It’s all here, people.
Q POST 4489
Once you see it, you CANNOT unsee it.
I can now explain EVERYTHING – including why certain actions were taken behind the scenes to influence ME and other people here (not all of which I can tell you about). But THAT is just “dotting the I” and “crossing the T”. CIA-DNC-CCP-UN-level stuff.
No – the BIG PICTURE – why the DNC very likely BEGGED China to release the virus – is all here.
What you need to do, to see what I see, is simple.
- Read Q Drop 4489 (below).
- Understand this line: “COVID-2 [C]: Lockdown(s)” means COMING COVID BULLSHIT – meaning however the leftists pull off “COVID-20” (could be a variety of scams)
- WATCH the YouTube interview of AG Barr by Maria Bartiromo, starting at 21:45 and then watch for at least 5 minutes
- Read Q Drop 4489 AGAIN
You will answer the “Hollywood” question – what good actors ask – at a very deep level:
“What’s their motivation?”
This is the desperation of a criminal ON THE RUN, fleeing to safety.
If the criminal can JUST…..
- start the car and flee
- run through ONE last stop-light
- kill ONE witness
- get back to their house
- jump out of the car
- tell ONE more lie
- change the story ONE more time
…..everything will be OK.
This RESET of your vision by SEEING and FEELING their motivation, will let YOU be a better COP going after them.

Here is that image again…..

NOW – in text.
Link to New Q Drop
21 Jun 2020 – 1:52:30 PMEa_fxy2WkAArFk2.jpg
Focus @: 21:45
Can you see and understand their attempts to slow-stop accountability?
Who benefits the most?
COVID-2 [C]: Lockdown(s)
Lockdown(s) +C: POTUS economic gains wiped
Lockdown(s) +C: POTUS unemployment gains wiped
Lockdown(s) +C: POTUS rally hold [prevent gathering_dim energy]
Lockdown(s) +C: Close churche(s) other person-to-person [keep in isolation _dim energy _fear no hope] Lockdown(s) +C: Inc death toll [D] mayor(s)/gov(s) push COVID positive seniors to hot zone(s) [senior (home) care facilities] retain FEAR & lockdown (isolate _control) _combine pneumonia influenza death count w/ COVID [inc death toll] Lockdown(s) +C: BIDEN hideaway prevent ‘self-embarrassment’ Lockdown(s) +C: [D] state mail-in-ballot doorstep flood Lockdown(s) +C: Build public unrest [future BLM (4)-year push]
Lockdown(s) +C: Release unrest [BLM (4)-year push] within closed [D] controlled cities & dedicated safe zone(s) [mayor-gov coordinated (guarantee) release of those arrested]
BLM (4)-year push: BIDEN negative news ELIM re: UKRAINE-CHINA family bribes and corruption
BLM (4)-year push: BIDEN negative news ELIM re: SEXUAL ASSAULT CLAIM re: Tara Reade [preserve #MeToo future [R] attack]
BLM (4)-year push: Insert ANTIFA [D][F] pocket-controlled [D] safe zone(s) _Country on fire (real) _MSDNC _peaceful protests (fake) _bait POTUS use of GI MIL [civ untrained] capture ‘money shot’ [shooting of ‘peaceful protestor’][breach of WH perimeter][takeover central location][attempt WH breach safety-security POTUS][current-former MIL public statement(s) _POTUS unconstitutional framework MIL takeover if exercised [loyalists prevent]]
BLM (4)-year push: C wave2 opportunity card [D] mayor(s)/gov(s) impose new restrictions if needed _retain narrative mail-in-vote(ing) needed safety security _limit economic / unemployment recovery (slow)
Added: Barr _today
Lockdown(s) +C: Halt use of grand jury[ies] due to ‘close proximity’ _COVID mandated restrictions throughout all cities
Lockdown(s) +C: Halt travel of called witnesses re: pending investigation [Durham (known)] _legal out deployed by witness “I do not feel comfortable and/or safe traveling due to COVID-19 health concerns.”
[Driver: Baseline: MSDNC coordinated narrative con]
Apply logic and common sense:What are they trying to prevent?
Who benefits the most?
All assets deployed.
Larger still:
Link to New Q Drop
21 Jun 2020 – 1:52:30 PM
Focus @: 21:45
Can you see and understand their attempts to slow-stop accountability?
Who benefits the most?
COVID-2 [C]: Lockdown(s)
Lockdown(s) +C: POTUS economic gains wiped
Lockdown(s) +C: POTUS unemployment gains wiped
Lockdown(s) +C: POTUS rally hold [prevent gathering_dim energy]
Lockdown(s) +C: Close churche(s) other person-to-person [keep in isolation _dim energy _fear no hope] Lockdown(s) +C: Inc death toll [D] mayor(s)/gov(s) push COVID positive seniors to hot zone(s) [senior (home) care facilities] retain FEAR & lockdown (isolate _control) _combine pneumonia influenza death count w/ COVID [inc death toll] Lockdown(s) +C: BIDEN hideaway prevent ‘self-embarrassment’ Lockdown(s) +C: [D] state mail-in-ballot doorstep flood Lockdown(s) +C: Build public unrest [future BLM (4)-year push]
Lockdown(s) +C: Release unrest [BLM (4)-year push] within closed [D] controlled cities & dedicated safe zone(s) [mayor-gov coordinated (guarantee) release of those arrested]
BLM (4)-year push: BIDEN negative news ELIM re: UKRAINE-CHINA family bribes and corruption
BLM (4)-year push: BIDEN negative news ELIM re: SEXUAL ASSAULT CLAIM re: Tara Reade [preserve #MeToo future [R] attack]
BLM (4)-year push: Insert ANTIFA [D][F] pocket-controlled [D] safe zone(s) _Country on fire (real) _MSDNC _peaceful protests (fake) _bait POTUS use of GI MIL [civ untrained] capture ‘money shot’ [shooting of ‘peaceful protestor’][breach of WH perimeter][takeover central location][attempt WH breach safety-security POTUS][current-former MIL public statement(s) _POTUS unconstitutional framework MIL takeover if exercised [loyalists prevent]]
BLM (4)-year push: C wave2 opportunity card [D] mayor(s)/gov(s) impose new restrictions if needed _retain narrative mail-in-vote(ing) needed safety security _limit economic / unemployment recovery (slow)
Added: Barr _today
Lockdown(s) +C: Halt use of grand jury[ies] due to ‘close proximity’ _COVID mandated restrictions throughout all cities
Lockdown(s) +C: Halt travel of called witnesses re: pending investigation [Durham (known)] _legal out deployed by witness “I do not feel comfortable and/or safe traveling due to COVID-19 health concerns.”
[Driver: Baseline: MSDNC coordinated narrative con]
Apply logic and common sense:
What are they trying to prevent?
Who benefits the most?
All assets deployed.
Understand that Q is talking about BOTH past AND future.
COVID-2 [C]: Lockdown(s)
Lockdown(s) +C: POTUS economic gains wiped
Lockdown(s) +C: POTUS unemployment gains wiped
Q is using “COVID-2” as a moniker for the “second wave” or “next virus” or “mutation” or WHATEVER STORY/REALITY THEY COOK UP. Then Q shortens THAT to “C”.
Thus, Q repeatedly refers to the EFFECTS OF EXTENDING THE LOCKDOWNS.
It’s a simple point – you probably already understood it – but it helps to see WHY Trump is not going to let them get away with it – WHATEVER it is.
OK – now watch BARR answer questions. THIS is critical. BARR speaks to the EFFECTS of the lockdowns ALREADY.
Don’t watch the whole thing yet – you can do that later. Take Q’s advice and FOCUS on 21:45 forward – IMO for at least 5 minutes (26:45).
NOW – I will repeat the drop, as TEXT. READ IT. CAREFULLY. Think about EACH LINE.
Every ADMISSION that Barr makes.
Link to New Q Drop
21 Jun 2020 – 1:52:30 PM
Focus @: 21:45
Can you see and understand their attempts to slow-stop accountability?
Who benefits the most?
COVID-2 [C]: Lockdown(s)
Lockdown(s) +C: POTUS economic gains wiped
Lockdown(s) +C: POTUS unemployment gains wiped
Lockdown(s) +C: POTUS rally hold [prevent gathering_dim energy]
Lockdown(s) +C: Close churche(s) other person-to-person [keep in isolation _dim energy _fear no hope] Lockdown(s) +C: Inc death toll [D] mayor(s)/gov(s) push COVID positive seniors to hot zone(s) [senior (home) care facilities] retain FEAR & lockdown (isolate _control) _combine pneumonia influenza death count w/ COVID [inc death toll] Lockdown(s) +C: BIDEN hideaway prevent ‘self-embarrassment’ Lockdown(s) +C: [D] state mail-in-ballot doorstep flood Lockdown(s) +C: Build public unrest [future BLM (4)-year push]
Lockdown(s) +C: Release unrest [BLM (4)-year push] within closed [D] controlled cities & dedicated safe zone(s) [mayor-gov coordinated (guarantee) release of those arrested]
BLM (4)-year push: BIDEN negative news ELIM re: UKRAINE-CHINA family bribes and corruption
BLM (4)-year push: BIDEN negative news ELIM re: SEXUAL ASSAULT CLAIM re: Tara Reade [preserve #MeToo future [R] attack]
BLM (4)-year push: Insert ANTIFA [D][F] pocket-controlled [D] safe zone(s) _Country on fire (real) _MSDNC _peaceful protests (fake) _bait POTUS use of GI MIL [civ untrained] capture ‘money shot’ [shooting of ‘peaceful protestor’][breach of WH perimeter][takeover central location][attempt WH breach safety-security POTUS][current-former MIL public statement(s) _POTUS unconstitutional framework MIL takeover if exercised [loyalists prevent]]
BLM (4)-year push: C wave2 opportunity card [D] mayor(s)/gov(s) impose new restrictions if needed _retain narrative mail-in-vote(ing) needed safety security _limit economic / unemployment recovery (slow)
Added: Barr _today
Lockdown(s) +C: Halt use of grand jury[ies] due to ‘close proximity’ _COVID mandated restrictions throughout all cities
Lockdown(s) +C: Halt travel of called witnesses re: pending investigation [Durham (known)] _legal out deployed by witness “I do not feel comfortable and/or safe traveling due to COVID-19 health concerns.”
[Driver: Baseline: MSDNC coordinated narrative con]
Apply logic and common sense:
What are they trying to prevent?
Who benefits the most?
All assets deployed.
You can now see that this is not politics and stupidity.
It’s criminality saving itself through politics.
HCQ make sense now? #LancetGate? Why it’s INTERNATIONAL in scale?
Yes, even FRAUDULENT SCIENCE will be used to try to save themselves.
It is LITERAL obstruction of justice, using MURDER as a tool, and on an international scale. The CRIMINAL NATURE of communism and associated CORRUPTION is trying to SAVE ITSELF.
We will have to be TOUGH.
We will have to be STRONG.
Get ready to STAND against CRIMINALS.


Link to New Q Drop
21 Jun 2020 – 2:18:08 PM
MSDNC: “peaceful” “summer of love”
Reality [seen on social media]: murder, violence, destruction, anarchy, lawlessness…
People are awake to the truth.
Seeing is believing.
The age of social media killed their ability to fully control.
You can’t censor the world.
You are the majority.

[…] Posted By: wolfmoon1776 0 View 0 Comment KAG, MEGA, MIGA 8ViewsShareTweetMail […]
Knitted together with precision as usual!
I really want people to understand the NASTY motivation of the lockdowns….
Hadn’t considered that, but it makes sense – even as a side effect of the lockdown concept to damage DJT’s economy, and end his rallies.
Disappointed to hear Barr’s words about the “delays” caused by the pandemic. Late summer perhaps for some movement, and then all of a sudden it’s dependent on an election whether the Deep State gets taken down.
How it came down to this after 4 years… looks like nearly all of DC is a nest of vipers.
Essentially, they stopped the judicial process with all this crap.
In very beginning, I thought maybe Cuomo was that stupid…Then I realized that he was not only one and they were all Democrats. DAMN
Yup. When I first heard about the nursing homes, I was outraged and thought it was criminally reckless. Giving it time, I began to think it was just the bureaucracy screwing up. But then when I read the order, I thought “OK, it’s intentional, but it’s not Cuomo – it’s his underlings.
Now, I’m sure that Cuomo was in on it.
They are DESPERATE. They had to engineer the “nursing home gambit” to get the virus into NURSING HOMES.
virus —> lockdown —> no grand juries —> no witness interviews —> get to election
virus —> lockdown —> mail-in-voting —> massive cheating —> stolen or indeterminate election
I’m really thinking at this point, that we need to RESTOCK and RESUPPLY because they will try to create massive disruptions of things INSTEAD of lockdowns. But the REAL WAY TO FIGHT is to keep things OPEN and RUNNING, despite shortages and cut supplies.
In CA, there have been new cases, inc infection. Newsom really is taking illegals from a hot zone, Imperial county, and life flighting them into Riverside, San Diego. San Bernardino counties on purpose when these mostly conservative counties were almost to zero.
Also the jump in numbers- inmates. Inmates are exempt from all the covid social distancing, mask requirements, etc.
The devil surely appreciated that those old people died without knowing their familycared for them.
My 101 year old aunt died about a week before visitors were not allowed in nursing homes to visit. Speaking with my cousin about a week after her funeral, we both realized how merciful God was to her and her children by taking her home before the murders and lockouts commenced. She knew her kids had not abandoned her.
Really great piece here Wolfie.
It is sickening to know how our elderly have suffered and been used as political pawns. My dear aunt who turned 100 in covid quarantine (ALF) with no family allowed to visit, survived a bout of Wu-Flu. However, the psychological aftermath has left her with no will to carry on. My uncle was finally allowed an outside visit with her last week… both fully masked, six feet apart. Not so comforting a visit when she is legally blind and can’t hear. Not even the reassurance of a caring hug/kiss allowed. Brutal to her and family members far away.
Happy your aunt and family members did not have to go through the trauma. Blessings indeed.
Oh Sanpepi, that’s so sad. I prayed and need to keep praying for those incarcerated by the criminal politicians who are trying their best to have the infirm die in despair and fear. Please Lord and Mother Mary, comfort them. Hold them close. They are political martyrs.
I continue to send her cards and letters although I know she can’t read them herself. I write on the envelopes asking for the caregivers to read them to her. She was my “angel” who always gave me faith based encouragement as I raised my autistic daughter alone. I just hope she has caregivers who believe in real care. Thank you for your prayers.
Sanpepi for sure – prayers . My heart hurts for them.
When the PA health official took out their mother, then I was 100% sure it was on purpose. In fact I was sick..
The image of that hideous man in a dress. They are the most evil freak show, all of them.
I just kept from saying he or she–wasn’t sure what they were
I meant the left as a whole.
Oh I know—
HIS name is Richard Levine…he thinks he’s Rachel…AND he’s our HEALTH director of PA–how TWISTED is that?
That was why I always used words like they so as not to support what ever they were
I use what he is…a he. no surgeries, no changes–HE is a man who likes dresses.
I just don’t understand them at all…Even most gays will say they don’t understand transgenders
he likes to play dress up is all. and if that’s what he thinks makes a woman a woman, that’s terribly wrong. I prefer pants to dresses myself, but that doesn’t make me a man.
if he wants to play dress up, I say let him. but i will not call him a woman and contribute to the mental problems of a confused person–it wouldn’t be ethical.
Neither will most people…What is said is that most will use it as a weapon…Don’t use the word guys when speaking to a group of people, cause he/she is not a guy, Make sure to use the right gender pronoun or you get screwed in certain work environments and the list goes on
It’s demonic. Demonic deception. Illusory happiness. And as it finds fruition in people, it uses them to increase the spread of the deception.
The question I have, Does POTUS know what they did?
He should be charged–for every murder that occurred…
All f them should be …
He/She put his mother in a HOTEL….not another nursing home…..who does that? He/She knew!!!
I thought they said they took her home …Not much difference,
I’m using this summer to stockpile necessities and take care of real life stuff that I’ve put off for various reasons. I strongly recommend others do the same. It’s only going to get to get crazier as the election nears.
Great advice Sadie
Agreed!!! Good idea!
Very good thinking
We’ve restocked on a bunch of supplies already… I’m still prepped and planning for shortages. It’s hard to predict the supply disruptions that could be coming.
It looks like most of the worst has been prevented for now and we’re back up to good stocks of meat, dairy, and everything else, even TP.
Fortunately we never ran out of TP but that was the supply we were lowest on for a while.
We also had a low supply of Zinc but that’s been fully restocked.
I would still advise people to not let down their guard. Stupid could happen in a heartbeat.
And as Carlos/Thomas says a warning shot doesn’t scare them anymore. They have become a zombie horde.
If you can get trump stickers put them on protesters cars, bikes, busses
Michael I am also stocking up. Bought more vitamins However also made a drastic change in milling my own flour. A bucket of whole grains when properly stored can last 10-13 years. I will be not dependable on buying flour.
I had to go through the meat in the freezer, but will be restocking. My family doesn’t believe there is anything of the sort afoot, and thinks I’m insane. In fact, my dad – the one who is the most vulnerable – complains constantly about how much i spend at the grocery store keeping us stocked up.
it was coordinated from the beginning IN nursing homes–from where it started in Washington and then in NY. NJ, and PA then fell into line…disgusting
Cuomo is requiring schools and colleges to develop a fall reopening plan that follows state guidance. A private upstate university plan says this –
supporting an expedited ability to identify suspected COVID-19 presence on campus—requiring that all students, faculty and staff who reside or work on campus be immunized for influenza;
23,000 students, 8,000 staff in that school. I wonder what the deadline is for compliance. Covid 20 via the flu vaccine?
Cuomo is releasing the state guidelines in the next week or so. Will be interested to see if the flu vaccine is mandatory for schools statewide to reopen.
A Dept. of Defense study showed a past flu vaccine made people more susceptible/vulnerable to coronavirus –
Wondering if the same was true about last year’s flu vaccine or vaccines if there are more than one.
I had the flu shot last December so what is the longevity of the effectiveness of a flu vaccine since you take them annually and would one’s susceptibility to covid – 19 via the flu shot remain for an extended time?
Plateau, this is a great question, because vaccines, in the case of many diseases, do wear off over time.
For influenza, though, it’s a bit of a trick question.
The vaccine itself may or may not wear off. But, regardless of the answer to that question, it only protects you from the influenza viruses of the season for which you took it.
Because there are several strains of influenza virus, and they all are so common in humans and animals (e.g. migratory Asian birds, pigs,) that they constantly mutate, and fresh varieties arise every autumn. Hence, the insistence of public service announcements that you get newly vaccinated for the flu each year.
The same authorities claim that flu is the only disease that requires constant updates like this. Other contagions are “same old, same old” every year, so you only need a new injection if the old one wore off, which only happens for some types of vaccines.
Hope that helps!
It is a flu shot, not a vaccine. A vaccine prevents you from getting the disease, such as polio. The flu shot is a hit and miss attempt against the ever changing flu strains. A corona virus would end up being the same.
Actually, the success of the polio vaccine was a curse. Ever since, government and pharma have pushed the need for these “vaccines” even though they have no where near the same success. But kids are turned into pin cushions anyway.
The solution as always is eat healthy (meat, sorry vegans), exercise, and fast to build your immune system.
About 6 months. Which is why there is always a second wave of the flu (when the vaccine works at all) in March/April – those who got it in August or Sept have no immunity any more. When I used to give flu vaccines I refused to give them before mid October for that reason. But here it’s a lot warmer and there’s no snow.
I know that my friend got so ill two weeks after her pneumonia an her flu shot that she was hospitalized in two different hospitals within less than two weeks afterward. The doctors thought it was pneumonia but not exactly pneumonia, and they told her so. This was last summer.
This dovetails with Dr. Judy Mikovits assessment of the vulnerability created by the Flu Vaccine for the ChiCom virus.
The Cabal’s plan calls for the thwarting of all therapeutics, especially Hydroxychloraquine.
Continue to stock up on Zinc and a source of ECGC such as Cuercetin, Green Tea, or Green Tea Extract.
Remember, the Zinc is necessary to interrupt replication of the virus within the cell – the ECGC acts to get the Zinc into the cell. Keep in mind that older people tend to be Zinc deficient
Do not forget SELENIUM!
Some call it the birth control for viruses.
Selenium, Selenoproteins and Viral Infection
Good reminder!
Solid reminder!
This gives away the plan. It will be a coronavirus for sure – either COVID-19 strain or a new Chinese virus that the tests don’t work on.
The reason I can tell is REQUIRING the flu shot. I can guarantee you that the flu shot is going to WEAKEN any existing immunity toward coronviruses. ALL of them.
This is what the Army discovered – that the 2017-2018 flu vaccine ENHANCED immunity toward influenza-like viruses, but had a NEGATIVE effect on coronaviruses. Why? “Because Zero Sum Total Immunity” – my new pet theory.
Our immune systems tend to default toward most recent and most strongly experienced “challenges”, and “influenza” and “corona” have opposing parities. Enhance against one, you weaken against the other. Just a sad reality of immunity – the two are not enough alike.
SO – even if it’s just “second wave” COVID-19, it’s going to be a coronavirus-based 4GW information warfare attack.
Cuomo is making sure students are protected against flu and deprotected against coronaviruses of all kinds.
They NEED a second wave – both REALITY and PERCEPTION.
Mass mail voting…rigged results. No surprise.
EXACTLY. Notice what Trump was saying about students and COVID at the rally. All making sense now.
No doubt that’s why CV was selected, it’s inverse immunity relationship with influenza.
News broadcast out of Chicago the other day stated that there is a Chicago strain of WuFlu unlike other strains. By the time Coumo is done with injecting people with one GATES drug, he will be injecting them with ten others.
Could be a new ChiCom variant, released here in a deep blue murder zone. Middle of the year – sounds like part of a plan.
Could also just be disinformation. The left has tried a lot of things that way on CHICOM-19. Keep watching for more info – I’m interested. Could be info – could be disinfo.
Too many virology labs… too many opportunities to prestage materials.
Plus, don’t forget, Beijing is going through a massive pandemic exercise now w/ no int’l information sharing…
Keeping my ear to the radio Wolfie.
I’d take the semester off.
All desperation moves by the Global Swamp. PREDICTABLE….as the Q drops over the past 3 years indicate. The counter coup has been in operation BEFORE the coup started.
“the BIG PICTURE – why the DNC very likely BEGGED China to release the virus”
I read Q#4489 twice, and discussed it, right before you published this piece. Watched several minutes of Barr/Bartiromo around the 21 minute mark while doing so.
I’m going to watch the entire interview now, focusing on the 5 minutes you suggest, before coming back to read the rest of your piece.
That said, the Chinese releasing the virus developed by them, (or, more likely, developed as a tightly compartmented international effort between Dr. Fauxi’s grant recipients in Harvard, the University of North Carolina, Texas A&M University, University of Texas Medical Branch Galveston, and probably the Canadian Winnipeg lab*, on the one hand, and the Chinese bioweapons labs, on the other,) is what I’ll call the “Plan A” theory.
It is perfectly believable, considering what we now know, as unbelievable as it would have been to almost any of us 10, or even just 3, years ago.
Nevertheless, I wouldn’t want this Plan A theory to be pursued to the exclusion of my “Plan B” theory, which is that the virus was developed by ChiComs, or by the plausibly deniable, fully compartmented, international joint venture, as above, then released in China by, or at the behest of, some other entity.
Rationale for thinking “B”:
China suffered vegetable rot, then a swine infection causing them to slaughter half their pigs, and these two together left them short enough on food for them to start planning to make American agricultural purchases. And these 2 food contagions may have forced them to the bargaining table with Trump last fall and winter for the Phase I deal, which supposedly focuses on guarantees they would buy food from American farmers.
Then came WuFlu, which they knew about at least by early December, when they finally agreed to Phase I, if not by autumn, when they were in negotiations.
Since then, there has been reported a yellow rust fungus or mildew type of infection damaging their wheat crop. And now there is something murky happening in their capital of Peking which is certainly a psy-op of some kind, but, at least in principle, may have been triggered by a second human contagion spreading in China.
Those in the Qanon movement, as well as Steve Bannon and others, like to say “there are no coincidences.” If we really think that statement is approximately plausible (it can’t be literally true in every case — laws of probability won’t allow that,) then we need to apply it, at least on a “what if” basis, to our own theories, as part of Ockham’s Razor and Aubergine’s Razor due diligence.
What are the chances the Chinese could have been randomly hit with 3 anti-food contagions, plus WuFlu, in the space of just 2 or 3 years? (Not to mention the possibility the current Peking event is based on an actual infection, and that that infection might not have the same cause as WuFlu.)
What are the chances they would have shot themselves in the foot by intentionally releasing the 3 agricultural contagions, which, to date, I have not heard any reports claiming caused any damage to food supplies outside of China?
What are the chances the 3 agricultural infections could be just fake news, part of a ChiCom psy-op to make us think they are shorter on food than they really are? Hmm. Well, we should consider this angle, considering how much they are into fake news and psy-ops. But “what is their motivation?” for fooling us into believing that they have food shortages that they in fact don’t? I’m not saying there isn’t one a motivation, but someone claiming this would hopefully state what he surmises it is as part of his theory.
Possible motivations for an entity other than CCP to release a Chinese or partially Chinese virus in China:
1) Punishment and/or warning by banksters concerning something ChiComs have done/might do.
2a) What is Plan B in the pharmacy known for? Keeping babies from being born. Depopulation agenda. ‘Nuff said.
2b) Our doctrine on the use of WMD by hostiles, against us? Retaliation in kind. (Problem: We don’t do chemical or biological anymore.) Trigger nuclear war between US and China, while Rodham & Podesta are in NZ, and red shields in Australia. Depopulation of Northern Hemisphere after “elites” flew south for Winter. Q.E.D.
3) Islamic punishment and/or message concerning ongoing genocide and sexual humiliation of Uighur Muslims in China’s NW province of Xinjiang (AKA East Turkestan.)
This one may be far-out, and everyone I floated it to pooh-pooh’ed it instantly. But it flashed into my brain the same minute I heard a geneticist say on Bannon’s War Room that the novel coronavirus is man-made. While I admit it’s low-probability, I don’t think it should be dismissed without thought or research.
Note: I’m not suggesting some emir or mullah or group thereof paid for a biological Manhattan Engineering District on the shores of the Persian Gulf. I’m suggesting just possibly they paid for “the old bribes&blackmail routine” to get the virus developed via the international joint venture route mentioned above, then did bribes&blackmail, part deux, to get somebody expendable to release it in Wuhan.
What are the relative chances of Plan A vs. Plan B? I can’t estimate those, but don’t think treepers and anons should all dig into just one or the other, to the neglect of the path less traveled.
*Initial report of husband-wife Chinese scientists stealing coronavirus samples to send to Wuhan from Canadian bio lab rear Winnipeg dredged up memories of things you had linked to, about CIA & Tavistock keeping MK Ultra research out of the view of the American public, in part by funding important parts of the research in Canada, instead of in the US.
Interesting thoughts Covadonga.
Your piece led me to look further into the plagues of Egypt. Exodus chapters 7 through 12.
A quick run down is found here.
IMO agricultural pestilence in China is not due to intentional release. Given how dirty and uncontrolled their agricultural practices are, this is more of China’s shooting themselves in the foot. There is no excuse for them to lose that much of their swine herd when it could have been controlled with basic and well known precautionary measures. Not the least of which was vetting the herds that the bought and imported from Russia. They did this to themselves b/c they were too PROUD to buy from the U.S.
I agree.
It is more like communist/bureaucratic incompetence, which does not care for individual citizens.
Remember it is totalitarian regime.
The farmers were in hock to organised crime/banks. They sold contaminated meat deliberately so they wouldn’t lose $ and spread swine flu. Ie. I still make my money , don’t care if others are fucked. Only those without the influence to pressure to be allowed to sell were hurt. The others were left whole
Just as a quick note on a subject that really should get more discussion…..
We, as a civilization, are really close to the ability to synthesize the RNA or DNA for a virus in a computer, totally in software, and test it against virtual targets….then send it to a replication device to make some. I’m not particularly worried.
Real nature has been creating real viruses for millions of years with the intent of infecting everything on the planet, and nothing has succeeded so far. The arms race between cellular organisms and virii started back in the primordial soup and will be ongoing when we’ve reached our farthest star. It’s the environment in which we live.
It’s those “Gain-of-function” jerks who I worry about. Take a natural virus and splice bad stuff in from another natural virus. Proven designs on both sides. Those are going to be problematic.
The “Gain-of-Function” jerks & the simultaneous targeting of our auto immune systems becomes quite problematic…
DAMN–this is sick
Sadly I’d believe it, for there were Seattle residents living in that area that are screwed..
I’m suspicious that this video is pushing for military action, which could lead to a ff. There’s no substantiation of the claims; it’s the familiar “I’m talking for someone who can’t” routine. If it was really that bad, there would be at least a couple of “escapees” to tell similar stories. They don’t appear to have the area that tightly buttoned up.
Think about the Seattle residents living in the area. The business have given up for they are powerless..
What I’m wondering is how many of the businesses there were supporting the movement to begin with but maybe are starting to have a wake up call. DH is supposed to have a doc apt later, on pill hill at a facility not too far from the enclosed area. I asked about the closed off area affecting them, and got a chirpy, oh, no, we’re not affected. Then I talked about accessing the facility, and the gal then paused, got a little quiet and said, “I hadn’t thought about that.” Yeah.
I don’t think it was as many as the Mayor made it sound like
Child abuse was used to justify WACO. ‘Nuff said. Hillary would LOVE for Trump to have a Waco.
That is the first thing I thought of when I saw that…Waco.
Boom! Then CAUTION is needed. Both ways.
Yes…because we are dealing with an evil who would kill people there — to blame it on Trump.
Correction. An evil that has killed people
If we can learn anything helpful from this time, it begins by acknowledging the responsibility that we have ourselves for allowing these lunatics to be in authority over us in a democratic environment. There is hope in Seattle b/c now the Mayor and Council along with the Police Chief know that it can not go on much longer. Despite the temptation to sit back and watch the death and destruction of citizens and their property without interfering, and inspite of the polite pleas from unrealistic progressive mayors and powder puff Police Chiefs capitulating in all areas, they are only making it worse and longer lasting.
You can not use logic with idiots who have no regard for laws, for offices of authority, value for their own lives or the lives of others, and property. Starting with Goofy Jay Insley, the dizzy Mayor and several city councillors, need to go to jail. The rioters will only recognize force. No one would blame the entire police force and paramedics from withholding their services. But that’s not what makes them tick. They want a community where they can live and raise their families also. Using Home Guard and Police Force, all the rioters should be arrested en masse and charges sorted out. No one can respect a limp wristed approach with thugs who only know to mane and destroy while being paid by terrorists to create panic. It can not continue much longer without expecting others to take it in hand. Suggest to hire shooter_rughi
Alleged child abuse.
Things I read in the Waco aftermath made it pretty clear the only actual documentary evidence of child abuse was a filing in a divorce case by the ex-spouse of a guy who had converted to Branch Davidianism and then went to live in the Waco compound. In some jurisdictions, documents like that are standard procedure by women’s divorce attorneys, as a cynical bargaining chip.
No other evidence to base the innuendo and out-and-out accusations of the YSM and FIB spokesmen on.
My empathy for this quote increases with each passing day…
I think DeSantis knows what is going on:
Wolf, I believe Aubergine’s Razor was inspired by God to give us protection against these bastards. We can never forget it.
They really want us to believe they are stupid, when indeed they are the most malicious and dangerous creatures on the planet. Pure, unadulterated EVIL.
Yes, I agree – a god-send! It’s interesting, in that your razor arose via a defined pattern of thoughts among a bunch of online patriots. A variety of threads came together to form a beautiful idea stated simply and precisely, but with complex implications and powerful utility. Social media allows us to SEE how this happened.
Interesting and somewhat scary, I believe that evil can be wrought in much the same way, including the nursing home murders, but primarily by people NOT taking responsibility for the implications of their thoughts. One metaphor for this is the Denzel Washington movie “Fallen”. In that case, a malevolent conscience moves among people, and I see that as reflecting the idea that a malevolent IDEA can move among people, finally finding one or more in whom the idea can find full expression. This gains grandest power in entire masses of people believing the malevolent idea or ideas, but small groups can also bring these pest ideas to fruition.
Viewing intelligence the way that I do – very atypically – there is both REALITY and INTELLIGENCE to the idea – even consciousness and subconsciousness, but not in our normal ways of thinking, to ourselves or to each other.
Separating spirit, information, and material has been a TRICK to prevent us from seeing fully how ideas become reality, and very interestingly, the same people who want that separation, prefer US to do it, so that we are willingly at fault.
Extremely dangerous.
I am seeing more and more how HILLARY CLINTON is a focus of this evil. Her tweeted graph where she gets people on Twitter ON OUR SIDE to DENY and ARGUE AGAINST Trump’s success against COVID-19 – shown as a graph – is the kind of evil I have not seen in a long time. She was HURTING TRUMP with his success.
How wickedly evil is THAT???!!!
It is the kind of evil we need to learn how to fight, and quickly. We have to stay on the side of the Good, but we may have to use tactics we might not otherwise, I think. I had this revelation the other day, that they commonly knowingly LIE, and only “retract” if caught. A friend of mine said I made a blanket statement that wasn’t “completely” true. My revelation was, if it was effective, why should I care if it was 100% accurate? They don’t. This is war, and I am determined to win. I won’t kill Grandma like these scumbags, but I’m not above misinformation if it suits my purposes.
Trump sometimes uses “misinformation”, but it’s interesting that he uses it to promote TRUTH ultimately. I think THAT is the difference.
So if Trump says to the fake news press “Trump reached 90% of the peak which happened under Eisenhower!”, and then they come back “It was only 85%” or “90% would have been Kennedy, not Eisenhower”, then Trump has told an “artful incorrectness” that makes the Fake News carry water for him.
Thus, something that is MOSTLY true, and is a good approximation, but told so that the stupid and lazy Fake News will jump on the error, is a good thing.
However, if it makes you uncomfortable as a lie, it probably is, and I would say run from that temptation.
And this brings me to Alinsky, and how WE have to do ANTI-ALINSKY instead of copying his methods. We have to flip the parity to stay right with God.
Alinsky – fully LUCIFERIAN – said it was OK to HOAX your enemy’s negatives – essentially to make a false accusation by creating a lie.
We can’t do that. We can make FUN of their lies – like the toddler video – but we can’t really be fraudulent in attacking the left.
We can say that we honestly don’t believe them, when in doubt – that we don’t trust them – but when we find exculpatory evidence, we have to make it known. We can’t just be spiteful, but we can be openly and honestly distrustful – or FORGIVING when deserved.
Using misinformation against liars and not becoming liars ourselves is rough. That is why I like “wheat/chaff” truths that honest people will believe, and liars will doubt. Very useful!!!
Yes, I understand.
My friend who called me on my “blanket” statement used NPR as her source for having heard contradictory evidence to what I claimed. Today, NPR is being labelled “fake news” because of their statements about “right-wing” people running over protesters. So I am going to forward an article about it to my friend, and tell her this is why I ignore NPR. Hence, I would never have seen her “evidence” that my statement was not 100% accurate, and why would she believe anything on NPR anyway?
There is always a way to fight back, without feeling dirty about it. We just have to be creative.
The Father of Lies empowers mere people until he doesn’t…example…Jeffrey Epstein…(who didn’t kill himself,) He was a mover and a shaker in his time and then he wasn’t.
“I believe that evil can be wrought in much the same way,… but primarily by people NOT taking responsibility for the implications of their thoughts.”
Ayn Rand’s philosophical novel _Atlas Shrugged_ there is a scene in which a huge, deadly train accident occurs in a railroad tunnel in the Rockies.
The chapter leading up to the accident is a masterpiece of psychological illustration, showing in one person after another exactly the idea you bring up here — there are maybe a dozen or more people, in various walks of life, each of whom could have averted the accident, by thinking through the implications of what they were told to do, and acting on those thoughts with integrity. But none did so, instead merely doing as they were told, and passing the buck to the next one in line.
Diana West is also very big in this idea that we have been trained or conditioned to separate facts and thoughts from consequences. She attributes it to the Left, which certainly has a lot to answer for in spreading this mental habit of treating ideas as being separate from, and unaccountable for, their results.
But in Ayn Rand’s nonfiction, she shows that ultimately it goes back to Plato and, especially, Immanuel Kant, by way of Hegel. Marx was only a follower of them and their various philosophical disciples.
Great comment!
Yup. A world almost taken over by bad imitations of retreaded rehashes of bad ideas from a bad student. WHODA THUNK?!
Well done, wolf. You have pieced it together well and it is how I have read it for quite some time.
It’s good to see the linking of Q letting us know, however, if you follow events, read statements, dig deeper, etc. – you can understand much of what has been happening without a lot of help. Just spend the time and put the analysis hat on while leaving the emotions out of it. So much of what we have seen seems like conspiracy theory fodder. However, it isn’t. Nothing is as it appears or represented by the DS establishment sources, and hasn’t been for decades. They truly are the enemy of the American people.
So another “something” will happen. Foregone conclusion. It won’t work. Sunlight and truth are wonderful things. My prayers is for the elections to be safe from consequential cheating. Most all of We the People said that right after PDT was elected. We were correct as we saw the cheating in 2018.
When we combine the points you illustrate above into the much larger international picture of what PDT/patriots have been doing for friends and against enemies of our nation despite soft coups and mutinies – I am in awe.
JMO – Barr is telling us there will be some key figures indicted and charged before the election. If we want the whole enchilada we have to re-elect PDT and gain full, clear majorities in Congress. All hands on deck. Pray. Stand. Fight.
Agreed about laying in supplies during the summer while one can.
My son and DIL (both MD’s) told me they’re hearing from colleagues to warn their patients to get elective procedures / testing / surgeries, taken care of BEFORE mid-September. Apparently that’s when the “second wave” of the Wuhan Coronavirus and/or its mutations is expected to hit here.
They also feel that any “coronavirus vaccine” that’s approved BEFORE next summer at the earliest is likely suspect due to shortened human efficacy trials.
Tell your MD kin that hospitals and doctors need to make plans now how to STAY OPEN and serving everybody, even if there is a second wave. They will have to DO BOTH – treat corona AND do everything else. We cannot afford to let medicine shut out normal patients again – American medicine will not survive that. Gotta stay open!
The hospitals cannot self-sustain if they don’t continue in the business of regular medical practice.
Perhaps the compromise of hospitals is another element of the Cabal’s Algerian Strategy.
Here’s where a personal story comes in. I know no one who got the virus. My best friend, who is older, was supposed to have her cardiologist visit in May – she has cardiac history w/ several stents. They made it into a phone call – which is worthless for a patient on needs hands on assessment, EKG, etc.
Sure enough when she finally got an in person visit, two weeks ago, alarm bells went off, and they set her up for a cardac cath the next week. She didn’t make it to the next week – she had a heart attack. Hospitalized and now has a new stent.
Janice Dean, the weatherperson from old days at FOX is one of the few big names I see out there trying to keep the story alive of what Cuomo did.
Folks, we’re dealing with people who not only traffick and rape children, but proudly display “art” depicting evil acts. We’re dealing with people who assassinated our President, committed false flags that have killed thousands of Americans, and dragged us into wars which killed millions more worldwide. We’re dealing with people who try to slowly kill us every day with poisoned food, water, “health care,” and demoralizing propaganda. Nobody should be the least bit surprised that they would intentionally kill off the elderly. People here severely underestimate the depths of their evil.
Going back to the question of “Why?,” I think covering up Democrat crimes is only half the story. Remember that the rest of the world was affected by similar lockdowns and waves of elderly deaths. Remember that Bill Gates was all over the media for a solid two months weighing in on the crisis. My theory is that this was THE big plan decades-in-the-making to usher in the NWO no matter who was in the White House. They want a world where everyone is chipped, cashless, and under strict government control, and what better way to introduce their Mark of the Beast system than a pandemic. That The Plan could be adapted to ousting President Trump and covering up Democrat was all the better, but not the original goal.
1000% agreed. They are maintaining a schedule.
Agree, Sadie.
Otherwise, why would this have happened around the world?
Good news guys, Obama moving 2020
Obama Declares His Family Will Move To Canada If Trump Is Elected
the Burrard Street Journal
Won’t do him any good. We have an extradition treaty with Canada (if they honor it, of course).
I’d prefer they keep him. They’ll find out he isn’t Mr. Wonderful.
Hahahahaha! On another page, they call themselves the “BS Journal” and they have a disclaimer page with nothing but “BS” (huge letters) “Journal” (below that), and the URL is this:
So I’m pretty sure this is satire!
Such a strong and brilliant Post Wolfie!!!!! Thank you darlin!!! Barr is Truly a great White HAT!!! He’s very open and honest!

On another note…Have you seen Phoenix lately?
PR posted on Flep’s article today… no worries Marica !!!!! I just stole some of your!!
THank you!!!! Giant sigh of relief!!! Sanpepi.. Are you Piper? Already love you!!!
Not Piper, I don’t post often but I am always here reading. Have always loved your enthusiasm girl
Aww!!! Thank you again!!! I always try to keep track of our Patriots!!! and Friends!!! Much love to you!!..

…I nothin but a fellow…FIGHTER!!! ( who uses Lots of exclamation points!!!!)

Sanpepi started posting here & U Tree on 4/30 – still not a lot of comments though – been kinda shy I think
I LOVE this darlin!! Thanks dear Michael!!!

Agreed – BARR is awesome! He is not afraid to ENGAGE these ruffians – I think it has to do with his time at CIA – I think he understands a lot more about .gov than most!
forever… and ALWAYS!!!
“It’s criminality saving itself through politics.”

Exactly so, Wolfie!
Very well put!
This is an excellent post, boss.
Thanks…I love it!
Thanks! I was so motivated when it struck me while reading that drop and listening to the video – just O. M. G. – I had to stop what I was doing and just start writing!!!
Some high-level indictments on pedophilia would certainly knock [Them] back on their heels right about now.

Honestly… You guys!!!! Wolfie!!! Thank you so much!!!! Ya figured it out!!!

Been a bit quiet. Aunts funeral today. Reading and posting on iPad during service is frowned apon……apparently.
I know this now.
my suggestion for stocking up would be to do so gradually…and not draw attention to it. because if we trigger another run on supplies doesn’t that feed into their frenzy and fear? i would rather not be a part of that evil.
Wolf – A second NY college is requiring the flu vaccine AND saying that Cuomo may make it mandatory.
Read below for some higher ed. brain washing in this college’s plan. They don’t even try to hide it.
“The College will develop and implement a communications campaign to advance the influenza vaccination as a social norm and strategy, including providing opportunities for employees and students to receive the vaccine.”
I would take as many ONLINE Courses as the college/university is willing to provide. Even if you are a science/engineering major, you can get your English & language & other required humanities out of the way. You can also probably take math courses.
We saw a tweet yesterday saying that Dems know they have already lost 2020. Wondering when Q says (4) if they intend to BLANTIFA/COVID all through the next 4 years of prosecutions?
[…] and Antifa antics are causing the wheels of justice to grind to a halt. (See Wolfm00n’s excellent piece from Sunday for the […]