Dear KAG: 20200317 Open Thread

Alright, my maties, here we are on one heck of a subdued St. Paddy’s Day. Close your eyes and imagine the pall of cigar smoke in the air, the sound of bagpipes, and entirely too much water of life flowing for everyone’s good. The scene in the header image – from the top of the hill at St. James the Greater, Dogtown, St. Louis, Missouri – was cancelled this year. No vintage firetrucks doing HONK, HONK, HONK with the crowd coming back with “LET’S GO BLUES!” No Irish dancing schools hanging on to trailers for dear life. No Clydesdales…it just won’t be the same.

This site is a celebration of the natural rights endowed to humans by our Creator as well as those enshrined in the Bill of Rights adopted in the founding documents of the United States of America. Within the limits of law, how we exercise these rights is part of the freedom of our discussion.

Guidelines for posting and discussion on this site were outlined by our host, WolfM00n. Please, review them from time to time.

The discourse on this site is to be CIVIL – no name calling, baiting, or threatening others here is allowed. Those who are so inclined may visit Wolf’s other sanctuary, the U-Tree, to slog it out.

Fellow tree dweller Wheatie gave us some good reminders on the basics of civility in political discourse:

  1. No food fights.
  2. No running with scissors.
  3. If you bring snacks, bring enough for everyone.


DN 3:25, 34-43

Azariah stood up in the fire and prayed aloud:

“For your name’s sake, O Lord, do not deliver us up forever,
or make void your covenant.
Do not take away your mercy from us,
for the sake of Abraham, your beloved,
Isaac your servant, and Israel your holy one,
To whom you promised to multiply their offspring
like the stars of heaven,
or the sand on the shore of the sea.
For we are reduced, O Lord, beyond any other nation,
brought low everywhere in the world this day
because of our sins.
We have in our day no prince, prophet, or leader,
no burnt offering, sacrifice, oblation, or incense,
no place to offer first fruits, to find favor with you.
But with contrite heart and humble spirit
let us be received;
As though it were burnt offerings of rams and bullocks,
or thousands of fat lambs,
So let our sacrifice be in your presence today
as we follow you unreservedly;
for those who trust in you cannot be put to shame.
And now we follow you with our whole heart,
we fear you and we pray to you.
Do not let us be put to shame,
but deal with us in your kindness and great mercy.
Deliver us by your wonders,
and bring glory to your name, O Lord.”

As always, prayers for the fight against that which seeks to enslave us are welcome. Via con Dios.

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Elizabeth Carter

DP, Well said.
I found this today, I found it very helpful in these times and I thought some of you might also like it. God Wins.


DP, Great intro to this Saint Patrick’s Day.
Close your eyes and imagine the pall of cigar smoke in the air, the sound of bagpipes, and entirely too much water of life flowing for everyone’s good.
^^^ Yes, sad no Saint Patrick’s Day celebration. Actually, I did close my eyes as I listened to “Whiskey in the Jar” Such fun music! 🙂
Header pic ideal. Surely a grand time had by all.
G’nite all.

Deplorable Patriot

I took that picture myself. Believe me when I tell you the Dogtown Parade with the shanty Irish is one raucous good time. My sister and I stake out our spot about 2 1/2 hours ahead, and this year I was supposed to be in the choir at St. James for Mass that morning. Cancelled.


Such great memories both of you have. Fun times 🙂
Bigger and better next year!


Sorry youll miss it. Hopefully you can sing at Easter.

Deplorable Patriot

I’ll be at my own parish for Easter. This was supposed to be a special deal with the city’s most respected organist. I love working with him. Oh, well.

Deplorable Patriot

Need a good laugh? This is hilarious.


😂🤣 “Why are y’all eatin’ things that cackle at the moon?” Terrence is a gift.


Terrence is right
have come from the FAR AND MIDDLE EAST
and because of BAD DIETARY and/or SANITARY HABITS…..
Asians eat snakes, live raw bats and mice, raw fish – for sport!
Heck, some Japanese eat the poisonous puffer fish and die!
Terrence did not cover MERS that came from Middle East Arabs drinking camel urine
and EBOLA which came from eating monkeys and other bush meats
AND he did not mention that there are rumors of intentional bioengineering and weaponization of the COVID-19/SARS-CoV-2 virus!!!
You will never catch me in a sushi bar
or many other fashionable restaurants
I do not trust most kitchen workers and chefs these days
with all the leftists throwing Trump people out of restaurants
You gotta know they would not hesitate
to spit, pee or worse in someone’s food
if they don’t like your looks
or are having a bad day or are mad at their boss.


Ya, little trust in folks preparing food in most every venue I can think of.
While my Trump Pence hat is on my head nearly at all times, I do remove Trump Pence hat while ordering food. Once I get the food or otherwise served, Trump Pence goes back on my head 😉
Yea, a heathen, I wear my hat most everywhere, all the time.

Deplorable Patriot
Deplorable Patriot


YES!!! I saw another doc on youtube saying the same thing.


Hey DP, thought of you after listing to Avi Kaplan’s new album release and the struggles that you have discussed and also your appreciation and love of music. His vocal talents and range of 5 octaves is amazing.
Also of note, it was filmed in my home county at Greeter Falls and part of the South Cumberland State Park in Grundy County, Tennessee which is special to me and thankful that I live in a very beautiful area.
ENJOY: I’ll Get By……………

This applies to us all in these trying times.
Now everyone knows that I live on the Cumberland Plateau.
I’ll share another song by Avi that is symbolic to the times as we might have to one day light our torches because: Change on the Rise………

I would be remiss not to recognize whoever introduced Avi Kaplan to me on this site last year. He grew up in the shadows of the Sequoias in California and moved to Howenwald, TN near the Natchez Trace south of Nashville on the way to Daughn’s House in Mississippi.

CM in TN

I’m in the Valley! And yes, it is beautiful here in TN.

Deplorable Patriot

South Cumberland…wow that brings back memories of an epic camping trip when I was about 10. Tennessee is a beautiful state, that’s for sure.


DPat, you raised my spirits with your header photo and Irish music. I’ve always loved that song. In a lifetime decades ago, my first husband and I owned &operated an Irish pub in USA. Needless to say, you transported me back to some rousing Paddy’s Day celebrations. Good times ☘️🍀☘️🍀

Deplorable Patriot

[clap clap clap clap]
Whack for the daddie-o
[clap clap]
Whack for the daddie-o, There’s whiskey in the jar.
Yes, I’ve been in my fair share of Irish pubs.


😁 All this time I’ve been singing “What for the daddy-o” until I saw lyrics in your video 🤷‍♀️🤷‍♀️ Hey, it’s the beer what done it 🍺🍻🍺🍻☘️🍀☘️🍀

Deplorable Patriot

Okay, I’ve had enough fun for one day. See ya in the morning.






Can the Michael Flynn case be far behind? I want his case dismissed, and the DIJ cited fir prosecutorial misconduct. Flynn should be able to sue for court costs, attorney fees, loss of income commensurate with his most recent jobs/compensation, and emotional and punitive damages.


make him whole in every way…


AND President Trump bring him in to clean up IC criminals.


I’m sure he has a list which would make the process streamlined!


That is the new US attorney for DC in action. Barr’s former chief of staff.


Happy st Patricks Day!comment imagecomment image


This was reported by Dave of the X22 Report, starting at about 15:22:
Q 2597 said this:
Q !!mG7VJxZNCI ID: 576371 No.4274261 📁
Dec 12 2018 12:57:44 (EST)
‘O’ made into ‘Q’
More to find over time.
Happy Hunting!
In the video, Dave slows down the graphics on a tweet by Pres. Trump, and you can see an O turn into a Q.


Whiskey In The Jar · Jerry Garcia & David Grisman [YouTube]

Sadie Slays

If you want a true indication of how popular fake meat is, nobody is buying it even when the rest of the shelves are bare, LOL.


don’t even want to try it!

Deplorable Patriot

Capitalism strikes again.


Capitalism, lack of profits will make it go away.
May survive in niche areas of CA, NY… America will not embrace it.


Hearing confessions in this new age.

Deplorable Patriot

Well, at least it’s in person.


On March 11th, Randy Newman did an interview with NBC on surviving his crash. He’s hoping to get back into racing soon.
About 4:25 in length:


some giggles for your St Patty’s Day morning…comment imagecomment imagecomment imagecomment image


comment imagecomment imagecomment imagecomment image


This is from Plain Jane. It’s the update on her chemo:
FYI: posted chemoupdate here.


thanks Daughn for bringing the news here!
I’ll continue to pray for Jane!!!



🍀🍀 St. Patrick 🍀🍀 was a Warrior!
Likewise our President is a Warrior!
May the LORD of Love, Truth and Life protect President Donald J Trump!!!








Deplorable Patriot

Love it. My pastor is one who would do this. We still had Adoration yesterday.


Dora, can you please post the history of this Catholic practice for those who are not familiar with its significance – Thanks!


some store chains altering their hours to allow seniors to shop an hour before others–to both protect them and to allow them to get what they need first…
Stores around the U.S. and the globe are taking extra steps to help protect the elderly population, which is considered the most vulnerable to the novel coronavirus.
Their efforts come as President Donald Trump urged all older Americans to stay home during a set of sweeping guidelines on Monday.
Dollar General stores throughout the states announced plans to dedicate the first hour of each shopping day to senior shoppers, starting on Tuesday.


🍀 ❤️🍀❤️🍀!!!


Do you have to show an ID or Medicare Card? :8->


the article doesn’t say…


🍀🍀🍀The Wearing of the Green!!!🍀🍀🍀


Verse of the Day

“…With men it is impossible, but not with God: for with God all things are possible.”
Mark 10:27 (KJV)


comment image


Thank You, Jesus, for blessings received and prayers answered!


Tuesday Butterfly Blessingscomment image


Jesus Loves Babies…Pray for the Unborncomment image
Jesus Loves the Little Children – Pray for the Little Childrencomment image
Jesus Loves You – Come to Himcomment image


Happy St Patty’s Day Duchess!
Have a Blessed Day!


You, too, Pat! God Bless You today and always – Hugs!!!


HUGS back to you!!


Wheeeee!!! * Smiling *






More Butterflies – * Smiling *


🍀Just happens I’m reading a Dan Silva book on the centuries long ‘Troubles’ in Ireland between Catholics and Protestants, Irish and British, called The Marching Season.
🍀I’m not quite halfway through it, but I’ve learned a lot about my Mother’s family’s roots in Ireland. Her family were English/Irish (Congregational church protestant) in Middle Georgia who came down from Virginia after the Revolutionary War
🍀My Father’s family were French and German Catholics in New Orleans and Thibodaux, LA….as far as I know, no Irish Catholics in my lineage.
🍀I have often wept for the Irish conflict and hatred, as much as the black/white conflict and the Israel/Arab and all other centuries long feuds and hatreds.
🍀 May we have peace and love amongst us in this blog and in this nation – despite differences in traditions, theological and political differences!
🍀Complete Guide to Irish Blessings!
🍀 May GOD’s bright cherubim of love fly free and conquer all malice and evil!!!



🍀About Shamrocks
🍀Some species of shamrocks are of the oxalis family from which Digitalis, a heart remedy is made.
🍀The Shamrock was by legend and tradition used by St. Patrick to describe the Holy Trinity – the One GOD in Three Persons.
🍀There are Shamrocks growing in our neighborhood that has spots that look like heart-shaped drops of Christ’s cleansing redeeming blood.
🍀There are others with markings that the three leaves together form white triangles which is a traditional symbol of the Holy Trinity.
🍀A four leaf clover is supposed to be good luck – for it symbolizes a person saved by grace and grafted into the fellowship of the Triune GOD!
🍀 Once on a Spring day when I was walking and grieving in a time of rejection and defeat, I bent down to pick a four leaf clover – and came up with two!!!
🍀There are many symbols and healing applications for the lowly Shamrock.


Wouldn’t be a true St. Patrick’s Day without this:


Guess which verse some modern hymnals leave out?
1 Be thou my vision, O Lord of my heart;
naught be all else to me, save that thou art–
thou my best thought by day or by night,
waking or sleeping, thy presence my light.
2 Be thou my wisdom, and thou my true word;
I ever with thee and thou with me, Lord;
thou my great Father, I thy true son;
thou in me dwelling, and I with thee one.
🍀3 Be thou my battle shield, sword for my fight;
be thou my dignity, thou my delight,
thou my soul’s shelter, thou my high tow’r:
raise thou me heav’n-ward, O Pow’r of my pow’r.
4 Riches I heed not, nor man’s empty praise,
thou mine inheritance, now and always:
thou and thou only, first in my heart,
High King of heaven, my treasure thou art.
5 High King of heaven, my victory won,
may I reach heaven’s joys, O bright heav’n’s Sun!
Heart of my own heart, whatever befall,
still be my vision, O Ruler of all.


St. Patrick’s Breastplate
A Prayer
I bind unto myself today
The strong Name of the Trinity,
By invocation of the same,
The Three in One and One in Three.
I bind this day to me for ever.
By power of faith, Christ’s incarnation;
His baptism in the Jordan river;
His death on Cross for my salvation;
His bursting from the spicèd tomb;
His riding up the heavenly way;
His coming at the day of doom;*
I bind unto myself today.
I bind unto myself the power
Of the great love of the cherubim;
The sweet ‘well done’ in judgment hour,
The service of the seraphim,
Confessors’ faith, Apostles’ word,
The Patriarchs’ prayers, the Prophets’ scrolls,
All good deeds done unto the Lord,
And purity of virgin souls.
I bind unto myself today
The virtues of the starlit heaven,
The glorious sun’s life-giving ray,
The whiteness of the moon at even,
The flashing of the lightning free,
The whirling wind’s tempestuous shocks,
The stable earth, the deep salt sea,
Around the old eternal rocks.
I bind unto myself today
The power of God to hold and lead,
His eye to watch, His might to stay,
His ear to hearken to my need.
The wisdom of my God to teach,
His hand to guide, His shield to ward,
The word of God to give me speech,
His heavenly host to be my guard.
Against the demon snares of sin,
The vice that gives temptation force,
The natural lusts that war within,
The hostile men that mar my course;
Or few or many, far or nigh,
In every place and in all hours,
Against their fierce hostility,
I bind to me these holy powers.
Against all Satan’s spells and wiles,
Against false words of heresy,
Against the knowledge that defiles,
Against the heart’s idolatry,
Against the wizard’s evil craft,
Against the death wound and the burning,
The choking wave and the poisoned shaft,
Protect me, Christ, till Thy returning.
Christ be with me, Christ within me,
Christ behind me, Christ before me,
Christ beside me, Christ to win me,
Christ to comfort and restore me.
Christ beneath me, Christ above me,
Christ in quiet, Christ in danger,
Christ in hearts of all that love me,
Christ in mouth of friend and stranger.
I bind unto myself the Name,
The strong Name of the Trinity;
By invocation of the same.
The Three in One, and One in Three,
Of Whom all nature hath creation,
Eternal Father, Spirit, Word:
Praise to the Lord of my salvation,
Salvation is of Christ the Lord.
Amen and Amen!





i haven’t seen anything about Cuompo wanted all states to be treated the same…why? what is his reasoning…can anyone direct me to his “beef”?


He wants POTUS to make national declarations to shut down businesses etc. instead of leaving it to states and cities to decide. That way all the economic collapse and chaos is at Trump’s feet.
POTUS is correct here – those leaders closest to the outbreaks know best what to do in their communities & states. Vast difference between urban & rural locales, including demographic differences. Colorado is decidedly NOT New York, Cuomo!!!


ahhhhh….thanks for explaining….that makes sense. and you’re right–one size does NOT fit all in this circumstance.


Think mirror – what is the best way to bankrupt the system – over compensation – what is the best way to make PT look bad – wasteful spending – what is the best way to derail all of the good that is being done – make it political – PT is trying to unite the country with a common goal – C is a divider – PT a uniter –
Are other states complaining? While NY and CA may have unique situations at present – they are also harboring illegals – supporting them in sanctuary cities – releasing felons onto their streets – making every effort to defy what the government is doing to control immigration – and the penal system – the governors of both of these states are motivated to see PT fail – and they are trying to replace the lost government funding for sanctuary cities by demanding more for this initiative – does that make sense?


yes…democrats are assholes.


They have been feeding from the trough for so long – they cannot hep themselves. Greedy Guts!!!


Thank GOD for a President with BALLS!!!



LUV this man’s wit and spirit…


We must remember….
🍀It was St. Patrick, St Columba and other brave GOD loving potato and oatmeal eating Irish monks,
🍀In the Irish island monasteries
🍀Who preserved the Word and the Faith
🍀And saved civilization!
The Celtic Monks that Saved Civilization –
“Cahill argues a case for the Irish people’s critical role in preserving Western Civilization from utter destruction by the Huns and the Germanic tribes (Visigoths, Franks, Angles, Saxons, Ostrogoths, etc.). The book retells the story from the collapse of the Roman Empire and the pivotal role played by members of the clergy at the time. A particular focus is placed upon Saint Patrick and retells his early struggles through slavery; basically retelling portions of The Confession of Saint Patrick. Early parts of the book examine Ireland before Patrick and the role of Saint Augustine of Canterbury. Particular focus is placed upon Saint Columba and the monks he trained and the monasteries he set up in the Hiberno-Scottish mission. These holy men, according to Cahill, “single-handedly refounded European civilization throughout the continent.”
🍀 Thank GOD for the Irish!!!


Good article on how the President benefits on the WhuFlu and border security in the fall campaign.


thanks rf121!
a little nugget in that article…I didn’t know Swine Flu originated in Mexico!

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy



Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Yup. Dang ChiComs and their virus scaring seniors away from the polls!


Dang Democrats shutting down the polls so Seniors can’t exercise their CONSTITUTIONAL RIGHT TO VOTE!!!

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Just delayed. I wouldn’t want to vote right now, TBH. We had DHS and sheriff out at our polls just because of threats of violence. They did that so old people wouldn’t have to worry about crazy Bernie bros and ANTIFA. The argument was we needed protection so the votes from senior wouldn’t be surpressed. But this virus would have been way worse for suppressing votes, IMO.

Concerned Virginian

Per “The Nightcap” radio show last night, 700WLW, Cincinnati:
Turns out that DR. AMY ACTON, in her “previous life” before she became medical director of the Ohio Public Health Department, was married to a man named BEACH. Also turns out that in her “previous life”, Dr. Acton was an advocate of ABORTION and involved in DEMCOM political activities.
So it is NOT surprising that Dr. Acton made that nasty comment a few days ago about the Ohio primary election — that the primary was an opportunity “to help elect people in November who are COMPETENT and CARING” (paraphrase of her comment)
So it is NOT surprising that Dr. Acton, LIKE IAGO, has the ear of Ohio Gov. MIKE DEWINE (R and a “manageable” RINO) who apparently is taking all of Dr. Acton’s suggestions as Gospel truth.
So it NOT surprising that OHIO is tuning into the 4W battleground that woflmoon1776 wrote about today (thank you for this).
So it is NOT surprising that Gov. DEWINE at the news conference of yesterday making the statement that EVEN WHEN then Wuhan Flu situation calms down, that the RESTRICTIONS IN PLACE IN OHIO MAY STILL BE KEPT IN FORCE.


Deplorable Patriot

St. Patrick, pray for us!


A funny George Carlin clip on germs. Caution, most of the 7 words you cannot use (used to anyway) on TV are in use here. Language warning for those concerned.


George Carlin for President 2024!!!


didn’t he pass away already???

Deplorable Patriot

SOme years ago, yes.


thought so!




Well…if dead people can vote…they sure as heck ought to be able to run for office.




“He’s dead, Jim.”


And, in one sentence, James Woods completely shreds Andrew Gillum. Welcome back to twitter James.


Woods does a swan dive off the Cliff of PC. Lo and behold, he can fly!


How long before JW is banned again? Since coming back on Twitter – he’s been absolutely fearless, ruthless, vicious, wild!!!!

Sue Mcdonald

Just over on voat and woah!!!! Google has been set freee!!! And tons of banned Twitter people are unbanned!!!! Yay! White hats took it back for US the people! And we know has excellent you tube video on this.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy
Deplorable Patriot


stuck in quarantine? Dr Oz says “bang it out early and often…” if you’re stuck with your love…


wp didn’t like my post from dr oz about sex…LOL


Apparently most of the DIM House members did NOT return yesterday… House faced with attempt to get vote on so-called ‘technically corrected’ Bill on coronavirus which needs to go to the Senate ……… happenings late last night
Chad Pergram
Dem VA Rep Wexton presiding as Hse tries to pass revamped coronavirus bill. GOP TX Rep Gohmert on the flr, & reserves the right to object
Gohmert now holding forth on the Hse flr, expressing his concerns about the retooled coronavirus bill.
1) House approves retooled coronavirus bill via unanimous consent. This measure contained technical corrections to the original version okayed in the wee hours of Saturday morning.
2) The Hse okayed the plan via unanimous consent. That means no one in the chamber verbally shouted “I object!” There had been threats that GOPers may do so earlier. That would have stalled the bill, requiring the entire Hse to come back to Washington to vote on the measure again
3) Rep Louie Gohmert (R-TX) was on the floor and expressed reservations, but did not object. Approval of the plan means the House can now send the Saturday morning measure…and the technical corrections part, to the Senate. The Senate is expected to take up the plans tomorrow.
Pause here for comment from very mouthy phoenixRising: IF (and that’s a BIG “if”) Nanzi had not attempted to stuff the bill with all number of DIM wet dreams, the GOP members would have been willing to pass earlier … now of course DIM members have mostly gone “home” and GOP members are left to clean up the bill when they get it. When they do so, the Bill will have to go BACK to the House for passage (meaning of course the DIM cowards will HAVE to come back to D.C. to vote on it. They are the laziest bunch of do-nothings ever to walk the earth!
4) Hse will now send the original coronavirus pkg plus retooled version to Senate. Senate will have to ok both, as is, to prevent them from being sent back to the Hse
ANOTHER comment from me… see how the DIMs operate! My way or the highway… and of course DIMs and their slimy megaphone media will blame the GOP for delay in getting help to Americans. grrr Anyone who votes for any DIM should rot in …………… well, I’ll close my comment now


Now Chad finally gives a word or two to GOP and the Senate… (he’s such a ‘fair and balanced’ commenter)
Chad Pergram
A) Consider how manic the Senate’s disposition has been over the past few days on coronavirus. Senate left Thursday but deciding to come back this wk to deal w/coronavirus, cancelling a scheduled recess this wk
B) Now, senators are worried about trying to wrap up and get out of DC as fast as they can once they deal with the next coronavirus response bill.
Chad Pergram
Rubio: This is not like the financial meltdown where you have banks that make bad decisions and ask the government to bail them out. These are companies. This is an economy really doing them’s an unprecedented challenge.
Chad Pergram
GOP OH Gov DeWine: When we face an unprecedented public health crisis, to conduct an election tomorrow would would force poll workers and voters to place themselves at a unacceptable health risk of contracting coronavirus, Health Director Dr. Amy Acton will order the polls closed


I would very much like to meet the very mouthy phoenixRising…I think we have a lot in common!


She will get you in trouble. 🙂


I got bail money…we’re good!


I think you may be right Ms Pat !!!
Would love to meet you Sweet Lady… perhaps, one day?


on earth or in heaven…we’ll know each other!


As Duchess is prone to say… “an AMEN goes right there” !




I would like to meet her too!!


{{whispering}} I really thought she was Betty White.


(lol, that is such a good one!!!) (I think our dear pr is in a class of her own, she throws shade on everyone!)


maybe we should call her Sequoia!


Chad Pergram@ChadPergram
Senate expected to debate/vote on both House coronavirus bills today. Mnuchin to meet Senate GOPers over lunch to discuss next coronavirus response steps. Senate Dems will meet via conference call
Chad Pergram@ChadPergram
Colleague John Robert rpts White House seeking an $850 billion financial stimulus for coronavirus. Some comes in form of tax breaks. Potemtially payroll tax cut.
Chad Pergram@ChadPergram
McConnell: It is my intention that the Senate will not adjourn until we have passed significant and bold new steps, beyond what the House passed to help our strong nation and our strong underlying economy weather this storm.


they closed the Chicago Zoo and the staff allowed the penguins to have a walkabout…cute!


So darn cute… !

Deplorable Patriot

Why not? Penguins are curious and do deserve the chance to explore when they can.


I’ll never forget the first time I took my 2 Aussies to the country. They were completely frozen as they stared through the barbed wire fence looking at….Cows.🐄🐄🐄 I could just hear them thinking and asking each other What in THE HELL is that??😂




hoping you’d see that!


Chad Pergram@ChadPergram
McConnell: It is abundantly clear that our nation cannot afford partisan politics as usual. This is a moment for bold and bipartisan action…And that’s what the Senate needs to expand on, this week. Bold and bipartisan action.
On the Senate flr, Schumer argues against payroll tax
Schumer: Industry bailouts should not be at the top of our priority list
Schumer: Our proposal also does not include a payroll tax cut. That option may be premature and wrong response to the problems we face today. There are much better ways to get money in the hands of Americans who need it most.


Thus sayeth a man who knows nothing of the real world… the price of groceries, or daycare or price of shoes for growing children, price of eyeglasses…
because for over 30 years he has had the perks of politics… WONDERFUL health insurance, free medicine from the Capitol pharmacy, free meals in the Capitol dining room, paid for travel back and forth to work, a paid for limo to pick him up in the mornings, aides to bring him coffee, whatever he wishes…
go on chuckie, expose your profound ignorance for all to see.


Please send in the guys in the white coats with a self-hugging suit and duct tape – Thanks!


Chad Pergram@ChadPergram
Colleague John Roberts confirms that outgoing acting CoS Mulvaney is self-quarantining in SC. His niece became sick after interacting w/Brazilian delegation at Mar-A-Lago. Mulvaney has tested negative so far
White House press secretary Stephanie Grisham additionally told the Daily Caller that out of an “abundance of caution due to his proximity to the President, he’s teleworking.”


POTUS just dumped HIPPA penalties. Who said the president can’t repeal laws?



Text in tweet
Leader McConnell

The Senate is continuing urgent talks on additional legislation to address three major priorities:
1. More direct assistance for American workers & families.
2. Secure our economic foundation & our small businesses.
3. Further support for medical professionals.


President Trump’s Briefing…
Link to the White House livestream…


POTUS – We’re going BIG!

Sue Mcdonald

Bfly, I hadn’t seen POTUS briefing yet but as a Q follower ,regarding BIG I would say Tom hanx,as BIGGER, I say Spielberg, and the BIGGEST will be Ophra.she was Weinsteins buddy and she would be the shock felt round the world imho.


Mnuchin – Markets are staying open


If we can’t go out for green beer, at least we have … cake 🍀☘️🤓


Somebody has a great sense of humor!


Someone who has a closet full of TP, no doubt 🤣🤣🤣☘️☘️🍺🍺


Pretty sure this is going to be Pres Trump’s finest hour. They are going after this from every angle.


Amen goes right there, NYGuy!


Dr. Birx – We were adamant for high quality tests. Other tests around the world were inadequate.


I’d like to know a lot more about this statement…. and about ALL the tests that have been used by all countries and US states in the coronavirus outbreak.


I think she was explaining why we rejected the WHO test. I’ve heard this as well, too many false results, couldn’t trust, “not up to FDA standards”.

She explained again. Too many false results. How would you like to be told you had tested positive for HIV and it wasn’t true?
These ‘tests’ were being created by researchers on their own from all over the world to diagnose their own populations. No standards, various results. Both Birx and the Admiral stated that none were ever formally presented to the US for consideration. The US never turned away tests offered from others, It was all a BIG LIE!! POTUS slammed Biden and Sanders for using the lies in the debate.


This is good info…I have seen over and over on social media that we “rejected the tests offered”. Maybe the sheep will listen to the CDC doc


She is REALLY impressive. Speaks without notes and very organized in her flow of information without lecturing or being preachy. On practically no sleep!


We are impressed with all those people behind the podium who have stepped up to the plate to tackle this crisis. I imagine very few of them ever thought they’d be thrusted into the national limelight but it’s also almost the ultimate culmination of their entire careers to have the opportunity to make a critical difference.
Most deserve a Medal ceremony!


Yes, would really like to know more.
Birx was late coming to the party…task force. She probably knows where the dead bodies are. It’ll all come out, me thinks. Now is not the time.
CDC going in test faulty? Why insist on multiple tests when Corona was the primary threat. Why insist CDC manage all aspects. QC is not a good enough answer IMO. Labs around the country EACH run thousands of tests daily. Probably, some or many tens of thousands each. Is CDC implying labs around the States are NOT QC compliant? NONSENSE.
– CDC needs to meet the BLOW TORCH OF REGULATION CUTTING. The stench of bloated bureaucratic swamp is overwhelming.
Korea. Is their test worth a damn? Drive through and instant or near instant results. Reliable? If yes, was “copy cat” not acceptable – mimic their process.


– I didn’t know she said it today in a briefing
– I didn’t know there was going to be a briefing!
– Now that I’ve watched the briefing – I understand that the WHO test was an unproven, unreliable, research quality test and our President and science experts on the task force did not want to put people through false positives and false negatives in the crap WHO tests!!!


“comment from very mouthy phoenixRising”
This has just been bugging me! Can’t you people read? Or do you just fail to understand? Or comply?
Wasn’t DP clear enough? “The discourse on this site is to be CIVIL – no name calling, baiting, or threatening others here is allowed. Those who are so inclined may visit Wolf’s other sanctuary, the U-Tree, to slog it out.”
Why do you think Wolfie set up U-Tree?
Yes. PR is obnoxious, throws verbal Molotov cocktails at will (Will doesn’t like them, either), is uniformly disliked by all when she can’t be ignored, and . . .
What? She did?
Oh. Nevermind.


A treasure, PR IS 😉

CM in TN

Luv me some Mamaw Phoenix!



Slow Joe lied??? Do you have any “news” to report?
If Joe ain’t lying, he’s sleeping.



🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸 American ingenuity 💖🍀🇺🇸


give us a problem, we’ll find the solution!


find a need and fill it.!


Men folks will be lining up for Jack Daniels hand sanitizer!


Put some man genes back in the hands of those soy boys 🤣

Deplorable Patriot

Uhh…most guys I know would prefer Bourbon. I’m an Irish girl myself.


🎶 Roll out the barrel….



Just when you think you coudn’t love and respect this POTUS any more he goes and brands the virus with the correct name. He is always bringing the truth to the light and shining that light in the dark corners!! So much respect for him!!!


I know WE all know it here, but Mueller’s little troll farm case got dropped…another disgrace for team democrat. and where is it in the news cycle?
under the toilet paper and behind the screaming mimis…

Sadie Slays



God Bless President Trump


I wonder if there is more to that tweet


Of course there is TIM !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Sadie Slays

Well I don’t think he’s talking about the WuFlu.


They were emptied out this past week end



Today I visited our Local Kroger for vegetables. The organic vegetables were well stocked. Lots of fruit and Oranges. My organic eggs , milk was available.
What was cleaned over was cheap fruits and prepared foods. People bought meats and the deli was well stocked for those who want prepared food and lunch meats. The store was super clean . Many items were on sale and I was surprised.
I praised the manager for the well stocked store and hard work.
In the store shopping were older women older men but no couples. People looked bewildered and there were no long lines or many people even though I heard a women say this is a mad house.
I wonder if they are so brainwashed that they see a mad house when it is no?
Many older women bought cheap white bread like 4-5 loaves.
I make my own and organic flour was plenty.


Flour is gone everywhere I’ve looked.


Kea you can order from King Arthurs Flour. I have done that before when I was unable to buy the flour I needed.


Oh that’s good to know. Thank you.




I swear I just saw a pig flying over the highway


It’s true! It’s true! I saw it too!


Did you feel the chill as hell froze over?


Wut 🤷‍♀️🤷‍♀️🤷‍♀️🍀🍀🍀 Hell froze over ???


I just made it back from the grocery store. Wow. Yes there is food to be had but Grocery stores are the place to be!!!!!!
Everyone was nice but most were saying that this is just crazy. Some were comparing it to trying to buy via the great depression or WWII. Everyone saying who knows how long this lasts. But everyone’s saying ‘we’ll get through this’.
TP what’s that?!?!?! No luck at all!!!!! Crazy
Meat is gone.
Canned food…ummmm yeah…
Alcohol seems to be fully in stock?!?!!?
My Aldi: Better stocked than Friday. Got baby wipes, tissues, napkins, and dog biscuits.
But still very empty shelves. They just put down a pallet and didn’t even price it because people were grabbing it.
2nd Aldi: Had to park FAR away. Little more stuff but they were really limiting what you could get.
Trader joes: had a little more greens. They stopped the samples. They said they get meat at 9 AM and its sold out in less than 30 minutes. Lines before the store opens. Seeing that freezer section and meat aisle with nothing left yikes!!!
Bath and Bodyworks was closed. Lots of other stores closed.
Dollar Tree: Things to keep people entertained were flying off the shelves. No laundry detergent. Not as packed as food places.
But its crazy,


good thing hubby makes his own wine…liquor stores in PA closing tonight.

Deplorable Patriot

Oh, hey, there’s a recipe for disaster. All those families at home staring at each other without some help to tolerate each other….
Maybe that’s just my family.


My husband found a Honey Liquor from Germany and bought a Benedictine. I buy food and he buys TP and Liquor 🙂
I ask him “how much TP paper to we have and how long is it going o last?” He said “we have enough for a year.” I guess opposite does attract we are married almost 55 years.
I have become the germ police watching not only for myself but also out for him.


a YEAR? wow…
we live in the woods…we will gather leaves in the spring if it becomes dire…LOL


Time to fire up the white lightning sedan.


Iran piling on. We need to send them a stronger message.




From Ace of Spades
Mayor of NYC Bill DiBlasio: Get Ready for a “Shelter in Place” Order For NYC Within the Next 48 Hours
This is a serious escalation.

Sadie Slays

Another confirmation of that FEMA post on 4chan the other night: “Zones 2, 9 & 10 activated.”
Zone 2 = NYC
Zone 9 = California (Bay Area is under a “shelter in place” order right now)
Zone 10 = Washington. I’m guessing Seattle will have a “shelter in place” order by the end of the week.

Sadie Slays

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Sadie Slays

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Sue Mcdonald

Sadie,cjtruth just posted on Twitter Matthew McCauaghnay making a little talk about the red light turning green with an air Q!!I don’t use Twitter but what he said was amazing! Saying we will make it through this and a better world awaits,paraphrasing but it was way cool.


Other than the fact that my son lives in South Seattle, I’m okay with locking down the city.


Hell froze over: “MSNBC host Joe Scarborough told viewers Tuesday morning that “we have to do everything we can do to make sure this president succeeds” in fighting the coronavirus.
Scarborough acknowledged that while he’s very critical of President Donald Trump, he was impressed with how the president’s performance in combatting COVID-19 has evolved over the past week, calling yesterday “a new beginning.”


I knew there was a chill in the air from something before I saw that clip….yep, there’s icicycles in hades. Did you see the clip from Dana what’s her name at CNN…yeah, pigs are flying.


Vol, do you think some just found out there’s an indictment with their name on it?


Ha, I thought the same thing!!


Hi Foxy, hope you and Hoofy are well, and your family.


Hi there! How are you? Are you well now? We are fine, Hoofy is hunkered down at home and I hope to get through border tonight and be home. We are extremely concerned for our daughter who is a nurse in a hospital in Wash. Lots going on there. Difficult times.


Yes, I am well… Glad you are well… will be praying for your daughter… these are difficult times indeed. God bless you and yours Foxy.


Thank you so much, phoenix. They certainly are. Hugs and prayers for you and yours!!


That’s possible I suppose (and hope). I remember early in POTUS’ term…might have even been during the debates before he was elected….anyway he made a statement. “I am a great uniter”…..I see God’s hand in this more every day

Sue Mcdonald

Boy oh holy moly!!did I see pigs flying?? I did! oh woah POTUS has all of them y the POTUS.

Sadie Slays


Thanks, I’ll use this. They’re all over the place spewing propaganda. I’ve been firing back at them for the past 2 days.

Sadie Slays

Copy-and-paste this. It drives the Chinese censors nuts.
动态网自由门 天安門 天安门 法輪功 李洪志 Free Tibet 六四天安門事件 The Tiananmen Square protests of 1989 天安門大屠殺 The Tiananmen Square Massacre 反右派鬥爭 The Anti-Rightist Struggle 大躍進政策 The Great Leap Forward 文化大革命 The Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution 人權 Human Rights 民運 Democratization 自由 Freedom 獨立 Independence 多黨制 Multi-party system 台灣 臺灣 Taiwan Formosa 中華民國 Republic of China 西藏 土伯特 唐古特 Tibet 達賴喇嘛 Dalai Lama 法輪功 Falun Dafa 新疆維吾爾自治區 The Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region 諾貝爾和平獎 Nobel Peace Prize 劉暁波 Liu Xiaobo 民主 言論 思想 反共 反革命 抗議 運動 騷亂 暴亂 騷擾 擾亂 抗暴 平反 維權 示威游行 李洪志 法輪大法 大法弟子 強制斷種 強制堕胎 民族淨化 人體實驗 肅清 胡耀邦 趙紫陽 魏京生 王丹 還政於民 和平演變 激流中國 北京之春 大紀元時報 九評論共産黨 獨裁 專制 壓制 統一 監視 鎮壓 迫害 侵略 掠奪 破壞 拷問 屠殺 活摘器官 誘拐 買賣人口 遊進 走私 毒品 賣淫 春畫 賭博 六合彩 天安門 天安门 法輪功 李洪志 Winnie the Pooh 劉曉波动态网自由门

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Bwahahahahahaha (spam)

Sadie Slays

According to chan lore, Chinese scammers used to harass Japanese people online. The Japanese responded by sending variations of the copy-paste above. The Chinese scammer would disappear immediately either because of the censors or not wanting to get in trouble with the censors.


Never Let a Coronavirus Go To Waste
Via Twitchy, Harmeet K. Dhillon uncorks a rant for the ages.
1/As a San Francisco resident and business owner, I’m wondering–can I trust the health judgments of leaders who let thousands live on the streets in their filth? And if we are now getting homeless into shelter, why couldn’t that have happened earlier? Doesn’t their health count?
2/ All of a sudden we are supposed to accept 24-hour curfews “for your own safety” from people who order the police to stand down when Antifa & friends beat the hell out of taxpayers; people who refuse to enforce laws they don’t like (death penalty, bail, property crimes) …/
3/ City leaders who literally give wanted alien criminals a public heads up when ICE is about to conduct raids are now telling me what’s best, declaring a death penalty for businesses, no hearings or due process?! Forgive me if I don’t fall right into line with the fascism …/
4/ which seems awfully situational. The Governor’s suggestions yesterday that older and vulnerable people take extra care and stay inside seemed reasonable. Liberal city leaders decided to seize the opportunity and throw the whole economy into a tailspin as collateral damage …/
5/ but don’t worry — we’ll soon have a government sponsored bailout for favored groups soon, funded with a tax increase crammed down the throats of the dwindling number of taxpayers. Homeless go back to the streets, illegal alien criminals get sanctuary, car break-one continue…
6/ Criminals continue to be released from jail or not arrested at all, and we all become more habituated, like sheep, to the loss of liberty yet again, “for our safety.” I’m not buying it. I don’t buy it with FISA renewal, with gun grabbing, or with this sweeping lack of process.
/7 SF Mayor London is tied to a corruption investigation of a federally indicted city bureaucrat she dated. San Jose Mayor Sam Liccardo mocked Trump supporters assaulted by criminals while police stood down. Oakland Mayor Libby Schaff tips off wanted violent illegal aliens … /
/8 …. these are the Bay Area rulers telling 7.1 million+ citizens — more than the population of many US states — to stay indoors, shut down businesses? Great judgment, all of them.
Related: California governor Gavin Newsom, who has let homeless populations breed the literal bubonic plague in their homeless camps, now admits he had the power to “encourage people off the streets” all along.
He just didn’t consider it worth doing.
Newsom told reporters, “We’re working in real-time to secure hotels, motels, and trailers to house our homeless safely and protect our communities and the spread of COVID-19.”
But when asked what would happen if the people in homeless encampments refused to be put in a motel or hotel and if he would consider forcing them into housing, here’s what Newsom said: “All of these things are hypotheticals and we’ll meet the moment. And we have the capacity to encourage people off the streets. We have existing rules and regulations.”
“We have existing rules and regulations” to force people off the streets? That’s right, the California governor admitted to having the authority to do this the entire time, but he just hasn’t done it.
He didn’t say that emergency declarations at the state and national levels give him more latitude to force people off the streets and riverbeds. He said they “have existing rules and regulations” to get people off the street.

Deplorable Patriot

Just curious if anyone has done research on wearing silver for health benefits?

CM in TN

I have heard that about silver and copper, but have no idea how much you would actually have to wear.

CM in TN

Suddenly imagining everyone rollin’ around with a Mr. T starter kit…lol…

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

There isn’t enough gold in the world…

Deplorable Patriot

Well, I’m a sterling girl, so I just got out the bangle bracelets.


I wear a silver necklace with fish/cross from James Avery. I don’t take it off unless it is to clean it.comment image

Deplorable Patriot

I actually wear two Crosses. One is a Celtic that my mom brought me from Ireland, and the other is…well, it’s a combination of symbols.
I just like wearing my bangles, but I’ve heard before that silver is protective of health.

Deplorable Patriot

My second one is similar to this:comment image


James Avery ! I have a beautiful gold band with (ol’ brain can’t remember name!) special brush cut made by James Avery in Houston… their jewelry is exquisite …………
that is a beautiful piece you have…………



Tuesday Video Marathon

Deplorable Patriot

Have “The Cannonball Run” on right now. Earlier the Little Princess and I watched “Leap Year” which is bona fide Irish travel porn. Although, the hero reminded me so much of my brothers and what drives me nuts about them.


Prager U is providing a much needed service for children out of school – I think – glad you are enjoying some fun!!!

CM in TN

Dean Martin and Sammy Davis Jr. were my favorites…and Farrah Fawcett.


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l E T 17 Retweeted
Irish PM on nationwide ministerial broadcast just said “this is the CALM BEFORE THE STORM!!”
Did u hear that patriots!!!!
#Qanon #TheGreatAwakening #TheGreatAwakeningWorldwide
17th day of MARCH MADNESS
Show this thread


A small note of positivity from my corner of San Diego..neighbors actually striking up conversations, in the grocery stores people genuinely kind and talkative. I haven’t ventured out of the suburb so maybe in the denser populated areas it’s different.
The overall feeling is confusion about ‘ is it all really necessary but if it is we’ll do it and be grateful’. A few voicing some skepticism about govt overreach so at least they’re thinking types.


Note: Joe has remastered his vid, even better than before! YouTube is set free!
l E T 17
YT Set free. Watch the video if you never have. One of his best and one of the very best out there
Quote Tweet
Joe M@StormIsUponUs
· 44m
What happened to the [algorithm]? This is “Q – The Plan To Save The world.” Right pointing backhand index


Brian Cates //Flynn & Breitbart’s Army! Retweeted
Emerald Robinson Latin cross
The coronavirus will show the American people the wisdom of Trump’s policies.
The need for strong borders? The terrible threat of China? The dangers of globalism? The weakness of supply chains?
You are watching President Trump’s entire world view being validated in real time.


The indoctrination of our children and young adults, the weaknesses in healthcare wrapped in reams of red tape, the importance of supporting our military and LEO instead of demonizing them, re-introducing the concept of respecting our elders and loving our neighbor


The indoctrination of our children and young adults, the weaknesses in healthcare wrapped in reams of red tape, the importance of supporting our military and LEO instead of demonizing them, re-introducing the concept of respecting our elders and loving our neighbor
When I awoke this morning I saw the Chinese virus as a blessing. Children are now under the watchful eyes of parents as they study and parents can see first hand what kids are learning. Brainwashing has stopped in schools and Universities.
Parents are spending more time with their children . Worship has to be from home maybe dad and mom read the Bible to their kids?
Adult children call parents more regular ? My keep calling now every day or text another good way to stay in contact.
I choose to call this Lenten reflections a renewal of family and spirit of caring and sharing. I see things I have not paid attention too for a while when out and about.
My daffodils are in full bloom and the whole hill around my house is blooming. Winer is over and spring is near the first signs are out.
How Blessed we are and how Good is Our God !


I just said something similar to my daughter this evening about grandson’s lesson packet that she picked up for him….now is a good time to see even better what he has been learning and adjust as needed.

Sadie Slays

We are at WAR [@].
– Q


What is Social Distancing?


My Sissy called me about 5:00 …. she was preparing dinner, and she said she was putting crescent rolls on the cookie sheet and noticed the directions said “place rolls 1″ to t 1/2” apart, and she sighed and said “Even the rolls are practicing ‘social distancing’ !”





Brian Cates //Flynn & Breitbart’s Army! Retweeted
Claire Lehmann@clairlemon
Ruh roh
Quote Tweet
· 15h
Replying to @mitchellvii
False positives likely account for over 50% of all asymptomatic positive tests




And all those who have not supported our President should take the steps to properly “resist” receiving their 1000….cause ya know Orange Man Bad or something



Good Riddance, is this Xi JinLaden’s payback cuz one of his bioweapons (reporter with high fever) got kicked out of the White House press briefing the other day?
should deport every last one Spy (reporter) back to China!
#Chinesevirus #WuhanVirus
Quote Tweet
Stephen McDonell
· 6h
Wow! All #US journalists working for New York Times, Wall St Journal and the Washington Post (who’s credentials expire this year) to be expelled from #China. They have 10 days to leave. #Beijing has just announced.
Show this thread


What about any other organizations? Why just NYT, WSJ, and WashingPoo? 🤔🤷

Harry Lime

Louie Gohmert: …”hard to believe it was suicide…”


Of course he didn’t commit suicide.
Glad this isn’t going away!


Kyle Morris
A Democrat Party-aligned super PAC plans to spend $5 million on digital advertising to attack President Trump’s handling of the coronavirus outbreak — even as the nation struggles with the growing public health threat.
Mid-crisis, Democrat Super PAC to Spend $5 Million Attacking Trump over Coronavirus
A Democratic Party-aligned super PAC will spend $5 million to attack Trump’s handling of coronavirus — even as the nation fights it.


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Now that’s more like it. 😎


Theyre hoarding food too. And apparently bidet attachments. I cant even get those.


Sadie Slays

MODERATORS – My post about what to send to Chinese shills to get the censors to shut them down was sent to spam.

Deplorable Patriot

This is one for WOLF.




Sadie Slays

Philadelphia is nearly lawless right now.


Guess their going to need an intervention …………………


oops………….. homophone there!
should be they’re of course…

Deplorable Patriot

And an exorcism.
City of Brotherly Love indeed.

Sadie Slays

Philly is hardcore Democrat. It’s almost like they want anarchy and riots. Meanwhile, In California,

It’s almost like they’re expecting something.


Yes. Are over socal they are closing courts. All out of custody cases are on hold. Everyone is going to be put onto patrols and they are assigning platoons…thats precursor riot hierarchy.


Martial law and roving gangs incoming. Wolf told me no, but this screams yes.


Sounds like a great opportunity to thin the herd of parasites.


Lots of parasites out there .

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Don’t act up, don’t go out, keep your head down.


Sound advice.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Very early in the Trump candidacy, I was watching online, when this very nooby and “innocently concerned” new Trump supporter asked some old redneck “elevator ride” veteran supporters a whole bunch of “what if” questions about stolen elections, rally violence, will they go after Trump if he wins, blah, blah, blah…..
The advice back has always stayed with me. Basically, it was “Don’t get hotheaded and run around acting up if things get a bit crazy or don’t seem to be going our way at any point, no matter whether you’re in a lefty or righty area. Sit tight on your deck, drink a beer, watch what happens, and [essentially] ‘enjoy the show’. Let others be impatient and foolish and run around with their hair on fire – don’t be one of them. It’s all going to be fine.”
That was very calming advice, and is always there, waiting. Sometimes doing NOTHING is the exact right move.


The ago-old story of the young bull talking with the old bull, looking down on a herd of cows.
“Hey old man, let’s run down there and #$&@ one of them! Waddaya think?”
“No. Let’s walk down there and #$&@ them all.”


Nowhere to go out to now but still have some things we must do. I will have to leave the house. If its that bad obviously not but at some point i need certain meds for myself and kiddo. Mr gil must work.
I dont act up. Not hysterical ever.
My dilemma is seeing Democrats power grabbing right now, significantly and obviously. POTUS is hands off busy with the federal side. Its very curious.
How do you know whats happening is a good guy ruse vs a total cluster?

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

How do you know whats happening is a good guy ruse vs a total cluster?
AND LOGIC – it’s both. Dems are being Dems. ChiComs are being ChiComs. Patriots are being Patriots. Count on things, at the base, being what they are.
(2)comment image
(3)comment image
I’m not kidding. Trust The Plan.


I’ve been reading and hearing that funding for the “professional” agitators is systematically being cut off, so if there are roving gangs it would probably be organic with looting, etc in mind.


So none of this?


This is gonna cause some masks to slip further….can’t lock down the country and shelter in place while still allowing the stream across the border….expect to hear lots of Reeeeeeeee over this in 3…2….


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LIttle louder. Can’t hear you in the back 😀


Awesome! Best news of the day!!!
D-Rats whining in 3, 2, 1…
Paging Too Slow Joe…
Paging crazy Bernie…

Sadie Slays

interesting word choice:


Disclose means “retreat”. Amiright?

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Depends on who one might be relative to disclosure!!! 😀


“Disclose” is the new PC word for “retreat”, because the latter is offensive of course.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy



Yes, esp. given who is asking that question.


Chad Pergram
1) The Senate is trying to get a deal to approve the coronavirus packages sent over from the House sometime on Wednesday afternoon
2) The hope is for the Senate to consider an amendment by GOP KY Sen Paul The Paul amendment is a veritable legislative cornucopia, dealing with pay fors for the coronavirus bill, Social Security eligibility for those who may get aid and ending US involvement in Afghanistan
3) The Senate hopes to vote at noon on Wednesday on the Paul amendment. Fox is told the Senate would likely defeat the Paul amendment. The Senate would then move to a vote on the now melded House bills at 2 pm et Wednesday. Passage of that measure would require 60 yeas.


Chad Pergram
In letter to Hse Dems, Pelosi spoke w/Fed Chair Powell. Says they’re trying “to explore ways to use the Fed’s authority to assist state and local governments.”
She really does think she’s equal to the president…

Sadie Slays

Irish PM: “This is the calm before the storm, before the surge and when it comes and it will come, never will so many ask so much of so few,” Varadkar said in the 11-minute address.”
Irish PM met with POTUS within the past month, too.

Deplorable Patriot

Takes the breath away.
Are we there yet???????


I hope it doesn’t come until the few are 100% ready. I can wait for as long as needed.


I seem to recall that the President invited the American citizen to a big 4th of July celebration in Washington this year. I believe the storm is upon us. Remember it is a worldwide storm not just America.


Man I sure do wish I was one of the few!!
I would’ve given my left arm (after the fact) to have had the honor and privilege to fly and fight in the Battle of Britain, esp. in this incredible plane…comment image

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy


“ They’ve made every effort to create panic, spew lies and DIVIDE the American people.”
Yeah, and that was before the Chicom virus. 😒


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The Library
Cool. DOJ just released 32 pages more of Sally Yates’s emails. Let’s take a quick look 👀.
Harold Finch


This is a bit of Good News:

Text of Scott Presler’s tweet:
Republicans won 3/3 special elections in Pennsylvania,
including Bensalem, which has been trending blue.
GOP won despite the dems spending over $900,000!
This is a huge bellwether for November.
#HD8 #HD18 #HD58


Democrats politicize Wuhan virus – Stu Cvrk@STUinSD
The CDC is corrupt. Read more about it here:
Yes, Mom, the CDC Is Part of the Deep State, Too
CDC and NIH need to be re-purposed


I hope this “China is asshoe!” guy is in hiding somewhere.
He has become famous now.


The Library
The Epoch Times
The @USTreasury Secretary @StevenMnuchin1 announced that the tax payment deadline for most Americans has been extended by 90 days amid the #CoronavirusOutbreak. The #IRS has postponed the filing date to July 15, instead of April 15.
Harold Finch


“…the tax payment deadline for most Americans has been extended…”
for most Americans” <– I wonder what that means?
Does that mean all of us?


Perhaps below a certain income? If you’re a millionaire perhaps you file by 4/15?


Uh oh…this is Not Good!
Check out the video with the water bottles.
Guy found holes punched in the tops of the water bottles.
Small holes…like needle holes.
That is…if it’s true.
What do you think?


Since you asked, I think people are stupid.
Why spend $$ on bottled water when you can put tap water through a Brita filter?



too funny!


New blinds.
Big is 4 sheets of Charmin. Small is 2.
Ante up!


That would be a really bad idea.


From the article…
“… the PLA’s night drill was also aimed at testing the response of forces such as the United States”
Yeah, just like we test them and theirs.
Only we’re better at it.


The Chinese are unprepared to deal with a US military that has been sharpening it’s fangs for 2 decades of constant war-fighting. It’s centralized command-and-control of air assets is a particular vulnerability.
Fortunately, it don’t ever come to that.
We’d simply stop buying ANYTHING from them while cutting off all food sales to them.
We’d crash their economy and starve them…using our military to deny them supplies from elsewhere…
….like by-passing Japanese held islands during WWII.
And they know it.
Let them rattle their saber….like the midget driving his over-sized truck.


*it won’t ever come to that

Deplorable Patriot

“We’d crash their economy and starve them…”
And they’ll eat more bats.


They’d have to. As long as they’d last. Maybe a year before there were none left and they had all been eaten.


That’s the counter I’m using to their threat of withholding our medicine. Do you want to eat, feed the remaining half of your pigs?? Don’t threaten us, we have your food and soybeans.


“They locked them in and left them to die. Now the pundits and apologists are telling us we should emulate China’s system.”

Video showing Chinese authorities unsealing an apartment…to find all inside are dead:


Ladies and gentlemen, the benevolent Chicom gov’t…and it’s unarmed populace.