Dear KAG: 20200331 Open Thread

Here we are. Tuesday, the day to catch up on all the stuff that we didn’t get to on Monday.

We wish Sylvia, our resident COVID-19 positive patient, well on her recovery.


This site is a celebration of the natural rights endowed to humans by our Creator as well as those enshrined in the Bill of Rights adopted in the founding documents of the United States of America. Within the limits of law, how we exercise these rights is part of the freedom of our discussion.

Guidelines for posting and discussion on this site were outlined by our host, WolfM00n. Please, review them from time to time.

The discourse on this site is to be CIVIL – no name calling, baiting, or threatening others here is allowed. Those who are so inclined may visit Wolf’s other sanctuary, the U-Tree, to slog it out.

Fellow tree dweller Wheatie gave us some good reminders on the basics of civility in political discourse:

  1. No food fights.
  2. No running with scissors.
  3. If you bring snacks, bring enough for everyone.


NM 21:4-9

From Mount Hor the children of Israel set out on the Red Sea road,
to bypass the land of Edom.
But with their patience worn out by the journey,
the people complained against God and Moses,
“Why have you brought us up from Egypt to die in this desert,
where there is no food or water?
We are disgusted with this wretched food!”

In punishment the LORD sent among the people saraph serpents,
which bit the people so that many of them died.
Then the people came to Moses and said,
“We have sinned in complaining against the LORD and you.
Pray the LORD to take the serpents away from us.”
So Moses prayed for the people, and the LORD said to Moses,
“Make a saraph and mount it on a pole,
and whoever looks at it after being bitten will live.”
Moses accordingly made a bronze serpent and mounted it on a pole,
and whenever anyone who had been bitten by a serpent
looked at the bronze serpent, he lived.

As always, prayers for the fight against that which seeks to enslave us are welcome. Via con Dios.

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Deplorable Patriot

Lady Qanuck has some interesting tweets tonight.
Whaaat? Thinking face Anon has been tracking the prison ship USNS WATKINS, anchored between NY & NJ, and notices a ship anchored next to it named ‘Sandy Hook’.
DP comment: if you go to the vessel finder link, the prison ship is JUST SOUTH of Manhattan at the entrance to the harbor(s) at The Narrows.


Any guesses?

Deplorable Patriot

The storm is about to rage.


Please let it be so! Optics would be very tough in the current situation, though.


They were decades ahead their time….

Rodney Short



You’ve been rocking it lately, FG&C 😎😷🤓

Deplorable Patriot

We Gen-Xers were considering this for a grocery store play list.


How is that even a question? That is #1 on the list!

Deplorable Patriot

And the funny thing about it is that the friend who was compiling the list will go to Chicago to see them in concert, and she forgot to put it front and center. I did that.

Sylvia Avery



Dear Sylvia, did not know until now that you have virus. Hope you get good treatment and get well very soon. Prayers and hugs.


Hello, Sylvia. Like Zoe, I did not know you have the virus, either.
I read earlier (next page of posts) that you now have your medication. Please keep us posted.
Get well soon. Prayers ascending for you.

Sylvia Avery

Thank you CM. I live in a virus hot zone. Just lost two friends to it. I’ve only got relatively mild symptoms, but it sure lingers on. The drugs are said to be most effective at the beginning of the infection and I’m about mid point, but we’ll see. Thank you for the prayers!


You are most welcome.
Thank you for the update.
I’m very sorry to learn about your two friends. My sincerest condolences.

Sylvia Avery


Deplorable Patriot

Please, keep us updated on your recovery, Sylvia.


<3 <3 <3


If we are truly in “The Storm,” this song is even more relevant. It is about a teacher whose young female student is becoming too much of a temptation. Pedophilia.

Harry Lime

At the suggestion of realsauce and scott467 I recreated the Clinton Pizza Sign (pun intended)…comment image


And then the first ever snowball fight took place in hell.

Harry Lime

Read it without any pauses…like this:
Dear President Trump, thank you for keeping our community safe from Bill and Hillary Clinton.


I’ll take some credit for that too, ya know.
After all, I voted for him! 😎

Deplorable Patriot

Not sure Cuomo is, but, uh, undershirts anyone?


WTF planet is he from, ‘cause its not this one.

Harry Lime

“WTF planet is he from…”

Rodney Short

Dang it I gotta clean my tablet screen, that you Harry for the laugh that came from the gut…

Sylvia Avery

Oh it has been too long since I’ve had a Harry Lime belly laugh!

Harry Lime

Hi, Sylvia!
So good to see you posting here!

Cuppa Covfefe

I was thinking the next one closer in, but yep…
(anyone check his fingers for scars? like Paedosta?)…

Cuppa Covfefe

Fredo’s Pizza Palace…


Wonder if there will be 24/7 coverage by the media on this? 🤣🤣


That is so gross!
What kind of twisted freak does that.
And he must have wanted people to see it…how could he not know that his nipple-bars would show through that thin knit shirt?!


Is THAT what those are??
The gimp forgot to take off his S&M hardware, eh? Pity he doesn’t wear his ball-gag 24/7.

Harry lime

And you just know that Podesta did the piercing. Either him or Don Lemon.


Indeed.comment image

Harry Lime

Agghhhh!!!comment image


I saw some other tweets about it earlier…
and people were calling those “nipple-bars”.
So I’m taking their word for it!
Haaaa. 🥴😄


Glad you clarified! 😳

Deplorable Patriot

That’s what people are seeing. Is it true? I really don’t want to know. Just wear a darn undershirt, Governor, and the mystery will remain.

Cuppa Covfefe

Wonder if they’re magnetic (i.e. gold-plated steel or iron, rather than gold or allergy-inducing nickel)?
Could have a lot of, erm, fun with a really strong magnet… or maybe focused microwaves… hot time in the old town tonight…

Sylvia Avery

Eeek! I didn’t need to see!

Sylvia Avery



Sounds like the whole family had problems that made both the brothers sick.


Just think of it! A Governor in one of the most influential states in our nation is seen wearing nipple bars!! Blows me away! Actually, it’s pretty sick. How can ANYONE take him seriously as a leader? And,”they” are starting to promote him as the D. Presidential candidate? Figures. Maybe there’s a whole cult of nipple bar enthusiasts out there we don’t know about, you think?
If our Founding Father only knew!

Deplorable Patriot

Calm down. The only way anyone knows about it is because he wore a shirt that’s borderline too small without an undershirt.
Several of us could be wearing unmentionables from Victoria’s Secret and without skin tight white pants or shirts, you’d never know.
It’s a curiosity, but not why the man is a lunkhead.


He doesn’t have a mirror? He seems to relish his National TV time and there are monitors that any producer or cameraman, not to mention staff who are right off camera, could see the “embellishments” and let him know. This was a public appearance, not a social one. But, it’s the mentality…and the message.
As I write, JMO….call me old-fashion.

Deplorable Patriot

I doubt he thought about it.


Yesterday in Tampa, Florida, the county sheriff let the criminal inmates out of his jail, and then went to arrest a pastor for delivering Sunday church services and put him in the same jail.
True story.comment image


Silvia Avery, still known for bravery
Caught a case of WuFlu
But keepin’ her shovel sharp, ready to do her part
She always knows what to do
And that’s . . .
Bang! Bang! Sylvia’s trusty shovel
Will come down on a head.
Bang! Bang! Sylvia’s trusty shovel
Will make sure someone’s dead.
Not feeling any good, not as well as she should
But that won’t slow her down
She’ll be havin’ fun, makin’ DimmRats run
And bustin’ bad guy’s crowns
As . . .
Bang! Bang! Sylvia’s trusty shovel
Will come down on their heads.
Bang! Bang! Sylvia’s trusty shovel
Will make sure that they’re dead.
Well, as time goes on and Sylvia sees the dawn
She’ll be feelin’ bright, too
Shovel sharp and clean, ready, lean and mean
For what she’s gonna do.
When . . .
Bang! Bang! Sylvia’s trusty shovel
Will come down on some heads.
Bang! Bang! Sylvia’s trusty shovel
Will make sure that they’re dead.
When all this is done and Sylvia has won
We’ll all be winners, too.
‘Cause Sylvia and her spade keep the Dimms afraid
Of what she’s gonna do.
When . . .
Bang! Bang! Sylvia’s trusty shovel
Comes down on their heads.
Bang! Bang! Sylvia’s trusty shovel
Makes sure that they’re dead.
Hey Syl,
If you run in any Doctor’s circles, or run circles around Doctors, one of those, maybe a friend of a friend knows an RA MD or a Lupus MD that normally prescribes HCQ and knows how to get some . . . or has a stash.
Then with a Z-Pak and some zinc supps, you’re ready to go.
Just a thought.

Rodney Short

Total brilliance right here on display in the QTreehouse Carl you are the master poet and I hope ya know it…


I love it! Well done, Carl!
Thank you!


Thank you, Carl. Our Sylvia is a treasure and not just for her shovel 💖💖💖

Sylvia Avery

Smuchas, darling! ❤❤❤


Just wonderful!
Poor Silvia.
If you read this I hope your feeling better.
Any idea how you got it?
Get better soon. Mom sends her wishes as well. 🙂


Chinese take-out.

Sylvia Avery

Could SERIOUSLY be it, LOL!


Wordpiss is at it again.

Sylvia Avery

Hi kea, I’m doing better. Not QUITE as fatigued, not coughing as much. I am going to be just fine. But good grief it takes forever. People keep telling me “think six weeks” and all I can think is like that meme, “ain’t nobody got time for this sh!t.” Say hi to your mom and love on the puppy for me!


I am so happy to hear it Sylvia!!! 🙂
Mom and puppy send their greetings as well. Puppy helped me in the garden today. She dug holes and picked up twigs. LOL

Sylvia Avery

*laughing flat out!*
Thank you sir!!!!


BRAVO, BAKO CARL, our WQTH Poet Laureate!
I did a much lesser version way back….using ‘Bam, Bam, Sylvia’s Silver Shovel’….just because I liked the alliteration – even looked up a little silver shovel charm to bestow upon her through in virtual reality cyberspace….comment image



Steve in Lewes

FYI – I just posted on the CV thread. I’m a 20+ year user of HCQ and just tried re-ordering my standard refill and was told that HCQ is in very short supply and was back-ordered. If and when they get more, they will send only a 30 day supply vs my normal 90 day. The RA doc prescribed Prednisone in it’s place. My guess his own stash would be the go to source.

Rodney Short

DP I bet if you hooked his barbells up to some juice he would sQueal like a stuck hog on who is behind this all. Of course we already know but I would love a taped confession…
He may be a New Yorker but he is the weak link, trust me…
Night and God bless…

Harry Lime

A pair of jumper cables walks into a bar. The bartender looks him up and down suspiciously and says, “Alright, I’ll serve you, but don’t you start anything!”

Rodney Short





wince and groan

Cuppa Covfefe

Two guys walk into a bar…
The third one ducks…


Rodney Short

That’s it???
Hang em to set an example, I swear this country has gone to soft on treasonous acts.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

The only way that person should have gotten 4 years is if they ratted out their entire network and helped bag them all.

Rodney Short

Amen Wolf, let’s hope that was part of a plea deal.


“Peng — whose full name is Xuehua Edward Peng — has pleaded guilty to his role in the scheme last November. U.S. District Judge Haywood S. Gilliam delivered the sentence on the plea agreement on Tuesday.
The U.S. was never at risk since the information left for Peng was provided by an FBI double agent who had also been approached for spy-work by the Chinese government but decided to inform the U.S. government instead, prosecutors have said.
In the plea agreement, Peng said he was approached by a state security official with China during a business trip in 2015 and agreed to collect and deliver information. He made six trips between 2015 and 2018, leaving as much as $20,000 in envelopes at a time.“
He shoulda had his US citizenship revoked and get deported as soon as he gets outta the can.


….. let it slip out that he ratted on the rest of the Chinese spy network and you won’t have to worry it.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Thanks! Very interesting!!!




Sylvia Avery


Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Time to light a fire under ACOSTURD.


Are you implying Jim Acosta is a red diaper baby, sir?

Rodney Short

Water board him and find out…
Enough of “Human rights”
There are many ways to get an answer, these commie spies basically portray our POTUS as the enemy of We The People, it’s time to pull the mask off the real enemy…
Damn I said I was going to bed an hr ago because I am pissed that my 30 pack of Busch went from $16 to $26, I reckon I should carry my ass to bed cause I got me a bottle of Jesse James honey bourbon for $18 and drnk half the bottle…shhhhhh dont tell Kimi cause she gonna be pissed enough in the mornin…

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Red diaper or something very similar.
Something is up with these offspring. I’m not 100% certain how it works, but something is up.


CNN is the Communist News Network.
Started by Ted Turner, who married Hanoi Jane.
It is 100%, absolutely, unequivocally and altogether unsurprising that it is what it is today.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy


Cuppa Covfefe

Yep. Ted (“Christians are losers” [He’ll {hell} find out about that one]) Turner, possibly the funder/inspiration of the Georgia “Guidestones” and half of “Ted and Bill’s malevolent adventure”…
He’s poison **100…


They display the intensity of people on a mission…

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Yup. Exactly. And no matter what they SAY, the mission appears to be exactly what the Soviet Union would have wanted.


And, no matter how low their ratings, how often they are proved absolutely false reporting, no matter how belittled their reporters and anchors are….nothing, but nothing changes.
And, yes, that leads me to believe they are on a suicide mission.
Seeing Tapper, Maddow, etc. reminds me of those infamous photos of those poor, frightened people in North Korea posing with Kim, or even some of the trafficked children we’ve seen in “art” photos.
Look at their faces at CNN ….do you ever see any sign of happiness?

Deplorable Patriot

Not to be outdone by the 4th fleet…..


Love the names on the Ships…COMFORT, MERCY… May God bless all the front line workers, and the people who support them, including those running the ships.

Deplorable Patriot

Well, alrighty then.
Fabio Rampelli removes the EU flag from his chambers and replaces it with the national one. #Corvid19 is helping the #GreatAwakeningWorldwide


Missed opportunity.
He should have wadded the damn thing up and thrown it in a garbage bag.


Or send it to nervous Nancy for use as elite TP.


I was wondering what he said…so I read through some of the replies and found this translation:
“Maybe we’ll see each other later, maybe.”
Also found this one from France:
I love how he just threw the EU flag off of the balcony.


Ack…here’s that second video again, hopefully it will play here:


My sentiments eactly.

Deplorable Patriot

Looks like the MSM is playing catch-up…or they’re trying to hide the mess they’re in at the moment.


Hmm…notice how The Daily Beast is calling them “young women” instead of “underage girls”.
Looks to me like they’re trying to avoid the subject of Pedophilia.
I’ve seen tweets lately from leftists claiming that Pedophilia is “a sexuality”…like being Gay.
Like there is nothing wrong with it!

Deplorable Patriot

It’s a foot in the door, at least, getting the story out there. The ka-BOOM might be later.

Deplorable Patriot

And teenaged girls…if they’re through puberty, I hesitate to call it pedophilia. Underaged, fine. Lecherous older men have lusted after them for as long as there have been humans on the planet. Acting on it…that’s where the rubber hits the road.


I know…it’s just that the Left tries to have it both ways.
They claim that people are still ‘kids’ up to 26 yrs old, and should be covered on their parent’s Health Insurance up to that age.
But when it comes to corrupting the innocence of young girls…and justifying the lecherous behavior of old guys…then they call the girls “young women” and try to lower the age of consent to 12.
Their duplicity just pisses me off.


….and fetuses aren’t babies…guns (not people) kill people…gender is neither binary nor fixed…
Their duplicity isn’t even the half of it.




oops….scratch that

Sylvia Avery

(as PHC used to say)


The term “jailbait” is all you need to know. Yeah, they can be cute and all…..but society rightfully protects them with the force of the law, and males of honor respect that.

Cuppa Covfefe

The old phrase “Fifteen will get you twenty” was more than just a joke back then… and rightly so…


I’ve seen tweets lately from leftists claiming that Pedophilia is “a sexuality”…like being Gay.
Like there is nothing wrong with it!
its worse than you think…..comment image


Disgusting perverts! Child molesters!
That’s what they are!
Perverted child molesters!


Sexual deviancy like this and worse….much worse, is the tie that binds the world’s corruption together!!!

Cuppa Covfefe

And the sword of Damocles, as it were, that keeps those pwned by the Deep State in line.
Look at the initiation rites of all the secret societies, e.g. Skull and Bones…
They all have something in common: sharing/revealing deepest secrets/crimes/desires/etc., usually of a sexual nature. $cientology and other faux religions do that too… Oh, the tales a C/S or OSA dweeb could tell…..
And THEN, THEY (S&B, $cientology, etc.) are in control. The Klintoons, et. al., do that too…..


Such debauchery is progressive. The threat of exposure is used to demand deeper and deeper involvement. It’s a tragedy b/c some of these ppl were born with a God given conscience. Many sell their souls for something which cannot ever fulfill. Sad sad sad.

Sylvia Avery

I can’t even hit like. I feel sick….


As sick & perverted as it is, we’re better off knowing. Nobody said truth is always pretty.

Deplorable Patriot
Harry Lime

Good grief. Frightening levels of desperation.
“You are watching a movie”…has never been more true.


Here’s that full image:comment image

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

OK – thank you – I’ve been investigating this. The original images, if you can believe the fake news NOW, are from October of 2013, when that ship of African migrants sank off the coast of Italy.
Assuming that is TRUE, then even the use of them in the MOVIE in 2017 was borrowing NEWS footage.
But I want to see the ACTUAL footage of these images being used for COVID-19 – where is THAT?
THAT is the kicker. If we don’t see that, then this looks like some kind of distracto from the other REAL Italian hospital image abuse – possibly to create a “that’s wrong” talking point for the left to evade.


It looks like it started on Facebook.

Cuppa Covfefe

Interesting (actually disturbing), that Germany (in particular, south Germany, as in Baden-Württemberg) is taking in Italian (and French) Corona patients… I thought we had (albeit temporarily) closed our borders… silly me…
Since our idiotic virus “experts” refuse to administer z-packs for Corona patients, these admissions basically add up (sadly) to a death sentence for those patients…
Something (OK a lot of things) is rotten in the state of Deutschland…

Deplorable Patriot

Enough fun for one night! See y’all tomorrow.


wishing you dreams of Cabal perp walks and MSM bankruptcies!

Sylvia Avery

DP……….thanks for mentioning me in your Opening Post. I appreciate all of your prayers so much. ❤❤❤❤❤

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy


I bet Judgement Day is gonna have some REAL surprises from the Dept. of Reveals


New book coming out entitled ‘Wolf Quotes’ – coming soon to a blog near you!!!

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy


I’m amused by folks like Turley who thinks anyone still trusts them. Its like they dont believe their own polls about themselves.

Deplorable Patriot

I disagree with the man, but at least he’s honest.


Shades of the song made famous by Perry Como.comment image

I’m shocked no one has made a better version of a video for this since 1985 when this was made

Harry Lime

I’m guessing the people most appreciative of social distancing is anyone in the vicinity of Eric Swalwell.


…..with or without his flatuelence.




Deplorable Patriot

A lot of the Churches here are open all day for the faithful to at least go in and pray. My pastor put Rosaries, Way of the Cross pamphlets, and little inspiration books on the table at the entrance. There’s also a bowl of Miraculous Medals. Most of the Holy Water is gone, though.


That sounds good. My pastor had intended to put out the blessed palm for us to pick up before Palm Sunday, but then the Nassau County Executive mandated that all churches be closed.
No weddings, no funerals, no wakes until further notice.
Each morning I get on the church website where the pastor, the priests and the deacons take turns putting out video messages. It’s very helpful. It calms me to see their faces and hear their words.
Take care. It can’t last forever.

Deplorable Patriot

The mayors and county execs here know better than that. Ever since the previous mayor of the city, a Maronite Rite Catholic, went to Raymond Burke and told him not to close certain parishes – and the mayor got his way – the government doesn’t mess with the Church. In these parts, Catholics rule the roost. Always have regardless of what Jefferson’s troops tried to change 200+ years ago.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Sue Mcdonald

Maggie didn’t listen to the train conductor, she didn’t depart the train and is now deep in the tunnel. Poor Maggie PAIN will soon rain down on you.


She’s in too deep…just like Jennifer Rubin , Maddow. Will go down with the ship.
There are people like Don Lemmon, Joy Reid, Joy Behar, etc that are just plain stupid and ignorant…do not even deserve a platform.
And there are truly mentally ill people such as Rob Reiner, A. Milano, Carey, K, Griffin that shouldn’t be allowed out on the streets because they are dangerous.


Oh Lord!
VATICAN CITY ( – A “miraculous crucifix,” which survived a fire in 1519 and halted the great plague of Rome in 1522, has suffered potentially irreparable damage after being exposed to pouring rain for over two hours during Pope Francis’ special Urbi et Orbi blessing in St. Peter’s Square on Friday.
The wood on the sculpture tumefied and “exploded” as the rainwater penetrated the priceless work of art. The stuccos in various places used to plaster-coat the body of Jesus were severely eroded and much of the ancient light paint was wiped off the wood.

Deplorable Patriot

The man does not know how to take care of anything. What a ….. I shouldn’t think such things, but the man is a menace.


They had the Pope under a canopy, no doubt, but brought out and left this porous, vulnerable, ancient cross without protection.
This Pope disrespects and is careless with the priceless gift of the Word, the Cross and the Gospel.

Rodney Short

Could it be a sign from God to expose the fake pope???


..or it could be a fake pope grooming his “flock” that revered icons are nothing truly important. I don’t recall his righteous outrage at the number of churches destroyed in Europe by Muslims.
Years upon years of artifact preservation techniques in museums,galleries,etc and this man takes one outside in the rain?

Deplorable Patriot

Hadn’t thought of it that way, but you have a point, especially for parishes and cathedrals which have pieces of the True Cross in their Good Friday crosses.

Rodney Short

Amen Molly…

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

One is used to hearing of ancient relics destroyed way back in 16-something or even 18-something because we hadn’t learned yet how to preserve them.
And the occasional thing destroyed in World War II.
Here’s something that’s going to go down as ruined in 2020…through sheer negligence.


Verse of the Day for Tuesday, March 31, 2020

“I have blotted out, as a thick cloud, thy transgressions, and, as a cloud, thy sins: return unto me; for I have redeemed thee.”
Isaiah 44:22 (KJV)


comment image


Thank You, Jesus, for blessings received and prayers answered!


Tuesday Blessingcomment image


Jesus Loves Babies…Pray for the Unborncomment image
Jesus Loves the Little Children – Pray for the Little Children
Jesus Loves You – Come to Himcomment image


Jesus Loves the Little Children – Pray for the Little Childrencomment image





Deplorable Patriot
SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

So here’s the question. Were they ALWAYS home, or are they STILL in Oz?

Deplorable Patriot

I don’t think they are in either place. There is another video which shows she is sitting on a bed with black and white sheets, and a hotelish gray backboard. It looks industrial and nowhere as comfortable as Hampton Inn.


Things that make you go hmmmm. Wasn’t there also something about a bar did on the door?

Deplorable Patriot

Barcode. Yes.


Some suggestions online that the right photo is photoshopped 🤷‍♀️🤷‍♀️


2:30PM THE PRESIDENT participates in a phone call with network service providers
5:00PM Members of the Coronavirus Task Force hold a press briefing



This reminds me of a guy taking out loans while maxing out his credit cards in preparation for declaring bankruptcy.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Well, given that Trump is now the Bank and the Credit Card Company, as well as the Federal Reserve, I say he should order himself to give himself OUR money to fix things, and pay the Cabal negative billions to nod and AGREE that Trump was very generous not to TIP them negative trillions!
I love this new Fed! 😀


When you have time, Wolfie, could you do a post explaining what this is all about regarding POTUS having control, and the Fed being deep-sixed? I don’t understand what happened, but quite a few folks are happy now with the shift in the monetary system.
And now it’s being mentioned that he stuck it to the Cabal – so maybe you could explain that too. Thanks.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

I’ll let somebody more competent explain the Fed part, but I may be able to find some links. I know that what I read initially made lots of sense, in that Trump and Mnuchin now have much more power. It’s like the take-down of WTO by not appointing people.
They hit Trump, and Trump made the most of it.
But that is only half the story. A roaring economy supposedly benefits Trump, but that is decepto spin, IMO, to encourage a Wall Street president. Who it really benefits is Wall Street and the cabal. By letting the forces who wanted to bait him into heartlessness tank the economy, and by not sacrificing himself on the economy for them, Trump allowed the globalist cabal’s money-love roundhouse to gloriously miss him and circle back in a KO on themselves.
0% interest. Yeah, Cabal. Make some money on THAT! 😉
Feed a fever – STARVE A COLD WAR.
Now Mafiosa Pelosi will be baited out on infrastructure. Watch her play more games.
“In God We Trust” is the only thing on a bill that ALWAYS RETAINS VALUE.
They can close the churches and synagogues, but THIS TOO SHALL PASS, and we will emerge from our homes in the morning with our families intact and WITH GOD. <3



Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

I believe our POTUS just nuked the Cabal.

Elizabeth Carter

President Trump is putting our money to good use. This is part of the 6.2 Trillion. Our money was stolen to rebuild the world infrastructure and now we are going to get to rebuild our own.
Thank You President Trump, Chairman of the Federal Reserve.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy



Deplorable Patriot

I just saw that. I hope he recovers nicely. Not just for his sake, but his mother’s.


I don’t like the man, but I don’t want to see this happen. I hope he heals quickly.

Gail Combs

You ladies are a heck of a lot nicer than I am.


Ya. I was all set to post, sad. NOT sad 😉 Fredo is not on my give a shit radar.


I want to know what he chooses as his treatment. If he choose Trump Treatment, I want it as front page news


I’m a Doubting Thomas on this as well. Too convenient for these attention hogs.


Unfortunately, members of Congress are testing positive, too – so who is to say?


Yes, but I still have my doubts about some folks in general – especially the Hollywood hogs.


And rightfully so, lady – I agree – much too convenient – perhaps they are under house arrest and are not quarantined – guess the Hanks couple never were in Australia – were they?


No, the Hanks story appears particularly too convenient.


Suspicious Cat here, lady!

Deplorable Patriot

For some I would agree. Chris Cuomo, no. He’s doing the broadcast from the basement thing like a lot of TV people here did last week while under self-quarantine. And the Cuomos are at least honest in their being Democrats, and all that’s involved with that. I doubt he’d lie about this.


True, maybe it’s the lack of empathy toward him that I’m feeling. I’ll stay neutral. He’s in New York, right? That would have given him increased exposure.


Tuesday March 31 Video Marathon



Deplorable Patriot

I posted this on the Corona Virus thread, and I’m posting it here for wider viewing. YOU NEED TO WATCH THIS!
Yep, PLANNEDEMIC to the max. Look at the set-up, complete with an am radio station with instructions in a loop.
NO EFFING WAY did any government organize this on the fly. NO WAY, JOSE!
Thank you, James. Thank you, thank you, thank you.


Setting up tents for triage, deploying national guard for assistance and employing a simple loop recording on am….all easily believable in the 4 week of massage mobilization we have witnessed.
Setting up quickly is what the army corp of engineers does. Deploying national guard in emergencies…its what they do. Yes, they already have plans that they can then tweak and apply to this specific situation.
Hospitals and health care systems have been working 20 hr days to set up and be ready. New programs, plans and massive supplies have been developed, rolled out, implemented and are now coming to fruition.
Just like the massive effort in the fed gov, private sector, state govs – many working Very long hours to make the prep for the surge of WuFlu cases manageable
Easily believable – but represents a massive, impressive effort by many groups of people.
Just as President Trump says – lets appreciate and praise people across America who are mobilizing and doing amazing things on Trump Time to win this war on the invisible enemy.

Deplorable Patriot

Execution of a plan already written down is what we’re all thinking.
Yeah, that’s not hard to pull off.
It’s the planning that takes time.


A plan to infect the US, sure, likely.
However, seeing the Army Corp of Engineers, FEME, private hospital systems, private industry mobilizing to make supplies, etc. as all part of a pre existing plan is unsubstantiated by any facts and is seeing things as proof v. asking if it makes sense, asking are they proof.
None of the things in the video take that long to do, are that unusual for the groups who done it and most are not WuFlu specific. Decades of practice for a pandemic and any other emergency have these agencies ready to go.
The attack is real.
Mobilizing for victory against the attack is not proof that those fighting the attack are secretly part of the attack.
Unless we have reason to believe that this is true, what point does it serve other than to delegitimize the massive mobilization, long hours of work and excellent results we are seeing of dedicated men and women across America?
Remember, President Trump is calling the shots on the war against the virus, the invisible enemy.
Trust Trump that he is not doing all of this as part of a plan agains the US. That doesn’t make sense.
President Trump is in the thick of the fight against this virus and is directing and praising the efforts.
FEME & Army Corp of Engineers mobilizing, triage tents, a loop on a am radio station, hospitals/health care systems in overdrive to meet the need, national guard helping during an emergency…none of these are suspicious and all deserve praise for long hours of hard work and impressive accomplishments in a short time.
Just as President Trump has said – they deserve our appreciation and admiration. I do not think any of this is suspicious or devious or a even close to evidence of a scheme.
Gate’s actions, fundings, talks? yes. clinton connections? yes. China & WHO’s early actions? yes. and much more to be suspicious of. But the above – to be admired as they are fighting the attack and working hard and nothing in the video is suspicious in the time frame of the last 4 weeks to be ready for the surge.


Posted this reply to this same posted on another thread:
James keeps asking, “Is this as bad as the media is saying?” By that does he mean, are the numbers as bad or is the illness as bad? Unclear to what they are answering.
a) If they mean the illness is no that bad….intake will not see the worse cases or the cases when they reach peak illness so their perception is skewed of the illness not being that bad.
b) President Trump said clearly that the #s will surge over the coming 2 weeks.
Also, this is a biased question – he set the tone when he asked.
a) they are naturally going to reassure him to keep people calm
b) of course, it is not as bad as CNN is leading people to believe – Nothing ever is! they are clickbait yellow journalists who will exaggerate Everything negative to harm a GOP POTUS & esp. President Trump so keep in mind the metric against which they are measuring.
Saying it is not as bad as what CNN says doesn’t mean that the opposite is true – that there is No problem.
I don’t think President Trump is basing his policy making decisions on CNN reports. I don’t think he was “fear mongering” when he said that there will be a surge of cases and that surgery will be coming in 2-4 weeks depending on location.
This video proves CNN has a exaggerated and that they don’t have a good reputation for accuracy. It does not prove that there is not a serious problem and a serious issue that our nation is facing.
We know have 2500 cases in TN and the rate growth is going up – not reaching our “hump” yet. Same in many locations around the nation.
Trust Trump, his #s, his request for actions, his recommendations, his leadership.


This is a series of videos by the same narrator who did the ones on Fall of the Cabal that Elizabeth Carter brought a few days ago… an extension of same so to speak…
I encourage y’all to watch

Gail Combs

Exact same thing Dr Boyle, the author of the US Biowarfare Act, has been saying. It just add another nail, which is great.



Valerie Curren

Can anyone make sense of this?

Valerie Curren

Well, I’m getting a blank space above when attempting to share a pdf file so hopefully the URL shows
Is this a real case & what might it actually mean?


I hope so!


Oh, me 2, kea!


The evil slave masters who likely inhabit underground tunnels in Los Angelas and New York City make me think of the Morlocks of the original 1960 movie.comment image


I am glad I missed that one, woot!

Gail Combs

Remember H. G. Wells was an original member of the Fabian Socialist Society.
BTW there are underground tunnels in Chicago too. The caving society up their mapped them.


Exactly, Gail! These people are evil to the core – wonder what they will discover when they upgrade the infrastructure – Hmmm…

Deplorable Patriot

So, the sewer district people showed up on the street. They claim there’s nothing wrong. Just heard the manhole prybars hit the street.
BTW, the family situation of comings and goings is now fluid. I was supposed to go get my dad this week, and drive home with him. Yesterday, I asked the Blessed Mother to help me out as I was not sure how to explain to a plane full of people that the cough is a residual of the flu. So, today, my brother is no longer with the firm he was with yesterday, so he’s going to drive dad home. YEA! One problem. Dad’s gout flared up, so we’re not sure when he’s going to be able to leave for a two day trip home.
It’s never dull around here, that’s for sure.


DPat, at least you don’t have to endure the stress of glaring eyes for your cough. Protecting your precious vocal chords is also a priority. I hope Dad & your brother can figure it out in a way that keeps you home.

Deplorable Patriot

Oh, they will. My brother is going stir crazy, I’m sure, and he wants to take his time finding a new job.



Have you guys noticed on your walks how QUIET it is outdoors from the usual motor noises that are always in the background? Cars and airplanes aren’t as prevalent, and the lawn mowers & Leaf/grass blowers of spring haven’t cranked up yet. I hear birds singing every time I’m out.
Sure, we’re paying a huge economic and health price for that temporary change, but appreciate the silence and nature sounds while we have them … taking me back to days of youth 🇺🇸💖

Deplorable Patriot

With all the delivery trucks, dogs, and the fire department not too far away, it’s still pretty noisy around here. Several lawns have been cut already, too.



“I am pleased to appoint Peter McCoy as Interim U.S. Attorney for the District of South Carolina. Peter’s extensive legal and prosecutorial experience, and strong commitment to public safety and the rule of law will make him an able leader of this office,” said Attorney General William P. Barr. “Peter has been a fierce advocate for the rights of children and strict accountability for sex offenders and other violent criminals. He will make an outstanding U.S. Attorney for the people of South Carolina.”
Before being sworn in as Interim U.S. Attorney, McCoy was a partner at McCoy and Stokes Law Firm. McCoy also served as a member of the South Carolina House of Representatives and focused his legislative work on protecting children and keeping neighborhoods safe.
A Charleston, South Carolina, resident and graduate of Hampden-Sydney College and Regent University Law School, McCoy spent more than five years as a criminal prosecutor in the Ninth Circuit Solicitor’s Office, handling thousands of crimes involving violence, guns, and drugs. As a legislator, McCoy was the lead sponsor of legislation requiring the mandatory reporting of child sexual abuse as well as legislation establishing a mandatory minimum sentence for anyone who commits a crime while out on bond. He worked to pass statutes that ensure violent repeat criminal offenders do not remain out of bond if they continue to commit crimes.






For Wolfie and all our Qpers 💖🤣🇺🇸




I cannot watch the vid but based on the chyron, this is absurd. Property destruction is the hallmark of commies and leftists.


Perhaps he drew a circle around Mass Communication, Computer Revolution, Bio Tech, and Nano Tech. Then tossed in a little political savvy having a fair idea of the many players involved and decided he wasn’t going to take a chance..


Partial list of peeps with Virus – remove the *


Vigilant Citizen has had several articles about her.
Here’s one excerpt:
In my article titled Something is Terribly Wrong With Céline Dion’s “Genderless” Clothing Line, I looked at the disturbing symbolism surrounding NUNUNU and its online marketing. Believe it or not, pictures on the site’s website and IG account directly refer to Satanism, child abuse and mind control. The video ad for the brand CÉLINUNUNU was also an upsetting piece of “WTF am I watching right now?”


Thanks TheseTruths


So staying at home. Another day in the garden. Puppy helped with digging and stick picking up.
Funny thing is all the neighbors are chatting over the fences. Lots of gardening and yard work going on. Its like this:

Deplorable Patriot

yeah, talked to a couple neighbors last night. A lot of yard work happening. Next door they are updating bathrooms. I know that house is going on the market as soon as they are done.
In the meantime, the spring bulbs are all up.
I wish the Garden was open. This spring is early, so I suspect the azaleas will be a bit early as well, and that puts them at peak bloom in about three weeks. 😣


Wow. Yeah I’ve got a number of projects but I have to wait until this is over to get the work crews.
Doing projects I know I can handle.
Yup I did grab some more bulbs at aldi so why not. But its all coming up nicely. I really want to go to the garden center but better safe than sorry right now.


We have first roses blooming and a peony bud waiting to open. The deep purple clematis are just magnificent …the first flush of blooms is always huge (6” across) and plentiful.
We winter all of our container plants in the greenhouse and they are now out in the garden…so here it is April 1 and the geraniums, begonias, New Guinea impatiens are blooming like crazy. Most of these “ annuals” are now 6 years old. And, of course, the encore azaleas are everywhere in bloom.
Bradford pear trees already bloomed and dogwood, for some reason, skipped flowers and went right to leafing this year. Crepe Myrtles are starting to leaf now.
Only trees without leaves are the maples across the back of our property.
Every day we look for what has popped up over night…a wonderful time of year (now that the pollen is gone and before the heat and humidity start.)

Sylvia Avery

Peonies…………my favorite! What color is yours? My early peonies are all burgundy. But they aren’t ready yet. I have shoots, but no buds.

Deplorable Patriot

I have white with red edging, pink and purple. They’re up, but won’t be in bloom for 3-4 weeks.
Feeling better?
Did you get your meds?

Sylvia Avery

My pills will be delivered tomorrow!

Deplorable Patriot


Sylvia Avery



That’s great news, Sylvia 🤓 How did you get them ?

Sylvia Avery

My pharmacy. They finally got enough in to be able to fill my script.


That is great news!! It means eventually the right supply chains will work. I hope this helps get you back to “normal”. Please keep us posted on what the meds do & don’t do (never TMI) to help us learn 🤓💖🇺🇸


Your pills…meanings the Trump Treatment? The combo he has been talking about and bringing into the open?
If that is what you are getting – so thrilled!
If not, happy you are getting whatever you need to improve.

Sylvia Avery



That is awesome news!
Will you keep us in the loop as to how they are working for you? I am very curious as to any side effects or negatives. Just hoping and praying there aren’t any for you.
I have pinned a lot of hopes on this treatment.


Hallelujah!! 🦋🦋🤸‍♀️🤸‍♀️🦋🦋
You’re our first clinical trial!!! 😍😘💖




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Rodney Short
Shits fixxin to get real people….


Shit is right, if you’re talking about that 87 page pile of manure he filed.
It’s assholes like him that fuel judges to dislike self-represented persons.

Rodney Short

Lol I knew as soon as I seen the names he was going after that he better have a Yuge bank acct.

Brave and Free

Looking for the video link “it’s going to be biblical “ can’t seem to find it anywhere, need some help. I’ve seen it up here a number of times but never keep the link 😫


There is so many now is there something you can reference you viewed?
I liked this one:

Brave and Free

Yeah I know not a lot to go on, the one with the jets flying overhead in the beginning it’s more like a PDJT campaign ad.

Brave and Free

That’s it thanks 🤗


Super video from NY Hospital Doctor David Price. Low key, non-hysterical reassuring.

Deplorable Patriot

Why do they always feel the need to take FOREVER to get to the point?


The art of editing.
I once did an entire film story in 30 seconds, everyone else was way over 5 or 10 minutes so it’s a gift to cut it down to the point.


Reminds me of the famous legend of Hemingway’s six word short story:
“For sale: Baby shoes. Never worn.”


Come to Jesus (LIVE) – The Brooklyn Tabernacle Choir
Search no more, there is an answer
In this world of doubt and fear
He has come to lift your burdens
You will find your comfort here
Come to Jesus just as you are
Broken and scarred, come to Him
Love and mercy for every broken heart
He is waiting with open arms
Come to Jesus just as you are
For the pain, that’s left you broken
He will give you peace today
Every tear, you’ve cried in sorrow
He will wipe them all away
Come to Jesus just as you are
Broken and scarred, come to Him
Love and mercy for every broken heart
He is waiting with open arms
Come to Jesus just as you are
Come to Jesus
Just as you are
Just as you are
He’s waiting
He’s waiting
Yes, He’s waiting
Love is waiting
Joy is waiting
Peace is waiting
Jesus is waiting!
Come to Jesus just as you are
Broken and scarred, come to Him
Love and mercy for every broken heart
He is waiting with open arms
Come to Jesus just as you are