I will add more details as time goes on. HERE is a schedule:
More coverage:
LINK: https://www.keloland.com/news/local-news/keloland-news-coverage-plans-for-mount-rushmore-event/
Lauren Boebert for Congress (R-CO3)
The only change that we will consider making to Mount Rushmore is adding President Trump’s face to it.
President Trump’s speech tonight at Mount Rushmore will be one of the most important of his presidency. At a time when all of America-its values, its institutions, its history are being challenged by anti-American radicalism this is a key speech in stating the challenge.
Golden State Times!!!
LINK: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2T9rTHZhOzI
White House Live Coverage!
LINK: https://youtu.be/Gszuevu_s8M
WQTH Coverage on Twitter!
LINK: https://twitter.com/frznpch

I will add more as I can! Please post links and any Aubergine comments that do not get into this thread!

Golden State Times link –
I’ll go add this now!!!
GST tends to have less trouble with sound and streaming.
White House Live also streaming – !
Thanks for the thread, Wolfie – I am SO EXCITED!
Yes Wolfie… Thanks …………
and I love “Mount Trumpmore” !!!!!!!!!!!!
The only possible name change I will consider is “Mount MOARTRUMP”!!!
Also present and reporting from Mt Rushmore:
SD Governor: No social distancing tonight! https://twitter.com/jonkirbysthlm/status/1278928071505203206.
CSPAN will stream the event! https://twitter.com/cspan/status/1279111161238216706.
Made the mistake of reading the comments. Now I want to barf. How danged stupid those people are!
I usually watch the WH stream. Most reliable and no nasty comments.

We gonna get a history lesson?
Donald Trump Jr.
Police cars revolving light To celebrate Independence Day,
is going to tell the TRUTH about American history—and the truth about the people tearing down our statues/history. At the foot of Mount Rushmore tonight, our
will defend and celebrate America’s founding. TUNE IN! Flag of United States
Well crap, one period after doesn’t work on iPad.
3 periods
Nope. Where do I pay my Twitter carbon credits???
Remove the ? and everything after it! Then add the period. So change:
and then add the period (asterisks not included – those are mine to prevent processing by WordPress).
I don’t get ? Or other stuff on iPad. I copy tweet using Twitter icon; paste; add 1 and 3 periods, no workie workie.
Just cuz I like the picture

View of the crowd! https://twitter.com/LailaSlayer/status/1278856305260793857.
The left is about to have a cow about no masks, no social distancing!
We can never have TOO many cows………….
Yeah, not a lot of mask wearers here. I’m glad. It depresses me.
Brennan Masks are a sign of submission to CHYYYNNAA!
Name and shame!
To celebrate Independence Day, @realDonaldTrump is going to tell the TRUTH about American history—and the truth about the people tearing down our statues/history. At the foot of Mount Rushmore tonight, our @POTUS will defend and celebrate America’s founding. TUNE IN! 
Wouldn’t miss it for the world! Will be there!
Quote Tweet
Donald Trump Jr.@DonaldJTrumpJr
· 1h
The setting is literally picture perfect…seating, the stage, .Mount Rushmore…sunset…fireworks…President Trump present, speaking.
Wow, the lucky few to attend in person. Have heard 1,500 or so.
Have visited Mount Rushmore twice.. EVERY seat IS superb. Surely great watching live RSBN. Fox 10…
Will have watch video later this evening. 41st anniversary…better half says we’re going out to dinner. Happy wife. Happy life
Happy Anniversary to you and your wife
Do click on tweet… embedded info from Fox re secret room and portions of Q drop…

Keystone, SD 
Door of doors?
Quote Tweet
· 2h
Replying to @Bruno062418
POTUS Opened the Doors
Q !ITPb.qbhqo
20 Nov 2017 – 1:12:14 PM
POTUS opened the door of all doors.
Expand your thinking.
What is the keystone?
I’ve wondered if the ‘Keystone’ is THE PEOPLE……………
Keystone State is?
Q has been telling us since 2017 to find the “keystone” … NOT the keystone state… but the keystone
Keystone Sig Confirmed
5 Dec 2017 – 4:06:49 PM
5 Dec 2017 – 4:05:45 PM
Military Intelligence, No Such Agency = key
POTUS and Patriots = stone
tons more drops with “what is a keystone?” asked
From Cambridge Dictionary
keystone noun [C] (STONE)
ARCHITECTURE specialized
the middle stone in the top of an arch that has a special shape and holds all the other stones in position
keystone noun [C] (IMPORTANT PART)
the most important part of a plan, idea, etc. on which everything else depends
C = Constitution??
The live interview with a lady from Indiana was to see President and to Trust The Plan QQQQQQQQ
GO Q !
Pennsylvania is the Keystone State.
Keystone is the gateway town into Mount Rushmore. I’ve been there all day.
I’ll check back.
Bruno has a THREAD on POTUS’ schedule, Rushmore etc.
Teaser tweet:
Yes- the Rushmore pic and the full moon . Both are HABBENING this weekend… but Look closer:
“INDICTMENT DAY- will Hillary get busted?” #GhislaineMaxwelldidNOTkillherself
Full Buck Moon on the 4th
July’s full Moon will rise after sunset in the evening of Saturday, July 4, before reaching peak illumination at 12:44 A.M. Eastern Time on Sunday, July 5. Look towards the southeast to watch it rise above the horizon. How fun for our bright satellite to join Independence Day fireworks in the night sky!
Consult our Moonrise and Moonset Calculator to see when the Buck Moon will be visible in your area!
Watch (Very) Closely for a Penumbral Eclipse
Like last month, this month’s full Moon brings with it a penumbral eclipse, which occurs when the Moon crosses through the faint outer edge of Earth’s shadow (the penumbra), making part of the Moon appear ever-so-slightly darker than usual. Unlike a full lunar or solar eclipse, the visual effect of a penumbral eclipse is usually so minimal that it can be difficult to perceive at all. For this eclipse, only a small portion of the Moon will cross into the penumbra, making it even more difficult to see.
This eclipse will be visible from most of North America, except in the northernmost regions of Canada and Alaska. It will begin at 11:04 P.M. EDT (8:04 P.M. PDT) on July 4 and end at 1:56 A.M. EDT on July 5 (10:56 P.M. PDT on July 4).
more https://www.almanac.com/content/full-moon-july
Oh my. That thread.
Scavino is there – scanning the scene: https://twitter.com/Scavino45/status/1278888354722000897.
PRESIDENT TRUMP got in a little fresh air, sunshine and golf today – before traveling to Mt. Rushmore:
That’s wonderful news Georgia… even Donald Trump needs a break every now and then
(background: whining from SJWs………….)
He needs the exercise as well. I don’t think he makes it a priority, and I’ve never heard of him taking walks or jogs or bicycling, etc.
I’ve wondered if he uses the treadmill. WH has private gym, I’m sure all his homes do too. Melania always looks toned. She does something to keep those muscles stiletto capable.
[…] Posted By: wolfmoon1776 0 View 0 Comment KAG, MEGA, MIGA 8ViewsShareTweetMail […]
This is fabulous!
Perfect for this 4th of July weekend!
Thank you Georgia… Beautiful !!!!!!!!!!!!! Got a little dust in my eyes…
Don Jr describes the President’s speech for tonight:
“To celebrate Independence Day, @realDonaldTrump is going to tell the TRUTH about American history—and the truth about the people tearing down our statues/history. At the foot of Mount Rushmore tonight, our @POTUS will defend and celebrate America’s founding. TUNE IN!
Don Jr lays into the NYT…

The New York Times @nytimes – “Mount Rushmore was built on land that belonged to the Lakota tribe and sculpted by a man who had strong bonds with the Ku Klux Klan. It features the faces of 2 U.S. presidents who were slaveholders.”
@DonaldJTrumpJr reply – “New York City was also Native American land. You should tear down your office building or else you’re obviously promoting systemic racism.
James Woods tweeted that, and added note to NYSlimes:
“Now do Manhatten”
And the natives received about $13 worth of beads. Not even the $24 as advertised.
I love it!!!
Kiddo and I are doing virtual fiekd trips. We watched this one on Mount Rushmore.
Seriously added western South Dakota area to our escaoe from CA list.
Another update.
My seats are AWESOME!!!
Pretty much front row center. Crowd is excited! People are really nice. The people in front of us just went to the bathroom and asked us to watch their stuff! Only at a Trump rally!
If I can figure out how on this phone I will post pictures.
Lots of good music. It is VERY hot. I feel bad for the Secret Service in all their gear.
Thrilled for you Aubergine ! Enjoy Sweet Lady…
Thanks! I will post as long as I can. Tomorrow I might try to upload video. I’m just average with the tech stuff. Especially on a cell phone.
Don’t let the techie stuff get in the way of enjoying the moment !
I won’t! Thanks!
Ask some of those nice, fellow attendees to help you! They will get a kick out of knowing it will be shared among lots of Patriots tonight.
so jealous!!!!
have a good enough time for all of us!!!!
Aubergine, I am so happy for you and just thrilled you’re sharing your experience with us!
Thank you Sylvia. I am honored to share.
Experience of a lifetime. So happy for you!
Let’s see if this works. Sorry, it’s a Tweet. I’m trying to figure out a better way.
Excellent! GREAT shot!!! Perfect – you’re getting AMAZING bandwidth if you can tweet that image!
Seems to be working pretty good.
Here’s your chance! Me at Rushmore!
from Imgflip Meme Generator
I don’t think that worked.
Use the URL of the meme image itself by “right-clicking” on it (i.e., get a menu with IMAGE ADDRESS) and save it to your device.
Loving this party right now! https://t.co/DHXgShYp0M
Hey – great picture! I’m using it above!!!
Ohhh thanks for the photo Aubergine… lovely!
See, I knew you were smokin’ hot!
Steve, you are a very sweet man!
A truthful one, Lovely Lady!
And, of course, the brain to go with (and enhance) the hotness.
My head is going to be so big soon I won’t ever be able to take another selfie again! Love you, Steve!
As I said, I am nothing if not devoted to the truth.
How are the supposed throngs of protesters there? Local pd? Hoping its calm fun and safe.
I saw five protesters. That’s it.
they’re supposed to be hitting DC this weekend too while POTUS is out of town
Ah ok. And remember today blueflu begins.
There are blm rally riots planned everywhere tomorrow.
I am losing some bandwidth. Getting slow. You guys can probably get the program now since it has started. I will post as I can. I’m gonna enjoy the show!
OK – thanks for everything! Have a great time!!!
Great so far! Bit of a program break right now. Are you seeing the protesting? I have a friend watching for me. Swat is breaking it up she reports.
I watched the LEOs push the ANTIFOIDS back from the vans. It was a work of art!
Nice! I am about to post a little update now that I am back in the camper.
Excellent! And feel free to do a full post (or two) about your experience at any time!!!
Stick to text tweets, if you make any.
So excited for you! I feel like I am there…”Enjoy the Show”!
I visited Mt. Rushmore last year and highly recommend Hwy 16A (Iron Mountain Rd.) where each tunnel frames Mt. Rushmore as you pass thru. Excellent vacation destination with Custer State Park, The Needles Hwy, Lake Sylvan and a side trip to the Badlands. Actually saw my first Mountain Goats while climbing the Needles.
Sorry for scrolling by all of the comments. But I just want to thank Wolf, the QTree, and RSBN for giving me the opportunity to watch this live from Central Europe.
Thank you!
Hi James! Enjoy… glad you’re here…
I tune in just at the moment the road is being blocked by these BLM-Antifa pukes. When will it end?
This should be expected at every Trump event in the future! So tired of the lawlessness!
Fully agree. You and everyone else. Enough already with these punks.
WWG1WGA !!!!!
They are terrorists………………………..
I think this will be the situation from now until election day. No rally will be without protesters doing extreme things. We have to be as prepared as possible. But the people attending the rallies have to be allowed to get in. The enemy can’t be allowed to win.
I try to see the cup half full side of this…trying to keep my anger in check.
They expose themselves. How many people have traveled far to visit this event?
That is a good point. Piss people off. Make people vote.
Cut off the money.
I would be
if I were outside, delayed by those people.
vans without wheels?
Nothing a bulldozer or frontloader can’t fix. Shove that trash off the road.
RSBN got a ring side live seat to the vans driving up and slashing tires.
Where are the bulldozers
Hi Jane ! My question exactly
Heck yeah!!!! bulldoze away. Come on people you knew they would make trouble.
Make them pay for new tires as well!!!!!!!
If the Lakotas feel ripped off by our ancestors, then I should feel ripped off for the seed jewelry they sold me 35 years. The deal was fine then. Maybe now I want to rethink it, since they want to rethink their ancestors’ deal. Sarc.. Lolol
The Lakotas were not the first Native Americans to occupy that land. History is full of defeated nations and yet time & history march on, people adjust, assimilate and move on
This Is. The field of fight
He makes good points. It takes a lot of organization to get a huge number of people at a sporting event to turn their backs on the kneeling punks. And that could also be viewed as turning our backs on the flag and disrespecting it. But I think he’s on the right track.
Not if you are holding up a flag in front of you
IF anyone goes they should all be screaming loud BOOS. I still think they should be boycotted out of business til they change their ways. Let them see how littele money they make from Un-Americans. Give them the audience they’re pandering to and watch them go out of business. Those idiots in Mom’s basement can’t support those sports leagues or players salaries.

Now if only I could boycott my grocery store, phone company, and the myriad of others on the list that I’m wedded to!
Absolutely Correct… Thanks Ozzy…
Don’t let them take what you own.
Castle doctrine
I like “Castle doctrine” !
Your improved Mount Rushmore with Trump!!!
I wonder how many of those LEOs are Lakota..
NA communists will always be around.
Lakota and others will always demand a return of land. Tribes conquered other tribes for centuries before Europeans arrived. They arent winners in that argument.
So they are blocking emergency services? Lock them up.
^^^^This! Zero tolerance for blocking emergency services or even normal movement of people. Arrest them and lock them up.
The only way this stops is with serious consequences. Let them sit in the Big House with REAL criminals for a few months!!! These Snowflakes would melt in a heartbeat!
Fully agree. Cut off all the funding as well!!! Lock these people up for good. Make it hurt.
So they had to time to pull off the tires?!?!?!
JW good to see you!!!
Great to see you too! I wish I were there! I want so much to move these criminals out of the way!
I have a hunch that We the People will eventually have to take matters into their own hands.
That is NOT vigilantism when the supposed LAW will not do their job. I know that the vast majority of Law Enforcement are on our side…but there seems to be many that are not.
This group seems to be serious…We the People can only hope.
Donald J. Trump Retweeted
President Trump and The First Lady participate in the 2020 Mount Rushmore Fireworks Celebrations.
Your Home Timeline
The highway to Mount Rushmore is cleared, arrests made. It’s all good.
Folks, blocking the highway will not have any effect on Trump or the event. He’s not taking the highway. MARINE ONE will land on site.
Pinned Tweet
Jack Posobiec
BREAKING: Anarchists disable vans and BLOCK road to Trump Mt Rushmore event
34.8K viewers
Jack Posobiec
BREAKING: Anarchists disable vans and BLOCK road to Trump Mt Rushmore event — South Dakota, USA, United States
pscp.tv https://www.pscp.tv/w/1ZkKzmzqyDwxv
BREAKING: National Guard arresting anarchists blocking road to Mt Rushmore
Why did local LEOs just stand and allow these domestic terrorists to do this… blocking the road in is not a protest, it is an illegal action.
It may be FEDERAL CHARGES this way.
Should be… they not only removed the tires, they slashed them. Tow trucks are coming in now to remove the vans… only two have been arrested… others still in the street……..
NEED this to move them out of the way:
The Active Denial System (ADS) is a crowd/riot control weapon using microwaves that produces unbearable heat – to create an impenetrable security barrier.
Now it is being reported that they were ‘indigenous’ protesters.
LIVE from Mount Rushmore ahead of tonight’s @realDonaldTrump speech
The broadcaster just said if it gets unsafe for POTUS, they will call off the event, but they have not heard anything about that yet. That would look like defeat, IMO. We need to get this in hand, ASAP.
for the National Guard.
This is ridiculous… imho…
It was ALLOWED TO HAPPEN. LEOs just stood in the street and WATCHED the SOBs
Which is what they want
Why has this been going on for over an hour?
One of them was grabbing bats.
Someone off to the side said ‘why do they get to do it but we can’t’
Go get them
Why are the police so slow to clear them out? This is going on long enough
The protesters are getting what they want, stopping the event. People im sure are akready leaving the highway and ithers arent coming. Kristi Noem shouldve planned for this and had the route lined with national guard.
This should have been an immediate security risk that was cleared.
Going through the motions is failure, just like the rally, theres incompetence and sabotage and complicity.
They have about an hour to completely clear this or everyone is going home.
No, they can delay, no problem. Trump people should from NOW ON allow plenty of DELAY TIME to fill venues!
This was a short delay. IMO, a 6-hour delay window should be build into ALL Trump rallies and public events! PATIENCE KILLS COMMUNISM.
I agree, but families probably didnt plan for it, so thats why I Said it.
No matter where you are you have to plan for all this until or through November!
Yup. We have to get tough! And I’m not expecting it to end on November, either.
Commies gonna be mad. ENJOY IT.
Work farms. Chain gangs.
Fully agree. Can we also stop calling them protesters.
Also that legal observer the fat one is pissing me off.
Expect this at every rally because they don’t back down. Also why are they so careful to pull the vans. Drag them to the side.
President Wolf Moon would authorize shooting up the vans, dragging them off to the side, and setting them on fire.
I can’t tell you what i would do….
The protesters would move back from the vans VERY quickly.
I would seize and sell them. Use the money for disabled Law Enforcement.
Just basically said on rsbn that antifa mingled in with the NA. OF course.
Human propaganda shields.
Navy Band up next! Excited!
The Native American performers were really excellent.
We aren’t worried about the protesters. We have to leave by a different road, mandated by the venue/President.
Good deal!
Oh god a speech. He was handed
Walk in honor
Welcome with music…
Forgive compassion
Time and patience
Why is fox not even having this event scheduled to watch?
They’re not on America’s side any more.
Apparently not. Its really shown. Not even for 4th of July.
The guy speaking…give me a break. “Forgive each other.” “Thank you for giving us a platform today.” “Right to free speech.” “We have veterans too.” And your point is?
But there was no problem until Pres. Trump decided to celebrate America there. Nope. Not buying it.
They are not Black, they are not White, they are not Indians…..they are LEFTISTS.
Eric Trump
En route to Mount Rushmore! Looking forward to a beautiful night! Happy 4th of July weekend friends!!! Never forget that we live in the GREATEST country on earth! Flag of United StatesFlag of United StatesFlag of United States.
Why have they not rounded up these idiots. Your giving them what they want. Now you have to round up these idiots once the vans are removed which will take more time.
Oh aclu is there as well.
Trump supporter was just attacked
Some NA are ok
Others were being hired
Vans have been moved
They attacked a trump supporter who was arrested
They removed the tires from the vans – blocking the way – some arrests have been made
Not enough arrests
There was just a scuffle. Woman agitator and another man? attacked Trump supporter. NG wrestled to ground and arrested. Protesters are saying about 10 agitators there, not from their group, want nothing to do with them so they’re assisting LEO’s which is good. POTUS fixing to land.
Yes they pointed her out and she was arrested as well.
She hit him
Can we stop calling them protesters!?!?!?!
What do you want us to call them? (asks my wife!)
Anti american?
Kid living in Mama’s basement?
Hasn’t seen a shower in days group?
Can’t sing?
A lost Weight watchers group?
Punks …
How about prison number 8723
Ok lets see if I got this
^ That!
Btw, the people blocking the road to Rushmore are not “protestors.”
They’re fascist assholes breaking the law.
6:38 PM · Jul 3, 2020·Twitter for iPhone
Once they start fighting, perhaps rioters or terrorists?
Well some people on the site have rather quaint notions of foul langue, so the’re NEVER going to call these “protesters” ratfucking shiteating syphillitic cunts.
Oh, I forgot “pissguzzling.” My apologies for any confusion this may have caused.

AF 1 Flying over Mt. Rushmore!
MSM will say no one showed up.
OK best I stayed home==Believe it or not I had forgotten about Trump there since it was kind of back paged.
I just thought I should see it prior to someone destorying the place
Putting up some Parler links:
Eric Trump on Parler:
Geller Report Covering Event:
Breitbart on Protesters:
NRA celebrates Life Member Teddy Roosevelt:
Checkin in . . . anything popcorn worthy?
AF1 just buzzed the event!!!
I love ya michael!!!
Wow. What the hell is he coordinating? Scum.
Whopps didnt see thats an 08.
What you said is a timeless, always applicable thought about him !
This was in 2008. It’s just about Progzi hypocrisy!
Ive put South Dakota on my escape list but, considering its supposed to be the 5th most conservative state, WTF does Rapid City have a n Obummer statue!!!!! Rapid city is biggest city in the area.
Thats a statue that shouldnt exist.
Big Hairy Deal, Barky – Who Cares?
… eat shit and die you depraved candy ass minion of satan …
Scott Adams
Going out on a limb here, but I predict CNN will intentionally misinterpret something @realDonaldTrump says tonight. Anyone want the other side of that bet?
I think that’s a given.
Unicorn riot is there at Mount Rushmore. Thats antifas riot recorder.
They absolutely planned something.
The Library
Tempting to think ‘no big deal, they just dropped some vans and blocked traffic for awhile…’ Imagine if they were filled with explosives.
Harold Wren
That was a concern of mine, too.
You’re a smart cookie
Same thought.
One grabbed two black baseball bats
Heh Big sis!!!! Been missin ya right and left!!!! Ima hopping off to literally… absorb this speech!

Love ya Phoenix!!! to da moon!!!!
Love you too Lil Sis… Looking forward to his speech… hoping he socks it to ’em !
Dontcha Love Melania’s dress?!!!
Oh, thanks for posting that… I think she’s had her hair cut a little… looking good!
SECRET SERVICE is going to have to set a much wider perimeter.
Golden State Times has Marine 1 radio scanner going, you can hear the time calls to LZ from Marine One to Secret Service and LZ ground crew.

Really looking forward to the President’s speech. Hoping for a lift!
SAME girl!!! So excited Aubergine is actually ..there!!! Bet she gives a great ground report!!!!
Did you see her photo in Wolfie’s Opening Post? She’s lovely… like you!
Aww…And you too sissy!!! (we not sista’s for nothing!)

Sending you hugs and love, and prayers
right back atcha darlin!!! {{{Phoenix}}} And da crazy blog sends love as well!!!! ALL OF US!!!
Love to ALL…
Much Love to Marica and all her Honey B’s!!!

Oh Butterfly!!!! Much love to you dear sis!!! SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO READY for TRUMPMORE!!!! tingling!!!!
Hey bfly!!!! Not a party without you!

How are you? Ready for the speech??? I’m psyched!
I’m sooo excited!!! It’s been tough with only 1 rally these last few months. We need our lives and our POTUS back!!!
Yes, it has been hard. And this lockdown stuff has gotten profoundly old. Glad to see PDJT and Melania!
Wow! I got lifted to Mars!!
Feel charged up to go fight facists tomorrow.
Lizzy E

(@EBE2014) Tweeted:
Good job everyone in Keystone SD.
Wolf, Ibthink I just found an antifa twitter page that monitors cops in soecific target cities. They are doing portland tonight but are live teitting keystone right now.
Kal and Bren are 25 miles outside Portland right now!!!! THey will have their ears on!!!!
They tried to burn down a federal bldg last night…
THey are going to Mt St Helens tomorrow…Staying outta Portland!!! Not a good fit.. for any of us!!!
You stay safe… hope your family and the grands are well, and business is booming!
We have had a crazy month!!! But…WE WILL SURVIVE!!! You stay safe too sis!! WE ARE IN THE STORM!!!!
Yes… (still praying for Taylor I am) I’ve tied myself down to the ship… I ain’t goin’ nowhere, except WWG1WGA !
Purrfect!!!!!!!!!! Tanks sweet sis!! I knew you were!! Felt it!!!
Too nice of a pu9c not to be seen.
RedWhiteAndYou (@RedWhiteYou1776) Tweeted:
Supporters of @realDonaldTrump ride through #Keystone, S.D., on Friday ahead of a large fireworks celebration at Mount Rushmore National Memorial and a presidential address.
(Andrew Caballero-Reynolds/AFP/Getty Images)
#GodBlessAmerica https://t.co/G1vDQW5K58
Fireworks going off tonight in my neighborhood. Probably will have them tomorrow night too!
FNC is covering in between Raymond Arroyo talking. They do intend to show POTUS’s speech. Finally CSPAN1 took the plunge and has full coverage. OANN tbd.
Finally. Ridiculous they didnt show any real lead up. They couldve gone into town and did a showcase. But peasants….
But CSPAN keeps interjecting statements by military members into the proceedings. CSPAN usually doesn’t do that. I just want to see the event.
I finally realized they were doing it at the event too. Even the online WH broadcast aired the messages from the servicemen. I got TV and 3 tabs playing, LOL!!
OANN is showing.

Did ya hear during the song break??
Crowd fired up.
Hail to the Chief!!!
PO and FLO
National Anthem (Only ONE)
Gosh Melania’s skirt is great. I love the structure of the skirt! Is it black and white or navy and white? I can’t tell……
That tan helps that white pop.
Melania’s DRESS is great, I meant to say.
My wife’s trying to figure out what’s on her dress, can’t figure it out
I can’t either. Is it random/abstract or does it represent something?
I don’t know, will have to get a better view
I think it’s a message to the domestic terrorists!
I wouldn’t be surprised!
Hi Sweet Lady… so glad to see you.
Really good to see you, phonexrising! Hope you are well?

Blue Angels Flyover!!!
Did you see PDJT’s face? He liked that! #MeToo
Oh yeah I said “It’s good to be President!”
This is very middle America even with the POTUS. This is how it should be, esp this year.
Right near keystone is the National Guard training camp. Theres an AFB 20 minutes away.
Tons of fireworks going off. Also wonderful firefly show!
ET’s Mary Hart is Mistress of Ceremony. Mike Rounds, John Thune, Rand in the crowd, Meadows, Scavino, O’Brien, Eric and Lara in the box w/POTUS.
Anyone know the blonde next to Meadows?
his wife–and she has the cutest shoes on. Slides with kitten heels. I want them.
My prep music,
Aubergine you must be loving this!!!
Mary Hart is doing a great job.
yes she is!
Governor Kristi Noem is gorgeous!!!
I do not disagree with this statement
She really is!
Soldiers from Operation Enduring Freedom being welcomed home.

(No one did it prior.)
Interior Secretary David Bernhardt
We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.
Kristi Noem Potus 2024…That is all!!!
Mow wouldnt that just kill the dimms. A gorgeous female conservative President from middle America.
Got my vote!!
(ESAD Haley)
that’s our bfly!
Buy Felicia!!!
Just what I said to Mr TW…We could be looking at the first female President.
I know, right? The thought did run through my mind!
Ovation for VSGPOTUS!!!
Gets Dusty when that song plays.
without fail!!!!
The eight year old girl was singing with it!!!
Me too!!!
Kill the Virus!
Time check 7:54 PDT
This monument will never be desecrated, never defaced, heroes never forgotten, WILL STAND
Amazing, brilliant opening. BOOM.
Will stand forever!!!!!!
Each of you lives in the most magnificent country
our great nation
Note that the three American Flags behind PDJT DO NOT have the gold fringe border…
((( ! )))
You’re right!
I hadn’t noticed!
Declaration of Independence
All endowed with inalienable rights by our Creator
the unstopable march of freedom!
a growing danger …
They think the American people are weak and soft and submissive.
But they are strong and proud…..
These people are stupid.
American people are strong and proud and will not allow their values, history, and culture to be taken from them.
PDJT was almost angry when he said Rushmore will never be defaced.
weak soft submissive? NO!
completely alien to our culture
Powerful statement of principle! AMAZING.
Cancel Culture is alien to our values and has absolutely no place in the United States of America!!!
END this radical assault!
Coming down on “cancel culture”. SO needed.
NOT ON MY WATCH yells someone from the crowd……PDJT smiles!
Not gonna happen to us
“Expose this dangerous movement”.
Leftists going to overthrow American Revolution…
“Not gonna happen to us.”
“Left Wing Cultural Revolution.”
OMG! He said this whole mess is intended to overthrow our American Revolution. He knows how deep the swamp is!
I love the way you thinK!!!!
Gov of SD was good too.
Interesting to experience fake news … we have no cable or satilite. We have the event on Fox you tube streaming via ipad because RSBN froze on laptop for a little while. They have the color on what they are broadcasting to make the President’s face skin look Very odd. Just showed son the difference between what is on network news and what we can see live streaming on RSBN which is now live streaming again. (could have just been our computer)
People who don’t look outside network news are living in a fake reality.
This speech is FANTASTIC
One of em froze my laptop, couldn’t type comments at all.
crowd loves prison time for assholes
Minimum 10 Years in Prison!
Hundreds more have been arrested.

Liberal indoctrination in schools, taught to hate country
Web of lies
PDJT calling out our educational system that is brainwashing our youth.
This man is a genius
And he’s already snatched up off the market.
AMEN AMEN. He’s Jewish, Highly blessed and favored.
public riots – indoctrination via schools and media
radical view of American history a web of lies
Just LOVE both speeches. We are watching as a family despite how late its getting. Also, son and husband PUSH me to be politically active and strongly believe in what we are doing …. but don’t usually listen to the speeches as they don’t sit still that long. They are both watching and listening to every word.
This is one of the most amazing speeches ever made.
Reelection Message: SAVING AMERICA
Stonewall Jackson
Trump has found his 2020 message. What he’s saying at Mt. Rushmore is perfect. He’s running to save America from Anti Americans who are erasing our history, our culture, burning flags, want to get rid of anthem. This fell right in his lap. The left handed him this winning message
10:25 PM · Jul 3, 2020·Twitter Web App
BKR…nice to see you !
You are absolutely right…This fell right inti his lap.
boomerang, bigly!
American giants!
My god.
This might be one of his most important speeches of his presidency!!
True … on of his great speeches that children should at least hear if not memorize sections
George Washington
A trail of blood in the snow.
The grestest president of our lifetimes is now telling us all why George Washington is the greatest president of all time.
Crossing the Delaware. That was strength.
Aa adversary’s compliment is the greatest of all.
President Trump held fire until WE SAW the WHITES of THEIR EYES!
Bring it.
YES and then he gave it to them with BOTH BARRELS!
We ain’t seen NOTHIN yet.
And the message is right on target, hitting back soundly at all we have seen and heard over the last 30 days
Thomas Jefferson
The author of Americn freedom, Thomas Jefferson, will never, ever be abandoned by us
Brilliant. Now Jefferson.
The Declaration of Independence.
Abraham Lincoln
incredible speech. He has given Many speeches at his rallies and throughout his 1st 4 yrs. But this will rank in my top 5.
I know I think Every speech is great, energizing and refreshing … however, this one is Truly Great!
He gives and gives, he works and works. I admit I NEEDED this! Reminds me why I am doing that I am doing
Thank you, President Trump for this speech, at this time – the US needs this message.
Lincoln – Government of the people, by the people, and for the people
Honest Abe, Won Civil War, Emancipatin Proclamation, 13th Ammendment Aboloshing Slavery, Cost him his life
“You can fool some of the people all the time, and all of the people some of the time, but you can’t fool all the people all the time.”
Theodore Roosevelt
(old statement of enthusiasm)
Aggressive Fighting for the Right is the Noblest Sport the World Affords
42, Teddy Roosevelt, Panama Canal, Nobel Peace Prize, Medal of Honor
The section on TR – excellent
Cleaned up corruption – Teddy! Hmmmmmmmm……..
Oh yeah……………get the mop we got a LOT of cleaning to do………….
the radical ideology attacking out country goes under the banner of social justice…..
they want to silence us but we will not be silenced!
Attacking “social justice” – EXCELLENT
An very deep attack, too – the idea that social justice obviously attacks both justice and society.
Social Justice *SPIT*
They want to silence us, but we will not be silenced
No person who would destroy these monuments can love this nation.
Prresident Trump is very measured and serious. This is not a rally; it is about the USA, only.
That’s all it’s been about with him most of his life… now it is about saving it.
Brilliant ideas in this speech. Brilliant.
“We will not be silenced.”
Then my wife says “noone has a mask”.
And then I realized what the masks mean.
Cutting off our ability to freely express thoughts with one another.
A muzzle.
USA is most just and exceptional nation to ever exist on earth
we will not be silenced!!!
We are building the WALL
” We will NOT BE SILENCED! “
Every child, born and unborn, made in Holy image of GOD
we are building the wall. [snort]
“We will never abolish the police or our great right to bear arms!”
“We will only kneel to Almighty God!”
standing O
We stand tall and proud
We only kneel to Almighty God
This is who we are, this is what we believe and these are the values that will guide us………
“Just as patriots did…we will stand in their way.”
they want power for themselves. But just as Americans did in centuries past we will stand against them and win………..or something like that!!!!
They want power for themselves
And we will stand in their way
And we will win with… and great dignity
This is a Barn Burner!!!!!!!!!!
ONLY KNEEL to Almighty God!
top 3 – that one in AZ & the one in FL back in ’16 … and this one
I often get pumped by rallies and speeches but I don’t think I am just jazzed by the current one. I think there is truly so much packed into this speech and the timing of what has been going on…this is a battle cry … this is an ANSWER, a return of fire
Exactly!!!!!! It is an answer to the activities of the last couple of months. It’s a call to arms.
It is profound.
That is precisely what it is.
” We stand tall and we stand proud – and we will only bow to Almighty God! “
Wife clapping!!!
July 4, 1776
Battle Hymn of Republic
As he died to make men holy, let us die to make men free, while the battle is marching on
“My fellow Americans, it is time to speak up loudly and defend our country!”
chills, wheatie!
MLK Jr and his Dream & Civil Rights … based on our founding documents.
My Fellow Americans its time to speak up loudly …
My fellow Americans
It is time to speak up loudly, and strongly, and defend the integrity of our country
“most tolerant country in the history of the earth”
POTUS is speaking to the Deep State/DIMs and the CABAL…
It’s on………………
“It is time.”

Wow…he’s telling us to Fight Back.
Yes he is. It’s a call to arms. At least metaphorically.
We will not be tyrannized we will not be demeaned we will not be intimidated by bad people. It will not happen.
“We will not be intimidated by bad, evil people!”
We must protect our history, our heritage, and our great heroes
We will not be intimidated, demeaned, by bad evil people, IT WILL NOT HAPPEN
And the wind picks up and blows all the flags to attention
MLK called on them
Not to rip down their heritage
But to live up to their heritage
That really really stood out.
Civil rights for EVERYBODY!!! EQUALLY!!!
YEP and FREEDOM OF SPEECH…can’t take that away!
Thats good. They should use that to promote healthy black communities.
And the wind picks up again…right on cue.
He is reaching out to all of us……..
It is.
Without peer.
Plant our Flag on Mars
He’s announcing the creation of a New Monument!
A new monument, full of statues to all the greatest Americans…………
Announcing creation a new monument..EO to create outdoor park, statues of greatest Americans who ever lived
24hr armed guards
The brilliance of this move is OFF THE CHARTS.
Yep. And a giant
to the marxists.
He dropped an info bomb on Beijing.
Heck – he dropped an information bomb back in time on KARL MARX.
I am in tears
I’ve got banjo eyes. Sanpaku +1 !!!
*Bfly hands Michael some of Wheatie’s Kleenex*
Thanks, glad we had extra to go around!
A park with statues of the greatest Americans who ever lived!!!
Nothing can stop them
No one will hold them down
In AMerica, you can do anything, achieve anything
Freedom exists…for
And I thought a couple of vans across the highway would dampen our celebration tonight…………….
Silly me!
NOT WITH THIS POTUS!, HE WON’t ABIDE IT!! We are sooo Blessed to have him PR.

INDEED WE ARE BUTTERFLY ! Thank you Lord, for sending such a strong leader.
Praise GOD, AMEN.
Indeed. without ceasing.
He belongs on Mt. Rushmore. We get to be witness to, and experience the leadership of, one of the all-time great presidents.
Yes he does. 2024 Winner should see to it!
The best is yet to come……
The Best is Yet to Come!
American Greatness!! God Bless Y’all!!!
Wow! What a Great Speech – All that we expected and more! God Bless President Trump for lifting us all UP!!!
We’re not done yet!
Most serious I think I’ve ever seen him giving a speech.
He. Meant. Every. Word.
Gotta go – back soon.
Tears…and hyperventilating at the same time.
I bet Neal is chapping, HA HA

He can get in line behind Mick and the Petty family
I know, right? Makes me enjoy it all the more, to be honest!
HA, we both had the same delicious thought! My Sista!!

Yes, ma’am!!

Wife watching the fireworks!!!
It’s a great fireworks show!
Same!! Hi Mrs. Wolfie!!!! happy Independence day!!!.. Your Hubby….Taught us to be Patriots!!!
Rocking in the Free World………….
I bet Neil Young is on the phone to his attorney RIGHT NOW!
Tough spuds, Neil!
He’ll get over it.
Frankly my dear, I don’t give a damn. LOL!!!!
They’re talking about Pres Trump’s new Rapid Deployment Teams to protect our monuments, on Fox.

It’s such a great move.
I love our President!
RDTs. ReDiT teams? Platoons of pepes????
Many outstanding comments tonight, but this is my top pick….

“ I think there is truly so much packed into this speech and the timing of what has been going on…this is a battle cry … this is an ANSWER, a return of fire”
Take a bow, MAGAMom.
Oustanding. She deserves it.
That speech should be mandatory reading/studying in every classroom!!!
I second that…………….
May God himself make it so.
Ahhhhh I missed it. Need to go back and rewatch it!
God bless South Dakota…it’s people and it’s Governor who are showing all of us how to stand tall and firm for our patriotism and freedom!!!

Splodey Rushmore Heads
Did you see beautiful Melania smiling at the camera??

Beautiful FLOTUS, inside and out!!
Most beautiful and elegant FLOTUS of all time. She positively oozes class and grace.
Get down with your bad self….I FEEL GOOD!
Lee Greenwood…..Please Pass the Kleenex Miss Wheatie
*hands Butterfly a box of kleenex*

TYSM! I only needed one. *relieved*
You’ll need more.
“Our Nation is witnessing a merciless campaign to wipe out our history, defame our heroes, erase our values & indoctrinate our children. Angry mobs are trying to tear down statues of our founders, deface our most sacred memorials & unleash a wave of violent crime in our cities.”
May God forgive them, because I sure as hell won’t.
And I’ll never forget it, either.
I learned so much tonight. POTUS is assume but I knew that
I loved everyone’s comment here tonight. Here is the best place to be.
Am I the only goofy one who sings ‘to the oceans white with snow’
I’ve done that since a child, as an adult I catch myself and correct and sing both…snow/foam….Silly 

Yup, it’s only you.
Makes you unique.
Yep, I’m speshul

Our gracious and lovely 1st lady…. she did not sign up for all this. God Bless her and her charge.

BREAKING: President Trump is signing an Executive Order to establish the “National Garden of American Heroes, a vast outdoor park that will feature the statues of the greatest Americans to ever live.”
^^^ on my bucket list
What did I say? What did Cari Kelemen say?
Mine has seen the Glory of the coming of the Lord……HIS TRUTH IS MARCHING ON.
Oops, Mine
were using the Kleenex
Thank you for sharing in an incredible evening of celebration to remember!
I just LOVE that Picture!!!!

on CSPAN1, recording
Yep! I’m watching it again.

Ending with Battle Hymn of tehe Republic … I don’t remember that as begin referenced this much or being a key Independence Day song before, esp. ending with it. Maybe I just haven’t paid attention
AMAZING … can only imagine what it was like to be there. Looking forward to hearing the ground report from our treeper there
W O W !
Such a beautiful celebration of America!!!
God bless our Republic, our great president, our conservative movement, and all here.
Wishing everyone a wonderful, memorable, and rejuvenating Independence Day weekend.
Enjoy your holiday!
Governor Kristi Noem
Thank you, Mr. President, for the message of unity and dedication to the things that make America the greatest country ever.
I watched an interview of the guy who was doing the Fireworks there at Mt Rushmore…
When asked about the “fire hazard” that the Left was claiming it would be…he said that they had designed this show to AVOID any fire hazard.
He said that they were using Fireworks that were designed to burn off all debris, before any of it reached the ground.
That way…it would only be ash that fell to the ground.
He also said that firing off the fireworks from an elevated position, like they were doing…would help in burning off the debris.
So I’m thinking…any ‘fires’ that happen on the ground, would probably have been started by some asshoe on the ground.
It was the finest fireworks display I have ever seen.
I’d have to agree, GA/FL!

It was amazing, wasn’t it!
Choreographed perfectly.
The color combinations were gorgeous!
Set against a clear, dark sky…this created the perfect ‘pallet’ for the display.
And emanating from the top of our Mt Rushmore monument!
Wow. …Just Wow.
“When asked about the “fire hazard” that the Left was claiming it would be…he said that they had designed this show to AVOID any fire hazard.”

I would have smiled and said “I don’t know if the Left knows this or not, and maybe you don’t know either, but Mt. Rushmore is made out of rock.
And even God-hating, America-hating, Constitution-hating Leftists should be smart enough to know that rocks don’t catch on fire…
But for those who don’t, we made up some special stickers, they say “I’m a Dumbass”, and they can stick it right on their forehead. We can make enough so every democrat gets one.
Gov Noem pretty darn promising and real.
PT MAGAnificient.
Awesome presentation..
The singer for the Battle Hymn knocked my socks off also.
I stirred up a cloud of dust thinking that our dear Aubergine was there to see it, and to Represent.
Front n center too. Amazing!
I like the concept, but disagree with a few pf the choices and would substitute others.
Excellent! I recently visited a small park that had a few statues depicting military uniforms over time. It was so meaningful, and it’s nice to walk among life-sized statues.
The National Garden is a great idea. Pres. Trump always has something to fight back with, even harder. But it’s not just about fighting. This will preserve and teach our history.

Opponents of Nazis and Commies!!! OMG, I love it!
National Garden of Monuments
… let the competition begin.
President Trump just rededicated Americans to CELEBRATING OUR HISTORY!
Some of you asked about Melania’s dress: She is wearing a @alexandermcqueen dress. #flotus #hervepierre #alexandermcqueen #nicolebrylskincare

From Alexander McQueen’s website…
He calls this “The Dancing Girls Asymmetric Midi Dress”:
$ 3,840
Don’t know the symbolism in the dress fabric, but my first impression was that it looked like the Rugged rocks of Mt Rushmore.
Whatever, it was perfect, IMO.
I’m such a bad drawer, but I might could draw that!
Is that a big fist punching the head off the Marxist Asshoe? (Head down below.)
I thi k this national monument as a park should be YUGE. a really big place to celebrate or reflect. But where? I think it ahall be interesting to see how a place is chisen.
Middle America, bringing lots of JOBS and REVENUE to the chosen ones, Blessed by POTUS the Builder!
Site of the old un building?
Lol! That would be great.
LOL But I would love for it to be in a fly over state
Yes. All of the things d.c. and ny have concentrated in 1 area isnt representative of the whole country. I never knew we have a free national zoo and other things we cant use unless we have pkenty of money to travel. And all the political class gets them all the time while we either dont know or cant afford to tesvel.

Good to see ya!!
Good to see ya too!
What an amazing night.
Our Lion was in excellent form.
God bless America!
Great to see you here!
Where ya been? come by more often.
Busy, busy IRL, including complete overhaul of home computers and home network router/config. About half way to the set up I want and the rest of life isn’t showing any signs of slowing down either.
Hey, T3…I’ve been wondering where you were!

Hope you’re well!
It’s good to see you!
It’s good to see you too!
I’ve tried to check in a few times a week just to keep the connection, but I didn’t want to log into WP until I had a better handle on separating citizen activism and personal/work tasking.
The site is looking good!
Happy to see your Monday polar bear each week.
MaryfromMarin and 2 others liked
Jack Posobiec Flag of United States
I love how much the NY Times hated the speech
wolf, my news feed on last night’s event:
“Trump’s July 4th speech delivers divisive, culture war message.”
Your blog, The Q Tree, appears to be getting more traffic than usual! 564 hourly views – 128 hourly views on average
A spike in your stats
Well, I made it back to the camper, so I am updating for anyone still reading.
One super cool thing that happened was when the band played the anthems for all the services. They played, for the first time in public, the new anthem for Space Force! So I got to be there for that, which is historic and awesome!
The speech was PERFECT! I don’t know how obvious it was on media, but in person, the crowd was very respectful and listening intently. It was very different from a rally. There was applause, cheers, and the occasional yell, but mostly polite applause.
The fireworks were incredible. They were timed to the music, and even matched in color for a song or two (Red, White, and Blue lyric, red white and blue fireworks).
Melania looked amazing, I was so happy that I got to see her in person!
Kristi Noem is a ROCKSTAR! She is destined for the Presidency someday, IMHO. Smart, articulate, beautiful. She has it all.
As I expected, the crowd was kind to each other. No problems whatsoever.
We ran into no significant protesters. I said earlier that I saw five. That’s ALL I ever saw. The protesters who blocked the road did so after most everyone was inside the park, from what I could tell. The lady sitting next to me saw more protesters than I did, she arrived an hour and a half after me, and got shoe-horned into a seat. But even she had no problem getting past them.
This was EXACTLY what Trump supporters needed to get us going for the campaign. It seems the focus is maintaining and preserving the America we all know and love.
We obviously couldn’t all be there, but we were so happy you were there to Witness and Represent — and the first public performance of the Space Force anthem is just too cool for school.
Gotta say, the intertubez had a bunch of pix from someone way back in the nosebleed seats, and I kept going, “our beloved Aubergine is right. down. here.”
You know, I got SO lucky with timing. We went up to Keystone, parked on the side of the road about 200 yards from the barricade at the entrance, and wandered around souvenir shopping for about three hours. We had lunch, too. When we noticed the cars starting to line up on the road, we jogged over to the truck, eased into the line, got into the parking garage, and arrived with probably the first 200 people. Went down and got the great seats, and voila!
The other thing I heard from Kristi Noem that AMAZED me, as far as luck goes, was that there were 125,000 requests for tickets. We got amphitheater seating. There were probably only about 2500 of those tickets given in the lottery. Think about how lucky I was to get them!
WOW – that is very cool! 2500 / 125,000 = 2% !!! WOWZERS!!!
Thanks for doing the math! Not my forte.
Very cool – and very reassuring!
You got to see FLOTUS in person!!! Yea, that dress is WOW, too. I am just so jazzed that one of us was part of this historic occasion. Just very thankful that you had that urge to go see it. Very prescient of you to make that decision so early.
Kristi Noem is awesome. She is going to be in the left’s cross-hairs in all possible ways, particularly to “RINO” her into Nikki Haley PC compatibility. Will pray for her strength, wisdom, discernment, and vision into every move the other side makes!!!
Jason Chafetz, who was filling in for Hannity, gave an account of when Kristi Noem “invited Pres Trump to come to the Mt Rushmore monument”.
He said that he knows Noem from when they were in Congress together.
He recalled that it was in 2017, when she was running for governor, that she said in a conversation with Pres Trump…
‘When I am governor, I hope that you will come to SD and have a 4th of July celebration at Mt. Rushmore.’
Pres Trump loved the idea.
So this event had been planned for a couple of years.
And yes! Kristi Noem is awesome!
My favorite thing about this comment is that I am “one of us.” Thank you for making this great community of friends for us Wolf. I just love this place.
I will pray for Kristi, too. Unlike Haley, she was raised by a Christian family in the Great American West, so I think she has a shot at keeping her integrity.
About the dress – more at this twitter feed:
Thank you so much for this ground Report, Aubergine!

Having you there made it even more special!
I kept thinking of you there as I was watching it.
I am hoarse today, sore all over, and exhausted.
It’s the best I’ve felt emotionally in months!
Oh I can imagine…I would be hoarse too!

Because I would’ve been whooping and cheering, bigtime.
Glad you had a great time!
Oh, I was whooping and hollering, you can believe that!
The Black Hills will just set you right. It is a very wonderful area – very “good spiritual”!
Yes, it is! And I love it.
Thank you for the update! I am so envious!
It was so much fun!
From Michael DeLauzon’s twitter feed:

thank you all for the comments, perspectives and thoughts on this thread!!!
I always love the enthusiasm of the rally threads!!!!
thanks Aubergine for your insights!!!
thanks wolf for the thread and the opportunity to see the truth!
Absolutely – Amen to THAT!!!