ChiCom-19 as a 4GW Bioweapon

This is a Twitter thread I just did, which Twitter is WILDLY SUPPRESSING for the ChiComs.



This person’s tweet was in reply to one of mine (see addendum), where I had stated to somebody else that I feared an Italy scenario would have happened in America if Trump had not THWARTED his opponents as he did. I do NOT believe that an Italy scenario is inevitable here – AT ALL. In fact, I feel that such thinking is unwise at best – dangerous at worst.

My initial reaction was that the person subconsciously HOPES for the bad stuff to happen to America to “get Trump”. So did several other posters, a few of whom replied to him negatively.

What is very interesting is that this TDS poster does NOT see himself AT ALL as having a “Schadenfreude for Trump Failure” worldview. And yet, I am pretty sure that most of us, reading his comment, can not only sense it, but can sense the beginnings of both hoax-tolerating TDS, and maybe even hoax-permitting TDS.

To me, this is psychology which the Chinese communists KNOW deeply, CREATE easily, and EXPLOIT routinely. All of our lying, hoaxing socialist Democrat neighbors are – IMO – the product of Chinese communist understanding of how to mass-brainwash Americans through a captive media.

I kindly ask people to treat this person nicely and not give him a bunch of shit. I sense the possibility of psychological breakthrough here. I mean, I’m trying to save Ruth Bader Ginsburg. Maybe HE can learn to save Donald Trump, who has done more to save RBG than ANY OF US.


Moving on again…..

Addendum I – Bill Mitchell Thread

This was a short thread where I repeated some of these ideas differently.

Addendum II – Critiques of This Work

Sorry – just had to share!

Addendum III – Miscellaneous ChiCom-19 and 4GW Tweets and Important Links
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They took the McAfee and Clarke tweets down already? I just read them.
All I can say is build your immune system up. I like Shiva Ayyadurai’s take. Seems like it is based in science.


This article explains why (at least legally) Trump is calling it “Chinese virus:”


Yes he doesn’t come out and tell them or smack them down.
In this context “Chinese” does not indicate ethnicity (not an ethnic term????) or nationality . . .
It’s a designation of ownership.
China owns this one.
Trump could say:
DJT: “China did it.”
They lie.
But Trump knows.
“my conversations with President Xi – and they know where it came from. We all know where it came from.
When the time is right, he’s going to blow the lid off all this crap.


I am praying it comes sooner rather than later.


Mt guess is as Corona winds down here. Required med sourcing well in hand. And, K A BOOM as we’ve never heard.
ChiComs will never realize their “glory days” and global dominance. Piss on them.
100% President Trump will do them in. America First. Disengage from China.


Yes, the way he said at the presser today, something about China has every reason to make prescription meds or something. It sounded like they had treated do this or I’ll do THIS.


China will NOT screw us over the meds. China NEEDS US food. China NEEDS US to buy China products.




It could have been anything, but they’ve already been warned that tariffs can go MUCH higher, 100% or higher.


And….wasn’t there a Canadian lab connection to this?


Yes but it’s bigger than a single Chinese lab. 3842
Notice that this article is offline?
But this one isn’t:
Department of Justice
Office of Public Affairs
Tuesday, January 28, 2020
Harvard University Professor and Two Chinese Nationals Charged in Three Separate China Related Cases


And what happened to the indictment of RCMP Cameron Ortiz?


Communism hates Nationalism….a weaponized flu virus created to take out the older demographic (and as a cover the removal of protestors) who are the support system for the threat of nationalism on a global level. If it wasn’t so demonic it could be called a brilliant full proof plan, especially when the global media supports the fear driven agenda. Once it escaped the China confines, it has felt to me that the primary target was Trump and his YUGE support base. When all the other hoaxes didn’t spread like a virus, they pull a bioweapon nuke out of their arsenal of tricks. The anticipated and very coordinated end result by November 2020 is that the ChiComs and their communist colluding democrats regain control. Between now and then, If the virus doesn’t get you, the fear porn will.


Sunlight is a disinfectant

Gail Combs

The following article talks about how vaccines work. that “The brain has its own immune system that is intimately connected to the body’s immune system.”
Given Old folks homes WILL VACCINATE for Flu whether the person wants it or not, is this why the Covid-19 is killing off the elderly?
(Remember the Wuhan Virus + live virus vacinate = Death from the immune system over reacting)
Remember doctors REALLY REALLY push people over 60 into getting the flu shot. I have even had the pharmacist at Walmart and the drug store ask about whether I had the flu shot and did I want one since I turned gray.
How Vaccines Can Damage Your Brain:
Vaccines, Depression and Neurodegeneration After Age 50: Another Reason to Avoid the Recommended Vaccines
By Russell L. Blaylock, M.D.

In essence, these brain immune cells are out to kill invaders, since the body’s immune system sent an emergency message that an invasion had occurred. With most infections, this phase of activation last no more than a few days to two weeks, during which time the immune system successfully kills off the invaders. Once that is accomplished, the immune system shuts down…
…during this period of activation, people generally feel bad…. — a condition called “sickness behavior
A number of studies have also shown that after age 50, people have exaggerated and prolonged “sickness behavior”, much more so than younger people. This is one of the reasons why many elderly hang onto flu symptoms for months after exposure.
There is also another immune phenomenon that plays a major role in vaccine-related brain injury. Researchers discovered that when you vaccinate an animal, the brain microglia immune cells turn on partially (called priming), that is, they are in a state of high readiness. If the immune system is activated again soon after (days, weeks to months), these microglia explode into action secreting levels of their destructive chemicals far higher than normal. This overreaction can be very destructive….
Stimulating the immune system with a vaccine is far different than contracting an infectious illness naturally. Vaccines are made of two components — the agent you wish to vaccinate against — for example, the measles virus; and an immune system booster called an immune adjuvant. These adjuvants are composed of such things as aluminum compounds, MSG, lipid compounds and even mercury. Their job is to make the immune system react as intensely as possible and for as long as possible.
Studies have shown that these adjuvants, from a single vaccine, can cause immune overactivation for as long as two years. This means that the brain microglia remain active as well, continuously pouring out destructive chemicals. In fact, one study found that a single injection of an immune activating substance could cause brain immune overactivation for over a year. This is very destructive.
Flu Vaccines and An Expanding Vaccine Schedule for the Elderly….

[It goes on from there]

Gail Combs

Here is the study showing VACCINATION HELPS VIRUS KILL!
NOTE THE DATE: Published: 14 March 2018
(Remember they caught Canadian National Microbiology Lab sending live Ebola and Henipah viruses to Beijing on an Air Canada flight March 31, 2019. and had probably been doing so for years.)
And note the authors are from:
State Key Laboratory of Virology/Hubei Province Key Laboratory of Allergy and Immunology/Institute of Medical Virology, School of Basic Medical Sciences, Wuhan University,
Evaluation of Antibody-Dependent Enhancement of SARS-CoV Infection in Rhesus Macaques Immunized with an Inactivated SARS-CoV Vaccine
“Antibody-Dependent Enhancement [ADE] of SARS-CoV Infection” => cytokine storm (septis) that KILLS
(The body over reacts and the immune response, severe inflammation & fluid secretion in the lungs is what kills)

…Generally, virus-specific antibodies play important roles in the control of viral infections. However, the presence of specific antibodies can be beneficial for infection in case of some viruses including flaviviruses, CoVs, and retroviruses (de Alwis et al. 2014; Jolly and Weiss 2000; Takano et al. 2008). Vaccine-induced enhancement of susceptibility to SARS-CoV has been documented….
It has been demonstrated that higher concentrations of anti-sera against SARS-CoV neutralized the SARS-CoV infection, while highly diluted anti-sera significantly increased the SARS-CoV infection and triggered ADE effects (Wang et al. 2014)….
One study showed that the antibody against SARS-CoV spikes protein potentiated infection of both monocytic and lymphoid cell lines, which do not express the virus receptor, and reported antibody-dependent enhancement (ADE)-mediated vaccine-induced infection aggravation (Yip et al. 2014)…

This was the WUHAN LAB and they found a way AROUND the problem using an “inactivated SARS-CoV vaccine”
The cytokine storm of severe influenza and development of immunomodulatory therapy
This explains why a second infection when antibodies are present is so much worse.
The Complexity of Antibody-Dependent Enhancement of Dengue Virus Infection


You might enjoy listening to the video I linked as a response to Wolf. It was made by Shiva Ayyadurai. Up a bit earlier in the thread.

Gail Combs

I will.
I never learned to type so it takes me a while to put up a comment. There were none but Wolfie’s when I started typing. 😋


Gail Combs, you are a fine surprise! Thanks for the funny. Big grin.
Proves you can’t tell the book by the cover, and not even by (lookin’ atchu Gail) the glossy book jacket.
My typing is a similar pair of shoes to go walking in.

Gail Combs

The SIX FEET social distance that the CDC is pushing is BOGUS!!!

…Researchers know that flu spreads through the air, especially when people cough or sneeze. But more specific details about flu transmission, such as the amount of virus a sick person produces and spreads into the air around him, was not clear, said study researcher Dr. Werner Bischoff, of Wake Forest School of Medicine in North Carolina. [See How to Avoid Spreading the Flu.]
It was previously thought that the flu spreads mainly through large particles, or droplets, in the air that travel short distances, from 3 to 6 feet. But the new study showed most flu viruses are found in very small particles in the air, Bischoff said. Smaller particles can travel farther than larger ones, he said. Because the study did not look at distances beyond 6 feet, the researchers cannot say whether the flu virus can travel farther….
The new findings suggest that masks might not be enough to protect health care providers, because the small virus particles might still be inhaled, Bischoff said.
“Our study offers new evidence of the natural emission of influenza….
The study also found that some people are more contagious than others. Nineteen percent of patients with the flu were “super-emitters,” emitting up to 32 times more virus particles than their fellow flu sufferers, the researchers said.

Another study suggested at least 3 meters (10 feet)


This stops the spread of the virus by sneezing and coughing, if the sick are wearing masks.
Something is VERY WRONG here. CDC is not helping.

Gail Combs

Flashback: CDC Workers Were “Crying in the Hallways” When Trump Was Elected President
The CDC HELPED OH!Bummer bring disease into the USA and SPREAD IT!
There was a story about medical personal being THREATENED if they leaked how diseased OH!Bummers Dreamers were. (I can not longer find it.)
Media buries the truth about illegal immigrants bringing wave of hepatitis, tuberculosis and HIV to America

…..when Barack Obama let tens of thousands of illegal immigrant minors into the country, health experts warned about the serious hazards to the American public. Most of the Unaccompanied Alien Children (UAC) came from Central America, like the current caravan, and they crossed into the U.S. through Mexico, in the same way that the caravan expects to. Swine flu, dengue fever and Ebola were among the diseases that the hordes of UACs brought with them, according to lawmakers and medical experts interviewed by Judicial Watch during the influx. ….

Obama’s illegals bring disease to America’s children

…“We’re not set up for this, and we’re inviting more problems,” he said. “The thing is, these [illegal immigrants] aren’t staying down here in the border region. This problem isn’t contained in the border areas. [They] are coming in here, they’re going north, and it’s going to affect the entire country. It’s going to affect the New Yorks, the Washington, D.C.s, the Chicago, the Dallas, even the Kansas, the Iowa, that’s where they’re headed, and that’s where it’s headed.”…

And it was ALSO BUSH!

CDC works 24/7 to protect America from health, safety and security threats, both foreign and in the U.S. Whether diseases start at home or abroad…
Detecting and responding to new and emerging health threats


8 U.S. Code § 1182.Inadmissible aliens
(a)Classes of aliens ineligible for visas or admission
(1)Health-related grounds
(A)In general
Any alien
(i)who is determined (in accordance with regulations prescribed by the Secretary of Health and Human Services) to have a communicable disease of public health significance; [1]
(ii)except as provided in subparagraph (C), who seeks admission as an immigrant, or who seeks adjustment of status to the status of an alien lawfully admitted for permanent residence, and who has failed to present documentation of having received vaccination against vaccine-preventable diseases, which shall include at least the following diseases: mumps, measles, rubella, polio, tetanus and diphtheria toxoids, pertussis, influenza type B and hepatitis B, and any other vaccinations against vaccine-preventable diseases recommended by the Advisory Committee for Immunization Practices,
(iii)who is determined (in accordance with regulations prescribed by the Secretary of Health and Human Services in consultation with the Attorney General)—
(I)to have a physical or mental disorder and behavior associated with the disorder that may pose, or has posed, a threat to the property, safety, or welfare of the alien or others, or…



Gail…thanks so much for your posts…I’ve shared with many and hope they take the time to read them and continue to share with others. btw, I think we should all chip in and get some typing lessons for you! LOL.

Gail Combs

Since I have Arthur T Writus I do not think it will help at this late date. 🙃
Hubby say it sounds like I am getting faster with all the practice I have been getting. 😉


Aubergine…especially when not wearing masks is opposite what other, more densely populated nations, routinely do. If you’ve ever taken a Commuter train in Japan, for example, you would understand why the majority wear masks.
The argument I’ve read is that a mask doesn’t allow the wearer to expel the “nasties” and creates a petrie dish environment for them. Well, duh. Better that than sneezing, coughing and generally exposing those around you.


Wolfie – this post may take a dozen readings. I hope you also post a Threadreader version.
You can be VERY SURE our President has not missed one jot and tittle of this pernicious poisonous plot against his beloved United States of America and its people.


Make sure we have a backup. Don’t trust Twitter – Twitter is asshoe!!!


Yes they do! gab pls


Good work Wolf.
Deserves another read
I Appreciate you on point sniffing out the ‘machines’


I went back on Twitter (off for Lent) to share the thread, Wolf. You hit a homerun with it.
I’m almost shaking, I’m so angry. You laid it all out.
The traitors within our country have me seeing red.


I also added on to my tweet with a direct link here.
This is so important. Wolf, you are a true hero. ❤🤍💙

Gail Combs

We need a Joe McCarthy to go hunting the traitors in our Universities.
ONLY students who are LOYAL to the regime and whose parents are members of the Chinese Communist Party are ALLOWED to leave China and come to the USA. We have an ENTIRE RED ARMY seeded in our universities and tech companies.
AND Our Treasonous government ALLOWED IT!!!
May 1, 2014
“….The current Chinese leader, Xi Jinping, is the first of the “heirs” to take power. As the son of a communist general who fought the Japanese and the Nationalists, he is a princeling, a member of the new hereditary aristocracy. A passage from an essay by the Australian defense analyst Paul Monk is very telling on the subject of what President Xi intends for Asia’s near future:”

In any case, Xi Jinping, despite his genial smile, good English, and familiarity with the United States, is no reforming liberal. Shortly after assuming the presidency, he took all the members of his politburo with him to the bizarre museum the Party has built in Tiananmen Square – the museum of national humiliation and revival. He pointed out to them the exhibits showing the arrival of the Jesuits via Macao in the sixteenth century and how this had been the beginning of the infiltration and humiliation of China by the West. He pointed out the exhibits showing the Japanese invasions of China and making the unfounded assertion that the Japanese were defeated by the Communist Party with a little help from “good” Nationalist generals. The Americans, he said, then became the enemy. “Against this external enemy,” he told China’s inner group of top leaders, “we must stick together.”

Reed the Rest HERE: China Picks at the Scab to Keep the Wound Fresh


Our President has always known it was the China threat that was our worst nightmare.


Since the universities are closed, it’s the perfect time to lock down and decontaminate these labs, and secure all of the research materials and evaluate all PI and research assistants before reopening. They have nothing but time. It’s clearly a matter of national security.


Sounds extremely reasonable…unless the Director of lab studies is being paid by foreign governments, in which case …..


the recently indicted Chemistry Chair @ Harvard, for example?


And, U of North Carolina and, and….


At issue is that although the universities close, the experiments continue (with backup power).

CM in TN

The labs around here are still operating, in a diminished capacity. Can’t be too specific for opsec reasons, but most of y’all who know me can probably put 2 and 2 together.


I haven’t read the entire post, nor all of the remarkable comments…
This relates to Wolf’s colossal posts about CGTC. It may not seem like the appropriate spot to drop this, in a comment thread about university research, but to me it’s highly appropriate, and returns me to these research questions of circa 2005:
” If OMA = CIA
and REM = OMA
is REM = CIA ? ”
and “…what exactly is metropolitan architecture, anyway?”

And a more important question: what color hat does he wear?
(Think posts of construction projects and FISA 2 hops. This project started in Sept 2002. Remember cited indictment of Chinese researcher in July 2002? REM, a foreign national, and an agent of CCG; I don’t think they even need judicial approval of that warrant. )
After watching the video, does anyone else see similarities to this centerpiece of a certain collage city?
It’s all coming together, and it’s a very old, highly secret investigation. Nothing can stop what’s coming, I believe.

Gail Combs

AG Sessions was going after the universities.
Cases by date:
2020 (25)
2019 (85)
2018 (142)
2017 (76)
Here are a few of them:
March 23, 2018 Nine Iranians Charged With Conducting Massive Cyber Theft Campaign on Behalf of the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps
Mabna Institute Hackers Penetrated Systems Belonging to Hundreds of Universities, Companies, and Other Victims to Steal Research, Academic and Proprietary Data, and Intellectual Property

May 20, 2019 Justice Department Seeks to Intervene in Private Class Action to Enforce Prohibition on Unlawful “No-Poach” Agreements
▶️ “… class action challenging alleged agreements between Duke University (Duke) and the University of North Carolina (UNC) not to compete for each other’s medical …” ◀️
March 25, 2019
Duke University Agrees to Pay U.S. $112.5 Million to Settle False Claims Act Allegations Related to Scientific Research Misconduct
“… Duke University has agreed to pay the government $112.5 million to resolve … is completely unacceptable.” Duke is a private university located in Durham, North Carolina. Duke receives millions of dollars … The case is captioned United States ex rel. Thomas v. Duke University, et al., Case No. 1:17-cv-276 (M.D.N.C.). Civil Division …”
August 21, 2019
University of Kansas Researcher Indicted for Fraud for Failing to Disclose Conflict of Interest with Chinese University
“… A researcher at the University of Kansas (KU) was indicted today on federal charges of hiding the fact he was working full time for a Chinese university while doing research at KU funded by the U.S. government. Feng … time that he was employed and paid by a Chinese research university — a fact that he hid from his university and federal agencies,” …”
February 27, 2020
Researcher at University Arrested for Wire Fraud and Making False Statements About Affiliation with a Chinese University
“…. of Mechanical, Aerospace and Biomedical Engineering at the University of Tennessee, Knoxville (UTK) was arrested today on a federal … committed fraud by hiding his relationship with a Chinese university while receiving funding from NASA,” said Assistant Attorney …”
Here are cases for 2019:


When I retweet things like this, I try to use the hashtags of what twitter says is trending. Sure, @jack fucks with the trending hashtag algorithms, but I figure people are still latching onto them, so I do too. It works because I’ve gotten the most retweets of something that I hashtagged with a trend tag.


I did. I put #Chinavirus.


Maybe that wasn’t trending….


Wolfie’s isn’t a thread yet (at least no purplr thread link). I will retweet it when the thread reader picks it up (hopefully).
Wolfie – did you post your tweet to GAB? We can spread it there too if someone more tech-capable than I can get it over there.


The first tweet wasn’t threaded, which is why I started with the second tweet. I think the rest were threaded properly.


Thanks Grandma !! I will check it again 😘


Is threadreader up yet?


I will retweet with that link, if so. Hard to stay off Twitter now. Things are happening so fast.

CM in TN

I dropped a link to this WP Q Tree post. Put it on Parler too.


You rarely come through my feed either 😩 Sucky @jack


I know. Same here. Hateful BS from @jack.


Do believe that some of this is going to be hard to get out there…hey I got 3 more FB accounts if needed….H3LL in one group i’m in there area already echoing Wolfie
Sad to say but I do believe we are just a few weeks if not days away from Marshal law




hey i will burn up all 3 accounts…and right not friends don’t care if they get screwed on twitter they will repost what I dm them


Some great work here, wolf. If a patriot did not understand it innately before – they do now. It is and has always been about hating PDT, hating us, and gaining control. Which means they will continue to fail. Inflict some damage – yes. Accomplish their domination goals – no.
Hate never wins a war. Battles – occasionally. Wars – never. Wars can stretch on for centuries and longer. They will never win this war because God wins. All we have to do is stay vigilant and…
Fight, fight, fight!
Thanks for helping lead the fight.

Steve in Lewes

Thought you might like this.comment image


Thanks for another great article back to tweeting this stuff..But before I go…I’m 68 and in great health but this just pisses me off!!! I along with others (seniors) now feel like we are walking around with a red dot 🔴 aimed at our bodies.

Gail Combs

THAT is because we Seniors ARE!
Straight from Fabian co-founder George Bernard Shaw

“The moment we face it frankly we are driven to the conclusion that the community has a right to put a price on the right to live in it … If people are fit to live, let them live under decent human conditions. If they are not fit to live, kill them in a decent human way. Is it any wonder that some of us are driven to prescribe the lethal chamber as the solution for the hard cases which are at present made the excuse for dragging all the other cases down to their level, and the only solution that will create a sense of full social responsibility in modern populations?”
Source: George Bernard Shaw, Prefaces (London: Constable and Co., 1934), p. 296.

And in Fabian Controlled UK:
Hospitals ‘paid millions to put patients on [Liverpool] death pathway’ “Hospitals are being paid millions of pounds to reach targets for the number of patients put on a controversial pathway for the withdrawal of life-saving treatment, according to data based on Freedom of Information requests.”
Or as Ted Turner, founder of CNN and the UN Foundation bluntly put it during an interview with Audubon magazine.
“A total population of 250-300 million people, a 95% decline from present levels, would be ideal.” – Source: The book You Don’t Say, by Fred Gielow, 1999, page 189.
Isn’t this EXACTLY what we are now seeing in Italy with their leaving the elderly to die?


Exactly! I guess Sarah was right about those “death panels” that people laughed about.

Gail Combs

Yes Sarah was very correct.
There was even an ‘Official Triage’ Report by the OH!Bummer admin. Notice the number of hospitals in the USA is DECREASING as the small hospitals are forced out of business.


My gosh! My son and I were just discussing this early today. He was shocked that it
was reported only 900 thousand hospital beds in U.S. and I told him when I was growing up practically every little town had it’s on hospital. Now you have to travel distances if you live in rural or smaller towns. He talked of how urbanization was part of “their” plan. Move everyone into cities and easier to control. Conversation led to food shortages and how the Russian Dachas are wonderful ideas.

Gail Combs

USA HOSPITAL BEDScomment image


It’s now been a long period since I was active nationally in the hospital scene, but even at that time about 100 small hospitals (rural communities, for the most part) were closing. I will always remember attending national conferences, meeting CEOs of small struggling hospitals desperately seeking ways and means to survive.
Now, it’s not even just small hospitals…this year alone saw the closing of one of the first hospitals in Philadelphia. Survival usual means merging with a university hospital system and becoming a referral agent for them.
I do think the advent of teleconference appointments will be the saving grace for outlying communities plus Nurse Practitioners.
As stated, the problem then becomes a matter of available beds when required.


Look at this sh#t.
A USFA bureaucrat is threatening to withhold food from those of us who aren’t going to be compliant little sheep:


My simple thoughts on the current social and governmental restrictions, for what it’s worth:
POTUSVSG’s actions/reactions is doing a’win-win’ .
If this is ‘big and bad’, his actions are a good start, but even stronger restrictions are coming. He is ramping up properly without much perceptible over-reaction. It is hard to say…though ‘they’ will say it… that he wasn’t strong enough.
If POTUSVSG’s actions are enough and this goes away smoothly and by election time everything is back to booming, this will be a great victory.
Bonus: any and all actions will be the strongest ever done by a gov’t. After this is over, we can look back on what we did right and what we did wrong.
When the next virus comes along …2 years?… we will be better prepared and not make the same mistakes and hopefully do the right things, right again.
The population will already be prepped mentally for it to some extent…” yea remember back in 2020 and corona when we closed down for two weeks? Yea, stock up a bit earlier, don’t panic, TP isn’t a big deal, so don’t MAKE it a big deal.”


PS – Absolute brilliant thread by Wolfy! Also, great responses here by fellow QTs. (….”cuties” ;))
When I read the htread this am est, each tweet only had 2 likes.
Has everybody here been ‘liking’ it and twitter is removing them?


Additionally, not only policies, removal of restrictions and Obama’s roadblocks, stockpiling equipment, bringing medical manufacturing back to the USA, etc… also sends a MESSAGE to China or anyone (Leftists) else about trying this in the future.


Wolfmoon, some information on Ohio’s Department of Health Director, Amy Acton. Seems she is a Democrat, was an Obama activist and managed non-profit fundraising grants for Planned Parenthood. Dewine did a lousy job on vetting this lady. She went by the name Amy Beech (divorced) and licensed a clinic that allowed abortions up to birth. See article here:
I just starting researching this last night after wondering what in the hell was going on with our so-called Republican Governor. All the Democrats are praising Dewines action, insert suspicious cat. Never liked him myself, since his push for a wildlife refuge here locally, but the Democrat running against him was worse, so here we are.
A judge had come down against Dewines cancelling of the primary late yesterday evening, so thought we might be voting today, then Amy Acton stepped in and called it a medical emergency, so we are back to no polls open today.
Medical emergencies trump everything it seems, Constitution be damned.

Concerned Virginian

I just wrote about Dr. Amy Acton over on another thread here at the Q Tree.
She is a VERY DANGEROUS person and Gov. DEWINE is an “easily managed” RINO.
Dr. Amy Acton is like IAGO to Gov. DeWine’s OTHELLO.
OHIO is a battleground for the CHINESE COMMNINSTS, in conjunction with the DeepState/ DEMCOMS/ Globalists/ SOROS CABAL, to “arrange it” so that OHIO GOES AGAINST POTUS in the November election.


Concerned Virginian
I am in OH and no one is deserting POTUS. We are a loyal bunch except Columbus where the dems rain.
We are not going to o against POTUS no way !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


That’s a very good way to put it, “easily managed”. We have a lot of RINO’s here in Ohio unfortunately. I’m not liking what I’m seeing and hearing about her at all. We shall see how it all turns out.


As strong as the armor US defenses have been – the chink in that armor was defense against biological and chemical weapons.
What about the enemies inside our gates thanks to the likes of Clintons, Bushes and Øbominable and the mega wealthy foreign and domestic enemies of our state and people?
What about the protection of water, nuclear and electric power systems?
What about protection against cyber warfare and EMP?
I have long had the thought that the last war would be against the vaccinated and unvaccinated.
The Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse in the Revelation of the Apostle John come to mind.


Security is only as good as the WEAKEST link. True!

Gail Combs

What about protection against cyber warfare and EMP?
Well Dr Pry warned against an EMP attack. OH!Bummer ignored it but President Trump got the law passed ASAP. There have also been steps taken to go after the cyber warfare but that would be a LONG list.
This is 2018:


I remembered a reference in one of Tom Clancy’s books about the first use of a virus in biological warfare.
“The first attempt at biological warfare was undertaken by Alexander the Great. He launched bodies of plague victims into a besieged city with catapults. I don’t know if it worked or not. He took the city anyway, slaughtered all the citizens, and moved on.”
(from “Executive Orders”, page 662 of the hardcover)

Concerned Virginian

AND then there’s this:
Today I got a long PDF presentation of a webinar that was held by the brokerage house where I have a small account.
This PDF is full of charts from information compiled by their department heads.
I say this PDF is a summation of HOW WALL STREET VIEWS POTUS and HIS EFFORTS REGARDING the Wuhan Flu. I cannot emphasize this enough.
Takeaways from the PDF:
REAL POSSIBILITY for the Democrats to gain significant ground among voters and REAL POSSIBILITY FOR POTUS TO LOSE IN NOVEMBER.
The situation with the Wuhan Flu is going to get much worse before it gets better.
Social distancing already has negative impact on the economy. This will get worse as more restrictions are put in place.
The PDF talks about RISK TOLERANCE and urges investors speak with their advisor about their amount of risk tolerance and to rebalance / reallocate holdings if necessary.
My gut feeling is an uneasy thought that WALL STREET may (unconsciously or not) be part of the 4W issue.


Suggested tweak…
WALL STREET IS part of the 4W issue.
There are trillions at stake.
– Wall Street is NOT nationalist.
– Wall Street is damn sure NOT America First.
Brokerage firm that created the PDF IS, Wall Street, Globaist centric, NOT America First.
IF I were in the stock market, it would be America ONLY. Once upon a time I was in the stock market and big time gulping global crap. Sure as hell, I was duped.
Have since recovered. Pure American these days.

Gail Combs

Wall Street IS THE ENEMY!
WHO OWNS/Controls the transnational corporations??? FINANCIAL INSTITUTIONS. If you have a pension or are invested in a mutual fund YOU do not own and control the stock a financial Institution does! AND THEY CONTROL THE STOCK MARKET.
From 1996: Privatisation and the Life Industry
October 26, 2011– The Network of Global Corporate Control
Corporations and government
The EPA and other agencies are used to forbid all sorts of things that can be done easily and cheaply, and where the alternative is very expensive. Heck they are now working on banning woodstoves so people have to shell out money to the ENERGY COMPANIES or freeze instead of using wood from their own wood lot.
Once corporations figured out that it was cheaper and easier to get the competition banned and them mandated, than it is to create new products. Once they figured out that they can make lots of money as the sole provider of a crappy product but not that much making good products in a competitive market; The campaign contributions flowed to BOTH PARTIES and FASCISM aka the Third Way Socialist model was off and running.
Heck Mother Jones did an article about the biggest US campaign contributor Dwayne Andreas and Archer Daniels Midland Co. and how the government laws benefit that corporation.
Global warming, Obama’s new Hobby Horse, is being used to push Agenda 21.
What is Agenda 21?
It is the old ‘Company Town’ with a pretty new wrapping, taken to the extreme. Democrat Rosa Koire <a href=""figured that one out but the useful idiots like you are much too brain washed. Of course useful idiots like you are just what the elite are looking for — docile unquestioning serfs.
“>Dwayne Andreas and Archer Daniels Midland Co. and how the government laws benefited that corporation.
Global warming, Obama’s Hobby Horse, was used to push Agenda 21.
What is Agenda 21?
It is the old ‘Company Town’ with a pretty new wrapping, taken to the extreme. Democrat Rosa Koire <a href=""figured that one out but the useful idiots like you are much too brain washed. Of course useful idiots like you are just what the elite are looking for — docile unquestioning serfs.


The Political Infection/Infestation within the Health Care Agencies – may be why President Trump has not pushed forward a replacement for Øbominablecare.
It’s not just having a Democrat majority House.
The Leftists have polluted, poisoned, politicized everything – every agency and every department of government and the military.


IMO – President Trump’s plan is to rebuild it all – strip it to the framework and restore it from the ground up.


Why is the WHO involved with the people who have the patent on the virus? Asking for a friend.
From THE Pirbright INSTITUTE website (the owners of the patent for COVID-19)
Home » Partnerships » Our major stakeholders
The Pirbright Institute is a publicly funded private company. We have a diverse range of major stakeholders, and receive strategic funding from the Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council (BBSRC) which is part of UK Research and Innovation (UKRI).
Our major stakeholders are:
Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council (BBSRC)
UK Department for the Environment, Food and Rural Affairs (Defra)
Wellcome Trust, Medical Research Council (MRC) and other research funding agencies
International funding and disease control agencies, such as OIE, WHO, the European Commission, Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation
Industrial producers of veterinary vaccines and antivirals
Farmers and livestock keepers

Gail Combs

Pirbright are the SOBs who turned loose Foot and Mouth disease on the UK livestock farmers and WIPED THEM OUT thanks to the ‘NEW IMPROVED WHO/WTO/OIE’ trade regulations. ANOTHER Laboratory leak of a pathogen.
If you de-populate aka KILL EVERTHING in a 10K radius and have zero more disease in x months, then you can EXPORT per WTO/WHO/OIE rules.
If you use the Foot and Mouth Disease vaccine, YOU CAN NOT EXPORT for a substantially longer period of time.
So the UK Government under Tony Blair kept killing and killing and killing the UK livestock, NEVER getting the disease ‘under control’


Chicom Virus is going to be used as the cover for how democrats won the WH in 2020 (ie. through rigged voting)…
….not only in crashing US economy and attacking elderly GOP voter base through biological warfare.
It is all 3 of these things.
1. Crashing the economy
2. Attacking the elderly
3. Rigging the vote in key states
Brilliant post on the psych warfare in play. Hope it goes viral! Our peeps like Hannity, Tucker, and Rush really need to start spending significant time talking about what you outline/detail here.

Gail Combs

NYGuy above put up the tweet by the MIT PhD Biological Engineer on the immune system & immune health. It dies about 10 minutes in on me so here is another link. (4 PhDs from MIT YIKES!)
He adds Vitamin A to our arsenal. I already mentioned selenium and iodine for thyroid support.
I have zero argument with anything he says although I came up with the same conclusions from an entirely different route via individual papers.
He mentions the crumbling infrastucture and ‘dirty water’ Here is verification of that point. Salem is in the Boston area. Think Witch Trials.
Aging of Water Mains Is Becoming Hard to Ignore

…the 6-inch-wide city pipe that still delivers drinking water to a block on Nixon Street here uses an even more primitive technology: wood.
Its wooden planks are lashed together with a coil of metal as if each section of pipe were a long, narrow barrel. And while the small stretch beneath the ground here may seem more Swiss Family Robinson than 21st century, it is not unique to Chelan.
Water officials say they believe that a handful of wooden water mains are still in use in South Dakota, Alaska and Pennsylvania, among other places. The old wood pipes offer a vivid reminder of the age and fragility of the nation’s drinking water systems, many of which rely heavily on old pipes that often remain out of sight and mind — until they burst….



Wolf. I have heard now that counties are shutting down, they are putting leos into more active roles on the street AND getting everyone ready for multiday response.
IOW getting ready for riots and platoon patrol.
What is it that the govenebt is doing or knows more that what is said?
The entire country is being shut down. So despite there being food, if you dont have an income bc the govt has told everything to shut down you cant buy any food and you cant keep busy. If idle hands are the devil’s workshop, most people cannot be idle for too long.
Ive already had discussions about roving gangs during the day hours. Those that arent selling drugs will need cash. Robbery will increase and if any riots begin, platoon policing will nearly immediately lead to martial law, esp in CA


The only thing Q has said that disturbed me was that single post about State Funeral….that one makes me queasy 🤢


Prayers, Wolfie…many prayers 🙏🗽🇺🇸


Bill Mitchell is a bit late. I posited the notion at least a week ago that the Wuhan virus was similar to the replicants in Blade Runner.
“Roy, you were made as good as we could make you. And the bulb that burns half as long burns twice as bright. And you have been so very bright, Roy.” [not an exact quote]


The city next door to us just declared a state of emergency. Mind you this is a town of 10,000 and we have no cases of Kung Flu in our county. The mayor has just declared that they can contain and quarantine whomever they deem a threat, and no gatherings of more than 50 people. They can control ingress and egress of citizens into and out of town!!!


I don’t trust them. The people that run that town are not equipped to use their power wisely. I can shop elsewhere. And will!


[…] Posted By: wolfmoon1776 0 View 0 Comment KAG, MEGA, MIGA 3ViewsShareTweetMail […]

CM in TN

Since Twatter is shadowbanning your tweets, I posted it to Parler and Gab. Can’t stop the signal and all…

CM in TN

No, thank you! You provide a great service for us all. WWG1WGA!


Well I bet I could not post this over on FB, and not sure if this might be the reason I got put in lock down on twitter.
The following was censored by twitter.
“Meanwhile “More than 18,000 Americans have died from this season’s generic flu so far, according to the latest data from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.” Why is the news not reporting this.”


Think tweeter was Not due to the above post but got in lock down right after posting Wolfie’s post and people were sharing it.


FB tagged it as against their rules

mollypitcher5 report saying most California schools won’t be back in session at all before summer break in June.
How are people supposed to manage ? Where are all these thousands upon thousands of WuFlu cases ?I haven’t heard of any that anyone personally knew or even a 3rd/4th hand story


I’m trying to believe this but my hinky meter is off the charts. I don’t want to see thousands of cases but shutting down the country for 4 months or more…I don’t know it’s feeling like we’re getting played


“This cultural Marxist effort began by a media process of GUILT INDUCTION followed by GUILT BLAME.
First, the American leftist media TAUGHT the term “Wuhan coronavirus”, echoing world scientists. THEN they criticized use of the same term as RACIST.”
It makes no sense, their attempt to inject racism, unless the target willingly plays along. The MSM obviously will because the MSM is a participant subversive.
But the American People don’t have to play along.
Nobody is blaming Orientals (or Asians), it is the Chinese Communist Party that is to blame.
China isn’t a race, it’s a country. Racism is not about countries, that would be ‘countryism’. Racism is about RACE, which is not the same as a country. The CCP could argue that since (estimated) 99% of their population is Oriental, then accusing China is essentially the same as accusing Orientals, but that doesn’t work either, because:
A) the fact that 99% of their population is Oriental makes THEM look like racists… why isn’t their country more racially diverse?
B) nobody is accusing Hong Kong, or South Korea, or North Korea, or any other predominantly Oriental nation, only China, because that’s where the bio-weapon virus was unleashed
C) nobody is accusing the Chinese People, it’s the Chinese Communist Party government
So the whole attempt is bogus and can’t withstand even casual scrutiny.
Likewise, CCP isn’t a race, it’s a political entity.
Ergo, blaming the CCP (or even China generally) cannot possibly be racist, just like China blaming America couldn’t be racist either.
It’s nonsense.
To attempt to CALL it racist is to falsely accuse someone of racism to deflect attention from your own criminal conduct, which is another bogus subversive Chinese Communist Party invention, a ‘Hate Crime’. Like a black person painting swastikas on a church building predominantly attended by black people, and then claiming white neo-Nazis did it.
Like Juicy Smullet pretending he was lynched by white people, in order to create racial tension and actual racism against whites.
The only way such an ‘attack’ (charge of ‘racism’ by China against America) could or would even be ATTEMPTED is with full collaboration of the MSM (enemy collaborators).
So long as the MSM is an enemy who is allowed to operate openly behind enemy lines (i.e., INSIDE our ‘gates’), we are giving away the game.
That has been a major point from the get-go, since DJT was inaugurated.
Leaving the MSM intact to perform as a tool for the enemy is like giving a free pass to the enemy, allowing the enemy to control the narrative, which means allowing the enemy to propagandize your own population.
How is that ever going to be a winning strategy?


“I suggest that the media has been allowed to walk the plank without knowing it.”
Sure is a long plank.
Most planks that long are called ‘bridges’ 😁


And be careful about posting the real truth


“And be careful about posting the real truth.”
How will I recognize it?
or… (see next post)


Hey on FB when KEPR posted about Trump declaring the 15th National Prayer Day…Boy did the haters come out in force and this is considered the conservative area


I understand now. 👍
I don’t post on FB or Twitter, there is no point to it because I only get suspended or banned almost immediately.
If Trump/DOJ ever gets around to breaking up the Big Tech Marxist Monopoly so our right to express ourselves is finally protected, the Left won’t stand a chance.
The only way they ‘dominate’ (not the right word) now is because people like us are prohibited (by banning) from engaging the fight.
Remove the threat of ‘banning’, and the snowflake Left won’t last a day.


have a friend on FB and he has been gone two months…banned but ok otherwise


“And be careful about posting the real truth.”
Pontius Pilate: “What is truth?” (John 18:38)
[it was a toss up, couldn’t decide which reply was better, not able to quote Pilate very often…]


Lost of the other flu cases but don’t post about them on FB or try to get the read truth out there . H3LL can you believe this post also was banned on FB This is something that we should all be thinking about! Kleenex warning -Might make you teary eyed ‘Today I cried. Not because I’m stressed out or scared. I cried because of a 92-year-old man.’: Woman says ‘forget about the 75 rolls of toilet paper you think you need and think about the 92-year-old man’ P
Do truly believe that we are being screwed with mean while this is playing on KLOVE “Alive & Breathing”
Seek and you will find
Joy still comes in the morning
Hope still walks with the hurting
If you’re still alive and breathing
Praise the Lord
Don’t stop dancing and dreaming
There’s still good news worth repeating
So lift your head and keep singing
Praise the Lord
Years roll by
We wonder why
We lost our way from home
Our Father finds The child inside
We had left for growing old
Awake, awake, awake my soul
Joy still comes in the morning
Hope still walks with the hurting
If you’re still alive and breathing
Praise the Lord


At PT today someone was telling a couple of us that they found that the Malaria medicine will cure the Coronavirus
Why isn’t it bigger news
Drug used to originally fight malaria showing promise in treating coronavirus, Oklahoma Medical Research Foundation says


I know my dad was on them i the war for a long time while stationed in Panama canal area


Once people figure out how to get prophylactic doses of quinine, I’m wondering if there isn’t going to be a run on gin.


Wolfie —the nursing home in Kent Washington was so mishandled.
They transferred 3 different patients in 3 different ambulances to 3 different hospitals. Nothing like sharing the virus with people in the general public. When the nursing home patients were transferred they knew about the virus for weeks at least.
Those three patients should have been taken care of in the home with whatever was needed brought in. The home bragged in their ads how well equipped they were .
At first I thought it was one patient one hospital,(that was still would be mishandling) then found out it was 3 patients in different ambulances to 3 different hospitals. Do you realize how many ambulance personal, hospital people, people just visiting hospital, and list goes on were exposed needlessly to the virus.
What was interesting is that it was 2 days or just the day before the first death when Inslee bragged he had everything in Washington in control. In the same speech Inslee was bragging about everything in Washington being in control, he spent over 1/2 of the speech bashing Pence and Trump.


Our state has specific rules for fire district EMS that handle mulitple patients at the same location. They are required to take them to different hospitals/ERs. Supposedly to prevent overloading one ER.
Inslee is too stupid to watch what DJT is doing with regulations and then copy it here. I think a lot of these donkeys have a regulation fetish – they’ve never seen a regulation that didn’t get them all warm and fuzzy.


Problem is that they were far enough apart that ER rule probably shouldn’t have applied.
But with virus already a known threat they should not have been moved from one medical facility to another.


Got the low down on FB anything wordpress FB is deleting now. so if its a wordpress forum post being shared they will delete it.


sick…really sick


I called my sister. She’s teaching first grade this year. We both had a good laugh about “distance learning”. Might work for High School……first grade, not so much. Much chaos and running things off the cuff.


On top of that if you trying to home school your kids are live in the bonnies with no internet its almost impossible, even libraries are closed.
There are quite a few out my way that the only type of internet they can get is satellite and that is really really expensive.


“Such criticalities can even go REALLY BIG, like in Italy. People are STILL debating exactly WHY Italy went critical. High age, overrun hospitals, and smoking are all theories. But the most concerning theory is TIME – that Italy did not quarantine HARD enough SOON enough.”
Has anyone been able to confirm that the large majority (if not all) deaths due to China Virus in Italy are Asians?
In other words, was the designer China virus designed to be most deadly to Asians, and is this high risk to Asians (and consequently lower risk to non-Asians) being covered up?
This subject was raised by SGT-Report in an article published Feb. 18th, at which time it is claimed that NO white people had from China virus, that China virus is somehow targeted at Asians, and this was being covered up by the media due to concerns over ‘rayciss’.
Here is the article:
Here is Wiki on the Chinese population of Italy:
The community of Chinese people in Italy has grown rapidly in the past ten years. Official statistics indicate there are at least 320,794 Chinese citizens in Italy, although these figures do not account for illegal immigration, former Chinese citizens who have acquired Italian nationality or Italian-born people of Chinese descent.
Prato, Tuscany has the largest concentration of Chinese people in Italy and all of Europe. It has the second largest population of Chinese people overall in Italy after Milan.
Country statistics
Also here:
There are over 50 million overseas Chinese.
How do these large population centers of Chinese people outside China match up with outbreaks around the world?comment image


“I suspect that the idea these people were all Asians is ChiCom disinfo.”
Well that’s just it, we shouldn’t have to ‘suspect’ anything, we should KNOW, but there is ZERO transparency.
Our government isn’t telling us (as far as I know), and neither is China or China Press (i.e., our MSM).
In any event, the SGT article I referenced is still up, because the link is still active.


“We must show that CHINA attacks our cultural icons when they attack our elders. They attack our history, our culture, our religion, our flag, and the bravest defenders of these things.”
Show who?
The Left already hates all those things, so wouldn’t showing that China is attacking them only encourage Leftists?
“To the Chinese communists, and those who helped them construct ChiCom-19, we say NO.”
Why don’t we rip their ‘face’ off, instead?
These lying hypocrites are supposed to be all about ‘face’ and ‘saving’ it.
So all that is needed is to understand the Chinese concept of ‘honor’ or ‘face’, and then show how the CCP has no honor, that their actions are, in fact, an abomination, a crime against humanity.
DJT obviously must have a thousand different kinds of evidence against China, but for whatever reason, so far he is not making any of it public.
That doesn’t mean We the People can’t engage in a TRUTH psy-op against the CCP.
Regular Americans create ‘viral videos’ every day, seen by tens (sometimes hundreds) of millions of people worldwide.
The CCP cares about ‘face’.
The CCP is without honor, which ‘face’ requires.
Show the world that the CCP is without honor, and we show the world that the CCP has lost ‘face’.
A CCP without ‘face’ cannot survive.

Plain Jane

Thought provoking article.
“Trump Halts CDC Fearmongering. But Why Are Antibiotics & Not Anti-Virals Quelling The COVID-19 Coronavirus? Is It Really A Virus?
Posted March 3, 2020: by Bill Sardi
“COVID-19 Coronavirus is as much an ecological disaster as it is a medical one. Initially it appears to be a unique experience centered in Wuhan, China. It emanates from an environment of incinerated pig waste, airborne particles, and low vitamin D blood levels in winter, and weakened immune systems, particularly among smokers, drinkers and the elderly.
It is believed both the Spanish flu of 1918 and the COVID-19 coronavirus began as zoonotic (animal to human) infections. Not from bats as first reported in the Wuhan COVID-19 outbreak, but rather from pigs, and pig waste.
“The 1918 Spanish flu pandemic began in the midst of an infectious pig slaughter of undiscovered cause, a few hundred miles from Camp Funston, what is Fort Riley today. Similarly, the outbreak of the COVID-19 coronavirus outbreak began in the Wuhan, China area in the wake of a massive kill-off of pigs who were dying from African Swine Flu.
“Viral outbreaks arise in winter, but so does tuberculosis.
“Some types of mycobacteria do not have cell walls and can mimic the appearance of a virus under the microscope.
Antibiotics cannot be used for viruses. If a virus, then why aren’t antiviral drugs working but antibiotics are?
COVID-19 coronavirus may just be a “passenger virus,” not the primary microbial organism that kills by filling the lower lungs with fluid.
Both the current Wuhan COVID-19 coronavirus and tubercular mycobacteria do not infect young children roughly 5-12 years of age.
Fear of the COVID-19 coronavirus may be misplaced. More people are killed by Mycobacterium tuberculosis (1.7 million) in a year than the few who have been infected (~80,000) or have died (less than 2000) of the COVID-19 coronavirus.
It is projected that the “COVID-19 Coronavirus” will peak worldwide in March and then return in a second but lesser peak in September, in accordance with Yang’s Wuhan study from 2004 to 2013, describing the annual TB surges in Wuhan, China.
Saying the spread of the COVID-19 coronavirus is inevitable, a CDC (Centers for Disease Control) official advised Americans “brace themselves” and prepare to shut down public schools, avoid going to church, and self-quarantine their families. These onerous measures are for a virus that has infected just 53 Americans (Feb. 25), mostly among people who traveled recently to China”

Plain Jane

The article goes on to make a pretty good case that WuFlu is treatable not as a virus but as bacteria.


Girl…You are truly…Amazing!!!! Me bows to you!!!!!!! Wouldnt this be awesome!!!

Plain Jane

I didn’t scout it out, just checked it out. 🙂 Someone at linked it in his comment. It hit me like a ton of bricks. Normally I try to give credits, but the post was getting long and I didn’t want to complicate it.

Valerie Curren

I’ve wondered also about the “virus” nature of CV. There have been several CV graphics used in Detroit area TV news broadcasts that appear to be microscopic images of CV. A number of these images appear to have caught CV in the midst of cellular division/meiosis (?) which I thought was impossible for viruses…hmmm…


Hmmm – I have no idea how viruses mutate or whether/how they multiply

Valerie Curren

I’m not sure either, but I thought they take over a normal cell & then dump off some type for rNA that forces the cell to make copies of the virus until the cell is overwhelmed & then bursts sending out all those copies to repeat the process.

Valerie Curren

Great analogy which helps the lay person Get It just a bit better–thanks!

Plain Jane

Valerie, I know zero microbiology, but my observations of political lying through the decades, tells me much isn’t right about this media blitz. Plus seeing, again through the decades, the changing of medical and nutritional dogma to aid either financial corporate needs or trade surpluses, or just at the current whims or pseudo science of powers that be in government agencies, this article grabbed me.
Add to that, how the left wants to cull the older populace, I am a super sceptic.

Valerie Curren

Yes, great points. It’s kind of like you can’t trust Anybody but God…& you can’t necessarily trust what anyone Says about God unless it Directly lines up with Scripture. Lots of suspicious cats lurking about for good reason! 🙂

Plain Jane

Yep. And LOL. Only drawback is some peeps accuse skeptics of wearing a tinfoil hat.

Plain Jane

Good one Wolfie. Lolol


“An attack on SCOTUS is an attack on our Constitution. An attack on our Constitution is an attack on US. And an attack on US by any method – including the most cunning and deniable 4GW attacks, will be met by the most honorable and fierce 4GW counterattacks ever launched.”
That’s what I’m talking about.
Citizen-initiated TRUTH psy-ops against the CCP.
The government is playing their own game with Cabal / Deep State / CCP.
Why can’t we play our own?


Hiya Wolfie!! you are Totally shadow banned on twitter!!! I haven’t seen but about 3 or 4 of your posts!
Ground report… Daughter has a CV case on her street! Ridiculous parent had all the symptoms–but let her kids play with kids ( including my 007) all day!!! Pray!!! I’m pissed..that Americans…..CANT JUST BE PATRIOTS…for 15 F*ing days!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!GOD WINS!!! I know!!!


Not her– I am social…minimal!..I don’t socialize much!!! LOL! Especially NOW!!!


I am!! I got all I need in pantry and fridge and freezer! and am happy at my home and my life!! Mr. M..Not so much.. He is a builder! I sold a 500K house this weekend!!! So…God has my back!💖…being very careful..
Thank you..sweet Wolfie!!!😘🥰


Bill Mitchell: “Is THAT how China has actually beaten this?
Is this a brand new kind of bio-economic warfare?”
We should hope so, because if that is what happened, it can be proven.
Once it is proven, we go to the U.N. (Cuban Missile Crisis style) and expose the entire CCP scheme.
Then demand that the CCP be tried in the (whatever international court is appropriate) for Atrocities and Crimes Against Humanity to include unleashing biological weapons against civilian populations.
Either the leaders of the CCP show up for trial, or they don’t.
If they don’t, that’s probably even better, because they get tried in absentia, which avoids the circus which would be put on by the CCP’s legal team (probably headed by prominent American Leftists and Communist sympathizers like Lawrence Tribe).
Once convicted, the CCP attains global pariah status, the entire world would be compelled to isolate the CCP completely, at which point they become a non-entity.
The CCP cannot survive as a non-entity, and the Chinese People cannot allow their government to be a global pariah.


Hiya T3!!!! So glad to see you!!! You give me..comfort!!!🙏💖💖💖💖 We weather the storm!!! It’s here darlin!!!


DP put this up today. Just in case you missed it…


So beautiful!!!! Thanks sweetheart!!!


Just as a random thought…..let’s say that a particular hostile country was manufacturing a significant portion of your hypertension drugs. Wouldn’t it be interesting to taint the drugs with a specific factor that would make a disease normally just a nuisance into something deadly? Then you could ship batches of tainted and untainted drugs to different parts of a country to yield wildly disparate death rates…..


It’s particularly interesting to me that there has been a major shortage of ARBS for a couple of years now.
Why? Because inspectors from Italy and US found manufacturing impurities in Chinese drug manufacturing. Impurities that would increase risk of cancer. So China was spiking a class of drugs that are considered helpful for reducing severity of CV with toxins two years ago.
When the ARBs were pulled due to these impurities many patients had to change brands or types of hypertensive drugs they were using.


I don’t do drugs! Not an Advil or anything!!! I do Not Trust!!! It creeps me out!!!


[…] ChiCom-19 as a 4GW Bioweapon […]