God spoke . . . and there was creation
God spoke . . . and so appeared the light
God spoke . . . and then still became life
God spoke . . . and from dirt arose man
We speak “Trust God in our nation”
We speak “Shun the dark, seek His Light”
We speak “Seek the Truth and the Life”
We speak “Praise our God and His Plan”
God Speaks
In Eden, God spoke to Adam and Eve
And then to Cain, for a curse to receive
God spoke to Noah to build Him an ark
Then scolds Job – he made God’s counsel dark
God spoke to Abraham to leave his land
And for Isaac to settle, all His plan
God told Jacob to return in His care
And Moses, in Egypt, to leave from there
After Moses, God spoke to His prophets
To pass on His Word, just as He saw fit
Then, as a voice from heaven or a cloud
Heard by disciples and even a crowd
Some say “God never speaks now. Not today.”
Though we all know that He speaks every day
God speaks through other things, all by His choice
Through people, events, music – not His voice
God speaks through His Word; there for us to read
And then through His Son, by both words and deeds
God speaks by His Spirit, our Teacher and Guide
To us through prayer, our small voice inside
God’s creation and nature speak, clearly seen
And the learning from music, visions and dreams
Other believers speak with wisdom in words
And events teach lessons not audibly heard
God is not silent, He speaks to us all
For sinners to believe, God makes the call
For believers to grow, give thanks and sing
All for God’s glory and the joy it brings

Do we need to be listening for God’s voice to speak to us outside the Bible?
I am going to say something positive here and not just negative. In fact, most of what I have to say is positive and the first and main thing is to say: God really has spoken. And this word is living and active. It is not a dead word. He really speaks today through the inspired Scriptures. He really, really does. He really does. Not just with information, but with himself by his Spirit.
The Word Speaks
“The Lord appeared again at Shiloh, for the Lord revealed himself to Samuel at Shiloh by the word of the Lord” (1 Samuel 3:21). That really happens. God stands forth from his inspired word as we read it prayerfully and dependently. And, I would add this: the word in the Bible is more sure than anything you can hear outside the Bible. I base that on 1 Corinthians 14:37–38: “If anyone thinks that he is a prophet, or spiritual, he should acknowledge that the things I am writing to you are a command of the Lord. If anyone does not recognize this, he is not recognized.”
That is amazing. Paul is saying you can call yourself a prophet and get messages from God. You can call yourself spiritual and be tuned in to God, but if anything you say doesn’t accord with what I say, you are not recognized, which means that outside the Bible we have fallible, uncertain impressions and messages. Inside the Bible we have rock-solid, dependable messages. So there are treasures and wonders and glories and dimensions of God to be seen in the Bible that we have scarcely seen.
It seems to me to be folly to crave the lesser authority and the lesser riches outside the Bible than the riches and the greater authority that we have barely tasted, let alone digested, inside the Bible.
Now having said that positive thing about the Bible that I love — I just love the Bible so much and I know that after, what, sixty years of reading my Bible I have barely scratched the surface of its glories — I kind of get ticked, frankly, at myself and others who are craving stuff outside the Bible as though there is something better to be had out there.
Having said all that, I don’t see anything in the Bible that would say God can’t communicate with us in extraordinary ways outside the Bible. He can. And if he does, we should test it by his infinitely authoritative risen word and we should commend it to those whose lives show a deep, long wisdom in Christ. There is this community dimension to testing all things like Paul said. Don’t despise prophecies. Test all things. Hold fast to what is good. That is just not a private thing. That is something we do with others as well.
Don’t Seek Signs
But I will close with this. Beware of craving the sensations of a voice. Jesus warned against those who seek a sign (Matthew 12:38–39). So here he is. He is standing there in front of the Pharisees and scribes speaking and they say: Give us a sign. What does that mean? It means that the voice of Jesus Christ the Son of God wasn’t adequate. They needed something more. They needed to feel more, touch more, see more. They wanted more. And Jesus wouldn’t give it to them.
And I think we are in a situation today not unlike that. We hear more of the Son of God than anybody in Jesus’s day ever heard, because we have all four gospels and those people got it in snatches. Therefore we have the wholeness of the revelation that Jesus meant to communicate, and it is speaking to us every time we read the Bible. And if we turn away from that and say: But I need a sign. I need a voice. I need a tree to fall down in the woods when I am talking. I need something. We are putting ourselves in the position of those who demanded a sign.

Watch and Pray
As Christians, we know the greatest commands,
“Love our God with all our heart, mind and soul”
And then “Love your neighbor as yourself”
These fulfill the Law and Prophets of old.
To fully love is impossible to do,
Our innate nature is not in this way.
We understand what is right in God’s sight,
But that’s not what we do, day after day.
Those who Christ loves, He’s sure to rebuke,
And those He rebukes, He counsels and calms.
Once he has shown us that we were wrong,
He holds us close in His loving arms.
How can we live with this weakness of ours?
Our spirit is ready, but our flesh is weak.
To avoid temptation, watch and pray,
For God has all the strength that we seek.
When our souls are weary with failures,
To renew our strength, we hope in the Lord.
He’ll stand by us, no matter our troubles,
And see us home safe to our final reward.

Over the last 6 days, WuFlu cases in the U.S. increased by 30.1%, 41.2%, 30.8%, 30.4%. 32.4% and 31.0%. That is an explosive rate of climb, only to be exacerbated by increased testing results as the newly minted test kits, testing rules, administering and diagnostic labs get involved.
We’re at ~3,000 cases now. At a 30% increase, in two weeks we’ll be at ~118,000 cases. If that were to continue, we’d be at ~4,650,000 cases at the end of the next two weeks.
Pray for safety . . .
Pray for strength . . .
Pray for God’s intervention . . .
Pray “Thy will be done” . . .
But, pray.
If my people who are called by my name humble themselves, and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven and will forgive their sin and heal their land.
Pray for revival.
Since March 9, many US Catholics, and Catholics around the world have been praying a 54 day novena, for protection and provision for the “For protection and provision for the USA and the world”.
My intention in this novena (given that I am Canadian), is for protection and provision for Canada, the USA and the world. I also add an additional intention, for PDJT for his and his family’s protection and in thanksgiving for his leadership – he is truly turning people back to God, and showing world leaders how to protect the citizens of their respective countries. Would that our PM Trudeau would follow PDJT’s lead…that would take an exceptional miracle.
I love this, Duchess. The Mantle of the Lord is upon the People, He provides safe harbor – we have only to ask, and listen to Him.
Amen goes right there, lady!
Amen and Amen and Amen!
Thank you Duchess. You are truly a sweetheart – a faith filled sweetheart. God bless you!
Reposting from earlier so it doesn’t get missed
Thanks for reposting this.
I’ll be at Mass.
Sunday Mass has been cancelled in the diocese where I live. The priest has opened the Church for Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament from 8a.m. to 3p.m. Going there now. It hurts -almost physically – not to be able to attend Sunday Mass.
We had Mass. There were maybe 60 people there, but we had Mass. Tomorrow is Adoration. Not missing it now that I’,m recovering from the flu. I’ll wear gloves and take sanitizer.
Thank you Carl…
Good night and God bless…
I’m sticking this post to the top for today so that we can emphasize the National Day of Prayer. I want the “newsier” posts (and my soon-to-publish “conspiracy theory” post) to fall below this MORE IMPORTANT POST!!!
Is this intended to be the daily thread or do we have a separate daily thread today that hasn’t popped?
I’d also appreciate some clarification. Is this the daily thread or something special for the National Day of Prayer?
I’m assuming this is the daily thread, but if not, I’m willing to let this one stay up top anyway.
Can you edit title and add date?
I got carried away and blew the title (again).
Posted by u/realan5t 2 hours ago
School is cancelled for two weeks, I’ve quarantined my whole family, my kids are bored and we all want to kill each other. Yet I see people living their lives as normal. Posts on SM showing them partying and we’re sitting here like total losers not leaving the house? I’m pissed and feel dumb.
Except . . .
Unbeknownst to u/realan5t, after maintaining the isolation, the whole family will walk out into the sunshine again, while others, after ignoring isolation, may very well find themselves intubated in a hospital or dead.
Wolfie – this thread and the comments are interesting – MANY, like you, think they had the corona virus earlier this winter!!!
Wow, Allison. You need to add that info to the thread Wolfie just put up on this subject. Lots of others posting that same thing.
(I’m not sure whether this is the place to post this, but it ties in with this comment: “MANY, like you, think they had the corona virus earlier this winter!!!” Please move or remove this comment if desired.)
I was sick over Christmas, and it lasted about a month. It began with fever, and at the time I thought it was weird that I didn’t have the usual cold or flu symptoms — no sore throat, runny nose, etc. I think the highest my temperature reached was 103. After about four days the fever subsided, but I was weak and had a cough for several more weeks. It was not the “coughing up your lungs” kind of cough that comes with bronchitis or pneumonia. I did not have shortness of breath, but I felt like I needed steam for my bronchial tubes, and used steam infused with tea tree oil. I thought at the time that it must be a different strain of a cold or flu. I self-quarantined to keep from exposing family members, and also because I didn’t feel like going anywhere.
I will post this on Wolf’s thread, which I just became aware of.
JoJo made a nice little video for our National Day of Prayer:
The more testing we do, the numbers of BOTH negative and positive cases WILL rise. I think they should also start publishing the #’s for tests that come back negative. I saw yesterday where WA had run 6500 tests and 6000 were negative. 500 were a combo of positive and pending. WA is a hot spot with almost 400 cases. Knowing the negative #’s might have a calming effect across the country. It did me.
They know the numbers, they should publish them. Although SK has a high number of cases, I thought Brix said 96% of the thousands tested were negative for the virus. People they thought had WuFlu actually had other respiratory illnesses. That was good info to know, IMO.
TN is also publishing negative cases. But we have also heard about many false negatives…not showing up yet but already infected and contagious. I see negatives and I think: Hope they really are negative v. just not sick yet
Absolutely they should post negative numbers. Positive numbers while important to know, can contribute to irrational thinking. Negatives help keep things in perspective.
AND, with the new test, CDC MUST address reliability of the test. Such as likelihood of false negatives. Reliability of the test.
easier to catch them if they all run to their hideouts…
I almost wonder if hanks was trying to go but got sick first.
Had read filming in Australia.
Text of tweet from FutureTenze:
Q has made me question everything.
I lived so long as a self-proclaimed atheist.
Today, I just bought my first Bible.
Not to be applied to Q –
“No one can come to Me unless the Father who sent Me draws him . . .”
8 For by grace you have been saved through faith; and that not of yourselves, it is the gift of God;
9 not as a result of works, so that no one may boast.
10 For we are His workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand so that we would walk in them.
Anyone, or anything, including Q, can be an instrument in the hands of God.
Wild theory.
Today is the one-year anniversary of the New Zealand mosque “shooting.” What if there was supposed to be a massive false flag today? Narrative: A retaliatory attack by ISIS. What if the massive shutdown and National Emergency measures stopped the attack? What if part of the reason the President declared 3/15 a “National Prayer Day” was to rub it in the face of the cabal? Stop their evil attack and replace it with something positive.
Verse of the Day
“Enter into his gates with thanksgiving, and into his courts with praise: be thankful unto him, and bless his name.”
Psalms 100:4 (KJV)
Thank You, Jesus, for blessings received and prayers answered!
Sunday ‘Best Buds and Butterflies’ Blessing
Jesus Loves Babies…Pray for the Unborn

Jesus Loves the Little Children – Pray for the Little Children
Jesus Loves You – Come to Him
Good Sunday Morning Duchess!
Hope you are well and healthy!
Have a Blessed Day!!
Sunday Morning Blessings to you, too, Pat! I am well and healthy – hope and pray you are, too – Listening to the sermon to which PT is listening right now. God Bless You!!!
God Bless and keep you too!
No ornamentation, but still the ultimate Catholic hymn. Yes, we’ve all been singing it since we were in the womb.
Italy and the Coronavirus outbreak: The Mayor of Venice consecrates Venice and the Veneto territories to the Immaculate Heart of Mary
Yesterday the Mayor of Venice, Luigi Brugnaro, wearing his three-colored sash of office, visited the Basilica of La Madonna della Salute in Venice – and – along with other prayers , invoking the protection of the Blessed Virgin– consecrated Venice and the entire Veneto region to the Immaculate Heart of Mary with this: “we consecrate the city of Venice and our Veneto lands to Your Immaculate Heart.”
Thank You Carl,
Very uplifting post that speaks to us all in someway. Watch and Pray spoke to me personally.
I am interested in knowing why President Trump chose Jentezen Franklins mega church?
Just wanted to give a shout-out to all you Qtreepers…
Hope you are free of the wuflu and that you remain so… praying that we will all come through these next weeks stronger in body and spirit. God bless all…
Thanks to Wolfie and all our authors for helping us stay sane… and esp. for the camaraderie we each need to move gently through these times.
Thank you Carl for the wonderful and inspiring OPENING… on this special day of prayer.
Amen to that!
and sending you back wishes to remain healthy and wealthy and wise phoenix!
TY Pat… same to you Sweet Lady…
((( PR ))) !

(stay safe and healthy!)
You too (((Nor’easter))) !
for kiddo and anyone else who’s bored…5 easy science experiments to do at home
Just because your kids are out school doesn’t mean they can’t learn something. We’ve found five science experiments that are so cool your kids won’t even realize they’re learning. The best part is that you probably already have all the stuff you’ll need. Just click on the experiment title and follow the instructions.
I have to do science for school this week so ty!
you’re welcome!
Experiment #1: How to make nitroglycerin from Karo syrup and ammonia.
Experiment #2: . . . . . .
Who’s playing Jumanji. HA!
Love the Jumanji one!!
and the link for all those memes…..
Thanks for all the laughs Pat… your Sunday funnies are the best !
Probably could have survived without image above… (hoping won’t be seeing much of her in the future, as she may be retiring in November!)
well, if the disease had a face, it would surely be THAT ugly!
true dat!
Beer mug𝐁𝐞𝐞𝐫 𝐚𝐭 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐏𝐚𝐫𝐚𝐝𝐞Clinking beer mugs Retweeted
Renata (Text Trump to 88022)
I have no more comments.
Zoe, it’s a photo with text (meme) “Well Look At That … Wouldn’t It Be Great If This Pic Went Viral”
and it’s a photo of four guys: Zero, Weinstein, Rothschild (forget first name) and Schumer
Crossing my fingers.
Our Holy Father, Creator, Redeemer has spoken to me so often through Handel’s Messiah….
I have several favorite recordings, one is Christopher Hogwood and Emma Kirkby….
and this one is lovely – Sylvia McNair.
and then there is Mozart K 339 Laudate Dominum from Vesperae solennes de Confessore
…music can be a vehicle for Our Father’s voice to us in time of need – it sustained me many days during a tragedy.
Harteros is one of my favorites for K339
Bertolli! The recording is glitchy – but her control and range….she was divinely gifted.
Thank you, Ga/FL: I love these beautiful voices. Elina Garanca is one of my very favorites. Such beauty glorifying God.
What a blessed relief in a world filled with “noisome pestilence”.
Sylvia McNair is incapable of a bad performance.
I’m so thrilled that you and so many others offer their gifts and talents to the world!
I tried to sing yesterday…it wasn’t pretty. Another week I should be good.
Take care of those precious pipes!
Christopher Parkening is a committed Christian and a Segovia lauded guitarist. His version of Laudete Dominum is a cherished treasure:
I saw a ROBIN this morning!!!!!
not a big deal to all you in the south enjoying warmer weather and sunshine…but a big boost to us in the north with our cold, gray days…
It’s going to hit 87 degrees F today in N FL and S GA.
However, it’s not going to rain and wash the pollen out of the air and off the streets – so big threat for people with allergies and breathing problems.
wow…it’s currently 25* here with a high predicted near 40*
Our forsythia is in bloom. So nice to see even without sunshine.
wow…nothing has even remotely started here…not even the trees are budding…
No crocuses? Chives? My lilac is getting started. I hope it’s not too early for that.
nope…the grass is still brown…but we still had a blanket of snow till last week…the pond finally unfroze yesterday so we have to see if any of the fish survived…
sooooooon tho I hope!
Lots of little birds flying around northern NV. Noticed two new nests being built under our eaves. A few trees blooming.
Short term forecast…mix of sun, clouds, rain, snow, colder temps…
Truly looking forward to spring…warmer days.
me too…sitting out on the porch swing…watching the humming birds…
They are our front line defenders.
The Candace Owens Show: Nicole Arbour
Thank you, bakocarl. The Lord is pleased.
After 20 years working on it, I finally finished my physics book.. ….
…it was about time.
…but I really needed space
Relatively speaking, of course.
I’m trying.
With fatalities and rising coronavirus numbers, medical experts encourage New Yorkers to stay calm in the difficult days ahead
jes a lil’ irony here … Biden is 77 y/o and Emanuel is 62
Trump War Room – Text TRUMP to 88022 Retweeted
Elizabeth Harrington
Joe Biden set up his own Wuhan virus “task force.” Who did he pick to lead it?
Ezekiel Emanuel, an architect of Obamacare, who thinks life isn’t worth living after the age of 75
Sick and distasteful when thinking about #COVID19’s impact on the elderly
Biden’s Coronavirus Adviser Wants to Die at 75
Who are most at risk of death or serious illness from the coronavirus? The very elderly Ezekiel Emanuel sees as having lives that are “feeble, ineffectual, even pathetic.”
My parents will be 80 this year. They are snowbirding with my brother and his family as my SIL goes through an initial ordeal with disease, and they are needed to deal with the kids. Mom is tutoring at a local school. My dad walks around the neighborhood and makes lots of friends.
Life is worth living, just not the way all others think we should live. Not every lifestyle is meant for everybody.
A song that sustained our parents and grandparents during some very dark days.
My top favorite WWII song.
Beautiful. Thank You.
Just saw a meme on FB…forget the toilet paper. Horde the plungers. All that toilet paper is bound to cause the sort of back up no one wants.
And you wonder why people are buying so much TP?
“I had three uncles fought in the Pacific in the Marine Corp in WWII with the 1st Marine Division. Two were on Guadalcanal. When the Marines were finally taken off the island they were sick, starved and shell shocked from the on going bloody fight for the island. They were taken to Australia and billeted in a stadium from which they escaped into town. The Australians healed them, cared for them and gave them life and hope. My uncles always had a warm spot in their hearts for Australia. I believe that is why when the 1st Marine Division ships out to this day they sing their Division’s song “Waltzing Matilda.”
“No better friend, No worse enemy”.
Paw printsMilSpecOpsMonkeyPaw prints
Surgeon General advises hospitals to cancel elective surgeries – POLITICO
Surgeon General advises hospitals to cancel elective surgeries
He warned that every elective surgery could spread coronavirus within a medical center.
It can soread lots of diseases. Its why we have sterile procedures. Elective procedures include knee repair/replacement and lots of other surgeries that really arent elective. Not liking this.
Somehow betting elective surgeries allow gowns, masks, gloves, drugs, etc. to be potentially used for Corona patients. Sterile procedures? In theory. We also read about folks getting deathly ill in hospitals.
Guessing, IF all goes right, we are talking about three week delay. IF things get screwed up by folks stupidly not taking precautions to prevent Corona spread, three months. Then there is low odds even longer.
So, likely a few weeks or a few months. NOT the end of the world for nearly everyone. Corona can be the end of the world for those infected.
Me thinks, in the bigger picture, elective can wait. IMO.
My knee surgery was considered elective, but I couldnt walk without it. But cosmetic surgery is elective and can wait. Thats why I hate blanket statements. Also, if surgery is outpatient the can recover at home. But i get it to generally keep people out of the queued system.
Understand, rather sure elective is not a yes or no one size fits all. The need for mobility doesn’t really sound elective. Moar necessity. Which is your point I assume. Makes sense. Truly elective can and should wait.
Its about manpower and hospital space.
Preparation for upcoming, predicted WuFlu patient load
Pi and his wife finally decide to go to marriage counseling.
The counselor looks at them and says, “you seem like you like a logical couple, what’s wrong?
The wife blurts out, Make him stop he just goes on and on”
“you seem like a logical couple, what’s wrong”
Oh noes! Our local annual Cabin Fever sale has been pushed back to May 2nd. ‘Cabin fever’ will have come and gone by then…far behind in the rear-view mirror. It was first scheduled this year for March 21st.
The sale is basically set up as a means to buy and sell used household goods and antiques. Also, some baked goods. A jump ahead of the springtime garage and yard sales.
By the way, the cabin fever sale is held in a small town by the name of East Jordan. The Jordan River runs through it. Named after the Jordan River of Bible fame. Moses was there.
There was a West Jordan early on in the towns early settlement history, later consolidated into the more thriving east side.
First airing of prayer meeting online now… (rewind to find start of service)
Beautiful prayers for our nation.
Sweet worship
Our Father …
Ohhh be still my heart……………… so happy to see you T3 !!!! Have missed you so….
Somebody loves you.
There is never a shortage of love when you live in Heaven’s lap.
Good to see you T3 – we know you’re thinking of us. Hope you are well.
Paw printsMilSpecOpsMonkeyPaw prints Retweeted
Mar 14
Replying to
Have you seen this?
Quote Tweet
· Mar 14
@realDonaldTrump changed the National Day of Prayer this year to Sunday March 15th.
It is usually on the first Thursday of May.
Why would he make it the Ides of March?
That is the day that Rome turned from an Oligarchy to a REPUBLIC.
@Inevitable_ET @2runtherace @1FreeInhabitant
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Paw printsMilSpecOpsMonkeyPaw prints
Mar 14
Corruption to the core.
Quote Tweet
Christian Datoc
· Mar 12
NEW: Multiple WH officials tell me that Nancy Pelosi sought to include a provision into the coronavirus stimulus that would set a precedent for up to $1 billion in mandatory health spending outside of protections outlined by the Hyde Amendment
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Live NOW
“You take what the enemy meant for evil
and you turn it for good…”
refrain at Free Chapel now !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
This works for me:
It’s a scientific fact that herbivores produce more feces than carnivores. So, we can probably blame the vegans and their quest for more fiber and soy for this run on toilet paper. Smirking faceSmirking face
“Fear Not” mentioned 356 times in the Bible…
A pastor with a sax ! Then Sing My Soul, …………………… !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
O Lord, my God, when I in awesome wonder
Consider all the worlds Thy Hands have made
I see the stars, I hear the rolling thunder
Thy power throughout the universe displayed
Then sings my soul, my Saviour God, to Thee
How great Thou art, how great Thou art
Then sings my soul, my Saviour God, to Thee
How great Thou art, how great Thou art
And when I think of God, His Son not sparing
Sent Him to die, I scarce can take it in
That on the Cross, my burden gladly bearing
He bled and died to take away my sin
Then sings my soul, my Saviour God, to Thee
How great Thou art, how great Thou art
Then sings my soul, my Saviour God, to Thee
How great Thou art, how great Thou art
Because He lives, I can face tomorrow
Because He lives, all fear is gone
Because I know He holds the future
And life is worth the living, just because He lives
Amazing Grace, How sweet the sound
That saved a wretch like me
I once was lost, but now am found
T’was blind but now I see
T’was Grace that taught my heart to fear
And Grace, my fears relieved
How precious did that grace appear
The hour I first believed
Through many dangers, toils and snares
We have already come.
T’was grace that brought us safe thus far
And grace will lead us home,
Pastor Jentezen plays a really sweet sax… hope you all are listening…
So powerful that our POTUS has called us to prayer today and suggested we listen to Free Chapel…
Sermon right now…
Akismet threw into spam!
Shortened link – Hmmm…got a YouTube afterwards – that included the whole service – and it posted – definitely must be a key word or phrase
Free Chapel – Sermon Jentezen Franklin – Free Chapel LIVE
Akismet threw into spam!
Mass live streamed from National Shrine of Immaculate Conception in DC.
12 p.m. Eastern
how are you doing????
you are in my daily prayers!!!!
mine also Sweet Jane… so good to see ya !
Will do update tomorrow evening if I feel well enough after the start of round 3 and seeing Right now I can say is that the written results of MRI and CT Scan are more than promising. 3 outt of 5 on brain, gone…..big shrinkage on others.
Love you all.
HUGS to you Dear!!!!
Choose Faith over Fear…The Lord promised He would never leave us or forsake us.
Psalm 91
1 He who [a]dwells in the secret place of the Most High shall remain stable and fixed under the shadow of the Almighty [Whose power no foe can withstand].
2 I will say of the Lord, He is my Refuge and my Fortress, my God; on Him I lean and rely, and in Him I [confidently] trust!
3 For [then] He will deliver you from the snare of the fowler and from the deadly pestilence.
4 [Then] He will cover you with His pinions, and under His wings shall you trust and find refuge; His truth and His faithfulness are a shield and a buckler.
5 You shall not be afraid of the terror of the night, nor of the arrow (the evil plots and slanders of the wicked) that flies by day,
6 Nor of the pestilence that stalks in darkness, nor of the destruction and sudden death that surprise and lay waste at noonday.
7 A thousand may fall at your side, and ten thousand at your right hand, but it shall not come near you.
8 Only a spectator shall you be [yourself inaccessible in the secret place of the Most High] as you witness the reward of the wicked.
9 Because you have made the Lord your refuge, and the Most High your dwelling place,
10 There shall no evil befall you, nor any plague or calamity come near your tent.
11 For He will give His angels [especial] charge over you to accompany and defend and preserve you in all your ways [of obedience and service].
12 They shall bear you up on their hands, lest you dash your foot against a stone.
13 You shall tread upon the lion and adder; the young lion and the serpent shall you trample underfoot.
14 Because he has set his love upon Me, therefore will I deliver him; I will set him on high, because he knows and understands My name [has a personal knowledge of My mercy, love, and kindness—trusts and relies on Me, knowing I will never forsake him, no, never].
15 He shall call upon Me, and I will answer him; I will be with him in trouble, I will deliver him and honor him.
16 With long life will I satisfy him and show him My salvation.
Amen goes right there, BFLY!!!
Amen Sweet Duchess!!!

Hope and Pray Americans are getting inspiration and peace from this service – listening with PT – Wheeeee – God is Good!!!
It was a wonderful worship service with messages that resonate and give us renewed Faith.
“God does want us to live in chronic fear!” Jentezen Franklin
Read Psalms 91 when you are fearful – the Psalms are powerful
Numbers 6
24 The Lord bless you and watch, guard, and keep you;
25 The Lord make His face to shine upon and enlighten you and be gracious (kind, merciful, and giving favor) to you;
26 The Lord lift up His [approving] countenance upon you and give you peace (tranquility of heart and life continually).
Amen and Amen, BFLY!!!
I never saw this picture before. I like it.
Special National Day Of Prayer Service w/ Pastor Jentezen Franklin | 11AM
this message was very intentional and setting a National Tone for this National Emergency.
Talking about using our time wisely, seeing the opportunities in this shut down. Encouraging message. Setting the tone of hope – we will be restored, we will come through this stronger, we will see good things come out of this.
Take this seriously, take health warnings and advice but stay calm and do not worry.
A very inspiring and pertinent message – THANK YOU, President Trump – for pointing us to this perfect sermon for our time!!!
I am planning to listen to this several times!!!
Yes, it was, GA/FL!!! We are so blessed to have President Trump leading us through this crisis!
The service ended with The Lord’s Prayer.
Our Father, Which art in Heaven
Hallowed be Thy Name
Thy Kingdom come,
Thy Will be done,
On earth as it is in Heaven,
Give us this day our daily bread,
And forgive us our trespasses,
As we forgive those who trespass against us.
Lead us not into temptation,
But deliver us from evil,
For Thine is the Kingdom,
And the Power,
And the Glory,
Forever and ever,
Psalm 62:11 – all power belongs to GOD.
Amen goes right there, GA/FL!
Went to Mass and heard all about the woman at the well, my favorite. This woman faced adversity and faced it head on unlike the people in the Old Testament reading. That was Father’s message. We need to not be afraid. And then we sang some of my favorite music.
Sermon from the Pastor recommended by President Trump preached Faith over Fear!
I agree – we do not need to be afraid!
Stunning rendition of The Lord is the Strngth of my life – by Frances Allitzen
Psalm 27
Of David.
1 The Lord is my light and my salvation—
whom shall I fear?
The Lord is the stronghold of my life—
of whom shall I be afraid?
2 When the wicked advance against me
to devour[a] me,
it is my enemies and my foes
who will stumble and fall.
3 Though an army besiege me,
my heart will not fear;
though war break out against me,
even then I will be confident.
4 One thing I ask from the Lord,
this only do I seek:
that I may dwell in the house of the Lord
all the days of my life,
to gaze on the beauty of the Lord
and to seek him in his temple.
5 For in the day of trouble
he will keep me safe in his dwelling;
he will hide me in the shelter of his sacred tent
and set me high upon a rock.
6 Then my head will be exalted
above the enemies who surround me;
at his sacred tent I will sacrifice with shouts of joy;
I will sing and make music to the Lord.
7 Hear my voice when I call, Lord;
be merciful to me and answer me.
8 My heart says of you, “Seek his face!”
Your face, Lord, I will seek.
9 Do not hide your face from me,
do not turn your servant away in anger;
you have been my helper.
Do not reject me or forsake me,
God my Savior.
10 Though my father and mother forsake me,
the Lord will receive me.
11 Teach me your way, Lord;
lead me in a straight path
because of my oppressors.
12 Do not turn me over to the desire of my foes,
for false witnesses rise up against me,
spouting malicious accusations.
13 I remain confident of this:
I will see the goodness of the Lord
in the land of the living.
14 Wait for the Lord;
be strong and take heart
and wait for the Lord.
Amen goes right there, GA/FL!
1 Peter 5:7
“Casting all your care upon him; for he careth for you.”
King James Version (KJV)
Luke 1:37
“For with God nothing shall be impossible.”
King James Version (KJV)
Psalms 133:1
“(A Song of degrees of David.) Behold, how good and how pleasant it is for brethren to dwell together in unity!”
King James Version (KJV)
2 Chronicles 7:14
“If my people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land.”
King James Version (KJV)
This is the Angel Gabriel’s message to Mary. Will resonate with Christians, Jews, and Muslims. If POTUS had quoted the same thing from Jesus in Matthew 17:20, it may have been tuned out. Very Holy Spirit lead.
Matthew 17:20 is one of my favorite verses in the Bible, mama – my Faith saved me many times!!! And – with each occurrence – it grew – so that the biggest challenge I faced was faith-filled –
SEE A VICTORY – Elevation Worship (live) lyrics
Duchess, my granddaughter who finished seminary Dec 2018 in Texas, moved from Charlotte … worked at Elevation there… I’ve been to several of their services… enjoyed immensely………………
Brad Parscale – Text TRUMP to 88022 Retweeted
Trump War Room – Text TRUMP to 88022
Mar 12
Joe Biden is raising money off the coronavirus.
“Does he have no shame? Have these people no sense of decency?”
Karl Rove has obtained copy of an email doing so… vid clip follows
“Does he have no shame? Have these people no sense of decency?” – NO!!!
Proclamation from our Beloved President, Donald J. Trump

In our times of greatest need, Americans have always turned to prayer to help guide us through trials and periods of uncertainty. As we continue to face the unique challenges posed by the coronavirus pandemic, millions of Americans are unable to gather in their churches, temples, synagogues, mosques, and other houses of worship. But in this time we must not cease asking God for added wisdom, comfort, and strength, and we must especially pray for those who have suffered harm or who have lost loved ones. I ask you to join me in a day of prayer for all people who have been affected by the coronavirus pandemic and to pray for God’s healing hand to be placed on the people of our Nation.
As your President, I ask you to pray for the health and well-being of your fellow Americans and to remember that no problem is too big for God to handle. We should all take to heart the holy words found in 1 Peter 5:7: “Casting all your care upon him, for he careth for you.” Let us pray that all those affected by the virus will feel the presence of our Lord’s protection and love during this time. With God’s help, we will overcome this threat.
On Friday, I declared a national emergency and took other bold actions to help deploy the full power of the Federal Government to assist with efforts to combat the coronavirus pandemic. I now encourage all Americans to pray for those on the front lines of the response, especially our Nation’s outstanding medical professionals and public health officials who are working tirelessly to protect all of us from the coronavirus and treat patients who are infected; all of our courageous first responders, National Guard, and dedicated individuals who are working to ensure the health and safety of our communities; and our Federal, State, and local leaders. We are confident that He will provide them with the wisdom they need to make difficult decisions and take decisive actions to protect Americans all across the country. As we come to our Father in prayer, we remember the words found in Psalm 91: “He is my refuge and my fortress: my God; in him will I trust.”
As we unite in prayer, we are reminded that there is no burden too heavy for God to lift or for this country to bear with His help. Luke 1:37 promises that “For with God nothing shall be impossible,” and those words are just as true today as they have ever been. As one Nation under God, we are greater than the hardships we face, and through prayer and acts of compassion and love, we will rise to this challenge and emerge stronger and more united than ever before. May God bless each of you, and may God bless the United States of America.
NOW, THEREFORE, I, DONALD J. TRUMP, President of the United States of America, do hereby proclaim March 15, 2020, as a National Day of Prayer for All Americans Affected by the Coronavirus Pandemic and for our National Response Efforts. I urge Americans of all faiths and religious traditions and backgrounds to offer prayers for all those affected, including people who have suffered harm or lost loved ones.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand this fourteenth day of March, in the year of our Lord two thousand twenty, and of the Independence of the United States of America the two hundred and forty-fourth.
Lord, thank you for this man, this great leader You have given to us… Amen.
Amen PR, We are truly blessed!
Interesting closing, “and of the Independence of the United States of America the two hundred and forty-fourth.”
Anyone know if that is commonly used in Proclaimations?
BTW, Queen Elizabeth and Prince Philip moved out of Buckingham to Windsor. I know they are elderly and he just got out of the hospital recently, but I REALLY WANT to read more into this.
Nope, Barry used the same date signature. Wishful thinking!
It’s used quite commonly, in fact; I’ve seen it on citations for military decorations.
Brad Parscale – Text TRUMP to 88022 Retweeted
Trump War Room – Text TRUMP to 88022
Mar 12
Joe Biden will again politicize coronavirus today. But his record on pandemics is one of incompetence.
During the 2009 swine flu outbreak, Biden made reckless comments unsupported by science & the experts.
The Obama Admin had to clean up his mess & apologize for his ineptitude. (Vid clip follows)
What A Beautiful Name – Hillsong Worship
One of my favorites
* Smile *
Sean Shannon Collier@ReillocNaes

This may be the most important video on twitter today so I am sharing it.
Sidney Powell
Zoe, Sidney is on periscope talking about the laptop NYPD confiscated from Anthony Weiner – mentions the emails on it from Clinton Foundation, HRC, State Dept business, and “it’s bad” she says… she would suggest POTUS demand the laptop be turned over to the most trusted mil official, and be torn apart and justice rendered.
(problem is, FIB, McCabe in particular, has probably destroyed it… although some believe otherwise)
Is this laptop the “keystone”?
I have never heard anyone suggest that.
No… I believe We, the People is the “keystone” …………. WWG1WGA
Notice she says most trusted person in the military…not DoJ and Bill Barr.
I noted that comment…
probably to avoid the appearance of bias which the DIMS would claim immediately
Then again….see POTUS tweet below
And some want to reauthorize FISA !!! FIB needs to be dismantled… and DoJ broken up into little pieces, scattered across the Country…
Per 700WLW, Cincinnati, 1PM news report:
OHIO Gov. MIKE DEWINE (R) announced that ALL public schools in OHIO will close for the next three weeks AND MAY close for the REST of the academic year.
They’re going for MAXIMUM disruption…nationwide….
…with the inevitable “it’s all Trump’s fault” political weaponization of the crisis.
Always has, always will.
The first and original “Promises made, promises kept.”
Amen goes right there, FG&C!!!
SOON – today or tonight – President Trump’s twitter feed will hit 74 MILLION.
73,746,610 – 6:52 am – 3/13/20
73,854,816 – 8:20 am – 3/14/20
73,952,506 – 6:58 am – 3/15/20
73,983,243 – 1:23 pm
We both know it should be 100M, GA/FL!
that makes 3 of us who believe that !
73,986,511 – 2:00 pm
Trump follower numbers haven’t increased this fast since the 24 Hour Iran War!!!
989,990,539 – 2:56 pm – will likely be within the next hour or so!!!!
ERROR – 73,990,539
I’m too excited…. :8-)
That’s understandable, GA/FL!!!
Interesting. POTUS once again confirms what most of us believe… that this will be taken care of, and that the guilty will pay.
Great Job by Judicial Watch. Potentially a treasure trove. Too bad you are not given more help, but it will all work out!
“When you are down to nothing; God is up to something’! – Pastor Jantezen Franklin
‘Our God is bigger than the shutdown’ – The restoration must begin on our knees’!!!!
duchess, reminds me of Solomon’s Prayer when the Israelites dedicated The Temple.
Adoration/Praise; Confession; Thanksgiving; Supplication. Perfect.
l Kings 8 : 22-53.
Very much like it, yes, piper!
BLESS YOU for paying attention and caring about your fellow truth warriors, MR. PRESIDENT!!!
There is going to be hell to pay.
Look for heads to roll – more firings ahead.
The Library
Democrats politicize Wuhan virus – Stu Cvrk
A Bizarre World 1. If a mentally-ill dude pretends to be a woman, you are required to pretend with him.
Harold Finch
[Stud should correct #5… they think SIxTEEN y/os should vote… they voted in primary in CO. in some counties recently… phoenixRising]
Democrats politicize Wuhan virus
Stu Cvrk@STUinSD –
A Bizarre World
1. If a mentally-ill dude pretends to be a woman, you are required to pretend with him.
2. It’s un-American for the census to count how many Americans are in America.
3. Russians influencing our elections are bad, but Mexicans voting in our elections are good.
4. It was cool for Joe Biden to blackmail the President of Ukraine, but it’s an impeachable offense if Donald Trump inquires about it.
5. Twenty is too young to drink a beer, but eighteen is old enough to vote.
6. It’s wrong to steal, but it’s cool to demand that the government steal for you.
7. Citizens were fined if they did’t buy their own health insurance, and then they are forced to buy it for illegals.
8. People who have never owned slaves should pay slavery reparations to people who have never been slaves.
9. People who have never been to college should pay the debts of college students who took out huge loans for useless degrees.
10. Immigrants with tuberculosis, Wuhan virus, and polio are welcome, but you’d better be able to prove your dog is vaccinated.
11. Irish doctors and German engineers who want to immigrate must go through a rigorous vetting process, but any illiterate Central-American gang-banger who jumps the southern fence is welcome.
12. We demand that the government be in control of our health care, but then we are outraged when the government makes our health care decisions.
13. $5 billion for border security is too expensive, but $1.5 trillion for “free” health care for illegals is not.
14. If you cheat to get into college you go to prison, but if you cheat to get into the country you go to college for free.
15. People who say there is no such thing as gender are demanding a female President.
16. It’s terrible when the President says that Puerto Rico’s politicians are corrupt, but it’s wonderful when Puerto Rico’s politicians are kicked out of office for corruption.
17. We see other countries going Socialist and collapsing, and it seems like a great plan to us.
18. Some people are held responsible for things that happened before they were born, and other people are not held responsible for what they are doing right now.
///The end.
“Panic leads us away from the control of God, and leaves us not only beyond our own control, but possibly under the control of other forces.
The only safeguard is abandonment to the Lord Jesus, receiving His Spirit, and obeying Him.”
— Oswald Chambers, 1915
More media BS story goes down in Flames!
Practical Things You Can Do to Help Yourself and Protect Others
Oh sure. What a great mechanism for Google to get its hands on even more user data and private information. Of course they’re willing to spend millions putting this together!
This is why VSGDJTPOTUS tweeted about this LIE
Read my post again. I disagree with POTUS.
Google is 100% against this administration.
I agree about Google but I’m happy this lie by CNN has been exposed and now I can go back to a lefty family member saying Trump lied about Google participating because of what Tapper stated on CNN. Don’t like it someone tells me Trump is a liar

The Media won’t report it so I will…
Out of the 320,000,000 Americans only 61 have died.
Out of the 61 who died almost 1/2 came from the same nursing home.
Out of the 61 who died almost all are 65-90 years old and had pre-existing health problems.
The Media is the virus.
Replying to @C_3C_3
And that nursing home in Washington is about 10 miles from the home of Bill Gates..
I Me Macca@IMeMacca
Replying to
@C_3C_3 and@bchapman151
And the Nursing home says they died of old age & natural causes?….with numbers nowhere near as high right?…
#Governmentlies #medialies
Replying to @C_3C_3 and @oldbaldeagle
That nursing home wasn’t just a nursing home, it was a care facility and housed many acute respiratory care patients.
Greg Boll
Replying to @C_3C_3
An Obama Holdover in an Obscure Government Arm Helped Cause the Country’s Coronavirus Crisis
An Obama Holdover in an Obscure Government Arm Helped Cause the Country’s Coronavirus Crisis -…
Who really decided to bring infected people to the United States?
Ok the part about the nursing home being close to Gates is chilling!!
Posted this over at the News RoundUp for you, PR – testing it here – 3X would not post over there
20 Home Remedies for Shortness of Breath
Akismet threw into spam!
Replying to @C_3C_3 and @GelicaAF
#GeorgeSoros is evil..#deepstate doing deepstate things!!
followed by a meme showing list of companies owned by Geo Soros in US and abroad, including WuXI Pharma Tech, Inc. and WuXI App Tech (WuHan)
C3’s tweet text:
The Media won’t report it so I will…
Out of the 320,000,000 Americans only 61 have died.
Out of the 61 who died almost 1/2 came from the same nursing home.
Out of the 61 who died almost all are 65-90 years old and had pre-existing health problems.
The Media is the virus.
Thanks Georgia… overlooked that text…………..
They already have blood of (how many?) on their hands. What’s a few tens of thousand more?

The Media is the virus. YES
Now that is telling.
Also the death count is different on every site
Thomas Delgado
Replying to @C_3C_3 and @ChrisZametz
So the question begs to be asked. Why are nursing home patients getting infected while the homeless with all their contractable lung illnesses have yet to contract this virus.
more comments from that stream…
Karen Cook @kayceeinva
Replying to @C_3C_3
Media also shud report those who have recovered!
Tony Floyd@realnaughtyguy
Replying to @C_3C_3 and @JessieJaneDuff
The media is using this as a false flag to take attention away from uncle joes dementia.
Mr. San Francisco@SFMetrogeist
Replying to @C_3C_3 and @OffensivelyHigh
This is only the beginning. If you report similarly chipper results one month from now, then I will concede to “only the flu” folks.
Heard healthcare worker (from Pakistan) brought it in…
On Tucker Friday, radio host warning about the virus wreaking havoc in the homeless camps. A homeless man was told he had the virus so he went and robbed a convenience store then jumped on a city bus.
I believe the National Guard is going to have to quarantine the mentally ill, they won’t do so voluntarily.
I get the feeling Michael doesn’t like Hillary very much.
TBOS 54: See who goes into this weeks Bowl……….
Already posted underneath PR’s post re: Sidney Powell above…for continuity.
I’m thinking’ this:
Q !UW.yye1fxo ID: 7f44ec No.119877
Jan 21 2018 21:12:19 (EST)
Q !UW.yye1fxo ID: 7f44ec No.119769
Jan 21 2018 21:05:55 (EST)
Not from WL.
[CLAS-N-DI_9] gg_dump [No Such Agency].
It does not technically exist as open-source.
The flood is coming.
Emails, videos, audio, pics, etc.
FBI accidentally deletes texts?
No Such Agency accidentally releases IT ALL>
Shall we play a game?
I like the way you think Nor’easter !!!!!!!!!!!!
Thank ((( PR ))) !

just a few thoughts………….
I think containment is the secret (actually is the solution to reduce flu deaths every year, but people can’t afford to stay home from work and events can’t cancel (I don’t think the Masters has ever cancelled, postponed… going to impact the CSRA significantly, actually up to the Midlands in Carolina and same in Georgia, in motel and food industries… the tournament is a tremendous BOOM to our area)…. I support everything our POTUS is doing, for reasons above the health and welfare of Americans.
Even though POTUS is doing far more than any president before wrt epidemics, he is being criticized… haters are like a sponge, they can’t hate him enough.
Shutting down everything (well, almost everything) reduces the risk of False Flags… schools will be closed, less transportation (subways, trains, buses) to be derailed…
And I truly think a huge number of people will be arrested… we may not here about some. As for the big names we all want, maybe not… who knows. A huge part of the Drug Cartels can be shut down and sent to prison. and on and on with positive happenings… I’m sure you all have thoughts on that too.
And it will mean medicines we Americans need will be manufactured at home, not by our enemy.
I do think there are other things afoot here….many moving parts.
Local schools just announced cancellation until at least 3/30. There is not a verified case in our county yet.
Yes Vol, I agree…
SC Gov McMaster just announced schools will be closed starting tomorrow, through the end of the month.
And we have two reported cases… one on the coast and on mid state… nothing in our area of the state.
Kyle Cheney@kyledcheney
JUST IN: Former Schiff staffer tests positive for coronavirus. Left Schiff’s office 10 days ago >>>
Kyle Cheney@kylecheney
Confirmed that the former staffer is Daniel Goldman, who led the impeachment questioning by the House Intel Committee.
The Reckoning Collision symbol@sethjlevy
Imagine my surprise that Goldman immediately turns his story into a political attack…
Quote Tweet
Daniel Goldman
· 1h
My difficulty in getting a test despite the exact symptoms and a neg flu test underscores how shockingly unprepared this administration is to deal with this pandemic. In fact, I was told that NYC hospitals STILL would not test my wife — with similar symptoms — unless admitted. 2/
Show this thread
Oookayyy…………….. y’all see why some are calling all the DIMs unwillingness to cooperate with POTUS, all the lies about what POTUS is NOT doing… why their are calling in Schiff’s 2nd Impeachment?
Geo webb picked up on that 3 days ago……….
gees…now fake test kits…
Federal officials intercepted a package at Los Angeles International Airport filled with vials labeled as COVID-19 test kits.
But they were fake.
“The parcel arriving from the United Kingdom this week was declared as purified water vials valued at nearly $200,” the Associated Press reported. “But when U.S. Customs and Border Protection inspected it they discovered the labels referring to the new virus that began in China and has spread globally.”
“The American public should be aware of bogus home testing kits for sale either online or in informal direct to consumer settings,” the customs agency said in a statement on Saturday.
I like that she used the word “persecution”
The Reckoning Collision symbol Retweeted

Sidney Powell Flag of United States
Replying to @realDonaldTrump
Thank you Mr. President, the persecution of @GenFlynn is an egregious injustice.
@FBI fully exonerated him of all things Russia by memo of 1/30/17. #Comey hid that & lied to you to create #obstruction hoax against you from 1/14/17 meeting. Explained at Sidney Powell | How to Fix Justice
Sidney Powell has practiced law for many years, primarily in the fifth U.S. circuit court of appeals. Support Hillsdale College: https://secured.hillsdale.ed…
I posted update in Flep’s Thread… gist is
SC Gov. @HenryMcMaster prepares to close all public schools beginning tomorrow, through the end of the month.
There is a link on Citizen Free Press to a story about Obama following a porn star on Twitter. (It doesn’t feel right to me to post the link on this day of prayer.)
Does anyone know if there is any way this could have happened by accident (like an underling doing it)? Anxiously awaiting breathless media coverage and a statementt by O…and Michelle O…
Was it a gay or tranny porn site?
Asking for the Wookie.
No, it’s a supposedly very popular porn star with obviously enhanced “assets” and a face for radio. Not the most feminine face, but I don’t think tranny.
It’s a “look! Squirrel” distraction. Tells me that he’s trying to deflect from the info coming out proving he’s not exactly the macho man the media portrays.
per 700WLw, Cincinnati, news conference with Gov. DEWINE (R) and medical authorities:
Only carryout food will be permitted at these places.
Governor Press Conference
Dumbest thing ever. Guess what will happen to the food supplies in the stores now?
I swear, every restaurant owner and employee should visit the gov’s office at the same time and surround the place. Pitchforks optional.
Per 700WLW, Cincinnati, news conference with Gov. DEWINE and medical authorities:
Gov.: his family ran bars and restaurants for decades. He understands how the order to close all bars / restaurants in Ohio will hurt these small businesses. He cites dire necessity.
Decision to close was tough.
Had to balance making a business run and potential for more people to have Wuhan/SARS2 coronavirus.
Had to balance increasing numbers of sick people with possible hospital overload.
Medical director:
People must now do social distancing. NO LONGER AN OPTION..
Positive test results pouring in.
Asymptomatic spread is now a huge danger.
First positive case in Ohio was February 7 — person was likely an asymptomatic spreader for 14 DAYS PRIOR.
Median age of cases in Ohio: 53 YEARS OLD.
HOSPITAL SURGE now feared in Ohio and all over U.S. ITALY is the example for the surge.
“Every day that we do more, we can blunt the surge.”
Likens the situation to a coming hurricane — EVALUATE, PREPARE, EVACUATE before the hurricane hits.
In a “MODERATE” outbreak in the U.S. of the virus — 200,000 ICU beds will b e required. But the beds available NOW are already 60% occupied.
Ventilators — 60,000 full service; 100,000 “old-fashioned” available country-wide.
National Guard will be setting up “tent hospitals” at some point. Think Spanish Flu.
I’ve been trying to reconcile “there are so many more flu deaths every year” with the serious, life-altering measures being taken now. Preventing hospital overruns seems like a valid concern. Limit the number of sick so there are fewer who need ventilators and so those who need them can access them. Prevent rationing of care, and stop the spread of this thing as soon as possible.
I suspect that store shelves are being cleared out due to fears of supply chain interruptions and of having to quarantine more than fears of actually getting sick. I could be wrong, but I don’t think most people are deathly afraid of the virus itself.
Exactly. M&M Sixpack normally buy groceries on Fri., but they’re hearing about shortages, runs on certain products, and fears of 2-week quarantines and even longer isolations. So, they do their shopping early on Tue., buying, not just for the week, but for an isolation, and extra on just about everything – just in case.
Staples that don’t spoil? Yeah, well, because they don’t know if, when or how long they might be isolated for. Toilet paper extras – absolutely. The last thing they want to do is deal with running out of that, only to find out that the store has run out, too. ‘Course, that can be solved by buying a couple dozen cheap face cloths and hearkening back to the days and procedures of washable diapers.
Logical result? Shortages, crowded stores and long lines. Not necessarily “panic hoarding”, as the media might like to have us believe.
Gov. making it clear that Ohio is working with SBA and local banks to make small-business loans available at very low cost / processing unemployment claims fast / making return of unused (safe if from a restaurant, etc.) food and other inventory fast and with proper credit given. Other financial hardship contingency plans are quickly being put in place.
Ohio public schools: 3-week closing with online learning LIKELY TO BE EXTENDED for an unknown time.
Employers in general: Get as many workers telecommuting as possible as soon as possible.
“Drastic action NOW to save lives.”
SHUTDOWNSEATTLE is trending? I can think of a few I’d want to shut down…
I just had to laugh when I saw the photo!!
Swedish Priest Accused of Smuggling Migrant Out of Detention in Suitcase
Steve Herman@W7VOA
Here’s the list of grocery executives that were on the Sunday afternoon conference call with
@POTUS, @VP, @stevenmnuchin1,@SecretarySonny and @larry_kudlow
Zoe, it’s an image, but list covers almost every food supplier in the country
Steve Herman@W7VOA
“Supply chains in the United States are strong, and it is unnecessary for the American public to hoard daily essentials,” says @WhiteHouse readout of @POTUS call with grocery executives.
Some humor:
That’s a hoot!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
AND now for some good news!! I’ll just post the headline if you all don’t mind.
Box Office Plunges to Lowest Level in Over Two Decades Amid Coronavirus Pandemic
LOLOLOLOLOLOL Sorry this just made my day.
So it’s safe to go to the movies.
When is the next James Woods film coming out?
Wishes do come true. (while Tom Hanks hides out in Australia).
I imagine the negotiated salaries of actors are done ahead of the film (many films are in “the can” for months and even years waiting to be released)…so it might not be a factor at this point. In other words , the so- influential proclamations of the so-educated script readers ..aka actors… aren’t stemmed quite yet, and now they have even more time in their hands to lead protests and issue even more sage thoughts for us peons.
I don’t know about all of you but I can hardly wait to hear what Cher has to tell us next…or Rob Reiner, et al.
My opinion on potential pardon by DJT for General Flynn…
It’s a sin that @GenFlynn has to be pardoned when it’s clear FBI/DOJ officials belong in prison for what they did to him, this country & you, @realDonaldTrump. Where is JUSTICE? @SidneyPowell1 @BarbaraRedgate @JosephJFlynn1
AMEN, Lady P!!!
^^^ DOJ and FIB must pay for what the injustice they levied on Gen Flynn and his family.
AND, injustices inflicted on President Trump, his family, his supporters, his staff…on and on.
Sarah Huckabee Sanders tweet: “President Trump tested negative for the Coronavirus.
And, apparently a US District Court judge from Hawaii has just overruled the Trump test results.”
Akismet threw into spam!
No, you were BS’ing ……………………..
Top official who claimed more than 100,000 coronavirus cases in Ohio now admits she was just ‘guesstimating’ – TheBlaze
Brian Cates //Flynn & Breitbart’s Army! Retweeted
Oh ffs.
She needs at LEAST fired for that, if not ARRESTED for spreading DID INFO in a time of NATIONAL EMERGENCY. Perhaps there is a provision in that NE that can STOP this propaganda once and for all, before people REALLY panic, and the riots and looting starts thanks to all the fear mongering. Methinks that this loon needs to made an EXAMPLE of.
I’m sure there are more examples. Federal Racketeering Charges sound about right.
Brian Cates has a THREAD on POTUS’ tweet and Powell’s response today wrt pardon
Whatever works, I guess. (sarc)
CSPAN – https://www.c-span.org/video/?470389-1/vice-president-pence-coronavirus-task-force-press-briefing
Lisa Mei Crowley Frog face Retweeted
Josh Cremeans “DirtyTruth”@AKA_RealDirty
Sunday morning futures with @MariaBartiromo
video thread.
Peter Navarro says the payroll tax code will be like a 7 1/2% raise the hard-working Americans. It will be like an extra check every three months.
Trump Twitter edging toward 74 MILLION followers – 73,998,991 – 4:46 pm
Around 4pm – Twitter subtracted about 1000 followers – their usual trick every time @realDonaldTrump twitter nears another million.
73,999,463 – 4:52 pm
73,999,744 – 4:55 pm
74,000,028 – 4:58 pm
Bravo, President Trump!!!
Huge! Good news.
Fed dropped interest rate by 1.0, now at .25
Buying $500Billion worth of treasuries
POTUS very happy, finally
trump, thanks for this.
YAY !!!
Retailers asked POTUS to tell America to slow down, relax. Stop buying like it’s Christmas. Making it hard to resupply.
What I thought was so nice is that my neighbors were calling me this morning asking if we needed everything and if we were ok.
Now that’s the American spirit I know and LOVE!
Well this is interesting…
Ohio and Illinois are officially shutting down restaurants and bars.
Cuz….China sweatshops are out of commission….NO other reason.
Maybe so. Lots of countries, primarily in Asia make tennis shoes.
Adam Schiff’s Impeachment Lawyer Daniel Goldman Contracts Coronavirus
Now this is a leader!!!
“Supply chains in the United States are strong, and it is unnecessary for the American public to hoard daily essentials,” the White House said in a statement announcing that President Donald Trump spoke with over two dozen grocery store and supply chain executives.
White House: ‘Unnecessary for Americans to Hoard Daily Essentials’
Italy: Coronavirus Death Toll Jumps 25 Percent; Exceeds 1,800
Top comment was telling:
Stop looking at Italy! I’m an Italian living in the US, and I can tell you without a doubt that we are an outlier. Not every country will have our experience because we are unique. Here are the reasons the death toll is much worse in Italy:
1. We have the oldest population in Europe.
2. We still have high percentages of people that smoke.
3. We are a very social people who does not social distance very well.
4. We are notoriously late to organize. We put things off to the last minute and always find loopholes in laws or orders. That can make us clever and sometimes it can result in dire consequences like this.
5. We have socialized medicine and a very disorganized and inadequate hospital system. Doctors are very much playing God and simply prioritizing younger patients and letting others die. Why? Not enough beds and respirators.
6. We were too late to close our borders. Booting Salvini was a disaster.
I thought that said it all!!! I was reading they are doing those death panels because they are running out of everything.
I would add a #7 being all the migrants and the Chinese who work in factories there.
Left out Italy being the only Belt and Road nation among the G7.
CJTRUTH Frog face@cjtruth
DEA arrests more than 600 in connection with Mexican drug cartel | Fox News
DEA arrests more than 600 in connection with Mexican drug cartel
Agents with the Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) made sweeping arrests across America on Wednesday, taking 250 members of a notorious Mexican drug cartel into custody — 600 in total over the…
Curfews? Seriously? How close are we to martial law now?
Just keep handing over more and more of your daily life to the government! Don’t question it!
I trust this president and his administration.
He has EARNED it the hardest way(s) imaginable. He won’t let us down, and we shouldn’t let him down.
I EXPECT your faith and trust, too, Sadie. You are one of us in this fight. When at war, sacrifices must be made before normalcy can be re-established. And make NO mistake, we are at war.
If curfews and martial law is required to beat what we are now faced with, then we do it.
Meantime, no one is confiscating your guns and frog marching you into a FEMA camp. And under this POTUS, no one will.
I appreciate that, FG&C. I said from the very beginning that I trust President Trump on this, and I don’t believe he would take drastic action unless there was damn good reason to do so. That’s the only reason why I’m not protesting this harder. If it were any other President, I’d be making plans right now on how to resist a trip to the local FEMA camp.
Still, it’s rather alarming to watch how much the government can shut down our daily lives, incomes, and our ability to travel and visit loved ones in less than a week’s time without ANYONE protesting. It’s a bad reminder of what happened after 9/11 where they stole all of our rights without resistance and we never got them back.
I really do appreciate the reminder. I needed this tonight. Thank you.
Newsim said he wants everyone over 65 to be quarantined. Also restaurants must limit occupancy, as well as theaters. Watch for prices to skyrocket, and no one can eat out bc of that plus the wait. We went to dairy queen yesterday. They closed the dining room and only have drive thru. 8 cars in front of us, 24 minutes to get a cone.
How long do you think people will put up with that? Pretty lousy service. They only had 2 people working.
I think businesses are using it as an easy way to cut staff or excuse closing stores.
Anons on /qresearch/ are wondering if this is meant to encourage illegals to go home before the census and elections. Everything is shut down, lots of under-the-table incomes have dried up, can’t apply for government relief if you’re working illegally (although I doubt that would stop California or NY from bailing them out). Come to think of it, the media has been oddly quiet this. Maybe they’re saving the “think of the poor illegals” talking points for next week.
They generally have illegal alien rallies around the country on May 1. Last couple years the numbers there have dwindled.
Next briefing is in the morning, Pence didn’t say what time
I’ve read people signed a petition and they are probably going to look into charging him.
Hmmm…hope so, kea – what they have done is inconsiderate and unconscionable.
Fully agree. Forgive the yahoo link but here is the story
Tennessee AG cracks down on men who hoarded thousands of sanitizer bottles amid shopper scare
Thanks, kea!
We go for the TP they go for the Marijuana!
Coronavirus Panic: Massive Lines in the Netherlands for Marijuana as Government Gives One Hour Notice to Close Coffeeshops
Saw an article that booze, dope, and guns are selling in CA.
Anybody else watching Maria this morning notice the Travel Agency ad promoting trips to Italy??

It sounds like someone from Fox is trying to bring scorn down her or make fun of her ethnicity, I’m assuming she’s Italian. Either way someone needs to be fired today.
Hollywood Could Lose Up To $20 Billion
Yup!!!! Oh happy day!!!
Now that’s just a gosh darn shame. Ain’t it a shame? Gee whiz. I’m all weepy.
I’d offer you a tissue but we got to horde them!
But fully agree!!!!
That what shirt tails are for!
They’re not exactly math whizzes nor the sports players so I’m figuring its going to take a week or two before reality slaps them in the face before they’re all shedding crocodile tears. The politicos on the other hand will respond faster when they realize that the clicking sounds there going to be hearing are all those pocket books being snapped shut.
LOL Yup!!!!
Miss Kea. I went to an active kennel for foxhounds today. They are the only ones who are certified by some english organization for fox hunt in socal but they hunt coyote. They adopt out the ones who are not interested anymore. There were 34 big foxhounds vying for my attention. I have 6 free foxhounds to choose from, but its like getting a stray. They need grooming, shots, spay/neuter, chip, teeth. Their teeth arent good bc of how they are fed. I guess its common. But they were all super sweet. Ages about 4-6. Now I can still get the treeing walker coonhound puppy, but I am 3rd on a list and I have to fly up, rent a car then fly back and still do all the same puppy shots etc. Its a bit of a quandry.
Oh wow!!!! SO many to choose from. How cool is that!!!!! So hard to choose just one!!!
“but its like getting a stray.” Hey I had to do that for mine and she has papers.
Wow getting that puppy. That’s a story for the ages. Let me know what happens!!!!
Yeah, it wont be born til end of next month, i can pick up mid june. Whatll be going on in the world then?
Btw on the foxhound, they feed them gravied food so they dont fight, but their teeth get bad. So theyre missing teeth. Ill have to do some expensive stuff at the beginning but they live bet 12-15 years.
Awwww!!!! gravied food wow I did not know that.
And steal your TP…
But it will be worth it. When those soulful eyes look at you!!
Got any good names picked out?
The foxhounds are all named and respond. Frosty and faust are those 2 I like. As far as the puppy goes I want a really good hunting name but it depends if I am offered a boy or girl.
frosty and faust!!! Too cute. Awwwwww take both foxhounds!!!
And a puppy.
Those crazy little wieners!
That right there (Hong Kong) is Exhibit A in why the Chicoms released the human-engineered Coronavirus with HIV markers into their own population.
They keep on truckin
Some history…..
From Patton’s famous pre-invasion WWII speech:
“One of the bravest men I saw in the African campaign was on a telegraph pole in the midst of furious fire while we were moving toward Tunis. I stopped and asked him what the hell he was doing up there. He answered, ‘Fixing the wire, sir.’ ‘Isn’t it a little unhealthy up there right now?’ I asked. ‘Yes sir, but this goddamn wire has got to be fixed.’ I asked, ‘Don’t those planes strafing the road bother you?’ And he answered, ‘No sir, but you sure as hell do.’ Now, there was a real soldier. A real man. A man who devoted all he had to his duty, no matter how great the odds, no matter how seemingly insignificant his duty appeared at the time.
And you should have seen the trucks on the road to Gabès. Those drivers were magnificent. All day and all night they crawled along those son-of-a-bitch roads, never stopping, never deviating from their course, with shells bursting all around them. Many of the men drove over 40 consecutive hours! We got through on good old American guts. These were not combat men. But they were soldiers with a job to do. They were part of a team. Without them the fight would have been lost.”
Red Ball Express!
The various versions of the system all include a number of trailer-mounted dishes and associated equipment. Details on exactly how the CCS functions are limited, but it is understood to be a jamming system that disrupts transmissions from enemy communications satellites. This could give U.S. forces valuable advantages on the battlefield by disrupting the ability of enemy units to rapidly communicate and share information using satellite-based systems.
“Testing sights”, eh?
I wasn’t the only person who caught that, I see…
Cousin Eddie!!
Abbott 2024!!
Why on Earth would there be a law to prohibit a beer truck from delivering something else once in a while? What would the rationale be?
One of millions of utterly stupid pointless laws that should be repealed.
Steve, Unions?
No rational reason. But as usual some dipshit is using the government to advance his own personal interest at the expense of others.
You’ve spawned a new concept…”dipshitery”.
One thing I wish the Constitution had in it was a prohibition against this sort of thing, but that will never happen.
I suspect the founders couldn’t anticipate the advent of aculturized amorality which is spreading amongst us like a cancer.
I have a different take on it…this particular sort of thing is a state law–and they deliberately did very little to constrain the states. In fact, there were states with established churches well into the 1800s, so even the First Amendment did not apply to the states, originally.
However, the fedgov passes plenty of bullshit laws like this too. I wish the commerce clause had simply prohibited states from erecting trade barriers against each other rather than letting the fedgov “regulate” commerce.
Steve, we are all shocked.
That was my first thought! I get some regs like how many hours driving at time – safety. And I get letting that go in an emergency. But the red tape and bureaucracy that this silly law examples … frustrating!
Cross country truckers used to refer to LA, AR, MO, and IL as the “iron curtain” because weight limits were less in these states than anywhere else–and it’s nearly impossible to cross the country without going through those states. (Through the UP and down Lower Michigan is generally impractical, especially if you’re taking a load from Los Angeles to Miami.)
For all I know, this is still true.
Cross posted in Corona thread. Link below from Steve Bannon’s War Room. Seems to be excellent infection data. Roll up numbers with break down in various geographic areas. Worth considering.
Good resource… Thanks Kal…………
Makes sense. Out on the farm, there’s a TON of social distance!
So many times, I can’t imagine how they come up with their bizarre ideas.
It appears to be a mix of psychological projection and accusing others of what she and the Leftist MSM does all day long.
I’m no defender of Faux News, but to read the things she said about Faux News and to pretend like it doesn’t apply a million times over to herself and Leftist MSM is indicative of a detachment from reality.
Rubin has really jumped off the cliff….I continue to be amazed at public figures I once thought were intelligent, reasonable professionals go into this mental derangement mode.
You would like people like her, AB Stoddard, Bill Krystol, George Conway, etc. would have the ability to look at the facts and accept them. But, it just keep doubling down and making total fools of themselves for all to see.
If I were in their shoes, I might not change my intense dislike for POTUS but I hope I would have the good sense to keep it to myself professionally.
Open Borders Communist Pope Pachamama has not done his Italian flock any good.
Are they deliberately loosing their elderly to make way for barbaric migrants? It is so sad.
8 weeks from today puts us at May 10th.
CDC source:
That means no school. Im going to fn pay for school but have him at home.
I can do it but the cost…. No family can just indefinitely keep kids at home. This isnt going to work. People will just…go out.
YES! THIS x 1000!!!
Gil – that CDC announcement specifically said it didn’t apply to schools, universities and businesses. Whatever that means
So I guess the stock market will be closed then.
Haven’t you heard? It was all sold out.
“!!NEW CDC guidance: No gatherings over 50 people for 8 weeks.!!”

Who will be the people-counters?
Volunteers or public officials?
If we see a gathering of 51 people, should we make a citizen’s arrest, or maintain social distance and virtue-signal against them from afar?
Chicago Mayor is unhappy with President Trump’s Coronavirus Task Force response:
Lightfoot is getting slammed for her own city management.
If that’s a photo of the Mayor, it looks as though she’s gone “all male”. I would ask “her” how she would improve on what’s being done…and not just pie in the sky wishes….actual plan.
Suggest she might consider cleaning up her own mess, first.
I was just going to ask, how many MURDERS have their been in Chicago during the same time, Mayor?
Per http://www.msn.com/
Just posted
The CDC now recommends that all events of 50 or more persons not be held for 2 months. “Details to follow.”
Well, then they just might as well close the grocery stores. Or put bean counters at the door. /S
Could Costco be considered an “event”?
Double drink: whenever Biden endorses PDJT
Drink up
Larry, Curly, and Moe at the retirement home…
Sorry – my bad
here’s the correct one. Cheers!
Anyone else listening to the communist and the senile one on CNN?
Tool and Fool?
Yeah, it was declared “boring” and family Feud is now gracing the screen.
Even “Family Feud”, hosted by the ghost of Richard Dawson, with the casts of “Married With Children” and “The Addams Family” facing off with each other would be more interesting.
Bonus points for the cast of “Dark Shadows” as a third contender…
(WV Holderby for the win…)…
Oh, well, see, there’s this family of skinny women with long hair…how they’ve made it to the bonus rounds is a mystery of the universe.
Probably this could explain why
(I wonder if the Bachs and their contemporaries had something like “Family Fugue” to keep them busy
Buxtehude couldn’t Handel it, I suppose…
Fool Time…
(with RBG as a last-minute replacement for the inimitable Heidi…).
I was about to ask. I’m not listening/watching. Any reports are welcome.
I’d rather go into the garage and pound myself in the balls with a hammer.
No need for extreme measures.
Of course not. Just commenting on the level of my interest and offering a comparison to same.
If a washed-up husk of a non-talented actrice babbling incoherently about politics and other subjects she does not and cannot comprehend makes you cry tears of laughter…
You should know you’re on the RIGHT and WINNING TEAM making America GREAT AGAIN!!!
I haven’t given an airborne copulation about the Dem race, other than sometimes admiring the dumpster fire, since it started.
Heh, heh…but those muppet grumpy old guys were at least being intentionally funny.
You mean a “flying fuck”?
Just in case it’s not obvious I switched the first letter so as not to be offensive.
Yeah. Well I throw that particular Anglo Saxon monosyllable out enough (I did so in the text of my exponential essay for instance) that every once in a while, just for comedic variety, I like to “hide” it in silly ways. Some people think I’m a prude doing this, but they’re ignoring the other fucking 99 percent of the time.
Alpha males…. Not to be confused with Creepy Uncle Joe and the Communist.
That’s the one!!! Hmm…wonder why the other cover hasn’t melted.
(Alas, the flames are photoshopped. But it’s still a good meme.)
Yep. I was gonna say, Photoshop covers a multitude of sins, and combustion byproducts
(Every time I see a dumpster like that I feel a brief (nanosecond) of guilt for when I used to, erm, deposit the gallon+1 quart of the results of my 280zx oil changes into a (similar, albeit unlighted) dumpster behind a 7-11 a ways away from where I lived… Goodness knows what became of that oil/etc. (and the “Z”, for that matter)…
Then again, YEARS earlier, we used to dump the oil into the CA storm drains…
And, wonder of wonder, there were bacteria that “ate” it, and made something useful of it (goodness knows what, but those deep sea vents have similar bacteria as well)…
And, oh, for the joy of topping up my R12 refrigerant… “watch out for the high side”…
DH said 10 minutes was more than enough….and I escaped upstairs from his yelling at the TV! LOL
I think I can count on no hands the number of previous SOS’s who would quote the Bible, let alone this verse.
GOD BLESS, Guide, Strenghten and Protect SOS Pompeo, VSG President Trump, his family, VP Pence, his family, the Administration, and the White Hats (and treepers) everywhere.
And may GOD vanquish and turn the Deep State, Black Hats, Antifa(s), and all malcontents, miscreants, and Satan’s tools both in the USA and the rest of the world.
Amen! It is so refreshing to have leaders who believe and acknowledge it.
C3 (@C_3C_3) Tweeted:
The Media won’t report it so I will…
Out of the 320,000,000 Americans only 61 have died.
Out of the 61 who died almost 1/2 came from the same nursing home.
Out of the 61 who died almost all are 65-90 years old and had pre-existing health problems.
The Media is the virus.
Shouldn’t that read “The virus is the media”, grammatically?
Asking out of boredom.
A grammar Nazi!
Word Crimes
*sniff sniff
Of interest
joe biden has coughed without covering his mouth twice so far
Let me know when his teeth fall out again.
That’s Nancy.
And as if either couldn’t afford Polk dent or implants
Just because we’re bored…implants are not always possible…have to have the right bone structure (often insufficient in older people). I strongly suspect that is the case with a Pelosi and mostly likely with Joe, as well.
If your teeth were taken out years ago the bone that cradled them erodes as it’s no longer needed. This is why we have iliac crests on our hips. (Not really but they are so convenient and accessible) Bone transplant then implant. Two ops but good outcomes.
For the second night in a row, Italian tenor Maurizio Marchini went out to his balcony in Florence – a town under complete lockdown – and serenaded the entire town.
As he put it: “Same stage, different song.”
Not all heroes wear capes…Red heartEarth globe americas
Caption this pic….
The intersection of Madison Avenue, CVS, and Asia.
Now smile. Betty your not smiling
Or not . No one will know
That rebellious chick in the middle sure is tall.
Glad this was a day of prayer
My understanding is that of 9 people to have seen the contents of that laptop, only 1 survives to this day.
ummm, 9 policemen, only one survives…
now it’s likely at least one FBI agent saw the contents, otherwise the laptop would not have been confiscated by the FBI… and then Lisa Page told Strzok (from phone messages) that McCabe had told her to pick up same and deliver to him… and we know McCabe sat on it for 3/4 weeks if I recall correctly…
So, we have no idea how many people have seen it. Oh, and there’s a rumor that NYPD made a tape of the video on it, and someone has it…
And I think that is where JA comes in to the picture
I figured all those NYPD “suicides” we’re related.
All those emails were/are on a server somewhere. The laptop isn’t needed.
What am I missing?
Common sense!
Here we go. My local county is now mandating that everything that isn’t a supermarket or pharmacy shut down.
Social media reaction on the local news pages is surprisingly red-pilled.
Thats insane. Except the “desr lesders” are exempted from everything. Betcha around the country THEY will go out in limos and escalades and be the only ones in restaurants or in social engagements. They will be happy to act like those in charge in soylent green. Eating the best food, etc. but telling US to eat people crackers.
I don’t see anything about local tax relief in these mandates. They’re still going to send a tax bill to business owners at the same time they’re banning them from conducting business. I hope the local businesses here tell them to get bent, but that’s probably expecting too much.
Team America, in Nashville! Mayor wants to close the bars, BUT let restaurants be open at half capacity.
Check this swampie connection.
Also this Sadie
Are they bugging out or being taken out?
Hopefully the latter…
Really weird speech from hanks
Yes, he really said this.
Here’s another hot mess:
It’s like idiot Olympics
They keep lowerering the barr
Looks like NV is getting serious about shutting down to stem Corona spread, hopefully stop it.
UNR – University of Nevada, Reno. All classes online for remainder of semester.
NV schools K-12 shut down for three weeks. local schools that links with spring break. Effectively four weeks shut down.
All Las Vegas MGM casinos, hotels to temporarily close
MGM Resorts International announced Sunday it is temporarily suspending operations at all Las Vegas properties “until further notice” effective Tuesday.
Casino operations are set to close Monday, followed by hotel operations. The company will not be taking reservations prior to May 1.
Schools closing as well until April where I’m at. My mom joked and said back in the day one always wanted the school to close but they expected a fire to do that not a virus.
If they want less then groups of 50 doesn’t that mean stores have to limit the amount of people inside?
And idiots are stocking up on tp.
Do they not realise that they will be under virtual house arrest with their spouses and kids.
Ffs. I’d be buying alcohol and not the hand sanitizer. Though after a couple of weeks I’d seriously consider drinking that
Wow Italy has how many Chinese living and working there? No wonder they’ve had so many issues. I had no idea.
Yep, that came up on here last week or the week before. Always worth a reminder, though.
I feel sorry for Italy’s Patient Zero, a Pakistani man who was a delivery driver for a ***Chinese takeaway*** (carry out) somewhere in northern Italy.
People were incandescent, but, he really isn’t Patient Zero, because someone — a colleague? — must have transmitted the coronavirus to him. Poor man.
I was just thinking about this as well.
Hope your doing well churchmouse
I’m fine. Thank you for asking, kea — much appreciated.
As my late grandmother would have said, I’m ‘mad at the world’ at all these freedom of movement restrictions.
This has now become effing ridiculous.
But yes I fully agree. Most people you talk in the store are saying this is ridiculous.
I hope that PDJT and our Prime Minister get the message SOON!
I have no worries about Trump. Its it MSM that is pushing this to the extremes. Even my Mom said to me if this was under Zero no one would bat an eye at it.
Your mother is absolutely correct.
I am concerned about lefty state governors — in at least five states — who are effectively CLOSING RESTAURANTS in their states. For pity’s sake! Takeaway only?
That’s more important than PDJT, because that affects people right now.
PDJT can’t do a lot about that unless he convenes a meeting of all 50 governors.
I do hope Prex (prognosticatasaurex) is right about the three-week threshold, not only in the US but also in England.
Fully agree!
Pretty interesting thread in this tweet
WOW! We can only hope!
Dr. McGregor really stretches your brain! Q “You are watching a movie.” If he’s got more than a theory that only 2 strands are on the virus, not 4, it fits with Wolf’s earlier timeline and high percentage recovering. This is worth digging on.
There’s some pretty far fetched stuff in there, but from 40000 feet….
A doctor who is bankrupt and has had his medical licence revoked might not be the best authority. His description on Twitter:
‘Bankrupted/Right to practice medicine removed by MedicalCouncilofNSW purely for blogging a “paranoid conspiracy” supporting Trump/Q.’
I pray that we do not see mass suicides at Easter weekend. And, it’s Good Friday, not Easter Friday, which is the Friday after Easter:
At this point, the only authority I’m trusting is the Good Lord and PDJT….but I have seen similar versions of this all evening…some with less farfetched theories than this. Still for the big picture….
We shall see.
Prayers that you and yours stay blessed and safe in the weeks to come (and beyond).
Thank you! The world is changing before our very eyes…on both sides of the pond. Blessings to you and yours as well
Thank you very much.
Very interesting
Wow. Off topic but this stuff is like that stuff from the movie alien
Alberta, Canada just closed their schools “indefinitely.”
DeBlasio just ordered all NY bars, restaurants, and movie theaters to close.
All those businesses can’t afford to pay their employees if they are closed.
This is turning into ‘Operation Kill the Economy’…rather than kill the virus.
I don’t see Americans sitting still for very long. (I was bored, then angry, first thing yesterday morning with all my freedoms still intact). They might be able to scare people for a little while but that’s gonna wear off fast. When People don’t work, they don’t get paid, they get hungry. Let’s see if and how quick big government can feed them. People will either be late or can’t pay their bills. Utilities shut off, evictions, credit ruined. Maybe we need this little exercise in socialism to teach the idiots it’s not a good idea?
How far is Dems 2wks paid leave gonna get people in a 30day quarantine? A lot of these small restaurants, auto repair shops, lawn crews, others, have workers that get paid in cash, usually under the table. If they don’t account for their work to begin with, how do they file for benefits? Dems in a bubble are only thinking about white collar workers. What a cluster!! Silver lining – will the illegals will go home?
America’s gonna get angry and rebel, especially if they see virus deaths staying low.
We’ll be seeing Abundance of caution vs big lie arguments. And of course they’ll say Trump overreacted, caused the panic, and crashed the economy.
If they continue in their current trajectory, I’m talking establishing limits not virus, then deaths by riot and home invasion will far exceed anything this virus is capable of doing but of course CDC’s hands will be clean. I fully expect the President will provide a common sense talk to Governors as how to approach and use CDC guide lines. The onus will be on them. Governors should in turn pass that message down unfiltered to mayors if they are smart.
Personally, I think the CDC’s new guidelines are an attempt to damage the economy and here’s why.
No where in CDC’s guide lines does it recommend wearing a mask to protect others. It does mention the 6 foot danger zone, but never recommends how that zone might be narrowed to a lesser distance to decrease spread. Here’s what they say when you click the link to social distancing
“The best way to prevent illness is to avoid being exposed to this virus.
The virus is thought to spread mainly from person-to-person.
Between people who are in close contact with one another (within about 6 feet).
Through respiratory droplets produced when an infected person coughs or sneezes.
These droplets can land in the mouths or noses of people who are nearby or possibly be inhaled into the lungs.”
CDC guide lines only talk about wearing a mask to protect oneself, not others. Wrong way to think if they want to minimize spread. All their minimize spread recommendations deal with canceling events, sending people home, not gathering. Right now they allow for up to 50 people gathering. No mention of masks. When the reported numbers go up as we know they will, numbers that well could be exaggerated, will they next lower the number to say 10 and recommend stores and business’s to be closed next?
Why not recommend a mask, or any face covering to protect others when the mask has the potential to narrow the 6 foot zone to a safe 2 feet or closer as long as it is blocking the major respiratory droplets from spreading into the air. You can watch any video in any hot zone and see masks are mandatory. Yet we can see many of the people are wearing cheap masks that would not be considered safe from letting the virus in. So why are masks mandatory. Simple answer is it protects others.
Another thing the CDC does not mention is building up and maintaining a healthy constitution through a balanced diet or vitamin regimen. Not a whiff of it. Why not?
Personally I’m looking at the CDC right now as wanting the virus to enjoy its life while its around why they appear to be doing the right thing, economics be damned and you can well guess the reason.