For the time being, given our national emergency, we are switching to DAILY COVID-19/China Virus threads instead of weekly threads. Your comments and updates are most welcome. PLEASE continue to post your valuable information, hard source links, and local observations within these Daily Threads. Additionally, we will try to include links to government and official pressers, so those who no longer have cable can remain informed.
We’ll get through this crisis, together. As a group, there is probably no one better prepared than we are.
For our newcomers: The Q Tree community has been diligent in covering the threat of Coronavirus, COVID19, Wuhan FLU. We started accumulating information about this virus in mid-late January, in what became almost weekly threads. We’ve been weeks, if not months, ahead of MSM outlets to vet rumors and other medical papers, etc.
Primary Update Links:
- Links to the USA CoronaVirus Task Force:
- Johns Hopkins CSSE Dashboard to update number of “official” cases within China and worldwide:
- Another summary of data, updates and sources:
- Hard Link to the World Health Organization:
- Hard Link to the Center for Disease Control: CDC Updates:
In our past weekly threads, we assembled information on the following:
- Primary update links. The dashboard from Johns Hopkins which counts “official” cases all over the world, the CDC, and WHO, and includes the links for our past threads.
- Hard Data Medical Information- Explanation about testing, reliance on China for drugs, analysis of NE Journal of Medicine results and other published papers.
- Vaccine and theraputics (new/old drugs to alleviate symptoms) news and updates
- Trump Administration response (the timeline and links to various agencies)
- China Responses, timelines, research, attempt to cover actions, or secrecy in results discovered.
- An aggregate of info/responses from other countries, listed by country.
- Economic impact from around the world. A change in economic activity will indicate a “return to normal”.
- Speculation/debunking on how the virus started
- Media Bias, political response, and debunking section, like the article from AP News, overt bias from Politico, inflammatory headlines, etc.
- Other medical info to boost immune system, herbal remedies, ways to keep your house clean and NOT spread the virus to others. Excellent information to incorporate into daily lifestyle.
- Hard links for OTHER valuable sources/blogs and a brief sentence or two about what they provide
- Other news items
Our weekly updates. timelines, collection of valuable information, can be found here:
- January 25th, Our first thread:
- January 27th, Our second thread:
- February 1st-9th, Our third thread:
- February 10th – 18th, Our Fourth Thread:
- February 19-29th: Our Fifth Thread:
- March 1-10th, Our Sixth Thread:
- March 9-16th, Our Seventh Thread:
Please try to keep your sense of humor during this National Emergency, and remember, patience is a virtue.
Love to all!

If what I’ve read is correct, the “Coronavirus Test” is general and non-specific. It will come up positive for any coronavirus infection, including the very common and mild ones that exist all around the world.
Some info to factor into data on how many tested positive for coronavirus, or how mild or bad someone symptoms were or could be . . .
There are around seven coronaviruses identified by scientists to date that affect human beings and cause mild to severe symptoms:
Common human coronaviruses
– People around the world commonly get infected with human coronaviruses. Such viruses are often harmless and may cause mild respiratory tract infection, especially during the winter season. People often get infected with these coronaviruses at some point in their lives, get recovered and may get the infection again after a few months.
229E (alpha coronavirus)
NL63 (alpha coronavirus)
OC43 (beta coronavirus)
HKU1 (beta coronavirus)
The various symptoms of these coronaviruses may be:
• Runny nose
• Sore throat
• Cough
• Headache
• Fever
• Sneezing
• Fatigue
The remaining three coronaviruses have possible severe and life-threatening symptoms.
MERS-CoV (the beta coronavirus that causes Middle East Respiratory Syndrome, or MERS)
– severe respiratory illness with symptoms of fever, cough and hortness of breath. Some people also had diarrhea and nausea/vomiting. For many people with MERS, additional severe complications followed, such as pneumonia and kidney failure.
SARS-CoV (the beta coronavirus that causes severe acute respiratory syndrome, or SARS) –
SARS-CoV-2 (the novel coronavirus that causes coronavirus disease 2019, or COVID-19)
– In general, SARS begins with a high fever (greater than 100.4°F. Other symptoms may include headache, an overall feeling of discomfort, and body aches. Some people also have mild respiratory symptoms at the outset. About 10 percent to 20 percent of patients have diarrhea. After 2 to 7 days, SARS patients may develop a dry cough, followed by difficulty breathing and a persistent pain or pressure in the chest. Many patients develop pneumonia.
Excerpted and paraphrased from:
Someone should take notes
Nov 17, Dec 1, 15, + more. 27th was a packed day!
Before the end of December they had a human to human transmission case (husband and wife) by the end of December they had indications it was transferring to hospital staff.
rayzorback:51 — Dec 30th(?) RNA Analysis finding SARS corona virus & BACTERIA COLONIES

From this flows two points:
#1. In the USA pneumonia could easily have been misidentified as ‘bacterial’ pneumonia
#2. Azithromycin would help eliminate these ‘bacterial colonies’
Vermont gov’t declares people can’t buy seeds for home gardens right at planting time??
No one will notice this totalitarian mask drop.
My favorite local (Santa Clara County, CA) overstep is that businesses with “essential” and “non-essential” components are advised to shut down the non-essential parts. The example they give is a gas station with attached car wash. Pumping gas is “essential”, but car washes are “non-essential” and should be turned-off — despite using zero human contact. I can understand using Cloward-Piven with overwhelming human unemployment…….but robot unemployment?
These decisions are not based upon logic but upon political power grabs combined with stupidity. Stupidity can be malicious.
Aubergine’s Razor:
“It is dangerous to attribute to stupidity that which could be the result of malice or guile.”
Always worth remembering!!!
“essential” vs “non-essential”
sounding too much like Nazi Germany, imo.
Volkssturm …1940s Germany..
IF patient load holds, Cuomo and Newsome will ask for moar military docs, nurses, techs…going ashore to staff emerging hospitals.
Therefore, I can be a crappy Dem Governor, and because I am too big to fail and have the media on my side…. the feds will bail me out.
^^^ We are watching it every day.
Reported roughly 5 PM daily. Hope Americans are paying attention. D-Rat governors and mayors failures at “readiness” and absolutely clueless management skills reported every day..
Holdovers? “There was no screening and the State Department knowingly brought back infected people into the mainland United States.”
759,493 People Entered US From China During Coronavirus Outbreak
Thu Apr 2, 2020 Daniel Greenfield
Oh, I like this. Replace the CHINESE PUPPET.
probably another empty gesture (remember, she’s the one that proposed Congressional pay withheld…and you see how much traction that got).
Not sure USA, much less Congress, has any authority at all in this regard. Maybe., threatening to withhold funds, but generally never happens, and these international organizations (UN) know it.
McSally is up for election, as I recall…all of this noise (perhaps with good intentions) is free publicity for her.
Good news in my state regarding the HCQ/Z-pack treatment. One of the earliest outbreaks of the China Virus in Oregon was in a veterans home here. One of the doctors there treated 8 of those veterans with the HCQ/Z-pack and 7 have recovered, including that 103 year old veteran you may have read about.
That is great news, Linda. Bless that doctor for understanding what treatment would work!
He’s now 104!
A FB friend (fabulous mezzo-soprano) posted a Daily Mail story on the veteran and there was ZERO mention of the drug cocktail.
Suppression of information is really ticking me off.
Oh, it’s gonna get worse, because when we expose the cover-up of “anti-malarials” (meaning ANTI-VIRALS), they are going to SCREAM LIKE STUCK PIGS.
California Dems are at it again.
Bill melugin is a great conservative local reporter. Ca native from the oc…he needs to rip them to shreds.
Need the crisis specialists, huh.
That’s what Obola did to make Ebola go away.
Which made it all the more painful how long we had to wait for Obola to go away.
Yup. Letting a full-on commie into the White House created a hell of a mess.
Two coworkers of mr gil’s died from CV today. Non direct coworkers and not in same area close, but he’s scared now. Both had copd, died while on vents. They were obese also. One also had heart disease.
That’s very sad. I’m very sorry to hear that. Did he have exposure?
No. Nearby but different working department. He knew them as coworkers. They believe they have connectd all the exposure dots and cleaned. Doesnt mean more isnt likely.
I am always telli g him to be more mindful bc he always brings the flu home to us. I think this brings him clarity, esp with a little boy at home.
Stay safe!!!
Will do, thank you.
TAKE YOUR VITAMINS!!! (And herbals… I can not believe I have been off antihistamines for 2 months in the middle of pollen season thanks to Nettle Leaf & Licorice Root.)
Great News Gail !!
Glad to hear the nettles is working, Gail. I lived on nettles tea and face masks for a few really bad allergy spring seasons, and then my allergies mostly went away. The pine’s yellow pollen is a nightmare.
Yes, this stuff will kill people with almost anything wrong with their lungs. It’s a MONSTER.
I smoked for 17 years and quit at the first sign of decreased physical endurance. I knew that I HAD to quit. That was over 30 years ago. I had GREAT lungs and strong immunity. And yet it seriously messed with my lungs. I didn’t realize it until now, but I almost needed a ventilator.
People with lung problems need to STAY INDOORS. Have food delivered. Just don’t take chances.
Im glad you quit Wolf. The obesity doesnt allow for proper expansion esp when they lie down and need to have full lung capacity. Obesity is a killer in its own right.
If I was obese, I’d be dead for sure. Even 25 or 50 pounds more would have been dangerous.
Based on your experience, do you think that quinine plus zinc should be used prophylactically?
That is my current plan, based on your report today. My DH has to work with the public, as does my daughter. Both considered essential.
I woke up this morning having slept like a rock and BREATHING THROUGH MY NOSE.
Although it was WEARING OFF and I needed more. Morning tonic water and all better. Now for more zinc.
This is the real stuff.
I would go for it. And IMO the drink manufacturers need to (1) crank out tons of DIET tonic waters (the sugar feeds the virus cycle – not as effective, IMO), and (2) offer an “extra stiff” quinine version.
BTW, zinc supplements are already running low in the pharmacies.
I’ve been drinking diet quinine water for years…always have a bottle bedside…primarily for foot cramps but if I wake up for any reason, I drink some.
Well, DH’s task today after golf is to get me a few 6 packs ‘cause you just know that once “the word” gets out it will be like TP (even Scotts!)
Lord, all this stocking up and being prepared is wearing me out!
Got chicken bone stock in the slow cooker right now. I can’t face another chicken entree right now, and the clucking sounds coming from DH are sending a message, so the rest of it is vacuum-sealed in the freezer.
Good for you! CHEERS!!!
Just a thought … liquor stores carry tonic and are probably less busy than grocery stores right now. It might cost a tad more, but worth a try.
Unfortunately, we can’t do aspartame and other artificial sweeteners here in this family (familial intolerance), BUT the old man had NO PROBLEM with me handing him a bottle of tonic water and telling him to drink up when he and the whiny one got here from Florida. So happy since I REALLY don’t want to have to repeat the ICU of 1996 when he did the stroke thing.
I was pleased to read that a half-gallon bottle (2 liters) of tonic water is a therapeutic dose of quinine. Have not numerically verified that, but it means that we are likely hitting really therapeutic zinc levels, even with this jury-rigged set-up. But I really need to find a better zinc source. 40 mg/day is about a half or a third of what I’d like. Zelenko is using 220 mg / day for 5 days.
Amazon has this….. Is this what you are looking for Wolfie?
#1 Recommended OTC ZINC – Gluzin – Pharmaceutical Grade Zinc, 50 mg, 60 Capsules, Most Trusted Zinc by Wilson Disease Customers
by extreme V
4.8 out of 5 stars 10 ratings
Price: $27.99 ($0.47 / Count) + $5.00 shipping
Price Gouging! But yes, that’s probably OK stuff if it’s a good company.
How do you stand this tonic water without gin and lime. Oh, my.
I first tried this stuff many years ago, when I was on a special athletic diet, and was tired of diet colas and whatnot. Tried the “bitter water” and was hooked.
Love it. I was in the grocery store, after I got the zinc, and it just hit me – why not try the original anti-malarial? It’s right here. Then I thought “but what did the news say?” And then I remembered.
I went on a hunt for more zinc this morning, and got the LAST bottle at the pharmacy downtown. Walgreens and the grocery store had NONE.
Yes – zinc is GONE because of the knowledge of Zelenko’s regimen. People were already ahead on that.
Tonic water is at about 50% on the shelves.
The diet stuff is moving faster. I think some people have figured it out.
The people who just bought zinc need a zinc ionophore to go with it. Now they know. Quinine. The old standby. The liquid equivalent of the bowl of chloroquine pills, left out for the expats to consume, eventually becoming a tasty additive to drinks.
It’s hilarious – do any search on HCQ, zinc, whatever, and TONS of “so-smart” Snopes “debunkings” come back.
OH – and this. Susan Wocommie YouTube has pulled the Zelenko video.
Well, I guess that makes me your opposite. I’ve smoked for 55 years and still do (Native Indian-made little cigars now; no additives). I have COPD and sleep apnea. Use supplemental oxygen when sleeping (whether night or naps).
I refuse to use a mask since it’s masks on others that benefit/protect me. Drives my kid nuts that I still smoke. I tell him I’ve been on borrowed time for at least ten years and show little sign of progression of my condition. He says I’m stubborn. I agree. I love him like crazy.
Lord, please watch over my stupid life.
Take care of yourself.
TY. I try, subject to my idiosyncrasies.
yes, same with me
wordpiss is messing with me.
Yes, just keep isolated like crazy, and make sure only careful, 100% WELL people are coming near you – etc. Everybody around you needs to be following the guidelines like crazy. If they show any signs of any disease, they need to separate themselves IMMEDIATELY. Phone call – can’t come near you.
List of companies helping out
If you want to see the complexity of ChiCom disinformation campaigns, but a BEAUTIFUL example, check out, in order:
This Tweet
The Thread
The Replies
Note in particular the DISSING of ZeroHedge, and the clear shilling. UGH.
OK – I posted this on Flep’s roundup, but it really belongs here, so here is a copy:
April 3, 2020 at 05:29
Alison – here is my battle cry. I think we need to PUSH HARD ON THIS:
Any doctor who is not IMMEDIATELY putting their COVID-19 patients – and that includes both IMMEDIATELY TESTED POSITIVE and RECOVERED patients – on at least ONE WEEK of ZINC plus chloroquine, hydroxychloroquine, or another antimalarial – and preferably until testing VIRUS-FREE DEEP IN THE LUNGS – is guilty of MALPRACTICE.
Azithromycin is a maybe, depending on auxiliary infections.
Not now, but soon. THAT IS THE GOAL. As soon as possible, and use COUNTER-LAWFARE to do it over the objections of the Fauci-Gates-China money machine.
KILL THE VIRUS AND SCREW THE VACCINE. The vaccine comes later. Disconnect the BOMB. SAVE PEOPLE NOW.
Save people first, END this medical technological ABUSE OF SCIENCE, and THEN talk about funding vaccine research.
Why? Because VIRUS-FREE is critical for long-term health, and the SOONER the VIRUS is gone, the more likely there will be no long-term damage. ZINC is the KEY.
I am absolutely convinced that Zelenko has the proper understanding of this. And I think that somehow this is not just important for most patients, but for LONG-TERM BENEFIT of “recovered” patients. And I think that Zinc also NUKES CHINA’S ARSENAL.
I repeat.
Why do I believe this?
In addition to all the things I’ve read and understood, I’ve been trying to understand my own case, and my deterioration of lung function.
I can’t get into a study because my initial infection was in January, and I have no fever, and have not for a long time, so theoretically I’m “cured”, but I’m not. My doctor won’t do anything useful or contrary to insurance company policies, so I’m basically SCREWED.
Operating on the assumption that AIDS-LIKE PERSISTENCE OF THE VIRUS is at the origin of my problem, I decided to GET MACGYVER and SELF-TREAT WITH ZINC AND QUININE.
It’s WORKING. My breathing is back to normal. In just HOURS. Obviously I’m just starting this, and quinine is a shitty old antimalarial, but the relief was almost immediate.
QUININE. FREAKING QUININE. It was the original zinc ionophore antimalarial. And even at piss-poor doses, it WORKS. (No side effects, either, because it’s not freaking fish-tank cleaner!)
So now do we understand the DEMOCRAT PSY-OP to keep people from stopping their WEAPON? This was VERY fucking intentional, and they used the MEDIA to KILL PEOPLE. Yeah, one “hubs” dies, but in the long run, many die from not getting antimalarials.
These FUCKERS KNEW!!! They know it’s a LONG-TERM VIRUS – probably from CHINESE SECRET RESEARCH. And they had to keep us off the REAL ANSWER.
This is the bloody biomedical equivalent of WINDOWS VERSUS LINUX.
That’s why it STINKS the same way – because GATES IS STILL A FREAKING HAMMER and every problem in the world still looks like a NAIL to him. So he plays DIRTY at biomedical philanthropy, just like he did in Silicon Valley.
Anyway, you heard it here first. Even freaking Zinc and Quinine work.
Bottoms up!
Watch the DemonRat governors scramble to make Tonic Water illegal. Can’t have the Sheeple save themselves from the plans (Vaccine with ID) the Cabal has for them.
that No, Tonic Water Isn’t a Coronavirus Cure
They are ALREADY scrambling to
“The FDA is currently investigating if chloroquine, a synthetic antimalarial drug discovered in the 1930s, is safe and effective to use as a treatment.
…..the efficacy of this treatment still requires extensive testing…” BULL SHIFF!!!
New York Compost: Sorry, but the quinine in tonic water can’t protect you from coronavirus
I’m going to use it anyway.
With or without gin?
That’s the question, isn’t it.
Well…the old man will drink tonic water straight from the bottle, so, for now, we’ll overlook the manners breach of a 79 year old man with amazingly high blood pressure and who has had a series of strokes.
The old man added white tequila to his tonic water. Ugh.
They’re fucking lying assholes. Murderous lying assholes.
All I know is that I need this shit because I’m BREATHING THROUGH MY NOSE AGAIN.
Thanks! And CHEERS!!!
How are you taking your quinine, if I may ask. My dad drinks tonic water by the liter, and he has underlying health stuff, so I’m going to encourage it when he gets here.
This is another source for quinine. There are several brands:'s-leg-cramps-caplets/ID=prod6197264-product
Thank you. I think we’re going to stick with tonic water since Dad doesn’t do well with swallowing pills.
Top Hat East India Tonic Syrup
32oz bottle
5 times natural quinine concentrate
Mix 1oz of the syrup with 5oz club soda
I wouldn’t be surprised if this product didn’t sell out soon.
quinine is already in short supply online. A lot of people must be reading the alternative media.
I just am hoping there isn’t a run on tonic water if people start to catch on.
I thought about this, but it’s better to create the run. 4GW TRUTH TACTICS.
Exactly -get it out there until they are FORCED to lie/deny or admit. We have to be SQEAKY WHEELS to get through to POTUS and break the fake narrative barriers they put up.
And Alison – this is actually WAY BIGGER than just a single cure. To me, what this does is show that we have been captured by a false paradigm that others are trying to FORCE ON US as part of socialism. It’s totally Stalinist. To me, it’s proof of FAKE SCIENCE having driven medicine along an erroneous trajectory RE viruses.
The whole thing is not designed to serve mankind’s interests. It is designed to FUND RESEARCH. Humans are lab rats to socialism.
Exactly!! We have to start small – get the public to demand the meds that work already for THIS virus.
Next step is WHY vaccines and not “where do viruses come from” and “why aren’t existing cheap meds used”. Why all the research. Why all the clinical trials. Why a new med when old one works just fine. And that classic: “Follow the money.”
Amen. Thank you Wolf, for sharing your experience with us, so we can help others!
I just ordered a quinine tincture through Amazon. It’s a 2oz bottle with eye dropper cap. Already have zinc lozenges. Will check with Wolfie and Gail if/when my family needs the quinine.
Wolfie’s anecdotal overnight change after months of suffering is eye opening in light of the withholding of meds by the global cabal running our medical systems.
These people are fucking evil. Yes, that withholding of truth on HCQ/AZM was what FIRST opened my eyes that they were hiding something. Turns out, it’s an entire medical approach that is needed now to save lives.
I’m not some daffy supplement and nostrum whore – I got here by SCIENTIFIC REASONING – plus a good knowledge of the history of science, so I know how the bigger picture of paradigm change works, and what “big wrong” looks like.
You are SO RIGHT on this one. We are watching the fallacies of Big Pharma tied to Big Govt research in real time with OUR lives at stake.
It sickens my soul to think this is whaT the human race has fallen to. It seems everything we have trusted and believed in our earthly existence is being shown to be not just false, but purposefully evil. And it is overwhelmingly pervasive.
I’m not sure why God saves any of us. Definitely time for an Almighty reset.
I rolled my eyes at the “release the cures” stuff. I was, like, “those poor deluded souls – nobody could or would hide even a single cure”.
Now I understand the FALLACY of my thinking. We think that when there is hiding, and then revelation, that there is binary, digital, automatic, atomic-to-global growth of knowledge, etc., etc. ALL WRONG.
It’s the fact that individuals who are not investigative journalists and spies can now have insight into COMMUNITY ERROR with amazing acuity – IF THEY WANT IT. Groups of such individuals can do even more.
Science needs to become very skeptical of the hand that feeds it. Don’t bite the hand, but GROWL HARD when it’s attached to BILL GATES or JEFFERY EPSTEIN.
I did a zinc lozenge this morning and no difference. The tonic water can’t hurt, right.
We just got home from liquor store. I’m having a ginless diet tonic cocktail while I wait for presser to begin
All thanks to Wolfie and Gail.
You should keep doing the zinc lozenges several times a day for up to 7 days. See then if any effect (at least that’s how I dose when ill).
Good catch ! It is a mistake NOT to recognize the LAWFARE element in this 4th gen WAR .
Rich Higgins and that group analyzing that book by the ChiCom colonels is what tipped me off to the CHINA connection to LAWFARE against Trump and AMERICA.
where do I get quinine? what size doses of it and zinc? thanks.
Watch this thread – people are dumping different sources of quinine. I used to drink tons of tonic water, so that was my first test, but I will likely move on to a stronger source. But BE CAREFUL – the EVIL MEDIA will try to construct another incident with quinine, just like they did with chloroquine. Stay within competently published guidelines and label directions. Look at historical data, but be careful with old and wrong dosages. Always START SMALL with any new drug – including what the doctor prescribes.
Diet tonic water is better, because you’re not inundating yourself with high-fructose corn syrup and feeding the virus cycle. But better than NOT, IMO.
For zinc, I cannot tell you what prophylactic should be, but somebody on here is taking 50 mg/day, and that is 1/4 or Zelenko’s curative amount, I believe. The 50 mg tablets were SOLD OUT and not available everywhere. I had to use a MIXED ZINC SUPPLEMENT.
One way to keep pressure off doctors and hospitals is to get lots of zinc and quinine to the public, IMO.
Vitamin C tends to be sold out now – that is good. Poor man’s HCQ/AZM.
We need to learn about OTHER ZINC IONOPHORES. Antimalarials of the quinine class may not be the only ones. If we diversify here, and ZINC SUPPLEMENT MANUFACTURERS “GET THE P”, then we can institute popular medical rebellion and give Bill Gates a nice Y2K as a present.
gotcha. thanks
Thank you for this post, Wolfie. I’m still having breathing problems as well. I’ve been taking zinc ever since I got sick in December, but never thought about quinine. I guess a trip to the store for tonic water is on the agenda for today.
Do it!!! Then HIT IT HARD. Up the ZINC levels – that is key.
One probably should NOT strip the copper off of a newer (post ’82) cent and then suck on what’s left over.
Spoken like a true engineer.
Herr Steve – are you ready to get all 19th-century early chemical on ZINC PENNIES? Because HERR WOLFF is ready to do a “publishable” investigation on a recipe for converting zinc pennies into medically useful zinc salts.
More in my next post, coming tonight.
That should be interesting!
I did just score 200 50mg zinc tablets. It apparently is zinc gluconate. That looks to me like a decent daily dose.
And seven bottles of diet Canada Dry tonic water with quinine. I have no feel for how much quinine it is…but I’ll save those for if/when I feel like I’m coming down with something.
Excellent score! You’re protected now.
That is enough zinc to do the Zelenko cure several times over, at 200-250 mg/day for 5 days.
According to this article:
you will hit a daily dose of quinine *roughly* at 2 L/day, but I would put that as an upper limit. 1 L/day is about all I can tolerate, because I can feel very mild side effects at 2 L/day. They’re not terrible, but they’re not pleasurable, either – something like a 2-beer or 2-glasses-of-wine hangover. A mild therapeutic side effect. An annoyance. I’m thinking of going to 1.5 or 1.0 now and stretching it out.
So I think if you hit it with 1, 1, 2, 2, 1 that would probably be optimal, giving you two days to warm up and test the waters, and then 2 more days at a full antimalarial dose. You can always send out for more if needed.
Between now and “then if ever”, we may learn that antiviral doses are smaller than antimalarial doses. All we have to do is let zinc into OUR cells – NOT some bug that resists the effect.
I am assuming there will be a run on tonic water soon…so it might not be possible to replace this.
I actually took a zinc pill in the parking lot before starting the car.
Good deal. TESTING ahead of time is not a bad idea!
Edeocha should realize the doctors have ALREADY tried it on dozens and dozens of cases AND it is being given to patients in USA with GREAT SUCCESS!!!!
She should be darned thankful!!!!!
GEE, Those French doctors sound JUST LIKE Fauci with his desire for a doubleblind study on the Trump protocol. Afterall who cares if we kill off a few thousand Americans.
Heck ‘DOCTOR’ Fauci is MORALLY RESPONSIBLE for every single one of those 1,169 deaths in the last 24 hours. HE DARN WELL KNOWS THERE IS A CURE AND HE WILL NOT ADMIT IT!
OUR PRESIDENT pressured the FDA to approve off-label HCQ and ZPacks for COVID-19 – which they did.
At the 4/1/20 task force briefing – PDJT said (paraphrase) that it is also considered useful as a prophylactic and said now it’s up to the (your) doctors.
FDA – HCQ approval
“The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) issued an Emergency Use Authorization (EUA) to BARDA to allow hydroxychloroquine sulfate and chloroquine phosphate products donated to the Strategic National Stockpile (SNS) to be distributed and prescribed by doctors to hospitalized teen and adult patients with COVID-19, as appropriate, when a clinical trial is not available or feasible.
The EUA requires that fact sheets that provide important information about using chloroquine phosphate and hydroxychloroquine sulfate in treating COVID-19 be made available to health care providers and patients, including the known risks and drug interactions.
The SNS, managed by ASPR, will work with the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) to ship donated doses to states. The SNS does not regularly stock either drug.
Hydroxychloroquine sulfate and chloroquine phosphate are oral prescription drugs approved to treat malaria and other diseases. Although there are no currently approved treatments for COVID-19, both drugs have shown activity in laboratory studies against coronaviruses, including SARS-CoV-2 (the virus that causes COVID-19). Anecdotal reports suggest that these drugs may offer some benefit in the treatment of hospitalized COVID-19 patients. Clinical trials are needed to provide scientific evidence that these treatments are effective.
When the Secretary of Health and Human Services declares that issuance of an EUA is appropriate, the FDA has the regulatory emergency use authority to facilitate access to unapproved medical countermeasures or unapproved uses of approved medical countermeasures needed to prepare for and respond to chemical, biological, radiological and nuclear threats.”
Steve Hahn is someone to follow.
I am well aware that President Trump kicked FDA Butt and got provisional approval. However Fauci, who ALL the News Media are treating as the Second Coming, will not give his blessing because the Trump Protocol has not been fully tested using FDA approved Clinical Trials link
At minimum Fauci wants Phase III double-blind clinical trials involving 3,000 or more people and months if not years of ‘testing’ and follow-up. In those trials, taking it they are a full factorial for zinc, hydroxychloroquine and azithromycin, (2^3 factorial) not only do many of the people who act as ‘controls’ in the study die, ALL of the people whose doctors are hardliners die. This is ESPECIALLY true of those poor sheep who only listen to the Fake News and are unaware of the Trump Protocol and therefore do not ask for it for themselves or their family.
NEVER EVER UNDERESTIMATE THE INERTIA OF BUREAUCRATS and it is SOCIALIST bureaucrats who now run our hospitals. They ain’t gonna use an ‘unapproved’ drug unless YOU DEMAND IT!
FAUCI isn’t going to stand between me and HCQ or Quinine capsules (as Wolfie has taken) if I have to go to tend my daughter….or if she gets it and has to be hospitalized. I’ll take it so I can care for her. I’m hoping her Dad/Brother in Law will prescribe a prophylactic dose for her – she will not survive this disease and she has numerous caregivers through the day/week in a rural retirement center where her dad lives and supervises her care. I’m the fall-back caregiver for holidays, etc.
President Trump isn’t going to let Fauci stop people getting the HCQ/Zpack regimen! He’s already made it possible.
Don’t worry – I’m good at DEMANDING.
Good for you. It is the poor sheep who are at risk and their elderly parents.
It looks like the disease is going to target the DemonRats and not the Deplorables. Most of us did at least minimal prep and are taking a lot more care than the snowflakes are.
Let’s just hope the majority of the medical community is willing to prescribe the HCQ/Zinc/Zpack!!!
They’re stalling for time.
Rush’s opening monologue today…he and a number of other voices are starting to clamor. It’s going to take a couple weeks to crescendo, but the MSM does NOT have a lock on messaging. Sooner or later the pitchforks will come out…and in the big cities, tiki torches, maybe. Baseball bats, definitely.
Are they stalling and limiting it to hospital patients b/c of quantity shortfalls, which are being beefed up, or b/c they don’t want us to know about an easy cure?
Sort of like face masks – can’t recommend we all wear them if don’t have enough for front lines, but now that advice is changing.
Probably both – globalists want us dead; Trump & white hat team want us to get it as soon as they have a decent supply chain for it.
The French doctors are being pressured to do double-blind randomized controlled studies. Africa, with its poor medical framework, provides a good size population not already being treated, and also has a great need. Africa is famous amongst infectious disease pros for having run-away epidemics of 3rd world diseases to use to try to develop treatment, therapies, vaccines, etc.
It’ ain’t racism – it’s just the facts.
Edeocha sounds like a SJW/race-monger.
WHO/China is probably paying Edeocha to try to stop the trials.
Gotta keep Muh Pandemic going!!!
Totally believable that they showcased her. TOTALLY believable. Of course, such types quickly learn the value of shilling a leftist point in such an org.
During the Episcopal Church/gay bishop split – the Episcopaliberals brought in an African ‘gay’ ‘victim’ to show off all over the media world….he was so aggressive active, they caught him arranging dates with strangers in every town. Later he was murdered in a gay pay date in Africa.
All that time Hillrotten was strutting around Africa on Øbominable’s behalf making US aid payments contingent on approving LBGT and Abortion. They promote the chief cause of HIV with one hand and fund HIV research with the other hand. (spit, spit, spit)
Yup. They have a plan, too.
Agree that she is “grievance-trained by socialism”, but let me put it another way.
When medical researchers do “controlled double-blind studies” with their own children, and those of the ELITE, then maybe Africans can accept that they’re not being lab-ratted.
CHELSEA gets it. ROTHSCHILD KID doesn’t. Maybe one of each for Archie and his latest cousin.
Not happening. They get what they want, when they want.
Bet the majority of politicians in DC are on it!
The results of all trials of HCQ+Zpacks are so successful that it is absolutely IMMORAL not to give it to the whole world!!!
Yes. Studies aren’t needed, but people like Fauci aren’t put into place to usher in cures in quick order. They’re there to stall. He’s trying his best. Too bad there’s such a thing as the alternative media.
Aren’t we so glad!!!
NOW we know why they were muttering about Fauci needing security guards.
They also see delay delay delay with visions of the Georgia Guide Stones dancing in their sick brains.
Being from GA – and going to school at UGA – I’ve visited the Guidestones. Huge – right in the middle of a cow pasture on a rural two lane road. It’s a cult piece – and ungodly – IMO
A whole bunch of deplorables need to go there and tear that disgusting thing down.
No doubt. Just thinking. It has to be sanctioned by the county there.
Funny how they can rip down our monuments and yet that thing remains standing.
A year from now it very well may not be.

A blog worth reading for coronavirus charts and interesting posts on the subject is Hector Drummond, a former professor in the UK. He is also on Gab:
Is everyone enjoying their 30-day trial of communism? Stalin would have been delighted:
I find it quite amazing that American people will put their normal free routines aside and stay in their homes for weeks at a time.
..obviously the state Governors , general public and President look to head off a potential disaster to exercise
such a measure.
Doesn’t mean anyone likes the impingement on freedoms , anger and disgust turns into resolve.
Hope you are staying safe and doing well .
I got lucky and procured a stash of Grey Poupon .
The American people were given a dose of FEAR. Just like on 9-11. It will motivate people to do all sorts of things they normally wouldn’t.
Glad you got your Grey Poupon, Chris. Future studies of 2020 will show that Dijon mustard led us out of this crisis.

I’m not so sure about ‘potential disaster’, which is part of the reason I have been posting less frequently here — for now.
I do not want to upset anyone.
I, too, am amazed at how quickly Americans’ (and other Westerners’) freedoms were taken away. Like a magic trick: just like that. Churches closed for Easter. Synagogues closed for Passover.
Don’t worry, though, abortions can still proceed. /s (just to clarify)
I understand from my far better half that face masks were being advocated in the United States in tonight’s national broadcast.
YET … in Britain, this evening at dinner hour, a British medic who has worked closely with Singaporeans on communicable diseases said on the news that masks in Asia are cultural items to show politeness during times of contagion. His principal Singaporean medic colleague said that THEY DO NOTHING TO CURB CONTAGION.
Therefore, the British medic said NOT to wear them unless PERSONALLY instructed to do so by a medical professional in a one-to-one private consultation.
The medic said that a) most people do not know how to wear them (large gaps on either facial cheek as seen in Italy), b) they do not know how to take them off and dispose of them and c) people are going to touch their faces more often because something is touching their skin. Rule No. 1: DO NOT TOUCH YOUR FACE DURING THE CORONAVIRUS PANDEMIC.
Sorry, I don’t mean to shout.
This isn’t intended to be addressed to you personally, Chris, but to others thinking they need to get a face mask because of what their governors, experts or the White House says.
Please, everybody, stop falling for the BEE ESS that various ‘experts’ — even those close to PDJT — are spouting.
In closing, Chris, enjoy your Grey Poupon. Treasure it. It will become one of your daily treats during this FABRICATED DRAMA designed to destroy the world’s economy.
In all seriousness, I wish you all the very best — as I do all my other friends at the Q Tree, whose camaraderie I have come to cherish over the past 17 months.
Just please, please don’t wear a face mask, scarf or similar … It will not help. Keep a six-foot distance from other people to the extent you can when outside the house. That’s all.
The meds work.
A better idea in a perfect world.
A few day ago Big T had to go to the emergency room. He’s fine, no worries. Not the issue.
At the hospital, there were 3 tents out front for COVID testing.
Now that we have an almost immediate tests (5-15 minutes), we can test those who think they are ill and find out if they are positive for Covid.
THEN, set up an immediate prescription, disburse the hydroxychloroquine/ZPAck/and Zinc and send them home.
(Any basic exam would reveal a problem with heart arrhythmia – the only patients who seem to suffer side effects)
No ventilators, no excessive amounts of gloves/face masks
No stopping the economy.
No 2 trillion in debt
Back to work.
But, Daughn, that would defeat whatever purpose the government – both black and white hats – has for keeping the roads clear, people away from soft targets thus eliminating the mass shooting FF, and other results of this strategy.
There’s more going on than we know, and when it is finally revealed, and we all go back to our normal routines, the economy will bounce back…beginning with the beauty salon industry. The number of people clamoring for a haircut is really stunning.
Tell me about it! I’m starting to look like an Old English Sheepdog.
That’s one of the great things about having longish hair without bangs. But, given the cowlicks at my temples and the widow’s peak, bangs never worked for me. It took an unbelievable amount of product to get them to cooperate. So I grew them out when I was a junior in HS.
Not everyone can do this, I know. But….
Mom and I Both need haircuts! I’m sick of long hair
Winner, winner, chicken dinner!
^^^THIS!!!>>> Daughn writes: “Now that we have an almost immediate tests (5-15 minutes), we can test those who think they are ill and find out if they are positive for Covid.
THEN, set up an immediate prescription, disburse the hydroxychloroquine/ZPAck/and Zinc and send them home.
(Any basic exam would reveal a problem with heart arrhythmia – the only patients who seem to suffer side effects)
No ventilators, no excessive amounts of gloves/face masks
No stopping the economy.
No 2 trillion in debt
Back to work.”
“Curse you Villain!”
HA!!! Love it!
This meets OUR goals for treatment and survival. “First, do no harm.”
It does not meet their goals of high numbers of deaths and funding for further research on vaccines and treatments.
Why the push to not allow access to these meds? The articles either say they are allowing access without mentioning the strict protocols for release, or supress stories that the combo works by saying untried and dangerous. Both are bs. Truthtellers are blocked or deleted.
Bonnie and Clyde looked ghoulish dancing about on March 31st in front of the charts, giddy to see high enough numbers to justify research, acting like Chip and Dale. “After you!” “No, after you!”. They couldn’t hide the glee.
As VP stated, these are people’s lives, not numbers. Those two have been away from medicine for so long, all they see are inert dots and lines, not flesh and blood.
Bonnie and Clyde!!! LMAO!!!
Rumor – Army heading to border.
Trouble on the task force? Fauci wasn’t at the WHTF briefing yesterday…
They just don’t get it.
Implementation of a NATIONAL order means soldiers on the streets to ensure everyone stays home, blockades at interstates, etc.
No, that’s a bad visual.
When a STATE issues a stay at home mandate, it throws the state highway patrol into panic, everyone on overtime, blocking things, patrolling, etc. Frankly, enough of out police force is already ill. We need them doing other things.
Would be so much easier if people would just stop being a$$holes.
The MEDIA are the ENEMY.
I have to drive to Kansas tomorrow for work on Sunday. Colorado is on the list of States that Kansas deems to be infected so we are supposed to quarantine for 14 days if we go there. Unless you are “essential”. Might be quite the adventure with Colorado plates on my car.
Rent a car. Lots of rental lots have a selection of cars with out-of-state plates. Pick a state that will avoid hassles for you.
Hmm. I am 10 minutes from the rental car place at Denver airport. I think they have a very large selection right now.
Darned right!
Peter Navarro:
“If there is any vindication of the President’s Buy American, Secure Borders, and a Strong Manufacturing Base philosophy, strategy and belief it is this crisis.” #AmericaFirst
<3 Peter Navarro !
whenever he speaks, I listen…tremendous respect for that man.
He’s one of my old age hearthrobs too! :8-)
OMG, Me too! And Bob Lightheizer…. While I was at the Trump rally in Des Moines, which seems like a lifetime ago, I was the most excited about seeing Peter Navarro live…. I have a phone full of photos of him!
Larry Kudlow is also great! PDJT has got some very sharp people in this administration!
6,227 Physicians surveyed from 30 countries
37% claim Hydroxychloroquine is best treatment therapeutic for virus.
72% of Spain’s physicians prescribing Hydroxychloroquine.
Only 23% of American physicians prescribe the drug.
Shameful stance from Fauci/Brix and the media.
“….Only 23% of American physicians prescribe the drug.
Shameful stance from Fauci/Brix and the media.”
YES! This is why I said Fauci is RESPONSIBLE for those deaths!
Why can’t we fire Bill Gates while we’re at it?
Rooftop prayer at Miami hospital
Operation Blue Bloods.
How cool is this?
Help the NYPD
Wolf, did not know where to post this, I created a White House petition could you please help sticky the link? I understand if you do not wish to. We need WAY more than the 100000 to get it to the President, I want at least 1 Million in LESS than 30 days. Help if you can, pass it on, share it, LINK it, Help get our President to take notice and stop the madness and listening to projections. Thanks in Advance P rex:
Link here:
I’m not ready to jump to a position on this in any kind of editorial way, but you are welcome to post this as many times and places as you like.
I may create a DISCUSSION THREAD, but not right now – I need my meds!!!
“Just about a week after the Trump hating Democrat Governor of Nevada limited the ability for physicians to prescribe Hydroxychloroquine to treat Corona virus, news broke that Nevada Governor Steve Sisolak’s own Department of Corrections has been hoarding the drug for prisoners.”
Thug loving Democrap.
Øbominable pardoned, armed, funded and exalted thugs, traitors, tyrants, thieves, terrorists his entire tenure – because that’s what he was/is!!!
Clearly a call for vigilante style justice here. AG Barr should be on this guys door step right now.
Incompetence often masks as bullying.
AAANNND here comes the latest wrinkle on “social promotion” at school —
“School divisions shoring up learning plans; CHS students in good standing to receive A’s”
So it appears that Charlottesville High School students who were getting ANY grade above Failing as of March 13, will receive A grades for ALL their courses.
Students who were failing courses as of March 13 will have to complete some “learning modules” to ALSO receive an A grade.
All the schools were ordered closed on March 13 by order of Gov. “Blackface Baby-Killer” Ralph Northam.
And only NOW do the local schools have some type of online learning set up to start during what would have been their Spring Break. These online courses will begin on April 13.
BUT — if CHS students who weren’t failing on March 13 are ALREADY going to get A grades for ALL of their courses, why should they be required to take ANY online school courses?
From Anonymous Conservative.. anti-Parasitic drug veternarians have used for years .. kills Covid 19 ?
And watch this also be hidden and called dangerous by the media. And how long will it take the FDA to approve it, even though it has been used for a long time just like hydroxychloroquin.
I wonder what this compound was used to prevent. I mean, over the years our dogs have been on anti-heart worm, flea & tick, hook worms, etc. Not that I wouldn’t trust a veternarian drug, but what is the primary application.
Ivermectin/pyrantel are the active ingredients in Heartgard (heartworm medicine for dogs, Milbemycin is the active ingredient in Interceptor (heartworm medicine for dogs. I believe both “prevent” heartworm, treatment after the fact is a whole different story.
I have a vial of the injectable (for cattle) sitting in my frig.
And yes it is a well known wormer used in cattle, sheep, goats & horses. It is also used (in very low dose) for heartworm in dogs.
It is also used for worms in humans:
So yeah, trials have been done on safety. (It is NOT good for your liver.)
This is easy to obtain too.
The plot thickens….
3M’s patent on adrenochrome expired yesterday.
Anyone know of a 3M competitor that has comparable glue for Post-It notes? Most of the time, the competitor’s offerings don’t stick.
DP – I was in no way jumping on you – but I’ve found a few of those ‘photo’ style tweets to be non-existent and fakes.
I WANT A LIVE LINK – STRAIGHT TO 3M – I AM √خϩ&^%$Ç™∞¢¶Ωç#@! sick and tired of fake conservative news.
There sure is a lot of that lately!
NO ONE has sauce about all this underground bullshit that’s supposedly going on, yet people here seem to be nothing but a damn echo chamber for internet rumormongering.
IMO – it’s false flag/astroturf trolling.
And a NUMBER of people have bit into it, hook, line and sinker!
You mean the baby rescues in underground caves? I’m leery nowadays with all the sensationalism and deep secrets.
The red shoe art work with weird children speaks for itself – but do we have sound proof the Podestas really owned that art???
And even if we did…so what?
The art isn’t proof they did the deed!
Andrew Breitbart called out Podesta as a pedophile right before he was killed. That tells me everything I need to know about him.
Fair enough. You trusted Breitbart.
Back to the big question: imminent risk of thousands of children from underground tunnels.
No sauce.
We have sound proof that John Podesta owns a pig farm. I’ll have to go dig it up, but I did see firm proof of that about two years ago.
Pigs will eat anything. There is a DISTURBING “Criminal Minds” episode about that. Yes, they will eat dead humans and leave little to no evidence behind.
One of the issues I see here on QTree is too much getting stuck in the weeds and looking at the trees rather than the forest from above. It is a human tendency, and perfectly natural. But for all of this…one must be as Christ said of believing in Him – as if you were a child.
My guess is there is a blend of true and not when it comes to the tunnels, kids, etc., and we won’t know the whole truth until it’s all over, if then.
When I was a little girl a boar hog ate our neighbor’s two year old. All they found were her shoes. The hog had won the state championship and was YUGE! (World record is 2,552 lbs for a hog.)
I remember one where he was trying to console her by pointing out that Mandela became president after decades in prison…
She might be eligible for parole in 20 years
Right now I’ll be happy just to see her get arrested, arraigned and tried.
Large grain of salt here Steve.
Basements, I could see. The use of tunnels for moving the kids from point A to point B. Yeah I can see that too. But from the looks of it they just pay off the cops and politicians.
That’s a lot cheaper, I’m sure. Especially if some of the politicians are them anyway.
When I did a little searching, it appears that it shows expired on the day you look at it. As it did when I just checked. Go ahead, do it yourself, you will see what I saw. I believe the patent expired in 2002. Correct me if I am in error.
I believe you.
I still want an alternative to Post-Its with decent glue.
lol..drawing a blank on that one
So, am I. I mean, I use tabs and post-its for all sorts of stuff, and the real McCoy sticks better over time than anything else does.
I’ve had the same experience. (Sometimes boycotting hurts us more than them, unfortunately.)
Let’s talk about herbals that have the exact same effect has antivirals chloroquine and hydroxychloroquine. They exist and are available.
Let’s talk about herbals that have the exact same effect has antivirals chloroquine and hydroxychloroquine. They exist and are available.
You guys may have heard of the antivirals chloroquine and hydroxychloroquine, and their success in treating NCOV19 infection
The mechanism of action that is being discussed is the fact that they are zinc ionophores. Here’s a doctor talking about it
Chloroquine Is a Zinc Ionophore
We’ve all heard that Zinc can stop viral infection, i.e. help duration of colds and influenzas. However, most zinc in the body doesn’t make it into the cells and past the cell wall.
Zinc ionophores shuttle zinc past the cell surface membrane, into the inner cell – where it can work it’s magic in halting viral replication.
So what other supplements act as zinc ionophores?
Three over the counter herbals were tried in this study (paywall removed, thanks scihub) Two of their names are quercetin and epigallocatechin-gallate.
Both EGCG and quercetin showed high ionophore activity with zinc through flourescence.
In conclusion, we have demonstrated that QCT, EGCG, and CQ rapidly increase intracellular labile zinc in Hepa 1-6 cells and that they function as ionophores for zinc in a liposomal system.
And guess what? Quercetin is already being deployed for NCOV.
As coronavirus spread speeds up, Montreal researchers will trial an anti-viral treatment for COVID-19 in China is about to be tested
The broad spectrum anti-viral medicine known as quercetin has already proven successful at treating Ebola and Zika viruses, says Dr. Michel Chrétien, a researcher at the Clinical Research Institute of Montreal.
Now, he and co-researcher Majambu Mbikay are awaiting approval to send the drug to China where a clinical trial will test its effectiveness on COVID-19.
While Chrétien cautions against “false hope” saying that quercetin’s effectiveness for treating COVID-19 must be proven, Mbikay is optimistic for its potential.
EGCG is an extract from green tea. Quercetin is a cheap supplement that’s also available in veggies (in much lower doses). Both are on amazon.
If you research around, quercetin seems to show broad spectrum antiviral activity across the board. It’s most likely due to this zinc ionophore activity.
Quercetin as an Antiviral Agent Inhibits Influenza A Virus (IAV) Entry
Effect of Quercetin on Hepatitis C Virus Life Cycle: From Viral to Host Targets
Antiviral activity of four types of bioflavonoid against dengue virus type-2
And the list goes on and on…
Thanks so much for this, Carl – good stuff!!!
If anyone wants to try the Quercetin, I just ordered some from along with more zinc. They have some from a number of different manufacturers. I would bet more people are getting clued in as some of both zinc and quercetin are out of stock. But there are still plenty of options if anyone needs them. iherb is a good site. I’ve ordered vitamins and supplements from them for years.
EGCG is epigallocatechin gallate, a plant-based compound called catechin.
Epigallocatechin Gallate (EGCG) Is the Most Effective Cancer Chemopreventive Polyphenol in Green Tea
PubChem — Epigallocatechin gallate
As expected, the crazy left is going after Jared Kushner today. Everywhere. I love when they compare him to Hunter Biden. As soon as you bring up his stripper baby mama, they change the subject.
Nice work. This is an interesting paper written in 2014.
Chloroquine is a Zinc Ionophore. Basically , chloroquine has anti-cancer properties because it induces zinc into the affected cells.
This is not new stuff which is why I don’t get Fauci’s reticence.
sorry that should be linked to bakocarl’s interesting post.
No problem. I’m having a good day. I got my Katz’s pkg of pastrami, deli rye and Katz Deli mustard!!!
Life is worth living!
You heat that pastrami, right, Carl?
You don’t get that he is DS/globalist? What else do you need to see to inform you?
I am completely informed. That’s not the complete answer. There is something else going on. Can’t put my finger on it yet. But I will.
Seems like Fauci wants all the attention and funding $$$ to go to vaccine research.
would love to trace that trail and find out the players.
Fauci makes lots of money off of patents developed during his work at CDC. It’s illogical for him to manifest altruism.
Did y’all ever think we would be waiting breathless every day for a White House Press Briefing?
Thought that this morning. Everything in my social media borders on depressing, including the conservatives in conflict. Look for the briefing for a glimmer of hope.
From what I’ve read, millions of doses of HCQ have already been donated to the US by various drug companies. We now have 266,259 cases in the US. We should have more than enough doses to treat every one of those people. So why is it not being done?????
Not sure if this one’s been done, has arrived late and has too many windows open.
I heard him on the radio when out earlier, this is not the same interview. He was a bit more strident on the radio.
This is so much Bull! Wet markets have been in China and every other country in the world since man has had organized trade but just so happens to be the cause of a world wide epidemic at this juncture in time? Then watching Brian Kildme (sic) tossing that up like that???.
Facci says he wants western nations to lean on 3rd world nations to close down their wet markets? This guy’s a freaking commie trying to play on emotion faux concerns.
Sorry, knows we know this. Just ugly to watch and know these kind of people exist.
Maybe our intrepid reporter from OANN can ask him a few questions today about Lab Bats.
Do we still have wet markets in the West? To my knowledge, no.
If not, is it because we realize they’re unsanitary as all get out? Remember, we didn’t even have a concept of “sanitary” as recently as two centuries ago.
And when we did, how many epidemics and the like did we have in the West?
You’re invoking history as if it were an argument in your favor. It’s not. It’s one in his favor.
I’d beg to differ, wet markets just in the last 50 years have existed all over the world to include here. Some more sanitary some not. I’ve visited several hundred in Asia. This is not something new. My point also being to “this juncture in time”.
Apparently you see his point of view as genuine. If so you might have no problem when the UN and WHO come back asking for additional 10% tax from developed nations so they can fix the problem.
This guy is clearly trying to detract and gin up emotion using a none issue.
In that case…It’s probably the “sanitary” more than the “wet market.” But…yeah that works out to you’re right even so, because Fauci should be highlighting sanitation instead.
There is a market about 10 blocks from here where you pick your living fish out of a tank, they net it out, and package it according to your direction. It’s at the intersection of I-280 and Saratoga Avenue.
cthulhu, many small privately owned fish markets in SF did the same…pull it out of the tank, bonk it, wrap it up, and you walked home with it.
it’s how we got Trout pretty regularly.
Came over from Idaho daily, daily shipment gone by dinnertime.
Very early in the mornings in Chinatown, storefront fishmarts would open their big back doors for a pick-up truck to back up, and young men would shovel calamari, with snow shovels, onto the store floor…the night’s catch.
Never thought too much ab it…always washed everything very well, never had a problem.
I think it’s our level of awareness which is somewhat different.
The few videos I have seen of the Chinese wet markets have nasty stuff just washed onto the streets, where hundreds of people walk through it every day. Streets never cleaned.
People seem to take no notice.
As far as concept of sanitary only as recent as 200 years ago. No. That concept has been around longer than 2000 BC. And clearly your well versed in recent history ie the bible, better than me, please explain those first few chapters again? You know the ones with all the sanitary ways to prep food. When people go to a wet market anywhere at any time they take care to clean their food. When they don’t you get a few cases of food poisoning. Not an epidemic. Too rare.
The Hebrews’ dietary laws were pretty unusual back then–the vast majority of the world washed the dirt off their food and cooked it and that was usually enough if there wasn’t an epidemic going around.
But that’s a quibble. You ware talking about food and I was *thinking* of hospitals (see “Ignaz Semmelweis”) and that ISN’T what you were talking about, so that was MY bad.
Funny, the Hebrews back then were considered a dusty old tribe compared to what had come and gone.
Sorry, meant been coming and going. You take Hebrews back 1000 yrs before Christ and you had civilizations rising and falling well over a 1000 years before that and they were a bit less slovenly than your imagining.
I speak solely of the dietary laws.
Certainly the Greeks and Romans thought they were a bunch of annoying pipsqueak barbarians who weren’t much of a civilization, but there was a lot more to a civilization than whether they had dietary laws in their scripture. (Actually, even having “scripture” made one stand out back then too. There wasn’t a “bible” for the pagans–they had their myths, but people could freely alter them in the telling; favorite versions got written down. In fact, they really didn’t think their gods wanted anything out of them besides worship.
The Hebrews “stuck out” in a lot of ways in the ancient world. Monotheism was very distinctive; the typical pagan would worship whatever god was appropriate for his circumstances. If he was a traveller, for instance, arriving at a new city, he’d worship at that god’s temple. It might even be a god he had never heard of until then! And it was no skin off of his more regular gods’ noses either–none of them were “jealous” like Yahweh.
The Romans really didn’t LIKE people who didn’t behave that way. They even called them “atheists” (even when they were really monotheists). They made something of an exception for the Jews because at least it was an old religion, but when these people called “Christians” showed up with their newfangled beliefs and refusing to pray to other gods–well, there was friction. As you know.
True, most leading Greeks and Romans considered their own pantheons to be so much dribble so with out a doubt they’d look upon something coming from such a small group to be no less.
I thought it was Mark Twain who said one man’s theology is another man’s belly laugh. Actually it’s Robert A. Heinlein, but it sure sounds like it could have been Twain (he often quoted Twain).
THIS is going to make our President extremely angry!!!!!
People on twitter don’t appreciate it much also, me included
The deaths will anger him more than the comparison.
PDJT is a life preserver, protector, cherisher, promoter….
Watch the. Call this trumps 9/11 rolls eyes. Come on nyc
Yes someone please tell me that this isn’t BLATANT messaging.
One can’t even compare the two!
And WNBC’s point is … ?
Why don’t they do an article comparing falling 100 stories to one’s death with gasping for breath that doesn’t give any air? Sure seems like they could dehumanize both groups with one article, considering that they are total ghouls 24/7.
Fuck them and their gleeful death counts.
Gee, imagine that.
Sure seems like an old article when you weigh in all the people looking for a cure.
Published: 22 August 2005
Chloroquine is a potent inhibitor of SARS coronavirus infection and spread
So a bit of an update for those of you on twitter. A very popular Trump poster from NYC, Politidiva (Traci Belmonte), just tweeted that her father did not recover from his covid-19 virus after getting all the drug treatments available (yes the HCQ/zpac/zinc combo was administered).
A wonderful lady. She is obviously in distress. Sad for her imminent loss.
That’s very sad. I wonder how early they started the treatment. I’m sorry for her loss.
More fear mongering and panic from ZeroHedge.
Basic point without all the hysterics is still a concern, but context is key.
Here Comes The Next Crisis: Up To 30% Of All Mortgages Will Default In “Biggest Wave Of Delinquencies In History”
ZeroHedge bolded a lot more of that paragraph that emphasized the scary 30% number, which tended to downplay the “through the summer” portion. Most of the article focuses on the summer shutdown contingency.
WTF ???
Sure, you first.
Oh my, Trump says its okay and the Libs say don’t wear a mask..
Who could of known it was going to be this easy.
Me thinks the Trumpster is beginning to publicly pushback against Fauci, by being non-chalant about the masks. And I liked the Surgeon General’s “it’s your choice” response.
Let’s see what happens
Considering his past statements on this the SG ate serious crow there, but he looked good doing it. Meanwhile he’s saying they have recently learned about asymptomatic spread. What! We’ve been talking about that back in late Jan. It’s freaking March now.. ooops… no it’s April now!
Smooth politicians/bureaucrats can lie and chew gum at the same time
Dated a month ago.
Ah! Good catch; my bad !!
So I’m seeing an environmental issue popping up. People throwing all their gloves on the floor!
Also word on the street is that someone’s relative got banned from Walmart because she told someone to move it more or less. Not sure on the details. Also no TP at aldi again.
Trying to bank is also insane. Long lines
Checks can be deposited online. Did four this morning.
I use gloves and/or a Clorox wipe at the ATM. Somehow, I don’t think the bank will mind.
Good idea.
Yeah it was one of those random rebate checks. I might do that next time. Long car lines. Really long. Bank should start to sell food from the amount of time one waits.
No TP at aldi so I’m hitting the wine selection. Nice peach wine.
Smart thinking!
A trunk burned down. Driver is fine but it was a truck full of TP! LOL the guy on the radio was almost crying
LOL a few years ago there was a news story of an avocado delivery truck crash and ruined $40,000 of avocados . . . the way people responded you would have thought an entire family of eight were in the ICU.
James O’keefe is at it again, right or wrong on all fronts.
We’ve already figured this out. Now maybe the rest of the world will.
It looks like Jim Acosta is in the White House briefing room for today’s installment.
Well…maybe. There ‘s a guy standing in the seats who looks like him. I think.
Brown, wet looking, and covered in flies?
Flies have better taste than tha.
There’s me.
I thought I read today that the antibody test will detect ANY coronavirus antibodies.
I’ve no notion whether it’s actually true, but…
If so, then a positive result does not mean you had THIS PARTICULAR crud.
Anyhow, it’s a question to keep in mind until there’s a definitive answer.
More in a bit – chores…
White House Task Force Press Briefing any minute!
WH –
Oh boy – Golden State (GST) is live and Jim Acosta is there today – scowling into the CNN camera!
Ugh!! Can’t like that!! Can we volunteer him to be a Bill Gates/Dr. Fauci guinea pig ??
I’m here to suggest RIGHT NOW that a several hour long bath in aqua regia might prevent someone from ever catching the corona virus. We should try that out on him.
(Everyone else–DON’T try this!!! Although I can guarantee you won’t catch CV afterwards, you won’t be doing much else either, other than being the man/woman of the hour at a funeral.)
Are the braying jackasses from the propaganda outlets wearing N95 masks?
If not, why not??
Oh, we have to be able to see their pretty faces.
(wow, that was a lot of sarcasm, even from me. Need the antacid, STAT.)
After weeks of advising the public that wearing masks outside isn’t necessary, now states are starting to order the public to wear masks outside. Why the sudden mask push? How did we go from “masks aren’t necessary” to “put the mask on, citizen” in less than a week? What changed?
Is that why I saw so many masks today? I’ve only seen one person who works at Aldi wear one.
Make up your minds people!!!
My guess is they needed to get an adequate inventory lined up for medical, military and LEOs etc.
Can you imagine the TP-like hoarding that could have happened with masks ?
If that is the reason, I fully support getting PPE first to those on the front lines while we stayed home.
Now we’ll have a run on masks and TP…. hits head on desk.
We’re still seeing headlines about mask shortages for health care workers, though. Why are these Governors ordering the public to put on masks while there are still mask shortages in their own states?
What political party do the majority of these governors belong to?
I think we all know the answer.
Funny how all the questions all seem to have the same answer, generally speaking.
Thanks to Daugh’s thread on China virus that I have 20 N95 masks. My highly educated family told me I did not need them and it was overkill. My husband had second though went to Lows in the evening weeks ago and bought 20 N95.
Thank you to everyone who keeps us here prepared and informed
“Why the sudden mask push? How did we go from “masks aren’t necessary” to “put the mask on, citizen” in less than a week? What changed?”
A: the public wasn’t getting angry at PDJT and panicking enough. So leftist sponsored focus groups determined that this might do the trick.
Change my mind.
This is the conclusion that I’m leaning toward (they’re intentionally trying to psychologically traumatize the public), but I figured I’d ask first.
I’m a pilot and take to training like a duck to water.
If DC has trained me in any way it’s that the most skeptical rational is probably the most accurate, regardless of the issue or situation.
Like being told this virus, it’s timing, and it’s impact is organic and just happened “naturally”.
Uh huh. Yeah. Right.
My dog was barking just now..a mom with a kid on a bike walking in my very open neighborhood..both have masks on. It was all I could do not to yell WTH is wrong with you. The wind is blowing, clean fresh air , no crowds of people breathing near them. We’re at the bottom of the slippery slope
“ WTH is wrong with you?”
A: sheeple gonna sheeple
haha true enough. The problem is that sheeple nowadays are this side of fanatical. Everything is taken to extremes. Their ‘right thing’ becomes ‘you’re deliberately trying to infect me’.
It’ll end up a parallel to wearing a red MAGA hat..people beat up for not wearing a mask…wait for it
And then they play with their phones while having gloves on.
A: they think because they are “smart” phones they won’t get contaminated.
Hey a Challenge!
WHO from the beginning, CDC following suit, recommended that the general public not wear a mask. Yet they recommended it for those sick and those tending, both at home and in hospital setting.
That’s odd. Why would they do that? Did they want CV to spread?
Actually the mask thing once you accept the virus is real is a no brainier but people put trust in WHO and CDC.
Also note it’s not the press that has brought this issue up. It is coming from the hinter lands where common sense takes time to go back to take a relook at the advice and say hey… wait.. this does not make sense.
Did that do it?
Fake news media is pushing it, to raise demand so DEMOCRAT DONOR ORGS like SEIU can make a killing on HOARDED MASKS.
Good theory.
The herd knows nothing except the smell of fear, and charges in the opposite direction from wherever the smell of fear emanates.
If Fauci said they discovered the virus is frequently transmitted by shoes, and the virus can’t sustain itself on certain bright colored shoes, like red shoes, the next day the press corpse would all be wearing oversized red bowling shoes and clown shoes.
And for some of them, that would mean reaching into their closets to pull out their “pizza party” shoes.
Ok funny story (or I hope its funny)
At Aldi, two Asian ladies see each other. Both are wearing masks. The one is in scrubs from a doctor’s office so either a nurse or doctor. So this one Asian lady very loudly yells: “What you doing here! You work in a Doctors office. This public place. Need to self-isolate. Not a shop for food. this is public place”
And she was talking like this FYI
The other lady just shrugs and grabs her avocados.
Most people just rolled their eyes and went ‘oh God really’.
There are a lot of paranoid-crazies out there.
Yup. Most people are being nice and joking about things but then you get the crazies.
Gov’t does strange things to people….
…making one wonder why leftists actually want more of it.
I gave in and finally downloaded that video.
LOL yeah
Here we go! Dr. Birx, the Surgeon General and a few others including Kevin McCarthy, speaking now.
Are they wearing masks?
if not, why not??
No…it’s voluntary.
I do hope that the grocery stores having the markings on the floor where people should line up stick around. I HATE the aisle blocking that happens when the lines get ridiculously long.
VOLUNTARY face covering.
I’ll just hang out in the back yard, thank you very much.
You mean what they want us to do is different from what they actually do, amiright?
Same ol’ DC two-step.
Two-step? God forbid they try a waltz. Those people are not that coordinated. There will be a whole lot of hurt feet in the end.
Adminispeaking. I’m so over her routine.
Quick question:
I know nothing about supplements. Rock dumb. In looking at buying some Zinc supplements, I notice there are different kinds of Zinc.
What kind of Zinc am I looking for?
I’m just doing Cold-Eez lozenges a couple times a day. I hope that’s enough.
Look at the dosage on those.
Last time I checked, it said “2X” which is homeopathy speak for how much they diluted it.
You might not be getting very much zinc from them
I’m 4’11” and not obese even with a lot of curves. I may be dosing just fine.
True enough…but I’m not just talking about a half dose. There may be almost no zinc in those. They DON’T tell you in milligrams or micrograms. “2X” might as well be weasel words; they don’t tell you what the dose is.
Actually, I think it’s every four hours.
I’ll have to double check the dosage after Top Gun is over. The old man is reliving the glory of American aerospace in the 80s even if the movie is not entirely accurate.
No dosage is given on the box–I just looked. All it says is 2X meaning whatever was there, has been diluted by a facter of 100.
You’re probably not getting any significant amount of zinc in those.
IDK, it stopped a bug in its tracks in February.
Cold-eze says 13.3mg zinc per lozenge.
Ah, that’s not so bad…couldn’t find that on the boxes I have.
Interesting, I cannot find that on my box, anywhere–but it’s an old box. Maybe someone gave them hell and they decided to give the weight.
Or another possibility is that this is the walmart Equate “equivalent” so who knows what the differences are.
I went scrounging for the information on ZiCam
I found this:
Discussion at Chiefio yields:
(for 3 pills a day)
Nature’s Bounty
D3 15mcg
Calcium 1,000 mg
Magnesium 400 mg
Zinc 25 mg
(for 3 pills a day)
Spring Valley Cheaper and available at Walmart
Vit D3 — 600 IU
Calcium — 1,000 mg
Magmesium — 400 mg
Zinc — 15 mg
Chelated zinc. The body absorbs it better than any other type.
I’ve been taking this Carlson Labs chelated zinc supplement 30 mg daily for years even before this crisis. highly recommended.
Both are ‘unavailable’. Zinc is the new toilet paper.
General advice for everyone when shopping for supplements:
– The keyword to research is “bioavailability.” In short, bioavailability is a measure of how much of the supplement absorbs (specifically, how much of it reaches the bloodstream). You want the version with the best bioavailability.
– The vitamins with best bio-availability tend to be more expensive and only available online. In my experience, I’ve noticed enough of a difference between the good stuff and the lesser stuff that it’s worth paying more.
You might check the supplements you already have, some of them provide zinc as well. I can’t answer your question as well as some other folks, but there are some good zinc sources out there:
* Throat lozenges often have zinc
* My daily mega-multivitamin has some zinc
* Some of the Airborne chewables that are big on Vitamin C also supply good Zinc
* Zicam Cold Remedy rapidmelts too
* I checked a post-workout recovery and it has zinc along with magnesium
* I’ve noticed that Advocare product license OptiZinc for their supplements. Even their caffeinated energy drinks have some Zinc.
Remember that Green Tea is very good to pair with Zinc. It breaks down the viral defenses against Zinc so it amplifies the effects of the Zinc supplements.
IMO the best Zinc supplement is the one you can actually get your hands on. There have been runs, and I don’t know what the current status is if they are back in stock/available.
Types of Zinc Supplements
When choosing a zinc supplement, you’ll likely notice that there are many different types available.
These various forms of zinc impact health in distinct ways.
Here are a few you might find on the market:
Zinc gluconate: As one of the most common over-the-counter forms of zinc, zinc gluconate is often used in cold remedies, such as lozenges and nasal sprays (2).
Zinc acetate: Like zinc gluconate, zinc acetate is often added to cold lozenges to reduce symptoms and speed up the rate of recovery (3Trusted Source).
Zinc sulfate: In addition to helping prevent zinc deficiency, zinc sulfate has been shown to reduce the severity of acne (4Trusted Source).
Zinc picolinate: Some research suggests that your body may absorb this form better than other types of zinc, including zinc gluconate and zinc citrate (5Trusted Source).
Zinc orotate: This form is bound to orotic acid and one of the most common types of zinc supplements on the market (6).
Zinc citrate: One study showed that this type of zinc supplement is as well-absorbed as zinc gluconate but has a less bitter, more appealing taste (7Trusted Source).
Because it’s one of the most widely available and cost-effective forms of zinc, zinc gluconate can be a good option to help bump up your intake without breaking your bank.
However, if you’re able to invest a bit more, zinc picolinate may be better absorbed.
Available in capsule, tablet, and lozenge form, there are plenty of options to get your daily dose of zinc — regardless of the type you choose.
However, keep in mind that nasal sprays containing zinc have been linked to loss of smell and should be avoided (8Trusted Source, 9Trusted Source).
There are several forms of zinc supplements that impact your health in unique ways. They’re generally available in capsule, tablet, and lozenge form. Zinc-containing nasal sprays should be avoided.
I like that shade of red the president’s tie is today. Almost rose.
Pence: 1.4 million tests done. Less than 300K positive results.
“China is still lying.”
That’s because China is asshoe.
That’s one part ass, one part hoe.
Like this guy says.
It cracks me up, every time I hear it… or even read it
OH BOY – Crowd-sourcing to report experimental therapies (think HCQ/Zinc/Zpack)!!!
Donated by Oracle.
Oracle DB started as a CIA project.
Even without that Larry Ellison is ASSHOE.
Probably be like twitter where someone nixes the crowd-sourcers reporting what doesn’t fit the Fauci narrative.
Exactly. This is what they did in CLOWN-PWNED SHALLOW STATE. Fake innovation program. All real ideas DEEP-SIXED.
We all need to share which real docs we’re following online and see who they are following. Fuck Oracle crowd-sourcing. We’re better at it on our own!!
Whooo-hooo! (Hang on a sec, can’t breathe…cryin’, knee slappin’) Yep, let’s rush right to crowd- sourcing.
While off-label prescribing of medication is COMPLETELY LEGAL, this gives FDA/HHS a handy-dandy list of self reporting Doc’s, who may be prone to “disobedience” next time.
Smacked down Jim, again.
Dear diary
Alex Azar, HHS Secretary, has a good voice for radio/announcing.
P R E S C I E N T .
Yup. Also shows who was paying attention! Like POTUS, for instance!
“And then if Jim Acosta goes to a Governor they say ‘he isn’t giving us what we need'”
Little Red Diaper Boy Has Questions!
I dunno, Jim, that mic doesn’t have enough sharp edges on it. Can you find one that has a cube with the CNN log on it around the actual business end?
It would be good entertainment. Go for it
That’s funny. I assume from that Sean has little faith in the dear doctor and if Sean has little faith…..
You know it’s a parody acct – wrong spelling on name and no blue checkmark
That’s what I thought too when I opened the tweet and there was no blue check. Then I closed it again and relooked at the tweet here and saw a blue check. So I opened it back up again and there was a blue check. I don’t know how to account for that???
It’s still the wrong spelling. The “spicier” account has had some good ones from time to time…stuff you suspect the Real Sean Spicer wishes he could have got away with saying to the presstitutes.
It seems exactly the type stuff you’d think he’d say but I guess the right word is hope he’d say.
Yes, it was/is a VERY good parody account.
Hmm…maybe he’s secretly behind it?
Oh wait. Read your comment from the little box and thought it was about the Salwell comment on the other page saying “don’t wear masks”. Yipes.. sees what your saying.

Ebolacare !!!
Madonna + Gates. Pretty obvious, folks.
They deserve each other. Horns ‘n all
Bill Gates is the most evil asshole to walk the Earth in some time. Power-mad bed-wetting pajama geek who grew up to become George Soros.
Forced his CRAP-FEST operating system on the world and created the openings that allowed CHYYYNNAA to take over everywhere.
Oh, I don’t know about “most evil.” He’s got a TON of competition, even just elsewhere in Big Tech.
But he’s certainly plenty evil.
Donald Trump don’t trust Bill Gates, Bill Gates is asshoe!
LOL!!! THIS!!!
Never thought of Gates as handsy, but his arm is definitely snugly around Pashima’s waist.
These silly presstitutes are going on and on and on about why PRESIDENT TRUMP is not wearing a face mask!
However – NOT ONE OF THEM is wearing a mask!!!
If Acosta work a mask he’d get arrested as a bandito
And if anyone one of us were wearing a mask he wouldn’t be able to walk down the street
As I keep pointing out…
….you can’t spell “democrat” without the “hypocrite”
He just got tested yesterday!!
And today when the Energy CEOs were here – and they all got tested too! .
Everyone who enters the White House or Executive Mansion grounds should be tested, every time they enter.
If normal peeps didn’t hate the media before…because they were too busy working and supporting their families…they sure as heck are gonna hate them now…after paying closer attention…when this is over I suspect their ratings will plummet even further…if that’s even possible for some of these networks.
These news reptiles are insufferable. How these morons aren’t embarrassed to even show their faces should warrant some kind of scientific study.
Maybe people will actually start to loath them the way I do.
After all, one can dream.
I think the public is getting there more and more each day. It really is hard (impossible) not to hate them.
The goof with the oil question was great, first he asked the loaded question “Why didn’t you succeed at doing xyz”
Then DJT explained that the problem was actually the opposite, so the news goof just flipped his loaded question and began it the exact same way, ‘Why didn’t you succeed in doing at doing zyx’.
No matter WHAT President Trump said, the loaded QUESTION was going to be “Why didn’t you succeed…”
It gets so tiresome. President Trump handles these cackling hyenas way better than I ever could…or would.
I would start laughing at them, and pointing out how hilariously biased their questions are. Then to demonstrate, I would start taking their loaded questions and extrapolating them to absurdity.
Let me help you with that question son, you’re obviously trying very hard to formulate a ‘gotcha’ question, but you’re no good at this. Here’s how you do it, you silly little goof.
Now get outta here, go on home and practice, and don’t come back until your questions are so loaded that your silly little colleagues are laughing out loud with me
You need to apologize.
To reptiles.
Especially to Pepe!
Well, he’s an amphibian, which is a bit different.
I’m more looking out for Darwin, my bearded dragon, and a bunch of pets of other people I know.
Got online late.
Any news on HCQ and Zpak tests that have been ongoing? Expanding the use of HCQ and Zpak?
This is good.
And POTUS said he talked w/Cuomo, they’re using it on 1500 people in NY. Was 1100 last week, we should be getting word about the people that started using it LAST TUESDAY, but oddly no info??? Is it working??? Why did they add 400 more??? (I’m not expecting you to answer
The initial story about last Tuesday, I read actually started a few days later.
Really odd we have not heard something. Although, if there were bad news, it would leak, and MCM pouncing on it at every 5PM presser.
Guess we gotta be moar patient.
Adding 400 more this week is the TELL. IT IS working. Dr. Oz works at Columbia Hospital in NY. He put up $250K of his own money for a trial there. He continues to support the medicine on F&F, Hannity, and his own show. Talks w/French Dr. and others around the world daily about their studies. If it wasn’t working I’d expect him to say so.
Like everyone here, very much want to see ChiCom-19 start winding down.
Pres. Trump: “They intend to cheat,” when asked about mail-in voting. He expounded on voter ID. Fantastic!
Vote by mail is a liberal’s wet dream.
Yes! I thought that was a great way to end the press conference.
Calling out the CHEATING DEMS on VOTER ID and their MAIL-IN PLOT!!!
Nail in the coffin of voting by mail.
Obvious was/is obvious.
If I could see it, well….
I keep hoping he’ll say something like “I’d love to have mail-in voting, it would be so nice for everyone, so convenient, but unfortunately, because professional democrats are such cheaters and liars and traitors, we can’t do that, we can’t allow lying cheating democrats to steal the election, so they ruin it for everybody else.
Professional democrats always ruin everything, because they’re bad people, there’s something wrong with them, some kind of evil derangement.
Next question?”
NEXT TIME! He’s baited them now – the PRESSTITUTES will come back on this!
Did you notice the typical Lefty move Nancy made today? Announced they need something like $2billion to get vite-by-mail ready for 2020.
Directly bypasses the yes/Hell No discussion about whether VBMail will be allowed to get to the money.
They do this EVERY DAMN TIME. Deflect from the question of whether we actually APPROVE of an action and make that deemed settled by moving onto an outrageous money grab.
Piglosi is fucking asshoe and she cannot be allowed to push VBMail through!!!
$2B for VBMail is a lot of money that can be diverted by DPA to the wall.
We’re going to tell Nancy to her face.
wolf, unfortunately, it’s what WA Gov Inlsee wants too…
we have had it for over 4 yrs…and, yep, it fits right in with their cheating.
we have had a Gov race decided by ballot harvesting…
I am sure that won’t be the last..
Yeah, but is stupid done with him??
Nope, they’re STUCK on STUPID.
But STUPID is all that Democrat Media has…
Actually, their full repertoire also embraces malevolence, chutzpah, ignorance, and banal mediocrity.
And in some cases, I’m told, sexual perversion.
I have no claims of truth or experience with the following,
Quinine Dosage
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Last updated on Mar 25, 2019.
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Applies to the following strengths: 260 mg; 324 mg; 325 mg; 200 mg
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Thanks. I ordered tincture in fluid oz. Will need help on how to dilute/convert that!!
What a way to close it out!
NO to mail in!!
They should have VOTER ID!!!
Love our POTUS!!!
That little Asian press woman and others went on and on about Jared Kushner using the word ‘our’ and she still shouted out the same question as PDJT and the task force were leaving.
I think she’s ‘mental’ if you know what I mean.
It’s like a daily contest for the press corpse to show the country which of them has the lowest IQ
She was being obnoxious bitch stoopid.
For her, Dear Diary boy, and many, part of the answer could be prefaced with, “I have your question, now stop talking, or I’ll move on to another question…
Do this a couple times and litlle bitch would shut the hell up.
And like an exotic caterpillar becomes a beautiful butterfly, scarf-lady transforms into a designer-cape crusader

She could probably make 20 or 30 masks out of that thing and donate them to some crazy toilet paper bandits.
She IS elegant and very feminine – I love the way she deals out the data/facts/science like it’s so easy.
She’s very well spoken.
So are Sec Azar and VP Pence.
Azar and Pence are elegant and feminine???

They are Well spoken.
Almost as if the scarf was a secret message that only the ‘in set’ were supposed to be cognizant of. Now that the word is out.. she what? Doesn’t want to encourage the public by her example anymore?
Right now I’d love to see Melania do a PSA in a scarf.
It would have the added benefit of the liberals swearing never to wear one.
Yesterday her hair looked like she’d gotten off the helicopter without a comb, on national t.v., nonetheless. Today, she is 2 shades lighter. Did her stylist wear a mask while touching up her roots? Salon for me, but not for thee.
Science is in, yo. Pandemics are good for public health.
Fascinating – Sweet Annie has Artemisinin and is useful for chloroquine – quinine resistant malaria.
That’s the part that jumped out at me too.
Dr. Duke is a very highly qualified gentleman – he ran the Dept of Agriculture laboratories before he retired and now has one of the largest medicinal gardens in the world.
Dr. Birx was spitting fire in her own lady-like way at Jim Acosta’s snide remark ‘who dropped the ball’ and trying to lay blame on PDJT and the CDC, Health and Human Services, etc.
She laid them out with her – ‘The whole world is fighting this together….it’s not the time to look at causation and blame.’
Mnuchin said churches are covered and will be receiving checks from the government (taxpayers)?
Where is the Authority for that in God’s Word?
The Lord’s church is sustained by the free will offerings of the members, who lay by in store for the first day of each week:
“Upon the first day of the week let every one of you lay by him in store, as God hath prospered him, that there be no gatherings when I come.” (1 Corinthians 16:2)
I can’t argue with you on that.
Good Grief, Punishing everyone for the misbehavior of a few.
If it wasn’t for Aldi I would not be getting any garden bulbs.
We bought a bunch online before all this happened – Michigan Bulb Company. Great products.
I’ll have to check that one out! Thank you
My wife says there are tons of these places online she shops at – so hopefully you’ll still be able to get what you’re looking for! Just don’t ask for toilet paper bush starters.
family owned, wonderful co…has all old scented narcissi; great service; wonderful catalog with artwork, not photos.
another: Burpee for veggie seeds (and other too of course)
Yes I’ve used that one a few times. Only issue is I have deer. lots and lots of deer.
Don’t tell my BILs they love venison!
Deer are trouble. i know of one fellow that put in nice looking high fences around, except driveway entrance. Then he put motion sensor activated sprinklers at the entrance. i guess he got a car wash every time he came or went!
Liquid Fence was developed to spray on plants to make them taste awful to the deer. Washes off with water so you reapply after the rain.
On my last trip to a Walmart, they had all entrances blocked off but one. They had markers on the concrete to keep people six feet apart while outside and waiting to go in. But there was no wait time to go in, though the store was packed. They might as well have just opened the doors as usual.
And inside, it was a free-for-all. No social distancing. People talking in groups, socializing. Aisles half blocked by delivery carts, with shoppers bunched up because there was no room. At least they were spraying and wiping off the self-checkout stations between customers.
Same down here in Texas. Went shopping at the HEB and it was exactly as you described. That and masks were running about 40% easy.
The door thing makes no sense either. They end up funneling people through one door for what purpose?
I’m wondering then if the stores have anticipated the mask and are doing this to funnel you through one exit for theft deterrence as there was that too.
People are beginning to run out of things after the initial blast of buying a huge amount of groceries and goods. Daughter couldn’t wait in the line to get into Ralphs, then Vons…
It’s getting messy. Most were prepared for a couple weeks but not for a month..and no end in sight
My husband shopped at Kroger and he had no problem getting organic eggs, Butter, vegetables, Milk and organic bread flour. He even found organic shop meat for the dogs as special treat on their food. Everything was nice stocked. Of course can food shelves was not as filled and cheep food packaged food was also not filled. If one wants good healthy food there is plenty.
He said” not many people in the store and it was super clean.” They had people in the check out cleaning before checking out, They cleaned the shopping cards bringing in from the parking lot.
This is more about trying to worsen the economic impact.
red states vs blue states
red companies vs blue companies
I can’t imagine having to follow a tango line through the store to do the shopping. I guess the next step will be to pull people over for passing in the aisle.
I already had a supermarket cashier yell at the customer behind me in line for not distancing enough while I was paying. I made sure to tell the store manager that – I – get decide how comfortable I am with people near me, not the store employees. Very sad how little resistance people are putting up to this policing. It’s like they’re trying to see how far they can push us.
There are LOTS of little hitler control freaks in people just waiting to come out.
These are the same people who would be the Sharia Police if this were an Islamic country.
This is why we can NEVER EVER let the Democrats win another election.
If MOAR ppl knew
Reminder as the face mask hysteria ramps up:
First they tell us they’re not effective, now we’re being ordered to wear them. Given the conflicting information, I will follow a simple rule: I will wear a mask when I see my elected officials wearing them first. If it’s as necessary as they claim it is, then they should all be in masks by the end of the weekend.
I rather stay home!
We are actually good for another week and if I can get Hubby to tolerate powdered/canned milk ~ 3 or more.
Milk, eggs and bread are the only things we might shop for and that is only because Hubby eats them and complains if we do not have them. Otherwise we have plenty of food and such.
That statement from the Surgeon General contradicts itself.
It says “healthcare providers” need the masks…to care for sick people.
Which means, that the masks prevent the healthcare providers from catching the virus!
But then he says that the masks “are NOT effective in preventing general public from catching” the virus!
I think they were telling us this…to buy time for them to round up as many masks as they could, for healthcare people.
Now that that has been done, they are telling us the truth.
But it’s not done. There’s still a mask shortage.
Right…but they’ve gotten control of large quantities that are now available to healthcare workers.

And they have amped up the manufacture of them.
The fact that they’re now telling us that ‘face coverings’ like bandanas and scarves, work just as well as the surgical masks…tells us that it’s a good idea to cover our faces.
Given the loudest voices on this mask push, it seems more like a Democratic/cabal ploy to spread fear, panic, and psychological trauma. I have yet to see a single Republican Governor or even Mayor demand that their constituents wear a face mask.
I maintain what I said in my original post: I will wear a mask when I see my elected officials wearing one.
“In light of these studies, the CDC is advising the use of non-medical cloth face coverings as an additional voluntary public health measure,” Trump said. “So it’s voluntary. You don’t have to do it.”
“In light of these studies, the CDC is advising the use of non-medical cloth face coverings as an additional voluntary public health measure,”
Correct me if I’m wrong Sandy, but if I cover my face, I won’t be able to see.
‘Sandy’ is Carl Spackler’s boss, in Caddyshack…
The thing is they should of been telling the people that in the beginning and then we’d never of crashed the economy. The lie now that 6ft is still required. It is not. Your more than likely safe to 2ft, area of fog that might escape and then you have your own added barrier with a mask. They need to start putting people back to work or the cure is going to be devastating.
Hell even open up the inside of restaurants and just establish a simple courtesy protocol of mask while ordering, no mask light to no conversation while eating. May be take out a few tables. Safe. Movie theaters close every other row and no kissing strangers. Stadiums I don’t care, but revenue is important so same thing but mask is mandatory because of all the shouting. School half the class reports the other half does homework. Split it by day or week. Prefers week as you can build on making class at school obsolete. Actually so much room for innovation here with many pluses to be had though their would have to be accommodations.
Simple mask/scarf thing has been the answer all along and they new it. Needs to happen quick though because we’ll be on the hook for 13 trillion in spending in just the first year alone and the dems are going to try to drag their feet every way they can to get to their totalitarian dream state.
“Seriously people- STOP BUYING MASKS!
They are NOT effective in preventing general public from catching #Coronavirus, but if healthcare providers can’t get them to care for sick patients, it puts them and our communities at risk! ”
Okay, so if the masks are not effective for the general public, but they are effective for healthcare providers… how do the masks know who is wearing them?
And is this kind of bias built-in to the mask, or do the masks discriminate naturally?
It’s like the most marvelous technological invention of the 20th and 21st Century. The thermos! Put a cold beverage in and when you pour it out you get a cold beverage. Put a hot beverage in and pour it out you get a hot beverage. And it does this without a computer chip. How the hell does it know which one to do!
Whoops, I forgot… asking for a friend…
Daughn: Important to include mounting evidence in your Virus Daily Threads!
The USA SHUTDOWN will go down as FAUCHI’S FOLLY.
Dastardly failure in over-hyping and fraudulently accepting unvetted field reports of WRONGFULLY-ATTRIBUTED DEATHS.
Fauchi had the unmitigated gall to announce the USA MUST REMAIN in SHUTDOWN until
• There are ZERO ChiComVirus DEATHS
• There are ZERO ChiComVirus INFECTIONS
Insanity. Idiocy. Evil Incarnate.
Watch Tucker Carlson’s show tonight!
Destroy all credibility of all “medical” bureaucrats!!!
I have been criticizing the CDC for years for their inability to put out effective guidance or targets for the mitigation of easily handled hospital outbreaks.
Why is there sepsis outbreaks in hospitals in the 21st century? NO EXCUSES!!!
Yeah, the Washington State model they were using has already gone down to 80-134K
That’s in two days.
My daughter ( a Leftie) is beginning to question things…today she was pissed about the face covering push…her thought was that they want us to be afraid of the air…people are wearing them at home, in their cars, when they’re with their families (that have been housebound )
Fear about everything and everybody
I was thinking back…and wondering what Date it was, when we signed that latest Trade Deal with China.

So I looked it up: Wednesday, January 15, 2020.
But the negotiations for this Trade Deal had been going on for about six months or so.
It was in the Fall that the ChiComs were learning that our VSG was not going to back down from the Tariffs.
I think this Trade Deal figures into the ChiCom Virus pandemic.
The godless ChiComs didn’t get what they wanted in the Trade Deal…so they unleashed their bioweapon on us.
They needed a ‘cover story’ at home, to cover for how their own economy was tanking.
The Virus gave them that cover story.
The ChiComs don’t care that the world economy has tanked, too.
The way they look at it, is…if we are suffering then the whole world should suffer too.
Anticipating that our President would issue a Travel Ban on China…the ChiComs sent a half-million people to the US.
Feel free to tell me how I am wrong here.
edit….that was a half-million people from China, in January.
IMO the timing with the trade deal on 1/15 was utterly and completely transparent.
Remember, according to 4GW doctrine all the impeachment theater is also fomented by China. Think Nancy. Think Comey and HSBC Bank. Think DiFi on the SSCI strategically leaking.
L.A. Mayor Offering Rewards To Social Distancing Snitches
Los Angeles Mayor Eric Garcetti is doing more this week than just modeling makeshift pandemic masks. Hizzoner is rapidly growing fed up with people who are not following his “Safer at Home” mandates and he wants the public’s help in dealing with these scofflaws. Of particular concern are the construction companies that are still working on nonessential projects as well as the ones who are building essential structures but not following safe workplace practices. During an announcement on Tuesday, the Mayor let people know that he would be very grateful for the help of concerned citizens willing to drop a dime on noncompliant businesses and that he planned to “reward” them for their snitching.
That’s exactly what the Communists in the USSR did, isn’t it?
And Hitler, too.
The ChiComs do the same thing as well…which is why the people there are afraid to even speak out.
What is Mayor Garcetti going to do to the people who are ‘reported’?
What’s next? …Punishing people for speaking out about it?
Here (San Diego) just had a sharp earthquake jolt. I’m expecting locusts at any minute
Wow…that’s a real swarm going on.
I just looked, and there have been 6 quakes in a tight formation…all in the last hour.
Fortunately the locusts have been limited to Africa and the Middle East so far
Hummm …
“I Found The Source Of COVID-19…”
(apologies if already posted)
Side eyeing some of these Hollywood donors
Still waiting on these politico’s to give up the larger portion of their salaries while they’re keeping people from pursuing their livelihoods. Unless your job entails breathing on someone with out a face covering you need to be back to work.
Meanwhile Trumps approach to making it voluntary is smart as the people can eventually wear away the new standard as any danger’s connected to getting CV subsides.
Wondering about the women vs men getting CV in Iran. Seems like women would be way less likely to be infected if cloth barriers are so effective
Tricky to interpret the findings, since women naturally have fewer of the cells in the lungs that the virus binds to. More men than women die from it all over the world.
People in good aerobic health have fewer than people in poor aerobic health.
Whites have fewer than “Asians”, which I think means East Asian, such as the Chinese themselves.
The source I read didn’t mention the relative number of vulnerable cells for the other ethnic groups.