Welcome to Friday’s OPEN THREAD at the QTree! Thank you for the Thursday hand-off TrumpIsMine. Thank you to Wolfie for keeping us all up and running. What would we do without FLEP’s News Roundup? Thank you, Flep. Hat tip and a hearty thank you to Wheatie, Dep, BakoCarl, Michael, Steve in Colorado, all our science contributors and the lurkers!
We don’t believe in political correctness at QTree. Free Speech is practiced here. ENJOY IT. Use it or lose it. This board will remain a REFUGE for those who need civility, either some or all of the time. Important Guidelines are outlined here in the January 1st open thread, with an addendum on 20191110. In other words, please keep it SOMEWHAT civil. We have a new board – actually a new SITE – called The U Tree – where people can take each other to the woodshed without fear of censorship or moderation.
These are historic times. We’ve lost 10 million jobs in the past two weeks and people are hurting. Today is Oil Sector Day at the White House, another looming crisis. All the big CEOs will be there.

After playing victim to OPEC for almost our entire lives, the USA, under President Trump/Wilbur Ross/Secretary Perry, finally gained Energy dominance as the #1 producer of Oil and LNG. If was a glorious feeling after sitting on the bench for generations.

But now, the toddlers are playing in our sandbox. Saudi and Russia are trying to use the CoronaVirus nightmare to knock out our frackers and harm our leadership in the sector. The toddlers are over-supplying the market, flooding, over-producing, and the price per barrel dropped to around $20/barrel. Anything below $40/barrel is losing money and directly affects over 6 million American jobs. We’re looking at a wasteland in PA, Ohio, ND, and our blessed Texas if the crisis continues. President Trump called MBS yesterday and reportedly, they have agreed to reduce supply by 10 million barrels.

Might be time for President Trump to break up the impasse between Saudi and Russia. Saudi has called for an Emergency Meeting of OPEC, and the President alluded to “another option” which he hoped he would not have to do. Hmmmmm……
We hope you all are doing well under an “almost quarantine”. We’ve been trying new recipes in the kitchen, and my “honey-do” list for projects around the house is growing. Glad we received good news on Sylvia and please, everyone, remember to take your vitamins.

We’ll get through it all, together. We’re Americans, and Aussies, and Brits. It’s what we do. Remember to say a little prayer for the President, his team and family, the truck drivers, and every worker who stays late to stock the shelves. Throw up an extra prayer for the police, fire, and all the medical staff. They need all the help they can get. And PRAY for the Hydroxychloroquine + Zpack cocktail to work, and save our fellow Americans from the scourge from China.

Remember Wheatie’s Rules:
- No food fights.
- No running with scissors.
- If you bring snacks, bring enough for everyone
We’ll meet at Wheatie’s tree house in the morning. I made a cherry pie. We can have pie for breakfast, right?

Any Fauci lovers here?
Forgot to mention that the midget needs to be retired.
Good news…..POTUS and his team know all about this and who Fauci really is
My guess is PT is letting Fauci and Birx set the length of rope for their own hanging. Their models and theories on this are total bullshit and will come crashing down come Easter weekend. The death toll ain’t going to be anywhere close to the models. The HCQ protocol will become wide spread and this virus is going to get stomped.
Most of the deaths were people with health issues, metabolic syndrome which is essentially crap high carb diet. May finally get an official change in policy but I ain’t holding my breath. Big Pharma and Ag hold a lot of influence over the politicians.
Cannot stress enough for everyone to eat low carb, do resistance training, fast, and get out in the sun. We are not made to be medicated. Stay healthy everyone. Even MAGA mom.
Big Pharma, Ag, the banks, and military industrial complex (collectively know as the US Chamber of Commerce) OWN the politicians.
Well, we are a lot more forgiving then the founders. They had the tax raised on their tea and went into full blown revolution, Considering we vote in these politicians I guess it is up to us to make some changes. I am thinking more along the lines of needing to break a few eggs to make an omelet.
Thank you for the reminders about diet — CARBS ARE BAD. Eat them in moderation. That includes the sugars in fruit, as you reminded us in a previous post.
Slow – low glycemic index carbs are better than fast carbs – candy, sugar, etc.
I bet those energy drinks are just fast carbs + caffeine.
They are.
IMHO, even low glycemic index carbs should be limited. I’m a big believer in a diet of meat/fish/seafood + natural fats (including animal fat) with very few carbs.
This requires adding a) salt to the diet and b) three 8 oz. glasses of water to be drunk during the day.
If more people followed that type of regimen, they’d not only be thinner but their taste buds would change (mine did) in a short period of time.
After five years, I rarely eat sweets or drink soda as my palate favours savoury food. My taste buds changed within three weeks.
Fat is filling. Protein keeps us healthy. People will lose weight provided they drink water.
Carbs are why we have an explosion of obesity and diabetes across the Western world.
So true! (I type as I eat a bowl of old fashioned oatmeal cooked in the microwave with apple and raisins, topped with a bit of local honey and milk!)
If there are any here, they’re wearing masks.
Fauci was just sucking up to a big potential donor for research $$$ – Clinton Foundation.
I.m thinking more along the lines of Bill Gates and his eugenic vaccine(s).
Text of tweet from Brian Kolfage:
Word on the street 450 Army troops deploying to border tomorrow ARMED. Cartels planning big push into USA and COVID exploding on border. Over 200 agents sick.
Captain Brett E. Crozier, a native of Santa Rosa, CA, graduated from the United States Naval Academy in 1992 and was designated a Naval Aviator in 1994. He received his Master’s Degree in National Security and Strategic Studies from the Naval War College in 2007, and completed Nuclear Power School in 2014.
His aviation tours include assignments with the “Easyriders” of HSL-37, the “Warhawks” of VFA-97, “Mighty Shrikes” of VFA-94, the “Rough Raiders” of VFA-125, and again with the “Mighty Shrikes” of VFA-94 as the Executive Officer and Commanding Officer. He has made multiple deployments in support of U.S. 3rd, 5th, and 7th Fleet operations to include numerous exercises and Operations Southern Watch and Iraqi Freedom.
Captain Crozier’s shore assignments include serving as an aviation detailer and retention program manager with Navy Personnel Command, and as a CJTF Deputy Director for NATO’s Operation Unified Protector while assigned as an Operations Officer to Naval Striking and Support Forces NATO in Naples, Italy.
In April 2014, he reported as the Executive Officer of USS Ronald Reagan (CVN 76). During this tour, the Reagan completed multiple exercises, deployments, and maintenance availabilities, and executed a homeport shift from San Diego, CA, to Yokosuka, Japan to serve as the Nation’s forward deployed aircraft carrier.
He took command of the USS Blue Ridge (LCC 19) in Yokosuka, Japan in June of 2017 and led the ship out of an extensive dry-dock availability and back to operations at sea as the Command Ship for Commander, U.S. 7th Fleet.
Captain Crozier has accumulated over 3,000 helicopter and tactical jet flight hours and has been awarded the Legion of Merit, Defense Meritorious Service Medal, Meritorious Service Medal, Air Medal, Navy and Marine Corps Commendation Medal, and various unit commendations, service and campaign awards.
Can you say “court martial”?
And he performed badly under pressure.
No. This was no accident. This was not panic. This was not “poor judgement”.
NO ONE receives command of a capital warship….a nuclear US Aircraft Carrier….without decades of proving he does NOT panic and has nothing but the most excellent judgment.
The guy is a combat naval aviator. GUARANTEED to have had dozens of opportunities to panic.
No, this was something altogether different.
He was promised something, or he was blackmailed.
good point
And by the way, the Captain of an aircraft carrier is typically an aviator by training. While a cruiser/destroyer type would be a surface navy type.
I hope his actions were worth it to him and his family.
But then, you can say the same of Comey and many others. Is it extreme TDS or just loyalty “ to a higher power?”
The Navy has a number of leftists and LBGT
Guessing, poor judgement. And, Crozier’s lacked faith in his Chain of Command.
REMEMBER – DOZENS of US Navy Admirals got caught up in that birthing servies/supply scam with the corrupt Asian guy. Involved kick-back$ when they docked.
^^^ The gist is spot on. Do suggest it is a few Admirals and dozens of Navy officers and civilian staff…
Was stationed with CTF-73 in Singapore 92-95. “Knew of” Fat Leonard. Never met him. Nothing of his illegal actions. His name came up periodically in staff meetings. Just he was a major player in getting ship’s repaired that transited Singapore area.
Thankfully I had nothing to do with ship repair or contracting. Ordnance logistics was my world.
Thanks for your service, KK! Our Lady Penquin was a Navy Nurse!
Crozier judgement in this case WAS the very definition of piss poor.
Does NOT matter, promised something, blackmailed, panic… IMO, higher Chain Of Command rightfully had a “loss of confidence” in Crozier ability to Command Roosevelt.
NOT the first CVN CO to f’up royally. Not common, but it happens.
What I heard yesterday regarding Crozier’s actions reflected, utterly irresponsible and stoopid actions, by the a CVN Commanding Officer. On deployment. Operating in Seventh Fleet AOR. Potentially headed to Fifth Fleet AOR.
CVNs, critical National Assets. On deployment. Carrier Battle Group Admiral, onboard. Available 24/7. Literally feet away. Crozier had to know Pacific Command at Camp Smith, HI; Pacific Fleet Makalapa, HI; Seventh Fleet onboard Blue Ridge; CTF-73 Singapore, Commander Marianas, Guam…ALL tuned into his situation.
^^^ This was Crozier’s “playground” after being CO USS Blue Ridge (SEVENTH Fleet Flag Ship). XO of USS Reagan, ONLY carrier homeported overseas, Yokosuka, JA.
Appreciate the background info…Kal
I wonder what Piglosi and Schmucker promised him?
Crozier won’t receive a court martial.
He f’d up mightily. but no court martial.
If he published privileged/secret communications he certainly would.
Location and condition of a naval ship I think would at the very least be considered ‘confidential’ information. We may not be ‘at war’ but you would NOT allow lack behavior to set in.
During WWII even the location of our Merchant Marine vessels was classified.
Fully understand classified rules and regulations.
Yes, Crozier “could” receive a court martial.
IMO, Crozier won’t receive court martial.
More likely an Admiral’s Mast, loss of command (already executed), invited to retire.
Latter “may” occur after he receives a Star at next selection board. Real possibility. Until his “brain fart”, Crozier had both a flawless and incredible career.
Yea, I know, how could he get a promotion.
Can only tell you I was serving onboard the Enterprise November 1985, when we, the Enterprise, ran over “Bishop’s Rock”. Sliced a 150′ gash under the water line. Major flooding. Although a slight “list” continued training. Then emergent dry dock Hunters Point, Frisco. (Scheduled to deply Jan 86).
Co relieved January 86. Promoted to one star sometime 86. Then retired short time later. True. Google USS Enterprise Bishops Rock 1985.
Nanzi’s Planz
It’s the WuFlu game and so fun to play
It’s the worst plague ever, that’s what we’ll say
We predict disaster, then block Trump’s moves
No matter what Trump wants, we won’t approve
We’ll just give Trump some choices to make
Behind three locked doors; which one will he take?
If Trump chooses “Behind door number 1”
We’ll slow roll his choice, then he’ll be done
If Trump chooses “Behind door number 2”
Our “experts” will kill it, that’s what we’ll do
And, finally, if it’s “Door number 3”
We’ll float his boat, then we’ll sink him “You’ll see”
What Trump wants to do, we’ll say it’s too early
But if he waits, we’ll say it’s too late
We must spend much more, more must be done
More money for our friends to celebrate
Trump knows companies who can do this job
But my uncle’s friends, well, they know the mob
Trump’s plan looks good on paper, it’s claimed
We’ll make sure it fails, then make sure he’s blamed
Trump’s plan’s too risky, my experts all agree
We need to do studies, at least two or three
And studies take time, we must do them right
The process matters, not the peoples’ plight
Trump has a fix, it’s so simple and cheap
But it’s “No Go” with my Big Pharma peeps
Trump wants to build here, he says it’s best
But my friends in China will do it for less
Whatever Trump does, we’ll say it don’t work
So, you see, he’ll always be a jerk
And if all fails, if he’s out of reach
We’ll tie him in knots with “Impeach, impeach!”
1. Remove PDJT’s #1 reason to re-elect him….booming economy with low unemployment
2. Turn the event into PDJT’s “Hurricane Katrina”
3. Impeach PDJT for “murder” in late summer/early fall 2020
4. Steal 2020 election via “vote by mail”

You are watching a movie.
We know the plot(s) and how it all ends.
Nothing can stop what is coming.
Are you kidding me??? We start with Trump kissing the adorable babies and end with cherry pie?!?! Have I died and gone to Heaven??

Daughn Rocks 

That is one gorgeous pie!!!

Sam’s finally has their TP back in stores after 5 weeks!!!
Going tomorrow, wish me luck, prayers too!!!
I want one! LOL aldi did not have any today!
This was because we did NOT put Fauxcahontas in charge of teepee.
That’s pretty f’n funny. ROTFLMAO funny.
Harvard/Harris Poll: 5-in-6 Americans Want to End Immigration from Mexico
Someone needs to track down where all the TP destined for schools, offices, rest stops, sit-down restaurants, and day-care centers went and get it released at retail.
Are you kidding? Have you ever used that crap they call toilet paper in most restaurants and offices?!? It is worthless.

Not impressed with their quality? I am dying here.
It won’t even soak up my piss – what, women are supposed to drip dry

I am not touching that one.
No , you’re certainly not !!
Agreement is a beautiful thing.
You guys are killing me.
That string of posts was, vintage PHC
PHC posts were so entertaining, funny…
Damn I miss the Marlboro Man. Wish I had known him better, and in person. Great memories.
Awww Kal, that’s a sweet compliment, being compared to PHC. He is fighting the good fight from above. He would have also approved of Wolfie’s very MacGuyver decision to treat himself with old-fashioned zinc and quinine.

And completely dissolved in your hand while using…
Yes!! Ugh!! Like I said .. drip dry

I’m with Alison on that one. It doesn’t have to be Charmin, but not that sandpaper Scotts puts out. It’s pretty worthless for the purpose.
Useable only if you roll off about a yard of it…sure saves a lot of $$$.
And you can’t even get a handful of it to wad for a proper wipe !!!

. Gotta keep the standards high on this board!
LOL it had to be said

Now back to our regular programming
Seems Hubby had bought a couple 24 pkgs and then I went out on my marathon get ready for quarantine buying spree and bought more…. We have well over 50 rolls.

But I am safe from you guys, it is all Scotts brand since I can not stand the perfume in the other brands.
180 Grit I do believe
LOL kinda like petting a rayzorback ?

I don’t know
The Storm is Here! Pain to the Cabal!
This was pretty interesting…(Pain to the Cabal” podcast)
#DustinNemos #StopBitBurning #WWG1WGA
Was the New York Times just Busted in FAKE Hospital Propaganda Video?
Following tweet is part of a THREAD – click date stamp
8kun is barely functional at the moment. 4chan discovered that someone switched out all of the pictures of “missing children in NY” in the link below to pictures of the royal family, celebrities, and various locations around the world. The file names of these pictures include threats against President Trump. After that discovery, the corrupt 4chan mods started deleting threads about it and 8kun became near impossible to use due to lag (probable DDoS attack). No clue what’s going on here, but the reaction (censorship and 8kun likely under attack) is quite revealing.
Why would it be attacked if it was not a danger.
It’s on. I’m sure of it now.
Shut down Q’s ability to post?
Anons discovered that 3M owns a patent for preparing adrenochrome.
Also, donor to Planned Parenthood. Imagine more will be exposed in the near future.
I’m not sure who I agree with in this case.
I am going to wade in on this one.
As you know we do children’s entertainment. We often do churches and we have also done county fairs and public events.
At Churches, even with small children THERE IS DISCIPLINE.
A Church could hold open air services outside at several times to limit the exposure and also to keep people at the 6 ft distance mandated by the CDC. It would take planning and cooperation by the members but it could certainly be done.
Church members are much more likely to stay home if anyone has a fever or cough or sniffles or any sign of illness.
Masks could be worn.
Listing of the people at each service could be done by phone prior to that service. This would mean a pre-written contact list in case the worse happens.
So Yes, with planning and the cooperation of church members AND THE TELEPHONE I see no reason Easter services could not be held especially if the weather cooperates too.
Gail, I agree with all your points and would add, IMO, it’s an individual’s choice!
Choices are being made for and taken away from us on an hourly basis…much to the unmitigated glee of “Them” and it has to stop at some point. The more we cave without any resistance, the more we become the Victims of Evil, as history has Demonstrated over and over.
But we mustn’t succumb to the victim mentality…I even observe it in a very minor way within this educated, strong group. Not a Pollyanna, by any means, but problems can be solved, obstacles can be overcome….but it takes the will not to expect others to automatically ride in on a white horse to save you, and thinking realistically all might not be the same as it once was after it’s all over.
Excelllent comment Tea… so true.
Verse of the Day for Friday, April 3, 2020
“…The earth is the LORD’S, and the fulness thereof; the world, and they that dwell therein.”
Psalms 24:1 (KJV)
Thank You, Jesus, for blessings received and prayers answered!
Friday Butterfly Blessing
Jesus Loves Babies…Pray for the Unborn

Jesus Loves the Little Children – Pray for the Little Children
Jesus Loves You – Come to Him
S/S codename for POTUS is “Eagle” … right?
How Pretty.
Looks a lot like the Cinchona tree that produces the quinine/chloroquine.
It does!
Can we all listen?
How dare he! He’s not even the Democrat nominee… not even the President-Elect…
He has no credentials for speaking to POTUS… NONE.
The sheer arrogance of these criminals… !!!!!!!!!!!!!!
She is back. OAN invited back in the briefing room.
OANN’s Chanel Rion: WH Press Sec Stephanie Grisham Invited Me Back to Briefing Room
NY Releases Level 3 Sex Offenders Convicted of Raping Minors – Part of COVID Response
April 3, 2020
by Christine Favocci, Western Journal
One of the most confounding things about liberals is their penchant for releasing dangerous criminals back onto the streets any time they get the chance, and it seems the coronavirus pandemic is as good an excuse as any to free even more miscreants.
The latest to get in on the coronavirus prisoner release fun is the Monroe County Jail in western New York, which was required by a statewide edict from the Department of Corrections and Community Supervision to release about 50 inmates, according to WROC-TV in Rochester.
These aren’t just any garden-variety petty thieves or drug users.
Among those released, at least four are registered sex offenders, three of whom are considered Level 3 offenders — meaning they have been convicted of raping minors and are deemed by the state as most likely to reoffend.
If that wasn’t bad enough, nine of the prisoners — including the sex offenders — are being housed at a Holiday Inn Express in Greece, New York, the report said.
[Excerpt] Read more at the link above…
Mark of the Beast?
Bill Gates Calls for a “Digital Certificate” to Identify Who Received COVID-19 Vaccine
April 3, 2020
from Vigilant Citizen
Bill Gates recently stated on Reddit that “digital certificates” will be used to identify who received the upcoming COVID-19 vaccine. And these certificates will also be used to identify who can conduct business or not. Here’s how this plan is already backed by a massive organization called ID2020.
For years, Bill Gates has been at the forefront of research regarding global pandemics and mass vaccination campaigns. In the past decade, Gates went on record several times stating that the world was not ready for a global pandemic.
In October 2019 (only a few months before the apparition of COVID-19) the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation (in cooperation with the World Economic Forum) hosted Event 201, a 3.5-hour table-top simulation of a global pandemic.
[Excerpt] Read more at the link above…
Media Fails America On Coronavirus! How The Heck Was Independent Media So Far Ahead Of The Establishment Media (MSM)?
April 3, 2020
by Susan Duclos, All News Pipeline
– Answer: Their Political Agenda Means More To Them Than American Lives
ANP and other Independent Media websites, with the help of other websites such as SteveQuayle.com linking and promoting articles, were recommending and encouraging their readers to prepare for the possibility that the Wuhan Coronavirus would end up spreading globally, months before the media acknowledge the danger.
Fact is if it didn’t, the preparations would eventually get used anyway, but if it did spread throughout the world, we would be ready to deal with an extended self-quarantine if it became necessary.
As many preppers will tell you, it is never, ever a losing proposition to be prepared for as many scenarios as possible. At some point, some type of disaster always strikes, whether it is a weather event, hurricanes, tornadoes, volcano eruptions, earthquakes, terror attacks, economic collapse, civil unrest, injury that puts one out of work….. whatever the catastrophe, being prepared can only be considered a good thing.
[Excerpt] Read more at the link above…
And another:
Down To The River To Pray – Alison Krauss
Lovely Duchess… just lovely…
Glad you liked the post, PR!!!
#AlanJackson #BlessedAssurance #Vevo
Alan Jackson – Blessed Assurance (Live)
Air Force refuses to release records of Joe & Hunter Biden flying together
Somebody did some deep dive digging that’s pretty impressive.
Friday April 3 Video Marathon
The VP said “no barriers to access”. Not true. Who at FDA, etc., is lying?
God knows, mama!
I copied your James Woods twt over to Flep’s page. Hope you don’t mind.
Of course not, Mama! Thanks!
Catholic League president Bill Donohue comments on the growing tide of criticism directed at Rev. Franklin Graham’s assistance to New Yorkers:
Democrats are still sticking to the script that was most likely in place YEARS ago.
The brain trust bailed via “natural death” and the rest of them don’t know how to think for themselves that the previously agreed to plan was not going to work.
Let’s see what VSGPOTUSDJT can do with it.
We are living in exciting times, DP!
Matt Walsh (@MattWalshBlog) Tweeted:
The governor of New Jersey is now telling people to maintain social distance from their own families at home. I have already called the police on my children three times this morning for not respecting my personal space.
That is snort out loud funny!
LOL Hey I had two Asian ladies yell at each other. Both are wearing masks. The one is in scrubs so this one Asian lady yells: “What you doing here! You work in a Doctors office. This public place. Need to self-isolate. Not shop for food. this is public place”
The other lady just shrugs and grabs her avocados.
Most people just rolled their eyes and went ‘oh God really’.
Ive got to take the dog for shots tomorrow. Hoping for mellow people but increasingly seeing panic. Akthough, Ive met severak kevel headed people and they allsay this is overkill and can go on indefinitely.
Diamond and Silk on live 4-3-20…. Giving it to you straight from the gate
Nevada Governor Sisolak Found Hoarding Coronavirus Treatment Drug
A hundred years ago, this piece of shit would disappear and his skeleton would be found a year later in the desert.
Just to be clear. He’s not holding it there for the prisoners. He’s holding it in the prison pharmacies because he’s the ultimate arbitrator and will decide whom is worthy and whom is not which will be crony friends and money. Seriously this guy needs to be fixed.
What if this ‘windfall’ relief money is intended to reach a critical mass of pent up shopping desire? So when the money starts hitting bank accounts, DJT tells the nation that it is patriotic to go out and spend spend spend?
Can you picture the spectacle of millions of Americans ignoring the stay-at-home orders, all at omce? It would be like that scene in World War Z where the zombies stormed the wall around Israel.
I can still dream big, right?
Because I like Larry Schweikart, he’s an historian with lots of knowledge, and he’s taking a look at this… the issue that is percolating in the conservative twittersphere. It’s a thread. Don’t have the reader yet. These are most of the tweets.
1) Ok, I’m gonna tackle something I’m getting from a lot of friends. I’m not there yet. But there is enough “out there” to at least warrant consideration.
2) The presumption is that the China Virus was a deliberate (but subtle) attack or, at the very least, “test the defenses.”
3) I repeat, I’m not there yet, but it bears consideration.
4) This view then basically demands that Trump retaliate in some way. IF this view is true, there is no other option. Trump must retaliate. So, . . . how?
5) And, perhaps more important, what would happen afterwards?
6) My question has been that IF this was deliberate and IF Trump would retaliate, how would he do so? I think it would be as silent and stealthy as possible.
8) First: Get Americans largely home and stocked up on necessities, water, meds.
9) Second: Begin a transition of business from serving peacetime consumer needs to war-related production.
DONE or in process
10) Third: Recall Americans from abroad.
I do not think Trump wants to provoke a shooting war but he cannot let an attack, if this was one, pass without response
Oh, Noes!!!
So, the old man and the whiny brat who lives in Florida have arrived.
Man, does Dad have a lot of laundry.
Bless your heart, DPat. Patience …
Thank goodness for the nice big pond from the EU!!! LOL Hang in there DP.
Remember locks are your friends!!!!
If the house hadn’t settled in the clay and the doors would actually shut….
Awwww….. You could always move and NOT tell them!
Believe me, that’s coming.
Actually, when I’m out of the house on a dog sitting job, the lot of them are constantly asking, “When are you coming home?” I really want to tell them…I’m enjoying my break, leave me alone.
Just remember, you can pick your nose but you can’t pick your family members.
Larry Schweikart@LarrySchweikart
Walking the doggies, noticed kids have written uplifting Bible verses all over the neighborhood sidewalks!
Replying to
I have also noticed people decorating their glass front doors to look like church windows with a cross have you seen that as well?
For pgroup…. and others of course…. I like Blues too pgroup…
Good time to listen to the Blues! Mr. Albert King playing a Gibson Flying Vee
Thanks TIM…
You’re a sweetheart.
Why thank you…
Ad me to the list of blues lovers.
Mark Levin 04/03/2020 | The Mark Levin Show April 03, 2020 | Mark Levin Audio Rewind
Two of the most incompetent in the nation, Dora! Can we just order the ‘hug-me’ suits and be done with it?
Don’t know about you – but, I am appalled at the ignorance of the so-called ‘leaders’ in blue states!
Some numb nut in the Press Briefing asked about mail-in ballots in November – PT was visibly annoyed because a judgeship (a Republican candidate) was way ahead in the polls – and the Governor wanted to postpone the election. In addition, PT emphatically said: ‘There WILL be an election in November’!!!
If you use a face mask, be careful it does not come from China…
Trump Press Conference
Trump To Recommend Wearing Masks In Public?
link to press conference https://www.whitehouse.gov/live/
He said it was up to the individual whether or not to wear a mask – more important to follow the guidance – social distancing – washing hands – not touching face – so the mask is not a mandate!
Another video showing masks being made in tiny sweat shop in India…working on filthy floor.
I have some really old ones that I had stashed in cleaning supply closet… the box was never opened, so am using those. Grandson tells me though that they are not okay for me because they don’t let the air out, and I can’t get enough air in… with my shortness of breath right now I found this was true… made me light-headed. So, not going to run any errands… just sit, walk in my woods.
Try this. A mask made with a bandana and two hair ties! Pretty nifty.
Thanks Aubergine… I have plenty of both !
iirc, Gov closed I-95 yesterday or day before…
I hope this is the case. Save them!!
Yeah! Now all the libs will refuse to wear a mask, then get sick, and finally repent!
Some annon posted today about General Flynn’s latest banner…pointing out it is not a wolf but rather a coyote in the photo. Coyote = child trafficking…so, with that symbolism in mind look at the photos again.
Also, the military’s taking over occupation of some hotels in Miami, the closing of roads and borders…it might well be a very busy weekend.
Wouldn’t that be lovely!
Yes it would!
I believe long hair is going to come back in style.
Was it ever out?
Well, actually, the current style seems to be “shaved bald” at least for men. I get mine cut with a #6, and I’m the hairiest guy in my extended family, even though I have extreme male pattern baldness. Everyone else is shaved bald.
In the 80s “clean cut” was somewhat in for the last time; ever since then it has been either “grunge” or “bald” or both. There’s even “bald with a beard” and generally the beard looks unkempt and the owner looks mean.
I’m cursed with thick hair and beard is the same.Shaved the beard off long ago. What a pain in the ass it was.
But the hair on my head when I wake looks like the wild man from Borneo.
My dog is even giving me the side eye
LOL I can just imagine. Borneo!!!
Well with any luck you don’t smell any different so the dog should be at least a bit reassured.
Wonder if this stuff smells
Seven letters: damfino.
I know someone in his sixties who has bigger hair than his wife…and she’s got plenty of hair.
What ?!!

Nobody doing back-alley haircuts with coat hangers ???
*snicker* Good one Nor’easter.

I been trying to coax hubby to let me give him a snip, but he says “in a few days”. I think it would be easier if he let me do it BEFORE he really needs it.
How long you figure before he asks you?
I can disguise my scruffy locks with a pony tail
But Hubs is a spit ‘n polish former Marine. An unkempt look will never sit well with him. I “know” he’s thinking he’ll break protocol & go see Roxanne, his barber 

I’m just waiting to catch him in the act
A rebel he ain’t!!!
The hair toy collection in my vanity drawers is going to come in handy. Longish locks here.
I can cut my husbands hair. I told him it is like cutting fabric

“Maybe like noodles” I said after he protested
I have a classic bob and if it gets to long I put it up no problem.
Bring back the Flowbee!
I wish I had one!
Beginning to wish I was bald
Good advise!
I actually own one. It’s pretty cool to be able to give yourself a haircut at 10 pm.
That seems big, especially the part about rendering the FISA authorizations invalid for some people. But the horse is out of the barn; the spying has already happened.
Yes the horse got to run its evil course. However, invalidating SHOULD happen. Let’s see.
I think I will pass on the 3M Chinaman masks. The CEO is masking that China nationalized the 3M plant!!
Part of a good thread!
Team Trump ONLINE!
It’s all about the election, right FG&C?
Okay, here’s my idea for a homemade cloth face mask…hopefully it will inspire you to look in closets and drawers for your own inspirations, if it comes to that.
A lot of women that exercise or need to keep their hair out of their face with activity use what is often called “yoga hair bands.” Basically a circle of soft cloth with a wider area and an encased elastic area opposite side.
Women pull it up over face with the wide part at upper hairline and elastic area at nape of neck.
I have about a half-dozen that I often take when traveling to put around my neck instead of scarves..can fit several in a sandwich baggie.
Tried it out today…perfect fit to use as a face mask with elastic now at back of head. Soft front fabric can be adjusted to cover as much face as desired. Very breathable and not hot nor confining. Can always add another layer of filter (thin panty liner), if desired.
Haven’t shopped for any in ages but usually found at accessories shops or where they sell yoga clothes…and, of course, on line.
Point is…I bet many of you can look around In your Own homes with new eyes and discover clever ways to fashion your own versions for whatever your needs might be.
A friend sent me a photo of one she made with a small paper towel and two rubber bands stapled at each end…said it was pretty hot, though.
I love that he just comes out and says it. No beating around the bush and no euphemisms. Just the unvarnished truth, which everyone needs to hear.
#coronavirussong #coronavirus #covid19
Coronavirus Song “We Didn’t Spread The Virus” (Billy Joel Parody) 2020 Covid 19
Democrats, republicans, indepependents, everyone
Wash your hands, stay inside
Make sure the world is sanitized
Shut it down, lock your doors
Is cancel culture getting bored?
Nothing left for us to do
But sit at home and watch the news
We didn’t spread the virus
‘Cause we were all at home, we had nowhere to go
No we didn’t spread the virus
We all just stayed at home, kept playing on our phone
Made it to the grocery store
No toilet paper anymore
I guess that’s what we need the most?
I don’t know why, that’s kind of gross
Frozen pizza, lunchables,
Shopping baskets looking full
Stocking up on all the seeds
I’ll save the world by gardening
We didn’t spread the virus
‘Cause we were all at home, we had nowhere to go
No we didn’t spread the virus
‘Cause we were all at home, just playing on our phone
No more south by south west
No more Disneyland I guess
No more Basketball events
All eyes on the president
Facebook full of scientists
Amazing, I did not know this!
All the posts, all the memes,
And government conspiracies
We didn’t spread the virus
‘Cause we were all at home, we had nowhere to go
No we didn’t spread the virus
We all just stayed at home, kept playing on our phone
#corona #coronavirussong
Parody of “We Didn’t Start The Fire” by Billy Joel
The wisdom of Catturd:
Democrats want mail-in votes because they can’t win unless they cheat.
DJT just fired ICIG Atkinson.
I had forgotten who he was. From Nov. 12, 2019:
“Trump ‘vented’ anger about intelligence community inspector general, source says”
From the article:
President Trump “vented” his frustration with Intelligence Community Inspector General Michael Atkinson after Atkinson reported a whistleblower’s complaint about Trump’s July 25 phone call with Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky to Congress, but no moves were made within the White House to fire Atkinson, a senior administration official told Fox News Tuesday.
The official said that while Trump was angered with Atkinson – saying something along the lines of “Can we get rid of him?” – there was never any serious consideration given to removing Atkinson from his post as the intelligence community’s top watchdog.
The comment by the White House official came shortly after a New York Times report published Tuesday said that Trump has raised the idea of firing Atkinson multiple times since the whistleblower’s complaint was made public in September. Some sources in the Times story, however, also suggested that Trump was just “venting” and that Atkinson’s job was never in jeopardy.
And here it is. President finally decided to fire Michael Atkinson.
He should be prosecuted.
Alex Salvi (@alexsalvinews) Tweeted:
Here’s the letter Pres. Trump sent to Senate Intelligence Chair Richard Burr informing him of the decision to fire Michael Atkinson: https://t.co/rnyQFTkxz1 https://twitter.com/alexsalvinews/status/1246263291371909120?s=20
Fired Michael Atkinson, go out for dinner with Rich!
I don’t think calling them “Mole Children” is going to help their situation. Sheesh.
That looks really bad, but they say it has been extinguished and there were no injuries.
Epic~ wth?
Of course…youtube is highlighting and promoting a movie called “The Cassandra Crossing” (1976)…one of the many “disaster” movies from the 70’s…(I hadn’t even heard of this one). It’s basically “plague on a train”…and of course I’m watching it. Richard Harris, Sophia Loren, Burt Lancaster, OJ Simpson…etc…
Leave it up to youtube to keep stoking the doom and gloom scare tactics…I’m watching it because I’ve never heard of it and I’m bored…they ain’t gonna scare me…and it’s free.
Oh wow…it also stars Ava Gardner, Martin Sheen, Alida Valli, John Phillip Law, Lee Strasberg and more. Amazing how many big names these type of films were able to cast.
I actually thought of this movie when I saw something about “Cassandra” (can’t remember what it was)…we saw it a number of years back…Don’t remember the details just the plunge off the cliff…
We wouldn’t have the world wide Chinese WHOo-han flu if not for this POS
I cannot believe with the millions at the time put into making these tunnels that they were forgotten.
Just found out this was written as an april fools joke.
This tunnel system does NOT exist.
We had a 4.9 here 2 hrs ago.
PR, Ive never heard about that tunnel system ! Thanks for that. The earthquake today was a big jolt but anza gets a lot of earthquakes. Southwest riverside county earthquakes come from that way mostly.
Landlord cancels rent in his 18 apartment buildings….didn’t want his renters to worry about rent during COVID-19 outbreak.