to obtain a driver’s license?
Does having a DL make it easier to vote?
What states provide DL’s to illegals?
What checks are in place within each of the ‘DL granted states’ to prevent 2x-3x-4x-5x voting?
Compare v. 2016 Presidential election results.
What do you notice?
Do you believe in coincidences?
Memes are important.
Q Post 2754
Now Q is talking about memes – IN MY HUMBLE OPINION – on multiple levels. Q is getting us used to double meanings, and triple meanings, and saying things with STYLE again, because – IN MY HUMBLE OPINION – that is part of MATURITY. And we are TIRED of being DUMBED DOWN and treated like CHILDREN, which the DEMS and the CABAL have been doing for DECADES.
It’s time to WAKE UP!
So when a PICTURE can tell a thousand words – LET IT. If I can respond to Daughn with a picture that says “HEY DAUGHN! – I KNOW WHAT YOU’RE THINKING! – NUDGE, NUDGE!” – well – why not?
What would you say if I told you that “transhumanism” isn’t THEIR thing – it’s OUR thing?
You’ve READ your Bibles, I take it. Right? Remember the “TRANSfiguration” and other SPOOKY THINGS – right? Well, just BEAR IN MIND that God has stuff planned. FOR OUR GOOD. So sometimes we have to REMIND OURSELVES that it’s sometimes SCARY but EXCITING – kinda like a roller coaster….

I am FREQUENTLY led back to an impression that God has plans for us – for growth and maturity – and that there are OTHERS who want to KEEP US OFF THE ROLLER COASTER.
You seein’ what I’m sayin’?
When I talk about SOFTWARE SUPREMACY, I’m also talking about HARDWARE INFERIORITY. This parallels a lot of spiritual stuff. We can DO THINGS with hardware, but understanding
That is all part of software supremacy as well.
THEY try to keep us focused on HARDWARE – stuff like RACE and SEX and LIFE EXTENSION and IMPLANTS and TRANS-SEXUALISM.
Yet WE are served by focusing on SOFTWARE – stuff like EDUCATION and MORALITY and SPIRITUALITY and PRINCIPLES. And in my opinion, it’s because we are looking up the ladder to GOD when we do.

But whether we’re talking about HARDWARE or SOFTWARE – at some point we have to talk about COMMUNICATION.
Communication is the big deal. It’s what we do here.
Have any of you ever felt like we just can’t share our thoughts FAST ENOUGH?
I’m just going to leave that RIGHT THERE. I have no solutions, answers, or speculations that are worth sharing – nothing worth any more than YOUR OWN THOUGHTS.
That idea of “leaving it as a question” is so “Q”. I totally get Q on this now. Q asks questions, and when Q is asking questions, there is WAY MORE TRANSMISSION.
As a sidebar to that, it is my HOPE that Q begins to ask more questions. Because that means more good stuff is being shared.
So this stuff is what I’m meandering about. I’m talking about where WORDS FAIL.
NOW – LET ME BLOW YOUR MINDS – by linking THAT idea from this DAUGHN comment back to the comment that ALISON wanted me to share.
I will do it in two parts, which I present as two questions. The first is the part Alison wanted me to share. The second is what Daughn’s comment about that meme made me realize, which wraps the first and proves it, in a somewhat mind-blowing way.
(1) Just how smart is our VSG?
(2) What is going on here with our thinking and communicating?
Here we go.
Just how smart is our VSG?
The context of the comment I made is here:
Can some PLEASE ask POTUS….
“Who is Q?”
Liked by you and 7 other people
If I was Trump, I’d turn the question back on the Fake News for bonus points!!!
“I don’t know, maybe we should ask THEM [motions with hand toward the questioner’s fellow fake news compatriots] first. They’re supposed to be the news. They’re supposed to know this. So who is Q? Has anybody investigated? He’s that conspiracy theory that was right about The Hoax – right? That’s better than the fake news. I think only a couple of networks got that right. OAN and somebody else. Ask them! Who is this Q? Whoever he is, he got The Hoax right. Maybe he’s real. Maybe I know who he is, too.”
No firm answer. Watch the heads EXPLODE!!!
Liked by 10 people
Genius. And I mean that.
Liked by you and 5 other people
You absolutely “get” Trump….going all the way back to your introduction to the world of “Trump time”.
Liked by you and 5 other people
This prompted me to really GET DOWN in very honest terms about “getting” Trump – and how HARD I had to work at it – and WHAT THAT MEANS.
This is what Alison wanted you to read. I’m not going to change the words. I’ll just elaborate afterwards, if anything seems to need more explanation.
And I have to say, just having a single thought ABOUT the mind of Trump – even more something from within the mind of Trump – is a blessing and a privilege!
I was fortunate in some ways to cross over from Ted Cruz to Trump, because I had to really work to try to understand Trump. I also had an “escalator” friend who is a very smart guy, and I was surprised by his choice of Trump, even more so because it was so early. He had never said a word about Trump before, either. Totally out of the blue. That is when I started to consider Trump possible. I could not dismiss Trump. Then my WIFE went for Trump, and I began to think I’d better listen to those ads that convinced her.
Sundance really got me to consider Trump seriously, but I refused to just jump from Cruz – I needed convincing. But my post history over on CTH reflects that journey of understanding.
Eventually I had to accept that Trump is simply smarter than me, because everything he did made sense upon reflection and study. And the more that happened, the more I realized something else that was really shocking.
I worked at a really interesting place with a lot of very smart people. We had been blessed with a long string of extremely smart, “Trumpian” leaders. But there was a point where I realized – and nobody would believe this, but I would tell them anyway – “Trump is smarter than all of us put together. This whole damn place!”
I still stand by that. Just some of the algorithms that I *suspect* Trump is using, without even breaking a sweat, are beyond me, or the people I’ve worked with!!!
We would be idiots not to re-elect Trump! Idiots! I can only appeal to God himself to help us and bless us, undeserving, with Trump’s continued leadership!
Liked by 2 people
Now before I go on to the next question, I need to elaborate this in several ways.

FIRST, remember what Thomas Wictor said – that Trump is one of the most revolutionary Presidents that this nation has ever had. I agree with this idea deeply and without reservation.
SECOND, remember that Trump is changing America in profound ways, but perhaps the MOST profound is to appoint judges who adhere to the Constitution and its proper interpretation and design – people who RESPECT the design of the Founders.
THIRD, remember that what Trump is doing in the case of these judges is appointing people who are among THE BEST at what they do – and not even people who necessarily LIKE Trump. Trump is EMPOWERING OTHER PEOPLE TO FIX AMERICA, AND THE WORLD.
FOURTH, remember that this particular fix is a radically expansive change. Trump is asymmetrically fixing things in the judiciary, with the aid of Majority Leader Mitch McConnell. Think about that. It’s exponential. It’s YUGE.
Now we’re ready to go on.
What is going on here with our thinking and communicating?
Here is the mind-blower.
Trump has CHANGED all of us. All of US have been TRANSFORMED by Trump. Every individual here. How we talk – how we communicate – how we relate – HOW WE THINK. Some of which I predict will have massive effects on the future.
ALL of that has been changed by Trump.
Changed. Every one of us. Changed. Our group. CHANGED. Our expectations for the future. CHANGED. What we even think is even POSSIBLE in the future.
Now multiply that all across MAGA, and then around the world.
ALL of THAT CHANGE IN OUR THINKING – is just ONE of the changes which Trump has made.
One change. Just one. Just like all that judiciary change is one change. Just one.
I mean, within that one change, namely what we think, then what we think about ONE THING – tariffs – has changed, but that change in our thinking is ATOM-SCALE MICRO-POTATOES next to TARIFFS themselves and the ACTUAL changes in those.
Now multiply that across all Trump changes domestic, and then around the world.
Do you see how BIG the “Trump Effect” has gotten?

When I was in Italy, I was not in Tuscany, which actually would have been damn nice. Nope. My primary reason for being there was to support my wife’s interest in Roman history. IN ROME. And I learned a LOT.
Roman history is BIG. It’s EXPANSIVE. It’s YUGE.

Yeah. Think about it. The changes NOW are astronomically BIGGER.
We are basically through THREE years of Trump – limited somewhat by THE HOAX and by Fake Impeachment. What’s going to happen in FIVE MORE years, without all that obstructive CRAP?
Yeah. Pass the wine bottle!

DJT is a doer, not a talker. He hired experts in business and finance to turn the economy around while employing his policies that he had been talking about for 20-30 years.
When I think of Donald Trump, I think of these stories.
1. Problem solving – fixing the The Wollman Ice Rink in Central Park. Bureaucracy had failed for years and he solved the problem by going to ice rink experts…professional ice hockey rink people, rather than Air Conditioner people.
2. The time the funding for a NYC hospital wing was not doing well. He walked into the committee meeting with his retinue of aides, listened to the tales of woe – tens of millions lacking and said: “I am donating this to the auction, and that should bring $______ dollars, and on the way over, I called the President and he and the First Lady will attend the charity event – so we can get a bigger venue, raise the price of tickets to $_______ and that should take care of it. With that, he and his people got up and left, leaving the young people who had never seen Trump operate, with their mouths hanging open.
3. The time during the election when PDJT went on a late night show and made fun of himself, but when asked how on earth he would create jobs in this country (1:58), he said: “I’m just going to do it.”
There are many more examples…. PDJT has the insight, love, commitment, stubbornness, stamina, intellect, integrity, patriotism….he’s the perfect storm to reform and restore our great nation.
PS – I loved the Tuscan Sun movie too – it hit right at the time of my own divorce – really hit a deep place – I watched it several times. But it was the LORD and the Bible that really held me up and put me back together….though there is still much work to do.
Hollywood is at best a topical analgesic! When it has active ingredients, it got them from somewhere else!!!
VERY STABLE GENIUS!!! He really is a VSG.
The media is actually a bit scared to *really* touch that. If they dig too deeply on it, it backfires badly, IMO, because most people will accept the authority of where that assessment likely comes from.
Awaiting the day when we shift to … wait for it …
Love it!!!
…then there is Trump’s compassion, extraversion, undamaged humanity and empathy – He loves/enjoys/cherishes/encourages/promotes/mentors/reaches out to people and he loves babies – born and unborn!
…sadly, we have NOT seen those warm human qualities in a President since maybe Ronald Reagan.
Even Jimmy Carter lacked that humanity and love.
Our last President had love for himself alone.
Great assessment, GaFl
Jimmy fancied himself a TECHNOCRAT.
He lived down to it.
Excellent observations GA !!
W – think about this: in the scene from the movie, what is she doing sitting at the table with the wine? Remember? She’s blinking her eyes one at a time to “see” different “scenes” of the wine bottle. Now think about what you just posted. Get it?
PS – still unable to “like” the post itself; only comments. Also, tried to reblog this to my site, but that’s not working either.
PPS – Mrs. and I were married in Florence (San Miniato al Monte) and have traveled extensively across the country many times.
I suspect that you may have to approve certain WordPress “social” buttons on this site, that may be blocked by your privacy software. If you whitelist the site momentarily and those two functions work, then it is likely that some WordPress stuff is being blocked. Then you can selectively turn things back on and see what lets the buttons work.
So you were married there! Wow! I have not been to Florence, but it’s on our list, along with other sites that we missed. Hopefully “Soon.”, as some might say!
Do be sure to visit the Galileo Museum when you go there.
They have Galileo’s actual telescope there (but it looks like nothing–it’s a plain wooden tube–so watch for it).
Is this in Florence? I’ve been to the one in Rome – it was AWESOME! If this is the one in Rome, I need to look at my pictures!
Nope, I meant the one in Florence. (I didn’t know there was one in Rome.)
It may be technogeeky of me but I think those scopes are more important than Michelangelo’s David.
The museum in Rome is awesome! Now both of us need the OTHER museum!
Michaelangelo’s David is like a beautiful picture of Jupiter. To the true geek, the scope is more interesting in both cases!
I’m sure the optical quality of those scopes was abysmal except (maybe) in the very center of the image. Lensmaking wasn’t very far advanced.
So I’d not be interested in the scopes as scopes, but their historical significance is incalculable. Imagine finding the very first wheel. Yes, that important.
You can more readily visit Mt. Wilson in California, where the 100 inch telescope that established that there are galaxies (rather than just stars filling the universe), the universe is MUCH larger than previously thought, and is expanding. That’s ALMOST as big a deal as Galileo’s observations. The Mt. Wilson scope is no longer used in research but is available (for thousands of dollars a night) for rent to astronomy clubs, etc. Imagine being able to look through THAT instrument with ITS historical significance!
Very cool!!!
Florence was spectacular for us, Wolf.
Consider the Hotel Brunelleschi
Arrived there over a decade ago with our back-door neighbors
… after he’d mistakenly filled our rental-car gas tank with diesel
… leading to a “disastrous” breakdown-and-tow saga on a highway without shoulders
… arriving in late evening as the restaurant was closing its doors.
They REOPENED it and whipped up a romantic DINNER for 4!
WOW! Will remember that name!
Thats really cool! What a special way to begin a marriage.
Love it!

The last photo is one of my all-time favorites because it really says it all! A centered, calm, bemused person among a busy, almost chaotic-looking scene around him.
To me he’s thinking…”relax, I’ve got this.”
Yes, one of my faves. I love these memes – they just capture the essence of the man!
Thought bubble…”Thank you God! With your help, We will take back this country from the globalists…and give it back to the great people of this country…We Will Make America Great Again!”
Thanks Wolfie! What a fabulous post!!!! THE BEST IS YET TO COME!
Amen. THE BEST IS YET TO COME. Next 4 years, even better than the first. MUST HAVE!!!
It’s that look.
That look across a crowded room.
Married couples have that bond. Good friends have that bond. All we need is a nod, a wink, a flash of something and we both KNOW exactly what each other is thinking.
Wolfie is right.
We all have that now.
And now, it’s bigger than it ever was before.
Redleg! Uncanny – that you remembered and how well it synchronizes with Wolfie’s post !!!
“…We are basically through THREE years of Trump – limited somewhat by THE HOAX and by Fake Impeachment….”
Actually I do not think ‘THE HOAX and by Fake Impeachment’ were limiting. What they were was NECESSARY.
What did they accomplish?
1. People became aware of just how CORRUPT the FBI and DOJ had become.
2. People became aware of just how CORRUPT the FAKE NEWS IS.
3. People became aware of just how CORRUPT AND POWER HUNGRY the politicians esp the DemonRats are.
4. People became aware of just how WILLING THE DEMOCRATS ARE to hurt ordinary citizens if they don’t get their way.
5. People became aware the Democrat party is really a communist/Fabian Socialist front group.
WITHOUT that awareness any changes law wise that President Trump made could easily be undone. By changing the way Americans THINK the changes become more permanent and put the country back on the road towards true freedom.
Bigly agree, Gail. Excellent observations.
Another Gail Combs keeper comment!
Here is where I’m going to agree with you, but then disagree to try to get you to see beyond.

Within the context of the other side being FOOLISH and not smart enough to work with Trump, or to root out their own corruption, then yes, their attempts to evade and the beatings they inevitably suffer serve a great purpose.
They CHOOSE paths in time and space – and they CHOOSE POORLY. Even those who could SAVE THEIR SKINS by GIVING UP.
If one REALLY wants to get Trump, then one needs to start grabbing some FEYNMAN and start looking at ALTERNATE HISTORY, because the OPTIMAL BEAT-DOWN is NO BEAT-DOWN, done CORRECTLY.
What if we can STOP WARS long before they start? And not by stupid surrender monkey jerkonomics, but by SMART play and the STRENGTH and CONTROL to make it STICK so that people can SEE IT WORK?
What if TOO MUCH WINNING can also be had by OTHERS who simply learn to dance?
Sometimes we only have to watch a little failure, for everybody to learn…
Instead of A LOT….
I am utterly convinced that one of the fundamentals underlying the universe designed by a just and loving God, is that we do not have to travel the beat-down path of “eye-for-eye” to “teach the loser a lesson” every time, or to make the lesson stick – or even bigger – that there even NEEDS to be a lesson.
I am convinced that going beyond the idea of necessary beat-down was the most fundamental reform which distinguishes modern Judaism and Christianity from early Judaism – and perhaps even that the KEY to finding this path IS tied up in paradoxical ideas such as loving our enemies – yet – very importantly – not being DUPES and CHUMPS to those paradoxes.
I find such paths incredibly difficult to find, perhaps most of all because of my own blindness due to sin, but yet I believe that a just and loving God MUST have such paths there for us to find, and that prayer and good will can lead us to them.
So I will continue to believe in peace and justice, and that we can have both – moreover that if we ALL turn to them sooner, rather than later, there will be MORE forgiveness and LESS beatdown – and most of all – that lessons will stick BETTER when people come to the conclusions themselves, and not by simple failure of rebellion against justice.
Am I wrong? Only – to my way of thinking – if I am short-changing justice. But we have to be careful not to mistake our desire for vengeance as a desire for justice, for I tend to think that God sees many if not most of the fallen Dems as prodigal children, and not devils – and that history bears this out, too. If God welcomes liberals back to the fold of the TRUE JUST, we will be in error not to welcome them, too.
Trump is a counter-puncher – not a puncher. THERE IS A REASON!! Follow it long and far, and there is a great story which comes straight from the Bible!
His answer last night to this sweet lady…
Good. THAT IS THE PLAN. Trump has stated it. CLEARLY.
We have to WIN – and if we really want to FIX THINGS, we have to win the HOUSE back from the
ResistanceOBSTRUCTION.Pelosi and AOC and Ilhan are OBSTRUCTING. We simply have to get them out. We have to TAKE BACK seats and STOP CHEATING in California. They will try to offset losses with cheat elections in California. All of those “cheat-backs” have to be targeted to STOP THE CHEAT.
I think that running on removal of THE OBSTRUCTION is the way to go. Districts that want FIXED need to FLIP to TRUMP.
First, there was an enormous amount of damage done to the USA via the marxist take over of our school system. To succeed President Trump need to SHOCK the Sheeple awake.
I am fairly sure the whole Flynn fiasco was a flipping of the bad guys plans by the good guys to make that happen. AND that the good guys KNEW the plan ahead of time.
Then there was the Special Council Rope-A-Dope….
If you KNOW a disaster is headed toward you, you MANAGE and in President Trump’s case you flip it to work FOR YOU!
Americans like an underdog and they like a fighter. The attacks against Flynn and President Trump, esp the unfair ‘legal’ treatment have opened eyes that would never have opened if President Trump had not gone through a trial by fire. The DemonRats would have been much better off if they stayed undercover and NOT attacked. Instead they should have used the Fake News to chip away at the smug billionaire who though he could run a country.
They made the fatal mistake of thinking their century of brainwashing had worked on over 50% of Americans (and the rest of the world.)
I agree – there were IMPLACABLE forces opposing Trump – mostly FOREIGN – and they were ready to burn every RINO and Dem down to a CHARRED STUMP to stop Trump.
Trump is right that we have to FIGHT BACK – but sometimes outmaneuvering the enemy to the point where they “pre-lose” the next battle is the bigger win, and Trump keeps leading us there.
One of the big wins from this approach is exemplified by the growing extinction of the neocons, who are always looking for wallet-friendly but America-bankrupting wars. Trump doesn’t play eternal mud-pie pattycake with them – he drained their little mud pool when they weren’t looking! Not just a master of counter-punching – a master of long-term discreditation.
Quite simply he TAKES the MONEY out of every evil game.
It’s becoming tough to find where he’s NOT taking the money
… one way or another.
Amen. Can’t stump the Trump!
THAT is it, BKR !!!! No one has stopped the money flow before because they were all slurping from the trough. It’s gone in so long, I doubt most of them would agree what they are doing is sinful and/or illegal. It’s “just how things are done.”
The Trumpian Way is the new paradigm.
You’re killing it, Wolf.
“Pre-Losing” … a WINNER!
Wolfie, this fits COMPLETLY with my way of thinking – honed by living in Trump Time. It used to drive me crazy OT when folks would complain that “nothing’s happening” or that no one was getting indicted and going to jail. Sure, I wanted them to pay. But what I wanted even more was to see the Rule of Law re-established and the Constitution upheld.
The more I watched President Trump work – in everything he touches, the more I realized that making the scofflaws pay was not as important as bringing more and more people back to the fold. The ‘beat down’ as you say is certainly one tool, but it is not the only tool.
I want the lessons to STICK for future generations. And I fully trust that if ‘beat down’ isn’t the best way, or it is impossible to eventually jail the coup scofflaws for some reason, then President Trump – fully guided by God – is establishing the important lessons in other ways.
I really cannot grasp the enormity of the lessons we have yet to learn over the next term.
Building on your reflections, Alison, what would be the most powerful “solution” to the Deep State
… and why would President Trump EVER seek anything less?
Would he lead them to PUBLICLY DISMANTLE the DEEP STATE from WITHIN
… to M
… then Keep
… REDEEMING THEMSELVES in the process?
Absolutely!!! I do think he’s turned a few DC swamp rats, or at the very least allowed many more of the good guys to openly thrive by doing good instead of evil.
Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) Tweeted:
I am pleased to announce that Congressman Mark Meadows will become White House Chief of Staff. I have long known and worked with Mark, and the relationship is a very good one….
• Meadows knows ALL in Congress
• Meadows links to the ASCENDANT Freedom Caucus
• Meadows knows how to TEAM
Very good. VERY good.
This is HUGE! I thought he’d wait till after the election, but it is good positioning to help take back the House. I hope there is a decent replacement candidate for his district. That’s another way we are turning people away from the corruption – building the teams.
Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) Tweeted:
….I want to thank Acting Chief Mick Mulvaney for having served the Administration so well. He will become the United States Special Envoy for Northern Ireland. Thank you!
… Stay tuned.
POTUS has no doubt been preparing for Mick to deliver YUGELY.
• Irish Solution?
• USA-UK-Irish Trade Deal?
• IREXIT from EU as prep step for that Trade Deal?
Wow – something is up there!
“So I will continue to believe in peace and justice, and that we can have both – moreover that if we ALL turn to them sooner, rather than later, there will be MORE forgiveness and LESS beatdown ”
If we all agreed to play by the rules, there would be no need for rules. Laws are for the lawless, not for the righteous.
“Knowing this, that the law is not made for a righteous man, but for the lawless and disobedient, for the ungodly and for sinners, for unholy and profane, for murderers of fathers and murderers of mothers, for manslayers,” (1 Timothy 1:9, KJV)
The problem, naturally, is that ALL will never turn to peace and justice, and it only takes a very few — or even one, in the right position (e.g., Hussein) — to destroy everything.
Which means someone has to stand the gap, to stand on the wall, and guard.
It’s like the perfect intro for… cue Col. Jessup.
“Am I wrong? Only – to my way of thinking – if I am short-changing justice. But we have to be careful not to mistake our desire for vengeance as a desire for justice, ”
We have practically no experience with righteous vengeance OR justice during my lifetime. Only the evil of ‘social justice’, which is simply blaming, scapegoating and punishing one class of people for injustices which — even worst case scenario — the scapegoated people never personally committed.
More specifically to the political-class / globalists, the guilty just keep getting away with evil, and the innocent just keep suffering greater and greater harm.
Justice is required.
The guilty do not deserve the honor to have it tainted by vengeance.
“…for I tend to think that God sees many if not most of the fallen Dems as prodigal children, and not devils – and that history bears this out, too. If God welcomes liberals back to the fold of the TRUE JUST, we will be in error not to welcome them, too.”
The prodigal son recognized the error of his way, and repented.
How can one be a ‘liberal’ considering the current meaning of the word — embracing every form of rebellion and perversion and sin under the sun — and be repentant?
VERY deep, Wolf.
Never ever let up!
6. Republicans became aware that they’ll SINK ALONE or SWIM with TRUMP.
AMEN. Amen.
“Everything in Star Trek comes true [but not exactly like you think it will].”
So true.
That header photo reminds me of how much fun it would be for all of us to be together in Tuscany or Daughn’s back patio, talking, laughing, dancing, eating, sipping wine from all around…. reminiscing about the battles won and all we learned from the WQTH group.
so……………true!!!! Love the idea Ga!
There’s a dinner party that would never end…… beautiful.
The other day, after one of the rallies, I felt overwhelmed with the enormity of just how great a man Donald Trump is. It occurred to me that the only person I could compare him with was George Washington.
I believe history will name President Trump as one of the greatest presidents ever.
Of course, we have to win the WAHR first.
Amen! It ain’t over. Trump is treating this election with the utmost seriousness. WE MUST, TOO!!!
Someday, ladypenquin, a book will be written that draws deep lessons from both the parallel-comparisons and the contributions from our two GREATEST PRESIDENTS.
• The Fratricidal Foes.
• The Malevolent Forces.
• The Darkest Deepest Perils.
• The Unparalleled Leadership.
• The Undaunted Resilience.
• The Selfless Sacrifices.
Wolf – this may be your best work to date and that is saying something. Thank you for the perspective you have brought. Just a reminder and in no specific order than just me having fun with it …
BIGGER THAN YOU CAN IMAGINE. Trust the plan. You are the news. You have more than you know. Logical thinking. Important. Confirmed. Do you believe in coincidences? Fight, fight, fight! Your voice and your vote matters. Have faith and trust in yourself. WWG1WGA. The Silent War continues. These people are sick! We, the people, are the cure. Prepare for the storm. Moves and counter moves. PANIC IN DC! Buckle up! Accountability is coming. Sometimes the past can find the future. HUNTERS become prey. Rubber bullets sting but do not last. Globalism dead? Slow drip > flood. The TRUTH will be told. Easy to understand? The hole is DEEP. People awake is their greatest fear. Good people in place. Something big is coming. Expand your thinking. Know your history and you will know why. Standard deviation broken? Locked and loaded. Welcome to the [D] party con. Worth remembering. Information warfare. Game theory. Name worth remembering. This is exactly why we are here. Sheep no more.
All within the last few months relating to events and operations in the works. Like most of We the People I get anxious for justice to be served. I am tired of seeing the scum of the earth seemingly getting away with their evil deeds. But when I look at the scope of what has to be done for justice to be applied – it is mind boggling. I am in awe of the brilliance of PDT and our patriots who are working so hard and sacrificing so much to destroy the evil within. I simply resolve to do my part as called, when called – and trust the plan because God wins.
I love it! When I got to “Welcome to the [D] party con.” I just had to stop, because I was laughing out loud!

Yup. Even just our MEME VOCABULARY is a frigging CULTURE. Not a cult – a CULTURE.
There is some amazing history that touches on this – prior failed attempts to awaken – and the other side’s inevitable denigration of such efforts.
Are we smart enough to beat them this time – to leave some lasting change?
What’s the judge count now? Over 200?
Enjoy the show.
I agree, TradeBit. Wolfie’s original comment obviously struck a nerve with me, and how gobsmacking to have Wolfie lead all of us into a much more in-depth discussion of all that has changed – for Good – in Trump Time.

SPOT ON, TradeBait.
Any comments about Gorka’s pronouncement yesterday that Q is a cult and a hoax?
But Q is a cult! And Gorka has only committed an “off-by-one” error, in calling a “counter-hoax” a hoax!
I did not keep it but there was a deep dive by Anons into Gorka and his connection (thru wife???) to a HOAX site grabbing funds suposedly in President Trump’s name or as ‘Conservatives’
Just looked up gorka on
3182 and 3188 popped up
MAGA Coalition was paying Threat Knowledge Corp.
Dig on Threat Knowledge Corp (HQ in McLean, VA; Owner Katharine Gorka; Funded by MAGA Coalition)
Threat Knowledge Corp is owned by Katharine Gorka the website has the lowest rank and virtually no visitors.
Inside the feud between the internet’s biggest Q supporter and a pro-MAGA PAC
It is an anti-Q site but does give you an idea of what is going on.
Never forget these PACs KILLED THE TEA PARTY while racking in the $$$
How We Killed the Tea Party
“Greedy super PACs drained the movement with endless pleas for money to support “conservative” candidates—while instead using the money to enrich themselves. I should know. I worked for one of them.”
Oh, that last point makes SENSE.
I posted this in the Daily Thread, but it fits perfectly in Wolfie’s astute post.
Let’s get something straight here. The Dems have no master plan. They are in that gray area during a crisis/battle where all the grand strategies have failed and are simply REACTING to what shitstorm appears over the horizon today.
“Let’s get something straight here. The Dems have no master plan. They are in that gray area during a crisis/battle where all the grand strategies have failed and are simply REACTING to what shitstorm appears over the horizon today.”
YES and WORSE they LOST their strategic thinkers! Things have been rolling along according to plan for a century or more with barely a hick-up. JFK and Reagan were neutralized or flipped into useful idiots….
Worse they had lost
Maurice Strong
David Rockefeller
Zbigniew Brzezinski
King Abdullah Saud
Prince AL Waleed was neutralized
We need to figure out who their young criminals are and GET ‘EM EARLY.
Baby Soros is surely one of them.
Schiff has been mighty quiet lately.
“Mod attached re: FBI only re: last drop re: FIRED.
If nothing criminal (i.e. treason vs duly elected President) occurred, why then did majority of senior FBI leadership get FIRED/removed?
What do they ALL have in common?
From the post…
The above fact alone should be cause, and give pause for people to understand that POTUS has got this. It’s almost simplistic in its truth. Almost the entire FBI leadership is gone – and it wouldn’t have happened without reason. I believe this will be AWESOME.
Yes – at some point, the TRUTH of the larger conspiracy will be known. And it all goes back to MA CANKLES.
I watched this entire speech now President Trump gave over 3 years ago now and was fully on board the Trump Train.
I believe he saved our country. That is why he ran for president and has he ever delivered!
And here is the Full speech
Thanks for posting this, Trumpismine!
I’d never seen this speech, but had heard virtually every rally.
That first 3:39 clip is INCREDIBLE to hear after-the-fact.
President Trump laid out his COMPLETE GAMEPLAN
… in 3 minutes!
… 2 months before the 2016 Election!
… 4 months before his Inauguration!
• He’s delivered EVERY.SINGLE.THING.
• He’s a 21st Century NOSTRADAMUS.
Hate to say it, but…..

Great post, Wolfie! My husband and I were talking about this the other day. POTUS has changed our thinking, our verbiage, our expectations and how we look at everything. We process life differently now. Some of it is reminding us of how things used to be and could be again but much is new, so far ahead that we can’t begin to keep up. It is exciting to exercise our brains again this way, for years everything was rules and why you can’t do things, now it is the opposite. As one of his sons said.” Impossible is dad’s starting point”. When I first heard this I thought it was braggadocious, now I know its true. And POTUS has brought everyone along with him. I am constantly surprised now how many people I talk to who are lefties but agree with him, use his expressions or colloquialisms and think he is doing a great job. It is filtering down to the masses and even the most difficult masses. He is such a force and just brilliant.
Now THIS is a great ground report!!!
I also loved Diane Lane in Secretariat!
I have not seen that one! Is it free of cultural Marxism? If so, will investigate!!!
It’s about the great race horse, Secretariat!
Absolutely – that’s what I expected! I’m just always on the lookout for subtle Hollywood propaganda sneaking in. I *know* there will be no LGBTQ propaganda because you watched the movie more than once, but there may be more subtle hidden propaganda.
I ALWAYS ask about movies now. They sneak the stuff into EVERYTHING, and thus I am very leery of ALL Fake Entertainment!
Yeah, they completely ruined National Velvet, and Thunderhead, Son of Flicka
Thunderhead was so bad that I did not even recognize it as being a movie of the book!
Here’s a sample – I loved this movie!
More and better!
It was a good movie.
Thank God there has never been a remake of Gone With the Wind!
I’ve watched that movie at least 30 times, boss…and could watch it again that many more.
Truly is a great movie.
And I didn’t see any subtle hidden propaganda in it.
Of any kind.
They were true to the period.
They showed what Penny Chenery, Diane Lane’s character, went through and had to do to get things done.
But they didn’t overdo it.
It wasn’t a male-bashing thing.
They showed how Penny bred Secretariat’s parents in hopes of getting something like him.
But he turned out to be something extraordinary.
A horse that surpassed her hopes.
She was close with Secretariat…and could tell by looking at him when something was off, or something was wrong.
It’s a great movie.
You have to see it!
Excellent! You’ve got great suspicious cat whiskers for the dreaded CM – so it’s a done deal now!!!
Second only to “It’s a Wonderful Life”
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In looking into the deaths of the Fabian socialists/commies ‘leading’ the USA into shackles, I went looking for what happened to Stan Greenberg, husband of Rosa DeLauro (D-CT)
“..Republican pollster Frank Luntz says “Stan Greenberg scares the hell out of me. He doesn’t just have a finger on the people’s pulse; he’s got an IV injected into it.”
OK so where did this super smart guy go “who directed Campaigns in 60 countries” (including Tony Blair’s in the UK)
Seems he wrote a book about the 2016 democrat crash and burn.
How the New America Is Dooming the Republicans
St. Martin’s Publishing Group
On Sale: 09/10/2019 — $29.99
Seems like so many of the Urban elite he is living in a rainbow colored bubble that has nothing to do with REAL AMERICA….
Greenberg knows they cheat. Is he a Bolshevik? I’m betting he is.
He’s providing COVER for massive cheating. Bottom line. Somebody has to EXPLAIN THE CHEAT.
2008 – rigged game
2012 – rigged game
ALMOST 2016 – rigged game
Can they pull it off in 2020? – prepare for rigged game
The OLD….. GOPe…… IS…. DEAD!
The NEW… Gop (aka Trumpism)….. Is ALIVE and well!
Long live the American Patriots!
(I wish Trump would rename the party)
Pure, 100% unadulterated Leftist psychological projection.
Everything he said reads like a laundry list of what the Left has done, and continues to do, right up to this very moment.
Stanley Greenberg is either deeply delusional to the point of embracing an alternate universe (which seems popular with the Globalist / Leftist religion), or he is just another propaganda mouthpiece spewing the same old Marxist talking points.
Either way, he is become the monster he (presumably) swore to destroy.
See you in November, Stan.
Amen. I’m calling door number 2. America-destroying Marxist POS deserving of everything he’s got coming.
A REAL PRESIDENT tweets from aboard Air Force One!!!
“Have any of you ever felt like we just can’t share our thoughts FAST ENOUGH?”
Yes, constantly, all the time, at least whenever I’m awake.
I can type pretty fast, but nowhere near as fast as I think — or even speak, though speaking is a lot closer to the speed of thought than typing is. So the mind is always ahead of what typing can keep up with, and invariably I ‘lose’ stuff (in the translation through typing) that I would have said if the communication was faster, i.e., taking place verbally.
The keyboard is an interface, and it slows everything down.
Speaking is an interface too, and slows everything down likewise, just to a lesser degree.
I can only imagine the volume (and potentially, the quality) of information which could be communicated, if not for some kind of interface getting in the way, i.e., communication at the speed of thought.
I can imagine it, though.
Very well.
Good! That’s exactly what I’m saying!
And before I would want to have anything to do with any system enabling such stuff, then that system – BOTH software and hardware – has to be both TRUSTED and TRUSTWORTHY.
The system, as we saw happening with THE HOAX, was not trustworthy. And at the moment, I have no trust in ANY of the “home assistants”.
Now I see why POTUS is RIGHT AGAIN about Huawei tech. Invasive tech has to be deeply trusted and trustworthy.
I foresee massive miscommunication problems if suddenly granted the ability to communicate at the speed of thought, and tech has nothing to do with it.
IMHO, mankind as a whole does not have anywhere near the mental self-discipline required to peacefully co-exist with such an ability.
What people might think, what people may say, and what people end up typing can be vastly different.
Just thinking out loud.
Absolutely! This kind of tech is clearly gonna be a little harder to create and operate than a princess phone – although I tend to think that APPLE would have the best approach to “just put it on” “headband tech”. But you are right – much of the software needs to on the “other side of the interface”.
“And before I would want to have anything to do with any system enabling such stuff, then that system – BOTH software and hardware – has to be both TRUSTED and TRUSTWORTHY.”
Which it can never be, so long as the ‘owners’ or ‘controllers’ of the technology are the few.
This isn’t an argument of capitalism vs. socialism, it’s simply the acknowledgment that power corrupts, and absolute power corrupts absolutely.
It always has, and it always will, because the nature and character of man does not change.
Whenever power is concentrated in the hands of the few, abuse of that power is the obvious and unavoidable byproduct. Every. Single. Time.
Our founding fathers recognized this and attempted to limit or hinder this abuse of power, but lawyers and money have had more than 200 years to destroy the system, and so they have.
We seem to believe we need the shackles of government in order to protect our Rights, and yet the greatest threat (by far) to our Rights is always the government (and now ‘public-private partnerships’…), which always and relentlessly accumulates power to itself while systematically stripping our Rights away and enslaving us.
So how could we reverse-engineer our way out of the paradox?
Specifically with regard to any system of hardware and software as you describe?
That’s a great question! Not sure I want to jump to a premature and lacking answer, except to say that I don’t want government getting its PC mitts on things, which causes DUMBNESS, or to limit the HONESTY of such systems, which I’m sure DEMOCRATS would do.
Building on the Huawei challenge, guess what!
[you likely already know]
President Trump just ordered that the Chinese investment in StayNTouch be DIVESTED COMPLETELY!
No doubt a trial run for MANY MORE DIVESTITURES
[Perfect Justification: China’s NATIONALIZATION of the 3M Mask Plant!]
• Now they’re MASSIVELY DUPLICATING IT to STEAL the IP and Export Masks
• PROFITING from the COVID-19 China exported Worldwide!
ChiComs! Being ChiComs!!!
Scott, you put into words exactly the way I think.
Bingo x 1,000!
“Scott, you put into words exactly the way I think.”

That is my favorite part*, to express a thought or idea in such a way that’s it’s close enough to what another person is thinking, that there is a sort of bond of common understanding or recognition created.
Where understanding the other person and being understood are in a kind of mutual balance.
It’s very ‘human’, which is not always easy to do in a written format.
A lot of written communication is primarily one-way, of necessity I suppose, one person seeking to be understood. But it is much more rewarding to both understand and be understood.
It’s fun, that experience, which makes it worth trying for.
Like completing a hail Mary pass… only hopefully not as rare…
* My favorite part besides making people laugh, which now that I think of it, accomplishes much the same thing, just by a different mechanism
Scott….. I ALWAYS enjoy your comments and usually get something out of them.
YOU… are one Brilliant guy. Keep up the good work!
Thank you rayzorbak, that’s very kind of you.
(and your check’s in the mail
He’s right
You are always sweet to me, even when I sometimes say the wrong thing or it comes out the wrong way, and I appreciate your kindness very much.
(your check’s on the way too…
lol !!!
One very important lesson I learned from Q is that asking questions is a very effective method of breaking the programming. The next time you find yourself in an argument with the brainwashed simply starting asking questions. “How did you reach that conclusion?” “Could you explain why you feel that way?” “Why do you believe that?” Most of the time, they don’t know how to respond. Most of them only know how to parrot back the programming, but when asked to explain why they believe the programming, they can’t answer. I’m convinced now that most of them genuinely don’t know why they hold the beliefs they do. It’s rather frightening to watch.
Yes!! This is so true, they don’t know the answers. They are used to being programmed by the flat effect voice on npr, it is hypnotic.
Very perceptive, Sadie.
Being the “weaker” sex…..
Females have developed a winning strategy against us of the Bigger, Stronger, DUMBER sex.
Answer a question …… with a question!
Aha!…. the old Female trick!
Answer a question with a Question!
Gets us most every time.
But some of us guys are wise to it now
On the topic of pictures, images, and visual communication, I had to give up making art because things get far too weird and dangerous in my life when I do. There’s a reason why the art world and Hollywood are obsessed with the occult. Oh sure, money laundering and propaganda are a big part of it, but beyond all of that, there’s something very powerful and spiritual about the whole process of making art. The Greeks were right about the Muses.
Yup. There is a reason they hit Ben Garrison HARD.
And I totally agree about the art world – it is OVERFLOWING with pedophiles, occultists, and Marxists of various kinds – particularly cultural, all of whom encourage each other.
I thought that some of the pizzagate stuff about networking pedophiles was BS, until I actually observed art world pedophiles using the symbols. I dug deeper on one of them – found some of their pre-contractual stuff with parents. Totally designed to set up control time with kids. Parents apparently just dupe along like happy fools.
Scary stuff, and extremely real. What they do for cover is to encourage false positives so they can scream “witch hunt”. Encourage the loopier and more magical accusations so they can claim their opponents are crazy. But the fact is that just like our side, much of it is very real and physical, but some of it is spooky and not easily explained by the physical. Fake news chants accordingly to help their side.
Hillary seems like the quintessential personality type, so I’m very certain she’s high up in this stuff.
I think art gets the message across better than words somehow. Kinda like if you are learning something you can listen or read. Thats why the memes and cartoons are so powerful, they somehow jump the programming hurdle.
VISUAL… enters the brain through the eyes.
Couple that with WORDS…… Added power.
Hence….. the “Memes”.
Yes! I think somehow humour also finds a new path as well
“Humor” is a mechanism to lessen the DEFENSES. Allows other ideas in?
Yes!! Thats what I was struggling to say! And people remember humour more that straight facts.
HUMOR as the Window-into-Listening:
President Trump’s specialty.
Speaking of thought and trying to communicate…
My worse problem is I do not think linearly. This makes it very very difficult to communicate in words.
I notice some of the 8-Kun Autists have a similar problem so you see then generating these complex graphics linking in various bits and pieces of data.
Non-linear minds are very, very good for problem solving but a major problem when trying to communicate. Glen Beck does it very nicely with his ‘chalk boards’
Whatever you’re doing – KEEP DOING IT!!!
Once your mind “escapes the box”, it’s subconsciously surrendering and painfully hard work to drop the freedom and re-enter the box to work a crowd that has no interest in joining you to leave it.
I love that hat! There are some pretty knit straw hats in the DuckDuckGo search engine images!
Terrific post, Wolf.
RE “FIRST, remember what Thomas Wictor said – that Trump is one of the most revolutionary Presidents that this nation has ever had. I agree with this idea deeply and without reservation.“
President Trump is positively REVOLUTIONARY.
President Trump is certainly TRANSFORMATIONAL.
But he’s like no mortal leader in history.
… Because he’s unconsciously INNOVATIVE and INTUITIVE.
… And he’s relentlessly ADAPTIVE and RESOURCEFUL.
… While he’s utterly SELFLESS.
President Trump is undeniably TRANSCENDENTAL.
Great word!!! Love it! “The Transcendent Presidency”.
Related minor musings:
We’ll NEVER EVER see anyone make DAILY HISTORY like President Trump.
Unless you lived through it, nobody will ever believe that he single handedly sped up the news cycle from a week to 8 hours.
• None of the M$M FAKE NEWS can stick.
• POTUS OWNS the News Cycle.
• POTUS Tweets launch News Cycles.
Ain’t it GLORIOUS!
We knew it would be good……. but we never thought it would be this good.
Still pinching myself after watching the most magical Town Hall in HISTORY, Daughn.
Never seen anything like it.
Still can’t believe you posted the Diane Lane pic………. ( How did Wolfie know????? I sat straight up in my chair, dumbfounded.)
Do you get the impression, if somehow, we all crossed each other’s paths in a grocery store …….. we would probably recognize each other?
You’re right about Italy. Life changing.
It was the first year of a 4yr long brutal divorce. I was forced by the court to turn over Gunner to my ex for weeks during the summer. The first month, I cleverly scheduled his swimming lessons early in the morning and then spent all day at the pool with him. So, I was able to feed him breakfast/lunch/dinner, and he was only alone with my ex for a little while in the evening. I gave Gunner a cellphone at 6yrs old, because my ex would be drunk, fall asleep, and Gunner was still awake and a little scared. I read to him on the phone until he fell asleep.
It tore me to shreds.
The second month, I was informed I couldn’t do another round of swimming lessons and had to give it up.
With Gunner gone, I couldn’t even sleep in the house. I developed hives because my body was reacting to all the stress. First time I ever responded in such a dramatic way, stress is normally easy for me. My ex ran off my customers, threatening to kill them. And it was a fairly regular occurrence for me to sit in my office and realize a red light from the scope of a gun was trained on my chest.
He never loved me until I wanted to leave him.
What a wild time.
It’s all blurry now.
So, I decided I couldn’t keep doing what I was doing. I told my ex I was headed to the beach while he had Gunner. He “assumed” I was going to Florida with a friend he knew well……. so he could keep an eye on me.
When he realized I wasn’t there, he grilled Gunner on where I was.
Gunner said I went to Moscow. (Gunner was 6yrs old, how did he come up with Moscow?)
BUT I went to Italy.
By the time I landed in Rome, all hell had broken loose at home.
He demanded I return to the USA…….. not happening.
He threatened to kill my house sitters…. they left because they were afraid of him.
He broke into the house and threatened to burn it down……… Go ahead, burn it all down, I’m not coming home.
And I was in Italy for about 3 1/2 weeks. Never in my life had I taken such a long vacation. It takes a while for the body to settle in…… By the time I came home, I was almost fluent and completely transformed. It was a 100% mental reset.
I still the same foods I did in Italy, and in the late afternoon, outside, preferably with my fingers.
I still sing or dance at the drop of a hat.
I still stop…….. to look at the moon.
Architecture, absolutely.
Beyond the pics of Rome, coastline, fountains, etc., I came home with pics of city street grates, waste receptacles, door frames, and the inside of a ladies bathroom stall which was mahogany paneled like a 1930’s cruise ship and had the most beautiful silver door locks I’ve ever seen.
Everything in Italy is inspiring.
Heck, I came home, met Big T about two weeks later, and started the stone company.
You’re right, Wolfie. Everything with Trump is bigger and fundamentally necessary, a battle of the ages. When he won, most of us probably thought we would go back to our lives and everything would be okay. We had NO IDEA we would be fully engaged on a daily basis. Or how important it would be.
Some days, we wonder if we are good enough for the battle, but Trump trusts us, and we rise to the occasion.
Think about where we were two years ago, compared to what we know now.
And imagine where we will be in another two years.
Beyond our families, have we ever been involved in anything this important? And how did we ALL know at the same time that our country was THAT important? Because we all felt the same way….. instantly.
The various trials and tribulations we all have in life change us. Individually, we may stumble like I did during a bad divorce, but we rebound and the “Sun” comes out again. This time, we’re in the fight together and it’s brutal. We know…… by touch, by feel, by osmosis, by a ……look…….. or ……… a meme.
And I swear, 10 years from now, I’ll still be able to recognize you all in a grocery store.
I saw you in the grocery store yesterday! (might have been a dream
Thanks to you and Wolf for having this place!
I don’t watch the “snooze” near as much as I used to……
Mostly LIES and Propaganda (Pravda would be JEALOUS!)
Everything of importance I can find right here.
Thank YOU and ALL the Qtreepers for their VALUABLE input!
Bless you, Mississippi Daughn

Those divorces are brutal. Italy, Big T and Gunnar were all wonderful antidotes. What doesn’t break us does make us stronger.
Words cannot begin to share my empathy, admiration and appreciation, Daughn.
High five to Gunner and Big T.
3 1/2 weeks in Italy! Oh, yeah! That will fix you right up!

Oh, that sounds like a brutal divorce. That red dot stuff is psycho, but I had a lady friend who went through that stuff – the “danger to self and others” protestations – very scary. The psycho party will whip one way – then another – trying to worm back into the target’s life – to restore the status quo ante.
That level of escalation “I’ve got a gun” – typically leads to a confrontation or abduction – with intermittent hints of suicide to break down barriers. “I’m drunk and gonna turn it on myself”, etc.
You’re lucky – very lucky. That trip to Italy may have saved you. 3-4 weeks with no possibility of impacting the target can be enough to create a break in their thinking – enough to deescalate.
Yes, I think we’ve developed something good here. I think we’ve avoided the dangerous thinking that creates “bad cults” by sticking to MAGA principles – solid, historically proven, religiously sound. It’s a real community. And I think all of us had strong experience with other communities. Very helpful. We were prepared, just like Trump was prepared!
Yup. Who knows where or when that grocery store will be? But perhaps someday! And maybe sooner than we think, too!
We’re kind of past the point of “too much personal information” but the next part is important to make a bigger point about all of us and where we are headed.
My mom was a manic depressive who eventually committed suicide. Tragic story, beautiful and talented woman, and a waste of a life. At about 11yrs old, I was on the sideline of a heated argument between her and my father. In a dramatic moment, she threatened to kill herself by driving off a bridge. Dad had hidden the car keys to prevent her repeated threats of “self-harm”.
I left the room and went to retrieve the car keys, handing them to her.
If she really wanted to leave, then go.
But don’t make idle threats, don’t bluff…… I resented the manipulation,….. at age 11.
Now, step back for a moment and imagine what has to happen for a child of 11yrs old to come to that conclusion. Scared the heck out of my dad. Yet age 10-12 is about the time we all realize our parents do, sometimes, lie. I came to the realization mom was crazy as a bedbug and wanted no part of it. I checked out, shut down, if she was not willing to act in good faith. I was done with her.
The red dot stuff from a gun scope, with my ex was the same thing……. what a chicken $hit. If he wanted to kill me, have the balls to do it face to face, not hiding from behind a damn bush.
I yelled at him.
And KNOW, with GOD as my witness, I would haunt him, torment him, for the rest of his days……. making his life a living hell. When he repeatedly threatened suicide if I didn’t return, my reaction was similar. If he thought so little of his own life, then it was HIS problem he needed to fix, and it had nothing to do with me nor our son.
I am no one’s hostage, via idle threats and manipulation, for a clearly illicit motive.
If he was truly wounded or honorable, I would have moved a mountain to save him.
But this was all a lie.
Game over.
Now think bigger. America big. Worldwide big. Trump big.
Once we see through the threats of today, coming from our political opposition, from the media, the scare tactics, the propaganda, the “we know better than you because we are the smart ones”, or the “we’re all gonna die if you red state people don’t listen to us”, or the “you red state people are all wrong because you don’t realize your racism/privilege/gender pronouns happy horse$hit”, all of the desperate attempts at manipulation to control us fade away………, and………we’re free.
One we realize the threats are empty, the hyperbole no longer works on us.
“Okay mom, drive off the bridge if you really feel you need to.”
Once the bluff is called, the next threat NEVER works.
And if EVER there was one man who could call a bluff………. it’s Donald John Trump.
We’re no longer held hostage and co-dependent to “their” swirl of $hit.
It’s why the media, the liberals, the globalists, the bureaucracy, are so angry.
It’s incredibly liberating for us.
The game is over.
The mask has slipped.
Like a loving and dutiful spouse or an adoring child, we were willing to devote time, money, energy, …… We even trusted them with our children…… long as their motives were pure, as long as we were all headed in the same direction, for the good of the family, the country, the world.
But they are bad people.
Black-hearted, those who don’t earn love or respect.
Parasites, who feed off of our good will.
Parasites, who cannot exist without us.
Their chosen path was bad, harmed us all, hurt America, and even harmed THEIR families for a short term high. They’re foolish, greedy, self-serving, not worthy of power or leadership.
And we can all see it ……….
Ohhh, that Tuscan sun is bright with a little perspective and a clear view.
It hurts, sure.
We’ve been betrayed.
In many ways, we feel guilty…… as though we should have known or done something sooner.
No time for analysis or guilt now, we have to act.
The battle is afoot.
It’s like we’re all going through a bad divorce from a crazy spouse……. trying to regain control of the checking accounts, stop the mad spending, the bleeding, the irrational arguments in the driveway, pay off the lawyers, save the kids, and the HOUSE we call America.
And wow……….. did we get lucky with a great leader…… and a brave man…. who had vision.
We will get through this. We will rebound. We’re Americans.
BIG f’n AMEN to all of that!
As soon as you said “co-dependent” I was like “YUP – this gal is 100% onto the crap!!!”
And wow – schooled at ELEVEN on dealing with this stuff – that’ll grow you up real fast.
Yeah, we are very lucky with POTUS. Watching – quietly – waiting for the opportunity to FIX IT ALL.
In Emergency PULL THIS LEVER for
Family Emergency.
Somebody had to grab the keys and DO SOMETHING.
What strikes me about Pres. Trump (besides all that has been communicated here) is that he knows that this will result in that, way before we are able to see it. We could all predict that lower taxes would boost the economy, but there are so many supplementary effects of his policies, actions, and communications that we could not have predicted. And to this day, in many instances, I can’t say what specifically caused which result that we desired and are grateful for.
He not only has a plan, but he knows how to implement it to achieve what is needed. That is why I trust the plan even when I can’t see what is happening. I recognize what he has done and what he is capable of.
Great thoughts! Yes – he manages hundreds of variables and knows where to look when something just starts sniffing wrong. You can see it in his advice to the fed!!!
TTruths – what I love is when he says, “we’ll see what happens” which I’ve come to hear as code for “I’m giving ’em enough rope to hang themselves.”
“They might be smart about this but….. get your popcorn now.”
Yes, you know he has already planned for what’s coming and probably orchestrated it.
“He laughs at fear…afraid of nothing. He will not shy away from the sword.”
Secretariat had one of the biggest hearts ever recorded in a thoroughbred race horse.
Reminds me of President Trump.

Oh…and at the 1:42 mark, you can see Penny Chenery herself, behind Diane Lane.
That was pretty good casting, actually!
Wow! Now THAT is great film-making!!! <3
That precious quote comes from scripture, Job 39, in the midst of God’s priceless expose of some of His majesty displayed through His creation & reminding Job, & us all, of our place within it all…
19 “Do you give the horse its strength
or clothe its neck with a flowing mane?
20 Do you make it leap like a locust,
striking terror with its proud snorting?
21 It paws fiercely, rejoicing in its strength,
and charges into the fray.
22 It laughs at fear, afraid of nothing;
it does not shy away from the sword.
23 The quiver rattles against its side,
along with the flashing spear and lance.
24 In frenzied excitement it eats up the ground;
it cannot stand still when the trumpet sounds.
25 At the blast of the trumpet it snorts, ‘Aha!’
It catches the scent of battle from afar,
the shout of commanders and the battle cry.