20200319: Dear CoronaVirus/ COVID-19/ China Virus/ WuFlu, Daily Thread

For the time being, given our national emergency, we are switching to DAILY COVID-19 threads instead of weekly threads. Your comments and updates are most welcome. PLEASE continue to include your valuable information, hard source links, and local observations on these COVID Daily Threads. Additionally, within these Daily Threads, we will try to include links to government and official pressers, so those who no longer have cable can remain informed.


We’ll get through this crisis, together. As a group, there is probably no one better prepared than we are.

For our newcomers: The Q Tree community has been diligent in covering the threat of Coronavirus, COVID19, Wuhan FLU. We started accumulating information about this virus in mid-late January, in what became almost weekly threads. We’ve been weeks, if not months, ahead of MSM outlets to vet rumors and other medical papers, etc.

Primary Update Links:

In our past weekly threads, we assembled information on the following:

  • Primary update links. The dashboard from Johns Hopkins which counts “official” cases all over the world, the CDC, and WHO, and includes the links for our past threads.
  • Hard Data Medical Information- Explanation about testing, reliance on China for drugs, analysis of NE Journal of Medicine results and other published papers.
  • Vaccine and theraputics (new/old drugs to alleviate symptoms) news and updates 
  • Trump Administration response (the timeline and links to various agencies)
  • China Responses, timelines, research, attempt to cover actions, or secrecy in results discovered.
  • An aggregate of info/responses from other countries, listed by country.
  • Economic impact from around the world. A change in economic activity will indicate a “return to normal”.
  • Speculation/debunking on how the virus started
  • Media Bias, political response, and debunking section, like the article from AP News, overt bias from Politico, inflammatory headlines, etc.  
  • Other medical info to boost immune system, herbal remedies, ways to keep your house clean and NOT spread the virus to others. Excellent information to incorporate into daily lifestyle.
  • Hard links for OTHER valuable sources/blogs and a brief sentence or two about what they provide
  • Other news items

Our weekly updates. timelines, collection of valuable information, can be found here:

Please try to keep your sense of humor during this National Emergency, and remember, patience is a virtue.

Love to all!

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Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

OMG – that is just too amazing of a meme!!!


I’m going to repost it here so it’s more visible:comment image

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Garrison is a treasure!!!


Past couple days believe I’ve heard about Imperial College Covid-19 Response Team report. Maybe read comments here QTree.
Have only glanced through the article. On the surface, I believe it. And am taken back by it. Wondering what folks think about article cited below.
A vaccine is year plus away, at best. IF we’d even opt for it. We really need an effective way to treat this evil virus.
We’re not going back to normal
Social distancing is here to stay for much more than a few weeks. It will upend our way of life, in some ways forever.
by Gideon Lichfield Mar 17, 2020
To stop coronavirus we will need to radically change almost everything we do: how we work, exercise, socialize, shop, manage our health, educate our kids, take care of family members.
We all want things to go back to normal quickly. But what most of us have probably not yet realized—yet will soon—is that things won’t go back to normal after a few weeks, or even a few months. Some things never will.
You can read all our coverage of the coronavirus/Covid-19 outbreak for free, and also sign up for our coronavirus newsletter. But please consider subscribing to support our nonprofit journalism.
It’s now widely agreed (even by Britain, finally) that every country needs to “flatten the curve”: impose social distancing to slow the spread of the virus so that the number of people sick at once doesn’t cause the health-care system to collapse, as it is threatening to do in Italy right now. That means the pandemic needs to last, at a low level, until either enough people have had Covid-19 to leave most immune (assuming immunity lasts for years, which we don’t know) or there’s a vaccine.
How long would that take, and how draconian do social restrictions need to be? Yesterday President Donald Trump, announcing new guidelines such as a 10-person limit on gatherings, said that “with several weeks of focused action, we can turn the corner and turn it quickly.” In China, six weeks of lockdown are beginning to ease now that new cases have fallen to a trickle.
But it won’t end there. As long as someone in the world has the virus, breakouts can and will keep recurring without stringent controls to contain them.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Spam Bin. Hmmmmmm. Why this one?


Thanks for rescuing the post.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

You’re most welcome! 😀


What worries me most are mutations in the future. And then how can we trust it has Really slowed to a trickle in China?


Spam bin check please?

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Will check!!!


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Tired Mom
Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

comment image


IIRC China owed the U.S. a massive amount of money ($1 Trillion USD today?) from debts prior to the communist regime.


$700 million in 1940 dollars or 2020? Former, leads to reasonable interest.
Either way, ChiCom debt to USA, is past due. Payable on demand.
Looking forward to President Trump demanding payment, at the right time.


MARCH 14, 2020 / 9:41 AM / 4 DAYS AGO
France warns against use of anti-inflammatory drugs to tackle coronavirus

PARIS (Reuters) – France’s health minister on Saturday said people should not use anti-inflammatory drugs if they have coronavirus-like symptoms because it could worsen their condition.
“Taking anti-inflammatory drugs (ibuprofen, cortisone …) could be an aggravating factor for the infection. If you have a fever, take paracetamol,” Oliver Veran said on Twitter.
President Emmanuel Macron announced on Thursday school closures and urged people to avoid close contact for fear of propagating the virus that has killed 79 people in France and infected more than 3,600.


Posting a few more related here . . .
Any comments / feedback welcome


Don’t forget the most simple home remedy of all (for infections)…


The Effect of Sambucol, a Black Elderberry-Based, Natural Product, on the Production of Human Cytokines: I. Inflammatory Cytokines
V Barak 1, T Halperin, I Kalickman
Affiliations expand
PMID: 11399518
Sambucus nigra L. products – Sambucol – are based on a standardized black elderberry extract. They are natural remedies with antiviral properties, especially against different strains of influenza virus. Sambucol was shown to be effective in vitro against 10 strains of influenza virus. In a double-blind, placebo-controlled, randomized study, Sambucol reduced the duration of flu symptoms to 3-4 days. Convalescent phase serum showed a higher antibody level to influenza virus in the Sambucol group, than in the control group. The present study aimed to assess the effect of Sambucol products on the healthy immune system – namely, its effect on cytokine production. The production of inflammatory cytokines was tested using blood – derived monocytes from 12 healthy human donors. Adherent monocytes were separated from PBL and incubated with different Sambucol preparations i.e., Sambucol Elderberry Extract, Sambucol Black Elderberry Syrup, Sambucol Immune System and Sambucol for Kids. Production of inflammatory cytokines (IL-1 beta, TNF-alpha, IL-6, IL-8) was significantly increased, mostly by the Sambucol Black Elderberry Extract (2-45 fold), as compared to LPS, a known monocyte activator (3.6-10.7 fold). The most striking increase was noted in TNF-alpha production (44.9 fold). We conclude from this study that, in addition to its antiviral properties, Sambucol Elderberry Extract and its formulations activate the healthy immune system by increasing inflammatory cytokine production. Sambucol might therefore be beneficial to the immune system activation and in the inflammatory process in healthy individuals or in patients with various diseases. Sambucol could also have an immunoprotective or immunostimulatory effect when administered to cancer or AIDS patients, in conjunction with chemotherapeutic or other treatments. In view of the increasing popularity of botanical supplements, such studies and investigations in vitro, in vivo and in clinical trials need to be developed.


What this translates to for everyday use is:
1. start use BEFORE you are exposed to mount effective response quickly to new infection
2. stop use WHEN YOU KNOW YOU ARE SICK to prevent too strong a storm in body


Good, I’ve been taking the elderberry with my regular supplements for the past month!

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Note that I didn’t take anything except Vitamin C (which worked like crazy) when I had my corona-X bout. Probably a wise decision.


Follow-up on my own journey… Late January initial infection with rare GI, then nausea start which then moved to URI symptoms. Used a number of OTC remedies. All clear within three weeks or so.
THEN neighbor mom of baby with nose running like a faucet visited my home and I caught that bug with a vengeance. Two weeks later I’m clear. BUT last week the sinuses begin to run again and previous remedies are not touching it. SO. Antibacterials are now on board and the sinuses have dried up quickly.
I think we need to be wise about secondary bacterial infections, especially for those that have a history of these things.


Or layer up with multiple pathogens.
Lord be our shield!
Biofilms are what allow the fugus. bacteria. viruses, parasites to evade immune system.
We have options. For example, serrapeptase enzymes can be used to break down the biofilms.comment image?1584254483


I just had a thought. Maybe sending everyone home for 15 days could be part of helping avoid exhaustion?


Slightly hyperbolic . . . Passing along as is
Cytokine Storm and Herbs: Life or Death Information!
https://www.naturalmedicinemamas.com/nmm-blog/cytokine-storm-and-herbs-life-or-death-informationcomment image

Many people hear the word “Cytokine Storm” and think it is a weather prediction.
However, this storm is one that can kill you. It is a “body weather prediction”.
A cytokine storm can kill you. It occurs when a very severe viral infection (such as Swine Flu H1N1 or Bird Flu H5N1 – many people are now very worried about it based on the Coronavirus) takes control of your immune system and causes immune confusion in your body. Basically your body starts to work on overdrive and becomes really confused. This reaction called “Cytokine Storm” over activates your body to where normal feedback loops designed to calm things down fail to operate. (See the Medical Dictionary definition here.)
Your immune system becomes a runaway freight train where high fever, massive inflammation, extreme fatigue, vomiting and diarrhea dominate every minute of your existence. Did you know that MOST of the 25 million people that died in the 1918 Spanish Flu pandemic died from a cytokine storm? Wow… that’s good information to know. You don’t want to be caught in a cytokine storm.
So what does this have to do with you and your family?
I know what you are thinking… “that’s great and all, but what does it have to do with me?”
It actually has A LOT to do with you, especially if you are the caretaker of your family, especially if you are using alternative medicine on a consistent basis. Educating yourself about this is EXTREMELY important.
You see, when someone in your house gets “the sniffles” there are so many wonderful ways of treating the illness through a natural route. Elderberry Syrup, First Defense, essential oils, diffusing, baths, glycerites, tinctures… In essence there are a lot of resources to use in order to combat the illness before it gets worse.
However, if someone in your care (including yourself of course) gets ill and it keeps getting worse, and worse, and worse and worse… you could be FEEDING the problem by what herbs you are using.
There are some herbs that COMBAT the Cytokine Storm and aid your body in fighting it, and there are other herbs that actually make it worse.
Here is a list of herbs that help to COMBAT Cytokine Storm (and if you keep getting more and more sick, these are the herbs to INCREASE), basically the good guys:
-Elder LEAF
-Red Raspberry
-Chinese Skullcap
-St. Johns Wort (check any interactions this might have with depression meds)
-Tea Tree Oil
-Vitamin C (lots of it! – and take it with a green spinach smoothie so your body has the iron to absorb it properly)
-Vitamin D
And remember, herbs are NOT like pharmaceutical drugs – they are NOT long term release – they are short term release. Meaning that when you are treating yourself with herbs you need to use them regularly. In the case of illness, supporting your cellular health each hour with herbs is perfectly fine!
So… How do I recognize a Cytokine Storm?
Once again, if you or anyone in your care is just starting to get sick, the risk of cytokine storm isn’t substantiated yet.
However, if these signs show up and the illness keeps escalating, then be aware that a Cytokine Storm could be upon you (Please see THIS ARTICLE for further information on cytokine storm):
-High Fever for extended period of time (102*+ for 2 full days without breaking) – See this article about the basics of fevers, gives excellent information and medical guidelines.
-Swelling and redness on the body
-EXTREME fatigue
-Nausea and diarrhea consistent for 2 full days
-Rapid resting heart rate (over 100 beats per minute)
Remember, please seek medical attention in the case of an emergency. Don’t avoid medical help when a Cytokine Storm could be upon you or anyone in your care – because it can be fatal!
Right now during the Coronavirus hysteria, it is easy to be very worried when first signs of sickness show up. Remember first to stay calm and don’t over flood the hospitals if you start getting a cough. I have received many messages from our personal doctors saying to STAY HOME unless symptoms are dramatically increasing to the point of needed hospitalization. Read this ARTICLE in order to be informed as the proper steps to take with Coronavirus in mind. Unfortunately, so many people show up at the ER because they have allowed themselves to become severely dehydrated – which can be taken care of at home!
NMM Suggestions During Illness
As always, the key to staying healthy is PREVENTION. Eat healthy, wash your hands, take daily herbs (like children’s multivitamin) to keep your body healthy.
AS SOON as a sniffle is heard in your household, get out the Elderberry Syrup and/or First Defense Cold and Flu Formulas. These formulas are wonderful as a FIRST attack on an illness. Diffuse essential oils and put Tea Tree Oil on the bottom of your feet. Sleep and douse yourself in water, drink water like crazy!
Let me just add – when I JUMP on a “flu bug” as soon as I recognize the symptoms 90% of the time it goes away within 24-48 hours. Literally.
If the flu bug escalates and gets worse within 48 hours, increase the herbs on the “good guys” list. Watch the fevers and stay hydrated. 95% of the time when a flu bug escalates, if you are smart about watching it a cytokine storm won’t appear. Just stay aware and educated.
But remember, please don’t shy away from medical help if a major problem arises. IF YOU SUSPECT occurrence of Cytokine Storm – please seek professional help!!!
You’ve got this! You can take care of your family!


Very well presented. Everyone needs to understand some basics if they are going the self-care route.


“Paracetamol” = Acetaminophen, or Tylenol

Sylvia Avery

Thank you, Wheatie. Appreciate it so much. Since I’m sick……😷


Oh no….sorry you’re sick, Syl!
Hope you get to feeling better real soon!
Hugs! 🤗🥰💖

Sylvia Avery

I’m sure I’ll be fine. The symptoms are mild, although my lungs sure hurt when I cough. Taking lots of Vitamin C.


Vitamin C is good.
A good multi with B complex and some iron, will help in absorbing the C.
Glad the symptoms are mild!
An over the counter inhaler could give you some help with breathing.
Feel better soon!

Sylvia Avery

Got the B complex with iron covered. No inhaler but I have nose drops however I dont have any nasal congestion. Just the dry cough headache sore throat, and now the fever. Started taking expectorant cough syrup and that is thinning the secretions. I’ll be fine, but it’s a PITA.


If you can, drink ginger tea.
Grate a small fresh piece and add hot water being sure to cover immediately to trap all the essential oils. Steep for a few minutes, strain and drink.
“Ginger is best thought of in the following way: as a respiratory antiviral circulatory stimulant that will calm nausea, reduce diarrhea and stomach cramping, reduce fever (by stimulating sweating), reduce cold chills, reduce inflammation in bronchial passageways, thin mucus and help it move out of the system, reduce coughing (as much as codeine cough syrups), ameliorate anxiety, and provide analgesic relief equal to or better than ibuprofen. It is a synergist, increasing the actions of other herbs and boosting their effectiveness by relaxing blood vessels and increasing circulation, thus carrying the active constituents of the other herbs more efficiently throughout the body. If used at the onset of a cold or flu, i.e., the very day you sense it coming on, it can cut down sick time to 3 days or less and the episode will often be mild. If used once the flu or cold is fully blown it will help ameliorate the symptoms considerably and shorten the illness. How much depends on your general immune health. If you’ve been burning the candle at both ends and putting off resting for too long . . . well, get some soup and settle in for some time off.” S. Buhner

Sylvia Avery

Thank you! Excellent tip! I had never heard all the things that ginger can do.


We need you to be well! We all love you here.

Sylvia Avery

Aw…………thank you, Aubergine! I really appreciate that! ❤❤❤❤❤


Get better and stay safe Sylvia!

Sylvia Avery

😊😊😊😊 Thanks Michael!

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Sylvia – the lack of nasal congestion sounds like mine, too – everything. Do not drop the Vitamin C. Watch out – they are saying ibuprofen may be bad – I didn’t take ANY. Also be sure to keep Gatorade on hand if you feel kidney or lower back pains – that plus vitamin C helped me a lot. Stay hydrated – very important. Electrolytes including potassium are important. Not sure if you have lite salt, but that’s a good source of potassium. Same with bananas.

Sylvia Avery

I bought gator juice way back when we first started talking about wuflu. I’m not taking ibuprofen. Nor’easter warned me about that. I’ve got potassium so I can add that in. Slight fever again tonight. I had hoped I was past that but I guess not
Thanks for the tips. Doing deep breathing exercises too. I’ll keep you posted. Hopefully my symptoms and progress will be instructive for others.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Excellent! Very glad to see you here tonight! <3

Sylvia Avery

Slept a lot last night and today so I’m awake for a bit. Heading back to bed soon. So sleepy. So glad I paid attention to the info here and started on the vitamins and started stocking up on things. Huge help. Check wwith you later.😴


Well, Sylvia, so sorry you are ill. I can’t hit “like” on that, ghough often I do so to show I read it and appreciate the person posting whatever. Get well soon.

Sylvia Avery

Thank you zoe! I appreciate it!


Oh the Guardian, the very, well, guardian of truthiness . . . meh whatever, here goes
Anti-inflammatories may aggravate Covid-19, France advises
French minister says patients should take paracetamol rather than ibuprofen or cortisone
Kim Willsher
Sat 14 Mar 2020 11.51 EDT

French authorities have warned that widely used over-the-counter anti-inflammatory drugs may worsen the coronavirus.
The country’s health minister, Olivier Véran, who is a qualified doctor and neurologist, tweeted on Saturday: “The taking of anti-inflammatories [ibuprofen, cortisone … ] could be a factor in aggravating the infection. In case of fever, take paracetamol. If you are already taking anti-inflammatory drugs, ask your doctor’s advice.”
Health officials point out that anti-inflammatory drugs are known to be a risk for those with infectious illnesses because they tend to diminish the response of the body’s immune system.
The health ministry added that patients should choose paracetamol – which is known in the US by the generic name acetaminophen and commonly by the brand name Tylenol – because “it will reduce the fever without counterattacking the inflammation”.
French patients have been forced to consult pharmacies since mid-January if they want to buy popular painkillers, including ibuprofen, paracetamol and aspirin, to be reminded of the risks.
Jean-Louis Montastruc, the head of pharmacology at Toulouse hospital, told RTL radio: “Anti-inflammatory drugs increase the risk of complications when there is a fever or infection.”
The French health ministry announced on Friday evening that the number of coronavirus case in the country had increased by 800 in 24 hours. Véran said there were 3,661 confirmed cases that had lead to 79 deaths. Of the sick, 154 people are in intensive care.
Véran said in his daily briefing that the evolution and spread of the virus was “rapid and real”, but that 98% of those who had tested positive had recovered.
The Eiffel Tower, Château de Versailles, Louvre, Musée d’Orsay and Centre Pompidou are among the public attractions that have closed. The archbishop of Paris, Michel Aupetit, said there would be no Sunday masses held in churches in the Paris region.
About 400 gilets jaunes, or yellow vests, gathered in Paris for “Act 70”, the 70th consecutive Saturday of protests since November 2018. An authorised march from Montparnasse station to Bercy, where the economy ministry is situated, is expected to go ahead. Public gatherings of more than 100 people have been banned in France, but it has been reported that demonstrations are exempt.
Schools closed across the country after lessons on Saturday, meaning 12.4 million students will remain at home. The education minister, Jean-Michel Blanquer, has said they will be expected to follow the national curriculum syllabus by internet. “This coming period is not one in which the youngsters don’t have to work,” he told BFMTV.


Dysregulation of Immune Response in Patients with COVID-19 in Wuhan, China
18 Pages
Posted: 2 Mar 2020
Background: In December 2019, a novel coronavirus, severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2), emerged in Wuhan and rapidly spread throughout China. The immune response is likely to be highly involved in the pathological process of coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19). However, information on specific changes of immune response in COVID-19 are limited.
Methods: Demographic and clinical data of all confirmed cases with COVID-19 on admission at Tongji Hospital from January 10 to February 12, 2020, were collected and analyzed. The expression of lymphocytes, lymphocyte subsets, infection related biomarkers and inflammatory cytokines were analyzed and compared between severe cases and non-severe patients.
Findings: Of the 452 patients with COVID-19 recruited from January 10 to February 12, 2020, 286 were diagnosed as severe infection. The median age was 58 years and 235 were male. 201 patients had chronic diseases and a higher percentage in the severe cases. The most common symptoms were fever, shortness of breath, expectoration, and fatigue. Severe cases tend to have higher white blood cell and neutrophil lymphopenia ratio (NLR), as well as lower percentages of monocytes, eosinophils, and basophils. Most of severe cases demonstrated elevated levels of infection-related biomarkers, and inflammatory cytokines. The numbers of B cells, T cells and NK cells was significantly decreased in patients with COVID-19, and more severely decreased in the severe cases. T cells were shown to be most affected by SARS-CoV-2, and more hampered in severe cases. Both helper T cells and suppressor T cells in patients with COVID-19 were below normal levels. Helper T cells tend to be more affected in severe cases. The percentage of naïve helper T cells increased and memory helper T cells decreased in severe cases. Patients with COVID-19 have lower level of regulatory T cells, and more obviously damaged in severe cases.
Interpretation: SARS-CoV-2 might mainly act on lymphocytes, especially T lymphocytes, and induce a cytokine storm in the body, generate a series of immune responses. Surveillance of NLR and lymphocyte subsets is helpful in the early screening of critical illness, diagnosis and treatment of COVID-19.
Funding Statement: None.
Declaration of Interests: All authors declare no competing interests.
Ethics Approval Statement: The study was performed in accordance with Tongji Hospital Ethics Committee (IRB ID: TJ-C20200121). Written informed consent was waived by the Ethics Commission of the designated hospital for emerging infectious disease.
Keywords: lymphocyte; cytokine storm; lymphocyte subsets


When Not to Use Elderberry: Using a Little Discernment

(This is the second in what will be a series of posts about acute illness and herbal adjuncts. If you haven’t read the introduction you might want to go back and do that. )
I’ve been struggling with how to start this next installment on viral illness and then I found the following statement on a website. You are just going to have to trust me on this I am not going to link to a site full of affiliate adds for supplements you don’t need, and my intention is not to start anything with the authors.
The article said, “Elderberry also upregulates IL-6, IL-8 and TNF, suggesting an indirect effect on viral immune response in the body. Interestingly, elderberry was shown to have this effect but not its major bioactive compound, cyanidin 3-glucoside.”
To begin with, I don’t consider that anthocyanin to be the major bioactive compound of this plant. I only use elderflower for influenza, and I consider its major bioactive constituent to be pectic polysaccharides, but that’s absolutely not important to this conversation.
Honestly, I am relieved by this statement. I am more likely to use black currants or blackberries which contain the same anthocyanins which have the same effect on viral replication[i] without upregulating the primary proinflammatory cytokines.
[Edited 2/28/2020: I also wanted to add that I received several messages from Chinese Herbal Medicine practitioners who shared that mulberries are a traditional flu remedy and were used prophylactically during the last SARs outbreak. You can read about that in this article.]
To explain why I find that preferable I am going to talk about the cytokines that are specifically mentioned in that statement.
What Are Cytokines?
Cytokines are just messenger peptides that mediate the inflammation pathways by carrying messages from cell-to-cell. Some are proinflammatory, some are anti-inflammatory, and some that can go either way depending on the situation.
IL 6 and TNF-alpha are some of the more active proinflammatory cytokines and IL-8 is specific kind of cytokine called a chemokine which are involved in chemotaxis or the recruitment of white blood cells to an area. When I was in school I remembered this for tests by thinking of them as chemical taxis.comment image
Is Upregulating Cytokines Beneficial?
The answer to this question is not always. I will start by discussing why I wouldn’t necessarily want to upregulate IL-8 which is a chemokine involved in recruiting white blood cells to an area.
Stanford physician Catherine Blish has studied the hyperinflammatory response to severe influenza in pregnancy extensively attempting to understand why many pregnant women become extremely ill when exposed to influenza. She has stated that abnormally elevated chemokine levels common in pregnancy draw too many white blood cells to the lung. “That’s a bad thing in a lung where you need air space.” Getting the flu during pregnancy, especially pandemic strains such as those that caused the pandemics of 1918, 1957 and 2009, carries a heightened risk for pneumonia and death.”[ii]
What she’s talking about here is a cytokine storm. I have a vested interest in this story because it was this flu that killed my great-grandfather Roberts. The clinical presentation of the storms was first associated with the 1918 flu and included accounts of patients drowning because their lungs filled with fluid and blood [iii] My great-grandfather had the flu, but was then well enough to be up and working and literally dropped dead in the field. So it must have hit him fast.
In 2013 researchers examined the lung tissue of 50 victims of 2009 H1N1 who had died of cytokine storms and found they had “remarkably” elevated levels of IL-1 receptor antagonist protein,IL-6, tumor necrosis factor-alpha, IL-8, monocyte chemoattractant protein-1, macrophage inflammatory protein 1-beta, and interferon-inducing protein-10 [iv] which undoubtedly contributed to the over recruitment of white blood cells. People with autoimmune conditions are more susceptible to this type of immune dysregulation.
These cytokine storms trigger a type of viral induced sepsis which is an acute event involving an amped up immune system response that results in a fatal pneumonia. It is usually associated with H1N1,but coronaviruses have sparked storms, as well. For what it’s worth the 2019-nCoV includes a risk of what some researchers are calling Wuhan Pneumonia which seems to be caused by some sort of cytokine storm.
Now let’s stop and think for a moment about what we have already read. Three of the seven cytokines I listed up above are those the marketing article mentioned elderberry upregulating. Researchers found specifically that areas of the lungs that had high bacterial infection also had high levels of IL-6, IL-8[v], so it doesn’t seem prudent to risk exacerbating that.
SARS-CoV-2 is a virus that is associated with these storms and subjects with severe symptoms are exhibiting elevated IL-6 levels. Detectable serum SARS-CoV-2 viral load (RNAaemia) is closely associated with drastically elevated interleukin 6 (IL-6) level in critically ill COVID-19 patients
They really don’t know why they happen. Some researchers believe it has to do with age and the elderly are currently most susceptible, but most of the victims mentioned in that 2013 paper, were in their mid 30’s. My great-grandfather was also a younger man with no health complications that we are aware of.
So if we know that an illness associated with these storms is circulating, we want to be cautious. Elderberry doesn’t have a long history of use anyway. Here is an article that speaks to herbs that were used successfully during that outbreak by Eclectic physicians.
Since the risk of cytokine storm is not common, I am going to step back a moment to talk about IL-6 and TNF-A. These are both what they call endogenous pyrogens in that they trigger a fever response as a defence mechanism to pathogens. They also act on nociceptive sensory neurons in the body to initiate the sensation of pain.
So even when working with a viral disease where there is not a known association with cytokine storm, we still want to observe the type of discomfort a person is experiencing and pick our adjuncts accordingly. There is no sense in poking a system that’s already in overdrive.
This B/Washington strain that the flu vaccination botched was a particularly hot and achy strain. Several of my clients who normally take elderberry during a cold, told me they thought their syrup was making it worse and asked if I had other ideas. This makes sense to me giving the fact that it elevates cytokines known for initiating those prodromal signs and symptoms.
So in the the name of making better more nuanced choices, you may want to take into account any health conditions that you don’t want to exacerbate. Honestly I wouldn’t recommend elderberry to a client that had any autoimmune disorder, but I am a safety girl and I have enough tricks up my sleeve to work without it.
After reading the Blish interview and the associated study I am going to start recommending that pregnant women not use it during the flu season because they are also at an increased risk of hyperimmunity.[vi]comment image
So what about taking elderberry prophylactically?
If you just are using elderberries as tonic when there is no viral complication, is that such a big deal? There are some concerns about doing that.
We know that “excessive or persistent cytokine production results in deregulated immune activation and plays a role in both the initiation and the amplification phases of immunopathologies.”[vii] This means it is possible that prolonged upregulation of these primary inflammatory cytokines could contribute to initiating or exacerbating an autoimmune disease. I have worked with clients who believe it triggered a flare for them, although I haven’t seen that with elderberry nearly as often as I have echinacea.
TNF-α, and IL-6 are already elevated in people with rheumatoid arthritis and contribute to chronic inflammation of the synovial tissue, joint dysfunction, and consequent tissue damage in the joints. So persistent upregulation could exacerbate their symptoms of chronic inflammation.
There are no human studies that have shown long-term use is safe. There is one study that I can find where the subjects took it for three weeks, but they were looking at diabetes markers as the end result and did not assess final C-reactive protein levels or any other marker of inflammation. Because I know from experience that autoimmune diseases are really no fun, I don’t feel comfortable recommending it without knowing for sure that I am doing no harm.
What really frustrates me to me is that there are plenty of herbs out there that interfere with viral replication. Research in this area is off the charts, right now. We don’t NEED elderberry. So why is the elderberry craze persisting? Call me cynical, but I think the answer to that has something to do with marketing.
I am not saying that everyone who tries to sell you elderberry knows this stuff. It takes a long time to understand the interaction between herbs and cytokines and I still consider myself a novice. Some people out there have just latched on to the idea that just because something is natural it is safe, and they don’t necessarily have the education and experience to know better.
None of this is meant to say you should never use elderberry. I am just using it as an example to illustrate some of the questions you should be asking yourself about every herbal adjunct you use. How does it work, when shouldn’t a person use it, and are their safer alternatives?
Basically what I have decided concerning the use of elderberry is that while I can’t prove that any of these things will be a problem, I can’t prove that they won’t be. That should be a deciding factor of any risk-benefit analysis.
Edited 02 Feb. 2020
I am editing this post to share my friend Thomas Easley’s feedback that this article “maybe even underemphasizes the potential consequences of IL6 in promoting th17 and suppressing Treg differentiation. If you want to burn an infection out with your immune system use elderberry – but beware the risk of catching everything on fire!” He shared this information about IL6 as a regulator of Treg/Th17 balance.
I wanted to share this article, but I have also had a lot of messages about where to study this sort of information about herbs. If you take my local consultation class I teach the basics you need to be an informed consumer. If you want to learn clinical application, I strongly suggest checking out Thomas’ program. He will put you on the right path.
[i] Ehrhardt, Christina, et al. ‘A Plant Extract of Ribes Nigrum Folium Possesses Anti-Influenza Virus Activity In Vitro and In Vivo by Preventing Virus Entry to Host Cells’. PLoS ONE 8, no. 5 (23 May 2013). https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0063657. and Ikuta, Kazufumi, Koichi Hashimoto, Hisatoshi Kaneko, Shuichi Mori, Kazutaka Ohashi, and Tatsuo Suzutani. ‘Anti-Viral and Anti-Bacterial Activities of an Extract of Blackcurrants ( Ribes Nigrum L. ): Anti-Microbial Activity of Blackcurrants’. Microbiology and Immunology 56, no. 12 (December 2012): 805–9. https://doi.org/10.1111/j.1348-0421.2012.00510.x.
[ii] Digitale, Erin. ‘Immune Response Turned up High by Flu during Pregnancy, Stanford/Packard Study Finds’. Stanford Medicine News Center (blog), 22 September 2014. http://med.stanford.edu/news/all-news/2014/09/immune-response-turned-up–not-down–by-flu-during-pregnancy–st.html.
[iii] Kobasa D, Jones SM, Shinya K, et al. Aberrant innate immune response in lethal infection of macaques with the 1918 influenza virus. Nature. 2007;445(7125):319–323. doi:10.1038/nature05495.
[iv] Gao R, Bhatnagar J, Blau DM, et al. Cytokine and Chemokine Profiles in Lung Tissues from Fatal Cases of 2009 Pandemic Influenza A (H1N1). The American Journal of Pathology. 2013;183(4):1258–1268. doi:10.1016/j.ajpath.2013.06.023.
[v] Ibid.
[vi] Kay AW, Fukuyama J, Aziz N, et al. Enhanced natural killer-cell and T-cell responses to influenza A virus during pregnancy. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. 2014;111(40):14506–14511. doi:10.1073/pnas.1416569111.
[vii] Salvi V, Gianello V, Tiberio L, Sozzani S, Bosisio D. Cytokine Targeting by miRNAs in Autoimmune Diseases. Frontiers in Immunology. 2019;10. doi:10.3389/fimmu.2019.00015.


One of the powders that came recommended . . . FWIW (providing informationally, not as an endorsement)
Baobab Boost Powder 11oz Bag
MSRP: $20.99

Welcome a multi-talented, multi-tasking, multi-vitamin and mineral one of a kind supplement into your life. This ultra-low net carb powder is like a daily “multi” but is 100% real food! That’s why we call it Baobab Boost, because this amazing fruit grown on the majestic Baobab tree boosts your nutrition in every area. Its citrus and sherbet tasting dried flesh has five times the fiber of oats, and higher antioxidant levels than any food on the planet (8 times that of the super berry Acai, and more than both blueberries and pomegranates combined!) It has more than twice the calcium of milk, double the magnesium and iron of spinach and is loaded with six times the potassium of bananas.
Product Description
Welcome a multi-talented, multi-tasking, multi-vitamin and mineral one of a kind supplement into your life. This ultra-low net carb powder is like a daily “multi” but is 100% real food! That’s why we call it Baobab Boost, because this amazing fruit grown on the majestic Baobab tree boosts your nutrition in every area. Its citrus and sherbet tasting dried flesh has five times the fiber of oats, and higher antioxidant levels than any food on the planet (8 times that of the super berry Acai, and more than both blueberries and pomegranates combined!) It has more than twice the calcium of milk, double the magnesium and iron of spinach and is loaded with six times the potassium of bananas.
Most importantly, Baobab Boost is a delicious way of boosting your vitamin C. Having a rich supply of this vitamin is a huge game changer when it comes to losing weight. Vitamin C depleted people are resistant to fat loss. Clinical studies show those with adequate vitamin C levels oxidize 30% more fat during exercise than individuals with low levels. Plainly put, vitamin C helps prevent weight gain and makes it easier to lose it. It also improves blood sugar levels and supports adrenal health (adrenal depleted people are often resistant to fat loss). Vitamin C also enables proteins such as collagen and gelatin to work more effectively and safely in your body.
Throw baobab in smoothies, oatmeal, bars, sauces, soups and casseroles where its lemony light and pleasant flavor pairs with almost everything. Use it to make THM’s “Hello Health” or “Boost Juice“, all day Sippers that will bless your health as well as your taste buds or just add it to water and gulp it down!
Suggested Uses:
– Smoothies
– Sippers
– Bars
– Soups
– Nutritional Booster
– Antioxidant King


Tucker asked Dr. Fauci about this. Said they had no proof.


If you happen to find a clip please repost it! Thanks!


Starts Around 3:30


Emailed doctors in my family for response to this.


Dr. Fauci answers the question @ 3:30 here:

Deplorable Patriot

I saw something out of Austria this morning about this. Ibuprofin, specifically. All deaths in one area had it in their system. It looks like you have to let the fever do its thing.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy


Shut up China-bought Ted.


Go piss on an electric fence, Ted.


“Your language will cause more discrimination against Asian Americans.”
I don’t mean to be disrespectful, but has there been a significant problem with discrimination against Asian Americans? I never hear of it. Is there, for example, more anti-Asian American sentiment than anti-white sentiment? It would not surprise me if some people are saying anti-Asian things now (rightly placing blame on China, or wrongly blaming innocent individuals), but was there a problem before the COVID-19 Wuflu?

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Exactly! No, there has NOT been a problem, other than what ALWAYS happens when a group is negatively in the news (which white males understand quite well). Not a problem, much less a long-standing problem, that I’m aware of.
I think people are in the case of this DISEASE properly worried about different national groups depending on the facts in the news, but it’s just logic, not “discrimination” other than rational care. For instance, that Iranian connection that I mentioned – I learned later that THEY shut down events once they realized there was risk here in the US. Hey – THEY don’t want to catch it, either.
The people who always try to make everything about race tend to be hypersensitive and get HUGE numbers of false positives in their “race-dar”. Most Asians and Asian Americans are properly skeptical of the ChiComs simply because they don’t have guilt handles, ALTHOUGH there are lots of *mild* cross-national prejudices, but they’re no different from European international prejudices. Even within Chinese, there are LOTS of attitudes about people from other parts of China, Taiwan, etc., as well as the infamous category “ABC” – American-born Chinese – which may be a positive or a negative, depending upon alliances and personal feelings, just like mainlander, Taiwanese, Hong Konger, South China, Uighur, Singapore, Tibetan and all the rest, which are all positive or negative depending upon a million things, including just plain personal preferences.
One thing, however, which is important, is that the SPY GAME is a whole different story. When even small risks are intolerable, people have to be careful. But that goes WAY beyond race. A white male China sympathizer with monetary hooks in him from the CCP is a bigger risk than a Taiwanese as far as vulnerability to the mainland, BUT a hardcore anti-mainlander Taiwanese with easily pushable buttons and no discernment (think NeverTrump) may be a bigger risk than either because the ChiComs are so skilled at manipulating controlled opposition. And Taiwanese and Hong Kong are filled with ChiCom sympathizer ringers, so one has to be very careful THERE, too. People lose security clearances because of foreign national GFs and BFs. It’s just reality.
Race is very overblown as a motivator. The truth is – and this is the real danger – way more people want to GET IN BED with people of other races than hate on them. That’s the reality right there.
Our media is stupid and easily manipulated. They can’t think, they conform their personal beliefs to the narrative, rather than questioning narratives by comparing to personal experience. They can’t really LEARN, except by what they are told.
But WE’RE the news now, so too bad.
Buh-bye, FAKE NEWS!!!comment image


First, I should note that Silicon Valley is full of Anglos who can recognize differences between several versions of “Asians”.
Second, I should note that “Asians” certainly do, and that the racism between, say, Japanese and Chinese makes blacks and whites in the American South look like kinfolk.


Long history of conflict (using a very mild term) between Japanese and Koreans!
I’m quite certain even Lieu’s family feels very superior to other Asians and absolutely would resent being lumped in to a “class.”
It needs to be said over and over, like the MSM robots do…China is a country, not a race. Maybe it will eventually sink in.


Asian family members love President Trump >>Because<< he stands up to China. Hate China! And think many Chinese are dirty and eat nasty things. They Know what China, esp. communist China, are capable of and are glad to see someone standing up to the Asian bully who has dominated for so long.


Our digital army has their work cut out for them…


Very well done!
The things they lay out we can take for granted in the Trump era. But had someone else been President, the future would have looked decidedly different…


One of the best articles I’ve read in a long time! While we may be inconvenienced with much of the CHINA virus crisis, the changes the author (Michael Walsh) describes will be worth it, IMO.


chiefio has a good one just posted:
Your Hoarding Is My Prudent Preparation


Judicial Watch’s Larry Klayman filed in Texas. Everyone can join.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

OMG – that’s like asking for every firstborn son in China. Heck, that’s worse. No number of sons is as comforting to a ChiCom as 20 trillion bucks!!!



DNA sequencing of coronavirus patients…”might save lives”?
But that information in the wrong hands could also help someone perfect a better bioweapon.


That is a very insightful comment.
It is estimated that there are 7.8 billion people on the planet around now. When hard disks had a capacity of 5Mbytes, this was no big deal.
Now that SuperMicro is pumping out 4U chassis that can handle petabytes, it is likely that several data centers have data for EVERY INDIVIDUAL ALIVE. And that naturally leads to multifactor attacks. If someone knows that you read National Geographic, use Tide laundry detergent, drink Santa Clara tapwater, and eat Chinese food from a certain restaurant, they can create a specific attack using those four vectors that will kill you — but look innocent to everyone else.
If they have your DNA, those four data points would be more like 40,000.


We’re there — and Google is ground zero.
Although that NSA site out in Utah has some creepie-crawlies as well.


…..according to the Chinese…..


Things make sense if the evaluation framework is that this virus is biowarfare from the Chinese with the intent to cause as much damage as possible in the US. Things don’t make sense if Chinese results just might be in error while Indian results are different.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

…..according to the Chinese…..


Donald Trump, don’t trust China, China is asshoe!

I know I’m being repetitive. But I don’t think it can be repeated enough!


As a very wise American clearly said, “Trust, but verify”. With the ChiComs, verify twice.


This sounds more like Chinese hype than a promising drug since Japan says it has limitations in efficacy. But posting it here for info.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Not believing anything ChiCom at this point.
What did they say in that one movie? Oh, yeah.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

OMG – I hate being right. They have to seal these off into communities. Can we afford for people to live on site for the next few months? We just can’t let staff come into contact with spreaders.


One thing to remember is that life on Earth has always had a component of “shiv your buddy”. Penicillin is not just “go away, bad germies” — it’s lebensraum for Penicillium mold (a fungus), that is essentially trying to kill everything else around it so it can hog all the goodies to itself. That it doesn’t attack human cells directly is not because it’s being kind or helpful, it’s because the species has never encountered enough human cells to tailor its toxin to them — Penicillium wouldn’t mind leaping from wet bread to your arm at all. It’d love to be “flesh-eating mold”.
And that’s why organisms with complex immune systems — like mammals — have them. They’re actually pretty good at what they do. Mind you, they have the equivalent of full-on murderous assaults, cyberattacks, poisonings, stealthy assassination attempts, and accidental overshoots each-and-every day. There are probably 20 different viruses, bacteria, and fungi in circulation in the US today that have a similar death rate to this coronavirus — they just don’t have a name or recognized list of symptoms.
It’s possible that Alzheimers is an infectious disease….that we just haven’t figured out.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

OK, people. Newsweek via Intelnews says that .mil is taking this all very seriously – and all I have to say is THANK GOD.
US military given ‘continuity of government’ standby orders for COVID-19 pandemic

Concerned Virginian

So I don’t understand why these plans are for all the world to see now, if they’re called Top Secret.
Unless the information in IntelNews and Newsweek is just a kind of “bare outline”.
Of course there have to be dire emergency contingency plans in place. That’s why there is always a “designated person” from the Cabinet / Senate / House, who is in a secure place during the SOTU speech.
But unless I missed something, there’s no leaked information about where that designated person is.
Honestly asking for clarification here.


The existence of a plan, may, or may not be classified. The execution DETAILS of a plan, will most always be classified, but not always.
Examples. Plans in support of a natural disaster, they exist, unclassified. Plans protecting America against enemies, somewhere between Confidential, Secret, Top Secret… Depends on the adversary, or even who we are supporting.
Rest assured, NORTHCOM, Combatant Commander for the Continental United States has plans for a very wide scope of scenarios.
Below link public information. Do KNOW there ARE plans that are subject and execution, classified. Won’t be listed.
IMO, nothing to be alarmed over. Rather, be reassured, US Militart designed to support Civilian leadership and follow the Constitution.
ChiCom-19 is quite serious. ChiComs have royally screwed up.
Do I, with no particular incites, think the Continuity of Government Plan will be executed. No. Won’t be necessary. But, the US IS ready.
President Trump has this.


Damn right they’re taking it seriously. We all know WHY.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Wait until you see my post going up.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Good explanation, Wolf…have sent it on and hopefully those sequestered in their homes will take time to read and comprehend the subtlety of 4GW, and how our leaders are confronting it.
Unfortunately, like those who saw the tidal wave of the tsunami approaching them I, too, feel personally helpless and just put my trust in those that can make the countermeasure decisions and actions.
It would certainly help if the GD media would decide to be on our nation’s side!


President Trump signaled at least twice in the presser today, ChiComs have intentionally screwed up.
LAST question of today’s presser. OAN, thankfully called out the COMPLICIT MCM SUPPORTING ChiCom narrative.

Mary Morse

Gets odder. Dr Kawaoka founded a flu vaccine startup that claims to have a universal novel influenza vaccine in human trials. There is a video of bill gates discussing pandemics on the company website, and lists a former Perkins Coie lawyer on its BoT.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Yeah. It’s becoming very clear to me how the treason works. We pay for our own defeat.


Post addressing the seriousness of the situation and of contracting the Wuhan Virus and addressing the myth that only older people catch it, only older people are serious cases and only older people are dying. (Next I will do a post on why older people like me can’t just fall back to sleep like my son can after waking us due to bad dream…he is in sleepy land and I am looking at stats in the middle of the night while being jealous of his, now, peaceful sleep)
So glad President Trump is taking this Wuhan Virus seriously so that our hospital systems are not overwhelmed and we don’t end up like Italy is right now and more do not die simply because they can not be treated.
Currently (if China and Iran’s numbers are to be believed):
Of diagnosed cases world wide: 8,982 deaths/85,769 recovered
Of diagnosed cases in the US: 155 deaths/108 recovered
(Dividing the deaths into total cases diagnosed is inaccurate because many of the current cases have yet to be resolved death/recovery)
Of course, there are many cases not officially diagnosed that range from non symptomatic or mild to horrible but with no complications require hospitalization. The recovery rate, therefore is higher when one includes those assumed, undiagnosed cases. However, the death/recovery ratio for those ill enough to be diagnosed is sobering.
Some have dismissed this as only dangerous to older people. 100% not true. It is more dangerous the older one is – babies/young children seem most certain to recover and the oldest among us seem to have a 20% death rate by some records. However, All ages can catch the virus and all ages can have a bad case with people in their 20s+ having complications and requiring hospitalization. It is a myth that only the old die or that only the older catch the virus. Yes, they are more likely but that does not mean it is exclusive to them.
Another way people are comforting themselves is to focus on underlying conditions. Remember that Many things are “underlying health conditions” from heart disease to high blood pressure to diabetes. At least 1/2 of the US has an underlying health condition just from the above 3 things + cancer, HIV, autoimmune diseases, obesity, etc.
The majority of Tennesseans who have been diagnosed with the Wuhan Virus are 18-49 yrs. The older patients may have a higher complication rate and a higher death rate but younger people catch it, do have complications and, sadly, do die – just not at the same percentages/rate.
Remember the lawyer that was patient Zero for a chain of infections and exposures that went to the President at CPAC as well as a huge outbreak in NY? 50 yrs old and was in serious condition although recovering now
CA stats regarding age and community spread (i.e. unknown how infected)
Ages of all confirmed positive cases:
Age 0-17: 13 cases
Age 18-64: 392 cases
Age 65+: 188 cases
Unknown: 5 cases
24 – Cases of positive tests related to federal repatriation flights
574 – Cases not related to repatriation flights
91 – Travel related
88– Person-to-person acquired
142 – Community acquired (see map of local health jurisdictions reporting community transmission – PDF)
253 – Under investigation
Washington (state) infections by age include:
2% of cases 0-19 yrs
8% of cases 20-29 yrs
12% of cases 30-39 yrs
14% of cases 40-49 yrs
=36% of cases younger than 50 yrs of age
17% of cases 50-59 yrs
=53% of cases 59 yrs or younger
From the CDC: (https://www.cdc.gov/mmwr/volumes/69/wr/mm6912e2.htm?s_cid=mm6912e2_w)
“This first preliminary description of outcomes among patients with COVID-19 in the United States indicates that fatality was highest in persons aged ≥85, ranging from 10% to 27%, followed by 3% to 11% among persons aged 65–84 years, 1% to 3% among persons aged 55-64 years, <1% among persons aged 20–54 years, and no fatalities among persons aged ≤19 years"
interesting to learn how flu deaths are estimated (yes, they are an educated guess, an estimation v. documented and tracked)


He was nervous, and locked his knees. I’ve seen Marines in formation who didn’t know better do the same thing. It cuts off the blood supply, and you faint.


Been there. Done that. In formation. Unlock the knees. Breath through mouth. No moar problem.


The FL Dept of Health has done a great job! They revamped the coronavirus pages again last night. Now tells whether the patients were hospitalized if you click on counties. Still only one travel related case each in Leon and Gadsden counties.
So far, none in Suwannee County which has a 900 resident Christian comprehensive care retirement community – the oldest in the state of FL. They are very careful about contagion – and close down visitation in nursing facilities during flu season.
The state of GA page lists counties, ages of cases, deaths – but no indication of travel. They are too PC orientated for that.
US – CDC – – https://www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-ncov/cases-in-us.html

FL – http://www.floridahealth.gov/diseases-and-conditions/COVID-19/index.html
FL MAP –comment image

GA – https://dph.georgia.gov
GA state/county map and stats – https://dph.georgia.gov/georgia-department-public-health-covid-19-daily-status-report
They did not, however, denote as FL did, whether the cases were travel-related.

WORLD – US – STATE CASES – Johns Hopkins U – https://gisanddata.maps.arcgis.com/apps/opsdashboard/index.html#/bda7594740fd40299423467b48e9ecf6
US – STATES – Timeline – https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2020_coronavirus_pandemic_in_the_United_States#State_number_of_reported_cases_by_date
WORLD-US – https://ncov2019.live/data


Sorry about the FL Gov and Rep Dunn expanded twitter feeds – I forgot to put an asterisk on those!


TO TOP IT ALL OFF – in Florida and the Deep South – we have an astronomical POLLEN COUNT to cause coughing, sneezing, wheezing, eye irritation, etc.!
For the pollen count in your area go to – https://www.pollen.com/ – and type in your ZIP code!


Great idea – and you have a lot more traffic than I do – I’m going to give it a go! Washed the porch, rocker, swing and bird bath yesterday. Want to mow today – but will wear mask, head rag, eye protection against the pollen. I just cant get sick.


OH YEAH – when I was comparing FL with GA last night – here’s something I noticed.
GA had 1 death per 197 cases and the infection began near the Atlanta airport and city.
FL had 8 deaths per 328 cases = 1 death per 41 persons and the early infection centered around elderly cruise ship passengers and cruise ship employees….the secondary infections are just beginning.
Why is FL experiencing a higher death rate? – Because of an older population with underlying health conditions.
For all our greatness, advances, benefits and prosperity – the American senior/boomer generation is generally unhealthy and obese – with heart, lung conditions, diabetes, etc. and Florida is a senior retirement magnet.


Daughn – Is that the WHO Director with the China blindfold?

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Archived here:


TODAY – President Trump has 11 am Task Force Press Briefing – Intel Briefing – then heads to FEMA !
11:00 AM – Press Briefing – Members of the Coronavirus Task Force hold a press briefing
James S. Brady Press Briefing Room On Camera
12:15 PM – The President receives his intelligence briefing
Oval Office Closed Press
1:50 PM – The President departs the White House en route to Federal Emergency Management Agency Headquarters
1:55 PM – The President arrives at the Federal Emergency Management Agency Headquarters
FEMA Headquarters In-Town Travel Pool
2:00 PM – The President participates in a video teleconference with Governors on partnership to prepare, mitigate, and respond to COVID-19
3:20 PM – The President departs Federal Emergency Management Agency Headquarters en route to the White House
3:25 PM – The President arrives at the White House


Apple had to pull the Zoom app from their store last year due to it LISTENING to everything on your device WHEN THE APP WAS NOT BEING USED!
CHICOM Spyware.
Gab founder, @a recommends an end-to-end (e2e) app call Whereby.com
Free for small users, monthly fees as you scale up in number of attendees.



Plain Jane

Wow DNW, I’m puffin’ with pride in you dear lady. Geopolitics for you. So glad your voice is heard. That will continue. Congrats.


Always glad to hear your voice also, Plain Jane 🙂

Plain Jane

Yours also Kalbo. 🙂

Deplorable Patriot

Just parking this here and a few other places.


What a horror!


Son a Merchant Mariner. Presently on a Horizon lines container ship. Oakland-Long Beach, repeat, merry go round.
Called yesterday as he was arriving Oahu. Was supposed to go off contract 25 March. Asked him to extend, as his relief has ChiCom-19.
His ship seems to be sailing continuing on regular schedule.
IMO, ports MUST stay open. AND, we may ban certain ships, certain cargo / commodities, but ports gotta stay open. IF nothing else, Hawaii and Alaska would be screwed. President won’t allow that to happen.
Have opined in the past, ship crews can be rightfully banned from leaving the ships. That IS reasonable.


^^^ Should have read. Oakland-Long Beach-Hawaii. Repeat. Merry go round.


HOUSTON — Two terminals at the Port of Houston are closed after a worker tested positive for the coronavirus.
The Bayport and Barbours Cut terminals are closed while an investigation is conducted.
Port officials said an ILA worker who recently worked at both terminals tested positive for the virus.
“All decisions on vessel schedules, demurrage and all others will be determined as soon as possible,” officials said in press release late Wednesday night.
****Other facilities at the Port of Houston will remain open, officials said, including general cargo terminals. The Houston Ship Channel and another 200-plus private terminals are still operational, according to officials. *****

Plain Jane

No sparklers for Independence Day?


Anybody else buying that virus is miraculously gone from China??? How in the Hell can that suddenly happen after 4 months???
China’s so wonderful and so helpful now, sending aid and medical workers to Italy, Germany, and France.🤮🤮


Concerned Virginian

Think about this:
ITALY has had THOUSANDS of Chinese workers in their garment and leather factories for years. Chinese companies (translation: COMMUNIST CHINESE companies, since Beijing owns EVERYTHING) own what used to be Italian clothing and leather manufacturers.
So BEIJING has been “seeding” northern Italy for YEARS.
So when the Wuhan Coronavirus was developed in the BIOWEAPONS LAB in Wuhan and released into the public (which was planned, you betcha), Beijing ALSO knew that Chinese who went back to Wuhan for the Chinese New Year celebrations, would be EXPOSED to the virus and TAKE IT BACK WITH THEM to Italy.
Beijing ALSO knew that Italy’s population is top-heavy with older, fragile-health Italians; and that the native Italian birthrate is below “replacement level”.
SO, Beijing is perfectly OK with what is going on in Italy right now.
Beijing ALSO knew that the Italian health system would be VERY QUICKLY overwhelmed by the spreading virus, and that the Italian government would VERY QUICKLY become desperate for help.
SO, Beijing timed it’s offer of “humanitarian assistance” of meds / DOCTORS / VENTILATORS, to Italy (which Italy will have pay for), to occur NOW — when Italy is on the ropes and knowing that NO help will come from the rest of the EU and that the U.S. would be totally occupied in saving WE, THE PEOPLE, from destruction by the virus.
SO, Italy gratefully took the bait from Beijing.
HOW MUCH do you want to bet that EVERY ventilator, oxygen tank, IV machine, etc., coming from Communist China, has an embedded computer chip in it to record OTHER types of information that would be useful to Beijing? Like mics to record conversations? Like software that can be linked to the computer in the hospital room?
I still remember when IBM sold its computer manufacturing to Communist China. It became the LENOVO brand. I’ve seen these computers everywhere — at the bank; in hospital rooms; in schools. And I remember the stories of these Lenovo computers having software embedded in them to record keystrokes, interactions with the built-in microphones and cameras, etc. Betcha that’s the case with ANY computer made in Communist China. Along with cellphones.
Heck, even my LG cellphone sometimes flashes CHINESE SYMBOLS for a nanosecond when I click on the “dial” icon to make a phone call. I make it my business to NEVER use my cellphone for accessing / processing important information — never using the mobile banking apps, etc., even when at home.


THEY created it, of course THEY have the antidote.


Both Tucker and Laura have been promoting using chloroquine every night this week. Treepers have been on this since the beginning, with the solution being chloroquine plus zinc. Neither host, nor medical experts, have mentioned zinc at all. Wondering if it’s because they don’t want the public to misinterpret and start consuming lots of zinc, which can be very harmful??

Concerned Virginian

As of today, North Carolina has 97 confirmed cases of the Wuhan Coronavirus. Yesterday there were 63 cases.
That represents about a 30% increase of cases within 24 hours.
DURHAM COUNTY has gone from 12 cases yesterday, to THIRTY-TWO cases as of today.
That represents a more than 100% increase of cases in Durham County within 24 hours.
per http://www.ncdhhs.gov/covid-19-case-count-nc


We need to see the total number of tests performed.
Dr. Birx said 10-11% are coming back positive so 90% negative means they have another illness.


Don’t trust WSJ! WSJ is asshoe!

Concerned Virginian

There are now 77 confirmed cases of the Wuhan Coronavirus in Virginia.
The highest concentrations are:
The DC Swamp Drive Areas of the Fairfax County (14) / Arlington County (14) / Loudoun County (5).
JAMES CITY COUNTY, adjacent to Williamsburg / Busch Gardens, has 13 cases.
The James City County cases are all believed to be “community-spread”,
Per http://www.vdh.virginia.gov/coronavirus/
There are now 40 confirmed cases of the Wuhan Coronavirus cases in Washington, DC.
Per the Washington Post
There are now 85 cases of the Wuhan Coronavirus in Maryland, This is up from 37 cases on March 16.
Gov. LARRY HOGAN has ordered that the state’s primary election will be moved from the original date of April 28, to June 2, AND WILL BE CONDUCTED ONLY BY MAIL.
Per the Baltimore Sun

Concerned Virginian

POTUS is talking about Chloroquine / Hydroxychloroquine now at the White House presser!


GREAT news. perhaps we can END this madness. ENOUGH damage has been done, Chlorroquine and z-pac, used in that one study whose name escapes me, had a 100% cure rate.
There are ONLY 2 possibilities here, both actually good news. One, we accept the premise, that this was REALLY as bad as the projections, and they found the antidote, which just happens to be COMMON and EASILY procured in bulk, and QUICKLY. That means that there will be a “cure” readily available, and QUICKLY and CHEAPLY, which means we are about 2-3 weeks NOT months from this being downgraded, in control, and soon over.
Two, the numbers RE NOT adding up to the projection, and they needed a CHEAP, SAFE, and QUICK way to “end” the crisis BEFORE the public realized the scam, and revolted BIGLY to the draconian measures. This ALSO means that this, conveniently, will be on the DOWNSWING just as spring and warm weather hit, as MANY predicted.
The problem with this, is that the MASSIVE damage done to the economy, the needless death and VERY needless suffering inflicted upon MILLIONS.
Does NO ONE find it even “curious” that something we have been discussing here for WEEKS, is just now being “studied”? Does no one find it conspicuous that AFTER two MASSIVE spending bills are passed @ 2 TRILLION dollars, that now, they think they may have a solution.
Is it NOT also curious, that JUST after ALL of the 3 years of gains in the stock market were ERASED (by shot selling) exacerbated by hype, hysteria, and FEAR, that they find the solution?
Is it NOT also curious that after 3 years of MASSIVE job creation and unemployment, it all was wiped out in a matter of 3 weeks? and now that it IS wiped out, along with MANY people’s savings, jobs, and businesses, many which will NOT come back easily or at ALL, a major accomplishment was the success of SMALLL BUSINESSES, now that they are in tatters, they find the solution.
It only took them 3 weeks to undo the greatest economic surge in US history, and they did it without firing a shot. They used an invisible enemy, a virus, and hysteria and PANIC created by the same sorts of scientists using projection models that they used on Global warming, the hole in the ozone layer, acid rain, deforestation, the shrinking ice caps, etc. Look up the East Anglican study of THREE trees in Siberia that was “projected” (extrapolated) to give us the climate change hoax. Remember, these SAME people cannot accurately predict the weather tomorrow.
As far as this being a new unseen virus, I have some info for you, we ALWAYS have a new unseen virus, EVERY year. That is why each year there is a NEW strain of influenza. But, Prex, we DON’T yet have a vaccine. RIGHT, we NEVER do, they ALWAYS have to make a NEW vaccine for whatever flu strain hits EACH year.
I pray this nightmare, and all the fear, harm, suffering, and death this has caused, and WILL cause, are at least going to slow down. We are resilient in the US, and we will bounce back, but I submit the massive overreach was both unnecessary and too advantageous to those with an agenda. The way most viruses end is NOT a vaccine, the virus rages like a hot fire, and it either “burns it self out by mutation, OR by weather change OR people who have mild symptoms become resistant, and pass that on. Want proof?
When the Spanish conquered Latin America, millions who had not been exposed to stuff the Spanish were used too died, BUT, the Latin Americans that DID survive, then became immune, there were NO vaccines in the 1400-1600’s. What does not kill you, makes you stronger, it is NOT just a song.
I pray this is the beginning of the END of this national and world nightmare.


Press update…Chloroquine effective and will be available “nearly immediately”

Concerned Virginian

POTUS SHUTS DOWN NASTY LEFTWING FEMALE “REPORTER” who was trying to GOTCHA him with “Why weren’t YOU doing everything to prepare the U.S. against the virus?”

Plain Jane
Deplorable Patriot

I did some digging on this yesterday. In some places, St. Corona is the patroness to invoke in times of epidemics, but really she’s the patroness of treasure hunters.
It looks like St. Roch gets the honor of being invoked.

Plain Jane

Have to check him out. Didn’t know that. Thanks DP.
Right now, besides God, the Saints and angels and PT, I’m extremely grateful for threads posted today. So am grateful to all you bloggers here for keeping my spirits up.

Concerned Virginian

WHO in Communist China is paying these LIVE CHINABOT “reporters”??
POTUS: “You reporters are much too close. You need to move immediately. Maybe we’ll have to stop having you here.” (Related to ANOTHER Live ChinaBot “Reporter” who’s trying for a GOTCHA on “members of Congress going into quarantine” — and by extension, BLAMING POTUS for this.)


Kun has a meme for that…comment image


President trump actually enjoyed it 🙂 She was awesome. Last question of the presser, I think. Perfect summation. MCM puppets for ChiComs.


WH press is asshoe




Allow me to pass you some ammo…comment image


if this keeps until tick season, the next outbreak will be CORONA & LYME 😀


…because corona is so bad it need lime.


Another elite?


It’s going to happen. These people are meeting all sorts of people every day — not the likes of you and me, however. They have lots of small or large gatherings scheduled every week.
Merkel is self-isolating because, a few days ago, she met with a doctor working with coronavirus patients (BBC News, Sunday, March 22).


Concerned Virginian

Be sure to read all the way down the page, including the section “For Healthcare Professionals”
http://www.medlineplus.gov/druginfo/meds/a682318.html (US National Library of Medicine)
Please be aware that Chloroquine, while it may be effective in fighting the Wuhan Coronavirus, has side effects and interactions with the use of this drug. The same is true of Hydroxychloroquine. BOTH must be prescribed by a medical doctor or other qualified medical professional. The same is true of Hydroxychloroquine. DO NOT BUY THEM ONLINE.

Concerned Virginian

DO NOT BUY Chloroquine or Hydroxychloroquine online UNLESS you have a valid prescription.
The same is true for QUININE TABLETS or QUININE POWDER. The side effects and interactions of Quinine tablets or powder are as serious as for Chloroquine or Hydroxychloroquine.


What’s the word on Tonic Water? I often drink it and it’s diluted enough that as long as it meets the FDA requirements for quinine content it’s unregulated.


I’m pretty rugged like that. I can also live without TP if I have to LOL


no one get near michaelh


A man that knows how to use facial tissue!


Go to crab island!!

Cuppa Covfefe

Fauxcahontas Liarwatha is probably (w)hoarding TeePee…

Cuppa Covfefe

There are some folks who are sensitive to quinine, in particular those with “Mitichondrial myopathies”, or problems with the electron chain respiration (conversion from ADP to ATP). Really rare, but it can be a huge problem for some folks…
For the rest of this, the main problem is finding a good Gin at a good price (Tanqueray, for example)… just kidding.
Over here, most of the stuff that’s sold OTC in the USA is pretty much locked down, thanks (not) to big Pharma. On the other hand, if something requires a prescription, it’s best not to buy it online. And one has to wonder about the origin of those online bargains…. Chyyyyynnnaaaa, perhaps? Or India? (though they’re not as bad as China)…
Wackypedia has some interesting articles on this:
And a paper (with a zillion links)

Cuppa Covfefe

For the rest of US, not rest of this….
geesh, wurst press, don’t like G&Ts, eh?
(oh, right, they probably like VODKA and Tonic. RUSSIAN Vodka…).

Concerned Virginian

per 700WLW news conference:
Female Chief Justice of OHIO — If I hear this correctly, she apparently wants any prisoner who can, to BE RELEASED if at all possible. This is to “protect the health of the other incarcerated persons” and to “isolate possibly infected persons outside of the prison”.
Judges are to have the “discretion” to review all sentences.
It appears the Chief Justice of Ohio has just issued a directive on this!
LEGISLATION is also being considered in the Ohio legislature to put this idea INTO LAW in Ohio, “In very limited circumstances”.
Question from reporter: Is there any protection for witnesses and jurors related to the release of prisoners?
Answer: If there is a need to intervene, I would look into that.


Surprises me how many cases in florida are due to community spread – no known travel and no known contact with a traveler
Total cases 328
Traveled 92
Contact with confirmed case 56
Traveled and contact with confirmed case 71
Neither 109
Travel is unknown* 67
Contact is unknown* 21
Contact is pending* 60


Think Ahead
Oh, WuFlu, WuFlu, what’re we to do?
How can we survive when it comes through?
What to do?
Pessimists say that humanity’s done,
With nowhere to hide and nowhere to run
We’re all doomed!
The Clueless say that it’s just the flu
It won’t get me and who cares about you
Just the flu!
Pragmatists say that we’ve got to plan
We can do it if anyone can
Think ahead!
Sanctuary cities, all run by Dimms
Filled by rot and waste right to the brim
Clean ‘em up!
Alien invaders are comin’ in
Bringin’ their diseases with all their kin
Build the wall!
Group gatherings only spread it more
Passed from you to me, an infectious spore
Shut ‘em down!
All the kids at school will spread it around
To the school staff, then it’s homeward bound
Close ‘em now!
People with fevers, we need to find out
If it’s WuFlu , so there is no doubt
Test ‘em all!
Make the test kits reliable and fast
Make ‘em by the millions so that they’ll last
Send ‘em out
Make those test kits available to all
Do it with speed, it’s not the time to stall
Test ‘em now!
Ventilators are needed, thousands more
Put our manufacturers on this chore
Make ‘em now!
People with WuFlu need more than a nurse
Don’t wait to see if it’s gonna get worse
Treat ‘em now!
After they’re cured they’re weak and might shed
Give ‘em time to recuperate in bed
Watch ‘em close!
For those folks who cough, sneeze and spray
Let’s all get masks and wear ‘em today
Wear your mask!
Drugs to kill WuFlu are needed fast
Made in U.S.A., not like in the past
Make ‘em here!
We’ve got approved drugs that now work well
And more coming soon to kill those germ cells
Use ‘em now!
Avoid all crowds and give people space
Stay and home and avoid face-to-face
Don’t go to work when you start to feel sick
And call your doctor, and better call quick
Do it now!
Wear gloves, use wipes and wash your hands
All work together for WuFlu’s last stand
When all this is over and finally won
We’ll be amazed what Americans have done
We are one!
Praise and thank the Good Lord for His grace
Return to Him now and seek His face
Praise the Lord!


Giving the Right Name to the Virus Causing a Worldwide Pandemic
They are calling it the “CCP virus,”
Close Up Photo of Trump’s Notes Shows He Crossed Out “Corona” and Replaced it with “Chinese” Virus


Talked to a neighbor:
-She’s sick of the MSM panic.
-We are not to mention what she had to say about China.
-Hasn’t looked at her 401K but says its going to come back.
Talk to family overseas and you can’t fix stupid!! I kept telling the relative’s order food or have someone else hope for them. I get the ‘no the delivery costs to much and X,Y and Z is just so so busy’. I give up

Cuppa Covfefe

Kea. your family might find this humorous (or not):comment image



Sadie Slays

Ground Report. People in my moderate blue neighborhood are talking about this being a Chinese bio-weapon to stop President Trump’s re-election. Nobody is being called a “crazy conspiracy theorist” for saying it. Never thought I’d see the day when we could talk about this stuff openly in public.


WHOA!!! That is something!


OTOH, I sent an older cousin a short chart showing the cases and deaths as of a couple days ago (deaths less than 100) compared to the last flu epidemic in 2009, which of course was the point. Basic message..Chill This is being promoted by the media to cause panic…the media that barely showed any concern, if at all, in 2009.
He, then passed it on to his uber liberal LA-based granddaughter, who promotes fashions on her website (for a hefty fee, of course)., and therefore is an expert on the Coronavirus.
She took it upon herself to write me a rather long email, being “very concerned” that I was giving her beloved grandfather absolutely false information and therefore false hope since the deaths are now 150 with 10,000 cases, and that I was basically endangering his life by sending incorrect information.
Then, to top it off, she demanded to be taken off my email list. Of course, she was never on my email list. I have never even met the little twit! LOL.
Got to love the LA liberal loons.

Sadie Slays

It’s Christmas for the virtue signallers and Moral Police. Not only do they have ample opportunity to preach, but believing we’re truly a life-or-death situation makes them twice as zealous about it.

Deplorable Patriot

Yeah, I’ve gotten lectures from people who really have no authority to do so.


Trust me, if I could see this weeks ago, so could anyone.
After Mueller, shampeachment, and all the media hype surrounding same, people are FAR more awake than ever.

Deplorable Patriot

I wish the people in my neighborhood would talk to us. We’ve lived here longer than anyone else at this end of the block, and there’s a clique that goes around us and a couple other households.
Yes, they’re all blue.
When this is all over…maybe. We’ll see. At least the people on the corner, who have been here four years less than us, and the guy next door aren’t as cliquish.


Why would you want to have anything to do with a blue clique in your neighborhood?

Deplorable Patriot

Well, at least to be friendly. They’ve shut everyone else out so far as I can see.

Sadie Slays

It’s by no means perfect here. We had two online neighborhood groups go to war with each other because the tyrant running one of them didn’t like the other. It’s like these overgrown children never left high school.


With the shortage of toilet paper more and more people are turning toward using personal wipes and baby wipes for their personal needs. Additionally, many people are using more cleaning/hand wipes to stay safe.
The Clark County Water Reclamation District reminds you that Wipes Clog Pipes and need to be thrown in the trash, not flushed down the toilet.
Wipes clog sewer lines and pumps and can cause sewer overflows. Now is not the time to have a sewer over-flow in your home. Sewer overflows are messy and costly. Plumbers may not be available during these unprecedented times.


Yep. This place has been CUTTING EDGE and YOU ma’am have been superb. Qanon have their bread bakers, but we got a world class muffin maker 😉❤


We love you MOAR ❤


I can state 1 thing as fact…this pandemic or disaster drill, or storm, or whatever the crap this is would have likely driven me “over the edge” without the calm, steady guidance and support on these pages. We will come out on the other side of this with guidance from God POTUS and Q….


At this point I honestly don’t know how we survived with any sanity! The Grace of God has brought us here and given us a chance with PDJT to turn this ship around….as for me, I will do my part to help pull the ropes on that mast until my hands bleed but I will NOT let go!!


Amen VG!


PDJT tried. The gov’t of Denmark said no.


DP we can’t even go to IKEA…
An Update on Our Response to the Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19)
To our IKEA Family members and valued customers:
Across the country and the globe, we are facing uncertainty and unforeseen challenges due to the rapid spread of the coronavirus. What remains clear, however, is that we are committed to doing what is best for the health and safety of our co-workers and customers.
As we’ve seen, this is not a problem that can be solved by one person or group alone; it requires individuals, businesses, and governments each to take action.  In order to do our part to slow the spread of this virus, we have decided to temporarily close all of our U.S. stores to the public, effective March 18. We remain available at  IKEA.com and will continue to offer click and collect in many of our stores, according to local regulations and only as long as we can do so in a safe and healthy way. You can find updated information on your local store page on IKEA.com.
To support our co-workers, we have put in place additional measures to ensure their work environment is clean and sanitized and that co-workers are working at a safe social distance. We will also be providing free meals and bottled water during shifts. IKEA will continue to support co-workers through its comprehensive benefits package and paid leave policy.
We know that this is a complex and fast-moving situation. We are constantly monitoring to ensure we are taking the appropriate actions, and we will keep you updated as things continue to evolve.
Be well,
Javier Quiñones
Javier Quiñones
IKEA U.S. President

Deplorable Patriot

No great loss other than a place to get out of the house and check out innovative designs.
That’s basically why I go.


What a waste of TP!!!! 😉


When one of my children was a pr3-teen, she threatened to leave home because I bought cheap toilet paper one time.




Mandarin lesson:
CCP bots are called ‘Wumaos’

Sadie Slays

I guess this is why Q was encouraging people to go on Twitter.


Did they steal it from Gilead? 5G, other spying?

Sue Mcdonald

Update on stuff around here. Banks still open for now,kids will be laid off shortly,Fema is at the VA hospital since yesterday and there boss said get ready to go home . All business is pretty much shut down in towns and cities but down at the end of our road the lumber mill is still chugging along .
don’t about any more infected in our county as I couldn’t listen to anymore corona stuff,it’s getting to be to much so I took a break from it today and just listened to the blessed sound of all the quietness.birds were singing and very light traffic off in the distance,deep blue sky,the goat jumping and running about was so nice.going to enjoy it for now.


Best medicine there is, Sue!


Smith’s, Krogers family supermarkets, sent an email that in part reads… bold added.
“At Smith’s, we believe everyone deserves to have access to fresh, affordable food and essentials, especially in times of uncertainty.
That’s why we’re starting senior shopping hours. On Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays, we’re reserving the first hour of shopping time, from 7-8am, for customers ages 60 and up.
We’re also waiving all service fees on pickup orders for customers ages 60 and up through April 18.
Our stores will still be open to customers of all ages from 8am-10pm. We appreciate your patience as we try this new program, and as always, thank you for shopping with us.”


I’ll probably be there tomorrow at 0700/

Concerned Virginian

March 19, 2020
“Prosecutors press to release inmates, drop charges amid outbreak”
Law enforcement officials and prosecutors in Washington, DC; Maryland; San Francisco, New York, and Dallas TX, are pushing for judges to release prisoners who can’t afford cash for bail, who are elderly, or who are within 6 months of finishing their sentences.
The prosecutors are also pushing for police departments in the areas above to cite and release arrested suspects “who pose no physical threat.”
NOW, from “America’s Truckin’ Network” radio show, 12AM – 5AM, 700WLW, overnight last night:
Steve Summers, the host of the show, read an account from Dallas, TX, giving the details of this scheme:
Local police are being told to “turn a blind eye” to anyone committing property theft; simple assault that does not result in physical injury; shoplifting; purse-snatching; and other offenses that do not involve gross injury or death to the victim. The rationale given is that the police would be reducing potential exposure to themselves if the perpetrator is carrying the Wuhan Coronavirus.


I’m truly sorry, your Honor, for robbing that bank. But, you see, the WuFlu made me do it.


This is the Stupidest thing I have seen throughout this 2.5 month ordeal…at least the stupidest to date. Even more idiotic than the teens and young 20somethings congregating in bars and on beaches – at least they have the excuse of uneducated and young. But judges and civil leaders releasing criminals in time of emergency? Criminals who are in jail …. crimes!!!! And telling the same that you won’t be arresting right now?!!!
Of all of the things I have read in the past about emergency situations I have never read about something like this or thought about purposeful release of criminals or telling, advertising that the police are going to stop arresting and jailing!
Recipe for disaster!

Concerned Virginian

Can anybody please tell me WHY the FDA is NOW, all of a sudden, claiming that using Chloroquine for the Wuhan Coronavirus HAS TO BE STUDIED FIRST?
per 8PM Eastern Time news report, 700WLW


Because it’ll blow their sweetheart deals with Gilead?


A: Because Big Pharma owns and operates the FDA, and it wants it’s “cut”.


Probably has to do with dosage. It can have some NASTY side effects. For malaria, people take once a week for 8 weeks. For the WuFu, a higher dose is given 2X/day for 6-10 days in a row. Again side effects are really NASTY.


Doc from New York on Ingram show said they are already using it. Everywhere in the area. His hospital has not had a fatality yet.


Saw that. They’re having good results.


Remember when the Obama Administration was bringing Ebola patients to a continent that had never had Ebola?


Early symptoms of the ChiCom Virus could be diarrhea and gastrointestinal problems.
Early symptom of coronavirus might be digestive issues: study
——– From the article:
Could diarrhea and other gastrointestinal issues be the first signs of the novel coronavirus, also known as COVID-19? Yes, at least according to one study published Thursday in The American Journal of Gastroenterology.
[ … ]
Not only could digestive issues be the first sign of illness, but the patients who reported them became more seriously ill than those who did not.
“Moreover, as the severity of the disease increased, digestive symptoms become more pronounced. Patients without digestive symptoms were more likely to be cured and discharged at the time of this study than patients with digestive symptoms,” the authors wrote, noting 60 percent of patients without digestive symptoms subsequently recovered and were discharged, compared to roughly 34 percent of those with digestive symptoms.
The researchers concluded that their findings call for more research that evaluates “the prevalence, incidence, predictors, and outcomes of digestive symptoms in this still-emerging pandemic.”
“In the meantime, clinicians must bear in mind that digestive symptoms, such as diarrhea, may be a presenting feature of COVID-19 that arise before respiratory symptoms, and on rare occasions are the only presenting symptom of COVID-19. Clinicians should raise their index of suspicion when at-risk patients, such as those exposed to COVID-19, present with fever and digestive symptoms, even in the absence of respiratory symptoms,” the study’s authors wrote. “This knowledge may help with earlier identification of COVID-19, faster time to treatment, earlier quarantine, and lower exposure to bystanders.”
The findings come after scientists from the Renmin Hospital of Wuhan University and the Wuhan Institute of Virology of the Chinese Academy of Science in February discovered the novel virus may transmit through the digestive tract, specifically the fecal-oral route, in addition to respiratory droplets.
More specifically, those researchers found “virus genetic material” in stool samples and rectal swabs from some patients.
————- End quote.
Maybe this has to do with How You Caught The Virus?
If you caught it through breathing in the virus…you develop respiratory symptoms?
If you caught it from eating or drinking something…you develop gastrointestinal symptoms and diarrhea?
I remember seeing a little blurb early on, about diarrhea & GI distress being some of the symptoms.
But then…haven’t seen anything more about it, until this.


Nor have I.
Could explain the run (!) on TP in the shops.
Thanks for the link.


Gov Newsome just ordered all of California to stay home.
Senator Burr of Intel Committee accused of insider trading. Received Intel briefings on pandemic, then Dumped all his hotel shares before market tanked. Made 33 transactions, Estimated he sold $700-$1.2 million


Kelly Loeffler from Georgia (yeah her) and Jim Inhofe from Oklahoma also liquidated some significant holdings.

Rodney Short

They have everyone in the school district working, Kimi has to go in 4 hours a day to clean….
Fuckers ;better not ban the sales of alcohol….