20200313: Dear KMAG Open Thread.

Welcome to Friday’s OPEN THREAD at the QTree! It’s the weekend and time to crack open a beer and put some steaks on the grill! Thank you for the Thursday hand-off TrumpIsMine. Thank you to Wolfie for keeping us all organized, up and running. What would we do without FLEP’s News Roundup to keep up? Thank you, Flep. Hat tip and a hearty thank you to Wheatie, Dep, BakoCarl, Michael, all contributors and the lurkers!

We don’t believe in political correctness at QTree. Free Speech is practiced here. ENJOY IT. Use it or lose it. This board will remain a REFUGE for those who need civility, either some or all of the time. Important Guidelines are outlined here in the January 1st open thread, with an addendum on 20191110. In other words, please keep it SOMEWHAT civil. We have a new board – actually a new SITE – called The U Tree – where people can take each other to the woodshed without fear of censorship or moderation.

It’s Friday the 13th. We’re not comfortable on defense. Time to get back on offense.

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It’s one day before PI day, 3.14. I’m making a peach pie. We may have to do a PI thread, an area where QTreepers excel.

It’s two days before the Ides of March. Feel like sharpening some knives, Brutus?

Raul Julia GIF - Find & Share on GIPHY

We need an enemy we can see, not some invisible boogeyman virus.

And we want our money back from the CCP. Their intentional secrecy cost the world 2 months, thousands of lives, trillions of dollars. Donald Trump was right along. He told us that China “girlfriend” was no good. She was a tramp, a backstabber. It’s time to break up with China. We thought we could change them, but no. Well, we have learned our deadly lesson, an 8 trillion dollar lesson. The heck with that. Party is over. Time to kick that Bi$ch to the curb.

The Jerry Springer Show GIF - Find & Share on GIPHY

And here’s the deal. AFTER the breakup with China and the return of the engagement ring (most favored nation), there will be no moping around, no recession/depression, no crying in our beer. The USA is still the most handsome guy in town, best economy, best workforce, best leadership. Ahhh yes, the USA is a downright sparkling fellow. The USA is irresistible.

“We’re going to approach globalization a lot differently than we did in the past”, say the pundits. Gobsmack! It’s about time they started listening to us. Here’s another one, “We’re forecasting a massive shift in manufacturing in the USA”. How long have we been screaming about this? FINALLY!! Ya’ think it might be a good idea to manufacture our own medicines, instead of our mortal enemy? The boys from Harvard and Yale were wrong. The truck drivers and the waitresses in the red state were right….. and we knew it all along. It’s why we elected Trump. Did it take a global pandemic for the chickens to come home to roost on Wall Street?

Oh My God Omg GIF - Find & Share on GIPHY

We don’t fly to Europe, South Korea, or China too often anymore, and it might be worth 8 trillion dollars if the idiots in Washington, DC, finally fix the problem. Of course, we would love to close our border while we are in mortal danger from a GLOBAL PANDEMIC, but thanks to the Dems, we can’t. Again, Donald Trump was right about the border as well.

Looking The Sandlot GIF - Find & Share on GIPHY

And the 200% increase in ammunition sales this week? We’re NOT wrong. We’re right. Gee whiz, how many times has Trump been right????

Republican National Convention Rnc GIF by Election 2016 - Find & Share on GIPHY

Yeah, it’s over alright. Trump was right and WE were right to elect him. Politicians, their lobbyists, and the media lied. The corrupt agencies helped them all to rob the American people. The mask has slipped. Their errors and greed are now killing Americans, as if the 30K dead from opioids wasn’t bad enough. The establishment is done. It was an epic fail.

Step Brothers GIF - Find & Share on GIPHY

And the pandemic of Wuhan Flu is “in your face” proof.

We will get through this, and we’ll clean up the mess for the blissfully ignorant, but this time, we will insist on better leadership. In the meantime, say a little prayer for our President, his family, and their team.

Remember Wheatie’s Rules:

  1. No food fights.
  2. No running with scissors.
  3. If you bring snacks, bring enough for everyone – no skimping when it comes to pie.

See you all at Wheatie’s tree house in the morning.

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Sadie Slays

Trucker Anon weighs in on the Great TP shortage of 2020. Cross-posting to the Coronavirus thread:comment imagecomment image


twitter trends for you
LOL ok



I was at walmart again bc now, laundry soap and crunchy pb are almost out. I also got the last 3 boxes of mac n cheese. Toothpaste was very low. No isopropyl alcohol or h2o2. TP apocalypse aint no joke. Have you seen how much a little kid uses?


Seriously, buy a bidet attachment. Ours has saved us $ + we now prefer it!


Those are nice. Only ever used one in italy. Ill look into it for long term.


Why do you think I chase the puppy down when she steals the TP! I need my half chewed rolls


You can always subscribe to the NY Times. They deliver a fresh wad of paper every day to your doorstep that is eminently suitable for wiping your tuchis.


LOL true. Or leaves!!!


Let the toilet paper Roll.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

That’s a big 10-4 good buddy!


Hmmmm buy p&g stock?


very good thought


One man’s opinion: Randy Quaid tweets,”The Tom Hanks thing smells like a Jussie Smollett thing and it’s got Michelle Obama written all over it.”


[…] Posted By: daughnworks247 0 View 0 Comment KAG, MEGA, MIGA 3ViewsShareTweetMail […]


Does anyone have a celeb list of positive, self-quarentine, posted? I think we’re gonna need a bigger boat!


Sorry, thought the title would post.
[Potential false-positive rate among the ‘asymptomatic infected individuals’ in close contacts of COVID-19 patients].


Potential false-positive rate among the ‘asymptomatic infected individuals’ in close contacts of COVID-19 patients].
[Article in Chinese; Abstract available in Chinese from the publisher]
Zhuang GH1, Shen MW, Zeng LX, Mi BB, Chen FY, Liu WJ, Pei LL, Qi X, Li C.
Author information
Abstractin English, Chinese
Objective: As the prevention and control of COVID-19continues to advance, the active nucleic acid test screening in the close contacts of the patients has been carrying out in many parts of China. However, the false-positive rate of positive results in the screening has not been reported up to now. But to clearify the false-positive rate during screening is important in COVID-19 control and prevention. Methods: Point values and reasonable ranges of the indicators which impact the false-positive rate of positive results were estimated based on the information available to us at present. The false-positive rate of positive results in the active screening was deduced, and univariate and multivariate-probabilistic sensitivity analyses were performed to understand the robustness of the findings. Results: When the infection rate of the close contacts and the sensitivity and specificity of reported results were taken as the point estimates, the positive predictive value of the active screening was only 19.67%, in contrast, the false-positive rate of positive results was 80.33%. The multivariate-probabilistic sensitivity analysis results supported the base-case findings, with a 75% probability for the false-positive rate of positive results over 47%. Conclusions: In the close contacts of COVID-19 patients, nearly half or even more of the ‘asymptomatic infected individuals’ reported in the active nucleic acid test screening might be false positives.
COVID-19; Close contacts; False-positive; Nucleic acid test; Screening
PMID: 32133832 DOI: 10.3760/cma.j.cn112338-20200221-00144

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Good – so it seems that they are looking at “likely infected asymptomatic people” who are close associates of definite infected people, as a highly likely group of asymptomatic infected people, and what they are finding is that about half of the “positives” are actually false positives – the people aren’t actually infected.
Interesting. I’m just taking their word on that – I did not look at the study.


Daughn, can you please erase the first 2 posts? Sorry!

Sadie Slays

Saw this on 8kun:
Notable corony-positives:
A staffer in Sen. Maria Cantwell's D.C. office
Fabio Wajngarten, Bolsonaro aide who met Trump tests positive for coronavirus
Donovan Mitchell, Utah Jazz
Tom Hanks and Rita Wilson
Sophie Trudeau, Canada


I saw that Joy from the view is self quarantining, also Celine Dion. Don’t think they have been determined to be positive.
Oprah and Madonna both had falls recently
Cher cancelled 4 shows
Wonder when we will hear about DeNiro, Bette Midler, Alyssa Milano, Rob Reiner


No Rosie O’Donnell?


I forgot about her…dont know how🙄
Here’s another


If she fell it would register on the Richter scale and we’d feel it in Australia




Healthy 37 years old hospitalized and on oxygen for COVID-19 warns young people to stay home
Local Report: Europe 10th March:
I am 37 years old, I have always loved sports, I have always been hyperactive and healthy … I speak to you from the bed of the Sacco hospital… while I write I have tears in my eyes, I need oxygen to have no trouble breathing, I continually have a fever, I have interstitial pneumonia … they have already made me 2 swabs for Covid 19 both are negative … they have made me a third this morning … because what I have is exactly the symptomatology of this Virus. ..
I am writing to make you understand that it is not a game it is not a joke not only “the old” get sick … think of you think of your loved ones … the only way to help us is to stay at home
Please do this
I hope my testimony will be useful
11th March:
Hello I wanted to thank you for all these messages of affection that I received …. Solidarity is good for the heart and soul … and helps defeat this cursed black beast the COVID-19 … yes because today I was confirmed positive.
I say it without being ashamed without being afraid I say it just to make people think, that this virus affects anyone indiscriminately from the color of the skin, from the weight of the wallet, from the age … for this reason now we must be united in loving each other without discrimination.
It is a struggle that affects all of us … but that must be faced with common sense, intelligence and LOVE.
Thank you all
Source: *

15 hours ago
To me the scary part is that he tested negative so many times even while obviously in the depths of viral symptoms. Yikes.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Great post!!!!


But why all the negative tests? Does it not read it? or the test not working?
I knew someone who kept testing negative for the flu a while back while in the ICU. Turns out they had the flu and sadly passed away anyway.

Cuppa Covfefe

As Gail noted a few places, the most common tests (swab throat, nose, etc.) often return false negatives. The only reliable test is to measure the mucus being ejected from deep within the lungs.
I would think that someone coughing up this stuff would already be quite ill.
I’ve read that they can do MRIs and get a quick and effective picture of the lungs which is far more accurate than any swab, sputum/etc. sample would be. Not sure how easily (or cheaply) people could be tested like this…


Thanks for that.


This is cool:

Text from Charlie Kirk:
Did you know:
@realDonaldTrump has already surpassed the primary vote totals of BOTH Obama & George W. Bush’s re-election races
Bush 2004—7,853,863
Obama 2012—8,906,078
Trump 2020—9,347,782
And there are still 24 primaries left to go!
Why doesn’t the media report this?


Great POST Daughn…
esp. liked the photo of James Coburn surrounded by all the women… 😉


Yeah, Daughn the images and gifs are knockouts tonight. Wolfie’s gonna love his fav Coburn Wolf surrounded by da ladeezzzzz 😎

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Awesome daily thread! And that is MY KINDA BLACK CAT!!! Time to go on OFFENSE!!!


I blame the Chinese Wuhan Coronavirus on the Level 4 bio lab in Wuhan that weaponized this virus and the corrupt “end justifies the means” Chicom gov’t that benefits YUGELY from the intentional release of this virus, beginning with the fact that ever-increasing Hong Kong protests from late last year are no longer a daily Page 1 news item.
Funny how all the “pros” from the release of this virus just HAPPEN to fall in favor of the DS, the political left, and China.
Just coincidence, right?

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Oh, I agree. And every day I ask myself – what can we do – what can we FIND – what should we LOOK FOR – to PROVE that they did this intentionally. Because whatever they owe the world for doing it NEGLIGENTLY, they owe 2X, 3X, 10X or more for doing it INTENTIONALLY.


They will not be able to walk the streets in safety.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Now notice that I don’t necessarily believe it – because this is typical of a ChiCom changing a story. It’s CLOSER to the truth, but it may not actually BE the truth.
But this is putting it back to the lab. That’s better.
Still, the timeframes have to fit. So we need to see this sucker and see if the timelines actually work.
Good stuff, though. We’re getting closer fast.
The ChiComs are trying to find something that we’ll believe.

Cuppa Covfefe

I’m still wondering about the “biological materials” that went from Canada to China, resulting in the firing of at least one Chinese “researcher” at the Canadian lab. Also seem to remember links to a Princeton research lab or researcher… (help, Gail…).

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

And remember that the Canadian researcher connected to that incident then DIED in Kenya.
He was connected to earlier cases of bio theft:


.. ((they)) have pierced the Crimes against humanity envelope
that level of conversation will be nuanced across the dinner tables


Damn that peach pie looks good


I’ve actually never had peach pie–but it does look very tasty!


You don’t know what you have been missing Pat
One of Heavens treats , love it served warm with vanilla ice cream
little cinnamon and nutmeg sprinkle on the side


sounds great!
I’ve made a variety of pies–apple, cherry, shoo fly, pot pie (lol) but never peach…anyone have a good recipe???


AND Shepherd’s pie !!
Our family lives by ‘ Pie fixes everything ‘ .. pies for every occasion
always with home canned local fruit fillings stewed and perfected in a saucepan, scratch made dough
Sorry can’t offer more, I’m not a Baker, won’t encroach that sister owned territory .
Great reminder! been meaning to call her


Elise Stefanik @EliseStefanik
🚨🚨Attn US elected officials & journalists🚨🚨
In Congress, I have focused on the threat of disinformation from foreign adversaries, I reiterate the significance of the threat of propaganda from the Chinese Communist Party.
Do not legitimize Chinese Communist talking points👇
Quote Tweet
Lijian Zhao 赵立坚
· 13h
2/2 CDC was caught on the spot. When did patient zero begin in US? How many people are infected? What are the names of the hospitals? It might be US army who brought the epidemic to Wuhan. Be transparent! Make public your data! US owe us an explanation!

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Elise Stefanik is AWESOME !!!!!


Wow now that’s an opening statement daughn!


Steve Scalise
Pelosi wasted the whole week behind closed doors drafting a partisan bill full of liberal fantasies that have nothing to do w/ Coronavirus.
Republicans are ready to work w/ Dems on SERIOUS solutions.
Now is not the time for politics. Pelosi needs to stop the games & work w/ us.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

We have to remove the #CORONACRATS


Israel is not the problem. Islam and Communism are the problem.


However, we can’t romanticize Israel to the point ot of ignoring their high ra


Israel has missed the mark in a couple of areas – abortion being one of them.


Tikva – The Hope! Israel’s National Anthem


Hava Nagila! Let us Rejoice!



The Library
By the way, while every media figure in America is busy hyperventilating over Wuhan Virus, this went largely unreported:
Steven Lundgren
👀👀 DNCs Phil Nichols and Jess Neal were arrested Thursday morning on federal arrest warrants, an FBI spokesperson confirmed to The Star Press just before 9 a.m.


Didn’t see much about all the cartel arrests yesterday either….


better than Tide pods, Nanzi ?


Chance of her indulging in both are high.
Just listen to any presser she gives.




Kimberley Strassel
My latest: FCC Commissioner @BrendanCarrFCC takes on Schiff’s surveillance state, slapping him for secret subpoenas for call records that invade privacy and deny targets judicial review. https://t.co/Gq6S5GeAD2 via @WSJ
Kimberley Strassel
FCC’s Carr: Schiff “created out of whole cloth a secret and effectively unreviewable and unchecked mechanism for obtaining call records on any and all Americans.” This “secret and partisan process” “deprives Americans of their legal rights.”
3/3 ‘possible FCC action’ is interesting- what actions can they take?
Kimberley Strassel
FCC’s Carr calls on Congress to address Schiff’s snooping as part of its surveillance debate, and also holds out possibility of FCC action.


They’ve shown us who is owned by the ChiComs.

Text from Lisa Mei Crowley:
This was before China ordered them to stop calling it that and to attack those who do. China owns these clowns.
Video clip showing the media calling it the “Wuhan Coronavirus” and the “Chinese Coronavirus”.
And now, they claim it’s ‘racist’ to call it that.


Comply, or else!!


Large false positives; large false negatives….logical thing to do is to be wary and cautious and do reasonable things. Just like VSGPOTUSDJT is doing.
While media is barking about stuffing a test swab into him sixteen times a day.
I think he needs to start spraying the press box with disinfectant immediately before his helicopter pressers.


Perhaps he should dispense talking with them altogether… ?
You know, to stay healthy of course…


Oh, update from local Lucky’s supermarket (Silicon Valley) — most brands of TP sold out, but plenty of stock on the ones remaining. Clean wipes have taped-up signs limiting customers to two each…..doesn’t matter, ’cause there aren’t any. Zero stock on saltine crackers (?).


Ty. All spaghettios and chef boyardee gone. Winco was stocked but walmart was trashed. Target is trashed.


Previously, I had noted that this Lucky’s had been stripped of instant ramen packs (didn’t check this trip). Honestly, chef-boy-ar-dee and ramen? Are these children?


I know. The way people are acing in some places is contributing to shortage and panic.


TP hunt coming up…. 😉


Hey Daughn – this article is for you:


Duct tape should do it


Eric Tucker @etuckerAP
The @FBIAgentsAssoc is not happy the Senate left for the week without passing the FISA bill, calling it “unacceptable and dangerous that Congress and the White House have failed to come together to reauthorize provisions that have widespread bipartisan support and are essential”
Let me get my teeny tiny violin out…
Guess FISA expires………….. ? No, some senators are promising they will take it up next week… and it will likely pass with the (3) [count ’em three lousy changes that have no teeth!] faux amendments.
Call your SENATORS and voice your opinion on this.


I thought it expired on the 15th if nothing passed? That would be Sunday and I bet they aren’t planning on doing any business that day.


It expires on Sunday… but apparently they can bring it back from the dead. 😉 According to Mitch they have the votes (including GOP) to re- authorize the dang thing.


Maybe they have a super busy weekend planned and won’t need it by Monday 😉


Good for them.
Meanwhile,, POTUS has a veto.
Go FY Mitch.


Flep has it in the news round up.

Rodney Short

Think I’m gonna need MOAR popcorn…
Night and God bless Y’all…


On the bright side of the Coronavirus…




I don’t have any Kleenex…can I offer you a roll of Charmin? 🤣


Yeaayyy…………………………. make it an indefinite suspension.


Heck…it’s just a paid vacation (stay vacation, actually) for all of these people. Now they get to use their mega-mansions with all the toys in them.


And the rest of us carry on with life 😉



TP readily available outside of cities typically dominated by democrats.
Inside Austin, TX….TP is sold out.
15 miles away in Hutto, TX, it is readily available.
Go figure.


Democrats are full of 💩?


Honest question…
How can a POS be full of shit??
It’s a given and redundant.
But, in the case if the left, worth pointing out nevertheless.
Have I mentioned how much I loath and detest the disgusting, filthy leftists recently?
I have more respect and regard for cheese fungus.comment image


The original penicillin.


The world is still searching for a medical cure for leftism short of a bullet or drone.
The outlook is bleak.


“I have more respect and regard for cheese fungus.”
Now that right there was a worthy insult. That should join “Your mother wears combat boots.” in the Don Rickles Hall of Fame.


Two sharks are discussing eating sailors lost at sea. One shark says that he prefers to begin with the thighs. The other shark says, “no….you have to bump ’em a couple of times then circle around ’em on the surface for a bit.”
“They taste better once they’ve had all the s*** scared out of ’em.”




“TP readily available outside of cities typically dominated by democrats.”
Democrats = tendency towards being neurotic.
On the TP fixation of shopping carts filled with paper products more than with food, it seems like it would be a no-brainer as to the “what comes first, the chicken or the egg?” concept.


That makes sense….


Yes it does, and we are seeing it daily


Lisa Mei Crowley Frog face Retweeted
Senator Deb Fischer
Today the Senate could have passed my bill w/ @SenatorSinema to address the shortage of respirators during this #COVID19 outbreak. As a result of the objection from @SenateDems, the health and safety of our health care providers and first responders is at risk.


Because liberals want to exacerbate the impact of the Wuhan virus.
After all, they are running a senile old dotard vs. PDJT and need to crash the economy to give Sleepy Creepy a snowball’s chance.


Liberals have always been big believers of the “acceptable collateral damage” concept to get what they want.


“ we want our money back from the CCP. Their intentional secrecy cost the world 2 months, thousands of lives, trillions of dollars.”
Actually, it was their intention secrecy COMBINED with the democrat DIVERSION of shampeachment late last year, which took up all the media bandwidth that otherwise might have reported on the Coronavirus, if for nothing else for the clickbait news it would have represented.comment image


comment image


The above is a direct quote from Bill Maher in late 2018…


I was tipped off to an article that appeared idp.nature.com (no idea what this is) on November 9, 2015 titled
“A SARS-like cluster of circulating bat coronaviruses shows potential for human emergence.”
I am going to lift a paragraph from it, then link the article. Notice how close it is to what is going on right now. Eerily close.
“The emergence of SARS-CoV heralded a new era in the cross-species transmission of severe respiratory illness with globalization leading to rapid spread around the world and massive economic impact. Since then, several strains—including influenza A strains H5N1, H1N1 and H7N9 and MERS-CoV—have emerged from animal populations, causing considerable disease, mortality and economic hardship for the afflicted regions. Although public health measures were able to stop the SARS-CoV outbreak4, recent metagenomics studies have identified sequences of closely related SARS-like viruses circulating in Chinese bat populations that may pose a future threat.”
Have fun reading it. It is pretty technical.


Great find. It’s like we are watching a film unfold.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

This is the same timeframe that the whole bunch of virus modification researchers whose papers we’ve been reading were academically panting over these viruses, too.


It was intentionally weaponized inside a Level 4 bio lab and subsequently intentionally released into the global population in order to crash the US economy and give the political left the best possible chances to defeat President Trump in an election that was all but already over.
Muller SC didn’t work.
Shampeachment didn’t work.
Release of weaponized virus to crash the US economy and kill off President Trump’s #1 strength and rational for re-election?
Stay tuned.


Given all you have seen and witnessed over the past 3 years, is this really so hard to believe??


Why do you think the movie contagion keeps playing n Netflix.
Maybe they were hoping to drag this out closer to election? Hence the long incubation period. Things in labs work differently in the real world.
As long as they do not succeed and Trump gets 4 more years!
I sense consequences for CCP


Then long incubation period is a feature, not a flaw.
Works PERFECTLY if you need the virus to spread worldwide.
Funny how all the “pros” of the virus outbreak favors the political left, isn’t it?
From China to the political left in the US, the virus is a godsend to retain political power and control.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Yup. Yup.


Communist regimes are the progenitors of human suffering. The Democrats are willing and happy to benefit from it. Money is often referred to as the mother’s milk of politics but it is the pursuit of power that brings the degenerates out of the shadows.


Like hiv


Do you think Brexit would have happened without President Trump?
Would NAFTA have been replaced by USMCA with Trump?
Would unchecked foreign alien invasion of the US have been impeded without Trump?
Would US trade imbalances get fundamentally changed without Trump?
I can go on and on and on and on.


Huh? How could it be BS. It was written 4 1/2 year ago. Before Trump was even on the political landscape. Read it. It’s almost dead on to what we are seeing now.


It’s a very good cover story, no doubt.
Fits the need for plausible deniability perfectly, doesn’t it?
Funny how that happens.


Amazing how they can predict the future huh?


This does not preclude that it was cultivated to be a bio-weapon. All it indicates is that researchers had identified it back in 2015.


Which means that potus and the people who have worked with CCP knew something like this could or would happen….

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Let me tell you all – as a scientist – thinking small, because that’s all they really allow you to do – finding a RISK and TRUMPETING IT is how you get MONEY. It’s how you get attention. The risk has to be real, or you just get small coin for “obeying the system” and magnifying a small-potatoes risk, but if the risk is halfway real, and you have not pissed off TBTB, you get real money.
But on the OTHER SIDE of the reviewers, and the publishers, and the granters, and all that jazz, are the people like the Gateses, and the Soroses, and the organizations like DARPA, and the CIA, and the military branches, and all that, who are looking at the SAME STUFF from a completely different angle.
This is all going down at the same time. And you can do the work in China that you can’t do here. Like figuring out how to actually change one of these viruses to make it stronger or weaker against humans. And you can justify this ACTUAL work easily, but you can also justify NOT doing the ACTUAL work easily.
Distinguishing forensically between human design and natural mutation has already been done to my satisfaction. Too many people looked at the changes and said no way. Somebody did the work intentionally. I don’t care what Fake Science says at this point.

Deplorable Patriot

I tend to agree, but I do think the ammunition line up has been known for a while. Otherwise, the Trump team may not have been quite as ready to counter.


Very interesting… Thanks for posting


Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

This media bitch has one too many “T”s in her name.

Sadie Slays

How did we go from this on Monday to SHUT DOWN EVERYTHING 48 hours later?

What happened?


My guess would be that (1) the WH team figured out how the left was going to weaponize the situation and moved to thwart it, (2) it was decided to quash the outbreak instead of manage it, and/or (3) a review of the resources available indicated an adjustment.
I lost sleep about the way Ebola was handled in this country — and I’m still PO’d about the two nurses who caught it in the US because of our incompetent government’s virtue signalling. The present administration is on top of coronavirus like “wet on water” — as per Senator Kennedy. I am confident that smart things are being done — even while I sleep.

Sadie Slays

I’m leaning toward theory #1 and am wondering if the White Hats got some intel about an incoming major false flag (like 9/11 major). This sounds like a straight up threat, IMO.

Bonus: “C” and “V” are capitalized. C = 3, V = 22. 322. Skull & Bones number.

Sadie Slays

I’m going through the President’s Twitter archive. POTUS used “Coronavirus” for weeks all the way through March 4th. Then he started using “CoronaVirus” with a capital V on March 5th and hasn’t stopped.


Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

I think you may be right here. This is getting real. After AOC held her little thing in Corona and then they had the “baby eater” draw attention to it – that was some kinda weird signal.
Some weird stuff is going on. FOR SURE.
Skull and Bones is very Yale, and Yale is very CIA and very ChiCom. So yeah. Weird.


wow…you’re really, really good at spotting these things!!
(glad you’re here!!!!)

Sadie Slays

Thank you!


you’re welcome!
thanks for pointing this stuff out for us!


To expand a bit on number 2…..
The worst thing that can happen is that you instantly get enough cases to overwhelm the ICUs — anyone surplus to the ICU capacity is likely going to die. On the other hand, if the average stay in an ICU is 10 days, and you concede that everyone is likely to get it, 10% may need a hospital visit, and 3% will need an ICU, then that’s 330,000,000 x 3% or 9,900,000 stays. If each one is 10 days, that’s roughly 100M ICU days. If there are 500,000 ICU beds in the country, you would have to extend the pandemic over at least 200 days.
But that’s if your ICU admissions are the same as the average, day after day. In order to hit this window, you might have to accelerate or retard the progress of the virus to optimize usage of your scarcest resource — which looks very ugly to the guy who just got advanced (but is nonetheless necessary).
That’s management — you try to fit available resources to goals and PO everyone in the process.
OTOH, if you try to quash, you may get outbreaks that kill more people than if you’d sat back and managed the process.
We are fortunate to have a leader like VSGPOTUSDJT to make our bets for us. They won’t always win, but the odds are in our favor.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Yup. CCP was in on it from the report of the first busted O-ring seal.


We don’t know the actual numbers. The Chinese are probably attributing deaths to other causes.


They just welded the peasants into their apartment blocks

Sadie Slays

Seriously, how did we go from “Okay, we’ll play without fans in the arena” to “SHUT IT DOWN” within mere hours?

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

There is some possibility that there has been a grander deception, and I think our people have validated that it is in fact the case, and are acting to stem it. I believe that the SARS situation was chronologically more advanced than our government was led to believe, and that this was designed to put POTUS at a political disadvantage, because he would be fighting a more advanced outbreak than he realized. It would then be blamed on him. Responsible parties who realize that the jig is up on this deception are now freaking out, because they may be facing capital crimes, and it’s basically over.
I now believe the following:
– Nothing the Chinese have been telling us can be trusted.
– They have misled us hugely on the timeframes, so we are fitting facts to WRONG timeframes
– There may have been a MAJOR BREACH of the Wuhan facility
– There may also have been a phased biowarfare plan based on faking a breach of the facility
– However, I believe things are out-of-hand in a way that argues for a real accident of some kind
– The breach may have been long-term and really nasty
– Multiple pathogens may have gotten out over time, possibly through Iran
– The breach may be related to Iranian visitors, or impacted them
– The Chinese and Iranians BOTH hid the true timeline of the virus
– The Iranians waited for the Chinese to fake-disclose, before they fake-disclosed
– The Iranian outbreak was in full swing much earlier
– The Iranian community in the United States has been carrying some kind of SARS since mid-2019
– This is somehow tied to Soleimani, in ways we knew or didn’t know
– The Chinese and Iranians have delayed, etc., to throw us off the REAL timeline which is DAMNING
– Chinese scientists are publishing what the CCP wants, may be misleading us, and cannot be trusted
– We must be careful to forensically test both MUTATION and MULTIPLE STRAIN RELEASE, possibly as multiple times, as sources for different viruses – we cannot trust the Chinese explanation
Thus, there could be hidden reasons why things have to be accelerated, if we are waking up to a worse situation than what we have been INTENTIONALLY led to believe.
Part of the reason I am personally convinced of this, is that the corona virus that I got in mid-January and left me short of breath (still) strikes me as a SARS of some kind. The circumstances of how I got it have a very strong Iranian connection. We did not even KNOW of the Iranian connection at that time, but when the Iran connection was publicly announced in mid-February, there were a LOT of bodies, and it must have been running for quite a while in Iran. It would explain things. My personal health case is consistent with some damage but not fatal, and possibly with COVID-19 or a similar SARS-level virus.
Thus, if we can’t trust the timeframe, it is possible that some SARS forms have been getting here for some time. Were we caught flat-footed on that? Worse still, are there SOME inside CDC who KNOW what is going on?
Not sure. I think some things are not being said because they are CLASSIFIED.

Sadie Slays

I said from the very beginning that I would trust POTUS on this above all else. And for months all the way up until Wednesday, his messaging on the WuFlu was some variation of “everything is okay.” Honestly, that continued assurance was a large part of the reason why I believed this was yet another routine Election Year Flu™ where the media hypes the crap out of it and nothing actually happens. Then the President shows up on TV with his voice hoarse and shuts down everything. He didn’t even sound like himself—that’s the part that troubles me the most about this.
Well, I don’t believe POTUS was lying for months. I don’t believe he would have held all of those back-to-back rallies across the country for weeks on end, and then traveled to the second most populated country on the planet if he thought there was a serious pandemic threatening America.
So what the hell caused such a drastic change?
That’s more rhetorical than anything else. Like you said, it’s probably “CLASSIFIED” and that’s probably why Q hasn’t said a word about it. I appreciate your insight and theory. I always did find it strange that the virus news out of Wuhan took off on the same day the US embassy was attacked in Iraq and subsequently led to the Solemani thing. But I don’t know how to reconcile all of the insane “coincidences” involving Q with US military intelligence being blindsided.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

I don’t think they were blindsided. I think there are levels of what they can let us know about, and what they must hold Q-team-tight.
For instance, I think they had to let the other side run with a lot of this biological stuff, so that they could keep getting leads. For instance, if the ChiComs were giving biowarfare capabilities to Soleimani, it sure would explain a lot. Then there is a real poker game going on between ALL parties. A lot of that had to be classified at the absolute top levels, to where we even feigned ignorance at the highest levels.
If we had intel in December on the outbreak in Iran – and THAT would seem likely for a stack of bodies in mid-February, then we may have realized based on WHO got it, that Iran was revving up a biowarfare capability from China.
Nasty situation. All I can say is that “bat soup” is the kind of bullshit that chumps who need fairly tales to go to sleep want to believe, and China counts on that action. Not me.

Sadie Slays

I can buy that we let them run with it for awhile, but why the sudden SHUT IT DOWN on Wednesday? Why did the President seem “off”? We got what we needed and it’s time to wrap it up? New intel force a change of plans? Seems like something unexpected happened.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

I agree that something changed. It may have been a REPORT from somewhere that altered plans in CDC, NSC, or DNI. It could even be like the Cuban Missile Crisis. Some assessment came in from NRO or somewhere else – some find in Iran or China. Or maybe something that military intelligence determined.
Somebody could have run numbers for two scenarios versus when they think a vaccine will be ready. The “hunker down” number may have WAY better numbers. And those numbers may have been helped by Japan’s numbers.


….And maybe the Iranian govt/pre exterminated Soleimani intentionally released it in Iran to put down their protests…….and maybe their implementation of it was like the chick who through the Molotov cocktail at the pro abortion rally-infecting the scum running the country

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

I’m still waiting for proof that their top dogs are REALLY DYING. Seems like such a great scam if they weren’t.


It’s called hide in plain sight. If you’re dead, no one’s looking for you.


Don’t forget the Texan lab that got the green light to do the super expedited vaccine job back then. Potus knew about this. Notice it’s China’s liability’s getting hit. Sorta like arcansize but anyone who can testify against China. They are back burning

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Great point. Yup. Now we know why they took out vaccine people. BIG CRIMES need STRONG COVER-UP. Monstrous crimes at the CLINTON LEVEL need monstrous hits.


Yep..seems likely this mushroomed out of the Chicom’s control.


Trump admin was paying attention to statistics – when they saw that 70% of new coronavirus cases were in Europe – they decided it was time to shut down travel from Europe.
Also at the same time – WHO declared a world pandemic.


Look at this!
The symbol used is not that of Defender Europe 2020, but of the Supreme Headquarters Allied Expeditionary Force (SHAEF).
The liberation of Europe is underway


An act of war?
This Chinese virus is infecting senior politicians in the US, UK, Australia and Canada. The global supply chain is slowing down and markets are being hammered.
But how many Chinese leaders are infected? As far as I know, 0. Weird, don’t you think?
China HAS been getting hammered since Trump came to power. Would the likes of Xi inject a virus into the world to weaken the US, with plausible deniability?
Conspiracy theory or feasible? What do you think?

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Damn you, Rex! You idiot! 😉
The longer you let this play run, the more we can be certain they’re all protected and/or vaccinated.
I’ve been onto this for quite some time. The ChiCom leadership never got hit at all. In fact, their cops didn’t start getting hit until I publicly said something about them NOT getting hit. THAT is when I got wise – you don’t mention it, or the REACTIVE DISINFORMATION kicks in.
So watch. JUST WATCH. Now you’re going to hear about Chinese officials getting it.
SO predictable.
So Rex – next time – LET THEM RUN WITH THE BAIT – OK??? 😉


http://alhadeel.net/ reported , General Siamand Mashhadani,one of the #Iranian Revolutionary Guards Top Commander was killed By American airstrike in Hezbollah headquarters in #iraq

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

We are no longer fucking around with these people and I say AMEN.


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If only Popcorn was still around….


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Is that a movie scene, a real cult?



Deplorable Patriot

Yes, come December/January we’ll have a bumper crop, I’m sure.


Sarah Hoyt went there — https://pjmedia.com/instapundit/361257/ — I wonder how long the link will last.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Terrence K. Williams:
“What if The only way to stop the Coronavirus is to tell Hillary that it’s going to testify against her?”


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This reminds me of the time, Poland defeated the Muslim hoards during an ill-fated invasion.
REPORT: Polish Border Guards Arrive at Greek Border to Keep Refugees Out of Europe
Historic Reference:

Catholic Poland crushes the Islamic invasion on Europe, 1672 …www.youtube.com › watch
Oct 8, 2016 – In August 1672, more than 150000 strong joint armies of the Ottoman Janissaries and Crimean Tartars assault Poland, which is regarded as a …

Cuppa Covfefe

On YouTube…live? Is Brian Williams giving the report ? 🙂
Good on Poland. At least some countries over here have some guts, and principles…


Poland is very maga. But like mpga


Momma Voke @Momma_Voke
I was sent this link by a coworker who teaches GIS.
It’s a live-updating GIS dashboard that tracks the COVID-19. It will automatically update every couple hours as new data comes in by pulling info form the CDC, WHO, anda few other global health organizations. It is very powerful, visually interesting, and it really puts the situation in a spatial perspective. It was created by a student at Johns Hopkins.
Operations Dashboard for ArcGIS
Momma Voke
Notice anything about Russia, Alaska, and most of Africa?

Sadie Slays

I’d say that parks, museums, gyms, and local community centers are about to get a massive influx of new visitors, but the chances of those being forced to shut down seem high.


yeah…when the governor here closed schools, he also closed the community centers and gyms in the same counties…


Board games, card games, cooking lessons, art history, painting, drawing, crafts, sewing….

Deplorable Patriot

I can DM you my book series.


Forget toilet paper. Buy alcohol


I didn’t realize it was the anniversary, but it does seem appropriate.


Pope Pachamama, the global warming hoaxer and open borders propagandist, who called capitalism dung.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Wow – 7 year anniversary on a Friday the 13th. OK….

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

I created a GROUP on Gab called The Q Tree, at this URL:
So if you are on Gab, you can join that group and post under it. I have not really given it a whirl, yet, but it should be easier to get into than our private chats.


Just another drama queen.


Yes! Take back Constantinople!




Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

From Gab:comment image


I can believe that.

Gail Combs

So Can I!

Bill In Oz says @ ChiefIO
Peter Dutton the Australian Home Affairs Minister recently returned from Washington DC where he attended high-level talks with his counterparts from Five Eyes nations – the US, United Kingdom, Canada and New Zealand. Among those Mr Dutton also met while in Washington were with were Attorney-General William Barr and President Donald Trump’s daughter and adviser Ivanka…..
Today Peter Dutton was diagnosed with COVID disease and is in hospital in quarantine
In other words Dutton unknowingly picked this up in the USA. Time for Australia o close the borders with the USA or maybe it’s too late already… Total number of infected here has jumped to just under 200. On Saturday last it was 84.


Dutton has Corona. Possibly, probably picked up in USA. Not so sure it is factual. Nor provable either way.
My interest, concern is all the folks Dutton met with in US.


Dutton is a good guy. Real hard ass on immigration and law and order. China and ds would love him to fall off his perch


Yup. Have heard all good about him. My point was simply, Corona could have been contracted anywhere along his time line. Great health care and he should be fine.


Verse of the Day

“When I was a child, I spake as a child, I understood as a child, I thought as a child: but when I became a man, I put away childish things.”
1 Corinthians 13:11 (KJV)


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Thank You, Jesus, for blessings received and prayers answered!


Jesus Loves Babies…Pray for the Unborncomment image
Jesus Loves the Little Children – Pray for the Little Childrencomment image
Jesus Loves You – Come to Himcomment image


Good Morning Duchess!
I love the winnamins baby picture!!
stay safe, stay healthy!!
Have a Blessed Day!


You, too, Pat – things are getting crazy – listened to a YouTube this AM – telling people to go out and get what they need asap – but, no word from PT just yet – checking the validity or I would post it –
Hope and pray you have a Blessed Day, too – Hugs!!!


HUGS back to you!!


Warm Hugs Received – * Smiling *




* Smiling *




all I hear is that it is not fast enough..like the President can produce millions and millions in a short time frame.


Throughout the coronavirus season – President Trump will transform the CDC, Public Health system and all its avenues of service to state/local hospitals and health departments!
PDJT will trouble-shoot, streamline, remove PC strangleholds, false data, make it all better than ever before!!!
That’s what Trump does. He restores, builds up, mentors, encourages, improves, makes things run better, on schedule, under budget – right!
TRUMP has been called the Reverse Tornado – because he builds and restores everything in his path.
From the Wollman ice rink to the West Side of NYC, to the US economy, military and national security and border wall – Trump is a builder!


Well said


Hi folks, just passing on a suggestion if you live in apt buildings/walkable neighborhood: we just put a note in our elevator with our contact for folks who are older or high risk for #COVID19 so we can do shopping, errands, etc for them. We can help each other through this.Flag of United StatesFlexed biceps


That’s so kind, and such a good idea, and maybe offering to blind people who might not see the notice, if any. Very nice.


Joe Jokes……



Did anyone listen to Hannity radio yesterday? Maybe around the 5 o’clock hour. Could of sworn I heard him interviewing John Solomon and I think Gregg Jarrett. I was only listening in the background but I swore I heard Hannity ask if anything prosecutions were going to come out of the Durham investigation and both seemed to be throwing massive shade that anything would happen….did anyone else here this?


Yes. It’s all within the fog of war.


After college cancels classes over coronavirus, 1,000 students gather in street, jump on cars, throw objects at cops — in apparent celebration
‘Dangerous situation’


Dear Lord, I now follow your command to put on the full armor of God because my battle is not against flesh and blood but against rulers, authorities, the powers of this dark world and against spiritual forces of evil in the unseen world.
I first pray on the Belt of Truth that it may be buckled around my waist. May I be centered and encircled by your truth, dear Lord. Hem me inside all that is true and right and may I be protected and held up by the truth of your living word.
I pray on the Breastplate of righteousness. Please protect my vital organs and my inner man. Cover my integrity, my spirit, my soul. Guard my heart for it is the wellspring of life. Please strengthen and guard the most vulnerable places in my life with that which is right, good, and noble that I might not receive a fatal blow from the enemy.
I pray on the Gospel Shoes of Peace. I choose to stand in the shoes of your good news and on the firm foundation of Jesus Christ, the solid rock. All other ground is sinking sand. I pray that I will not slip or fall but that my feet would be firmly fitted on your lordship, Jesus. I choose to stand on you so that the peace of God which transcends all understanding will guard my heart and mind in Christ Jesus, the Rock of Ages. I receive your peace now, Jesus, from the sole of my feet to the crown of my head.
I pray the Shield of Faith into my hand now. As I take up the shield of faith I ask that you might extinguish every dart and arrow that is launched from the enemy to take me down spiritually, physically, mentally, or emotionally. Every attempt of the enemy to destroy my joy I ask that my faith in you would make it flame out. Extinguish every flaming arrow that would come against me, my family, or my ministry. May my faith always be out in front of me like a shield. Give me the courage to “faith my fears” by choosing to walk by faith and not by sight.
I pray on the Helmet of Salvation that you might protect my mind from the thoughts that can lead me astray. I choose to take every thought captive and arrest ill intentioned ideas and motives that would harm others or distract me from your will for me. I submit every captured thought to the Lordship of Christ and ask that you would imprison those thoughts that are not of you, Lord. Transform my mind and renew my thinking that I may think God thoughts and have a sober mind that is focused on your glory. Please protect me from being double minded that I may allow my mind, the command center for the rest of my body, to be saturated with the mind of Christ.
Finally, I take up the Sword of the Spirit which is the word of God. I pray this offensive weapon into my hand and ask that your word would be fitting for every encounter I face. As the enemy gets close to me, please give me the insight, wisdom, and skill to wield the word of God spoken in season and out of season to inflict pain against the enemy. May the enemy and his team flee from me upon hearing the word of Godspoken by the power and direction of the Holy Spirit. Give me the sword of the spirit to cut through the wiles of the devil so that I may discern the schemes of the enemy when he is near.
With all kinds of prayers, supplication, and intercession I pray to you Lord as the one who fights my battles. Now that I’m in your armor, I walk away from this prayer covered and ready to face my day as you go before me and protect me in the midst of the spiritual warfare in this unseen world.
Thank you, Lord, for the spiritual weapons of armor and prayer that you have given me. No weapon formed against me shall prosper and you will refute every tongue that accuses me. Thank you, Father, that I am more than a conqueror in Christ Jesus.
AMEN!comment image





Sue Mcdonald

Just watching local news , libtard gov has now closed all schools statewide,all outdoor events shutdown and there’s a cluster of covid cases in a nursing home this morning. My daughter in Vegas is in a panic ,there laying off thousands of workers on the strip her bagel shop is suffering and stores are starting to have empty shelves. All I can do is reassure her that panic isnt helpful and hang tight.
Sadie is right something has sure changed from Monday.


tanking the 2nd quarter in this country.




* Giggling *


The modelling is BS. They are not factoring in all things being done for containment. That’s what travel bans, quarantines, and cancellations are all about. STOPPING THE SPREAD is the key.


I am a student os statistics and probability, two things one MUST take into account. One statistics are ALL framed from ones point of reference, ie is the glass half full? Or is it half empty? Two, if FLAWED data is put into the model, ie erroneous or INCOMPLETE data, You will get FLAWED results. We call it GIGO, which stands for Garbage In, Garbage Out.
That is what pisses me off on the hysteria, “experts” are going out on TV. Spouting nothing more than speculation or best guesses, based on their own preconceived notions, ALL worst case, which suggests, at least to me, that this is agenda driven AND coordinated., and NOT for the benefit of knowledge to the people, but to spread FEAR.
They should say NOTHING with incomplete data, AND there needs to be a response ONLY from people from the task force, Who DO have the most complete data available . This is NOT to restrict info, real credible info, but to ELIMINATE DIS INFO, which is spreading FEAR, HYSTERIA, and PANIC, the agenda.
I will tell you guys what I told my family if this is so serious a true killer pandemic the media is making it out to be with all the hysteria and closures and sports shuts down, why when Trump took access to limit and restrict travel from Europe was the first reaction by the Dems and media to try and stop it and criticize it?
Question two why if this is so serious once in a lifetime pandemic killer is Congress going to go on recess ie vacation?
Mark my words write them down when this wanes in a month or less, I want you to pay close attention to what these people who have done nothing but spread mass Hysteria and panic have to say. I will bet you my gopher suit that they’ll say well thank God it wasn’t as bad as we thought it was going to be. Then it will be our bad we aired on the side of caution not caring about the damage they did to this country onto the next crisis of the moment
There USED TO BE Lawson this country AGAIST this kind of fear mongering by the MSM and “officials”. Imagine the damage that could have been done in Ww2 if this type of hysteria had not only been allowed to run rampant, but PROMOTED by the media. There was a damn good reason the anti propaganda laws were in place, the MUST be reinstated to STOP this kind of madness.


Excellent comments.


Bingo Daughn. The numbers being hyped are NOT adding up. Sorry, but this feels too much to me like a generated event. While the virus is real, the hype and panic are created.
Color me skeptical at BEST. Mamma always said if it looks like a duck, walks like a duck, quacks and has feathers, it’s a duck


Agree – seems to me – they are better at spreading ‘panic’ than ‘hope’ – they should be working on providing help – to those in need rather than beating up on those who are trying their best to manage the situation.



It helps to keep a sense of humor.


i love pearls, but i would never wear those

Deplorable Patriot

If Kay Graham could wear her “tit in the wringer” charms, I can sport these. HA!


Florida successfully dodged a big bullet when they elected Gov DeSantis….


Gillum and his cabal were crooks when he was Mayor of Tallahassee too. He was Øbama 2.0


wow….now I wonder if Trump or his officials have caught it.


Apparently a second test tested negative this is what scares me about all this hysteria what if in the rush to get these “test kits” out there are flawed what if they are miss diagnosed, not just false positives, but what if they are mistaking the regular flu as coved 19. Don’t think for one second think they are above that.


Thankful it was negative. Accurate testing is critical.


I think that we now have to consider that the cabal is targeting Conservative leaders, both here and abroad, with an attempt at assassination via the spread of COVID-19. How hard would it be to contrive a way to wipe an infected cloth on door handles, both on vehicles and in hotel rooms, and also handles on bathroom fixtures, among other places?
Events at CPAC was the start?


I was afraid early on that they would try to target a Trump rally….I think it was about the time of the one in New Jersey and one of the first US cases when that thought hit. Continued prayers for him daily


I thought perhaps that’s what the Chinese “trepassers” at Mir-a-lago were attempting at the end of last CDecember…


disinformation !


Thank you!


Thank you as well!


Another good guy



Monkeys fight for food, humans fight for toilet paper. Who’s more advanced?


Monkeys are vicious, aggressive and they bite/scratch and throw poop. Obviously – they are Democrats.


And like Democrats, they can’t be trusted with guns!


Filmed on location in Chicago.

Brave and Free

😂🤣😃😅😆 that made me have to clean the keyboard


Some odds and ends…
The Masters golf tournament has been postponed. Racetracks are down. Because the sports world has been shutdown, it is destroying sports betting in casinos that allow it.


I actually didn’t think of that but you’re right. Viewership is going to drop. Ad dollars at risk.


Teach him garden weeding. He’ll still be in mourning but he’ll have something to do with his hands.

Deplorable Patriot

He still watches ESPN?


Uh Oh…..


go figure..the guy’s a loser who thinks he is something


Leader McConnell
@SenatorFischer’s bipartisan PREP Act would expand medical professionals’ access to vitally-needed respirators and create certainty for mask manufacturers. It is not controversial. The Senate could have passed it today.
But Senate Democrats refused to let it move forward.


Go nuclear, Mr. Senate Majority Leader!!!!


They follow the Cabal’s instructions… CoronaVirus was supposed to not only wreck the economy, it was to depopulate the planet significantly. Will fail on both counts.






We will have 2,000+ cases diagnosed by the end of today in the US. Only 1200 on Thursday. 4-5,000 by end of Monday. Get a calculator and play with the numbers of doubling every two days and understand the growth rate is the issue – not today’s numbers!
It isn’t the number of cases diagnosed Today … it is the trajectory. It is not only the number of diagnosed cases, it is the MUCH higher than “average”/normal flu percentage of cases that go into complications and how that will overwhelm our medical system. We must slow the growth.
So tired of hearing people talk about how there are only X number of cases compared to 60K deaths from the flu, or whatever flu statistic they pull out.
Yes, >>IF<< today's WuFlu #s were static and the Only cases/complications/deaths we were going to have. But today't totals are Not the end of the story and are Not the point or the motivation.
It is the Growth rate. Doubling Every 2 days and it has been and had already escaped into the community so there is No stopping it … only slowing it to a pace that our medical system can handle.
I am not fear mongering or pushing dem. talking points – they are twisting this against President Trump. I will fight those all day long on social media. And, at this point, I don't care where it originated…distraction from handling the situation as it is to try to figure out how we got here.
I am hoping that some will take it seriously. The illness is not a hoax (no matter where/who/how/why it originated) and its growth rate + the disaster to our healthcare system that it would be if the growth rate is not slowed is Real, regardless of how we got there.
Stop looking at just today's numbers. Study the growth rate. Project forward. Take it seriously. Understand it is already "wild" in the general populace. In two weeks it will reach a million cases and only skyrocket from there if the spread is not slowed.
It IS MUCH worse than the usual/regular/season flu – Much more contagious, Much higher percentage of complications and significantly higher death rate.
Was England "hysterical" in 1940 or did they deny reality? No to both extremes. They dealt with reality, kept calm and carried on in the new "normal" of war. Same should be true here. New "normal" of slowing the spread of the virus because it is growing at an alarming rate and is NOT the same as the flu.


We are so reflexively against the media because of their own enormous lies and bias and long track record of fake news that we are in danger of denying reality to spite the media. Almost automatic oppositional thinking to Anything they say. We have to have discern and known how to weed through what they are saying. Much of the fake news is not a 100% fantasy – facts Are mixed in. It is their spin, their blame, their explanations, their twisting of truth that is often the fake news and fiction. No, I don’t believe half, or more of what they say.
But we can not dismiss All that news just because we don’t believe what they tell us about the facts, their opinion or what they tell us our reaction should be.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Very true, and based on the other replies to your post…people totally missed your point.


MAGA Mom – where are you getting your numbers?
The JHU and CDC say US only has around 1200 cases today.
I’m keeping up with GA and FL and they are not growing at such a rate as you have projected.


There is something strange going with the GIS your link https://gisanddata.maps.arcgis.com/apps/opsdashboard/index.html#/bda7594740fd40299423467b48e9ecf6
Its shows at (11:57 Eastern) 1268 cases in the US (it supposed to be live data), but CJTruth has a screen shot about an hour ago, which shows 1701 case for the some:


True – I saw that also – but the CDC also has the 1200+ figure. Maybe there was a correction/change in Dx
Maybe they found some were false reporting which I have long suspected.


Anyway – I am not seeing a virulent spread except in those few radical left sanctuary states. And certainly nothing to support MM’s projections.


Note: They (and the CDC) are only discussing “mitigation” v. containment at this point because it is too widespread to contain
Sanctuary states are not the issue as most cases were brought by legal citizens to the US or other legal travelers.
There is overlap because WA, CA and NY are international travel destinations, centers of business from which US citizen leave/come back and international businesses are based.
Florida – updates 1x per day. Current #s are yesterday’s #s, not today’s numbers.
As of yesterday in FL:
5 cases were not travel related.
13 were yet to be determined – which means not obviously travel related?
Note: if there are 5 cases today of Not Travel related that means that these 5 cases were sick enough to already be detected and they were exposed and then exposed others for days before becoming sick. This is so contagious that we know there will be more community spread and the reported cases are 4-14 days after exposure.
Focus on the growth rate…NOT the current reported cases
The other 174 confirmed cases include 60 that are travel related, 43 due to person-to-person transmission, 44 are community acquired (map of community transmission by county in California- PDF) and 27 are from unknown sources. Of all the confirmed positive cases:
Age 0 – 17: 4 cases
Age 18 – 64: 113 cases
Age 65+: 79 cases
Unknown: 2 cases


4 of the Broward cases worked for a company that serviced the cruise line – Smiley posted the news sources for that.


The next 2-3 weeks will show how much the early travelers’ exposed others and how many caught it from casual/shopping or friend/family contact. The CDC is and will be gathering such history.
Thankful for our President’s bold and caring actions.


However – I could be wrong – as I have been many times before. In this case, I hope I’m right.


These sites are updated. Johns Hopkins data is sometimes slow, they get CDC confirmation before publishing. States have been testing but then waiting for confirmation by CDC which further slows.
Miami Mayor reported to test positive after meeting w/Bolsonaro who is also positive.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Akismet hates worldometers.info for some reason! This was in spam, along with somebody else’s post from that site.


JH site is very unreliable. It doesn’t work very well and last time I went there they had left off FL and GA as well as Spain and Germany! Sometimes there is nothing ‘no data’ under each label. It’s wierd!
JH numbers have always differed from CDC numbers. Now, I’m very unwilling to believe the JH numbers at all.


Agree, they’re not my first goto anymore.


Bolsonaro – President Trump said at the press briefing – is NOT positive. That was a rumor.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

If you’re focused on the accuracy of her numbers…then YOU HAVE MISSED HER POINT.
I may need to do an entire frigging post on what “exponential growth” means, because from what I’m seeing here, few understand its implications.
It’s likely to double every few days. That means if her numbers are off by being twice what they are (and you aren’t claiming she’s that far off)…so what? It means we have only a few additional days before the issues become as bad as she thinks they will
Wolf pointed out a graph that showed the growth rates in several different countries. It was a logarithmic scale (the one appropriate for these discussions) and, with the exception of Japan (which took drastic action), every country on the graph, INCLUDING THE UNITED STATES, is on the SAME shaped curve.
We’re just 11 days behind Italy. Look where Italy is today, and that is where WE will be in 11 days, absent some drastic action.


I disagree. Italy did not close their borders. They did nothing to contain.
Numbers modeling will always grow exponentially, multiplication does.
What needs to be considered is interpretation of the DATA behind the numbers. The US cannot compare itself to other countries and assume their rates. Even our current death rate is skewed because of the WA nursing home. ACE2, gender, age, pre-existing conditions, smoking, are some of the top determinants of negative outcomes.
Once testing is widely available we WILL SEE INCREASE in positive cases. We can safely assume they’re out there now. BUT even if they are, we are not seeing widespread deaths because we haven’t been testing. This is serious, highly contagious, and deadly to certain population segments, but we need to keep perspective. CONTAINMENT AND STOPPING THE SPREAD is the MOST IMPORTANT THING TO DO!
President Trump is doing the right things. Stay calm, don’t panic, keep washing your hands, hydrate, keep your immune system up, practice good hygiene and social distancing.


I do not believe we will follow Italy’s trajectory.


Why do you not believe that? Based on…??


Closed borders for one part. No large Chinese population as in Italy.


Also based on US trajectory thus far.


Northern Italy is basically “Little Wuhan” as we learned yesterday… over 100,000 Chinese workers there


Italy has a large population of Chinese – leather factory owners, managers and workers in Northern Italy.


And those Chinese go back-and-forth between Italy and China on a regular basis. Similar to a guy in LA having a relationship with a gal in NYC. Regular constant travel is the hallmark of both the Chinese Italian community and the USA transcontinental relationship.


Italy can thank the Open Border Globalist Communist Pope Pachamama for all those cases of coronavirus.


Play with the numbers…
I posted this Thursday evening:
2/26 – 15
2/28 – 19
2/29 – 24 (+5)
3/1 – 42 (+18)
3/2 – 57 (+15)
3/3 – 85 (+28)
3/4 – 111 (+26)
3/5 – 175 (+64)
3/6 – 252 (+77)
3/7 – 352 (+100)
3/8 – 495 (+143)
3/9 – 643 (+148)
3/10 – 932 (+289)
3/11 – 1,198 (+266)
I am actually expecting the numbers to take a jump as we have more testing and then cont. at a particular pace but below is going on the approx. pattern I see above…doubling about 3 days.
12 days – 15 known cases to 1,200 known cases and expecting about 400+ cases to be reported by tomorrow.
So, by 3/14, in 2 short weeks we will be 24 – 2K?! Is that right?!
3/14 – 4K
3/16 – 8K
3/18 – 16K
3/20 – 32K
3/22 – 64K
3/24 – 128K
3/26 – 256K
3/28 – 500K
3/30 – 1 million
The projections are simplistic/not 100% accurate and do not include a slowdown due to so many drastic actions being taken around the nation to slow the spread, to reduce the rate of infections.
When do you prepare for a hurricane? When it coming on shore or a week before when it is identified as coming? Hopefully, those who live in hurricane prone areas will live a bit prepared already so not preparing from scratch. And then preparations increase and become more intense when a storm is identified, as it gets closer and the predictions are narrowed to more and more accuracy. Do we deny that a hurricane really exists and is coming? We may tell people to calm down but we don’t deny the hurricane or laugh it off or refuse to deal with the reality of the likely coming situation or refuse to take actions to mitigate the damage, right?

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

A slowdown of the rate of doubling is basically our only hope.
An exponential function, like 2^rx, has TWO important parameters. [And I have to explain my notation here; the caret means “multiply the number on the left times itself, the number of times on the right.” So 2^4 = 2x2x2x2 = 16, 3^1 = 3, 2^(2×3) = 2x2x2x2x2x2 = 64. Normally this is shown with a superscript, so it would look like 2 with a little rx up above it to the right like a footnote reference, but WordPress constrains things severely.]
The first important parameter is the base, in this case I chose 2 since we’re talking about doubling. (Mathematicians love using the number “e” (2.718281828…) for reasons that are long and ultimately irrelevant to our purpose here, as the base.)
The other important parameter is that “r”, which is the number that governs how fast the doubling occurs. If you can reduce r, you increase the time it takes to double.
And really, the base can be fudged and the function rewritten with a different base. If the base is 4, and you’re looking at 4^3, that’s the same as 2^6. (There’s a fairly simple mathematical formula that lets you change bases to whatever you want.)

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

So yes, we MUST do what we can to increase the doubling time. Cutting off travel to Europe won’t really help that (but it does help to decrease the number in the US as of any given day in the future), but a lot of things like improving our sanitation/hygiene and reducing inter-personal contact WILL do so.


No, US cases are officially (CDC – 3/13) 1,629.
Again, 1,629 cases does not seem like a big deal – but it was officially ~1200 yesterday…a growth of 400 cases and exactly as I predicted – and if I can predict that means ANYONE can do so and that experts ARE doing so and have been doing so for several weeks!
Again, today’s official count increases by 400 cases from ~1,200 to ~1,600 is a HUGE deal…not because of the literal numbers of Today but because of the growth rate.
Understand, according to the CDC, of the 1,629 cases that are officially today’s #s:
138 are travel related
129 are people who caught it directly from the 138
1,362 caught it from…UNKNOWN…ie community spread
Understand, today’s number of 1,629 cases officially recorded by the CDC are behind those known cases by the states and counties. The 1,629 number is not a live update, or current dashboard. I think they will not update those numbers again until Saturday. at most they are issuing only several statements a day.
Undersstand that the 1,629 cases are not the issue if these were to be the only known cases. It is the growth rate!
Understand that this has only been in the US for 7 weeks.
Understand that cases being diagnosed from community spread only began showing up 2 weeks ago!
(obviously, the community spread began before the cases began to be diagnosed.
This is not spin (don’t addressing fault or policies, etc. and not addressing origination). This is dealing with reality and moving through a tough situation wisely via being properly informed and setting expectations based on reality.


When I looked and typed that comment it was listed at around 1238.
I don’t know what is going on, but the numbers at CDC and JH and all the other sites have been widely different.
I still do not see a virulent spread….except in sanctuary leftist states.


…PLUS – I am very suspicious of the numbers of cases in CA, WA, MA and NY




Just checked back and see the questions/comments.
I am getting my numbers here:
They have been accurate – except I 100% do not believe the China or Iran numbers…but that is the fault of China and Iran not this website!
This web site has been accurate but is also more up to date than the CDC website. The CDC updates only 1x or 2x a day. This web site updates every several hours. The CDC is also not as accurate as state web sites. CDC had TN had lower #s than TN’s own health dept. TN’s #s are not as up to date as some of the county health departments.
This website has the numbers that the CDC then reports on a slower schedule. I see X here and then that exact # will show up on the CDC website … and by then this web site has already advanced. It has been accurate.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Akismet hates worldometers.info for some reason! This was in spam, along with somebody else’s post from that site.



Got notice from local school this morning that they are sending surveys home with students to assess their internet access at home…..here we go


3:00 this afternoon.


With a Nation Emergency Declaration – President Trump can go around (insert expletives) Pelosi and Schumer to deliver RESPIRATORS and other emergency supplies to hospitals around the USA.
The disgusting, despicable Democrats should be voted out ASAP!!!



That way – he can go around Pelosi and Schumer to deliver RESPIRATORS and other emergency supplies to hospitals around the USA.
WHAT A SHAME/DISGRACE all the Democrats have been!




Does this not increase his ability to sidestep the naysayers in Congress so he can do what needs to be done, though? In addition to the $$ issues?


This one sure aged well….



I have no trouble believing that this virus was released purposely and welcomed by the left because it selectively targets older people who include a large number of Trump supporters.
However, it is also one of the best arguments for border walls and a legal immigration process.
It doesn’t hurt to remind people that though we are a nation of immigrants, most of us who have been here a while have ancestors who were processed legally on Ellis Island. One of the reasons for this process was to assure the health of those coming into the country did not threaten the lives of those already here.
A legal process is not racist if it treats all coming into the country the same way. It also protects all races already here equally.
Hammering these points home, in the least non confrontational way, to leftists who are now self isolating, hoarding, and losing some measures of financial security might actually get through some of the denseness of their liberal mindset.
This may be one if the reasons China is trying to blame the US. It really hurts their cause if this is demonstrated to be a “foreign” virus, even if it can be found to be not specifically from China.


Everyone is a comedian. I need 4 new tires. The local tire guy said I can buy a 12 pack of tp for $350 and he will throw the tires in for free.


I don’t live far from you.
Yesterday there were entire empty grocery shelves of frozen food, meat, and grocery items here.
Tons of people were at the grocery stores and not many on the roads.
All schools and universities closed. All who can told to work from home. All classes cancelled at recreation and other, similar (elective education) areas.
All noncritical Dr. appointments cancelled for at least a month.
Church is largely cancelled.
There does seem to be toilet paper.


I have a 12 pack! I’m putting it on ebay.




I’d hang on to it. At the rate people are freaking out, that’s all you may get for the next 2 months!!


So eventually … every time you wipe your butt you think about how much dollars you’re flushing away.


Ok fine, sell it now and make lots of money, Go ahead and use NYT for the next 2 months cuz that’s the only paper available. Save your riches for butt cream, cuz I don’t wanna hear any whining about why you can’t sit down! 😝


The Library
THIS is how you WIN a war with terrorists: you kill the shot callers. You kill the order givers. You kill leadership. You hunt them and you kill them RELENTLESSLY & MERCILESSLY. It us *especially* critical to do this if the Shot Callers are Nation State sponsors who hide behind proxies thinking ut gives them plausible deniability & immunity from reciprocity.
Hunt them & kill them *without remorse* because its the only message that they will understand.
Botin Kurdistani
#BREAKING NEWS: General Siamand Mashhadani, one of the #Iranian Revolutionary Guards Top Commander , was killed by the #American airstrike in #Iraq. مقتل الجنرال سيامند مشهداني أحد قادة الحرس الثوري الإيراني بالقصف الأميركي
Harold Finch


Praying Medic @prayingmedic
Fake news exposed their dishonesty with the Russia hoax.
They exposed their treachery with the impeachment hoax.
How will the public view them when they understand that the media crashed the stock market simply to get rid of POTUS?
Year of the Boomerang


John Solomon @jsolomonReports
Trump cracks 50 percent approval in Iowa, leads Biden, Sanders: by double digits
Trump cracks 50 percent approval, leads Biden, Sanders: New Des Moines Register Poll
Trump won Iowa in 2016, after Obama won state in two previous elections


I’m Italian, to all the Chinese: I get it now.
Social Impact

A month ago this was distant news, a week ago it became real, now I’m living it and I think we’re gonna be locked down for at least a month, probably two.
I understand those people now, it’s only been a week for me, today I shopped and we really had to queue keeping our distance and we didn’t even enter the grocery store, I told the owner (small grocery shop in a smaller suburb on the outskirts of a major city) what I needed, I left the money in a box and stepped back, he took the money and put the change in a different plastic bag and left my bag there, he stepped back and I took my groceries as he was changing gloves, we greeted each other and the other customers with “let’s f___ this virus” and a smile.
I came back home (5 min walk) and got stopped by the police asking me what I was doing, they also sent back home some elderly people who were waiting for the bus to go to town, I had realized it at the shop, they realized it there, and we could see it in each other eyes, the police too, again we greeted each other saying “let’s f___ this virus over” and smiled keeping our distance.
I’ve been working from home since a week, and today, when I realized, I started to feel trapped, it feels different now. I rewatched that video and I now understand what you guys went through.
Other nations are gonna realize soon enough, it’s everywhere already.


Senate Cloakroom
Cloture has been filed on the motion to proceed to H.R.6172, The USA Freedom Reauthorization Act (FISA)
Senate Cloakroom
Confirmed, 52-40: Executive Calendar #587 James P. Danly to be a Member of the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission for the remainder of the term expiring June 30, 2023
Senate Cloakroom
Vote Scheduled: At 5:30 pm on Monday, March 16th, the Senate will proceed to a vote on the motion to invoke cloture on the motion to proceed to H.R.6172, the USA Freedom Reauthorization Act (FISA).




Here is a guide and a data base of powers of the President under a National Emergency Declaration –


The internet is full of ‘explanations’ of what this means…
DIMs want it declared, Wacompost declares IT MUST BE, so……………….. I’m flummoxed.
‘Course the DIMs want it for the $$$ states allegedly would receive…


Per Wiki, (grain of salt), found this nugget in Title 6 of Stafford Disaster Act. Needs better digging, but cool!
“Firearm policies prohibit the confiscation of firearms for any reason other than failure to comply with federal law or as evidence in an investigation. It also prohibits the forced registration of a firearm for which registration is not required by any federal, state, or local law.[2] The Title also lays out the rights and legal framework for citizens who feel their gun rights have been violated during a time of emergency.”


SIGH, wishes for an edit function. Title 7.


Great find Mama !


thedonald.win; an Illinois poster says their Gov is suspending firearm and ammunition sales.


Is this “Brennan Center” named for CIA Brennan? Rhetorical question, I am sure.
From the article:
…”Our democracy is built on a structure of limited and ….”
Wait… We are NOT a democracy, we are a REPUBLIC…………………………………
here’s another:
…”Building on previous research in this area, the Brennan Center has identified 123 statutory powers that may become available to the president when she declares a national emergency. An additional 13 statutory powers become available when a national emergency is declared by Congress. Our research on these 136 powers is presented in this guide.”
When SHE declares? When a national emergency is declared by Congress?
See where I am going with this…?
I think we need another resource………………………


Was this a typo? “ The president can invoke dozens of these laws simply by signing her name to an emergency declaration, and such declarations tend to linger on the… ⬆️


Hubby used to do work for FEMA, and developed many emergency plans for all levels of govt. The day after 9/11 we had several news organizations on our driveway interviewing him.
You have no idea how many resources have been stockpiled for every imaginable contingency. I imagine this “State of Emergency” is going to unleash resources at levels never before seen in this country. 9/11 was a huge wake up for contingency planning, and the lessons learned will help with this situation, too.
We are living in historical times. And there’s NO ONE better to lead this nation than President Trump.


Chad Pergram
1) Fox is told they were close to an agreement among the sides on the coronavirus response bill – but there are concerns from many Republicans about the size and scope of the bill. The Hse GOP leadership is very wary about supporting the deal – only to have the President nuke it
2) Consider what happened in Dec ’18 w/he bill to keep the government open. And, just this week, AG Barr cut a deal with House Majority Leader Kevin McCarthy (R-CA) and others on FISA. The bipartisan bill passed – and then the President detonated that. FISA expires this weekend.
3) In short, Republicans are wary of supporting the coronavirus plan – if the President isn’t going to be behind it. So, the waiting continues to see if Trump backs it
4) Several Hse GOPers say Trump seems wary of the coronavirus bill in current form. One source said they were trying to tell Trump Congress needed to act. Also, issues about the payroll tax. Fiscal conservatives still skeptical of that
5) Pelosi has the votes to pass a coronavirus w/only Dems. But if Hse treats bill as suspension, needs 2/3 and that requires GOP buy-in. Plus, a Dem-only bill w/o Trump support is dead in the water in the Senate. Senate is not even in DC


Chad Pergram
GOP IL Rep Rodney Davis on if the House should wait for the President’s 3 pm et press conference before voting on the coronavirus bill: No…I do not..I want to hear a solution before 3..I want to see the bill
GOP IL Rep Rodney Davis says members are “in limbo” waiting for the coronavirus bill: “We haven’t had any communication..we’re all kind of in limbo.”
Senior House GOP source says GOP leadership is waiting to see if Trump supports the coronavirus package before committing to it.
Fox has learned that McCarthy is at the WH as coronavirus negotiations continue


If the DIMs didn’t pollute the bill, they can vote in a NY minute…
As it stands, Nanzi can’t put politics aside EVEN when there is an emergency.


THIS X1000


Total sealed cases filed since 10/30/2017 to 2/29/2020 now 154552.comment image


Mark Knoller
WH says Pres Trump’s 3PM news conference will be held in the Rose Garden.



Aren’t we all concerned about coming into contact with infected people? News flash: Pres. Trump is a human being.



LOL – great description – ‘Booze-and-Botox Besotted Old Bag’



Deplorable Patriot

I FINALLY made it to the end. WHEW!
Okay, ground report from quick trip to get eggs this morning.
The one local grocery I went in had TP in a variety of brands and sizes, but sanitary wipes and paper towels were decimated. Facial tissue – something I needed – was dented significantly.
The real shocker was the soup aisle. There were cases stacked on the floor where the shelves needed to be restocked. All sorts of soups and stews. None of it was completely out, but it was a preppers’ night mare.
Everything else was stocked up, and yes, this is in the COVID-19 cross section not far from one of the affected parishes.
It’s as bad as snow storm central.


Flour, sugar, salt going. Stock low between earthquake, zombie, end of times prep. I called Scott to today who told me they have NO NATIONAL SHORTAGE. But we here are dealing with hoarders, which sounds like its spreading.


So glad you are feeling better, DPat ! 🤓💖

Deplorable Patriot

Thanks. The concern in the house is now for Yang. No obvious tumors, but he’s still anemic.


Gosh DP, you can’t catch a break 🤨 Prayers it is…


Poor little one. Keep us up to date.


rely on POTUS” tweets, At least for now


It’s been a cluster, for sure.
A few issues…..
Reason we did not accept WHO tests is because FDA deemed quality poor, lots of false results, not up to our standards.
FDA red tape.
CDC only authorized tester. Finally allowed and slowly sent to States.
CDC sent out wrong tests, delay to fix.
CDC, States not equipped for large scale lab testing. Private Sector must step up.
Re-agent supply shortage?
POTUS engaged private sector for helped beginning of last week. Got commitments from Quest and Labcorp, they told him up and running in a few days, taking longer than promised.
POTUS has been echoing what these experts have been saying. He’s relying on the team for info. Either the Team/Business Execs wasn’t aware of problems or were telling him what he wanted to hear, or they didn’t want to throw an agency under the bus, or some combo therein. Each time an issue has been discovered, it should be explained to the public – stay transparent at all times. That’s where the messaging has gone south making it look bad for POTUS, Pence, and the team, thereby giving public undue anxiety and Dems more ammo.
Roche has a new test that can process 4,000/day, just received emergency FDA approval.


. . . or telling him what THEY THOUGHT he wanted to hear . . . weak kneed toadies are like that.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

There’s an old joke about the big boss turning to an underling, and saying, “I *hate* ‘yes men.’ Don’t you agree?”


I know they were in very short supply so many people weren’t being tested.


Nancy is just trying to stir up trouble for President Trump.
Her stance is that she is just as much President as he is.
She needs to go back to SanFranFeces and shut up.


Nail, meet Hammer !
On it, as usual Georgia !


Yep, triage has been and will continue to be necessary. Even if we make tests widely available, new data shows some have continued to test Negative for up to 31 days for testing positve – worst case scenario. Public needs to be aware that testing needs to be repeated. Confirmed cruise ship passengers in quarantine are being tested every day to see if they are negative before they can be released.


President news conference LIVE


White House YouTube –

Golden State Times –

Fox 10 – https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCJg9wBPyKMNA5sRDnvzmkdg
CSPAN – https://www.c-span.org/video/?470351-1/president-trump-hold-news-conference-coronavirus-response


Sarah Palin like you’ve never seen her before…
Posted by Kane on March 13, 2020 2:38 am
Bear Performs “Baby Got Back” By Sir Mix-a-Lot | Season 3 Ep. 7 | THE MASKED SINGER
Masked Singer Sarah Palin Rapped ‘Baby Got Back’ Dressed As A Bear


Nor do I want to see her like that again. I know Sarah is very aware how culture affects politics, but this creepy show with it’s satanic overtones is not a good look.


Great observation, Katie – have no idea why she agreed to do this – hope and pray she recognizes what you have brought forward.


Brian Cates //Flynn & Breitbart’s Army! Retweeted
Educating Liberals
Dear libs,
If you don’t like stores running out of basic necessities, you’re not going to like socialism.
I can promise you that.


Italy can thank their open border EU leaders and Pope Pachamama for this:


Who knows for certain he will declare a Nat Em ?
CJTRUTH Frog face
This is not a bad idea #EnemyOfThePeople
Quote Tweet
VFlag of United Statesn
· 1h
As part of his Nat. Emergency declaration today @POTUS should declare all media outlets found fostering panic will be unlicensed and held in violation of U.S. Code § 7313. Riots and civil disorders. @realDonaldTrump @DanScavino


President Trump Holds a News Conference

Deplorable Patriot

First priority prayers. Yang is anemic and on his way to the vet for x-rays. Over the weekend, things were dicey. He’s pretty much back to regular behavior other than being on the couch all day. I just hope big decisions don’t need to be made today.


CJTRUTH Frog face Retweeted
CJTRUTH Frog face
“I have it memorized practically” Eyes
Quote Tweet
M3thods @M2Madness
· Mar 12
POTUS: “I have the right to do a lot of things that people don’t even know about.”


Super-Rich Turn to Bunkers to Self-Quarantine During Coronavirus Outbreak
The super-rich are preparing to self-quarantine in places that are far off the grid, whether they be on private islands or inside disaster bunkers.


The older and not-so-rich are also preparing and are prepared to isolate themselves at home, on the grid, for a substantial period of time, apparently with foodstuffs and supplies we have hoarded over the past several weeks.


CJTRUTH Frog face@cjtruth
What are [they] truly hiding from?Down pointing backhand indexDown pointing backhand index
Super-Rich Go to Bunkers to Self-Quarantine During Coronavirus Outbreak
The super-rich are preparing to self-quarantine in places that are off the grid, whether they be on private islands or in disaster bunkers.


Orlando Bloom self-quarantine. After he and Katy Perry were all over the entertainment section, ‘coz she’s expecting-a-baby-doncha-know.
They can choose [[ ]] or repentance.

Deplorable Patriot




I knew he was on the DL. Has a beard and everything.

CM in TN

Where’s Howie when we need him! +10!

CM in TN

Meant that in reply the Lady P below, sorry…WP gets squirrelly on my phone sometimes…


According to FBN Biden is ahead of Trump in the polls.
This is crazy!

CM in TN

I know people are upset about the stocks, but do they seriously think they would be better off with dems in charge of the economy?!?. President Trumps policies are what put us in a position to actually weather this storm. The dow is still higher than when he took office. If the dems were in charge, it would more than likely be worse.


Gaslighting polls. Stay away from them.

CM in TN

Where’s Howie and his +10 when we need it!


POTUS’ approval was 49% today – better than Obama’s with all of his MSM worship. The polls will do this as long as the Left controls them. In the meantime, it’s clear – based on just seeing the primary GOP turnout voting for DJT – that MONSTER VOTE will be there in November. POTUS’ team mentioned today they’re going after several states not won by DJT in 2016. Obviously they know the true numbers.


Pigs are flying… Watched some of this and Actually surprised to see Candid Cuomo making some sense. It’s amazing the transformation when people drop the politics and act like human beings.


This is just too f’n much. People need to start going to jail for this.


The Secret Service WILL deal with them.


lethal, stealth, precision.


I don’t believe it. No snow all winter. And today it’s snowing.




President looks good! Healthy and strong. I been praying.


Me too!!


and me!


1700 engineers working on it


China, Korea, Singapore, Taiwan show that it **may** be easier to completely eradicate new cases than we thought.
If so, our goal shouldn’t be to flatten the curve but to smash it. Get new cases to zero while accelerating diagnostics & drugs with expanded right-to-try.


Grand slam home run on the coronavirus testing regimen


And the market loves it…sharp turn upward once this testing program was rolled out.


omg large buy-in to the market – going crazy….god bless Pres Trump for his leadership.


Now thats a leader bring people together like this!


Target has limited quantities of purchases, walmart has not. Hoarding is not being addressed here. Testing is a start.


Im ready to hear the old rules et al changes, esp with THIS POTUS.


They should be. Cvs is expensive but they are everywhere.


Safer and easier. Theyd just stay put.


Our assessment forms (not LHC) are already being changed this evening. Will be rolled out over the weekend most likely.


This is how shit gets done! Call in all the heads of everything, praise their efforts, and get them to do more.


He’s hitting it out of the park!!!
Without Congress, Without the Fed.


Utterly fantastic! Impressive. Have seen nothing like this since FDR took the country to War via power of the fed gov + pulling in private industry.
Tremendous leadership by President Trump!!!!


POTUS is uniquely a problem solver…
I can almost read his mind…”what’s NEXT?”


DOW up 1000 pts from the start of this speech and still climbing.


Woo. On a Friday before closing. Lets see it go way up and have a blowout Monday.

Deplorable Patriot

Always keep tabs on relatives in nursing homes. My grandfather’s older sister was in nursing care for years, and the nieces were relentless about being sure she was clean, warm and fed.


PLUS – we needed to work around DemonCrap Congress.


tears in my eyes watching UNIFICATION of Americans to care for Americans…………..
so proud to be an American !


Meanwhile in Italy they are being refused care and left dead in their homes.


That’s it…we’re are going to defeat the dem panic


we’re going to defeat the dem panic


I bought into this market…I believe in this administration.


Ends 1404 pts from the start of the speech. Closes 1985 pts for the day. Long slog ahead but we’ll get there easy if we toss the short sellers in the river.




never allow mouth to get dry… drink water, will wash down to stomach which will kill virus, according to docs


Major Averages – Largest Point Gain in History
DOw 1980.59
S&P 228.59
NASDAQ 672.43
That’s our POTUS, always setting Magnificent Records!!! 💞💞💞


They actually went up a few more. FBN keeps adjusting.


Dow closes at almost +2000 pts. Amazing absolutely amazing.


I was watching split screen on my laptop…as Pres Trump’s comments got stronger, the market rally intensified. Particularly when he announced the student loan program


Yes, and when Mafia Pelosi spoke earlier today, the market dropped 300 pts. They’ve got to stop the Dems from getting all the stagetime.




Yep! He’s just about my favorite on the net for calm perspective. I posted his feed in Wolfie’s post today – folks to follow.


That woman needs to sit down and STFU!!


SAmer reporter repeated DISINFORMATION that Brazilian Pres tested pos… he tested NEGATIVE


Uk may get a ban.
Besides they delayed the london mayor race for a dang year. A year!


Hopefully they use the time changing Londistan back to London


She was pretty nasty to ask that. All political, didnt care about what he said.


She really Was Nasty, Gil. She had a cold, hard voice. I shouldn’t like her.


The President is WORKING fool, to save American lives.


Why cant he just use the empty warehouse bldgs from all the companies leaving CA instead of taking over existing buz?


watch…………… they’ll put all the homeless in hotels!


Thats what I was thinking! Forced social welfare housing. In every neighborhood.


Stupid idea! Really stupid.


Good thread. POTUS has got this. No thread reader yet. Click on time stamp.
The backfire is beginning.
Economy is booming.
Store shelves empty Christmas in March
Trump being seen as presidential
Market now on sale and will be powering upwards going into the election
Stimulus is flooding into the economy during an election year
Cheap gas
Cheap credit


Cheap gas? Where? .70 cent tax here, but prices still at 3.29 – 3.50. Argh.


Everywhere but Cali, sorry Miss Gil. 😥




giloo, I’m sorry – but’s California! 🙁
Our gas has been dropping here – under $2.00 in Virginia this week.


Yeah last summer, theyll never reduce it without major changes to everything in the state.


We paid $2.18 for premium unleaded today in CO 😎


comment image


Sorry Gil 😟🤗💖




My “reset” comment was regarding thw whole corona episode. Something a commenter said, maybe Lady P., caused me to ask, now I can’t find where I meant it to go. Lol.


For challenging times like these, thank goodness Trump is our President. Could only imagine the outcome if it were Hildabeast at the helm.
This is what Presidential looks like. Not hysterical. Not chicken little. Measured and proactive.
God bless our POTUS.


Gosh, Daughn – that takes the cake! How stupid can they be??? Not only aged immune system, but comorbid conditions are part of the picture. Older folks have other health problems that compromise, and place great demands on their systems.
It’s like asking the old clunker automobile to give it one last effort… 🙂


Watch it lady – I was an art major.


Not coming from Xi. We all know where it came from.


From Lab Bats!


Daughn, is it wrong to want God to strike these evil people down??? Grrrr.


You’re right. That’s what I see – in their eyes, and hearing it in their voices. I never felt strongly about Democrats until the Obama reign of terror came along – now it will never be the same again. Still, it’s good to know that POTUS knows how to deal with them. Payday someday, not always on Friday.
Bet the presidential campaign is going to have some very interesting ads…


What was the comment about Italy taking their medicine?….I thought that was odd


Are you being selfish? Another witch that needs to be smacked!!
I love how POTUS keeps smacking all the gnarly gnats down!


Wouldn’t they just shit a brick if President Trump tested positive and had NO symptoms, like a healthy 25 year old?
I mean, I know they would try to use it to get rid of him, but still.

Cuppa Covfefe

Yep. 25th amendment rears its ugly head again.
The DEMONicRATS would try to go after VSGPDJT and VP Pence…
They make the LaBrea tar pits look like a crystal-clear mountain lake…


The new tests will be machine automated, removing all the manual slowdown. Even with this may take 24 hours.


I don’t know why POTUS doesn’t ban some of these characters. He doesn’t have to ban the network or newspaper, but just tell them they have to send people who are half way respectful, and throw these dirtbags out.


He can’t do that Lady…


I would think he could – he’s not banning the network or newspaper, but people who are disrespectful to the Office of the President. There’s a point at which this behavior should not be tolerated. No law says Jim Acosta has to be there.


Remember when Jim wasn’t even barred, just lost his “pass” which meant he had to get one every day… and the slime media attacked POTUS for weeks.


Love Azar!!
Toilet paper is not an effective protection against getting the corona virus!! 😂😂😂


No…know what ? Neither is bottle water!!!!!!


That response was bad. What other things can you do without soao, rubbing alcohol, h2o2, toilet paper, and paper towels(for things like the toilet)?


People may not like it, but POTUS has to take the High Road and maintain the ‘Good Relationship’ and ‘Praise for Xi’ at all times. It’s a facade, Art of the Deal. He KNOWS what’s going on. I trust him.


AND, at the right time, China will be bottom blown. Gotta disengage. Complicated business.


Do they have shame? Im real curious now for Monday. Stocks and grocery stores.


Sounds like Monday will be a doozy.


Thanks for that info.


Guessing, once we get past Corona, many a folks, well, me anyway, will have a whole lotta food to “eat down” the inventory, cleaning stuff, OTC meds… 😉 Which means, money to spend on other stuff after Corona.


Can’t do much better than Pres Trump, Vice-Pres Pence and their team. A bunch of very smart people thinking through the issues in a comprehensive way. Tearing apart an old system and creating a new one in 2 weeks is rather amazing. I mean, it takes at least 2 weeks to get a passport.






Constantly he shows what task-oriented competence is…many difference examples of leadership in that press conference.


momentary aberration !


Shortest WW3, shortest net neutrality armegeddon, etc…


bfly: ahead of schedule.


That’s Trump time



wonder if any of Pelosi’s family in that group 😉


There’s that magic number again.


So Q is a member of MS-13?


Number of MS13 members arrested.


2 thumbs up. Everyone I talk to agrees but we all have to get the others to knock of the panic.


I do not understand the panic I wish I could. I take precaution but do not stop my life. Monday I have to go for my eye treatment that is in Columbus and the room normally if full of old people. Ha ha I do not see myself as old people , Shame on me!
After that I have an appointment at the beauty shop. Have to do a little grocery shopping pick up my dogs from the spa and drive two hours home.
Am I going to be exposed to the Wuhan virus I do not know but I also could be run over by a truck or have a car accident or be shot. My time is God’s time not mine.
I can see precaution washing hands sanitize hands and wear gloves not touching shopping carts.
Clean shoes when coming home change clothe take a shower .
Panic no chance I have seen and lived through worse. Americans have grit that I always admirer we cannot loose it now.
By the way, the mailman could deliver mail that is contaminated just a thought. We can spin panic endlessness.


I was literally just thinking about the mail too. We have plans all weekend. Im having medical issues and so is mr gil. Still looking to live normal too. I hope your appt goes well.


gil00 if you and your husband have medical issues you need to be careful.
Prayers to you and your hubby.


^^^ That is great news. Also, our serious cases remains ten. Has not gone up in days. Recovered slightly moar than doubled 15-31! New cases keep rising quickly. But that get arrested and turned down soon.
Missed the press conference. Ya’ll posted great comments. Off to locating a video of the presser. So very happy the presser went well!!!


Rising serpent
I can’t tell you how much I enjoy reading Julie Kelly.
She’s always on point, incisive and so very enjoyable.
Instead of Bracing for Coronavirus, Democrats Focused on Impeachment – American Greatness
n January 15, House Democrats delivered two articles of impeachment to the United States Senate. Democrats knew the Republican-controlled Senate would not have enough votes to convict President…


Imagine where we’d be if they succeeded.

Sadie Slays
Sadie Slays

Bill Gates was involved in that “Coronavirus simulation” back in October 2019. I bet it’s related.

Sadie Slays

Hoping he’s stepping down and getting a free ride to Gitmo where he belongs.comment image


Wow, Sadie, I think that’s Huge. One of my family members thinks he’s a hero.


Also left another board….something is going on.

CM in TN

Berkshire Hathaway


Sadie Slays


That is HUGE 😳



No kidding 👀👀👀


Qanons say it’s “habbening” — if so, the timing is good, right?


So is Hubert Joly of Best Buy.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Maybe now someone will stop training the employees to make up an answer if they don’t know.


Q drops in re will be soon i bet. Thats some YUGE monmvement.movement

Cuppa Covfefe

Wonder if he did it to get the “best buy” on his options/gifts before getting an all-expenses-paid trip to Gitmo…
Also curious about what the sealed indictment count is up to by now… and what’s about to drop…


TruthLeaks – Investigative Journalist George Webb
Trump just jacked the 105 mph slider into the upper deck by getting the big retailers to donate their parking to drive through testing. Now let’s get back to stopping Schiff’s next impeachment.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Suggested method…indict Schiff.
They surely have enough evidence that he leaks like a sieve.

Cuppa Covfefe

Yep. That Schiff should have sunk by now…
(Davy Jones is waiting… glug glug glug)…

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

I actually typed “schitt” and changed my mind. Not sure why.

Cuppa Covfefe

He’s gonna hit the fan, either way (or spelling). With these CEO exits, either they’re finagling some windfall profits on their platinum parachutes, or anticipating further drops and getting out while the getting is sort of good.
Or they realize they need to run like HE!! to get away from what’s coming…
The phrase “may you live in interesting times” is becoming a little too real for me… I’d prefer some peaceful boredom now in my senior discount years, especially with a son in Uni where they’ve just shut the place down for at least a month due to a “suspected” case of Corona… the kind that doesn’t come in bottles (OK, maybe pipettes, but not bottles)…


“Or they realize they need to run like HE!! to get away from what’s coming…”
Either jail or WuFlu.




Wuhan Jack
BREAKING: The US State Department has formally summoned the Chinese ambassador over the Ministry’s anti-American disinformation campaign


Chinese ambassador has got to face POMPEO – 1st in class at West Point, Army tank commander, Aerospace business executive, former head of CIA!!!


Trust [Kansas] … 😉


FBN – Bill Gates stepping down from Boards of Microsoft and Berkshire Hathaway


Do you think he is planning to run for President on the Democrat ticket?


I just spit all over my screen! water, fortunately………………………….
Bill Gates would not get elected to dog catcher!


Look who they’ve tried so far…. O.M.G. The most unappealing slate ever. Tulsi’s the most appealing and attractive, but Hillrotten won’t let her in the club. Hillary is like the Queen in Snow White….very jealous and vain and willing to serve poison apples.

Cuppa Covfefe

I’d liken Hill-the-BEAST to Shelob the spider or Ungoliant (the far more powerful example thereof). (Lord of the Rings – books, not the movie, e.g. Silmarillion, etc.).
She is as blackhearted and Satanic as Hell itself. And proud of it.
[Maybe they could get rid of Satan Nutella at the same time… I want my Windows7 back, not Windoze 1 0, and my Windows Phone as well, with apps and multivendor app integration]…

Cuppa Covfefe

I think they’re trying to run as far away as they can to avoid Gitmo.
Wonder if New Zealand has any travel restrictions? Or any coming up in the next week or so? Could explain the hasty exits…
As the folks on Duck Dynasty probably didn’t say, “Release the Quackin’ …”


Hadn’t considered it. Too late for him to get in now, Isn’t it?? Wondering if he’s part of the CEO resign group for nefarious reasons?


He’s probably one of the big market manipulators like $0r0$ and Buffett


Crude oil surges higher as Trump announces Energy Dept. will make purchases for strategic reserve http://cnb.cx/39P43rv

Sadie Slays

Interesting tweet from POTUS after the Bill Gates news just broke.

Sadie Slays

Does “every obstacle” include billionaires funding false flags? Let’s not forget Bill’s involvement with Las Vegas, too!!!


Ok i missed that. What did he do in Vegas?

Sadie Slays

The top floors of Mandalay Bay are owned by the Four Seasons. Four Seasons at the time of the 2017 attack was co-owned by Bill Gates and disgraced Saudi Prince Al-Waleed.


Ok. I knew the prince was owner but missed the gates part.

Cuppa Covfefe

Bill Gates: fruit of a poisoned tree. His father was Deeply involved in Planned (un)Parenthood. It’s often said that he was a co-founder of it, but I don’t think he goes back THAT far…
From a geeky nerd to a Satanic turd. Sad…


When POTUS was talking about sporting events, he had a lot of pauses, and said “Another way that problems could be caused.”. Seemed very out of place. God showed somebody something.


GF!!! Thought of you…. Twice Fox has shown a gadget called Phonesoap today. For 5 minutes, you put your phone in a gadget and UV rays zap it clean. It also charges, $130 range. Said it was already sold out.
And Everybody, While we’re talking about cleaning cell phones, Please don’t forget about Keyboards, Mice, Remotes, Door Knobs, and Light Switches!! 🥰


UV-C lights are used to clean tools in nail and hair salons, to clean hospital rooms and OR units.
These lights kill coronavirus as well as staph and other bacteria.

Researchers at the Columbia University Irving Medical Center suggest far-UVC lamps should be installed in hospitals, doctors offices, schools, airports and other public places….”
This is from the CDC on hantavirus
“…Ultraviolet (UV) light is a very effective way to kill viruses under certain circumstances. Sunlight produces high intensities of UV and finely dispersed aerosols of the kind that infect humans are readily penetrated by the light. Virus inactivation has never been measured under those circumstances, but it must be very rapid.
However, the UV light must penetrate to the virus particle. One reason why the interior of structures may be dangerous is that the reflected white light from outside will not contain sufficient UV. Similarly, solids or liquids provide a challenge to UV penetration….”
“…Researchers say a certain spectrum of ultraviolet light — called far-UVC — easily kills airborne flu viruses while posing no risk to people….”
“….Scientists found 222 nanometer far-UVC light was just as effective as broad spectrum UV light at killing and deactivating the aerosolized influenza virus….


1. SmartUVC by Tru-D – https://tru-d.com

– YouTube channel – https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCWV7qlHd3SR4L90rx0ToXhg

2. UV Sanitized – http://www.uvsanitized.com


3. CureUV.com – https://www.cureuv.com


Lights to install in home/business heating/cooling systems to sanitize air.
Lamp –

Lamp with ozone –

Bulb –

Bulb –

Wall plug –



Ace of Spades – long interesting article on the disinformation (LIES) being spread online wrt origin of coronavirus
…”Sexton relayed this while discussing Jim Acosta’s claim that it “smacks of xenophobia” to call the Chinese coronavirus the Chinese coronavirus, and wondered why Jim Acosta had not seen fit to relay any of this background information about the Chinese government spreading propaganda about the virus being “the American coronavirus.”
At some point, CNN might want to clarify with Acosta whether his job is inform people about what’s going on in the world or simply to attack President Trump on camera.”

Sadie Slays

comment image


wow…that’s a BIG DOT to connect…

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

HIV-modified Corona is the Reese’s Peanut Butter Cup of pathogens.
“Hey, you got immune system evasion and compromise in my high contagion.”
“Hey, you got asymptomatic carriers in my impossible to remove from system.”
“And together, we’re both plausibly deniable as natural, and we kill 7/9 of the Supreme Court! Hooray!!!”
Here’s Bill Gates.comment image

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Bilderberg needs to be OPEN TO THE PUBLIC.
They are MIND-FRACKING our top people in secret.
Bilderberg is a SCAM.
“Open Society” my ass. SOROS is an ORWELLIAN LIAR.

Sadie Slays

FBI tweeted this in the morning.

Dow Jones up 1985 points. “Back to the Future” takes place in 1985. The words “Take Action” is in the background. “K9” = 119 (K is 11th letter of alphabet).

Cuppa Covfefe

Hmmm. 11-9 .
Not sure if you’re familiar with “Sue Thomas, F. B. I. Eye”, but she was a deaf FBI agent who helped crack many cases due to her lip-reading and mental (e.g. dot-connecting) skills. She had a helper dog
(Levi, in the TV series, not sure what the real-life name was) who actually had an FBI badge. And he was also instrumental in cracking some of the cases…
K9s are often unappreciated heroes. And always man’s best friend.
(OK, according to Groucho Marx: “Outside of a dog, a book is man’s best friend. Inside of a dog, it’s too dark to read.”)

Sadie Slays
Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

I call that a VICTORY OVER CHINAZIS garden.


GOOD NEWS – we still make life support ventilators in the USA!!!

Sadie Slays


I don’t believe anything she is saying… it’s 7:25 ET and the House has not voted on the Bill, and the same problems the WH objected to are still in the Bill………………..
Bollocks, as the Brits say… Nanzi is lyin’


Chad Pergram
Fox is told if the coronavirus measure passes the House with an overwhelming majority, the Senate will take up this measure next week.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Never trust NANKING NAN.


Okay, just mins ago, this tweet by Chad
Chad Pergram
Hoyer: “I want to vote tonight.”
Why did pelosi say she had a deal?
Hoyer: “She thought there was.”


At 6:00 she sent letter to House members sayin’ she had a deal ………………
it was a lie.
(beatin a dead horse here I know!)


3 month paid family leave? Who is paying?


This guy is saying the Trump administration did not fire any pandemic team as the reporter alleged in her ‘nasty question’

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

The New York Times is plausibly deniable DEMOCRAT propaganda!


Deplorable Patriot

🙁 Cruising…big sigh.


^^^ That’s a big deal. Disinfect the ships. Get crews healthy. Thirty days IS significant.

Deplorable Patriot

Y’all, please remember, as all these entertainment and leisure venues and events shut down, even temporarily, the employees are out pay. Even those of us who provide personal services dependent on travel are out money. I’ve had dog sitting jobs that I really need cancel due to travel being postponed or ended.
This is going to be very humiliating even without getting the bug.


Oh my, Gillum is so….

Cuppa Covfefe

Yep. The internet never forgets…
The thong is over, but the memory(ies) lingers on…


You are the wittiest!!!

CM in TN
Cuppa Covfefe

Started back in the 1930s with Emerson C. Fosdick and the Rockefellers (NCC/WCC). They redefined many things, including making “mainstream Christianity” to be “Fundamentalist”, leaving an opening where they could insert liberalism as “mainstream”… Overton Window type of things…
Same thing’s happening over here, both in the Evangelical (Protestant) and Catholic Churches. And politics as well, where the AfD is where the CDU used to be, yet the Linke/Greens/FDP/CDU/CSU characterize them as “right-wing radicals”…
The devil never stops trying… but he’s lost already, and lost forever…


So true have seen it.


Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

comment image


Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

OMG, I just love this! AMERICAN VALUES just overflowing from that statement!!!


I had to to save that photo. Beautifulcomment image


it certainly is TIM 😉

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Yup! We need that one!!!


I believe those are th pink cherry trees blossoming
The deck they were standing on seems new..and larger, plenty of ‘space ‘ for todays gathering


Not to take away from this intriguing and powerful statement in any way, but just take a moment to enjoy the beauty of the blossoms on the trees behind them in the Rose Garden.
I see a lot of symbolism …perhaps just as spring follows a dreary winter, the cherry blossoms seen this afternoon are a renewal of the national spirit after a dark period in our history.


Praying Medic Retweeted
Cari Kelemen
Trump is elected
He starts correcting our Chinese trade imbalance
China pays billions in tariffs
A virus begins in China- they keep it secret for 2 months
The virus comes to US
Our Chinese-owned media use it to create panic & tank our market
Just before Trump’s reelection


It wasn’t just to tank the market and steal the election, the virus also serves well for quieting any insurrection that might follow. Now however the POTUS has snatched that weapon out the hands of the cabal and will work on strengthening our nations health care system, paving the way for his own health care plan and getting part of his infrastructure plan out of the way without a fight.


Excellent points…


Kevin tweeted this yesterday; Nanzi was being a byotch then (“my way or the highway”) and almost shouting that she “wasn’t going to stick around (Friday) to get this done…

Kevin McCarthy
Mar 12
We owe it to the American people to get this right, and I am confident that if we come together as adults, we can act responsibly in the next 48 hours.
But a “my way or the highway” approach is not the right way to handle a serious health epidemic.

Sadie Slays


Was just about to look for you. Here’s the info FG&C wanted you to see, about the number 33. Follow thread.

Sadie Slays

Thank you! Good find! Always be suspicious when 33 shows up in a headline!


CDC says 1,629 cases


Other sites say 2274, with 7 new deaths. WA death count rose from 30 to 37.


None of the sites have the same numbers. The Johns Hopkins site has left whole states off their list. It’s a mess! We may never know how exactly many people actually have gotten the disease.


GA, see my comment upthread re: JohnsHopkins.


Hubby, who is w/ the government, sent me this warning regarding the JohnsHopkins site.
Malicious coronavirus map hides AZORult info-stealing malware.
SITUATION: A malicious website pretending to be the live map for Coronavirus COVID-19 Global Cases by
Johns Hopkins University is circulating on the internet waiting for unwitting internet users to
visit the website. Visiting the website infects the user with the AZORult Trojan, an information
stealing program which can exfiltrate a variety of sensitive data. It is likely being spread via
infected email attachments, malicious online advertisements, and social engineering.
Furthermore, anyone searching the internet for a Coronavirus map could unwittingly navigate
to this malicious website.
For additional details see the attached alert from the Cyber Engagement Specialist Health
Sector Cybersecurity Coordination Center (HC3) US Department of Health and Human Services
Please do not reply to this email. This is an unmonitored mailbox.


The REAL JH site is not working well and they are even leaving out states and their totals never agree with CDC totals.


I believe it. I’ve all the sudden had 3 attempted hijacks this week. 1 from the virus page, 1 from a link on the NOQ Report site, 1 Amazon. They all tell you Windows is broken/bad/corrupt and give a link to download sw to fix. Immediately close browser, run scans, reboot.


Solomon warns expect more shaming, not prosecutions.🤬
I pray he’s wrong.


Ok Aldi report.
OMG, that was insane!!!! Holly cow. I had to take photo’s because Mom could not believe it.
I think ok its Friday no issue.
First off its full at my store. Like we’re going to get 10 feet of snow so stock up full.
5 check out lanes open.
Picked over like you would not believe. The only thing that was not sold out was alcohol.
People are nice. No panic. Most are joking about it and in a good mood.
Store employees were saying that when there’s a snow storm people don’t buy this much.
Fruits and veggies mostly gone.
Bread what bread?!?!?!
Most of the chips/cookies gone.
canned food and soup gone.
Rice, oats, cereal gone. Meet gone. Yogurt. Any frozen stiff almost gone.
TP forget about it. Clean stuff be it napkins gone.
It was like a zombie Apocalypse.
Eggs and milk no issue.
But wow. That’s just wow.
Went to fill up my gas tank and people were still grabbing TP at the gas station.
Coming home stores like Kohls were empty but Target, Aldi, Walmart aka those that have food full.
Christmas in March!
Oh and most people were saying Thank God Trump is POTUS and not HRC!


FYI only 2 people with masks.


Daughter and I popped out for a short bit this afternoon and that’s all we saw, 2 oriental women at Costco in masks the proper kind too. We went in for one coupon special, found a huge display of windshield wipers on sale as well which one of mine had bit the dust just a couple of days ago. We went down to where the TP is kept just to see if they really were out of TP and they were, lots of bottled water where the TP is usually kept.


Chad Pergram
McCarthy asked if there is a deal on coronavirus bill. Gives a thumbs up”


Mnuchin confirmed at the end of Lou’s show. No idea what’s in it.


I figured out what drove the shopping and hoarding spree. Yes, the MSM and their day by day recitation of numbers, and “we’re all going to die because DJT is in charge” – but what likely set people off were the pictures of people in Wahun, China and other towns being quarantined in their homes.
they were unable to get out, go shopping, or go anywhere. The cities got shut down and whoever wasn’t already within the city limits was not allowed in, and folks were not allowed out.
They’d all be caught without adequate supplies. That’s what drove this – those images they were posting of the dire situation these people found themselves in. So in case the stores get shut…


Seems like everyone is trying to self-quarantine, hole up and hide from the virus.


Hopefully, one of the positives to come out of this is increased public awareness of hygiene and germs. Funny how that old saying, “Cleanliness is next to Godliness” comes to mind.


Amen – I’m washing, wiping with alcohol, etc. But still – am not going to be able to do hospital OR level disinfection.
I’m holing up unless disabled daughter gets sick or her caregivers do. Then I’ll have to go out and risk exposure.


I have cataract surgery next week, so I’ve been staying home. Many events have been cancelled so it’s not really a problem.


Have you considered postponing your surgery?


No, I’ll do it. Unless the surgeon, eye center says otherwise. It’s probably a day by day decision. But for now, rather do it than not. We have no cases here.


Lisa Mei Crowley 🐸 Retweeted
Donald J. Trump
I fully support H.R. 6201: Families First CoronaVirus Response Act, which will be voted on in the House this evening. This Bill will follow my direction for free CoronaVirus tests, and paid sick leave for our impacted American workers. I have directed….
….the Secretary of the Treasury and the Secretary of Labor to issue regulations that will provide flexibility so that in no way will Small Businesses be hurt. I encourage all Republicans and Democrats to come together and VOTE YES! I will always put….
Donald J. Trump
….the health and well-being of American families FIRST. Look forward to signing the final Bill, ASAP!


Ahhhh Hollywood doing what they do best.
TDS… calling it the #TrumpVirus? Really?


Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

I smell PAUL RYAN behind Trish Regan getting pulled.
“Never let a crisis go to waste.”


OMG, FNC is pulling Laura and putting on Bill Hemmer!! Damned Bastards!!!🤬🤬🤬
On Fox News Channel, executives planned to pre-empt opinion host Laura Ingraham’s 10 p.m. hour Friday night in favor of breaking news coverage from Bill Hemmer. Fox News also plans to scuttle overnight repeats and expand anchor Shannon Bream’s 11 p.m. show to two hours, while having Los Angeles-based anchor Trace Gallagher present coverage from 1 a.m. to 4 a.m. The network is also reworking parts of its weekend schedule to keep live coverage going.


Smells like faux news is going to mimick CNN endless Malaysian Airlines MH370 coverage back in 2014. Nonstop with nothing “new” to report.
Cut the cable. 😉

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Paul Ryan COUP.

Deplorable Patriot

If I wasn’t watching Fox before, I sure as heck won’t be now.


This man is such a moron!


This will not age well for Kristol … but will be a classic for laughing at the RINO Never Trumpers

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

No, Bill Kristol, you evil P.O.S. We will see YOU retreat to your HELL HOLE.

Rodney Short

I would like to see our local bear use him for toilet paper…

Rodney Short

They have to be talking about Harry Reid, oh that’s right he still gives the marching orders as well as VJ and Nobama.


Look out for the gun grabbers.
No sales

No licenses

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy


Rodney Short



Those people should be removed. Just bc they make an executive order doesnt make it legal or justified.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

I think Cankles is pissed that Trump has so far evaded the jaws of the HILLARY CHINA CORONA TRAP.


Went to local grocery store this afternoon at about 2:30. Remember how I’ve been saying there were odd stockouts?
Now there are general stockouts. All TP, paper towels, cleaning wipes, bottled water are gone. They’re sold out of chicken. Six checkout lanes open — all with four people in line. Four self-check registers have a line of 10 people.
KQED (pubic radio) pre-empted all programs for a special to gin up panic.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Go with the flow in your canoe and take out 10 Democrats and ChiComs on every trip with your tomahawk.
They made their bed. Now we light it on fire.

Rodney Short

Let the Games begin Wolf, my powder is so dry I gotta find some use for all of it.
I only have a 12 gauge Mossberg Home defender ( roflmao) but I have enough slugs and 00 buck to fight of China…
Reckon I might have to dig up my stash sooner than later, happy hunting…

Sue Mcdonald

Went to local Wal-Mart, was shocked!bare shelves very isle.no eggs,bread ,soup,milk,cheese,crackers.then my daughter who works at a local grocery in Eugene sent me pics of stripped bare shelves throughout the store.and she’s working 12 hour days! Oh and no tp anywhere.it was insane.plenty of items at Safeway but no tp there either.glad I don’t need any!

Rodney Short

Go to the Ace or Ray’s in Willow Creek California their shelves are full….


Yeah its not just my area now is it? My small order online from Walmart is delayed now. That means no one in warehouse cause the trucks will ship. Now WTF is happening that nothing is being shipped either?


Kudlow said there’s up to $400 Billion direct assistance available to help right now.
New bill – unpaid sick leave, family support $50 billion
$50 billion available for small businesses
Treasury tax deferral, no penalties for 3 months worth $200billion
Waiving student loan interest
Energy – purchasing 75million barrels
POTUS still pushing for payroll tax holiday until end of year.


Mark R. Levin
1. Excellent.
I’ve never seen a more transparent, thorough, and professional presentation and discussion of a national and serious health matter by any president or administration — surrounded by experts and CEOs — as I saw today.
Mark R. Levin
2. Clearly, despite media reports to the contrary and Democrat demagoguery, a tremendous amount has been done and is being done to deal with the Wuhan coronavirus.
3. In fact, it’s clear the Trump administration is creating a new protocol on how to handle such a potentially widespread pandemic. President Trump deserves a great deal of credit for his extraordinary leadership.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

The ChiComs need an ultimatum. Shut down the Wuhan CRIME SCENE for inspection, or we BOMB IT TO HELL.


Anon_DecoderDolphin @Anon_decoder
Ask yourself what business does a software engineer has w a biotech co creating vaccines?
Gates knew ahead of time & tried to profit
Oct 2019 Gates Biotech VIR raises $ in a public offering
Why do companies raise $ on IPOs
To make huge investments?
What was he expecting?

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

This is huge. The Gates thing is HUGE. They’re fucking NAKED.
These people are CON MEN.
They planned this thing out, hoping that Trump would minimize the response to save the economy, and then when the specially designed virus would SURGE like in Italy and create hospital panic, THEY would be in control of the narrative. And THEY would make a KILLING while FLUSHING TRUMP.
But Trump was SMART and did the RIGHT THING for PEOPLE and not money, and now they are NAKED.
Oh, this is RICH. Those EVIL SCAMMERS.


Yes, this! I think they thought they had him figured out and he would side with the economy. But those of us that “know him” know he loves his people more than the money. They made a big error!!

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Exactly. Now who is REALLY siding with the money?
Bill Gates
George Soros
“Ever-GREEN” Hillary
Clinton Foundation
And LET ME TELL YOU – Micro$oft is SCARED SHITLESS that Gates is going to be ON THE HOOK for this epidemic, along with China and Soros and the Clinton CHAI scam op, and that THEY would owe money – so they’re cutting Gates loose.


IKR? And its written about so much that he wanted to contract the population through disease and vaccines.




WOLFIE!!!! 🐺🐺😍😍🐺🐺

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!! <3 <3 <3 I love it!!! 😀


Anon_DecoderDolphin Retweeted
Mar 11
Ok sooooo..
CDC was posting jobs in multiple states for their quarantine program back in November

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Could have white hat origins – could have black hat. Don’t assume YET. If it works back to Neutron Nancy, then it’s black hat. If it works back to some others preparing for THEIR SHITSHOW, then it’s white hat.
Not important WHICH ONE, IMO, but it’s important that we demonstrate a PLOT that had to be FOUGHT by the good guys.
Remember – we may have had intelligence on China’s crapfest back in November.




one more thing, from Martin Geddes, whom Praying Medic follows and is friends with
Martin Geddes@martingeddes
“Those receiving the WHO/Gates vaccine, known to be compromised, suffered ten times the rate of meningitis than those not; has increased cerebral malaria cases, and girls faced a doubling of risk of death.”
Mongoose: WHO/Gates Violate International Ethics with Malaria Vaccine Study That Kills
Those receiving the WHO/Gates vaccine, known to be compromised, suffered ten times the rate of meningitis than those not; has increased cerebral malaria cases, and girls faced a doubling of risk of…

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Good. All this stuff is going to help paint Gates as a TOOL of the communists. A willing tool, who tried to paint a picture of himself as doing computing to serve humanitarian ends, but ultimately was abusing EVERYTHING, including his humanitarian stuff, for MONEY and for DARK POLITICAL ENDS.


appreciate your comments… I have always thought him evil.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Now we know how much. Way more than we ever thought.



A: Nothing we didn’t know already.
I hate uninformed posts like this.
Today wasn’t buyers sticking a toe in the water, it was short sellers covering ahead of the weekend in a very fluid situation and a very oversold market.


I think the point of the post is the amount of attention that was breathlessly reported and the ticker in the corner of the screen that showed every single change as the market “tumbled through freefall”…..but when the narrative doesn’t work to their favor, all you hear are crickets. I didn’t read it as a serious financial analysis 🤷


Ok let’s run with that.
And this surprises you, how exactly?
Answer: it doesn’t. Not in the slightest. In fact, we would all be shocked otherwise.
Then again, shorts covering their positions ahead of the weekend in a very oversold market isn’t exactly news, either.



Mil. dogs are at least one rank higher than their handlers.


The level of stupid on display nationwide right now is just mind-numbing.
Everyone…including in this space…almost exclusively focused on virus BS…
….instead of asking WTF dims are doing behind this gigantic FF.
Really pisses me off.
You’re focused on EXACTLY what they want you focused on…
…even most of the most-followed MAGA and Q folks like Praying Medic.
Shaking my damn head in disbelief.



Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Don’t fight the stupid – it will put itself out. Go for GATES. Right now. Make Bill Gates catch fire. Microsoft booted him for a reason. They KNOW.
That is where the plutonium is. I am pouring ever neutron I can into that son of a bitch, and pressurizing to criticality.
Soros and the Clintons are in on it, too. It all ties together. They will HANG for this shit.
We have GOT to make this catch. I will post later, but it’s where they planned to monetize. Steer your financial savvy at THAT, and we bring the whole damn thing down.


Just a reminder that the Gates Foundation is all about depopulation.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

True, but I’m not going to advance that stuff right now, because they can use it to cry “conspiracy theory”. Let it simmer in the background. It will come in handy LATER, after people understand what Gates did here, to TAR and FEATHER HIM.
We have GATES playing “create a problem and profit on it” – caught DEAD TO RIGHTS – and it’s time to LIGHT THESE JOKERS ON FIRE WITH THE TRUTH.
They know that they will ALL probably avoid jail and prison, but in doing so are SCREWED on money. Which is why Micro$haft booted Gates-Hitler pronto.


Mar. 08, 2020—Over this weekend, VIMEO began censoring Americans for Innovation and American Intelligence Media video interviews related to investigations into the British-American origins of the Coronavirus.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

They know that we are going to BURN UP THE CABAL here. They KNOW IT.


Roscoe has been deep diving into Gates. TMI for my tired brain right now, hope it helps you.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Excellent. Now is the time. Then the dominoes fall.
They’re all going DOWN. And THEY built the BONFIRE.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy



I want to look at Gate’s $$ mgr’s and their cutout’s trading positions from the beginning of last year forward to present.
And the fact that I am the only one in this forum to state this MOST OBVIOUS thing to do PISSES ME OFF!
Stop REACTING to the news, people!!
Damnit to hell!!

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Don’t change the chaos. USE IT. There will be DEMPANIC when they realize that it is going to SHIFT and focus on THEM very soon.
Don’t stop it – REDIRECT IT.

Deplorable Patriot

Exactly. I’ve turned the national people off. Really, what I need to know is local. Both St. Pat’s Parades here have been cancelled. That doesn’t just happen, and it effects me directly. We’re talking about postponing the show I’m supposed to be in in two weeks. (May as well, we can never get everybody together to rehearse.) There’s a drive through testing center set up as of today in west county. I go out there maybe twice a year.
THIS is relevant, not the bloviating by a bunch of people out of the loop with national name and face recognition.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Simultaneously, we push the virus the way they wanted it earlier, until the finger of blame is GARGANTUAN.
Karma – a thousand miles high – and it all falls back on them.


Roadrunner strategy back on the Wiley the Coyote … Again!

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

They really blew it this time. You don’t do a pandemic to take out a president you don’t like. It’s just not EVEN anywhere close to kosher.
It’s time to turn PANDEMIC into a REAL DEM PANIC.
Now – once they realize what’s happening, they will try to minimize. NOPE – not allowed. They want Northern Italy to happen here? Sorry, Dems. Bad Virus that YOUR LEADERS CREATED is going DOWN and everybody who cosigned on its creation.
NOPE. We GET GATES and tie that millstone around his neck. Then tie SOROS and CLINTONS to him. Meanwhile, it’s time to put that damn Wuhan facility on somebody’s MISSILE TARGETING MAP.
No action?


I understand your frustration, but for personal reasons concerning my dearly beloved husband, I HAVE to be aware of the corona virus. You cannot imagine how P.O.ed I am with the health provider trying to stick him in a rehab facility, 2 stars, that I absolutely did NOT want without informing me that there was actually no choice. I am damn lucky that I was able to get him home within 24 hrs of being transferred to that place (a week ago) because I was pretty sure that Inslee was going to make a lot of stupid decisions, which he has, and basically make my hubby a virtual prisoner in a questionable facility, which is exactly what would have happened.
I really appreciate the outside of WuFlu comments that you, Daughn and others bring in, because, even though I am focusing on WuFlu, I do know that it is a giant FF. I have been waiting for Gates to resign, and I think the only reason he did today was that Trump declared it a National Emergency.


I hope your husband is better soon. Thats a a Dr you should fire.


The Dr. is fine; it’s the insurers that suck.


Go Matt!!

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy



The fact that Gollum is a meth head explains a lot.
I consider this a coming out.



Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Oh, this explains everything. He’s a perfect ChiCom tool.
Hmmmm. Have to wonder of Buck’s buddy Pencilneck…… NAWWWWW….. can’t be…….


Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

LMAO!!! AR-14!!!


Chad Pergram
Pelosi on the challenge putting together the coronavirus bill:
It was more like moles..we really had to have clarification of language..it’s hard to pass law, especially when you are dealing with the executive branch
Chad Pergram
Pelosi on the challenge getting the bill into form:
It’s not an easy thing just to change a word or so
Chad Pergram
Pelosi on assembling coronavirus bill:
I don’t think any of us went to sleep all week


Yeah, it’s really hard to “pass law” when you’re used to “fiat”
“… had to have clarification… dealing with Executive branch”
Well, the American people like CLARITY… you guys haven’t picked up on that in the 30 plus years you’ve been in office?


Relative cancelled a family dinner gathering over concerns of the virus. No comment. So I took my family instead to the local Texas Roadhouse which was quite packed. Nice to see support for the local economy here in CO.
Have six weeks of business travel coming up. KS, NE, UT, TN, and OR. Mind you the OR trip might be cancelled as one of their products is toilet paper and they need to make a lot apparently. LOL! Anyway, lots of flying and being around peeps but no concerns. I typically fast on some trips but will for all of these. Gets the immune system fired up so the body can handle anything that comes at it. Plus losing a few more lbs can’t hurt.
President Trump had a brilliant presser today with government and big business all together to deal with this. Will be a distant issue come the end of April. Plus if the dems are negative they just end up looking like idiots. Probably why they got their bill completed without a lot of garbage in it.
Turns out I sold a bunch of stock in October. Was not comfortable with all the trade issues etc. Bought 100% equities today. Looks like I am temporarily a financial genius. Never had a $xx,xxx five digit gain in one day before. Sort of why we went out to dinner.
Keep posting all the great content. I even read some of FGC’s stuff.


comment image


You stay safe! Glad you dropped in.




The pattern is holding, almost exactly. Ending the day at 2,466 known cases in the US which is slightly double the number of known cases this time on Wed. Doubling every 2 days continues.
Of our known cases, we have had 41 recoveries and 50 deaths
About 10% cases are considered “critical” at this time.
I posted Wednesday night about this time:
2/26 – 15
2/28 – 19
2/29 – 24 (+5)
3/1 – 42 (+18)
3/2 – 57 (+15)
3/3 – 85 (+28)
3/4 – 111 (+26)
3/5 – 175 (+64)
3/6 – 252 (+77)
3/7 – 352 (+100)
3/8 – 495 (+143)
3/9 – 643 (+148)
3/10 – 932 (+289)
3/11 – 1,198 (+266)
12 days – 15 known cases to 1,200 known cases and expecting about 400+ cases to be reported by tomorrow.
So, by 3/14, in 2 short weeks, we will be at 4K!
3/14 – 4K
3/16 – 8K
3/18 – 16K
3/20 – 32K
3/22 – 64K
3/24 – 128K
3/26 – 256K
3/28 – 500K
3/30 – 1 million
We had the expected growth yesterday and now are ~2,500. We are on track to be at ~4K cases by this time tomorrow.
Looks like #s will keep growing, have a spike as more cases are found as testing become more available to even those with mild symptoms.
But, if all goes well, the numbers should slow within about 7-14 days as the transmission slows because public events are canceled, schools are canceled, etc., and people stay home, slowing transmissions.
They will flatten the curve in just the nick of time, before reaching critical mass and our healthcare systems being overwhelmed.
Just utterly fantastic press conference today. Great about the oil as that will now help the market and help the smaller US fracking companies. Great about the private sector companies helping and working with President Trump.
Prayers for our Nation, our President and each other. And for justice for those who caused this outbreak if it was intentional.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

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