2020·07·04 KMAG Daily Thread

Guest Author, Thomas Jefferson et. al.

The unanimous Declaration of the thirteen united States of America, When in the Course of human events, it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another, and to assume among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the Laws of Nature and of Nature’s God entitle them, a decent respect to the opinions of mankind requires that they should declare the causes which impel them to the separation.

We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.–That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, –That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness. Prudence, indeed, will dictate that Governments long established should not be changed for light and transient causes; and accordingly all experience hath shewn, that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable, than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed. But when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same Object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute Despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such Government, and to provide new Guards for their future security.–Such has been the patient sufferance of these Colonies; and such is now the necessity which constrains them to alter their former Systems of Government. The history of the present King of Great Britain is a history of repeated injuries and usurpations, all having in direct object the establishment of an absolute Tyranny over these States. To prove this, let Facts be submitted to a candid world.

  • He has refused his Assent to Laws, the most wholesome and necessary for the public good.
  • He has forbidden his Governors to pass Laws of immediate and pressing importance, unless suspended in their operation till his Assent should be obtained; and when so suspended, he has utterly neglected to attend to them.
  • He has refused to pass other Laws for the accommodation of large districts of people, unless those people would relinquish the right of Representation in the Legislature, a right inestimable to them and formidable to tyrants only.
  • He has called together legislative bodies at places unusual, uncomfortable, and distant from the depository of their public Records, for the sole purpose of fatiguing them into compliance with his measures.
  • He has dissolved Representative Houses repeatedly, for opposing with manly firmness his invasions on the rights of the people.
  • He has refused for a long time, after such dissolutions, to cause others to be elected; whereby the Legislative powers, incapable of Annihilation, have returned to the People at large for their exercise; the State remaining in the mean time exposed to all the dangers of invasion from without, and convulsions within.
  • He has endeavoured to prevent the population of these States; for that purpose obstructing the Laws for Naturalization of Foreigners; refusing to pass others to encourage their migrations hither, and raising the conditions of new Appropriations of Lands.
  • He has obstructed the Administration of Justice, by refusing his Assent to Laws for establishing Judiciary powers.
  • He has made Judges dependent on his Will alone, for the tenure of their offices, and the amount and payment of their salaries.
  • He has erected a multitude of New Offices, and sent hither swarms of Officers to harrass our people, and eat out their substance.
  • He has kept among us, in times of peace, Standing Armies without the Consent of our legislatures.
  • He has affected to render the Military independent of and superior to the Civil power.
  • He has combined with others to subject us to a jurisdiction foreign to our constitution, and unacknowledged by our laws; giving his Assent to their Acts of pretended Legislation:
  • For Quartering large bodies of armed troops among us:
  • For protecting them, by a mock Trial, from punishment for any Murders which they should commit on the Inhabitants of these States:
  • For cutting off our Trade with all parts of the world:
  • For imposing Taxes on us without our Consent:
  • For depriving us in many cases, of the benefits of Trial by Jury:
  • For transporting us beyond Seas to be tried for pretended offences
  • For abolishing the free System of English Laws in a neighbouring Province, establishing therein an Arbitrary government, and enlarging its Boundaries so as to render it at once an example and fit instrument for introducing the same absolute rule into these Colonies:
  • For taking away our Charters, abolishing our most valuable Laws, and altering fundamentally the Forms of our Governments:
  • For suspending our own Legislatures, and declaring themselves invested with power to legislate for us in all cases whatsoever.
  • He has abdicated Government here, by declaring us out of his Protection and waging War against us.
  • He has plundered our seas, ravaged our Coasts, burnt our towns, and destroyed the lives of our people.
  • He is at this time transporting large Armies of foreign Mercenaries to compleat the works of death, desolation and tyranny, already begun with circumstances of Cruelty & perfidy scarcely paralleled in the most barbarous ages, and totally unworthy the Head of a civilized nation.
  • He has constrained our fellow Citizens taken Captive on the high Seas to bear Arms against their Country, to become the executioners of their friends and Brethren, or to fall themselves by their Hands.
  • He has excited domestic insurrections amongst us, and has endeavoured to bring on the inhabitants of our frontiers, the merciless Indian Savages, whose known rule of warfare, is an undistinguished destruction of all ages, sexes and conditions.

In every stage of these Oppressions We have Petitioned for Redress in the most humble terms: Our repeated Petitions have been answered only by repeated injury. A Prince whose character is thus marked by every act which may define a Tyrant, is unfit to be the ruler of a free people.

Nor have We been wanting in attentions to our Brittish brethren. We have warned them from time to time of attempts by their legislature to extend an unwarrantable jurisdiction over us. We have reminded them of the circumstances of our emigration and settlement here. We have appealed to their native justice and magnanimity, and we have conjured them by the ties of our common kindred to disavow these usurpations, which, would inevitably interrupt our connections and correspondence. They too have been deaf to the voice of justice and of consanguinity. We must, therefore, acquiesce in the necessity, which denounces our Separation, and hold them, as we hold the rest of mankind, Enemies in War, in Peace Friends.

We, therefore, the Representatives of the united States of America, in General Congress, Assembled, appealing to the Supreme Judge of the world for the rectitude of our intentions, do, in the Name, and by Authority of the good People of these Colonies, solemnly publish and declare, That these United Colonies are, and of Right ought to be Free and Independent States; that they are Absolved from all Allegiance to the British Crown, and that all political connection between them and the State of Great Britain, is and ought to be totally dissolved; and that as Free and Independent States, they have full Power to levy War, conclude Peace, contract Alliances, establish Commerce, and to do all other Acts and Things which Independent States may of right do. And for the support of this Declaration, with a firm reliance on the protection of divine Providence, we mutually pledge to each other our Lives, our Fortunes and our sacred Honor.

My comments

A lot of us like to highlight the following:

We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.

Declaration of Independence

I even have a hat, which has on it the Betsy Ross flag, and those words are incused onto the stripes. Very politically incorrect! And not coincidentally, very historically correct.

But as much as I like those words, to me, that’s not the most important part of the Declaration.

It’s not just that we have rights. That alone doesn’t justify replacing one government with another. And explaining why our Founders were doing that was the point of the document.

For that you need to understand what a government is for. And that is explained in the very next “self evident” truth. (Yes, the list of “self evident” truths continues after the commonly quoted part, there are more of them.)

That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed,

Declaration of Independence

If this is the proper purpose of a government, and indeed it is, then it follows that a government that no longer does so–say, one that steps on people’s necks for the benefit of others–has failed in its only legitimate purpose and should be replaced. And indeed, that’s the very next, and last, “self evident” truth.

That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness

Declaration of Independence.

The document then goes on to make it clear that this should be done with great caution, and when all other options are exhausted. Then it goes on to argue that, indeed, all other options had been exhausted, so it was now time to go that route. (It’s all very neatly laid out in a logical progression, which is why it isn’t a “ramble” in the way that some of my less-carefully-crafted posts are.)

The Declaration does not mention violent overthrow, but it was clear just from looking around, during those early summer days of 1776, that the rampant, over-reaching government they were complaining about was prepared to fight to maintain its authority and its alleged “right” to be what it was. And if King George was willing to do that, then he was certainly not going to be happy to be told, “not only should you not do those things, you shouldn’t do anything here at all.”

The replacement government would, indeed, contain many mechanisms to contain it, and mechanisms to peacefully reform it, because the Founders really didn’t like having to go to war to protect their rights, even if they recognized the necessity. They did what they could to avoid it being necessary ever again.

(A monarchy claiming divine sanction cannot be reformed from within; it must either come to the realization it has no divine sanction, or undergo some other change of conscience, or be forced to reform from the outside, or be destroyed. That second-to-last one is problematic, since the monarchy is left in a position to try to regain what it had lost, and it will want to do so.)

But let’s get back to the “self evident” truths (see, this is a ramble, but I’ll get there eventually). They are, in summation, an exposition of the enlightenment-era theory of rights and government. God made us in such a way that rights are a part of our nature; governments should protect those rights, not interfere with them. If a government does interfere with the rights, it’s violating the rights it is supposed to be protecting, therefore it’s not a proper government and its victims have the right to alter or abolish it.

I can certainly get along with those who argue this way (assuming that they have a proper notion of “rights,” a rather involved subject which the Declaration doesn’t take up, no doubt due to space limitations).

But there are a couple of things that stand out to me.

I’ve been putting “self evident” in scare quotes. That’s because it’s quite clear, based on prior history, that these truths are anything but self-evident. Many, maybe even most, people don’t believe them. And the Founders were certainly aware of that, they didn’t say, “These truths are self-evident,” but rather that “We hold these truths to be self-evident.” They were self-evident to them. But not to many others.

Indeed, if the truths were self-evident, we’d never have to rise up against government, because the government would restrain itself as a matter of due course. The events of July 4, 1776 (and the war that was ongoing on that date) would have been unnecessary and this would just be another early summer day here in North America, a proud Commonwealth country.

Of course there’s another issue, too. How does one know God wanted people to have these rights? That’s the starting assumption with the Founders’ theory of rights. The Christians and Deists both believed God wants us to have rights, and that was why we have them to begin with. But it is a pretty specific statement, involving two highly abstract concepts (rights and God), and therefore it’s one which ought not to be taken as axiomatic.

So, how do you know God wants you to have these rights? Have you examined this? Now, I’m the village atheist here, so my response to the question is that it’s a non-sequitur, but most of you reading this aren’t atheists, so I actually ask in all earnest whether you have examined this issue. Because I really hope you have an answer for it that satisfies you even if it cannot satisfy me.

It’s an important point for you to be clear on, because from what I have seen, many of those who believe there is a God do not have an answer for it and thus do not believe rights come from God. In other words, they come to the same end conclusion an atheist does (“rights do not come from God”), even if for a very different reason.

So wouldn’t it be useful to have some argument for rights that gets to the correct conclusion in some totally different way? To use on both of these groups of people? Even if there weren’t a single atheist on Earth, and even if everyone on earth were Christian, it’d be a good thing to be able to prove inalienable rights exist, without referencing God.

Why? Because so much of Leftism is based on the perspective that since rights don’t come from God, they don’t actually exist. Or at the very least, they’re just a societal convention or “construct” that we simply implement through our government. It serves the Left, therefore, to put forth the notion that if rights don’t come from God, then they don’t really exist in any meaningful sense since a right granted by government can clearly be alienated at the government’s whim. So it’s not really a right.

It’s actually a false choice. Rights can exist, even if they do not come from God. But the Left just loves it when people fail to see that it’s a false choice; it delivers many Christians and almost every atheist into their camp. And anyone on our side who insists that those are the only two alternatives is therefore actually helping the Left. Because people are much more likely to align their politics with their religious convictions, than to change their religious convictions to match their politics. So if you browbeat someone into accepting that there are only two choices: 1) adopt my religion or a similar one or 2) stop believing there is such a thing as rights…they’ll usually pick number 2. Now I know that you’d much rather they pick door number 1, but realistically, by setting their desire for rights to exist against their deepest convictions, you’re much more likely to goad them into picking door number 2.

So I hope I’ve convinced you of the political utility of a non-religiously-based argument for the existence of rights, even if you yourself have no need of it.

And if you do a bit of logical deduction, you’ll realize that I believe there is one. Because A) I can’t possibly believe the religious argument and B) I’m here even so, not going off helping to demolish statues.

So what is this non-religious argument? Well…it’s long. I’m actually going to point you to an article by Craig Biddle of the Objective Standard. In that article, he summarizes Ayn Rand’s theory of rights. But he doesn’t just do that, he has to discuss her theory of morality before he can cover rights, because, it turns out, rights aren’t a political concept, but a moral/ethical one! (Rand uses those two words interchangeably, which drives the Left nuts.) That’s why a theory of politics can’t deny them, because they exist before you even start talking about politics.

“Wait,” you say, “you can’t have morals without God!” Well, wrong, but thank you for helping the Left by trying to herd all non-believers their way.

Understanding what rights are needed for, gives you a proper definition of rights (rather than a short list of examples), and you then have to tools to assess whether some alleged right really is one.

Like I said, it gets long. But here it is. Go down about a third of the way to the section titled “Ayn Rand’s Observation-Based Morality.” https://www.theobjectivestandard.com/2011/08/ayn-rand-theory-rights/

Not everyone will agree with this (Ayn Rand’s morality is hard for some to stomach, largely because she deliberately uses words with some bad connotations to describe it), nor will everyone or agree it’s the best possible defense of “rights” but, the point is, it can be done. You do not have to buy into the Left’s assertion that anyone (believer or non-believer) who does not believe God grants rights has no logical alternative but to become a Leftist, an assertion that serves the Left, not us.

A Reminder Of Today’s Issues.

Our movement is about replacing a failed and corrupt political establishment with a new government controlled by you, the American People...Our campaign represents a true existential threat, like they’ve never seen before.

Then-Candidate Donald J. Trump

Lawyer Appeasement Section

OK now for the fine print.

This is the WQTH Daily Thread. You know the drill. There’s no Political correctness, but civility is a requirement. There are Important Guidelines,  here, with an addendum on 20191110.

We have a new board – called The U Tree – where people can take each other to the woodshed without fear of censorship or moderation.

And remember Wheatie’s Rules:

1. No food fights
2. No running with scissors.
3. If you bring snacks, bring enough for everyone.
4. The gun is always loaded.
4a. If you actually want the gun to be loaded, like because you’re checking out a bump in the night, then it’s empty.
5. Never point the gun at anything you’re not willing to destroy.
6. Keep your finger off the trigger until ready to fire.
7. Be sure of your target and what is behind it.

(Hmm a few extras seem to have crept in.)

Coin of The Day

I could point you to the Bicentennial quarter, half dollar and dollar for this. And you can fairly readily obtain proofs of these coins for a fairly low price. (They don’t turn up in circulation. Even the quarter is under-represented in circulation once one corrects for its age and its mintage; people apparently keep them when they get them.)

Naah, time for something completely different.

1794 silver dollar, the first to be minted by the United States under our Constitution.

Once the Mint had hired bonded officers, it was able to start producing silver and gold coinage, starting in 1794. A small number of these coins 1758 of them to be exact, called the “Flowing Hair Dollar” was produced in 1794, a much larger number, 160,295 in 1795. (In 1796 the portrait of Liberty was changed greatly, and the eagle was changed more subtly.) Today, best estimates are that about 4,000 to 7,500 of them still exist, with maybe 150-250 in uncirculated condition. Even the rattiest uncirculated example is going to cost around $60,000; in Extra Fine condition, it drops to a mere $12,000. But those are prices for a 1795, not a 1794. For a 1794, expect to pay an even million dollars for a ratty uncirculated coin, and $300,000 for an extra fine.

The most ever paid for a rare coin was $10,000,000, and it was for a 1794 dollar (named the “Contursi Specimen” after one of its former owners) that, under detailed examination has to be one of the first made, probably the first one made of those that still survive. (We know this because the dies that stamp out the coins themselves degrade with use; one can tell the difference between coins struck from fresh dies versus ones from dies that were getting tired, and if you’re really good at that sort of thing, you can tell new from almost, almost new, and so on.)

The Contursi Specimen 1794 dollar. Is this the very first dollar the US Mint ever made?

The coin has a silver plug (you can see part of its outline below the eagle’s beak), possibly to bring the silver content up to standard, but it also has “adjustment marks” (file marks across the surface, you can see them at 2 and 8-10 o’clock on the obverse, and 5-8 o’clock on the reverse) used to reduce the weight of the coin. Many claim that that coin was the very first US dollar made, and their argument is strong but (to me) not really conclusive. In any case a company named Legend Numismatics won the thing in an auction for over $7 million and then asked to have their bid increased to ten million. Just for bragging rights! (Legend, by the way, is a table worth stopping by at coin shows–they have absolutely killer, high grade stuff. [Just try not to drool.] I really want to go through their dumpster someday; their rejects would look fantastic in my collection. Come to think of it, I did get a coin in one of their auctions, once; it was definitely not one of their finer offerings.)

Standard disclaimer: Neither this, nor any other coin I show here, is one I own. In some cases I own a similar coin, but by no means all or even most of them. I certainly couldn’t afford to even think about paying ten million dollars for any coin.

Obligatory PSA/Reminder

Just one more thing, my standard Public Service Announcement. We don’t want to forget this!!!

I hope this guy isn’t rotting in the laogai somewhere!

中国是个混蛋 !!!
Zhōngguò shì gè hùndàn !!!
China is asshoe !!!

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I cannot believe this!!!
Dr. Robert Jeffress: California Bans Singing in Places of Worship | July 3, 2020


This makes me think you probably don’t live here.


Same in Oregon even if church is social distancing, ! Strange but it is OK for protestors to scream and yell, even yell in an officer’s face. Yet singing in church is banned. Don’t they realize that too many are seeing through the Democratic craziness that some were once buying into!


My first response to this is …

…. ❤️🇺🇸❤️ .. 🤨👍‼️ …


Amen goes right there, Nikki!!!


“I cannot believe this!!!
Dr. Robert Jeffress: California Bans Singing in Places of Worship | July 3, 2020”
This sets up a direct conflict with Christianity, which is what “they” always wanted.
And it’s way past time to start standing up against this implacable evil. This new ‘decree’ is a direct attack on Christian worship.
The pattern and example in ALL of the New Testament, for Christian worship, is singing (no instruments).
“A capella” – singing
The term “a cappella” means singing without instrumental accompaniment. In Latin, “a capella” means “in the manner of the chapel” or “in the manner of the church.”
The manner of the church in the 1st century was singing, ‘a capella’ (no instruments), and there has been no further instructions from God to change it since then.
Every reference in the New Testament is about singing only, there is not one New Testament example that includes instruments:
“Saying, I will declare thy name unto my brethren, in the midst of the church will I sing praise unto thee.” (Hebrews 2:12, KJV)
“Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly in all wisdom; teaching and admonishing one another in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, singing with grace in your hearts to the Lord.” (Colossians 3:16)
“And at midnight Paul and Silas prayed, and sang praises unto God: and the prisoners heard them.” (Acts 16:25)
“Speaking to yourselves in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, singing and making melody in your heart to the Lord;” (Ephesians 5:19)
“Is any among you afflicted? let him pray. Is any merry? let him sing psalms.” (James 5:13)
“What is it then? I will pray with the spirit, and I will pray with the understanding also: I will sing with the spirit, and I will sing with the understanding also.” (1 Corinthians 14:15)
“And when they had sung an hymn, they went out into the mount of Olives.” (Matt 26:30)
It is time to stand against this evil, both for our rights as Americans, and more importantly, for our ability to worship God as He instructs and desires, according to the Authority of His Word.


comment image


Steve great history lesson and thoughtful reflection. Thank you for a meaningful 4th of July contribution for us.


I echo this, and happy Independence Day to all! 🇺🇸
I can’t fathom the courage it took to write and sign the Declaration of Independence, knowing the import of that decision. It was the original WWG1WGA, for America: “…we mutually pledge to each other our Lives, our Fortunes and our sacred Honor.”


Yes, and many of us are afraid to put a Trump bumper sticker on our car or even wear a MAGA hat in public. Sad!
Enjoyed the opening, Steve….worthy of a re-read again today. Thanks for focusing our attention to what’s really important.

Gail Combs

If we put a Trump bumper sticker on our car, we are libel to get pulled out of that car MOBBED and beaten to death.
Being DUMB does not win wars.comment imagecomment imagecomment image

Gail Combs

However we CAN put Trump bumper stickers on THEIR cars. MASKS make such things SOOoooo much easier.. (snicker) (Be careful of video showing who you are. Appearance changes are your friend.)comment image


It is my belief that the language of “endowed by their Creator” and “Laws of Nature and of Nature’s God” are a bit of a side-shuffle to say, “nobody here gave them; and nobody here can take them away.” They are innate in all of us from the moment of our creation and are part of the way the world works, even if you can’t see anyone turning the crank. It could just as well have said, “we hold these truths to be self-evident, that all protons are created equal and F=ma….”


Yes, we most certainly can take those rights away. We have before and we’ll do so again, given the slightest opportunity.
Atheist Marxism
(which, of course, is much like signing “wet water” or “cold ice”)
As much as atheists….left or right…may try…..and they go to great lengths to do so (with very impressive mental gymnastics)….attempting to divorce the founder’s understanding and, more importantly, their meaning of “inalienable rights” from their knowledge, faith in, and EXPERIENCE of God….as informed by judeo-christian beliefs, history, teachings, and knowledge…
…is not only historically inaccurate, it is also, in the end, a denial of their reasonings.
FACT: the life of Jesus, his teachings, and equally as important…his deity…forever altered the world’s and mankind’s history ever since.
When discussing concepts such as inalienable rights as it relates to the founders meaning and understanding, one cannot divorce the topic from their religious beliefs. These meanings and understandings were themselves informed by the Magna Carta and it’s history. One of it’s main principles was the concept of religious freedom (then known as the “protection of church rights“).
The Papacy was very much involved in the establishment of the Magna Carta. Now, one can argue politics surrounding the Magna Carta are one cares to. But the fact is that christian religious beliefs and understandings were HIGHLY influential…absolutely KEY actually….in the establishment of that important document, which itself is the basis of our Constitution.
The point I’m trying to make here is this: The Constitution of the United States of America and the Declaration of Independence are both inextricably tied to the life of Jesus Christ…as is the entire history of western civilization following his life.
One cannot have a full understanding of the history of western civilization without having an in-depth understanding of the history of the church and how the church came to be. Obviously, and it goes without saying, that the church and its existence is itself inextricably tied to the life of Jesus Christ.
I will leave off with this…
No man who has ever walked the earth has anything close to the significance, importance, and impact upon human history as has Jesus Christ, son of the Lord God Almighty. This fact, alone, serves as proof of his deity…
… as does the successful establishment of the United States of America…which itself was nothing short of a God-given miracle.


Standing on my chair clapping…
Post of the Day, FGC. It is so obvious, yet, so willfully ignored by many, some of whom even call themselves Christians. Turn from your sins and wicked ways, non-believers and backsliders. Seek forgiveness and repent as the author of eternity has come to earth in the person of Jesus Christ to save us all. America is grand even in its name because faithful men and women answered His call.


“the successful establishment of the United States of America…which itself was nothing short of a God-given miracle.”
More and more, we are convinced that the election of President Trump was another miracle.
In the months preceding the election, Rev. Franklin Graham led prayer on the steps of EVERY single State Capitol building….and the night before he led almost 80K Americans to pray for our country!
Those prayers and more prayers – even from people around the world – who look to the USA to uphold the ideals and truths of LIBERTY AND JUSTICE for ALL – were also praying!
We got our miracle – President Trump! A man strong and bold enough to fight and stand against communism’s ugly insidious and overt assaults and actions.
See Smiley’s comment HERE
As Peter Navarro has shown here – President Trump will fight them in the open!
President Trump is proclaiming to the communists, BLM, ØFA, $or0$, the anti-Americans, the Bush/Romney/Kristol Never Trumpers, to the UN globalists and their ilk – “Hear this loud and clear – you send your nasty violent thugs to tear down our statues and memorials; you try to cancel our history and culture – > This President and our American Patriots will defend our treasured monuments and memorials – AND build even MOAR statues, memorials and tributes to American history culture!!!!

Gail Combs

DO NOT toss out the Atheists on the right. That is a methof of DIVIDING US!
You do not have to be Christian to understand:
Good is Good
Evil is Evil

AND to understand that as a PHILOSOPHY Christianity is a heck of a lot better that the rest and got us to where we are today.
From an Atheist who warned us about Communism many years ago. Hubby got to hear her speak several times.
Envy/Hatred of the Good for Being the Good

Today, we live in the Age of Envy.
“Envy” is not the emotion I have in mind, but it is the clearest manifestation of an emotion that has remained nameless; it is the only element of a complex emotional sum that men have permitted themselves to identify.
….. That emotion is: hatred of the good for being the good.
This hatred is not resentment against some prescribed view of the good with which one does not agree.
. . . Hatred of the good for being the good means hatred of that which one regards as good by one’s own (conscious or subconscious) judgment. It means hatred of a person for possessing a value or virtue one regards as desirable.
If a child wants to get good grades in school, but is unable or unwilling to achieve them and begins to hate the children who do, that is hatred of the good….
The nature of the particular values a man chooses to hold is not the primary factor in this issue (although irrational values may contribute a great deal to the formation of that emotion). The primary factor and distinguishing characteristic is an emotional mechanism set in reverse: a response of hatred, not toward human vices, but toward human virtues….
It is impossible to experience love, which is a response to values, when one’s automatized response to values is hatred.

Gail Combs

There are GOOD people of what ever religion or even those not religious.
It is idiotic to bite a hand that is willing to pitch in and help. At this point, with not only the USA but the entire world at stake, offending those who are willing to help safe our nation and the world from the coming thousands of years of darkness is way beyond foolish.


Talk about veering off course!!
No one was biting anyone else’s hand nor seeing anyone else as “a problem”, per se.
My reply to Steve dealt EXCLUSIVELY with the founders’ understanding of the concept of inalienable rights and where/how that understanding came from.
And if, by chance, the issue lies with the opening of my comment, it as important to understand how atheism is as key to understanding marxism as christianity is to understanding the founding principals of our Republic.
Both of your responses deal with “feelings”. I was speaking to the logic and reasoning behind the founders concept of inalienable rights and it’s origin. Both of you are wrong to state that I was biting Steve or throwing him out.


Wonderful 4th of July post, Steve! I’ll have to read more closely tomorrow with coffee, as it’s way past my bed time.
Just scanning the list of complaints describing the evil treatment foisted upon the colony by the English King and Parliament – we can be sure our Founding Fathers were more than justified in their decision to separate from Britain and be a FREE COUNTRY AND PEOPLE FOREVERMORE,


….and how many of them clearly apply today?


That’s probably still in my clipboard — I had thought to include it myself but thought it was too early in the history of the thread.
There are something like 1200 unelected boards and commissions in California alone, with each board member and commissioner making maybe $50K for any board they are on. They meet 4-12 times per year, for one day, and they are stuffed to the gills with nieces, nephews, cousins, college roommates, girlfriends, and hangers-on of politicians.

Deplorable Patriot

Well, that explains a lot. It makes what destroyed East St. Louis, Illinois, look like a kiddie commune.


I didn’t think they got into that those days


No Poofters!!!!!
— rules of the University of Woolamaloo.


It’s woollamaloo


Damn, no wonder there are issues with conservatives. The party of peace wants people to kidnap and abuse children of Republicans. Come on this is so sick!! (I hope you realize that first part of statement is snarky).
Twitter Software Engineer Advocates for Kidnapping and Violently Abusing Children of Republicans


Well, Kim, he should be arrested immediately and never allowed to see the light of day.


… never mind .. 😖🤚 … I tried to post something with his picture, no big deal. Like Scarlett O’Hara says … “tomorrow is another day” .. 🙂👍🇺🇸❤️


Just came to the Qtree to post this; apologies if it has already been posted, and also I did not yet listen to it, but BCP is very proTrump, so it can’t be too bad. Just intrigued that he mentions Q-Anons…
Please pray for me fellow Qtreepers; I have been working hard to get a real Conservative leader (we have two running in the Federal Conservative Party leadership race) and to get pro-lifers, (social conservatives) mobilized. Which is why I have not been hanging out here much lately. We have CINOs also running for leadership (Conservtives in Name only)


In Canada…. Conservative Leadership Race …for the Conservative Party of Canada


Thank you, and Happy Independence Day, Steve!
In spite of all that is going on in America, here is a 1983 prophecy that President Trump is selected by God to bring the American People back to God.


See Bottom of Mt. Trumpmore thread for list of names for POTUS’ statue park. Also, WH doc (Cates threads) details on who can and how they must be built.


Some people were adding interesting suggestions

Deplorable Patriot

I wish Chuck Yaeger was on that list. Thomas Edison. Alexander Graham Bell.
There’s a lot that can be added.

Deplorable Patriot

Yes, but why put Christa McAuliffe there and not Sally Ride, or Shannon (I can’t remember her last name) who spent MONTHS on the International Space Station.
If you’re going for literature and the arts: Herman Mehlville, Remington, John Singer Sargent, even John Williams.
There’s so many you could add ten a year for a century and still not get them all.

Deplorable Patriot

Nope. With all luck, the list will be worked on, and additional Americans added annually like is done here with a Walk of Fame.


kea, THANKS for posting this!!


No problem. I was so shocked to get an update. But I’m happy that they are keeping at it.


kea, oh, YES!


Our Declaration of Independence
was written by
Thomas Jefferson
Benjamin Franklin
John Adams
Roger Sherman and
Robert Livingston
“When in the Course of human events,
it becomes necessary . . .
Approved by the new and beginning United States
of America July 4, 1776


This should be required reading…11th or 12th grade, high school….comment image


Book: David McCullough, “John Adams”
For reference ONLY – Amazon link:


I think all McCullough’s books should be required reading. He’s a terrific writer who knows how to make history interesting.


“Aggressive Fighting for the Right is the Noblest Sport the World Affords” – Theodore Roosevelt


Grandpa fought with him…Hate to think of what Grandpa would be saying right now about all these protestors.


Probably be rolling his sleeves up and fixin to take care of sum bidness


Oh, you probably right. He could pass for Sam Elliot too, Cousin pointed that out and damn, no more Sam Elliot crush for me.
He was the guy we used to see movies of, and think no way. Grandma’ was a teacher and her family would not speak to for years, cause she ran off with some bad cowboy.


Happy 4th of July everyone!
Great guest author and opening Steve


Look the party of peace is protesting peacefully again,
Watch: Portland Rioters Hurl Explosives at Officers, Launch Mortars Toward the Federal Courthouse https://illicitinfo.com/action/2020/07/04/watch-portland-rioters-hurl-explosives-at-officers-launch-mortars-toward-the-federal/


Rep. Anthony Sabatini
If you are arrested or fined for not wearing a mask—call me and I will represent you for free


Okay, the periods after the URL didn’t work.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Gotta strip the ? and everything AFTER it off the Twitter URL.


Hope he has a license in Texas.


Fantastic 4th thread Steve!


So is this why Jr. wasn’t in SD? ANyone know, He quarantined with Kim?

Matt Couch 🎙
Liberals cheering the fact that Kim Guilfoyle has the coronavirus is typical of these leftist mob like cowards.
We wish her a speedy recovery, the same recovery that happens to 99.7% of Americans.
10:19 PM · Jul 3, 2020·Twitter Web App


Probably so. No doubt he has to stay away from Pres. Trump for a certain amount of time. POTUS has to be protected at all costs.


comment image


The speech was very successful out there…
Back The Police & Our Military 🇺🇸 (@SipowiczB) Tweeted:
Unprecedented pushback. Coup attempts. Fake impeachment. Endless sabotage from anyone and everyone in government. Generals. Government employees.
Why? Ask yourself why.
Because he knows the full extent of the criminality, fake wars & treason.
He said “fuck you”
That’s why.


News roundup has been posted if interested.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Climate Realists
Twitter treated as a laboratory for ‘left-wing narratives’ | Sky News Australia
Twitter treated as a laboratory for ‘left-wing narratives’ | Sky News Australia
Hard-left narratives which emerge on mainstream media, have usually been trialed first on Twitter, according to Sky News host Rita Panahi. “On Twitter you can see how ideas are born, how flawed they…
1:45 AM · Jul 4, 2020·Twitter for iPad


Just posted from BCP….Happy Independence Day QTreepers….


Today, this 4th of July…our Republic’s Independence Day celebration and day of remembrance…
…and in both honoring and echoing our most exceptional President and his incredible speech given at Mt. Rushmore…
….of which our own MAGAMom rightfully said…
“… there is truly so much packed into this speech and the timing of what has been going on…this is a battle cry … this is an ANSWER, a return of fire”…
…and in answer to Americans who would desecrate or refuse to stand for our Republic’s flag…
If you ever have cause to tell someone why we stand for our flag, why we honor it, and why it is NEVER allowed to touch the ground and be soiled by doing so, remember this story among all else PDJT said tonight.
It is the story of the first black American to be awarded the Congressional Medal of Honor (by date of action, not award).
.comment image
He was Army Sgt. William H. Carney…
…who earned the honor for protecting one of the United States’ greatest symbols during the Civil War — the American flag.comment image
Carney was born into slavery in Norfolk, Virginia, in 1840. His family was eventually granted freedom and moved to Massachusetts, where Carney was eager to learn and secretly got involved in academics, despite laws and restrictions that banned blacks from learning to read and write.
Carney had wanted to pursue a career in the church, but when the Civil War broke out, he decided the best way he could serve God was by serving in the military to help free the oppressed.
In March 1863, Carney joined the Union Army and was attached to Company C, 54th Massachusetts Volunteer Colored Infantry Regiment, the second official black unit recruited for the Union in the north. Forty other black men served with him in C Company, including two of famed abolitionist Frederick Douglass’ sons.
The Second Battle of Fort Wagner – July 18, 1863
Fort Wagner, or Battery Wagner as it was known to the Confederates, controlled the southern approaches to Charleston Harbor. This made it a very key and important strategic position. The fort was on a very narrow island, so the Union could only assault the fort with one regiment at a time. 😳😖
The approach to the fort was constricted to a strip of beach 60 yards (55 m) wide with the ocean to the east and the marsh from Vincent’s (now Bass) Creek to the west. Upon rounding this defile, the Union Army was presented with the 250-yard south face of Fort Wagner, which stretched from Vincent’s creek to the sea. Surrounding the fort was a shallow moat riveted with sharpened palmetto logs, as abatis, and the moat on the seaward side had planks with spikes positioned beneath the water. The armament of Fort Wagner on the night of July 18 consisted of one 10-inch seacoast mortar, two 32 lb. carronades, two 8-inch shell guns, two 32 lb. howitzers, a 42 lb. carronade, and an 8-inch seacoast mortar on the land face. Company A of the 1st South Carolina Artillery also had two guns positioned outside of Wagner’s southern face by Vincent’s creek to provide enfilading fire.
Simply put, it was a death trap.
As you can see below, the 54th’s advance on the fort narrowed to a 60 yard wide strip, funneling the advancing regiment into a very tightly packed formation upon which the rebels could concentrate their fire. Losses were horrendous, and even the 54th’s commander, abolishonist Col. Robert Shaw, was killed during the engagement, as were Gen. George Crockett Strong (mortally wounded in the thigh by grape shot while trying to rally his men), Col. Haldimand S. Putnam (shot in the head and killed in the salient) and Col. John Lyman Chatfield of the 6th Connecticut.
.comment image
During the battle, the regiment’s color guard (the man carrying the US Flag) was shot. Carney, who was just a few feet away, saw the dying man stumble, and he scrambled to catch the falling flag. Despite suffering several serious gunshot wounds himself, Carney kept the symbol of the Union held high as he crawled up the hill to the walls of Fort Wagner, urging his fellow troops to follow him. He planted the flag in the sand at the base of the fort and held it upright until he was rescued.
While the Union troops were forced to retreat under fire, he struggled back across the battlefield with the aid of a white soldier of the 100th New York. This soldier attempted to persuade Carney to allow him to carry the colors, given Carney’s wounds. Carney vehemently refused. During their retreat, both men were shot and wounded yet again. Witnesses later attested that Carney refused to give the flag to his rescuer or any others.
Eventually returning to the union lines and turning over the colors to another survivor of the 54th, Carney proclaimed, “Boys, I only did my duty; the old flag never touched the ground!”
Carney had been shot in the face, his shoulder, both legs, and cannon grape shot in one arm.
In spite of these wounds and very nearly losing his life due to a loss of blood….and God only knows how much pain he was in….not once did he allow the American flag…..torn and shot through….to touch the ground.comment image
In all, approx. 1,515 Union soldiers were killed, captured, or wounded in the assault of July 18, although this number has never been accurately ascertained. Gen. Hagood, the commander of Fort Wagner, on the morning of July 19, stated in his report to Gen. P.G.T. Beauregard that he buried 800 bodies in mass graves in front of Wagner. Only 315 men were left from the 54th after the battle, approx. 30% of all who set out to assault the fort.comment image
The Storming of Ft Wagner-lithograph by Kurz and Allison 1890
There are a great many stories like this one, from all the wars America has fought, all of which illustrate the importance and significance of our flag. It is the symbol of our shared heritage, our founding as a Republic, our values, our ideals, the remembrance of our shared past, and our hopes for the future.
When we stand for the flag, and sing our national anthem, we do so in honor of those who sacrificed so much yesterday so that we may have so much today. Their loss was for our gain.
On a personal note, I have been accused in my past of being a “warmonger”. I am not a warmonger. I am, however, a very eager student of military history, and part of the reason is because stories like Sergeant Carney’s are indispensable to understanding America’s history, who we are as a people, and why our nation…our Republic…is the greatest to have ever existed upon the earth.comment imagecomment image


As a matter of fact (and I didn’t mention this so as not to soil the OP)…
BLM filth….”supposedly” protesting for black americans….desecrated the monument to the 54th Mass. on May 31….exactly 123 years TO THE DAY 😳 that the monument was unveiled and dedicated.
It is the first civic monument to pay homage to the heroism of African American soldiers. It was paid for by the survivors of the 54th Massachusetts Volunteer Infantry and emancipated Black people from Beaufort, South Carolina.comment image
This is written on the rear of the monument…above BLM desecration in the picture above…
“The White Officers taking life and honor in their hands cast in their lot with men of a despised race, unproven in war, and risked death as inciters of servile insurrection if taken prisoners besides encountering all the common perils of camp march and battle. The Black rank and file volunteered when disaster clouded the Union Cause. Served without pay for eighteen months till given that of white troops. Faced threatened enslavement or murder if captured. Were brave in action. Patient under heavy and dangerous labors. And cheerful amid hardships and privations. Together they gave to the Nation and the World undying proof that Americans of African descent possess the pride, courage and devotion of the patriot soldier. One hundred and eighty thousand such Americans enlisted under the Union Flag in MDCCCLXIII–MDCCCLXV. [1863-1865]”


You are too kind.


This man needs a statue in the National Garden of American Heroes.


I think there should be a monument to “the common man” included as well. We ALL, throughout the history of America, have contributed to her greatness in some way. Even the stupid, ignorant protesters give us an enemy to fight, which unveils truths otherwise unseen by many. We all have a role to play.


I like your design idea!

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Wall Street Journal (alma mater of half of Fusion GPS) tried to get intelligence on Gab, presumably to help the Cancel Culture take it down one more time. Andrew Torba leads the guy on, as if he was an Nigerian bank official or “Microsoft” calling from India about your computer having a virus.
Very instructive article, to learn how to deal with leftist media spies.
https://news.gab.com/2020/06/30/gabs-email-exchange-with-the-wall-street-journal/comment image
Gab’s Email Exchange With The Wall Street Journal
A former Facebook employee turned Wall Street Journal journalist reached out to me today digging into how Gab runs our business and manages to stay online despite being no-platformed by dozens of service providers over the years. Below is our full email exchange. I want you all to see how these people operate. The way they weasel and work behind the scenes. I also want you to compare this full conversation to what he actually publishes. Enjoy!
I’m a reporter for The Wall Street Journal and I’m looking into how platforms with strong free speech policies are dealing with their dependence on large internet infrastructure companies (like Cloudflare). Would Andrew Torba be interested in participating in an interview?
Euirim Choi


Reviewing DP+FG&C comments yesterday – tucked them into a twatter thread and appended my own thoughts at the end…


It really is an exceptional piece of music, IMHO.
I can easily understand why it is played before a drop. It is totally “gird yourself…this is gonna be nasty but you can do it, and eternal honor awaits you no matter what happens. Duty. Honor. Faith.” Grim but inspiring and hopeful at the same time.
Grabs me right in the feels and gives it a shake whenever I hear it.


Have you seen that movie, Michael?
It’s one of my all-time favorite movies…so I’ve probably watched it over a hundred times.
Practically wore out my VCR tape of it.
One of the Big Themes is…Betrayal.
And also…Don’t Surrender.
Because it will not save you, you will be betrayed and still have to fight for your life.


I have seen it actually. At the time I was not terribly bowled over by it, b/c it did deviate from the book significantly. But I was also a lot younger when it came out (1992) so maybe I would appreciate it more now and should give it another spin.


If anyone stumbles onto a good full recording of the fireworks w/ the original music please repost


I think this may be a full recording:
[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FV5jrp9aPtA&w=644&h=362%5D

Valerie Curren

We were blessed to see the annual fireworks show over the lake on Friday! Northern Michigan is way more laid back about the CV hysteria than downstate so it’s a relief to get away from the insanity. Hope you are all enjoying a beautiful Independence Day with those you love. God Bless!!!

Valerie Curren

Whoops I meant to include this list too 😉


George Washington
Congressional Medal of Honor memorial
Brig. Gen. Jimmy Stewart
Albert Einstein
Neil Armstrong
Bob Hope
Henry Ford
Ray Charles
Charles Lindbergh
Jesse Owens
Mark Twain
John Wayne
Kelly Johnson
Bass Reeves

Linda K Harrison

George Washington did make the list. Maybe this is just the beginning list because of the way they plan on laying out the garden. I don’t think the President and First Lady forget anything.

Deplorable Patriot

Chuck Yaeger
Thomas Edison
Alexander Graham Bell
Sally Ride
Lou Gehrig
There’s quite a few.

Valerie Curren

So many inspirational heroes to choose from & honor!!!

Valerie Curren

We didn’t see anything like this over Otsego Lake!

Deplorable Patriot

Makes me wish for the big displays under the Arch again. On the 4th, they were 45 minutes long and the pall of gunpowder in the air just hung. One year, the wind was from the east and blew it all into downtown.
Ah, the memories.

Valerie Curren

Nice. I’ve never really seen the International Fireworks display on the Detroit River celebrating our Independence Day & Canada’s (some day of importance I’m not sure what it’s called). I’ve seen pictures & it looks like they shoot off the fireworks in triplicate from a barge in the middle of the river. Quite the show…but we’re usually Up North at that time so we make do with small town Americana, which is also a blessing…

Valerie Curren

I don’t know either. It’s just in Detroit there is a joint celebration along the Detroit River for those nearly coinciding international holidays…

Valerie Curren

Yes! …Lots of Q‘s!comment imagecomment imagecomment imagecomment imagecomment imagecomment image

Valerie Curren

Thanks! Nice job collecting those Q’s 🙂


“So I hope I’ve convinced you of the political utility of a non-religiously-based argument for the existence of rights, even if you yourself have no need of it.”
I don’t think it can be done, for the simple reason that if ‘rights’ came from man and not God, then they would be gone before you pronounced the ‘s’ in ‘rights’.
If Rights come from man, then they can be taken away by man, which means they are not actually ‘rights’ at all, but benefits or privileges, which means tools of manipulation, and those tools don’t belong to you, they belong to whoever can take them away (i.e., ‘might makes right’, which is the opposite of inherent individual ‘rights’).
So if ‘rights’ came from men, if ‘rights’ were a creation of men, then practically speaking, the concept of ‘rights’ wouldn’t even exist long enough to be a footnote in history.
By contrast, that which is given by God cannot be taken away by man, except:
1) by Due Process, e.g., one’s freedom taken away as punishment after conviction for a crime, which historically would have been a violation of God’s law, and the government was an instrument to punish evildoing, so in effect, so long as the government is not corrupt, when due process is followed, in the example of incarceration above, it is God (not man) who takes your (right to) freedom away:
“For rulers are not a terror to good works, but to the evil. Wilt thou then not be afraid of the power? do that which is good, and thou shalt have praise of the same: [4] For he is the minister of God to thee for good. But if thou do that which is evil, be afraid; for he beareth not the sword in vain: for he is the minister of God, a revenger to execute wrath upon him that doeth evil.” (Romans 13:3-4, KJV)
2) by Theft, e.g., lawless tyranny, brute force, either by an individual (robber, murderer, etc.) or by a corrupt government, for which the lawful recourse is the God-given right to self defense at the individual level, or revolution at the national level.


To say it another way, it is because our rights come from God that We the People have the wherewithal to act as a check against any government which would attempt to take them away.
Because the criminals people in government know that if, for example, Pelosi and her Cabal attempted to nullify or remove our Rights, that We the People would put our hands on them, and physically remove them.
Why do We the People have the seemingly radical Authority (the Right) to abolish the government, if the government makes a credible attempt to lawlessly take what God has given us?
Because We the People (who have God-given inherent Rights) created the States, and then the Constitution, which in turn authorized the creation of the federal government, therefore We the People are superior by (at least) THREE LEVELS of Authority over the federal government, and it is a Maxim that the created — in this case, the government — cannot be greater than the Creator. This concept takes us right back to God, because God created us, and we can never be greater than (or even remotely equal to) God, our Creator.
God created us, therefore we are subject to His Authority (whether we rebel or not is a different matter); We the People created the government, therefore the government is subject to Our Authority. The government literally has not the Authority to take our Rights, because the created (government) cannot be greater than the Creator (us, We the People).
In this regard we are different from most (all?) other countries in the world, because We the People created this country, it was not cobbled together by some ruthless Monarch (the effective definition of a ‘Monarch’ being someone who was better at murder than any of his adversaries in order to become Monarch, and in turn credibly threatens murder in perpetuity against everyone else in order to remain Monarch).
Our government, whose lawful Charter (Constitution) is to protect and defend our RIGHTS, was created by We the People. If the government is in violation of its Charter, then the government is in violation of its raison d’être, its justification to exist.
Absent that justification (or in violation of it), the government ceases to exist as a lawful body; it is effectively ‘dead’ already, and can therefore be abolished.
Or think of the Constitution as a Trust, where the government officials are the Trustees, and We the People are the beneficiaries. If the Trustees violate their sworn oath and fiduciary and other lawful obligations to protect and serve the interests of the beneficiaries, they are removed (and prosecuted).
At a fundamental level, our Rights are the only thing which stands between us and the barbarians, between freedom and tyranny, so if our Rights are credibly threatened, we must go nuclear without hesitation — it is a clear, bright red line in the sand which shall not be crossed, because without them, without our Rights, there is nothing but oppression and death.
And if you are effectively ‘dead’ without them, then there is no reason not to risk death in order to keep them.
Because you having nothing to lose.
Allowing rights to be taken = certain death; yours, your family’s, our country’s, and ultimately the death (and certain systematic erasure) of Western Civilization
Risking death by fighting to keep rights = possible, even probable, victory; life and liberty (freedom)
Because God gave us these rights, they are inherently part of us, of who we are, and therefore no man has the Authority to take them away.
It is always going to come back around to God, and Authority, no matter how we slice it or dice it, because without God, the ‘equation’ won’t balance, for lack of a better way to say it.
Our rights, given by God, are recognized and guaranteed in the Bill of Rights as Amendments to the Constitution, they are not granted or created by the Constitution.
Our rights are inherent within us (inalienable), they exist because we exist — and we exist because God created us, so we’re back to God again.
This is a great subject to discuss 👍


If we ever become so prideful as not to accknowledge that our rights are granted by our Creator, I do not believe God will protect those rights. We will come under tyranny. Thank you, Lord, for the precious rights you have given us, and may they be preserved, and let us never forget.


“It would be a great subject to discuss…but you first must quit strawmanning my position. I do NOT claim our rights come from man. That’s precisely the false alternative I complain about.”
I did not mean to strawman your position, or even directly reference your position, other than to note that our Rights must come from somewhere, and if they do not come from God, the only other alternative is from man.
And it doesn’t work if Rights come from man, for all the reasons I outlined.


“An argument from incredulity. Since you cannot imagine a third alternative, one must not exist.”
And the 3rd alternative is…?
“Your limitations are no constraint on reality.”
Agreed, no constraint on reality, but by your reluctance to enlighten me as to what the 3rd alternative is, and then present an argument for it 😁


“I did link to a better exposition than I myself could write. If you REALLY want to know, go read it.”
If you mean the Ayn Rand perspective article referenced in your original post, I will read it. 👍
“If, instead, you wish to use my reluctance to do a bad job presenting it when others have done a more capable one, as an excuse to dismiss it, that’s fine too.”
Not at all, it’s just difficult to respond, when the proposition is that God is not responsible for giving us our Rights, and man isn’t either, and no obvious ‘Door Number Three’ is presented.


“It would be a great subject to discuss…but you first must quit strawmanning my position. I do NOT claim our rights come from man. That’s precisely the false alternative I complain about.”
What *is* your position?
The article is 5 pages long, 3,050 words, 17,965 characters (with spaces), and 67 paragraphs long (Microsoft Word stats).
Can you distill your position down to a direct point or two, which can be presented as an argument, to be cross-examined?


Happy Independence Day QTreepers!


Good thinkingcomment image


EXCELLENT SUGGESTION!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Post-Rushmore report….
July 4, 2020 at 02:30
Well, I made it back to the camper, so I am updating for anyone still reading.
One super cool thing that happened was when the band played the anthems for all the services. They played, for the first time in public, the new anthem for Space Force! So I got to be there for that, which is historic and awesome!
The speech was PERFECT! I don’t know how obvious it was on media, but in person, the crowd was very respectful and listening intently. It was very different from a rally. There was applause, cheers, and the occasional yell, but mostly polite applause.
The fireworks were incredible. They were timed to the music, and even matched in color for a song or two (Red, White, and Blue lyric, red white and blue fireworks).
Melania looked amazing, I was so happy that I got to see her in person!
Kristi Noem is a ROCKSTAR! She is destined for the Presidency someday, IMHO. Smart, articulate, beautiful. She has it all.
As I expected, the crowd was kind to each other. No problems whatsoever.
We ran into no significant protesters. I said earlier that I saw five. That’s ALL I ever saw. The protesters who blocked the road did so after most everyone was inside the park, from what I could tell. The lady sitting next to me saw more protesters than I did, she arrived an hour and a half after me, and got shoe-horned into a seat. But even she had no problem getting past them.
This was EXACTLY what Trump supporters needed to get us going for the campaign. It seems the focus is maintaining and preserving the America we all know and love.


Thanks for re-posting this over here, FG&C. You are awesome!


Sounds wonderful Aubergine!!! Glad you had a great time. 🙂


Thank you Aubergine! 👍👍😁


Post-Rushmore report….
July 4, 2020 at 02:30
Well, I made it back to the camper, so I am updating for anyone still reading.
One super cool thing that happened was when the band played the anthems for all the services. They played, for the first time in public, the new anthem for Space Force! So I got to be there for that, which is historic and awesome!
The speech was PERFECT! I don’t know how obvious it was on media, but in person, the crowd was very respectful and listening intently. It was very different from a rally. There was applause, cheers, and the occasional yell, but mostly polite applause.
The fireworks were incredible. They were timed to the music, and even matched in color for a song or two (Red, White, and Blue lyric, red white and blue fireworks).
Melania looked amazing, I was so happy that I got to see her in person!
Kristi Noem is a ROCKSTAR! She is destined for the Presidency someday, IMHO. Smart, articulate, beautiful. She has it all.
As I expected, the crowd was kind to each other. No problems whatsoever.
We ran into no significant protesters. I said earlier that I saw five. That’s ALL I ever saw. The protesters who blocked the road did so after most everyone was inside the park, from what I could tell. The lady sitting next to me saw more protesters than I did, she arrived an hour and a half after me, and got shoe-horned into a seat. But even she had no problem getting past them.
This was EXACTLY what Trump supporters needed to get us going for the campaign. It seems the focus is maintaining and preserving the America we all know and love.




Verse of the Day for Saturday, July 4, 2020

“But of that day and hour knoweth no man, no, not the angels of heaven, but my Father only.”
Matthew 24:36 (KJV)


comment image


Thank You, Jesus, for blessings received and prayers answered!


Saturday Butterfly Blessingcomment image


Jesus Loves Babies…Pray for the Unborncomment image
Jesus Loves the Little Children – Pray for the Little Childrencomment image
Jesus Loves You – Come to Himcomment image


comment image


Happy Fourth Duchess!
Hope your day is Blessed!


Happy Independence Day, Patty!!!
Hope your day is Blessed, too!!! Hugs!!!


quiet night last night!
HUGS to you!!


Oh, Thank God!!! * Smiling *


{{fingers crossed}} we got the gang hopefully…
yesterday I scrubbed the entire deck–they left quite a, ahem, calling card in places.
enjoy your holiday!


their “free speech” ends BEFORE it gets to my deck…LOL…




Oh, YUK! You must be exhausted from these past two weeks!
Do your neighbors engage in fireworks fun? If so, maybe the Raccoon Mob will be frightened away – Hey, we can hope!!!


our nearest neighbors are 2 miles away. they are haying in the hot weather and are too tired to worry about fireworks…lol…nearest neighbor has cows and horses too…
but a small town in NY has a racetrack–they have fireworks almost every Saturday night…


Are you that close to the state line? Well, I was hoping it got noisy enough to scare them away – I think it is going to get especially loud here tonight – people are filled with pent up energy from all of this COVID CON – they will unleash their Patriotism in defiance of the dictators. JMHO


I can spit into NY (and as I have often said, I frequently do!)
we are sitting here drinking coffee and we heard the trap spring–a chipmunk set it off…LOL


Awww…I love the little chipmunks – even though they often raid the bird feeders – hope he got free – you are definitely on your own – way out in the boonies – you are!!!

Deplorable Patriot

I”ll have to go over there one evening.



Not a small thing, so I’d agree. Meanwhile the muzzies have tried their hand at mucking up the place as well in the past few years and will no doubt try again.
Here’s a quick look at who is interned there:
All but three of the Kings of France were buried in the basilica, as well as a few other monarchs. The remains of the earlier monarchs were removed from the destroyed Abbey of St Genevieve. Some of the most prominent of these are:
Clovis I (466–511)
Childebert I (496–558)
Aregund (515/520–580)
Fredegund (third wife of Chilperic I), (died 597)
Dagobert I (603–639)
Clovis II (634–657)
Charles Martel (686–741)
Pepin the Short (714–768) and his wife, Bertrada of Laon (born 710–727, died 783)
Carloman I (751–771)
Charles the Bald (823–877) (his brass monument was melted down during the Revolution) and his first wife, Ermentrude of Orléans (823–869)
Carloman II (866–884)
Robert II of France (972–1031) and his third wife, Constance of Arles (986–1032)
Henry I of France (1008–1060)
Louis VI of France (1081–1137)
Louis VII of France (1120–1180) and his second wife, Constance of Castile (1140–1160)
Philip II of France (1165–1223)
St. Louis IX of France (1214–1270)
Charles I of Naples (1227–1285), an effigy covers his heart burial
Philip III of France (1245–1285) and his first wife, Isabella of Aragon, Queen of France (1248–1271)
Philip IV of France (1268–1314)
Leo V, King of Armenia (1342–1393)
Charles VII, King of France (1403–1461)
Charles VIII, King of France (1470–1498)
Louis XII of France (1462–1515)
Francis I of France (1494–1547)
Henry II (1519–1559) and Catherine de’ Medici (1519–1589)
Francis II (1544–1560)
Charles IX (1550–1574) (no monument)
Henry III (1551–1589), also King of Poland (heart burial monument)
Henry IV (1553–1610)
Louis XIII (1601–1643)
Louis XIV (1638–1715)
Louis XV (1710–1774),
Louis XVI (1754–1793) and Marie Antoinette (1755–1793)
Louis XVII (1785–1795) (only his heart; his body was dumped into a mass grave)
Louis XVIII (1755–1824)
Other royalty and nobility
Blanche of France (daughter of Philip IV)
Nicolas Henri, Duke of Orléans (1607–1611), son of Henry IV
Gaston, Duke of Orléans (1608–1660), son of Henry IV
Marie de Bourbon, Duchess of Montpensier (1605–1627), wife of Gaston
Marguerite of Lorraine (1615–1672), Duchess of Orléans and second wife of Gaston
Anne Marie Louise d’Orléans (1627–1693), la Grande Mademoiselle
Marguerite Louise d’Orléans (1645–1721), Grand Duchess of Tuscany
Jean Gaston d’Orléans (1650–1652), Duke of Valois
Marie Anne d’Orléans (1652–1656), Mademoiselle de Chartres
Henrietta Maria of France (1609–1669), wife of Charles I of Scotland and England
Philippe I, Duke of Orléans (1640–1701), brother of Louis XIV
Princess Henrietta of England (1644–1670), first wife of Philippe
Elisabeth Charlotte of the Palatinate (1652–1722), second wife of Philippe
Maria Theresa of Spain (1638–1683), consort of Louis XIV
Louis of France (1661–1711), le Grand Dauphin
Maria Anna Victoria of Bavaria (1660–1690), Dauphin of France, wife of Louis
Princess Anne Élisabeth of France (1662), daughter of Louis XIV
Princess Marie Anne of France (1664), daughter of Louis XIV
Marie Thérèse of France (1667–1672), daughter of Louis XIV
Philippe Charles, Duke of Anjou (1668–1671), Duke of Anjou, son of Louis XIV
Louis François of France (1672), Duke of Anjou, son of Louis XIV
Philippe II, Duke of Orléans (1674–1723), Regent of France
Louis of France (1682–1712), Duke of Burgundy
Marie Adélaïde of Savoy (1685–1712), Duchess of Burgundy
Louis of France (1704–1705), Duke of Brittany
Louis of France (1707–1712), Duke of Brittany
Charles of France (1686–1714), Duke of Berry
Marie Louise Élisabeth d’Orléans (1695–1719), Duchess of Berry
Na (not baptized) d’Alençon (1711)
Charles d’Alençon(1713) Duke of Alençon
Marie Louise Élisabeth d’Alençon (1714)
Marie Leszczyńska (1703–1768), consort of Louis XV
Louise Élisabeth of France (1727–1759), Duchess of Parma
Henriette of France (1727–1752), daughter of Louis XV and twin of the above
Louise of France (1728–1733), daughter of Louis XV
Louis of France (1729–1765), Dauphin of France
Infanta Maria Teresa Rafaela of Spain (1726–1746), first wife of above
Maria Josepha of Saxony (1731–1767), second wife of Louis
Philippe of France (1730–1733), Duke of Anjou
Princess Marie Adélaïde of France (1732–1800), daughter of Louis XV
Princess Victoire of France (1733–1799), daughter of Louis XV
Princess Sophie of France (1734–1782), daughter of Louis XV
Princess Louise of France (1737–1787), daughter of Louis XV,
Louis Joseph, Dauphin of France (1781–1789), first son of Louis XVI and Marie Antoinette
Princess Sophie Hélène Béatrice of France (1786–1787), second daughter of Louis XVI and Marie Antoinette
Henri de La Tour d’Auvergne, Vicomte de Turenne (1611–1675), Maréchal General de France.
Anne of Brittany, Duchess of Brittany (1477–1514), wife of Charles VIII and Louis XII.


I am so glad Hubby and I were able to visit Saint Denis and see the royal crypts in 2015. That area is changing rapidly and I no longer would feel safe there.


Happy Independence Day !comment image


Great post btw Steve !


President Trump retweeted:
Franklin Graham@Franklin_Graham
@TheHermanCain – a great American, is hospitalized with coronavirus and has requested prayer. He is a colon cancer survivor & in a high risk category. Would you join me in praying for him today, as well as all those who are suffering from COVID-19?comment image

Gail Combs

BARF! The Tweets following were down right hateful!
I am so glad to know the left sees a drug addict, thief and woman abuser as ‘Their Hero’


Noted as a very bad foundation to whatever it is they are trying to do.


The contest is still on. It won’t be as much fun though.


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Those are great pat. Thanks for my morning laugh 🙂


i can only take credit for copying and pasting them–but I am sort of a savant with that…LOL


I like to make people laugh…
if you could actually see me, you’d know that by my haircut…




Which is why they defaced his statue


H/T F.D.R. IN HELLcomment image


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Deplorable Patriot

Mass Luting.
Lord, save us.

Deplorable Patriot

Stop. Just stop.

Cuppa Covfefe

Pegged it again, but not a bridge too far… When in large groups, in some keys, it needs the “Capo di tutti Capo(s)” to keep them all together (and in tune)… They get really keyed-up sometimes… really plucky lot, they are…
(yep, just stringing them along…)….


awww…I thought you’d like that one…chuckle




This secret room in Mount Rushmore is having a moment
Abraham Lincoln holds the history of our country’s past.
Tucked inside Lincoln’s frontal lobe in Mount Rushmore in Keystone, South Dakota is a secret, inaccessible-to-the-public chamber.
The vault was designed by the monument’s sculptor, Gutzon Borglum, who envisioned it as a room dedicated to the history of the United States.


Fourth of July Fireworks Behind the Washington Monument – 1986comment image


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Happy Happy independence Day, all my q treepers. Watched (well, not really) Mt. Rushmore celebration on Rs network, enjoyed a lot. Pres. Trump speech incredible.


Happy 4th Zoe!!!


Read this thread.


I have no trouble believing this.


This goes with that thread.


??? – Haven’t preparations been made to thwart this initiative?
Qanon’s Warning:July 4th


I remember when Mark Levin was a Never Trumper. He’s come a long way. 🙂


President Trump is winning people with his platform, policies and actions – and they are seeing a different side – the compassionate, bold, patriotic, endearing side of his personality!


On top of the so-called Lincoln Project with George Conway and his group of weirdos, the Bushes have gotten together with a cabal of a dozen or so RINO globalists to oppose PDJT!!

Gail Combs

Since I quit watching TV and generally don’t listen to radio, I was only vaguely aware of who Donald Trump was. So Like Carlos, I researched him and really liked what I read and heard. I started out for Rand Paul until he defended China and TTP and then it was TRUMP ALL THE WAY!
I like Dr Carson and he is great where he is BUT he is really anti-second Amendment so that was a killer.
The rest of that crowd in 2016 were much worse and fit the ‘not interested’ category.


Once again, lazy overpaid urinalists are reponsible for the ignorance and then the “orange man bad” narrative. DJT’s record was present and available via the media’s obsession with him while he was a NYC tycoon. Nobody had more “ink” than DJT. If the urinalists cared to do so, they could have written factual articles about DJT. His generosity, for example, was well-known and even legendary. His personal jet was routinely given “Good Samaritan” missions for people he never met but who were desperate.
A few decent journalists can be counted on both hands without using all fingers. The rest of them should be fed to wild boars in Texas.

Gail Combs

Pastor Marty SMACKS not only FauXi but VP PENCE a good one!
@ 7:00 min
Mike Pence the enemy from within…
What we see on television… I see that phony pious, that trying to be humble…
HE is the one that created this task force,
HE is the one who put this country in the shape it is in….”

MAJOR OUCH! from Pastor Marty. (I really like him.)
“No One Has Died from the Coronavirus”
Important revelations shared by Dr Stoian Alexov, President of the Bulgarian Pathology Association
And now Bush top admin officials are campaigning for BIDDEN…


Brian Cates //Flynn & Breitbart’s Army! Retweeted
Stonewall Jackson@1776Stonewall
Trump has found his 2020 message. What he’s saying at Mt. Rushmore is perfect. He’s running to save America from Anti Americans who are erasing our history, our culture, burning flags, want to get rid of anthem. This fell right in his lap. The left handed him this winning message


BRILLIANT observation – Steve!!!


Brian Cates //Flynn & Breitbart’s Army! Retweeted
If you think Democrats are pissed off about Trump’s speech–wait until they see his statue.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy


Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Generally I don’t, because fixing all typos is onerous and an absolute waste of resources – particularly when the mind “reads over” almost all errors without confusion or distortion of meaning. 99% of typos fall into that category – the correction is unnecessary, and the hidden redundency and comtext in langauge exploited by human auto-correct does its job.
However, if I read over something and the meaning is not immediately clear to me, and the thought is worthy of reading correctly the first time, THEN I may just correct it. But I make no promises in this regard, because I don’t see everything anyway.
Flexibility! Trump taught me to value it MOAR!!! 😀


Comtext? Surly you have spell-check.


A New Yorker! How about that? 🙂
Mount Who? How Did This Famous Park Get Its Name?
According to the park’s website,
Mount Rushmore is named after a New York City attorney. Charles E. Rushmore was sent out to this area in 1884 to check legal titles on properties. On his way back to Pine Camp he asked Bill Challis [a local resident and guide] the name of this mountain. Bill replied, “Never had a name but from now on we’ll call it Rushmore.”


Bill Mitchell@mitchellvii
The far left is putting Pelosi and the Democrats in a bind by attacking our National Icons like Mt. Rushmore.
If Pelosi remains silent she gives approval to hatred of America. If she condemns them, she risks the mob turning against her.
God knows what he is doing.


IMO, Pelosi has long left any sense of decency and moral values and panders to the radical left at this point. At this point it’s all about her perceived power (not really understanding by caving to the radicals she’s forfeited any power she once had.).
Money is not her goal…she’s raped the system for almost 40 years and has no need to make that her focus. She apparently loves the spotlight, her weekly press conferences, Being able to take down portraits of past Congressional leaders, walking in front of her fellow sheep to lead the way over the cliff.
History will not be kind to Nancy.


Agree totally Tea… first female Speaker of the House, 3rd in line to presidency……….


FACEBOOK is interfering in different countries’ elections, including Canada!


Executive Order on Building and Rebuilding Monuments to American Heroes
Issued on: July 3, 2020
By the authority vested in me as President by the Constitution and the laws of the United States of America, it is hereby ordered as follows:
Section 1. Purpose. America owes its present greatness to its past sacrifices. Because the past is always at risk of being forgotten, monuments will always be needed to honor those who came before. Since the time of our founding, Americans have raised monuments to our greatest citizens. In 1784, the legislature of Virginia commissioned the earliest statue of George Washington, a “monument of affection and gratitude” to a man who “unit[ed] to the endowment[s] of the Hero the virtues of the Patriot” and gave to the world “an Immortal Example of true Glory.” I Res. H. Del. (June 24, 1784). In our public parks and plazas, we have erected statues of great Americans who, through acts of wisdom and daring, built and preserved for us a republic of ordered liberty.
These statues are silent teachers in solid form of stone and metal. They preserve the memory of our American story and stir in us a spirit of responsibility for the chapters yet unwritten. These works of art call forth gratitude for the accomplishments and sacrifices of our exceptional fellow citizens who, despite their flaws, placed their virtues, their talents, and their lives in the service of our Nation. These monuments express our noblest ideals: respect for our ancestors, love of freedom, and striving for a more perfect union. They are works of beauty, created as enduring tributes. In preserving them, we show reverence for our past, we dignify our present, and we inspire those who are to come. To build a monument is to ratify our shared national project.
To destroy a monument is to desecrate our common inheritance. In recent weeks, in the midst of protests across America, many monuments have been vandalized or destroyed. Some local governments have responded by taking their monuments down. Among others, monuments to Christopher Columbus, George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, Benjamin Franklin, Francis Scott Key, Ulysses S. Grant, leaders of the abolitionist movement, the first all-volunteer African-American regiment of the Union Army in the Civil War, and American soldiers killed in the First and Second World Wars have been vandalized, destroyed, or removed.
These statues are not ours alone, to be discarded at the whim of those inflamed by fashionable political passions; they belong to generations that have come before us and to generations yet unborn. My Administration will not abide an assault on our collective national memory. In the face of such acts of destruction, it is our responsibility as Americans to stand strong against this violence, and to peacefully transmit our great national story to future generations through newly commissioned monuments to American heroes.


Sec. 2. Task Force for Building and Rebuilding Monuments to American Heroes. (a) There is hereby established the Interagency Task Force for Building and Rebuilding Monuments to American Heroes (Task Force). The Task Force shall be chaired by the Secretary of the Interior (Secretary), and shall include the following additional members:
(i) the Administrator of General Services (Administrator);
(ii) the Chairperson of the National Endowment for the Arts (NEA);
(iii) the Chairperson of the National Endowment for the Humanities (NEH);
(iv) the Chairman of the Advisory Council on Historic Preservation (ACHP); and
(v) any officers or employees of any executive department or agency (agency) designated by the President or the Secretary.
(b) The Department of the Interior shall provide funding and administrative support as may be necessary for the performance and functions of the Task Force. The Secretary shall designate an official of the Department of the Interior to serve as the Executive Director of the Task Force, responsible for coordinating its day-to-day activities.
(c) The Chairpersons of the NEA and NEH and the Chairman of the ACHP shall establish cross-department initiatives within the NEA, NEH, and ACHP, respectively, to advance the purposes of the Task Force and this order and to coordinate relevant agency operations with the Task Force.


It’s my understanding Steve that “casts” are often kept for replacement… however, your suggestion is on point.


Steve, there is a Town in E Oregon, named Joseph, which is a center for contemporary bronze Foundries.
There are many Artists who livee and work there, producing monumental bronze castings in the traditional mode…So, there IS hope.


Steve, is it in CO? maybe can look it up online to get a flavor? Name?


Steve, no place to comment downstream…Thanks for the link: some very nice work, both sculpture and painting.

Deplorable Patriot

Most of the statues in question are bronze casts. So, the casts themselves would need to be preserved under lock and key. We have a pair of statues in my muni that are kind of the signature of the place, and since the municipality still owns the casts, we’re on set at least #2 since they are concrete.


Interesting read. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/William_Jackson_Palmer
William Jackson Palmer (September 18, 1836 – March 13, 1909) was an American civil engineer, veteran of the Civil War, industrialist, and philanthropist.[1] During the American Civil War, he was promoted to Brevet Brigadier General and received a Medal of Honor for his actions. Much more, includes a rather pretty wife too.


“Building and rebuilding. I hope they restore the monuments that have been taken down. I don’t know the legalities of it or whether it’s a matter for the states and local jurisdictions, for some of them. But we can’t let the Left get a foothold on destroying our history and heritage in this way.


Totally agree.

Gail Combs

Do not quote me.
But I think if the monuments are on PUBLIC PROPERTY …
The Town, City, State… Gets FEDERAL FUNDS…
The statue GOES BACK IN PLACE. Although it is not specifically stated as such — YET.
Executive Order on Protecting American Monuments, Memorials, and Statues and Combating Recent Criminal Violence

…..My Administration will not allow violent mobs incited by a radical fringe to become the arbiters of the aspects of our history that can be celebrated in public spaces. State and local public officials’ abdication of their law enforcement responsibilities in deference to this violent assault must end….
(e) It is the policy of the United States, as appropriate and consistent with applicable law, to withhold Federal support from State and local law enforcement agencies that have failed to protect public monuments, memorials, and statues from destruction or vandalism. Unwillingness to enforce State and local laws in the face of attacks on our history, whether because of sympathy for the extremists behind this violence or some other improper reason, casts doubt on the management of these law enforcement agencies. These law enforcement agencies are not appropriate candidates for limited Federal funds that support State and local police.
Sec. 4. Limiting Federal Grants for Jurisdictions and Law Enforcement Agencies that Permit the Desecration of Monuments, Memorials, or Statues. The heads of all executive departments and agencies shall examine their respective grant programs and apply the policies established by sections 2(d) and (e) of this order to all such programs to the extent that such application is both appropriate and consistent with applicable law….


Excellent! I hope you’re right.


NEA? Isn’t that the group that approved Piss Christ?


Sec. 3. National Garden of American Heroes. (a) It shall be the policy of the United States to establish a statuary park named the National Garden of American Heroes (National Garden).
(b) Within 60 days of the date of this order, the Task Force shall submit a report to the President through the Assistant to the President for Domestic Policy that proposes options for the creation of the National Garden, including potential locations for the site. In identifying options, the Task Force shall:
(i) strive to open the National Garden expeditiously;
(ii) evaluate the feasibility of creating the National Garden through a variety of potential avenues, including existing agency authorities and appropriations; and
(iii) consider the availability of authority to encourage and accept the donation or loan of statues by States, localities, civic organizations, businesses, religious organizations, and individuals, for display at the National Garden.
(c) In addition to the requirements of subsection 3(b) of this order, the proposed options for the National Garden should adhere to the criteria described in subsections (c)(i) through (c)(vi) of this section.
(i) The National Garden should be composed of statues, including statues of John Adams, Susan B. Anthony, Clara Barton, Daniel Boone, Joshua Lawrence Chamberlain, Henry Clay, Davy Crockett, Frederick Douglass, Amelia Earhart, Benjamin Franklin, Billy Graham, Alexander Hamilton, Thomas Jefferson, Martin Luther King, Jr., Abraham Lincoln, Douglas MacArthur, Dolley Madison, James Madison, Christa McAuliffe, Audie Murphy, George S. Patton, Jr., Ronald Reagan, Jackie Robinson, Betsy Ross, Antonin Scalia, Harriet Beecher Stowe, Harriet Tubman, Booker T. Washington, George Washington, and Orville and Wilbur Wright.
(ii) The National Garden should be opened for public access prior to the 250th anniversary of the proclamation of the Declaration of Independence on July 4, 2026.
(iii) Statues should depict historically significant Americans, as that term is defined in section 7 of this order, who have contributed positively to America throughout our history. Examples include: the Founding Fathers, those who fought for the abolition of slavery or participated in the underground railroad, heroes of the United States Armed Forces, recipients of the Congressional Medal of Honor or Presidential Medal of Freedom, scientists and inventors, entrepreneurs, civil rights leaders, missionaries and religious leaders, pioneers and explorers, police officers and firefighters killed or injured in the line of duty, labor leaders, advocates for the poor and disadvantaged, opponents of national socialism or international socialism, former Presidents of the United States and other elected officials, judges and justices, astronauts, authors, intellectuals, artists, and teachers. None will have lived perfect lives, but all will be worth honoring, remembering, and studying.
(iv) All statues in the National Garden should be lifelike or realistic representations of the persons they depict, not abstract or modernist representations.
(v) The National Garden should be located on a site of natural beauty that enables visitors to enjoy nature, walk among the statues, and be inspired to learn about great figures of America’s history. The site should be proximate to at least one major population center, and the site should not cause significant disruption to the local community.
(vi) As part of its civic education mission, the National Garden should also separately maintain a collection of statues for temporary display at appropriate sites around the United States that are accessible to the general public.

Concerned Virginian

Thank God there won’t be any statues looking like they were executed by HENRY MOORE, who made a fortune making “statues” that look like shapeless things created by 4-year-olds out of PlayDoh.

Gail Combs

Modern “Art,” was specifically advanced by the COMMUNISTS to be a PsyOps.
Communist Takeover Of America – 45 Declared Goals

Communist Goals (1963) Congressional Record–Appendix, pp. A34-A35 January 10, 1963
20. Infiltrate the press. Get control of book-review assignments, editorial writing, policy-making positions.
21. Gain control of key positions in radio, TV, and motion pictures.
22. Continue discrediting American culture by degrading all forms of artistic expression. An American Communist cell was told to “eliminate all good sculpture from parks and buildings, substitute shapeless, awkward and meaningless forms.”
23. Control art critics and directors of art museums. “Our plan is to promote ugliness, repulsive, meaningless art.”
24. Eliminate all laws governing obscenity by calling them “censorship” and a violation of free speech and free press.
25. Break down cultural standards of morality by promoting pornography and obscenity in books, magazines, motion pictures, radio, and TV.
26. Present homosexuality, degeneracy and promiscuity as “normal, natural, healthy.”



Thank you for posting the text of the EO.
“the National Garden should also separately maintain a collection of statues for temporary display at appropriate sites around the United States that are accessible to the general public.”
Yes! That way, the federal government will have jurisdiction over statues all over the U.S. that can’t be desecrated without serious consequences. Statues will be displayed periodically to highlight portions of our history. Their being temporarily displayed will bring attention to them as displays change. Brilliant.


You’re welcome TheseTruths… I thought it important enough to take up the broadband 😉

Deplorable Patriot

“(v) The National Garden should be located on a site of natural beauty that enables visitors to enjoy nature, walk among the statues, and be inspired to learn about great figures of America’s history. The site should be proximate to at least one major population center, and the site should not cause significant disruption to the local community.”
This kind of describes Northern Virginia and western Maryland. There’s A LOT of American historical sites around there. It would just be one more.

Gail Combs

I love the Garden of the Gods. Not very well know which I LIKE. Keeps the idiots from mangling it.


ec. 4. Commissioning of New Statues and Works of Art. (a) The Task Force shall examine the appropriations authority of the agencies represented on it in light of the purpose and policy of this order. Based on its examination of relevant authorities, the Task Force shall make recommendations for the use of these agencies’ appropriations.
(b) To the extent appropriate and consistent with applicable law and the other provisions of this order, Task Force agencies that are authorized to provide for the commissioning of statues or monuments shall, in expending funds, give priority to projects involving the commissioning of publicly accessible statues of persons meeting the criteria described in section 3(b)(iii) of this order, with particular preference for statues of the Founding Fathers, former Presidents of the United States, leading abolitionists, and individuals involved in the discovery of America.
(c) To the extent appropriate and consistent with applicable law, these agencies shall prioritize projects that will result in the installation of a statue as described in subsection (b) of this section in a community where a statue depicting a historically significant American was removed or destroyed in conjunction with the events described in section 1 of this order.
(d) After consulting with the Task Force, the Administrator of General Services shall promptly revise and thereafter operate the General Service Administration’s (GSA’s) Art in Architecture (AIA) Policies and Procedures, GSA Acquisition Letter V-10-01, and Part 102-77 of title 41, Code of Federal Regulations, to prioritize the commission of works of art that portray historically significant Americans or events of American historical significance or illustrate the ideals upon which our Nation was founded. Priority should be given to public-facing monuments to former Presidents of the United States and to individuals and events relating to the discovery of America, the founding of the United States, and the abolition of slavery. Such works of art should be designed to be appreciated by the general public and by those who use and interact with Federal buildings. Priority should be given to this policy above other policies contained in part 102-77 of title 41, Code of Federal Regulations, and revisions made pursuant to this subsection shall be made to supersede any regulatory provisions of AIA that may conflict with or otherwise impede advancing the purposes of this subsection.
(e) When a statue or work of art commissioned pursuant to this section is meant to depict a historically significant American, the statue or work of art shall be a lifelike or realistic representation of that person, not an abstract or modernist representation.
Sec. 5. Educational Programming. The Chairperson of the NEH shall prioritize the allocation of funding to programs and projects that educate Americans about the founding documents and founding ideals of the United States, as appropriate and to the extent consistent with applicable law, including section 956 of title 20, United States Code. The founding documents include the Declaration of Independence, the Constitution, and the Federalist Papers. The founding ideals include equality under the law, respect for inalienable individual rights, and representative self-government. Within 90 days of the conclusion of each Fiscal Year from 2021 through 2026, the Chairperson shall submit a report to the President through the Assistant to the President for Domestic Policy that identifies funding allocated to programs and projects pursuant to this section.


Yes. And if/when *things happen*, the statue would be a reminder. That is the case with all the statues. They are reminders of both good and bad.
But the EO says “opponents of national socialism or international socialism.” O doesn’t qualify unless someone turns a blind eye to his “fundamental transformation” of America.

Deplorable Patriot

So…William Howard Taft is a possibility since he left the presidency only to become Chief Justice for the express purpose of “stopping the Bolsheviks.”


Another benefit of this EO is that people are remembering / diving into history again.


Sec. 6. Protection of National Garden and Statues Commissioned Pursuant to this Order. The Attorney General shall apply section 3 of Executive Order 13933 of June 26, 2020 (Protecting American Monuments, Memorials, and Statues and Combating Recent Criminal Violence), with respect to violations of Federal law regarding the National Garden and all statues commissioned pursuant to this order.
Sec. 7. Definition. The term “historically significant American” means an individual who was, or became, an American citizen and was a public figure who made substantive contributions to America’s public life or otherwise had a substantive effect on America’s history. The phrase also includes public figures such as Christopher Columbus, Junipero Serra, and the Marquis de La Fayette, who lived prior to or during the American Revolution and were not American citizens, but who made substantive historical contributions to the discovery, development, or independence of the future United States.
Sec. 8. General Provisions. (a) Nothing in this order shall be construed to impair or otherwise affect:
(i) the authority granted by law to an executive department or agency, or the head thereof; or
(ii) the functions of the Director of the Office of Management and Budget relating to budgetary, administrative, or legislative proposals.
(b) This order shall be implemented consistent with applicable law and subject to the availability of appropriations.
(c) This order is not intended to, and does not, create any right or benefit, substantive or procedural, enforceable at law or in equity by any party against the United States, its departments, agencies, or entities, its officers, employees, or agents, or any other person.
July 3, 2020.


Remember how there was a competition for the design of the Vietnam War Memorial? The results were creative and powerful.
Wouldn’t it be great to once again open this new park concept to a similar competition? Think of the interest and enthusiasm it would generate…an opportunity to express a sense of American history and patriotism.
I have my own preliminary ideas, as I’m sure many of you do. Do you create something entirely new from an empty piece of land…or, incorporate a beautiful existing national park, with infrastructure already in place, to accommodate clusters of the historic figures? The possibilities are endless and exciting to think about and SOMETHING WE, THE PEOPLE, NEED right now! Let us be a part of it.
Whoever came up with the idea (and I personally wouldn’t be surprised if it was FLOTUS)…it was brilliant as well as timely.


We watch this movie every year over this holiday week/weekend … and I still cry when his father dies as well as at the end


Dora, I remember staying up late, with my Dad, to watch this movie for, oh, maybe the 5th time!
just the best…thanks for this clip.

Deplorable Patriot

One of the most beloved men in Hollywood back in the day.

Gail Combs

They sure knew how to make musicals and movies back then! I do not even bother with most of the Schiff they put out now.


And for good reason(s)

Cuppa Covfefe

Wow. At 1:19 or so, on the right-hand side, you can see “Pearly Kings”, which I would expect to see in an English Music Hall context. Didn’t know we had them in America. (And the distaff version are called “Pearly Queens”)…
Great musical. How I hope and pray the GOD restores our nation, returns it to its founding principles, and that America is again “like a Cittee on a Hill”…
And special props to Aubergine who brought Mount Rushmore to the QTree!



Lizards of the USA Unite!!!


Here’s looking at you kid, … 😉👍❤️




My first thoughts about the NFL caving to the radicals…why have any “nick names” at all? Problem solved…that way wasps, lizards, fish and anteaters escape the horror of being called racist.
What is wrong with simply…Cleveland team, Washington team, etc. The radical left have ruined the NFL, NBA, women’s soccer anyway…their goal all along…so just let the athletes show their anti-American behavior, diss our national flag, wear their “social Justice” slogans …and play to a totally empty stadium…and drastically reduced salaries. Americans seems to have adjusted quite well to not having professional team sports in their lives. An it might very well be the same for college team sports.
Let them forfeit their supposed love of the sport and the opportunity to make salaries most only dream about and live on the glories of their political statements…which, unfortunately for them do not pay the bills (or the tattoos.)


Well said, Tea!!!


Good Points, Steve!


Am sure you could, Steve! Hey, do you think there will be a problem with the ‘White Socks’ – ‘Red Socks’ – and no ‘Black Socks’?

Cuppa Covfefe

Hmmm. Black Sox.
Shoeless (Clueless) Joe Biden, anyone???


Like the Philly Special for example. 👍🏻

Cuppa Covfefe

How about the Philly Cheesesteaks?
Or the Chicago Deep Dish?
The Albuquerque Chile Rellenos?
The Seattle Snowflakes?
The Oakland Traitors?
(YEP. I’m still mad that they moved. The first time…..)…..


I was replying to Steve’s comment about memorable plays. 😀

Gail Combs

Steve, I can not even STAND watching horse shows!
Rodeos? Yes that is exciting because you never know what will happen and the ‘mutton busting’ is hilarious
(No participation trophies for these kids.)


I have been thinking all the changing of names is to take our eyes off the price Nov. 3, 2020.
People are so emotionally invested in sports in names that our energy can easily spent on things that are not important to the future of our country.
Sports can be rebuilt maybe with more patriotic people who love America and names can always be new.
Maybe it it easy for me to say since watching sports are not essential to my life. I do however respect people who are invested in it.
I guess what I am trying to say at times one can get off track and mentally exert one self on things that do not define the future.
By the way today three people came to my house taking a survey for POTUS. Husband said “they had trump tee shirts on and MEGA hat.” They were in their early thirties one man two women.
They said “they were from Trump’s reelection team.
I am surprised since the Town I live in is traditionally democrat. My husband told me he saw many Trump signs when he was out mainly on pick up trucks.
Happy Fourth of July 🙂

Linda K Harrison

Since the Redskins are no longer in Washington, we can take Washington out of the name. Fed Ex Field is in Landover, MD. We could rename them the Maryland Blue Crabs. The training facility is in Ashburn VA which is know for a pub, how about the Virginia Pub Drunkards. HeHe


I like that, Linda – Great Idea!!!

Cuppa Covfefe

(Forgive me)…
Virginia Pub Drunkards?
Get drunk, catch crabs…..
Just about the state of pro sports right now… 🙁

Linda K Harrison

I like that even better. Covers both states and leaves Washington out of it. Give the DC swamp that Pelosi wants to make a state back to Maryland where it came from.

Linda K Harrison

Thank you, now if we can only get President Trump to agree. Oh, and there will be no need for the Redskins to be any part of Washington. Win/win.


One of his best!


YES!!! * Smiling *

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

OMG – HILARIOUS!!! Can’t stop laughing!




Wolfie’s Mt Rushmore thread has a more possible position.
IMO – Trump should have his own Mountain!!!


comment image


You know – I wondered about the same thing – the picture shows Trump ‘in the air’ not really part of the group – so what would you suggest they do, Stevie? Can Trump ever be included here?


Okey Dokey, Stever – Thanks!!!


Got it!!! Thanks!!!


Duchess – Somethin’ for ya!comment image


Oh, I love that, Carl – Beautiful!!!
God Bless You Real Good!!!


Well you may need it!

Cuppa Covfefe

Not just a celebration; a knighthood.
Sir Plus 😀


you guys deserve the rack as PUNishment


now that’s an IMPRESSIVE rack!


no doubt at all

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

I just edited the URL of this post from 20200707 to 20200704 – shouldn’t really affect much, but please report if it does.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Yup! I discovered along the way that the WP system will only change URLs automatically along with title changes at some stages of the game, but not after a certain point.
Interestingly, however, I’ve never had a problem with changing URLs on the day of publication, and I’ve done it routinely. BUT always nice to hear back if others experience some kind of problem.


ALWAYS REMEMBER – The USA defeated the British TWICE – Revolution and War of 1812!
The British even burned our brand new White House!!!
We rebuilt it all even better than before!
AND we saved their bacon TWICE – WW I AND WW II!!!
In honor of the Brave Soldiers of the War of 1812!!!


Wow – all those gators died for nought.


See the STORM…
Quote Tweet
Dan Scavino@DanScavino
· 9h
President @realDonaldTrump and @FLOTUS Melania thank the INCREDIBLE @BlueAngels before departing South Dakota….


I heard one of the native leaders. He was NOT protesting. He was SUPPORTING our President .
Said his people have Served In the military with honor, they are Pro military, pro 2A , pro constitution and pro states rights !!
Quote Tweet
montana wildHeart suitFolded handsFlag of United StatesHundred points symbol@montanawild1
· 14h
I am the daughter of a Chippewa Chief, tribes are there we are on the side of the road like we agreed.
We are here because we are proud of our land proud of our president proud of what Independence day represents. We do not know the others, they are causeing trouble. twitter.com/JuliansRum/sta…


sigh, now I’m singing The Wreck of the Edmund Fitzgerald in my head!


Elex Michaelson (@Elex_Michaelson) Tweeted:
Stop business & NOT protests?
I press Dr. Christina Ghaly from L.A.’s Health Dept. She says it’s a constitutional issue.
Q “It is your interpretation of the 1st Amendment there is not a way to restrict the protests in the way you’re restricting industries?”
A “That’s correct” https://t.co/f0tw71cRcO

Ohhh this makes so much more sense now. Coordnation by cronyism.
Michelle Sanford 🇺🇸 (@mwsanford) Tweeted:
@Elex_Michaelson She’s gotta tow the line. Her husband works for Newsom. He’s the Secretary of HHS for CA appointed by Newsom.

Gail Combs

“….She says it’s a constitutional issue……”


Right. But her husband is in charge of the state side. Just like d.c. corrupt to the core.


Couldn’t I open my business in protest of the order to keep businesses closed?
Couldn’t I refuse to wear a mask in protest of the order to wear masks?


Arbitrary and hypocritical circus!

Cuppa Covfefe

The DEMONicRAT party have already made it apparent that they are the party of Satan. Having “thrown” GOD off of their platform, thereby inviting the Devil in, they persist in fomenting hate and violence, baby killing (and dismembering, and probably sacrifice, as well), and attacks on all forms of worship and worshippers.
Not content to let a Satanic Black Magick Illuminised Witch to be their “standard bearer”, they are now using every opportunity, person, and means to attack GOD and HIS people.
So great is their pride, and deep is their sin and evil. Just like Herod, and, indeed, Satan, before they were cast down…..


Shoot, I just realized I forgot to tell y’all another super-cool thing that happened to me yesterday at Rushmore. The guy in line in front of us getting in was one of the people who runs thedonald.win! You know, the site everybody from Reddit had migrated to even before they shut down The Donald there.
He gave us Pepe the Frog with Donald Trump hair stickers from the site and everything! I think he may be a disabled vet, as he had a prosthetic leg. His wife and kids were with him, and they ended up sitting next to us too. His wife was a trooper. She was visibly pregnant, and it must have been 95 degrees in the stands for six hours, until the sun went down. Their two adorable children were so well-behaved you wouldn’t believe it. They were probably 4 and 7, and did awesome for EIGHT HOURS. I was seriously impressed. Just a beautiful family.


Lol! Jeez.


how cool!!!


Thank you for all your reports! What an awesome experience for you!


BrunoBarking Retweeted
John B Wells 11:11@JohnBWellsCTM
Jul 3
The #WorldHealthOrganization made a complete U turn and said that #coronavirus patients doesn’t need to be isolated or quarantined. No #SocialDistancing and it cannot even transmit from one patient to another. *See the video.*
H/T BakoCarl (he posted this on yesterday’s Daily Thread, along with other important info)

Cuppa Covfefe

Please Please Please Please Please
Someone lock Merde-Kuh, NewScum, Cuomonist, Pritzker(?) and the other KARENtologists in a room and play that OVER and OVER and OVER and OVER and OVER and OVER and OVER again until they get it!!!!!!!
Hmmm. On second thought, just leave them there…


US Attorney L.A. Retweeted
US Attorney Nick Hanna@USAttyHanna
“This case targets a key player in a large, transnational conspiracy who was living an opulent lifestyle in another country …. As this case demonstrates, my office will continue to hold such criminals accountable, no matter where they live.”
Quote Tweet
US Attorney L.A.@USAO_LosAngeles
· 23h
Federal prosecutors in L.A. charge Dubai resident who flaunted his extravagant lifestyle on social media in a wide-ranging conspiracy to launder hundreds of millions of dollars from business email compromise (BEC) frauds and other scams.


Mike Yoder (@Yoder_Esqq) Tweeted:
I’m in DC, but have fellow conservative attorneys across the country that I can work with on cases in other states.
Our Constitutional rights are more important than pandering to fear.


Replied to himself.
Mike Yoder (@Yoder_Esqq) Tweeted:
If you’re arrested or fined for opening your business, not wearing a mask, or going to church, DM me.
I’ll represent you for free.


saving, thanks!!


Justice Department Retweeted
U.S. Attorney’s Office (NDIL)@NDILnews
Nigerian National Expelled From the United Arab Emirates to Face Cyber Fraud Charge in Chicago; Complaint Alleges Tens of Millions in Actual or Attempted Losses
Nigerian National Expelled From the United Arab Emirates to Face
Nigerian National Expelled From the United Arab Emirates to Face Cyber Fraud Charge in Chicago
justice.gov https://www.justice.gov/usao-ndil/pr/nigerian-national-expelled-united-arab-emirates-face-cyber-fraud-charge-chicago

Concerned Virginian

Poor Mr. Ponle.
He got busted for trying a different and more “modern” twist on the “Nigerian Prince” money scam.


U.S. Attorney SC@USAO_SC
Jun 30
Replying to @USAO_SC
“With today’s arrests, in the last six weeks alone this office has charged more than 50 individuals for major drug trafficking crimes or serious firearms offenses,” said U.S. Attorney McCoy
[Note from phoenix, ‘Carolina Girl’: McCoy was recently confirmed by Senate ——— on June 18, 2020!]


I get so excited when South Carolina does something we natives can be proud of… so much I have had to apologize for 😉


(I commented I thought it was a statement against Domestic Terrorists)
8% Revolt Flag of United States@8Revolt
President @realDonaldTrump just retweeted this.
A sign for anons to dig?
Who is Alexander McQueen?
Quote Tweet
· 14h
President Donald Trump and First Lady Melania Trump disembark from Marine One. Melania looks STUNNING in Alexander McQueen
8% Revolt Flag of United States@8Revolt
Replying to @8Revolt
Alexander McQueen. The symbolism of this pic is obvious.
phoenix/”skipping through the thread”
8% Revolt Flag of United States
McQueen was close friends with Daphne Guinness, who is Rachel Chandler’s sister in law.
Daphne Guinness on her friend Alexander McQueen’s tragic death: ‘I do feel slightly abandoned.’
For most of the last decade, Daphne Guinness – muse, model, heiress, film producer, philanthropist – has, in one way or another, continued putting on an extraordinary and accomplished show of…
8% Revolt Flag of United States
Fear And Loathing In Las Vegas – a film featuring adrenochrome. The cover art for the film looks eerily similar to this spot on the McQueen dress


FLOTUS is trolling the Deep State… big time…
Please… read this entire Thread, comments and all… tons of info there, some you maybe didn’t want to know… there’s no Thread reader link YET…


It had occurred to me that the designs on the dress looked as if they had been drawn by children. I never would have guessed victims of sexual abuse. It looks as if those kinds of prosecutions are ramping up.


I am praying so TheseTruths… that they are ramping up.


phoenix, did you see that Out of Shadows is working on 2-3 more videos?
multipleprojects, strong support.


Yes Piper… People have to get beyond their mindset that this is ONLY about political corruption…
Original “Out of Shadows” https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vu5-Fy8tUhM


phoenix, thanks for the link…unreal thread.
Anyone who doesn’t think the President and Melania are aware of the endless rabbit holes of this domestic and international swamp/cesspool is delusional.
Egads, there were one or two more “suicides” herein connected.
nasty sh!t !
Melania is an apex troll.


Agree with your comments Piper…
Yes, Melania is … and the stupid DIMs don’t even see it !

Deplorable Patriot

I’ve wondered for a while if Alexander McQueen wasn’t bumped off.




In the height of the BLM rising mania – Mark Levin closed his show with this song…. I just happened to be leaving the grocery store at rush hour and played it at top volume with the windows down in my minivan all the way home – as a prayer for our country!
The words are truly what we need…..
Please Dear Heavenly Father – “Crown Thy Good With Brotherhood…”


O beautiful for spacious skies,
For amber waves of grain,
For purple mountain majesties
Above the fruited plain!
America! America!
God shed His grace on thee
And crown thy good with brotherhood
From sea to shining sea!
O beautiful for pilgrim feet,
Whose stern, impassioned stress
A thoroughfare for freedom beat
Across the wilderness!
America! America!
God mend thine every flaw,
Confirm thy soul in self-control,
Thy liberty in law!
O beautiful for heroes proved
In liberating strife,
Who more than self their country loved
And mercy more than life!
America! America!
May God thy gold refine,
Till all success be nobleness,
And every gain divine!
O beautiful for patriot dream
That sees beyond the years
Thine alabaster cities gleam
Undimmed by human tears!
America! America!
God shed His grace on thee
And crown thy good with brotherhood
From sea to shining sea!

Cuppa Covfefe

Back in the dim reaches of history when I was in grade school, we had to learn this by memory (and try to sing it too 🙂 ).
I doubt today’s students learn (or even know about it) at all. Sad.
What the Founding Fathers and their families went through would send today’s snowflakes into the weeds, cowering for help from their mommy and daddy… Maybe that’s why the left doesn’t want to hear about the sacrifices and patriotism of our Country’s Founders…
A Happy and Blessed Fourth of July, everyone!!!!!
Maybe there should be an American History Month, since it seems that everyone else has their own “month”…
[And for the gender nazis, it could be called “American Heritage Month”. That way we get HIS and HER…]….
[Never mind the fact that the root of “history” has no idea of gender/sex at all…..]


A Happy and Blessed Fourth of July to you too, Cuppa Covfefe!!!


Protesters briefly block eastbound lanes of I-64 chanting ‘whose streets our streets’
First off these are not Protesters. Second ‘whose streets our streets’ kids you’ve never paid taxes in your life.
Funny ‘whose streets our streets’ no its the taxpayers streets and gov streets not yours.
And yet they keep letting them block it because why not

Deplorable Patriot

Maryland and Euclid is about two blocks from where the McCloskeys live.
Those particular streets are not private, either. They belong to the city.
Little brats. If they’re actually from here, I doubt they grew up in that part of town. Possible, but, really?


Little brats. If they’re actually from here, I doubt they grew up in that part of town. Possible, but, really? ——— LOL I doubt it.


This one bears repeating from yesterday…..Lee Greenwood and fine voices from all over the US military.


Arkansas and mob and nazi connection. Not unrolled but worth thevread.
House Of War (@House_of_War) Tweeted:
Before I got to bed. I want to tell y’all about a man….but before I get to that man, I need to tell y’all about a different man and the backstory.
Welcome to Hot Springs, Arkansas and the town of Owney “The Killer” Madden. https://t.co/rm7J2F8FaZ


A suggestion for the National Heroes Garden….the Native American code talkers without whom we might not have won WWII.
And then, I liked the lizard suggestion for the Washington Redskins but now I understand that this might offend lizard lovers everywhere and not just our own beloved Steve…so I thought an appropriate suggestion might be Washington Yellow Bellies.
But perhaps colors are offensive. 🤔.
Washington Weasels?
But weasels everywhere would be outraged….
So maybe Washington Pod Persons?
However, “persons“ might offend those who Identify as plants….
Washington Whatevers! Best one I can print.


That has great appeal especially ince there are already emojis available for them. They could affectionally be known as the Washington Poopyheads.

Deplorable Patriot

I was thinking Mathew Brady should be added as well. He was the photographer who documented the Civil War. This is one of his most famous images.comment image


The Code Talkers is a great idea. Pres. Trump mentioned the Tuskegee Airmen last night, WWII African American and Caribbean-born pilots.


Washington Weasels has potential


DC Dirtbags?

Cuppa Covfefe

Washington Swamp Suckers…


l E T 17@Inevitable_ET
Coming to the US soon
All pro sports are “fixed” except maybe hockey.
Armenian league suspended amid huge match-fixing scandal
About 45 people, including club owners, players and coaches, have been handed life bans and another 13 were banned for different periods for being involved in manipulation of matches.


What do y’all think?

Deplorable Patriot

It would take a lot of cooperation to fix some sports.


Trumps full speech for those who did not watch it yet….like me…. But I’m watching it now!!!! 🙂

Deplorable Patriot

I got up and watched it this morning. Last night, I sat down and put my feet up for a few minutes before it started, and CRASH. This heat is taking a lot out of me.


I noticed that you weren’t commenting. Summer is definitely here.

Deplorable Patriot

I’m glad someone did.
There were a lot of people not around last night. Or today. Nature of a holiday weekend.


Thought you were probably cooking and grilling, DP.
My leftovers (“very creative”….Ahem) casserole is ready for the oven…the extent of our big Fourth feast.
We had dinner outside on the patio at our golf club last night, with friends, so that was our celebration.

Deplorable Patriot

There’s a rack in the fridge with some pork steaks. Expecting siblings in a bit.


This heat is taking a lot out of me.—— same. When it gets hot it gets hot. Plus the mosquitoes ugh


Excerpt from audio above:
Trump and the patriots are now saving the taxpayers money, they have cut the White House staff for a savings of 23 million dollars. The unemployment number have gone down again to 11.1%. Confidence and hope are now returning, which means the people will push the economy completely online. Mortgage apps are rising dramatically. Congress is looking to change small business supply chains and Mnuchin is looking at more stimulus. The [DS]/MSM are busy pushing their agenda, meanwhile the patriots are now moving forward with their mission. They are now rounding up those who are involved in treason, sedition and crimes against humanity. The patriots are in control, arrests are now happening, law and order will be restored.
Excerpt from audio above:
The stock market is holding steady, the NASDAQ has now hit its 23rd record close of the year. The patriots have the control. The economy is going to do something like we never seen before, its going to take off. The [CB] time is now coming to an end, the clock is ticking down and there is nothing that can stop this. The [DS]/MSM propaganda is now falling apart. HCQ has gone through the trials and it shows that it cures the virus. The MSM has been telling us that it would kill people and it turns out that was wrong. Evil about to be exposed by the patriots and the [DS]/MSM cannot do anything about it, once people see the truth it will be impossible for the [DS]/MSM to put them back to sleep, everything is about to change, it’s going to be a hot summer.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Good deal. HANG ON FOR THE RIDE OF YOUR LIVES. It’s roller-coaster time! 😎


@jackboot must be nursing a hangover. #Trump2020Landslide is trending on Twitter.

Deplorable Patriot

This is one of the best ones yet.

Deplorable Patriot

Mark Bauerlein
· 2h
The inability of Republicans to defend America is a direct result of the right giving the humanities up to the left in the 70s and going all in on law and economics.
Samuel Gregg
This. Is. True. The right conceded culture to the left, and, in the end, culture – not economics – determines everything else. It’s ironic that Marxists – the ultimate materialists – understand this better than most. Win the culture, you eventually win everything else.
Quote Tweet


comment image


A THREAD …. of those individuals whom the “weaver” (of the thread) proposes will be charge with treason/sedition
I can’t get to the beginning of it, the things sooooooooooooo long! Remove the *


Steve, my post went to the bin……………….


No problem… I completely understand 😉


MOSCOW (ChurchMilitant.com) – Voters in Russia have approved constitutional amendments to ban same-sex “marriage” and to declare “a belief in God” a core national value.
Russia’s Central Election Commission reported 78% of voters across the world’s largest country supported changing the constitution. Just over 21% voted against. Turnout was recorded at 65%.


Much of Russia is Orthodox Christian.


More and more, eastern Europe is replacing western Europe as the place to be.
The irony is amazing.


MayorOfLA (@MayorOfLA) Tweeted:
Happy Fourth. Please stay home and avoid gatherings with others. And don’t forget your face covering.
That’s it. That’s the tweet.

Todd Ξ Herman (@toddeherman) Tweeted:
@MayorOfLA @Researchagain This is a picture of an LA protest from July 2nd.
Everything about your party’s diktats reek of capricious tyranny.
Singing in churches banned
Yelling in the streets is fine
I know this is Ideological Demoralization at play, I will not be demoralized, “Mayor.” https://t.co/xYtu2gZVyq


No patriotism to be found. The Left is obsessed with the virus, riots, and fomenting unrest.

Deplorable Patriot

And they want the rest of us to be obsessed with it, too.
No, thanks. I have other things to worry about.


Dora and Holley – This is STUPID
https://forward.ny.govcomment image


MaReQGlowing starGlowing starGlowing star
The Ghislaine Maxwell Deception
The Ghislaine Maxwell Deception
Ghislaine “Jizz” Maxwell is the CEO of a multi-decade kompromat operation. Are we to actually accept that she has hidden out without protection on an estate in remote Bradford, New Hamp…


This MaReQ is a qanon… but I’m less than impressed with the above… esp. winterwatch.net
Wishing I had not posted… my apologies………….


Sorry for not doing the period thing, but this must be seen:


What an amazing, kind, and generous gesture!
That is spectacular.


Star Spangled STEEL


Eileen thank you 🙂
What a nice picture of POTUS from his younger years.


As monuments fall, Confederate carving has size on its side
As statues of figures from America’s slave-owning past come down across the nation, the largest Confederate monument ever crafted may outlast them all
By KATE BRUMBACK and RUSS BYNUM Associated Press
July 4, 2020, 1:30 PM
6 min read
STONE MOUNTAIN, Ga. — Some statues of figures from America’s slave-owning past have been yanked down by protesters, others dismantled by order of governors or city leaders. But the largest Confederate monument ever crafted — colossal figures carved into the solid rock of a Georgia mountainside — may outlast them all.
Stone Mountain’s supersized sculpture depicting Gen. Robert E. Lee, Confederate President Jefferson Davis and Gen. Thomas J. “Stonewall” Jackson mounted on horseback has special protection enshrined in Georgia law.


“Indeed, if the truths were self-evident, we’d never have to rise up against government, because the government would restrain itself as a matter of due course. ”
But evil is self-evident, and government does not restrain itself in any way from engaging in evil, quite the opposite. Just look at all the lawlessness and evil deeds committed by Hussein the Usurper, and all his craven minions.
So whether something is self-evident or not would not seem to be a determining factor as to whether government restrains itself.


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these are GREAT!


The eagle huddle is awesome FG&C .. 😉👍❤️🇺🇸❤️‼️‼️
… 🇺🇸 .. ❤️ …

Deplorable Patriot

We’ll see what the people of this muni shoot off tonight. Last night…some of that wasn’t fireworks.


The group of Eagles … LOVE!


I think you will all understand … I am MOST relieved that the driver was not a white person because whether anitfa or not, the tragedy would have played 24/7 for days/weeks as proof of far right violence, etc. Would have been awful and downright criminal the way the leftist press would have fanned the flames
A true tragedy as I don’t think he meant to do such a thing … I assume.
But why are these people blocking streets, much less highways, in the middle of the night? What are they hoping to accomplish by doing this?
I think of the many times one sacrasticly makes jokes about playing the streets and common sense….what is wrong with these people?!


hubby hates it when we watch the Patriot…I consider it a participation activity so I scream the good parts!

Deplorable Patriot

Audience participation is always so much fun!

(Keep in mind, a different voice was used for this than was used in West Side Story.)


Many is the time I have wandered through the forest, and stumbled upon idyllic scenes like this, a beautiful woman singing and playing a guitar for a man who looks like Tony Curtis, dressed completely in white, shaving with a straight-razor while he smokes a white pipe.
Can hardly take a walk in the woods anymore without tripping over these people…

Deplorable Patriot

Same with gnomes, brownies and fairies, I assume.


“Same with gnomes, brownies and fairies, I assume.”
Nah, that’s just the stuff of fantasy.
I’m talkin’ REAL life 😁


I totally get this.
I memorized the opening speech to Patton, starring George C. Scott, decades ago (among many others).


full version….


Patton won seven Academy Awards, including Best Picture, Best Director and Best Original Screenplay. Scott won Best Actor for his portrayal of General Patton, but declined to accept the award. The opening monologue, delivered by George C. Scott as General Patton with an enormous American flag behind him, remains an iconic and often quoted image in film. The film was hugely successful, and in 2003, Patton was selected for preservation in the United States National Film Registry by the Library of Congress as being “culturally, historically or aesthetically significant”.


….and then there’s this version 😉


God broke the mold after he made Jackie Gleason!


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DUCHESS:comment image


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For STEVE:comment imagecomment imagecomment image


maybe in my youth…LOL


how much have you had to drink today Steve?


Proof positive that gay communists are mentally retarded, twice over.


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wow…thanks…I did not know that.
and by the way, I totally forgot to tell you what a great job you did on the thread…I learned a lot!!!


I love to learn Steve…I could be a perpetual student…
how’s Darwin?


well when he makes an appearance, give him a cuddle from me!


That’s where he did his main recruiting as a teenager.
He was very crafty, from the time he could talk. His mother and grandmother thought he had a demon in him. His mother tried to beat it out of him when he was a child, but it did not work.
**Father was absent.** Very important.
Because of his cunning and natural brilliance, he was seen to be capable of being a student at seminary. As he progressed, having pretended to be pious in his early years, he was given charge of younger seminarians during the summer. It was at those times he preyed upon his young charges. They were away from the seminary, so Stalin could inculcate these boys to hate the priests, the Church and God.
I wrote about this, summarising an excellent book by a British historian, Simon Sebag Montefiore, who got access to the first released papers about Stalin that had been locked away for decades.
The book is called Young Stalin. I highly recommend it. It’s a real page-turner with a ton of footnotes.
This is my post with a brief extract from a summer encounter of his with a boy named Giorgi:
This is my summary. The post has more.
‘His faith died during his first year at seminary and he spent quite a lot of time convincing other students to become atheists (p. 63). A priest, Father Elisabedashvili, heard that Stalin was an outstanding student. He invited him to his family home once for school holidays. The priest’s son Giorgi was going to sit the seminary’s entrance exam and Stalin appeared to be a good tutor. Stalin came armed with books the seminary had banned. He and Giorgi spent days reading and talking in the countryside. One day, Stalin took the boy to an old church nearby. He told Giorgi to remove an icon from the wall, smash it and then urinate on it. When he did so, Stalin congratulated his pupil on not showing a fear of God. When the boy’s exam score was too low for the seminary, the priest — rightly — blamed Stalin (pp. 66-67). Giorgi did get into Tiflis Seminary when he resat his exam. He was expelled in 1901 (p. 79) and became part of Stalin’s gang of ex-seminarians (see below).’
You can read my other summaries from Young Stalin at this link, if you are interested:


You’re welcome!


I wrote more about Stalin’s seminary days in reply to Steve above.
Have included my links from the book Young Stalin. Couldn’t reply to your other comments under Steve’s because WP had run out of replies, as it were.


thanks churchmouse!!!


You’re most welcome!

Deplorable Patriot

I knew there had to be an anagram in there somewhere!

Deplorable Patriot

SOOOOOOOOO ready for all this mask pacificier thing to be over.
Bill Mitchell
The ultimate irony of course is that the mask box says right on it, “this mask will NOT protect you from COVID.”
That’s not me saying it, that’s the people who make the mask.
5:04 PM · Jul 4, 2020·


I saw that!


Yes, I’ve seen that for months on other photographs.


Wolf, I posted this thread on Twatter, may be of interest

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Good stuff! Yes, I can imagine many fashionably left Christian sheep scare easily by the “white supremacist” boogeyman. ChiComs laugh all the way to the Hillary White House with that one.


Except there was no Hillary WH, and never will be! 😁😎
They didn’t think she could lose.
These people are stupid.


This is the CT article – it’s action not a terrible read, but it is a real chameleon given it’s muddled treatment.
This is a late joiner – John Piper has a steller reputation in Big Evangelicalism, but he’s long been compromised…
Note he talks about being in “exile”. There’s a lot more behind it, but for our purposes that’s a code-word for Evangelical political disengagement. The intent is for the Evangelical citizen to not exercise their voting rights for the best interests of the Republic, or to set them up to not vote for an “immoral” President. Exile language is largely about divorcing American Christians from their support for American nationalism – but it’s highly disguised. I was very deep in this line of thinking back in 2014 through 2017 – which made more sense during the Obama administration when it really did seem like the light of liberty was going out. Right now “exile” language is used to keep Evangelicals from engaging politically.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Makes sense!!!

Deplorable Patriot

Always worth listening a couple times a year.




Deplorable Patriot

Now THESE are some people I would like to see perp walked…right after I raid Dr. Birx’s scarf collection.


… 🤫 .. 🤭 …. 😎🤚👍‼️❤️ ..


Caption this pic……🙂comment image


You’re right, Mike…the hamster’s completely off the wheel…


… well …
You miserable son of a pus covered (ladies choice, make it good) …
.. 😃👍‼️ ..


Why you lying, tiny little asshole. Just wait until you see what I’ve done with Guantanamo Bay.

Deplorable Patriot

My apologies for wasting bandwidth, but this one must be seen in its entirety.


took me by surprise!


Sassy grandmas are the best!


…. 🤨👍‼️‼️ … ❤️🇺🇸❤️ ..

Cuppa Covfefe

Sounds like a West Virginia accent… those ridge-runners are tough indeed…


Poor woman must be having an off day to be so reserved.


Deplorable Patriot

The McCloskeys of Portland Place, St. Louis, Missouri, have made a statement.comment image

Deplorable Patriot

BTW, that house they restored is one of the Busch-Faust collection. The beer baron families here were known for them. I used to sing with someone who owns one of the Griesedieck houses. Those abodes all looked alike.


President giving a powerful speech tonight in DC. Several comments he has made might be indicators of some moves to come.
He spoke of the MSM “slandering” the people, the country, and those that came before us and did great deeds for America and the world.


This is great:


Melania looks great as always!!!

Deplorable Patriot

Ribs, corn, German potato salad, etc., being put on the table, so I’ll have to turn it off, but, yes.


It was good of him to reprise his Mount Rushmore speech (July 3) the following evening, on the Fourth.

Deplorable Patriot

It’s the Fourth of July, and the Couch Commando comes down the stairs in a black t-shirt that says, “As God as my witness, I thought turkeys could fly.”
Sorry, Little Brother, but that’s a completely different holiday.

Cuppa Covfefe

WKRP fan, no doubt…

Deplorable Patriot

Carlson’s no fool. He’s going to put it on his feet.
Yes, WKRP, which stands for carp, at least when Howard is wearing the costume.


I turned on CPAN, and Pres. Trump was speaking outdoors. Now there is a flyover of aircraft through the years. Is anyone watching? Pres. Trump is speaking tonight, right?


Okay. Just saw ladypenguin’s video above.


No masks!!! LOL
blue angels and the thunderbirds!!!!!


Yup watching it now!!!!!


Salute to America!comment image


I’m not even a fan of rap…but this guy has got bigtime rap skills!
Sorry for posting a tweet, but this is worth watching, IMHO.


Epic Fireworks Display going on:
[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rFFQ73bdA04&w=644&h=362%5D


Close relative was on the river watching DC fireworks, she facetimed us and it was even more to watch on her facetime than on live streaming youtube or facebook from pbs or whitehouse.gov since it was personal. amazing to see it from water even if I was only virtually there.
We listened to President Trump and saw flyovers via internet and then fireworks “with” relative
happy indepdence day all!
Refreshed and coming out of this weekend … CHARGING! Our Independence Day but up to each generation to fight to keep it!


So what do you make of these……



He’s saying that “if they touch you” he expects them to “kill they ass”.


Click to read the full thread on Carlos Wictor’s take


That’s really brazen of them, marching down the highway brandishing firearms like that.
I don’t see how that’s legal.
I mean…that’s an armed takeover of a public highway!

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

China is desperate!


Absolutely it does!
They all finished with “WWG1WGA”…!
Wow…very cool!
I hope this means we’re going to be seeing some serious whoopass being administered.


Would be great if someone with permission could post it at CTH 😉


That would be great!
Sundance would have a hesteration.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

If Q is right about US getting kicked off the web – and I’m guessing it would be at the point where Q’s validity is revealed – then maybe Sundance will let us back on his place! 😉


If we want to go …


Would we get to gloat?

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Things might be very interesting by then.


Hey, you wanted Saturdays, remember.


Well you’re doing a great job with it!


So awesome!!! Anyone doubt that General Flynn is a part of the Q team?


Me too, Katie…I’ve thought all along that Gen Flynn was probably a part of the Q team.


This was originally posted by Dan Scavino on Parler:
[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DFyASq5VHrM&w=644&h=362%5D
Great video, 👆 if you haven’t seen it yet.


+Facebook 2x


Wow my neighborhood invested in fireworks!


We got what was allowed legally … the $30 box of poppers from walmart… lol. Kiddo and daddy had a fight with the ones you throw on the ground.




The latest from @dreverettpiper:
“While you’ve been distracted with the constant drumbeat of pandemics and protests, these elitists have literally been meeting to give themselves absolute control over every aspect of your life..”


mmm try this one instead:

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

comment image


Donald J. Trump
@realDonaldTrumpcomment imagecomment imagecomment imagecomment image


Dadgummit…I put the dots after that url for the tweet — but it posted anyway.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Gotta take off the parameters starting with the question mark.


Oh okay…I must remember that.


Wait…doesn’t that render the url inop then?
Can people still click on it and go to the tweet?

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Yes – the tweet is located AT the bare URL. Everything after the ? is junk about where the link came from, etc. It’s not like URLs where key information is passed as a parameter.

Only *

is truly relevant.


This is interesting … right when black vote is breaking from Dems
Well, this will take votes away from President Trump but will take from Dems too
Net positive for GOP/President Trump because takes more votes away from Dems who need black vote to win in many districts


What about the deadline for getting on the ballot?
Aren’t we passed that deadline in most states?


It’s about da feelz … I feelz like runnin’.


This page shows the filing deadlines for the states. At a quick glance, it looks as if the deadline has passed for a lot of states for someone running as a Dem or Repub, but if running as an independent, the deadlines are later. Some are in August and September.
I thought Kanye supported Pres. Trump. Why would he do this? Not that I’m concerned about it; it just seems like a useless exercise.


I don’t understand it either, TheseTruths.
Because as you said, he has been supportive of Pres Trump.
Thanks for looking that up!
I guess he still has time to get on the ballots.
😒 Arrgh.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

MK. Kanye can always be pushed in a more aggrandizing direction. Can’t miss.


[begin quote]
Even if there weren’t a single atheist on Earth, and even if everyone on earth were Christian, it’d be a good thing to be able to prove inalienable rights exist, without referencing God.
Why? Because so much of Leftism is based on the perspective that since rights don’t come from God, they don’t actually exist.
[end quote]
Your whole argument centering on these two points is quite profound.
Thank you..