20200316: COVID-19/ Coronavirus/ WuFlu, Daily Thread

For the time being, given our national emergency, we are switching to DAILY COVID-19 threads instead of weekly threads. Your comments and updates are most welcome. PLEASE continue to include your valuable information on these Daily Threads. Additionally, within these Daily Threads, we will try to include links to government and official pressers, so those who no longer have cable can remain informed.

We’ll get through this crisis, together. As a group, there is no one better prepared than we are.

March 16, 2020: “We’re going to be backing the airlines. It’s not their fault. It’s no one’s fault, really, ……… unless you go to the original source.” (Which would be CHINA!!)

For our newcomers: The Q Tree community has been diligent in covering the threat of Coronavirus, COVID19, Wuhan FLU. We started accumulating information about this virus in mid-late January, in what became almost weekly threads. We’ve been weeks, if not months, ahead of MSM outlets to vet rumors and other medical papers, etc.

Primary Update Links:

In our past weekly threads, we assembled information on the following:

  • Primary update links. The dashboard from Johns Hopkins which counts “official” cases all over the world, the CDC, and WHO, and includes the links for our past threads.
  • Hard Data Medical Information- Explanation about testing, reliance on China for drugs, analysis of NE Journal of Medicine results and other published papers.
  • Vaccine and theraputics (new/old drugs to alleviate symptoms) news and updates 
  • Trump Administration response (the timeline and links to various agencies)
  • China Responses, timelines, research, attempt to cover actions, or secrecy in results discovered.
  • An aggregate of info/responses from other countries, listed by country.
  • Economic impact from around the world. A change in economic activity will indicate a “return to normal”.
  • Speculation/debunking on how the virus started
  • Media Bias, political response, and debunking section, like the article from AP News, overt bias from Politico, inflammatory headlines, etc.  
  • Other medical info to boost immune system, herbal remedies, ways to keep your house clean and NOT spread the virus to others. Excellent information to incorporate into daily lifestyle.
  • Hard links for OTHER valuable sources/blogs and a brief sentence or two about what they provide
  • Other news items

Our weekly updates. timelines, collection of valuable information, can be found here:

Please try to keep your sense of humor during this National Emergency, and remember, patience is a virtue.

Love to all!

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Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Picking up some interesting factoids in lib-land….


Are they all smokers??

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

I think that’s an excellent question. I suspect that many of them are. But I also saw a young European athlete in a coma because of it, and I doubt he was a smoker. So it still hits some people for weird reasons, I think.


Yeah, I never mean it to cast judgment, but there is such a wide discrepancy of health within age groups. It is just really hard to compare the other countries to us, or even our urban areas to our rural areas with illnesses when so little is known about the virus itself.
Like you, Wolfie, I want the daily pressers to start addressing (As soon as they have data) whether those who recover are still carriers and/or contagious.

Concerned Virginian

“Scientists say they’ve identified 2 strains of COVID-19”
Granted, the paper was published by the Chinese Academy of Sciences, AND that the victims studied are all Chinese,so independent research must be performed. However, the paper does say that 2 strains of the Wuhan Coronavirus were found: one, of 70% of the victims studied had a more virulent strain, called “L”; and the second strain, called “S”, affected the other 30%. The paper states that the second strain is less virulent.
However, the Spanish Flu Pandemic of 1918-1920 developed three strains, the second of which was very virulent AND attacked people of all ages, killing quickly.
And there are more reports of younger people testing positive for the Wuhan Coronavirus. Whereas one may assume that people over 65 can have a higher instance of underlying health problems (which would render these people more susceptible to getting the virus, and to have more severe cases of it) — the OPPOSITE is more likely true of people under age 50, and ESPECIALLY people under age 40: that they have a LOWER CHANCE of having multiple underlying serious health problems.
Point is: perhaps what we are seeing is the second strain of the Wuhan Flu gaining a “toe-hold”.
And that the Wuhan Virus may well be continuing to mutate.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Yes – I think there is much strain uncertainty, AND there is a question of order of release / mutation / number of strains released and/or mutated, AND there is a question of Chinese disinformation in research or in the released data, which IMO is beyond doubt.
What I hope to see is data which is almost exclusively from OUTSIDE of China, or Chinese data which was RIGOROUSLY tested for DECEPTION and WITHHOLDING OF INFORMATION.

Steve in Lewes

Facts in lib-land – Hell will freeze over before that ever happens!
Typical lib rationale, cite one incident and proclaim something that has never been said, i.e. “only killing the old and infirm.” Utter bullshit!
First his dear friend ain’t dead.
Old and infirm are more susceptible, doesn’t mean that they are the only ones that die.
NYT dude – “Why are NYC bars and restaurants still open?” Because they employ thousands of people and contribute to the economy.
My better question – Why is the NYT still open; they contribute nothing!

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

This person is worth watching on Twitter – serious, cynical, and finds GREAT stuff.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Repeating this here, because things are getting very generational, and the “boomer remover” is now a thing….comment image


I consider the “boomer” ridicule to be an Alinsky tactic that is appalling. “Boomer remover” is an example of how these things evolve. This is how the public gets used to the idea that some segments of society are dispensable and that rationed care could be justified. And they are justifying casting of blame without regard to facts, with no respect or value for those who are different from them, and (for anyone on the Right doing this) without realizing that they are using a leftist tactic.
Neon Revolt makes fun of “boomers” all the time, and anyone who calls him on it gets ridiculed. He has some good insights, but quite often comes across as an immature baby, IMO.


NR has evolved into a blithering idiot IMO. What started well, is ending horribly with his massive ego overtaking any positives by far. He’s made it all about him and his beliefs because it is “his” forum. Pride goeth before the fall, which is in full display since his book. His usefulness to the movement is about over. His anti-any generational/cultural group (like BB) and anti other faith based groups (only his supposed Greek orthodoxy is right – lmao!) is absurd. Moved on from that guy,


Interesting … I just unfollowed him last night on GAB. I was appalled at what he was saying about Boomers.


I have seen it used by younger Catholics on Twitter. They blame older people for the state of the Church. Very disappointing.
I have also been ridiculed for being a grandparent and having gray hair. And this from men in their late 30s and forties.


I agree. I have also tired of his whining when Q posts something that is merely encouraging and not earth-shattering. It’s not all about you, Neon Revolt.


I find it very insulting and I am not a boomer. I heard matt gaetz use the term and it sounds derogatory.


Yes and you wont melt over it either. Im the forgotten one…gen x.

Barb Meier

Where I work things are still shaking out. A team near me was talking Friday about spreading out working hours so there are fewer of us in the same place and time. Shift work for those who must be on site. I thought that is a good idea. I work among the crowd whose international and domestic travel has been shut down except for mission needs from today until May 11th. That’s for two months. Stay safe and don’t forget to wash your hands. 🙂

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Very useful:

comment image


The additional factor breakdown helpful.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

WOW. This is getting big.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

I think the estimated rebound will happen. Econo-Intel-Chick or whatever her name is thinks it will be a sharp reversal upswing. Probably huge hiring, if that’s right.

Gail Combs

I agree with her.
1. People are NOT going to want to buy anything made in China.
2. US vulnerability to China supply line has been highlighted to CEOs
3. President Trump is going to push HARD to get medical supplies made in the USA.
4. The Fed has lowered the interest rate and printed more money to loan out.


Going forward, I WILL go out of my way to buy American AND damn sure NOT ChiCom.
– Guessing tens of millions of Americans are over the top pissed at what ChiCom has inflicted on America. – Globally, the same.
President Trump will accelerate disengagement from ChiCom on a massive scale. America First. America sourcing. Followed by, sourcing anywhere but ChiCom.
Recalling what I’ve read of Gunner’s intelligence, initiative, being actively sought out, betting he’ll have nice employment offers.
In one to three months as ChiCom-19 fades, the American will BOOM. Pent up demand, good weather and a host of positive factors will have our economy booming!
President Trump is masterfully managing ChiCom-19 impact on America. President trump is navigating the response a national scale AND I think, “influencing” State responses to a large degree. National responsibility. Allowing States Rights, while deftly influencing them, State actions. Can sense this, not necessarily see it. This includes County and City.
All of this much to the chagrin of MCM AND National D-Rats. State based D-Rats largely positive with President Trump. Even Inslee will come around IF he hasn’t already.


Daughn, is your sons college completely closed? My son goes to OSU and they were on Spring break last week which they extended another week with the remainder of the semester being all online classes. Now concerned if his summer internship will still be happening. He still has one more year to complete because he changed majors mid-stream. He lives off campus in a little house we own so at least we don’t have to worry about that extra expense though. He and his buddies had a corona-virus party last night, with Corona beer, lol.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy


Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy


Deplorable Patriot

So, I need to take a trip to the safety deposit box and put a few rolls away?

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy



Quaran Teens….! hahahaha

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Helpful advice from Scott:

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

In that vein, I’ve already seen Chi-bots with American cover shilling CCP talking points. BEWARE – don’t engage unless you’re skilled in the art of blowing their cover, and if so, be prepared to be a hard target.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

I thought you might be ready!!! 😎

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Trying to find latest account. If I see again, will let you know.


This was the push both my daughter and daughter in law needed to start homeschooling. Makes me smile.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy





Hilarious !!!!!


Wow — what fun and a nail biter!! I was hoping at first someone would overtake the aqua one and it finally happened — then the aqua marble worked hard to make a comeback. When aqua got back in front, I cheered for him the rest of the way!! Great Race!🤓


Comparing GA and FL coronavirus cases:
1. GA – where the cases are largely centered around Atlanta (and likely air travel) the age differential between adults over 18 and seniors is about half and half. Of note, a group of 6 in Albany/Dougherty county, could be related to travel or military base there.
See pie chart and county map – https://dph.georgia.gov/georgia-department-public-health-covid-19-daily-status-report
2. FL – where the cases are mostly (likely cruise line) travelers – there seem to be more seniors – 4 or more of the Broward cases worked for a company that serviced the cruise lines. Scroll down to list at bottom: http://www.floridahealth.gov/diseases-and-conditions/COVID-19/index.html
So far, no virulent spread in either state. However, the next couple of weeks will tell us.


…a lot.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

A hugely important thread from yesterday, repeated. “They” tried to get Trump to NOT stop travel early.
I think it was a SET-UP!!!

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy


Rather simplistic thought here.
Academia and studies in general create results based on funding source OR desired outcome.
President Trump as pointed out is results oriented, employs common sense, his instincts and he admittedly “trusts” few folks. All of this serves him and us exceedingly well.


Great thread.
“Academic model” was straight up propaganda.
“Don’t do it b/c our computer model says this”
People don’t realize how corrupt science has gotten. Remember, I was there in academic for 15 years.
SICK how they try to stick Trump as “anti-intellectual”. Actually, Trump is results oriented. He wants OUTCOMES.
FAKE ACADEMICS stopped doing OUTCOME based scientific inquiry years ago.
“Dangerous game academia has played over the past 20 yrs… when academia becomes partisan, when even science in academia becomes partisan w.r.t. funding and advancement being subject to PC litmus tests, academics lose influence with those they should otherwise be advising.”
“Well said. The mix of science lite and NPR culture has popularized this quasi data driven approach to life.”


Started in 1973 when the LBGTXYZ stormed the APA conventions to demand perverse lifestyles be taken off the list of DSM pathologies.


In addition to $ corruption, science has become corrupt as the cultural values have become situational. She has “her truth” and they have “their truth” and I have “my truth.” What an ingenious way to subvert a country. 😶


And subvert science! Science is founded on critical realism. Once subjectivism is accepted, the entire project falls apart. True science is reality based, not based on our desired projections on reality.
You are right it is all about subversion. Once people start accepting subjectivism they’re ripe to believe anything. The entire post-modern project was to destroy cultural foundational worldviews – they said as much! Lies stacked on lies.

Gail Combs

In NC, at least five, and with this new case, six cases are related to a Boston conference that employees of Biogen in the Triangle attended.
March 4 – NC one in Raleigh Wake County.
March 6 – NC second case Chatham County.
March 10 – 7 cases five new patients attended a Biogen conference in Boston.
March 13 – 16 CASES REPORTED all over state.
March 14 – 26 cases with one more from the Biogen conference Among the new confirmed cases is a teacher at Fuquay-Varina Elementary School.

….Gov. Roy Cooper announced Saturday he had signed an executive order requiring public schools to be closed until March 27 and stopping mass gatherings of more than 100 people. The order came after the number of cases of COVID-19 statewide rose Saturday to at least 26.
In response to Cooper’s order, Bishop Luis Rafael Zarama canceled all weekend Masses in the Roman Catholic Diocese of Raleigh until further notice. He also ordered that the diocese’s schools be closed for two weeks.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy
Gail Combs

Yeah, that is NOT going to go over well. No sports and NO BOOZE to drown your sorrow in?


She may be right – guns and booze – have resulted in shootings and stabbings every single weekend* in the ghetto honky-tonks since I was a little girl. *(and more illegitimate babies)
There were lots of jokes about it.


There have been FOUR shootings in the Lenox Square Atlanta parking lot in the last month.


Very sad. When I was a young girl that was an upscale place to shop. Who didn’t see all of this coming? ATLANTA????


At least Atlanta shut down the Freaknik thing.
Dayton OH had a violent street riot when they shut down the university last week. That’s possibly why they have put National Guard on stand-by.


That will definitely be challenged, of course. Hate to be so darn catty, but just look at her! Enough said.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

LOL! So true. If introduced to her, I’d be tempted to ask “Oprah book club, or communist librarian?”

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy
Deplorable Patriot

Monogrammed and all.


🙄 Cuz nothin’ says *you’re special* like your elite first aid kit.

Deplorable Patriot

Alright, I’m sitting here giggling over the elite first aid kit.
When I was young, as in less than 10, the first aid maven at school was a mom who was…rough. I mean rough. In her own way, she was a caring woman, but this woman was morbidly obese before we knew what that was. Blue polyester double knit WAS her wardrobe. She drove a late 1960s “white” station wagon that on a quiet day you could hear it rust. She smoked like a chimney, and always had her cigarettes rolled up in a sleeve.
She was also the Girl Scout leader, and as such maintained a first aid kit that EMTs at the time envied. You name it, it was in there. And the people who were, shall we say, the socialites…watching them ask for help was pretty funny now that I think about it.
And then there was the incident with the canoe…my sister and I still howl over it. We were at one of the big camps west of here for the day. She was sitting in the stern, cigarettes rolled up in the sleeve, gold rimmed aviator sunglasses on her nose and somebody pushed her into the lake without a counter balance and when I say that canoe went end over end…at least she came up out of the water laughing.
Sorry, needed that laugh today.


LOL LOL great story, DPat. You described her so well I can see her 🥰 The oddest people generally have one saving grace – too bad we can’t send her to treat the Dem mucky mucks catching the virus. Elite indeed 🤣

Deplorable Patriot

She passed away some years ago. The obesity eventually did catch up with her. But, when it came to the Girl Scouts and her, all you had to do was ask. It was her passion.


I have fond memories of being a Brownie and Girl Scout, and our leaders. We really looked up to them. With good reason!

Deplorable Patriot

My experiences with the Girl Scouts were not the best, TBH. But Mrs. F….there’s so much material there.


So glad to not live in a large population center. The attitude of folks is simply night and day.

Deplorable Patriot

No rhyme or reason, but it’s the same where ever you go. I couldn’t get ground beef on Saturday at one store, and another didn’t have my blend. Fresh meat was just GONE. Soup and broth the same. Just weird. Even snow storms don’t get this level of shelf emptying.


Yep, no excuse for bad behavior. None. A ramble…
– Snow storms are typically short duration and folks are out and about. Really minimal impact. Barely a ripple in logistics. Localized and to some degree regional.
– Hurricanes sort of the same, except areas devastated. But Feds and State roll in and logistics gets everyone back on their feet.
– Earthquakes or tornadoes, more localized that hurricanes, but NO or little notice.
– ChiCom-19 National scale. Has folks potentially looking at two weeks quasi self isolation. Unheard of in America. A new mind set. Many never considered. So many unknowns. But, really no different than planning ahead for the unknown. Common sense? Skip probability. Possibility matters.
– – Same logic many folks own guns. Many folks carry a gun. Possibility, preempts probability.
– – Old farts like me, thinking easy enough to “stay away” from shopping. Planned ahead. A prepper of sorts, kept nice depth of stuff for admittedly ill defined unknown, popping on no notice. Early or mid Feb started to ramp up. Slowly, but methodically, the breadth and depth of “stuff” stocked in home. My warped version of common sense. Started prepping nearly twenty years ago…working years. Realistically when I transitioned from, pay check to pay check living…thirty or so years ago.
Americans are too complacent. Warning signs were out there IF they chose to pay attention. And, ACT.
All of that said, I do empathize with folks on limited budgets and place to store stuff. With exception of chilled/frozen, storage generally can be over come.
On the positive side, we’ll all get through this, and be better for it. Hopefully the turmoil will peak in a month or less. Subside a few weeks moar and we’ll flourish as never before. Yea, optimistic in the midst of ChiCom-19.

Deplorable Patriot

If I hadn’t been sick all week last week, I wouldn’t have gone into the store this weekend. But I was and my appetite is off, so things are different right now.


DP, certainly not intended as a dart for you. Apologies if it came across that way. I do realize an obstinate bug has been nagging you for awhile. I think anyway.
Just general comments on America. America can be fragile at times. Day to day, it is OK for us to rely on “the system”, but our need to be moar self reliant at times is reasonable. We’ll be better for this crap ChiComs have inflicted on us.

Sue Mcdonald

Daughn our Wal-Mart was totally nuked by Friday afternoon. It was complete chaos.there closed now till they can restock.but Safeway was stocked, exception was tp
On another note my oldest daughter is a nurse in PA she works on the cancer floor and she went on a rant about people stealing the masks and wipes and even the tp out of the waiting area.she said they had to put even the hand sanitizer under lock and key along with the bathroom being locked.she was very upset at the behavior from people.like she said how can we help there loved ones when the supplies are being taken.she also said her cancer patients are very worried about getting the virus as they already are compromised.


Cookie aisle looks like a MOAB went off. Baking aisle is fine. Time to MAKE cookies for the kids, folks.
^^^ Walking into local Smith’s supermarket late last night. Wiping down my cart. Over heard a couple young teen girls reminding their Mom, “we need M&Ms, Oreo’s….
Throughout the weeks, have NOT seen rude shopping or crazy behavior. Sales higher than Christmas, but folks good nature showing in these parts.
Earlier in the ChiCom-19 warm up, mid-Feb or so. We bought up plenty of baking stuff, just in case. At the time, baking area was largely picked over. As pointed out above, I did notice baking stuff in stock. While convenience stuff largely gone or seriously picked over.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Love that you’re calling it ChiCom-19. That will burn for a long time. MAKE IT SO.


Read ChiCom-19 the other day. Don’t recall where, but it fits perfectly. 😉


Part of the reason there is such a panic among younger people about this thing is they don’t know how to DO anything.
They can’t bake bread, they can’t cook meals, they don’t slice cheese for sandwiches (knives are sharp and scary!), They don’t understand that Kleenex is the same as toilet paper with a different shape. They understand hamburger helper, but not grilling a steak. They couldn’t bake a chicken on a bet.
It’s just pitiful really. I’m am REALLY hoping this crisis will bring about some learning about REAL LIVING.


Daughn do you mind cobbling together a few of your thoughts on this Fed rate cut?

Deplorable Patriot

Can I imagine what the Walmart people in Bentonville are doing? Sitting in their Lotuses crying. As soon as Sam Walton died, I understand, the pretty sports cars started appearing. And all I could think of as I walked past a couple was Lotus?

Gail Combs

I hope they are house broke…
And yes the mini-ponies (Shetland Stud book) are used as guide animals for the blind and are hose broke. They even wear little sneakers so they do not scratch the floor! Donkeys are smarter and neater than ponies BTW.
Unlike guide dogs, ponies can live into their thirties and even forties, so they make a good guide animal for people with a large yard.comment image


If it seems like there’s a double standard on response, it’s because there is.
The first double standard is that Dems get a pass, Republicans get the blame.
The second double standard is that Trump knows the first double standard, so he’s doing everything he can to prevent this up front. So right now the 2020 response seems disproportionate to the 2009 response, looking only at the surface data available right now.
Complicated business, folks . . .


VP Pence announced at yesterday’s briefing – There will be a White House briefing this morning and this afternoon.
He said they will be outlining new guidelines.


Here is yesterday’s task force briefing:


FL – http://www.floridahealth.gov/diseases-and-conditions/COVID-19/index.html
FL MAP –comment image

GA – https://dph.georgia.gov
GA state/county map and stats – https://dph.georgia.gov/georgia-department-public-health-covid-19-daily-status-report
They did not, however, denote as FL did, whether the cases were travel-related.
I would love it if each QTreeper who has time would post the data from their state health departments and maybe the state where their parents or children are living.
Then we could get an accurate picture of the spread, virulence and the factors behind the spread.


As we proceed – at least hospitals and doctors offices now are REQUIRED to report cases to their State Health Department and the CDC.
That means we will have more accurate data since the implementation of the National State of Emergency and the new increased testing.

CM in TN

Numbers are all over the place. Monitor a few you listed. Worldometers, if they can keep evil doers from infecting their data is my primary.
NV doesn’t seem to have a site with data roll ups. Moar of a running narrative with cases, some information on each case and information announcements of interest on varying levels, State, County and City. Overall, informative and useful for locals so far. Link below.

Sue Mcdonald

Just saw stats for Oregon on news ,we have 37 positive cases and 1 death ,an elderly man.
I have 1 child in Las Vegas ,1 daughter in PA ,my other 3 children and my mother live here in Oregon.

Concerned Virginian

North Carolina:
Number of infected persons: 33 as of today.
Counties involved:
Wake County (Raleigh) has the most cases, at 11 there.
As of yesterday: there are 45 confirmed cases, with 10 in the hospital.
Health Districts involved:
Peninsula: 8
Fairfax: 10
Loudoun: 5
Virginia Beach: 4
Prince William: 3
Alexandria: 2
Rappahannock: 1
Piedmont: 1
Central Shenandoah: 1
Chesterfield: 1
Fairfax / Arlington / Loudoun / Alexandria — are all in the DC area or within a 50-mile drive of it. Alexandria is an Independent City in Virginia so it has its own separate Health District.


Thanks, CV – what conclusions can you draw from this? Anything jump out at you?

Concerned Virginian

What jumps out at me:
The Wake County cases in NC are almost all related to people who attended the BIOGEN CONFERENCE in BOSTON the last week of February.
In breaking news in NC, it appears that 2 new cases of the virus will be confirmed today, making the NC total 35 by the end of the day.
It appears that outside of the Wake County cases, the other NC cases are either “community-spread” or from other travel — the Chatham County case first traveled to the nursing home in WASHINGTON STATE (epicenter of the cases there), then to GEORGIA, where he infected a woman there, then back to NC.
The Virginia cases in Loudoun / Alexandria / Arlington / Fairfax are clustered around the DC SWAMP drive area. The other cases are further away from these areas.
The Peninsula Health District in Virginia includes Williamsburg / James City / Newport News.
In neither state can I find so far, any breakdown as to the ages of the infected persons; nor have I seen a breakdown as to any underlying medical issues with the infected persons.

Steve in Lewes

Thought I’d drop a little humor…it’s getting tense. Sit back, relax, laugh, and stop freaking out already.


😀 I tend to curse like a sailor effing this effing that when I get anxiety-stress….this might get moderated…
fuckety fuck ! sorreee

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

LOL! Hey, I’m droppin’ F bombs, too.

Deplorable Patriot

I’ve posted this a few times here, and posted it liberally on FB over the weekend. Here are some PRACTICAL steps to take to avoid contracting this bug while we wait for spring, sun, and temperatures over 80 degrees to kill it for us. (Yes, that means go outside and put your face to the sun when it peeks out from behind the clouds.) It comes from the dear lady who organizes our Eucharistic Adoration day. Wonderful older woman. Her son sent it to her.
BOTTOM LINE (as Gail recommended months ago): when returning home from crowds, etc., strip and take a HOT steam shower, gargle, clean the sinus passages, and put on CLEAN clothes.
From member of the Stanford hospital board. This is their feedback for now
on Corona virus:
The new Coronavirus may not show sign of infection for many days. How can
one know if he/she is infected? By the time they have fever and/or cough
and go to the hospital, the lung is usually 50% Fibrosis and it’s too late.
Taiwan experts provide a simple self-check that we can do every morning.
Take a deep breath and hold your breath for more than 10 seconds. If you
complete it successfully without coughing, without discomfort, stiffness or
tightness, etc., it proves there is no Fibrosis in the lungs, basically
indicates no infection. In critical time, please self-check every morning
in an environment with clean air.
Serious excellent advice by Japanese doctors treating COVID-19 cases:
Everyone should ensure your mouth & throat are moist, never dry. Take a few
sips of water every 15 minutes at least. Why? Even if the virus gets into
your mouth, drinking water or other liquids will wash them down through
your throat and into the stomach. Once there, your stomach acid will kill
all the virus. If you don’t drink enough water more regularly, the virus
can enter your windpipe and into the lungs. That’s very dangerous. Please
send and share this with family and friends. Take care everyone and may the
world recover from this Coronavirus soon.
1. If you have a runny nose and sputum, you have a common cold
2. Coronavirus pneumonia is a dry cough with no runny nose.
3. This new virus is not heat-resistant and will be killed by a temperature
of just 26/27 degrees. It hates the Sun.
4. If someone sneezes with it, it takes about 10 feet before it drops to
the ground and is no longer airborne.
5. If it drops on a metal surface it will live for at least 12 hours – so
if you come into contact with any metal surface – wash your hands as soon
as you can with a bacterial soap.
6. On fabric it can survive for 6-12 hours. normal laundry detergent will
kill it.
7. Drinking warm water is effective for all viruses. Try not to drink
liquids with ice.
8. Wash your hands frequently as the virus can only live on your hands for
5-10 minutes, but – a lot can happen during that time – you can rub your
eyes, pick your nose unwittingly and so on.
9. You should also gargle as a prevention. A simple solution of salt in
warm water will suffice.
10. Can’t emphasis enough – drink plenty of water!
1. It will first infect the throat, so you’ll have a sore throat lasting
3/4 days
2. The virus then blends into a nasal fluid that enters the trachea and
then the lungs, causing pneumonia. This takes about 5/6 days further.
3. With the pneumonia comes high fever and difficulty in breathing.
4. The nasal congestion is not like the normal kind. You feel like you’re
drowning. It’s imperative you then seek immediate attention.

Deplorable Patriot

I also am now recommending – especially if you get the flu – to wash with an anti-bacterial soap. Dial is great for this, For those of us with curves that need to be cleaned out, this is helpful in avoiding extra skin infections. Trust me.

Steve in Lewes

I would also suggest Safeguard™ Classic Beige bar soap. I had minor foot surgery a few months back and the Doctor recommended I wash with Safeguard for two weeks before surgery. I did and haven’t stopped using it ever since. Leaves no residue and smells good too!


I agree…Safeguard is excellent antibacterial soap.

Deplorable Patriot

My mom always sent us off to camp with Dial. That’s why we stick to it. Although, my dad has a thing for Irish Spring. I had switched to goat’s milk with rosemary and peppermint, but wanted to be sure this bug wasn’t going to make a mess of my skin.

Steve in Lewes

More sanity for your reading pleasure…Coronavirus By The Numbers!


what a cluster….the crud is taking over Broward County (Florida) and Miami-Dade…HOT RED zones…and over here in Collier (Naples), 2 new cases overnight..up to 5 in Naples now…
in just 2 weeks, Florida has soared from zero cases to almost 150 (146 now), mostly south Florida…
Gov DeSantis is on it…thank GOD we have a wonderful Gov…community spread in Broward…I don’t have the stats/links yet for what’s “travel related” vs spread…almost phobic ab going to crud-related sites !
high anxiety…this is worse than H Season…and y’all know how I get when that happens.
this is just so effed up…
make it stop !
I’ve already lost some work due to this…


uh oh…in moderation…cursing like a sailor probly…sorreee…


FLORIDA … cases soaring…esp in south Florida
Zero to 149 In 2 Weeks
March 16, 2020
149 cases now…2 more here in Naples (Collier), overnight…total 5 in Naples…Broward and Miami-Dade hit hard..
Port Everglades (Broward) was the start of it…article might provide better details re travel related or spread..
community spread now a huge issue in Broward, Miami…and all of south FL…
hgh anxiety around here…I’m starting to lose work or putting stuff “on hold”….
such a total bummer.


(I notice that url says “139” but article reports 149.)


Ilhan Omar says the virus doesn’t have a nationality. As a result, Matzo ball soup is no longer a cure.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

We have to go back to the sulfa drug of chicken soup!


Fox reporting vaccine clinical trials start today. That was quick! Thought they were telling us it was at least a year away….hmmmmm


In Seattle no less….🤔
Anybody else make a connection??


Seattle has the most cases…second only to NY..
Seattle also had the earliest cases…
so…Seattle has the earliest & most such plasma to test…
…and comes up w/ potential vaccine the soonest ?
makes sense to me.

Deplorable Patriot

Come house TP season, Katie bar the door. Can you imagine all the houses that will be draped?


good one !


Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy



This makes sense:
As the number of cases has expanded, the mortality rate has declined. It will likely decline even further if and when those without symptoms can be diagnosed and counted.


Also, keep in mind almost half of the U.S. deaths are clustered from one source, a nursing home in Washington State – whose patients are the oldest and debilitated.
Replying to
@brithume and @Surabees
Since it almost certainly was here since December with no noticeable burst of “flu,” it’s even more likely that the real mortality rate is far lower than what is posted here.

Steve in Lewes

Lady, FYI, I posted this link earlier today and explains those numbers in more detail. It surmises it will drop even further.


Thanks. I haven’t had time to read the threads, but just took a chance.

Deplorable Patriot
Deplorable Patriot

Oops. Looks like we’re all clinging to the same information.


dividing the deaths/current cases is absolutely inaccurate. Deaths/recoveries is eye opening.
current cases have yet to be resolved into deaths/recoveries.
Most will recover & deaths are often faster than recoveries as this does not seem to be a lingering death. however, comparing deaths to the # of current cases is inaccurate.
Also, because it is not over we do not know how many deaths there will be. It is a New, developing situation.

Gail Combs

One math guy looked at cases 7 and 10 days ago vs the deaths today as a ball park number since it takes ~ 7 to 10 days to go from you know you have it to death.


“current cases have yet to be resolved into deaths/recoveries” . . . EXACTLY!!!


The 2nd quarter GDP will be a sad number. Hopefully our economy can surge back right away. On the positive side, we can refinance our debt at the rate POTUS wanted. If we can find buyers.


Two emergency doctors – a medic in his 40s in Washington and a 70-year-old New Jersey physician – are in critical condition after being infected with coronavirus, medical body reveals


This is helpful. A nurse who actually got coronavirus describes her experience. Not anything like what the media suggests.


And, under the current definitions, although this nurse probably had the worst flu in her life, she is defined as having a “mild” case of WuFlu because she didn’t have to be admitted to a hospital for oxygen supplementation.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Trump saved his FUCKING ASS and that’s the thanks he gets? HA!

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy



Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

China, Obama, and every damn Stalinist KNEW they would win on this point.


I changed my icon to make me look more attractive.




hahahaha…you are on a ROLL today NYGuy. 😀 <3

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

I am in an admin conundrum, seeing that you swiped scott467’s avatar which he wasn’t using.
This has no precedent. I await orders from the VSG on how to deal with the swiping of toilet paper avatars.


Actually that was a photograph of a gift I got. If Scott was using something similar then wise minds think alike

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

LOL! I was just kidding – he should have beat you to the punch! But I’m calling you Scott now, Ed! It’s too funny!


You’re getting punchy Wolf…but I get it…lots to handle these days.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Oh, it’s a mess. If it weren’t for Flep, Daughn, and all the daily thread authors covering my ###, this place would be in trouble. But we’re holding it together and the MAGA is flowing!!!


Coronavirus Conference Cancelled In NY Because Of Coronavirus
March 11, 2020
pure madness




piper ! 😀

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

After the Bio-Gen conference debacle, this is smart, but yeah – SEEMS mad. Note the date – 3/11 – this was almost a week in the past, but that is a decision that would fall right out of TODAY’S THINKING.
Don’t spread this stuff to experts. If people can teleconference, do that.
Note that this was a *CFR* conference. GLOBALISTS. Yeah, they know!!!



Steve in Lewes

Well the idiot Republican Gov Hogan in Maryland is doing the same. Liberal idiocy is spreading faster than the Coronavirus….Stop the Stupidity.


loss of jobs, income, employment, LIQUIDITY making major impact…gold is undergoing “forced sales” and tanking due to the need for CASH (liquidity/Hedge Funds etc)…banks not extending credit…deliveries/shipments of goods & products curtailed…no paychecks…taxes due soon…
the extreme pressure to STOCK UP for 1…2…3…months ? more ?? with what money ?
..all that plus the realities of the novel virus SPREADING like wildfire…
…and the hideous reality of TRIAGE resulting in zero treament/support for those over 60 with fatal complications…
…and it’s election year …and the Dems suck (anyone watch that “debate” last nite ??? srsly??)..
the perfect storm.


Weighing The Future : Coronavirus And The Economy
March 16, 2020


How will people pay rent and mortgages? No income?

Gail Combs

Remember President Trump has been talking to banks and corporations.


Look back at briefing where Sec Treas said small businesses would be given direct IRS credits so money is in business owner’s pockets faster.


but…what is the Fed doing with the banks all of a sudden??
where’s the liquidity ?
gold is tanking b/c ppl …and Hedge Funds…are force-selling gold…for CASH.


ppl will start to take all their $$$ out of the banks and starting selling their stocks…
this virus itself is bad enough…but the other drama…and FEAR…is high finance…no confidence.
uh oh.


Its happening. Mr gils friend just now said people in Montana are runni g on their banks.



CM in TN

Glad that I moved out before that pushover RINO got in. Guess he’s better than Rain Tax O’Malley, but not by much it seems. Never Trumper too…


Seminole-owned casinos still open and functioning here in Florida, BTW.


You cant suddenly close restaurants when they dont have a gd service available. How the f are they going to pay rent? Who delivers and How? They are going to cause more hoarding and panic.


Same with All West coast states Except for places like Walmart Costco and etc it is like a graveyard out there.
Gov Brown of Oregon wants to add a curfew..


We’ve been in self-sufficiency mode for about a decade, to the point we moved out of the city and bought a few acres to cloister on…garden, chickens, well-stocked pantry and neighbors who practice shooting a lot.


need any HELP ?
hiring ?
I can cook,iron, clean, can, garden, tell jokes, paint yr portrait….and all at the same time ! 😀

Gail Combs

Can you wrestle goats? Inoculate ponies? Shear sheep? Change the oil?
(Free room and board only unless we are doing parties.)


This is find for those who like that life style.
However there are things like church that are some people’s life lines. You realize technically we have lost our right to worship.


As far as I know one does not have to be in a church, or indeed a building, to worship.




It is not the church per say, but for ones who are single, especially elderly church is there family.

Gail Combs

All it takes is some ingenuity!
Social distancing is ~6 feet from others so make sure people understand that. (no hugging kissing shaking hands) NO one with temperatures, coughs, sneezing or generally unwell people.
Sunlight disinfects and so does far-UVC
So small services outside can be held as long as precautions are taken.
Most states have a max gathering of 100 people or 50 people.
Heck it does not even have to be at a church. Someone can hold a small gathering outside and read from the bible as was originally done.
It is Monday, that leaves plenty of time to set-up small services at various locations. Heck a priest/minister/pastor/deacon could even travel from group to group if you stagger the times and keep the services abbreviated.

…UV effects
Most of the natural UV light people encounter comes from the sun. However, only about 10 percent of sunlight is UV, and only about one-third of this penetrates the atmosphere to reach the ground, according to the National Toxicology Program (NTP). Of the solar UV energy that reaches the equator, 95 percent is UVA and 5 percent is UVB. No measurable UVC from solar radiation reaches the Earth’s surface, because ozone, molecular oxygen and water vapor in the upper atmosphere completely absorb the shortest UV wavelengths. Still, “broad-spectrum ultraviolet radiation [UVA and UVB] is the strongest and most damaging to living things,” according to the NTP’s “13th Report on Carcinogens.”


I do understand that. However, we do have several churches within driving distance. They are saying the peak of the virus should be in a couple weeks, and things should start getting back to normal when the hot weather hits.🙏


PDJT mentioned July-August as the leveling-out period….IF…IF…we can keep the virus from spreading exponentially.

Gail Combs

Yes, but you need to bring your own knife and fork…comment image


What To Do while under quarantine…comment image

Concerned Virginian

Can somebody get this Ezra Levant / Reagan Battalion tweet to POTUS and VP Pence now?


For what it’s worth..I twitted all four of Ezra’s tweets.

Gail Combs

IIRC it was also found in Swans.
January 21, 2020: New H5N6 Bird Flu Reported Among Swans In China’s Xinjiang – Ministry
A deadly strain of H5N6 bird flu reported in Xinjian, China by the ministry of agriculture. The fourth case in the last month and it has already killed 19 swans
This was on top of the African Swine flu that wiped out a lot of the Chinese Swine herds earlier.


China has lost half its swine herd. Pork is a principle source of protein in the Chinese diet. If their poultry becomes compromised they’re in big trouble.


Has anyone seen this going around and if so( or not) is it true or disputable? A friend sent in my email.
Last evening dining out with friends, one of their uncles, who’s graduated
with a master’s degree and who worked in Shenzhen Hospital (Guangdong
Province, China) sent him the following notes on Coronavirus for guidance:
1. If you have a runny nose and sputum, you have a common cold
2. Coronavirus pneumonia is a dry cough with no runny nose.
3. This new virus is not heat-resistant and will be killed by a temperature
of just 26/27 degrees. It hates the Sun.
4. If someone sneezes with it, it takes about 10 feet before it drops to the
ground and is no longer airborne.
5. If it drops on a metal surface it will live for at least 12 hours – so if
you come into contact with any metal surface – wash your hands as soon as
you can with a bacterial soap.
6. On fabric it can survive for 6-12 hours. normal laundry detergent will
kill it.
7. Drinking warm water is effective for all viruses. Try not to drink
liquids with ice.
8. Wash your hands frequently as the virus can only live on your hands for
5-10 minutes, but – a lot can happen during that time – you can rub your
eyes, pick your nose unwittingly and so on.
9. You should also gargle as a prevention. A simple solution of salt in warm
water will suffice.
10. Can’t emphasise enough – drink plenty of water!
1. It will first infect the throat, so you’ll have a sore throat lasting 3/4
2. The virus then blends into a nasal fluid that enters the trachea and then
the lungs, causing pneumonia. This takes about 5/6 days further.
3. With the pneumonia comes high fever and difficulty in breathing.
4. The nasal congestion is not like the normal kind. You feel like you’re
drowning. It’s imperative you then seek immediate attention.

Deplorable Patriot

I got it via email from a woman who got it from her son who is a physician. it was part of a much longer email, though.




Been around a lot with different sources cited…pretty common sense.


Don’t know quite where to put this, but got an email from a friend who says her MD states folks on ACE Inhibiting anti-hypertension meds are more susceptible to this virus that others.
Deal is, ACE Inhibitors increase ACE2, and ACE2 is where virus binds to target cells.
If this is true, so many older folks…and some younger…are treated for hypertension with ACE inhibitors, as statins are not always 1st choice… bc side-effects.
no negative data on Statins in this regard.
(Angiotensin-Converting Enzyme Inhibitors)


All the reports I’ve seen indicate that COVID-19 starts with fever and coughing but not necessarily sore throat. I have not read that it “first infects the throat” anywhere else. Accounts from people who got COVID-19 also have not mentioned sore throats, but mainly feeling run-down or fatigued, with fever.
There are so many differing accounts that I don’t think I can take any of them as definitive. And I imagine it affects some people differently than others — that’s why one nurse who got it says no big deal, while a 40-year-old emergency room physician is in critical condition.


Very true.


Another nurse said her bout with WuFlu started with the “sniffles”. Other descriptions claim that WuFlu doesn’t start with “sniffles”, just a dry cough and fever.

Gail Combs

Two great Carlos threads.
BTW Daughn he and his brother are professional investors. (He wanted President Trump to shut down Wall Street until the panic resolves.) So I do not think he is Thomas Wictor.

Best descriptions I have seen of the test kit fiasco, Democrat laws and Trump:

A Seattle infectious-disease expert named Dr. Helen Y. Chu tried to test people as soon as the first case was reported in her area, but the CDC prevented it.
Dr. Chu finally went ahead and tested anyway.
Washington state ordered her to stop. 

Rigidity of thought, bureaucratic red tape, and the pigheadedness of government employees prevented Dr. Chu from getting out in front of the epidemic….
Rest of the thread:

So Where is the MEDIA? WHY ARE THEY NOT REPORTING THIS DEMOCRAT FIASCO…. Oh that’s right the KEY WORD is Democrat.
Enjoyable smack down of George Conway and I learned something I didn’t know. Now I know what type of doctor I want.


I can see why the FDA and CDC wanted to have a single test and all data run through their agency – for science sake.
However – in this case – the needs of people and a pandemic situation – dictate speeding things up and re-working the system.

Barb Meier

If they wanted to own all the testing, they needed to be able to handle the firehose.


You can’t assess outbreaks or plan studies unless you get all the data.

Gail Combs

There is ALREADY a perfectly good reporting system in place.
It was up to CDC to take the incoming information and deal with it. They already breakdown the flu by type.
Heck you could do the darn report by HAND! we are not talking tens of thousands of data points per day.
It was shear LAZINESS and calcification of the system.
CDC in the 21st Century

♦️ On the cutting edge of health security – confronting global disease threats through advanced computing and lab analysis of huge amounts of data to quickly find solutions.
♦️ Putting science into action – tracking disease and finding out what is making people sick and the most effective ways to prevent it.
♦️ Helping medical care – bringing new knowledge to individual health care and community health to save more lives and reduce waste.
♦️ Fighting diseases before they reach our borders – detecting and confronting new germs and diseases around the globe to increase our national security….

CDC’s Role

♦️ Detecting and responding to new and emerging health threats
♦️ Tackling the biggest health problems causing death and disability for Americans
♦️ Putting science and advanced technology into action to prevent disease
♦️ Promoting healthy and safe behaviors, communities and environment
♦️ Developing leaders and training the public health workforce, including disease detectives
♦️ Taking the health pulse of our nation


Øbominable politicized and weaponized EVERY agency of government. You can bet they put their fellow ideologues and cronies in plum positions!!! They totally gutted the DoJ and put in their partisans. EVERY AGENCY was Øbastardized.


Yes definitely this!
But this is also precisely why conservatives support LIMITED GOVERNMENT!
The NATIONAL U.S. DEEP STATE BUREAUCRATIC GOVERNMENT has proper right or authority to micro-manage and limit the abilities of people to ACT.
It is anti-Trump – but it is also BUREAUCRATIC CONTROL GROUP-THINK.
They have a problem. They punt the solution (they don’t want to do work). They organize structural controls to conform others to what they want.
It is not about OUTCOMES with bureaucrats. It’s about fiefdoms and passing the buck.
This is WHY we need to drain the swamp!
And in this case it’s not theoretical – we’re talking about a swamp that is COSTING AMERICAN LIVES.
The Swamp’s incompetence, ineptitude, and self-absorbed elitism has caused AMERICANS TO DIE. Period.
And Trump is the EXISTENTIAL THREAT to their bureaucracy. That’s why they hate Trump.
Really, look at what Trump is doing with the Coronavirus response.
Really look at it!
FDR would be proud of Donald Trump!
I don’t mean that in a critical way, I mean that as a FACT.
FDR believed the best government was the government that responded decisively in a crisis, that acted in all of its parts as a whole and provided leadership and guidance to America, including leadership in the private sector.
This “whole of government” approach and the “whole of America” approach was right up his alley.
If they had this blueprint of Trump’s in the 1930s, you know he would have declared war on polio. It would have been an epic liberal success story for the ages: The U.S. Government rallies America to End Polio.
The bureaucrats don’t care. They don’t care at all that this is more in keeping with their political ideology than anything that this administration has done. They don’t like having their world’s rocked. Their authority questioned. Their power circumvented. Their self-righteous superior egos wounded.
If we didn’t have the super-bureaucratic state in the first place, and we continued to follow limited-government principles, there would not be a deep state to contend with.


The NATIONAL U.S. DEEP STATE BUREAUCRATIC GOVERNMENT has NO proper right or authority to micro-manage and limit the abilities of people to ACT.
Sorry… sometimes I get carried away! LOL…


cue meme saying,
CDC has spent last 15 yrs studying obesity and sexual dysfunction…
as the saying goes, Majoring in the Minors rather than the Majors.


Carlos is NOT Wictor…. not just my opinion, Brian Cates had shouted it several times 😉


The problem is – none of the tracking sites have the same numbers….just like every site DOES NOT list the same symptoms for COVID-19
I’ve got different charts comparing cold-flu-and-covid symptoms – and none of them have the same set of symptoms.

Sadie Slays

“none of them have the same set of symptoms.”
I’ve noticed this, too.


No flour or sugar on our store shelves.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Platinum is on freaking sale right now (<700/oz, and palladium has dropped down to gold's price from being well north of $2K.


^^^ L I K E !


So, the fundamentals for these metals are sound but there is some freakish market monkey business affecting prices? Every time I am thinking of getting into that market I end up backing away empty handed because I just don’t understand enough.


ppl are force-selling gold, silver for liquidity…CASH.


Ah, not to buy into low stock positions, but just needing spending money?


jewelers will be ecstatic.


Canadian border was just shut down. That affects me since I am so close to it. Trudeau should be kicked out of office for letting flights from China to land in Canada. Wildly irresponsible. People like these can be crossing over by Niagara Falls and headed towards me. Not cool.


and that needs to be confirmed….

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Gotta go both ways. Canada is a suburb of China.


Mysterious comment:
“Just had a very good tele-conference with Nations’s Governors. Went very well. Cuomo of New York has to “do more”.


As I walked by a TV set earlier today, Cuomo was giving a news conference. I’m pretty sure he was blaming the federal government for not giving federal guidelines, and he was saying the states are having to do it on their own. All I hear from the media and Dems is blame. It’s interesting that Pres. Trump is saying Cuomo needs to do more, since Cuomo has a long list of things he’s doing (which amounts to shutting down lots of businesses).

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

It’s brilliant, IMO. States are getting whatever help they need. TRUMP DOCTRINE. This destroys all sabotage plans with ASSIGNED RESPONSIBILITY. Hoax policies will BURN THE HOAXER.


its really brilliant! All I have been thinking when I hear these Liberal leaders talk, is the President is ASSIGNING RESPONSIBILITIES!


At todays’s task force briefing – 15 day guidelines for all Americans –


President Trump IS staying in his lane – Federal. Also offering guidance to States.
States Rights to select what fits their situation. NOT Feds in Washington.
President trump IS doing an awesome job IMO.
D-Rats are panicking…they have to make decisions…and WILL be accountable 😉
IF citizens of D-rat states have issues with their governor, recall if possible OR vote them out.
Daily, thankful president Trump is leading us.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

So smart. Trump is firing on all cylinders, and leftists are SCREAMING INTO THE VOID!!!


“WILL be accountable” . . . the “a” word . . . like showing the Cross to Dracula.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy



YES bring them back to the USA. Shut China down!!!

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Orange ball so it can be seen against the snow?


New sport?


Symptom charts
SYMPTOMS – Charts comparing symptoms of cold, flu and coronavirus: – putting an asterisk to disable – so you can look at them and decide which is best.
comment image
comment image
comment image
comment image
comment image


As I said – the charts don’t all agree.


On the shortages front. . .
I’m hearing reports of shortages in baby food and baby items. Some people have put out requests for help on this front.
(Fortunately, MOST mothers can simply make their own in a pinch, but keep in mind there are often mitigating circumstances that eliminate that option.)
Also, hearing a word of a shortage on diabetic supplies. Especially lancets, alcohol wipes, etc. Anything that sits on shelves.

Sadie Slays

There’s a neighborhood rumor going around that if you call up baby formula companies right now, they’ll mail you some formula. I’ve got no idea if this is true or not, but it couldn’t hurt to call up baby-related companies (diapers, food, etc.) and ask about mail-order.


Normally, the baby formula companies will offer free samples to new mothers, and will send free product to mothers. It’s THAT important to them to get their product in new mom’s hands FIRST 😉 Whether they will continue to do that is anyone’s guess, but it doesn’t hurt to try.


I am working from home today.
Not surprisingly we’re having problems with the VPN concentrator. Too many connections, authentication problems, license shortages, overload.
Neighborhood is unusually quiet. Normally there is road noise and general activity, people walking, cars/highway noise, sirens. Much quieter than usual and a bit eerie. People are not out walking pets or active in their yards, which would be a good use of this time . . .


Ground report from western SC…
Made what we plan as our last “public” took place earlier today…a celebration of life reception for a friend who died Friday. It was surprisingly full…I thought several would just choose to skip it (as we thought of doing).
Stopped at Publix on the way home, very busy but for the first time saw empty paper products, rice, baking supplies, etc shelves. Saw no one, anywhere, with masks or gloves except saw a few employees with gloves.
But roads are busy, neighborhood is active, golf continues, etc.
Ready to hunker down now.


Governor Dewine just cancelled in person voting here in Ohio. Any Ohio Qtreepers hearing any weird stories about Ohio National Guard? My husband just got a call from neighbor who had 2 calls within 15 minutes about the National Guard being deployed. Hopefully just disinformation.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

How does that work, with in-person voting cancelled? The Ohio election is tomorrow – right?


Wolfmoon, polls will be closed, rescheduled for June 2.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Excellent! That’s SMART.


White House –

Golden State –

CSPAN – https://www.c-span.org/video/?470396-1/coronavirus-task-force-holds-briefing-white-house&live

Concerned Virginian

Per 700WLW, 3PM news report, then conference:
Gov. DEWINE declares that ALL shopping malls in OHIO will close today at 5PM until further notice.
Gov. DEWINE makes an Emergency Declaration to DEFER IN-PERSON VOTING in the Ohio primary from today and tomorrow UNTIL JUNE 2. Absentee Ballots can be requested and sent back regardless.
Gov. DEWINE makes the Emergency Declaration so that Ohioans DO NOT HAVE to choose between “exercising their Constitutional rights and their health”. It is NOT “VOTER SUPPRESSION”.
Any lawsuits that are filed charging voter suppression will be referred to the Ohio Supreme Court.
50 MORE confirmed cases of the Wuhan Coronavirus just identified in OHIO. .
Age range: 13 years to 81 years. Median age for ALL cases in Ohio is now 51 years (down from 53 years).


This shit is getting ridiculous here.


[…] Posted By: daughnworks247 0 View 0 Comment KAG, MEGA, MIGA 4ViewsShareTweetMail […]


the Dow just blew through a technical bottom. Next stop 18,000. After that, about 16,000.


I was shocked. Had been thinking one month if were lucky. Two prolly. Three not so lucky. July or August shock me.
That may have another run on groceries.
Wondering when they are guessing peak cases.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Message to China – repeated over and over. “Virus gone – we’re back to business.”

Deplorable Patriot

I’m figuring Easter-ish depending on the temperatures.


That was my guess. Maybe because Euro is too slow to close everything. Better to give a later date than too early or the media would so hype that up.


Just returned from a brisk walk.
Noodled on “July-August” and “washes through”.
Guessing. Bear with me please.
1. Above IS worst case in President Trump’s mind.
2. Still believe my initial timeline with slight modification.
– April – May cases peak.
– May – June corona recedes.
– July – August are mop up, with economy roaring back.
“Washes through”, to me, is all encompassing. Sort of like a wave coming in, it peaks, crashes or recedes. Washing back to sea, so to speak.
President trump indicated folks on the stage did not like “washes through”. Folks behind President Trump, less VP Pence are “health centric”. President Trump IS BIG picture, yet functions exceptionally well on all levels.
President Trump is playing nice with China at the moment. Gotta get through this AND may need medical stuff from then in short term.
Expect significant regulations and executive Orders enticing or directing manufacturing out of China and back into the USA.
Probably have to see Corona peak in US, AND see a safe way forward from medical perspective. THEN, President Trump will NUKE ChiCom bastards 😉

Gail Combs

It should die in May or June.
And I definitely hear you. All our yearly insurance is coming up and we have had cancellations of the thousands of dollars worth of gigs that would normally pay the bill. This is the worse time for our cash flow to begin with. No spring gigs is going to kill us too.


Just visited an old bank customer in the hospitality industry and he was really stressed. He has weathered many business cycles but he said this was going to be different. Smith Travel Service which is aggregator of data sent out a notice or warning that the next couple of months was going to be tough on cash flow and expect business to be at 30% of normal levels.
I told him that this was not any fault of his and the bank does not want his business back. Start negotiating rate and terms and short term forgiveness.


Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy



Yup. Truly despicable.


^^^ Too kind.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Results of poll are stabilizing on these values:comment image


All of the above?

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

If I add that option, I’m also adding “Nuke from orbit, it’s the only way to be sure”.

Gail Combs



Gail Combs

Worth clicking on the bottom gif 😁


That was G R E A T. Thought he was going to walk into a door, column or something. Love the pie!


List of everything closing in Ohio so far: zoos, gyms, fitness centers, recreation centers, bowling alleys, indoor water parks, movie theaters, bars, restaurants, shopping malls. Why doesn’t Dewine just go ahead and declare martial law here and get it over with.


was that a leftie female doctor present w/ him at recent press conferences ? she sure sounds like a leftie.
whispering PANIC in his ear ?

Gail Combs

phil salmon @ ChiefIO says:
“The Japanese drug Camostat mesylate apparently blocks a protease needed by Covid-19 to enter lung cells. This it is attracting interest as a possible therapy against the new Coronavirus.”
Sure sounds like good news!
From ChiefIO More Vit-D & Immunity Antiviral
“This is an interesting video from 7 months ago. It details how Vit-D activates immunity, including an antiviral protein we produce. (Cathelicidin) Talks about how the nasal mucosa have an enzyme to activte, then use, Vitamin D. How it acts as an inhibitor of pro-inflammatory cytokines and inhibits the cytotoxic effects of T cells and B cells. (Slide at 8 min) ….”


There is actually good news on many fronts. From Japan as you provided above. South Korea with their zinc plus clo?, the patient in WA State a month ago that was successfully treated. Someone was doing plasma from recovered folks to treat current Corona cases. Might have been South Korea.
A new vaccine started testing today. Israel and Taiwan closing in on a vaccine.
Absolutely believe our health care and pharma folks are doing great for us.
Also believe the hospital beds, ICU, respirators issue WILL work out. Sourcing and alternatives ARE being pursued, planned, gamed if you will. Serious monitoring to see where the need “pops up”. Can’t project it.
China and Iran aside, UK is wacked out. Herd mentality to build up immunity. Maybe brilliant. gotta read about it. On the surface sounds dumb.
AND, chiComs did this to America. Did this to the global community.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Yup. We have to change our thinking now. Trump leaned in HARD, and it’s clear he was right. Leaned in harder than even I thought was right, but he’s listening to Fauci.
I think that stuff old, hardened, disease-fighter Fauci is saying is pretty brilliant. What we have to do NOW is what makes sense in the FUTURE.
The 15 Day thing is pretty brilliant, too.
Pence is such a champ – showing the leaflet off, over and over!!!


Pence stock has surely gone up with me. Calm, level headed, stays on message, pursues solutions. “Butts in during pressers when needed points need to be stated or highlighted.
Invaluable resource supporting President Trump.
Commonly, I, perhaps many of us state President Trump is the best President of our lives.
VP Pence, IS the best VP of my life!

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy


Steve in Lewes

I’m not liking the sound of any of this BS! There’s something very eerie about this whole mess!
I am starting to wonder if we are being told the whole truth…
Then I see this…

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

SUNDANCE on the money!!!


What are the chances Jaime Dimon stays after health scare. Take that Golden Parachute and float away.




Here’s a larger more readable PDF – but I still want a text only so I can produce a version without the color background!


Interesting video….Stay safe all


This guy says they are forgiving student loans – that’s not the way I understand it – they are just holding off on interest until the virus outbreak is over.
He also says ‘they’ were going to declare martial law….but didn’t have any money….


That is why I just put it up there.
Will say several states have already called out the reserves, and Oregon governor wants to do a curfew. Not sure what a curfew has to do with the virus


Study every tactic they are using today, because after Trump curfew and martial law may be the norm.


That is what is scary


I was at my eye doctor today for treatment the office only had about 8 people waiting and everyone kept a chair space between.
I had packet a sandwich ( liked old times) to eat after my treatment eating in the car. Normally we would have lunch out.
We picket up our dogs went strait home no stop at Costco except gas.
People canceled their appointments I was told.
The hairdresser called she canceled because being sick if I want to reschedule for Saturday I said no.
We all will change our way we live and those of us who are older know how.


I’ve been putting off a hair cut for a while. Will continue to do so.

Sadie Slays

Ground Report from the local strip mall:
Despite a Democrat government order to shut everything down, several “non-essential” businesses are open, including hair salons, a book store, and the liquor store.
Bakery: Still sending out delivery trucks with large bread orders. Significant because a lot of those deliveries go to restaurants.
Liquor Store: Crowded and picked over.
Ethnic Markets: Abundant fresh produce, but otherwise picked over. Rice is still available. Everywhere I visited had employees re-stocking.
Morale: Employees are surprisingly upbeat given the circumstances and crowds. Customers didn’t seem panicked or rude.
In short, it was comparable to a busy holiday shopping season.


This is flat out awesome. Don’t be a spreader.


Not really. it promotes the Ostracization of the older generation. If this guy cared he’d simply wear a mask when he’s around his father, not shut him out of his life. CDC has no recommendation for mandatory mask wear in any circumstance in their guidelines. They must want the virus to continue to spread. Mandatory mask wear would decrease the safe distance from 6 ft to 3 or even 1 foot. Fun thing is it could be any kind of mask, even a simple kerchief.
What we have here is simply allowing the virus to circulate among the healthy and by doing so continuously put the older generation at harm, locked up and out of sight. This pretty much guarantees the virus will be back year after year unless it mutates its way out of existence.


Next PSA we’ll see is that guy picking up his dad’s absentee ballot for him and promising to mail it in.

Sylvia Avery

Gosh he looks like his dad, doesn’t he???? Great little video message!!!!

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

I think it’s pretty brilliant. I thought about doing a window visit. Maybe tomorrow.
I totally get doing a “glass visit”. Great idea. Almost no chance of giving it to somebody.
I stayed completely away from my old folks for 2 weeks, but now they’re saying the virus doesn’t go away. I kept good distance and used / gave hand sanitizer in the weeks afterwards, and there is no way these folks got it, but now I’m wondering – can recovered people spread it?


From what I read, no. But I am no expert…..


Second time today I have heard, act if WE are infected and don’t want to infect someone else.
If nothing else, it takes the stigma away from someone we know, and we indicate social distancing necessary.

Deplorable Patriot

Ground report from the grocery store:
OMG, and I mean no slight to the Almighty. Holy crap. It’s like the people don’t have anything else to do.
So, I needed a few perishables and non-TP and wipe type products (dishwasher pods, etc.) and thought I would just stop in at the store on the way home from dropping something at the vet’s office. There was nowhere to park at the smaller store, so I ventured to the store that’s a lot bigger with a stellar produce section…I circled the lot for 10 minutes waiting for a spot to open up. Inside, it wasn’t THAT bad, and people were only picking up smaller loads of essentials, but still…hardly any fresh chicken was in the case. Most milk was dented. All TP GONE. Most wipes gone. Zero Lysol spray. All first aid alcohol wipes, and most gloves gone (we have some, so no biggie).
I checked out in the self-check out with gloves on, and the manager running it – GREAT gal we’ve known for years – said under her breath, “I need a nap.” They’ve been slammed for days.
So, I go to leave and one of the cart guys, a mentally challenged guy who is sweet as can be, started talking my arm off while we walked to the car. He was like, “This is as bad as Thanksgiving and Christmas Eve.” I mean, he had a litany of complaints about hording and all I could do was nod and agree.
It’s a jungle out here. And my can of hearty tomato soup is dented.


Ugh I have to try tomorrow. Not looking forward to it. And I like shopping but not like this.
“This is as bad as Thanksgiving and Christmas Eve.”—Amen!!!


“…“I need a nap.” They’ve been slammed for days”
^^^ Local Smith’s supermarket last night. Commented to the gals checking out and bagging. Looks busier than Christmas and night crew must be seriously earning their pay.
Gals quietly replied they have scheduled hours, PLUS encouraged to work EVERY hour they are willing to work.
Incredible sales 😉 But sales will subside and stock will return to normal.
Amazing times we are witnessing.


Important Question.
CDC says and we have all heard that the virus’s *primary means of spreading is by airborne transmission and then CDC goes on to talk about the 6 foot danger zone around people who may or may not be experiencing symptoms.
I would challenge anyone to look over CDC’s guidance and point out where CDC recommends cutting this distance down by simply having people in an effected zone to wear a mask, any kind of mask. The close as they get is saying cover your mouth when you sneeze.
The below is something I posted last night on the daily. It was the last post of the evening so I doubt it got many eyes.
Personally, I think the CDC’s new guidelines are an attempt to damage the economy and here’s why.
No where in CDC’s guide lines does it recommend wearing a mask to protect others. It does mention the 6 foot danger zone, but never recommends how that zone might be narrowed to a lesser distance to decrease spread. Here’s what they say when you click the link to social distancing
“The best way to prevent illness is to avoid being exposed to this virus.
The virus is thought to spread mainly from person-to-person.
Between people who are in close contact with one another (within about 6 feet).
Through respiratory droplets produced when an infected person coughs or sneezes.
These droplets can land in the mouths or noses of people who are nearby or possibly be inhaled into the lungs.”
CDC guide lines only talk about wearing a mask to protect oneself, not others. Wrong way to think if they want to minimize spread. All their minimize spread recommendations deal with canceling events, sending people home, not gathering. Right now they allow for up to 50 people gathering. No mention of masks. When the reported numbers go up as we know they will, numbers that well could be exaggerated or falsified, will they next lower the number to say 10 people being allowed to gather and recommend stores and business’s to be closed next?
Why not recommend a mask in effected zones, or any face covering to protect others when the mask has the potential to narrow the 6 foot zone to a safe 2 feet or closer as long as it is blocking the major respiratory droplets from spreading into the air. You can watch any video in any hot zone and see masks are mandatory. Yet we can see many of the people are wearing cheap masks that would not be considered safe from letting the virus in. So why are masks mandatory. Simple answer is it protects others.
Another thing the CDC does not mention is building up and maintaining a healthy constitution through a balanced diet or vitamin regimen. Not a whiff of it. Why not?
Personally I’m looking at the CDC right now as wanting the virus to enjoy its life while its around as long as they appear to be doing the right thing, economics be damned and you can well guess the reason.

Gail Combs

The mask should go on the person who is coughing or sneezing. Better yet that person should STAY HOME!
Six foot is actually TOO SHORT a distance.

….It was previously thought that the flu spreads mainly through large particles, or droplets, in the air that travel short distances, from 3 to 6 feet. But the new study showed most flu viruses are found in very small particles in the air, Bischoff said. Smaller particles can travel farther than larger ones, he said. Because the study did not look at distances beyond 6 feet, the researchers cannot say whether the flu virus can travel farther.…..


Indeed, watch some one vape and you can see how far the vapor plume goes especially with a draft.
Since you can spread while not having symptoms it makes sense to assume you do and mask up while in a area that experiencing spread.
If CDC won’t make it mandatory fine. Stores can adopt the policy. Mask up or don’t come in.
Right now the alternative seems to be have the elderly be ostracized while the virus is allowed to circulate among a healthy environment prolonging its existence.
Next were going to see PSA’s that remind you to pick up Dad’s absentee ballot and mail it in for him. Won’t that be a hoot. 🙂
Point is CDC knows is not providing the best guidance.

Gail Combs

“Another thing the CDC does not mention is building up and maintaining a healthy constitution through a balanced diet or vitamin regimen. Not a whiff of it. Why not?”
Because they do not get training in holistic medicine or EVEN NUTRITION!. They are M.D. (allopathic physicians).
There are also Osteopathic physicians (O.D.) who are fully licensed but have more education than an M.D.
The last type is Naturopathic doctors (ND): “Only fourteen U.S. states, plus Washington DC, Puerto Rico, and the U.S. Virgin Islands license naturopaths to practice medicine and act as primary care physicians. In other states, NDs may work as health consults, physician’s assistants, or nutritional counselors. is Naturopathic doctors (ND)”
The last type is generally views as ‘Quacks’
‘Naturopathy or naturopathic medicine is a form of alternative medicine that employs an array of pseudoscientific practices branded as “natural”, “non-invasive”, or promoting “self-healing”. The ideology and methods of naturopathy are based on vitalism and folk medicine, rather than evidence-based medicine.”


Figured it was something like that. I was going to read it as they don’t want to speak for people they feel have their own profession, but if I read you right they think their profession is superior and don’t want to entertain or share with inferiors.
That should be fixed. A seat at the table would help.
“Okay Oste… what do you got for us?
“Errr.. same thing sir, allow the people a sense of power over this virus and let the people know a balanced diet to keep up the immune system and maybe pop a few chewable’s before going out and after coming back from the store to stave off infection, sir.”
CDC “Sir, that will lead to people to act carelessly in regard to our guidelines”
T. “Yes, but it at least they have more information on which to act. Massage it into the final product.”


I should never write in the little tiny boxes, I do bad enough in the big ones. 🙂



Sadie Slays

WOW…This is further confirmation that the FEMA thing I posted about in the Open Thread isn’t a LARP. Last night, someone on 4chan claiming to be a FEMA employee claimed “FEMA Zones 2, 9, 10 are activated.” San Francisco (and all of California) is Zone 9.


Who is 2 and 10?

Sylvia Avery

I decided to order some more groceries from Safeway through their order on line and pick up at the door service. I discovered instead of being a same day service like before, they are now booked out till Wednesday!!!!!


Yeah my Target no longer lets you buy most stuff online. Its all in store. Same with walmart.


Amazon Prime was a week out on toothpaste!?! Went with Walmart 2day delivery.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Hidden Message People: Any theories why Scummer capitalized Balance here?comment image


Schumer is just trash talking. Schumer knows Trump called it right.


He’s telling them to balance their actions and messaging on the virus before more people start seeing through their crap like they are over at Q tree.

Deplorable Patriot

I’m so bummed. The Art Museum announced it will be closed for at least four weeks. The Zoo is closed. The Archbishop suspended public Mass. If it wasn’t Errol Flynn day on AMC, I’d be in real trouble.
At least the Garden is still open.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Yeah, everything is changing. Restaurant carry-out is working to raise my spirits!


I’m surprised that more stores that don’t sell food like kohls or best buy haven’t just switched over to free shipping on things. People stuck at home with money give us free shipping!!!!!

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

This is a great idea. Really great idea!!!


I mean I’d buy more since well everything is closed!!!!
I hope they do it.
Think about it this way when everything is open again people will but running to the stores again!!!


I was wondering when they would close the Art Museum. There goes the exhibit they had.
Errol Flynn now your talking!!!! 🙂

Deplorable Patriot

We’re members at the Art Museum and the Zoo just for this sort of thing. At least the Garden is open. When it’s a little warmer….


AND they just closed the Library!


Ummmmm DP bad news
The Missouri Botanical Garden, Shaw Nature Reserve and Sophia M. Sachs Butterfly House are closed until April 3.

Deplorable Patriot



Also another case popped up “came in contact with the virus through international travel.” Ugh!!!


Simulations that illustrate value of precautions…

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Great demonstrations. The WaPo is still trying to attack Trump with this. Note that they don’t show a case for “quarantine plus social distancing” – which is what Trump did.


So we end up with two more actors with this?!?! Both on the new Bond movie? really?
Seem filming was in “Filming locations included Italy, Jamaica, Norway and London, in addition to Pinewood Studios.”


Now they are closing Recreation Centers as well. Well its going to get warmer time to garden.


Pardon if already posted… Bold added
Much of San Francisco Bay Area under ‘shelter-in-place’ order due to coronavirus
Residents in six San Francisco Bay Area counties will be confined to their homes for the next three weeks under a new shelter-in-place order aimed at curbing the spread of the coronavirus.
The mandate, which goes into effect Tuesday and will affect nearly 7 million people, orders residents to avoid unnecessary travel and only leave their homes for food, medicine and exercise, according to county officials who made the announcement.
It affects the counties of San Francisco, Marin, Santa Clara, San Mateo, Alameda and Contra Costa, as well as the city of Berkeley.


Did you know that youtube will pull ad $ if you say corona in there videos. They are calling it the fear and beer bug.

Sadie Slays

WOW…I think I figured out why the President started tweeting “CoronaVirus” with the capital V.
Prior to March 5th, he always wrote “Coronavirus.”
On March 5th, he started using “CoronaVirus” with a capital V. I made a post about it here a few days ago asking what changed. Well, I still don’t know that part, but I think I get the capital C and V now.
Chinese Virus.

(Worth noting that c = 3, V = 22, CV = 322. Skull & Bones. That’s probably related, too).


Classic Trump, dead set on assigning responsibility. China is going to rue the day.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

I’m doing a thread on Twitter right now, showing how this bug is designed to be a 4GW weapon. I think that FG&C’s assertion that this release was intentional is going to become “circumstantial evidence” from the nature of the weapon. In other words, if you find a murder kit in a stalker’s car trunk, the serrated combat knife ain’t there to fix a tire.
CCP = O.J. Nobody is going to believe this was innocent or negligent.

Gail Combs

ChiefIO had an interesting blog post with the usual digging by the techies:
Instant Hospitals


Yep. Military has great field hospital capabilities. Modular.
– IIRC, In addition to state side field hospitals across the states, I believe our prepo ship squadrons have field hospitals in ISO containers. Not always easy to get to, but ISO containers can be offloaded from prepo ships. Multiple ISOs loaded on C-5 or C-17 and flown to nearest airport to location required. Believe prepo squadrons are at Diego Garcia and Guam/Saipan. Was a third in LANT AOR. Been awhile since I operated in that realm. Material on prepo ships are intended for war operations overseas. BUT, 9-11 emphasized the obvious, The Homeland Is Number One priority.
Outfitting, equipment may or may not be a challenge as I am guessing greater need for ICU, ventilators… Alternate sourcing must be pursued.
Staffing probably the hard part.
– National Guard from particular state units for starters.
– Regular Reserve an easy call.
– Active military, but only those serving on bases in direct support of civilian dependents. Those facilities cut way back on non emergent care at base clinics and hospitals. Sort of like deferring truly elective surgery. Only broader cut back.
– VERY last resort, Active Military in direct support of Active Military.

Brave and Free

Came across this, quite long and can’t vouch for the author. Maybe someone will find it useful https://www.greenmedinfo.com/blog/does-2019-coronavirus-exist?

Gail Combs

Well well well, now isn’t this interesting? (ChiefIO
Tony Hansen says:

As you say “super interesting”.
There seems to be well documented comorbidity in fatal outcomes in the elderly.
If I recall correctly there was an autopsy study from the USA 2 or 3 years ago that suggested 60% of those autopsied were being treated for things they did not have.
There is some suggestion that Aspirin losing its trademark contributed to the high death rate from the Spanish Flu.
There is also suggestion that the Iranian medical community prefers using steroids to treat Covid19 symptoms. There are also some that suggest the Italian preference is for using NSAIDs.
What if it is not the underlying diseases that lead to fatal outcomes?
Could it be the underlying medications that firstly predispose one to more symptoms or more severe symptoms, and then secondly to fatal outcomes?

Sorry I can not find the actual study. I did find that since the 1970s autopsies have declined.


Steroids work to reduce inflammation, But they also leave you more susceptible to infection at the same time.
My FIL had to take massive amounts of steroids the 1st 3 days of each round of chemo. Oncologist issued the warning about avoiding germs.
I just finished a medrol 6day dose pak, been in self quarantine. Looked up the half life (how long it stays in your system), says 36 hours, so I will wait an additional 2 more days before even considering going out. Fortunately I don’t have to, got tp, no FORO (fear of running out🤪), just tired of being cooped up. Pray for America, giving up freedom is not in our nature!!

Gail Combs

Found this:
How Vaccines Can Damage Your Brain:
Vaccines, Depression and Neurodegeneration After Age 50: Another Reason to Avoid the Recommended Vaccines
By Russell L. Blaylock, M.D.
It goes along with “Vaccine-induced enhancement of susceptibility to SARS-CoV has been documented.”
Evaluation of Antibody-Dependent Enhancement of SARS-CoV Infection in Rhesus Macaques Immunized with an Inactivated SARS-CoV Vaccine

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Great idea. Shortage of hospital beds GONE. And what a hospital! 😀
One of the things we have to figure out quickly is what happens to people after they recover. Can they still infect others? If not, can they catch it again? That could mean different things for what options we have. If I can get tested to prove whether I had it already, and we know I can’t get it again, nor pass it on, that frees me up for hazardous duties, instead of just hanging out in quarantine.

Sadie Slays

Ground Report. I got an email from the local thrift store announcing their closure. It included a paragraph preaching against racism that ended with “If you have any concerns, please email us immediately.” Then they asked for a donation.
i am now up to THREE emails regarding the WuFlu that felt the need to lecture about “racism.” A one sentence “Closed until further notice due to coronavirus” is literally all that needed to be said. This country has lost its damn mind!


Oops. The link is regarding a history of pandemics using a cool graphic.


Interesting. Looks like Bubonic Plague tops them all.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

comment image


Good graphic but my Mom didn’t have her glasses on and thought it was a photo of a sea urchin. LOL

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

At this point, it’s going to be hard to tell. I predict that CCP will begin disinformation campaigns.


State Dept summoned Chinese ambo last week over editorial, told them to cut it out.
Today they were caught spreading the same propaganda in Africa, blaming the US.
I wanna jump through the screen at this little Witch! 🤬🤬🤬

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

They’re scared. They know people are putting it together. This is actually a kind of 4GW DEFENSE.
Please make sure this gets into tomorrow’s (errrr, today’s) thread!

Sadie Slays

Remember all of the food tampering headlines last summer? I theorized a few days ago that it’s related to the current pandemic somehow. A test run for 2020, perhaps?


How many from The nursing home? And how did it get to the nursing home? Did someone want a high death count!


Very good questions. I think the count from the nursing home was 26 or 27…..still don’t understand why there have been NO interviews with family members, recovered patients, etc…from anywhere


I did not know that! Which begs the question was this even this virus or was this something else?
Like contaminated distilled water?


I’ve wondered since the beginning how many were “normal” morbidities that caught the blame to help drive the narrative


USA 85 deaths from Johns Hopkins Worldometers says 91
48 are in WA state, 29 at Nursing home
10 CA, 7 NY, 5 FL, 3 LA, 2 NJ, 1 in others.


Thanks. They keep jumping around with the numbers. There really is no clear cut number


Fox Alert – Ohio orders polls closed


Should we move the 2020 election to next year? 😉




Let’s just bump it to 2024, so we don’t have to have odd-sized presidencies.




Even the radio dj’s are sick of talking about this.


Well, that escalated quickly…..
Silicon Valley is in one of six California counties subject to “Cower In Place” orders. I’m not supposed to leave home next until April 7. This was announced at 1:00 pm and takes effect at midnight.
The protocol at my local Trader Joe’s was (1) stand in line — the store was “one in; one out” [N.B. — the line was not staggered six feet apart]. (2) Before entering the store, hands are sprayed with hand sanitizer, while you are rubbing that on, you are issued two disposable gloves — and, while you’re putting the gloves on, your cart’s handle is swabbed. (3) Upon entering the store, you are told (by a sign) to exercise courtesy and take no more than two of any item.
I inquired at the information desk, telling them that my usual practice was to buy a case of wine. They told me that was fine, I was limited to two cases. 😉 I also picked up some other stuff.
As I told the checkout cashier, if this extends into the future and gets really bad, about the worst-case scenario will have the National Guard leaving MREs on our front porch. Being able to wash them down with wine will make a big difference. She mentioned that wine/beer/liquor purchases had been relatively minor — everyone was buying rice, beans, and pasta……when nobody in Silicon Valley knows how to cook.


Pathetic that people don’t know how to cook.
Real survivors, huh!


Mind you, I know how to cook……but, yeah, whole lotta people who do not, as a rule, cook. It’s why there was panic buying of ramen last Wednesday. They cleaned the local supermarket out of tomatoes…..there is no way these will all be consumed before half just rot.
And there have been plenty of humorous bits for those with the eye to see them. For a while, 100% of the Clorox and house-brand regular bleach was gone….and the fruit-scented and floral-scented were the only types left. Every brand of laundry detergent except for Tide was gone…..but there’s plenty of Tide — people won’t buy it even in a panic situation. Clorox toilet-bowl cleaner completely sold out in all varieties……Lysol brand sitting next to it has plenty.

Deplorable Patriot

Why Tide and Clorox other than being Proctor & Gamble brands? I mean, I use Tide Free almost exclusively. It actually gets clothes clean without perfumes.


I don’t know. I just know that Clorox owns toilet bowl cleaning and that people won’t buy Tide even if there’s nothing else available because I can observe it in realtime.
There are other weirdisms. My local store is a Lucky, and there’s a Safeway a few blocks away. Yesterday, the Lucky was sold out of bread but had milk; the Safeway was sold out of milk but had bread.
Considering that stores with scanners record item sales at scan, there is a whole lot of marketing data in the last couple of days…..and it’s not going to be pretty for some people. The All or Gain people are going to be asking if Lucky should really be giving six feet of shelf space to Tide and four each for them…..

Deplorable Patriot

Are they avoiding Cascade for the dishwasher, too?


Dishwashing stuff didn’t get as hammered as laundry detergent — and go figure why not. Beats me.
The only bar soap left was Zest, Irish Spring, and Olay.
The first meat to sell out was chicken, the last was pork, then sausage went — and, again, I don’t think enough people in Silicon Valley know how to cook to get it all consumed before there is massive spoilage.
Avocados were some of the first produce to disappear. I was told you can freeze ’em.
Bagged shredded cheese is gone — plenty of block cheese left.
All very weird.

Deplorable Patriot

I took a picture of the soup shelves today. It was like the 10 for 10 canned tomato sale on steroids. Unreal.

Sadie Slays

There was a thing on Twitter a few days ago about nobody buying Dasani water. Entire rows of bottled water cleaned out except for Dasani.


Interesting thread from the UK on personal coronavirus experiences and symptoms. Some were worse than others:

Deplorable Patriot

Very interesting – and additional proof that this is pretty much hype moreso than dangers to the general population beyond the targeted groups.
Just use your heads, people. There are those who just don’t want to do that.


How about a list of what’s open? That would be so much better

Deplorable Patriot

After spending WAAYYYY to much time on FB today, I’m convinced…the people out there who are really into this WANT to be scared. They WANT the excuse to not go to Church even if they protest they don’t. They WANT to be led by the nose rather than think for themselves. They WANT to be inconvenienced even if it’s just something to talk about for most of them.
They WANT to be afraid.
What kind of a life is that?

Sadie Slays

I’m convinced a lot of people are going to be genuinely mad if the death toll from this stays under 100,000, and I’m not just talking about Chinese Communists and Satanic cabal members. I’m talking about the doomcasters on social media who are so bored and miserable with their lives that they crave any kind of novelty that disrupts it. They’ve dumped so much time and emotion into this that anything less than mass death will be considered a disappointment.

Deplorable Patriot

Yes. These are the people who move from one crisis to the next spreading misery far and wide whether it’s warranted or not.


Governor Nuisance keeps talking about “non-essential businesses” and “essential businesses.”
The economy has a way of sorting that out that is infallible: essential businesses make money; non-essential businesses lose money, go broke, and go out of business. All the government regulation in the world cannot quash essential businesses (e.g. liquor under Prohibition), nor sustain non-essential businesses (Solyndra, anyone?).

Deplorable Patriot

Okay, but still, if you have an e-reader, there is an independent author out there who could use the sale of a book or two. Explore a little. You have no idea what you’ll find out there.
Okay, I know I’m a broken record about this, but indies really do work hard to put out a unique product that has by-passed the NYC publishing houses and goes straight to the consumer.


Yup some of the best stuff I’ve read in a long time. Between independent authors and fanfic writers, I’m not out of reading material yet!!! 🙂


New Study Reveals Taking Chloroquine Fights Off COVID-19 in 6 Days and Works as Preventative for Coronavirus Infection
From the link:
On Monday Dr. Anthony Fauci, director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, announced that the first trial vaccine for the coronavirus is now being tested. The trial taking place in Seattle, which has been a hotbed for COVID-19. The test includes 45 people age 18-55 and they are receiving two injections, one at zero days, one at 28 days. The individuals will then be followed for one year. The trial results is still months away.
Me: A year!!!!
Laura invited Dr. Gregory Rigano, the co-author of the study to discuss the latest findings.
Dr. Rigano said their study found that those COVID-19 patients who took hydroxy-chloroquine were found free of the disease in 6 days. The patients were testing negative for the coronavirus in six days!
Dr. Rigano also said taking choroquine could act as a preventative.


Laura interviewed a guy about this.H Bream followed up with same.
Showing promise.


Well that’s good.


Nor’easter found this one!!! 🙂


He calls out the MSM BS.
