This Sanctuary Sunday Open Thread, with full respect to those who worship God on the Sabbath, is a place to reaffirm our worship of our Creator, our Father, our King Eternal. It’s an opportunity to let the events of this world grow increasingly dim, while we focus on things above – God’s glory and grace.
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The Infallible Posture
Finally, be strong in the Lord and in the strength of his might. Put on the whole armor of God, that you may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil. (Ephesians 6:10-11)
We look at the struggle of life in the light of Paul’s great revelation that “we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against the principalities and powers, the rulers of this world’s present darkness, the spiritual hosts of wickedness in high places.”
We see that all that happens to us in our lives as Christians which discourages us, defeats us, confuses us, or renders us indifferent to the great truth of God is part of this great struggle. It is a manifestation of this conflict in which we are engaged.
We are aware of failures, of problems, of weakness, of obstinacy and stubbornness, of rebellion, and other things in our life of which we are not proud. These again have been manifestations of this great struggle in which we are engaged.
We are coming now to a time of conflict, another time of struggle. What can we do about this? How can we fight back? In practical terms, what can we do about the struggle we face?
First, we put on the armor of God. Paul says, “Put on the whole armor of God, that you may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil.” The clear implication is that if we do not put on the whole armor of God, we will not be able to stand. If we are doubtful about that, life itself will prove it to us. We cannot stand without this armor which represents what we are in Christ and what Christ is to us now, in very practical terms.
Everything rests ultimately on that first piece of armor, which is Jesus Christ as the truth. Let us gird up our loins with the girdle of truth. All Christian faith relates to and derives from the authority of Jesus Christ. He is the truth. That is the first thing. We are to put on the whole armor of God.
Second, he tells us we are to pray. Not merely put on the armor, but also pray. Not only to think about what Christ is and the great truths he reveals, but also to talk to God about them, to lean on his help, to hold conversation with him, to engage ourselves directly and personally with the God who is our strength and our help. We can talk to him and pray about all things.
Now we come to the third and last thing in the apostle’s admonition to us in this passage. It is given to us in but one word, but a word which is repeated four different times throughout this entire passage. It is the word stand.
Put on the whole armor of God that you may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil…Therefore take the whole armor of God, that you may be able to withstand in the evil day, and having done all, to stand. Stand therefore. (Ephesians 6:11, 6:13-14a)
Everything aims at this, that we might be able to stand. What does it mean, “to stand”? We are to refuse to move from the ground of faith we have taken, refuse to yield ground, stand. Now why does the apostle put it this way? Why does he not say fight? Having done all, fight! Put on the whole armor of God and advance, charge. Why does he not use some military term that speaks of moving out?
We must take these words seriously, for, after all, these are not play words used lightly. These are serious commands given in a very serious fight. The apostle uses the word stand because it is the only proper word to use. It is the only word which describes the final attitude we must have to insure absolute victory.
As we look at this word more carefully, we can see that it touches on three aspects of the struggle of life: First, the use of this word stand reveals to us the intensity of the struggle in which we are involved. We are told to stand because there are times when that is all we can do. The most we can possibly hope to achieve at times is that we should simply stand, unmoved. The intensity of the conflict becomes so furious, so fierce, there is nothing else we can do but simply hold oue ground. That is what this word implies to us.
Paul has already spoken in this passage about evil days which come. These are days when circumstances simply stagger us, when we face some combination of events, some disheartening tragedy or circumstance that almost knocks us off our feet and we can do nothing else but hope to stand where we are. There are times when doubts plague us. We are exposed to intellectual attacks and we find we have all we can do to assert any degree of faith at all. There are situations and circumstances into which we come when we are overwhelmed with fears and anxieties and we scarcely can keep our heads, because we are under pressure. There are times when indifference seems to sap our spiritual strength so much we lose all our vitality. It drains away our will to act, our motivation, and we seem unable to make ourselves do the simplest things to maintain faith.
This is all part of the struggle. We get disturbed when we see our growth in the Christian life apparently stopped. Our ministry or our witness seems to be impossible or ineffective. All the challenge and keenness of our spiritual life is gone. What are we to do then? Paul says we are to gird up our loins, put on the whole armor of God, pray, and having done all, stand! Stay right where you are until the attack lessens. This is the final word.
“Now the Spirit expressly says that in latter times some will depart from the faith by giving heed to deceitful spirits and doctrines of demons,” (1 Timothy 4:1). We read that as though it were a prediction of the closing moments of the age. But the “latter times” means the whole of the age, from our Lord’s first coming until his second. Paul is not talking about one particular time of trouble reserved for the last moment; he is talking about troubles which come throughout the whole course of these latter days.
But the Word also makes clear that these troubles become fiercer in intensity and more widespread in their impact as the age draws to its close. There is a growing awareness in our day that we live in a one-world community. We are no longer separated from other peoples by great distances of thought or time. What happens on the other side of the world today affects us tomorrow. We are very much aware of this.
The vaunted solutions of men are not working. The approaches to these problems upon which men pin their faith — such as education, scientific discoveries, economic improvements, better legislation — these things are not working.
It is getting worse, because, as we have seen all along, the issue never lies in these superficial, surface realms. It lies much deeper, in the hearts and souls of men under the domination of cruel and resistless power that dominates the world, whom Paul calls “the world rulers of this present darkness.” Only the delivering strength of Jesus Christ is adequate to deal with them.
That is the world we are facing, and because of it, there are many who are faltering. God is permitting this in order to separate the phony from the true. He says he will do this; the Word makes it very clear. There is a passage in Hebrews where we are definitely told that the things which can be shaken will be shaken. God is allowing these testings to reveal the genuine and to remove what can be shaken in order that what cannot be shaken might remain.
Therefore, evil days come. When they come into your own personal experience you will need to remember that the Word of God to you is to put on the whole armor of God, to pray, and then stand. Perhaps you will realize that there is nothing else you can do, but that you can win if you stand.
There is a second aspect of the struggle indicated by this word stand. It indicates to us the character of the battle the Christian faces. We are to stand because this is a defensive action, primarily. The proper defense will win the day. If a castle is under attack from an army, the battle is not won by those in the castle venturing forth to overwhelm the army outside. The battle is won by repelling all invasion. This is a picture of our Christian life. This is a defensive battle, not offensive. We are not out to take new ground; we are to defend that which is already ours.
In the Christian battle the offensive work was done almost 2000 years ago at the cross and the resurrection. The Lord Jesus is the only one who has the power and strength to take the offensive in this great battle with the prince of darkness. But he has already done that. All that we possess as believers is already given to us. We do not fight for it. We do not battle to be saved, or fight to be justified, or forgiven, or accepted into the family of God. All these things are given to us. They were won by another, who, in the words of Paul in Colossians, “took principalities and powers and nailed them to his cross, triumphing over them in it” (Colossians 2:14-15), and led them captive who had held the world captive.
We are to hold on to that which God gives us and not let any of it be lost or taken from us, as to our use of it. This is what the phrase “contend earnestly for the faith” means. It means to hold on to what God has already given you and utilize it to the full. As Paul writes to the Corinthians, “Stand fast in the faith, quit you like men, be strong,” (1 Corinthians 16:13 KJV). Do not surrender an inch of ground, even though others do.
The Christian who learns to stand, to give up no segment of his faith, but to put on the armor of God and to pray and thus be immovable, is the only Christian who in any way will reflect the love of Christ in the midst of unlovely situations.
There is a third aspect of the struggle suggested by this word. It is the certainty of victory. If putting on the armor of God and prayer makes it possible to stand unmoved and immovable, then nothing more is required to win. After all, if a castle cannot be taken, the attacking army has nothing left to do but to withdraw. There is nothing else it can do. It is defeated, beaten.
Any saint, any believer, even the newest and weakest, who stands in the strength of Christ, puts on the whole armor of God, and, in dependence upon the presence of God in prayer, stands, then the devil is always defeated.
The devil ultimately must be defeated if anyone will simply stand on what God has said. It is his fate continually to be defeated by the very weapons he tries to use against God and his people.
The cross is the great example of this. The cross looked like the supreme achievement of the devil, the supreme moment of victory when all the powers of darkness were howling with glee as they saw the Son of God beaten and wounded, rejected and despised, hanging upon a cross, naked, before all the world. It looked like the triumph of darkness. Jesus said it was: “This is your hour,” he said, “and the power of darkness,” (Luke 22:53b). But it was that very moment when the devil lost. In the cross all that the devil had risked was defeated, beaten down, and the devil and all his angels were disarmed and openly displayed as defeated by the power of Jesus Christ.
This is what God does all through life. The devil sends sickness, defeat, death, darkness, pain, suffering, and tragedy. It is all the work of Satan. But that is not the whole of the story. God takes those very things — those very things! — and uses them to strengthen us and bless us, to teach us and enlarge us and fulfill us, if we stand. This is the whole story.
This is what it means to stand. One of these days, the Bible says, the struggle will end. It will end for all of us at the end of our lives, but it can end before that in the coming of the Lord. Someday it will be over, there is no doubt. And someday it will be said to some, “Well done, good and faithful servant.”
Adapted from *

Can Uncle Joe come out to play?
But you kids know he doesn’t have a brain.
That’s okay. We just need a Non Performing Character.
I’m laughing at the stupidity of the Dems to have made this most unwise choice.

Was just discussing with my husband, and he thinks they chose him because he’s an establishment guy.
I think differently. I think the Dems have never recovered from PDJT’s win in 2016.
They looked at the similar revolution in the Republican Party via the Tea Party, and decided to join the Commies, instead of infiltrate them like the Republican establishment did the Tea Party.
The Pubbies thought they had destroyed the Tea Party. All they did was drive everyone underground.
The Dems threw caution to the wind and have joined forces with the extreme Left. By running Biden, they must be promising the moon to the Commies. Biden is obviously a figurehead (OBVIOUSLY!!), and now the Dems have nowhere to go! Ahhahahahaha!!!
The Deep State morons are actually touting Susan Rice as a VP candidate. Goodness, they were so emboldened that they never developed any depth to their field.
They have AOC and Ilhan Omar and Rashida Talib, and Kamala Harris and Susan Rice, and even Big Mike.
I’m laughing so hard I’m crying.
WOW, still got my RALLY High!! Totally AWESOME job by our VSGPOTUS!!!

Breakfast tomorrow is gonna be good too!
Collecting the Barr tab.
Maybe he’ll announce Fourth of July fireworks will be unsealing indictments and arrests…
There was discussion of President Trump making flag burning illegal. Some argued it was Free SPEECH
Fine if it is SPEECH what is flag burning, stomping on the flag actually saying?
re•pu•di•ate rĭ-pyoo͞′dē-āt″►
1. To reject the validity or authority of.
2. To reject emphatically as unfounded, untrue, or unjust.
3. To refuse to recognize or pay.
If the flag burners are Repudiating and Rejecting this country then flag burning should be seen as EQUIVALENT to RENOUNCING THEIR CITIZENSHIP if they are Citizens and should be subject to deportation if they are not. Also NO FLAG BURNER should be eligible to teach PERIOD!
Renounce or Lose Your U.S. Citizenship
Actions have consequences.
Flag burning is NOT SPEECH. It is an action – a destructive action – one that should be illegal.
Same as abortion.
A destructive action should be illegal?
Wow. I guess no more burning junk mail, demolishing buildings…
You and I have been round and round on this a few times before.
Certain items may be given legal protection – Why not make the US FLAG one of those. Likewise, make unborn infants US citizens and give them legal protection.
And we’ll continue to go round and round, it seems. So long as you want to stomp on people’s rights to dispose of their own property as they please (so long as it doesn’t produce a safety hazard to others or happen on their property without permission, etc., etc.) I’m going to push back.
I said nothing about unborn infants–the case is not parallel anyway.
And it all got mapped — in meatspace, cyberspace, and contact networks. Smile! You’re on Candid Camera!
Can they actually trace them? Do they have the ability to trace all the emails or IP? I bet most used fake names.
Why not? Obama did.
They should. Domestic terrorism and all…
Email is a very old system, developed when it was an effort just to get stuff to work and security (and privacy, and deniability) was an afterthought. Like most of the plumbing underneath the internet and the web, it was developed under UNIX…..and the same tools for its original development are available under Linux. Mostly people use sugar-coated feel-good easy-peasy interfaces to use these systems — under Android, Linux, Mac, and Windows — but if you crack out the old tools under Linux, you can see all sorts of things.
When an email arrives in your inbox, it has “headers” that show where it was injected into the email system, and by who, with what authorization. The headers then trace every hop it made until it was received into your email system. I’m not exactly completely certain off the top of my head, but that would include something like “received into from with authorization from ‘’.”
you da bomb cthulhu!
The stupid is very strong with that one.
These people are stupid.
Being instigated by a sitting Congresswoman?
Why not prosecute her? And prosecute Congresswoman Ilhan Omar – who is guilty of bigamy, immigration fraud and mis-use of campaign funds.
I’m hoping for “Grenade” Grenell. Betcha he could shake things loose in 20 days.
He left out Anthony Weiner’s laptop
The Demoncrats are trying to Erase Their Racist Past!
Harper Lee was a liberal.
Mark Twain relished in going against the culture grain.
The left don’t care. They just want the past destroyed.
It’s the Dems own racist past that they want to destroy first and foremost.

Democrats were in control of Alabama during the time period that ‘To Kill A Mockingbird’ was set in.
They have a long way to go.
“Founded in 1865, the Ku Klux Klan (KKK) extended into almost every southern state by 1870 and became a vehicle for white southern resistance to the Republican Party’s Reconstruction-era policies aimed at establishing political and economic equality for black Americans. Its members waged an underground campaign of intimidation and violence directed at white and black Republican leaders.”
I’m one of the few literature fans who really has no use for Harper Lee. Her writing is not all that stellar. Her theme, at least in To Kill a Mockingbird, is noble in one way, but can be construed as racist if you look under the surface.
As for the rest of the American authors and playwrites of the 20th century who are celebrated, supposedly, they had a running bet on who could write the most depressing stuff. Personally, I think Arthur Miller won with Steinbeck a close second. Humor was almost limited to Thurber. Now I’m wondering if they were paid off.
It was, to an extent, art trying to dictate changes in American culture. And the nuns fell for it.
The Marxification of the arts started a long time ago. Gramsci knew what needed to happen. It’s the main reason I get angry with elitist art critics:
I’m sick and tired of them gaslighting me about what is good, true, and beautiful.
michael, I subscribed to a Goldsmith’s Journal many years ago.
The “featured art” on the cover began to be bizarre, and the Reviewers, read influencers, began to be as glorified as the depressing and PC chosen featured Jewelers.
The histrionics of these reviewers of such work, in their efforts to legitimize not only poorly executed work in many cases, but to elevate their producers as Artists who must be viewed THIS WAY…became nothing but yet another example of an echo chamber…telling the reader How it was such embarrassing offerings were to be interpreted as nothing short of inspired.
oh, please. GAG.
needless to say: cancelled, with opinions attached.
Yup: sick and tired.
People giving the whining Warlord hell. He deserves it. Replies are awesome.
Oh yeah, he deserves it…”whining Warlord” is right!
He’s whining because, what — they have shut themselves off from police & EMT service, and now they’re pissed off that those services are not there to take care of them?
What a moron!
And a hypocrite…a hypocritical moron!
Some of the commenters make the point that Dan Bongino made the other day, that people don’t realize that police secure scenes so the EMS and firefighters can do their jobs. Ban the police and you lessen the chances of being helped by those first responders.
It’s tragic if someone died because of this, but I am astounded that people have taken action with so little knowledge, research, foresight, or curiosity about the repercussions of their actions. The poor man who died was part of something that was extremely ill-advised and dangerous. Those people are responsible for their own actions, but I look squarely at the Dems for not only NOT leading people away from these destructive ideas and actions, but encouraging them.
“It’s tragic if someone died because of this, but I am astounded that people have taken action with so little knowledge, research, foresight, or curiosity about the repercussions of their actions.”
They’re kids. Learning about these very things is part of growing up and the wisdom of experience, of which they seem to have none, including first aid and medical training. Everything is romantic until someone dies. They’re finding that out the hard way.
Excellent comment. Spot on.
Some of these “kids” in the CHOP/CHAZ are pretty obviously in their thirties. It is a testament to the failure of education, media exposure, and bad parenting how naive and ignorant of basic life lessons these people are.
The replies to this idiot are glorious.
First rule of fight club….make sure you have your own medics.
Thank you for another inspirational and uplifting Sanctuary Sunday thread, Carl!

carl, the little journey through this Ephesians passage is a good choice for the times.
Thanks for locating it and posting it.
Very encouraging.
Reminds us of the solid ground upon which we walk.
I found President Trump’s West Point story very interesting. He pulled us in and gave us a closer look at the sorts of things he has to consider that we would never even know had happened if he did not share it in “confidence” with us.
He made the point that these sorts of things happen to him all the time and he has to keep in mind how it will be made to appear even if he doesn’t get caught in the trap. He then comes up with the best solution and a fallback position.
This story makes it clear that we need to think about how traps are set for him and for us and how he deals with them.
He made a “funny” story of it but it was deadly serious, even to the point of certain death, a cracked skull or a broken back if he fell wrong. In this case, the trap could have been an oversight, an attempt at making him look old and incompetent, or even attempted murder. I could almost hear the man offering to get a wheel chair for President Trump in order to pressure President Trump into taking the chance on the ramp. President Trump saw the trap before he ever set foot on it.
As I was thinking about this, I realized that when President Trump was talking to the man who was accompanying him before he started down the ramp, their conversation was probably being recorded by the secret service. President Trump knew that and made a point of calling it to the attention of the man so that the man would be aware that if anything happened to President Trump the Secret Service was on notification. It also put the Secret Service on notice that the ramp was something they should have had fixed or found an alternative to before he had to walk down it when he was very hot and very tired from being on his feet so long. That was the whole point of the side story of having to hold the water glass with 2 hands. Maybe they were all hoping he would be so hot and tired that he wouldn’t notice the danger and would just go down the ramp. There have been several assassinations of Presidents that the Secret Service agents were complicit in arranging.
The media was anticipating an event or how did they know to cut away for the last 10 feet? Why did President Trump make the point of running the last 10 feet? The danger would be equal at that point also. Did he know he was out of danger when the camera recording lights went off? He watches those lights closely and tells us that he does.
Why did President Trump make a point of holding the water glass with 2 hands? Why did he say that Melania wanted to know why he took a drink? Why did he tell us that he saluted 600 times after holding the water glass with two hands? Why does Q say “Watch the water.”?
Why did he take 2 swallows of the water tonight? Why did he throw the glass with water in it and break it after that? Was he making a point that he knew the water was poisoned both times and that he caught them both times?
If this seems extreme, think about it this way; when so many people want to assassinate President Trump how has he managed to stay alive so long? He is a warrior. A warrior stays on high alert all the time. There are no small things. There are no coincidences. The smallest thing can mean life or death. If we know that many of the high ranking military want President Trump dead, then why wouldn’t he know that? I prayed for him because West Point seemed very dangerous to me. IMO, President Trump prays and is guided by the Holy Spirit or he would not have made it this far. I know I would not have made it this far and my life has been much less complicated than his.
God Bless President Trump.
God Bless America.
Very interesting points. “The smallest thing can mean life or death.” Absolutely. He couched it in terms of media coverage if he fell, but you are correct. I thought that a fall could result in a broken hip or something much worse than just embarrassment or bad media coverage.
Yes I was thinking about a fall as well. But also why no handrail? Or even strips? Very odd. Makes one wonder.
Take a deep breath. Exhale slowly. Almighty God put that man into position and He is watching over him.
For 5 years+ I have prayed unceasingly for President Trump. It was a total surprise to me because I had never paid any attention to him until he came down the escalator and said he was running for President. I have not been given permission to stop praying for him and his family.
I am not stressing. Protecting President Trump is God’s responsibility. My responsibility is to pray day and night for him. I do.
I found it interesting that President Trump was telling us this story. He values his time and uses it well. This was a 7 minute story. Was he using the venue to tell someone else about what happened? Using props and pantomime to tell the story was unusual also. Throwing the water glass in a crowded area onstage seemed out of character and was meant to focus attention on the water glass. He is always considerate, aware of his surroundings and self-controlled. I have the feeling that there was something about tonight that was tied to the West Point event and the water glasses that needed to be conveyed right away to his private security.
I love your faithful prayers for POTUS, Elizabeth.
Yes…that story made me mad, because of what they put our President through.

The West Point event organizers could have put a carpet runner on that ramp!
Why didn’t they?
And the ‘saluting all the cadets’ thing…
Have any other presidents been asked to do that?
And they also positioned him FACING THE SUN?
Why was there no pavilion for him stand under!
No…someone wanted him to bake in the sun.
And the ‘saluting all the cadets’ thing…
Have any other presidents been asked to do that?
Ronald Reagan saluted every cadet at the USAFA graduation I went to.
There was no shade. I don’t recall it being broiling hot, but it might have been.
The Deep State hated Reagan too, though.
The Left was always trying to portray him as ‘doddering old fool’.
Always trying to trip him up in some way to make him look bad.
I wonder if Bush 1 & 2, Clinton or Hussein, ever did the salute-all-cadets thing.
President Reagan and President Trump both focused on taking down the Federal Reserve.
I could see it from the Bushes, as they were vets. From the other two (I won’t name them)…no way.
I, too, am unhappy about the ramp situation.
As for the saluting, PDJT normally shakes every cadet’s hand. He’s done that in the past. With social distancing, they probably thought that saluting would be an acceptable alternative.
It sounds as if that was a really tiring day. I was exhausted by the end of hearing about it: a lot of walking, a lot of heat and a lot of saluting. Then the ramp. Awful.
Some very good points. And yes these people are evil
Makes one wonder if there is another reason why the outdoor event aka speech was called….
But good story. He tells it well. But digging deeper hmmmm.
Also did the glass break? Was that even water or a prop?
Did they show it live? They could have cut the video later on just to show him walking and not running.
But the water well I can’t blame him for not drinking it.
I’m alternating between the vessel with the pestle or the flagon with the dragon….
“The pellet with the poison’s in the flagon with the dragon; the vessel with the pestle has the brew that is true”…but can this be believed???
Indeed, because they broke the chalice from the palace.
It would be absolutely hilarious if VSGPOTUSDJT’s advance team had three available water glasses available for him — one with emblazoned with a gilded chalice against an etched White House; one with a handle and an etched dragon design, and the last just a plain pub pint with the image of a mortar and pestle etched onto it.
Just watched that film a few weeks ago!!! I make it a point to buy the DVD of my favs, and I also have three players, one brand new and in a box.
If the Children of Darkness have their way, we will have access to nothing good or true.
Really thought provoking post Elizabeth Carter. Thank you. It was mucch more than a cool story that he told.
Hubby graduated from the Naval Academy. I discussed the ramp w/ him when this happened. As an RN, I was astounded that such a ramp would be allowed, without handrails no less! That’s an incredible hazard – Secret Service should have known about this in advance. In previous years the graduates have come across the stage on camera so we didn’t know about the ramp.
About that Ramp? Hubby says that it is the same at the Naval Academy – a Ramp. They access the stage and exit the stage via the Ramp. It’s been that way at the academies for years.
I told him OSHA – Occupational, Safety, Health Administration – would never approve.
EC, I shared your comment at iotwreport, (hope you don’t mind) and so far there you got 10 thumbs up.
Elizabeth, I say this about your posts every time; you are incredibly insightful, and notice things others overlook. This is a very powerful post. I, too, pray for our President, and like you know that I could not survive in the pit of piranhas he navigates every day.
Also, Melania must have nerves of steel.
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Hope this works. Trying to post a tweet.
Tulsa Craigslist listing offering payment for “Covid Positive People” to attend Trump Rally.
Unpossible for him to be the greatest of all time, as I have detailed many times. No one will ever top George Washington, and I am saddened that so many don’t seem to know why that is.
But PDJT is the greatest and most important since Lincoln (who, like PDJT, was also a wartime President dealing with an insurgency).
I know why, and I think Pres. Trump has the same point of view as Washington on that issue.
It can never be repeated enough….
“George Washington earned the respect of his former enemy by doing something exceedingly rare in history: When he had the chance to increase personal power, he decreased it — not once, not twice, but repeatedly.
During the American Revolution, Washington put service before self. His personal example was his greatest gift to the nation. It has often been said the “Father of our country” was less eloquent than Jefferson; less educated than Madison; less experienced than Franklin; less talented than Hamilton. Yet all these leaders looked to Washington to lead them because they trusted him with power. He did not need power.
Washington knew that the bold American experiment in self government under the rule of law could survive only if leaders exercised self restraint and accepted institutional limits on executive power. He believed leading virtuously was more important than anything he could write or say. This is why Washington has been compared to two great republicans of Ancient Rome — Cincinnatus, who traded his sword for a plow, and Cato the Younger, who died defending the republic against the tyranny of Julius Caesar.
Consider all the times Washington put service before self.
In 1775 when he accepted command of the Continental Army, he promised Congress he would resign his commission when the war was over. Once the British withdrew, he was true to his word. In a moving scene before Congress meeting in Annapolis on December 23, 1783, Washington pledged loyalty to the civilian government he had served. The General returned his commission to Congress and was once again simply George Washington, Esq. He thereby established the principle that our nation’s military would always be under civilian rule.
Earlier in the 1780s, Washington had been approached twice by the officers who promised their support if he decided to seize civilian power. In one famous incident in 1782, Col. Lewis Nicola wrote a letter urging Washington to overthrow Congress and become America’s king. The commanding general scolded Nicola the very same day.
Then in 1783, Washington caught wind of officers wanting to stage a coup d’état against Congress. The so-called Newburgh Conspirators were frustrated that Congress was not paying them what had been promised when the nation desperately needed their sacrifice. Washington would not be moved. On the Ides of March — a date rich in irony for its association with the tyranny and assassination of Julius Caesar — he called the men together and sternly reprimanded them for losing faith in the idea of America. The new nation had a chance to succeed only if its leaders and military adhered to the rule of law. This was the non-negotiable foundation of a free republic.
When King George III heard Washington would resign his commission to a powerless Congress, he told the painter Benjamin West: “If he does that, he will be the greatest man in the world.”
Washington returned home to Mount Vernon on Christmas Eve 1783. Like Cincinnatus, he put down his sword and took up his plow. This simple act made him the most trusted man in America. A few years later, delegates to the Constitutional Convention of 1787 selected him to preside over their gathering, knowing he would not abuse his position to aggrandize himself. And a grateful nation unanimously elected him president of the United States in 1789 and again in 1792, because they knew he would devote all his energies to serving the new nation.
Washington, when convinced that he had done all he could to help the country, retired after two terms as president. True to principle, he relinquished the power that was his for the taking. It was an example of service to the republic, to the res publica, to our valued public things as a nation.
George Washington’s example of selfless leadership would inspire Americans and the world to this very day.”
Thank you for this. I had the great privilege of stopping at President Washington’s tomb while on a visit to Mt. Vernon. This was years ago when his estate had not been disneyfied. Few were around.
I oaused for some time. I could feel his greatness yet.
Zoom is also owned/controlled by the ChiComs, isn’t it?
Zoom was being used by so many people during the beer bug. How much private info did they end up with?
And how many employers forced their people to give it up so that remote work could happen.
Our local politicians have been using it for teleconference meetings. I let them know. They ignored the warning. “Republicans”…
This is what Raheem Kassam was replying to:
Text of the tweets as they occurred:
Brad Parscale:
Radical protestors, fueled by a week of apocalyptic media coverage, interfered with @realDonaldTrump supporters at the rally.
They even blocked access to the metal detectors, preventing people from entering.
Thanks to the 1,000s who made it anyway!
Actually you just got ROCKED by teens on TikTok who flooded the Trump campaign w/ fake ticket reservations & tricked you into believing a million people wanted your white supremacist open mic enough to pack an arena during COVID
Shout out to Zoomers. Y’all make me so proud. Smiling face
Raheem Kassam:
Tik Tok is a Chinese Communist Party controlled platform and you’re bragging about an effort to undermine a US election on there?
Our Wolfie has a good point:
Like I said, AOC fell out of the stupid tree and hit every branch….major and minor…on the way down.
…and got a permanent concussion.
My thought exactly last night when I heard what AOC had doe. Parscale data mines the ticket requests – bet there are some interesting inputs.
Use the Code David at to save up to 60%? #TulsaTrumpRally
I think Our Lord has been watching over The Pillow Man too and has been for many years.
Reblogged this on Gilsbranch and commented:
Can we send her to the sun? Let her be the first person to explore the sun or Venus…this is too much stupid for earth.
Yep. Then she can experience Gore-Bull warming firsthand, up-close and personal.
Maybe send Greta the Greenhearted (aka Snippy Longstocking) with her…
Looks like it got a bit hot after the rally. Antifa and BLM were there in force.
Here’s more
Throw these a$$ holes out now!
It got dark while the Rally was going on…
So those videos where it is still light outside, would not have been ‘after’ the Rally.
Could be that he was going in or didn’t make it to the big stage event.
But these people have no right. And I’m sick of it.
Peaceful protesters don’t antagonize when unprovoked, so if the protesters aren’t peaceful, then what are they? (Answer: tools of a terrorist organization to create chaos and the impression that America is racist and bad.)
They are Øbastard/$0r0$/Ayers hired trained terrorist agitators/escalators – thugs!!!
Have you seen this…AG Barr’s letter to the odious Berman.

“Unfortunately, with your statement of last night, you have chosen public spectacle over public service. Because you have declared that you have no intention of resigning, I have asked the President to remove you as of today, and he has done so.”
he was in talks to go to another post–so is he completely gone from government service or has he just moved to the other post sooner?
Gone. Fired from government service because he wouldn’t accept a transfer, and then thought he could beat AG Barr.
Barr had POTUS fire him.
they always think they have so much power and control…
who’s the BOSS?
I don’t know, but, under the circumstances, I hope he is gone from government service. He doesn’t deserve any other public sector position.
I doubt that DJT will reward such disobedient behavior. Don’t doubt that the purpose behind the letter’s release was to cut off retreat by burning a bridge.
Berman was a DJT close-circle person. If this is real, he no longer is. If it’s a shiny object, then who knows.
Enjoy the movie.
We must be prepared. I believe our side is desring a much more active role against the insurgency. I believe the final tipping point is close. If Q and the military and the legal team are going to act it needs to be soon.
If people feel that they are losing the war, even if underlying legal work is being completed by Barr and Durham, we could still devolve into real patriot vs insurgent riots. Theres an impotence to not being able to stop the jackals in the streets. We arent a passive people but a patient one. I hope everyone has their armor and can stand.
He does have a good point. Take care of each other.
I do think people’s patience is wearing thin….
We have to look out for each other.
I saw Eric Trump’s name trending on Twitter yesterday. Apparently he had retweeted a distinct Q tweet.
Unfortunately, people going to a rally expect to have to go through metal detectors. Thus, they won’t be armed and are sitting ducks for Antifa thugs.
The only way I see for us to solve this is to have people willing to defend them WITHOUT hoping to get into the rally. Imagine people lawfully concealed carrying in the rally crowds, but intending and willing to stay outside. That’s pretty much what it would take.
Bikers for Trumo regional calls for service!
If they’re cool with not even trying to get into the rally, then that works!
If Trump comes to Montana, I can go stand with the gun strapped on. It’s open carry here.
It is here too. Not very common though, but I’ve seen people do it.
News roundup has been posted if interested.
7 Reasons Why John Roberts Is A Leftist Hack
1. Supported Unconstitutional Obamacare
2. Sided with Leftists to Block Louisiana Abortion Law
3. Endorsed the Administrative State’s Unchecked Power
4. Denied Census Citizenship Question
5. Censored a GOP Senator to Hide Spygate Info
6. Pretended Boys Can Be Girls and Girls Can Be Boys
7. Upheld Unlawful DACA
##### CAUTION #####
This article is infuriating.
Paul Sperry @paulsperry_
BACKGROUND: Black Lives Matter co-founder Patrisse Cullors’ father and brother were in and out of jail and she developed a deep resentment for the police. Then she was trained in street agitation tactics by one of Obama co-author Bill Ayer’s fellow Weather Underground terrorists
Replying to @paulsperry_
And here’s Opal Tometi, BLM’s other Co-founder, feeling cozy with Communist Dictator Nicolas Maduro
A lot of people didn’t make into the Rally.
Mobs of BLM thugs showed up and started blocking the metal detector gates while pouring ‘strange liquid’ on the Trump supporters.
Trump supporters were told “There’s covid in that! Better go wash that off!”
These people are evil.
This was an organized assault on Trump Supporters.
Eric Carmen @RealEricCarmen
Because violent thugs blocked the metal detectors and barred people from getting in. Additionally, AOC has been bragging that “Zoomers” ordered thousands of tickets, and then didn’t go. I’m sure none of this will be reported in the MSM, but WE know why. “TikTok.” #Chyna
Then…right on cue, as though they knew what was going on…twitter bots started proclaiming “Rally Fail” and Low Turnout Rally” on twitter.
I was all orchestrated.
But this is going to backfire on them.
They just proved Pres Trump right…that DEMOCRATS CHEAT.
And This is why there can’t be Vote By Mail!
….*It was all orchestrated.
I shamelessly stole your comments
They’ve been bragging about it:

Even the nevertrumper, Steve Schmidt:
There is a difference between ‘pranks’…and Intentionally Tampering In a Presidential Election.
These are nasty guys, as President Trump would say:
Nasty yes but delusional
The sad thing is that they keep drinking their own koolaid
“Don’t waste your time Thao! Let them believe it. They did so in 2016. I love when they buy the BS the polls are selling them.”
“Hundreds of tickets” doesn’t equal a million plus. Schmidt and his psychotic Never Trumpers didn’t make a dent in the rally requests.
Every time we see that crap on Twitter, we need to answer with the picture of Joe Biden’s rally. They are complete idiots if they think POTUS is losing.
Yep. They are trying to run a psyop.
Steve Schmidt even let it slip:
“No one like to root for the losing team.”
So that’s what they are trying to do…make it look like We and Pres Trump, are the “losing team”.
When in fact, it’s the Creepy Joe Team that is the losing team!
The whole point of yard signs and bumper stickers is to create a perception that the candidate is popular, and hence likely to win.
A lot of people actually vote on the basis of who they think is going to win. They mistake politics for sports fandom apparently.
Tracy Beanz has a good thread on this.
Thread reader:
Thanks, Linda.
You’re right…that *is* a good thread.
The thing that made the ‘throwing liquid’ so bad, is that the thugs were saying “There’s covid in that!”
That is really some diabolical, evil stuff.
So naturally, people didn’t want to take any chances on it being true…so they left to go wash off.
I’m curious, why weren’t the BLM blocking the metal detectors and dousing rally goers not removed by Trump security or police officers?
Good question.
It looked like a big crowd of them, though…but I hope they arrested some of them.
they had no right to block an entrance, the metal detectors or douse people with liquids–security should have dealt with them swiftly.
that would have sent a message that future efforts would be met just as swiftly. letting it go, just encourages future assaults.
Heh…I wonder if Q-haters like Sundance and Posobiec have seen this:
My eyes!
Be warned, the image here in this next one is NSFW, and highly, highly gross, in the form of a fat, naked fat woman on the street covered in gold paint. You’ve been warned:
This is the founder of Black Lives Matter. I kid you not. She isn’t just crazy. She’s cuckoo cocoa puffs crazy. Check it out (Caution: Image may induce violent retching) …
The colored dots are a nice touch.
Maybe she’s auditioning to be a replacement statue, to replace the ones they are tearing down.
Poor plinth that has to hold that weight
thanks for the warning, but not going to look…
Last night PDJT called them ‘stone cold crazy’
Well, that is really wrong. But it does add another layer of understanding about our enemies.
If she goes to the M.E., she may not come back if the muzzies have seen the pic.
They would run screaming. Like most people
Now we know why she was hand-picked for that position. SMH.
Fat, gold, ugly lives matter?
HAPPY FATHERS DAY to all of our Dads!’
A new baby; a new Dad. Oh, happy day.
Well, well,well.
Original Test Kits were contaminated.
CDC coronavirus test kits were likely contaminated, federal review confirms
How many WHO test kits outside the US were contaminated also. Remember the story of the goat and pawpaw samples in Tansania which were sent for testing and were confirmed COVID19 positive?
Maybe my bearded dragon’s poop would test positive.
We just had a patient die of Covid. Patient presented for testing. Was positive. Declined treatment even though had a co-morbidity. Went home to quarantine. Showed up at emergency room many days later. Died in emergency room.
I can’t help but think this individual was terrified of being in the hospital and intubated, and separated from family.
Another fail of the medical community.
So sad. They didn’t/couldn’t get HCQ?
That was my question. The nurse said the AMA and hospital officials are not recommending it.
As a patient, you should be able to demand it. All I know is that I will, and if anyone gives me grief, then I’ll just pay the $59 for the telemed Dr. that WILL prescribe it. And I’ll take my zinc along w/it. Zelenko protocol for me.
Should be interesting.
You wonder why sometimes injustices happen to people?
Sometimes God has a way of making a way forward by closing all the doors
He would never have been able to write this book otherwise.
Thread from Carlos:
This was in the comments.
Sarah Hucklebee is a parody twitter account.
Good catch.
Verse of the Day for Sunday, June 21, 2020
“I will both lay me down in peace, and sleep: for thou, LORD, only makest me dwell in safety.”
Psalms 4:8 (KJV)
Thank You, Jesus, for blessings received and prayers answered!
Sunday Butterfly Blessing
Jesus Loves Babies…Pray for the Unborn

Jesus Loves the Little Children – Pray for the Little Children
Jesus Loves You – Come to Him
* Butterflies – Love – Flowers – Prayer *
Perfect answer to a Blessing, BFLY!!!
God Bless You Real Good!!! HUGS!!!
GBYRG2 Sweet Darlin Duchess!!!

* Smiling Broadly *
and the link
I’ve always loved this song. It means even more to me now.
Nadless opens an investigation into Berman’s firing. so I guess the Executive has to ask Congress for permission to fulfill their Constitutional duties…ridiculous.
but the House is contemplating going around the Constitution itself and making DC a state…
Rep. Thomas Massie, R-Ky., called the Democrats’ push to make Washington, D.C., the 51st state “unconstitutional.”
Massie tweeted:
“I’ll be voting no on the farcical DC statehood bill. It’s unconstitutional. The Constitution prescribes a federal city, and the 23rd amendment gives DC 3 presidential electors. Statehood for DC requires a Constitutional amendment, not a simple bill.”
I’d rather pass an amendment repealing the 23rd and give everything not on the mall or adjacent to it, but basically ALL residential areas–back to Maryland. (Arlington, VA used to be part of DC too but was given back to Virginia, so there is precedent.) The only denizens would be POTUS and his family, and they, of course, officially reside in some state.
Alternatively, make it slightly larger, build housing for Congress. No more mansions in Virginia.
The point being to have DC contain no one who can complain they don’t get a vote.
Quick story from yesterday.
According to my sister who took our 8-year old nephew on a field trip yesterday, they were out, and this child who is developmentally delayed and going through phases that he skipped over 3-4 years ago, threw his mask on the ground, and stomped on it.
All the rest of us can think is, Good for you kid! As he’s working through all the phases and growing, it’s turning out that he’s actually very smart, just growing up at his own pace.
All the funny stories aside, IMO, this is one of the more important points POTUS made last night.
Good friend of mine noticed it last night too.
: OMG he said it out loud military industrial complex, never thought I’d hear a President say it
Is provocation a crime? ‘Cause they’re doing their best to get the good guys to start shooting, and that’t the one thing they can’t do.
Or, they know the good guys won’t start shooting, and are using that to get away with murder (figuratively speaking, of course…but for how long?).
I love the girls’ dresses. My mother would have dressed my sister and I like this for sure. We have so many pictures of us matching when we were kids. One year, at Christmas, everyone but Dad wore white shirts, green velvet vests, and Royal Stewart tartan on the bottom. The twins had bow ties, too. There’s actually a formal portait of that somewhere in this house.

“Fathers, don’t exasperate your children,[a] but raise them up with loving discipline and counsel that brings the revelation of our Lord.”
[a] In other words, fathers should show consideration for the different levels of understanding and experience that children possess, dealing with them at their level, or risk causing them loads of heartache. (Ephesians 6:4 – The Passion Translation)
Happy Father’s Day!
“A good father is one of the most unsung, unpraised, unnoticed, and yet one of the most valuable assets in our society.” —Billy Graham

“My dad, like any coach, has always stressed the fundamentals. He taught me responsibility, accountability, and the importance of hard work.” —Steve Young
“I decided in my life that I would do nothing that did not reflect positively on my father’s life.” —Sidney Poitier
Truth right here.
Going back a ways, to the assassination of the Iranian general when the people of Iran celebrated.
And from across the pond.
Cross your fingers. He’s one of the more despicable “entertainment” people out there.
So, does this mean the public feud is over? Or is this the end of round 4 or 5?
Trump gravity, IMO. Sessions will lose any spin away from Trump if he can get into Senatorial orbit.
did he ever really bash POTUS tho? POTUS complained about him, no doubt about that, but did Sessions ever bad mouth him?
More destruction.
They have to destroy Christianity (and icons) to assuage their guilt over their amoral lives.
always…tearing down others to feel better about themselves…
went to school with some like that
BOLSHEVIK. Just like RUSSIA in THEIR communist [cultural] revolution.
Eventually, all the lefty Christians who thought just a little more kneeling to the Devil would work, will figure it out.
Same old Communist Islamist Modus Operandi…
Sunday Service 9am Happy Fathers Day
The Library
Tracy Beanz
I’ve been talking with a TON of folks privately. This is why the arena wasn’t packed to the brim. The 1m tickets don’t mean squat. They would’ve given out 10m if 10m signed up. It’s all about the line and entry. And people couldn’t get in. Let @AOC cackle.…
Tracy Beanz
Where was the police? Why were they allowed to block people?
Well constipated John Brennan did send code via Twitter
i wanna see Brennan in GITMO
The Library
Quote Tweet
Archbishop Sample@ArchbishpSample
· 13h
“I will put enmity between you and the woman, and between your seed and her seed; he shall bruise your head, and you shall bruise his heel.” (Genesis 3:15)
8:20 PM
Bree A Dail
#BREAKING: @ArchbishpSample calls for people to join in praying the Holy Rosary, against “Lucifarians” planning to march tomorrow. #CatholicTwitter
Harold Wren
So, the man who signs off on the Oregon Catholic Press music issues is a little less hippie and more Catholic after all.
I had not realized the connection between luciferianism and one world government. I saw this explanation: that luciferians believe satan is the fallen lucifer and that that is what satanists worship. But luciferians worship what they consider the original lucifer, who embodies enlightenment and progressiveness. I wonder how many world leaders and American politicians are luciferians.
I thought a luciferian was a stoner who listened to punk and/or thrash metal played backwards.
Worshiping “Luciferian fragility toward evil” thus seems problematic – the danger of “sympathy for the devil”. IMHO.
My mom bought my dad a toaster for Father’s Day. He opened it up and started laughing at the pages of instructions on how to use the thing.
Well, it is a Cuisinart. (Don’t ask.)
Wow. So you’re saying your dad was a moron. On father’s day. For a cheap laugh, no less.
How sweet and very christian of you.
I wonder how the ladies here might react to a similar post about a mom on mother’s day.
(Actually, no…I don’t….because we all know)
My husband bought me presents for Fathers Day to thank me for the wonderful kids he has.
The gifts kept coming last week through FEX and I am still to get more he informed me.
One should always choose a man who is going to be a good father for future children he also will make a good husband.
I think she’s lampooning the modern instruction manual, not her father.
The last stereo component I bought came with about a dozen pages of warnings to NOT do this that or the other thing.
Imagine a toaster…which has elements that can get hot and burn or deliver a shock to you if you stick your hand in instead of the bread.
That’s not how I read it at all (obviously).
But I see your point.
I have to admit I was surprised to read what you wrote.
my new curling iron warns that it’s for EXTERNAL use only!
And don’t use a hair dryer in the tub.
There mus be some people really lacking in common sense out there.
Common sense ain’t so common, I guess.
my toaster had a warning to NOT INGEST…
No. I was reacting to my dad laughing about five pages of instructions.
Sorry you misunderstood.
BTW, my father is a retired aerospace engineer who used to maintain the cars. He used to do wiring also. NOT a moron, just amused at five pages of instructions on how to use a toaster.
Good response to ol Hags Haberman whining about KungFlu.
looking for information (I have an old flip phone that only takes pictures of my thumb)
these “teens” who say they ordered tickets for the rally–using one-time email addresses…do they only give their email addresses? or did they use their phones? can their phone numbers be tracked?
reading some comments saying their numbers could be sold and their data plans wrecked…are they joking?
It is my understanding – anything with a ‘chip’ (computer/phone) – can be traced – I am certain our Campaign Manager, Brad Parscale, can trace those little kiddies who think they have ‘rocked’ the system.
They are neither autonomous nor anonymous, Patty!!! I am no computer guru, but Parscale is – and I believe these numbnuts have been traced – there must be a law detailing of what they are guilty.
do you know what Kpop is?
reading that in the rally thread now but i am clueless…
South Korean Pop Music Bands and all their mostly teen followers.
My sister is a huge fan. I’ve yet to figure out why.
I feel old
It is difficult passing age 25 – and having to deal with adulthood, Patty!!! But, you made it!!!
Music does not age you – it invigorates you – look at all they have ‘saved’ on every medium!!! You can find music from the 30’s and 40’s – does that mean you are of that age – nope – can anyone possibly know the names of all of the groups – of old – or the new ones? (maybe, BFLY can)
You are not old – just mature of thought, mind, and spirit – imho
Growing up I was pretty quick to name all the songs and who sang them. After the last 20+ years or so of junk, I’ve lost interest.
Cannot say I blame you – I like music from many different eras – but, have to agree with you – very turned off by what is passed as music today – makes no sense to me – * Sigh *
I heard when one reaches age 40 – things that matter when one was younger – are no longer important – will let you know if that is true when I reach age 40 – lol
We’ll swap notes!

Anytime, BFLY! * Smile *
K-pop is (mostly) South-Korean teenybopper music, but has, sadly, also been invaded by the MK crowd, and often has dark messages hidden within its bubbly, surfacy music and lyrics. There have also been a rash of suicides the last few years, probably related to the increasing influence of the deep state on them.
A number of articles are on VigilantCitizen about this phenomenon, this one might be a good place to start:
This is “story hoaxing” by the left. They blocked people from getting in, then “blamed the victim” using a “hoax explanation”.
They’re EVIL.
I don’t know what the media hopes to accomplish with these lies. They are deluding their own base and giving them false hope. The truth is that the many who could not get in — as well as the many who watched at home — will be voting for Pres. Trump, whether they attended a rally or not. We know the media ia working against us and lie and cheat. It only makes us stronger. But they will never learn that.
That is what happens when one is devoid of the facts, Truths! They are only fooling themselves – many others are not buying it.
On November 3rd – they will discover – all of their yelling and screaming and burning and blaming will have been for naught!!!
“ I don’t know what the media hopes to accomplish with these lies.”
Of course you do.
Psychological warfare. To demoralize Trump’s base and give the appearance we are fewer in number, and PDJT is less popular, than we think or believe.
But you’re right. It will fail.
“Choosing Faith Over Worry” | June 21, 2020
The first reference to NESARA I could find states that it includes a “bimetallic” monetary system.
I am as much a believer in literally-hard currency as anyone, but bimetallism as it was practiced in the past would be a huge mistake. It’s predicated on the notion that silver and gold values form a constant ratio, which they don’t. In the 1700s an ounce of gold was worth 14 ounces of silver, so you could coin money based on that ratio. But even before the end of that century, silver slipped, so the proper ratio was 14.5:1. That is, if memory serves, what we set up our first monetary system on. But silver continued to drop, which made gold coins worth more than face value, so they got melted. So we reduced the gold in our gold coins (1834), which stopped that from happening (anything gold and pre-1834 is rare today–some dates have only a handful of known examples). But then the California gold rush brought tons of gold into the economy, so then silver got more valuable relatively speaking and *silver* coins got melted for their silver content. Another adjustment in 1853 solved the problem for good…because silver then resumed its downward trend. It’s now typically at a ratio of 1:60 versus gold, and just a few weeks ago the ratio was 1:100.
You basically can’t put full value of silver and full value of gold into coins, and tie them together and freely coin both. (And I have to stop and explain THAT concept. Originally, one could walk into the US mint with a bunch of silver or gold bullion, and they’d turn them into coins for you. That worked, because legally speaking, a certain amount of gold OR or a certain amount of silver WAS a dollar by definition, even without a design stamped on it.)
Because the ratio will fluctuate, either the gold coinage or the silver coinage must be deliberately underweight and coined only when there’s enough of the other to back it, so it won’t be inflationary. This is where we went after 1853, by deliberately making silver coins underweight–they were worth less than face value when melted, but we made them freely convertible into gold. The price we paid for that was no more free coinage of silver, and quantities actually minted had to be strictly limited so they’d be scarce enough to be more valuable than the metal in them, so that people wouldn’t just accumulate a bunch of silver coins and turn them in for the more valuable gold. (You can run a paper money system that way too, and for a time we did, but it’s more likely to be corrupted over time because the paper has zero intrinsic value.)
OR you can simply declare that there are two different kinds of money (say, gold ducats and silver dollars–that’s historically correct at any rate) and let them float against each other. If someone is offering merchandise for 1 ducat or 20 dollars one day, if silver drops, he might adjust his price to read 1 ducat or 21 dollars the next. Or maybe he’d change to 0.95 ducats or 20 dollars.
Bimetallism is a headache.
it’s a big thing in the conspiracy world.
That’s the one I used. I ignored the last bit and simply focused on the synopsis of the actual proposal. As soon as my eyes lit on “bimetallism”–well, let’s just say I know the history and it’s a bad idea.
I kept reading to see if there was more detail as to precisely what, if anything, indicated someone had some awareness of the problems, and found nothing but the weird alien conspiracy stuff.
Thermocouple of bad things about it; the rest are even worse…
(not forgetting all the heated discussions thereof )…
Minneapolis. Where they get mad at the cops for not helping.
WindTalker (@nmlinguaphile) Tweeted:
@KyleHooten2 Congratulations Minneapolis, your wish is fulfilled.
CrimeWatchMpls (@CrimeWatchMpls) Tweeted:
Can’t even make it up anymore.
12 people shot including one dead in #Uptown #Mpls
I read somewhere online they are being supplied with drugs, esp. Meth………….
Hmmm… well speed will get them to do lots of things. Had heard and seen results of suspected use.
I expect to see more statues like this. And then careful…they are practicing.
Eyes On Q (@EyesOnQ) Tweeted:
North Carolina Protesters Hang Confederate Statue From Post
Someone should rig a statue to give them a “surprise” of some kind. I’m not advocating violence, just something where the statue talks to them or drenches them with water, etc.
Glitter bomb.
Fake urine
Doe in heat….
….mixed with bank robber blue dye
Love the way you think…
Skunk smell that lingers for days.
It would be good if there were cameras within statues to record the perps.
someone should contact the maker of those packages that release glitter and far spray and photograph the perpetrators. (it was for porch thieves stealing packages)
Lol. Skunk oil, then theyre really marked.
Would be doubly ironic to have a statue of Damocles suspended above the sidewalk (or somewhere) and inform the AntiFaggots that its origins need to be researched…
Their lack of scientific (or other, for that matter) knowledge will make itself known in the issue of tensile strength…..
That was Parscale’s statement on AOC’s BOGUS claim
It’s mostly WHITE people asking for the apologies TO BLACK Americans…
Black Americans (most anyway) also think it’s pathetic… just ask them…
I know. The whole thing is just insane.
There’s a sickness out there and it ain’t the “rona”
Twelfth Sunday in Ordinary Time
Nice to see the real Pope with his good friend.
That’s his brother, who’s been ill lately.
The current fakePope isn’t worth a hill of rotted beans. Or, perhaps, a barren fig tree…
Happy Father’s Day, Q-Treepers!
Here’s an interesting tweet thread that postulates connections in a couple provocative arenas…
Here’s a threadreader for all this info…Blessings!
Those are incredible, Valerie. And I think they should be retweeted (or whatever) far and wide.
The DUMBS and trafficking infos are shocking, to say the least, and the impllications (not stated by him) of international “forces” having an influence on DOMESTIC MILITARY INSTALLATIONS is something that NONE OF US SHOULD IGNORE, NOR TOLERATE…
Hence, the various infrastructure projects.
Interesting, indeed…
A lot of light is now being shined on things we either took for granted, ignored, weren’t taught in school, or were taught were fallacies. FG&C’s posts above (re: Wilson, et. al.) are one example. One thing those articles didn’t mention was the inordinate influence that “Colonel” (not even as much as Colonel Sanders) House (a Fabian Socialist) had on Woodrow Wilson. Yep. House wanted to return the USA to subservience under the British Monarchy…
Gail has TONS of info on that…..
It seems as if forces of darkness have been allied against America practically from the beginning. Some of this underlying “alternate” history of our land (& the world for that matter) is dark & deep. Let there be Light!
Here’s another thread variation on that theme…
& the associated threadreader:

Jun 21, 2020 12:26:24 PM EDT
Q !!Hs1Jq13jV6 ID: 8b4669 No. 9696071
Jun 21, 2020 12:03:07 PM EDT
Anonymous ID: 653471 No. 9695854
They couldn’t get in……We need to start showing up when Biden holds his gatherings. Can’t call them rallies not enough attend…
It will not happen again.
Remember, they also phone in to report ‘threats’ [deliberate].
Heightened security due to recent events.
What was the combined social media unique ‘view’ count [non_TV]?
Keep your eye on the ball.
Jun 21, 2020 1:52:30 PM EDT
Q !!Hs1Jq13jV6 ID: 5c5e4c No. 9697079
Focus @: 21:45
Can you see and understand their attempts to slow-stop accountability?
Who benefits the most?
COVID-2 [C]: Lockdown(s)
Lockdown(s) +C: POTUS economic gains wiped
Lockdown(s) +C: POTUS unemployment gains wiped
Lockdown(s) +C: POTUS rally hold [prevent gathering_dim energy]
Lockdown(s) +C: Close churche(s) _other person-to-person [keep in isolation _dim energy _fear no hope]
Lockdown(s) +C: Inc death toll _[D] mayor(s)/gov(s) push COVID positive seniors to hot zone(s) [senior (home) care facilities] _retain FEAR & lockdown (isolate _control) _combine pneumonia influenza death count w/ COVID [inc death toll]
Lockdown(s) +C: BIDEN hideaway prevent ‘self-embarrassment’
Lockdown(s) +C: [D] state mail-in-ballot doorstep flood
Lockdown(s) +C: Build public unrest _[future BLM (4)-year push]
Lockdown(s) +C: Release unrest [BLM (4)-year push] within closed [D] controlled cities & dedicated safe zone(s) [mayor-gov coordinated (guarantee) release of those arrested]
BLM (4)-year push: BIDEN negative news ELIM re: UKRAINE-CHINA family bribes and corruption
BLM (4)-year push: BIDEN negative news ELIM re: SEXUAL ASSAULT CLAIM re: Tara Reade [preserve #MeToo future [R] attack]
BLM (4)-year push: Insert ANTIFA [D][F] pocket-controlled [D] safe zone(s) _Country on fire (real) _MSDNC _peaceful protests (fake) _bait POTUS use of GI MIL [civ untrained] capture ‘money shot’ [shooting of ‘peaceful protestor’][breach of WH perimeter][takeover central location][attempt WH breach safety-security POTUS][current-former MIL public statement(s) _POTUS unconstitutional framework MIL takeover if exercised [loyalists prevent]]
BLM (4)-year push: C wave2 opportunity card [D] mayor(s)/gov(s) impose new restrictions if needed _retain narrative mail-in-vote(ing) needed safety security _limit economic / unemployment recovery (slow)
Added: Barr _today
Lockdown(s) +C: Halt use of grand jury[ies] due to ‘close proximity’ _COVID mandated restrictions throughout all cities
Lockdown(s) +C: Halt travel of called witnesses re: pending investigation [Durham (known)] _legal out deployed by witness “I do not feel comfortable and/or safe traveling due to COVID-19 health concerns.”
[Driver: Baseline: MSDNC coordinated narrative con]
Apply logic and common sense:
1. What are they trying to prevent?
2. Who benefits the most?
All assets deployed.
The Man of Lawlessness

2 Concerning the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ and our being gathered to him, we ask you, brothers and sisters, 2 not to become easily unsettled or alarmed by the teaching allegedly from us—whether by a prophecy or by word of mouth or by letter—asserting that the day of the Lord has already come. 3 Don’t let anyone deceive you in any way, for that day will not come until the rebellion occurs and the man of lawlessness is revealed, the man doomed to destruction. 4 He will oppose and will exalt himself over everything that is called God or is worshiped, so that he sets himself up in God’s temple, proclaiming himself to be God.
5 Don’t you remember that when I was with you I used to tell you these things? 6 And now you know what is holding him back, so that he may be revealed at the proper time. 7 For the secret power of lawlessness is already at work; but the one who now holds it back will continue to do so till he is taken out of the way. 8 And then the lawless one will be revealed, whom the Lord Jesus will overthrow with the breath of his mouth and destroy by the splendor of his coming. 9 The coming of the lawless one will be in accordance with how Satan works. He will use all sorts of displays of power through signs and wonders that serve the lie, 10 and all the ways that wickedness deceives those who are perishing. They perish because they refused to love the truth and so be saved. 11 For this reason God sends them a powerful delusion so that they will believe the lie 12 and so that all will be condemned who have not believed the truth but have delighted in wickedness.
Stand Firm
13 But we ought always to thank God for you, brothers and sisters loved by the Lord, because God chose you as firstfruits[b] to be saved through the sanctifying work of the Spirit and through belief in the truth. 14 He called you to this through our gospel, that you might share in the glory of our Lord Jesus Christ.
15 So then, brothers and sisters, stand firm and hold fast to the teachings[c] we passed on to you, whether by word of mouth or by letter.
16 May our Lord Jesus Christ himself and God our Father, who loved us and by his grace gave us eternal encouragement and good hope, 17 encourage your hearts and strengthen you in every good deed and word.
2 Thessalonians 2
“For this reason God sends them a powerful delusion so that they will believe the lie”
Happy Father’s Day!
we were taking a drive after lunch and heard the “dad” jokes (this radio dj gives a dad joke every night at 5–so hubby’s been missing them working from home)
how do you make one disappear?
add a “g” and it’s gone.
my new girlfriend found out I’m a beekeeper and she’s terrified of bees, so she said it’s either them or me.
I didn’t think she was serious…
then I saw her face…
now I’m a bee-leaver.
(didn’t say they were good…haha)
Retrievers are always good boys.
I have come to the conclusion that all who are against racism must never again vote for a Democrat. The Democrat party must have racism in order to survive, therefore they will never let it die nor be vanquished.
Without regard for the poison they are injecting into innocent lives they blame, slander, foment, and conjure up instances of unfairness until it ignites into incendiary hatred and violence creating division and enmity where it did not previously thrive.
I still have hope that our side can come together in love based on the foundation that so many of us have in Jesus. The President emphasizes we are one people united as Americans. This is something that good people can come together and build on,
Eric Trump (hello OT) has publicly endorsed Q. Jeff Sessions voice of support for the President has grown stronger. Hopefully, these things will bring together many of the President’s supporters previously divided over “doctrinal disputes”.
Combined voices raised together are more easily heard.
LM what a wonderful and insightful post. Thank you for sharing your insights
Jun 21, 2020 2:18:08 PM EDT
Q !!Hs1Jq13jV6 ID: 371c95 No. 9697394
MSDNC: “peaceful” “summer of love”
Reality [seen on social media]: murder, violence, destruction, anarchy, lawlessness…
People are awake to the truth.
Seeing is believing.
The age of social media killed their ability to fully control.
You can’t censor the world.
You are the majority.
Ayelet Waldman
Oh no!! The pdf of Bolton’s book got leaked and people can download it and read it on the phones or iPads! That would mean he doesn’t get a royalty!! Oh no! The Room Where It Happened – John Bolton.pdf – Google Drive
Has the leaker been found?
maybe these initials are important DJT…LOL…
not that I’m aware of…who’s even looking…
Jun 21, 2020 3:11:39 PM EDT
Q !!Hs1Jq13jV6 ID: 371c95 No. 9698045
Have faith in Humanity.
Have faith in yourself.
Do not let the media control you [incite division and hatred for one another by use of propaganda and fear mongering [dogma – a point of view or tenet put forth as authoritative without adequate grounds]].
Of course, these stories weren’t reported during election years when democrats were about to lose bigly.
One thing that’s instantly noticeable, that most people don’t realize, is although the woman is old, and frail, and probably doesn’t weigh very much, it is very hard to lift her and maneuver her into the car. We found that out when my late mother-in-law was in poor health.
KUDOS to all those first responders, medical assistants, home healthcare workers, and family memberts who either are tasked with, or must do, actions like this. And thank GOD for them, and young people like these who step in to help.
Our parents and grandparents gave so much of themselves that we might have a better life. Would that we could give even a portion of that back.
And GOD BLESS the Fathers, and those thrust into the role of Fathers on this Fathers’ Day. May we (and they) be a worthy reflection of our Perfect, All-Powerful, All-Knowing, and All-Loving Father.
[I miss you Dad
DC wants 3 BILLION in bailouts…but their salaries are among the highest ANYWHERE in the US.
But according to a new report by Open the Books’ Adam Andrzjewski, D.C. city employees are routinely paid (often significantly) higher salaries than their state and federal government counterparts.
The mayor of the capital, for instance, is paid $220,000 annually, which tops the salary of any state governor. Moreover, there are at least six other employees in Mayor Bowser’s office who earn more than any governor.
D.C. City Council members make roughly $141,282 per year, which is more than what’s paid to members of any state legislature in the country. And the chairman of the D.C. city council, Philip Mendelson, takes home $210,000 per year, which tops the pay for every member of the U.S. Congress, except House Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s $223,500.
The chief of the Metropolitan Police Department (MPD) makes $273,156 annually, a higher salary than any four-star general in the United States military makes. Open the Books identifies seven MPD officials making more, often much more, than the U.S. Secretary of Homeland Security ($179,700).
D.C. public school students do not exceed a 35% proficiency rate in any standardized test subject, yet the system’s chancellor earned $280,000 last year. The U.S. Secretary of Education takes home a comparatively paltry $199,700.
“ It turns out that the richest counties in the U.S. are just outside of Washington, D.C.
Nine of the 20 richest counties are suburbs of the nation’s capital in Virginia and Maryland, reported, citing data from the U.S. Census Bureau.”
Two words that spell corruption in re: Washington D.C., and the malignant cronyist “government” thereof: Marion Barry…
Drug addict/dealer,corrupt beyond belief, power, money-laundering, and influence-peddler “extraordinaire”, his coke-toked-joke of an administration was a picture-perfect example of rampant corruption encircling a seat of power.
In other words, the Devil setting down his pieces… has a number of articles on the layout of Washington D.C., many of which decry the implicit pentagram in the major streets. Interesting reading, even it you don’t agree (i.e. there are some nuggests of truth even in the most disagreeable context)…..
Dora? I think you were asking about New York being named after a slave owner? article has many more examples of “problems” in NY
Both New York and New York City were named after the prestigious house of York, specifically the Duke of York during the mid 17th century, James Stuart.
Stuart captured Dutch settlements along the east coast, eventually capturing New Amsterdam, which was quickly changed to New York to reflect Stuart’s role in capturing the town for the British Empire.Stuart would go on to facilitate the slave trade of between 90,000 and 100,000 Africans through the trans-Atlantic slave trade.
James Stuart conquered the settlements between the Delaware and the Connecticut rivers from the Dutch in 1664, and the name of the principal port, New Amsterdam, was promptly changed to honor the new master. James’ brother, King Charles II of England, gave the territory to the duke in exchange for four beaver pelts annually.
The Duke of York, who later became King James II of England (and James VII of Scotland), created Britain’s greatest slave empire known as the Royal African Company, which transported between 90,000 and 100,000 African slaves to the Caribbean and American colonies between 1672 and 1689.
The slave trade would not be abolished in New York until over a century later in 1799, when laws were passed to slowly emancipate all slaves living in the state.
So New York, New York actually means Slave Trader, Slave Trader.
How about that. The more ya know. (shrug)
A lot of history there. Thank You.
you’re welcome!
A few years back, I remember a slave cemetery being unearthed in Harlem, named for a city in Holland. Nice little berg.
The Musical “1776” gives a nod to the Triangle Trade in the song, “Molasses, to Rum, To Slaves”… (oh, what a beautiful waltz)…
[Trivia: William Daniels played John Adams in the Broadway production, and later voiced K.I.T.T. on Knight Rider… Brent Spiner played John Adams in the revival production, and of course gained fame as “DATA” on STTNG… some sort of a pattern there? Is anybody there, does anybody care?????]
In a Macy’s. People just film it.
It’s almost like SA
And btw…
This isn’t an “African American man”.
This, right here, is a nigger…attacking a man who had his back turned to the nigger.
A “nigger” is an ignorant, cowardly black person…exactly no different than a white, cowardly redneck.
Moreover, a nigger calls others “nigger”, like this nigger was doing. Obviously, and according to this nigger, being a “nigger” has nothing whatsoever to do with skin color, otherwise this nigger wouldn’t be calling a white man a “nigger”. Obviously, the nigger clearly believes the word “nigger” means something else.
When black people stop niggers from using the word “nigger”, I’ll stop using the word. And BTW, I have had this exact same conversation with black friends of mine, and they agree with me. Moreover, I’ve been told they wish more white people understood these truths.
Meantime, I hope the cops find and arrest this nigger, and I would say the exact same thing if this nigger had attacked a black person…or any other person of any race….in the exact same way.
Just to be crystal clear….
There is a world of difference between a nigger and a person who happens to be black.
Frederick Douglas, MLK Jr, Ben Carson, Clarence Thomas, Alan West, Candice Owns (spelling intentional), etc. are all examples of people who happen to be black Americans.
Folks like Jesse Jackson, Al Sharpton, the hoodlum in this video and those like them? They are niggers.
A person I admire and respect, who managed thousands of people of all races, colors, creeds, faiths, etc., once told me, “niggers come in all shapes, sizes and colors; white or black, mexican or asian, has nothing to do with it”…
Until we quit looking at differences, and start treating EVERYONE the same, there will be no progress, sad to say.
Larry Ellison, who bought the island of Lanai, and has a personality much like the outer shell of a pineapple once said (and this is enshrined in Oracle’s hiring practices): “Equal talent ALWAYS has equal opportunity”… Couldn’t agree with him more.
As long as we keep pigeonholing people, and creating exceptions for this or that, there is no equality…
Sorry that aggression like that happens between people specially in a store of all places. True this as nothing to do with race all to do with character. There are just nasty people of all races.
I have new neighbors since last year. An interracial couple she has a Spanish accent he speaks broken english and is black. They are the nicest people and vey kind. He comes specially out when my husband works in the garden to speak with him. Any day now she is expecting their fourth child. They are Christians and have many Christian friends most white.
They are very hard working and both work. He is a wonderful father and she is so patient with the kids.
We hear the happy laughter and i know if I ever needed something I can call on them.
I wish people could get past the cooler of the skin and embrace the good that is in all people.
Plumbers, there’s hope
Beer mug𝐁𝐞𝐞𝐫 𝐚𝐭 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐏𝐚𝐫𝐚𝐝𝐞Flag of United StatesMedium starMedium starMedium star
just took a big “mental pebble” out of my shoe!
I’ve been trying to pinpoint precisely why the “mask thing” has been bothering me, and this Patriot hit the nail squarely on the head!
Thank you, Hammer!
p.s.: Please RT.
Quote Tweet
TruthHammerMedium starMedium starMedium star
· 22h
Anonymity and its Effects on Disinhibition (thread)
YOU are a participant in the largest mass psychological field op ever conducted in history… wether you wear a mask or not, you are being affected by those who do.
Anonymity has long played a role in the manifestation of…
Show this thread
Great thread!! Thank you.
You’re welcome FG&C…
Thanks for adding the reader………..
Most informative THREAD ………….. remember to remove the *
Danno Medium starMedium starMedium star Flag of United StatesFlag of United StatesFlag of United States
Jun 20
Watch this spot. I will use this tweet to start a thread about mapping overlays like the DUMB/Trafficking one. I have gotten my hands on a few other maps that lead to some VERY interesting linkages and discoveries. Covid, Trafficking, Voting, National Parks, Sanctuary Cities…
The correlation that we are seeing is the direct correlation between Blue+Democrat controlled areas of the nation and the most spiritually corrupt parts of the nation.
IOW, those are the areas where the greatest Democrat spiritual control is occurring keeping people oppressed.
YES Michael…

Stacy Washington@StacyOnTheRight
We are SO cute!!!
Quote Tweet
Herman Cain
· 20h
Here’s just a few of the #BlackVoicesForTrump at tonight’s rally! Having a fantastic time!
#TulsaRally2020 #Trumptulsa #TulsaTrumprally #MAGA #Trump2020 #Trump2020Landslide
Nothing a snow plow blade on the front of the bus couldn’t deal with…
Better yet, a cowcatcher…
“…..and was made to pay for it.”
So far.
The final chapter hasn’t yet been written, and Flynn may well have the last laugh (and an extremely $$COMFORTABLE$$ retirement to go along with it).
Amen goes right there, FG&C!
What has bee done to Gen. Flynn in outrageous and that is what Banana republic is made off.
Flynn needs to be made whole.
He will be whole, again – and those who are responsible for his troubles will pay dearly, Sing! The truth will set him free!!!
no coincidences.
Brennan isn’t the only one who can signal in tweets.
Methinks Brennan will be brennen before long…
I remember watching that mom in Baltimore beating her kid live on television. It was great. And when the police chief said, I wish we had more like her. YES!
Train up a child in the way he should go: and when he is old, he will not depart from it.
But in between … katie bar the door!
Amen goes right there, Carl!
This is why they hate God – as long as we believe, they cannot be the ultimate rulers.
This is also why it is an abomination to tear down the statues our forebears erected and to attempt to rewrite history….the work of only two kind of people…
…the ignorant (“useful idiots”)…
….and those who employ them, the truly evil.
It would be wonderful – and much safer – if the Fear of GOD ruled over science, research and laboratories.
The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom, and knowledge of the Holy One is understanding.
Proverbs 9:10
Very interesting, FG&C, and very true! Thanks for posting!
Because the terms of use at Biblica are in fact very draconian on copyright, I decided to cut this comment back to just the link, to keep it strictly legal.
Here are the terms – you can see for yourselves that the folks at Biblica are sticklers on copyright.
This case was not as dangerous to the site as copying from WSJ, but it’s a legal hassle I’d rather not deal with. Cease and desist letters are not a good thing right now!
Ummm but where was the meet going?
What shops?
I thought China had problems feeding itself and imports pork from us? How can they sale meat here when the people i China have little to eat?
I do not trust the Chinese who knows how contaminated the meat is?
Exactly. Something very WEIRD there.
What hits you right off the cuff as a possibility?
First thought was that they would load up the meat with something nasty. But what?
– poisons, metals
– trichinosis
– a transmissible disease of some kind
That’s when a new thought occurred – SYNTHETIC PRIONS
There is no reason that prion diseases have to be INITIATED by natural prions, which are dangerous enough. Since the ChiComs seem to have no morality, I can see them trying to create even more effective prion disease “starters” as poisons. We might not detect them easily.
I’m hoping the various cities have the casts from which the statues were formed. New bronze isn’t going to be cheap, but if they can be recast….
I think that the next GOP-led House should eminent domain every historical statue in the country, including the Confederate ones. Make them federal monuments, every last one of them.
Kind of the Clue solution.
They’ll just bus in their paid antagonists to each one. \_
Great point.

This is, in fact, what the leftists did at the inauguration. By blocking and protesting and otherwise disrupting entrances closer to the inaugural stage area, most people had to get in at the OFF-SITE locations by the Washington Memorial, and could not move closer.
The solution is the same principle as modern 3D screens used on swimming pool and hot tub suction vents. Those vents work on the principle that if any point is blocked by a person’s skin or hair, water freely moves around. No human body part is really capable of blocking the vent.
What this means is that there needs to be an OUTER ENTRANCE PERIMETER – likely made of cops or NG. Anybody who gets past and disrupts or protests is subject to immediate detention, because they failed to identify themselves as protesters or lied about it when asked. Nobody gets by without answering the question about protesting. Non-protesters can pass ANYWHERE through the perimeter. Protesters who lie are immediately arrested. And in a pro-Trump venue, it should be made into a ticket MONEYMAKER. $5000 fine, per protester, $1000 bail.
l E T 17 Retweeted
Patton Spotting BearMedium starMedium starMedium star Bear face
Replying to
Hat tip to this anon
These people are stupid.
Yes… indeed they are.
Interesting word choice describing CNN
Carlos has a THREAD about last night … remember to remove the *
Joke of the day: A rabbit, a priest and a minister walk into a bar. The bartender looks at them and says “Is this a typo?”
Please explain ….I don’t get it.
read it carefully
I did.
OK – I got it.
LOL think of it as spell check issue!
Spell checker is why it wasn’t a priest, a minister, and a witch!
‘Recovered’ COVID-19 patients suffer major ongoing physical, cognitive problems
As coronavirus patients recover from the illness, doctors and patients are discovering that COVID-19 is leaving the “recovered” with long-term debilitating physical, cognitive and psychiatric damage, sometimes even in people who only suffered mild symptoms.
Patients are suffering from phantom pains, memory loss, personality changes, psychological issues and extreme fatigue, along with lungs that won’t heal, even months after being discharged from hospital, according to an investigation by Israel’s Channel 12 TV.
Israel has recorded just over 20,000 COVID-19 cases, with some 300 fatalities. More than 15,500 patients confirmed with the disease have subsequently recovered, but the TV report highlighted numerous cases of patients no longer testing positive for the disease who are suffering a range of major ailments attributed to the virus.
Get them onto natural medicine paths and see what happens. Enough of Big Pharma and its solutions, especially if they don’t work.
It’s actually more alarming than that…
What if CCP virus was just a Round #1 that is intended to set up pre-existing condition(s) for a coming 2nd biological agent??
POTUS can’t say it is because of the panic and calls for war it would cause. PDJT is forced by the situation to remain silent.
Also, the people of China are not responsible….it is their communist overlords who are responsible.
I hate wearing the mask, but it IS proven that a mask WILL reduce the probabilities (not to be confused with possibility) of getting infected.
Are you willing to take the chance that COVID19 is NOT a lab-created bioweapon intentionally released into the global population by a communist chinese gov’t that UNQUESTIONABLY sees Trump’s economic reset and America 1st policies as an act of war against it??
I’m not.
Especially not with news like this, knowing Wolf and others are most definitely suffering from post-illness effects. Such lingering effects SCREAM “bioweapon”. Read up on the aftermaths of the use of WWI gases and those who suffered from exposure to same, like my grandfather.
In point of fact, we have been WOEFULLY deficient in discussing the very real possibility that the CCP gov’t has used a bioweapon, and may be about to release a 2nd one.
Nope. Not buying into the mask fiasco. It IS every bit a part of creating the hysteria and justify mass mail voting. I WLL NOT SUPPORT IT!
Ironic as hell, we bought into all of the hysteria about March 15th. Seemed logical, at that time. The experts said it was so. And, no I am not blaming President Trump. The US was duped, plain and simple. We have learned so much.
While this has been posted before, IT HAS NEVER BEEN LOGICALLY ANSWERED.
1. So if masks work, why social distancing?
2. If social distancing works, why masks?
3. If both of these work, then why did we ever have (or should have again) a lockdown???
^^^ Think about it. We were snookered and it CONTINUES.
ChiComs, D-Rats, deep state criminals and YSM want the US in masks.
ChiComs, D-Rats, deep state criminals and YSM want the US to social distance.
ChiComs, D-Rats, deep state criminals and YSM want the US to have a S L O W opening, VERY SLOW.
NOPE, 100% I will puke the “wear a mask, social distance, slow walk the economy” Kool Aid being pushed. POISON IT IS.
And it could be…..that is EXACTLY what they want you to do!
Think of it….all the leftists take the precaution seriously, while the right is too clever by a half and refuses the masks…so it’s the political right that gets hammered and not the left.
Oh, they’s never be able to stop laughing in Beijing.
And if you don’t think “they” are THAT clever and diabolical, I would politely suggest that you don’t fully appreciate who we are dealing with.
Having said this, I also want to acknowledge an unavoidable mssg of “fear” here….which in NOT my intent.
There is a BIG difference between “precaution” and “fear”.
Hopefully WOLF will see this and weigh in.
I see both of you as being right here, and I really need to do a post on the bigger issues.
The left WANTS us to be COVID-focused and to follow the easy path into THEIR solutions, which are designed to “save communism” by getting rid of Trump and going back to the way things were.
China and the left are dead set on RETAINING CONTROL OF HISTORY. They will do BAD THINGS as needed to retain that control.
Now-endemic Coronavirus #5, otherwise known as COVID-19, is both a weak, normal, animal-to-human coronavirus, possibly modified (gain of function), or IMO probably modified. Were there never a vaccine for it, it would likely just be the 5th corona, people would gain immunity young, and subsequent bouts would be mild. It would help reap seniors, as a “grim reaper”, just as the other 4 coronas always did, as “pneumonia” or ILI (flu-like illnesses).
Much of what we are experiencing is PSY-OP. I believe that in the future, we will understand how the other coronas do much the same damage as COVID-19. That said, the fact that nobody was previously immune to COVID-19, and the other 4 coronas offer only limited cross-immunity, it was nastier because there was no exposure.
It is entirely possible that an infinite number of such bioweapons could be constructed, each changed just enough to prevent prior infections from affording immunity.
People have a choice. They can catch it like me, they can take HCQ prophylactically, or they can wait for a vaccine. You can wear a phony social mask, a real one, or none at all. it’s not really about giving it to others, IMO.
I don’t need a mask now – I can’t catch it or give it to anybody. Masks make me loopy, so I practice “extreme social distancing” to make people happy. Sometimes I wear my oximeter to scare people.
I live life free, but every day I know that I had this shit, and I don’t count on being here 10 years from now. Not even sure about 5. A few days ago, I was going to tell you all to start posting at Daughn’s more often, to get ready. I may still do that.
I don’t like the sound of that last paragraph (of Wolf’s).
for your health.
Thanks! Every bit helps.
Guess what! I’m actually going to get examined by a doctor before the end of the month. First time since I got it and recovered. People like me really slipped through the cracks. Hoping I get oxygen.
To Wolf: Great! I wondered about that and thought it might be a good idea.
Masks smack of a “conform”. There are zero standards for the masks. NOTHING.
Wear something. Wear anything. N95? Surgical mask? Stylish something from Amazon? Bandana? Cheesecloth, single layer? LAUGHABLE.
And still, no one has answered the riddle, a conundrum, me thinks…
– Wear a mask, why social distance.
– Social distance, why a mask.
– Either or both mask or social distance, why not OPEN up the country.
And, no, I am not asking you to answer the riddle above.
I understood it, masks, social distance, shutdown, 15 March for the first fifteen day flatten the curve. Early April, nope. Not so much. ChiComs, WHO, CDC, FauXi, Brix ALL exposed.
D-Rat guvs and mayors, simply socialist criminals. YSM will NEVER question the D-Rats.
I empathize 100% and until recently was standing on the ground you do.
My biggest issue is that I firmly believe that:
1. The virus is real (100% certain of this)
2. It was made in a lab (90% certain of this)
3. It’s release was intentional (100% certain of this)
No, the masks will not 100% prevent you from getting the virus. Neither will social(ist) distancing. What they INARGUABLY do, however, is greatly DECREASE the chances of you catching the virus…and if you don’t get it, you can’t pass it on to others.
I interact with hundreds of people when I’m outside my home. So I personally will follow the guidelines, both because my risk of exposure is so much more than others and because I don’t want the after-affects of this virus, as the OP points out.
Ask WOLF about what he is now dealing with. No way I need that schiff.
100%, I do believe ChiCom 19 is real, ChiComs released ChiCom 19 (allowed it to flow around the world) and almost assuredly ChiComs created ChiCom 19 in a lab. Yea, the lingering issues for some subset of the positives are terrible.
In your profession, understand your position. Even outside your profession, it’s understandable. The beauty of Freedom.
Statues can be replaced.
They are trying to provoke a reaction they can then claim is unjust and discriminatory. They would love nothing better than for dozens of themselves to get gunned down so they could escalate their protests.
Fact is, they are creating new Trump voters with each statue they pull down. Don’t kid yourself, they are doing tremendous harm to the democrat party.
Heck, they’ve got my own sister pissed off, and I didn’t think that was possible. \_
Trump predicted this in 2017
I just hope they are replaced and you punish these little sh@ts
Is it?
Ian Miles Cheong (@stillgray) Tweeted:
It’s over.
Let it not be lost that the leftist “love the earth” greenies are removing the statue of the man responsible for the creation of the US Parks system (ie. Yellowstone, Yosemite, et al.).
Teddy Roosevelt is on MT Rushmore mainly due to his drive to preserve America’s wilderness, by creating the National Parks. IIRC.
Ikr? Of anything else he was a wonderful conservationist.
It’s easy to shadow box against statues
Why is it that we are never allowed to talk about that?
Oh yeah, that’s right, b/c COMMUNIST PROPAGANDA insists that only “WESTERN” powers are imperialist!
She was harassing him in the store and should’ve been kicked out.
L (@SomeBitchIKnow) Tweeted:
Oh look the rage mob doesn’t believe in due process.
Found a picture of her online….
We are in a war.
This is excellent.
well , that was quick
1 more try….
Damn twister
Q: Is he really just talking about corn, or something else?
“Page doesn’t exist.” But I always think he’s talking about something else as well as corn.
Is something happening on or around the 4th?
Best answer I have for you…
July 4th falls on a Sat. this year (as you know).
At the DOJ…..Jody Hunt (AG Sessions’ former chief of staff), Solicitor General Noel Francisco, and FBI Legal Counsel Dana Boente are all leaving the DOJ on Friday, July 3. SDNY US Atty Geoffrey Berman (#Podesta #Epstein #Weiner’sLaptop)….who succeeded Preet Bharara…was also going to depart on that date, but given his theatrics he is now out as of yesterday.
As SD put it, “one thing all of these departures have in common, including FBI legal counsel Dana Boente’s exit, is their connection to former AG Jeff Sessions (appointments) and DAG Rod Rosenstein (oversight); and ultimately each of these individuals is connected to the larger Robert Mueller special counsel activity.”
There might not be fireworks (so to speak) surrounding all that, but just ongoing housecleaning.
Is it too soon to start talking about the next GOP Speaker of the House?
Not if the GOP gets the House
Right. Now reread POTUS’ tweet and consider how a majority of Americans feel.
VSG really knows what he’s doing. He can paint Pelosi and crew as dangerous as hell for what they are doing. Make Every House Seat Pelosi.
They usually vote in lockstep with her.
We need this on a Sunday morning — They can’t stop our joy!
Posted by Kane on June 21, 2020 2:34 pm
WATCH: Team Trump On Tour – Tulsa, OK Rally Recap
Mount Rushmore is next

No wonder I love your posts.
So spiritually spot on.
I have failed prolly too many times, being like Peter, even being like Paul who said…I do what I don’t want to do…and I don’t do what I want to do.
That great battle between the flesh and the Spirit.
We all know that struggle!
I am right there with the lowest of the lowest of all.
I am no better than anybody!
Like the sinner who confessed his heart before God…
So do I, any many others hoping in great faith for God to save our souls!…
As sinners saved by grace!
Q post 4492 is in the bin I think
Jun 21, 2020 8:51:55 PM EDT
Q !!Hs1Jq13jV6 ID: e5f3e9 No. 9701237
How is it possible select [D] governors thought it was ‘safe’ to push COVID-19 positive elderly patients back into nursing homes [hot zones]?
“Each year, 90 percent of deaths worldwide related to influenza-A virus (IAV) strike men and women aged 65 and older.”
Someone can be accused of third-degree murder if they unintentionally cause someone else’s death while committing a dangerous act.
Who benefits the most?
Why only [D] governors?
How do you reasonably explain what occurred?
and also EDNY.
Cuomo is trying to shut down legal processing in New York. Why? What could possibly be that bad, that he is being pressured to stop WITNESSES from being interviewed and GRAND JURIES from being seated?
Yup. New York is KEY. Cuomo had better protect CANKLES or he is just DEAD WEIGHT and a LIABILITY.
And now it’s time for…..
Yes, I think this is a biggie.
Reason: *ONLY* Q’s semi-disinformative drop about a video on the Weiner laptop actually got the entire media, led by the NYT, to begin pushing “deep fakes” while raising the attack on Q by orders of magnitude.
They know. Something HORRIBLE was on it. Far worse than just the emails.
just a recap:
It was credibly reported that at least some of the contents of that laptop were so sickening to hardened New York police veterans that they literally vomited.
It is rumored that at least 12 people saw the contents of that laptop, and we know 10 of those people are now dead (many through very suspicious circumstances)… and we know this because there have been people who have been tracking this story VERY closely since the discovery of that laptop…
…as closely as I (and others here) have been following the Flynn saga.
Who could have possibly known that much badness was being buried by a corrupt SDNY attorney in New York???
At least now we know why the DNC and HRC had a love affair with NY and Preet.
Think JFK Jr.
….and JFK Jr.
….whose death was very convenient for Hillary because it gave her a clear path to the (D) party backing for the then open NY Senate seat.
One word…
Spot on!
In light of the defund the police movement, a refresher.
Obama’s Brown-shirts Are Coming – Gestapo – SS – Civilian National Security Force
408 subscribers
Published on Nov 4, 2008
Do not get sucked up into this euphoria that has over come our nation. But you must be warned about the potential danger that lies ahead when so many believe so deeply that their cause is the only way forward and that those who refuse to take part are in some way obstacles to the fulfillment of what must be, of what will be. And I’m not talking about Republicans and Conservatives, I’m talking about you moderate Reagan Democrats, you will be assimilated, or purged from your Party like the waste water from a recreational vehicle. The solution for us hard core conservative capitalists will come much later. Most likely we will just be marginalized and no final solution will be necessary. That is most likely going to be the future of this country, but I could be wrong. -ExcellentAmerican Obama’s Civilian National Security Force Posted by Alberto de la Cruz at November 2, 2008 07:35 AM If elected, Barack Obama has promised to form a Civilian National Security Force that is just as powerful and just as well funded as our National Military. I have to wonder just what Obama hopes to accomplish by forming such a force when we already have millions of expertly trained law enforcement personnel both on the national level as well as the state, county, and municipality level. I am curious to know Obama’s plans for this CNSF and just what they will be protecting us from that the FBI, the DEA, ICE, the Secret Service, the Border Patrol, the DOJ, the state police in every state in the union, the local police in almost every county and city in the union, and the many more law enforcement agencies I am sure I am missing from this list cannot protect us from. Apparently, it is something very sinister and something very dangerous because with the millions upon millions of law enforcement officers we have in this country, Obama feels we need another security force that is as powerful as the US military. This idea of a Civilian National Security Force that Obama is peddling, however, is not a new concept, nor is it a novel one. It has been around for a long time. As a matter of fact, one only needs to look 90-miles to the south of our border to find another country that instituted a civilian security force that has been operating–quite effectively, I might add–for almost five decades now. Again, call me crazy, or call me an intransigent, right-wing Cuban from Miami. But as I said yesterday in a previous post: If it walks like a duck, if it quacks like a duck, then it must be a duck.…
What a blight on this country the soyman inflitrator was.
Q drop 4493 highlights the male-dressed-as-female Health Czar of PA, who moved his mother out of the nursing home even as he ORDERED contaminated patients to be admitted into all nursing homes.
Fucking sexual perverts are going to kill us all. One way or another.
Jun 21, 2020 9:15:40 PM EDT
Q !!Hs1Jq13jV6 ID: 744b1d No. 9701493
“The health official responsible for overseeing nursing homes in Pennsylvania — where nearly 70 percent of the state’s coronavirus-related deaths have occurred — has reportedly moved her elderly mother out of a facility as deaths skyrocketed.”
Sue her? him? Sue the person.
Legal lingo for its alias – Freak Doe #1.
Totally worth the read:
oh, thank you michael….been looking for an actual link!
Ha ha ha!
Yes. These people are stupid.
Qanon June 21, 2020 – Durham Is Not the Only Game In Town
I (heart) your thinking
But moving Pompeo down from SoS to SecDef is a demotion
Trump is a pushing for ultimate Peacetime ops, not continuous warfare
Rumsfeld marginalized Powell only b/c of Iraq War
Pompeo still to DRAIN Dept State Swamp
Put Grinell in DoD or FBI
Yeah. I’d love to see him head the FBI. That would really be fun!
High-level position…yes, please! Preferably one where he can kick some derrieres.
The breath of some of us…
…is less than most of us!